English Short Essay on “Make Hay While the Sun Shines” English Paragraph/Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 CBSE Students and competitive Examination.

Make Hay While the Sun Shines

Essay No. 01

Nature has a holy plan, said William Wordsworth, Night follows the day; and winter follows autumn. When spring comes it will be pleasant everywhere, nature putting on a new garb; trees blooming swarms of bees and butterflies hopping from flower to flower and collecting the nectar. When once the spring goes, and winter comes, there cannot be this riot of colours and the joy of beauty, certainly not for months to come. If the bee misses this spring and fails to collect the nectar, its larder should remain empty.

So, we must make hay while the sun shines. When the sky is overcast with clouds or when there is heavy downpour, we cannot make hay. We can make it only when there is sunshine. We can strike only when the iron is hot. When the iron becomes cold, there is no use of striking it, however hard it may be. So, we must do things only at the right time. If once we postpone, only regrets will remain.

Procrastination is the thief of the time. We feel complacent and postpone things. We keep the motto ‘Do it now’ on the table before us; but we don’t do it now’. A little delay does not matter, we tell ourselves and postpone. Finally it becomes our trait and we fail miserably in life. As students we cannot pass well in our examination, as freshers we fail to secure proper placements, as adults, we lag behind in the race and finally when we grow old and weak, there will be nothing that we will be able to do then. We might wish for another lease of life, but that is called day dreaming.

Therefore what is needed is to understand the holy plan of nature, comprehend the rhythm with which time moves, and adjust our actions and activities accordingly. Only Mohammad should go to the mountain; the mountain will never come to Him. Often we don’t realize this and as a result, if things go wrong, we blame our fate or God. But that does not serve any purpose. For, God helps those who help themselves.

Birds and animals understand this principle much better than man. Bees collect honey and store it in their hives for the lean months; birds which cannot put up with the devastating cold conditions migrate to warm sunny regions long before the cold sets in. even creatures like frogs migrate to better water homes before the hot summer winds dry up their little water pools. Only man, perhaps, because of his superior intelligence, does give much thought to this problem, thinks that he can meet any contingency that may arise and postpones things and wants to make hay in winter. It is true he has enough technology to make hay even at dead of night or while it is pouring down outside. But the extra maneuverability should give him extra sense of confidence to do it better and certainly not to give him in to procrastination. There are many things like disease and natural calamities that need immediate attention. When finally old age seizes and we become invalid there could be nothing but misery and regrets awaiting us. There would be none to save you then, so, pray to God from now on, said the sage Sankara.

Essay No. 02

The proverb means that we should make use of an opportunity. Those who miss a favourable chance have to repent afterwards. The literal meaning of this proverb is that we should dry the grass when the sun is shining brightly. There is time for everything. There is time for the students to study, time for the traders to buy goods and time for the farmers to sow the fields. A job done at the right time is always useful. After partition, a large number of people came to Delhi from Pakistan. They bought plots. The value of those plots went on rising and they have become men of lakhs now. Others who missed the -chance are repenting now. Therefore, we should always remember that we should make the best use of an opportunity

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Make Hay While the Sun Shines

Make Hay While the Sun Shines

The idiom Make hay while the sun shines has an agricultural origin and refers to the production of hay after a harvest. The sun’s warmth dries up the wheat stalks and turns them into hay, which can rot if it gets wet again. The meaning of the proverb is to take advantage of favorable circumstances, as they may not last indefinitely. It applies to everyone, regardless of age or gender, and can be seen in everyday situations, such as studying for exams or prioritizing tasks. The Latin proverb ‘Carpe Diem’ or ‘seize the day’ means the same thing. Life is short, and we must make the most of the opportunities that present themselves to us.

The phrase “Make hay while the sun shines” originated from farming, originally stated as “when the sun shineth, make hay.” It refers to the practice of making hay after a harvest. Sunlight’s warmth is essential in drying out wheat stalks and converting them into hay. If wet again, dry hay will start decaying. Due to unpredictable weather conditions, it is vital to take advantage of sunny days for drying the hay.

The proverb underscores the significance of taking advantage of an opportunity to finish a task while it is still possible, acknowledging that favorable circumstances may not last forever. Many people have a tendency to procrastinate and postpone tasks, only to discover that conditions have altered and the task is no longer achievable. This proverb applies universally, without considering age or gender.

During regular school days, some students often procrastinate studying which leads to feelings of anxiety and stress as exams approach. However, a small group of students consistently devote time to studying and remain calm during exam periods. These diligent students make sure to allocate sufficient time for revision and come prepared for the exams. Similarly, homemakers have numerous tasks to complete but despite their efforts, certain tasks are left unfinished. In these situations, it becomes essential to effectively prioritize these tasks.

It is important to prioritize the task at hand and avoid distractions, even when receiving a phone call from a friend while in the middle of paying a bill. While it may be tempting to have a conversation, it is crucial to promptly complete the bill payment before the counter closes for the day. This situation highlights the significance of taking appropriate action at the right time in order to achieve desired outcomes. The Latin proverb ‘Carpe Diem’ or ‘seize the day’ embodies this concept. Similarly, a goldsmith must seize an opportunity to work with hot gold if they wish to shape it into a beautiful ornament.

When there is heavy rain, drying clothes becomes impossible. We must wait for sunlight to do the job, so we should be alert and seize this opportunity when it arises. Time is limited, and we should make the most of opportunities that come our way, whether they are related to work or leisure activities, seeking forgiveness or offering forgiveness. Avoid procrastination and act while the sun is still shining upon you.

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'Make Hay While the Sun Shines': Definition, Meaning, Examples

essay on make hay

If anyone's ever told you to 'make hay while the sun shines,' you've probably wondered what it meant. And with good reason. But don't worry; in this article, you'll learn the meaning of this popular idiom, its origins, and how to use it in a sentence.

If you just want the short version, here it is:

  • To make hay while the sun shines means to take advantage of favorable conditions to accomplish something. 

What Does 'Make Hay While the Sun Shines' Mean?

This expression is an idiom , and the thing about idioms is you can't interpret them literally. We aren't talking about actual hay or any sort of farming practice here; there's a metaphorical meaning.

The phrase "make hay while the sun shines" is an idiom that means to take advantage of the favorable conditions or opportunities that are currently available. The underlying message is to be proactive and make use of the advantageous conditions while they last.

Imagine, for example, that you've been thinking about buying a house, and the mortgage interest rates have recently decreased to an all-time low. You might say:

I don't know how long the interest rates will stay this way; I'd better make hay while the sun shines and get on the proeperty ladder now.

You can change the verb form because there's a verb in this idiom ('make'), although this isn't as common.

For example:

  • makes (third-person singular)
  • making ( present participle )
  • made (past participle)

Where Does 'Make Hay While the Sun Shines' Come From?

The idiom 'Make hay while the sun shines' has agricultural origins and is rooted in the practice of making hay. The expression dates back to medieval times, and its usage can be traced to farming communities where haymaking was a crucial part of agricultural life.

The literal meaning of the phrase is tied to the process of haymaking. Farmers would cut grass to make hay, but the success of this activity heavily depended on weather conditions. The cut grass needed to dry quickly to produce good-quality hay, and sunny weather was essential. Rain or damp conditions could ruin the hay, making it moldy or less nutritious for livestock.

As you can imagine, as soon as the sun showed its face, farmers would rush to the fields to 'make hay while the sun shines' since they didn't know how long the favorable weather would last.

In print, it first appeared in John Heywood's A dialogue conteinyng the nomber in effect of all the prouerbes in the Englishe tongue , a 1546 publication.

Examples in Sentences

Now that we've covered the meaning of this idiom and its origins, here are some example sentences that use it.

As I mentioned, it can occasionally be used with different verb forms; I'll also show you examples, including the third-person singular , present participle, and past participle .

Recognizing the lucrative market conditions, the savvy entrepreneur makes hay while the sun shines by launching a new product line. Realizing that her energy levels were high and motivation was strong, Emily decided to make hay while the sun shines and tackle all her pending tasks. The team recognized the opportunity to secure a major client, and they were determined to make hay while the sun shines by presenting a compelling proposal. Knowing that interest rates were low, the couple decided to make hay while the sun shines and buy their dream house before conditions changed. The student understood the importance of focused study sessions during exam season, deciding to make hay while the sun shines and maximize his preparation. The team is diligently working on their project, making hay while the sun shines, as they believe that the current favorable conditions in the industry won't last forever. Seeing the beautiful weather forecast for the weekend, the family planned a spontaneous picnic, deciding to make hay while the sun shines. Recognizing the potential for advancement, Sarah worked diligently on her projects, eager to make hay while the sun shines and impress her superiors. The coach encouraged the team to push harder during the crucial game, emphasizing the need to make hay while the sun shines and secure their spot in the playoffs. The wise investor made hay while the sun shines, selling his stocks at their peak value before the market took a downturn.

Other Ways to Say 'Make Hay While the Sun Shines'

There are plenty of other ways to tell someone to make the most of a situation. They 're great to use if you're looking for alternative phrases. A lot of these are also idioms in their own right. The most common one you may already know is the famous Latin saying Carpe Diem,  which means 'Seize the day.'

Here are a few more:

  • Strike while the iron is hot.
  • Make the most of an opportunity.
  • Make good use of your time/resources.
  • Catch the tide.
  • Time and tide wait for no man.
  • Make use of every opportunity.
  • Make the best of a situation.
  • Jump at the chance.
  • Grasp the opportunity.

Concluding Thoughts

That concludes this article about this popular idiom. To summarize, when someone tells you to 'make hay while the sun shines,' they're giving you good advice. They want to encourage you to make use of a good opportunity while you can.

Are you ready to learn more English phrases and expand your vocabulary? Check out our idioms blog for idioms, expressions, sayings, and more!  

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Make Hay While The Sun Shines – Proverb Meaning, Expansion And Story

The proverb “Make hay while the sun shines” is a metaphorical expression urging individuals to take advantage of favorable circumstances or opportunities as they arise. It emphasizes the importance of acting promptly and efficiently when conditions are favorable, just as hay should be harvested and dried while the weather permits.

The proverb encourages people to seize the moment, make the most of their time, and capitalize on advantageous situations. It reminds individuals not to procrastinate or delay action, as favorable circumstances may not last forever. By utilizing opportunities when they are available, one can maximize their productivity, achieve success, and avoid regret for missed chances. Ultimately, the proverb serves as a reminder to be proactive and seize opportunities when they present themselves.

Understanding The Idea :

The proverb “Make hay while the sun shines” is a timeless piece of wisdom that holds relevance in various aspects of life. It encompasses the idea of taking advantage of favorable conditions, making efficient use of resources, and embracing opportunities when they arise. Here’s an expanded exploration of the proverb:

  • Seizing Opportunities: The proverb emphasizes the importance of recognizing and seizing opportunities promptly. Just as a farmer must gather and dry hay while the weather is sunny, individuals should be proactive in identifying favorable circumstances and taking action before they pass.
  • Time Management: The proverb highlights the significance of effective time management. It encourages people to prioritize tasks and focus on those that are most productive or aligned with their goals. By utilizing time wisely and efficiently, one can accomplish more and make progress towards their objectives.
  • Productivity and Efficiency: Making hay requires efficient utilization of resources, such as labor, equipment, and favorable weather. Similarly, the proverb reminds individuals to optimize their efforts and maximize productivity during periods of optimal conditions. It encourages people to work diligently and effectively to achieve their desired outcomes.
  • Avoiding Procrastination: The proverb serves as a reminder to avoid procrastination and delays. It warns against complacency or waiting for the “perfect” moment, as opportunities may be fleeting. By taking immediate action, individuals can overcome inertia and make progress towards their goals, avoiding regrets for missed chances.
  • Adaptability and Flexibility: The proverb also highlights the importance of adaptability and flexibility. Just as weather conditions can change abruptly, life often presents unexpected twists and turns. Being adaptable allows individuals to adjust their plans and make the most of the new circumstances, ensuring continued progress and success.
  • Carpe Diem: “Make hay while the sun shines” aligns with the spirit of carpe diem, or “seize the day.” It encourages individuals to embrace the present moment, live fully, and make the most of the opportunities that come their way. By embracing a proactive mindset and taking action, individuals can create positive outcomes and live a more fulfilling life.

In summary, the expanded idea of the proverb “Make hay while the sun shines” encompasses the concepts of seizing opportunities, effective time management, productivity and efficiency, avoiding procrastination, adaptability, and embracing the present moment. It serves as a reminder to be proactive, make the most of favorable circumstances, and work towards personal and professional growth.

Story 1: A Beautiful Story on “Make hay while the sun shines”

Once upon a time in a small village in rural India, there lived a young man named Ravi. Ravi belonged to a family of farmers who relied on agriculture for their livelihood. Their crops mainly consisted of rice and wheat, which they cultivated in their modest fields.

One day, as Ravi was tending to the fields, he overheard a conversation between his father and a neighboring farmer. The farmer mentioned that there was going to be a sudden increase in demand for wheat in the nearby town due to a shortage in supply. This was an opportunity that Ravi’s family couldn’t afford to miss.

Excited by the news, Ravi quickly went to his father and shared what he had heard. They realized that this was the perfect time to make hay while the sun shines, metaphorically speaking. They needed to take immediate action to maximize their profits and secure a better future for their family.

Without wasting any time, Ravi and his father gathered their fellow villagers and organized a cooperative effort. They mobilized the community to work together and increase their wheat production. Everyone in the village agreed to work diligently and make the most of the favorable conditions.

The entire village came alive with activity. Farmers worked tirelessly in the fields, ensuring that every inch of land was utilized efficiently. They adopted modern farming techniques and sought advice from agricultural experts to enhance their productivity. The women of the village contributed by helping with the harvesting and processing of the wheat.

As the days went by, their hard work paid off. The fields were teeming with golden wheat, ready to be harvested. The entire village rejoiced as they realized the potential of their efforts. They knew that they had seized the opportunity presented to them and were ready to reap the rewards.

With the wheat harvested, the villagers wasted no time in packaging and transporting it to the town where the demand was high. They managed to strike a lucrative deal and sold their produce at a premium price, much higher than they had ever received before.

The profits earned were reinvested back into the village. The farmers used the funds to improve irrigation systems, purchase modern farming equipment, and educate their children. Ravi, inspired by the success, decided to pursue higher education in agriculture and return to his village to help his fellow farmers.

Years later, Ravi came back as a qualified agricultural engineer and introduced innovative farming techniques to the village. The community continued to thrive, adapting to changing market demands and maximizing their yields. The success story of the village spread across neighboring areas, inspiring others to follow their lead.

Through their collective efforts and the wisdom of “make hay while the sun shines,” the small village transformed into a prosperous agricultural hub. The story of their triumph became an example of the potential that lies within Indian villages when they embrace opportunities and work together to achieve their goals.

Story 2: A Beautiful Story on “Make hay while the sun shines”

In the bustling city of Mumbai, India, lived a young woman named Priya. She belonged to a middle-class family and had always dreamt of starting her own business. However, the constraints of daily life and financial responsibilities had kept her dreams at bay.

One day, while commuting to work on a crowded local train, Priya overheard a conversation between two passengers. They were discussing a government initiative to promote entrepreneurship among women. The scheme provided financial assistance and mentorship to aspiring female entrepreneurs.

Excited by this opportunity, Priya decided to make hay while the sun shines. She knew she had to act quickly to take advantage of this supportive program. With a newfound determination, she researched extensively, honed her business idea, and prepared a solid business plan.

Priya submitted her proposal to the government scheme and eagerly waited for a response. Weeks went by, and just as she was starting to lose hope, she received an email congratulating her on being selected as one of the program’s beneficiaries.

Overjoyed, Priya embraced her entrepreneurial journey with fervor. She utilized the financial assistance to rent a small shop in a bustling market area. Determined to showcase the rich cultural heritage of India, she decided to open a boutique that specialized in traditional Indian garments and accessories.

Priya worked tirelessly, sourcing the finest fabrics and handcrafted embellishments from different parts of the country. She collaborated with local artisans and skilled craftsmen, promoting their work and supporting their livelihoods.

Her boutique, named “IndiGlam,” quickly gained popularity among locals and tourists alike. Priya’s attention to detail, personalized customer service, and high-quality products earned her a loyal customer base. She seized every opportunity to promote her business, participating in fashion shows, cultural events, and collaborating with influencers to expand her reach.

As IndiGlam flourished, Priya recognized the need to empower other women who shared her entrepreneurial aspirations. She started conducting workshops and mentoring sessions, sharing her experiences and guiding aspiring women entrepreneurs on their own journeys. Priya firmly believed that by lifting others, she was strengthening the fabric of society.

Over time, Priya’s boutique became a symbol of empowerment and showcased the beauty and diversity of Indian craftsmanship. Her success story inspired many other women to follow their dreams and pursue entrepreneurship. Through her dedication, passion, and the adage of making hay while the sun shines, Priya not only transformed her own life but also made a significant impact on the lives of others.

Today, IndiGlam has multiple branches across the city, and Priya has become a role model for aspiring entrepreneurs. Her story serves as a testament to the indomitable spirit and untapped potential that exists within the women of India. Priya’s journey continues to inspire countless individuals to seize opportunities, overcome obstacles, and create a brighter future for themselves and their communities.

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