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Artificial Intelligence - Benefits, Applications, Types, and Concerns


Science and Technology

Table of Contents

  • What is Artificial Intelligence

Applications of Artificial Intelligence

Advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence.

  • India amp Artificial Intelligence

Prelims: General Science

Mains: Science and Technology- Awareness in the fields of IT, Space, Computers, Robotics, Nano-technology, and Biotechnology.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an emerging technology that enables computers and machines to simulate human intelligence and problem-solving capabilities. It involves the development of algorithms and models that enable computers to perform tasks that would typically require human intelligence , such as learning, reasoning, problem-solving, perception, and decision-making.

Artificial Intelligence has become increasingly prevalent in various domains, including natural language processing , computer vision, robotics, and decision support systems. As AI technology advances, it holds the potential to revolutionise numerous industries and aspects of our daily lives, while also raising important ethical considerations regarding its responsible development and deployment.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence refers to machines performing human-like tasks. Its main components are Machine Learning algorithms that train on data, Neural Networks that mimic the brain's structure, and Natural Language Processing that understands human language. AI systems work by taking inputs, processing them with algorithms, and providing intelligent outputs that mimic human cognition and reasoning abilities.

Brief History of Artificial Intelligence

  • Alan Turing proposed " Turing Test " to evaluate machine intelligence
  • John McCarthy coined the term "Artificial Intelligence"
  • Examples: DENDRAL (chemical analysis), MYCIN (medical diagnosis)
  • Algorithms like decision trees and neural networks
  • Systems learn from data instead of hard-coded rules
  • Inspired by human brain structure and function
  • Excelled in computer vision and natural language processing
  • Driven by large datasets (e.g., ImageNet), computing power (GPUs)
  • Algorithmic advances like deep learning
  • Major tech companies invested heavily in AI research
  • Natural language processing (e.g., ChatGPT by OpenAI )
  • Computer vision (e.g., object detection by DeepMind)
  • Reinforcement learning (e.g., AlphaGo by DeepMind)
  • Widespread adoption of AI technologies across industries

Elements of Artificial Intelligence

Elements of Artificial Intelligence

  • Example : Spam filtering in email clients, which learns to identify spam emails based on patterns in the data.
  • Example: Facial recognition systems used for tagging people in photos or unlocking smartphones.
  • Example : Virtual assistants like Siri or Alexa that can understand and respond to voice commands.
  • Example : Self-driving cars that can detect and recognize objects, pedestrians, and traffic signals.
  • Example : Recommendation systems used by streaming platforms like Netflix to suggest movies and shows based on user preferences.

Types of Artificial Intelligence

  • Narrow AI is designed for specific tasks and operates within predefined boundaries.
  • Examples: Virtual assistants, chess-playing programs, speech recognition, spam filters
  • General Artificial Intelligence aims to mimic human intelligence across various tasks.
  • Unlike narrow AI, AGI can reason, learn, and adapt like a human.
  • A future form of AI surpasses human intelligence significantly.
  • These AI systems operate in the present moment, reacting to current data without memory or past experiences.
  • Examples: IBM’s Deep Blue (chess-playing AI) and Google’s AlphaGo
  • Artificial Intelligence with limited memory can use past data to make decisions but does not have a full history of interactions.
  • Examples: Self-driving cars, language translation software
  • This type aims to understand human emotions, beliefs, intentions and thought processes.
  • This type of AI is still in its infancy.
  • AI that has a sense of self-awareness and consciousness, similar to human consciousness.
  • It is highly speculative and not yet achieved.

How does AI work?

  • AI systems acquire data, preprocess it, and extract relevant features.
  • Appropriate algorithms like machine learning, deep learning, or rules are selected and trained on the data to learn patterns.
  • The trained models are evaluated, optimized, and deployed to make predictions or decisions based on new input data.
  • Artificial Intelligence combines techniques like natural language processing, computer vision, and reasoning to mimic human-like intelligence.
  • It continuously learns and improves through exposure to more data and feedback.

How AI Works

Artificial intelligence has numerous applications across various industries. Some of the most common applications include:

  • E-commerce : Helps in personalised recommendations, fraud detection, and chatbots for customer support.
  • Education : Used for adaptive learning, personalised learning plans, and intelligent tutoring systems.
  • Robotics : Powers robots for automation, inspection, and assembly line tasks.
  • Healthcare : Aids in medical diagnosis, drug discovery, and patient monitoring.
  • Social Media : Used for content moderation, recommendation systems, and sentiment analysis.
  • Agriculture : Helps in precision farming, crop monitoring, and yield prediction.
  • Manufacturing : Used for quality control, predictive maintenance, supply chain optimization, and robotics.
  • Finance : Aids in fraud detection, risk assessment, and investment management.
  • Transportation : Used for self-driving cars, traffic management, and route optimization.
  • Environment : Helps in climate modelling, pollution monitoring, and renewable energy management.

Examples of AI in Daily Life

Artificial Intelligence is an integral part of our lives, enhancing convenience, efficiency, and decision-making across various domains.

  • Chatbots : ChatGPT by OpenAI, Copilot by Microsoft Bing
  • Smart assistants : Siri, Alexa, and Cortana
  • Recommendation algorithms : Google’s search algorithm, Netflix’s personalised content recommendations
  • Face Recognition : FaceID on iPhones, Security cameras
  • Navigation apps : Google Maps, Waze
  • Social Media algorithms : Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter’s curated feeds.
  • Ridesharing apps : Uber, Ola

Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers immense potential for innovation and efficiency but comes with challenges such as ethical concerns, job displacement, and data privacy issues.

Significance of AI

  • Example : Robotic process automation in finance for data entry and report generation.
  • Example : Predictive analytics in retail for demand forecasting and inventory optimization.
  • Example : Chatbots for customer service inquiries in various industries.
  • Example : Credit risk assessment in banking using machine learning models.
  • Example : AI-assisted drug discovery and personalized medicine.

Concerns Related to Artificial Intelligence

  • Example : Self-checkout systems in retail reducing the need for cashiers.
  • Ethical concerns: AI systems can perpetuate biases present in training data or algorithms.
  • Example : Facial recognition systems showing bias against certain ethnicities.
  • Example : DeepFakes for spreading misinformation and propaganda.
  • Example : Inaccurate medical diagnoses due to incomplete or biased patient data.
  • Example : Chatbots failing to provide emotional support in mental health applications.
  • Example : Significant investment required for AI research and development.
  • Example : Lack of transparency in AI-based loan approval systems.

India & Artificial Intelligence

The Indian government and various organisations have taken several initiatives to promote the development and adoption of AI in the country. Here are some key initiatives:

  • National Strategy for AI (2018) : It outlines the vision, mission, and a comprehensive plan to leverage Artificial Intelligence for economic growth and social development.
  • AI for All : To promote AI education and research.
  • Responsible AI for Social Empowerment (RAISE) : To develop AI-based solutions for social good.
  • AI for Agriculture : To improve agricultural productivity and farmer welfare.
  • Responsible AI for Youth: To equip young people with the necessary skills and mindset for AI readiness.
  • AI Centers of Excellence : The government has established AI Centers of Excellence in various institutes and universities, such as IITs, to promote research and development in AI.
  • FutureSkills PRIME : It is, a joint initiative by NASSCOM and MeitY, a skill development program aimed at reskilling and upskilling IT professionals in emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence, to bridge the talent gap.
  • INDIAai : It is the National AI Portal of India, and serves as a knowledge portal, a research organization, and an ecosystem-building initiative.

PYQs on Artificial Intelligence

Question 1 : Introduce the concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI). How does AI help clinical diagnosis? Do you perceive any threat to the privacy of the individual in the use of AI in healthcare? ( UPSC Prelims 2023 )

Question 2 : With the present state of development, Artificial Intelligence can effectively do which of the following?

  • Bring down electricity consumption in industrial units
  • Create meaningful short stories and songs
  • Disease diagnosis
  • Text-to-Speech Conversion
  • Wireless transmission of electrical energy

Select the correct answer using the code given below: ( UPSC Prelims 2020 )

  • 1, 2, 3 and 5 only
  • 1, 3 and 4 only
  • 2, 4 and 5 only
  • 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

Answer: (b)

FAQs on Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an emerging technology that enables computers and machines to simulate human intelligence and problem-solving capabilities.

What is the difference between Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning and Deep Learning?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the broad field of creating intelligent systems. Machine Learning (ML) is an AI technique that allows systems to learn from data. Deep Learning (DL) is a specific ML technique inspired by the brain's neural networks.

How do we measure if Artificial Intelligence is acting like a human?

The Turing Test, proposed by Alan Turing, evaluates if an AI system can exhibit human-like responses that are indistinguishable from a real person's responses in a conversational setting.

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Artificial Intelligence Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on artificial intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence refers to the intelligence of machines. This is in contrast to the natural intelligence of humans and animals. With Artificial Intelligence, machines perform functions such as learning, planning, reasoning and problem-solving. Most noteworthy, Artificial Intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence by machines. It is probably the fastest-growing development in the World of technology and innovation . Furthermore, many experts believe AI could solve major challenges and crisis situations.

Artificial Intelligence Essay

Types of Artificial Intelligence

First of all, the categorization of Artificial Intelligence is into four types. Arend Hintze came up with this categorization. The categories are as follows:

Type 1: Reactive machines – These machines can react to situations. A famous example can be Deep Blue, the IBM chess program. Most noteworthy, the chess program won against Garry Kasparov , the popular chess legend. Furthermore, such machines lack memory. These machines certainly cannot use past experiences to inform future ones. It analyses all possible alternatives and chooses the best one.

Type 2: Limited memory – These AI systems are capable of using past experiences to inform future ones. A good example can be self-driving cars. Such cars have decision making systems . The car makes actions like changing lanes. Most noteworthy, these actions come from observations. There is no permanent storage of these observations.

Type 3: Theory of mind – This refers to understand others. Above all, this means to understand that others have their beliefs, intentions, desires, and opinions. However, this type of AI does not exist yet.

Type 4: Self-awareness – This is the highest and most sophisticated level of Artificial Intelligence. Such systems have a sense of self. Furthermore, they have awareness, consciousness, and emotions. Obviously, such type of technology does not yet exist. This technology would certainly be a revolution .

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Applications of Artificial Intelligence

First of all, AI has significant use in healthcare. Companies are trying to develop technologies for quick diagnosis. Artificial Intelligence would efficiently operate on patients without human supervision. Such technological surgeries are already taking place. Another excellent healthcare technology is IBM Watson.

Artificial Intelligence in business would significantly save time and effort. There is an application of robotic automation to human business tasks. Furthermore, Machine learning algorithms help in better serving customers. Chatbots provide immediate response and service to customers.

artificial intelligence essay byju's

AI can greatly increase the rate of work in manufacturing. Manufacture of a huge number of products can take place with AI. Furthermore, the entire production process can take place without human intervention. Hence, a lot of time and effort is saved.

Artificial Intelligence has applications in various other fields. These fields can be military , law , video games , government, finance, automotive, audit, art, etc. Hence, it’s clear that AI has a massive amount of different applications.

To sum it up, Artificial Intelligence looks all set to be the future of the World. Experts believe AI would certainly become a part and parcel of human life soon. AI would completely change the way we view our World. With Artificial Intelligence, the future seems intriguing and exciting.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Give an example of AI reactive machines?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Reactive machines react to situations. An example of it is the Deep Blue, the IBM chess program, This program defeated the popular chess player Garry Kasparov.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How do chatbots help in business?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”Chatbots help in business by assisting customers. Above all, they do this by providing immediate response and service to customers.”} }] }

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  • Artificial Intelligence Essay


Essay on Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is the intelligence possessed by the machines under which they can perform various functions with human help. With the help of A.I, machines will be able to learn, solve problems, plan things, think, etc. Artificial Intelligence, for example, is the simulation of human intelligence by machines. In the field of technology, Artificial Intelligence is evolving rapidly day by day and it is believed that in the near future, artificial intelligence is going to change human life very drastically and will most probably end all the crises of the world by sorting out the major problems. 

Our life in this modern age depends largely on computers. It is almost impossible to think about life without computers. We need computers in everything that we use in our daily lives. So it becomes very important to make computers intelligent so that our lives become easy. Artificial Intelligence is the theory and development of computers, which imitates the human intelligence and senses, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages. Artificial Intelligence has brought a revolution in the world of technology. 

Artificial Intelligence Applications

AI is widely used in the field of healthcare. Companies are attempting to develop technologies that will allow for rapid diagnosis. Artificial Intelligence would be able to operate on patients without the need for human oversight. Surgical procedures based on technology are already being performed.

Artificial Intelligence would save a lot of our time. The use of robots would decrease human labour. For example, in industries robots are used which have saved a lot of human effort and time. 

In the field of education, AI has the potential to be very effective. It can bring innovative ways of teaching students with the help of which students will be able to learn the concepts better. 

Artificial intelligence is the future of innovative technology as we can use it in many fields. For example, it can be used in the Military sector, Industrial sector, Automobiles, etc. In the coming years, we will be able to see more applications of AI as this technology is evolving day by day. 

Marketing: Artificial Intelligence provides a deep knowledge of consumers and potential clients to the marketers by enabling them to deliver information at the right time. Through AI solutions, the marketers can refine their campaigns and strategies.

Agriculture: AI technology can be used to detect diseases in plants, pests, and poor plant nutrition. With the help of AI, farmers can analyze the weather conditions, temperature, water usage, and condition of the soil.

Banking: Fraudulent activities can be detected through AI solutions. AI bots, digital payment advisers can create a high quality of service.

Health Care: Artificial Intelligence can surpass human cognition in the analysis, diagnosis, and complication of complicated medical data.

History of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence may seem to be a new technology but if we do a bit of research, we will find that it has roots deep in the past. In Greek Mythology, it is said that the concepts of AI were used. 

The model of Artificial neurons was first brought forward in 1943 by Warren McCulloch and Walter Pits. After seven years, in 1950, a research paper related to AI was published by Alan Turing which was titled 'Computer Machinery and Intelligence. The term Artificial Intelligence was first coined in 1956 by John McCarthy, who is known as the father of Artificial Intelligence. 

To conclude, we can say that Artificial Intelligence will be the future of the world. As per the experts, we won't be able to separate ourselves from this technology as it would become an integral part of our lives shortly. AI would change the way we live in this world. This technology would prove to be revolutionary because it will change our lives for good. 

Branches of Artificial Intelligence:

Knowledge Engineering

Machines Learning

Natural Language Processing

Types of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is categorized in two types based on capabilities and functionalities. 

Artificial Intelligence Type-1

Artificial intelligence type-2.

Narrow AI (weak AI): This is designed to perform a specific task with intelligence. It is termed as weak AI because it cannot perform beyond its limitations. It is trained to do a specific task. Some examples of Narrow AI are facial recognition (Siri in Apple phones), speech, and image recognition. IBM’s Watson supercomputer, self-driving cars, playing chess, and solving equations are also some of the examples of weak AI.

General AI (AGI or strong AI): This system can perform nearly every cognitive task as efficiently as humans can do. The main characteristic of general AI is to make a system that can think like a human on its own. This is a long-term goal of many researchers to create such machines.

Super AI: Super AI is a type of intelligence of systems in which machines can surpass human intelligence and can perform any cognitive task better than humans. The main features of strong AI would be the ability to think, reason, solve puzzles, make judgments, plan and communicate on its own. The creation of strong AI might be the biggest revolution in human history.

Reactive Machines: These machines are the basic types of AI. Such AI systems focus only on current situations and react as per the best possible action. They do not store memories for future actions. IBM’s deep blue system and Google’s Alpha go are the examples of reactive machines.

Limited Memory: These machines can store data or past memories for a short period of time. Examples are self-driving cars. They can store information to navigate the road, speed, and distance of nearby cars.

Theory of Mind: These systems understand emotions, beliefs, and requirements like humans. These kinds of machines are still not invented and it’s a long-term goal for the researchers to create one. 

Self-Awareness: Self-awareness AI is the future of artificial intelligence. These machines can outsmart the humans. If these machines are invented then it can bring a revolution in human society. 

Artificial Intelligence will bring a huge revolution in the history of mankind. Human civilization will flourish by amplifying human intelligence with artificial intelligence, as long as we manage to keep the technology beneficial.


FAQs on Artificial Intelligence Essay

1. What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence is a branch of computer science that emphasizes the development of intelligent machines that would think and work like humans.

2. How is Artificial Intelligence Categorised?

Artificial Intelligence is categorized in two types based on capabilities and functionalities. Based on capabilities, AI includes Narrow AI (weak AI), General AI, and super AI. Based on functionalities, AI includes Relative Machines, limited memory, theory of mind, self-awareness.

3. How Does AI Help in Marketing?

AI helps marketers to strategize their marketing campaigns and keep data of their prospective clients and consumers.

4. Give an Example of a Relative Machine?

IBM’s deep blue system and Google’s Alpha go are examples of reactive machines.

5. How can Artificial Intelligence help us?

Artificial Intelligence can help us in many ways. It is already helping us in some cases. For example, if we think about the robots used in a factory, they all run on the principle of Artificial Intelligence. In the automobile sector, some vehicles have been invented that don't need any humans to drive them, they are self-driving. The search engines these days are also AI-powered. There are many other uses of Artificial Intelligence as well.

Artificial Intelligence

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Home — Essay Samples — Information Science and Technology — Artificial Intelligence — Future of Artificial Intelligence


Future of Artificial Intelligence

  • Categories: Artificial Intelligence

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Words: 569 |

Published: Jan 30, 2024

Words: 569 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

Table of contents

Development of artificial intelligence, advancements in ai, implications and benefits of ai, challenges and ethical concerns, mitigating risks and ensuring ethical ai.

  • Vinuesa, R., Azizpour, H., Leite, I., Balaam, M., Dignum, V., Domisch, S., ... & Gustafsson, J.(2019). The role of artificial intelligence in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Naturecommunications, 10(1), 1-4.
  • Hagendorff, T. (2020). The ethics of AI ethics: An evaluation of guidelines. Minds andMachines, 30(1), 99-120.

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In Depth – Artificial Intelligence

  • 09 Jul 2019
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At the two day G-20 summit in Osaka in Japan, the Prime Minister of India underscored the significance of Digital Economy & Artificial Intelligence. He emphasised the government's reliance on the 5 ‘I’s that stand for Inclusiveness, Indigenization, Innovation, Investment in infrastructure & International cooperation in developing these two areas. The concept of Artificial Intelligence is based on the idea of building machines capable of thinking, acting, and learning like humans.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • It describes the action of machines accomplishing tasks that have historically required human intelligence.
  • It includes technologies like machine learning, pattern recognition, big data, neural networks, self algorithms etc.
  • Example: Million of algorithms and codes are there around the humans to understand their commands and perform human-like tasks. Facebook’s list of suggested friends for its users, a pop-up page, telling about an upcoming sale of the favourite brand of shoes and clothes, that comes on screen while browsing the internet, are the work of artificial intelligence.
  • A Complex Technology: AI involves complex things such as feeding a particular data into the machine and making it react as per the different situations. It is basically about creating self-learning patterns where the machine can give answers to the never answered questions like a human would ever do.

AI is a Different Technology

  • AI is different from hardware driven robotic automation. Instead of automating manual tasks, AI performs frequent high volume computerised tasks reliably.
  • AI is often misunderstood for machine learning. AI is a broader concept with a bunch of technologies that include machine learning and other technologies like natural language processing, inference algorithms, neutron networks etc.
  • In the year 1956 , American computer scientist John McCarthy organised the Dartmouth Conference , at which the term ‘Artificial Intelligence’ was first adopted. From then on, the world discovered the ideas of the ability of machines to look at social problems using knowledge data and competition.
  • There used to be several dedicated projects on the same and the government was funding the research.
  • Every aspect of science and especially when one starts looking at empowering machines to behave and act like human beings, the questions of ethics arise. About 70’s and late 80’s there was a time when the governments stopped funding research into AI.
  • AI experienced a resurgence following concurrent advances in computer power and large amounts of data and theoretical understanding in the 21 st century.
  • AI techniques now have become an essential part of the technology industry helping to solve many challenging problems in computer-science. From Apple Siri to self driving cars, AI is progressing rapidly.

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India and AI

  • The top ranked countries in this report have many academic institutes with programs on AI. They have therefore a much greater number of people skilled to do research in the field.
  • India, on the contrary, lacks the opportunities in formal education in data science but is slowly trying to encourage the adoption of AI in educational institutes.
  • Starting this year, the CBSE has AI as an elective subject for its ninth grade classes.
  • IIT Hyderabad has launched a full fledged Bachelor of Technology (B Tech) program in AI becoming the first Indian educational institution to do so. It is also most likely the third educational institute in the world after Carnegie Mellon University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to have a full fledged B Tech program on AI.
  • IIIT Hyderabad is another educational institute that introduced popular executive programs on AI and machine learning and blockchain and distributed ledger technologies.
  • Defence forces of India are now venturing into the products and technologies which will aid defence measures using the AI and technologies.
  • In India, corporates have started collaborating with academia on AI. IBM’s Blue project is an example.
  • There are many startups in the country which are doing great work in image analytics, data analytics, predictive intelligence etc.
  • It is estimated that AI will add 957 billion dollars to India’s GDP by the year 2035 boosting India’s annual growth by 1.3% points.
  • Government is digitizing all the records, especially the crime records putting it into one single place called CCTNS where all the data including the image, biometrics, or the criminal history of a convict or suspect is available.
  • In Agriculture: It has many uses, for example, it can help sense one how much water the crop needs.
  • For solving complex issues like efficient utilization of available resources.
  • Analyzing the Data: The AI technology helps in analyzing data and thus can improve the efficiency of the systems like power management in cars, mobile devices, weather predictions, video and image analysis.

Negative Impacts of AI

Steps taken by the Government

  • NITI Aayog then adopted a three pronged approach undertaking exploratory proof of concept AI projects in various areas, crafting a national strategy for building a vibrant AI ecosystem in India and collaborating with various experts and stakeholders.
  • The note circulated by NITI Aayog proposes that the government should pump in Rs. 7,500 crore rupees over 3 years as well as set up a high-level task force that will oversee the roll out and implementation of AI.
  • The move to create cloud computing platform is part of the government’s goal of making India a pioneer amongst emerging economies with regards to AI and transform sectors like education, health, agriculture, urbanization and mobility.
  • In Budget 2018, the government announced funds to support the country’s AI, machine learning, robotics and IoT sector.
  • It envisioned AI use case clearly in the sectors like healthcare , agriculture, education, smart cities and infrastructure, smart mobility and transportation.
  • The Commerce and Industry Ministry has also set up task forces to explore the use of AI and Big Data technologies in the country.
  • In the Budget 2019-20 , the government has announced setting up of a National Sports Education Board under Khelo India to prepare youth for new age skills, Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Big Data, 3D Printing, Virtual Reality etc.

AI in China

  • China has been consistently building an ecosystem to fuel its ambition to become a world leader in AI by the year 2050.
  • A report on China AI development released in the year 2018 said that from the year 2013 to the first quarter of the year 2018, the investment and financing in AI technology in China accounts for 60% in the world valued at 27 billion dollars in the year 2017.

artificial intelligence essay byju's

How Byju's app will become '3x more powerful' using AI

Complemented by its newly acquired Osmo team, the Bengaluru edtech unicorn expects to accelerate the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning across its platform for better personalisation

Harichandan Arakali

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BYJU’S introduces generative AI models for hyper-personalised learning

Byju's said its generative ai suite can accurately predict a student's state of knowledge and identify misconceptions, learning gaps, or ‘silly’ mistakes..

Photo of Pooja Malik

Wednesday June 07, 2023 , 2 min Read

Edtech platform  BYJU'S  has launched BYJU’S WIZ to provide students with personalised and effective learning experiences using generative artificial intelligence (AI) . The WIZ suite offers three AI transformer models: BADRI, MathGPT, and TeacherGPT.

The Bengaluru-based company said the AI suite can accurately predict (in 90% of cases) a student's knowledge state and identify misconceptions, learning gaps, or ‘silly’ mistakes. Its platform can be integrated across BYJU'S learning platforms to make the platform hyper-personalised and student-centric.

"We believe BYJU’S WIZ will usher in a new era of personalised learning, taking a significant leap forward in the way we educate our future generations," said Dev Roy, Chief Innovation and Learning Officer at BYJU'S. "Its launch is a definitive event in our constant endeavour to teach students not just ‘what to learn’ but also ‘how to learn’."

artificial intelligence essay byju's

BADRI leverages billions of daily student interactions to pinpoint each student's strengths and weaknesses,

providing tailored questions and learning videos for areas of improvement. MathGPT employs advanced machine learning algorithms to provide solutions for complex math challenges. AI-driven assistant, TeacherGPT, offers personalised guidance to students and grades student responses.

The suite will be integrated across the entire product portfolio of BYJU’S—from Pre-K to Grey. This comprehensive integration aims to ensure students of all ages can benefit from the cutting-edge advancements and transformative impact of these models throughout their learning journey, as per a statement.

BYJU'S said its 24x7 hyper-personalised learning experiences are tailored to the unique needs of students worldwide, while also optimising internal systems such as teacher audits to make offerings such as live classes better.

These models are currently tested at BYJU'S labs, which the company noted are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and staffed by a team of researchers, data scientists, and educational experts.

Edited by Kanishk Singh


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OECD Artificial Intelligence Papers

Regulatory approaches to artificial intelligence in finance.

The OECD engages in comprehensive research and analysis to deepen insights into the transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI) and its implications for economies and societies. The OECD Artificial Intelligence Papers series draws on comprehensive evidence-base to identify trends and developments and delve into an extensive array of AI-related subjects. This includes opportunities and challenges in AI governance, the impact of AI across policy domains including labour markets, education and healthcare, ethical considerations in AI design and deployment, and new frontiers such as generative AI. This collection encompasses OECD policy papers as well as working papers.

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The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in finance has increased rapidly in recent years, with the potential to deliver important benefits to market participants and to improve customer welfare. At the same time, AI in finance could also amplify existing risks in financial markets and create new ones. This report analyses different regulatory approaches to the use of AI in finance in 48 OECD and non-OECD jurisdictions based on the Survey on Regulatory Approaches to AI in Finance.


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05 Sep 2024, 5:00 AM UTC


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