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Empirical research in the social sciences and education.

  • What is Empirical Research and How to Read It
  • Finding Empirical Research in Library Databases
  • Designing Empirical Research
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Ellysa Cahoy

Introduction: What is Empirical Research?

Empirical research is based on observed and measured phenomena and derives knowledge from actual experience rather than from theory or belief. 

How do you know if a study is empirical? Read the subheadings within the article, book, or report and look for a description of the research "methodology."  Ask yourself: Could I recreate this study and test these results?

Key characteristics to look for:

  • Specific research questions to be answered
  • Definition of the population, behavior, or   phenomena being studied
  • Description of the process used to study this population or phenomena, including selection criteria, controls, and testing instruments (such as surveys)

Another hint: some scholarly journals use a specific layout, called the "IMRaD" format, to communicate empirical research findings. Such articles typically have 4 components:

  • Introduction : sometimes called "literature review" -- what is currently known about the topic -- usually includes a theoretical framework and/or discussion of previous studies
  • Methodology: sometimes called "research design" -- how to recreate the study -- usually describes the population, research process, and analytical tools used in the present study
  • Results : sometimes called "findings" -- what was learned through the study -- usually appears as statistical data or as substantial quotations from research participants
  • Discussion : sometimes called "conclusion" or "implications" -- why the study is important -- usually describes how the research results influence professional practices or future studies

Reading and Evaluating Scholarly Materials

Reading research can be a challenge. However, the tutorials and videos below can help. They explain what scholarly articles look like, how to read them, and how to evaluate them:

  • CRAAP Checklist A frequently-used checklist that helps you examine the currency, relevance, authority, accuracy, and purpose of an information source.
  • IF I APPLY A newer model of evaluating sources which encourages you to think about your own biases as a reader, as well as concerns about the item you are reading.
  • Credo Video: How to Read Scholarly Materials (4 min.)
  • Credo Tutorial: How to Read Scholarly Materials
  • Credo Tutorial: Evaluating Information
  • Credo Video: Evaluating Statistics (4 min.)
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Empirical Research: Definition, Methods, Types and Examples

What is Empirical Research

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Empirical research: Definition

Empirical research: origin, quantitative research methods, qualitative research methods, steps for conducting empirical research, empirical research methodology cycle, advantages of empirical research, disadvantages of empirical research, why is there a need for empirical research.

Empirical research is defined as any research where conclusions of the study is strictly drawn from concretely empirical evidence, and therefore “verifiable” evidence.

This empirical evidence can be gathered using quantitative market research and  qualitative market research  methods.

For example: A research is being conducted to find out if listening to happy music in the workplace while working may promote creativity? An experiment is conducted by using a music website survey on a set of audience who are exposed to happy music and another set who are not listening to music at all, and the subjects are then observed. The results derived from such a research will give empirical evidence if it does promote creativity or not.

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You must have heard the quote” I will not believe it unless I see it”. This came from the ancient empiricists, a fundamental understanding that powered the emergence of medieval science during the renaissance period and laid the foundation of modern science, as we know it today. The word itself has its roots in greek. It is derived from the greek word empeirikos which means “experienced”.

In today’s world, the word empirical refers to collection of data using evidence that is collected through observation or experience or by using calibrated scientific instruments. All of the above origins have one thing in common which is dependence of observation and experiments to collect data and test them to come up with conclusions.

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Types and methodologies of empirical research

Empirical research can be conducted and analysed using qualitative or quantitative methods.

  • Quantitative research : Quantitative research methods are used to gather information through numerical data. It is used to quantify opinions, behaviors or other defined variables . These are predetermined and are in a more structured format. Some of the commonly used methods are survey, longitudinal studies, polls, etc
  • Qualitative research:   Qualitative research methods are used to gather non numerical data.  It is used to find meanings, opinions, or the underlying reasons from its subjects. These methods are unstructured or semi structured. The sample size for such a research is usually small and it is a conversational type of method to provide more insight or in-depth information about the problem Some of the most popular forms of methods are focus groups, experiments, interviews, etc.

Data collected from these will need to be analysed. Empirical evidence can also be analysed either quantitatively and qualitatively. Using this, the researcher can answer empirical questions which have to be clearly defined and answerable with the findings he has got. The type of research design used will vary depending on the field in which it is going to be used. Many of them might choose to do a collective research involving quantitative and qualitative method to better answer questions which cannot be studied in a laboratory setting.

LEARN ABOUT: Qualitative Research Questions and Questionnaires

Quantitative research methods aid in analyzing the empirical evidence gathered. By using these a researcher can find out if his hypothesis is supported or not.

  • Survey research: Survey research generally involves a large audience to collect a large amount of data. This is a quantitative method having a predetermined set of closed questions which are pretty easy to answer. Because of the simplicity of such a method, high responses are achieved. It is one of the most commonly used methods for all kinds of research in today’s world.

Previously, surveys were taken face to face only with maybe a recorder. However, with advancement in technology and for ease, new mediums such as emails , or social media have emerged.

For example: Depletion of energy resources is a growing concern and hence there is a need for awareness about renewable energy. According to recent studies, fossil fuels still account for around 80% of energy consumption in the United States. Even though there is a rise in the use of green energy every year, there are certain parameters because of which the general population is still not opting for green energy. In order to understand why, a survey can be conducted to gather opinions of the general population about green energy and the factors that influence their choice of switching to renewable energy. Such a survey can help institutions or governing bodies to promote appropriate awareness and incentive schemes to push the use of greener energy.

Learn more: Renewable Energy Survey Template Descriptive Research vs Correlational Research

  • Experimental research: In experimental research , an experiment is set up and a hypothesis is tested by creating a situation in which one of the variable is manipulated. This is also used to check cause and effect. It is tested to see what happens to the independent variable if the other one is removed or altered. The process for such a method is usually proposing a hypothesis, experimenting on it, analyzing the findings and reporting the findings to understand if it supports the theory or not.

For example: A particular product company is trying to find what is the reason for them to not be able to capture the market. So the organisation makes changes in each one of the processes like manufacturing, marketing, sales and operations. Through the experiment they understand that sales training directly impacts the market coverage for their product. If the person is trained well, then the product will have better coverage.

  • Correlational research: Correlational research is used to find relation between two set of variables . Regression analysis is generally used to predict outcomes of such a method. It can be positive, negative or neutral correlation.

LEARN ABOUT: Level of Analysis

For example: Higher educated individuals will get higher paying jobs. This means higher education enables the individual to high paying job and less education will lead to lower paying jobs.

  • Longitudinal study: Longitudinal study is used to understand the traits or behavior of a subject under observation after repeatedly testing the subject over a period of time. Data collected from such a method can be qualitative or quantitative in nature.

For example: A research to find out benefits of exercise. The target is asked to exercise everyday for a particular period of time and the results show higher endurance, stamina, and muscle growth. This supports the fact that exercise benefits an individual body.

  • Cross sectional: Cross sectional study is an observational type of method, in which a set of audience is observed at a given point in time. In this type, the set of people are chosen in a fashion which depicts similarity in all the variables except the one which is being researched. This type does not enable the researcher to establish a cause and effect relationship as it is not observed for a continuous time period. It is majorly used by healthcare sector or the retail industry.

For example: A medical study to find the prevalence of under-nutrition disorders in kids of a given population. This will involve looking at a wide range of parameters like age, ethnicity, location, incomes  and social backgrounds. If a significant number of kids coming from poor families show under-nutrition disorders, the researcher can further investigate into it. Usually a cross sectional study is followed by a longitudinal study to find out the exact reason.

  • Causal-Comparative research : This method is based on comparison. It is mainly used to find out cause-effect relationship between two variables or even multiple variables.

For example: A researcher measured the productivity of employees in a company which gave breaks to the employees during work and compared that to the employees of the company which did not give breaks at all.

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Some research questions need to be analysed qualitatively, as quantitative methods are not applicable there. In many cases, in-depth information is needed or a researcher may need to observe a target audience behavior, hence the results needed are in a descriptive analysis form. Qualitative research results will be descriptive rather than predictive. It enables the researcher to build or support theories for future potential quantitative research. In such a situation qualitative research methods are used to derive a conclusion to support the theory or hypothesis being studied.

LEARN ABOUT: Qualitative Interview

  • Case study: Case study method is used to find more information through carefully analyzing existing cases. It is very often used for business research or to gather empirical evidence for investigation purpose. It is a method to investigate a problem within its real life context through existing cases. The researcher has to carefully analyse making sure the parameter and variables in the existing case are the same as to the case that is being investigated. Using the findings from the case study, conclusions can be drawn regarding the topic that is being studied.

For example: A report mentioning the solution provided by a company to its client. The challenges they faced during initiation and deployment, the findings of the case and solutions they offered for the problems. Such case studies are used by most companies as it forms an empirical evidence for the company to promote in order to get more business.

  • Observational method:   Observational method is a process to observe and gather data from its target. Since it is a qualitative method it is time consuming and very personal. It can be said that observational research method is a part of ethnographic research which is also used to gather empirical evidence. This is usually a qualitative form of research, however in some cases it can be quantitative as well depending on what is being studied.

For example: setting up a research to observe a particular animal in the rain-forests of amazon. Such a research usually take a lot of time as observation has to be done for a set amount of time to study patterns or behavior of the subject. Another example used widely nowadays is to observe people shopping in a mall to figure out buying behavior of consumers.

  • One-on-one interview: Such a method is purely qualitative and one of the most widely used. The reason being it enables a researcher get precise meaningful data if the right questions are asked. It is a conversational method where in-depth data can be gathered depending on where the conversation leads.

For example: A one-on-one interview with the finance minister to gather data on financial policies of the country and its implications on the public.

  • Focus groups: Focus groups are used when a researcher wants to find answers to why, what and how questions. A small group is generally chosen for such a method and it is not necessary to interact with the group in person. A moderator is generally needed in case the group is being addressed in person. This is widely used by product companies to collect data about their brands and the product.

For example: A mobile phone manufacturer wanting to have a feedback on the dimensions of one of their models which is yet to be launched. Such studies help the company meet the demand of the customer and position their model appropriately in the market.

  • Text analysis: Text analysis method is a little new compared to the other types. Such a method is used to analyse social life by going through images or words used by the individual. In today’s world, with social media playing a major part of everyone’s life, such a method enables the research to follow the pattern that relates to his study.

For example: A lot of companies ask for feedback from the customer in detail mentioning how satisfied are they with their customer support team. Such data enables the researcher to take appropriate decisions to make their support team better.

Sometimes a combination of the methods is also needed for some questions that cannot be answered using only one type of method especially when a researcher needs to gain a complete understanding of complex subject matter.

We recently published a blog that talks about examples of qualitative data in education ; why don’t you check it out for more ideas?

Since empirical research is based on observation and capturing experiences, it is important to plan the steps to conduct the experiment and how to analyse it. This will enable the researcher to resolve problems or obstacles which can occur during the experiment.

Step #1: Define the purpose of the research

This is the step where the researcher has to answer questions like what exactly do I want to find out? What is the problem statement? Are there any issues in terms of the availability of knowledge, data, time or resources. Will this research be more beneficial than what it will cost.

Before going ahead, a researcher has to clearly define his purpose for the research and set up a plan to carry out further tasks.

Step #2 : Supporting theories and relevant literature

The researcher needs to find out if there are theories which can be linked to his research problem . He has to figure out if any theory can help him support his findings. All kind of relevant literature will help the researcher to find if there are others who have researched this before, or what are the problems faced during this research. The researcher will also have to set up assumptions and also find out if there is any history regarding his research problem

Step #3: Creation of Hypothesis and measurement

Before beginning the actual research he needs to provide himself a working hypothesis or guess what will be the probable result. Researcher has to set up variables, decide the environment for the research and find out how can he relate between the variables.

Researcher will also need to define the units of measurements, tolerable degree for errors, and find out if the measurement chosen will be acceptable by others.

Step #4: Methodology, research design and data collection

In this step, the researcher has to define a strategy for conducting his research. He has to set up experiments to collect data which will enable him to propose the hypothesis. The researcher will decide whether he will need experimental or non experimental method for conducting the research. The type of research design will vary depending on the field in which the research is being conducted. Last but not the least, the researcher will have to find out parameters that will affect the validity of the research design. Data collection will need to be done by choosing appropriate samples depending on the research question. To carry out the research, he can use one of the many sampling techniques. Once data collection is complete, researcher will have empirical data which needs to be analysed.

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Step #5: Data Analysis and result

Data analysis can be done in two ways, qualitatively and quantitatively. Researcher will need to find out what qualitative method or quantitative method will be needed or will he need a combination of both. Depending on the unit of analysis of his data, he will know if his hypothesis is supported or rejected. Analyzing this data is the most important part to support his hypothesis.

Step #6: Conclusion

A report will need to be made with the findings of the research. The researcher can give the theories and literature that support his research. He can make suggestions or recommendations for further research on his topic.

Empirical research methodology cycle

A.D. de Groot, a famous dutch psychologist and a chess expert conducted some of the most notable experiments using chess in the 1940’s. During his study, he came up with a cycle which is consistent and now widely used to conduct empirical research. It consists of 5 phases with each phase being as important as the next one. The empirical cycle captures the process of coming up with hypothesis about how certain subjects work or behave and then testing these hypothesis against empirical data in a systematic and rigorous approach. It can be said that it characterizes the deductive approach to science. Following is the empirical cycle.

  • Observation: At this phase an idea is sparked for proposing a hypothesis. During this phase empirical data is gathered using observation. For example: a particular species of flower bloom in a different color only during a specific season.
  • Induction: Inductive reasoning is then carried out to form a general conclusion from the data gathered through observation. For example: As stated above it is observed that the species of flower blooms in a different color during a specific season. A researcher may ask a question “does the temperature in the season cause the color change in the flower?” He can assume that is the case, however it is a mere conjecture and hence an experiment needs to be set up to support this hypothesis. So he tags a few set of flowers kept at a different temperature and observes if they still change the color?
  • Deduction: This phase helps the researcher to deduce a conclusion out of his experiment. This has to be based on logic and rationality to come up with specific unbiased results.For example: In the experiment, if the tagged flowers in a different temperature environment do not change the color then it can be concluded that temperature plays a role in changing the color of the bloom.
  • Testing: This phase involves the researcher to return to empirical methods to put his hypothesis to the test. The researcher now needs to make sense of his data and hence needs to use statistical analysis plans to determine the temperature and bloom color relationship. If the researcher finds out that most flowers bloom a different color when exposed to the certain temperature and the others do not when the temperature is different, he has found support to his hypothesis. Please note this not proof but just a support to his hypothesis.
  • Evaluation: This phase is generally forgotten by most but is an important one to keep gaining knowledge. During this phase the researcher puts forth the data he has collected, the support argument and his conclusion. The researcher also states the limitations for the experiment and his hypothesis and suggests tips for others to pick it up and continue a more in-depth research for others in the future. LEARN MORE: Population vs Sample

LEARN MORE: Population vs Sample

There is a reason why empirical research is one of the most widely used method. There are a few advantages associated with it. Following are a few of them.

  • It is used to authenticate traditional research through various experiments and observations.
  • This research methodology makes the research being conducted more competent and authentic.
  • It enables a researcher understand the dynamic changes that can happen and change his strategy accordingly.
  • The level of control in such a research is high so the researcher can control multiple variables.
  • It plays a vital role in increasing internal validity .

Even though empirical research makes the research more competent and authentic, it does have a few disadvantages. Following are a few of them.

  • Such a research needs patience as it can be very time consuming. The researcher has to collect data from multiple sources and the parameters involved are quite a few, which will lead to a time consuming research.
  • Most of the time, a researcher will need to conduct research at different locations or in different environments, this can lead to an expensive affair.
  • There are a few rules in which experiments can be performed and hence permissions are needed. Many a times, it is very difficult to get certain permissions to carry out different methods of this research.
  • Collection of data can be a problem sometimes, as it has to be collected from a variety of sources through different methods.

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Empirical research is important in today’s world because most people believe in something only that they can see, hear or experience. It is used to validate multiple hypothesis and increase human knowledge and continue doing it to keep advancing in various fields.

For example: Pharmaceutical companies use empirical research to try out a specific drug on controlled groups or random groups to study the effect and cause. This way, they prove certain theories they had proposed for the specific drug. Such research is very important as sometimes it can lead to finding a cure for a disease that has existed for many years. It is useful in science and many other fields like history, social sciences, business, etc.

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With the advancement in today’s world, empirical research has become critical and a norm in many fields to support their hypothesis and gain more knowledge. The methods mentioned above are very useful for carrying out such research. However, a number of new methods will keep coming up as the nature of new investigative questions keeps getting unique or changing.

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Empirical Research: Defining, Identifying, & Finding

Defining empirical research, what is empirical research, quantitative or qualitative.

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Calfee & Chambliss (2005)  (UofM login required) describe empirical research as a "systematic approach for answering certain types of questions."  Those questions are answered "[t]hrough the collection of evidence under carefully defined and replicable conditions" (p. 43). 

The evidence collected during empirical research is often referred to as "data." 

Characteristics of Empirical Research

Emerald Publishing's guide to conducting empirical research identifies a number of common elements to empirical research: 

  • A  research question , which will determine research objectives.
  • A particular and planned  design  for the research, which will depend on the question and which will find ways of answering it with appropriate use of resources.
  • The gathering of  primary data , which is then analysed.
  • A particular  methodology  for collecting and analysing the data, such as an experiment or survey.
  • The limitation of the data to a particular group, area or time scale, known as a sample [emphasis added]: for example, a specific number of employees of a particular company type, or all users of a library over a given time scale. The sample should be somehow representative of a wider population.
  • The ability to  recreate  the study and test the results. This is known as  reliability .
  • The ability to  generalize  from the findings to a larger sample and to other situations.

If you see these elements in a research article, you can feel confident that you have found empirical research. Emerald's guide goes into more detail on each element. 

Empirical research methodologies can be described as quantitative, qualitative, or a mix of both (usually called mixed-methods).

Ruane (2016)  (UofM login required) gets at the basic differences in approach between quantitative and qualitative research:

  • Quantitative research  -- an approach to documenting reality that relies heavily on numbers both for the measurement of variables and for data analysis (p. 33).
  • Qualitative research  -- an approach to documenting reality that relies on words and images as the primary data source (p. 33).

Both quantitative and qualitative methods are empirical . If you can recognize that a research study is quantitative or qualitative study, then you have also recognized that it is empirical study. 

Below are information on the characteristics of quantitative and qualitative research. This video from Scribbr also offers a good overall introduction to the two approaches to research methodology: 

Characteristics of Quantitative Research 

Researchers test hypotheses, or theories, based in assumptions about causality, i.e. we expect variable X to cause variable Y. Variables have to be controlled as much as possible to ensure validity. The results explain the relationship between the variables. Measures are based in pre-defined instruments.

Examples: experimental or quasi-experimental design, pretest & post-test, survey or questionnaire with closed-ended questions. Studies that identify factors that influence an outcomes, the utility of an intervention, or understanding predictors of outcomes. 

Characteristics of Qualitative Research

Researchers explore “meaning individuals or groups ascribe to social or human problems (Creswell & Creswell, 2018, p3).” Questions and procedures emerge rather than being prescribed. Complexity, nuance, and individual meaning are valued. Research is both inductive and deductive. Data sources are multiple and varied, i.e. interviews, observations, documents, photographs, etc. The researcher is a key instrument and must be reflective of their background, culture, and experiences as influential of the research.

Examples: open question interviews and surveys, focus groups, case studies, grounded theory, ethnography, discourse analysis, narrative, phenomenology, participatory action research.

Calfee, R. C. & Chambliss, M. (2005). The design of empirical research. In J. Flood, D. Lapp, J. R. Squire, & J. Jensen (Eds.),  Methods of research on teaching the English language arts: The methodology chapters from the handbook of research on teaching the English language arts (pp. 43-78). Routledge. .

Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2018).  Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches  (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks: Sage.

How to... conduct empirical research . (n.d.). Emerald Publishing. .

Scribbr. (2019). Quantitative vs. qualitative: The differences explained  [video]. YouTube. .

Ruane, J. M. (2016).  Introducing social research methods : Essentials for getting the edge . Wiley-Blackwell. .  

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What is Empirical Research? Definition, Methods, Examples

Appinio Research · 09.02.2024 · 36min read

What is Empirical Research Definition Methods Examples

Ever wondered how we gather the facts, unveil hidden truths, and make informed decisions in a world filled with questions? Empirical research holds the key.

In this guide, we'll delve deep into the art and science of empirical research, unraveling its methods, mysteries, and manifold applications. From defining the core principles to mastering data analysis and reporting findings, we're here to equip you with the knowledge and tools to navigate the empirical landscape.

What is Empirical Research?

Empirical research is the cornerstone of scientific inquiry, providing a systematic and structured approach to investigating the world around us. It is the process of gathering and analyzing empirical or observable data to test hypotheses, answer research questions, or gain insights into various phenomena. This form of research relies on evidence derived from direct observation or experimentation, allowing researchers to draw conclusions based on real-world data rather than purely theoretical or speculative reasoning.

Characteristics of Empirical Research

Empirical research is characterized by several key features:

  • Observation and Measurement : It involves the systematic observation or measurement of variables, events, or behaviors.
  • Data Collection : Researchers collect data through various methods, such as surveys, experiments, observations, or interviews.
  • Testable Hypotheses : Empirical research often starts with testable hypotheses that are evaluated using collected data.
  • Quantitative or Qualitative Data : Data can be quantitative (numerical) or qualitative (non-numerical), depending on the research design.
  • Statistical Analysis : Quantitative data often undergo statistical analysis to determine patterns , relationships, or significance.
  • Objectivity and Replicability : Empirical research strives for objectivity, minimizing researcher bias . It should be replicable, allowing other researchers to conduct the same study to verify results.
  • Conclusions and Generalizations : Empirical research generates findings based on data and aims to make generalizations about larger populations or phenomena.

Importance of Empirical Research

Empirical research plays a pivotal role in advancing knowledge across various disciplines. Its importance extends to academia, industry, and society as a whole. Here are several reasons why empirical research is essential:

  • Evidence-Based Knowledge : Empirical research provides a solid foundation of evidence-based knowledge. It enables us to test hypotheses, confirm or refute theories, and build a robust understanding of the world.
  • Scientific Progress : In the scientific community, empirical research fuels progress by expanding the boundaries of existing knowledge. It contributes to the development of theories and the formulation of new research questions.
  • Problem Solving : Empirical research is instrumental in addressing real-world problems and challenges. It offers insights and data-driven solutions to complex issues in fields like healthcare, economics, and environmental science.
  • Informed Decision-Making : In policymaking, business, and healthcare, empirical research informs decision-makers by providing data-driven insights. It guides strategies, investments, and policies for optimal outcomes.
  • Quality Assurance : Empirical research is essential for quality assurance and validation in various industries, including pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, and technology. It ensures that products and processes meet established standards.
  • Continuous Improvement : Businesses and organizations use empirical research to evaluate performance, customer satisfaction, and product effectiveness. This data-driven approach fosters continuous improvement and innovation.
  • Human Advancement : Empirical research in fields like medicine and psychology contributes to the betterment of human health and well-being. It leads to medical breakthroughs, improved therapies, and enhanced psychological interventions.
  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving : Engaging in empirical research fosters critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and a deep appreciation for evidence-based decision-making.

Empirical research empowers us to explore, understand, and improve the world around us. It forms the bedrock of scientific inquiry and drives progress in countless domains, shaping our understanding of both the natural and social sciences.

How to Conduct Empirical Research?

So, you've decided to dive into the world of empirical research. Let's begin by exploring the crucial steps involved in getting started with your research project.

1. Select a Research Topic

Selecting the right research topic is the cornerstone of a successful empirical study. It's essential to choose a topic that not only piques your interest but also aligns with your research goals and objectives. Here's how to go about it:

  • Identify Your Interests : Start by reflecting on your passions and interests. What topics fascinate you the most? Your enthusiasm will be your driving force throughout the research process.
  • Brainstorm Ideas : Engage in brainstorming sessions to generate potential research topics. Consider the questions you've always wanted to answer or the issues that intrigue you.
  • Relevance and Significance : Assess the relevance and significance of your chosen topic. Does it contribute to existing knowledge? Is it a pressing issue in your field of study or the broader community?
  • Feasibility : Evaluate the feasibility of your research topic. Do you have access to the necessary resources, data, and participants (if applicable)?

2. Formulate Research Questions

Once you've narrowed down your research topic, the next step is to formulate clear and precise research questions . These questions will guide your entire research process and shape your study's direction. To create effective research questions:

  • Specificity : Ensure that your research questions are specific and focused. Vague or overly broad questions can lead to inconclusive results.
  • Relevance : Your research questions should directly relate to your chosen topic. They should address gaps in knowledge or contribute to solving a particular problem.
  • Testability : Ensure that your questions are testable through empirical methods. You should be able to gather data and analyze it to answer these questions.
  • Avoid Bias : Craft your questions in a way that avoids leading or biased language. Maintain neutrality to uphold the integrity of your research.

3. Review Existing Literature

Before you embark on your empirical research journey, it's essential to immerse yourself in the existing body of literature related to your chosen topic. This step, often referred to as a literature review, serves several purposes:

  • Contextualization : Understand the historical context and current state of research in your field. What have previous studies found, and what questions remain unanswered?
  • Identifying Gaps : Identify gaps or areas where existing research falls short. These gaps will help you formulate meaningful research questions and hypotheses.
  • Theory Development : If your study is theoretical, consider how existing theories apply to your topic. If it's empirical, understand how previous studies have approached data collection and analysis.
  • Methodological Insights : Learn from the methodologies employed in previous research. What methods were successful, and what challenges did researchers face?

4. Define Variables

Variables are fundamental components of empirical research. They are the factors or characteristics that can change or be manipulated during your study. Properly defining and categorizing variables is crucial for the clarity and validity of your research. Here's what you need to know:

  • Independent Variables : These are the variables that you, as the researcher, manipulate or control. They are the "cause" in cause-and-effect relationships.
  • Dependent Variables : Dependent variables are the outcomes or responses that you measure or observe. They are the "effect" influenced by changes in independent variables.
  • Operational Definitions : To ensure consistency and clarity, provide operational definitions for your variables. Specify how you will measure or manipulate each variable.
  • Control Variables : In some studies, controlling for other variables that may influence your dependent variable is essential. These are known as control variables.

Understanding these foundational aspects of empirical research will set a solid foundation for the rest of your journey. Now that you've grasped the essentials of getting started, let's delve deeper into the intricacies of research design.

Empirical Research Design

Now that you've selected your research topic, formulated research questions, and defined your variables, it's time to delve into the heart of your empirical research journey – research design . This pivotal step determines how you will collect data and what methods you'll employ to answer your research questions. Let's explore the various facets of research design in detail.

Types of Empirical Research

Empirical research can take on several forms, each with its own unique approach and methodologies. Understanding the different types of empirical research will help you choose the most suitable design for your study. Here are some common types:

  • Experimental Research : In this type, researchers manipulate one or more independent variables to observe their impact on dependent variables. It's highly controlled and often conducted in a laboratory setting.
  • Observational Research : Observational research involves the systematic observation of subjects or phenomena without intervention. Researchers are passive observers, documenting behaviors, events, or patterns.
  • Survey Research : Surveys are used to collect data through structured questionnaires or interviews. This method is efficient for gathering information from a large number of participants.
  • Case Study Research : Case studies focus on in-depth exploration of one or a few cases. Researchers gather detailed information through various sources such as interviews, documents, and observations.
  • Qualitative Research : Qualitative research aims to understand behaviors, experiences, and opinions in depth. It often involves open-ended questions, interviews, and thematic analysis.
  • Quantitative Research : Quantitative research collects numerical data and relies on statistical analysis to draw conclusions. It involves structured questionnaires, experiments, and surveys.

Your choice of research type should align with your research questions and objectives. Experimental research, for example, is ideal for testing cause-and-effect relationships, while qualitative research is more suitable for exploring complex phenomena.

Experimental Design

Experimental research is a systematic approach to studying causal relationships. It's characterized by the manipulation of one or more independent variables while controlling for other factors. Here are some key aspects of experimental design:

  • Control and Experimental Groups : Participants are randomly assigned to either a control group or an experimental group. The independent variable is manipulated for the experimental group but not for the control group.
  • Randomization : Randomization is crucial to eliminate bias in group assignment. It ensures that each participant has an equal chance of being in either group.
  • Hypothesis Testing : Experimental research often involves hypothesis testing. Researchers formulate hypotheses about the expected effects of the independent variable and use statistical analysis to test these hypotheses.

Observational Design

Observational research entails careful and systematic observation of subjects or phenomena. It's advantageous when you want to understand natural behaviors or events. Key aspects of observational design include:

  • Participant Observation : Researchers immerse themselves in the environment they are studying. They become part of the group being observed, allowing for a deep understanding of behaviors.
  • Non-Participant Observation : In non-participant observation, researchers remain separate from the subjects. They observe and document behaviors without direct involvement.
  • Data Collection Methods : Observational research can involve various data collection methods, such as field notes, video recordings, photographs, or coding of observed behaviors.

Survey Design

Surveys are a popular choice for collecting data from a large number of participants. Effective survey design is essential to ensure the validity and reliability of your data. Consider the following:

  • Questionnaire Design : Create clear and concise questions that are easy for participants to understand. Avoid leading or biased questions.
  • Sampling Methods : Decide on the appropriate sampling method for your study, whether it's random, stratified, or convenience sampling.
  • Data Collection Tools : Choose the right tools for data collection, whether it's paper surveys, online questionnaires, or face-to-face interviews.

Case Study Design

Case studies are an in-depth exploration of one or a few cases to gain a deep understanding of a particular phenomenon. Key aspects of case study design include:

  • Single Case vs. Multiple Case Studies : Decide whether you'll focus on a single case or multiple cases. Single case studies are intensive and allow for detailed examination, while multiple case studies provide comparative insights.
  • Data Collection Methods : Gather data through interviews, observations, document analysis, or a combination of these methods.

Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research

In empirical research, you'll often encounter the distinction between qualitative and quantitative research . Here's a closer look at these two approaches:

  • Qualitative Research : Qualitative research seeks an in-depth understanding of human behavior, experiences, and perspectives. It involves open-ended questions, interviews, and the analysis of textual or narrative data. Qualitative research is exploratory and often used when the research question is complex and requires a nuanced understanding.
  • Quantitative Research : Quantitative research collects numerical data and employs statistical analysis to draw conclusions. It involves structured questionnaires, experiments, and surveys. Quantitative research is ideal for testing hypotheses and establishing cause-and-effect relationships.

Understanding the various research design options is crucial in determining the most appropriate approach for your study. Your choice should align with your research questions, objectives, and the nature of the phenomenon you're investigating.

Data Collection for Empirical Research

Now that you've established your research design, it's time to roll up your sleeves and collect the data that will fuel your empirical research. Effective data collection is essential for obtaining accurate and reliable results.

Sampling Methods

Sampling methods are critical in empirical research, as they determine the subset of individuals or elements from your target population that you will study. Here are some standard sampling methods:

  • Random Sampling : Random sampling ensures that every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected. It minimizes bias and is often used in quantitative research.
  • Stratified Sampling : Stratified sampling involves dividing the population into subgroups or strata based on specific characteristics (e.g., age, gender, location). Samples are then randomly selected from each stratum, ensuring representation of all subgroups.
  • Convenience Sampling : Convenience sampling involves selecting participants who are readily available or easily accessible. While it's convenient, it may introduce bias and limit the generalizability of results.
  • Snowball Sampling : Snowball sampling is instrumental when studying hard-to-reach or hidden populations. One participant leads you to another, creating a "snowball" effect. This method is common in qualitative research.
  • Purposive Sampling : In purposive sampling, researchers deliberately select participants who meet specific criteria relevant to their research questions. It's often used in qualitative studies to gather in-depth information.

The choice of sampling method depends on the nature of your research, available resources, and the degree of precision required. It's crucial to carefully consider your sampling strategy to ensure that your sample accurately represents your target population.

Data Collection Instruments

Data collection instruments are the tools you use to gather information from your participants or sources. These instruments should be designed to capture the data you need accurately. Here are some popular data collection instruments:

  • Questionnaires : Questionnaires consist of structured questions with predefined response options. When designing questionnaires, consider the clarity of questions, the order of questions, and the response format (e.g., Likert scale , multiple-choice).
  • Interviews : Interviews involve direct communication between the researcher and participants. They can be structured (with predetermined questions) or unstructured (open-ended). Effective interviews require active listening and probing for deeper insights.
  • Observations : Observations entail systematically and objectively recording behaviors, events, or phenomena. Researchers must establish clear criteria for what to observe, how to record observations, and when to observe.
  • Surveys : Surveys are a common data collection instrument for quantitative research. They can be administered through various means, including online surveys, paper surveys, and telephone surveys.
  • Documents and Archives : In some cases, data may be collected from existing documents, records, or archives. Ensure that the sources are reliable, relevant, and properly documented.

To streamline your process and gather insights with precision and efficiency, consider leveraging innovative tools like Appinio . With Appinio's intuitive platform, you can harness the power of real-time consumer data to inform your research decisions effectively. Whether you're conducting surveys, interviews, or observations, Appinio empowers you to define your target audience, collect data from diverse demographics, and analyze results seamlessly.

By incorporating Appinio into your data collection toolkit, you can unlock a world of possibilities and elevate the impact of your empirical research. Ready to revolutionize your approach to data collection?

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Data Collection Procedures

Data collection procedures outline the step-by-step process for gathering data. These procedures should be meticulously planned and executed to maintain the integrity of your research.

  • Training : If you have a research team, ensure that they are trained in data collection methods and protocols. Consistency in data collection is crucial.
  • Pilot Testing : Before launching your data collection, conduct a pilot test with a small group to identify any potential problems with your instruments or procedures. Make necessary adjustments based on feedback.
  • Data Recording : Establish a systematic method for recording data. This may include timestamps, codes, or identifiers for each data point.
  • Data Security : Safeguard the confidentiality and security of collected data. Ensure that only authorized individuals have access to the data.
  • Data Storage : Properly organize and store your data in a secure location, whether in physical or digital form. Back up data to prevent loss.

Ethical Considerations

Ethical considerations are paramount in empirical research, as they ensure the well-being and rights of participants are protected.

  • Informed Consent : Obtain informed consent from participants, providing clear information about the research purpose, procedures, risks, and their right to withdraw at any time.
  • Privacy and Confidentiality : Protect the privacy and confidentiality of participants. Ensure that data is anonymized and sensitive information is kept confidential.
  • Beneficence : Ensure that your research benefits participants and society while minimizing harm. Consider the potential risks and benefits of your study.
  • Honesty and Integrity : Conduct research with honesty and integrity. Report findings accurately and transparently, even if they are not what you expected.
  • Respect for Participants : Treat participants with respect, dignity, and sensitivity to cultural differences. Avoid any form of coercion or manipulation.
  • Institutional Review Board (IRB) : If required, seek approval from an IRB or ethics committee before conducting your research, particularly when working with human participants.

Adhering to ethical guidelines is not only essential for the ethical conduct of research but also crucial for the credibility and validity of your study. Ethical research practices build trust between researchers and participants and contribute to the advancement of knowledge with integrity.

With a solid understanding of data collection, including sampling methods, instruments, procedures, and ethical considerations, you are now well-equipped to gather the data needed to answer your research questions.

Empirical Research Data Analysis

Now comes the exciting phase of data analysis, where the raw data you've diligently collected starts to yield insights and answers to your research questions. We will explore the various aspects of data analysis, from preparing your data to drawing meaningful conclusions through statistics and visualization.

Data Preparation

Data preparation is the crucial first step in data analysis. It involves cleaning, organizing, and transforming your raw data into a format that is ready for analysis. Effective data preparation ensures the accuracy and reliability of your results.

  • Data Cleaning : Identify and rectify errors, missing values, and inconsistencies in your dataset. This may involve correcting typos, removing outliers, and imputing missing data.
  • Data Coding : Assign numerical values or codes to categorical variables to make them suitable for statistical analysis. For example, converting "Yes" and "No" to 1 and 0.
  • Data Transformation : Transform variables as needed to meet the assumptions of the statistical tests you plan to use. Common transformations include logarithmic or square root transformations.
  • Data Integration : If your data comes from multiple sources, integrate it into a unified dataset, ensuring that variables match and align.
  • Data Documentation : Maintain clear documentation of all data preparation steps, as well as the rationale behind each decision. This transparency is essential for replicability.

Effective data preparation lays the foundation for accurate and meaningful analysis. It allows you to trust the results that will follow in the subsequent stages.

Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive statistics help you summarize and make sense of your data by providing a clear overview of its key characteristics. These statistics are essential for understanding the central tendencies, variability, and distribution of your variables. Descriptive statistics include:

  • Measures of Central Tendency : These include the mean (average), median (middle value), and mode (most frequent value). They help you understand the typical or central value of your data.
  • Measures of Dispersion : Measures like the range, variance, and standard deviation provide insights into the spread or variability of your data points.
  • Frequency Distributions : Creating frequency distributions or histograms allows you to visualize the distribution of your data across different values or categories.

Descriptive statistics provide the initial insights needed to understand your data's basic characteristics, which can inform further analysis.

Inferential Statistics

Inferential statistics take your analysis to the next level by allowing you to make inferences or predictions about a larger population based on your sample data. These methods help you test hypotheses and draw meaningful conclusions. Key concepts in inferential statistics include:

  • Hypothesis Testing : Hypothesis tests (e.g., t-tests, chi-squared tests) help you determine whether observed differences or associations in your data are statistically significant or occurred by chance.
  • Confidence Intervals : Confidence intervals provide a range within which population parameters (e.g., population mean) are likely to fall based on your sample data.
  • Regression Analysis : Regression models (linear, logistic, etc.) help you explore relationships between variables and make predictions.
  • Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) : ANOVA tests are used to compare means between multiple groups, allowing you to assess whether differences are statistically significant.

Inferential statistics are powerful tools for drawing conclusions from your data and assessing the generalizability of your findings to the broader population.

Qualitative Data Analysis

Qualitative data analysis is employed when working with non-numerical data, such as text, interviews, or open-ended survey responses. It focuses on understanding the underlying themes, patterns, and meanings within qualitative data. Qualitative analysis techniques include:

  • Thematic Analysis : Identifying and analyzing recurring themes or patterns within textual data.
  • Content Analysis : Categorizing and coding qualitative data to extract meaningful insights.
  • Grounded Theory : Developing theories or frameworks based on emergent themes from the data.
  • Narrative Analysis : Examining the structure and content of narratives to uncover meaning.

Qualitative data analysis provides a rich and nuanced understanding of complex phenomena and human experiences.

Data Visualization

Data visualization is the art of representing data graphically to make complex information more understandable and accessible. Effective data visualization can reveal patterns, trends, and outliers in your data. Common types of data visualization include:

  • Bar Charts and Histograms : Used to display the distribution of categorical data or discrete data .
  • Line Charts : Ideal for showing trends and changes in data over time.
  • Scatter Plots : Visualize relationships and correlations between two variables.
  • Pie Charts : Display the composition of a whole in terms of its parts.
  • Heatmaps : Depict patterns and relationships in multidimensional data through color-coding.
  • Box Plots : Provide a summary of the data distribution, including outliers.
  • Interactive Dashboards : Create dynamic visualizations that allow users to explore data interactively.

Data visualization not only enhances your understanding of the data but also serves as a powerful communication tool to convey your findings to others.

As you embark on the data analysis phase of your empirical research, remember that the specific methods and techniques you choose will depend on your research questions, data type, and objectives. Effective data analysis transforms raw data into valuable insights, bringing you closer to the answers you seek.

How to Report Empirical Research Results?

At this stage, you get to share your empirical research findings with the world. Effective reporting and presentation of your results are crucial for communicating your research's impact and insights.

1. Write the Research Paper

Writing a research paper is the culmination of your empirical research journey. It's where you synthesize your findings, provide context, and contribute to the body of knowledge in your field.

  • Title and Abstract : Craft a clear and concise title that reflects your research's essence. The abstract should provide a brief summary of your research objectives, methods, findings, and implications.
  • Introduction : In the introduction, introduce your research topic, state your research questions or hypotheses, and explain the significance of your study. Provide context by discussing relevant literature.
  • Methods : Describe your research design, data collection methods, and sampling procedures. Be precise and transparent, allowing readers to understand how you conducted your study.
  • Results : Present your findings in a clear and organized manner. Use tables, graphs, and statistical analyses to support your results. Avoid interpreting your findings in this section; focus on the presentation of raw data.
  • Discussion : Interpret your findings and discuss their implications. Relate your results to your research questions and the existing literature. Address any limitations of your study and suggest avenues for future research.
  • Conclusion : Summarize the key points of your research and its significance. Restate your main findings and their implications.
  • References : Cite all sources used in your research following a specific citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago). Ensure accuracy and consistency in your citations.
  • Appendices : Include any supplementary material, such as questionnaires, data coding sheets, or additional analyses, in the appendices.

Writing a research paper is a skill that improves with practice. Ensure clarity, coherence, and conciseness in your writing to make your research accessible to a broader audience.

2. Create Visuals and Tables

Visuals and tables are powerful tools for presenting complex data in an accessible and understandable manner.

  • Clarity : Ensure that your visuals and tables are clear and easy to interpret. Use descriptive titles and labels.
  • Consistency : Maintain consistency in formatting, such as font size and style, across all visuals and tables.
  • Appropriateness : Choose the most suitable visual representation for your data. Bar charts, line graphs, and scatter plots work well for different types of data.
  • Simplicity : Avoid clutter and unnecessary details. Focus on conveying the main points.
  • Accessibility : Make sure your visuals and tables are accessible to a broad audience, including those with visual impairments.
  • Captions : Include informative captions that explain the significance of each visual or table.

Compelling visuals and tables enhance the reader's understanding of your research and can be the key to conveying complex information efficiently.

3. Interpret Findings

Interpreting your findings is where you bridge the gap between data and meaning. It's your opportunity to provide context, discuss implications, and offer insights. When interpreting your findings:

  • Relate to Research Questions : Discuss how your findings directly address your research questions or hypotheses.
  • Compare with Literature : Analyze how your results align with or deviate from previous research in your field. What insights can you draw from these comparisons?
  • Discuss Limitations : Be transparent about the limitations of your study. Address any constraints, biases, or potential sources of error.
  • Practical Implications : Explore the real-world implications of your findings. How can they be applied or inform decision-making?
  • Future Research Directions : Suggest areas for future research based on the gaps or unanswered questions that emerged from your study.

Interpreting findings goes beyond simply presenting data; it's about weaving a narrative that helps readers grasp the significance of your research in the broader context.

With your research paper written, structured, and enriched with visuals, and your findings expertly interpreted, you are now prepared to communicate your research effectively. Sharing your insights and contributing to the body of knowledge in your field is a significant accomplishment in empirical research.

Examples of Empirical Research

To solidify your understanding of empirical research, let's delve into some real-world examples across different fields. These examples will illustrate how empirical research is applied to gather data, analyze findings, and draw conclusions.

Social Sciences

In the realm of social sciences, consider a sociological study exploring the impact of socioeconomic status on educational attainment. Researchers gather data from a diverse group of individuals, including their family backgrounds, income levels, and academic achievements.

Through statistical analysis, they can identify correlations and trends, revealing whether individuals from lower socioeconomic backgrounds are less likely to attain higher levels of education. This empirical research helps shed light on societal inequalities and informs policymakers on potential interventions to address disparities in educational access.

Environmental Science

Environmental scientists often employ empirical research to assess the effects of environmental changes. For instance, researchers studying the impact of climate change on wildlife might collect data on animal populations, weather patterns, and habitat conditions over an extended period.

By analyzing this empirical data, they can identify correlations between climate fluctuations and changes in wildlife behavior, migration patterns, or population sizes. This empirical research is crucial for understanding the ecological consequences of climate change and informing conservation efforts.

Business and Economics

In the business world, empirical research is essential for making data-driven decisions. Consider a market research study conducted by a business seeking to launch a new product. They collect data through surveys , focus groups , and consumer behavior analysis.

By examining this empirical data, the company can gauge consumer preferences, demand, and potential market size. Empirical research in business helps guide product development, pricing strategies, and marketing campaigns, increasing the likelihood of a successful product launch.

Psychological studies frequently rely on empirical research to understand human behavior and cognition. For instance, a psychologist interested in examining the impact of stress on memory might design an experiment. Participants are exposed to stress-inducing situations, and their memory performance is assessed through various tasks.

By analyzing the data collected, the psychologist can determine whether stress has a significant effect on memory recall. This empirical research contributes to our understanding of the complex interplay between psychological factors and cognitive processes.

These examples highlight the versatility and applicability of empirical research across diverse fields. Whether in medicine, social sciences, environmental science, business, or psychology, empirical research serves as a fundamental tool for gaining insights, testing hypotheses, and driving advancements in knowledge and practice.

Conclusion for Empirical Research

Empirical research is a powerful tool for gaining insights, testing hypotheses, and making informed decisions. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you've learned how to select research topics, collect data, analyze findings, and effectively communicate your research to the world. Remember, empirical research is a journey of discovery, and each step you take brings you closer to a deeper understanding of the world around you. Whether you're a scientist, a student, or someone curious about the process, the principles of empirical research empower you to explore, learn, and contribute to the ever-expanding realm of knowledge.

How to Collect Data for Empirical Research?

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Empirical Research: A Comprehensive Guide for Academics 

empirical research

Empirical research relies on gathering and studying real, observable data. The term ’empirical’ comes from the Greek word ’empeirikos,’ meaning ‘experienced’ or ‘based on experience.’ So, what is empirical research? Instead of using theories or opinions, empirical research depends on real data obtained through direct observation or experimentation. 

Why Empirical Research?

Empirical research plays a key role in checking or improving current theories, providing a systematic way to grow knowledge across different areas. By focusing on objectivity, it makes research findings more trustworthy, which is critical in research fields like medicine, psychology, economics, and public policy. In the end, the strengths of empirical research lie in deepening our awareness of the world and improving our capacity to tackle problems wisely. 1,2  

Qualitative and Quantitative Methods

There are two main types of empirical research methods – qualitative and quantitative. 3,4 Qualitative research delves into intricate phenomena using non-numerical data, such as interviews or observations, to offer in-depth insights into human experiences. In contrast, quantitative research analyzes numerical data to spot patterns and relationships, aiming for objectivity and the ability to apply findings to a wider context. 

Steps for Conducting Empirical Research

When it comes to conducting research, there are some simple steps that researchers can follow. 5,6  

  • Create Research Hypothesis:  Clearly state the specific question you want to answer or the hypothesis you want to explore in your study. 
  • Examine Existing Research:  Read and study existing research on your topic. Understand what’s already known, identify existing gaps in knowledge, and create a framework for your own study based on what you learn. 
  • Plan Your Study:  Decide how you’ll conduct your research—whether through qualitative methods, quantitative methods, or a mix of both. Choose suitable techniques like surveys, experiments, interviews, or observations based on your research question. 
  • Develop Research Instruments:  Create reliable research collection tools, such as surveys or questionnaires, to help you collate data. Ensure these tools are well-designed and effective. 
  • Collect Data:  Systematically gather the information you need for your research according to your study design and protocols using the chosen research methods. 
  • Data Analysis:  Analyze the collected data using suitable statistical or qualitative methods that align with your research question and objectives. 
  • Interpret Results:  Understand and explain the significance of your analysis results in the context of your research question or hypothesis. 
  • Draw Conclusions:  Summarize your findings and draw conclusions based on the evidence. Acknowledge any study limitations and propose areas for future research. 

Advantages of Empirical Research

Empirical research is valuable because it stays objective by relying on observable data, lessening the impact of personal biases. This objectivity boosts the trustworthiness of research findings. Also, using precise quantitative methods helps in accurate measurement and statistical analysis. This precision ensures researchers can draw reliable conclusions from numerical data, strengthening our understanding of the studied phenomena. 4  

Disadvantages of Empirical Research

While empirical research has notable strengths, researchers must also be aware of its limitations when deciding on the right research method for their study.4 One significant drawback of empirical research is the risk of oversimplifying complex phenomena, especially when relying solely on quantitative methods. These methods may struggle to capture the richness and nuances present in certain social, cultural, or psychological contexts. Another challenge is the potential for confounding variables or biases during data collection, impacting result accuracy.  

Tips for Empirical Writing

In empirical research, the writing is usually done in research papers, articles, or reports. The empirical writing follows a set structure, and each section has a specific role. Here are some tips for your empirical writing. 7   

  • Define Your Objectives:  When you write about your research, start by making your goals clear. Explain what you want to find out or prove in a simple and direct way. This helps guide your research and lets others know what you have set out to achieve. 
  • Be Specific in Your Literature Review:  In the part where you talk about what others have studied before you, focus on research that directly relates to your research question. Keep it short and pick studies that help explain why your research is important. This part sets the stage for your work. 
  • Explain Your Methods Clearly : When you talk about how you did your research (Methods), explain it in detail. Be clear about your research plan, who took part, and what you did; this helps others understand and trust your study. Also, be honest about any rules you follow to make sure your study is ethical and reproducible. 
  • Share Your Results Clearly : After doing your empirical research, share what you found in a simple way. Use tables or graphs to make it easier for your audience to understand your research. Also, talk about any numbers you found and clearly state if they are important or not. Ensure that others can see why your research findings matter. 
  • Talk About What Your Findings Mean:  In the part where you discuss your research results, explain what they mean. Discuss why your findings are important and if they connect to what others have found before. Be honest about any problems with your study and suggest ideas for more research in the future. 
  • Wrap It Up Clearly:  Finally, end your empirical research paper by summarizing what you found and why it’s important. Remind everyone why your study matters. Keep your writing clear and fix any mistakes before you share it. Ask someone you trust to read it and give you feedback before you finish. 


  • Empirical Research in the Social Sciences and Education, Penn State University Libraries. Available online at  
  • How to conduct empirical research, Emerald Publishing. Available online at  
  • Empirical Research: Quantitative & Qualitative, Arrendale Library, Piedmont University. Available online at  
  • Bouchrika, I.  What Is Empirical Research? Definition, Types & Samples  in 2024., January 2024. Available online at  
  • Quantitative and Empirical Research vs. Other Types of Research. California State University, April 2023. Available online at  
  • Empirical Research, Definitions, Methods, Types and Examples, website. Available online at  
  • Writing an Empirical Paper in APA Style. Psychology Writing Center, University of Washington. Available online at  

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What is an Empirical Article?

An empirical research article reports research based on actual observation or experiment. The research may use quantitative or qualitative research methods. 

Quantitative Research uses numerical data to try to establish causal relationships between variables (“Based on 100 interactions, A causes B.”) 

Qualitative Research objectively and critically analyzes behaviors, beliefs, feelings, or other values (“People suffering from Illness A tend to be more cautious.”)

How to Identify an Empirical Article

What type of source is your article published in?

Popular Magazines ( Time , People , Psychology Today , WebMD , etc.): usually NOT empirical

Journals (Academic, Scholarly, Peer-reviewed, Professional): sometimes YES

An abstract is a brief summary or overview of the article. Abstracts for empirical research articles:

May describe a study, observation, or analysis 

May mention participants or subjects, data, surveys, questionnaires, assessments, interviews, or other measurements 

Empirical articles (and scholarly articles in general) are usually at least 5 pages (often up to 20 pages long).

Article Sections

Empirical articles may include headings or subheadings for sections such as:


Literature Review 

Methodology or Methods

Data & Analysis

Empirical research articles often include some sort of (quantitative and/or qualitative) data. This may be included in the article as charts, tables, graphs, or appendices.

Note: If you are not sure if an article is an empirical research article, share the article citation and abstract with your professor. This can help you to become better at recognizing the differences between empirical research and other types of scholarly articles, and also ensures your article is acceptable for the assignment.

  • Empirical Research Printable handout with tips for searching for and identifying empirical research.

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Identifying empirical articles.

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What is Empirical Research?

An empirical research article reports the results of a study that uses data derived from actual observation or experimentation. Empirical research articles are examples of primary research. To learn more about the differences between primary and secondary research, see our related guide:

  • Primary and Secondary Sources

By the end of this guide, you will be able to:

  • Identify common elements of an empirical article
  • Use a variety of search strategies to search for empirical articles within the library collection

Look for the  IMRaD  layout in the article to help identify empirical research. Sometimes the sections will be labeled differently, but the content will be similar. 

  • I ntroduction: why the article was written, research question or questions, hypothesis, literature review
  • M ethods: the overall research design and implementation, description of sample, instruments used, how the authors measured their experiment
  • R esults: output of the author's measurements, usually includes statistics of the author's findings
  • D iscussion: the author's interpretation and conclusions about the results, limitations of study, suggestions for further research

Parts of an Empirical Research Article

Parts of an empirical article.

The screenshots below identify the basic IMRaD structure of an empirical research article. 


The introduction contains a literature review and the study's research hypothesis.

what is empirical research report

The method section outlines the research design, participants, and measures used.

what is empirical research report


The results section contains statistical data (charts, graphs, tables, etc.) and research participant quotes.

what is empirical research report

The discussion section includes impacts, limitations, future considerations, and research.

what is empirical research report

Learn the IMRaD Layout: How to Identify an Empirical Article

This short video overviews the IMRaD method for identifying empirical research.

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  • Last Updated: Nov 16, 2023 8:24 AM

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How to Recognize Empirical Journal Articles

Definition of an empirical study:  An empirical research article reports the results of a study that uses data derived from actual observation or experimentation. Empirical research articles are examples of primary research.

Parts of a standard empirical research article:  (articles will not necessary use the exact terms listed below.)

  • Abstract  ... A paragraph length description of what the study includes.
  • Introduction ...Includes a statement of the hypotheses for the research and a review of other research on the topic.
  • Who are participants
  • Design of the study
  • What the participants did
  • What measures were used
  • Results ...Describes the outcomes of the measures of the study.
  • Discussion ...Contains the interpretations and implications of the study.
  • References ...Contains citation information on the material cited in the report. (also called bibliography or works cited)

Characteristics of an Empirical Article:

  • Empirical articles will include charts, graphs, or statistical analysis.
  • Empirical research articles are usually substantial, maybe from 8-30 pages long.
  • There is always a bibliography found at the end of the article.

Type of publications that publish empirical studies:

  • Empirical research articles are published in scholarly or academic journals
  • These journals are also called “peer-reviewed,” or “refereed” publications.

Examples of such publications include:

  • American Educational Research Journal
  • Computers & Education
  • Journal of Educational Psychology

Databases that contain empirical research:  (selected list only)

  • List of other useful databases by subject area

This page is adapted from Eric Karkhoff's  Sociology Research Guide: Identify Empirical Articles page (Cal State Fullerton Pollak Library).

Sample Empirical Articles

Roschelle, J., Feng, M., Murphy, R. F., & Mason, C. A. (2016). Online Mathematics Homework Increases Student Achievement. AERA Open .  ( L INK TO ARTICLE )

Lester, J., Yamanaka, A., & Struthers, B. (2016). Gender microaggressions and learning environments: The role of physical space in teaching pedagogy and communication.  Community College Journal of Research and Practice , 40(11), 909-926. ( LINK TO ARTICLE )

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Empirical research  is based on observed and measured phenomena and derives knowledge from actual experience rather than from theory or belief. 

How do you know if a study is empirical? Read the subheadings within the article, book, or report and look for a description of the research "methodology." Ask yourself: Could I recreate this study and test these results?

Key characteristics to look for:

  • Specific research questions  to be answered
  • Definition of the  population, behavior, or   phenomena  being studied
  • Description of the  process  used to study this population or phenomena, including selection criteria, controls, and testing instruments (such as surveys)

Another hint: some scholarly journals use a specific layout, called the "IMRaD" format, to communicate empirical research findings. Such articles typically have 4 components:

  • Introduction : sometimes called "literature review" -- what is currently known about the topic -- usually includes a theoretical framework and/or discussion of previous studies
  • Methodology:  sometimes called "research design" -- how to recreate the study -- usually describes the population, research process, and analytical tools
  • Results : sometimes called "findings"  --  what was learned through the study -- usually appears as statistical data or as substantial quotations from research participants
  • Discussion : sometimes called "conclusion" or "implications" -- why the study is important -- usually describes how the research results influence professional practices or future studies

Adapted from PennState University Libraries, Empirical Research in the Social Sciences and Education

Empirical research is published in books and in scholarly, peer-reviewed journals. Keep in mind that most library databases do not offer straightforward ways to identifying empirical research.

Finding Empirical Research in PsycINFO

  • PsycInfo Use the "Advanced Search" Type your keywords into the search boxes Scroll down the page to "Methodology," and choose "Empirical Study" Choose other limits, such as publication date, if needed Click on the "Search" button

Finding Empirical Research in PubMed

  • PubMED One technique is to limit your search results after you perform a search: Type in your keywords and click on the "Search" button To the left of your results, under "Article Types," check off the types of studies that interest you Another alternative is to construct a more sophisticated search: From PubMed's main screen, click on "Advanced" link underneath the search box On the Advanced Search Builder screen type your keywords into the search boxes Change one of the empty boxes from "All Fields" to "Publication Type" To the right of Publication Type, click on "Show Index List" and choose a methodology that interests you. You can choose more than one by holding down the "Ctrl" or "⌘" on your keyboard as you click on each methodology Click on the "Search" button

Finding Empirical Research in Library OneSearch & Google Scholar

These tools do not have a method for locating empirical research. Using "empirical" as a keyword will find some studies, but miss many others. Consider using one of the more specialized databases above.

  • Library OneSearch
  • Google Scholar

This refers to the process where authors who are doing research submit a paper they have written to a journal. The journal editor then sends the article to the author's peers (researchers and scholars) who are in the same discipline for review. The reviewers determine if the article should be published based on the quality of the research, including the validity of the data, the conclusions the authors' draw and the originality of the research. This process is important because it validates the research and gives it a sort of "seal of approval" from others in the research community.

Identifying a Journal is Peer-Reviewed

One of the best places to find out if a journal is peer-reviewed is to go to the journal website.

Most publishers have a website for a journal that tells you about the journal, how authors can submit an article, and what the process is for getting published.

If you find the journal website, look for the link that says information for authors, instructions for authors, submitting an article or something similar.

Finding Peer-Reviewed Articles

Start in a library database. Look for a peer-review or scholarly filter.

  • PsycInfo Most comprehensive database of psychology. Filters allow you to limit by methodology. Articles without full-text can be requested via Interlibrary loan.
  • Library OneSearch Search almost all the library resources. Look for a peer-review filter on the left.
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Empirical Research: What is empirical research?

What is empirical research.

  • How do I find empirical research in databases?
  • What does empirical research look like?
  • How is empirical research conducted?
  • What is Empirical Research?
  • How do I Find Empirical Research in Databases?
  • How is Empirical Research Conducted?

Ask a Librarian

Contact the reference desk.

Empirical research  is based on observed and measured phenomena and derives knowledge from actual experience rather than from theory or belief. 

How do you know if a study is empirical? Read the subheadings within the article, book, or report and look for a description of the research "methodology."  Ask yourself: Could I recreate this study and test these results?

Key characteristics to look for:

  • Specific research questions  to be answered
  • Definition of the  population, behavior, or   phenomena  being studied
  • Description of the  process  used to study this population or phenomena, including selection criteria, controls, and testing instruments (such as surveys)

Another hint: some scholarly journals use a specific layout, called the "IMRaD" format, to communicate empirical research findings. Such articles typically have 4 components:

  • Introduction : sometimes called "literature review" -- what is currently known about the topic -- usually includes a theoretical framework and/or discussion of previous studies
  • Methodology:  sometimes called "research design" --  how to recreate the study -- usually describes the population, research process, and analytical tools
  • Results : sometimes called "findings"  --  what was learned through the study -- usually appears as statistical data or as substantial quotations from research participants
  • Discussion : sometimes called "conclusion" or "implications" -- why the study is important -- usually describes how the research results influence professional practices or future studies

What about when research is not empirical?

Many humanities scholars do not use empirical methods. if you are looking for empirical articles in one of these subject areas, try including keywords like:.

  • quantitative
  • qualitative

Also, look for opportunities to narrow your search to scholarly, academic, or peer-reviewed journals articles in the database.

Adapted from " Research Methods: Finding Empirical Articles " by Jill Anderson at Georgia State University Library.

See the complete A-Z databases list for more resources

The primary content of this guide was originally created by  Ellysa  Cahoy at Penn State Libraries .

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  • Last Updated: Apr 12, 2024 8:07 AM
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Empirical research  is based on observed and measured phenomena and derives knowledge from actual experience rather than from theory or belief. 

How do you know if a study is empirical? Read the subheadings within the article, book, or report and look for a description of the research "methodology."  Ask yourself: Could I recreate this study and test these results?

Key characteristics to look for:

  • Specific research questions  to be answered
  • Definition of the  population, behavior, or   phenomena  being studied
  • Description of the  process  used to study this population or phenomena, including selection criteria, controls, and testing instruments (such as surveys)

Another hint: some scholarly journals use a specific layout, called the "IMRaD" format, to communicate empirical research findings. Such articles typically have 4 components:

  • Introduction : sometimes called "literature review" -- what is currently known about the topic -- usually includes a theoretical framework and/or discussion of previous studies
  • Methodology:  sometimes called "research design" --  how to recreate the study -- usually describes the population, research process, and analytical tools
  • Results : sometimes called "findings"  --  what was learned through the study -- usually appears as statistical data or as substantial quotations from research participants
  • Discussion : sometimes called "conclusion" or "implications" -- why the study is important -- usually describes how the research results influence professional practices or future studies
  • << Previous: Qualitative and Quantitative Research
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Empirical Research

Introduction, what is empirical research, attribution.

  • Finding Empirical Research in Library Databases
  • Designing Empirical Research
  • Case Sudies

Empirical research is based on observed and measured phenomena and derives knowledge from actual experience rather than from theory or belief. 

How do you know if a study is empirical? Read the subheadings within the article, book, or report and look for a description of the research "methodology."  Ask yourself: Could I recreate this study and test these results?

Key characteristics to look for:

  • Specific research questions to be answered
  • Definition of the population, behavior, or   phenomena being studied
  • Description of the process used to study this population or phenomena, including selection criteria, controls, and testing instruments (such as surveys)

Another hint: some scholarly journals use a specific layout, called the "IMRaD" format, to communicate empirical research findings. Such articles typically have 4 components:

  • Introduction : sometimes called "literature review" -- what is currently known about the topic -- usually includes a theoretical framework and/or discussion of previous studies
  • Methodology: sometimes called "research design" -- how to recreate the study -- usually describes the population, research process, and analytical tools
  • Results : sometimes called "findings" -- what was learned through the study -- usually appears as statistical data or as substantial quotations from research participants
  • Discussion : sometimes called "conclusion" or "implications" -- why the study is important -- usually describes how the research results influence professional practices or future studies

Portions of this guide were built using suggestions from other libraries, including Penn State and Utah State University libraries.

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  • Last Updated: Jan 10, 2023 8:31 AM
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Exploring spatiotemporal distribution characteristics of air quality and driving factors: empirical evidence of 288 cities in China

  • Original Article
  • Published: 04 June 2024
  • Volume 46 , article number  211 , ( 2024 )

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what is empirical research report

  • Qing Guo 1 &
  • Hongrui Sun 1  

Excellent air quality is important for China to achieve high quality economic development. The paper analyses the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of the air quality index (AQI) in 288 Chinese cities, and further investigates the driving factors affecting air quality using the spatial Durbin model (SDM) based on the panel data of 288 Chinese cities from 2014 to 2021. The results of the study show that: (1) China’s air quality level has improved in general, but there are large differences in air quality between regions; (2) China’s AQI has significant spatial positive autocorrelation, and the Moran’s scatter plot shows a high–high and low–low agglomeration; (3) The driving factors of air quality have different effects, and regional heterogeneity is obvious. Some developed regions in China have already crossed the inflexion point of the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC); promoting industrial upgrading and reducing pollutant emissions can significantly improve urban PM2.5 concentrations; and the “Three-Year Strategy for Conquering the Blue Sky War” policy has lowered the AQI in North China and improved PM2.5 concentrations nationwide. Based on the above findings, the paper puts forward corresponding policy recommendations.

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Du, G., Yu, M., Sun, C., et al. (2021). Green innovation effect of emission trading policy on pilot areas and neighboring areas: An analysis based on the spatial econometric model. Energy Policy, 156 , 112431.

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This research is supported by the National Social Science Fund of China (21CJL007).

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School of Economics and Trade, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, 510006, China

Qing Guo & Hongrui Sun

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Guo, Q., Sun, H. Exploring spatiotemporal distribution characteristics of air quality and driving factors: empirical evidence of 288 cities in China. Environ Geochem Health 46 , 211 (2024).

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Received : 21 February 2024

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Published : 04 June 2024


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  • Published: 05 June 2024

Urban 3D building morphology and energy consumption: empirical evidence from 53 cities in China

  • Yang Wang 1 ,
  • Guiquan Sun 1 ,
  • Yingmei Wu 1 &
  • Mark W. Rosenberg 2  

Scientific Reports volume  14 , Article number:  12887 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

Metrics details

  • Energy and society
  • Environmental social sciences
  • Sustainability

The impact of building morphology on building energy consumption has been extensively studied. However, research on how 3D building morphology affects energy consumption at a macroscopic scale is lacking. In this study, we measured the mean building height (BH), mean building volume (BV), and mean European nearest neighbor distance (MENN) of the city to quantify the 3D building morphology. We then used a spatial regression model to analyze the quantitative impact of urban 3D building morphology on per capita electricity consumption (PCEC). Results indicate that at the macroscopic scale of the city, the BH and the MENN have a significant positive impact on the PCEC, while the BV has a significant negative impact on the PCEC. Moreover, the inclusion of the 3D building morphology greatly improves the model’s ability to explain building energy efficiency, surpassing the impact of traditional economic factors. Considering the 3D building morphology indicators together, buildings with a lower height, a larger volume, and a more compact 3D morphology have greater potential for energy savings and are more conducive to electricity conservation. This study offers valuable insights for the energy-efficient arrangement of buildings.


The sustainability of cities is crucial for human survival and development because it impacts all aspects of human life. Cities consume over two-thirds of the world’s energy and generate a significant amount of pollutants and CO 2 1 . Specifically, buildings contribute to 40% of the global energy consumption and account for 28% of the carbon emissions 2 . China’s “Total Energy Use Control” program aims to limit the national energy consumption to 6000 Mtce by 2030, encompassing all sectors, including the building sector. The objective of this plan is to effectively manage energy use in China, to reduce carbon emissions, and increase the proportion of non-fossil primary energy to 20% by 2030 3 .

Recent research by scholars in the field of buildings and energy has shifted focus from solely examining the buildings themselves to exploring energy conservation through the morphology of buildings. As global urbanization accelerates and population sizes continue to grow, the impact of building form on electricity consumption has become increasingly significant. Developed countries and regions have started to recognize the energy-saving potential of building form and have implemented various measures to enhance building energy efficiency and reduce power consumption. For instance, several European countries have enforced stringent building energy efficiency standards and green building policies, leading to the optimization of building forms and the adoption of energy-saving technologies, ultimately resulting in a reduction in electricity consumption. China, as one of the world's largest energy consumers, places significant importance on the construction industry in terms of energy consumption. The rapid urbanization process in China has led to a rise in the number of buildings, consequently increasing energy consumption during property development and utilisation of buildings. Traditional building designs often result in energy waste and high power consumption, highlighting the necessity of optimizing building design and planning to enhance energy efficiency. Moreover, China's energy structure is not environmentally friendly, with electricity generation, transportation, and usage impacting the environment. The potential energy efficiency of building forms directly influences environmental quality and sustainable development, underscoring the importance of promoting building energy efficiency and green building practices to mitigate environmental impact. Furthermore, the Chinese government's goal of establishing a resource-saving and environmentally friendly society can be supported by scientific research like this, providing a basis for formulating and implementing policies that promote building energy efficiency and sustainable development.

Literature review

In recent years, significant focus has been given to the relationship between buildings and energy in the context of sustainable urban development. Understanding the relationship between buildings and energy along with its development mechanisms is crucial 4 . The energy consumption of buildings can be categorized into two main aspects: pre-manufacturing (during construction) and post-manufacturing (when the building is put into use) 5 . The energy consumption for manufacturing buildings is mainly consumed by the production of building materials and the building construction industry 6 . For example, Yang et al. 7 constructed a model to save energy in the manufacturing of construction materials through a stereolithography process. Their experiments validated the effectiveness of the model in maintaining product quality while significantly reducing energy consumption. In the construction industry, Zhang et al. 8 , 9 developed a process-based life cycle assessment model and found that the energy consumed in China’s construction sector from 2000 to 2016 quadrupling, representing approximately 9% of the total social energy consumption. They concluded that excessive and repetitive construction practices lead to unnecessary energy waste. In addition, building design can affect residential electricity consumption. In terms of energy conservation, the term “zero energy buildings” refers to energy-efficient buildings. Although this concept has met skepticism since its proposal, a new standard for zero-energy buildings has been proposed 10 . Several scholars have contributed to the theory of zero-energy buildings. Zhai et al. 11 introduced a multi-objective optimization score method to optimize building window parameters, thereby improving the thermal environment and realizing energy conservation. Bui et al. 12 utilized the firefly algorithm to predict the heating and cooling energy consumption of buildings, provided valuable guidance for designing energy-efficient buildings.

Residential living is a major energy consumer. Factors such as residential electricity consumption behavior and habits 13 , 14 , energy prices 15 , 16 , and appliance power consumption 17 have an impact on energy consumption. However, residential electricity consumption behavior can only be studied on a small scale through simulation experiments and energy consumption model construction. For example, Pisello et al. 18 conducted a study on the influence of personal attitudes on the energy demand of office buildings, using a university office building as a case study. Their findings reveal the significant impact of occupants’ behavior on building energy utilization. Similarly, Zhao et al. 19 examined the interaction between energy-efficient technologies and occupants’ behavior using 300 residential buildings. Their study confirms the feasibility of energy savings from resident behavior, highlighting the potential for energy savings through technological advancements and residents’ behavior. Additionally, Fitzpatrick et al. 20 investigated the benefits of real-time pricing in reducing electricity costs and enhancing energy supply flexibility, focusing on a residential building as their research subject. Given the limited scale of energy consumption detection within buildings, the methods employed can be enhanced through networked intelligent monitoring and mathematical modeling. However, the energy metrics within buildings also have several limitations, including the inability to expand the scope of the study and the study population. Despite the challenges in measuring the residential electricity consumption behavior, the building environment affects the behavior of residents' consumption of electricity. By measuring the external environment surrounding the building, researchers can shift their perspective from inside to outside, thereby broadening their outlook and improving the convenience of the study.

The electricity consumption behavior of residents is indirectly influenced by the external building environment, which in turn affects energy consumption 21 , 22 , 23 . Wang et al. 24 , 25 examined the optimal layout for building energy conservation by analyzed three-dimensional metrics related to buildings, land use, and roadways. Their findings suggest that incorporating water bodies into the environment can contribute to energy conservation. Skelhorn et al. 26 studied building energy changes due to urban densification and vegetation in Manchester, UK. Their research demonstrated that the addition of 5% more trees resulted in a 1 °C reduction in the peak urban heat island effect and a 4.8% decrease in energy consumption after 3 days of the peak heat island effect 22 , 27 conducted a study in Nanjing, China, where they analyzed the vegetation pattern of around 40 buildings. In their study, the authors proposed a synergistic simulation technique that combines urban climate and energy. They focused on constructed vegetation morphology and argued that vegetation morphology has an impact on urban energy. In addition to the natural environment, the physical design of urban buildings also has a significant impact on energy utilization. This suggests a relationship between the physical morphology of urban buildings, such as compact cities and 3D building structures, and their ability to conserve energy 28 , 29 .

In their study, Shareef and Altan 30 focused on urban neighborhoods and found that the arrangement of meandering neighborhoods and buildings can effectively regulate the outdoor microclimate and decrease energy utilization. Similarly, Leng et al. 31 , conducted research in Harbin, a cold region in China, to examined the environmental mechanisms by which building morphology affects energy utilization. They analyzed seven physical morphology indicators, including building coverage, floor area ratio, building height, and shape factor. Their results indicated that a high floor area ratio led to a 6.76% reduction in heating energy utilization, while the increase in the average building height to road width ratio on both sides of the road resulted in a 12.76% decrease in heating energy consumption. Other scholars have also considered additional indicators to measure building morphology. Li et al. 21 , 23 incorporated building density, sky view factor, and building shadows as building morphology indicators. Their found indicate that building density contributes to the heating effect in spring while building shadows have a cooling effect in winter. Consequently, the inclusion of various measures of building morphology can have different impacts on building energy.

The existing literature primarily examines energy-saving mechanisms related to the external natural environment of buildings and building layout. These investigations mainly involve localized microscopic simulation experiments and measurements. Researchers have examined a limited number of neighborhoods, buildings, and individual cities to explore the external building environment, but macro-scale studies encompassing multiple cities are lacking. In the field of energy conservation, most research on building morphology indicators has primarily focused on 2D spatial morphology. However, there is still limited exploration and construction of three-dimensional morphological indicators. The research is notable for its extensive scope, sample size, and consideration of various building morphology dimensions. To investigate the impact of the external environment on energy conservation in buildings, we obtained 3D building data from 53 municipal districts in China in 2016. Our research specifically investigates the factors that influence building energy conservation by applying spatial regression methods and analyzing the perspective of 3D building morphology. The marginal contribution of this paper is that it is possible to analyse how the 3D morphology of buildings reduces energy consumption in terms of socio-economic and natural environmental factors, and that this research has a macro-guidance, which is useful for the government in the development of regulations for urban planning.

Research methods

Calculation method of building morphology index.

Drawing on relevant literature, we selected mean building height (BH), mean building volume (BV), and mean European nearest neighbor distance (MENN) as the 3D morphological indicators of urban buildings, which are calculated as follows 32 , 33 .

(1) Mean building height

where A is the floor area of the building, n is the total number of buildings within the city, F is the number of floors, and j represents the buildings within the city.

(2) Mean building volume

where A is the floor area of the building. When we performed the regression analysis, the BV was not log-standardized, probably because the variation in BV between cities was small and unaffected by heteroskedasticity. All variables were standardized except for BV .

(3) Mean Euclidean nearest neighbor distance

where d is the distance between adjacent buildings.

Ordinary least squares

Ordinary least squares (OLS), a classical linear regression model, was used to analyze the linear relationship between the 3D building morphology and the PCEC. OLS assumes that the independent variables are not correlated with each other, meaning that no covariance exists. However, OLS does not consider the interactions between the PCEC in spatially neighboring cities. The OLS model is expressed as follows 34 :

where i denotes the sample size of Chinese cities, y is the explanatory variable of the model, X is the influence factor of the PCEC, β denotes the regression coefficient of the influence factor, ε is the random error term of the model, I is the unit matrix, and ε i  ~  N (0, δ 2 I ) indicates that the error term must follow normal distribution.

Spatial regression model

The spatial lag model (SLM) considers the influence of explanatory variables on themselves or other explanatory variables in the same region or neighboring regions. The SLM is expressed as follows 8 , 9 , 35 :

where ρ denotes the spatial autoregressive coefficient value, and W ij represents the spatial weights.

The spatial error model (SEM) incorporates the spatial correlation of random disturbance terms. The SEM is expressed as follows:

where φ is the error term affecting the PCEC of urbanites, and λ is the spatial autocorrelation coefficient of the error term.

The spatial Durbin model (SDM) is a combined extended form of the SLM and the SEM, considering both the spatial relationship of the dependent variable and the spatial relationship of the independent variable, which can be interpreted in this paper as the PCEC of a city is not only influenced by the PCEC of the surrounding cities but also by the independent variable of the neighboring cities. The SDM is expressed as follows 36 :

where the various symbols have the same definitions as those in Eqs. ( 5 ) and ( 6 ).

Ethical approval

This article does not contain any studies with human participants performed by any of the authors.

Informed consent

Research data and framework.

The study region is summarized in Fig.  1 . The study unit is the municipal districts of 53 major cities in China, which are the main geographic areas. Compared with other county-level administrative districts, municipal districts are the core component of city (i.e., the urban area) and the center of regional economic development. In municipal districts, there is typically a high degree of urbanization, resulting in high population density and a relatively concentrated mobile population. The study unit includes 8 eastern provincial capital centers, 5 central provincial capital centers, 4 western provincial capital centers, 4 municipalities directly under the central government, and the remaining 32 prefecture-level cities, and 50 of these areas are large cities (urban areas with a population greater than 1 million). The study area covers most of the provincial capital cities, which is representative of the macro-regional study scale perspective.

figure 1

Study area overview.

Research path

After drawing on the theoretical frameworks and research methods of previous researchers, we constructed the research framework according to the actual situation of this study, Fig.  2 shows the technology roadmap of the research in this paper 27 , 37 , 38 , 39 . In this study, we constructed a comprehensive model of building form using 3D building form indicators. In addition, we considered socioeconomic factors and natural environment factors. We then conducted regression analyses to determine the effects of 3D building form and socioeconomic variables on per capita electricity consumption (PCEC).

figure 2

Research path.

Data sources

The 3D building vector data were obtained from Baidu Map (2016), and we estimated the height of each floor as 3 m. The electricity data for this article comes from the 2017 China Energy Statistics Yearbook. Indicators related to socioeconomic factor variables (control variables) were obtained from the 2017 China Statistical Yearbook and the 2017 China City Statistical Yearbook (2016 data).

Variable selection

Dependent variable.

The electricity consumption of the entire society encompasses the combined electricity consumption of each industry and that of urban and rural residents. As this paper focuses on 3D buildings, which encompass all building types, including those specific to each industry, the PCEC was utilized as the explanatory variable.

Explanatory variables

In this study, we utilized BH, BV, and MENN as the three representative indicators to describe the 3D morphology of buildings 15 , 16 , 40 . The variable BH denotes the mean height of urban buildings, while BV and MENN represent the compactness of the urban building morphology.

Control variables

The social factors affecting PCEC are diverse, and six control variables were selected based on the relevant literature. Per capita GDP can represent the standard of living of the population to some extent, and the standard of living has an important impact on energy consumption 41 . Fixed asset investment can reflect the industrial structure of a region, and for developing China, large machines and projects are among the main consumers of energy 42 . The use of foreign capital can measure the degree of openness of a region to a certain extent, and we use the per capita amount of actual foreign capital utilized to express the degree of openness of the region; furthermore, studies have shown that a causal relationship exists between capital flows and energy consumption 43 . The average wage of employees represents the per capita income level of residents, and the income level affects the residents’ electricity consumption habits, thus indirectly affecting the household electricity consumption 44 . Based on the literature that urban landscapes, such as vegetation and water bodies, play an important role in regulating the microclimate of a city, we used per capita green space in parks to represent a control variable that affects building energy consumption.

Results and discussion

Differences in 3d building morphology and per capita electricity consumption fluctuations in 53 major cities in china.

We used line graphs to differentiate the building morphology indicators and the PCEC for 53 cities. In Fig.  3 , the PCEC fluctuates remarkably between each city. The fluctuations in the BV are also large, with small fluctuations in BV overall. Three high peaks in MENN can be observed, except for the small fluctuations in MENN between cities.

figure 3

Differences in PCEC and building morphology fluctuations.

We present box plots of the overall differences between the PCEC and the building morphology metrics, with the data for each metric consisting of two elements, left and right. On the left, the whisker line range represents the 5% to 95% percentile (Fig.  4 ). The circles in the box represent the mean, and the horizontal line represents the median. On the right, the curves and the dots represent the normal distribution of the data.

figure 4

Description of PCEC and building morphology data.

We show the 3D maps of the buildings in each of the six cities in Fig.  5 and have classified the heights of the buildings into three classes, with the first class ranging from 3 to 21 m, the second class ranging from 21 to 51 m, and the third class ranging from 51 to 234 m. In Fig.  5 , darker building colors represent higher building heights, and conversely, lighter building colors represent lower buildings.

figure 5

Typical city 3D building local display chart.

To compare building heights and distances across cities, we utilized ArcGIS software to visually represent PCEC, BH, BV, and MENN. Figure  6 illustrates significant differences in these aspects among the Yangtze River Delta (Shanghai), the Bohai Economic Circle (Beijing), and the Pearl River Delta (Guangzhou), highlighting clear spatial variations compared to other cities. In Figures (b) and (a), The BH and BV of the three major economic regions generally fall within the medium range compared to other cities. Contrary to expectations based on empirical perception, the average height of urban buildings in more developed regions tends to be lower. For example, Beijing's urban planning in 1993, as outlined in the Beijing Urban Master Plan (1991–2010), emphasized the protection of historic city areas. The plan specified controlled building heights in a hierarchical manner, with the Forbidden City and Imperial City as focal points. The old city was to maintain a spacious layout, with building heights gradually increasing from the center to the periphery, capped at 9 m, 12 m, and 18 m, respectively. However, many buildings still exceed these limits in practice. The MENN is lower in most coastal cities compared to other urban areas, possibly due to the concentrated land development in economically advanced cities. This, along with real estate developers maximizing profits by increasing plot ratios, results in tighter building spacing and a trend towards high-rise construction. In 2020, Shanghai introduced a policy to strictly control the expansion of construction land, emphasizing the reduction of construction areas without encroaching on ecological land.

figure 6

Spatial variation in PCEC, BV, BH and MENN.

Impact of building morphology on PCEC

Impact of building morphology on pcec: based on ols.

We provide a short description of each variable (Table 1 ). We used Stata16 for the regression analysis. The BV was not log-standardized, probably because the variation in BV between cities was small and unaffected by heteroskedasticity. Thus, all the variables were standardized except for the BV.

The BH has a significant positive effect on the PCEC. The MENN also has a positive effect on PCEC, indicating that the greater the distance between buildings is, the smaller the PCEC is (Table 2 ). In addition, the BV has a negative effect on the PCEC. Among the economic indicators, the per capita GDP has a significant positive effect on the PCEC, which is inextricably related to the massive expansion of infrastructure construction in the context of China’s rapid economic development in recent years.

Impact of building morphology on per capita electricity consumption: based on SDM

Most regression models typically focus on causal relationships between variables, often overlooking the impact of spatial distance. In contrast, SDM incorporates the influence of distance on the analysis outcomes. In Table 3 , the R 2 of the SDM is higher than those of OLS, the SEM, and the SLM, and the log likelihood value of the SDM is the largest. Thus, the SDM was used for the result analysis, and OLS, the SLM, and the SEM were used as references for comparison analysis.

The analysis shows that for every 1% increase in BH, a 7.6% increase in the PCEC follows (Table 4 ). For every 1 m 3 increase in BV, the PCEC decreases by − 0.02%, indicating that as the volume of the building increases, the PCEC decreases. Therefore, the lower the building height and the larger the volume is, the lower the energy consumption is. MENN represents the degree of compactness of a 3D building. A 1% increase in MENN increases the PCEC by 2.3%, indicating that the greater the mean distance between buildings is, the greater the energy consumption is; conversely, the smaller the mean distance between buildings is, the lower the energy consumption is. On the contrary, the smaller the mean distance between buildings is, the lower the energy consumption will be. In addition, the mean building height consumes more energy and the mean building volume consumes less energy than would otherwise be the case under the influence of spatial effects.

We included each of the 3D building indicators in the model and used the economic factors as the control group. In Table 5 , the traditional economic variables BH, BV, and MENN are added to Models 2, 3, and 4, respectively. The inclusion of 3D building morphology indicators (Models 2, 3, and 4) results in a larger R 2 value than that in Model 1, indicating the increased explanatory power of the model. When the 3D building morphology indicators (BH, BV, and MENN) were added to Model 4, the significance of the coefficients of the 3D building morphology increased. Additionally, the Wald, F, and log likelihood values were larger in Model 1 than in the other four models (Models 1, 2, and 3). These findings further support the notion that the explanatory power of 3D building morphology for the SDM increased, highlighting its importance as a key influencing factor for energy conservation.

In this study, four analytical models (OLS, SEM, SLM, and SDM) were constructed to analyze the relationship between building physical morphology factors and socio-economic factors. The results indicate that the SDM is the most appropriate model for theoretical expectations and demonstrates a statistical causal relationship between building morphology and PCEC. First, the higher the BH is, the higher the PCEC is due to the heat island effect, which leads to longer microclimate influence and sunlight hours in summer, which in turn increases the cooling demand. Similarly, taller buildings have a lower ambient temperature around them, leading to increased heating demand in winter. Therefore, the BH has a positive effect on the PCEC, and the findings of Xi et al. 45 provide research support for the interpretation of this conclusion. Second, the larger the BV is, the lower the PCEC is. Therefore, when examining the relationship between the building volume and the PCEC, focus should be directed on increasing the flat area of the building and controlling the mean height because the BH has a negative effect on the PCEC. In theory, a large building volume improves ventilation in hot environments and reduces the heating demand. Third, in terms of building spacing, the smaller the separation between buildings is, the greater the energy efficiency is because a small spacing indicates a highly compact building morphology. A compact building group with a small spacing creates a large shadow area, which helps prolong the time of indoor warming and reduce the cooling demand in a solar thermal radiation environment. Similarly, in cold environments, a small building spacing is beneficial for preserving solar radiation and reducing the heating demand. These findings are consistent with those of the research conducted by Xie et al. 46 .

At the socio-economic level, per capita GDP represents the standard of living and prosperity of a region. The level of economic development influences the energy consumption patterns necessary for the population’s livelihood. This influence is pervasive and impacts various aspects of the population’s life, which is consistent with the findings of Duan et al. 47 . The impact of average wages on PCEC was found to be significantly negative. This outcome suggests that the increase in wages leads to an overall improvement in the standard of living for the population, resulting in increased purchasing power for energy-efficient appliances.

The per capita fixed asset investment has a negative impact on PCEC. In recent years, investment in energy-efficient fixed assets has gradually increased, which can indirectly improve energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption. Wang et al. 42 examined the correlation between fixed assets and energy consumption in three major industries in China. They found that investment in fixed assets in the secondary industry increased energy consumption, while investment in fixed assets in the primary industry decreased energy consumption. The study also explains the negative impact of per capita fixed asset investment on PCEC by considering the current utilisation of per capita fixed asset investment in these industries. The government should consider increasing investment in energy-saving fixed assets within the secondary industry. Additionally, they can create policies and regulations to incentivize both enterprises and individuals to invest in energy-saving fixed assets. This can include implementing tax incentives and subsidy policies to lower investment costs and improve the return on investment. The per capita amount of actual foreign capital utilized has a positive effect on PCEC. According to Omri and Kahouli 48 , the increase in foreign investment promotes economic growth, which in turn attracts more foreign investment inflows. This increase in foreign investment eventually leads to the expansion of the industry, resulting in higher energy consumption, which aligns with the findings of this study. Furthermore, the per capita retail sales of consumer goods have a positive impact on PCEC. These sales reflect the living standards and consumption potential of the residents, enabling them to acquire electronic products and bulk goods, thereby indirectly contributing to the increase in energy consumption. Parkland has a negative impact on building energy consumption. Specifically, parkland reduces heat radiation from the urban heat island effect, thereby reducing the need for cooling energy in buildings. In the realm of urban planning, it is recommended that the Government enhance land development intensity to address urban development challenges and improve urban spatial quality. This involves trading intensity for space, elevating quality through space, and prioritizing the use of land freed up from intensified development for the creation of additional public green space, public areas, and service facilities. This approach aims to cultivate a more spacious urban spatial layout with lower population density.

This study has some shortcomings. First, the building morphological indicators and socio-economic factors discussed in this article are limited because various factors affect the building morphology and socio-economic factors of PCEC, making their quantitative measurement difficult. In future studies, including additional indicators, such as floor area ratio and lighting, may be beneficial to the analysis of building morphology. Second, this paper focuses on a sample of 53 large cities in China, excluding 661 cities. Additionally, the use of cross-sectional data for 2016 limits the ability to analyze future trends. Future research could consider using panel data to explore the energy-saving mechanisms of 3D building morphology. Finally, Our study does not rise to the level of energy-saving mechanisms, one major challenge is the difficulty in accurately measuring the complete building morphology. Our current findings suggest that during urban planning, relevant authorities should consider 3D building morphology factors, such as distance, height, and volume, between buildings or building groups. This perspective on energy efficiency can help in constructing an energy-efficient urban building morphology and increase the potential for energy savings through human intervention in the external building environment.

Conclusions and policy implications

This study aimed to examine the impact of building morphology on PCEC using cross-sectional data from 53 municipalities in China in 2016. Additionally, five socio-economic factors were considered as control variables to construct a spatial regression model. The regression model incorporated the scale effect from spatial distance. The results of the spatial regression analysis revealed that out of the 3D building morphology indicators, the BV was found to have a negative effect on the PCEC. Furthermore, a small MENN value was associated with a low PCEC, while a high BH was linked to a high PCEC. The analysis results of the 3D building morphology indicators indicate that buildings with a lower height, a larger volume, and a more compact morphology have a greater potential for energy saving and are more beneficial for energy conservation. Moreover, the inclusion of the 3D building morphology greatly improved the model’s ability to explain building energy efficiency, surpassing the impact of traditional economic factors.

Policy recommendations

This study has policy implications. First, building complexes are impacted by the heat island effect. The demand for residential cooling and heating, elevator usage, and transportation increases with the BH, leading to increased energy consumption. Hence, the height drop of buildings should be considered when planning and designing urban buildings, rather than solely focusing on upward 3D development. This approach can help in reducing the mean height of buildings. In addition, in the context of designing buildings and urban planning, controlling the BH and increasing the building plan area should be considered. This approach can effectively increase the building volume and subsequently reduce the PCEC. Finally, the design of compact building morphology aims to minimize the average distance between buildings and prevent buildings from being scattered. This approach ensures proper ventilation and lighting while promoting energy conservation in cities. These three aspects offer valuable insights for designing energy-efficient building groups.

Data availability

Data is provided within supplementary information files.

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This research was funded by Yunnan Fundamental Research Projects (Grant Nos. 202401AT070108; 202301AT070062; 202401AS070037), Yunnan Science and Technology Program (Grant No. 202305AP350016), Yunnan Province Innovation Team Project (202305AS350003), and the “Yunnan Revitalization Talent Support Program” in Yunnan Province (Grant Nos. XDYC-QNRC-2022-0740; XDYC-WHMJ-2022-0016).

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Faculty of Geography, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming, 650500, China

Yang Wang, Guiquan Sun & Yingmei Wu

Department of Geography, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3N6, Canada

Mark W. Rosenberg

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Y.W.: Conceptualization, methodology, writing-original draft. G.S.: Analyzed and interpreted the data; writing-original draft. Y.W.: Materials; Visualization; Data curation; Revised paper. M.W.R.: Theoretical analysis; Validation.

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Correspondence to Guiquan Sun .

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Wang, Y., Sun, G., Wu, Y. et al. Urban 3D building morphology and energy consumption: empirical evidence from 53 cities in China. Sci Rep 14 , 12887 (2024).

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Received : 16 January 2024

Accepted : 31 May 2024

Published : 05 June 2024


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  • 3D building morphology
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  1. What Is Empirical Research? Definition, Types & Samples in 2024

    Empirical research is defined as any study whose conclusions are exclusively derived from concrete, verifiable evidence. The term empirical basically means that it is guided by scientific experimentation and/or evidence. Likewise, a study is empirical when it uses real-world evidence in investigating its assertions.

  2. Empirical Research in the Social Sciences and Education

    Empirical research is based on observed and measured phenomena and derives knowledge from actual experience rather than from theory or belief.. How do you know if a study is empirical? Read the subheadings within the article, book, or report and look for a description of the research "methodology."

  3. Empirical Research: Definition, Methods, Types and Examples

    Empirical research is defined as any research where conclusions of the study is strictly drawn from concretely empirical evidence, and therefore "verifiable" evidence. ... A report will need to be made with the findings of the research. The researcher can give the theories and literature that support his research. He can make suggestions or ...

  4. Empirical Research: Defining, Identifying, & Finding

    Empirical research methodologies can be described as quantitative, qualitative, or a mix of both (usually called mixed-methods). Ruane (2016) (UofM login required) gets at the basic differences in approach between quantitative and qualitative research: Quantitative research -- an approach to documenting reality that relies heavily on numbers both for the measurement of variables and for data ...

  5. What is Empirical Research? Definition, Methods, Examples

    Empirical research is the cornerstone of scientific inquiry, providing a systematic and structured approach to investigating the world around us. It is the process of gathering and analyzing empirical or observable data to test hypotheses, answer research questions, or gain insights into various phenomena.

  6. Empirical research

    Empirical research is research using empirical evidence. ... Following the previous example, observer A might truthfully report that a room is warm, while observer B might truthfully report that the same room is cool, though both observe the same reading on the thermometer. The use of empirical evidence negates this effect of personal (i.e ...

  7. The Empirical Research Paper: A Guide

    The introduction section is where you introduce the background and nature of your research question, justify the importance of your research, state your hypotheses, and how your research will contribute to scientific knowledge.. Begin with some opening statements to help situate the reader. Do not immediately dive into the highly technical terminology or the specifics of your research question.

  8. Empirical Research

    Strategies for Empirical Research in Writing is a particularly accessible approach to both qualitative and quantitative empirical research methods, helping novices appreciate the value of empirical research in writing while easing their fears about the research process. ... Writing Empirical Research Reports by Fred Pyrczak; Randall R. Bruce ...

  9. Empirical Research: A Comprehensive Guide for Academics

    In empirical research, the writing is usually done in research papers, articles, or reports. The empirical writing follows a set structure, and each section has a specific role. Here are some tips for your empirical writing. 7. Define Your Objectives: When you write about your research, start by making your goals clear.

  10. The Empirical Research Paper: A Guide

    Empirical research employs rigorous methods to test out theories and hypotheses (expectations) using real data instead of hunches or anecdotal observations. This type of research is easily identifiable as it always consists of the following pieces of information: This Guide will serve to offer a basic understanding on how to approach empirical ...

  11. Overview

    What is an Empirical Article? An empirical research article reports research based on actual observation or experiment. The research may use quantitative or qualitative research methods. Quantitative Research uses numerical data to try to establish causal relationships between variables ("Based on 100 interactions, A causes B.")

  12. Identifying Empirical Articles

    An empirical research article reports the results of a study that uses data derived from actual observation or experimentation. Empirical research articles are examples of primary research. To learn more about the differences between primary and secondary research, see our related guide:

  13. Empirical Research

    In empirical research, knowledge is developed from factual experience as opposed to theoretical assumption and usually involved the use of data sources like datasets or fieldwork, but can also be based on observations within a laboratory setting. Testing hypothesis or answering definite questions is a primary feature of empirical research.

  14. Identify Empirical Articles

    Empirical articles will include charts, graphs, or statistical analysis. Empirical research articles are usually substantial, maybe from 8-30 pages long. There is always a bibliography found at the end of the article. Type of publications that publish empirical studies: Empirical research articles are published in scholarly or academic journals.

  15. Empirical Research

    Empirical research is based on observed and measured phenomena and derives knowledge from actual experience rather than from theory or belief. ... This refers to the process where authors who are doing research submit a paper they have written to a journal. The journal editor then sends the article to the author's peers (researchers and ...

  16. PDF Writing the Empirical Social Science Research Paper:

    The Empirical Research Paper Empirical research papers are used to express the results of quantitative (and sometimes qualitative) scientific data on real world phenomena. It is therefore important that such papers define the specific ideas they wish to address. In this case, a casual

  17. What is empirical research?

    Empirical research is based on observed and measured phenomena and derives knowledge from actual experience rather than from theory or belief.. How do you know if a study is empirical? Read the subheadings within the article, book, or report and look for a description of the research "methodology."

  18. How to Write and Publish an Empirical Report

    Data-Centered Writing. The core of an empirical report is its data. With sound data, the report will have a solid foundation. Without sound data, the report will run into contradictions, gaps in logic, and likely rejection by peer reviewers. (With weak data, the wise faculty member will delay writing and consider obtaining additional data.)

  19. The Empirical Research Paper: A Guide

    Some important tools to have on-hand to make reading an article so much easier:. A dictionary or an encyclopedia will allow you to understand any unclear terms or theories you encounter.; A textbook or an introductory-level book provide some background information written in a way that is easy to understand; Access to a database such as Web of Science which will allow you to quickly access ...

  20. PDF Any empirical paper should roughly follow the format outlined below

    b. In the end, you need an empirical model, so the theoretical model you develop must lead somehow to what you are testing. You will need to address how, say, the regression you are running is a linear form of an equation from your optimization problem. Be explicit about how the empirical model differs from the theoretical model, e.g. if you are

  21. What is "Empirical Research"?

    Empirical research is based on observed and measured phenomena and derives knowledge from actual experience rather than from theory or belief.. How do you know if a study is empirical? Read the subheadings within the article, book, or report and look for a description of the research "methodology."

  22. LibGuides: Nursing Resources: What is "Empirical Research"?

    Empirical research is based on observed and measured phenomena and derives knowledge from actual experience rather than from theory or belief.. How do you know if a study is empirical? Read the subheadings within the article, book, or report and look for a description of the research "methodology."

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  24. What is Empirical Research?

    Empirical research is based on observed and measured phenomena and derives knowledge from actual experience rather than from theory or belief.. How do you know if a study is empirical? Read the subheadings within the article, book, or report and look for a description of the research "methodology."

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    Their research demonstrated that the addition of 5% more trees resulted in a 1 °C reduction in the peak urban heat island effect and a 4.8% decrease in energy consumption after 3 days of the peak ...