Research Study Flyer Templates

Encourage participation in a research study by using one of the templates below. This simple, easy-to-read format works well for distribution across campus and the community. 

MS Word Flyer Templates

Zoom image: MS Word research study flyer template

Download the templates below and select between a master brand or brand extension version. Each one is available in 8.5" x 11" and 8.5" x 14" with tear-offs, and in 8.5" x 11" without tear-offs. Fill in the blanks with your information, but do not add photography. Please reference the tip sheet when creating your flyer.

Zoom image: Master Brand, 8.5" x 11", No Tear-Offs

Master Brand, 8.5" x 11", No Tear-Offs

Zoom image: Master Brand, 8.5" x 11", Tear-Offs

Master Brand, 8.5" x 11", Tear-Offs

Zoom image: Master Brand, 8.5" x 14, Tear-Offs

Master Brand, 8.5" x 14, Tear-Offs

Logistics Flyer Template

Once study participants are selected, it's important to communicate effectively and provide important, logistical information in a consistent, professional manner. The following templates are available to easily adjust location, contact information, maps, etc. for each study.  

Template Options:

Zoom image: Master Brand, 8.5" x 11"

Master Brand, 8.5" x 11"

Zoom image: North Campus map

North Campus map

Zoom image: South Campus map

South Campus map

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Flyer Generator

dissertation research recruitment flyer

We need your help!

More about this study, who can participate.

  • Adults aged 18+
  • Located in the United States

What can I expect?

  • 3 in-person sessions
  • Transportation provided

Research And Me Logo

Just one more thing...

We're excited to host your study on the Research & Me platform. Since you selected a hosted Research & Me we need your email address to create your free Research & Me account. We will notify you via email when participants have registered and are awaiting your review.

Please provide your work, school, or organization email address. You'll be able to set a password later. If you have one, you can also provide your organization code to take advantage of extra features.

Research & Me Hosting and Individual Plus

If you don't have a webpage for your study, you're missing out on potential participants. While some will email or call you, our years of experience show that many participants prefer self-service registration. When you host your study on Research & Me, you get a study webpage, screening questionnaire, participant management tools, and much more, all for free.

For a limited time, when you choose to host your study on Research & Me, you'll receive Individual Plus for free, a $59 value. Extra survey questions, social media promotion, and more, to kickstart your recruiting and eligibility screening.

And, if you choose to host on Research & Me, you can take advantage of Marketplace services, including email distribution to our participant database, custom digital marketing campaign design, and more. We help ensure that you recruit quickly, screen efficiently, and complete your study on time.

Still have questions? Contact us today, we're happy to help you get started.

Participation Type

If your participants need to visit an office, site, or other location, it is considered "In Person".

If participation is done remotely (via phone, computer, mail, etc), it is considered "Remote / Virtual".

About Markdown

Markdown is a simple way to add basic formatting to text, like emoji, bullets, numbering, and more. Click "Learn More" for examples of Markdown syntax and formatting.

Website Help

Research & me hosted website.

Research & Me can host your study for free. Use the custom link to send participants to your dedicated study page, where you can customize a questionnaire to screen candidates. Streamline the entire recruitment process with our management and collaboration tools - all for free. Your study is only available through the links you provide, unless you choose to use optional recruitment services from Research & Me.

Your Research & Me hosted study page and custom URL will be generated once you create your flyer. If you provide an organization code, your hosted study will be added to your organization and you'll have immediate access to organization features and discounts.

Custom Website URL

If you already have a website, survey link, or other URL for this study, you can provide it instead.

Email Address Help

Research & me hosted email address.

If you’re not protecting your identity with anonymous contact information, you’re putting your privacy at risk by publicly listing your work or personal contact information. Use a free hosted address from Research & Me to protect your privacy and automate study registrations. Participants who email your hosted address are automatically added to your list of candidates and sent your customized screening questionnaire, saving you time and making intake more efficient.

Your Research & Me hosted email address will be generated once you create your flyer. If you provide an organization code, your hosted study will be added to your organization and you'll have immediate access to organization features and discounts.

Custom Email Address

Provide your own email address where potential participants can contact you directly to register for this study.

Phone Number Help

Custom phone number.

Provide a phone number where potential participants can contact you directly to register for this study.

QR Code Help

A QR Code makes it easy for participants to visit your website, send you an email, or call your phone number. When participants scan the QR Code with their phone's camera, your desired contact method will automatically pop up -- no typing necessary!

Select the contact method to use for the QR Code and it will be generated once you create your flyer.

Help: Creating Your Flyer

Help: what does it mean to post a study.

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Recruitment of Research Participants

This guidance document defines the standards and parameters for utilization of advertisements and other recruitment materials in research studies.  The main purpose of such materials is to inform and invite potential subjects to participate in a research study.  Advertisements and recruitment materials targeting research participants should be thought of as the beginning of the informed consent process.  These materials should be limited to the information prospective subjects need to determine their eligibility and interest.

Advertisements and Recruitment Materials

Prior to posting and/or distribution, the IRB must approve the final content of any and all advertisements and recruitment materials for studies that are conducted under the purview of the IRB.  This includes but is not limited to recruitment via flyers, telephone (verbal guide), SONA, email, social media, and internet*.

This information should be submitted to the IRB with the initial application or project revision.

The IRB reviews the material to assure that it is accurate, not coercive or unduly optimistic, and not creating undue influence on the subject to participate; this includes but is not limited to:

a) Statements implying a certainty of favorable outcome or other benefits beyond what is outlined in the consent document and protocol

b) Claims, either explicit or implicit, that the activity, intervention, drug, biologic or device is safe or effective for the purposes under investigation

c) Claims, either explicit or implicit, that the activity, intervention, or test article is known to be equivalent or superior to any other drug, biologic or device

d) Use of terms like “new test,” “new treatment,” “new method,” or “new drug” without explaining that it is investigational

e) Promises of “free tests,” or “free treatment” when, in actuality, the participants will just not be charged for taking part in the investigation

f) Emphasis on compensation (e.g., bold type, larger font, etc.)

g) Inclusion of exculpatory language

Recruitment materials must include:

a) Title of the study

b) Name of the PI

c) Clear statement that this is research or a study

d) Contact information for interested individuals

When appropriately worded, the following items may be included:

a) Condition being studied and/or the purpose of the research

b) Primary criteria that will be used to determine eligibility for the study. Consideration should be given to whether the method of recruitment and the presentation of eligibility criteria could result in additional risk. For example: email: "We are contacting you because you attended a support group for..." vs. email: "Researchers would like to learn more about people who...".

c) Time or other commitment required of the subjects

d) Location of the research

e) Potential direct or societal benefits

Recruitment materials and compensation plans cannot include:

a) coupons or discounts on the purchase price of the study product, if marketed

Once approved by the IRB, recruitment materials cannot be manipulated or altered without review and approval. For exempt and FLEX studies there are certain exceptions to this policy. Please see the project revision guidance for more information.

*Recruitment using social media ads that are size limited (e.g Facebook, Twitter, etc.) must be linked to a page or document that contains all required recruitment elements.

Recruitment Email

Recruitment Flyer with Pull-tags

Recruitment Business Cards

Bad Flyer Sample

Good Flyer Sample

Guidance Version Date: January 19, 2018

Human Research Protection Program, Institutional Review Board B308 Kerr Administration Corvallis, OR 97331-2140 [email protected] Phone: (541) 737-8008

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Contact Info

Division of Research and Innovation A312 Kerr Administration Corvallis, OR  97331-2140 Phone 541-737-3467

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  • Articles Discover how to optimize your recruitment with our approachable article library.

Use This Sample Recruitment Email for Your Next Research Study

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dissertation research recruitment flyer

Nick has over 15 years experience in clinical and health research participant recruitment.

The answer to research recruitment woes: Maximizing your participant database

Why emailing your patient database works, how to write effective recruitment emails, sample recruitment email for research study, email can positively impact your recruitment, getting help from the experts.

Whether you’re a seasoned researcher or new to the field, clinical trial recruitment is hard. There’s no doubt about it.

Most researchers focus on creating recruitment flyers, radio and TV advertisements, maybe even trying their hand at online advertising as well. As a result, they don’t realize they already have an invaluable recruitment asset – their participant database.

Participant databases are full of people who have already expressed interest in participating in a research study. All too often, this tool gets overlooked and in the end, this can lead to dire consequences for your study.

Want access to a free downloadable template for your recruitment emails? Click here.

As they prepare for a new clinical trial or health research study and begin planning for recruitment, most researchers immediately gravitate toward “traditional” recruitment methods of putting up flyers, buying radio and TV ad spots, or relying on word-of-mouth. What they fail to realize, however, is that they often have an invaluable tool already at their disposal: Email.

When anyone signs up for something these days, they’re asked for an email address. This seemingly insignificant line on your intake form is arguably the most valuable piece of information you have about your study participants or clinic patients.

Email is potentially the single most valuable piece of information you have about potential participants. All too often, researchers overlook this fact or assume they don’t actually have a database to pull from.

You may think you don’t have an email database or that you don’t have access to one, but chances are you do. If you’ve completed previous studies, you surely have a list of your participants in your files with contact information including their email addresses.

dissertation research recruitment flyer

If you stop and think for a moment, you may suddenly realize you have access to more email inboxes than you’d imagined.

Here’s why obtaining email addresses matters and why emailing your database works for study recruitment.

You have complete control over your list of email addresses.

First, unlike your followers on social media or other external platforms, you literally own your email list. Your patients and study participants have willingly given you their email addresses for free and you are in control of how you use that information.

This means you can email at any time without any specific restrictions or requirements made by online or traditional advertisers and – here’s the best part – you can do it essentially for free.

“If you stop and think for a moment, you may suddenly realize you have access to more email inboxes than you’d imagined.”

You’re reaching out to a group of individuals who likely know or recognize you.

Secondly, your email list is a group of what advertisers and marketers call “ warm leads. ” This means they know you or your work. Therefore, they’re more likely to stop and look at whatever it is you’re sending.

Even in an inbox full of emails, when your participant candidates recognize your “from” name or something in the subject line of your email, they’re more likely to open the message and take a look.

When you’re advertising to a “cold” list of leads on social media or via traditional recruitment methods, you lose out on this attention-grabbing phenomenon.

Your most valuable recruitment asset is your email list database – hands down. That being said, in order to connect with your participants, you need to think like them.

To maximize the effectiveness of your email, use the Participant Perspective Model to craft your message.

Here are 4 important key elements to include.

1. A catchy subject

The first place you’ll catch your participants’ attention is in your subject line. If your study doesn’t already have a catchy title, take a little more liberty to try crafting a more clever subject line for your email.

After all, this is the smallest component of your message. You don’t need to include a lot of information here – that will come later.

2. Need-to-know details about your study

To get started, make a list of points to explain your study, what’s involved, and why someone might participate.

We’ve found the best way to do this is to sum up your study in approximately 20-50 bullets that describe your trial. As you create your list, do your best to avoid jargon when possible and try to write in a conversational tone. Remember that you’re writing this to communicate with people outside your field, not other clinicians.

Be clear about who, specifically, is eligible to participate. Moreover, help candidates understand why they should participate if they’re eligible and the greater impact their participation will make in the long-run.

Finally, revisit the Participant Perspective Model to improve those bullet points and descriptions.

dissertation research recruitment flyer

3. Clean up your letter

Use your list of cross-checked bullet points and reformat them into a letter. This will be your email body.

For clarity, you may choose to leave some bullets in your letter so candidates can see participation eligibility points at a glance and quickly determine if they’re right for the study. However, the majority of your email should be an actual letter.

If you have one, attach a digital copy (PDF or other image-format file) of your recruitment flyer or information sheet. This will help you make your case for why participants should join the study if they’re eligible and may also help explain the study procedures.

4. Conclude with a clear action

Finally, include a link (again, if you have one) to your online prescreening questionnaire. Make it as easy as possible for your recipients to get in touch if they’re interested.

If you don’t have a link, be very specific about what action recipients should take to get involved in your study. There should be a single action to avoid any confusion.

Subject Line: Do mealtimes matter?

Subhead: You can contribute to Diabetes Research

Our team has been working on a new research study and we need your help.

Our goal of this new study is to see if consuming food within a smaller window of time during the day can help regulate glucose levels in people with Type 2 Diabetes.

If we are able to regulate the glucose levels with diet, managing the symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes will be a bit easier and could also potentially reduce the risk of future disease development for people across the globe.

Would you like to help? To see if you are eligible, please read the requirements below.

Why You Should Participate:

  • You may experience an improvement in type 2 diabetes symptoms.
  • You will be reimbursed $250 in supermarket vouchers.
  • You will receive individual results from glucose monitors worn for the six-week study.
  • You will be provided a detailed dietary analysis that could be helpful in managing symptoms of diabetes.
  • You will be helping to advance medical research.

Who Can Participate?

  • Men and women aged between 35-65 years old
  • Those who have been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and are taking up to 2 medications (not including insulin)
  • Those who are NOT currently on a strict diet regimen (i.e. vegan, coeliac/gluten-free, ketogenic)
  • Those able to attend 8 study visits at the research site over approximately 7 weeks

If you fit these requirements and are interested in helping, sign up for the study by clicking the link here.

Please let me know if you have any questions we could answer. Thank you for helping to improve the lives of people with Type 2 Diabetes.

Best, Dr.Alyson Kellar ABC Health Sciences

If you need some help crafting your message, download our fill-in-the-blank email template .

BONUS: Test different emails and follow up

In the world of email marketing, there’s also consistent research happening. It’s common knowledge that some emails perform better than others. This is why email marketers engage in something called “ split-testing .”

dissertation research recruitment flyer

Get into the habit of split-testing. Create two different emails by altering either the subject line or the information in your letter. Then send each of your two emails to opposite halves of your list (one email to 50% of your list and the other email to the other 50%) and compare your results. Look for your open rate and response or click-through rate if you’ve linked to your prescreening questionnaire.

If you have a large database, you can test your emails even further. Start by sending both email versions to 10-20% of your list and determine which one is performing better – either by open rates or, ideally, click-through rate (to your prescreening questionnaire) or next-step responses. Then, send the version that’s performing better to the rest of the database. This can also be a nice way to space out your responses so you can follow up with them all promptly.

If you’re not already set up with one, using an email provider platform like Mixmax will help you track all your statistics. In many cases, these services can be used for free. Avoid platforms like MailChimp and Mailerlite to get better open rates and avoid your email being pushed into the “promotions” inbox in email service providers like Gmail.

dissertation research recruitment flyer

Using email platforms like Mixmax allow you to track and optimize the emails you send to your participant database.

Finally, make sure to follow up with your email recipients if you’re able to send more than one initial email. This crucial step is often overlooked or under-appreciated by researchers. Remember how many views you need just to get a single participant enrolled to a study? Following up with a second email will help you get one step closer to full enrollment.

So many studies – more than 85% of them – are delayed due to poor enrollment . It’s not difficult to see why when you consider that many researchers are using ineffective recruitment methods and forgetting the value of their own databases.

While the “old school” methods of creating recruitment flyers and using traditional media to run advertisements used to work, it’s actually been outdated for years. With the growing competition of studies and the fight for all consumers’ attention – not to mention the amount of time and effort these advertisements require to create – the old methods simply aren’t effective anymore.

If you have access to a database of potential candidates that have expressed interest in participating in research, you have an invaluable tool at your disposal. Don’t wait – use it!

With so much competition for our attention, it’s also hard to stand out. Whether you realize your advertising shortcomings or not, leveraging the expertise of marketing specialists will lead to a better study with higher recruitment rates and stronger results.

Effective promotional material, like emails to your patient and participant database, will give you more time to focus on your research, keep your study on track, make progress and finish on time (or even ahead of schedule!), develop a better track record, and ultimately do more important and novel research.

Alternatively, if you’re dead-set on doing recruitment yourself, be sure to consult the Participant Perspective Model. This will help you ensure you’re on the right track and communicating effectively with your candidates.

Looking for some help? We’re here! Researchers are often surprised that our recruitment service is within their budget and, in the long run, actually saves them both time and money.

No matter the size of your study, we’ll put together a solid recruitment plan for your trial. There’s never any cost or obligation for your plan – it’s our gift to you.

Leave your trial promotion to the experts so you can focus on your world-class research. Don’t waste any more time (or funding) trying to go it on your own.

Which Social Media Platform Should I Use to Recruit for My Clinical Trial?

Which Social Media Platform Should I Use to Recruit for My Clinical Trial?

Does Social Media Recruitment Make Sense for My Clinical Trial?

Does Social Media Recruitment Make Sense for My Clinical Trial?

Beginner’s Guide to Using Facebook Advertising for Patient Recruitment

Beginner’s Guide to Using Facebook Advertising for Patient Recruitment

Get a free, no obligation recruitment plan:.

We’ll undergo our due diligence process and determine how many patients we can provide for your study (guaranteed).

CTA Get Your Free Recruitment Plan

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How to design research participant recruitment flyer to maximise participant response?

I often supervise student research projects. Often these projects involve recruiting participants by placing one page flyers in strategic locations. The most common scenario is that the flyer is targeted at university students, there may be some small financial reimbursement for their time, and the study might involve spending an hour or so in lab.

When writing such a flyer, there is a balance between making participation sound like a worth while thing to do, but at the same time being ethical and accurate in describing what the study involves.

Thus, while I have a bunch of tips and tricks for writing such materials, I wasn't aware of any particular material that I could provide to research students to get started.

  • What is best practice in participant recruitment flyer design?
  • What is a good repository of examples of good participant recruitment flyers?
  • What are some good online resources outlining tips for creating a participant recruitment flyer?

I'd also be interested in materials about the surrounding context (e.g., flyer placement; streamlining the process between reading a flyer and participation).

  • methodology
  • experimental-psychology

Jeromy Anglim's user avatar

  • $\begingroup$ IMO this is a little too open-ended and "discussion-y"; unless of course there an empirical paper on which techniques are most effective! also, it's not very specific to cogsci-- lots of disciplines post recruitment fliers. perhaps a question better asked in chat ... $\endgroup$ –  Jeff Commented Apr 13, 2013 at 21:56
  • 1 $\begingroup$ We recruit most of our participants through online/social media nowadays. At our university, every student has a account for the campus software and it is pretty easy to get participants via advertising there. $\endgroup$ –  H.Muster Commented Apr 14, 2013 at 8:57

Not exactly an answer to your question, but some thoughts on why we don't use flyers.

There is a lot of research going on at our university that involves recruiting participants. From psychology to medicine and economics, everybody vies for the time of the several thousand students. Then there are all those flyers for parties, political initiatives, religious get-togethers etc. etc. On top of this information overload, most students are extremely short of time and mental and emotional energy. Studying here is hard, and students don't want to sit in a lab, when they have the time to not sit over their books.

Our department has the most success at recruiting participants with setting up a small screened area inside the refectory/cafeteria (where the students eat their lunch), standing in front of the entrance, approaching everyone, and testing them then and there. If we cannot test them in the cafeteria, we still approach them there and try to arrange a date for a lab test. We also offer sweets with the recruitment (they're in a small tray and offered when we approach the person).

Maybe that gives you some ideas.

  • $\begingroup$ I'd never really thought about using some form of on-campus one on one recruitment strategy. It's an interesting idea, thanks. $\endgroup$ –  Jeromy Anglim Commented Apr 13, 2013 at 14:23

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dissertation research recruitment flyer

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Research Ethics & Compliance

Ethics & Compliance

You are here, recruitment flyer.

Microsoft Office document icon

(Word) General outline to create and post a flyer seeking participation in a human subjects study.  Includes instructions.

Recruitment samples


Door-to-door survey recruitment letter (DOC)

Door-to-door interview recruitment letter (DOC)

E-mail recruitment script (DOC)

Sample E-mail (Interviews)

In-class recruitment script and contact cards (DOC)


Organization recruitment letter (DOC)

Recruitment poster

Recruitment poster for Student Life Centre (SLC) (DOC)

School board recruitment letter (DOC)

School recruitment letter (DOC)

Telephone recruitment script (DOC)

Telephone recruitment script for PsycPool or Waterloo Research Aging Pool (WRAP) (DOC)

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Best Places To Distribute Research Study Flyers

August 16, 2023

dissertation research recruitment flyer

Written By: Rob C.

Research study flyers can be a cost-effective way to reach and engage potential participants for clinical trials and research studies. When you distribute flyers in the right places, people notice. Research study flyer success depends on conveying a simple message that resonates with your audience, but knowing where to place flyers so your audience will notice them is just as important for success.

Ideas for flyer distribution include:

  • Best places to put flyers: geographic vs. demographic targeting
  • Best places to distribute flyers
  • How to distribute flyers legally
  • If you want to print research study flyers that work, get them in front of a motivated audience with these flyer distribution tips.

Best Places to Put Flyers: geographic vs. demographic targeting

Before you decide where to hang flyers, you should understand the differences between geographic and demographic targeting.

  • Geographic targeting means you distribute your flyers in a defined area; for example, you can place flyers everywhere on a college campus, in a given neighborhood or within a specific ZIP code. Geographic targeting is best-suited for local studies and clinical trials that have mass appeal and require the participants to visit a location, as opposed to a virtual visit or online survey.
  • ​​ Demographic targeting means you distribute your flyers to people who match defined characteristics; for example, a college campus would be great if your desired demographics are people 18-24, professors, TAs, etc. If your demographic requires working professionals, then you may consider distributing your flyers to local businesses.

Best Places to Distribute Flyers

Direct-to-customer flyer distribution

  • Door-to-door flyer distribution
  • Place flyers on cars
  • Hand out flyers to people on the street
  • Insert flyers in retail customer bags
  • Insert flyers in local free newspapers
  • Hand out flyers to event attendees, or set up a booth at festivals, concerts, trade shows, and other events and give your flyers to people who stop to learn more

Public Flyer Distribution

  • Stores with community bulletin boards
  • Utility poles, elevators and vending machines
  • Bus stops, subways and train stations
  • Community centers and laundromats
  • Senior centers, business reception areas
  • Municipal buildings and offices
  • Chambers of Commerce
  • Convention and visitor bureaus
  • Public restrooms

Partner Flyer Distribution

  • Coffee shops, restaurants, bistros and convenience stores
  • Daycares, schools, churches, libraries and gyms
  • Banks, doctor’s offices and pharmacies
  • Gas stations, hardware stores and retail shop counters
  • Factories and auto repair shops
  • Windows, walls and doors anywhere your audience frequen ts

Don’t be afraid to think of creative ways to distribute flyers: ceilings over dentist’s chairs, inside restroom stalls, and handing out die-cut flyers in unexpected places can be unique flyer distribution ideas that grab attention and increase response rates.

Online Flyer Distribution

  • Social media like Facebook, Instagram, etc.
  • Your own website or partner websites
  • School newsletters and activity boards
  • Community classifieds and Craigslist

How to Distribute Flyers Legally

It’s important to understand local, state and federal laws so you know how to hand out flyers legally. For example, you cannot place flyers in mailboxes manually (you must pay for postage and send them through the Post Office). You can’t use newspaper boxes, either, since those are owned by newspaper publishers. Some communities have ordinances against door-to-door solicitation (though in most places you can place a flyer on the front doors of residences). Check local laws to find out how to distribute flyers door-to-door.

​​If you want to place flyers in public places, be sure to check ordinances to find out how to distribute flyers legally: parking lots and utility poles might be off-limits. Ask questions like “is it illegal to put flyers up in public parks,” “where can I post flyers legally,” and “is it against the law to put flyers on cars.” And, if you want to post flyers in private businesses, always be sure to get permission first. It might not be illegal to leave a stack of flyers on a retail counter, but if you don’t have permission they’ll probably be thrown away – a waste of your flyer and printing costs.

When it comes to flyer distribution, best practice is to check laws first and always get permission from private property owners before you leave your flyers. In most cases, you’ll find it’s easy to get permission to place your flyers where customers will see them – which is why flyer printing is such a popular form of marketing.

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Recruitment Flyer

Recruitment Flyer  


Hi my name is Nina Cook and I am looking to find out why Veterans are dropping out of Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy. I have a passion for working with military veterans and I am studying to be a Psychologist at Adler University so that I can help veterans with their mental health concerns. I am aware that many veterans experience Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and are doing everything they can to improve their lives. 

I am conducting a study to determine the reasons that veterans (a) complete or (b) do not complete Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy. Veterans sometimes seek out mental health treatment and one of these treatment options is Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy. In this therapy veterans view, i.e., are exposed via a virtual reality simulation, combat situations that might have been stressful for them. This therapy has helped some veterans but some veterans do not complete this therapy. My goal is to gather a list of reasons that veterans do or do not complete this therapy. 

I am seeking veterans who 

(a) currently receiving Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy (VRET), or 

(b) started but did not complete VRET, or 

(c) did finish VRET, or

or (d) thinking about starting VRET.

If you are interested, I will ask you to complete an online survey about your experience with this therapy. In order to participate, you must be at least 18 years old and a U.S. military veteran of any branch. You are eligible if (a) you think you have PTSD because for six months or more you have been experiencing symptoms related to PTSD such as flashbacks, insomnia, unwanted thoughts about a traumatic experience, or irritability, and (b) you participated in Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy with a doctoral level psychologist. 

As someone who is an ally of the military community, I understand that this can be a difficult topic; however, your input is important because I believe it is important to understand the experiences of Veterans by doing research studies about this difficult issue. I am aware that military veterans do not want to disclose their mental health difficulties in any fashion. I understand the difficulty it takes to come forward and participate in a study regarding mental health. To that end, to protect your privacy and confidentiality, I am not collecting any identifying information and your responses are secured in an online database that uses password protection procedures. Please note that you do not have to participate in this study if you are still concerned that by participating that someone, such as the military or psychologist will know of your responses. 

IF INTERESTED PLEASE visit this online consent form and online survey link


Joseph Troiani (dissertation chair) at   [email protected] ; or the Adler Institutional Review Board at   [email protected]


  1. Research Recruitment Flyer Template

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  2. FREE Research Recruitment Flyer Template Word (11+ Remarkable Formats)

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  3. Recruitment Flyers » Clinical and Translational Science Institute

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  4. Recruitment Flyer : r/Dissertation

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  5. Research Flyers

    dissertation research recruitment flyer

  6. Research Study Flyer Templates

    dissertation research recruitment flyer


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  1. Recruitment Flyers » Clinical and ...

    The CTSI provides flyer templates and best practices for research teams to quickly produce attractive recruitment flyers in compliance with UF and UF Health brand standards and principles of effective design. Read about best practices before creating your flyer. Then, simply download the template, add text and, if you wish, images.

  2. Best Practices for Recruitment Flyers

    The flyer below uses best practices with the Recruitment Center template. Each number on the flyer image corresponds with an explanation of why strategies (e.g., text, photos and graphics) were used and what makes them effective Best practices checklist Stand out with an effective headline User testing has shown that this is the most important…

  3. Research Study Flyer Templates

    MS Word Flyer Templates. MS Word research study flyer template. Download the templates below and select between a master brand or brand extension version. Each one is available in 8.5" x 11" and 8.5" x 14" with tear-offs, and in 8.5" x 11" without tear-offs. Fill in the blanks with your information, but do not add photography.

  4. Research Recruitment Flyers

    There are numerous benefits to using research recruitment flyers to recruit participants for clinical trials and research studies. Flyers can be easily personalized to resonate with your audience. Flyers can reach a large amount of people in a short period of time. You can post in numerous online and offline sources, often for free.

  5. Guide for Creating Research Recruitment Flyers

    A recruitment and retention toolkit for creating research recruitment flyers with best practices and cultural awareness. ... Research flyers that consider community needs such as language and visual literacy promote trust in research, reduce stigma and provide clarity around the research activities.

  6. Examples of Recruitment Flyers

    Download Vape Scan PDF. Here is an example of an ineffective flyer: Visually confusing and lacks appealing design elements. Not enough contact information. Language and symbols are not understandable for the general public. Download Ineffective Flyer. Columbia University Irving Medical Center. NewYork-Presbyterian (link is external and opens in ...

  7. Creating Effective Research Recruitment Flyers

    Remember 1) keep your flyer clear, concise, and informative; 2) highlight the benefits of participating; and 3) make it easy for people to contact you. Here are some tips on how to create effective research recruitment flyers: Start with a strong headline: Your headline is the most important part of your flyer.

  8. Study Posting, Recruiting And Management

    Whether you're a student completing your dissertation, a CRA managing research studies, or a PI leading clinical trials - Research & Me for Individuals creates freedom for you to focus on the research and not the process. Post your study for free, and streamline the recruitment process with included tools designed to reduce administrative burdens.

  9. PDF Guidelines for Designing a Recruitment Flyer

    Keep the design of the recruitment flyer simple (not busy); make sure there are no grammatical or spelling errors. Make sure the flyer is easy to read and understand (avoid technical terms). Include the basic eligibility criteria (e.g., if you are 18 - 54 years old, female, and do not smoke...). Provide the contact information.

  10. Why Your Research Recruitment Flyer Isn't Working (and ...

    In essence, your research recruitment flyer has to be more than just enticing - it has to be practically show-stopping. And while creating a recruitment flyer seems fairly straightforward, there's a lot involved to getting inside the head of your ideal participants. Copywriting, visual design, marketing, and advertising all play crucial roles.

  11. Free Research Flyer Generator

    Generate a free customizable research flyer for academic, clinical, or corporate research. Limited Time Offer: Free upgrade to Individual Plus (a $59 value) when you host your study on Research & Me! Show Me Learn More. Flyer Generator . The Research & Me Flyer Generator is not yet available on small screens. We recommend trying it when you're ...

  12. Content and Layout Guides for Recruitment Flyers

    Open the sample flyer to view numbered guidelines ** Per CUIMC regulated guidelines, recruitment materials must include this information. Contact the CUIMC IRB Office to be sure of all CUIMC requirements, as well as case specific content. Institutional IRB Requirements** - IRB approval stamp (number & dates of approval and expiration) & IRB protocol number, date of approval and date of expiration.

  13. Recruitment of Research Participants

    Recruitment materials must include: a) Title of the study. b) Name of the PI. c) Clear statement that this is research or a study. d) Contact information for interested individuals. When appropriately worded, the following items may be included: a) Condition being studied and/or the purpose of the research. b) Primary criteria that will be used ...

  14. Use This Sample Recruitment Email for Your Next Research Study

    3. Clean up your letter. Use your list of cross-checked bullet points and reformat them into a letter. This will be your email body. For clarity, you may choose to leave some bullets in your letter so candidates can see participation eligibility points at a glance and quickly determine if they're right for the study.

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    What is best practice in participant recruitment flyer design? ... Not exactly an answer to your question, but some thoughts on why we don't use flyers. There is a lot of research going on at our university that involves recruiting participants. From psychology to medicine and economics, everybody vies for the time of the several thousand ...

  16. Recruitment Flyer

    As the nation's largest public research university, the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) aims to catalyze, support and safeguard U-M research and scholarship activity. ... Recruitment Flyer ; Recruitment Flyer . File . template_flyer.doc. Description: (Word) General outline to create and post a flyer seeking participation in a ...

  17. The NIH Checklist For Research Recruitment Flyers

    The NIH Checklist For Research Recruitment Flyers. August 16, 2023. Written By: Rob C. As science and health communicators, our main goal is to share our institutions' wealth of science and health knowledge. We strive to make the information accessible to a broad range of people — from scientists and health professionals to health educators ...

  18. (PDF) Recruitment in Qualitative Public Health Research: Lessons

    Recruitment in Qualitative Public Health Research: Lessons Learned During Dissertation Sample Recruitment. ... Passive or indirect methods of recruitment, such as flyers, posters (Fleming et al ...

  19. Successful Recruitment to Qualitative Research: A Critical Reflection

    A more "critical and reflexive perspective" of recruitment is necessary for the success of research studies (Kristensen & Ravn, 2015, p. 734).Preparing a detailed recruitment plan can be challenging because it is predicated on the reactions of others; yet preparation for recruitment is essential (Kristensen & Ravn, 2015).Part of this planning is knowing the target population which helps to ...

  20. Recruitment flyer.

    Download scientific diagram | Recruitment flyer. from publication: Dissertation Proposal: Peer Supervision as a Pathway to Multicultural Competence | The proposed dissertation research identifies ...

  21. Recruitment samples

    Recruitment poster. Recruitment poster for Student Life Centre (SLC) (DOC) Schools. School board recruitment letter (DOC) School recruitment letter (DOC) Telephone. Telephone recruitment script (DOC) Telephone recruitment script for PsycPool or Waterloo Research Aging Pool (WRAP) (DOC) Door-to-door Door-to-door survey recruitment letter (DOC ...

  22. Best Places To Distribute Research Study Flyers

    One great way to make sure customers see your flyers is to place them directly in their hands or at their doors. These opportunities may include: Door-to-door flyer distribution. Place flyers on cars. Hand out flyers to people on the street. Insert flyers in retail customer bags. Insert flyers in local free newspapers.

  23. Recruitment Flyer : r/Dissertation

    Recruitment Flyer PARTICIPANTS NEEDED. Hi my name is Nina Cook and I am looking to find out why Veterans are dropping out of Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy. I have a passion for working with military veterans and I am studying to be a Psychologist at Adler University so that I can help veterans with their mental health concerns.