Speech vs. presentation: What’s the difference?

  • Written by: Joby Blume
  • Categories: Visual communication , Industry insights
  • Comments: 6

speech vs presentation

What’s the difference between a presentation and a speech? Many people use the words interchangeably, but there are two main areas of difference according to the dictionary definitions. Whether one accepts the dictionary definition is another matter – my four year-old daughter sometimes refuses – but that makes further discussion pretty difficult.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), a speech is defined as:

a formal address or discourse delivered to an audience

According to the Scrabble fan’s choice – the Collins English Dictionary – a speech is:

a talk or address delivered to an audience

Note that in the Collins definition, the part about being formal is missing.


Both the Oxford English and Collins dictionaries define presentation as including some sort of visual element. The OED definition is:

a speech or talk in which a new product, idea, or piece of work is shown and explained to an audience

Note that this includes the word ‘shown’. The Collins definition is even clearer in explicitly mentioning the use of illustrative material:

a verbal report presented with illustrative material, such as slides, graphs, etc

The Collins Dictionary also notes how the word presentation is used more generally to talk about how things are  shown – ‘ the manner of presenting, esp the organization of visual details to create an overall impression’.

Presentations and speeches

Does the distinction hold perfectly? No. Firstly, people use the terms interchangeably, so of course the real world is full of speeches that are called presentations and presentations that are called speeches. Which leads to a natural blurring of the boundaries. Second, some presentations are very formal indeed, and some set-piece speeches (e.g. The State of the Union Address ) can have visuals added to them but without the orator interacting with them.

The boundaries aren’t sharp. But, according to the definition, a speech is a talk or address, and a presentation is a talk  with the use of some sort of visual aid. 

Speech vs. presentation

Why does this matter? Because giving a speech – for a lot of people – seems harder than giving a presentation. Bad slides are actually worse than no slides . But the reason so many speakers want slides or props is because they find it too hard to deliver speeches, and because effective visual aids makes it easier for them to get their points across.

Effective visuals – that  support  a speaker – make delivering presentations easier than delivering speeches for most people. Not everyone feels they can hold an audience with simply the sound of their own voice.

Great speeches are, well… great. But they aren’t the same as presentations, and shouldn’t be held up as examples of what those giving presentations should emulate.

P.S. For more on words and definitions, see Meaning and Necessity by Saul Kripke.

speech vs presentation

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Art of Presentations

9 Differences between Presentation and Public Speaking?

By: Author Shrot Katewa

9 Differences between Presentation and Public Speaking?

People often confuse presentation with public speaking. After all, both require you to speak in front of an audience. But, there are subtle and important differences between a presentation and public speaking. It is better to understand this difference so that we can prepare accordingly and get the best results!

So, in this article, I will be sharing with you a few key differences between a presentation and public speaking. So, let’s get started!

1. Communication Format

Traditionally, Public Speaking is giving a speech face to face to a live audience. It comprises various forms of spoken communication skills ranging from imparting a speech or debate to motivational speaking to storytelling to Ted talks to entertaining such as a standup comedian.

However, with technological advancements, such as video conferencing, the concept evolved. In modern times, public speaking can be defined as any form of speaking between the speaker and the audience.

On the other hand, a presentation comprises spoken and visual communication. It may be a slide show or an audiovisual presentation. The topic is presented not only verbally but also by displaying content in writing supported with charts, tables, images, or text. 

2. Skills Required

Image showing crowd responding to the presentor

Public speaking is the act of presenting a topic verbally. It is often used as a medium to transfer information, but most importantly, to motivate and encourage the audience.

That said, the only input that goes into public speaking is the speaker, his or her verbal talent and style of communication, all elements displayed collectively as a package.

Whereas presentation requires the presenter to combine verbal and written content and to work with visual presentation programs such as Microsoft power point or Google slides.

3. Time for Preparation

Public speaking is more of an art than just a skill. While you are expected to do a good job when you have time at hand, but a good orator is the one who has the skills to resonate with the audience even when he or she is put on the spot!

At times public speaking may be spontaneous such as extempore. Extempore is a speech that is delivered without preparation. The speaker is given a topic on the spot and is given a minute or two to prepare on the same.

Compared with this presentation is a prepared act. Before the presentation, the presenter is ready with all the required information and facts intertwined in a pre-defined sequence. More often than not, a presentation is on a specific topic and the presenter is given ample amount of time for preparation.

4. Creativity Index

Public speaking is an art that is creative. It may be formal or informal in nature. The style of delivery of every individual is different from others. Every speaker possesses few unique qualities and has complete freedom to design his or her communication style.

Presentation is usually a formal offering. It is a form or act that has to be delivered according to certain pre-set instructions and guidelines. The presenter has limited scope and freedom to divert and add creativity to the presentation. For instance, the most common scope of limitation is the amount of time available to deliver a presentation.

5. Purpose of the Speaker

speech vs presentation

One of the forms of public speaking is debate. In a debate, every participant speaks either in favor or against the topic. The participant has to convince the audience to agree with his stance – whether right or wrong!

Most forms of public speaking work in a similar fashion. The purpose of the speaker is to convince the audience to agree with the stance of the speaker.

However, in a presentation, a topic is presented comprehensively. The topic is explained in detail highlighting various related points such as advantages, disadvantages, improvement areas, resolution plan, targets, or rewards. The primary aim of the presenter is to educate the audience on the topic, and perhaps drive a call to action.

6. Elements for Effectiveness

Effective public speaking requires the speaker to deliver so efficiently that at the end the audience stands out thrilled, amazed, and persuaded.

An impressive delivery secures more marks than intelligent content. A number of elements such as spontaneity, presence of mind, voice modulations, facial expressions, eye contact, or body language go into the making of an effective speaker. For example, in a singing reality show a participant is judged not only on the basis of his voice quality but also on the way he presents himself while singing, popularly known as the X factor.

Unlike public speaking, a presentation focuses more on content rather than on communication style. The key responsibility of the presenter is to provide the audience with detailed information on the topic covering all its aspects.

An example that may be quoted is that of an author narrating a story through a kid’s YouTube video. In the video, the author narrates the story using various voice modulations to make it entertaining for the kids and to make them feel every emotion of the characters. This case portrays the modern form of public speaking where face-to-face interaction has been eliminated.

At the same time the author presents the story using text, pictures, animations or effects in the video to make the kids visualize the characters and understand the flow of the story. 

7. Size of the Audience 

In public speaking, a speaker can address an audience ranging from a group of few people to a large gathering with thousands or millions of people. An interview wherein two people are in conversation with each other or a motivational speaker addressing a huge crowd may both be considered examples of public speaking.

On the other hand, a presentation is made to a defined set of people organized together in a small or mid-sized group with a limited number of members. To cite an example, students presenting a case study to the classmates or an advertising agency presenting to its prospective client.

Most large forms of presentations won’t usually exceed an audience that can fill an auditorium often limited to a few hundreds. Whereas, for public speaking, the audience can be a large gathering of thousands of people in a ground!

8. Type of Audience

speech vs presentation

Generally speaking, the type of audience present during a public speaking event is usually a group or a mass of unknown people. The speaker is neither acquainted with the audience nor related to it in any way. For instance, when a spiritual speaker addresses a group of people he is not familiar with the members of the audience.

As against it, in case of presentation the audience comprises a set of people who are familiar with the speaker. Citing the example of a business presentation, say a supervisor presenting to his team the road map to be followed to meet the annual targets, the presenter and every individual in the audience are connected to each other in professional capacity.

9. Motive of the Audience

In public speaking, the people listening to the speaker do not have a common vested interest and every individual in the audience has his own personal motive to fulfill. To elaborate, using the prior example of a spiritual speaker, it is possible that one individual may have resorted to spirituality to overcome his condition of depression and another individual may be listening to the speaker to learn how to control his anger.    

Contrary to the above, in the case of a presentation, all the members participating in the presentation and the speaker have a common vested interest towards which they all intend to work collectively. Drawing from the prior example of a business presentation, the supervisor and all the team members have a common goal of achieving the annual targets.

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What Is the Difference Between a Speech & a Presentation?

by Barbara Bean-Mellinger

Published on 22 Oct 2018

Many people use the words "speech" and "presentation" interchangeably since both involve speaking in front of a group. It's true that both can be dreaded for that very reason. Others note the difference is that speakers in a presentation use visual aids, while those in a speech typically don't. While that's true enough, there are many other distinct differences between the two.

Formal or Not So Formal

Don't tell the speaker giving a presentation in front of the company CEO and other bigwigs that it isn't a formal occurrence. His sweaty palms say otherwise. But, nervousness aside, presentations are given many times throughout the year in business, from sales meetings to conferences, while speeches are reserved for high profile, public events and special occasions like retirement parties and company mergers. Because of this, speeches are more formal. Not that the speaker has to wear formal attire; if only it were that simple to pull off a great speech! Also, the audience is more interested in what your presentation will show them, than they are in you and how you present. Whereas in a speech, it’s just you up there, so all eyes and ears are on you.

Emotional or Just the Facts?

If you think speeches tug at the listeners' emotions while presentations present the facts with visual backup, you're partially right. Speeches make use of anecdotes that pull you in. As you listen you may be thinking, "That's happened to me too!" Or, if the story is unique or outlandish, it leaves you feeling amazed that such a thing happened to the speaker. Stories people can relate to can help presentations, too, but they're not as critical and they can even be distracting. You're already talking and showing visuals; adding stories can seem like too much of a diversion.

Caring Versus Passion

Caring about your work always makes it better. But in a presentation, you can and should dazzle people with your visuals. They're not your backup; they're as critical to your presentation as your explanations. It's a lot like show-and-tell. Without the things to show, you'd have nothing to tell. If you make sure all the charts and graphs you show are easy to understand, your audience will get your messages. A speech, on the other hand, is just you. This is where your passion really comes through, or your lack of it turns your speech into a dud. It's important to decide what your speech's core message is, then build out from that with quotes, anecdotes and humor to convey your message in a memorable way.

Speech and Presentation and More

You may be wondering about other types of public speaking. What's the difference between a seminar and a presentation; or a speech and a lecture? How about the difference between a speech and a debate?

A seminar is different from a presentation in that it's more interactive. While a presentation is given by one person, a seminar involves the participants in some way. It could include small group discussions or a panel. Since seminars are typically several hours in length, they often have many parts that vary in structure to keep people interested.

A lecture is similar to a speech because both are rather formal and one person is doing the talking. Lectures are more often used to teach something, particularly in a college class. Since lectures are typically given during every class period, they aren't expected to be as dramatic or dynamic as a speech, though it might be more motivating if they were!

A debate differs from both a speech and a presentation because it's between two sides that are equally involved. Each side usually takes an opposing view on the debate question or subject. It's often like a contest where, at the end of it, a vote is taken to decide who won the debate.

Spring Green Communications

So you’ve been asked to give a speech. Or was it “remarks”? And what’s the difference, anyway? Here at Spring Green Communications, we are experts at drafting speeches and remarks for our clients — oh, and presentations, too. Here’s what you need to know if you’re asked to deliver any of them. 

Speech : 

WHAT IT IS: A speech is the most formal of these three types of public speaking, and it tends to be the longest and most carefully scripted. Speeches are often given to an external audience on a planned occasion, and they frequently cover “big ideas” about which you or your company are considered experts. 


  • Consider your audience, the venue and the occasion before you get started. Your communications team should track down answers to logistical questions in advance. 
  • Will there be a podium and microphone (and what kind of mic)? Will there be water available? Will the speech be livestreamed or recorded?  
  • What are the main points you need to hit?  
  • What’s your time limit? For most people, a 10-minute speech will run about 1,500 words. 
  • Practice. Read it aloud in a normal cadence to make sure you’re comfortable and it sounds like you. 
  • Will there be time for questions? If so, consider “planting” a question with an audience member to get the session started. 
  • Have a printout of the speech in large font, because technology sometimes fails.

Remarks : 

WHAT IT IS: Remarks tend to be shorter than speeches and more informal. You may be introducing someone else, or giving or receiving an award. 

  • You can SOUND impromptu, but you should BE scripted and in your intended “voice.” Don’t let the informality fool you — you need to prepare in advance. 
  • Again, consider the venue. Will you need to climb up to a podium and back down again? Make sure the space is accessible if this will be a challenge. 
  • Two minutes of remarks is only about 250-300 words, so make them count. 
  • Consider putting your main points on a notecard in case you lose track of your thoughts — but don’t read straight from the cards! 

Presentation : 

WHAT IT IS: A presentation typically uses slides to make a specific point for both internal and external audiences. It can be long or short — but it gives you the opportunity to draw in (or lose) your audience visually. 

  • Don’t just slap your words onto a few PowerPoint slides and call it a day. We work with clients to design slides that are visually appealing but don’t allow the audience to read ahead. 
  • Both the words and the visuals must be scripted to fit your intended voice. 
  • What’s your point? Make sure you have a beginning, middle and end so your audience can follow your story. 
  • Will you be advancing the slide deck yourself, or will someone else be doing it on your cue? Your comms team can find this out for you. They should also work with the event organizers to download your presentation and run through it in advance at the venue. 
  • How big is the room? Will your slides be visible to everyone in the room? Will any video clips you want to drop in be both seen and heard?

If this sounds like a lot of work, well, we won’t lie: It is! But if you want to make a name for yourself and your company, you need to get comfortable telling your story in an intentional way in all sorts of settings and to a wide variety of audiences. We have experience with all these types of storytelling, so if you need help putting together a speech, presentation or remarks, reach out. Together, we can tell your story. 

by Donna Gorman

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The Differences Between Speech and Presentation You May Not Know

The Differences Between Speech and Presentation You May Not Know

Have you ever thought about the difference between speech and presentation? It might seem like those things look the same, but you should understand the huge differences between them. And once you know it, you will excel at both of them.

Many people still seem to confuse those two things and use the words interchangeably without knowing they are different. So, for example, we checked the meaning of those words in the Merriam-Webster dictionary and discovered two different meanings.

While speech is described as “a formal talk that a person gives to an audience,” a presentation is “a meeting at which something, especially a new product or idea, or piece of work, is shown to a group of people.”

From the definition alone, you can see that one says ‘talk’ and the other says ‘shown.’ But what’s the meaning of those words? To make things clearer, here are the differences between speech and presentation.

Memorizing the material

The first difference between speech and presentation is the way you present the information. Even though they look the same, you indeed feel the differences between speech and presentation by your own experience.

Let’s start with the most subtle difference between speech and presentation: how we present the material based on what we memorize. We tend to make everything so clear to the audience during presentations, which requires a lot of memorization.

The same thing may apply during speeches, but because speeches are not made to tell every single detail of the thing that you want to explain, you might not need to memorize every detail in the fabric.

Fact is, you may even expand your topic during speeches, but not in presentation. So, for example, during your speech on the importance of trees, you may expand to include what’s happening to our environment.

However, if you talk about a specific topic during a presentation, you may want to put further details in it instead of expanding the topic. So, during a presentation, you may memorize more details.

While in speeches, you may memorize the related topics that can support your point. In this case, we may talk about the second difference between those things. In this case, we may speak of the second difference between those things.

Visual aids

There is a reason why both of them use visual aids, and we will show you the difference between each use. The first is about speech. During a lesson, as mentioned above, you need to master your topic to the rate that you can expand it further.

What’s the connection between that and visual aids? Speeches mainly use visual aids to help themselves remember the points they want to talk about. While in presentation, the use of visual aids is to help the audiences understand.

In this case, we can expand the difference between the two. While in speeches, the visual aid design is not that important, the design in presentation is highly regarded. Not all lessons use visual aids because of that reason.

However, it doesn’t mean that visual aids are not crucial in speeches. One of the examples is a video or picture to tell the audience about a story. It surely will help the audience understand what you are talking about.

But in presentation, frequently, your visual aids alone can help the audiences understand what you are talking about. This is why your visual aids, such as PowerPoint presentations, need to be as clear as possible and as attractive as possible.

How visual aids help us in both speeches and presentations is intended to make the following difference clearer. And the next difference is how you share your vision about the topic you are delivering to the audience.

Sharing your vision

Have you ever seen a debate competition? In that competition, you might not see someone presenting their arguments with a well-designed PowerPoint presentation slide. Instead, they speak in front of the adjudicators and the audience with a small paper as a note.

We are not talking about the visual aids here, but we may look at the speaker’s notes. There, they mostly write only about the points that they want to deliver. But what’s the difference between the notes and the presentation handouts that we bring?

In presentation handouts, we also write notes, but our messages are primarily about what the speaker wants to highlight. However, the notes in a debate are about things they want to convince the audience.

Yes, the difference comes from how we speak about the topic in front of the audience. A speaker in speeches wants to convince the audience about their view or stance. They want to spread their vision about things.

While a presenter might not care much about their vision, speakers usually include the advantages, disadvantages, resolutions, plans, or generally accepted things. For example, take a look at how salesmen or saleswomen in their sales.

The ones who do speeches would tell inspiring, motivating, or heartwarming things to sell their products. While the ones presenting their sales would focus more on the advantages, disadvantages, or their products’ unique features.

Preparation time between speech and presentation

This one difference is exciting and a little bit controversial. Why? Because what we want to tell you might shake your view about the differences between those two. What is it? It is about how you prepare for the upcoming speech/presentation.

Supported by Art of Presentation, it says that presenting is a well-prepared action. So it would help if you worked very well in preparing the things you want to deliver to the audience to make sure you can give as well as possible.

You might need to fact-check everything, create PowerPoint presentation slides , getting things correlated with one another. You might also at least practice how you will present to make sure you will nail the presentation.

But with speeches, you may not need to practice anything or prepare for the things you want to deliver. It is because speeches are more like art than just telling people about things. See how we differentiate an excellent orator from a bad one?

Good orators may talk about things as they will, and people will still get their point. However, some good people may not even prepare anything except their own story created spontaneously in the venue.

The difference in stories to deliver between speech and presentation

From the distinction above, you might be able to guess what’s the following difference. While speeches are more about the speaker’s creativity, preservations are more about how you process information and deliver almost the same thing in a descriptive way.

A good orator needs to have a million ways to deliver the information to the audience. On the other hand, a good presenter needs to find the best descriptive way to show the presentation without getting their stories out of context.

You can train yourself into a good orator by collecting exciting stories and experiences to tell your future audiences. This way, you can show a million stories based on things you have collected in your speeches and get the audience to understand your points.

On the other hand, you can train yourself into a good presenter by trial and error in presenting. Then, later on, you can choose the best descriptive way to make them get your points and always use that in your future presentations to get the same result.

That is because your presentation is helped a lot by the visual aids we mentioned above. In addition, you can always correlate your presentation with visual aids.

Detailed information versus convincing words

If you are presenting something, you will primarily use more accurate data. And when someday you are giving a speech to other people, you mostly will tell them stories you created or experienced.

Again, the way we speak in a presentation is different from how we say in a speech. We don’t need to make things too strict in a lesson, but we need to be as professional as possible during a presentation.

But looking deeper into the reasons, we have different ‘languages’ in delivering those things. For example, while presenting something, we tend to give detailed information without trying to make up words or explanations.

Things are different with speeches when we can be as creative in our stories as possible. In this case, our words do not need to be very detailed. The reason for that is because our primary mission is to convince the audiences no matter what.

Now, can you imagine a huge gap between presenting descriptively with detailed information about the thing you want to talk about and how to make a convincing story no matter what? Yes, that huge gap is going to tell you the difference between speech and presentation.

Those are the differences we can easily spot between speech and presentation. We hope it will help you understand what you want to do next before doing any of those things.

Author bio:

This article is written by Ulfah, an SEO & Content Manager, and is currently working for RRGraph Design. Say hello through her LinkedIn .

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Speech Vs Presentation: Get The Main Difference In 2023

In the world of communication, there are different ways we express ourselves: through speeches and presentations. But wait, what’s the difference between a speech and a presentation? Let’s break it down!

Imagine you’re standing in front of an audience, sharing your thoughts and ideas. That’s a speech! It’s like having a conversation with a large group of people, where you have the stage all to yourself.

On the other hand, a presentation is like a visual aid that accompanies your speech. It can include slides, videos, and other multimedia elements that help to enhance your message and make it more engaging. So, while a speech relies mainly on your words, a presentation adds that extra visual element.

Now that we know the basics, let’s dive deeper into the world of speeches and presentations and uncover their unique features and purposes. Get ready to conquer the stage and captivate any audience with your powerful words and eye-catching visuals!

Looking to communicate effectively? While both speech and presentation are forms of conveying information, they differ in style and purpose.

  • Speech: Typically delivered orally with a focus on storytelling and engaging the audience.
  • Presentation: Visual aids such as slideshows accompany the speaker’s message to enhance understanding.
  • Speech emphasizes the spoken word, while presentations provide a visual component.
  • Speeches often involve more improvisation, while presentations are carefully planned and structured.
  • Ultimately, the choice between speech and presentation depends on the context and desired impact on the audience.

speech vs presentation

Table of Contents

Principales puntos clave

1. Una presentación es cuando muestras visualmente información mientras hablas, mientras que un discurso se enfoca principalmente en transmitir información verbalmente. 2. Las presentaciones pueden incluir diapositivas, gráficos o videos, mientras que los discursos se basan principalmente en el habla. 3. En una presentación, el objetivo es captar la atención del público de manera visual, mientras que en un discurso, el objetivo es transmitir el mensaje de manera clara y persuasiva. 4. En una presentación, las habilidades de diseño gráfico y el uso efectivo de multimedia son importantes, mientras que en un discurso, las habilidades de oratoria y la organización del contenido son fundamentales. 5. Tanto las presentaciones como los discursos requieren práctica y preparación, pero el enfoque principal de cada uno es diferente: visual para las presentaciones y verbal para los discursos.

Comparing Speech vs. Presentation

Speech and presentation are two different methods of communication that serve distinct purposes and have their own unique characteristics. While both involve conveying information to an audience, they differ in terms of format, delivery, and overall objectives. In this article, we will compare speech and presentation, exploring their key features, user experience, pros and cons, price points, and ultimately determine which is better suited for different situations.

Overview of Speech

Speech, in its simplest form, is the act of delivering a spoken message to an audience. It is typically performed by a speaker using their voice, body language, and gestures to convey their ideas and connect with the listeners. Whether it’s a formal address, an inspirational talk, or a persuasive argument, speeches are designed to engage, inform, entertain, and influence.

In a speech, the focus is primarily on the speaker’s delivery and their ability to captivate the audience. The content of the speech is often carefully crafted, incorporating rhetorical devices, storytelling techniques, and persuasive elements to create an impactful message. Public speaking skills, such as voice modulation, articulation, and stage presence, are essential for delivering a compelling speech.

Overview of Presentation

A presentation, on the other hand, is a visual and auditory communication tool used to convey information in a structured and visually appealing format. It typically involves the use of slides, graphics, videos, and other multimedia elements to support the speaker’s message. Presentations can be created using software like Microsoft PowerPoint or Apple Keynote, allowing the presenter to showcase data, visuals, and key points in a streamlined manner.

The emphasis in a presentation lies not only on the speaker’s delivery but also on the visual aids and supporting materials used. Presentations often follow a clear structure, with an introduction, main body, and conclusion, allowing the audience to easily follow the flow of information. The visual elements in a presentation can enhance understanding, clarify complex topics, and make the content more engaging for the audience.

Key Features Compared

Speech and presentation have distinct features that set them apart in terms of their format, delivery, and overall impact. Let’s explore these key features and compare the two:

Speech: A speech is primarily an oral presentation delivered by a speaker, relying on their voice, body language, and facial expressions to convey the message. The content of a speech is usually written down and rehearsed, but the delivery can be more spontaneous and interactive.

Presentation: A presentation is a visual and auditory communication tool that incorporates slides, visuals, and multimedia elements to support the speaker’s message. The content of a presentation is organized into a structured format, often using software programs, and relies on both the speaker’s delivery and the visual aids.

Speech: The delivery of a speech is focused on the speaker’s voice, tone, and overall stage presence. The speaker’s ability to connect with the audience through their delivery plays a crucial role in the impact of the speech. However, there is often less emphasis on the visual aspects of the presentation.

Presentation: In a presentation, the delivery encompasses both the speaker’s verbal communication and their ability to effectively utilize visual aids and technology. The presenter must synchronize their speech with the slides, ensuring a cohesive and engaging delivery that incorporates the visual elements.

Speech: The primary objective of a speech is often to inform, persuade, or inspire the audience. Whether it’s a motivational speech, an educational lecture, or a persuasive argument, the goal is to captivate the listeners and convey a compelling message.

Presentation: Presentations are commonly used for informative purposes, such as sharing research findings, giving product demonstrations, or delivering business proposals. The objective is to present information in a visually appealing and organized manner that enhances audience understanding.

Visual Elements

Presentations typically include various visual elements that enhance the delivery and understanding of information. These elements can include:

– Slides: Slides are the backbone of a presentation, containing text, images, charts, graphs, and other visual representations of information. They provide a structure and guide the presenter and audience through the content.

– Multimedia: Presentations often incorporate multimedia elements, such as videos and audio clips, to add variety and enhance engagement. These elements can help illustrate concepts, provide real-life examples, or showcase product demonstrations.

– Animations: Animations and transitions can be used to add visual interest and create seamless transitions between slides or elements within a slide. When used effectively, they can enhance the overall flow and engagement of the presentation.

– Graphics and Icons: Visual elements like icons, illustrations, and infographics can simplify complex information, making it more accessible and visually appealing to the audience.


Speech: Speeches can often involve a level of interactivity with the audience, depending on the style and purpose of the speech. This can include engaging in a question-and-answer session, encouraging audience participation, or incorporating interactive activities.

Presentation: Interactivity in presentations can vary depending on the delivery method and audience. In some cases, presentations may include interactive elements, such as polls, quizzes, or audience participation through live feedback systems. However, presentations are generally more structured and less interactive compared to speeches.

User Experience

Speech: The user experience of a speech largely depends on the speaker’s ability to deliver a captivating message and engage the audience. A successful speech should leave the audience feeling inspired, informed, or moved by the speaker’s words.

Presentation: The user experience of a presentation is influenced by the visual appeal, organization, and clarity of the content. Well-crafted presentations that effectively convey information and engage the audience can leave a positive impression and enhance the overall user experience.

Pros and Cons

Pros: – Powerful delivery: A well-delivered speech has the potential to captivate and move the audience through the speaker’s voice, gestures, and stage presence. – Personal connection: A speech allows the speaker to establish a personal connection with the audience, as they can see and hear the speaker in real-time. – Flexibility: Speeches can be tailored to different audiences and occasions, allowing for adaptability and customization.

Cons: – Limited visual aids: Speeches rely primarily on the speaker’s delivery and the power of their words, which may limit the use of visuals and multimedia elements. – Less structured format: Speeches can be more spontaneous and less rigid in terms of structure, which can sometimes lead to less clarity or organization in the content. – Lack of visual appeal: As speeches focus on the spoken word, they may not offer the same level of visual appeal or engagement as presentations.


Pros: – Visual impact: Presentations leverage visual elements to enhance the delivery of information, making it more engaging and memorable for the audience. – Clarity and organization: Presentations often follow a structured format, making it easier for the audience to follow the flow of information and understand complex concepts. – Multimedia integration: Presentations allow for the seamless integration of multimedia elements, such as videos, charts, and images, which can enhance audience understanding.

Cons: – Dependency on technology: Presentations rely heavily on technology and visual aids, which can be subject to technical glitches or equipment failures. – Potential for information overload: If a presentation is poorly designed or overloaded with information, it can overwhelm the audience and make the content difficult to absorb. – Less personal connection: Compared to speeches, presentations may have a less personal and intimate connection with the audience, as they primarily focus on the visual and auditory aspects of communication.

Price Comparison

When it comes to the cost of implementing speech and presentations, several factors come into play. Here are some considerations for price comparison:

– Software: The cost of presentation software can vary depending on the provider and the specific features included in the package. Popular presentation software options include Microsoft PowerPoint, Apple Keynote, and Google Slides. – Equipment: To deliver a presentation or speech effectively, certain equipment may be required, such as a laptop, projector, microphone, and speakers. The cost of these equipment items can range depending on the brand, quality, and features. – Professional services: If you require assistance with presentation creation, design, or speechwriting, you may need to consider the cost of hiring professionals or consultants who specialize in these areas.

It’s important to note that the cost comparison will vary depending on individual needs, preferences, and the scale of the presentation or speech. It’s advisable to research and consider different options to determine the most cost-effective solution for your specific requirements.

Comparison Table

| Feature | Speech | Presentation | |——————–|—————————–|————————| | Visual Elements | Limited visuals | Multimedia integration | | Delivery | Focus on speaker | Speaker and visuals | | Interactivity | Potential for Q&A | Level of interactivity | | User Experience | Impactful delivery | Visual appeal | | Pros and Cons | Pros and cons of speech | Pros and cons of presentation | | Price Points | Cost considerations for speech | Cost considerations for presentation |

Which is Better – Speech or Presentation?

When deciding whether a speech or presentation is better suited for a particular situation, several factors need to be considered, including the objectives, audience, and context. Here are three reasons why one might be preferred over the other:

1. Information delivery: If the primary goal is to convey a message in a highly personalized and engaging manner, a speech may be the better choice. A well-delivered speech can establish a strong emotional connection with the audience and leave a lasting impact.

2. Visual impact: If the content to be presented relies on visual aids, such as data, graphics, or multimedia elements, a presentation would be more suitable. Presentations allow for the seamless integration of visuals, enhancing the audience’s understanding and engagement with the information.

3. Structure and organization: If the content needs to be presented in a clear and organized manner, with a predefined structure and flow, a presentation is the better option. The structured format of a presentation ensures that information is presented in a logical and digestible manner, making it easier for the audience to follow and comprehend.

Ultimately, the choice between a speech and a presentation depends on the specific objectives, audience, and context of the communication. Both methods have their strengths and can be highly effective when used appropriately. It is essential to consider the key features, pros, and cons of each to determine the best approach for your specific needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you confused about the differences between a speech and a presentation? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Check out these commonly asked questions to gain a better understanding of speech versus presentation.

1. What is the main difference between a speech and a presentation?

A speech and a presentation are both forms of communication, but they differ in their intent and delivery style. A speech is typically a verbal address given by one person, often without visual aids, and is more focused on delivering a message or conveying emotions. On the other hand, a presentation combines speech with visual aids, such as slides or graphics, and is more concerned with sharing information or persuading an audience.

Think of a speech as a heartfelt talk meant to inspire or motivate, while a presentation is a more structured and informative way to convey facts or ideas.

2. When should I use a speech and when should I use a presentation?

The choice between using a speech or a presentation depends on your purpose and audience. Use a speech when you want to connect on a deeper emotional level, such as during a graduation ceremony or a motivational event. The lack of visual aids allows for a stronger emphasis on your words and delivery style.

On the other hand, use a presentation when you need to present information in a clear and organized manner. This is useful in educational settings, business meetings, or conferences where you want to enhance audience understanding using visual aids and slides. Additionally, a presentation can be helpful when you need to convince or persuade others by illustrating key points with supporting visuals.

3. How should I prepare for a speech?

To prepare for a speech, start by identifying your main message and purpose. Think about the emotions you want to convey and the impact you want to make on your audience. Craft a clear and concise outline, organizing your speech into an introduction, body, and conclusion.

Practice delivering your speech aloud, paying attention to your tone, pacing, and body language. Use personal stories or anecdotes to engage and connect with your audience. It can also be helpful to rehearse in front of a mirror or record yourself to identify areas for improvement and build confidence in your delivery.

4. How should I prepare for a presentation?

To prepare for a presentation, start by clarifying your main objective and identifying the key points you want to convey. Create visually appealing slides that support your message, using clear and concise text, relevant images, and graphs or charts if necessary.

Practice your presentation multiple times to ensure a smooth and confident delivery. Pay attention to your tone of voice, body language, and eye contact with the audience. Familiarize yourself with the technology or equipment you will be using, such as a projector or microphone, to avoid any technical difficulties during your presentation.

5. How can I engage my audience during a speech or presentation?

To engage your audience during a speech or presentation, consider using storytelling techniques to make your content relatable and memorable. Incorporate interactive elements, such as asking questions or encouraging audience participation, to create a sense of involvement.

Additionally, maintain eye contact with your audience, vary your vocal tone and gestures to keep their attention, and use visual aids effectively to support your message. Encouraging questions or discussion after your speech or presentation also allows for further engagement and interaction with your audience.

speech vs presentation 2

Differences between a speech and a presentation (With examples)

In a nutshell, speeches and presentations both involve talking to an audience, but there are some key differences between them. A speech is typically longer and more formal, like the kind you might give at a special event or ceremony. Presentations, on the other hand, are shorter and often involve visual aids like slides or props. They are usually given in a business or educational setting.

When giving a speech, it’s important to use clear and concise language, as well as to connect with the audience on an emotional level. This helps to capture their attention and make your message memorable. In contrast, presentations rely on visual elements to support the information being shared. This can include graphs, pictures, or even videos. These visual aids help to make complex ideas easier to understand.

Remember, whether you’re giving a speech or a presentation, practice is key. The more you rehearse, the more confident and comfortable you’ll feel in front of an audience. Don’t forget to maintain eye contact, speak clearly, and engage with your listeners. By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a confident and effective speaker or presenter.

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speech vs presentation

The next time you’re preparing to speak to a group, remember to keep your audience at the center of your communication, says Briar Goldberg, the director of speaker coaching at TED. One way to do this is to ask yourself: “What gift are you giving to your audience?”

TED recently partnered with Marriott Hotels to offer a special day-long seminar on public speaking for Marriott Bonvoy members. Briar Goldberg — TED’s director of speaker coaching who has helped prepare hundreds of people for the TED stage — gave them tips and tools to be better communicators in their own lives.

Below, she takes a deeper dive into one aspect of public speaking that many of us overlook when drafting our speeches and presentations: our audience.

Let’s be honest, there’s no shortage of public speaking advice out there. There are countless books, blog posts and YouTube videos offering you instructions on how to tell engaging stories, make eye contact, use hand gestures, and more. I think that’s great, although I’ll admit I’m biased. I’ve spent my career teaching public speaking and coaching executives, and since 2015, I’ve been working with TED speakers. I truly believe that everyone benefits when we communicate more effectively.

But even with so much advice available, I still see one big communication mistake made all of the time. It’s this: Most people communicate in the wrong direction .

What is the wrong direction? Too many of us write our scripts, build our decks, or compile our talking points before we think about our audience and what they need or expect to get out of our communication. This has serious consequences. When your audience doesn’t feel like your words apply to them, when they don’t understand what you’re trying to say, or, worse yet, they don’t care about your ideas, then your carefully-crafted slides, agenda or jokes simply don’t matter.

My earliest mentor in this work, Jim Wagstaffe always tells speakers to practice their ABCs: Audience Before Content. I love that acronym so much because it captures the essence of what communication is really all about — it’s not about you, the speaker; it’s always about your audience. Your audience’s needs should always be your central focus.

At TED, when we’re helping speakers prepare their talks, we ask them to identify the “gift” they’re giving the audience. In my opinion, this is what every communicator should be asking themselves before any kind of communication — whether it’s a keynote or a TED Talk or something smaller like a pitch to your boss or a statement at a community meeting. What gift are you giving the audience?

The good news is, understanding how to put your audience at the center of your communication isn’t rocket science. And when you do it correctly, I can almost guarantee that your next speech, presentation or meeting will be a success.

What does it really mean to know your audience?

You’ve probably heard the phrase “know your audience.” I’ve even seen lists floating around that offer a series of questions designed to help you do this, with queries such as: “What’s the gender breakdown of your audience?” “Are they executives or middle-managers?” “Where are they from?”

While demographic information like this is important — for example, you should probably rethink a joke about swiping right if the average age of your audience is 76 — the kind of knowledge I’m talking about goes much deeper. It goes beyond the superficial to zoom in on these two key things: “What are my audience’s goals?” and “How do they make decisions?”

How to really understand your audience’s goals

This means you’ll need to ask a different set of questions — ones that get at your audience’s needs and expectations. These include:

“Why are these people taking time out of their busy schedules to listen to me speak?”

“What do they hope (or need) to gain from this presentation/speech/address/meeting?”

“What are their expectations coming in?”

“What can I say in order to meet or exceed those expectations?”

Once you know the answers to these questions, you can craft a communication that is tailored to your audience; when you do, your audience is more likely to stay focused, remember what you said, pass on the information you shared, and remember you as a good speaker.

But what happens if your goals as a speaker don’t align with the audience’s goals?

As a communicator, you will have your own goals. Perhaps you’re an executive and you have an important message that you need the rest of the company to hear. Maybe you’ve designed a new product that you want your customers to get excited about. Getting clear on your own communication goals is important because then you can evaluate if your goals line up with your audience’s goals. If they do, that’s great — and you can start crafting your communication.

But sometimes they won’t. When this happens, it’s your job to figure out how to close the gap and persuade the audience that your goals can — and should — be their goals, too. I’m not talking about manipulation or asking you to trick people into thinking something different. What I am advocating is that you work to understand your audience well enough to know how they make decisions and what kind of information they need to have to be persuaded of their own accord.

One of the most persuasive TED Talks this year was delivered by sleep expert Matt Walker . Everyone has different goals when they decide to watch a talk about sleep. But Matt was clear on his goal: to convince people to prioritize sleep above all else. To get the audience on his side, he had to persuade them that getting enough sleep is the single most important thing they could do with our time.

Understand how your audience makes decisions

You can’t effectively persuade anyone unless you know what kind of information they need to make a decision. Think about it this way: If a salesperson was trying to sell you a new computer, you wouldn’t decide to buy it until they told you the price. With your audience, you can’t expect to influence them until you provide them with the information they need to decide if they want to change their minds.

But every audience is different. How do you know what kind of information you need to offer in order to sway them? There are entire bodies of research that cover audience persuasion strategies. But let me offer a simple framework to get you started.

In general, audiences can be broken down into three types: expert, novice and mixed. An expert audience understands your topic and they might already know you, the speaker. If you’re a real-estate broker addressing an annual meeting of the nation’s realtors, you’re speaking to an expert audience. A novice audience doesn’t know much about the topic and doesn’t know anything about you. An example of this would be a real-estate broker speaking at an open-house for community residents interested in buying a first home. But more often than not, your audience will be a mix of experts, novices and everyone in-between. The large, international TED audience is a perfect example of a mixed audience.

When you’re speaking to an expert audience: Use logical/quantitative arguments to persuade them.

In general, expert audiences are more likely to be persuaded by logical arguments and quantitative information. If you’re a real-estate broker trying to convince your expert audience to invest in a new kind of property, you’re more likely to be successful if your presentation is built around data and statistics that support this plan.

When you’re speaking to a novice audience: Lean into your own credibility.

Because a novice audience doesn’t know much about you or your topic, they tend to make decisions based on your credibility and the credibility of your sources. Therefore, it can be important to build up your reputation and credentials so they’ll trust what you’re saying and follow your recommendations.

When I’m giving a lecture on public speaking to a group who doesn’t know me, I always mention the universities I’ve taught at and some of the names of executives I’ve coached. This isn’t to brag — and let me be clear, you’ll need to use your judgement to figure out how much information to give so it doesn’t sound like you’re bragging — but it’s a quick way for me to get my audience to accept that I’m a solid source of communication advice and that they should listen to me. In some cases, I’ll tell my audience where a particular piece of information in my lecture came from. By saying “Harvard published this study last year…” I’m referencing a respected source, which reinforces my credibility as a speaker.

When you’re speaking to a mixed audience: Appeal to their emotions.

Emotional appeals can be very persuasive, especially when you’re speaking to a mixed audience. After all, everyone has made a decision based on their emotions at one point or another in their lives. Last year, TED speaker Nora McInerny shared her own experience with death to teach us about moving forward with grief. It was an A+ example of an emotional appeal.

OK great, but how do I find out all this information about my audience?

Well, that’s part of the fun. OK, maybe it’s not always fun but it is your responsibility to take a deep dive into your audience, their needs, and their motivations and — trust me — this work will pay off ten-fold. If you’re speaking at an official conference or meeting, I recommend starting with the person or organization who asked you to speak. What can they tell you about the audience? Are they willing to share any of registration information? How did they market the event? If you’re speaking on an earnings call, what about the analysts who follow your company — have you ever asked them what they need or want? If you’re speaking at your company’s town hall, can you talk to your team and find out what they expect to hear from you? If you’re speaking at an event in another country, can you find a translator or local who can help you better understand the expectations of that audience?

The information is out there — you just need to find and use it. You’ll know when you’ve done it right, because your audience will stay engaged and, when you’re done speaking, they’ll help pass your message along.

This post is part of TED’s “How to Be a Better Human” series, each of which contains a piece of helpful advice from someone in the TED community; browse through all the posts here.

About the author

Briar Goldberg is the Director of Speaker Coaching at TED.

  • briar goldberg
  • business advice
  • communication
  • public speaking

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Public Speaking and Presentations

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Public Speaking and Presentations: Tips for Success

This resource includes tips and suggestions for improving your public speaking skills.

Even if you’ve never spoken in front of a large group before, chances are you will encounter public speaking sometime during your life. Whether you’re giving a presentation for your classmates or addressing local politicians at a city council meeting, public speaking allows you to convey your thoughts and feelings in clear ways. Having the right tools can prepare you for successful public speaking and equip you with high-quality communication skills.

Know Your Audience

Different audiences require different modes of public speaking. How you address a room full of preschoolers will vary from how you address a group of professors at an academic conference. Not only will your vocabulary change, but you might alter your pacing and tone as well.

Knowing your audience also helps you decide the content of your speech. For example, if you’re presenting research to a group of scientists, you might not need to define all your scientific language. However, if you present that same research to a group of individuals who are unfamiliar with your scientific field, you may need to define your terms or use simpler language.

Recognizing the extent to which your audience is familiar with your topic helps you center your presentation around the most important elements and avoid wasting time on information your audience either 1) already knows or 2) does not need to know for the purpose of your speech.

Knowing your audience also means tailoring your information to them. Try to keep things straight and to the point; leave out extraneous anecdotes and irrelevant statistics.

Establish Your Ethos and Feel Confident in Your Subject

It’s important to let your audience know what authority you have over your subject matter. If it’s clear you are familiar with your subject and have expertise, your audience is more likely to trust what you say.

Feeling confident in your subject matter will help establish your ethos. Rather than simply memorizing the content on your PowerPoint slides or your note cards, consider yourself a “mini expert” on your topic. Read up on information related to your topic and anticipate questions from the audience. You might want to prepare a few additional examples to use if people ask follow-up questions. Being able to elaborate on your talking points will help you stay calm during a Q & A section of your presentation.

Stick to a Few Main Points

Organizing your information in a logical way not only helps you keep track of what you’re saying, but it helps your audience follow along as well. Try to emphasize a few main points in your presentation and return to them before you conclude. Summarizing your information at the end of your presentation allows your audience to walk away with a clear sense of the most important facts.

For example, if you gave a presentation on the pros and cons of wind energy in Indiana, you would first want to define wind energy to make sure you and your audience are on the same page. You might also want to give a brief history of wind energy to give context before you go into the pros and cons. From there, you could list a few pros and a few cons. Finally, you could speculate on the future of wind energy and whether Indiana could provide adequate land and infrastructure to sustain wind turbines. To conclude, restate a few of the main points (most likely the pros and cons) and end with the most important takeaway you want the audience to remember about wind energy in Indiana.

Don't be Afraid to Show Your Personality

Delivering information without any sort of flourish or style can be boring. Allowing your personality to show through your speaking keeps you feeling relaxed and natural. Even if you’re speaking about something very scientific or serious, look for ways to let your personality come through your speech.

For example, when Jeopardy! host Alex Trebek announced in March of 2019 that he had stage 4 pancreatic cancer, he still let his trademark dignity and professionalism set the tone for his address. He began his announcement by saying “it’s in keeping with my long-time policy of being open and transparent with our Jeopardy! fan base.” Later, he joked that he would need to overcome his illness in order to fulfill his contract, whose terms required him to host the show for three more years. Though the nature of Trebek's announcement could easily have justified a grim, serious tone, the host instead opted to display the charm that has made him a household name for almost thirty-five years. In doing so, he reminded his audience precisely why he is so well-loved.

Use Humor (When Appropriate)

Using humor at appropriate moments can keep your audience engaged and entertained. While not all occasions are appropriate for humor, look for moments where you can lighten the mood and add some humor.

For example, just two months after the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan, Reagan was in the middle of giving a speech when a balloon loudly popped while he was speaking. Reagan paused his speech to say “missed me,” then immediately continued speaking. This off-the-cuff humor worked because it was appropriate, spontaneous, and did not really distract from his message.

Similarly, at the end of his final White House Correspondents Dinner, Barack Obama concluded his speech by saying “Obama out” and dropping the mic. Once again, the humor did not distract from his message, but it did provide a light-hearted shift in his tone.  

Don't Let Visual Aids Distract From Your Presentation

Visual aids, such as PowerPoints or handouts, often go alongside presentations. When designing visual aids, be sure they do not distract from the content of your speech. Having too many pictures or animations can cause audience members to pay more attention to the visuals rather than what you’re saying.

However, if you present research that relies on tables or figures, having many images may help your audience better visualize the research you discuss. Be aware of the ways different types of presentations demand different types of visual aids.

Be Aware of Your Body Language

When it comes to giving a presentation, nonverbal communication is equally as important as what you’re saying. Having the appropriate posture, gestures, and movement complement the spoken element of your presentation. Below are a few simple strategies to make you appear more confident and professional.

Having confident posture can make or break a presentation. Stand up straight with your shoulders back and your arms at your sides. Slouching or crossing your arms over your chest makes you appear smaller and more insecure. However, be sure you’re not too rigid. Just because you’re standing up tall does not mean you cannot move around.

Eye contact

Making eye contact with your audience not only makes them feel connected to you but it also lets you gauge their response to you. Try to look around the room and connect with different audience members so you’re not staring at the same people the whole time. If you notice your audience starting to nod off, it might be a good time to change your tone or up your energy. 

Avoid distracting or compulsive gestures

While hand gestures can help point out information in a slide or on a poster, large or quick gestures can be distracting. When using gestures, try to make them feel like a normal part of your presentation.

It’s also easy to slip into nervous gestures while presenting. Things like twirling your hair or wringing your hands can be distracting to your audience. If you know you do something like this, try to think hard about not doing it while you’re presenting.

Travel (if possible)

If you are presenting on a stage, walking back and forth can help you stay relaxed and look natural. However, be sure you’re walking slowly and confidently and you’re using an appropriate posture (described above). Try to avoid pacing, which can make you appear nervous or compulsive.

Rehearse (if Possible)

The difference between knowing your subject and rehearsing comes down to how you ultimately present your information. The more you rehearse, the more likely you are to eliminate filler words such as like and um . If possible, try practicing with a friend and have them use count the filler words you use. You can also record yourself and play back the video. The more you rehearse, the more confident you will feel when it comes time to actually speak in front of an audience.

Finally, Relax!

Although public speaking takes time and preparation, perhaps one of the most important points is to relax while you’re speaking. Delivering your information in a stiff way prevents you from appearing natural and letting your personality come through. The more relaxed you feel, the more confident your information will come across.

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Shumaila Saeed

Key Differences

Shumaila Saeed

Comparison Chart

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The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

What this handout is about

This handout will help you create an effective speech by establishing the purpose of your speech and making it easily understandable. It will also help you to analyze your audience and keep the audience interested.

What’s different about a speech?

Writing for public speaking isn’t so different from other types of writing. You want to engage your audience’s attention, convey your ideas in a logical manner and use reliable evidence to support your point. But the conditions for public speaking favor some writing qualities over others. When you write a speech, your audience is made up of listeners. They have only one chance to comprehend the information as you read it, so your speech must be well-organized and easily understood. In addition, the content of the speech and your delivery must fit the audience.

What’s your purpose?

People have gathered to hear you speak on a specific issue, and they expect to get something out of it immediately. And you, the speaker, hope to have an immediate effect on your audience. The purpose of your speech is to get the response you want. Most speeches invite audiences to react in one of three ways: feeling, thinking, or acting. For example, eulogies encourage emotional response from the audience; college lectures stimulate listeners to think about a topic from a different perspective; protest speeches in the Pit recommend actions the audience can take.

As you establish your purpose, ask yourself these questions:

  • What do you want the audience to learn or do?
  • If you are making an argument, why do you want them to agree with you?
  • If they already agree with you, why are you giving the speech?
  • How can your audience benefit from what you have to say?

Audience analysis

If your purpose is to get a certain response from your audience, you must consider who they are (or who you’re pretending they are). If you can identify ways to connect with your listeners, you can make your speech interesting and useful.

As you think of ways to appeal to your audience, ask yourself:

  • What do they have in common? Age? Interests? Ethnicity? Gender?
  • Do they know as much about your topic as you, or will you be introducing them to new ideas?
  • Why are these people listening to you? What are they looking for?
  • What level of detail will be effective for them?
  • What tone will be most effective in conveying your message?
  • What might offend or alienate them?

For more help, see our handout on audience .

Creating an effective introduction

Get their attention, otherwise known as “the hook”.

Think about how you can relate to these listeners and get them to relate to you or your topic. Appealing to your audience on a personal level captures their attention and concern, increasing the chances of a successful speech. Speakers often begin with anecdotes to hook their audience’s attention. Other methods include presenting shocking statistics, asking direct questions of the audience, or enlisting audience participation.

Establish context and/or motive

Explain why your topic is important. Consider your purpose and how you came to speak to this audience. You may also want to connect the material to related or larger issues as well, especially those that may be important to your audience.

Get to the point

Tell your listeners your thesis right away and explain how you will support it. Don’t spend as much time developing your introductory paragraph and leading up to the thesis statement as you would in a research paper for a course. Moving from the intro into the body of the speech quickly will help keep your audience interested. You may be tempted to create suspense by keeping the audience guessing about your thesis until the end, then springing the implications of your discussion on them. But if you do so, they will most likely become bored or confused.

For more help, see our handout on introductions .

Making your speech easy to understand

Repeat crucial points and buzzwords.

Especially in longer speeches, it’s a good idea to keep reminding your audience of the main points you’ve made. For example, you could link an earlier main point or key term as you transition into or wrap up a new point. You could also address the relationship between earlier points and new points through discussion within a body paragraph. Using buzzwords or key terms throughout your paper is also a good idea. If your thesis says you’re going to expose unethical behavior of medical insurance companies, make sure the use of “ethics” recurs instead of switching to “immoral” or simply “wrong.” Repetition of key terms makes it easier for your audience to take in and connect information.

Incorporate previews and summaries into the speech

For example:

“I’m here today to talk to you about three issues that threaten our educational system: First, … Second, … Third,”

“I’ve talked to you today about such and such.”

These kinds of verbal cues permit the people in the audience to put together the pieces of your speech without thinking too hard, so they can spend more time paying attention to its content.

Use especially strong transitions

This will help your listeners see how new information relates to what they’ve heard so far. If you set up a counterargument in one paragraph so you can demolish it in the next, begin the demolition by saying something like,

“But this argument makes no sense when you consider that . . . .”

If you’re providing additional information to support your main point, you could say,

“Another fact that supports my main point is . . . .”

Helping your audience listen

Rely on shorter, simpler sentence structures.

Don’t get too complicated when you’re asking an audience to remember everything you say. Avoid using too many subordinate clauses, and place subjects and verbs close together.

Too complicated:

The product, which was invented in 1908 by Orville Z. McGillicuddy in Des Moines, Iowa, and which was on store shelves approximately one year later, still sells well.

Easier to understand:

Orville Z. McGillicuddy invented the product in 1908 and introduced it into stores shortly afterward. Almost a century later, the product still sells well.

Limit pronoun use

Listeners may have a hard time remembering or figuring out what “it,” “they,” or “this” refers to. Be specific by using a key noun instead of unclear pronouns.

Pronoun problem:

The U.S. government has failed to protect us from the scourge of so-called reality television, which exploits sex, violence, and petty conflict, and calls it human nature. This cannot continue.

Why the last sentence is unclear: “This” what? The government’s failure? Reality TV? Human nature?

More specific:

The U.S. government has failed to protect us from the scourge of so-called reality television, which exploits sex, violence, and petty conflict, and calls it human nature. This failure cannot continue.

Keeping audience interest

Incorporate the rhetorical strategies of ethos, pathos, and logos.

When arguing a point, using ethos, pathos, and logos can help convince your audience to believe you and make your argument stronger. Ethos refers to an appeal to your audience by establishing your authenticity and trustworthiness as a speaker. If you employ pathos, you appeal to your audience’s emotions. Using logos includes the support of hard facts, statistics, and logical argumentation. The most effective speeches usually present a combination these rhetorical strategies.

Use statistics and quotations sparingly

Include only the most striking factual material to support your perspective, things that would likely stick in the listeners’ minds long after you’ve finished speaking. Otherwise, you run the risk of overwhelming your listeners with too much information.

Watch your tone

Be careful not to talk over the heads of your audience. On the other hand, don’t be condescending either. And as for grabbing their attention, yelling, cursing, using inappropriate humor, or brandishing a potentially offensive prop (say, autopsy photos) will only make the audience tune you out.

Creating an effective conclusion

Restate your main points, but don’t repeat them.

“I asked earlier why we should care about the rain forest. Now I hope it’s clear that . . .” “Remember how Mrs. Smith couldn’t afford her prescriptions? Under our plan, . . .”

Call to action

Speeches often close with an appeal to the audience to take action based on their new knowledge or understanding. If you do this, be sure the action you recommend is specific and realistic. For example, although your audience may not be able to affect foreign policy directly, they can vote or work for candidates whose foreign policy views they support. Relating the purpose of your speech to their lives not only creates a connection with your audience, but also reiterates the importance of your topic to them in particular or “the bigger picture.”

Practicing for effective presentation

Once you’ve completed a draft, read your speech to a friend or in front of a mirror. When you’ve finished reading, ask the following questions:

  • Which pieces of information are clearest?
  • Where did I connect with the audience?
  • Where might listeners lose the thread of my argument or description?
  • Where might listeners become bored?
  • Where did I have trouble speaking clearly and/or emphatically?
  • Did I stay within my time limit?

Other resources

  • Toastmasters International is a nonprofit group that provides communication and leadership training.
  • Allyn & Bacon Publishing’s Essence of Public Speaking Series is an extensive treatment of speech writing and delivery, including books on using humor, motivating your audience, word choice and presentation.

Works consulted

We consulted these works while writing this handout. This is not a comprehensive list of resources on the handout’s topic, and we encourage you to do your own research to find additional publications. Please do not use this list as a model for the format of your own reference list, as it may not match the citation style you are using. For guidance on formatting citations, please see the UNC Libraries citation tutorial . We revise these tips periodically and welcome feedback.

Boone, Louis E., David L. Kurtz, and Judy R. Block. 1997. Contemporary Business Communication . Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Ehrlich, Henry. 1994. Writing Effective Speeches . New York: Marlowe.

Lamb, Sandra E. 1998. How to Write It: A Complete Guide to Everything You’ll Ever Write . Berkeley: Ten Speed Press.

You may reproduce it for non-commercial use if you use the entire handout and attribute the source: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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What Are Effective Presentation Skills (and How to Improve Them)

Presentation skills are essential for your personal and professional life. Learn about effective presentations and how to boost your presenting techniques.

[Featured Image]: The marketing manager, wearing a yellow top, is making a PowerPoint presentation.

At least seven out of 10 Americans agree that presentation skills are essential for a successful career [ 1 ]. Although it might be tempting to think that these are skills reserved for people interested in public speaking roles, they're critical in a diverse range of jobs. For example, you might need to brief your supervisor on research results.

Presentation skills are also essential in other scenarios, including working with a team and explaining your thought process, walking clients through project ideas and timelines, and highlighting your strengths and achievements to your manager during performance reviews.

Whatever the scenario, you have very little time to capture your audience’s attention and get your point across when presenting information—about three seconds, according to research [ 2 ]. Effective presentation skills help you get your point across and connect with the people you’re communicating with, which is why nearly every employer requires them.

Understanding what presentation skills are is only half the battle. Honing your presenting techniques is essential for mastering presentations of all kinds and in all settings.

What are presentation skills?

Presentation skills are the abilities and qualities necessary for creating and delivering a compelling presentation that effectively communicates information and ideas. They encompass what you say, how you structure it, and the materials you include to support what you say, such as slides, videos, or images.

You'll make presentations at various times in your life. Examples include:

Making speeches at a wedding, conference, or another event

Making a toast at a dinner or event

Explaining projects to a team 

Delivering results and findings to management teams

Teaching people specific methods or information

Proposing a vote at community group meetings

Pitching a new idea or business to potential partners or investors

Why are presentation skills important? 

Delivering effective presentations is critical in your professional and personal life. You’ll need to hone your presentation skills in various areas, such as when giving a speech, convincing your partner to make a substantial purchase, and talking to friends and family about an important situation.

No matter if you’re using them in a personal or professional setting, these are the skills that make it easier and more effective to convey your ideas, convince or persuade others, and experience success. A few of the benefits that often accompany improving your presentation skills include:

Enriched written and verbal communication skills

Enhanced confidence and self-image

Boosted critical thinking and problem-solving capabilities

Better motivational techniques

Increased leadership skills

Expanded time management, negotiation, and creativity

The better your presenting techniques, the more engaging your presentations will be. You could also have greater opportunities to make positive impacts in business and other areas of your life.

Effective presentation skills

Imagine yourself in the audience at a TED Talk or sitting with your coworkers at a big meeting held by your employer. What would you be looking for in how they deliver their message? What would make you feel engaged?

These are a few questions to ask yourself as you review this list of some of the most effective presentation skills.

Verbal communication

How you use language and deliver messages play essential roles in how your audience will receive your presentation. Speak clearly and confidently, projecting your voice enough to ensure everyone can hear. Think before you speak, pausing when necessary and tailoring the way you talk to resonate with your particular audience.

Body language

Body language combines various critical elements, including posture, gestures, eye contact, expressions, and position in front of the audience. Body language is one of the elements that can instantly transform a presentation that would otherwise be dull into one that's dynamic and interesting.

Voice projection

The ability to project your voice improves your presentation by allowing your audience to hear what you're saying. It also increases your confidence to help settle any lingering nerves while also making your message more engaging. To project your voice, stand comfortably with your shoulders back. Take deep breaths to power your speaking voice and ensure you enunciate every syllable you speak.

How you present yourself plays a role in your body language and ability to project your voice. It also sets the tone for the presentation. Avoid slouching or looking overly tense. Instead, remain open, upright, and adaptable while taking the formality of the occasion into account.


Incorporating storytelling into a presentation is an effective strategy used by many powerful public speakers. It has the power to bring your subject to life and pique the audience’s curiosity. Don’t be afraid to tell a personal story, slowly building up suspense or adding a dramatic moment. And, of course, be sure to end with a positive takeaway to drive your point home.

Active listening

Active listening is a valuable skill all on its own. When you understand and thoughtfully respond to what you hear—whether it's in a conversation or during a presentation—you’ll likely deepen your personal relationships and actively engage audiences during a presentation. As part of your presentation skill set, it helps catch and maintain the audience’s attention, helping them remain focused while minimizing passive response, ensuring the message is delivered correctly, and encouraging a call to action.

Stage presence

During a presentation, projecting confidence can help keep your audience engaged. Stage presence can help you connect with your audience and encourage them to want to watch you. To improve your presence, try amping up your normal demeanor by infusing it with a bit of enthusiasm. Project confidence and keep your information interesting.

Watch your audience as you’re presenting. If you’re holding their attention, it likely means you’re connecting well with them.


Monitoring your own emotions and reactions will allow you to react well in various situations. It helps you remain personable throughout your presentation and handle feedback well. Self-awareness can help soothe nervousness during presentations, allowing you to perform more effectively.

Writing skills

Writing is a form of presentation. Sharp writing skills can help you master your presentation’s outline to ensure you stay on message and remain clear about your objectives from the beginning until the end. It’s also helpful to have strong writing abilities for creating compelling slides and other visual aids.

Understanding an audience

When you understand your audience's needs and interests, you can design your presentation around them. In turn, you'll deliver maximum value to them and enhance your ability to make your message easy to understand.

Learn more about presentation skills from industry experts at SAP:

How to improve presentation skills

There’s an art to public speaking. Just like any other type of art, this is one that requires practice. Improving your presentation skills will help reduce miscommunications, enhance your time management capabilities, and boost your leadership skills. Here are some ways you can improve these skills:

Work on self-confidence.

When you’re confident, you naturally speak more clearly and with more authority. Taking the time to prepare your presentation with a strong opening and compelling visual aids can help you feel more confident. Other ways to improve your self-confidence include practicing positive self-talk, surrounding yourself with positive people, and avoiding comparing yourself (or your presentation) to others.

Develop strategies for overcoming fear.

Many people are nervous or fearful before giving a presentation. A bad memory of a past performance or insufficient self-confidence can contribute to fear and anxiety. Having a few go-to strategies like deep breathing, practicing your presentation, and grounding can help you transform that fear into extra energy to put into your stage presence.

Learn grounding techniques.

Grounding is any type of technique that helps you steer your focus away from distressing thoughts and keeps you connected with your present self. To ground yourself, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and imagine you’re a large, mature tree with roots extending deep into the earth—like the tree, you can become unshakable.

Learn how to use presentation tools.

Visual aids and other technical support can transform an otherwise good presentation into a wow-worthy one. A few popular presentation tools include:

Canva: Provides easy-to-design templates you can customize

Powtoon: Animation software that makes video creation fast and easy

PowerPoint: Microsoft's iconic program popular for dynamic marketing and sales presentations

Practice breathing techniques.

Breathing techniques can help quell anxiety, making it easier to shake off pre-presentation jitters and nerves. It also helps relax your muscles and get more oxygen to your brain.  For some pre-presentation calmness, you can take deep breaths, slowly inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.

While presenting, breathe in through your mouth with the back of your tongue relaxed so your audience doesn't hear a gasping sound. Speak on your exhalation, maintaining a smooth voice.

Gain experience.

The more you practice, the better you’ll become. The more you doanything, the more comfortable you’ll feel engaging in that activity. Presentations are no different. Repeatedly practicing your own presentation also offers the opportunity to get feedback from other people and tweak your style and content as needed.

Tips to help you ace your presentation

Your presentation isn’t about you; it’s about the material you’re presenting. Sometimes, reminding yourself of this ahead of taking center stage can help take you out of your head, allowing you to connect effectively with your audience. The following are some of the many actions you can take on the day of your presentation.

Arrive early.

Since you may have a bit of presentation-related anxiety, it’s important to avoid adding travel stress. Give yourself an abundance of time to arrive at your destination, and take into account heavy traffic and other unforeseen events. By arriving early, you also give yourself time to meet with any on-site technicians, test your equipment, and connect with people ahead of the presentation.

Become familiar with the layout of the room.

Arriving early also gives you time to assess the room and figure out where you want to stand. Experiment with the acoustics to determine how loudly you need to project your voice, and test your equipment to make sure everything connects and appears properly with the available setup. This is an excellent opportunity to work out any last-minute concerns and move around to familiarize yourself with the setting for improved stage presence.

Listen to presenters ahead of you.

When you watch others present, you'll get a feel for the room's acoustics and lighting. You can also listen for any data that’s relevant to your presentation and revisit it during your presentation—this can make the presentation more interactive and engaging.

Use note cards.

Writing yourself a script could provide you with more comfort. To prevent sounding too robotic or disengaged, only include talking points in your note cards in case you get off track. Using note cards can help keep your presentation organized while sounding more authentic to your audience.

Learn to deliver clear and confident presentations with Dynamic Public Speaking from the University of Washington. Build confidence, develop new delivery techniques, and practice strategies for crafting compelling presentations for different purposes, occasions, and audiences.

Article sources

Forbes. “ New Survey: 70% Say Presentation Skills are Critical for Career Success , https://www.forbes.com/sites/carminegallo/2014/09/25/new-survey-70-percent-say-presentation-skills-critical-for-career-success/?sh=619f3ff78890.” Accessed December 7, 2022.

Beautiful.ai. “ 15 Presentation and Public Speaking Stats You Need to Know , https://www.beautiful.ai/blog/15-presentation-and-public-speaking-stats-you-need-to-know. Accessed December 7, 2022.

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Speech vs. Presentation — What's the Difference?

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Difference Between Speech and Presentation

Table of contents, key differences, comparison chart, primary focus, skills required, evaluation criteria, compare with definitions, presentation, common curiosities, why is audience engagement important in both speeches and presentations, how can one improve their speech delivery, are there different types of speeches, what is the main difference between a speech and a presentation, how do visual aids enhance a presentation, is public speaking the same as giving a speech, how do you organize a speech, what makes a presentation memorable, can a speech include visual aids, can a presentation be effective without visual aids, what technology is commonly used in presentations, what role does storytelling play in speeches and presentations, can a presentation be interactive, how important is the closing of a speech or presentation, how can feedback improve a speech or presentation, share your discovery.

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Reading a speech vs. giving a presentation

  • by M Sims Wyeth LLC
  • June 23, 2010 April 12, 2021

I just witnessed several clients reading scripts.  There was something very unsatisfying about the experience for me.   They lacked life and expression.  They didn’t appear to mean what they were saying.

Yet scripts are often useful and necessary.  So what are the pros and cons of written speeches?  And how do PowerPoint presentations stack up?

Written Speeches are More Formal

Whether you write your own speech, or hire a speechwriter to help you, you are committing yourself to taking a written document to the front of the room and reading it to the crowd.

There are pros and cons to this.  First, the pros.  You will appear to be prepared; speak in full sentences; present your thoughts in a more formal fashion; be more likely to address big thoughts and avoid data and details; have a written document for the historical record; and finally, avoid the terror of standing alone on the stage in front of a crowd with the possibility of going blank or saying something really dumb.

Compared to a presentation delivered without a script, a written speech requires more time writing, and less time rehearsing .  And the script is a huge security blanket.  With a script, there are times when you can just show up and read.   (Not a great thing to do, but sometimes necessary.)

However, there are cons to consider as well.  You have to be a good writer to write a good speech; speeches that are read are less alive than presentations that are spoken without scripts.  (It’s hard to read and sound like you’re talking.  Even great actors and politicians have trouble with this.  It leads to a lack of engagement with the audience.)

There’s less give and take because the speaker is constantly looking down to read, and the listeners see this, know that the speaker is reading, and feel obliged to sit still and listen.  It’s a monologue, more about getting the words out than engaging with the audience in the here and now.

PowerPoint Presentations are Less Formal

Now how about the pros and cons of a typical business presentation, one in which the presenter stands and talks from slides?

The pros?  More conversational; more opportunity to interact with the audience; more informal; more lively; more room for improv; greater ability to display data and dive deep into technical subjects.

The cons?  Bigger challenge to the stage-worthiness of the speaker; more rehearsal required to discover an efficient way of verbalizing the points; greater likelihood the speaker’s cup will run over with data, data everywhere and not a thought to think; the likelihood that the predictability of PowerPoint will undermine the impact of the speaker and the message; and finally, the greater chance that a charismatic speaker with an inferior argument will carry the day.

Speeches have their place on formal occasions, and can be delivered brilliantly.  But it’s a rare person who can connect with an audience while reading a prepared text.

(Was it Dick Cavett who said, “Richard Burton can make reading the phone book sound like Shakespeare.  The rest of us make Shakespeare sound like the phone book.”?)

Presentations with PowerPoint provide a greater opportunity for connection between presenter and audience.  However, the over-use of text slides, the predictability of the typical format, and the demands on the speaker’s stage presence made by the wide open space of the typical meeting room cause many business presenters to struggle with the task of getting their point, and themselves, across to the audience.

The differences between the two seem to be getting blurred.  I recommend a speech when there is no real need for visual aids; when the occasion is emotional or commemorative; when the crowd is so big that a presentation with slides might be hard to see and hard to deliver.  (After all, as the audience gets bigger, the need increases for less information and more emotion.)

A speech is more formal and lofty.  A presentation is less formal and can more effectively accommodate the technical details of a narrowly defined subject.  A speech is like an opera.  A presentation is more like a chalk-talk, like a coach in the locker room diagraming on the blackboard what the team will do in the second half of the game.

They both have perils and promises.  Choose wisely.

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Difference Between Public Speaking And Presentation: Explained

Delve into the world of Difference Between Public Speaking and Presentation. Gain insights into the fundamental distinctions between public speaking and presentation skills. Explore the nuances of each, uncover the key differences, and highlight the surprising similarities. Discover strategies to master both public speaking and presentation skills.


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So, by gaining a deeper understanding of the Difference Between Public Speaking and Presentation, you can leverage these skills appropriately in various scenarios. But how are they different, and how can they enhance your ability to influence others? Worry no more. 

Read this blog to learn about the Difference Between Public Speaking and Presentation. Also, explore the key elements and techniques that make each of these unique. 

Table of contents  

1) Understanding Public Speaking 

2) Exploring Presentation skills 

3) Public Speaking and Presentation Skills – Key differences 

4) Similarities between Public Speaking and Presentations 

5) How can you master Public Speaking and Presentation skills? 

6) Conclusion 

Understanding Public Speaking  

Public Speaking is a powerful form of communication that allows individuals to deliver a message, express their thoughts and ideas, and engage with an audience. It is a skill that plays a significant role in various aspects of life, from personal relationships to professional success. 

Public Speaking is the act of speaking to a group of people in a formal or informal setting to convey information, persuade, inspire, or entertain. It involves effectively delivering a message through verbal communication, utilising language, tone, and body language to captivate and engage the listeners. 

Importance of Public Speaking Skills  

Developing strong Public Speaking Skills is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it empowers individuals to articulate their ideas confidently and clearly. Delivering a Presentation in the workplace, speaking at a conference, or even expressing oneself in social settings, the ability to communicate effectively can greatly impact how ideas are perceived and understood. 

Secondly, Public Speaking Skills are essential for professional growth and success. Many leadership positions require individuals to be able to address and inspire teams, present ideas to clients, and represent their organisations in public forums. Mastering the art of Public Speaking can significantly enhance career prospects and open doors to new opportunities.  

Elements of Effective Public Speaking  

To become an effective Public Speaker, several elements should be considered: 

a) Clear and concise message delivery: A successful Public Speaker communicates their message clearly, ensuring the audience understands the main points and takeaways. 

b) Engaging storytelling techniques: Storytelling captivates an audience and helps them connect emotionally with the speaker's message. Incorporating anecdotes, examples, and narratives can make the speech more memorable and impactful. 

c) Effective use of vocal variety and body language: Public Speaking is not just about words; it’s about how they are delivered. Skilful use of the vocal variety, such as tone, pace, and emphasis, can add depth and meaning to the speech. Similarly, utilising appropriate body language, such as gestures and facial expressions, enhances the speaker’s credibility and engagement with the audience. 

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Exploring Presentation skills  

Presentations are a common and essential form of communication in various professional and educational settings. It can be defined as a structured communication process that involves delivering information to an audience using visual aids such as slides, charts, or multimedia. 

It serves as a tool to enhance understanding, engage listeners visually, and support the speaker’s message. Further, Presentations can occur in boardrooms, classrooms, conferences, or any setting where information needs to be effectively communicated. 

Importance of Presentation skills  

Developing strong Presentation skills is essential in today’s fast-paced and visually-oriented world. Whether in business, academia, or other professional fields, the ability to deliver compelling Presentations can make a significant impact. 

Effective Presentation skills enable individuals to organise content, engage the audience, and leave a memorable impression. To deliver an impactful Presentation, several components should be considered: 

a) Clear structure and organisation: A well-structured Presentation follows a logical flow, with a clear introduction, main points, and conclusion. It allows the audience to follow along easily and comprehend the key ideas being presented. 

b)  Engaging visual design and layout: Visual design plays a crucial role in capturing the audience's attention and conveying information effectively. Using consistent colour schemes, appropriate fonts, and visually appealing layouts can enhance the visual impact of the Presentation. 

c) Effective use of multimedia elements : Integrating multimedia elements such as images, videos, or audio clips can enhance understanding and engage the audience on multiple sensory levels. These elements should be relevant, well-timed, and used sparingly to avoid overwhelming the audience. 

d) Skillful delivery and timing: A successful Presentation requires effective delivery skills. This includes maintaining eye contact, speaking clearly and audibly, and utilising appropriate pacing and pauses. The timing of the Presentation should be well-managed to ensure audience engagement throughout. 

Public Speaking and Presentation Skills – Key differences  

While Public Speaking and Presentations are related forms of communication, they have distinct characteristics that set them apart. Understanding these differences can help individuals navigate various communication scenarios effectively. Let’s explore the key differences between Public Speaking and Presentations: 





Speech delivered to an audience 

Visual display of information 

Audience interaction 

Limited, mostly one-way communication 

Can involve interactive discussions 


Verbal and non-verbal communication 

Primarily visual communication 


Inform, persuade, entertain 

Inform, educate, or demonstrate 

Time frame 

Can vary in length (short to long) 

Usually time-bound (short to medium) 

Use of visual aids 

Minimal, if any 

Essential for supporting information 


Establishing a connection with the audience 

Captivating attention through visuals and delivery 

Level of interactivity  

One significant Difference Between Public Speaking and Presentations lies in the level of interactivity with the audience. In Public Speaking, there is often direct engagement with the audience, allowing for questions, discussions, and active participation. The speaker may seek audience feedback, encourage dialogue, or facilitate interactive activities to foster engagement. 

Presentations, on the other hand, typically have a more one-way communication style. While there might be opportunities for questions at the end, the focus is primarily on delivering the content in a structured manner. Presenters often rely on visual aids and slides to support their message, aiming to inform or educate the audience rather than actively engage them in a dialogue. 

Time frame and structure  

Public Speaking engagements can vary significantly in terms of duration. They can range from brief speeches delivered in a few minutes to longer keynote addresses that span an hour or more. Public Speakers have the flexibility to adapt their content and delivery style based on the time allotted and the specific needs of the audience. 

Presentations, on the other hand, are typically more time-bound and follow a structured format. They often have a designated time limit, requiring presenters to plan and organise their content within that timeframe carefully. Presentations commonly follow a clear beginning, middle, and end, with a predefined agenda or outline to guide the flow of information. 

Use of visual aids  

Visual aids are crucial in Presentations, supporting the content being delivered. Presenters often rely on slides, charts, graphs, or other visual elements to enhance understanding and engage the audience visually. These visual aids serve as a complementary tool, reinforcing key points and visual representation of data or concepts. 

In Public Speaking, the use of visual aids is not as prevalent. While speakers may incorporate visual elements sparingly, the focus is primarily on the verbal delivery and the speaker’s ability to captivate the audience through storytelling, rhetoric, or personal connection. Public Speakers rely more on their communication skills and the power of their words to convey their message effectively. 

Emphasis on persuasion vs. information  

Another Difference Between Public Speaking and Presentations lies in the emphasis on persuasion versus information. Public Speaking often aims to persuade and influence the audience. Whether it’s convincing them to adopt a certain viewpoint, take action, or change their perspective, Public Speakers utilise persuasive techniques such as rhetoric, emotional appeals, and logical arguments to sway the audience’s opinions or attitudes. 

Presentations, on the other hand, primarily focus on providing information and delivering content clearly and concisely. While there may be elements of persuasion involved, such as influencing the audience’s understanding or decision-making process, the primary goal of a Presentation is to convey information accurately and effectively. 

Degree of formality  

Public Speaking and Presentations also differ in terms of formality. Public Speaking can encompass a wide range of settings, from formal events such as conferences or academic lectures to more informal gatherings or impromptu speeches. The level of formality may vary depending on the context and the expectations of the audience. 

On the other hand, presentations tend to be more structured and formal. They often involve preparing and delivering information professionally, such as in business meetings, educational settings, or corporate Presentations. Presenters are expected to adhere to certain guidelines and standards of professionalism in their delivery. 

Enhance your Public Speaking skills and become a confident speaker with our Public Speaking Training .  

Similarities between Public Speaking and Presentations  

While Public Speaking and Presentations have distinct characteristics, they also share several similarities that contribute to effective communication. Understanding these commonalities can help individuals enhance their skills in both areas. So, Let’s learn about the similarities between Public Speaking and Presentations: 

Effect on the audience  

Both Public Speaking and Presentations can be measured in terms of their effectiveness. In both scenarios, the speaker's ability to engage the audience, convey the intended message clearly, and leave a lasting impact are crucial factors. 

Evaluating the audience's response, feedback, and level of understanding can provide insights into the effectiveness of both Public Speaking and Presentations. 

Communication skills  

Effective communication skills are vital in both Public Speaking and Presentations. Clear articulation, proper use of body language, tone of voice, and the ability to engage the audience are essential elements for success. Whether it's capturing the attention of the listeners during a Public Speaking engagement or delivering a compelling Presentation, honing communication skills is critical in both scenarios. 

Audience size  

The size of the audience can vary in both Public Speaking and Presentations. While Public Speaking often involves addressing a larger audience, such as in conferences or seminars, Presentations can range from small groups to larger gatherings. In both cases, speakers need to adapt their communication style, engage the audience, and tailor their content to meet the expectations and needs of the listeners. 

Creativity window  

Both Public Speaking and Presentations provide an opportunity for speakers to showcase their creativity. Whether using storytelling techniques, incorporating visual aids, or employing rhetorical devices, creativity plays a significant role in capturing the audience’s attention and conveying the message effectively. The ability to think outside the box and present ideas in an engaging and innovative manner can elevate both Public Speaking and Presentations. 

The overall goal of the speaker  

While the specific objectives may vary, the overall goal of the speaker remains consistent in both Public Speaking and Presentations. It is to effectively communicate a message, share knowledge, influence opinions, or inspire action. Whether it's delivering a motivational speech or presenting a business proposal, the speaker aims to engage the audience, leave an impact, and achieve the desired outcome. 

Gain in-depth knowledge of communicating through interactive diagrams with our Visual Communication Training .  

How to master Public Speaking and Presentation skills?   

How to master Public Speaking and Presentation skills

a) Research and analyse your audience to tailor your content and delivery to their interests and needs. 

b) Craft concise messages that are easy to understand, avoiding jargon or complex language. 

c) Rehearse your speech or Presentation multiple times to build confidence and improve delivery. 

d)Use appropriate gestures, maintain eye contact, and control your vocal tone to enhance communication. 

e) Incorporate visual elements such as slides or props to enhance understanding and engagement. 

f) Encourage interaction, ask rhetorical questions, or use storytelling techniques to captivate the audience. 

g) Be flexible in adapting your communication style to different formal or informal settings. 

h) Be yourself and let your passion and enthusiasm shine through in your delivery. 


Understanding the Difference Between Public Speaking and Presentation skills is a valuable asset that can greatly enhance your communication abilities. By understanding these differences, you can become a confident and compelling communicator, making a lasting impact on your personal and professional endeavours. Learn how to communicate effectively and become a catalyst of change with our Communication Skills Training .  

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Outlining The Differences Between Presentations And Speeches

So let’s see, you thought presentations and speeches were synonymous with each other? Well you won’t be the first person to think so, there are countless more who continue to confuse one with the other. Though both use language as the primary means of exchange yet both are quite different from each other and rely on different means to get the point across.

Speeches have been told since the dawn of time! There are so many historic speeches by so many figures that it is hard to keep a record of. But compared to speech , presentations have been a relatively new phenomenon which usually revolves around the business and education sector. Presentations, compared to speech, involve using visual aids like charts, graphs or presentational tools like Microsoft PowerPoint .

Presentations And Speeches

Let’s outline the differences between presentations and speeches for more clarity.


  • Presentations, just like speech, chiefly use spoken language and words as a means of explaining something.
  • Apart from just words, presentations employ the use of visual aids to get the message across. That is why they are called presentations, because you present something to your audience in addition to your words.
  • Presentations rely on charts, graphs, PowerPoint slides and the like. As compared to giving a speech, are considered easier for any people because of the security of falling back upon the visual aid.
  • Presentations involve a media and visual setup like projectors, screens, etc.
  • A speech purely relies on spoken words and is directed towards a group of listeners or audience.
  • A speech can be about anything, from victory to defeat and even being used as a motivational tool for people.
  • Speeches have been a part of history! Browse through the internet and you will find countless speeches made by famous men and women, dating back to the Roman Empire!
  • Since no visual aid is required for a speech, there is no need for any equipment like projectors or screens.

So these were a few major differences between a speech and a presentation. There won’t be any confusion now between both! As we mentioned above, most people find giving presentations much easier when compared with giving a speech, mostly because of the visual aid in case of the former. But presentations are yet to make an indelible mark because of the fact they are still mostly used for business purposes only.

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How to Make a “Good” Presentation “Great”

  • Guy Kawasaki

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Remember: Less is more.

A strong presentation is so much more than information pasted onto a series of slides with fancy backgrounds. Whether you’re pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something else, a great presentation can give you a competitive advantage, and be a powerful tool when aiming to persuade, educate, or inspire others. Here are some unique elements that make a presentation stand out.

  • Fonts: Sans Serif fonts such as Helvetica or Arial are preferred for their clean lines, which make them easy to digest at various sizes and distances. Limit the number of font styles to two: one for headings and another for body text, to avoid visual confusion or distractions.
  • Colors: Colors can evoke emotions and highlight critical points, but their overuse can lead to a cluttered and confusing presentation. A limited palette of two to three main colors, complemented by a simple background, can help you draw attention to key elements without overwhelming the audience.
  • Pictures: Pictures can communicate complex ideas quickly and memorably but choosing the right images is key. Images or pictures should be big (perhaps 20-25% of the page), bold, and have a clear purpose that complements the slide’s text.
  • Layout: Don’t overcrowd your slides with too much information. When in doubt, adhere to the principle of simplicity, and aim for a clean and uncluttered layout with plenty of white space around text and images. Think phrases and bullets, not sentences.

As an intern or early career professional, chances are that you’ll be tasked with making or giving a presentation in the near future. Whether you’re pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something else, a great presentation can give you a competitive advantage, and be a powerful tool when aiming to persuade, educate, or inspire others.

speech vs presentation

  • Guy Kawasaki is the chief evangelist at Canva and was the former chief evangelist at Apple. Guy is the author of 16 books including Think Remarkable : 9 Paths to Transform Your Life and Make a Difference.

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The 5 differences between a pitch and a presentation.

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Persuade me. If you can.

“Tell me a little bit about yourself.”

“Pitch me your business idea.”

“Why should I do business with you?”

Where, exactly, does the story begin? In order to pitch your ideas - or your job skills - effectively, it’s important to understand the fundamental differences between a presentation and a pitch. Because a pitch is more than just an informational presentation. Beyond the constructs of the various TV shows, like Shark Tank , a pitch doesn’t necessarily inform. A good pitch compels . In other words, a pitch inspires action.

Persuasion Creates Opportunity, inside Your Pitch

That’s right, “inspires”. Because if all you want to do is instruct, like an informational presentation, that’s not a pitch. True, your audience might get smarter. But are you getting any richer? What does “good” look like, when it comes to your pitch? Maybe it looks like a new job . A new promotion. Or a new initiative that’s delivered (persuasively) by none other than you. Would you invest in that pitch?

Consider these five key differences between a presentation and a pitch:

  • You Don’t Have to Go it Alone : it’s easy to fall into the trap that you’re alone on an island when it comes to your pitch - and that’s why you better talk fast, right? Wrong. A presentation is about information. A pitch is about connection . Slow down, and stop trying to lift the world by yourself. Instead, connect your message to the people you wish to influence most: your investors, your potential new employer, your boss. Stop focusing on yourself and consider the puts and takes for the person right in front of you. You may not be facing off with Mr. Wonderful, but if you can find a way to connect to your audience, you’re making wonderful progress. How does your pitch impact the person you’re trying to influence? Are you clear on their outcomes, not just your own?
  • Outcomes, Not Obstacles : there are four words that need to be a part of any persuasive conversation or pitch. Here they are: “I’ve thought this through”. Thinking things through means looking beyond the details. Zoom out and see if you see the big picture - have you thought things through? After all, a pitch is persuasive. It’s not a how-to. You’re not there to instruct, you’re there to inspire. Thinking things through points towards outcomes . What is the outcome of your business idea? What’s the outcome of you being hired by this firm? Stop focusing on your past experience and knowledge (Your background and resumé won’t disappear, when you make this shift). Turn your experience into outcomes for your audience. That way, you create an experience for your investor (or potential employer). Sharing outcomes starts by answering this simple question: “What’s the biggest promise you can keep?”
  • What’s Your Log Line? Brant Pinvidic has sold over 300 different vehicles to various studios in Hollywood, including reality TV shows like Pawn Stars and Bar Rescue . In his book, The 3-Minute Rule, he explains how it can be useful to have a “log line”. He defines a log line as “the single most valuable element of your offering...in a single sentence or phrase.” He explains how he sold the idea of The Biggest Loser, the most successful show his company has produced so far: “Overweight contestants compete to lose weight; the winner is the biggest loser.” Simplicity wins, when it comes to your pitch.
  • Use Leadership Language - Not Just Description: If you want a pitch that’s a winner, consider the difference between language that describes and language that creates. The language of description is all around us - in news reports, white papers and web pages. The language of creation, however, focuses on what we might be able to make, build or do together. Leadership language emphasizes creation: creating partnerships, opportunities, options and outcomes. Which do you think is more important in a pitch, description or creation? If an investor can take a quiz on your business idea, describe it, and earn an “A”, you might just be the biggest loser. Because if your audience is smarter, but they’re not co-creating a new solution with you, what have you won? Do you want to get a grade, or to get paid?
  • Close Like You Know: a compelling pitch is, at its core, is a series of “yeses”. A pitch always finds a way to “yes”. How do you know if your pitch is going well? When you hear these three words from your audience: tell me more . Can you share ideas that are inarguable? Ideas and concepts that inspire agreement instead of inviting argument? These paths lead to yes. And then, at the end of your pitch, offer the easiest thing in the world to say “yes” to. And what is the easiest thing in the world to say “yes” to? No, it’s not free beer. It’s an invitation . What is the invitation you can offer? An invitation that’s logical and actionable and measurable. An invitation to co-create the next step - the step that just might get you into the winner’s circle. Or that new job you’ve been hoping for.

You don’t have to watch Shark Tank in order to see the value in a persuasive conversation. That’s right: a pitch is simply a conversation, if it’s done right. A conversation that’s compelling, clear and guided, so that your audience sees your vision. A vision that’s presented in a way that makes people say “yes”. Using the language of creation, a pitch builds to a “tell me more”, based on a story that gets your audience involved and connected with your vision. So, if you’re looking for a new job, or a new way to get your ideas across, consider how you might be able to create the one thing that every pitch needs: a connection to your audience. Instead of focusing intently on your background, your struggle, or your hero’s journey, consider instead how you can make your audience the hero. That kind of language just might help you create what’s missing. So, you’re invited to change the conversation - and change your results - whenever you’re ready to win.

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14.1 Four Methods of Delivery

Learning objectives.

  • Differentiate among the four methods of speech delivery.
  • Understand when to use each of the four methods of speech delivery.

Lt. Governor Anthony Brown bring greetings to the 13th Annual House of Ruth Spring Luncheon. by Brian K. Slack at Baltimore, MD

Maryland GovPics – House of Ruth Luncheon – CC BY 2.0.

The easiest approach to speech delivery is not always the best. Substantial work goes into the careful preparation of an interesting and ethical message, so it is understandable that students may have the impulse to avoid “messing it up” by simply reading it word for word. But students who do this miss out on one of the major reasons for studying public speaking: to learn ways to “connect” with one’s audience and to increase one’s confidence in doing so. You already know how to read, and you already know how to talk. But public speaking is neither reading nor talking.

Speaking in public has more formality than talking. During a speech, you should present yourself professionally. This doesn’t mean you must wear a suit or “dress up” (unless your instructor asks you to), but it does mean making yourself presentable by being well groomed and wearing clean, appropriate clothes. It also means being prepared to use language correctly and appropriately for the audience and the topic, to make eye contact with your audience, and to look like you know your topic very well.

While speaking has more formality than talking, it has less formality than reading. Speaking allows for meaningful pauses, eye contact, small changes in word order, and vocal emphasis. Reading is a more or less exact replication of words on paper without the use of any nonverbal interpretation. Speaking, as you will realize if you think about excellent speakers you have seen and heard, provides a more animated message.

The next sections introduce four methods of delivery that can help you balance between too much and too little formality when giving a public speech.

Impromptu Speaking

Impromptu speaking is the presentation of a short message without advance preparation. Impromptu speeches often occur when someone is asked to “say a few words” or give a toast on a special occasion. You have probably done impromptu speaking many times in informal, conversational settings. Self-introductions in group settings are examples of impromptu speaking: “Hi, my name is Steve, and I’m a volunteer with the Homes for the Brave program.” Another example of impromptu speaking occurs when you answer a question such as, “What did you think of the documentary?”

The advantage of this kind of speaking is that it’s spontaneous and responsive in an animated group context. The disadvantage is that the speaker is given little or no time to contemplate the central theme of his or her message. As a result, the message may be disorganized and difficult for listeners to follow.

Here is a step-by-step guide that may be useful if you are called upon to give an impromptu speech in public.

  • Take a moment to collect your thoughts and plan the main point you want to make.
  • Thank the person for inviting you to speak.
  • Deliver your message, making your main point as briefly as you can while still covering it adequately and at a pace your listeners can follow.
  • Thank the person again for the opportunity to speak.
  • Stop talking.

As you can see, impromptu speeches are generally most successful when they are brief and focus on a single point.

Extemporaneous Speaking

Extemporaneous speaking is the presentation of a carefully planned and rehearsed speech, spoken in a conversational manner using brief notes. By using notes rather than a full manuscript, the extemporaneous speaker can establish and maintain eye contact with the audience and assess how well they are understanding the speech as it progresses. The opportunity to assess is also an opportunity to restate more clearly any idea or concept that the audience seems to have trouble grasping.

For instance, suppose you are speaking about workplace safety and you use the term “sleep deprivation.” If you notice your audience’s eyes glazing over, this might not be a result of their own sleep deprivation, but rather an indication of their uncertainty about what you mean. If this happens, you can add a short explanation; for example, “sleep deprivation is sleep loss serious enough to threaten one’s cognition, hand-to-eye coordination, judgment, and emotional health.” You might also (or instead) provide a concrete example to illustrate the idea. Then you can resume your message, having clarified an important concept.

Speaking extemporaneously has some advantages. It promotes the likelihood that you, the speaker, will be perceived as knowledgeable and credible. In addition, your audience is likely to pay better attention to the message because it is engaging both verbally and nonverbally. The disadvantage of extemporaneous speaking is that it requires a great deal of preparation for both the verbal and the nonverbal components of the speech. Adequate preparation cannot be achieved the day before you’re scheduled to speak.

Because extemporaneous speaking is the style used in the great majority of public speaking situations, most of the information in this chapter is targeted to this kind of speaking.

Speaking from a Manuscript

Manuscript speaking is the word-for-word iteration of a written message. In a manuscript speech, the speaker maintains his or her attention on the printed page except when using visual aids.

The advantage to reading from a manuscript is the exact repetition of original words. As we mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, in some circumstances this can be extremely important. For example, reading a statement about your organization’s legal responsibilities to customers may require that the original words be exact. In reading one word at a time, in order, the only errors would typically be mispronunciation of a word or stumbling over complex sentence structure.

However, there are costs involved in manuscript speaking. First, it’s typically an uninteresting way to present. Unless the speaker has rehearsed the reading as a complete performance animated with vocal expression and gestures (as poets do in a poetry slam and actors do in a reader’s theater), the presentation tends to be dull. Keeping one’s eyes glued to the script precludes eye contact with the audience. For this kind of “straight” manuscript speech to hold audience attention, the audience must be already interested in the message before the delivery begins.

It is worth noting that professional speakers, actors, news reporters, and politicians often read from an autocue device, such as a TelePrompTer, especially when appearing on television, where eye contact with the camera is crucial. With practice, a speaker can achieve a conversational tone and give the impression of speaking extemporaneously while using an autocue device. However, success in this medium depends on two factors: (1) the speaker is already an accomplished public speaker who has learned to use a conversational tone while delivering a prepared script, and (2) the speech is written in a style that sounds conversational.

Speaking from Memory

Memorized speaking is the rote recitation of a written message that the speaker has committed to memory. Actors, of course, recite from memory whenever they perform from a script in a stage play, television program, or movie scene. When it comes to speeches, memorization can be useful when the message needs to be exact and the speaker doesn’t want to be confined by notes.

The advantage to memorization is that it enables the speaker to maintain eye contact with the audience throughout the speech. Being free of notes means that you can move freely around the stage and use your hands to make gestures. If your speech uses visual aids, this freedom is even more of an advantage. However, there are some real and potential costs. First, unless you also plan and memorize every vocal cue (the subtle but meaningful variations in speech delivery, which can include the use of pitch, tone, volume, and pace), gesture, and facial expression, your presentation will be flat and uninteresting, and even the most fascinating topic will suffer. You might end up speaking in a monotone or a sing-song repetitive delivery pattern. You might also present your speech in a rapid “machine-gun” style that fails to emphasize the most important points. Second, if you lose your place and start trying to ad lib, the contrast in your style of delivery will alert your audience that something is wrong. More frighteningly, if you go completely blank during the presentation, it will be extremely difficult to find your place and keep going.

Key Takeaways

  • There are four main kinds of speech delivery: impromptu, extemporaneous, manuscript, and memorized.
  • Impromptu speaking involves delivering a message on the spur of the moment, as when someone is asked to “say a few words.”
  • Extemporaneous speaking consists of delivering a speech in a conversational fashion using notes. This is the style most speeches call for.
  • Manuscript speaking consists of reading a fully scripted speech. It is useful when a message needs to be delivered in precise words.
  • Memorized speaking consists of reciting a scripted speech from memory. Memorization allows the speaker to be free of notes.
  • Find a short newspaper story. Read it out loud to a classroom partner. Then, using only one notecard, tell the classroom partner in your own words what the story said. Listen to your partner’s observations about the differences in your delivery.
  • In a group of four or five students, ask each student to give a one-minute impromptu speech answering the question, “What is the most important personal quality for academic success?”
  • Watch the evening news. Observe the differences between news anchors using a TelePrompTer and interviewees who are using no notes of any kind. What differences do you observe?

Stand up, Speak out Copyright © 2016 by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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What is the difference between keynote, invited, and oral conference presentations?

I'm a PhD student, and I'll soon be presenting some of my work at a conference. In the program, my presentation is labeled "invited" while others have "oral" and others "Keynote". I am a bit confused, as I was never invited (maybe one of my professors was) and would like to know the difference between these kind of presentations.

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Jeromy Anglim's user avatar

  • 1 it doesn't help that Apple makes presentation software labeled "Keynote". –  Michael Commented Jun 29, 2015 at 4:36
  • related: academia.stackexchange.com/q/15611/258 –  David LeBauer Commented Jun 30, 2015 at 0:45

2 Answers 2

Having an invited talk and not having been invited is unusual, indeed. Maybe your professor was invited and passed the ball to you; the best thing to do is asking him/her.

"Oral" also is unusual for me (but maybe not in other fields). As noted in the other answer, typically the hierarchy is, from most to least prestigious:

  • keynote/plenary : people who were invited to participate by the organizers, who may also be paying their expenses. Unlike the rest of the talks, they are not in parallel sessions or have a reduced level of parallelism. Sometimes, when there are no parallel sections, "keynote talks" are simply longer.
  • invited : talks given by speakers that were explicitly invited by the organizers. Typically (but not always), the travel and registration expenses of these speakers are paid by the organizers.
  • contributed : people who applied themselves for participation (and were accepted) and are going to give a talk, usually in parallel.
  • poster : people who are going to present a poster instead of giving an oral talk. Sometimes people are given the option to present either a contributed talk or a poster.

I assume that "oral" means "contributed" here.

Federico Poloni's user avatar

A keynote speech or presentation is a high-profile talk intended to be of interest to everyone at the conference, and is one of the selling points of the conference. Invited speakers are those who have been invited to give a talk by the organisers of the conference. My assumption is that 'oral' is just every other talk, i.e. speakers who applied to the conference and were selected to deliver their presentation.

dbmag9's user avatar

  • 11 In conferences where there are multiple presentations going on at once in different rooms, the keynote presentations will typically be "plenary sessions" in a very large room with no other talks going on at the same time. Keynote or plenary speakers typically have much more time for their presentations (1 hour or 1.5 hours compared with a typical 20 minute or 30 minute slot for an individual invited or submitted presentation.) –  Brian Borchers Commented Jun 28, 2015 at 16:19
  • 1 Not all plenary talks are "keynote" talks. I have given the former at a number of conferences, but not the latter. A conference generally would have no more than one (or maybe two) keynote talks, given by the most featured senior researchers present. (If the conference has a banquet, it's usually on the same day as the keynote talk.) Even if there are numerous parallel sessions, there may be two or three plenary talks per day, and they can't all be keynotes. In fact, at a couple of conferences I attended, each session organizer gave a plenary talk. –  Buzz Commented Jun 29, 2015 at 15:01

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Microsoft 365 Life Hacks > Presentations > How to introduce yourself in a presentation

How to introduce yourself in a presentation

A well-executed presentation should captivate your audience and listeners. The first step to gaining their attention is creating an engaging introduction. Learn why presentation introductions are important and how to properly execute one for your presentation.

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Why are presentation introductions important?

Presentation delivery impacts your audience’s reception and listening skills. A dull delivery can deter listeners and potentially leave them disinterested. Conversely, an effective delivery can engage your audience, promote active listening, and stimulate substantive discussion.

Presentation introductions also help to establish the outline of your presentation and give the audience an idea of what is to come. Introductions play a crucial role in captivating listeners from the onset and building momentum. They address who you are, why the audience should be invested, state the topic, establish credibility, preview the main points, and establish the cadence and tone of your presentation. Before you dive into the content of your presentation, ensure you establish an effective introduction to captivate your audience.

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How to begin a presentation introduction

To establish rapport with your audience, here are some tips to effectively introduce yourself and your presentation:

Be clear and concise

A succinct introduction makes it easier for your audience to follow. Keep your introduction simple, short, and include only necessary information. State your name and topic clearly so your audience knows you from the beginning. Avoid unnecessary details or lengthy anecdotes in your introduction to keep things focused and to the point.

Provide pertinent background information

In addition to your name and topic, highlight anything else that is relevant. You can include your education, work background, qualifications, and other information. Most importantly, ensure the information you disclose is directly relevant to yourself and presentation.

Create a hook or attention getter

Once you’ve established your name and topic, create an engaging hook or attention getter. Your introduction can be funny, clever, or it can captivate your audience. Have fun creating an introduction, but be sure to align your tone and delivery to your audience.

Outline your presentation

Let your audience know what your will be discussing. Establish a roadmap of your presentation: outline your contents, topics, and main points in an easily digestible format. This makes it easier for your audience to follow your presentation and prepare for its contents.

Practice and refine

Once you’ve created a solid introduction, rehearse your introduction until the delivery is organic and smooth. Confidence is key for an optimal delivery. Speak clearly, practice eye contact, and use storytelling to engage your audience.

Be authentic

Above all, be yourself—authenticity helps you build trust and connection with your audience. Carry you character, speech, and personality into your presentation to draw in your audience.

A successful introduction establishes tone, cadence, topic, and showcases your personality. Gain your audience’s attention and effectively deliver your presentation with an effective introduction. For more ways to engage your audience and improve presentation delivery , learn more presentation tips .

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Trump and Biden's first presidential debate of 2024, fact checked

By Arden Farhi , Hunter Woodall , Jui Sarwate , Julia Ingram , Layla Ferris , Laura Doan , James LaPorta , Daniel Klaidman , Alexander Tin , Pete Villasmil, Sierra Sanders

Updated on: June 28, 2024 / 9:46 AM EDT / CBS News

Here's the fact check of some of the statements made by President Biden and former President Donald Trump during the first 2024 presidential debate , which took place in Atlanta on Thursday, June 27. The two tangled on topics including immigration, the economy, abortion and their respective records. Mr. Biden seemed to ramble during many of his responses.

CBS News  covered the debate live as it happened . 

Trump claims "we had the greatest economy in the history of our country": False

Trump : "We had the greatest economy in the history of our country. And we have never done so well. Every- everybody was amazed by it. Other countries were copying us." 

Details : Trump's claim is false that during his presidency the U.S. had the greatest economy in the history of the country by many of the common metrics used to judge economic performance. The claim struggles when looking at GDP. If the 2020 pandemic  is excluded, growth after inflation under Trump averaged 2.49%, according to figures from the  World Bank . This is far from the GDP growth under Democratic President Bill Clinton of 3.88%, according to  World Bank data . Including the time period after COVID spread, that average drops to 1.18%. 

Trump's claim also falls short when compared to historical figures. Growth between 1962 to 1966 ranged from 4.4% to 6.6%. In 1950 and 1951, GDP ranged between 8.7% and 8%.

Under Mr. Biden, annual GDP growth is averaging 3.4%, according to the  Associated Press .

*An earlier version of this fact check misstated World Bank figures for growth after inflation under Trump at 2.65%, rather than 2.49%, and 1.45%, instead of 1.18%, and also rounded the growth number for Clinton. This has been updated.


Trump's claim is also false even when evaluating the unemployment rate.    In February 2020, a month before the COVID pandemic affected the economy, the unemployment rate stood at 3.5% — which was the lowest since December 1969 — but not the lowest ever. When Trump's term ended, the unemployment rate was 6.3%.

In 1953, the unemployment rate fell as low as 2.5%. Under Mr. Biden, the unemployment rate is 4%, according to the  most recent data  from May 2024. 

In January 2023 and again in April 2023, the unemployment rate was 3.4%, lower than the best month during Trump's term.

Stock market performance

On Jan. 19, 2021, the  S&P 500-stock average  closed at 67.8% above where it had been the day before Trump was inaugurated in 2017. 

According to  Investopedia ,  at the end of President Barack Obama's first term in office, the S&P closed 84.5% higher. Additionally the S&P gained 79% during President Bill Clinton's first term, and 70% during President Dwight Eisenhower's first term. So far, under President Biden, the  S&P 500 has increased almost 40% , according to calculations on June 13. 

By Laura Doan and Hunter Woodall 

Biden claims he's the only president this century that doesn't have troops dying anywhere in the world: False

Biden: "I'm the only president this century that doesn't have any — this decade — that doesn't have any troops dying anywhere in the world." 

Details : At least 16 U.S. service members have died while serving overseas during Mr. Biden's presidency. Thirteen U.S. service members  died  in an attack at the Kabul airport in Afghanistan in August 2021. Three soldiers were  killed  in an attack in Jordan in January of this year.

By Layla Ferris

Trump claims he did not refer to U.S. soldiers who were killed as "suckers and losers": False

Trump: "First of all, that was a made-up quote. 'Suckers and losers,' they made it up."

Details : Current and former U.S. military service members have detailed to CBS News multiple instances when Trump made disparaging remarks about members of the U.S. military who were captured or killed, including referring to the American war dead at the Aisle-Marne American Cemetery in France in 2018 as "losers" and "suckers."  

A senior Defense Department official and a former U.S. Marine Corps officer with direct knowledge of what was said detailed how Trump said he did not want to visit the cemetery because it was "filled with losers." These accounts were backed independently by two other officials — a former senior U.S. Army officer and a separate, former senior U.S. Marine Corps officer.   

In another conversation on the trip, Trump referred to the 1,800 Marines who died in the World War I battle of Belleau Wood as "suckers" for getting killed.  The Atlantic was first to report Trump's comments in 2020. His former chief of staff John Kelly later confirmed to CNN the essence of what Trump had said.

By James LaPorta and Sierra Sanders 

Biden claims 40% fewer people are crossing border illegally, better than when Trump was in office: Partially true         

Biden: "I've changed it in a way that now you're in a situation where there 40% fewer people coming across the border illegally; it's better than when he left office."

Details : Since Mr. Biden issued a  proclamation  banning most migrants from asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border in early June, illegal crossings there have dropped. In the past week, daily illegal border crossings have averaged roughly 2,000, according to internal Department of Homeland Security data obtained by CBS News. That's a 47% drop from the 3,800  daily average  in May.

During the height of a spike in migration faced by the Trump administration in 2019, Border Patrol recorded an average of 4,300 daily illegal crossings,  government data  show. But there were months during the  Covid-19 pandemic  when the Trump administration averaged fewer than 2,000 illegal border crossings.

By Camilo Montoya-Galvez

Trump claims migrants coming to U.S. and "killing our citizens at a level...we've never seen before": Misleading

Trump: "People are coming in and killing our citizens at a level like we've never seen before." 

Details :  Some migrants who are believed to have entered the U.S. along the southern border in recent years have been charged with murder and other heinous crimes in different parts of the country. They include the suspect in the high-profile murder of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley .

But while the data on this question is not comprehensive, available  studies  have found that migrants living in the country illegally do not commit crimes at a higher rate than native-born Americans. 

Government  statistics  also show a very small fraction of migrants processed by Border Patrol have criminal records in the U.S. or other countries that share information with American officials.

On COVID, Trump claims more people died under Biden administration than his: True, but needs context  

Trump: "Remember, more people died under his administration — even though we had largely fixed it — more people died under his administration than our administration, and we were right in the middle of it, something which a lot of people don't like to talk about. But [Biden] had far more people dying in his administration."

Details : More than 460,000 people had died from COVID-19 by the end of the week that Biden was inaugurated in 2021, while more than 725,000 have died in the three years since then, according to data from the  CDC . However, research has found that the counts of COVID-19 deaths, especially in the early days of the pandemic, were likely  undercounted .

By Julia Ingram and Jui Sarwate

In discussing abortion, Trump claims former Virginia governor, a Democrat, supported killing babies: False

Trump: "If you look at the former governor of Virginia, he was willing to do this — he said  'we'll put the baby aside and we'll determine what we'll do with the baby'.. .meaning we'll kill the baby."

Details : In a 2019 radio interview then-governor of Virginia Ralph Northam, in discussing late-term abortions,  addressed a hypothetical scenario in which a fetus was severely deformed or wasn't otherwise viable. He said, "the infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable, the infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired." 

Northam did not say the fetus should be killed. Killing a newborn baby — or infanticide — is illegal in every state, and not a single state is trying to change that. 

By Laura Doan and Daniel Klaidman

Trump claims Biden "went after" his political opponent in New York "hush money" case to damage him: False        

Trump: "[Biden] basically went after his political opponent (Trump) because he thought it was going to damage me, but when the public found out about these cases, 'cause they understand it better than he does, he has no idea what these cases are, but when they found out about these cases, you know what they did? My poll numbers went up, way up."

Details : There is no federal jurisdiction over a state case. The Manhattan district attorney's office is a  separate entity  from the U.S. Department of Justice. The department does not supervise the work of the Manhattan D.A.'s office, does not approve its charging decisions, and it does not try the D.A.'s cases.

By Pete Villasmil

Trump claims he brought insulin prices down for seniors: Misleading

Trump: "I'm the one that got the insulin down for the seniors. I took care of the seniors."

Details :  During Trump's time as president, Medicare created a voluntary program  in 2020  between some plans and insulin manufacturers that agreed to cap out-of-pocket costs for insulin at $35 per month. Around  half of  Medicare Advantage or stand-alone prescription drug plans ended up participating by 2021. 

David Ricks, CEO of insulin drugmaker Eli Lilly, has taken credit for pioneering the idea with Trump administration officials at a congressional  hearing  and in an  interview . In the same interview with STAT, Seema Verma, former Medicare agency chief in the Trump administration, gave Ricks the credit for the cap: "He is an unsung hero. He was actually the mastermind of all of this." 

Medicare  ended  the policy in 2023, after Mr. Biden signed into law the  Inflation Reduction Act , which capped insulin costs for Medicare beneficiaries — not just for the portion of plans participating in the program. The law capped insulin costs at the same amount of $35 per month.

By Alexander Tin and Hunter Woodall 

Trump claims Biden wants open borders: False

Trump: "He wants open borders. He wants our country to either be destroyed or he wants to pick up those people as voters." 

Details : When he took office, Mr. Biden reversed numerous Trump-era immigration policies, including a program that required migrants to await their asylum hearings in Mexico. U.S. Border Patrol has also reported record numbers of migrant apprehensions along the southern border during Mr. Biden's presidency. But Mr. Biden has never endorsed or implemented an "open borders" policy.

In fact, Mr. Biden has embraced some restrictive border policies that mirror rules enacted by his predecessor. In 2023, his administration published a regulation that disqualified migrants from asylum if they crossed into the country illegally after not seeking protection in a third country. 

Earlier this month, Mr. Biden enacted an even stricter policy: a proclamation that has partially shut down asylum processing along the border. His administration has also carried out over 4 million deportations, expulsions and returns of migrants since 2021, according to  government data .

Only U.S. citizens can vote in federal elections. Most who cross into the U.S. illegally are not on a path to permanent legal status, let alone citizenship. Even those who apply and win asylum — a process that typically takes years to complete — have to wait five years as permanent U.S. residents before applying for American citizenship. There's no evidence to suggest that the Biden administration's border policy is based on a desire to convert migrants into voters.

Biden claims Trump wants to get rid of Social Security: False        

Biden "[Trump] wants to get rid of Social Security. He thinks there's plenty to cut in social security. He's wanted to cut Social Security and Medicare, both times."

Details : Trump has repeatedly  said  he will try to protect Medicare and Social Security. Trump said in a March 21 Truth Social  post  that he would not "under any circumstance" allow Social Security to "be even touched" if he were president. Trump had said in a CNBC  interview  on March 11 that "there is a lot you can do" in terms of "cutting" spending under Social Security. Mr. Biden  said  the comments were proof Trump aimed to make cuts in the programs, but a Trump campaign spokesman  said  Trump was referring to "cutting waste and fraud," not Social Security entitlements.

Trump claims Biden has the "largest deficit" in history of U.S.: False

Trump: "But he's (Biden) got the largest deficit in the history of our country."

Details : The national deficit was the largest it had been in over two decades under Trump's administration, not Mr. Biden's, according to  data from the U.S. Treasury . The deficit peaked in fiscal year 2020 at $3.13 trillion, and declined to $1.7 trillion by the end of fiscal year 2023.

By Julia Ingram

  • Presidential Debate
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Arden Farhi is the senior White House producer at CBS News. He has covered several presidential campaigns and the Obama, Trump and Biden administrations. He also produces "The Takeout with Major Garrett."

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What time is the 2024 presidential debate? How to watch CNN-hosted event with Joe Biden and Donald Trump

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President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump  will go head to head tonight for the first presidential debate of the 2024 cycle.

Hosted by CNN , the debate will be 90 minutes and introduce some new rules to the format. Both candidates have  accepted the network’s invitation and agreed to accept the rules  and format of the debate, according to CNN.

Wondering what time to tune in? Here's when to fire up your televisions, as well as other key information about the debate and elections.

When is time is the presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden?

The first presidential debate will take place at 9 p.m. ET/ 8 p.m. CT at CNN's studios in Georgia.

Where can I watch the first presidential debate between Biden and Trump?

If you have cable, you can watch the live debate on CNN, CNN International, CNN en Español and CNN Max.

Fox News announced  previously it would present “extensive live coverage” of the CNN presidential debate across all its platforms, including the “FOX News Democracy 2024: CNN Presidential Debate” from 9 p.m. through 11 p.m. EST.

ABC News also said it would be showing “‘Battle for the White House’ and ABC News’ Presentation of the CNN Presidential Debate” on ABC New Live.

How to watch the presidential debate without cable?

For those without a cable subscription, the debate will be  streaming on CNN.com . ABC said it will be streaming it on Hulu on Thursday from 7 p.m. to midnight.

A live stream of the ‘CNN Presidential Debate’ will be also available on  USA TODAY via YouTube .

Who are the moderators for the first presidential debate between Trump and Biden?

CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash will moderate the first presidential debate for 2024, according to CNN's pressroom.

Are there any rules to CNN's presidential debate?

According to the network, the new rules for the 90-minute debate will include no studio audience, no interaction from campaign staff, no use of notes and no interrupting.

Microphones will also be muted except for that candidate's allotted time to speak. The moderators “will use all tools at their disposal to enforce timing and ensure a civilized discussion,” according to the network.

In a first, both campaigns have agreed to the new rules.

Who's running for president 2024?

Along with Biden and Trump, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is running as an Independent and Chase Oliver is running under the Libertarian Party.

Kennedy and Oliver will not be participating in the debate.

When is the next presidential debate?

The second debate is scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 10 and will be hosted by ABC. As of June 2024, the details about the location and moderators for the ABC-hosted debate have yet to be announced.

When will official candidates be announced for 2024 presidential race?

While Trump and Biden are the presumptive Republican and Democratic nominees for president, the official nomination isn't expected to come until each party's conventions this summer.

According to the Tennessean , the Democrats will make an official presidential nomination either at a virtual roll call ahead of the  Democratic National Convention  or at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in August. Republicans will make an official presidential nomination at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in July.

When are Florida's 2024 Primary Elections?

Florida's Primary Elections are on August 20. There are several key dates to know, and they're coming up fast.

July 6:  This is the deadline for stateside and overseas military, and out-of-country civilians, to request a vote-by-mail ballot.

July 11-18:  Deadline for county clerks to mail out domestic ballots.

July 22 : This is the last day to register to vote, or for voters to change their party before voting in the primary election. You must choose a party to be permitted to vote in that party's primary election.

Aug. 8:  Final deadline for vote-by-mail requests.

Aug. 10-17:  Early voting opens statewide. Optional earlier dates may be offered on a county-by-county basis.

Aug. 20:  Primary Election Day. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. in whatever time zone you live in. Any voters still in line at 7 p.m. will be permitted to cast a ballot however long it takes.

When is the General Election in November?

The General Election is on Tuesday, Nov. 5.

Contributing:  Kinsey Crowley  and  Gabe Hauari , USA TODAY and C. A. Bridges, USA TODAY Network-Florida

This article originally appeared on Fort Myers News-Press: Presidential debate time tonight, streaming and election info


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