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  • Leave Letter
  • Leave Application For School

Leave Application for School - Writing Instructions and Samples

If asked about your memories of school life, you will definitely have a lot to say, but there would be one common thought that all of us share as school going kids – the plight of writing leave letters. There are many who just avoided taking leave for any reason just because they would have to write a leave letter. Moreover, it had to be signed by parents as well, so writing leave letters was never an easy task. Draft after draft after draft, it never ended, right. This article on leave application for school will explain how it can be written and thereby ease the process of writing leave letters.

Table of Contents

Format of writing a leave letter for school, leave application 1 – leave letter to principal – to participate in the national level literary competition, leave application 2 – school leave letter format – sick leave, leave application 3 – letter to principal for leave – going out of station, leave application 4 – letter of absence.

  • FAQs on Leave Application for School

Leave letters come under the category of formal letters, and so the format of a leave letter is the same as any formal letter. When writing a leave letter in English, see to it that you use formal/professional English language.

  • Begin with the receiver’s address as it is mostly handed over to the concerned person directly.
  • The date should be mentioned as it indicates when the letter was written.
  • The subject comes next. It should be as precise as possible.
  • Use a respectful salutation.
  • When you write the body of the letter, mention clearly the reason for which you are applying for leave and the time period of your leave.
  • Maintain a neutral tone throughout the letter.
  • Write to the point. Do not use long, unwinding sentences that might confuse the reader or present the content of the letter as confusing.
  • Proofread the letter, edit and correct spelling and grammatical errors, if any, before you submit it.
  • Attach any additional documents if necessary. For example, medical certificate, on duty certificate, etc.

Some Sample Leave Application Letters for You

Have you been asked to write a letter to the principal requesting for leave? Here is what you have to do. Be brief and genuine when you are writing a leave application and provide enough information to quote the reasons for your absence. Go through the sample leave applications given below for a better understanding of the format of writing a leave application for school.

The Principal

Holy Angels High School

Bangalore – 560025

25 th September, 2020

Subject: Leave application to participate in the National Level Literary Competition

Respected Ma’am,

I am Susan Caro, student of Class X C. I have won first place in the Elocution competition and have been selected for the next level of competitions that will be held in New Delhi. The National Level Competition will be held from the 3 rd to the 7 th of October. I will have to report to the venue at 9 am on October 3 rd .

I request you to kindly grant me leave for a week (2.10.2020 – 8.10.2020). I will make sure to take note of all the lessons and complete the work that will be given during my absence.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully,

DAV Matriculation Higher Secondary School

Mysore – 570045

May 6, 2021

Subject: Sick leave request

Respected Sir,

My son Keshav has been admitted at KIMS Hospital due to severe food poisoning and fever. The doctor has advised him to take complete rest at least for a week. He has become completely weak and anaemic.

I request you to kindly understand our situation and grant him leave for a week from May 7 th to May 12 th . I am attaching the medical certificate for your reference. I will make sure that he completes all the assigned tasks once he gets back to school.

Yours sincerely,

Perks Matriculation Higher Secondary School

Coimbatore – 641056

Subject: Leave request for going out of station

I am Adharsh, a student of Class VII B. As my brother is getting married on the 5 th of August (Thursday), I will have to leave along with my family tomorrow (3 rd August) to Kerala. I will be returning to Coimbatore on the 9 th of August (Monday). I would be highly obliged if you could kindly grant me leave for a week (03.08.2021 – 09.08.2021). I will make sure to find out the lessons completed during the week and submit all of them in a week’s time.

Class VII B

Roll No. 12

Nehru Vidhyalaya

Malda – 732101

West Bengal

Subject: Letter of Absence

I am Dennis, father of Renita (student of Class VIII C). This is to inform you that my daughter met with an accident on her way to school today morning, and she is admitted at Hem Hospital. She has been injured badly, and the doctors are doubting possible fractures as well.

I request you to kindly excuse her absence from school until she recovers completely. I will take the help of her teachers and friends to keep track of the daily lessons and tasks. I will also provide the medical certificates when she gets back to school.

Thank you in advance for understanding.

Frequently Asked Questions on Leave Application for School

What are the details to be included when i write a leave letter for school.

When writing a leave letter for school, make sure you clearly state the reason for absence and the dates on which you would want to take leave. You can also mention the date on which you would be returning to school and assure to finish all the work that has been assigned during your term of absence.

What is a leave application?

A leave application is a formal request for permission to take leave from regular classes or work. It has to be short, to the point, genuine and should state the time period and reasons for absence.

What is the format of a leave application?

A leave application includes,

  • Receiver’s address
  • Subject (Purpose of the letter)
  • Body of the letter (including the reason for leave, number of days with particular dates, date of return)
  • Complimentary closing
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How to Write a Leave Application for School

Last Updated: July 21, 2020

This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff . Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. This article has been viewed 23,743 times.

For health or personal reasons, you may need to take a leave of absence from school. Whether this is planned or unplanned, it’s important to fill out any necessary paperwork and include a letter explaining your leave request. It’s also possible you may need to create a leave request for a child. By filling out a leave application, crafting the content of your letter, and formatting your leave letter, you can ensure the leave request is approved promptly.

Filling Out a Leave Application

Step 1 Contact the school registrar to secure a leave of absence form.

  • Note that your academic standing may affect your ability to take leave.

Step 3 Find out any visa implications.

  • Some student visas may only allow for so many entries and exits into your country of study. If you plan on going back to your home country for your leave or taking an extended break, this may be an issue.
  • Your school can help you work with your local consulate to renew your visa as necessary.

Step 4 Determine if your financial aid eligibility will be affected.

  • Financial aid eligibility is often unaffected for leaves of 90 days or fewer. This varies from university to university. Talk with a school guidance counselor about strategies to take leave while retaining your aid eligibility.

Step 5 Submit a leave letter with the application.

  • A leave letter helps the recipient understand fully why you need a leave request granted. It will help ensure your request is approved.

Step 6 Proofread your letter and double check that the application is complete.

  • Checking your work is especially important if you are feeling unwell.

Crafting the Content of Your Letter

Step 1 Say what grade and class you are in.

  • For example, “With due respect, I am a 12th grade student in Mrs. Williams’ homeroom.” Or “I’m a part-time sophomore living in Fox Hall.”
  • If you are a parent writing on behalf of a student, introduce yourself and your relationship. You might say, “I’m writing on behalf of my daughter, Molly Walsh, a 4th grade student in Mr. Belden’s class.”

Step 2 Explain the reason you needs leave and for how long.

  • For example, “Due to some recently discovered kidney stones, I will need surgery this month. My doctor recommends that I miss class for 3 days, from September 9-11, to have this procedure and recover.
  • For example, “Following the recent death of my mother, I respectfully request one month bereavement leave from school, from September 10 to October 10.”
  • If you are a parent writing on behalf of a child, you might say, “Due to a stomach virus, I am respectfully requesting that Molly be allowed to recover at home for the next two days, September 10 and 11.”

Step 3 Know that mental health is a valid reason to take leave.

  • For example, you might say, “My declining mental health is disrupting my ability to participate in academic and campus life. I am respectfully requesting 1 month of leave, from September 8 to October 8, to address my depression in therapy at home.”
  • If you are a parent writing on behalf of a student, you might say, “James is currently experiencing a mental health crisis and is not able to access needed services on campus. I am respectfully requesting 60 days of medical leave on his behalf, from October 17 to December 16, to receive treatment at an in-patient facility.”

Step 4 Ask to be granted leave.

  • For example, “Therefore, I ask for you to please consider my leave request as outlined above. I am enclosing a letter from my doctor for your reference.”
  • If you are a parent writing on behalf of your child with a mental illness, you might say, “I kindly ask for you to consider this leave request due to these extenuating circumstances. I am enclosing a note from our family psychiatrist for your reference.”

Step 5 Enclose any relevant supporting materials.

  • Ask your doctor or mental health professional to write a statement for you to attach.

Formatting a Leave Letter

Step 1 Date the letter.

  • For example: “September 2, 2017.”

Step 2 Include your mailing address in the top right corner.

  • For example: “Ms. Violet Jones 25 Maxine Street Chicago, IL 60661.”
  • It can be helpful to include a phone number or email address where you can be reached.
  • If you are a parent writing on behalf of a younger student, write your name rather than the student’s name.

Step 3 Type the principal’s address.

  • If you are at a university rather than a middle or high school, ask the registrar to whom your letter should be address. It will likely be an administrator or department head rather than the school president.
  • For example: “Principal David Smith George Washington High School 800 River Road Cleveland, Ohio 44106”

Step 4 Create a short subject line that makes the leave request obvious.

  • For example, “Subject: School Leave Request for Violet Jones.”

Step 5 Use a respectful, formal salutation to open your letter.

  • “Madam Headmistress,” or “Respected Sir,” for example.

Step 6 Make the letter succinct.

Expert Q&A

  • Use a respectful, polite tone in all communications regarding the proposed absence. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Avoid asking for a leave of absence to justify a vacation or other recreation unless directly related to your studies. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Have a friend look over your letter to make sure it reads well. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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  • ↑ http://www.unh.edu/registrar/registration-courses/withdrawal-leave-of-absence.html
  • ↑ http://gsas.columbia.edu/sites/default/files/GSAS-leave-of-absence.pdf
  • ↑ http://www.parentcenterhub.org/wp-content/uploads/repo_items/pa9.pdf

About this article

wikiHow Staff

To write a leave application letter for school, start by stating your name, grade, and class. Then, explain why you need the leave and for how long in 1-2 sentences. For example, say something like “Due to kidney stones, I need surgery. My doctor recommends that I miss class for 3 days, from June 9-11, to have the procedure and recover.” Additionally, reference any supporting materials you plan to provide, using words such as “I’m enclosing a letter from my doctor, and ask that you consider this request.” For more tips, including how to obtain a leave application form from your school, scroll down! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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application letter to leave the school

Leave Application for School

When a student skips school for any reason, he or she must submit a school leave application. The leave application for school authorities is a way of communication that provides information about the cause of absence. It is a formal method of informing school authorities. Let us study how to draft a leave application for school with sample letters in the article below.

Leave Application for School

A leave application is a formal request to higher authorities for leave on the specified dates. School leave letters are used to notify teachers of a student’s temporary absence from school. This letter is addressed to either the Principal or the class teacher. The leave application should be compelling and include all of the appropriate reasons for taking leave.

There could be other grounds for requesting leave, including:

  • Health/fever concerns.
  • Going to hometown/native village.
  • To attend a wedding ceremony.
  • On an urgent work basis.
  • For any traditional celebration.
  • For a family gathering.
  • The student’s mishap
  • A family member has died.

Guidelines to Write a Leave Application for School

  • Write the letter in a respectful, sincere manner that conveys your need for leave.
  • Mention the specific cause for your request for leave.
  • The letter’s resonance should be reserved.
  • The letter must be brief and to the point.
  • Cross-check for spelling and punctuation faults.
  • The relationship between the child and the sender of the letter should be stated in the letter.
  • If necessary, attach any extra documents. For example, a medical certificate, an on-duty certificate, and so on.

Format for Leave Application for School

A leave letter follows the same format as any other formal letter. When drafting a leave letter in English, make sure to utilize formal/professional English. The format is as follows:

Receiver’s Designation

Receiver’s Address

Subject: Leave Application for __________ (Mention reason)

Body of the Letter: Introduce yourself. The reason behind the leaves, the number of leaves required, etc.

Complimentary Closing

Sender’s Name

Contact Details

Note: Attach any required and concerned documents for proof.

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Leave Application for School Samples

Sample 1 – leave application for school by student.

The Principal

Orchid International School

5 th August 2022

Subject: Application for Leave in School Due to Fever

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is to bring to your kind notice that I, Raj Sharma of class 9th A have been diagnosed with a stomach infection caused by food poisoning, according to the doctor. The doctor has instructed me to stay in bed for at least four days. I will be unable to attend school for the following three days.

I kindly request you to grant me leave from 6 th August 2022 to 8 th August 2022. I will be thankful for your kindness.

Thanking you

Yours Sincerely,

(Attach a copy of doctor’s report)

Sample 2 – Leave Application for School by Parent

Respected Sir/Madam,

This is to inform you that my daughter Pallavi Shah, is a student of class 7A, in your school. She is not in the best condition to attend school because of the high fever. The doctor has recommended her complete bed rest. As a result, I respectfully urge that you grant her sick leave for the following two days. I shall be much obliged.

I assure you that she will attend classes regularly going forward and would be up-to-date with the syllabus.

Aakash Shah

Sample 3 – Application for Leave in School for Going Outstation

Shardasharam Higher Secondary School

10 th January 2022

Subject: Leave Request for Going Out of Station

I would like to bring to your kind attention that my name is Vipul Thakur and I am studying 10 th B in your school. My cousin’s wedding is scheduled for next week in Jammu, and I want to attend. As a result, I will be unable to attend school from the 15th to the 18th of January. I would like to seek four days of absence so that I can attend a family function. I will be eternally grateful to you. I’ll make sure to find out which lessons were finished during the week and submit them all within a week.

Yours faithfully,

Vipul Thakur

Class 10 th B

Roll No. 52

Sample 4 – Application for Leave in School to Participate in National Level Science Project Competition

Holy Cross High School

20 th September 2022

Subject: Leave Application to participate in the National Level Science Project Competition

I’m Kevin Hanks, a Class X C student. I earned first place in the Science project competition held across multiple state schools and have been chosen to compete at the next stage in Mumbai. The National Level Competition will take place on September 25th. On September 25th, I must report to the venue at 9 a.m.

I request you kindly grant me a week’s leave (22.09.2022 – 28.09.2022). I will make sure to take note of all the lessons and complete the work that will be given during my absence.

Thanking you.

Kevin Hanks

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What exactly is a leave application?

Answer. A leave application is a formal request to be excused from education or work. It must be brief, to the point, and authentic, stating the time period and reasons for absence.

Q2. What information must be included in a leave application for school?

Answer. The following items are required for a good and full school leave application –

  • School’s Address
  • The application’s subject
  • Reason for your leave
  • Leave Time (Number of days)
  • Contact Details (Mobile No/Email ID)

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  • Leave Application for School: Format with Samples


How to Write Leave Application for School for Different Reasons?

Crafting a clear and professional leave application is essential for students needing time away from school. This page provides straightforward instructions and practical samples to help you write an effective leave application. Learn how to format your letter, include details, and ensure your request is communicated clearly and respectfully. Whether you need leave for personal reasons, medical issues, or family commitments, these tips and examples will help you create a well-structured application that meets school requirements.


Some Useful Tips to Make Your Leave Application Effective


Format of Writing a Leave Letter for School

Follow the formal letter format for leave letters. Use professional and respectful language throughout.

Recipient’s Address : Start with the address of the person you are writing to.

Date : Include the date the letter is written.

Subject : Clearly state the purpose of the letter in the subject line.

Salutation : Use a polite and appropriate salutation.

Body : Mention the reason for the leave and the duration in a clear manner.

Tone : Maintain a neutral and straightforward tone.

Clarity : Be concise and avoid long, confusing sentences.

Proofreading : Check for spelling and grammatical errors before submission.

Attachments : Include any necessary documents, such as medical certificates if needed.

Here's a format for writing a leave letter for school which ensures clarity and covers all essential details:

(Your Name) (Your Address) (City, State, ZIP Code) (Email Address (if applicable)) (Date)

(Recipient's Name (usually the Principal or Teacher)) (School's Name) (School's Address) (City, State, ZIP Code)

Subject: Leave Application

Dear (Recipient's Name),

I am writing to request leave from school for (number of days) days, starting from (start date) to (end date). The reason for my leave is (briefly state the reason, e.g., a family function, medical treatment, personal reasons).

I have ensured that I will complete all my pending assignments and will catch up on any missed work during my absence. I will also make sure to get notes from my classmates to stay updated with the lessons covered during this period.

I kindly request you to grant me leave for the mentioned period. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to your positive response.

Yours sincerely, (Your Name) (Class/Grade)

Sample Leave Applications for School

If you need to write a letter to the principal requesting leave, here's how to approach it. Keep your application concise and sincere, and include sufficient details to explain the reason for your absence. Review the sample leave applications provided below to understand the proper format for crafting a school leave request.

Leave Application 1 – School Leave Letter Format – Sick Leave

The Principal

DAV Matriculation Higher Secondary School

Mysore – 570045

8th August 2024

Subject : Sick Leave Application

I am writing to inform you that I am unwell and unable to attend school. I have been diagnosed with flu and a severe cold and have been advised by my doctor to rest at home for 7 days. Therefore, I request sick leave from 8th August to 14th August.

I have attached a medical certificate from my doctor for your reference. I assure you that I will make up for any missed assignments and classwork as soon as I return. I will also reach out to my classmates for any notes and updates.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Yours sincerely, Vineet Class VIII

Leave Application 2 – Leave Letter to Principal – To Participate in the National Level Literary Competition

High Angels Public School

Bangalore – 560102

25th August, 2020

Subject : Leave application participating in the National Level Literary Competition

Respected Ma’am,

I am Saksham Arora, a student of Class X C. I have won first place in the Elocution competition and have been selected for the next level of competitions that will be held in Coimbatore. The National Level Competition will be held from the 3rd to the 7th of August. I will have to report to the venue at 9 am on August 3rd.

I request you to kindly grant me leave for a week (2.08.2024 – 8.08.2024). I will make sure to take note of all the lessons and complete the work that will be given during my absence.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully,

Leave Application 3 – Letter to Principal for Leave – Going Out of Station

Perks Matriculation Higher Secondary School

Coimbatore – 641056

Subject: Application for Leave to Go Out of Station

Dear Mrs. Preet,

I am writing to request leave from school as I will be out of the station with my family. We are planning to visit Goa from the 14th of August to the 19th of August fora family vacation.

I kindly request you to grant me leave for these days. I will ensure to catch up on all missed assignments and classwork upon my return. I will also coordinate with my teachers to keep up with any important lessons covered during my absence.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.

Yours sincerely, Gargi Class IX E

Takeaways from This Page

Leave applications are formal requests to be absent from school or work for specific reasons and must be presented in a structured and professional manner.

A complete leave application includes your address, the date, recipient’s address, subject line, salutation, body of the letter, closing, and your signature.

Always include the reason for your leave, the exact dates, and any relevant documentation, such as a medical certificate if applicable.

Use formal language and a respectful tone throughout the application to ensure professionalism.

Submit your leave application as early as possible to allow adequate time for approval and any necessary adjustments.

Exercises for Students to Try

Exercise 1: personal leave application.

Instructions: Write a leave application to your school principal requesting leave for personal reasons.

Details to include:

Your name and class

Dates of leave

Reason for leave (personal)

Request for approval

Exercise 2: Medical Leave Application

Instructions: Draft a leave application to your school principal for medical reasons.

Medical reason

Mention of a medical certificate if applicable

Exercise 3: Leave for Family Function

Instructions: Write a leave application to your school principal requesting leave to attend a family function.

Reason for leave (family function)

Exercise 4: Leave for a School Trip

Instructions: Write a leave application to your school principal to request leave for a school trip organized by another institution.

Reason for leave (school trip)

Exercise 5: Leave for Exam Preparation

Instructions: Write a leave application to your school principal requesting leave for exam preparation.

Reason for leave (exam preparation)

Ideas for the Exercises:

Exercise 1:.

Dear Principal (Principal’s Name),

(School Name and Address)

I am (Your Name) from class (Your Class). I am writing to request leave from (Start Date) to (End Date) due to personal reasons. I would appreciate your approval for this leave.

Thank you for your understanding.

(Your Name)

Exercise 2:

I am (Your Name) from class (Your Class). I am writing to inform you that I will need to take leave from (Start Date) to (End Date) due to medical reasons. I have attached a medical certificate for your reference.

Thank you for your consideration.

Best regards,

Exercise 3:

I am (Your Name) from class (Your Class). I would like to request leave from (Start Date) to (End Date) to attend a family function. I hope you will grant me this leave.

Yours sincerely,

Exercise 4:

I am (Your Name) from class (Your Class). I am writing to request leave from (Start Date) to (End Date) to participate in a school trip organized by (Name of Organizing Institution). I would be grateful if you could approve my leave for this purpose.

Thank you for considering my request.

Exercise 5:

I am (Your Name) from class (Your Class). I am requesting leave from (Start Date) to (End Date) to prepare for my upcoming exams. Your approval would greatly assist me in my preparation.


FAQs on Leave Application for School: Format with Samples

1. What is a leave application?

A leave application is a formal letter or email requesting permission to be absent from school or work for a specific period due to various reasons like personal, medical, or family matters.

2. What should be included in a leave application?

A leave application should include your name, position or class, the dates of your requested leave, the reason for your leave, and a polite request for approval.

3. How should I address a leave application?

Address your leave application to the appropriate authority, such as your school principal, HR manager, or immediate supervisor, using their formal title.

4. What is the proper format for a leave application?

The format should include your address, date, the recipient's address, subject line, salutation, body of the letter, closing, and your signature.

5. How do I request sick leave application for school?

For medical leave, mention the reason for your absence and include details such as the dates you will be away. Attach a medical certificate if required.

6. Can I request leave for a family function?

How far in advance should I submit a leave application? It is best to submit your leave application as early as possible to allow sufficient time for approval and any necessary adjustments.

7. What if I need to take emergency leave?

Is it necessary to provide a reason for my leave? Providing a reason for your leave helps the recipient understand the purpose and urgency of your request, which can facilitate approval.

8. How do I follow up on my leave application?

If you do not receive a response within a reasonable time, follow up with a polite reminder to ensure your application has been reviewed.

9. Can I cancel or modify my leave request?

Yes, if you need to cancel or modify your leave request, inform the recipient as soon as possible and provide details about the changes.

10. What should I do if my leave application is denied?

If your leave application is denied, discuss the reason with your authority and see if alternative arrangements or dates can be considered.

11. How should I conclude a leave application?

Conclude your leave application with a polite thank you and a request for approval. Use a formal closing such as "Sincerely" or "Yours faithfully."

12. Can I apply for leave via email?

Yes, leave applications can be submitted via email. Ensure that you follow the same formal structure as a written letter and include a clear subject line.

13. What is the difference between a sick leave application for school and a leave request?

A leave application is a formal document submitted to request time off, while a leave request is a more informal or preliminary expression of intent to take leave.

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Leave Letter for School | How to Write a Leave Application for School? Format and Rules

February 9, 2024 by Prasanna

Leave Letter for School: Leave letter for school is the application letter written by students of the school to their principal or headmaster to get leave for the short term. School leave letters are addressed to notify about a student’s absenteeism in school for a limited time. This letter is either written to the Principal or to the class teacher. In this letter, you are telling that your child will not attend the school due to some personal reason. It is usually suggested that the parents should write the leave letter and put their signature in the same before giving it to the concerned person. Read on to find more about school leaving application to principal for leave.

Students or parents can write a  Leave Application Format for school principals because of the illness of the student. There could be multiple reasons to apply for leave, such as:

  • Marriage at home
  • Going out of the station
  • Health issues
  • Accident of the student
  • Death in the family

Get Other Types of Letter Writing like Formal, Informal and Different Types of Letter Writing Samples.

By this letter, they present a valid inference behind their kid’s leave and mention the dates for the same. By obeying in this way, they are displaying the generosity of their child.

How to Write Leave Application Letter for School?

  • Write the letter in a polite manner which expresses your appeal of leave and which sounds genuine.
  • Mention the reason clearly for which you are applying for leave.
  • The resonance of the letter should be reserved.
  • The letter should be concise and to the point.
  • Cross-check with spelling mistakes or punctuation errors.
  • The letter should state the relationship between the child and the sender of the letter.

Leave Letter Format and Samples

Let us see the format of writing a leave letter to the school principal or class teacher. The samples here will help to write application letters by students as well as parents. Let us check some samples here.

Leave Letter Format By Parents

Let us see a template first to understand the format of the application for leave in School. This will help you to write the leave application to principal for the required purpose. Leave Letter for my Son.

Leave Letter Format By Parents

Application for TC

Letter to Principal for Leave By Students

In the case of students, it is necessary to apply for leave to avoid any difficulties in their assessment process. When you are sick to attend the school, write a sickly leave application asking the principal of your school or your concerned class teacher. The letter can be written by the student himself or by his/her parents. While writing the application yourself, follow the format given here:

Leave Letter Sample By Students

One Day Leave Application for School

If you are a student and have any necessary work at home because of which you cannot attend the school the following day. In such a case, a casual leave application can be written asking the principal of your school. A sample letter is given here for your reference

One Day Leave Application for School

Leave Letter for Going Out of Station

Students may have to visit to someplace which is out of the town to attend some function or you may be going out for a family trip. Therefore, it is required for them to inform the school principal or class teacher for how many days you will unavailable. Here is the format is given for such a case.

Leave Letter for Going Out of Station

Leave Letter By Teacher to School Principal

how to write leave letter to principal: It is not necessary that if you are a teacher then you are not deemed to take leave from your work for some days. If there is an important piece of work (family problems or health issues) and it demands you to take leave for some days from school then you can use the sample format given below to write an application to the principal for the permission of leave.

Leave Letter By Teacher to School Principal

Leave Letter Format for School – Email Format of Leave Letter

Nowadays, the world is more prone to technology. They use emails to send the necessary information, which is also a fast procedure. Though is some schools they still follow the classic method od writing letter, but you can see the format to write the application through email for any such condition.

Leave Letter Format for School - Email Format of Leave Letter

FAQ’s on Leave Letter for School

Question 1. What are the mandatory things to mention in a leave letter?

Answer: The important things to be mentioned in a leave letter are:

  • Reason for your leave
  • Period(Number of days) of your leave
  • Contact information

Question 2. To whom the leave letter in school should be addressed?

Answer: The school letter should be written in favor of the school principal or school teacher by the student or by parents.

Question 3. How do I write a leave of absence letter?

Answer: When asking a formal leave of absence, your letter should comprise:

  • Subject: Application for a leave of absence
  • The dates you demand to be away from school
  • The date you plan to return to work.
  • An offer to assist, if possible.
  • Thanks for considering your request.

Question 4. How do you write a leave letter to school?

  • Mention the date on the application.
  • Give a  student’s full name and the name of your child’s main teacher or current class placement.
  • Mention exact information, instead of speaking of unnecessary things
  • Give your address and a daytime phone number where you can be reached.
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How to Write a Leave Application for School, Format And Samples

Leave Application for School is a formal request to your school principal to take time off on specific dates. Learn more about Leave Application for School.

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November 16, 2023

application for leave for school

Table of Contents

Leave Application for School:  A leave application is a formal request to your school principal to take time off on specific dates. The application usually includes essential details such as the student’s name, class/grade, dates of requested leave, a brief reason for the leave, and any supporting documentation if required. The purpose of the leave application is to inform the school administration of the student’s absence and to seek approval for a temporary break from academic activities.

What is a Leave Application for School 

A leave application for school is a formal written request submitted by a student to their school authority, typically addressed to the principal or relevant school official. This document seeks permission for the student to be absent from school for a specified period. The leave may be requested for various reasons, such as illness, family events, personal reasons, or other circumstances that require the student’s temporary absence from school.

A typical leave application for school generally consists of

  • Subject of Application

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Leave Application for School Format

The Principal

[School Name] [School Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Subject: Leave Application

Dear [Principal’s Name],


[Body of the letter]

[Your Full Name] [Class/Grade] [Roll Number]

CBSE Class 12th Toppers List 2024

Leave Application for School Samples

A leave letter for school is a formal letter written by students when they need a short break from classes. It’s a way of telling the principal or class teacher that they won’t be in school for a bit, whether it’s because of sickness, a family event, or some other reason. The letter is a formal request to take a temporary break from school activities.

Leave Application for School for Going Out of Station

To, The Principal ABC School 123 Main Street City, State, 567890

Subject: Leave Application for School for Going Out of Station

Dear Principal Smith,

I am writing to request your approval for a leave of absence from school due to a family trip. I plan to be away from 12/06/2023 to 18/06/2023. I assure you that I will make up for any missed assignments promptly.

Thank you for your understanding.

Abhishek Kumar

Roll no. 56435

Leave Application for School for Fever

To, The Principal XYZ School 456 Oak Avenue City, State, 678901

Dear Principal Sharma,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to inform you that I am unwell and diagnosed with a fever. Due to this, I am unable to attend school and need to take some time off to recover.

I visited the doctor, who has advised me to take a rest for 5 days to ensure a complete recovery. I have attached the medical certificate along with this letter for your reference.

I understand the importance of regular attendance, but my health condition requires me to take this leave. I assure you that I will make every effort to catch up on missed lessons and assignments once I am back.

I kindly request you to grant me leave from 23/07/2023 to 28/07/2023. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

Thank you for your consideration.

Anita Kumari Class 8th Roll no. 55464

Leave Application for School Taking Care of Sick Mother

Sanskar Bharti Vidyapeeth

Subject: Leave Application to Take Care for Sick Mother

I trust this message finds you well. I am writing to request a [specify the duration, one week leave of absence from school due to my mother’s illness. Her condition requires my immediate attention and care.

I assure you that I am committed to catching up on any missed assignments and will provide the necessary documentation, such as a medical certificate if required.

I appreciate your understanding during this challenging time and will keep you updated on any changes.

Sakshi Sharma Class 10

Application for Leave for School FAQs

To write a leave application for school, address it to the principal, specify the reason for leave, mention the duration, and express your commitment to catching up on missed work. Keep it concise and provide necessary details like your full name, class, and contact information.

To write a special leave application for school, clearly state the reason for the special leave, specify the duration, and provide any necessary supporting documentation. Express gratitude for understanding and assure the school of your commitment to make up for missed work. Include your full name, class, and contact information.


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A Comprehensive Guide to Writing a School Leave Application: Samples Included

application letter to leave the school

Introduction: A school leave application is a formal document that allows students to request time off from school for various reasons. Whether it’s due to illness, personal matters, or a special event, writing an effective leave application is essential to ensure that your absence is justified and properly managed. In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to write a compelling school leave application, along with five sample templates to help you craft your own.

Format and Structure: A school leave application should follow a specific format and structure to ensure clarity and professionalism. Here’s a breakdown of the essential components:

a. Sender’s Information: Include your name, class, and roll number.

b. Date: Write the date on which you are submitting the application.

c. Recipient’s Information: Address the application to the appropriate authority (e.g., Principal, Class Teacher).

d. Subject: State the purpose of the application briefly.

e. Salutation: Begin with a formal greeting, such as “Respected Sir/Madam.”

f. Body: Clearly explain the reason for your absence, the duration of leave required, and any necessary supporting documents.

g. Conclusion: Express gratitude for considering your application and include your contact details for any further communication.

h. Closing: End with a formal closing, such as “Yours faithfully” or “Yours sincerely.”

i. Signature: Sign your name beneath the closing.

Tips for Writing an Effective School Leave Application:

When crafting your school leave application, keep the following tips in mind to enhance its effectiveness:

a. Be concise and to the point: State your reason for leave clearly and concisely.

b. Provide necessary details: Include the dates of your absence, expected date of return, and any specific arrangements for missed assignments or exams.

c. Be polite and respectful : Use formal language and maintain a respectful tone throughout the application.

d. Submit in advance: Submit your application well in advance to give the school administration ample time to process your request.

e. Attach supporting documents: If required, attach any supporting documents, such as medical certificates or invitation letters.

Sample School Leave Application Templates:

Below are five sample templates for various situations that may require a school leave application. Feel free to customize them based on your specific needs:

a. Medical Leave Application:

[Your Name]

[Your Class and Roll Number]

[Recipient’s Name]


[School Name]

[School Address]

Subject: Medical Leave Application

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to inform you that I am suffering from [medical condition] and have been advised by my doctor to take [number of days] days of rest. Therefore, I kindly request your permission to grant me leave from [start date] to [end date].

I have attached the medical certificate issued by my doctor for your reference. I assure you that I will make every effort to catch up on missed assignments and maintain my academic progress.

Thank you for considering my request.

Yours faithfully,

[Your Contact Number]

application letter to leave the school

b. Personal Leave Application:

Subject: Personal Leave Application

I am writing to request your permission to grant me leave from [start date] to [end date] due to [reason for personal leave, such as a family function or personal commitment].

I understand the importance of regular attendance and assure you that I will diligently complete any missed assignments upon my return. I kindly request your understanding and support in this matter.

Thank you for your attention to my request.

Yours sincerely,

application letter to leave the school

c. Educational Trip Leave Application:

Subject: Educational Trip Leave Application

I am writing to request your permission to participate in an educational trip organized by our school. The trip is scheduled to take place from [start date] to [end date], and I believe it will provide valuable learning opportunities and enhance my educational experience.

I assure you that I will diligently complete any missed assignments and actively participate in the trip’s educational activities. I kindly request your favorable consideration of my application.

Thank you for your attention.

application letter to leave the school

d. Bereavement Leave Application:

Subject: Bereavement Leave Application

I am writing to inform you that I have suffered a tragic loss in my family. I regretfully request your permission to grant me leave from [start date] to [end date] to attend the funeral ceremonies and be with my family during this difficult time.

I understand the importance of my studies and assure you that I will make every effort to catch up on missed assignments and maintain my academic progress upon my return.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

application letter to leave the school

e. Religious Festival Leave Application:

Subject: Religious Festival Leave Application

I am writing to request your permission to grant me leave from [start date] to [end date] in observance of [name of religious festival]. This festival holds significant religious and cultural importance in my family, and I would like to celebrate it with my loved ones.

I assure you that I will diligently complete any missed assignments and actively participate in any additional studies required to compensate for my absence. I kindly request your understanding and support in this matter.

Thank you for your consideration.

application letter to leave the school


Writing a school leave application requires clarity, professionalism, and attention to detail. By following the format and structure provided in this guide, and utilizing the sample templates as a reference, you can craft a compelling leave application for any situation. Remember to always submit your application well in advance and provide necessary supporting documents when applicable.

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Leave letter for School in English with Examples

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application letter to leave the school

A leave letter for school, also known as a leave application for school, is a formal document used by students to request a temporary absence from their educational institution. Such letters are typically addressed to the school principal and follow a specific format to ensure clarity and professionalism. Writing a leave letter is an essential skill for students and should be done with care and respect.

The principal application for leave should include the following key components: the sender's name and contact details, the date of writing, the recipient's name and designation, a polite salutation, a clear and concise reason for requesting leave, the dates of the leave period, and a closing statement expressing gratitude and respect.

When crafting a leave letter, students must follow a formal letter format. It should start with their address, date, and then the school's address. A respectful salutation should be used, such as "Respected Principal," followed by a brief and honest explanation for the leave. This could be due to illness, a family emergency, or any other valid reason.

If the leave is for only one day, a one-day leave application for school should be written, specifying the date in question. Students should be sure to express their commitment to catching up on missed lessons and assignments upon their return.

In some cases, students may need to request a school leaving certificate. To do so, they should write an application for a school leaving certificate, stating their reason for leaving and the date on which they intend to do so. It's essential to be respectful and appreciative when making this request.

Leave Letter Format

Leave letters are a type of formal letter, and they follow the same format as other formal letters. When writing a leave letter in English, it's important to use formal and professional language.

Start with the receiver's address, as it's usually delivered directly to the concerned person.

Mention the date to show when you wrote the letter.

Next, include a precise subject line.

Use a respectful greeting or salutation.

In the body of the letter, clearly state the reason for your leave and the duration of your absence.

Maintain a neutral and professional tone throughout the letter.

Be concise and avoid long, confusing sentences.

Before submitting the letter, proofread it and correct any spelling or grammar mistakes.

Attach any necessary documents, such as medical certificates or on-duty certificates.

Some Sample Leave Application Letters for You

Leave application- letter to principal - to participate in the national level literary competition.


The Principal

Holy Public School

Chennai-  660078

26th July, 2023

Subject: Leave Application


I am Shamita, a student of Class X.  I'm thrilled to inform you that I achieved first place in the Elocution competition. Consequently, I have been selected to participate in the subsequent level of competitions, scheduled to take place in New Delhi as the National Level Competition from the 3rd to the 7th of August. On August 3rd, I must report to the venue at 9 a.m.

Hence, I humbly request your permission to grant me leave for one week, spanning from August 2, 2023, to August 8, 2023. During my absence, I assure you that I will diligently record all lessons and diligently complete any assignments or tasks assigned. Your understanding and consent in this matter are highly appreciated. This opportunity means a great deal to me, and I am determined to represent our school admirably. I look forward to your approval, and I will promptly make up for any missed coursework upon my return.

Thanking You 

Yours Sincerely

Shubhika Banerjee

Leave Letter by Parents: Format 

From Address: Begin with your address at the top left corner. This helps the school identify who is writing the letter.

Date: Just below your address, write the date. It's essential for record-keeping and for indicating when the letter was written.

To Address: On the left side, beneath the date, provide the principal's name and the school's address. This shows who the letter is meant for.

Subject: A brief, specific line under the address that tells the purpose of your letter. It should be clear and to the point.

Salutation: Start with a polite greeting, such as "Dear Principal [Last Name]," or "Respected Principal." This sets the tone for the letter.

Body: This is the main part of the letter where you explain the reason for writing. Be clear and concise. If it's a concern or request, provide details and any supporting information.

Complimentary Close: In the closing, express your appreciation and end the letter politely. Common closings include "Sincerely," "Yours faithfully," or "Best regards."

Your Signature: Sign your name after the closing, preferably in your handwriting. This adds a personal touch.

Letter to the Principal from Parent to Grant 5 Days Off

Sunita Gupta

Vidisha Enclave, Flat. No. – 23

Satya Nagar, Gwalior

4th March, 2022

The Principal

Kendriya Vidyalaya

Subject: Request to grant 5 days leave for Badminton Tournament


I am Sunita Gupta, and my daughter, Anita Gupta, is a student in your school, enrolled in Class 9, Section B with Roll Number 15. I am writing to inform you that Anita has been selected to participate in the National Level Badminton Tournament scheduled for 10th March, which is expected to span five days.

I kindly request your approval to grant her a leave of five days, from 10th March 2022 to 14th March 2022. I want to assure you that she will return to school promptly on 15th March. During her absence, I take full responsibility for ensuring she catches up on her classwork.

I kindly implore you to consider my request and grant Anita leave for the mentioned dates. Your support in this matter is greatly appreciated, as this event holds significant importance for her both academically and personally.

Thanking You

Yours Truly


(Sunita Gupta mother of Anita Gupta)

Class: 9th B

Parent's Letter to the Principal for Joining School Late

Sarita Sen

48, Saket Nagar

Bhopal (M.P.)

4th March, 2022

The Principal

Mother Teresa Public School

Bhopal (M.P.)

Subject: Request to join school one hour late for 15 days.


I am Sarita Sen, and my daughter, Pragya Sen, is a student in your esteemed institution, currently enrolled in Class 8 B with Roll Number 12. I am writing to apprise you of the fact that Pragya has been selected to participate in the International Odissi Dance Culture, an International dance festival scheduled for 15th April 2022. To ensure her best performance, her guru has advised regular and dedicated practice.

Her practice sessions conclude at 8:30 a.m., which makes it difficult for her to reach school on time. In light of this, I kindly request your consideration in allowing her to attend school one hour later than the usual time. Your approval in this matter would greatly assist her in balancing her academic commitments and her passion for dance.

I would be immensely grateful for your understanding and approval of this request. Pragya values her education greatly and is committed to making up for any missed time. Your support is essential in ensuring she can pursue her passion without compromising her education.

Thanking You

Yours Truly


(Sarita Sen mother of Pragya Sen)

Class: 8B

School Leave Application for Marriage by Parents

Savita Sen

60, Shakti Nagar

Bhopal (M.P.)

4th March, 2022

The Principal

Mother Teresa Public School

Bhopal (M.P.)

Subject: Leave Application

Respected Sir,

I am Savita Sen and my daughter Nidhi Sen, is a student in class 8th at your school. I am writing this letter to request your kind consideration regarding her leave for today. The reason for this request is a wedding ceremony taking place in our family, where Nidhi's presence is important. It's her aunt's wedding.

I kindly request your understanding and approval for Nidhi to be granted leave for today, allowing her to participate in this significant family event. Your support in this matter would mean a lot to our family, and we assure you that Nidhi will make up for any missed studies or assignments.

Thanking You

Yours Sincerely


(Savita Sen)

Student Name: Nidhi Sen

Class: 8th

Leave Application to School from Parents for Vacation

Sbhya Jain

78, Mahaveer Nagar

Bhopal (M.P.)

Date: 7th June 2023

The Principal

St. Mary’s Convent School

Subject: Request for granting 6 days leave for vacation.


I am Sabhya Jain, father of Navya Jain student in class 10 in your school. I am writing with due respect and humble submission to request leave for my daughter, Navya Jain, a student in your prestigious school. Our family has made plans for a vacation scheduled from 08/06/2023 to 14/06/2023.

I kindly request your consideration in granting Sabhya leave for these six days. I deeply appreciate your understanding and kindness in this matter. Your support ensures that Navya can spend quality time with his family and rejuvenate for his studies upon his return.

Thanking You

Yours truly


(Sabhya Jain)

Name of Student: Navya Jain

Class: 10th

Half Day Leave Application for School by Parents.

Sadhna Jain

78, Shivaji Nagar

Bhopal (M.P.)

Date: 7th June 2023

The Principal

St. Theresa Convent School

Bhopal (M.P.)

Subject: Request for half day leave


I am Sudhir Malhotra, the father of Vicky, a student in 8th grade at your school. I am writing to request a half-day leave for Vicky. Unfortunately, he fell ill suddenly while at school, and it resulted in him fainting.

I kindly ask for your prompt assistance in this matter. Vicky must receive the necessary care and rest due to his condition. Your understanding and timely approval of this request would be greatly appreciated.

Thanking You

Yours Sincerely


(Sudhir Malhotra)

Letter to Principal for Leave by Students 

Request letter to principal for an on-duty application of two days.

The Principal

Model Higher Secondary School

Jaipur (Rajasthan)


Subject: Request for On-Duty application for two days.


I am Maria, a student of Class X C in your esteemed institution. I am writing to inform you that I have been selected to represent our school at the upcoming State Level Athletic Competitions scheduled for the 15th and 16th of this month at the M A Stadium, Jaipur. To participate, I require an on-duty application duly attested, which will allow me to attend the competition without impacting my attendance.

I kindly request your assistance in providing me with a bona fide certificate and an on-duty application. This will enable me to proudly represent our school while ensuring my attendance remains unaffected.

Your support in this matter is greatly appreciated, and I assure you of my commitment to make up for any missed coursework. 

Thanking You

Yours Sincerely


Class X C

Roll No: 29

Write a Letter to Your Principal Seeking Permission to Attend a Family Function

The Principal

DAV Senior Secondary School

Indore (M.P.)

Date: 26.03.2023

Subject: Leave application due to family emergency


I am writing to inform you about a critical family situation. My mother has fallen seriously ill and currently requires constant care and attention. She needs frequent hospital visits and is under strict doctor's orders for complete bed rest. Regrettably, there is no one else available to care for her during this trying time.

Given the circumstances, I am earnestly requesting your kind consideration for a week's leave, commencing today, 27/03/2023, to 02/04/2023. This time is crucial for me to be by her side and provide the support she urgently needs. I would like to assure you that I am determined not to let my education suffer during this leave. My friends have generously offered to provide me with notes daily, and my understanding Class Teacher has promised to send audio recordings of the classes. I am genuinely grateful for their support, and I am confident that with their help, I can stay on top of my studies during this challenging period. I thank you in advance for your understanding of my situation and for considering my leave request. I will make every effort to catch up on any missed coursework and ensure that my academic progress remains intact

Yours Obediently

Shivalika Oberoi

One-Day Leave Application for School

Letter to the principal for granting one day's leave to attend a family function.


The Principal

Bal Bhavan School

Bhopal (M.P.)

Date: 23rd April, 2023


I, Sarita Jhanwar, a student in class 9th with Roll No. 13, am writing to request your kind permission for one day of leave on 24th April 2023. The reason for this request is my aunt's engagement ceremony, which is scheduled for tomorrow.

I assure you that I will catch up on any missed work and ensure that my studies are not affected by this brief absence. Your understanding and support in granting me this leave would be greatly appreciated.

Thanking You

Yours Obediently

Sarita Jhanwar

Class 9th

Roll No: 13

Letter to Principal for Leave- Going Out of Station


The Principal

Delhi Public School

Jaipur- 461234

June 6, 2022

Subject: Leave the request to go out of station

Respected Sir,

I'm Adharsh, a 7th-grade student in Class VII B. I'm writing because my brother's wedding is on June 5th (Thursday), and my family and I need to go to Kerala. We'll be leaving tomorrow, June 3rd, and coming back to Jaipur on June 9th (Monday).

I kindly request your permission to grant me a week's leave, from June 3, 2022, to June 9, 2022. It would be a great help if you could allow me to be away during this time. I want to assure you that even though I'll be away, I'm committed to keeping up with my studies. I'll find out what lessons were taught while I'm gone and make sure to complete and submit them within a week after I return.

Thanking You

Yours faithfully

Adharsh Agarwal

Class VII B

Roll No. 3

Leave Letter for Being not well 


The Principal

Sharda Vidhya Mandir School

Bhopal (M.P.)

Date: 13/12/2023

Subject: Leave Application 


I am Astha Jain, a student in Class 8, and I would like to inform you that I have fallen ill with a high fever for the past two days. The doctors have advised me to take prescribed medications and undergo complete bed rest for one week. In light of this, I respectfully request your consideration to grant me leave from 13.12.2023 to 20.12.2023.

I want to assure you that I am eager to return to school as soon as possible once I have recovered. I will work diligently to make up for any missed lessons during my absence.

I kindly implore you to do the needful for my leave application at your earliest convenience. Your understanding and support in this matter are deeply appreciated.

Thanking You

Yours Obediently

Astha Jain

Class 8th

Leave Letter Format For School – Email Format of Leave Letter



Subject: Leave Application 

Dear Sir,

I am writing to inform you that my son, Yash, a student in your school, will be unable to attend classes for the next 5 days, starting from tomorrow. The reason for this leave is my wife's hospitalization, and there won't be anyone to look after Yash and ensure he makes it to school during this time.

I kindly request your understanding and approval to grant Yash a 5-day leave, commencing from 05.01.2023 to 10.01.2023. I assure you that he will return to school regularly from the specified date onwards.

Your support in this matter would be greatly appreciated, and I thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.

Thanking You

Yours Sincerely

Sujit Jain

Student Name: Yash Jain

Class: 7th

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Leave Application for School, School Leave Letter

 leave application for school.

Students often need to take a break from school for various reasons, including health issues, family events, or personal commitments. Writing a leave application is a formal way to inform the school administration and teachers about the intended absence.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps to write an effective leave application for school, ensuring that your request is clear, respectful, and likely to be approved.

Tips for Writing a Leave Application:

Be Clear and Concise:  Clearly state the purpose of your leave application in a concise manner. Avoid unnecessary details that may confuse the reader.

Provide Relevant Information:  Include important details such as your name, class, roll number, and the dates for which you are requesting leave.

Use Polite Language:  Maintain a polite and respectful tone throughout the application. Address the recipient with appropriate salutations and expressions of gratitude.

Specify the Reason:  Clearly mention the reason for your absence, whether it's due to illness, a family event, or any other personal reason.

Request Duration:  Specify the duration of leave, including the start and end dates. This helps school authorities plan accordingly.

Assure Catching Up:  Assure school authorities that you will make efforts to catch up on missed assignments and stay updated with classwork upon your return.

Follow School Guidelines:  Familiarize yourself with your school's leave policies and procedures. Ensure that your leave application adheres to these guidelines.

Proofread Before Submission:  Before submitting your leave application, proofread it carefully to check for any errors or inconsistencies. Ensure that all information provided is accurate. 

Samples of Leave Application for School

Sample 1: s ick leave application for school.

 Dear [Principal's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am requesting sick leave from school due to a sudden illness. I have been experiencing [mention symptoms] and need time to recover fully before returning to school.

I request leave from [start date] to [end date]. I will try to catch up on missed assignments during my absence and stay updated with the class notes.

Thank you for considering my request. I appreciate your understanding and support in this matter.

[Your Name]

Sample 2: Leave application for school for Half-Day Leave

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request a half-day leave from school due to [mention reason]. I must attend [mention reason: doctor's appointment, family event, etc.] during the latter half of the school day.

I request permission to leave school at [mention time] and assure you that I will return to school promptly the next day. I will ensure that I catch up on any missed assignments or classwork.

Sample 3: Leave application for school due to Family Event

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request leave from school due to a family event. My family has planned [mention event: wedding, reunion, etc.] and I need to be present for it.

I request that I leave from [start date] to [end date]. Upon my return, I will try to catch up on missed assignments and stay updated with the class notes.

Sample 4: application for leave in school for fever

Subject: Leave Application Due to Fever

Dear [Class Teacher’s Name]/[Principal’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you that my child, [Your Child's Name], a student of [Class/Grade and Section], is currently unwell and has been diagnosed with a high fever.

On the advice of our family doctor, [Your Child's Name] requires a few days of rest and recovery to avoid any complications and to ensure a full recovery. Therefore, I kindly request a leave of absence from school for [Your Child's Name] from [start date] to [end date].

I assure you that [Your Child's Name] will catch up on all the missed lessons and assignments during this period. I have also arranged for notes and assignments to be shared with [Your Child's Name] through classmates.

Thank you for your understanding and support in this matter. Please feel free to contact me if you require any further information or documentation.

Sample 5 :  leave application for school teacher to principal

Dear [Principal’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you that I am currently experiencing a high fever and, on the advice of my doctor, need to take a few days off from my teaching duties to rest and recover.

I kindly request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date]. During this period, I have arranged for my lesson plans and teaching materials to be handed over to [Colleague's Name], who has graciously agreed to cover my classes. I will also be available via email or phone if any urgent issues arise that require my attention.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and support. Please let me know if there are any additional steps I need to take or if further documentation is required.

Thank you for your consideration.

Sample 6: one day leave application for school

Subject: Application for One Day Leave

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request a leave of absence for one day on [date] for my child, [Your Child's Name], who is a student in [Class/Grade and Section].

The reason for this leave is [briefly explain the reason, e.g., a medical appointment, a family function , a personal matter, etc.]. I assure you that [Your Child's Name] will make up for any missed lessons and assignments upon returning to school.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration. Please let me know if any further information is needed.


Crafting a well-written leave application for school is crucial for ensuring a smooth process and maintaining good communication with school authorities. By following the guidelines and utilizing the provided samples, students can effectively communicate their need for leave while adhering to school policies.

Remember to submit the application well in advance and keep communication lines open with teachers and administrators for any necessary follow-up.

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Leave application Questions? Answers.

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To write a leave application, you should include the following information: the reason for the leave, the dates of the leave, how you will keep in touch (if applicable), and a plan for catching up on any missed work.

You should submit your leave application as soon as you know that you need to take time off. This will allow your employer to plan accordingly and minimize disruption to the workplace.

This depends on your employer's policies and the specific reason for the leave.

In some cases, an unpaid leave of absence may be granted for personal or family reasons. However, it is best to discuss this with your employer to determine what is possible.

Yes, most employers are required to provide maternity and paternity leave to eligible employees. The specific terms of the leave, including the duration and whether it is paid or unpaid, may vary depending on the employer and the individual's situation.

Yes, employees who are called to active military duty are entitled to take a leave of absence for military service. The specific terms of the leave, including the duration and whether it is paid or unpaid, may vary depending on the employer and the individual's situation.

To request a leave of absence, you should first check with your employer to see what their policies and procedures are for taking time off. In most cases, you will need to submit a written request for leave to your supervisor or HR department. Be sure to include the reason for your leave, the dates you plan to be out, and any other relevant information.

Yes, in most cases you can take a leave of absence for personal reasons. However, the specific reasons for which you are allowed to take time off will vary depending on your employer's policies and the laws in your state. For example, some employers may allow you to take time off for personal reasons such as to care for a sick family member, while others may only permit leaves for medical reasons.

Whether your benefits will continue while you are on leave will depend on the specific policies of your employer and the laws in your state. In some cases, your employer may continue to provide benefits such as health insurance and paid time off during your leave, while in other cases, you may need to pay for these benefits yourself or they may be suspended during your leave.

Whether you will have to pay taxes on your leave pay will depend on the specific type of leave you are taking and the laws in your country.

For example, if you are taking a leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) in the US, the pay you receive during your leave may be tax-free.

However, if you are taking a personal leave of absence without pay, you will not receive any pay and therefore will not have to pay taxes on it.


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Leave Application

Leave Application for School, College and Office

Application For Leave In School

Post by Mita Maji

Do you want to take time off from your school for any reason? Or are you looking for an application for leave in school format & some sample on the internet? If your answer is YES , then you have come to the right place.

Hopefully, you know that we take leave from school for various reasons and we have to write a leave application to take this leave. That’s why we need to know how to write it.

Application For Leave In School, application for leave of absence from school, Application For Sick Leave In English For Class 3, School Application For Leave, School Leave Application Format, Application For Absent In School Due To Fever

If students do not want to come to school for any reason or if they are already on school leave, they have to inform the school management in a professional manner. And usually, when a student writes a leave application, it is addressed to the principal or Headmaster of his school.

Types of Leave Application In School

Let’s take a look at some of the reasons we can take leave from school. I hope that the reason why you have come to look for samples of leave application will be here.

  • Due to health/fever issue.
  • Going to native village/hometown.
  • To attend marriage ceremony.
  • For urgent work basis.
  • For any traditional festival.
  • For family function.
  • For going to out of station/vacation.
  • Any accident to the student
  • Due to the death of family member or any relative.
  • For study/exam leave.

Read Also: Leave Application For Brother Marriage

Format Of Leave Application For School

You can’t write a leave application in a messy way like your own mind. Because it has some specific characteristics that we all need to know and follow. If you include those elements that we have mentioned in the leave application format below, then it will be a perfect leave application for you.

  • Application Subject
  • Body of Content (In this area you can include: Introduce Yourself, The reason for the Leave, Number of leaves needed)
  • Thank you in a polite and respectful way
  • Contact Information
  • Personal Information

(10+) Samples Of Application For Leave In School

If we write an accurate, clear and complete school leave application, it automatically increases the change in approval of the request by your school principal. Also, be sure to include the reason for your request. One thing to keep in mind is that if you don’t have a decent reason, it will be dismissed without any problems.

So below we have put together school leave application format & sample on more than 10+ different types of subjects, which you can use as you need while writing your own application. You can edit them as per your reasons and requirements.

Application For Absent In School Due To Fever

To, The Principal, [Name of the School], [School Address].

Subject: Application for leave in school due to fever.

Respected Sir/ Madam,

Most humbly I beg to say that, I am ______ [Write Your Name], Student of class _____ [Mention Your Class] of your school. As I am suffering from fever, I am not able to come to school for one day.

I kindly request you to grant me leave on ______ [Mention Your Leave Date]. I will be thankful for your kindness.

Thanking you.

Yours obediently, [Your Name], [Class and Section], [Roll Number].

Application For Leave In School For Marriage

To, The Principal, [School Name], [City Name].

Subject: School leave application for marriage.

I would like to bring to your kind attention that my name is ______ [Write Your Name] and I am studying _____ [ Mention Your Class] in your school. Sir, next month, my cousin’s marriage has been scheduled in our village/colony and I want to attend it.

Therefore, it is not possible for me to attend school from _____ [Start Date] to ____ [End Date]. I request you to please grant me leave for those days.

I shall be thankful to you.

Yours obediently, [Your Name], [Class and Section], [Roll Number], [Your Contact information].

2nd Sample On Application For Leave In School For Marriage – Download

Application For Leave In School For Marriage, Application For School Leave, School Leave Application Format, application for leave of absence from school

Urgent Piece Of Work Leave Application

To, The Principal/Headmaster, [School Name], [Full Address with Pin Code], [Date].

Subject: Leave letter for urgent piece of work for school.

Respected Sir/Madam,

With due respect, I am writing this application to let you know that I have got some urgent work _________ [Specify Your Work] today at my home. It is necessary for me to take leave for that work.

Therefore today I wouldn’t able to attend the classes. Kindly approve my leave request for one day. I will forever grateful to you for this.

Yours faithfully, [Your Name], [Your Class], [Roll No], [Mobile Number].

School Leave Application For Village Festival

To, The Principal/Headmaster/Class Teacher, [School Name], [Address with Pin Code], [Date].

Subject: One day leave application for festival.

Dear sir/madam [Recipients Name],

I am writing to inform you that I am going to my home town due to celebrate an important festival along with my family.

Kindly grant me leave of absence from _____ [Start Date] to _____ [End Date]. I will forever be pleased to you.

Thank you in advance for your kind consideration.

Yours obediently, [Your Name], [Class], [Section], [Roll Number], [Contact Details].

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Death Leave Letter For School

To, The Principal/Headmaster, [School Name], [School Address], [Date].

Subject: Leave request letter due to the death of family member.

I am a student of class ________ [Write Your class and section] in your school. I can’t attend school from _______ [Start Date] to _____ [End Date] March because unfortunately, my grandmother has died. Our family is facing a difficult time as his quick death is hard to bear.

I hope you understand my situation and also I request you to grant me leave for the above-mentioned days.

Yours faithfully, [Your Name], [Class], [Roll No], [Contact Details].

Application For Sick Leave In English For Class 3

To, The Principal, [Name of the school], [Address], [Date]

Subject: Sick leave application for class 3 Student.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am _______ [Student Mother Name] the mother of ______ [Mention Student name] writing to inform you that my son/daughter is studying in class 3 of your school.

My son/daughter _____ [Mention your son/daughter Name] is down with a fever/headache/chickenpox/cold and cough, and also the doctor has recommended him/her complete a few days of bed rest.

Therefore, I request you to kindly grant him/her sick leave for ______ [Number of days] days. I would like to request you to consider his participation.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely, [Your Name], [Your Son/Daughter Name], [Roll No], [Class and section], [Mobile/Email ID].

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2nd Sample On Application For Sick Leave By Student – Download

Application For Sick Leave In English For Class 3, application for leave of absence from school, Application For Leave In School In English, Application For Leave In School Format

Application For Exam Preparation By Student

To, The Principal, [School Name], [School Address].

Subject: Leave application due to upcoming exams preparation.

Myself ______ [Write Your Name], I am a student of _____ [Write Your Class] class in your school. I am writing this application to let you know that due to some personal problems I was unable to prepare for the upcoming Exams which will start from next _______ [Mention Your Exam Date].

Kindly, grant me leave from_____ [Start Date] to ______ [End Date] days so that I can prepare for exams in a good manner. I shall be very grateful.

Thanking You.

Application For Leave In School In English

Subject: Leave request letter in school for family trip.

I am writing this application letter to inform you that I am ______ [Your Name], student of _______ [Write Your Class & Section].

Recently, my father just planned for a family trip to ________ [Mention Your Placename]. For that reason, I need to leave from ______ [Start Day] to ______ [End Day].

Therefore, kindly grant me leave for above mentioned days. I shall be really thankful to you.

Yours obediently, [Your Name], [Roll No], [Class and section].

Read Also:  Station Leave Application In English

Application For Leave In School Format

Application For Leave In School Format, Application For Leave In School In English, School Application For Leave, Application For Leave In School For Marriage

FAQ’s On Application For Leave In School –

1) What is School Leave Application? Answer:  If students cannot come to school for any reason, it is necessary to inform the school principal or headmaster in a professional manner. This professional approach is called school leave application.

2) What are the mandatory things to mention in a school leave application? Answer: Below is a list of mandatory things for a proper and complete school leave application –

  • Address of School
  • The subject of the Application
  • Reason for your leave
  • Leave Time (Number of days)
  • Contact Details (Mobile No/Email ID)

3) How can I write leave application letter for school? Answer:  Follow the steps below to write your own school application for leave –

  • Specify the date of application.
  • Make a solution to address your recipient. ie, “The Principal” or “The Headmaster”
  • Mention a proper & right subject.
  • Next, make a greeting as “Respected Sir/madam”.
  • Explain your exact reason for taking this leave in a polite tone.
  • Lastly, write your name, address and contact information.

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Leave Letter for School - Format, Samples

Yashika  Image

Sep 11, 2024

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A student can request a leave of absence for various reasons by writing a leave letter for school. Elements such as reason for leave and providing correct dates on the days the student will be absent are essential while writing a school leave letter.

Leave Letter for School - Format, Samples

Table of Contents

Purpose of Giving Application for Leave in School

Components of leave application for school, leave letter sample for school, 3. leave letter format for school, tips to write leave letter for school, mistakes to avoid while writing leave application for school.

Leave Letter for School: A leave application is a formal request for permission to be absent. It could be for various personal reasons, such as family gatherings, health concerns, etc. It can be written by either students or parents. 

This is a fairly formal approach to telling the concerned professors about the absence. In this article, we will learn how to write a leave application, including its format and components, using samples and recommendations to give you an idea and overview before you start writing.

What is Leave Letter for School?

Leave letters for school are given to inform teachers of a student's temporary absence from school. This letter can be addressed to either the Principal or the class teacher.

Parents can also write a leave letter to the school that their child will not be attending school due to a personal reason.

Types of Leave Letters for School

Some of the reasons why students might request a leave of absence are listed below:

  • Relative marriage leave
  • For family holidays
  • Personal family matters
  • Going to an outstation

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Submitting a leave application for school before skipping lessons remains mandatory for children. It allows the authorities to keep track of each kid and ensure that children do not miss school regularly. It also provides a teacher with an overview of a student's activities and aids in the maintenance of a student record. A well-written leave application conveys a clear message while convincing teachers because it appears more authentic and acceptable. 

A leave application is submitted when a student is forced to miss class due to unforeseen circumstances. Permission must be obtained before missing school. A leave can be taken for various reasons, including health concerns, family functions, emergency work, festival celebrations, family issues, etc.

Also Read: Formal Letter Format CBSE

A leave letter should be well-structured to ensure clarity. Every letter must contain certain parts.  

  • Heading: The heading should include contact information such as the recipient's address and designation. This is significant since the letter will be delivered directly to the specified recipient. Mention the date of composing this letter below the title.
  • Subject: In this section, the letter's title is mentioned briefly. It helps the reader understand the letter's context.
  • Salutation: The receiver is addressed graciously. Appropriate titles, such as 'Respected Sir/Madam', and other identifiers are used.
  • Body: The body is the most important part of the application for leave in school. This section includes detailed information such as the reason for seeking leave, the duration of absence, and precise dates. Express your gratitude to the beneficiary in advance in the hopes of receiving leave.

Also Read: Letter to Principal

In most cases, students must submit a leave application to their class instructor or the principal to be excused from class. For younger children, though, their parents may submit a leave letter for school on their behalf later.

Listed below is a sample of leave applications that can be altered depending upon the reason. The format of the application, however, remains the same.

1. Leave Letter Sample for Students

The Sample below is the leave application format for students.

Leave Application

The Principal,

(School Name),

(School Address)

Subject : Application For Leave

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am (Your Name), a student of (Class And Section). I want to bring to your kind attention that due to (Mention your reason), I will be unable to come to school from (date) to (date).

I request you to kindly provide me with leave for the dates mentioned above.

I assure you that I will catch up with my studies after returning. I shall be grateful.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,

(Your Name)

application letter to leave the school

2. Leave Letter Sample from Parents

The Sample below is the leave application format from parents.

(School Address).

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am (Parent name), father/mother of (Student name), studying in (Class & Section). I am writing this application to tell you that my son/daughter has not been feeling well for the past few days. Medical tests are going on, and doctors have advised him/her to bed rest for the next (Number of days).

I request you to please grant (Number of days) of leave to my son/daughter so that he/she can recover quickly. A prescription from the doctor has been attached to the application for your reference, and I shall be very grateful.

Yours sincerely,

(Parent’s name)

(Parent’s signature)

application letter to leave the school

Students need to bear in mind that the format of the letter also matters as much as its content. While writing a leave application for school, students need to follow a standard format, regardless of the reason.

The format of writing a leave letter for school of absence is listed below:

  • The subject of the application
  • Reason for leave
  • Number of leaves needed (particular dates)
  • Contact information of guardians
  • Signature of Guardian

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Students are advised to understand the structure and its major components to write it down clearly and concisely. It should be sincere, brief, and offer acceptable justifications for your absence. It's critical to include dates, days, and durations to keep the entire process transparent.

Listed below are a few tips for writing a leave letter for school.

  • Make sure that the intent of the application is straightforward.
  • The subject in the application for leave should be concise.
  • The body of the application should not be very long. It should state the reason and the dates for leave.
  • The tone of the application should be formal.
  • The reason stated for leave should be real and honest.
  • The language should be grammatically correct.

Here are some mistakes that students must avoid while writing an application for leave in school.

  • Check for spelling and grammatical problems. Incorrect spellings create a negative impression on the reader.
  • If the reason for obtaining leave is unclear, the recipient will struggle to understand your condition, resulting in misunderstanding. The leave may be rejected.
  • Some schools may have specific rules, such as sending the leave letter one week in advance or not allowing leave for more than a week. All of these should be considered before writing.

Q: How to write a letter of absent?

A: A letter requesting a leave of absence should specify the cause for the request, the duration of the leave, the day you will stop working, and the date you will return. Along with your contact details, it should, if at all possible, provide a strategy for keeping your team moving forward in your absence.

Q: How do I write a leave letter for my child?

A: Unfortunately, from [Starting Date] to [Ending Date], my child will not be able to attend school due to [specify the reason for leave, such as illness, family emergency, personal reasons, etc.]. I respectfully ask that you give my child the specified amount of time off.

Q: How to write a letter to the principal for leave from parents?

A: Start your letter with "Respected Principal Ma'am or Sir," followed by the subject line "I am writing this letter to seek your permission for leave for my child on so and so date." Mention your name and your link with the youngster to wrap up the leave application in a favorable manner.

Q: How to request leave for family issues?

A: Leave the Application Letter Format For Office. I'm writing to request an official leave of absence from [start date] to [end date]. The aim of my leave is [briefly express the cause, such as a personal family event]. I respectfully request your consent for this leave of absence.

Q: How do I write a leave letter to my school teacher?

A: Follow the format discussed. Keep the subject line short and use your teacher's name or ma'am/sir as the salutation. When writing the body, keep the paragraphs concise and to the point, using a polite and formal tone. Don't forget to provide the dates you will be on leave. In the last lines, express your gratitude and respectfully seek your teacher's approval.

Q: What information should I include in my leave application?

A: Writing a leave letter is necessary to tell your instructors of your absence. Your name, class, and the name of the receiver are the most vital components to write. Explain the reasons for your absence from school. Do not forget to specify the dates you will be absent. You might also advise them of your planned arrival time and promise to perform the tasks allocated to you as soon as feasible.

Q: How far in advance should I submit my leave application?

A: This usually relies on the school's policies. Few schools require you to submit a leave application well in advance, while others are less stringent and let you submit it within a few days. However, if the leave is planned, apply for it before the end of the week. In circumstances of medical emergency, the leave application can be submitted after the leave has been taken, as it is highly unexpected.

Q: How to extend my leave?

A: If you are already on leave and wish to extend it by a few days, you should submit another leave application with valid and real reasons. It is best to attach original documents as proof. Express thanks and politeness. Give them the expected return date and apologize for any inconvenience.

Q: Is there a specific format for writing a medical leave application?

A: Formal letter writing follows a similar format or template. In medical leave applications, you can submit a medical certificate as documentation of your extended absence. The other elements, such as the recipient's designation and address, salutation, your name, class, and signature, reasons for the leave, etc., stay unchanged.


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application letter to leave the school

Home » Letters » School » Application Letter for Early Leave from School – Early Leave Application Format Sample

Application Letter for Early Leave from School – Early Leave Application Format Sample

application letter to leave the school

Table of Contents:

  • Sample Letter

Live Editing Assistance

How to use live assistant, additional template options, download options, share via email, share via whatsapp, copy to clipboard, print letter, early leave application format sample.

To, The Principal, ________ (Name of the School), ________ (Address of the School)

Date: __/__/_____ (Date)

Subject: Seeking permission for early leave

Respected Sir/ Madam,

With utmost respect, I would like to inform you that my name is _______ (name) and I am a student of ____ (mention class) of your reputed school i.e. _______ (school name). My roll number is __________ (mention roll number).

I am writing this letter to request you for allowing me to leave early today i.e. on __/__/____ (date). I have to leave early at ________ (mention period/ 2nd period/ 3rd period/ 4th period/ 5th period/ 6th period/ 7th period/ 8th period/any other). The reason for leaving early is ____________ (mention reason – appointment with doctor / have to go somewhere/ personal reason).

I shall be highly obliged for your kind support. In case, you have any queries, you may contact my parents at _______ (mention contact number).

Thanking you, _________ (Name), _________ (Roll number)

Live Preview

The Live Assistant feature is represented by a real-time preview functionality. Here’s how to use it:

  • Start Typing: Enter your letter content in the "Letter Input" textarea.
  • Live Preview: As you type, the content of your letter will be displayed in the "Live Preview" section below the textarea. This feature converts newline characters in the textarea into <br> tags in HTML for better readability.

The letter writing editor allows you to start with predefined templates for drafting your letters:

  • Choose a Template: Click one of the template buttons ("Start with Sample Template 1", "Start with Sample Template 2", or "Start with Sample Template 3").
  • Auto-Fill Textarea: The chosen template's content will automatically fill the textarea, which you can then modify or use as is.

Click the "Download Letter" button after composing your letter. This triggers a download of a file containing the content of your letter.

Click the "Share via Email" button after composing your letter. Your default email client will open a new message window with the subject "Sharing My Draft Letter" and the content of your letter in the body.

Click the "Share via WhatsApp" button after you've composed your letter. Your default browser will open a new tab prompting you to send the letter as a message to a contact on WhatsApp.

If you want to copy the text of your letter to the clipboard:

  • Copy to Clipboard: Click the "Copy to Clipboard" button after composing your letter.
  • Paste Anywhere: You can then paste the copied text anywhere you need, such as into another application or document.

For printing the letter directly from the browser:

  • Print Letter: Click the "Print Letter" button after composing your letter.
  • Print Preview: A new browser window will open showing your letter formatted for printing.
  • Print: Use the print dialog in the browser to complete printing.
  • Include your name, class, and roll number so the principal knows who is making the request.
  • Clearly mention the reason, such as an appointment with a doctor, needing to go somewhere, or a personal reason.
  • Provide a contact number for your parents in case the school needs to verify your request.
  • Be specific about the period or time you need to leave, such as the 2nd period, 3rd period, etc.
  • Yes, always be polite and respectful in your request to ensure it is received well by the principal.

Incoming Search Terms:

  • sample letter to school principal seeking permission for leaving early
  • letter of request for leaving early from school

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School Leave Letter

Last Updated On March 4, 2020 By Letter Writing Leave a Comment

School leave letters are written to inform about a student’s absence in school for a limited period. This letter is either addressed to the principal or class teacher of the student. Through this letter, you are informing the school that your kid will not attend the school due to some personal reasons.  It is generally recommended that the parents should write the school leave letter and they should duly sign the same before sending it to the concerned person.

Students or parents of students can write a leave letter for school teachers due to the sickness of the student. Through this letter, they provide a valid reason behind their kid’s leave and specify the dates for the same. By doing so, they are expressing the generosity of their ward. 

School leave letter can be written for various reasons like:

  • Going abroad
  • Health reasons (fever, head pain, chickenpox, etc.)

School Leave Letter Writing Tips

  • It is vital to write the letter in a polite tone so that it expresses your appeal to leave in a genuine way.
  • You must clearly state the reason behind your ward’s leave.
  • The tone of the letter should be formal.
  • The letter should be brief and to the point.
  • Once you are through writing the letter, please recheck the same for spelling mistakes or punctuation errors.
  • The letter should mention the relationship between the ward and the sender of the message.

School Leave Letter Template

Use our free School Leave Letter Template to help you get started.


Date (Date on which letter is written)


Dear _______,(Sir/madam)

With due respect, I would like to inform you that my ward ____________ (name of the ward) is a student of class ___________(mention class), of your school. Due to some emergency, my __________ is hospitalized and is recommended to be in doctor’s supervision for three days. All my family members are right now taking care of __________ in hospital and we are not in a position to send _________ to school.

Therefore, I request you to please consider our situation and grant _________ leave for _______ days from ____________ to ________________. I am enclosing a letter from the doctor for your reference. I assure you that she will attend classes regularly from this date forward.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,


Sample Letter

From, Stanley Smith 18, Avenue Hills California.

Date: 7th March 2017.

To, Ms. Rita Mathew Principal Green Field School California

Sub: Leave Application

Respected Ms. Mathew,

I want to bring to your kind attention that my daughter Angela Smith is studying in Grade I at your school. Due to some health problems, my father has been hospitalized and has been recommended a minor surgery by the doctors. He is recuperating from a stroke he suffered earlier this month.

My wife and I are busy taking care of him and are spending a whole night in the hospital. So, there is nobody to get Angela ready and send her to school. I will be obliged if you grant her to leave for one week from 26th August onward. I assure you that she will attend classes regularly from this 3rd September onward.

I hope you will understand our situation and do the needful.

Stanley Smith Father of Angela Smith Grade I.

Email Format

The following is the Email Format to be developed for a school leave Letter.

To: [email protected] From: [email protected]

Subject: Leave Letter

Dear Mr./Ms/Mrs.______(Name of the recipient)

Dear Madam,

My daughter _______(name of ward) is studying in Grade________(grade the ward is in), in your school and I am writing this letter to inform you that my daughter_________ will not be able to attend classes for _______(number of days, leave required) from tomorrow as her grandmother has been hospitalized. Since ________ mother must be there at the hospital, there is no one to look after_____ and make her up to the school.

So, I kindly request you to grant her leave for ______ days from _________ to ___________. I assure you that she will attend classes regularly from this date onward.

Thanking You,

Yours Sincerely,

_____________ (Name of parent of the ward)

____________(Name of the ward and his/her grade).

Sample School Leave Letter for Marriage

Below mentioned is a school leave letter for sister wedding, and the same can be modified and used for school leave letter for /brother/aunt/friend/uncle/relative’s wedding.

Avinash Desar 304 Pali Towers, Pali Hill, Bandra

The Principal, Mumbai Grammar School, Worli

Subject: Leave letter for sister marriage

Respected sir/madam

Please be informed that my son Abhishek Desar is studying in grade 4 in your school.  My sister’s wedding ceremony is to be held on 25th February. So my son will not be able to attend school from 24th February to 27 February.

Request you to grant him leaves during this period.  He will take notes from his friends and complete the school work before rejoining.  I shall be very thankful to you for granting leaves.

Yours  sincerely,

Avinash Desar – Father of Abhishek Desar Grade 4 –  roll number  25.

Sample School Leave Letter Visa

Below mentioned is the sample letter for school leave letter for visa renewal.

Rajat Bose 304 Breeze Towers, Worli

The Principal, Mumbai Grammar School, Bandra

Subject: Leave letter for visa purposes

Respected  sir/ madam,

My daughter Shikha Bose studies in your school grade 5. We are going on a vacation to Australia during the summer vacation. For the trip, we have to get our visas renewed, and for that purpose, I would like to grant leave to Shikha on 24th February (Friday) for the visa interview.

We tried scheduling the interview on the weekend,  but the Australian embassy is working only on weekdays, and so we had no other option but to schedule the interview on a Friday.  I request you to kindly confirm the leave so that we can start the visa process.

I will make sure that Shikha takes notes from her friends and completes the homework over the weekend.

Rajat Bose – father of Shikha Bose Grade 5 – roll number 14.

Sample School Leave Letter due to fever

Below mentioned is the sample letter for school leave letter due to fever. The same can be modified and written for school leave letter for a headache/medical check-up/chicken pox/cold and cough/eye check-up.

Sachin Patel, 304 Breeze Towers, Worli

Subject: Leave letter due to fever

Respected sir,

My ward Tanisha Patel studies in your school in grade 2. Tanisha is down with a fever headache/medical check-up/chicken pox/cold and cough/eye check-up, and so I request you to grant her leaves for five days so that she recovers properly.  

Please accept the request and grant or leaves for the next five days 10th March to 15th March. Also, request you to excuse her absence from the annual day practice during this period.

I will make sure that she takes the missed notes from her friends and completes all the homework before she rejoins the school.

Sachin Patel – Father of Tanisha Patel Grade 2 – roll number 34

Sample School Leave Letter for accident

Below mentioned is the sample letter for school leave letter for accident/bone/hand fracture.

Nandini Singh, 709 Jivesh Terraces, Lower Parel.

The Principal, Don Bosco School, Dadar

Subject: Leave letter for accident/bone/hand fracture

Respected Sir,

Please be informed that while driving to school today me and my daughter Jasleen Singh who is studying in your school in grade 7 met with an accident. I am fine, but unfortunately, my daughter in a little hurt and that is why she wouldn’t be able to attend school for the next 13 days. She has fractured her hand, and the doctor has suggested her to take bed rest for a few days.

Kindly grant me leave from 8th August to 21st August. I shall remain grateful to you for permitting her.

Also, I will make sure that she takes notes and completes the homework during the leaves before joining the school again.

Nandini Singh – Mother of Jasleen Singh Grade 7 – roll number 24

Sample School Leave Letter for death

Below mentioned is the sample letter for school leave letter for brother/sister/grandmother/relative/grandfather death.

Tanya Maheswar, 9001 Palladium Terraces, Lower Parel.

The Principal, St. Joseph School, Matunga

Subject: leave letter for brother/sister/grandmother/relative/grandfather death

Today is a very sad day for my family and me. I am in pain and full of grief on losing my beloved brother/sister/grandmother/relative/grandfather.  I want to inform you that I will not be able to come to school from 13th January to 20th January as we are going to our native place for the last rituals of my brother.

I would like to take my name back from the  Republic Day function to be held on 25th January because I will not be able to attend the practice for the next seven days. Request you to grant me the leaves, and I will make sure to complete my missed homework before joining the school.

Hoping for your kind consideration. Thank you in advance.

Yours sincerely

Tanya Maheswar Grade 9 – roll number 32

Sample School Leave Letter after taking leaves

Below mentioned is the school leave letter after taking leaves. It mentions the reason why the leaves were taken and usually written by parents/guardian.

Kalpesh Shah, 9001 Palladium Terraces, Lower Parel.

The Principal, St. Andrew School, Worli

Subject: leave letter

Chintan Shah could not attend the school from 15th March to 21st March because unfortunately his grandmother passed away and we had to rush to our native place in Gujarat. Apologies for not informing before taking the leaves but I hope you would understand the critical condition.

I have made sure that Chintan has taken notes from his friends and completed his homework.  Also, students were asked to give their names for the annual function participation from 16th March to 18th March. Since Chintan couldn’t attend the school during that period, I would like to request you to consider his participation.

Thank you in advance for your kind consideration.

Kalpesh Shah – father of Chintan Shah Grade 5 – roll number 32

Sample School Leave Letter for three days

Below mentioned is the sample letter for school leave letter for going to native place.

Roshan Sodhi, Neelkanth Valley, Ghatkopar.

The Principal, Holy Family School, Chembur

Subject: leave letter for three days

My ward Jaswinder Sodhi studying in your school in grade 3 will be unable to attend school from 27 Bar to 30th September as we have planned a visit to Our native place for the Durga Puja.

I request you to grant him the required leaves. I ensure you that he will complete all the missed homework. Hope to receive the acceptance leave letter soon.

Roshan Sodhi – father of Jaswinder Sodhi Grade 3 – roll number 21.

Related Letters:

  • School Leave Application
  • Leave Letter
  • Thank You Leave Letter
  • Sample Leave Letter
  • Paternity Leave Letter
  • Maternity Leave Application
  • One Day Leave Application Letter
  • Letter for Leave Of Absence
  • Office Leave Letter
  • Annual Leave Letter
  • Casual Leave Letter
  • Maternity Leave Letter
  • Leave Of Absence Letter
  • College Leave Letter
  • Leave Extension Letter
  • Half Day Leave Letter
  • How To Write A Leave Letter
  • Leave Application Email
  • Leave Application Letter
  • Leave Letter to Boss
  • Leave Letter for Condolence
  • Leave Letter for Marriage

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Two Days Leave Application for School (with Samples & PDFs)

I have listed sample templates to help you craft an effective and professional two days leave application for school.

Also, I would like to point out that you can also download a PDF containing all the samples at the end of this post.

Two Days Absence Leave Application for School

First, find the sample template for two days leave application for school below.

Respected Sir/Madam,

Subject: Request for two days’ leave

Due to some personal reasons, it is necessary for me to stay at home on these days. I assure you that I have taken note of the academic content that will be covered during these two days and will put in extra efforts to catch up with the same.

I understand the importance of regular attendance at school, and hence, I do not take this request lightly. However, under the current circumstances, this leave is unavoidable.

I kindly request you to consider my situation and grant me leaves for the mentioned dates. I would be very grateful for your support.

Thank you for your understanding.

Yours sincerely, [Student’s Name], Class: [Class and Section], Roll Number: [Roll Number]

Below I have listed 5 different sample applications for “two days leave application for school” that you will certainly find useful for specific scenarios:

Emergency Medical Situation Leave Application for School

Emergency Medical Situation Leave Application for School

To, The Principal, [School Name], [School Address], [City, State, PIN Code]

Therefore, I kindly request you to grant me leave from [Start Date] to [End Date], which amounts to [Number of Days] days of absence from school. I understand the importance of regular school attendance and the impact it has on my studies. I assure you that I will make up for the missed lessons and homework as soon as I resume my classes.

I will be grateful if my teachers could provide me with the study materials and assignments for the said period so that I can continue with my studies at home when possible.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name], [Your Class], [Your Roll Number], [Date]

Family Event Attendance Leave Application for School

Family Event Attendance Leave Application for School

To, The Principal, [School’s Name], [School’s Address], [City, State, PIN Code]

I, [Your Name], am a student of Class [Your Class] Section [Your Section] in your esteemed institution. I am writing this letter to inform you about an upcoming family event at my home, which requires my presence.

I assure you that I will take the responsibility of catching up with all the lessons and assignments that I will miss during my absence. I will get the notes from my classmates and if required, I will stay back after school hours for any additional help that I might need from the teachers.

I kindly request you to consider my situation and grant me leave for the aforementioned dates. I apologize for any inconvenience caused and I am thankful for your understanding and support in this matter.

Educational Trip Leave Application for School

Educational Trip Leave Application for School

To, The Principal, [Your School Name], [Your School Address], [City, State, Zip Code]

The reason for this request is that my family and I have planned an educational trip to [Destination]. This trip has been organized to enhance my learning experience in [Subject or Topic Related to the Trip]. I strongly believe that this trip will provide me with a hands-on experience and a broader perspective on the subject matter, which in turn will enrich my knowledge and understanding.

During my absence, I assure you that I will take the responsibility to cover up all the missed lessons and homework. If required, I am ready to take extra classes or tutorials after school hours. I kindly request you to grant me permission for the same and provide me with any assignments or tasks that I need to complete during my absence.

Yours sincerely, [Your Full Name] [Class, Section] [Admission Number] [Date]

Bereavement Leave Application for School

Bereavement Leave Application for School

To, The Principal, [School Name], [School Address], [City Name], [State Name], [Pin Code],

Subject: Application for Bereavement Leave

I am [Your Name], studying in Class [Your Class] Section [Your Section] of this esteemed institution. I am writing this letter to kindly request a leave of absence due to the unfortunate demise of my [Relationship with the deceased – e.g., paternal grandfather].

My family and I are in deep sorrow and we need to attend the final rites and related rituals which are to be held in our native place. The ceremonies and the journey to our native place require me to be away from school for [Number of days of leave requested] days from [Start Date] to [End Date].

I understand the importance of regular attendance at school and the impact of missing classes on my academic progress. Therefore, I assure you that I will take the responsibility of catching up on all the missed lessons and assignments as soon as I return.

I kindly request you to grant me leave for the aforementioned period and oblige. I have attached any necessary documentation for your reference.

Thank you for your understanding and support in this difficult time.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name], [Your Roll Number], [Your Class and Section], [Date]

Health Recovery Leave Application for School

Health Recovery Leave Application for School

To, The Principal, [School Name], [School Address], [City, State, Pin Code]

I am [Your Name], a student of class [Your Class] at [School Name]. I am writing this letter to kindly request a leave of absence due to health reasons.

I assure you that I will make up for the loss of my academic tasks during this period. I will collect the notes and assignments from my classmates and will put in extra efforts to cover the lost syllabus.

I kindly request you to grant me leave for the mentioned period and I hope for your understanding and support in this matter. Attached with this application is a medical certificate for your reference.

How to Write Two Days Leave Application for School

Some writing tips to help you craft a better application:

View all topics →

I am sure you will get some insights from here on how to write “two days leave application for school”. And to help further, you can also download all the above application samples as PDFs by clicking here .

And if you have any related queries, kindly feel free to let me know in the comments below.

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Leave Application for School from Parents: Check Samples

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  • Updated on  
  • Feb 8, 2024

Leave Application for School from Parents

Leave application for school from parents: Children planning to take a leave from school must submit a leave application for school from their parents. It is part of almost every school application process. The student’s parents or guardians must write this leave application to the school teacher/ principal, where they highlight the purpose or reasons for leave. If it is a family trip, attending a wedding, or any important event, where the child is required to take leave from school, parents must seek permission from the school principal or teacher. 

In this article, we will list down some samples of leave applications for school from parents. 

Table of Contents

  • 1 Leave Application for School from Parents Format
  • 2 Leave Application for School from Parents: For Wedding
  • 3 Leave Application for School from Parents: For Trip

Also Read: Write a Letter to Your Friend Congratulating Him on His Success in the Examination: Check Samples

Leave Application for School from Parents Format

Understanding and using the right leave application format is very important. The leave application format helps to maintain a clear and consistent communication process between parents and school authorities or supervisors when it comes to seeking permission for leave for their children. The format of the leave application for school from parents is listed below.

Leave Application for School from Parents: For Wedding

Surya Joshi
308-B, Sector 33,
Gautam Budh Nagar,
Uttar Pradesh

17th February 2024

Mr. Harendra Chakyal
Cambridge School, Noida
F-Block, Sector 27, Noida,
Uttar Pradesh

Subject: Leave Application for Sunny Joshi – Class 12- C – Wedding Ceremony

Respected [Harendra Chakyal],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request a leave of absence for my child, Sunny Joshi, who is a student in Class 12-C at your esteemed school. The purpose of the leave is to attend a family wedding ceremony.

I kindly request your approval for the following details:

I assure you that Sunny Joshi will make every effort to catch up on any missed assignments and classwork promptly upon return. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter. 
Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to Sunny Joshi resuming classes on 25th February 2024.
Surya Joshi
Father of Sunny Joshi

Also Read: Write a Letter To Your Friend Advising Him to Study for Upcoming NDA Exam

Leave Application for School from Parents: For Trip

Meena Rawat
S-21, Shakti Khand,
Uttar Pradesh


Mrs. Malika SinghIndirapuram Public School
Nyay Khand I,
Uttar Pradesh

Subject: Leave Application for [Manika Rawat] – [10th A] – Educational Trip

Respected Malika Singh,
I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to formally request a leave of absence for my child, Manika Rawat, who is a student in Class 10th A at your esteemed school. The purpose of the leave is to participate in an educational trip.

I kindly request your approval for the following details:

I assure you that Manika will make every effort to keep up with the curriculum during her absence. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter. Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to Manika Rawart’s resuming classes on 14th March 2024.
Meena Rawat Mother of Manika Rawat

Also Read: Write a Letter to Your Brother Congratulating Him on His Success

Ans: Start with your name, address, date, and the name of your school and its address. Write the subject of your letter or purpose, then start with ‘Respected Principal Ma’am or Sir’, I am writing this letter to seek your permission for leave for my child on so and so date.’ Then conclude the leave application on a positive note by mentioning your name and your relationship with the child.

Ans: Respected Principal Sir/ Ma’am, I am writing this letter to inform you that my son/ daughter (Child’s Full Name) will be absent from school from (Dates of leave). The reason for his/ her absence is (reason).

Ans: When applying for a leave of absence from school or office, it is important to write the number of days on which you will not be available. Seeking permission from your school principal or office employee is very important, as it is part of their leave policy and also shows a professional attitude from your side.

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Graduate School

Application instructions and required materials, congratulations on taking this big step to apply.

Outlined below are guidelines for submitting your application and the minimum admission requirements for our degree programs in the Graduate School at Howard. Prior to beginning your application, we encourage you to review the application guidance below as well as the graduate application deadlines and requirements and letter of recommendation requirements for programs housed within the Graduate School. It is important that your complete application is submitted by the given program deadline.

Only completed online applications, with supporting materials, will be forwarded by Howard's Office of Admissions (a separate Office from the Graduate School) to your prospective degree program, whose faculty committee will render a decision on your application. Review committees conduct a holistic review of an applicant's academic and professional experiences, statements, recommendations, and other factors reflecting a student's academic potential and motivation for successful graduate study.

Starting Your Application  

Bachelor's degree (minimum requirement).

Applicants for admission to the Graduate School who are enrolled in their final semester or quarter of their postsecondary education program can apply to their intended program of study. At minimum, applicants must have (or will earn before starting at Howard) a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university in the United States (U.S.) or the equivalent from an international college or university. For applicants admitted to the Graduate School, official transcripts must demonstrate completion of (and conferment of) a bachelor's degree prior to the start of the term to which a student was admitted. In addition, if an applicant's degree is from a college or university outside the U.S., the institution must be recognized by the ministry of education or commission responsible for higher education in the country where the degree is earned.  Some programs may require a master's degree, in addition to a bachelor's degree for admission.  

Create an Account via the Online Application 

Applicants for admission to the Graduate School must complete an online graduate application using the appropriate CAS online application system. The Graduate School utilizes GradCAS, CSDCAS, PSYCAS, and EngineeringCAS as the centralized online application systems for its relevant graduate programs. Please refer to the summary of graduate application deadlines and requirements to access the correct application based on your program of interest (you will see a link to apply for each program). To start an application, you'll first need to create an account. Then filter by "Institution" [Howard University] and select your intended program of study. Finally, you will need to submit a separate application for each program to which you intend to apply.  

Completing Your Application  

Once you open the online application, you will see multiple sections need to be completed. Please complete each of the fields for all sections of the application. To complete and submit your application, the following minimum application materials are required: 

Upload Statement of Academic Interest & Research Goals 

Applicants are asked to upload to their online application a statement of academic interest and research goals (two to four pages, double-spaced) which describes your motivations and goals related to pursuing your proposed degree program. Check your program's entry requirements webpage listed here for any specific requirements regarding the statement. To strengthen your essay, it is recommended that you speak about your preparation for this field of study, your research interests ( and what motivated your interest in this field of study ), your research alignment with program faculty ( relate the research you imagine yourself doing to the research of faculty in the program to which you are applying ), and your academic and professional objectives.  What are your specific professional goals? How will obtaining a degree from this particular program, at this particular institution, help you meet your professional goals?  Are there distinct research facilities, resources, courses, and/or research opportunities that this program provides that would help facilitate your professional goals?

Ultimately, the statement of academic interest and research goals has three main functions: (1) to highlight your awareness of the field and the work you want to do in it (including commentary on content and methods);  (2) to reveal your qualifications and readiness for doing this work; and (3) to convey to the application review committee that your writing is thoughtful, well-organized, and reveals the confidence and awareness needed to pursue research in the field. This statement is distinct from the autobiographical statement and should focus on your past research, present research, and future research and their relation to your professional goals. This information helps the admissions committee evaluate your motivation and aptitude for graduate study.

Upload Autobiographical Sketch/Personal Statement

In addition to the statement of academic interest and research goals, applicants are asked to upload to their online application an autobiographical sketch or personal statement (two to three pages, double-spaced). This essay helps the admissions committee understand how your background (e.g., first-generation graduate student, service leadership) and unique personal experiences will contribute to the Howard University community. It's also an opportunity to explain what motivates you and what experiences will help you persist in completing this program. As appropriate, you may wish to highlight achievements and life events relevant to your studies or to address any obstacles or challenges you experienced that helped shape your educational and professional goals and motivated your desire to pursue this field of study. The purpose of the autobiographical or personal statement is to give the admissions committee an impression of who you are as an individual and your journey toward graduate study. It's also an opportunity for the review committee to get to know you beyond your letters of recommendation, your transcript, your CV/resume, and your statement of academic interest and research goals. Finally, this statement is an opportunity for you to discuss, in brief, any causes for concern in your application (a low GPA, a change in your field of study, etc.). 

Upload Current Résumé or Curriculum Vitae  

Applicants are asked to upload to their online application a copy of their current résumé or curriculum vitae (CV) listing their current and past employer(s) and professional experiences, and where applicable, any extracurricular or volunteer activities, a list of published work, and any academic honors or awards. There is no page limit, though we recommend a one-to-two-page resume.  

Request Online Three Letters of Recommendation 

Through the online application portal, applicants will be prompted to provide the contact information of three recommenders (online and certificate programs in the Graduate School require two recommendation letters). Once the student's application is saved, the recommenders will then receive an electronic request via e-mail with instructions for submitting a recommendation through the application portal. Applicants should review the letter of recommendation requirements webpage to identify which evaluator types are accepted by each program. Recommendations can arrive before or after application submission, so applicants do not need to wait for all recommendations to be received before submitting their online application. These letters should be sought from faculty, academic advisors, or individuals sufficiently familiar with the applicant's work to speak to their academic or professional strengths and potential for graduate-level study.

Submit Official U.S. Transcripts (Postsecondary)  

Applicants must submit official transcripts from all previously attended institutions of higher education, whether or not a degree or credit was earned, courses were taken as a non-degree student, or the credit appears as transfer credit on another transcript. For each CAS application, official transcripts should be sent electronically to the transcript processing center. For instructions on how to submit official transcripts , please review the link below to the appropriate application for your prospective program of study:

How to send official transcripts in GradCAS

How to send official transcripts in CSDCAS

How to send official transcripts in PSYCAS

How to send official transcripts in EngineeringCAS

Unofficial Transcripts : In addition to submitting their official transcripts, applicants can initially upload scanned copies of their transcripts to their online application. However, these will be considered "unofficial," and if an applicant has been admitted and would like to enroll, the student will be required to submit all final official transcripts by the deadline given in their admission correspondence prior to the start of the term to which a student was admitted.

Submit Foreign Transcript Evaluations (Postsecondary)  

Applicants who attended a university outside of the U.S. must electronically submit to Howard University an official course-by-course evaluation report from a credential evaluation service with electronic delivery such as  World Education Services (WES)  or a current NACES member . In order to ensure that U.S. accreditation standards, degree, course, and credit equivalencies are met, transcripts from higher education institutions outside of the U.S. must be evaluated by a recognized foreign educational credential evaluator from the list below:

World Education Services (WES)

International Education Evaluation (IEE)

Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE)

In addition to electronically submitting their official course-by-course evaluation report to Howard University, applicants should also upload copies of their transcript evaluation report directly to their online application to expedite review. If the documents are not in English, they must be accompanied by an official translated copy. All documents must bear the same name that appears on the admissions application. For instructions on how to submit official foreign transcript evaluations , please review the link below to the appropriate application for your prospective program of study:

How to send official foreign transcript evaluations to GradCAS

How to send official foreign transcript evaluations to CSDCAS

How to send official foreign transcript evaluations to PSYCAS

How to send official foreign transcript evaluations to EngineeringCAS

Unofficial Transcript Evaluations : In addition to submitting their official foreign transcript evaluations, applicants can initially upload scanned copies of their transcript evaluations to the online application. However, these will be considered "unofficial," and if an applicant has been admitted and would like to enroll, the student will be required to submit all final official foreign transcript evaluations by the deadline given in their admission correspondence prior to the start of the term to which a student was admitted.

Additional Application Components

View additional admission components that may be required by some programs (GRE, Critical Writing Sample, Interview, and Proof of English Language Proficiency).

We encourage applicants to submit materials as early as possible before the applicable deadline. You are responsible for ensuring all supporting documents, including letters of recommendation and academic transcripts, are submitted on time.

Pay the Application Fee

Applicants will be assessed a non-refundable application processing fee when submitting their online application. Applicants are responsible for paying this fee online whether or not they are offered admission or choose to enroll. Applications will not be processed until an applicant pays the application fee. 

Equal Opportunity Statement 

Howard University admits qualified students of any age, sex, religion, race, sexual orientation, color, disability, and/or national or ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school.  It does not discriminate based on age, sex, religion, race, sexual orientation, color, disability, and/or national or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, athletic and other school-administered programs. 


  1. Asking Permission to Leave School Early (Letter & Application)

    application letter to leave the school

  2. Best Leave Letter Formats for School Students

    application letter to leave the school

  3. 💌 Leave of absence application sample. Application For Leave Of Absence

    application letter to leave the school

  4. Leave Letter for School

    application letter to leave the school

  5. Best Leave Letter Formats for School Students

    application letter to leave the school

  6. Kostenloses Leave letter for school

    application letter to leave the school


  1. Leave Application

  2. How to Write a letter 💌 Formal and Informal letter #skclasses97 #letter

  3. Family Function Leave Letter

  4. leave letter application//How to write ✍️ leave letter for school

  5. Leave letter for class teacher

  6. How to Write Leave Application in Office for Going to Trip


  1. Leave Application for School

    Sample Leave Application Letters for You. Leave Application 1 - Leave Letter to Principal - To Participate in the National Level Literary Competition. Leave Application 2 - School Leave Letter Format - Sick Leave. Leave Application 3 - Letter to Principal for Leave - Going Out of Station. Leave Application 4 - Letter of Absence.

  2. How to Write a Leave Application for School (with Pictures)

    Filling Out a Leave Application. 1. Contact the school registrar to secure a leave of absence form. Go to your school registrar's office and ask for a leave of absence application. If there is no formal application, you can go right to writing a leave of absence letter.

  3. How to write a Leave Application for School

    It is a formal method of informing school authorities. Let us study how to draft a leave application for school with sample letters in the article below. Leave Application for School. A leave application is a formal request to higher authorities for leave on the specified dates. School leave letters are used to notify teachers of a student's ...

  4. How to Write Leave Application for School

    Format of Writing a Leave Letter for School. 3. Sample Leave Applications for School. 3.1 Leave Application 1 - School Leave Letter Format - Sick Leave. 3.2 Leave Application 2 - Leave Letter to Principal - To Participate in the National Level Literary Competition. 3.3 Leave Application 3 - Letter to Principal for Leave - Going Out ...

  5. Leave Letter for School

    Leave Letter for School: Leave letter for school is the application letter written by students of the school to their principal or headmaster to get leave for the short term. School leave letters are addressed to notify about a student's absenteeism in school for a limited time. This letter is either written to the Principal or to the class teacher.

  6. Application for Absence in School (with Samples & PDFs)

    First, find the sample template for application for absence in school below. Subject: Application for Leave of Absence. Respected Sir/Madam, I, [Your Full Name], am a student of class [Your Class] Section [Your Section] in your esteemed institution. I am writing this letter to formally request a leave of absence due to [mention the reason ...

  7. Leave Application for School: Format, Examples, and Tips

    Leave application for school. Leave application for school is a formal way to notify school authorities about a student's absence. Whether due to illness, family events, or personal reasons, writing a proper school leave application ensures that the school documents and understands your request. This blog will guide you through the steps to craft a well-structured leave letter for school ...

  8. Advance Leave Application for School (with Samples & PDFs)

    To, The Principal, [School Name], [School Address], [City, State, Pin Code] Subject: Application for Advance Leave. Respected Sir/Madam, I, [Your Name], am a student of class [Your Class] in your esteemed institution. I am writing this letter to inform you about my unavailability in school from [Start Date] to [End Date].

  9. How to Write a Leave Application for School, Format And Samples

    ABC School. 123 Main Street. City, State, 567890. Subject: Leave Application for School for Going Out of Station. Dear Principal Smith, I am writing to request your approval for a leave of absence from school due to a family trip. I plan to be away from 12/06/2023 to 18/06/2023.

  10. A Comprehensive Guide to Writing a School Leave Application: Samples

    a. Be concise and to the point: State your reason for leave clearly and concisely. b. Provide necessary details: Include the dates of your absence, expected date of return, and any specific arrangements for missed assignments or exams. c. Be polite and respectful: Use formal language and maintain a respectful tone throughout the application.

  11. Leave letter for School in English with Examples

    A leave letter for school, also known as a leave application for school, is a formal document used by students to request a temporary absence from their educational institution. Such letters are typically addressed to the school principal and follow a specific format to ensure clarity and professionalism.

  12. Leave Application for School

    To (Receiver's Address) Date: Date of writing the application. Mention the subject of the application in a maximum of three to four words. Give salutation: Respected Sir / Madam / Principal Sir etc. Give an introduction about yourself. Example Name, Class, Roll Number, etc. Give a reason for asking for leave.

  13. Leave Application for School, School Leave Letter

    Sample 1: Sick leave application for school. Dear [Principal's Name], I hope this letter finds you well. I am requesting sick leave from school due to a sudden illness. I have been experiencing [mention symptoms] and need time to recover fully before returning to school. I request leave from [start date] to [end date].

  14. Application For Leave In School (12+ Samples & Format)

    Answer: Follow the steps below to write your own school application for leave -. Specify the date of application. Make a solution to address your recipient. ie, "The Principal" or "The Headmaster". Mention a proper & right subject. Next, make a greeting as "Respected Sir/madam".

  15. Leave Letter for School

    Leave Letter for School: A leave application is a formal request for permission to be absent. It could be for various personal reasons, such as family gatherings, health concerns, etc. It can be written by either students or parents. ...

  16. How to Write a Leave Application For School?

    To help you in writing a formal leave letter for school, the following tips will guide you to gain better command over the topic. Mention a reason that seems genuine and valid. Make sure not to cite anything informal. Leave application for School should be concise and to the point. You should not extend the letter beyond 60-80 words.

  17. Five Days Leave Application for School (with Samples & PDFs)

    First, find the sample template for five days leave application for school below. To, The Principal, [School's Name], [City's Name], Subject: Application for Five Days Leave. Respected Sir/Madam, I, [Student's Name], am a student of class [Class and Section] in your esteemed institution. I am writing this letter to kindly request a leave ...

  18. Top 5 Applications for Absent in School

    1 Things to Consider While Writing an Application. 2 Samples of Application for Absent in School. 2.1 Application for Absent in School Due to Jaundice. 2.2 Application for Absent in School Due to Fever. 2.3 Application for Absent in School Due to Being Out of Station. 2.4 Application for Absent in School Due to Heavy Rain.

  19. Leave Application for School from Parents

    Writing a leave application for your child from school requires clear and respectful communication. Address the letter to the principal, and include your child's name, class, and roll number. Mention the dates of absence and the reason for it. Thank the principal for their understanding and support. Provide your contact details if further information is […]

  20. Application Letter for Early Leave from School

    How to Use Live Assistant. The Live Assistant feature is represented by a real-time preview functionality. Here's how to use it: Start Typing: Enter your letter content in the "Letter Input" textarea. Live Preview: As you type, the content of your letter will be displayed in the "Live Preview" section below the textarea. This feature converts newline characters in the textarea into <br> tags ...

  21. Leave Application For School: Samples, Format & More!

    Given below is the leave application format to know the structure of the letter. Address - A leave application for school is directly addressed to the principal of the school or your class teacher. Only the receiver's address is mentioned in this letter as it is mostly given by hand to the principal or to the teachers.

  22. School Leave Letter

    Subject: leave letter for three days. Respected sir, My ward Jaswinder Sodhi studying in your school in grade 3 will be unable to attend school from 27 Bar to 30th September as we have planned a visit to Our native place for the Durga Puja. I request you to grant him the required leaves.

  23. Two Days Leave Application for School (with Samples & PDFs)

    First, find the sample template for two days leave application for school below. To, The Principal, [School Name], [City Name], Respected Sir/Madam, Subject: Request for two days' leave. I, [Student's Name], a student of Class [Student's Class] in your esteemed institution, am writing this letter to kindly request you to grant me leave ...

  24. Leave Application for School from Parents: Check Samples

    Write the subject of your letter or purpose, then start with 'Respected Principal Ma'am or Sir', I am writing this letter to seek your permission for leave for my child on so and so date.'. Then conclude the leave application on a positive note by mentioning your name and your relationship with the child. Q.2.

  25. Application Instructions and Required Materials

    Applicants for admission to the Graduate School must identify and reach out to references for their letters of recommendation (view letter of recommendation requirements by program). Once you save the contact information for each reference in the online reference portal section of your application, that individual will receive instructions via ...