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यूक्रेन से डरकर भाग रहे रूसी सैनिक, युद्ध में अब जेलेंस्की की सेना से कैसे निपटेंगे पुतिन?

रूस-यूक्रेन युद्ध (russia-ukraine war) के 200 दिन हो चुके हैं और अब यह एक नए मोड़ पर पहुंच गया है। यूक्रेन की सेना, रूस पर भारी पड़ रही है और रूसी सैनिकों को कई जगह से पीछे हटना पड़ रहा है। अब सवाल यह है कि इस युद्ध में आने वाले दिनों में क्‍या होगा।.

  • सिर्फ चार दिनों के अंदर यूक्रेन ने रूस की सेना के चार महीनों में की गई मेहनत पर पानी फेर दिया
  • रूस के सैनिकों ने यूक्रेनी सैनिकों का जरा भी सामना नहीं किया और भाग खड़े हुए
  • यूक्रेन के खिलाफ रूस के सैनिकों ने कुछ ही मिनटों में आत्‍मसमर्पण कर दिया

Russia Ukraine War

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Russia-Ukraine War के 100 दिन पूरे: कैसे भयानक होता गया युद्ध- अबतक की कहानी

Russia-ukraine war complete timeline: 100 दिनों में यूक्रेनी सेना कमजोर भले पड़ी है लेकिन उसका मनोबल कमजोर नहीं पड़ा.


रूस-यूक्रेन युद्ध ( Russia-Ukraine War ) को शुरू हुए शुक्रवार, 3 जून को 100 दिन पूरे हो गए हैं. यूक्रेन के बॉर्डर पर महीनों तक सेना-हथियारों की तैनाती बढ़ाने और आक्रमण की किसी योजना से कई इनकारों के बाद व्लादिमीर पुतिन ने 24 फरवरी को यूक्रेन के खिलाफ एक "विशेष सैन्य अभियान" शुरू करने की घोषणा की थी.

कई एक्सपर्ट्स मान चुके थे कि यह युद्ध कुछ ही दिन चलेगा और राष्ट्रपति जेलेंस्की के नेतृत्व में यूक्रेन की सेना कुछ ही दिन में हथियार डाल देगी. अब युद्ध को शुरू हुए 100 दिन होने को हैं और यूक्रेनी सेना कमजोर भले पड़ी है,लेकिन उसका मनोबल कमजोर नहीं पड़ा है.

आइए जानते हैं कि रूस-यूक्रेन युद्ध (Russia-Ukraine War Complete Timeline) के इन 100 दिनों में क्या-कुछ हुआ.

Russia-Ukraine War Timeline: सप्ताह 1 (24 फरवरी -2 मार्च)

24 मार्च को रूस का हमला पूरे यूक्रेन पर मिसाइल हमलों के साथ शुरू हुआ. Senkivka से कीव की ओर और क्रीमिया से खेरसॉन की ओर रूसी सेना ने जमीन के रास्ते घुसपैठ की. राजधानी कीव में रूसी पैराट्रूपर्स ने राष्ट्रपति जेलेंस्की की हत्या के लिए राष्ट्रपति भवन में घुसने के दो प्रयास भी किए.

युद्ध के दूसरे दिन राष्ट्रपति जेलेंस्की ने एक वीडियो शूट करके पोस्ट किया, जिसमें दिखा कि वह राजधानी कीव में ही हैं. उन्होंने सुरक्षित यूक्रेन से बाहर निकालने के अमेरिकी प्रस्ताव को स्वीकार नहीं किया. युद्ध के चौथे दिन, 28 फरवरी तक रूसी हेलीकॉप्टरों के एक स्क्वाड्रन ने कीव के बाहर होस्टोमेल एयरपोर्ट पर नियंत्रण कर लिया.

2 मार्च तक रूसी सेना ने रणनीतिक रूप से महत्वपूर्ण बंदरगाह शहर मारियुपोल को घेर लिया और Kherson शहर पर कब्जा कर लिया. युद्ध के एक हफ्ते में ही रिफ्यूजियों की संख्या 9.9 लाख के करीब पहुंच गयी थी.

Russia-Ukraine War Timeline: सप्ताह 2 (3 मार्च- 9 मार्च)

5 मार्च तक युद्ध को शुरू हुए 10 दिन का वक्त निकल चुका था. रूसी हमलों में इरपिन नदी पर बना मुख्य पुल और नदी पर बना सोवियत रूस काल का बांध तबाह हो गया था. इससे कीव के पश्चिम में बाढ़ जैसी स्थिती बन गयी.

Russia-Ukraine War Timeline: सप्ताह 3 (10 मार्च- 16 मार्च)

11 मार्च तक युद्ध के शुरू हुए दो सप्ताह हो गए थे और पूरा यूक्रेन, खासकर राजधानी कीव बमबारी से दहल चुकी थी. अमेरिकी रक्षा विभाग पेंटागन ने तब रिपोर्ट जारी की थी कि कीव के उत्तर-पश्चिम में रूसी सेना का 40 मील का काफिला “फायरिंग पोजीशन में आगे बढ़ रहा है”. हालांकि यूक्रेन की सेना मुहतोड़ जवाब दे रही थी.

यूक्रेन में फंसे हुए भारतीयों को बचाने के लिए 10 मार्च तक ऑपरेशन गंगा के तहत 80 से अधिक फ्लाइट्स संचालित की जा चुकी थीं. 1 मार्च को इसके लिए भारतीय वायु सेना (IAF) को मदद के लिए बुलाया गया; यह वह दिन था जब खार्किव में एक भारतीय छात्र की मौत हो गई थी.

मारियुपोल को घेरकर बैठी रूसी सेना ने 16 मार्च को शहर के मुख्य थिएटर पर हवाई हमला किया जहां सैकड़ों नागरिकों ने शरण ले रखी थी. युद्ध के 3 हफ्ते बीत जाने के बाद रिफ्यूजियों की संख्या बढ़ कर 31 लाख से अधिक हो चुकी थी.

Russia-Ukraine War Timeline: सप्ताह 4 (17 मार्च- 23 मार्च)

कई मझे वॉर एक्सपर्ट्स के अनुमान को धता बताते हुए युद्ध अब चौथे सप्ताह में पहुंच चुका था. सब हैरान थे कि रूस की इतनी मजबूत देना को मुट्ठी भर यूक्रेनी सैनिक कैसे चुनौती दे रहे हैं. आलम यह था कि 22 मार्च को यूक्रेन ने दावा किया कि रूसी सेना के पास केवल तीन दिनों की सप्लाई बची है. हालांकि दूसरी तरफ इस युद्ध की मार आम नागरिक झेल रहे थे. 22 मार्च तक रिफ्यूजियों की संख्या बढ़कर 35 लाख के पार हो चुकी थी.

Russia-Ukraine War Timeline: सप्ताह 5 (24 मार्च- 30 मार्च)

रूस-यूक्रेन के युद्ध का जब पांचवा सप्ताह बीतने को आया तो लगा कि वार्ता से युद्ध जल्द खत्म हो जायेगा. 29 मार्च को रूस ने तुर्की में यूक्रेन के साथ बातचीत के दौरान घोषणा की कि वह कीव और Chernihiv के पास अपनी "सैन्य गतिविधि को बड़े स्तर पर कम करेगा". हालांकि यह बातें हवाई साबित हुईं और गोलाबारी जारी रही.

Russia-Ukraine War Timeline: सप्ताह 6 (31 मार्च- 6 अप्रैल)

रूस-यूक्रेन के युद्ध के छठे हफ्ते में जब रूस की सेना Bucha शहर से पीछे हटी तो अपने पीछे नरसंहार का मंजर छोड़ गयी. 5 अप्रैल तक यूक्रेनी अधिकारियों को 300 से अधिक शव मिले थे. इनमें से कई के हाथ बंधे हुए थे.

Russia-Ukraine War Timeline: सप्ताह 7 (7 अप्रैल- 13 अप्रैल)

11 अप्रैल को यूक्रेन ने Donbas क्षेत्र में संभावित रूसी आक्रमण को रोकने में मदद करने के लिए पश्चिमी देशों से और अधिक हथियारों की मांग की. इसी दिन यूक्रेन के राष्ट्रपति जेलेंस्की ने साउथ कोरिया की संसद को बताया कि मारियुपोल पर रूस के हमले में दसों हजार लोगों के मारे जाने की संभावना है.

Russia-Ukraine War Timeline: सप्ताह 8 (14 अप्रैल- 20 अप्रैल)

14 अप्रैल को यूक्रेन की सेना ने काला सागर में रूसी बेड़े का प्रमुख युद्धपोत Moskva cruiser को डुबो दिया . रूस के रक्षा मंत्रालय ने शुरू में उन मीडिया रिपोर्टों का खंडन किया था, जिसमें कहा गया था कि Moskva cruiser डूब गई है. रूस के रक्षा मंत्रालय ने दावा किया था कि आग बुझा दी गई थी. यूक्रेन ने दावा किया कि उसने रूस के Moskva cruiser पर नेप्च्यून एंटी-शिप क्रूज मिसाइलों से हमला किया था.

18 अप्रैल को यूक्रेन की जेलेंस्की सरकार ने घोषणा की कि पूर्वी सीमा में रूस का एक नया आक्रमण शुरू हो गया है.

Russia-Ukraine War Timeline: सप्ताह 9 (21 अप्रैल- 27 अप्रैल)

21अप्रैल को रूसी राष्ट्रपति व्लादिमीर पुतिन ने एक आदेश जारी किया कि Mariupol में Azovstal steelworks को उनकी सेना घेरकर बंद कर दे ताकि एक मक्खी भी बाहर न निकल सके.

27 अप्रैल को ब्रिटेन के रक्षा मंत्रालय ने कहा कि यूक्रेन ने अपने अधिकांश हवाई क्षेत्र पर नियंत्रण बरकरार रखा है और रूस यूक्रेन की वायु सेना को प्रभावी ढंग से नष्ट करने या उसकी वायु रक्षा को दबाने में विफल रहा है.

इसी दिन रूस के Gazprom कंपनी ने रूसी करेंसी रूबल में भुगतान नहीं करने के कारण पोलैंड और बुल्गारिया के गैस सप्लाई को रोक दिया है.

Russia-Ukraine War Timeline: सप्ताह 10 (28 अप्रैल- 4 मई)

29 अप्रैल को रूस ने यह बयान जारी किया कि उसने Kalibr क्रूज मिसाइलों की मदद से यूक्रेनी सैन्य ठिकानों पर हमला करने के लिए काला सागर में अपने एक डीजल पनडुब्बी का इस्तेमाल किया. रूस-यूक्रेन में यह पहली बार था जब मास्को ने यह स्वीकार किया कि उसने यूक्रेन पर हमले के लिए अपने पनडुब्बी बेड़े का उपयोग किया.

इसी दिन कीव पुलिस ने दावा किया कि अप्रैल की शुरुआत में रूसी सेना के हटने के बाद से यूक्रेन के इस क्षेत्र में 1150 नागरिकों के शव बरामद किए गए हैं.

Russia-Ukraine War Timeline: सप्ताह 11 (5 मई- 11 मई)

कई वॉर एक्सपर्ट्स उम्मीद लगा रहे थे कि 9 मई, विजय दिवस को रूस आधिकारिक तौर पर यूक्रेन के खिलाफ युद्ध की घोषणा कर सकता है. और इस मौके पर मास्को में सैन्य परेड के भाषण में पुतिन मारियुपोल या यूक्रेन के अन्य जगहों पर जीत का दावा कर सकते हैं. हालांकि ऐसा कुछ नहीं हुआ.

9 मई तक रूस-यूक्रेन युद्ध के कारण विस्थापित रिफ्यूजियों के संख्या 60 लाख के करीब पहुंच गयी थी.

Russia-Ukraine War Timeline: सप्ताह 12 (12 मई- 18 मई)

13 मई तक रूसी सेना के डोनबास क्षेत्र के आक्रामक में कमजोरियां दिखने लगीं. इस बीच यूक्रेन के दूसरे सबसे बड़े शहर, Kharkiv के बाहरी इलाके से रूसी सेना को भारी बमबारी के कारण वापस जाने के लिए मजबूर होना पड़ा.

13 मई को Russia-Ukraine जंग में पहले रूसी सैनिक पर युद्ध अपराध के आरोप में मुकदमा शुरू हुआ. Kantemirovskaya टैंक डिवीजन के 21 वर्षीय रूसी कमांडर Vadim Shysimarin पर 62 वर्षीय यूक्रेनी नागरिक की हत्या का आरोप था.

17 मई को आखिरकार मारियुपोल के Azovstal steelworks को डिफेंड कर रहे यूक्रेनी सैनिकों ने सरेंडर कर दिया. रूसी सेना उन्हें बसों में लाद का ले गयी. इस दिन यूक्रेन ने उम्मीद जताई कि यूक्रेनी सैनिक कैदियों की अदला-बदली के हिस्से के रूप में लौटेंगे, हालांकि कुछ रूसी अधिकारियों का कहना था कि यूक्रेनी सैनिकों पर मुकदमा चलाया जा सकता है.

18 मई को युद्ध अपराध के पहले मुकदमे में 21 वर्षीय रूसी कमांडर Vadim Shysimarin ने अपना गुनाह कबूल लिया .

Russia-Ukraine War Timeline: सप्ताह 13 (19 मई- 25 मई)

20 मई को यूक्रेन के राष्ट्रपति जेलेंस्की ने कहा कि यूक्रेन के पूर्वी डोनबास क्षेत्र को रूसी सेनाओं ने "पूरी तरह से नष्ट" कर दिया है. इसी दिन जर्मन चांसलर ओलाफ स्कोल्ज ने कहा कि यूक्रेन के लिए यूरोपीय यूनियन की सदस्यता के लिए "कोई शॉर्टकट नहीं" हो सकता है. वह यूक्रेन के EU में फास्ट-ट्रैक सदस्यता की उम्मीद को खत्म करने वाले दूसरे यूरोपीय यूनियन के नेता बने.

23 मई को राजधानी कीव की एक अदालत ने युद्ध अपराध के पहले मुकदमे में 21 वर्षीय रूसी कमांडर Vadim Shysimarin को आजीवन कारावास की सजा सुनाई.

24 मई को राष्ट्रपति जेलेंस्की ने कहा कि यूक्रेन रूस के साथ कैदियों के आदान-प्रदान के लिए तैयार है. साथ ही उन्होंने अपने सहयोगी देशों से दावोस में विश्व आर्थिक मंच (WEF) में मास्को पर "अधिकतम" दबाव डालने की अपील की.

Russia-Ukraine War Timeline: सप्ताह 14 (26 मई- 1 जून)

जैसे-जैसे रूस-यूक्रेन युद्ध का 100वां दिन नजदीक आ रहा था, यूक्रेन की सेनाएं पूर्वी सीमा पर सैन्य दबाव महसूस कर रही थी. रूस ने अपने अगले टारगेट के रूप में यूक्रेनी शहर Sievierodonetsk की पहचान की है और वह इस शहर को घेरने के लिए आगे बढ़ रही है.

2 मई को यूक्रेन के राष्ट्रपति जेलेंस्की ने कहा कि रूस वर्तमान में यूक्रेन के लगभग 20 प्रतिशत क्षेत्र पर कब्जा कर चुका है.

Russia-Ukraine वॉर क्राइम के पहले केस में आया फैसला, रूसी सैनिक को आजीवन कारावास


(हैलो दोस्तों! हमारे Telegram चैनल से जुड़े रहिए यहां )

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  • Why are Russia and Ukraine fighting And History
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सम्बंधित जानकारी

  • Russia Ukraine War Updates : यूक्रेन के न्यूक्लियर पॉवर प्लांट पर रूस का कब्जा
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  • क्यों रूसी सेना ने बनाया जपोरिजिया परमाणु संयंत्र को निशाना? क्या होगा यूक्रेन पर असर?
  • यूक्रेन संकट: कौन हैं पुतिन के ख़ास सलाहकार जिनके हाथ में है यूक्रेन पर हमले की डोर
  • बड़ी खबर : कीव से पोलैंड जा रहे भारतीय छात्र को लगी गोली

आखिर क्यों लड़ रहे हैं रूस और यूक्रेन, क्या है 1 हजार साल पुराना इतिहास, जरूर जानिए

आखिर क्यों लड़ रहे हैं रूस और यूक्रेन, क्या है 1 हजार साल पुराना इतिहास, जरूर जानिए - Why are Russia and Ukraine fighting And History

यूक्रेन-रूस संघर्ष: पश्चिमी देशों ने क्या ‘आग में घी डालने’ का काम किया

  • वेबदुनिया पर पढ़ें :
  • महाभारत के किस्से
  • रामायण की कहानियां
  • रोचक और रोमांचक

भारत: कई संघर्ष हैं शहर में पढ़ने जाने वाली लड़कियों के

भारत: कई संघर्ष हैं शहर में पढ़ने जाने वाली लड़कियों के

वैज्ञानिकों ने दिया इंसान के लिए मंगल को गर्म करने का सुझाव

वैज्ञानिकों ने दिया इंसान के लिए मंगल को गर्म करने का सुझाव

बांग्लादेश में खतरे में हिंदुओं का अस्तित्व, दोषी कौन?

बांग्लादेश में खतरे में हिंदुओं का अस्तित्व, दोषी कौन?

बिल्कुल असामान्य है शेख हसीना का तख्ता पलट

बिल्कुल असामान्य है शेख हसीना का तख्ता पलट

ब्रिटेन में हो रहे बवाल और हिंसा के पीछे क्या वजह है

ब्रिटेन में हो रहे बवाल और हिंसा के पीछे क्या वजह है

और भी वीडियो देखें

russia ukraine war in hindi essay

DGCA ने एयर इंडिया पर लगाया 90 लाख का जुर्माना, उड़ान संचालन में लापरवाही का है मामला

DGCA ने एयर इंडिया पर लगाया 90 लाख का जुर्माना, उड़ान संचालन में लापरवाही का है मामला

अमेरिकी हिन्दुओं ने कमला हैरिस के समर्थन में बनाया हिन्दू फॉर कमला हैरिस समूह

अमेरिकी हिन्दुओं ने कमला हैरिस के समर्थन में बनाया हिन्दू फॉर कमला हैरिस समूह

25 किलो सोना पहन वेंकटेश्वर पहुंचे पुणे के भक्त, लोगों ने देखा तो कहा- इतना सोना देख बप्‍पी दा भी शरमा जाएंगे

25 किलो सोना पहन वेंकटेश्वर पहुंचे पुणे के भक्त, लोगों ने देखा तो कहा- इतना सोना देख बप्‍पी दा भी शरमा जाएंगे

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रूस यूक्रेन युद्ध पर संयुक्त राष्ट्र मानवाधिकार परिषद संकल्प _0.1

रूस यूक्रेन युद्ध पर संयुक्त राष्ट्र मानवाधिकार परिषद संकल्प 

  • भारत ने जिनेवा में संयुक्त राष्ट्र मानवाधिकार परिषद में मतदान से स्वयं को पृथक रखा क्योंकि परिषद ने यूक्रेन में रूस की कार्रवाईयों की जांच के लिए एक अंतरराष्ट्रीय आयोग का गठन करने का निर्णय लिया।

UN Human Rights Council Resolution on Russia Ukraine War UPSC

Table of Contents

रूस यूक्रेन युद्ध पर संयुक्त राष्ट्र मानवाधिकार परिषद संकल्प- यूपीएससी परीक्षा के लिए प्रासंगिकता

  • जीएस पेपर 2: अंतर्राष्ट्रीय संबंध- भारत के हितों पर विकसित एवं विकासशील देशों की नीतियों तथा राजनीति का प्रभाव।


रूस यूक्रेन युद्ध पर संयुक्त राष्ट्र मानवाधिकार परिषद संकल्प समाचारों में  

  • हाल ही में, जिनेवा में संयुक्त राष्ट्र मानवाधिकार परिषद (यूनाइटेड नेशंस ह्यूमन राइट्स काउंसिल/यूएनएचआरसी) में जारी रूस-यूक्रेन युद्ध पर मतदान संपन्न हुआ।
  • संयुक्त राष्ट्र सुरक्षा परिषद में तीन वोट,
  • न्यूयॉर्क में संयुक्त राष्ट्र महासभा में दो वोट,
  • जिनेवा में मानवाधिकार परिषद में दो वोट, एवं
  • वियना में अंतर्राष्ट्रीय परमाणु ऊर्जा एजेंसी (IAEA) में एक वोट।


यूक्रेन में रूस की कार्रवाई पर यूएनएचआरसी संकल्प

  • संयुक्त राष्ट्र प्रणाली द्वारा अंगीकृत किया जाने वाला अभी तक शेष सर्वाधिक सशक्त, यूएनएचआरसी प्रस्ताव रूस द्वारा आक्रामकता की “कड़ी निंदा” करता है, एवं
  • यूएनएचआरसी के प्रस्ताव में कहा गया है कि वह रूसी बलों द्वारा मानवाधिकारों के उल्लंघन, नागरिक हताहतों  एवं आबादी वाले क्षेत्रों में रूसी “बमबारी एवं गोलाबारी” के कारण 6,60,000 शरणार्थियों के जबरन विस्थापन की रिपोर्टों के बारे में “गंभीर रूप से चिंतित” था।
  • यह “समस्त कथित उल्लंघनों एवं मानवाधिकारों के दुरुपयोग तथा अंतरराष्ट्रीय मानवीय कानूनों के उल्लंघन एवं संबंधित अपराधों की जांच करने हेतु अधिदेशित है।
  • मतदान से अनुपस्थित: भारत, चीन, पाकिस्तान, कजाकिस्तान, सूडान, उज्बेकिस्तान एवं वेनेजुएला सहित यूएनएचआरसी के 48 सदस्यों में से कुल 13 सदस्य रूस यूक्रेन युद्ध पर प्रस्ताव पर मतदान से दूर रहे।
  • मतदान का विरोध: मात्र रूस एवं इरिट्रिया ने प्रस्ताव के विरुद्ध मतदान किया।

अन्य संबंधित आलेख

रूस-यूक्रेन युद्ध के मध्य क्वाड शिखर सम्मेलन

भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था पर रूस यूक्रेन युद्ध का प्रभाव

एनडीआरएफ ने यूक्रेन को राहत सामग्री भेजी 

रूस यूक्रेन युद्ध पर यूएनजीए की बैठक 

रूस पर स्विफ्ट प्रतिबंध | रूस यूक्रेन युद्ध

संपादकीय विश्लेषण- रूस की नाटो समस्या

रूस-यूक्रेन संघर्ष पर भारत का रुख

मिन्स्क समझौते तथा रूस-यूक्रेन संघर्ष

रूस-यूक्रेन तनाव | यूक्रेन मुद्दे पर यूएनएससी की बैठक

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Russia-Ukraine war: 10 प्वाइंट्स में समझें रूस और यूक्रेन के बीच क्यों शुरू हो गया युद्ध?

Russia ukraine war: गुरुवार सुबह जब दुनिया की महाशक्ति रूस ने अपने पड़ोसी देश यूक्रेन पर मिसाइलें बरसानी शुरू कर दी तो लोग युद्ध की आशंका से सहम उठे. कुछ ही देर में ये स्पष्ट हो गया कि ये युद्ध ही था. आखिर राष्ट्रपति पुतिन ने ussr का हिस्सा रहे यूक्रेन पर हमला क्यों किया 10 बिंदुओं में समझिए..

यूक्रेन की राजधानी कीव में रूस के मिसाइल हमले का आकलन करते यूक्रेनी सैन्य अधिकारी (फोटो-पीटीआई)

  • 24 फरवरी 2022,
  • (अपडेटेड 24 फरवरी 2022, 3:59 PM IST)

russia ukraine war in hindi essay

  • यूक्रेन पर हमला पुतिन के ब्लूप्रिंट का हिस्सा है
  • USSR के गौरव को हासिल करना चाहते हैं पुतिन
  • पूर्वी एशिया में NATO की गतिविधियों के खिलाफ हैं पुतिन

रूस ने यूक्रेन पर हमला क्यों किया? रूस के राष्ट्रपति व्लादिमीर पुतिन के एक कदम से दुनिया टेंशन में क्यों आ गई? यूक्रेन से रूस क्या चाहता है? क्यों दो पड़ोसी मुल्क एक दूसरे के दुश्मन हो गए? आखिर यूक्रेन ने क्या किया कि रूस अमेरिका और NATO के सदस्य देशों की नाराजगी मोल लेकर यूक्रेन पर अपनी मिसाइलें दागने लगा? 

ऐसे कई सवाल हैं जिनका जवाब दुनिया जानना चाह रही है. हम आपको बताते हैं कि पूर्वी यूरोप के इस इलाके में क्यों रूस ने युद्ध का ऐलान कर दिया है?

1- सहोदर हैं रूस और यूक्रेन

जैसे स्वतंत्र भारत और पाकिस्तान एक ही दिन अस्तित्व में आए, उसी दिन तरह रूसी गणराज्य और यूक्रेन एक ही दिन वजूद में आए. ये दिन था 25 दिसबंर 1991. इस दिन सोवियत रूस (USSR) का विघटन हो गया और 15 नए देश बने. इन 15 देशों में में यूक्रेन और रूस भी थे. बता दें कि 1991 से पहले सोवियत रूस दुनिया की दो धुव्रीय व्यवस्था में साम्यवादी ब्लॉक का नेतृत्व करता था और अमेरिका से इसका जबर्दस्त कॉम्पीटिशन था. तब सोबियत रूस और अमेरिका के बीच ऐसी कट्टर प्रतिद्वंदिता थी दोनों देश कई बार युद्ध के मुहाने पर आ गए. 1945 से लेकर 1991 के इस दौर को दुनिया शीत युद्ध के नाम से जानती है. लेकिन इस रेस में पूंजीवादी अमेरिका विजयी रहा और 25 दिसंबर 1991 को USSR 15 देशों में बंट गया. इसके साथ ही अमेरिका पूरी दुनिया का अगुवा बन गया. 

2- 1991 में मन मसोसकर रह गया रूस 

USSR 1991 में कई हिस्सों में बंट गया. कई रूसियों ने इस घटनाक्रम को अपमान की घूंट की तरह पिया. क्योंकि USSR में शामिल रहे 15 रिपब्लिक का अगुवा रूसी गणराज्य ही था और उसे ये बात काफी अखर रही थी. तब रूस की हालत काफी कमजोर थी. उसे न चाहते हुए भी अपने साम्राज्य का पतन बर्दाश्त करना पड़ा. वह मन मसोसकर रहा गया. इधर USSR के विघटन के बाद भी अमेरिका रूस को दबाता रहा. अमेरिका ने सैन्य संगठन NATO (नॉर्थ अटलांटिक ट्रीटी आर्गनाइजेशन) के जरिये USSR से अलग हुए देशों पर चारा डालना शुरू कर दिया और इन देशों को अपने प्रभाव में लेने लगा. 

Ukraine Russia Crisis: पुतिन के मन की वो बात जो पलटना चाहती है दुनिया का इतिहास! 

3-पूर्वी यूरोप को कूटनीति का अखाड़ा बना चुका है NATO

1991 में USSR से अलग होकर 15 देश बने. ये देश हैं. आर्मीनिया, अजरबैजान, बेलारूस, इस्टोनिया, जॉर्जिया, कजाकिस्तान, किर्गिस्तान, लातविया, लिथुआनिया, माल्डोवा, रूस, ताजिकिस्तान, तुर्कमेनिस्तान, यूक्रेन और उज़्बेकिस्तान. 2004 में इन 15 में 3 देश , लातविया, लिथुआनिया और इस्टोनिया NATO के सदस्य बन गए. इसका मतलब ये था कि अमेरिका अब रूस की गर्दन तक पहुंच चुका था. क्योंकि बाल्टिक क्षेत्र में स्थित ये तीनों देश USSR से निकले थे और इनकी सीमाएं रूस से मिलती थी. बता दें कि NATO देशों के बीच ये समझौता है कि अगर नाटो के किसी भी एक देश पर हमला होता है तो उसे NATO के सभी सदस्य अपने ऊपर हमला मानेंगे और अपनी मिली जुली सैन्य शक्ति से जवाब देंगे. नाटो में अभी 30 देश हैं. इस तरह से NATO के जरिए अमेरिका ने रूस की घेराबंद शुरू कर दी. 

4-NATO मेंबर बनना चाहता है यूक्रेन, पुतिन को कतई मंजूर नहीं

यूक्रेन और रूस की सीमाएं मिलती हैं. यूक्रेन भी अपनी ताकत बढ़ाने के लिए NATO में शामिल होना चाहता था. यूक्रेन अपनी भौगौलिक स्थिति का फायदा उठाते हुए अमेरिका से मांग करने लगा कि उसे भी NATO का सदस्य बनाया जाए. यूक्रेन के राष्ट्रपित जेलसिंकी के इस कदम से पुतिन बेहद चिढ़ गए. उन्होंने यूक्रेन बॉर्डर पर अपनी सेना भेजनी शुरू कर दी. यूक्रेन के साथ रूस के टेंशन की ये तात्कालिक वजह है. 

russia ukraine war in hindi essay

5- यूक्रेन को पश्चिम की कठपुतली बताते हैं पुतिन

रूस खुलेआम यूक्रेन को पश्चिमी दुनिया की कठपुतली है बताता है. रूस कहता है कि अमेरिका समेत NATO के सदस्य देश ये लिखित गारंटी दें कि वे अपनी सैन्य गतिविधियां पूर्वी यूरोप और यूक्रेन में न करें. पुतिन तो यह भी कहते हैं कि यूक्रेन कभी एक स्वतंत्र राज्य था ही नहीं. 

Russia Ukraine War Live Updates: यूक्रेन का बड़ा दावा- रूस के 50 जवान ढेर किए, 6 विमान मार गिराए

6-1999 से ही एजेंडे पर लगे हैं पुतिन

जब NATO की आड़ में अमेरिका पूर्वी यूरोप में अभी गतिविधियां बढ़ा रहा था तो पुतिन भी चुप नहीं बैठे थे. पुतिन पहले भी कह चुके हैं कि अगर उनका वश चले तो वे USSR के विघटन को पलट कर रख दें. बता दें कि रूस की राजनीति में पुतिन की एंट्री साल 1999 में होती है. इसके बाद वे 2000 में राष्ट्रपति बनते हैं. इसके बाद से ही वे 1991 की कथित 'ऐतिहासिक गलती' को 'सुधारने' में लगे हैं. पुतिन ने 1999 में ही चेचन्या को रूस में मिला लिया था. 

इसके बाद से पुतिन USSR के पुरातन गौरव को हासिल करने में लगे रहे. आज पुतिन ने जो रणनीतिक कदम उठाया है 2008 में भी पुतिन ने वैसा ही किया था. उन्होंने USSR के अंग रहे जॉर्जिया के दो राज्यों को स्वतंत्र देश की मान्यता दे दी और वहां अपना सैन्य अड्डा बना लिया. 

7-क्रीमिया पर कब्जा

2014 में पुतिन ने यूक्रेन का हिस्सा रहे क्रीमिया पर कब्जा कर लिया. क्रीमिया काला सागर में स्थित एक क्षेत्र है. यह यूक्रेन और रूस दोनों के करीब है. यहां की काफी आबादी रूसी भाषा बोलती है. पुतिन ने पहले यहां रूसी समर्थक सरकार बनवाई फिर अपनी सेना भेज कर इस इलाके पर कब्जा कर लिया. 

8-यूक्रेन भले ही देश अलग है लेकिन रूसी संस्कृति का व्यापक प्रभाव है

क्रीमिया पर रूसी कब्जे ने अमेरिका और NATO को टेंशन में डाल दिया. अमेरिका को समझ में आ गया कि अगर रूस को न रोक गया तो यूक्रेन का स्वतंत्र अस्तित्व भी खतरे में आ सकता है. इसलिए यूक्रेन को NATO में मिलाने की कोशिशें होने लगी. लेकिन पुतिन इसका विरोध कर रहे थे. दरअसल यूक्रेन की आबादी में रूस का व्यापक प्रभाव है. यहां हर पांच में से एक व्यक्ति रूसी भाषा बोलता है. यहां पर रूस का सांस्कृतिक प्रभाव है. अगर यूक्रेन के पूरब के हिस्से की बात करें तो यहां के लोग अपने आप को रूस के करीबी समझते हैं जबकि पश्चिम के लोग खुद को यूरोप से नजदीक मानते हैं. इस देश में इसी प्रभुत्व की लड़ाई है. यूक्रेन का पूर्वी हिस्सा रूस से सटा है और यहां लोग रसियन बोलते हैं जबिक पश्चिम में ठीक इसके विपरित है. रूसी एलिट्स इसी सांस्कृतिक प्रभाव का हवाला देकर यूक्रेन के पूर्वी हिस्से को रूस में विलय को जायज मानते हैं. 

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9-लुहंस्क और डोनेत्स्क संप्रभु देश की मान्यता देकर पुतिन ने बता दिए थे इरादे

राष्ट्रपति पुतिन ने पहले यूक्रेन के दो प्रदेशों लुहंस्क और डोनेत्स्क को स्वतंत्र देश की मान्यता दी. ये दोनों प्रदेश यूक्रेन के इसी पूर्वी इलाके में स्थित हैं. यहां रूस रणनीति के तहत अलगाववादी ताकतों को हवा देता है और खुलेआम इस प्रदेश को इतिहास और भूगोल का हवाला देते हुए रूस के ऐतिहासिक गणराज्य का हिस्सा बताता है. इसी रणनीति पर काम करते हुए पुतिन ने 21 फरवरी को यूक्रेन के दो अशांत क्षेत्रों को संप्रभु राष्ट्र की मान्यता दे दी. 

10-मौका मिलते ही कीव में गरजने लगी रूसी मिसाइलें

पुतिन के इस कदम के साथ ही दुनिया को रूस के अगले कदम का अंदाजा हो गया था. पुतिन ने धीरे-धीरे अपनी सेना को इन दोनों प्रदेशों की ओर रवाना कर दिया. यहां यह दिलचस्प है कि यूक्रेन पर हमले को रूस कब्जा नहीं बताता है. रूस का दावा है कि वो यूक्रेन के लोगों को यूक्रेनी अत्याचार से मुक्ति दिलाना चाहता है. 24 फरवरी को जब सुबह-सुबह यूक्रेन की राजधानी कीव में बैलिस्टिक मिसाइलें कहर बरपाने लगी तो रूस की ओर से एक बार फिर यही कहा गया कि वह यूक्रेन के लोगों को आजाद कराने के लिए ये हमला कर रहा है और उसका शहरों पर कब्जा करने का कोई इरादा नहीं है. 

  • Russia Ukraine War: यूक्रेन को रौंद रहे हैं रूसी टैंक, पीएम मोदी से लगाई मदद की गुहार
  • Russia Ukraine Conflict: Ukraine में तबाही का सबूत हैं ये 8 तस्वीरें

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Russia Ukraine War LIVE: कीव में अमेरिकी रक्षा और विदेश से मिले जेलेंस्की, यूक्रेन को और सैन्य मदद देगा ब्रिटेन

Russia Ukraine War Day 60 Live Updates US Defence and Foreign Minister Will Visit Ukraine Today Know Vladimir Putin Zelensky News In Hindi

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रूसी मिसाइल हमले में एक बच्चे सहित आठ लोग मारे गए, ईयू अध्यक्ष ने सोलर अलायंस की सराहना की, बेल्जियम ने 8000 लग्जरी कारों का रूस को निर्यात रोका, पुतिन और पाकिस्तानी पीएम शरीफ के बीच पत्राचार, मारियूपोल में मानवीय कॉरिडोर की सख्त जरूरत: रेड क्रॉस, यूक्रेन को और सैन्य सहायता उपलब्ध कराएगा ब्रिटेन, यूक्रेन ने 24 घंटे में निष्क्रिय किए 1500 विस्फोटक.

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क्षमा करें यह सर्विस उपलब्ध नहीं है कृपया किसी और माध्यम से लॉगिन करने की कोशिश करें

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Russia Ukraine War: क्या विश्व का पेट भरने में भारत कर सकता है यूक्रेन की मदद?

Vivek kumar | published : aug 24 2024, 05:22 pm ist / updated: aug 24 2024, 05:30 pm ist.

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Russia – Ukraine Conflict Background

Post the disintegration of the Soviet Union , Ukraine gained independence in 1991.

  • Ukraine was a member of the Soviet Union until 1991 when it disintegrated, and Russia has tried to maintain the country in its orbit since then.
  • In 2014, a separatist insurgency started in Ukraine’s eastern industrial heartland, Donetsk Basin, also known as,
  • Russia further gained a maritime advantage in the region due to its invasion and annexation of Crimea.
  • As a result, both the US and the EU have pledged to safeguard the integrity of Ukraine’s borders.

Russia Ukraine Map

Image Source: Al Jazeera

Importance of Ukraine to Russia

  • Ukraine and Russia have shared cultural and linguistic ties for hundreds of years.
  • Ukraine was the most powerful country in the Soviet Union after Russia.
  • Ukraine has been a hub for commercial industries, factories and defence manufacturing.
  • Ukraine also provides Russia with access to the Black Sea and crucial connectivity to the Mediterranean Sea.

Reasons for Russian Aggression

The chief reasons for Russian aggression are discussed below.

  • Russia, considering the economic significance of Ukraine, sought Ukraine’s membership in the Eurasian Economic Community (EAEC), which is a free trade agreement that came into being in 2015.
  • With its huge market and advanced agriculture and industrial output, Ukraine was supposed to play an important role. But Ukraine refused to join the agreement.
  • Russia claims that the eastward expansion by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) which they call “ enlargement ”, has threatened Russia’s interests and has asked for written security guarantees from NATO.
  • NATO, led by the U.S., has planned to install missile defence systems in eastern Europe in countries like Poland and the Czech Republic to counter Russia’s intercontinental-range missiles.

, and that share borders with Russia. , , and , all of them were a part of the former Soviet-led .

Russia – Ukraine Latest Developments

Russia has been indulging in military build-up along its border with Ukraine, an aspiring NATO member. Russia has stated that its troop deployment is in response to NATO’s steady eastward expansion. Russia argues that its moves are aimed at protecting its own security considerations.

  • Russia has mobilised around 1,00,000 troops on its border with Ukraine.
  • Russia seeks assurance from the US that Ukraine shall not be inducted into NATO.
  • This has resulted in tensions between Russia and the West which have been supportive of Ukraine. The U.S. has assured Ukraine that it will “respond decisively” in case of an invasion by Russia.

Russian Build up

Image Source: The Hindu

Russia’s demands

  • Russia has demanded a ban on further expansion of NATO that includes countries like Ukraine and Georgia that share Russia’s borders.
  • Russia asked NATO to pull back its military deployments to the 1990s level and prohibit the deployment of intermediate-range missiles in the bordering areas.
  • Further, Russia asked NATO to curb its military cooperation with Ukraine and other former Soviet republics.

The response from the West

  • The U.S. has ruled out changing NATO’s “open-door policy” which means, NATO would continue to induct more members.
  • The U.S. also says it would continue to offer training and weapons to Ukraine.
  • The U.S. is said to be open to a discussion regarding missile deployment and a mutual reduction in military exercises in Eastern Europe.
  • Germany has also warned Russia that the Nord Stream 2 pipeline would be stopped if Russia were to invade Ukraine.
  • The U.S. threatens Russia by imposing new economic sanctions in case of attempts of invasion against Ukraine.

Russia – Ukraine Crisis: Implications on India

What implications does the Russia – Ukraine crisis have on India? This is discussed in this section.

  • Maintaining strong relations with Russia serves India’s national interests. India has to retain a strong strategic alliance with Russia as a result, India cannot join any Western strategy aimed at isolating Russia.
  • There is a possibility of CAATSA sanctions on India by the U.S. as a result of the S-400
  • A pact between the US and Russia might affect Russia’s relations with China. This might allow India to expand on its efforts to re-establish ties with Russia.
  • The issue with Ukraine is that the world is becoming increasingly economically and geopolitically interconnected. Any improvement in Russia-China ties has ramifications for India.
  • There is also an impact on the strong Indian diaspora present in the region, threatening the lives of thousands of Indian students.

Also read: India – Russia relations

India’s stand

  • India called for “a peaceful resolution of the situation through sustained diplomatic efforts for long-term peace and stability in the region and beyond”.
  • Immediately after the annexation, India abstained from voting in the UN General Assembly on a resolution that sought to condemn Russia.
  • In 2020, India voted against a Ukraine-sponsored resolution in the UN General Assembly that sought to condemn alleged human rights violations in Crimea.
  • India’s position is largely rooted in neutrality and has adapted itself to the post-2014 status quo on Ukraine.

Way forward

  • The US along with other western countries is expected to revive the peace process through diplomatic channels in mitigating the tensions between Ukraine and Russia which would be a time-consuming process.
  • Experts recommend more dialogues between the west and Russia that exert emphasis on the issue surrounding Ukraine.
  • Ukraine should approach and focus on working with its Normandy Format allies, France and Germany, to persuade the Russian government to withdraw assistance for its proxies and allow for the region’s gradual safe reintegration into Ukraine.
  • The Russian military expansion in Ukraine can be prevented on the geoeconomic grounds that will hamper its trade in the region especially with the Nord Stream pipeline that can carve out a way of resolving the ongoing crisis as pointed out by an expert.
  • Ukraine’s internal disturbances need to be addressed to revive the Minsk II agreement for the development of peace in the region and dissolve the ongoing tensions.


UPSC Questions related to Russia – Ukraine Conflict

What is the relation between russia and ukraine.

Ukraine was a member of the Soviet Union until its disintegration in 1991. Post the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Ukraine gained independence in 1991 and Russia has tried to maintain its influence on the country in its orbit since then.

Why did Ukraine not join NATO?

Although Ukraine has no membership offer from NATO, it has been closer to the alliance since its establishment in 1997. Plans for NATO membership were dropped by Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovych, who preferred to keep the country non-aligned.

Is Crimea a part of Russia?

The majority of the world considers Crimea to be a part of Ukraine. Geographically, it is a peninsula in the Black Sea that has been battled over for ages due to its strategic importance. In 2014, Russia invaded and annexed Crimea which was a part of Ukraine due to its declining influence over the region and emerging insecurities.

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How India can help Ukraine keep 70 million people from starving

Ukraine has been the world's bread basket, but the russia-ukraine war since february 2022 posed massive hurdles for it to produce and ship grain. this has left millions in africa and west asia at the risk of starvation. this is how india can help kyiv feed 70 million people across the world through its 'grain from ukraine' programme..

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Apart from millions in Africa and Asia, thousands of hungry mouths in war-torn Gaza have been fed under the 'Grain from Ukraine' initiative. (Image for representation/ AP)

More than 900 days into the Russia-Ukraine War, the conflict continues to inflict death, devastation, and displacement, affecting millions of lives since it began in February 2022.

Far from the European theatre, the war has also been harsh to millions more thousands of kilometres away. The developing countries in North Africa, Southeast Asia, and South Asia, which relied heavily on grain and oil imports from Ukraine, have borne the brunt of the war.

The war has severely hit global shipping routes out of Ukraine, the 'breadbasket of the world', with 41% of its total exports consisting of food before the war in 2022. At this critical juncture, India, as the champion of the global south, can play a vital role.


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was in Kyiv, batting for a peaceful resolution of the Russia-Ukraine War, six weeks after his Moscow visit. With a mature and neutral stance, PM Modi stressed dialogue and diplomacy.

Keen onlookers expect the Indian Prime Minister to help ease the global food security risk, in one way or the other.

Manav Sachdeva, the 'goodwill ambassador' for Ukraine, chosen by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to promote the 'Grain from Ukraine', feels so.

"Ukraine and India, both deeply connected as agricultural nations, share a significant bond...," Manav Sachdeva tells IndiaToday.In.

"He can facilitate it. Can PM Modi be that man?" he asks, adding, "Ukraine has lost a fifth of its land since February 2022".


Ukraine, before the war, was a major player in global agricultural exports, accounting for approximately 10% of the world's wheat production, 15% of corn, 13% of barley and 50% of sunflower oil.

The war came as a bane.

For instance, according to World Bank data, the value of agriculture as a share of Ukraine's GDP was 39% lower in 2022, compared to 2021.

Before the war, Ukraine's agricultural sector was a significant contributor to its GDP, with the country exporting cereals worth almost $12 billion in 2021.

"Agriculture in the country's eastern part, which has seen two long years of full-scale war, and nearly ten years of border proxy, is the worst hit,"'goodwill ambassador' Manav Sachdeva tells IndiaToday.In.

Not just was the farming sector smashed, the war severely disrupted Ukraine's agricultural exports too. The blockade of Ukraine's Black Sea ports by the Russian military brought shipments to a virtual standstill.

A global food crisis seems imminent.

The war has also invited destruction of agricultural infrastructure, like storage facilities, equipment, and transport hubs. This left millions of people, particularly in developing countries in Asia and Africa, at risk of starvation.

"The war in Russia and Ukraine has really changed the affordability of food," David Kiplagat, a member of the Kenyan National Assembly told Nairobi-based K24 TV.


The initiative was launched on November 26, 2022, on the 90th anniversary of Holodomor, a genocide by starvation that killed millions of Ukrainians.

The food grains from Ukraine are now being sent to countries like Ethiopia, Somalia, Nigeria, Kenya, Djibouti, Yemen, Afghanistan, Sudan, according to Manav Sachdeva.

"Ukrainian grains are even feeding the hungry in war-torn Gaza," he says.

According to 'goodwill ambassador' Sachdeva, since the Black Sea Blockade by Russia is on, shipments are now being transshipped by road to neighbouring countries like Romania and Poland and Slovakia, and beyond.


India, an agricultural nation and a major producer and exporter of food, can significantly contribute to mitigating the global food crisis by supporting Ukraine's 'Grain from Ukraine' programme. India, which fits in several ways, can help in one way or the other, according to 'goodwill ambassador' Sachdeva.

"India, being a major world power, can facilitate the contribution of several regional players to the initiative. PM Modi can bring them onboard," Sachdeva suggests. It could provide alternative export routes for Ukrainian grain, bypassing the blocked Black Sea ports and land route chokepoints.

As of now, India is not part of the initiative that started in 2022.

"That parts of several nations in India's immediate neighbourhood, like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Myanmar, and some in Southeast Asia face acute starvation is a given fact. India's ports and logistical networks could iron out the distribution of the grains being exported from Ukraine”, feels Sachdeva.

"For the south Asian region, an Indian port and act as distribution point or a transit zone for the grains to be delivered in its neighbourhood, if it gets onboard. This would enable Ukraine to maintain a stable supply of grains " he suggests.

Financially too, India could jump in as a donor in the programme, or provide financial assistance to Ukraine in this endeavour, to help the country recover from the economic losses incurred due to the war.

"On multilateral platforms, if India, the powerful leader of the global south spoke to rally support for Ukraine's initiative, it would greatly help the remaining Ukrainian people, a quarter of whom stand displaced," Sachdeva tells IndiaToday.In.

That said, as several nations in Asia and Africa teeter on the edge of a food crisis and millions globally face food insecurity, can India rise to the challenge and become the lifeline millions desperately need, remains to be seen.

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Transcript of Special Briefing by External Affairs Minister on Prime Minister’s visit to Ukraine (August 23, 2024)

August 23, 2024

Shri Randhir Jaiswal, Official Spokesperson: Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you to this Special Briefing on the visit of the Prime Minister of India to Ukraine. We have with us Honorable External Affairs Minister of India, Dr. S. Jaishankar, to brief you on the visit of the Prime Minister. We also have on the dais Foreign Secretary, Mr. Vikram Misri; as well as Secretary (West), Mr. Tanmaya Lal; and also we are joined by Ambassador of India to Ukraine, Ambassador Ravi Shankar. With that, I welcome and invite External Affairs Minister to make his remarks to the media. Sir. Dr. S. Jaishankar, External Affairs Minister: Thank you very much, Randhir. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. As you know, Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in Kyiv this morning, and we have just concluded his official engagements. This is a landmark visit. It's the first time that an Indian Prime Minister has visited Ukraine since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1992. Now the prime minister arrived by a special train in the morning, and he was received by First Deputy Foreign Minister Mr. Andrii Sybiha at the Kyiv railway station. He arrived here in the hotel. He met the Indian community. He then started his engagements with a visit to the multimedia exposition on children who have lost their lives in this conflict. He was accompanied to the Museum by President Zelenskyy. The Prime Minister placed a toy in the Museum in memory of the children. He thereafter went to the AV Fomin Botanical Gardens to pay homage to Mahatma Gandhi, whose statue is there. And in fact, his last engagement is going on right now, which is that he's meeting Ukrainian students who are studying Hindi. Now in terms of the official discussions, I should say that he held these with President Zelenskyy. This happens to be their fourth meeting. They had met initially in Glasgow in November of 2021, then in Hiroshima in May of 2023, and then most recently in Apulia in Italy in June of 2024. They've also had seven teleconversations. So, in the discussion, obviously a significant part of it was devoted to our bilateral relations. There was a discussion about trade, economic issues, defence, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, education. There were a whole lot of issues. You will see much of that reflected in the Joint Statement, which will be released very shortly. The leaders also, I must share with you, tasked the Inter-Governmental Commission, of which Minister Kuleba and I are the co-chairs, to specifically focus on rebuilding our trade and economic relations, which had gone down in recent times. And we certainly look forward to having early meeting of that body, definitely by the end of this year. Now, while this is the first visit, I think you all appreciate that there is a very clear context in which the visit is taking place; and obviously, much of the discussion was spent with regard to the war in Ukraine. So, before I come to exactly what was discussed, I just want to give a little bit of background here, which is that there have been a number of public positions taken by India and by the Prime Minister on this subject. A little more than two years ago, he had actually publicly said that this is not an era of war. He had also underlined that dialogue and diplomacy are the key. Most recently, he emphasized that the solution will not come out of the battlefield. And obviously we find the civilian and humanitarian toll of this conflict particularly distressing. It's also India's view that the two sides need to engage each other to find a solution. Now, I'll come to the Joint Statement, but there's a particular segment in the Joint Statement which pertains to the conflict. So let me sort of read that out, which is that the Prime Minister reiterated the need for sincere and practical engagement between all stakeholders to develop innovative solutions that will have broad acceptability and contribute towards early restoration of peace. He reiterated India's willingness to contribute in all possible ways to facilitate an early return of peace. Now while I read that part out from the Joint Statement, again, just to refresh your memory or for those of you who may not be entirely aware of it; I would like to remind you that in the past, India has actually been actively associated with various efforts led by various countries in this regard. We supported the Turkish effort in 2022 to open up the Black Sea Grain Corridor. In September 2022 also, Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal actually took up with us the concerns regarding the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant at that time. It was a matter on which we had been thereafter directly in touch with the Russians and then back to the Ukrainian side, also been in touch with IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi. And at various other points of time, we had also taken public positions, cautioning against the danger of escalation. Now, let me now come to today's discussion on this particular subject, because I would say, in terms of the time which the Prime Minister and President Zelenskyy spent, most of it actually was in regard to the conflict. So here, the Prime Minister spoke about our position, which I have summed up for you; that is not an era of war, that dialogue and diplomacy are key, that the solution will not come out of the battlefield. He shared the widespread sentiment in the Global South about the repercussions of this conflict for them. He spoke also about his discussions recently with President Putin in Moscow. The Prime Minister, if you remember, was there in July. He sought President Zelenskyy's assessment, both of the ground situation as well as the diplomatic scenario. President Zelenskyy spoke at some length on both issues. He also spoke about taking the Global Peace Summit in regard to Ukraine forward. And I would say if I were to kind of sum up really what was a fairly long and detailed discussion; one, it revolved around to some extent the military situation, about on the medium-term concerns like food and energy, and most of all, on conceivable pathways to peace and conflict resolution. I would say, you know, I'm sure the Ukrainian side will do its own briefing, but in fairness, I would sort of sum up their position as saying that they clearly wanted continued involvement of India with the Global Peace Summit. There was also a discussion about what could be effective ways of taking these discussions forward, not necessarily within the format of the Summit. There are obviously multiple possibilities here and multiple views about those possibilities. So what I can say is that it was a very detailed, a very open, in many ways a very constructive discussion. And if there is any further development in that regard, we will obviously keep you all informed. With regard to other issues, I think the best that I would do, because we have a paucity of time, would be to refer you to the Joint Statement. Just again, I'm summing it up very succinctly. I'm not touching all points. But in the Joint Statement, I want to emphasize that the Prime Minister and the President reiterated their readiness to further cooperation in upholding principles of international law, including the UN Charter, such as respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty of States. As I said, they spoke about the Summit on Peace in Ukraine. The last meeting was in June of 2024. In terms of our own positions, I think I read out for you that particular paragraph. I would say in addition to that, there are references in the Joint Statement to our bilateral cooperation to trade, to commerce, to education. We signed four Agreements today. One was in regard to community development projects in Ukraine. One was in regard to drugs control standards and harmonization. One was on cultural exchange, and the fourth one was agriculture. Finally, let me just say that we have, in the past, been providing humanitarian assistance to Ukraine. I think 17 consignments so far have been delivered. These are largely on the medical side. And today, we handed over the BHISHM, these are cubes which contain medical support equipment which are very effective, very compact, very deployable in many ways. So these cubes with a total weight of 22 tons were handed over today along with 10 gensets. So, I think this would probably be a fair summary of today's discussions. I'm sure you will have some questions or thoughts. I'd be happy to answer them. Shri Randhir Jaiswal, Official Spokesperson: We open the floor now, and please do introduce yourself before you ask the question. Rishikesh: Hi Sir, Rishikesh, from Press Trust of India. So we have seen in the past that Ukraine's side has made a very strong statement on the issue of India's import, especially on gas, energy, or coal. So when today, Prime Minister meets with President Zelenskyy, did President urge India to curb its imports from Russia? Vishnu: Sir, Vishnu Som from NDTV, were there any specific proposals made by us, by India, to Ukraine in terms of a possible immediate path towards ending the conflict? Dr. S. Jaishankar, External Affairs Minister: So question is specific proposals and immediate path? And the adjectives in question are specific proposal and immediate path? Vishnu: Yes, Sir. Speaker 1: (Inaudible) my first question is, India didn't position itself as a negotiator between Ukraine and Russia. However, Bloomberg reports that your side is willing to deliver some message from Russian side to Ukraine. Were there any specific message today from Putin to Volodymyr Zelenskyy? And the second question, what is the stance of the India on Chinese peace plan? Because India respects Ukrainian territorial integrity, and it didn't include in Chinese peace plan. Dr. S. Jaishankar, External Affairs Minister: So the first question, did the issue of India's energy trade with Russia come up? Yes, it did. I wouldn't say at great length, but what we did was to explain to the Ukrainian side what was the energy market scenario, the fact that today many energy producers are sanctioned, making the market potentially very tight; and why actually today there is a compulsion, in fact not just a compulsion, I mean why it is in the interest of the international economy as a whole, that oil prices remain reasonable and stable. On, Vishnu, your question, in a way they kind of feed into each other. Look, I would put it this way, clearly, we have been having our own thinking and discussions with many other countries. Because the Prime Minister was recently in Moscow, there were detailed discussions there which we have been quite public about. So he shared, I think, many of the thoughts and the substance of these discussions. I wouldn't necessarily characterize it in the way in which you said Bloomberg had described it. In turn, I think we heard from President Zelenskyy at some length what his own views were, what his own views were about these issues, but what his own views were about the subject as a whole, I mean not necessarily to anything which we may have told him we may have heard in Moscow. So it was a very back and forth discussion. So to my mind… certainly I'm sure that there was information which we obtained here, and I'm sure we also perhaps may have brought up points of flagged issues which may or may not have been in… people would have been cognizant of here. So where we ended, at the end of the discussion, I think there was a sense that this is a very complex issue. I mean, yes, certainly we have this one particular format, the Peace in Ukraine format. But as I said, you know, it is the view not just of India, but certainly of India as well, that there could be multiple ways of approaching this issue. Now you’ve asked me for one of those examples, and I mean, I'm not comparing here. I'm just responding to your particular question. Regarding whatever China may have proposed, I think it's not for us to respond. I think it is for the parties concerned to respond, so I would suggest you direct that question at the Ukrainian government. Rishabh: Minister, good afternoon, Rishabh from Times Now. Sir, you spoke about Ukrainians asking us to be part of the Ukraine Peace Summit that last happened in Switzerland. Has there been any proposal from Ukraine to India to try and convince Russia to be on that table because Russia last time was not part of the Peace Summit in Switzerland? So has there been any talks from Ukrainian side that India should try and get Russia also on the table? Sidhant: Sir, Sidhant from WION. Did the Ukrainian side briefed on the Kursk incursion? And my second question is, PM paid his homage, tributes to the victims, the children who died in the war. The Prime Minister also mentioned this to President Putin two months ago in Moscow. So what was the message in terms of Prime Minister paying his homage to the children? Nick: Thank you for the question, Minister, Nick Beake from BBC News. You talked about Prime Minister Modi's visit to Moscow last month, and a lot of people here were very upset to see that embrace between the two leaders. Also they were quite upset to see India overtake China in terms of the biggest importer of Russian crude oil. And also they say they're disappointed that there hasn't been an explicit condemnation of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. So in light of that, I'm just wondering whether you had difficulty today persuading President Zelenskyy that India is not favoring Russia but is indeed pursuing a policy of Non-Alignment. And secondly, because of that meeting in Russia last month, I think Prime Minister Modi is probably the most significant influential world leader to have spoken to both sides recently. What personal role could he play in some sort of pursuit of peace? Thank you. Dr. S. Jaishankar, External Affairs Minister: Yours was the first question. In terms of the Peace in Ukraine Summit, look, it was discussed at some length, because much of what President Zelenskyy said revolved around, not everything, but a significant part of it. Now, you know, at the end of the day, it's their initiative, okay? It is their initiative in which we have taken part. I mean, if you look at it, at every stage of that initiative, when it started in Copenhagen, his predecessor [Secretary (West)] was there. Then the NSA went into Jeddah. The deputy NSA went to Riyadh and to Davos. Similarly, the hybrid formats in Doha, even at Burgenstock, we have been represented at that level. So we have been represented there, but we also agree on some parts of it and don't agree necessarily on all of it. So I think there was a very open discussion on this. Now, what will be the next steps? Who exactly will come? Will the Russians come in, not come in? You know, that's really not an issue for us to take a call. I mean, that's an issue which presumably the Government of Ukraine is dealing with. Sidhant, regarding your issue, on Kursk, I would say the military situation, including some recent developments, did come up for discussions. And in terms of the visit, what you asked about the homage particularly to the children; look, in any conflict, obviously any death is something which is, to put it fairly mildly, regrettable; and if it is a civilian death, a humanitarian death, even more so; and if it is a child's death, even more so. So I think it is something which touches everybody. And even when we were in Moscow, it is a subject on which the Prime Minister spoke publicly. So I think it was very natural for him to come and express that feeling in some kind of gesture. Regarding your question, you know, in our part of the world, when people meet people, they are given to embracing each other. It may not be part of your culture, but I assure you it's part of ours. So in fact, today I think I saw the Prime Minister also embrace President Zelenskyy, and I've seen him do it with a number of other leaders in a number of other places. So I think perhaps we have a slightly cultural gap here in terms of what these courtesies mean. In terms of what you asked about the oil issue, look, India is a big oil consumer. It's a big oil importer because we don't have oil. Now, it's not like there's a political strategy to buy oil. There is an oil strategy to buy oil. There's a market strategy to buy oil. So the figures of where we get our oil imports go up and down. It depends on the state of the market. But it would definitely… I think the fact that the market is tight, that today big suppliers like Iran and Venezuela, who used to supply India, are constrained from operating freely in the markets, I think is a factor which needs to be taken into account. Regarding the conversation between the prime minister and President Zelenskyy, I think it was a perfectly convivial conversation. I think it was very constructive. I think there was a lot that we said, which he heard with a great deal of attention. He knows that we mean well by Ukraine. He knows that we are today very, very keen that this conflict should come to an end. And essentially what the message from our side to him, which surely would have not come as a surprise to him, is that if there is anything that we can do in any way, in sort of upfront or behind or supporting somebody, it's the objective that we are interested in, rather than the process. We are willing to do whatever we can, because we do think that the continuation of this conflict is terrible, obviously for Ukraine itself and for the world as well. Umashankar: Videsh Mantri ji aapne bataya ki 32 saal baad, rajnakyik rishte k baad, Pradhan Mantri pahli baar yahan pe Bharat ke aaye, kya reciprocal basis pe ek invitation Rashtrapati Zelenskyy ko bhi diya gaya hai? Agar diya gaya hai toh unki taraf se kya ispe response raha? [Question in Hindi: Approximate translation] External Affairs Minister, you mentioned that after 32 years of establishing diplomatic relations, the Prime Minister has visited here for the first time. Has an invitation been extended to President Zelenskyy on a reciprocal basis? If so, what has been their response? Speaker 2: Thank you. So the peace formula proposed by the Ukrainian president has already mentioned today, and I want to ask you how interested is India in participating in the implementation of this formula, and if yes, which of the standpoints of this formula would India be ready to support? And I have one more question. So I want to ask you what is India's position on the application of international sanctions against Russia, and under what conditions India would join aboard sanctions regime or some part of it? Thank you. Ashok: Good afternoon, sir. My name is Ashok from ANI. I have a question that Prime Minister Modi's visit to Ukraine has sent us positive sign to the world, including India. Will this be the favorable time for the Indian students to return Ukraine for their study? Dr. S. Jaishankar, External Affairs Minister: Umashankar aapka sawal jo tha, I'll do it in both Hindi and English. Dekhiye aisa tha ki pahli baar Bharat ke Pradhan Mantri 1992 ke baad Ukraine aaye hain, toh apne aap mei iska mahatva hota hai. Toh aise samay mei ye bhi swabhawik hai ki Pradhan Mantri jo hain woh apne host ko, President Zelenskyy ko nimantran dete hain, is baar unhone diya tha. Toh hamari apeksha hain ki unke suvidha ke anusar Rashtrapati Zelenskyy jo hain Bharat mein unka visit bhi hoga. [Answer in Hindi: Approximate translation] Umashankar, regarding your question, I'll do it in both Hindi and English. It’s significant that our Prime Minister has visited Ukraine for the first time since 1992. It is natural on such occasions that he extends an invitation, which he did in this case. So we expect that at some point, as per his convenience, President Zelenskyy will visit India. So essentially what I said was that our Prime Minister was here for the first time after 1992. It is natural on such occasions that he extends an invitation, which he did in this case. So we expect that at some point, as per his convenience, President Zelenskyy will visit India. On the second question, the peace formula, look, we've been involved with the multiple meetings of the Summit, starting from Copenhagen, as I said, at a very senior level. How to take it forward? I think there is a diversity of views. I mean, there is a diversity of views, not just involving India. I think many other countries who have also taken part in the Summit have their particular views on how to take it forward. Now what we heard from the Ukrainian side today was their view and their expectation on how to go forward, which is understandable. But I think in terms of our view, our view is that any exercise, if it has to be productive, will naturally have to involve the other party concerned. I mean, it cannot be obviously, you know, a completely one-sided or a one effort which would fructify. Regarding sanctions issue, I would say, look, generally, in India, we do not impose sanctions on any country. It's not part of our political, diplomatic history. If at all there are sanctions, I mean, we generally look at UN sanctions. Those are the sanctions that we respect. In terms of the last question, students, look, at their peak, there were more than 20,000 students here. Obviously, 2022, many of them went back. Some have come back. They’ve come back because there are various academic compulsions on them. My understanding is that there are roughly somewhere between 2,000 to 2,500 students, currently. I mean, at this time, if you're asking us what advisory would we give them, we would still urge caution, because you can see there is a conflict on. I mean, it depends, again, on the place, on the city. But our hope, again, is that this conflict will come to an end. Life will return to normal and that we will see the full return of Indian students in due course. Shri Randhir Jaiswal, Official Spokesperson: With that, ladies and gentlemen, we come to the close of this Session. Thank you very much for your presence.

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Ukraine somberly marks 33 years of independence as war with Russia rages on


A veteran pays his respect at a makeshift memorial for fallen Ukrainian soldiers during the Ukrainian Independence Day on Independence Square in Kyiv, Ukraine, Saturday, Aug. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky)

A father hugs his daughter, his other children nearby, as they wait for evacuation in Pokrovsk, Donetsk region, Ukraine, Friday, Aug. 23, 2024. (AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka)

A veteran holds a photo if his comrade at a makeshift memorial for fallen Ukrainian soldiers in Russian-Ukrainian war during Ukrainian Independence Day on Independence Square in Kyiv, Ukraine, Saturday, Aug. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky)

In this photo provided by the Ukrainian Presidential Press Office, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy lays flowers at the Memorial Wall of Fallen Defenders of Ukraine in Russian-Ukrainian War during celebration of the Ukrainian Independence Day in Kyiv, Ukraine, Saturday, Aug. 24, 2024. (Ukrainian Presidential Press Office via AP)

Flags with names of killed international volunteers are carried during Ukrainian Independence Day on Independence Square in Kyiv, Ukraine, Saturday, Aug. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky)

A veteran pays his respect at a makeshift memorial for fallen Ukrainian soldiers in the Russian-Ukrainian war during Ukrainian Independence Day on Independence Square in Kyiv, Ukraine, Saturday, Aug. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky)

Nadia Trushenko, with her daughters Ksenia, left, Daria, center and Liubov, wait for evacuation in Pokrovsk, Donetsk region, Ukraine, Friday, Aug. 23, 2024. (AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka)

Flags with the names of killed soldiers are carried at a makeshift memorial for fallen Ukrainian soldiers in the Russian-Ukrainian war during Ukrainian Independence Day on Independence Square in Kyiv, Ukraine, Saturday, Aug. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky)

In this photo provided by the Ukrainian Presidential Press Office, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his wife Olena lay flowers at the Memorial Wall of Fallen Defenders of Ukraine in Russian-Ukrainian War during celebration of the Ukrainian Independence Day in Kyiv, Ukraine, Saturday, Aug. 24, 2024. (Ukrainian Presidential Press Office via AP)

People wait for evacuation in Pokrovsk, Donetsk region, Ukraine, Friday, Aug. 23, 2024. (AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka)

A girl calms her sister on an evacuation train in Pokrovsk, Donetsk region, Ukraine, Friday, Aug. 23, 2024. (AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka)

Iryna Belikova, 37, with her children, sit on an evacuation train in Pokrovsk, Donetsk region, Ukraine, Friday, Aug. 23, 2024.(AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka)

People line up to register for evacuation in Pokrovsk, Donetsk region, Ukraine, Friday, Aug. 23, 2024. (AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka)

In this photo provided by the Ukrainian Presidential Press Office, shows Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, left, greeting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kyiv, Ukraine, Friday, Aug. 23, 2024. (Ukrainian Presidential Press Office via AP)

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KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukraine somberly marked its 33rd Independence Day on Saturday, setting the usual fireworks, parades and concerts aside to commemorate thousands of civilians and soldiers killed in the ongoing war with Russia.

Social media was flooded with messages of gratitude and support as Ukrainians greeted each other from around the country and thanked soldiers who are on the front lines.

“Independence is the silence we experience when we lose our people,” President Volodymyr Zelenskyy declared to the nation in a video posted on Telegram. “Independence descends into the shelter during an air raid, only to endure and rise again and again to tell the enemy: ‘You will achieve nothing.’”

In the capital of Kyiv, people who had traveled from various regions of the nation paraded in festive “vyshyvankas,” shirts of many colors enhanced with adornments, including the traditional white shirt with red embroidery. Some posed for pictures in front of the country’s blue-and-yellow flag and an “I Love Ukraine” sign that had been placed near a makeshift memorial to fallen soldiers.

Ukraine declared independence from the former Soviet Union on Aug. 24, 1991. Russia launched a full-scale invasion on the country on Feb. 24, 2022. More than 11,000 Ukrainian civilians have been killed in the conflict, according to the United Nations, which has indicated that the toll could be higher. In February, the war’s second anniversary, Zelenskyy had said that 35,000 soldiers had been killed.


“We can celebrate this holiday thanks to our soldiers — because of them we live,” said Oksana Stavnycha, who traveled to Kyiv from the central region of Vinnytsia with her 7-year-old daughter and husband. They planned to lay flowers to honor Ukraine’s fallen soldiers.

“The price of our independence is very high, and every day many men give up their lives for it,” Stavnycha added.

Zelenskyy recorded his address to the nation in the northeastern town of Sumy , near Russia’s Kursk region where Ukrainian forces made a surprise incursion earlier this month. The move marked a startling turn to the war and added a new front.

Ukraine quickly seized considerable Russian territory, including scores of small towns, and captured hundreds of Russian soldiers, part of an effort to counter Russia’s grinding advances in eastern Ukraine’s Donetsk region.

The military now claims to hold 1,200 square kilometers (480 square miles) of territory, and in the past week, has launched drone attacks on strategic bridges and on Russian airfields and drone bases.

“Those who seek to sow evil on our land will reap its fruits on their own soil,” Zelenskyy said in his address. “And those who sought to turn our lands into a buffer zone should now worry that their own country doesn’t become a buffer federation. This is how independence responds.”

Ukraine’s top military commander, Gen. Oleksandr Syrskyi, honored the soldiers who fought in the Kursk region with military awards. “Our independence is in our blood,” he said on Telegram on Saturday. “In the blood that flows in our veins, in the blood that our heroes shed for their native land.”

Even as Ukraine presses its offensive into Russia, however, it is evacuating residents from Pokrovsk , a strategic city in eastern Ukraine that once had a population of 60,000. Encroaching Russian forces are now just 10 kilometers (6 miles) outside the city.

On Friday, Pokrovsk residents carrying bundles of belongings boarded trains to take them to areas farther from the conflict.

Ihor Kysil, a 52-year-old soldier from the 110th Brigade, was wounded for the second time about a month ago while fighting in the Pokrovsk area. On Friday, still recovering from a concussion and a fractured shoulder, and dealing with hearing problems from an earlier injury, he stood in Kyiv’s Independence Square, holding hands with his wife.

“This day is about our freedom,” he said, standing near the makeshift memorial, where thousands of flags fluttered in memory of those lost. Some of the banners honored soldiers who had fought alongside Kysil.

“These are the golden days,” said Kysil, who will return to the front line once his rehabilitation is complete.

“Every life is priceless,” added his wife, Yuliia Fedenko. “We value every minute of the time we have.”

Follow the AP’s coverage of the war at https://apnews.com/hub/russia-ukraine


Ukrainian emergency personnel work among the rubble of a destroyed hotel following a Russian strike, in Kramatorsk

Associated Press Associated Press

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Russia strikes hotel in Ukraine housing journalists, killing 1 member of British team

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — A British safety adviser working with a team of journalists was killed after a Russian missile struck a hotel in the Ukrainian city of Kramatorsk, Reuters news agency confirmed.

Ryan Evans, 38, was staying at the Hotel Sapphire with colleagues in Ukraine’s eastern Donetsk region when it was hit by a Russian missile Saturday night.

Two other members of the six-person Reuters crew were hospitalized with injuries.

READ MORE: Reuters journalist killed by Israeli shelling on Lebanon border that wounds 6 others

Local officials said the hotel was struck by an Iskander-M Russian ballistic missile, leaving the reporters with blast injuries, concussions and cuts on the body.

Associated Press reporters at the scene described the hotel as “rubble,” with excavators being used to clear debris hours after the attack.

Besides the hotel, a nearby multistory building was also destroyed, said Donetsk regional Gov. Vadym Filashkin.

Ukraine’s eastern Kharkiv region also came under Russian fire, resulting in multiple civilian injuries, regional Gov. Oleh Syniehubov wrote on the Telegram messaging app Sunday.

In Kharkiv’s Chuhuiv region, five people were injured, including a 4-year-old boy and a 14-year-old girl, after two houses were hit by a Russian strike.

In Kharkiv city, eight people were wounded when a two-story house was set on fire by a Russian attack.

In Russia, five people died in Ukrainian shelling in of the border region of Belgorod, officials said Sunday.

Twelve other people were wounded in the Russian village of Rakitone, 38 kilometers (23 miles) from the Ukrainian border, including a 16-year-old girl reported to be in critical condition, said regional Gov. Vyacheslav Gladkov on Sunday. Another man also died in a separate drone attack on the border village of Solovevka, he wrote later on social media.

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Watch | PM Modi in Ukraine: Will it change India’s stand on Russia conflict?

Pm modi did what many saw as a major u-turn in foreign policy - arriving in kyiv for a visit western countries have been pressing him to do since the russia-ukraine war began.

Updated - August 23, 2024 11:09 pm IST

Published - August 23, 2024 11:05 pm IST

Suhasini Haidar

Six weeks after his Moscow move , PM Narendra Modi arrived in Kyiv . Was the Prime Minister’s mission in Ukraine just about geopolitical balancing, or does New Delhi now essay a more ambitious role in mediating in the Russia-Ukraine war?

This week, Mr Modi did what many saw as a major U-turn in foreign policy - arriving in Kyiv for a visit Western countries have been pressing him to do since the Russia-Ukraine war began in February 2022. The visit was not just his first - it is the first visit by an Indian Prime Minister to Ukraine since its independence in 1991.

All eyes were on the optics, and the outcomes of the visit, but also on whether Mr Modi’s formulation of the war - India’s position on the war is that here are no victors on the battlefield, solutions come from dialogue and diplomacy - something Mr Modi repeated in Poland the day before the Kyiv visit, where he paid respects at World War 2 memorials, including a square named after an Indian maharajah who had sheltered about 1000 Polish children fleeing the world war.

How big was the shift implied by Modi’s Ukraine Visit? Here is how New Delhi had approached the war so far 

- No criticism of Russia at the UN/Abstention on votes

- PM Modi did not accept Ukraine’s request to participate in the G20 last year

- India has not cut its trade or oil imports from Russia, in fact they grew multifold- from about 0.5% of India’s total imports to 44% this month

- India had not so far accepted Ukraine’s request to supply telecom, medical and construction equipment for help in reconstruction

- Finally, India has not been part of peace initiatives- and disassociated from June Swiss Peace summit document

So, the question. Why did PM Modi go to Kyiv now?

- In order to preserve a balanced approach to the conflict in Ukraine, after his visit to Moscow

- The visit will blunt sharp criticism from the US of the Moscow visit, and “disappointment” from Zelenskyy over Modi’s embrace of Putin- although the MEA denied the visit to Kyiv came due to pressure from the US

- With the War progressing for two and half years now- and Russia continuing to occupy Ukrainian territory- Ukraine has opened a new front in the Russian oblast of Kursk- it is clear that the best case scenario is now a frozen conflict, not an outright win for either side

- Next month, Modi will be at the UN for the Summit of the Future- and New Delhi may have felt the Kyiv visit is important if India’s voice is to be heard on global conflict

- While the government has maintained India’s strategic autonomy, the fact is that India’s perceived bias in favour of Russia in the war has been bleeding into other ties with European countries- and it is hoped that the visit to Poland and Ukraine will stem that

What should we watch most closely now?

 - Russia’s reaction

- India’s position on War- and whether there is any shift

- Efforts at mediation/ Peace process in November -

Supplies to Ukraine- as per Kyiv’s requests

Modi’s next visit to Russia for BRICS

Worldview take

By travelling to Kyiv at this time, PM Modi has attempted a tricky balance that was perhaps necessitated by his visit to Moscow in July. While personal travel, and face to face summits have some importance, foreign policy is built on a much longer-term pattern of actions, and it remains to be seen whether New Delhi is shifting its position on Ukraine in a broader context as well. Remember- a balanced position on the war does not indicate a balance in ties with Kyiv and Moscow- as India’s ties with Russia are far deeper and broader.

Reading recommendations

The Zelensky Effect By Olga Onuch and Henry E. Hale

War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies

Displaced: Civilians in the Russia-Ukraine War by Valery Panyushkin

Russia- Ukraine War: The Conflict and Its Global Impact by Ajay Singh

Indian Diplomacy: Beyond Strategic Autonomy Kindle Edition by Rajendra Abhyankar

India at the Global High Table The Quest for Regional Primacy and Strategic Autonomy Teresita C. Schaffer and Howard B. Schaffer

The Second Homeland: Polish Refugees in India by Anuradha Bhattacharjee

Presentation: Suhasini Haidar

Production: Shibu Narayan, Kanishkaa Balachandran

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रूस-यूक्रेन संघर्ष

रूस और यूक्रेन की भौगोलिक अवस्थिति, काला सागर

रूस-यूक्रेन संघर्ष और भारत के लिये इसके निहितार्थ

चर्चा में क्यों?

हाल ही में अमेरिकी खुफिया रिपोर्टों में कहा गया है कि रूस-यूक्रेन सीमा पर तनाव इस क्षेत्र में एक बड़ा सुरक्षा संकट पैदा कर सकता है।

  • यूक्रेन का कहना है कि रूस ने सीमा पर करीब 90,000 सैनिक तैनात किये हैं।


प्रमुख बिंदु

  • रूस और यूक्रेन में कई समूहों के लिये देशों की साझा विरासत एक भावनात्मक मुद्दा है जिसका चुनावी और सैन्य उद्देश्यों के लिये प्रयोग किया गया है।
  • सोवियत संघ के हिस्से के रूप में, यूक्रेन रूस के बाद दूसरा सबसे शक्तिशाली सोवियत गणराज्य था और रणनीतिक, आर्थिक एवं सांस्कृतिक रूप से काफी महत्त्वपूर्ण था।
  • शक्ति संतुलन: जब से यूक्रेन सोवियत संघ से अलग हुआ है, रूस और पश्चिम दोनों ने इस क्षेत्र में सत्ता संतुलन को अपने पक्ष में रखने के लिये लगातार संघर्ष किया है।
  • रूस के साथ तनाव बढ़ने से अमेरिका और यूरोपीय संघ यूक्रेन को रूसी नियंत्रण से दूर रखने के लिये दृढ़ संकल्पित हैं।
  • सबसे पहले यह पूरे क्षेत्र के लिये एक महत्त्वपूर्ण क्षेत्र है।
  • काला सागर तक पहुँच सभी तटीय एवं पड़ोसी राज्यों के लिये महत्त्वपूर्ण है।
  • दूसरे, यह क्षेत्र माल एवं ऊर्जा के लिये एक महत्त्वपूर्ण पारगमन गलियारा है।
  • रूस और यूरेशियन आर्थिक संघ के साथ घनिष्ठ संबंधों को बढ़ावा देने के साथ यूरोपीय संघ के साथ समझौते पर हस्ताक्षर को निलंबित करने के यूक्रेनी सरकार के फैसले के साथ विरोध तेज़ हो गया था।
  • यूक्रेन सरकार के अनुसार, आंदोलन को रूसी सरकार द्वारा सक्रिय रूप से समर्थन दिया जाता है और रूसी अर्द्धसैनिक बल यूक्रेन सरकार के खिलाफ अलगाववादियों की संख्या 15% से 80% के बीच है।
  • क्रीमिया पर आक्रमण:
  • रूस ने यूक्रेन से क्रीमिया को जब्त कर लिया था, जो कि द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध के बाद पहली बार किसी यूरोपीय देश ने किसी अन्य देश के क्षेत्र पर अपना अधिकार स्थापित किया।
  • यूक्रेन के क्रीमिया प्रायद्वीप (Crimean Peninsula) पर कब्ज़ा, क्रीमिया में रूसी सैन्य हस्तक्षेप के बाद हुआ। यह वर्ष 2014 की यूक्रेनी क्रांति के बाद हुआ जो दक्षिणी और पूर्वी यूक्रेन में व्यापक अशांति का हिस्सा था।
  • क्रीमिया के आक्रमण और उसके बाद के विलय ने रूस को इस क्षेत्र में समुद्रतटीय लाभ दिया है। 
  • रूस ने इस तरह के एक कदम को "रेड लाइन" घोषित कर दिया है और अमेरिका के नेतृत्त्व वाले सैन्य गठबंधनों तक इसकी पहुँच के परिणामों के बारे में चिंतित है।
  • काला सागर बुल्गारिया, जॉर्जिया, रोमानिया, रूस, तुर्की और यूक्रेन से घिरा है। ये सभी नाटो देश हैं।
  • नाटो देशों और रूस के बीच इस टकराव के कारण काला सागर सामरिक महत्त्व का क्षेत्र है और एक संभावित समुद्री फ्लैशपॉइंट है।
  • इसके प्रावधानों में कैदी का आदान-प्रदान, मानवीय सहायता की डिलीवरी और भारी हथियारों की वापसी शामिल थी।
  • दोनों पक्षों द्वारा उल्लंघन के बाद यह समझौता शीघ्र टूट गया।
  • इसे विद्रोही क्षेत्रों में लड़ाई को समाप्त करने और सीमा को यूक्रेन के राष्ट्रीय सैनिकों को सौंपने के लिये डिज़ाइन किया गया था। 
  • OSCE विश्व का सबसे बड़ा सुरक्षा-उन्मुख अंतर सरकारी संगठन है। इसके जनादेश(Mandate) में हथियार नियंत्रण, मानवाधिकारों को बढ़ावा देना, प्रेस की स्वतंत्रता और निष्पक्ष चुनाव जैसे मुद्दे शामिल हैं।
  • इसने देशों के मध्य गतिरोध की स्थिति उत्पन्न कर दी है, जिस कारण हज़ारों रूसी सैनिक यूक्रेन पर आक्रमण करने के लिये तैयार हैं।
  • पश्चिमी देशों से प्रतिबंधों में राहत और अन्य रियायतें प्राप्त करने के लिये रूस यूक्रेन की सीमा पर तनाव बढ़ा रहा है।
  • रूस के खिलाफ अमेरिका या यूरोपीय संघ द्वारा किसी भी प्रकार की सैन्य कार्रवाई विश्व के समक्ष एक बड़ा संकट उत्पन्न कर देगी और अब तक इसमें शामिल किसी भी पक्ष द्वारा इसपर विचार या बातचीत नहीं की गई है।
  • पश्चिमी शक्तियों द्वारा क्रीमिया में रूस के हस्तक्षेप को लेकर भारत निष्पक्ष बना हुआ है।
  • नवंबर 2020 में भारत ने संयुक्त राष्ट्र ( United Nations-UN ) में यूक्रेन द्वारा प्रायोजित एक प्रस्ताव के विरुद्ध मतदान किया, जिसमें क्रीमिया में कथित मानवाधिकारों के उल्लंघन की निंदा की गई थी, जबकि इस मुद्दे पर पुराने सहयोगी रूस द्वारा समर्थन किया गया था।
  • काला सागर पूर्वी यूरोप और पश्चिमी एशिया के बीच स्थित है।
  • यह  दक्षिण, पूर्व और उत्तर में क्रमशः पोंटिक, काकेशस और क्रीमियन की पहाड़ियों से घिरा हुआ है।
  • काला सागर भी कर्च जलडमरूमध्य द्वारा आज़ोव सागर से जुड़ा हुआ है।
  • तुर्की जलडमरूमध्य प्रणाली- डारडेनेल्स, बोस्फोरस और मरमारा सागर- भूमध्यसागर तथा काला सागर के बीच एक ट्रांज़ीशन ज़ोन के रूप में कार्य करती है
  • काला सागर के सीमावर्ती देशों में- रूस, यूक्रेन, जॉर्जिया, तुर्की, बुल्गारिया और रोमानिया शामिल हैं।
  • काला सागर के जल में ऑक्सीजन की भारी कमी है।

आगे की राह 

  • स्थिति का एक व्यावहारिक समाधान मिन्स्क शांति प्रक्रिया को पुनर्जीवित करना है। अत: इसके लिये अमेरिका और अन्य पश्चिमी देशों को दोनों पक्षों को बातचीत फिर से शुरू करने तथा  सीमा पर सापेक्ष शांति बहाल करने के लिये मिन्स्क समझौते के अनुसार अपनी प्रतिबद्धताओं को पूरा करने हेतु प्रेरित करना चाहिये।

स्रोत: इंडियन एक्सप्रेस


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    Asianet News Hindi | Published : Feb 25 2022, 03:12 PM IST / Updated: Mar 01 2022, 06:16 PM IST. ... Russia Ukraine war: यूक्रेन की सेना ने रूसी लड़ाकू हेलिकॉप्टर को मार गिराया, राष्ट्रपति ने दुनिया से ...

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  17. Russia Ukraine War LIVE: कीव में अमेरिकी रक्षा और विदेश से मिले

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  20. Russia-Ukraine Conflict

    The conflict is now the largest attack by one state on another in Europe since the Second World War, and the first since the Balkan conflict in the 1990s. With the invasion of Ukraine, agreements like the Minsk Protocols of 2014, and the Russia-NATO Act of 1997 stand all but voided. The G7 nations strongly condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

  21. Russia

    Latest Developments in Russia - Ukraine Conflict. On Feb 24, 2022, Russia launched a full-fledged invasion of Ukraine. Know more about this in the link given. This page gives a background of the issue with an analysis of the developments before the invasion. The tensions on Ukraine's border with Russia are at their highest in years.

  22. रूस-यूक्रेन वॉर को समाप्त करने को लेकर राष्ट्रपति जेलेंस्की ने तैयार

    India.Com पर विस्तार से पढ़ें World Hindi की और अन्य ताजा-तरीन खबरें Topics russia ukraine war

  23. Russia-Ukraine war: How India can help Ukraine keep 70 million people

    Ukraine has been the bread basket of the world, but the Russia-Ukraine war since February 2022 has posed massive hurdles for it to produce and ship grains. This has left millions in Africa and West Asia at the risk of starvation. This is how India could help Kyiv feed millions across the world through its 'Grain from Ukraine' programme.

  24. PDF Russian War Against Ukraine Lessons Learned Curriculum Guide

    other lessons which examine critical aspects of Russia's war against Ukraine in greater detail (e.g., Ukrainian National Resilience, Cybersecurity, etc.). The lesson can also be a) delivered alone, b) as part of an historical survey of the changing character of war, or c) included in an appropriate course as a case study. This lesson

  25. Transcript of Special Briefing by External Affairs Minister on Prime

    My name is Ashok from ANI. I have a question that Prime Minister Modi's visit to Ukraine has sent us positive sign to the world, including India. Will this be the favorable time for the Indian students to return Ukraine for their study? Dr. S. Jaishankar, External Affairs Minister: Umashankar aapka sawal jo tha, I'll do it in both Hindi and ...

  26. Ukraine somberly marks 33 years of independence as war with Russia

    KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukraine somberly marked its 33rd Independence Day on Saturday, setting the usual fireworks, parades and concerts aside to commemorate thousands of civilians and soldiers killed in the ongoing war with Russia.. Social media was flooded with messages of gratitude and support as Ukrainians greeted each other from around the country and thanked soldiers who are on the front ...

  27. Russia strikes a hotel housing journalists, while 5 people die in ...

    KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Five people died in Ukrainian shelling in Russia's border region of Belgorod, officials said Sunday, while Russian forces struck a hotel in eastern Ukraine, leaving one ...

  28. Watch

    - With the War progressing for two and half years now- and Russia continuing to occupy Ukrainian territory- Ukraine has opened a new front in the Russian oblast of Kursk- it is clear that the best ...

  29. :: Drishti IAS Coaching in Delhi, Online IAS Test Series & Study Material

    चर्चा में क्यों? हाल ही में अमेरिकी खुफिया रिपोर्टों में कहा गया है कि रूस-यूक्रेन सीमा पर तनाव इस क्षेत्र में एक बड़ा सुरक्षा संकट पैदा कर सकता है।

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