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Harvard Natural Sciences Lecture Demonstrations

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Electron diffraction, what it shows:.

Louis de Broglie predicted that matter under certain circumstances would exhibit wave-like properties. A proof of this is the repeat of X-ray diffraction experiments using electrons, whose de Broglie wavelengths at high accelerating potentials are similar to X-ray wavelengths. Here we accelerate electrons into crystal targets and get diffraction patterns identical to those from X-ray diffraction.


How it works:

The apparatus is a Welch Scientific 2639 Electron Diffraction Tube mounted within its 2639A container and power supply. What we have then is a controllable electron gun with built in crystal targets. The samples provided are two dimensional hexagonal pyrolytic graphite which gives a monocrystal dot diffraction pattern; polycrystalline aluminum that gives a ring pattern and polycrystalline hexagonal pyrolytic graphite which gives an intermediate (beaded ring) diffraction pattern. By setting the anode voltage between 5kV and 10kV the electron beam can be steered onto a crystal sample by horizontal and vertical controls (details in Setting it Up ). Knowing the distance from the crystal target to the screen (18.16cm) an investigation into the crystal structure can be carried out using Bragg's law (examples of analyses are given in the tube handbook).

Setting it up:

Allow the tube to warm up for about five minutes with the anode voltage at around 5kV. Turn up the voltage to 7kV and scan the screen for crystals using the horizontal and vertical controls, but remember that anode voltage also affects deflection so is a third variable. Fine tune the beam with one control at a time. Fiddle with intensity and focus controls after you have located a crystal. To display, use a camera with zoom to fill a TV screen with the pattern. To cut glare on the front window from overhead lighting, use a sheet of 50cm × 75cm card as a visor. The camera also has to be protected from the central bright spot of the diffraction pattern; this can be done by sticking a (1cm diameter circular) piece of black tape over the spot when everything is aligned. Turn down the intensity until the demo is to be used.

If you are just going for one crystal, choose the polycrystalline graphite, although all are beautiful. Our electron diffraction tube is mounted on a Tektronix scope cart which is a perfect size. It is worth warning people unfamiliar with this setup that in-the-field crystal hunting is a tricky affair! A good companion demonstration would be the optical X-ray diffraction analog.


H. F. Meiners: Instructions for Catalog No.2639 (Welch Scientific Company 1963) L. de Broglie: Phil Mag 47 , 446 (1924) C. J. Davisson and L. H. Germer: Phys. Rev. 30 , 705 (1927) W. L. Bragg: Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 17 , 43 (1913) G. P. Thompson: Proc. Roy. Soc. 117 , 600 (1928), 119 , 652 (1928)

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Newtonian Mechanics Fluid Mechanics Oscillations and Waves Electricity and Magnetism Light and Optics Quantum Physics and Relativity Thermal Physics Condensed Matter Astronomy and Astrophysics Geophysics Chemical Behavior of Matter Mathematical Topics

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electron diffraction

electron diffraction

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  • Boston University - Physics - Electron Diffraction

electron diffraction

electron diffraction , interference effects owing to the wavelike nature of a beam of electrons when passing near matter. According to the proposal (1924) of the French physicist Louis de Broglie , electrons and other particles have wavelengths that are inversely proportional to their momentum. Consequently, high-speed electrons have short wavelengths, a range of which are comparable to the spacings between atomic layers in crystals. A beam of such high-speed electrons should undergo diffraction, a characteristic wave effect, when directed through thin sheets of material or when reflected from the faces of crystals. Electron diffraction, in fact, was observed (1927) by C.J. Davisson and L.H. Germer in New York and by G.P. Thomson in Aberdeen, Scot. The wavelike nature of electron beams was thereby experimentally established, thus supporting an underlying principle of quantum mechanics .

As an analytic method, electron diffraction is used to identify a substance chemically or to locate the position of atoms in a substance. This information can be read from the patterns that are formed when various portions of the diffracted electron beam cross each other and by interference make a regular arrangement of impact positions, some where many electrons reach and some where few or no electrons reach. Some advanced analytical techniques, such as LEEDX ( low-energy electron diffraction ), depend on these diffraction patterns to examine solids, liquids, and gases.

Electron Diffraction ( OCR A Level Physics )

Revision note.

Katie M

Electron Diffraction

  • Electron diffraction tubes can be used to investigate the wave properties of electrons
  • The electrons are accelerated in an electron gun to a high potential, such as 5000 V, and are then directed through a thin film of graphite
  • The electrons diffract from the gaps between carbon atoms and produce a circular pattern on a fluorescent screen made from phosphor

Investigating Electron Diffraction, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

Experimental setup to demonstrate electron diffraction

  • Increasing the voltage between the anode and the cathode causes the energy, and hence speed, of the electrons to increase
  • The kinetic energy of the electrons is proportional to the voltage across the anode-cathode:
  • Therefore, electron diffraction provides evidence for the wave-like behaviour of particles

Diffraction of Electrons through Graphite

  • Louis de Broglie discovered that matter, such as electrons, can behave as a wave
  • He showed a diffraction pattern is produced when a beam of electrons is directed at a thin graphite film
  • Diffraction is a property of waves, and cannot be explained by describing electrons as particles

Electron Diffraction Experiment, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

Electrons accelerated through a high potential difference demonstrate wave-particle duality 

  • In order to observe the diffraction of electrons, they must be focused through a gap similar to their size, such as an atomic lattice
  • The gaps between neighbouring planes of the atoms in the crystals act as slits, allowing the electron waves to spread out and create a diffraction pattern
  • This phenomenon is similar to the diffraction pattern produced when light passes through a diffraction grating
  • If the electrons acted as particles, a pattern would not be observed, instead, the particles would be distributed uniformly across the screen
  • It is observed that a larger accelerating voltage reduces the diameter of a given ring, while a lower accelerating voltage increases the diameter of the rings

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Author: Katie M

Katie has always been passionate about the sciences, and completed a degree in Astrophysics at Sheffield University. She decided that she wanted to inspire other young people, so moved to Bristol to complete a PGCE in Secondary Science. She particularly loves creating fun and absorbing materials to help students achieve their exam potential.

Elastic plate basis for the deformation and electron diffraction of twisted bilayer graphene on a substrate

  • Choi, Moon-ki
  • Sung, Suk Hyun
  • Hovden, Robert
  • Tadmor, Ellad B.

A basis is derived from elastic plate theory that quantifies equilibrium and dynamic deformation and electron diffraction patterns of twisted bilayer graphene (TBG). The basis is derived by solving in-plane and out-of-plane normal modes of an unforced parallelogram elastic plate. We show that a combination of only a few basis terms successfully captures the relaxed TBG structure with and without an underlying substrate computed using atomistic simulations. The results are validated by comparison with electron diffraction experiments. A code for extracting the elastic plate basis coefficients from an experimental electron diffraction image accompanies this paper. TBG dynamics is also studied by computing the phonon band structure from atomistic simulations. Low-energy phonons at the Γ point are examined in terms of the mode shape and frequency. These modes are captured by simple elastic plate models with uniformly distributed springs for interlayer and substrate interactions.

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diffraction experiments electron

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About this course.

Please mark this event on your calendar. More information to come.

Registration coming soon.

Synchrotron Catalysis Consortium (SCC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory offers a three-day training course to those interested in learning about advanced experiments and data analysis methods in catalysis and electrocatalysis research. This year, the course will be offered on site November 6–8, 2024.

This short course will be useful for those scientists interested in learning the foundations of in-situ and operando experimentation with heterogeneous catalysts. The emphasis will be on the methodologies for combining characterization techniques (such as infrared and X-ray absorption spectroscopies, electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction) under in-situ and operando conditions. The lectures, taught by the PIs of the SCC, their partners from NSLS-II beamlines and their colleagues from other synchrotrons (such as SLS in Switzerland and ESRF in France), will focus on specific research problems solved by different combined methods.

The course will include training in structural analysis of catalysts by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. During the last day of the workshop, as has been our tradition since the inception of Brookhaven XAFS short courses, the instructors will divide participants in groups for in-depth problem solving, data analysis and modeling, to best match participants and their research interests. There will be Q&A sessions about the material taught on the first and second days of the course.

Course participants will be limited and selected based on their application materials.

  • Wednesday, November 6 and Thursday, November 7  will be devoted to lectures and demonstrations of the data analysis methods.
  • Friday, November 8  will be devoted to the practical session, in which participants will practice problem solving methods discussed in the previous days, with emphasis on XANES and EXAFS analysis and modeling. Registered participants will have an option to analyze their own data, in addition to the projects chosen for training purpose.

Course Enrollment Application

To be eligible to participate, all applicants must submit their application online by August 31, 2024 . Applicants will receive notification of acceptance by September 4, 2024. Please contact the Course Coordinator if you have questions.

Course Instructors

  • Jingguang G. Chen (Columbia/BNL)
  • Anatoly Frenkel (SBU/BNL)
  • Kirill Lomachenko (ESRF)
  • Nebojsa Marinkovic (Columbia)
  • Lisa Miller (NSLS-II/BNL)
  • Maarten Nachtegaal (SLS/Paul Scherrer Institute)
  • Jose Rodriguez (BNL)
  • Shuting Xiang (SBU)
  • Zhenhua Xie (Columbia)
  • Judith Yang (CFN/BNL)
  • Kaifeng Zheng (SBU)

Course Sponsors

  • Synchrotron Catalysis Consortium (BNL)

This event does not have a hotel room block. Participants should make their hotel reservation. When booking your reservation, you may need to guarantee your room with a credit card.

Remember to ask about their cancellation policy and if they offer shuttle service. Details

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Important Dates

August 8, 2024 Course enrollment opens
August 31, 2024 Course enrollment closes -->
September 4, 2024 Notification of enrollment acceptance (by e-mail)
September 5, 2024 Registration (for accepted participants and auditors) opens
October 7, 2024 Registration deadline for all accepted participants and auditors including registration deadline for all participants who do not have an active appointment with Brookhaven Lab. You will be directed to the appropriate form once you have completed the event registration.
October 10, 2024 Registration (for accepted participants and auditors) closes at 6:00 pm

Course Information

Dates: November 6–8, 2024 Course Time: 8:00 am–6:00 pm EDT Course Time: EDT Poster Time: . " " .$TimeZone; --> Event ID: E000006244

Course Venue Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, NY 11973 USA

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Note: This event falls under Exemption D (Formal classroom training held at Federal facilities, which does not exhibit indicia of a formal conference as outlined in the Conference/Event Exemption Request Form.) Participation is contingent on application acceptance.

Brookhaven National Laboratory conducts research in the physical, biomedical, and environmental sciences, as well as in energy technologies and national security. Brookhaven Lab also builds and operates major scientific facilities available to university, industry and government researchers. Brookhaven is operated and managed for the U.S Department of Energy's Office of Science by Brookhaven Science Associates.

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  1. 1

    diffraction experiments electron

  2. 8. Electron Diffraction

    diffraction experiments electron

  3. Simultaneous observation of nuclear and electronic dynamics by

    diffraction experiments electron

  4. 8. Electron Diffraction

    diffraction experiments electron

  5. Electron Diffraction Experiment

    diffraction experiments electron

  6. Experimental layout of electron diffraction experiments. (a) Nanobeam

    diffraction experiments electron


  1. 8. Electron Diffraction

    8. Electron Diffraction ¶. 8.1. Background ¶. In 1923, in his doctoral dissertation, Louis de Broglie proposed that all forms of matter have wave as well as particle properties, just like light. The wavelength, λ, of a particle, such as an electron, is related to its momentum, p, by the same relationship as for a photon: (8.1) ¶ λ = h / p.

  2. Electron diffraction

    Electron diffraction is a generic term for phenomena associated with changes in the direction of electron beams due to elastic interactions with atoms. [a] ... Experiments involving electron beams occurred long before the discovery of the electron; ēlektron (ἤλεκτρον) is the Greek word for amber, ...

  3. PDF Electron Diffraction

    Electron Diffraction Experiment Diagram. CONNECTIONS Make sure all power is off (all equipment) before making any connections. Connect the electron diffraction tube to the power supply as shown. 20 Electron Diffraction er. Connect the multimeter (ammeter) between the anode and the positive side of the high

  4. Electron Diffraction

    What it shows: Louis de Broglie predicted that matter under certain circumstances would exhibit wave-like properties. A proof of this is the repeat of X-ray diffraction experiments using electrons, whose de Broglie wavelengths at high accelerating potentials are similar to X-ray wavelengths. Here we accelerate electrons into crystal targets and get diffraction patterns identical to those from ...

  5. PDF Electron Diffraction and Crystal Structure

    This experiment will be done with a graphite (carbon) crystal that has a hexagonal structure. For a simple hexagonal crystal such as graphite, the lattice is as shown below. The (100) and (110) planes, which respectively give rise to the inner and outer rings in the electron diffraction tube, are shown at right; the ratio of the d-spacings d 100/d


    INTRODUCTION. The first electron diffraction experiment, performed by Davisson and Germer in 1927, provided the first direct confirmation of de Broglies wave theory of matter. Since then, electron diffraction has become an important tool for the study of both crystal structure and molecular structure, as have x-ray diffraction and neutron ...

  7. Davisson-Germer: Electron Diffraction

    We recommend using the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge. Simulate the original experiment that proved that electrons can behave as waves. Watch electrons diffract off a crystal of atoms, interfering with themselves to create peaks and troughs of probability.

  8. Electron diffraction

    electron diffraction, interference effects owing to the wavelike nature of a beam of electrons when passing near matter. According to the proposal (1924) of the French physicist Louis de Broglie, electrons and other particles have wavelengths that are inversely proportional to their momentum.Consequently, high-speed electrons have short wavelengths, a range of which are comparable to the ...

  9. PDF Electron Diffraction

    h h. = = √ .p 2mE(1)In this equation, h is Planck's constant and E = p2/(2m) is the kinetic energy of the particle in the no. -relativistic regime. The wave aspect of particles was demonstrated first by an experiment on electron diffraction performed by C. H. Davi.

  10. PDF Demonstration of Electron Diffraction

    who had discovered the electron as a particle some years earlier). George Thomson was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1937 for his discovery of electron diffraction. You are going to carry out an experiment similar to the one performed by Thomson. The experiment will investigate how electrons, when accelerated across a potential

  11. PDF Electron Diffraction with Crystals

    Electron Diffraction with Crystals. Bragg and Thompson. Bragg was using X-rays, and looking at the interference between crystal planes at different depths. Thompson was using high energy electrons and a polycrystalline foil was also seeing contributions from many crystal planes (with many orientations). cf. E&R pg 59. Davisson-Germer Experiment.

  12. 4.11.4 Electron Diffraction

    Experimental setup to demonstrate electron diffraction. Increasing the voltage between the anode and the cathode causes the energy, and hence speed, of the electrons to increase. The kinetic energy of the electrons is proportional to the voltage across the anode-cathode: Ek = ½ mv2 = eV. Electrons are normally referred to as particles, however ...

  13. PDF EXPERIMENT 19 Electron Diffraction

    EXPERIMENT 19 Electron Diffraction The purpose of this experiment is to show that electrons can be diffracted by a crystal and hence exhibit wave behavior. Theory In l924, de Broglie proposed that particles could exhibit wave behavior in the same fashion that light was described as having both particle and wave behavior. He

  14. PDF Crystal Structure and Electron Diffraction

    Crystal Structure and Electron Diffraction. 1. INTRODUCTION The Electron Diffraction (discovered by Davisson and Germer in 1927) is one of the most famous experiments in the history of Physics. It demonstrated the wave-particle duality, showing that fast electrons hitting a smooth nickel sample yielded a strong diffraction peak.


    In this experiment it is possible to make interference (a wave property) in the electron beam visible. Quantitative evaluation of the diffraction pattern (caused by interference) yields experimental confirmation of the de Broglie relationship, demonstrating the wave nature of matter (electrons in this case). Apparatus 1. Electron diffraction ...

  16. Electron diffraction experiment

    Figure 1: Schematic of electron diffraction experiment performed in lecture. In the spirit of observing and characterizing the behavior of elementary particles without prejudice, we performed an experiment in lecture on electrons where we observed their trajectories in vacuum after being sent through a series of slits formed by atoms of aluminum.

  17. How to demonstrate electron diffraction in the classroom

    This demonstration shows that an electron beam is diffracted when it passes through graphite, showing electron wave behaviour and diffraction patterns.Regist...


    ELECTRON DIFFRACTION ELECTRON DIFFRACTION REFERENCE Instruction Manual : Electron Diffraction Tube - Welch Scientific Co. Cat. No. 2639 - (available at the Resource Centre). INTRODUCTION This experiment is a demonstration of the wave nature of the electron, and provides a confirmation of the de Broglie relationship: (1) h p

  19. 2. Electron Diffraction Experiment

    2. Electron Diffraction Experiment. In this part of the lab you will demonstrate that electrons diffract from an ordered crystal as if they were waves. You will also verify deBroglie's relations for the energy dependence of the electron's wavelength and measure the spacing between carbon atoms in graphite. 2.1 Theory & Apparatus.

  20. Low-energy electron diffraction

    An electron-diffraction experiment similar to modern LEED was the first to observe the wavelike properties of electrons, but LEED was established as an ubiquitous tool in surface science only with the advances in vacuum generation and electron detection techniques. ...

  21. Multiple origins of extra electron diffractions in fcc metals

    Thermal scattering (19, 20) was, in fact, one of the earliest interpretations of diffuse intensities in concentrated fcc alloys (), though the explanation does not seem concretely established.As detailed in Materials and Methods, diffraction simulations can approximate thermal excitations by displacing atoms from their ideal positions according to experimentally informed normal distributions.

  22. Elastic plate basis for the deformation and electron diffraction of

    The results are validated by comparison with electron diffraction experiments. A code for extracting the elastic plate basis coefficients from an experimental electron diffraction image accompanies this paper. TBG dynamics is also studied by computing the phonon band structure from atomistic simulations. Low-energy phonons at the Γ point are ...

  23. Synchrotron Catalysis Consortium at BNL: In-Situ and Operando

    Operando Experiments and Data Analysis. Hosted by Brookhaven National Laboratory November 6-8, 2024. Home; Enrollment Application. Apply for this Course; ... (such as infrared and X-ray absorption spectroscopies, electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction) under in-situ and operando conditions. The lectures, taught by the PIs of the SCC, their ...

  24. CERN's breakthrough experiment captures high-energy neutrinos ...

    Until now, neutrino interaction cross sections had not been measured at energies over 300 gigaelectronvolts (GeV) for electron neutrinos and between 400 GeV and six teraelectronvolts (6000 GeV ...

  25. Research Associate for Electron Microscopy Study of Quantum Materials

    Planned experiments with quantitative data analyses include, but not limited to, low temperature atomic imaging, high energy-resolution energy-loss spectroscopy, nanoprobe 4D scanning diffraction, in-situ electromagnetic biasing, and ultrafast electron microscopy. The work will be conducted under the direction of Dr. Yimei Zhu.