waec government essay 2022


waec government essay 2022








(1)(i) Failure of the past government: Due to the failure of the past government in fulfilling fair promises (ii) Fear of intimidation: This may discourage the individuals the opportunity of expressing his opinions freely and this may affect his trust in the government  (iii) Aparthy/Lack of interest: This may create distrust or barrier between individuals and government (iv) Poverty: This may discourage citizens to trust government due to high level of Poverty in the country (v) Ignorance/illiteracy: The efforts of this is that citizens may not see the need to participate in politics due to their lack of knowledge on the government activities


(2)(i) Independence of the electoral body: The electoral body should be made autonomous rather than appendages of the executive arm government. Government should not interfere with the conduct of election. (ii) Secret balloting: Voting should be done sectretly, so as to give the voters the freedom to vote for canditate of their choice. (iii) Political education of the electorates: The electorates should be educated on their rights and how to identify party symbols and the proper manner of voting. (iv) Non-inference: There should be no political interference in the affairs of the commission (v) Appointment: The officials of the commission should not be appointed by the executive government. It should be done by the independent body whic is the commission. (vi) Integrity: Those to be appointed into the commission must be people of proven integrity and transparent honesty. (vii) Legal backing: The commission should be adequately backed up with the laws to enable it command respect and obedience from political parties and candidates.

2022 WAEC Government Essay & OBJ Answers [22nd June]


(i) Settlement of disputes: The traditional rulers performed some judicial functions by settling dispute among the people in their community (ii) Creation of law enforcement: They also created law enforcement institutions like e.g age grades and masquerade to enable them maintain law and order in the community. (iii) The use of ancestral spirits: The ancestral spirits were used by the traditional rulers to control their subjects which they believe guides their footsteps. (iv) The  use of sanction and punishments: These measures were applied against law breakers in the community, e.g banishment. (v) The introduction of rewards: people who had contributed to the development of their areas were rewarded with titles or distribution of land and war booty. (vi) Appointment of Chiefs: Chiefs were appointed by traditional rulers in order to use them to control their subjects(vii) Conscription of youths: The traditional rulers conscripted youths to perform forced labour and serve in the British army during the world wars.

(6)(i) Settlement of disputes:The pre-colonial traditional rulers settled disputes. Disputes are normal in every society and pre-colonial societies in West Africa were no exception. Any dispute that arose was settled by the chiefs. Culprits were punished and the innocent were set free. This was one of the ways chiefs controlled their subjects. (ii) Law enforcement: There were law enforcement institutions in place to ensure law enforcement. Some of the enforcement institutions were the Age grades, masquerades, and militant groups like the Asafo companies among the Akans. These enforcement institutions were used in controlling the subjects(iii) Use of ancestral spirits:The traditional belief that when the living misbehaved, the dead who lived in the after world could punish them, was another ingenious way of controlling the people. This belief in the underworld was common in pre-colonial times and nobody wanted to be on the wrong side of the gods hence they obeyed the laws thus helping the chiefs maintain control. (iv) Customs or taboos and conventions:There were things that the traditional society frowned upon and the society never compromised on them. These were aspects of their customs, taboos, and conventions. Any infraction of the customs, taboos or conventions attracted a certain form of fine or sanctions. This way, the chiefs were able to control their subjects. (v) Oath taking:In pre-colonial times, one of the ways of ascertaining the truth was the taking of an oath, to tell the truth. There were serious repercussions for anybody who took the oath and still went ahead to tell a lie. The oath was usually taken before the gods of the land represented by the Chief Priests. Sub-chiefs were also made to swear oaths to remain loyal to the Paramount Chief. All these helped to keep them in line.

2022 WAEC Government Essay & OBJ Answers [22nd June]

(9a)E-Government is defined as the employment of the internet and the world wide web for delivering government information and services to the citizen. E-government describes the use of technology to facilitate the operation of government and the dispersement of information and services.

(9b)(PICK ANY FIVE)(i) Ultimate goal: The ultimate goal of the E government is to be able to offer an increased portfolio of public services to citizens in an efficient and cost effective manner. E-government allows for government transparency. This is important because it allows the public to be informed about what the government is working on as well as the policies they are trying to implement. (ii) Efficient performance: Many changes such as marital status or addresses can be a long process and take a lot of paper work for citizens. E-government allows these tasks to be performed efficiently with more convenience to individuals.

(iii) Political participation: E-government is an easy way for the public to be more involved in political campaigns. It could increase voter awareness which could lead to an increase in citizen participation in elections. (iv) Convenient and cost effective: It is convenient and cost-effective for businesses and the public benefits by getting easy access to the most current information available without having to spend time, energy and money to get it. (v) Accessibility: E-government helps to simplify processes and makes access to government information more easily accessible for public sector agencies and citizen (vi) Accountability: E Government transparency will give insight to the public on how decisions are made and hold  elected officials or accountable for their actions. The public public servants could become a direct and prominent influence in government legislation to some degree. (vii) Interaction with computers: E government allows the citizen to interact with computers to achieve objectives at any time and any location and eliminates the necessity for physical travel to government agents sitting behind desks and windows. (viii) Quicker processing time: Improved accounting and record keeping can be noted through computerization and information and forms can be easily accessed, equating quicker processing time.

waec government essay 2022

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WASSCE / WAEC Government Past Questions

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The West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) is a type of standardized test taken in West Africa, mostly by students who wish to proceed to the higher institution. It is administered by the West African Examination Council (WAEC).

It is only offered to candidates residing in Anglophone West African countries namely: Ghana, Gambia, Nigeria, Liberia and Sierra Leone and is written 2 times a year ( May/June and Nov/Dec) .

The WASSCE tests candidates according to the topics on the  WAEC syllabus .

The contents in each WASSCE Government question paper (for a specific year) is usually similar from one country to another. Questions on the WASSCE Government theory section may be specified to be answered by candidates from a particular country and this happens mostly in the theory section.

A WASSCE question paper on a particular subject may be entirely cancelled and changed in a region when the West African Examination Council (WAEC) heading that region suspects a leakage of examination papers before the start of the exam.

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Exposure: Regular practice exposes you to your weaknesses and gives you a chance to better yourself before the exam.

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These and many more are some of the beautiful benefits of practising WASSCE Government past questions.

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WAEC WASSCE 2021 Government Questions and Answers

waec government questions and answers

See below the WAEC WASSCE 2021 Government questions and answers for Nov/Dec WASSCE candidates. These are all the objective questions in the WASSCE 2021 Government past question paper.

Answer all questions

Each question is followed four options lettered A to D. Find the correct option for each question. Shade in pencil on your answer sheet the space which bears the same letter as the option you have chosen. Give only one answer to each question. An example is  given below .

A. George Goldie

D. Margery Perham

 Now answer the following questions

WASSCE 2021 Government Questions 1 – 10

B. Training in good citizenship.

2. Government is the machinery established to manage the affairs of

C. The civil service

A. The constitution can only be changed by a military government

D. Decisions are made independently of external interference

B. Independently in the interest of the political system

5. One way by which the legislature checks the executive is by 

 C. Withholding the salaries of ministers

A. Gives too much power to all organs of government

D. Is practiced only in large countries

8. The act of influencing voters through material gifts is known as

A. Military coups

B. The system is simple to operate and acceptable to all parties.

WASSCE 2021 Government Questions 11 – 20

11. An alien who has lived in a country for twenty years may acquire citizenship by

 C. Registration

A. Election campaign

D. Consultative establishment

B. concentration of power

14. The process of distribution of powers among authorities distinct from central government is

C. Legitimacy

A. Social democracy

D. Unitary system

waec government essay 2022

Choose the most suitable answer to each question on Leopold Senghor's poem 'Black Woman'. Good Luck!

1. Which one of the following best describes Leopold Senghor's poem, 'Black Woman'?

4. Leopold Senghor's poem, 'Black Woman' falls under the Negritude tradition because it

7. The idealization of the African identity is a major ... in 'Black Woman'.

10. What is the significance of the imagery in the line 'Clothed with your colour which is life' ?

13. Which of the following lines from 'Black Woman' demonstrates the use of personification?

16. What literary device is used in the line 'Carved tom tom, taut tom tom, muttering' ?

19. How does Senghor portray the African woman in the poem?

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16. The development of nationalist activities was more rapid in British West Africa than in French West Africa because the

C. British  were no longer interested in governing its territories

A. Promote the well-being of members

D. Run the government of the state

19. The immediate action often taken by the military regimes when they overthrow a civilian government is the

C. Empowerment of the trade union

20. Military governments usually lack  political

WASSCE 2021 Government Questions 21 – 30

B. All colonial territories should be members of the world body

C. Its leaders to confront policies of the African Union

B. Residual legislative list

D. Concurrent legislative list

 B. Racial matters

27. An electoral college is a

A. Ensure that the house is properly dissolved

C. who is religious and morally upright is declared winner

WASSCE 2021 Government Questions 31 – 40

32. The prime mandate of the ECOWAS monitoring group (ECOMOG) is

C. Referendum

B. Rule of law

A. Abuse of human rights

C. Promotion of the  interest of all

D. Public interest bill

A. Language barrier

38. One of the challenges of the Africa Union since its establishment has been its inability to

40. The functions of the Colonial Governor in British West Africa included the following except

WASSCE 2021 Government Questions 41 – 50

A. To deepen democracy and the rule of law in Africa

A. Political illiteracy

44. In order to ensure financial prudence, adherence to laid down rules and regulations, and efficiency in the operation of Public Corporation, there must be

A. Political party control

D. Reinstated traditional rulers as ceremonial Heads of State

46. What term is given to the activity or skill of managing international relations by a country’s representative abroad?

A. They are well-defined

48. Political parties educate voters through

B. Party manifesto and programmes

49. In a public corporation, policy-making is vested in the

50. The common thread that knits the Commonwealth countries together is

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The standard of the paper were at par with those of the previous years.  All the questions were within the scope of the Syllabus and they covered all significant areas of the subject syllabus. The rubrics were clearly stated and the Marking Scheme was generous and comprehensive enough with adequate answers to meet the demands of the questions and the marks were well distributed.. There was a significant increase in the candidates’ performances this year when compared with those of the previous years.

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OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS 1. Which political system allows only one ideology for the state? A. Socialism B. Aristocracy C. Communalism D. Capitalism

2. In a representative government, citizens exercise their political power A. directly. B, indirectly. C. in reverence or the political system. D. under undue political pressure.

3. The essence of the concept of devolution is to cater for the interest of the A. ruling government. B. majority. C. minority. D. rule of law.

4. A country’s constitution may be derived from which one of the following sources? A. Educated elites B. Civil society organizations C. Civil disobedience D. Customs and conventions

5. One major problem associated with the cabinet system of government is the A. abuse of power. B. frequent change of government. C. large num- ber of ministers. D. supremacy of the executive.

6. Representative governments around the world pay attention to public opinion because of the following factors except A. protection of the government from media scrutiny. B indication of government in good standing with the people. C. provision of feedback on implementation of government policies. D. national security concerns.

7. The determination and execution of government policies is the core function of the A. Public Complain Commission B. Public Service Com- mission. C. Civil Service. D. Judicial Service.

8. Public corporation has a legal personality which means that A. no legal suit can be brought against it. B. it can sue and be sued. C. it has ultimate power to make its own laws. D. there is a legal department that represents it.

9. Local Government authorities may not receive cooperation from the local people due to the issue of A. top bottom approach to development. B. accessibility to internet facilities. C. lack of support for the ruling government. D. non availability of spiritual centres.

10. Delegated legislation can be controlled by A. report writing. B. press conferences. C. parliamentary question time. D. threat of secession.

11. A one party system imposed by law with all other parties proscribed is A. a socialist party system. B. a de jure one party system. C. a communist political system. D. an elitist party system.

12. Multi-party system is saddled with the problem of A. divisiveness. B limited choice. C. weak opposition. D. political consciousness.

13. One of the importance of voting in a democracy is that, it A. is less expensive. B. ensures development for all voters. C. commits citizens to the political system. D. ensures winner takes all policy.

14. An electoral system in which the electorate elects a small group of people who in turn elects political office holders is known as A. general election. B. second ballot system. C. electoral college. D. local election.

15. Most pressure groups especially in West Africa fail to achieve their goals as a result of A. good governance. B. charisma of the president. C. transparency of the legislature. D. corrupt leadership.

16. A pressure group which resorts to violence as a means of pressing home its demands is described as A. anomic. B. associational. C. labour agitation. D.attitudinal.

17. Press control is necessary particularly in the area of A. the economy. B. auditor general’s report. C. state security and secrets. D. foreign trade.

18. The media helps to enrich discourse on national issues through its A. marketing B. editorial comments. C sales and advertisement. D. correspondents.

19. Information dissemination and communication n a political environment had been made faster and easier with the advent of A. educated practitioners. B. press censorship. government spokesmen. D. social media.

20. The passing of laws by an arm of government to regulate society is the function of the A. judiciary. 3. executive. C. legislature. D police.

21. Militant nationalism in British West Africa after World War II sought to A. kill British nationals. B. overthrow colonialism. C. stop the export of raw materials. D. stop the denigration of the African culture.

22. Proto-nationalism was a movement limited to the demands for A. immediate end to colonialism. B. reforms of the political class and respect for African religion. C. western education. D. social amenities and political participation.

23. The youth movements across British West African territories served as a spring board for the formation of A. militant groups to fight and kill British officials. B. political parties to champion the course of self-rule. C. committees to represent the people. D. associations in pursuit of justice for the people

24. A country’s foreign policy is foremost driven by A. economy. B. location. C. natural resources. D. national interest.

25. The first inter-territorial political movement organized in the 1920s which sought to bring all the British West African territories fight the colonial establishment was the A. Aborigines Right Protection Society. B. West African Youth League C. National Congress of British West Africa. D. West African Students Union.

26. The African Union is unable to play its role on the global political scene very well due to the A. inadequate system of education bequeathed by the colonialist. B. low level of wages in the member countries. C. outbreak of pandemic on the African continent. D. divided loyalty among member states.

27. Which of the following options does the Commonwealth of Nations commit resources to? A. Use of a commo Currency B. Superiority of the British Crown C. British leadership on all matters of diplomacy D. Promotion of representative democracy

28. Which summit drew the road map for the implementation ot the African Union? A. Sirte Summit B. Lusaka Summit C. Lome Summit D. Lagos Summit

29. Once of the benefits which the West African states derive from the United Nations is A. equal opportunities of appointments to its highest office. B. permanent membership of the Security Council. C. greater access to all the organs of the United Nations. D. total eradication of poverty from the African continent.

30. The Atlantic Charter gave birth to the A. Commonwealth of Nations. 5. Allied powers. C. United Nations. D. North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

31. Which of the following factors do not influence a country’s foreign policy? A. Human resource B. Geographical location C. System of education and number of universities D. International laws and conventions

32. In which political system does the government control every aspect of a citizen’s life? A. Communism B. Dictatorship C. Totalitarianism D. Aristocracy.

33. The administrative head of the ministry is the A official of the ruling government. B. general manager. C. permanent secretary. D. chief coordinating officer.

34. The sovereignty of a state can be limited to a great extent by A. Rule of Law. B. Separation of Powers. C. International laws and conventions. D. Legislative Assembly.

35. A coalition government is a common feature of a A. two party system. B multi-party system. C. one party system D. non-party system.

36. The appointment of judges is based on the recommendation of the A. Civil Service Commission. B. Public Commission. C. Eminent persons in society. D. Judicial Service. unction ot political parties? A. Policy vice

37. Which of the following options is not a implementation B. political socialization C. Political education D. Aggression C. agitation of interest.

38. In an election, Secret ballot is described as the process where the voter A. is screened off to conceal the vote. B. cast the vote in a sealed box. C. is assisted to cast the vote. D. is scarched before casting the vote.

39. In which system of government does the legislature pass a vote of no confidence the government? A. Federal B.Cabinet C. De jure D. Monarchical

40. The concept of social justice implies that the state must ensure A. Sharing of political power with opponents. B security for multi-national businesses. C.cquality of citizens. D. fairness to foreign nationals.

41. The basic human rights of citizens in state are A. freedom of movement, free education and free health. B free social services, speech and religion. C. right to life, liberty and property. D. right to higher education, property and freedom of thought.

42. Aquasi-federal structure is so arranged in order for the A. centre to coordinate national level programmes. B. component units to breakaway at will. C. citizens to have dual allegiance and dual Citizenship. D. president to amend the Constitution at will

43. When a superior court declares an action of the executive ultra-vires, it means that A. the executive should leave power. B. a vote of no confidence had been passed on the government. C. the judiciary is more action powerful than the executive. D. the action is illegal and of no effect.

44. Which of the following options does not constitute the main objectives of the United Nations? A. The maintenance of international peace and security B. The promotion of the well-being of the peoples of the world C. International cooperation D. The use of force to comply with its provisions.

45. The Economic Community of West African States was established with the following aims except to A. use force to depose unconstitutional regimes. B. improve the living standards of its people. C. contribute to the progress and development of the African continent. D. foster relations among member states.

46. The process of international integration arising from the inter-change of world views, products, ideas and other aspects of culture is known as A. national interest. B. globalization. C. geopolitics. D. interest aggregation

47 One negative effect of colonialism on the people of West Africa over the years is the A. introduction of modern idea of governance. B. creation of large political units. C. change of the

socio-political systems of living D. development of political institutions.

48. The Council of Elders in the pre-colonial political institutions of West Africa best served on the Council as … A. warriors of the state. B. go-between the gods and the people. C. Custodians of the wealth of the state. D. representatives of the commoners.

49. Public corporations are struggling in the West African States as a result of A. heavy social and political cost. B. private-public partnership. C. public scrutiny and accountability. D. direct foreign investments.

50. The following options are today the biggest threat to the democracy of West African States except A. election disputes and related violence. B. military Intervention in politics. C. youth unemployment. D. non involvement of traditional rulers in politics.


1. Identify five reasons for which citizens lose trust in government.

2. In what five ways can the electoral management body ensure fair play in an electoral contest in Nigeria?

3. Highlight five negative impacts on a state should the judiciary fail to live up to its constitutional mandate.

4. Identify five differences between the state as an entity and government as an institution.

5. Explain five reasons for the decline in public trust of the media in your country.


Answer two questions only from this section.

6. Identify five ways in which traditional rulers controlled their subjects in pre-colonial Nigeria.

7. Outline five significant provisions of the 1989 Third Republican Constitution which deepened the democratic development of Nigeria.

8. Highlight five benefits which the adoption of federalism has brought to the political development of Nigeria.

(a) What is meant by E-Government b) Explain five benefits which Nigeria stands to gain in adopting E-Governance.

9. Highlight five compelling reasons for which Nigeria interacts with international organizations.


1. A: socialism Socialism as a political and eco nomic ideology advocates state ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange. In a socialist state, only one political party is allowed to exist, that is, a socialist state is always a one-party state. Examples are China, North Korea, Cuba etc.

2. B: indirectly A representative government is a form of government where the people are governed through elected representatives. In other Words, people exercise their political power and participate in the government indirectly through their representatives n government. All modern democracies are examples of a representative government.

3. C: minority Devolution involves the transfer of governmental powers, functions and responsibilities to lower levels of government. The essence of devolution is to ensure that every shade of interests is catered for, especially minority groups.

4. D: customs and conventions A constitution refers to the rules, regulations, principles and laws through which a state is governed. Sources of a country’s constitution include: Constitutional conferences, judicial precedent, legislative enactments, customs and convention etc.

5. B: frequent change of government In a cabinet or parliamentary system of government, there is high tendency of frequent change of government especially when the government is formed by a coalition of different political parties.

6. A: protection of the government from media scrutiny Public opinion refers to the aggregate views of the majority of the citizens on a specific policy or programme of the government. Public opinion provides direction for government policies, provides feedback on the implementation of programs, etc. It is not meant to shield the government form the scrutiny of the media.

7. C: The Civil Service is the agency of government responsible for the execution/implementation of the policies and programmes of the government.

8. B: A public corporation is established by an Act of Parliament to provide essential services to the people at a reduced cost. By virtue of law, a public corporation is a legal entity that can sue and be sued.

10. C: Delegated legislation refers to laws made by non-legislative bodies. Delegated legislation can be controlled through: parliamentary control, Judicial control, etc.

11. A: See question 1.

12. A: Multi-party system is where there are more than two political parties with nearly equal strength in a country. In a multi-party system, citizens are fragmented into different political parties thereby breeding division/divisiveness among thee people.

13. C: Voting at elections affords the people to take part in the political decision-making process of their state though indirectly.

14. C: An electoral college is used in indirect election.

15. D: Pressure groups are groups that seek to influence government policies in the interest of their members. One of the problems confronting pressure groups is the corrupt tendencies of their leaders.

16. A: An anomic pressure group lacks structure, leadership and organization and often resort its objectives.

17. C: Press control is necessary in order to prevent the leakage of some classified information that can affect the security of the state.

18. B: Editorial comments are written by newspapers on a specific subject matter that has to do with socio-political issues in the country.

19. D: The advent of social media has made the transmission ol messages and information faster especially through the various social media platform such as: YouTube, Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram, Twitter etc.

20. C: Law-makıng is the core function of the legislature.

After the Second World War (1939-1945) the focus of the nationalist struggles was to dislodge colonialism and gain political independence.

23. B: An example of such youth movement was the Lagos Youth Movement which metamorphosed into the Nigerian Youth Movement in 1936.

24. D: Foreign policy refers to the underlying factors that guide a country’s interaction with its external environment, that is, other countries and international organisations. A country’s foreign policy is largely influenced by the country’s national interest

25. C: National Congress of British West Africa, founded in 1920 by Cascley Hayford was the first of its kind to bring educated elite from British West Africa colonies of Gold Coast (Ghana), Nigeria, Sierra-Leone together to project a common front against the colonial government.

26. D: One of the problems confronting the African Union is the divided loyalty of member-states. Some states are still loyal to their former colonial masters.

27. D: One of the core objectives of the Commonwealth of Nations is the promotion of democracy and good governance among its members.

28. A: The Sirte Declaration on September 9, 1999 in Libya paved the way for the emergence ot the African Union.

29. C: Through the membership of the United Nations, West African countries have benefited tremendously from the programmes of the UN and its agencies, (such as WHO, UNESCO, FAO etc) in the areas of health-care, environment, education, finance etc.

30. C: The Atlantic Charter, signed in 1941 between President Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and others laid the foundation for the emergence of the United Nations in 1945.

31. C: Factors that can influence a country’s foreign policy include: Geographical location, population, availability of resources, military strength etc. The state of education or number of universities does not determine a country’s foreign policy.

32. C: In a totalitarian stale, every aspect of citizens’ life is controlled by the state.

33. C: A ministry is headed by the Permanent Secretary who serves as the administrative head of the ministry. The Commissioner at the state level or the Minister at the federal level serves as the political head of the ministry.

34. C: A state’s sovereignty can be limited by international laws, treaties and agreements.

35. B: A coalition government is a government formed by two or more political parties as a result of the inability of one party to command a majority sufficient enough to form the government. This is only possible in a parliamentary democracy with multi-party system.

36. D: The Judicial Service Commission is responsible for recommending judges for promotion.

37. A: A political party is a group that seeks to capture governmental powers through elections. Functions of political parties include: Political education and socialization, interest articulation and aggregation etc. The function of policy implementation is that of the civil Service.

38. A: The essence of a secret ballot is to protect the identity of the voter.

39. B: A vote of no confidence is used by the parliament to remove the prime-minister from office in a cabinet system of government.

40. C: Social justice implies that the state should ensure equity and equality for

all its citizens.

41. C: According to John Locke, the three basic rights of the citizens that the state must protect are: Right to life, right to liberty and right to property.

42. A: Quasi-federal structure combines the features of a federal system and unitary system.

43. D: The judiciary can check the legislature and executive arms of government by declaring their actions as unconstitutional, ultra vires or null and void.

44. D: The United Nations does not use force to enforce compliance.

45. A: ECOWAS was not setup to depose any government in the sub-region.

47. C: The advent of colonialism in West Africa, nay, Africa in general, has reconfigured the social, economic and political lives of the peoples of the continent.

The Council of Elders was com- posed of the eldest men in each of the families that constitute the community, hence it was the representative of the commoners.

One of the major problems militating against the survival, efficiency and effectiveness of public corporations in West African States is the high level of political interference in their operations which has resulted in heavy social and political cost thereby crippling the public corporations.

The non-involvement of traditional rulers in politics does not in any way pose a threat to democracy.


1. Five reasons for which citizens lose trust in government are: i. Widespread corruption in government ii. High level of unemployment ii. High cost of living/high rate of inflation iv. State of insecurity e.g. armed robberies, kidnappings, terrorist attacks, banditry v. Widespread poverty vi. Inability to provide social services/social amenities e.g. education, roads, health vii. Extravagance/opulence on the part of government officials vi. Arrogance of power by public officers ix. Disregard for constitutionalism/ Rule of Law x. Victimization of political opponents

2. Five ways the electoral management body can ensure fair play in an electoral contest in Nigeria are: i. It should be truly neutral in its operations ii. Stakeholders should be involved in all the electoral processes ii. It should compile credible and updated voters’ registration. iv. Adequate provision of election materials v. Adequate training of electoral officers and assigns vi. Provision of transparent ballot boxes Vii. Ensure adequate security at the polling stations Viii. Undertake regular and effective voter education IX. Open counting of ballots at polling booths/units/centres X. Avoidance of gerrymandering

3. Five negative impacts on a state the judiciary should fail to live up to its constitutional mandate are:

i. State of lawlessness and recklessness ii. Abuse of right and liberties of citizens iii. Loss of confidence in the judiciary/justice delivery system iv. Upsurge in corrupt practices V. Increase in crime rate vi. Erodes investor confidence in the state vii. The life and security of personnel of the judiciary is put at risk vii. Credibility of the judiciary suffers/it creates credibility crises for the judiciary

4 Five differences between government as an institution are :

5. Five reasons for the decline in the public trust of the media in your country are; i. Politicization of the media/Perceived partisanship of the media ii. Marginalization of the opposition parties and members ii. Unrepresentative of minority views/opinions iv. Affiliation of the media with the ruling government Employment of media personalities by the government vi. Inaccurate reportage of events and developments by the media vii. Upsurge in the reportage of fake news viii. High level of unprofessional conducts iX. Perceived corruption of media practitioners/media houses Encouraging actions that are threats to national security.

6. Five ways in which traditional rulers controlled their subjects in pre-colonial Nigeria are: i. Through their intermediary role as representatives of the gods ii. Powers to appoint and dismiss officials iii. Adjudication of laws/settlement of disputes. iv. Rewards/honour V. Enforcement of customs, traditions and conventions vi. Punish law breakers/deviants in society/Banishment of criminals Vii. Organize and supervise communal labour viii. Imposition of levies/taxes IX. Law making functions X. Formulation and implementation of policies

7. Five significant provisions of the 1989 Third Republican Constitution which deepened the democratic development of Nigeria are:

i.Provided for the establishment of traditional councils to promote the culture of the people ii. Reduced the age for elective positions with the aim of increase political participation ii. Recall of political office holders in the legislature to make them accountable, responsive and responsible to the people iv. Creation of federal executive bodies led to job creation and better service delivery Supremacy of the constitution to prevent dictatorship vi. Abuja was created as the seat of government to emphasize the federal character Vii. Centralization of constitutional functions and fiscal resources vii. Entrenchment of Fundamental Human Rights to provide adequate protection for the rights of the people ix.. Entrenchment of separation of powers X. Retention of the Supreme Court as the highest court of the land

8. Five benefits which the adoption of federalism has brought to the political development of Nigeria: Governance is well-defined and made easier as spelt out in the constitution ii. Local issues receive prompt attention from the local government iii. Issues of diversities and plurality are addressed by the Constitution iv. It has offered protection to the minority groups/interest Citizens feel a part of the political process and system/sense of belonging. vi. It ensures the protection of Nigeria against external attack vii. Agricultural issues are addressed viii. State governors have better under standing of their states, powers and functions ix. The system allows for effective checks and balances between the centre and components unit it has encouraged local initiative

Stay connected for more Good luck 👍

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Tag: West African Examinations Council : WAEC Nigeria

WAEC 2022/2023 Government Questions with Answers is here

WAEC 2022/2023 Government Questions with Answers is here

WAEC 2022/2023 Government Questions with Answers is here – In fact, the WAEC government answer 2022/2023 for essay objective questions can now be seen here. The West African Examination Council (WAEC) Government paper for SSCE will be written as scheduled

Table of Contents

According to the timetable, the 2022 WAEC government exam for Essay Paper 2 will commence by 2:00 pm and end by 4.00 pm while Govt Objective Paper 1 will commence immediately after and end by 4.00 pm and last for 1hr.

In this post, we will be posting out WAEC Government questions and answers for candidates that will participate in the examination from past questions.

PAPER 1 (Objective) Answer All the questions in this section. Write your answers in the answer sheet provided.

  • In parliamentary system, the term shadow cabinet is often used to refer to the __ A. hack-benchers in the house B. deputy prime ministers and assistant ministers C. rebellious members of the ruling party D. portfolio designates before the party in opposition.
  • Power differs from influence in that it is A. persuasive while influence is directive B. coercive while influence is harmful C. coercive while influence is persuasive D. arrogant while influence is corruptive
  • In the Igbo political system, authority was shared among A. Men and women with Ozo titles B. All age groups and warrant chiefs C. Elders of the community and ofo title holders D. Title holders and age groups
  • A popular principle of colonial administration in British West Africa was _ A. Association B. Indirect rule C. Assimilation D. Westernization
  • The crucial check on an autocratic Oba in Yoruba political system was _ A. Presenting to him a suicide symbol B. Avoiding the palace C. Sending him on exile D. Refusing to carry out his orders
  • According to Aristotle, a form of government in which the few rule for the benefit of all is __ A. Diarchy B. Aristocracy C. Autocracy D. Polyarchy
  • The standing committee of a legislature is one A. whose member stand while delibrating B. that has statutory responsibities C. that perform adhoc functions D. that has legislators as members.
  • Case-laws are made by the _ A. Judiciary B. President C. Executive D. Legislature

9.The two leaders that played prominent roles in the formation of ECOWAS were __ A. Acheampong and Jawara B. Gowon and Eyadema C. Kerkoru and Tubman D. Kounche and Senghor

  • The political party with the widest spread of membership in Nigeria during the second republic was the _ A. GNPP B. UPN C. NPP D. NPN
  • The Aro system in Igboland was __ A. a political organization B. a commercial organization~ C. a religious organization D. an imperial organization
  • Which of the following had a centralized administration in the per-colonial Nigeria? A. The Igbos B. The Tivs C. The Ibibios D. The Yoruba’s
  • Which of the following organ control the civil service? A. Parliaments and the court B. Trade unions and the court C. The police and parliaments D. Tribunals and interest group.
  • The expenditure of the public fund by executives in Nigeria is controlled by the __ A. Legislature B. Judiciary C. President D. Ministry of finance
  • Which of the following bodies is the most representative organ of the United Nations? A. The security council B. The trusteeship council C. The General Assembly D. The Economic and Social Council.
  • The pre-colonial Tiv society can be best described as __ A. Republican B. Aristocratic C. Feudalistic D. Monarchical.
  • The major function of the civil service is __ A. Keeping records of the activities of government B. Keeping records of the activities of government C. Promoting the interest of civil servants D. Advising government and implementing its policies.
  • Which of the following is a feature of democracy? A. Power vested in minority party B. Popular consolation C. Interdependence of stats D. States responsibility to society.

More Government Questions with Answers

  • When Nigeria achieved independence in 1960 the head of state as the __ A. Governor-General B. Prime Minister C. Queen of England D. President
  • The first restructuring of the Nigerian federation took place with the _ A. Military counter-coup of 1966 B. Creation of states in 1917 C. Abolition federalism in 1966 D. The creation of mid west region in 1963.
  • Acculturation in colonial administration was associated with the __ A. French policy of assimilation B. British policy of direct rule C. French policy of association D. British indirect rule system.
  • An example of promotional pressure groups is __ A. Supreme council of Islamic affairs B. Nigerian medical association C. Civil liberties organization D. Manufacturers association of Nigeria.
  • The breakdown of the Macpherson constitution was partly caused by the crisis within the____ A. NCNC B. AG C. NPC D. NNDP
  • Nigeria is the major shareholder in the _ A. OPEC fund for development B. World Bank C. International monetary fund D. Trade union.
  • The official report of processing in parliament is known as __ A. hansard B. diary of events C. gazette D. summary of pressing
  • The 1946 constitution was remarkable because it A. created a ministerial position in Nigeria B. introduce regional governments in Nigeria C. introduced for the first time elective principle D. brought about self-government for Nigeria.
  • The British government revoke the charter of the Royal Niger company and took over the administration of Nigeria in _ A. 1861 B. 1885 C. 1900 D. 1914
  • In Nigeria the local government service commission is set up by the A. Local government chairman B. Federal government C. Local government council D. State government.
  • The head of common wealth of nation is _ A. Chairman of the conference of the common wealth heads of government B. Queen of great Britain C. Prime minister of great Britain D. Secretary-general of the common wealth.
  • Southern Nigeria was divided into Eastern and Western provinces for administrative purpose in _ A. 1935 B. 1937 C. 1939 D. 1941
  • The OAU was founded on the principles of __ A. Settlement of international disputes by armed struggle B. Justifiable interference in the domestic affairs of member states C. Sovereign equality of member states D. Equal contribution by member states
  • A major feature which differentiated the 1963 and 1979 constitution was that in the former___ A. Ministers were appointed from the national assembly B. Ministers were appointed from outside the national assembly C. The prime minister was elected by the whole country D. The national assembly comprised the Senates and the national assembly.
  • The structure of the civil service is based on A. lateral organisation B. merit system C. patronage system D. hierachical organization
  • A common feature of a multi-party system is that government is formed by A. the major political party B. all the registered political parties C. a coalition of political parties D. the party with the highest votes.
  • To qualify for absorption into the administration cadre of the civil service in Nigeria, an applicant must be A. knowledgable in civil services rule B. a holder of a first university degree C. specifically trained in public administration D. a senior civil serv.ant
  • The final interpretation pf the provisions of a federal constitution is vested in the A. head of state B. council of state C. highest legislative body D. highest court of the land.
  • A major issue that distinguishes pressure groups from political parties is A. Membership drive B. The objective C. The voting pattern D. Idealogy.
  • Proportional representation is a system of allocating seats in the legislature based on A. gender participation in polities B. an area C. contribution to the national economy D. total votes in an election.
  • The application of the principle of separation of powers seems impracticable because powers is A. delegated B. centralized C. fused D. separated
  • When did Nigeria gain her Independence? A. 1st October, 1963 B. 31st October, 1690 C. 1st October, 2012 D. 1st October, 1960 E. 12th October, 1992
  • The central legislature of Nigeria became bicameral in A. 1960 B. 1951 C. 1959 D. 1963
  • Which of these constitutions recognized local government as a third tier of government in Nigeria? A. 1946 Constitution. B. 1960 Constitution. C. 1963 Constitution. D. 1979 Constitution.
  • A major feature of authoritarianism is that government is A. consensual B. personalized C. centralized D. decentralized.
  • The central point of capitalism, as expounded by Karl Marx, is that A. capitalist profit is the surplus value obtained from workers labour B. workers are inherently incapable of being owners of their labour C. capitalists shall always increase worker earning capacity through wages D. capitalists shall always readily consent to workers welfare demands.
  • A constitution that requires a plebiscite or a referendum to be amended is A. rigid B. unwritten C. flexible D. written
  • An important function of a constitution is that it A. provide a framework for the study of government B. facilities cross-fertilization of ideas of governance C. serves as the fountain head of authority for the exercise of power D. promotes citizen participation in government and administration.
  • When a bill passed by the legislature is vetoed by the executive, the action underscores the principle A. probity and accountability B. separation of powers C. collective responsibility D. checks and balances.
  • In the legislative process, a bill is pass A. motion accepted for debate B. motion rejected after debate C. proposal before the legislature D. law pass by the legislature.
  • One of the advantages of a bicameral over a unicameral legislature is that it A. is cheap to maintain B. promotes social equality C. takes less time for the bills to be passed D. prevents the passage of ill-considered bills.
  • The fundamental rights of citizens include rights to A. free education, employment and freedom of thought B. life, speech and association C. life, liberty and property D. association,property and social securit

Government Questions & Answers

PAPER 2 (Essay) Answer only Four questions in the section. Write your answers in the answer booklet provided.

  • Define Public Corporation. (a) A public corporation may be defined as a business organisation established, owned, managed and financed with tax payers money by government of a country with the main motive of making profit but to render essential services to members of the public. (b) i. Financial Control: The accounts of public corporations are audited from time to time by government Auditors and a copy of the Auditors’ report is submitted to the Minister which he presents to the parliament and this prevents financial mismanagement. ii. Judicial Control: As a legal entity which can sue and be sued, a public corporation can be dragged to court if it fails to act within the limits set by the law that established it and its action declared ultra vires. iii. Ministerial Control: Ministers that are answerable to the parliament are given extensive power over public corporations. These include powers to appoint and dismiss members of Board of Directors, determination of remunerations, conditions of service, approving all loans and major expenditures etc. iv. Public Control: Members of the public who consume goods and services of the public corporations exercise some form of control through criticisms they level against these corporations.
  • (a) Explain the concept of political participation. (b) Highlight any four methods of political participation.

WAEC 2022/2023 Government Questions with Answers is here

  • (a) What is Political Socialization? Political socialization is the process of acquisition and transmission of political knowledge and value by individuals from one generation to another. (b) i. It involves the transmission of values and beliefs of the political culture by one generation to the next. ii. Political Culture is maintained and changed through political socialisation. The values, beliefs and orientations towards political objects and actions are transmitted as well as changed by this process. iii. Political Socialisation is a lifelong learning process but its pace and role keeps on changing from time to time. The process goes on continuously throughout the life of the individual. iv. Political Socialisation provides the necessary knowledge and incentive for individual’s participation in politics. Politically socialised individuals come forward to accept different roles in the political system. v. In nature, Political Socialisation is similar to, in fact, a part of the process of socialisation which is always at work in every society. vi.
  • (a) Highlight any four major objectives of the foreign policy of any one West African Country. (b) Outline any four ways of preventing military intervention in politics.
  • Highlight five reasons for the slow rate of nationalism in French speaking West Africa.
  • i. Shortage of fund: The involvement of this organization in large scale operation affects its financial resources. This has created over time,shortage of funds. ii. Sovereignty of nation: The U.N.O cannot effectively enforce its decision because member states are not ready to surrender their sovereignty to the authority of the organization. iii. The veto power: Each of the five permanent members of the security council has a veto power. This could be used at times to satisfy their selfish interest at the expense of fulfilling the objectives of the organization. iv. Poverty: The inability of the united nation to effectively address the issue of poverty among member states. v. Difference in ideology: There difference in ideology, culture, politics and methods used in pursuing economic goal. This may negate the evolution of lasting peace in the world.
  • (a) i. The village was the highest unit of administration. ii. Existence of village assembly (Oha-na-eze/Umunna). iii. The village priest/ diviner wielded great deal of religious and judicial powers.
  • (a) Highlight four features of the 1979 Republican Constitution. (b) State two ways by which the President could be removed from office according to the Constitution.
  • i. The constitution is not a product of any constitutional conference; It was hurriedly prepared by the outgoing military government of General Abdulsalam Abubakar. Thus, many Nigerians continue to criticize it and see it more as a military constitution than the civilian constitution. ii. The constitution fails to define the roles of the traditional rulers in government. And The recognition of the Sharia courts contravenes the description of the country as being SECULAR. iii. The constitution is not clear on the functions and creation of the local governments; This makes local governments to be at the mercy of the other governments. Then, this issue of creation of more local governments has been a major source of conflict between states and federal governments. A classical example was Lagos vs Federal Government during Obasanjo’s administration.
  • (a) i. National party of Nigeria (NDN) – Alhaji Shehu Shagari ii. The Unity Party of Nigeria (UPN) – Chief Obafemi Awolowo iii. The Great Nigeria People’s Party (GNPP) – Waziri Ibrahim (b) i. Since independence, political party have showed that they are loyal to the electorate during campaign and would serve their Interest of vote to power ii. They usually organize membership to reach all corners of the country iii. They have showed that their main objectives are to contests election,win and grow the country by all means.
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WAEC Government Past Questions and Answers in 2023 PDF Download Objective & Theory

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Are you writing this upcoming West African Senior School Certificate Examination WASSCE for School or Private Candidate

Did you registered for the subject Government?

If yes, then one of the sure way of passing this subject easily is to study the WAEC Government past questions.

you really want to know why, here is a summary of the reason

It give you an insight on the scope of exam. You won’t be in the dark about questions to expect in the examination. You will be self reliant during the exam You won’t develop examination fever as you already know the angle of where the question will be coming from Equips you beforehand.

we at stcharlesedu.com has compiled a good number of Govenrment WAEC Past Questions in pdf. WAEC Goverment Paper 2 – Theory/Essay Questions. WAEC Goverment Paper 1 – Objective Test Questions.

Over the years, we have received sms and call from student who used the past question, and the tremendous role it play in making them come out in flying colour.

Download Government WAE past questions and answers

Table of Contents

  • 1 WAEC Government Objective Questions
  • 2 Government WAEC Essay Questions
  • 3 WAEC Government Theory Questions
  • 4 Free Government WAEC Past Questions Download
  • 5 How to Get West Africa Examination Council Government Past Questions and Answers

WAEC Government Objective Questions

GOVERNMENT PAPER I (Objective Test Questions) Paper 1 will last for 1 hours Attempt all questions from this section Use HB pencil throughout.

Answer All Questions Each question is followed by four options lettered A to D. Find out the correct options for each question and shade in pencil on your answer sheet, the answer space which bears the same letter as the option you Chosen. Give only one answer to each question. An example is given below

Indirect rules was introduced into the British West Africa by A. George Goldie. B. Frederick Lugard. C. Donald Cameron. D. Margery Perham.

The correct answer is Frederick Lugard, which is lettered B and therefore answer space B would be shaded. [A] [B] [C] [D]

Think carefully before you shade the answer spaces; erase completely any answer(s) you wish to change Now answer the following questions

What others are downloading WAEC Past Questions for all Subjects

Government Paper I Objective Test Question. A government performs the following functions except A. safeguarding Life and property. B. maintaining law and order. C. providing ail the needs of its citizens. D. providing basic welfare needs.

The basic purpose of setting up a State is to A. maintain law and order. B. protect foreign interest. C. promote development. D. provide social facilities.

A political system in which government Controls every aspect of a citizen’s life is A. feudalism. B. monarchy. C. democracy. D. totalitarianism.

A political system in which the State owns and Controls the major means of production is known as A. feudalism. B. socialism. C. fascism. D. capitalism.

Co mmunist governments aim at distributing goods and services according to A. gender and class. B. loyalty to the party. C. need and ability. D. work and residence.

The theory of separation of powers is associated with A. Jean Bodin. B. Baron de Montesquieu. C. A.V. Dicey. D. J.J. Rousseau

The process of taking part in the selection of leaders in a country is political A. socialization. B. participation. C. interaction. D. culture.

By comparism, a State is A. less permanent than a government. B. i more permanent than a government. C. more changeable than a government. D. equally permanent with a government.

In modem démocraties, a government is A. a contract between the rulers and the ruled. B. a preserve of the political party in power. C. monopoly of the ethnic groups in the majority. D. alternation of power between the majority and minority tribes.

Rule of law can be limited by A. power. B. state of emergency. C. legitimacy. D. checks and balances.

The principle of separation of powers becomes meaningful when it is linked with the concept of A. the certainty of the law. B. checks and balances. C. legality of the law. D. judicial independence.

Which of the following factors does not militate against representative government in West Africa? A. Electoral irregularities B. Coup d’etat C. Gagged media D. Universal adult suffrage

Those who believe in democracy and good governance are opposed to a single party System because it A. encourages weak leadership. B. does not ensure national unity. C. curtails personal libeity D. encourages divisiveness.

T he fundamental law of a country refers to its A. acts of parliament. B. conventions. C. constitution. D. judicial precedence.

A country’s constitution could be derived from the following sources except A. judicial precedents. B. customary sources. C. statutory sources. D. party manifesto.

Planning and formulation of government policies are first initiated at A. cabinet meetings. B. media houses. C. political rallies. D. open forum.

Which of the following is the primary function of parliament? A. Impeachment of the president B. Making of laws C. Ratifying international treaties D. Acting as an electoral college

Judicial review is a mechanism for checking A. arbitrary use of power. B. irresponsible journalism. C. electoral malpractice. D. military adventures.

In a parliamentary System of government, the legislature and executive are fused to ensure A. supremacy of the ruling party in administering the State. B. smoothness in the administration of the State. C. the constitution is read in parliament at all times. D. the judiciary consults parliament before ruling on cases.

A country with homogeneous societies and a small population is suitable for the establishment of A. a nation State. B. a unitary State. C. a federal State. D. an autonomous State.

Which of the following factors usually leads to the collapse of a confédéral State? A. Weak central govemment B. Absence of a confederal parliament C. Ill-equipped armed forces D. Absence of a ceremonial Head of State

In the presidential System of g overnment, the chief executive is responsible to the A. judiciary. B. monarch. C. electorate. D. senate.

Which of the following alternatives is a feature of a federation? A. Unwritten constitution B. Unicameral legislature C. Supremacy of the constitution D. Right to secede

A federal government is a form of A. decentralization. B. centralization. C. confederation. D. revolution.

To preserve individual liberties, the judiciary should A. consist of honest and impartial judges. B. be appointed by the executive. C. be prosecuted for judgment against the executive. D. participate in partisan politics.

Citizens can seek redress against injustice from the State through the A. ombudsman. B. head of civil service. C. Civil Service Commission. D. titular executive.

Which of these is not a source of revenue for political parties? A. Dues B. Grants C. Tolls D. Donations

Which o f these functions is performed by both political parties and pressure groups? A. Interest aggregation and articulation B. Source of mediation in a State C. Provision of specialized information D. Seeking to manage affairs of a State

Pressure groups seek to influence the policies of government A. to the advantage of their members. B. so that all citizens can benefit. C. to suit the manifestoes of political parties. D. to conform with electoral act.

Which of the following agencies helps the most in shaping public opinion? A. Pressure groups B. Mass media C. Colleges and universities D. Peer groups

Want more Objective Questions like this? Get the Complete WAEC Government Exam Questions Booklet from us

Government WAEC Essay Questions

PAPER 2: This paper consists of two sections A and B. Answer two questions from Section A and three questions from Section B.

1.(a) Define Communism. 1.(b) Outline four features of Communism.

2.(a) Describe the principle of the Rule of law. 2.(b) How can it be ensured in a state?

3.Highlight any six ways by which the rights of a citizen can be protected.

4.(a) Define Public opinion. 4.(b) Explain three factors that can promote public opinion * in a state.

5.State six importance of local governments in a state.

WAEC Government Theory Questions

PAPER 2: Theory Questions Section B 6.Outline any six roles played by traditional rulers during the British Colonial rule in Nigeria. 7.(a) Describe the Crown Colony system. 7.(b) Give four reasons why the Crown Colony system was unpopular among the educated elite.

8.(a) What is Nationalist Movement? 8.(b) Highlight five effects of nationalist activites in British West Africa.

9.(a) Outline three merits of the Lyttleton Constitution. 9.(b) Highlight three demerits of the Constitution.

10. Give six reasons for the reluctance of military regimes to hand over power to civilian administrations. 11. Highlight three merits and three demerits of Africa as the centre piece of Sigerta Foreign Policy.

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2022 WAEC Government Past Question Paper


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  • JAMB Syllabus For Government 2022/2023-JAMB Syllabus PDF


Instruction: Answer four questions in all, choosing any two questions from Section A and any two questions from Section B. All questions carry equal marks.

SECTION A [2022 WAEC Government Past Question Paper]

Element of government.

Answer two questions only from this section

  • Identify five reasons for which citizens lose trust in government
  • In what five ways can the electoral management body ensure fair play in an electoral contest in Nigeria
  • Highlight five negative impacts on a state should the judiciary fail to live up to its constitution mandate.
  • Identify five differences between the state as an entity and government as an institution.
  • Explain five reasons for the decline in public trust of the media in your country


Answer only two questions from this section

6. Identify five ways in which traditional rulers controlled their subjects in pre-colonial Nigeria.

7. Outline five significant provision of the 1989 Third Republican Constitution which deepened the democratic development in Nigeria.

8. Highlight five benefits which the adoption of federalism has brought to the political development of Nigeria

9. (a) What is meant by E-Government?

(b) Explain five benefits which Nigeria stands to gain in adopting E-Government

10. Highlight five compelling reasons for which Nigeria interacts with international organizations.


Do all rough work on this question paper. Now answer the following questions.

  • A. Socialism
  • B. Aristocracy
  • C. communalism
  • D. Capitalism
  • A. directly
  • B. indirectly
  • C. in reverence for the political system,
  • D. under undue political pressure
  • A. ruling government
  • B. majority
  • C. minority
  • D. rule of law.
  • A. Educated elites
  • B. Civil society organizations
  • C. Civil disobedience
  • D. Customs and conventions
  • A. abuse of power
  • B. frequent change of government
  • C. Large number of ministers
  • D. supremacy of the executive
  • A. protection of the government from media scrutiny
  • B. indication of government in good standing with the people
  • C. provision of feedback on implementation of government policies
  • D. national security concerns.
  • A. Public Complain Commission.
  • B. Public Service Commission
  • C. Civil Service
  • D. Judicial Service
  • A. no legal suit can be brought against
  • B. it can sue and be sued
  • C. it has ultimate power to make its own laws
  • D. there is a legal department that represents it.
  • A. top bottom approach to development
  • B. accessibility to internet facilities.
  • C. lack of support for the ruling government
  • D. non availability of spiritual centres.
  • A. report writing
  • B. press conferences
  • C. parliamentary question time
  • D. threat of secession
  • A. a social party system
  • B. a de jure one party system
  • C. a communist political system
  • D. an elitist party system
  • A. divisiveness
  • B. limited choice
  • C. weak opposition
  • D. political consciousness
  • A. is less expensive
  • B. ensures development for all voters
  • C. commits citizens to the political system
  • D. ensures winner takes all policy.
  • A. general election
  • B. second ballot system
  • C. electoral college
  • D. local election
  • A. good governance
  • B. charisma of the president
  • C. transparency of the legislature
  • D. corrupt leadership
  • B. associational
  • d. attitudinal
  • A. the economy
  • B. auditor general’s report
  • C. state security and secrets.
  • D. foreign trade
  • A. marketing
  • B. editorial comments
  • C. sales and advertisement
  • D. correspondents.
  • A. educated practitioners
  • B. press censorship
  • C. government spokemen
  • D. social media
  • A. judiciary
  • B. executive
  • C. legislature
  • A. kill British nationals
  • B. overthrow colonialism
  • C. stop the export of raw materials
  • D. stop the denigration of the African culture
  • A. immediate end to colonialism
  • B. reforms of the political class and respect for African religion
  • C. western education
  • D. social amenities and political participation
  • A. militant groups to fight and kill British officials
  • B. political parties to champion the course of self-rule
  • C. committees to represent the people
  • D. associations in pursuit of justice for the people
  • B. location
  • C. natural resources
  • D. national interest.
  • A. Aborigines Right Protection Society
  • B. West African Youth League
  • C. National Congress of British West African
  • D. West African Students Union
  • A. inadequate system of education
  • B. low level of wages in the member countries
  • C. outbreak of pandemic on the African continent
  • D. divided loyalty among member states
  • A. Use of a common currency
  • B. Superiority of the British Crown
  • C. British Leadership on all matters of diplomacy
  • D. Promotion of representative democracy
  • A. Sirte Summit
  • B. Lusaka Summit
  • C. Lome Summit
  • D. Lagos Summit
  • A. equal opportunities of appointments to its highest office
  • B. permanent membership of the Security Council
  • C. greater access to all the organs of the United Nations.
  • D. total eradication of poverty from the African continent.
  • A. Commonwealth of Nations
  • B. Allied powers
  • C. United Nations
  • D. North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
  • A. Human resources
  • B. Geographical location
  • C. System of education and number of universities
  • D. International laws and conventions
  • A. Communism
  • B. Dictatorship
  • C. Totalitarianism
  • D. Aristocracy
  • A. official of the ruling government
  • B. general manager
  • C. permanent secretary
  • D. chief coordinating officer
  • A. Rule of law
  • B. Separation of powers
  • C. International laws and conventions
  • D. Legislative Assembly
  • A. two party systems
  • B. multi-party system
  • C. one party system
  • D. non-party system
  • A. Civil Service Commission
  • C. Eminent persons in society
  • A. Policy implementation
  • B. Political socialization
  • C. Political education
  • D. Aggregation of interest.
  • A. is screened off to conceal the vote
  • B. cast the vote in a sealed box
  • C. in assisted to cast the vote
  • D. is searched before casting the vote
  • D. Monarchical
  • A. sharing of political power with opponents
  • B. security for multi-national businesses
  • C. equality of citizens
  • D. fairness to foreign nationals
  • A. freedom of movement, free education and free health
  • B. free social services, speech and religion
  • C. right to life, liberty and property
  • D. Right to higher education, property and freedom of thought.
  • A. centre to coordinate national level programmes
  • B. component units to breakaway at will
  • C. citizens to have dual allegiance and dual citizenship
  • D. president to amend the constitution at will
  • A. the executive should leave power
  • B. a vote of no confidence had been passed on the government
  • C. the judiciary is more powerful than the executive
  • D. the action is illegal and of no effect
  • A. The maintenance of international peace and security
  • B. The promotion of the well-being of the peoples of the world
  • C. International cooperation
  • D. The use of force to comply with its provisions
  • A. use force to depose unconstitutional regimes.
  • B. improve the living standard of its people
  • C. contribute to the progress and development of the African continent
  • D. foster relations among member states
  • A. national interest
  • B. globalization
  • C. geopolitics
  • D. interest aggregation
  • A. introduction of modern idea of governance
  • B. creation of large political units
  • C. change of the socio-political systems of living
  • D. development of political institutions
  • A. warriors of the state
  • B. go-between the gods and the people
  • C. custodians of the wealth of the state
  • D. representative of the commoners
  • A. heavy social and political cost
  • B. private-public partnership
  • C. public scrutiny and accountability
  • D. direct foreign investments
  • A. election disputes and related violence
  • B. military intervention in polities
  • C. youth unemployment
  • D. non involvement of traditional rulers in polities

2022 WAEC Governmen t Objective Answer

  • 1-10: AABDAACBCC
  • 11-20: CACCDACBDC
  • 21-30: BABDCDDBAC
  • 31-40: CCCCBDABBC
  • 41-50: CBBDABBDCB

For more information visit: www.waeconline.org.ng

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WAEC Syllabus for Government 2021/2022 & Textbooks : Download PDF

  • April 25, 2022

Why is it very important to use the 2021 WAEC syllabus for Government and why should you study for your exam with the syllabus?

Using the WAEC Government syllabus has been helping so many WAEC candidates to achieve their goals and perform excellently in their exams.

The syllabus contains a breakdown of all the topics that WAEC Government questions will be set from and the area of concentration for Government in the 2021 WAEC exam.

As a result of this, the West African Examination Council has released the WAEC Government syllabus for 2021 and the WAEC recommended textbooks for the Government WAEC exam .

WAEC 2021 Government Syllabus and Topics to read for Government.

I am sure you will do better and cover this subject better if you know the necessary topics that you should read for the 2021 WAEC Government exam.

WAEC Government Syllabus for 2021/2022. Download free Pdf with Recommended Textbook, Area of Concentration & topics to read for exam

These topics are to be treated as the 2021 WAEC area of concentration for Government. The following are the released topics to read for the 2021 WAEC Government exam .

1. Introduction to Government;

  • Scopes and Meaning of Government

Candidates should study everything about the scopes of Government as an institution of the state, as a process of governing, and as a field of study.

2. CONCEPTS OF GOVERNMENT: Candidates are to study all the basic concepts of the following;

  • Political Culture
  • Sovereignty
  • Political Socialization
  • State and Nation
  • Colonialism
  • Communalism
  • Totalitarianism
  • Nationalism.

3. PRINCIPLES of GOVERNMENT: Study the basic principle of Government in the following Concepts;

  • Separation of Powers
  • Fundamental Human Rights
  • Political Participation
  • Rule of Law
  • Checks and balances
  • Representative Government
  • Constitutionalism
  • Delegated Legislation
  • Centralization and Decentralization
  • Devolution and Deconcentration

4. CONSTITUTIONS: Study everything under this topic as shown below

  • Definition Constitution
  • Sources of Constitutions
  • Scope of Constitutions
  • Types of Constitutions
  • The functions of the Constitution

5. GOVERNMENT SYSTEM (TYPES and FORMS): The following are the forms and types of government that we have. Make sure you study each of them intensively;

  • The presidential system of government (Non-parliamentary)
  • Federal Government
  • Monarchical and Republican
  • Parliamentary or Cabinet

6. THE ORGANS OF GOVERNMENT: The government is made of three different organs as shown below;

  • Legislature

Candidates are to study the structure and types of each of the organs of government listed above with their membership composition and functions.

7. CITIZENSHIP: At the end of this topic candidates should know the following;

  • Status of Citizenship
  • Rights of Citizens.
  • Duties and Obligations of citizens.

8. POLITICS: Study everything about the political system. Cover the following subtopics extensively.

  • Political Parties
  • The party system

At the end of the topic, you should be able to;

  • Know the basic definitions of common terms within this topic.
  • Outlined the types and characteristics of Political Parties and the political system.

9. ELECTION and THE ELECTORAL PROCESS: Candidates should read everything under this topic. Make sure you know the following.

  • Meaning of Election and explanation of the electoral process.
  • Types of Election
  • Purposes of Elections.
  • Organization of Elections
  • Types of Electoral systems.
  • Characteristics of Electoral systems
  • Electoral Commission

10. PRESSURE GROUPS: The basic things to study in this topic include;

  • The definition and explanation
  • Types of pressure groups
  • Characteristics of pressure groups.
  • Functions of pressure groups
  • Mode of operation

11. PUBLIC OPINION: At the end of studying this topic, candidates should be able to know the following;

  • The definition and explanation of Public Opinion
  • Formation of Public Opinions
  • Measurement of Public Opinions
  • Functions of Public Opinions

12. Public Corporations: the following are key points to study on this topic;

  • Definition of Public Corporations
  • Purposes of Public Corporations
  • Functions of Public Corporation.
  • Problems of Public Corporations and how to control them
  • Organizations

13. The Local Governments: At the end of this topic, students should be able to know the following key-points;

  • Meaning of the Local Governments
  • Types of Local Government.
  • Purposes of Local Government.
  • The Functions of the Local Government.
  • Local Government sources of revenue and control.
  • Common problems within the Local Governments and reforms

14. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION: Study everything under Public Administration.

15. Civil Service: Candidates should study and know;

  • The Meaning of Civil Service, the Structure of the Civil Service, the Characteristics of the Civil Service, and the functions of the Civil Service.
  • Composition and Functions of the Public and Civil Service Commission

Area of concentration for Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Gambia, and Liberia Candidates

Each of the topics in this section of the Government syllabus is to be studied base on candidates’ respective countries. The recommended textbooks will be the best for your studies.

  • Political and Constitutional Developments In West Africa
  • African countries and International relations.
  • Pre-Colonial Political Systems Of your country
  • Colonial administration of your country
  • Nationalism in West Africa
  • Constitutional developments of your country
  • Post-independence constitutions
  • Development of political parties in your country
  • Military rule in your country
  • The federal and unitary systems of government in West Africa
  • Foreign policies and influence on your country
  • The Commonwealth;

Recommended Government Textbooks.

All candidates are advised to use the following WAEC recommended textbooks for Government whenever they are studying or reading for the 2021 WAEC Government exam.

  • Groundwork of Government; Written by AMOA G.
  • Ghana Evolution and Change in the 19th and 20th Centuries, Written by ADU BOAHEN, A
  • African Political Parties: Written by HODGKIN T.
  • Senior Secondary School Government; Authored by ADDAE P. G.
  • Modern Government; Authored by ECHIEFU S. M
  • Foreign Policies of Major Countries; Written by GARBRAH H. K.
  • The Substance of Politics; Written by APPADORAI A.
  • Political Institutions in West Africa; Authored by PRICE J. H.
  • Essentials of Government: Authored by FRANCIS ADIGWE
  • Ghana and the Rawlings Factor: Written by SHILLINGTON K.
  • Politics in Ghana: Written by DENNIS AUSTIN

How do you feel now that you have seen the released topics to read for the 2021 WAEC Government exam ? I am sure that this WAEC Government syllabus for 2021 has given you better insight on the topics to read?

Please, make use of this syllabus as your WAEC area of concentration for Government 2021 and feel free to share it with others. Please, Drop your comment in the comment section below

waec government essay 2022

I pray 2 God that I may make my papers

Am much impressed after Knowing all things about waec am an external examiner for this year I prayed to God to let me pass one time I would be forever grateful to God if I can make it once

Am really happy for seeing d area of concentration on government and I am 100% sure DAT I will get A1 for government DAT one is sure. thanks I really appreciate

thanks I appreciate this

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WAEC Result of Student From Private School Surfaces As She Gets A1 in 8 Subjects Including English

  • The WAEC result of a Nigerian student is trending online because of the number of distinctions she got in the exam
  • The result was posted by the girl's school, Greater Tomorrow International College, Arigidi-Akoko, Ondo State
  • The student, Akerejola Esomanosi scored straight A1 in 8 WAEC subjects while she got B2 in physics

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A student who registered for nine subjects in WAEC passed all of them in flying colours.

The student is being celebrated by her school after her WAEC result was checked and it was seen that she performed excellently.

Nigerian girl who performed well in WAEC.

The 2024 WAEC result was posted on TikTok by the Greater Tomorrow International College , Arigidi-Akoko, Ondo state.

School celebrates student with great WAEC result

The school said the student, Akerejola Esomanosi, was one of the most outstanding in the 2024 WAEC.

waec government essay 2022

WAEC 2024 result of Nigerian boy who studied for 8 hours every day surfaces

PAY ATTENTION: Click “See First” under the “Following” tab to see Legit.ng News on your Facebook News Feed!

The WAEC result shows that Akerejola scored A1 in eight subjects, including civic education and English language.

She also scored A1 in further mathematics , mathematics, biology, chemistry, computer students, and animal husbandry while earning a B2 in physics.

Speaking to Legit.ng, Mr Afolabi Kolawole, admin officer of the school said the secret to the good result is adequet preparation.

He told Legit.ng :

"With a conducive environment for learning and ultramodern facilities put in place, we mould a total child and give a superb student experience. The watchword of the school is "armed with the truth" and we do not deviate from it. This is evident in the diligence of our staff and the commitment shown by our students. These factors and more are responsible for our consistently excellent performance in national exams and foreign ones."

waec government essay 2022

WAEC result of girl who refused to write NECO trends online as she makes it at one sitting

Boy who wrote WAEC in government school clears his papers

In a related story, Legit.ng reported that a boy made his father happy because of the result he got in his West African Senior School Certificate Examination.

The boy wrote his WAEC examination at Etoi Secondary School in Uyo, Akwa Ibom state and he performed very well.

The boy's father shared the result on Facebook , noting how proud he was that his son scored A1 in WAEC physics.

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Source: Legit.ng

Israel Usulor (Human-Interest editor) Israel Usulor is a journalist who has 9 years of experience. He worked at The Prime Newspaper and has published articles in TheCable Newspaper. Israel graduated with distinction from Fidei Polytechnic (Mass Commun, 2016). Israel has interviewed Zannah Mustapha, the man who helped negotiate the release of Chibok Girls, and Kunle Adeyanju, who rode a bike from London to Lagos. He covered exclusive stories on Chef Dami during her Guinness World Records cookathon. Email: [email protected].


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Reps quiz WAEC boss over N6bn deficit incurred by council

The lawmakers also queried waec over a loan of n5 billion it got in 2022 for the purchase of customised calculators..

The House of Representatives has quizzed the Head of the National Office, West African Examination Council (WAEC) Nigeria , Josiah Dangut, over a N6 billion deficit the agency incurred in 2023.

The House Committee on Basic Examination Bodies, led by Oforji Oboku, grilled Mr Dangut during an investigative hearing in Abuja on Tuesday.

The committee queried WAEC over a loan of N5 billion it got in 2022 for the purchase of customised calculators.

Mr Dangut, in a defence, provided the cashbook of the agency to the committee but the members declined, insisting that it must submit bank statements.

Head of the National Office, West African Examination Council (WAEC) Nigeria, Josiah Dangut, [PHOTO CREDIT@Gistlover]

He also wondered how the examination body could approve a loan of up to N5 billion even when the Ministerial Board could not approve such an amount.

He asked the WAEC boss to tell the committee how many students participated in the 2022 examinations for which the calculators were obtained.

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Following the unsatisfactory response by the WAEC representatives, the committee resolved that WAEC must submit all its bank statements from 2018 to date “within a week”.

A member of the committee, Awaji-Inombek Abiante, described WAEC as uncooperative, saying that it must be held accountable.

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“WAEC Nigeria was an uncooperative witness in this process, shielding and denying Nigerians the value of whatever investment the country has had in that office.

“WAEC should submit all its bank account statements to the committee in furtherance of the investigation,” he said.

The committee said that out of eight submissions demanded from the examination body in a bid to probe its expenditure, only one – nominal roll – was submitted.

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The committee demanded that WAEC should provide the expenditures that led to the N6 billion deficit and all correspondences related to the purchase of customised calculators.

The committee further said that evidence of approval for the N5 billion loan to purchase the customised calculators must be provided.

The committee also demanded evidence of due process followed for the award of the contract as well as evidence of payment, including payment vouchers and bank records.

It queried WAEC for breaching the public procurement and financial regulations act in the payment of 50 per cent of the contract for the construction of its Taraba office valued at N532 million.

READ ALSO:   Ogun not owing WAEC, withheld results due to technical glitch-Official

Mr Dangut, however, pleaded with the lawmakers to give him another date to enable him present the statement of account and other documents demanded.

He also explained that he had to pay 50 per cent of the Taraba office contract sum to avoid the inflationary trend in the country.

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Geography 2022 WAEC Past Questions

Study the map of NONSO DISTRICT and use it to answer this question.

waec government essay 2022

What is the scale of the map in statement form?

  • A. One centimeter on the map represents ½ kilometer on the ground
  • B. One centimeter on the map represents 1 kilometer on the ground
  • C. One centimeter on the map represents 2 kilometers on the ground
  • D. One centimeter on the map represents 5 kilometers on the ground

waec government essay 2022

The growth of NONSO settlement is probably because

  • A. NONSO settlement has a court
  • B. NONSO is situated at the foot of a ridge
  • C. NONSO is a port town
  • D. NONSO is a nodal town

waec government essay 2022

The highest spot on the mapped area is approximately

  • A. 1300 metres
  • B. 1250 metres
  • C. 1150 metres
  • D. 1050 metres

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The distance as the crow flies from Bukola to Balu is approximately

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The commercial centre in the mapped area is

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Where Tim Walz Stands on the Issues

As governor of Minnesota, he has enacted policies to secure abortion protections, provide free meals for schoolchildren, allow recreational marijuana and set renewable energy goals.

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Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, center, during a news conference after meeting with President Biden at the White House in July.

By Maggie Astor

  • Aug. 6, 2024

Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, the newly announced running mate to Vice President Kamala Harris, has worked with his state’s Democratic-controlled Legislature to enact an ambitious agenda of liberal policies: free college tuition for low-income students, free meals for schoolchildren, legal recreational marijuana and protections for transgender people.

“You don’t win elections to bank political capital,” Mr. Walz wrote last year about his approach to governing. “You win elections to burn political capital and improve lives.”

Republicans have slammed these policies as big-government liberalism and accused Mr. Walz of taking a hard left turn since he represented a politically divided district in Congress years ago.

Here is an overview of where Mr. Walz stands on some key issues.

Mr. Walz signed a bill last year that guaranteed Minnesotans a “fundamental right to make autonomous decisions” about reproductive health care on issues such as abortion, contraception and fertility treatments.

Abortion was already protected by a Minnesota Supreme Court decision, but the new law guarded against a future court reversing that precedent as the U.S. Supreme Court did with Roe v. Wade, and Mr. Walz said this year that he was also open to an amendment to the state’s Constitution that would codify abortion rights.

Another bill he signed legally shields patients, and their medical providers, if they receive an abortion in Minnesota after traveling from a state where abortion is banned.

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  4. WAEC Government Past Questions & Answers PDF (2008

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  9. The West African Examinations Council

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  10. PDF The West African Examinations Council

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  11. Government

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  13. WAEC Past Questions and Answers (PDF) Free Download

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    12. A: Multi-party system is where there are more than two political parties with nearly equal strength in a country. In a multi-party system, citizens are fragmented into different political parties thereby breeding division/divisiveness among thee people. 13. C: Voting at elections affords the people to take part in the political decision-making process of their state though indirectly. 14 ...

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    Government as the act of governing means the. A. activities of pressure groups and political parties. B. act of vetoing a bill. C. orders of judiciary and legislature. D. activities by which government policies are made and implemented. E. activities of parliamentary opposition. View Answer & Discuss WAEC 1988. 3.

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  19. West African Examinations Council

    WAEC Headquarters, Abuja WAEC office, Ogba, Lagos. The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) is an examination board established by law to determine the examinations required in the public interest in the English-speaking West African countries, to conduct the examinations and to award certificates comparable to those of equivalent examining authorities internationally. [1]

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  22. WAEC Syllabus for Government 2021/2022 & Textbooks : Download PDF

    The following are the released topics to read for the 2021 WAEC Government exam. 1. Introduction to Government; Scopes and Meaning of Government. Candidates should study everything about the scopes of Government as an institution of the state, as a process of governing, and as a field of study. 2.

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  24. Reps quiz WAEC boss over N6bn deficit incurred by council

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    A. One centimeter on the map represents ½ kilometer on the ground. B. One centimeter on the map represents 1 kilometer on the ground. C. One centimeter on the map represents 2 kilometers on the ground. D. One centimeter on the map represents 5 kilometers on the ground. View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2022.

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  27. Where Tim Walz Stands on the Issues

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