Essay on Job Analysis


Job analysis is the process of identifying and determining the tasks and duties of a given job. A job analysis is done to craft a good job description. it also helps to prepare the employees on what expectations to have about the job by defining clear tasks and objectives to avoid misunderstandings and provide the employee with a sense of direction. Job analysis helps determine the right fit for a job, to access the performance of the employee, and to evaluate if the employee is delivering a specific job (Hoffmann, 2018). It helps establish that job tasks, level of experience, specify the performance level and the working conditions. Well-structured job analysis helps create a detailed description of the roles and responsibilities for the employees and the entire organization. Job analysis helps employers qualify the candidate and review the expectations and the outcome required for the job. This activity is carried out to determine the placement of jobs and the context of job performance.

Principles and Purpose of Job Analysis

Job analysis helps in identifying particular skills and requirements that are necessary for a certain position. The purpose of a job analysis is to establish what entails the job at hand as well as the duties and conditions of the job. It is a fundamental resource for the management including performance evaluation, compensation, and training. It also establishes and documents job-related competencies, establishing a legal basis for the assessment and selection of the candidate. (Hoffmann, 2018). Job analysis helps determine the nature of the individual required to perform a certain position, it also checks whether the duties or objectives of a certain job are being met or not. A job analysis is also used in analyzing the production of an employee and qualifies accordingly. The vital role of this activity is to deciding the worth of the job and streamlining the human efforts hence increasing the output.

Compare and Contrast Methods of Job Analysis

A job analysis can be conducted using different methods. Some of these methods are observation, questionnaires, and interviews. Questionnaires are mailed to the respondents to be answered in a specified manner since a questionnaire consists of questions in a written format either open-ended or close-ended while an interview is a to one communication where respondents and the interviewer participate in a question and answer session directly, this questions administered in an interview are always open-ended (Semmer,& Zapf, 2017). While questionnaires can collect information from a large number of people, the interviews collect information from a small number of individuals compared to questionnaires.

On the other hand observation method involves the researcher makes themselves as a part of the community doing the observation, this method can help the job analyst learn more about the job at hand over a specified amount of time. In observation, it is allowed to use some tools like include a video which is best for recording non-verbal interaction. An interview is subjective while a questionnaire is objective (Semmer,& Zapf, 2017). All these methods collect information about certain research. These methods can be used to gather, analyze and measure information on variables of interest. These methods are used to provide fact-based information about a job including both the internal and external factors. They also help obtained first-hand information about the job being analyzed.

Job Analysis Plan

For the purpose of conducting an outstanding job analysis, I will have to follow the latter various effective steps which start gathering effective data through the use of questionnaires. The questionnaires will be distributed and answered by the employees which will require them to answer various questions concerning their job descriptions. That will help in comparing the results of the employees based on the questions and expectations of the organization. Then I will have to conduct an interview that will involve the workers for the purpose of asking specific questions. The questions will be based on their job duties and specific responsibilities which they have been given to them by the organization. Apart from that will have to demand an effective log sheet from the workers. The log sheet will have to contain information based on every task there have been involved in, the period they have spent to finish it and it should cover at least two weeks of full-time working (Nenoff, & Mowry, 2015).

Apart from that, I will have to effectively gather more information but through the observation method. That will help me to complete the desk audits via observing the workers in the process of working as I record everything they are doing which is helpful either positive or negative. That will help in noting the time they take to complete their task, the skills and knowledge which they have, areas which they are better in and areas which they are poor in. on the other hand I will have to conduct another interview but have the organizational leadership which will include the managers and supervisors as well as clients and employees who have been interacting directly with the managers and supervisors. After that, I will have to compare the jobs based on the job family and grades for the purpose of determining the area where it falls in terms of payment scale (Nenoff, & Mowry, 2015).

Job Analysis

In terms of the actual job analysis, I had to conduct a meeting with the leadership of the organization for the purpose of getting to fathom the goals and objectives of the organization. Apart from that, I also used that opportunity to grasp the manner in which they have aligned the employee’s goals and objectives with those of the organization. After grasping the expectation of the organization towards the workers, I had to conduct an interview with an incumbent for the purpose of getting more information about the employee, supervisors, managers, and the entire organization before making my conclusions (Hofer, 2018).

I had to ask the incumbent various questions that he answered best to her knowledge. The first question was, for how long have you worked for this organization, and how many positions have you worked since joining the employee’s team? She said that she has been working for the organization for the last six years and she has been changed to two different positions but under the same working level. What are the greatest challenges have you faced since you joined the organization? She was able to be open and talk about personal decision-making when it comes to additional creativity without consulting the line managers or supervisors. What is your greatest weakness? In terms of the weakness, she said she was weak in solving conflict which involves her leaders since she feels she does not have enough courage to correct her leaders due to fear of creating grudges with her leaders (Hoffmann, 2018).

Interpretation and Recommendation of the Job Analysis

The entire process of job analysis went well from the first to the last step. I was able to gather more information showing the strength and weaknesses which is available in the organizational departments among different employees and also with the management of the organization. That was based on the skills and knowledge which the employees portrayed when performing their tasks in the organization. With that kind of information, the organization can be made better and become effective when it comes to competition with its rivals in the market. That is because it will be able to gain a competitive advantage after correcting various mistakes which it has hence mitigating any arising challenges in the organization (Brooks, 2021).

Due to that, I would like to recommend the organization to consider rewarding the employees in different ways such as offering prizes, and mostly promotion of the employees since it shows a sign of growth to them which also enhances their courage to do better and feel valued. Apart from that, the organization should also consider the autonomy of the employees when it comes to the application of creativity and innovation for the benefit of the organization without making mistakes or lowering the level of production or the quality of products. That is because it helps the employees to have positive internal competition based on creativity and innovation which help in making an organization more unique and outstanding compared to its rivals in the market. Through that, the employees feel to have a sense of belonging and the organization can easily gain a competitive advantage over its competitors (Brooks, 2021).

Job analysis in an organization is very significant due to the effectiveness of the role which it plays for the benefit of the organization, clients, and employees. That is because it helps in making an organization better, helps the employees to get what they expect from the organization, and has a comfortable working environment (Nenoff, & Mowry, 2015).On the other side, it helps the customers in terms of ensuring their needs are met and their voices are listened to. That is because it helps in correcting mistakes and combating challenges in an organization in terms of solving effectively the problems which are being faced by the employees, customers, and the employer.

Brooks, N. (2021). How to undertake effective record-keeping and documentation.  Nursing Standard ,  36 (4), 31-33.

Hofer, E. (2018). Step 6: Present the analysis and interpret its results.  The Uncertainty Analysis of Model Results , 265-271.

Hoffmann, A. (2018). Purpose is a direction – and the power of ‘job-crafting’.  Purpose & Impact , 115-120.

Nenoff, T., & Mowry, C. (2015). Develop plan for analysis of the effluent from GCM production.

Semmer, N., & Zapf, D. (2017). Validity of various methods of measurement in job analysis.  Recent Developments in Job Analysis , 67-78.

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The problem of the recruiting of well-qualified, professional and creative employees is one of the major problems many contemporary companies face in the process of search of new employees. At the same time, employees also want to find a good job and be employed not because of some personal qualities but because of their current achievements and the potential they have. In such a situation, the analysis and objective assessment of the achievements and potential of employees are of a paramount importance and, in this respect, job analysis is playing increasingly more important role in the process of recruiting.

First of all, it should be said that job analysis is a very important part of the analysis of the potential of an employee and his/her professionalism. Basically, job analysis may be defined as “a process to identify and determine in detail the particular job duties and requirements and the relative importance of these duties to a given job” (HR Guide to the Internet, 2001). At the same, it is obvious that this definition is incomplete and does not fully reflect all details and essence of job analysis. In fact, it is a much more complicated process and along with the identification of basic job duties it is also focused on an employee’s abilities and skills as well as his/her performance and current achievements. The distinguishable feature of job analysis is the fact that it is focused not on the personality of an employee but on his/her job skills, abilities and opportunities.

To put it more precisely, job analysis implies a deep analysis of the potential and professional skills of an employee. The personality of an employee is not important in the process of job analysis. In fact, an employee is viewed as a unit which may be used in the process of the production. He/she may suit the given needs. i.e. conditions of work and duties the employee is supposed to perform. In such a way, with the help of job analysis it is possible to find out whether an employee will be able to perform the given duties effectively and whether these duties meet the professional level, skills and inclinations of the employee (Oswald, 2003).

On the other hand, it is necessary to remember that job analysis also includes job description that is very important for an employee because it helps better understand the duties the employee is supposed to perform and conditions of work.

Obviously, job analysis is of a paramount importance for VA because it contributes consistently to the deep understanding of the potential of an employee and the duties which are have to be performed perfectly. In fact, on the basis of ob analysis it is possible to make a definite conclusion concerning the job and the demands an employee should meet in order to get such a job.

Thus, taking into account all above mentioned, it is possible to conclude that job analysis plays the crucial role in the process of recruiting. On the other hand, it does not only help better understand abilities, professionalism and potential of an employee but also gives an employee clear information on his/her duties and an employer’s expectations.

  • Caudron, S. (2000, January). “Jobs disappear: When work becomes more important.” Workforce, 79 (1), 30.
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  • Oswald, F. L. (2003). “Job Analysis: Methods, Research, and Applications for Human Resource Management in the New Millennium.” Personnel Psychology 56 (3), 800.
  • HR Guide to the Internet (2001). Job Analysis: Overview. Retrieved on November 6, 2007 from
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essay about job analysis


Read this essay to learn about Job Analysis in an Organisation. After reading this essay you will learn about: 1. Definitions of Job Analysis 2. Objectives of Job Analysis 3. Uses 4. Process 5. Techniques 6.. Problems.

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Essay # 1. Definitions of Job Analysis :

Some of the definitions of job analysis are given as follows, to understand the meaning of the term more clearly:

According to Michael J. Jucius, “Job analysis refers to the process of studying the operations, duties and organisational aspects of jobs in order to derive specifications or as they are called by some job descriptions.”

According to Edwin B. Flippo, “Job analysis is the process of studying and collecting information relating to the operations and responsibilities of a specific job.”

According to John A. Shbim “Job analysis is the methodical compilation and study of work data in order to define and characterise each occupation in such a manner as to distinguish it from all others.”

According to Richard Henderson “Job analysis involves the identification and precisely identifying the required tasks, the knowledge and skills necessary for performing them and the conditions under which they must be performed.”

According to S.P. Robbins & D.A. De Cenzo “Job analysis is the systematic exploration of activities within a job. It is a basic technical procedure. One that is used to define the duties, responsibilities and accountabilities of a job.”

According to Herbert G Hereman “A job is a collection of tasks that can be performed by a single employee to contribute to the production of some product or service provided by the organisation. Each job has certain ability requirements (as well as certain rewards) associated with it. Job analysis is the process used to identify these requirements.”

The study of these definitions reveals that job analysis is a process by which job, duties and responsibilities are defined and the information of various factors relating to jobs are collected and compiled to determine the work conditions, nature of work, qualities of persons to be employed on job, position of the job, opportunities available and authorities and privileges to be given on the job etc.

The main purpose of job analysis is thus to collect the data and then to analyse the data relating to a job. A job can be analysed only after it has been designed and someone is already performing it. Job analysis is thus performed upon ongoing jobs. As jobs are subject to change a job analysis may become obsolete within a short period of time.

The data relating to the job may be classified as under:

(i) Job identification

(ii) Nature of the job

(iii) Operations involved in doing the job

(iv) Materials and equipment required to do the job

(v) Personnel qualities required to do the job

(vi) Relation of the job with other jobs in the organisation

A careful examination of the data collected and classified suggests that some data relates to the job and some concern the individuals doing the job. The requirements of job are known as job description and the qualities required from the job holder are termed as job specifications. Thus, job description and job specification are two products of job analysis.

Essay # 2. Objectives of Job Analysis:

The main objectives of job analysis are as follows:

1. Work Simplification :

A job may be analysed to simplify the process and methods involved in it. This will mean redesigning the job. Work simplification helps to improve productivity of personnel.

2. Establishment of Standards of Performance :

In order to hire the personnel on the scientific basis, it is very necessary to determine in advance a standard of performance with which applicants can be compared. This standard should establish the minimum acceptable qualities necessary for the effective performance of the job duties and responsibilities. These standards would be established with the help of job analysis only.

3. Support to Other Personnel Activities :

Job analysis provides support to other personnel activities such as recruitment, selection, training, development, performance appraisal, job evaluation etc.

Essay # 3. Uses of Job Analysis:

A comprehensive job analysis is an essential ingredient in designing a sound human resource programme.

Job information gathered from job analysis process and its resulting products-job description and job specification may be used for the following purposes.

1. Organisational Design:

Job analysis will be useful in classifying the jobs and the interrelationships among the jobs. On the basis of information obtained through job analysis, sound decisions regarding hierarchical positions and functional differentiation can be taken. This will improve operational efficiency.

2. Manpower Planning:

Job analysis is the qualitative aspect of manpower requirements because it determines the demands of the job in terms of responsibilities and duties and then translates these demands in terms of skills, qualities and other human attributes.

It also determines the quantum of work which an average person can perform on the job in a day. It facilitates the division of work into different jobs. Thus, it is an essential element of manpower planning because it matches jobs with men.

3. Recruitment and Selection:

In order to hire a right person for a job, it is very essential to know the requirements of the job and the qualities of the individual who will perform the job.

The information regarding these two are procured from job description and job specifications respectively and help the management in matching as closely as possible the job requirements with workers’ aptitudes, abilities, interests etc. to facilitate the execution of employment programmes.

4. Placement and Orientation:

Job analysis helps in matching the job requirements with the abilities, interests and aptitudes of people. Jobs will be assigned to persons on the basis of suitability for the job. The orientation programme will help the employees in learning the activities and understanding duties that are required to perform a given job more effectively.

5. Training and Development:

Job analysis provides valuable information which is required to identify the training needs, to design training progammes and to evaluate training effectiveness. Job analysis helps in deciding what is to be learnt and how it is to be learnt. Employee development programmes such as job rotation, job enlargement and job enrichment are also based on the analysis of job requirements.

6. Job Evaluation:

Job analysis provides a basis for job evaluation. Job evaluation aims at determining the relative worth of the jobs which in turn helps in determining the remuneration for the jobs. An accurate and comprehensive set of job descriptions and job specifications forms a factual basis for evaluating the worth of the job.

7. Performance Appraisal:

Job analysis data provide a clear-cut standard of performance for every job. The performance of employee can be appraised objectively with the standard of job performance so established. A supervisor can very easily compare the contribution of each man with the set standards.

8. Job Designing:

Job analysis helps the industrial engineers in designing the job by making comprehensive study of the job elements. It also helps in time and motion study, work specifications, methods and work place improvement and work measurement. Human engineering activities such as physical, mental and psychological are also studied with the help of job analysis information.

9. Safety and Health:

The job analysis process uncovers the hazardous and unhealthy environmental factors such as heat, noise, fumes, dust etc. The management can take corrective measures to minimise the chances of various risks to ensure safety of workers and to avoid unhealthy conditions.

10. Discipline:

Job analysis studies the failure of the workers to meet the required standard of performance. Corrective measures may be taken in time to avoid untoward situations. In this way, it helps in maintaining discipline in the organisation.

11. Employee Counselling:

Job analysis provides information about career choices and personal limitations. Such information is helpful in vocational guidance and rehabilitation counselling. Employees who are unable to cope with the hazards and demands of given jobs may be advised to opt for subsidiary jobs or to seek premature retirement.

12. Labour Relations:

Job analysis will be helpful in improving labour management relations. It can also be used to resolve disputes and grievances relating to work load, work procedures etc.

Essay # 4. Process of Job Analysis:

The process of job analysis is nothing but a data collection process.

The main steps involved in job analysis are as follows:

1. Organising and Planning for the Programme:

The first step in the process of job analysis is to organise and to plan for the programme. The company must decide who will be incharge of the programme and must assign responsibilities to the designated persons. A time schedule and a budget for carrying out the analysis of job should also be prepared.

2. Obtaining Current Job Design Information:

The job analyst should obtain information concerning the current design of the representative job. For this purpose, current job description and job specification, procedure manual, systems flow charts etc., should be studied.

3. Conducting “Needs Research”:

The job analyst should investigate to determine which organisation, managers or staff people require job analysis or output from job analysis. The analyst should also determine for what purpose and to what extent jobs must be analysed and how the information will be used.

4. Establishing Priorities in the Jobs to be analysed:

The human resource department working with various operational executives should identify the jobs to be analysed and the priority of each job analysis.

5. Collecting Job Data:

The next step is to collect data about the selected jobs as they are currently being performed using established systematic techniques.

6. Redesigning the Job:

The next step is to redesign the job, if necessary.

7. Preparing Job Descriptions and Job Classifications:

Job information which has been collected must be processed to prepare the job description form. It is a statement showing full details of the activities of the job. Separate job description forms may be used for various activities in the job and may be compiled later on. The job analysis is made with the help of these description forms. These forms may be used as reference for the future.

8. Developing Job Specifications:

Job specifications are also prepared on the basis of information collected. It is a statement of minimum acceptable qualities of the person to be placed on the job. It specifies the standard by which the qualities of the person are measured.

Job analyst prepares such statement taking into consideration the skills required in performing the job properly. Such statement is used in selecting a person matching with the job.

Essay # 5. Techniques of Job Analysis:

Job analysis is mainly and essentially a data collection process.

The information can be obtained in one of the following ways:

1. Questionnaire :

In this method a detailed questionnaire is prepared by the Job analyst and distributed among the workers. The workers answer the questions to the best of their knowledge and belief. Employees’ cooperation can more easily be achieved by explaining the entire programme fully in detail to the representatives of employees. Assistance of supervisors can also be sought.

This technique is time consuming and generally does not yield satisfactory results because many employees do not complete the questionnaire or furnish incorrect information because of their own limitations. The use of questionnaire is recommended only in case of those technical jobs where the job contents are not completely known to the supervisor or the operation is too complex to observe.

2. Observation Method :

The most practical and reliable technique of getting information regarding job is through personal observation of the work performed, coupled with the discussion with the supervisor of the job. The analyst may ask questions from the workers on a job.

The complete and useful information can be gathered by the use of this technique. This technique can be used if a particular job is simple and of repetitive nature. Observations coupled with discussions with the supervisor and the workers, constitutes the preferred approach in most of the cases, to get the required information.

3. Interview :

Job analyst uses interview as a prime method of data collection. He contacts the workers and the supervisor concerned and asks questions regarding the various jobs performed by them for collecting the information.

The supervisor may be taken into confidence in collecting the information about the work which the worker is not willing to supply due to certain limitations. Interview may be used as a technique for comparing the data, collected by the analyst through observation or questionnaire.

This technique can do much to dispel any doubts and suspicions which might be held. It may also be useful to crosscheck the information obtained with the incumbents of identical or similar jobs. But it may be kept in view that when information is gathered by interviewing; it is the study of positions and not of persons holding the positions.

4. Record :

Personnel department maintains the record of the facts regarding job and the job holders. The analyst collects the information from the record maintained by the personnel department. This method is also not free from defects.

Certain information such as supervisor worker relationship, tools and accessories used and work conditions are not made available from records and hence complete information about work and worker cannot be obtained by this technique.

5. Critical Incidents :

In this method, job holders are asked to describe incidents concerning the job on the basis of their past experience. The incidents so collected are analysed and classified according to the job areas they describe.

A fairly clear picture of actual job requirements can be obtained by distinguishing between effective and ineffective behaviour of workers on the job. However, this method is time consuming. The analyst requires a high degree of skill to analyse the contents of descriptions given by workers.

The above techniques of collecting information are generally used but none of them is free from defects. The analyst should use these techniques in combination and not in isolation to get better results.

6. Job Performance :

In this method, the job analyst actually performs the job under study to obtain a firsthand experience of the actual tastes, physical and social demands and the environment of the job.

This method can be used only for jobs where skill requirements are low and can therefore, be learnt quickly and easily. It is not suitable for jobs that are hazardous or for jobs that require extensive training. Moreover, it is a very time consuming method.

Although most employers use the above methods for collecting job analysis data, there are many tunes when these narrative approaches are not appropriate. In that case, a more quantitative job analysis approach may be best.

Essay # 6. Problems in Job Analysis :

Certain problems may crop up while conducting job analysis.

The major ones are as follows:

1. Lack of Support from Top Management:

In most cases the support from top management is missing. They refuse to appropriately describe what an employee is supposed to do in the company creating confusion in the minds of employees. The top management should make it clear to all employees that their full and honest participation is extremely important for the process.

2. Single Method:

All too often, job analyst relies on only one of the methods when a combination of two or more methods might provide a better idea.

3. Lack of Training/Motivation:

Job holders are a great source of information about the job, but they are not trained or motivated to generate quality data for job analysis. Further, job holders are rarely made aware of the importance of the data and are never rewarded for providing accurate data.

4. Distortion of Activities:

When training or preparedness does not exist, job holders tend to submit distorted data, either intentionally or inadvertently. Another reason for the negative attitude is the feeling that “as long as someone does not know precisely what I am supposed to be doing, I am safe.”

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Human Resource Management: Job Analysis

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Job Analysis

As a new employee in our company we urge you to know that Job analysis is the procedure followed to find out what the employees are expected to achieve how they are supposed to achieve it when carrying out their work and the competencies and skills needed to meet the expectations of the company. In our Company Job analysis is regarded to be very essential since it gives our management the information required to produce role profiles, information used in recruitment, learning and development, performance appraisals, job design and job evaluation. After the job analysis is done we always give a result which is got which is referred to as role profile. The role profile in our company describes the responsibility the holders are supposed to deliver in terms of the expectations of the company and accountabilities. It also defines the competencies and skills required to execute the job effectively, what role holders need to know and finally what they are able to do. Role profiles are usually individual or they may belong to the whole grouping our company. (Raymond, 1994).

You should also keep in mind that we consider Job analysis also defines those tasks and duties that are supposed to be carried out by our employees in order to provide a job description so it is usually narrow and nonflexible. It usually describe out clearly exactly what job holders in our organization are supposed to do and also give our employees the opportunity to accept or object if they or they don’t fit in the description given by us. In company you will also find that there is also job learning analysis which analyses the learning skills that contribute to a performance which satisfies our management. A learning skill is used to perfect other skills and knowledge, and represents broad categories of job behavior that need to be improved and new ones learnt by our employees. The learning skills include: adapting new ideas and systems, looking ahead and anticipating, physical skills that require practice, non-verbal information that include smell, sound, taste, sight and touch which is used to assess and categorize. Other learning skills include memorizing facts, diagnosing, analyzing and problem-solving without help. (Martocchio and Judge, 1997).

Employee selection and orientation process

Being a new employee you will be in a position of undergoing various selection and orientation process whereby in our company employee selection is important as it is a way in which an organization ensures that it obtains the right human resource for specific job. Employee selection in our organization falls in the broader perspective of employee resourcing which is very important in this organization. It consists of administration, performance and staffing. All these are interrelated activities that are carried out in our company. Management and staffing activities help in ensuring that employees with right or desired skills are recruited. The employees have also to be in the right numbers as desired by our organization. Employee resourcing in our company aims at ensuring that employees are at the right place at the right time. Management in this case is concerned with ensuring that employees perform their best (Beardwell and Holden, 1997).

Although there are many methods of selection that contemporary organizations utilize during the process of selection of employees for any vacant post in the organization, as for your selection as one of our employees you will go through interviewing as a way of selection.

Interviews are very important as they give more information to stakeholders hence helping them in decision making concerning the job. In this case we the managers in our company are in a position to know who the applicants for the management trainee post are. We are always in a position to know their specific personalities and to evaluate whether they are fit to work in our company or not. In most cases an interviewer normally has prior information from application forms. This method used in this company for selection helps the company to know some of the behavioral patterns of the potential employees.

Evaluation of this method shows that employers had the opportunity to introduce the company to potential employees. This was a very good opportunity for the employers to explain in detail what the company entails. This method is effective in the sense that potential employees can ask us the management any questions concerning this company. It is quite effective as any misunderstandings between the two parties can be aired.

Research shows that interviews as selection methods are not always a hundred percent effective. This is because they are quite subject to bias. There are chances that interviewers in any organization can short list candidates they liked and not those that deserved the opportunities. This is one area where ineffectiveness is shown. This method is quite subjective to ideal candidate stereotype. There are always chances that interviewers may not take their time to analyze the candidates. For instance if an applicant is non verbal it may influence the interviewer not to select him or her. This may be due to applicant being nervous (Druker, 1995).

Incentives and Reward system

Being a new employee we are glad to inform you that we normally use individual reward systems which are very vital in our company. This is because they play a big role in improving the performance of our staff. We use reward systems to improve the performance of our employees by praising employees who attain set targets. This is always done in organization meetings or also at individual level. Rewards are carried out often for our company to achieve better results. As Managers in the company we ensure that the set measures are attainable for them to motivate our employees to improve their performance (Thomson, and Rampton, 2003).

Our company has been using individual reward systems to improve the performance of our employees by incorporating appraisal or promotion for employees who have a good record of performance. Another way through which we use reward systems to improve performance is through personalizing the reward.

People see organizations as a means to help them to attain their goals while organizations need people to accomplish their objectives. Therefore if mutuality is missing, it makes no sense in trying to assemble a group and develop a cooperation because there is no common base on which to build. Therefore for attainment of organizational effectiveness, human resource is the most important asset that has been paid much attention by the management of the company. Human resource in the company has the responsibility to coordinate all the activities within the institution and they have to ensure efficiency in productivity thus increase in productivity which in turn leads to rise in profit level. Therefore you are required to know that our company’s HR department has the duty to clearly address the following issues:

  • Dealing with workplace harassment: for your information our company has been put in a position of various workplace issues by creating awareness of workplace harassment even in areas where no cases have been reported to ensure that there is a general commitment to fight the menace and also by conducting a training for supervisors on people management and other forms of public administration such as management techniques, public relations etc this actually indicates that you will be protected from various workplace harassments by our management team.
  • Privacy: As we welcome you to our organization, we emphasize on the issue of privacy. It should be noted clearly that all employees irrespective of their job designation in the company has the duty to not to expose company’s undertakings not only to the competitors but to the members of public at large without consent from company’s authority. The company’s organizational structure clearly spells out this issue with punishment and penalties that include dismissal if an employee is found guilty of such offense. The company on its part has the duty to protect its employees from any issues so long as it is within the scope of the duties designated.


In the case of migration our company you are required to keep in mind that our company has passed various rules governing the employment eligibility verification system. This system in our company helps the immigrants to easily access employment in our company. In this system there is a central database on workers in our firm. This means that employers have their systems updated and information on all employees properly assembled. In this program foreign workers in our company can be assisted to link up with local employers. These rules help even the foreign workers currently working in our company. In this case the willing workers are assisted to connect to employers that are willing to absorb them in our company. These rules have actually helped the immigrant workers to greatly contribute to economy in this company. It has led to an increase in labor supply for many employers. This has led creating more job opportunities which greatly contributes to development of the workers living standards. We highly hope that these will you as you carry out your duties in our company.

Competency framework

Competency in our company involves having a measurable pattern of abilities, behaviors; skills and knowledge that one needs to have in order to perform a task. Competencies normally form the foundation of ensuring effective performance in any position in our organization. This always involves values that have to be demonstrated by employees including you as our new employee.

Employee training

As a new employee you will be required to undergo a number of training in order to better your experiences and learn more from our company since we consider Training as a planned program to improve and bring about changes in knowledge, skills, attitudes, and social behavior of our employees. When training is done in our company it brings along development. We therefore define development as a long term educational process aimed at preparing our employees for future responsibility through the acquisition of new experience, skills, knowledge and attitudes. All employees in our company must undergo a training program in case there is the implementation of new technology in the company. New employees in our company should also be job trained so that they can be able to adapt to the functions of the company and also operate in the way the company operates. For new employees to be recruited in our organization they should have acquired the qualifications that we need our employees to have so it will be easy for us the management team to train them on the specific jobs they are supposed to carry out. In this company we have a specific number of employees who are supposed to train in a specific season and are able to provide the required workforce the company is requiring for it to achieve its goals within the time limit set.

There is entire need of job training of employees in our company that will lead to; increasing productivity, to improve quality of goods and services, to promote inventiveness and imagination of employees, to improve health and safety of employees and to improve organization environment through increased morale of trained personnel. Training also helps in increasing personal growth, it leads to increased labor turnover, and it leads to job satisfaction and finally helps our company to fulfill its future personnel needs.

In this organization we have ensured that there is focus on individual training which should take place after one year which is referred to as just-in-time training. This training is closely connected to the vital and appropriate needs of our employees by its association with immediate working activities. It is usually delivered at the possible time when the activity is taking place. The training is based on identifying the latest requirements, priorities and plans of the partakers. The program used in training takes in to account any transfer issues and aims to ensure that what is taught is being applied in the current work situation. In our company training is always systematic in that it is specifically designed, planned and implemented to meet the definite needs of the firm. (Martocchio and Judge, 1997).

It is usually argued that every time a company wants to be successful it should be able to carry out job analysis, development and training, job design and implement it and finally evaluate the job done by the employees so that they can be able to determine the amount of wages to pay them. The entire above are unavoidable in a company if it wants to be successful and achieve its goals and objectives we therefore assure you that our company will not allow this activities to be carried out in a manner that is discerning, prejudiced or biased so the processes should be analytical, fair, systematic, consistent, transparent and flexible for the well being of all employees in the company you being one of them.

The Competence Framework

The following competency framework is always used in our company for the management trainee post when we seek to recruit and retain competent workforce.

The following table shows a competency framework designed to fit our company:

Being innovative and creative Managing conflicts Applicant’s accountability Financial management Ability to partner
External awareness Leveraging diversity decisiveness Human capital management Negotiating and influencing
Flexibility Team building Customer service Technology management Political Savvy
Resilience Developing others Problem solving
Vision and thinking strategically Entrepreneurship and technical credibility

Mark, D. (2001): Human Resource Management and organisational performance; 3 rd Edition of the Institute of Management, Washington, U.S.

Martocchio, J. and Judge, T. (1997): Relationship between Conscientiousness and Learning in Employee Training: – Mediating Influences of Self-Deception and Self-Efficacy. Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 82.

Thomson, C. and Rampton, L. (2003): Human Resource Management. New York; Melbourne Press.

Raymond, A.N. (1994): Employee Training and Development. 4 th Edition, Ohio State University.

Thomson, C. and Rampton, L. (2003): Human Resource Management. Melbourne press, New York.

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  • HR Management Essay

Sample Essay on Job Analysis and Job Descriptions

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The success of organizations depends on how employees perform their duties. As a result, most HR managers consider job analysis and descriptions as pivotal aspects in enhancing performance and administration. The rationale for job analysis is to point out and establish duties and requirements of a particular job. Job analysis focuses on the job and not the person undertaking the job. HR managers have to utilize knowledge, skills, abilities, and other competencies (KSAOCs) to develop job description and analysis. Job descriptions involve offering detailed account of functions, roles, working conditions, as well as reporting relationships of a particular job. An organization has to know why it has to hire employees, thus, having detailed information concerning certain jobs can help in determining the most suitable individuals to undertake the tasks.

Methodologies of Job Analysis

Job analysis is fundamental in human resources management as it assists in identifying the content of any job, based on the job requirements necessary to carry out particular activities. According to Smith (2015), job analysis enables the HR managers to gather and analyze information about all characteristics of an employee’s position. The analyst is required to understand the essential attributes of a particular job, how tasks should be carried out, and the skills that job holders should have to undertake the tasks effectively.

Although there are several methodologies of gathering job analysis information, HR managers are allowed to choose one, or a mixture of more than two, with regard to the needs of their organizations. One of the core methodologies of job analysis is KSAOCs. KSAOCs are the foundation of human capital, and are concerned with activities that determine the real worth of employees to the organizations (Condrey, 2010). Management of employees’ KSAOCs is fundamental to the HR professionals, as it enables them to develop an accurate job description that enhances performance and engagement.

When tasks become larger and sophisticated, hiring individuals who are endowed with KSAOCs would help in accomplishing a wide range of activities simultaneously and, consequently, fulfilling the organization’s goals. Having qualified workforce necessitates the HR managers to establish an innovative recruitment approach that considers KSAOCs, in addition to diversity of employees. Companies can only enhance performance management activities by tying all practices to KSAOCs.

  • Changing Management Practices (CMP) Model

CMP model has become a popular methodology among the modern companies, owing to its capacity to enhance organizational competitiveness. The model creates awareness to employees concerning the need for change in their jobs, in addition to enhancing the desire to contribute towards change. CMP model offers cost-effective solutions concerning staffing, budget considerations, equipment, and facilities. The model works well in non-profit organizations because they focus much on growth and expansion of resources. A growing organization will always require more people to manage recruitment, training, retention, and communication with clients.

Slotting involves utilizing an existing ranking of occupations where new jobs are assessed based on other jobs that are already placed in the hierarchical order. The slotting process starts by collecting market data, which are tabulated and analyzed to create a market value. In this methodology, jobs that lack adequate market data are slotted into a hierarchy, but those with adequate data are graded based on the already existing grades. According to Herman (2011), slotting techniques is preferred by most organizations because it saves time and costs, since the costs of consultation on instituting internal equity is avoided while less staff are involved in its establishment.

  • Point Factors

Another methodology for job analysis is point-factor, which enable the HR managers to establish a relative score of a particular job. Point-factor method is a compensable tactic for determining the job’s worth. A point-factor offers a structured method of evaluating a job, in addition to providing a relative objective and impartial view concerning the value of a job. This method identifies and evaluates a number of factors, sets up levels within each factor, and allocates points to each level (Herman, 2011). For instance, a bank clerk is worth less than a recruiting manager based on the skills required, as well as the working conditions.

Generally, the compensable factors with the point-factor evaluation incorporate skills, responsibilities, effort, as well as working conditions. The end product of point factors is a hierarchy of jobs, staring from the highest to the lowest job, depending on the value allocated to each job. Point factor may consider internal equity, which is the perception of fairness that organizations apply while compensating employees. Point factor is vital in the job description, as it enable the HR managers to communicate job expectations.

Job Analysis for Various Occupations

Knowledge: Bank clerks should be knowledgeable in balancing of books, recording customer details, and organizing loan information. They should be excellent in communication skills and proficient in both management and organizational skills.

Skills: Bank clerks should be excellent in numerical and calculation skills, as well as IT skills. They should be thorough, neat, and accurate in their tasks. They should be honest, trustworthy, and welcoming. Bank clerks should be attentive to details, in addition to being skilful in transaction processes.

Abilities: Since bank clerks spend most of their time at the counters, good communication is paramount, as one has to deal with customers directly. Bank clerks should be capable of assisting customers to carry out bank transactions, in addition to answering their questions. Interviews skills are necessary when interrogating customers who want loans.

Other Competencies: Bank clerks should have the capacity to work tidily and accurately. Being honest and trustworthy is essential when dealing with customers.

Job Description for Bank Clerk

Bank clerks, who also work as tellers, are entry-level employees who main responsibility is to keep in contact with the banks’ customers. Bank clerks can work in any department in the bank, since their responsibilities are to keep records within that department. They have to assist customers to apply and secure loans, in addition to advising them on modes of payment.  Bank clerk job does not require formal education, but employers seek for individuals with a diploma or equivalent. Individuals who are hired to undertake the clerk job undergo an internal training to master their responsibilities. Bank clerks work under the bank manager.

  • Tasks and Responsibilities

Other duties and responsibilities of bank clerks include:

  • Preparing monthly balance sheets for the customers
  • Helping customers to open various accounts with the bank
  • Coordinating with other departments on financial matters
  • Handling bonds and foreign currencies
  • Reporting discrepancies to the relevant authority
  • Accepting payments for mortgage, loans, and utilities
  • Selling checks and money orders
  • Promotion of bank products
  • Handling miscellaneous activities as assigned
  • Education Qualifications
  • Candidates for bank clerk job should be Diploma holders in any field, but should be knowledgeable in mathematics, statistics, and accounting
  • Knowledge of computer packages and computers is mandatory
  • During interviews, bank clerks can be evaluated on clerical skills
  • Working Condition
  • Bank clerks are expected to work for about 35 to 40 hours every week
  • They are also expected to be flexible, as they can be required to work on evening shifts or weekend shifts
  • Staff Training Coordinator

Knowledge: Staff training coordinators should be conversant with instructional design theory, as well as implementation. They should be familiar with traditional and modern methods of training, which can transform operations in organizations. Training coordinators should good planners, who understand the needs of individual employees. Understanding of learning management systems, in addition to training methodologies and instructional design is necessary in this occupation.

Skills: Staff training coordinators should be excellent in designing and preparing educational aids and materials that are necessary for conducting training. They should be skillful in assessing instructional effectiveness and evaluating the impact of training employees on certain skills. Excellent communication skills are vital for dealing with diverse workforce. Judgment and coaching skills are necessary to enhance training needs. Computer skills, and in particular, MS Office proficiency is mandatory in carrying out training and coordination.

Abilities: Staff training coordinators should be able to conduct organization’s need assessment to identify the gaps that could be filled with new knowledge.  They should have proven ability in completing full training cycle, which incorporates assessing needs, planning, developing, coordinating, monitoring, and evaluation. They should also demonstrate the capacity to offer train-the-trainer sessions, which integrate internal subject matter experts.

Other Competencies: Training coordinators should be friendly and welcoming, as they are responsible for welcoming visitors within the company’s offices. They should also be aware of organizational culture, which would assist them in inculcating norms into employees through training.

Job Description

Staff training coordinators can also be referred to as HR development coordinators, or training specialists. They are involved in evaluating the training needs for the coming employees, as well as the existing employees. They liaise with internal partners on matters concerning employee training needs. Training coordinators design training aids, which include handbooks, brochures, and manuals, in addition to informing employees about the planned training. They offer feedback to program participants, as well as communicate to the management concerning training. Staff training coordinators report to HR Manager.

  • Tasks and Responsibilities of Staff Training Coordinators
  • Assessing both internal and external training programs that tackles competency gaps
  • Collaborate with other stakeholders to offer training needs
  • Designing training manuals and handbooks
  • Designing and applying assessment tools that evaluate training effectiveness
  • Organize training plans for individual employees
  • Maintaining good relationships with external training agencies
  • Managing training budget
  • Updating training design and methodology
  • Develop and organize training programs to fit specific training needs
  • Coordinating open training activities for all employees
  • Staff training coordinators need to have a Bachelor of Science degree in the field of education, human resources, training, or any other related field
  • They should have a professional experience in instructing and training people
  • Knowledge on presentation, Windows, and other related programs is mandatory
  • Competency assessment and certification on training and development is vital
  • Staff training coordinators can work inside or outside the company’s administration office or in manufacturing plant
  • The work involves much travelling, as well as wearing special uniform during training
  • Training coordinators are expected to work in all conditions, depending on the prevailing weather
  • Recruiting Manager

Knowledge: Recruitment managers should be competent in building a quality relationship with prospective customers and external recruitment agencies. They should be competent in arithmetic, geometry, statistics, as well as in grammar. They should be excellent in managing and developing teams that are involved in the recruitment. Designing training recruitment plans is necessary in order to develop a competent recruitment team. Knowledge on legal matters and government regulations is crucial to enhance ethics in recruitment.

Skills: Recruiting managers should be outstanding in communication skills, as well as negotiating skills. They should offer to listen to what other people suggest, allowing feedback, and apply logic in offering solutions. Recruitment managers are leaders in organizations, hence, they should be proficient in leadership and management skills. While the HR Mangers play a limited role in the recruitment, recruitment managers, who are part of the line managers, contribute immensely in the recruitment, training, and development practices (Brewster, Brookes & Gollan, 2015). They should be skillful in presentation and designing of recruitment programs. Knowledge on social media is necessary to enhance communication within and outside the company.

Abilities: Recruiting managers should be capable of solving issues concerning hiring, training, and other managerial decisions. They should be competent on applying general rules concerning relationship management, as well as in supervisory management. They should be capable of recognizing when something has gone wrong in order to institute a decision making process.

Other Competencies: Recruitment managers should understand the organization’s need to make decisions on who to hire. They should be aware of the organization’s financial status to avoid burdening the organization with unsustainable workforce.

Recruitment manager is involved in the interviewing of the job applicants, in addition to offering directions on the recruitment process. The manager is involved in luring the best talent into the organization. Recruitment manager collaborates with other departments to ensure that all the gaps in the organization are identified and the right people are hired to fill them. Nowadays, recruitment managers are involved in posting updates on the social media concerning available jobs and interview schedules.

Some duties and responsibilities of recruitment managers include:

  • Designing, developing, and maintaining the recruitment process in terms of description, measurements, and reporting
  • Implementation of recruitment innovations, as well as offering decisions on the hiring process and attracting best candidates
  • Monitoring labor legislation and executing required changes to enhance compliance
  • Developing employment policies and administrating over the teams of recruiters
  • Designing recruitment training program and procedures for recruitment, orientation, and compensation
  • Planning and organizing seminars for counseling and training on hiring and selection decisions
  • Representing the company on matters concerning employment
  • Recruitment managers should be bachelor’s degree holders in the fields of human resources, labor relations, and personnel administration
  • A master’s degree in labor relations or business administration is an added advantage
  • Recruitment managers have a chance to become General HR Managers through career progression
  • Sometimes recruitment managers are required to work overtime
  • Eligibility for overtime is guide by the Fair labor Standards Act, as well as collective bargaining agreement
  • Image Consultant

Knowledge: Image consultants make recommendations to their clients on what to wear, which color, and at which occasion. Knowledge on business consultancy, fashion therapy, beauty therapy, and sales and marketing are necessary in this occupation.

Skills: An image consultant must be passionate for fashion, as well as being up-to-date concerning the latest fashion. He/she must be adept in hiding body flaws and creative in thinking outside the box. He/she needs to be well organized well endowed with presentation and prospective skills. Good listening skills and the capacity to keep clients at ease are vital qualities in this endeavor.

Abilities: Image consultants assist clients in choosing makeovers, in addition to advising them on how to improve their verbal and non-verbal communication skills. They can also assist clients to undertake personal shopping for accessories and clothes. A positive approach to situations, and self motivation, are necessary ingredients in succeeding in image consultancy.

Other Competencies: Image consultants should be competent in presentation because they are supposed to deal with color that fit different occasions. They should know how to attract customers through creating websites and business cards. Styling for events, such as weddings, business meetings, and birthday parties, are essential in this field. Image consultants are also vital in directing training workshops, since they are competent in body language tactics.

Image consultants are hired to offer advice on visual appearance, thus, individuals with great passion for fashion can become excellent image consultants. Image consultants’ work is to assist their clients to alter, restore, or boost their image. They assist their clients to establish a wardrobe that suit different occasions, and work with fashion designers to improve their clients’ appearance. Their overall responsibility is to make their clients or organizations appeal to the public, thus, they assist in boosting their clients’ confidence.

  • Offering image enhancements
  • Providing corporate services through seminars, coaching, as well as presentations
  • Choosing garments that fit their clients’ personality
  • Suggesting colors for particular occasions
  • Choosing hairstyles, facial features, and skin tones for their clients
  • Mastering fashion trends, make ups, and working with other fashion designers
  • Offering professional enhancement program to individuals, as well as corporations
  • High school graduates
  • Training on analyzing colors and images
  • Working Conditions
  • Image consultants can be home-based or working in organizations
  • Most image consultants are self-employed and work on contracts in corporations or for individual persons
  • Image consultants can work in many sectors, both public and private
  • Image consultants have to travel to different places to meet their clients, as well as enlighten themselves on different fashion designs

Job analysis is fundamental to the human resources because it offers detailed information concerning how diverse skills are grouped into different categories that incorporate a given task.  Evaluating different jobs involves understanding the KSAOCs, as well as other methodologies involved in ascertain job requirements. After evaluating different characteristics of jobs, the HR managers establish job descriptions, which categorize characteristics for each job, based on their roles, qualifications, and working conditions. Job descriptions enable job seekers to be aware of their responsibilities in their prospective organizations. HR managers are capable of evading conflict of interests, as all employees understand their values within the organization.

Brewster, C., Brookes, M., & Gollan, P. J. (2015). The Institutional Antecedents of the Assignment of HRM Responsibilities to Line Managers.  Human Resource Management ,  54 (4), 577-597. doi:10.1002/hrm.21632

Condrey, S. E. (2010).  Handbook of Human Resource Management in Government . New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.

Haque Talukder, A. M. (2014). Perceived Importance Of Job Analysis Influencing Motivation And Competencies Among Blue-Collar And White-Collar Employees . IBA Business Review, 9 (1), 79-91.

Herman, R. D. (2011). The Jossey-Bass Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership and Management . New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.

Smith, K. J. (2015). Conducting Thorough Job Analyses and Drafting Lawful Job Descriptions. Employment Relations Today (Wiley), 41 (4), 95-99. Doi:10.1002/Ert.21479

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Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago

Samantha Putterman, PolitiFact Samantha Putterman, PolitiFact

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Fact-checking warnings from Democrats about Project 2025 and Donald Trump

This fact check originally appeared on PolitiFact .

Project 2025 has a starring role in this week’s Democratic National Convention.

And it was front and center on Night 1.

WATCH: Hauling large copy of Project 2025, Michigan state Sen. McMorrow speaks at 2024 DNC

“This is Project 2025,” Michigan state Sen. Mallory McMorrow, D-Royal Oak, said as she laid a hardbound copy of the 900-page document on the lectern. “Over the next four nights, you are going to hear a lot about what is in this 900-page document. Why? Because this is the Republican blueprint for a second Trump term.”

Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, has warned Americans about “Trump’s Project 2025” agenda — even though former President Donald Trump doesn’t claim the conservative presidential transition document.

“Donald Trump wants to take our country backward,” Harris said July 23 in Milwaukee. “He and his extreme Project 2025 agenda will weaken the middle class. Like, we know we got to take this seriously, and can you believe they put that thing in writing?”

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, Harris’ running mate, has joined in on the talking point.

“Don’t believe (Trump) when he’s playing dumb about this Project 2025. He knows exactly what it’ll do,” Walz said Aug. 9 in Glendale, Arizona.

Trump’s campaign has worked to build distance from the project, which the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, led with contributions from dozens of conservative groups.

Much of the plan calls for extensive executive-branch overhauls and draws on both long-standing conservative principles, such as tax cuts, and more recent culture war issues. It lays out recommendations for disbanding the Commerce and Education departments, eliminating certain climate protections and consolidating more power to the president.

Project 2025 offers a sweeping vision for a Republican-led executive branch, and some of its policies mirror Trump’s 2024 agenda, But Harris and her presidential campaign have at times gone too far in describing what the project calls for and how closely the plans overlap with Trump’s campaign.

PolitiFact researched Harris’ warnings about how the plan would affect reproductive rights, federal entitlement programs and education, just as we did for President Joe Biden’s Project 2025 rhetoric. Here’s what the project does and doesn’t call for, and how it squares with Trump’s positions.

Are Trump and Project 2025 connected?

To distance himself from Project 2025 amid the Democratic attacks, Trump wrote on Truth Social that he “knows nothing” about it and has “no idea” who is in charge of it. (CNN identified at least 140 former advisers from the Trump administration who have been involved.)

The Heritage Foundation sought contributions from more than 100 conservative organizations for its policy vision for the next Republican presidency, which was published in 2023.

Project 2025 is now winding down some of its policy operations, and director Paul Dans, a former Trump administration official, is stepping down, The Washington Post reported July 30. Trump campaign managers Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita denounced the document.

WATCH: A look at the Project 2025 plan to reshape government and Trump’s links to its authors

However, Project 2025 contributors include a number of high-ranking officials from Trump’s first administration, including former White House adviser Peter Navarro and former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson.

A recently released recording of Russell Vought, a Project 2025 author and the former director of Trump’s Office of Management and Budget, showed Vought saying Trump’s “very supportive of what we do.” He said Trump was only distancing himself because Democrats were making a bogeyman out of the document.

Project 2025 wouldn’t ban abortion outright, but would curtail access

The Harris campaign shared a graphic on X that claimed “Trump’s Project 2025 plan for workers” would “go after birth control and ban abortion nationwide.”

The plan doesn’t call to ban abortion nationwide, though its recommendations could curtail some contraceptives and limit abortion access.

What’s known about Trump’s abortion agenda neither lines up with Harris’ description nor Project 2025’s wish list.

Project 2025 says the Department of Health and Human Services Department should “return to being known as the Department of Life by explicitly rejecting the notion that abortion is health care.”

It recommends that the Food and Drug Administration reverse its 2000 approval of mifepristone, the first pill taken in a two-drug regimen for a medication abortion. Medication is the most common form of abortion in the U.S. — accounting for around 63 percent in 2023.

If mifepristone were to remain approved, Project 2025 recommends new rules, such as cutting its use from 10 weeks into pregnancy to seven. It would have to be provided to patients in person — part of the group’s efforts to limit access to the drug by mail. In June, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected a legal challenge to mifepristone’s FDA approval over procedural grounds.

WATCH: Trump’s plans for health care and reproductive rights if he returns to White House The manual also calls for the Justice Department to enforce the 1873 Comstock Act on mifepristone, which bans the mailing of “obscene” materials. Abortion access supporters fear that a strict interpretation of the law could go further to ban mailing the materials used in procedural abortions, such as surgical instruments and equipment.

The plan proposes withholding federal money from states that don’t report to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention how many abortions take place within their borders. The plan also would prohibit abortion providers, such as Planned Parenthood, from receiving Medicaid funds. It also calls for the Department of Health and Human Services to ensure that the training of medical professionals, including doctors and nurses, omits abortion training.

The document says some forms of emergency contraception — particularly Ella, a pill that can be taken within five days of unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy — should be excluded from no-cost coverage. The Affordable Care Act requires most private health insurers to cover recommended preventive services, which involves a range of birth control methods, including emergency contraception.

Trump has recently said states should decide abortion regulations and that he wouldn’t block access to contraceptives. Trump said during his June 27 debate with Biden that he wouldn’t ban mifepristone after the Supreme Court “approved” it. But the court rejected the lawsuit based on standing, not the case’s merits. He has not weighed in on the Comstock Act or said whether he supports it being used to block abortion medication, or other kinds of abortions.

Project 2025 doesn’t call for cutting Social Security, but proposes some changes to Medicare

“When you read (Project 2025),” Harris told a crowd July 23 in Wisconsin, “you will see, Donald Trump intends to cut Social Security and Medicare.”

The Project 2025 document does not call for Social Security cuts. None of its 10 references to Social Security addresses plans for cutting the program.

Harris also misleads about Trump’s Social Security views.

In his earlier campaigns and before he was a politician, Trump said about a half-dozen times that he’s open to major overhauls of Social Security, including cuts and privatization. More recently, in a March 2024 CNBC interview, Trump said of entitlement programs such as Social Security, “There’s a lot you can do in terms of entitlements, in terms of cutting.” However, he quickly walked that statement back, and his CNBC comment stands at odds with essentially everything else Trump has said during the 2024 presidential campaign.

Trump’s campaign website says that not “a single penny” should be cut from Social Security. We rated Harris’ claim that Trump intends to cut Social Security Mostly False.

Project 2025 does propose changes to Medicare, including making Medicare Advantage, the private insurance offering in Medicare, the “default” enrollment option. Unlike Original Medicare, Medicare Advantage plans have provider networks and can also require prior authorization, meaning that the plan can approve or deny certain services. Original Medicare plans don’t have prior authorization requirements.

The manual also calls for repealing health policies enacted under Biden, such as the Inflation Reduction Act. The law enabled Medicare to negotiate with drugmakers for the first time in history, and recently resulted in an agreement with drug companies to lower the prices of 10 expensive prescriptions for Medicare enrollees.

Trump, however, has said repeatedly during the 2024 presidential campaign that he will not cut Medicare.

Project 2025 would eliminate the Education Department, which Trump supports

The Harris campaign said Project 2025 would “eliminate the U.S. Department of Education” — and that’s accurate. Project 2025 says federal education policy “should be limited and, ultimately, the federal Department of Education should be eliminated.” The plan scales back the federal government’s role in education policy and devolves the functions that remain to other agencies.

Aside from eliminating the department, the project also proposes scrapping the Biden administration’s Title IX revision, which prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. It also would let states opt out of federal education programs and calls for passing a federal parents’ bill of rights similar to ones passed in some Republican-led state legislatures.

Republicans, including Trump, have pledged to close the department, which gained its status in 1979 within Democratic President Jimmy Carter’s presidential Cabinet.

In one of his Agenda 47 policy videos, Trump promised to close the department and “to send all education work and needs back to the states.” Eliminating the department would have to go through Congress.

What Project 2025, Trump would do on overtime pay

In the graphic, the Harris campaign says Project 2025 allows “employers to stop paying workers for overtime work.”

The plan doesn’t call for banning overtime wages. It recommends changes to some Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, regulations and to overtime rules. Some changes, if enacted, could result in some people losing overtime protections, experts told us.

The document proposes that the Labor Department maintain an overtime threshold “that does not punish businesses in lower-cost regions (e.g., the southeast United States).” This threshold is the amount of money executive, administrative or professional employees need to make for an employer to exempt them from overtime pay under the Fair Labor Standards Act.

In 2019, the Trump’s administration finalized a rule that expanded overtime pay eligibility to most salaried workers earning less than about $35,568, which it said made about 1.3 million more workers eligible for overtime pay. The Trump-era threshold is high enough to cover most line workers in lower-cost regions, Project 2025 said.

The Biden administration raised that threshold to $43,888 beginning July 1, and that will rise to $58,656 on Jan. 1, 2025. That would grant overtime eligibility to about 4 million workers, the Labor Department said.

It’s unclear how many workers Project 2025’s proposal to return to the Trump-era overtime threshold in some parts of the country would affect, but experts said some would presumably lose the right to overtime wages.

Other overtime proposals in Project 2025’s plan include allowing some workers to choose to accumulate paid time off instead of overtime pay, or to work more hours in one week and fewer in the next, rather than receive overtime.

Trump’s past with overtime pay is complicated. In 2016, the Obama administration said it would raise the overtime to salaried workers earning less than $47,476 a year, about double the exemption level set in 2004 of $23,660 a year.

But when a judge blocked the Obama rule, the Trump administration didn’t challenge the court ruling. Instead it set its own overtime threshold, which raised the amount, but by less than Obama.

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What Voters Outside the Democratic Bubble Thought of Harris’s Speech

They are not leaping onto the Democratic Party bandwagon. But one undecided voter said, “Maybe it’s not as hard to vote for her.”

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Kamala Harris stands on stage at the convention, waving up to the crowd.

By Richard Fausset Campbell Robertson J. David Goodman Eduardo Medina and Isabelle Taft

On Thursday night, it was up to Kamala Harris to make the closing argument for why Democrats deserved another four years in the White House. In her headlining speech of the Democratic National Convention, which had been as festive, and at times as frivolous, as a giant block party, Ms. Harris spoke of standing up to global tyranny, and of lessons she learned from her single mother. She blasted the former President Donald J. Trump as an “unserious man” and spoke of the “awesome responsibility” that comes with the privilege of being an American.

It all left Democrats on the convention floor feeling euphoric and focused, confident that her speech would spur the Democratic base to turn out in November.

But outside the arena, and outside the bubble of ride-or-die Democratic voters, some voters, particularly Republicans, said they did not even bother to watch the speech. And among some still on the fence — those who could make a difference in a tight contest — Ms. Harris’s words did not make immediate converts. They said they needed more specifics.

Bob and Sharon Reed watched Ms. Harris’s speech on their farm in the hills of central Pennsylvania. Both of them voted for Mr. Trump in past elections and both of them liked some of his policies, if not his personality. They came away from Ms. Harris’s speech feeling a little conflicted.

The problem? They liked it.

“I really wasn’t happy with the Biden administration,” said Ms. Reed, who like her husband is 77 and a retired schoolteacher. “But listening to her tonight, maybe it’s not as hard to vote for her. And, you know, I’m a little scared of what Trump will do when he gets back in power.”

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Disemployment Effects of Unemployment Insurance: A Meta-Analysis

University of Chicago, Becker Friedman Institute for Economics Working Paper No. 2024-104

48 Pages Posted: 28 Aug 2024

Jonathan Cohen

Peter ganong.

University of Chicago; National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)

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Date Written: August 27, 2024

We systematically review studies of how unemployment benefits affect unemployment duration. Statistically significant findings are eleven times more likely to be published. Correcting for publication bias reduces average elasticity by factor of two. Meta-analysis provides a principled way for sufficient statistics methods to aggregate estimates across policy contexts and speak to the optimality of large reforms. Although existing consumption drop-based approaches typically imply an optimal replacement rate near zero, our corrected estimates imply an optimal replacement rate of 28%. The "micro" elasticity is equal to the "macro" elasticity, suggesting that general equilibrium effects are unimportant or cancel out.

Keywords: Unemployment Benefits, Publication Bias, Meta-analysis, Baily-Chetty

JEL Classification: C13, E24, E64, J64, J65

Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation

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