Lerntext Acetabularia

Roland heynkes, 27.1.2019.

Dieser Hypertext soll möglichst verständlich erklären, was man zum Verständnis der Biologie über uralte Experiment e mit Schirmalgen der Gattung Acetabularia wissen sollte.

Was sind Schirmalgen
der Lebenszyklus der Acetabularia
Acetabularia-Experimente von Joachim Hämmerling
Amputation des Rhizoids
Amputation des Hutes
Amputation von Rhizoid und Hut
Doppelter Regenerationsversuch

Schirmalgen sind eine international Acetabularia genannte Gattung von Alge n, die in tropisch en und subtropisch en Meeren leben. Es gibt eine ausführlichere und mir als Quelle dienende Beschreibung in der Wikipedia . Anfangs besteht Acetabularia aus nur einer Zelle mit nur einem großen, diploid en Zellkern . Je nach Spezies werden diese Zelle n zwischen 0,5 und 10 Zentimetern groß. Wie der Name Schirmalge schon andeutet, bilden diese riesigen Zelle n einen großen Schirm (Durchmesser 0,5-1,5 cm) auf einem Stiel, an dessen unterem Ende sich ein Rhizoid mit dem großen primär en Zellkern befindet. Die Zellwand ist mehr oder weniger stark verkalkt. Das Cytoplasma mit zahlreichen zirkulierenden Chloroplast en und den anderen Organell en werden von einer großen Vakuole an den Rand gedrängt.

einer Acetabularia-

Das von Mariana Ruiz Villarreal gezeichnete und von mir deutsch beschriftete erste Schema des Acetabularia- Lebenszyklus ses ist unvollständig und wird deshalb weiter unten durch ein zweites ergänzt. Der Lebenszyklus der einzelligen Meeres- Alge Acetabularia beginnt mit der Verschmelzung zweier haploid er Geschlechtszelle n ( Gamet en). Denn dadurch entsteht eine diploid e Zygote mit einem neuen Bauplan . Im Gegensatz zu vielzelligen Organismen teilt sich die Zygote nicht, sondern sie wächst und bildet drei klar unterscheidbare Abschnitte. Um den Zellkern herum entsteht ein wurzelähnliches Rhizoid , aus dem heraus ein langer Stiel wächst, der oben einen großen Schirm bildet.

des Acetabularia- ses

Wenn die Zelle einen Schirm gebildet hat, entstehen durch eine Meiose genannte spezielle Form der Zellteilung aus dem großen diploid en ( primär en) Zellkern kleinere haploid e ( sekundär e) Zellkern e mit nur noch einfachem Chromosomensatz . Durch nachfolgende Mitose n (normale Zellkern -Teilungen) entstehen zahlreiche haploid e Sekundärkerne, die nach oben in die Kammern des Schirms wandern. In jeder Kammer des Schirms finden weitere Mitose n statt und es entstehen zahlreiche dickwandige Zyste n mit 20-50 Gamet en. Diese besitzten jeweils 2 Geißeln für die Fortbewegung. Später setzt der Zerfall des Schirms die Zyste n frei. Die Zyste n können lange überdauern ( Dauerstadium ), bis sie durch günstige Lebensbedingungen aktiviert werden. Dann öffnet eine Zyste einen Deckel und entlässt die Gamet en. Diese schwimmen dann zu einer Gamet e des jeweils anderen Geschlecht s und vereinigen sich mit ihr zu einer nun wieder diploid en Zelle ( Zygote ), die aufgrund der einzigartigen Kombination zweier haploid er Genom e zu einem diploid en Genom ein neues Lebewesen darstellen. Es bildet wieder ein Rhizoid und setzt sich auf einem geeigneten Untergrund ( Substrat ) fest. Abschließend wächst die Zelle heran, bis sie ihrerseits einen Schirm bildet.

Eigentlich gilt die Zelle als kleinste lebensfähig e Einheit. Das Überleben der Tochterzelle n bei jeder Zellteilung zeigt jedoch, dass sich eine große Zelle in einem geordneten Prozess in zwei lebensfähig e kleinere Zelle n teilen kann. Voraussetzung dafür ist allerdings, dass beide Tochterzelle n alle lebensnotwendigen Bestandteile einer lebensfähig en Zelle bekommen. Die Tochterzelle n befruchteter menschlicher Eizelle n teilen sich sogar viele Male ohne zwischengeschaltetes Wachstum . So entstehen Hunderte lebensfähig e Zelle n aus einer großen Zelle . Unsere roten Blutkörperchen deuten jedoch darauf hin, dass eukaryotische Zelle n ohne Zellkern nur noch wenige Monate überleben können. Denn ohne Baupläne können Zelle n keine neuen Transkript e produzieren . Ohne neue Transkript e gibt es keine neuen Ribosom en, keine neuen tRNA s und keine neuen mRNA s für die Produktion neuer Protein e.

Die einzelligen Meeresalgen der Gattung Acetabularia überleben auch dann, wenn man sie völlig unvorbereitet in Stücke schneidet. Sogar Zellbruchstücke ohne Zellkern können einige Monate überleben und abgeschnittene Teile der Zelle regenerieren , sofern ihnen Licht als Energie quelle zur Verfügung steht. Sie können allerdings keinen neuen Zellkern erschaffen. Deshalb reicht in kernlosen Zellfragmenten der Vorrat an Transkript en und Protein en nicht aus, um größere bereits regenerierte Zellbestandteile noch einmal zu ersetzen. ( Donald E.Fosket - 2 The Genetic Basis of Plant Development in Plant Growth and Development 1994: 41-78 )

  • Joachim Hämmerling - Entwicklung und Formbildungsvermögen von Acetabularia mediterranea - Biologisches Zentralblatt 1931; 51
  • Joachim Hämmerling - Entwicklung und Formbildungsvermögen von Actabularia mnediterranea. II kernhaltiger und kernloser Teilstücke - Biologisches Zentralblatt 1932; 52
  • Joachim Hämmerling - Über formbildende Substanz en bei Acetabularia mediterranea, ihre räumliche und zeitliche Verteilung und ihre Herkunft - Wilhelm Roux' Archiv für Entwicklungsmechanik der Organismen März 1934; 131(1): 1-81
  • Joachim Hämmerling - Regenerationsversuche an kernhaltigen und kernlosen Zellteilen von Acetabularia Wettsteinii - Biologisches Zentralblatt 1934; 54: 650-665
  • Joachim Hämmerling - Entwicklungsphysiologische und genetische Grundlagen der Formbildung bei der Schirmalge Acetabularia - Die Naturwissenschaften 1934; 22: 829
  • Joachim Hämmerling - Über Genomwirkungen und Formbildungsfähigkeit bei Acetabularia - Wilhelm Roux' Archiv für Entwicklungsmechanik der Organismen Januar 1934; 132(2-3): 424-462.
  • Kernlose Teile von Acetabularia mediterranea lassen sich auf einen Kern (mit Rhizoid ) von Acetabularia Wettsteinii und umgekehrt transplantieren .
  • Die Weiterentwicklung erfolgt dann stets kerngemäß, soferne nicht von früher her vorhandene Formbildungsstoffe aufgebraucht werden, entweder in reinem kernfremdem Plasma oder in einem Mischplasma.
  • Daraus ist unter Heranziehung der früheren Ergebnisse zu schließen, daß die Kernstoffe (= Formbildungsstoffe) art spezifisch , d. h. Genprodukt e sind.
  • Es kommen wahrscheinlich wenigstens zwei Sorten von Genprodukt en vor: Wirtelstoffe und Hutstoffe.
  • Eine Formbildung tritt nur ein, wenn zwei Bedingungen gleichzeitig erfüllt sind: Genügende Menge von Genprodukt en und spezifisch e Reaktionsbereitschaft des Plasma s.
  • Der Determination svorgang am lebend en Plasma erfolgt durch die Genprodukt e und nur durch diese. Eine autonom e Erbstruktur im Plasma ist bei Acetabularia aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach nicht vorhanden. Die Determinierung erfolgt räumlich und zeitlich unmittelbar und ist auch räumlich und zeitlich beschränkt. Eine Entwicklung stendenz des Plasma s von einiger Erhaltungsdauer kommt dadurch nicht zustande. Die entwicklungs physiologisch e Bedeutung des Plasma s für den eigentlichen Formbildungsvorgang wird dadurch nicht berührt.

Wenn das Rhizoid rechtzeitig vor der Meiose entfernt wird, dann besitzt die Zelle nach einer Amputation des Rhizoid s keinen Zellkern mehr. Ohne Bauplan kann sich die Zelle nicht mehr vermehren . Trotzdem wächst aus dem Stiel ein neues Rhizoid . Unter günstigen Bedingungen kann die kernlose Zelle noch einige Monate überleben. Dann stirbt sie ab, weil sie ohne Zellkern keine neue Protein e mehr produzieren kann, sobald alle Transkript e abgebaut sind.

einer des Acetabularia- s

In einem Biologie -Buch werden die Neubildung des Rhizoid s und das monatelange Überleben der kernlosen Zelle unterschlagen. Offenbar halten die Buchautoren das für eine didaktische Reduktion. Der Grund dafür dürfte sein, dass man den Zellkern für das Kontrollzentrum der Zelle und deshalb die Dauer des Absterbens der Zelle für ein unwichtiges Detail hält. Es ist aber alles andere als ein unwichtiges Detail , dass die Zelle auch ohne Zellkern noch lange weiterlebt und sogar ein neues Rhizoid bilden kann. Denn das erfordert Regulation , also Kontrolle. Dieser mißlungene Versuch einer didaktischen Reduktion verstellt also den Blick der Lernenden auf die Kontrollfunktion der Zelle außerhalb des Zellkern s, weil die Autoren das offensichtlich selbst nicht verstanden haben.

Amputiert man den Hut einer Acetabularia, dann bildet die Zelle einen neuen. Außerdem kann dann die Zelle ihren Lebenszyklus einschließlich Vermehrung vollenden. Heute bräuchte man dieses Experiment nicht mehr und es reicht auch nicht wirklich aus, um die Rolle des Zellkern s zu verstehen. Aber 1932 konnte man mit diesen beiden Experiment en zeigen, dass zumindest die Acetabularia- Zelle ohne Zellkern nur noch eine begrenzte Lebendauer hat und sich nicht mehr vermehren kann.

einer des Acetabularia-Hutes

Anders als in der Wikipedia behauptet, kann nach einer Amputation des Hutes der Zellkern nicht den Befehl zur Ausschüttung morphogenetisch er Stoff e geben. Der Zellkern kann nämlich weder von der Amputation des Hutes wissen, noch könnte er diese Information verarbeiten und darauf mit einem Befehl reagieren . Die Neubildung des Hutes kann auch nicht durch einen morphogenetisch en Stoff initiiert werden, der sich durch Diffusion ausbreitet. Denn seine Konzentration müsste am Ort der Hutbildung einen Schwellenwert übersteigen, ab welchem die morphogenetisch en Stoff e wirksam werden. Aber dann müssten die morphogenetisch en Stoff e am Ort der Hutbildung entstehen, denn mit der Entfernung vom Ort ihrer Produktion nimmt bei reiner Diffusion ihre Konzentration ab. Das kann jedoch nicht sein, weil ja dieses Ende der Zelle abgeschnitten wurde. Zumindest die Transkript e und Protein e unter den morphogenetisch en Stoff en entstehen im bzw. normalerweise in der Nähe des Zellkern s. In diesem Fall dürfte es also eher die Abwesenheit eines hemmenden Faktor s sein, die zur Bildung eines neuen Hutes führt. Und ein solcher Faktor könnte im Hut produziert werden, damit jede Zelle nur einen Hut bildet.

Wenn verschiedene Bereiche einer Zelle oder eines Gewebe s unterschiedlich agieren oder reagieren sollen, dann helfen ihnen morphogenetische Gradient en bei der Orientierung. Ein morphogenetischer Gradient ist das Konzentration sgefälle eines Stoff es, der an einem Punkt gebildet wird und sich durch Diffusion mit stetig abnehmender Konzentration ausbreitet. In Abhängigkeit von seiner Konzentration können dann in verschiedenen Bereichen der Zelle oder des Gewebe s unterschiedliche Vorgänge ablaufen. Diese Vorgänge können aber zusätzlichen Kontrollen unterliegen. So können Acetabularia- Alge n am Ursprungsort des morphogenetischen Gradient en bei hoher Konzentration des Signalstoffes ein Rhizoid bilden und am anderen Ende des morphogenetischen Gradient en bei niedriger Konzentration des Signalstoffes einen Hut. Das passiert aber nicht, wenn bereits ein Rhizoid bzw. ein Hut vorhanden ist. Das Rhizoid und der Hut bilden also wahrscheinlich Stoff e, welche die Entwicklung weiterer Rhizoid e bzw. Hüte verhindern.

Robert Wall meint 1973 in: "Advances in Morphogenesis" im Kapitel: "Physiological Gradients in Development - A Possible Role for Messenger Ribonucleoprotein" , dass eine an ein schwefelreiches Protein gebundene RNA die morphogenetisch e Information transportiere. Wenn so ein mRNA - Protein - Komplex stabil ist und aktiv zur Spitze des Stils transportiert würde, dann könnte seine Konzentration an der Stielspitze am größten sein. Dafür spricht, dass die Regeneration eines abgeschnittenen Hutes umso schneller erfolgt, je mehr Energie das Licht liefert. Für einen aktiven Transport von mRNA - Protein - Komplex en über das Zytoskelett spricht, dass sich die Hut-Bildung durch Colchizin verhindern lässt. Denn Cholchizin zerstört das Zytoskelett . An der Stielspitze bräuchte es aber ein weiteres, in größter Konzentration an der Stielspitze vorhandenes Signal für Freisetzung der mRNA für Hut- spezifisch e Protein e.

In Kapitel 9.1: " Early experiments with giant Acetabularia cells demonstrated that necleus-dictated genetic information was transmitted to and expressed in the cytoplasm " seines Buches: "Landmark Experiments in Molecular Biology" schreibt der emeritierte israelische Biochemie -Professor Michael Fry, dass ein Spezies - spezifisch er Hut auch noch Wochen nach der Entfernung des Rhizoid s mit dem Zellkern gebildet werden kann. Die dafür erforderlichen mRNA s müssen also schon wochenlang im Cytoplasma gelegen haben, bevor der Stiel ausreichend gewachsen war, um endlich die mRNA s für die Bildung des Hutes zu benutzen. Fry schreibt auch, dass Hämmerlings korrekt e Interpretation seiner Experiment e als Hinweise auf über Wochen stabile Bauanleitungen für den Hut zuerst aufgrund seiner in deutscher Sprache verfassten Artikel ignoriert und später wegen eines allgemein vorherrschenden Glaubens an die Labilität aller mRNA s nicht geglaubt wurde.

Sigrid Berger vom Heidelberger Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften (HIP) der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg (Abt. 2, Zellbiologie, Im Neuenheimer Feld 230, D-69120 Heidelberg) unterscheidet in ihrem Photo-Atlas of living Dasycladales im Kapitel über Acetabularia mit schönen Bildern die verschiedenen Schirmalgen- Spezies und erklärt im Kapitel: " Contribution of Dasycladales to knowledge of cell biology " neben anderen interessanten Ergebnissen der Acetabularia- Forschung zur Chloroplast en-, Chronobiologie - und Zytoskelett - Forschung die von Hämmerling aufgrund seiner cleveren Experiment e postulierten morphogenetisch en Substanz en seien nach heutiger Kenntnislage an Protein e gebundene und dadurch stablisierte mRNA s. Wie bei morphogenetischen Gradient en üblich und durch den Namen Gradient schon angedeutet existiert nach heutiger Kenntnis tatsächlich ein Gefälle mit abnehmenden Konzentration en von rRNA s und Protein -gebundenen mRNA s sowie eine abnehmende Aktivität der Protein - Synthese . Man fand auch eine früh im Zellzyklus vom Zellkern zum Apex transportierte mRNA , deren Translation aber lange durch einen ebenfalls im Zellkern produziert en Inhibitor unterdrückt wird. Umgekehrt wird aber auch der Zellkern reguliert , denn er beginnt erst mit der Meiose , nachdem der Hut fertig ist. Wird der Hut entfernt, kann der Zellkern nicht mit der Meiose beginnen. Setzt man einen zur Meiose bereiten "alten" Zellkern jungem Cytoplasma vom Beginn des Zellzyklus aus, so wird der Zellkern wieder in den anfänglichen Zustand zurück versetzt. Kombiniert man umgekehrt den jungen Zellkern einer gerade erst entstandenen Zygote mit dem "alten" Cytoplasma einer ausgewachsenen Zelle , dann beginnt der Zellkern rasch mit der Meiose .

Nachdem die 26 Dasycladales lange im Max-Planck-Institut für Zellbiologie gezüchtet wurden, muss man sie inzwischen bei der Culture Collection of Algae at the University of Texas, Austin, USA bestellen. Culture Collection of Algae (UTEX) - The University of Texas at Austin - MCDB Biology (A 6700) - 205 W. 24th Street - Austin, TX 78712 - U.S.A.

Versucht man eine Regeneration aus einem Stück Stiel, dann hängt das Ergebnis davon ab, welches Stück Stiel man nimmt.

aus einem -nahen Stück Stiel

Ein Rhizoid -nahes Stück Stiel bildet an seinen beiden Enden Rhizoid e ohne Zellkern . Offensichtlich enthält der Stiel in der Nähe des Rhizoid s alle Molekül e, die für den Aufbau eines Rhizoid s erforderlich sind. Hingegen fehlen offenbar für den Aufbau eines neuen Schirms notwendige Molekül e. Weil der Stiel aber normalerweise nur einen Hut und nur ein Rhizoid ausbildet, müssen im Hut und im Rhizoid gebildete Stoff e die Bildung weiterer Hüte uund Rhizoid e verhindern. Später stirbt die Alge ab, weil ihr ohne Zellkern die Baupläne für die Produktion neuer Protein e fehlen.

aus einem mittleren Stück Stiel

Ein mittleres Stück Stiel bildet an einem Ende einen neuen Hut und am anderen Ende ein neues Rhizoid ohne Zellkern . Das zeigt, dass der Stiel an der einen Seite alle für die Bildung eines Hutes nötigen Komponenten enthält und an der anderen Seite alles für die Bildung eines kernlosen Rhizoid s.

aus einem Hut-nahen Stück Stiel

Ein Hut-nahes Stück Stiel bildet an seinen beiden Enden Hüte. Allerdings entsteht in der Nähe der Position des ursprünglichen Hutes ein deutlich größerer Hut als am eher mittigen Ende. Das zeigt, dass die Konzentration en der für den Aufbau eines Hutes erforderlichen Stoff e kontinuierlich zunehmen. Man nennt das einen Gradient en.

nach schrittweiser

Wird erst der Hut und erst später das Rhizoid entfernt, dann bildet sich zunächst nur der Hut nach. Später müsste allerdings auch ein kernloses Rhizoid gebildet werden.

Wegen der unverschämten Preise der großen kommerziellen "Wissenschafts"-Verlage war ich nicht bereit, mir den Originalartikel aus dem Jahr 1934 von Joachim Hämmerling zu besorgen. Die Darstellung seines Pfropfungs- Experiment es habe ich daher dem Kapitel 9.1: " Early experiments with giant Acetabularia cells demonstrated that necleus-dictated genetic information was transmitted to and expressed in the cytoplasm " des Buches: "Landmark Experiment s in Molecular Biology" von Prof. Michael Fry entnommen. Darum konnte ich leider nicht überprüfen, ob Joachim Hämmerling neben Acetabularia mediterranea wirklich Acetabularia crenulata und nicht die im Titel eines 1934 von Hämmerling publizierten Artikels genannte Acetabularia wettsteinii verwendete. Acetabularia mediterranea nennt man heute übrigens Acetabularia acetabulum und Acetabularia wettsteinii heißt aktuell Parvocaulis parvulus .

In den frühen 1930er Jahren verband Joachim Hämmerling ein Stück des Stiels von Acetabularia mediterranea mit dem Rhizoid einer Acetabularia crenulata. Bis der Stiel ausreichend nachgewachsen war um einen neuen Hut zu bilden, waren offenbar die mRNA - Protein - Komplex e aus dem Crenulata- Zellkern zur Stielspitze transportiert und die mRNA s freigesetzt worden. Darum bestimmten sie die Form des Hutes der Hybrid - Alge .

einer Acetabularia-Pfropfung

buchunabhängige Lerntexte

meine Biologieseite

Kommentare und Kritik von Fachleuten, Lernenden und deren Eltern sind jederzeit willkommen.

Roland Heynkes, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Hans Spemann (1869-1941)

Hans Spemann was an experimental embryologist best known for his transplantation studies and as the originator of the “organizer” concept. One of his earliest experiments involved constricting the blastomeres of a fertilized salamander egg with a noose of fine baby hair, resulting in a partially double embryo with two heads and one tail. Spemann continued changing variables such as the amount of time the embryo was constricted and the degree of constriction, all of which added more empirical evidence to Hans Driesch’s studies showing that embryonic cells could self-regulate to varying degrees. Spemann’s long list of “simple” experiments and significant findings were mainly carried out at his laboratory, the Spemann School at the University of Freiburg, Germany, where numerous graduate students collaborated with Spemann to investigate embryonic induction.

Spemann was born 27 June 1869 in Stuttgart, Germany to Lisinka and Wilhelm Spemann, a publisher. From 1878 to 1888 he attended the Eberhard-Ludwig School at Stuttgart. After one year of business with his father and a year in the military, Spemann decided to study medicine at the University of Heidelberg. Influenced by the works of Johann Goethe, Ernst Haeckel, and Carl Gegenbaur, Spemann studied embryology along with clinical science.

In 1892 Spemann married Klara Binder and soon after entered the University of Munich for more clinical training. In studying with Gustaf Wolff and Gegenbaur, Spemann’s life-long interest in zoology took hold. During late 1894 Spemann worked with cytologist Theodor Boveri, plant physiologist Julius Sachs, and physicist Wilhelm Röntgen at the Zoological Institute at the University of Würzburg. In 1895 Spemann was awarded a PhD in zoology, botany, and physics with Boveri serving as his doctoral advisor and chair. In 1896, while recovering from tuberculosis, Spemann read August Weismann’s book Das Keimplasma: Eine Theorie der Vererbung (1892). The rest and reading helped motivate Spemann for a healthy return to the laboratory.

In 1898 Spemann became a Privatdozent at the University of Würzburg and in 1901 he began his intense research productivity with transplantation experiments. That same year he published his first paper in Archiv für Entwicklungsmechanik , founded and edited by Wilhelm Roux. Dissatisfied with only watching embryos grow, Spemann began work on separating and rearranging parts of embryos from salamanders, his favorite experimental animal. To Spemann, studying embryos meant disrupting their normal physiological development; much of his laboratory work consisted of taking tissue from one embryo and implanting it into another.

Spemann’s work soon turned to a series of constriction experiments. This involved the intricate process of tying fine hairs around embryos and slowly tightening them until the two regions were constricted into a dumbbell shape. He found that when the hairs were tightened around the embryo and made to cross the blastopore (the slit-like invagination of the gastrula through which cells move to form internal organs), the result was two complete embryos. Such was not the result when he tied the hairs above or below the blastopore: in these cases the region containing the blastopore developed into a complete embryo and the region without formed a soon-to-die undifferentiated Baruchstük (belly mass). From this Spemann concluded that an embryo’s blastopore region is essential for differentiation. Spemann’s constriction experiments also showed that the formation of duplicate heads or tails could not be replicated if the manipulation was done at the end of gastrulation. Early gastrulation is when the decisive action for axial differentiation occurs.

In 1908 Spemann was appointed Professor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy at the University of Rostock, Germany, and there he further elaborated his work on the development of the vertebrate lens. The concept of embryological induction, whereby the development of tissues or a structure is affected by closely situated tissues was first clearly demonstrated by Spemann in 1901 in the development of frog embryo eyes. When embryonic eyes begin to develop, they start as optic vesicles in the mesoderm and bulge outward on each side of the embryo brain. Upon contact with the overlying ectoderm, the ectoderm invaginates to form an optic cup and, eventually, the lens of the eye.

Spemann transplanted the eye mesodermal layer (eye anlagen) to other parts of the frog body to see if he could induce lens development in ectodermal layers far removed from the normal eye area. He found that he could induce lens development practically anywhere on the frog using this method. He then removed the local ectoderm of the eye region and replaced it with ectoderm from other parts of the frog body. Again, lens formation occurred. From this Spemann concluded that head ectoderm possesses a predisposition for lens formation. This work first led Spemann to the concept of induction and the “organizer,” although he did not use these terms in his report.

In 1914 Spemann was appointed co-director and head of the Division of Developmental Mechanics of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Biology in Berlin. While there he published his work on lens development, “On the Determination of the First Organ Analgen of the Amphibian Embryo,” (1918). In 1919 he was appointed Professor of Zoology at the University of Freiburg and established the Spemann School. It was at this laboratory that Spemann and his colleagues carried out numerous heteroplastic transplantation experiments.

One of these experiments was Spemann’s work on the development of the neural tube. He cut out the ectoderm from embryos and placed individual pieces in separate dishes. The removed pieces of ectoderm did not form a nerve tube, although they did remain alive. Spemann concluded that the start of a nervous system required an attached ectoderm to the embryo. Further, he questioned whether the mesoderm stimulated the development of the ectoderm. To find out, Spemann cut and folded back a piece of ectoderm from the top of an embryo. He then cut out the underlying patch of mesoderm, folded back the flap of ectoderm, and observed that while the ectoderm fused back to the embryo, it did not develop into a neural tube.

To lend further evidence to the importance of the mesoderm in neural tube development, Spemann performed another experiment. He obtained two embryos, both in the early gastrula stage. With one embryo he removed a piece of mesoderm from in front of the dorsal lip of the blastopore. The second embryo had a same-sized piece from the mesodermal area 180 degrees from the dorsal lip. Spemann inserted the piece of mesoderm from the first embryo into the second embryo. The transplanted mesoderm formed a blastopore and moved inside the embryo. Later, neural ridges formed not only near the normal blastopore, but also near a secondary blastopore. Eventually the embryo developed two heads. Spemann concluded that the mesoderm of the dorsal lip region is important. If it is removed, the neural tube does not develop. If it is put in a different place, a spinal cord can develop where one ordinarily would not be found.

A graduate student of Spemann’s, Hilda (Proscholdt) Mangold played a large role in Spemann’s organizer concept. Her experiments began in 1921 and were made possible by the culmination of Spemann’s microsurgical techniques and specialized tools: glass-needle knives to cut embryos, balled glass rods to made wax depressions in which embryos could be kept still, tiny glass bridges to hold grafts in position after they had been transplanted and small-bore glass needles made from thin glass fibers using a microburner. The needles were essential for all experiments in which embryo pieces were transplanted from one organism to another.

As part of her PhD thesis, Mangold removed a piece of the upper lip of the blastopore of a non-pigmented salamander embryo ( Triturus cristatus ). The upper lip piece was transplanted into the blastocoel of a species of salamander ( Triturus taeniatus ) that produces pigmented eggs. Such non-pigmented-to-pigmented transplants made it easy to follow the differentiation of the grafted tissue. Mangold found that the recipient salamander developed into a double embryo with the two salamanders joined at the belly. Upon microscopic examination, Mangold observed that the secondary salamander was made up of a mix of donor and host cells and that the tissues were appropriately arranged to be physiologically sound. From this Mangold concluded that the upper lip transplant had “organized” its new surroundings and gave rise to the development of a working axial system in a second embryo.

This experiment resulted in a landmark paper by Spemann and Mangold, “On the Induction of Embryonic Anlagen by Implantation of Organizers from a Different Species” (1924). The paper appeared in Roux’s Archiv für Entwicklungsmechanik der Organismen , the leading journal in the field of experimental embryology in the early twentieth century. The authors argued that certain parts of embryos, in this case the dorsal lip of the blastopore, can induce the formation of other tissues or structures. This inductive role was coined the “organizer” and the region where the organizer develops was identified as the “organization center”. Soon after the publication of Spemann and Mangold’s work, embryologists focused on finding more organizers and more organization centers in a wide range of novel embryo experiments.

Spemann’s organizer resulted in a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1935; he was the first embryologist to win such an award. In the same year he retired from Freiburg and became an emeritus professor. While retired, Spemann wrote and published his influential book of experiments, Embryonic Development and Induction (1938). During this time Spemann proposed a “fantastical” experiment: remove the nucleus from an unfertilized egg and replace it with a differentiated embryo nucleus. He argued that by doing so, one might begin to answer the question of whether such a transplant of a single differentiated nucleus can give rise to an entire organism. While the technology of nuclear-transfer cloning did not exist at the time, Spemann’s pondering about nuclear transplantation helped pave the way for the first nuclear-transfer experiments in 1952. By then Spemann had long been deceased, having died 12 September 1941 in Freiburg.

  • Conklin, Edwin G. “Professor Hans Spemann, Nobel Laureate in Physiology and Medicine,” The Scientific Monthly 42 (1936): 191–94.
  • Daniel, Frank J. “Establishment of the Nervous System,” The Quarterly Review of the Nervous System 12 (1937): 391–405.
  • Hamburger, Viktor. The Heritage of Experimental Embryology: Hans Spemann and the Organizer . New York: Oxford University Press, 1988.
  • Horder, Tim. “Hans Spemann.” Encyclopedia of Life Science. http://mrw.interscience.wiley.com.ezproxy1.lib.asu.edu/emrw/9780470015902/ (Accessed October 20, 2008).
  • Laubichler, Manfred D. and Jane Maienschein, eds. From Embryology to Evo-Devo: A History of Developmental Evolution . Cambridge: MIT Press, 2007.
  • Maienschein, Jane. “Changing Conceptions of Organization and Induction,” American Zoologist 37 (1997): 220–28.
  • Magner, Lois N. A History of the Life Sciences . New York: Marcel Dekker Press, 2002.
  • Spemann, Hans. Embryonic Development and Induction . New York: Hafner Publishing Company, 1962.
  • Spemann, Hans. “Embryonic Induction,” American Zoologist 27 (1987): 575–79.

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AbstractBis heute ist die Schirmalge Acetabularia ein beliebtes Forschungsobjekt. In den 1930er Jahren untersuchte J. Hämmerling an ihr die Bedeutung des Zellkerns für die Entwicklung eines Lebewesens. Indem die SchülerInnen Hämmerlings klassische Versuche nachvollziehen, erkennen sie den Zellkern als Sitz der "Faktoren" (Gene), welche die Merkmalsausprägung steuern. In der Sekundarstufe II können die Versuche und Erkenntnisse anhand eines englischsprachigen Textes in Erinnerung gerufen werden. Daneben lassen sich am Beispiel von Acetabularia Grundkenntnisse aus der Mittelstufe über Photosynthese und Zellatmung wiederholen und vertiefen (Orig.).
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schirmalgen experiment

Acetabularia Die Grünalge Hämmerlings Experimente Nr. Beschreibung des 1. Experiments + Deutung Nachdem die Grünaige zerschnitten und der Hut der Schirmalge sowie das Rhizoid in seperate Benältnisse mit wasser gelegt wurden, geben die Entwicklungen der einzelnen Bestandteile Hin- weise darauf, wie sich die Grünalge regeneriert. Der Hut der Pflanze ist nicht fänig sien zu re- generieren und stirbt ab. Das Rhizoid hingegen ist in der Lage, sich so weit zu regenerieren, dass eine vollständige Schirmalge .entstent". Daraus lässt sich schließen, dass das Rhizoid bzw. der im Rhizoid liegende Zellkern für die Regeneration der Alge essenziell ist. Nr.2 Beschreibung des 2. Experiments + Deutung Im zweiten Experiment werden zwei unterschiedliche Arten von Schirmalgen zerteilt. Anschlie- Bend wird das Rhizoid von Pflanze A mit dem Stiel von Pflanze B ver bunden und umgekehrt genauso. Nach einiger Zeit sind die Hüte nachgewachsen. Auffällig hierbei ist, das die Hütte der Art nachwachsen, von der auch das Rhizoid verwendet wurde. Daraus ergibt sich, dass der sich im Rhizoid befindende Zellkern für die phänotipischen Merkmale verantwortlich zu sein scheint. Ergebnissicherung Fazit: Anhand der Ergebnisse lässt sich schlussfolgern, dass der Zellkern. Für die Ausprägung phänotypischer Merkmale Zellkern verantwortlich ist. Im muss sich also der Träger der DNA befinden.

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  • Hans Spemann - Nobel Lecture: The Organizer-Effect in Embryonic Development

Hans Spemann

Nobel lecture.

Nobel Lecture, December 12, 1935

The Organizer-Effect in Embryonic Development

The experiments which finally led to the discovery of the phenomena which are now designated as “organizer-effect” were prompted by a question which actually goes back to the beginnings of developmental mechanics, indeed to the beginnings of the history of evolution in general. How does that harmonious interlocking of separate processes come about which makes up the complete process of development? Do they go on side by side independently of each other (by “self-differentiation”, Roux), but from the very beginning so in equilibrium that they form the highly complicated end product of the complete organism, or is their influence on each other one of mutual stimulation, advancement or limitation?

These questions, various answers to which constitute the theories of preformation or epigenesis, were lifted out of the realm of speculation up into that of an exact science when first Wilhelm Roux and then Hans Driesch used experimental methods in their research into development. The first experiments consisted in separating the individual parts of the embryo from each other and culturing them in isolation. This would show what each part was capable of by itself, while at the same time showing how far the developmental processes depending on them were dependent on or independent of each other.

In this way Roux was able after taking a frog’s egg, pricking and destroying one of its two blastomeres, to obtain half an embryo from the other. Driesch, on the other hand, took a sea-urchin’s egg, separated one segmental cell from the other and obtained a smaller but complete embryo. Further experiments showed that the differing results depended not on the material but on the method. The completely isolated segmental cell which has been reduced by half can grow into a whole in the case not only of the sea-urchin’s egg, but also of amphibian’s egg. This growth is inhibited if the dead cell is left attached; when this happens, the cell grows in accordance with its original determination, forming, first at least, half an embryo.

Even in those early days of research into developmental mechanics a second method of enquiry into this same question was discovered – that of “embryonic transplantation”. Gustav Born observed that portions of young larval amphibians united if their freshly cut edges happened to come into contact with each other. He followed up this phenomenon and found that the individual portions were capable of self-differentiation to an astonishing degree.

It was from these premises that I began my experiments. They were all carried out on young amphibian embryos, mostly those of the common striped newt ( Triton taeniatus ). To make these experiments intelligible to the non-specialist it will be necessary in the first place to describe the main features in the normal development of these eggs.

Development begins immediately after fertilization, with a fairly protracted period of cell division which is called segmentation on account of the furrowing which appears on the surface. By the formation of an inner cavity or blastocoele, the blastocyst or blastula comes into being. Its lower, vegetative half (the thick floor of the blastocyst) consists of large cells rich in yolk, while the upper, animal half (the thin roof) is made up of numerous small cells poorer in yolk. Between the two is the marginal zone – a ring of medium-sized cells.

Next begins a very complicated and in many ways puzzling process: the so-called gastrulation. The end result of it is that all the material of the marginal zone and of the vegetative half of the blastula becomes invaginated and is thus covered over by animal material. Then along the line of invagination, i.e. the primitive orifice or blastopore, runs the outer layer of cells or ectoderm into the two invaginated layers, the mesoderm (originating from the marginal zone), and entoderm (corresponding to the vegetative half of the blastula, rich in yolk).

With this the primordia of the most important organs, the skin and central nervous system, vertebral column and musculature, gut and body cavity have in the main achieved their final dispositions. Their visible differentiation occupies the next phase of development.

The primordium of the central nervous system originates in the ectoderm of the dorsal surface, starting from the blastopore and coming forward as a thickened plate shaped like a shield with its anterior half broader than its posterior. This is the neural plate, and its lateral margins rise up as the neural folds. The neural folds are brought closer to each other and fused together so that the neural plate becomes a tube – the neural tube. This becomes separated from the epidermis and sinks below the surface. Its front end, which is thicker and originated in the broader anterior part of the neural plate will become brain; its thinner posterior part will become spinal cord. The neural plate lies over mesoderm. When the plate forms the neural tube, separates off and sinks below the surface, the mesoderm divides into five longitudinal strips lying side by side. The median strip is destined to be the axial skeleton or notochord. To the right and left of it is a row of mesodermal blocks or somites. These in turn are flanked on either side by the lateral plates from which arises the primordium of the coelum.

Finally, the entoderm first forms a broad open gutter, which is shaped like a trough. Its margins then bend inward towards the middle, and, along the mid-line – that is, just beneath the notochord – it completes the intestinal tube.

All these processes which, given a favourable temperature, go forward surprisingly quickly depend essentially not on the production of new material from the embryo substance but on the rearrangement of what is already there. It is therefore possible, and W. Vogt did this to perfection by means of staining, to show in the blastula or early gastrula, as it were, a topography of the rudiments of the presumptive organs.

In the face of this sort of topographical map we are again confronted with the question whether there is a real diversity in these parts which corresponds to the pattern of the presumptive rudiments in the early gastrula; whether they are more or less predestined, i.e. “determined”, for their subsequent fate or whether they are still indifferent and do not have their ultimate determination impressed on them until later.

The first answer to this question was given by experiments in isolation. Thus, if the bisection is not made as early as between the two cells after the first segmentation but later, even at the blastula stage, or at that of the very young gastrula, you can still get twins. So up to this stage the cell material must still be to a large degree indifferent and capable of being used for various purposes in constructing the body. This becomes especially clear when the bisection is made in such a way that it separates the ventral half of the embryo from the dorsal half. Even then the latter half can develop into a miniature embryo of normal proportions. Here the new allocation of the material becomes perfectly clear. According to the evidence of our topographical map, the dorsal half contains almost all the material for the neural plate, i.e. much too much for a half-sized embryo; on the other hand, it lacks all of the presumptive epidermis. This latter must therefore be made good by material from the former.

Now if presumptive neural plate and presumptive epidermis are interchangeable, they must therefore also be interchangeable without prejudicing further normal development. Embryonic transplantation at this early stage must therefore produce different consequences than it would if performed in the later stages in which Gustav Born experimented.

It was on these thoughts and on the development of a way to facilitate the manipulation of these uncommonly fragile young embryos and operation upon them that the success of the new experiments rested.

The first experiment consisted in exchanging a portion of presumptive epidermis and neural plate between two embryos of the same age, each being at the beginning of gastrulation. The grafts took so smoothly and development proceeded so normally that their margins left no trace except that the grafted tissue itself was distinguishable for a while by means of its natural pigmentation, or by artificial vital staining. From this it was obvious hat, as we had expected, the portions were interchansable – that is to say, presumptive epidermis could become neural plate and presumptive neural plate could become epidermis.

From this we can infer not only the very indifferent nature of the cells at this early stage of development; the result allows the much more important conclusion that the transplanted portion must in its new environment be subjected to some kind of influence which determines its subsequent development.

It is here that the analytical superiority of this experiment is shown over the previous ones, whereby use was made of the regulation power of the embryo. For it was now possible to examine all the parts of the embryo separately for their active and reactive induction capacity, and also to vary the age and species of the implant with great latitude.

At the same time this opens important fresh possibilities: first of all in the matter of procedures. The interchangeability may be undertaken not only between embryos of the same species but also between those of different species, e.g. between embryos of Triton taeniatus which have a fair amount of pigmentation and those of Triton cristatus which have little or none. This allows us to distinguish the implant more or less clearly for a very long time even in sections and often to define its limits in terms of its cells. Let me describe a case of this kind in more detail.

A portion of presumptive neural plate was removed from an embryo Triton taeniatus at the beginning of gastrulation and exchanged with a portion of presumptive epidermis from a Triton cristatus embryo of the same age. The embryo in which the host was taeniatus later showed anteriorly and to the left in the neutral plate a smoothly grafted oblong area of white cristatus tissue which developed further into parts of the brain and eye. The other embryo with cristatus as the host showed on the right-hand side in the epidermis of the gill area a long streak of dark taeniatus tissue which developed further as epidermis and formed the covering of the outer gills. Since the portions have been exchanged, and since one portion is now settled where the other came from, we can see at once from sections that brain substance has come from presumptive epidermis, and epidermis has come from presumptive brain substance.

Because the implant in this “heteroplastic” transplantation remains distinguishable for a fairly long time it is possible to test the interchangeability of those parts of the embryo which develop inwards during gastrulation. We can, for example, establish whether the exchange is feasible not only as between one and the same layer of cells but also as between two different layers.

By and large this is in fact the case. So O. Mangold was able to show that mesodermal organs such as notochord, somites and pronephric ducts could arise from presumptive ectoderm by suitable transplantation at the beginning of gastrulation.

Now, when random samples were taken from the whole surface of the gastrula and transplanted in this way in an indifferent place it became apparent that a limited area, namely the region of the upper and lateral blastopore lip did not conform. A portion of this kind, transplanted in an indifferent place in another embryo of the same age did not develop according to its new environment but rather persisted in the course previously entered upon and constrained its environment to follow it. It invaginates altogether as if it were still in its old place, builds up part of the axial organs and completes itself out of the mesodermal environment. Above all, it induces in the overlying ectoderm a neural plate which closes to a tube, in favourable cases bulges out into optical vesicles and adds lenses and auditory vesicles.

First carried out at my instigation by Hilde Mangold, this experiment shows, therefore, that there is an area in the embryo whose parts, when transplanted into an indifferent part of another embryo, there organize the primordia for a secondary embryo. These parts were therefore given the name of “organizers” and the region of the embryos in which they are gathered together at the beginning of gastrulation was called the “centre of organization”. H. Bautzmann has defined the limits of this area by systematic probing outwards and has found that it coincides more or less with the area of the presumptive notochord-mesoderm which invaginates later.

From these two facts – the development of an indifferent piece in conformity with its location and the inductive effect of an organizer – several series of experiments proceeded, connected with obvious questions. We will just touch on a few of them.

Since at first the organizer becomes invaginated, that is, completes the gastrulation it has begun, so that material in the neighbourhood can be included in the process, one might suppose that it is this process itself which causes further determination of the parts it has affected. But this is, to say the least, extremely unlikely, because the induction of neural plate takes place even though it has not itself been invaginated. This can be proved by a method which is highly significant for the whole progress of research. That is to say, those parts of the embryo which are being examined for their inductive capacity can be made to bypass the activte invagination and can be made effective by inserting them in the blastocoele through a small slit in the roof of the blastula or young gastrula which quickly heals over. The gastrulation does not suffer any essential disturbance from this and while it goes on, the blastocoele disappears and the piece we are examining comes to lie directly under the ectoderm and there shows what it is capable of. Thus a portion of the upper marginal zone of the blastula or early gastrula, or else a piece of the roof of the archenteron of the mature gastrula was planted in the blastocoele of a young gastrula and so brought beneath the ectoderm from the beginning; it was demonstrated that these portions were able to induce neural plate.

Now, these methods made it also possible to examine for their inductive capacity pieces which could not be embodied in the host embryo by any other means, either because they differed too much in age and origin or else because they were no longer living, or even not of living origin. We will have a look at these experiments next.

It had already been demonstrated in my early experiments that host and donor did not need to be exactly the same age in order to be able to work together. It was O. Mangold in particular who followed up this question and made the important discovery that the inductive reaction capacity is strictly limited in time while the inductive action capacity remains for a long time, far beyond the stage necessary for normal development.

This is true not only, as H. Bautzmann showed, for the notochord which normally induces in the earlier stages, but strangely enough also for a portion of embryo in which there would otherwise be no question if this kind of induction, viz. the neural plate. Both O. Mangold and I found simultaneously but independently, and starting from different lines of enquiry, that it can induce after transplantation. To this, O. Mangold added the important statement that the inductive capacity of this tissue persists into late stages, until there is a functioning brain in the hatched out larva.

Associated with this is the question whether and how far the inductive influence is specific in nature. Also, and this is connected with the other question, what role the action and reaction system plays in bringing about the highly complicated product of development. I had already expressed the opinion earlier that the inductive stimulus does not prescribe the specific character but releases that already inherent in the reaction system. The inductive potential already adduced of parts which have far exceeded the stage of observed normal effectiveness also points in the same direction. Still more is this true of the more recent experiments by Holtfreter which prove the extensive diffusion of factors which are able to induce a neural plate in the ectoderm of the young gastrula. So pretty well the whole animal kingdom from tapeworms to human beings was examined by the implantation method and shown to be capable of induction.

However, this does not only make obvious the largely unspecific character of the inducting agent; it also seems probable that it is chemical in nature. It was always thought to be so from the beginning. To make quite sure, experiments had to be made in which the inductor had been destroyed in various ways – by desiccation, freezing, or boiling. We got no clearly positive result from these first experiments; not until later similar ones by Holtfreter. It became apparent that this kind of treatment did not destroy the capacity of the inductors and, further, quite paradoxically, that this can in fact call forth such capacity in non-inductors.

The first experiment with a chemically treated inductor was carried out by Else Wehmeier and proved that an inductor immersed in 96% alcohol for 3f minutes did not lose its capacity.

After this, the chemical analysis was tackled in various quarters: in Germany by F. G. Fischer and E. Wehmeier, later with H. Lehmann, L. Jühling, and K. Hultzsch; in England by J. Needham, D. M. Needham, and C. H. Waddington. From the large number of separate results which still seem to be coming in I should like to draw attention to one only which is of the utmost importance in this connection. Chemically simple substances as, for example, synthetic oleic acid can nevertheless induce a complicated and in a certain sense complete structure such as a neural plate which will close over into a neural tube. Again, that would therefore indicate, as do some of the results from abnormal inductors, that most of the complication is based in the structure of the reaction system, and that the inductor has only a triggering and in some circumstances directing effect. Whether and, if so, how far and in what way such “unorganized inductors” (for it would be a contradiction in terms to speak here of “organizers”) determine the direction is at the moment one of the most interesting but also most difficult questions.

But this broaches a new complex of questions which goes right back to the first induction experiments. It had already turned out in Hilde Mangold’s experiments that the induced embryonic primordia were in the main arranged in the same direction as the primary ones and on a level with them. This seemed to emerge either from a general structural plan of the embryo or else from an influence of the primary embryonic primordia.

To investigate the former phenomenon, the similarity of direction of the constituents of the two embryos, two different experiments were set up. Upper blastopore lip still engaged in invagination was implanted in a different orientation in relation to the host embryo – crosswise and opposite to the orientation of the later primary primordia. With crosswise implantation it was shown that the invaginating cells of the graft were carried along by the gastrulating movements of the host and that thus the substratum was laid down along the long axis of the embryo. With opposite implantation the cells of the graft migrating against the stream get jammed but are not deflected. A controlling structure of the embryo, therefore, only works in so far as it determines the direction of the gastrulation movements both of the host embryo and the graft. It becomes even more obvious when a piece of the roof of the archenteron is planted in the blastocoele. The graft does not lie fixed in the cell formation of the host embryo so it can rather keep its original position and the induced secondary embryo primordia can be either crosswise or entirely opposite to those of the primary.

Of even greater interest, perhaps, is the result of the experiments which were to explain how the secondary primordia of the embryo were on the same level. For example, it can be seen that the auditory vesicles of both lie in nearly the same cross section of the embryo. In order to find out the cause of this regional determination or at least to establish its position the implantation was varied in two ways. To understand this we must remember one simple fact about development. In the course of gastrulation the invaginating material is rolled inwards around the upper lip of the blastopore. Thus, the material first invaginated lies farthest towards the front underneath the subsequent brain, while material invaginating later underlies the future spinal cord. Now it could be that the substratum of the head also determines the brain character of the anterior end of the neural plate (“head-organizer”) and the substratum of the trunk area determines the character of the spinal cord (“trunk-organizer”). In order to test this, a portion of upper blastopore lip at the beginning of gastrulation (head-organizer) and one from an advanced and mature gastrula (trunk-organizer) were transplanted in the same place in an early gastrula, i.e. at the site where the lower blastopore lip would later develop; this was done also at different sites – in the head and trunk areas. It was shown that in fact something like a head- and trunk-organizer does exist, since the former is able to induce a brain also in the trunk region. It was shown moreover that the level in the embryo at which the induction takes place co-determines its nature, since at the head level even a trunk-organizer can induce a brain.

We have already indicated above that this last could have two different reasons. It could be that the disposition for building the head surrounds the whole embryo at head level in a broad circular band. But it could equally well be that a regional differentiating influence is exerted by the primary embryo primordia which co-determines the shape of the secondary embryo. In the region of the primary brain, respectively its primordia, there would be a “brain area” in which neural substance which had been stimulated by induction would develop into brain.

On the basis of definite facts established by experiment, Holtfreter has decided against the first and in favour of the second possibility. Moreover he has in addition discovered some more extremely interesting examples of these “embryonic areas”. As we have seen, inducing tissues retain their induction capacity for a long time, and far beyond the stage of development required in the normal course. That being so, in a normal-embryo neural substance would have to be induced afresh in the epidermis which lies over the neural tube or the somites, unless that tissue had already exceeded its ephemeral period of reaction capacity. We could therefore infer, what Holtfreter discovered in a different enquiry, that a young portion still capable of reaction would in fact behave differently in this site. And it really is true that in particles of ectoderm from early gastrula implanted superficially at different levels in older gastrula a great variety of inherent potencies is activated. It depends on the region, so that in an anterior area, brain with optic and aural vesicles is induced, while further back, notochord and pronephric ducts are induced, and further back still, little tails. That shows that even the older embryo is still riddled with “embryonic areas” which do not normally come to light but can be detected at any time by indicators rich in potencies.

These inductions between parts of different ages do not complete the embryo by replacing what has been taken away; they are not “complementary” (O. Mangold) as in the case of a graft of the same age from an exactly similar site. Rather do the induced parts develop according to site only in a general sense, through “autonomic” induction; they are produced in excess and have a certain independence (O. Mangold).

A still further series of questions and experiments arose out of the first induction experiments and we will just touch on these in conclusion. As said earlier the induction effect is also possible with heteroplastic transplantation, i.e. between embryos of different species. For example; presumptive brain of a Triton taeniatus embryo can be made into epidermis in the gill area of a Triton cristatus . But the outer gills covered by it will have taeniatus properties; that is to say, they will be similar not to those of the species which has caused their development (instead of that of brain) but will resemble that of the species from which the implant originates. Potencies are not transferred to the “gill area” of the host; it is merely that those potencies relevant to its location are awakened. And in heteroplastic transplantation these diverge somewhat from those of the host. If an exchange between samples of different genus or even between systematic groups remote from each other (xeno-plastic) were possible and followed by induction effects, very valuable conclusions could be expected.

In this respect there is another question that must be dealt with which cropped up during those first experiments: whether in fact the induced organ is laid down part for part or as a whole. From the example of the outer gills we were not able to answer the question, but we could do so from two other organs – the lens and the balancers.

In the Triton, as with most amphibia, the lens of the eye arises as a sequel to the optic cup and its size depends strictly on it. Thus, if the optic cup diminishes in size so does the lens. So it follows that the smaller eye of the Triton taeniatus has a smaller lens than the larger eye of Triton cristatus at the same stage of development. E. Rotmann now interchanged presumptive lens epidermis with presumptive ventral epidermis in each of the two species at the beginning of gastrulation. The lenses which are formed at a certainmoment thereafter follow the size and degree of development of the donor. This can be seen very clearly in the constricted lens primordia with early fibre development; but even quite early stages show lens growth in the epidermis which in one case is too large for the optic cup and in the other case too small. The lens potencies therefore react in the field that activates them not only qualitatively but also quantitatively in accordance with the heredity of the species to which they belong. The lens potencies are not stimulated by the optic cup to the extent within which, with its drawn-in retina layer, it comes into contact with the epidermis. Rather is the lens more or less put in hand as a whole with the epidermis.

The balancers behave in the same way in a further completely analogous experiment of Rotmann’s. In its structure and in its angle to the head it is similar to the species from which the transplanted ectoderm is derived and not to the other from which the induction has proceeded.

Added to this problem of uniformity according to species there is another in those cases of xenoplastic transplantation in which organs of different morphological significance are situated in the same region. This is so, for instance, when the ectoderm of the presumptive mouth region is exchanged between the embryos of Urodela and Anura. In the newt larva, lateral to the head and beneath the eyes are two balancers, while the tadpole has beneath the mouth near the ventral mid-line two lower suction cups. Moreover, the newt has real teeth in its mouth which both in origin and structure are comparable to our own teeth. The tadpole’s mouth, on the other hand, is furnished with horny jaws and little horny processes. These are quite different in origin and structure from real teeth and indeed have nothing to do with them morphologically. It has been an old dream of mine to substitute for the presumptive mouth region of a newt the foreign ectoderm which comes from a frog early in gastrulation, since I wanted to find out what kind of “armoury” the mouth would form then. This experiment has now been successfully carried out several times since then, and also the other way round. It was first performed at my instigation and in my Institute by O. Schottt, later by Holtfreter, O. Mangold, and E. Rotmann with results we expected but hardly dared hope for. In the mouth region of a Triton larva there arose from transplanted Anura ectoderm of the early gastrula, suction cups and horny jaws; in a tadpole, balancers arose from Urodela ectoderm. When the foreign implant was so narrow that it left the place of origin of the characteristic organs wholly or partly free, these could then themselves develop alongside.

After these results we can say with all certainty of the inducing stimulus that as regards what arises, it must be of a very special nature; but as to how it arises, it must be of a very general character. We have, however, no idea at all how the “mouth area” releases potencies of the “mouth structures”, even when they are of an entirely different species.

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Entwicklungsphysiologische und genetische Grundlagen der Formbildung bei der Schirmalge Acetabularia

  • Allgemeine Biologie Und Physiologie
  • Published: December 1934
  • Volume 22 , pages 829–836, ( 1934 )

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schirmalgen experiment

  • Joachim Hämmerling 1  

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Die in den Abschnitten I–V behandelten Fragen sind in folgenden Arbeiten ausführlich geschildert J. Hämmerling , Entwicklung und Formbildungsvermögen von Acetabularia mediterranea I und II. Biol. Zbl. 51/52 (1931/32)

Über formbildende Substanzen bei Acetabularia mediterranea, ihre räumliche und zeitliche Verteilung und ihre Herkunft. Arch. Entw.mechan. 131 (1934)

Über die Geschlechtsverhältnisse von Acetabularia mediterranea und Acetabularia Wettsteinii. Arch. Protistenkde 83 (1934).

Für Abschnitt VI–VII sei auf zwei im Druck befindliche Arbeiten verwiesen: J. Hämmerling , Regenerationsversuche an kernhaltigen und kernlosen Zellteilen von Acetabularia Wettsteinii. Biol. Zbl. 54 (1934)

Über Genomwirkungen und Formbildungsfähigkeit bei Acetabularia. Arch. Entw.mechan. 132 (1934).

In diesen Arbeiten ist auch die übrige in Frage kommende Literatur zitiert.

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Kaiser Wilhelm-Institut für Biologie, Abt. Hartmann, Berlin-Dahlem

Joachim Hämmerling

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Hämmerling, J. Entwicklungsphysiologische und genetische Grundlagen der Formbildung bei der Schirmalge Acetabularia. Naturwissenschaften 22 , 829–836 (1934). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01497357

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Issue Date : December 1934

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01497357

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Aufbau: Wir haben zwei verschiedene Algen genommen und haben eine neue Alge aus diesen beiden kombiniert um zu bestätige, dass die Erbinformation im Zellkern liegt. Wir haben den Stil der Alge 1 genommen und den Fuß der Alge zwei haben sie dann zusammengesetzt. Beob: Der Schirm der zweiten art wächst auf der zusammengesetzten Alge. Erklär: Durch diesen Experiment wird bestätigt, dass die Erbinformation im Zellkern liegt. Wenn wir jetzt den Fuß 1 mit dem zellkern genommen hätten wäre der Schirm von der ersten Algfe zu sehen Mitose: Mitose hat die Bedeutung Kernteilung doch dabei teilt sich die ganze Zelle, dadurch kann man es auch Zellteilung nennen. Die Mitose ermöglicht, dass beide Tochterzellen die gleiche Anzahl an Chromosomen und damit die gleiche Erbinformation besitzen. Sie wird zum Wachstum, zur Regeneration von Verletzungen und zum Ersetzten von alten Zellen gebraucht. Die Mitose besteht aus fünf Phasen: Phase 1: Die Zelle hat am Anfang den Urzustand, sind keine Chromosomen zu erkennen. Die Bestandteile des Kerns bilden ein Chromatingerüst die eine unerkennbare Struktur hat. Phase 2: Die Chromatinfäden ziehen sich am beginn der Kernteilung zusammen, so dass sie unter dem Mikroskop als Chromosomen erkennbar werden. In dieser zweiten Phase wird der Kernkörperchen und das Zellmembran aufgelöst die werden bei der Mitose nicht gebraucht. Das Spindelapparat entsteht. Phase3: In dieser Phase verkürzen sich die Chromosomen stark, dadurch werden die Chromatiden die nur noch am Centromer miteinander verbunden sind werden deutlich sichtbar. Die Spindelfasern verbinden sich mit den Centromeren der Chromosomen. Diese werden in Bewegung versetzt und ordnen sich an die Äquatorialplatte an. Phase 4: Die beiden Chromatiden der Chromosomen die sich an der Äquatorialplatte angeordnet haben werden getrennt. Centromer besteht aus einem originalem Erbgut und aus einer Kopie des Erbgutes, man braucht dazu zwei das in jedem geteiltem Chromatid die gleiche Information sitzt. Die einzelnen Chromatiden wandern an die entgegengesetzte Zellpole, dies werden dann zu ein Chromatid Chromosomen. Phase 5: Nun entspiralisieren sich die Chromosomen wie in der ersten Phase und bilden einen Chromatingerüst, dabei verschwinden auch die Spindelfasern. Es bildet sich jetzt eine neue Zellwand und jede Tochterzelle bildet ein Kernmembran und Kernkörperchen die jetzt sichtbar werden. Die Ein-Chromatid-Chromosomen verdoppeln sich und werden zu einer Zwei-Chromatid-Chromosomen. So kann die Mitose wieder von vorne anfangen, dies wäre mit Ein-Chromatid-Chromosomen nicht möglich man braucht die doppelte Information für die Tochterzellen. Karyogramm Karyogramm, bildliche, geordnete Darstellung der Chromosomen einer Zelle. Die Chromosomen werden zu Paaren zusammengefasst und gemäß bestimmter Vorgaben nach Größe, Form und Anfärbbarkeit mit speziellen Farbstoffen geordnet. Mit einem Karyogramm lässt sich der Karyotyp darstellen, der für jede Art typisch ist. Als Karyotyp bezeichnet man die Gesamtheit aller Chromosomen, die in der Metaphase der Mitose (Zellteilung) einer Zelle sichtbar sind. Beim Menschen sind es 46 Chromosomen, davon 44 Autosomen und zwei Gonosomen (Geschlechtschromosomen). Trisomie 21 (Downsyndrom): Medizinisch spielt das Karyogramm eine wichtige Rolle beim Erkennen von Chromosomenaberrationen (auch Chromosomenaberrationen, in der Medizin Bezeichnung für Änderungen in Anzahl oder Struktur der Chromosomen). Jede Körperzelle hat den doppelten Chromosomensatz man sagt dafür diploid. Die häufigste dieser Abweichungen ist Trisomie 21, die zum Down-Syndrom führt. Hier finden sich drei statt der üblichen zwei Chromosomen auf Position 21. Hier ist die Information dreifach enthalten. Durch diese Krankheiten entstehen typische Merkmale wie in diesem Bild zu sehen ist. Meistens hat man bei solchen Kindern gezogene Augen, einen Plattfuß und eine Lücke zwischen dem 1. und dem 2. Fußzehen. Meiose: Meiose, auch Reifeteilung, bei der sexuellen Fortpflanzung stattfindende Art der Zellteilung, die der Halbierung der Nucleinsäure DNA vor der Bildung der Keimzellen dient. Umordnung des Erbgutes nach dem Zufallsprinzip. 1. Reifeteilung: Beim Beginn der Meiose zeigen homologe Chromosomen ein eigenartiges Verhalten, wie von einer unsichtbaren Kraft angezogen beginnen sie aufeinander zuzuwandern. Man spricht hier von der Paarung der Chromosomen. Die nächste Phase ist die homologen Paare wandern an die Äqutorialplatte, der Zellmembran löst sich auf und das Spindelapparat entsteht. Während in der Mitose die einzelnen Chromatiden an die Pole gezogen werden, werden bei der Meiose ganze Chromosomen angezogen. Zum Abschluss dieses Vorgangs liegt der gesamte, ursprüngliche diploide Chromosomensatz verteilt auf zwei haploide Sätze vor. Mit der Bildung von zwei haploiden Zellkernen ist die erste Reifteilung auch Reduktionsteilung genannt beendet. 2. Reifeteilung: Nach einer kurzen Ruhepause treten die Zellen in die 2. reifeteilung ein. Sie trennt die Chromatiden der einzelnen Chromosomen voneinander und verläuft wie die Mitose. Die Meiose ist mit der Bildung von 4 Zellkernen mit einem einfachen Chromosomensatz abgeschlossen. So entstehen 4 haloide Keimzellen Neukombination: Beim Menschen bestehen die Anzahl der Kombinationsmöglichkeiten von Väterlichen und Mütterlichen Chromosomen bei 2²³ = 8.388.608 ~ über 8Mio Möglichkeiten. DNA à DNS Die DNA ist ein langes, zweisträngiges Molekül. Es ist mit einer Strickleiter vergleichbar. Die beiden "Seile" zeigen einen regelmäßigen Wechsel zwischen einem Molekül Phosphorsäure und einem Zuckermolekül (Desoxyribose). Vier weitere Bausteine nämlich Adenin, Thymin, Cytosin und Guanin bilden jeweils paarweise eine "Sprosse" der Leiter. Diese Moleküle werden wegen ihrer chemischen Eigenschaften auch als Basen bezeichnet. dabei stehen sich immer Adenin und Thymin bzw. Cytosin und Guanin als Basenpaare gegenüber. Da beide Stränge gleichmäßig miteinander verdreht sind, ergibt sich eine "Doppelschraube", die Doppelhelix. Mit der Enträtselung des DNA-Aufbaus war auch eine Antwort auf die Frage gefunden, wie die "Merkmale" der Lebewesen auf den Chromosomen angeordnet sind. Die Abschnitte, die für die Ausbildung eines Merkmals verantwortlich sind, bezeichnet man als Gen. Sie bestehen aus einer bestimmten Reihenfolge von Basen. Ihre Zahl schätzt man beim Menschen auf einige zehntausend. Sie liegen hintereinander auf den 46 Chromosomen. Grundstoffe der DNA: Desoxyribose (Zucker) - Z Phosphorsäure - P Die 4 Basen Thymin - T Adenin - A Guanin - G Cytosin - C


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Why Is an Inhomogenous Magnetic Field Used in the Stern Gerlach Experiment?

The apparatus used in the Stern Gerlach experiment is somewhat like the one shown below with magnetic pole pieces of different shapes producing an inhomogeneous magnetic field .

But what would have happened if we had used symmetrical pole peices which produced a near-homogeneous magnetic field? Basically, why not use a homogeneous field?

Stern Gerlach Diagram

  • quantum-mechanics
  • magnetic-fields
  • quantum-spin
  • magnetic-moment

Andrew's user avatar

7 Answers 7

The simple answer is that the spins are magnetic dipoles , not monopoles. A monopole will feel a force in any field. But a dipole needs a spatially varying field, because otherwise each pole of the dipole would feel an equal and opposite force (and the net force would be zero).

Gilbert's user avatar

In the Stern-Gerlach experiment you want the atoms to be deflected depending on the direction of their magnetic dipole moment.

But you get a net force on the magnetic dipole moment only if the magnetic field is non-homogenous.

enter image description here

If the magnetic field would be homogenous, then the forces ( $d\vec{F}_1$ and $d\vec{F}_2$ in the image above) would excactly cancel each other, and the net force would be zero.

Thomas Fritsch's user avatar

@Thomas Fritsch uploaded a nice picture that provides intuition about the dynamics of the situation. I would just like to add that the force $\textbf{F}$ exerted on this infinitesimal loop pictured (which is how we model a single silver atom in the Stern-Gerlach experiment ), is classically given by: $$\textbf{F} := \nabla \left( \boldsymbol{\mu} \cdot \textbf{B}\right) \tag{A}$$ where $\boldsymbol{\mu}$ is the silver atom's magnetic dipole moment and is a constant vector (that is, it doesn't exhibit spatial variation). You can easily observe that had $\textbf{B}$ been a constant vector, we would have $$\textbf{F} := \nabla \left( \boldsymbol{\mu} \cdot \textbf{B}\right) \tag{B} = \left(\boldsymbol{\mu} \cdot \nabla\right) \textbf{B} = \mu_x \frac{\partial B_x}{\partial x} + \mu_y \frac{\partial B_y}{\partial y} + \mu_z \frac{\partial B_z}{\partial z} = \textbf{0}$$ Thus, the magnetic field has to be inhomogeneous if we wish to observe a noticeable deflection in the atom's trajectory and thus, investigate the distribution of $\boldsymbol{\mu}$ for an ensemble of silver atoms.

$$\bbox[4px,border:1px solid black]{\textbf{An additional note on Equation $(A)$}}$$ Instead of equation $(A)$ , some authors simply write: $$F_z = \mu_z \left(\frac{\partial B_z}{\partial z}\right) \hat{\textbf{z}}$$ The simplification occurs by the realization that the average force in the $x$ and $y$ directions vanishes, as a result of spin precession around the $\hat{\textbf{z}}$ axis.

Image taken from page 399, Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Shankar

The potential energy $\text{U}$ of a magnetic dipole moment $\textbf{m}$ in a magnetic field $\textbf{B}$ is $$\text{U} = - \textbf{m} \cdot \textbf{B}$$

The force on an object in a potential field is in general given by the negative gradient of the potential

$$\textbf{F} = - \nabla\text{U}$$

Which in this case gives

$$\textbf{F} = - \nabla\left(-\textbf{m} \cdot \textbf{B}\right) = \left(\textbf{m}\cdot\nabla\right)\textbf{B} + \textbf{m}\times\left(\nabla\times\textbf{B}\right)$$

Where the cross product term is generally zero unless there's a current density (Ampere's law), and I've already dropped the $\nabla\times\textbf{m}$ term (as it's always zero), leaving $\textbf{F} = \left(\textbf{m}\cdot\nabla\right) \textbf{B}$ . For a homogeneous field, $\nabla\cdot\textbf{B} = 0$ everywhere, so there is no force, thus an inhomogeneous field is required to provide a force to separate the atoms according to their dipole moments (spins).

llama's user avatar

  • $\begingroup$ A friendly suggestion: do add a parenthesis after the grad operator; that is: $$\textbf{F} = \left(\textbf{m} \cdot \nabla \right) \cdot \textbf{B}$$ I am also a little curious to what the expression $\nabla \textbf{B}$ evaluates to. $\endgroup$ –  Andrew Commented Nov 26, 2020 at 19:47
  • 2 $\begingroup$ @AndreasMastronikolis ahh yeah I looked at that for a bit and felt uncomfortable before I hit post, been too long since I've actually done real vector calc. Need to un-bold that $U$ as well $\endgroup$ –  llama Commented Nov 26, 2020 at 19:49
  • 1 $\begingroup$ Another friendly suggestion: Drop the dot after the parenthesis after the grad operator, as in: $$\textbf{F} = \left(\textbf{m} \cdot \nabla \right) \textbf{B}$$ The $\textbf{m}\cdot\nabla$ is a scalar, so it can’t be dotted with a vector. $\endgroup$ –  Gilbert Commented Nov 27, 2020 at 20:38

While the "how" has been well described, the "why" has not been explicitly stated:

The reason for using an inhomogeneous field is so that the device takes a pure state and entangles the spatial part of the wave function with the spin wave function.

JEB's user avatar


"But with the outcome of the experiment, I really did not understand anything..." -Otto Stern(2)

Short answer by Otto:

We sent a beam of silver atoms through a very inhomogeneous magnetic field. In such a field the magnets are deflected because the field strength on the place of one pole of the magnet is a little different from the field strength acting on the other pole. So in the balance a force is acting on the atom and it is deflected.(9)

well done asking this question! That's the spirit. A foreword: SGE was performed in times when quantum- and nuclear physics was deriving and refining a lot of thinking and results that where coming from very prominent names. Further, vacuum tech was just evolving to allow for such experimentation.

Dirac in 1929:

The general theory of quantum mechanics is now almost complete...

I try to provide you a slightly different (set of) answer, since I'm not fully pleased with the answers given, because there is more to this important "benchmark"(2) Nobelprize-experiment.

The background is this: Classical physics expected a Larmor precession of the magnetic moments.(2) From (2), let me also quote: "We know today that the directional quantization of angular momentum and magnetic moments in magnetic fields as observed in the Zeeman Effect (Zeeman, 1896, 1897) as well as in the Stern-Gerlach experiment are closely related processes." Key to understand is that electrons have angular momentum and magnetic momentum.(1) This concept was proposed by Uhlenbeck and Goudsmit.(3)

The highly simplified images of the SG-Experiment crusading the internet avoid taking a closer look at what is really going on with regards to the H-field and atomics. Take a look at the real setup provided by Uni Göttingen and you will notice the magnets arrangement is highly specific in design for creating an inhomogeneous field for this experiment. This peculiar "gradient field" makes the density of the field a function of location, chiefly ∂Bz/∂z, hence a force is acting. Otherwise, there would be just orientation of the atoms. Note that "m" (= g_s * m_s) takes ~ +-1, so Fz(-m) = -Fz(m) or in words: the expectation that the beam is split into two, not just broadening. The yellow curve (i. e. ionization) as a function of detector position (small coil currents and strong currents).

The yellow curve in the picture was not just broadening, but splitting or from side-view developing two maxima.

Further, this magnetic setup is modelled as two wires with current flow in opposite directions. A near ∂Bz/∂z = const is seeked, which is requisite for later calculating the magnetic momentum: The exact position of the beam in z-axis (z = 0) is calculated (approximated).

Advanced topics: Sebens(4) for example is asking discreteness vs. uniqueness of the spin, and he concludes in "...we need quantum physics to explain the results of the Stern-Gerlach experiment."

I hope this answer leaves your question-answer ratio balanced not split.

enter image description here

Further reading:

  • Quantenmechanik der Atome. F. Hund. Handbuch der Physik ( https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-85687-7_1 )
  • The Stern-Gerlach Experiment Revisited ( https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.09311 )
  • George Uhlenbeck and the Discovery of Electron Spin ( https://doi.org/10.1063/1.881186 )
  • Particles, Fields, and the Measurement of Electron Spin ( https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.00619 )
  • Stern-Gerlach: conceptually clean or acceptably vague? ( https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.00546 )
  • Feynman Lectures III - Spin One ( https://www.feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/III_05.html )
  • Foundations of Potential Theory ( https://books.google.de/books?id=AqHyCAAAQBAJ&source=gbs_book_other_versions )
  • Molecular Beams in Physics and Chemistry ( https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-63963-1 )
  • The method of molecular rays, Nobel Lecture, Otto Stern 1946 ( https://www.nobelprize.org/uploads/2018/06/stern-lecture.pdf )

Aim of the experiment is to probe the orbital angular momentum of electron.

Force due to magnetic field on charged particle is given by

Thus magnetic field produces a variation in force only when there is a variation in velocity of charged particle of fixed charge.

But our aim is to probe angular momentum.

So multiply a radial distance perpendicular to velocity

v×r a cross product that gives us angular momentum perpendicular to both. Here a factor of mass is missing. That may be multiplied later as mass of the electron is constant in this experiment.

To balance the dimensions and arrive at the force on right hand side of first equation, one needs a space coordinate in the denominator.

F=(𝛛B/𝛛z)*(v×r) sin𝜽

F= (𝛛B/𝛛z)*L/m sin𝜽

Then why do we choose force?

Because that is the only parameter that produces a measurable effect.

So we chose force and modified B in order to probe L.

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schirmalgen experiment

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Experimente mit der Schirmalge.

Frage: experimente mit der schirmalge. (4 antworten).

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Frage von | am 23.09.2020 - 16:19

Antwort von | 23.09.2020 - 16:48
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Antwort von | 23.09.2020 - 16:58

Antwort von | 23.09.2020 - 17:03


Antwort von | 23.09.2020 - 17:23
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Acetabularia j. v. lamouroux 1812.

Die Schirmalgen (lat. Acetabularia ) sind eine Gattung mariner einzelliger Algen , deren Arten zwischen 0,5 und 10 Zentimeter groß werden können. Die Gattung umfasst 12 Arten [1] , die anhand der Form ihres Schirmes unterschieden werden.


  • 1 Vorkommen
  • 2 Beschreibung
  • 3 Entwicklung und Fortpflanzung
  • 4.1 Teilungsexperimente
  • 4.2 Pfropfversuche
  • 5 Systematik
  • 7 Einzelnachweise

Die Gattung ist in tropischen und subtropischen Meeren verbreitet. A. mediterranea lebt im Mittelmeer und im angrenzenden Ostatlantik. Ihre Blütezeit hatten die Schirmalgen in der Trias und im Jura . [2]



Der einzellige Thallus einer Schirmalge besteht aus einem wurzelähnlichen Rhizoid , mit dem die Alge auf einem Substrat festsitzt, einem dünnen (ca. 1 mm dicken) Stiel und dem namengebenden Schirm. Die Größe variiert artspezifisch zwischen einem und sechs Zentimetern, der Durchmesser des Schirms zwischen 0,5 und 1,5 cm. Am Stiel sitzen Wirtel seitlicher Auswüchse, die wie die Blätter von Bäumen nach einiger Zeit abgeworfen werden. Der Schirm besteht aus 30–75 radialen Kammern. Die Wand des Thallus ist mehr oder weniger stark verkalkt. Das Innere wird von einer großen Vakuole eingenommen, um die herum im peripheren Cytoplasma zahlreiche Chloroplasten zirkulieren ( Plasmaströmung ). [3]

Entwicklung und Fortpflanzung


Die Dauer des Lebenszyklus der Schirmalgen variiert artspezifisch und innerhalb des Verbreitungsgebiets (Breitengrad) einer Art. Über lange Zeit besitzt die Alge nur einen sehr großen diploiden Zellkern (Primärkern), der sich im Rhizoid befindet. Nach der Ausbildung des Schirms erfolgt die Meiose , also der Übergang zur haploiden Phase, und durch nachfolgende Mitosen entstehen zahlreiche haploide Sekundärkerne, die in die Kammern des Schirms wandern. Unter Bildung dicker Zellwände entstehen dort zunächst einkernige Zysten , in denen aber weitere Mitosen stattfinden, bis schließlich in jeder Zyste 20–50 zweigeißelige Gameten vorliegen. Wenn am Ende der Vegetationsperiode der Schirm zerfällt, werden die Zysten als Dauerstadium frei. Zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt entlassen sie durch Öffnung eines Deckels die Gameten. Durch Vereinigung von Gameten unterschiedlichen Geschlechts – die sich äußerlich nicht unterscheiden (Isogametie) – entsteht die diploide Zygote , die sich auf einem geeigneten Substrat festsetzt und zu einer neuen Alge heranwächst. [4] [3]

Die Gattung Acetabularia hat in verschiedenen Bereichen eine große Bedeutung. Zum einen in der Geologie , da durch die schon erwähnte starke Kalkeinlagerung sehr viele Fossilien entstanden sind. Zehn der heute noch bestehenden Arten lassen sich bereits in der Kreidezeit nachweisen. In der Natur nimmt sie eine Stellung als Riffbildner ein. Auch in der Wissenschaft hat Acetabularia eine herausragende Stellung. 1932 konnte an ihr der Nachweis der Bedeutung des Zellkerns erbracht werden. In der damaligen Zeit war eine molekularbiologische Untersuchung unmöglich. Der Nachweis wurde auf der mikroskopischen Ebene geführt. Man verwendete dazu verschiedene Pfropf- und Teilungsexperimente. Einige von ihnen werden im Folgenden vorgestellt. Allgemein lässt sich eine enorme Regenerationsfähigkeit dieser Algenart verzeichnen. Sie ist in der Lage nach dem Verlust des Zellkerns noch 3 bis 7 Monate lebensfähig zu bleiben, Zellulose und Eiweiß zu produzieren und Formbildung zu durchlaufen.


Wenn das Rhizoid entfernt wird, wird vom Stiel aus ein neues Rhizoid ausgebildet, das allerdings keinen Zellkern besitzt. Die Zelle kann unter günstigen Bedingungen noch einige Monate überleben, ist aber nicht mehr reproduktionsfähig.


Nach der Amputation wird vom Zellkern aus der Befehl zur Ausschüttung morphogener Stoffe gegeben, welche nach kurzer Zeit eine Neubildung des Hutes initiieren.


Der Stiel regeneriert sich je nach Ort der Teilung anders. Je größer das Stück desto einfacher wird das fehlende Stück neu gebildet. Man unterscheidet hierbei 3 Szenarien:

  • Der Stiel wird dicht über dem Rhizoid getrennt. Dies führt zur Ausbildung zweier kernloser Rhizoide.
  • Es wird ein Stück Stiel ungefähr aus der Mitte zwischen Rhizoid und Hut entnommen. Das hat zur Folge, dass ein kernloses Rhizoid und ein Hut ausgebildet wird.
  • Man entfernt ein Stück des Stiels unterhalb des Hutes und entfernt auch das Rhizoid. Als Ergebnis werden hier ein normaler Hut und ein „Kümmerhut“ anstelle des Rhizoids ausgebildet.

Man kann hieraus eine polare Verteilung von mindestens 2 morphogenen Regenerationsstoffen, die sich im gegenläufigen Stoffgefälle befinden, ersehen. Die Entwicklung der Regenerate hängt von der Menge dieser Stoffe ab. Im kernlosen Abschnitt werden diese Substanzen nicht mehr regeneriert.


Bei diesem Versuch wurde nachgewiesen, dass vom kernhaltigen Stück die für die Regeneration verantwortlichen Stoffe produziert werden. Er wird in zwei Schritten durchgeführt. Zuerst wird ein Stück der Stielspitze entfernt und später auch das Rhizoid. Die Stielspitze wurde nachgebildet, weil die Bildungsstoffe bereits produziert und dann in die Spitze transportiert wurden. Daraus folgt, dass der Zellkern für die Ausbildung verantwortlich ist.



Ein kernhaltiges Rhizoid der Art Parvocaulis parvulus wird von seinem Stiel und seinem Hut getrennt und der Stiel von A. acetabulum wird auf dieses Rhizoid aufgepfropft. Es entwickeln sich zuerst A. acetabulum -Wirtel, aber die Ausprägung des Hutes ist eindeutig Parvocaulis parvulus .

In diesem Experiment wird auf das Rhizoid der A. acetabulum ein Stiel der A. crenulata aufgepfropft. Das Ergebnis unterscheidet sich aber von dem des vorangegangenen Versuches. Es entsteht ein intermediärer Hut. Wird dieser abgetrennt, so entwickelt sich nur noch ein Hut der A. acetabulum .

Verpfropft man zwei Rhizoide unterschiedlicher Acetabularia - Arten , so entstehen intermediäre Hüte.

Bei dieser Kombination entstehen wiederum intermediäre Hüte, welche aber mehr der A. crenulata ähneln.

Wenn man ein altes Rhizoid mit einem jungen Stiel verbindet, so verlangsamt sich der Entwicklungsprozess. Wenn das Verhältnis von alt und jung entgegengesetzt ist, so wird dieser Prozess beschleunigt. Der Primärkernteilungsprozess beginnt erst, wenn der Hut vollständig ausgebildet ist. Er verschiebt sich bei der Amputation des Hutes nach hinten. Wird nach Beginn dieses Zerfallsprozesses der Hut abgetrennt, ist die Schirmalge nicht mehr in der Lage, einen neuen Hut auszubilden. Wird ein neuer Hut aufgepfropft, so bilden sich Zysten und der Vermehrungsprozess schreitet fort.


  • Acetabularia acetabulum (L.) P.C.Silva
  • Acetabularia antillana (Solms) Egerod
  • Acetabularia calyculus J.V.Lamour.
  • Acetabularia crenulata J.V.Lamour.
  • Acetabularia dentata Solms
  • Acetabularia farlowii Solms
  • Acetabularia jalakanyakae Saini et al. [5]
  • Acetabularia kilneri J.Agardh
  • Acetabularia major G.Martens
  • Acetabularia myriospora A.B.Joly & Cord.-Mar.
  • Acetabularia peniculus (R.Br. ex Turner) Solms
  • Acetabularia ryukyuensis Okamura & Yamada
  • Acetabularia schenckii K.Möbius
  • Acetabularia toxasii Troño, A.E.Santiago & Ganz.-Fort.


  • ↑ AlgaeBase Taxonomy Browser: Genus: Acetabularia , abgerufen am 11. Mai 2018.
  • ↑ Lexikon der Biologie : Dasycladales . Spektrum, Heidelberg 1999.
  • ↑ a b AlgaeBase: Acetabularia (bei Acetabularia auf die Lupe klicken), abgerufen am 12. Mai 2018.
  • ↑ Joachim W. Kadereit, Christian Körner, Benedikt Kost, Uwe Sonnewald: Strasburger Lehrbuch der Pflanzenwissenschaften . Springer Spektrum, Berlin/Heidelberg 2014, S. 597.
  • ↑ K. C. Saini, A. Madhu, R. K. Kohli, K. Gupta, F. Bast: Morpho-molecular assessment of Acetabularia jalakanyakae sp. nov. (Dasycladales, Chlorophyta) – a new species from Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India . In: Indian Journal of Geo Marine Sciences, Band 50, Nr. 9, September 2021, S. 701-708; PDF . Dazu: Natali Anderson: New Species of Green Alga Discovered . Auf: sci-news vom 7. März 2022.


Schirmalge/Acetabularia - Referat

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  • School Leaders

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72 Easy Science Experiments Using Materials You Already Have On Hand

Because science doesn’t have to be complicated.

Easy science experiments including a "naked" egg and "leakproof" bag

If there is one thing that is guaranteed to get your students excited, it’s a good science experiment! While some experiments require expensive lab equipment or dangerous chemicals, there are plenty of cool projects you can do with regular household items. We’ve rounded up a big collection of easy science experiments that anybody can try, and kids are going to love them!

Easy Chemistry Science Experiments

Easy physics science experiments, easy biology and environmental science experiments, easy engineering experiments and stem challenges.

Skittles form a circle around a plate. The colors are bleeding toward the center of the plate. (easy science experiments)

1. Taste the Rainbow

Teach your students about diffusion while creating a beautiful and tasty rainbow! Tip: Have extra Skittles on hand so your class can eat a few!

Learn more: Skittles Diffusion

Colorful rock candy on wooden sticks

2. Crystallize sweet treats

Crystal science experiments teach kids about supersaturated solutions. This one is easy to do at home, and the results are absolutely delicious!

Learn more: Candy Crystals

3. Make a volcano erupt

This classic experiment demonstrates a chemical reaction between baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and vinegar (acetic acid), which produces carbon dioxide gas, water, and sodium acetate.

Learn more: Best Volcano Experiments

4. Make elephant toothpaste

This fun project uses yeast and a hydrogen peroxide solution to create overflowing “elephant toothpaste.” Tip: Add an extra fun layer by having kids create toothpaste wrappers for plastic bottles.

Girl making an enormous bubble with string and wire

5. Blow the biggest bubbles you can

Add a few simple ingredients to dish soap solution to create the largest bubbles you’ve ever seen! Kids learn about surface tension as they engineer these bubble-blowing wands.

Learn more: Giant Soap Bubbles

Plastic bag full of water with pencils stuck through it

6. Demonstrate the “magic” leakproof bag

All you need is a zip-top plastic bag, sharp pencils, and water to blow your kids’ minds. Once they’re suitably impressed, teach them how the “trick” works by explaining the chemistry of polymers.

Learn more: Leakproof Bag

Several apple slices are shown on a clear plate. There are cards that label what they have been immersed in (including salt water, sugar water, etc.) (easy science experiments)

7. Use apple slices to learn about oxidation

Have students make predictions about what will happen to apple slices when immersed in different liquids, then put those predictions to the test. Have them record their observations.

Learn more: Apple Oxidation

8. Float a marker man

Their eyes will pop out of their heads when you “levitate” a stick figure right off the table! This experiment works due to the insolubility of dry-erase marker ink in water, combined with the lighter density of the ink.

Learn more: Floating Marker Man

Mason jars stacked with their mouths together, with one color of water on the bottom and another color on top

9. Discover density with hot and cold water

There are a lot of easy science experiments you can do with density. This one is extremely simple, involving only hot and cold water and food coloring, but the visuals make it appealing and fun.

Learn more: Layered Water

Clear cylinder layered with various liquids in different colors

10. Layer more liquids

This density demo is a little more complicated, but the effects are spectacular. Slowly layer liquids like honey, dish soap, water, and rubbing alcohol in a glass. Kids will be amazed when the liquids float one on top of the other like magic (except it is really science).

Learn more: Layered Liquids

Giant carbon snake growing out of a tin pan full of sand

11. Grow a carbon sugar snake

Easy science experiments can still have impressive results! This eye-popping chemical reaction demonstration only requires simple supplies like sugar, baking soda, and sand.

Learn more: Carbon Sugar Snake

12. Mix up some slime

Tell kids you’re going to make slime at home, and watch their eyes light up! There are a variety of ways to make slime, so try a few different recipes to find the one you like best.

Two children are shown (without faces) bouncing balls on a white table

13. Make homemade bouncy balls

These homemade bouncy balls are easy to make since all you need is glue, food coloring, borax powder, cornstarch, and warm water. You’ll want to store them inside a container like a plastic egg because they will flatten out over time.

Learn more: Make Your Own Bouncy Balls

Pink sidewalk chalk stick sitting on a paper towel

14. Create eggshell chalk

Eggshells contain calcium, the same material that makes chalk. Grind them up and mix them with flour, water, and food coloring to make your very own sidewalk chalk.

Learn more: Eggshell Chalk

Science student holding a raw egg without a shell

15. Make naked eggs

This is so cool! Use vinegar to dissolve the calcium carbonate in an eggshell to discover the membrane underneath that holds the egg together. Then, use the “naked” egg for another easy science experiment that demonstrates osmosis .

Learn more: Naked Egg Experiment

16. Turn milk into plastic

This sounds a lot more complicated than it is, but don’t be afraid to give it a try. Use simple kitchen supplies to create plastic polymers from plain old milk. Sculpt them into cool shapes when you’re done!

Student using a series of test tubes filled with pink liquid

17. Test pH using cabbage

Teach kids about acids and bases without needing pH test strips! Simply boil some red cabbage and use the resulting water to test various substances—acids turn red and bases turn green.

Learn more: Cabbage pH

Pennies in small cups of liquid labeled coca cola, vinegar + salt, apple juice, water, catsup, and vinegar. Text reads Cleaning Coins Science Experiment. Step by step procedure and explanation.

18. Clean some old coins

Use common household items to make old oxidized coins clean and shiny again in this simple chemistry experiment. Ask kids to predict (hypothesize) which will work best, then expand the learning by doing some research to explain the results.

Learn more: Cleaning Coins

Glass bottle with bowl holding three eggs, small glass with matches sitting on a box of matches, and a yellow plastic straw, against a blue background

19. Pull an egg into a bottle

This classic easy science experiment never fails to delight. Use the power of air pressure to suck a hard-boiled egg into a jar, no hands required.

Learn more: Egg in a Bottle

20. Blow up a balloon (without blowing)

Chances are good you probably did easy science experiments like this when you were in school. The baking soda and vinegar balloon experiment demonstrates the reactions between acids and bases when you fill a bottle with vinegar and a balloon with baking soda.

21 Assemble a DIY lava lamp

This 1970s trend is back—as an easy science experiment! This activity combines acid-base reactions with density for a totally groovy result.

Four colored cups containing different liquids, with an egg in each

22. Explore how sugary drinks affect teeth

The calcium content of eggshells makes them a great stand-in for teeth. Use eggs to explore how soda and juice can stain teeth and wear down the enamel. Expand your learning by trying different toothpaste-and-toothbrush combinations to see how effective they are.

Learn more: Sugar and Teeth Experiment

23. Mummify a hot dog

If your kids are fascinated by the Egyptians, they’ll love learning to mummify a hot dog! No need for canopic jars , just grab some baking soda and get started.

24. Extinguish flames with carbon dioxide

This is a fiery twist on acid-base experiments. Light a candle and talk about what fire needs in order to survive. Then, create an acid-base reaction and “pour” the carbon dioxide to extinguish the flame. The CO2 gas acts like a liquid, suffocating the fire.

I Love You written in lemon juice on a piece of white paper, with lemon half and cotton swabs

25. Send secret messages with invisible ink

Turn your kids into secret agents! Write messages with a paintbrush dipped in lemon juice, then hold the paper over a heat source and watch the invisible become visible as oxidation goes to work.

Learn more: Invisible Ink

26. Create dancing popcorn

This is a fun version of the classic baking soda and vinegar experiment, perfect for the younger crowd. The bubbly mixture causes popcorn to dance around in the water.

Students looking surprised as foamy liquid shoots up out of diet soda bottles

27. Shoot a soda geyser sky-high

You’ve always wondered if this really works, so it’s time to find out for yourself! Kids will marvel at the chemical reaction that sends diet soda shooting high in the air when Mentos are added.

Learn more: Soda Explosion

Empty tea bags burning into ashes

28. Send a teabag flying

Hot air rises, and this experiment can prove it! You’ll want to supervise kids with fire, of course. For more safety, try this one outside.

Learn more: Flying Tea Bags

Magic Milk Experiment How to Plus Free Worksheet

29. Create magic milk

This fun and easy science experiment demonstrates principles related to surface tension, molecular interactions, and fluid dynamics.

Learn more: Magic Milk Experiment

Two side-by-side shots of an upside-down glass over a candle in a bowl of water, with water pulled up into the glass in the second picture

30. Watch the water rise

Learn about Charles’s Law with this simple experiment. As the candle burns, using up oxygen and heating the air in the glass, the water rises as if by magic.

Learn more: Rising Water

Glasses filled with colored water, with paper towels running from one to the next

31. Learn about capillary action

Kids will be amazed as they watch the colored water move from glass to glass, and you’ll love the easy and inexpensive setup. Gather some water, paper towels, and food coloring to teach the scientific magic of capillary action.

Learn more: Capillary Action

A pink balloon has a face drawn on it. It is hovering over a plate with salt and pepper on it

32. Give a balloon a beard

Equally educational and fun, this experiment will teach kids about static electricity using everyday materials. Kids will undoubtedly get a kick out of creating beards on their balloon person!

Learn more: Static Electricity

DIY compass made from a needle floating in water

33. Find your way with a DIY compass

Here’s an old classic that never fails to impress. Magnetize a needle, float it on the water’s surface, and it will always point north.

Learn more: DIY Compass

34. Crush a can using air pressure

Sure, it’s easy to crush a soda can with your bare hands, but what if you could do it without touching it at all? That’s the power of air pressure!

A large piece of cardboard has a white circle in the center with a pencil standing upright in the middle of the circle. Rocks are on all four corners holding it down.

35. Tell time using the sun

While people use clocks or even phones to tell time today, there was a time when a sundial was the best means to do that. Kids will certainly get a kick out of creating their own sundials using everyday materials like cardboard and pencils.

Learn more: Make Your Own Sundial

36. Launch a balloon rocket

Grab balloons, string, straws, and tape, and launch rockets to learn about the laws of motion.

Steel wool sitting in an aluminum tray. The steel wool appears to be on fire.

37. Make sparks with steel wool

All you need is steel wool and a 9-volt battery to perform this science demo that’s bound to make their eyes light up! Kids learn about chain reactions, chemical changes, and more.

Learn more: Steel Wool Electricity

38. Levitate a Ping-Pong ball

Kids will get a kick out of this experiment, which is really all about Bernoulli’s principle. You only need plastic bottles, bendy straws, and Ping-Pong balls to make the science magic happen.

Colored water in a vortex in a plastic bottle

39. Whip up a tornado in a bottle

There are plenty of versions of this classic experiment out there, but we love this one because it sparkles! Kids learn about a vortex and what it takes to create one.

Learn more: Tornado in a Bottle

Homemade barometer using a tin can, rubber band, and ruler

40. Monitor air pressure with a DIY barometer

This simple but effective DIY science project teaches kids about air pressure and meteorology. They’ll have fun tracking and predicting the weather with their very own barometer.

Learn more: DIY Barometer

A child holds up a pice of ice to their eye as if it is a magnifying glass. (easy science experiments)

41. Peer through an ice magnifying glass

Students will certainly get a thrill out of seeing how an everyday object like a piece of ice can be used as a magnifying glass. Be sure to use purified or distilled water since tap water will have impurities in it that will cause distortion.

Learn more: Ice Magnifying Glass

Piece of twine stuck to an ice cube

42. String up some sticky ice

Can you lift an ice cube using just a piece of string? This quick experiment teaches you how. Use a little salt to melt the ice and then refreeze the ice with the string attached.

Learn more: Sticky Ice

Drawing of a hand with the thumb up and a glass of water

43. “Flip” a drawing with water

Light refraction causes some really cool effects, and there are multiple easy science experiments you can do with it. This one uses refraction to “flip” a drawing; you can also try the famous “disappearing penny” trick .

Learn more: Light Refraction With Water

44. Color some flowers

We love how simple this project is to re-create since all you’ll need are some white carnations, food coloring, glasses, and water. The end result is just so beautiful!

Square dish filled with water and glitter, showing how a drop of dish soap repels the glitter

45. Use glitter to fight germs

Everyone knows that glitter is just like germs—it gets everywhere and is so hard to get rid of! Use that to your advantage and show kids how soap fights glitter and germs.

Learn more: Glitter Germs

Plastic bag with clouds and sun drawn on it, with a small amount of blue liquid at the bottom

46. Re-create the water cycle in a bag

You can do so many easy science experiments with a simple zip-top bag. Fill one partway with water and set it on a sunny windowsill to see how the water evaporates up and eventually “rains” down.

Learn more: Water Cycle

Plastic zipper bag tied around leaves on a tree

47. Learn about plant transpiration

Your backyard is a terrific place for easy science experiments. Grab a plastic bag and rubber band to learn how plants get rid of excess water they don’t need, a process known as transpiration.

Learn more: Plant Transpiration

Students sit around a table that has a tin pan filled with blue liquid wiht a feather floating in it (easy science experiments)

48. Clean up an oil spill

Before conducting this experiment, teach your students about engineers who solve environmental problems like oil spills. Then, have your students use provided materials to clean the oil spill from their oceans.

Learn more: Oil Spill

Sixth grade student holding model lungs and diaphragm made from a plastic bottle, duct tape, and balloons

49. Construct a pair of model lungs

Kids get a better understanding of the respiratory system when they build model lungs using a plastic water bottle and some balloons. You can modify the experiment to demonstrate the effects of smoking too.

Learn more: Model Lungs

Child pouring vinegar over a large rock in a bowl

50. Experiment with limestone rocks

Kids  love to collect rocks, and there are plenty of easy science experiments you can do with them. In this one, pour vinegar over a rock to see if it bubbles. If it does, you’ve found limestone!

Learn more: Limestone Experiments

Plastic bottle converted to a homemade rain gauge

51. Turn a bottle into a rain gauge

All you need is a plastic bottle, a ruler, and a permanent marker to make your own rain gauge. Monitor your measurements and see how they stack up against meteorology reports in your area.

Learn more: DIY Rain Gauge

Pile of different colored towels pushed together to create folds like mountains

52. Build up towel mountains

This clever demonstration helps kids understand how some landforms are created. Use layers of towels to represent rock layers and boxes for continents. Then pu-u-u-sh and see what happens!

Learn more: Towel Mountains

Layers of differently colored playdough with straw holes punched throughout all the layers

53. Take a play dough core sample

Learn about the layers of the earth by building them out of Play-Doh, then take a core sample with a straw. ( Love Play-Doh? Get more learning ideas here. )

Learn more: Play Dough Core Sampling

Science student poking holes in the bottom of a paper cup in the shape of a constellation

54. Project the stars on your ceiling

Use the video lesson in the link below to learn why stars are only visible at night. Then create a DIY star projector to explore the concept hands-on.

Learn more: DIY Star Projector

Glass jar of water with shaving cream floating on top, with blue food coloring dripping through, next to a can of shaving cream

55. Make it rain

Use shaving cream and food coloring to simulate clouds and rain. This is an easy science experiment little ones will beg to do over and over.

Learn more: Shaving Cream Rain

56. Blow up your fingerprint

This is such a cool (and easy!) way to look at fingerprint patterns. Inflate a balloon a bit, use some ink to put a fingerprint on it, then blow it up big to see your fingerprint in detail.

Edible DNA model made with Twizzlers, gumdrops, and toothpicks

57. Snack on a DNA model

Twizzlers, gumdrops, and a few toothpicks are all you need to make this super-fun (and yummy!) DNA model.

Learn more: Edible DNA Model

58. Dissect a flower

Take a nature walk and find a flower or two. Then bring them home and take them apart to discover all the different parts of flowers.

DIY smartphone amplifier made from paper cups

59. Craft smartphone speakers

No Bluetooth speaker? No problem! Put together your own from paper cups and toilet paper tubes.

Learn more: Smartphone Speakers

Car made from cardboard with bottlecap wheels and powered by a blue balloon

60. Race a balloon-powered car

Kids will be amazed when they learn they can put together this awesome racer using cardboard and bottle-cap wheels. The balloon-powered “engine” is so much fun too.

Learn more: Balloon-Powered Car

Miniature Ferris Wheel built out of colorful wood craft sticks

61. Build a Ferris wheel

You’ve probably ridden on a Ferris wheel, but can you build one? Stock up on wood craft sticks and find out! Play around with different designs to see which one works best.

Learn more: Craft Stick Ferris Wheel

62. Design a phone stand

There are lots of ways to craft a DIY phone stand, which makes this a perfect creative-thinking STEM challenge.

63. Conduct an egg drop

Put all their engineering skills to the test with an egg drop! Challenge kids to build a container from stuff they find around the house that will protect an egg from a long fall (this is especially fun to do from upper-story windows).

Learn more: Egg Drop Challenge Ideas

Student building a roller coaster of drinking straws for a ping pong ball (Fourth Grade Science)

64. Engineer a drinking-straw roller coaster

STEM challenges are always a hit with kids. We love this one, which only requires basic supplies like drinking straws.

Learn more: Straw Roller Coaster

Outside Science Solar Oven Desert Chica

65. Build a solar oven

Explore the power of the sun when you build your own solar ovens and use them to cook some yummy treats. This experiment takes a little more time and effort, but the results are always impressive. The link below has complete instructions.

Learn more: Solar Oven

Mini Da Vinci bridge made of pencils and rubber bands

66. Build a Da Vinci bridge

There are plenty of bridge-building experiments out there, but this one is unique. It’s inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s 500-year-old self-supporting wooden bridge. Learn how to build it at the link, and expand your learning by exploring more about Da Vinci himself.

Learn more: Da Vinci Bridge

67. Step through an index card

This is one easy science experiment that never fails to astonish. With carefully placed scissor cuts on an index card, you can make a loop large enough to fit a (small) human body through! Kids will be wowed as they learn about surface area.

Student standing on top of a structure built from cardboard sheets and paper cups

68. Stand on a pile of paper cups

Combine physics and engineering and challenge kids to create a paper cup structure that can support their weight. This is a cool project for aspiring architects.

Learn more: Paper Cup Stack

Child standing on a stepladder dropping a toy attached to a paper parachute

69. Test out parachutes

Gather a variety of materials (try tissues, handkerchiefs, plastic bags, etc.) and see which ones make the best parachutes. You can also find out how they’re affected by windy days or find out which ones work in the rain.

Learn more: Parachute Drop

Students balancing a textbook on top of a pyramid of rolled up newspaper

70. Recycle newspapers into an engineering challenge

It’s amazing how a stack of newspapers can spark such creative engineering. Challenge kids to build a tower, support a book, or even build a chair using only newspaper and tape!

Learn more: Newspaper STEM Challenge

Plastic cup with rubber bands stretched across the opening

71. Use rubber bands to sound out acoustics

Explore the ways that sound waves are affected by what’s around them using a simple rubber band “guitar.” (Kids absolutely love playing with these!)

Learn more: Rubber Band Guitar

Science student pouring water over a cupcake wrapper propped on wood craft sticks

72. Assemble a better umbrella

Challenge students to engineer the best possible umbrella from various household supplies. Encourage them to plan, draw blueprints, and test their creations using the scientific method.

Learn more: Umbrella STEM Challenge

Plus, sign up for our newsletters to get all the latest learning ideas straight to your inbox.

Science doesn't have to be complicated! Try these easy science experiments using items you already have around the house or classroom.

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  1. Experimente mit der Schirmalge.

    schirmalgen experiment

  2. Acetabularia acetabulum Schirmchenalge

    schirmalgen experiment

  3. Schirmalgen

    schirmalgen experiment

  4. Green Cup Algae, Schirmalgen (Acetabularia acetabulum)

    schirmalgen experiment

  5. Schirmalgen (Acetabularia acetabulum)

    schirmalgen experiment

  6. Schirmalgen (Acetabularia acetabulum), Meerpfau (Thalassoma pavo)

    schirmalgen experiment


  1. Making Balloon🎈Bottle Car 🚗 #shorts #devkeexperiment

  2. 2 Next Level Science Tricks With Fire #shorts

  3. Amazing Smoke Experiment With Perfume #shorts

  4. Ga perlu basa basi 🤓 #balloon #experiment #doll #diy

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  6. Experiment: Balloons of Fanta, Pepsi, Sprite, Mtn Dew, Sodas, Coca-Cola vs Mentos in Big Underground


  1. PDF Die verrückten Hüte der Schirmalge

    nen er Schirmalgen zerschnitt, entkernte und mit fremden Kernen bestückte. So experimentierte er auch damit, die Kerne verschie-dener Acetabularia-Arten untereinander auszutauschen. Die Zelle bildete daraufhin die Hutform der Art, von welcher der Zellkern stammte. Setzte Hämmerling die Kerne zweier Arten in dasselbe

  2. (PDF) Acetabularia: Haemmerling's Confirmation that the Nucleus

    different ways, it is almost perfectly suited for the experiments to be described below: 1. It is a very large cell, reaching, sometimes, nine to ten centimeters in length 1 .

  3. Joachim Hämmerling

    Dr. Joachim Hämmerling ForMemRS (9 March 1901 - 5 August 1980) was a pioneering Danish-German biologist funded by Nazi Germany who determined that the nucleus of a cell controls the development of organisms. His experimentation with the green algae Acetabularia provided a model subject for modern cell biological research, and proved the existence of morphogenetic substances, or mRNP.

  4. Zellkern Transplantationsexperiment│Biologie Lernvideo [Learning Level

    #Zellkern #Transplantationsexperiment #Acetabularia Welche Rolle nimmt der Zellkern bei der Vererbung ein? Was ist Träger der Erbinformationen? Was lässt sic...

  5. Schirmalgen

    Die Schirmalgen (lat. Acetabularia) sind eine Gattung mariner einzelliger Algen, deren Arten zwischen 0,5 und 10 Zentimeter groß werden können. Die Gattung umfasst 12 Arten ... In diesem Experiment wird auf das Rhizoid der A. acetabulum ein Stiel der A. crenulata aufgepfropft. Das Ergebnis unterscheidet sich aber von dem des vorangegangenen ...

  6. PDF The umbrella algae's crazy caps

    Hämmerling's classic experiments paved the way for the um-brella algae to enter the laboratories. Scientists around the world were soon examining the processes inside the gigantic cell. The medical expert Hans-Georg Schweiger worked with the giant al-gae at the Max Planck Institute for Cell Biology. Schweiger had

  7. Lerntext Acetabularia

    Schirmalgen sind eine international Acetabularia genannte Gattung von Alge n, die in tropisch en und subtropisch en Meeren leben. Es gibt eine ausführlichere und mir als Quelle dienende Beschreibung in der Wikipedia. Anfangs besteht Acetabularia aus nur einer Zelle mit nur einem großen, diploid en Zellkern. Je nach Spezies werden diese Zelle ...

  8. Hans Spemann (1869-1941)

    Hans Spemann was an experimental embryologist best known for his transplantation studies and as the originator of the "organizer" concept. One of his earliest experiments involved constricting the blastomeres of a fertilized salamander egg with a noose of fine baby hair, resulting in a partially double embryo with two heads and one tail.

  9. Entwicklungsphysiologische und genetische Grundlagen der Formbildung

    Die in den Abschnitten I-V behandelten Fragen sind in folgenden Arbeiten ausführlich geschildert J. Hämmerling, Entwicklung und Formbildungsvermögen von Acetabularia mediterranea I und II. Biol. Zbl.51/52 (1931/32). Über formbildende Substanzen bei Acetabularia mediterranea, ihre räumliche und zeitliche Verteilung und ihre Herkunft.

  10. Nazi human experimentation

    Nazi human experimentation was a series of medical experiments on prisoners by Nazi Germany in its concentration camps mainly between 1942 and 1945. There were 15,754 documented victims, of various nationalities and age groups, although the true number is believed to be more extensive. Many survived, with a quarter of documented victims being ...

  11. Schirmalgen

    Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige. Hier finden Sie weiterführende Informationen. Schirmalgen - kein "alter Hut"! Bis heute ist die Schirmalge Acetabularia ein beliebtes Forschungsobjekt. In den 1930er Jahren untersuchte J. Hämmerling an ihr die Bedeutung des Zellkerns für die Entwicklung eines Lebewesens. Indem die SchülerInnen Hämmerlings ...

  12. Hämmerlings Experimente (Biologie)

    Experiments + Deutung Im zweiten Experiment werden zwei unterschiedliche Arten von Schirmalgen zerteilt. Anschlie- Bend wird das Rhizoid von Pflanze A mit dem Stiel von Pflanze B ver bunden und umgekehrt genauso. Nach einiger Zeit sind die Hüte nachgewachsen. Auffällig hierbei ist, das die Hütte der Art nachwachsen, von der auch das Rhizoid ...

  13. PDF Theodor Engelmann's Experiment

    Theodor Engelmann's Experiment Theodor Wilhelm Engelmann was a German scientist. In 1883, he performed his famous action spectrum experiment to learn which wavelengths (colors) of light were the most effective in carrying out photosynthesis in the green alga. He used a modified microscope equipped with a prism in order to produce the visible ...

  14. Hans Spemann

    Nobel Lecture, December 12, 1935. The Organizer-Effect in Embryonic Development. The experiments which finally led to the discovery of the phenomena which are now designated as "organizer-effect" were prompted by a question which actually goes back to the beginnings of developmental mechanics, indeed to the beginnings of the history of evolution in general.

  15. PDF Entwicklungsphysiologische und genetische Grundlagen der Formbildung

    VI. V. Die Erkenntnis, dab die Formbildungsstoffe In den vorstehenden Abschnitten wurde ver- Kernstoffe sind, berechtigt noch nicht zudem sucht, die entwicklungsphysiologische Seite d r SchluB, dab die Kernstoffe dutch Genwirkungen Formbildung yon Acetabularia zu schildern.

  16. Experiment mit der einzellige schirmalge azetabularia

    Wir haben den Stil der Alge 1 genommen und den Fuß der Alge zwei haben sie dann zusammengesetzt. Beob: Der Schirm der zweiten art wächst auf der zusammengesetzten Alge. Erklär: Durch diesen Experiment wird bestätigt, dass die Erbinformation im Zellkern liegt. Wenn wir jetzt den Fuß 1 mit dem zellkern genommen hätten wäre der Schirm von ...

  17. Michelson-Morley experiment

    The Michelson-Morley experiment was an attempt to measure the motion of the Earth relative to the luminiferous aether, a supposed medium permeating space that was thought to be the carrier of light waves.The experiment was performed between April and July 1887 by American physicists Albert A. Michelson and Edward W. Morley at what is now Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio ...

  18. Why Is an Inhomogenous Magnetic Field Used in the Stern Gerlach Experiment?

    Aim of the experiment is to probe the orbital angular momentum of electron. Force due to magnetic field on charged particle is given by. F=Bvq sinθ. Thus magnetic field produces a variation in force only when there is a variation in velocity of charged particle of fixed charge. But our aim is to probe angular momentum.

  19. Experimente mit der Schirmalge.

    Der Zellkern befindet sich im wurzelartigen Haftorgan, also unten an der Pflanze. Es gibt zwei Arten solcher Schirmalgen. Sie unterscheiden sich an ihren Schirmen. Man kann mit den Pflanzen verschiedene Experimente machen, zum Beispiel Teile der einen Pflanze auf die andere verpflanzen / aufpfropfen.

  20. Schirmalgen Artikel

    Die Schirmalgen (lat. Acetabularia) sind eine Gattung mariner einzelliger Algen, deren Arten zwischen 0,5 und 10 Zentimeter groß werden können. Die Gattung umfasst 12 Arten ... In diesem Experiment wird auf das Rhizoid der A. acetabulum ein Stiel der A. crenulata aufgepfropft. Das Ergebnis unterscheidet sich aber von dem des vorangegangenen ...

  21. Chloroplastiden: Schirmalgen, Aegagropila Linnaei, Caulerpa Taxifolia

    Auszug: Die Schirmalgen (lat. Acetabularia) sind eine Gattung der einzelligen Algen, welche zwischen 0,5 und 10 Zentimeter gro werden k nnen. Die Gattung besteht aus ca. 15 verschiedenen Arten. Die einzelnen Arten werden durch die Form des Schirmes unterschieden. Wegen der Einlagerung von Kalk in ihrer Zellwand ist die Gattung der Schirmalgen ...

  22. Stern-Gerlach experiment

    The Stern-Gerlach experiment involves sending silver atoms through an inhomogeneous magnetic field and observing their deflection. Silver atoms were evaporated using an electric furnace in a vacuum. Using thin slits, the atoms were guided into a flat beam and the beam sent through an inhomogeneous magnetic field before colliding with a ...

  23. Schirmalge/Acetabularia

    Familie: Polyphysaceae. Gattung: Schirmalgen. Die Schirmalge: Die Schirmalge Wissenschaftlicher Name: ACETABULARIA. Sie ist eine einzellige Algensorte und wird bis zu 10 cm groß.Es gibt bis zu 30 Sorten. Z.b die Acetabularia cremulata, Acetabularia mediterranea oder die Acetabularia wettsteinii. Die Zellen gliedern sich in drei Teile:

  24. Double-slit experiment

    In modern physics, the double-slit experiment demonstrates that light and matter can satisfy the seemingly incongruous classical definitions for both waves and particles. This ambiguity is considered evidence for the fundamentally probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics.This type of experiment was first performed by Thomas Young in 1801, as a demonstration of the wave behavior of visible light.

  25. 70 Easy Science Experiments Using Materials You Already Have

    43. "Flip" a drawing with water. Light refraction causes some really cool effects, and there are multiple easy science experiments you can do with it. This one uses refraction to "flip" a drawing; you can also try the famous "disappearing penny" trick. Learn more: Light Refraction With Water.