fountainhead essay contest 2023

The Fountainhead Essay Contest

Entry Deadline

Prizes Available


Welcome to your student dashboard for this year’s contest!

Here you can start a new application for the contest, view any of your existing saved or submitted entries, and even request a free copy of The Fountainhead if you don’t already have access to the book. Questions? Simply write to us at [email protected] . We’re here to help!

Our Grading Criteria

Essays are judged on whether the student is able to justify and argue for his or her view—not on whether the Institute agrees with the view the student expresses. Our graders look for writing that is clear, articulate, and logically organized. Essays should stay on topic, address all parts of the selected prompt, and interrelate the ideas and events in the novel. Winning essays must demonstrate an outstanding grasp of the philosophic meaning of The Fountainhead .

Available Essay Topics

Mallory says the following about Roark: “You know how people long to be eternal. But they die with every day that passes. . . . They change, they deny, they contradict—and they call it growth. . . . How do they expect a permanence which they have never held for a single moment? But Howard—one can imagine him existing forever.” Give examples of characters in the novel who change in the way Mallory suggests. In what respects is Roark unchanging through the book? Are there any respects in which his character develops? How do these issues of characterization relate to the theme of the novel?

Toohey tells Keating the following: “I’m the most selfless man you’ve ever known. I have less independence than you, whom I just forced to sell your soul.” Drawing on Toohey’s own explanation and on his actions in the story, explain your understanding of what Toohey means by this. Does the author agree with Toohey’s assessment of his own motivation? Do you? Explain your answers.

In  The Fountainhead , we can see how Roark is guided by his own creative vision, whether in the way he develops his skills as an architect, in the terms on which he’ll work for employers, or in the standards he uses for accepting or rejecting new clients. Judging from examples of these aspects of his decisions and actions, do you think he would be a supporter or opponent of free-market capitalism? Explain your answer, being sure to define relevant terms.

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Ayn rand essay contests, atlas shrugged, top prize : $10,000, the fountainhead, top prize : $5,000, top prize : $2,000.

fountainhead essay contest 2023

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Copyright © 1985 – 2023 The Ayn Rand® Institute (ARI). Reproduction of content and images in whole or in part is prohibited. All rights reserved. ARI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions to ARI in the United States are tax-exempt to the extent provided by law. Objectivist Conferences (OCON) and the Ayn Rand Institute eStore are operated by ARI. Payments to OCON or the Ayn Rand Institute eStore do not qualify as tax-deductible contributions to the Ayn Rand Institute. Ayn Rand® is a registered trademark and is used by permission.

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The Fountainhead Essay Contest

For all students in grades 8 through 12, ages 13+, next entry deadline: september 13, 2024, cash prizes.

Annual Grand Prize

Essay Topic

Steven Mallory tells Roark that he fears there is something like a “drooling beast of prey” that is hanging over the world. What do we learn from the rest of the book about what is the object of Mallory’s fear and in what way is it like a beast of prey? How does Roark help Mallory and others learn to overcome it? How does Roark’s success in helping his friends combat this fear relate to the theme of the novel? To answer all of these questions, give specific examples from the novel.

Essays will be judged on whether the student is able to argue for and justify their view—not on whether the Institute agrees with the view the student expresses. Judges will look for writing that is clear, articulate and logically organized. Winning essays must demonstrate an outstanding grasp of the philosophic meaning of  The Fountainhead.

Essay submissions are evaluated in a fair and unbiased four-round judging process. Judges are individually selected by the Ayn Rand Institute based on a demonstrated knowledge and understanding of Ayn Rand’s works.

To ensure the anonymity of our participants, winners’ names are unknown to judges until after essays have been ranked and the contest results finalized.

  • The Ayn Rand Institute’s (ARI’s) The Fountainhead essay contest is open to all students worldwide, except where void or prohibited by law.
  • Entrants must be at least 13 years of age and be enrolled as an 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th student during the school year in which the contest is held. ARI reserves the right to make exceptions to this rule, on a case-by-case basis, for international students or for students with nonstandard school years. Verification of school enrollment will be required for all winning entrants.
  • Students are permitted to submit no more than one entry to the contest, provided that they meet the eligibility requirements outlined above and have not previously won first-place in the contest.
  • Essays must not include any personally identifiable information (name, email, school, et cetera). Your entry may be disqualified should such information be discovered in the essay.
  • Essays must be written in English only, and be between 800 and 1,600 words in length. Spelling errors and/or written corrections (by anyone) found in the essay will count against the final grade and should be omitted before submission.
  • Essays must be solely the work of the entrant. Plagiarism will result in automatic disqualification.
  • Essays must not infringe on any third-party rights or intellectual property of any person, company or organization. By submitting an essay to this contest, the entrant agrees to indemnify ARI for any claim, demand, judgment or other allegation arising from possible violation of someone’s trademark, copyright or other legally protected interest in any way in the entrant’s essay.
  • Essays must be submitted electronically through ARI’s online application portal. If you are unable to submit your essay electronically, please contact us at [email protected].
  • Essays must be submitted online by 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time of the entry deadline. ARI reserves the right to provide contest deadline extensions on a case-by-case basis when deemed appropriate.
  • All entries become the property of ARI and will not be returned.
  • All entrants consent to participate in a video interview should ARI deem it necessary for the purposes of verifying eligibility, confirming entry information, or conducting any other relevant assessments related to the contest. Entrants understand that participation in such interviews is voluntary but may be required to determine eligibility status, and agree to make reasonable efforts to accommodate such requests within a timeframe as specified by ARI.
  • All entrants who advance to the final round of grading will be expected to participate in a video interview with ARI. Declining such an interview may result in disqualification from the contest.
  • All entrants will be notified of the final results via email within three months of the contest deadline.
  • Winners are responsible for providing their mailing addresses and other necessary information under the law in order to receive any prizes. Prizes must be claimed within six months of the results being announced.
  • Winners agree to allow ARI to post their names and school information on any of its affiliated websites.
  • Winners agree to record a short video testimonial about their experience reading The Fountainhead, and consent to ARI’s sharing of said video with donors who make the essay contest possible.
  • Winners agree to participate in interviews and allow ARI to use quotes and take photographs or videotapes of them.
  • Winners also grant to ARI the right to edit, use and reuse said products for non-profit purposes including use in print, on the internet and all other forms of media.
  • Winners release ARI and its agents and employees from all claims, demands, and liabilities whatsoever regarding the above.
  • Winners will be solely responsible for any federal, state or local taxes.
  • Employees of ARI, its board of directors and their immediate family members are not eligible to participate.

How to Enter

Submit your essay

You will receive an e-mail acknowledging receipt of your entry within 24 hours. If it has been  at least 24 hours , and you still have not received e-mail notification, please first check your junk or spam folders and then e-mail us at [email protected] . Please do not re-submit your essay.

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Congratulations to our Tom Howard/Margaret Reid Poetry Contest Winners

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Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest . $3,750 in prizes. No fee.

Congratulations to the Winners of our North Street Book Prize

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Home  >  What's New  >  Fountainhead Essay Contest for Middle and High School Students

Fountainhead Essay Contest for Middle and High School Students

Deadlines June 7, September 13, December 20 (must be received by these dates), formerly April 25. Highly recommended free contest for middle and high school students, ages 13+, awards $25,000 annual grand prize, three $3,000 top seasonal prizes, and other large prizes, for essays on Ayn Rand's novel 'The Fountainhead'. Essays should be based on one of the three prompts on the sponsor's website (one assigned for each of the three seasonal entry rounds: summer, fall, and winter) and be 800-1,600 words long. The winning essays in the three seasonal contests are eligible to win the annual grand prize. A student can enter any or all of the three seasonal rounds. Submit your essay online. Contest is looking for entries that are sympathetic to Rand's rationalist, libertarian philosophy. See sponsor's website for other student contests.


Published: July 31, 2024

fountainhead essay contest 2023

Our Contests

Wergle flomp humor poetry contest.

Prizes: $3,750 Deadline: Apr 1, 2025 Most Recent Winners No Fee!

Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction & Essay Contest

Prizes: $12,000 Deadline: May 1, 2025 Most Recent Winners

North Street Book Prize

Prizes: $20,400 Deadline: Jul 1, 2024 Most Recent Winners For self-published and hybrid-published books

Tom Howard/Margaret Reid Poetry Contest

Prizes: $10,000 Deadline: Oct 1, 2024 Most Recent Winners

Kenyon Review: “Visitation” Issue Call for submissions: received by September 30 | Visit source

My Galvanized Friend Call for submissions: received by September 30 | Visit source

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The Fountainhead Essay Contest


Applicants will respond to one of three prompts. Essays will be judged on both style and content. Judges will look for writing that is clear, articulate, and logically organized. Winning essays must demonstrate an outstanding grasp of the philosophic meaning of The Fountainhead.  NO application is required. Contest is open to students worldwide. Entrant must be in 11th or 12th grade. Visit website for more information. 

There are also writing contests for students in 8-10th grade and for 12th graders/college/graduate students. 

Grades 8-10: Students will write an essay in response to 1 of 3 prompts. Essays will be judged on both style and content. Judges will look for writing that is clear, articulate, and logically organized. Winning essays must demonstrate an outstanding grasp of the philosophic meaning of Anthem.  No application, entrant must be in 8th, 9th, or 10th grade. Visit website for more information. Requirements and deadlines may be different than the 11th/12th grade contest. 

Grade 12, College Undergraduates, and Graduate Students: Students will respond to 1 of 3 prompts. The winning applicant will be judged on both style and content. Judges will look for writing that is clear, articulate and logically organized. Winning essays must demonstrate an outstanding grasp of the philosophic meaning of .No application. Visit website for more information. Atlas Shrugged. Requirements and deadlines may be different than the 11th/12th and 8-10th grade contest.

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Ayn Rand Fountainhead Essay Contest

The Fountainhead Essay Contest Information

Eligibility: 11th and 12th Graders

Entry Deadline: April

FIRST PRIZE: $10,000 5 SECOND PRIZES: $2,000 10 THIRD PRIZES: $1,000 45 FINALISTS: $100 175 SEMIFINALISTS: $50

Essays will be judged on both style and content. Judges will look for writing that is clear, articulate and logically organized. Winning essays must demonstrate an outstanding grasp of the philosophic meaning of  The Fountainhead .

Essay submissions are evaluated in a fair and unbiased four-round judging process. Judges are individually selected by the Ayn Rand Institute based on a demonstrated knowledge and understanding of Ayn Rand’s works. To ensure the anonymity of our participants, essay cover sheets are removed after the first round. Winners’ names are unknown to judges until after essays have been ranked and the contest results finalized. The Ayn Rand Institute checks essays with Ithenticate plagiarism detection software.

Click here for more information…

Fountainhead Essay Contest

December 26, 2023 - June 07, 2024

  • 1st place: $5,000
  • 2nd place: $1,250

Scholarship description

Ayn Rand Institute has created a contest for students worldwide who have great writing skills. The first-place winner will get $5,000, 3 second-place winners will get $1,250 each and 5 third-place winners get $250 each. 25 finalists will get $100 each and 50 semi-finalists will get $25 each.

This scholarship hasn’t been launched yet. We’ll remind you when it's open for applications.

The 2024 scholarship has been closed. leave us your email and we'll update you when/if the scholarship has been opened up..


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  1. The Fountainhead Essay Contest -

    Sept. 13, 2024. Fall Entry Deadline. 694 pages. Book Length. 800-1600. Word Count. Interested in participating? Fill out the contact form below, and we’ll email you with more information about this year’s contestincluding instructions on how to enter. What is The Fountainhead?


    SEMIFINALIST. Oluwadara Babarinde – Milton High School, Milton, GA, United States of America. Katelynn Bruni – Great Mills High School, Great Mills, MD, United States of America. Josie Chin – Edward W Clark High School, Las Vegas, NV, United States of America. Zoey Cozart – Benton High School, Benton, AR, United States of America.

  3. The Fountainhead Essay Contest - Ayn Rand University

    Welcome to your student dashboard for this year’s contest! Here you can start a new application for the contest, view any of your existing saved or submitted entries, and even request a free copy of The Fountainhead if you don’t already have access to the book.

  4. Essay Contests - Ayn Rand University

    The Fountainhead. Top Prize: $5,000. Open to all 11th and 12th grade students worldwide. Deadline: TBD. Learn More. Coming Soon. Anthem. Top Prize: $2,000. Open to all 8th through 12th grade students worldwide. Deadline: TBD. Learn More. Coming Soon. NEW IDEAL. DONATE. MEDIA INQUIRIES. FAQ. Careers. Contact Us. Privacy Policy. Terms & Conditions.

  5. Essay Contests -

    The Ayn Rand Institute has hosted annual essay contests on Ayn Rand’s fiction since 1985, awarding over $2.2 million in total prizes to students worldwide. Enter one of our contests today for a chance to win up to $10,000!

  6. The Fountainhead - Ayn Rand Institute Canada

    The Fountainhead Essay Contest. For ALL students in grades 8 through 12, ages 13+. Next Entry Deadline: September 13, 2024. Cash Prizes. Annual Grand Prize. $25,000. 1 Winner. 1st Place. $3,000. 2 Winners. 2nd Place. $2,000. 3 Winners. 3rd Place. $1,000. 3 Winners. Essay Topic.

  7. Fountainhead Essay Contest for Middle and High School ...

    Highly recommended free contest for middle and high school students, ages 13+, awards $25,000 annual grand prize, three $3,000 top seasonal prizes, and other large prizes, for essays on Ayn Rand's novel 'The Fountainhead'.

  8. The Fountainhead Essay Contest - EBC

    Winning essays must demonstrate an outstanding grasp of the philosophic meaning of The Fountainhead. NO application is required. Contest is open to students worldwide.

  9. Ayn Rand Fountainhead Essay Contest | Foundation for Ensuring ...

    The Fountainhead Essay Contest Information. Eligibility: 11th and 12th Graders. Entry Deadline: April. FIRST PRIZE: $10,000. 5 SECOND PRIZES: $2,000. 10 THIRD PRIZES: $1,000. 45 FINALISTS: $100. 175 SEMIFINALISTS: $50. Judging. Essays will be judged on both style and content.

  10. Scholarship - Fountainhead Essay Contest

    Fountainhead Essay Contest. December 26, 2023 - June 07, 2024. 1st place: $5,000. 2nd place: $1,250. Show all awards. Scholarship description. Ayn Rand Institute has created a contest for students worldwide who have great writing skills.