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50 Examples of Direct and Indirect Speech

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In this useful lesson, we’ll explore direct and indirect speech through 50 simple examples. These two ways of speaking help us share what someone else said. Think of direct speech as using the speaker’s exact words, like quoting a friend. Indirect speech , on the other hand, involves changing the original words a bit, as if you’re telling a story about what was said. This lesson is great for anyone looking to get better at English, offering clear examples to make learning easier.

Rules to Make Direct and Indirect Speech

When converting direct speech into indirect speech, it’s important to follow specific rules to ensure the sentence still conveys the original meaning. Here are the key rules:

  • Change in Pronouns : Pronouns often need to be changed according to the context and the point of view of the reporting verb. For example, “ I am going ” (direct) might become “ He said he was going ” (indirect).
  • Tense Shifts : The tense of the verb in direct speech usually changes when converting to indirect speech. If the reporting verb is in the past tense , the tense in the reported speech shifts back as well. For instance, “ She said, ‘I am eating ‘” changes to “ She said she was eating “.
  • Time and Place Words : Words indicating time and place in direct speech are often adjusted in indirect speech. “Here” may change to “there,” “today” to “ that day ,” “tomorrow” to “ the next day ,” etc.
  • Question Form : If the direct speech is a question, the indirect form does not use a question format. Instead, it integrates the question into a statement, often using “if” or “whether” for yes/no questions, and ‘wh’ words ( what, when, where, why, who ) for questions that require more detailed answers. For example, “ He asked, ‘Are you coming? ‘” becomes “ He asked if I was coming .”
  • No Quotes : In indirect speech, quotation marks are not used. The sentence is integrated into a larger statement, which often starts with verbs like said, asked, or told.
  • Exclamations and Commands : Exclamatory sentences and commands in direct speech are transformed into statements or requests in indirect speech. For instance, “He said, ‘How beautiful!'” becomes “He exclaimed that it was beautiful.” Commands like “He said, ‘Sit down!'” change to “He ordered me to sit down.”
  • Modal Verbs : Modal verbs can also change in indirect speech, especially might, could, would, and should, depending on the context and the necessity to maintain the original sentence’s meaning.

Remember, the goal of these changes is to maintain the essence of the original statement while adapting it to the grammatical and contextual framework of indirect speech.

Examples of Direct and Indirect Speech

1. Direct: “I am busy,” she said.

Indirect: She said that she was busy.

2. Direct: “We will go tomorrow,” they said.

Indirect: They said that they would go the next day.

3. Direct: “He can play the guitar,” Mike said.

Indirect: Mike said that he could play the guitar.

4. Direct: “Do you like chocolate?” she asked me.

Indirect: She asked me if I liked chocolate.

5. Direct: “Please open the window,” John requested.

Indirect: John requested that the window be opened.

6. Direct: “I have finished my homework,” he announced.

Indirect: He announced that he had finished his homework.

7. Direct: “Don’t touch that,” she warned.

Indirect: She warned not to touch that.

8. Direct: “How are you?” he inquired.

Indirect: He inquired how I was.

9. Direct: “I will help you,” she promised.

Indirect: She promised that she would help me.

10. Direct: “I didn’t see him yesterday,” Tom confessed.

Indirect: Tom confessed that he hadn’t seen him the day before.

11. Direct: “I am going to the market,” Alex said.

Indirect: Alex said that he was going to the market.

12. Direct: “We saw a movie last night,” they told me.

Indirect: They told me that they had seen a movie the night before.

13. Direct: “Can you drive a car?” she questioned.

Indirect: She questioned whether I could drive a car.

14. Direct: “Please pass the salt,” he requested.

Indirect: He requested that the salt be passed.

15. Direct: “I have been to Spain,” she mentioned.

Indirect: She mentioned that she had been to Spain.

16. Direct: “Stay away from the dog,” he cautioned.

Indirect: He cautioned to stay away from the dog.

17. Direct: “Where did you buy this?” she inquired.

Indirect: She inquired where I had bought that.

18. Direct: “I’ll call you tonight,” he promised.

Indirect: He promised that he would call me that night.

19. Direct: “I didn’t take your book,” Sarah insisted.

Indirect: Sarah insisted that she hadn’t taken my book.

20. Direct: “Let’s meet at the café,” they suggested.

Indirect: They suggested meeting at the café.

21. Direct: “I’m feeling sick,” he said.

Indirect: He said that he was feeling sick.

22. Direct: “I won the match,” she exclaimed.

Indirect: She exclaimed that she had won the match.

23. Direct: “Could you please help me?” he asked.

Indirect: He asked if I could please help him.

24. Direct: “Turn off the lights,” she commanded.

Indirect: She commanded that the lights be turned off.

25. Direct: “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said.

Indirect: He said that he would see me the next day.

26. Direct: “We’re moving to a new city,” they announced.

Indirect: They announced that they were moving to a new city.

27. Direct: “Do not disturb me,” she warned.

Indirect: She warned not to disturb her.

28. Direct: “Why are you late?” he questioned.

Indirect: He questioned why I was late.

29. Direct: “I’ll handle the situation,” she assured.

Indirect: She assured that she would handle the situation.

30. Direct: “I’ve never been to Asia,” he stated.

Indirect: He stated that he had never been to Asia.

31. Direct: “Let’s go for a walk,” she proposed.

Indirect: She proposed going for a walk.

32. Direct: “I am learning Spanish,” he mentioned.

Indirect: He mentioned that he was learning Spanish.

33. Direct: “Please close the door,” she asked.

Indirect: She asked that the door be closed.

34. Direct: “I will join you later,” he promised.

Indirect: He promised that he would join me later.

35. Direct: “I lost my wallet,” she declared.

Indirect: She declared that she had lost her wallet.

36. Direct: “Keep the secret,” he urged.

Indirect: He urged to keep the secret.

37. Direct: “Where is the nearest bank?” she inquired.

Indirect: She inquired where the nearest bank was.

38. Direct: “I might go to the concert,” he speculated.

Indirect: He speculated that he might go to the concert.

39. Direct: “Please be quiet,” she implored.

Indirect: She implored to be quiet.

40. Direct: “I will finish the project by Monday,” he assured.

Indirect: He assured that he would finish the project by Monday.

41. Direct: “Don’t forget to lock the door,” she reminded.

Indirect: She reminded to not forget to lock the door.

42. Direct: “How do you solve this problem?” he pondered.

Indirect: He pondered how to solve that problem.

43. Direct: “I can’t believe I won!” he exclaimed.

Indirect: He exclaimed that he couldn’t believe he had won.

44. Direct: “Would you like some coffee?” she offered.

Indirect: She offered if I would like some coffee.

45. Direct: “I must leave now,” he stated.

Indirect: He stated that he must leave then.

46. Direct: “We’re adopting a puppy,” they shared.

Indirect: They shared that they were adopting a puppy.

47. Direct: “Never speak to me again,” she commanded.

Indirect: She commanded never to speak to her again.

48. Direct: “When will you return the book?” he asked.

Indirect: He asked when I would return the book.

49. Direct: “I’ll think about your offer,” she considered.

Indirect: She considered that she would think about the offer.

50. Direct: “Please bring me a glass of water,” he requested.

Indirect: He requested that a glass of water be brought to him.

Examples of Direct & indirect Speech

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ESL Grammar

Direct and Indirect Speech: Useful Rules and Examples

Are you having trouble understanding the difference between direct and indirect speech? Direct speech is when you quote someone’s exact words, while indirect speech is when you report what someone said without using their exact words. This can be a tricky concept to grasp, but with a little practice, you’ll be able to use both forms of speech with ease.

Direct and Indirect Speech

Direct and Indirect Speech

When someone speaks, we can report what they said in two ways: direct speech and indirect speech. Direct speech is when we quote the exact words that were spoken, while indirect speech is when we report what was said without using the speaker’s exact words. Here’s an example:

Direct speech: “I love pizza,” said John. Indirect speech: John said that he loved pizza.

Using direct speech can make your writing more engaging and can help to convey the speaker’s tone and emotion. However, indirect speech can be useful when you want to summarize what someone said or when you don’t have the exact words that were spoken.

To change direct speech to indirect speech, you need to follow some rules. Firstly, you need to change the tense of the verb in the reported speech to match the tense of the reporting verb. Secondly, you need to change the pronouns and adverbs in the reported speech to match the new speaker. Here’s an example:

Direct speech: “I will go to the park,” said Sarah. Indirect speech: Sarah said that she would go to the park.

It’s important to note that when you use indirect speech, you need to use reporting verbs such as “said,” “told,” or “asked” to indicate who is speaking. Here’s an example:

Direct speech: “What time is it?” asked Tom. Indirect speech: Tom asked what time it was.

In summary, understanding direct and indirect speech is crucial for effective communication and writing. Direct speech can be used to convey the speaker’s tone and emotion, while indirect speech can be useful when summarizing what someone said. By following the rules for changing direct speech to indirect speech, you can accurately report what was said while maintaining clarity and readability in your writing.

Differences between Direct and Indirect Speech

When it comes to reporting speech, there are two ways to go about it: direct and indirect speech. Direct speech is when you report someone’s exact words, while indirect speech is when you report what someone said without using their exact words. Here are some of the key differences between direct and indirect speech:

Change of Pronouns

In direct speech, the pronouns used are those of the original speaker. However, in indirect speech, the pronouns have to be changed to reflect the perspective of the reporter. For example:

  • Direct speech: “I am going to the store,” said John.
  • Indirect speech: John said he was going to the store.

In the above example, the pronoun “I” changes to “he” in indirect speech.

Change of Tenses

Another major difference between direct and indirect speech is the change of tenses. In direct speech, the verb tense used is the same as that used by the original speaker. However, in indirect speech, the verb tense may change depending on the context. For example:

  • Direct speech: “I am studying for my exams,” said Sarah.
  • Indirect speech: Sarah said she was studying for her exams.

In the above example, the present continuous tense “am studying” changes to the past continuous tense “was studying” in indirect speech.

Change of Time and Place References

When reporting indirect speech, the time and place references may also change. For example:

  • Direct speech: “I will meet you at the park tomorrow,” said Tom.
  • Indirect speech: Tom said he would meet you at the park the next day.

In the above example, “tomorrow” changes to “the next day” in indirect speech.

Overall, it is important to understand the differences between direct and indirect speech to report speech accurately and effectively. By following the rules of direct and indirect speech, you can convey the intended message of the original speaker.

Converting Direct Speech Into Indirect Speech

When you need to report what someone said in your own words, you can use indirect speech. To convert direct speech into indirect speech, you need to follow a few rules.

Step 1: Remove the Quotation Marks

The first step is to remove the quotation marks that enclose the relayed text. This is because indirect speech does not use the exact words of the speaker.

Step 2: Use a Reporting Verb and a Linker

To indicate that you are reporting what someone said, you need to use a reporting verb such as “said,” “asked,” “told,” or “exclaimed.” You also need to use a linker such as “that” or “whether” to connect the reporting verb to the reported speech.

For example:

  • Direct speech: “I love ice cream,” said Mary.
  • Indirect speech: Mary said that she loved ice cream.

Step 3: Change the Tense of the Verb

When you use indirect speech, you need to change the tense of the verb in the reported speech to match the tense of the reporting verb.

  • Indirect speech: John said that he was going to the store.

Step 4: Change the Pronouns

You also need to change the pronouns in the reported speech to match the subject of the reporting verb.

  • Direct speech: “Are you busy now?” Tina asked me.
  • Indirect speech: Tina asked whether I was busy then.

By following these rules, you can convert direct speech into indirect speech and report what someone said in your own words.

Converting Indirect Speech Into Direct Speech

Converting indirect speech into direct speech involves changing the reported speech to its original form as spoken by the speaker. Here are the steps to follow when converting indirect speech into direct speech:

  • Identify the reporting verb: The first step is to identify the reporting verb used in the indirect speech. This will help you determine the tense of the direct speech.
  • Change the pronouns: The next step is to change the pronouns in the indirect speech to match the person speaking in the direct speech. For example, if the indirect speech is “She said that she was going to the store,” the direct speech would be “I am going to the store,” if you are the person speaking.
  • Change the tense: Change the tense of the verbs in the indirect speech to match the tense of the direct speech. For example, if the indirect speech is “He said that he would visit tomorrow,” the direct speech would be “He says he will visit tomorrow.”
  • Remove the reporting verb and conjunction: In direct speech, there is no need for a reporting verb or conjunction. Simply remove them from the indirect speech to get the direct speech.

Here is an example to illustrate the process:

Indirect Speech: John said that he was tired and wanted to go home.

Direct Speech: “I am tired and want to go home,” John said.

By following these steps, you can easily convert indirect speech into direct speech.

Examples of Direct and Indirect Speech

Direct and indirect speech are two ways to report what someone has said. Direct speech reports the exact words spoken by a person, while indirect speech reports the meaning of what was said. Here are some examples of both types of speech:

Direct Speech Examples

Direct speech is used when you want to report the exact words spoken by someone. It is usually enclosed in quotation marks and is often used in dialogue.

  • “I am going to the store,” said Sarah.
  • “It’s a beautiful day,” exclaimed John.
  • “Please turn off the lights,” Mom told me.
  • “I will meet you at the library,” said Tom.
  • “We are going to the beach tomorrow,” announced Mary.

Indirect Speech Examples

Indirect speech, also known as reported speech, is used to report what someone said without using their exact words. It is often used in news reports, academic writing, and in situations where you want to paraphrase what someone said.

Here are some examples of indirect speech:

  • Sarah said that she was going to the store.
  • John exclaimed that it was a beautiful day.
  • Mom told me to turn off the lights.
  • Tom said that he would meet me at the library.
  • Mary announced that they were going to the beach tomorrow.

In indirect speech, the verb tense may change to reflect the time of the reported speech. For example, “I am going to the store” becomes “Sarah said that she was going to the store.” Additionally, the pronouns and possessive adjectives may also change to reflect the speaker and the person being spoken about.

Overall, both direct and indirect speech are important tools for reporting what someone has said. By using these techniques, you can accurately convey the meaning of what was said while also adding your own interpretation and analysis.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is direct and indirect speech?

Direct and indirect speech refer to the ways in which we communicate what someone has said. Direct speech involves repeating the exact words spoken, using quotation marks to indicate that you are quoting someone. Indirect speech, on the other hand, involves reporting what someone has said without using their exact words.

How do you convert direct speech to indirect speech?

To convert direct speech to indirect speech, you need to change the tense of the verbs, pronouns, and time expressions. You also need to introduce a reporting verb, such as “said,” “told,” or “asked.” For example, “I love ice cream,” said Mary (direct speech) can be converted to “Mary said that she loved ice cream” (indirect speech).

What is the difference between direct speech and indirect speech?

The main difference between direct speech and indirect speech is that direct speech uses the exact words spoken, while indirect speech reports what someone has said without using their exact words. Direct speech is usually enclosed in quotation marks, while indirect speech is not.

What are some examples of direct and indirect speech?

Some examples of direct speech include “I am going to the store,” said John and “I love pizza,” exclaimed Sarah. Some examples of indirect speech include John said that he was going to the store and Sarah exclaimed that she loved pizza .

What are the rules for converting direct speech to indirect speech?

The rules for converting direct speech to indirect speech include changing the tense of the verbs, pronouns, and time expressions. You also need to introduce a reporting verb and use appropriate reporting verbs such as “said,” “told,” or “asked.”

What is a summary of direct and indirect speech?

Direct and indirect speech are two ways of reporting what someone has said. Direct speech involves repeating the exact words spoken, while indirect speech reports what someone has said without using their exact words. To convert direct speech to indirect speech, you need to change the tense of the verbs, pronouns, and time expressions and introduce a reporting verb.

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  • Superlative Adjectives


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he saiad,” we are all sinners”. convert into indirect speech

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He said that they were all sinners.


40 Examples of Direct and Indirect Speech Sentences

Table of Contents

Direct And Indirect Speech Examples

While using English, we use direct and indirect speeches quite often. If a sentence is expressed exactly as it came out of the mouth of the person who said it, it becomes a direct speech. However Indirect Speech (also called reported speech) refers to transmitting a sentence that someone has said. It is often used in daily language.

For example,

  • Susan told me she ate pizza yesterday. (Indirect Speech)

Susan said, “I ate pizza yesterday.”. (Direct Speech)

  • Mathilda told me she had to go out. (Indirect Speech)

Mathilda said: “I have to go out.”. (Direct Speech)

  • Julie asked if the train had left when she arrived at the ticket office. (Indirect Speech)

Julie asked: “Did the train leave?” (Direct Speech)

1 It is too late.
I said it was too late.
2 I had taken Spanish lessons before.
He said he had taken Spanish lessons before.
3 Did you do your homework?
He asked me if I did (had done) my homework.
4 Please help me carry this!
My mother asked me to help her carry that.
5 I like ice cream.
He said that he liked ice cream.
6 I’II see you later.
He said he would see me later.
7 I could swim when I was four.
He said he could swim when he was four.
8 I should call my mother.
He said he should call her mother.
9 I might be late.
He said he might be late.
10 He said, “I was teaching earlier.”
He said he had been teaching earlier.
11 Mary said, “I have been writing this essay.”
Mary said that he had been writing that essay.
12 Michael said, “I may go there.’
Michael says that she may go there.
13 We can´t go the zoo next week.
They said they couldn’t go to the zoo next week.
14 George is said, “I write a letter”.
George is said that she wrote a letter.
15 I said, “He is driving a car”
I said that he was driving a car.
16 I am reading a book, he explained.
He explained that he was reading a book.
17 My father said, “I am cooking dinner.”
My father said he was cooking dinner.
18 My sister said, “I had already eaten.”
My sister said she had already eaten.
19 My boyfriend asked, “Do you like horror films?”
Do you like horror films? my boyfriend asked.
20 I never get up late, my mother said.
My mother said that she never got up late.
21 She said, “I might come early.”
She said she might come early.
22 I am leaving home now.”
He said that he left home then.
23 Are you living here?
He asked me if I was living here.
24 I’m going to come.
She said that she was going to come.
25 We can communicate smoothly.
They said that they could communicate smothly.
26 I often enjoy myself.
Mary will say that that she often enjoys herself.
27 Everything is going fine.
The news says that everything is going fine.
28 My father was born in 1962.
My father told us that he was born in 1962.
29 She said, “I’ve missed my train.”
She said that she’d missed her train.
30 I’m sorry for the accident.
Georger told Samuel (that) he was sorry for the accident.
31 He said, “I am a football player.”
He said that he was a football player.
32 Michael said, “I will buy a new car.”
Michael said that she will buy a new car.
33 Mark said, “Bill needs a pencil.”
Mark said that Bill needed a pencil.
34 She said, “I went to the shopping center.”
She said that she had gone to the shopping center.
35 I write poems.
He says that he writes poems.
36 She said: “I would buy new house if I were rich”.
She said that she would buy new house if she had been rich”.
37 May I go out?
She wanted to know if she might go out.
38 She is American, she said.
She said she was American.
39 My son, do the exercise.“
Sh told her son to do the exercise.
40 I don’t know what to do.
Samuel added that he didn’t know what to do.

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Home / English Grammar / Direct and Indirect Speech Rules with Examples (Updated)

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Direct and Indirect Speech Rules with Examples (Updated)

Understanding Direct and Indirect Speech Rules for conversion is crucial for effective communication. This updated guide explains the key rules, including how to choose the right reporting verbs, handle tense changes, and accurately convert speech. With clear examples and practical tips, it’s an ideal resource for students, ESL learners, and exam preparation.

Direct Speech

Direct speech is a form of reporting that presents someone’s exact words without any alterations. It is commonly enclosed in quotation marks.

Direct Speech Rules

Direct speech consists of the following elements.

  • The speaker (subject)
  • reporting verb
  • object( to whom the speaker says something)
  • reported speech
  • Quotation marks
  • Punctuation placement ( Commas , periods , question marks , and exclamation points )

Understanding Direct Speech Rules.

Explanation: “I shall not go to school,” are the exact words of Riya, enclosed in quotation marks/inverted commas (“….”). This format, which uses commas and quotation marks/inverted commas, is called direct speech . In this sentence, ‘Riya’ is the subject or speaker, ‘says’ is the reporting verb, and ‘I shall not go to school’ is the reported speech.

For examples,

  • Direct: “We can’t be quite happy in life,” he said .
  • Direct: He said , “The Muslims bury their dead.”
  • Direct: “ You’ve overcooked the steak again, Mary” , he said.
  • Direct: Ramen said to Bina, “I’m going to your house this, week.”
  • Direct: Ritu said, “I am going to the store.”
  • Direct: “I can’t believe it,” she whispered, “but I saw a unicorn in the garden.”

People also ask

Indirect Speech

Indirect speech , on the other hand, involves paraphrasing someone’s words and reporting them indirectly, without using quotation marks. It requires a few changes in structure, such as tense and pronoun.

Indirect speech rules

  • removing quotation marks
  • changing pronouns
  • adjusting tenses
  • modifying time expressions
  • making it into a statement

understanding Indirect Speech Rules.

Similarly, we can report the above sentence without quoting Riya’s exact words while keeping the meaning the same. This format is called indirect speech. In this format, no commas or quotation marks/inverted commas are used; only a full stop (.) is used at the end of the sentence.

Direct Speech: “We can’t be quite happy in life,” he said. Indirect Speech: He said that they couldn’t be quite happy in life.

Direct Speech: He said, “The Muslims bury their dead.” Indirect Speech: He said that the Muslims bury their dead.

Direct Speech: “You’ve overcooked the steak again, Mary”, he said. Indirect Speech: He told Mary that she had overcooked the steak again.

Direct Speech: Ramen said to Bina, “I’m going to your house this, week.” Indirect Speech: Ramen told Bina that he was going to her house that week.

Direct Speech: John said, “I am going to the store.” Indirect Speech: John said that he was going to the store.

Direct Speech: “I can’t believe it,” she whispered, “but I saw a unicorn in the garden.” Indirect Speech: She whispered that she couldn’t believe it but that she had seen a unicorn in the garden.

Rules between direct and indirect speech

The following comparison highlights the key differences between direct and indirect speech rules, including punctuation, tense changes, and adjustments to pronouns and time references.

Quotes the exact words spoken.Reports the message without quoting exactly.
Uses quotation marks (“…”).No quotation marks are used.
Tense stays the same as originally spoken.Tense often shifts back (e.g., present to past).
Pronouns remain the same.Pronouns change to fit the reporting perspective.
Time references remain unchanged.Time references often change (e.g., “today” becomes “that day”).
She said, “I am going to the store.”
John asked, “Can you help me?”
She said that she was going to the store.
John asked if I could help him.

Direct and Indirect Speech Rules for Conversion in General

Discover the essential rules of direct and indirect speech with a variety of examples to improve your language skills. Effortlessly understand the intricacies of converting statements, questions, and commands from one form to another.

Rule 1: Direct and Indirect Speech Rules for Reporting verbs ‘ Say ‘ and ‘ Tell ‘.

“Say” and “tell” are two frequently used reporting verbs. “Say” is generally followed by the reported speech, while “tell” is followed by the indirect object (the person being addressed).

Direct: He says , “I am your friend.” Indirect: He says that he is your friend.

Direct: He said to me, “I’m going to the store.” Indirect: She told me that he was going to the store.

Reporting verbs ‘Say’ and ‘Tell’ Chart

say to metell me
says to themtells them
said to himtold him
shall/will sayshall/will say
shall/will say to hershall/will tell her

Rule 2: Direct and Indirect Speech Rules for reporting verb, ‘ Ask ‘ and ‘ Inquire’

When reporting questions , “ ask “ and “ inquire “ are commonly employed reporting verbs.

Direct: He said to me, “Where are you going?” Indirect: He asked where I was going.

Direct: She said , “When will the concert start?” Indirect: She inquired, “When will the concert start?”

Direct: Sarah said , “What time does the movie start?” Indirect: Sarah asked what time the movie started.

Direct: “Could you please provide more details?” she said to me. Indirect: She inquired politely if I could provide more details.

Direct: The customer said , “Do you have this item in stock?” Indirect: The customer i nquired if that item had in stock.

Rule 3: Direct and Indirect Speech Rules for reporting verb, “ Request “, “ Advise “, “ Order “, “ Beg “.

To report imperative sentences, “Request”, “Advise”, “Order”, and “beg” are often used.

Direct: “Please close the door,” she said . Indirect: She requested that the door be closed.

Direct: “You should study regularly,” he said. Indirect: He advised that regular studying should be done.

Direct: “Stand up straight,” the sergeant said . Indirect: The sergeant ordered that they stand up straight.

Direct: He said to me, “Go home at once” Indirect: He ordered me to go home at once.

Direct: She said , “Do not run in the sun” Indirect: She advised not to run in the sun.”

Direct: “Please forgive me,” she said. Indirect: She begged for forgiveness.

Rule 4: Direct and Indirect Speech Rules for Present Tense

If the Reporting Verb is in the Present Tense , there is no change in the tense in the Reported Verb when Direct Speech is converted into Indirect Narration.

Direct: Arnab says , “The room is dark.” Indirect: Arnab says that the room is dark.

Direct: Arnab says , “The room was dark.” Indirect: Arnab says that the room was dark.

Direct: Arnab says , “I shall finish the work.” Indirect: Arnab says that he will finish the work.

Direct: Mary says , “I am going to the party.” Indirect: Mary says that she is going to the party.

Direct: He tells us, “I will finish the project by tomorrow.” Indirect: He tells us that he will finish the project by tomorrow.

Rule 5: Direct and Indirect Speech Rules for Conversion of Future Tense

If the Reporting Verb is in the Future Tense , there is no change in the tense in the Reported Verb when Direct Speech is converted into Indirect Narration.

Direct: Sarah will say , “I am going to the store.” Indirect: Sarah will say that she is going to the store.

Direct: John will say, “I have completed the assignment.” Indirect: John will say that he has completed the assignment.

Direct: Arnab will say, “The room is dark.” Indirect: Arnab will say that the room is dark.

Direct: Arnab will say , “The room was dark.” Indirect: Arnab will say that the room was dark.

Direct: Arnab will say, “I shall finish the work.” Indirect: Arnab will say that he will finish the work.

Rule 6: Rules for Transforming Direct and Indirect Speech of Past Tense

If the Reporting verb of the Direct Narration is in the Past Tense , the Present Tense of the Verb in the Reported Speech of Direct Narration is changed into the corresponding Past Tense in Indirect Narration .

He ,
Present Indefinite
” I you”
Past Indefinite
He said that he me.
The teacher ,
Universal Truth or Regular Habits
” The sun in the east.”
Remains Unchanged
The teacher said that the sun in the east.
She ,
Present Continuous
” I a song.”
Past Continuous
She said that she .
Mother ,
Present Perfect
” I cooking.”
Past Perfect
Mother said that she cooking.
Maria ,
Past Indefinite
“You the work.”
Past Perfect
Maria said that I the work.
Soumen ,
Past Continuous
” I football.”

Soumen said that he football.
Ravvi ,
Past Perfect
” You me.”
Remains Unchanged
Ravi said that I him.
They said,
“We help him.”
They said that they help him.
Doctor ,
Can / May
” You do it.”
Could / Might
The doctor said that I do it.

Direct: Rohan said , “She works hard.” Indirect: Rohan said that she worked hard.

Direct: Rohan said, “She is singing a song.” Indirect: Rohan said that she was singing a song.

Direct: The guest said shouting, “We have arrived .” Indirect: The guest shouted that they had arrived.

Direct: My sister said , “It has been raining hard for 3 days”. Indirect: My sister said that it had been raining hard for 3 days.

Direct: Father said, “I visited the Taj yesterday.” Indirect: Father said that he had visited the Taj the previous day.

Direct: The boys said, “They were traveling in the park.” Indirect: The boys said that they had been traveling in the park.

Direct: The reporters commented , “The Kohinoor had been lost long ago”. Indirect: The reporters commented that the Kohinoor had been lost long ago.

Direct: Jyotsna said, “ She had been doing the work for 3 hours”. Indirect: Jyotsna said that she had been doing the work for 3 hours.

Rule: 7 Direct and Indirect Speech Rules for Universal Truth or Habitual Fact or Scientific Truth.

The Tense of the Verb remains unchanged in Indirect Narration in cases of General Statements of Facts , Universal Truths , Commonplace Occurrences , and Habitual or Repeated Actions . No real change occurs in these cases. Only there will be present Tense alone.

Direct: The boy said to his mother, “ The sun rises in the East”. Indirect: The boy told his mother that the sun rises in the East. [ Universal Truth ]

Direct: The monk answered , “ Man is mortal”. Indirect: The monk answered that man is mortal. [ Universal Truth ]

Direct: The teacher told the students, “ Perseverance always leads to success.” Indirect: The teacher told the students that perseverance always leads to success.

Rule 8: Direct and Indirect Speech Rules for Personal Pronouns (I, We, You, He, She, They)

First person.

(a) If the subject of the reported speech of direct form is in the first person, the subject of the reported speech will be replaced by the subject of the reporting verb in indirect form, but the number must be the same. [ singular > singular and plural > plural ]

Direct: She says, “ I am ill today.” Indirect: She says that she is ill that day.

direct to indirect speech example

Second Person

(b) If the subject of the reported speech in the Direct Form is in the second person, the subject of the reported speech will be replaced by the object of the reporting verb in the indirect form, but the number must be the same. [ singular > singular and plural > plural ]

Direct: He says to me , ” You can do this work.” Indirect: He tells me that I can do that work.

direct to indirect speech example

Third Person

(c) If the subject of the reported speech of Direct Form is in the third person, there will be no change in the person of the Indirect Form.

Direct: I said, “ He will not wait for his friend.” Indirect: I said that he would not wait for his friend.

direct to indirect speech example

Pronouns Chart : direct and indirect speech rules

I (1st person, singular)me (1st person, singular)
We (1st person, plural)us (1st person, plural)
You (2nd person, singular / plural)You (2nd person,
He (3rd person, singular)him (3rd person, singular)
She (3rd person, singular)her (3rd person, singular)
They (3rd person, plural)them (3rd person, plural)

Rule 9: Direct and Indirect Speech Rules for Demonstrative Pronouns ( This, That )

In the case of demonstrative pronouns, replace them with appropriate pronouns in indirect speech.

Direct: “ This is my book,” she said. Indirect: She said that this was her book.

Rule 10: Direct and Indirect Speech Rules for Commas with Reporting Verb

When introducing indirect speech with a reporting verb, use a comma to separate the reporting verb from the reported speech.

Example: She said, “I’ll be there on time.”

Rule 11: Direct and Indirect Speech Rules for Question Mark to Full Stop

If the direct speech is a question, change the question mark to a full stop when converting to indirect speech.

Direct: He asked, “Are you coming to the party ?” Indirect: He asked if I was coming to the party .

Rule 12: Direct and Indirect Speech Rules for Exclamation Mark to Full Stop

In cases where the direct speech has an exclamation mark, replace it with a full stop in indirect speech.

Direct: She exclaimed, “What a beautiful day !” Indirect: She exclaimed that it was a beautiful day .

Rule 13: Direct to Indirect Speech Conversion Rules of Modal Verbs

When dealing with modals like can, could, will, would, may, might, shall, should, must, etc., use the appropriate past form in indirect speech.

Direct: She said, “You should respect your elders. Indirect: She said that I should respect my elders.

Direct: She said, “I can speak French fluently. Indirect: She said that she could speak French fluently.

Direct: May I borrow your pen?” she asked. Indirect: She asked if she might borrow my pen.

Direct: He said, “You must complete the assignment by tomorrow. Indirect: He said that I must complete the assignment by the next day.

Rule 14: Direct to Indirect Speech Conversion Rules of Conditional Sentences

In indirect speech, conditional sentences undergo specific changes, especially when they involve “will” or “would.”

Direct: He said, “I will help you.” Indirect: He said that he would help me.

Direct: He said, “I will help you with your project Indirect: He said that he would help me with my project.

Rule 15: Reporting Direct to Indirect Speech Conversion Rules of Adverbs of Time

When using adverbs of time in indirect speech, adjust them to match the new timeframe.

Direct: “I will come tomorrow ,” she said. Indirect: She said that she would come the next day.

Rule 16: Direct to Indirect Speech Conversion Rules of Adverbs of Place

Similar to adverbs of time, adverbs of place need modification in indirect speech. 

Direct: ” I live here ,” he said. Indirect: He said that he lived there.

Rule 17: Direct to Indirect Speech Conversion Rules of Adverbs of Manner

We can also use Adverbs of manner in indirect speech, requiring appropriate adjustments.

Direct: “He ran quickly,” she said. Indirect: She said that he ran quickly.

Rule 18: Time, Place, Manner, Distance, Direction Chart for Direct and Indirect Speech

In Indirect Narration, words denoting Time, Place, Manner, Distance, and Direction used in the quoted speech are correspondingly changed to conform to the point of view of the Reporter. Thus, the sense of nearness is changed into that of Distance, and so on.

nowthen /at that time
long agolong before
todayThat day /the same day
tonightthat night /the same night
tomorrowthe next day /the following day
yesterdaythe previous day /the day before
yesterday nightthe previous night /the night before
last nightthe previous night /the night before
last eveningthe previous evening /the evening before
last weekthe previous week /the week before
last fortnightthe previous fortnight /the fortnight before
last monththe previous month /the month before
last yearthe previous year /the year before
last occasionthe previous occasion
next daythe following day /the day after
next weekthe following week /the week after
next fortnightthe following fortnight /the fortnight after
next monththe following month /the month after
next yearthe following year /the year after
on the next occasionon the following occasion

Place Chart

at this placeat that place

Manner Chart

thusso /in that way
in this wayin that way
in this mannerin that manner

Distance Chart


Direction Chart

From hereFrom there

Rule 19: Direct and Indirect Speech Conversion Rules for Assertive Sentences

To convert Assertive sentences into indirect speech the following rules are applied.

(a) No comma and Inverted comma in Indirect Speech, only full stop at the end. (b) Reporting Verbs changed from Direct Speech to Indirect Speech ; ‘say – say’, ‘says – says’, ‘said – said’, ‘said to – told’, ‘say to – tell’, ‘says to – tells’. (c) Connective ‘that’ added before Reported Speech in indirect Narration.

Direct: He said to me, “I am ill.” Indirect: He told me that he was ill.

Direct: Mary said, “I am happy with my results.” Indirect: Mary said that she was happy with her results.

Direct: Tom said, “I will attend the meeting tomorrow.” Indirect: Tom said that he would attend the meeting the next day.

Direct: Alice said, “I have finished my homework.” Indirect: Alice said that she had finished her homework.

Direct: David said, “We are planning a trip to the mountains.” Indirect: David said that they were planning a trip to the mountains.

Rule 20: Direct and Indirect Speech Conversion Rules for Interrogative sentences

Forming indirect speech with questions necessitates some adjustments:

a. Reporting Yes/No Questions rules

When reporting yes/no questions, use “if” or “whether” and invert the subject and auxiliary verb in indirect speech.

Direct: John asked, “Are you coming to the party?” Indirect: John asked if I was coming to the party.

Direct: Sarah asked, “Do you like chocolate?” Indirect: Sarah asked if I liked chocolate.

Direct: Mike asked, “Have you finished your project?” Indirect: Mike asked if I had finished my project.

Direct: Emma asked, “Will you help me with my homework?” Indirect: Emma asked if I would help her with her homework.

Direct: “Will you be there?” he asked. Indirect: He asked if I would be there.

b. Reporting Wh-Questions rules

For reporting wh-questions, maintain the question word and adjust the word order in indirect speech.

(a) ‘Tell’ and ‘say’ in Direct Narration are changed to ‘ask’, ‘enquire of’, ‘question’, ‘want to know’ etc. in Indirect Narration. (b) In place of introductory ‘that’. ‘if’ or ‘whether’ should be used. (c) In Indirect Narration a full stop (.) must be put in place of a question mark(?) at the end of the sentence. (d) In Direct Narration the Reported Speech begins with W-word or how, in Indirect Narration the same Wh-word or how is retained.

Direct: Lisa asked, “Where are you going?” Indirect: Lisa asked where I was going.

Direct: Mark asked, “What time does the movie start?” Indirect: Mark asked what time the movie started.

Direct: Jennifer asked, “Why did you leave early?” Indirect: Jennifer asked why I had left early.

Direct: Tom asked, “How do you solve this problem?” Indirect: Tom asked how I solved that problem.

Direct: “Where are you going?” she asked. Indirect: She asked where I was going.

Direct: The teacher said to me, “Why are you late?” Indirect: The teacher asked me why I was late.

Rule 21: Imperative Sentences Rules for shifting Direct and Indirect Speech

The indirect speech also involves reporting imperatives, which are commands, requests, or advice:

Reporting Commands

When reporting commands, use the reporting verb “tell” and change the imperative verb to the corresponding infinitive.

Direct: The teacher said, “Open your books.” Indirect: The teacher told the students to open their books.

Reporting Requests

For reporting requests, employ the reporting verb “ask” and convert the imperative verb to the corresponding infinitive.

Direct: She said, “Please help me with this.” Indirect: She asked for help with that.

(a) Reporting verbs of Direct Speech changed into order or command, advise, or request according to sense in Indirect Speech. (b) ‘To’ is placed before Reported speech in Indirect Narration; for the negative imperative sentence ‘not to’ is used. (c) ‘not to’ can also be replaced by ‘forbid’, or ‘prohibit’. (d) ‘Let’ implies ‘suggestion’ or ‘proposal’; Reporting verb will be ‘suggest’ or ‘propose’ in Indirect Speech. ‘that’ is used before Reported speech in Indirect Narration (e) ‘Let’ without ‘suggestion’ or ‘proposal’; Reporting verb will be ‘tell’, or ‘wish’ according to sense in Indirect Speech. ‘that’ is used before Reported speech in Indirect Narration.

Direct: Mother said to me, “Don’t run in the sun.” Indirect: Mother advised me not to run in the sun.

Direct: She said to me, “Let us go for a picnic.” Indirect: She suggested that we should go for a picnic.

Rule 22: Optative Sentences Rules Converting Direct into Indirect Speech

The following rules are used to change an optative sentence from direct speech to indirect speech

(a) Reporting verbs changed to ‘ wish ’, ‘ pray’ , and ‘ bless ’ in Indirect Speech. (b) Linker, ‘ that ’ is placed before Reported speech in Indirect Narration.

Direct: The monk said to me, “ May God bless you.” Indirect: The monk wished that God might bless me.

Rule 23: Exclamatory Sentences Rules Transforming Direct to Indirect Speech

(a) The reporting verb is changed into exclaim (in joy), exclaim (in grief), cried out (in sorrow), pray, wish, etc. (b) Examinations are turned into statements. (c) Interjections (Alas, Oh, Hurrah) are omitted. (d) ‘What’, and ‘How’ used in exclamation should be replaced by great, great, very, very much, and big.

Direct: The boys said, “Hurrah! we have won the match.” Indirect: The boy exclaimed in joy that they had won the match.

Solved Exercises Direct and Indirect Speech following rules

Change the following sentences into indirect speech.

Q: Ratan said to Anita, “I don’t like your brother”.

Ans: Ratan told Anita that she did not like her brother.

Q: The hermit said to the boys, “God is present everywhere.”

Ans: The hermit told the boys that God is present everywhere.

Q: :He said to you, “You shouldn’t play in my garden.”

Ans: He told you that you should not play in his garden.

Q: The class teacher said to the students. “The inspector will visit our school today.”

Ans: The class teacher told the students that the inspector would visit their school that day.

Q: He said to me, “I don’t believe you.”

Ans: He told me that he didn’t believe me.

Q: She said to her son, “I’ve often told you not to play with fire.”

Ans: She told her son that she had often told him not to play with fire.

Q: Sitesh said to Lina, “I want you to go to Patna with me.”

Ans: Sitesh told Lina that he wanted her to go to Patna with him.

Q: “We can’t be quite happy in life,” he said.

Ans: He said that they couldn’t be quite happy in life.

Q: He said, “The Muslims bury their dead.”

He said that the Muslims bury their dead.

Q: “You’ve overcooked the steak again, Mary”, he said.

Ans: He told Mary that she had overcooked the steak again.

Q: Ramen said to Bina, “I’m going to your house this, week.”

Ans: Ramen told Bina that he was going to her house that week.

Q: He said, “We will discuss this tomorrow.”

Ans: He said that they would discuss that the next day

Turn the following sentences into direct speech.

Q: He said to me, “You are wicked; so I shall not mix with you.”

Ans: He told me that I was wicked; so he would not mix with me.

Q: He said to you, “I was much struck by your eloquence.”

Ans: He told you that he had been much struck by your eloquence.

Q: We remarked, “God is gracious.”

Ans: We remarked that God is gracious.

Q: I said to my mother, “I shall always obey you.”

Ans: I told my mother that I should always obey her.

Q: He said to Gopal, “You were a mere boy when I saw you last.”

Ans: He told Gopal that he was a mere boy when he had seen him last.

Q: I said to him, “The sky is blue.”

Ans: I told him that the sky is blue.

Q: He said to me, “You will feel the consequences.”

Ans: He told me that I should feel the consequences.

Q: She said to you, “I am not angry with you.”

Ans: She told you that she was not angry with you.

Q: I said to them, “You have done wrong.”

Ans: I told them that they had done wrong.

Q: He said, “I visit the temple every day.”

Ans: He said that he visited the temple every day.

Direct and Indirect Speech Sample MCQ Questions Answers

Fill in the blanks with proper direct and indirect speech rules.

  • d) had been
  • Answer: a) was
  • c) will like
  • d) had liked
  • Answer: a) liked
  • a) will visit
  • b) would visit
  • d) had visited
  • Answer: b) would visit
  • Answer: c) was
  • c) will have
  • Answer: b) had
  • Answer: b) could
  • a) revolves
  • c) revolved
  • d) is revolving
  • Answer: a) revolves
  • b) had been
  • Answer: b) had been
  • Answer: b) would

FAQs : Direct and Indirect Speech

Q : what is the key difference between direct and indirect speech.

Ans: The main difference lies in the quoting style. Direct speech involves repeating someone’s exact words, while indirect speech reports what was said without quoting verbatim.

FAQ 2: Is it always necessary to backshift the tense in indirect speech?

Ans: While backshifting is common, some exceptions exist, especially in cases where the statement’s truth remains constant.

FAQ 3: How do I handle multiple speakers in indirect speech?

Ans: When reporting multiple speakers, use appropriate reporting verbs and introduce each person’s dialogue in a logical sequence.

FAQ 4: Can I mix direct and indirect speech in the same sentence?

Ans: Combining direct and indirect speech in a sentence is possible, but it requires precision to avoid confusion.

FAQ 5: What are some reporting verbs commonly used in indirect speech?

Ans: Reporting verbs like “said,” “told,” “asked,” “claimed,” and “explained” are frequently employed.

FAQ 6: How can I ensure my writing maintains a natural flow when switching between direct and indirect speech?

Ans: Focus on maintaining consistency in style and verb tense to ensure a smooth transition between direct and indirect speech.

FAQ 7: How do I identify direct and indirect speech in a sentence?

Ans: Direct speech is usually enclosed within quotation marks and directly quotes someone’s words. Indirect speech, on the other hand, reports those words without quotation marks, often using reporting verbs like “said,” “told,” “asked,” etc.

FAQ 8: Can reporting verbs change the meaning of indirect speech?

Ans: Yes, the choice of reporting verbs can convey the speaker’s attitude or emotions towards the reported speech. Different reporting verbs can modify the meaning slightly.

FAQ 9: What are the common reporting verbs for indirect speech?

Ans: Common reporting verbs for indirect speech include “say,” “tell,” “ask,” “inquire,” “explain,” “describe,” and more.

FAQ 10: How do I change tenses in indirect speech?

Ans: The tense in indirect speech is generally shifted back one step. For example, present simple becomes past simple, present continuous becomes past continuous, and so on.

FAQ 11: Is it essential to use quotation marks in indirect speech?

Ans: No, quotation marks are not used in indirect speech as they report the speech without directly quoting it.

FAQ 12: Can you give an example of indirect speech in narratives?

Ans: Certainly! In the story, he said, “I love you,” to which she replied that she loved him too.

FAQ 14: Can we omit the reporting verb in indirect speech?

Ans: It is possible to omit the reporting verb in some cases, especially in informal contexts, but including it adds clarity and structure to the reported speech.

FAQ 15: Do all tenses change in indirect speech?

Ans: Most tenses change in indirect speech, but the changes depend on the context and the tense of the original statement.

FAQ 16: Can you provide more examples of direct and indirect speech transformations?

Ans: Certainly! Here are a few more examples:

Direct: “I am reading a book,” she said. Indirect: She said that she was reading a book.

Direct: “We have completed the project,” they exclaimed. Indirect: They exclaimed that they had completed the project.

FAQ 17: How can I practice using direct and indirect speech effectively?

Ans: Practice by converting direct speech to indirect speech and vice versa using various reporting verbs, tenses, and pronouns. Additionally, read books or articles and identify the reported speech used by the authors.

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100 Reported Speech Examples: How To Change Direct Speech Into Indirect Speech

Reported speech, also known as indirect speech, is a way of communicating what someone else has said without quoting their exact words. For example, if your friend said, “ I am going to the store ,” in reported speech, you might convey this as, “ My friend said he was going to the store. ” Reported speech is common in both spoken and written language, especially in storytelling, news reporting, and everyday conversations.

Reported Speech: Changing Pronouns

Pronouns are usually changed to match the perspective of the person reporting the speech. For example, “I” in direct speech may become “he” or “she” in reported speech, depending on the context. Here are some example sentences:

Reported Speech: Reporting Verbs

Reported speech: tense shifts.

When converting direct speech into reported speech, the verb tense is often shifted back one step in time. This is known as the “backshift” of tenses. It’s essential to adjust the tense to reflect the time elapsed between the original speech and the reporting. Here are some examples to illustrate how different tenses in direct speech are transformed in reported speech:

Reported Speech: Changing Time and Place References

Reported speech: question format.

When converting questions from direct speech into reported speech, the format changes significantly. Unlike statements, questions require rephrasing into a statement format and often involve the use of introductory verbs like ‘asked’ or ‘inquired’. Here are some examples to demonstrate how questions in direct speech are converted into statements in reported speech:

Reported Speech: Omitting Quotation Marks

Reported speech quiz.

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English Grammar & Vocabulary

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Direct and Indirect Speech – Rules and Examples

13th June 2020 By Edify English Leave a Comment

Any word spoken by a speaker can be written in two different ways. Those two are direct and indirect speech. Direct Speech is when the speaker’s actual words are quoted and these words are put in inverted commas (“…..”) while Indirect Speech is when the speaker’s words are said indirectly with the same meaning without repeating the exact words. For Example, the statement in direct speech She said to me, “I am going to the park” changes into She told me that she was going to the park in indirect speech.

Direct and Indirect Speech

Basic Changes while changing from Direct speech to indirect speech

  • The comma ( , )after the reporting verb is removed and the conjunction that is added in the indirect speech.
  • If the direct speech contains ‘said to’ , it will be converted into ‘told’ in the indirect speech.
  • The quotation marks (Inverted commas) are to be removed in the indirect speech.
  • I becomes He/ She
  • We becomes they
  • You becomes He / She/ They
  • Me becomes Him/ he r (Depending on the gender in the direct speech)
  • My becomes His/ Her .
  • Our becomes their
  • Us becomes them
  • Your becomes His/ her/ their .

Rules in changing a sentence from Direct and Indirect Speech

  • Rule 1: The Verb in the simple present tense in the direct speech changes into the simple past tense in indirect speech

Example: He said to me, “I am happy”   becomes  He told me that he was happy

(The verb in the direct speech ‘am’ is converted into ‘was’.)

  • Rule 2: The verb in the simple past tense becomes past perfect tense in indirect speech.

Example: He said to me, “I was happy”   changes into  He told me that he had been happy

  • Rule 3: A present continuous tense in direct speech becomes past continuous tense in indirect speech. 

Example: The peon said, “The professor is teaching in that classroom”   changes into  The peon said that the professor was teaching in that classroom. 

  • Rule 4: If the direct speech contains present perfect tense, it changes into the past perfect tense in indirect speech.

Example: She said, “I have passed the test” becomes She said that she had passed the test.

  • Rule 5: If the direct speech contains a statement talking about a universal truth or a factual statement, there will be no change of tense in indirect speech. 

Example: The teacher said, “The sun rises in the East” becomes The teacher said that the sun rises in the east in indirect speech.

Example: Samuel said, “I know the university’s address.” and the indirect speech for that is Samuel said that he knows the university’s address

Rules for converting Interrogatory sentences

  • Rule 6: While converting interrogative sentences, the verb ‘said to’ becomes ‘asked’ and if/ whether will come in the place of ‘that’. The connecting word ‘that’ will not be used in indirect speech. Also, the interrogation mark (?) is not repeated in the indirect speech.

Example:   He said to her, “Will you marry me?” changes into He asked her whether she would marry him in the indirect speech.

Rules for Converting Imperative Sentences

  • Rule 7: During the conversion of imperative sentences, the verb “said to” is changed into ordered, advised, requested, suggested, proposed, etc. depending on the situation.  Also, the connecting word ‘that’ is not used. Instead of that, ‘ to’ is used before the reporting verb.

Example: My father said to me, “prepare well for your examination” . It can be converted to My father advised me to prepare well for my examination.

Rules for Converting Exclamatory Sentences

  • Rule 8: For exclamatory sentences, the verb is converted into: exclaimed with joy or sorrow or with surprise, wished, prayed, applauded,/ etc. The exclamatory words and the exclamation are not mentioned anymore in the indirect speech. For example,

Example: The coach said, “Hurrah! we won the match!” is changed as The coach exclaimed with joy that we had won the match.

These are the changes in helping verbs while changing from Direct and Indirect Speech

Am/ Is Was
Are Were
Have/ Had/ Did had
Do/ Does Did
Will Would
Shall Should
Can Could
May Might
Must Had to
Was/ Were had been
Should Should
Had Had
Would Would
Could Could

Note: There is no change in the helping verbs “would, should, could, might, had” in the direct speech and they remain the s ame in indirect speech as well.

Changes in Time and Place 

This That
These Those
Here There
Now Then
Today That Day
Tonight That Night
Tomorrow The next day/ The following day
The Day after tomorrow In two days
The Day before yesterday Two days before
Ago Before
Next The following
Last The previous
Thus So
This Evening That Evening
Hence Thence

Cha nges in pronoun s

The changes in pronouns in indirect speech depends on the subject and the object of the reporting verb.

  • Rule 1: The first person of reported speech changes based on the subject of the reporting verb.

Example: She said, “I watched a movie” can be converted into She said that she had watched a movie . Hence, the first person in the direct speech “I” has become “she” based on the subject.

Had there been “he” instead of “she”, the first person in reported speech changes accordingly into “he”.

  • Rule 2: The second person in reported speech changes based on the object of the reporting verb.

Example: She said to me, “You watched a movie” can be converted into She told me that I had watched a movie.

  • Rule 3 : The third person in the reported speech remains unchanged.

Example: I said to her, “He will play Chess” can be converted into I told her that he would play Chess.

Stay tuned for more examples of direct and indirect speech.

For an extensive material on tenses, Click here

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direct to indirect speech example

Direct and Indirect Speech in English | A Complete Guide

Direct and indirect speech are two ways to report what someone else has said. In direct speech, the exact words spoken by a person are quoted within quotation marks. In indirect speech, the words of the speaker are reported without using their exact words and without using quotation marks. Instead, the reported speech is often introduced by verbs such as “said,” “told,” “asked,” etc. Indirect speech allows us to convey what someone else said without necessarily repeating their exact words, often to provide a summary or to integrate it into a larger narrative.

Direct Speech

Direct speech is also called reporting speech. There are two parts in a sentence in direct speech first part is known as reporting speech (in this sentence we know about reporting person) and the second part which is known as reported speech (indirect narration “example”, or indirect discourse). When we want to describe what someone said, one option is to use  direct speech . We use direct speech when we simply repeat what someone says, putting the phrase between speech marks:

  • Saif came in and said, “I’m really happy”.

As you can see, with direct speech it is common to use the verb ‘to say’ and ‘to says’ (‘said’ in the past). But you can also find other verbs used to indicate direct speech such as ‘ask’, ‘reply’, and ‘shout’.

Indirect Speech

In grammar, when we want to report what someone said, without speech marks and without necessarily using exactly the same words, we use indirect speech. It is also known as reported speech. Look at the following sentences:

  • Direct speech:  he says, “I am going to school.”
  • Indirect speech:  he says that he is going to school.

In above sentences, the reporter delivers the message of the boy using his real words (e.g.“I am going to school.”) In the indirect speech sentence, the reporter delivers his message but in his own words without any change in the meaning. Thus, both direct and indirect speeches are two different ways of reporting a statement of person. In simple words, quoting a person using your own words is called an indirect speech.

Basic Rules for Direct and Indirect Speeches

  • When we change direct speech to indirect speech always we will replace inverted commas with word ‘ that’ .
  • When we combine reporting and reported speech we use  that  between these sentences.
  • If the first part of the sentence does not include word  said  then tense will not be changed.
  • At the end of reporting speech if there is a comma then it will be removed.
  • Say  always will be changed into  tell .
  • Says  always will be changed into  tells .
  • Said  will be changed into  told  only in one condition when there is object in reporting speech.
  • Direct : You said to Saif, “you are going to Lahore”.
  • Indirect : you told Saif that he was going to Lahore. 

Changes in the Person of Pronouns

1 st  person                             2 nd  person                             3 rd  person

Subject                                  Object                                    No change

I, we,                                       you                                         he, she, it,

My, our, us, me                     your                                        they and noun.

  • 1 st person pronouns in reported speech are always changed according to the subject of the reporting speech.
  • 2 nd person pronouns in reported speech are always changed according to the object of the reporting speech.
  • 3 rd person pronouns in reported speech are not changed.

Important word changes

The above rules are mandatory for converting direct speech into indirect speech. Hence, they should be memorized thoroughly. The following examples cover all the aforementioned rules. So, focus on every sentence to know how the above-mentioned rules have been used here.

Some special words will be changed when direct speech changes into indirect speech

  • Now into then
  • Today into that day
  • Yesterday into the previous day
  • This into that
  • Last night into the previous night
  • Tomorrow into the next day
  • These into those
  • Here into there
  • Next day into the following day
  • Ago into before
  • Come into go
  • Will into would
  • Shall into should
  • May into might
  • Can into could
  • Good Morning, into greeted
  • Good Evening, into greeted
  • Good Day into greeted
  • Madam into Respectfully
  • Sir into Respectfully

Changes in Verbs

If the reporting speech is in present tense or future tense, then no change is required to be made in the verb of reported speech.

Direct Speech:  he says, “I live in Pakistan”.

Indirect Speech:  he tells that he lives in Pakistan.

Direct Speech:  you say to me, “you will go to Lahore”.

Indirect Speech:  you tell me that I shall go to Lahore.

Direct Speech:  I say, “she was ill”.

Indirect Speech:  I tell that she was ill.

How to Make Direct and Indirect Speeches in Different Tenses

Present indefinite  will be changed into past into  past indefinite  tense.

(First form  into  second form)

  • Direct:  I said, “I go to school”.
  • Indirect:  I said that I went to school.

Present continues  will be changed into  past continues  tense.

(is, am, are  into  was, were)

  • Direct:  Raza said, “I am a boy”.
  • Indirect : Raza said that he was a boy.

Present perfect  will be changed into  past perfect  tense.

(has, had  into  had)

  • Indirect : You told Saif that he was going to Lahore. 

Present perfect continues  will be changed into  past perfect continues  tense.

(has been, have been  into  had been)

  • Direct : The guard said to the passenger, “the train has come”
  • Indirect : The guard told to the passenger that the train had come.

Past indefinite will be changed into  past perfect  tense.

(second form  into  had)

  • Direct : Aslam said, “They played cricket”.
  • Indirect:  Aslam said that they had played cricket.

Past continues  will be changed into  past perfect continues  tense.

(was, were  into  had been)

  • Direct : The policeman said, “The thief has been stealing for two year”.
  • Indirect : The policeman told that the thief had been stealing for two year.

Note :  Past perfect, past perfect continues, future indefinite, future continues, future perfect, future perfect continues tense will not be changed.

Direct and Indirect Speech in Assertive Sentences

Sentences that make a declaration are called assertive sentences. These sentences may be positive, negative, false, or true statements. To convert such sentences into indirect speech, use the rules as declared above except  said  is sometimes replaced with  told . Look at the following examples:

Direct Speech:  She says, “I am writing a letter to my brother.”

Indirect Speech:  She says that she is writing a letter to her brother.

Direct Speech:  She says, “I was not writing a letter to my brother.”

Indirect Speech:  She says that she was not writing a letter to her brother.

Direct Speech:  She said to me, “I am writing a letter to my brother.”

Indirect Speech:  She told me that she was writing a letter to her brother.

Direct and Indirect Speech in Imperative Sentences

Imperative sentences are sentences that give an order or a direct command. These sentences may be in the form of advice, appeal, request, or order. Mostly, it depends upon the forcefulness of the presenter. Thus, a full stop (.) or sign of exclamation (!) is used at the end of the sentence.

When we will be convert these types of sentences into indirect speech, follow the following rules along with the above-mentioned rules:

  • Both sentences will be joined with the conjunction
  • If in the reported sentence has word do not,  then it will be changed with the word  not to.
  • Direct speech : Aslam said, “Do not beat him”.
  • Indirect speech: Aslam ordered to not beat him.

The direct verb is changed according to indirect speech in case order the speaker gives a direct command. Then said  will be changed into  ordered  For example:

  • Direct Speech:  The father said to me, “Sit down.”
  • Indirect Speech:  The father ordered me to sit down.

The direct verb is changed according to indirect speech in case request the speaker gives a request command. Then said  will be changed into  request.

For example:

  • Direct Speech:  The man said, “Please show me your pen.”
  • Indirect Speech:  the man requested to show him my door.

The direct verb is changed according to indirect speech in case guide the speaker gives a piece of advice. Then said  will be changed into  advised .

  • Direct Speech:  The headmaster said, “Write neat and clean.”
  • Indirect Speech:  the headmaster advised to write neat and clean.

The direct verb is changed according to indirect speech in case forbade the speaker stopped to do something. Then said  will be changed into  forbade .

  • Direct Speech:  The teacher said, “Don’t sit.”
  • Indirect Speech:  The teacher forbade to sit.

Optative & Exclamatory Sentences

The sentence, which expresses a prayer, keen wish, curse, happiness etc., is called an  optative sentence . This kind of sentence generally starts with ‘may’ and ‘wish’. Sometimes, ‘may’ remains hidden.

The sentence, which expresses a sudden and deep excitement, wonder, shock, or sorrow, etc., is called an  exclamatory sentence . In this kind of sentence must have exclamation mark (!) at the end of the sentence or in the central of the sentence.

  • May you succeed in the test!
  • May you get well soon!
  •   Would that I was rich!

When we will be converted these types of sentences into indirect speech, follow the following rules along with the above-mentioned rules:

In a prayer  sentence  said  will be replaced by

When we will be changed direct speech to indirect speech always we will be replaced inverted commas  that .

  • Direct speech : He said, “May you live long”.
  • Indirect speech : He prayed that I might live long.

In a  hope  sentence  said  will be replaced by

When we will be changed direct speech to indirect speech always we will be replaced inverted commas that .

  • Direct speech:  The father said, “May my son get first position”.
  • Indirect speech:  The father wished that his son might get first position.

In a glad & happy sentence, said  will be replaced by  exclaimed with joy  or  exclaimed with joyfully.  And exclamatory  mark  (!) will be removed.

  • Direct speech:  The boys said, “Hurrah! We have won the match”.
  • Indirect speech:  The boys exclaimed with joy that they had won the match.

In a sad or sorrow sentence, said  will be replaced by  exclaimed with sorrow  or  exclaimed with sorrowfully.

  • Direct speech:  The bagger said, “Ah! I am undone”.
  • Indirect speech:  The exclaimed with sorrow that he was undone.

Interrogative Sentences

Which sentences, ask questions, are called interrogative sentences. Every interrogative sentence has question mark (?) at the ends.

  • Where are you going?
  •   Where did you live?
  • Are you want to go with me?

To change interrogative sentences from direct speech into indirect speech, follow the following rules along with the above-mentioned rules:

  When we will be changed sentence direct speech to indirect  Said  will be replaced by  asked .

If interrogative sentence will be started from “ Wh ” mean when, whom, what, where, who, which, why, how, whose when we will be changed sentence direct speech to indirect speech  inverted commas  will not be replaced. Just it will be removed.

If the reported sentence will be started form helping verb, then  if will be used in place of  that .

After the changing sentence mark of interrogation (?) will be replaced with full stop (.).

Direct speech:  He said to me, “Who are you”?

Indirect speech:  He asked me who I was.

Direct speech:  He said to me, “Where are you going”?

Indirect speech:  He asked me where I was going.

Direct speech:  Sunny said to me, “will you help me”?

Indirect speech:  Sunny asked me if I would help him.

Direct and indirect Speech in Universal Sentence

Sentences which have natural truth or universal truth in the part of reported speech are called universal sentences .

  • Allah is one.
  • Honesty is the best policy.

To change universal sentences from direct speech into indirect speech, follow the following rules along with the above-mentioned rules:

When we will be changed sentence direct speech to indirect  Said  will be replaced by

When we will be changed direct speech to indirect speech always we will be replaced inverted commas with  that .

Always remember that universal truth will never change so we will not be changed reported speech portion.

Direct speech:  The teacher said to the boys, “The earth revolves around the sun”.

Indirect speech:  The teacher told the boys that the earth revolves around the sun.

Direct speech:  Saif said, “Allah is one”.

Indirect speech:  Saif told that Allah is one.

Direct speech:  She said to him, “Honesty is the best policy”.

Indirect speech:  She told him that honesty is the best policy.

Direct speech:  Sunny said to Farrukh, “The sun rises in the east”.

Indirect speech:  Sunny told Farrukh that the sun rises in the east.

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direct to indirect speech example

What is Direct and Indirect Speech? with Examples

Published by

Olivia Drake

Direct and indirect speech are two different ways of reporting spoken or written language. Let’s delve into the details and provide some examples.

Direct Speech

Direct speech refers to the exact words someone said, often (but not always) enclosed in quotation marks. It is also known as quoted speech or direct discourse. This method is useful when you want to convey someone’s words verbatim.

For example:

Sarah said, “I’m feeling very happy today.””It’s a beautiful day,” commented John.In these examples, the words within the quotation marks are exactly what the speaker said.

Indirect Speech

Indirect speech, also known as reported speech or indirect discourse, is when you report what someone said, but not in their exact words. You’re paraphrasing their words. When you use indirect speech, you don’t use quotation marks.

Sarah said that she was feeling very happy that day.John commented that it was a beautiful day.In these examples, you’re reporting the essence of what the speaker said, but not using their exact words.

It’s also worth noting that in indirect speech, verb tenses, pronouns, and words expressing time and place may need to change to reflect the shift in perspective.

Here is an example:

Direct speech:  He said, “I am going to the store now.” Indirect speech:  He said that he was going to the store then.

Notice how “am” changed to “was” and “now” changed to “then”. This is because the time and context have shifted from when the speaker originally spoke to when the speaker’s words were reported.

Click here if you want to read more about direct and indirect speech.

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Home » 100 Direct and Indirect Speech Examples Sentences

100 Direct and Indirect Speech Examples Sentences

100 Direct and Indirect Speech Examples Sentences

Well, it is really important to learn how people talk in their daily lives. Let’s describe the main difference between direct and indirect speech examples ! Direct speech is when we want to say exactly what someone else said, like quoting them. Indirect speech is a bit different, it is when we tell what someone said without quoting them directly. Understanding direct and indirect speech sentences can help us communicate effectively. For example, if someone says, I’m hungry, in indirect speech, we can say, They said they were hungry, in indirect speech.

100 Direct and Indirect Speech Examples Sentences

Direct and Indirect Examples

Direct and Indirect Speech Examples

Direct Speech Indirect Speech
“I love chocolate,” she said. She said that she loved chocolate.
“Are you coming to the party?” he asked. He asked if I was coming to the party.
“Let’s go for a walk,” suggested Mary. Mary suggested going for a walk.
“I saw that movie last night,” he mentioned. He mentioned that he saw that movie last night.
“I will finish the report today,” she promised. She promised that she would finish the report today.
“Stop talking!” shouted the teacher. The teacher shouted at them to stop talking.
“Where is my book?” he wondered. He wondered where his book was.
“I’m going on vacation next week,” she informed. She informed me that she was going on vacation next week.
“It’s a beautiful day,” he exclaimed. He exclaimed that it was a beautiful day.
“I can swim,” she bragged. She bragged that she could swim.
“I have an idea,” he said excitedly. He said excitedly that he had an idea.
“I’m not feeling well,” she complained. She complained that she wasn’t feeling well.
“Let’s have pizza for dinner,” suggested Tom. Tom suggested having pizza for dinner.
“I won the competition,” she boasted. She boasted that she had won the competition.
“I’ll call you later,” he promised. He promised to call me later.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he assured. He assured that he would see me tomorrow.
“Don’t forget to buy milk,” she reminded. She reminded me not to forget to buy milk.
“What time is the meeting?” he inquired. He inquired about the time of the meeting.
“I’m sorry for the mistake,” she apologized. She apologized for the mistake.
“Let’s celebrate your birthday,” they suggested. They suggested celebrating my birthday.
“It’s too cold outside,” he complained. He complained that it was too cold outside.
“I have never been to Paris,” she admitted. She admitted that she had never been to Paris.
“We should study for the exam,” he advised. He advised that we should study for the exam.
“Please help me with this,” she requested. She requested my help with that.
“I can’t believe I passed the test,” he exclaimed. He exclaimed that he couldn’t believe he passed the test.
“I don’t like broccoli,” she confessed. She confessed that she didn’t like broccoli.
Why did you leave early?” he questioned. He questioned why I left early.
“This cake is delicious,” she complimented. She complimented the delicious cake.
“Let me do the dishes,” he offered. He offered to do the dishes.
“I saw a shooting star last night,” she shared. She shared that she had seen a shooting star the night before.
“I’m going to visit my grandparents,” he announced. He announced that he was going to visit his grandparents.
“Please close the door,” she instructed. She instructed to close the door.
“I won’t be able to attend the party,” he informed. He informed that he wouldn’t be able to attend the party.
“This is my favorite book,” she declared. She declared that it was her favorite book.
“I love playing the piano,” he admitted. He admitted that he loved playing the piano.
“Why are you so late?” she asked. She asked why I was so late.
I can help you with your homework,” he offered. He offered to help with my homework.
“Let’s go for a bike ride,” she suggested. She suggested going for a bike ride.
“You should wear a coat,” he advised. He advised me to wear a coat.
“The train is delayed,” she informed. She informed me that the train was delayed.
I’ll see you tomorrow,” he assured. He assured that he would see me tomorrow.
“Don’t forget to buy milk,” she reminded. She reminded me not to forget to buy milk.

100 Direct and Indirect Speech Examples Sentences

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100 Examples of direct and indirect speech -

100 Examples of direct and indirect speech

Examples of direct and indirect speech.

Direct Speech:- Direct speech is a report of the exact words used by a speaker or writer. Direct speech is usually placed inside quotation marks and accompanied by a reporting verb, signal phrase, or quotative frame.

Indirect Speech:- Transferring the sentence that someone else says is called indirect speech. It is also called reported speech.

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Active Voice and Passive Voice

100+ Examples of direct and indirect speech

Direct: What are you doing? Indirect: He asked me what I was doing.

Direct: Today is nice, said George. Indirect: George said that day was nice.

Direct: Listen to me! Indirect: Mother told me to listen to him.

Direct: She said, “I went to the shopping center.” Indirect: She said that she had gone to the shopping center.

Direct: Why are you going to school? Indirect: Mary asked Alex why he was going to school.

Direct: I often have a big meat. Indirect: My son says that he often has a big hamburger.

Direct: He said, “I will wash my teeth”. Indirect: He said he would wash his teeth.

Direct: He said, “I live in the city center.” Indirect: He said he lived in the city center.

Direct: The butcher told us, “We are closing at 7 o’clock.” Indirect: The butcher told us that we were closing at 7 o’clock.

Direct: He asked her, “How often do you work?” Indirect: He asked her how often she worked.

Direct: I don’t understand you. Indirect: Teacher said that he didn’t understand me.

Direct: He works in a bank. Indirect: She said that he worked in a bank.

Direct: He said “I had lived in Paris.” Indirect: He said that she had lived in Paris.

Direct: Must I do the city? Indirect: My sister asked if she had to do the city.

Direct: He said, “I can swim.” Indirect: He said he could swim.

Direct: I’m angry with you. Indirect: My mother said she was angry with me.

Direct: My father is helping me study. Indirect: He said his father was helping his study.

Direct: I didn’t go to the party. Indirect: Alex said that he hadn’t gone to the party.

Direct: Dance with me! Indirect: Maria told me to dance with her.

Direct: I can help you tomorrow. Indirect: She said that she could help me tomorrow.

Direct: Michael asked Tom, “Are you married?” Indirect: Michael asked Tom whether she was married.

Direct: Please wash your hands! Indirect: My father told me to wash my hands.

Direct: Don’t smoke! Indirect: The teacher told us not to smoke.

Direct: I write poems. Indirect: He says that he writes poems.

Direct: She said: “I would buy new house if I were rich”. Indirect: She said that she would buy new house if she had been rich”.

Direct: May I go out? Indirect: She wanted to know if she might go out.

Direct: She is American, she said. Indirect: She said she was American.

Direct: My son, do the exercise.“ Indirect: She told her son to do the exercise.

Direct: I don’t know what to do. Indirect: Samuel added that he didn’t know what to do.

Direct: I am reading a book, he explained. Indirect: He explained that he was reading a book.

Direct: My father said, “I am cooking dinner.” Indirect: My father said he was cooking dinner.

Direct: I said, “He is driving a car” Indirect: I said that he was driving a car.

Direct: I am a doctor he said. Indirect: He said he was a doctor.

Direct: My sister said, “I had already eaten.” Indirect: My sister said she had already eaten.

Direct: I could swim when I was four. Indirect: He said he could swim when he was four.

Direct: George is said, “I write a letter”. Indirect: George is said that she wrote a letter.

Direct: I should call my mother. Indirect: He said he should call her mother.

Direct: I like ice cream. Indirect: He said that he liked ice cream.

Direct: Michael said, “I may go there.’ Indirect: Michael says that she may go there.

Direct: I’II see you later. Indirect: He said he would see me later.

Direct: My boyfriend asked, “Do you like horror films?” Indirect: Do you like horror films? my boyfriend asked.

Direct: I might be late. Indirect: He said he might be late.

Direct: We can´t go the zoo next week. Indirect: They said they couldn’t go to the zoo next week.

Direct: I never get up late, my mother said. Indirect: My mother said that she never got up late.

Direct: He said, “I was teaching earlier.” Indirect: He said he had been teaching earlier.

Direct: Mary said, “I have been writing this essay.” Indirect: Mary said that he had been writing that essay.

Direct: I could swim when I was five. Indirect: My girl friend said (that) she could swim when she was five.

Direct: She said, “I might come early.” Indirect: She said she might come early.

Direct: Michael was ill. Indirect: Michael’s father said (that) Michael had been ill.

Direct: I am leaving home now.” Indirect: He said that he left home then.

Direct: Are you living here? Indirect: He asked me if I was living here.

Direct: I’m going to come. Indirect: She said that she was going to come.

Direct: We can communicate smoothly. Indirect: They said that they could communicate smothly.

Direct: My mother isn’t very well. Indirect: She said that her mother wasn’t very well.

Direct: I need help with my work. Indirect: George said “I need help with my homework.”

Direct: I was walking along the Street. Indirect: He said he had been walking along the Street.

Direct: I haven’t seen George recently. Indirect: She said that she hadn’t seen George recently.

Direct: I would help, but… Indirect: He said he would help but…

Direct: I’m waiting for Michael, she said. Indirect: She said (that) she was waiting for Michael”.

Direct: My parents are very well. Indirect: Alex said that his parents were very well.

Direct: I bought a car. Indirect: He said he bought a car.

Direct: They said, “They have taken exercise.” Indirect: They said that they had taken exercise.

Direct: I am living in Paris. Indirect: He said that he was living in Paris.

Direct: Please don’t be late. Indirect: He asked their not to be late.

Direct: She said; “The exam is difficult. Indirect: She said the test was difficult.

Direct: I can speak perfect Spanish. Indirect: He said he could speak perfect Spanish.

Direct: I haven’t seen Mary. Indirect: He said he hadn’t seen Mary.

Direct: What is your name? she asked me. Indirect: She asked me what my name was.

Direct: I was sleeping when Mary called. Indirect: He said that he had been sleeping when Mary called.

Direct: Please help me! Indirect: He asked me to help his.

Direct: I’m living in Texas now. Indirect: Her father said that he was living in London now.

Direct: “I’ve found a new job,” my mother said. Indirect: My mother said that she had found a new job.

Direct: Go to bed! mother said to the children. Indirect: Mother told the children to go to bed.

Direct: Mark arrived on Sunday, he said. Indirect: He said that Mark had arrived on Sunday.

Direct: I will study”, Mary said. Indirect: I will study”, said Mary.

Direct: The Minister said, “There will be no growth this year.” Indirect: The Minister said that there will be no growth this year.

Direct: I have been to France, she told me. Indirect: She told me that she had been to France.

Direct: She says, “I am ill.” Indirect: She says that she is ill.

Direct: Michael said, “I have finished my lunch.” Indirect: She said that she had finished his lunch.

Direct: I’m sitting on the chair. Indirect: Arya said that she was sitting on the chair.

Direct: My brother said, “I met Alex yesterday.’ Indirect: My brother said that he had met Alex yesterday.

Direct: The dentist said, “Your father doesn’t need an operation.” Indirect: Dentist said that my father doesn’t need an operation.

Direct: He said, “Man is mortal.” Indirect: He said that man is mortal.

Direct: He said, “I like coffee.” Indirect: He said (that) he likes coffee.

Direct: Sansa said “I am very busy now”. Indirect: Sansa said that she was very busy then.

Direct: Everything is going fine. Indirect: The news says that everything is going fine.

Direct: I had taken Spanish lessons before. Indirect: He said he had taken Spanish lessons before.

Direct: Come at 11! Indirect: Alex told me to come at 11.

Direct: He said, “I am a football player.” Indirect: He said that he was a football player.

Direct: My father was born in 1962. Indirect: My father told us that he was born in 1962.

Direct: It is too late. Indirect: I said it was too late.

Direct: Did you do your homework? Indirect: He asked me if I did (had done) my homework.

Direct: I often enjoy myself. Indirect: Mary will say that that she often enjoys herself.

Direct: He said, “he is listening to the music” Indirect: He said that he was listening to the music.

Direct: She said, “I’ve missed my train.” Indirect: She said that she’d missed her train.

Direct: Please help me carry this! Indirect: My mother asked me to help her carry that.

Direct: Michael said, “I will buy a new car.” Indirect: Michael said that she will buy a new car.

Direct: Mercedes is a good car. Indirect: Tom said Mercedes was a good car.

Direct: I’m sorry for the accident. Indirect: Georger told Samuel (that) he was sorry for the accident.

Direct: Mark said, “Bill needs a pencil.” Indirect: Mark said that Bill needed a pencil.

100 Examples of direct and indirect speech -

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Direct and Indirect speech, Rules, Chart and Exercises

Direct and Indirect speech are ways of narrating the speech of someone to some other person following certain rules. This article covers its types, rules, examples and some exercises on the same.

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Table of Contents

Direct and Indirect Speech: In English Grammar, direct and Indirect speech are used in instances when we wish to repeat or convey a speech or statement of some other person. Both direct and indirect speech describes what a third person said or conveyed in the past. Indirect speech is more commonly employed unless it’s a direct quotation, which is consistently enclosed in double quotation marks. Whereas indirect speech is used when you want to convey someone’s statement using your own precise words. It’s worth highlighting that indirect speech is consistently expressed using verbs like “said,” “told,” or “asked.”

Direct and Indirect Speech

English has two main ways to report what someone says: Direct and Indirect speech. Direct speech uses the exact words someone said, for example: “I am hungry,” she said. Indirect speech paraphrases what was said, like: She said she was hungry. Both methods help us share information about events, actions, or situations by repeating what others have communicated. Direct speech is like quoting someone exactly, while indirect speech summarizes their words. To help you understand these two types better, we’ve included clear explanations, examples, and exercises. This will make it easier to grasp the differences and use both types of reported speech correctly.

Direct Speech

Direct speech is the mode of expression that directly presents the words spoken or quoted by a third person. Generally, direct speech is written inside quotation marks (“”). The quotation is used to differentiate the speech of the third person that has happened in the past. Thus direct speech conveys statements or conversations of someone in the past tense but quoted inside the quotation marks in the present or future tense.

  • Kiran said, “I am doing my work.”
  • They said, ” We will go for the function.”
  • He asked, “Can I make this?”

Indirect Speech

Indirect Speech is used when we convey what someone said in our own words without repeating the actual text of that person. Instead of using quotation marks, the conjunction word, ‘that’ is used. Thus speaker’s words and sentences are reframed into our own words in Indirect speech. Some examples of indirect speech are:

  • Direct speech: Kiran said, “I am doing my work.”
  • Indirect speech: Kiran said that she is doing her work.
  • Direct speech: They said, ” We will go for the function.”
  • Indirect speech: They said that they would go to the function.
  • Direct speech: He asked, “Can I make this?”
  • Indirect speech: He asked whether he can make that.

Rules for Direct and Indirect Speech

There are certain rules and regulations followed while converting a simple direct speech into indirect speech. Certain factors such as Verbs, Tenses, Modals, time, place, and pronouns are also considered while changing. The following are the rules applied when you convert direct speech to indirect speech in English grammar.

Rule-1 : Direct To Indirect Speech Conversion – Reporting Verb

The reporting verb is an important factor to note when changing a direct to an indirect sentence. When the reporting verb is past tense, then the verb inside the quotation is also changed to past when changing a sentence from direct to indirect speech. Examples:

  • Direct: He said,’ I am sad.’
  • Indirect: He said that he was sad.

An exception is for cases like a universal truth, the tenses remain the same.

  • Teena said” The sun rises in the east”.
  • Teena said that the sun rises in the east.

If the reporting verb is in present/future tense, then the tense remains the same as in direct speech.

  • Direct: She says/will say, ‘I am coming.’
  • Indirect: She says/will say she is coming.

Rule 2: Direct Speech to Indirect Speech Conversion – Tenses

If the sentences inside quotes in direct speech are present tense, it is changed to past tense when changed to indirect speech. The rule in the following table is applied while changing tenses from direct speech to reported speech.

Present Simple Tense do /does V1 Past Simple Tense  did + V1 V2
Present Progressive Tense is/am/are + V4 Past Progressive Tense was /were + V4
Present Perfect Tense has /have + V3 Past Perfect Tense had + V3
Present Perfect Progressive has been /have been + V4 Past Perfect Progressive had been + V4
Past Simple Tense did + V1 V2 Past Perfect Tense had + V3
Past Perfect Tense had/have + V3 Past Perfect Tense had + V3
Past Perfect Progressive had been/have been + V4 Past Perfect Progressive had been + V4
Future Simple Tense will + V1 would + V1
Future Progressive Tense will be + V4 would be + V4
Future Perfect Tense will have + V3 would have + V3
Future Perfect Progressive will have been + V4 would have been + V4

Examples of change in Tenses

Ram said, “I do my work.” Ram said that he did his work.
They said, “We are going now.” They said that they were going then.
Sara said, ” I have done my work.” Sara said that she had done her work.
Rohit said, “I have been doing my work.” Rohit said that he had been doing his work.
Ram said, “I did my work” Ram said that he had done his work.
They said,”We have done our work” They said that they had done their work.
They said, “We have been doing our work.” They said that they had been doing their work.
Ram Said, ” I had been doing my work.” Ram said that he had been doing his work.
Sara said, “I will do my work.” Sara said that she would do her work.
They said, “We will be going out.” They said that they would be going out.
They said, “We will have done this work.” They said that they would have done that work.
Ram said, “I will have been doing this work” Ram said that he would have been doing that work.

Rule 4: Direct to Indirect speech Conversion Interrogative sentences

If a sentence starts with a question word like what, when, and why in direct speech, the question word itself acts as the joining class.

  • Direct speech: “Where do you live ?” Asked the boy.
  • Indirect Speech: The boy enquired where I lived.

Rule 5: Direct to Indirect Speech Conversion Change in Modals

Modal verbs are those verbs that are preceded by another verb, which is the main verb. Can, May, and Must are some examples of Modals. Modals that won’t change are Could, would, should, ought to, might. While changing direct to indirect speech, the Modals change as below:

  • Can become could
  • May becomes Might
  • Must becomes had to (or) would have to
  • Direct: She said,” She can sing.”
  • Indirect: She said that she could sing.
  • Direct: She said,” I should cook the lunch”
  • Indirect: She said that she should cook the lunch.

Rule 6: Direct to Indirect speech conversion – pronoun

The first person in Direct speech changes as per the subject of the speech

  • Direct: He said, “I am in grade sixth.”
  • Indirect: He said that he was in grade sixth.

The second person of Direct speech changes as per the object of the indirect speech.

  • Direct: She says to them, “You have achieved your goal.”
  • Indirect: She tells them that they have achieved their goal.

If the third person is mentioned in the Direct speech, it does not change in reported speech.

  • Direct: He says, “She sings well.”
  • Indirect: He says that she sings well.

Rule 7: Direct to indirect speech conversion – Request, Command, Wish and Exclamation.

The imperative words in direct speech change into Infinitives in indirect speech.

  • Direct: She said to her ‘Please remove it’.
  • Indirect: She requested her to remove that.


  • Direct: She said, ‘Alas! I am undone.
  • Indirect: She exclaimed sadly that she was broke.

 Rule 8: Direct to indirect speech conversion – punctuations

In Direct speech, the words spoken must start with(“) and ends with(.) inside the double inverted commas. All symbols such as question marks, full stops or exclamatory marks should be placed inside the quotes.

  • They said. “We are the best”
  • She asked, “Can I come with You?”
  • He uttered, “Keep Quiet!”

Rule 9: Direct to indirect speech conversion – Change of time

While converting direct speech to Indirect speech, there are certain words to be noted that cannot be used as such in indirect speech. These words get modified into new words which are enlisted below:

  • Now becomes Then
  • Ago becomes before
  • Thus becomes So
  • Today becomes That day
  • Tomorrow becomes the next day
  • Yesterday becomes the day before
  • This becomes that
  • These become those
  • Come becomes go
  • Hence becomes thence
  • Next week or next month becomes the following week or month
  • Direct: He says/will say, ‘My girlfriend came yesterday.’
  • Indirect: He says/will say that his girlfriend had come the day before.

Rules for Converting Indirect Speech into Direct Speech:

The following rules should be followed while converting an indirect speech to direct speech:

  • Use the reporting verb such as (say, said to) in its correct
  • Put a comma before the statement and the first letter of the statement should be in capital
  • Insert question marks, quotation marks, exclamation marks and full stops, based on the mood of the
  • Remove the conjunctions like (that, too, if or wh ether) wherever necessary .
  • Where the reporting verb is in the past tense in indirect, change it to present tense in the direct
  • Change the past perfect tense either into the present perfect tense or past tense, as necessary .

Direct and Indirect Speech – Some Exercises

The following are some exercises that students can practice while preparing for their revision tests or board exams.

Q.1.  Find out the correct indirect speech for the given sentence.

She said,’ I have cooked this meal.’

  • She said that she cooked this meal
  • She said that she had cooked that meal.
  • She said that I cooked that meal.
  • She said that she had cooked this meal.

Answer (2) She said that she had cooked that meal.

Q.2.  Choose the correct sentence.

Sanjay said, ‘What a beautiful painting it is’.

  • Sanjay exclaimed wonderfully that the painting was very beautiful.
  • Sanjay exclaimed with wonder that the painting was very beautiful.

Answer (4) Sanjay exclaimed with wonder that the painting was very beautiful.

Q.3. The correct indirect speech for She asked, “What is the cost of these books?”

  • She enquired what was the cost of those books.
  • She inquired what was the cost of these books.
  • She enquired what is the cost of those books.
  • She questioned what was the cost of those books.

Answer (1) She enquired what was the cost of those books.

Q.4. The man said, ‘Oh God! I missed the train today.’

  • The man cried that he missed the train that day.
  • The man exclaimed in grief that he missed the train today.
  • The man said that oh God! he missed that day.
  • The man exclaimed with sorrow that he missed the train that day.

Answer (4) The man exclaimed with sorrow that he missed the train that day.

Q.5. Rahul said, “Can you call me back later?”

Answer (5) Rahul asked me if I could call him back later.

Q.6. Mom said to me, “May God Bless you”.

Answer (6)  Mom wished that God might bless me.

What is the Importance of Learning Direct and Indirect Speech?

Learning direct and indirect speech is crucial for several reasons:

  • Improved Communication Skills: Understanding both forms helps in accurately conveying messages from one person to another. This skill is essential in both written and spoken communication.
  • Enhanced Writing Abilities: Using direct and indirect speech allows for more dynamic and versatile writing. It enables writers to present dialogues and reported speech effectively.
  • Better Understanding of Language Nuances: Mastery of direct and indirect speech helps learners grasp the subtleties of language, including tone, context, and perspective.
  • Critical Thinking: Converting statements from direct to indirect speech (or vice versa) requires comprehension and analysis of the original message, fostering critical thinking.
  • Effective Reporting: In fields like journalism, law, and academia, accurately reporting speech is vital. Mastery of both forms ensures precision and reliability in conveying information.

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Direct and Indirect speech-FAQs

Q1. what are direct and indirect speech in english.

Ans. Direct speech is a speech that describes what a third person has conveyed or quoted in a direct manner. Generally, direct speech is written inside quotation marks ("").Indirect Speech is used when we convey what someone said in our own words without repeating the actual text of that person.

Q2. In which speech conjunctions are used and what is the purpose?

Ans. The conjunctions are used in Indirect speech. The speaker's words and sentences are reframed into our own words in Indirect speech using conjuctions as connecting words.

Q3. What are modals and what is the significance of using modals?

Ans. Modal verbs are those verbs that are preceded by another verb, which is the main verb. Can, May, and Must are some examples of Modals. While converting direct to indirect speech Can becomes could, May becomes Might, Will becomes Would. Modals that won’t change are Could, would, should, ought to, might.

Q4 Give a few examples of direct speech.

Ans: Some examples of direct speech have been discussed here: 1. John said, "I will go to the store." 2. Mary asked, "Are you coming to the party?" 3. "It's a beautiful day," remarked Sarah. 4. He shouted, "Watch out for the car!"

Aparna Tomar

As Team Lead- Content Writer, I take on leadership within our content creation team, overseeing the development of error-free educational content. My primary responsibility is to produce and analyse high-quality content educating and informing the aspirants about upcoming government exams published on our website. I have more than 6 years experience in content writing wherein 3.5 years of experience in ed-tech content writing.

Teacher's Day Essay in English

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50 Examples of Direct and Indirect Speech

Here you find list of 50 examples of direct and indirect speech .

examples of direct and indirect speech

Examples of Direct and Indirect Speech

Sr NoDirect SpeechIndirect Speech
1.“I am tired,” said Jane.Jane said that she was tired.
2.“Can you please pass the salt?” asked Mark.Mark asked if I could please pass the salt.
3.“I love playing the guitar,” said Sam.Sam said that he loved playing the guitar.
4.“What time is the movie?” asked Sarah.Sarah asked what time the movie was.
5.“I want to go to the park,” said Emily.Emily said that she wanted to go to the park.
6.“I will be there in five minutes,” said John.John said that he would be there in five minutes.
7.“The concert was amazing!” exclaimed Lisa.Lisa exclaimed with excitement that the concert was amazing.
8.“I don’t like broccoli,” said Tom.Tom said that he didn’t like broccoli.
9.“I have a headache,” complained Alex.Alex complained of having a headache.
10.“I won the race!” shouted Mike.Mike shouted that he had won the race.
11.“Let’s go out for dinner,” suggested Anna.Anna suggested going out for dinner.
12.“I’m sorry for being late,” apologized Peter.Peter apologized for being late.
13.“I can’t wait for the weekend,” said Rachel.Rachel said that she couldn’t wait for the weekend.
14.“The weather is so hot today,” commented David.David commented that the weather was so hot that day.
15.“I enjoy reading books,” said Emma.Emma said that she enjoyed reading books.
16.“Could you help me with this math problem?” asked Kevin.Kevin asked if I could help him with that math problem.
17.“I’m going to the beach tomorrow,” announced Megan.Megan announced that she was going to the beach the next day.
18.“I don’t know the answer,” admitted Jack.Jack admitted that he didn’t know the answer.
19.“I’ll call you later,” promised Lily.Lily promised to call me later.
20.“I lost my keys,” said Alex.Alex said that he had lost his keys.
21.John said, “I am going to the store.”John said that he was going to the store.
22.Sarah exclaimed, “What a beautiful day!”Sarah exclaimed that it was a beautiful day.
23.Tom asked, “Can you pass me the salt?”Tom asked if I could pass him the salt.
24.Mary shouted, “I won the lottery!”Mary shouted that she had won the lottery.
25.The teacher said, “Please complete the assignment by tomorrow.”The teacher said to complete the assignment by the next day.
26.Peter whispered, “I have a secret.”Peter whispered that he had a secret.
27.Lisa declared, “I want to be an astronaut.”Lisa declared that she wanted to be an astronaut.
28.David stated, “I love chocolate ice cream.”David stated that he loved chocolate ice cream.
29.The coach shouted, “Run faster!”The coach shouted to run faster.
30.Jane asked, “Do you like pizza?”Jane asked if I liked pizza.
31.“I don’t want to go,” she said.She said she didn’t want to go.
32.“Have you seen my keys?” he asked.He asked if I had seen his keys.
33.“I will call you later,” he promised.He promised that he would call me later.
34.“I’m sorry for being late,” she apologized.She apologized for being late.
35.“Let’s go to the park,” they suggested.They suggested going to the park.
36.“I can’t believe you did that,” he exclaimed.He exclaimed that he couldn’t believe I did that.
37.“I’m so tired,” she yawned.She yawned, saying that she was so tired.
38.“What time is the meeting?” he inquired.He inquired about the time of the meeting.
39.“I’ll meet you at the restaurant,” she confirmed.She confirmed that she would meet me at the restaurant.
40.“I saw a shooting star,” he told them.He told them that he had seen a shooting st
41.“I love you,” he whispered.He whispered that he loved her.
42.“I hate broccoli,” she admitted.She admitted that she hated broccoli.
43.“I didn’t study for the test,” he confessed.He confessed that he hadn’t studied for the test.
44.“I’m scared of spiders,” she admitted.She admitted that she was scared of spiders.
45.“I can’t swim,” he confessed.He confessed that he couldn’t swim.
46.“I want a new car,” she declared.She declared that she wanted a new car.
47.“I’m really excited about the trip,” he said.He said that he was really excited about the trip.
48.“I’m not feeling well today,” she complained.She complained that she wasn’t feeling well that day.
49.“I won the race,” he boasted.He boasted that he had won the race.
50.“I’m sorry for breaking your vase,” she apologized.She apologized for breaking my vase.

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Direct and Indirect Speech: The Ultimate Guide

Learn how and when to use direct and indirect speech with this guide., i want to learn....

When you need to report what other people have said in English , you’ll need to use direct and indirect speech. This might seem difficult at first. But once you’ve learned how to use direct and indirect reported speech, you’ll be able to report and quote what others have said with ease.

Read on to learn all about direct and indirect speech and how to use them correctly.

Want to become an expert in using direct speech?

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You will learn when and how to use direct speech, like saying directly where you went to school, and become an English pro via free online courses and learning resources from Busuu!

What are direct and indirect speech?

Direct and indirect reported speech refer to how you quote or report what someone else has said. They have a similar function in both speaking and writing, but their grammar is very different. We’ll get into the differences between them in the following sections.

When to use direct speech

Use direct reported speech when you want to quote the exact words someone has said. Let’s imagine your friend said, “I learned a lot of English using the Busuu app.” To quote your friend directly you would say or write the following sentence:

My friend said, “I learned a lot of English using the Busuu app.”

You can see that nothing changes. You repeat the words you want to report and that’s it. When you use direct speech, you bring the original speaker’s exact words into your speaking or — more commonly — your writing.

When to use indirect speech

Use indirect reported speech to report what someone else has said without necessarily using the same words. You keep the original speaker’s meaning and intent but can rephrase their sentences. When you use indirect speech, you often have to change the tense , pronouns , and time references.

Let’s look at the previous example again. In indirect speech, “I learned a lot of English using the Busuu app” can become:

My friend said she learned a lot of English using the Busuu app.

This is the simplest way to make indirect speech. Notice the change to the pronoun — the word ‘I’ from the original sentence changes to ‘she’ in the reported sentence. This keeps the meaning and intent the same and only slightly changes the words. You can be more flexible though — take a look at the next sentence:

My friend said she loves the Busuu English app.

Here the meaning and intent are the same. But the words are different. When using indirect speech, paraphrasing is fine, just as long as you keep the original meaning.

Indirect speech is a big part of everyday communication — much more so than direct speech. Although it’s a little more complicated, it’s also more useful.

How to use direct speech

Direct speech isn’t common in spoken English, but it’s totally fine to use it when speaking. It’s easy too. You don’t need to change anything or do anything when you speak. Writing is a different story though.

Here are some key rules and tips to help you use direct speech in your writing:

Quotation marks

Always use quotation marks around the words you quote. See example below:

My friend said, “I am learning Spanish.”

Reporting clause

You can put the reporting clause (‘he said,’ ‘she asked,’ and so on) either before or after the quoted speech. See examples below:

“I’m going to the store,” she said.

She said, “I’m going to the store.”


Make sure commas, periods, question marks or exclamation marks at the end of the quoted speech are inside the quotation marks. See example below:

“Did you finish your homework?” asked John.


Give the first word in the quotation marks a capital letter. See example below:

He asked, “Are we meeting at 3pm?”

Changing Speakers

Use a new line or paragraph when the speaker changes. See example below:

“I can’t wait for the weekend,” said Alex. “Me neither,” replied Mia.

Ready to learn how to use indirect speech?

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You will learn how to use indirect speech at work, when you want to report that your colleague is not at her office or “She's not at her desk at the moment”, with Busuu’s free English courses and learning resources!

How to use indirect speech

When you use indirect (or reported) speech, you need to make more changes to the original sentence. This is true whether you’re speaking or writing. Here are some important rules for you to remember:

You don’t need to use quotation marks when you make an indirect speech sentence. So, “I’m going to the gym” becomes:

He said he was going to the gym.

Usually — but not always — when you use indirect speech you need to take a step back with the verb tense . So present tense verbs in the original sentence become past tense verbs in indirect speech. Here are a bunch of examples showing you how this works.

Examples of indirect speech

Original sentence Indirect speech
"I play sports on the weekend.” She said she played sports on the weekend.
“I’m writing a novel.” Jim said he was writing a novel.
“Maya left on Saturday.” He said Maya had left on Saturday.
“I have seen that movie 10 times.” He said he had seen that movie 10 times.
“We were visiting relatives at that time.” She said they had been visiting relatives at that time.
“I will see you next week.” He said he would see me next week.
“Chris will be moving next Monday.” She said Chris would be moving next Monday.

Like many things in English, there are exceptions to this:

1) If something is still true or always true, you don’t need to change the tense. So the sentence, “The sun is big and round,” becomes:

He said the sun is big and round.

2) If you use a present tense reporting verb, don’t change the verb tense. “August is the best time of year to visit” becomes:

She says August is the best time of year to visit.

3) Past perfect tenses stay the same. So “I had left the house before Mum got up” becomes:

She said she had left the house before her mum got up.

Change the pronouns so the meaning stays the same. For example, “I love this app” becomes:

She said she loved the app. (Or use ‘he’ for a male speaker.)

Time and place references

Make sure the time and place references still mean the same thing too. If someone says ‘next week’ one week ago, you need to change it to ‘this week,’ for example. Or if someone says ‘here,’ you might need to change it to a place name or the word ‘there’ so the meaning stays the same.

Everything needs to match the context of when you’re reporting their words. This is tricky, so let’s look at an example sentence: “I’ll meet you outside the school tomorrow.”

If it’s now one day later and you’re outside the school, the indirect speech sentence becomes:

He said he would meet me here today.

Change the word order of questions to look like a normal (non-question) sentence. For example, “Where are you going?” becomes:

They asked where I was going.

Reporting verbs

Choose the right reporting verb to match the tone of the original speaker. Reporting verbs are a huge part of indirect speech. You can use them to show the attitude or emotion of either yourself or the original speaker.

Let’s look at some of the most useful reporting verbs and whether they’re common in casual or formal language. (I’ve listed them in the past tense because that’s usually how they’ll appear in indirect speech, but of course they can be present tense too.)

Reporting verb Tone or meaning
Said Neutral (the most common reporting verb)
Told Neutral – shows the speaker was sharing information
Stated Formal or official
Declared Formal – shows the authority of the speaker
Mentioned Neutral – shows the speaker didn’t go into great detail
Went Slang or colloquial way of saying ‘said’
Reporting verb Tone or meaning
Asked Neutral (the most common verb for questions)
Inquired Formal or official
Queried Formal or official

Commands and requests

Reporting verb Tone or meaning
Told Casual – indicates a command
Ordered Neutral – indicates a strong command
Requested Neutral – more polite than ‘ordered’


Reporting verb Tone or meaning
Suggested Neutral – sharing an idea or plan
Proposed A formal version of ‘suggested’
Recommended Neutral – indicates advice
Advised Neutral – indicates advice
Urged Neutral – indicates strong advice

Pro tip: When you’re speaking, stick to ‘said,’ ‘told,’ and ‘asked’ — they’ll get you a long way. If you need to write official or formal documents, look at some of the other words.

Direct and indirect speech for effective communication

To sum up, you need to know how to use direct and indirect speech to become fluent in English . For most people though — unless you do creative writing — indirect speech is the most common. Just remember that you often need to change the verb tense, and that you’ll need to make sure everything makes sense in the new context by using the right pronouns, time and place references, and so on.

If you follow the tips in this guide, you’ll be using direct and indirect speech like a pro in no time!

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Direct and Indirect Speech

Every day, people relay messages from one person to another. Whether it is to prove a point, describe an event, or disclose an opinion, we use the freedom of speech to share information. There are generally two ways of reporting a spoken idea: direct and indirect speech. This article shall explain and compare these two types of speech. Some examples are also provided to give you a more in-depth understanding.

Both direct and indirect speech are methods to narrate the words spoken by a specific person. The difference between them lies in how they are constructed and in the purpose of using them.

Direct Speech

In a direct speech , the actual words of the speaker are quoted explicitly. It is often used to relay something being said in the present tense. It can also be used to recall the exact words of the speaker when retelling a previous conversation. You can recognize a direct speech instantly because it has a text enclosed in a set of quotation marks. That text or idea is known as the reported speech .

  • He says, “I want to adopt a dog.”
  • Julia asks, “What do you want to have for dinner?”
  • Penny answers, “I would like to have some soup.”
  • “I have a new job,” Kyle says to us.
  • “I will be working as a virtual assistant,” he added.

As you can see, direct speech can be presented in different tenses: past, present, or future. It depends on when the actual words were spoken and when the reporter is retelling them. Also, reporting verbs (say, ask, answer, etc.) are not necessarily placed before the quoted text. You can also place them after it.

This type of speech is often used in writing novels or telling a story. This is because it gives the text a more actual and realistic effect.

Indirect Speech

Indirect speech is usually used to relay what was being said by the speaker without directly quoting the original words. In this case, the tense of the sentence is typically changed. Reporting verbs, such as say, tell, ask, and others, are used as an introduction. The words of the original speaker will not be enclosed inside the quotation marks. Instead, the word “that” is used to connect the reporting verb to the reported text.

  • He says that he wants to adopt a dog.
  • Julia asks Penny what she wants for dinner.
  • Penny answers that she would like to have some soup.
  • Kyle told us that he got a new job.
  • He added that he will be working as a virtual assistant.

The above sentences are actually converted from the previous examples of direct speech. Aside from eliminating the quotation marks, correct pronouns are also used. Additionally, the reporting verbs are now all found before the reported speech. The reporting verb is then followed with “that.”

Converting Direct to Indirect Speech

Now, let us specify the rules in converting direct speech to indirect speech. Here are the steps on how to do so:

1. Eliminate the quotation marks that enclose the relayed text.

The quotation marks are the primary indication of a direct speech. Therefore, it is crucial to take them out if you are forming an indirect one.

2. Retain the tense of the reporting verb and add the word “that” after it.

You have to retain the tense of the reporting verb to allow consistency of reports. Instead of placing a comma to separate the reporting clause from the reported one, the word “that” is added. However, if the reported speech is a yes-no question, you use “if” instead of “that.” If the question starts with who, what, when, where, etc., no additional words are needed. Instead, you have to rearrange the sentence into a declarative form.

  • Direct Speech:  She says, “I want to go to Paris.”
  • Indirect Speech:  She says  that  she wants to go to Paris.
  • Direct Speech:  She asks, “Do you want to go to Paris?”
  • Indirect Speech:  She asks me  if  I want to go to Paris.
  • Direct Speech:  “Ms. Thompson, where are you going?” I asked.
  • Indirect Speech:  I asked Ms. Thompson  where she was going .

3. Change the tense of the verb in the reported speech, if needed.

If the reporting verb is in the past tense, you should change the tense of the verb inside the reported speech into its past tense. This is not necessary if the reporting verb is in the present or future tense.

  • Direct Speech:  He  said , “I am watching a new TV series.”
  • Indirect Speech:  He said that  he was watching  a new TV series.
  • Direct Speech:  He  says , “I am watching a new TV series.”
  • Indirect Speech:  He says that  he is watching  a new TV series.

Of course, you have to consider the correlation between the report and the idea on the quoted text. Sometimes, a change in tense is not needed even if the reporting verb is in the past tense.

  • Direct Speech:  He said, “I will be watching a new TV series.”
  • Indirect Speech:  He said that  he will be watching  a new TV series.
  • Direct Speech:  He said, “I watch TV series every night.”
  • Indirect Speech:  He said that  he watches  TV series every night.

For the first example, the quoted text is still about to happen. So, you don’t need to change the tense of the sentence inside the quotation. For the second example, watching TV series is implied as a habitual action. Therefore, you still have to retain the present tense of the verb.

4. Change the pronouns accordingly.

You should also change the pronoun based on who the speaker, doer, and receiver of the action is.

  • Direct Speech:  Wendy says, “Ron, y ou  should take care of  yourself .”
  • Indirect Speech:  Wendy told Ron that  he  should take care of  himself .

Appropriate changing of pronouns is done to avoid misunderstanding the whole text. If pronouns are not changed, it might confuse the reader or the listener as to who is saying or doing the action.

The change in pronouns gives rise to changes in the plurality of the verb used. That being said, you have to consider and follow correct subject-verb agreement at all times.

Tense Changes in Indirect Speech

direct to indirect speech example

Verb Tenses Changes

Present Simple Tense into Past Simple Tense

For example:

  • Direct speech: She always wears a coat.
  • Reported speech: He said (that) she always wore a coat.

Present Continuous Tense into Past Continuous Tense

  • Direct speech: I ‘m looking for my keys.
  • Reported speech: She said that she was looking for her keys.

Present Perfect Tense into Past Perfect Tense

  • Direct speech: She has written three letters for her friend.
  • Reported speech: He said she had written three letters for her friend.

Past Simple Tense into Past Perfect Tense

  • Direct speech:   My friend gave me a bar of chocolate.
  • Reported speech: He said that his friend had given him a bar of chocolate.

Past Continuous Tense into  Past   Perfect Continuous Tense

  • Direct speech: We were living in London.
  • Reported speech: They said that they had been living in London.

Past Perfect Tense ( The tense remains unchanged )

  • Direct speech: The bread had gone stale.
  • Reported speech: She said the bread had gone stale.

Future Simple Tense (e.g. will ) into “ would “

  • Direct speech: I will finish my report in two days.
  • Reported speech: He said that he would finish his report in two days.

Future Progressive Tense (e.g. will be ) into “ would be “

  • Direct speech: I will be making tea.
  • Reported speech: He said (that) he would be making tea.

Future Perfect Tense (e.g. will have ) into “ would have “

  • Direct speech: I will have called a doctor.
  • Reported speech: He said (that) she would have called a doctor.

Future Perfect Tense (e.g. will have been ) into “ would have been “

  • Direct speech:  All the money  will have been  spent.
  • Reported speech: He said (that) all the money would have been spent.

Other Verb Form Changes in Reported Speech

Can into Could

  • Direct speech: I can speak English.
  • Reported speech: She said she could speak English.

Could ( The verb remains unchanged)

  • Direct speech: He could play in the match.
  • Reported speech: They said he could play in the match.

Have to into Had to

  • Direct speech: I have to submit this assignment by 3 pm tomorrow.
  • Reported speech: She said she had to submit this assignment by 3 pm tomorrow.

Must into Must/Had to

  • Direct speech: I must go to the bank and get some money.
  • Reported speech: She said she must / had to go to the bank and get some money.

May into Might

  • Direct speech:  I may invite them to dinner.
  • Reported speech: She said that she  might invite them to the dinner.

Might (The verb remains unchanged)

  • Direct speech: He might get a flight tomorrow.
  • Reported speech: She said he might get a flight the next day.

Should (The verb remains unchanged)

  • Direct speech: I should start a job.
  • Reported speech: She said that she should start a job.

More interesting articles

  • Changes in Time and Place in Reported Speech
  • Changes of Pronouns in Reported Speech: Rules & Examples
  • Direct Speech | What is Direct Speech? with Useful Examples
  • No Change in Verb Tenses in Reported Speech
  • Reported Commands and Requests in English
  • Reported Questions: Direct and Indirect Questions
  • Reported Speech Exercises – Reported Speech Worksheet
  • Reported Speech: Important Grammar Rules and Examples
  • Reporting Verbs in English Grammar

Reported Speech in English Grammar

What is reported speech, changing direct speech to reported speech, changing the tense (backshifting), no change of tenses, questions in reported speech, demands/requests, expressions with who/what/how + infinitive, typical changes to time and place markers.

  • Exercises – Reported Speech

Reported speech is when we repeat what another person has said but instead of using their exact words in quotation marks (direct speech), we use subordinate clause introduced by a reporting verb like the ones below:

Often, we have to change the tense, pronouns and time markers in reported speech.

Learn the rules for writing indirect speech in English with Lingolia’s simple explanation. In the exercises, you can test your grammar skills.

“I’ve prepared a presentation about the product, if you’re interested?”
“I would love to see it. … This product is exactly what my company has been looking for! Is there any room to negotiate on price?”
“I’m happy to hear that. Unfortunately, pricing is fixed.”
“That’s a shame, but I appreciate your transparency. Could you send me a written offer?”
“Yes, I will contact you tomorrow to finalise the details.”

I had an appointment with a new client yesterday. I told him that and he said .
After, he said that and asked .
I said no and he said that .
I said .

When turning direct speech into reported speech, we may have to change all or some of the following:

  • the pronouns
  • information about time and place (see the table at the end of this page)
  • the tense (backshift)

If the reporting verb is in the simple past (e.g. said, told, asked, replied … ), the tense has to be set back by one degree (see the table below). This is known as backshifting .

Direct Speech Reported Speech
simple present simple past
present progressive past progressive
simple past past perfect simple
present perfect simple
past perfect simple
past progressive past perfect progressive
present perfect progressive
past perfect progressive
future with going to was / were going to
future with will conditional (would)

The verbs could, should, would, might, must, needn’t, ought to, used to normally do not change.

If the reporting verb is in the simple present (e.g. says, tells, asks, replies … ), then the tense remains unchanged.

While the tense remains unchanged, we often still have to change the verb form to match the new pronouns.

that after a reporting verb

We often omit the word that after a reporting verb, especially in spoken language and informal contexts.

When turning questions into reported speech, we follow the same rules as for declarative sentences: we change the pronouns as well as the time and place markers and backshift the tense as needed.

In addition, we also have to bear in mind the following:

  • instead of that , we use a question word after the reporting verb; if there is no question word, we use whether / if instead
  • questions in reported speech follow declarative sentence word order (subject + verb)
  • we don’t use the auxiliary verb do/did for questions in reported speech; instead, the main verb appears in the simple past without an auxiliary verb
  • put the verb directly after who or what in subject questions.

Questions in reported speech do not end in a question mark.

When turning orders, demands and requests into reported speech, we only need to change the pronouns and the time and place information.

We don’t have to pay attention to the tense – we simply use an infinitive rather than a conjugated verb.

If the imperative is negated, then we use not + infinitive .

To express what someone should or can do in reported speech, we leave out the subject and the modal verb and instead we use the construction who/what/where/how + infinitive .

Direct Speech Indirect Speech
today that day
now then
at that moment/time
yesterday the day before
… days ago … days before
last week the week before
next year the following year
tomorrow the next day
the following day
here there
this that
these those

say vs. tell

The words say and tell are not interchangeable.

  • say = say something
  • tell = say something to someone

Head over to the vocabulary section to learn more about the difference between say and tell .

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  • Direct and Indirect Speech


Introduction to Direct and Indirect Speech

Direct speech is a way of reporting the exact words spoken by someone, allowing the speaker’s original phrasing and expression to be conveyed. In writing, direct speech is enclosed in quotation marks to indicate that the words are being quoted directly. For example, if someone says, "I am going to the park," and you want to report it exactly as it was said, you would use direct speech.


The key characteristic of direct speech is that it faithfully reproduces the speaker's words, preserving the original tone, intention, and style. Direct speech is commonly used in dialogue, interviews, and narratives to create a vivid and accurate depiction of conversations.

Indirect speech , also known as reported speech , is a way of telling someone what another person said without using their exact words. Instead of quoting the speaker directly, you describe what was said in your own words.

For example, if someone says, "I am going to the store," in indirect speech, you might report it as "He said he was going to the store."

In indirect speech, the tense of the verbs often changes, and pronouns are adjusted to fit the context of the sentence. This form of speech is commonly used in everyday conversation, writing, and reporting to convey information without repeating someone's exact words.

Interesting Facts About Direct Speech

Direct Speech Examples and Direct Speech Sentences Example

1. "I will be late to the meeting," Sarah said.

Sarah directly communicates her intention of being late to the meeting.

2. "Can you help me with this project?" asked John.

John directly asks for assistance with the project.

3. "I love reading books," remarked Emily.

Emily directly expresses her love for reading books.

4. "Please turn off the lights before you leave," the teacher instructed.

The teacher directly instructs them to turn off the lights.

5. "It's going to rain today," predicted the weather report.

The weather report directly states the prediction about the weather.

Indirect Speech Examples and Sentences

Direct Speech: "I am going to the park."

Indirect Speech: He said that he was going to the park.

Direct Speech: "She will call you tomorrow."

Indirect Speech: She said that she would call me the next day.

Direct Speech: "We have finished our homework."

Indirect Speech: They said that they had finished their homework.

Direct Speech: "Can you help me with this?"

Indirect Speech: She asked if I could help her with that.

Direct Speech: "I saw a movie yesterday."

Indirect Speech: He said that he had seen a movie the day before.

Direct Speech: "Don't talk during the class."

Indirect Speech: The teacher told us not to talk during the class.

Direct Speech: "I need some more time to decide."

Indirect Speech: She mentioned that she needed some more time to decide.

Direct Speech: "Are you coming to the party?"

Indirect Speech: He asked if I was coming to the party.

Direct Speech: "I will be there at 5 PM."

Indirect Speech: She said that she would be there at 5 PM.

Direct Speech: "We must leave now."

Indirect Speech: They said that they had to leave immediately.

Direct and Indirect Speech Formula

Direct speech formula:.

[Subject] + [Reporting Verb] + , + " + [Speaker's Exact Words] + "

She said, "I am going to the market."

Indirect Speech Formula:

[Subject] + [Reporting Verb] + that + [Subject Pronoun Change] + [Verb Tense Change] + [Rest of the Sentence]

She said that she was going to the market.

Direct Speech Rules

1. Use Quotation Marks : Place the exact words of the speaker within quotation marks.

Example : She said, "I will join you for dinner."

2. Capitalise the First Word : The first word of the quoted speech should be capitalised.

Example : "We will leave early," he said.

3. Punctuation Inside Quotation Marks : Commas, periods, question marks, and exclamation points should be placed inside the quotation marks if they are part of the quoted speech.

Example : "Can you help me?" she asked.

4. End with a Comma : When a quote is followed by a dialogue tag (e.g., he said, she asked), end the quote with a comma before the closing quotation mark.

Example : "I’m going to the store," he said.

5. Start a New Paragraph for a New Speaker : Begin a new paragraph each time the speaker changes.

"I am not sure if I can come," said Jane.

"Don’t worry," replied Mark. "We can figure something out."

6. Use Single Quotation Marks for Quotes within Quotes : If there is a quote within the direct speech, use single quotation marks for the inner quote.

Example : "He said, ‘I will be there on time,’ but I was not convinced."

7. Correct Placement of Punctuation Marks : If the quoted speech ends with a question mark or exclamation point, it should be placed inside the quotation marks. If it ends with a comma, place the comma inside the quotation marks.

Example : "Are you coming?" she asked. "Wow! That’s amazing," he replied.

Indirect Speech Rules

Understanding how to convert direct speech into indirect speech requires following specific rules. These rules help ensure that the meaning of the original statement is accurately conveyed, even though the exact words are not used. Here are the key rules for converting direct speech to indirect speech:

Change in Tense:

If the reporting verb is in the past tense, the tense of the verbs in the direct speech usually changes.

Direct: "I am hungry."

Indirect: She said that she was hungry.

Pronoun Changes :

Pronouns are adjusted to match the perspective of the speaker and the listener in the reported speech.

Direct: "I will help you."

Indirect: He said that he would help me.

Time and Place Changes :

Words that refer to time and place often change to reflect the timing of the reporting.

Direct: "I’ll see you tomorrow."

Indirect: He said that he would see me the next day.

Direct: "She is here."

Indirect: He said that she was there.

Reporting Verbs :

The reporting verb (like "said," "told," "asked") often changes depending on the type of sentence (statement, question, command).

Statements: "She said that..."

Questions: "He asked if..."

Commands: "They told me to..."

No Quotation Marks :

Quotation marks are removed when converting from direct to indirect speech.

Direct: "I love reading," she said.

Indirect: She said that she loved reading.

Question Forms :

When reporting questions, the word order typically changes from question format to statement format.

Direct: "Where are you going?"

Indirect: She asked where I was going.

Commands and Requests :

When reporting commands or requests, the verb is usually changed to an infinitive form.

Direct: "Please close the door."

Indirect: He asked me to close the door.

Modals Change :

Modal verbs may change in indirect speech.

"Can" becomes "could"

"Will" becomes "would"

"May" becomes "might"

No Backshift with Universal Truths :

When reporting universal truths or facts, the tense of the verb often remains unchanged.

Direct: "The sun rises in the east."

Indirect: He said that the sun rises in the east.

Conditional Sentences :

Conditional sentences in direct speech often follow the same tense in indirect speech.

Direct: "If it rains, we will cancel the trip."

Indirect: He said that if it rained, they would cancel the trip.

Direct Speech Narration Rules

1. Change Pronouns : Adjust pronouns to match the perspective of the reporting sentence.

Direct Speech : "I am going to the store," he said.

Indirect Speech : He said that he was going to the store.

2. Change Tense : Generally, shift the tense back one step in time. For example, present tense becomes past tense, present perfect becomes past perfect, etc.

Direct Speech : "I am reading a book," she said.

Indirect Speech : She said that she was reading a book.

3. Use ‘That’ to Introduce the Reported Speech : Often, ‘that’ is used to introduce the reported speech, though it can be omitted in informal contexts.

Direct Speech : "I will finish my homework," he said.

Indirect Speech : He said that he would finish his homework.

4. Adjust Time References : Modify time expressions to reflect the change in context.

Direct Speech : "I will see you tomorrow," she said.

Indirect Speech : She said that she would see me the next day.

5. Maintain the Same Meaning : Ensure the meaning of the speech remains the same even though the wording and structure change.

Direct Speech : "It is raining heavily," she said.

Indirect Speech : She said that it was raining heavily.

6. Change Questions to Statements : Convert questions into statements and use appropriate reporting verbs like ‘ask’ or ‘inquire’.

Direct Speech : "Are you coming to the party?" he asked.

Indirect Speech : He asked if I was coming to the party.

7. Change Imperatives to Infinitives : Commands or requests should be reported with the infinitive form of the verb.

Direct Speech : "Close the door," she said.

Indirect Speech : She told me to close the door.

8. Remove Quotation Marks : In indirect speech, quotation marks are not used since the speech is integrated into the reporting sentence.

9. Adapt Adverbs of Frequency and Place : Adjust adverbs according to the context of the reporting sentence.

Direct Speech : "I always go to the gym," he said.

Indirect Speech : He said that he always went to the gym.

Indirect Speech Narration Rules

When using direct speech in writing or speaking, it’s important to follow specific rules to ensure clarity and accuracy. Direct speech involves quoting the exact words of a speaker, often enclosed in quotation marks. Here are the key rules for direct speech narration:

Use Quotation Marks :

Always enclose the speaker’s exact words within quotation marks.

Example : She said, "I am going to the market."

Punctuation Inside Quotation Marks :

Place punctuation marks (like commas, periods, and question marks) inside the quotation marks.

Example : "Are you coming with me?" she asked.

Capitalise the First Word :

The first word of the quoted speech should always be capitalised, even if it appears in the middle of a sentence.

Example : He replied, "Yes, I will be there."

Reporting Clause Position :

The reporting clause (e.g., "he said," "she asked") can be placed before, after, or in the middle of the direct speech.

Before: He said, "I will help you."

After: "I will help you," he said.

Middle: "I will," he said, "help you."

Use of Comma Before Quotation :

A comma usually separates the reporting clause from the direct speech when the reporting clause comes before or after the speech.

Before: She said, "We need to leave now."

After: "We need to leave now," she said.

New Paragraph for Each Speaker :

Start a new paragraph each time a different person speaks to avoid confusion and improve readability.

"What time is it?" John asked.

"It's almost noon," replied Sarah.

No Comma in Questions or Exclamations :

When the direct speech is a question or exclamation, do not use a comma before the closing quotation marks; use the appropriate punctuation instead.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Wow!" he exclaimed.

Indirect vs. Direct Speech :

Direct speech repeats the exact words of the speaker, whereas indirect speech paraphrases the words without quotation marks.

Direct: He said, "I am tired."

Indirect: He said that he was tired.

Quotes Within Quotes :

If quoting someone who is quoting another person, use single quotation marks inside double quotation marks.

Example : "Did you hear him say, 'I’m not interested'?" she asked.

Avoid Overusing Direct Speech :

While direct speech can add realism and emphasis, overusing it can make writing cluttered. Balance it with narrative to maintain a smooth flow.

Direct and Indirect Speech Rules Chart


Direct Speech

Indirect Speech


Quoting the exact words of the speaker.

Paraphrasing or reporting the speaker's words.

Quotation Marks

Use quotation marks to enclose the speaker's words.

Do not use quotation marks.


Pronouns remain the same as used by the speaker.

Pronouns are changed to suit the perspective of the narrator.

Verb Tense

Usually retains the original tense spoken.

Often changes the tense to reflect the shift in time.


He said, "I am tired."

He said that he was tired.


Punctuation like commas, periods, question marks, etc., are placed inside the quotation marks.

Punctuation is adjusted to fit the new sentence structure.

Reporting Verbs

Common verbs: said, asked, exclaimed, etc.

Common verbs: said, told, asked, inquired, etc.


Typically follows the pattern: [Speaker] + [Verb] + “[Exact Words]”

Follows the pattern: [Speaker] + [Verb] + [that] + [Paraphrased Words]

Example of a Question

He asked, "Are you coming?"

He asked if I was coming.

Contextual Adjustments

No adjustment to time or place references.

Time and place references are often adjusted (e.g., "today" becomes "that day").

Test Your Knowledge on the Topic of Direct Speech

1. Convert the following direct speech into indirect speech:

Direct Speech : "I will call you when I arrive," she said.

2. Rewrite the following indirect speech into direct speech:

Indirect Speech : He asked if I had completed the assignment.

3. Change the following direct speech to indirect speech:

Direct Speech : "Why are you late?" the teacher asked.

4. Transform the following indirect speech into direct speech:

Indirect Speech : She told me that she was going to visit her grandmother.

5. Convert the following direct speech into indirect speech:

Direct Speech : "Please help me with my homework," the student said.

6. Rewrite the following indirect speech into direct speech:

Indirect Speech : They inquired if we had seen the new movie.

7. Change the following direct speech to indirect speech:

Direct Speech : "I am not feeling well," John said.

8. Transform the following indirect speech into direct speech:

Indirect Speech : She asked if I could join her for lunch.

9. Convert the following direct speech into indirect speech:

Direct Speech : "Do you want to go for a walk?" she asked.

10. Rewrite the following indirect speech into direct speech:

Indirect Speech : The manager said that the meeting would be rescheduled for next week.

Find Out if You Got them All Right from the Answers Below.

Indirect Speech: She said that she would call me when she arrived.

Direct Speech: He asked, "Have you completed the assignment?"

Direct Speech: "Why are you late?" the teacher asked.

Direct Speech: She said, "I am going to visit my grandmother."

Indirect Speech: The student requested to be helped with his homework.

Direct Speech: They asked, "Have you seen the new movie?"

Indirect Speech: John said that he was not feeling well.

Direct Speech: She asked, "Can you join me for lunch?"

Indirect Speech: She asked if I wanted to go for a walk.

Direct Speech: The manager said, "The meeting will be rescheduled for next week."

Takeaways from this Page

Direct speech involves quoting the exact words spoken by someone, typically enclosed in quotation marks. It captures the speaker's precise wording and is often used to convey conversations or statements directly.

When converting direct speech to indirect speech, the exact words are paraphrased and typically reported in a way that reflects the original meaning without using quotation marks. This usually involves changing pronouns and verb tenses to fit the context.

In direct speech, the quoted speech is placed within quotation marks. Punctuation marks like commas, periods, question marks, and exclamation points are placed inside the quotation marks if they are part of the quoted material.

Common reporting verbs in direct speech include "said," "asked," "replied," and "exclaimed." These verbs help attribute the quoted speech to the speaker and often precede or follow the quoted text.

Direct speech can be integrated into a narrative by using reporting verbs and appropriate punctuation to indicate the shift between the speaker's words and the narrative context.


FAQs on Direct and Indirect Speech

1. What is Direct Speech?

Direct speech involves quoting the exact words spoken by a person, enclosed in quotation marks. For example, "I’m seeing my brother tomorrow," she said.

2. What is Indirect Speech?

Indirect speech, also known as reported speech, involves paraphrasing what someone has said without using their exact words. The tense usually shifts to the past. For example, She said that she was seeing her brother the following day.

3. How do you convert Direct Speech to Indirect Speech?

To convert direct speech to indirect speech, remove the quotation marks, change the tense to the past, and adjust pronouns and time expressions as needed. For example, "I like chocolates," becomes She said that she liked chocolates.

4. What are the basic rules for converting Direct Speech to Indirect Speech?

The rules include shifting the tense back one step, changing pronouns to match the new perspective, using 'that' as a conjunction, and adjusting time expressions (e.g., "now" becomes "then").

5. What are some examples of Direct Speech?

Examples of direct speech include:

Nirmal said, "There’s a dog outside the window."

Supriya said, "I don’t know!"

"I play basketball," he said.

6. What are some examples of Indirect Speech?

Examples of indirect speech include:

She said that she liked chocolates.

He said that he played basketball every day.

She told me that she had finished her task.

7. How does tense change when converting Direct Speech to Indirect Speech?

When converting direct speech to indirect speech, present tense changes to past tense, past tense changes to past perfect, and future tense changes to "would" or "would have."

8. What changes occur in pronouns when converting Direct Speech to Indirect Speech?

Pronouns are adjusted to reflect the perspective of the reporting speaker. For example, "I am going," in direct speech becomes "He said that he was going," in indirect speech.

9. What is the purpose of using quotation marks in direct speech?

Quotation marks are used in direct speech to enclose the exact words spoken by a person. They clearly indicate what was said by the speaker and distinguish it from the rest of the narrative.

10. How should punctuation be placed in direct speech?

In direct speech, punctuation marks such as commas, periods, and question marks should be placed inside the quotation marks. For example: "Are you coming with me?" she asked.

11. When should you start a new paragraph in direct speech?

You should start a new paragraph each time a different person speaks. This helps avoid confusion and makes it clear to the reader who is speaking.

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Resources teachers, parents and learners can use!

Lesson Plan: Grade 11 Additional Language – direct and indirect speech

Lesson plan title: grade 11 additional language: direct and indirect speech, materials needed:.

  • Textbook with examples of direct and indirect speech
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Projector and screen or interactive whiteboard
  • Printed handouts with practice exercises
  • Laptops or tablets (if available) for online practice
  • Flashcards with sentences for quick conversion practice

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1. Distinguish between direct and indirect speech. 2. Convert sentences from direct to indirect speech accurately and vice versa. 3. Apply the rules of tense changes and pronoun shifts when converting from direct to indirect speech. 4. Use reporting verbs correctly in sentences. 5. Demonstrate understanding through written and oral exercises.


  • Direct Speech : Quoting someone’s exact words.
  • Indirect Speech : Paraphrasing someone’s words.
  • Reporting Verb : The verb used to report what someone has said (e.g., said, told).
  • Tense Shift : Changes in verb tense when converting speech (e.g., present to past).
  • Pronoun Shift : Changes in pronouns to fit indirect speech (e.g., I to he/she).

Previous Learning:

In previous lessons, students have learned about sentence structure and basic tense usage, which are foundational for understanding direct and indirect speech.

Anticipated Challenges and Solutions:

  • Confusion with Tense Changes : Provide a clear chart summarizing rules for tense changes and display it prominently during instruction.
  • Pronoun Shifts : Use consistent examples and targeted practice exercises focusing on this aspect, reinforcing them with peer discussions.

Beginning Activities (10% – 6 minutes):

  • Introduction (3 mins) : Briefly introduce the topic by clearly defining direct and indirect speech and stating the learning objectives. Use an engaging and accessible example to capture student interest.
  • Activating Prior Knowledge (3 mins) : Prompt students to recall and share personal experiences related to reporting someone else’s words. Write an example on the board to visualize their contributions.

Middle Activities (80% – 48 minutes):

  • Direct Instruction (8 mins) : Clearly explain the rules for converting direct speech into indirect speech, detailing the essential components such as tense changes, pronoun shifts, and the use of reporting verbs. Provide illustrative examples on the whiteboard.

Guided Practice (15 mins) :

  • Work through several examples as a class to convert direct to indirect speech and vice versa using flashcards for interactive practice.
  • Discuss common reporting verbs and their applications, ensuring to mention cultural variations in usage when relevant.
  • Divide students into small, diverse groups, ensuring a mix of abilities. Provide each group with a set of sentences to convert from direct to indirect speech, promoting collaborative problem-solving.
  • Facilitate movement among groups to provide personalized support and clarification as needed.
  • Distribute worksheets featuring a variety of direct and indirect speech sentences. Instruct students to convert the sentences independently while applying the discussed rules.
  • Monitor their progress closely during this time and provide immediate feedback.
  • If resources permit, have students use laptops/tablets to engage in an online quiz or game focused on direct and indirect speech. Alternatively, suggest printable quizzes for those without technology access.

End Activities (10% – 6 minutes):

Consolidation (3 mins) : Recap the main learning points of the lesson. Encourage several students to volunteer their converted sentences to foster peer learning and reinforcement.

Exit Ticket (3 mins) : Ask students to write one direct speech sentence along with its indirect speech conversion on a slip of paper for submission as they exit the classroom. This acts as a formative assessment of their learning.

Assessment and Checks for Understanding:

  • Monitor student participation in group activities and during direct instruction to gauge understanding.
  • Evaluate worksheets for accuracy in conversions and adherence to rules.
  • Review exit tickets to assess individual comprehension and identify common misconceptions.

Differentiation Strategies:

  • Struggling Learners : Offer additional one-on-one support during independent practice, using visual aids and simplified handouts. Provide a tiered worksheet approach to match varied learning levels.
  • Advanced Learners : Challenge with complex sentences that feature multiple clauses for conversion and encourage exploration of more nuanced reporting speech forms, perhaps by finding additional examples from literature.

Teaching Notes:

  • Emphasize the significance of context when selecting appropriate reporting verbs.
  • Promote peer teaching as a strategy to reinforce understanding and create a collaborative learning environment.
  • Incorporate culturally relevant examples in the sentences used for practice, ensuring engagement and connection to students’ experiences.

Cross-Curricular Integration:

  • Link to literature by applying dialogue from a novel or play currently being studied in class.
  • Integrate with history by analyzing historical figures’ speeches, converting them into indirect speech.

Inclusive Education:

  • Provide materials in multiple formats, incorporating visual, auditory, and kinesthetic elements to support diverse learning needs.
  • Foster a classroom culture that encourages all students to participate, including creating opportunities for peer support, such as a buddy system.

Formative Assessment:

  • Employ strategic questioning during the direct instruction phase to check for understanding.
  • Conduct frequent check-ins with groups during activities to address misconceptions in real-time.
  • Utilize exit tickets as a concise formative assessment tool to highlight successful understanding and areas needing attention for future lessons.

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  4. Direct and Indirect Speech Rules and Examples »

    direct to indirect speech example

  5. 100 Examples of Direct and Indirect Speech

    direct to indirect speech example

  6. Direct and Indirect Speech: Useful Rules and Examples

    direct to indirect speech example


  1. Indirect Speech

  2. Direct and Indirect speech with example @laxmideogam8340

  3. direct and indirect speech definition and examples

  4. Direct and Indirect speech

  5. Speaking in Style: Mastering Direct and Indirect Speech

  6. Direct speech and indirect speech||Narration ka Example||English grammar


  1. 50 Examples of Direct and Indirect Speech

    Indirect: He inquired how I was. 9. Direct: "I will help you," she promised. Indirect: She promised that she would help me. 10. Direct: "I didn't see him yesterday," Tom confessed. Indirect: Tom confessed that he hadn't seen him the day before. 11. Direct: "I am going to the market," Alex said.

  2. Direct and Indirect Speech: Useful Rules and Examples

    Differences between Direct and Indirect Speech. Change of Pronouns. Change of Tenses. Change of Time and Place References. Converting Direct Speech Into Indirect Speech. Step 1: Remove the Quotation Marks. Step 2: Use a Reporting Verb and a Linker. Step 3: Change the Tense of the Verb. Step 4: Change the Pronouns.

  3. 123 Direct and Indirect Speech Examples and Answers

    Direct Speech and Indirect Speech Examples with "Let". Direct: Mukti said, "Let's go for a walk.". Indirect: Mukti suggested that they should go for a walk. Direct: The inspector said to the constable, "Let the man go.". Indirect: The inspector ordered the constable to let the man go.

  4. 40 Examples of Direct and Indirect Speech Sentences

    Direct And Indirect Speech Examples. While using English, we use direct and indirect speeches quite often. If a sentence is expressed exactly as it came out of the mouth of the person who said it, it becomes a direct speech. However Indirect Speech (also called reported speech) refers to transmitting a sentence that someone has said.

  5. Direct and Indirect Speech Rules with Examples (Updated)

    Rule 4: Direct and Indirect Speech Rules for Present Tense. If the Reporting Verb is in the Present Tense, there is no change in the tense in the Reported Verb when Direct Speech is converted into Indirect Narration. Examples: Direct: Arnab says, "The room is dark.". Indirect: Arnab says that the room is dark.

  6. 100 Reported Speech Examples: How To Change Direct Speech Into Indirect

    Here are the key aspects of converting direct speech into reported speech. Reported Speech: Changing Pronouns. Pronouns are usually changed to match the perspective of the person reporting the speech. For example, "I" in direct speech may become "he" or "she" in reported speech, depending on the context. Here are some example sentences:

  7. Direct To Indirect Speech: Complete Rules With Examples

    Direct speech: Sheila said, "I am meeting my brother tomorrow.". Indirect speech: Sheila said that she was meeting her brother the following day. Here are a few examples of other typical time expressions and how they change: Direct Speech. Indirect Speech. Yesterday. The day before. Now.

  8. Direct and Indirect Speech

    Cha nges in pronoun s. The changes in pronouns in indirect speech depends on the subject and the object of the reporting verb. Rule 1: The first person of reported speech changes based on the subject of the reporting verb. Example: She said, "I watched a movie" can be converted into She said that she had watched a movie.Hence, the first person in the direct speech "I" has become "she ...

  9. Direct and Indirect Speech in English

    Direct speech: Aslam said, "Do not beat him". Indirect speech: Aslam ordered to not beat him. The direct verb is changed according to indirect speech in case order the speaker gives a direct command. Then said will be changed into ordered For example: Direct Speech: The father said to me, "Sit down.".

  10. What is Direct and Indirect Speech with Examples?

    Here is an example: Direct speech: He said, "I am going to the store now.". Indirect speech: He said that he was going to the store then. Notice how "am" changed to "was" and "now" changed to "then". This is because the time and context have shifted from when the speaker originally spoke to when the speaker's words were ...

  11. 100 Direct and Indirect Speech Examples Sentences

    Indirect speech is a bit different, it is when we tell what someone said without quoting them directly. Understanding direct and indirect speech sentences can help us communicate effectively. For example, if someone says, I'm hungry, in indirect speech, we can say, They said they were hungry, in indirect speech.

  12. 100 Examples of direct and indirect speech

    Examples of direct and indirect speech. Direct Speech:-Direct speech is a report of the exact words used by a speaker or writer. Direct speech is usually placed inside quotation marks and accompanied by a reporting verb, signal phrase, or quotative frame. Indirect Speech:-Transferring the sentence that someone else says is called indirect ...

  13. Transformation of Sentence: Direct & Indirect Speech

    A direct speech can be transformed into an indirect speech and vice versa using a suitable reporting verb and a linker depending on the sentence. Let's have an example first. Tina said to me, "Are you busy now?" [direct speech] Tina asked me whether I was busy then. [indirect speech] Direct Speech. Speaker. Reporting verb. Direct speech ...

  14. Direct vs. Indirect Speech

    For example, if the verb in the direct speech is play, after applying backshift, it will change to played in the indirect speech. The following table shows verbs in the direct speech, and their ...

  15. Direct and Indirect Speech Rules and Examples

    Some basic rules for converting direct speech into indirect speech: Rule 1: "No inverted commas." The reported speech does not come into inverted commas or quotation in an indirect speech. Example: Direct: He said, "I have completed my assignments yesterday." Indirect: He said that he had completed his assignments the previous day.

  16. Direct and Indirect speech, Rules, Chart and Exercises

    Rule 8: Direct to indirect speech conversion - punctuations. In Direct speech, the words spoken must start with (") and ends with (.) inside the double inverted commas. All symbols such as question marks, full stops or exclamatory marks should be placed inside the quotes. Examples:

  17. 50 Examples of Direct and Indirect Speech

    Examples of Direct and Indirect Speech. 1. "I am tired," said Jane. Jane said that she was tired. 2. "Can you please pass the salt?" asked Mark. Mark asked if I could please pass the salt. 3. "I love playing the guitar," said Sam.

  18. Direct and Indirect Speech: A Guide With Examples

    This is the simplest way to make indirect speech. Notice the change to the pronoun — the word 'I' from the original sentence changes to 'she' in the reported sentence. This keeps the meaning and intent the same and only slightly changes the words. You can be more flexible though — take a look at the next sentence: My friend said she ...

  19. Direct and Indirect Speech

    Converting Direct to Indirect Speech. 1. Eliminate the quotation marks that enclose the relayed text. 2. Retain the tense of the reporting verb and add the word "that" after it. 3. Change the tense of the verb in the reported speech, if needed. 4. Change the pronouns accordingly.

  20. Direct and Indirect Speech Made Easy: Learn With Real-life Examples and

    Now consider the different grammatical aspects of both. Reporting Speech: The first part of the direct speech is called reporting speech (she says). Reported Speech: The second part of the sentence, which is enclosed in inverted commas or quotation marks, is called reported speech (I am a little bit nervous). Reporting Verb: The verb of the reporting speech is called the reporting verb (says).

  21. Reported Speech in English Grammar

    Changing direct speech to reported speech. When turning direct speech into reported speech, we may have to change all or some of the following: the pronouns; Example: "I would love to see it." → He said (that) he would love to see it. 1st person singular I → 3rd person singular he. information about time and place (see the table at the ...

  22. Direct Speech

    Here are the key rules for direct speech narration: Use Quotation Marks: Always enclose the speaker's exact words within quotation marks. Example: She said, "I am going to the market." Punctuation Inside Quotation Marks: Place punctuation marks (like commas, periods, and question marks) inside the quotation marks.

  23. Lesson Plan: Grade 11 Additional Language

    1. Distinguish between direct and indirect speech. 2. Convert sentences from direct to indirect speech accurately and vice versa. 3. Apply the rules of tense changes and pronoun shifts when converting from direct to indirect speech. 4. Use reporting verbs correctly in sentences. 5. Demonstrate understanding through written and oral exercises ...