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SUNY Maritime Master's Theses

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Rogone, Anthony. Subsea Cables and Their Seminal Importance to Communications.


Determining the Practical Boundaries of Feasibility When Upscaling Uncrewed Surface Vessels for Military and Civilian Applications


Gender Equality is a Maritime Issue: Examining Structural and Social Barriers to Closing the Gender Gap in the Maritime Industry.


Decarbonization Of Shipping


Federal Oversight of the America's Marine Highway Program in Response to the Mandates of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007


The justification for federal assistance in emerging United States surface freight transportation modes: the case for America's Marine Highways


Maritime Cyber Risk Management Process: Case for American Liquefied Gas Carrier


Residual Fuel Oil Market: Risks and Opportunities for the Maritime Sector


COVID-19 and the Fate of the Cruise Industry: A Holistic Answer to Regaining the Public's Trust

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College of Marine Science

Marine Science Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Iron Isotope Transformations in Saanich Inlet , Claire Onak

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Environmental chemical analysis method optimization and application to northwest Cuban marine sediment , Thea R. Bartlett

Time series analysis of Pseudo-nitzschia species composition, domoic acid, and environmental conditions in the Gulf of Maine from 2013-2020 , Christina Chadwick

Exploring the Impact of Eddies on Southern Ocean Biogeochemical Structure using BGC-Argo Float Observations , Nicola J. Guisewhite

Meta-Analysis of United States Seabird Populations Based on Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS) Records (1965–2018) , Savannah Hartman

Stable Isotopic Investigation of the Hydrological Cycle of West-Central Florida , Toedsit Netratanawong

Examining paleoshorelines in the eastern Gulf of Mexico: Insights on sea level history and potential areas of interest for habitat management , Catalina Rubiano

Stable Isotope Analysis on Yellowfin and Blackfin Tuna Eye Lenses Reveals Life History Patterns in the Gulf of Mexico , Kylee M. Rullo

Stable Isotope Analysis of Doryteuthis (Amerigo) pealeii Eye Lenses to Determine Migratory Patterns in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico Using Statoliths for Age Determination , Hannah M. Schwaiger

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

The effects of temperature and oxygen availability on aerobic performance in three coastal shark species; Squalus acanthias, Carcharhinus limbatus, and Carcharhinus leucas , Alyssa M. Andres

Continuous Effort Required to Maintain Populations of Outplanted Acropora cervicornis in the Florida Reef Tract, USA , Tiffany S. Boisvert

Elucidating the Sources Supplying Aerosol Iron, Zinc, and Cadmium to the Surface of the North Pacific Ocean with Stable Isotopes , Zach B. Bunnell

Quantifying Environmental Sensitivity of Marine Resources to Oil Well Blowouts in the Gulf of Mexico , Emily Chancellor

Zooplankton Biodiversity in the Northeast Gulf of Mexico and on the West Florida Shelf from 2005 - 2014 , Megan Ferguson

Coupling 210 Pb and 14 C to constrain carbon burial efficiency of blue carbon ecosystems , Tynisha R. Martin

Empirical and Modeled δ13C and δ15N Isoscapes in the Gulf of Mexico and their Application to Fish Eye Lens Migration Studies , Brianna Michaud

Chronological Accumulation of Microplastics in the Gulf of Mexico and Their Acute Effects on Coral Bleaching , Martina M. Plafcan

Determinations of Chemical Equilibria in Natural Waters Using Spectrophotometric Techniques , Katelyn M. Schockman

Interactions between juvenile estuary-dependent fishes and microalgal dynamics , Ian C. Williams

Ocean Eddies and Frontal Zones in the Gulf of Mexico and Straits of Florida , Yingjun Zhang

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Metabolic Rate, Critical Oxygen Partial Pressure, and Oxygen Supply Capacity of Farfantepenaeus duorarum at their Lower Thermal Limit , Alexandra L. Burns

From River to Sea: Improving Carbon System Measurement Methods for use in Rivers, Estuaries, and Oceans , Ellie Hudson-Heck

Riverine and Estuarine CO2-System Studies on the West Coast of Florida , Christopher S. Moore

Past Ice-Ocean Interactions on the Sabrina Coast shelf, East Antarctica: Deglacial to Recent Paleoenvironmental Insights from Marine Sediments , Kara J. Vadman

Investigating the Recent History of a Changing Planet with Innovative Isotopic Techniques and New Geologic Archives , Ryan A. Venturelli

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Testing the Efficacy of Recompression Tools to Reduce the Discard Mortality of Reef Fishes in the Gulf of Mexico , Oscar E. Ayala

Polychlorinated Biphenyls, Organochlorine Pesticides, and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Snapper (Family Lutjanidae) from Cuba and the Wider Gulf of Mexico , Brigid E. Carr

A Health Evaluation of Gulf of Mexico Golden Tilefish (Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps) and Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) Following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill , Kristina Leigh Deak

A Process-based Approach to Evaluating the Role of Organic Ligands in Trace Metal Cycling in the Marine Environment , Travis Mellett

Investigation of Retention Versus Export of Planktonic Fish Eggs in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico , Bich Vi Viviane Nguyen

Development of a Benthic Foraminifera Based Marine Biotic Index (Foram-AMBI) for the Gulf of Mexico: a Decision Support Tool , Bryan O'Malley

Plio-Pleistocene Antarctic Ice-Ocean Interactions in the Ross Sea , Catherine Prunella

Mechanisms of Carbon Movement and Stabilization in Mangrove Wetlands , Carey Schafer

Hepatobiliary Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Pelagic Fishes of the Gulf of Mexico , Madison R. Schwaab

Analytical Methods and Critical Analyses Supporting Thermodynamically Consistent Characterizations of the Marine CO 2 System , Jonathan D. Sharp

Large Thecosome Pteropods of the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Species Abundance, Spatial and Vertical Distribution With a Temporal Comparison of Shell Thickness , Sarah M. Shedler

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Exposure, Hepatic Accumulation, and Associated Health Impacts in Gulf of Mexico Tilefish (Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps) , Susan M. Snyder

Investigating the Isotope Signatures of Dissolved Iron in the Southern Atlantic Ocean , Brent A. Summers

Modeling Early Life: Ontogenetic Growth and Behavior Affect Population Connectivity in Gulf of Mexico Marine Fish , Kelly Vasbinder

Isotope-Based Methods for Evaluating Fish Trophic Geographies , Julie L. Vecchio

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Use of Spectrofluorometry to Detect Petroleum Hydrocarbons in the Marine Environment , Mary Iris Abercrombie

Can Florida's Springs Coast provide a Potential Refuge for Calcifying Organisms? Evidence from Benthic Foraminifera , Kyle E. Amergian

Iron-Virus Interactions: Development and Testing of the Ferrojan Horse Hypothesis , Chelsea Bonnain

DNA Barcoding of Fish Eggs in the Gulf of Mexico , Makenzie Burrows

Ecological Responses of Seascape Heterogeneity , Dinorah H. Chacin

Species Abundance, Spatial and Vertical Distributionsof Large Heteropods (Pterotracheidae and Carinariidae)in the Northern Gulf of Mexico , Kristine A. Clark

Zooplankton Community Structure in the NE Gulf of Mexico: Impacts of Environmental Variability and the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill , Kate M. Dubickas

Life History Through the Eyes of a Hogfish: Evidence of Trophic Growth and Differential Juvenile Habitat Use , Meaghan E. Faletti

Population Demographics of Golden Tilefish Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps in the Gulf of Mexico , Greta J. Helmueller

Regeneration of Trace Metals During Phytoplankton Decay: An Experimental Study , Adrienne P. Hollister

Estimating Coastal Water Turbidity Using VIIRS Nighttime Measurement , Chih-Wei Huang

Untapped Potential of Gorgonian Octocorals for Detecting Environmental Change in Biscayne National Park, Florida, USA , Selena A. Kupfner Johnson

High-Resolution Investigation of Event Driven Sedimentation: Response and Evolution of the Deepwater Horizon Blowout in the Sedimentary System , Rebekka A. Larson

Variations of Sedimentary Biogenic silica in the Gulf of Mexico during the Deepwater Horizon and IXTOC-I Oil Spill. , Jong Jin Lee

Variations of Global Ocean Salinity from Multiple Gridded Argo Products , Chao Liu

Fish Communities on Natural and Artificial Reefs in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico , Elizabeth C. Viau

Reconstructing Geographic and Trophic Histories of Fish Using Bulk and Compound-Specific Stable Isotopes from Eye Lenses , Amy A. Wallace

Studies of the Long-term Change of Global Mean and Regional Sea Surface Height , Yingli Zhu

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Ecophysiology of Oxygen Supply in Cephalopods , Matthew A. Birk

Remote Estimation of Surface Water p CO 2 in the Gulf of Mexico , Shuangling Chen

Spatial Dynamics and Productivity of a Gulf of Mexico Commercial Reef Fish Fishery Following Large Scale Disturbance and Management Change , Marcy Lynn Cockrell

Quantifying the Probability of Lethal Injury to Florida Manatees Given Characteristics of Collision Events. , B. Lynn Combs

Diversity of ssDNA Phages Related to the Family Microviridae within the Ciona robusta Gut , Alexandria Creasy

Use of a Towed Camera System along the west Florida shelf: A Case Study of the Florida Middle Grounds Benthic Marine Communities , Katie S. Davis

Using Ecosystem-Based Modeling to Describe an Oil Spill and Assess the Long-Term Effects , Lindsey N. Dornberger

Extending Spectrophotometric pHT Measurements in Coastal and Estuarine Environments , Nora Katherine Douglas

Evaluating the use of larval connectivity information in fisheries models and management in the Gulf of Mexico , Michael Drexler

An Interdisciplinary Approach to Understanding Predator-Prey Relationships in a Changing Ocean: From System Design to Education , Ileana M. Freytes-Ortiz

Application of Image Recognition Technology to Foraminiferal Assemblage Analyses , Christian Helmut Gfatter

Evaluation of trace-metal and isotopic records as techniques for tracking lifetime movement patterns in fishes , Jennifer E. Granneman

The Stability of Sand Waves in a Tidally-Influenced Shipping Channel, Tampa Bay, Florida , John Willis Gray

Application of Modern Foraminiferal Assemblages to Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction: Case Studies from Coastal and Shelf Environments , Christian Haller

Integrating Towed Underwater Video with Multibeam Acoustics for Mapping Benthic Habitat and Assessing Reef Fish Communities on the West Florida Shelf , Alexander Ross Ilich

Evaluating Beach Water Quality and Dengue Fever Risk Factors by Satellite Remote Sensing and Artificial Neural Networks , Abdiel Elias Laureano-Rosario

Microbial Associations of Four Species of Algal Symbiont-Bearing Foraminifera from the Florida Reef Tract, USA , Makenna May Martin

Environmental controls on the geochemistry of Globorotalia truncatulinoides in the Gulf of Mexico: Implications for paleoceanographic reconstructions , Caitlin Elizabeth Reynolds

Dormancy in the Amphistegina gibbosa Holobiont: Ecological and Evolutionary Implications for the Foraminifera , Benjamin J. Ross

Optical Remote Sensing of Oil Spills in the Gulf of Mexico , Shaojie Sun

Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Pelagic Sargassum in the Intra-Americas Sea and Atlantic Ocean , Mengqiu Wang

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Packaging of Genetic Material by Gene Transfer Agents (GTAs) Produced by Marine Roseobacter Species and Their Effect on Stimulating Bacterial Growth , Shahd Bader Aljandal

Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Soil Composition and Accumulation Rates in Mangrove Wetlands , Joshua L. Breithaupt

Characterizing Benthic Habitats Using Multibeam Sonar and Towed Underwater Video in Two Marine Protected Areas on the West Florida Shelf, USA , Jennifer L. Brizzolara

Latitudinal Position and Trends of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) and its Relationship with Upwelling in the Southern Caribbean Sea and Global Climate Indices , Kaitlyn E. Colna

Calibration-free Spectrophotometric Measurements of Carbonate Saturation States in Seawater , Erin E. Cuyler

Viruses in marine animals: Discovery, detection, and characterizarion , Elizabeth Fahsbender

Quantity Trumps Quality: Bayesian Statistical Accumulation Modeling Guides Radiocarbon Measurements to Construct a Chronology in Real-time , Devon Robert Firesinger

Characterizing Gross Lesions in Corals on Fringing Reefs of Taiwan and Hainan Island, China , Adrienne George

Reef Fish Biodiversity in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary , Megan E. Hepner

Investigating Marine Resources in the Gulf of Mexico at Multiple Spatial and Temporal Scales of Inquiry , Joshua Paul Kilborn

Southern Ocean Transport by Combining Satellite Altimetry and Temperature/Salinity Profile Data , Michael Kosempa

Role of viruses within metaorganisms: Ciona intestinalis as a model system , Brittany A. Leigh

Evaluating satellite and supercomputing technologies for improved coastal ecosystem assessments , Matthew James Mccarthy

Stable Isotopes in the Eye Lenses of Doryteuthis plei: Exploring Natal Origins and Migratory Patterns in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico , Brenna A. Meath

Genetic Identification and Population Characteristics of Deep-Sea Cephalopod Species in the Gulf of Mexico and Northwestern Atlantic Ocean , Amanda Sosnowski

Investigation of Sediment Ridges Using Bathymetry and Backscatter near Clearwater, Florida , Lewis Stewart

Resolving chronological and temperature constraints on Antarctic deglacial evolution through improved dating methodology , Cristina Subt

Subtropical benthos vary with reef type, depth, and grazing intensity , Kara R. Wall

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Diversity and Distribution of Diatom Endosymbionts in Amphistegina spp. (Foraminifera) Based on Molecular and Morphological Techniques , Kwasi H. Barnes

Abundance of Archaias angulatus on the West Florida Coast Indicates the Influence of Carbonate Alkalinity over Salinity , Sean Thomas Beckwith

Resource Use Overlap in a Native Grouper and Invasive Lionfish , Joseph Schmidt Curtis

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sample thesis title for maritime students

Taking full cognisance of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, IMO’s Strategic Directions and WMU’s strategic plan, a number of research themes have been identified as areas within which the University will seek to achieve and maintain excellence. The Research Priority Areas (RPA) and their key topics for research are described below.

sample thesis title for maritime students

Environmental Impact of Maritime Activities

  • Effects of maritime activities on the natural environment
  • Ways (at policy and operational levels) of limiting and avoiding negative effects of maritime activities
  • The development and implementation of international instruments for the protection of the marine environment
  • Development of new and sustainable practices for the maritime industry

This RPA is linked to one of the most important challenges to humankind in the 21st century - the precarious state of the environment in respect of life due to human activities. The need to ensure that all human activities, not least those in the maritime sector, are undertaken with full cognisance of their effects on the natural environment and with the most sustainable practices, is paramount. The RPA will seek to explore the effects of maritime activities on the natural environment, ways (at policy and operational levels) of limiting and ideally avoiding such effects, and the development of new and sustainable practices for the maritime industry.

Maritime Safety

  • Law, policy and governance influencing maritime safety
  • Accident aetiology and safety modelling
  • Technological trends - contributory and disruptive influences on the maritime industry and vice versa
  • Simulation for ship safety

The maritime transportation system focuses on five subsystems:

  • the transport means (vessels);
  • routes/ways/paths;
  • operators/crew;
  • management of the above 3 (including Vessel Traffic Systems etc.) and
  • legal and administrative oversight.

Each of these contributes to the safety, security and efficiency of maritime traffic flow and to the protection of the marine environment. The current development of the system is characterized by rapid technological development and the implementation of new solutions and innovative operational services which go far beyond the objectives of the e-Navigation concept and, on the one hand allows for enhanced monitoring - even remote controlling of no-crew ships, and on the other hand brings to the fore the urgent need for the development of adequate and appropriate regulatory and ethical frameworks. This all occurs in a context where both the traditional maritime transport system and its rapidly-evolving technological version are inherently high-risk. A primary focus of this RPA is the investigation of advanced and complex concepts and models of safety and their influence on operations at sea and ashore. Furthermore, and taking note of the use of simulation to conduct trials of new operational standards and new equipment, and to train seafarers, the RPA will focus on the developing subject areas of digitalization, artificial intelligence and machine learning in a simulation context. It will examine trends and explore how safety can be improved, addressing maritime safety and security at the levels of policy, legislation, social dynamics (human factors/ergonomics), accident aetiology and how simulators can be used to further improve the safety paradigm of ship operations and the training of seafarers. The research area also covers the increasing disruption by technology of traditional approaches to maritime operations and the consequences of this on operational safety, human factors and labour supply.

Maritime Energy Management

  • Maritime energy policy and governance
  • Economics and social dimensions of energy management
  • Energy management over the life-cycle of ships and in maritime onshore facilities (ports, shipyards)
  • Renewable energy including ocean energy applicable to the maritime industry
  • Marine technology and innovation related to energy
  • The circular economy from a waste reduction and renewable energy perspective

The issues raised in respect of energy management with a view to reducing pollution and generating energy in a sustainable manner requires significant research in understanding current problems, generating innovative approaches to policy making for energy management, the design and operation of vessels with particular reference to the use of renewable sources of energy and to provide valuable insights into how the maritime industry can contribute substantially, and in an accelerated manner, to achieving a low carbon and energy efficient global future. This RPA seeks to advance the knowledge in the Maritime Energy Management field by conducting world-class fundamental and applied research in the thematic areas of energy efficiency, regulatory frameworks, renewable energy, social factors related to energy, the economics of energy and energy-related technology/innovation. The thematic areas will be addressed using a ship life-cycle perspective (design, production, operation and recycling) and in consideration of the impacts of shipping on oceans, through ports and to shipyards.

Maritime Social and Labour Governance

  • Maritime human resource development through education and training
  • Organizational behaviour for optimizing well-being and overall performance
  • Technology - its place in education and training and its impacts on the human element
  • Seafarers and other maritime professionals’ rights and welfare
  • Gender, diversity, and culture in the maritime industry
  • Supply and demand of maritime labour
  • Migration laws and maritime professionals

The human element is at the core of this research area that seeks to better understand organizational behaviour and promote decent working and living conditions in the maritime industries. Given that corporations play an essential role in maritime social governance, research on organizational behaviour focuses on corporation decision-making processes by examining dynamics of corporate interaction, in particular in global networks and supply-chains, and with humans. The research excellence area also seeks to interrogate issues related to individuals and organizations and their development through education, training and organizational learning. It aims to create a better understanding of the interactions between humans and organizations in order to optimize well-being and overall performance and in particular the role of education (as mediated by such factors as the social norms and the evolution of technology) in this regard. The application of behavioural sciences to maritime industries seeks to shed light on the hidden power and educational structures behind corporations with a view to providing tools for achieving a fair maritime social governance paradigm and sustainable economic growth. Such development goals cannot be fully achieved without strengthening the labour and social rights of seafarers and other maritime professionals. The Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, represents a huge step forward in the right direction. Nevertheless, the implementation and application of this international legal framework pose significant challenges and raise empirical and analytical questions across the globe. They do not only concern seafarers, but also other workers, in particular as technological advances and new business models expand the economic uses of the seas, and with them the concept of “the maritime professional”. The research approach to such pressing issues is intended to be socio-legal, dealing with issues of diversity in the labour force, in particular gender issues, corporate governance and labour matters, standard implementation and compliance, public and private enforcement of maritime labour law, and policy development.

Maritime and Marine Technology and Innovation

  • Technological development including digitalization, artificial intelligence, autonomous shipping, big data and its manifestation and effects in the maritime industry e.g. in autonomous vessels, in sustainable energy generation, in education and training etc.
  • Trend analyses of technology and its impact on the maritime industry and society
  • Predictive modelling of technological developments and their impacts e.g. on labour supply and demand
  • Security infrastructure for technological systems - currently focused on cyber-security
  • Fundamental philosophies relating to the sociological phenomena that drive a “technological society”

This Research Priority Area interrogates developments of technology in ship operations (including the evolution of automation and digitalization), education and training (including e-learning), ship safety, information and communication for ship business (e-documentation) and its effect on the social, legislative and administrative dimensions of shipping. The cross-cutting nature of technology and innovation establishes an almost universal link between this RPA and all the other RPAs.

Maritime Economics and Business

  • Global economic and business environments for shipping and ports
  • Shipping market mechanism
  • Financial maritime risk management strategies
  • Optimal maritime investment strategies
  • Efficient and effective port operations and management
  • Shipping and ports as global logistics and supply chain components
  • Optimal ship routing and freight pricing with real-time AIS data
  • The circular economy from a business perspective

The Research Priority Area of maritime economics, business and management, seeks to identify and address knowledge gaps relating to the optimization of shipping, ports and their sustainable management from economic and logistics/supply chain perspectives.

Maritime Law, Policy and Governance

  • Promote the understanding and efficient implementation of maritime legal instruments and attendant administrative mechanisms and related policies
  • Design, formulation, implementation and evaluation of law and policy at international, regional, and national levels
  • Administrative framework for fulfilling national obligations under international treaties
  • Maritime and port security as well as unlawful acts at sea including terrorism, piracy, illegal migration at sea, cyber-security breaches, and illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing
  • Implementation mechanisms e.g. under the legal enforcement regimes prescribed by the IMO, ILO and other UN bodies
  • Unlawful acts in the form of corruption, i.e. facilitation payment, bribery and the promotion of anti-corruption awareness in the industry, together with the industry, NGOs and other UN bodies
  • Application of international law and policy to non-conventional vessels including domestic ferries and fishing vessels
  • The circular economy from a policy and legal perspective

Legislative and administrative frameworks govern the actions and obligations of individuals, organizations, and States. These come not only in the form of limits, restrictions, and standards that enhance safety, security, and environmental protection; these also include promotions and incentives that further the viability of the maritime industry, stimulate the national economy, and ensure the attainment of the UNSDGs. These requirements, standards, and incentives inform policy and are in turn, informed by policy. This RPA focuses on interrogating the maritime legislative and administrative requirements and the policies that are associated with them at the international, regional and national levels. Of particular interest is the inquiry into processes related to the design, formulation, and evaluation of law and policy. This includes examining performance monitoring systems using such tools as benchmarking and auditing. Also of particular importance is the research into implementation mechanisms, e.g., under the legal enforcement regimes prescribed by the IMO, ILO and other UN bodies.

The Maritime Commons: Digital Repository of the World Maritime University


Port Management Dissertations

  • International Transport & Logistics Dissertations
  • Port & Shipping Administration Dissertations
  • Shipping & Port Management Dissertations

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Stakeholder perception of financial incentive in truck appointment systems at Chittagong Port , Suraya Yeasmin Jui. ( Port Management, Bangladesh. )

Assessing Namibian dry ports: a stakeholders-centric evaluation in comparison to contemporary global standards , Phillemon Gabriel Shaningwa Mupupa. ( Port Management, Namibia. )

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

The determination of port automation levels using an analytic hierarchical process : a case study for the Port of Colombo , Waruna Lasantha De Silva Amarathunga. ( Port Management, Sri Lanka. )

A socio-economic analysis of automated container terminal (ACT) concept in Indonesia : case study : New Priok Container Terminal One , Febri Triana Hartami Siagian. ( Port Management, Indonesia. )

A conceptual framework for synchromodol port: an extension of synchromodality from hinterland transport to marine operations , Gautam Suryavanshi. ( Port Management, India. )

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

The governance structure and its impact on port performance: a case of Port of Tema, Ghana , Malik Adams. ( Port Management, Ghana. )

Measuring logistics performance in ports: a case of Alexandria in Egypt , Engy Mahmoud Helmy Awad. ( Port Management, Egypt. )

Port throughput forecasting using ARIMA and OLS regression: case study : Gwangyang port in Korea , Shin Park. ( Port Management, South Korea. )

Container trade and demand for the west coast of Africa: determining the competition and collaboration between six major ports in the region , Ngouye Sougoufara. ( Port Management, Senegal. )

Impact of COVID-19 on port terminal performance in the United States of America , Ian Michael Sulzer. ( Port Management, United States. )

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Green port strategies for sustainable growth and development of ports in Malaysia , Mohammad Yoshikatriezan bin Abeng. ( Port Management, Malaysia. )

The impact of concession agreements as public-private partnership tools on port performance : the case of Tema Port Container Terminal Concession Agreement , Margaret Aidoo Quarcoopome. ( Port Management, Ghana. )

Why and how to reduce port waiting time : a case study of Umm Qasr Port , Walaa Taher Altop. ( Port Management, Iraq. )

Cost and benefit analysis of port projects investment : a case study of Rades Container Terminal (Tunisia) , Houcem Eddine Cherni. ( Port Management, Tunisia. )

Increasing port competitiveness by enhancing logistics performance : a case of Madagascar , Rajoelina Francka Haingomalala. ( Port Management, Madagascar. )

The impact of liner shipping bilateral connectivity on bilateral trade flows : a case of the Republic of Korea , Hyeongseok Kim. ( Port Management, South Korea. )

Analysis of container terminal efficiency: a case study at Phnom Penh Autonomous Port (PPAP) in the Kingdom of Cambodia , Sola Kruy. ( Port Management, Cambodia. )

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

A quantitative analysis on the potential impact of blue economy on developing countries’ economies: the case of Kenya , Willie M. S Andriamahazomandimby. ( Port Management, Madagascar. )

A comparative analysis of dry port developments in developed and developing countries: an implication for Myanmar dry ports , - Aye Nyein Zin. ( Port Management, Myanmar. )

Comparative analysis of the legal framework that regulates the port concession scheme in Colombia and Chile with emphasis on the regulatory functions of the port authority , Simdy Calderon and Reynaldo Rojas. ( Port Management, Colombia. )

Developing a dry port to spatially increase and decongest Banjul Port , Dawda Colley. ( Port Management, Gambia, The. )

Port governance and its impacts on port performance and the economy: a case-study at the Freeport of Monrovia , Aromenia Zinnah Cooper. ( Port Management, Liberia. )

Impact of Umm Qasr port on Iraqi trade: case study of container terminal in Umm Qasr Port , Asaad Saeed Desher. ( Port Management, Iraq. )

An econometric analysis for cargo throughput determinants in Belawan International Container Terminal, Indonesia , Taufik Haris. ( Port Management, Indonesia. )

Future of cruise shipping in Baltic Sea region (BSR) nexus: analysis on circular economy , Fhaysal Khan Jadoon. ( Port Management, Pakistan. )

Assessing the limitations of integrating energy and environmental standards into seaports of small island developing states , Matthew Kensen. ( Port Management, Vanuatu. )

An appraisal of ports to the socio economic development of Cameroon: case of the port of Douala , Munge Mbongalle. ( Port Management, Cameroon. )

Assessing ship ownership opportunities for South Africa based on competitive advantage , Siphosethu Mthembu and Prince Williams. ( Port Management, South Africa. )

An assessment of container terminal efficiency in East Africa ports using data envelopment analysis (DEA): the case of Dar es Salaam & Mombasa ports , Makiri Manase Fredrick Ngangaji. ( Port Management, Tanzania. )

The role of port authority in hybrid governance structure: a comparative case study of Laem Chabang Port and Bangkok Port, Thailand , Yatimaporn Poontai. ( Port Management, Thailand. )

Offshore support vessels market: sales & purchase, and chartering strategies for PSV and AHTS : an evaluation of the influential factors , Juan Manuel Pulido Guzman. ( Port Management, Colombia. )

UNCTAD liner shipping connectivity index and the development strategy of Port of Colombo , Prasad Dumidu Subhawickrama. ( Port Management, Sri Lanka. )

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Performance evaluation and solutions for port congestion focused on the container terminal: a case study of Khalifa bin Salman Port (KBSP) Kingdom of Bahrain , Mohamed Ebrahim A.S. Alhameedi, Abud Jamal Said, and Tri Wahyunita Mudjiono. ( Shipping Management & Logistics, Bahrain, Kenya, Indonesia. )

Developing port marketing strategies: a case study for Bangkok Port, Thailand , Kanchisa Deerod. ( Port Management, Thailand. )

Implementation of lean enterprise and renewable energy in port castries Saint Lucia , Thecla Sabrina Joseph. ( Port Management, Saint Lucia. )

Customer relationship management (CRM),customer satisfaction, loyalty and port performance: a case study of Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) , Egilla Mkawuganga. ( Port Management, Kenya. )

An economic analysis of concentration in port operations: the case of Haiphong Port , Minh Phuong Nguyen. ( Port Management, Vietnam. )

Determining the factors affecting the turnaround time of container vessels: a case study on Port of Colombo , Wajira H.V. Premathilaka. ( Port Management, Sri Lanka. )

The econometric analysis of the factors affecting the revenue of Bangkok Port , Viyada Suriyakul Na Ayudhaya and Praew Ritthirungrat. ( Port Management, Thailand. )

A total factor productivity analysis of a container terminal, Durban, South Africa. , Asanda Isaac Zangwa. ( Port Management, South Africa. )

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

The history of port governance and performance in Namibia: a case of Port of Walvis Bay , Hileni M. Amakali. ( Port Management, Namibia. )

A business case for change management, using "change management return on investment" on the implementation of the ISO-IMS project: a case of Tema port , Joshua Owusu-Ansah. ( Port Management, Ghana. )

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Analysis of productivity in dredging project A case study in Port of Tanjung Perak Surabaya – Indonesia , Tiggi P. Hardya. ( Port Management, Indonesia. )

A forecasting model for container throughput: empirical research for Laem Chabang Port, Thailand , Pitinoot Kotcharat. ( Port Management, Thailand. )

Kandangan dry port project: an option of solution for congestion: case of Lamong Bay Terminal (Surabaya, Indonesia) , Wardhani Pudji Rahmanto. ( Port Management, Indonesia. )

An application of a simulation technique on rail container transport between Laem Chabang Port and Inland Container Depot Ladkrabang, Thailand , Ud Tuntivejakul. ( Port Management, Thailand. )

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

A study on the reasons for sharp decline on the baltic exchange dry index in 2008 , Sung Man Jung. ( Port Management, South Korea. )

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Outsourcing workers in Indonesia Port Corporation II : a cost effective measure in The Procurement Bureau and recommended actions for IPC , Ni Made Devita. ( Port Management, Indonesia. )

The prospects of development of the car carrier industry in China , Yan Liu. ( Port Management, China. )

Development of policy for climate change adaptation for South African ports , Tebogo Abia Mojafi. ( Port Management, South Africa. )

A port marketing strategy in the wake of new shipping alliances : a case study of Busan Port , A. Rum Park. ( Port Management, South Korea. )

Analysis of onshore wind - solar PV - battery bank power generation system development for Toamasina port , Hary Lys Jean Louis Soloniainanirinanandrianina. ( Port Management, Madagascar. )

Evaluation of shipping finished automotive in multimodal containers : a marketing plan for shipping company , Xu Xuan. ( Port Management, China. )

Cost and benefit analysis of shore side electricity in the Port of Tanjung Perak, Indonesia , Oscar Yogi Yustiano. ( Port Management, Indonesia. )

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

An analysis of the creation of a global ship recycling fund in the framework of the Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009 , Gopal Krishna Choudhary. ( Port Management, India. )

Analysis of possibilities the North Aegean Candarli Port of being a regional hub port in the Mediterranean Sea region , Hasan Tarcan. ( Port Management, Turkey. )

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

An analysis of multimodal route via Iraq to the Mediterranean and Europe compared to the Suez Canal , Safaa Abdul Hussein Jaiyz Al Fayyadh. ( Port Management, Iraq. )

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Assessment of alternative maritime power (cold ironing) and its impact on port management and operations. , Richard Fiadomor. ( Port Management, Algeria. )

Transarctic routes : impact and opportunities for ports , Adil Rashid. ( Port Management, Pakistan. )

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

Trade facilitation for landlocked developing countries : a case study of the Palestinian economy , Ashraf Y. A. Abed. ( Port Management, Palestine. )

The impact of distance and service quality on port selection decisions of shippers from West African landlocked countries , Eyalon Fawie. ( Port Management, Togo. )

To determine the potential for Brunei Darussalam Maura container terminal to serve as a transhipment hub for the Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines EAST ASEAN growth area (BIMP-EAGA) region , Helmi Haji Talib. ( Port Management, Brunei. )

Impact of privatization in ports : measuring efficiency through data envelopment analysis and key performance indicators , Nana E. Quansah. ( Port Management, Ghana. )

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

Shiprepair competition : drivers and opportunities , Robert Castrillon Dussan. ( Port Management, Columbia. )

How the Suez Canal can contribute to the reduction of air pollution from ships , Mohamed Moustafa Abbas El Kalla. ( Port Management, Egypt. )

An assessment of the competitiveness level of Elsokhna container terminal in Egypt to the Middle East and east Mediterranean transhipment container market , Mohi Eldin Mohamed Elsayeh Ibrahim Attia. ( Port Management, Egypt. )

An analysis of cruise tourism in the Caribbean and its impact on regional destination ports , Adrian Hilaire. ( Port Management, Saint Lucia. )

Studying the selection of ports on liner routes , Nguyen Khoi Tran. ( Port Management, Vietnam. )

Theses/Dissertations from 2006 2006

A sectoral assessment of the cruise shipping industry and comparative analysis of the cruise markets worldwide : implications and policy imperatives for Indian ports , Vipin Raman Menoth. ( Port Management, India. )

An analysis of the trend in concessions and privatisation in ports : the case of Kenya and Tanzania , Sudi Amani Mwasinago. ( Port Management, Kenya. )

Theses/Dissertations from 2005 2005

Can ports contribute to the economic development of the regions they serve? : an examination of the potential, if any, of using the Kenya Ports Authority as an engine for Kenya's economic recovery and development , Stanley Ndenge Chai. ( Port Management, Kenya. )

Theses/Dissertations from 2004 2004

A comparative study of import transit corridors of landlocked countries in West Africa , Michael Achagwe Luguje. ( Port Management, Ghana. )

Cost comparison between the North-South Corridor [Northern Europe to the Persian Gulf] and the Suez Canal route , Masoud Mohsenpour. ( Port Management, Iran. )

Theses/Dissertations from 2003 2003

Impact of port efficiency and productivity on the economy of Bangladesh : a case study of Chittagong port , Halima Begum. ( Port Management, Bangladesh. )

Analysis of the optimisation of berth allocation : berth allocation with an external terminal facility , H.J.K.U. Kumara. ( Port Management, Sri Lanka. )

A model for measuring quality of port services in a container terminal , Ali Akbar Safaei. ( Port Management, Iran. )

Theses/Dissertations from 2002 2002

Effective cargo and vehicle storage in distribution centers : a case study of Copenhagen Malmö Port (CMP) , Samuel Alphonse Kwame Etsibah. ( Port Management, Ghana. )

Optimising liquefied natural gas [LNG] supply chains : a case study for China , Yang Li. ( Port Management, China. )

Indian port policy imperatives post privatisation , Sudhesh Kumar Shahi. ( Port Management, India. )

Theses/Dissertations from 2001 2001

Valuation of port assets : impact on the financial performance of port and the national economy , Martison Ankobiah. ( Port Management, Ghana. )

Computer assisted economic modelling for establishing value based tariffs. , Lancelot Arnold. ( Port Management, Saint Lucia. )

Increased port productivity and its impact on the Jamaican economy : a case study of Kingston Terminal Operators Limited , Karen Joy Clarke. ( Port Management, Jamaica. )

Port pricing in the era of privatization : a case study of Tema port , Esther Gyebi-Donkor. ( Port Management, Ghana. )

Comparative analysis for choosing a single gateway of seafreight in Scandinavia : a project for Schenker International , Van Vinh Thai. ( Port Management, Vietnam. )

Theses/Dissertations from 2000 2000

Towards a competitive setting for the Port of Aqaba in the new millennium , Salah Abu Afifeh. ( Port Management, Jordan. )

Comparative study on port privatisation : two ports under Port Authority of Thailand : Bangkok port and Laem Chabang port : case study , Noppadol Angkanupong. ( Port Management, Thailand. )

Proposals to transform the Port of Banjul into a transhipment and distribution centre with special emphasis on feedering , Ismaila Malang Bojang. ( Port Management, Gambia, The. )

Value added service strategy for Jakarta International Container Terminal : comparative study of value added services in the ports of Rotterdam, Malmo and Aarhus , Raja Oloan Saut Gurning. ( Port Management, Indonesia. )

Optimum container handling equipment plan in Jakarta International Container Terminal (JICT) : a quantitative model using interger linear programming , Andi Isnovandiono. ( Port Management, Indonesia. )

Improvement of port operation, service efficiency and competitiveness, in order to meet the logistical needs of clients : a case study of Bangkok port container terminals , Jiravich Klomperee. ( Port Management, Thailand. )

Investigation on the possible causes of declining dry cargo throughput at Dar-es-Salam port , Nelly Kyejo Mtaki. ( Port Management, Tanzania. )

Analysis and evaluation of restructuring of the operation system in the conventional terminal in the Port of Tanjung Priok , Guna Mulyana. ( Port Management, Indonesia. )

Grain and fertilizer handling GBHL terminal : an analysis of its impact on port fraternity and its post effects on bulk traffic through the port of Mombasa , Evelyn Umazi Mwamure. ( Port Management, Kenya. )

Analysis of customers complaints, 1995-1999, for the improvement of port services in Mombasa [Kenya] , Rose Atieno Nyalwal. ( Port Management, Kenya. )

A cash flow analysis approach to privatisation : case study of Klaipeda Stevedoring Company , Andrius Saveikis. ( Port Management, Lithuania. )

Cargo handling equipment productivity analysis of the Chittagong Port Authority [Bangladesh] , A.S.M. Shahjahan. ( Port Management, Bangladesh. )

Hispaniola : a maritime city for the next century : a feasibility economic study for the construction of a container terminal in the south part of the island , Pedro Jeremias Vega Medina. ( Port Management, Dominican Republic. )

A techno-economic study of liquefied natural gas transportation : a prospective to develop India's first import terminal , Neelima Vyas. ( Port Management, India. )

Analysis and evaluation of the impact of privatisation on the performance of container handling equipment in Jakarta International Container Terminal (JICT), Indonesia , Kartiko Yuwono. ( Port Management, Indonesia. )

Theses/Dissertations from 1999 1999

Privatisation of Kenya Ports Authority : its socio-economic impact , Mwambire Alii. ( Port Management, Kenya. )

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The motivations and expectations of students pursuing maritime education

Profile image of Yui Lau

2015, WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs

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What is the best title thesis for marine transportation student?

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What is the best title thesis for marine engineering student?

it must be related to your profession either it about your uniform comparing to the other schools.. or addiction on how maritime student spend their vacant time or about the machines used by the ship.

What is the resume title?

The title is your name. Then go on from there.

What is meant by title in HTML?

The title in HTML would be referring to the HTML title tag. This is a meta tag that sits at the top of your web page. The title tag is displayed at the top of your browser to indicate the name of the page you are viewing. The page title tag is also used by the search engines to label a specific page. Example: <HTML> <head> <title>This Page Title</title> </head> </HTML>

What does title undefined mean on a message from webpage?

It means you never put in your title. I will give you an example, make sure to put it in your body section. <title>Welcome to my website!</title>

Is a title a text features?

A title is a real text dueture


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Thesis and dissertation filing guidelines

Students who have enrolled in dissertation or thesis credits will prepare a manuscript to publish through ProQuest/UMI Dissertation Publishing. You own and retain the copyright to your manuscript. The Graduate School collects the manuscript via electronic submissions only. All manuscripts are made available through ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database (PQDT), in ProQuest/UMI’s Dissertation Abstracts International, and through the University’s institutional repository, ScholarWorks.

Getting started with campus resources:

  • Office of Human Research Protection
  • Campus computer Help Desk @One : (775) 682-5000
  • ProQuest Help Line: (877) 408-5027 (8 a.m. - 5 p.m. ET, or 5 a.m. - 2 p.m. PT)
  • For specific questions, call the Graduate School Graduation staff at (775) 784-6869

Jump to a section

  • Important dates and milestones for graduating students
  • Electronic manuscript submission
  • Checklist to complete your electronic submission
  • Instructions for completing thesis/dissertation committee approval page
  • Formatting your dissertation or thesis
  • Templates, samples and forms for filing

1. Important dates and milestones for graduating students

  • Contact your advisor to discuss department considerations and potential dates for your defense.
  • Contact the Graduate School to ensure your progression paperwork has been approved.
  • View important dates and purchase a graduation application through MyNevada for your graduation semester.
  • Doctoral students must submit their dissertation title for the commencement program.
  • Schedule defense date with the entire advisory committee in accordance with graduation deadlines.
  • Submit all forms and final manuscripts to the Graduate School by established deadlines.

2. Electronic Manuscript submission

ProQuest electronic submission site

Set up an account with ProQuest and wait for a password sent via email. ProQuest offers email and phone support,   1-877-408-5027 , frequently asked questions, etc. Visit the site early to familiarize yourself with the submission process.

3. Checklist to complete your electronic submission

  • Master's  Notice of Completion and Doctoral Notice of Completion Form  - This form includes all committee signatures AND the Graduate Program Director’s signature.
  • Master's Final Review Approval and Doctoral Final Review Approval   Form - This form serves as the final approval from your advisor. The Graduate School will accept the dissertation/thesis after the date listed on the form. The approval date on the form indicates the student’s submission can be accepted.
  • Committee Approval Page   - Use the online Word document template (NO SIGNATURES and no page number). This page will be merged into your manuscript to acknowledge committee members.
  • Filing for Copyright Registration   (optional) - Students have the opportunity to register a copyright of their graduate work with the U.S. Copyright Office. It is strictly optional, and there is a $75.00 fee associated with the service, which is paid online with student submission.
  • Processing fee  - $85 thesis / $95 dissertation.  Log into your Student Center in MyNEVADA . Under the Finances section, click on the link “Purchase Miscellaneous Items.” Select the applicable processing fee to pay (Dissertation or Thesis) and complete the transaction. You will receive a receipt that generates overnight.  Please keep this item as proof of payment for your records. Our office will automatically check for payment posted.
  • NSF Survey of Earned Doctorates  – For  doctoral students only.

4. Instructions for completing thesis/dissertation committee approval page

  • The Committee Approval Page (see forms links at bottom of page ): This interactive template has established borders.
  • Use the accompanying template on page two of this handout to complete the Committee Approval form. Check spelling carefully and make sure that case (upper-case/capital and lower-case letters) and font style (regular or bold) follow the template. Spacing between lines will depend on how long your thesis/dissertation title is and how many committee members you have.
  • Type the words as they appear on the template, i.e., on the first line “We recommend that the thesis/dissertation”, followed by the second line “prepared under our supervision by.”
  • At brackets [1] enter your full name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS and BOLD-FACED.
  • Type the word “entitled” all in lowercase letters.
  • At brackets [2] enter the complete title of your thesis/dissertation. The title should be in both CAPITAL and lower-case letters and must be Bold-Faced. If the title is long, use two or more lines, breaking the lines at appropriate words in the title. Do not hyphenate between lines.
  • Type the words “be accepted in partial fulfillment of the,” and then, on the next line, “requirements for the degree of.”
  • At brackets [3] enter the name of the degree being awarded, e.g., for Ph.D. enter “Doctor of Philosophy,” for Ed.D. enter “Doctor of Education”. The degree should be in all CAPITAL LETTERS and Bold-Faced. DO NOT enter the name of the graduate program, such as anthropology or economics.
  • At brackets [4] type the full name of your thesis/dissertation advisor followed by his/her degree, followed by the word “Advisor”. For example, “Sonia A. Skakich, Ph.D., Advisor”. Use both capital and lowercase letters.
  • Enter the subsequent committee members and type the full names of the rest of your committee members followed by their degrees and their roles in the committee (Committee Member or Graduate School Rep.) under each one. Use one line for each member. The Graduate School Representative should be the last committee member listed. Use both capital and lowercase letters.
  • The last entry is reserved for the Dean of the Graduate School (which is already entered on the form).
  • At brackets [5] enter the month and year of official graduation. The month must be May, August, or December. Enter the appropriate four-digit designation of the year (e.g., 2018).

5. Formatting your dissertation or thesis

The Graduate School requires standardized formatting for the dissertation and thesis documents. Students will follow a style guide (APA, MLA, etc.) to prepare their document; however, the document must comply with University formatting requirements listed below.

Margins and spacing

  • Left margin: 1.5” from the left edge of the page.
  • Right margin: 1.0” from the right edge of the page.
  • Top margin: 1.0” from the top edge of the page.
  • Bottom margin: 1.25” from the bottom edge of the page.
  • All text should be double-spaced with the exception of captions, footnotes, long quotations, bibliographic entries of more than one line, and materials in tables and appendices.

Recommended fonts

Fonts should be easy to read. Times New Roman, Arial, or a similarly clear font is preferred; type size must be 10, 11, or 12 points. Script and italic typefaces are not acceptable except where absolutely necessary i.e. in Latin designations of species, etc.

In preparing your dissertation or thesis for electronic submission, you must embed all fonts. In Microsoft Word 2013, this is done by accessing the FILE menu; selecting OPTIONS, select SAVE. From the SAVE menu check the box labeled, ”Embed fonts in the file.” If the file size is a concern, check the box next to “Do NOT embed common system fonts."

Large tables, charts, etc., may be reduced to conform to page size, but the print must remain clear enough to be readable. You can also attach a PDF for electronic submissions.

Page numbering

Every page, with the exception of the title page, the copyright page, and the committee approval page is numbered in the upper right-hand corner, one-half inch from the top of the page and one inch from the right edge of the page. Do not underline or place a period after the number. Do not use a running header.

  • The prefatory materials (abstract, acknowledgments, table of contents, etc.) are numbered in lower case Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv…). Insert a section break after the Roman numerals to create different page numbering styles.
  • The first page of the main text and all subsequent pages are continuously numbered in Arabic numerals beginning with one until the final page number (1, 2, 3, 4…)
  • Do NOT number appendices or pages of additional material with numbers such as 4a or A-1.

Tables and appendices

Tables and appendices are part of the document and must conform to the same margin and page numbering requirements.

Format and sequence of pages

Assemble pages in the following order:

  • Title page *no page number* (create according to the example provided)
  • Copyright Notice *no page number* (optional - see example)
  • Committee Approval Page *no page number* (use the online template available on our   forms page – NO SIGNATURES on this page)
  • Abstract (begins lowercase Roman numerals i, ii, iii…)
  • Dedication (optional)
  • Acknowledgments (optional)
  • Table of Contents
  • List of Tables
  • List of Figures
  • Body of Manuscript (begins Arabic numbering 1, 2, 3…)
  • Back Matter (appendices, notes, bibliography, etc.)
  • Do not number the title page
  • Center each line of type
  • Use BOLD text type for the manuscript title
  • The date listed is the month and year in which you will graduate. The only acceptable months are May, August, and December (graduation cycles).

Copyright page

No page number on this page. Although not required, we strongly recommend you insert a copyright notice in your manuscript following the title page. Essential components of the copyright notice include the copyright symbol, full legal name of the author, and year of first publication. Follow the format of the sample provided below.

Committee approval page

  • No page number on this page
  • Use the electronic PDF template provided below. This page will list the advisory committee members and graduate dean but will NOT include committee signatures.   Combine the PDF into your manuscript to form a single PDF file.  To do this in Adobe Pro, select "Organize pages," "Insert," and "From file."   
  • A window will open and you can drag your separate PDF files into this window to combine them into a single file.
  • Choose the PDF documents in order of page sequencing (title page, committee page, main manuscript) and then combine files into a single PDF.

(Lower case Roman numeral “i” page number)

Abstracts are required for all theses and dissertations. ProQuest no longer has a word limit on the abstract, “as this constrains your ability to describe your research in a section that is accessible to search engines, and therefore would constrain potential exposure of your work.” ProQuest does publish print indices that include citations and abstracts of all dissertations and theses published by ProQuest/UMI. These print indices require word limits of 350 words for doctoral dissertations and 150 words for master’s theses (only text will be included in the abstract). You may wish to limit the length of your abstract if this concerns you. The abstracts as you submit them will NOT be altered in your published manuscript.

Processing note

Each copy of your thesis or dissertation will be checked for margins, clarity of copy, and pagination. The Graduate School will run the manuscript through the Turn It In plagiarism tool.

Electronically submitted theses/dissertations are available in electronic format only; no hard copies will be produced. Students are responsible for binding any copies for personal use or for distribution to their advisor, department, or committee members.

Dissertation & Thesis Processing Fee

Mandatory processing fees are required for all theses ($85.00) and all dissertations ($95.00). Log into your Student Center in MyNEVADA. Under the Finances section, click on the link “Purchase Miscellaneous Items.” Select the applicable processing fee to pay (Dissertation or Thesis) and complete the transaction. You will receive a receipt that generates overnight.  Please keep this item as proof of payment for your records. Our office will automatically check for payment posted.

Using copyrighted materials

You must certify in ProQuest that any copyrighted material used in your work, beyond brief excerpts, is with the written permission of the copyright owner. Attach copies of permission letters to the agreement form.

Copyright registration (optional)

Students have the opportunity to register a copyright on their graduate work with the U.S. Copyright Office. It is strictly optional, and there is a $75.00 fee associated with the service. Students submitting electronically pay online. Paying for the claim to copyright is a voluntary action, which allows a court of law to award monetary damages if the copyright is infringed. You may file a Registration of Copyright yourself by sending a properly completed application form, a nonrefundable filing fee of $45.00 and a nonreturnable copy of your thesis or dissertation to the United States Copyright Office. Application materials and instructions are available from:

Register of Copyrights Copyright Office Library of Congress Washington, D.C. 20559-6000 Information is also available at the Copyright Office’s website:   lcweb.loc.gov/copyright

ScholarWorks repository

ScholarWorks - the University's institutional repository - assists in collecting, preserving, and distributing the university's intellectual output accessible to end-users on local and global levels with few if any barriers. The repository will provide long-term access to the items deposited and can accept works from all the University faculty/staff/students. A wide variety of items including Articles, Datasets, Presentations, Technical Reports, Thesis and Dissertations, Posters, Conference Papers, etc. in all file formats can be deposited into the repository. The repository supports creative commons licensing and open-access publishing without any cost.

The discovery services and search engine optimizations ensure that major search engines easily discover the uploaded content. This increases the visibility, citations, and overall impact of the research. All items deposited in the repository receive a persistent URL that can be used for citations. Various statistics are collected with the built-in statistics module and Google Analytics modules. Information on monthly/yearly views, number of downloads, demographic information, etc. is available for each deposited item upon request.

All the ETDs uploaded into ProQuest are automatically deposited into the University's ScholarWorks repository. The embargo period set in ProQuest during deposit is carried over to the ScholarWorks repository. Any changes to the embargo period after deposit can be made by contacting ProQuest at 1-800-521-0600 as well as the ScholarWorks administrator at [email protected] .

Scholarworks FAQ

Do I need to upload my ETD into the ScholarWorks repository?

  • No, ProQuest will automatically upload the ETD into ScholarWorks on approval from the Graduate School.

Can I extend the embargo period on my Thesis/Dissertation after uploading it to ProQuest?

  • Yes, to change or extend the embargo period of your ETD you need to contact ProQuest at 1-800-521-0600 and the ScholarWorks administrator at [email protected] .

Can I make my ETD open access in the ScholarWorks repository?

  • Yes, ScholarWorks supports open access with creative commons licensing. It is available as a free service to all the faculty/staff/students.

Alternative formatting for thesis or dissertation

These guidelines apply to those theses or dissertations which consist of a number of papers either previously published or being published concurrently with the submission of the thesis or dissertation. Acceptance and publication of the articles are not criteria for this alternative. Each of the papers should constitute a separate chapter of the overall work. Preceding the papers should be an introductory section. This section may be one or more chapters but should include:

  • an overall introduction to the thesis/dissertation,
  • a review of the appropriate literature, and
  • a description of the methodology used in the study.

The student’s advisory committee should determine the format and specific content of this introductory section.

The number of individual papers constituting chapters of the thesis/dissertation is determined by the student’s advisory committee. These chapters may be formatted in the same style required by the journals to which they are to be submitted. However, the margins must conform to those of the overall thesis, i.e. left margin = 1.5"; right margin = 1"; top margin = 1"; bottom margin = 1.25". In addition, each page must be numbered consistent with the rest of the thesis/dissertation, that is, the first page of text is numbered 1 with each subsequent page numbered consecutively until the end, to include all appendices, indexes, etc.

Following the chapters consisting of individual papers, there must follow a summary, conclusions and recommendations section. This section may be formatted as one or more chapters.

Work reported in the articles should represent a major contribution by the student that is the review of the literature, the conceptual framework and/or research design for the reported work. The statistical analyses, summaries, conclusions, and recommendations should represent the student’s own work.

For publication purposes, other researchers may be named as additional authors. This would be especially appropriate when publication is dependent upon extensive revision of the initial manuscript submitted and the faculty involved assumes responsibility for the revisions, or when the student is using an existing database.

When a student chooses this option, the articles will be submitted to the journals agreed upon by the concerned academic unit. Responsibility for follow-up, revisions, etc., should be identified in a written document and agreed upon by the student and faculty member(s) involved.

6. Templates, samples and forms

Please be sure to read the above instructions before proceeding with documents.

Forms for filing a master's thesis   Forms for filing a doctoral dissertation

Thesis filing templates and samples

  • Committee Approval page for 3-member committee (TEMPLATE)
  • Committee Approval page for 3-member committee with co-advisor (TEMPLATE)
  • Committee Approval page for 4-member committee (TEMPLATE)
  • Committee Approval page for 4-member committee with co-advisor (TEMPLATE)

Sample pages

  • Thesis Title page (SAMPLE)
  • Thesis Copyright page (SAMPLE)
  • Thesis Committee approval page (SAMPLE)

Dissertation filing templates, samples and Survey of Earned Doctorates

  • Committee Approval page  for 5-member committee (TEMPLATE)
  • Committee Approval page  for  5-member committee with co-advisor (TEMPLATE)
  • Committee Approval page  for 6-member committee (TEMPLATE)
  • Committee Approval page  for 6 -member committee with co-advisor (TEMPLATE)
  • Dissertation Title page (SAMPLE)
  • Dissertation Copyright page (SAMPLE)
  • Dissertation Committee approval page (SAMPLE)

Survey of Earned Doctorates

  • Survey of Earned Doctorates  - The Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED) is an annual census conducted since 1957 of all individuals receiving a research doctorate from an accredited U.S. institution in a given academic year. The SED is sponsored by the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) within the National Science Foundation (NSF) and by three other federal agencies: the National Institutes of Health, Department of Education, and National Endowment for the Humanities. The SED collects information on the doctoral recipient's educational history, demographic characteristics, and postgraduation plans. Results are used to assess characteristics of the doctoral population and trends in doctoral education and degrees. Read more about the purpose and methods of the SED .


  1. Sample Thesis Title For Maritime Students

    Sample Thesis Title for Maritime Students - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document discusses the challenges faced by maritime students in crafting theses. Some of the primary challenges include narrowing down topics from the vast field of maritime studies and meeting the rigorous research and academic standards.

  2. World Maritime University Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2023. PDF. Law and policy in combatting piracy by maritime enforcement agencies: a Nigerian perspective, Sadiq Abubakar. (Maritime Law & Policy, Nigeria.) PDF. Regional organisations as a mechanism to ensure maritime safety and security: the case of the Southern Africa Development Community-SADC, Elcidio Agostinho.

  3. PDF Level of Awareness of The Maritime Students on The Outcomes Based Education

    INTRODUCTION. Outcome-based education is an approach to education in which decisions about the curriculum are driven by the exit learning outcomes that the students should display at the end of the course (Davis, 2003). Concerns that the education system cannot adequately prepare students for life and work in the 21st Century have prompted ...

  4. World Maritime University Ph.D. Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2024. The Practice of Small Island Developing States on the Consent Regime for Marine Scientific Research: Developing and Reframing the Law of the Sea in Changing Circumstances, Luciana Fernandes Coelho. (Ph.D (Maritime Affairs), Brazil.) Gender inequality in the practice of international marine science: case study on ...

  5. (PDF) Relationship Between Maritime Students' Attitude towards School

    The variables related to teaching and learning process are positively correlated with the academic performance which signifies that those Maritime students with higher positive attitude towards ...

  6. SUNY Maritime Master's Theses

    The main goal of this Thesis is to analyze the modern and critical issue of shipping decarbonization providing an analytic approach on crucial questions which affect the global shipping nowadays. According to recent studies, the maritime industry is accountable for more than 85% of the world's trade.

  7. Marine Science Theses and Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2023. Environmental chemical analysis method optimization and application to northwest Cuban marine sediment, Thea R. Bartlett. Time series analysis of Pseudo-nitzschia species composition, domoic acid, and environmental conditions in the Gulf of Maine from 2013-2020, Christina Chadwick.

  8. Pursuing maritime education: An empirical study of students' profiles

    The sample includes 150 students of bachelor studies in the field of nautical and maritime transport, ship engineering, and marine electrical engineering. View Show abstract

  9. Maritime Education & Training Dissertations

    Follow. Theses/Dissertations from 2023 PDF. Analysis of the pros and cons of the acquisition of training ships by METIs, Jeremiah Yaw Frimpong.(Maritime Education & Training, Ghana.PDF. Interrogating the state of application of technology within the Malawi Maritime Force as maritime expression : a task-technology fit approach, Gift William Kamwendo.(Maritime Education & Training, Malawi.

  10. PDF Maritime Management students 2011

    Lindell who studies the national maritime students who began their studies in the fall of 2011. 1.1 Goals of the Study The aim of this thesis is to find out the social background of new Maritime Manage-ment students and where they got the information about the industry. Also it is good

  11. Research Priority Areas

    Priority Areas. Taking full cognisance of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, IMO's Strategic Directions and WMU's strategic plan, a number of research themes have been identified as areas within which the University will seek to achieve and maintain excellence. The Research Priority Areas (RPA) and their key topics for research are ...

  12. (PDF) Pursuing maritime education: an empirical study of students

    Methodology A questionnaire survey was conducted to the intended study sample, focusing on (i) first year; and (ii) final year undergraduate students. To facilitate comparisons, questionnaires were also distributed to postgraduate students who are pursuing master's maritime programmes, so as to create the database mentioned in the last ...

  13. PDF Academic Performance of Freshmen Maritime Students: Perspective ...

    Academic Performance of Freshmen Maritime Students: Perspective for Policy Formulation on Student's Development. Marcos C. Taberdo, Jr.1, Ana Liza G. Taberdo2. College of Marine Transportation, Philippine Merchant Marine Academy, San Narciso, Zambales, Philippines 2205 [email protected], [email protected].

  14. (Pdf) Level of Awareness of The Maritime Students on The Outcomes Based

    The research study used descriptive method in order to know the level of awareness of the maritime students on the outcome-based education (Caguitla, M., et.al. 2011) ISSN-L: 2307-3713, ISSN: 2307-3721 Participants The respondents of the study were sixty (60) Maritime Students of Lyceum International Maritime Academy enrolled in Second Semester ...

  15. (PDF) Student Development Practices of one Maritime Education

    Vol. 3 No. 1, 38-44. June 2017. P-ISSN: 2423-2033. E-ISSN: 2467-513X. [email protected]. www.apjme.apjmr.com. Abstract - Maritime education institutions are considered important training ...

  16. Thesis Topics For Maritime Students

    Thesis Topics for Maritime Students - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document discusses the challenges students face when choosing and writing a thesis topic for maritime studies. It notes the vastness of the maritime industry and the many potential areas of interest to explore, but selecting a topic can be overwhelming given the variety of ...

  17. Port Management Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2021. PDF. The governance structure and its impact on port performance: a case of Port of Tema, Ghana, Malik Adams. (Port Management, Ghana.) PDF. Measuring logistics performance in ports: a case of Alexandria in Egypt, Engy Mahmoud Helmy Awad. (Port Management, Egypt.) PDF.

  18. (PDF) The motivations and expectations of students pursuing maritime

    Motivations and expectations of maritime students 315 a need for maritime programs to adopt a wider strategic view, as opposed to a narrow, operational view (Mangan et al. 2001). In this paper, we understand maritime education as an interdisciplinary academic field that embraces ship management, humankind's critical monolithic skills, and ...

  19. Sample Thesis For Maritime Students

    Sample Thesis for Maritime Students - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document discusses the challenges of writing a thesis for maritime students and introduces HelpWriting.net as a solution. It states that crafting a comprehensive thesis that meets academic standards while addressing maritime studies can be an arduous task due to the extensive ...

  20. Hot Research Topics for Maritime

    5. Terrorism, piracy and cybersecurity prevention and protection. 6. Wind energy as renewable energy source (wave, current, tidal, salinity are no effective alternative till now). 7. Autonomous ...

  21. Research topics and trends in the maritime transport: A structural

    A structural topic model (STM) is adopted to analyze the research themes and trends in the maritime literature. STM is a text mining-based methodology to uncover main topics from large-scale unstructured textual data. In total, 3199 articles published between Jan 1991 and Aug 2020 were collected and analyzed.

  22. What is the best title thesis for marine transportation student?

    The parts of a thesis title defense typically include an oral presentation where the student presents their research findings, methodology, and conclusions to a panel of experts.

  23. Research Topics and Trends in the Maritime Transport: a Structural

    A structural topic model (STM) is adopted to analyze the research themes and trends in the maritime literature. STM is a text mining-based methodology to uncover main topics from large-scale ...

  24. Thesis and Doctoral Filing Guidelines

    Students who have enrolled in dissertation or thesis credits will prepare a manuscript to publish through ProQuest/UMI Dissertation Publishing. You own and retain the copyright to your manuscript. The Graduate School collects the manuscript via electronic submissions only. All manuscripts are made ...