How to Write a Book Report in the 4th Grade

Gerri blanc.

Tell others how you feel about a book by writing a book report.

Elementary school helps children learn the basics in a wide range of subjects. In the fourth grade especially, children begin to learn how to write about more abstract ideas than ever before in their education. One such writing endeavor most fourth-graders have to perform involves reading a book and writing a report about it. Because children of this age have the ability to read and tackle more dynamic themes and ideas, a book report helps them demonstrate their comprehension of the book as well as their interest in it.

Think about the book and write down a list of things you liked and things you did not like about it. To make this easier, create a table that clearly shows which things you liked and disliked. If you did not like the characters, write "characters" underneath the “Disliked” section. If you liked the description of the setting, write “setting” underneath the “Liked” section. This table can help you later when you begin writing.

Start the report with a paragraph that describes the basic parts of the book. For example, you can write who wrote the book, where the book takes place and what genre the book falls under, such as horror, fantasy or adventure.

Describe the setting of the book in a paragraph. Write about the places in the book where most of the action takes place. For instance, if many scenes take place in a jungle, describe the jungle briefly. If you need to, you can look through the book to jog your memory.

Explain the personalities of the characters in a paragraph. Focus on the main characters--especially the protagonist and the antagonist--of the story by describing any important physical attributes and how they respond to other characters.

Summarize the plot of the book, focusing on the most essential moments of the story. These include any events that present obstacles for the characters to overcome. You also want to detail any crucial information in the book that matters to the overall understanding of the plot. Remember that you need to tell how the book started, what the characters faced in terms of struggles and how or if the characters overcame their obstacles.

Write a paragraph detailing the basic themes or ideas of the book. This part enables you to look more deeply into what you read. Some sample themes include forbidden love for the play “Romeo and Juliet,” injustice for the novel “To Kill a Mockingbird,” and friendship for the book “Anne of Green Gables.” Remember to describe why you decided on the themes you came up with so that the reader of your report understands the book better.

Discuss your feelings about the book in a short paragraph. Tell what you thought of the book by talking about the parts that you liked and disliked. Write about what you saw as the shortcomings and the good aspects of the book.

  • 1 Info Please: How to Write a Book Report (Upper Elementary School level)
  • 2 Family Education: Writing Good Book Reports

About the Author

Gerri Blanc began her professional writing career in 2007 and has collaborated in the research and writing of the book "The Fairy Shrimp Chronicles," published in 2009. Blanc holds a Bachelor of Arts in literature and culture from the University of California, Merced.

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Blessed Homeschool

How to Write a Book Report (+ a FREE Step-by-Step Printable for Your Kids)

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We read a lot of books (homeschool moms, can you relate?). Right now, we are reading the Harry Potter series together as a family, and as my kids have grown, it’s been fun to see them become more interested in reading for fun. As part of our homeschooling this year, we have been learning how to write a book report, which has been a great way for me to evaluate how well my kids are understanding what they read.

My son is in 3rd grade this year and recently had a book report as one of his assignments in English. While there were a couple of steps given to him, he struggled with the process and actually putting the book report together. So I decided to create a step-by-step book report printable to help him learn how to write a book report.

I hope these printables will be a big help to your kids, too! They will walk your kids through the steps of organizing their book report, writing a draft, revising and proofreading, and writing a final copy. Plus, I’ve included a rubric for you that you can use to give helpful feedback if you’d like.

Not only will this template help your kids learn how to write a book report, but they will be fun to add to your homeschool portfolio and look back on in the future.

Why Should You Use Book Reports in Your Homeschool?

Writing a book report or using an organizer to respond to what they have read is a great way to help your kids with their reading comprehension . It’s also fun to see their unique writing styles come to light and learn what they think about the books they have read.

Plus, I have found that incorporating book reports into our homeschool is a fun way for my kids to practice their writing skills because they get to write about a book they have loved. My son doesn’t necessarily love to write, so making the writing topic interesting is really important in our current season.

They also will obviously get to practice their handwriting, and you can include an oral presentation component if you’d like to as well!

Teach Your Kids How to Write a Book Report

A book report is just what it sounds like – a detailed report your kids will write after reading a book. In the report, they will give a summary of the book and share some of the important plot points, as well as share their opinion of the book.

When my son first attempted to do his book report from his English assignment, he struggled with what to write, and how to pull it all together in one cohesive report. I wanted to really lay out the process for him, to break it down into manageable steps .

Writing book reports can be a great way to help your kids with their reading comprehension, writing skills, and handwriting. Teach your kids how to write a book report in easy, manageable chunks with this step-by-step template.

If your child is new to writing book reports, I would recommend doing the first one together . Choose a book you have been reading aloud as a family (or a new one to read together), so you can then walk through the template and process with them.

If you are reading the book together, model how to take notes of important characters and plot points as you read . These notes will be great to reference later when writing the report.

Once you are finished reading and taking notes, grab your book report template and work through the process of putting together the report ( this printable makes it so easy! ).

My Book Report Template for Kids

There are many options out there with ideas for creative and different styles of book reports (I love these ideas from We Are Teachers), but if you are looking for a simple way for your elementary-aged student to organize their thoughts into a basic book report, these are for you.

The pages include:

  • 2 Book Report Planning Pages where your kids will organize their thoughts about the main characters, important plot events, and what they learned and liked about the book. They will also have space to draw out their favorite scene from the story.
  • First Draft Pages where they will write a rough draft. These sheets also include checklists that will walk them through the revision and proofreading process.
  • My Book Report Pages where your kids will write their final copy of their book report.
  • Book Report Rubric which is a sheet you can use to offer comments and suggestions on their work, if desired.
  • Reading Log page that your kids can use to keep track of what they are reading (great for your homeschool record keeping as well!)

book report instructions 4th grade

Using a template like this will help your kids organize their thoughts in the planning pages, so it’s easier for them to put the final review together. They will see all of the important parts that need to go into their book reports, which will help them learn how to write effective reviews and recommendations.

book report instructions 4th grade

Printable Book Report Template

I’d love for this book report template to be a blessing to you and your family as well! Grab it below when you join my subscriber list – I love to send out freebies, homeschool tips, inspiration and more as I go through my own homeschooling journey.

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And if you love all of those, take a peek at my shop where I share some other helpful printables I’ve created for your home and homeschool.

Drop a comment below and let me know – what are some of your kid’s favorite books they have read, or what are they reading now?

book report instructions 4th grade

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How We Do Book Reports- 4th Grade Literature

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What do you do for literature? Do you do book reports for 4th grade?

This year, after discussing with our teacher, we decided to take a different approach to the traditional comprehension questions by focusing on book reports instead.

Marc doesn’t like writing, and writing composition is difficult for him. So, book reports aren’t one of his strong points yet, even though he is a capable reader and his comprehension is great.

4th grade book report templates and tips

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We chose these four books for literature in 4th grade:

  • Around the World in 80 Days
  • Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH
  • Charlotte’s Web
  • Lincoln and His Boys

I was a bit confused as to what a book report entailed until our teacher sent us some samples. I managed to create a “process” that works for us, which enabled me to “hold his hand” and make sure he gets the most out of it. Here’s how we do it:

Step 1: Read the book

The first step is obviously reading the book. I planned the year so he would read a long and a shorter book per semester. We started with Around the World in 80 Days because it was the longest. It was full of descriptions in Jules Verne’s style that tired Marc after a while, but he managed to finish it and, surprisingly, he liked it so much that he listened to the audiobook versions of all Jules Verne’s famous books!

To avoid reading fatigue, I split the book into bits, asking him to read 3 chapters per week. This worked great because he didn’t need to do much at once. I did that for all the books, but if he wants to read them faster, I am okay with that, too. He finished Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH in a week.

Ideally, I would have asked him questions after every chapter or given him small writing assignments every few chapters. However, because this was the first year we were doing it and I didn’t want it to be overwhelming (or push him into hating reading), I just let him read as he pleased.

4th grade book reports - book choices

Step 2: Listen to the audiobook and see the movie (if available)

I got this idea because I stumbled upon the Audible Audiobooks for some of the books we needed to read. We played them at night, as bedtime stories.

They are so worth it! Here’s a list of the ones available:

  • Around the World in 80 Days – on Audible. If you want to listen to this book, buy this version! It was a delight to listen to, with all the characters coming to life.
  • Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH – on Audible. Another beautiful audiobook, unabridged.
  • Charlotte’s Web – on Audible. You have to get this version narrated by Meryl Streep, we LOVED IT!

I also rented the movies I could find from Amazon Prime. You can either rent them, buy them, or buy the DVDs depending on where you are in the world.

  • Around the World in 80 Days – you can buy the DVDs from Amazon or, if you have a USA card, you can rent the movie.
  • The Secret of NIMH – Amazon DVD or Prime.
  • Charlotte’s Web – DVDs or Prime video from Amazon

By listening to the audiobooks and watching the movies after reading the original book, we could discuss the differences. It was a great exercise for Marc, and I used this opportunity to tell him never to judge a book by its movie.

4th grade book report examples and templates

Step 3: Make an outline of your book reports

The third step actually meant that I would get more involved. We usually start with diagramming and writing down the main idea and supporting details.

I used some teacher guides to help me, and Marc either filled them in or I just asked some questions to see his comprehension. The best ones for our books were:

  • Around the World in 80 Days Guide – FREE pdf
  • Lincoln and His Boys Guide – FREE pdf
  • Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH Guide – Amazon (I got the Kindle version)
  • Charlotte’s Web Guide – from Amazon

Then, I take a piece of paper and start asking him step-by-step questions. As he answers them, I write them down for him. After we are done, we read it together, make tweaks, and bring it to a final form.

This is the step where I help him the most, and I hope that in time he will get used to creating his own outlines and first drafts.

Book reports 4th grade first draft

Step 4: Book reports – final form

We are actually going to submit two final forms: one is handwritten by Marc, and one is typed.

I created our 4th grade book report template in a PDF form for anyone who wants to download it below:

4th grade book report template PDF

The second one is a typed one. This one takes forever to type because Marc is still not used to all the keys, but I saw it as a good opportunity to use the computer in a practical way and let him learn things freely, as we go.

He is learning how to research information about the author online, how to extract it and reword it, how to look for and save images, how to edit a text on a computer, how to print, and more.

4th grade book report example - around the world in 80 days

I also created a full guide for elementary-aged kids to show them book reports can be fun where I talked about the importance of book reports and provide them with more guides (for grades 2-5). If you want, you can check it out below:

Step 5: Grading and presentation

I am required to use a rubric for grading his reports, and our teacher from Bridgeway Academy was kind enough to send me one. We just love how helpful she is!

At this point, I am checking for comprehension, ability to remember details, and ability to detect the main idea. I am less concerned about him being able to put it all together because I realize it’s a long process that we will continue over the years, and he will get better at it by seeing it modeled.

I would have liked to make him present the whole project to us, but I felt like it would be too much. Maybe from next year, we will start working on this aspect as well.

IMG 6311 2 scaled

How do you approach book reports in your home? Let me know in the comments.

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I'm a homeschool mom and photographer that loves reading, traveling and writing about our homeschool adventures.

I live in Europe with my 13-year-old son who is a handful to raise and educate. He is gifted in STEM and my opposite in every way. So life is never boring for us.

I've been homeschooling for 7 years ⭐️ now and I feel I still have so much to explore and learn but at the same time, I've gathered a lot of information during these years.

I want to share my ideas and discoveries with you and I love talking to other homeschool parents and learning from them.

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How to Write a Book Report

Use the links below to jump directly to any section of this guide:

Book Report Fundamentals

Preparing to write, an overview of the book report format, how to write the main body of a book report, how to write a conclusion to a book report, reading comprehension and book reports, book report resources for teachers .

Book reports remain a key educational assessment tool from elementary school through college. Sitting down to close read and critique texts for their content and form is a lifelong skill, one that benefits all of us well beyond our school years. With the help of this guide, you’ll develop your reading comprehension and note-taking skills. You’ll also find resources to guide you through the process of writing a book report, step-by-step, from choosing a book and reading actively to revising your work. Resources for teachers are also included, from creative assignment ideas to sample rubrics.

Book reports follow general rules for composition, yet are distinct from other types of writing assignments. Central to book reports are plot summaries, analyses of characters and themes, and concluding opinions. This format differs from an argumentative essay or critical research paper, in which impartiality and objectivity is encouraged. Differences also exist between book reports and book reviews, who do not share the same intent and audience. Here, you’ll learn the basics of what a book report is and is not.

What Is a Book Report?

"Book Report" ( ThoughtCo )

This article, written by a professor emeritus of rhetoric and English, describes the defining characteristics of book reports and offers observations on how they are composed.

"Writing a Book Report" (Purdue OWL)

Purdue’s Online Writing Lab outlines the steps in writing a book report, from keeping track of major characters as you read to providing adequate summary material.

"How to Write a Book Report" ( Your Dictionary )

This article provides another helpful guide to writing a book report, offering suggestions on taking notes and writing an outline before drafting. 

"How to Write a Successful Book Report" ( ThoughtCo )

Another post from ThoughtCo., this article highlights the ten steps for book report success. It was written by an academic advisor and college enrollment counselor.

What’s the Difference Between a Book Report and an Essay?

"Differences Between a Book Report & Essay Writing" ( Classroom)

In this article from the education resource Classroom,  you'll learn the differences and similarities between book reports and essay writing.

"Differences Between a Book Report and Essay Writing" (

In this post from a Seattle newspaper's website, memoirist Christopher Cascio highlights how book report and essay writing differ.

"The Difference Between Essays and Reports" (Solent Online Learning)

This PDF from Southampton Solent University includes a chart demonstrating the differences between essays and reports. Though it is geared toward university students, it will help students of all levels understand the differing purposes of reports and analytical essays.

What’s the Difference Between a Book Report and a Book Review?

"How to Write a Book Review and a Book Report" (Concordia Univ.)

The library at Concordia University offers this helpful guide to writing book report and book reviews. It defines differences between the two, then presents components that both forms share.

"Book Reviews" (Univ. of North Carolina)

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s writing guide shows the step-by-step process of writing book reviews, offering a contrast to the composition of book reports.

Active reading and thoughtful preparation before you begin your book report are necessary components of crafting a successful piece of writing. Here, you’ll find tips and resources to help you learn how to select the right book, decide which format is best for your report, and outline your main points.

Selecting and Finding a Book

"30 Best Books for Elementary Readers" (

This article from lists 30 engaging books for students from kindergarten through fifth grade. It was written by Esme Raji Codell, a teacher, author, and children's literature specialist.

"How to Choose a Good Book for a Report (Middle School)" (WikiHow)

This WikiHow article offers suggestions for middle schoolers on how to choose the right book for a report, from getting started early on the search process to making sure you understand the assignment's requirements.

"Best Book-Report Books for Middle Schoolers" (Common Sense Media)

Common Sense Media has compiled this list of 25 of the best books for middle school book reports. For younger students, the article suggests you check out the site's "50 Books All Kids Should Read Before They're 12."

"50 Books to Read in High School" (Lexington Public Library)

The Lexington, Kentucky Public Library has prepared this list to inspire high school students to choose the right book. It includes both classics and more modern favorites.

The Online Computer Library Center's catalogue helps you locate books in libraries near you, having itemized the collections of 72,000 libraries in 170 countries.

Formats of Book Reports

"Format for Writing a Book Report" ( Your Dictionary )

Here, Your Dictionary supplies guidelines for the basic book report format. It describes what you'll want to include in the heading, and what information to include in the introductory paragraph. Be sure to check these guidelines against your teacher's requirements.

"The Good Old Book Report" (Scholastic)

Nancy Barile’s blog post for Scholastic lists the questions students from middle through high school should address in their book reports.

How to Write an Outline

"Writer’s Web: Creating Outlines" (Univ. of Richmond)

The University of Richmond’s Writing Center shows how you can make use of micro and macro outlines to organize your argument.

"Why and How to Create a Useful Outline" (Purdue OWL)

Purdue’s Online Writing Lab demonstrates how outlines can help you organize your report, then teaches you how to create outlines.

"Creating an Outline" (EasyBib)

EasyBib, a website that generates bibliographies, offers sample outlines and tips for creating your own. The article encourages you to think about transitions and grouping your notes.

"How to Write an Outline: 4 Ways to Organize Your Thoughts" (Grammarly)

This blog post from a professional writer explains the advantages of using an outline, and presents different ways to gather your thoughts before writing.

In this section, you’ll find resources that offer an overview of how to write a book report, including first steps in preparing the introduction. A good book report's introduction hooks the reader with strong opening sentences and provides a preview of where the report is going.

"Step-by-Step Outline for a Book Report" ( Classroom )

This article from Classroom furnishes students with a guide to the stages of writing a book report, from writing the rough draft to revising.

"Your Roadmap to a Better Book Report" ( Time4Writing )

Time4Writing offers tips for outlining your book report, and describes all of the information that the introduction, body, and conclusion should include.

"How to Start a Book Report" ( ThoughtCo)

This ThoughtCo. post, another by academic advisor and college enrollment counselor Grace Fleming, demonstrates how to write a pithy introduction to your book report.

"How to Write an Introduction for a Book Report" ( Classroom )

This brief but helpful post from Classroom  details what makes a good book report introduction, down to the level of individual sentences.

The body paragraphs of your book report accomplish several goals: they describe the plot, delve more deeply into the characters and themes that make the book unique, and include quotations and examples from the book. Below are some resources to help you succeed in summarizing and analyzing your chosen text.

Plot Summary and Description

"How Do You Write a Plot Summary?" ( Reference )

This short article presents the goals of writing a plot summary, and suggests a word limit. It emphasizes that you should stick to the main points and avoid including too many specific details, such as what a particular character wears.

"How to Write a Plot for a Book Report" ( The Pen & The Pad )

In this article from a resource website for writers, Patricia Harrelson outlines what information to include in a plot summary for a book report. 

"How to Write a Book Summary" (WikiHow)

Using Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone as an example, this WikiHow article demonstrates how to write a plot summary one step at a time.

Analyzing Characters and Themes

"How to Write a Character Analysis Book Report" ( The Pen & The Pad )

Kristine Tucker shows how to write a book report focusing on character. You can take her suggestions as they are, or consider  incorporating them into the more traditional book report format.

"How to Write a Character Analysis" (YouTube)

The SixMinuteScholar Channel utilizes analysis of the film  Finding Nemo to show you how to delve deeply into character, prioritizing inference over judgment.

"How to Define Theme" ( The Editor's Blog )

Fiction editor Beth Hill contributes an extended definition of theme. She also provides examples of common themes, such as "life is fragile."

"How to Find the Theme of a Book or Short Story" ( ThoughtCo )

This blog post from ThoughtCo. clarifies the definition of theme in relation to symbolism, plot, and moral. It also offers examples of themes in literature, such as love, death, and good vs. evil.

Selecting and Integrating Quotations

"How to Choose and Use Quotations" (Santa Barbara City College)

This guide from a college writing center will help you choose which quotations to use in your book report, and how to blend quotations with your own words.

"Guidelines for Incorporating Quotes" (Ashford Univ.)

This PDF from Ashford University's Writing Center introduces the ICE method for incorporating quotations: introduce, cite, explain.

"Quote Integration" (YouTube)

This video from The Write Way YouTube channel illustrates how to integrate quotations into writing, and also explains how to cite those quotations.

"Using Literary Quotations" (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison)

This guide from the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Writing Center helps you emphasize your analysis of a quotation, and explains how to incorporate quotations into your text.

Conclusions to any type of paper are notoriously tricky to write. Here, you’ll learn some creative ways to tie up loose ends in your report and express your own opinion of the book you read. This open space for sharing opinions that are not grounded in critical research is an element that often distinguishes book reports from other types of writing.

"How to Write a Conclusion for a Book Report" ( Classroom )

This brief article from the education resource  Classroom illustrates the essential points you should make in a book report conclusion.

"Conclusions" (Univ. of North Carolina)

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Writing Center lays out strategies for writing effective conclusions. Though the article is geared toward analytical essay conclusions, the tips offered here will also help you write a strong book report.

"Ending the Essay: Conclusions" (Harvard College Writing Center)

Pat Bellanca’s article for Harvard University’s Writing Center presents ways to conclude essays, along with tips. Again, these are suggestions for concluding analytical essays that can also be used to tie up a book report's loose ends.

Reading closely and in an engaged manner is the strong foundation upon which all good book reports are built. The resources below will give you a picture of what active reading looks like, and offer strategies to assess and improve your reading comprehension. Further, you’ll learn how to take notes—or “annotate” your text—making it easier to find important information as you write.

How to Be an Active Reader

"Active Reading Strategies: Remember and Analyze What You Read" (Princeton Univ.)

Princeton University’s McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning recommends ten strategies for active reading, and includes sample diagrams.

"Active Reading" (Open Univ.)

The Open University offers these techniques for reading actively alongside video examples. The author emphasizes that you should read for comprehension—not simply to finish the book as quickly as possible.

"7 Active Reading Strategies for Students" ( ThoughtCo )

In this post, Grace Fleming outlines seven methods for active reading. Her suggestions include identifying unfamiliar words and finding the main idea. 

"5 Active Reading Strategies for Textbook Assignments" (YouTube)

Thomas Frank’s seven-minute video demonstrates how you can retain the most important information from long and dense reading material.

Assessing Your Reading Comprehension

"Macmillan Readers Level Test" (MacMillan)

Take this online, interactive test from a publishing company to find out your reading level. You'll be asked a number of questions related to grammar and vocabulary.

"Reading Comprehension Practice Test" (ACCUPLACER)

ACCUPLACER is a placement test from The College Board. This 20-question practice test will help you see what information you retain after reading short passages.

"Reading Comprehension" ( English Maven )

The English Maven site has aggregated exercises and tests at various reading levels so you can quiz your reading comprehension skills.

How to Improve Your Reading Comprehension

"5 Tips for Improving Reading Comprehension" ( ThoughtCo )

ThoughtCo. recommends five tips to increase your reading comprehension ability, including reading with tools such as highlighters, and developing new vocabulary.

"How to Improve Reading Comprehension: 8 Expert Tips" (PrepScholar)

This blog post from PrepScholar provides ideas for improving your reading comprehension, from expanding your vocabulary to discussing texts with friends.

CrashCourse video: "Reading Assignments" (YouTube)

This CrashCourse video equips you with tools to read more effectively. It will help you determine how much material you need to read, and what strategies you can use to absorb what you read.

"Improving Reading Comprehension" ( Education Corner )

From a pre-reading survey through post-reading review, Education Corner  walks you through steps to improve reading comprehension.

Methods of In-text Annotation

"The Writing Process: Annotating a Text" (Hunter College)

This article from Hunter College’s Rockowitz Writing Center outlines how to take notes on a text and provides samples of annotation.

"How To Annotate Text While Reading" (YouTube)

This video from the SchoolHabits YouTube channel presents eleven annotation techniques you can use for better reading comprehension.

"5 Ways To Annotate Your Books" ( Book Riot )

This article from the Book Riot  blog highlights five efficient annotation methods that will save you time and protect your books from becoming cluttered with unnecessary markings.

"How Do You Annotate Your Books?" ( Epic Reads )

This post from Epic Reads highlights how different annotation methods work for different people, and showcases classic methods from sticky notes to keeping a reading notebook.

Students at every grade level can benefit from writing book reports, which sharpen critical reading skills. Here, we've aggregated sources to help you plan book report assignments and develop rubrics for written and oral book reports. You’ll also find alternative book report assessment ideas that move beyond the traditional formats.

Teaching Elementary School Students How to Write Book Reports

"Book Reports" ( Unique Teaching Resources )

These reading templates courtesy of Unique Teaching Resources make great visual aids for elementary school students writing their first book reports.

"Elementary Level Book Report Template" ( Teach Beside Me )

This   printable book report template from a teacher-turned-homeschooler is simple, classic, and effective. It asks basic questions, such as "who are the main characters?" and "how did you feel about the main characters?"

"Book Reports" ( ABC Teach )

ABC Teach ’s resource directory includes printables for book reports on various subjects at different grade levels, such as a middle school biography book report form and a "retelling a story" elementary book report template.

"Reading Worksheets" ( Busy Teacher's Cafe )

This page from Busy Teachers’ Cafe contains book report templates alongside reading comprehension and other language arts worksheets.

Teaching Middle School and High School Students How to Write Book Reports

"How to Write a Book Report: Middle and High School Level" ( Fact Monster)

Fact Monster ’s Homework Center discusses each section of a book report, and explains how to evaluate and analyze books based on genre for students in middle and high school.

"Middle School Outline Template for Book Report" (Trinity Catholic School)

This PDF outline template breaks the book report down into manageable sections for seventh and eighth graders by asking for specific information in each paragraph.

"Forms for Writing a Book Report for High School" ( Classroom )

In this article for Classroom,  Elizabeth Thomas describes what content high schoolers should focus on when writing their book reports.

"Forms for Writing a Book Report for High School" ( The Pen & The Pad )

Kori Morgan outlines techniques for adapting the book report assignment to the high school level in this post for The Pen & The Pad .

"High School Book Lists and Report Guidelines" (Highland Hall Waldorf School)

These sample report formats, grading paradigms, and tips are collected by Highland Hall Waldorf School. Attached are book lists by high school grade level.

Sample Rubrics

"Book Review Rubric Editable" (Teachers Pay Teachers)

This free resource from Teachers Pay Teachers allows you to edit your book report rubric to the specifications of your assignment and the grade level you teach.

"Book Review Rubric" (Winton Woods)

This PDF rubric from a city school district includes directions to take the assignment long-term, with follow-up exercises through school quarters.

"Multimedia Book Report Rubric" ( Midlink Magazine )

Perfect for oral book reports, this PDF rubric from North Carolina State University's Midlink Magazine  will help you evaluate your students’ spoken presentations.

Creative Book Report Assignments

"25 Book Report Alternatives" (Scholastic)

This article from the Scholastic website lists creative alternatives to the standard book report for pre-kindergarteners through high schoolers.

"Fresh Ideas for Creative Book Reports" ( Education World )

Education World offers nearly 50 alternative book report ideas in this article, from a book report sandwich to a character trait diagram.

"A Dozen Ways to Make Amazingly Creative Book Reports" ( We Are Teachers )

This post from We Are Teachers puts the spotlight on integrating visual arts into literary study through multimedia book report ideas.

"More Ideas Than You’ll Ever Use for Book Reports" (

This list from includes over 300 ideas for book report assignments, from "interviewing" a character to preparing a travel brochure to the location in which the book is set.

"Fifty Alternatives to the Book Report" (National Council of Teachers of English)

In this PDF resource from the NCTE's  English Journal,  Diana Mitchell offers assignment ideas ranging from character astrology signs to a character alphabet.

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A Beginner's Guide to Writing a Book Report (with Examples)

Last Updated: June 25, 2024 Fact Checked

  • Researching
  • Drafting the Report
  • Reviewing & Revising

Sample Book Reports & Summaries

Expert q&a.

This article was co-authored by Jake Adams and by wikiHow staff writer, Raven Minyard, BA . Jake Adams is an academic tutor and the owner of Simplifi EDU, a Santa Monica, California based online tutoring business offering learning resources and online tutors for academic subjects K-College, SAT & ACT prep, and college admissions applications. With over 14 years of professional tutoring experience, Jake is dedicated to providing his clients the very best online tutoring experience and access to a network of excellent undergraduate and graduate-level tutors from top colleges all over the nation. Jake holds a BS in International Business and Marketing from Pepperdine University. There are 8 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,424,679 times.

A book report is a short essay that summarizes and analyzes a work of fiction or nonfiction. Writing a book report may not seem fun at first, but it gives you a great chance to fully understand a work and its author. In this article, we’ll teach you everything you need to know about how to write a book report, from choosing a book and outlining to drafting and editing your final paper.

Things You Should Know

  • Read the entire book and take notes on important themes, characters, and events. Use your notes to create an outline with evidence that supports your analysis.
  • Include the title and author in your intro, then summarize the plot, main characters, and setting of the book.
  • Analyze the author’s writing style, as well as the main themes and arguments of the book. Include quotes and examples to support your statements.

Researching Your Book Report

Step 1 Follow the requirements of your assignment.

  • For example, find out if your teacher wants you to include citations, such as page numbers from the book, in your report.
  • Ask your teacher how much of your paper to devote to summary versus analysis. Most book reports are direct summaries with objective analysis rather than your personal opinions. In contrast, a book review or commentary is more opinion-driven.

Jake Adams

  • Some popular books for book reports include To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Animal Farm by George Orwell, and The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. Choose a book at your grade level.

Step 3 Write down the key elements of the book.

  • Author: Who wrote the book? Do you know any other works by this author?
  • Genre: Is the book fiction or nonfiction? If it’s fiction, is it historical, fantasy, horror, etc.? If it’s nonfiction, is it a biography, memoir, science, etc.?
  • Audience: Who would find this book appealing? Is it intended for a specific age range or gender? Do you typically enjoy books like this?
  • Title: Does the title catch your interest? Does it fit well with the book’s content?
  • Book Cover/Illustrations: What does the book cover convey and does it accurately represent the book? How do you feel when you look at it? If the book has illustrations, what are they and do they hold your interest?

Step 4 Read the entire book.

  • Take breaks while reading to keep your attention sharp. Try to find a pace that is comfortable for you. If you get distracted after 15 minutes, read in 15-minute intervals. If you can go an hour, read for an hour at a time.
  • Give yourself enough time to read the entire book. It’s very difficult to write a book report if you’ve just skimmed over everything. Don’t procrastinate!
  • Don’t trust online book summaries. You can’t guarantee that they are accurate or true to the text.

Step 5 Take careful notes when reading.

  • For example, look for a sentence that clearly describes a main setting in the book, such as “The castle was gloomy and made out of large black stones.”

Outlining Your Book Report

Step 1 Create an outline.

  • Introduction: Introduce the title, author, and publication information. Include a brief overview of the book’s genre and main theme, and state your purpose for writing the report.
  • Summary: Concisely summarize the plot or central idea, highlighting main events, characters, and conflicts. Focus on important aspects while avoiding spoilers.
  • Analysis and Evaluation: Evaluate the author’s writing style and use of literary devices, like foreshadowing, metaphors, imagery, etc. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the book and use quotes and examples from the text.
  • Themes and Messages: Identify the book’s main themes or messages and how they develop through the course of the book. Provide specific quotes and examples.
  • Character Analysis: Analyze the main characters in the book, their development, and their relationships. Explain their motivations, personalities, and significance to the story. Provide examples and quotes to support your analysis.
  • Personal Reflection: Depending on your teacher’s instructions, you might share your personal opinions and discuss what you liked and disliked about the book. Reflect on how the book relates to broader themes or issues.
  • Conclusion: Summarize your main points and conclude with your final thoughts or reflections on the book.
  • Bibliography: If required, include a works cited page or bibliography listing all the sources you used to write your book report.
  • Outlining takes time, but it saves you more time once you reach the editing stage.
  • Some people prefer to outline with pen and paper, while others just type up a list on the computer. Choose the method that works best for you.

Step 2 Intermix examples and quotations from the text.

  • Be careful not to overuse quotes. If it seems like every other line is a quote, try to dial back. Aim to include a maximum of one quotation per paragraph. Quotes and examples should still take a backseat to your summary.

Step 3 Don’t try to cover everything.

  • For example, you’ll likely need to focus primarily on discussing the most important characters or the characters that appear most frequently in the text.
  • When you are finished with your outline, go back through it to see if it makes sense. If the paragraphs don’t flow into one another, move them around or add/delete new ones until they do.
  • Also, check to see if your outline covers all of the major elements of the book, such as the plot, characters, and setting.

Writing Your Book Report

Step 1 Open with an informative intro paragraph.

  • For example, a sentence summary might state, “This book is about the main character’s journey to Africa and what she learns on her travels.”
  • Don’t take up too much space with your introduction. In general, an introduction should be 3-6 sentences long, though in rare cases, they may be longer or shorter.

Step 2 Describe the book’s setting.

  • Use vivid language when you can and include plenty of details. For example, you might write, “The farm was surrounded by rolling hills.”

Step 3 Include a general plot summary.

  • For instance, if the main character moves to Africa, you might describe what happens before the move, how the move goes, and how they settle in once they arrive.

Step 4 Introduce the main characters.

  • For example, you might write that the main character is “a middle-aged woman who enjoys the finer things in life, such as designer clothes.” Then, connect this description to the plot summary by describing how her views change after her travels, if they do.
  • Expect to introduce the characters in the same sentences and paragraphs as the plot introduction.

Step 5 Examine main themes and/or arguments in your body paragraphs.

  • You might write, “The author argues that travel gives you a new perspective. That is why her main characters all seem happier and more grounded after visiting new places.”
  • For fiction, determine if the author is using the story to pass along a certain moral or lesson. For example, a book about an underdog athlete could encourage readers to take chances to pursue their dreams.

Step 6 Comment on the writing style and tone.

  • For example, an author who uses lots of slang terms is probably going for a hip, approachable style.

Step 7 Write a concise conclusion.

  • Some teachers require, or strongly suggest, that you include the author’s name and the book title in your concluding paragraph.
  • When writing a conclusion , don’t introduce any new thoughts. Any important points should be made in your body paragraphs. Save the space for your recap.

Step 8 Include a bibliography, if required.

Reviewing and Revising Your Book Report

Step 1 Edit your paper.

  • Before you submit your paper, make sure that you’ve spelled the author’s name and any character names correctly.
  • Don’t trust your computer’s spell check to catch all the errors for you. Spell check can be helpful, but it isn’t perfect and can make mistakes.

Step 2 Ask someone else to read it.

  • If you’re nervous about asking, try saying something like “It would be great if you could go over my book report and make sure that it reads smoothly.”
  • Remember, no one’s first draft is perfect, so don’t get upset if someone suggests you do something differently. They want to help make your report the best it can be, so don’t take constructive criticism personally.

Step 3 Polish your final draft.

  • For example, double-check that you are using the correct font, font size, and margins.
  • Once you've finished proofreading, revising, and checking that you've addressed all the requirements, you're ready to submit your book report!

book report instructions 4th grade

  • Even though your book report is your own work, avoid using “I” too much. It can make your writing feel choppy. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • It might be tempting to watch the movie or read the online notes instead of reading the book. Resist this urge! Your teacher will be able to tell the difference. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

Tips from our Readers

  • Calm down and walk around if you get too frustrated while writing. If you write a book report while angry, you're more likely to misspell things!
  • Choose a unique book. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson is an absolute no. Everyone chooses those. Try something different!
  • Write when anything comes to mind! You don't want to lose your ideas!

book report instructions 4th grade

  • Give yourself plenty of time to write your report. Don’t wait until the last minute or you may feel rushed. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0
  • Stealing or using another person’s work is considered plagiarism and academic dishonesty. Make sure that the work you submit is all your own. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0

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Jake Adams

To write a book report, start by introducing the author and the name of the book and then briefly summarizing the story. Next, discuss the main themes and point out what you think the author is trying to suggest to the reader. Finally, write about the author’s style of writing, paying particular attention to word choice and the overall tone of the book. For tips on editing and polishing your paper before turning it in, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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book report instructions 4th grade

In the 4th grade, in the lessons of literary reading, children learn to interpret fiction through various retellings and compositions. Teachers believe that this preparatory work comes in handy in the future writing essays on literary topics.

One type of essay that allows you to teach children to express their position about the work read is a book report for kids . In it, the kids can not only represent an assessment of what he has read but also more in-depth, more clearly understand the meaning of the work, its aesthetic orientation, and reflect in his speech the richness of the literary language.

It is believed that the 4th-grade book report includes the process of developing a system of reading and speech skills in primary school children. In this regard, in reading and literature lessons, kids learn under the guidance of a teacher in reading a work of art:

  • navigate the text;
  • establish cause-and-effect relationships;
  • choose material from to characterize the hero;
  • find author's position;
  • make generalizations and make comparisons.

How to do 4th Grade Book Report

The analysis of a work of fiction is necessary for elementary school; it must be used in the system at different literary reading lesson stages. For you to know how to write a report , use the plan:

  • Look at the author and title of a work of literature. Are you familiar with the author? What do you know about him? Mention is important. What about the title? Is it interesting? Maybe it creates a mood or hints at what awaits the readers? Say a few words about this.
  • You have indicated the author and title. Now it's time to move on to the central part of the review: answer the main question: What is this literature about? What is the main idea of ​​the story? What does she teach? There is no need to retell in detail here. It is essential to formulate the main idea of ​​the work.
  • Then we say the main thing: did you like the book or not. And be sure to disclose - why? What makes you happy with the story? What did you teach? What seemed the most interesting? Do you agree with the actions of the heroes or, perhaps, would have acted differently? This is where speech and debate for kids can be done. Suddenly you even have a piece of advice suitable for one of the characters. Write about whatever comes to mind. It's better to say too much in a 4th-grade book report than say nothing. And you can always cut it.
  • Separately express a few words about the characters in a work of literature. Who do you consider the essential character? Who are minor characters, helpers, villains, etc.? Tell us if you like them. Maybe, someone you would like to make friends with?
  • Let's move on to the conclusion. Conclude - what did a work of literature teach you? What became the most valuable thing for you in it? What do you understand?

4th Grade Vocabulary to use

To evaluate kids' work, teachers pay attention to what vocabulary they use. Use the table to know which words to use without entering the library:

Accomplish adaptation approached argued automatically
avoid border calculate cause circular
compare concluding confirm contrast convince
critical decrease defend demonstrate describe
detail difference disappointed effective eliminate
entirety essential estimate evidence example
except exclaimed experiment flexible fortunate
frequent furious increasing infer inform
insert maximum observe organized passage
persuade prediction prefer previous purpose
reason recognize recommend represent result
scarce select separate temporary typical

Parts of the book report

Reading well means how one should understand and think about what he read. The report is worth writing down the author's ideas and your thoughts that arise when you read. This is a prerequisite for serious work with a work of literature.

You can write down your thoughts about the books you have read in a particular "personal" notebook. This will be your reading diary. Just do not forget to write down bibliographic data (a set of information about a work of literature, arranged in a particular order). And most importantly, learn to evaluate each work of literature you read by analyzing its characters' actions.

Parts of the report:

  • Title and Author;
  • Characters;

Title and Author

Acquaintance with a book usually begins with an acquaintance with the author and the title. The readers react to famous names or read with curiosity about the biography of a new writer - who he is, where he came from, how he/she became a writer, what he writes about and why.

If we are talking about professional literature, it will come in handy information confirming an expert's status - practical experience, achievements, recognition, awards. Indicate why the author used this title. A good description of these two factors can increase the book's chances of success with the audience; this part should not be neglected.

It is necessary to write at the beginning of the text about the title and the author to understand the work better, tune in to its perception, and see some text details in a new way. It is impractical to report everything about the author at once. Indicate only the information that is related to which you are writing a 4th-grade book report.

When writing a review, a lot of attention goes to the characters. To conveniently write about heroes, you should distinguish them:

  • the main ones, who are in the center of the plot, and are directly connected with all levels of the content;
  • secondary ones, also actively participating in the plot, but which receive less authoritative attention; in several cases, they have a function to help uncover images of the main heroes;
  • episodic ones, appearing in one or two episodes of the plot, do not have an actual character and are not at the heart of the author's attention. Their primary function is to give a plot action at the right moment or delineate these or other primary and secondary features.

When characterizing the hero of a literary work, a plan will help you:

  • Determination of the hero's place among other characters.
  • The degree of participation and its role in the conflict (episode).
  • External appearance, as given by the author and in the perception of other characters.
  • Description of household items, dwelling, clothing, living conditions, as a means of self-expression of the hero.
  • Personality evolution in the process of plot development.
  • Actions and motives of behavior in which the hero manifests himself most vividly.
  • Comparison with other characters or another author's literary hero.
  • Your attitude towards the character and this type of person in life.

The setting is where and when the story takes place. Although many literary works contain more than one passage, you must describe one or two of the most important passages in the book report. It doesn't matter if you study in college, school, university - this is the same rule for everyone. If the period is essential to the story, include it. For example, a story can take place during a civil war or the Middle Ages. Then describe only the most important moment, and not the entire period.

Two things make the report fascinating - the character of the protagonist and the plot. The term "plot" can be understood as a set of actions and situations depicting a specific event. The plot is divided into two types:

The internal plot is what happens in the head and heart of the protagonist. The path of development of his personality. After all, you already know that a hero is a set of traits. His nature changed in the course of the work. These changes are the inner plot.

The external plot is what happens around the main character and with his direct participation. These are all the actions that take place in your story. Actions that affect the world, the people you talk about. More often than not, these two types coexist peacefully and support each other.

Creative Ways Kids Can Respond to Book

Why is creative writing important ? Creativity is the process of making something new with passion, with a soul. Any business can be done creatively. For example, you are making a report using improvised items. Such a thing will be dear to its author, and other people will value it higher than the standard one. The teacher will conclude that you are a kid who is passionate about your work.

Creative ideas help understanding art . To create, you need to believe in your imagination, the ability to find unusual ideas, to look at things from a different angle. To do this, you need to find inspiration for work. What does inspiration look like? You need to find the motivation to take action. Motivation is like a building. It has a specific structure and parts that can be disassembled and used.

There is an exercise for getting in the mood for creative work. First, one of the five senses must be used to awaken inspiration. It all starts with an aesthetic experience: first, take a walk in the fresh air and think about book report ideas. Allow yourself to experience and feel how emotions multiply and burst. Finally, find the motivation to create. Chat with like-minded people, think about how your idea can be realized. Below are some ideas for the report.

Cereal Box Book Report

Kids can get creative with the report and make it with a cereal box, and paste illustrations about the place and heroes. Use the instructions to make a creative box.

  • The front part of the box: take a blank white sheet of paper and glue the front part so that no illustrations are visible; you can use a colored one if you see fit. This will be your cover, on which you need to write a title and paste illustrations.
  • Right side: it contains the ingredients that go into the flakes. You can use this idea and write a list of the characters that. The list can be called Ingredients, but there will be descriptions of the heroes.
  • Left side: in this part, you can write a summary. Better write short theses that will draw attention to the readers, and they will want to see what happens next.
  • Back of the box: Making a game might be a perfect idea. For example, draw a puzzle, hide the letters you need to make a word, create a maze, get to the hero, or draw a character by point.
  • Top of the box: here, write the title and its author, how many pages it contains, and what rating you would give if you were a critic. Do not forget to indicate the name of who worked on the project.
  • Reading prize: in the box, you can always find a bonus. You can also put an award on the inside of the box, which symbolizes a work of literature.

Diorama of a Book Scene

Create a report using a cardboard box. For example, if you have a box with a shoe or a cookie box, this is an ideal item to create a scene from. To have a lot of room to create a plot, you need to use large boxes. To create a scene, you need to use inexpensive items: cardboard, glue, toys, fabric, wire, plasticine, scissors, etc.

For a realistic transmission of the scene, it is necessary to make 3D models out of paper. Do not forget that in addition to how your inside looks, it is also essential how the outside looks. Cover it with colored paper, use stickers, glitter to decorate this part.

The title and its author must be indicated on the front of the box. Write about the plot along the entire perimeter of the box and frame it, so it will be more convenient for the teacher to read your text. Find a place to write a list of heroes, dreams with their characteristics and descriptions of appearance. And finish the project with a story about how a work of literature impressed you, what you liked, and recommend to her classmates.

Book Report Posters

For this kind of report format, you need to find the main idea of ​​the work of the literature you read. The teacher will evaluate the project to create details and how you managed to depict the main idea on such a small poster. Have you seen posters in theaters? Your task is to do the same; there should be useful and interesting information.

You will need markers, pencils, crayons, colored paper, and a pen to create a poster.

Before choosing a work of literature, approve it with your teacher.

Unprinted or draw images for your poster. It is advisable to place all illustrated not only in the center but also along the entire perimeter. Drawings should make it clear to the readers what was going on at work. Above, write the title in large bold letters; this can be done with a felt-tip pen.

On the poster, use colored pencils for quotes and text.

Describe the characters using their personality and behavior. You can also indicate which of the heroes you liked the most and whether you wanted to play it.

You saw that some of the directors write on the films' posters to also indicate your name as the project creator.

Find a place where you can briefly describe the plot.

Make the poster colorful so classmates can watch it with interest.

Include on the poster the date you created the work of literature.

Finally, write about your impression.

Design a Book Jacket

To make an account of the work of literature, you can change the title page's design, but the content remains the same. No cover is complete without the title and the surname of its author. The cover text should be in large print. The surface can also be supplemented with other title data such as volume number, city and year of publication of literature work, and a short description. The back cover can contain an abstract to work, information about the author, and your impression.

In the overall composition on the cover, you can include visual elements - from photographs and paintings - to a logo, monogram, ornaments, emblems, symbols related to your work theme, and its content. Such inserts should have not only artistic value but also carry a semantic load.

Also, convey your message to the readers with the color of the cover. In this case, you can use several matching colors. Design in contrasting colors is typical for more dynamic works, while not too sharp combinations are suitable for calm ones. The color scheme is divided into cold and warm shades - this is an essential factor in the cover's perception, depending on the theme and the desired reaction. A color scheme can achieve both a comfortable perception and an irritation effect, which can also be productive for arousing interest, drawing attention to a literary work.

Character Diary

You can use a character diary in your report where you will analyze each one. Select 3-4, especially important external parts. It can be unusual eyes, scars, a hairstyle peculiarity, and a noteworthy detail in clothes. It is not worth prescribing more information, and more characteristics are not deposited in the human mind.

You can only characterize a hero you know well. Therefore, you first need to familiarize yourself as closely as possible with the content of English language arts for which you were assigned the task. You need to figure out the details and try to understand the implications of this piece. It is also impossible to characterize the hero in isolation from other ones: they are closely related and influence each other as the plot develops.

There is no need to look for the characterization of the hero in the subtext. The text contains the so-called natural characteristics: how the author speaks of his hero, how he describes him, and how other heroes respond about him. All this must be taken into account when describing a character. Your answer to the hero is not just your impressions and conclusions; it is what the author shows you.

Paper Bag Book Report

To create a paper bag book report, you only need a brown bag. With the help of pencils and colored pens, you can write about the content and the characters; the teacher will want to study your project.

Before the package: Draw a cover that will pique your interest. To do this, take a white sheet of paper and stick it on one side of the bag. If the paper is larger than the bag, cut to fit. On the front side, include the title and the author, draw a small picture. You can also use colored paper, that is, cut out characters or a landscape.

Back of the bag: Write a short story about a work of literature. Use colored pencils or pens. But before you write a summary, practice doing it on a draft, and then transfer your thoughts to the package. Write neatly and evenly using a ruler. Here you write about a problem or an exciting plot; you can also use characters.

Inside the bag: Take a few items that will fit in the pocket. Therefore, choose subjects from the sections of the book so that they do not repeat. All items must be real, not painted. As you talk about a work of literature, take out each item that symbolizes a character or place of events. At the end of the presentation, give your description of the work, which impressions you have left.

How to create your book report template

To create your book report template, you need the purpose to take a few steps:

  • attract gaze to the text, thereby affecting other people's opinions and argue about the evaluation of artistic images;
  • show the desire to share the impression of what you read with people who are far away.

And answer seven questions:

  • What is the name of the original book, and who is its author?
  • What is the period covered by the events described in the original text?
  • What interested you most in the original book: the fate of its characters. Their actions and behavior, their way of life, or the events or descriptions of nature?
  • What feelings did this a work of literature evoke in you that you remember the most?
  • Did you like the work of literature?
  • Why exactly?

Favorite books for 4th graders

We have compiled a selection of books that develop critical thinking for students :

  • 2030: A Day in the Life of Tomorrow’s Kids. This work of literature is by Amy Zuckerman and Jim Daly and is 32 pages long. The work of literature describes the future using characters such as a robot cleaner, a robot dog. Thanks to modern technology, the author shows the world from the end.
  • The Cricket in Times Square. A writer by George Selden. Chester's cricket ends up in a picnic basket and is transported from its native Connecticut to downtown New York. Lonely and lost, he meets two friends, Harry, the cat and Tucker, the mouse, and the boy Mario. Although Chester is pleased with his newfound friends, he will eventually have to say goodbye and return to his home.
  • Beezus and Ramona. Beverly Cleary posted it. Little Ramona Quimby gives a lot of trouble to her older sister Beezus. Wherever the baby is, chaos arises: it will scatter many crumbs on the carpet or spoil all purchased apples and invite a crowd of kids from kindergarten into the house. Will Beezus keep her sister from another prank? Beezus and Ramona is a classic of American children's literature.
  • James and the Giant Peach is an excellent book for children by British writer Roald Dahl, written 50 years ago. This tale has become so popular and in-demand that an equally wonderful cartoon of the same name was even filmed based on it. The writer takes little readers straight to a magical peach, where real life is in full swing.
  • Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes. This book is written about the Japanese girl Sadako. There is nothing fictional in this book. The girl lived only twelve years and did not have time to do anything. She was born in the Japanese city of Hiroshima. A nuclear flame destroyed the city. Radiation penetrated Sadako's blood and made her bedridden. Sadako could not be saved by doctors, or cranes, which she made from colored paper.

Read the book or watch cartoons or TV serials?

You say: cartoons and books carry the same information. But what do they give our children? What are the benefits of books, and what are the benefits of cartoons?

  • First, cartoons are a passive perception of information. The child does not make any effort to process the data received and apply it in life. Abstract thinking suffers.
  • Secondly, it causes harmful health effects. Prolonged sitting in front of the TV leads to problems with vision and posture.

So, we figured out the cartoons. But what about books? Most psychologists recognize the superiority of books over cartoons.

Books develop imagination and teach to think outside the box. After all, you can always stop and ask the kid a question: how would he act in the hero's place? If a child can read, you can read in turn, and then his eyes will not get so tired.

There is nothing wrong with cartoons if they are dosed and combined with reading books. Firstly, it will add variety to the child's leisure time, and secondly, it will preserve his physical and improve mental health. Therefore, good parents will be smart about watching and choosing cartoons, limiting time, and filtering quality.

Why are cartoons always different from books?

In the book, the primary means of representation is the word. The verbal description of fairy-tale heroes' adventures, the narrative manner of presentation, and the intonational sound of speech, influencing the listener's imagination, contribute to the content's emotional-figurative perception.

The story can be heard or read. It is transmitted verbally - in the form of sounding speech or visually - as a fiction book's text.

In a cartoon, a word is only a semantic background of what is happening on the screen. Characters' speech or off-screen comments have a supporting function: they clarify and reinforce content that is already clear to the viewer. In moving pictures that imitate real action, he sees what the characters created by the animator are doing and how they act.

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33 Free Book Report Forms and Templates for Kids

Published: April 11, 2019

Annette Breedlove

Contributor: Annette Breedlove

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning if you decide to make a purchase via my links, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. See my disclosure for more info.

I loved writing book reports growing up. My kids, however, do not share the same sentiment. They love to read books and retell the stories to me, but they have a disconnect when it comes to putting it down on paper. That’s why I love using a free book report template to give them a little extra help. 

free book report templates and forms

Fun Book Report Ideas

There are many different ways children can share about a book they read other than writing about it. Check out all of these fun ideas:

  • Act it out. Young students and even older students may enjoy acting out a story that they read in lieu of writing about it. 
  • Make a 3D diorama . This is a great way for students who like to work with their hands and create visuals.
  • Draw it out on a poster . For young kids who don’t have strong writing skills yet, drawing out what they read is a great option.
  • Make a comic book with a free comic book template we have included below. 
  • Oral narration . Narrating back a brief summary of the book  they read is another alternative to writing a book report. You can see if your children comprehended what they read or at least got the main points of the story by asking them basic questions about the book.

Types of Book Reports

If you prefer using book reports, they come in a variety of types and styles. You can write plain-Jane ones or get a little more creative, like the comic strip option below for a different way to format a book report. Whichever you choose, having the option to use a book report template can be helpful for kids. 

While I enjoy book reports and see their value, I much prefer my kids enjoy reading a lot of books and sharing, over the finer points of proper form. So if we can use a simple book report template to keep them excited about reading and not dread the reports, I call that a win-win.

Mix it up with the different types of book reports that you assign to your children. Keep it fun and engaging and they will want to read more books and tell everyone about what they have read. 

Using Book Report Templates

As with anything we print out for school, I like to find cute printables with book report designs and age-appropriate graphics. This is especially for my middle school-aged daughter, who thinks some of the free worksheets I find are too childish.

Using a book report template for 3rd grade might look a little different than what I’d want to use for 7th grade. A pdf book report template for high school students definitely needs to be less kid-friendly and more informative.

There are simple book report templates for beginning writers and more advanced ones. The options are endless when it comes to choosing a book report template for your homeschool children.

Printable Book Report Forms

Whether you are looking for a short book report template or one for high school, book report templates will help students get their thoughts on paper. They will learn to organize their thoughts so that their finished book report project is a success!

Book report templates can encourage all the readers in your homeschool to crank out an organized, thorough book report that they are proud of! Once you select a free template, you can get started. Let your children choose one of their favorite books for their first report as it will help to keep them engaged.

How to Use a Book Report Template

When you are looking for the perfect book report template, keep in mind the age of your child. Some one-page forms are perfect for young children and beginning readers with boxes to draw, lines to write down main characters, setting, the plot, etc.

When you have a high school student needing to write a paper or a book report, you obviously need something more in-depth. A book report template can help them get their ideas on paper well enough to organize thoughts and personal opinions for an essay, or even a research paper. 

The key point of using worksheets for book reports is to have an easy way to get thoughts on paper. A book report template can help your student stay organized so they are able to draft a well-written paper. These types of graphic organizers make book reports a breeze!

What’s included in a book report?

  • A good book report will consist of the book title, author’s name, main idea, main theme, plot points and important details.
  • It will explain the narrative and setting, and cover the main elements of the story as well as describe important characters of the book.
  • You’ll also want to include details on the time period, major conflicts and the book details, or rather a plot summary of the book.
  • Don’t forget to include unusual facts and key elements that stand out. 

Character Description

Besides adding basic details about the key characters in the book, it’s a good idea to include character details. You will want to include details such as; appearance, interests, and list out some adjectives that describe characters on the book report form . 

Analyze what your character looks like so the reader of the book report gets a vivid description of the character. What color is their hair and skin? What is their clothing style like? Do they have a best friend or an animal that is constantly with them?

Is the character an animal? If so, what type of animal are they and what do they look like?

Character Development

Characters develop on in the story as you read about them. Make sure to make note of positive and negative character traits and how those change throughout the plot. Is there a hidden message or reason why the character is behaving the way that they are?

Make notes of how your character has changed and why you think they changed and the reasons for the actions that they took. You can take it a step further and explain how their actions either harmed or helped the story to move along.

Printable Book Report Templates and Forms

If you want a book report template quickly, simply scroll to the bottom of this post to download ours FREE.

DIY Book Report Kit {works with ANY book} This printable book report template is more like a graphic organizer , in my opinion. You can print several different template pages to organize different aspects of the book so you can create a great book report. 

Free Book Report Template for Elementary Students Get your 1st -4th graders writing book reports with ease with these pdf book report pages.

Book Review Templates This cute pack of 5 different book report template pages would be perfect for early learners who know how to write . 

Printable Book Report Form I like this simple book report template that’s perfect for a new reader. The free printable book report template is organized and will prompt your kids to be creative. 

Elementary Book Reports Made Easy An easy one-page pdf download of a book report worksheet that would be good for elementary students.

Printable Book Report Forms (Non-Fiction, Fiction, Biography, Mystery & Fable) You have lots of different options for book report templates. Whether or not you need a book report form for a biography, non-fiction resource , or even a fable, there are several  different pdf templates to choose from. There are also multiple book report poster forms for those kids who prefer to draw.

7 Different Versions of Book Report – If you are looking for different versions for different age levels or grades then these reports are worth reviewing.

Easy Book Report – This features an easy form for younger students as well as outline form for older students.

Book Report Templates for Younger Students

There are different styles of book report templates that you will want to focus on for younger students. A book report template that you use with your middle school aged child will be too difficult for beginning writers.

You will want to look for a book report format with dashed lines, boxes to draw a picture in, and more. 

My Book Report Worksheets These book report worksheets are suitable for children in kindergarten or first grade. 

Comic Strip Book Reports If you have a reluctant writer , or a comic book lover, these free printable comic strip book report templates will likely make a book report less dreaded!

Reading Logs and Bookmarks

Reading Log and Book Report Templates If you are on the hunt for cute reading log printables, these are perfect for elementary students. There are a few different templates that offer options to rate the book and write a review. Using a creative book report template like this might take the sting out of writing book reports for reluctant writers. 

Free Reading Log and Book Report Forms   My Joy-Filled Life has a 2-page book report template and a printable reading log that you can slip into your homeschool binder . 

Free Reading Logs, Bookmarks and Charts – Encourage your readers with fun and colorful bookmarks and charts that they can use to track their reading time as well as the books they have read. Free Instant Download included!

Book Report Template

Book reports don’t have to be boring or something that your children dread. They may be overwhelmed because it is a new thing that they have never done before and may need just a little guidance to get started.

Our FREE DIY Book Report template pack includes four pages of graphic organizers, question prompts, illustration boxes, and more. It is a great start to guiding your children on how to write a book report in a non-threatening way. 

You can download it for free in our subscriber library . 

free DIY book report

In Conclusion

The body of the book report should include the title, the author of the book, characters, setting, major conflicts, direct quotes, and plot. The conclusion can include a personal opinion. Book reports are a fun way to develop critical thinking skills and teach students how to gather information to format into a writing assignment.

Annette Breedlove

Annette has been married to her husband and best friend since 2003. Together they are raising their six children to follow the Lord’s will, no matter what. Annette longs for the day when she will meet her angel babies who have entered heaven before her. She enjoys creating UNIT STUDIES and FREE PRINTABLES for homeschool families. You can follow her crazy life at In All You Do where she blogs about homeschooling, homemaking and marriage while trying to maintain her sanity. She is also the owner of Thrifty Homeschoolers where she shares her tips on homeschooling without breaking the bank.

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10 Book Report Ideas That Kids Will Love

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Fun book report ideas for fourth, fifth and sixth graders.

Book Report Ideas

Book reports don’t need to be painfully boring. In fact, they can be a ton of fun, and with the right project, students will love the entire process of creating and sharing meaningful book projects. There are loads of great book report ideas out there just waiting to happen in your classroom!

Here are 10 book report ideas that kids will love:

1. cereal box book report.

These oh-so-cool reports were always the top-ranked project by my fifth graders. Students loved creating an original book report display using a covered cereal box and ready-made templates. The finished projects made a great classroom display, and students loved looking at their classmates’ creative reports. Read more about Cereal Box Book Reports HERE .

book report instructions 4th grade

2. Paper Bag Book Report

This is a super simple idea that is quite fun for students. Provide each student with a lunch-sized paper bag. Tell them to think about 5 objects that relate to the main character of their book . The objects have to be small enough to fit into the bag . Send the bags home and have students place the 5 objects in the bag and bring them back to school. On the day they are due, have students take turns sharing the objects in their bags and explaining how they relate to the main character of the book. You can even make a great display with the bags, objects, and books to pique the interest of other students.

3. Character Day

Have students dress up as the main character of their book. Then, have each student take a turn standing in front of the class and telling their character’s story in first person point of view.

4. Book Report Lap Book

you need are two file folders, some cardstock or construction paper, scissors, glue, and the FREE book report template found here . The finished products are quite amazing, and your students will probably keep theirs forever! Check out my photo tutorial for making a lap book .

book report instructions 4th grade

5. Book Scene Diorama

Have students construct a diorama of one of the main events of their book. They will make a 3-dimensional scene, including models of characters, the setting, and objects. A shoebox makes a great place to build a diorama. Require students to write a description of the scene.

6. Book Report Posters

This might be the easiest option of the book report ideas. Have students first sketch their posters on a sheet of notebook paper. Then, provide students with a large piece of poster paper or chart paper. Posters must identify main characters, setting, title, problem, and solution. Display finished posters in the classroom or on hallway walls.

7. Book Report Mobiles

Mobiles are easy to make, and it’s fun to watch students use their creativity in designing their own projects. A paper plate folded in half makes a great base/topper for mobiles. Have students write the title of the book on this paper plate semi circle and hang the mobile pieces from it. Provide students with construction paper, yarn, markers, paper hole punches, and any other materials they might need.

8. Book Report Mini Books

book report instructions 4th grade

With just one piece of paper, your students can make a complete, creative book report!

In these clever book projects , students identify:

  • Title/Author
  • Main Character

No tape, glue, or staples required! Photo directions are included in this download.

9. Design a Book Jacket

Show your students several examples of some outstanding book jackets. Point out the front with the title and illustration, the spine and its information, and the back with the book summary. Also show the two inside flaps with information about the author and a smaller summary. Provide them each with a larger piece of paper and have them design a jacket for the book they have just read.

10. Ready-to-Print Templates

Use NO PREP book report templates to save your sanity AND to keep things fun for your students. You could print out all 12 templates in this Book Report Templates Packet and let students choose the one they want to do each month! There is even a really nice digital option for Google classroom included!

book report instructions 4th grade

Regardless of which of these book report ideas you choose, be sure to clearly outline the expectations before your students begin. It’s best if you can model a project to demonstrate the quality of work your students should strive for.

Keep it fun and engaging, and your students will be excited to invest their time in their projects!

Check out these ready to go, easy to use book report projects in my store:

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Pin this to your favorite classroom Pinterest board  so you can come back for these book report ideas!

To recap, the 10 Book Report Project Ideas are:

  • Cereal Box Book Report
  • Paper Bag Book Report
  • Character Day
  • Book Report Lapbook
  • Book Scene Diorama
  • Book Report Posters
  • Book Report Mobiles
  • Design a Book Jacket
  • Ready-to-Print Templates

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Shelly Rees

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42 Creative Book Report Ideas for Students

Inspire your students to share their love of books.

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Responding to what you read is an important literacy skill. Reading about other people’s experiences and perspectives helps kids learn about the world. And although students don’t need to dive deeply into every single book they read, occasionally digging into characters, settings, and themes can help them learn to look beyond the prose. Here are 42 creative book report ideas designed to make reading more meaningful for kids.

A poem about the sword in the stone formatted in the shape of the sword in the stone

1. Concrete Found Poem

This clever activity is basically a shape poem made up of words, phrases, and whole sentences found in the books students read. The words come together to create an image that represents something from the story.

2. Graphic Novel

Have students rewrite the book they are reading, or a chapter of their book, as a graphic novel. Set parameters for the assignment such as including six scenes from the story, three characters, details about the setting, etc. And, of course, include detailed illustrations to accompany the story.

A news article displayed on a computer screen with comments and an emoji laid over the print as an example of creative book report ideas

3. Book Snaps

Book Snaps are a way for students to visually show how they are reacting to, processing, and/or connecting with a text. First, students snap a picture of a page in the book they are reading. Then, they add comments, images, highlights, and more.

4. Diary Entry

Have your students place themselves in the shoes of one of the characters from their book and write a first-person diary entry of a critical moment from the story. Ask them to choose a moment in the story where the character has plenty of interaction and emotion to share in a diary entry.

A pizza box decorated with a book cover and a paper pizza with book report details as an example of creative book report ideas

5. Pizza Box Book Report

If you’re looking for creative book report ideas that use upcycled materials, try this one using a pizza box. It works well for both nonfiction and fiction book reports. The top lid provides a picture of the book cover. Each wedge of the pizza pie tells part of the story.

6. Book Jacket

Have students create a new book jacket for their story. Include an attractive illustrated cover, a summary, a short biography of the author, and a few reviews from readers.

A book report made from a mint tin as an example of creative book report ideas

7. Mint Tin Book Report

There are so many super-creative, open-ended projects you can use mint tins for. Teacher blogger Teacher Thrive describes the process of creating book reports using them. There’s even a free template for cards that fit inside.

8. Fictional Yearbook Entries

Ask your students to create a yearbook based on the characters and setting in the book. What do they look like? Cut out magazine pictures to give a good visual image for their school picture. What kind of superlative might they get? Best-looking? Class clown? What clubs would they be in or lead? Did they win any awards? It should be obvious from their small yearbooks whether your students dug deep into the characters in their books. They may also learn that who we are as individuals is reflected in what we choose to do with our lives.

A book report in the form of a cake made from paper

9. Book Report Cake

This project would be perfect for a book tasting in your classroom! Each student presents their book report in the shape of food. Learn more about book tastings .

10. Current Events Comparison

Have students locate three to five current events articles a character in their book might be interested in. After they’ve found the articles, have them explain why the character would find them interesting and how they relate to the book. Learning about how current events affect time, place, and people is critical to helping develop opinions about what we read and experience in life.

A book report written on separate pieces of paper shaped like ingredients of a sandwich

11. Sandwich Book Report

Yum! You’ll notice a lot of our creative book report ideas revolve around food. In this oldie but goodie, each layer of this book report sandwich covers a different element of the book—characters, setting, conflict, etc.

12. Book Alphabet

Choose 15 to 20 alphabet books to help give your students examples of how they work around themes. Then ask your students to create their own Book Alphabet based on the book they read. What artifacts, vocabulary words, and names reflect the important parts of the book? After they find a word to represent each letter, have them write one sentence that explains where the word fits in.

A book report tacked to a tri-fold display board with a face peeking over the top as an example of creative book report ideas

13. Peekaboo Book Report

Using cardboard lap books (or small science report boards), students include details about their book’s main characters, plot, setting, conflict, resolution, etc. Then they draw a head and arms on card stock and attach them to the board from behind to make it look like the main character is peeking over this book report.

14. Act the Part

Have students dress up as their favorite character from the book and present an oral book report. If their favorite character is not the main character, retell the story from their point of view.

A student wears a colorful t-shirt decorated with a book report about the book Ivy and Bean

15. T-shirt Book Report

Another fun and creative idea: Create a wearable book report with a plain white tee. Come up with your own using Sharpie pens and acrylic paint.

16. Bookmark

Have students create a custom illustrated bookmark that includes drawings and words from either their favorite chapter or the entire book.

A cutout of a woman's profile is surrounded by colorful sections, each with a description of the pictured woman

17. Rays of Sunshine Book Report

This is great for biography research projects. Students cut out a photocopied image of their subject and glue it in the middle. Then, they draw lines from the image to the edges of the paper, like rays of sunshine, and fill in each section with information about the person. As a book report template, the center image could be a copy of the book cover, and each section expands on key information such as character names, theme(s), conflict, resolution, etc.

18. Reading Lists for Characters

Ask your students to think about a character in their book. What kinds of books might that character like to read? Take them to the library to choose five books the character might have on their to-be-read list. Have them list the books and explain what each book might mean to the character. Post the to-be-read lists for others to see and choose from—there’s nothing like trying out a book character’s style when developing your own identity.

A student's hand-written to-do list

19. Character To-Do List

This fun activity is an off-the-beaten-path way to dive deep into character analysis. Get inside the head of the main character in a book and write a to-do list that they might write. Use actual information from the text, but also make inferences into what that character may wish to accomplish.

20. Collage

Create a collage using pictures and words that represent different parts of the book. Use old magazines or print pictures from the Internet.

A group of students pose with their paper bag book reports as an example of creative book report ideas

21. Book Reports in a Bag

Looking for book report ideas that really encourage creative thinking? With book reports in a bag, students read a book and write a summary. Then, they decorate a paper grocery bag with a scene from the book, place five items that represent something from the book inside the bag, and present the bag to the class.

22. Timeline

Have students create a timeline of the main events from their book. Be sure to include character names and details for each event. Use 8″ x 11″ sheets of paper taped together or a long portion of bulletin board paper.

A manilla file folder decorated with elements of a book report as an example of creative book report ideas

23. File Folder Book Report

Also called a lap book, this easy-to-make book report hits on all the major elements of a book study and gives students a chance to show what they know in a colorful way.

24. Public Service Announcement

If a student has read a book about a cause that affects people, animals, or the environment, teach them about public service announcements . Once they understand what a PSA is, have them research the issue or cause that stood out in the book. Then provide a template for a storyboard so they can create their own PSA. Some students might want to take it a step further and create a video based on their storyboard. Consider sharing their storyboard or video with an organization that supports the cause or issue.

A book report written on a 3 dimensional triangle

25. Triorama Book Report

Who doesn’t love a multidimensional book report? This image shows a 3D model, but you can also try an accordion-folded book report, a quadrama, or an info-sphere.

26. Character Cards

Make trading cards (like baseball cards) for a few characters from the book. On the front side, draw the character. On the back side, make a list of their character traits and include a quote or two.

A girl stands next to a book report mobile made from a wire hanger and index cards as an example of creative book report ideas

27. Book Report Mobile

This creative project doesn’t require a fancy or expensive supply list. Students just need an ordinary clothes hanger, strings, and paper. The body of the hanger is used to identify the book, and the cards on the strings dangling below are filled with key elements of the book, like characters, setting, and a summary.

28. Fact Sheet

Have students create a list of 10 facts that they learned from reading the book. Have them write the facts in complete sentences, and be sure that each fact is something that they didn’t know before they read the book.

A book report made from 12 sheets of paper put together to form a dodecahedron as an example of creative book report ideas

29. Dodecahedron Book Report

Creative book report ideas think outside the box. In this case, it’s a ball! SO much information can be covered on the 12 panels, and it allows students to take a deep dive in a creative way.

30. Be a Character Therapist

Therapists work to uncover their clients’ fears based on their words and actions. When we read books, we must learn to use a character’s actions and dialogue to infer their fears. Many plots revolve around a character’s fear and the work it takes to overcome that fear. Ask students to identify a character’s fear and find 8 to 10 scenes that prove this fear exists. Then have them write about ways the character overcame the fear (or didn’t) in the story. What might the character have done differently?

A decorated paper hand with paper charms hanging off of it

31. Charm Bracelet Book Report

What a “charming” way to write a book report! Each illustrated bracelet charm captures a character, an event in the plot, setting, or other detail.

32. Mind Maps

Mind maps can be a great way to synthesize what students have learned from reading a book. Plus, there are so many ways to approach them. Begin by writing a central idea in the middle of the page. For example, general information, characters, plot, etc. Then branch out from the center with ideas, thoughts, and connections to material from the book.

A book made from folded grocery bags is the template for a student book report as an example of creative book report ideas

33. Book Report Booklets

This clever book report is made from ordinary paper bags. Stack the paper bags on top of each other, fold them in half, and staple the closed-off ends of the bags together. Students can write, draw, and decorate on the paper bag pages. They can also record information on writing or drawing paper and glue the paper onto the pages. The open ends of the bags can be used as pockets to insert photos, cut-outs, postcards, or other flat items that help them tell their story.

34. Letter to the Author

Have kids write a letter to the author of the book. Tell them three things you really liked about the story. Ask three questions about the plot, characters, or anything else you’re curious about.

A low tech tv made from a cereal box

35. Cardboard Box TV

This cardboard box TV book report project is a low-tech version of a television made from a cereal box and two paper towel rolls. Students create the viewing screen cut out at the top, then insert a scroll of paper with writing and illustrations inside the box. When the cardboard roll is rotated, the story unfolds.

36. Board games

This is a great project if you want your students to develop a little more insight into what they’re reading. Have them think about the elements of their favorite board games and how they can be adapted to fit this assignment.

A book report made from a paper background and attached flaps as an example of creative book report ideas as an example of creative book report ideas

37. Foldables

From Rainbows Within Reach, this clever idea would be a great introduction to writing book reports. Adapt the flap categories for students at different levels. Adjust the number of categories (or flaps) per the needs of your students.

38. Timeline

Create a timeline using a long roll of butcher paper, a poster board, or index cards taped together. For each event on the timeline, write a brief description of what happens. Add pictures, clip art, word art, and symbols to make the timeline more lively and colorful.

A girl stands holding a comic strip book report as an example of creative book report ideas

39. Comic Strips

If you’re looking for creative book report ideas for students who like graphic novels, try comic strip book reports. Include an illustrated cover with the title and author. The pages of the book should retell the story using dialogue and descriptions of the setting and characters. Of course, no comic book would be complete without copious illustrations and thought bubbles.

40. Movie Version

If the book your students have read has been made into a movie, have them write a report about how the versions are alike and different. If the book has not been made into a movie, have them write a report telling how they would make it into a movie, using specific details from the book.

A book report in the form of a wanted poster

41. Wanted Poster

Make a Wanted poster for one of the book’s main characters. Indicate whether they are wanted dead or alive. Include a picture of the character and a description of what the character is “wanted” for, three examples of the character showing this trait, and a detailed account of where the character was last seen.

42. Wheaties Box Book Report

Recycle a cereal box and create a book report to look like an old-fashioned Wheaties box that features sports heroes. Include a main image on the front side of the box. Decorate the sides of the box with information about the book’s characters, setting, plot, summary, etc.

Come share your own creative book report ideas in our We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook.

Plus, dont’ miss 100 famous children’s books every kid should read (plus free printable).

Book reports don't have to be boring. Help your students make the books come alive with these 42 creative book report ideas.

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Book Report Fiction and Non-Fiction 4th Grade

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Top 5 Creative Book Report Ideas That Guarantee Success in Class

Top 5 Creative Book Report Ideas That Guarantee Success in Class

Assigned reading helps students develop their critical analysis skill, and book reports test their progress. But it is not enough to simply analyze a literary work — you also need to express your creativity while presenting book report ideas. In this article, you will learn the definition of a literary report, its purpose, and five alternative book report ideas to show off your creativity in class.

What is a book (literary) report?

A book report is an overall summary and personal assessment of a book that includes key details like the title, writer, text type, and genre. Literary reports also include a concise retelling of the story's plot. It typically examines the main protagonists, motifs, and the writer's intentions. 

These reviews often include the reader's personal reflections, assessing the story’s strong and weak points and the impact it had on the audience. This type of assignment helps students improve their critical analysis, writing, and comprehension skills by encouraging them to engage deeply with the story.

Main goals of book reviews

Literary reports serve several key purposes in the educational process:

  • Improving understanding of the written material. Book reports encourage students to demonstrate how they understood the story's content, themes, and messages. By making a summary of the story’s plot, analyzing motifs, and discussing characters, students engage deeply with the writing.
  • Developing critical analysis abilities. Preparing a literary review requires students to critically analyze what they've read. They must assess the book's strong and weak points, the writer’s purpose, and the effect the story has on its audience.
  • Encouraging personal reflection. Book reports often ask students to relate the motifs or circumstances of the book to their own experiences or to the wider world, fostering personal reflection and a deeper connection with the written story.
  • Boosting communication skills. By discussing their opinions and interpretations in a book review, students find new ways to express their impressions and defend their viewpoints, which is an essential aspect of effective communication.

These purposes make book reviews a crucial part of your learning process. That’s why you need to put effort into your submission. And to make sure you get the highest score for your project, we prepared five fun book report ideas that you can use as your inspiration!

Top 5 alternative book report ideas

1. book report board game ideas.

A book report board game would probably be the most unexpected way of presenting your book review in school. This is a great idea to include the whole class in a playful manner while allowing them to learn about the story’s main motifs and messages in practice.

Here is a brief tutorial on how to make your book review into a full-fledged board game:

  • Center your attention on the main storyline, its protagonists, and events from the book to form the game's foundation.
  • Decide on the game goal that reflects the book's story, like reaching a destination or solving a mystery.
  • Establish clear rules for movement, challenges, and interactions that closely follow the book’s plot.
  • Introduce cards or dice to add randomness and represent plot twists or special actions.
  • Playtest the game, adjust as needed, and explain how it connects to the book's motifs and setting when presenting.

With this option, you will surely present a unique and well thought-out book report idea in your class.

2. Soundtrack playlist

Music is one of the most beautiful art forms. Combining music and literature can result in a wonderful blend of emotions.

To use music as one of the alternative book reports, you can compile a playlist of songs that reflect the mood, motifs, or key moments of the story. For each song, prepare a short explanation of its relatability to specific protagonists, events, or the general vibe of the story.

3. Write a character diary

Character diaries are a solid project idea for a book report. This medium allows you to capture a character’s feelings and reflect on how they change throughout the progression of the book.

To create a character diary for a book review, use these steps:

  • Select a main character whose perspective will offer deep insights into the story.
  • Draft diary entries from this character’s point of view, capturing their ideas, feelings, and reactions to central events in the book.
  • Include flashbacks on how the character grows throughout the book, highlighting significant changes or realizations.
  • Incorporate details about the character’s relationships and how essential plot events affected their personal journey.

This report idea provides an unorthodox, personal perspective on the book’s narrative and gives you an opportunity to relive the character’s emotions and decisions.

4. Newspaper front page

In fiction, newspapers are often used to underline the importance of an event. So why not copy this idea and choose a newspaper as one of your creative book report ideas?

To do this, design a newspaper front page featuring headlines, articles, and images that report on the book’s major events as if they were real news. Include interviews, editorials, and advertisements related to the story. Don’t forget about the style of newspaper writing, and use it as another tool to make your review more creative and entertaining.

5. Book in a box

This is one of the most creative book report ideas. A book in a box refers to a hand-made project where you create a 3D representation inside a box to illustrate a significant scene or location from a book. The hand-made diorama should include detailed elements such as characters, objects, and the environment from the selected scene.

To make a book in a box report, use this short guide:

  • Choose a key scene or setting from the book to depict.
  • Use a box to build a replica of the chosen scene, including detailed backgrounds, characters, and plot-relevant objects.
  • Label the details inside the box to explain their relevance to the scene or story.
  • Prepare a short description of the scene to give your viewers necessary context.

This approach provides an interactive opportunity to showcase key events of the book, bringing the story's environment and pivotal moments to life.

Create fun book report ideas with Aithor!

With our trust-worthy AI generator, you can find the most creative book report ideas and amaze classmates. Simply give Aithor prompt to create a creative book project ideas and become the talk of your literature class!

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