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Spanish Language and Literature Ph.D.

The Ph.D. is primarily a research and specialization degree, culminating in the writing of a dissertation.

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Our graduate programs include a Ph. D degree with specializations in both Spanish and Latin American Literature and Culture. Our Ph.D. students are mentored by our faculty, engage in substantive research projects, and benefit from rigorous teaching training. We offer courses that cover most geographical areas and time periods and guide students through relevant theoretical and methodological developments. Courses are complemented with lecture series and events that enrich our students’ intellectual and life experiences.

To be considered for admission applicants must:

  • Have earned an M.A. degree or have equivalent training;
  • Submit a paper in Spanish produced at the M.A. level;
  • Submit a statement of purpose;
  • Submit three letters of recommendation from academic references;

In addition, non-native speakers of English are required to take the TOEFL examination prior to admittance. Candidates must meet the minimum TOEFL standards established by the University of Maryland Graduate School (score of 100). For information students should contact the SLLC graduate coordinator.

Students on the "short list" may be interviewed by the graduate director in person or by phone.

Prior to admission to candidacy the student must demonstrate/fulfill the following:

  • A thorough knowledge of the literary and cultural production in the main area of study;
  • An in-depth knowledge of research tendencies in the field of specialization;
  • At least two courses in the secondary area;
  • A graduate course in the History of the Spanish Language;
  • A minimum of one course in literary theory and/or criticism;
  • A total of 30 credits of coursework (in very exceptional cases, fewer);
  • Reading proficiency in a third language other than Spanish or English, appropriate to the student's field of study.

What do I need to apply?

To be considered for admission applicants must submit:

  • Online application
  • Application fee $75 -> Information about fee waiver
  • Official transcripts of an M.A. degree or equivalent training.
  • A paper in Spanish produced at the M.A. level.
  • A statement of purpose.
  • Three letters of recommendation from academic references.
  • Non-native speakers of English are required to take the TOEFL examination prior to admittance. Candidates must meet the minimum TOEFL standards established by the University of Maryland Graduate School (score of 100). For information students should contact the SLLC graduate coordinator. Apply here Step-by-Step Guide to Applying English Language Proficiency Requirements for International Students **Due to deferrals, graduation delays during pandemic and reductions in available funding, admissions to our graduate programs will be more competitive for Fall 2021. Applicants should note that we are an affirmative action department and that we remain especially interested in recruiting strong African American, Hispanic American, and Native American students to our Ph.D. and M.A. programs. 

Qualifying Examination: Procedures and Evaluation

Students who obtained their M.A. at another institution must take a qualifying examination after their first semester in the Ph.D. program. The goal of the exam is to ensure that students have both the specific field knowledge and the theoretical and/or critical background to continue in the program.

A student must declare her/his intention to take the qualifying examination in writing to the director of graduate Studies at least 60 days prior to the examination date, and at this time s/he should select the areas or fields and faculty advisor with whom s/he wants to work in preparation for the qualifying. The exam will be given every January, before the beginning of the spring semester. A committee consisting of two department faculty members (including the advisor) will meet to evaluate the examination and discuss the student's overall progress in the Ph.D. program. Written notification of the results will be sent to the student within one month of completing the exam. In the event that the student does not pass the exam, her/his advisor and the director of graduate studies may recommend that the student retake the examination in May. If a student does not pass the retake exam, s/he will not be allowed to continue in the Ph.D. program.

The examination is based on a list of 10 primary texts in the fields of Latin American and/or Spanish literature chosen by the student in consultation with her/his faculty advisor. The list of 10 books should focus on the student’s specific area of interest, as the purpose of the exam is to evaluate a student’s reading and writing skills as s/he continues to pursue a doctoral degree. The director of graduate studies must receive and approve the list of 10 texts as soon as the decision is made. Once the list is approved by the DGS, the student will have a maximum of 10 business days to select five (5) books from the list of 10 primary texts to prepare for the exam and inform the DGS and her/his faculty advisor of her/his decision. The DGS will then, in consultation with the student, establish the exact date of the examination in January (or May in the event of a retake).

The examination will be formulated by the faculty advisor and will include the following: (a) a close reading of a passage of no more than 500 words from one (1) book from the student’s list of five, which would lead to (b) an extrapolation to a wider set of ideas pertaining to the whole book and/or to the five (5) books selected. The student will receive the examination question by hand at the time of the exam and will have 4 hours to answer it in a room on a computer provided by the department with no internet access. The exam will be written in Spanish, with the exception of English for students who are specialized in U.S. Latina/o Studies. No notes or bibliography may be consulted, although a bilingual dictionary may be used.

The exam will be proctored by the Director of Graduate Studies or the SLLC Graduate Coordinator.

Route to Ph.D. Candidacy

After Ph.D. coursework has been completed, students proceed through a pre-candidacy stage consisting of three components: the comprehensive examination, the language reading (or “translation”) exam and the dissertation proposal and defense. Following successful completion of these three elements, students are advanced to candidacy and are considered “ABD” (all but dissertation). 

Comprehensive Examination  The comprehensive examination consists of three essays written over a span of three weeks. The essays are based on the courses a student has taken and on reading lists tailored to his or her sub-fields of focus (two in the main area and one in the secondary area). The three reading lists are created in consultation with faculty specialists in the areas of examination.

The comprehensive examination is offered three times per year, in January, May and August. On three consecutive Mondays, the student will receive a question to be answered in essay form, each related to a particular sub-field. These essays will be due by 3:00 p.m. on the Thursday of each respective week.

Sixty days prior to the desired examination start date, the candidate must inform the director of graduate studies as well as the professor assigned to administer the exam of his/her intention to sit for the examination. This notification should be submitted in writing, outlining the areas and sub-fields in which the student will be examined.

Exams will be evaluated by a committee consisting of two faculty members per subfield.  Where appropriate, and in only one instance per student, the same faculty member may be called upon to evaluate two of the essays.

In the case of an unsuccessful examination, the student’s Ph.D. advisor and the director of graduate studies may recommend that the student sit a second time for the comprehensive examination. Continuation in the Ph.D. program depends on the successful outcome of any second attempt.

Language Reading (“Translation”) Examination                                                         This examination consists of a “for sense” translation from a third language into English or Spanish. The topic of the text will be related to the student's field of specialization. The choice of the language will be determined by its usefulness as a tool for the student's dissertation research. This exam may be repeated once. The student will choose a book or a long article together with a professor qualified to evaluate the third language (the examiner) and then notify the DGS of when the exam is to take place. The examiner will select a passage from the book or long article, which must be between 1,000 and 1,500 words. The examiner must submit the passage to the DGS for review at least two weeks prior to the exam. The student will have three hours to complete the exam, which will take place on campus and be proctored. Please note that only a printed dictionary (not an electronic source) is allowed to assist with the translation exam. For your information, please note that professors Igel and Lima are authorized to conduct examinations in Portuguese; and professors Naharro and Benito-Vessels are authorized to conduct examinations in French. Any questions about who is qualified to conduct the exam should be directed to the DGS. Please note also that dissertation advisors are not allowed to administer exams to their advisees. The examiner evaluates the exam and communicates the result directly to the DGS, who will then advise the student. The reading exam can be taken at any point prior to advancement to candidacy. 

Dissertation Proposal and Defense The final stage of the pre-candidacy period is focused on preparation for the writing of the dissertation. In consultation with an advisory committee consisting of the dissertation director and three members of the faculty, the student will write a dissertation proposal that aims to give a clear sense of the intended corpus of study, intellectual aims and methodology. The proposal should include a review of the literature, an outline of projected chapters and a selected bibliography. Proposals should be about 25-30 pages in length and are expected to be completed within four months to one year after the comprehensive examination.

The advisory committee and the candidate will then convene for the defense of the proposal. All faculty in the department are welcome to attend the defense.

The Dissertation

As stated previously, the Ph.D. is essentially a research degree. This means that coursework taken for the Ph.D. is intended as a preparation for the dissertation. It is therefore of the utmost importance that the student identify his/her field of interest as soon as possible. Early in the first semester, students should consult with one or more professors and explore the research possibilities in the field, period, genre, author(s) of his/her particular interest and select an academic advisor accordingly.

Dissertation Defense

When the candidate has completed the dissertation, the director of graduate studies notifies the Graduate School of its completion. The dean of the Graduate School, upon the recommendation of the director of graduate studies, appoints an examining committee for the candidate. This examining committee will include four members of the department and one member from another academic unit who acts as the graduate dean's representative. The committee will be chaired by the dissertation director.

All members of the examining committee will read the dissertation in its final form and take part in an oral examination in which the candidate defends his/her findings. Copies of the dissertation must be given to members of the examining committee at least 10 days before the date set for the oral examination. The Graduate School has established procedures for the dissertation examination. For details on these and all other aspects regarding the dissertation, please see the Thesis and Dissertation Forms and Guidelines. In addition, the student must provide the department with one copy of the final version of his/her dissertation.

Students are expected to defend the dissertation within 4 years of advancing to candidacy.  The director of graduate studies may approve an extension of up to one year in cases of extenuating circumstances.

Application for Graduation

Students must apply for a graduate diploma early in the semester in which they intend to receive their degree. Deadlines are published in the Schedule of Classes.

Note: Once students are done they MUST file an EXIT form with the Graduate School and, if applicable, an address change form.

Graduate Student Handbook

The purpose of the Graduate Student Handbook is to aid you in understanding the context of graduate education at UMD. The goal is to provide you with resources, information, practices, and policies that will help you in navigating the graduate experience. 

Teaching Handbook

The  Teaching Handbook is intended to familiarize graduate students with the procedures, policies, and expectations in teaching, research and administrative environments as an integral part of their education. 

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WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2024:

(school, university: extended essay)tesis
 All final year students have to write a dissertation on a topic of their choice.
 Todos los estudiantes de último año redactan una tesis sobre un tema de su elección.
(doctoral thesis)tesis doctoral
 The student was pleased to have finally finished the dissertation for her doctorate.
 La estudiante estaba contenta de haber por fin acabado la tesis doctoral para su doctorado.
(master's extended essay) ( )tesis
 You will need to write a 20,000-word dissertation for this master's course.
 Vas a tener que escribir una tesis de 20.000 palabras para este curso de maestría.
(formal text or speech)disertación
 The philosopher wrote a dissertation on freedom.
 El filósofo escribió una disertación sobre la libertad.

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Dissertation in the oxford spanish dictionary, dissertation in the pons dictionary, monolingual examples (not verified by pons editors), translations for dissertation in the english » spanish dictionary (go to spanish » english ), dissertation [ am ˌdɪsərˈteɪʃ(ə)n, brit ˌdɪsəˈteɪʃ(ə)n] n.

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2. dissertation (formal discourse) :

Translations for dissertation in the spanish » english dictionary (go to english » spanish ), dissertation [ˌdɪsəˈteɪʃən, am -ɚˈ-] n, 1. dissertation (long piece of writing) :, 2. dissertation univ :.

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Translation of "dissertation" in Spanish


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translation of doctoral dissertation in spanish

Translation of "dissertation" into Spanish

disertación, memoria, tesis are the top translations of "dissertation" into Spanish. Sample translated sentence: A dissertation should be divided into paragraphs. ↔ Una disertación debe ser dividida en párrafos.

A formal exposition of a subject, especially a research paper that students write in order to complete the requirements for a doctoral degree; a thesis. [..]

English-Spanish dictionary


formal exposition of a subject

A dissertation should be divided into paragraphs.

Una disertación debe ser dividida en párrafos.

When I finish my dissertation , we can get married.

Cuando haya acabado mis memorias , podremos casarnos.

Incentives such as prizes are available for best dissertations from researchers.

Para el personal científico se han dispuesto incentivos tales como premios a las mejores tesis doctorales.

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  • la disertación
  • tesis de grado
  • tesis doctoral

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  • dissertate disertar

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translation of doctoral dissertation in spanish


translation of doctoral dissertation in spanish

doctoral dissertation , dissection , distraction , disputation

'dissertation' found in translations in Spanish-English dictionary

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It is an interesting problem for a sociology of science dissertation. Es un problema interesante para una tesis de sociología de la ciencia.
This dissertation is inscribed in the inferential or genetic critique area. Esta tesis se inscribe en el área de la crítica inferencial o genética.
The presented work is an essay rather than a scientific dissertation. El presente trabajo, más que una disertación científica es un ensayo.
Indecisive or overly-open language is also very bad for a dissertation. El lenguaje ambiguo o demasiado abierto también es pésimo para una disertación.
The dissertation is a research work supervised by a tutor. La tesina es un trabajo de investigación dirigido por un tutor.
The research was the topic of a master's dissertation, already defended. La investigación constituyó el tema de una tesina de maestría, ya defendida.

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  1. doctoral dissertation

    Many translated example sentences containing "doctoral dissertation" - Spanish-English dictionary and search ... Open menu. Translator. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. ... submitted and successfully defended a doctoral dissertation before a thesis committee and passed ...

  2. Spanish Language and Literature Ph.D.

    Spanish Program Graduate Funding. Our graduate programs include a Ph. D degree with specializations in both Spanish and Latin American Literature and Culture. Our Ph.D. students are mentored by our faculty, engage in substantive research projects, and benefit from rigorous teaching training. We offer courses that cover most geographical areas ...

  3. Dissertation in Spanish

    noun. 1. (extended doctoral paper) (United States) a. la tesis. (F) Robert's dissertation for his PhD discussed the optimal choice of vocabulary in pedagogical settings.La tesis de doctorado de Robert versó sobre la elección óptima de vocabulario en contextos pedagógicos. 2. (extended master's essay) (United Kingdom)

  4. PDF Translation 3.0: A Blueprint for Translation Studies in the Digital Age

    2 Lars Knudson, Nintendo Associate Localization Producer, told UW graduate students in that the company [s game translation team consists of approximately people at Nintendo [s U.S. headquarters in Redmond. Asked if he would describe the work the teams do to create and translate narratives as literature, _ he said yes, citing the

  5. doctoral thesis dissertation

    Many translated example sentences containing "doctoral thesis dissertation" - Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. ... Translator. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. Dictionary. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable ...

  6. Google Translate

    Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.

  7. Translation and Intercultural Studies

    That at least two PhD holding experts from a non-Spanish higher education institution or research centre have submitted their reports on the PhD thesis. That at least one of the experts belongs to a non-Spanish higher education institution or research centre, holds a PhD, and is different from the person responsible for the period abroad ...

  8. Spanish translation of 'doctoral dissertation'

    English-Spanish translation of "DOCTORAL DISSERTATION" | The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary with over 100,000 Spanish translations.

  9. Translation of "phd dissertation" in Spanish

    Translations in context of "phd dissertation" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: A year ago I interviewed several women for my PhD dissertation. ... Translation Context Grammar Check Synonyms Conjugation. Conjugation Vocabulary Documents Dictionary Collaborative Dictionary Grammar Expressio Reverso Corporate. Context. Download our free app.

  10. disertación

    Spanish: English: disertación nf (razonamiento o reflexión) reflection n : El libro es una disertación sobre la ética del siglo XX. The book is a reflection on ethics in the 20th century. disertación nf (escrito o discurso) (written) dissertation n (spoken) discourse n : El economista hizo una disertación de la situación del país.

  11. dissertation

    The student was pleased to have finally finished the dissertation for her doctorate. La estudiante estaba contenta de haber por fin acabado la tesis doctoral para su doctorado. dissertation n. UK (master's extended essay) (de maestría) tesis nf inv. You will need to write a 20,000-word dissertation for this master's course.

  12. doctoral dissertation translation in Spanish

    doctoral dissertation translation in English - Spanish Reverso dictionary, see also 'doctoral, doctoral thesis, Doctor, doctorate', examples, definition, conjugation

  13. Doctoral dissertation

    Translate Doctoral dissertation. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations. Learn Spanish. Translation. ... is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. Ver en español en inglé FEATURES.

  14. dissertation

    Look up the English to Spanish translation of dissertation in the PONS online dictionary. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function.

  15. DISSERTATION in Spanish

    DISSERTATION translations: tesina, tesis [feminine]. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary.

  16. [doctoral] in Spanish

    Translate [doctoral]. See authoritative translations of [doctoral] in Spanish with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations.

  17. Spanish translation of 'doctoral dissertation'

    Spanish Translation of "DOCTORAL DISSERTATION" | The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary online. Over 100,000 Spanish translations of English words and phrases.

  18. Translation of "dissertation" in Spanish

    Translations in context of "dissertation" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: doctoral dissertation

  19. Spanish translation of 'dissertation'

    English-Spanish translation of "DISSERTATION" | The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary with over 100,000 Spanish translations. TRANSLATOR. LANGUAGE. GAMES. SCHOOLS. BLOG. RESOURCES. ... My doctoral dissertation was a study of his privy chamber and its staff. Times, Sunday Times (2008)

  20. dissertation in Spanish

    Translation of "dissertation" into Spanish. disertación, memoria, tesis are the top translations of "dissertation" into Spanish. Sample translated sentence: A dissertation should be divided into paragraphs. ↔ Una disertación debe ser dividida en párrafos.


    Translation for 'dissertation' in the free English-Spanish dictionary and many other Spanish translations. arrow_drop_down. - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, ... expand_more english English swap_horiz expand_more spanish Spanish. search Translate cancel. keyboard. Translate arrow_forward. Please choose different source and target ...

  22. Spanish translation of 'dissertation'

    Spanish Translation of "DISSERTATION" | The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary online. Over 100,000 Spanish translations of English words and phrases. TRANSLATOR. ... My doctoral dissertation was a study of his privy chamber and its staff. Times, Sunday Times (2008)

  23. dissertation translation in Spanish

    dissertation translation in English - Spanish Reverso dictionary, see also 'doctoral dissertation, dissection, distraction, disputation', examples, definition ...