1. Free Fall Expt - University of Toronto

    In this experiment you will use the free fall of an object to determine the acceleration due to gravity g. A secondary goal of the experiment is to study the effect of air resistance.

  2. Lab 3.Free Fall - Washington State University

    experiment you will characterize the motion of freely falling objects using an ultrasonic motion sensor. As with last week, a significant part of the experiment entails understanding the rela-tionship between the acceleration, velocity, and position of an object. You will also employ the


    EXPERIMENT 2: FREE FALL. Introduction: In this lab, you will measure the acceleration of an object as it falls toward the earth's surface. Air resistance should not be a factor, so the acceleration of the object should be g, the acceleration due to gravity.

  4. Lab 3 - Free Fall - Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi

    stop watch. steel ball to fall from a set of known height will be measured. Place a foam pad on the floor and hold a ball so that it is the desired height from the floor. Assume the uncertainty in the measured distance to be a radius of the ball. Use a stopwatch to record the time of the fall.

  5. Lab 2.Free Fall - Washington State University

    experiment you will characterize the motion of freely falling objects using an ultrasonic motion sensor. A significant part of the experiment entails understanding the relationship between the acceleration, velocity, and position of an object. You will also employ the concepts of mean (or

  6. Experiment 2 – Free Fall and Projectile Motion

    Experiment 2 – Free Fall and Projectile Motion. Objectives. Learn how to solve projectile motion problems. Understand that the acceleration due to gravity is constant (9.8 m/s2) and downward toward the center of the Earth. Understand that the horizontal motion and the vertical motion are decoupled. Preparation.

  7. The Free Fall Experiment new - University of Toronto

    In this experiment, you will use the free fall of an object to determine the acceleration due to gravity g. Another goal of the experiment is to study the effect of air resistance.


    EXPERIMENT: ANALYSIS OF A FREELY FALLING BODY. Part II: Conservation of energy. OBJECTIVE : To observe the changes in potential energy, kinetic energy, and total mechanical energy of a freely falling body, and to ascertain graphically whether the total mechanical energy remains constant.

  9. FREE FALL - for the Lab. Test - University of Toronto

    You are asked to use the "frictionless theory" of the free fall. Hence, the formula describing the motion of the body is: s = v 0 * t+ (g/2)* t 2. where s is the distance the body travels during the time t of the fall between the photogates, v 0 is the initial velocity (at the 1st photo-gate), and g is the acceleration due to gravity.

  10. Free fall - Lehman

    The objectives of this experiment are as follows: to measure the displacement of a freely falling object, to test the hypothesis that the acceleration of a freely falling object is uniform, to calculate the uniform acceleration of a falling object due to gravity, g. Theory. The instant when the ball is released is considered to be the initial time.