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December 2020 Kenji Omi
September 2020 Ricardo Treviño Chapa
September 2020 Kunio Mikuriya and Thomas Cantens
47 September 2019 Kenji Omi
46 November 2018 WCO Research Unit
45 June 2018 Yotaro Okazaki
44 May 2018 Yotaro Okazaki
43 September 2017 Hao Wu
42 August 2017 Yeon Soo CHOI
41 June 2017 M. F. Zieliński
40 April 2017 H. Jeong
39 March 2017 Y. Okazaki
38 October 2016 R. Ireland
37 October 2016 R. Ireland
36 March 2016 C. Han and R. Ireland
35 December 2015 T. Cantens, R. Ireland, and G. Raballand
34 June 2014 C. Han
33 June 2014 T. Yasui
32 June 2014 T. Cantens, R. Ireland, and P. Revesz
31 - March 2014 T. Yasui
30 March 2014 T. Yasui
29 January 2014 T. Yasui
28 April 2013 T. Yasui
27 November 2012 C. Han and R. Ireland
26 July 2012 R. Ireland
25 July 2012 M. Polner
24 June 2012 S. Matsuda
23 June 2012 T. Yasui
22 May 2012 T. Cantens
21 December 2011 T. Cantens and R. Ireland
20 November 2011 A. Tanaka
19 November 2011 M. Polner
18 September 2011 R. Ireland
17 August 2011 J. Choi
16 July 2011 R. Ireland
15 [ ] June 2011 S. Aniszewski
14 June 2011 M. Polner
13 April 2011 R. Ireland, T. Cantens, & T. Yasui
12 - June 2017 Origin Sub-Directorate
11 February 2011 T. Yasui
10 November 2010 R. Ireland
9 November 2010 T. Cantens, G. Raballand, & S. Bilangna
8 June 2010 M. Polner
7 March 2010 M. Polner & R. Ireland
6 February 2010 T. Yasui
5 December 2009 T. Yasui
4 November 2009 S. Aniszewski
3 November 2009 R. Ireland
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1 June 2009 S. Aniszewski

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research topics in customs administration philippines

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An overview of philippines customs’ journey towards transformation, 18 june 2021.

When I was appointed to the top position in the Philippines Bureau of Customs (BOC) in October 2018, I was confronted with challenges aplenty, from administrative to operational concerns and systemic deficiencies that made the Bureau vulnerable to corrupt practices. For more than two years now, my team and I have been working tirelessly to reform the negatives, transform the organization, and perform our mandate.

The first priority was to boost the organization’s manpower component to ensure efficiency and professionalism in the delivery of services. Believing firmly that an organization is not an organization without its people, we reviewed the recruitment process to ensure strict adherence to the hiring and promotion procedures established by the Civil Service Commission Rules and Regulations. Our aim was to revive the principle of meritocracy and professionalism, starting with a fair assessment of all applicants. One of our primary focuses was filling vacant positions, a task which the BOC’s Human Resource Management Division (HRMD) delivered efficiently.

Enabling employees to develop their skills was identified as another essential area calling for improvement, and as one of our priority programmes in 2020. The actions implemented included updating training policies and guidelines, improving the management and technical skills training curricula, initiating the transition to a competency-based human resource approach, and preparing for the establishment of the Customs Training Institute within the Philippine Tax Academy.

To date, we have completed the policies and guidelines for participation in the learning and development programmes, and in the Scholarship Programme which enables employees to undertake graduate and post-graduate studies and benefit from other educational opportunities. The Interim Training and Development Division (ITDD) coordinates with the inviting/sponsoring organizations to agree on the details of the programme curriculum and enrolment requirements. Once endorsed, these details are disseminated to all employees who can then send their application to the ITDD if they fit the scholarship candidate profile. The ITDD then evaluates the applications and sends the Commissioner the list of pre-selected applicants for potential nomination. Upon approval of the list of nominees by the Commissioner, the inviting/sponsoring organizations proceed with their own screening process. All the nominees selected must fulfil the requirement to serve with the Bureau of Customs for a period equivalent to twice the length of the scholarship.


We have also put a great deal of work into the completion of the database and the pool of BOC trainers, speakers and experts, and into carrying out 180 activities as part of our learning and development programmes in 2020, in which a total of 5,570 employees participated.

The COVID-19 pandemic has not prevented employees from developing new competencies and strengthening their skills thanks to one of the flagship initiatives of the BOC’s modernization programme, the Online Learning Portal ( ), which was launched in June 2020.

In January 2021 the BOC deployed tools enabling the Administration to use a competency-based approach. These include:

  • A Competency Catalogue listing 89 identified competencies relevant to the BOC.
  • A Competency Framework which takes the form of a diagram that brings together the competencies in three groups: Core, Functional and Leadership.
  • A Competency Dictionary which provides not only a definition of each competency but also the behavioural indicators associated with it, making it possible to monitor competency levels and proficiencies as well as individual progression.
  • Job Profiles for the 125 existing positions within the BOC, identifying the competencies required for each job and their respective behavioural indicators.
  • Revised Qualification Standards which establish minimum requirements and competency levels for each of the 125 positions.

With the integration of these tools to the human resource management systems, employees will soon have a clear view of their role and performance criteria, and the Administration will be able to properly manage recruitment, succession planning, expectations, and evaluations..

The BOC also asked the WCO Secretariat for support, and benefited from a People Development Diagnostic Virtual Mission in March 2021. This addressed topics such as strategic orientation, competency and job profiling, planning and performance management, training, career path development, remuneration and benefits.

research topics in customs administration philippines

Our reform agenda was gaining momentum when the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020. The pandemic brought about an urgent need for businesses and organizations to protect their own employees and guarantee their wellbeing, while also pursuing efficient and profitable operations.

As one of the agencies providing frontline services, and the government’s arm in essential commodity supply chain, any disruption in BOC operations would have been detrimental to the government effort to handle the health crisis. To protect the health of the men and women in the BOC who were working to prevent a total economic downturn, all mandated health protocols, such as social distancing, were strictly adhered to, and regular swabs and rapid tests on all our employees were conducted.

In accordance with national health and safety measures, weekly disinfection of facilities has been carried out consistently since March 2020 in the Customs Central Office and the Customs offices located in the country’s biggest ports, namely, the Port of Manila, Manila International Container Port and Ninoy Aquino International Airport. Personal protection equipment (PPE) and medical supplies, such as facemasks, gloves, alcohol-based cleaners and wipes, footbaths and thermal scanners have moreover been distributed in the BOC Central Office and the major ports.

research topics in customs administration philippines

It was also decided to implement alternative work arrangements. These comprise work-from-home arrangements, four-day or compressed working weeks, and the maintenance of a skeleton workforce with a minimum number of employees on site in the office to guarantee essential services. Such arrangements required staff to submit reports on their work to their respective manager for monitoring purposes. The ultimate objective was to limit the movement of critical workers and thus minimize physical contacts. Furthermore, in view of the limited public transportation in operation, a shuttle van service was made available to employees who were on duty as part of the skeleton workforce, for their convenience and safety.

Thankfully, the BOC had finalized several computerized systems before the COVID-19 outbreak. The priority programmes implemented in 2019 and 2020 included the review of policies and processes, as well as heavy investment in information and communications technology (ICT) to automate Customs operations, so as to promote trade facilitation and minimal human interaction. Like many other administrations, the BOC’s ability to ensure the continuity of its operations during the peak of the COVID pandemic, while placing a premium on the safety of its workforce, was mainly thanks to the Bureau’s IT system upgrades in 2019 and its drive to fully automate frontline transactions by 2020.

The BOC also launched a Customer Care Portal System (CCPS) in February 2020. A ticketing system, CCPS, allows trade operators to submit their concerns, complaints or questions electronically, as well as to upload documents. Like the Customs automated system, the CCPS is part of the implementation of the no-contact policy which promotes a corruption-free regime by minimizing face-to-face transactions. During the quarantine period, it enabled the BOC to keep serving stakeholders while lowering the chances of BOC personnel entering into contact with the virus. The CCPS also features a “knowledge base” with information on a series of requirements and regulations attached to the international movement of goods. It serves as a one-stop-shop information centre.

research topics in customs administration philippines

Another technology-related initiative is the Internal Administration Management Support system (IAMS), which aims at bringing to a close the era of the largely manual and paper-based organization of the Bureau.  It covers the main human resource management processes such as recruitment, training and development, records management, processing of leave applications, payroll management and supplies management.


Among the various challenges confronting the BOC are poor office accommodation and inadequate equipment and infrastructure. To improve offices and facilities and create a workspace that is conducive to professional and productive output, a plan was drafted prioritizing the most urgent actions to be taken, given our limited financial resources.

One of the first achievements was the construction of a new prefabricated workspace for the Port of Manila’s operations and administrative personnel, as well as its District Collector and Deputy Collectors. Inaugurated in October 2020, the 1,004.8 sqm office was designed to enhance efficiency and coordination among its occupants.


A new Customs Operations Centre also opened in December 2020. Designed to house the different intelligence, enforcement, risk management and scanning systems of the Bureau, the Centre’s officers are to help enhance the operations of the 17 Collection Districts located across the country, and aid their peers from the Customs Intelligence and Investigation Service (CIIS) and Enforcement and Security Service (ESS) in the efficient discharge of their functions.

Lastly, the BOC has purchased equipment needed for employees to carry out their duties effectively, including 65 rifles for Customs enforcement officers in charge of securing the national borders.

In any organization, performance can also be measured by the level of joy and meaning employees get from their work. This will automatically reflect on the quality of the service provided to trade operators, the nation and the individual Filipino.

The Bureau’s core values are professionalism, integrity and accountability. The BOC recognizes the importance of having a shared vision and values among its personnel in order to enhance not only performance at the organization level but also individual personal development. To promote these values among its employees, the Bureau has developed several tools under a global Performance Governance System (PGS), including the Governance Culture Code as the handbook for BOC employees. This sets the standards for establishing and sustaining a culture of competence, accountability, professionalism, integrity, transparency, efficiency and ethical responsibility. The objective is to guide decision-makers, ensure that any action taken is in compliance with global standards and regulations and, ultimately, build trust both with BOC external stakeholders as well as among its employees.

In any organization, performance can also be measured by the level of joy and meaning employees get from their work. This will automatically reflect on the quality of the service provided to trade operators, the nation and the individual Filipino. To encourage the dedication and discipline of our team of professional men and women, and keep them motivated, driven and safe, is therefore a top priority – my first priority. With this in mind, the BOC has reviewed its policy on awards and other forms of recognition in order to motivate all personnel to perform with professionalism, integrity and excellence. The BOC’s Human Resource and Management Division (HRMD) has developed a fair system for compensation, privileges and benefits, as well as performance-based incentives, and communicated the details to all employees.

More information [email protected]

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WCO launches new IPR-related tools

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  • #Human resources

Copyright World Customs Organization

Relevance and Responsiveness of the Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration Program as Assessed by Stakeholders

  • January 2023
  • JPAIR Multidisciplinary Research 51(1):109-129
  • 51(1):109-129
  • CC BY-NC 4.0
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Abstract and Figures

A graphical comparison between the faculty and students' assessment of the level of effectiveness of the initiatives implemented/practiced by the College of Business

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Performance of Top Customs Administration Schools in Customs Broker Licensure Examinations in the Philippines

Profile image of Romer C . Castillo

This study analyzes and compares the seven-year performance trends of the top ten customs administration schools in the Customs Broker Licensure Examination (CBLE) in the Philippines. It also determines the correlation between the number of examinees and performance ratings of each school and the statistical differences of the average ratings when the schools are grouped according to location and type of school. The study is a quantitative research that uses statistical graphs and tests in the analysis. Data were gathered from the website of the Professional Regulation Commission. The subject schools are the top ten customs schools based on the average passing rates on CBLE from 2011 to 2017, and provided that the school has an average of at least ten first-time examinees and participated with at least five first-time examinees in each examination. Results show that the performance trends of the ten schools are generally fluctuating, except for the performance of top school in South Luzon which tends to be decreasing and of the other two South Luzon schools which tend to be increasing. Moreover, the performance gaps among the schools also tend to be decreasing. Results further reveal that there is generally no significant correlation between number of first-time examines and school's passing rates except for the top South Luzon school where correlation test shows significant negative relationship. Tests of differences also show that there is generally no significant difference on the schools' performances when grouped according to location and according to type, except in the 2011 where the average passing rates of government schools is significantly higher than the average passing rates of private schools.


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Philippines: Managing customs disputes in the Philippines

Customs audit & disputes in asia pacific.

As global and regional integration increases, multinational companies ought to navigate numerous custom-related complexities and challenges imposed by relevant authorities in any jurisdiction. For the past few years in Asia, we have observed customs audit and disputes become increasingly aggressive. Local authorities have taken steps to strengthen customs controls and compliance across a number of areas. As such, understanding the regulatory landscape and the specific rules in a particular jurisdiction will help businesses reduce operational risks and costs.

This webinar series provide an in-depth coverage of legal frameworks, practical issues and key trends and developments surrounding customs audits in select Asia Pacific jurisdictions. Please visit this page for updates on succeeding sessions.

For Japanese companies:  These webinars are also available in Japanese language as presented at the JAFTAS’ platform. View  the Japanese versions.

Managing Customs Disputes in the Philippines

18 August 2022 | 2:00 – 3:00 pm PHT

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The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected the government’s revenue collection during the past two years as business operations slowed down due to government-imposed lockdowns and alternative arrangements of most companies. Thus, the collection targets of both the Philippine Bureau of Internal Revenue and the Bureau of Customs (BOC) have increased to recover the lost government revenue caused by the pandemic. We have observed that both the customs and tax authorities have been very aggressive and active in their audit activities. The BOC, for its part, has become strict in terms of compliance, especially in interpreting laws and regulations in relation to disputes at the border. This has resulted in a rise in the imposition of penalties on the importers for non-compliance. The webinar will provide a brief discussion of the common issues raised during border disputes and post clearance audits, and the remedies available to the importers.

Speakers:  Yaeko Hodaka  (Co-chair, AP IMT Industry Group, Tokyo),  Kristine Anne Mercado-Tamayo  (Partner, Quisumbing Torres, Manila),  Alexander Ner  (Senior Associate, Quisumbing Torres, Manila)

BD contact:  Therese Reyes

10 Things You Need to Know about Customs Audit in Indonesia

14 July 2022 | 1:00 – 2:00 pm JKT

research topics in customs administration philippines

This session tackles two key themes: customs audits and current/hot audit issues in Indonesia. Our speakers discuss 10 of the most highlighted areas that a company needs to know about Indonesia customs audit. What are the typical requested audit data? What are the stages of the audit process? What would be the roadblocks? and avenue for audit results?

Next, we move into the customs audit case studies, most prominently on customs valuation, tariff classification, and certificate of origin issues. How have authorities been approaching these issues and what practical strategies should IMT supply chains apply to manage the challenges of such audits?

Speakers:  Yaeko Hodaka  (Co-chair, AP IMT Industry Group, Tokyo),  Riza Buditomo  (Partner, Jakarta)

BD contact:  Helmy Handoko ,  Danny Panjaitan

Customs Audits and Export Controls in China

9 June 2022 | 10:30 – 11:30 am CHT

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In this session, our speakers discuss key customs audit topics and trends in China, as well as practical and legal considerations that should be accounted for in customs audit management strategy. They also discuss recent developments in export controls in China and important considerations in managing inventories containing controlled items.

Speakers:  Yaeko Hodaka  (Co-chair, AP IMT Industry Group, Tokyo),  Tina Li  (Associate, Shanghai), Weng Keong Kok (Associate, Hong Kong)

BD contact:  Iris Zhou ,  Sara Wang

Customs Audit in Malaysia: Trends and Tips

7 April 2022 | 11:00 am – 12:00 pm MYT

research topics in customs administration philippines

This session features key insights and practical aspects of customs audit in Malaysia, including an overview of key features of Malaysian customs audit, a snapshot of key customs audit topics and trends, a case study exemplifying common customs audit scenarios in Malaysia, key tips on managing dawn raids and customs audits in Malaysia, and practical and legal considerations that should be accounted for in any customs audit management strategy.

Speakers:  Yaeko Hodaka  (Co-chair, AP IMT Industry Group, Tokyo),  Jason Liang  (Partner, Kuala Lumpur), Kelvin Hong (Associate, Kuala Lumpur), Wei Lit Wong (Legal Assistant, Kuala Lumpur)

BD contact:  Henry Tay ,  Shu Yi Ong

Webinar Recording: Import & Export Regulatory Updates and Recent Case Developments in Thailand

24 February 2022 | 11:00 am – 12:00 pm BKK

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This session features key insights and practical aspects of import and export regulatory and compliance updates in Thailand. Speakers also discuss recent precedential customs cases, including FTAs updates, export control updates, customs audit trends in Thailand and recent precedential customs cases and practices.

Speakers:  Yaeko Hodaka  (Co-chair, AP IMT Industry Group, Tokyo),  Panya Sittisakonsin  (Partner, Bangkok),  Keerati Saneewong Na Ayudthaya  (Associate, Bangkok)

BD contact:  Ramaimas Bowra  and  Pranut Kukom

Webinar Recording: Customs Audit & Disputes in Vietnam

21 January 2022 | 1:30 – 2:30 pm VNT

research topics in customs administration philippines

In this webinar, our lawyers discuss the legal framework and practical issues surrounding customs audit in Vietnam. They also highlight the areas of focus by customers’ authority during customs audit and offer advice on how businesses can effectively manage an audit.

Speakers:  Yaeko Hodaka  (Co-chair, AP IMT Industry Group, Tokyo),  Thanh Vinh Nguyen  (Partner, Ho Chi Minh City),  Ngoc Trung Tran  (Associate, Hanoi)

BD contact:  Ngoc Thuy Duong Pham  (Senior BD Executive, Ho Chi Minh City)

For more information, please contact:

Joyce Guantero BD Manager, Asia Pacific Email

Sign up for upcoming webinars in this series: Special session: Customs audit and disputes in the US Special session: Customs audit and disputes in Europe (UK and EU) Customs appeal and litigation in Asia Pacific

  • Asia-Pacific
  • Philippines
  • Trade and Foreign Investment

research topics in customs administration philippines

Yaeko Hodaka has over 25 years of legal experience in the areas of corporate law, including mergers and acquisitions, corporate restructuring and reorganization, internal investigation, litigation and dispute resolution. She is a partner in the Corporate/M&A Practice Group, with a focus on the automotive sector and serves as the Regional Chair of Industrial, Manufacturing and Transportation Group in Asia Pacific.

research topics in customs administration philippines

Kristine Anne Mercado-Tamayo is a partner and the head of Quisumbing Torres’ Tax Practice Group. She heads the Industrials, Manufacturing & Transportations Industry Group and is also a member of the Consumer Goods & Retail. She has 16 years of experience assisting and advising clients on tax issues relating to corporate restructuring and mergers and acquisitions. Kristine also handles customs and international trade matters, including border and post-clearance disputes. She advocates on clients' behalf in controversies involving disputed assessments, representing clients before the Bureau of Internal Revenue and the Bureau of Customs. Kristine Anne obtained her Doctor of Law degree from the Ateneo de Manila in 2005. She is cited as a Next Generation Partner in Tax by the Legal 500 Asia Pacific for 2020 to 2023. More recently, she has been named highly regarded lawyer for General corporate tax, and Women in tax by ITR World Tax 2023.

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Bureau of Customs

Philippine Standard Time: 28 August 2024, 23:34 PM

Philippine Customs Modernization Program

Our goal: a modernized customs administration at par with global standards

To reach this goal, the BOC undertakes the Philippine Customs Modernization Program or PCMP, with the support provided by the World Bank Group

With major components and innovations, the PCMP aims to streamline operations and processes and support the reform agenda by upgrading BOC systems, procedures, and operational activities.

Among these innovations is the Customs Processing System (CPS). It serves as one single and unified system that combines all the key elements and customs procedures.

The CPS combines the features and functionalities of the currently implemented E2M customs module and adds features that facilitate business continuity under on optimized. This makes for an efficient and ready BOC that can trade and operate in the face of any restriction or eventuality, such as the present conditions under the COVID-19 pandemic.

The CPS’ new operating model focuses on a Risk-Based Compliance Management environment. As part of the modernization efforts, this component supports the adoption of a more sophisticated risk management and cargo targeting capability, together with modernized non-intrusive inspection services that provide the detection and control capability

The CPS’ new operating model focuses on a Risk-Based Compliance Management environment. Utilizing

Remote Image Analysis Centers (RIACs), a combination of hardware and software, this allows BOC to receive and interpret radioscopic images sent from operational scanner sites in real-time. It also means that the BOC can analyze X-ray images and improve detection capabilities for increased efficiency and faster inspections of shipments.

The RIACs are fully integrated into the CPS, allowing BOC to leverage its modern risk management functions for more effective targeting, and strengthen BOC’s capability to effectively manage and operate its modern non-intrusive inspection technology and processes. The remote image capability inspection also boosts the BOC’s anti-corruption efforts as it eliminates face-to-face interaction between traders and officials examining radiographic images. The improvement in the process also impacts positively on the conduct of non-intrusive inspections both at the piers and airports where x-ray equipment are deployed.

The State-of-the-Art Data Center has the infrastructure required to run ICT solutions and bring new and improved network connectivity to BOC offices nationwide, eliminating downtime and providing disaster recovery.

Finally, another core component of the Philippine Customs Modernization Project is the Organizational modernization. With new ICT systems in place, functional and organizational realignments will be implemented, to ensure that the institutional structure responds to new responsibilities, additional jobs for high-value functions such as risk management, intelligence, and post-clearance audit. Training and skills enhancement programs will be implemented on a continuing basis for employees to adapt to new jobs and responsibilities.

The organizational modernization will impact on all the back-office and administrative systems. The PCMP also provides for the appointment of a turn-key supplier to develop the Administrative Back-office Enterprise Resource Planning System (ABERP). This covers human resource systems to manage staffing growth for career planning of a professional workforce, including case management and an assets management solution that can support all core productive assets of BOC.

From a largely manual and paper-based organization with most resources deployed around cargo control, declaration, assessment, and inspections, the modernized Bureau of Customs envisions to deploy its resources to value-added activities such as registration, targeting, and audit.

Our goal to modernize and achieve global standards is made possible through the PCMP and the support of the World Bank.

The target is to achieve full modernization by 2024. With teamwork, determination and discipline, the service we render will be better for our country and our people.

research topics in customs administration philippines

Philippines’ Customs Procedures to be Modernized with World Bank Support

WASHINGTON, October 27, 2020 —Traders, exporters, importers, port operators, shipping companies, and transport providers – many of them small and medium enterprises employing many workers – are expected to directly benefit from a new project that will modernize operations of the Bureau of Customs (BOC).

The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors has approved today the US$88.28 million loan for the Philippines Customs Modernization Project to improve the country’s customs administration, reduce transaction costs and enhance predictability and transparency of the clearance process at the country’s borders.

The project will improve customs administration by enhancing the streamlining and automation of BOC’s procedures, as well as supporting the development of a world-class customs processing system (CPS).

“Improved efficiency at the Bureau of Customs will reduce trade costs and support Philippines’ competitiveness,” said Ndiamé Diop, World Bank Country Director for Brunei, Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines . “Automation will reduce face-to-face interactions and delays, and increase accountability, all of which strengthens efficiency and improve the business environment.”

With the new CPS, important processes like trade management and registration, cargo inspection, duty payment, and clearance and release, among others, will be integrated in a seamless online system. It will also improve adherence to international standards and conventions for customs processing, including an audit trail for transactions, allowing for greater transparency and less opportunity for corruption.

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Philippines was one of the most dynamic economies in East Asia and the Pacific Region. Nevertheless, its growth potential was constrained by inefficiencies in trade facilitation and customs administration. For example, a container in the Philippines takes 120 hours to clear customs and associated inspection procedures, much higher than in neighboring Vietnam (56 hours), Thailand (50 hours) or Malaysia (36 hours). This provides a competitive advantage to firms in these countries vis-à-vis their Filipino counterparts.

The unfavorable business environment for firms in the Philippines reduces the incentive to engage in export, thereby foregoing the opportunity to expand markets and create more jobs in the Philippines.

Based on enterprise survey data, domestic firms in the Philippines export only 3.5 percent of their output, compared to 26 percent in Malaysia and Thailand. As for foreign firms, 78.7 percent of them in Vietnam, 84 percent in Malaysia and 93 percent in Thailand, directly or indirectly export, compared to 25.5 percent in the Philippines.

Relatively poor trade facilitation performance at the country’s borders can partly be attributed to outdated infrastructure and business practices. The BOC has recently embarked on a reform process to improve its trade procedures  including the digitalization of its paper-based systems that are not in line with regional and international standards, and the improvement of its critical capabilities such as risk management, intelligence, and post clearance audit, and other transaction processes that were vulnerable to corruption. The Customs Modernization project supported by the World Bank aims to accelerate these reforms.

In Washington

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