1. Outstanding Master's theses 2024

    ETH Medals chevron_right; Outstanding Master's theses; Outstanding Master's theses 2024. The ETH Medal will be awarded at the Master's degree graduation ceremony. The list will be continually updated. Archives. Download vertical_align_bottom Awards 2023 (PDF, 162 KB) Download vertical_align_bottom Awards ...

  2. ETH Medals and Willi Studer Prize for Master's graduates

    Patrick Iff | ETH Medal Thesis: Towards Next-Generation Massively Parallel On-Chip Networks ... The Willi Studer Prize, part of the bequest of entrepreneur Dr. h.c. Willi Studer, has been awarded since 1993 to the best student in each ETH Zurich Master's degree programme according to the pertaining directives. The prize is awarded at the next ...

  3. Honors and Awards

    Two awards are given to Master students: The Willi Studer Prize for the best achievment of a year and the ETH Medal for an excellent Master thesis (on application). The prizes are awarded at the Biology graduates' Master ceremony towards the end of the year. For details please see here. Willi Studer Prize 2021. Dorothea Böken

  4. Master's Graduation Ceremony 2021

    The ETH medal for the best Master's thesis went to Charlotte Trubowitz (supervisor: Prof. Motohiko Murakami) and Markus Rast (supervisor: Dr. Jonas Ruh). Charlotte Trubowitz. Charlotte Trubowitz also received the Willi Studer Award 2021 for the outstanding student of the year.

  5. ETH-Medals for Master's graduates

    Madeleine Santos and Ali Ahmed Shaikhsulaiman were honoured with the ETH-Medal for their outstanding Master's theses. The prizes were awarded at this year's Master's degree graduation ceremony. Congratulations! 19.12.2023. mode ... In his Master's thesis, Ali Ahmed Shaikhsuleiman leveraged pre-existing telecommunication fibers for seismic ...

  6. Master's Thesis Guidelines

    MA Thesis Work­shop: you must at­tend the MA thesis work­shop and present the res­ults of your MA thesis re­search in front of all MACIS stu­dents. This work­shop usu­ally takes place March and July re­spect­ively. Out­stand­ing Mas­ter's theses are hon­oured with the Sil­ver Medal of ETH Zurich and a fin­an­cial sum.

  7. ETH Medals and Willi Studer Prize for Master's graduates

    Four Master's graduates from the Department of Computer Science have won prizes for their outstanding Master's theses and grades: three ETH Medals and one Willi Studer Prize. ... ETH Medal Thesis: Beyond the Frame Rule: Static Inlining in Separation Logic ... has been awarded since 1993 to the best student in each ETH Zurich Master's degree ...

  8. ETH Medals and Willi Studer Prize for Master's graduates

    Lars Lorch | ETH Medal Thesis: Bayesian Structure Learning in Continuous Space Supervisors: Professor Andreas Krause, ... has been awarded since 1993 to the best student in each ETH Zurich Master's degree programme according to the pertaining directives. The prize was awarded at the last Master's degree graduation ceremony. Domagoj Bradac ...

  9. Awards

    The prerequisites for awarding a Master's Thesis with the ETH-Medal are: Master Thesis given a grade of 6.0; Written explanation from the thesis supervisor on the extraordinary nature of the work; Average final grade for the Master program is at least 5.25. Nominations: D-MAVT informs the thesis supervisors about potential candidates. The ...

  10. PDF Detailed Regulations MSc Thesis HEST

    6. Applications for Master theses awards must be submitted to the Department Secretariat for the at-tention of the Department Head by the following closing dates: a) Study Programme Health Sciences and Technology: mid-February; b) Study Programme Food Science: 31 October. The ETH Medals are awarded on the occasion of the graduation ceremony. 7.

  11. ETH Medal for doctoral theses

    Manuela Fisc­her, Ma­ciej Be­sta and Francesco Loc­a­tello, three doc­toral stu­dents from the De­part­ment of Com­puter Sci­ence, have won the ETH Medal for their out­stand­ing doc­toral theses. 19.11.2021 by Pau­line Lüthi. Outstanding Master's and doctoral theses are honoured with the Silver Medal of ETH Zurich and a ...

  12. Projects and Master's Thesis

    Master's thesis. The Master's degree programme concludes with a Master's thesis that lasts six months. The project includes an oral presentation and a written report (the Master's thesis), and it is graded. Before starting the project, the Master's thesis must be registered in mystudies ("Projects/papers/theses"). You will be admitted to the ...

  13. PDF Master's Thesis Guidelines

    Define the topic of the Master's thesis in consultation with the student. b. Define the tasks in writing. c. Determine the date on which the student can begin the Master's thesis and the date on which the student must submit the thesis. d. Define the criteria for assessment of the Master's thesis. e. Assess and grade the thesis.