
Starting Auto content wizard – Powerpoint

The first option in the powerpoint dialog box under create a new presentation is the Autocontent wizard. The Autocontent wizard is a guide composed of serveral screens that help you to create a professional presentation quickly and easily . It takes you through a series of questions. you can choose various option to create a good presentation.

The steps to create a presentation using the Autocontent wizard are:

step-1 select The Autocontent wizard option from the powerpoint dialog box. A dialog box as shown in the figure is displayed.

closely watch the screen and read the infofmation provided there.

step-2 click the Next Button. A dialog box appears.

press a category button for the type of presentation you are going to create and then select the presentation that suits best to your need.

For example, click the All button amd select the Generic option in the adjacent window.

step-3 click the Next button.

select the presentation style in the next screen as shown.

The above screen helps you to choose the type of output you will be using, and the wizard selects the best colour scheme for your presentation.

For example, choose the on- screen presentation.

step-4 click the Next button. A new dialog box appears as shown below:

Enter data into each text box and click the Next Button.

for example, type the name of your school under the presentation title head. Type your name in the Footer text area.

step-5 The next screen ends the Autocontent wizard and indicates that your presentation has been created.

The presentation created by the wizard for you will be seen in the Normal view as displayed in the figure below:

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AutoContent Wizard: Conversation with Ric Bretschneider

Ric Bretschneider

In this conversation, Ric discusses PowerPoint’s erstwhile AutoContent Wizard .

Geetesh: Ric, you contributed to the design and direction of the AutoContent Wizard. Can you share your thoughts about what motivated its introduction and what made it such a favorite feature?

Ric: Sure Geetesh, thanks for the opportunity.

We have to go way back in PowerPoint history to understand that there were actually multiple versions of the AutoContent Wizard. Originally the content presentations were just files that PowerPoint opened, with a skeletal presentation the user would fill in. When I got ownership of the feature, we decided to make it more of a series of guided decisions the user would make to create a starter document that was a bit more personalized.

At the same time, PowerPoint was undergoing one of the more aggressive architectural changes in its history, adding an object model and the ability to program “on top of” the main PowerPoint application. In simpler terms, a skilled programmer could write code and add features to PowerPoint beyond what Microsoft had put there. Several of the PowerPoint program management team, around five of us as I recall, started creating features in this way. It was difficult work; the tools were very rough. The coding editor was so primitive it didn’t even have a destructive backspace! We did most of our work writing code in Excel, then copied and pasted it into PowerPoint, and then prayed that it would run. In the end, only two of us finished our features; myself and David Gorbet who wrote the fabulous Pack-And-Go wizard.

It’s probably hard to consider these days but back in the 90s PowerPoint was not a household word. As simple as it was to work with, there were concepts that people who had worked with Word or Excel had trouble wrapping their heads around. Things like the difference between selecting a placeholder to move it and clicking into it to edit text. These were much more difficult and users were very frustrated. And the “presentation as a document” model itself wasn’t readily understood. Many users came from older “slide preparation” applications where they created one file per slide and expected PowerPoint to work the same way. It wasn’t unusual to go on a customer visit and see people with 20 separate files for a 20-slide presentation. The AutoContent Wizard was a way to shortcut these misconceptions and give the user less of a blank slate of a document to start their work.

AutoContent Wizard 01

We also tried to help the user think about the audience. Some examples of this are “Communicating Bad News” or “Brainstorming Session.” Putting the presenter into a tactic that would be more acceptable to the audience, to move forward with positive results. “Communicating Bad News” slides that approached a problem through disclosure and next steps used a structure very different from the activity of collecting the inventive ideas of a group in a “Brainstorming Session.” AutoContent Wizard was a popular feature for beginning presenters. And most users were just beginning. Most of the presentation structures used in the wizard came from presentation professionals we worked with specifically for the wizard. We even licensed some work from the Dale Carnegie organization, an international organization known for excellence in speaking.

We helped the user get the document set up for the output type; on-screen, web, overheads, or 35mm slides. (Yes, there were still a lot of people using PowerPoint to create actual slides that would be projected from a carousel projector!) There are a lot of different settings that can and should be made to optimize the presentation for each type of output. When the Wizard put this all on one simple screen, it made it much easier to do than hunting down the individual commands.

PowerPoint AutoContent Wizard

Finally, the presentation title was requested, and the user could specify if and how a footer would be added to the slides. Still, one of the harder things for users to do today (admittedly for several different reasons!) We put a couple of additional benefits in there, including a progress indicator, but that was about it.

It was a rare thing that we heard from a customer who didn’t like the option of starting with the AutoContent wizard. Of course a few years later it was a controversial subject.

Geetesh: The AutoContent Wizard no longer shipped with PowerPoint 2007. Many purists say that it was the reason for canned presentations. But many long-time users saw it as a starting point to overcome creative blocks. Was a balance between the two thoughts not possible, or did the feature outlive its usefulness?

Ric: I’m not sure what a purist really is. Is a presentation you write from scratch likely to be better than one written from an outline? Maybe. Is a resume written from scratch always going to be better than one that is started from a set of example sections? It’s a tough call. It depends on the native skill set of the person at the keyboard. It’s easy to lay the blame on a feature, but the reality is that users need real training if they’re going to be expected to create professional documents. And that goes for Word and Excel as well. With AutoContent Wizard we exposed users to good basic communication practices. The hope was that giving them a start, and some immediate success, they would continue to grow their skills.

It should be noted that the PowerPoint team didn’t really decide to cut the AutoContent Wizard. Lots of Office features that were conceptually the same in Word, Excel and PowerPoint were being given over to “shared teams.” Shared teams would implement a set of a core feature that all the apps would use. The benefit there was reduced work for the application teams and a uniform experience for users going between programs. Application startup and File Open were identified as shared team features, and because Word and Excel didn’t have AutoContent Wizards, PowerPoint lost its ability to launch its startup experience.

In reality, it was probably about time. PowerPoint was, by this time, a leading application in Office. The “novice” user had plenty of support from other knowledgeable users, books and magazines, and that whole Internet thing. As a built-in feature, the AutoContent Wizard was only missed for a while.

The concept of a guidance tool for creating your presentations is still solid, but not as a generic concept. There are plenty of organizations that pay consultants to come in and create versions of a wizard that will work specific to their needs. I’ve seen amazing work done in the recent versions of PowerPoint where multiple ribbons support exactly this kind of content guidance and creation that follows corporate guidelines. That object model and programming feature, it’s still benefiting users today.

The views and opinions expressed in this blog post or content are those of the authors or the interviewees and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other agency, organization, employer, or company.

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PowerPoint XP: Using the AutoContent Wizard

The AutoContent Wizard is a handy tool in PowerPoint XP that makes creating professional presentations quick and easy. This wizard provides templates and sample slides to help you get started.

Benefits of the AutoContent Wizard

Here are some of the key benefits of using the AutoContent Wizard:

Using the Wizard

Go through each slide, deleting ones you don’t need. For those you’re keeping, replace the pre-populated text, images, and graphics with content that’s specific to your presentation.

Design Customization

Best practices.

The AutoContent Wizard streamlines the process for building professional PowerPoint decks. Thanks to its handy templates and easy editing tools, you can create stunning presentations more efficiently.

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PowerPoint 2003

Using the autocontent wizard, introduction, by the end of this lesson, you should be able to:.

  • Use the AutoContent Wizard

The AutoContent Wizard

PowerPoint has an AutoContent Wizard to help you create a presentation. The wizard provides several slides with different content guides. Presentation guides are available in several areas, including general, corporate, and sales and marketing.

To use the AutoContent Wizard:

  • In the task pane under New Presentation , choose From AutoContent Wizard .
  • Click Next to see the different presentation options that are available.

Choosing a presentation type

As you continue working in the wizard, think about what you presentation best fits your needs. If you're not sure which choice to make, try General - Generic .

  • Click Next after you have chosen a presentation type.

Type of output

The next screen asks, What type of output will you use?

  • Because you will likely be doing an On-screen presentation , click inside the circle next to On-screen presentation. Or, if you are not, feel free to choose another presentation type.
  • Click Next .
  • On the next screen, you can type in your Presentation Title . Add a footer if necessary.
  • The last AutoContent Wizard dialog box appears.
  • Click Finish .

Your slides will appear, and you can go through each one and make changes to the content. Edit the slides in Outline View in the left pane, or type directly into the slides in the center pane.

Making changes to content

When you use the AutoContent Wizard, the slides that result are a guide for your actual content. Make the changes necessary to fit your presentation.

For example, if you are working on a General - Generic presentation about your organization and how it helps the community, your first slide might look like this:

You may want to add or delete some of the slides based on your content or add a different design or color scheme.

  • Open the AutoContent Wizard .
  • Choose a Presentation Type .
  • Add a Presentation Title .
  • When you Finish , make changes to the first page of the presentation.
  • Click through the presentation in Outline View .
  • Close this presentation without saving the document.
  • Open the Where I Learn presentation.
  • Insert a new slide with a title placeholder and a bulleted list placeholder (Title and Text).
  • Type a title and some interesting information about where you learn. Format this information so it is not in a bulleted list.
  • Save and close the document.

Congratulations! You just completed your first challenge presentation in PowerPoint 2003.

Click the ile menu, then click ew. The New Presentation window will appear.

In the New Presentation window, click From AutoContent Wizard. The AutoContent Wizard will start. Read the information on the start screen, then click ext. In the next dialog box, select the type of presentation you want to give, then click ext to advance to the next dialog box. Continue entering options until you reach the Finish step. Click Finish.

creating powerpoint presentation using auto content wizard

Auto-content Wizard and layout

Certify and Increase Opportunity. Be Govt. Certified E-Governance Professional

Using the AutoContent Wizard in Microsoft PowerPoint makes it easy to create a professional business presentation. The AutoContent Wizard is designed to give suggestions for slide options and material to use in your business presentation.

There are four different categories of business presentation types – General, Corporate, Product and Sales/Marketing. Each type of business presentation has several options to choose from.

To start the AutoContent Wizard in PowerPoint 2003, select File > New… from the menu.

In the New Presentation task pane on the right side of the screen, choose From AutoContent wizard….

PowerPoint’s AutoContent Wizard takes you through selecting a business presentation type, style and other presentation options.

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Creating a Presentation Using the AutoContent Wizard

In the Task pane, click the Other Task Panes button (the down arrow in the pane's upper-right corner), and then click New Presentation .

The New Presentation pane appears. Click From AutoContent Wizard .

The AutoContent wizard opens. Click Next to continue.

To create a quick and easy slide show, use the AutoContent wizard. This wizard walks you through each step in designing a presentation. You select the type of presentation, and PowerPoint creates an outline. When you finish building the presentation with the wizard, you can add your own text to each slide.

Opening the Task Pane

Is your Task pane closed? To open it quickly, press Ctrl+F1 on the keyboard, or select View, Task Pane on the menu bar.

Another Way to the AutoContent Wizard

You can also select File, New to open the New Presentation pane and access the AutoContent Wizard.


Click a category to select it.

PowerPoint lists presentations associated with the category you clicked. Select a presentation type, and then click Next to continue.

Click the type of method that best describes how you want to give your presentation, and then click Next to continue.

What If I Don't See a Match?

If the AutoContent wizard does not list a type of presentation you want to create, pick a type that most closely resembles your presentation and then modify the slides to suit your own needs.

Displaying All Categories

Click the All button in the AutoContent wizard in step 4 to view all the different types of preformatted presentations that PowerPoint offers.


Type a title for the presentation, if desired. The title appears on the first slide in the presentation.

Optionally, type in any footer text you'd like to appear at the bottom of each slide.

By default, the AutoContent wizard includes the date and slide number at the bottom of each slide. To turn off these features, deselect the check boxes. Click Next to continue.

The AutoContent wizard offers 18 different types of presentations you can choose from. Each one employs a different design background. The placeholder text on each slide is preformatted, so all you have to do is add your own text.

Going Back or Jumping Forward

You can click the Back button in the AutoContent Wizard dialog box to return to the previous screen and make any changes. You can also skip steps by clicking the Finish button, when applicable .

Stopping the Wizard

You can stop the AutoContent wizard at any stage during the process by clicking the Cancel button.


Click Finish .

PowerPoint creates the presentation and lists each slide in Outline view. You can now add your own text to each slide.

Adding Text

Each slide created with the AutoContent wizard includes placeholder text. You can replace the placeholder text with your own text. See the task "Replacing Placeholder Text" later in this part to learn more.

What If I Don't Like the Design?

If you don't like the design that the AutoContent wizard assigns to a presentation, you can change the presentation's design template. See the next task, "Creating a Presentation Using a Design Template," to learn how.

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How to create presentation using Auto Content Wizard?

creating powerpoint presentation using auto content wizard

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creating powerpoint presentation using auto content wizard

PowerPoint has an Auto Content Wizard that can help you create your presentation. After you choose the type of presentation you want to create, the wizard uses the information you provide to help you create a presentation. You will replace the text with your own words. Presentations created with the Auto Content Wizard include suggestions on where to put different kinds of information and how to organize it into an effective presentation format.

(i) To use Auto Content Wizard 

  • Open PowerPoint.
  • Click on from Auto Content Wizard in the Task Pane. if the Task Pane is not visible, click on View’ from the menubar and then click on Task Pane.
  • Follow the instructions in the wizard and make your choices or provide information when asked.
  • When the wizard is completed – finish the presentation by filling in the slides with text and images.

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Using the AutoContent Wizard

The AutoContent Wizard guides you step-by-step through the creation of a PowerPoint presentation and is the option that provides the most assistance and automation. You answer a few basic questions about the type of presentation you need to make, and PowerPoint does the rest. The result is a complete series of slides with content suggestions based on the presentation type you chose. In addition to creating your presentation based on a content template, PowerPoint also applies a design template suitable to the type of presentation you want and applies a slide layout to each individual slide.

→ To learn techniques for adding dynamic content to your presentations, see Chapter 22, “The Message—Scripting the Concept.” ...

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PowerPoint XP  - Using the AutoContent Wizard

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PowerPoint XP: Using the AutoContent Wizard

Lesson 6: using the autocontent wizard.



By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:.

  • Use the AutoContent Wizard

The AutoContent Wizard

PowerPoint has an AutoContent Wizard to help you create a presentation. This wizard provides several slides with different content guides. Presentation guides are available in several areas including general, corporate, and sales and marketing.

To use the AutoContent Wizard:

  • In the task pane under New , choose From AutoContent Wizard .
  • Click Next to see the different presentation options that are available.

Choosing a presentation type

As you continue working in the wizard, think about what presentation best fits your needs. If you're not sure which choice to make, try General - Generic .

  • Click Next after you have chosen a presentation type.

Type of output

The next screen asks, what type of output you'll use.

  • Because you will likely be doing an onscreen presentation , click inside the circle next to onscreen presentation. You also can choose another presentation type.
  • Click Next .
  • On the next screen, you can type your presentation title . You can add a footer if you want.
  • The last AutoContent Wizard dialog box appears.
  • Click Finish .

Your slides will appear, and you can go through each one and make changes to the content. Edit the slides in Outline view in the left pane or type directly into the slides in the center pane.

Making changes to content

When you use the AutoContent Wizard, the slides that result are a guide for your actual content. Make the changes necessary to fit your presentation.

For example, if you are working on a General - Generic presentation about your organization and how it helps the community, your first slide might look like this:

You may want to add or delete some of the slides based on your content or add a different design or color scheme.

  • Open the AutoContent Wizard .
  • Choose a presentation type .
  • Add a presentation title .
  • When you finish , make changes the first page of the presentation.
  • Click through the presentation in Outline view .
  • Do not save this presentation.



Online Tutorials

Monday 17 october 2011, how to work with the auto content wizard in powerpoint.

Selecting new from the menu bar


creating powerpoint presentation using auto content wizard

i need 2013 Microsoft office auto content wizard.

please explain me

What is the autocontent wizard in PowerPoint?

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PowerPoint has an AutoContent Wizard that can help you create your presentation. After you choose the type of presentation you want to crate, the wizard uses the information you provide to help you create a presentation. You will replace the text with your own words.

Presentations created with the AutoContent Wizard include suggestions on where to put different kinds of information and how to organize it into an effective presentation format. Use AutoContent Wizard

  • Open PowerPoint.
  • if the Task Pane is not visible, click on View from the menubar and then click on Task Pane.
  • Follow the instructions in the wizard and make your choices or provide information when asked.
  • When the wizard is completed - finish the presentation by filling in the slides with text and images.

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Impressive AI Powerpoint Builder

By: Stephen Toback

Gamma is a tool that leverages AI to help you create presentations, documents or websites. I got quite a bit of use out of their free credits to do some testing. I found their process easy and the content, both text AND images to be remarkably accurate. They also give you the ability to use AI to change photos or text after you create your document. Having a web search for images (which gave you the ability to only search images per a specific license, was pretty great. You could also generate AI images from within the app with a selection of various image engines (some were restricted to their paid subscription). At the end, you can export their content and continue editing in Powerpoint or export as a PDF.

I found the process to be pretty simple with a good selection of variables both in prompt and option choices.

creating powerpoint presentation using auto content wizard

I’m not sure what model they are using for AI text generation but I seemed to get a better result when I pasted in text made with ChatGPT 4o. This example uses their generation which was still good.

creating powerpoint presentation using auto content wizard

From that prompt, it generated an outline. The trial version limits you to 10 slides but I believe you can do up to 30 with the paid version.

creating powerpoint presentation using auto content wizard

Next step is to pick a theme.

creating powerpoint presentation using auto content wizard

There were options even in the free version to select your own fonts and create custom themes as well as add your own logo. The logo placement is limited to the bottom left corner, but I’ve already requested a feature request to be able to place it anywhere on the page.

That’s it. Here’s a link to the slides .

I wasn’t a fan of the default placement of the images as “fit” in large areas but the image selection was suprisingly good. Specifically how it picked the Karsh Center when talking about alumni. There are ways you can “fill” the image and change the “focus” which I thought was cool. Again, at anytime you can export to Powerpoint but I found you lose the ability to edit the images – they get cropped however they are in the app.

Overall, this was very impressive compared to my experience using ChatGPT to create Visual Basic scripts to create Powerpoints or using Co-Pilot 365 to create slide decks. The image searching (and ability to search for different images in the interface) was pretty extraordinary. I’d also add that their support is incredibly responsive.

This software has not been cleared to use at Duke so feel free to test, but do not use it for any protected information.

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    Ric: Sure Geetesh, thanks for the opportunity. We have to go way back in PowerPoint history to understand that there were actually multiple versions of the AutoContent Wizard. Originally the content presentations were just files that PowerPoint opened, with a skeletal presentation the user would fill in.

  9. PowerPoint XP: Using the AutoContent Wizard

    The AutoContent Wizard is a handy tool in PowerPoint XP that makes creating professional presentations quick and easy. This wizard provides templates and sample slides to help you get started.

  10. PowerPoint 2003

    The AutoContent Wizard PowerPoint has an AutoContent Wizard to help you create a presentation. The wizard provides several slides with different content guides.

  11. 401301 PowerPoint Training Course

    Wizards are designed to make your life easier and often provide a great guide as to how different types of PowerPoint presentations should look and what they...

  12. Getting Started with the AutoContent Wizard-MS Power Point ...

    Partial preview of the text Download Getting Started with the AutoContent Wizard-MS Power Point-Tutorial and more MS Microsoft PowerPoint skills Study Guides, Projects, Research in PDF only on Docsity!

  13. PowerPoint 2003 AutoContent Wizard

    The AutoContent Wizard is a good option for creating a presentation if you are a beginner. The AutoContent Wizard offers suggestions for templates to use and types of content to put in.

  14. Auto-content Wizard and layout

    Using the AutoContent Wizard in Microsoft PowerPoint makes it easy to create a professional business presentation. The AutoContent Wizard is designed to give suggestions for slide options and material to use in your business presentation.

  15. Creating a Presentation Using the AutoContent Wizard

    INTRODUCTION To create a quick and easy slide show, use the AutoContent wizard. This wizard walks you through each step in designing a presentation. You select the type of presentation, and PowerPoint creates an outline. When you finish building the presentation with the wizard, you can add your own text to each slide.

  16. Auto Content Wizard in PowerPoint 2007

    The AutoContent Wizard is not available in Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007. Instead, you can create your presentation quickly and easily by using templates (template: A file or set of files that contains information about the theme, layout, and other elements of a finished presentation.). Office PowerPoint 2007 templates include different ...

  17. How to create presentation using Auto Content Wizard?

    PowerPoint has an Auto Content Wizard that can help you create your presentation. After you choose the type of presentation you want to create, the wizard uses the information you provide to help you create a presentation. You will replace the text with your own words.

  18. PowerPoint 2000: The AutoContent Wizard and Presentation Samples

    Students all about using PowerPoint 2000 presentation samples and the PowerPoint 2000 AutoContent Wizard with this free lesson.

  19. Using the Wizard in PowerPoint: Part 1

    Using the Wizard in PowerPoint: Part 1. Part of the series: Microsoft PowerPoint for Beginners. How to use the wizard in Microsoft PowerPoint; learn more about making digital presentations in this ...

  20. Special Edition Using Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2002

    The AutoContent Wizard guides you step-by-step through the creation of a PowerPoint presentation and is the option that provides the most assistance and automation. You answer a few basic questions about the type of presentation you need to make, and PowerPoint does the rest. The result is a complete series of slides with content suggestions ...

  21. PowerPoint XP: Using the AutoContent Wizard

    By the end of this lesson, you should be able to: Use the AutoContent Wizard The AutoContent Wizard PowerPoint has an AutoContent Wizard to help you create a presentation. This wizard provides several slides with different content guides. Presentation guides are available in several areas including general, corporate, and sales and marketing. To use the AutoContent Wizard: In the task pane ...

  22. How To Work With The Auto Content Wizard in PowerPoint

    How To Work With The Auto Content Wizard in PowerPoint PowerPoint 2010 is a visual and graphical application, primarily used for creating presentations. If you have just launched PowerPoint, click the AutoContent Wizard option button in the PowerPoint dialog box to start a presentation.

  23. What is the autocontent wizard in PowerPoint?

    Best Answer. PowerPoint has an AutoContent Wizard that can help you create your presentation. After you choose the type of presentation you want to crate, the wizard uses the information you ...

  24. Impressive AI Powerpoint Builder

    Again, at anytime you can export to Powerpoint but I found you lose the ability to edit the images - they get cropped however they are in the app. Overall, this was very impressive compared to my experience using ChatGPT to create Visual Basic scripts to create Powerpoints or using Co-Pilot 365 to create slide decks.