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Advice, tips and insights from the admissions dream team., table of contents, mit sloan video statement tips & strategy.

  • By Brittany Maschal

mit sloan video essay

Just as MIT Sloan eschews the M7 convention throughout its MBA application process  (requiring a cover letter and org chart in lieu of traditional written essays), its MIT Sloan video component is unlike the others.

Instead of seeing how you’ll field a series of randomly selected questions, MIT Sloan wants a one-take video statement in which you “introduce yourself to your future classmates.” And the kicker is that you get just 60 seconds to deliver a response that’s meaningful, memorable, and coherent.

A growing number of business schools have introduced a video component of the MBA application in recent years, including INSEAD, Kellogg, Yale, Rotman, and MIT Sloan. In addition to seeing you in action, the video component allows MBA admissions to assess your confidence, presentation style, language skills, and ability to think on your feet. My Fortuna Admissions colleagues have offered great advice on acing the MBA video essay , including tips on set-up, presentation, and fielding sample questions. Each of those great insights are still valuable and applicable to MIT Sloan.

One of my clients delivered a 60-second MIT Sloan video statement  that knocked it out of the park.

The secret to his success was to focus on just one story from his life, which revealed a distinctive aspect of his personality. Frankly, it was an anecdote that might easily be overlooked, if it weren’t for the artful way he used his story to illuminate the personal values and attributes that made him a great fit for the MIT Sloan MBA program .

His MIT Sloan video statement didn’t showcase any remarkable technical skill, nor attempt to deliver his elevator pitch. He appeared to be sitting at his desk in a small, tidy corner that might have been a bedroom or office. Then he launched straight into a story that evoked a specific moment in time, and suddenly I could picture the scene. I felt myself get curious and attentive. What he achieved was a winsome glimpse into what made him unique, and it exuded warmth, sincerity, and authenticity. He even managed to convey a personal “ah-ha” that was both profound and relevant. And what he chose to omit was so intentional and well-tuned that you couldn’t watch his video statement without wanting to meet him. Slam dunk.

While the content is your own, there are several key characteristics you can take to heart in creating your standout video.

Here are six top tips to keep in mind for your MIT Sloan video statement .

1. Consider elaborating on one, specific experience. A single story that conveys something meaningful allows you to offer more depth about who you are beyond a shimmering track record of management and professional  excellence. Think of something that won’t be found in the rest of your application – what will add value to your overall narrative?

2. Avoid a monologue of your professional accomplishments. This means sidestepping what my Fortuna colleague Karla Cohen refers to as the “resume to prose” essay (and while a video isn’t prose, this translates to scripting a story of successes and achievements). “It’s a common mistake, and it robs your story of the potential for making an emotional connection,” says Karla in her recent article on what HBS really wants . “When you take the risk to be vulnerable, it inspires a human connection, and it’s so much more appealing.”

3. Take the risk to reveal something personal . Focusing too heavily on work-work-work makes you seem less human. Or like you’re trying to give the admissions team what you think they want to hear. The best MIT MBA video statement is about giving them a genuine glimpse of who you are.

4. Emphasize quality over quantity. A minute can feel impossibly short, and there isn’t a lot of room for sharing. Dig deep to explore a specific story that says a lot about you, and allows you to make a connection to the values that MIT holds dear.

5. Connect your values to those of MIT Sloan. MIT’s MBA program  is looking for brilliant, imaginative doers who are having an impact in the communities in which they exist. Think about anecdotes and stories that show when you’ve gone beyond yourself, demonstrated leadership and/or created a positive impact.

6. Strike a tone that’s humble yet confident. The applicant pool at any M7 business school is teeming with overachieving students. So, while you’ll want to convey your poise and authenticity, be sure to release any shred of entitlement or arrogance. (This isn’t politics, and boasting won’t win you favors.) Being likable is a huge part of admissions success.

To cite an enduring maxim from the late author and poet Maya Angelou:

“ At the end of the day people won’t remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel. ”

The MIT Sloan video essay is an opportunity to make the admissions committee feel something powerful. And, ultimately, leave them feeling a desire to interview and meet you in person.

Want more advice?

For more insider information, check out our related articles on MIT Sloan below. You can also view Fortuna’s Business School Profile on MIT Sloan or request a copy of our Insider Tips Report  on MIT Sloan.

  • MIT Sloan MBA Strategy: How to Tackle the Application 
  • MIT Sloan Org Chart: How to Tackle It

Fortuna Admissions Expert Coach Brittany Maschal  is a former member of admissions teams at Wharton, Princeton & Johns Hopkins. For a candid assessment of your chances of admission success at a top MBA program, sign up for  a free consultation .

  • Posted on September 18, 2020

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MIT Sloan Video Statement: Overview, Advice, & Common Mistakes

Learn all about the MIT Sloan video statement, including valuable advice and tips to help you stand out.

Posted January 10, 2024

mit sloan video essay

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Table of Contents

The MIT Sloan Video Statement is an integral part of the application process for prospective MBA students. In this article, we provide an overview of the video statement, offer advice on how to prepare and succeed, and highlight common mistakes to avoid. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting your career, this article will help you navigate the video statement with confidence .

MIT Sloan Application and the Role of the Video Statement

The MIT Sloan application is highly competitive, and the Video Statement is an opportunity for applicants to showcase their communication skills, interpersonal abilities, and overall fit with the program . While traditional written essays provide insights into your achievements and aspirations, the video statement allows the admissions committee to assess your poise, confidence, and presence in a dynamic and interactive format.

Beyond assessing your communication abilities, the video statement also offers a glimpse into your personality, values, and how you handle pressure. It is a chance to differentiate yourself from other applicants and leave a lasting impression on the admissions committee.

mit sloan video essay

When creating your video statement, it is important to carefully consider the content and delivery. This is your chance to tell your story in a compelling and engaging way . Think about what sets you apart from other applicants and how you can effectively convey that through your video.

One strategy to consider is to start by introducing yourself and providing a brief background on your academic and professional experiences. This will give the admissions committee a sense of your qualifications and achievements. From there, you can delve into specific examples and anecdotes that highlight your skills and accomplishments.

It is also important to showcase your passion and enthusiasm for the program. Share why you are specifically interested in MIT Sloan and how it aligns with your career goals. This will demonstrate your commitment and dedication to the program, which is something the admissions committee will be looking for.

Furthermore, the video statement is an opportunity to showcase your creativity and presentation skills . Consider incorporating visuals, such as graphs or charts, to support your points and make your video visually appealing. However, be mindful not to overwhelm the video with too many visuals, as the focus should still be on your message and delivery.

Lastly, practice, practice, practice! Rehearse your video statement multiple times to ensure that you are comfortable and confident in your delivery. Pay attention to your body language, tone of voice, and overall presence. Remember, the admissions committee is not only evaluating what you say, but also how you say it.

MIT Sloan Video Statement Instructions (2023-2024)

Before diving into the creation of your video statement, it's crucial to understand the specific instructions provided by MIT Sloan for the upcoming application cycle.

On its website, MIT Sloan outlines the video statement with the following:

Introduce yourself to your future classmates. Here’s your chance to put a face with a name, let your personality shine through, be conversational, be yourself. We can’t wait to meet you!

  • Length: Your video statement should be no longer than one minute.
  • Content: Address the prompt above: "Introduce yourself to your future classmates."
  • Technical Specifications: The video should be recorded in one continuous take using a neutral background. You can use any recording device, including a smartphone or computer webcam (we recommend the latter). Do not include background music or subtitles.

Creating a compelling video statement is an opportunity for you to showcase your personality, experiences, and aspirations to the admissions committee at MIT Sloan. While the instructions may seem straightforward, it's essential to approach this task with careful consideration and planning.

When crafting your video statement, think about how you can effectively introduce yourself to your future classmates. Consider highlighting aspects of your personal and professional life that have shaped you into the individual you are today. This could include discussing your upbringing, cultural background, or any significant life events that have influenced your values and goals.

Remember, the video statement is an opportunity for the admissions committee to get to know you beyond your written application. Use this platform to showcase your unique qualities, experiences, and aspirations that make you a strong candidate for MIT Sloan.

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Expert Tips for the MIT Sloan Video Statement

Preparing for the MIT Sloan Video Statement can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. To help you navigate this process, we have compiled a list of expert tips to ensure you make the most of this opportunity:

  • Plan and Rehearse: Take the time to plan your content and rehearse your delivery. Structure your thoughts, emphasizing key points without sounding scripted.
  • Show Authenticity: Be yourself and let your genuine personality shine. Admissions committees value authenticity, so avoid trying to portray an image that isn't true to who you are.
  • Convey Passion: Share your enthusiasm for your goals, experiences, and aspirations. Demonstrate your motivation and commitment to making a difference in your chosen field.
  • Be Concise: Given the time limit, be mindful of being concise and impactful in your communication. Avoid rambling or providing unnecessary details.
  • Practice Non-Verbal Communication: Pay attention to non-verbal cues such as body language, eye contact, and facial expressions. They can greatly enhance your message and overall impression.
  • Seek Feedback: Record yourself and seek feedback from trusted individuals, such as mentors, family, or friends. They can offer valuable insights and help refine your presentation.

How to Write Compelling MBA Essays

While the MIT Sloan Video Statement provides a unique opportunity to showcase your abilities, it's important to remember that it should complement your overall application. Your written essays play a crucial role in highlighting your achievements, experiences, and motivations. Here are a few tips to write compelling essays:

  • Reflect on Your Experiences: Dive deep into your personal and professional experiences to identify key moments that have shaped your journey and fueled your aspirations.
  • Show Impact: Demonstrate how your experiences have had a positive impact on others, your community, or your organization. Admissions committees value applicants who make a difference.
  • Connect with MIT Sloan: Research the program thoroughly and tailor your essays to highlight how your goals align with MIT Sloan's mission, values, and resources. Connect your aspirations to specific offerings within the program.
  • Seek Feedback: Share your essays with trusted advisors, mentors, or friends, and incorporate their feedback to refine your writing. Multiple perspectives can help you craft stronger narratives.
  • Show Growth and Learning: Admissions committees are interested in your ability to learn from challenges and adapt. Highlight instances where you have overcome obstacles and grown both personally and professionally.

MIT Sloan Video Statement FAQs

1. What is the MIT Sloan Video Statement?

The MIT Sloan Video Statement is a short video submission required as part of the MBA application. It gives candidates the opportunity to introduce themselves to the admissions committee in a more personal and dynamic way than written essays.

2. How long should the MIT Sloan video statement be?

The video statement should typically be around one minute long. It's important to adhere strictly to the time limit specified by MIT Sloan in the application instructions.

3. What content should be included in the video statement?

The video should include a brief introduction of yourself, your background, and why you are interested in MIT Sloan. Focus on aspects that might not be evident from your written application, like your personality and enthusiasm.

4. What technical quality is expected for the video?

While the video doesn’t have to be professionally produced, ensure good quality in terms of clear audio and visual. Record in a well-lit, quiet environment and test your equipment beforehand.

5. Should I follow a script for the video?

It’s advisable to outline key points you want to cover, but avoid a rigid script. The video should come across as natural and conversational. Practice enough to be comfortable but maintain a spontaneous feel.

6. How can I make my video statement stand out?

Be authentic and let your personality shine through. Use the video to share stories or insights that add a new dimension to your application. Creativity is welcome, but keep it relevant and professional.

7. What are common mistakes to avoid in the video statement?

Common mistakes include exceeding the time limit, poor audio or video quality, being too scripted or rehearsed, lack of focus on relevant content, and failing to convey enthusiasm for the program.

8. Can I include other people in my video?

The video should primarily focus on you. If including others adds value to what you’re conveying (for instance, a brief clip showing team interaction), it can be considered, but ensure the primary focus remains on your own contributions and story.

9. How important is the video statement in the overall application?

The video statement is a critical component of your application. It provides the admissions committee with insights into your communication skills, personality, and fit with Sloan’s culture.

10. Should I get feedback on my video before submitting?

Yes, getting feedback can be very beneficial. Show your video to trusted friends, mentors, or professionals who can give you honest feedback on the content, delivery, and overall impression.

With these insights and tips, you can approach the MIT Sloan Video Statement with confidence and make a compelling impression on the admissions committee. Take the opportunity to showcase your personality, passion, and readiness to contribute to the MIT Sloan community. Good luck!

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Smart. Open. Grounded. Inventive. Read our Ideas Made to Matter.

Which program is right for you?

MIT Sloan Campus life

Through intellectual rigor and experiential learning, this full-time, two-year MBA program develops leaders who make a difference in the world.

A rigorous, hands-on program that prepares adaptive problem solvers for premier finance careers.

A 12-month program focused on applying the tools of modern data science, optimization and machine learning to solve real-world business problems.

Earn your MBA and SM in engineering with this transformative two-year program.

Combine an international MBA with a deep dive into management science. A special opportunity for partner and affiliate schools only.

A doctoral program that produces outstanding scholars who are leading in their fields of research.

Bring a business perspective to your technical and quantitative expertise with a bachelor’s degree in management, business analytics, or finance.

A joint program for mid-career professionals that integrates engineering and systems thinking. Earn your master’s degree in engineering and management.

An interdisciplinary program that combines engineering, management, and design, leading to a master’s degree in engineering and management.

Executive Programs

A full-time MBA program for mid-career leaders eager to dedicate one year of discovery for a lifetime of impact.

This 20-month MBA program equips experienced executives to enhance their impact on their organizations and the world.

Non-degree programs for senior executives and high-potential managers.

A non-degree, customizable program for mid-career professionals.

How to Apply to the MBA Program

What’s your story? What experiences have shaped who you are today? We want to know. We are on a quest to find curious, passionate, analytical candidates who will enhance the collaborative community here at MIT. Our goal is to create a vibrant learning environment rich in diverse ideas and life experiences. That's why we welcome applicants from all over the globe, and from all areas of study, including the humanities, the social and physical sciences, business, and engineering. Above all, we seek thoughtful leaders with exceptional intellectual abilities, determined to make their mark in the world—people who value dignity and respect. Here’s how to get started!

Register your Interest

Application Deadlines

The Admissions Committee reviews all applications and will notify applicants of their decision on or before these deadlines. Please note that in the interest of confidentiality, we will only deliver official decisions via your online application.

The application deadline for enrollment in the 2024 MBA program has passed. Check back in the summer for our deadlines to apply for entry in 2025. Please  introduce yourself and let us know you are interested  in the program for the next enrollment cycle. You'll receive information about our upcoming events and next year's application deadline.


MIT Sloan MBA Application Tips

mit sloan video essay

A complete 2024 application entry requires:

Cover letter.

MIT Sloan seeks students whose personal characteristics demonstrate that they will make the most of the incredible opportunities at MIT, both academic and non-academic. We are on a quest to find those whose presence will enhance the experience of other students. We seek thoughtful leaders with exceptional intellectual abilities and the drive and determination to put their stamp on the world. We welcome people who are independent, authentic, and fearlessly creative — true doers. We want people who can redefine solutions to conventional problems, and strive to preempt unconventional dilemmas with cutting-edge ideas. We demand integrity and respect passion.

Taking the above into consideration, please submit a cover letter seeking a place in the MIT Sloan MBA program. Your letter should conform to a standard business correspondence, include one or more professional examples that illustrate why you meet the desired criteria above, and be addressed to the Admissions Committee (300 words or fewer, excluding address and salutation).

Please submit a  one-page  resume. This will help us easily track your academic and career path. Try to focus on your work results, not just your title or job description. Here are some pointers on formatting: 

  • One page limit
  • Times New Roman font
  • Size 10 font
  • Word or PDF formats only

Provide the following information in reverse chronological order:

Education: Please include relevant awards, scholarships and professional societies

Work Experience: Please include company name, title, results-oriented bullets that demonstrate your skill set, and dates

Additional information: Please include extracurricular activities/community service, technical skills/certifications, and special skills/interests, and languages spoken (if applicable)

Video Statement

Introduce yourself to your future classmates. Here’s your chance to put a face with a name, let your personality shine through, be conversational, be yourself. We can’t wait to meet you! Videos should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • No more than 1 minute (60 second) in length
  • Single take (no editing) 
  • Speaking directly to the camera
  • Do not include background music or subtitles

Note: While we ask you to introduce yourself to your future classmates in this video, the video will not be shared beyond the admissions committee and is for use in the application process only.

One Letter of Recommendation

A detailed recommendation can tell us a lot about you. Make sure you select an individual qualified to speak about your results as a professional and your potential as a leader. Some important details:

  • MBA applicants must submit  one letter of recommendation .
  • A recommendation from a professional contact is preferred, ideally a manager or supervisor.
  • We do not accept recommendations from family members.
  • Your letter of recommendation must be received by the deadline date for the round you are applying (see above for our deadlines.) It is your responsibility to remind your recommender to make sure it is submitted on time.

You will be instructed to add your recommender's contact information and they will be sent instructions on how to submit their letter. You should choose a recommender who can answer the following questions:

  • How long and in what capacity have you known the applicant?
  • How does the applicant stand out from others in a similar capacity?
  • Please give an example of the applicant's impact on a person, group, or organization.
  • Please give a representative example of how the applicant interacts with other people.
  • Please tell us anything else you think we should know about this applicant.
  • Describe the most important piece of constructive feedback you have given the applicant. Please detail the circumstances and the applicant's response.

Additional References

We want to make sure we give you the best chance to show us your strengths, so please provide us with contact information for two additional professional references. If we still have questions after reading your application, we might reach out to one or both of these references. Similar to your recommender, these additional references should be able to speak to your professional and/or academic background. These two individuals should be different from your recommender.

Organizational Chart

To help us better understand your current role and the impact that you have on your team and department, please submit an organizational chart. We should be able to clearly understand the internal structure of your organization, where you sit in your organization, and your line of reporting.

Organizational charts should not be more than two pages and keep the following in mind:

  • Give us as much detail as possible (names, titles, etc.) but it’s ok to redact names if you need to.
  • Please circle your role in red so that your position is easily identifiable.
  • Make sure we can easily identify where you are, to whom you report, and if applicable, who reports to you.
  • If your recommender or references are on your organizational chart (they may not be, and that’s ok!), please highlight them for us.
  • If you are a consultant, entrepreneur, or affiliated with the military review our  FAQs  for suggestions on how to approach the organizational chart.

Click here to view a sample organizational chart.


Please scan and upload your transcript(s) from all colleges and universities you attended or are currently attending. If you are currently earning a degree, please upload your most up-to-date transcript.  We review transcripts carefully, please double check that what you have uploaded is legible; if you can’t read it, neither can we!

Some important details:

  • All applicants to the program must hold a four-year undergraduate degree or three-year equivalent undergraduate degree from outside of the U.S, by time of matriculation.
  • Do not mail any hard copies of official academic records or transcripts.  
  • If you received an undergraduate degree as part of a Master's program, please include an undergraduate entry in addition to your Master's degree.
  • If your transcripts are not in English, please scan and upload both the original and the certified translation.
  • We cannot accept “digitally signed” or encrypted transcripts. If you’re having difficulty uploading your document, this may be the reason. Print out your transcript, scan it, and upload the PDF.
  • We do not accept transfer credits. Any MIT classes taken pre-matriculation cannot be counted toward your degree at MIT Sloan

Once admitted to the program you will be required to provide an official signed and sealed transcript from all schools attended. Any discrepancies between the scanned transcripts and official transcripts may result in a candidate’s rejection or a withdrawal of our offer of admission.

Test Scores

Standardized tests, specifically the GMAT and GRE are a critical component of the application process and play an important role in our holistic evaluation process. The MIT Sloan Admissions Committee expects that you will submit a GMAT or GRE score to be reviewed as part of your application. Both the remote and in-person versions of these exams are accepted with no preference. If your current situation prevents you from being able to submit a test score, you may request a test waiver explaining the situation; the Admissions Committee will take your request under advisement and let you know if the waiver has been approved. If the waiver is approved, and you are admitted, the Admissions Committee reserves the right to offer conditional admission such as, but not limited to, receiving a certain score on the GMAT or GRE or taking a supplemental class. To request a test waiver, please start your application and navigate to the Test Scores section; you can submit your request there. Once submitted, you will receive a response by email as soon as possible.

We will accept self-reported test scores by the application deadline, and welcome either traditional or online version of exams. Test scores must be valid by the application deadline. Official scores should also be sent using the following school codes:

  • To share your GMAT score, please enter Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - MIT Sloan School of Management
  • GRE School Code: 3791

For the 2023-24 admission cycle, we will accept all versions of the GMAT or GRE, including remote or in-person.

Relevant Coursework & Professional Certifications

We welcome applicants from many types of academic backgrounds and do not have any academic prerequisites. That being said, we want to understand what relevant coursework you have already completed in order to assess how prepared you are for our core MBA courses.

In the application, we ask you to tell us which courses (if any) in the following subject areas you have taken. We’ll also ask what grade you received in each course.

  • Communications
  • Linear Algebra
  • Microeconomics
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Probability

Additionally, if you earned special certifications or took professional development courses in your spare time, please tell us about them! Feel free to submit academic evidence not already on your transcripts, such as: professional certifications CFA, CPA, ACCA, among others; non-degree coursework such as MITx MicroMasters, CORe, edX, MBA Math, or any other non-degree coursework you completed.

Optional Short Answer Question

Applicants are invited to expand on their background by responding to the following  optional  250 word short answer question:

How has the world you come from shaped who you are today? For example, your family, culture, community, all help to shape aspects of your life experiences and perspective. Please use this opportunity if you would like to share more about your background.

This is an opportunity for you to share more about yourself with the Admissions Committee, should you choose to do so.

Application Fee

The non-refundable application fee of $250.00 USD must be paid online prior to submitting your application.

In addition to the list below, attendees of some recruitment events and conferences where MIT Sloan is present may qualify for an application fee waiver. If you are in attendance at one of these events, you will be notified at the conclusion of the event and the payment section of your application will reflect the waiver automatically.

Please note that we cannot grant retroactive fee waivers if the application fee has already been paid online. If you are submitting a request, please wait to hear back from us.

You may be eligible for a fee waiver if any of the following apply:

  • Current Peace Corps Members
  • Current Teach for America Members or Alumni
  • Forte MBA Launch Participants
  • Veteran or Active Duty U.S. Military Personnel
  • Paying the application fee will result in insurmountable financial hardship

Participants from the following list of programs, conferences, and fellowships are also eligible for an application fee waiver:

MIT Sponsored Programs

  • MIT Summer Research Program (MSRP General)
  • MIT Summer Research Program (MSRP Biology/BCS/CBMM)
  • On-Campus MIT ACCESS Program
  • MIT Media Lab Open House Travel Grant Recipients
  • MIT OME Laureates and Leaders
  • MIT OME The Standard
  • MIT Emergent Behaviors of Integrated Cellular Systems (EBICS)
  • Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology (HST) Summer Institute

Fellowship Programs

  • APSA Diversity Fellowship Program (APSA DFP)
  • Emergent Behaviors of Integrated Cellular Systems Research Experience for Undergraduates (EBICS REU)
  • Gates Millenium Scholars Program
  • Leadership Alliance Summer Research Early Identification Program (SR-EIP)
  • Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP)
  • Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC)
  • McNair Scholars Program
  • Mellon Mays Minority Undergraduate Fellowship Program (MMUF)
  • Morehouse College Dr. John H. Hopps Jr. Defense Research Scholars Program Hopps (HOPPS)
  • National Association of African American Honors Programs (NAAAHP)
  • Questbridge
  • Ralph Bunche Summer Institute (RBSI)
  • Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement Program (RISE)
  • The National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science (GEM)
  • University of Baltimore Maryland County Meyerhoff Scholars Program
  • Woods Hole Partnership Education Program

Events and Conferences

  • ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing
  • American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES)
  • Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS)
  • California Forum for Diversity in Graduate Education
  • Emerging Researches National Conference in STEM (ERN)
  • FIU McNair Scholars Research Conference
  • Georgia Tech Virtual Graduate Showcase
  • Grace Hopper Celebration Conference
  • Howard University Research Month
  • Institute on Teaching and Mentoring (SREB)
  • Ivy Plus Puerto Rico
  • MC-STEMP Graduating Engineering Minorities (GEM) GRADLab
  • National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE)
  • National Organization of Minority Architects
  • National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
  • National Society of Black Physicists (NSBP)
  • Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)
  • Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
  • Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
  • Spelman College Research Day
  • The National GEM Consortium

Instructions for Dual Degree Applicants & Reapplicants

Lgo applicants.

The LGO program at MIT Sloan allows you to pursue two degrees from the MIT School of Engineering (SoE) and the MBA program at the MIT Sloan School of Management. To learn more about the LGO program and read about the application requirements please visit the LGO website .

LGO Applicants are automatically considered for LGO and MBA. You may not submit separate applications to LGO and MBA. If you are unsuccessful in gaining admission to LGO, you will still be considered for MBA.

Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) Applicants

The MIT Sloan MBA program and the Harvard Kennedy School of Government (HKS) offer a dual-degree program that can be completed in three years:

  • One year in residence at one school
  • A second year in residence at the second school
  • A third year with one semester at each school

Applicants who wish to pursue the dual degree option must receive:

  • Concurrent admission to the MIT Sloan MBA program and the Harvard Kennedy School; and
  • Permission from MIT Sloan to pursue the dual degree option in three years

Applicants intending to pursue the dual degree option with the Harvard Kennedy School of Government (HKS) should follow the MBA applicant instructions above. All applicants intending to apply for the dual degree program must be applying concurrently to HKS and MIT Sloan and submit their application to MIT Sloan in Round 2.

Concurrent applicants to MIT Sloan and HKS must notify MIT Sloan immediately if accepted into HKS so that we can review and approve you to pursue the dual degree program.


For applicants who applied for entry in a previous year, we require that you complete and submit a new and complete application. We strongly encourage you to submit new application materials and emphasize what has changed since you last applied. Reapplicants may submit their applications in any round, and will have an opportunity to highlight changes since their previous application in a short-answer question. LGO reapplicants must submit their applications by the LGO deadline. You can find more information in our FAQs .

MIT Department of Urban Studies (DUSP) Applicants

This program allows students to pursue an MBA and a Master in City Planning (MCP) in three academic years.

  • Concurrent admission to the MIT Sloan MBA program and DUSP; and

All applicants intending to apply for the dual degree program must be applying concurrently to DUSP and MIT Sloan and submit their application to MIT Sloan in Round 2.

The Interview Process

Interviews are by invitation only. They are a required step in the process. An invitation to interview signals that your application has reached an advanced stage of consideration, but it does not guarantee admission. Those invited to the interview will be asked to respond to two additional questions prior to the interview. Details for submitting your essay will be included in the interview invitation.

Interviews will be conducted virtually and will be scheduled in local Boston time. Please adjust your calendar to reflect the correct time if you are located outside of the Eastern Time Zone. 

Interview Tips with Dawna Levenson, Assistant Dean of Admissions

In this video, Dawna Levenson, Assistant Dean of Admissions, walks you through the interview process and shares some tips to help you prepare.

mit sloan video essay


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MIT Sloan Video Statement Tips & Strategy


Just as MIT Sloan eschews the M7 convention throughout its MBA application (requiring a cover letter and org chart in lieu of traditional written essays), it’s video component is unlike the others.

Instead of seeing how you’ll field a series of randomly selected questions, MIT Sloan wants a one-take video statement in which you “introduce yourself to your future classmates.” And the kicker is that you get just 60 seconds to deliver a response that’s meaningful, memorable, and coherent.

A growing number of business schools have introduced a video component of the MBA application in recent years, including INSEAD, Kellogg, Yale, Rotman, and MIT Sloan. In addition to seeing you in action, the video component allows MBA admissions to assess your confidence, presentation style, language skills, and ability to think on your feet. My Fortuna Admissions colleagues have offered great advice on acing the MBA video essay , including tips on set-up, presentation, and fielding sample questions. Each of those great insights are still valuable and applicable to MIT Sloan.

One of my clients delivered a 60-second presentation that knocked it out of the park.

The secret to his success was to focus on just one story from his life, which revealed a distinctive aspect of his personality. Frankly, it was an anecdote that might easily be overlooked, if it weren’t for the artful way he used his story to illuminate the personal values and attributes that made him a great fit for MIT.

His video didn’t showcase any remarkable technical skill, nor attempt to deliver his elevator pitch. He appeared to be sitting at his desk in a small, tidy corner that might have been a bedroom or office. Then he launched straight into a story that evoked a specific moment in time, and suddenly I could picture the scene. I felt myself get curious and attentive. What he achieved was a winsome glimpse into what made him unique, and it exuded warmth, sincerity, and authenticity. He even managed to convey a personal “ah-ha” that was both profound and relevant. And what he chose to omit was so intentional and well-tuned that you couldn’t watch his video statement without wanting to meet him. Slam dunk.

While the content is your own, there are several key characteristics you can take to heart in creating your standout video.

Here are six top tips to keep in mind for MIT Sloan.

1. Consider elaborating on one, specific experience. A single story that conveys something meaningful allows you to offer more depth about who you are beyond a shimmering track record of excellence. Think of something that won’t be found in the rest of your application – what will add value to your overall narrative?

2. Avoid a monologue of your professional accomplishments. This means sidestepping what my Fortuna colleague Karla Cohen refers to as the “resume to prose” essay (and while a video isn’t prose, this translates to scripting a story of successes and achievements). “It’s a common mistake, and it robs your story of the potential for making an emotional connection,” says Karla in her recent article on what HBS really wants . “When you take the risk to be vulnerable, it inspires a human connection, and it’s so much more appealing.”

3. Take the risk to reveal something personal . Focusing too heavily on work-work-work makes you seem less human. Or like you’re trying to give the admissions committee what you think they want to hear. The objective here is to give them a genuine glimpse of who you are.

4. Emphasize quality over quantity. A minute can feel impossibly short, and there isn’t a lot of room for sharing. Dig deep to explore a specific story that says a lot about you, and allows you to make a connection to the values that MIT holds dear.

5. Connect your values to those of MIT Sloan. MIT is looking for brilliant, imaginative doers who are having an impact in the communities in which they exist. Think about anecdotes and stories that show when you’ve gone beyond yourself, demonstrated leadership and/or created a positive impact.

6. Strike a tone that’s humble yet confident. The applicant pool at any M7 school is teeming with overachieving wunderkinds. So, while you’ll want to convey your poise and authenticity, be sure to release any shred of entitlement or arrogance. (This isn’t politics, and boasting won’t win you favors.) Being likable is a huge part of admissions success.

To cite an enduring maxim from the late author and poet Maya Angelou:

“ At the end of the day people won’t remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel. ”

MIT Sloan’s video essay is an opportunity to make the admissions committee feel something powerful. And, ultimately, leave them feeling a desire to meet you in person.

Want more advice?

For more insider information, check out our related articles on MIT Sloan below. You can also view Fortuna’s Business School Profile on MIT Sloan or request a copy of our Insider Tips Report  on MIT Sloan.

  • MIT Sloan MBA Strategy: How to Tackle the Application 
  • MIT Sloan Org Chart: How to Tackle It

Fortuna Admissions Expert Coach Brittany Maschal  is a former member of admissions teams at Wharton, Princeton & Johns Hopkins. For a candid assessment of your chances of admission success at a top MBA program, sign up for  a free consultation .



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mit sloan video essay

July 20, 2023

MIT Sloan MBA Essay Tips and Deadlines [2023-2024], Class Profile

mit sloan video essay

According to its website , MIT Sloan is looking for individuals from all around the world who demonstrate the following:

  • Leadership and an ability to inspire others 
  • A collaborative spirit and focus on community
  • Intellectual curiosity and analytical strength 
  • Creativity to generate new solutions to existing challenges 
  • Growth in both professional and personal endeavors 

To uncover these attributes, the MIT Sloan MBA application continues to include its signature cover letter and resume requirements. It also retains the video component and organizational chart.

Ready to get to work on your MIT Sloan application? Read on.

  • MIT Sloan application essay tips 

MIT Sloan application deadlines

Mit sloan class profile, mit sloan application essay tips.

Short answer: Professional aspirations

(150 word maximum, double-spaced, 12-point font)

  • What are your short-term career goals?

You should be able to answer MIT’s short answer question easily. If not, you shouldn’t be applying yet.

I see this as the typical 60-second “elevator pitch.” If you were to meet someone from your dream company in an elevator, what could you tell them in one sentence that would pique their interest and make them want to know more about you? You have room for more than one sentence here, so provide a little context. What skills do you already have, and where is the gap? What motivates you to pursue this post-MBA goal? Is there a longer-term goal that motivates your short-term one? You won’t have room to answer all these questions, but strategically choose those that are most relevant, and be sure to answer the “why.” You really need to know something about the industry or functional area you are targeting to answer this question succinctly and clearly. Don’t just say, “I want to do management consulting because I’m a good problem solver.” That won’t make you stand out from the hundreds of other applicants who will say the same thing!

<<Applying to MIT Sloan? Listen to our podcast interview with the Director of Admissions>>

MIT Sloan MBA video statement

Introduce yourself to your future classmates. Here’s your chance to put a face with a name, let your personality shine through, be conversational, be yourself. We can’t wait to meet you! 

Videos should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • No more than 1 minute (60 second) in length
  • Single take (no editing)
  • Speaking directly to the camera
  • Do not include background music or subtitles

The video statement was introduced at MIT Sloan about six years ago. Your goal here is this: deliver your statement with poise and presence . I suggest you outline a 60-second statement that you would use to introduce yourself to your classmates (not the admissions committee members; they’re just important flies on the wall who happen to be listening in).

Don’t be too casual; your classmates are your future professional network and social group, but do be friendly and remember to smile. What would you tell them about yourself? What would show that you are already a member of MIT’s community – you just don’t happen to pay tuition yet?

Here are a few tips for the video part of this exercise. First, practice in front of a webcam so that you get used to talking to a little lens that has no affect, feedback, or expression. Recording yourself on video is not the same as talking on Skype with another human being. Second, I suggest you put a smiley face just above or below the camera to remind you to smile at appropriate points in your statement. Third, view your practice videos, looking for poise and presence. During some of the practices, maybe have a friend present to encourage you, but also practice without anyone else in the room. We at Accepted are happy to help you prepare, too .

For the real video statement, dress in business or business casual attire. If you’re not confident that your attire is appropriate, it probably isn’t; dress more conservatively. Make sure your location is quiet and that roommates, pets, and children are in a location where they won’t be heard or disturb you. Make sure your background is neutral and not a distraction. Blank walls make a great background.

Watch: Two big mistakes people make about applying to MIT Sloan

MIT Sloan MBA organizational chart

To help us better understand your current role and the impact that you have on your team and department, please submit an organizational chart. We should be able to clearly understand the internal structure of your organization, where you sit in your organization, and your line of reporting.

Organizational charts should not be more than two pages and keep the following in mind:

  • Give us as much detail as possible (names, titles, etc.) but it’s ok to redact names if you need to.
  • Please circle your role in red so that your position is easily identifiable.
  • Make sure we can easily identify where you are, to whom you report, and if applicable, who reports to you.
  • If your recommender or references are on your organizational chart (they may not be, and that’s ok!), please highlight them for us.
  • If you are a consultant, entrepreneur, or affiliated with the military review our FAQs for suggestions on how to approach the organizational chart.

MIT Sloan’s organizational chart is a way tof illustratinge your role within your organization for the admissions team. The goal is to clearly show your line of reporting, including your peers, supervisors, supervisors’ peers, and any direct reports you might have. If you have received a promotion, make sure to highlight both your current and previous roles.

Not in a traditional organization? The admissions team suggests that for some (e.g., entrepreneurs, or contractors), it might be more helpful to put yourself in the center of the chart and build out from there with respect to those you interact with on a regular basis.  A consultant, on the other hand, might select a specific project and identify the players involved in the project from both the consulting firm’s side and the client’ side.  


MIT Sloan optional short answer

Applicants are invited to expand on their background by responding to the following optional 250 word short answer question:

How has the world you come from shaped who you are today? For example, your family, culture, community, all help to shape aspects of your identity. Please use this opportunity if you would like to share more about your background.

This is an opportunity for you to share more about yourself with the Admissions Committee, should you choose to do so.

This optional short-answer question is a great place to share information about yourself that you couldn’t fit into other areas of the application. Notice, however, that this question does not mention your professional life. Most often, circumstances that truly shape who we are today come from a situation that impacted us personally. Despite what we have achieved, we all have taken different paths to arrive at this point. Take time to reflect – what truly impacted you? For instance, did you face some sort of adversity and persevered? Share what you overcame. Have you made a difference in your community? Share how you have done so. In both cases, be sure to include how the situation helped to shape aspects of your identity. MIT Sloan wants to know more about your personal background and how its community will benefit from your being a part of it.

*Applications must be submitted by 3:00 p.m. EST

Source: MIT Sloan website

***Disclaimer: Information is subject to change. Please check with MIT Sloan directly to verify its essay questions, instructions, and deadlines.***

Here’s a look at the MIT Sloan Class of 2024 (data taken from the MIT Sloan website ):

Class size: 408

Average years of work experience: 5

International: 40%

Underrepresented minority: 32% 

Countries represented: 63

Median undergraduate GPA: 3.62

Median GMAT: 730

GMAT range (middle 80%): 690-760

GRE Quant range (middle 80%): 158-169

GRE Verbal range (middle 80%): 157-168

Pre-MBA industry:

  • Consulting: 23%
  • Financial Services: 23%
  • Technology: 14%
  • Government, Education, Nonprofit: 14%
  • Pharmaceutical, Healthcare, Biotech: 6%
  • Manufacturing: 3%
  • Consumer Products, Retail: 3%
  • Automotive, Transportation, Defense: 2%
  • Media, Entertainment, Sports: 0.5%

Undergraduate majors:

  • Engineering: 29%
  • Business: 23%
  • Economics: 17%
  • Science and Math:15%
  • Social Science: 10%
  • Humanities: 2%
  • Computer Science: 2%

Do you see yourself as a future graduate of MIT Sloan?

Accepted has the resources to help you decide which program is right for you:

  • GMAT, GPA, and MBA Acceptance Rates: The Selectivity Index
  • M7 MBA Programs: Everything You Need to Know
  • Top 10 or Bust: Dispelling 2 MBA Myths
  • Which MBA Program is Right for Me? The Ultimate Guide to Choosing an MBA Program

For expert guidance with your MIT Sloan MBA application, check out Accepted’s MBA Application Packages , which includes comprehensive guidance from an experienced admissions consultant. We’ve helped applicants get accepted to MIT Sloan’s MBA program and look forward to helping you, too!

Kelly Wilson admissions expert headshot

As the former executive director of admissions at Carnegie Mellon’s Tepper School and assistant dean of admissions at Georgetown’s McDonough School and the University of Pittsburgh’s Katz School, has 23 years’ experience overseeing admissions committees and has reviewed more than 38,000 applications for the MBA and master’s programs in management of information systems, computational finance, business analytics, and product management.   Want Kelly to help you get accepted? Click here to get in touch!

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MIT Sloan School of Management Essay Tips and Examples

July 3, 2023

Jeremy Shinewald

mit sloan video essay

Rather than framing its required application essay as a traditional “essay,” the MIT Sloan School of Management instead requests that applicants submit a “cover letter,” including even the standard formal correspondence elements of an address and opening salutation. Writing cover letters will undoubtedly be a large part of students’ career development efforts at Sloan, after all, so why not start now? Candidates must also submit a one-minute self-introduction video in which they are expected to convey their personality and basically “be themselves.” Some MBA programs use video essays to evaluate candidates’ communication skills, grace under pressure, and potential to contribute to classroom discussions, and even though Sloan’s admissions committee will likely be able to glean hints about these qualities through its video, its primary purpose appears to be to reveal who the school’s applicants are as living, breathing people , rather than one-dimensional aggregates of words and numbers in a folder. As we have noted in the past, while somewhat unorthodox, the school’s “essays” allow applicants to deliver a balanced view of their professional and personal profiles, with a good amount of leeway for creativity. Read on for our full analysis of MIT Sloan’s application prompts for 2023–2024. 

MIT Sloan 2023–2024 Essay Tips

Cover Letter: MIT Sloan seeks students whose personal characteristics demonstrate that they will make the most of the incredible opportunities at MIT, both academic and non-academic. We are on a quest to find those whose presence will enhance the experience of other students. We seek thoughtful leaders with exceptional intellectual abilities and the drive and determination to put their stamp on the world. We welcome people who are independent, authentic, and fearlessly creative—true doers. We want people who can redefine solutions to conventional problems, and strive to preempt unconventional dilemmas with cutting-edge ideas. We demand integrity and respect passion.

Taking the above into consideration, please submit a cover letter seeking a place in the mit sloan mba program. your letter should conform to a standard business correspondence, include one or more professional examples that illustrate why you meet the desired criteria above, and be addressed to the admissions committee (300 words or fewer, excluding address and salutation)..

To start, we strongly advise that you avoid beginning your letter with a rote opening like “My name is , and I am seeking a place in the MIT Sloan Class of 2026.” Your admissions reader will likely be asleep before they even finish the sentence! Such information is obvious—we can assure you that the admissions reader is well aware of your desire to be admitted to the MIT Sloan program—and is therefore a waste of precious word count, not to mention that it is hardly the kind of gripping opening that will grab and hold someone’s attention.

The broad scope of this essay prompt allows you a great amount of freedom to choose and share the information you believe is most important for your candidacy. The 300-word maximum is equal to roughly three short paragraphs. Including specific examples of impact and leadership that clearly illustrate that you possess the qualities discussed in the prompt is crucial (we would encourage you to share at least two). Informal guidance provided by MIT Sloan’s admissions committee after the initial release of this essay question in 2017 indicated that applicants should focus on sharing their personal experiences, accomplishments, values, viewpoints, and/or skills to demonstrate (1) what they can contribute to the school’s greater community as a result and (2) why Sloan’s MBA program in particular is the best one for them. The school does not ask you to outline your post-MBA goals, but if doing so allows you to better substantiate your need or desire for a Sloan MBA specifically, a (very) brief explanation of your aspirations could be appropriate and useful.

After discussing your accomplishments—being careful not to brag!—along with any other elements of your profile that you feel make you a strong candidate for the MIT Sloan MBA program, strive to relate these achievements and qualities to the school’s offerings and community. Citing specific courses, experiential opportunities, or other relevant resources can help you make a compelling case for your spot in the next incoming class. For a thorough exploration of the MIT Sloan academic program, unique offerings, social life, and other key characteristics, be sure to download a free copy of the mbaMission Insider’s Guide to the MIT Sloan School of Management .

VIDEO: Introduce yourself to your future classmates. Here’s your chance to put a face with a name, let your personality shine through, be conversational, be yourself. We can’t wait to meet you! Videos should adhere to the following guidelines:

– no more than 1 minute (60 seconds) in length, – single take (no editing), – speaking directly to the camera, – do not include background music or subtitles.

Before you do anything else, stop and take a deep, cleansing breath. We know video essays can be scary, but MIT Sloan is not trying to stress you out. The admissions committee just wants a more dynamic representation of your personality than a written essay can provide, so your primary goal is simply to be as authentic and natural as possible. This is not a job interview, and you are instructed to consider your fellow students your intended audience, which certainly implies that a less rigid and traditionally “professional” demeanor is okay, though you should obviously never be inappropriate or offensive. Do not concern yourself with trying to say the “right” things in your video. The topic here is one you know very well—you! A good brainstorming tactic is to imagine meeting someone for the first time at a party or other event and to think about the kinds of questions you might ask one another in the process of getting acquainted. What kind of information would you want to know about this person, and what facts about yourself would you be most eager to share, as a way of conveying who you are and making a connection? (You can even Google “icebreaker questions” to find examples of these sorts of questions.) Take some time to delve into your personality in this way.

The admissions committee’s enthusiasm comes through very clearly in this prompt, and we encourage you to make sure your own enthusiasm comes through just as clearly in your video. In a video on Sloan’s YouTube channel, Sloan’s associate director of admissions noted that this submission is “one of [their] favorite components in the application,” and we are pretty confident that is not because these videos tend to be stiff, boring recitations of applicants’ resumes and cloying compliments of the school. Spend some time really delving into what makes you you , what you are proud of, what you get excited about, what you like about yourself and feel you can offer to those around you—all the elements that make you the individual you are today. This is the content that will breathe life into your application. For further inspiration, consider asking your family members and friends how they would describe you to someone who had never met you and what they believe are your standout qualities, abilities, and/or accomplishments. Such outside perspectives can be inspiring and can alert you to compelling points you might have otherwise disregarded or forgotten. 

Even though in the scenario the school presents, you are supposed to be addressing your fellow students, your  actual  audience will be the admissions committee, so keep in mind what they will already have learned about you from your cover letter essay and other portions of your application. If you have a particularly significant story or relevant aspect of your candidacy that you have not been able to convey elsewhere in your materials, this could be a great opportunity to share it (though this would not be the time or place to explain any problematic issues). Also, avoid pandering to the school or expressing your generic admiration for the program. You have only one minute in which to make an impression, and even without knowing you personally, we are confident that you have more to your character than can be conveyed in a mere 60 seconds—so do not waste any of them!

Given that this is a video, you will want to pay some extra attention to the clothing you will wear, your tone of voice, your language style, and other such details. In the end, your message is what is most important, so no fancy bells or whistles are needed, but if you are a more creative type, you might consider ways of nonverbally communicating some of your strongest attributes and key aspects of your life to help permeate your submission with as much information as possible. For example, if you are an avid cook, consider filming your video while standing in a kitchen, perhaps wearing an apron (if you typically do so) and surrounded by the ingredients and tools you need to create one of your favorite recipes. If you are a dedicated guitar player, perhaps hold your guitar as you speak. If you are especially confident, you could even sing about yourself! In short, think about what makes you who you are today, decide what you most want to share with your future classmates, and then let your creativity flow.

On a practical note, be sure to speak clearly. You naturally do not want any part of your message to be lost or misunderstood, and the admissions committee could view your communication skills and style as indicators of how you might interact with your classmates and/or speak in the classroom. Although we recommend spending some time practicing in front of a mirror or a friend, do not over-rehearse, and avoid simply reading from a prepared script. You want to come across as genuine as possible so the admissions committee can “meet” the real you.

Optional Short Answer Question: How has the world you come from shaped who you are today? For example, your family, culture, community, all help to shape aspects of your identity. Please use this opportunity if you would like to share more about your background. (250 words)

This question is truly optional; applicants will not be evaluated more positively or negatively should they choose to respond. this is an opportunity for you to share more about yourself with the admissions committee, should you choose to do so..

Although the Sloan admissions committee is very explicit in spelling out that this indeed is an optional portion of the application and that candidates will not gain (or lose) in any way if they choose to respond to this prompt (or not), we have little doubt that quite a few applicants will panic at the thought of not submitting something. Believe us when we say that you can trust the admissions committee and be confident that the school is not trying to trick or test you in any way. (If this were a test of any kind—and again, it is not —it would be of your ability to assess and respond to such opportunities appropriately, meaning knowing when to provide more information and when to leave well enough alone.) The obvious truth is that everyone is shaped by their background, but not everyone will have a worthwhile story to share for this mini essay. If you do, the admissions committee simply wants to leave the door open for you to do so. But do not force the issue.

If an aspect of your background has pushed you to develop a certain appreciation, value, or skill that is not otherwise conveyed in your application but is central to who you are and how you conduct yourself in the world, that might be worth discussing here. If you have something in your character that is perhaps more lighthearted but stems from an aspect of your upbringing or environment and would help demonstrate that you are a multifaceted individual who can add an interesting new element to the next incoming class, that, too, could be a fitting topic for this mini essay. The bottom line is to ensure that if you choose to respond to this prompt, you offer the admissions committee something that is truly additive to your profile and will help them better understand who you are and what you have to offer for the Sloan community and perhaps even the broader world post-MBA.

Reapplicants: We strongly encourage you to submit new application materials and emphasize what has changed since you last applied. Re-applicants may submit their applications in any round, and will have an opportunity to highlight changes since their previous application in a short-answer question.

Whether you have improved your academic record, received a promotion, begun a new and exciting project, increased your community involvement, or taken on some sort of personal challenge, the key to success this time around is conveying a very deliberate path of achievement. MIT Sloan wants to know that you have been continuing to improve yourself and your profile, and that you have seized opportunities during the time since you last applied to do so, because earning an MIT Sloan MBA is important to you. Make sure the admissions committee is fully aware of any significant work you have done and progress you have made since your previous application.

The Next Step: Mastering Your MIT Sloan Interview

  Many MBA candidates find admissions interviews stressful and intimidating, but mastering this important element of the application process is definitely possible—the key is informed preparation. We therefore offer our free Interview Guides to spur you along! Download your  free  copy of the  MIT Sloan School of Management Interview Guide  today.

Candidates who are fortunate enough to be invited to interview at MIT Sloan (congratulations!) must respond to two additional essay questions.

Required Question #1 The mission of the MIT Sloan School of Management is to develop principled, innovative leaders who improve the world and generate ideas that advance management practice. We believe that a commitment to diversity, inclusion, equity, and well-being is a key component of both principled leadership and sound management practice. In 250 words or less, please describe a time when you contributed toward making a work environment or organization more welcoming, inclusive, and diverse.

The key with this submission is showing initiative and input on behalf of others and making sure your actions and motivations are readily understood. In business school—as in life in general—you will encounter people who think differently from you, operate according to different values, and react differently to the same stimuli. And success in an endeavor often involves evaluating and even incorporating the views of others. With this pre-interview essay, MIT Sloan is hoping to learn how you view and respond to such differences, using the principle that past behavior is a fairly reliable predictor of future behavior. In the MIT Sloan MBA program, you will be surrounded every day by people who are unlike you in a multitude of ways, and you will need to work in tandem with and alongside these individuals when analyzing case studies, completing group projects, and taking part in other activities both inside and outside the classroom. Note, however, that the essay prompt is not about simply participating in a diverse and inclusive culture but actually helping to cultivate one. The admissions committee wants to know that you are comfortable within such a dynamic, of course, but seems especially interested in hearing about a time when you stepped up to actively bring various people together in a harmonious and productive way. 

MIT Sloan does not specify that you must have led the effort you are describing, though an example in which you have played a leadership role would be ideal if you have one. What you do have to do, in any case, is be sure that both the extent and the nature of your particular contribution to the project or event is front and center. The school expressly stipulates that the incident you share involve “a work environment or organization,” so your selected story should not be about a time you did something of this nature completely independently. Perhaps, for example, you organized (or helped organize) a welcome-our-new-hires potluck for your department after a number of new employees joined the team. Or maybe you instituted (or participated significantly in) a mentorship program at your company, in which employees with different tasks and personal backgrounds were matched to learn from and support one another. Whatever your story, we recommend using a narrative approach to present it, while also conveying the thought process and motivation(s) behind your actions. This way, the admissions committee will take away both a clear picture of what you accomplished and the aspects of your character that inspired you and enabled your success.

Required Question #2 We are interested in learning more about how you make data-driven decisions and communicate results. Please select one of the following prompts to respond to:

  • Please select an existing data visualization and in 250 words or less explain why it matters to you. The data visualization should be uploaded as a PDF. Examples may come from current events, a business analysis, or personal research (e.g. climate change, COVID maps, etc.).
  • In 250 words or less, please describe a recent data-driven decision you had to make, and include one slide presenting your analysis. The slide may include a data visualization example and should present data used in a professional context. Your slide must be uploaded as a PDF.

The important thing to understand here is that with these prompts, MIT Sloan is testing not your ability to present data but rather your ability to use data to make decisions and to explain the data in a way that is understandable to the non-quantitatively minded. To craft an effective response, you need to create a data visualization that is clean, clear, and easy to digest. The admissions committee wants evidence that you can communicate complex ideas in simple ways—or even simple ideas in compelling ways.

We suggest you start by identifying a difficult problem you recently solved or considered at length. What were the factors involved in helping you reach your final solution or conclusion? Some were undoubtedly qualitative (what your instincts told you with respect to the situation), but many, if not most, were based on the facts, numbers, and other data involved. How was your decision-making process driven by these numbers or data? And which numbers and data? Once you have determined the answers to these questions, you will have the foundation for your submission. Your next challenge is determining the best way of presenting the data so that anyone can understand it, and this part is key. If you opt for an overly complicated or sophisticated visualization, perhaps thinking you might impress the admissions committee with your advanced analytic capabilities, you will end up with a slide that is opaque and confusing—and that will not likely bring you the response you want. Instead, imagine that you were drawing a diagram for a ten-year-old (or at least someone with absolutely no knowledge of your area of expertise) to understand; what would it look like? A regression scatter plot? Probably not. Two bar charts? That sounds about right.

Similarly, crafting and presenting your chosen situation using a narrative format will make your essay both more compelling and more accessible. Consider starting with the 250-word essay, and strive to clearly describe the problem you addressed, the factors you considered in reaching your ultimate solution/resolution, and why these factors were central to your decision(s). Then, create a diagram that uses data points to illustrate how you came to that conclusion. Remember, the enemy here is being overly sophisticated in your diagram. Presenting a straightforward argument supported by a clean, accessible diagram is your goal.

To learn more about the essays for other top business schools, visit our MBA Essay Tips and Examples Resources Page .

2023-2024 Business School Essays Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan) MBA Essay Tips

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Admit Lab

Tips for a Stand-Out MIT Sloan Video Essay

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MIT Sloan is one of the most prestigious business schools not just in the United States but around the globe. It’s known for its innovative approach to management education, which revolves around creating principled and innovative leaders who can make a difference in the world. One of the core components of the application is the video statement, which provides applicants with an opportunity to showcase their personality, and communication skills and demonstrate their fit with the school’s mission. In this blog post, we will provide you with some helpful tips for crafting a successful MIT Sloan video essay that will increase your chances of getting into the program.

How important is the MIT Sloan Video Essay?

Three years ago, MIT Sloan added a video statement to the application process which allows applicants to showcase their personality, language skills, confidence, and presentation style to the admissions committee in under 60 seconds. This is an opportunity for applicants to reveal more about themselves and for the committee to evaluate their presence, interests, and passions. Since the of the goals of admissions committees is to build cohesive and diverse class, the importance of this video is not to be overlooked.

Make an Outline

Before getting in front of the camera, make sure to draft an outline of the important topics that you want to cover. A well-thought-out script will allow you to organize your thoughts and communicate more effectively. Brainstorm ideas about what anecdotes, skills, and qualities you want to share, but also show your real, authentic self. To prepare for the MIT Sloan video statement, treat it like any other interview by getting ready in advance. One benefit is that you’ll know the question beforehand. Dedicate sufficient time to prepare for your performance.

  • Plan your content : To apply to MIT Sloan, you need to provide a cover letter, resume , and letters of recommendation highlighting your professional or academic successes. However, for the video statement, it’s best to focus on your passion and interest rather than simply providing examples of work achievements. MIT Sloan looks for passionate applicants who are committed to making a positive impact on the world. In your video statement, you should showcase your passions and interests that align with the school’s mission. Share your personal and professional goals, your values, and what motivates you to pursue an MBA degree at MIT Sloan. Your goal is to demonstrate to the admissions committee that you are excited about the opportunity to join the MIT Sloan community and that you will be an active member of it. Emphasize quality over quantity by selecting one specific topic to discuss in the 60-second video statement. When thinking about topics to discuss, imagine introducing yourself to new coworkers on your first day of work. Share more than just your name and job, such as where you’re from, your hobbies, or something you’re proud of having accomplished.
  • Align your narrative story to MIT Sloan values : As you write your script, remember to keep in mind the values of MIT Sloan.
  • Keep your audience in mind : MIT Sloan wants you to introduce yourself to your prospective classmates rather than to the admissions committee. The committee’s intention is to avoid soliciting self-promotion. Instead, they want you to be genuine and communicate with your peers. As you create your introduction, ensure that your language and demeanor reflect how you speak to people of a similar age.

Getting a good camera is helpful in producing a great MBA video essay

Make it visually appealing

While the content of your video statement is critical, you also want to make sure that the quality of the video is visually appealing. Ensure that the lighting, sound, and framing are all perfect. A poorly lit and unprofessional quality video can diminish the impact of the message you are trying to convey.

MIT Sloan’s admissions committee does not require applicants to have professional cinematography skills or hire a team for their video statement. Instead, they suggest that applicants record their video using software like QuickTime or iMovie. They provide tips to help applicants produce a high-quality video statement.

  • Lighting : To ensure good recording quality, ensure that your face is properly illuminated and there are no ambient sounds in the background.
  • Background : To prevent visual distractions from taking away attention from you, please stand in front of a plain background.
  • Sound and image : Use a good quality mic and camera, which can give good quality audio and video output.

Make YOURSELF visually appealing

  • Dress for success : Wear business casual attire for your video statement recording as it will be viewed by the admissions committee as part of your application process. Even though your audience is your classmates, they will be your future professional network and social group. Avoid any casual clothing when recording your video statement.
  • Polish your delivery : To ensure a clear introduction delivery, remember to take pauses between words. As previously mentioned, use a tone and style of speech that is relatable to individuals your age. Avoid being overly formal and remember to maintain a pleasant demeanor while speaking.
  • Pay attention to body language : To improve your posture and eye contact during video calls, make sure to keep your body upright and speak directly into the camera. Also, adjust the camera to your eye level to avoid leaning.

Girl brainstorming about her MIT Sloan application

Demonstrate Your Knowledge and Connection to MIT Sloan

Showing your connection to MIT Sloan, and the reasons why you want to join the community, is particularly important. The admissions committee wants to see that you have conducted in-depth research and understand what differentiates MIT Sloan from other MBA programs. They also want to know how you envision leveraging the program’s resources, curriculum, and culture to achieve your personal and professional goals. For example, you can mention the various clubs, centers, competitions, or other events that interest you and how you intend to participate in them.

Practice Makes Perfect

The MIT Sloan video essay allows you more time to prepare compared to other video essays. You can script and practice your statement before recording. If you’re not good at speaking on the spot, practice until your video looks natural. Film yourself as you practice and review your videos to critique your performance. Make sure to look directly into the camera and treat it as your audience. Please maintain eye contact with the camera while speaking. Just like any other important presentation, rehearsing your MIT Sloan video statement is necessary to avoid mistakes, gain confidence, and refine your delivery. \

Get feedback from trusted sources

Getting feedback from trusted sources can help you eliminate any potential weak spots in your statement. Share your video with your peers, advisors, mentors, or other MBA consultants for their input. Ask them to pay attention to your content, your communication skills, and your connection to MIT Sloan. Take their feedback constructively; criticism and suggestions can be very valuable to improve your performance.

Iphones can be used to shoot MBA essays.

Use Authentic Language

Be true to yourself and communicate as naturally as you would in a conversation. Allow your language and tone to reflect your character and who you are as an individual. You want to build an authentic, engaging connection with the admissions team.

Be yourself

The video statement is your chance to introduce yourself to the MIT Sloan community. Don’t try to be someone you are not. Be true to yourself and let your personality shine through. While it’s essential to showcase your professional achievements, be sure to balance them with your personal experiences. The admissions committee wants to get to know you as a whole person, not just as an application package.

Girl being filmed for her MBA interview.

It’s clear that getting accepted into the MIT Sloan MBA program is not a simple task. However, if you put in the effort and thoughtfully craft your video statement, it may give you an edge over other applicants. You have all the necessary information to help you write and present a successful video statement – just remember to be creative, stay organized, prepare ahead of time, and give yourself enough practice. Don’t forget that with the right focus and dedication, anything is possible! So start putting together your compelling MIT Sload video essay today for the very best chance at being accepted into MIT Sloan. If you would like more guidance along this journey or need extra help throughout the application process, check out MBA application services available on our website – we’re always here to provide direction and support!

With a Master’s from McGill University and a Ph.D. from New York University, Dr. Philippe Barr is the founder of The Admit Lab . As a tenure-track professor, Dr. Barr spent a decade teaching and serving on several graduate admission committees at UNC-Chapel Hill before turning to full-time consulting. With more than seven years of experience as a graduate school admissions consultant, Dr. Barr has stewarded the candidate journey across multiple master’s and Ph.D. programs and helped hundreds of students get admitted to top-tier graduate programs all over the world .

Follow me on Instagram and TikTok for tips and tricks on navigating the grad school application process and weekly live Q&A sessions!

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Homepage > MBA Admissions > Business Schools > MIT Sloan MBA Essays 2022-2023: Analysis and Tips from an MIT Fellow

MIT Sloan MBA Essays 2022-2023: Analysis and Tips from an MIT Fellow

Posted by Suheb Hussain | Jan 24, 2023 | Business Schools , GMAT Focus Edition , MBA Admissions , MBA Application Process

MIT Sloan MBA Essays 2022-2023: Analysis and Tips from an MIT Fellow

The MBA application for MIT Sloan School of Management is quite different from other business schools. The application does not have an MBA essay per se, but has an extensive application with the following requirements:

  • Cover Letter (300 words or fewer)
  • Resume (one page)
  • Video Statement (1 minute)
  • Letter of Recommendation (one)
  • Additional References (two)
  • Organizational Chart
  • Optional 250-word short answer question

In this article, Prashant Tibrewal from Admitsquare, who has mentored 1,000+ students get into their dream business schools and who is currently enrolled at MIT Sloan himself, shares his expert tips on the MIT Sloan MBA essay and other application components.

MIT Sloan MBA essays analysis and tips

As you start working on your MIT Sloan MBA application, ask yourself if you are cut out for MIT . Securing an admit to one of the M7 business schools is not just about a high GMAT score or a unique profile or a strong application.

While all of these are just “prerequisites”, what remains the most important is a strong personality match – between the applicant and the school. You should, therefore, spend as much time understanding your dream schools, as you would, working on your application.

What makes MIT so unique and desirable to applicants?

Getting a seat at MIT Sloan does not just give you access to the business school, but also to the larger MIT university, which is among the most future-focused education ecosystems one can dream of as a student.

MIT Sloan

Not surprising, therefore, that an MIT team comprising of students from aeronautics, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and business management beat out teams from 115 other universities and 20 countries to earn the Best Overall Design Award at the SpaceX Hyperloop competition.

MIT Sloan offers an exciting range of master’s programs, designed for a wide range of students and career outcomes. It may be wise, therefore, to research well and apply to the program that you would benefit the most from:

  • Sloan Fellows MBA (1-year)
  • Leaders in Global Operations (LGO)
  • Master of Finance
  • Master of Business Analytics
Do you aspire to get into the MIT Sloan MBA Program? A 740+ GMAT score can significantly improve your chances of admission. Kickstart your GMAT preparation by  Signing up for our Free Trial ! For any queries, write to us at  [email protected] . We are the  most reviewed GMAT prep company on gmatclub with more than 2500 reviews.

MIT Sloan MBA Application Deadlines

Take a look at this article to know the MBA application deadlines of other business schools.

MIT Sloan MBA Essays and Application Requirements

While getting an admit at MIT Sloan can be difficult, applying to the program doesn’t come easy either. The MIT Sloan MBA has an extensive application with the following requirements:

MIT Sloan Cover Letter Analysis and Sample Essay Structure

MIT SLoan MBA application cover letter

“MIT Sloan seeks students whose personal characteristics demonstrate that they will make the most of the incredible opportunities at MIT, both academic and non-academic. We are on a quest to find those whose presence will enhance the experience of other students. We seek thoughtful leaders with exceptional intellectual abilities and the drive and determination to put their stamp on the world. We welcome people who are independent, authentic, and fearlessly creative — true doers. We want people who can redefine solutions to conventional problems, and strive to preempt unconventional dilemmas with cutting-edge ideas. We demand integrity and respect passion.”

Taking the above into consideration, please submit a cover letter seeking a place in the MIT Sloan MBA Program. Your letter should conform to standard business correspondence, include one or more examples that illustrate why you meet the desired criteria above, and be addressed to the Assistant Deans of Admissions, Rod Garcia, and Dawna Levenson (300 words or fewer, excluding address and salutation).

The MIT admissions team, including Rod Garcia and Dawna Levenson, has been the most consistent admissions team among the top business schools, ensuring the highest quality of student recruitment over the years.

The team, having retained the Cover Letter requirement for the fifth year now, clearly loves the format and how it has helped assess applicants. An open-ended question such as this comes with a high risk of submitting an essay that may not be aligned with the expectations of the admissions team.

Why such a short (300 word) cover letter, in contrast to other schools that allow much more space and scope to present yourself?

Well, for an MIT applicant with rich professional experience, applying to a business school is pretty similar to applying for a job. This is your opportunity to convince the team why they should consider your application over thousands of other well-qualified applicants.

Candidates often end up presenting a verbose, high level, broad-based career summary, which is exactly what the adcom doesn’t want to read. With access to your resume, one can pretty much trace your career path and gain a broad level of understanding.

The MIT Cover Letter lays down focused guidelines and seeks to understand specific aspects of your personal and/or professional life. “We welcome people who are independent, authentic, and fearlessly creative — true doers.”

While the school encourages these qualities among its students, to be able to establish through your cover letter that you have already demonstrated these qualities, will be the key to a strong cover letter.

Further, understanding the MIT Style of Leadership or the Problem-led Leadership will be an interesting exercise to help you develop a stronger application. The question specifically asks to substantiate your claim with example(s).

As you recollect your best achievements and think of the examples to present in the cover letter, do not forget that it is a 300-word essay.

You do not want to touch upon too many things and spread yourself too thin. Ask yourself what key qualities you would want to establish through the cover letter and find the best example that demonstrates the quality.

If space permits, back it with another short example. While it goes without saying that you use the STAR format, but go deep with “how” you did what you did. Talk about the extrinsic as well as the intrinsic motivations behind your actions.

And while you do all this, do not lose track of the primary purpose behind writing this cover letter – “to seek a place in the MIT Sloan MBA Program”.

A good part of your essay should touch upon why you are seeking a place in the program (your short term and long term career plans) and how the MIT MBA will equip you to achieve your plans. How well you know yourself and how well you know the school is both critical to presenting a strong match.

MIT Sloan Resume Format

The resume you submit to a business school holds extremely high significance, given that it helps the adcom get a detailed perspective about your professional experience and is often the only document that the interviewer has access to (once you receive an interview invite).

Not all business schools prescribe a resume format, but MIT Sloan does. In addition to suggesting the order of the different components of the resume, you are specifically asked to redact your personal information. Further, the following are the instructions to be followed.

Please submit a one-page resume that includes the following information and formatting:

  • One page limit
  • Times New Roman font
  • Size 10 font
  • Word or PDF formats only
  • Redact (remove or blackout) your name, address, and contact information

 For formatting purposes, please list the information in the following order in reverse chronological order:

  • Education – please feel free to include relevant awards, scholarships, and professional societies.
  • Company name
  • Results-oriented bullets that demonstrate your skillset, and
  • Additional information – languages, extracurricular activities/community service, technical skills/certifications, and special skills/interests (if appropriate).

MIT Sloan MBA application video statement

MIT Sloan MBA essays video prompt

Applicants are required to upload a 1-minute video as part of their application. In your video, you should introduce yourself to your future classmates, tell us about your past experiences, and touch on why MIT Sloan is the best place for you to pursue your degree.

Videos should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • No more than 1 minute in length
  • Single take (no editing)
  • You should be speaking directly to the camera
  • Do not include background music or subtitles

When most other schools are using the Kira video format where you must answer the video questions live, MIT allows you enough time to plan and record your video.

Is this supposed to be your Elevator Pitch? Probably yes, albeit a more personal one. Having presented most of your information through your resume and the cover letter, this should be your space to “connect” with your future classmates as well as the admissions committee.

You may talk about your personal background, unique life experiences, interests, and passions, and how specific opportunities at MIT connect with your plans and interest areas.

Sloan doesn’t want you to hire a video expert – an unedited video makes it a level playing field for all applicants.

While the video will allow the admissions committee to see you and hear you, it is your passion and your story that will invite them to feel your presence and personality. Prepare a story that is authentic, exciting, and enchanting. Above all, sound fluent, but not rehearsed!

The following article discusses the analysis and tips related to MIT Sloan video statement in detail. Have a look! 4 tips to ace MIT Sloan video statement . You can also refer to the following article for insights on how to make an impressive MBA application video essay: Make an impactful MBA Application Video Essay .

MIT Sloan Letter of Recommendation and Additional References

Several schools are now moving to a single recommendation, thus making the application less demanding for the candidate.

While the MIT LOR format isn’t very different, what’s unique is the requirement for two Additional References. These references do not need to submit any document upfront, but they may be called if required.

Choose your references like you would choose your recommenders – people you have worked closely with, who may be in a good position to talk about your strengths with specific instances.

Most of our candidates did not report their references being called, but you may want to pick the best possible options, nevertheless.

MIT Sloan MBA application – Organizational Chart

Please upload an organizational chart that outlines the internal structure of your department and company. Limit to two pages.

Note: You may choose to create your own document or redact individuals’ names. However, please provide as much information as possible.

We should be able to see your line of reporting to the top of your organization, and to easily find you, your peers, your supervisor, their peers, and your direct reports (should you have any), as well as any recommender or references from your current organization. For those in consulting, please submit an organizational chart of a current or previous project you were staffed on. 

This is again a unique requirement for the MIT Sloan application. This isn’t really a new addition to the application, which means that MIT has found it useful to evaluate the applicant’s relative position in the organizational hierarchy.

The key is to make it informational, with good details about your own position as well as those who may be in levels higher and lower than you.

MIT Sloan sample mba application

You may not need to invest a lot of time making the organizational chart super fancy, but a simple chart presenting the different levels should work pretty well. Refer to the sample organizational chart suggested by the school.

MIT Sloan MBA application- Optional 250-word short answer question

For the 2022-23 applications, the applicants are invited to expand on their background by responding to the following  optional  250-word short-answer question:

“How has the world you come from shaped who you are today? For example, your family, culture, and community, all help to shape aspects of your identity. Please use this opportunity if you would like to share more about your background.”

According to the MIT website , This question is truly optional; applicants will not be evaluated more positively or negatively should they choose to respond. This is an opportunity for you to share more about yourself with the Admissions Committee, should you choose to do so.

Suggested Reading: “Problem-led Leadership” – Are you cut out for the MIT Sloan MBA? Applying to Kellogg? Read our detailed Kellogg Essay Analysis

About the Author


Prashant Tibrewal is the founder of Admit Square Consulting and has mentored 1000+ MBA aspirants to get into top global universities such as Harvard, Stanford, INSEAD, Oxford, HEC, ISB, etc. Prashant has also served on the Board of the Association of International Graduate Admissions Consultants (AIGAC) and led the AIGAC Conference 2020, attended by admissions officers from 25+ top-ranked MBA programs.

Admit Square Consulting has mentored applicants from diverse backgrounds to apply to top MBA programs. With a proven track record of 10+ years, and admits to universities such as Stanford, MIT, Kellogg, Cambridge, INSEAD, etc., Admit Square was awarded the Most Successful International MBA Consulting Company in India at the India Education Awards, 2019. With a team of Consultants from top business schools such as MIT, Yale, LBS and Oxford, Admit Square offers 100% Money-back Assurance on its services. You may send your details to  [email protected]  for a free profile evaluation.

That was all about MIT Sloan MBA essays. Here are a few other that can help you with your MBA application essays:

  • 5 Different Types of MBA Essays Explained
  • MBA Application Process – Weightage of Different Components
  • 2020-2021 MBA Application Deadlines
Do you aspire to get into the MIT Sloan MBA Program? A 740+ GMAT score can significantly improve your chances of admission. Kickstart your GMAT preparation by  Signing up for our Free Trial ! For any queries, write to us at  [email protected] . We are the  most reviewed GMAT prep company on gmatclub with more than 1940 reviews.

About The Author

mit sloan video essay

Suheb Hussain

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Essay • MBA • MIT

MIT Sloan MBA 2021-2022 Essay and Video Tips

October 6, 2021

mit sloan video essay

Following the release of MIT’s MBA Deadlines , here is our guide to Sloan’s written and video application essays. There have been no major changes to the app this year and, it’s important to note, that there is no optional essay required.

Instead of an optional section, applicants are provided with two spaces within the Academic Information and Employment Information portions to address any problems in their profile, such as poor school performance or significant job gaps. Should there be any red flags in your history, it goes without saying that it is in your best interest to use that space.

Because MIT’s MBA admissions process is hyper-competitive, your first step to standing out should be to learn and connect with the program: dig deep into MIT’s courses, structure, culture, and the things that make MIT different. Interacting with the program’s staff, as well as former and current students, either virtually or in-person, should also play a key role in your admissions process for MIT Sloan.

Cover Letter – MIT Sloan seeks students whose personal characteristics demonstrate that they will make the most of the incredible opportunities at MIT, both academic and non-academic. We are on a quest to find those whose presence will enhance the experience of other students. We seek thoughtful leaders with exceptional intellectual abilities and the drive and determination to put their stamp on the world. We welcome people who are independent, authentic, and fearlessly creative — true doers. We want people who can redefine solutions to conventional problems, and strive to preempt unconventional dilemmas with cutting-edge ideas. We demand integrity and respect passion.

Taking the above into consideration, please submit a cover letter seeking a place in the MIT Sloan MBA Program. Your letter should conform to a standard business correspondence, include one or more professional examples that illustrate why you meet the desired criteria above, and be addressed to the Assistant Deans of Admissions, Rod Garcia and Dawna Levenson (300 words or fewer, excluding address and salutation).

One of the most common questions about this essay is whether or not MIT actually wants a cover letter. The answer is, sort of . While this essay’s format should follow that of a generic cover letter, its content should be oriented to match MIT’s unique tone and preferences.

In terms of substance, the two main areas of focus should be on your experiences and MIT’s MBA. The larger part of your essay should share examples from your life that reflect MIT values, such as recent professional experiences and successes. You can extend your focus, however, as long as you make sure to highlight the qualities that MIT values, such as leadership, teamwork, creativity, and communication.

For the cover letter’s second portion, try connecting the experiences you just mentioned to concrete aspects of MIT’s program or culture. It’s best to only include relevant points gathered from your prior research and outreach — generality risks coming across as a lack of effort, care, or both. Keep in mind that the purpose of this second part is to show how you fit the profile that MIT is searching for.

Finally, while cover letters can at times come across as dry, it’s important to show a bit of style and creativity while writing this particular one. It’s best to avoid generic language when possible, and try to pique your reader’s interest by employing an engrossing and generally positive tone.

Potential Additional Essay (Interview Dependent) – The mission of the MIT Sloan School of Management is to develop principled, innovative leaders who improve the world and to generate ideas that advance management practice. We believe that a commitment to diversity, inclusion, equity, and well-being is a key component of both principled leadership and sound management practice. In 250 words or less, please describe how you, as a member of the MIT Sloan community, would work to create a campus that is welcoming, inclusive and increasingly diverse.

Details for submitting your response will be included in the interview invitation.

MIT wants to grow its strong, supportive student and alumni network. In order to accomplish that goal, they try to ensure that admitted candidates will actively participate in Sloan’s MBA community. In order to best answer this potential essay, try to identify how your previous interests and activities align with those available at MIT, especially those outside of the classroom. Feel free to be creative. It may help to ask yourself how you can improve a particular MIT community or association, and to ask yourself how that improvement is linked with your particular strengths, interests, and former experiences.


Applicants are required to upload a 1 minute (60 second) video as part of their application. In your video, you should introduce yourself to your future classmates, tell us about your past experiences, and touch on why MIT Sloan is the best place for you to pursue your degree. 

Videos should adhere to the following guidelines:

No more than 1 minute (60 second) in length

Single take (no editing) 

You should be speaking directly to the camera

Do not include background music or subtitles

We recommend using applications such as QuickTime or iMovie to record yourself.  Upload the video file according to the detailed instructions within the application.

Video recordings understandably make many people nervous. However, this isn’t like INSEAD’s video essay where you’re asked a series of random questions and need to think on your feet (for more about that sort of requirement, read our post here ). Instead, for MIT you can plan the video out as much as you’d like. The question then becomes, what should you do with so much control?

Before we get to the shoulds , let’s quickly review the shouldn’ts . This is not a place where you should be mentioning any subjects that have been discussed in other parts of the application. Neither is this a question about your future goals, nor is it about MIT. This video is all about you .

Most applicants benefit from taking a personal approach here. First, take some time to outline the passions that define your life. What are the hobbies that take up most of your time? What are the events that have recently caused you to change your mind? What are the principles that guide your daily life? There are many questions you can ask yourself to help identify them.

Once you have a rough outline of what you’d like to present about yourself, consider how to best present those aspects. First of all, this isn’t a movie shoot: a camera crew is not a must (unless you happen to actually work in the film industry). However, there are many ways to bring your passions to life without having your video come across as overworked. If some of your main interests revolve around flight, for example, why not shoot your video amidst aeronautical materials or even in an airplane hangar – either could be a simple method to visually connect the viewer with your message. Beyond the mise-en-scène, we recommend that you practice your pitch so as to make sure that your speech comes across in a natural, friendly, and attractive manner, all while remaining professional.

If you’re interested in building a powerful application for MIT Sloan, contact us to be put in touch with the industry’s best MIT MBA experts .

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MIT Sloan MBA Essay Tips

W ant a seat at MIT Sloan next Fall? Read on to learn how they select their exclusive 400-member class and how to prove that Sloan is the right fit for you.

The Sloan Admissions Committee wants evidence that you excel among your peers, solve problems creatively , and drive impact as a member of a team, and ask you to show them what you’ve got in seemingly straightforward formats.

The challenge becomes striking the right balance among highlighting your personal qualifications, your future career goals, and why Sloan is the right fit for you. Don’t worry – in this article, MBA Prep School has you covered!

Let’s take a moment to understand how the MIT Admissions Committee evaluates applicants. Like MIT itself, Sloan’s Admissions Committee employs a quantitative approach to admissions (are you really surprised?)

Each application is scored by two AdCom members across eight quantifiable categories ranging from “hard” skills (i.e., GPA, test scores) to “soft” skills (i.e., leadership qualities, powers of persuasion).

OK, now that we know what information Sloan is seeking from you, how do we use the constructs of their application to deliver? Let’s break these MIT Sloan essay tips down by the major application components:

MIT Sloan’s Infamous Cover Letter

The cover letter has been a staple of Sloan’s application for some time and can be thought of as an executive summary of your candidacy. The format should mirror a standard job cover letter, principally outlining your qualifications while also touching on your future aspirations and your knowledge of the school’s program.

Note: “touching on.” You need to provide the reader with enough evidence to persuade them that you’re informed about Sloan’s program and why it’s a good fit for you without letting that overwhelm the substance of your letter. Similarly, it’s wise to show the reader that you’re being thoughtful and strategic about your career aspirations, while never forgetting that the keys to admission will turn based on what you’ve achieved not on what you hope to achieve.

The MIT Sloan Cover Letter is the place to present data points from your past where you’ve exhibited leadership, team building, collaborative work, and impact above and beyond your expected responsibilities. Bullet points can be a great way to clearly articulate these abilities if they are well-designed and seamlessly integrated into your letter.

Video Statement

Once considered a sideshow of MIT Sloan’s application package, the video statement has now taken its place on the main stage. The 60-second video is a chance for you to metaphorically “jump off the pages” of your written application and showcase your personality to the Sloan admissions committee.

From a content perspective, anything from a story about a personal or professional challenge or accomplishment to a one-minute monologue explaining your passion for Ultimate Frisbee is fair game. Just remember the focus is on good old Y-O-U so you can check your ‘Why Sloan’ pitch at the door here.

Your goal is to round out your application materials with the person behind all those impressive accomplishments. The most important things are to have fun with the video and to remember to rehearse until you don’t sound rehearsed!

Just remember – it’s ALL in the details…

The Admissions Committee at Sloan is looking for not one, not two, but multiple examples of how you demonstrate their target characteristics of excellence, leadership, innovation, creativity, and teamwork. Therefore, each piece of your application needs to be additive.

Avoid just repeating the exact same points and stories across your resume, cover letter, and video. Instead, use each application element to add a new dimension to the admission officers’ picture of who you are, what you’ve accomplished, and how you will contribute. As one Sloan Admissions Officer pleaded: “give us ammunition to advocate for your acceptance!”

Finally, did you miss what we said about MIT Sloan’s use of the behavioral method? This means you will want to tell your reader what you thought, felt, said, and did. For each experience that you highlight, include specifics around the situation, the task, your actions, and the results (often termed the “STAR” method). Think about incorporating details that address questions such as:

  • What was the situation and what role did I play?
  • Who did I work with and how did I interact with those individuals or groups?
  • What challenges did I encounter and how did I deal with them?
  • What was my thought process throughout each stage of an experience?

Bring the action, not buzzwords!

Definitely avoid using buzzwords like “innovation” and “entrepreneurship” but rather show off these attributes within the details of your storytelling. Sloan doesn’t place much emphasis on the result (meaning: it actually doesn’t matter if the story is conveying an accomplishment or a failure), rather they want to learn about you by understanding your process.

Feature the cases where you can really dive into the action of the story because those are the experiences that the Sloan Admissions Committee will focus on to decide if you have the smarts and strengths to deserve one of those 400 precious spots at MIT Sloan.

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2023-2024 MIT Sloan MBA Essay Tips and Example Essays

Jul 2, 2023

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  • Who is MIT Sloan looking for?
  • How should I answer MIT Sloan essay questions?
  • Make Sure you Get Into MIT Sloan
  • MIT Sloan Deadlines

UPDATE : This article was originally posted on August 27, 2018. It has been updated with new information and tips below. 

With the Media Lab, the Entrepreneurship and Innovation track, and a motto of “Mens et Manus,” or “Mind and Hand,” MIT Sloan is a hotbed for professionals seeking to work with cutting-edge industries and entrepreneurs alike. 

However, with the number of MBA applicants hoping to land jobs in technology and entrepreneurship increasing every year, landing a spot at MIT Sloan has become more challenging than ever. 

That’s why we’ve prepared this guide to help you use your Sloan admissions essays to stand out. We’ve rounded up our best tips and links to MIT Sloan MBA sample essays to ensure you give your Haas application your best shot. 

1. Who is MIT Sloan looking for?

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“MIT Sloan students are informed and responsible global citizens with the vision, drive, and practical experience to make significant contributions to their organizations and to the world.” MIT Sloan Admissions Team

As one of the prestigious M7 schools, the average MIT Sloan student tends to have a demonstrated track record of academic excellence and a high GMAT/GRE score. The ~400 admits to the Class of 2024 had a median GMAT score of 730. GRE verbal scores ranged from 157-168 and quant scores ranged from 158-169.

However, with a major focus on diversity (it’s been the theme of Sloan’s interview essay for the past several years), it’s no surprise that MIT Sloan’s admissions team works hard to continually increase the diversity of perspectives present in its class. The Class of 2024 had 63 countries represented and included 32% of students from underrepresented U.S. minorities and 46% women. 

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(Source: MIT Sloan’s Website)

In addition, MIT Sloan tends to favor applicants who demonstrate excellence and commitment both at the office and in the community. 

So, if this sounds like a community in which you’d be right at home, you’ll have to think of the ways in which you align with the main characteristics of MIT Sloan’s students. This means forming your business school brand and then focusing on the aspects of that brand that align with collaborative leadership, analytical thinking, and a commitment to solving urgent issues in business and society. 

2. How should I answer MIT Sloan essay questions?

This year, MIT has retained its famous cover letter question and has retained the same instructions for the video essay question. Given the limited amount of space you have, you need to make sure every word paints a picture of your accomplishments and potential additions to the MIT Sloan community. 

The following analyses demonstrate how you may do that. 

2.1. Cover Letter

MIT Sloan seeks students whose personal characteristics demonstrate that they will make the most of the incredible opportunities at MIT, both academic and non-academic. We are on a quest to find those whose presence will enhance the experience of other students. We seek thoughtful leaders with exceptional intellectual abilities and the drive and determination to put their stamp on the world. We welcome people who are independent, authentic, and fearlessly creative — true doers. We want people who can redefine solutions to conventional problems, and strive to preempt unconventional dilemmas with cutting-edge ideas. We demand integrity and respect passion.

Taking the above into consideration, please submit a cover letter seeking a place in the MIT Sloan MBA program. Your letter should conform to a standard business correspondence, include one or more professional examples that illustrate why you meet the desired criteria above, and be addressed to the Admissions Committee (300 words or fewer, excluding address and salutation).

After taking a short break from the cover letter question, MIT Sloan reinstated it several years ago, and it seems this “essay” is here to stay. 

This is not surprising, considering how well the task of writing a cover letter aligns with Sloan’s goal of admitting practical candidates with a demonstrated track record of success. The cover letter, thus, allows you to concisely and pragmatically feature your key accomplishments, demonstrate your career plan, and demonstrate to Sloan’s admissions committee that you “fit” with their program. 

Though it may sound obvious, approach this essay as though you are applying for a new job. A good professional cover letter opens by demonstrating your strengths and creating a strong picture of the value you can contribute to your future organization. 

You should begin your MIT Sloan cover letter by doing the same. First, consider your background and professional history. Which examples show you are an innovator (a core value at Sloan )? What shows that you are passionate about the career you have chosen but are also practical enough to get results day in and day out?

After choosing 2-3 examples that show you thinking outside the box and offering pragmatic solutions to challenging business problems, as well as examples that demonstrate your leadership skills, consider how you might tell these stories in a short yet powerful way .

Then, begin your letter. We suggest you avoid a boring “My name is X, and I am applying to join Sloan” opening. Instead, craft a compelling hook introduction that not only grabs the reader’s interest, but that also sets the stage for the themes you will explore in your letter (opening with a line about teamwork then spending your whole essay talking about innovation, for example, would not be a good match). 

TOP TIP : Dedicate roughly 75% of your essay to your past examples. Make sure these are told in STAR format .

After you show MIT Sloan what you’ve already accomplished (and make sure you do this well, MIT Sloan believes strongly that the best indicator of success is past behavior), you might want to mention a bit about your goals if it gives necessary context to why you are pursuing an MBA. In most cases, we find adding at least a brief summary of the mission or path you plan to explore in the future leads to a stronger overall cover letter.  

Then, end the essay by giving one or two examples of what kind of student you will be at MIT Sloan and why Sloan is the right choice to help you achieve your goals. You do not want to include a laundry list of classes and clubs, but a few, well-chosen examples and connections to how the MIT Sloan MBA experience will serve you well.

TOP TIP: Format your cover letter essay as a traditional cover letter. Elements like your address, your salutation and your closing do not count towards your final word count. 

Need more guidance? Our MBA Resource Center has dozens of MIT Sloan essays that worked to get our clients admitted to help you plan out a winning MIT Sloan essay. Our library also includes guides for all top global MBA programs, detailed essay brainstorms, interview tips and mocks, CV templates, and recommendation letter guides. Click to join ! 

mit sloan video essay

2.2. Video Statement

Introduce yourself to your future classmates. Here’s your chance to put a face with a name, let your personality shine through, be conversational, be yourself. We can’t wait to meet you!

Videos should adhere to the following guidelines:

No more than 1 minute (60 second) in length

Single take (no editing) 

Speaking directly to the camera

Do not include background music or subtitles

Note: While we ask you to introduce yourself to your future classmates in this video, the video will not be shared beyond the admissions committee and is for use in the application process only.

Considering the short amount of time you have to make an impression on MIT, your goal with this essay is to introduce yourself to your classmates, and the best introductions usually contain a selection of interesting stories . 

To start brainstorming which topics you might want to include, imagine you’re at your first day of work and need to introduce yourself to your team. What would you want to make sure your new colleagues know about you? Or, better yet, if a new colleague joined and was introducing himself, what would you want to know about him?

Since you’ll have your entire cover letter to discuss your professional achievements, we suggest you focus more here on your personal interests than on examples of big wins at work. 

Of course, in your introduction, feel free to mention what you do for a living and give the necessary context for the experiences you do mention, but spend the majority of the video essay going beyond your profession. 

So think about what makes you YOU beyond what the school has already learned about you in your CV , letters of recommendation, and cover letters. 

You might want to devote your entire minute to one topic (for example, a client this year discussed her passion for fencing and her experience creating the first women’s fencing club at her university). If you do choose this route, you may want to consider filming your video in a creative environment that reflects your interest (the client mentioned above filmed her video wearing her fencing gear). 

However, if you have many different interests and would like to talk about several of them, this approach also works. Make sure you are able to fully describe what you’re interested in and why it’s important to you. A laundry list of extracurricular achievements is not the goal here. If you choose this option, try to record in a somewhat neutral environment so the focus is 100% on you. Nonetheless, we see videos focused on a single topic tend to do better overall. 

Finally, you might want to mention briefly how the theme you have developed connects to MIT Sloan and how you can contribute to the school. They don’t want to see a full-blown “Why MIT” statement, since they have asked you to speak to your classmates! However, if your whole video is about your passion for social impact, you might want to mention how how you’d share this passion of yours with fellow Sloanies. Or, if you use the fencing club example above, you might want to end by mentioning you’d like to create Sloan’s first Fencing Club! You don’t want to overdo it, however! 

TOP TIP : Try to choose a background or setting that complements your video. To again cite the fencing example, this client recorded her video in her fencing uniform, removing her mask right before introducing herself. Another client, who talked about her passion for Italian cooking and her sabbatical year at a cooking school in Rome, filmed from her kitchen. There is no right or wrong answer here, so be creative! 

No matter where you record, check your sound quality and lighting to make sure you will be easy to see and hear. 

Finally, we suggest you write a script and practice recording yourself several times to get just the right take. Usually, clients are able to comfortably fit about 170 words of content into 1 minute. After recording yourself a few times, you may want to send a few options to friends, family, or trusted advisors to get their take on which clip to send. The most important thing is to show MIT your winning personality!

Make sure you do not exceed the 1:00 limit.  

2.3. Optional Short Answer Question

Applicants are invited to expand on their background by responding to the following optional 250 word short answer question:

How has the world you come from shaped who you are today? For example, your family, culture, community, all help to shape aspects of your identity. Please use this opportunity if you would like to share more about your background.

This question is truly optional; applicants will not be evaluated more positively or negatively should they choose to respond. This is an opportunity for you to share more about yourself with the Admissions Committee, should you choose to do so.

MIT Sloan values applicants who can contribute to its greater community and the educational experience for all. This question offers you the chance to give the admissions committee more information about what makes you you , as well as show how you will contribute to the overall diversity of the class. 

There is really no “right” answer to this question. We have seen clients discuss how growing up in a low-income context fueled them to overcome adversity and, later, share this success with other people in their communities. Other clients have talked about their varied multicultural experiences gave them a unique view of the world. When considering what to add here, I would suggest you think about what unique perspective you’ll bring to the MIT community and what experiences have shaped you to become this person. 

Though this essay is optional, since MIT’s application is so short, we suggest that you take advantage of it. Just make sure you don’t repeat information that can be found in your cover letter or video. 

2.4. Additional Information Essay

Please provide any additional information you would like the Admissions Committee to know that may be helpful in evaluating your candidacy (i.e. choice of recommenders, areas of concern in your academic record, other extenuating circumstances, etc.). This information should be provided in a written format. (200 words or less).

Like all other elements of the MIT application, keep this short and sweet. We have written extensively on the issue of optional essays, giving tips and tricks for how to address issues like low GMAT scores or poor academic performance here. 

2.5. The Interview Essays

MIT Sloan has also long required candidates who are called to interview to submit an additional essay. The questions themselves will be confirmed upon interview invitation. 

Looking for MIT Sloan MBA essay examples? Check out our real sample essays that got our clients admitted here .

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3. Make Sure you Get Into MIT Sloan 

One of the most common mistakes we see in MBA essays is that candidates fail to tell compelling stories . This is important because if your stories are not compelling, they will not be persuasive. At the same time, they must be backed by strong examples that establish a track record of success and prove to the admissions committees why you belong at their school. 

Striking this balance between content and creativity can be tough, however, as succeeding means not only choosing the right stories but ensuring they are told in an optimal manner.   

This is why our iterative developmental feedback process here at Ellin Lolis Consulting helps you mold your message through the application of our storytelling expertise until it reflects exactly what makes your profile stand out and show fit with your target program. 

Not only can you take advantage of our iterative feedback process through multiple edits – you can also benefit from it after a single review! If your budget is tight, our editors will be happy to help polish your text as much as possible and leave “bonus comments” so you can keep working on it on your own!

No matter how long we work with you, we will always ensure your essays shine . Sign up to work with our team of storytelling experts and get accepted.

4. MIT Sloan Deadlines

Here are the deadlines for the 2023-2024 season. You can access the MIT Sloan application here .

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MIT Sloan MBA Essay Examples

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MIT Sloan MBA Cover Letter Samples

MIT Sloan currently requires all applicants to submit a cover letter, org chart, and video essay with their application. The MIT Sloan cover letter format has been used for many years to select candidates. In some ways, this structure reflects MIT Sloan’s goal to admit candidates with practical (though innovative) ideas and experience. Also, the cover letter is a way to describe your key accomplishments and use them to prove that you embody the outlined criteria for admission. Those criteria are: independent, authentic, and fearlessly creative — true doers.

Successful Examples of MIT MBA Cover Letters

SBC has a former MIT Sloan Admissions Officer and several additional MIT Sloan experts on our team. We know the nuances of applying to MIT Sloan successfully.

Here’s a snapshot of the caliber of expertise on our SBC team .

HBS Admissions Board at Harvard Business School HBS MBA

HBS Admissions Board at Harvard Business School Kellogg MBA

Director HBS Admissions at Harvard Business School MBA, the Wharton School

HBS Admissions Board at Harvard Business School

Director HBS Admissions at Harvard Business School HBS MBA

Admissions Officer at Stanford's Graduate School of Business (GSB) MBA, Stanford's Graduate School of Business (GSB)

Asst Director MBA Admissions at Stanford's Graduate School of Business (GSB) Director MBA Admissions at Berkeley’s Haas School of Business

MBA, Stanford's Graduate School of Business (GSB) Minority Admissions, the GSB Diversity Programs, the GSB

Associate Director MBA Admissions at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania

Associate Director MBA Admissions and Marketing at the Wharton MBA’s Lauder Institute

Director, the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania Professional Writer

Assistant Director MBA Admissions at Columbia Business School (CBS) NYU Admissions

Assistant Director MBA Admissions at Columbia Business School (CBS) M.S.Ed, Higher Education, U of Pennsylvania

Associate Director MBA Admissions at Columbia Business School (CBS)

Ashley is a former MBA Admissions Board Member for Harvard Business School (HBS), where she interviewed and evaluated thousands of business school applicants for over a six year tenure.  Ashley  holds an MBA from HBS. During her HBS years,  Ashley  was the Sports Editor for the Harbus and a member of the B-School Blades Ice Hockey Team. After HBS, she worked in Marketing at the Gillette Company on Male and Female shaving ...

Kerry is a former member of the Admissions Board at Harvard Business School (HBS). During her 5+ year tenure at HBS, she read and evaluated hundreds of applications and interviewed MBA candidates from a wide range of backgrounds across the globe. She also led marketing and outreach efforts focused on increasing diversity and inclusion, ran the Summer Venture in Management Program (SVMP), and launched the 2+2 Program during her time in Admissions. Kerry holds a B.A. from Bates College and  ...

A former associate director of admissions at Harvard Business School, Pauline served on the HBS MBA Admissions Board full-time for four years. She evaluated and interviewed HBS applicants, both on-campus and globally.  Pauline's career has included sales and marketing management roles with Coca-Cola, Gillette, Procter & Gamble, and IBM.  For over 10 years, Pauline has expertly guided MBA applicants, and her clients h ...

Geri is a former member of the Admissions Board at Harvard Business School (HBS).  In her 7 year tenure in HBS Admissions, she read and evaluated hundreds of applications and interviewed MBA candidates from a diverse set of academic, geographic, and employment backgrounds.  Geri also traveled globally representing the school at outreach events in order to raise awareness for women and international students.  In additio ...

Laura comes from the MBA Admissions Board at Harvard Business School (HBS) and is an HBS MBA alumnus. In her HBS Admissions role, she evaluated and interviewed hundreds of business school candidates, including internationals, women, military and other applicant pools, for five years.  Prior to her time as a student at HBS, Laura began her career in advertising and marketing in Chicago at Leo Burnett where she worked on th ...

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Jennifer served as Admissions Officer at the Stanford (GSB) for five years. She holds an MBA from Stanford (GSB) and a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Jennifer has over 15 years experience in guiding applicants through the increasingly competitive admissions process into top MBA programs. Having read thousands and thousands of essays and applications while at Stanford (GSB) Admiss ...

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Anthony served as the Associate Director of MBA Admissions at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, where he dedicated over 10 years of expertise. During his time as a Wharton Admissions Officer, he read and reviewed thousands of applications and helped bring in a class of 800+ students a year.   Anthony has traveled both domestically and internationally to recruit a ...

Meghan served as the Associate Director of Admissions and Marketing at the Wharton MBA’s Lauder Institute, a joint degree program combining the Wharton MBA with an MA in International Studies. In her role on the Wharton MBA admissions committee, Meghan advised domestic and international applicants; conducted interviews and information sessions domestically and overseas in Asia, Central and South America, and Europe; and evaluated applicants for admission to the program. Meghan also managed ...

Amy comes from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania where she was Associate Director. Amy devoted 12 years at the Wharton School, working closely with MBA students and supporting the admissions team.  During her tenure at Wharton, Amy served as a trusted adviser to prospective applicants as well as admitted and matriculated students.  She conducted admissions chats with applicants early in the admissions ...

Ally brings six years of admissions experience to the SBC team, most recently as an Assistant Director of Admission for the full-time MBA program at Columbia Business School (CBS).  During her time at Columbia, Ally was responsible for reviewing applications, planning recruitment events, and interviewing candidates for both the full-time MBA program and the Executive MBA program. She traveled both internationally and dome ...

Erin has over seven years of experience working across major institutions, including University of Pennsylvania, Columbia Business School, and NYU's Stern School of Business. At Columbia Business School, Erin was an Assistant Director of Admissions where she evaluated applications for both the full time and executive MBA programs, sat on the admissions and merit scholarship committees and advised applicants on which program might be the best fit for them based on their work experience and pro ...

Emma comes from the MBA Admissions Office at Columbia Business School (CBS), where she was Associate Director.  Emma conducted dozens of interviews each cycle for the MBA and EMBA programs, as well as coordinating the alumni ambassador interview program. She read and evaluated hundreds of applications each cycle, delivered information sessions to audiences across the globe, and advised countless waitlisted applicants.

Mr. XXX & Ms. YYY

Assistant Deans of Admissions

MIT Sloan School of Management

50 Memorial Drive

Cambridge, MA 02142

Dear Mr. XXX and Ms. YYY:

It is with great enthusiasm that I submit my application for MIT Sloan’s MBA Class of XXXX. After working in education with XXX and spending three years in legal business development at an international law firm, I am excited to share my experiences and perspectives and contribute meaningfully to the Sloan community.

Studying biology taught me that the world is a laboratory and that I can apply the scientific method to unconventional challenges in business. My firm recently implemented new software to integrate several existing databases to improve our experience management and is currently beginning a multi-year integration. I made a case to my department’s director to be a pilot user and was invited to join a multi-department and cross-office team to develop an implementation plan. My analytical background helped me identify bugs and propose solutions, while my business development experience allowed me to connect technical features to practical implications. After negotiating with key stakeholders, I am now working to implement an automated pitch generation tool that has the potential to fundamentally change how our business development office functions and will help us adapt to the rapidly evolving legal market. This experience and other collaborative projects at my firm have helped develop my business and management skills, and I am eager to develop them further at Sloan and apply them to the education sector to help make quality education more accessible. At Sloan, I am interested in exploring the intersection of education, finance and policy through research in the Golub Center for Finance and Policy. Through classes such as the A-LAB or G-LAB action learning courses, I could apply that research to real-world problems while strengthening my analytical and entrepreneurial skillset.

I look forward to sharing my talents and experiences with the Sloan community, and thank you for your consideration.

[Address Line 1]

[Address Line 2]

Dr. XXX, Executive Director

MIT Leaders for Global Management

1 Amherst St., E40-315

Dear Dr. XXX,

At age eight, I tried building the fastest Pinewood Derby-Car by installing a model rocket engine on the car-body. After breaking our neighbor’s window during testing, I learned three lessons about problem solving and life—don’t think like others, it’s okay to fail and integrity matters (I owned up). In the two decades since, I’ve grown and leaned on these values to succeed in leadership roles across in the Army.

I recently applied this mentality leading an Army program innovating human performance training. With an ambiguous goal of improving performance under pressure, I focused my team of leaders on restructuring cognitive, physical and social development. First, I implemented new behavioral assessments to build leader self-awareness and a new goal setting model to focus soldiers. From there, I integrated a cognitive psychologist and bio-sensors into operations—physical training, weapons proficiency and maneuver under stress. Finally, I incorporated augmented reality and a sensor-enabled drone into operational planning. I initially struggled tracking and presenting data, but quickly adjusted to highlight the potential of bio-sensors and augmented-reality. After four months, our weapons sections—a critical Company asset—certified as #1 of 16 in combat certifications and the concept was selected by strategic leaders for assessment in the 2020 Army Warfare Experiment.

I’ve always been asked why I became an Infantry Officer after excelling in electrical engineering; the Cyber branch of the Army seems more natural. My desire to join the LGO community is rooted in this Infantry/EE dichotomy—I always appreciated both the people-centric challenge of leadership and the technical underpinnings that drive our digital world. At LGO, I will grow in both domains and focus on how bio-sensors and augmented reality shape the human-machine interaction. While I may never design another rocket car, I bring this curiosity to LGO and throughout life.

Dear Mr. XXX,

As the daughter of a boutique owner, I grew up in retail, which sparked my passion for the industry and inspired my career. While working at Boston-based [company] and in my current role as a management consultant, I have gained extensive knowledge of the retail industry while also bolstering my analytical, leadership and teamwork skills. At [firm], I led a team of executive clients and 5 peer level consultants to establish a cost management function within a fortune 500 retailer. We trained 30 clients in strategic negotiation and supplier management while implementing new processes. This effort resulted in a new department that drives 4-7% margin improvements quarterly. I have also sought opportunities beyond my everyday engagements. I am the most junior member of a team developing perspectives on “next generation retail”. We’ve published our initial findings and are working to commercialize creative approaches that enable customer experiences in stores. Additionally, I have led several community building initiatives including undergraduate recruiting, learning and development for summer interns, and our Women’s Network mentorship program.

Beyond my technical passion for leading teams and collaborating to find innovative solutions, I care deeply about connecting with people. I am the person who puts their phone down to chat with everyone from the Starbucks barista to my Uber driver because every interaction provides a learning that enhances my comprehension of people, the world and how I will change it for the better.

At Sloan, I want to continue my leadership development, invigorate my entrepreneurialism and connect with driven classmates. I am confident that the Sloan experience will allow me to achieve my long-term goal of launching a company at the intersection of retail and sustainability, and I would be honored to bring my passion and skills to the MIT community.

Thank you for your consideration.

I am extremely interested in applying for admission to MIT Sloan’s MBA Program, intending to start during Fall 2017. I believe that my solid professional experience, including a consistent track record of high performance, coupled with the desire to immerse myself in a community of learning, collaboration and professional development make me a great fit for the program.

As a Technology Consultant, I have been in a project in Central America for almost two years. The original proposal was to only be there for three months, in a mostly traditional Analyst role where I would be doing support work for the more experienced practitioners. However, I seized the unlikeliest of opportunities: I teamed up with two other Analysts who also had no experience with the Warehouse Management tool that was being implemented and together learned everything we could about it. After a few weeks, we developed a working model and presented it to both the local business and global headquarters. The prototype was so successful that we were tasked with configuring the full-scale solution that was eventually rolled out, to great success, in four Central American countries and will be used as a template for future global implementations.

I believe this experience highlights the key traits that MIT Sloan looks for in applicants, including innovativeness, drive, teamwork, and impact. I consider that not only will I greatly benefit from everything the program has to offer, but I can collaborate for the betterment of the Sloan community.

Sincerely, XXX

I’m an optimistic realist with a passion for fixing things. In my first year as an engineer in [XX] Leadership Development Rotational Program, I co-developed a method for eliminating material misprocessing within our factories. My colleague and I designed [XX]’s Linux-Operated Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Kit, which offers the accuracy of industry OCR systems at five percent of the cost.

I’m honored to be the first [XX] engineer to win two Engineering Innovation Convention awards within the same year. I’m currently in Germany, leading the development of a new barcode reader that will save TI $360,000. This fall, I’ll lead a company-wide initiative focused on improving efficiency across all of our manufacturing sites.

As an engineer, I’m naturally curious, and learning from others is one of my favorite parts of my job. For many of my coworkers, I’m the first out LGBTQ+ individual that they’ve known. Through openness and mutual respect, I’ve led teams – consisting of mostly middle-aged men from Texas – in several successful projects, resulting in an early promotion. When I return to Dallas, I’ll assume a supervisory role in which I’ll manage 35 engineering technicians.

I want to generate solutions to environmental problems. At Sloan, I’ll pursue the Sustainability Certificate to gain a deeper understanding of the environmental and social impacts of industry. Additionally, I look forward to developing further as an innovator through offerings such as the Sloan Innovation Period and hands-on Action Learning Labs. When I attended an AMA event during my visit, I was moved by the humility and curiosity of the student body. Sloan’s values, commitment to innovation, and focus on experiential learning make me confident that it’s the school for me. I appreciate your consideration, and look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely, YYY

mit sloan video essay

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Several smiling young women with red lanyards stand together and take a selfie.

A.I. Program Aims to Break Barriers for Female Students

A new program, backed by Cornell Tech, M.I.T. and U.C.L.A., helps prepare lower-income, Latina and Black female computing majors for artificial intelligence careers.

The Break Through Tech A.I. program provides young women with learning and career opportunities in artificial intelligence. Credit...

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By Natasha Singer

Photographs by Thalia Juarez

Natasha Singer, who covers technology and education, reported from the Bronx.

  • May 15, 2024

Over the last 10 months, Chelsea Prudencio, a junior at Baruch College in Manhattan, got a crash course in artificial intelligence through a new program for lower-income, Latina and Black young women majoring in computing.

As part of the program, called Break Through Tech A.I., Ms. Prudencio completed an intensive class developed by Cornell Tech faculty with input from a few tech executives. She threw herself into a student A.I. project for Pfizer to create heart disease prediction models. And she was mentored by a cybersecurity executive at Citigroup on how to ace technical job interviews.

These are the kinds of important learning and career opportunities that can help computing majors land jobs in fast-moving fields like A.I. and data science. But students like Ms. Prudencio, who attend public colleges not known for top computing programs, often face challenges gaining access to them.

“I was never made aware of health tech before my project with Pfizer,” said Ms. Prudencio, 20, who works part time at a tennis center. Now she hopes to pursue a career in health A.I. “This is a lot more fulfilling, I personally think, because you’re building models that could potentially save lives.”

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“I was never made aware of health tech before my project with Pfizer,” Chelsea Prudencio said. Now she hopes to pursue a career in health A.I.

Break Through Tech is at the forefront of university-led efforts to reduce obstacles to tech careers for underrepresented college students, including lower-income, Latina and Black young women. The new A.I. program , the largest of its kind in the United States, takes a novel approach in a tech industry whose recruiting criteria — technical interviews, hackathon wins, internal employee referrals, previous internships — often advantage wealthier students at top universities. It aims to help lower-income students, many of whom have part-time jobs on top of their schoolwork, learn A.I. skills, develop industry connections and participate in research projects they can discuss with job recruiters.

About a dozen women walk along a path in a parklike area, with grass and trees.

Hosted and supported by M.I.T., the University of California, Los Angeles, and Cornell Tech, the A.I. program is free. And it is intended primarily for students attending public institutions — like campuses of California State University, City University of New York and the University of Massachusetts systems — or minority-serving institutions like historically Black colleges.

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Participants take an online summer course in the basics of machine learning — that is, A.I. systems that teach themselves to detect patterns in data sets. The students, who receive stipends of $2,000, are also assigned career mentors from institutions like Columbia University and Accenture. They work on student A.I. challenges set up by employers like Google, JPMorgan Chase and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

This year, students also participated in a semester-long competition to develop A.I. models to distinguish tens of thousands of digitized images of plant specimens belonging to the New York Botanical Garden, one of the world’s premier collections of plants, from other kinds of images like insect photographs. The winning models achieved 99 percent accuracy or higher. Emily Sessa, the director of the botanical garden’s herbarium, said the students’ work could ultimately help botanists more effectively track the impact of climate change on specific plants over time.

“I loved working on the code and seeing the results,” said Sabreen Shigri, a computer engineering major at Stony Brook University on Long Island. Her student team, called the Foxgloves, took third place in the competition. “I thought it was cool that we could use A.I. to help the environment,” she said.

A few weeks ago, 150 students who had just completed the A.I. program traveled to the botanical garden, in the Bronx, for a graduation event that included a scavenger hunt to find real flora and fauna. One of them was Saliha Demir, 20, a senior at the New York Institute of Technology on Long Island.

“I went in with almost no experience,” Ms. Demir said of the A.I. program. Now, for her senior project, she has developed A.I. models to identify foods that meet more than a dozen different kinds of dietary restrictions — such as gluten-free diets or halal food prepared according to Islamic dietary rules. “We’re trying to make an A.I. that can distinguish whether a food is halal,” she said.

This summer, Ms. Demir has an internship in mobile computing at a business software company.

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“I went in with almost no experience,” Saliha Demir said of the A.I. program. Now, for her senior college project, she has developed A.I. models to identify foods that meet different dietary restrictions.

Break Through Tech’s approach seems to be working, at least in one important measure: paid tech internships, a crucial career step that can lead to full-time job offers.

Last year, for instance, only 36 percent of graduating college seniors nationwide reported having had a paid internship, according to data from the National Association of Colleges and Employers, an organization for recruiters and college career advisers. By contrast, of the nearly 150 students who completed the A.I. program over the last two years, Break Through Tech said it had placed 82 percent in paid internships at employers including Accenture, Amazon, Fidelity, Google, Mass General Hospital and Microsoft.

In other words, the A.I. program is not trying to reform elitist tech industry recruiting practices . It is conferring prestige credentials from elite institutions like Cornell and M.I.T. on students from other schools to help get them get hired in tech jobs.

“These students are not in schools with well-known names or from families that can open doors,” said Judith Spitz, the executive director of Break Through Tech. “We are just giving students the opportunity to show what they are capable of.”

Computer science remains a heavily male-dominated field. In 2022, men accounted for nearly 78 percent of the bachelor’s degrees awarded in computer science, while Latina and Black women combined earned just 2 percent of the bachelor’s degrees, according to an annual report by the Computing Research Association on universities with Ph.D. programs in the field. Likewise, at some large tech firms, only a tiny percentage of computer programmers and software engineers are Latina or Black women.

In 2016, Dr. Spitz, a former Verizon executive, started an initiative at Cornell Tech to tackle gender disparities. Now known as Break Through Tech, that program offers short-term, paid tech internships to help computing students gain workplace experience and industry connections.

In 2022 , Break Through Tech began an effort specifically focused on broadening access to A.I. careers. It received $26 million in funding from donors, led by Pivotal Ventures, an investment company started by Melinda French Gates.

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The effort is rapidly growing. In April, nearly 400 participants graduated from the A.I. program. For the upcoming academic year, Break Through Tech has accepted nearly 1,000 students.

The program also teaches students about the potential for A.I. bias — like faulty facial recognition systems that have led to the false arrests of Black men .

“As we think about both the promise and the peril of A.I. , ” Dr. Spitz said in a talk to the students at the botanical garden, “who’s in the room asking the hard questions about what’s the definition of fairness? Who stands to gain or lose?”

Critiquing A.I. can also come with risks. Several prominent female researchers working at Big Tech companies who raised questions about A.I. biases are no longer employed by those companies.

Some students said they would also like to learn to grapple with more existential questions — such as when not to use A.I. at all.

“We tend to glaze over how people’s voices can be manipulated and just how dangerous A.I. can be,” said Ruth Okuo, a computer science major at Hunter College in Manhattan, noting that participating in the program had made her want to learn more about potential A.I. risks and harms. “I want to know what the laws are or should be.”

mit sloan video essay

“We tend to glaze over how people’s voices can be manipulated and just how dangerous A.I. can be,” Ruth Okuo said. “I want to know what the laws are or should be.”

Ms. Okuo, who works part time at an Apple Store, said she was looking for new opportunities to further her interest in A.I. ethics.

As for Ms. Prudencio at Baruch, she has landed a paid summer internship at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. She starts next month.

Natasha Singer writes about technology, business and society. She is currently reporting on the far-reaching ways that tech companies and their tools are reshaping public schools, higher education and job opportunities. More about Natasha Singer

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News  and Analysis

News Corp, the Murdoch-owned empire of publications like The Wall Street Journal and The New York Post, announced that it had agreed to a deal with OpenAI to share its content  to train and service A.I. chatbots.

The Silicon Valley company Nvidia was again lifted by sales of its A.I. chips , but it faces growing competition and heightened expectations.

Researchers at the A.I. company Anthropic claim to have found clues about the inner workings  of large language models, possibly helping to prevent their misuse and to curb their potential threats.

The Age of A.I.

D’Youville University in Buffalo had an A.I. robot speak at its commencement . Not everyone was happy about it.

A new program, backed by Cornell Tech, M.I.T. and U.C.L.A., helps prepare lower-income, Latina and Black female computing majors  for A.I. careers.

Publishers have long worried that A.I.-generated answers on Google would drive readers away from their sites. They’re about to find out if those fears are warranted, our tech columnist writes .

A new category of apps promises to relieve parents of drudgery, with an assist from A.I.  But a family’s grunt work is more human, and valuable, than it seems.



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