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Open Access Theses

Exploring generation z’s work values: implications for future work.

Pei-Yu Hsieh , Purdue University

Date of Award

Degree type, degree name.

Master of Science (MS)

Technology Leadership and Innovation

Committee Chair

Mesut Akdere

Committee Member 1

Brett Crawford

Committee Member 2

Paul Asunda

Work values are often studied in literature with relation to generational issues as they represent an important norm in comparing and understanding expectations of various generations of employees in the workplace. Generation Z, individuals born between 1995 and 2010, is preparing to enter the workplace, yet there is limited exploring of the work values that motivate this generation. This study aims to explore the work values of Generation Z and provide insights to organizational managers and Human Resources (HR) as they cope with the challenges of a new generation in the workplace. This quantitative study consists of a research question that seeks to explore Generation Z’s preferred work values, utilizing Super’s Work Values Inventory (SWVI), and five sub research questions that seek to report if there are statistically significant differences between work values in specific variables. These variables include gender, academic disciplines that participants are enrolled in Purdue University, citizenship (domestic and international students), race and ethnicity, and prior work experience. Mean scores from descriptive statistical analysis were used to rank the work values of Generation Z and a one-way ANOVA was used to analyze the effect of different variables with each work value. The results demonstrate that in the 12 work values, Generation Z places way of life first, achievement second, and supervisory relations third. Although most variables had a statistically significant difference in work values, the overall ranking associated with each variable aligns with the rankings of Generation Z’s overall work values. Implications and recommendations for HR include understanding Generation Z employees and further developing corresponding strategies based on Generation Z’s preferred work values. These implications may help HR engage and motivate this generation, increase employee retention and successful recruitment, and improve Generation Z’s productivity and loyalty for organizations; additionally, this study may increase understanding between generations to reduce generational conflicts and bridge the generation gap.

Recommended Citation

Hsieh, Pei-Yu, "Exploring Generation Z’s Work Values: Implications for Future Work" (2018). Open Access Theses . 1395. https://docs.lib.purdue.edu/open_access_theses/1395

Since March 13, 2022

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UNF Graduate Theses and Dissertations

Generation z's positive and negative attributes and the impact on empathy after a community-based learning experience.

Amanda Nicole Moscrip , University of North Florida Follow

Master's Thesis

College of Arts and Sciences

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

NACO controlled Corporate Body

University of North Florida. Department of Psychology

First Advisor

Dr. Jody Nicholson

Second Advisor

Dr. Dan Richard

Department Chair

Dr. Lori Lange

College Dean

Dr. John Kantner

Generation Z, also known as the iGeneration, iGenners, GenZ, and Generation Now, consists of those born in the mid-1990s through the late 2010s. Historical events important for this generation have influenced their perception of safety as well as how they interact with others. As compared to previous generations, technological advances (i.e., Smartphones, social media) changed how GenZ communicates, socializes, and receives information. Unique experiences and attributes influenced Generation Z’s empathy because living through these events and seeing their impact changes how they can understand and take the perspective of others. The relation between three factors was examined across University students who are members of Generation Z; intensity of the CBL activity (high versus low), sex, and empathy (empathy assessment index, basic empathy scale, ethnocultural empathy scale). It is hypothesized that freshmen students would exhibit higher gains in empathy due to their developmental period. As hypothesized, there was a consistent main effect for sex in multiple subscales across the Honors Colloquium and Interdisciplinary late-teen sample indicating that females were higher in initial pretest scores and remained higher on post-scores on empathy as compared to males. These findings hold implication for instructors aiming to provide effective CBL experience for their students. Faculty may consider how students may be differentially receptive to CBL experiences on multiple demographic and personality variables, and while this study only examined sex and intensity of experience, it provides a good representation of the diversity of outcomes that can be evidenced.

Suggested Citation

Moscrip, Amanda Nicole, "Generation Z's Positive and Negative Attributes and the Impact on Empathy After a Community-Based Learning Experience" (2019). UNF Graduate Theses and Dissertations . 908. https://digitalcommons.unf.edu/etd/908

Since August 30, 2019

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Theses - ALL

Generation z and corporate social responsibility.

Sharon Uche , Syracuse University

Date of Award

Degree type, degree name.

Master of Science (MS)

Public Relations

Joon Soo Lim

Subject Categories

Social and Behavioral Sciences

This thesis explores the attitudes and perceptions held by Generation Z regarding a brand or brand’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) communication efforts. This thesis uses the stakeholder theory, relationship management theory, ethical consumerism and corporate reputation theory to frame the importance of brand’s understanding how to effectively communicates CSR to its stakeholders. This study evaluates variables including progressive values, diversity, pro-social behaviors, attitude toward a brand, perceived credibility, ulterior motives, commitment, perceived trust, word of mouth intentions, purchase intentions. This study will also examine how the influence of CSR communication efforts varies within Gen Z depending on gender, race and political ideologies. This thesis then frames current characteristics of Gen Z with their involvement levels of CSR.

Open Access

Recommended Citation

Uche, Sharon, "Generation Z and Corporate Social Responsibility" (2018). Theses - ALL . 226. https://surface.syr.edu/thesis/226

Since July 18, 2018

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Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons

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Questo subreddit è dedicato agli universitari, laureati e alle aspiranti matricole che hanno domande riguardo i corsi di studio, l'università e l'immatricolazione, oppure vogliono condividere le loro esperienze universitarie. This is a subreddit dedicated to Italian universities and students. We also speak English!

Master thesis studying Italian Generation Z consumers - HELP is REALLY needed

Hi everyone - please help a desperate student out! I hope that it's okay that I post this here.

I am currently writing my master’s thesis, where I am investigating strategies to make a Danish beer brand more appealing to Generation Z consumers in Italy. In that connection, I have created a survey designed to gather information on the preferences and consumption habits of Generation Z in Italy - more particularly in relation to the Danish beer brand.

I am from Denmark and don't know many Italians. I have, therefore, had a really hard time finding participants for my survey. If any of you fit into the demographic of the thesis and are above 18 years older (i.e., Italians born between 1995-2005) - or know anyone who would fit into the demographic - it would be a HUGE help if you would be willing to take the survey/share the survey.

The survey should take approximately 10-12 minutes to complete, and all responses will be anonymous and confidential. Here is the link to the survey: https://copenhagenbusiness.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_blrV2Krx2idLtrM

THANK YOU so much - any help is highly appreciated.


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    Moscrip, Amanda Nicole, "Generation Z's Positive and Negative Attributes and the Impact on Empathy After a Community-Based Learning Experience" (2019). UNF Graduate Theses and Dissertations. 908. https://digitalcommons.unf.edu/etd/908 This Master's Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Scholarship at UNF Digital Commons.

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    Generation Z, individuals born between 1995 and 2010, is preparing to enter the workplace, yet there is limited exploring of the work values that motivate this generation. ... Thesis. Degree Name. Master of Science (MS) Department. Technology Leadership and Innovation. Committee Chair. Mesut Akdere. Committee Member 1. Brett Crawford.

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    Moscrip, Amanda Nicole, "Generation Z's Positive and Negative Attributes and the Impact on Empathy After a Community-Based Learning Experience" (2019). UNF Graduate Theses and Dissertations. 908. Generation Z, also known as the iGeneration, iGenners, GenZ, and Generation Now, consists of those born in the mid-1990s through the late 2010s.


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    This thesis explores the attitudes and perceptions held by Generation Z regarding a brand or brand's corporate social responsibility (CSR) communication efforts. This thesis uses the stakeholder theory, relationship management theory, ethical consumerism and corporate reputation theory to frame the importance of brand's understanding how to effectively communicates CSR to its stakeholders.

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  21. Master thesis studying Italian Generation Z consumers

    Master thesis studying Italian Generation Z consumers - HELP is REALLY needed. Hi everyone - please help a desperate student out! I hope that it's okay that I post this here. I am currently writing my master's thesis, where I am investigating strategies to make a Danish beer brand more appealing to Generation Z consumers in Italy.

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