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  • Speech on Junk Food



Over the years, the intake of junk food among the young age groups has only increased. Adolescents especially are the ones who are on the margin of high consumption of junk food. Any type of food that has more harmful ingredients like less nutrition-rich food is considered to be junk. Junk food according to research has shown that when regularly consumed it can cause severe damage to the health of an individual. In this article Speech On Harmful effects of junk food and speech on health hazards of junk food is discussed to help you get a better understanding of different ways of speech writing on junk food. The much-relished fast foods also fall under the umbrella of junk food. And to keep healthy one must keep at bay from such food. Different ways to deliver this message can be a long speech on avoiding junk food or a short speech on saying no to junk food.

Long and Short Speech on Junk Food 

Long speech on junk food.

This form of the long speech on junk food is extremely helpful for students in grades 8-12 who are assigned to deliver a 5-minute speech. 

Good morning to everyone present here, respected Principal, teachers, and my dear friends, I am Abc (mention your name) here to speak about a topic we know of but not entirely that is junk food. Yes, aren’t we all aware of the delicious junk food. In fact, we eat more junk food than healthy food without realizing what the consequences will be. 

Before going ahead let me ask you all a question about your breakfast habits. Do you actually take the time to consider what you eat as the most important meal like having fruits, toast, idli, dosa, etc or do you just buy something like a heavy cheesy sandwich from our canteens? I am certain we all act according to our convenience without considering the effects on our health.

It is indeed the changing times that we have been totally neglectful towards what we put into our bodies. Especially in metropolitan cities and towns where there is a surplus of junk food available it is more likely that everyone will consume it more. The main reason for it being so much in demand is because of its cheap price which is the perfect fit for teenagers and youngsters for the affordability of these products. 

Another main reason apart from being available for affordable prices is its delicious taste. Because of this very reason, it has more repeat value for the young kids and they seem to form an addiction to such kinds of foods. The other attracting quality of this junk food is that it is readily available at all times. Be it on the streets or now even in fast-food restaurants. So people find it extremely convenient to either eat on-site or even take away because it takes very little time to prepare.  

Junk in itself means waste and junk food also contains all the waste and unwanted additives and ingredients with high calories because of fat and sugar that is added in abundance. It also lacks everything good that is required for the body to function properly as the proper quantity of protein, fibers, vitamins, and minerals. It also contains trans-fats that are truly damaging in the long term and even in the short term period. 

These full of fats junk foods are, fried chicken, pizza, burger, noodles, pasta, hot dogs, potato chips like lays, puffcorn, popcorn, doughnuts, french fries, icecreams, tacos, cookies, and pancakes and as I mention this I am fully aware that there are many of our favorite food items in these. And while one can enjoy these once in a while and should not be consumed regularly. This is because it can lead to obesity, which will hamper appetite and digestion. 

And eventually lead to lethargy, inactive lifestyle, and depression. All of this in no way sounds kind to the children’s growth and development. Even though there are many KFC outlets and pizza outlets we must keep in mind that we are what we eat and avoid visiting such restaurants that serve so much junk food. Instead, go for fruits and vegetable vendors and exercise into a healthy lifestyle and healthy body. These small changes can lead to so many beneficial outcomes and we must start immediately. Start living a good life and stay healthy.

Short Speech on Junk Food

This kind of speech on junk food is short and hence can be extremely beneficial for students in grades 4-8 who can deliver a simple speech and cover all the important points.

Good morning all, respected Principal, teachers, and my dear friends today I am here to speak on the topic of junk food. Junk food is termed junk food because all the components in it are waste, unhealthy and unimportant. These components are oil, trans fats instead of the good omega fats, sugar, fats, calories, minimal to no proteins, and fibers. 

Even with so many problems, the endorsement of it is very alluring. Junk food, mostly fast foods, are easily available on the streets. It is charged at a reasonable price so even the young ones are buying without any issues and since it is also delicious it is very appealing. 

We learn the components that have to be consumed for a healthy body and the food chart clearly mentions consuming less of all the components that are abundantly present in junk food. Yet we keep falling prey to such false advertisements of burgers, biryanis, pizzas, pasta, chips, and noodles.  

The problem with all of this is not the availability of it and the accessibility of the junk food; it is how regularly the choice of eating such unhealthy food is being made instead of the good homemade and fine food.

Our health is in our own hands, and we can make the choice to either destroy it or conserve and preserve it to live a long and healthy life. Let us all make this choice sooner rather than later so we do not regret our decisions when we have diabetes, obesity, depression, heart diseases, cholesterol early in our lives. The time is now to make healthy choices and let us pledge to do so by avoiding harmful foods that damage our health and body.

Thank you.  

10 Lines Speech on Junk Food

This is a short speech on saying no to junk food especially helpful for the students in grades 1-3 highlighting the harmful effects of junk food.

The cause of the rising obesity and a lethargic lifestyle among teenagers and the youth is the heavy consumption of junk food. 

The components of junk food are very harmful and lead to serious illnesses.

It is not body-friendly and causes an increase in fat levels of the body, which leads to cholesterol, blood pressure, heart diseases, obesity, and depression.

Such foods even though delicious are damaging. And the deliciousness can be appealing to the tongue since everyone seems to relish its taste but not to the body and its functions. 

Certain types of junk foods are chips, fried foods like deep-fried samosa, fried chicken, noodles, pasta, burgers, french fries, etc.

They have trans-fats and an immense quantity of oil, and sugar that is very difficult to digest.

It has no proteins, fibers, good minerals, and vitamins.

It hampers the digestive system by destroying the digestive juices and thus reducing the metabolism.

With so many problems children suffer from a lack of growth and development and start leading a lethargic and inactive life.

Hence one must say no to junk food and yes to healthy dietary foods that keep us safe and help us live longer. And one must encourage others to opt for such healthy lifestyle changes as well.

Intake of junk food is very harmful to one’s health. We all know that. It has always been an issue. But, with the passage of time, it has become more of a bigger issue. This is due to the fact that the consumption of such foods has witnessed tremendous growth. And the big part of the statistics is that more and more teens and adolescents have been consuming them in increased amounts every year. There are many studies that have some very thought-provoking statistics. 

Importance of a Speech on Junk Food

Various studies show the very consequences that have surfaced after so much consumption of junk food. As a result, it is a very important topic for schools to discuss with the students. And what better way to do that than with a speech from a fellow student?

Yes, many schools have been leaning towards the idea of starting a conversation with their students on the topic of the extreme consumption of junk food. Their fellow classmates, then not only listen to it but also pay attention to it. With accessibility to Junk Food in almost every corner of the city and on every road, it is hard to be ignored. And hence, it is significant that the students are educated in this area so as to lead a healthy lifestyle.


FAQs on Speech on Junk Food

1. How frequently should one have junk food?

It is advised by various healthcare experts and doctors for one to not have junk food regularly. One can go on consuming it in moderation, once or twice a week, but not more than that. But regular consumption can be bad for one’s health. One must also ensure to replace their junk food with substitutes that are healthy instead. Experts also claim that with the decreased rate of consumption of junk food, one can stay healthy for longer. This will also help them with preventing various diseases, which may happen now or later in their life.

2. What should a speech on junk food contain?

Promoting a healthy diet via a speech on junk food might be easy. All one has to do is speak a bunch of words about how junk food is bad for their health. However, the case with such a speech is that it is focussed more on the facts about junk food. What one needs to do is provide a proper solution to the problem. With that kept in mind, one can showcase the health effects of a balanced diet. They can count a few substitutes that can be used or much healthier counterparts that can be consumed instead of junk food. They can also give advice on how healthy food can also be made tasty with the help of some spices.

3. How can one promote having a healthy diet in a speech on junk food?

4. Where can I get more information about how to give a speech on junk food?

A speech on junk food for students is something that is pretty easy. However, it is the delivering part of the speech that might get tricky. In such a case, one can always ask their teacher for help. Another one who can come to their rescue is Vedantu, where they can easily get so many pointers that can help them nail their speech. From a short speech to a long speech, Vedantu helps the students with giving their best speech in English.

5. Who can guide the students to give a speech on junk food in English?

Students who are about to give a speech require some much-needed guidance when it comes to delivering a speech. With such a task, a teacher can act as their mentor, their guide and help them do the deed with confidence. They can help the students at every stage, from preparing the speech with the help of Vedantu to rehearsing their enunciation of words. The students must be well in terms of the language they are giving the speech in as well, in this case, it is English.

Dietary Consumption: Strategies for Healthy Eating Essay (Speech)

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


General Goal: To persuade.

Specific Goal: At the end of my speech, the audience will be able to differentiate between healthy and unhealthy eating.

Central Idea: People should incorporate healthy eating in their diets contrary to which it increases the risk of developing various diseases.

A report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicate that, while eating nutritious food is essential for enhancing your health, most people consume an unhealthy diet thus increasing the risk of contracting various diseases such as cancer, reduced brain functioning, type 2 diabetes, stroke, heart disease, or being generally obese or overweight (CDC, 2021a). Most people fall into this category, not because they lack the knowledge about healthy eating, but because they chose to ignore the recommended nutritious consumption.

Reveal Your Topic

Today, I will highlight some strategies of healthy eating against which failure to follow them would be detrimental to your health.

Motivate the Audience to Listen

Probably, you are thinking that you have been eating unhealthy food and nothing has happened to you. Yet, you may not have experienced some of the risks of poor diet, I am here to illustrate to you why you should always have healthy nutrition to boost your health and avoid common diseases that you could develop in the span of your life.

Credibility Statement

While I am not a qualified doctor or nutritionist, I have conducted ample and elaborate research on the strategies for healthy eating.

Today, I will explore three strategies of healthy eating, their benefits, and consequences if not properly followed.

  • I will first talk about vegetables and fruits
  • Then, I will talk about proteins and carbohydrates
  • Finally, I will discuss saturated fats and sugar

Now that I have given you an overview of my topic today, let’s explore my first major point.

It is recommended that we consume vegetables and fruits regularly to stay healthy.

Consumption of vegetables is integral to the health of our bodies:

  • The Dietary Guidelines for Americans states that people should eat more vegetables to boost their health and prevent themselves from chronic diseases (, 2020).
  • Surprisingly, only 9% of the people consumed the recommended portions of vegetables in their diet (CDC, 2021b).
  • In their book, Vegetables: Importance of Quality Vegetables to Human Health , Asaduzzaman and Asao (2018) illustrate that failure to consume the recommended amounts of vegetables in daily meals is associated with increased risk of cancer and stroke.
  • Moreover, Asaduzzaman and Asao (2018) expound that lack of proper intake of vegetables causes vitamin deficiency diseases such as scurvy (lack of vitamin C) and Sclerosis (lack of vitamin A).

Consumption of fruits is highly encouraged as one of the major eating habits that all people should embrace.

  • In its 2019 publication, World Health Organization (WHO) explains that fruit intake is associated with disease prevention as it enhances the immunity of our bodies.
  • Furthermore, WHO (2019) highlights that fruits reduce the risk of adiposity in adolescents and young children.
  • As its publication shows, failure to take appropriate amounts of fruits leads to increased risk for various diseases such as myocardial infarction.
  • WHO emphasizes that lack of adequate fruit servings in the meals could cause different types of cancer.
  • While fruits are crucial in our nutritious feeding, only 12% of Americans eat the recommended amount of fruits (CDC, 2021b).

TRANSITION: Now that we have talked about vegetables and fruits, let us delve into proteins and carbohydrates.

Proteins and carbohydrates are essential for our bodies

While some people could be vegetarians, the need for proteins in dietary consumption is crucial.

  • The Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025 indicate that proteins could be obtained from animals such as poultry, meat, seafood, and dairy or plant sources for vegetarians (, 2020).
  • Nutrition scholars, Shan et al. (2019) state that proteins are essential to repair body cells besides promoting growth and development in pregnant women, children, and teenagers.
  • Failure to consume the recommended amounts of protein causes various diseases.
  • As Shan et al. (2019) explain, insufficient protein in the body leads to impaired mental health, muscle-tissue shrinkage, weak immune system, marasmus, and ultimately, total organ failure.


  • In their article, nutritionists, Shan et al. (2019) note that carbohydrates are needed in the body as a source of the energy we use to perform daily activities.
  • Therefore, it is important to consume the required portions of carbohydrates for our muscles, brain, and other body parts to function normally.
  • According to Shan et al. (2019), failure to meet the recommended carbohydrate intake leads to low blood sugar causing hypoglycemia.
  • Furthermore, Shan et al. (2019) present that carbohydrates deficiency results in ketosis, characterized by bad breath, mental fatigue, joint pains, headache, and nausea.

TRANSITION: Let us now talk about the last major point in my speech, saturated fats, and sugars

It is imperative to avoid saturated fats and sugars

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025 recommend that people should limit the consumption of saturated fats to live healthy lives.

  • The food we consume must stay within one’s calorie needs for our bodies to operate normally.
  • People are not supposed to eat excess calories beyond the levels recommended in the Dietary Guidelines.
  • The Dietary Guidelines call upon Americans to consume foods with the least amounts of saturated fats (less than 10% of the total calories consumed per day,, 2020).
  • CDC (2021a) reports that excessive saturated fats cause higher levels of blood cholesterol eventually leading to heart diseases or stroke.

Besides, the Dietary Guidelines recommend that Americans’ choice of beverages and single food should be nutrient-dense but, with no added processed sugars.

  • A healthy dietary habit limits the amount of processed sugars to fewer than 10% of the total calories consumed daily (, 2020).
  • CDC (2021a) posits that consumption of sugar is the root cause of type 2 diabetes, well as increased risk of heart disease and obesity among Americans.

TRANSITION TO CLOSE: As I conclude my speech today, I would like to remind you that the principal capital asset in our lives in good health.

Re-State Central Idea

Incorporating healthy eating in our diets is critical but, lack of it increases the risk of developing the various disease.

Today we have talked about strategies of healthy eating, their benefits, and consequences if not properly followed.

  • First, we talked about vegetables and fruits
  • Then, we explored proteins and carbohydrates
  • Finally, we discussed about saturated fats and sugar

Tie Back to Audience

I hope as you leave this place today, you have appropriate information that would encourage you to observe healthy eating habits.

Closure Statement

While most people have the necessary information we need about dietary consumption; nutrition-related diseases are on the rise. From today, everyone must take full responsibility for their eating habits.

Asaduzzaman, M., & Asao, T. (Eds.). (2018). Vegetables: Importance of quality vegetables to human health . BoD–Books on Demand.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2021a). Poor nutrition. CDC’s National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Web.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2021b). Only 1 in 10 adults get enough fruits or vegetables . Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity. Web. (2020). Dietary Guidelines for Americans , 2020-2025. Web.

Shan, Z., Rehm, C. D., Rogers, G., Ruan, M., Wang, D. D., Hu, F. B.,… & Bhupathiraju, S. N. (2019). Trends in dietary carbohydrate, protein, and fat intake and diet quality among US adults, 1999-2016 . Jama , 322 (12), 1178-1187. Web.

World Health Organization. (WHO, 2019). Sustainable healthy diets: guiding principles . Food & Agriculture Org. Web.

  • Fats, Carbohydrates, and Proteins
  • Saturated Fatty Acids and Coronary or Cardiovascular Disease
  • Fats and Proteins in Relation to Type 2 Diabetes
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  • Consequences of Sugar to the Human Body
  • Polysaccharides in Foods
  • Effects of Food Challenges to Health
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2022, July 21). Dietary Consumption: Strategies for Healthy Eating.

"Dietary Consumption: Strategies for Healthy Eating." IvyPanda , 21 July 2022,

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Dietary Consumption: Strategies for Healthy Eating'. 21 July.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Dietary Consumption: Strategies for Healthy Eating." July 21, 2022.

1. IvyPanda . "Dietary Consumption: Strategies for Healthy Eating." July 21, 2022.


IvyPanda . "Dietary Consumption: Strategies for Healthy Eating." July 21, 2022.

Speech on Junk Food for Students and Children

Speech on  junk food.

Hello everyone, I m here to present a Speech on Junk Food. Our country is a country of farms and we have abundant food resources available which are rich in all kinds of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Our forefathers and ancestors ate fresh organic produce which came directly from farms and led a long healthy lifestyle. They rarely suffered from diseases such as sugar, Blood Pressure, Obesity or Cholesterol. Today with the advent of modernization came Junk Food. Junk is the word which we use for something which is trash and is of no use. Similarly, Junk Food is also a trash food that has very low nutritional value. They mostly contain harmful saturated fats which do no good to our bodies.

Speech on  Junk Food


The westernization and modernization which has happened in the last few decades has completely changed our lifestyle. We have started living a life that revolves around gadgets, we hardly walk, we sleep late and get up late , we eat whatever readymade food items are available in the market.

Due to long working hours and both husband and wife working, the family doesn’t take out time to eat quality food and they mostly depend upon processed, packaged and junk food. This change in eating habits has greatly affected our health.

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The category of junk food includes burgers, French fries, pizzas, chips. These foods are prepared with a high quantity of oil . It is prepared in such a manner that they taste very good and once a person tastes them, they get addicted to its taste and regularly demand for this kind of food. This is specially the case with children.

As we can see mall culture is developing and we can see small or big malls in every nook and corner of metro cities. These malls are the major source of Junk Food. As the mall culture is increasing so the demand for junk food is also increasing.  Junk Food is highly unhealthy. They make a person gain unnecessary weight which leads to obesity, sugar and other health problems.

After seeing and observing the ill effects of junk food, the government and many organizations are coming forward to make people aware of the harmful impacts of junk food. The World Health Organization and many media channels are doing such awareness programs.

But the problem today is that Junk Food has become an inseparable part of the modern lifestyle. It’s hardly possible to completely eliminate it from food but we can manage its intake. Children should be given this kind of food only a few times a week

It becomes the responsibility of parents and teachers to inculcate good food habits in children at an early stage. The children and kids should be given vegetables and fruits with different flavourful recipes that can satisfy their taste buds. The school and colleges should also ban such kind of food in their canteens and mess.

The junk food has many ill effects on our body, health and mind. A  healthy-minded person should make himself and his family to say no to junk food. The restaurants and malls who sell junk food in large quantities should be banned. The government should also restrict such ads that encourage people to consume junk food. And at last today, I encourage all the people here, to take a pledge that they will not consume junk food and will contribute to the fight against junk food.

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Speech On Healthy Food Habits [1,2,3 Minutes]

Food is one of the crucial parts of life. It is the source of energy in our life. here given below are the 3 best Speech On Healthy Food Habits which are divided into 1, 2 and 3 minutes for the school students.

There is a famous saying that health is wealth . If we think deeply about this saying, it is very correct because without having good health one can’t enjoy his/her life to the fullest. This is why everyone should develop the right eating pattern that is healthy for physical and mental health.

1-Minute Speech on Healthy Food Habits

Before beginning my speech on healthy food habits I would like to wish Greetings and salutations to everyone present here. It is a pleasure to me having a chance to speak on healthy food habits.

Having food is a basic activity of all human beings. Our health and fitness are directly proportional to our food habits. But sometimes we are not well aware of what to eat and what to not. Today, it is very easy to develop healthy food habits. Healthy food habits are simply those eating practices that are good for our physical and mental health.

We tend to eat delicious and tasty food without knowing how healthy or unhealthy it is for our health. But it is not so difficult to know about the nutritional value of any specific food item. You can google about that and you will get a lot of information about it.

There is a lot to say but time is limited and we must respect time.

Thank you all for listening to me!

persuasive speech about unhealthy food

2-Minute Speech on Healthy Food Habits

We all are taught from childhood about healthy food habits because health is considered one of the most crucial parts of life. A rich human without good health can not live his life to the fullest. That is why it is said that “health is wealth”

Today, there is a trend of packaged food. Packaged food is not very bad but excessive use of anything is harmful. These packages can spark curiosity about nutrition when we see the backside of these packets. The food safety department directs these companies to write down the nutritional value behind the packet.

To develop healthy food habits, one needs to understand what our body needs to be healthy. Of course, they are some vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates etc. But one does not need to worry about these. One can follow some simple methods to be healthy.

  • Avoid eating junk food a lot
  • Avoid eating processed food
  • Avoid packaged food
  • Don’t drink cold drinks a lot
  • Eat one food item at a time
  • Take your meals at the proper time
  • Drink a lot of water
  • Drink milk and healthy shakes
  • Eat green vegetables, and pulses every day
  • Eat fruits every day

3- Minute Speech on Healthy Food Habits

So, What are healthy food habits? Healthy food habits are those eating practices that give us good health and keep us away from any type of disease. First of all, we should gather information about healthy foods and unhealthy foods. After we can easily develop healthy food habits.

Food and eating are some of the most discussed topics around the globe. There are millions of dishes to eat and discuss. But have you ever thought about which one of them is healthy for us and which one is unhealthy? We are just involved in eating tasty and delicious food without gathering information about its nutritional value.

At last, To develop healthy food habits, one needs to understand what our body needs to be healthy. Of course, they are some vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates etc. But one does not need to worry about these. One can follow some simple methods to be healthy.

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Speech on Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is not just a phrase, it’s a way of living that can brighten your life. It’s about making choices that support your well-being and make you feel good. You may wonder what it really means or how you can achieve it.

Living well means more than just eating your greens and exercising regularly. It’s about finding balance in all areas. It’s about listening to your body and making choices that honor your needs. It’s about living a life that feels good from the inside out.

1-minute Speech on Healthy Lifestyle

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, today we talk about something close to all our hearts – a healthy lifestyle. We all want to lead a happy, long life, right? Well, that’s where a healthy lifestyle comes in.

First, let’s talk about food. You know how cars need the right fuel to run? Our bodies are the same! We need fruits, vegetables, proteins, and grains to keep us strong and energetic. Fast food and sugary drinks might taste good, but they don’t provide what our body needs. So, eat a rainbow every day – lots of different colored fruits and vegetables!

Next, exercise. Just like a car needs to move to stay in good shape, our bodies need movement too. You don’t have to run a marathon or lift heavy weights. Simple things like walking, cycling, or playing a game of football with friends can work wonders. Every day, try to make time for some fun physical activity.

Sleep is another key part. When we sleep, our bodies repair and recharge. Make sure to get enough sleep every night. It’s like giving your body a mini-holiday!

Lastly, mental health is as important as physical health. Keep your mind happy and healthy by doing things you love, spending time with people who make you smile, and taking time to relax and unwind. It’s okay to say no when things get too much. Remember, it’s your life!

In conclusion, a healthy lifestyle is like a puzzle, made of many pieces – good food, exercise, sleep, and mental well-being. They all fit together to create a picture of a happy, healthy life. Start today, and remember, every small change counts!

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2-minute Speech on Healthy Lifestyle

Good day, everyone! Today, we talk about a subject close to our hearts and bodies – a healthy lifestyle.

Living a healthy life means taking good care of our bodies and minds. It’s like keeping our car engine clean and well-oiled so it runs smoothly. It’s not just about eating apples and doing push-ups. It’s about making choices every day that keep us strong and happy.

First off, let’s talk about food. Our bodies need fuel, just like cars need petrol. We should feed our bodies with healthy food, not junk. Eating fruits, vegetables, grains, and proteins is like feeding our bodies with premium petrol. It makes our bodies run fast, work well, and feel good. Always remember, junk food can make us feel good for a while, but it can harm our bodies in the long run.

Now, let’s talk about exercise. Just as cars need to be driven regularly to keep them in good shape, our bodies need regular movement too. That could be running, jumping, dancing, or even walking. Exercise makes our bodies strong and our minds sharp. It helps us sleep better, think better, and feel better. And you don’t need to run a marathon every day. Even a little bit of exercise done regularly can make a big difference.

Next, let’s talk about rest. Our bodies and minds need rest to recover from work and play. When we sleep, our bodies repair themselves, and our minds sort out what we’ve learned in the day. Good sleep is like a deep clean for our bodies and minds. It helps us wake up feeling fresh and ready for the day. So, make sure you get enough sleep every night.

Lastly, let’s talk about feelings. A healthy lifestyle is not just about the body, it’s also about the mind. It’s important to talk about our feelings and not keep them bottled up. It’s okay to feel sad, angry, or scared. But, it’s important to talk about these feelings with someone we trust. Just like we clean our bodies to keep them healthy, we need to clean our minds of negative feelings too.

So, remember friends, a healthy lifestyle is about making good choices every day. It’s about eating healthy food, doing regular exercise, getting enough sleep, and talking about our feelings. It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it. We only get one body, and it’s our job to take good care of it. Let’s promise ourselves that starting today, we will live a healthier and happier life.

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  6. Persuasive Speech


  1. Persuasive Speech About Junk Food

    Persuasive Speech About Junk Food. When it comes to the topic of junk food, there is a lot of debate and controversy. Some people argue that junk food should be avoided at all costs, while others believe that it is fine to indulge in moderation. In this persuasive speech, I will argue that junk food should be avoided as much as possible due to ...

  2. Speech on Junk Food for Students in English

    This is a short speech on saying no to junk food especially helpful for the students in grades 1-3 highlighting the harmful effects of junk food. The cause of the rising obesity and a lethargic lifestyle among teenagers and the youth is the heavy consumption of junk food. The components of junk food are very harmful and lead to serious illnesses.

  3. Persuasive Speech On Junk Food

    Persuasive Speech On Junk Food. 884 Words4 Pages. I. Unhealthy or junk food is an informal term applied to some foods that are perceived to have little or no nutritional value to products with nutritional value, but also have ingredients considered unhealthy when regularly eaten. II. Junk foods are typically ready-to-eat convenience foods ...

  4. Dietary Consumption: Strategies for Healthy Eating Essay (Speech)

    The Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025 recommend that people should limit the consumption of saturated fats to live healthy lives. The food we consume must stay within one's calorie needs for our bodies to operate normally. People are not supposed to eat excess calories beyond the levels recommended in the Dietary Guidelines.

  5. Speech on Food Waste

    Remember, each one of us can make a difference. Every apple not thrown away, every bread crust eaten, every leftover meal saved, adds up. Together, we can stop the waste and help our planet. Let's make a promise today. Let's respect our food, our resources, and our planet. Let's say no to food waste.

  6. Persuasive Speech Outline

    Specific Purpose: By the end of my speech, my audience will know the negative consequences of eating junk food regarding the mind and body and also why it is best to consume nutritious foods to live a healthy and productive lifestyle. Central Idea: Junk food is an addictive element of life that has many citizens craving it on a daily basis.

  7. Persuasive Speech Outline

    According to Andrew F. Smith, author of the book, "Fast Food and Junk Food: An Encyclopedia of What We Love to Eat," Junk food may lead to depression in teenagers. i. A healthy diet plays a part in keeping hormone levels on an even keel, while a diet high in junk food falls short of these requirements ii.

  8. Persuasive Speech On Junk Food

    Long term bad eating habits can cause heart problems, acne, high blood pressure, dental problems, osteoporosis and generally just poor health. Eating Junk Food Makes You Look Older The best reason of all to not eat this type of food, it will age you. As you grow older, after years of eating bad food, your hair will become brittle and thin, your ...

  9. List of Persuasive Speech Topics on Food

    A persuasive speech about food will be a speech that listeners can relate to and therefore will be interested in. Persuasive speeches involves influencing an audience to accept your idea through the use of argumentation, rationalization, symbolism and factual support of claims. ... Include facts on how skipping breakfast or eating an unhealthy ...

  10. Speech on Junk Food for Students and Children

    Speech on Junk Food. Hello everyone, I m here to present a Speech on Junk Food. Our country is a country of farms and we have abundant food resources available which are rich in all kinds of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Our forefathers and ancestors ate fresh organic produce which came directly from farms and led a long ...

  11. Persuasive Speech On Unhealthy Eating

    Persuasive Speech On Unhealthy Eating. 1052 Words5 Pages. Intro. 1. Developing healthy eating habits isn 't as confusing or as restrictive as many people imagine. 2. The essential steps are to eat mostly foods derived from plants—vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes (beans, peas, lentils)—and limit highly processed foods. 3.

  12. Persuasive Speech: The Informative Effects Of Junk Food

    In a nutshell, constant and regular consumption of fast food can lead to an overall unhealthy condition. Malnutrition, obesity, increased risks of heart attack and an overall unhealthy body are some of the things that follow a junk food addiction. ii. These conditions are the effects of some of the ingredients in the junk food which contain a ...

  13. Eating Junk Food Rhetorical Analysis

    Eating Junk Food Rhetorical Analysis. 1. My goal for this speech is to convince my audience to: My goal is to inform the audience by gathering and structuring information in an effective way, and help them educate others about the importance of healthy food and avoiding junk food. 2. Explain how you will use one or more of the following ...

  14. Ban Junk Food in Schools: [Essay Example], 666 words

    Allowing junk food sends the message that such foods are acceptable choices, potentially leading to unhealthy eating patterns that persist into adulthood. 9. ... Persuasive Speech about Junk Food Essay. When it comes to the topic of junk food, there is a lot of debate and controversy. Some people argue that junk food should be avoided at all ...

  15. Persuasive speech

    Topic: Do not eat fast food General purpose: To persuade Specific purpose: To persuade my audience not to eat fast food Thesis statement: My audience should stop eating fast food because (1) fast food is unhealthy; (2) homemade food can be healthy and nutritious, and (3) eating homemade food can prevent health hazards and protect your health and future.

  16. Persuasive Speech

    Eric Schlosser also said that fast food is heavy on fat, salt and sugar, and reduced nutrient. Most flavors in fast food are made from chemical. The tastier it is, the more chemical is needed. We all know that food added with chemical is very harmful to our health. Too much chemical processed food can caused cancer.

  17. Speech On Healthy Food Habits [1,2,3 Minutes]

    Don't drink cold drinks a lot. Eat one food item at a time. Take your meals at the proper time. Drink a lot of water. Drink milk and healthy shakes. Eat green vegetables, and pulses every day. Eat fruits every day. There is a lot to say but time is limited and we must respect time. Thank you all for listening to me!

  18. Persuasive Speech On Healthy Food

    Fresh foods can provide good carbohydrates that will give you energy. At least half of your calories come from carbohydrates. Good sources of carbohydrates come from whole grain foods, fruits, and vegetables. Brown rice a large carb containing food gives long lasting energy. This happens because it takes our body longer to process it.

  19. Speech on Healthy Lifestyle

    2-minute Speech on Healthy Lifestyle. Good day, everyone! Today, we talk about a subject close to our hearts and bodies - a healthy lifestyle. Living a healthy life means taking good care of our bodies and minds. It's like keeping our car engine clean and well-oiled so it runs smoothly.

  20. Persuasive Speech On Unhealthy School Lunches

    Persuasive Speech On Unhealthy School Lunches. General purpose: To persuade. Specific purpose: To persuade people in the U.S to act against unhealthy school lunches in order to receive healthy meals instead. Thesis: Instead of schools serving unhealthy lunches to students, we should feed the students with healthier foods that way they can stay ...