Robert J. Won

Department of Mathematics, The George Washington University

How to TeX your homework

The TeX template used in the video is included at the bottom of this post. You can paste this into a .tex file locally, or into Overleaf.

  • If you’re just starting out, I recommend using  Overleaf  as your TeX editor.
  • You can use  Detexify  to hand-draw a symbol to find the LaTeX command for it.
  • There is also a nice  WikiBook  on LaTeXing mathematics.
  • When in doubt, Google is your friend!

You will frequently have problems with TeX which will make the document unable to compile. You should remember to compile often so that you can pinpoint your errors. Here are some things to check.

  • Remember to place math within dollar signs, so $x^2$ typesets as  x 2 .
  • Make sure you have started and ended all environments in the appropriate spots.
  • Make sure you have closed all of your curly braces { }.
  • Check to see if you used a new command that requires a new package.

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LaTeX Templates

If you would like to use LaTeX for homework, you can start by copying one of these templates, and then filling in your responses. This should prevent you from having to spend time on formatting.

To get up-and-running quickly, you can use the Overleaf online editor, which is essentially Google Docs but for LaTeX. They also have tutorials . You may prefer to install LaTeX to your computer, in which case you can use any text editor. For Emacs users, the AUCTeX plugin is very popular.

12 February 2014

Doing your homework in latex.

It is a common occurrence for other students to comment on my homework whenever I turn it in for one of my classes.

The complete LaTeX file (and the pdf output) can be found in my repository, latex-homework-template .

Below are a few screenshots of problems that I’ve done in the past:

Cover page

If I didn’t know how easy it was and the benefits that I get from typesetting my homework, I’d probably ask as well. However, I’d argue that using LaTeX to type up homework has made me a far better student than when I used to handwrite my homeworks.

And that is something that I care a lot about.

The Benefits

I can summarize the benefits like so:

It can be kept in Source Control. Handwriting can’t be stored in a version control system; once you erase something, it’s gone.

You can see your homework materialize in front of you. Seeing the results and the equations in their complete LaTeX-glory is a very powerful way to conceptualize things. There’s just something different about the way things look so perfect that makes the subject easier to understand.

You’ll do better in your classes. This one goes with the previous point, but having the ability to see your homework helps you understand it. By understanding it well, you’ll do better on tests. You will maximize how much you can learn as well as maximize your grade (if that matters to you).

It’s very neat & tidy. Although my handwriting has improved quite a bit, I still find myself slipping back into a rushed, messy script from the past. LaTeX gives zero doubt that the professor/TA will be able to read my solutions.

About LaTeX

A very short history.

Donald Knuth , a legendary Computer Scientist as well as one of my favorites, is well known for the system that he created called just TeX .

It is a piece of typesetting software that aids in writing documents and formulas. The power comes from the fact that the document that you write is plain source code.

The code that you write is then “typeset” into the final document in whatever form you wish.

Here’s an example of some basic LaTeX code:

With the output looking like below:

Example output

Using the Template

I’ve created a GitHub repository, latex-homework-template , just for my homework template that I’ve been using ever since I started. I found it online and used it as a base to start my template.

To use it, just download the homework.tex file and start editing. Once you need to typeset it, you’ll need LaTeX here .

After that, you just need to compile it and you’ll get your output. There are tons of different resources that I’ve found useful in learning LaTeX:

TeX StackExchange

LaTeX Wikibook

Effect on Performance

I have a solid set of anecdotal evidence in favor of using LaTeX for writing up my homework.

In all the classes that I’ve used LaTeX, I’ve come out of the class with a very strong understanding of the material as well as a good grade. Although I’m not a big fan of grades (like at all), I know it matters to some people.

This might have to do with the fact that doing the homework in LaTeX takes longer. It might have to do with the fact that I perfect the appearance and spend a lot more time looking at the subject.

The most likely reason is a combination of all that I previously mentioned plus other factors. I’m usually one to always want to quantify something, but in this case, I know it helps; that’s all I need.

Learning Curve

There definitely is a learning curve when it comes to trying to use LaTeX for homework. I felt that it was definitely worth the effort unlike how it might seem to some students.

I reasoned that when I go to graduate school, I will want to use it there. I also know how pervasive it is in textbooks. Since I love to read textbooks so much, I wanted to see what it took to write them so elegantly. I may even want to write one in the future; we’ll have to see =]

To me it seemed like a small tradeoff for the great benefits that it provided.

I cannot recommend using LaTeX for your homework enough.

The benefits go a long way. It helps you learn the material and in a way that isn’t as easily achieved when just using pencil and paper.

LaTeX is also widely used in academia and learning about the tool is almost essential if you wish to go to graduate school.

Once I graduate from university, I plan on releasing all my code for the last three semesters as open source. It includes all my LaTeX code which has really accumulated over the last year. It should provide a nice resource for others.

In the meantime, hopefully if you start using LaTeX for your homework, you won’t be able to resist doing it early because of how fun it is. Well, at least it was fun for me =]

Math 34 homework template

Template for multivariable calculus homework, including code for common formatting.

Math 34 homework template

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Syracuse University

Mathematics graduate organization (mgo), latex resources.

  • 1 TeX Templates
  • 2 Introduction to TeX
  • 3 LaTex Symbols
  • 4 Introduction to Beamer
  • 5.1 LaTeX & Beamer Templates
  • 5.2 TeX Packages
  • 5.3 Beamer Themes

TeX is a wonderful way to typeset Mathematics beautifully. TeX can be used to make course materials, typeset homework or notes, create posters, write books, produce figures or posters, and more! Though the initial learning curve is steep, TeX is essential to producing beautiful documents in Mathematics and is worth the effort! Note that one nice website for LaTeX is Overleaf . Overleaf lets you create, edit, and download your TeX files and PDFs from anywhere, online. Overleaf also allows you to share your files for collaboration and download already made templates, see the templates section below.

TeX Templates

The MGO has a number of LaTeX templates. These have been uploaded to Overleaf so that you can view them without having to compile them. To download any of the templates to use yourself, click on the ‘Menu’ in the upper-left and download the source code. This can then be uploaded to Overleaf for your own use!

In some cases where one would create many different similar documents, e.g. quizzes where one would have many different quizzes but all having the same preamble coding, it is more efficient to use a style sheet. This way, you can keep all the quizzes in the same folder and have them all compile from the one style sheet. This avoids lots of unnecessary clutter at the start of each quiz. Templates that have versions with this design have an extra ‘Multi-use’ template.

Exam Templates

Quiz Templates

Homework Templates

Worksheet Templates

Syllabi Templates

A special thanks to Erin Griffin for contributing the ‘Respect Policy’ for the syllabi.

Mental Health Services Templates

Feedback Card Templates

Assignment Templates (for your homeworks)

Beamer Templates

CV Templates

Note Templates

Flashcard Templates

Conference Poster Templates

Introduction Sheet Templates

For ease of download, all of these templates can be downloaded all at once at the following link:

LaTeX Templates – GoogleDrive

You can also find many LaTeX projects, especially notes from Syracuse University Mathematics courses at the following GitHub page:

GitHub – Caleb McWhorter

Finally, a number of other wonderful LaTeX templates can be found at David Mehrle’s page . He has an especially wonderful course note templates.  

Introduction to TeX

For those only just starting in TeX, here are a number of links to help you along the way.

LaTex Symbols

A few links to help those looking for that one symbol they just cannot seem to find how to typeset!

Introduction to Beamer

TeX can create presentation slides. The advantage of doing this, other than the beautiful rendered Mathematics, is that the output is a PDF so that there is never an issue with the computer system not having a program to open your file or other compatibility issues. Here are a few links to help those getting started in Beamer.

Finding Templates & Packages

There are a number of places to obtain LaTeX and beamer templates as well as LaTeX packages for expanded TeX capabilities! A few of these can be found below.

LaTeX & Beamer Templates

Tex packages, beamer themes.


Assignments, also known as homework, are usually given to school or university students to reinforce their knowledge of a subject and aid in learning. They are typically structured in question and answer form to be completed by the student consecutively.

latex template for math homework

fphw Assignment

This template is for formatting assignments or homework in a clear and simple way. The title section at the top of the first page clearly displays the assignment, student and class information. This information also appears in the headers and footers of subsequent pages. Questions in the assignment are clearly demarcated and appear inside boxes to focus attention. The template features examples of including images, tables, equations and code listings for covering virtually all common assignment information. Multi-part questions and answers are shown for more complex questions.

  • View Template Information

Wenneker Assignment

This template can be used by teachers or students for school or university assignments. It contains a clear title section at the start to specify the assignment class, title, date and teacher/student name. The template supports up to 4 levels of sections to structure the assignment into sections, questions, subquestions and bonus content. Examples of common assignment content are included: figure, equations, lists, table, code and paragraphs of text.

Lachaise Assignment

This template is for teachers/instructors/educators to create assignments/homework for their students. It includes a clear title on the first page for the course, assignment and teacher’s name, as well as the institution and date. Sets of questions can be grouped by headings and the template includes examples of unnumbered and numbered sections, and numbered subsections (for longer assignments). Amongst the description text for each question, examples are provided for virtually any subject matter, including: equations, algorithms, code and command line outputs.

Cleese Assignment

This template comes in two versions, one for teachers/instructors/educators to create assignments/homework for their students to fill out by hand, and another for students proficient in LaTeX to answer questions posed to them at school or university/college. Both versions contain simple environments for each question and subquestion within, and allow answer boxes to be created with either an answer or blank for space to write an answer. Sets of questions can be grouped by headings and the template includes examples of including an image, table, equation and code within questions.

latex template for math homework

LaTeX Templates Information

General enquiries [email protected]

Most templates licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

LaTeX Templates is developed in New Zealand

© Creodocs Limited. All Rights Reserved.

Mathematics assignment template

Template designed for answering multiple questions for an assignment/homework. It works fine for math homework, but also for text assignments. The theoretical background and the list of task are included.

This template was originally published on ShareLaTeX and subsequently moved to Overleaf in October 2019.

Mathematics assignment template

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LaTeX class and template for typesetting math homework


Folders and files, repository files navigation, the homework class.

Provides the LaTeX class homework.cls for typesetting homework in a straightforward problem-solution format. Designed to avoid this mistake .

Read on for a description of the homework class.

Table of Contents

Environments, class options, introduction.

  • Simple interface for specifying homework information (e.g., name and course).
  • Environments for writing problem statements, problem parts, and solutions.
  • Automatic title creation.
  • Compatible with article class options.
  • Loads the AMS math packages.
  • Automatic PDF author/title/bookmark metadata creation.

For an examples of homework solutions created using the homework class, see example.tex and the resulting PDF .

Getting Started

template.tex is a ready-to-use homework template that uses the homework class.

  • Download homework.cls and save it in the same directory as your homework .tex file ( alternatively , see this question to learn where to put .cls files to be globally available to TeX)
  • At the top of the homework .tex file, put \documentclass{homework} .
  • In the preamble, specify the homework information using the commands listed in the Commands section.
  • In the document, begin writing problems in problem environments and solutions in solution environments (see Environments ).


The following commands should be used in the preamble of the homework .tex file. If these are not used, you will get an error.

  • \name{<name>} : Replace <name> with your name.
  • \course{<course>} : Replace <course> with the name of the course.
  • \term{<term>} : Replace <term> with the term when the course is held.
  • \hwnum{<number>} : Replace <number> with the number of the homework.

Thus, at a minimum , your preamble must contain

You can also change the default text of various labels that appear on the document by using the following commands.

  • \hwname{<name>} : Replace <name> with the desired label for the type of homework (e.g., Assignment or Problem Set ). The default is Homework .
  • \problemname{<name>} : Replace <name> with the desired label for problems created with the problem environment (e.g., Exercise or Question ). The default is Problem .
  • \solutionname{<name>} : Replace <name> with the desired label for solutions created with the solution environment (e.g., Proof , Answer , or a label in another language). The default is Solution .

The following environments are provided to typeset the homework.

problem : wraps individual problem statements. By default, problems are numbered beginning at 1 . To change the number of a given problem to n , use the command \problemnumber{n} before the problem environment.

solution : wraps the solution to a problem.

parts : enumerates parts of a multiple-part problem. If multiple parts environments are used in a single problem environment, labels will resume unless you use the \unresume command right after the beginning of each parts environment. New parts are declared using the \part command. The part labels can be customized by providing one of the following options to the parts environment:

  • a : (default) Lowercase letters.
  • A : Uppercase letters.
  • r : Lowercase Roman numerals.
  • R : Uppercase Roman numerals.
  • n : Numbers.

To specify your own labels to parts (for example, to only list parts b , d and e ) use the custom label as parameter as in \part[b)] .

claim , lemma , propostion , theorem , corollary , proof : organize claims made in a solution (and prove these claims). The 'claim' environment takes an optional argument that labels the claim (e.g., \begin{claim}[Conjecture] will make the claim be labelled "Conjecture"). The other listed environments are derived from the 'claim' environment.

To use a class option, write

at the beginning of your homework file, where <options> is a comma-separated list of the options that you wish to use.

All the options of the article class may be used. In addition, the homework class provides the following options.

  • boxes : Use this option if you want the problem environment to enclose problem statements in boxes.
  • hidesolutions : Use this option to hide solutions in the output. With this option enabled, you can still write solutions in the solution environment, but these solutions will not show up in the final document.
  • qed : Use this option if you want an end-of-proof symbol printed at the end of solutions.

This code is distributed under the MIT license. For more info, read the LICENSE file.

Contributors 4

  • Makefile 1.6%


  1. Doing Your Homework in LaTeX

    latex template for math homework

  2. [Tex/LaTex] Homework Problem Sheet Template

    latex template for math homework

  3. Latex Math Homework Template

    latex template for math homework

  4. Math Homework Latex Template

    latex template for math homework

  5. (PDF) LaTeX Math worksheet template

    latex template for math homework

  6. GitHub

    latex template for math homework


  1. Latex Template for Thesis

  2. Learn LaTeX 008

  3. Introduction to Latex and Lyx

  4. Learn LaTeX 012

  5. Creating a Professional CV with LaTeX Template

  6. Latex Template for Thesis 2


  1. Simple Math Homework Template

    A LaTeX template for writing math homework assignments, created by a user who had to relearn LaTeX for real analysis. The template includes source code, PDF preview and license information.

  2. How to TeX your homework

    Learn how to use LaTeX to typeset math homework with a template and examples. The template includes macros, packages, and commands for number systems, proofs, equations, and more.

  3. templates

    Find a general purpose homework class file/template for math-centered courses with syntax highlighting and code formatting. See answers with examples, links and suggestions from experts and users.

  4. Gallery

    Browse a selection of LaTeX templates and examples for homework assignments in various subjects and levels. Find templates for question and answer sections, technical reports, essays, and more.

  5. Example math homework (with solutions)

    A template for LaTeX homework questions and solutions, created by Chris Rycroft and uploaded from ShareLaTeX. The template includes code, PDF and source files for viewing and editing.

  6. Math N55: LaTeX Templates

    LaTeX Templates. If you would like to use LaTeX for homework, you can start by copying one of these templates, and then filling in your responses. This should prevent you from having to spend time on formatting. HW 3. To get up-and-running quickly, you can use the Overleaf online editor, which is essentially Google Docs but for LaTeX.

  7. Math 53 Homework template

    An online LaTeX editor that's easy to use. No installation, real-time collaboration, version control, hundreds of LaTeX templates, and more.

  8. Doing Your Homework in LaTeX

    Learn how to use LaTeX to typeset your homework and get better grades and understanding. See examples, benefits, and a template to download.

  9. Math Homework template for Latex

    An online LaTeX editor that's easy to use. No installation, real-time collaboration, version control, hundreds of LaTeX templates, and more.

  10. How to LaTeX (with math homework template)

    You can find the template at

  11. LaTeX Homework Template for Submitting Online

    A LaTeX class and shortcut package for typesetting math and computer science problem sets with online submission in mind. Features Palatino typeface, header, PDF metadata, microtype, and more.

  12. Example of math homework exercises

    A sample LaTeX document of math homework, created by Robert Hanson, with source code and PDF. This template was originally published on ShareLaTeX and subsequently moved to Overleaf in October 2019.

  13. Math 34 homework template

    An online LaTeX editor that's easy to use. No installation, real-time collaboration, version control, hundreds of LaTeX templates, and more.

  14. jdavis/latex-homework-template

    🎓📄 The LaTeX file that I used as the base for all my homework in university. - jdavis/latex-homework-template

  15. LaTeX Resources

    Find LaTeX templates for exams, quizzes, homework, worksheets, syllabi, assignments, and more. Learn how to use LaTeX and Beamer for typesetting mathematics and creating slides.

  16. LaTeX Templates

    Lachaise Assignment. This template is for teachers/instructors/educators to create assignments/homework for their students. It includes a clear title on the first page for the course, assignment and teacher's name, as well as the institution and date. Sets of questions can be grouped by headings and the template includes examples of ...

  17. Templates

    Browse and download LaTeX templates for math-related documents, such as journals, presentations, reports, theses and more. Find templates for different purposes, styles and formats, including homework templates by Dana Ernst and Lance Bryant.

  18. latex-homework-template · GitHub Topics · GitHub

    To associate your repository with the latex-homework-template topic, visit your repo's landing page and select "manage topics." GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.

  19. Mathematics assignment template

    Mathematics assignment template. Template designed for answering multiple questions for an assignment/homework. It works fine for math homework, but also for text assignments. The theoretical background and the list of task are included. This template was originally published on ShareLaTeX and subsequently moved to Overleaf in October 2019.

  20. GitHub

    A LaTeX class and template for typesetting homework in a problem-solution format. Learn how to use the homework class, its features, commands, environments, and options.

  21. latex template for math assignment : r/LaTeX

    The great thing about LaTeX is you don't necessarily need a template. Just writing any content will work, unless you need some tunning. In that case, I would recommend trying to build your own template, which will serve you for months if not years. I would start from the minimum and add things only if necessary.