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Thesis Game Development Warren

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Anna-Sofia Alklind Taylor

This thesis explores the use of serious games from an instructor perspective. More specifically, it aims to study the roles of instructors and how they can be facilitated within an instructor-led game-based training environment. Research within the field of serious games has mostly focused on the learners' perspective, but little attention has been paid to what the instructors do and what challenges that entails. In this thesis, I argue that serious games, as artefacts used for learning and training, cannot fully replace the instructors' tasks, but must rather be designed to facilitate the various activities of the instructors. Thus, instructors form an important target audience in serious game development – not just as subject matter experts, but also as users and players of the game – with a different set of needs than the learners. Moreover, serious gaming (the actualisation of a serious game) involves more than in-game activities, it also involves actions and events that occur off-game. These activities must also be considered when designing and utilising games for learning and training. Using a qualitative approach, instructor-led serious gaming has been explored from a range of contexts, from rehabilitation to incident commander training and military training. Several different instructor roles have been identified and characterised, including in-game facilitator, puckster, debriefer, technical support and subject matter expert. Based on empirical and theoretical material, a framework for instructor-led serious gaming has been developed. It involves best practices in different phases of game-based training, such as scenario authoring, coaching-by-gaming, assessing in-game and off-game performance, giving feedback, and conducting a debriefing or after-action review. Furthermore, specific needs and challenges for instructors have been identified and reformulated into guidelines for instructor-led serious gaming. The guidelines highlight the importance of usability and visualisation, as well as the need for carefully designed support tools for instructors' situation awareness, assessment and debriefing. Lastly, a number of success factors pertaining to both the development and actualisation of serious games are presented. Since serious games aim to be both productive and engaging, it is advantageous to work with interdisciplinary teams when developing serious games. This includes subject matter experts well versed in serious gaming practices. Furthermore, a successful serious game should adhere to sound pedagogical theories, be easy to use and maintain, and include system support for instructors' tasks. Successful serious gaming practices also involve having an organisational culture that fosters knowledge sharing among practitioners.

game thesis project

Rikki (Patricia) McGee

Although many distance learning program currently survey potential students about their probably success, there are few systems that provide training to insure success. The project described in this report describes one of many possible paths for an adaptive learning environment. The following recommendations will insure an effective product. • Analysis of target population(s) preferences in Web design, interaction as well as entry technical and communication level skills. • SCO development by content experts or derived from established and proven curriculum. • Review by content and culture experts for design integrity and cultural relevancy.

The design and use of simulation computer games in education

Constance Steinkuehler

The claim that video games are replacing literacy activities that is bandied about in the American mainstream press is based not only on unspecified definitions of both'games' and'literacy'but also on a surprising lack of research on what children actually do when they play video games. In this article, the author examines some of the practices that comprise game play in the context of one genre of video games in particular-massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs).

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Games are among the oldest forms of experiential learning. Game-based learning scenarios are a staple in the military; games have been used to represent, communicate and explore the dynamics of complex situations with multiple interacting variables. Today's videogames allow new kinds of interactions, including real-time 3D and physics simulation. Learners can participate in complex systems over distance and time, and express themselves through game tools (Casti, 1997; Squire, 2004).

Proceedings of the Games+Learning+Society Conference: Vol. 4

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Aubrecht michelle

Game-based learning is a dynamic and powerful way to engage students to develop evidence-based reasoning, analytical and critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills, systems thinking, and connect with peers, all of which are 21st century skills. Games can lead students to become participatory learners and producers instead of passive recipients. This chapter considers the following three approaches to using games with students: (1) an instructor makes a game for a specific learner outcome, (2) students make a game, and (3) an instructor uses a commercial or online game. The chapter emphasizes the second and third methods. Specific examples of how games are being used with students illustrate ways to teach with games.

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Like many rapidly growing industries, advances in video game technology are far outpacing research on its design and effectiveness. Relatively little is understood about how to apply what we know about teaching and learning to optimize game-based learning. For the most part, instructional designers know little about game development and video game developers may know little about training, education and instructional design. In this three part series of articles, four recognized and emerging experts in instructional game design discuss their perspectives on preparing instructional designers to optimize game-based learning. Specifically, we discuss what we believe instructional designers should know about instructional game design based on experience working with game developers, teaching courses on game design, providing workshops on game-based learning, and actually designing instructional games.

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The MIT Game Lab has a long history of innovative research that spans game culture to design practice. Below are some highlights of our work. See specific pages in the pull down menu for more detailed information on some of them.

Games & Colonialism

2017-: mikael jakobsson (co-pi), mary flanagan (co-pi).

What does the history of colonialism-themed board games look like, and what can it tell us about the situation today? What does it mean to present these historical moments in such a lavish form and then let these artifacts serve as centerpieces to gather around for social interaction at board game cafes, meetups, and conventions? This greater project includes Playing Oppression , a forthcoming book to be published by MIT Press; Orderly Adventures, in which we play and analyze games with colonialist themes; and Creating Counter-Colonial Games, a series of workshops to prototype games through cultural engagement with people affected by the colonialist endeavor.

Diversity and Inclusion in Esports and Gaming

2015-: t.l. taylor.

Launched in 2015, AnyKey was co-founded by Dr. T.L. Taylor and Dr. Morgan Romine (with support from Intel and ESL) with the goal of building a more inclusive and accessible esports world for all. Since that inception, AnyKey has become the leading advocacy organization for inclusion and diversity in competitive gaming & live streaming. It now operates as a non-profit and Dr. Taylor has transitioned from being the Director of Research to Chair of the Advisory Board.

Playful Augmented Reality Audio Design Exploration

2018-2019: mikael jakobsson & philip tan.

The focus of this project was to explore the potential of audio augmented reality (AR) technology through design research methodology, particularly exploratory prototyping. Going into this, we understood that location-based audio AR allows the potential for telling stories using the players lived world, through innovative use of the affordances of mobile phone devices, particularly GPS. We also considered audio AR as a means of playing with sound and music. Utilizing the accelerometers of the Bose AR glasses and connected mobile device, body movement can be linked to the players’ own music collection or a music generation engine.

Our work culminated in the discovery of what we are calling locomotion-based gameplay, a modification to the assumptions that occur when considering location- based gameplay. From our explorative work, locomotion-based gameplay arises from the affordances and limitations of current audio AR technology. It considers a person’s movement through space as important, more so than their precise location. Locomotion also implies whole body movement through gestures including the nod of a head and the tap of a toe, not just the vector of movement on a map. These gestures are ephemeral and contain multiple meanings dependent on context and mood. We believe more work in discovering this style of gameplay would be fruitful, for purposes of art and entertainment, for education and tourism, and other currently unforeseen use cases.

Intimate Worlds: Reading for Intimate Affects in Contemporary Video Games

2016-2018: kaelan doyle-myerscough (s.m., comparative media studies, 2018).

When we think of pleasures to be found in video games, we often talk about power, control, agency, and fun. But to center these pleasures is to privilege certain stories, players, actions and possibility spaces. This thesis uses the framework of intimacy to closely examine three games for their capacity to create pleasure in vulnerability, the loss of control, dependence on others, and precarity.

Drawing from Deleuzian affect theory and feminist, queer and posthuman theorists, I read for intimate affects in the formal, aesthetic, proprioceptive and structural elements of Overwatch , The Last Guardian and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild . Ultimately, I argue two points: that video games have a unique capacity to generate intimate affects, and that my games of choice push us to rethink our assumptions about what constitutes intimacy more broadly.

When All You Have is a Banhammer: The Social and Communicative Work of Volunteer Moderators

2016-2018: claudia lo (s.m., comparative media studies, 2018).

The popular understanding of moderation online is that moderation is inherently reactive, where moderators see and then react to content generated by users, typically by removing it; in order to understand the work already being performed by moderators, we need to expand our understanding of what that work entails. Drawing upon interviews, participant observation, and my own experiences as a volunteer community moderator on Reddit, I propose that a significant portion of work performed by volunteer moderators is social and communicative in nature. Even the chosen case studies of large-scale esports events on Twitch, where the most visible and intense tasks given to volunteer moderators consists of reacting and removing user-generated chat messages, exposes faults in the reactive model of moderation. A better appreciation of the full scope of moderation work will be vital in guiding future research, design, and development efforts in this field.

Recasting Player Two

2016-2017: mikael jakobsson, claudia lo, kaelan doyle myerscough, richard eberhardt & dozens of game designers from near and far.

The game development industry is currently on a mission to include “non-gamers” in local co-op games. Within the development community and among players, these games are said to have a “girlfriend mode.” Developers often cast player one as an expert player in their own image, while player two is a projection of antiquated gender stereotypes who has less agency and control over their play experience. This type of interaction would be better described as mansplaining in motion. This project consists of a series of workshops with participants from the game development community, where we not just discuss and spread awareness of what is problematic with current games and development practices, but work together in creating better alternatives.


2012-2016: gerd kortemeyer, philip tan, zach sherin, ryan cheu, & steven schirra.

OpenRelativity is an open-source toolkit to simulate effects of special relativity by varying the speed of light, developed to help people create, test, and share experiments to explore the effects of special relativity. Developed by the MIT Game Lab, it contains open-source code for public use with the free and paid versions of the Unity engine. The toolkit was developed during the creation of the game A Slower Speed of Light.

Gender and Systems of Warm Interaction in Digital Games

2014-2016: kyrie caldwell (s.m., comparative media studies, 2016).

This thesis considers the ways in which digital game mechanics (interactive inputs) contribute to games’ worldbuilding. In particular, this work is concerned with the replication and reinforcement of problematic gender roles through game mechanics that express positive (“warm”) interactions between characters, namely healing, protection, and building relationships. Characters who are women and girls are often associated with physical weakness, nature-based magic, and nurturing (or absent) personalities, whereas characters who are men and boys often protect women through physical combat, heal through medical means, and keep an emotional distance from others. Relationships built through game mechanics rely on one-sided agency and potential that renders lovers and friends as characters who exist to support the player character in achieving the primary goals of the game. Even warm interactions in games carry negative, even potentially violent and oppressive, representations and that there is thusly a need for design interventions on the mechanical level to mitigate violence in game worlds and the reinforcement of negative real world stereotypes.

E-sports Broadcasting

2014-2015: jesse sell (s.m., comparative media studies, 2015).

Situating e-sports broadcasting within the larger sports media industrial complex, discussing e-sportscasters, and investigating the economics behind the growing e-sports industry. E-sports, often referred to as competitive or professional gaming, stands as a prime example of the merger of work and play. A growing body of literature has started focusing on this pastime turned profession. As more professionals enter the scene and audiences continue to grow, e-sports broadcasters look towards older models of broadcasting to inform their own style. This reapplication of former conventions stands in contrast to the trends in the larger sports media trajectory. E-sports broadcasting is largely informed by traditional sports broadcasting, yet remains unable to fully capture the success of the global sports industry. On-air talent, once informed solely by traditional sportscasters are now looking to their fellow e-sportscasters to create something new. Revenue streams which form the foundation of the sports industry are making their way into e-sports but not in the way that one might expect.

MIT Overseer: Improving Observer Experience in Starcraft 2

2013-2015: philip tan & nick mohr.

The MIT Overseer project aims to provide casters with real-time graphics to help them tell the story of a game while it is in progress. We are trying out several different ways of displaying what happened in the past of a single game and anticipating what might happen in the near future.

Subversive Game Design and Meaningful Conflict

2012-2013: konstantin mitgutsch & steven schirra.

Movers & Shakers is used as a research tool to explore how a social component influences experiences in serious games. In addition subversive game design elements are implemented in the game to foster the players’ thinking process and to get them out of unquestioned routines. In the game the players are challenged to give up their prior egoistic goals to reach their common goal – to save the world. In a nutshell, the game shifts from a competitive to a collaborational gameplay – once the players start communicating.

Playstyle Motivation Explorations

2012-2013: todd harper.

Across game genres and communities, there are as many styles of play as there are players, from the highly competitive “powergamer” to the MMO fan who’s content to just take in the scenery and everything in between. Fugue is a game that asks: what are some of the motivations behind these styles? Do players reflect themselves — or a desired projection of the self — through playstyle? Or does the shape and context of the game itself direct such decisions? In order to explore these questions, we created a small, controlled gamespace that gives players an opportunity to express themselves via play.

Procedural Puzzles as a Design Tool for Games

2011-2013: alec thomson, clara fernández-vara.

Puzzledice is a set of tools and programming libraries for procedurally generating puzzles for a wide variety of games. These tools, developed by Alec Thomson at the MIT Game Lab from 2011-2013, are the result of multiple iterations of research and were used to develop Stranded in Singapore during the 2011 summer session of the Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab. Puzzledice is the result of research into how general purpose procedural puzzles can be used as a tool by game designers. These tools were designed to meet the following three goals: Solvability, Generality, and Usability.

Televisual Sports Videogames

2012-2013: abe stein (s.m., comparative media studies, 2013).

Over the three decade long history of sports videogame development, design conventions have lead to the emergence of a new sports game genre: the televisual sports videogames. These games, which usually simulate major professional or college sports, look and sound like television, and they use televised sports as a reference point for players. This thesis takes a critical look at how these televisual sports videogames are situated in the broader sports media industrial complex of North America, while also considering how the televisual design of these games is meaningful for fans of sports. Specifically, the text looks at how sports videogames reflect or reinforce dominant ideologies of hegemonic sports culture. Building on critical theories in sports studies, and through critical close readings of videogame texts, this thesis explores the relationship between sports television production, and sports videogames, with a focus on features that are found in both. Features such as introductory sequences, audio commentary, in-game advertising, news tickers, and instant replay are all commonly found in both sports television and sports videogames.

Purposeful Games for Social Change

2011-2012: konstantin mitgutsch & narda alvarado.

“ Purposeful Games for Social Change ” is a list of serious games designed to foster social change/justice or to raise awareness. This list was created in order to create the Purposeful Games Framework , a tool used to assess the cohesiveness in design of serious games.

Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab

The Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab was a six-year research initiative that addressed important challenges faced by the global digital game research community and industry, with a core focus on identifying and solving research problems using a multi-disciplinary approach that can be applied by Singapore’s digital game industry. The Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab focused on building collaborations between Singapore institutions of higher learning and several MIT departments to accomplish both research and development.

Research topics explored included artificial intelligence, game design, computer graphics and animation, character design, procedurally generated content, interactive fiction, narrative design, and video game production. Game prototypes were made for these research topics during the GAMBIT summer internship program, many of which won international recognition at festivals like IndieCade and the Independent Games Festivals held at GDC and GDC China, as well as academic conferences such as Meaningful Play and Foundations of Digital Games.

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game thesis project

Semester(s) Offered: Fall

Course call number: games-gt 1001, prerequisite(s): none.

Thesis 1 is the first of two related courses, Thesis 1 and Thesis 2, in which Game Center MFA students create their thesis projects. The thesis classes are focused on supporting the students’ work towards creating a substantial finished project during their second year. A thesis project can take many forms, including: – a digital game. – a game that exists off the computer, such as a card game or a sport. – a game that combines digital and non-digital components, such as a game that is played in real spaces incorporating the use of smartphones. – a series of smaller games that represent the exploration of a set of related ideas.

Students will be encouraged to work in groups to create their thesis projects, but the possibility also exists for students to work by themselves. Because of the wide range of forms that a thesis can take, the thesis courses do not present a specific curriculum. Instead, they provide a context and structure to support and guide the students’ research and work.

Upon completion of this course, the student will: 1) Provide a context to support the rigorous exploration of design ideas through an iterative process. 2) Understand and live through the process of planning, prototyping, and developing a year-long project. 3) Explore the relationship between research and design – not just on the level of researching ideas before design starts, but also the idea that design itself is a form of research. 4) Lay the foundation for a successful project to be brought to completion in Thesis 2.

University of Gloucestershire Library

Games Design, Game Programming and Game Art: Dissertations and research

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MS Games for Learning Thesis Capstone Project

Games for Learning (G4L) students work under the supervision of the Program Director and a faculty mentor to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in their core courses and game design electives to an independent learning game design project. This thesis capstone project is required of all candidates for the MS in G4L. This work culminates in a final integrative project, such as the following:

  • research thesis of publishable quality
  • learning game design document and game prototype
  • learning game usability study
  • playtesting study
  • evaluation study

These projects may be "new," relative to work done in previous courses or they may be projects started in a previous course that become significantly expanded and enhanced for the final inteqrative project. Students develop the final project in the course  EDCT-GE 2095, Research in Educational Communication and Technology . Students meet weekly in class as a group, reporting on the progress of their projects, discussing their research, and screening prototype media for peer and faculty critique and suggestions. 

Students present their projects at the conclusion of the semester in a forum open to peers, faculty, and other members of the NYU, educational technology, and games for learning communities.

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🧑‍🎓️ Student Theses

The following student theses involved games as part of their research project at LIACS.

  • 2023 — Jelmer Prins  (Masters Thesis) Deep Reinforcement Learning for Micro Battles in StarCraft 2 Supervised by Mike Preuss and Marcello A. Gómez-Maureira
  • 2023 — Vincent Prins  (Masters Thesis) Dungeons & Firearms: AI-Directing Action Intensity of Procedural Levels Supervised by Mike Preuss and Walter Kosters and Matthias Müller-Brockhausen
  • 2023 — Lex Janssens  (Bachelor Thesis) Crossy Road AI: How will the chicken cross the road? Supervised by Matthias Müller-Brockhausen and Thomas Moerland
  • 2021 — Edith Järv  (Masters Thesis) All Work and No Play Makes Jack an Inefficient Employee: a Study on Video Games' Effects on Sustained Attention Supervised by Iris Yocarini and Marcello A. Gómez-Maureira
  • 2021 — Duncan Kampert  (Masters Thesis) Mimicking the Human Approach in the Game of Hive Supervised by Ana-Lucia Varbanescu and Matthias Müller-Brockhausen and Aske Plaat
  • 2021 — Jianing Wang  (Masters Thesis) Count-Based Exploration for Multi-Agent Learning Supervised by Aske Plaat and Matthias Müller-Brockhausen
  • 2020 — Romy Koch  (Masters Thesis) Losing yourself; the bidirectional influence of the player and the role in table top role playing games Supervised by Max J. van Duijn and Marcello A. Gómez-Maureira
  • 2020 — Claudia M. Agustini Quiroz  (Masters Thesis) Narrative Choices and Agency Supervised by Max J. van Duijn and Marcello A. Gómez-Maureira
  • 2019 — Giulio Barbero  (Masters Thesis) Intentionality and Engagement: The effects of video game engagement on mindreading performance Supervised by Max J. van Duijn and Marcello A. Gómez-Maureira
  • 2019 — Lotte van der Kamp  (Masters Thesis) First Person vs. Third Person perspective in a digital Memory Palace Supervised by Tessa
  • 2018 — Yanni Xiong  (Masters Thesis) Gamified Learning: Using Narrative to Enhance Second Language Learning Supervised by Fons J. Verbeek and Marcello A. Gómez-Maureira


Game Development: Master's Thesis Projects

  • Last Updated: May 30, 2024 4:51 PM
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NVIDIA has announced Project G-Assist, an in-game app that aims to offer players help in games

Remember the GTX G-Assist April’s Fools joke by NVIDIA? Well, believe it or not, the green team has actually made that joke happen. Project G-Assist is real and it will be using AI to offer players help in games.

Project G-Assist takes voice or text inputs from the player, along with contextual information from the game screen, and runs the data through AI vision models. These models enhance the contextual awareness and app-specific understanding of a large language model (LLM) linked to a game knowledge database, and then generates a tailored response delivered as text or speech.

NVIDIA partnered with Studio Wildcard to demo the technology with ARK: Survival Ascended. Project G-Assist can help answer questions about creatures, items, lore, objectives, difficult bosses and more. Because Project G-Assist is context-aware, it personalizes its responses to the player’s game session.

In addition, Project G-Assist can configure the player’s gaming system for optimal performance and efficiency. It can provide insights into performance metrics, optimize graphics settings depending on the user’s hardware, apply a safe overclock, and even intelligently reduce power consumption while maintaining a performance target.

Basically, think of it as ChatGPT for games. You can ask for it anything about the game you’re running, and you should be getting valuable information.

It will be interesting to see whether such a tool will support online/competitive games. Will it be able to analyze your opponents’ strategy?

Stay tuned for more!

Project G-Assist | Your AI Assistant For Games &amp; Apps

John is the founder and Editor in Chief at DSOGaming. He is a PC gaming fan and highly supports the modding and indie communities. Before creating DSOGaming, John worked on numerous gaming websites. While he is a die-hard PC gamer, his gaming roots can be found on consoles. John loved – and still does – the 16-bit consoles, and considers SNES to be one of the best consoles. Still, the PC platform won him over consoles. That was mainly due to 3DFX and its iconic dedicated 3D accelerator graphics card, Voodoo 2. John has also written a higher degree thesis on the “The Evolution of PC graphics cards.” Contact: Email

PC Games News, Screenshots, Trailers & More


San Diego State University

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Master of science in electrical engineering.

Welcome to the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at San Diego State University! We are committed to shaping a great future for each one of our students. If you are interested in applying to our program, please follow this link . 

MSEE Program Overview

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers graduate study leading to a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering (MSEE). The areas of study are Communication Systems, Digital Signal Processing, Electromagnetic Systems, VLSI Systems, Computer Networks, Energy Systems and Control, and Embedded Systems.

The MSEE program comprises of several coursework and a culminating experience which can either be a thesis (Plan A) or a project (Plan B). Each student must complete 30 units either by selecting Plan A (Thesis) or Plan B (Project). This is referred to as the student’s Program of Study or POS. Each of our courses are worth three units – therefore you are looking at completing ten courses for a MSEE degree. Eighteen of the thirty units should be 600 and 700-numbered courses. The remaining twelve units can be from 500, 600 or 700-level courses offered by the department. No more than two courses can be taken from other departments in the College of Engineering or from the College of Sciences to satisfy these requirements, with the prior approval of the Graduate Advisor. Students are required to pick an area of specialization and then choose relevant courses that help the student to gain mastery in that area (referred to as “Depth area courses”) and a few other courses that pertain to peripheral skills that can make the student well-rounded (referred to as “Breadth area courses”). The department allows the student to tailor their individual course selection (or POS) to align with their interest and their career goals, often in consultation with their Thesis/Project advisor and/or the Graduate Advisor. A minimum average GPA of 3.0 is required to successfully complete the degree.

IMPORTANT NOTE: International Students requiring an I-20 immigration document from SDSU must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 units of in-person course instruction on campus, per semester. International students may not take more than 3 units of fully online course instruction, per semester.

Thesis and Project Plans

There are two plans of studies: Plan-A (Thesis) and Plan-B (Project).

Plan A: Thesis Option

Students opting for Plan A must complete 21 units of course work (7 courses), 6 units of EE 797 "Research" (typically as two 3-unit EE 797 “Research”, taken in two different semesters) and 3 units of EE 799A "Thesis" under supervision of a full-time ECE faculty. The remaining twenty-one units can be taken from the course guidelines document , all subject to the approval of the Thesis Advisor and Graduate Advisor.

Credit for EE 799A will be given only after completing the thesis. Credit cannot be given for EE 798 for students in Plan A. An oral defense of the thesis is required in front of a committee of three faculty members one of whom will be your Thesis Advisor, another from your department and the third member from any department other than your own. In addition, a completed thesis report in a required format needs to be submitted to the university. Once your thesis has been published, credit will be given for EE 799A. Please visit the Thesis/Project Procedures site for instructions on how and when to file your thesis and graduation paperwork. Please note, that the University requires you to complete several formalities as you approach your graduation – please stay abreast with the procedures and monitor your progress on your digital webportal.

Plan B: Project Option

Students opting for Plan B or the Project option are required to pick an area of specialization and complete a minimum of 18 units of “Depth Area Courses” and 3 units of EE 798 as the project. Courses can be chosen from the following course guidelines document . Students are allowed to enroll in the project course (EE 798) after the completion of 21 units but must do so in the semester immediately after completing 27 units. EE 797 cannot be used for students in Plan B.

An oral defense of the project is required in front of a committee of two faculty members one of whom will be your Project Advisor and another faculty member from your department. In addition, a project report in a required format needs to be submitted to the department. Once your project has been defended, credit will be given for 798. Please visit the Thesis/Project Procedures site for instructions on how and when to file your project and graduation paperwork. Please note, that the University requires you to complete several formalities as you approach your graduation – please stay abreast with the procedures and monitor your progress on your digital webportal.

Program of Study (POS) Plan

Each student should prepare a Program of Study (POS). The POS allows you to plan your graduate coursework ahead of time and gives you clarity on your road ahead. Therefore, it is in your best interest to prepare the POS as soon as possible but no later than the end of your second semester. You will also find the relevant POS forms under the Thesis/Project Procedures tab on our website. Be sure to stay on top-of-your-game throughout your graduate program.

Tracking Your Progress

The College of Graduate Studies offers an electronic resource for you to track your progress towards graduation. This resource is called the Degree Evaluation (or Degree Audit Report). The report can be found in your my.SDSU account under the 'Degree Evaluation' tile. When you click on the Degree Evaluation, your coursework and other degree requirements will be converted into a customized report. The Degree Evaluation is your official guide for tracking your progress towards your graduation. We recommend keeping a close eye on your degree progress through this tool. Please reach out to the College of Graduate Studies at [email protected] if you see any discrepancies in your academic record. For help with my.SDSU, click on my.SDSU Student Guides and Resources .

We Are Here to Help

We are committed to making your graduate student experience with us as smooth, productive and enjoyable as possible. For academic advising please contact the Graduate Advisor – Dr. Santosh Nagaraj at [email protected] . We highly encourage you to refer to the Graduate Handbook which should answer most of the commonly asked questions. The handbook also explains several rules and regulations that you should abide by, during your graduate studies.

Degree Learning Outcomes

The MSEE degree has been designed to achieve the following outcomes in its graduates. Corresponding methods of assessing the outcomes have also been specified.

Note: The forms on this page are in Portable Document Format (PDF) and require Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or higher to view and print. Download Adobe Acrobat Reader free from the Adobe Web site.

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Artificial Intelligence Computing Leadership from NVIDIA

Press Release Details

Nvidia brings ai assistants to life with geforce rtx ai pcs.

TAIPEI, Taiwan, June 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- COMPUTEX -- NVIDIA today announced new NVIDIA RTX ™ technology to power AI assistants and digital humans running on new GeForce RTX ™ AI laptops.

NVIDIA unveiled Project G-Assist — an RTX-powered AI assistant technology demo that provides context-aware help for PC games and apps. The Project G-Assist tech demo debuted with ARK: Survival Ascended from Studio Wildcard. NVIDIA also introduced the first PC-based NVIDIA NIM™ inference microservices for the NVIDIA ACE digital human platform.

These technologies are enabled by the NVIDIA RTX AI Toolkit , a new suite of tools and software development kits that aid developers in optimizing and deploying large generative AI models on Windows PCs. They join NVIDIA’s full-stack RTX AI innovations accelerating over 500 PC applications and games and 200 laptop designs from manufacturers.

In addition, newly announced RTX AI PC laptops from ASUS and MSI feature up to GeForce RTX 4070 GPUs and power-efficient systems-on-a-chip with Windows 11 AI PC capabilities. These Windows 11 AI PCs will receive a free update to Copilot+ PC experiences when available.

“NVIDIA launched the era of AI PCs in 2018 with the release of RTX Tensor Core GPUs and NVIDIA DLSS,” said Jason Paul, vice president of consumer AI at NVIDIA. “Now, with Project G-Assist and NVIDIA ACE, we’re unlocking the next generation of AI-powered experiences for over 100 million RTX AI PC users.”

Project G-Assist, a GeForce AI Assistant AI assistants are set to transform gaming and in-app experiences — from offering gaming strategies and analyzing multiplayer replays to assisting with complex creative workflows. Project G-Assist is a glimpse into this future.

PC games offer vast universes to explore and intricate mechanics to master, which are challenging and time-consuming feats even for the most dedicated gamers. Project G-Assist aims to put game knowledge at players’ fingertips using generative AI.

Project G-Assist takes voice or text inputs from the player, along with contextual information from the game screen, and runs the data through AI vision models. These models enhance the contextual awareness and app-specific understanding of a large language model (LLM) linked to a game knowledge database, and then generate a tailored response delivered as text or speech.

NVIDIA partnered with Studio Wildcard to demo the technology with ARK: Survival Ascended . Project G-Assist can help answer questions about creatures, items, lore, objectives, difficult bosses and more. Because Project G-Assist is context-aware, it personalizes its responses to the player’s game session.

In addition, Project G-Assist can configure the player’s gaming system for optimal performance and efficiency. It can provide insights into performance metrics, optimize graphics settings depending on the user’s hardware, apply a safe overclock and even intelligently reduce power consumption while maintaining a performance target.

First ACE PC NIM Debuts NVIDIA ACE technology for powering digital humans is now coming to RTX AI PCs and workstations with NVIDIA NIM — inference microservices that enable developers to reduce deployment times from weeks to minutes. ACE NIM microservices deliver high-quality inference running locally on devices for natural language understanding, speech synthesis, facial animation and more.

At COMPUTEX, the gaming debut of NVIDIA ACE NIM on the PC will be featured in the Covert Protocol tech demo , developed in collaboration with Inworld AI. It now showcases NVIDIA Audio2Face ™ and NVIDIA Riva automatic speech recognition running locally on devices.

Windows Copilot Runtime to Add GPU Acceleration for Local PC SLMs Microsoft and NVIDIA are collaborating to help developers bring new generative AI capabilities to their Windows native and web apps. This collaboration will provide application developers with easy application programming interface (API) access to GPU-accelerated small language models (SLMs) that enable retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) capabilities that run on-device as part of Windows Copilot Runtime.

SLMs provide tremendous possibilities for Windows developers, including content summarization, content generation and task automation. RAG capabilities augment SLMs by giving the AI models access to domain-specific information not well represented in ‌base models. RAG APIs enable developers to harness application-specific data sources and tune SLM behavior and capabilities to application needs.

These AI capabilities will be accelerated by NVIDIA RTX GPUs, as well as AI accelerators from other hardware vendors, providing end users with fast, responsive AI experiences across the breadth of the Windows ecosystem.

The API will be released in developer preview later this year.

4x Faster, 3x Smaller Models With the RTX AI Toolkit The AI ecosystem has built hundreds of thousands of open-source models for app developers to leverage, but most models are pretrained for general purposes and built to run in a data center.

To help developers build application-specific AI models that run on PCs, NVIDIA is introducing RTX AI Toolkit — a suite of tools and SDKs for model customization, optimization and deployment on RTX AI PCs. RTX AI Toolkit will be available later this month for broader developer access.

Developers can customize a pretrained model with open-source QLoRa tools. Then, they can use the NVIDIA TensorRT ™ model optimizer to quantize models to consume up to 3x less RAM. NVIDIA TensorRT Cloud then optimizes the model for peak performance across the RTX GPU lineups. The result is up to 4x faster performance compared with the pretrained model.

The new  NVIDIA AI Inference Manager  SDK, now available in early access, simplifies the deployment of ACE to PCs. It preconfigures the PC with the necessary AI models, engines and dependencies while orchestrating AI inference seamlessly across PCs and the cloud.

Software partners such as Adobe, Blackmagic Design and Topaz are integrating components of the RTX AI Toolkit within their popular creative apps to accelerate AI performance on RTX PCs.

“Adobe and NVIDIA continue to collaborate to deliver breakthrough customer experiences across all creative workflows, from video to imaging, design, 3D and beyond,” said Deepa Subramaniam, vice president of product marketing, Creative Cloud at Adobe. “TensorRT 10.0 on RTX PCs delivers unprecedented performance and AI-powered capabilities for creators, designers and developers, unlocking new creative possibilities for content creation in industry-leading creative tools like Photoshop.”

Components of the RTX AI Toolkit, such as TensorRT-LLM, are integrated in popular developer frameworks and applications for generative AI, including Automatic1111, ComfyUI, Jan.AI, LangChain, LlamaIndex, Oobabooga and Sanctum.AI.

AI for Content Creation NVIDIA is also integrating RTX AI acceleration into apps for creators, modders and video enthusiasts.

Last year, NVIDIA introduced RTX acceleration using TensorRT for one of the most popular Stable Diffusion user interfaces, Automatic1111. Starting this week, RTX will also accelerate the highly popular ComfyUI, delivering up to a 60% improvement in performance over the currently shipping version, and 7x faster performance compared with the MacBook Pro M3 Max.

NVIDIA RTX Remix is a modding platform for remastering classic DirectX 8 and DirectX 9 games with full ray tracing, NVIDIA DLSS 3.5 and physically accurate materials. RTX Remix includes a runtime renderer and the RTX Remix Toolkit app, which facilitates the modding of game assets and materials.

Last year, NVIDIA made RTX Remix Runtime open source, allowing modders to expand game compatibility and advance rendering capabilities.

Since RTX Remix Toolkit launched earlier this year, 20,000 modders have used it to mod classic games , resulting in over 100 RTX remasters in development on the RTX Remix Showcase Discord .

This month, NVIDIA will make the RTX Remix Toolkit open source, allowing modders to streamline how assets are replaced and scenes are relit, increase supported file formats for RTX Remix’s asset ingestor and bolster RTX Remix’s AI Texture Tools with new models.

In addition, NVIDIA is making the capabilities of RTX Remix Toolkit accessible via a REST API, allowing modders to livelink RTX Remix to digital content creation tools such as Blender, modding tools such as Hammer and generative AI apps such as ComfyUI. NVIDIA is also providing an SDK for RTX Remix Runtime to allow modders to deploy RTX Remix’s renderer into other applications and games beyond DirectX 8 and 9 classics.

With more of the RTX Remix platform being made open source, modders across the globe can build even more stunning RTX remasters.

NVIDIA RTX Video , the popular AI-powered super-resolution feature supported in the Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox browsers, is now available as an SDK to all developers, helping them natively integrate AI for upscaling, sharpening, compression artifact reduction and high-dynamic range (HDR) conversion.

Coming soon to video editing software Blackmagic Design’s DaVinci Resolve and Wondershare Filmora, RTX Video will enable video editors to upscale lower-quality video files to 4K resolution, as well as convert standard dynamic range source files into HDR. In addition, the free media player VLC media will soon add RTX Video HDR to its existing super-resolution capability.

Learn more about RTX AI PCs and technology by joining NVIDIA at COMPUTEX .

About NVIDIA NVIDIA (NASDAQ: NVDA) is the world leader in accelerated computing.

For further information, contact: Jordan Dodge NVIDIA Corporation +1-408-566-6792 [email protected]

Certain statements in this press release including, but not limited to, statements as to: the benefits, impact, performance, and availability of our products, services, and technologies, including NVIDIA RTX technology, GeForce RTX AI laptops, Project G-Assist, NVIDIA NIM inference microservices, NVIDIA ACE digital human platform, NVIDIA RTX AI Toolkit, GeForce RTX 4070 GPUs, RTX Tensor Core GPUs, DLSS, NVIDIA Audio2Face, NVIDIA Riva, NVIDIA TensorRT, NVIDIA AI Inference Manager, NVIDIA RTX Remix, NVIDIA DLSS 3.5, RTX Remix Runtime, and NVIDIA RTX Video; the benefits and impact of NVIDIA’s collaboration with third parties, and the features and availability of their services and offerings; third parties using or adopting NVIDIA’s products or technologies and the benefits thereof; RAG APIs enabling developers to harness application-specific data sources and tune SLM behavior and capabilities to application needs; and NVIDIA unlocking the next generation of AI-powered experiences for over 100 million RTX AI PC users, are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause results to be materially different than expectations. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include: global economic conditions; our reliance on third parties to manufacture, assemble, package and test our products; the impact of technological development and competition; development of new products and technologies or enhancements to our existing product and technologies; market acceptance of our products or our partners' products; design, manufacturing or software defects; changes in consumer preferences or demands; changes in industry standards and interfaces; unexpected loss of performance of our products or technologies when integrated into systems; as well as other factors detailed from time to time in the most recent reports NVIDIA files with the Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, including, but not limited to, its annual report on Form 10-K and quarterly reports on Form 10-Q. Copies of reports filed with the SEC are posted on the company's website and are available from NVIDIA without charge. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and speak only as of the date hereof, and, except as required by law, NVIDIA disclaims any obligation to update these forward-looking statements to reflect future events or circumstances.

Many of the products and features described herein remain in various stages and will be offered on a when-and-if-available basis. The statements above are not intended to be, and should not be interpreted as a commitment, promise, or legal obligation, and the development, release, and timing of any features or functionalities described for our products is subject to change and remains at the sole discretion of NVIDIA. NVIDIA will have no liability for failure to deliver or delay in the delivery of any of the products, features, or functions set forth herein.

© 2024 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. NVIDIA, the NVIDIA logo, Audio2Face, GeForce RTX, NVIDIA NIM, NVIDIA RTX and TensorRT are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated. Features, pricing, availability and specifications are subject to change without notice.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at:

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game thesis project

NVIDIA's Project G-Assist is an RTX-powered AI assistant technology demo that provides context-aware help for PC games and apps.

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  • ‘Game of Thrones’ Actor Roxanne McKee And ‘Vikings’ Star George Blagden Join Interactive Horror-Thriller ‘The Run’

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Roxanne McKee and George Blagden.

EXCLUSIVE: Roxanne McKee ( Game of Thrones, Hercules, Strike Back ) and George Blagden ( Vikings, Black Mirror, Versailles ) have signed on to star in The Run , the latest interactive feature project from British filmmaker Paul Raschid . 

The Run is described as an “interactive horror-thriller.” The interactive element will involve the viewer being asked to make high-stakes decisions for the protagonist at various points throughout the story that will affect the direction of the narrative and in some cases, result in early death.

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Pic is a Benacus Entertainment production in association with RNF Productions. Raschid’s previous interactive features include The Gallery , a hostage-thriller also starring Blagden, and the interactive rom-com Five Dates. 

“We are thrilled to have such an ensemble of talented actors filming in Italy, a dream of ours for years,” said Seth Michaels, Sara Sometti Michaels, and Reece Foster of Benacus Entertainment & RNF Productions. 

“We have been following the career of Paul Raschid after meeting him in the Film Festival circuit back in 2018 with his film “White Chamber”. The interactive aspect of it is something that excites us, following the success of Black Mirror’s Bandersnatch, we feel that this medium hasn’t been explored much, and making a Horror/Thriller on top of it, gives the audience the power to control the outcome and future of the characters with a wonderful twist at the end.”

Roxanne McKee is represented by Alexandra McMillan at InterTalent Rights Group. George Blagden is represented by Lisa Richards Agency and Paradigm Talent Agency

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Warehouse complex west of Delray hailed as 'game changer' for Palm Beach County's economy

Warehouse project is expected to be completed within three years although the first of the three buildings could open sometime next year..

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  • Palm Beach County commissioners put shovels into the ground Thursday to launch The Park at Delray, a $121 million warehouse project being built on what once was a nursery in the Agricultural Reserve off State Road 7 west of Delray Beach.
  • The project is one of the first approved under the new "commerce" category in the Ag Reserve, a 22,000-acre area west of Boynton Beach, Delray Beach and Boca Raton.
  • BBX Logistics Properties, based in Fort Lauderdale, has already cleared nearly 40 acres in preparation for three large warehouse buildings, each about 200,000 square feet.

Palm Beach County commissioners put shovels into the ground Thursday, May 30 to launch The Park at Delray, a $121 million warehouse project to be built on what once was a nursery in the Agricultural Reserve off State Road 7 west of Delray Beach.

"This is a game changer," said County Commissioner Gregg Weiss, praising BBX Logistics Properties for developing a project that meets a need in the region's economy . He also praised the builder for a design that minimizes negative impacts on the surrounding area.

BBX, based in Fort Lauderdale, has already cleared nearly 40 acres in preparation for three large warehouse buildings, each about 200,000 square feet. Also planned are nearly 700 parking spaces. The initial building will front State Road 7, from which access to the project will be. A bridge will be built over a Lake Worth Drainage District canal to make that happen.

Units are expected to be rented to pharmaceutical and medical companies for them to store their products. Other clients could include air-conditioning firms.

"We are talking about businesses that already service the growing area of the western end of the county," said Mark Levy, president of BBX Logistics Properties.

He said several businesses have already expressed an interest in leasing at The Park at Delray. The first building is expected to be completed in about a year. The entire project is expected to take about three years to complete.

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Creation of 'commerce' category in Ag Reserve made warehouse project possible

It was one of the first approved under the new "commerce" category in the Ag Reserve , a 22,000-acre area west of Boynton Beach , Delray Beach and Boca Raton . It allows for much larger commercial projects if they are built near the major east-west highways of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Atlantic Avenue. The Park at Delray is just north of Atlantic Avenue on State Road 7.

BBX paid $25 million to buy the tract from the Mulvehill family, a legacy farming family that had been trying for years to sell the property.

"This was a difficult and arduous process, and I assume that other developers were discouraged with the time and effort needed to obtain approval. The creation of the commerce category helped to make this work. We saw value in building warehouses here," said Levy, who thanked commissioners at the groundbreaking for making the change.

The warehouses can accommodate tenants seeking spaces as small as 25,000 square feet or a tenant could lease an entire 200,000 square-foot building, Levy said. The project received a $31.3 million construction loan from City National Bank.

Warehouse space shortage in Palm Beach County helped win support for project

Levy noted that The Park at Delray will include a 12-acre preserve area and ecologically enhanced landscaping to minimize impacts on surrounding areas. The buildings also will be oriented so they will not be visible outside the property. Sound experts also will work to ensure there will be no noise impacts, Levy added.

BBX had to overcome the opposition of county planners who urged that the project not be approved, arguing that it would be an isolated industrial use inconsistent with the other developments along State Road 7. Some nearby property owners said the project would create hardships for them.

But the commission voted 6-1 this year to approve the project, concluding the warehouse project would help to meet a need for storage space for area businesses. BBX, arguing in support of the project, said there is little, if any, warehouse space available in Palm Beach County, forcing companies to rent space as far away as Orlando. He called the State Road 7 site ideal since it is within a few miles of Florida's Turnpike.

The county also has endorsed plans for a warehouse park off the Beeline Highway west of Jupiter at the site of the former Palm Beach International Raceway.

Mike Diamond is a journalist at The Palm Beach Post , part of the USA TODAY Florida Network. He covers Palm Beach County government and transportation. You can reach him at  [email protected] . Help support local journalism.  Subscribe today.

The Key Points at the top of this article were created with the assistance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and reviewed by a journalist before publication. No other parts of the article were generated using AI. Learn more .

  • Category: Announcements

Together We Thrive: Celebrating the Joy of the LGBTQIA+ Community in Gaming

A stylized Xbox Sphere in celebration of Pride featuring the sphere as a magic orb in a staff on a background including a castle with rainbow banners and a storybook border with an Xbox controller.

  • The Trevor Project and the Gaming Safety team are partnering to create a safer, more inclusive gaming community.
  • Explore Games Curated by LGBTQIA+ Communities at Microsoft.
  • Discover Pride Gear.

Games can be a powerful medium to express and explore one’s identity in a creative and safe environment. Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind allows players to romance and marry characters regardless of their gender. Overwatch features openly LGBTQIA+ characters, such as Tracer, who is heroic, strong, and prominently featured in the game. Tell Me Why tells the story of Tyler, a transgender man, with sensitivity and depth. Games can be a powerful way to explore identities within the safety of creative play while enabling all players to experience new perspectives that may be different from their own.

This Pride month, we invite you to join us on this journey of learning, growing, and thriving. Gaming is for everyone, and together, we can work towards creating a gaming community that is welcoming to everyone and is inclusive of people with a wide range of perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds. That meaningful work is achieved through people impacting others through education, appreciating the lived experiences of others and building empathy with members of the LGBTQIA+ community.

We believe it’s important to support organizations that uplift, empower, and address the needs of the LGBTQIA+ community. In the last 30 years, together with our employees, Microsoft has donated over $16M to organizations that support the LGBTQIA+ community, and in the last year alone, we donated over $1.3M. This year Xbox, along with Microsoft, is thrilled to continue these efforts with a $200K contribution to multiple organizations supporting the LGBQTIA+ community to help inspire conversations, rally community actions, and empower people to share their Pride.   

Additionally, Xbox Game Studios Publishing is proud to continue partnering with GLAAD to produce more inclusive games from conception to design to development. Xbox is partnering with The Trevor Project to help connect LGBTQIA+ players with valuable resources that help support well-being and safety as they play within the Xbox community. Every player has a unique story, and we look forward to future projects where people across the rainbow spectrum may experience the same empowerment. Read on to learn more about how we are celebrating the LGBTQIA+ community this month and beyond:

Spotlighting Xbox’s partnership with The Trevor Project

Three people in cartoon style sitting at a table with phones, a book, and a laptop.

Gaming has long been a source of fun, community, and self-expression for the LGBTQIA+ community. According to GLAAD , LGBTQIA+ gamers are 24% more likely to use gaming as a support to help get them through tough times – with 66% of LGBTQIA+ players sharing that gaming allows them to express themselves in a way they don’t feel comfortable doing in the real world.

This impact is not lost on us. At Xbox, we are committed to creating gaming experiences that are welcoming for all players, and that includes providing a safe and inclusive space where everyone can be their authentic selves.

That’s why we’re proud to spotlight Xbox’s standing partnership with The Trevor Project , a U.S. nonprofit that provides lifesaving and life-affirming services to LGBTQIA+ young people. Since 2019, Xbox and its safety teams have been partnering with The Trevor Project to connect players with resources to support their well-being and ensure they feel safe and welcome when they play on Xbox.

For us, it’s important players feel safe. Our ongoing partnership with The Trevor Project is one way for us to do that. More information on how Xbox supports player’s well-being can be found here .

In the spirit of Pride, we want to share the following safety tips to help players get the most out of their gaming experience:

  • Explore your user settings. Xbox offers settings that allow players choice in how they play. Players can select whether to make their friends list visible, choose to receive messages from people who aren’t friends, or block content they don’t wish to view.
  • In-game reporting tools to help players flag issues of inappropriate behavior or content. Xbox invests in 24/7 coverage globally to help respond to and investigate reports.
  • Moderation tools that work across text, images video and voice, to block harmful content before it reaches players.
  • Access to automatic text filters , which empowers players to customize their gaming experience and decide what content is not okay to receive – these filters automatically block content before it reaches the player.
  • Continuing to create proactive measures to block hate speech and invest in technologies to help moderate potentially toxic communications, while allowing individual expression.

Gaming and Impact with Rewards with Xbox

Rewards members in the United States can earn and donate points to organizations supporting LGBTQIA+ communities with Xbox. The organizations below will be available on the Rewards hub:

  • GLAAD : Founded in 1985, GLAAD – the world’s largest LGBTQ media advocacy organization – works with television, film, video games, Spanish-language media, journalists, and social media to tell stories and consult on LGBTQ media representation. GLAAD tackles tough issues and provokes dialogue that leads to cultural change through increased media accountability, public campaigns, corporate engagement initiatives, and advocacy programs that help to ensure 100% inclusion and acceptance of the LGBTQ community. (US)
  • Outright International : Outright International is dedicated to working with partners around the globe to strengthen the capacity of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer (LGBTIQ) human rights movement, document and amplify human rights violations against LGBTIQ people, and advocate for inclusion and equality. (US)
  • National Center for Transgender Equality : The National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) advocates to change policies and society to increase understanding and acceptance of transgender and non-binary people. In the nation’s capital and throughout the country, NCTE works to replace disrespect, discrimination, and violence with empathy, opportunity, and justice. (US)

Xbox players can earn Rewards points in various ways, such as playing games, completing Game Pass Quests, and purchasing games and other eligible items at the Microsoft Store (exclusions apply). Start earning today and redeem your points for great rewards. Donate your points on the Rewards hub or on the Rewards redeem page .

Tell Me Why Available for Free in June on Xbox Consoles, Microsoft Store, and Steam!

Michael, a young man wearing a beige knitted sweater, walks next to Tyler and Alyson Ronan in a snowy residential area.

Tell Me Why , the award-winning narrative adventure from Don’t Nod Entertainment and Xbox Game Studios Publishing, will be available for free on Xbox consoles, Windows PC, and Steam for the entire month of June 2024. As in past years, the Tell Me Why team encourages players to give what they would have spent on Tell Me Why to an independent trans creator or a trans-inclusive charity in their community.

Explore Games Curated by LGBTQIA+ Communities at Microsoft

A compilation image featuring game box art for Need for Speed Unbound, Starfield, Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical, The Quarry, and The Bed We Made on a background including the Xbox Sphere styled in recognition for Pride featuring a rainbow sky, castle, and various pride flags.

Xbox invites you to play with pride.

During June and beyond, check out a variety of game collections that showcase LGBTQIA+ creators, lead characters, and games with inclusive gender and relationship options. Available on the Microsoft Stores on Xbox and Windows, check out  the transgender and non-binary community games collection  and  the LGBTQIA+ community games collection . These collections will exist year-round as part of our ongoing work to create more inclusive gaming ecosystems and elevate content that resonates with communities. For Xbox Game Pass members, explore what games are available to play in the  Xbox Game Pass collection  and the  PC Game Pass collection .

Featured titles within the collections include:

Need for Speed Unbound (Available with Xbox Game Pass Ultimate on Console, PC, and Cloud)  – Need for Speed Unbound ’s character creator allows for multiple gender expressions via clothing, hair, and voice options that aren’t limited to the gender binary. The game also features racing rival, Justicia, a trans woman voiced by trans actress, Sena Bryer, in addition to including LGBTQIA+ iconography in the streets and as decals for your cars.

Starfield (Available with Xbox Game Pass on Console, PC, and Cloud) –  In this role-playing game set amongst the stars, create any character you want and explore with unparalleled freedom as you embark on an epic journey. Starfield boasts an impressive character creation tool with multiple body types, skin tones, hairstyles, non-gendered features, and they/them pronoun options. Exploration options include pursuing romantic relationships regardless of gender.

Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical (Available on Console)  – Play as star and stagehand as you determine the story through conversation and song in this video game for musical lovers. Written by the iconic and openly gay narrative designer, David Gaider, you’ll craft not only a unique narrative, but a soundtrack to your own musical experience based on your choices. Forge your own story and decide who to romance.

The Quarry (Available with Xbox Game Pass on Console and Cloud) –  Play solo or in a group of friends as any of nine camp counselors in this thrilling cinematic experience that leads down a tangled web of possibilities based on your choices. Enjoy a night of fun before a party quickly turns into an unpredictable night of horror and your relationships are tested by unimaginable life-or-death decisions.

This Bed We Made  (Available on Console) –    Chloe Lussier, CEO and co-founder of Lowbirth Games, wants to tell impactful stories that feature unconventional heroes. Set in the 1950s, the story that unfolds in This Bed We Made is tied to real history when being a member of the LGBTQIA+ community was criminalized. Step into the role of Sophie, an indiscreet chambermaid at a hotel filled with secrets, in this third-person mystery narrative game that explores the lengths people have had to go to pursue loving relationships as their authentic self.

Celebrate Pride in Forza Horizon 5

Screenshot from Forza Horizon 5 shows players in a group of colorful cars cruising through a narrow curving street in the city of Guanajuato, Mexico.

This year’s Pride-themed Xbox art will be added to  Forza Horizon 5 as a vinyl: an in-game decal that you can use to customize any car. Show off this unique design on your car using #ForzaRainbow on social media for a chance to be featured! (The vinyl will be available starting June 7 from the Forza Horizon accounts on Instagram and X .)

Overwatch 2 Celebrates Pride with In-Game Map and Calling All Heroes

Heroes Lifeweaver, Tracer, and Venture standing in front of a Pride rainbow

Overwatch 2 celebrates Pride this month with the return of a fan-favorite map and Calling All Heroes. All month long, the Pride festival returns to Overwatch 2 ’s Midtown map. Players can look forward to playing on this map as they queue for Unranked and Competitive games and directly in a dedicated play card on the Arcade. Calling All Heroes is Overwatch 2 ’s competitive Esports series that provides an inclusive environment to aspiring competitors of marginalized genders, including those who present themselves as Trans, Non-Binary, and Genderqueer. This competition returned last weekend, and everyone who tunes in at   will be able to earn new drops like the new Monarch Venture skin.

Xbox Gear Shop

Show your love and support for Pride 2024 with our new limited-edition t-shirts, hoodies and more – designed by and with the LGBTQIA+ communities. Get your Pride gear now!

Two people wearing the 2024 Blizzard Pride Collection apparel

Celebrate Pride with the new 2024 Pride Collection exclusively on the  Blizzard Gear Store ! Led through the Blizzard LGBT+ Employee Network, the Blizzard Pride Collection features Pride-themed apparel benefitting  The Trevor Project  from May 15 through June 30, 2024.

Explore Xbox’s Kingdom of Color

A custom rainbow Xbox sphere with a castle showcasing various Pride flags.

In celebration of Pride, the Xbox logo was reimagined as a crystal radiating with power at the top of a magic staff. The storybook-inspired image also includes a castle with festive rainbow banners and fireworks. The artist, who is part of the LGBTQIA+ community, imagines the Kingdom of Color as a place where people who identify as LGBTQIA+ rule and the magic of Pride is spread to every corner of the realm. Right from the pages of a leather-bound book filled with colorful art and calligraphy text, this image evokes not only familiar stories of dragons, knights, and wizards, but launches those stories into a more inclusive future in which all players find their magic.

Xbox Ambassadors Celebrate Pride 2024

White Xbox controller icon with white laurels surrounding it layers over a blurred rainbow background

The Xbox Ambassadors Program is celebrating Pride by spotlighting members of the Xbox Ambassadors community who responded to a recent survey about their experiences as gamers. Read the Xbox Ambassadors blog to hear community members sharing their favorite memories playing video games, recommending games that do a good job representing LGBTQIA+ people and experiences, and offering tips on how to stay safe when gaming online.

Pride Dynamic Background and Wallpaper Available Now

The Pride Month Xbox design is available today as an  Xbox wallpaper  and dynamic background on console – follow  these steps  to apply the dynamic background:

  • Press the Xbox button on your controller to open the guide.
  • Select Profile & system > Settings > General > Personalization > My background > Dynamic backgrounds.

You can choose between Games, Xbox, or Abstract dynamic backgrounds. Choose the background art that you want with the A button.

Radical Joy with Microsoft

In the face of adversity, existence itself can be resistance and spark change. This Pride, LGBTQIA+ people at Microsoft share the meaning of joy and invite everyone to spread acceptance, abundance, and harmony everywhere. Join us and discover more at .


  1. The Screen Game // Thesis Project on Behance

    game thesis project

  2. AWJ Game Thesis Project on Behance

    game thesis project

  3. AWJ Game Thesis Project on Behance

    game thesis project

  4. AWJ Game Thesis Project on Behance

    game thesis project

  5. Board Game

    game thesis project

  6. The Screen Game // Thesis Project on Behance

    game thesis project


  1. Dollmaker Trailer


  3. Tom the Cat: Technical Research

  4. Background, Literature Review, and Theoretical Framework -- Sarah Lynne Bowman

  5. Synthetic Synthesis

  6. Работа над диссертацией: объект и предмет, структура


  1. Game Science and Design Master's Theses

    This thesis discusses three popular art styles: cartoon, low-poly, and pixel about their theories and possible implementation in Unity 3D game. Our contribution in this project is a tool to select between different art styles for developers.

  2. PDF Game Development

    This thesis will go throughout the whole real process of creating a game by a single student without background in the game industry and will be a kind of work diary explaining all the difficulties found and the skills needed to do the game. 1.1. Background This bachelor's thesis is the final project of an Audiovisual Engineer of the

  3. PDF Thesis Presented by Hao Tian In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

    Hao Tian Thesis, Game Science & Design, 2020 4 . ... Unfortunately, the game engine used for this thesis project did not support the desired visual effect on 2D sprites and texture we needed; we therefore developed a customized shader script to achieve our goal. For implementing lighting or shadow effects in 2D games, Hudon (2018) mentioned the ...

  4. (DOC) Thesis Game Development Warren

    This thesis explores the use of serious games from an instructor perspective. More specifically, it aims to study the roles of instructors and how they can be facilitated within an instructor-led game-based training environment. ... The project described in this report describes one of many possible paths for an adaptive learning environment ...

  5. PDF Game Development in Unity

    played. The thesis work and report were based off that project. Unity 3D game engine was used during this project as it has the capabilities the group needed for deploying the game made to as many mobile devices as possible. Unity can deploy the game made to Windows, UNIX, Mac, iOS, Android and Windows 8 phone.

  6. Research

    2007-2012. The Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab was a six-year research initiative that addressed important challenges faced by the global digital game research community and industry, with a core focus on identifying and solving research problems using a multi-disciplinary approach that can be applied by Singapore's digital game industry.

  7. PDF Prototype of a video game for computer using Unity Bachelor's Thesis

    1.2 Problem formulation. Use the knowledge I learned in the bachelor's degree in order to develop and design a prototype of a videogame using the engine Unity. The main goal of the game is to be fun to play. Other things like creating a good narrative are not as relevant in the project.

  8. PDF Starting A Beginner Game Project With GameMaker Studio 2

    The thesis project will be used as a beginner's first step into making a game. With the aid of this thesis, the project will be started and continued further in the future after graduation. This thesis will look at the history of GameMaker Studio 2, its competitors and its current use in the game industry.

  9. Thesis I

    Thesis 1 is the first of two related courses, Thesis 1 and Thesis 2, in which Game Center MFA students create their thesis projects. The thesis classes are focused on supporting the students' work towards creating a substantial finished project during their second year. A thesis project can take many forms, including: - a digital game ...

  10. PDF A Model-driven Framework for Educational Game Design

    1.1. Context of Thesis Serious games firstappeared in the end of eighteenth century [Wikipedia, De-cember 2014], probably in the form of board games. The firstwidely spread pa-per-based serious games appeared during the '70s, developed by Clark Abt and his colleagues, while serious video games saw their firstuse by the U.S. military in

  11. Dissertations and research

    Games user research by Anders Drachen SummaryGames User Research is the definitive guide to methods and practices for games user professionals, researchers and students seeking additional expertise or starting advice in the game development industry. It is the go-to volume for everyone working with games, with an emphasis on those new to the field.

  12. Game Design Thesis Project Progress: The Voyage Continues

    It's a year-long project, and it's rolled into my life like the weather, bringing along challenges, excitement, and a looming, heavy cloud of pressure. The name of my thesis game is Déluge ...

  13. MS Games for Learning Thesis Capstone Project

    Capstone Project. FAQ. Games for Learning (G4L) students work under the supervision of the Program Director and a faculty mentor to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in their core courses and game design electives to an independent learning game design project. This thesis capstone project is required of all candidates for the MS in G4L.

  14. PDF G ame props research and design

    The topic handled in this thesis is directly related to internship experience during the years 2021 to 2022. The author has worked with video game props as well as game design, with knowledge on both contributing to the finished product. The result of the internship project was The Great Escape game wall created in a

  15. PDF COTTAGE: Coherent Text Adventure Games Generation Yijiang River Dong

    Supervisor of Thesis Chris Callison-Burch, Associate Professor of Computer and Information Science Thesis Reader ... to the project in its initial phase, providing me with fresh perspectives and valuable insights. ... the game, large language models like GPT-3 are shown to be able to generate interesting text adventure game

  16. (PDF) Game Development Research

    Current game studies are formed by six major domains: 1) studying games as artifacts or texts (e.g., Mäyrä 2008;Schell 2008;Juul 2011), 2) analysis of player behavior (Charles et al. 2005;Braun ...

  17. Game Research Lab

    The following student theses involved games as part of their research project at LIACS. 1. 2023. —. Jelmer Prins (Masters Thesis) Deep Reinforcement Learning for Micro Battles in StarCraft 2. Supervised by Mike Preuss and Marcello A. Gómez-Maureira. 2023. —.

  18. PDF Theoretical Video Game Analysis: The Creation of Experience

    experience of playing a game depends on the individual and their formulation of the subjective projection of the content. This thesis hopes to offer access to further research and detailed analysis, and thus make a small contribution to improving the understanding on the connection between the player[s], hardware and the software.

  19. PDF Game theory and applications

    game theory is well suited for the uni˙cation of these viewpoints. This thesis introduces the works The strength of diversity and Decisions and disease: a mechanism for the evolution of cooperation, which show that games have broad applications in population dynamics modeling. In Thestrengthofdiversity we calculate the equilibrium strategies ...

  20. Game Development: Master's Thesis Projects

    A Subject Guide for the School of Game Development. ... Research Guides; Game Development; Master's Thesis Projects; Search this Guide Search. Game Development: Master's Thesis Projects. A Subject Guide for the School of Game Development. This page is not currently available due to visibility settings. Last Updated: Mar 19, 2024 8:18 AM;

  21. Educational Game Design Thesis

    9. Chapter 2 Background 2.1 A Taxonomy of Video Games This paper argues that the educational video game designer should seriously con- sider utilizing game mechanics that best match the subject matter of the educational content. Many commercial games make frequent use of these game mechanics.

  22. Game Thesis Projects

    Thesis- The Black Coaster Game; Booklet and coasters. Anna Avgoustis. 2 45. Venghino Signori, Venghino! - Editorial Design. Multiple Owners. 85 372.

  23. PDF Project-based Learning in Algebra 2 through the Game of Life

    A thesis submitted to the Department of Education and Human Development State University of New York (SUNY) Brockport in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the ... in this curriculum project thesis were designed to challenge mathematic teachers regarding how we ... Day 1 The Game of Life: Choosing a Career (Years 1-4) Standards: CCSS ...

  24. Need Unity Project to Create Adaptive Audio/Music System : r/INAT

    You will of course be credited majorly in my project. Ideally, something very short (4-5 mins) with low-level user interaction, such as walking sims, as I will need to conduct evaluation on perceived game experience with people both familiar and unfamiliar with games once the audio systems are completed. ABOUT THE THESIS PROJECT:

  25. NVIDIA has announced Project G-Assist, an in-game app that ...

    Project G-Assist is real and it will be using AI to offer players help in games. Project G-Assist takes voice or text inputs from the player, along with contextual information from the game screen ...

  26. Master of Science in Electrical Engineering

    Thesis and Project Plans. There are two plans of studies: Plan-A (Thesis) and Plan-B (Project). ... Be sure to stay on top-of-your-game throughout your graduate program. Tracking Your Progress. The College of Graduate Studies offers an electronic resource for you to track your progress towards graduation. This resource is called the Degree ...

  27. NVIDIA Brings AI Assistants to Life With GeForce RTX AI PCs

    Project G-Assist aims to put game knowledge at players' fingertips using generative AI. Project G-Assist takes voice or text inputs from the player, along with contextual information from the game screen, and runs the data through AI vision models. These models enhance the contextual awareness and app-specific understanding of a large ...

  28. Paul Raschid Sets Latest Interactive Project 'The Run'

    EXCLUSIVE: Roxanne McKee ( Game of Thrones, Hercules, Strike Back) and George Blagden ( Vikings, Black Mirror, Versailles) have signed on to star in The Run, the latest interactive feature project ...

  29. Warehouse project on ag land west of Delray Beach called 'game changer'

    Warehouse complex west of Delray hailed as 'game changer' for Palm Beach County's economy. Warehouse project is expected to be completed within three years although the first of the three ...

  30. Together We Thrive: Celebrating the Joy of the LGBTQIA+ Community in

    Games can be a powerful medium to express and explore one's identity in a creative and safe environment. Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind allows players to romance and marry characters regardless of their gender.Overwatch features openly LGBTQIA+ characters, such as Tracer, who is heroic, strong, and prominently featured in the game.Tell Me Why tells the story of Tyler, a transgender man, with ...