Written Samples

10 sample letters of request for change of work schedule.

The modern workplace is in constant flux. With technological advancements, globalization, and a significant shift towards remote working, flexibility has become a crucial aspect of professional life.

For various reasons – health conditions, family commitments, or further education – employees might find themselves in a position where they need to request a change in their work schedule. Such requests are often sensitive in nature, requiring a delicate balance between asserting personal needs and acknowledging the demands of the job.

Sample Letters of Request for Change of Work Schedule

The art of crafting a compelling request lies in its ability to be both personal and professional. It’s essential to be clear about the reasons, showcase an understanding of potential challenges this might pose to the employer, and possibly suggest solutions to mitigate these issues. The following are 15 sample letters designed to assist in making this request:

Sample 1: Due to Health Conditions

Subject: Request for Change in Work Schedule due to Health Conditions

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to discuss a potential modification to my work schedule due to some ongoing health issues.

Over the past few months, I have been diagnosed with [specific condition], which requires regular treatment and a certain lifestyle adjustment. This change has made it challenging for me to maintain my current work hours.

I would like to request a shift to [desired hours], which would greatly help me manage my condition while ensuring I continue to meet my work responsibilities. I assure you that the quality and efficiency of my work will remain top-notch.

Thank you for considering my request.

[Your Name]

Sample 2: Due to Family Commitments

Subject: Request for Work Schedule Change due to Family Commitments

I trust you are doing well. I am reaching out to discuss a potential adjustment to my work hours, stemming from evolving family commitments.

Recently, there have been some changes in my family dynamics, necessitating my presence at home during certain hours. As a result, I’d like to request a shift in my work schedule to [desired hours].

I understand the importance of ensuring uninterrupted workflow, and I am more than willing to adjust my tasks and communication methods to ensure minimal disruption.

Thank you for understanding and considering my request.

Warm regards,

Sample 3: For Further Education

Subject: Request for Schedule Change to Pursue Further Education

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request a modification in my work hours to accommodate my further educational pursuits.

I have recently been accepted into [specific course/degree], which I believe will enhance my skills and contribute significantly to my role here at [Company Name]. The classes are scheduled for [specific days and hours], and as such, I’d like to adjust my work hours to [desired hours].

I am committed to ensuring that this change does not compromise the quality of my work and will make all necessary arrangements to manage my tasks effectively.

Thank you for your consideration.

Best regards,

Sample 4: Due to Commute Issues

Subject: Request to Adjust Work Schedule due to Commuting Challenges

I hope you are well. I’d like to discuss a possible change in my work schedule due to consistent challenges I’ve been facing with my commute.

Recent changes in public transport schedules and routes have made my current work hours untenable in the long run. I kindly request a change in my work hours to [desired hours], which would help me significantly reduce commute times and related stresses.

I believe this adjustment will also improve my overall productivity and well-being. I am dedicated to ensuring a seamless transition and continuity in my duties.

Thank you for your understanding.

Best wishes,

Sample 5: Due to Financial Reasons

Subject: Request for Work Schedule Change due to Financial Necessities

I trust this letter finds you in good spirits. I am reaching out to request an alteration in my work schedule due to some financial challenges I am currently facing.

I have taken up a part-time job during the evenings to meet certain financial obligations. Consequently, I’d like to adjust my work hours at [Company Name] to [desired hours].

While this is a temporary arrangement, I want to ensure that my responsibilities here are not affected. I am committed to maintaining the high standards of work that are expected of me.

I appreciate your understanding and consideration.

Sample 6: Due to Childcare Responsibilities

Subject: Request for Change in Work Hours owing to Childcare Responsibilities

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to seek a possible adjustment to my working hours due to unforeseen childcare responsibilities.

Recently, our regular childcare provider had to discontinue their services, and alternative arrangements have compelled me to be available during certain hours of the day. As a result, I kindly request to shift my work schedule to [desired hours].

I am devoted to ensuring that my work responsibilities and performance remain unaffected. I will ensure that I manage my tasks diligently and remain accessible during core working hours.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

Sample 7: Temporary Change for Personal Projects

Subject: Temporary Work Schedule Change Request for Personal Project

I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to discuss a temporary adjustment in my work hours for an upcoming personal project.

Over the next [specific duration], I have been presented with a unique opportunity to work on a [brief description of the project, e.g., “book publication”]. This project requires my undivided attention during specific hours. As such, I kindly request a change in my work schedule to [desired hours] for the said duration.

I am committed to ensuring that this change does not impact my work responsibilities at [Company Name] and will take all necessary measures to manage my tasks efficiently.

Sample 8: For Mental Health Reasons

Subject: Request for Work Schedule Adjustment for Mental Well-being

I hope you are well. I am writing to request a change in my work hours to better manage my mental well-being.

Over the past few months, I have been facing some challenges that have made it necessary for me to attend regular therapy sessions and establish a routine conducive to mental healing. As a result, I would like to adjust my work hours to [desired hours].

I assure you that my dedication and commitment to my role at [Company Name] remain unwavering. This change will enable me to give my best both personally and professionally.

I appreciate your understanding and support.

Sample 9: Owing to Relocation

Subject: Work Schedule Change Request due to Relocation

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am reaching out to discuss a necessary adjustment to my work hours owing to a recent relocation.

Due to [personal reasons/family commitments/etc.], I had to move to [new location], which has affected my daily routine and commute time. To accommodate these changes, I request a shift in my work schedule to [desired hours].

I remain committed to delivering quality work and will ensure that this change does not impact my productivity or the team’s dynamics.

Sample 10: To Pursue Passion Projects

Subject: Request for Work Hours Change to Engage in Passion Projects

I trust you are doing well. I am writing to discuss a potential modification in my work hours to pursue some passion projects that are close to my heart.

Over the past year, I have been deeply involved in [specific project/activity, e.g., “community service,” “musical endeavors”], which require dedicated hours during the day. To ensure that I can commit to both my role at [Company Name] and these projects, I would like to adjust my work hours to [desired hours].

I assure you that my professional commitments will remain a priority, and I will manage my tasks effectively.

Sample 11: Due to Physical Rehabilitation

Subject: Request for Change in Work Hours for Physical Rehabilitation

I hope this note finds you well. I am reaching out to discuss a temporary adjustment to my work hours due to necessary physical rehabilitation sessions I must attend.

After a recent [injury/medical procedure], I’ve been advised to undergo regular rehabilitation sessions for the next [specific duration]. These sessions are crucial for my swift recovery and are scheduled during [specific hours]. Consequently, I would like to request a shift in my work schedule to [desired hours].

I am committed to ensuring seamless work continuity and will take all necessary steps to manage my responsibilities effectively.

Sample 12: Due to Religious Obligations

Subject: Work Schedule Change Request Owing to Religious Obligations

I trust this message finds you in good spirits. I am writing to seek a potential change in my work hours to accommodate specific religious obligations that I observe.

During [specific period or days, e.g., “the holy month of Ramadan” or “Sabbath”], my religious practices require me to engage in certain activities and observances during particular hours of the day. As such, I kindly request an adjustment in my work schedule to [desired hours] for the said duration.

I am dedicated to ensuring that my work duties remain unaffected, and I will ensure efficient task management during this period.

Thank you for your understanding and respect for my religious practices.

Sample 13: Due to Elderly Care

Subject: Request to Adjust Work Schedule for Elderly Care Responsibilities

I hope you are well. I am reaching out to discuss a necessary change in my work hours due to the increased care responsibilities I have for an elderly family member.

Given the age and health conditions of my [relation, e.g., “father”], I need to be present for certain medical appointments and assist with daily activities. Therefore, I’d like to modify my work schedule to [desired hours].

I am committed to maintaining the high standards of work expected of me and will ensure I manage my tasks and responsibilities efficiently.

Thank you for your understanding and empathy.

Sample 14: Due to Voluntary Service Commitments

Subject: Work Schedule Change Request for Voluntary Services

I trust this letter finds you well. I am writing to discuss a change in my work hours to accommodate my commitment to voluntary services that I am involved in.

Recently, I’ve taken on a more significant role at [specific voluntary organization, e.g., “Hometown Community Service”], which requires my presence during specific hours. To balance this commitment with my role at [Company Name], I am seeking to adjust my work hours to [desired hours].

I assure you of my unwavering dedication to my job, and I am proactive in ensuring this change does not affect my professional responsibilities.

Thank you for your consideration and understanding.

Sample 15: To Attend Workshops and Training

Subject: Request for Temporary Work Hours Change for Workshops and Training

I hope this message finds you in high spirits. I am reaching out to discuss a temporary change in my work schedule to attend certain workshops and training sessions relevant to my professional growth.

Over the next [specific duration], I am enrolled in a series of workshops and training sessions scheduled during [specific hours]. I believe these will significantly enhance my skills and subsequently benefit our team at [Company Name]. Therefore, I’d like to request a change in my work hours to [desired hours] for this period.

I am committed to ensuring that my regular tasks are managed efficiently and will ensure that I remain accessible and productive.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

While personal circumstances and reasons for needing a change in work schedule can be diverse, the approach remains uniform: clarity, transparency, and a demonstration of commitment to work responsibilities. Crafting a thoughtful request, as illustrated in the above samples, not only enhances the chance of approval but also fosters a supportive work environment.

application letter for time change

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application letter for time change

Sample Application Format for Shift Change in Office

Application format for shift change in office, Shift Change Request Letter Sample

If you want to have your shift at office changed from morning to evening or vice-versa then you have to write a formal application for shift timing change in office. You can write shift change request letter due to health issues or due to some personal reasons. Application for changing shift from evening to morning in office or for any other reason has to be short and specific.

In this post, we have drafted two sample request letters for change of office time . Use these shift change request letter formats to create your own application format for shift timing change in office in a professional way.

Application Format for Shift Change in Office

Radhika Sharma 54, Hansraj Apartments, Greater Kailash, New Delhi

Date: August 5th, 2019

The Manager ICBI Technologies New Delhi

Sub: Regarding request for change in shift.

Respected Sir,

I am writing this letter to bring to your notice my health condition. From last couple of months, I have been suffering from sleep disorders and after consulting my doctor, I have been advised to have day shifts.

I request you to please change my shift timings from night to morning shift considering my health situation. From the last two years, I have been allotted night shifts and have always been punctual at work. I have always given my best at my work and have always aimed to achieve what is best for my organization.

I am extremely hopeful that you will consider my condition and will approve my request for change in shift.

Thanking in anticipation.

Radhika Sharma

2. Sample Application format for Shift Timing Change in Office

Radhika Sharma 54, Hansraj Apartments, Greater Kailash, New Delhi Date: August 2 nd , 2019

Sub: Regarding request for shift timing change.

I am writing this letter to request you to please change my shift time from morning to night because of some personal reasons. I want to bring to your notice that my grandfather has not been keeping well and therefore, I need to be around him during morning hours to take care of him.

I will assure you that I will not give you any chance to complaint and will fulfil all my responsibilities and duties to the best of my levels. I am hopeful that you will understand my situation and will approve my request for shift timing change.

Related Other Application Format

Circular About Office Timing Request Letter for Approval of Change in Office Timing Office Timings Email to Employees

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Be the first to comment - What do you think? Posted by Hrformats - August 5, 2019 at 6:57 AM

Categories: Letters  Tags: Application , application letter , Request Letter , Shift Change

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Shift Change Request Letter to Manager

Shift Change Request Letter to Manager

Some companies facilitate their workers by allowing them to work different shifts. This usually happens in big organizations. If an employee has some personal problems due to which he finds it difficult to adjust to the existing work hours, he can write a request letter to the manager and ask for a change in shift.

Remember that many people fail to get their request approved because they do not write the request letter in the right way.

Make sure that you have a sensible reason to ask for the shift change. This will increase the chances for you to get approval.

Writing a professional-looking shift change request letter is not a big deal. Follow the tips

Write a request in a formal way:

Since you are writing this letter to your boss, it is very important to remain formal. Come straight to the point and start the letter with your request.

Mention the justification of the request:

Your employer will have to bring a lot of changes to change your shift. Therefore, oftentimes he would like to know what made you make this request. So, you should be ready to give the justification for the change in shift request.

Thank the employer for the corporation:

When you apply for a change in shift, you must remember gratitude is an important part of making the request. End the letter by saying thank you to the reader for showing cooperation with you in advance.

To understand how to write a request to your employer, you can read the two sample letters given below.

Sample letter 1:

Subject: Change in shift request for [XYZ]

Respected sir,

Please consider my request for a change in my work shift. Currently, I am working the evening shift. I would like to switch to the morning shift because I have to be at home in the evening because of my mother. I need to take care of her in the evening because my wife works in the evening and there is no one at home to take care of my mother.

I am well aware of my job role, nature, and requirements and I have always tried to make sure that I don’t show negligence at work. However, the evening shift is causing serious problems in my life.

I have been working in your company for more than 10 years. I have always been a dedicated and passionate employee. I have already spoken to Mr. Pell about this matter and he has also encouraged me to make a request to you.

If you want to get further investigation about it, please call me in your office. I would be very happy to meet you and provide you with additional details. Thank you so much for your cooperation and support.

Shift Change Request Letter to Manager

MS Word 2003+ Size: 29 KB

Sample letter 2:

Please find this letter as a humble request to you to change my morning time job shift (from 8 am to 1 pm) to the evening time shift (from 4 pm to 9 pm).

I am compelled to make this request because of some serious problems. I come to my office from a remote area daily and I have to depend on public transport for this purpose. The timings of buses have now changed and now I can find public transport convenient for me only if I travel in the evening. Therefore, it is humbly requested you please change my shift so that I can conveniently travel from the office to home and vice versa.

In case you want to know more about my situation, I am ready to provide more information. Please contact me at my official contact number. I would be so happy to hear from you to resolve my matter. I know it might cause you inconvenience but I believe that changing the shift will not affect anyone much. Thank you so much for your cooperation. I will be obliged if you accept my request.

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Sample Request Letter for Change of Timing

Sample Request Letter for Change of Timing

[Here briefly describe on sample Application Letter to request for changing the time of office, restaurant, shop, school etc. You can also follow these formats change of opening and closing time. You can modify these formats as your requirement.]


Name (or Job Designation),

Organization/Institute name…


Sub: Proposal for Changing the Restaurant Timings

I am writing to you because I would like to make a request. We opened last month and in that month we have got close to no business at all. I do believe that this is down to the timing of opening and closing. You see you have to know who you are serving and what time they like to eat. We are based in an area where people don’t like to go out in the night time and they are the type of people who like to go out in the morning and afternoon time.

This is why I would like to request to change the restaurant opening timings. If we open early in the morning and close late in the afternoon I am sure that we would get more customers and more money. I hope that you will listen to what I just said and I look forward to seeing what action you take.

Yours sincerely,

Your name…

Manager (Job designation)

Another format,

Employee’s Name.

Employee’s Address.

Employer’s Name

Sub: Request for Changing the Timings or shifts

Dear Employer’s Name,

I am writing this letter to request a change in my shift schedule (Or time). My current shift is from (Time to time). My son/daughter is beginning school on (Date), and I would like to change my shift or time to the morning shift (or day shift) from (Time to time). This will allow me to fix my son/daughter’s breakfast and lunch and take him/her to school. In the evenings she will stay with her grandmother until I pick her up after work. (state your actual problem and situation).

I fully understand the requirements of the job, as I have been working at this company for the past three/five years and will do my best to continue working to the standard of the company. I have spoken to my immediate superior, and s/he has encouraged me to request a change of shift.

I would be happy to meet you and give you any further information you require and answer questions or discuss alternative solutions you may suggest.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter.


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Request Letter for Approval of Change in Internal Office Timing

Sample Request Letter for Approval of Change in Internal Office Timing due to late sitting of office for the staff members of any department.

Application Duty Timing Change for Further Study

The manager, TRG calling center, Lahore,

Respected sir,

I would like to inform you that my vacations are over, and my classes are starting from Monday, and due to this I am not able to do day shift. I have already informed you that I am applying for MBA as I have to study further. I also cannot leave the job as I have to arrange my tuition fee for MBA. I request you to change my timing from day shift to night shift. I shall be really thankful for this favor of yours. Thanks.

Yours sincerely,

Salaam Khan,

Sales department

Request for Change in Office Timing

AHF, DHA, Lahore

Subject: Internal Office Timing Approval Request from Resource Development Staff for the Month of Ramazan

Respected Mr. Razzaq Sahib,

Due to increase in office timing for Resource Development Staff members during the month of Ramazan we were allowed to make our own schedule to stay late hours in the office. We are ensuring the availability of at least two, or more Resource Development Staff Members randomly from the first day of Ramazan (starting from 19 th June (Date)). All the staff members who are staying late hours are allowed to come late in the next morning for our own convenience, and internal departmental schedule. Sir, you are kindly requested to instruct the attendance department to avoid any deductions to the salaries of any Resource Development Staff member for the month of Ramazan. Your kind remarks are needed for final approval.

Sincerely yours,

Muhammad Hamza

Manager Resource Development

Application Letter for Approval of Change in Internal Office Schedule

Dear General Manager,

This letter is to request a change in internal office timings. Due to the cold weather there always remains dense fog at the morning. Many employees had experienced accidents of their cars, and bikes in the morning. We all request the change the opening time of the office from 8am to 9.30 am. In order to complete the daily task all the employees have assented to work some extra hours in the afternoon, or work for some extra hours in the half day. Please consider the application as soon as possible to safe employees from any sever accidents, or problems.

Marketing Department

Request Letter for Approval of Change in Internal Office Timing

Approval for the Change in Office Timings

The District Officer,

Glasgow Fire & Rescue Service.

It has come to our notice that office timings for the staff performing duties in morning shift have been changed, and new timings are 8 am to 5 pm (9 hours) whereas the evening staff works only for six hours i.e. 5 pm to 11 pm. There is a difference of three hours in duties of both shifts, and morning staff also has to bear more workload than any other shift of the day.

The workers in morning shift intend to change their duty timings; they demand you that there should be an equal distribution of working hours in both shifts.

Keeping in view the above mentioned details, you are requested that approval for the change in office timings may please be granted with your keen judgment so that entire staff of the Service could work diligently.

Your cooperation in this regard with the staff shall be highly appreciated

Thanking you,

Staff of Morning Shift,

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I am a content creator and entrepreneur. I am a university graduate with a business degree, and I started writing content for students first and later for working professionals. Now we are adding a lot more content for businesses. We provide free content for our visitors, and your support is a smile for us. View all posts by David Beckham

2 thoughts on “Request Letter for Approval of Change in Internal Office Timing”

Kindly guide the application regarding seniority list wrongly published by department. The same list actualy I am senior but list shown junior so please publish how to write application.

Kindly guide the application regarding seniority list wrongly published by department. The same list actualy I am senior but list shown junior so please advice me how to write application

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Department Change Request Letter Sample

In this article I’ll guide you through the steps to compose a compelling department change request letter, drawing from my own experiences and the successes I’ve seen along the way.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand Your Reasons: Clearly articulate why you want to transfer departments.
  • Research the New Department: Show that you are informed about where you want to go.
  • Be Professional: Use a formal tone and structure in your letter.
  • Provide Value Proposition: Explain how the move benefits both you and the company.
  • Template Included: Use our customizable template to start your letter effectively.

Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Your Letter

Step 1: start with a clear purpose.

Start your letter by directly addressing your supervisor or the HR department, depending on your company’s protocol. Be clear about your intention right from the start. For example, “I am writing to formally request a transfer from my current position in the Marketing department to the Product Development team.”

Step 2: Explain Your Reasons

The body of your letter should clearly outline why you are requesting the transfer. Be honest and specific about your reasons. Whether it’s seeking growth opportunities, desiring to leverage your skills in a new way, or needing a change due to logistical reasons like relocation, your explanation should convey a compelling rationale.

Real-Life Example: In one of my previous roles, I sought a department change because I noticed that my skill set aligned more closely with the needs of our Product Development team, particularly in areas where they were striving to innovate.

Step 3: Demonstrate Your Knowledge and Enthusiasm

Show that you have done your homework about the new department. Mention specific projects, leaders, or the department’s vision that excite you. This not only shows your initiative but also your commitment to contributing positively.

Trending Now: Find Out Why!

Example Mention: “I am particularly impressed by the recent launch of [Product/Service], and I believe my background in [Your Current Department/Experience] uniquely positions me to contribute to future projects like this.”

Step 4: Highlight Your Contributions

Connect your current achievements with how you can solve problems or add value in the new department. This reassures your employer that your transfer will benefit the organization.

Table of Achievements and Relevant Skills:

Your AchievementRelevance to New Department
Increased sales by 20% in Q2Can drive product adoption in new markets
Developed a successful training programCan enhance team skills and product knowledge

Step 5: Maintain Professionalism and Politeness

Your letter should be both respectful and reflective of your understanding that such changes require consideration and can affect multiple parts of the organization. Express your willingness to discuss the move in more detail and assist with the transition period.

Sample Closing: “I appreciate your consideration of my request and am eager to discuss this further. I am fully committed to making this transition as smooth as possible for both my current and potentially new department.”

Step 6: Use a Formal Sign-off

End your letter with a professional closing statement.

Example: “Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your feedback. Sincerely, [Your Name]”

Template for a Department Change Request Letter

[Your Name] [Your Position] [Your Current Department] [Date]

[Recipient Name] [Their Position] [Company Name]

Dear [Recipient Name],

I am writing to formally request a transfer from my current position in the [Your Current Department] to the [Desired Department]. After thoughtful consideration, I believe that this move aligns well with my professional goals and skills.

Over the past [X years/months] in my current role, I have achieved [List Key Achievements], which I am incredibly proud of. I feel that my background and skills will allow me to effectively contribute to [Specific Projects or Goals in New Department].

I am particularly impressed by [Something Admirable About the New Department], and I am eager to bring my expertise in [Your Key Skills] to contribute to these initiatives. I understand that this request involves careful consideration and planning, and I am committed to assisting in whatever way necessary to facilitate a smooth transition.

Thank you for considering my request. I am looking forward to your positive response and am available at your earliest convenience to discuss this in more detail.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: what should i include in a department change request letter.

Answer : In my experience, it’s crucial to clearly state your request, explain your reasons for the change, and highlight how your skills can benefit the new department. I always make sure to express my enthusiasm for the new opportunities and my readiness to assist with the transition.

Q: How can I make my department change request stand out?

Answer : I’ve found that personalizing the letter by showing a deep understanding of the new department’s goals and how I can contribute to them makes a significant impact. It’s also helpful to mention specific achievements that align with the department’s objectives.

Q: How long should my department change request letter be?

Answer : From drafting numerous requests, I recommend keeping the letter concise—no more than one page. Focus on being clear and direct about your intentions, reasons, and the value you bring, without overwhelming the reader with unnecessary details.

Q: Should I discuss my department change request letter with my current supervisor before sending it?

Answer : Absolutely, discussing it with my current supervisor first has always been my approach. This not only shows respect but also allows for their support, which can be influential in the decision-making process.

Q: What is the best time to submit a department change request letter?

Answer : I always suggest timing the submission with positive performance reviews or the completion of a major project. This demonstrates your capability and increases the likelihood of a favorable response.

Q: How do I handle a rejection of my department change request?

Answer : In my letters, I always prepare for this possibility by asking for feedback on my request. If rejected, I use the feedback to improve my skills or address any concerns, and I consider reapplying when more favorable circumstances arise.

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how to request to go from full-time to part-time (+ sample letter)

Can you switch from full-time to part-time work, top reasons for going part-time, going from full-time to part-time: benefits, changing from full-time to part-time employment: negotiation tips, sample full-time to part-time request letter.

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With a focus on remote lifestyle and career development, Gayane shares practical insight and career advice that informs and empowers tech talent to thrive in the world of remote work.

We are living in the digital age, and the nature of work is changing, necessitating that employees know how to request to go from full-time to part-time.

With the changing nature of work, the introduction of the cloud, and AI, more employees can now find work-from-home IT jobs and opportunities no one could have predicted before the pandemic.

This article discusses what that request means to an IT professional and the best way to go about it. Let’s dive in.

The short answer is yes. You can switch from full-time to part-time work if you have a valid reason (such as relocating while working remotely , taking care of dependents, or health reasons) and mutually agree with your employer.

However, even though the benefits are numerous and open up the opportunity to grow in your career, there are challenges to making the switch. They include:

  • Reduced income and benefits
  • A change in work status and expectations
  • A need to adjust and adapt to the new format of work

Before switching, consider the pros and cons and strategize how to transition.

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While the opportunity to earn more immediately comes to mind, there are many reasons for going part-time. Let’s start by discussing the personal reasons for going part-time:

  • Pursue further education or training. Working part-time can allow IT professionals to enhance their skills and qualifications by enrolling in a course, degree, bootcamp, or certification .
  • Gain flexibility and autonomy. Part-time work allows IT professionals to control their time and workload and opens up time to pursue other opportunities and interests, such as freelancing, entrepreneurship, or consulting.
  • Reduce stress and improve health. Working part-time allows you to make more time for your physical and mental health. It also gives you the opportunity to work remotely and travel , which can help reduce stress and burnout .
  • Balance personal time and work. Working part-time in IT allows professionals to devote more time to their family and work-life balance, especially where young children, elderly parents, or other dependents are involved. With a part-time arrangement, it is much easier to achieve optimal work-life integration.

There’s also the changing nature of work, which gives IT professionals more reasons to switch to part-time:

  • The availability of remote work options allows for working from another country , which can increase IT professionals’ autonomy and flexibility. Remote work also reduces the need to commute, saving time and money.
  • The emergence of gig economy platforms makes it easy for IT professionals to connect with short-term or project-based tasks or services. With this format, IT professionals can control their income and schedule more work hours.
  • The advancement of AI and automation technologies that can perform tasks faster without human intervention has changed the job market. In some cases, it augments or fully replaces the workers, depending on what they do and how advanced the automation technology is. An IT professional may want to work part-time to adjust to the demand and supply of full-time vs. part-time jobs.

We have discussed why an IT professional may want to shift from full-time to part-time. In this section, we’ll discuss how going from full-time to part-time benefits you:

When they ask to work remotely part-time, IT professionals can reduce the cost of commuting or traveling and other work-related expenses, including clothing and food. With these savings, professionals can spend money on things that make their work more accessible and rewarding.

Working part-time can lower your taxable income and make you eligible for certain tax credits and deductions, such as the child tax credit, the earned income tax credit, and the child and dependent care credit. Working part-time can also make you eligible for subsidies or assistance programs like housing and health insurance.

IT professionals rely on productivity to finish projects and creativity to solve problems and develop new ideas. With part-time work, you can focus on learning new skills and technologies to explore ideas or solutions in a conducive environment free of distractions or interruptions. This is also a great way to work on passion projects that had to take a backseat when working full-time.

Working part-time means controlling your time and what kind of work you do. It allows you to comfortably expand your network and opportunities by freely meeting different people and entering new industries or organizations. This helps you build a reputation and a portfolio to showcase your skills and achievements across a wide range of tasks and industries.

Changing from full-time to part-time employment is a significant shift for you and your current employer. It is unlikely that everything will go smoothly all the way through. And now you are wondering, can your employer transfer you to another location because you requested this or as a condition of your request?

Well, things do not have to get that drastic because there is a way to approach this in a way that works for both of you.

Let’s talk about it:

  • Start by checking the company policy. Does it say anything about the request you are about to make, and if so, what recourse do you have? Checking the policy is a great way to prepare your case according to the stipulated procedure (where one is provided).
  • Prepare your case by highlighting how it will benefit you and the employer. Leverage your achievements, skills, and contributions as a full-time employee and explain how you plan to improve or maintain your performance and productivity while working part-time. Prepare for any potential concerns and challenges your employer may bring up in response to your request.
  • Review a sample proposal from people who have successfully gone through the process. This could be fellow employees or online sources. With the insight from those who have gone before you, you can model your proposal after something with a higher chance of working. It can also remind you to include all the relevant details that you may not immediately think of. You can also get feedback from someone you trust before presenting to ensure you have ironed out your argument.
  • Prepare yourself to address pain points. Your employer will likely have objections or reservations about your request, such as the impact on workload, project deadlines, or client communication. Be prepared to listen to their perspective and offer workable, realistic, and well-thought-out solutions to address the pain points. You may suggest a trial run, a backup plan, or a flexible schedule.
  • Do not surprise your employer with the request. It should not come out of the blue or as a shock to your employer. Instead, clearly communicate your intention and reasoning and schedule a meeting to discuss it in depth. This is a great way to build rapport and trust, showing respect for their authority and time.

These are just starter tips. Anything that can help your specific situation can be a part of your strategy to negotiate a transition to part-time.

And now, the sample!

To help you get started with your request letter, here is a sample you can use:

Dear ,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request a transition from full-time to part-time employment within the IT department at . After careful consideration, I have decided that a part-time arrangement would better align with my current circumstances and provide me the flexibility to balance my personal commitments effectively.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as a full-time IT professional at , and I am grateful for the opportunities for growth and development that I have received. I believe that my skills and expertise will continue to contribute to the success of the team, even in a part-time capacity.

My request is primarily due to personal commitments requiring more attention and time outside of work. By transitioning to part-time, I can accommodate these responsibilities while still fulfilling my professional obligations. This arrangement will allow me to maintain a healthy work-life balance, which, in turn, will positively impact my productivity and job satisfaction.

I have carefully considered how this transition can be implemented smoothly without disrupting the workflow and project timelines within the IT department. I propose the following arrangement:

I request to work per week spread over , preferably on , to ensure continuity and seamless collaboration with the team. I am committed to completing any ongoing projects or tasks assigned to me. I will ensure a smooth handover of responsibilities to my colleagues or provide the necessary documentation to facilitate a seamless transition. I understand the importance of effective communication and teamwork. I will remain available during my designated work hours and can be reached via email or phone to address urgent matters or participate in team discussions or meetings. I am committed to staying up to date with industry trends and advancements. I will proactively seek opportunities for professional development and attend relevant training sessions or workshops outside of my part-time schedule.

This part-time arrangement will meet my personal needs and allow me to continue making valuable contributions to the IT department. I am confident that my dedication and experience will help ensure a smooth transition and minimize any potential impact on productivity or project timelines.

I request your understanding and support regarding this matter. I am open to discussing any concerns or adjustments to the proposed arrangement that would better align with the department's goals and objectives. Your guidance in facilitating this transition would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to discussing this matter further and finding a mutually beneficial solution. Please let me know of a convenient time to meet and address any questions or concerns you may have.


If you’re looking to get transferred to a new location or role, here are more transfer letter samples .

Good luck with your request and don’t forget to look up the benefits of remote-forever work at EPAM Anywhere. Who knows, it could be just what you’re looking for!

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  • Individuals
  • Business & Self Employed
  • Charities and Nonprofits
  • International Taxpayers
  • Federal State and Local Governments
  • Indian Tribal Governments
  • Tax Exempt Bonds
  • How to File
  • When to File
  • Where to File
  • Update Your Information
  • Get Your Tax Record
  • Apply for an Employer ID Number (EIN)
  • Check Your Amended Return Status
  • Get an Identity Protection PIN (IP PIN)
  • File Your Taxes for Free
  • Bank Account (Direct Pay)
  • Payment Plan (Installment Agreement)
  • Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS)
  • Your Online Account
  • Tax Withholding Estimator
  • Estimated Taxes
  • Where's My Refund
  • What to Expect
  • Direct Deposit
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Credits & Deductions

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Apply online for a payment plan

More in pay.

  • Debit or Credit Card
  • Business Tax Payment (EFTPS)
  • Payment Plan
  • Tax Debt Help
  • Tax Withholding
  • Foreign Electronic Payments

If you are a qualified taxpayer or authorized representative (Power of Attorney) you can apply for a payment plan (including installment agreement) online to pay off your balance over time.

Note: Once you complete your online application you will receive immediate notification of whether your payment plan has been approved.

Individual payment plan

Do you qualify.

Your specific tax situation will determine which payment options are available to you. Payment options include full payment, a short-term payment plan (paying in 180 days or less) or a long-term payment plan (installment agreement) (paying monthly).

You may qualify to apply online if:

  • Long-term payment plan (installment agreement): You owe $50,000 or less in combined tax, penalties and interest. You have filed all required returns.
  • Short-term payment plan: You owe less than $100,000 in combined tax, penalties and interest.

If you are a sole proprietor or independent contractor, apply for a payment plan as an individual.

Note: Setup fees may be higher if you apply for a payment plan by phone, mail, or in-person. Get more information on other payment plan options and fees .

What do you need to apply for a payment plan?

Starting November 14, 2021, IRS usernames that were only used to access payment plans (Online Payment Agreement) can’t be used to sign in anymore. You will be prompted to create an account with ID.me and will need photo identification.

If you are applying for a direct debit payment plan, you will need your bank routing and account numbers.

If you recently filed your tax return or your return was examined but have not received a balance notice from the IRS, you will need the balance due shown on your return.

What does it cost?

If we approve your payment plan, one of the following fees will be added to your tax bill.

Plan options and costs

 directly from your checking or savings account ( Pay) or by check, money order or debit/credit card.

After applying for a short-term payment plan, you can  directly from your checking or savings account ( ) or by check, money order or debit/credit card.

: setup fee waived) Pay amount owed through Direct Debit (automatic payments from your checking account), also known as a Direct Debit Installment Agreement (DDIA). This is required if your balance is more than $25,000.

: $43 setup fee that may be reimbursed if certain conditions are met)

After applying for a long-term payment plan, pay amount owed through non-direct debit (not automated) monthly payments, including payments directly from your checking or savings account ( ) or by check, money order or debit/credit card.

Get more information on other payment agreement options and fees.

How do I review or revise an existing plan?

Reviewing a payment plan

You can view details of your current payment plan (type of agreement, due dates, and amount you need to pay) by logging into the online payment agreement tool using the Apply/Revise button below.

What you can change using the online payment agreement tool

You can use the online payment agreement tool to make the following changes:

  • Change your monthly payment amount
  • Change your monthly payment due date
  • Convert an existing agreement to a Direct Debit agreement
  • Change the bank routing and account number on a Direct Debit agreement
  • Reinstate after default

You can log into the online payment agreement tool using the Apply/Revise button below.

How to revise an online payment plan

Log in to the online payment agreement tool using the Apply/Revise button below. On the first page, you can revise your current plan type, payment date, and amount. Then submit your changes.

If your new monthly payment amount does not meet the requirements, you will be prompted to revise the payment amount. If you are unable to make the minimum required payment amount, you will receive directions for completing a Form 9465 Installment Agreement Request PDF and Form 433-F Collection Information Statement PDF .

To convert your current agreement to a Direct Debit agreement, or to make changes to the bank account associated with your existing Direct Debit agreement, enter your bank routing and account number. 

If your plan has lapsed through default and is being reinstated, you may incur a reinstatement fee.

Power of Attorney (POA) for an individual

To apply as Power of Attorney (POA) for an individual, you need to log in with your IRS username or ID.me credentials (see What do you need to apply for a payment plan?)

For the individual you are representing, you will need:

  • Taxpayer's Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)
  • Your Centralized Authorization File (CAF) number
  • Caller ID from the taxpayer's notice or POA's signature date on Form 2848
  • Balance due amount
  • Secondary taxpayer’s SSN or ITIN (if applicable)
  • Adjusted Gross Income for most recent return on file
  • Tax year examined (if applicable)

Note : The POA must be authorized for all balance due periods in order to represent the taxpayer for a payment plan. Not all POA authority designation levels can represent the taxpayer for this purpose (including level “h”) or use the online system (including level “k”).  See the Instructions for Form 2848 for more information.

Apply/Revise as Individual Apply/Revise as Individual POA

Business payment plan

Your specific tax situation will determine which payment plan options are available to you. Payment options include full payment or a long-term payment plan (installment agreement) (paying monthly).

You may qualify to apply online, if:

  • Long-term payment plan (installment agreement): You have filed all required returns and owe $25,000 or less in combined tax, penalties, and interest.

Note: Setup fees may be higher if you apply for a payment plan by phone, mail, or in-person. Get more information on other payment plan options and fees .

What does my business need to apply?

To apply as a business, you need to log in with your IRS username or ID.me credentials (See What do you need to apply for a payment plan? )

You also need:

  • Your Employer Identification Number (EIN)
  • Date the business was established (MM/YYYY)
  • Your Caller ID from notice
  • Business address from most recently filed tax return
  • Tax form filed or examined
  • Tax period filed or examined
Plan options and costs

, electronically online or by phone using Electronic Federal Tax Payment System ( ) or by check, money order or debit/credit card.

Pay amount owed through Direct Debit (with automatic payments from your checking account), also known as Direct Debit Installment Agreement (DDIA). This is required if your balance is more than $10,000.

After applying for a payment plan, pay amount owed through non-direct debit (not automated) monthly payments, including paying electronically online or by phone using the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System ( ) or by check, money order, or debit/credit card.

Get more information on other payment agreement options and fees.  

If your new monthly payment amount does not meet the requirements, you will be prompted to revise the payment amount. If you are unable to make the minimum required payment amount, you will receive directions for completing a Form 433-B Collection Information Statement for Businesses PDF  and how to submit it.

Power of Attorney (POA) for a business

To apply as Power of Attorney (POA) for a business, you need to log in with your IRS username or ID.me credentials (see What do you need to apply for a payment plan? )

  • Taxpayer's Employer Identification Number (EIN)
  • Business address of most recently filed tax return on file

Apply/Revise as Business Apply/Revise as Business POA

More Information

Answers to common questions

Video: Avoid Interest and Penalty Charges

System Availability

Monday to Friday: 6 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. ET

Saturday: 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. ET

Sunday: 6 p.m. to 12 a.m. ET

The system will only be available during times above; please return to the system during system availability to use the Online Payment Agreement application.

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Letters , Request Letters

Department Change Request Letter: Format & Samples

At some point during the job, an individual might feel the need to change the department. They can write a department change request letter to the company so that, there could be a suitable decision based on the applicant’s qualification and level of expertise.

It might be tough for some people to write this letter and thus, using the Department change request letter as a guide can make things simple, clearer, and easier to understand.

Department Change Request Letter Format

The Management, ABC Magazine

Dear Sir/Madam,

With due respect, I would like to bring to your attention that I am working as a contributing writer for the magazine for the past eight months. I have completed my education and now I have a diploma in marketing. I saw the job post for a marketing coordinator and I would like to apply for this position.

I have been a valuable asset for the magazine and there is an increase in readership since I have started an online blog for the magazine. I publish a variety of articles, which are shared over the internet.

I believe I can be a valuable asset for the company. I would like to take on a new role. I am hoping to hear a positive reply from you.

Yours Sincerely,

Transfer Department Application Letter

A transfer department application letter as the name suggests would give the user an idea on how to write a letter when asking for a change or transfer of department. Reading a relevant sample, which has an appropriate content would be quite useful in creating the perfect letter.

Transfer Department Application Letter

Department Transfer Thank You Letter

A department transfer thank you letter as the name suggests would serve as an appreciation letter. An individual is likely to change department in a company and thus, it would be wise to write department transfer thank you letter to the former employer.

Department Transfer Thank You Letter

Internal Department Transfer Letter

Internal Department Transfer Letter

Department Transfer Letter Format

Department Transfer Letter Format

Fire Department Transfer Letter

Fire Department Transfer Letter

Employee Department Transfer Letter

An employee department transfer letter would serve as a sample to write the relevant letter. Employees sometimes want to transfer their department, which could be because of any reason and thus, they would need to write a letter.

Employee Department Transfer Letter

Request for Department Transfer Letter

Request for Department Transfer Letter

Tips for writing transfer letter

  • Focus on Your Qualifications: When writing the letter, it is important that you focus on and emphasize your qualifications. Make the company feel that you are a valuable asset for them rather than making them feels that you are asking a favor.
  • Give a Valid Reason: It is important that you provide a valid reason for the transfer. It is important, to be honest.
  • Avoid Details: It is wise; to be honest but too many details would not be a good idea. Write the letter in a manner that it conveys the information without much detail.
  • Mention Background: It would be a good idea to mention background with the company. You can mention how many years or months you have been serving the company.
  • Make a Solid Case: It would be wise to make a solid case in the letter, which employer could remember. It is important that you get the transfer, which is why it is important to highlight your qualifications.
  • Follow Appropriate Format: It is important to follow an appropriate format for writing this letter. Read samples to get an idea of the kind of content, which would be suitable.
  • Proofread: Make sure there is no grammar and spellings mistake. Ask someone to proofread the letter to you if you are comfortable sharing the details.

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Keep or change your insurance plan

Renew, change, update, or cancel your plan.

A time outside the yearly Open Enrollment Period when you can sign up for health insurance. You qualify for a Special Enrollment Period if you’ve had certain life events, including losing health coverage, moving, getting married, having a baby, or adopting a child, or if your household income is below a certain amount.

Refer to glossary for more details.

Insurance program that provides free or low-cost health coverage to some low-income people, families and children, pregnant women, the elderly, and people with disabilities. Many states have expanded their Medicaid programs to cover all people below certain income levels.

Insurance program that provides low-cost health coverage to children in families that earn too much money to qualify for Medicaid but not enough to buy private insurance. In some states, CHIP covers pregnant women.

Renew or change plans during Open Enrollment

  • You could qualify for  more  savings than you’re getting now.
  • You could qualify for  less  savings and have to pay money back when you file your federal taxes.
  • By December 15 : Update your information and enroll in a plan so your coverage with the correct savings starts January 1. If you don't act by December 15, you may be automatically re-enrolled for January 1 coverage — but you must update your information on your 2024 application to get the right amount of savings. In some cases, you won't be automatically re-enrolled. Enroll in a plan during Open Enrollment to keep Marketplace coverage for 2024.  
  • By January 15 : Open Enrollment ends. Update your information and enroll in a plan for coverage starting February 1.

You'll get letters about your coverage for the new year

  • Whether your current plan is available for next year
  • Which plan (if any) you're matched with and will be enrolled in if you don't act by December 15
  • Any changes in your coverage and cost savings
  • If the Marketplace needs documents to confirm information on your application and how to send copies
  • For your insurance company letter, contact your plan.
  • For your Marketplace letter, contact the Marketplace Call Center .

Compare plans

Update or change plans outside of open enrollment.

A change in your situation — like getting married, having a baby, or losing health coverage — that can make you eligible for a Special Enrollment Period, allowing you to enroll in health insurance outside the yearly Open Enrollment Period.

Cancel your health plan any time

  • Everyone on the application after your coverage has started.  Your coverage can end as soon as the day you cancel, or you can set your Marketplace coverage end date for a later day — like if you know your new coverage will start on the first day of the following month.
  • Just some people on the application.  In many cases, their coverage will end immediately.
  • You may have to wait for the next Open Enrollment Period to enroll again, unless you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period.
  • There’s significant health and financial benefits of having health coverage — and risks if you don’t. Nobody expects to get sick or hurt. But medical care without insurance is very expensive, so it’s important to have protection if the unexpected happens.
  • Health coverage helps you get regular care, including free preventive services, to keep you healthy. Learn about the benefits of health coverage.

More answers: Renew, change, or cancel your plan

What if my plan’s premium or coverage changed, or i don’t like the automatic enrollment plan i’m offered.

  • Enroll by December 15 for coverage to start January 1. Or, enroll by January 15 for coverage to start February 1.
  • You must pay your first premium for coverage to start.
  • If you don’t want that plan, enroll in a different plan by December 15. If your automatic enrollment coverage started, you can still change plans until the end of Open Enrollment.
  • If you don't want Marketplace coverage for next year, you need to log into your Marketplace account to stop coverage (or you'll be automatically enrolled).

Can I change to a health insurance plan outside the Marketplace?

Why is my premium tax credit different from what i had before.

  • Your 2023 application
  • Your 2024 application if you updated it
  • Other sources, like the IRS

Why does my Marketplace letter say I won't get a premium tax credit?

  • Updated income information from the IRS may show that you don't qualify for 2024.
  • You may need to send us information before you qualify for a 2024 premium tax credit. Your letter will provide instructions and deadline information.

How you find out if you used the right amount of premium tax credit during the year. To reconcile, you compare two amounts: the premium tax credit you used in advance during the year; and the amount of tax credit you qualify for based on your final income. You’ll use IRS Form 8962 to do this. If you used more premium tax credit than you qualify for, you’ll pay the difference with your federal taxes. If you used less, you’ll get the difference as a credit.

  • When you filled out your Marketplace application, you may not have allowed the Marketplace to use your updated tax information automatically for future years.

My health insurance company isn't offering my current plan. What are my options?

What happens if i don't choose a plan by december 15.

  • Have Marketplace coverage in December, and
  • Don’t take any action to choose a plan or stop your coverage by December 15.

When does my current plan end?

What are the deadlines to get coverage.

  • November 1:  Open Enrollment starts.
  • December 15:  Last day to enroll in or change plans for coverage to start January 1.
  • January 1 : Coverage starts for those who enroll in or change health plans November 1-December 15 and pay their first premium.
  • January 15:   Open Enrollment ends. Last day to enroll in or change health plans for the year for coverage to start February 1.
  • February 1:   Coverage starts for those who enroll in or change health plans December 16 - January 15 and pay their first premium.

How do I complete my enrollment and pay my first premium?

What if i’m getting medicare this year.

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I-601, Application for Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility

If you are inadmissible to the United States and are seeking an immigrant visa, adjustment of status, certain nonimmigrant statuses, or certain other immigration benefits, you must file this form to seek a waiver of certain grounds of inadmissibility. Please refer to the instructions to determine whether you should use this form.

You must submit all 11 pages.

Forms and Document Downloads

Form I-601 (PDF, 600.79 KB)

Instructions for Form I-601 (PDF, 490.51 KB)

Flowchart: Filing Certain Waivers of Inadmissibility (PDF, 578.67 KB)

Form Details

04/01/24 . You can find the edition date at the bottom of the page on the form and instructions.

Dates are listed in mm/dd/yy format.

If you complete and print this form to mail it, make sure that the form edition date and page numbers are visible at the bottom of all pages and that all pages are from the same form edition. If any of the form’s pages are missing or are from a different form edition, we may reject your form.

If you need help downloading and printing forms, read our instructions . 

The filing location depends on the immigration benefit you are seeking. To view a complete list of addresses, go to our  Direct Filing Addresses  page.

You can find the filing fee for Form I-601 by visiting our Fee Schedule page.

Through Sept. 30, 2024, there is no fee to file Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status , on the basis of classification as an Afghan special immigrant, or for any associated biometric services or to file an associated Form I-601.

Through Sept. 30, 2024, there is no fee to file Form I-601 individually with an approved Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative , filed with USCIS in the United States for an Afghan national (beneficiary) who has a visa immediately available.

You can pay the fee with a money order, personal check, cashier’s check or  pay by credit card or debit card using Form G-1450, Authorization for Credit Card Transactions . If you pay by check, you must make your check payable to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

When you send a payment, you agree to pay for a government service. Filing fees are final and non-refundable, regardless of any action we take on your application, petition, or request, or if you withdraw your request.   If you pay by credit card or debit card, you cannot later dispute the payment. Use our Fee Calculator to help determine your fee.

If you are submitting multiple forms, pay each filing fee separately. We are transitioning to electronically processing immigration benefit requests, which requires us to use multiple systems to process your package. We may reject your entire package if you submit a single, combined payment for multiple forms.

Please do not submit this checklist with your Form I-601. The checklist is an optional tool to use as you prepare your form, but does not replace statutory, regulatory, and form instruction requirements. We recommend that you review these requirements before completing and submitting your forms.  Do not send original documents unless specifically requested in the form instructions or applicable regulations.

If you submit any documents (copies or original documents, if requested) in a foreign language, you must include a full English translation along with a certification from the translator verifying that the translation is complete and accurate, and that they are competent to translate from the foreign language into English.

Did you provide the following?

  • Evidence that establishes why you may qualify for a waiver of inadmissibility, which depends on the ground(s) of inadmissibility that apply to you and should include evidence to show why we should grant you a waiver of inadmissibility as a matter of discretion. 
  • If applying for a waiver that requires you to a showing of extreme hardship to a spouse, parent, son, or daughter of a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident, you must submit evidence establishing the family relationship and evidence that shows the denial of admission would result in extreme hardship to your qualifying relative.
  • If you are a VAWA self-petitioner seeking a waiver for immigration fraud or misrepresentation, you may show how the denial of admission would result in extreme hardship to your qualifying relatives or yourself. 
  • Evidence to support a waiver for inadmissibility due to a communicable disease of public health significance (if applicable).
  • Evidence to support your request for a vaccination exemption (if applicable).
  • Evidence to support a waiver of inadmissibility due to physical or mental disorder and associated harmful behavior (if applicable).
  • Evidence to support a waiver of criminal grounds of inadmissibility found in INA section 212(a)(2) (if applicable)
  • Evidence to support waiver for immigration fraud or misrepresentation (if applicable).
  • Evidence to support a waiver for inadmissibility because of your membership in a totalitarian party (if applicable).
  • Evidence to support a waiver for inadmissibility due to alien smuggling (if applicable).
  • Evidence to support a waiver of inadmissibility due to being the subject of a civil penalty under INA section 212(a)(6)(F) (if applicable).
  • Evidence to support a waiver of the 3-or 10-year unlawful presence bar under INA section 212(a)(9)(B)(v) (if applicable).
  • If you are a TPS applicant, evidence that a waiver is warranted. 
  • Evidence that you warrant a waiver of inadmissibility based on factors that would be considered if you were seeking consent to reapply if you are seeking adjustment of status under NACARA section 202 or HRIFA section 902, and inadmissible under INA section 212(a)(9)(A) or (C). 
  • Evidence that shows connection between the battery or extreme cruelty that is the basis for the VAWA claim and the self-petitioner’s removal, departure from the United States, reentry or re-entries into the United States, or attempted reentry into the United States if you are an approved VAWA self-petitioner or child of an approved VAWA self-petitioner and inadmissible under INA section 212(a)(9)(C)(i).   
  • Evidence to support waiver if you are an applicant for adjustment of status as a Special Immigrant Juvenile (if applicable).

Filing Tips for Form I-601, Application for Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility

Complete  all sections  of the form. We will reject the form if these fields are missing:

  • Family Name
  • Mailing Address
  • Date of Birth

Filing Tips:  Review our  Tips for Filing Forms by Mail  page for information on how to ensure we will accept your form.

Don’t forget to sign your form.  We will reject any unsigned form.

E-Notification:  If you want to receive an e-mail and/or text message that we have accepted your form at a USCIS lockbox, complete  Form G-1145, E-Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance  and clip it to the first page of your form. 

Fee Waiver:  We will accept a fee waiver request from:

  • A VAWA self-petitioner;
  • An applicant for a T visa;
  • A battered spouse or child of a lawful permanent resident or U.S. citizen;
  • An applicant for Temporary Protected Status;
  • A Special Immigrant Juvenile; or
  • Any other noncitizen for whom  a determination of their likelihood of becoming a public charge under section 212(a)(4) is not required at the time of their application for admission or adjustment of status.

Please see our Fee Waiver page for more information.

  • Centralized Filing and Adjudication for Form I-601, Application for Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility
  • Direct Filing Addresses for Form I-601, Application for Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility

Security Alert May 17, 2024

Worldwide caution, update may 10, 2024, information for u.s. citizens in the middle east.

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Apply for your First Adult Passport

Apply for a Child Under 16

Apply as a 16 or 17 Year Old

Get My Application Status

Get a Passport Card

Respond to a Letter or Email

  • Both parents or guardians must approve that we can issue a passport to a child, and go with the child to apply in person.
  • If one or both parents or guardians cannot apply with their child, you will need to show us more documents.
  • You cannot renew your child's passport using Form DS-82.
  • Passports for children under age 16 are only valid for 5 years. 

Steps to Apply

1. fill out form ds-11 and print it.

Use our Form Filler tool  to fill out your child's form on a desktop or laptop computer and then print it. If you are experiencing technical issues with the Form Filler, download a PDF . 

Fill Out Form DS-11 Online

Tips to complete your child's form :

  • Do not sign your child's form until asked to do so by a passport acceptance agent or employee. 
  • You can apply for a passport book , a passport card , or both documents.
  • You may ask for a larger passport book with more visa pages, at no extra cost, by checking the 'large book' box at the top of the DS-11.

2. Get Evidence of U.S. Citizenship (and a photocopy)

Your evidence must be an original or replacement copy. The document must have the official seal or stamp of the office which issued it. You must submit one of the following documents for your child:

  • Issued by the city, county, or state of birth
  • Lists applicant's full name, date of birth, and place of birth
  • Lists the parent(s)' full names
  • Has the date filed with registrar's office (must be within one year of birth)
  • Has the registrar's signature
  • Has the seal or stamp of the city, county, or state which issued it
  • Consular Report of Birth Abroad or Certification of Birth
  • Certificate of Citizenship
  • Please note you must also provide a document, such as a birth certificate, that lists the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the child. Full validity means the document is or was valid for 10 years for adults and 5 years for children under 16. 

If you cannot submit one of these documents, go to our  Citizenship Evidence page  for more information.

Paper only : You cannot submit digital evidence of U.S. citizenship such as a mobile or electronic birth certificate. You must submit physical evidence of U.S. citizenship and a photocopy of the document. 

Returning your child's document : We will return your child's document in a separate mailing up to 8 weeks after you receive the new passport.

Tips for making a photocopy :

  • Black and white (no color)
  • Use 8.5 inch by 11 inch paper
  • Use a single side of the paper

If you do not submit a photocopy, you must submit a second copy of your citizenship evidence. We will keep this copy for our records.

Sample U.S. Birth Certificate

3. Show Your Relationship to Your Child

You must submit a document that lists the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the child. Examples include:

  • U.S. birth certificate (also evidence of U.S. citizenship)
  • Foreign birth certificate
  • Adoption decree
  • Divorce or custody decree
  • A court order

Some documents, like a U.S. birth certificate, show  both  U.S. citizenship and parental relationship. These documents must be originals or certified copies (not photocopies).

You and your child may have different last names, as long as the document showing your relationship to your child lists your full name.

If your name is different than the one on the document showing your relationship to your child, submit proof of your legal name change.

4. Get a Photo ID (and a photocopy)

Both parents or guardians must bring a physical, photo ID and a photocopy of it. If your photo ID is from a different state than the state in which you are applying, bring a second photo ID. 

You must show at least  one  of these photo IDs:

  • Valid or expired, undamaged U.S. passport book or passport card 
  • In-state, fully valid driver's license or enhanced driver's license with photo
  • Certificate of Naturalization 
  • Certificate of Citizenship 
  • Government employee ID (city, county, state, or federal)
  • U.S. military or military dependent ID
  • Current (valid) foreign passport
  • Matricula Consular (Mexican Consular ID) used by a parent of a U.S. citizen child applicant
  • U.S. Permanent Resident Card (Green Card) used by a parent of a U.S. citizen child applicant
  • Trusted Traveler IDs (including valid Global Entry, FAST, SENTRI, and NEXUS cards)
  • Enhanced Tribal Cards and Native American tribal photo IDs
  • In-state, fully-valid learner's permit with photo
  • In-state, fully-valid non-driver ID with photo
  • Temporary driver's license with photo

If you do not have one of these photo IDs, go to our  Identification page  for more information.

5. Show More Documents (if both parents or guardians cannot apply)

  • Both parents or guardians must approve that we can issue a passport to a child, and go with the child to apply in person.
  • If one or both parents or guardians cannot apply in person with their child, you will need to show more documents.
If... Then...
One parent can't go in person (but both of you have custody) Submit a  . The parent that cannot apply with the child must:
You have sole legal custody, or you are the only parent

Submit one of these documents:

 parent  .
You cannot find the other parent (but both of you have custody)

Submit a 

Neither parent able to appear

Submit a  or a notarized statement from both parents or guardians giving that person (example: grandparent) permission to apply for the child.

Important : Submit  Form DS-3053  and other notarized statements within three months of signing them.

6. Provide a Photo

You must provide one photo with your child's application. Go to our  Passport Photo page  for photo requirements and to see examples of photos. 

  • Do not attach or staple your child's photo to the form. The acceptance agent or passport employee will review the photo and staple it to your form.
  • Some  passport acceptance facilities
  • A company which offers photo services
  • Home. Ask your friend or family member to take your child's photo. Print it on glossy or matte photo quality paper. 

7. Calculate Fees

When applying using Form DS-11, you will pay two separate fees - an application fee and an execution (acceptance) fee. You will pay the application fee to the U.S. Department of State, and the execution (acceptance) fee to the facility which takes your application. 

  • Add $60 to your application fee if you want  expedited service .
  • Add $19.53 to your application fee if you want us to ship your completed passport in 1-2 days after we issue it.  

Child Applicants :

Product Form  Application Fee Execution (Acceptance) Fee
Passport Book $100 $35
Passport Card $15 $35
Passport Book & Card $115 $35

For more information on how to pay and a full list of fees, go to our  Passport Fees  page.

*How to fill out your check and pay the application fee to the U.S. Department of State. Please note you must pay a separate execution (acceptance) fee. 

Families may write one check or money order to the U.S. Department of State if they are applying at the same time. The check or money order must include the name and date of birth of each applicant.

application letter for time change

8. Find Location to Apply

In the United States:

  • Traveling in more than 3 weeks?  Go to a  passport acceptance facility  such as a post office, library, or local government office. Check with the facility to see if you need to make an appointment. 
  • Traveling in less than 3 weeks?   Make an appointment  to apply at a passport agency or center.

In another country:

  • Contact your  U.S. embassy or consulate .

9. Track Your Application Status

You can  subscribe to email updates  about your application status, and  learn more about each status update .

It may take 2 weeks from the day you apply until your child's application status is “In Process.” 

Frequently Asked Questions

How will you send my child's passport and supporting documents.

You will get multiple mailings. The number of mailings depends on what document(s) you asked for.

Passport Book : You may get your new passport and citizenship documents in two mailings. You may wait 8 weeks after getting your passport before you get a second mailing with your citizenship documents. We will return the passport book using a trackable delivery service.

Passport Card : You may get your new passport card and your citizenship documents in two mailings. You may wait 8 weeks after getting your passport before you get a second mailing with your citizenship documents. We only send the passport card via First Class Mail. We do not send cards using 1-2 day delivery services.

Both a Passport Book and Card : You may get three separate mailings:

  • New passport book
  • New passport card
  • Citizenship documents

Contacting Us : If you have been waiting more than 8 weeks for your documents, call us at  1-877-487-2778  to report that you have not received your documents. 

If you want us to reimburse you for a lost supporting document, you must contact us within 90 days of the date which we mailed your passport. You will also need to provide a receipt to show the cost of replacing the document. 

Can I pay for faster delivery and return shipping?

Yes. You may choose one or both of the following shipment options:

  • Delivering application to us : Pay for Priority Mail Express for faster shipping. The price for this service varies depending on the area of the country.
  • Returning the passport to you : Pay $19.53 for 1-2 day delivery. This means you will receive your passport   1-2 days after we send it. Include this fee with your check or money order payable to the U.S. Department of State. Do not submit a return envelope to us with postage pre-paid. 

You may receive your passport and supporting documents in separate mailings. If you are renewing a passport card, we will send it to you via First Class Mail. We do not use 1-2 day delivery services if you only applied for a passport card.

What countries require Form DS-3053 "Statement of Consent" to be notarized at an embassy or consulate?

In certain countries, a DS-3053 must be notarized at a  U.S. embassy or consulate  and cannot be notarized by a local notary public. Currently, these countries include:












Saudi Arabia






Sierra Leone




Central African Republic



Cote d'Ivoire



Dominican Republic






Equatorial Guinea


Trinidad and Tobago









United Arab Emirates








North Korea


Special Passport Fairs

Find a Special Passport Fair  near you!

We're holding special passport fairs all across the United States to help you get your passport more easily. New events are added to our site every week.

Most events are for first-time applicants and children, (who use Form DS-11). If you can use Form DS-82, you can renew by mail at your convenience!

Processing Times

Routine:  6-8 weeks*

Expedited: 2-3 weeks and an extra $60*

*Consider the total time it will take to get a passport when you are booking travel.  Processing times only include the time your application is at a passport agency or center.

  • It may take up to 2 weeks for applications to arrive at a passport agency or center. It may take up to 2 weeks for you to receive a completed passport after we print it. 
  • Processing times + mailing times = total time to get a passport

Urgent Travel:  See our Get my Passport Fast page. 

How to Apply for your Child's Passport

Watch this video to learn how to apply in person for your child's U.S. passport!

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ALERT: Reports of a $600 payment increase in June are FALSE: NO COLA increase will occur UNTIL January 2025.

Update direct deposit

Edit details about your bank account so we can continue to deposit your monthly benefit check on time.

Update bank details in your account Sign in to your account

Tell us what's changed about the bank account you use for direct deposit. Depending on your benefit type you may need to call us to complete this task.

  • Update bank details
  • Create account

Other ways to complete this task

Use our automated phone assistance.

Call +1 800-772-1213

When you hear "How can I help you today?" say "direct deposit." You will need to provide your current direct deposit routing number and account number to change your information over the phone.

Call TTY +1 800-325-0778 if you're deaf or hard of hearing.

Don't have a bank account?

The  FDIC website  offers information to help you open a bank account online or at a local branch.

SAT Registration

Show colleges you're ready: register for the SAT from your College Board account.

Dates and Deadlines

FRI, JUN 14, 2024

June SAT Score Release

FRI, AUG 9, 2024

Registration Deadline for August SAT

TUE, AUG 13, 2024

Late Registration Deadline for August SAT

SAT, AUG 24, 2024

7:45 AM Local

August 24 SAT

Success Starts with the SAT

Find a Test Center

Test center search.

Search for places that offer the SAT. You'll choose a specific location when you register.

Test Center Closings

Get the latest information about test center closings.

SAT Dates and Deadlines

Use these dates to plan to take the SAT.

Fee Waivers

If you're eligible for a fee waiver, you can take the SAT for free and get other benefits.

SAT fee waivers are available to low-income 11th- and 12th-grade students in the U.S. or U.S. territories.

If you qualify, benefits include two free sat tests, unlimited score reports to send to colleges, and waived application fees at participating colleges..

A smiling young girl wearing a helmet and holding onto bicycle handles while standing next to young boy smiling toward the camera, holding a basketball

For K–12 Educators


Students who have a documented disability may be eligible for testing accommodations when they take the SAT.

SAT fee waivers are sent directly to schools and community-based organizations (CBOs).

School Code Search

Search for K–12 school codes, also known as College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) codes. These codes identify your institution to College Board.

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application letter for time change

Register to vote Register by 18 June to vote in the General Election on 4 July.

  • Education, training and skills
  • Funding and finance for students
  • Student loans

Guidance for students, parents and partners providing evidence to support a student finance application

If you apply to Student Finance England for help with your studies for a full-time undergraduate course, you, your parents or partner may be asked to give us evidence.

Applies to England

  • Guidance for Wales

This guide covers the evidence that students need to provide to prove their identity, as well as evidence that students, parents and partners can give us to prove their household income and marital status.

Check out our step-by-step guide on how to upload evidence to your online account !

It’s quick and easy to use your Student Finance account, watch our other ‘How to’ films for step-by-step tutorials.

If you need to provide evidence of your identity

When you apply for the first time, you’ll need to provide details or evidence to confirm your identity. Most identity evidence can’t be a digital copy and must be valid on the date we receive it.

When we need to see your original identity evidence, this must be sent by post.

I’m a UK national, what can I send?

If you have a valid UK passport, you can give us these details when you apply. If you don’t have a valid UK passport, you can:

  • upload a copy of your UK birth or adoption certificate (both long and short versions are acceptable) to your online account
  • send us a photocopy of your UK birth or adoption certificate (both long and short versions are acceptable)
  • send us your original certificate of Naturalisation/Registration

I’m an EU/EEA national, what can I send?

If you’ve been granted a status under the EU Settlement Scheme you need to provide us with a share code to prove your immigration and identity status . You don’t need to send us a passport.

If you’ve not been granted a status under the EU Settlement Scheme then you should send us one of the following:

  • original EU/EEA passport
  • original National ID card
  • original ROI passport card

I’m from outside of the UK, EU and EAA, what can I send?

You can send us an:

  • original non-UK passport
  • original Home Office Biometric Residence Card
  • original UK travel document
  • original certificate of Naturalisation/Registration

Examples of evidence we can’t accept:

  • paper ID cards (this includes Italian paper ID cards)
  • UK or non-UK driving licence

Find out what address you need to send your identity evidence to by visiting www.gov.uk/apply-for-student-finance/proof-of-identity

If your parents or partner are asked to provide evidence of their income

We usually don’t ask your parents or partner to provide evidence of their income once they’ve supported your application, we’ll get their details from HRMC. We may contact them to ask for evidence of their:

  • marital status – if they’re separated or divorced
  • income – if they’re living abroad or finalising their current year income assessment
  • private pension contributions
  • additional voluntary contributions.

You should only upload financial evidence if we’ve asked for it. Uploading evidence such as your P60 or Tax Return when this wasn’t needed will cause delays to the student finance application.

If you’re asked for evidence, we accept digital copies as long as they’re clear and readable. The quickest and easiest way to provide financial evidence is by uploading it via your parent’s or partner’s online account.

If you or your parents need to provide evidence of marital status

When you first apply for student finance, we may need to confirm your or your parent’s marital status; to do this we need you to give us evidence.

If you or your parent indicate that you’re single, usually we won’t ask you to provide evidence. Digital copies of evidence are acceptable as long as they’re clear and readable.

If you or your parents tell us the wrong martial status, we may need evidence before we can update your status.

Evidence to prove that you’ll be under the age of 25 years old at the start of the academic year and married or in a civil partnership

Examples of evidence you can provide to confirm your marital status include:

  • marriage certificate
  • civil partnership documentation

Evidence to prove that you or your parents are separated, divorced, or have a dissolved civil partnership

Examples of evidence you or your parent can provide to confirm marital status include:

  • decree nisi or decree absolute
  • final or conditional order
  • civil partnership conditional order
  • a signed and dated letter from your solicitor confirming your status
  • a signed affidavit
  • statutory declaration
  • most recent Council Tax bill with an acceptable discount

If your or your parent’s marital status remains the same throughout your studies, we’ll only need this evidence in the first academic year of your course.

The quickest and easiest way to provide marital status evidence is by uploading it via your or your parent’s or partner’s online account .

Alternatively, this evidence can be posted to us.

Find out what address to send your evidence to by visiting www.gov.uk/apply-for-student-finance

How long it takes to process your evidence

Check out our  current timescales page  to find out when to expect an update on your application or on information you’ve sent!

If you’ve uploaded evidence through your online account, you can use the application status tracker to find out when to expect an update.

If you’ve sent evidence by post, this can take up to 6 weeks for us to process and update your online account.

To make sure we can process your evidence as quickly as possible, please do not contact us during this time. We’ll update your online account once it has been processed.

We can’t confirm that we’ve got your identity evidence until after we’ve processed it. This allows for quicker processing times and makes sure you get your identity evidence back as quickly as possible.

If you’ve sent your evidence by tracked delivery, you should check the delivery date with the delivery service.

Added information under 'If your parents or partner are asked to provide evidence of their income' section to cover new process and evidence we may ask for.

Add link to current timescales page

Added information on 'how long it takes to process your evidence'

Update to acceptable identity evidence.

Updating guidance for parents and partners evidence and martial status evidence which now includes final or conditional order.

First published.

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How to apply

Generally, you must apply for a study permit before you come to Canada . Some people can apply for a study permit from within Canada. In some cases, you can apply when you arrive in Canada at the port of entry. Make sure you understand which option is available to you.

Get your documents ready

When you apply, you should submit

  • the  letter of acceptance from the  designated learning institution (DLI) you’ll be attending
  • You can upload your PAL into the Provincial attestation letter (required) field in your application. If this option is missing, you must upload your PAL to the Client information field. If you meet an exception, you must provide any evidence in the Client information field.
  • We won’t be able to finalize your study permit until you’ve submitted a complete application.
  • Waiting to submit documents will cause delays in processing.

Apply online

If you’re applying for a study permit, you must apply online , whether you’re outside of Canada or already in Canada.

You’re only eligible to apply on paper if you

  • have a disability that prevents you from applying online
  • hold an identity or travel document for non-national residents, refugees or stateless persons

Problem with the online application

You may not be able to apply for your study permit online. For example, if you currently have visitor status in Canada and your spouse or common-law partner is a NOC C or D worker, you may need to submit your application on paper.

Biometrics and the application process

Image that represents the different stages of the application process and biometrics.

We refer to your fingerprints and photo as biometrics. We collect biometrics for most applications. Find out what happens from when you submit your application to when you get to Canada and where biometrics fits in the process.

1. Apply for your visitor visa, study permit or work permit

If you want to visit, study or work in Canada, make sure you’re eligible to apply. Use our application guides to help fill out your application properly, then submit your application.

Avoid processing delays by sending us a complete application .

2. Get your fingerprints and photo taken

If you’re between 14 and 79 years old, you probably need to give your fingerprints and photo (biometrics).You only need to give your biometrics once every 10 years to make repeat trips to Canada easier.

  • You must pay the biometrics fee when you submit your application. Otherwise you may experience delays.
  • Get this done as soon as you get the letter from us that tells you to give biometrics.
  • You have 30 days to do this from the date on the letter.

Find out who needs to give , how to give , and where to give your biometrics .

3. We process your application

After we get your biometrics, we start processing your application. See how long it takes to process your application .

If we need more information from you, we’ll contact you.

4. We make a decision on your application

When we finish reviewing your application, we let you know if you’re approved to come to Canada. If you are, we issue your documents.

If your application is refused, we send you a letter that tells you why.

5. You travel to Canada (if you’re approved)

Make sure you travel with the documents we gave you. This includes travel documents like a visitor visa, study or work permits or an eTA (electronically linked to your passport).

Airline staff and border service officers at ports of entry will ask to see your travel documents. If you don’t have them, you may not be able to board your flight to Canada.

Make sure children under 18 travel with the right documents .

6. We check your identity when you arrive in Canada

When you arrive, we check your identity to make sure that you are the same person who was approved to travel to Canada. We may use your biometrics to do this.

If we can’t verify your identity, you may be detained by a border services officer. These officers help protect the health and safety of Canadians.

If the officer determines that you’re not admissible to Canada, you won’t be allowed to enter Canada. If you came by air, you’ll have to take a return flight to where you came from.

7. You’re allowed to enter Canada

If you pass the identity check and meet the entry requirements , the border services officer stamps your passport and lets you know how long you can stay in Canada. You’re normally allowed to stay in Canada for up to six months.

Children under 18 must meet the same entry requirements as adults. The border services officer may ask minor children to show other documents depending on whether the child is travelling alone or with someone.

Basic entry requirements

You must meet some basic requirements to enter Canada. You must:

  • have a valid travel document, like a passport
  • be in good health
  • have no criminal or immigration-related convictions
  • convince an immigration officer that you have ties—such as a job, home, financial assets or family—that will take you back to your home country
  • convince an immigration officer that you will leave Canada at the end of your visit
  • The amount of money you will need depends on how long you will stay and if you will stay in a hotel, or with friends or relatives.

Some people are not admissible to Canada, which means they are not allowed to enter the country. You can be inadmissible for several reasons, including being involved in:

  • criminal activity
  • human rights violations
  • organized crime

You can also be inadmissible for security, health or financial reasons.

Find out more about inadmissibility .

Biometrics fee

  • Individual applicant: CAD $85
  • Families applying at the same time : maximum total fee of CAD $170
  • Groups of 3 or more performing artists and their staff who apply for work permits at the same time: maximum total fee of $CAD 255

Venezuelan passport holders

You may need to complete extra steps when you fill out your application .

If the printed expiry date on your Venezuelan passport has passed

If the printed expiry date has passed and you’re applying for a visitor visa, study permit, work permit or to extend your stay as a temporary resident in Canada, follow these steps:

  • Add 5 years to the printed expiry date shown on your passport and enter it in the expiry date field of the application form.
  • Include a letter of explanation with your application stating: “I am a Venezuelan national with a Venezuelan passport, which has been extended for 5 years”.

Warning: If your passport is still expired after adding 5 years to the printed expiry date, your passport is considered expired. You’re not eligible to submit an application with that passport.

Get specific instructions on how to apply

Answer a few questions to get the next steps for your situation.

Where are you applying from?

How do you want to apply?

Are you applying with a family member that needs a work permit?

Only some people can apply for a study permit from inside Canada. Do any of the situations below describe you, or the person you’re applying for?

You’re currently in Canada and one of these applies:

  • you’re a Ukrainian national or family member of a Ukrainian national
  • you have a valid study or work permit
  • your spouse, common-law partner or parent has a valid study or work permit
  • you’re a minor child in primary or secondary school
  • you’re an exchange student or visiting student
  • you completed a short-term course or study program required to be accepted at a DLI
  • you or your spouse, common-law partner or dependent child has a temporary resident permit (TRP) valid for 6 months or more
  • you’re being sponsored to immigrate and you already applied for permanent residence (if you’re eligible)
  • you or your spouse, common-law partner or dependent child are subject to an unenforceable removal order
  • an athlete on a team based in Canada
  • a member of the media
  • a member of the clergy
  • military personnel on duty in Canada or
  • an accredited foreign representative
  • you’re a refugee claimant in Canada or a family member of a refugee claimant in Canada

Are you a Ukrainian national or family member of a Ukrainian national?

Has your study permit expired?

Do any of the following describe you or the person you’re applying for?

  • citizen of the U.S.
  • permanent resident of the U.S.
  • person who has lawfully been admitted to the U.S. for permanent residence
  • resident of Greenland
  • resident of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon

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Apply online from outside Canada

Get your study permit faster through the student direct stream.

If you’re a legal resident in certain countries, you may be able to get your study permit faster by applying online through the Student Direct Stream .

Step 1: Make sure you have what you need

To apply online, you’ll need:

  • a scanner or camera to create electronic copies of your documents
  • a valid credit or debit card.

To make sure you have everything you need to apply, get your local visa office instructions by selecting the country or territory from which you’ll be applying.

Select a country/territory

  • Afghanistan
  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • British Virgin Islands
  • Burkina Faso
  • Burma (Myanmar)
  • Cayman Islands
  • Central African Republic
  • China (People’s Republic of)
  • Comoros Island
  • Côte d’Ivoire
  • Czech Republic
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Dominican Republic
  • El Salvador
  • Equatorial Guinea
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • Hong Kong SAR
  • Liechtenstein
  • Marshall Islands
  • Micronesia (Federated States of)
  • Netherlands
  • New Caledonia
  • New Zealand
  • North Korea
  • North Macedonia (Republic Of)
  • Palestinian Authority (Gaza)
  • Palestinian Authority (West Bank)
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Philippines
  • Puerto Rico
  • Sao Tome and Principe
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Sierra Leone
  • Solomon Islands
  • South Africa
  • South Korea
  • South Sudan
  • St. Kitts and Nevis
  • St. Vincent and the Grenadines
  • Switzerland
  • Timor-Leste (Timor oriental)
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Turkmenistan
  • Turks and Caicos Islands
  • United Arab Emirates
  • United Kingdom
  • United States of America
  • US Virgin Islands

Step 2: Read the instruction guide

Even if you apply online, you should read the instruction guide before you complete your application. The guide will explain how to complete each field on the form.

Step 3: Prepare your answers for the online tool

Before you can upload your forms, you must answer some questions. We use your answers to create a personalized document checklist for you.

Step 4: Know the fees you have to pay

In most cases, your fees will include:

  • processing fees for you and anyone you include on your application and

We’ll ask you to pay your fees at the end of your application.

Third-party fees

Depending on your situation, you may need to pay third parties for:

  • medical exams
  • police certificates
  • language testing, and
  • services at a visa application centre if you use one

You won’t pay these fees in your online account. You’ll pay them directly to the third party.

In most cases, you should pay a biometrics fee when you submit your application . Otherwise you may experience delays. The biometrics fee covers the cost of collecting fingerprints and a digital photo. Find out if you need to give your biometrics .

Step 5: Create your online account or sign in

Try our new online application.

We’re testing a new online study permit application. It’s now available for some applicants.

Use our new application to apply

If you need an eTA or visa

If you need an electronic travel authorization (eTA) or visa, we’ll issue it automatically at the same time as your study permit. You don’t need to apply separately or pay another fee.

You need an account to apply online. You can use your account to:

  • pay your fees
  • submit your application
  • check your status

Apply on paper from outside Canada

If you’re a legal resident of certain countries, you may be able to get your study permit faster by applying online through the Student Direct Stream .

Who’s eligible to apply on paper

You’re eligible to apply on paper only if you

  • hold an identity document or a travel document for non-national residents, refugees or stateless persons

Apply on paper

Apply online from inside Canada

  • a scanner or camera to create electronic copies of your documents, and

In most cases, your fees will include processing fees for you and anyone you include on your application.

If you can’t apply online

You can submit a paper application if either:

  • you can’t apply online because of a disability
  • there’s a problem with the online application

What to do if you can’t apply online

You need to apply as though you’re outside Canada

Even though you’re physically in Canada, you must follow the instructions for applying for a study permit from outside Canada.

In our online tools, choose your country of citizenship when you’re asked for your current country or territory of residence. This is to make sure you get the correct application forms.

When you fill out the PDF forms, your answers must be accurate, since they’re now part of your application. If you’re in Canada, use your Canadian address.

How to apply for a study permit

Scroll back up this page and select “Outside Canada” to find out how to apply.

Apply to restore your status as a student

If you want to continue studying in Canada, but your study permit has expired, you need to restore your status as a student and apply for a new study permit.

On the application form, select both

  • an initial study permit or extension of study permit and
  • restoration of temporary resident status as a student

Find out if you’re eligible and how to restore your student status .

Apply at a port of entry

When you arrive at the port of entry.

Tell the officer that you want a study permit. The officer will check

  • your passport or other travel document
  • that you meet the eligibility requirements and
  • that your medical certificate is valid, if you need one

If you’re eligible for a study permit, the officer will issue one to you. If you’re not eligible, the officer will refuse your study permit. If your permit is refused, you may still be able to enter Canada as a visitor .

You can’t apply at a port of entry

You can’t apply for a study permit at a port of entry. You need to apply from outside Canada.

Select “Outside Canada” to find out how you can apply for a study permit.

Apply for a study permit

As a Ukrainian national or a family member of a Ukrainian national, you can apply for a study permit in Canada.

How to apply for a study permit .

Credit cards and prepaid cards

We accept credit cards and prepaid cards from:

  • MasterCard ® ,
  • American Express ® , and

If you use a prepaid credit card, keep it for at least 18 months after you pay to make refunds easier.

We also accept all Visa Debit cards.

The card you use does not have to be in your name. The cardholder’s name will appear on the receipt but it does not need to match your application.

Debit cards

  • be from a Canadian bank using INTERAC ® Online , and
  • be registered for online banking through your bank’s website.

We also accept all Visa Debit cards. If your card has the Visa Debit logo on it, alone or with the INTERAC ® Online logo, select Visa Debit as your payment method.

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Home » Letters » Request Letters » Request Letter to Change Position at Work – Sample Letter Requesting to Change the Position at Work

Request Letter to Change Position at Work – Sample Letter Requesting to Change the Position at Work

application letter for time change

To, The HR Manager, __________ (Name of the Company) __________ (Address of the Company)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

Subject: Request for change in position

Respected Sir/ Madam,

I would like to inform you that my name is _______ (name), and I have been working in your company as a _________ (mention designation) for the last _________ (mention your tenure working with that company). My employee ID number is _________ (mention your employee ID number).

With the utmost respect, I am writing this letter to bring to your kind consideration my request for a change in my position at the office. Currently, I hold the position of _________ (mention your current designation) in your company, but I am willing to get the role of _________ (mention new designation) as I believe I possess the necessary skills and experience to fulfill the responsibilities associated with this position. I am also willing to undergo any assessments or evaluations required for the position change.

Therefore, I kindly request you to consider changing my position to _________ (mention designation). Your support and understanding in this matter will be greatly appreciated. I shall be highly obliged.

Thanking you, Yours sincerely, _________ (Signature), _________ (Your name), _________ (Employee details)

Incoming Search Terms:

  • Sample letter template for requesting a change in position at work
  • Letter format for requesting a change in position at work in English

By letterskadmin

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