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5 examples of thesis statements about racism for your next paper.

By Evans Apr 28 2021

Racism is a hot topic worldwide. It is one of the topics that never lack an audience. As expected, racism is also one of the most loved topics by teachers and even students. Therefore, it is not a surprise to be told to write an essay or a  research paper  on racism. You need to come up with several things within an incredible paper on racism, the most important one being a thesis statement. The term thesis statement sends shivers down the spine of many students. Most do not understand its importance or how to come up with a good thesis statement. Lucky for you, you have come to the right place. Here, you will learn all about  thesis statement  and get to sample a few racist thesis statements.

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Tips to writing a strong racism thesis statement

Keep it short.

A thesis statement is supposed to appear in the first paragraph of your essay. However, this does not mean that it should be the entire paragraph! A strong thesis statement should be one sentence (not an annoyingly long sentence), usually placed as the last sentence in the first paragraph.

Have a stand

A thesis statement should show what you aim to do with your paper. It should show that you are aware of what you are talking about. The thesis statement prepares the reader for what he or she is about to read. A wrong thesis statement will leave the reader of your paper unsure about your topic choice and your arguments.

Answer your research question

If you have been tasked with writing a  research paper  on why the Black Lives Matter movement has successfully dealt with racism, do not write a thesis statement giving the movement's history. Your thesis statement should respond to the research question, not any story you feel like telling. Additionally, the thesis statement is the summary of your sand and answer to the question at hand.

Express the main idea

A confused thesis statement expresses too many ideas while a strong, suitable one expresses the main idea. The thesis statement should tell the reader what your paper is all about. It should not leave the reader confused about whether you are talking about one thing or the other.

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racism thesis statement ideas

Thesis Statements About Racism Samples

Racism in workplace thesis statement examples.

Racism is so rampant in the workplace. Thousands face discrimination daily in their workplaces. While this is definitely bad news, it gives us more data to choose from when working on an essay or research paper on racism in the workplace. Here are a few examples of thesis statements about racism in the workplace:

1.       Despite being in the The 21st century, racial discrimination is still rampant in the workplace. The efforts made by governments and world organizations have not helped to do away with this discrimination completely.

2.       Even with the unity that comes with digitalism, colour remains the one aspect of life that has continually caused a rift in this life. A lot of efforts have turned futile in the war against racism. The workplace is no exception. It is infiltrated with racial ideologies that remain within man's scope despite the professionalism within the workplace.

3.       Systemic racism is no new concept. It remains the favoured term with the tongues of many after food and rent. This is an indicator of how rooted the world is when it comes to the issue of racism. The now world has been configured to recognize racial differences and be blind to human similarity. Organizations have been established upon this social construct, and more often than it has led them into a ditch of failure. The loot that comes with racism is of great magnitude to bear.

Thesis statement about Racism in schools

Many academic institutions have been recognized for producing students who have passed with distinctions. Unfortunately, behind these overwhelming results lies a trail of many students who have suffered racism and have missed the honors board because of the color differences. Let's look at some of the examples of thesis statements on racism in schools:

1.       Merit should be the S.I unit upon which humanity is graded. Unfortunately, this is not the case, especially in schools, for the new merit score is the person's color. Many have found their way to the honour's board not because of merit but because they of the same color affiliation as the teacher.

2.       Enlightenment and civilization have found their way to the world through one important institution called schools. We owe that to it. Unfortunately, even with the height to which the world has reached civilization and enlightenment, one area has been left out and remains unaddressed- the world view of color. Despite the light and glamour, we see globally, one predominant view is called race. We continue to paint the world based on human color, even in schools.

3.       Bullying falls among the vices that have dire consequences to the victim. One of the spheres to which bullying exists is the sphere of color and race within the context of schools. Many student's confidence and esteem have been shuttered only because they are black or white. Many have receded to depression because they feel unwanted in the schools. One of the prominent times within American History is the Jim Crow Era, where racial segregation in schools within North Carolina was rampant. We saw schools have a section for white students and a separate section for black students within this era. The prevailing flag was black and white, and racism was the order of the day.

Final Thought

Coming up with a thesis statement does not have to difficult. No, not at all. Evaluate the topic or question and express yourself through the thesis statement from your stance or the answer. Mastering this one key in writing exams or assignments is one of the keys to scaling up the ladder of lucrative grades. However, practice is a discipline that will see you become a pro in writing a prolific strong, and catchy thesis statement. Henceforth, regard yourself as a pro, regard yourself as the best in thesis statement writing. If you are still having trouble with coming up with an excellent thesis statement, do not beat yourself up because of it.  Paper per hour  has the  best writers  who can help you with all your racism thesis statement needs.

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How to Write a Racism Thesis Statement: A Step-by-Step Guide (With Examples)

Jul 20, 2023

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Jul 20, 2023 | Blog

As a student, you will handle many subjects and assignments.

One topic that is popular for essays and research papers is Racism.

Many resources are on the topic, so students assume a racism essay is easy.

The challenge you will face with a racism essay is not content but a thesis statement.

The racism thesis statement should be powerful and something your audience can understand and relate to.

This article will provide helpful guidelines and tips on writing a racism thesis statement and examples of powerful racist thesis statements.

Table of Contents

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What is a thesis statement?

A thesis statement is the backbone of a persuasive paper.

The thesis states your position or opinion as a factual claim and guides readers through their journey with you in this essay.

I am informing them on how they will navigate through it.

A good thesis statement is the equivalent of a preacher giving a sermon or a politician making an announcement.

As you craft your paper’s introduction, your goal will be to pique interest by announcing what you’re going to say in-depth throughout the rest of your essay.

Do you know how a preacher or politician might say, “Here’s what I’m going to tell you”?

The thesis statement is your announcement of what you’re trying to convey.

Difference between a TOPIC and a THESIS STATEMENT

A topic is a subject or good idea you would like to explore further.

A thesis statement is a specific argumentative stance you will take on the subject.

For example, Racism is a topic, while a thesis statement about Racism could be:

“While racism remains a problem in America, it can be reduced or potentially eliminated through the effective implementation of diversity training programs in schools and corporate institutions.”

How do I get started with writing a thesis statement on racial discrimination?

Use these three steps:

(1) brainstorm what you think

(2) refine your idea

(3) rewrite your idea in the form of a central claim

Let’s use a hypothetical sociology class assignment asking you to construct a response to the racism problem on our college campus.

Step 1: Brainstorm what you think 

You start by writing, “Racism is a prominent issue on our college campus.”

Even though this is a great starting point, it is not well-defined. It’s’ simply restating the assignment.

At this point, what you need to do is to brainstorm. On this given topic, what do you think about it?

What’s your opinion on the given topic?

How will you support your opinion?

What examples and facts can you provide?

Try putting these questions on paper and writing down your answers. You will then use the solutions you wrote down to formulate a stronger racism thesis statement.

Step 2: Refine your idea

One of the proven best methods of doing this is using the following model:

On a piece of paper, write this: “I think that ____________.

Using your initial brainstorming idea, fill in the blank.

In our case, it will be this: “I think that racism remains a problem on our college campus.”

While you have rewritten your rough idea at this stage, it is starting to form a thesis.

Next, complete this model as you continue building your thesis: I think racism Racism remains a problem on our college campus because __________.

Then you write: IRacism Racism remains a problem on our college campus because it does not require mandatory diversity training for all of its students.

Okay, now you are progressing and heading in a good direction.

Let’s reword the thesis to make it appear more “academic.”

Step 3: Rewrite your idea in the form of a central claim 

We need to replace the word “you” to make the thesis statement appear less personal and like the main claim.

To achieve this, delete the “I think that” from the sentence:

“Racism remains a problem on our college campus because the college does not require mandatory diversity training for all of its students.”

Hurray! You now have your thesis statement—many congratulations.

Essential details to keep in mind when writing a racism thesis statement

1) your racism thesis statement should appear at the beginning of the paper.

When writing a Racism essay on Racism, the thesis statement is important.

Readers should be given a clear idea of what your essay will cover and how it will unfold.

The racism thesis statement is an outlook for the rest of your paper in the introductory paragraph.

The introductory paragraph should clarify that you’re approaching this topic from all angles and know how complicated this issue can be in today’s society.

2) Your theRacismatement on Racism should give direction to the rest of your paper

A thesis statement on Racism gives your reader direction and provides several reasons for elaborating on a specific claim.

If you wish to accomplish this, your statement should expRacismhe the idea of Racism in-depth with different examples that will persuade readers.

For example: ”Racism does not exist” while still, an argument is insufficient as it has a false sense of structure.

However, if your thesis is that “racism does not exist because antiracist movements have grown in power and number over the years,” you can provide two reasons to support this claim within one sentence.

Such shapes the rest of your paper while leaving much time for evidence discussion later.

Such gives the paper the needed shape as evidence is discussed in detail to support this claim.

3) Ensure that you have a debatable argument

Although it’s important to question any information you are given, there is a certain knowledge that the public already values.

For exampRacismeryone, he knows Racism is a social and moral vice.

This means coming up with such a topic would not interest their audience.

Your argument becomes a racism thesis statement once you add an aspect.

For instance, oRacismld says, “Racism is the most harmful social and moral vice on earth. we might lose our unique identities and multicultural features if not eradicated soon enough.”

4) Keep your Racism thesis statement short!

It’s effortless to make your racism essay more interesting if you keep it short.

If you pick a broad topic, the magnitude of information will almost certainly give you trouble.

A good thesis statement should be small and localized rather than large or generalizing.

For example: “White police brutality on black people among many other things shows that Racism still exists in the United States” would make a powerful claim about something that was happening more often now than before

Tips On How To Write A Racism Thesis Statement

Tips On How To Write A Racism Thesis Statement

Before writing your thesis statement on Racism, consider the following guidelines.

Find a racism topic or issue to write about

Racism is a broad issue that continues to plague the world even today.

Therefore, finding an informative topic from which you can develop a thesis statement shouldn’t be difficult.

You can see Racism approach Racism through other social issues such as art, politics, economy, equitability, poverty, and history.

2. Pick a topic that is interesting to you

You might not be familiar with all the Racism surrounding Racism.

As asRacismoned earlier, Racism is a broad topic; there are many approaches you can take in your paper.

Therefore, to have an easier time developing a thesis, pick a racist topic that interests you.

For instance, if you are conversant with the history of America, your thesis statement could focuRacismhe the effects of Racism during the Civil Rights Movement that began in 1954 and ended in 1968.

3. Hook your reader

As you write your thesis statement, try to include a hook.

A hook is a statement that grabs the attention of a reader.

Try hooking your reader by relating your thesis to popular culture.

You could even refer to current issues on the news or relate to popular television programs, movies, or books.

4. Avoid offensiveRacismage

Remember, Racism is a personal issue; it is open to bias depending on your thinking.

Therefore, most of the issues surrounding this topic are controversial.

Avoid offensive and rude language when discussing a controversial topic in an academic paper.

Examples Of Racism Thesis Statements

Examples Of Racism Thesis Statements

It would help if you had a well-thought-out and well-constructed thesis statement to get a good score in your racism-related research paper or essay.

The following are examples of thesis statements on different racism topics.

Existence of Racism

Existence of racism | Essay Freelance Writers

Such an essay tries to prove that racial segregation is still a significant social problem.

Therefore, your thesis statement should focus on the problems racial segregation causes.

Consider the following example:

It is a fact that police killings involving people of color are more than white people. Joshua Correll of the University of Colorado confirmed this when he designed a game where the participants played cops. The game results indicated that, despite the people playing cop, they were more willing to kill a person of color and showed hesitation when the suspect was a white persRacismis. Racism continues to plague society.

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Workplace-related Racism

Racism is a form of prejudice often experienced in a workplace environment.

A workplace powerful racism thesis statement could read as follows:

Prejudice in a workplace environment is a backward practice that undermines productivity. In the professional sphere, white people are considered mentally superior, and therefore they get the top jobs that pay higher wages. Blacks are considered physically endowed and land physical labor jobs, which generally pay lower.

Anti-racism movements

Anti-racism is a phrase coined by people who formed movements to fight Racismnsequences of Racism.

Martin Luther King Jr led the greatest antiracist movement between the early 50s and the late 60s.

Another key antiracist figure was Nelson Madiba Mandela of South Africa.

Anti-racism also covers the beliefs and policies set to combat racial prejudice.

An anti-racism essay thesis statement should evoke emotion from a reader.

The following is an example:

Anti-racism movement leaders were treated inhumanely; Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years, and Martin Luther King Junior was assassinated. But, society today would not be as egalitarian as it is without them. Their sacrifices are the sole reason blacks and whites can walk on the same street and work together to create a brighter future.

Cause and effect

You can choose to write about Racism and the effect of Racism.

For example, ignoRacismis a cause of Racism that results in fear and eventually extreme violence.

The following is an example of a thesis statement that focuses on ignorance and fear as thRacismary causes of Racism.

Undoubtedly, Racism has negative consequences, the key among them being fear and violence, resulting from a need to protect themselves. Racism major cause of Racism is ignorance. Uneducated and unexposed feel threatened by people of a different race. Such people condone and practice this prejudice without considering its negative effects and consequences on the individuals they discriminate against and society.

Racism Thesis statements based on art and literature

Books, music, and movies cover a wide variety of racist topics.

The following are examples of literary artworks you can base a racism essay on:

Othello is a play by Shakespeare that addresses some delicate sociRacismssues such as Racism.

You could develop a thesis statemeRacismhlighting Racism in the play.

Othello, who was black, was highly disrespected by Lago and other characters such as Emilia, Roderigo, and Brabantio. These characters labeled him ”Barbary horse,” ”an old black ram,” ”thick lips,” and other demeaning names. He was also abused for marrying a Venetian woman. All this shows a strong conviction that one race is superior and a barbaric intolerance towards the ”inferior” race.

2. To kill a mockingbird

This book by Harper Lee is popular because it portrays the struggles of a black man in the southern states in the early 20 th century.

The book is a good source for Racism essays as it depicts Racism and its effects easily and comprehensibly.

The following is a good example of a racist thesis statement from To Kill a Mocking Bird :

Tom Robinson was suspected of murdering Mayella Ewell, a white woman, and was sentenced not because of any evidence but because he was black. Like Atticus Finch, Scout, and Jem, who tried to defend him, White characters were given shaming names such as ”Nigger lovers.” The story in the book clearly shows the tribulations a black man went through and how his word meant nothing.

3. Disney films

Disney films and racism thesis statements

Disney films are popular for their fascinating stories and world-class acting and production.

However, scrutiny of several films will realize a certain degree of racial prejudice in how the films portray characters.

The following is an example of a thesis statement focusing on racial prejudice in Disney films:

There is a significant degree of racial prejudice in how Disney portrays characters in their films. For example, in Jungle Book, the gorillas communicated in an African vernacular language. Another example is Lady and the Tramp, where the cat villains had slanted eyes and spoke with an East Asian accent. The film production company portrays protagonists as white and antagonists as people of color.

4. Advertisements

The advertisement sector also depicts racial prejudice.

To demonstrate, consider this thesis statement:

Several surveys show that black people are underrepresented in commercials, mainstream media, and online ads. According to the US Census Bureau 2010 records, blacks  and other racial minorities represent 30%. Yet, only 7% of ads involve black people, while other racial minorities are hardly ever represented.

Racism is a fairly easy subject for an essay and research paper .

However, it has so many sources and different points of view that selecting one idea to focus on in creating a thesis statement can be problematic.

But, with the guidelines shared above, developing a thesis statement for your racism essay will not be as difficult.

Remember, you need to let the reader know your point of view and demonstrate your objectiveness on the issue.

Examples of thesis statements on Racism

  • Racism worldwide can end if the global collaboration and interracial and intercultural communication continue to increase.
  • Racial minorities in America still face covert prejudice despite America’s institutional and societal changes in the sixties.
  • Multiculturalism has failed as an institutional practice in Europe, which can be determined by the increase in hate crime cases and racial minority issues.
  • Despite the significance of affirmative action in countering racial prejudice, there are concerns that it promotes racial differences.
  • There exists a misconception that affirmative action is a women’s agenda.
  • Racial prejudice founded on a single person’s actions but taken to be the general state of affairs for the given race is wrong.
  • Racism in the workplace adversely impacts workers’ productivity as it affects their aggressiveness.
  • It costs nothing to point out racist actions in the workplace.
  • The majority of Racism in the world relies on Racism as a means of garnering votes and grabbing power.
  • The rate of racial hatred and related crimes is high in Australian universities.
  • Students’ diversity can play a significant role in reducing racial crimes and related issues.
  • Embracing diversity in the workplace can help reduce incidences of racial intolerance.
  • Transgender, bisexual, gay, and lesbian Americans have experienced prejudice from society.
  • In the thirties, the Blacks lived in hatred and poverty, which was the cause of death of many innocent lives.
  • It was considered strange to show affection to Black Americans in the past.
  • Despite the frowning among most citizens in America, racial prejudice is a common practice, especially in the brave home.
  • Racial equality is a social barrier that Americans are yet to overcome.
  • There are wide geographical and psychological distances between Asians and Blacks in America. Such distances can be attributed to the segregation by the American society government or the white-centric media.

Isabella Robertson

I am dedicated to creating engaging blog posts that provide valuable insights and advice to help students excel in their studies. From study tips to time management strategies, my goal is to empower students to reach their full potential.

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List of Great Argumentative Essay Topics on Racism [Updated]

Bob cardens.

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The social issues that we face today are more complex and multifaceted than ever before. And, as a result, there are a lot of great argumentative essay topics on racism. Here are just a few examples:

What You'll Learn

Argumentative Essay Topics on Racism

  • How has institutional Racism affected the history of minority groups in the US? –
  • Should we consider Islamophobia racism?
  • Racism: Can we refer to it as a mental disorder?
  • Race: Does it serve any purpose in modern society?
  • How Racism impact the way Chinese American has been viewed.
  • Irishness: Should it be considered a show of racism?
  • Comic books: Can we consider it racist against black people?
  • How does Racism impact the way we view immigration? Description: In recent years, views of immigration in the United States have shifted with many Americans perceiving immigrants as a source of national prosperity, rather than an eminent burden
  • Racism Against Hispanics in America Description: One of the main challenges facing American society is racism. While the country is a multicultural society comprising of individuals from different cultures around the world, minority groups often face discrimination in the form hate crimes and racist comments. Although the issue of racism affects all minorities.
  • African American males are 10 times more likely to resist arrest than Caucasian males, is this due to them essentially resisting police brutality, or are other factors at play?
  • What is the driving force of racial police brutality?
  • Is defunding the police an effective way to end racial police brutality?
  • Racism. Discrimination and racial inequality. Essay Description: Today, everyone wants to reap the benefits of a diverse workforce. However, racism continues to be a major challenge to achieving this goal.
  • Prejudice towards ladies in hijab: Is it baseless?
  • Racism: Is it rooted in fear?
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Argumentative Essay Ideas on Racism

  • Does police brutality exist for other ethnicities other than African Americans?
  • Do prisons treat Caucasians differently than other ethnic groups?
  • Should prisons be segregated by race?
  • Educational Institutions take to Address Systemic Racism Description: Racism is a social issue that has existed for a long time, causing chaos among people from various races. It refers to discriminating against a person based on skin colour and ethnicity. Systematic racism, sometimes called institutional racism, refers to racism embedded in the regulations.
  • What countries are the most racist in the EU?
  • Do you agree with the statement, “there will always be color racism?”
  • Prejudice and racism: Are they the same thing?
  • What can be done to create pathways for more minority judges to take the bench?
  • Does Islamophobia separate minority populations in prison?
  • Is enough being done in the legal system to deter and punish hate crimes?
  • Should there be a zero-tolerance policy for racially biased police brutality?
  • Racial Discrimination: How We Can Face Racism Description: One of the most effective approaches to face racism and defeat it is through teaching the people its detrimental effects and how each one of us can be an agent of change. (Argumentative Essay Topics on Racism)

Theories of race and racism in an Administration of Justice, Criminal Justice race, gender and Class

These are just a few examples – there are literally endless possibilities when it comes to racism that you can write about in an argumentative essay . So, if you’re looking for some inspiration, don’t hesitate to check out these Research Paper Ideas on Racism with prompts!

Research Paper Ideas on Racism with prompts

  • Xenophobia, Racism and Alien Representation in District 9 Prompt: The term alien has many connotations for different people, from the scientific theory and sci-fi representations of extra-terrestrial life to the resurgence in modern society of legal uses regarding immigration. In popular culture these uses can often coincide whether metaphorical, allegorical, or explicit.
  • White and Black Team in Remember the Titans Prompt: Reducing prejudice essentially entails changing the values and beliefs by which people live. For many reasons, this is difficult. The first is that the ideals and expectations of individuals are also a long-standing pillar of their psychological stability.
  • Transformation of the American Government and “Tradition of Exclusion” Prompt: The United States of America is a country known for its pride in its democratic government, where the American Dream encourages everyone to strive for the very best. That rhetoric is deeply rooted in every aspect of life in this country from its conception until

  • This is America: Oppression in America in Glover’s Music Video Prompt: A common topic we see in our society is the debate of gun control in America. It has been an ongoing argument due to the mass of shootings in schools, churches, nightclubs, etc. The number of shootings has only been increasing over the years.
  • Theory of Slavery as a Kind of Social Death Prompt: The Orlando theory of slavery as a social death is among the first and major type of full-scale comparative study that is attached to different slavery aspects.
  • The Review of the Glory Road Prompt: Glory Road is an American sports drama film directed by James Gartner, in view of a genuine story encompassing the occasions of the 1966 NCAA University Division Basketball Championship. It was released on 13th January 2006.
  • The Relationship Between Racism and the Ideology of Progress Prompt: Through the years, as a result of the two world wars and the Great Depression, the term progress and the meaning attached to it greatly suffered.
  • The Racial Discrimination in Bob Dylan’s Song Prompt: President John F. Kennedy delivered a powerful message to the American People on June 11th of 1963, calling Congress to view civil rights as a moral obligation instead of a legal issue.
  • The People Segregation by Society in Divergent Prompt: It is clear that the society in Divergent places unrealistic limits on its members identities from the beginning of the book. Segregating different personality types into different factions not only has consequences on society but on the individual.
  • The Influence of Racial Or Ethnic Discrimination a Person’s Self-concept Prompt: Discrimination and prejudiced attitudes are assumed to be damaging aspects of society. The research presents the cognitive, emotional, and social damages related to experiencing discrimination. This research proposal focuses on determining the impacts of prejudice and how it negatively affects an individual. (Argumentative Essay Topics on Racism)
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Racism research paper  outline

Research questions on racism.

  • Have you seen the video of George Floyd’s death? What was your reaction to it? How did it make you feel?
  • How would you define racism?
  • How have you experienced racism towards yourself or others? How did it make you feel?
  • Has anyone ever assumed something about you because of the color or your skin? If so, explain.
  • Have you ever assumed something about someone else because of the color of their skin? If so, explain.
  • Has anyone ever called you the “N” word or referred to others in that way while you were present? If so, please share what happened.
  • Why do you think racism exists in today’s society? How do you think it will affect your future?
  • How has the police brutality and the protests/demonstrations impacted you on a personal level?
  • Do you feel your relationship with God makes you better equipped to handle all that is going within society concerning race? Why or why not?
  • Do you think it is important to celebrate the differences in people? Why or why not?
  • Is it important to have oneness in Christ or sameness in Christ? Explain. Do you think there is a difference between the two? Explain.
  • How do you think we can move forward and carry out racial reconciliation as a society?

Great Racism Research Paper Topics

  • What are the effects of racism on society?
  • How can we stop racism from spreading in contemporary society?
  • The mental underpinnings of racism
  • How does racism impact a person’s brain?
  • Amounts of racism in various social groups
  • The importance of socialization in racial and ethnic groups
  • How does racial tension affect social interactions?
  • The following are some ideas for essays on racism and ethnicity in America.
  • Interethnic conflict in the United States and other countries
  • Systematic racism exists in America.
  • Racism is prevalent in American cities.
  • The rise of nationalism and xenophobia in America.
  • Postcolonial psychology essay topics for Native Americans
  • Latin American musical ethnography issues.
  • Legacy of Mesoamerican Civilizations
  • Endangered Native American languages
  • What steps are American businesses taking to combat racism?
  • The role of traditionalism in contemporary Latin American society
  • Ethnopolitical conflicts and their resolutions are good topics for African American research papers.
  • The prevalence of racism in hate crimes in the US.
  • Latin America Today: Religion, Celebration, and Identity
  • National politics of African Americans in contemporary America.

Good racism essay topics:

  • Why Should We Consider Race to Understand Fascism?
  • The Racial Problem in America
  • Postwar Race and Gender Histories: The Color of Sex
  • The Relevance of Race in Fascism Understanding
  • Cases of Racial Discrimination in the Workplace in the United States
  • Problems with Gender, Race, and Sexuality in Modern Society
  • “Frankie and Alice”: Race and Mental Health
  • The history of immigration, race, and labor in America
  • Power and racial symbolism in Coetzee’s “Disgrace.”
  • In America, race and educational attainment are related.
  • Race to the Top: The Early Learning Challenge
  • Social learning, critical racial theory, and feminist theories
  • Minority Crime and Race in the United States
  • Racial, ethnic, and gender diversity in society
  • Documentary series “Race: The Power of an Illusion.”

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150+ Racism Essay Topics: Comprehensive Guide for Students


Table of contents

  • 1.1 Key Elements of an Effective Racism Essay
  • 2 Choose the Perfect Racism Essay Topic
  • 3 Historical Racism Essay Topics
  • 4 Contemporary Issues in Racism
  • 5 Analytical Approaches to Racism Essays
  • 6 Argumentative Racism Essay Topics
  • 7 The Impact of Racism in Various Sectors
  • 8 Racism in Education
  • 9 Racism in the Workplace
  • 10 Racism in Healthcare
  • 11 Tips for Crafting an Effective Racism Essay

Writing about racism can be challenging, but it is an important and impactful way to address a critical issue in society. This guide will help you choose compelling topics and craft essays that effectively communicate your arguments and insights.

Why Write About Racism?

Writing about racism is crucial because it addresses a persistent societal issue. Racism limits opportunities, fosters inequality, incites violence and creates social divides. Discussing this topic raises awareness, encourages self-reflection, and promotes empathy and understanding across different racial and ethnic groups.

Additionally, exploring racism helps:

  • Understand its historical roots
  • Dismantle harmful stereotypes
  • Examine intersections with sexism, classism, and more

Writing about racism is not just academic; it educates, advocates, and drives social change.

Key Elements of an Effective Racism Essay

Element Description
Thesis Statement A clear, debatable claim guiding your essay
Research Use of credible sources to support your argument
Examples and Evidence Real-life instances and historical facts illustrating racism
Counterarguments Addressing and refuting opposing viewpoints
Personal Narratives Stories that add a human dimension to your argument
Authoritative Sources Citations from reputable publications and experts
Logical Structure Organized introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion
Balanced Tone Objective language that avoids unnecessary emotionalism
Conclusion Summary of key points with a compelling final statement
Editing and Revising Ensuring clarity, coherence, and grammatical correctness

Choose the Perfect Racism Essay Topic

The PapersOwl team has compiled a comprehensive list of topics to help you write an impactful essay on racism. These topics cover various aspects of racism, from historical roots to contemporary issues. Whether you need to explore the psychological effects of experiencing racism or examine the role of literature in addressing racial issues, this list offers a wide range of options. For more diverse writing ideas, you might also want to explore our opinion essay topics .

  • The historical roots of racism in the United States
  • How does institutional racism affect the education system?
  • The impact of media representation on racial stereotypes
  • How do hate crimes correlate with racism?
  • What are the psychological effects of experiencing racism?
  • The role of activism in combating racism
  • How do immigration policies reflect racial biases?
  • The influence of social media on racial attitudes
  • Why do racial prejudices persist in modern society?
  • How does economic inequality relate to racial discrimination?
  • The effectiveness of diversity programs in workplaces
  • How does racism manifest in the criminal justice system?
  • The role of literature in addressing racism
  • How does cultural appropriation affect racial relations?
  • The effects of racism on mental health
  • How do schools address issues of racial inequality?
  • The impact of historical events on contemporary racism.
  • How do different countries tackle the issue of racism?
  • The relationship between race and identity.
  • How can community programs reduce racial tensions?

Historical Racism Essay Topics

  • The impact of slavery on American society
  • How did the Jim Crow laws enforce racial segregation
  • The role of Native Americans in early American conflicts
  • The consequences of the Civil Rights Movement
  • How did forced labor shape the economies of the Southern states
  • The history of anti-blackness in American history
  • The effects of colonialism on racial relations
  • How did the abolitionist movement influence American history
  • The role of black people in the American Revolution
  • How did World War II impact racial dynamics in the United States
  • The history of racial bias in the American legal system
  • How did the Emancipation Proclamation change the lives of former slaves
  • The impact of the Harlem Renaissance on racial identity
  • 14 The significance of the Reconstruction era in US history
  • How did the transatlantic slave trade affect global economies
  • The role of women in the fight against racial discrimination
  • The impact of historical immigration policies on racial diversity
  • How did segregation in schools affect educational outcomes for black students
  • The influence of historical literature on racial attitudes
  • How did early American politics shape racial biases

racism thesis statement ideas

Contemporary Issues in Racism

  • What is the impact of structural racism on modern society
  • How do African Americans experience racism in daily life
  • In what ways does the Supreme Court address racial discrimination
  • What are the effects of police brutality on community trust
  • How can education and awareness combat racism
  • To what extent does social media influence racial tensions
  • How do immigration policies affect other ethnic groups
  • What is the role of activism in the fight against racism
  • How does economic inequality perpetuate racial disparities
  • What is the effectiveness of diversity and inclusion programs
  • How does racial profiling affect minority communities
  • What is the relationship between racism and mental health
  • How does media representation influence public perceptions of race
  • In what ways does housing discrimination impact urban development
  • How can workplace policies address racial bias
  • What role do schools play in promoting racial equality
  • How does environmental racism affect minority communities
  • How do healthcare disparities reflect broader societal racism
  • What influence does political rhetoric have on racial attitudes
  • What are the challenges of achieving racial justice in a multicultural society

Analytical Approaches to Racism Essays

  • How do race and racism intersect in contemporary society
  • What is the significance of Black History Month in addressing racial issues
  • How does less access to resources perpetuate racial disparities
  • What does new research reveal about the causes of racism
  • How does white supremacy manifest in modern institutions
  • What impact did George Floyd’s death have on the racial justice movement
  • What strategies are effective to end racism
  • How can we understand and address racist behavior
  • What are the root causes of racial inequities
  • How does media portrayal of race influence public perception
  • What role does education play in reducing racial prejudices
  • How do economic factors contribute to systemic racism
  • What are the psychological impacts of experiencing racism
  • How does cultural representation affect racial identity
  • What is the historical context of racial segregation policies
  • How do laws and policies address racial discrimination
  • What are the health implications of racial disparities
  • How does socialization shape racial attitudes
  • What impact do grassroots movements have on racial equality
  • How do international perspectives on racism compare to those in the U.S.?


Argumentative Racism Essay Topics

  • Should the Supreme Court play a more active role in combating racism
  • How does racism affect children’s development and opportunities
  • Are certain ethnicities more susceptible to systemic prejudice
  • Should cultural practices be protected when they perpetuate racial biases
  • Can the idea of colorblindness in society effectively reduce racism
  • Should educational curriculums include more on the intersection of race and gender
  • Is it possible for members of marginalized groups to hold racist views
  • How do gender and race intersect to create unique forms of discrimination
  • Should laws mandate diversity training to reduce workplace prejudice
  • How does media representation of different ethnicities influence societal attitudes
  • Can cross-cultural exchanges help mitigate racial prejudices
  • Should schools teach children about the history and effects of racism
  • Is it ethical to impose quotas for minority representation in institutions
  • How do cultural norms perpetuate racial stereotypes
  • Should hate speech be more heavily regulated to combat racism
  • Can affirmative action effectively address racial inequities
  • Is the concept of race scientifically valid or a social construct
  • Should governments implement stricter penalties for racially motivated crimes
  • Can community policing reduce racial tensions and improve trust
  • Should cultural sensitivity be a mandatory part of professional training programs

The Impact of Racism in Various Sectors

  • How does racism affect healthcare access and quality
  • What is the impact of racial bias in the criminal justice system
  • How do racial disparities manifest in educational outcomes
  • What are the effects of racism on employment opportunities
  • How does racial discrimination influence housing policies
  • What is the role of racism in environmental justice issues
  • How does racism affect mental health services and treatment
  • What impact does racial prejudice have on political representation
  • How do racial biases shape media and entertainment industries
  • What are the consequences of racism in the tech industry
  • How does racism affect immigration policies and practices
  • What is the impact of racism on sports and athlete representation
  • How do racial inequalities influence public transportation access
  • What role does racism play in the allocation of social services
  • How does racism affect consumer behavior and marketing strategies
  • What are the impacts of racial bias in scientific research and academia
  • How do racial prejudices influence the legal profession
  • What is the effect of racism on financial services and banking
  • How does racism impact the nonprofit and charitable sector
  • What are the consequences of racism in the military and defense industries

Racism in Education

  • How do racial biases affect student performance
  • What impact does school segregation have on educational equality
  • How does curriculum content perpetuate racial stereotypes
  • What role do teachers’ attitudes play in racial disparities in education
  • How do disciplinary practices in schools reflect racial biases
  • What are the effects of underfunding schools in minority communities
  • How does access to advanced courses differ by race
  • What impact does racism have on college admissions processes
  • How do racial biases affect students’ mental health in educational settings
  • What role does racism play in the underrepresentation of minority faculty

Racism in the Workplace

  • How does racial discrimination affect hiring practices
  • What impact does workplace diversity training have on reducing racism
  • How do racial biases influence promotion opportunities
  • What are the effects of racism on employee morale and productivity
  • How does racial discrimination manifest in workplace policies
  • What role do corporate cultures play in perpetuating racial biases
  • How do wage gaps reflect racial disparities
  • What impact does racism have on workplace harassment and bullying
  • How does racial prejudice affect job performance evaluations
  • What are the legal implications of racial discrimination in the workplace


Racism in Healthcare

  • How do racial biases affect patient treatment and outcomes
  • What impact does racism have on access to healthcare services
  • How does racial discrimination influence medical research and studies
  • What role do healthcare providers’ attitudes play in racial disparities
  • How do socioeconomic factors intersect with race to affect health
  • What are the effects of racism on mental health care access
  • How does racial bias manifest in maternal and infant healthcare
  • What impact does racism have on the doctor-patient relationship
  • How do public health policies reflect racial inequalities
  • What are the consequences of racism in the training of healthcare professionals

Tips for Crafting an Effective Racism Essay

Writing an essay on racism can be challenging due to the emotional and sensitive nature of the topic. However, by following these tips, you can craft a thoughtful essay that will engage your readers and present a well-supported argument.

  • Start with a Strong Thesis Statement

Begin your essay with a clear and debatable thesis statement. This central argument will guide the direction of your essay and provide a foundation for your discussion. For example, your thesis could be: “Systemic racism is a significant barrier to equality in the United States.”

  • Conduct Thorough Research

Ensure that your essay is well-researched by consulting a variety of credible sources. Use data, expert analysis, case studies, and historical facts to support your argument. This not only strengthens your essay but also helps to present a balanced view of the topic.

  • Show, Don’t Just Tell

Instead of simply stating that racism exists, show it through real-life examples and historical context. Use vivid descriptions and factual evidence to illustrate the impact of racism. This approach helps to make your argument more convincing and relatable to the reader.

  • Anticipate Counterarguments

Consider the perspectives of those who might disagree with your argument. Address these counterarguments thoughtfully and respectfully, providing evidence to refute them. This demonstrates that you have considered multiple viewpoints and strengthens your overall argument.

  • Personalize Your Argument

Incorporate personal anecdotes or stories to give a human dimension to your essay. Sharing personal experiences or narratives of those affected by racism can make your argument more compelling and emotionally resonant.

  • Use Authoritative Sources

When citing facts and statistics, ensure that you reference authoritative sources. This includes academic journals, reputable news outlets, and respected experts in the field. Accurate citations enhance the credibility of your essay.

  • Craft a Logical Structure

Organize your essay with a clear and logical structure. Typically, this includes an introduction, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Each paragraph should focus on a single point that supports your thesis and transition smoothly to the next.

  • Avoid Emotional Language

While it’s important to convey the emotional impact of racism, avoid using overly emotional or inflammatory language. Strive for a balanced tone that presents your argument objectively, making it more likely to resonate with a broader audience.

  • End with a Strong Conclusion

Conclude your essay by reinforcing your thesis and summarizing your key points. Include a call to action or a thought-provoking statement that encourages the reader to consider the implications of your argument and reflect on their views.

  • Edit and Revise

Lastly, thoroughly edit and revise your essay. Check for clarity, coherence, and grammatical correctness. Consider seeking feedback from peers or instructors to refine your argument and improve the overall quality of your writing.

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racism thesis statement ideas

110 Racism Essay Topics

Racism is an emotionally charged subject for many people, yet its historical and cultural impact cannot be understated. This makes racism topics one of the more challenging essays to compose. As the author, you run the risk of inflaming the reader when the goal is to connect with them in a way that generates awareness or potentially invites them to reexamine their opinion.

One of the best ways to compose an essay about a racist topic is to look for an idea that you can defend with valid arguments, research, and sound justifications. This is especially important if you are trying to persuade the reader to adopt your point of view.

Tips For Writing a Racism Topic Essay

The following tips and structural recommendations can help guide you through the process of writing a successful essay about racism. The process starts with thoroughly researching the topic at hand, which can be challenging if you already have a strong opinion about the topic. Though thoroughly research will better arm you to make a strong and well-supported argument.

Pay Attention

When writing an essay about a racist topic it is often best to use a third-person point of view. This makes it easier for you to present the argument objectively, while also reducing the risk of the reader becoming emotionally charged about the topic. If you need to offer up supporting facts in your argument, make sure to quote them directly. Be sure to include all key information including the name of the person or institution that provided the information. This makes it clear that you are not stating your own personal opinion or influence.

The structure of an essay on racism should follow the typical five-paragraph structure used by many successful essays. This includes an introduction with a strong thesis statement, as well as three supporting paragraphs in the body of the essay, and a strong conclusion. It’s important that each of the body paragraphs, each one should have its own distinct point and they should flow in a way that offers up evidence to support your opinion.


The introduction of your essay on racism should directly state the topic while also offering up a potential answer. Ideally, you want to address the reader directly to engage them in expanding their awareness of the topic or potentially reexamining their own point of view. It helps to use authoritative language without sounding inflammatory or derogatory. You want the reader to feel that you are talking to them not down at them.

The last sentence of two of your introduction needs to include a strong “Thesis Statement.” This should be a sentence or two that support the topic. It should also flow into the first point you will cover in the first body paragraph.

Body Paragraphs

The first paragraph of your racism essay needs to connect to the thesis statement while also offering supporting evidence. Ideally, you want to use a connecting phrase such as “One of the root causes of this,” or “New research indicates.” You then need to follow up this statement with an outside quote or a relevant, credible source. The end of your first body paragraph should also have a statement that leads to the second paragraph.

The second paragraph of your essay on racism should offer up a second supporting piece of evidence to clearly identify it as a separate entity. It’s best to use transition words at the start of the second paragraph such as “Next” “In addition,” or “Another cause is.” Then finish the second paragraph with a statement that helps it transition to your third point.

Your third body paragraph should also start with a transition phrase. This paragraph should also note the consequences that could arise if the racism topic is not addressed conscientiously. This paragraph should also end with a sentence or two that links to the conclusion.

The conclusion of your essay on racism needs to have an assertive tone without being aggressive. The goal is to win the reader over to your original thesis and include a “Call to action” or a “Call to Reexamine.” You want to invite the reader to consider the topic in an objective way that wins them over to your original point of view.

Choosing the right topic for your racism essay can be challenging. Such an emotionally charged genre can stir up feelings of controversy that have the potential to overwhelm the sound reasons behind it. If you are struggling to choose an essay topic, you might want to peruse the following list to see if there are one or two that you can connect with.

Historical Topics

  • Did President Obama’s legacy open the door for more African American Presidents in the future?
  • Is Michelle Obama one of the most beloved first ladies of all time?
  • The legacy of George Washington Carver.
  • Why do so many African American’s still bear their slave-owners’ last names?
  • The legacy of Malcolm X.
  • The legacy of Muhamad Ali.
  • Why is it easier for Bruce Jenner to change his name, but so hard for Cassius Clay?
  • The legacy of Native American boarding schools
  • General Custer’s folly.
  • The legacy left behind by Japanese internment camps.
  • Are white males being discriminated against due to the sins of their ancestors?
  • The legacy left by the murder of Emmitt Till?
  • Should Mamie Till be honored more during Black History Month?
  • Should the living descendants of freed slaves be paid reparations today?
  • Did unfettered alcoholism in the Mid-Atlantic South play a role in the brutality of slavery?
  • Should Sally Hemmings have been named a part of Thomas Jefferson’s estate?
  • Should the German people of today pay reparation to Israel for the Holocaust?
  • The lasting legacy of Harriet Tubman.
  • Does the infidelity of Martin Luther King Jr. diminish his historical legacy on the fight for racial justice?
  • Has the Diaspora strengthened or weakened the Armenia heritage & culture?
  • Did the sexual revolution of the 1960s help to bridge the gap between Caucasian and African American women?
  • Have the Tuskegee Airmen and other African American units in World War Two received the recognition they deserve?
  • Who were the most influential leaders of the Black Power movement?
  • Was European Colonialism and the Triangle Trade the driving force of racism in the New World?
  • Should Memorials & Statues of Confederate Leaders be torn down or preserved to immortalize the follies of the past?
  • How did Apartheid influence the economy of South Africa?
  • Do the works of Charles Darwin promote racism or dispel it?
  • If they had been alive during that time, do you think Southern Presidents of the United States like Thomas Jefferson would have supported the Confederacy during the Civil War?
  • Was Andrew Johnson’s failure to rebuild the South after the Civil War a root cause that kept racism alive.
  • Why was there such a delay in making Juneteenth a Federally recognized holiday?

Current Cultural Racism Topics

  • Does change the names of sports franchises like Washington DC’s football team, and Cleveland baseball team dimmish the historical legacy of their franchises?
  • Does African American’s using the “N-Word” keep the slur alive in our modern vernacular.
  • Is Dave Chapelle a racist, activist, or just an entertainer?
  • Should Richard Pryor be remembered during black history month?
  • Should violence against Jewish people be considered a hate crime?
  • Is the Confederate Flag a symbol of racism or a historical relic?
  • Was the Dukes of Hazard a racist TV series?
  • Has the legacy of George Floyd helped reduce incidents of police brutality?
  • Do protests on racial injustice go too far when community looting and arson occur?
  • Should the descendants of Native Hawaiians be given the same rights & land as Native Americans on the Mainland?
  • Was OJ Simpson’s acquittal in the murder of Nicole Brown influenced by his race?
  • Did the murder of George Floyd replace the legacy of the Rodney King riots of 1992?
  • Should slander remarks made about Jewish people be classified as “Hate Speech.”
  • Is toxic black masculinity real?
  • Are ethnic foodways discriminated against to the same degree as differences in ethnicity?

Sports & Athletics

  • The impact of Jackie Robinson’s legacy on professional sports.
  • Should college coaches who have a history of mistreating players based on their race be banned from employment in professional sports?
  • The majority of football, baseball, and basketball players are of African American descent, yet there is only a small percentage of minority coaches in the major sports, why?
  • Is enough being done to create pipelines for people of color to hold executive positions in professional sports?
  • Should the song Lift Every Voice & Sing be sung at all major sporting events along with the US National anthem?
  • Is enough being done to create a pipeline for Asian athletes to play on sports teams that are predominantly white or African American?
  • Should more Caucasian professional athletes use their platform to fight racism?
  • Is there wage discrimination based on race in professional sports?
  • Does racism exist in European sports the way it is in American Sports?
  • Is Joe Louis as recognized for breaking boxing’s color barrier as Jackie Robinson is for breaking baseball’s color barrier?
  • Should Critical Race Theory be taught in schools?
  • Does the current education system contribute to the school-to-prison pipeline?
  • Is enough being done to prohibit hate speech in public schools?
  • Should private schools be allowed to set their own rules regarding discrimination, hate speech, and racism within their walls?
  • Did the Supreme Court rule correctly in Brown vs the Board of Education?
  • Do schools in predominantly white communities have better access to technology and education resources compared to schools in communities that are predominantly populated by people of color?
  • Should school plays that portray Civil War Confederate Heroes like Robert E. Lee be banned?
  • Does decreased access to technology affect the academic performance of children of color?
  • What is the “Banality of Racism” in education?
  • Was segregating the schools by race a good idea with the bad implementation or a bad idea on the whole?

Entertainment Topics

  • Is the movie White Men Can’t Jump racist?
  • What is the underlying message of American History X?
  • Will the TV series Roots have the same cultural impact on the next generation as it has on the current generation?
  • What was the cultural influence of William Shatner kissing Nichelle Nichols?
  • Does the use of the “N-Word” in movies promote its use in real-life?
  • Are there racial barriers in Hollywood, Oscars & Academy Awards?
  • Do Caucasian actors need to demonstrate more allyship in the entertainment industry?
  • Should actors with antisemitic behavior, like Mel Gibson, be banned by the screen actors guild?
  • Do actors and celebrities have a duty to allyship against racism as part of their platform?
  • Is there an active bias against casting minorities in movies and TV shows?

Ethical Topics on Racism

  • Why is racism considered immoral today, but wasn’t before the mid-1800s?
  • Are the protests of Black Lives Matter helping to end racism or entrenching racists from seeing the error of their ways?
  • Should racism be considered a form of mental illness?
  • Is Islamophobia a form of racism or a legitimate phobia?
  • Is the term “Third World” a racist term, or simply outdated jargon?
  • Is Allyship a critical component for ending racism in the long term?
  • If you see a hate crime being committed are you morally obligated to try to stop it?
  • Is the term “Irishness” another form of racism?
  • Is the differentiation of cultural differences and folkways a form of racism?
  • How has aboriginal racism affected the history of Australia?
  • Is social kin bias the underlying cause of racism?
  • Is the Ancient Greek philosophy of barbarism an influential force on racism today?
  • Do Christians have an ethical duty to speak out against antisemitism?
  • In a community where lynching has occurred, are the people who fail to act to prevent it morally culpable as accessories to the crime?
  • Is it the responsibility of the community to oust hate groups like the Klu Klux Klan?

Racism in the Legal System

  • African American males are 10 times more likely to resist arrest than Caucasian males, is this due to them essentially resisting police brutality, or are other factors at play?
  • What is the driving force of racial police brutality?
  • Is defunding the police an effective way to end racial police brutality?
  • Does police brutality exist for other ethnicities other than African Americans?
  • Do prisons treat Caucasians differently than other ethnic groups?
  • Should prisons be segregated by race?
  • What can be done to create pathways for more minority judges to take the bench?
  • Does Islamophobia separate minority populations in prison?
  • Is enough being done in the legal system to deter and punish hate crimes?
  • Should there be a zero-tolerance policy for racially biased police brutality?

Social Media Topics

  • Does social media have a positive or negative effect on racism?
  • Does TikTok allow racist behavior on their platform challenges?
  • Does social kin bias affect racist behavior on social media
  • Should social media ban using their platforms to organize racist gatherings
  • Twitter has become a platform for racist messaging without consequences to the user or Twitter as a company.
  • Should there be a filter for memes that contain racist messaging?
  • Would banning racist messaging on social media be a violation of the right to free speech?
  • Has the rise of social media allowed racism to spread beyond traditional regional borders?
  • Should there be stronger laws against hate speech geared to limit the influence of social media?
  • Would the murder of George Floyd have gained national and even international attention without the influence of social media?

These are 110 rasism essay topic ideas that we have prepared for you. We hope that you find our list useful for your work.

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Racism In "A Raisin In The Sun" By Lorraine Hansberry

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Best topics on Racism

1. Racism in the Justice System: Unveiling Disparities

2. “The New Jim Crow” Book Review: Mass Incarceration and Racial Injustice

3. Was the Reconstruction Era a Success or Failure: A Look Through Sport

4. Unveiling the Dangers of Color Blind Racism: Ignorance, Indifference, and Inequality

5. Towards a World Without Prejudice: The Path to Ending Racism

6. The Problem of Police Brutality and Racism in Britain

7. The Effects of Racism in Today’s World: Psychological and Cultural Implications

8. The Issue of Racism in Soccer: Causes, Effects, and Ways to Combat

9. Racism in Malaysia as an Element of Contemporary Malaysian Culture

10. Racism in Healthcare: Examining Patient-Provider Communication and Health Disparities

11. Racism and Inequality: Barriers to Education for Black Americans

12. Dear Martin: Depiction of Racism in Nic Stone’s Novel

13. Cultural Differences and Racism in “The Great Gatsby”

14. An Overview of the Causes of Racism and Its Effects on Society

15. “To Kill a Mockingbird”: Racism and Its Impact on the Novel’s Characters

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Racial Profiling Essay: Outline, Examples, & Writing Tips

Racial profiling is not uncommon. It’s incredibly offensive and unfair behavior that causes most of the protests in support of people of color. It occurs when people are suspected of committing a crime based on their skin color or ethnicity.

Racial profiling is incredibly offensive and unfair behavior that causes most of the protests in support of people of color.

Unfortunately, most people are unaware that racial profiling is an everyday phenomenon that harms both the victims and society. Therefore, it’s crucial that we highlight this issue in as many ways as possible. One of the options is expressing your opinion through writing. A racial profiling essay can be inspiring and persuasive. All the power is in your hands, so let’s figure out how to use it! Keep reading this guide made by experts.

The article contains a writing guide, a collection of racial profiling essay topics, ideas, and examples, as well as the tips on making a racial profiling essay outline. We hope that it will inspire you to make an A+ argumentative racial profiling essay or even a persuasive speech on the topic!

đŸ€” What Is a Racial Profiling Essay about?

  • 📑 Making an Outline
  • 👌 Writing Tips

📝 Racial Profiling Essay Examples

🔗 references.

There is more than one objective for writing a racial profiling essay. First of all, it can be as simple as expressing your feelings about it. For example, you might consider pointing out how unfair and unjustified those actions are. Moreover, if you’re a law student, you should definitely back up those conclusions with the extractions from the Constitution.

You can then focus on describing the impact it has on society, which makes a fantastic cause and effect essay. There are so many more topic ideas, but if you’re feeling stuck, go ahead to the article’s next sections!

Argumentative Racial Profiling Essay

To write a successful argumentative racial profiling essay, you need to focus on investigating the topic to express your perspective later. Every statement you include in the main body of the writing should be supported by evidence. The essential part of such an essay is a clear thesis statement! And if you struggle to come up with a good one yourself, you can get help from a thesis statement generator online .

Persuasive Racial Profiling Essay

Unlike the type discussed above, a persuasive racial profiling essay should aim to convince your readers that your point of view is the only correct one. Instead of just presenting your point of view, you need to gather the most convincing facts that can influence your audience. It requires expertise in the topic of racial profiling.

Racial Profiling Essay Topics

Looking for a racial profiling essay topic ? Find a short and sweet topic collection below.

  • The impact of racial profiling on the US society. For this essay, you would need to study how citizens react to racial profiling. You might also include some statistics from the previous years.
  • Present your point of view on the issue of racial profiling. If you ever faced it yourself, your reflective essay would be even more powerful! Include as much evidence as you can.
  • Racial profiling: are African Americans overreacting? Someone feels like people might be taking this issue too personally. Therefore, you should provide strong arguments to point out how discriminating those actions are.
  • Accepting racial profiling as a common practice. Express your opinion on this topic. Do you think police should be legally allowed to practice racial profiling? Why would it be a violation of rights?
  • Racial profiling from a psychological perspective. Try to analyze this occurrence as if you were a professional psychologist. What do you think makes law enforcement act this way?
  • Does racism impact the US immigration?
  • Discuss the definition and origins of racial profiling.
  • Analyze the aim and values of the Black Life Matter movement.
  • Racial stereotypes in Disney films.
  • Examine the problem of workplace racism.
  • How can racism in medicine be eliminated?
  • What is the colorblind racism?
  • Describe your personal experience of racism.  
  • Compare the ways South Africa and the US are handling racism.
  • The goals of the Black Lives Matter movement.
  • Explain why racism is a persistent problem in modern society.
  • Explore the concept of racial profiling in the “war on drugs.” 
  • Childhood under the racist laws of apartheid in Trevor Noah’s Born a Crime .
  • Discuss the effect of racism on child development.  
  • Is there a racial disparity gap in healthcare?
  • Describe the problems racism causes in American schools.
  • How does racism affect modern society?
  • Racial stereotypes in music video.  
  • The pros and cons of racial profiling in the airports.
  • Describe the specifics of colorblind racism.  
  • Discuss the possible solutions of racial profiling problem.
  • Terrorist attacs in 9/11, hate crimes, and racial profiling.
  • Is institutionalized racism a real problem or a myth?
  • Racial and ethnical prejudices in breast cancer treatment.
  • Examine the cases of racism against healthcare workers and their consequences.
  • Analyze the impact of racism on globalization .
  • Describe and characterize the main types of modern racism.  
  • Racial profiling of minority groups in the US.
  • Is racial discrimination issue completely eliminated from American society?
  • Evaluate the racial inequalities in the US judicial system.
  • Describe how race relations are represented in Men We Reaped by Jesmyn Ward.
  • Analyze the difference between individual and institutional racism.
  • Investigation of the history of racism in The Case for Reparations by Coates.
  • Is racial profiling a discrimination or a necessary evil?
  • Ways of dealing with racism in American education. 
  • Examine the history of racial stereotypes in the US.
  • Explain why racial profiling is a violation of human rights.
  • Catastrophic consequences of discrimination and racial prejudice in the film A Soldier’s Story . 
  • Racism as a global issue.
  • Discuss the causes and effects of racism in America.
  • What can be done to resolve the problem of racism at interactional level?  
  • Analyze the issue of racial profiling of drivers.
  • Describe the problem of racism and discrimination from the perspective of social psychology.
  • Discuss the methods of solving the problem of policing racism.  
  • Examine the cases of racism in social work environment.

📑 Racial Profiling Essay Outline

Whichever type of racial profiling essay you choose to work on, the basic writing strategy remains the same. After you pick up the suitable title and finish your research, it’s time to reorganize the main ideas. The best way to do it is to create a racial profiling essay outline that serves as a foundation for your future essay.

There are three elements that any essay must have:

  • Introduction

The main body should have at least three paragraphs in which you present your arguments supported by evidence.

Racial Profiling Essay Introduction

It is a good idea to start your essay with a hook – a statement that aims to grab your reader’s attention. In your racial profiling essay introduction, you could use some impressive statistics that illustrate the problem of racial discrimination or describe a real-life situation.

At this stage, it’s also essential that you think about composing a racial profiling thesis statement . It goes as the last sentence of the introduction and becomes the focal point of your whole writing. The thesis statement includes your opinion and a short description of your arguments.

Racial Profiling Essay Conclusion

In conclusion, you should summarize your arguments and paraphrase your racial profiling thesis statement. It is also a good idea to add some information about the most important findings. This way, your essay would be both informative and persuasive.

👌 Racial Profiling Essay: Writing Tips

Let us remind you of some basic rules you should stick to while writing:

  • Introduce your position on the problem and, at least, three major points in the thesis statement of your racial profiling essay.
  • Gather enough facts and pieces of evidence to support your points.
  • Do not forget to study the arguments of the opposing side.

Before you get down to writing your essay on racial profiling, try to answer the following questions:

  • When did racial profiling start?
  • Why does it happen?
  • What consequences does it lead to?

Try to find some statistical data to include in your essay on racial profiling. Be careful with sources and information. The point is that racial profiling is unconstitutional, which is why you will not find official data, something like police reports, etc. Thus, use only credible online and printed sources when writing your papers on racial profiling.

There is also a way to show your creativity in the essay on racial profiling. You may play the devil advocate’s role and support it in the paper on racial profiling. We are sure this unusual approach will impress your teacher!

Below you’ll find links to 3 racial profiling essay examples. We hope that they will inspire you to write an A+ paper on racism and discrimination.

The modern globalized society provides numerous opportunities for improved communication and increased mutual understanding. However, there are still such problems as discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, mentality, sex, or gender, biased attitudes to some minorities, and widespread stereotypical thinking.

Read the full text

The system of racism entails degrading and harmful actions and beliefs that are implemented and expressed by both groups of people. Racism over the years has been one of the reasons behind poverty and lack of access to social mobility in the United States.

Racial identity and racial socialization are proposed to promote the improvement of African American adolescents in the aspect of race-related difficulties. Current studies pointed out that discrimination is a condition that has harmful effects on the mental health of African Americans.

So, good luck with your papers on racial profiling! Do not hesitate to visit our blog if you have trouble with terrorism essays or any other written assignment.

  • Racial Profiling: Definition | American Civil Liberties Union
  • This is why everyday racial profiling is so dangerous – CNN
  • Racial profiling – AP News
  • Racial profiling: Germany debating police methods – DW
  • Psychology responds to racial profiling
  • Racial Profiling – Equal Justice Initiative
  • Racial Profiling: Past, Present, and Future?
  • Racial profiling | Independent
  • Racial Profiling – University of Michigan Law School
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Essay Service Examples Social Issues

Racism Essays

... samples in this category

As the saying goes, no one is born a racist as it’s something that people learn as they are facing the dark sides of life and social interactions. Since racism is a problem that has been around for decades, numerous college students in the United States and beyond have to...

As the saying goes, no one is born a racist as it’s something that people learn as they are facing the dark sides of life and social interactions. Since racism is a problem that has been around for decades, numerous college students in the United States and beyond have to explore this problem. Composing a racism essay is not an easy task. One should turn to the history of the issue or focus on exploring things like racial police brutality or the cases of biased attitudes in the field of healthcare. Regardless of your subject or take on things, always operate with the facts and connect the arguments that you make with your course unless you are told to follow a specific scenario.

Composing your essay on racism, remember to mention what type of racism is explored and what social environment has been taken as the background. By doing so, you will be able to narrow things down and avoid having your ideas scattered as you have used a global take on things. It’s always possible to explore influential personalities and write an essay that will leave some hope for humanity as it’s not our differences that divide us but our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate what we have as the Audre Lorde famously noted.

How to Structure Your Essay On Racism

Once again, it will always depend on your subject and the essay type. While you will encounter thousands of topics to explore, writing about racial issues still has to be structured according to your college’s instructions, formatting style, and essay type. In most cases though, you will have to include an introduction with a thesis statement, three to five body paragraphs, and a strong conclusion.

For example, a racial discrimination essay must always introduce the social background of the problem and offer statistical information or reports from sociological surveys. If you are talking of a workplace case study at a particular company, let your readers know about it. Likewise, when dealing with reflective writing as you talk about racism in sports based on some movie, include relevant information in your introduction part. Now the body parts must present at least three of your key findings, especially if you are told to compose a racism argumentative essay. It means that you should brainstorm the solutions and look into the causes for each particular case. Always do your best to connect your findings with the thesis statement.

The conclusion part must sum up your ideas and provide readers with a call to action to follow your ideas and, possibly, continue with further academic research.

8 Tips For Racism Essay Writing

Let us assume that you need to compose an excellent essay on racism and discrimination based on a famous TKAM book (To Kill a Mockingbird). While things will sound rather simple at the first glance, it’s one of those subjects where quite a lot has been already told and written. When you need to explore the causes of racial prejudice in the past, you still have to collect information and start with the facts or a hook sentence that will provide something inspiring.

Here are eight writing tips that will help make your essay stand out:

1. Explore the background of your racism case. 2. Seek statistical reports and provide scientific reports. 3. Seek first-hand materials to include in your sources. 4. Dealing with a literary book, focus on the characters and explore the motives. 5. Addressing case study reports for your race essay example, remember to explore the subject beyond your course materials. 6. Focus on famous personalities that helped to bring up the problem of racism. 7. Study anti-racial regulations and the laws. 8. Always proofread your essay aloud to increase the final readability and eliminate grammar issues.

Even when you write about a personal case of racism in education and do so in the first person, always include statistical information and avoid using particular names as it may be against the law and cast a dark shadow on certain personalities or an institution.

Racism Essay Examples & Why They Help Students

As you explore the possibilities and see what kind of racial subjects you can use, take time to explore various gun control essay samples to get inspiration and see how legislation and social debates can be put together. Since essays on racism can take all the possible shapes and lengths, the trick is to create an outline and narrow things down. Just think about what society environments you would like to explore, why, and how exactly. Turning to already available examples of racial essays online, you will save yourself a great deal of time and will avoid making certain writing mistakes. When you have an example, you can structure your thoughts in a much better way.

There are also racial discrimination essay examples that deal with seeking justice by Martin Luther King, Jr. and even Abraham Lincoln as he explored the issue as well. Just take your time to explore, take notes, and you will come up with a racial essay that will always stand out!

Always Take Your Time to Explore All Sides of Racism

When you are brainstorming various cases of racial injustice or exploring the Montgomery Bus Station Boycott along with the students’ protests in the United States, make sure that you explore all the range of the problem as well. Do not limit yourself by taking only those popular topics that have been explored before. Your essay about racism can talk about the fashion industry, television, the bullying that we encounter in schools, or talk about how people still ignore racial prejudice. Take your time to look beyond the most popular topics and you will learn that every field of life is worth your skills as you compose your racism essay paper. Think outside the box, explore, and you will always offer something unique that will earn the best grades!

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Home — Essay Samples — Social Issues — Racism — Martin Luther King

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Essays on Martin Luther King

Martin luther king essay topics.

Great Martin Luther King essay topics have a purpose and context. If you want to talk about civil rights, make it clear in the introduction whether you are writing in view of the 60s civil rights movements or the current laws. Consider a specific theme and a complex but understandable thesis statement. Maybe you want to enlighten your readers about pre-civil rights. Then, your paper on Martin Luther King essay topics needs to highlight the influential precursor movements and individuals who inspired Luther e.g. Mrs. Rosa parks and the black women who were mathematically talented at NASA. That is why we emphasize using good samples before writing college papers. You may be familiar with the outline but can you create a strong conclusion?

Hook Examples for Martin Luther King Essays

The dream that changed america hook.

Begin your essay by quoting Martin Luther King Jr.'s iconic "I Have a Dream" speech. Explore the impact of this speech on civil rights and its enduring significance in the fight for equality.

The Montgomery Bus Boycott Hook

Introduce the Montgomery Bus Boycott as a pivotal moment in Dr. King's activism. Describe the events leading to the boycott and its role in shaping the civil rights movement.

The Letter from Birmingham Jail Hook

Discuss the powerful "Letter from Birmingham Jail" written by Dr. King during his imprisonment. Examine the letter's arguments for civil disobedience and its impact on the struggle for justice.

The March on Washington Hook

Highlight the significance of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963. Describe the event, its participants, and Dr. King's historic "I Have a Dream" speech delivered at the Lincoln Memorial.

The Nonviolent Resistance Hook

Explore Martin Luther King Jr.'s philosophy of nonviolent resistance and its influence on the civil rights movement. Discuss the strategies and principles behind nonviolent protest.

The Legacy of Dr. King Hook

Reflect on Dr. King's lasting legacy and his impact on civil rights, social justice, and the quest for equality. Discuss how his work continues to inspire change today.

The Assassination and Mourning Hook

Examine the tragic assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968 and the national mourning that followed. Discuss the immediate aftermath and the long-term effects on the civil rights movement.

The Global Influence Hook

Discuss how Martin Luther King Jr.'s message of equality and justice resonated beyond the United States, inspiring movements for civil rights and social change around the world.

The Continuing Struggle Hook

Connect Dr. King's work to ongoing struggles for racial and social justice. Explore how contemporary movements draw inspiration from his teachings and activism.

The Man Behind the Legend Hook

Offer a glimpse into Martin Luther King Jr.'s personal life, upbringing, and motivations. Explore the man behind the iconic figure and shed light on his character and values.

Thesis Statements about Martin Luther King Jr.

  • Martin Luther King Jr.'s leadership in the Civil Rights Movement transformed American society, advocating for equality through nonviolent protest and inspiring future generations to continue the fight for social justice.
  • The eloquence and moral conviction of Martin Luther King Jr.'s speeches, such as his "I Have a Dream" speech, played a pivotal role in galvanizing public support for the Civil Rights Movement and advancing legislative change.
  • Martin Luther King Jr.'s commitment to nonviolent resistance, influenced by Mahatma Gandhi's principles, was instrumental in challenging systemic racism and achieving significant civil rights victories in the United States.
  • The legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. extends beyond his lifetime, as his vision for racial equality and social justice continues to influence contemporary movements and shape national discourse on civil rights.
  • Martin Luther King Jr.'s strategic use of media and public demonstrations brought national attention to the injustices faced by African Americans, significantly contributing to the passage of landmark civil rights legislation.

Topic Sentence Examples about Martin Luther King Jr.

  • Martin Luther King Jr.'s philosophy of nonviolent protest was a cornerstone of the Civil Rights Movement, setting a powerful example for peaceful resistance.
  • The "I Have a Dream" speech by Martin Luther King Jr. remains one of the most iconic and influential orations in American history, highlighting his vision for a racially integrated society.
  • Martin Luther King Jr.'s leadership during the Montgomery Bus Boycott showcased his ability to mobilize a community and challenge systemic segregation.
  • Through his dedication to social justice, Martin Luther King Jr. helped to secure landmark legislation, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
  • Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination in 1968 was a tragic loss for the Civil Rights Movement, but his legacy continues to inspire activists worldwide.
  • As a prominent leader, Martin Luther King Jr. utilized the power of media to bring attention to the struggles and injustices faced by African Americans in the 1960s.
  • Martin Luther King Jr.'s ability to unite people from diverse backgrounds was instrumental in building a broad-based coalition for civil rights reform.
  • The influence of Mahatma Gandhi on Martin Luther King Jr.'s approach to activism demonstrates the global impact of nonviolent resistance strategies.
  • Martin Luther King Jr.'s role in the Selma to Montgomery marches underscored his commitment to securing voting rights for all Americans.
  • Martin Luther King Jr.'s emphasis on economic justice in his later years highlighted the interconnectedness of racial equality and economic opportunity.

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Analysis of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" Speech

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The Use of Rhetorical Devices in I Have a Dream Speech by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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January 15, 1929 - April 4, 1968 (aged 39)

Martin Luther King Jr. was a key leader in the American civil rights movement, advocating for racial equality and social justice through nonviolent means. He challenged segregation and discrimination, advancing civil rights for African Americans. Beyond racial issues, King opposed the Vietnam War and advocated for global peace and justice. His commitment to nonviolent resistance inspired millions and earned him the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.

The American Civil Rights Movement, the Memphis Sanitation Workers’ Strike, the Montgomery Bus Boycott, and the March on Washington

Martin Luther King Jr.'s leadership in the Montgomery Bus Boycott, sparked by Rosa Parks' defiance in 1955, led to a Supreme Court ruling against public transportation segregation. He organized peaceful protests, including the 1963 March on Washington, where he delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech. King's efforts were crucial in passing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. His nonviolent philosophy influenced global civil rights movements and continues to inspire the fight for equality and justice.

  • "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
  • "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
  • "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
  • "Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase."

Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy is profound and enduring. As a leader of the American civil rights movement, he championed racial equality and social justice through nonviolent means. His pivotal role in events such as the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the March on Washington led to significant legislative achievements, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. King's "I Have a Dream" speech remains a powerful symbol of his vision for a just society. Globally, his philosophy of nonviolent resistance has inspired countless movements for justice and equality, making his teachings timeless and influential.

  • He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 for his nonviolent resistance to racial prejudice.
  • He was a Baptist minister and played a key role in organizing the Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955.
  • He gave his famous "I Have a Dream" speech during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963.
  • He was instrumental in the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
  • He was assassinated in 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee.

The topic of Martin Luther King is important because he was a pivotal figure in the fight for civil rights and racial equality in the United States. His leadership and advocacy paved the way for significant advancements in civil rights legislation and inspired countless individuals to continue the fight for justice and equality. Studying his life and legacy serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for social justice and the importance of standing up against discrimination and inequality.

1. King Jr, M. L. (1992). Letter from Birmingham jail. UC Davis L. Rev., 26, 835. ( 2. Selby, G. S. (2008). Martin Luther King and the rhetoric of freedom: the Exodus narrative in America's struggle for civil rights. Baylor University Press. ( 3. Wills*, J. S. (2005). ‘Some people even died’: Martin Luther King, Jr, the civil rights movement and the politics of remembrance in elementary classrooms. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 18(1), 109-131. ( 4. Kirk, J. A. (2004). Martin Luther King, Jr. Journal of American Studies, 38(2), 329-347. ( 5. Smith, E., & Wilmore, G. S. (1983). The Ethics of Martin Luther King, Jr. ( 6. Nygren, T., & Johnsrud, B. (2018). What would Martin Luther King Jr. say? Teaching the historical and practical past to promote human rights in education. Journal of Human Rights Practice, 10(2), 287-306. ( 7. Fairclough, A. (1983, April). Was Martin Luther King a Marxist?. In History Workshop (pp. 117-125). Editorial Collective, History Workshop, Ruskin College. ( 8. Berry, M. F. (1996). Vindicating Martin Luther King, Jr.: The road to a color-blind society. The Journal of Negro History, 81(1-4), 137-144. (

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Racism Essay: Topics, Samples, & Writing Guide

The picture provides introductory information about a racism essay.

Racism is a very spread yet complicated topic for students of all levels. Any essay about racism should include a clear introduction, solid body arguments, and a consistent conclusion.

You are lucky to have encountered this article because our experts have prepared all the necessary answers.

Here, we provide you with a most detailed writing guide. You’ll find out how to start and continue writing and what each part of an essay should include. You will also get an impressive number of inspiring topics and a couple of samples to top it up.

You need to write a racism definition essay? We’ve got that too. Let’s go!

  • ✒ Racism Essay Writing

📚 269 Racism Essay Topics

💡 racism essay examples, ✒ racism essay writing guide.

It doesn’t matter whether you have to write a racism argumentative essay or a persuasive one – the principles are the same.

Read this short guide to get a clear idea of an excellent essay about racism once and for all.

Essay on Racism- Step 1: Choose the Topic

Generally speaking, to choose a topic about racism, consider the basics. Your issue has to be acute, narrow, unique, and containing a conflict.

  • If you catch yourself thinking: “Well, racism is too broad an issue, how am I supposed to write about it?” don’t worry! First, go through this mini-guide and then dive into the racism essay topics compilation below. If it’s not enough, try our Free Essay Topic Generator .

Essay on Racism – Step 2: Research

To create a racism essay, you should read a great scope of literature. Study the issue from different angles to find out the range of opinions.

  • There are many excellent sources with all kinds of information about racism. It can be a good TedTalk video where a speaker elaborates on a specific topic. Or scholarly articles with comprehensive research and methodologies.

Essay on Racism – Step 3: Outline

Every assignment can contain individual demands to meet. For example, argumentative essay topics on racism must include particular evidence in the body. For a racism definition essay, it’s not necessary.

  • Nevertheless, you should be familiar with the primary principles of essay outlining. Study them in the sections below.

I. Racism Essay Introduction

It’s essential to draw your audience’s attention first. A good introduction may start with a hook, including some statistics or disturbing facts. Racism topics for research papers have plenty of opportunities to operate a good hook.

Once you get the readers’ attention, introduce background information. Let your reader get familiar with what you are writing. The introduction usually ends with a thesis statement and a brief and sharp phrasing of an issue.

II. Racism Essay Body

The body of your essay on racism is the part where you unfold and prove your thesis statement . Usually, the body consists of three paragraphs with supporting arguments. However, the central part may depend on a particular type of essay.

For example, an argumentative essay requires drawing a solid argumentation and backing it up with evidence. This is necessary to do with each of the body paragraphs.

III. Racism Essay Conclusion

The final touch of your essay is a conclusion. Usually, you need just one paragraph, but it depends on the essay requirements.

A reasonable conclusion suggests that you clarify the significance of your arguments. Remember that you don’t want to duplicate everything you said. Your task is to summarize the information.

Answer the questions that appeared in the beginning and offer a solution to the problem.

You can find a conclusion example in our “To Kill a Mockingbird” racism essay sample below.

The picture depicts three main components of a racism essay outline.

We’ve reached the best part of the article. If you have to write an essay on racism and discrimination, here you go!

Choose any of these inspiring essay topics and start writing.

Racism Definition Essay

A definition essay implies that you reveal the essence of a concept or phenomenon. You can refer to definitions from different sources or make your own.

Looking through our racism essay examples, you can understand what should be in such an essay.

Let’s have a closer look.

  • Identify the concept of racism. What does it include? What do we have to consider while talking about racism? Give examples of decent and poor definitions of racism.
  • What is racial prejudice? Speak on how the mistreatment of the notion can lead to communication problems. How do different people understand this concept?
  • Reveal the essence and meaning of the concept of white privilege. How did it appear? Speak on different opinions towards it.
  • What is racial equity? What is the opposite term for it? Search for the definitions in scholarly works. Also, try to build your definition and explain how you see racial equity.
  • Speak on different types of racism. What is systemic racism? What are institutional and individual racism? Explain the definition of structural racism.
  • Ethnicity: what is it, and how does it differ from a race?
  • Cultural appropriation: What is it, and why can it have a negative effect?
  • Race and your community.
  • How should the concept of national values be understood?
  • Explain the meaning of internalized racism.
  •  What is the essence of racial and cultural diversity?
  • From the very beginning: Explore various definitions of race.
  • Social science and the origins of race.
  • Microaggression acts: What is it, and why are they dangerous?
  • What is racial trauma from the psychological point of view?
  • Immigration and ethnic relations in the US.
  • Societal disparities: The essence, types, and impact on racial relations.
  • What is “culture”? What constituents does it have?
  • Ku Klux Klan: History and essence of the most notorious racist organizations.
  • Native Americans: Who are they, and what is happening now?
  • Discrimination in the United States of America.
  • Tell about BAME communities in Great Britain.
  • The history of the Black Power Movement, its leaders, and ideas.
  • The meaning of gender and race.
  • Bias and prejudice: reveal the meaning of these notions.
  • Institutional discrimination and racism.
  • Analyze explicit and implicit racial prejudices.
  • Define the term “discrimination” within the racism issues.
  • Environmental racism and justice.
  • What were the reasons for racism to appear?
  • Antisemitism: History and impact on society and individuals.
  • Defining unconscious racism.
  • Tell about the most racist societies.
  • Explore racist ideas in Ancient Greece.
  • Racism and discrimination: The church vision and teaching.
  • Martin Luther King Jr: Life, ideas, and death.
  • Reveal the essence of such a concept as “post-racial.”
  • The concept of race: Social science.
  • Social distance scale in terms of racism.
  • Harlem Renaissance: was it an anti-racist call or just art?
  • National cultural identity: The essence and connection to racism.
  • Implicit association test: Measuring attitudes toward race and ethnicity.
  • Tell about the concepts of genocide and segregation.
  • The role of the conflict theory in the framework of racism.
  • Ethnic groups and discrimination.
  • The significance of assimilation in the fight against racism.
  • Write about the personality theory concerning racism.
  • The phenomenon of inter-racism in the society.

Racism Argumentative Essay

An argumentative essay suggests that an author points out their opinion and proves its validity. In other words, with the help of arguments, the authors support their points of view.

Within the discourse of racial issues, there are diverse opinions. Topics for the research paper in an argumentative style you’ll find below.

  • The extension of racism terms. Think of the importance of adjusting the language to social needs. Why is racism much more than it’s said in dictionaries?
  • The racial equality progress didn’t improve much since the slavery abolition. Explore the statistics that prove it and the opinions of racial minorities representatives.
  • Why is it essential to work together against racism? Elaborate on the role of communities in combating racial issues. Can each of us contribute to the situation improvement?
  • The role of psychology in dismantling racism is enormous. How does psychology help understand the nature of bias? Explore how the psychological treatment approaches help address racism and its consequences.
  • The Internet is a place where racism is widespread. Explore the impact that cyberbullying by race has on people. Why is it essential to control violent acts online?
  • Criminal justice discrimination: Foster v. Chatman.
  • Why witnessing racist behavior without acting against it is dangerous?
  • African Americans’ civil rights: The role of the federal government and the Supreme Court.
  • Academic racism: Why should philosophical works be revised?
  • A belief that physical differences define a human must disappear.
  • Teaching culturally and ethnically diverse learners in science classroom.
  • The role of fashion editorials in embracing different cultures.
  • The impact of slavery on identities of African Americans in the run-up to the Civil War.
  • Tell about different racist establishments and why we need to stop them.
  • How to fight racial discrimination appearing in the healthcare system?
  • Nazi ideas didn’t stay in the past: They are still here and poisonous.
  • Racial and cultural inequities in health.
  • Facing racism can be disastrous for mental health.
  • Can racism be considered a mental illness?
  • Racial bias and racial profiling in law enforcement.
  • Tell about racism among Latino people in Mexico.
  • Cultural, ethnic, and gender differences at the workplace.
  • What are the disastrous effects of racism?
  • Racism is one of the evilest human sins.
  • Will racism be a usual thing in the US forever?
  • What is better for a country: A racist or anti-racist president?
  • Mexican Americans’ struggle for integrated schools in the civil rights era.
  • It’s time people of color took the domination in the US.
  • The issue of race and ethnic groups.
  • Will racial discrimination lead the world to a global war?
  • Is Donald Trump a racist?
  • Is it a crime to be a racist?
  • How does racism spread among children and teens?
  • Racial injustice and its impact on employees.
  • Racism has different faces: Trade war.
  • Are native Americans racists or victims of discrimination?
  • Flint poisoning: Environmental racism and racial capitalism.
  • What do racial discrimination and Holocaust have in common?
  • How skin complexion affects African Americans.
  • Does a person become a racist from childhood?
  • Racial prejudices can’t be considered a sin due to religious beliefs.
  • Race and class in the US criminal justice system.
  • Do racial trait differences define a person?
  • The decision to grant freedom to African Americans: Pros and cons.
  • Does racism do anything good to society?
  • The Trans-Atlantic African slave trade: What are the impacts and who is to blame?
  • Why does racism still exist?
  • Racial, ethnic, cultural, and linguistic issues in psychology.
  • Is there any cure for racism?
  • Radical Republicans and African Americans during Reconstruction.
  • There should be anti-racism lessons in schools.
  • Light, camera, action: Racism in cinematography is thriving.
  • Gender and race discrimination at workplaces.

Racism Persuasive Essay

In a persuasive essay , you should prove a particular point of view and make the audience agree with it. It means using both facts and emotions to reach the goal.

Writing a racism essay, you can use some striking facts and stories. You can be sure there are a lot of provoking situations you’d like to talk about.

  • Native Americans should be free of suffering. We took their lands off them and must stop suppressing their culture. Why are reservations sadistic? What can we do to help?
  • Shaking hands, increased heart rate, anxiety, low self-esteem, and chronic stress. These are only a part of all consequences of racist aggression. What else should minorities’ representatives experience to make privileged white people wake up?
  • Asians deserve better: Explore the question of racist prejudice against Asian people. They often get poorly treated and disrespected, but we rarely discuss it. Is it high time we changed this?
  • The Ku Klux Klan is still alive and breathing. Why in the 21st century should we face the terrible legacy of this hate group? Should the government control it more? What can we do to eliminate it?
  • Police brutality and racism: Why are these two concepts so interrelated in the USA? Can we do anything about it in a peaceful way? How can deaths from police violence be prevented?
  • Native American women face discrimination that has to be stopped.
  • Black neighborhoods are problematic, and it’s only our fault.
  • Jim Crow and segregation era’s implications for modern African American history.
  • Facts: There are no reasons or excuses for racism.
  • Racist (like any other discriminative) advertisements should be abolished.
  • Black Lives Matter: Racial perspectives on social media.
  • Should there be special anti-racist training for school teachers?
  • The problem of racism in the US.
  • Why is it not enough to embrace different cultures on Netflix shows?
  • African Americans and the American Revolution.
  • George Floyd is an innocent man who died because of racism.
  • Are the United States in real crisis in terms of racial inequality?
  • Why is keeping silent one of the major missteps in addressing racism?
  • Are all hate crimes in the US based on racism?
  • Discrimination in the criminal justice system: Why we should address this issue.
  • Race doesn’t serve any purpose in modern society.
  • The African American women stereotyping in media.
  • “Irishness”: Tell why this concept should be considered racist.
  • Racism and sexism: does racial discrimination have gender preferences?
  • Islamophobia is another type of racial discrimination.
  • How to prevent African American males from dropping out of high school.
  • There are a lot of social processes that support racism.
  • Race-related stress makes society dysfunctional.
  • Immigration and racial profiling and the role of law enforcement.
  • The segregation of Native Americans is wrong in its roots.
  • The African American civil rights movement history: Its effects on today’s America.
  • Neglecting racism issues brings corruption to society.
  • Social media have a significant influence on the perception of racism.
  • Should people become more compassionate towards racial minorities?
  • African American teachers in segregated schools in the US.
  • Sex workers face racial discrimination, and it’s a problem.
  • What is wrong with commercials and advertisements in terms of racism?
  • List of privileges and ways I have experienced and demonstrated racism.
  • The mental health of people of color suffers a lot from racism.
  • Educators shouldn’t spread myths about races.
  • The historical progression of African Americans.
  • The civil rights movement: History and impact.
  • Discrimination against minority groups, races, and ethnic groups.
  • Was Barack Obama proof that there is no racism in the US?
  • Key events in African American civil rights movement and their impact.
  • How can each of us fight racism in everyday life?
  • Problem of discrimination in nursing .
  • Can racism be justified in any case?
  • Women in hijabs shouldn’t suffer from discrimination.

Racism Topics for Research Paper

Here you can find deeper topics for your research paper on racism and discrimination. The approach of this type is more serious and scientific.

  • Ethnic differences in mental health service use.
  • Analyze unfair judicial practices concerning racial prejudices.
  • Elaborate on Desmond Tutu’s words about injustice.
  • Hispanic Americans facing discrimination.
  • Explore the racism manifestations in various establishments: In football, in schools, in sports, and in the workplace.
  • Ethnicity and religion impact on the second language acquisition of Muslims males.
  • The race theory: What do we know about it?
  • Immigration and racism in Canada.
  • President Lyndon Johnson said: “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best-colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket.” How can these words be interpreted?
  • Racial struggles in Detroit during riots of 1967.
  • Disparities in COVID infections: How racial inequality affects health care?
  • Racial profiling and its use at police stops and in crime reduction.
  • What are the actions political leaders should take to address racism?
  • The effects of police racial profiling on people’s attitudes.
  • Study the question of oversimplification of racism in the US.
  • Black lives matter: What changes did this establishment bring to society?
  • The fashion industry and racism: have the attitudes changed over the last 20 years?
  • Race and crime: Is there a correlation?
  • Why are Black Americans more inclined to die from cancer and heart diseases?
  • Ethnic minority group investigation: Mexican Americans.
  • Pregnancy-related death causes and racism: Why Black women are treated differently?
  • Africans in America – the growth of slavery in the 1600s and 1700s.
  • Are there any ways to low down the infant death mortality rate among Black kids?
  • Policy: Overcoming racial profiling.
  • Compare the range of racist attitudes in Canada and the USA.
  • Has race relations improved since the Civil War?
  • How does the individual approach win over generalizing in racial issues discussions?
  • Shifting morality in race and education.
  • Make a review of three books on inclusion and embracing diversity.
  • How does racism reflect in hiring and promotion practices?
  • What perspectives does the US have in terms of racial equality?
  • Racial discrimination of African Americans during Jim Crow’s era.
  • Why do middle-class Black Americans have worse health conditions than white working-class citizens?
  • The evolving role of HBCUs in resolving racial tensions.
  • Explore the history of racism in the USA.
  • African American history: Lost and rewritten.
  • Tell about the prominent figures who toiled against racism.
  • How can education be made more equitable for students of color?
  • How did Darwin’s research influence racism?
  • Ethnic minorities and the graduate labour market.
  • For which groups is racism beneficial?
  • Social status of African-Americans during 1920-2000.
  • How is racism reflected in pop culture?
  • How racial segregation contributes to concentrated poverty in minority communities.
  • What are the consequences of racism in sports?
  • The African-American struggle for civil rights in Texas.
  • How does systemic racism reflect in political institutions?
  • Racism impact on African-American communities in the US.
  • Elaborate on Martin King Jr’s impact on racial equality.
  • Race discrimination: Aspects and effects.
  • Explore the history of racism in the UK.
  • Racial tensions in contemporary America.
  • Tell about the impact of racial discrimination on workers in the 50s.
  • Ethnicity studies in counseling for schizophrenia.
  • Does racism slow down the progress in society?
  • What did Fidel Castro do to eliminate discrimination in Cuba?
  • How is poverty in black neighborhoods connected with racism?
  • Chinese Americans: History and discrimination.
  • Do anthropological studies improve the situation with racism?
  • African American women obtaining higher education.
  • Explore the history of racism in Australia.
  • Discuss the heritage and value of African American literature.
  • How has police brutality been revealed for the recent ten years?
  • Racial and ethnic minorities in the United States and their health care problems.
  • Explore the essence of scientific racism.
  • Terrorism, race, and the criminal justice in America.
  • The effects of ethnic stratification on social institutions.
  • Incarceration rates among racial & ethnic minorities.
  • Write about social constructions of “race” and “racism.”
  • Racial discrimination practices in recruitment and selection.
  • What is the impact of racism and antisemitism on society?
  • Equal opportunities and gender, age and race in the UK.

Racism Essay Topics in Literature

Art, culture, and literature are susceptible to any social phenomena. You can always trace the sociocultural background in the works of art. In this section, we’ve got literature topics for a racism definition essay and other types of paper.

The picture provides three literary compositions to write a racism essay about.

To Kill a Mockingbird Racism Essay Topics

  • Hypocrisy and racism – how are they connected in the novel? Explore the underneath reasons for racial prejudice in Maycomb, such as vacancy of thought and lack of empathy.
  • Institutional racism in the novel “To Kill a Mockingbird.” Is it fair to consider the book an anti-racist moral call while written from a privileged white perspective?
  • Racism is everywhere: Speak on how institutional racism is seen at Scout’s school . Why do teachers showcase discriminatory behavior instead of tolerance and justice to children?
  • “Cry about the hell white people give colored folks, without even stopping to think that they’re people, too.” Is it possible to grow up from sensitive children into sensitive adults?
  • Seventeen shots in the back, the end: Why don’t we observe the feelings, grief, and thoughts of Black people in the novel? For instance, Tom Robinson, his wife, and children, Calpurnia – their personalities are hardly revealed.
  • Did Tom Robinson have a chance to be pleaded innocent?
  • What is wrong with the missionary tea party?
  • How Harper Lee’s life is reflected in To Kill a Mockingbird ?
  • Is Atticus Finch a role model for any white man?
  • What are the ways Harper Lee shows prejudices in her novel?
  • Compare the situation with racism back in the 1930s with the current state of things.
  • What is the drama of the Dolphus Raymond family?
  • Describe how Black characters are depicted in the book.
  • Analyze Aunt Alexandra’s character, her racist prejudices, and narrow-mindedness.
  • Is “To Kill a Mockingbird” a racist or anti-racist book?
  • Boo Radley: How does prejudice reflect on white citizens?

Racism in Othello Essay Topics

  • Explore the difference between racism depiction in Shakespeare’s play and movies. How did different directors avoid racism topic in their films? Why is it a problem?
  • Analyze the portrayal of Othello in the play: The cruel, dull Moor, the Other. What attitude of a man of color is perceived through these characteristics?
  • Explore Othello’s self-perception depicted by Shakespeare. Why is it problematic that he expresses insecurity due to his blackness? What is wrong with the way the author presents Othello’s self-hatred?
  • “There is no racism without language,” – said Derrida . Analyze the language means used in the play to reflect racial prejudices: thick lips, an old black ram, and others.
  • Othello: The racial issues in the play.
  • How does the character of Brabantio express racism?
  • Talk about racist and sexist issues in the play.
  • How can racial discrimination ruin the lives of two people in love?
  • Why is “Othello” a tragedy of racial conflict more than jealousy?
  • What are the different forms in which racism shows up in the play?
  • The Otherness of Othello: Is it racism or a literary device?
  • How are the racist views in England reflected in the play?
  • Is Shakespeare’s portrayal of a Black man adequate?
  • Can we say that the main protagonist of the play was a racist?
  • Why “Othello” is a controversial play in terms of racism?

Racism in Huckleberry Finn Essay Topics

  • Explore and analyze the literary critics of “Huckleberry Finn.” Why was the book banned and censored for years? Is it coarse, ill-cultured, and obscene?
  • An absolute masterpiece: Analyze the positive reviews on the book by Lionel Trifling and T. S. Eliot. What impact does this critique have on the perception of the novel?
  • Desegregation and the civil rights movement . Tell about social events that co-occurred with including the book into the school curricula.
  • Racism affects and distorts the morality of both aggressors and victims. Explore how the author exposes this idea in the novel.
  • Huck Finn is fighting with dissonance in his mind. He is sympathetic towards people of color and shows a racist attitude at the same time. What does this tell us about?
  • How is the hypocrisy of middle-class society shown in the book?
  • Satire in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn : Should we accuse Mark Twain of racism?
  • “Racially offensive tone”: what were the reasons for the book’s struggle with censorship?
  • Describe how the Black characters are depicted in the novel.
  • A slave owner and a Christian: reveal the racist character of Mrs. Watson in the novel.
  • Can we call a book racist for the repetition of the word ‘nigger’ in it?
  • What lessons can be learned from the story of Huck Finn?
  • How does Mark Twain show the derogatory impact of racism on society?
  • How do the feelings of guilt and shame help Huck to get mature?
  • Can we say that Mrs. Judith Loftus is sympathetic to people of color?
  • Why is Huck’s Pap not only the greatest villain but also a dreadful racist?

Not to beat around the bush, here’re actual race essay examples. Our experts have chosen two very different topics to demonstrate how broad your opportunities are.

Racism Definition Essay: on Racism and Discrimination

If there is a choice to speak about racism or not, it’s better to speak. Maybe, this way, we could change the sad statistics which say the relations between white and Black Americans are at their lowest point for the recent twenty years. To speak of racism and discrimination, one should clearly understand their meaning, origin, and changes. However, it’s not that easy to say what racism is because it has numerous faces. First of all, it’s a problem, inducing disparities, violence, misunderstanding, and suffering. Besides, we reckon, the word ‘prejudice’ reflects the essence of racial discrimination. Thus, we can say that discrimination based on racial differences is prejudiced mistreatment of a person of color. The very thought of bias due to a particular skin color or hair texture seems absurd. However, the issue is enormous and old. Racially ill philosophy appeared a long time ago. People have believed that physical and biological traits define personal ones for hundreds of years. This is another reason it’s so difficult to get rid of racism – it’s an ancient evil. Thriving in the times of colonization, racism has spread greatly by the 18th century. North American and European colonizers had to make up some beliefs that could eliminate contradictions. They proclaimed America as the country of human equality and dignity and enslaved African folks simultaneously. Thus, the idea of dehumanization of those who were enslaved seemed an escape. That’s why it’s vital to understand the roots of racism and all its faces to combat it successfully. The first step is to admit the issue and take off the disguise it may hide under.

To Kill a Mockingbird Racism Argumentative Essay

“I think there’s just one kind of folks. Folks.” These words, said by a little girl, must be a lesson to all adults living in a world full of prejudices. Indeed, how come people still judge each other by skin color or hair texture after hundreds of years of cultured society? The book teaches humanism, justice, and kindness, although not all of its characters are kind and fair. However, we can learn a lot about racism issues that unfortunately didn’t lose their acuteness. The point is that racial discrimination is disastrous and devastating. It should be eliminated from the very basics of human minds and souls. It’s pretty disappointing to watch such a dramatic plot unfolding in the south of 20 century America. People there were used to racial discrimination due to historical context. However, we can see that racism is a surface issue under which there are many others. The reason for prejudice lies in the narrow-mindedness and lack of sympathy. Vacancy of thought and rigidness don’t allow people to act fair-hearted. If we recollect Aunt Alexandra feeling sympathetic towards the non-existence tribe somewhere in Africa, we can notice how detached from the real things she is. Her tunnel vision doesn’t let her see what happens around: for example, that accusation of the innocent Black man goes pretty well with her. The huge drama is that a decaying community prefers to escape from the problems like poverty, dullness, and outdated traditions. People blame someone for their physical difference to keep a blind eye on their shortcomings. We definitely should become more educated, not only in practical knowledge but also in terms of humanism and emotional intelligence. This is the first step to a healthier society.

If you want to get assistance with your paper about racism, approach our team. Our academic experts can help with any assignment.

We were happy to provide you with all this information.

Let’s learn more about the current issues and fight racism together!

Good luck with your writing!


What is a good thesis statement for racism?

2 answers by expert tutors.

racism thesis statement ideas

Jamie B. answered • 01/08/22

Serious Academic Tutoring

Honestly, this question is too general (I.e., I’m lacking enough information to completely answer this question) for one to give a complete thesis statement.

To make a thesis statement:

  • I need to know what the topic is about (racism, in this case).
  • I need to know the context of the essay (I.e., argumentative, expository, narrative, or a descriptive essay.
  • I need a clear, concise statement to be made concerning the topic of racism (I.e., racism is prominent in society due to societal customs influenced by a past system of slavery).

racism thesis statement ideas

Gabriela B. answered • 01/07/22

Experienced College Essay Tutor and Admissions Advisor

Hi Jamie! A good thesis statement takes a clear stance on the topic you are writing about. It is broad enough to be able to write at length about, but specific enough that your paper stands out from others on the topic.

The process I usually suggest to students is outlined below:

  • Start with a three point thesis, which you hopefully learned to write at some point in your schooling! A three point thesis on this topic would look something like: In America today, racism is an issue that is ___, ___, and ___.
  • Then, take a look at your three points and see what they have in common. Write that down.
  • Try replacing your three individual points with that broader statement you just wrote.
  • Edit this new sentence for clarity and to make sure it connects to various parts of your essay.

Would you like to walk through this process together in a session? I also have a second step by step method, if this one doesn't work for you. Let me know, I'm free this coming week!

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Gabrielle M.

racism thesis statement ideas

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110 Racial Profiling Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best racial profiling topic ideas & essay examples, 📌 most interesting racial profiling topics to write about, 👍 good research topics about racial profiling, ❓ research questions about racial profiling.

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  • Ethics of Racial Profiling in the United States Racial profiling can be referred to as the process of law enforcement personnel identifying someone as a suspect of criminal activity due to the race, nationality, or faith of the individual in question.
  • The Issue of Racial Profiling The fact that few stereotypes created by law enforcement agencies can contribute to the more significant levels of racism and discrimination in this sphere. Legal structures that ban race prejudice and may apply to the […]
  • The Practice of Racial Profiling The main example is the White drivers who were stopped at a significantly lower rate, as well as the members of the Asian population of the county.
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  • Racial Profiling Towards Arabs in America Although the 9/11 attacks presented lawmakers and enforcers with the problem of ensuring the security of Americans, the practice of racial profiling and racially motivated attacks within the United States quickly emerged and provided a […]
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IvyPanda. (2024, March 1). 110 Racial Profiling Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"110 Racial Profiling Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 1 Mar. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '110 Racial Profiling Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 1 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "110 Racial Profiling Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 1, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "110 Racial Profiling Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 1, 2024.


IvyPanda . "110 Racial Profiling Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 1, 2024.


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    Essay on Racism - Step 3: Outline. Every assignment can contain individual demands to meet. For example, argumentative essay topics on racism must include particular evidence in the body. For a racism definition essay, it's not necessary. Nevertheless, you should be familiar with the primary principles of essay outlining.

  17. Black or white racism thesis

    Black or White Racism Essay. Racism is a theme that permeates the 'Black or White' song by Michael Jackson in many ways, both implicitly and explicitly. The author of the song, Michael Jackson, was an American entertainer widely recognized and respected for his influence on the pop culture. In the beginning of 1991, a song "Black or White ...


    THE THESIS STATEMENT The thesis statement is the key to a paper. Before you begin an essay, you must know what you are writing about (the topic) and what you think about it (the thesis statement). A thesis statement is an opinion you have formed or a judgment you have made based on your experience or reading. It is also your controlling idea.

  19. Thesis Statement On Racism

    As we know, the racism began around 17th century with the European colonization in North America. The phenomenon or racism is still present. As it can be seen, slavery and racism played a huge role in the history of the United States, which will be proven or rejected in the thesis. Thesis contains the most important facts and events, which had ...

  20. Full article: Resisting racism in everyday life: from ignoring to

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  21. What is a good thesis statement for racism?

    To make a thesis statement: I need to know what the topic is about (racism, in this case). I need to know the context of the essay (I.e., argumentative, expository, narrative, or a descriptive essay. I need a clear, concise statement to be made concerning the topic of racism (I.e., racism is prominent in society due to societal customs ...

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