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What is the IA, EE or TOK? Everything you need to know about the IB written assignments

By Olivia Coghlan

IB student revision course

Before heading into acronym diversity (EE, IA, ToK), it’s important for the future International Baccalaureate (IB) student to understand what these mean and what they entail in terms of written assignments .

When students follow the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (or IBDP), they complete various written tasks , and it can sometimes be confusing for them to grasp the distinction between each assignment.

Internal vs External

it is important to take note that there are two types of assessment: internal and external. Both the Extended Essay and the Theory of Knowledge essay (also known as ToK) identify as external. Since, just like final exams, they go directly to official IB examiners. On the other hand, the students’ teachers evaluate the Internal Assessments.

The Extended Essay (or EE)

The Extended Essay is the main written assessment since it has deadlines throughout the12th and 13th grades. In fact, 12th graders will already have developed their research question by the end of that school year. This 4’000-word independent piece of research is presented as a formal piece of academic writing. It demonstrates that the student has fully grasped the topic developed throughout. Just like the other written assignments, it encourages students to use and develop their own critical thinking.

Students must choose between one of the 6 following courses, taken for the IB Diploma Programme :

  • studies in language and literature
  • language acquisition
  • individuals and societies
  • mathematics

World Studies

Students can also take an interdisciplinary approach of a World Studies extended essay. This particular type of extended essay “must focus on a topic of global significance. This encourages the student to reflect on the world today in relation to issues such as the global food crisis, climate change, terrorism, energy security, migration, global health, technology and cultural exchange. Check out more information on World Studies here.

As the official Extended Essay Guide explains, a World Studies essay “gives students an opportunity to undertake an in-depth and independent investigation into a topic of their choice that considers the relationship between subjects and allows for meaningful connections to be made in relation to their chosen area of research.”

The assessment process of the Extended Essay is based on 5 criteria :

  • focus and method
  • knowledge and understanding
  • critical thinking
  • presentation

More and more IB students choose to write a World Studies essay, because, as mentioned above, links are created between the various IB courses and because these subjects tend to address current events that affect the 21st-century student.

Meet our teachers and examiners who can help with your Extended Essay here

Internal assessments (or ia).

Throughout the IBDP, students are also asked to complete internal assessments for most courses. Common to both Standard Level and Higher Level courses, the goal of this type of paper is to determine if students are capable of demonstrating the internal assessment criteria in relation to the fieldwork research question.

Teacher marked Internal Assessments are also used for most courses, which include:

  • oral work in languages
  • fieldwork in geography
  • laboratory work in the sciences (chemistry, biology, physics)
  • investigations in mathematics
  • artistic performances.

Internal assessments will be marked by the subject teacher and externally moderated by the IB at the end of the course and count toward the student’s final IB grade for the diploma. The criteria for evaluating this type of assignment are as follows:

  • Knowledge and understanding
  • Application and analysis
  • Synthesis and evaluation
  • Select, use and apply a variety of appropriate skills and techniques

Meet our IB teachers and examiners who can help you with your IA here

The theory of knowledge essay (or tok).

Click Here for more information

The ToK essay plays an integral part of the IBDP and is mandatory for all students. It asks students to reflect on the general nature of knowledge, and on how we know what we claim to know. The evaluation of the ToK essay is completed through a 1’600 word essay and an oral presentation . While the essay requires the student to focus on the concept itself, the aim of the presentation is to evaluate how students apply the thinking of the Theory of Knowledge to real-life situations. This essay also aims to go beyond and link the subject areas taught in school.

Both the ToK essay and the related presentation will draw on what the students have gained throughout their ToK classes. It encourages them to use their critical thinking skills. Both the essay and the presentation need to reflect who the student is as a knower , by putting forward and defending their own thoughts and views. Students will ultimately gain dialogue and critical discussion, as well as analytical writing skills. Each of these will become increasingly important when having to understand knowledge-type of questions and create the student’s own accountability.

Meet our IB teachers and examiners who can help you with your ToK here

Critical thinking.

Critical thinking contributes to the integrity of the student’s paper. It will give them a more disciplined approach, showing that they have understood the topic at hand. People who think critically will constantly improve the quality of their thinking, which shows that they can form judgement . Ultimately, the aim is that throughout the development of each academic piece of writing, students gain these skills which will become essential in their later studies.

Academic honesty

This is an essential aspect of teaching and learning, where action is based on inquiry and reflection. (“Academic honesty in the IB educational context”, International Baccalaureate Organization, 2014.) It plays a crucial role in all written examinations of the IBDP. Students should visit the school library when they have specific questions (for example about what makes a good Research question), or more particular requests about referencing their sources. The most used bibliographic formats for all IB papers are MLA, Chicago and ISO 690 . The latter is used for students who choose to write their essays in French.

Useful tips

  • It is crucial for all IB students to take all written examinations seriously, and therefore organisation is key when taking on any scholarly piece of writing. As a secondary school librarian, I often see IB students in a stressful last-minute rush to finalize their written assignments, which can be avoided by being better prepared and organized, in regards to timing and planning.
  • It goes without saying that students need to adhere to all assignment deadlines set in advance by the IB organisation since these are there to help them with the various chronological phases related to each assignment.
  • It can also be easy to fall behind, especially with the other classes and assignments taking place during the two IB years. Above all, to avoid this students should set personal goals and deadlines and stick to them. Not only does this help them in regards to planning, but also shows responsibility and commitment to their assignment.
  • All IB students are assigned a Mentor during their Extended Essay, and it is crucial that students should maintain regular contact with their own Mentor throughout the whole research and writing process and until the assignment is officially handed in. Mentors are there to help students with any type of feedback and it is important that students take advantage of this opportunity.
  • Students should note down each source of information, whether it’s online or on paper, mainly because their bibliography will need to cover all sources referenced throughout their assignment, the purpose being to avoid plagiarism.
  • This organizational aspect will become especially useful when it comes to online sources, so as not to forget where the information originally came from and when it was consulted.

Research Options

  • Students often rely on Google when researching online information for their assignments. It is highly recommended that students also use other evaluation criteria tools when doing so, such as the CRAP test (currency, reliability, authority, and purpose) that determines whether a website is credible or not. This tool will save students a lot of time and is sure to help them find great quality online resources.
  • IB students should remember to visit their school library in order to receive extra help and feedback. This can be about the general structure and writing style of their essay or about finding relevant online sources. In this respect, librarians are there to teach students how to differentiate between good and poor quality web sources .
  • The role of librarians is essential. The purpose of their work, as well as that of the teachers, is to attain a common goal of helping the student achieve academic success.

Tips for bilingual students

  • For students whose mother tongue is not English but choose to write their assignments in this language, it can sometimes be difficult to find the right sentence structure. Moreover, to be understood throughout the entirety of their paper. In order for the non-English student to hand in the best possible written assignment, there are various points to be considered, such as:
  • Using online dictionaries and encyclopaedias (eg. Britannica, or Universalis when writing in French) to check the meaning and spelling of specific words and terminology used within one’s assignment.
  • Depending on their availability, asking for help from at least one of the student’s language teachers, when revising the piece of writing and before handing it in.
  • Getting an appointment with the learning support department within the school, where professional staff can help the student with any difficulties they may face related to language barriers.
  • Using the library resources to find any useful information that will guide the student towards success in academic writing (most likely all school libraries should have a section with this type of resources), as well as asking librarians for additional help.

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Ace IB Internal Assessments at IB Tuitions

Mastering the IB Internal Assessments with One-on-One Tutoring at IB Tuitions

Ace IB Internal Assessments at IB Tuitions


The Internal Assessment (IA) is an important part of the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme since it gives students a chance to show what they’ve learned and how it’s been put to use in the real world. IB Tuitions provides individualised support for students taking the IB Internal Assessments in a variety of disciplines through one-on-one tuition. This post will go over the value of the IA, the criteria used to grade them, and how IB Tuitions can help you do well on your subject-specific IAs.

What is the Internal Assessment?

The Internal Assessment is a required component of every IB course and counts towards students’ final grade in that course. The purpose of an IA is to demonstrate the student’s capacity to put theoretical knowledge into practise. Independent assignments (IAs) can range from research papers to data analyses to formal presentations, depending on the course and instructor.

General Criterion of Marking

Different disciplines have different standards for grading IAs, however in general, examiners look for the following:

Criterion Description

It’s important to keep in mind that the precise criteria and weightings may change from one topic to the next. If you want your IA to pass muster with the IBO, you need to make sure you’ve followed their subject-specific rules and used their evaluation criteria.

Structure is Very Important

An IA’s quality is in large part determined by how well it is organised. Assessors have an easier time judging the quality of a piece of work if the IA clearly conveys the research topic, methods, results, and conclusions. Our tutors at IB Tuitions assist students in organising their IAs in a way that makes sense and ensures that each component follows the others and addresses the assessment requirements.

One-on-One Tutoring for IB Internal Assessments for All Subjects

We provide individualised help for each student in our one-on-one tutoring sessions for the IB Internal Assessments. Our tutors have extensive knowledge of the IB programme and can help with all stages of the IA, from brainstorming potential topics to polishing the final draught. We can guarantee that your IA will be up to par because of our experience and dedication to student achievement.

Why Should You Do Your IA Early?

Getting a head start on your IA can have a dramatic effect on how well you do in the IB programme as a whole. Some good justifications for jumping right into your IA:

  • Prioritise your work because the IB curriculum is rigorous and finishing your IA early will allow you to better manage your time.
  • Starting early gives you plenty of time for modifications, which you’ll need to make to make sure your IA satisfies the assessment criteria and displays your best work.
  • If you finish your IA early, you’ll have more time to concentrate on your studies and extracurricular activities without feeling overwhelmed.

Students are tasked with conducting in-depth research on a certain mathematical issue or topic for the Math IA. IB Tuitions’ tutors are able to help with a variety of subjects.

  • The first step is to select a topic that is both interesting and appropriate for the IB Maths curriculum.
  • Mathematical ideas: assisting students in grasping and making use of applicable mathematical ideas and methods.
  • Helping students analyse and evaluate their data and draw meaningful conclusions is an important part of the analysis and interpretation stage.

Students in the Physics IA do an experimental research to delve deeper into a predetermined scientific subject. Tutoring from us can assist you with:

  • Experiment design, or the process of creating an organised experiment by determining which factors will be tested and how they will be controlled.
  • Secondly, students will be guided through the data collection, analysis, and presentation processes.
  • Helping students assess the validity of their findings, recognise any caveats, and arrive at sound conclusions is the focus of step three, evaluation and conclusion.

Chemistry IA

The Chemistry IA is a hands-on lab in where students investigate a real-world chemistry-related research issue. At IB Tuitions, our tutors can help with:

  • Assisting students in formulating a research question that is both specific and related to the course material in Chemistry.
  • Experimental Method: assisting students in developing a workable experimental method, complete with adequate controls and safety measures.
  • Data analysis and interpretation: helping students spot patterns in their data and make conclusions from their research.

Students can delve deeper into a particular biological subject during the Biology IA, which is a hands-on research. Our instructors are able to advise you on:

  • Picking a topic: guiding students in developing a research question that fits with course requirements in Biology.
  • Experimental design entails advising students on how to set up a controlled experiment that takes ethical considerations into account.
  • Data presentation and analysis: helping students organise their data, summarise their findings, and draw sound inferences from their findings.

The History IA is an independent study in which students conduct research on a historical event or topic and analyse and interpret primary and secondary sources. Tutoring from us can assist you with:

  • The first step is helping pupils select an interesting and manageable topic from the past.
  • Instructing pupils to assess the validity and trustworthiness of information acquired from various sources (both primary and secondary).
  • Writing and organisation: helping students write an argumentative essay that clearly conveys their research and interpretation of a historical topic.

Business IA

The Business IA is a research-based investigation that gives students the opportunity to examine a genuine business problem or choice. IB Tuitions’ tutors are able to help with a variety of subjects.

  • Assisting students in developing a research question that is both targeted and relevant to the Business curriculum and the selected organisation.
  • Teaching students how to conduct interviews, surveys, and read company reports is an example of primary data collecting.
  • Helping students organise and present their research findings using the correct style and format is an important aspect of report writing.

Comp IA (Computer Science IA)

The CS IA is a programming-based project in which students must create a workable answer to a real-world issue. Tutoring from us can assist you with:

  • Helping students select a relevant and interesting project that fits within the scope of the CS course.
  • Instruction in programming fundamentals so that students can create their own software is an example of a technical skill.
  • Documentation and assessment: helping students record all phases of the project from conception to completion.

Our professional instructors at IB Tuitions are committed to ensuring that all of our students perform well on their IB Internal Assessments. By working with students individually, we can provide them with the specific help they need. Students’ full potential is unlocked and they are better prepared for success in the International Baccalaureate programme because of our emphasis on the IA’s most important features, including its structure, marking criteria, and subject-specific requirements. Get in touch with us immediately to find out how our IB tutoring services may aid you in your studies.

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Learn more from, frequently asked questions.

We offer tuition for all subjects in the IB program, including HL (Higher Level) and SL (Standard Level) courses.

Our IB teachers are highly experienced and knowledgeable in the IB program, with many years of experience in teaching and guiding students.

We provide personalized guidance and support based on each student’s specific needs and learning style. We also offer one-on-one assistance with IA, EE, and TOK specialists to help students succeed.

We offer online tuition classes to provide students with the flexibility to learn at their own pace and convenience.

We charge everyone differently based on their specific needs and requirements. We offer affordable pricing to ensure that quality education is accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial background.

Yes, we offer college and university admissions assistance to help students identify the best schools for them and provide guidance and support throughout the application process.

Our students have achieved excellent results in their IB exams, IA assessments, EE essays, and TOK essays. We have helped many students gain acceptance to top colleges and universities worldwide, setting them on a path to a successful future.

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Request ID: D1570    *No Agency Commission* P6 Creative Writing

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Available Time Slots: Tue to Fri after 3pm, Sat after 2pm, Sun 8am to 1pm

Postal Code: 510407

Address: Blk 407 Pasir Ris Drive 6

Description: Boy has Adhd, Casuarina Pri 1.5-2h/week Looking for MOE teachers / Ex teachers / FT tutors   Reply with your rate, timings and assignment request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 88900585 3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Davis

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Rate: $45-60/h     

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Request ID: D1555    *Online tuition* IB/AP Maths & Physics for tuition centre

IB / IGCSE     14     Mathematics, Physics

Rate: $$40-50/h for students, $60-80/h for FT/Graduates     

Postal Code: 520120

Address: Online tuition

Description: 5 students max 1 or 2 classes per week, 1.5h-2h/lesson Looking for FT/PT tutors Let me know which subject(s) you'd like to teach   Reply with your rate, timings and assignment request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 88900585 3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Davis

Request ID: 31788    Pri 1 English & Maths

Primary     1     English , Maths

Rate: $40-50 p/h     

Available Time Slots: Sat/Sun before 2pm

Postal Code: 462188

Address: Blk 188B Bedok North Street 4.

Description: Girl, has mild autism and speech delay. In HWA intentional school   Reply with your rate, timings and Request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 90672547  3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Benson

Request ID: 31786    Pri 1 Hindi

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Available Time Slots: Tue/Wed, 1hr once a week

Postal Code: 509731

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Request ID: D1550    *Online tuition* Sec2 Pure Geo / Hist for tuition centre

O level     2     Geography , History

Rate: $80-100/h     

Available Time Slots: Weekdays late afternoons or nights, Weekends

Postal Code: 520242

Description: Max 8pax Once per week To start in end Aug or early Sep Looking for MOE teachers / Ex teachers Let me know which subject(s) you'd like to teach   Reply with your rate, timings and assignment request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 88900585 3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Davis

Request ID: D1551    *Online tuition* Sec3 Pure Phy / A Maths for tuition centre

O level     3     A Maths , Physics

Description: Max 8pax Once per week To start in end of Aug or early Sep Looking for MOE teachers / Ex teachers Let me know which subject(s) you'd like to teach   Reply with your rate, timings and assignment request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 88900585 3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Davis

Request ID: D1546    Sec2 Exp Science

O level     2     L. Sec Science , Bio/Chem

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Postal Code: 510536

Address: Blk 536 Pasir Ris Drive 1

Description: Girl, TKGS. Ok to travel to tutor's place if in the east Student will be taking Comb Bio/Chem next year 1.5h/week Looking for MOE teachers / Ex teachers / FT tutors   Reply with your rate, timings and assignment request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 88900585 3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Davis

Request ID: 31769    K2 English Phonics

Pre-school     1     Phonics

Available Time Slots: Once a week 1hr, weekday 4.30pm onwards

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Request ID: 31765    Pri 3 English

Primary     3     English

Rate: $30-45 p/h     

Description: Girl in CHIJ   Reply with your rate, timings and Request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 90672547  3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Benson

Request ID: D1539    P5 English / Science

Primary     5     English , Science

Available Time Slots: Thu/Sun 3pm to 6pm

Postal Code: 479251

Address: Waterfront Key, 772 Bedok Reservoir Road

Description: Girl 1.5h/week Looking for female FT/PT tutors Let me know which subject(s) you'd like to teach   Reply with your rate, timings and assignment request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 88900585 3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Davis

Request ID: 31764    Pri 3 Chinese

Primary     3     Chinese

Available Time Slots: Fri 3.30pm or Sun 3pm

Description: Girl in CHIJ    Reply with your rate, timings and Request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 90672547  3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Benson

Request ID: 31737    Pri 4 Malay, Maths, Science

Primary     4     Malay, Maths , Science

Rate: $35-50 p/h     

Postal Code: 400313

Address: Blk 313 Ubi Avenue 1

Description: Girl   Reply with your rate, timings and Request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 90672547  3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Benson

Request ID: 31733    JC1 China studies in English

A level     1     General Paper , AO Chinese

Postal Code: 370053

Address: Near Macpherson MRT: Blk 53 Pipit Road.

Description: Girl in ACJC   Reply with your rate, timings and Request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 90672547  3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Benson

Request ID: 31728    Pri 4 Science

Primary     4     Science

Available Time Slots: Once a week 1hr on Sunday.

Postal Code: 510469

Address: Block 469 Pasir Ris Drive 6. Singapore

Description: Girl in Casuarina Pri school   Reply with your rate, timings and Request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 90672547  3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Benson

Request ID: 31717    Sec 3NA Principle of Accounts

O level     3     Accounting

Rate: $30-35 p/h     

Postal Code: 528807

Address: Changi Rise Condo, 16 Simei Rise. Singapore

Description: Boy   Reply with your rate, timings and Request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 90672547  3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Benson

Tuition Assignments West

Request ID: D1575    Sec3 E & A Maths

O level     3     E Maths , A Maths

Available Time Slots: Sundays

Postal Code: 122445

Address: Blk 445B Clementi Avenue 3

Region: West

Description: 2h/week Looking for female FT tutors / Uni graduates   Reply with your rate, timings and assignment request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 88900585 3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Davis

Request ID: 31812    Pri 5 English

Primary     5     English

Postal Code: 271013

Address: Blk 13 Holland Drive

Description: Boy with autism, studying in Invictus Int'l school   Reply with your rate, timings and Request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 90672547  3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Benson

Request ID: D1567    P3 Malay

Primary     3     Malay

Available Time Slots: Sat mornings or Tue after 6.30pm

Postal Code: 121208

Address: Blk 208A Clementi Avenue 6

Description: Girl, Pei Tong Pri 1.5h/week Looking for MOE teachers / Ex teachers / FT tutors   Reply with your rate, timings and assignment request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 88900585 3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Davis

Request ID: 30809    Pri 1 & 3 Math

Rate: $40-70 p/h     

Available Time Slots: Once a week 3hrs, each 1.5hr. Wed 2.30pm or Sat morning 9am

Postal Code: 266216

Address: Leedon Residence, 8 Leedon Heights.

Description: Siblings studying in an international school.   Reply with your rate, timings and Request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 90672547  3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Benson

Request ID: 31794    A-level H1 Economics.

A level     2     Economics

Available Time Slots: Wed 7.30pm or Thu 4pm

Postal Code: 648363

Address: The Floravale, 238 Westwood Avenue

Description: Indian Boy in MDIS school, taking as private candidate   Reply with your rate, timings and Request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 90672547  3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Benson

Request ID: 31789    Sec 2 Express Maths and NA English

O level     2     English, E Maths

Postal Code: 642268

Address: Blk 268B Boon Lay Drive

Description: Girl in Fuhua Sec school   Reply with your rate, timings and Request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 90672547  3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Benson

Request ID: 31781    Sec 3 express pure biology

O level     3     Biology

Available Time Slots: Fri between 6-8pm or Sun before 1pm

Postal Code: 118264

Address: Girl in Crescent Girls school Normanton Park, 51 Normanton Park.

Description: Girl in Crescent Girls school   Reply with your rate, timings and Request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 90672547  3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Benson

Request ID: 31775    A-level Maths / Statistics

A level     1     Maths

Postal Code: 597626

Address: Acacia Court - Pandan Valley, 2 Pandan Valley

Description: A-level Maths (revision only, no exam) Quantitative Statistics for Economics  Boy, applying to uni next year.   Reply with your rate, timings and Request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 90672547  3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Benson

Request ID: D1547    P3 Maths

Available Time Slots: Only Sun mornings or afternoons

Postal Code: 120350

Address: Blk 350 Clementi Avenue 2

Description: Girl, Clementi Pri 1.5h/week Looking for female MOE teachers / Ex teachers / FT tutors   Reply with your rate, timings and assignment request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 88900585 3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Davis

Request ID: 31766    Sec 1 G3 Science

O level     1     L. Sec Science

Available Time Slots: Once a week 1.5hrs. Monday or Wednesday 4-6pm

Postal Code: 140020

Address: Girl in CHIJ St Theresa Convent Queenstown area: Blk 20 Queen's Close

Description: Girl in CHIJ St Theresa Convent    Reply with your rate, timings and Request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 90672547  3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Benson

Request ID: D1540    *No Agency Commission* Sec1-G3 Geo, Hist & Lit

O level     1     Geography , History , Literature

Available Time Slots: Tue/Thu/Fri 4pm-7pm

Postal Code: 128808

Address: House along Faber Green

Description: Boy, SJI 2h/lesson, 1-2x per week Looking for male MOE teachers / Ex teachers / FT tutors   Reply with your rate, timings and assignment request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 88900585 3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Davis

Request ID: 31763    Conversation english for Myanmar 32 yr old lady.

Language     Beginner     English

Postal Code: 260001

Address: Near Farrer Rd MRT: House along Farrer Road

Request ID: D1507    *Hybrid class f2f & Online* Sec3 IP Chem @ tuition centre

O level     3     Chemistry

Rate: $50-65/h     

Available Time Slots: Sun 9am to 11am

Postal Code: 590018

Address: Near Beauty World MRT

Description: 6 students Looking for university graduates Start Mid Oct onwards   Reply with your rate, timing and assignment request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 88900585 3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Davis

Tuition Assignments Northwest

Request ID: D1580    P5 English

Rate: $45/h     

Available Time Slots: Mon/Tue 4.30pm or 7pm onwards

Postal Code: 688212

Address: Sol Acres, 20 Choa Chu Kang Grove

Region: Northwest

Description: Girl, Southview Pri 1.5h/week Looking for female FT tutors   Reply with your timings and assignment request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 88900585 3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Davis

Request ID: D1579    Sec3 Exp E Maths

O level     3     E Maths

Available Time Slots: Mon 6pm

Postal Code: 670627

Address: Blk 627 Senja Road

Description: Boy, Kranji Sec 1.5h/week Student ok to travel to tutor’s place around Bukit Panjang Looking for FT tutors / Uni graduates   Reply with your rate, timings and assignment request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 88900585 3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Davis

Request ID: D1577    P4 Science

Available Time Slots: Tue/Wed/Thu

Postal Code: 673546

Address: Blk 546C Segar Road

Description: Boy, West Spring Pri 1.5h/week Looking for FT tutors   Reply with your rate, timings and assignment request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 88900585 3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Davis

Request ID: D1576    JC1 H2 Phy

A level     1     Physics

Available Time Slots: Weekend evenings, Thursdays

Postal Code: 652290

Address: Blk 290A Bukit Batok Street 24

Description: Boy, JPJC 2h/lesson, twice per week Looking for FT tutors / Uni graduates   Reply with your rate, timings and assignment request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 88900585 3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Davis

Request ID: D1571    Sec2 Higher Chinese @ tuition centre

O level     2     Higher Chinese

Rate: $$50-$55/hour for 1-3 students, $60/hour for 4-6 students     

Available Time Slots: Monday between 3pm-6pm, Thursday between 3:30pm-6:30pm

Postal Code: 599717

Address: Near Beauty world or Rochor MRT

Description: Looking for University graduates   Reply with your rate, timings and assignment request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 88900585 3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Davis

Request ID: D1566    P3 Maths

Postal Code: 588997

Address: House along Jalan Bingka

Description: Girl, MGS 1.5h/week Looking for MOE teachers / Ex teachers / FT tutors   Reply with your rate, timings and assignment request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 88900585 3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Davis

Request ID: D1559    Sec 2 English

O level     2     English

Postal Code: 652296

Address: Blk 296B Bukit Batok Street 22

Description: Girl, Bukit Batok Sec 1.5h/week Looking for MOE teachers / Ex teachers / FT tutors   Reply with your rate, timings and assignment request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 88900585 3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Davis

Request ID: 31798    JC1 H2 Physics / Chemistry

A level     1     Physics , Chemistry

Postal Code: 679664

Address: Bukit Panjang: Cashew Heights, 93 Cashew Road Singapore

Description: Girl in YIJC   Reply with your rate, timings and Request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 90672547  3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Benson

Request ID: 31771    Principles of financial accounting 1 and 2.

Diploma / Degree     15     Accounting

Postal Code: 650542

Address: Blk 542 Bukit Batok Street 52

Description: ITE College West Boy   Reply with your rate, timings and Request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 90672547  3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Benson

Request ID: 31767    Sec 3 express Emaths & Amaths

Rate: $30-40 p/h     

Available Time Slots: Sun between 6pm-9pm. 1.5hrs

Postal Code: 681688

Address: Blk 688A Choa Chu Kang Drive

Request ID: 31750    Pri 5 Maths.

Primary     5     Maths

Available Time Slots: Prefer Tue 4pm onwards

Postal Code: 730757

Address: Blk 757 Woodlands Avenue 4.

Description: Boy in Pathlight school, has autism   Reply with your rate, timings and Request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 90672547  3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Benson

Request ID: D1533    IB year 5 HL Maths

IB / IGCSE     14     Mathematics

Postal Code: 588179

Address: House along Hindhede Place

Description: Girl, ACS(I) Looking for Teachers / Ex teachers / FT or PT tutors   Reply with your rate, timings and assignment request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 88900585 3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Davis

Request ID: 25132    Pri 4 English, Maths, Malay

Primary     4     English , Malay, Maths

Available Time Slots: Sunday between 1pm-4pm

Postal Code: 650341

Address: Blk 341 Bukit Batok Street 34

Request ID: 31735    JC1 H2 Maths

Rate: $60-90 p/h     

Available Time Slots: Once a week 1.5hrs. 1) monday: 4.30pm-6pm 2) tuesday: 4pm-6pm 3) wednesday: 3.30-6pm

Postal Code: 680228

Address: Blk 228 Choa Chu Kang Central. Singapore

Description: JPJC girl   Reply with your rate, timings and Request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 90672547  3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Benson

Tuition Assignments North

Request ID: 31821    Higher Chinese for P3 & P5 sisters, teach together.

Primary     5     Higher Chinese

Available Time Slots: Tuesdays, min 2 hrs

Postal Code: 752340

Address: Near Sembawang MRT: Blk 340B Sembawang Close

Region: North

Description: Both in Canberra primary school   Reply with your rate, timings and Request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 90672547  3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Benson

Request ID: 31809    JC1 H2 Chemistry & H2 Physics

Available Time Slots: Tue aft 4pm, Fri aft 5pm, Weekend 7pm

Postal Code: 760602

Address: Block 602 Yishun Street 61

Request ID: 31807    Pri 5 Science

Primary     5     Science

Postal Code: 762315

Address: Boy in Chong Fu Pri school Blk 315B Yishun Avenue 9

Description: Boy in Chong Fu Pri school   Reply with your rate, timings and Request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 90672547  3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Benson

Request ID: D1568    Grade3 EMS

Primary     3     English , Maths , Science

Rate: $25-35/h     

Available Time Slots: Weekday afternoons

Postal Code: 738212

Address: Woodgrove Condo, 4 Woodgrove Drive

Description: Student from SAS 2h/lesson Looking for PT tutors Let me know which subject(s) you'd like to teach   Reply with your rate, timings and assignment request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 88900585 3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Davis

Request ID: 31795    Pri 4 Science

Available Time Slots: Wed/Thu after 3pm

Postal Code: 759158

Address: Northwood, 60 Jalan Mata Ayer Singapore

Description: Boy in St Gabriel Pri school   Reply with your rate, timings and Request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 90672547  3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Benson

Request ID: 31782    Pri 5 English & Maths

Primary     5     English , Maths

Available Time Slots: Weekdays after 7pm, weekends after 12pm

Postal Code: 768863

Address: The Canopy, 81 Yishun Avenue 11

Description: Girl in Hua Min Pri school   Reply with your rate, timings and Request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 90672547  3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Benson

Request ID: 31780    Pri 5 Maths

Rate: $40-80 p/h     

Postal Code: 737774

Address: Forestville, 40 Woodlands Drive 16. (S)

Description: Girl in woodlands primary school   Reply with your rate, timings and Request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 90672547  3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Benson

Request ID: 31755    Sec 4 express E-maths

O level     4     E Maths

Available Time Slots: Weekday after 3pm. 2hrs.

Postal Code: 761335

Address: Blk 335A Yishun Street 31

Description: Boy in Northbrook Sec School.   Reply with your rate, timings and Request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 90672547  3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Benson

Request ID: 31734    Sec 2NA Maths and Science

O level     2     L. Sec Maths, L. Sec Science

Available Time Slots: Tue 3.30pm preferred

Postal Code: 753350

Address: Blk 350C Canberra Road.

Description: Girl in Presbyterian High School   Reply with your rate, timings and Request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 90672547  3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Benson

Request ID: 31731    Pri 4 English and Sec 1 English

O level     1     English

Available Time Slots: Every Sunday 12pm-3pm, each 1.5hrs.

Postal Code: 560601

Address: Yio Chu Kang: Teacher's Estate, house along Tagore Avenue

Description: 2 sisters. 1. Pri 4 English Girl in Mayflower Pri sch 2. Sec 1 English Girl in Ang Mo Kio Sec school.   Reply with your rate, timings and Request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 90672547  3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Benson

Tuition Assignments Northeast

Request ID: D1578    *No agency commission* JC2 H2 Maths, Chem @ tuition centre

A level     2     Maths , Chemistry

Rate: $65-90/h     

Available Time Slots: Sat after 3pm

Postal Code: 530838

Address: Near Hougang MRT

Region: Northeast

Description: 6 students for Maths currently  4 students for Chem currently Looking for FT/PT tutors Let me know which subject(s) you'd like to teach   Reply with your rate, timings and assignment request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 88900585 3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Davis    

Request ID: 31817    K1 maths

Pre-school     1     Maths

Postal Code: 792469

Address: Blk 469B Sengkang West Way

Description: Boy with speech issue and unable to read   Reply with your rate, timings and Request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 90672547  3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Benson

Request ID: 31810    Ref No: 31810 Pri 5 Maths, Science, Chinese

Primary     5     Chinese , Maths , Science

Rate: $40-55 p/h     

Available Time Slots: Each subject is once a week/ 1.5hr Tue/Wed/Fri

Postal Code: 791406

Address: Sengkang: 406A Fernvale Road

Request ID: 31806    K2 Chinese

Pre-school     1     Chinese

Postal Code: 530938

Address: Blk 938 Hougang Street 92

Request ID: D1549    P5 Chinese

Primary     5     Chinese

Available Time Slots: Mon/Tue/Wed 4.30pm or 5pm

Postal Code: 792451

Address: High Park Residences, 23 Fernvale Road

Description: Boy, Sengkang Green Pri 2h/week Looking for female MOE teachers / Ex teachers / FT tutors   Reply with your rate, timings and assignment request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 88900585 3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Davis

Request ID: 31802    JC2 H2 Maths

A level     2     Maths

Available Time Slots: Thu/Fri, after 6pm

Postal Code: 560110

Address: Blk 110 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 4. Singapore

Description: Girl in TMJC   Reply with your rate, timings and Request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 90672547  3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Benson

Request ID: 31797    JC1 H2 Biology

A level     1     Biology

Rate: $40-60 p/h     

Available Time Slots: Thu/Sun, 1.5hrs

Postal Code: 797460

Address: RiverTrees Residences, 21 Fernvale Close

Description: ACJC girl   Reply with your rate, timings and Request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 90672547  3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Benson

Request ID: 31796    Sec 3 express A Maths and E Maths

Available Time Slots: Thu/Fri/Sat

Postal Code: 543291

Address: Blk 291C Compassvale Street

Description: Boy in Nan Chiau school    Reply with your rate, timings and Request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 90672547  3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Benson

Request ID: D1557    K2 Phonics

Available Time Slots: Weekdays 1.30 pm 3.30 pm, Weekend 10 am to 5 pm

Postal Code: 560428

Address: Blk 428 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 3,

Description: GIrl 1h/week Looking for female FT tutors / Uni graduates   Reply with your rate, timings and assignment request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 88900585 3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Davis

Request ID: D1552    Beginner Chinese for 7yo student

Primary     1     Chinese

Available Time Slots: Mon/Thu after 5pm

Postal Code: 797476

Address: Riverbank @ Fernvale, 13 Fernvale Close

Description: Once per week Looking for billingual female FT/PT tutors   Reply with your rate, timings and assignment request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 88900585 3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Davis

Request ID: D1544    Phonics & reading for 5yo girl

Rate: $20-40/h     

Available Time Slots: Weekdays after 6.30pm, Weekends anytime

Postal Code: 822666

Address: Blk 666B Punggol Drive

Description: 1h/lesson, 1-2x per week Looking for FT/PT tutors   Reply with your rate, timings and assignment request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 88900585 3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Davis

Request ID: 31770    Pri 2 Chinese and Maths

Primary     2     Chinese , Maths

Available Time Slots: Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu. Between 3pm-6pm

Postal Code: 820138

Address: Blk 138 Edgedale Plains

Request ID: 31753    Sec 3 Amaths and pure Physics

Postal Code: 530974

Address: Blk 974 Hougang St 91.

Request ID: 31752    Sec 4 pure physics and chemistry

O level     4     Physics , Chemistry

Available Time Slots: - mon-thurs (afternoon - night) - ⁠fri (afternoon)

Postal Code: 550255

Address: Blk 255 Serangoon Central Drive

Description: Girl in MGS   Reply with your rate, timings and Request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 90672547  3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Benson

Request ID: 31751    Sec 4 express pure chemistry

O level     4     Chemistry

Address: Blk 255 Serangoon Central Drive. Singapore

Request ID: D1529    Sec3 Exp English

O level     3     English

Available Time Slots: Wed 6pm, Tue/Thu 7.30pm, Other days/timings tbd

Postal Code: 570402

Address: House along Fulton Road

Description: Boy, ACS 2x per week for 1 month. Subsequently once per week Looking for MOE teachers / Ex teachers / FT tutors   Reply with your rate, timings and assignment request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 88900585 3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Davis

Request ID: 31740    Pri 4 Maths

Primary     4     Maths

Available Time Slots: Mon & Thu between 3pm-6pm 1.5hrs each lesson.

Postal Code: 791439

Address: Sengkang, house along Jalan Kayu

Description: Girl in Townsville Pri school    Reply with your rate, timings and Request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 90672547  3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Benson

Request ID: D1522    Sec2 Exp English

Rate: $35-50/h     

Available Time Slots: Sun after 3pm, Friday 7pm

Postal Code: 534997

Address: Blk 997C Buangkok Crescent

Description: Boy, Deyi Sec 1.5h/week Looking for male PT tutors   Reply with your rate, timings and assignment request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 88900585 3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Davis    

Tuition Assignments Central

Request ID: D1572    Pri Science @ tuition centre

Primary     1     Science

Available Time Slots: Weekends

Postal Code: 307683

Address: Near Novena MRT

Region: Central

Description: 2 students Looking for FT/PT tutors   Reply with your rate, timings and assignment request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 88900585 3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Davis

Request ID: 31800    Sec 3 English

Postal Code: 320089

Address: Balestier Rd: Ecoville, 10 Martaban Road

Description: Boy in Ahmad lbrahim Sec sch   Reply with your rate, timings and Request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 90672547  3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Benson

Request ID: 31799    IB Grade 12 HL Business (May 2025 exam)

IB / IGCSE     14     Business & Management

Available Time Slots: Friday 1245 to 1415 near GESS or Coffee bean @ 4 Dairy Farm Ln S677622 Or weekends between 11am to 4pm at Newton area.

Postal Code: 677622

Address: 4 Dairy Farm Ln or Newton

Description: Girl in GESS International School   Reply with your rate, timings and Request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 90672547  3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Benson

Request ID: D1532    P5 Tamil, Foundation Maths , Science

Primary     5     Tamil , Maths , Science

Rate: $45-120/h     

Available Time Slots: Weekday evenings

Postal Code: 570105

Address: Blk 105 Bishan Street 12

Description: Girl has Dyslexia, Marymount Convent Sch 1h/subject Looking for female SPED teachers / Ex teachers / FT tutors or Uni grads with special needs experience Let me know which subject(s) you'd like to teach   Reply with your rate, timings and assignment request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 88900585 3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Davis

Request ID: D1531    P4 EMS @ tuition centre

Primary     4     English , Maths , Science

Available Time Slots: Sat 10am to 12pm, Sun 1.30pm to 7pm

Postal Code: 238895

Address: Near Somerset MRT

Description: 2 students Looking for FT/PT tutors Let me know which subject(s) you'd like to teach   Reply with your rate, timings and assignment request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 88900585 3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Davis

Request ID: 31741    Pri 3 english and science

Primary     3     English , Science

Available Time Slots: Tue/Wed/Thu between 3pm-6pm

Postal Code: 249441

Address: school River Valley: The Horizon, 1 Holt Road

Description: *Teach together twins*. Both in Alexandra primary school   Reply with your rate, timings and Request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 90672547  3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Benson

Request ID: D1523    K2 Phonics & reading

Pre-school     1     English, Phonics

Rate: $40-70/h     

Available Time Slots: Thu 4.30pm onwards

Postal Code: 259888

Address: The Balmoral Spring, 3 Balmoral Crescent

Description: Girl, currently learning using the Spalding Method in sch 1-1.5h/week Looking for female Preschool or MOE teachers / Ex teachers / FT tutors   Reply with your rate, timings and assignment request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 88900585 3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Davis

Request ID: D1506    IB grade 11 HL Design Technology / Business Studies

IB / IGCSE     14     Business & Management, Design Technology

Postal Code: 238143

Address: Grange Heights, 15 Saint Thomas Walk

Description: Boy, Dulwich College 1.5-2h/subject Looking for Teachers / Ex teachers / FT or PT tutors Let me know which subject(s) you'd like to teach   Reply with your rate, timings and assignment request ID. 1) Whatsapp me 2) SMS 88900585 3) Email [email protected] Coordinator: Davis      

Tuition Assignments South

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Prices & packages

Lanterna’s online tutoring packages range from 5 to 180 hours. Simply pick the subject(s) that fit your requirements and add them to your cart. For multiple packages, add each one individually.

Standard packages

Standard package.

Are you new to Lanterna and don’t know what tutoring can do for you? Are you looking for help with a particular project? Standard is the solution for you. Schedule and use your tutoring hours within 6 months.

  • Perfect start if you’re struggling in a particular area within a specific subject
  • Revision support and better understanding before a test or quiz
  • Some hours can be dedicated to time management, study tips and study planning

Multi packages

Multi package.

Our Multi Package options, which offer a range of 30 to 90 hours, can be used for one subject or split between two. The hours are split evenly between the subjects. Schedule and use your tutoring hours within 10 months.

  • Support from our expert tutors in up to 2 different subjects and/or assignments
  • Tailored to your individual needs

Flex packages

Flex package.

Are you looking for ultimate flexibility with your tutoring? You might have a few subjects you need to focus on and you want the freedom to distribute the hours as you please. Flex is for you. Schedule and use your tutoring hours within 18 months.

  • Support from our expert tutors in up to 7 different subjects and/or assignments
  • Flexibility: split hours between subjects

Are you looking for ultimate flexibility with your tutoring? You might have a few subjects you need to focus on and you want the freedom to distribute the hours as you please. Flex is for you. Schedule and use your tutoring hours within 24 months.

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Our commitment to students.

Your success, guaranteed.

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  • Expert Tutors: Tutors scored at least 40 points on their IB exams, and a 7 in the IB subjects they guide you through. Exceptional explanatory and interpersonal skills are guaranteed to ensure you receive the best support possible.
  • 100% Satisfaction: If you’re not 100% satisfied with the support after two hours of your booked package, we’ll give you a complete refund.
  • Quality Control: We check in personally with all of our students after their first session to make sure they are happy with their tutor and their learning experience. If they don’t meet your expectations, we’ll come up with a solution right away.
  • Customer Support: We’re committed to providing long-term assistance during your entire IB journey. Rest assured, whenever you reach out to our customer support team, you’ll receive a response within 24 hours.

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Select a package

We offer flexible packages designed to suit each student’s unique needs, from one-time sessions for specific assignments to continuous tutoring throughout the academic year.

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Find your perfect tutor

Now, it’s up to us. Once you’ve booked your package, we’ll filter our extensive network of tutors to find the one who best matches your requirements. You can be sure that your tutor is an expert in their field and that they have previously mastered the IB program. 

As your tutor, they will provide tailored academic support, valuable resources, and proven tips to help you overcome challenges and achieve success.

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Connect with your tutor

After we have found your match, you’ll get in touch with your tutor via an online video call scheduled before your first study session. During this call, we’ll discuss your goals, agree on a plan of action , and embark on your personalized learning journey.

Home » IB Tuition » IB Tuition in Singapore: 20 Top Tuition Options for IB Students (HL & SL)

IB Tuition in Singapore: 20 Top Tuition Options for IB Students (HL & SL)

Jun 3, 2021 | IB Tuition

IB Tuition in Singapore: The Top 20 IB Tuition Options in Singapore (With Reviews Included)

Free Request For IB Tuition

Home tuition request.

  • Student’s Level / Grade * -Please Select- Primary 1 (P1) / Pri 1 Primary 2 (P2) / Pri 2 Primary 3 (P3) / Pri 3 Primary 4 (P4) / Pri 4 Primary 5 (P5) / Pri 5 Primary 6 (P6) / Pri 6 / PSLE Sec 1 Express / S1 Sec 1 NA (Normal Academic) / S1 NA Sec 1 NT (Normal Technical) / S1 NT Sec 1 IP (Integrated Programme) / S1 IP Sec 2 Express / S2 Exp Sec 2 NA (Normal Academic) / S2 NA Sec 2 NT (Normal Technical) / S2 NT Sec 2 IP (Integrated Programme) / S2 IP Sec 3 Express / S3 Exp Sec 3 NA (Normal Academic) / S3 NA Sec 3 NT (Normal Technical) / S3 NT Sec 3 IP (Integrated Programme) / S3 IP Sec 4 Express / O Levels / S4 Exp Sec 4 NA (Normal Academic) / N Levels / S4 NA Sec 4 NT (Normal Technical) / S4 NT Sec 4 IP (Integrated Programme) / S4 IP Sec 5 NA (Normal Academic) / S5 NA Sec 5 NT (Normal Technical) / S5 NT Junior College 1 (JC1) Junior College 2 (JC2) / A Levels Year 3 Millennia Institute (Year 3 MI) Pre-School Toddler Playgroup Pre-School Nursery 1 (N1) Pre-School Nursery 2 (N2) Pre-School Kindergarten 1 (K1) Pre-School Kindergarten 2 (K2) Grade 1 (G1) / Year 1 (Y1) / IGCSE Grade 2 (G2) / Year 2 (Y2) / IGCSE Grade 3 (G3) / Year 3 (Y3) / IGCSE Grade 4 (G4) / Year 4 (Y4) / IGCSE Grade 5 (G5) / Year 5 (Y5) / IGCSE / MYP Grade 6 (G6) / Year 6 (Y6) / IGCSE / MYP Grade 7 (G7) / Year 7 (Y7) / IGCSE / MYP Grade 8 (G8) / Year 8 (Y8) / IGCSE / MYP Grade 9 (G9) / Year 9 (Y9) / IGCSE / MYP Grade 10 (G10) / Year 10 (Y10) / IGCSE / MYP Grade 11 (G11) / Year 11 (Y11) / IGCSE / MYP Year 1 IB Diploma (Year 5 / Grade 11-12) Year 2 IB Diploma (Year 6 / Grade 12-13) Poly Diploma / University Degree Primary 2 AEIS (P2 AEIS) Primary 3 AEIS (P3 AEIS) Primary 4 AEIS (P4 AEIS) Primary 5 AEIS (P5 AEIS) Primary 6 AEIS (P6 AEIS) Sec 1 AEIS - S1 Sec 2 AEIS - S2 Sec 3 AEIS - S3 Adult Language Others
  • State Level *
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  • Student 3’s Level / Grade * -Please Select- Primary 1 (P1) / Pri 1 Primary 2 (P2) / Pri 2 Primary 3 (P3) / Pri 3 Primary 4 (P4) / Pri 4 Primary 5 (P5) / Pri 5 Primary 6 (P6) / Pri 6 / PSLE Sec 1 Express / S1 Sec 1 NA (Normal Academic) / S1 NA Sec 1 NT (Normal Technical) / S1 NT Sec 1 IP (Integrated Programme) / S1 IP Sec 2 Express / S2 Exp Sec 2 NA (Normal Academic) / S2 NA Sec 2 NT (Normal Technical) / S2 NT Sec 2 IP (Integrated Programme) / S2 IP Sec 3 Express / S3 Exp Sec 3 NA (Normal Academic) / S3 NA Sec 3 NT (Normal Technical) / S3 NT Sec 3 IP (Integrated Programme) / S3 IP Sec 4 Express / O Levels / S4 Exp Sec 4 NA (Normal Academic) / N Levels / S4 NA Sec 4 NT (Normal Technical) / S4 NT Sec 4 IP (Integrated Programme) / S4 IP Sec 5 NA (Normal Academic) / S5 NA Sec 5 NT (Normal Technical) / S5 NT Junior College 1 (JC1) Junior College 2 (JC2) / A Levels Year 3 Millennia Institute (Year 3 MI) Pre-School Toddler Playgroup Pre-School Nursery 1 (N1) Pre-School Nursery 2 (N2) Pre-School Kindergarten 1 (K1) Pre-School Kindergarten 2 (K2) Grade 1 (G1) / Year 1 (Y1) / IGCSE Grade 2 (G2) / Year 2 (Y2) / IGCSE Grade 3 (G3) / Year 3 (Y3) / IGCSE Grade 4 (G4) / Year 4 (Y4) / IGCSE Grade 5 (G5) / Year 5 (Y5) / IGCSE / MYP Grade 6 (G6) / Year 6 (Y6) / IGCSE / MYP Grade 7 (G7) / Year 7 (Y7) / IGCSE / MYP Grade 8 (G8) / Year 8 (Y8) / IGCSE / MYP Grade 9 (G9) / Year 9 (Y9) / IGCSE / MYP Grade 10 (G10) / Year 10 (Y10) / IGCSE / MYP Grade 11 (G11) / Year 11 (Y11) / IGCSE / MYP Year 1 IB Diploma (Year 5 / Grade 11-12) Year 2 IB Diploma (Year 6 / Grade 12-13) Poly Diploma / University Degree Primary 2 AEIS (P2 AEIS) Primary 3 AEIS (P3 AEIS) Primary 4 AEIS (P4 AEIS) Primary 5 AEIS (P5 AEIS) Primary 6 AEIS (P6 AEIS) Sec 1 AEIS - S1 Sec 2 AEIS - S2 Sec 3 AEIS - S3 Adult Language Others
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- Request Now, Decide Later,  No Obligations! - Receive A Good List of Tutor Profiles ASAP - Experienced, Committed & Professional Tutors


1. IB Tuition in Singapore

International Baccalaureate (IB) is unlike any education system in Singapore. Compared to the A Levels, IB uses a different approach in learning that provides students with a well-rounded curriculum that culminates in a diploma. Similar to other levels of tuition in Singapore, the demand for IB Tuition is gradually increasing in Singapore. As such, having IB Tuition in Singapore can help students understand the final goal of the curriculum while supporting their development as global citizens with both multiliteracy and critical thinking skills.

The IB curriculum in Singapore can be demanding and rigorous. With Singapore being one of the top-performing countries in terms of education, it is no wonder that the environment is getting increasingly competitive. As such, many parents are now opting towards IB Tuition for their child to prepare them for the examinations and ensure that they can enter into prestigious universities and degrees. Many IB Students are currently looking toward engaging IB Tuition to help with components of the IB curriculum such as the Extended Essay (EE), Theory of Knowledge (TOK) as well as school Internal Assessments (IA). If you find that your child is struggling with their IBDP in school, it would be wise to start looking for a IB Tuition soon so that they can receive the additional learning support before their IB Examinations.

The IB curriculum can be tough and rigorous. Your child can choose to get extra help by enrolling for IB tuition classes!

2. Top 20 IB Tuition Options

Here at MindFlex, we understand the concerns you have for your child to do well in the IBDP. With a large variety of IB Tuition Centres and IB Tutors to choose from, it is sometimes hard to pick the right and well-suited one for your child. Rest assured, over here, we have consolidated the top 20 centres offering IB Tuition in Singapore for you to decide on based on their reviews, subjects, location, fees as well as academic awards!

1) Chemyst Tuition Centre

Chemyst Tuition is the only IB Tuition in Singapore specialising in Chemistry IB SL/HL Tuition. Founded and taught by the Principal Tutor, lessons are conducted in classes of no more than 3 students from the same school to identify mistakes better and assist students in overcoming them. His passion for teaching and experiences in teaching various students allowed him to challenge students stronger in their concepts and build up foundations for weaker chemistry subjects. Comprehensive worksheets given after lessons and Bi-weekly tests ensure that students have sufficient practice and familiarity with different types of IB Chemistry questions. Recordings are also made accessible to students after classes for an easy recap. As a result, his teaching methodology led to students scoring 6 or 7 in their IB Chemistry examination.

Chemyst Tuition IB Tuition

Chemyst Tuition Centre
3 students (maximum)
– All students achieved 6 or 7 in their IB Chemistry examination
– Lessons are conducted in classes of maximum 3 students, where all students are from the same school
– Students have access to all the recordings after lesson for easy recap
– Comprehensive worksheets are given to all students after lessons for revision
– Bi-weekly tests given to ensure students are making improvements
– Both physical and online lessons available to suit students’ preferences
– Strives to develop student’s confidence in Chemistry, motivating them to create an inquiry-based learning approach on their own
Tue – Fri: 2pm – 9pm
Sat – Sun: 8am – 6pm

9109 1306 /
261 Waterloo Street, #02-07, Singapore 180261

[email protected]
IB SL/HL Chemistry

2) Student’s Inn

Student’s Inn offers IB Tuition in Singapore for all subject areas. Their dedicated tutors specialise in International School Syllabus and tailors lessons according to the unique needs of each student. Curriculum is structured such that it is able to develop the innate abilities of each student and maximise learning. Student’s Inn provides one-on-one sessions and group sessions as well, with each class housing a maximum of 4 students. Tutors ensure that every student gets individualised attention and that their queries are answered promptly to guarantee comprehensive understanding of concepts. They follow a system that aims to build fundamentals first, gradually inclining towards academic success once students have achieved content mastery. Extra resources will also be provided to students and can be accessed readily from their online system. 

Student’s Inn IB Tuition

Student’s Inn
1-4 students
– Offers specialised IB tuition
– Conveniently located near Holland Village, tutors have decades of teaching experience
– Small group sizes (1-4 students) for comprehensive coverage
– Online access to study notes and resources for all students
– Unique Triple-M system is offered free of cost to all students who request for it (extra specialised/custom program prepared for student)
– Online lessons available for students
Not Stated

9177 9183 /
545, Orchard Road, Far East Shopping Center, #04-08, Singapore 238882

Not Stated
[email protected]
IB SL/HL English, IB SL/HL Maths, IB SL/HL Chemistry, IB SL/HL Physics, IB SL/HL Biology, IB SL/HL History, IB SL/HL Geography, IB TOK, IB Extended Essay

3) IB Lounge

IB Lounge houses tutors who have been through the IB programme themselves and understand the rigorous process of it all. IB Lounge offers specialised IB Tuition in Singapore for all subject areas. Tutors are familiar with IB requirements and how to excel in each area. IB Lounge has also created an exclusive online forum for all their students, so you can be rest assured that students will be able to seek guidance readily. Despite the centre being relatively new, IB Lounge has already achieved stellar results. They saw a 90.64% improvement in grades with an average grade improvement of 2.307%. 9 out of 15 students scored 6s and 7s for the subjects they took with IB Lounge. With IB Tuition from IB Lounge, students will be able to nail basic fundamental concepts down as well as gain tips and tricks to tackle each component of the examination, ensuring academic excellence.

IB Lounge IB Tuition

IB Lounge
– Passionate tutors who have gone through the IB syllabus themselves
– Small class sizes or 1-to-1 to ensure maximum learning and guidance
– Tutors have achieved >40 points in total of 7 points for the subject they are teaching
Not Stated

8023 5339 / 8168 3082 /
20 Kramat Lane, #02-07 United House, Singapore 228773

Not Stated
[email protected]
IB SL/HL English, IB SL/HL Maths, IB SL/HL Chinese, IB SL/HL Chemistry, IB SL/HL Physics, IB SL/HL Biology, IB SL/HL History, IB SL/HL Geography, IB SL/HL Literature

4) IB Super

Featured in The Straits Times and My Paper, IB Super is a well-established centre that provides IB Tuition in Singapore. The devoted, enthusiastic team offers structured and individualised tutoring for IB students’ wide range of courses. Physical or online lessons are options that are both equally enriching, approaching each topic with real-life examples so that students can comprehend the application of each concept learnt. Furthermore, tutors provide continuous support and monitoring, making sure that students are making good progress. Recognising that every student has their own learning ability, comprehensive study materials, notes and homework packages are tailored to meet individual requirements.  As a result, 99% of students had shown grade improvements under their guidance and teaching. 

IB Super IB Tuition

IB Super
Not Stated
– Dedicated, passionate team designed to offer structured and personalised tuition for a variety of subjects to IGSCE and IB students
– Offers small group, one-to-one IB Tuition 
– 99% of the students had grade improvements
– Online tutoring option also available
– Comprehensive study materials and notes provided by tutors
Mon – Fri: 3pm – 8.30pm
Sat – Sun: 9am – 7pm

9819 8928 /
190 Clemenceau Avenue, #05-27 Singapore Shopping Centre, Singapore 239924

Not Stated
[email protected]
IB SL/HL Maths, IB SL/HL Chemistry, IB SL/HL Physics, IB SL/HL Biology

5) Young Scholarz

Trusted by parents and students across the globe, Young Scholarz offers IB Tuition for various subjects, specialising in English, Business Studies, Economics and French. Located in Singapore, comprehensive services also cover university essay writing, resume writing, interview coaching, and other professionally tailored assistance. AS such, well renowned for its extensive services and world-class teaching, has led them to attain a broad customer base. Having taught more than 500 students to date, many of whom have attended Ivy League and top 5 UK universities, the solid foundation built due to Young Scholarz has successfully prepared students to progress through various career routes and experiences. If you are looking to enrol your child for IB Tuition in Singapore, look no further! 

Young Scholarz IB Tuition

Young Scholarz
2-20 students
– Trusted by parents and students across the globe
– Specialise in IB English, Business Studies, Economics and French
– Wide range of services also include university essay guidance, resume writing, interview coaching and other expertly curated support
– Alumni community is made up of more than 500 students, of whom many have attended Ivy League and top 5 UK universities
Mon – Fri: 9am – 6.30pm
Sat: 9am – 2.30pm
Sun; 10am – 12.30pm

8228 1164 /
The Waterside, Tanjong Rhu Road, Singapore 436896

$65/hour for group classes
$100/hour for solo class
* rates quoted are on average
[email protected]
IB SL/HL Maths, IB SL/HL Literature, IB TOK, IB Extended Essay

6) MindLab International

MindLab International is an award-winning and leading educational centre specialising in IB Tuition in Singapore. They have been mentioned by news outlets such as StraitTimes and AsiaOne, crowning them as one of the best tutors for IB Tuition in Singapore. MindLab International boasts a plethora of quality tutors who are IBO certified and are able to deliver effective classes and produce excellent results. Founded in 2009, MindLab now has a total of 4,700 students, with an average of 14,667 classes held yearly. Students show an average of a 2-band grade improvement.  MindLab International offers many different programs, from regular tuition, to intensive revision classes, exam preparation classes and exam practices, each class customised to meet different learning objectives. MindLab’s IB Tutors are familiar with the syllabus requirements and are well equipped with the knowledge to support students in achieving academic excellence. 

MindLab International IB Tuition

MindLab International
Not Stated
– Experienced, IBO Certified, and handpicked tutors
– Leading educational centre in Singapore that specialises in IBDP programmes
– Study frameworks that are designed to achieve continuous grade improvements
– Different programmes available for students (e.g. Intensive Revision Courses)
– Award winning IB & IGCSE Tuition Centre, featured on The Straits Times
– Has an average of 2 band improvements
– A decade of success stories from students, with a wide international clientele
Mon: 12-9pm
Tue-Thurs: 1-10pm
Fri: 1-9.30pm
Sat-Sun: 8:30am-6pm
6341 9618 / 9711 6839 /
545 Orchard Road, #15-01 Far East Shopping Centre, Singapore 238882
Not Stated
Not Stated
IB SL/HL English, IB SL/HL Maths, IB SL/HL Chemistry, IB SL/HL Physics, IB SL/HL Biology
“I have been attending Mindlab for the past 6 months. I like the option of 1-1 tuition lessons as group tuition does not suit me. My Physics tutor has taught me techniques that have helped me improve my understanding of the subject. If I don’t understand something, she is very patient and explains concepts in different ways. Also, the reception staff are very friendly and professional.”

7) EliteIB Tutors

EliteIB was founded in 2010 on the desire to give students with personalised IB Tuition in Singapore that meets the academic rigours and scope of the International Baccalaureate curriculum. Their strategy is centred on knowing each student’s individual needs and only offering tutors to families who are especially suited to support them. Tutors and students collaborate closely to create individualised and comprehensive academic help schedules. This is made possible by handpicking and building a pool of expert tutors that includes approximately 100 IB professors and Examiners who teach at the world’s leading IB schools and develop the IBO’s topic syllabi. Over the past 10 years, offering uncompromised physical and online lessons, this IB Tuition Centre has built a solid testimonial base, assisting various IB students from well-known schools.

EliteIB IB Tuition

EliteIB Tutors
1-4 students
– Over 10 years of experience
– All tutors are well-versed with the syllabus and are government certified
– Strong testimonial base
– Offers both online and face-to-face tuition
Mon – Fri: 9am – 7pm
9099 1775 /
36 Carpenter St, the Hive, Singapore 059915
Starts from $72/hour
[email protected]
IB SL/HL Maths, IB SL/HL Chemistry, IB SL/HL Physics, IB SL/HL Biology, IB SL/HL History, IB Extended Essay

8) Economics Tuition Genius

Founded by the Principal Tutor, Mr. Eugene Toh, in 2007, Economics Tuition Genius is a premier Economics Tuition in Singapore that covers both the A Level and IB Curriculum for the Economics subject. The centre has recieved media attention and strong popularity for its effective teaching and unique rewards-based system, which encourages students to work harder. At Economics Tuition Genius, Mr. Toh teaches more than 200 students annually, with most of his students going on to place >90th percentile in their respective school examinations, thus establishing a strong track record for the tuition centre among JC and IB Economics students.

Economics Tuition Genius IB Tuition

Economic Tuition Genius 
3-16 students

– Online lessons bank where all lessons are recorded on their online Learning Management System for students to view anytime, anywhere
– Complimentary exclusive student materials pack authored the Principal Tutor himself 
– Encouragement-based system where high-achievers and hard workers are rewarded with goodies such as iPads and Starbucks cards
– Available 24/7 for WhatsApp consults
– Positive news coverage on several platforms such as The Straits Times

Opening Hours Differ
8182 3036
Economics at Tuition Genius Academy: 587 Bukit Timah Road #03-01B, Coronation Plaza S269707
Eugene Toh Academy: Thomson V Two, 11 Sin Ming Road, #B1-18 S575629
$120/lesson (2 hours)
$225/1-to-1 lesson (1.5 hours)
[email protected]

 IB SL/HL Economics

9) Eureka Advantage Learning Hub

Eureka Edvantage is a premium enrichment and tuition centre that has distinguished itself as one of the leading centres providing IB Tuition in Singapore. At Eureka, they have formulated the Eureka Pedagogy – a learning methodology founded and developed by experienced practitioners with over a decade’s worth of teaching experience. The learning pedagogy encompasses multiple tried and tested disciplines, and was designed specifically to meet the needs of IB students in order to challenge them comfortably, effectively pushing them out of their comfort zones. This helps distinguish Eureka Edvantage from other IB Tuition in Singapore, making them one of the most effective centres for IB students. 

Eureka Edvantage Learning Hub IB Tuition

Eureka Advantage Learning Hub
Not Stated
– Students will be able to develop creative and narrative writing capabilities with Eureka Writing Techniques™
– Tailored step-by-step programme which are according to IB syllabus and guidelines
– Eureka Critical Thinking Strategies™ used to inculcate critical thinking
– Holiday writing/enrichment programmes available for students to enhance their capabilities
Not Stated
9119 2159 /
10 Winstedt Rd, Block A, #03-01, Singapore 227977
[email protected]
IB SL/HL English, IB SL/HL Literature

10) Afterskool Learning Centre

At Afterskool Learning Centre, the qualified tutors have years of experience teaching students under the IB curriculum, making them one of the best IB Tuition in Singapore. With self-study areas and complimentary refreshments provided, Afterskool boasts of a conducive learning environment for both IB Tuition classes and study sessions. The centre also provides customised materials that are regularly updated to complement the syllabus guidelines, with additional study resources such as practice papers and summary sheets provided to students to ensure that they receive enough resources for their examination revision. Hence, rest assured that with Afterskool Learning Centre, IB students are in qualified hands to help them achieve their desired 7 points. 

Afterskool Learning Centre IB Tuition

Afterskool Learning Centre
1-10 students
Co-Tutor present for classes of >8 students
– MOE-certified/former-MOE full-time tutors
– Customised materials that are regularly reviewed to ensure relevance to school syllabus
– Provides an annual reviewed subject materials including comprehensive summary booklets for every subject, distributed early in the academic year to aid students in their revision
– Content taught ahead of schools’ pace to ensure that students are able to keep up
– Extra sessions held on top of weekly lessons to help students to catch up on studies
– 16 classrooms that are fully-equipped with projectors and visualisers, with plenty of self-study areas 
Mon – Fri: 9am – 6pm
Weekends: Closed
6339 6787 /
31 Holland Close, #01-215/217, Singapore 270031
[email protected]
IB SL/HL Maths, IB SL/HL Chemistry, IB SL/HL Physics, IB SL/HL Biology

11) Focus Chemistry

Known as one of the most competitive subject under the IB curriculum, it can definitely be tough for students to score well in IB HL/SL Chemistry, which has led to many students seeking IB Chemistry Tuition in Singapore. Here’s where Focus Chemistry comes in – as the centre’s name suggests, Focus Chemistry specialises in high-quality IB Chemistry Tuition. With their unique teaching methods and attention to detail, Focus Chemistry, founded by Mr Dion Khoo, has invested time and effort into conceptualising an engaging and effective teaching pedagogy. Hence, this sets Focus Chemistry apart from other IB Tuition centres, making it one of the best centres providing IB Tuition in Singapore. IB Students enrolled in Focus Chemistry are well-equipped with the content and skills required to ace their IB HL/SL Chemistry, allowing them to excel in their IB examinations.

Focus Chemistry IB Tuition

Focus Chemistry
– Small-group setting provides a more conducive and comfortable learning environment with increased opportunities for a one-on-one interaction
– Post-assessment analysis of test/examination answer scripts of each student and prior feedbacks given by the tutor
– Unique teaching methodology crafted by tutors, with heavy emphasis on real-life application
– 100% scoring 7 in IB, guaranteed improvements in grades
Mon – Fri: 3pm – 9pm
Sat: 9am – 5pm
Sun: 9am – 6pm
9616 1651 /
271 Bukit Timah Road, Balmoral Plaza #02-11, Singapore 259708
Not Stated
[email protected]
IB SL/HL Chemistry, IB Extended Essay

12) Physics Academy

With 2 outlets located in Bukit Batok and Kembangan, Physics Academy is a specialised tuition centre providing Secondary School, JC and IB Tuition in Singapore. All the IB Tutors in the Academy possess over 10 years of teaching experience and are familiar with the IB syllabus and marking schemes, making them well-versed with the curriculum and hence are able to guide IB students in achieving their desired grades. In slightly over 10 years, Physics Academy has already transformed numerous students into confident, motivated achievers, and has produced over 1,000 A/B grades. IB students will benefit largely from the personalised approaches adopted by this IB Tuition in Singapore, allowing them to remove common misconceptions, master their content knowledge and learn to apply their concepts into different exam question types. 

Physics Academy IB Tuition

Physics Academy
Not Stated
– Specialises in Physics for IB students struggling with SL/HL Physics curriculum
– Provides structured and concise notes for students
– Offers comprehensive Physics materials, along with their own Physics Learning System to guide students in their learning
Wed, Thur: 11am – 7pm
Fri: 1.30pm – 9.30pm
Sat – Sun: 9am – 7pm
Mon, Tues: Closed
9068 8953 /
Bukit Batok: Blk 151 Bukit Batok Street 11, #03-252, Singapore 650151
Kembangan: 111 Jalan Kembangan, Singapore 419149
$90 – $120/lesson
[email protected]
[email protected]
IB SL/HL Physics

13) Geog Cafe

GeogCafe is a premier tuition centre that is specialised and well-versed with the latest IB SL/HL Geography Syllabus to ensure that students are familiar with the curriculum content as well as the types of questions that would appear in their IB SL/HL Geography homework, tests and examinations. At GeogCafe, their highly dedicated IB Geography tutors will instill a strong foundation of the Geographic theories and guide students on how to apply the learnt theories when answering questions in the subject. With the IB Curriculum being more demanding as compared to the Secondary or JC curriculum, additional support and revision will be provided to IB students so that they are well-equipped and prepared with the essential knowledge and skills to ace in their IB SL/HL Geography Examinations!

GeogCafe IB Tuition

Geog Cafe
8 students (maximum)
– Specialises in Geography and is familiar with the IB SL/HL Geography Syllabus
– Provides exclusive detailed notes, Geography exam paper with model answers and case studies
– Classrooms are conducive for learning and has fully equipped with multi-media capabilities
Lessons are interactive and light-hearted, enabling students to better understand concepts
– Tutor will instil a strong foundation of Geographic theories and then building application skills from past questions
– A small class size of no more than 8 students provides for optimal classroom interaction in developing ideas and opinions
Mon – Fri: 3-10pm
Sat: 9am-10pm
Sun: 9am-8pm
9025 6500 /
271 Bukit Timah Rd, #B1-01 Balmoral Plaza, Singapore 259708
Not Stated
[email protected]
IB SL/HL Geography
notes are also supplemented with extremely useful examples with distinctions in contexts such as the level of development of countries, the demographics that are highly useful in writing quality paragraphs and evaluation. Such examples are only hidden in the stacks of readings (or not provided at all) that schools provide and could only be found after hours of perusing. He would always identify important topics and help us master the concepts by offering detailed explanations and drawings. What I also appreciate a lot is a large number of practice questions that Mr Goh provides before exams that would help us get familiarise with all types of possible questions which are rarely covered in school. Highly useful exam techniques are also emphasised to make sure that we do well even under stressful exam conditions. After having one year of interesting and meaningful geography lessons with Mr Goh, I have learned knowledge and thinking skills that are transferable to other subjects and areas. I would definitely recommend his lessons to others, not only for improvement in grades but also a whole new world of perspectives and ideas!”
 He also ensures that we have sufficient practice in class and helps us draw links between theories we learn in class and practical applications or examples in the real world. His notes are straightforward and informative, and he provides us with many examples to supplement and improve our answers. He is very patient, knowledgeable and personable, and I know he is the main reason why I scored so well for my IB Geography. Thank you for everything you have done Mr Goh!”
 He would explain any questions I have in a simple and comprehensive manner, giving me extra information that could be useful in answering questions. Mr Goh has many resources which he uses to teach us content. He also teach us additional to help deepen our understanding of a certain topic. He gives us many questions as practice for exposure and his answers are always geared to what the IB examinations demand. Moreover, Mr Goh is a very patient teacher who will ensure that we understand the concepts before moving on. I used to forget content after moving on to other topics and Mr Goh would go back to the previous topics and explain them to me again. Not only is Mr Goh a very good Geog teacher, he also a caring teacher who ensures that his students have enough rest while studying for exams which can be draining at times. Mr Goh always had believed in me and it helped me build my confidence in the examination hall.”

14) Habitat Learning Centre

Located in Novena, Habitat Learning Centre is one of the few centres that offer IB Tuition for Economics in Singapore. With small class settings for students to ensure ample attention, it will deepen their understanding and application. Tutors tailor the tuition curriculum to the student’s level of expertise in Economics, enabling the students to learn the materials at a comfortable pace thoroughly. This is further supplemented by summary notes, practice questions and aptitude tests that will measure their progress. A strong supporting atmosphere is instilled, as are positive interactions between teachers and students and between teachers and parents. The centre promises to lay a strong foundation, helping students attain life skills and academic achievements for their future career advancements. 

Habitat Learning Centre IB Tuition

Habitat Learning Centre
4-6 students
– Small class size to ensure that every student receives ample of attention from tutor, with in-house customised IB Tuition curriculum based on the student’s level of knowledge
– Notes, practice questions, summary notes and aptitude tests provided to all students
– Strong supportive culture is instilled, good relationships between teacher and student, as well as teacher and parent
Mon – Thu: 12pm – 5.30pm
Fri: 12pm – 6pm
Sat – Sun: 10am – 7pm
9795 3323 /
1 Goldhill Plaza, #02-27, Singapore 308899
Not Stated
[email protected]
IB SL/HL Economics

15) Quintessential Education

Acclaimed as a leading provider of tutorial and university admissions programmes for MYP, IGCSE, and IB students, Quintessential Education holds an international and extensive group of highly qualified educators, including Ivy alumnus and IB examiners. At Quintessential Education, the centre adopts a unique E3 teaching model to educate through exam exposure, key content mastery and targeted practices. Furthermore, with several media features on Channel 5 and Straits Times and 500+ 5 star Google reviews, Quintessential Education’s branding is proven to be highly regarded among many students and parents alike. The IB Tuition Centres proven track record of  100% students scoring 6 or 7 in IB exam further demonstrates the tuition centre’s abilities so students are definitely in safe hands should they engage with Quintessential Education for their IB Tuition in Singapore.

Quintessential Education IB Tuition

Quintessential Education
3-6 students

– Usage of an E3 teaching model to educate through exam exposure, key content mastery and targeted practices
– Featured in multiple media outlets (Channel 5, Channel 8, Straits Times etc.), with 500+ 5 star Google reviews
– International expansive group of educators (from Raffles, ACS, Ivy, Oxbridge alumnus, IB Examiners, and beyond)
– Students outperform the national average across major examinations, with 100% students scored 6 or 7 in IB exam

Mon – Fri: 11am to 8pm
Sat – Sun: 11am to 6pm
6100 9338 / 9655 0590 /
545 Orchard Rd #14-09, Far East Shopping Centre, Singapore 238882
Group Classes:
*Four sessions per month, 1 hr 45 min each

Individual Classes:
Junior Tutors: $600-$720
Senior Tutors: $800-$880
Examiners: $950
*Four sessions per month, 1 hr 30 min each

[email protected]
IB SL/HL Maths, IB SL/HL Chinese, IB SL/HL Chemistry, IB SL/HL Physics, IB SL/HL Biology, IB SL/HL History, IB SL/HL Geography, IB SL/HL Literature, IB Extended Essay

16) Aces Aspire

Based on the philosophy that every student should receive equal opportunities to high-quality education, Aces Aspire provides all IB students with affordable rates, along with no additional charges for deposit, registration or materials fees. Aces Aspire is led by 3 NIE-trained Maths instructors with many years of teaching experience in the subject, thus ensuring that IB students are well-versed with the IB SL/HL Maths curriculum. With a strong academic track record of 100% of students obtaining As in their Math Extended Essays (EE), it is evident that Aces Aspire has a well-developed IB curriculum which has contributed to every IB student’s success in IB Maths.

Aces Aspire IB Tuition

Aces Aspire
8 students (maximum)
– Experience in tutoring IB HL Maths students
– Well-planned curriculum is catered to the holistic development of our students, with lessons conducted using own-crafted notes, coupled with 1 page chapter summaries for easier reference and revision
– Team of teachers consists of handpicked practitioners selected for their breadth and depth of teaching expertise
– Stellar results from students
– Affordable tuition rates, no deposit/registration/material fees
[email protected]
Mon – Fri: 3pm – 9pm
Sat – Sun: 10.30am – 3.30pm
9723 4217 /
Bukit Timah: Blk 170 Upper Bukit Timah Road, #03-35 Bukit Timah Shopping Centre, Singapore 588173
Woodlands: Blk 169 Woodlands Street 11, #02-89, Singapore 730169
Not Stated
[email protected]
IB SL/HL Maths

17) My Chem Cafe

Established as a Top Quality IB Chemistry Tuition in Singapore, My Chem Cafe believes that their students should only receive the best and most suitable learning curriculum to help them with their academic studies within the IB curriculum. My Chem Cafe’s IB Tuition holds several qualified and dedicated IB Chemistry tutors that are well-versed in the latest IB Chemistry Syllabus and will provide curated teaching materials and revision packages that will significantly help IB students with the subject. At this IB Tuition, the centre mainly focuses on personalising teaching techniques to help all their IB students reach their fullest potential in the field of Chemistry while providing a conducive learning environment to ace in their IB SL/HL Chemistry examinations.

My Chem Cafe IB Tuition

My Chem Cafe
Not Stated
– Emphasises on the importance of differentiated instruction and personalising teaching techniques to help each student reach his/her potential
– Ensures positive teacher-student relationship to help students find meaning in what they are learning and be more engaged in lessons
– Encourages a supportive and participative learning environment where students are not afraid to ask questions and clarify their doubts
– Mr Jacky Wong is an Ex-MOE teacher that is very well-versed with the MOE syllabus and the various question types that appear in the Cambridge Examinations
– Curated teaching materials and revision packages including concise revision notes and practices to scaffold students’ learning and help them to build confidence in each topic
Mon – Sun: 10am – 10pm
9791 0388 (WhatsApp/SMS before 5pm) /
Bukit Timah: 170 Upper Bukit Timah Road, #03-01 Bukit Timah Shopping Centre, S588179
Bishan: Block 505B Bishan Street 11, #01-422, Singapore 572505
Thomson: 187A Thomson Road, Singapore 307630
$90/2 hour session
[email protected]
IB SL/HL Chemistry

18) Prep Zone Academy

For over a decade, Prep Zone Academy has dedicated its time to helping students ace their IB training courses with a broad student base. This IB Tuition in Singapore provides comprehensive, personalised year-long preparatory courses for SL/HL English & Literature, Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. In addition to their long-standing, they have also been featured on Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Financial Times and BBC World News for their excellent teaching services. This feat is achievable due to top experienced and dedicated tutors from top universities and courses catered to each student’s academic timetable.  Since the IBDP programme aims to develop students who have excellent breadth and depth of knowledge, students can also receive complimentary consultation sessions from College Admission Experts to realise this aim. 

Prep Zone Academy IB Tuition

Prep Zone Academy
Not Stated
– Founded in 2006
– Provides year long preparatory courses for IB English & Literature, Maths, Physics, Biology and Chemistry (SL/HL)
– Experienced and dedicated tutors, from top universities worldwide
– Individual IB courses are fully personalised to cater to student’s personal academic timetable
– Receive complimentary consultation sessions from College Admissions Expert
– Featured on Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Financial Times and BBC World News
– Wide student base, with strong testimonials
Tanjong Pagar:
Daily 9.30am – 6.30pm

Buona Vista:
Daily 10am – 6pm

6812 9999 /
Tanjong Pagar: 3 Anson Road, Springleaf Tower #08-03, Singapore 079909
Buona Vista: 35 Rochester Drive, Rochester Mall #02-05, Singapore 138639
Not Stated
[email protected]
IB SL/HL English, IB SL/HL Maths, IB SL/HL Chemistry, IB SL/HL Physics, IB SL/HL Biology, IB SL/HL Literature, IB TOK

19) Brain Matter

Specialising in English, Maths, Science and Social Studies, Brain Matter is an established IB Tuition Centre in Singapore that ensures high quality tuition lessons through small class sizes of no more than 5 students in each IB Tuition class. The tuition centre houses a large pool of subject specialists across many different academic levels, including IB Tuition Specialists, that takes pride in providing customised guidance to all their IB students. Brain Matter ensures all their materials and resources are constantly in accordance with the latest IB Syllabus, thus allowing students to be fully equipped with the necessary knowledge and skill sets to ace in students’ IB tests and examinations in school.

Brain Matter IB Tuition

Brain Matter
2-5 students
– Small class size, maximum 5 students
– Personalised guidance from tutors for all students
– Prompt feedback to parents about child’s progress
Mon – Fri: 2pm – 9pm
Sat – Sun: 10am – 7pm
9791 1234 /
Blk 501 Bishan Street 11, #01-364 Singapore 570501
Block 503, Bishan Street 11, #01-448 Singapore 570503
Not Stated
[email protected]
IB SL/HL English, IB SL/HL Maths

20) Aspire Hub

Equipped with nearly 20 years of experience, Aspire Hub is a leading and reputable IB Tuition in Singapore that adopts a holistic and exam-centred approach in their IB Tuition. With all of Aspire Hub’s tutors being full-time coaches, IB students can be assured that they will receive more undivided attention throughout the classes. Moreover, all IB students will be required to take a diagnostic test in order for tutors to understand their individual learning styles and customise their teaching styles to suit every different IB student. On top of that, each IB student’s portfolio will be personally handled by a tutor at Aspire Hub to ensure that his/her individual learning profile is being well taken care of. With Aspire Hub’s IB Tuition, students can be assured to receive proper guidance and support in preparation for their IB examinations.

Aspire Hub Education IB Tuition

Aspire Hub
6 students
– Almost 20 years of experience, with branches islandwide at convenient locations
– Offers a wide range of subjects with curriculum that is in line with the latest school syllabus
– Customised learning programme for all students to ensure holistic learning
– Coaches are full-time employees and 100% dedicated
– Exam-centred approach; lessons are focused on preparing students for examinations with focused lessons for Mid-Year Exams and intensive revision periods during school holidays
– Students take a diagnostic test for coaches to fully customise their teaching styles and learning programmes
– Each student’s portfolio is individually handled by a coach
Opening hours differs
6235 2018 / 9821 6612 (Great World City)
9649 0297 / 9649 2084 (
Ang Mo Kio Hub)
6904 4540 / 9622 2942 (H
illion Mall)
6513 6272 /9002 8570 (
Paya Lebar Quarter)
6377 7318 / 6377 7320 / 9821 6612 (
Alexandra Village)
6702 4080 / 6702 4083 (
Bedok Mall)
6245 6671 (
Bedok Point)
6462 4840 / 6462 4240 / 9835 1025 (
Bukit Timah – Beauty World Centre)
6252 5630 / 6252 6255 / 8299 8697 (
Jurong Point)
6214 0501/ 6214 0502 (
Parkway Parade)
8332 2251 (
Rochester Mall)
6702 7318 / 6702 7319 (
Seletar Mall)
6634 2412 / 6634 2413 (
Serangoon NEX)
6526 1758 / 8180 2822 (
6909 2077 / 6909 2078 (
United Square)
6316 6675 (
West Mall)
[email protected]
IB SL/HL Maths, IB SL/HL Chemistry, IB SL/HL Physics

3. Cost of IB Tuition

Singaporean parents spend a staggering amount of money on education, including tuition for their children. This is usually due to many parents and children alike wanting to ace in their academics and national examinations in order to achieve strong academic credentials and better secure their future education and/or career path. Given how internationally recognised the IB Curriculum is, the content becomes more demanding and the competition among IB students turns more competitive. As a result, IB students have to constantly do well in their IB studies to ace in their IB SL/HL Examinations. Hence, many turn to engaging in Top Quality IB Tuition in Singapore to help them achieve their desired academic grades. However, one thing parents should take note is that if they are going to spend money on IB Tuition in Singapore, it is advised that they do it wisely in the right tuition centre so as to fully maximise the time and money spent for tuition.

Every IB student will have to go through three main stages — IB Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP), and Diploma Programme (DP) — based on the IB curriculum. The Diploma Programme (DP) would be the most commonly found available in local schools such as ACS Independent, SJI Independent as the core of their tertiary education programme. Depending on the student’s current stage in IB as well as budget and quality of services of the tuition centre, the cheapest and affordable IB Group Tuition can go to as low as $90 per lesson while the most expensive IB Group Tuition goes up to $500 per lesson. As for Private IB Tuition where students have 1-to-1 sessions with their tutor, the average rate ranges from $50-$120 per session, depending on the type of home tutors you engage with and their experiences and accolades.

Overall, it is important to consider the differences in terms of learning structure and amount of undivided attention provided between Group IB Tuition and Private IB Tuition to determine which is the better option for your child and his/her learning needs. Generally, Private IB Tuition is often more expensive compared to Group IB Tuition as students would enjoy the tutor’s fullest attention being the only student that the tutor will focus on throughout the lessons. Engaging an IB Home Tutor would be especially recommended if the IB Student require more specialised help in individual projects such as the Extended Essay (EE) or assigned Internal Assessments (IA). If Group IB Tuition is not your child’s cup of tea, you can consider our IB Tuition options at MindFlex, where we will provide you with 1-to-1 Home Tuition at affordable prices! We offer IB Level Home Tuition that starts at $40-50 per hour for our Part-Time Tutors, $60-80 per hour for Full-Time Tutors, and $90-120 per hour for our Ex/Current MOE Teacher.

4. Benefits of IB Tuition

4.1. customised learning curriculum for every ib student.

Within tuition classes of small sizes, IB students are guaranteed to receive more undivided attention from their tutors when there are only about 2-8 students. With a lower volume of students to handle in a class, tutors will be able to better identify each student’s learning pace, thus allowing tutors to curate a learning curriculum and adopt a specific teaching style to meet their IB students’ academic needs. As such, this provides students a more personalised teaching that focuses on areas that they need to improve on to do well in their studies, thus allowing IB students to better score in their examinations within the IB Curriculum.

4.2. Receive Timely and Constructive Feedback from IB Tutors

IB Teachers in school are often unable to provide undivided attention and time to every student they teach due to the large class sizes and time constraints in the school schedule. This would mean that teachers rarely have the opportunity to speak to their students personally regarding their performance in school, resulting in students being unaware of where their strengths and weaknesses lie. However, if IB students were to attend tuition, they will be able to receive more of the tutor’s attention and find out the areas that they are lacking in. Tutors will also be able to point out the learning issues that the teachers in school might have missed out on and help break down concepts that the students are struggling with, small and bite-sized pieces that are easy for them to understand.

4.3. Receive Comprehensive Exam Revision and Answers under IB Curriculum

IB Tutors are usually specialised in deconstructing questions into parts that helps students understand better. Unlike teachers in school, tutors usually select most of their practice questions from past exam papers, and focus more of their time training students on how to craft out their answers that meet the questions’ requirement so they will be able to get full marks for the question. Through the IB tutors’ guidance, students can pick up problem-solving skills and know better what is expected of them when answering any questions, which would be very useful when they tackle their IB examinations. 

4.4. Heightened Confidence Among IB Students

The main reason students have IB Tuition in Singapore is because they are not doing well in school or are doing well in school but would like to further maximise their academic potential. When students struggle in school to do well, they tend to feel stressed and start losing confidence in themselves. This, in turn, would affect their morale to work hard. As such, having IB Tuition provides students with an additional helping hand towards regaining their self-esteem and confidence. Through the personalised teaching methods and curriculum, as well as focused attention, tutors can create a safe space for the students to learn and improve. The dedicated time set aside for tuition can also therefore serve to help keep students focused and improve their learning capabilities and motivation. Therefore, engaging in IB Tuition in Singapore would definitely be advantageous if students would like to improve their IB grades.

4.5. Enjoy A Conducive and Engaging Learning Environment

In school, IB students may sometimes feel intimidated due to the large volume of students that are in each class. However, having IB tuition will help students absorb and comprehend content better through a positive and conducive learning environment that makes all IB students feel safe, relaxed and motivated to work hard. Additionally, as many students may face the dilemma of asking questions in class, attending tuition with a smaller class size may help them to be more confident in asking questions in order to clarify their doubts. Regardless of the type of tuition that the students enrol in, private or group, students can feel relaxed in sharing their thoughts and doubts with their IB tuition teacher.

4.6. Getting a Head Start in Learning with IB Tuition

Certain IB Tuitions in Singapore allow their students to learn topics or concepts in advance before being taught in their school. This provides the students an advantage in class as they will feel more confident during lessons, making learning easier for them. When the topics or subjects are taught again in school, students can use the time to recap and refresh on what was previously taught during their IB Tuition lesson, which will allow them to grasp concepts easily. In addition, such reinforcements will also help build on the student’s foundation and understanding of the IB subject.

4.7. Provision of Consolidated and Effective Notes and Other Materials

By engaging IB Tuition in Singapore, students will receive materials that are curated and aligned with the IB syllabus. Most tutors will also have high-quality summary notes or handpicked practice papers that will help students with their learning. This ensures that the student receives extra resources to supplement weak areas or to enhance their learning experience. Furthermore, the miscellaneous worksheets provided by IB Tutors during lessons also serves as an immediate feedback for tutors as they are able to monitor the student’s learning, and if needed, guide students on their misconceptions and weaknesses. 

Enrolling in IB tuition classes allows for more personalised teaching, providing constructive feedbacks for better learning experience.

5. Considerations When Selecting IB Tuition

With many choices available for IB SL/HL Tuition in Singapore to choose from, we understand that it might be challenging to decide the best and most suitable IB tuition for every student’s different learning needs. However, IB students can be assured with the help of our team at MindFlex as we have collated 5 valuable considerations that both parents and students think about before engaging in any IB Tuition in Singapore.

5.1. Experience of the IB Tutor

  • The teaching experience and academic qualifications are absolutely essential in order to ascertain if the IB Tutor is qualified to teach the IB Curriculum
  • As the IB Curriculum is vastly different from other tertiary curriculums in Singapore, it is crucial to pick a tutor that is well-versed with the IB Syllabus
  • This can be done through asking for any valid/relevant certificates or qualifications
  • Can be done through looking through their academic accolades, number of years tutored or the academic achievements/improvements of their past students
  • When searching for an IB Tuition Centre, try to choose one with a wide variety of IB Tutors to choose from (eg. Current or Ex-MOE Teachers)

5.2. Reputation and Credibility of the IB Tuition Centre / IB Tutor

  • Before engaging with any IB Tuition in Singapore, it is important to conduct prior research on the various Tuition options in terms of their credentials, past track record as well as reputation, before making the final choice.
  • Look out for their testimonial base that is often provided by both parents and students after their experience at the tuition centre
  • Check the number of years of experience the tuition centre, including how long they have been established in Singapore
  • Look at their testimonials and feedbacks that were provided by parents and students 
  • This would be able to give you a sense of how the tuition centre is like and if they provide a suited environment for your child 

5.3. Location of The IB Tuition in Singapore

  • It might be better to pick an IB Tuition that is convenient and easy for students to commute to
  • Given the hectic schedules of the IB Curriculum, students might get overwhelmed with the sheer amount of workload – hence it might be better to pick an IB Tuition in Singapore that is either close to the student’s school or home
  • It is simply not practical to have students travel far just to attend classes – the commuting time alone might tire students out, leaving them exhausted and not focused enough for lessons
  • IB Home Tuition can also be a feasible option for busy IB students – students will be able to go home, freshen up and have meals before having their IB Tuition right at the comforts of their own homes! If this appeals to you, why not check out MindFlex Home Tuition?

5.4. Quality of IB Tuition Materials Provided

  • When engaging IB Tuition in Singapore, MindFlex highly recommends checking the quantity and quality of materials provided by the IB Tutor
  • In particular, ensure that there is sufficient materials provided – be it concise notes, summary sheets or in-house worksheets
  • Materials and notes that are produced in-house by that particular IB Tuition are usually of higher quality and more useful compared to the ones that are bought/edited from ready-made assessment books. This is because they are specially curated and pieced together by qualified and experienced educators who’ve had experience tutoring students of the IB curriculum

5.5. Class Size of IB Tuition

  • Depending on the volume of IB students in each class, some students may think twice or may even be afraid to ask questions and clarify their doubts with their teachers in school or tutors in their tuition centre. As such, it is critical to find out the average number of students that each tuition class usually holds so that students can determine which tuition centre offers a class size that is comfortable for the student to attend classes.
  • With a smaller class size in IB Tuition, students are more likely to feel confident in voicing out their questions to the tutors without the fear of getting too much attention or getting judged by their other peers in the same class.
  • A small class size of 2-8 students would provide your child with more individual undivided attention from their IB tutors, making their learning environment more conducive and effective for learning.

Writing down notes for IB contents can be an arduous journey as well. IB Tuition tutors can provide well crafted notes for better revision!

6. Conclusion – The Best IB Tuition in Singapore

In conclusion, despite the increased workload and rigorous demands of the IB curriculum, these worries and anxieties can be solved through engaging the most suitable IB Tuition in Singapore to meet individual learning needs and styles. After all, we understand that you want your money paid to be useful in helping your child improve their IB grades! Hence, take some time off to properly research in order to find the perfect IB Tuition in Singapore for your child.

Through this article, we hope you’ll be able to gain some insight into the IB Tuition Industry in Singapore and gather some useful information to help you select the best suited IB Tuition in Singapore. However, if you find that Group Tuition is not what you have in mind for your child, do consider engaging MindFlex’s IB Home Tutors , who are able to provide high-quality IB education with greater convenience and flexibility!

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  • Junior College Singapore – A Complete Guide to JC in Singapore October 28, 2022

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  • Junior College Singapore – A Complete Guide to JC in Singapore
  • AEIS Tuition
  • Biology Tuition
  • Chemistry Tuition
  • Chinese Tuition
  • Economics Tuition
  • English Tuition
  • Free Test Papers
  • Home Tuition
  • IGCSE Tuition
  • Literature Tuition
  • Maths Tuition
  • Online Tuition
  • Physics Tuition
  • POA Tuition
  • Preschool Tuition
  • Primary School Tuition
  • Science Tuition
  • Secondary School Tuition
  • Tuition Rates

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  • • Experienced Tutors
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Home Tuition Rates Singapore 2024

Our home tuition rates are constantly updated based on rates quoted by Home Tutors in Singapore. These market rates are based on the volume of 10,000+ monthly tuition assignment applications over a pool of 30,000+ active home tutors.


The next-gen learning platform

Get access to our world class tutors, and take tests and quizzes that help you understand your strengths and weaknesses through extensive analytics.

Data-Driven Customized Learning Plans

Unlock Your Potential with Data-Driven Tutoring and Performance Insights

IB Diagnostic Tests

Take a diagnostic test designed by subject experts to identify which topic is bringing your overall subject score down.

Individual Student Records

Keep records of your test performance and learning goals all in one place to share with your Baccalytics tutors and track progress.

Customized Learning Plans

Get a learning plan that is designed specifically for you. Each custom plan comprises personalized tests and 1:1 sessions with IB tutors.

Student Performance Insights

Our main purpose behind collection of student performance data is to provide statistical insights and an actionable plan for improvement.

Real-Time Feedback

We provide feedback to quantify how a learning path or tutoring session has helped. See the results in real time with adaptive testing.

Informed Tutoring

The path a student has taken before running into a roadblock is visible to the tutor which allows the tutor to address the exact problem.

Learning Paths that Adapt to Students Needs

Baccalytics enables students to actively participate in their learning. Each student takes their own journey, driven by their strengths and weaknesses, but the goal is the same for all. And we make sure there is no one left behind.

Features 01

IB Practice Test for Basic Assessment

Our tests follow the International Baccalaureate assessment criteria to introduce students to the testing environment. Here is how testing works:

  • Choose the subject
  • Take a test and get detailed results
  • Get a customized improvement plan

Features 02

Get Connected with Online IB Tutors

Our online tutors only step in when they are most needed. Our model encourages self-paced independent learning by students. However, where the system detects a need for teacher intervention, it recommends a custom tutoring plan to help resolve problems.

  • Get connected with your personal IB tutor
  • Schedule classes based on your availability
  • Start taking online classes to improve your performance

Features 03

Work on Your Weaknesses with Learning Paths

A major benefit of our learning system is that it empowers students to improve without a tutor’s supervision. When the system detects a lack of conceptual clarity in any area, it suggests the student to take a specific learning path. This is how it works:

  • Take a learning path that targets your area of weakness
  • Spend time practicing questions until the system sees improvement
  • Return back to the original assessment to resolve the conceptual weakness

Hear from people who have tried Baccalytics

Take a look at the feedback we’ve received from students and parents around the world.

Testimonial 01

Baccalytics completeley transformed my studying approach. The insights helped me focus on weak areas, leading to a significant boost in my grades

Testimonial 02

As a parent, seeing my child's progress through data-driven insights is reassuring. This platform bridges the gap between learning and results.

Testimonial 03

I've never felt so empowered in my learning journey. The personalized guidance and feedback are invaluable. A game-changer!

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Ready to kickstart your journey as a tutor in Singapore?

Our platform provides you with the flexibility to filter and choose the tuition jobs that best suit your requirements. You can search for assignments based on various criteria, including tutor category, subject, nearest MRT station, and rates. This means you have the freedom to select assignments that match your expertise and location preferences, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable tutoring experience.

230911CM2: Sec 2 (2024) NA English and Math @ 186A Bedok North Street 4 (nearest MRT station: Tanah Merah)

230911CW: P2 (2024) Math @ 61 Telok Blangah Heights (nearest MRT station: Telok Blangah)

231011CF10: P6 English @ 109 West Coast Vale (nearest MRT station: Clementi)

231011W9: Sec 4 Exp Pure Chemistry @ 762 Bedok Reservoir View (nearest MRT station: Bedok Reservoir)

231011W8: Sec 1-Sec 3 NA Science (for placement test) @ 113B Mcnair Road (nearest MRT station: Boon Keng)

231011W7: Sec 3 Exp English @ 20 Bukit Batok Street 5 (nearest MRT station: Bukit Batok)

231011CF6: Beginner Japanese Language @ Bukit Tunggal Road (nearest MRT station: Novena)

231011W5: JC2 General Paper @ 20 Bukit Batok Street 5 (nearest MRT station: Bukit Batok)

231011F4: Sec 2 (2024) IP Maths & Science @ 15 Eunos Crescent (nearest MRT station: Eunos)

231011CW3: P5 (2024) Chinese @ 33 Elliot Road (nearest MRT station: Bedok)

231011CF2: Sec 4 IP Higher Chinese @ 341A Sembawang Close (nearest MRT station: Sembawang)

231011CF: P4 (2024) Math and Science @ 678D Jurong West Street 64 (nearest MRT station: Boon Lay)

Tutor Rates for Academic Tuition Jobs

Primary level.

$25-$35 per hour $35-$50 per hour $70-$80 per hour Telok Blangah
$30-$40 per hour $40-$55 per hour $75-$90 per hour Boon Lay
$30-$40 per hour $40-$55 per hour $75-$90 per hour Bedok
$30-$40 per hour $40-$55 per hour $75-$90 per hour Clementi

Secondary Level

$40-$50 per hour $45-$65 per hour $85-$105 per hour Boon Keng
$35-$45 per hour $45-$60 per hour $80-$100 per hour Tanah Merah
$35-$45 per hour $45-$60 per hour $80-$100 per hour Eunos
$40-$50 per hour $45-$65 per hour $85-$105 per hour Bukit Batok
$40-$50 per hour $45-$65 per hour $85-$105 per hour Sembawang
$40-$50 per hour $45-$65 per hour $85-$105 per hour Bedok Reservoir
$50-$60 per hour $60-$80 per hour $95-$130 per hour Bukit Batok
$25-$35 per hour $35-$50 per hour $70-$80 per hour Novena

Tuition Jobs In Singapore

Are you a dedicated tutor seeking exciting and diverse working opportunities in Singapore? Look no further than FamilyTutor. We offer a plethora of tuition assignments across various educational levels, ranging from primary to tertiary education. As a tutor with FamilyTutor, you’ll discover a wealth of opportunities to share your knowledge and make a positive impact on students’ lives.

Our assignments cover the following:

  • Extensive range of subjects – Language, Science, Maths
  • Leveraging your expertise to the fullest
  • Across Preschool, Primary, Secondary, JC and IB levels

At FamilyTutor, we believe that every private tutor possesses a unique skill set, and we’re committed to connecting you with assignments that align with your strengths and interests. 

Join us today and embark on a fulfilling journey as an educator, helping students excel in their studies while enjoying a diverse and rewarding tutoring experience.

Know Someone Who Wants More Tuition Jobs?

Not using whatsapp, why take tuition assignments from familytutor.

We have tuition jobs that take place at all housing districts in Singapore.

Satisfied Tutors

We serve numerous tutors well by ensuring they get the tuition assignments that they deserve.

Subjects offered

We offer tuition assignments of all levels and subjects to the tutors who are under our care.


In a market brimming with tuition assignments, FamilyTutor stands out as the premier choice for tutors in Singapore. What sets us apart?

  • Competitive compensation within expected hourly rates.
  • Matching with tuition jobs that align with your schedule.
  • Enjoyment in teaching due to long-term assignments.
  • Reliable support from FamilyTutor as a mediator during student-related issues.


At FamilyTutor, our tutors have the extraordinary opportunity to make a profound impact on young lives. Each tutoring session is a chance to inspire, mentor, and guide students towards academic excellence. We believe that education is not just about imparting knowledge; it’s about nurturing a love for learning, boosting confidence, and instilling a lifelong thirst for knowledge in our students. As a FamilyTutor, you become not only an educator but also a mentor and a source of inspiration for the future generation.


Supportive tutoring community, flexible teaching schedule.

FamilyTutor offers flexibility in scheduling, allowing you to seamlessly juggle between tutoring, other commitments, and personal time. This flexibility ensures that you can pursue your passion for teaching while still enjoying the freedom to manage your daily life.


FamilyTutor is committed to providing competitive compensation to our tutors. We understand the value of your expertise and dedication, and we ensure that you are appropriately rewarded for your efforts. As such, our tuition rates are designed to reflect your experience as an educator, making it a financially rewarding experience. 

For detailed information on our rates, you can visit our tuition rates page.


  • 1. Fill In Tutor Registration Form PRIORITY
  • 2. Join Our VIP Telegram Channel PRIORITY
  • 3. Read Pinned Messages On The Channel IMPORTANT
  • 4. Receive Tuition Assignments On The Channel DAILY
  • 5. Apply Through Website FASTEST & MOST EFFECTIVE
  • 6. Our Agents Contact You IF SHORTLISTED
  • 7. Start Your Lessons ASAP


Share essential details about your qualifications, tutoring experience, and teaching preferences. This information is crucial for us to match you with suitable tuition assignments. Register now to get started!


Step 3: read pinned messages on the channel.

Once you’ve joined our VIP Tuition Assignment Telegram Channel, take a moment to go through the pinned messages. These messages contain important updates, tips, and guidelines that will help you navigate the channel effectively. Stay informed about the latest tuition assignments, application procedures, and other valuable insights shared by our community.


Once you’re part of our VIP Tuition Assignment Telegram Channel, you’ll start receiving notifications about available tuition assignments. These assignments are posted regularly, giving you a wide array of options to choose from.


We offer two convenient ways to apply: through our website or via Telegram bot. To boost your chances of selection, simply click “Apply through the Website” — it’s not only faster but also more convenient. Our proprietary tuition job application system on the website ensures tutors can swiftly and efficiently apply for tuition assignments, surpassing the effectiveness of any other available tuition job application platforms in Singapore.


Step 7: start your lessons.

Congratulations on securing a tuition assignment with FamilyTutor! Our coordinators will assist in coordinating and scheduling your initial lesson, ensuring a smooth start to your tutoring journey.


RockStar Tutor Award ® 2023 is established by FamilyTutor to recognise you for upholding high standards as a tutor yourself, and for wholeheartedly doing your best for our students in the year of 2023!

You stand a huge chance to win a $1,000 cash prize and/or be one of our Top 20 Tutors of the Year!


Discover what our tutors have to say about their rewarding experiences with FamilyTutor:


1. what are the typical rates for tuition jobs in singapore, 2. what qualifications or requirements are needed to become a tutor in singapore.

To become a tutor, you typically need to possess relevant higher qualifications for specialised subjects. Proficiency in your chosen subject, patience, effective communication skills, and a genuine passion for teaching are essential. Good character, responsibility, and optional teaching experience can enhance your qualifications. Requirements may vary based on the subject and the preferences of students and parents.

3. Are there specific regulations or guidelines for tutors in Singapore?

In Singapore, there are no specific regulations governing private tutors. However, it’s essential to maintain professionalism, uphold ethical teaching practices, and adhere to the law. Tutors should ensure that their teaching materials align with the national curriculum and encourage students to strive for academic excellence while maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment.

4. What are the common expectations of tutors from parents or students in Singapore?

Tutors in Singapore are generally expected to provide quality education, support, and guidance to students. Parents and students expect tutors to be knowledgeable in the subject matter, patient, and adaptable to different learning styles. Tutors should also help students set achievable academic goals and track their progress. Punctuality and professionalism are highly valued, and maintaining open communication with parents is essential to address concerns and provide updates on the student’s performance.

Education Levels

Preschool Tuition

Primary School Tuition

Secondary School Tuition

ITE Tuition

Polytechnic Tuition

University Tuition

Online Tuition  

National Exams

PSLE Tuition 

N-Level Tuition

O-Level Tuition

A-Level Tuition

IGCSE Tuition

Math & Science Subjects

Math Tuition

A-Math Tuition

O-Level Math Tuition

IP Math Tuition

JC Math Tuition

Science Tuition

Biology Tuition

Chemistry Tuition

O-Level Chemistry Tuition

IP Chemistry Tuition

IB Chemistry Tuition

JC Chemistry Tuition

H2 Chemistry Tuition

Physics Tuition

O-Level Physics Tuition

JC Physics Tuition

Language Subjects

Chinese Tuition

Higher Chinese Tuition

English Tuition

Malay Tuition

Tamil Tuition

Hindi Tuition

Japanese Tuition

Korean Tuition

German Tuition

Humanities Subjects

Economics Tuition

Literature Tuition

History Tuition

Geography Tuition

Social Studies

Chinese Literature Tuition

FamilyTutor is an established and the people’s favourite home tuition agency in Singapore! We match a suitable tutor for you not just to improve the student’s grade, but also to build a good rapport and meaningful relationship with the student and even with the student’s whole family! With FamilyTutor, every Singaporean son & daughter is in good hands.

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  • Mon-Sun 9am-10pm (Including PH)
  • [email protected]
  • 17 Petir Road Singapore 678278

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Tuition Assignments

Latest Tuition Assignments Singapore

  • JC Year 1 (JC 1)
  • JC Year 2 (JC 2)
  • Primary 1 (P1)
  • Primary 2 (P2)
  • Primary 3 (P3)
  • Primary 4 (P4)
  • Primary 5 (P5)
  • Primary 6 (P6)
  • Secondary 1 (Sec 1)
  • Secondary 2 (Sec 2)
  • Secondary 3 (Sec 3)
  • Secondary 4 (Sec 4)
  • Secondary 5 (Sec 5)
  • University (Uni)

A warm welcome!

Hello, I am Victoria Lim, PhD – Education in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

I lead a team of tuition consultants and coordinators – many of whom are former MOE teachers – at Tuition Assignments Singapore.

Our 57,000 experienced home tuition teachers are MOE teachers, and graduated/undergraduate tutors.

They each have between 2 to over 30 years of tutoring/teaching track record of helping students’ grades improve.

About 20% of our tutors have PhD’s or Master’s degrees in the subject that they are teaching.

How to register as a Tutor for Tuition Assignments in Singapore

Fill up the Tutor Registration form to register as a tutor with us

It takes just 5 minutes to register as a tutor. As soon as today, you can start receiving the most and best home tuition assignments in Singapore.

Check your email daily

Look out for an email, sms or Whatsapp message from us. We will contact you if you are eligible for any of our many home tutor assignments. Be sure you check your email spam folder, just in case. After the client has selected your application for the assignment, we will contact you through WhatsApp. 

Accept the rate, day/timing, and start date

Once you are contacted by our tuition coordinators, please confirm the date and time of your lessons. Your first lesson can start as early as tomorrow!

Registration form for tuition assignments

Over 57,000+ tutors have registered with us: moe teachers/experienced tutors with phd/master's/bachelor's/university undergraduates.

  • I agree to the Terms of Use *

tuition assignments

What our Tutors say

Tuition Assignments has secured for me over 20 assignments at good rates, in just the 2 months after I registered. They are really amazingly fast and reliable!

Tuition Assignments Singapore Logo

Ms RL – Tuition Assignments is amazing!

Tuition Assignments made sure that I got assignments that I am comfortable with. Their coordinators are very professional, patient, fast and helpful every step of the way. I am really so glad that I registered with Tuition Assignments. I am sure that you will get many good assignments too!

Ms GD – Tuition Assignments is very helpful.

Tuition Assignments helped me get great students. I am never worried that I will have an empty time slot, because I know that Tuition Assignments will quickly help me fill it. I really can’t believe how many assignments I got from this agency. This is my 5th year in the Tuition Assignments team, and their assignments are by far the best!

Mr TW – Fast and easy

Tuition Assignments is incredibly fast. They have so many new clients every day. I chose the jobs that I was interested in, and I was matched and confirmed with 3 very good assignments within a week of applying!

Mr SN – Tuition Assignments is awesome

Singapore's best tutor rates - how tuition rates are calculated.

Our private tutor matching service is free, and parents only need to pay monthly tuition charges for lessons that had been conducted.

Tutors in Singapore quote their own hourly rates. 

In general, the rates are based on their years of private tutoring experience, their academic qualifications, and their abilities/confidence to help their students’ grades improve.

The tuition industry is very competitive and transparent.

Parents are aware that when their budget is below the market’s average rate, the better-qualified tutors are not likely to apply for the assignment.

The figures below are the typical range of rates quoted by experienced tutors with good track records.

Tuition Assignments Singapore represents only university undergraduates, graduates, MOE teachers and university lecturers

Undergraduate Tuition Rates

  • Primary School Tuition Rates $30/hr to $55/hr
  • Secondary School Tuition Rates $35/hr to $55/hr
  • JC Tuition Rates $40/hr - $55/hr
  • IB Tuition Rates $45/hr - $55/hr

Full-Time/Graduated Tuition Rates

  • Primary School Tuition Rates $35/hr to $55/hr
  • Secondary School Tuition Rates $35/hr to $65/hr
  • JC Tuition Rates $45/hr - $70/hr
  • IB Tuition Rates $55/hr - $70/hr

MOE/NIE Tuition Rates

  • Primary School Tuition Rates $50/hr to $65/hr
  • Secondary School Tuition Rates $55/hr to $75/hr
  • JC Tuition Rates $80/hr - $110/hr

accounting tuition

Victoria Lim, PhD - Education in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Senior Consultant, Tuition Assignments Singapore

Register with us as a private tutor, tuition assignments telegram channels, when you sign up on telegram, you will get faster notifications of the latest assignments from the 25 tuition agencies that our outreach department represents. we have telegram channels for specific subjects and for all assignments., tuition assignments social media, do follow us on all our social media to be kept up to date with all of the latest tuition assignments, over 57,000+ tutors have registered with tuition assignments singapore, popular categories, accounting tuition assignments, biology tuition assignments, chemistry tuition assignments, chinese language tuition assignments, economics tuition assignments, english language tuition assignments, general paper tuition assignments, geography tuition assignments, history tuition assignments, literature tuition assignments, malay language tuition assignments, management of business tuition assignments, math tuition assignments, online tuition assignment assignments, physics tuition assignments, principles of accounting tuition assignments, science tuition assignments, social studies tuition assignments, tamil language tuition assignments, tuition assignment central, tuition assignment east, tuition assignment north, tuition assignment west, how do i register as a tutor so that i can receive many tuition assignments.

It is very easy to register as a tutor with Tuition Assignments.

All you need to do is to go to our maps or press the “Assignment Button” to look at over 100 of our daily tuition assignments and choose whichever tuition assignment you would like to apply for.

When you click the link to apply for the assignment, you will be brought to the specific agency to register for the assignment. It’s as simple as that!

Start Tuition Assignments Today

Primary school tuition | secondary school tuition | junior college tuition | psle tuition | sec tuition | gce a level tuition.

tuition assignments


Mathematics Tuition

Elementary Mathematics Tuition

Additional Mathematics Tuition

Principles of Accounting Tuition

tuition assignments


English Tuition

Chinese Tuition

General Paper Tuition

Malay Tuition

Tamil Tuition

Literature Tuition

tuition assignments


Economics Tuition

History Tuition

Geography Tuition

Social Studies Tuition

tuition assignments


Science Tuition

Physics Tuition 

Chemistry Tuition

Biology Tuition

Tuition Assignments Singapore has a team of highly qualified tutors who specialize in tutoring Polytechnic-level and University-Level students

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Tuition Assignments

Search IB Tuition Jobs in Singapore

!! Attention Tutors: Click here to view the " Full List of Tuition Assignments " as of today!

2 Art/ Music/ Special Education/ Home Tuition Jobs Assignments Available | We Are Looking For Tutors to Fill Up All Our Job Positions | Start Applying Tuition Jobs At Your Fingertips Today | Hourly Salary: $25 to $150/hr.

Date of Latest Posting: 27/08/2024

You can select up to 25 boxes to apply for multiple tuition jobs at once. Filtering jobs will reset the selection.

Level and Subject(s): JC 2 H2 Economics, H2 Maths & H2 Chemistry Location: Coco Palam , Pasir Ris Grove Hourly Rate: $45/hr Lessons Per Week: Once a week, 2 hours per session Student‘s Gender: Female Time: Kindly state your "Detailed" Available time slots from Monday to Sunday.

Click Here To See Location Map

Tutors who include their relevant teaching experience in details have higher success rate of being engaged by the parent. Job ID: NT07717 Job Status: Available/ Open  **Kindly ensure that you have done your one-time tutor registration under the "Register" Tab before applying any tuition job via our tuition mobile app. This will quicken your tuition application process.

Assignment 1

Level and Subject(s): Y5 (IB) JC1HL Maths Location: Blk 440 Clement Ave 3 Hourly Rate: Kindly quote best rate Lessons Per Week: Once a week, 1.5 hour per session Time: Kindly state your "Detailed" Available time slots from Monday to Sunday.

Student from ACS Independent. Do indicate your teaching experience for IB Year 5/6 experience Job ID: NT07382 Job Status: Available/ Open  **Kindly ensure that you have done your one-time tutor registration under the "Register" Tab before applying any tuition job via our tuition mobile app. This will quicken your tuition application process.

  • Math Tuition Assignments

Assignment 2

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Urgent Tuition Assignments

  • Looking for Private Home Tutor to teach Secondary 4 IP Biology ( Student from RGS)- 510+ Choa Chu Kang Street 51
  • Looking for Private Home Tutor to teach Secondary 3 Computing ( Student from Admiralty sec)- 790+ Woodlands Drive 72
  • Looking for Private Home Tutor to teach Primary 3 English, Maths and Science- Sunville Saint Michael’s Road
  • Looking for Private Home Tutor to teach JC2 H2 Physics- 10 Chai Chee Road
  • Looking for Private Home Tutor to teach Primary 1 Maths- 140+ Rivervale Crescent
  • Looking for Private Home Tutor to teach Primary 3 Chinese- 840 Jurong West St 81
  • Looking for Private Home Tutor to teach Physics tuition for PFP (Year 0 student) in Singapore Polytechnic ( Do indicate which can you teach)- clover Way | Bishan Area

Tuition Assignments Singapore

How to Apply For Home Tuition Assignments?

1) For New Tutoring Positions Click on the "Red Button" or visit https://www.nanyanglearning.com/nanyang-tuition/register-as-home-tutor/ to submit your tutor registration.

2) For Registered Tutors (Apply through Telegram)

Join "Nanyang Tuition Jobs Telegram Group" to receive instant tuition assignment jobs notifications. Click On The Link To Join https://telegram.me/s/nanyangtuitionjobs

Upon Job Application (Do take note):

Due to the large volume of tutors' applications, unfortunately we can only get back to successful applicants within 48 hrs.

Join our Teaching Community Today!

Managed and brought to you by Nanyang Tuition Website: www.nanyangtuition.com


1. What do I need to do to register as a tutor for IB tuition assignments?

Be part of our team as a tutor for IB tuition assignments in Singapore. We've made it super easy. Just go to our website at the link:  https://www.nanyanglearning.com/nanyang-tuition/register-as-home-tutor/ and fill out our simple Tutor Registration form.

It won't take more than 5 minutes. After you're registered, you can get the latest IB tuition jobs in Singapore. Don't wait. Begin your tutoring journey with us now.

2. What are the requirements to sign up as a tutor for IB tuition assignments?

You are eligible if you are 16 years or older and have completed your GCE 'O' level exams or their equivalent.

3. How can I get updated on the latest IB tuition assignments?

To keep yourself informed about IB tuition assignments in Singapore, there are two simple methods available. Firstly, you can register as a tutor on our website, Tuition Assignments Singapore. This will provide you access to numerous tutoring opportunities in Singapore.

Alternatively, you can also opt to join our official Tuition Assignments Telegram channel by visiting the link: ( https://t.me/nanyangtuitionjobs ). By being a registered tutor with us, you will receive regular updates and notifications regarding IB tutoring jobs. Choose the option that suits you the most to ensure that you stay updated with new job openings and don't miss out on any potential opportunities.

4. How do I get a tutoring job with no experience?

If you're considering teaching chemistry in Singapore, we're here for you. Experience in tutoring is a bonus, but not mandatory. Your great teaching skills can make a big difference.

No worries if you haven't taught before. We're here to help you start. What's important for tutoring is how much you like teaching and how good you are at it.

Begin your tutoring journey with us, even if you haven't taught before. What really matters for tutoring is how much you enjoy teaching and how good you are at it.

Start your tutoring job, even if you haven't done it before. Your real passion for teaching and your excellent skills are what really matter. Parents will see and appreciate your hard work and the positive changes you can make. Join us and become an important tutor for teaching chemistry in Singapore.

5. What are the tutor rates for IB tuition assignments?

Hourly Salary: Our tutors can earn between $20 to $150 per hour.

  • i) All assignments are to start immediately and are One-to-One Home Tuition Assignments unless otherwise stated.
  • ii) New Tutor, please click on the " Register As Tutor (Red Button)" to submit your One-Time Tutor Registration . We will only proceed with the Tuition Job Applications, where tutors’ records are found within our database.
  • iii) Click on "Apply Now (Green Button)" to apply for tuition jobs . You are advisable to join our Tuition Telegram Channel / download Mobile App to receive Latest Tuition Jobs Notifications at your fingertips.
  • iv) Do take note that 50% of "One (1) Month Course Fee" (One- time only) agency commission fees applies for each assignment, unless otherwise stated. One (1) Month= Four (4) Weeks.

Your Quest For The Best IB Tuition Jobs And Tutoring Jobs Ends Here

Nanyang Tuition Agency is one of the best home tuition agencies in Singapore. If you are looking for ib tuition jobs, both full-time and part-time, you can rest assured that we have something of value for you. You can find the most relevant and carefully designed tuition assignments and curriculum right here on our website to keep yourself updated on what parents and children are looking for in their mentors. This will help you meet all their learning objectives successfully within the shortest span of time.

We also provide tutoring jobs / services for both part-time and full-time tutors in every subject that is in demand by school going children and college and university aspirants as well. You can go through the requirements posted by different children and their parents regarding their needs and budget and then scan to find the job that suits your skill set and qualifications the best. You can find home tuition assignments in Singapore in your preferred locations, such as East Area Tuition Assignments , North Area Tuition Assignments , Central Area Tuition Assignments , etc.

When it comes to looking for the best tuition jobs in Singapore , we have the longest and the most comprehensive database of listings that we keep on updating every week. With more than 100 new immediate tuition assignments and full & part time tutoring jobs posted every week on our website, Nanyang Tuition Agency constantly keeps the topmost tutors in the loop with parents so that they can be connected with one another immediately without any delay. So if you want to stay on top of the list, it is high time you started enhancing your tutoring resume for better job opportunities and career growth.

You can get matched easily with close to 100 children and aspirants looking for a mentor under any given subject within the span of only a month. You don’t even have to conduct comprehensive research on the internet/ newspaper at the same.

You can find ib tuition jobs and jobs that are in demand for every level of academics right from secondary to college and even university level diplomas and degrees. Any tuition assignment / class is going to last for about 1.5 hours to 2 hours. These will be generally conducted once or twice a week as per the requirements of the child and the availability of the tutor. This is an arrangement that the parents and tutors can come to after having had a conversation regarding the scope of the class and the learning ability of the student. To apply for a home tuition assignment , you'll have to Register As Tutor .

IB Tuition Assignments

Advancing Your Career With The Best One To One Home Tuition Agency In Singapore

Nanyang Tuition Agency understands this growing trend and this is why we encourage both full-time and part-time home tutors to take up this opportunity to not just educate our children but also to serve humanity at large. Benefits of working as a tutor don’t just get limited to financial gains but extend to better working conditions and an improved resume as well.

A Tutoring Job Is Going To Look Awesome On Your Resume

Tutoring is one of the best jobs for anyone who wants to impart knowledge and make extra money in the most ethical and moral way. Part time jobs in particular are a highly preferred choice of college students pursuing higher studies in Singapore. It gives them a chance to make extra money with no added stress. Needless to mention, the hours that you will be working are going to be flexible as well. This means no trauma and no eight-hour shifts that give you painful necks and burning eyes.

Part Time & Full Time Tuition Assignments / Tutoring Jobs In Singapore - It's Easy To Apply With Us

You can apply for ib tuition jobs and several tuition assignments with us in a jiffy! All you have to do is list your profile on Nanyang Tuition Agency. You can then begin applying for tuition jobs and you will be contacted quickly whenever there is a suitable job offer for you. You can then either reject or accept the offer. Once you have accepted the offer you will be contacted to finalize the details of the job. So, what are you waiting for? Tutor registration with us is very easy. Sign up today and start working now. For regular updates, you can join our Telegram Channel .

Available Tuition Assignments

  • Biology Tuition Jobs
  • Business Studies Tuition Jobs
  • Cello Tuition Assignments
  • Chemistry Tuition Jobs
  • Chinese Tuition Assignments
  • Creative English/ Chinese Writing Tuition Jobs
  • E&A Mathematics Tuition Jobs
  • Economics Tuition Assignments
  • English Tuition Jobs
  • English/ Chinese Literature Tuition Jobs
  • General Paper GP Tuition Jobs
  • Geography Tuition Jobs
  • Guitar Tuition Jobs
  • Hindi Tuition Jobs
  • History Tuition Jobs
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  • Language Arts Tuition Jobs
  • Malay Tuition Jobs
  • Music Tuition Jobs
  • Phonics Tuition Jobs
  • Physics Tutor Jobs
  • Piano Tuition Jobs
  • POA Accounting Tuition Jobs
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  • Social Studies Tuition Jobs
  • Squash Assignment Jobs
  • Tamil Tuition Jobs
  • Tennis Assignment Jobs
  • Violin Tuition Assignments Job
  • IB Tuition Jobs
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  • Kindergarten Tuition Jobs
  • Nursery Tuition Jobs
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  • University Degree Modules Tuition Jobs
  • Tuition Assignments Central Area
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home tuition jobs


Nanyang Home Tuition Agency is one of the highest rated home tuition assignments portals in Singapore. Tutors and students can connect with one another right here with absolutely no hassle and come to an agreement regarding the availability of the tutor and the requirements of the student.You can have a look at the various tuition assignments available to you and contact the corresponding tutor that fits your requirements the best. Looking for immediate tuition assignments / tutoring jobs? You can find students and parents who are looking for affordable and professional mentors and tutors in various subjects and apply for relevant teaching jobs immediately. Whether it is a part time opportunity or a full time job, we have got you covered. Register as a tutor and start applying for tuition assignments today!

Operating Hours

Monday to Sunday 10am to 8pm


+65 8298 7978

Email Our Education Gurus

enquiry@nanyangtuition null .com

5008 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 5, #04-09 Techplace II Singapore 569874


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Home tuition assignments.

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We have received your application. Due to the volume of tutors’ applications, we can only get back to successful applicant within 3 working days.

Successful tutor’s selection is solely based on parent’s decision. Therefore, should your application is being rejected, we do ask for your kind understanding.

Do continue to apply tuition jobs from our site and we will do our best to assist and assign tuition job(s) to you as soon as we can.

Our aim is to assign tuition job(s) to as many of our tutors as possible, including you as well.

Contact us should you need help in improving your credential write up.

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IB examinations hold significant importance in Singapore’s education system as they offer a rigorous, internationally recognized curriculum that prepares students for global academic challenges and opportunities. IB qualifications are highly regarded by top universities worldwide for their academic rigor, holistic approach to education, and emphasis on critical thinking and international-mindedness. IB students in Singapore have access to a broad range of university programs and career pathways, enhancing their prospects for admission to prestigious universities and success in competitive global markets.

The Benefits of Home Tuition for IB Students in Singapore

Home tuition plays a crucial role in supporting International Baccalaureate (IB) students in Singapore, providing personalized academic guidance, targeted exam preparation, and a conducive learning environment. Engaging experienced and qualified IB home tuition teachers from reputable agencies like Tuition Solution offers several advantages that contribute to academic success and holistic development.

Personalized Learning Experience

Home tuition offers tailored educational support tailored to the unique learning needs and academic goals of IB students. With dedicated home tutors from Tuition Solution, students receive personalized attention and guidance in subjects such as Mathematics, Sciences, Humanities, Languages, and Theory of Knowledge (TOK). This customized approach ensures thorough understanding of complex concepts, enhances subject mastery, and builds confidence in tackling challenging IB coursework.

Expert Guidance and Subject Mastery

Experienced IB home tuition teachers bring specialized expertise in the IB curriculum, including in-depth knowledge of subject requirements, assessment criteria, and internal assessments. Tutors from Tuition Solution employ effective teaching methodologies, including inquiry-based learning, critical analysis, and exam-oriented strategies, to deepen students’ understanding and prepare them comprehensively for IB examinations. Their subject expertise and structured approach help students excel academically and achieve top scores.

Enhanced Exam Preparation

IB exams require rigorous preparation, critical thinking skills, and proficiency in applying knowledge across multiple disciplines. Home tuition teachers develop personalized study plans that include mock exams, practice papers, and revision sessions focused on exam techniques and time management. This targeted preparation equips students with the skills, confidence, and strategic approaches necessary to excel in their IB assessments and achieve academic excellence.

Building Critical Thinking and Analytical Skills

Home tuition emphasizes the development of critical thinking, analytical reasoning, and problem-solving abilities essential for IB success and higher education pursuits. Tutors encourage students to analyze complex issues, evaluate multiple perspectives, and articulate well-structured arguments. This intellectual stimulation not only enhances academic performance but also prepares students for university-level studies, professional careers, and global citizenship.

Flexible Learning Environment

Learning at home provides flexibility in scheduling tuition sessions based on students’ academic schedules, extracurricular commitments, and individual preferences. Home tuition through Tuition Solution eliminates commute time and distractions, creating a focused learning environment where students can concentrate on mastering their subjects with undivided attention and optimal engagement.

Parental Engagement and Progress Monitoring

Home tuition encourages parental involvement in monitoring their child’s academic progress, receiving feedback, and supporting their educational journey. Tutors maintain regular communication with parents through Tuition Solution, providing updates on lesson plans, student performance, and areas for improvement. This collaborative partnership ensures alignment between home tuition objectives and overall academic goals, fostering continuous improvement and holistic student development.

In conclusion, home tuition for IB students in Singapore, facilitated by experienced and qualified tutors from trusted agencies like Tuition Solution, offers invaluable benefits that enhance academic achievement, foster confidence, and prepare students for future academic and career success. By investing in personalized learning experiences, expert guidance, and targeted exam preparation, students not only excel academically but also develop essential skills and competencies for lifelong learning, professional growth, and global citizenship. For parents seeking to provide their child with comprehensive educational support and preparation for IB success, home tuition through Tuition Solution serves as a reliable pathway to achieving academic excellence and realizing their educational aspirations.

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  • IB Extended Essay Tuition

Get expert tuition and support in IB Extended Essay tuition today!

A 3,000 to a 4,000-word research paper is a huge task. Our tutors can help you develop research and writing skills as you move through the many steps of the Extended Essay process.

Improve Grades

Expert IB tutors to help you improve your IB grades.

ib tuition assignments

Exam Preparation ​

Ace your exams with our expert IB tutors.

Subject Support

Get help with the subjects you need, when you need.

Boost Confidence

Gain the confidence you need to conquer the IB!

Topic Specific Support

Our tutors can guide you as you begin the processes of:

  • Choosing a subject from those available at your school.
  • Reading and understanding the subject-specific requirements for the subject you have chosen.
  • Interpreting the assessment criteria.
  • Understanding concepts related to academic integrity.

Our tutors can be there along the way, assisting you with research, analysis, and organization:

  • Developing a topic, and then thinking carefully about a research question for the essay.
  • Reading and discussing sources and how to incorporate them into the essay.
  • Recording sources as research progresses rather than trying to reconstruct a list at the end.
  • Generating a clear structure for the essay before beginning to write.

Our tutors can assist you as you make the final touches by:

  • Checking and proofreading the final version of the extended essay.
  • Understanding how to apply the academic referencing system (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.) that your supervisor suggested you use.
  • Preparing for the three mandatory reflection sessions with your supervisor.
  • Recording your reflections on the EE/RPPF form (which is worth 6 of the 34 marks!).

What stage is your EE at?

We know that the Extended Essay can be CHALLENGING, and you’re probably thinking, where do I start? Our dedicated tutors can help you complete your EE; they’ll consult with you on topic ideas, organization, and structure. No matter what stage you need help with, our expert tutors are always ready to help!

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Expert Exam Preparation

Exams, we all hate them, but they form a core part of the IB. Our tutors will work with, and guide you on the assignments and texts that you provide, or they can provide you with sample materials for practice.

  • Past papers, to help you prepare for your upcoming exam
  • Tips on managing exam stress
  • Ways to pick up 'easy' marks in your final exams
  • Ease your anxieties

Students IB ++tutors

Average Rating

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Mario Moreno

It’s been a long journey working with the people of IB++ tutors since the begging of my last year of school (Grade 13) they help me out with all the things I needed from any of my subjects, they have ... More a good number of tutors for all the subjects so you know you will never be without one to help you. They have always treated me very kindly and adapted to certain personal situations I had during the year. Without any doubt the best platform I tried in all my years of IB. These people are the ones I trusted to help through the most difficult academic year of my life and the trust payed off. Very recommended. Less

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Celine Bhatia

IB plus plus tutors hands down is the best tutoring site out there. They use WhatsApp as an easy communication tool, answering within only a few minutes, making it the perfect fit for people who need ... More last minute help. I definitely could have planned my time better, yet thanks to them I always delivered to my best ability and received great guidance from experienced tutors. They are all super friendly and so fun to work with and pushing you to your fullest potential. Less

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Sven Grabar

IB ++tutors are a fantastic organization with highly qualified teachers. In my case, I selected a tutor to help me in math and even though IB has issued a new math curriculum, the tutor adapted very w ... More ell and has successfully helped me understand a number of topics. The teachers are always available and can comfortably rearrange times without a problem if an issue comes up. I am very thankful for their help and I highly recommend them! Less

ib tuition assignments

Mikayil Mamedov

I am taking English classes 2 times a week, and few days ago took computer science lesson. Tutors are very experienced and perfectly know the syllabus of the needed program. Furthermore a huge amount ... More of past papers which they provided me, helping me to practice external exam type questions. Highly recommend IB++ Less

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Karen Wilson

From my first contact with the company , I was impressed with Mohammed’s helpfulness and professionalism .He guided me through the process and was readily available to answer all my queries . Once I s ... More elected a tutor , I was actually pleasantly surprised that the tutor actually took the time to call us in Jamaica to introduce himself . He made it so easy to connect and to communicate with my daughter , who was. The student . On the day of the first lesson , I peeked in at the class and my daughter was actually fully immersed in the class and was following Dr.Ubon directives and understanding the material . This was pretty impressive coming from a child who was actually crying in her IB HL classes as she was not following . From then on I was sold on the services provided by this company . I gladly recommend them as a proper tutoring services for anyone contemplating obtaining this service for their children. Less

ib tuition assignments

Mikayil Mammadov

Ms Angela is an amazing teacher, her approach is very effective and clear. From the first session I could understand the things which I couldn’t understand within school lessons. Thank you very much ! ... More Less

ib tuition assignments

Ishita Kashyap

The platform is great for extra lessons as you can communicate with the teachers very easily. The teachers are very helpful - they guide exactly what IB requires and they provide with concrete solutio ... More ns to any questions related to the course. Less

ib tuition assignments

Vinitha Nair

Extremely satisfied with tutors we were connected to through this service. High quality, personalized support and very professional tutors. Highly qualified and sincere in their efforts to encourage s ... More tudent confidence and success. Less

ib tuition assignments

mariel jaramillo

It has been a great relief to have some help. It has improved the process of my work. There is a good communication between the IB tutor and the student.

ib tuition assignments

Honest, convenient, professional, and the best customer service for their almost instant response. I'm happy for the experience with IB++.

ib tuition assignments

Helped me greatly! Thank you Mr.Gregory!

ib tuition assignments

Aisha Akhtar

This place is amazing. They really do care about their students. 🙂

ib tuition assignments

Very good service, teachers are of a good background. I would recommend checking them out.

ib tuition assignments

Marita Persico Frova

ib tuition assignments

Anoushka Sawardekar

ib tuition assignments

Muhammad Shahzad

ib tuition assignments

Osama Katanani

ib tuition assignments

Sajad Saadi

ib tuition assignments

Shruthi Sethuraman

ib tuition assignments

Kahini Patel

ib tuition assignments

Lina Maarouf

ib tuition assignments

Rabia Khurshid

ib tuition assignments

IB Extended Essay Tutors

Accessible anytime, anywhere.

We connect high-quality IB tutors from North America and Europe with students from all over the world.

Safe & secure, learning system

We are proud to partner with LessonSpace to deliver our lessons on engaging and secure online platform.

The Best Online Tutoring Experience.​

Every session you have with your tutor is recorded, meaning you can revisit it whenever you need to!

Personalised tutor matching

We offer a 100% money-back guarantee on our tutor matching. You can an either select your own tutor, or one of our team can match you.

Find me a tutor.

Please take one minute to fill in the form to tell us about your tuition needs. Once completed, one of our dedicated team members will reach out to you to fully understand your needs and find the best-match tutor. Our service is risk-free with our 100% money-back guarantee policy in the unlikely event that you are not satisfied with your matched ++tutor.

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IB ++tutors is a Canadian company that is committed to providing global, high-quality IB private tutoring services by IB expert tutors.

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  • IB School Support
  • Privacy Policy
  • Terms of Use
  • Toll-Free Support (US & CA): 1-833-611-1133
  • Global Support: +1-833-611-1133 (charges may apply)
  • [email protected]
  • 407 Iroquois Shore Rd. Unit 8, Suite V4 Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6H 1M3

Trusted Home Tuition Agency in Singapore

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Looking for IB Tuition in Singapore?

Smiletutor’s experienced ib home tutors provide the best 1-to-1 ib home tuition in singapore  – to help your child do impressively well in their ib exams, no agency fees.

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+65 6266 4475, (mon to sun 9am-8pm).

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  • Impressive command of Hindi language within a short period
  • Native Hindi speakers ready to bring on their experience and unique tutoring abilities
  • Private Hindi tutors that are flexible and adaptable to students’ exact language needs
  • Practical help with mastering Hindi and exceling at examinations effortlessly
  • Tutoring based on the requirements of the latest Hindi syllabus
  • Committed language buddy eager to help your child communicate fluently in Hindi

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The Best IB Tuition in Singapore

  • Over 6,000 dedicated IB home tutors to choose from
  • IB tutors Singapore who are familiar with the unique IB curriculum
  • Customized IB tutorials tailored to your child’s needs
  • 1-to-1 mentoring to overcome IB-related study hurdles
  • Reliable IB tutoring at affordable rates
  • Convenient and smart way to be ahead of the class

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Q: what are the types of tutors available.

To simplify things, we group our tutors into three main tutor categories:

Part-Time Tutors – refers to private tutors who doing it part-time. Most of the tutors here are still schooling: A-level graduates, Diploma students/graduates, or Undergraduates. To a lesser extent, there are also University graduates and working professionals offering tuition part-time and they fall under this category. Part-time tutors are the cheapest option for home tuition in Singapore.

Full-Time Tutors – refers to full-time private tutors who teach as a profession. Full-time tutors may/may not be university graduates but often have significantly more teaching experiences than part-time tutors as they tutor lots of students 1-to-1 as well as take up jobs in tuition centres teaching groups of students in classes. The actual qualifications and experience of a full-time tutor can vastly differ between individuals, hence so does the tuition rate they command.

MOE/IB/IGCSE School Teachers – refers to ex/current school teachers either from MOE or from private and international schools. Tutors under this category tend to be the most experienced and qualified in private tutoring and thus command the highest tuition rates. Be prepared to pay a premium in order to engage these teachers successfully.

Q: Do I have to pay any agency fees?

A: The agency commission is deducted from the tutor fees. This means you do not pay anything extra agency fees – our services are essentially free as long as clients follow and act according to our terms and conditions.

For instance, you must facilitate the process for us to claim the commission on the tutor. SmileTutor’s agent fee on the tutor is generally 50% of the 1st month of tutor fees. Once the assignment’s details such as schedule, rate, and first lesson is confirmed, our tuition coordinator in contact with you will send you an official invoice via email with the confirmation and payment details. You will transfer this amount to us directly.

Q: What if the tutor is not suitable after X number of lessons?

A: You may inform the coordinator at any point after the first lesson if you feel that you wish to cancel the tuition. You will be required to pay for the lessons conducted but not anything more!

However, note that once you have confirmed the assignment to book the tutor in quote, there is a binding contract to complete one full lesson and you may only request a change of tutor or terminate the tuition only after that 1st lesson. If you decide to change your mind before the 1st lesson even commenced, the fee for the unfinished first lesson may be charged as an administrative fee.

Q: Can I change or cancel my tutor if I am not satisfied with the current one?

A: Yes, of course. If the provided tutor does not meet your needs, you may simply inform the tuition coordinator in contact with you regarding the cancellation or request a change. We will promptly make the necessary arrangements. Do note that you are still required to make payment to SmileTutor for all lessons already conducted.

Q: How do I make the payment?

You may make a bank transfer via ATM, ibanking or Cheque. Upon confirmation, payment details will be provided in the official email invoice sent to you. If you have any doubts, you can always contact us directly.

Please note that for all payments, it is your responsibility to ensure that the bank receipt is kept as proof of transaction made via cash deposit transfer. Please also ensure that you notify the agency upon transferring for verification.

Terms and Conditions

1. introduction.

These Website Standard Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) written on this website shall manage your usage of SmileTutor’s website. The Website is SmileTutor Pte Ltd’s ownership (hereinafter referred to “SmileTutor”, “we”). By using this Website, you agreed to accept all terms and conditions written in here. You should not use this Website if you disagree with any of these Website Standard Terms and Conditions.

Please read these Terms and Conditions attentively. Your access to and usage of the tuition service is conditioned on your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms and Conditions. These Terms are applied to all users, visitors and others who access or use this Website. You agree that using the Site as the visitor, viewer or registered member, you must be at least eighteen (18) years of age or older. If you are between thirteen (13) and eighteen (18), you have parental permission to enter into an agreement to accept these Terms and to use the tuition services.

2. Description of website services offered

Through our Services, we enable students or their parents to connect with tutors for arrangements including but not limited to, private tuition at home, tuition in public places, group tuition, Skype tutoring lessons, or homework help.

All visitors of our site, whether they are registered or not, shall be considered as “users” of the contained Services provided for this Terms. Once individual registers for these Services, through the process of creating an account or requesting a tutor, the user shall then be considered a “member.” There are two types of members; “Client” – a customer, who hire tutor from SmileTutor; “Tutor” – a person, registered in SmileTutor’s Website and providing tuition services.

The user and the member acknowledges and agrees that Services provided and made available through our website are the sole property of SmileTutor. At its discretion, we may offer additional website Services or renew, change or verify any actual content and Services, and this Agreement shall apply to any and all additional, updated, altered or revised Services unless otherwise specified. SmileTutor does hereby reserve the right to cancel and cease offering any of the Services mentioned above. You acknowledge, accept and agree that SmileTutor shall not be liable for any such renewals, changes, revisions or terminations of any of Our Services and products. Should you not agree to the, updated, overviewed or changed terms, you must stop using the provided Services immediately.

The user and member, as well as the client and the tutor, understands, acknowledges and agrees that Services offered shall be provided “AS IS,” and such SmileTutor shall not assume any responsibility or obligation for the timeliness, missed lessons, etc., any other wrong actions, communication or personalization settings.

3. Registration, member account, security, username, and password.

To register and become a “member” of the Website, you have to be in good standing and not a person who has been previously barred from receiving our services.

When you register, SmileTutor may collect information such as your name, birth date, gender, race, occupation and personal interests. It is due to client’s preferences. There is no violation of Article 12 of the Constitution of the Republic of Singapore.

Users who wish to register with SmileTutor are required to provide accurate, valid, complete and current information about themselves as prompted by registration forms provided. You agree to update your information should there be any changes, in order to keep registered information actual, complete, true and accurate. If you provide information that is not accurate or updated, we may terminate your access to the Website and our Services. We are not responsible for any failure in providing the Services, which result from information that is not true, accurate, current and complete.

SmileTutor reserves the right to use your registration information for it’s intended purpose, for instance posting a tutor’s profile in public for attracting clients or sending it to prospective clients directly. Or, for instance, providing the contact number of a client to a tutor who has arrived at their doorstep. Nevertheless, your personal information would not be public. Such information as your name, password, telephone number, date of birth, etc. should not be public, as it is private one. For full information, look at our privacy policy.

When you create an account, you are the sole authorized user of your account. You shall be liable for the preservation of the secrecy of your password/login and for all activities that transpire on/within your account. You are liable for any actions or omission of any user(s) that access your member’s profile information that, if undertaken by you, would be deemed a breach of these Terms and Conditions. It shall be a responsibility to notify SmileTutor immediately any unauthorized access or use of your password and account or any other breach of security. If you ever find out or suspect that someone accesses your account without authorization, you are advised to inform us immediately. SmileTutor shall not be held liable for any loss and damage arising from any failure to comply with this term of use.

4. Rates, Commission, and Payment

All currency references are in Singapore dollars (SGD). You shall be responsible for payment of all levies, duties or taxes that are imposed by taxing rules for any payment or fees you may collect through using our services.

Tuition rates listed on our website are merely guidelines. The exact price for tuition services may differ depending on client’s requirements, market conditions, availability of tutors, etc. The tutors can establish rates by themselves. But the final decision concerning price shall be accepted by confirmed agreement of both parties via an official confirmation invoice sent by SmileTutor.

Clients shall pay the invoice and inform SmileTutor within three days of the due date. It is the client’s responsibility to ensure that the bank receipt is kept as proof of transaction made through cash deposit transfer.

Tuition rates agreed upon should not be changed unless clients and tutors mutually agree. SmileTutor reserves the right to claim its commission based on the original agreed upon tuition rate.

In most cases, we will collect the conducted tuition fees directly from the client (sometimes, we also collect payment from tutor) and will then subsequently resolve any payment issues owing to the tutor. Thus, for cancelled tuition arrangements, clients are required to deal directly with the agency. If clients decide to pay the tutor directly and bypass the agency, clients shall be made liable to SmileTutor for the commission amount if we fail to collect our commission from the tutor, in addition to any administrative fees incurred by the agency in collecting the fees.

In general, tutors shall not collect the agency commission from the client directly. If they do so, they shall inform the agency immediately. At notice by the agency, they shall make payment to the agency in full within 3 days. Tutors, who fail to follow these instructions, shall be liable to pay the full amount of payment and additionally, administrative fees, incurred by the agency in collecting the payment from the tutor.

SmileTutor reserves the right to change commission due to non-fulfillment of tutor’s obligations or other reasons. Clients are liable to pay tuition fees for all attended lessons, regardless of how satisfactory the lessons were. For more information – read the website.

Refunds may be made to the client’s bank account in case of violations of terms because of the tutor’s fault, or other reasons. Client can be additionally charged for improper or unfulfilled payment obligation. SmileTutor warns about this with messages.

If there are disputes or concerns regarding tuition fees between tutors and clients, we will provide assistance, to our reasonable means, to help tutors to claim fees from clients and vice versa. However, SmileTutor shall not be legally responsible for any payment disputes between tutors and clients. Clients shall inform the agency and the tutor (if the client has the tutor’s contact) if a postponement or cancellation of any lesson is needed. If the tutor is only informed less than two hours away to the start time of the lesson, clients shall be liable to pay for the loss time and transport cost to the tutor. The amount payable will be 50% of 1 lesson. The client shall pay this amount in cash immediately on the tutor’s next visit or via bank transfer to the tutor if there is no more next visit. Cancellations or postponement of lessons shall not affect our commission amount.

5. Essential provisions relating to the relationship between the client and the tutor

•The client may request a replacement tutor or cancel at any time after the first lesson, but will still have to pay the attended tuition fees to SmileTutor. •The tutoring period is usually stated clearly as we arrange the tuition assignment. In the event that the tutoring period is not specified, all parties should be prepared to commit for at least 3 months. •There is an unspoken agreement to complete minimum 1 lesson upon tutor confirmation. If clients decide to cancel after 1 or more lessons for any reason, only conducted lessons shall need to be paid for and SmileTutor will refund any the remaining fees paid in advance. However, for cancellations before first lesson has even commenced, clients will be liable for administrative fees no less than the equivalent of the first lesson fees which must be paid by the due date specified in the invoice. •Clients shall inform the agency and the tutor (if the client has the tutor’s contact) if a postponement or cancellation of any lesson is needed. If the tutor is only informed less than two hours away to the start time of the lesson, clients shall be liable to pay for the loss time and transport cost to the tutor. The amount payable will be 50% of 1 lesson. The client shall pay this amount in cash immediately on the tutor’s next visit or via bank transfer to the tutor if there is no more next visit. Cancellations or postponement of lessons shall not affect our commission amount. •The tuition schedule and the date and time of the first lesson shall be fixed and hold to. Clients are allowed to renegotiate the schedule with tutors. Any changes in the frequency of lessons in the first 4 weeks of lessons must be made known to SmileTutor. SmileTutor may adjust commission under such conditions.

6. Termination

SmileTutor expects all tutors and members to conduct themselves appropriately in a professional and ethical manner.

General rules include, but are not limited to: -Do not be late and always deliver a full tuition session. -At least two days’ notice if a change of timing is needed, unless due to sudden sickness. MC must be provided. -No physical and verbal abuse will be tolerated. (e.g discouragement, scolding etc.) -Regular communication with parents to keep them updated of progress

As a member, you agree that SmileTutor may, without any prior written notice, immediately suspend, terminate, discontinue and/or limit your account, any email associated with your account, and access to any of our Services. The cause for such termination, discontinuance, suspension and/or limitation of access shall include, but is not limited to: 1. any breach or violation of our Terms and Conditions or any other incorporated agreement, regulation and/or guideline; 2. by way of request from law enforcement or any other governmental agencies; 3. unexpected technical or security issues and/or problems; 4. any extended periods of inactivity; 5. any engagement by you in any fraudulent or illegal activities 6. the nonpayment of any associated fees that may be owed by you 7. unethical conduct 8. poor performance

In addition, you agree that any and all terminations, suspensions, discontinuances, and/or limitations of access for cause is made at our sole discretion and that we are not responsible to you or any other third parties with regards to the termination of your profile, associated email address and/or access to any of our Website. Furthermore, you agree that SmileTutor may cease operations at any time.

The termination of your account may contain any and/or all of the following: a) the removal of any access to all or part of the Services offered within SmileTutor; b) the password deletion and any and all related information, files, and any such content that can be associated with or inside your account, or any part of thereof; c) the barring of any further use of all or part of our Website.

As a member, you may also terminate or cancel your profile, associated email address and/or access to our Website by submitting a cancellation or termination request to us via email 7 days prior to termination date.

7. Limitation of liability and indemnification

SmileTutor does its best to ensure that all information on the Website is accurate. If you find any inaccurate information on the Website, please let us know by sending an email and we will correct it, where we agree, as soon as practicable.

As we mostly rely on information submitted by users online, we cannot guarantee the qualifications and other information about our tutors. SmileTutor does its best to provide accurate tuition services. However, no one is secured from human error, for example, in case of error in tuition rates/address via SMS confirmation or invoice, etc.

SmileTutor gives no warranty or assurance about the content of the Website. As the Website is under constant development, its contents may be incorrect or out-of-date and are subject to change without notice. While we make every effort to ensure that the content of the Website is accurate, we cannot accept liability for the accuracy of all the content at any given point in time.

SmileTutor makes every effort to ensure that its computer infrastructure is a virus- and error-free but does not warrant that any content that is available for downloading from the Website does not contain viruses, infection or other code that has destructive or contaminating properties. You are responsible for carrying out sufficient procedures and virus checks (including anti-virus and other security verifications) to gratify your particular requirements for the accuracy of information output and input.

Neither SmileTutor nor any of its employees, sub-contractors and agents shall be liable to you or any other party for any loss, demand, damages or claim whatsoever (whether such loss, demand, damages or claims were known, foreseeable, or otherwise) arising in connection with or out of the usage of the Website or information, materials or content included on the Website.

SmileTutor will try to provide clients and tutors with the best match possible, but due to varying factors, we cannot guarantee good results. While SmileTutor will try to resolve conflicts between tutors and clients, we hold no legal liability for problems and disputes that arise. Neither SmileTutor nor any of its employees, sub-contractors and agents shall be responsible for any quarrels, clashes, crime, which may happen between the clients and the tutors when they realize the tuition services.

In no event shall SmileTutor or any of its employees, sub-contractors or agents be liable for any indirect or consequential damage or loss including, without limitation, any; •loss of actual or anticipated profits (including loss of profits on contracts); •loss of revenue; •loss of business; •loss of opportunity; •loss of anticipated savings; •loss of goodwill; •loss of use of money or otherwise •loss of reputation; •loss or damage to or corruption of data, and whether or not advised of the possibility of such demand, claim, loss, damages or loss and arising in tort (including negligence), contract or otherwise, to the fullest extent that is allowed by law.

The Website provides hypertext links to other sites operated by other services. The usage of such a links means you are leaving the Website. SmileTutor takes no responsibility for and gives no warranties, endorsements, guarantees or representations in respect of, linked sites. We are not liable for the privacy practices, nor do we accept any responsibility in connection with the information of, such websites, including those of our group entities, which will in some cases have their privacy policies tailored to the particular business practices and educational sectors in which they operate.

We are not a publisher of content supplied by third parties and users of the internet. Any offers, services, statements, advice, opinions, or other content that is available by third parties, including information of providers, or users, are those of the authors or distributors and not of us. We do not necessarily endorse nor are we liable for the accuracy or reliability of any content made on the Website.

The information on the Website is not directed to address your particular demands. Such information does not constitute any form of recommendation or advice by our service and is not intended to be relied upon by you in creation (or refraining from creation) any specific educational, or other, decisions. You should take your advice and make specific inquiries and independently verify any information before relying upon it.

At the request of clients or tutors, we may need to specify gender or race preferences in the jobs or marketing messages we send out via various communication channels This is purely due to clients’ or tutors’ specified preferences and not the agency’s initiative or intention. We are fully supportive and cooperative with TADM guidelines. We do not encourage or condone any form of bigotry or racism – clients that request for specific gender or race are expected to provide valid reasons (for instance, if they are not able to be home to supervise their daughter thus preferring a female teacher for safety reasons)

You agree to defend, hold and indemnify harmless SmileTutor, its directors, agents, officers, employees, and third parties, for any costs, losses, liabilities and expenses (including reasonable fees) relating to or arising out of users use of or inability to use the Site or services, any user postings made by you, your violation of any terms of this contract or your breach of any third parties rights, or your violation of any applicable laws, rules or regulations. SmileTutor reserves the right of assuming the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by a user, in which event the user will fully cooperate with SmileTutor in asserting any available defenses.

8. Intellectual Property Rights

The Website’s owner and its licensors own all the intellectual property rights and materials involved in this service. You are admitted to the site only for using the material displayed on this Website.

As a condition of your use of the Website, you warrant to SmileTutor that you will not use the Website for any reasons that are illegal or prohibited by these Terms. You may not use the Website in any manner, which could disable, overburden, impair, or damage the Website. You may not attempt to obtain any materials or information through any methods that are not available or provided by our service.

All content that is a part of the Site, such as images, logos, graphics, text as well as any software used on the Site, is the property of SmileTutor and is protected by copyright and other applicable laws. You agree to follow all copyright and other proprietary notices or other limitations that are in any content and will not make any changes thereto.

You will not publish, modify, transmit, reverse engineer, participate in the transfer or sale, or in other way use any of the content, in whole or in part, found on the Website. You are not entitled to make any unauthorized use of any protected content, and in particular, you will not delete or change any proprietary rights or attribution notices in any content. You have to use protected content solely for your personal use and do not let any other persons use the described content without the prior written permission of SmileTutor or the copyright owner. You agree that you do not acquire any ownership rights in any protected content. We do not grant you any licenses, implied or expressed, to the intellectual property of SmileTutor or its licensors except as expressly authorized by these Terms.

9. Restrictions and obligations

Some areas of this service are restricted from being access by you and may further restrict access by you to any areas of this service at absolute discretion. Any user ID and password you may have for this Website are confidential, and you must respect confidentiality as well. You warrant that you will follow, without limitation, all applicable international, national and local laws and regulations concerning your usage of the service and not inhibit the usage and enjoyment of the service by other users or with the operation and management of the Website.

You shall provide accurate, authorized, complete, and true information when providing materials or information on the service, including, without limitation, information required to be provided through SmileTutor Website’s registration form. This includes any certificates, documents, or photos that you upload to our website or send to us or any of our coordinators via various channels. If you submit any inaccurate, false, unauthorized, incomplete or untrue information or you do not meet our criteria as a member, SmileTutor reserves the right to terminate your use and access to the Website temporarily or permanently. You warrant that you will not impersonate any others, whether actual or fictitious, when using the service, or defame or otherwise harm any party through your use of our service.

SmileTutor also reserves the right not to provide services for clients or tutors without reason. Accessing the Website is forbidden from territories where the Service or any Content is illegal; you are responsible for compliance with local laws.

•fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or •the tort of deceit; or •any other liability which may not be limited or excluded by law.

10. Website Rules and Conduct

The Service is available only for your own personal, non-commercial use. You shall not use the Service for any purpose that is prohibited by these Terms of Use, including:

You shall not (and shall not permit any third party to) either (a) take any action or (b) post, submit, link, upload, download, to or otherwise distribute or facilitate distribution of any content on or through the Service, that: •infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, a right of publicity or another right of any other person or entity; •is unlawful, abusive, threatening, harassing, defamatory, libelous, deceptive, fraudulent, invasive of another’s privacy, tortious, obscene, offensive, or profane; •involves commercial activities and sales without SmileTutor’s prior written consent such as contests, sweepstakes, barter, advertising, or pyramid schemes; •impersonates any person or entity, including any employee or representative of SmileTutor.

You also shall not (directly or indirectly): •take any action that may impose or imposes (as determined by SmileTutor in its sole discretion) an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on SmileTutor’s (or its third party providers’) infrastructure; •interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Service or any activities conducted on the Service; • bypass any measures SmileTutor may use to restrict or prevent access to the Service (or other accounts, networks or computer systems connected to the Service); •Reverse engineering the Service •decompile, reverse, decipher, disassemble engineer or otherwise attempt to derive any software code or underlying algorithms of any part of the Website, except to the limited extent Singapore or other applicable laws specifically prohibit such restriction; •translate, modify or otherwise create derivative works of any part of the Service; or •distribute, lease, copy, rent or otherwise transfer any or all of the rights that you receive hereunder.

SmileTutor reserves the right to remove any content from the Website or another feature of the Website at any time, for any reasons or no reason at all.

You shall abide by all copyright notices, information, and restrictions contained in any Content accessed through the Service. You shall not license, rent, publicly display, adapt modify, sell, create, distribute, copy, reproduce, transmit, publicly perform, publish, edit derivative works from, or otherwise exploit any content or third party submissions or other proprietary rights not owned by you: (i) without the consent of the respective owners or other valid right and (ii) in any way that violates any third party right.

You can, to the extent the Website expressly authorizes you to do so, copy or download Content, and other items displayed on the service for download, for personal use only, provided that you maintain all copyright and other similar notices contained in such Content.

Deleting your Account affects all data associated with that account and any services you use. You understand that all your notes and information will be deleted.

Please be aware that the service or other features of the Website may contain, or direct you to services with content that some people may find offensive or inappropriate.

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+65 9450 4390.

Available 24/7. Our team will reply betweeen 9 AM to 8 PM daily (Including weekends and public holidays)

Tutor Request Hotline

Available from 9 AM to 8 PM daily (Including weekends and public holidays)

You are in good hands

Hear it from the ib students we have helped over the years.

I would like to compliment your tutor Kenneth Chia, he is well-versed in the subject he taught and is an excellent tutor for my son. Thank you very much.

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We cannot thank Dominic Lim enough and would so highly recommend him to any parents seeking tuition. Whilst his genuine passion is clear, the objective was to keep a teen engaged, interested and motivated which he has achieved effortlessly with our son.

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Mrs Francesca

I was never great in Chinese, but Ms Wu made the lessons so wonderful, I am now constantly conversing in Chinese to improve my 2nd language. Have so much to thank to SmileTutor and your staff to making this experience so comforting.

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I want to thank your tutor for the lessons. My daughter really enjoys his teaching, and he is well-versed in the Sciences. Thank you for recommending this tutor to us.

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IB Tuition: Rated 4.9 by 1,301 parents.

Proven Results

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Happy Students

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Improved Results

Request for a tutor now, hear back from us within 24 hours, free consultation.

Hours: 9 am – 8 pm (Monday to Sunday, including PH)

Our friendly coordinators will be happy to answer every question you have

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The best ib tuition rates in singapore.

Level / Tutor
Ages 3-9
Ages 10-12
Ages 13-14
Ages 15-16
Ages 17-18

In a hurry? Let us call you back.

Is your child having trouble coping with the ib curriculum, challenges faced.

The International Baccalaureate (IB) originated in 1968 and is currently active in thousands of schools in many countries, offering programs to students aged 3 to 19 years. In Singapore , the IB education system is taught in various international schools such as the Canadian International School (CIS), which sometimes also offer IGCSE .

Because IB students go through a slightly different course compared to the standard MOE route, many students struggle to cope with the IB program on their own. Again, the IB program in Singapore is extremely competitive.

Our Solution

Private ib tuition in singapore can help your child:.

  • Expert help to fill in study gaps: Students can rely on an IB tutor Singapore to help them stay on track with the unique IB syllabus, so they don’t fall behind
  • Extensive diagnostic assessment: Good tutors start by assessing a student’s study level and ability so as to know the best way to step in and help out
  • Qualified IB tutors Singapore: IB tutors are well vast in the IB curriculum and have a lot of experience on how to bring students up to speed via tailored tuition
  • Rewarding and fun-filled learning: Experienced tutors know how to spark student’s interest and commitment to learning via well thought out incentives
  • Up to date tuition: Tutors passionate about teaching IB students take extra effort to keep abreast of new and updated strategies for preparing for and tackling IB exams
  • Professional validation: Students falling behind in their studies can easily conclude they’re not good enough, but private IB tuition can quickly lay those worries to rest

Excel through the professional assistance of the best IB tutor Singapore. Join SmileTutor’s over 40,000 satisfied students who are staying ahead of their class with our help!

The professional support your child needs for ib success, smiletutor is determined to help your child scale through their ib examinations with best ib tuition singapore..

ib tuition assignments

Experienced Tutors

The PYP spans Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K) to Grade 6 (age 3 to 12). Understandably, young children in the PYP may have difficulties grasping everything that is being taught to them as they are still very young. The Middle Years Programs spans Grades 7 to 10 (13 to 16 years of age). In this level, the difficulty and depth of subjects taught increases considerably. At the Diploma level (IBDP), the difficulty level peaks.

We have carefully selected an experienced team of IB tutors who love teaching and are eager to tackle your child’s peculiar study needs. With us looking out for them, you can loosen up knowing we are equipping them with all the skills, tips, and resources they need to compete favorably with their IB peers.

ib tuition assignments

1:1 Attention

SmileTutor’s competent and trusted IB teachers in Singapore are ready to sit one-on-one with your child and transfer the skills, techniques and positive mindset needed to ace the IB examinations at a go. Our tutors know how competitive the IB exams are, and are ready to work extra hard to keep your child ahead of their peers in the IB program.

Our tutors are specially trained in handling the unique requirements of the International Baccalaureate (IB) syllabus and the unfamiliar, tricky subjects they must cope with at an early stage of their academic life. We provide the tailored guidance and specific support they need to ace their IB exams at a go. Let us give them the special help they need to go into the exam hall with confidence and the right mental aptitude.

IB systems and syllabus are different

The IB program in Singapore starts from the Primary Years Programme (PYP), then to the Middle Years Programme (MYP), and finally to the Diploma Programme (DP). The subjects taught are also slightly different, with students picking up subjects like philosophy and economics at an early age. The IB Diploma program, which is more broad-based than the A levels, requires students to take six subjects plus Theory of Knowledge, a course combining religion, philosophy, and logical reasoning all at once.

ib tuition assignments

Tackling the IB program masterfully

The formative period of a child’s education falls within 3-12years, and it is very critical that they develop a solid foundation in their learning of the IB program at this point in their lives. At the Middle Years Program (MYP) , your child needs to master foreign subjects such as technology and philosophy, unlike their counterparts under the MOE curriculum.

But by far the most demanding and hard to tackle for your child is the IB Diploma program . First, the syllabus is broader than A Levels and requires them to handle complex, multi-subject course like “Theory of Knowledge,” including research and extensive field work. The need for a private IB tutor increases significantly as you move up the IB ladder. One of the most common IB tutor requests is for IB maths tuition Singapore.

International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme

More about IBDP (IB Diploma Program):

IBDP (Diploma Program)

The IBDP programme is probably the most demanding of all . At this level, having private IB tuition to clear your child’s doubts can make all the difference, as it’s almost impossible to keep up with everything that is being taught at lectures with the lightning speed pace.

Finding The Best IB Tutors in Singapore

Are you looking for IB tuition in Singapore? Frustrated that you are not able to find any tutors suitable specifically for your child studying in IB because the International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme has such a unique curriculum?

If your child not doing as well as you wanted in the IB Programme and you don’t have time to personally attend to them, it isimperative to find good IB tutors who have gone through the IB syllabus for private tutoring.

Best IB Tutors in Singapore

SmileTutor is amongst the top tuition agencies providing experienced IB tutors for 1-to-1 private IB home tuition in Singapore at your home. The private tutors we provide for your child’s IB tuition will be experienced and familiar with the IB syllabus and courses, thus they will be able to help your child to excel in any subject they are having difficulty with.

Whether you’re looking for a short-term crash course or a long-term ib tuition assignment, we have plenty of energetic ib tutors singapore who are able to provide quality IB tutoring , such as IB math tuition, Social Studies, Science, Physical Education, Music & Drama and IB chemistry tuition

From kindergarten to diploma level, we’re confident of meeting your personal tutoring requirements and provide you with the best IB tuition Singapore to help your child succeed. We even offer IB tuition online if you wish to have tuition through zoom to save time and record your lessons.

Have specific tutoring requirements? Special needs? We have you covered. Did we mention that our service is completely free?

So, are you all set to get a good IB tutor for your child?

Don’t worry; we’ll get you the solution you seek., we’re right here to assist.

If you’ve been trying so hard to get your child the extra help they need to prepare well for their IB exams…

The amazing news is – SmileTutor is eager to help. Ask for a top-notch IB tutor through us!

IB tuition is key to your child’s success

It is here to stay.

The International Baccalaureate (IB) originated in 1968 and is currently active in thousands of schools in many countries, offering programs to students aged 3 to 19 years

The competition is high

For few years now, Singapore has been among the top performing countries in IB examswhich means your child has to work extra hard (and smart) to stand out from the competition

Fortunately, expert help is available

Whether you’re looking for a short-term crash course or a long-term IB tuition Singapore, we have several enthusiastic Singapore IB tutors willing to provide private IB tuition for all subjects

Some IB Subjects

  • Arts & Humanities
  • Theory of Knowledge
  • HL/SL Physics
  • HL/SL Chemistry
  • HL/SL Economics
  • Music, Drama, Dance
  • IB English Tuition , Literature, Linguistics

Frequently Asked Questions about IB Tuition Singapore

  • Why IB Tuition?
  • Getting a Tutor

What are the signs that my child needs IB tutoring?

The International Baccalaureate (IB) is an international programme that assesses your child’s personal and academic development by encouraging them to think critically and analyse information. They also look at your child’s intercultural skills.

Some of the signs that your child needs IB tutoring:

1)Failure to solve problems creatively

2)Unable to understand concepts that were taught

3)Unable to remember or retain knowledge

Of course, you will be able to notice these signs by closely following up with their progress.

Where can I find experienced IB private tutors for PYP, MYP, or IBDP?

You can find experienced IB private tutors for your child at SmileTutor! Just give us a call and our friendly experienced coordinators will do a free consultation with you to find a tutor that will suit your needs.

How does the difficulty of IB exams compare to the local curriculum in Singapore?

IB exams test comprehensive knowledge whereas our local curriculum is more subject-based. As an example, IB students have to take at least one foreign language amongst 6 subjects. So if your child does not have strong linguistic skills, IB might be more difficult.

How can SmileTutor help my child who is studying in an international school?

At SmileTutor, we understand that not every child is the same. Every child has different abilities so the local schools curriculum might not be what they want. That is why we have a wide range of tutors for parents to choose from, so that you will be able to find a suitable tutor for your child.

How do I request for a IB tutor?

Our slogan is “Efficient, effective, and easy” – our goal is to make your process of finding the perfect home tutor for your child as simple and painless as possible .

There are many avenues for you to request for a IB tutor with us and it takes less than 2 minutes to do so. The avenues as listed below:

- Phone Call : +65 6266 4475 (Mon to Sun 9am-8pm)

- Website : https://smiletutor.sg/find-tutor/

- WhatsApp : +65 94504390 (click for shortcut)

You can also send us a quick email through our contact form at the bottom of the page. Once we have received your enquiry, our coordinators will drop you a call within 1-12 hours.

Simply take 2 minutes to send us your request now and you can sit back and relax while we source for the perfect tutor for you.

What are the types of IB tutors available?

- Part-Time IB Tutors  – refers to private IB tutors who doing it part-time. Most of the tutors here are still schooling: A-level graduates, Diploma students/graduates, or Undergraduates. To a lesser extent, there are also University graduates and working professionals offering tuition part-time and they fall under this category. Part-time tutors are the cheapest option for home tuition in Singapore.

- Full-Time IB Tutors  – refers to full-time private IB tutors who teach as a profession. Full-time tutors may/may not be university graduates but often have significantly more teaching experiences than part-time tutors as they tutor lots of students 1-to-1 as well as take up jobs in tuition centres teaching groups of students in classes.The actual qualifications and experience of a full-time tutor can vastly differ between individuals, hence so does the tuition rate they command.

- Ex/Current MOE IB School Teachers  – refers to ex/current school teachers either from MOE or from private and international schools. Tutors under this category tend to be the most experienced and qualified in private tutoring and thus command the highest tuition rates. Be prepared to pay a premium in order to engage these teachers successfully.

How are the tutors assigned to me?

After making a request via our online platforms (Website, Instagram, Facebook or WhatsApp) or via the phone hotline ( +65 6266 4475 ), our Tuition Coordinators will determine the best available tutor based on your stated preferences and will send you recommendations via SMS.

You can then ask any questions, request to speak with the tutor via conference call, ask for another recommendation or simply confirm the tutor. If you are uncomfortable with any details regarding the newly

assigned tutor, you can always request for a different tutor. Our Coordinators will ensure that both parties agree on the lesson details and pricing before confirming the lessons.

Once you have confirmed a suitable tutor, we’ll send you the lesson details via a confirmation email and you can start preparing for your first lesson!

Can I request for a specific tutor?

Sure, if you have any tutors in mind, feel free to give us a call at +65 6266 4475 and let us know the information of the IB tutor you are looking for. As we have the most extensive database in Singapore, we may be able to find the tutor you are looking for.

Alternatively, you may view some of our latest available tutors at our ‘ View Tutors ’ page. From this page you can do some DIY sourcing and indicate your interest directly there . However, do note that the availability of the tutor may not be guaranteed. Our Coordinators will be swift to advice you on the availabilities of the requested tutor and recommend any similar tutors that may be available if needed.

Can I trust the IB tutors provided by SmileTutor?

In 2019, we introduced Quality Score™ which is our proprietary system that grades over 30,000 tutors based on multiple factors such as profile completeness, recent job acceptance, track records, parent reviews, and more. With this system, we are able to ensure that parents & students are constantly matched with the cream of the crop tutors in Singapore. Since we have introduced this system, the quality of our tutors have improved and our numbers of compliments had increased tremendously.

SmileTutor treats the credibility of our tutor profiles very seriously. All suspicious tutor applications or profiles with missing information are immediately investigated and blacklisted. For tutees who wish to personally verify their tutor's qualifications and identity, you may request that the tutor bring their relevant certificates on the 1st lesson. (We do not to send online documents due to privacy laws). For current school teachers, it is our SOP to remind tutors to bring teacher's pass on their first lesson as a form of verification to give tutee a peace of mind.

Why do tutors charge different prices?

SmileTutor does not dictate tuition rates. Each tutor sets their own prices depending on their qualifications, experience, and many other factors such as student’s level, location, timing etc.

However, when arranging the tuition for you, our experienced coordinators will ensure that the rates are fair and within market rates . We also conduct negotiation when required to try to reduce lessons fees in order to fit within your budget when necessary.

You may view the latest tuition rates here .

Do I have to pay any commission fees?

Our services are free-of-charge for parents and students. You are only required to pay for lessons conducted. A portion of the total lesson fees usually in the first four weeks of lessons will be allocated to SmileTutor as the agency commission. This is deducted directly from the tutor’s fees, so you do not pay anything extra.

However, there is a 7% GST imposed on the agency commission.  For example, if you engage a tutor for $50 per class for once a week, the agency commission will be $100. Hence, the GST imposed is $7.  This is only a one-off payment only and from 3rd lesson onward there is no GST since you pay the tutor directly. The tutor's fees are not subjected to GST.

To facilitate the process for us to collect the agency fees, you are required to cooperate with us by transferring the allocated agency commission (usually 50% of the 1 st month fees) + GST directly to SmileTutor . Thereafter, you will pay the remaining lessons to the tutor directly. Our Tuition Coordinators will inform you of the full payment details and instructions upon lesson confirmation.

How do I pay for lessons?

In general, the agency commission charged to the tutor is 2-weeks of active lessons. Payment of the agency commission will be made directly to SmileTutor after the completion of a certain number of lessons whereby the lesson fees equal or exceed the agency commission amount.  After you may paid the agency commission, you may pay the tutor directly for subsequent lessons in any method preferred by both parties

Do take note that our services are completely free for you . By paying directly to SmileTutor, you are merely helping us to facilitate the collection process of the agency commission from the tutor. There are no additional / hidden fees you need to pay other than the mentioned lesson rates.

We accept various modes of payment including credit/debit card, online transfer, cheque, and cash. Our Coordinators will inform you of the full payment details during your tutor request.

Example: Client Mary hires Tutor for $60/lesson at 1 lesson per week. The agency commission is $120 (equivalent to 2 lessons). After Tutor has conducted two lessons, Client Mary transfers to SmileTutor $120. Then, from the 3 rd lesson onwards, she is to pay Tutor directly. The arrangement made between Mary and the tutor is to pay every 4-lessons via bank transfer.

Is advance payment needed?

You do not have to make advance payments of any kind. All payments are made only after the requisite lessons have been conducted.

Are there any binding contracts?

There are no contracts and obligations until you agree to engage our tutors. When any assignment is confirmed, there are guidelines to follow to ensure that both the student and tutor can have a smooth and rewarding experience.

Where are the IB tuition lessons conducted?

The IB tutoring lessons will be conducted at a pre-determined location according to your preference (usually at your home). If it is not convenient to have tuition conducted at your home, you may request for the tuition to be conducted somewhere else, such as the tutors home or at a convenient public location such as libraries, cafeterias, hostels, etc.

The location of the tuition lessons should be determined before the confirmation of lessons. Any change in address after lessons have started is subject to both parties approval

How are lessons conducted?

One of the main benefits of private tutoring is that we do not adopt a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach. Every IB tutor has their unique methodology, personality, and teaching style. During the prospecting phase, our coordinators do our due diligence to find out your child’s needs and weakest points in the IB subject in order to match the most suitable tutor.

Usually, the first lesson is a ‘getting to know’ phase, where tutors will gauge your child’s interest in the subject, current level of proficiency, and spot areas of weakness. From the second lesson onwards, tutors will generally be more prepared to conduct the lessons according to the student’s learning or syllabus .

If you are a more hands-on parent, you can also communicate with the tutor and provide suggestions on which area you’d like the tutor to focus more on (i.e. composition writing). As there are no fixed lesson plans or arrangements, both the clients and tutors are free to discuss and conduct their lessons in any way that benefits the student’s learning.

Can I postpone lessons dates & timings?

Yes, of course. However, all postponements of lessons must be made at least 24 hours in advance of lessons, except for special cases (such as medical emergencies).

For postponement of the first lesson, SmileTutor must be informed via phone call at +65 6266 4475 (Mon to Sun 9am-8pm). A confirmation SMS will be sent to you acknowledging your postponement after the call. However, if you are informing at least 48 hours in advance, an SMS made to +65 9014 4201 will suffice.

Postponements of lessons after the first lesson may be made directly between tutor and tutee.

Please note that failure to make a postponement at least 24 hours in advance may incur compensation to the tutor for time loss (e.g wasted trips). Generally, the compensation amount is 50% of 1-lesson fee.

Can I terminate lessons if the tutor is not suitable?

You may terminate the tuition at any time after the first lesson but must inform SmileTutor at least 24 hours in advance of the next lesson and must pay for all lessons conducted. Terminations made less than 24 hours before the lesson will incur a late charge of 50% of that lesson’s total fee .

Termination Procedure

1. Inform SmileTutor via a phone call to +65 6266 4475 (9am-8pm) at least 24 hours in advance before the next lesson

2. Pay for lessons conducted, half directly to SmileTutor and WhatsApp the receipt to our Finance Dept. at +65 9450 4390

3. Pay the other half directly to the tutor

Will tutors postpone lessons?

SmileTutor does not encourage tutors to make frequent postponements to the lessons. However, we do encourage you to offer some degree of flexibility as tutors are also human and may fall sick or have sudden emergencies from time to time.

If the tutor we assigned to you happen to make postponements more frequently than you prefer, you may wish to communicate with them and remind them to stick to the usual lesson schedule. Sometimes, a simple effort to communicate between both parties can go a long way in avoiding any disruption in lessons or last-minute discrepancies.

If you face further difficulties with your tutor in this area, please feedback to us immediately and we will arrange a new tutor for you.

Can my tutor terminate the lessons?

For termination of lessons, tutors are expected to commit for at least the 4-weeks of tuition. If the tutor backs out of an assignment without a valid reason (e.g. illness) before completing at least 4-weeks of tuition, he/she will not be entitled to receive any tuition fees. i.e. You will only be required to pay 50% of the tuition fees (plus any applicable taxes) directly to the agency.

Unfortunately, we are unable to force tutors to commit for more than 4-weeks. However, we do encourage responsible behaviour and let our tutors know that they should do their best to commit at least until the end of year exams. Most of our tutors follow through.

What about adding of subjects or students (e.g siblings)?

You may wish to try out one subject first and then add more subjects subsequently. Or, when starting the tuition, you may find yourself wanting to increase the frequency of lessons or to engage the same tutor for your other children. In any of these cases, please make your request through the agency in order to stay protected and keep the tutor accountable to the agency.

SmileTutor is not responsible for any engagements made outside of the agency’s knowledge. Hence, tutors and tutees are expected to inform their coordinators of any added lessons or changes to the lessons schedule/subjects/tutees immediately.

How do I feedback to SmileTutor regarding my good/bad experience?

You may email us at  Email for any feedback or questions that are not answered under this FAQ.

For private feedback about the agency service, you may contact Rum (Founder) at 97558257 or email him at Rum Email .

We appreciate your help in providing us accurate feedback so as to improve our service and system.

Questions Answered?

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Equipping your child with the right IB tuition

A proven way to excelling in ib.

The IB program aims to develop internationally-minded students by broadening their horizons. This explains why the curriculum is so wide and varied. The IBDP program is the most demanding of all because IB diploma pupils also undertake a second or third language, engage in high-commitment research projects, andtackle compulsory long-essays and must create time for community service projects.

Excelling in these complicated subjects (such as Chinese ) can be a difficult task for your child, but with the right private IB tuition, they can access the proper guidance to help them scale through every learning hurdles.Our IB tuition agency provides IB tuition for ages 3-19. Students of all ages can benefit from IB tuition in Singapore, as they struggle with different aspects of the challenging curriculum.

SmileTutor, #1 Tuition for IB students

If you’re looking for a private tuition agency in Singapore that offers quality, convenience, responsive service and the best IB tutoring rates , you’re at the right place. We’ve made it our goal to help students get help via tuition for IB student. Our outstanding team of professional IB tutors are well equipped to provide IB tuition in Singapore. With our easy-to-use tutor request form, find a private IB tutor in just a few clicks or via a call.

As a concerned parent looking for the best way to support your child with their IB prep, you have seen the various benefits of good IB tuition. We would like to say that IB tuition is accessible for everyone with our affordable IB tuition fees!

If your child struggles to connect with an assigned tutor, get in touch and we would send a replacement right away – for free!

Request a tutor via SmileTutor – your go-to agency – for IB tuition

Access the professional help your child requires through the vested support of the #1 ib tuition agency in singapore.


  1. Types of IB Assignments: The Complete List Explained

    ib tuition assignments

  2. IB MYP Subject Tuition Online

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  3. IB Ace Academy

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  4. IB Revision Math-IB Revision-Physics-Online-IB-Learning-Class-Tutor

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  5. IB Tuition Singapore

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  6. The Importance of IB Tuition and Finding the Right IB Tutor

    ib tuition assignments


  1. Tuition Assignments

    Apply for more than 1,000+ assignments daily with Singapore's #1 Tuition Agency. Fair commission, attractive rates, reliable service! Register Now Request A Call +65 9695 3522. Home; Tuition Rates; Subjects. ... IB HL Geography (Tuition Centre) @ Orchard Road 1.5 Hr, 1 x A Week; $70-100/Hr (Depending on Experience and Class Size)

  2. International Baccalaureate Online Tutoring

    Get the best results in IB Assignments in accordance with the IB guidelines. Practice and master official IB exams. Become an expert in exam technique to answer just like IB examiners want. Tackle the theory. Strengthen the knowledge of your IB subjects and clarify all your doubts.

  3. Everything you need to know

    The Extended Essay is the main written assessment since it has deadlines throughout the12th and 13th grades. In fact, 12th graders will already have developed their research question by the end of that school year. This 4'000-word independent piece of research is presented as a formal piece of academic writing.

  4. IA

    The Internal Assessment (IA) is an important part of the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme since it gives students a chance to show what they've learned and how it's been put to use in the real world. IB Tuitions provides individualised support for students taking the IB Internal Assessments in a variety of disciplines through one ...

  5. Tuition Assignments in Singapore

    Our tuition forum is updated daily on the latest Pri, Sec, JC, IB, IGCSE, O/A Level tuition assignments in all areas. Many tuition jobs available now! 90672547 [email protected] Email (Click to Reveal)

  6. Prices & Packages

    Our Multi Package options, which offer a range of 30 to 90 hours, can be used for one subject or split between two. The hours are split evenly between the subjects. Schedule and use your tutoring hours within 10 months. Support from our expert tutors in up to 2 different subjects and/or assignments.

  7. IB Tuition in Singapore: 20 Top Tuition Options for IB Students (HL & SL)

    The Top 20 IB Tuition Providers in Singapore. Complete with Full Reviews & Highlights for All International Baccaulaureate (IB) Students! Register Now Request A Call +65 9695 3522. ... These market rates are based on the volume of 10,000+ monthly tuition assignment applications over a pool of 30,000+ active home tutors. ...

  8. IB Tutoring

    Keep records of your test performance and learning goals all in one place to share with your Baccalytics tutors and track progress. Get a learning plan that is designed specifically for you. Each custom plan comprises personalized tests and 1:1 sessions with IB tutors. Our main purpose behind collection of student performance data is to provide ...

  9. IB Physics Tuition

    IB ++tutors is a Canadian company. that is committed to providing global, high-quality IB private tutoring. services by IB expert tutors. Get expert tuition and support in IB Physics, today! Our team of dedicated tutors are on hand to provide you with IB Physics tuition today. It doesn't matter if you're an HL or SL student, or if you need ...

  10. 358 Tuition Jobs In Singapore

    230911CM2: Sec 2 (2024) NA English and Math @ 186A Bedok North Street 4 (nearest MRT station: Tanah Merah) Full-Time Tutor Part-Time Tutor. English Math. Tanah Merah. $35-$45/hr. More Details. 230911CW: P2 (2024) Math @ 61 Telok Blangah Heights (nearest MRT station: Telok Blangah) Full-Time Tutor Part-Time Tutor.

  11. Tuition Assignments in Singapore

    Level and Subject(s): English Conversational to Korean Businessman ( 8 to 10 lessons assignment) Location: 50+ Bencoolen Street Hourly Rate: $ 40/hr Lessons Per Week: Once a week, 1.5 hours per session Student's Gender: male Time: Weekdaysa after 6pm and weekend time can be discussed. Click Here To See Location Map. Tutors who include their relevant teaching experience in details have higher ...

  12. Tuition Assignment

    Get notified on the latest tuition assignments. Best Method 1) Download our apps. (You are able to receive location based assignment updates, apply assignments and edit profiles anytime) ... - Tutor need to know International IB Course details. i1162 Apply. Anchorvale Road 541326 Social / Geography - O Level Full Time : $40 - $55 per hour

  13. IB Tuition in Singapore

    Importance of IB Tuition. The IBDP is a two-year academic programme which serves as a recognised qualification for entry to many local and international universities and institutes of higher learning. The Diploma Programme (DP) curriculum is made up of six main subject groups consisting of higher level and standard level subjects as well as 3 ...

  14. Home Tuition Assignments. SG's #1 Most Respected Tutor Agent

    Home Tuition Assignments. SG's #1 Most Respected Tutor Agent. Radius around selected location. Fill up the Tutor Registration form to register as a tutor with us. Check your email daily. Look out for an email, sms or Whatsapp message from us. We will contact you if you are eligible for any of our many home tutor assignments.

  15. IB English Tuition

    Get expert tuition and support in IB English, today! Gain confidence and improve your IB scores in IB English. We have tutors ready to help improve your skills and walk you through the assessments in all three Group 1 courses;Language A: LiteratureLanguage A: Language and LiteratureLiterature and performanceDon't worry about SL or HL; we have.

  16. IB Tuition Assignments

    What are the tutor rates for IB tuition assignments? Hourly Salary: Our tutors can earn between $20 to $150 per hour. Guidelines. i) All assignments are to start immediately and are One-to-One Home Tuition Assignments unless otherwise stated.

  17. IB/IGCSE Tuition Assignments

    August 2024 list of IB/IGCSE Tuition Assignments in Singapore. 1054 Pri, Sec, JC, PSLE, O/A Level tuition jobs available. Looking for Singapore tutors to apply. ManyTutors - Fast Tuition Assignments ManyTutors - Fast Tuition Assignments ‭+65 9712 0619‬

  18. IB Tuition

    IB Tuition; IGCSE Tuition; Tuition Assignments; Join As Tutor; FAQ; Contact Us +(65) 91469391; [email protected]; ... The Benefits of Home Tuition for IB Students in Singapore. Home tuition plays a crucial role in supporting International Baccalaureate (IB) students in Singapore, providing personalized academic guidance, targeted ...

  19. IB Candidate

    Meet inspiring Alumni from all over the world. To date, 1.2 million students worldwide have graduated from the Diploma programme (DP) and the Career related programme (CP). IB students reflect diverse experiences and perspectives, attend World schools in 156 countries representing an even broader range of nationalities.

  20. IB Extended Essay Tuition

    Get expert tuition and support in IB Extended Essay tuition today! A 3,000 to a 4,000-word research paper is a huge task. ... Exams, we all hate them, but they form a core part of the IB. Our tutors will work with, and guide you on the assignments and texts that you provide, or they can provide you with sample materials for practice. Past ...

  21. IB Tuition Singapore

    Let us help you by finding you suitable IB tuition according to your budget and tutoring preferences for your IB tuition assignment. SmileTutor is amongst the top tuition agencies providing experienced IB tutors for 1-to-1 private IB home tuition in Singapore at your home. The private tutors we provide for your child's IB tuition will be ...

  22. Tuition Assignment: Grade 12 IB Phy Online lesson

    Apply for tuition assignment. Grade 12 IB Phy Online lesson ... Tuition J2 Physics Bishan 188 Bishan Street 13, Singapore 570188 (570188) Location: 188 Bishan Street 13, Singapore 570188 If interested , please Whatsapp or sms to 96210838 with code M 8370 ideally with your name, age, gender, highest qualification, will experience, grades/any ...