187 Impressive Higher English Persuasive Essay Topics [2024]

higher english essay examples

Persuasive essay writing is a popular assignment for students in high school and college alike. This is not surprising. After all, it is a basic of the learning process. However, finding ideas for such a task isn’t easy, especially if you’re looking for higher persuasive essay topics.

One of the subjects that requires you to write such a paper is higher English. To pass this class, you have to deal with and compose quite tricky texts. Thus, if you are studying this subject, you will have to be ready to face many writing challenges.

This is why our team has created a list of the most fruitful ideas for academic writing. For your convenience, we divided the higher English persuasive essay topics into several sections. So, navigate our page, look through all the examples, and make your search even more effective.

❓ What Is Higher English?

  • 💭 How to Choose?
  • 📎 For High School
  • ✒️ For College
  • 📖 Literature
  • 🙊 Controversial Issues
  • 🏫 Education
  • 🗳️ Politics
  • 💭 Philosophy

📃 References

If you’ve studied in any country other than the UK, you may be wondering what higher English is. Is it a course? Is it a level? Well, in this section, we dive into the definition of the phrase.

Higher English is a course typical for the UK, particularly for England and Scotland. It investigates the English language and literature on a deep level.

It can be taught both:

  • as an independent subject
  • alongside other higher science programs

Through the course of higher English, students learn to think critically and creatively.

Developing a portfolio is one of the requirements for completing an advanced higher English course. It takes 30% of the overall grade. Thus, folio plays a vital role in accomplishing the course. For a successful portfolio, students have to write two texts, no less than 1300 words each. Composing them, they have to use creative and discursive writing techniques.

Generally, higher English is focused on advancing reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. By the end of the course, students should be able to do the following:

  • use complex language;
  • apply literature knowledge in everyday life;
  • understand the core of language operation.

Students are required to write an impressive number of persuasive essays. Here is where they may face difficulties with the appropriate topic selection.

We will not let you worry about that.

You can find a list of useful higher English persuasive topics created by our team on our page. Take a look at it and choose the most exciting idea for your essay!

Before selecting a topic for a higher English essay, reread your assignment if you have one.

💭 How to Choose a Persuasive Topic for Higher Folio?

A higher folio has to include a persuasive essay in it. Therefore, first, let’s figure out what it is.

A persuasive essay is one of the types of discursive essays. Its distinctive feature is the presence of a particular situation. Discuss a problem or issue is essential to its purpose.

Now, let’s narrow down the focus:

What is the nature of persuasive writing? It is a writing technique that aims to convince readers to accept the author’s point of view. Moreover, it often includes a call to action. It motivates the audience to take specific steps to achieve the desired result.

Be careful there! Learn how to distinguish an argumentative essay from a persuasive one.

An argumentative essay is often based on a consistent explanation and logical reasoning. It shows the readers the writer’s point of view, yet doesn’t call them for any action. In contrast, a persuasive essay relies on emotions and expressions of personal opinions. A perfect way to see those differences would be by going to an essay examples database that certainly would contain a variety of paper types.

Persuasive essays attempt to make readers follow the author’s idea.

Now, let’s move to the issue of an effective selection of a persuasive topic for higher English. Our team prepared some useful tips for you. Don’t hesitate to use them.

  • Keep your goal in mind. The persuasive essay aims to present all the arguments that can convince the reader that the writer is right. So, choosing a topic, pick the one that you can elaborate on and persuade in.
  • Choose the essay idea wisely. Ensure that the topic is appropriate and relevant for the tutor who will check and grade your paper. You’re writing for them.
  • Make sure to have enough resources. Evaluate whether there is enough information on the topic so that you can write a compelling essay. Check the possible trustworthy sources for the evidence that you’ll use in the paper.
  • Show your best side. Consider whether you can demonstrate your skills, composing on the chosen idea. Remember that you’re writing an essay for your portfolio. You may want it to look as perfect as possible and highlight your strengths. That is to say, see if you can elaborate on the topic.
  • Compose a strong introductory paragraph. An introduction is crucial because it grabs the reader’s attention and presents a thesis. Think of a strong thesis statement and whether you can come up with one. If you cannot compose a powerful thesis statement, better choose a more successful topic.
  • Don’t choose an overused topic. Determine the originality of your idea and your willingness to write about it. Try to google persuasive essay examples and figure out what topics are the most common and widely used. Based on your observations, come up with a unique issue and surprise your readers with it.

Find and consider as many persuasive topics as you can to form one unique idea.

⭐ Top 12 Higher Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Unions are important.
  • Zoos are unacceptable.
  • Paper books are obsolete.
  • Graffiti is art.
  • We will live on Mars.
  • English is universal .
  • Plastic bags are useful.
  • Cloning is unethical.
  • Student uniform is obsolete.
  • UK schools are better.
  • Most effective propaganda techniques.
  • Internships should be paid.

☝️ Amazing Higher English Persuasive Essay Topics

Just like any other assignment, an essay may be of different degrees of complexity. This is how we divided our higher English persuasive essay ideas into several sections.

So don’t waste your time. Go to the corresponding section and select the most appropriate topic.

📎 Higher English Topics for High School

A subject of higher English may seem very unfamiliar and bizarre at school. Being unprepared for the complexity of the course can scare you. Pupils get extremely confused when it comes to the topic search.

You are lucky:

We prepared a list of exceptional topics for middle school and high school students. Feel free to use it. Be prepared to face any challenges of the higher English course!

  • The significance of literacy .
  • Football has a direct impact on the culture of England.
  • Foreign languages should be taught in every school.

Foreign language programs improve students’ academic performance.

  • Both abstinence and safe sex should be taught in high schools.
  • School uniforms should be mandatory to maintain discipline.
  • People should quit smoking .
  • Eating disorders among teenage girls is an issue that shouldn’t be underestimated.
  • Motivation theories are incredibly effective in education .
  • Self-esteem plays a crucial role in students’ health condition .
  • Alcohol negatively affects adolescent health , so their parents should monitor alcohol consumption by teens.
  • Children and teenagers should not be silent about domestic violence .
  • The government should ban sports betting.
  • We should drink enough water.
  • The minimization of a generation gap is crucial for a healthy relationship in a family.
  • Drug tests should be mandatory for high school sportspeople.
  • A gap year is a great idea . Convince your readers about the usefulness of taking a gap year after finishing school. Prove the rightness of your position by providing strong arguments. In case you don’t agree with the statement, provide well-developed counterarguments.
  • Alcohol consumption in the UK. The government of the UK should introduce measures to limit alcohol consumption. We have to avoid possible adverse ramifications. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Prove your point of view by providing strong arguments.
  • Studying in the United Kingdom is a great experience. What are the positive sides of gaining an education in the UK? Convince your readers to study the UK.
  • A grade does not reflect students’ knowledge. Give your readers a clear explanation of why grades do not demonstrate a student’s performance in the class. Persuade them to pay more attention to education. You might believe that grades reflect a student’s academic performance. Then, support your position by providing counterarguments.
  • Violent video games should be banned . What are the possible negative consequences caused by video games? Prove your audience the necessity to ban violent video games.

The influence of video games on children is inconclusive.

✒️ Higher English Topics for College

The majority of UK colleges require their students to take the course of higher English. Therefore, you need to be ready. Difficulties caused by this subject should not be your worry.

Since we care about college students, we gathered persuasive essay ideas in one place. So, if you are seeking help, you are on the right page! Scroll through our topics and chose the most appropriate for you.

  • Cheating during college exams should be strictly punished because it is demoralizing.
  • The benefits of active listening are crucial in demonstrating high performance in the workplace.
  • Students’ time management strategies should be taken into consideration by every student.
  • Sleep is essential because deprivation affects college students’ academic performance.
  • Should fast food qualify as ‘food’?
  • A healthy lifestyle and eating should become the norm for every person.
  • Alternative energy sources are crucial for saving the planet.
  • A family should promote mobility, not limit it.
  • We have to implement specific strategies to combat the sexist language.
  • Communication skills are essential in a successful business leading.
  • Teaching deaf children how to read is a vital part of deaf kids’ mental development.
  • Parents should control the impact of TV cartoons on their children’s behavior .
  • Community services for mentally disabled people should be highly-developed.
  • Recycling should become mandatory.
  • Businesses should invest money in innovations.
  • Genetically modified food should not be a threat to the population. Give a clear explanation of why GMO products are safe to consume. If you disagree with the statement, provide strong counterarguments to prove your position.
  • Should smoking be banned in public places? Decide on whether it should be prohibited on not and prove your position. Your arguments should support only one side of the issue. Don’t stay somewhere in the middle.
  • We should expand the legal age for getting a driving license in the UK . Explain why 17 years old adolescents are not mature enough to drive a car. If you don’t agree with the statement, provide counterarguments to prove the rightness of your point of view.
  • E-books should not replace paper books. Express your position regarding this statement. Provide clear arguments or counterarguments to prove your point of view.

Consider every side of the debate concerning paper books and E-books.

  • English language learning should be mandatory in every country. The main idea of the essay: English is a global language. Support this statement and persuade the readers about the significance of English knowledge in the modern world.

💪 Persuasive Essay Topics: Advanced Higher English

If you are a university student in Scotland, you will be familiar with higher English. You may have to be ready for an advanced one as well.

Choose the most appropriate idea among a wide variety of persuasive essay topics about Scotland. Although the task is quite challenging, you don’t need to worry. Consider our list of cool essay topics. With it, you will write an outstanding paper without any struggles.

  • Gender equity issues in work practices should be considered while creating a healthy working environment.
  • The application of social concepts and theories is a part of the general well-being.
  • Functionalism, conflict, and interactionism are the most significant aspects of sociological theories .
  • Data collect regarding customer should be considered as a future of e-commerce.
  • Scotland’s tourism products and destination identity develop the tourism market economy.
  • Organizational behavior issues and theories are vital in leading a successful business.
  • ICT impacts curriculum development and reforms in the United Kingdom to a great extent.
  • Public sector financial management plays a crucial role in the general well-being of the country.
  • Scottish routes company establishment is a turning point in the online marketing platform development.
  • The city authorities should prevent senior citizens’ abuse .
  • Women’s rights violations should not exist in modern society.
  • Freedom of speech, religion, and religious tolerance are the fundamental concepts of modern civilized society.
  • E-Commerce adoption results in wise business positioning. How will e-commerce help to increase the dynamics of any business? Convince your audience about the significance of e-commerce by providing strong arguments.
  • Human rights play a vital role in public opinion-making. Support this idea with well-developed arguments and examples. If you disagree with the statement, provide compelling counterarguments to prove the rightness of your opinion.
  • Globalization ruins the cultural heritage of the nations . Comment on the impact of the world globalization on the national identity of every country. Persuade the readers to preserve the national culture of their home countries.

👍 Good Persuasive Essay Topics for Higher English

Our team’s main aim is to help the students in all the possible ways. So, we decided to develop one more method to divide the academic essay topics.

Find different sections that focus on specific fields for your persuasive essay.

Look through the sections, decide what is the most suitable for you, and choose a fascinating essay topic. An essay idea search has never been so easy, right?

💬 Persuasive Essay Topics on Language

Language is one of the most potent tools for communication within one nation and internationally. Moreover, it carries the cultural identity of the country, preserving a spirit.

The topic of language is too diverse and has a lot of aspects to discuss. Consequently, professors of higher English course usually give essays on it.

The section Topics For Persuasive Essay UK will provide you with a wide variety of ideas. Don’t waste your time! Choose an appropriate topic for your paper right away.

  • Language influences our attitude to a great extent.
  • Sexism is present in the English Language.
  • Language and communication are two different concepts .
  • Language has a direct influence on cognition.
  • Shakespeare affected the modern English language to a great extent.
  • To understand how language operates, we should first examine English Language Evolution .
  • Multilingualism should be accepted and encouraged in modern society.
  • Accents and dialects are the critical components of language intervention.
  • The teachers should learn linguistics.
  • The change in languages over time is harmful to the nation.
  • Scottish Gaelic and Goidelic Celtic languages should not have been restricted in the 16th century.
  • Text autocorrect negatively influences the level of literacy and language knowledge.
  • We should consider Scots Gaelic as a separate language from Irish.
  • English should become an official international language.
  • Body language can say more than verbal communication.
  • Joking or expressing love in a foreign language is harder than in a native one . Either support or contradict this statement by providing appropriate examples and clear arguments.
  • The implementation of one universal language is a bad idea . Why and how it can impact the national diversity of the world? Prove the importance of preserving national languages.
  • The Scottish language will soon disappear. Conduct research on the usage of Scottish nowadays. Is it very wide-spread? How many people know and use it in everyday life?

Try to predict the future of the Scottish language.

  • “As many languages you know, as many times you are a human being.” – Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk. Develop this thought by providing strong arguments and examples. Persuade your readers about the importance of foreign language learning.
  • Irish language learning should become mandatory in the educational institutions of Ireland . Explain the significance of the Irish language for the population of Ireland. In case you don’t agree with the statement, provide clear counterarguments to prove your position.

🙊 Persuasive Essay Topics on Controversial Issues

  • Is attention deficit disorder a real disorder?
  • To deal with girls’ discrimination in the modern educational system , girls need to receive more attention than boys.
  • Should cigarette smoking be banned?
  • LGBTQ+ communities should have equal rights all over the world.
  • Adoption, childlessness, or reproductive technology – which one is the most effective and ethical?
  • Abortion should be legalized for underaged girls.
  • Should smoking tobacco be classified as an illegal drug?
  • Are surrogacy and its effects on families harmful for children?
  • Should student diversity be present in a school classroom?
  • Tuition fees should become lower.
  • Should homelessness become a concern of city authorities or governmental representatives?
  • Should the death penalty be legalized in the United Kingdom?
  • Should sex education become mandatory in all high schools in Scotland?
  • The mental health of employees should be a concern of employers.
  • Health care should be free.
  • Should women develop a career and have a stable income before giving birth to kids?
  • Should the production and selling of energy drinks be banned? Explain the harm of energetics on the health of a human being. Decide whether energy drinks are worth consuming. Persuade the readers about the rightness of your position by presenting strong arguments.

Energy drinks can promote adverse effects on children and teenagers.

  • Suicides among male teen homosexuals: harassment, shame, or stigma? In your opinion, what is the main reason for suicides among them? Support your position with clear evidence and appropriate examples.
  • Does studying abroad result in better education? Analyze the positive and negative aspects of gaining higher education abroad. Express your own opinion regarding this issue and convince your readers about your rightness.
  • Should birth control be monitored on a governmental level? Why is birth control crucial in modern society? What are the religious, cultural, and political aspects of birth control? Explain the link between birth control and gender and sexuality issues. Support your opinion by providing well-structured arguments.

🏫 Persuasive Essay Topics on Education

  • The college students should be ready to face challenges and pressures.
  • There is a strong correlation between wearing a school uniform and academic performance .
  • Sex education plays an essential role in preventing teenage pregnancy.
  • Student diversity in school classroom influences the educational process in a positive way.
  • The curriculum approaches in England and Scotland differ to a great extent.
  • At university, acquiring skills is more significant than getting grades.
  • Cheating on college exams is demoralizing.
  • Could electronic cigarettes help university students give smoking up?
  • Athletes that represent educational institutions should receive scholarships covering their tuition fees.
  • In schools, we should teach colorblind children what colors are.
  • Art oriented activities like drama clubs, music lessons, and handicraft classes are essential for the all-round development of children.
  • A university should be a dry campus. Comment on the negative influence of alcohol on the learning process. Persuade your readers about the importance of controlling alcohol consumption while being a student.
  • Single-sex schooling in education is effective. Convince the readers about the effectiveness of single-sex education by providing strong evidence. If you don’t agree with the statement, express the opposing position. Elaborate on your arguments and provide counterarguments.

Resultsof the studies on single-sex education are inconclusive.

  • Online education cannot fully replace the regular one . Compare and contrast these two ways of gaining knowledge. Provide clear arguments to prove the significance of attending educational institutions. Explain why having in-class discussions is crucial for students’ development. Do you believe that regular education is replaceable by the remote one? Then provide counterarguments to support your position.
  • The internet has a negative influence on the educational process . How the internet stops the mental development of kids, teenagers, and grown-ups? Persuade readers to limit internet usage while studying.

🗳️ Persuasive Essay Topics on Politics

  • To prevent the adverse effects of corruption, we should eliminate its causes.
  • The political parties of the United Kingdom are way more reliable than in the United States .
  • Human rights should not intervene in public opinion-making.
  • Politics and religion interdependence impacts the general political situation of a country.
  • Political freedom is a significant key to the general well- being of modern society.
  • Terrorism should not be used as a political instrument.
  • Civil disobedience in contemporary society is a massive threat to civilians and governments.
  • International humanitarian law is a useful tool to reduce the hazardous effects of military conflicts.
  • The royal family is the indicator of the UK political system’s uniqueness.
  • We should protect the confidentiality in the health care system.
  • The voting system should be fair and transparent.
  • The COVID-19 outbreak of 2019-2020 has a direct influence on international political relations.
  • Scotland would not be a stronger country if it existed independently from the UK. What are the benefits for Scotland of being in a political union with the United Kingdom? Persuade your readers in a mutually beneficial economic and political cooperation.
  • Brexit happened against Scotland’s will. Elaborate on the wish of the Scottish population to remain the part of the European Union. Prove that the negotiation of the conflict between England, Wales, and Scotland was not diplomatic enough.
  • The retirement policy of the UK should be changed. What are the main weaknesses of the current British retirement system? Give your suggestions on how it can be improved. Convince your readers in the usefulness of the retirement policy modifications.

💭 Persuasive Essay Topics on Philosophy

  • Dystopia idea in movies and novels influences people’s perception of life in a negative way.
  • Philosophy ideology of success and failure plays a vital role in reaching high results.
  • Suicide conflicts with moral philosophy and human values.
  • Classic philosophical problems embodied in films can help people in dealing with them.
  • We cannot ignore the philosophy of critical issues in today’s society .
  • Spiritual and physical journeys play a vital role in human life.
  • The philosophy of religion helps people to dive deep into their beliefs and values.

Philosophy of religion is the examination of the themes and concepts involved in religious traditions.

  • Unethical treatment of animals contradicts the moral concepts of philosophy.
  • From the philosophical perspective, heroism should be considered as a dedication to principles.
  • Specific philosophical values help develop resilience in the face of adversity.
  • Should human rights be violated if it may help the life of a person?
  • Abortion should be band because it contradicts the ethical ideas of humanity.
  • In the battle well-paid job vs. vocation, vocation should win . Explain the philosophy of vocation. Persuade the readers to follow their hearts when it comes to a choice of profession.
  • Philosophy Issue: Truth vs. Happiness. While choosing between these two notions, what would you select? Persuade your audience about the rightness of your position by presenting well-structured and clear arguments.
  • Philosophy plays a significant role in education . Convince your readers about the importance of philosophy while gaining knowledge. In case you don’t agree with the position of philosophy in school, present the opposing opinion. Provide counterarguments to support your ideas.

🗿 Persuasive Essay Topics on History

  • The black death disease should be perceived as one of the most horrible pandemics that hit the medieval world.
  • Industrial Revolution in England opened a new era of technical advancement.
  • The conditions of the working class in England is one of the causes of the industrial revolution.
  • Great Britain Empire’ Alliances led to the break out of the European Great War.
  • Enlightenment and Romantic Age pushed the development of the British culture forward.
  • History of Celtic Christianity has a direct impact on the development of religion in the UK.
  • The provisional Irish republican army is one of the most dangerous terrorist organizations.
  • The British ideal of an orderly world shaped the world we live in today.
  • English Civil War has a direct impact on American colonists.
  • The Wars of the Three Kingdoms formed the history of modern England, Scotland, and Ireland.

The Wars of the Three Kingdoms lasted 12 years.

  • Elizabeth II -is the legend of contemporary world history . Provide a brief overview of the queen’s achievements. Convince the readers about the uniqueness of Elizabeth’s II as a historical figure.
  • The Great Fire of London is one of the darkest events in British history. Comment on the terrific outcomes of the tragedy. How did the fire impact the economic situation in the entire county?
  • Oxford University is the place where ordinary people turn into upstanding figures . Introduce three of the most influential alumnae of Oxford University. What was their input in the scientific development of the UK? Prove the crucial role of Oxford University in the British educational system.
  • William Wallace is a person who successfully fought for Scottish independence . Elaborate on his role in British history and prove the importance of his actions.
  • History, culture, and language of Wales directly influenced the development of the United Kingdom. Give a brief overview of Wales formation starting from the ancient times and mowing to the 21st century. Prove the connection between Wales and the UK historical and cultural progress.

Thank you for visiting our page! We hope our article was insightful and full of useful ideas. Don’t forget to share it with the other students!

  • Higher English, Course Overview and Resources: SQA, Scottish Qualifications Authority
  • Higher English: Planit National Qualifications
  • The Complete Guide to English-Language Certificates: Preparation Courses Portal
  • How to Create a Thesis Statement for a Persuasive Essay: Amy Mahoney, Pen and the Pad
  • 434 Good Persuasive Topics for Speech or Essay: My Speech Class
  • Senior Fiction Suggestions for Advanced Higher English Dissertations: Senior Reading by Subject, Shetland Library
  • Persuasive Essay Examples: AcademicHelp.net
  • Choose Bright Persuasive Essay Topics 6 Main Steps: Persuasive Papers
  • Strong Thesis Statements: Purdue Online Writing Lab, College of Liberal Arts, Purdue University
  • Basic Steps in the Research Process: North Hennepin Community College
  • How to Write a Persuasive Essay: Esther Lombardi, ThoughtCo
  • Persuasive Essay: Writing Resources, Hamilton College
  • Persuasive Writing: Read Write Think
  • Distinguishing Argumentation from Persuasion: Thoughtful Learning, K-12
  • Find Your Argument: Australian National University, Canberra
  • Argument: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • What Is an Essay: Library University of Leeds
  • Counterargument: Gordon Harvey (adapted from The Academic Essay: A Brief Anatomy), for the Writing Center at Harvard University
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This is so helpful, I’m going to use some of these topics with my students!

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higher english essay examples

Higher Level Essay

Whether you are an HL Literature student or HL Lang/Lit student, the HLE requires some special attention.  The good thing about this assessment is that it’s a processed – rather than on-demand – piece of writing.  This means you can take your time, put in the work, and produce something that you love and makes you proud.  Our students crush this assessment!  Use the same resources they do and enjoy your success.

HLE Writing Guide

Writing this assessment doesn’t have to be challenging.  In fact, we think it can be fun and rewarding!  Let us guide you through the entire writing process, from line of inquiry to the last word of your conclusion.  Our students do well on this assessment, and so can you.

higher english essay examples

Part of our  IBDP English A Student Toolkit , this resource includes:

  • 100-page course book with guidance on films, photos, cartoons, and many other non-literary BOWs
  • 5 sample papers across genres
  • Examiner scores and comments
  • Line of Inquiry guidance
  • Step-by-step approach to building the HLE in small and manageable chunks
  • Complete set of graphic organizers to guide students from start to finish

Developing a Line of Inquiry and Thesis

The Line of Inquiry (LOI) and thesis are the cornerstone of the assessment, so don’t proceed until these are under control.  Sadly, many students get off to a poor start with this step, and this means they end up writing either a shallow essay or one that doesn’t really satisfy the requirements of the task.  These videos should help you unlock the task.

Start with a text you love and work toward developing a literary or linguistic perspective. Watch this video and start your pathway to success.

How To Write the Line of Inquiry

If the first method didn't work for you, please try another approach.

How to Write the Line of Inquiry (part 2)

Turn that LoI into a clear, precise, and insightful thesis statement that will drive the essay.

HLE Sample Thesis Statements and Writing

The HLE Complete Course from Start to Finish

We feel this is some of our best work.  Teachers and students around the world have commented that this HLE series gets the job done and results in some powerful writing that makes students proud.  Please take the time and work through the videos sequentially.  Work along side with us.  Let us guide you to HLE success!

Choose your text and write the LOI.

Student planning doc

Model Student planning doc

Time for brainstorming and outlining.

Student Organizer

Completed Sample Organizer

Master the intro and conclusion.

Sample Intro and Conclusion

Learn how to write strong HLE body paragraphs.

Sample Body Paragraphs

Learn to revise, edit, and polish the final product.

Final instructions before submission

Dave’s complete sample HLE

Some Sample Papers

Sometimes it’s easier to just look at a final product, break it down, and see how other students have approached the HLE.  That’s why Dave and Andrew selected some strong papers, highlighted them, and discussed their strengths and weaknesses.  We’ve examined tons of these things, so listen carefully.  Lots of tips and tricks in these videos to help you pick up some extra points and crack into that mark band you want and deserve.  Understand the task.  Work hard.  Defeat the HLE and allow yourself to beam with pride.  Go ahead, you’ve earned it.

You’ve probably noticed that Andrew and Dave love drama. Dialogue, stage directions, props…they’re amazing! Watch our student crush this HLE on Death and the Maiden by Dorfman. What can you steal from this essay in terms of ideas, organization, and overall approach? Document: HLE Student Sample – Drama

Poetry anyone? Andrew and Dave love poetry for the HLE. They are complete “mini works” with a clear beginning, middle, and end. They are rich in techniques. They are complex and have deep meaning. In short, they rock. Just remember that for the HLE, “short texts need friends.” Document: HLE Student Sample – Poetry

Looking For More Support?

Hey, nobody said this thing would be easy.  No worries.  We’ve got you covered.  Perhaps you want to see some more student writing?  Check.  We’ve got that.  Perhaps you want to know some key points to include?  Check.  We got that too.  You’re almost there!  Finish these last two videos, add some finishing touches to your work, and submit that baby in with pride and confidence.

So you watched the videos above but are still concerned about “showing deep thinking” on the HLE? It’s ok – we know this is tough. Check out this video to see several samples of how to build big thinking into your writing. Document: Showing Deep Thinking in the HLE

We know, we know. The content is overwhelming and it’s just too much at times. You just want the top ten tips for success? Fine. Here you go. But don’t forget to go back and watch the rest of these videos when you’re feeling more energy. They’re a set. Watch them all and ace the HLE.

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Higher English Help

Useful tips for your english revision., critical essay.


As part of your exam, you’ll have to write two critical essays. Each is worth twenty-five marks, and you get one and a half hours in total, or forty-five minutes each. That’s not a long time. The secret to writing a good essay in this time is planning.

The best way to write an essay at Higher level is to approach it ‘thematically’. This means that the key themes in the text should form the basis of your paragraphs. This will help you to analyse the text, rather than just describing it. Think about it this way – if someone asked you to explain why one football team beat another, and you simply explained what happened on a minute-by-minute basis, that wouldn’t be a very good answer. Instead, if you explained key aspects in which Team A was better than Team B, you would be more concise and give a better answer. That is the thematic approach.

So, when you come to plan your essay, you should aim to write three or four body paragraphs (not including the introduction and conclusion) that are each based around relevant themes. As part of your revision, you should make a ‘spider chart’ of key themes in the text, which you can then apply to the question.There are probably five or six key themes of each text (have a look at the ‘Help with Texts’) section to help you identify the key themes.

To give you an example, in 2012, one of the questions said:

Screen Shot 2013-01-18 at 10.40.47

If you were answering using “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” as your text, your three key themes might be: 1) The battle between good and evil in humans; 2) Addiction and the loss of control; 3) The contrast between Science and Morality.

Each of these paragraphs will allow you to explore different themes within the text, which means you can focus on analysis of the story, rather than simply describing what’s going on.

The ‘critical’ aspect of a critical essay is the analysis. You should be able to say why the author chose a particular word, event or character. Thinking about the message behind the text is a good place to start. Also, have a look at the author’s biography. Usually their own life experiences influence their writing. For example, Arthur Miller wrote “The Crucible” as a direct allegory of his own experiences of the Communist ‘witchhunts’ of 1950s America.

When it comes to writing your essays in the exam, the best way to divide your time is as follows:

10 minutes planning,

30 minutes writing (6 minutes per paragraph),

5 minutes checking your work.

Obviously, this doesn’t give you a lot of time to actually write your paragraphs. This will force you to be straight to the point (if you are someone who waffles, then the short writing time is a blessing in disguise). Keep your sentences short when you are writing. This will help you to be direct, and to keep you focused on the question at hand. Try reading past essays out loud to yourself, and seeing where the sentences are too long.

Understanding Your Learning Style

You can keep your topic sentences in particular very short. In fact, it’s best to make them straight to the point. Using the “Jekyll and Hyde” example above, the topic sentence for the first paragraph could be: “The battle between Jekyll and Hyde is symbolic of the battle between good and evil in humans.” This is direct, and shows the reader exactly what you will talk about in the paragraph.

Make sure that you finish each paragraph with a one sentence mini-conclusion that links back to the question. Usually the question is split into two, and the finish of the sentence should refer to the second part of the question. So, using the “Jekyll and Hyde” example, the final sentence of the first paragraph could be: “Jekyll’s growing realisation that he cannot control Hyde forces him to isolate himself, and shows that Jekyll has come to regret his earlier immoral decisions.” Writing a one sentence mini-conclusion will help you when it comes to writing your final conclusions, and will also keep your work focused on the question.

In your paragraphs, the best sentence structure is the P.E.A. approach. This stands for Point, Evidence, and Analysis. Make your point, then back it up with a quotation or an example from the text, and then explain why this is important or relevant to the question. You can practice this simple approach by using the following framework in your revision:

Point – One of the key themes in the text is…

Evidence – This is shown when…

Analysis – This highlights/emphasises….

Although it is best not to use these exact phrases every time, this does give you an idea of how you should approach the content of your paragraphs.

The Introduction


The format of your introduction should be:

1) A synoptic statement about the text (i.e. explaining when it was written, who wrote it, and a one sentence summary of the plot).

2) An explanation of the relevance of the question to the text. For example, using the sample question above, you should say why Dr. Jekyll is good to talk about as to a character who has a changing view of himself.

3) Identify the key themes of the text. In reality, this is you explaining what your paragraphs are going to be. Instead of saying “In this essay I will talk about…”, say “The most important themes are…” and then mention what your paragraphs will be. Be confident in what you are writing!

4) Try and draw your themes together into one ‘mega theme’. This will be the final sentence of your introduction, and so should be short and snappy (to get the reader’s attention). There should be an underlying point that links all of your themes together. For example, using the “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” question above, the three paragraphs are all linked by the idea of man’s internal conflict, and the ongoing battle between being ethical and fulfilling desires. This would be the ‘mega theme’.

The Conclusion

Conclusions are really very simple, although a number of students don’t even write one. If you’ve planned your time properly, then you will have time to conclude your argument. Not only is this critical for getting good marks for structuring, but it will allow you to actually answer the question. The format of the conclusion should be:

1) Spend one sentence summing up each of the paragraphs you wrote. The mini-conclusions you wrote will help with this.

2) Draw these all together again using your mega theme.

3) Your final sentence of the entire essay should give a direct answer to the question. Look at how the question is worded and use that to help you phrase your answer. Think about the final sentence as a one-sentence ‘in a nutshell’ answer. An examiner should be able to read just your last sentence to get a sense of what you are arguing. For the “Jekyll and Hyde” example, the final sentence could be: “Ultimately, Jekyll’s changing relationship with Hyde is an allegory for man’s internal conflict, and Stevenson’s belief in man’s capacity for both good and evil.”

Lessons to take away

Work on a ‘spider diagram’ of the key themes in your texts.

Keep your sentences short/read practice essays out loud to yourself.

Remember P.E.A.

Practice writing 10 minute plans.

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IB English A (Lang & Lit) HL Essay IA examples

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Not sure what to search for? You can always look through our example Internal Assessments below for inspiration.

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All English A (Lang & Lit) HL Essay IA Examples

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IB English HLE Explained

Free introductory guide to IB English Higher Level Essay (HLE) by IB44 and IB45 graduates Lareina Shen and Saesha Grover.

In this guide, LitLearn students (and 2022 IB grads!)  Lareina Shen and Saesha Grover share their wisdom on how to conquer the IB English Higher Level Essay (HLE).

Lareina achieved an IB44, and Saesha achieved an IB45 as well as the coveted IB7 in IB English Literature HL, so you are in safe hands.

Meet your instructor Jackson Huang, Founder of LitLearn. His mission is to make IB English as pain-free as possible with fun, practical lessons. Jackson scored an IB45 and was accepted to Harvard, Amherst, Williams Colleges, and full scholarships to University of Melbourne & Queensland.

Photo of LitLearn instructor Jackson Huang

What is IB English HLE?

The HL Essay (HLE) is a 1200-1500 word essay about a text studied in the IB English course. For Lang Lit, the work you choose to analyze can be literary or non-literary, but for IB English Literature the text must be literary.

The HLE will make up  25% of your final IB English HL grade , and it is graded externally. You must choose your own line of inquiry   (i.e. a question that you will answer in your HLE–more on this later).

How do I choose my text for HLE?

Do NOT choose the “easiest” text. Life is always better when you do things you're interested in, and that advice applies to the HLE, too. Choose the literary / non-literary work that interests  you the most, so that you can (semi?)-enjoy the HLE planning and writing process.

You could start by thinking of a theme that you find particularly interesting and determining which text studied in class demonstrates this theme well.

How do I choose my line of inquiry for HLE?

The line of inquiry is the core question that you will answer in your essay. A quick example might be:

"To what extent is masculinity undermined by the characterisation of Little Thomas?"

Now, it's your job to forge your destiny and come up with your own line of inquiry. But it's not a complete free-for all! There are rules. The main rule is that your line of inquiry must fall under one of the 7 main concepts of IB English (see below for a quick summary).

IdentityHow is the identity of a particular   or group of characters represented?
OR, how does the text relate to the identity of the  ?
CultureHow is the culture of a particular  represented?
OR, how does the text relate to a particular culture/cultural  ?
CreativityHow does the text represent a  /lack of creativity?
OR, how does the text reflect the  ?
CommunicationHow are /failures in communication conveyed?
OR, how does the text represent an act of communication?
TransformationHow is transformation represented?
OR, how is the text transformative to  to them, or to the reader in terms of transforming their  ?
PerspectiveHow is a certain perspective conveyed?
OR, how does the text represent the  ?
RepresentationHow are different  represented?
OR, in what way is  represented?

This summary is vague, so let's go in-depth on a couple of these concepts to really show you what you should be doing in the HLE.

Identity is what makes you, YOU. Here are some questions the concern your own personal identity:

  • What is your favourite colour? And why is it your favourite?
  • What makes you different from others? Why do you think these qualities came to be?
  • How would someone describe you in three words?

Now apply this same logic to characters within your text.

  • How would you describe this character in three words?
  • How do their actions within a text influence your view of their identity?
  • How has the author crafted this character to make you view the character in a certain way?

Let's take a look at a concrete example of how we might choose evidence and quotes for a HLE on cultural identity. This example is based on a Vietnamese work in translation “Ru” by author Kim Thúy. For context, “Ru” is an autobiographical fictional account which explores Kim Thúy's move from Vietnam to Canada as an immigrant and her consequent struggles. The structure of her novel is largely lyrical and poetic.

Let's look at a section from her novel that may help us come up with an essay idea based on the concept of Identity. When she returns to Vietnam, she attends a restaurant, however this becomes a major awakening for her in terms of how she views her own personal identity. Kim narrates within her novel:

The first time I carried a briefcase, the first time I went to a restaurant school for young adults in Hanoi, wearing heels and a straight skirt, the waiter for my table didn't understand why I was speaking Vietnamese with him. Page 77, Rú

This is a perfect quote for the Identity concept. Can you see why? Let's think through it together…

Why would the waiter be confused if Kim, a “briefcase”-carrying individual in “heels” and a “straight skirt”, was speaking Vietnamese with him?

What does being “Vietnamese” look like to the waiter? Why does Kim not conform to his expectation? Was it perhaps due to what she was wearing?

Now, if we look at the section which follows this in the novel, we are able to see the impact this had on the character of Kim's sense of identity.

the young waiter reminded me that I couldn't have everything, that I no longer had the right to declare I was Vietnamese because I no longer had their fragility, their uncertainty, their fears. And he was right to remind me. Page 77, Rú

Here, we can clearly see that this character is now questioning her Vietnamese cultural identity. This is just one example that demonstrates the concept of Identity.

Culture seems to be this confusing thing.  Does it have to do with religion? Race? Beliefs? What does it mean? Does the monster from Frankenstein fit into a certain culture?

The easiest way to put it is this:  Culture is the way someone lives. It is their “way of life.” Think of it as an umbrella term. “Culture” can include so many different things; the list just goes on, for example religion, values, customs, beliefs, cuisine, etc.

Now think, how would I form an essay from this concept?

  • When you read a text in class, you will notice that authors let you form an opinion on the culture of certain characters or groups within a text, but how is this done?
  • How does the author represent the culture of a certain community?
  • What types of patterns in daily routines are discussed?

It seems odd writing an essay about “creativity” because… like… how can anyone definitively say what ‘counts' as being creative–or not? When I say the word creativity , I think of new inventions, or maybe those weird and wacky art installations living inside those ‘modern art' museums. But hey, what's creative to me might not be creative to you!

higher english essay examples

When formulating a HLE on the concept of creativity we have two main pointers for you. Look for:

  • Interesting + Unique techniques or literary devices used within a text by the author. You can learn more in the  Learn Analysis section of LitLearn.
  • Recurring stylistic choices by the author

Now, for this concept, let's look at how we might select supportive evidence and quotations for a HLE on creativity within the narrative style of author Mary Shelley in “Frankenstein”. The narrative style uses  epistolary narration . This is a narrative technique in which a story is told through letters. This was something that I found both interesting and recurring within Frankenstein, which I believe worked to create a personal touch within the novel.

Additionally, Mary Shelley allows different characters to narrate Frankenstein during different volumes. Let's investigate this! I have written out different character profiles of the narrators below:

higher english essay examples

These 3 characters, each relate a part of the novel Frankenstein. This is an example of a creative authorial choice that allows us, as readers to explore different points of view within the text. This is just one example of a creative aspect of a text which you can analyze for your HLE.


Representation is all about how something is  portrayed, conveyed, shown, described, illustrated, depicted . There are many different things that can be ‘represented' within a text, and it doesn't have to be tangible.

For instance, you can look at how a belief, idea or attitude is depicted within a text through different characters or devices.

Again, let's explore a concrete example to make things clear: this time the graphic novel “Persepolis”. We'll consider an HLE on how a text  represents the  impact of political turmoil on society .

Chapter 10 of “Persepolis” highlights societal changes occurring due to the Iranian Revolution. The panels below list the authorial choices relevant to the negative representation of political change in a society. When looking at the techniques highlighted in the slides below, think about how you feel when you look at the panels below. Can you sense a more positive or negative feeling?

higher english essay examples

Cool, but what do we do to turn all this into an actual HL essay? Here is a sample response. The introduction might begin like this:

In the captivating graphic novel “Persepolis,” the author Marjane Satrapi explores the social and political impacts of the Iranian revolution. In particular, Satrapi conveys a disapproving viewpoint on political turmoil within the text. Throughout the graphic novel, Satrapi carefully represents how social isolation, hypocrisy and confusion is experienced by a young girl living in Tehran, as a result of political turmoil.  Example HLE Introduction

Then, in a body paragraph, on one of the key ideas mentioned above, we could analyze the different literary techniques. For example, Panel 1 is a great representation of the experience of confusion in the midst of political turmoil:

Marji is the younger girl pictured in the panels above. While her parents appear quite concerned by the news on the TV, she appears to not be in full comprehension of the cause for their distress. This is demonstrated by the visual imagery and dialogue, in panel 7, for instance, if you observe the facial expressions by each of the characters. Example of analysis in body paragraph

This is just a short example from one particular text. To help you unpack any text, try look for the following when analyzing chapter to chapter:

  • What is the main idea of the chapter?
  • Why did the author write it? What purpose does it serve?
  • What do you believe is the overarching importance of the passage?

Brainstorming Tips

If you're having trouble picking your text and line of inquiry, then use this simple 20-minute process to brainstorm potential questions for your HLE:

  • For each text / non-literary work, go through each concept in the table below.
  • Write down a question for each of the two prompts for each category.
  • Repeat for all of your texts.
  • Pick the question-text combination that has the greatest potential for strong analysis.

How do I ensure my HLE question has a good scope?

Choosing a question with good scope is extremely   important, and it's one of the biggest challenges in the HLE. Here's why:

  • If your scope is too broad , you may have too much to write about in order to answer the question, and therefore you won't be able to write deep analysis (which is super important–more on this later…)
  • If your scope is too narrow , you may not have enough to write about and end up overanalyzing unnecessary and obscure details. Also something to avoid!

So, to help you get the balance just right , here are three examples of HLE questions, specifically for the concept of  Identity which we mentioned in the table above (by the way, the example is a made-up novel for illustration purposes).

  • Too broad: “How does Irene Majov in her novel  Deadly Men effectively make her narrator a powerful mouthpiece?”
  • Too narrow: “How does Irene Majov in her novel  Deadly Men effectively make her narrator a powerful mouthpiece for the concerns of Asian-Americans toward discrimination in the workforce in the 21st century?”
  • Just right: “How does Irene Majov in her novel  Deadly Men effectively make her narrator a powerful mouthpiece for the concerns of Asian-Americans in the 21st century?”

How to get a 7 on IB English HLE

There are many things that contribute to a 7 in your HLE and your IB English grade overall. But if we had to boil it down to one secret, one essential fact… then it'd have to be this: Get really good at analysis .

Analysis is the key to a 7 in IB English. It doesn't matter if it's Paper 1, Paper 2, HLE, IO… You must learn how to analyze quotes at a deep level, and structure your analysis in a way that flows and delights your teachers and examiners.

Start with the basics

Start with the basic foundations of analysis for free inside LitLearn's Learn Analysis course.

Our free and Pro resources have helped IB English students skyrocket their grade in weeks, days and even overnight...   Learn Analysis for IB English , the simplest guide to a 7 in IB English.

Basic Analysis

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Level up to Advanced Analysis

Since you're in HL, you'll also be needing Advanced Analysis skills if you want to impress your examiner. We've got all of that covered inside our Pro lessons.

Advanced Analysis

Finding Quotes

Also, you'll need to find good quotes for your text. Some good sources where you can find relevant quotes include  Goodreads , SparkNotes ,  LitCharts , and Cliffnotes . Of course, you could just find quotes yourself directly–this will ensure your quotes are unique.

Understanding the IB English HLE rubric

An essential step to getting a high mark on the HL Essay is understanding the rubric! It is SO important that you know what IB English examiners are looking for when grading your essay, as this helps you to shape the content of your essay to match (or even exceed) their expectations.

The IB English HL Essay is graded out of 20 marks . There are 4 criteria, each worth 5 marks.

Use the checklist below to make sure you're not making simple mistakes! Note that this is not the official marking criteria, and I strongly recommend that you reading the official rubric provided by your teacher.

Criterion A: Knowledge, understanding, and interpretation

  • Accurate summary of text in introduction
  • Focused and informative thesis statement
  • Effective and relevant quotes
  • Relevant and effective summary and ending statement in conclusion

Criterion B: Analysis and evaluation

  • Relevant analysis of a variety of stylistic features 
  • Relevant analysis of tone and/or atmosphere
  • Relevant analysis of broader authorial choices i.e. characterization, point of view, syntax, irony, etc.

Criterion C: Focus, organization, and development

  • Introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion
  • Organized body paragraphs – topic sentence, evidence, concluding statement/link to question
  • Appropriate progression of ideas and arguments in which evidence (i.e. quotes) are effectively implemented

Criterion D: Language

  • Use expansions (e.g. “do not”) instead of contractions (e.g. “don't”)
  • Use of a variety of connecting phrases e.g. “furthermore”, “nonetheless”, “however”, etc.
  • Complete sentence structures and subject-verb agreement
  • Correct usage of punctuation
  • Appropriate register – no slang
  • Historic present tense : the use of present tense when recounting past events. For example, we want to write “In  The Hunger Games , Peeta and Katniss work   together to win as a district” instead of using the word “worked”.
  • Avoid flowery/dictionary language just to sound smart; it is distracting and difficult to read. As long as you concisely communicate your message using appropriate language, you will score a high mark under this criterion.

Here's everything we discussed:

  • IB English HLE is tough work! Start early.
  • Brainstorm using the table of concepts to come up with a strong HLE question. Don't give up on this!
  • Analysis is the key to a 7 in IB English HLE (and in fact all IB English assessment). Check out LitLearn's course  Learn Analysis for IB English   for immediate help on the exact steps to improve in IB English analysis.

Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor 💪


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  • September 26, 2021

IB English, the HL Essay: All You Need to Know

higher english essay examples

Written By Our IB++Tutor Birgitte J.

What You Need to Know

  • The HL Essay is a 1200-1500 word formal essay and it is based on a literary work studied as part of the course. You cannot use the same work for the IO or the Paper 2 [1] for this essay.
  • In the IB Language and Literature course [2] , the essay can also be based on a non-literary or collection of non literary text(s).
  • You develop a line of inquiry , a question that lends itself to an argument focused on how a theme or message is conveyed through literary features.
  • The essay is completed in your own time and you should get some feedback from your teacher during the development of the essay.
  • You do not have to incorporate secondary sources beyond the text you are working with.

higher english essay examples

The paper is externally assessed, meaning the final grade given is from the IB Examiner, not from your teacher. However, your teacher will give a predicted grade that is sent to the IB [3] .

How to Approach the Essay

The essay requires you to construct a focused, analytical argument, examining the work from a broad literary or linguistic perspective. It also requires you to adhere to the formal framework of an academic essay, using citations and references.

Connection to the Learner Portfolio

The HL essay is based on the exploration you have engaged with in the Learner Portfolio [4] . In the lead-up to the drafting of the essay, you must decide which text to focus on for further investigation, and which topic to write about. In choosing the topic, you can consult the course’s seven central concepts. You can choose any text with the exception of the texts used for the Internal Assessment (the IO) or the Paper 2.

How to choose a text

Don’t wait until the last minute and talk with your teacher about the text you want to use and the focus you are considering. Write your ideas out to make sure your line of inquiry is focused and appropriate for an analytical argument of a paper of this length.

In the case of a collection of short stories, poems, song lyrics or any short literary text, you may choose to use just one literary text from the work. However, It may be necessary to use more than one literary text from the work chosen.

The Language and Literature course only *

In the case of short non-literary texts, it may be necessary to use more than one from the same text type by the same author, for example the same creative advertising agency, cartoonist, photographer or social media user. At least one of these texts must have been studied in class. (If using a text in translation it must be a professional and published translation).

Determining the Topic and the 7 Course Concepts

It’s helpful but not mandatory to start with the seven central concepts of the course in generating or determining a topic for the essay. The questions below are meant as starting points for the focus of the essay, not as complete lines of inquiry which should be more specific to the chosen text (see examples of lines of inquiry below).

Questions may include; How is identity represented in the text? How are the characters in the text representative of a group? How does the text reflect the identity of the writer?

Questions may include; How is an aspect of the text representative of a culture or a particular place? How is a group of people or an institution conveyed? How is the text representative of a cultural perspective?


Questions may include; How is the text representative of an individual or collective creativity, or lack of creativity? How is the text a reflection of the creativity of the writer?


How is communication or lack of communication conveyed in the text? How does the text itself communicate with the reader? How are aspects of communication illustrated through literary features?


How is change or development illustrated in the text? How are characters transformed through action, communication or events in the text? What is the relationship between transformation and the goals, values and beliefs conveyed in the text?


How is a perspective or different perspectives represented in the text? How is a shift in perspective portrayed? How is the writer’s perspective revealed through the text?


How does the text represent a particular theme or message? How are attitudes conveyed? In what way is reality or the world within the text represented?

IB English Language and Literature Guide examples of lines of inquiry

  • Identity —how does Ralph Ellison, in his novel Invisible Man, succeed in making his narrator a convincing spokesperson for the concerns of African-Americans in the 20th century?
  • Culture —how does Robert Capa represent post-Second World War France to qualify/exemplify the brutalities of the French population on former Nazi collaborators in La Femme Tondue? (Language A: language and literature only)
  • Creativity —how do Mario Testino’s portraits manage to convey the personalities of those portrayed in original ways? (Language A: language and literature only)
  • Communication– which view of love does Matt Groening convey in Love is Hell? (Language A: language and literature only)
  • Transformation– in what ways does The Alan Parsons Project’s Tales of Mystery and Imagination offer a transformative re-reading of Edgar Allan Poe’s tales?
  • Perspective– how does Mary Shelley’s protagonist in Frankenstein use the motif of dangerous knowledge to show the perspective of fear and anxiety of excesses in scientific enterprise in early 19th century Europe?
  • Representation– through what means does Juan Rulfo successfully convey the representation of realistic and non-realistic characters and situations in Pedro Páramo?​

A Final Note on the Learner Portfolio and the HL Essay

The Learner Portfolio is not assessed but schools are required to keep it on file. It is intended to be a platform for reflecting on the texts studied, facilitating development of independent thinking. The reflections may include responses to cultural perspectives and values, inter-relationships and identities as it relates to topics and themes in the texts studied. The reflections may serve as a springboard for the line of inquiry in the HL essay. For example, you may keep a record of themes present, reflections on how particular passages within the texts reflect those themes, or how themes and passages convey one of the 7 central concepts.

[1] Paper 2 is cancelled for the 2022 cohort. No announcement has been made for the 2023 at the time this article was written.

[2] There are 3 IB English courses. The two most common are IB English A: Literature SL/HL, a course focused on literature (Poetry, drama, short stories and novels) and the IB English Language and Literature SL/HL course, focused on literature AND a variety of non-literary (non-fiction) text types.

[3] The examiner’s grade is independent from your teacher’s predicted grade.

[4] An individual collection of student work compiled during the course in which you explore and reflect on the texts throughout the course.

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Higher English - portfolio-writing

Portfolio-writing 2023  (all links open to pdf files), broadly discursive - fast fashion.

  • Candidate 1 Evidence

Broadly creative - The Sound of Silence

  • Candidate 2 Evidence

Broadly creative - The Bungee Jump

  • Candidate 3 Evidence
  • Candidtes 1 to 3 Evidence
  • Candidtes 1 to 3 Commentaries

Portfolio-writing 2021  (All links open to PDF files)

Broadly creative - my tennis identity, broadly creative - the christmas season, broadly creative - lessons on guitar, experiences for life, broadly creative - happiness is egg shaped.

  • Candidate 4 Evidence
  • Candidates 1 to 4 Evidence
  • Candidates 1 to 4 Commentaries

Portfolio-writing 2019 (All links open to PDF files)

Discursive - how music broadens the mind.

  • Candidate A Evidence

Creative - Moorman

  • Candidate B Evidence

Creative - In the Jaws of the Grand Dragon

  • Candidate C Evidence

Discursive - Why Zoos Should be Endangered

  • Candidate D Evidence

Creative - Having a Bad Day

  • Candidate E Evidence

Discursive - I Don’t Mean To Be Dramatic But…

  • Candidate F Evidence

Creative - Ophelia

  • Candidate G Evidence

Discursive - Cyberchondria

  • Candidate H Evidence
  • Candidates A to H Evidence
  • Candidates A to H Commentaries

Portfolio-writing 2015  (All links open as PDF files)

  • 2015 Marking instructions

Candidate 1 - Technology: Our Servant or Master?

  • Candidate 1 Commentary

Candidate 2 - There's No Place Like Home School...

  • Candidate 2 Commentary

Candidate 3 - Plastic Lives

  • Candidate 3 Commentary

Candidate 4 - Lost but not forgotten

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Candidate 5 - Scarred

  • Candidate 5 Evidence
  • Candidate 5 Commentary

Candidate 6 - Can I be Bothered?

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Candidate 7 - The Claus of a Predator

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Candidate 8 - Let Me Count the Ways

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higher english essay examples

Here you will find examples of real student HL Essays. Take a read and, using the marking criteria, grade them. You can compare your marks with those of the examiner.

Student Samples

The Characterization of Luis Alberto Molina through the use of Films, Dialogue and Stream of Consciousness in Manuel Puig’s Kiss of the Spider Woman 

Luis Alberto Molina, commonly referred to as Molina, is arguably the most fascinating and captivating character in the prose novel Kiss of the Spider Woman, written by the Argentine author Manuel Puig. The novel, first published in its original Spanish in 1976, revolves primarily around the relationship between two convicts in a Buenos Aires prison, presumably during the military dictatorship of the late 1970s: Molina, a homosexual cross-dresser imprisoned for sexual perversion, and Valentin, imprisoned and tortured for being a member of a Marxist resistance group. Puig employs several narrative techniques to reveal the intrinsic nature of Molina’s character while confined in a cell with an initially hostile companion. Firstly, Molina frequently submerges the reader into the realm of film, as he narrates several romantic films throughout the novel, the most significant being the 1942 film Cat People and one described as Nazi Propaganda. The films express Molina’s longing for escapism and his mannerism. Secondly, the author’s use of unmarked, outer dialogue establishes Molina’s self-identity. Furthermore, the dialogue portrays Molina in relation to Valentin, as the two develop a strong bond throughout the novel, to the point where they share complete intimacy and engage in sexual activities. Lastly, Puig’s use of stream of consciousness writing provides vital insight into Molina’s internal conflicts and reveals his true identity as a spy. 

The author employs films narrated by Molina as a medium through which his character is introduced to the reader and developed throughout the novel. In order to combat boredom and help pass the time, Molina vividly narrates the plots of several movies, often embellished with romance. As the films are presented through Molina’s eyes, they give vital insight into his perception of the world around him. The novel begins with Molina describing the appearance of the main protagonist of the film Cat People: Irena, a Romanian immigrant who fears she will turn into a panther if a man kisses her. In the film, she falls in love with a charming architect, who takes on a protective role and attempts to take away her fears. Molina goes into great detail, stating that “[her] face, [is] more oval than roundish, […]” (1) and that her hair is “ […] cut in bangs […], and is down to the shoulders, […], with little curls at the end too, almost like a permanent wave.”(1). This vivid description portrays Molina as a man who admires feminine features. Throughout the narration, Molina pays special attention to fashion, decorations in homes, and romance, highlighting his obsession with escaping into fantasy worlds. This message is further reiterated when Valentin “break[s] the illusion” by criticizing Molina’s narration, to which he responds that he would rather have “the panther woman’s boyfriend to keep [him] company instead of [Valentin].” (17). Additionally, the film is riddled with symbols of femininity and masculinity, which Molina sympathizes with. When asked by Valentin who he relates to in the film, he reveals that he identifies with Irena, as “[…] She’s the heroine,[…] Always with the heroine.” (25). This shows Molina’s desire to be the hero of his own life story. This foreshadows the ending of the novel, where Molina dies in an attempt to deliver information to Valentin’s resistance movement. Furthermore, Molina strongly connects with the pipe-smoking architect, due to him being “ […] the gentle type, and understanding.” (17). This subtly hints towards Molina’s submissiveness, as he desires a partner that protects him like the architect protects Irene. The second film follows the story of a French woman who falls in love with a Nazi officer and is forced to spy on him for the French resistance. While Valentin is quick to point out that the film is portraying the nazis as the saviors of Europe and calls it “Nazi junk”, Molina decides to ignore him, stating that “The film [is] divine, and for me, that’s all that’s what counts.” (78). Molinas unwillingness to see past the superficial glamour of the film and recognize that it intends to vilify the french resistance furthers the notion of Molina’s disconnect from a hostile society and his need to escape into fictional, romantic scenarios. Additionally, the themes of espionage and betrayal in the second film foreshadow the revelation that Molina is a spy for the prison warden, and has been promised early release if he extracts information on Valentin’s resistance movement. Consequently, the films are key to decipher Molina’s personality as they display a disconnect from reality and give insight into his feminine nature. 

Traditionally, novels are told by a narrator who exists either inside (internal) or outside (external) the story’s universe. What sets the novel apart from others is the fact that the author omits an external narrator entirely, using outer dialogue between the two characters to reveal Molina’s character. This narrative device effectively places the reader into the head of Molina and provides information about his self-identity. Furthermore, the change in dialogue from one character to another is indicated solely by a dash, forcing the reader to, at times, deduce who is speaking solely by their diction. When Valentin brings up Molina’s tendency of escapism and mocks his femininity, Molina retaliates, exclaiming that “You’re all alike, always coming to me with the same business.” (19), expressing his anger towards the society that rejects him. Molina continues by saying that “If a woman’s the best there is, […] I want to be one.” (19). This powerful phrase is the first glimpse the reader gets of Molina’s identity, as it becomes clear he doesn’t consider himself a stereotypical, masculine man. Once Valentin opens up to Molina about his relationship with his girlfriend, Molina reciprocates, revealing he is in love with a heterosexual waiter named Gabriel. Molina perceives Gabriel as a “real man” due to him being “elegant, […] soft and masculine.” (61). When asked about his definition of masculinity, he responds by stating “[…] it’s knowing what you want, where you’re going.” (61). The reader automatically recognizes that Molina doesn’t fit his own definition of masculinity, as he pursues the impossible goal of living with Gabriel, despite him being married. Furthermore, when talking about himself in the third person, Molina calls himself a “woman”, stating that “[…] when it comes to him, I can’t talk about myself like a man, because I don’t feel like one.” (60). This reveals Molina’s self-identity as a stereotypical female and accordingly, his attraction to a “real man”.Therefore, the author’s choice to employ outer dialogue between the prisoners is effective in refining Molina’s character as the device forces the reader to see things from his perspective, simultaneously allowing for a great deal of personal interpretation due to the first-hand narration. 

A third narrative technique that Puig employs to great effect is stream of consciousness writing. The device, meant to give the reader an insight into Molina’s disturbed state of mind, is used extensively throughout chapter 5 (96-112), where Molina privately pictures the plot of a third movie while Valentin studies politics. In the stream of consciousness writing, several of Molina’s thoughts help the reader understand his internal conflicts. Firstly, Molina’s resentment towards the society that loathes him is once again shown when he thinks: “[…] it feels so bad when someone gives you a black look, […] or when they refuse to look at you all together.” (105). This is strongly contrasted by feelings of guilt, which is expressed when he thinks of his sickly mother, whom he fears will die of a broken heart due to having a son “steeped in vice” (105). In the next few sentences, the reader gets a glimpse into an emotion once thought impossible by the sensitive, gentle character: rage. When Molina reflects on the judge that was determined to bring on him “[…] the full weight of what the law permitted […]” (106) and his mother’s horrified reaction, he becomes furious:“[…] if he dared to say one stupid word about her, I would kill the son of a bitch […]” (106). Towards the end of the passage, Molina thinks about the promise the warden gave him of a reduced sentence, giving the reader the first clue that he is a spy. The stream of consciousness section is therefore vital in the portrayal of Molina’s character as the reader interprets his potential for violence as the ultimate expression of affection towards his mother, as well as emotions such as resentment, rage and guilt. 

In conclusion, the narrative techniques mentioned above combine synergistically to give Molina his charismatic, romantic, and conflicting character. The films ‘told’ by Molina are central to the construction of his identity as they reveal his disconnect from reality and his feminine personality. The author’s use of outer dialogue adds to Molina’s characterization as his communication with Valentin reveals his self-identity. Finally, Puig’s use of stream of consciousness writing displays conflicting emotions that plague Molina. The construction of Molina’s character is vital as he is central to the plot of the novel and challenges the readers perception on homosexuality, gender expression and identity. 

Puig, Manuel, and Thomas Colchie. Kiss of the Spider Woman. Vintage International, 1991. 


Cat People. Directed by J. Tourneur, RKO Pictures, 1942.

Examiner's Marks

The motif of death and the interconnection between the Netflix series  13 Reasons Why  and the novel  Crossing the Mangrove

Word Count: 1500


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higher english essay examples


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