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The Big List of Essay Topics for High School (120+ Ideas!)

Ideas to inspire every young writer!

What one class should all high schools students be required to take and pass in order to graduate?

High school students generally do a lot of writing, learning to use language clearly, concisely, and persuasively. When it’s time to choose an essay topic, though, it’s easy to come up blank. If that’s the case, check out this huge round-up of essay topics for high school. You’ll find choices for every subject and writing style.

  • Argumentative Essay Topics
  • Cause-and-Effect Essay Topics
  • Compare-Contrast Essay Topics
  • Descriptive Essay Topics
  • Expository and Informative Essay Topics
  • Humorous Essay Topics

Literary Essay Topics

  • Narrative and Personal Essay Topics
  • Personal Essay Topics
  • Persuasive Essay Topics

Research Essay Topics

Argumentative essay topics for high school.

When writing an argumentative essay, remember to do the research and lay out the facts clearly. Your goal is not necessarily to persuade someone to agree with you, but to encourage your reader to accept your point of view as valid. Here are some possible argumentative topics to try. ( Here are 100 more compelling argumentative essay topics. )

  • The most important challenge our country is currently facing is … (e.g., immigration, gun control, economy)
  • The government should provide free internet access for every citizen.
  • All drugs should be legalized, regulated, and taxed.
  • Vaping is less harmful than smoking tobacco.
  • The best country in the world is …
  • Parents should be punished for their minor children’s crimes.
  • Should all students have the ability to attend college for free?
  • Should physical education be part of the standard high school curriculum?

Should physical education be part of the standard high school curriculum?


  • Schools should require recommended vaccines for all students, with very limited exceptions.
  • Is it acceptable to use animals for experiments and research?
  • Does social media do more harm than good?
  • Capital punishment does/does not deter crime.
  • What one class should all high schools students be required to take and pass in order to graduate?
  • Do we really learn anything from history, or does it just repeat itself over and over?
  • Are men and women treated equally?

Cause-and-Effect Essay Topics for High School

A cause-and-effect essay is a type of argumentative essay. Your goal is to show how one specific thing directly influences another specific thing. You’ll likely need to do some research to make your point. Here are some ideas for cause-and-effect essays. ( Get a big list of 100 cause-and-effect essay topics here. )

  • Humans are causing accelerated climate change.
  • Fast-food restaurants have made human health worse over the decades.
  • What caused World War II? (Choose any conflict for this one.)
  • Describe the effects social media has on young adults.

Describe the effects social media has on young adults.

  • How does playing sports affect people?
  • What are the effects of loving to read?
  • Being an only/oldest/youngest/middle child makes you …
  • What effect does violence in movies or video games have on kids?
  • Traveling to new places opens people’s minds to new ideas.
  • Racism is caused by …

Compare-Contrast Essay Topics for High School

As the name indicates, in compare-and-contrast essays, writers show the similarities and differences between two things. They combine descriptive writing with analysis, making connections and showing dissimilarities. The following ideas work well for compare-contrast essays. ( Find 80+ compare-contrast essay topics for all ages here. )

  • Public and private schools
  • Capitalism vs. communism
  • Monarchy or democracy
  • Dogs vs. cats as pets

Dogs vs. cats as pets

  • Paper books or e-books
  • Two political candidates in a current race
  • Going to college vs. starting work full-time
  • Working your way through college as you go or taking out student loans
  • iPhone or Android
  • Instagram vs. Twitter (or choose any other two social media platforms)

Descriptive Essay Topics for High School

Bring on the adjectives! Descriptive writing is all about creating a rich picture for the reader. Take readers on a journey to far-off places, help them understand an experience, or introduce them to a new person. Remember: Show, don’t tell. These topics make excellent descriptive essays.

  • Who is the funniest person you know?
  • What is your happiest memory?
  • Tell about the most inspirational person in your life.
  • Write about your favorite place.
  • When you were little, what was your favorite thing to do?
  • Choose a piece of art or music and explain how it makes you feel.
  • What is your earliest memory?

What is your earliest memory?

  • What’s the best/worst vacation you’ve ever taken?
  • Describe your favorite pet.
  • What is the most important item in the world to you?
  • Give a tour of your bedroom (or another favorite room in your home).
  • Describe yourself to someone who has never met you.
  • Lay out your perfect day from start to finish.
  • Explain what it’s like to move to a new town or start a new school.
  • Tell what it would be like to live on the moon.

Expository and Informative Essay Topics for High School

Expository essays set out clear explanations of a particular topic. You might be defining a word or phrase or explaining how something works. Expository or informative essays are based on facts, and while you might explore different points of view, you won’t necessarily say which one is “better” or “right.” Remember: Expository essays educate the reader. Here are some expository and informative essay topics to explore. ( See 70+ expository and informative essay topics here. )

  • What makes a good leader?
  • Explain why a given school subject (math, history, science, etc.) is important for students to learn.
  • What is the “glass ceiling” and how does it affect society?
  • Describe how the internet changed the world.
  • What does it mean to be a good teacher?

What does it mean to be a good teacher?

  • Explain how we could colonize the moon or another planet.
  • Discuss why mental health is just as important as physical health.
  • Describe a healthy lifestyle for a teenager.
  • Choose an American president and explain how their time in office affected the country.
  • What does “financial responsibility” mean?

Humorous Essay Topics for High School

Humorous essays can take on any form, like narrative, persuasive, or expository. You might employ sarcasm or satire, or simply tell a story about a funny person or event. Even though these essay topics are lighthearted, they still take some skill to tackle well. Give these ideas a try.

  • What would happen if cats (or any other animal) ruled the world?
  • What do newborn babies wish their parents knew?
  • Explain the best ways to be annoying on social media.
  • Invent a wacky new sport, explain the rules, and describe a game or match.

Explain why it's important to eat dessert first.

  • Imagine a discussion between two historic figures from very different times, like Cleopatra and Queen Elizabeth I.
  • Retell a familiar story in tweets or other social media posts.
  • Describe present-day Earth from an alien’s point of view.
  • Choose a fictional character and explain why they should be the next president.
  • Describe a day when kids are in charge of everything, at school and at home.

Literary essays analyze a piece of writing, like a book or a play. In high school, students usually write literary essays about the works they study in class. These literary essay topic ideas focus on books students often read in high school, but many of them can be tweaked to fit other works as well.

  • Discuss the portrayal of women in Shakespeare’s Othello .
  • Explore the symbolism used in The Scarlet Letter .
  • Explain the importance of dreams in Of Mice and Men .
  • Compare and contrast the romantic relationships in Pride and Prejudice .

Analyze the role of the witches in Macbeth.

  • Dissect the allegory of Animal Farm and its relation to contemporary events.
  • Interpret the author’s take on society and class structure in The Great Gatsby .
  • Explore the relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia.
  • Discuss whether Shakespeare’s portrayal of young love in Romeo and Juliet is accurate.
  • Explain the imagery used in Beowulf .

Narrative and Personal Essay Topics for High School

Think of a narrative essay like telling a story. Use some of the same techniques that you would for a descriptive essay, but be sure you have a beginning, middle, and end. A narrative essay doesn’t necessarily need to be personal, but they often are. Take inspiration from these narrative and personal essay topics.

  • Describe a performance or sporting event you took part in.
  • Explain the process of cooking and eating your favorite meal.
  • Write about meeting your best friend for the first time and how your relationship developed.
  • Tell about learning to ride a bike or drive a car.
  • Describe a time in your life when you’ve been scared.

Write about a time when you or someone you know displayed courage.

  • Share the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you.
  • Tell about a time when you overcame a big challenge.
  • Tell the story of how you learned an important life lesson.
  • Describe a time when you or someone you know experienced prejudice or oppression.
  • Explain a family tradition, how it developed, and its importance today.
  • What is your favorite holiday? How does your family celebrate it?
  • Retell a familiar story from the point of view of a different character.
  • Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision.
  • Tell about your proudest moment.

Persuasive Essay Topics for High School

Persuasive essays are similar to argumentative , but they rely less on facts and more on emotion to sway the reader. It’s important to know your audience, so you can anticipate any counterarguments they might make and try to overcome them. Try these topics to persuade someone to come around to your point of view. ( Discover 60 more intriguing persuasive essay topics here. )

  • Do you think homework should be required, optional, or not given at all?
  • Everyone should be vegetarian or vegan.
  • What animal makes the best pet?
  • Visit an animal shelter, choose an animal that needs a home, and write an essay persuading someone to adopt that animal.
  • Who is the world’s best athlete, present or past?
  • Should little kids be allowed to play competitive sports?
  • Are professional athletes/musicians/actors overpaid?
  • The best music genre is …

What is one book that everyone should be required to read?

  • Is democracy the best form of government?
  • Is capitalism the best form of economy?
  • Students should/should not be able to use their phones during the school day.
  • Should schools have dress codes?
  • If I could change one school rule, it would be …
  • Is year-round school a good idea?

A research essay is a classic high school assignment. These papers require deep research into primary source documents, with lots of supporting facts and evidence that’s properly cited. Research essays can be in any of the styles shown above. Here are some possible topics, across a variety of subjects.

  • Which country’s style of government is best for the people who live there?
  • Choose a country and analyze its development from founding to present day.
  • Describe the causes and effects of a specific war.
  • Formulate an ideal economic plan for our country.
  • What scientific discovery has had the biggest impact on life today?

Tell the story of the development of artificial intelligence so far, and describe its impacts along the way.

  • Analyze the way mental health is viewed and treated in this country.
  • Explore the ways systemic racism impacts people in all walks of life.
  • Defend the importance of teaching music and the arts in public schools.
  • Choose one animal from the endangered species list, and propose a realistic plan to protect it.

What are some of your favorite essay topics for high school? Come share your prompts on the WeAreTeachers HELPLINE group on Facebook .

Plus, check out the ultimate guide to student writing contests .

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The best writing prompts for high school

Ah, high school. The birthplace of future geniuses, the setting of a million Young Adult books — and the cutting ground of many a brilliant young author. Writing in the classroom is often the best outlet of creativity for kids, and what better way to get your students excited about it than through creative writing prompts for high school students?

Whether you use journal prompts or story ideas to kickstart your high school student’s imagination, writing prompts are sure to help broaden their thinking, sharpen their writing skills, record their thoughts, and get them to engage with the world around them.

If you're looking to cut to the chase, here's a top ten list of writing prompts for high school students:

  • In the form of diary/ journal entries, write about someone who's just experienced a big "first."
  • Just then, your phone rings. It's your friend and they have some interesting news...
  • Write a short story where the protagonist has a doppelgänger.
  • Write a story about a misunderstanding.
  • Write a story about a strange family tradition, with at least two characters from the family narrating in the course of the story.
  • Write a story about someone who would be described, above all else, as: kind.
  • Write a story that centers on an Instagram post.
  • Write a story that spans a month during which everything changes.
  • Write about a group of people determined to win an award for making the biggest cookie ever.
  • Write about someone going to extreme lengths to return an overdue library book.

If you have a high school student who’s interested in becoming an author, check out our free resources on the topic:

Develop a Writing Routine (free course) — Any high schooler who’s serious about becoming a published author should know that writing a book doesn’t just take talent. 90% of the process is sitting in front of a blank piece of paper, and having the drive and commitment to put words to paper. That’s why we created this free course, which shows people of any age how to develop a writing routine that works for you. It’s never too early to start the process today!

Want to encourage your high school students to start writing? Check out Reedsy’s weekly short story contest , for the chance of winning $250! You can also check out our list of writing contests or our directory of literary magazines for more opportunities to submit your story.


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50 Exclusive Writing Prompts For High School Students

Chukwudumebi Amadi

  • February 23, 2024

Table of Contents Hide

What is a writing prompt, types of writing prompts for high school students, 1. combating writer’s block, 2. skill development, 3. self-discovery and expression, frequently asked questions, we also recommend.

Writing is an essential skill for high school students, whether they are working on essays, creative writing pieces, or research papers. However, sometimes it can be difficult to come up with new and interesting topics to write about. This is where writing prompts come in handy. They can help you explore different themes, genres, and styles of writing, pushing you to think outside the box and expand your writing abilities.

In this article, we have compiled a list of 50 exclusive writing prompts specifically tailored for high school students. These prompts cover a wide range of subjects and genres, from personal narratives to persuasive essays to fictional stories.

Whether you’re looking to challenge yourself with a new writing style or simply want to explore different themes, these prompts are sure to inspire you and help you improve your writing skills.

A writing prompt serves as a cue to guide individuals toward a particular topic, task, or objective. It can take the form of text, a single word, or an image, prompting individuals to engage in writing about a specified topic in a specific manner. These prompts are often utilized in assessments or activities to encourage critical thinking and expression, providing students with a starting point for their writing endeavors.

There are various types of writing prompts suitable for high school students. Here are a few examples:

1. Narrative Prompts: This prompt encourages students to develop characters, setting, plot, and conflict within a story

  • Example : You discover a mysterious note tucked inside an old book. What does it say and where does it lead you?

2. Descriptive Prompts: This prompt focuses on using sensory details to create a vivid image

  • Example : Describe the feeling of sand slipping through your fingers as you watch the sunset on a beach.

SEE ALSO: 50 Creative Narrative Writing Prompts to Ignite Your Imagination

3. Expository Prompts:

  • Example: Explain the process of photosynthesis to a young child. (This prompt requires students to break down complex information into clear and understandable language)

4. Persuasive or Argumentative Prompts: This prompt encourages students to research, develop a stance, and provide evidence to support their argument

  • Example: Should social media platforms be held responsible for the spread of misinformation?

5. Reflective Prompts: This prompt encourages students to look inward, reflect on personal experiences, and articulate their growth

  • Example: Describe a time you faced a difficult decision and how you overcame it.

6. Creative Prompts: This prompt allows for imaginative expression and experimentation with different forms of writing

  • Example: Write a poem from the perspective of a tree witnessing the changing seasons.

7. Analytical Prompts: This prompt requires critical thinking and interpretation of literary elements

  • Example: Analyze the symbolism used in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” and its significance to the play’s themes.

What Are The Benefits of Writing Prompts?

Writing prompts offer a lot of benefits for high school students, from conquering writer’s block to honing their storytelling skills . Here are some key advantages:

Stuck staring at a blank page? Prompts act like magic sparks, igniting your imagination and providing a launchpad for creative ideas.

With diverse prompts covering different genres, themes, and styles, you’re bound to find something that piques your interest and unlocks your storytelling potential.

You can practice specific skills like descriptive writing, dialogue, or world-building through targeted exercises woven into prompts. To make the best of it, use prompts as springboards to explore emotions, values, and perspectives, weaving them into captivating narratives that reflect your unique voice.

READ ALSO: 10 Effective Writing Strategies to Enhance Your Writing Skills

You can use prompts for introspection and reflection, writing about experiences, feelings, and lessons learned, fostering personal growth. It also helps in unleashing your personal voice and perspective through your writing, showcasing your creativity and individuality.

Descriptive :

  • Capture the chaotic energy of a school lunchroom at peak hour, using all five senses to immerse the reader in the experience.
  • Describe a character’s most prized possession, revealing their personality and aspirations through its details and history.
  • Paint a picture with words of a breathtaking natural landscape you’ve witnessed, conveying its raw beauty and emotional impact.
  • Transport the reader to a bustling marketplace in a foreign country, highlighting the sights, sounds, and smells that paint a vivid cultural portrait.
  • Imagine a world where emotions have colors and auras. Describe how a specific emotional state manifests visually and how it affects the surroundings.
  • You wake up in a completely white room with no furniture or windows. Describe the disorienting atmosphere and how your senses adapt to the sensory deprivation.
  • Detail the transformation of a familiar object as it ages, focusing on the subtle changes in its appearance and the emotions it evokes.
  • Capture the quiet intimacy of a rainy evening spent indoors, emphasizing the comforting sights, sounds, and smells that create a peaceful atmosphere.
  • Describe a character’s most treasured memory, using sensory details and evocative language to transport the reader back in time and experience it alongside them.
  • Imagine you can taste memories. Describe the flavor and texture of a particularly significant memory, explaining what it reveals about your past and yourself.

Related Post: 50 Exclusive 2nd Grade Writing Prompts That are Printable for Free


  • Explain the history and cultural significance of a traditional dish from your family heritage, detailing its ingredients, preparation process, and meaning within your community.
  • Create a step-by-step guide for a unique skill or hobby you possess, making it clear and accessible even for beginners.
  • Research and explain the science behind a natural phenomenon that fascinates you, using clear language and engaging examples to captivate your reader.
  • Write a detailed profile of a historical figure who inspires you, highlighting their achievements, struggles, and impact on the world.
  • Compare and contrast two opposing ideologies or social movements, clearly explaining their core principles, similarities, and key differences.
  • Explore the ethical implications of a recent technological advancement, presenting a balanced perspective on its potential benefits and drawbacks.
  • Research and explain the cultural traditions and customs of a specific community, emphasizing their unique practices and their significance to its members.
  • Create an informative guide to navigating a challenging experience, such as starting a new school, overcoming a fear, or making a major life decision.
  • Research and explain the different learning styles and how they can be applied to improve academic performance.
  • Investigate and describe the unique ecosystem of a local park or nature reserve, highlighting its biodiversity and the importance of conservation efforts.

Narrative :

  • You discover a dusty journal in your attic filled with cryptic entries. As you decipher them, they lead you on a thrilling adventure to uncover a family secret.
  • Imagine you can communicate with animals. Write a story about a unique friendship you develop with a local creature and the challenges and joys it brings.
  • You wake up on a deserted island with no memory of how you got there. Craft a story about your struggle for survival and the mysteries you unravel along the way.
  • Write a coming-of-age story about a character facing a pivotal decision that will shape their future. Explore their internal conflict, external pressures, and the ultimate choice they make.
  • Imagine a world where dreams become reality. Write a story about the exciting possibilities and unexpected dangers that arise in this unique setting.
  • You receive a mysterious letter inviting you to join a secret society. Describe your decision-making process and the thrilling adventures that await you if you accept.
  • Rewrite a classic fairytale from the perspective of the villain, revealing their motivations and shedding light on their side of the story.
  • Write a story about a time you faced a difficult situation and the unexpected heroes who emerged to help you overcome it.
  • Craft a narrative set in a dystopian future where a specific aspect of life is drastically different from our world. Explore the challenges and consequences faced by its inhabitants.
  • You find a magic lamp containing a mischievous genie who only grants ironic wishes. Write a humorous story about how you outsmart them and achieve your desired outcome.

READ ALSO: 50 Exclusive First Grade Writing Prompts that are Printable for Free

  • Should social media platforms be held responsible for the spread of misinformation? Present your stance with supporting arguments and evidence.
  • Is artificial intelligence a threat to humanity or a tool for progress? Analyze both sides of the debate and express your informed opinion.
  • Are standardized tests an effective measure of student learning? Explain your view and suggest alternative methods for assessing academic achievement.
  • Should school uniforms be mandatory in all public schools? Explore the potential benefits and drawbacks and justify your opinion.
  • Should schools prioritize mental health education and resources for students? Offer your opinion and suggest specific recommendations.
  • Is it ethical to use genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture? Analyze the arguments for and against and state your position.
  • Should space exploration be a priority when there are so many problems on Earth? Defend your stance with well-reasoned arguments.
  • Are video games a positive or negative influence on young people? Explain your viewpoint based on research and personal experience.
  • Is social media more harmful than helpful for society? Explore both sides of the debate and express your informed opinion.

Persuasive :

  • Write a persuasive essay convincing your school board to implement a new program or initiative you believe would benefit students.
  • Craft a letter to the editor urging your community to take action on an important environmental issue.
  • Develop a social media campaign aimed at raising awareness about a social injustice you care about.
  • Write a speech persuading your classmates to participate in a specific school event or fundraiser.
  • Create a blog post advocating for a cause you believe in, using compelling arguments and emotional appeals.
  • Research and write a report on the history and future of a specific technology that interests you.
  • Investigate and analyze the impact of a particular historical event on society and its lasting effects.
  • Explore the scientific evidence behind a controversial topic and present your findings in an objective and balanced manner.
  • Research and explain the cultural diversity of a specific region or country, highlighting its unique traditions and customs.
  • Investigate the different career paths available in a field you’re interested in and present your findings to help others explore their options.
  • Choose an ancient proverb or famous saying from another language and research its original meaning, historical context, and how it’s interpreted in today’s world.

These 50 writing prompts for high school students offer a diverse landscape of possibilities, inviting you to traverse genres, explore emotions, and delve into self-discovery. Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination. So, grab your pen, embrace the adventure, and see where your words take you. You might surprise yourself with the stories you tell and the worlds you create.

While answers can provide inspiration and ideas, it’s crucial to develop your own voice and perspective. Use them as starting points, not complete scripts.

You can find more writing prompts through online resources, books, writing workshops, teacher recommendations, and even everyday observations.

It depends! Some prompts might lead to short stories, while others inspire poems or journal entries. There’s no specific length requirement.

Absolutely! Prompts are meant to be springboards, not limitations. Adapt them to fit your style, interests, and desired outcome.

Share your work with trusted friends, teachers, or writing communities for feedback. Focus on improving your skills and expressing yourself authentically.

  • storywritingacademy.com –  60 Creative Journal Prompts for Teenagers
  • creativewritingedu.org –  What is a Prompt in Writing?
  • 50 Exclusive 3rd Grade Writing Prompts that are Printable for Free
  • 50 Exclusive 6th Grade Writing Prompts that are Printable for Free
  • What is a Prompt in Writing? Choosing the Right Writing Prompt for Your Genre and Style
  • 50 Exclusive 4th Grade Writing Prompts That Are Printable For Free

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Narrative essays vs. analytical essays, how to pick the right narrative essay topic, elements of a strong narrative essay, engaging narrative essay topics for high schoolers, where to get your narrative essay edited for free.

Narrative essays are an extensive form of writing that gives readers the opportunity to follow along as a person goes through a journey or sets of experiences. Rather than providing analytic insight, narrative essays simply share a story and offer a first-person account. These essays may seem easy to write at first, but it takes a certain finesse to write a narrative essay that is interesting, cohesive, and well-researched. Whether you’re looking for a unique topic to write about, or just want some new inspiration, CollegeVine is here to help! These 50 narrative essay topics are engaging, unique and will have you writing in no time.

A narrative essay is a great way to express your personal experiences and opinions, but it is important to remember that this type of essay is different from an analytical paper. In a narrative essay, you do not need to provide background information or explain your thoughts and feelings; instead, you simply tell a story. It’s important to avoid too much telling in your writing; instead, use creative details and vivid imagery to make readers feel as if they are actually right there with you.

Where You Will Encounter Narrative Essays

This type of essay is typically encountered in high school, where students may be required to write personal statements to prepare for their Common App essay . Narrative essays are also commonly seen in AP Language and Composition. Therefore, it’s important you are aware of the style because you are bound to have a narrative essay assignment.  

Of course, before you start writing, it is important to pick the right essay topic. There are many factors involved in the process of picking the perfect narrative essay topic for your story.

You should always choose a topic that you are passionate about, since writing on something you care about will make the process much easier. Not only will it be more interesting to create your paper around something that truly interests you, but it will also allow you to fully express yourself in your essay. You also want to be sure that the topic has enough material to work with. If your chosen topic is too short, you will not have enough content to write a complete paper. For example, if you are writing about your experience getting lost at the mall, make sure that you have enough information to work with to craft an engaging narrative. 

The best topic for an engaging narrative essay is one that focuses on showing versus telling, has a clear structure, and provides a dialogue. These elements come together to form an engaging narrative essay. Regardless of what subject you pick, any topic may be turned into a fascinating, A+ worthy narrative using the tips below.

Show, Don’t Tell

To write a good narrative essay, it’s important to show, not tell. Instead of simply informing your audience, show them what you mean. For example, instead of saying “I was nervous,” you could say “My heart began to race and my stomach filled with butterflies.” Also make sure to use sensory details, such as sights, sounds and tastes, and include a personal reflection at the end of your narrative. 

Begin with a Strong Opening Line

A good narrative essay will begin with an attention-grabbing opening line. But make sure to avoid common clichés, such as “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Instead, come up with something original and specific to you and your situation. For example: “My pre-calc teacher was obsessed with circles. I mean, he even used circular note cards.” Or, “It all started the day my mom brought home a guinea pig.”

Follows a Three-Act Structure

A strong narrative essay follows the same three-act structure as other essays. But in order to make it interesting, you’ll need to come up with a creative way to break things down into sections. For example, using the guinea pig example from above, you could write the following:

  • Act 1 – Introduction: The day my mom brought home a guinea pig.
  • Act 2 – Conflict: The day I had to say goodbye to my beloved pet.
  • Act 3 – Conclusion: Looking back at how much I miss him now that he’s gone.

Conclude with Personal Reflection

To conclude your narrative essay, you’ll want to explain what this specific experience taught you or how you’ve changed. For example, upon realizing that her pre-calc teacher was obsessed with circles, the writer of the previous example begins to notice circular shapes everywhere. Another way to conclude your narrative essay is by touching on how this experience impacted you emotionally. For example, after losing his guinea pig, the writer explains how much he missed it.

Use Dialogue

Include a conversation in your essay to make it come alive. For example, instead of simply saying that you met a new friend, talk about how you introduced yourselves or what they were wearing when you met them.

essay high school writing prompts

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The following list of 50 narrative essay topics is divided into categories. This will make it easier to find a topic that fits your writing style.

1. What is a childhood song that still sticks with you today?

2. Your first day of Kindergarten

3. Talk about a time when you’re siblings looked up to you

4. Describe the best birthday party you’ve ever had

5. Talk about the best day you ever spent with a childhood friend

6. Explain your first childhood hobby

7. Describe your first halloween costume

8. A family vacation gone wrong

9. Your first family reunion

10. Describe a tradition that is unique to your family

11. Describe your family to a person who’s never met them before

12. What frustrates you most about your family

13. If you could only keep one memory of your family, what would it be and why?

14. Describe a time your family embarrassed you in public

15. The most beautiful place in the world

16. Your favorite season and why

17. If you were a part of nature, what element would you be? Why?

18. When you go outside, which of your senses are you most thankful to have?

19. Describe the first time you witnessed a tornado 

20. Write a poem about your favorite season

21. Describe yourself as one of the four seasons

22. Describe a time in which you felt connected with nature

23. Describe the first time you played an instrument and how you felt

24. What major event would be much worse if music was removed, and why?

25. If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

26. What would a life without music look like?

27. If you could master one instrument, what would it be and why?


28. What if you had never met your best friend?

29. Describe a time when you fixed a broken relationship

30. Talk about a movie that defined a relationship for you

31. Describe your first date

32. Describe the first time you made a friend

33. Describe your relationship with your parents

Self Reflection

34. Have you ever fooled someone? If so, describe what happened and how you felt about it

35. What is the worst thing you’ve done to someone else?

36. Write about the difference between how things seem and how they really are. 

37. Have you ever been embarrassed in some way? If so, describe the situation and how it affected you as well as those around you

38. Have you ever witnessed something really beautiful? Describe it

39. Is your glass half empty or half full?

Overcoming Adversity 

40. Have you ever been very afraid of something but tried your hardest to appear fearless? If so, describe that experience

41. When have you ever succeeded when you thought you might fail

42. What are your secret survival strategies?

43. Describe the last time you were stressed and why?

44. Describe a time when you were discriminated against

45. The most memorable class you’ve had and why

46. Your favorite study abroad memory

47. Describe your kindergarten classroom

48. Describe your first teacher

49. The first time you experienced detention

50. Your first field trip

Hopefully these topics will get you thinking about a personal experience that could make for a thoughtful and engaging narrative essay. Remember, a strong narrative essay must contain relatable details and a clear flow that keeps the reader entertained and engaged to read all the way to the end.

If you need some additional guidance on your narrative essay, use CollegeVine’s free peer review essay tool to get feedback for free!

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Literacy Ideas

23 Persuasive writing Topics for High School students

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Persuasive Writing Topics for High School Students

Writing a persuasive essay can be difficult for teachers and students if you don’t have a great idea to help get those creative juices flowing.  These prompts cover a range of issues and topics that are pertinent to middle school and high school students and can be easily adapted to work with a topic you have been teaching in your own class.

Students really enjoy the opportunity to try and change the world in which they live, and hopefully, these prompts might be a great starting point.

Remember that if you are looking for more excellent free resources and structured guides to teach all aspects of English, especially writing, be sure to visit literacyideas.com and check out our vast collection of prompts here.

Year Long Inference Based Writing Activities

Visual Writing Prompts

Tap into the power of imagery in your classroom to master INFERENCE as AUTHORS and CRITICAL THINKERS .

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (26 Reviews)

This YEAR-LONG 500+ PAGE unit is packed with robust opportunities for your students to develop the critical skill of inference through fun imagery, powerful thinking tools, and graphic organizers.


  • Some parents give children a weekly or monthly allowance regardless of their behavior because they believe an allowance teaches children to be financially responsible. Other parents only give children an allowance as a reward for completing chores or when they have behaved properly. Explain what you think parents should do and why.
  • Many schools now require teenagers to spend a certain number of hours each term doing volunteer work or community service. Some people believe this is an excellent idea as it promotes good citizenship and cultivates compassion. Others feel that forced volunteerism is not volunteering at all. How do you feel about this issue? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
  • Some parts of the world allow people to get a driver’s license at age sixteen. Many feel this age is much too young for the responsibility that comes with driving a car and that teenagers should not be allowed to drive until the age of 18. In your opinion, at what age should people be allowed to drive, and why?
  • What is your all-time favorite book or movie and why? Write an essay persuading readers to watch this film or read this book.
  • Have you ever made a life changing action that has had a positive effect on you or the lives of others? Write an essay that convinces readers to make a change for the better.
  • You have been asked to write a letter that would convince a organizers of a major event to be hosted in your hometown. Write an essay that convinces these delegates that your town would be great host.
  • Top professional athletes often have salaries and bonuses in the tens of millions of dollars. Do you think these athletes deserve this type of income? Why or why not? Explain your position and use specific reasons and examples.
  • Humans have always wondered about the possibility of life on other planets in the universe. Do you believe extraterrestrial life exists? Write an essay persuading others to share your point of view .
  • If someone discovered the ‘Elixir of life’ that would enable us to live forever, would it be a blessing or a curse? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  • If you have you ever traveled to a place that you found very meaningful and rewarding? Write an essay that persuades others to visit this important place.
  • Nearly all private schools require students to wear uniforms. Should public school students wear uniforms too? Argue for or against school uniforms for public school students. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
  • You are to select one item from the twenty-first century to place in a time capsule for future generations, what would you choose? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice, explaining both the item’s significance and the reasons why it embodies the culture of the early twenty-first century.
  • What would improve your town or city? Write an essay convincing officials to make a change that would improve your neighborhood.
  • Some studies have shown students often perform better on exams if music is played softly in the background. However, some students may find the music distracting. Should schools play classical music during exams and/or allow students to listen to headphones whilst working? Take a position and explain your answer.
  • Should parents be a child’s disciplinarian, or their best friend?
  • Take a position and explain your answer using specific reasons and examples.
  • Millions of people visit zoos around the world. But some people believe that zoos are inhumane and that animals should not be kept in captivity. Do you agree? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
  • In most countries people pay taxes based upon how much they earn: the higher their income, the higher the percentage of that income they must pay in taxes. Many people argue that a flat tax, in which everyone pays the same rate regardless of income, would be a more equitable and desirable tax system. Which of these two tax systems do you think is best, and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  • Is it wise to devote time and money to building a space station on the moon or Mars? Why or why not? Explain your answer.
  • An ancient Greek proverb states, “All things good to know are difficult to learn.” Do you agree? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.
  • Imagine that you know someone who is unfamiliar with computers and has never been on the Internet. Write an essay convincing this relative to get a computer and get online.
  • Imagine that you have made it to the final round of interviews for your dream job. Convince your prospective employers that you are the one who most deserves the position.
  • Is there something that you believe is truly worth fighting for? Write an essay persuading others that this cause is worth a fight.

If you have any other great ideas for persuasive prompts please post them in the comments section below. 


Persuasive Writing Topics, essay, essay writing, prompts | opinion writing unit 1 | 23 Persuasive writing Topics for High School students | literacyideas.com

Teach your students to produce writing that  PERSUADES  and  INFLUENCES  thinking with this  HUGE  writing guide bundle covering: ⭐ Persuasive Texts / Essays ⭐ Expository Essays⭐ Argumentative Essays⭐ Discussions.

A complete 140 PAGE unit of work on persuasive texts for teachers and students. No preparation is required.



Journal Buddies Jill | July 8, 2024 October 10, 2023 | Prompts by Grade , Writing

23 Great Persuasive Essay Topics for High School

Persuasive Essay Topics for High School– Not only will you find some awesome essay topics here, you’ll also find some key benefits of persuasive writing and a list of 5 helpful writing steps to help guide your high schoolers. Oh yeah! Whether your students are still in the early high school years or…

High School Persuasive Essay Prompts

Your writers are preparing to head off to college next year, now is a great time to engage high schoolers in the fine art of persuasion.

You see…

When it comes to high school writing assignments, few forms pack as much punch as the persuasive essay.

Key Benefits of the Persuasive Essay

It’s true, this essay writing style has a number of key benefits including:

  • Students will become more adept at presenting logical, coherent arguments to support their beliefs.
  • Students will have the opportunity to reflect deeply on important topical issues of the day.
  • Students will improve their writing and communication skills as they prepare and execute their essays.
  • Finally, students will learn to parse out effective arguments from irrelevant facts and logical fallacies. This equips them to become more critical consumers of other media.

To ensure you kids get their homework done and get good grades, be sure to have them follow these…

Five Steps to Writing a Great Persuasive Essay

You may want to share the following five steps with your class to teach them how to write this style of essay—and then use the 23 persuasive essay topics for high school students listed below to help them get started!

1. Choose a Clear Position Before you begin writing and researching, choose the position you want to take. This may seem obvious initially, but it’s actually very important to clearly consider what you’re arguing for upfront.  The key to choosing a good position for a persuasive essay is to select one that you can present effectively. You don’t even necessarily have to agree with the position—as long as you can argue logically in its favor! Think carefully about some of the evidence you might use in your essay, as well as any nuances of the position that might be important to include. Then, write your argument down clearly in the form of a thesis statement. 2. Know Whom You’re Trying to Persuade Next, you need to figure out whom you’re trying to persuade. Is the reader a neutral, unbiased audience—or is it someone who might lean more toward one side or the other?  If the reader is biased toward your side, you might want to choose more emotional arguments to engage their feelings. However, if the audience tends to disagree with you, you’ll probably need to rely more heavily on facts and statistics to try to present your case. Once you have a good idea of where your audience lies, you’ll be prepared to choose the best arguments to make your point in your essay. 3. Research Your Position Thoroughly Now that you’re ready to begin forming the argument of your essay, it’s time to start researching! Persuasive essays rely very heavily on facts, evidence, and statistics, so it’s essential to invest time into this step and to find information from as many sources as possible. Get creative with your research and try not to rely solely on the Internet. Determine if there are experts in the topic that you might be able to speak with or if any scientific studies on the topic validate your argument.  When you write your essay, be sure to include evidence from multiple sources in your final draft—and don’t forget to cite where your research came from!   4. Use the Most Convincing Evidence to Make Your Point Before you begin writing, create an outline for your essay that includes the main points you want to make as well as the evidence you have to support each claim. If you’ve done enough research, you should ideally have multiple justifications for each point. Choose the evidence you use carefully and be sure to cite only the most compelling sources. In general, factually-based evidence like scientific studies, government data, and statistics will be more convincing than things such as opinions from public figures.  Of course, you should also be cognizant of where your data comes from. Spend a bit of time reviewing the sources of any studies or figures you find to see who is behind them. For example, a study proving that one vitamin is more effective than another may sound conclusive at first glance—but if the study was funded by the company that makes the vitamins, there may be some hidden biases at work.  To determine whether or not you can trust a piece of evidence, you have to know where it originated. 5. Present Your Case Clearly and Logically When you begin writing your persuasive essay, you should also focus on presenting your argument in a clear, logical fashion. Use a strong thesis statement to define the basis of your paper and try to start out with an attention-grabbing introduction that will immediately capture the reader’s interest. In the body of the paper, give each supporting point its own paragraph (or paragraphs) and include the evidence to back up each one. Be sure to use examples to illustrate your claims. Finally, make sure to end the paper with a strong summary of your argument and the key points of evidence that support your claim. Your final sentence should be strong and thought-provoking—consider tactics like a call-to-action, a plea for concern, or posing a reflective question.

23 Persuasive Essay Topics for High School Students

  • Choose a position and write a persuasive essay on the current greatest environmental threat facing our world today.
  • Write an essay arguing for a skill that everyone should have. Explain why it is so important for people to know that particular thing.
  • Write an essay that argues for your position on immigration reform.
  • What is the best show on television today? Write an essay arguing your point.
  • Do you believe there should be a substantially increased minimum wage? Write an essay for or against this topic.
  • Explains why your favorite food is superior to all others.
  • Is it okay for people to buy pets from breeders? Or should people only adopt pets from shelters? Write and defend your position.
  • Write an essay that argues for your position and thoughts on gun control laws.
  • Do you believe our government should invest in space exploration? Why or why not? Write an essay arguing your point.
  • Choose a position and write a persuasive essay for or against school uniforms.

High School Persuasive Essay Topics and Tips

  • Should college athletes be paid or allowed to receive sponsorships?  Write an essay for or against this topic.
  • Does the world still need feminism? Choose a position and write an essay arguing your point.
  • Should the death penalty be legal? Choose a position and write an essay on this topic.
  • Write an essay that explains why animal testing should or should not be legal.
  • What type of sex education should be taught in schools? Choose a position and write an essay on this topic.
  • Do violent video games increase the likelihood that people will be violent in real life? Write an essay defending your position.
  • Choose a position and write an essay explaining why marijuana should or should not be legalized across the country.
  • Should religion ever have a place in politics? Write an essay arguing your point.
  • What is the media’s responsibility to the public? Choose a position and write an essay on this topic.
  • Write an essay about the impact of the body positivity movement.
  • Should students be expected to take courses in all subjects? Write an essay defending your position.
  • What is the greatest problem facing our world today? Choose a position and write an essay arguing your point.

Wow! Now that’s an excellent list of persuasive writing prompts and I hope they inspired you!

In case your writers need even more persuasive essay prompts and topics…

Here are some more good persuasive essay topic ideas to write about.

11 Bonus Persuasive Essay Topics and Prompts

  • Professional athletes — they should or shouldn’t earn millions
  • Modifying the school day benefits and drawback
  • Making healthcare more about caring for people and less about profits
  • Community service projects should be a high school graduation requirement
  • The effects of fake news are…
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) must be/should not be regulated because…
  • Genetic engineering is helpful or harmful to humanity
  • The negative impact of a lack of mental health services in America
  • Regulation and economic growth do or do not go together
  • Tablets should replace textbooks in all schools from middle school and up…
  • All citizens should be required to …

There you go.

145 More FREE High School Writing Prompts

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  • 35 Good Research Topics for High School Students
  • 50 Great Essay Topics for High School Students
  • 50 Funny Debate Topics for Students

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Sincerely, Jill journalbuddies.com creator and curator

Persuasive Essay Topics for High School

PS – take a look at these Essay Examples and Essay writing tips for this type of writing !

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43 Dynamic Writing Prompts for High School

high school writing prompts

  • DESCRIPTION high school writing prompts
  • SOURCE Nataliia Prokopenko / iStock / Getty Images Plus
  • PERMISSION Used under Getty Images license

Writing is a big part of the high school English curriculum. With so many potential topics for students to write about, it can be helpful to provide your students with a selection of dynamic writing prompts. Explore these writing prompts for high school students to discover plenty of interesting writing topics suitable for teens.

Descriptive Writing Prompts for Teens

Many high school composition assignments focus on descriptive writing . Challenge students to make good use of all of the descriptive vocabulary words they've learned over the years to come up with powerful prose packed with vivid descriptions.

  • Explain to a seventh or eighth grader how high school is different than middle school.
  • List and describe the character traits you value the most in a friend.
  • Use words to describe the genre of music that you enjoy the most.
  • Recount examples of symbolism from your favorite book or movie.
  • Use words to allow readers to visualize what your favorite place looks like.
  • Describe bullying behaviors that you have observed or experienced.
  • Describe the study strategies that are most effective for you.
  • How would you use words to illustrate what your town is like to someone who has never been there?
  • Use words to describe what joy feels like.
  • Think about your best day in high school. Describe what made it so great.

Persuasive Writing Prompts for High School

It's important for high school students to master the art of persuasive writing. There are many persuasive essay topics to consider. Use these prompts to prepare students to pen powerful persuasive prose.

  • Convince a scholarship committee that you should receive funding to help pay for college.
  • Try to talk your parents into extending your curfew by a few hours.
  • Coax a friend who is better than you in a particular subject to volunteer to tutor you.
  • Influence your classmates to vote for you as president of the student council.
  • Sway a friend to join a school club or organization with you.
  • Convince your older sibling to loan you his or her favorite jacket.
  • Try to get your parents to give you permission to get an after-school job.
  • Illustrate why your parents should allow you to drive their car.
  • Encourage your parents to put you in charge of family meal preparation one evening each week.
  • Convince your parents to let you get a new pet.
  • Pitch the school principal on why a class that you'd really like to take should be added to the curriculum.

Teenage Issues to Write About

It's often easiest to write about things that are familiar to you. Providing teens with promotes to write about that are relevant to real issues that teenagers face can be a good way to help reduce the intimidation factor associated with writing assignments.

  • Explain the benefits and drawbacks of video games.
  • Identify career options for young people that don't require college.
  • Discuss how to choose the best college for you.
  • Explore how teenagers should help out around the house.
  • Write about careers related to your favorite subject in school.
  • Explain what it's like to experience bullying.
  • Discuss the most important safety concerns for high school students.
  • Clarify how teenagers can recognize predatory online behavior.
  • Explore the risks of underage drinking and/or illegal drug use.
  • Provide insights into what it's like to experience peer pressure.
  • How is your generation misunderstood by people who are in older generations?

Thought-Provoking Writing Prompts for Teens

While writing about familiar topics can be a good idea, sometimes high schoolers should write about things that require critical thinking and/or research. Assigning thought-provoking writing prompts is a great way to encourage learners to step outside of their comfort zone and stretch their writing abilities.

  • What would you do if you were elected to Congress?
  • Which political office would you most like to hold? Why?
  • If you were responsible for your family's budget, what changes would you make?
  • What are the most important factors to consider when choosing a career?
  • What's the most valuable life lesson you have learned so far?
  • If you could move to another country, which one would you choose? Why?
  • What changes can you make in your daily life that would help reduce carbon impact?
  • Do standardized tests really measure how smart someone is?
  • Should high school students be required to wear uniforms to school?
  • Should student-athletes who play sports in college be paid for doing so?
  • What should be included in a code of ethics for high school students?

Printable High School Writing Prompt List

If you'd like a printable list featuring some of the above writing prompts, just download the printable provided below. Keep it in your lesson binder, or even give a copy to your students and allow them to select a subject to cover in their next writing assignment.

high school writing prompts

Writing Prompts High School worksheet

Building creative writing skills in high school.

Developing strong writing skills in high school will help prepare students for success later in life, no matter what path they take after leaving your class. Virtually every occupation requires the ability to communicate effectively in writing. These writing prompts for high school provide a great deal of variety that students are sure to find both dynamic and educational.

When you introduce engaging topics into classroom writing assignments, students are sure to be inspired to do their best work. For even more ideas, explore some journal prompts for teens . As students become more advanced, suggest some uncommon compelling cause-and-effect essay topics .

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100 Creative Writing Prompts for Middle & High School – 2024

April 15, 2024

Some high school students dream of writing for a living, perhaps pursuing an English major in college, or even attending a creative writing MFA program later on. For other students, creative writing can be useful for school assignments, in English and other subjects, and also for preparing their Common App essays . In a less goal-oriented sense, daily freewriting in a journal can be a healthy life practice for many high schoolers. Not sure where to start? Continue reading for 100 creative writing prompts for middle school and high school students. These middle/high school writing prompts offer inspiration for getting started with writing in a number of genres and styles.

Click here to view the 35 Best Colleges for Creative Writing .

What are Creative Writing Prompts?

Similar to how an academic essay prompt provides a jumping-off point for forming and organizing an argument, creative writing prompts are points of initiation for writing a story, poem, or creative essay. Prompts can be useful for writers of all ages, helping many to get past writer’s block and just start (often one of the most difficult parts of a writing process).

Writing prompts come in a variety of forms. Sometimes they are phrases used to begin sentences. Other times they are questions, more like academic essay prompts Writing prompts can also involve objects such as photographs, or activities such as walking. Below, you will find high school writing prompts that use memories, objects, senses (smell/taste/touch), abstract ideas , and even songs as jumping-off points for creative writing. These prompts can be used to write in a variety of forms, from short stories to creative essays, to poems.

How to use Creative Writing Prompts

Before we get started with the list, are a few tips when using creative writing prompts:

Experiment with different formats : Prose is great, but there’s no need to limit yourself to full sentences, at least at first. A piece of creative writing can begin with a poem, or a dialogue, or even a list. You can always bring it back to prose later if needed.

Interpret the prompt broadly : The point of a creative writing prompt is not to answer it “correctly” or “precisely.” You might begin with the prompt, but then your ideas could take you in a completely different direction. The words in the prompt also don’t need to open your poem or essay, but could appear somewhere in the middle.

Switch up/pile up the prompts : Try using two or three prompts and combine them, or weave between them. Perhaps choose a main prompt, and a different “sub-prompt.” For example, your main prompt might be “write about being in transit from one place to another,” and within that prompt, you might use the prompt to “describe a physical sensation,” and/or one the dialogue prompts.  This could be a fun way to find complexity as you write.

Creative Writing Prompts for Middle School & High School Students (Continued)

Write first, edit later : While you’re first getting started with a prompt, leave the typos and bad grammar. Obsessing over details can take away from your flow of thoughts. You will inevitably make many fixes when you go back through to edit.

Write consistently : It often becomes easier to write when it’s a practice , rather than a once-in-a-while kind of activity. For some, it’s useful to write daily. Others find time to write every few days, or every weekend. Sometimes, a word-count goal can help (100 words a day, 2,000 words a month, etc.). If you set a goal, make sure it’s realistic. Start small and build from there, rather than starting with an unachievable goal and quickly giving up.

100 Creative Writing Prompts for Middle School & High School Teens

Here are some prompts for getting started with your creative writing. These are organized by method, rather than genre, so they can inspire writing in a variety of forms. Pick and choose the ones that work best for you, and enjoy!

Prompts using memories

  • Begin each sentence or group of sentences with the phrase, “I remember…”
  • Describe a family ritual.
  • Choose an event in your life, and write about it from the perspective of someone else who was there.
  • Pick a pathway you take on a regular basis (to school, or to a friend’s house). Describe five landmarks that you remember from this pathway.
  • Write about your house or apartment using a memory from each room.
  • Write an imaginary history of the previous people who lived in your house or apartment.
  • Write about an ancestor based on stories you’ve heard from relatives.
  • What’s your earliest memory?
  • Who was your first friend?
  • Write a letter to someone you haven’t seen since childhood.
  • Write about yourself now from the perspective of yourself twenty, or eighty, years from now.
  • Write about the best month of the year.
  • Write about the worst day of the year.
  • Rant about something that has always annoyed you.
  • Write about the hottest or coldest day you can remember.
  • Visualize a fleeting moment in your life and as though it’s a photograph, and time yourself 5 minutes to write every detail you can remember about the scene.
  • Draw out a timeline of your life so far. Then choose three years to write about, as though you were writing for a history book.
  • Write about a historical event in the first person, as though you remember it.
  • Write about a memory of being in transit from one place to another.

Objects and photographs as creative writing prompts

  • Describe the first object you see in the room. What importance does it have in your life? What memories do you have with this object? What might it symbolize?
  • Pick up an object, and spend some time holding it/examining it. Write about how it looks, feels, and smells. Write about the material that it’s made from.
  • Choose a favorite family photograph. What could someone know just by looking at the photograph? What’s secretly happening in the photograph?
  • Choose a photograph and tell the story of this photograph from the perspective of someone or something in it.
  • Write about a color by describing three objects that are that color.
  • Tell the story of a piece of trash.
  • Tell the story of a pair of shoes.
  • Tell the story of your oldest piece of clothing.

Senses and observations as creative writing prompts

  • Describe a sound you hear in the room or outside. Choose the first sound you notice. What are its qualities? It’s rhythms? What other sounds does it remind you of?
  • Describe a physical sensation you feel right now, in as much detail as possible.
  • Listen to a conversation and write down a phrase that you hear someone say. Start a free-write with this phrase.
  • Write about a food by describing its qualities, but don’t say what it is.
  • Describe a flavor (salty, sweet, bitter, etc.) to someone who has never tasted it before.
  • Narrate your day through tastes you tasted.
  • Narrate your day through sounds you heard.
  • Narrate your day through physical sensations you felt.
  • Describe in detail the physical process of doing an action you consider simple or mundane, like walking or lying down or chopping vegetables.
  • Write about the sensation of doing an action you consider physically demanding or tiring, like running or lifting heavy boxes.
  • Describe something that gives you goosebumps.
  • Write a story that involves drinking a cold glass of water on a hot day.
  • Write a story that involves entering a warm house from a cold snowy day.
  • Describe someone’s facial features in as much detail as possible.

Songs, books, and other art

  • Choose a song quote, write it down, and free-write from there.
  • Choose a song, and write a story in which that song is playing in the car.
  • Choose a song, and write to the rhythm of that song.
  • Choose a character from a book, and describe an event in your life from the perspective of that character.
  • Go to a library and write down 10 book titles that catch your eye. Free-write for 5 minutes beginning with each one.
  • Go to a library and open to random book pages, and write down 5 sentences that catch your attention. Use those sentences as prompts and free-write for 5-minutes with each.
  • Choose a piece of abstract artwork. Jot down 10 words that come to mind from the painting or drawing, and free-write for 2 minutes based on each word.
  • Find a picture of a dramatic Renaissance painting online. Tell a story about what’s going on in the painting that has nothing to do with what the artist intended.
  • Write about your day in five acts, like a Shakespearean play. If your day were a play, what would be the introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution?
  • Narrate a complicated book or film plot using only short sentences.
  • Read a short poem. Then write a poem that could be a “sister” or “cousin” of that poem.

Abstract ideas as creative writing prompts

  • Write about an experience that demonstrates an abstract idea, such as “love” or “home” or “freedom” or “loss” without ever using the word itself.
  • Write a list of ways to say “hello” without actually saying “hello.”
  • Write a list of ways to say “I love you” without actually saying “I love you.”
  • Do you believe in ghosts? Describe a ghost.
  • Invent a mode of time travel.
  • Glass half-full/half-empty: Write about an event or situation with a positive outlook. Then write about it with a miserable outlook.
  • Free-write beginning with “my religion is…” (what comes next can have as much or as little to do with organized religion as you’d like).
  • Free-write beginning with “my gender is…” (what comes next can have as much or as little to do with common ideas of gender as you’d like).
  • Write about a person or character that is “good” and one that is “evil.” Then write about the “evil” in the good character and the “good” in the evil character.
  • Write like you’re telling a secret.
  • Describe a moment of beauty you witnessed. What makes something beautiful?

Prompts for playing with narrative and character

  • Begin writing with the phrase, “It all started when…”
  • Tell a story from the middle of the most dramatic part.
  • Write a story that begins with the ending.
  • Begin a story but give it 5 possible endings.
  • Write a list of ways to dramatically quit a terrible job.
  • Write about a character breaking a social rule or ritual (i.e., walking backwards, sitting on the floor of a restaurant, wearing a ballgown to the grocery store). What are the ramifications?
  • You are sent to the principal’s office. Justify your bad behavior.
  • Re-write a well-known fairytale but set it in your school.
  • Write your own version of the TV show trope where someone gets stuck in an elevator with a stranger, or a secret love interest, or a nemesis.
  • Imagine a day where you said everything you were thinking, and write about it.
  • Write about a scenario in which you have too much of a good thing.
  • Write about a scenario in which money can buy happiness.
  • Invent a bank or museum heist.
  • Invent a superhero, including an origin story.
  • Write using the form of the scientific method (question, hypothesis, test, analyze data conclusion).
  • Write using the form of a recipe.

Middle School & High School Creative writing prompts for playing with fact vs. fiction

  • Write something you know for sure is true, and then, “but maybe it isn’t.” Then explain why that thing may not be true.
  • Write a statement and contradict that statement. Then do it again.
  • Draft an email with an outlandish excuse as to why you didn’t do your homework or why you need an extension.
  • Write about your morning routine, and make it sound extravagant/luxurious (even if it isn’t).
  • You’ve just won an award for doing a very mundane and simple task. Write your acceptance speech.
  • Write about a non-athletic event as though it were a sports game.
  • Write about the most complicated way to complete a simple task.
  • Write a brief history of your life, and exaggerate everything.
  • Write about your day, but lie about some things.
  • Tell the story of your birth.
  • Choose a historical event and write an alternative outcome.
  • Write about a day in the life of a famous person in history.
  • Read an instructional manual, and change three instructions to include some kind of magical or otherwise impossible element.

Prompts for starting with dialogue

  • Write a texting conversation between two friends who haven’t spoken in years.
  • Write a texting conversation between two friends who speak every day and know each other better than anyone.
  • Watch two people on the street having a conversation, and imagine the conversation they’re having. Write it down.
  • Write an overheard conversation behind a closed door that you shouldn’t be listening to.
  • Write a conversation between two characters arguing about contradicting memories of what happened.
  • You have a difficult decision to make. Write a conversation about it with yourself.
  • Write a conversation with a total lack of communication.
  • Write a job interview gone badly.

Final Thoughts – Creative Writing Prompts for Middle School & High School 

Hopefully you have found several of these creative writing prompts helpful. Remember that when writing creatively, especially on your own, you can mix, match, and change prompts. For more on writing for high school students, check out the following articles:

  • College Application Essay Topics to Avoid
  • 160 Good Argumentative Essay Topics
  • 150 Good Persuasive Speech Topics
  • Good Transition Words for Essays
  • High School Success

Sarah Mininsohn

With a BA from Wesleyan University and an MFA from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Sarah is a writer, educator, and artist. She served as a graduate instructor at the University of Illinois, a tutor at St Peter’s School in Philadelphia, and an academic writing tutor and thesis mentor at Wesleyan’s Writing Workshop.

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The Big List of Essay Topics for High School (120+ Ideas!)

High school students generally do a lot of writing, learning to use language clearly, concisely, and persuasively. When it’s time to choose an essay topic, though, it’s easy to come up blank. If that’s the case, check out this huge round-up of essay topics for high school. You’ll find choices for every subject and writing style.

Argumentative Essay Topics for High School

When writing an argumentative essay, remember to do the research and lay out the facts clearly. Your goal is not necessarily to persuade someone to agree with you, but to encourage your reader to accept your point of view as valid. Here are some possible argumentative topics to try. ( Here are 100 more compelling argumentative essay topics. )

  • The most important challenge our country is currently facing is … (e.g., immigration, gun control, economy)
  • The government should provide free internet access for every citizen.
  • All drugs should be legalized, regulated, and taxed.
  • Vaping is less harmful than smoking tobacco.
  • The best country in the world is …
  • Parents should be punished for their minor children’s crimes.
  • Should all students have the ability to attend college for free?
  • Should physical education be part of the standard high school curriculum?


  • Schools should require recommended vaccines for all students, with very limited exceptions.
  • Is it acceptable to use animals for experiments and research?
  • Does social media do more harm than good?
  • Capital punishment does/does not deter crime.
  • What one class should all high schools students be required to take and pass in order to graduate?
  • Do we really learn anything from history, or does it just repeat itself over and over?
  • Are men and women treated equally?

Cause-and-Effect Essay Topics for High School

A cause-and-effect essay is a type of argumentative essay. Your goal is to show how one specific thing directly influences another specific thing. You’ll likely need to do some research to make your point. Here are some ideas for cause-and-effect essays. ( Get a big list of 100 cause-and-effect essay topics here. )

  • Humans are causing accelerated climate change.
  • Fast-food restaurants have made human health worse over the decades.
  • What caused World War II? (Choose any conflict for this one.)
  • Describe the effects social media has on young adults.
  • How does playing sports affect people?
  • What are the effects of loving to read?
  • Being an only/oldest/youngest/middle child makes you …
  • What effect does violence in movies or video games have on kids?
  • Traveling to new places opens people’s minds to new ideas.
  • Racism is caused by …

Compare-Contrast Essay Topics for High School

As the name indicates, in compare-and-contrast essays, writers show the similarities and differences between two things. They combine descriptive writing with analysis, making connections and showing dissimilarities. The following ideas work well for compare-contrast essays. ( Find 80+ compare-contrast essay topics for all ages here. )

  • Public and private schools
  • Capitalism vs. communism
  • Monarchy or democracy
  • Dogs vs. cats as pets
  • Paper books or e-books
  • Two political candidates in a current race
  • Going to college vs. starting work full-time
  • Working your way through college as you go or taking out student loans
  • iPhone or Android
  • Instagram vs. Twitter (or choose any other two social media platforms)

Descriptive Essay Topics for High School

Bring on the adjectives! Descriptive writing is all about creating a rich picture for the reader. Take readers on a journey to far-off places, help them understand an experience, or introduce them to a new person. Remember: Show, don’t tell. These topics make excellent descriptive essays.

  • Who is the funniest person you know?
  • What is your happiest memory?
  • Tell about the most inspirational person in your life.
  • Write about your favorite place.
  • When you were little, what was your favorite thing to do?
  • Choose a piece of art or music and explain how it makes you feel.
  • What is your earliest memory?
  • What’s the best/worst vacation you’ve ever taken?
  • Describe your favorite pet.
  • What is the most important item in the world to you?
  • Give a tour of your bedroom (or another favorite room in your home).
  • Describe yourself to someone who has never met you.
  • Lay out your perfect day from start to finish.
  • Explain what it’s like to move to a new town or start a new school.
  • Tell what it would be like to live on the moon.

Expository and Informative Essay Topics for High School

Expository essays set out clear explanations of a particular topic. You might be defining a word or phrase or explaining how something works. Expository or informative essays are based on facts, and while you might explore different points of view, you won’t necessarily say which one is “better” or “right.” Remember: Expository essays educate the reader. Here are some expository and informative essay topics to explore. ( See 70+ expository and informative essay topics here. )

  • What makes a good leader?
  • Explain why a given school subject (math, history, science, etc.) is important for students to learn.
  • What is the “glass ceiling” and how does it affect society?
  • Describe how the internet changed the world.
  • What does it mean to be a good teacher?
  • Explain how we could colonize the moon or another planet.
  • Discuss why mental health is just as important as physical health.
  • Describe a healthy lifestyle for a teenager.
  • Choose an American president and explain how their time in office affected the country.
  • What does “financial responsibility” mean?

Humorous Essay Topics for High School

Humorous essays can take on any form, like narrative, persuasive, or expository. You might employ sarcasm or satire, or simply tell a story about a funny person or event. Even though these essay topics are lighthearted, they still take some skill to tackle well. Give these ideas a try.

  • What would happen if cats (or any other animal) ruled the world?
  • What do newborn babies wish their parents knew?
  • Explain the best ways to be annoying on social media.
  • Invent a wacky new sport, explain the rules, and describe a game or match.
  • Imagine a discussion between two historic figures from very different times, like Cleopatra and Queen Elizabeth I.
  • Retell a familiar story in tweets or other social media posts.
  • Describe present-day Earth from an alien’s point of view.
  • Choose a fictional character and explain why they should be the next president.
  • Describe a day when kids are in charge of everything, at school and at home.

Literary Essay Topics

Literary essays analyze a piece of writing, like a book or a play. In high school, students usually write literary essays about the works they study in class. These literary essay topic ideas focus on books students often read in high school, but many of them can be tweaked to fit other works as well.

  • Discuss the portrayal of women in Shakespeare’s Othello .
  • Explore the symbolism used in The Scarlet Letter .
  • Explain the importance of dreams in Of Mice and Men .
  • Compare and contrast the romantic relationships in Pride and Prejudice .
  • Dissect the allegory of Animal Farm and its relation to contemporary events.
  • Interpret the author’s take on society and class structure in The Great Gatsby .
  • Explore the relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia.
  • Discuss whether Shakespeare’s portrayal of young love in Romeo and Juliet is accurate.
  • Explain the imagery used in Beowulf .

Narrative and Personal Essay Topics for High School

Think of a narrative essay like telling a story. Use some of the same techniques that you would for a descriptive essay, but be sure you have a beginning, middle, and end. A narrative essay doesn’t necessarily need to be personal, but they often are. Take inspiration from these narrative and personal essay topics.

  • Describe a performance or sporting event you took part in.
  • Explain the process of cooking and eating your favorite meal.
  • Write about meeting your best friend for the first time and how your relationship developed.
  • Tell about learning to ride a bike or drive a car.
  • Describe a time in your life when you’ve been scared.
  • Share the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you.
  • Tell about a time when you overcame a big challenge.
  • Tell the story of how you learned an important life lesson.
  • Describe a time when you or someone you know experienced prejudice or oppression.
  • Explain a family tradition, how it developed, and its importance today.
  • What is your favorite holiday? How does your family celebrate it?
  • Retell a familiar story from the point of view of a different character.
  • Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision.
  • Tell about your proudest moment.

Persuasive Essay Topics for High School

Persuasive essays are similar to argumentative , but they rely less on facts and more on emotion to sway the reader. It’s important to know your audience, so you can anticipate any counterarguments they might make and try to overcome them. Try these topics to persuade someone to come around to your point of view. ( Discover 60 more intriguing persuasive essay topics here. )

  • Is democracy the best form of government?
  • Is capitalism the best form of economy?
  • Students should/should not be able to use their phones during the school day.
  • Should schools have dress codes?
  • If I could change one school rule, it would be …
  • Is year-round school a good idea?

Research Essay Topics

A research essay is a classic high school assignment. These papers require deep research into primary source documents, with lots of supporting facts and evidence that’s properly cited. Research essays can be in any of the styles shown above. Here are some possible topics, across a variety of subjects.

  • Which country’s style of government is best for the people who live there?
  • Choose a country and analyze its development from founding to present day.
  • Describe the causes and effects of a specific war.
  • Formulate an ideal economic plan for our country.
  • What scientific discovery has had the biggest impact on life today?
  • Analyze the way mental health is viewed and treated in this country.
  • Explore the ways systemic racism impacts people in all walks of life.
  • Defend the importance of teaching music and the arts in public schools.
  • Choose one animal from the endangered species list, and propose a realistic plan to protect it.

What are some of your favorite essay topics for high school? Come share your prompts on the WeAreTeachers HELPLINE group on Facebook .

Plus, check out the ultimate guide to student writing contests , dig deeper with our longreads, newsletter sign up to get our best longform features, investigations, and thought-provoking essays, in your inbox every sunday..

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49 Opinion Writing Prompts for Students

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essay high school writing prompts

One of the most common essay types is the opinion, or persuasive, essay. In an opinion essay , the writer states a point of view, then provides facts and reasoned arguments to support that viewpoint. The goal of the essay is to convince the reader to share the writer’s opinion.

Students aren't always aware of how many strong opinions they already hold. Use the following opinion writing prompts to inspire them to start thinking and writing persuasively.

Prompts About School and Sports

School- and sports-related topics often elicit strong opinions in students. Use these writing prompts to kick off the brainstorming process.

  • Ch-ch-ch-changes . What is one thing about your school that needs to change? Is bullying an issue? Do students need longer breaks or a dress code? Choose one vital issue that needs to change and convince school leaders to make it happen.
  • Special guest. Your school is trying to decide on a famous person to give a speech or presentation to students. Who do you think they should choose? Write an essay to convince your principal.
  • Oxford or bust. Is the Oxford comma essential or obsolete?
  • Scribble scrabble. Do students still need to learn cursive handwriting?
  • Co-ed conflict. Would students perform better if more schools were single-gender rather than co-ed? Why or why not?
  • Participation awards. Should there be winners and losers in sports, or is participation the ultimate goal?
  • Homework overload. Write an essay to convince your teacher to assign less homework.
  • Sports. Which sport (or team) is the best? What makes it better than the others?
  • No slacking . Write an essay persuading a fellow student to do their homework.
  • Class trip. This year, students get to vote on where to go for a class trip. Write an essay convincing your fellow students to vote for the place you’d like to go.
  • Superlatives. Which would you rather be: a top student, a talented athlete, or an accomplished artist?
  • Virtual athletes . Video games competitions are often aired on TV and treated like sports competitions. Should video games be considered sports?
  • Class debate. Should classes that students may not use or that don’t interest them (such as physical education or foreign language) be required?

Prompts About Relationships

Friendships, dating, and other relationships can be both rewarding and exasperating. These writing prompts about relationships will help students explore their feelings about both the positive and the negative moments.

  • Snitch. Your best friend tells you about his plan to cheat on a test. Should you tell an adult? Why or why not?
  • Give it a chance. Your best friend is convinced that she would hate your favorite book, even though she's never read it. Convince her to read it.
  • Friendships vs. relationships. Are friendships or romantic relationships more important in life? Why?
  • Driving age. What age do kids start driving in your state? Is that age too old, too young, or just right? Why?
  • Truth or consequences. Your best friend asks your opinion about something, but you know that a truthful answer will hurt her feelings. What do you do?
  • Who chooses? Your best friend is visiting, and you want to watch TV together, but his favorite show is at the same time as your favorite show. Convince him that your show is a better choice.
  • Fun times. What is the most fun thing you and your best friend have ever experienced together? Why does it deserve the top spot?
  • Dating. Are long-term dating relationships good or bad for teens?
  • New friends. You want to spend time with a new student at school, but your best friend is jealous. Convince your friend of the importance of including the newcomer.
  • Be mine. Is Valentine’s Day worthwhile or just a scheme for the greeting card and chocolate industry to make more money?
  • Debbie Downer. Should you cut ties with friends or relatives who are always negative?
  • He loves me not. Is it really better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?
  • Elders. Should you respect your elders merely because they are older, or is respect something that must be earned?

Prompts About Family, Pets, and Leisure Time

The following writing prompts related to family, furry friends, and free time will help students reflect on preferences, ethics, and integrity.

  • Self-reflection. This time, you're the one who needs convincing! Write an essay to persuade yourself to start a healthy habit (or kick a bad habit).
  • Paper wars. Should toilet paper hang with the loose end resting on the top of the roll or hanging from the bottom?
  • Movie vs. book. Choose a book that has been made into a movie. Which version is better, and why?
  • Weekend wanderings . Do you prefer to stay home on the weekends or get out and do things around town? Write an essay to convince your parents to let you do what you prefer this weekend.
  • Sweepstakes. A travel agency is hosting an essay contest to give away an all-expenses-paid trip to the one place in the world you’d most love to visit. Craft a winning essay that convinces them they need to choose you.
  • Zoo debate. Is it ethical to keep animals in zoos? Why or why not?
  • Presence of pets. Should there be limits on the types of places pets can go (e.g. airplanes or restaurants)? Why or why not?
  • Inspiring stories. What is the most inspiring book you’ve ever read? Why is it so inspiring?
  • Dollar discovery. You find a $20 bill in the parking lot of a crowded store. Is it okay to keep it, or should you turn it in to customer service?
  • Vacation day. What is the very best way to spend an unexpected day off from school and why is it the best?
  • Digital or print? Is it better to read books in print or digitally? Why?

Prompts About Society and Technology

The people and technology around us have a significant impact on our lives. These writing prompts encourage students to consider the effect that society and technological advances have on our day-to-day lives.

  • Reverse technology. Pick one technological advancement that you think the world would be better off without. Explain your reasoning and persuade the reader.
  • Out of this world . Do aliens exist? Why or why not?
  • Social media. Is social media good or bad for society? Why?
  • Emoji. Has the use of emoji stunted our ability to express ourselves in writing, or does it help us identify our emotions more precisely?
  • Auto safety. Have advancements like self-driving cars, blind spot indicators, and lane departure warning systems made driving safer, or have they just made drivers less attentive?
  • Exploration Mars. Write a letter to Elon Musk convincing him that you should be part of a colony to Mars.
  • Fundraisers. Is it okay for kids to stand outside stores and ask shoppers for money for their sports teams, clubs, or band? Why or why not?
  • Inventions. What is the greatest invention ever made? Why is it the best?
  • Important cause. In your opinion, what global problem or issue deserves more attention than it currently receives? Why should more time and money be invested in this cause?
  • Minimalism. Does living a minimalist lifestyle make for a happier life? Why or why not?
  • Gaming gains. Are video games generally a positive or a negative influence? Why?
  • Rose-colored glasses. Is the current decade the best era in history? Why or why not?
  • Paper or plastic. Should plastic bags be outlawed?
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  • 5 Ways to Celebrate National Poetry Month in the Classroom
  • Writing a Lesson Plan: Objectives and Goals


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20 Writing Prompts For High School Seniors [PDF Included]

Hello, high school seniors! Are you struggling to come up with ideas for your next writing assignment? Do you find yourself staring at a blank page, feeling uninspired and unmotivated?  

Well, fear not! We have compiled a list of writing prompts that will help kickstart your creativity and get those words flowing. Today’s high school students have to engage in a lot of writing, particularly in their academic settings. And the only way to get better at it is through continuous practice.

Writing skills are bound to improve with a daily writing habit. Whether you’re a budding novelist, a poet, or a nonfiction writer, these prompts will spark your imagination and give you the inspiration you need to write your next masterpiece. So grab your favorite pen or laptop and let’s get started!

Writing prompts for high school seniors

  • Write a letter to yourself in middle school. What would you want them to know?
  • Write an essay about what role technology plays in your life
  • Write a story about how peer pressure affects all of the characters in the story
  • Select your favorite song lyric and turn it into a poem
  • Write an ode to your favorite subject in high school
  • What is the state of the globe now that global warming has reached its worst point?
  • Write a poem including something from each year of high school
  • What is trending on social media currently and what are your views regarding it?
  • What will you miss the most about high school?
  • Write an ode to your high school friends. 
  • Reflect on a defining moment in your high school career and how it shaped you as a person.
  • Write about a challenge you faced during high school and how you overcame it.
  • Imagine that you are giving a graduation speech to your peers. What advice would you give them as they embark on the next phase of their lives?
  • Write about a person who has had a significant impact on your life and why they are important to you.
  • Reflect on a time when you had to make a difficult decision and how you came to that decision.
  • Write about a skill or talent that you developed during high school and how it has helped you grow as a person.
  • Imagine that you have the opportunity to travel back in time and give advice to your freshman self. What would you say?
  • Write about a book, movie, or song that has had a profound impact on your life and why it is meaningful to you.
  • Reflect on a time when you had to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. What did you learn from the experience?
  • Imagine that you are interviewing for your dream job. What skills and experiences have you gained in high school that make you a strong candidate?

Writing Prompts For High School Seniors

Transforming your writing from meh to marvelous: Tips and strategies for high schoolers

Writing can be a daunting task, like a high-stakes game of Jenga where one wrong move could send everything crashing down. But fear not, my fellow word-wielders! With a few tips and strategies, you can stack your ideas into a towering masterpiece without breaking a sweat.

From brainstorming to editing, it’s all about finding the right balance and not being afraid to take risks. So grab your pen (or keyboard) and let’s dive into the wild world of writing! 

  • Start with a plan: Before you begin writing, take a few minutes to brainstorm and outline your ideas. This will help you organize your thoughts and make sure your writing stays on track.
  • Be concise: High schoolers often have a tendency to be wordy in their writing. Try to be as clear and concise as possible, and avoid using unnecessary words or phrases.
  • Use active voice: Active voice makes your writing more engaging and direct. Instead of saying “the ball was thrown by John,” say “John threw the ball.”
  • Use strong verbs and adjectives: Using strong verbs and adjectives can help make your writing more vivid and engaging. Instead of saying “the car was fast,” say “the car zoomed down the road.”
  • Edit your work: Take the time to review your writing and make sure it is free from errors. Read your work aloud to catch any awkward phrasing or grammar mistakes.
  • Get feedback: Share your writing with others and ask for feedback. This can help you identify areas where you can improve and make your writing stronger.
  • Read widely: Reading widely can help you develop your writing skills by exposing you to different writing styles and techniques. Make a habit of reading regularly, both for pleasure and for academic purposes.
  • Practice, practice, practice: Writing is a skill that takes time and practice to develop. Set aside time each day to write, even if it’s just for a few minutes. The more you write, the better you will become.

Furthermore, high schoolers can also be indulged in some creative writing activities , to help them facilely sail through the turbulent waters of high school.

Writing prompts can be an excellent tool for high school seniors to enhance their writing skills and discover their unique writing styles. Writing prompts can be used for personal expression, college applications, scholarships, and even future careers. By practicing writing prompts, students can build their confidence and writing abilities, which can benefit them in various aspects of life.

Writing is an essential skill that can never be overlooked, and it is critical to learn how to express oneself in writing effectively. So, high school seniors, embrace the power of writing prompts and creative writing topics , and who knows, you might end up discovering your passion for writing and becoming the next great author, journalist, or blogger. Happy writing!

essay high school writing prompts

Sananda Bhattacharya, Chief Editor of TheHighSchooler, is dedicated to enhancing operations and growth. With degrees in Literature and Asian Studies from Presidency University, Kolkata, she leverages her educational and innovative background to shape TheHighSchooler into a pivotal resource hub. Providing valuable insights, practical activities, and guidance on school life, graduation, scholarships, and more, Sananda’s leadership enriches the journey of high school students.

Explore a plethora of invaluable resources and insights tailored for high schoolers at TheHighSchooler, under the guidance of Sananda Bhattacharya’s expertise. You can follow her on Linkedin

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25 Informative Essay Writing Prompts for the Secondary ELA Classroom

25 Informative Essay Writing Prompts for the Secondary ELA Classroom

Looking for informative essay writing prompts? I’ve got you covered!

An informative essay is a staple in middle school ELA and high school English classrooms. An informative essay is a type of writing meant to inform the reader about a specific topic. Informative essays are based on facts and evidence and are not meant to persuade or argue a particular point of view.

When I teach informative essay writing to my students, I specify that essays should all be in one tense and written entirely in the third person. To help my students keep their writing in the third person, I like to use this Writing Spotlight: Writing in the Third Person mini-unit alongside my Informational Essay Writing Unit .

I’ve got you covered if you are looking for informational, informative, or explanatory writing prompts to use in your classroom!

Here are 25 informative essay writing prompts to get you started.

  • Write an informational essay about the history and significance of a major world event (e.g. the fall of the Berlin Wall, the first moon landing)
  • Write an informational essay about the life and accomplishments of a significant historical figure (e.g. Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi)
  • Write an informational essay about the causes and effects of a major environmental issue (e.g. climate change, deforestation)
  • Write an informational essay about self-driving cars,
  • Write an informational essay about an endangered animal and its habitat.
  • Write an informational essay about the development and impact of a major scientific or technological breakthrough (e.g. the invention of the internet, the discovery of antibiotics)
  • Write an informational essay about the role and importance of a specific branch of government (e.g. the judicial branch, the executive branch)
  • Write an informational essay about the effects of a natural disaster (e.g. an earthquake, a hurricane) on a specific community or region
  • Write an informational essay about the history and significance of a major cultural movement (e.g. the Harlem Renaissance, the feminist movement)
  • Write an informational essay about the impact of social media on communication and relationships
  • Write an informational essay about the causes and effects of poverty in a specific region or country
  • Write an informational essay about what makes someone a hero.
  • Write an informational essay about the impact of globalization on the economy and culture of a specific country or region
  • Write an informational essay about the causes and effects of obesity in the United States
  •  Write an informational essay about the effects of advertising on consumer behavior
  • Write an informational essay about the effects of air pollution on human health and the environment
  • Write an informational essay about the role and impact of the media in shaping public opinion
  • Write an informational essay about three causes of social media addiction
  • Write an informational essay about the causes and consequences of cyberbullying
  • Write an informational essay about the impact of video games on mental health and social development
  • Write an informational essay about how sugar affects the brain
  • Write an informational essay about the history and significance of a major world landmark (e.g. the Great Wall of China, the Eiffel Tower)
  • Write an informational essay about the role and impact of the arts in society
  • Write an informational essay about the effects of music on the brain and behavior
  • Write an informational essay about the impact of technology on the education system and learning.

I hope that you find these informative essay writing prompts helpful!

If you are looking for more writing prompts, be sure to check out these additional blog posts:

  • 50 Argument Essay Prompts
  • Growth Mindset Writing Prompts
  • Back-to-School Writing Prompts

Informative Essay Teaching Unit

Engage your students in this informational and expository essay unit that will help them learn how to write academically! This explanatory, expository, and informational writing unit includes everything you need to teach informational and explanatory writing to your middle and high school students.  Plus, all of the digital and print materials are included!

What teachers are saying:

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Extremely satisfied

“ This is a fantastic resource. The graphic organizers have been amazing for supporting my students as they write essays. The guide says it is for grades 7th through 10th, but I am working with my 6th graders on informative writing and I think these are great resources and tools for them too. Thank you!”

“ Amazing product. This has everything you need to strengthen your student’s writing skills. The Daring English Teacher’s Blog is what I recommend for all my new teacher friends so they can see what a quality lesson includes. The handouts are easy to follow, and slide decks are thoughtfully laid out.”

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The Integrated Teacher

50 Fun Prompt Writing Ideas for High School Students

May 16, 2023

Students either love or hate writing. Those who love it usually are the ones who enjoy reading as well. They might spend their time journaling, composing poetry, or writing short stories. These students not only enjoy the process; they embrace it with every part of their being and enjoy engaging in assigned prompt writing ideas!

For most students, however, writing is synonymous with drudgery. They hear that they are going to have to write something, and they automatically shut down. Because of this unfortunate mindset usually brought about by the feeling of overwhelm, we need to get our students to see the value of high school writing activities that include easy-to-teach Prompt Writing Ideas.

There are so many options beyond the traditional five-paragraph essay! Keep reading for 50 Prompt Writing Ideas for High School Students !

Need help with Test Prep? Check out this  FREE Pack of 3 Test Prep Activities to help students achieve success on standardized tests

Table of Contents

50 Prompt Writing Ideas for High School Students

Prompt Writing Ideas

10 Narrative Prompt Writing Ideas

Before starting my business, I didn’t really see the value of writing stories. I mean, I enjoy a good story. I love reading short stories by Edgar Allan Poe , some of William Shakespeare’s plays , and other random historical fiction. Beyond personal entertainment or academia, I could not really see why teaching narrative writing was so important.

Boy, was I wrong!

Narrative writing is so valuable. Think about it. When we buy something, we really want to hear the story behind it.

We listen to how something was created, how a person struggled with a problem, and how a product provided a solution!  We connect with each other through stories!

Here are some relatively simple ways to incorporate narrative writing in your high school classroom with 10 Prompt Writing Ideas:

  •   Write a Journal Entry- Students can respond to someone from a story as if they know the character personally.
  •   Create an Advertisement- Students can include a story from a “buyer” as an ad technique.
  •  Informational/Argument Essays- Students can use a short narrative as support.
  •   Post on Social Media- Students can create a post that tells a story about something…anything!
  •   Develop a Business Plan- Students can create a business plan and use narratives to relay the potential of a future business.
  •   Write a Poem/Song- Students can write a poem or song that actually tells a story.
  •   Create a Website- Students can create an About Me page for a fictitious online store that includes a story.
  •   Participate in a Job Interview- Students can conduct interviews with each other and include stories that demonstrate certain skills or knowledge.
  •   Give a Speech- Students can do research on an idea they are passionate about and include stories to support their ideas.
  •   Record a Video- Students can write and record stories about their lives and “post” them on various platforms.

10 Satirical Prompt Writing Ideas

When it comes to bridging the gap between reading satire and writing satire , students need guidance. I would start by reading both  “Sending Grandma to the Ovens” and “A Modest Proposal.”  These two texts are similar in structure, purpose, and topic. Your students can model their own essays after these texts. They can even propose something!

teaching satire

Here are some HOW TO satirical prompt writing ideas :

  • How to be a wonderful boyfriend or girlfriend
  • How to propose to someone
  • How to be a good student
  • How to be a productive employee
  • How to grow a business
  • How to be an amazing parent
  • How to be an effective writer
  • How to prepare for exams
  • How to get a job
  • How to create friendships

essay high school writing prompts

10 Expository Prompt Writing Ideas

Essentially, an exposition seeks to explain something. And things in our world ALWAYS need explaining!

We crave information, and one of my major goals as a teacher is to encourage students to seek out information instead of what just pops up on social media feeds. We have so much knowledge, it can be overwhelming, so giving students a focus would be super helpful.

When writing an exposition, students have several options:

They can write about what they already know, write about what they don’t know by doing research, or write about a combination of the two.

Need help with teaching research? Click below!

Research Paper Writing Tips

Here are some expository prompt writing ideas that might require a bit of research:

  • Interesting hobbies I never knew about
  • Skills I will need for life
  • Getting a job interview
  • Jobs that we take for granted
  • Things to do when we don’t have electricity
  • What I never knew about my family
  • Popular foods in…(a culture/country)
  • Why certain songs are popular
  • Uses for a cell phone
  • History of chocolate

10 Argument Prompt Writing Ideas

One of the toughest types of writing involving prompt writing ideas for students is the argument essay. Now, I am talking about the “you need to do research to make your case” kind of argument paper.

Let’s be real. Instead of doing the research ourselves, we rely on one or two news outlets to tell us information, or maybe, God forbid, we scroll through social media to get our information.

And I don’t know about you. I usually just get an interpretation or opinion on the facts. I don’t get the actual stories, statistics, and facts. I get, at most, a watered-down version of what I should actually know.

This reality is why we MUST teach our students how to support their ideas with cited evidence. We don’t need to teach students merely to argue. They do this beautifully with their friends on a daily basis. They need to know how to locate credible evidence, and I am not just talking .gov, .org, or .edu! This requirement of credibility applies to pretty much any prompt writing ideas!

Here are some argument prompt writing ideas that will REQUIRE research:

  • Should student loans be forgiven?
  • Should everyone go to college?
  • Should social media companies be allowed to censor content?
  • Should students have to take higher-level math?
  • Should high school or college students be required to take a financial literacy course?
  • Should students take a gap year before going to college?
  • Should there be a minimum wage?
  • Should students earn grades in their classes (A, B, C, D, F)?
  • Should classes be organized by age or ability in a specific subject area?
  • Should volunteer hours be required for graduation?

Notice: You don’t have to ask students to write a ten-page argument paper in order to feel like your students are learning what they need to know to be successful. You could start with a page, a paragraph, a discussion, or even a 1-minute presentation. Not everything has to be formal in the introductory stage. Sometimes, we want to get our students thinking about the topic and excited before they begin!

Prompt Writing Ideas

10 Rhetorical Analysis Prompts

I am a big fan of requiring students to practice  writing a rhetorical analysis essay . At first, it can be daunting. Even the word “rhetoric” can be difficult to explain at times.

Most of the Prompt Writing Ideas below can be used or revised to fit any piece of rhetoric:

  • How does the speaker use logos in achieving the purpose of the speech?
  • What techniques are used by the author to relay the message that_____?
  • How does the writer include emotional language in order to appeal to the audience?
  • Why is repetition used throughout the passage?
  • What forms of evidence support the rhetor’s argument?
  • How are the rhetorical appeals used in relation to the audience’s perspective?
  • Why might the tone of the speaker change throughout the text?
  • What kinds of strategies are used in online ads versus physical ads?
  • How might you use different techniques when talking with your parents/guardians versus your friends?
  • What types of diction and/or syntax might a creator use when discussing a topic in college?

If you go step by step through the analysis writing process, your students can master this skill. It might take more time than you think, but most students will achieve some level of success. Plus, they can apply these skills to any essay they will have to write in the future! You can teach How to Write a Rhetorical Analysis Essay Step By Step !

teach how to write a rhetorical analysis essay

By modeling what you want, you will more likely get what you want from your students. This process also applies to writing a rhetorical analysis essay. Going through every step above is key to success.

Here are some reading and writing packs that may make the rhetorical analysis essay process that much easier:

  • Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God Rhetorical Analysis Pack
  • A Modest Proposal Rhetorical Analysis Pack
  • The Declaration of Independence: Rhetorical Analysis Writing Pack
  • Gettysburg Address Activities: Rhetorical Analysis Short Response
  • Declaration of Sentiments Rhetorical Devices Analysis Activity Stanton
  • Sojourner Truth Speech Aint I a Woman: Summary, Rhetorical Analysis
  • Patrick Henry’s Give Me Liberty Give Me Death Speech Rhetorical Analysis Pack
  • Florence Kelley Speech About Child Labor Rhetorical Analysis Pack
  • Sending Grandma to the Ovens Rhetorical Analysis Pack

Prompt Writing Ideas For Satire

Need more Prompt Writing Ideas for your middle or high school classroom ? Check out my store  Kristin Menke-Integrated ELA Test Prep !

essay high school writing prompts


I primarily focus on  integrating multiple disciplines and subjects. The goal is to make teaching simplified and effective!

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Lindsay Ann Learning English Teacher Blog

55 Journal Writing Prompts High School Students Love


September 28, 2020 //  by  Lindsay Ann //   10 Comments

Sharing is caring!

Do you use a writer’s notebook in your English classroom? Do you find yourself wishing that you had a list of journal writing prompts high school students will like? 

In this post, I will be sharing 55 different journal prompts. That’s enough for the whole year of fun writing prompts, used 1x per week, for the whole semester if used 2-3x per week, and enough for the whole quarter if used every day.

Digital vs. Paper Writer’s Notebooks

Two years ago, I was determined to have my students write. Every day. Inspired by 180 Days, I wanted to be the writer’s notebook queen of the world and change students’ lives through journal writing prompts. 


I went to the nearest Staples store and bought .20 cent composition notebooks. I gave them to students on the first day of school. We wrote in them, pasting in mentor texts for the first three weeks of school. Then, for various reasons, the writer’s notebooks stayed closed more often than not. It was not sustainable for me. 

Now, I’ve written in a previous post about choosing ONE thing to be your precious at the beginning of each school year. If paper writer’s notebooks are your jam, then rock on, friend! 

As for me, I now use and love digital writer’s notebooks. These fun writing journal prompts notebooks are created in Google Slides and shared with students via Classroom. These writing prompts for journals never get lost, are less time-consuming than regular writer’s notebooks, and can use all sorts of colors and design elements to capture students’ attention.

Journal Writing Prompts for High School Students

Below you’ll find 55 journal writing prompts. High school students will find plenty to say about these topics, but I suggest setting ground rules for writing and setting a time limit (with timer projected). 

First: Write for the whole time. 

Second: Don’t worry about making sense or making sure what you write is perfectly-edited. 

Third: Be honest and be specific. 

1st Set: Imaginative Journal Writing Prompts High School Students 💜

  • If you could invent anything, what would it be? Describe why you want to invent it, what it would look like, what it would do, etc. 
  • Choose the animals that best represent your family members and closest friends. Explain why you have chosen each animal. 
  • What if the world was made of Jello?
  • If your life was suddenly a hit reality television show, what would it be called and what would viewers say about it? 
  • Describe your survival plan in the event of a zombie apocalypse. 
  • Create the perfect alien. 
  • You have three doors in front of you: red, blue, and green. The red door says “wing.” The blue door says “want.” The green door says “woke.” Which door would you choose and why? Describe what you imagine to be behind each door.
  • Explain what a forest looks like to someone who cannot see. 
  • Write a recipe for happiness. What would the ingredients be? In what order and amounts would you add them? What instructions would you include for baking and serving? 
  • Create your own original, symbolic names for five locations you visit every day. 
  • Write a guidebook for the older generation to help them understand your generation.


2nd Set: Past, Present, Future Journal Prompts

  • If you woke up tomorrow with amnesia, what memories would you want to return? To forget forever? 
  • What would your five year old self have to say to your current self if you met for coffee? What would your current self say to your 10-years-from-now self? 
  • What are you most thankful for? 
  • Do you think the past is the best predictor of your future? Why or why not? 
  • How have you changed from when you were a child? Why?
  • What does the future hold for you? 
  • Do you think your generation will “change the world”? Why or why not? 
  • In what ways do you look to the adults in your life for guidance? In what ways can they learn from you? 
  • What present-day issues are you the most concerned about? Why?
  • What do you hope you will always remember about high school? 
  • What is trending right now on social media and what are your thoughts on it?


3rd Set: Personal Beliefs Writing Prompts

  • Do you believe in karma? Why or why not? 
  • Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not? 
  • Do you believe in the law of attraction? Why or why not? 
  • Do you believe animals fully understand human conversation? Why or why not? 
  • What are your “rules to live by”? Which one is the most important and why?
  • Do you believe in “carpe diem”? Why or why not? 
  • Do you believe in an “eye for an eye”? Why or why not? 
  • How have your family and friends influenced your beliefs? 
  • Do you believe that people are the product of their environment? Why or why not? 
  • Do you believe in second chances? Why or why not?
  • Do certain characteristics make people more likely to succeed? Explain.


4th Set: Top Ten Lists as Journal Prompts

  • 10 things I should have learned by now.
  • 10 words others would use to describe me. 
  • 10 of the weirdest things in my room. 
  • 10 things I want to do before I die. 
  • 10 of the best words in the English language.
  • 10 things that are highly underrated / overrated.
  • 10 reasons to wake up in the morning. 
  • 10 songs on my playlist right now. 
  • 10 of the weirdest dreams I’ve ever had. 
  • 10 things I know to be true.
  • 10 things I want to give a “makeover” to.


5th Set: Hard Questions for Journal Writing

  • What is the meaning of life? 
  • Which is better: too much of something or too little of something? 
  • Which is better: truth or beauty? 
  • Is social media a blessing or a curse? 
  • What two questions would you ask to find out someone’s true self? Now, answer these questions yourself. 
  • What does it mean to be human?
  • Define intelligence.
  • To what extent do gender, ethnicity, social background influence your life? 
  • Is society today better off than it was 100 years ago?
  • What labels could others give you? Are labels helpful or harmful? Explain.
  • Do you believe human nature is evil or good?


Wrapping Up Writing Prompts for Journals

Feel free to save the images for each set of fun writing prompts questions and use them in an agenda slideshow or to post on Google Classroom.

If you are interested in ready-made digital journals, please take a moment to check out these popular journal prompts resources! I appreciate your support!

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About Lindsay Ann

Lindsay has been teaching high school English in the burbs of Chicago for 19 years. She is passionate about helping English teachers find balance in their lives and teaching practice through practical feedback strategies and student-led learning strategies. She also geeks out about literary analysis, inquiry-based learning, and classroom technology integration. When Lindsay is not teaching, she enjoys playing with her two kids, running, and getting lost in a good book.

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Reader Interactions

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March 3, 2022 at 3:46 am

Hi Lindsay, I think that these writing prompts you have come up with are just brilliant. I mean granted these are merely thoughts and questions we either ask ourselves, others or just think about and never bring out. I personally think it is important for people to actualize and put thoughts out verbally and visually. In this case, fellow writers and English students and anyone for that matter are able to see it and realize that these are actually not silly ideas that you might have thought of and overlooked at some point in your lives. But good reflective pannels for us to channel our inner writers and inquisitive thinking into and curiosity upon. I am still a beginner English teacher but have always been fascinated with power of what a few words put together becoming, a sentence, a sentence becomes a paragraph, a paragraph becomes an essay, an essay becomes a thesis, a thesis becomes a spark of curiosity and that curiosity becomes a revolution that bit by bit becomes the answer to a question being asked somewhere. Thank you for the ideas!

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March 20, 2022 at 1:10 pm

My pleasure, William! You’ve put into words the beauty of inquiry and writing, even if it is only for one’s own eyes. Thank you for reading!

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March 23, 2022 at 11:02 pm

i really hope these work i really think they will thanks so much

April 7, 2022 at 7:22 pm

You’re welcome! I hope that they work well for you. 🙂

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April 26, 2022 at 8:13 pm

I really just LOVE these writing prompts! They are very concise and spark my imagination. Been teaching since fall Y2K and visited many of these types of posts. Yours are a cut above the rest.

April 30, 2022 at 8:23 pm

Thank you, James! I hope that you and your students have fun with these. 🙂

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June 3, 2022 at 1:08 pm

Do you have a TpT store where we can buy your digital writer’s notebook?

June 4, 2022 at 5:56 pm

Yes, absolutely! Here are a couple of options:

1. https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Creative-Writing-Mentor-Sentences-Digital-Notebook-2885186 2. https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Digital-Creative-Writing-Journal-2729748 3. https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/300-Google-Drive-Journal-Writing-Prompts-2715746

Hope this helps! Lindsay

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July 23, 2023 at 9:00 am

These are so, so good! It’s hard to find writing prompts that don’t make my high school students roll their eyes, lol, but these are fantastic and sure to spark creativity. Thank you!

[…] growth, and a clearer sense of identity. Sources such as Journal Buddies, Story Writing Academy, Lindsay Ann Learning, and Money Prodigy provide many creative writing prompts for journaling, article writing, and story […]

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High School Prompts

Description | Exposition | Narration | Persuasion | All

high school writing prompts

You’ll find prompts for opinions, descriptions, story writing, current events, prompts that are really tutorials in disguise, and much more. Complete instructions are included with each prompt.

Looking for tutorials on essay writing, proofreading, and so on? Interested in writing prompt bundles that span many grades?  Click here.

Find prompts for your middle school students here.

Thanks for visiting the High School Prompts page. If you have a writing prompt you would like to submit, please  contact Sharon Watson .

“You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.”


Fall-themed Writing Prompts

Posted by Sharon Watson on Jul 20, 2024 in High School Prompts , High School Tutorial , Literature , Middle School Prompts , Middle School Tutorial , Sharon's Blog , teaching aids , tutorial , Writing Prompts | Comments Off on Fall-themed Writing Prompts

Fall-themed Writing Prompts


10 Fall-themed Writing Prompts

Colorful leaves. Pumpkins. Football. Cooler weather. Raking. Apple pie. Candles. What are signs of autumn to you?

Students are more likely to write if the topics are related to something that is going on at the moment, so let’s cash in on the season by using these fall-themed writing prompts. Some of the prompts you’ll find below are simply fun prompts; others are tutorials complete with printables.

While they are enjoying these ten seasonal prompts, you are giving them practice in opinion writing, description, figurative language, poetry, and more. Shhh! It’s our secret!

These prompts {and tutorials} are appropriate for grades 5 – 12.

Ready? Fun awaits . . . (more…)

Poppies on Memorial Day

Posted by Sharon Watson on May 9, 2024 in High School Prompts , Sharon's Blog , Writing Prompts | Comments Off on Poppies on Memorial Day

Poppies on Memorial Day


On Memorial Day in America, we remember and honor those in the armed services who have given their lives in the line of duty.

Poppies are often given out on Memorial Day as a symbol of those fallen men and women. This tradition comes from the first lines of the poem “In Flanders Fields” by Lieutenant Colonel John McRae, who wrote it during World War I and was remembering his fallen friends now buried in fields far from home. (more…)

Happy Mother’s Day!

Posted by Sharon Watson on May 1, 2024 in High School Prompts , Middle School Prompts , Sharon's Blog , Writing Prompts | Comments Off on Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day to you. You are so special and are doing such important work!

To honor you, I’m making available to you a free lesson from our grammar eBook Let’s Eat Fifi . There are 23 lessons in the eBook, and this is lesson 3; it’s on commas and compound sentences. The lesson includes a colorful infographic and ANSWERS. You can download it here . For free!

In addition to the free download, I’ve included four mother-related writing prompts for your students. These are appropriate for grades 5 – 12.

True story: The lily at the top of this page is from my daughter. She gave it to me for Mother’s Day about 11 years ago, and it blooms every August. In fact, it’s now an annual tradition to take my granddaughters’ pictures next to it. 


Writing Prompt: A Mother’s Heart

Posted by Sharon Watson on Apr 27, 2024 in High School Prompts , Middle School Prompts , Sharon's Blog , Writing Prompts | Comments Off on Writing Prompt: A Mother’s Heart

Writing Prompt: A Mother’s Heart

SHARON’S BLOG What does your mother mean to you?

It might be difficult to put that into words, but this writing prompt will help you with that.

No sentences necessary and you even get to be creative with color!

You can write about another significant woman in your life as well.

Ready to bless your mom? (more…)

Celebrating L. Frank Baum: There’s no Place Like Home

Posted by Sharon Watson on Apr 20, 2024 in High School Prompts , Sharon's Blog , Writing Prompts | Comments Off on Celebrating L. Frank Baum: There’s no Place Like Home

Celebrating L. Frank Baum: There’s no Place Like Home

“There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home,” says Dorothy Gale in the movie The Wizard of Oz .

L. Frank Baum, the author of the The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and the other Oz books, was born in May in 1856. That’s more than 150 years ago, but his statement is still true. There’s no place like home, and there’s no place like your home. (more…)

3 Types of Poems for Poetry Month

Posted by Sharon Watson on Apr 11, 2024 in High School Prompts , High School Tutorial , Literature , Middle School Prompts , Middle School Tutorial , Sharon's Blog , teaching aids , tutorial , Writing Prompts | Comments Off on 3 Types of Poems for Poetry Month

3 Types of Poems for Poetry Month

Would you like to give your students some practice in writing poetry?

With these guided prompts, your students do not have to “sit down and write a poem” but will surprise you by creating something fun and maybe even memorable. Here goes . . . (more…)


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Creative Writing Prompts

creative writing prompts

Writing and essay prompts are a great learning tool to help you focus on a particular subject or topic and practice writing on that topic using proper sentence structure and development. Writing prompts are meant to open up the imagination as well as the creativity within; to improve these skills you are learning and feel connected to your writing. When you succeed at writing prompts, you will take your writing to a whole new level.

Studying Writing Prompts

How well you write will depend on the skills you are taught and more importantly, the skills you practice in order to gain speed and knowledge. Understanding writing prompts is not all that simple. In fact, many students will not do very good at all because they misunderstood the concept of the writing prompt they were assigned to. Before you write, you need to learn how to better understand your writing prompt. Understanding the prompts will direct your writing in the direction it is supposed to go.

How Important is the Writing Form?

It's important to know what the correct writing form is before you begin. You need to determine if your writing prompt is narrative, persuasive, or expository. While some writing prompts will be specific, others will not, and you must form your own option of the writing style through the directions given. For example, if your instructions use the word "persuade" then you will most likely want to use a persuasive form of writing.

It's better to take the time to observe the details and instructions on writing your assignment correctly than to hurry through it and do it wrong. It just takes a short list like this one below to determine which direction your writing should go in. Look for the following keywords to determine the proper way to write:

  • If you see the words: how, define, compare and contrast, what, or analyze in your instructions, your essay should be expository
  • If you see the words: why, argue, opinion, convince or persuade in your instructions, your essay should be persuasive
  • If you see the words: tell, imagine, relate, story, or describe in your instructions, your essay should be narrative .

Once you learn the keywords, you will know what direction your writing will need to go in order to complete your assignment correctly.

Standardized Test Practice Should Include Writing Prompts

Writing prompts can also be used to help students get ready for the standardized tests. These tests include the ACT and the SAT. Writing prompts are given out according to the age group they are for and often focus on contemporary social problems. It's always a great idea to prepare yourself by keeping up with current events as well as participating in a group discussion. Join a reading group that encourages fiction and nonfiction books with the discussion. Learn to feel more comfortable with your writing prompts so that when you need to take these standardized tests, you will be comfortable with the extensive writing part of the test.

Creative Writing Prompts for Every Day of the Year

There is no better way to hone a skill than to practice, practice, practice. Unfortunately, it's not always easy to come up with a writing prompt every day. Below, you can find a list of creative writing prompts, one for every day of the year. Use these creative writing prompts to write poems, short stories, or even to keep a journal. The main focus here is to use your imagination and just keep writing.

360+ Creative Writing Prompts for you to Use as Inspiration

  • Looking out of the window, what do you see right now? What is the weather like or what do you wish were going on outside that window?
  • Loving someone who doesn't love you back. How does or would that make you feel.
  • You are on a ship or in your favorite vehicle, and you can go anywhere in the world. Where will it take you?
  • Dancing frees the soul. Who is dancing and why do they want to dance?
  • What will be on your menu today for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? Write a poem about meeting someone important in your life in a cafe.
  • Two people see each other for the very first time.
  • Today a rocket ship blasts off and its destination is set for the moon or another far away Galaxy.
  • Remember your most recent dream and write about it.
  • Decide on one animal and write about it
  • What is your friendship like with someone?
  • Picture a dragon. Do you fight your dragon or is the dragon your friend? Use a detailed descriptive language.
  • Poems that start with the word, "hello." You can write a short story that starts with this word instead.
  • Write a poem using a letter from your own collection or one that you are familiar with.
  • Read a book. Randomly select a page in the book and circle a few words. Now use those circled words to create a poem. You can cut words out of magazines too.
  • Did you overhear a conversation recently? If so, turn that conversation into a short story, journal entry, or even a poem.
  • What are you addicted to? Go into detail about your addiction.
  • Select a word randomly from the dictionary. What does that word mean to you?
  • Housework is for everyone, including writers and artists. Write about your everyday housework chores and activities.
  • Who do you admire and why?
  • Go to craigslist.org and find the "Missed Connections" section. Inside that section, you will find stories from random people. Use a story and write about it.
  • Your close friend or family member lost their home due to foreclosure. Tell their story through a poem or a short story.
  • You can't see in front of you because of fog, smoke, or haze. Write about your experience.
  • What has so much sugar in it that it hurts your teeth just thinking about it?
  • What numbers or any other figures are important to you and why?
  • What are some things that you dread doing?
  • Being scared - what scares you and how do you react to fear?
  • You see a closed door. What is behind it? Why does it stay closed?
  • Shadow someone for the day. Tell the story through shadowing.
  • What gives you good vibes and makes you happy?
  • Spending money is fun. Talk about how you spend money and what do you have on your wish list this year?
  • What teacher influenced you the most? Write about it.
  • Take a poem or even a short story and rewrite it using your own words.
  • Take a piece of your jewelry and write about it.
  • Give yourself an hour to just sit outside with no electronics. Listen to all the sounds around you. Write about the sounds.
  • There is always a conflict of some sorts. Write about the most recent conflict that happened to you.
  • Write some of your favorite phrases or write a poem and then frame it and hang on your wall.
  • You are putting a puzzle together. Write about it.
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to build a fire.
  • Write about drinking coffee, when to drink it? What do you like in it?
  • Someone you know just got their driver's license. Write about it.
  • Secrets - Write about a secret you are still keeping from someone or someone may be keeping from you, but you already know about it.
  • You are inside an old abandoned building that was once a warehouse. Write about it; what you see, hear, smell, picture.
  • You want to do something but you can't. Write about remaining silent when it would feel so good just to scream.
  • Have you been insulted by someone? Write about it.
  • What if you had a mirror that talked to you. What would it say to you?
  • Write a poem on the topic of getting muddy.
  • You enter a dark room and finally find a light switch. What do you feel and see?
  • Look up in the night sky. What do you see? Does it inspire you?
  • Write a poem about a joke.
  • Saying no to someone can sometimes make you feel more powerful. Write about it.
  • First, you see the sunrise, and then you see the sun setting. It's a never-ending cycle. Write about it.
  • Have you heard of memory lane? Take it up a step. What does this lane look like if you were asked to describe it? How would you give directions to it?
  • You see a movie that makes you cry or feel very sad. Write a poem about one part in the movie.
  • Write a poem about one of your diary entries in the past.
  • How did it feel to hold someone's hand for the first time? Write about it.
  • You see a picture that catches your eye. Write a short story or journal entry about it.
  • Write about setting your alarm clock and waking up.
  • What inspires you in the dark?
  • Do you remember a time that you felt renewed or refreshed? Maybe on vacation or sipping lemonade on a very hot day? Write about feeling refreshed.
  • You are holding something very fragile. Write about it.
  • Two of your best friends are fighting, and you are put in the middle. Write about it.
  • You make mistakes like everyone else. Write about your mistakes.
  • Name a spice that you absolutely love.
  • You hear a song on the radio. Rewrite the words and turn it into a poem of your own.
  • Take a phone conversation you had recently and write about it.
  • Use your name in a poem
  • You live in a dollhouse. Write a story describing life in a dollhouse.
  • Go to www.wikipedia.com and click on Random Article. What article subject did you get? Write about it.
  • Extreme sports or sports that someone makes up can inspire you to create your own game with your own rules. Write about it.
  • Your favorite recipe can be turned into a short story. Write about it. You could also write about something abstract, like feelings.
  • What is your favorite painting and why? Write about it.
  • When you were younger, you went to a special place. Now that you are all grown up, that place is not special anymore like it once was. Write about it.
  • Who was the last person you talked to and what was your conversation about? Write about it.
  • You get caught doing something really embarrassing. Write about it.
  • You get to interview someone that is either fictional or real. What questions would you ask them?
  • Write about how you feel about missing someone so bad.
  • Choose a country or a state that you have never been to but would like to go. Why do you want to visit?
  • Pick up your MP3 player or go to 8tracks.com or Songza.com and choose a song randomly. After listening to a song, write about the song you chose.
  • Everyone has a hero. Write a tribute to the hero in your life.
  • Walk down the street with your eyes wide open. Write about the people you see.
  • Write about a slogan you have seen in an ad recently that caught your attention.
  • What is your favorite book? Write a ten-line poem about that book.
  • If you had magic at the touch of your fingers, what would you do with it?
  • Use your favorite pen or pencil to write a story with.
  • Take your readers through your daily life; habits and routine included.
  • What does your muse like and what does she dislike? How are you inspired by your muse?
  • What is your latest experience with a convenience store or a gas station?
  • Choose one of the natural wonders of the world and describe it in a short story.
  • Using your latest Twitter or Facebook status update, write a poem. You can also use your friends status if you prefer. If you don't use social media, search online for one that may inspire you.
  • Write in detail about growing something.
  • Does your family share a family heirloom that has been passed down from one generation to another?
  • Write about an insect that you like or are afraid of.
  • Create a magic potion. Write a story about what is in it, what will it do, and create an antidote for it.
  • Think about a playground or tree house you have visited or would like to visit when you were a child. Write about it.
  • Write down the first five adjectives that come to mind. Use them to write a poem or a short story.
  • Take a fairy tale and rewrite it with a new ending.
  • Someone has a secret to tell. Write about it.
  • What makes you smile? Write about it.
  • What is your favorite season? Write about it.
  • Normal is different for everyone. What is normal to you? Is normal a good thing? Or is normal bad?
  • Rewrite something you wrote before.
  • Tell what you have in your closet and drawers.
  • Create a secret message from within a story. Use acrostic poetry using the last letters of certain words to create a message to decipher.
  • Where did you go on vacation? Write about it.
  • You are overheating. Write about it.
  • Write a spell. Do you use it for yourself? For other people? For mankind?
  • You are doing a jigsaw puzzle or crossword. Write about it.
  • You are taking a chance in your life. Write about it. What happened in the end?
  • Write a journal entry about going to a street fair or carnival in town.
  • Write about someone's first time in the city.
  • What questions would you ask the universe? Be sure to include the answers too.
  • Write about doing a task quickly.
  • Write a story about stairs.
  • Write a story about your neighbor that you can later turn into a poem.
  • Write about a time that you were hurt physically.
  • Write a poem about a saint that you know.
  • Write about a trip to the beach.
  • What shoes do you like wearing and where do they take you?
  • Write a poem describing your ex.
  • Write a short story in from the first person point of view.
  • Describe a day in the life of a stray.
  • Describe something that you could sit and stare at forever.
  • What is your bed like? Describe it in great detail.
  • Do you like the sounds of fireworks? Some people do, some do not. Describe how they make you feel.
  • Imagine that you could freeze a moment in your life. What would that moment be? Why?
  • Do you like alone time or do you prefer to have people around you all the time? Why do you think you like what you like?
  • What do you know a lot about? Write about what it is you like or know a lot about.
  • Have you ever made a promise to someone? If so, what was that promise? Did you keep it?
  • Do you like commotion or does it feel overwhelming to you? Write about how it makes you feel.
  • Create a poem using headlines in the news for today.
  • Write a very detailed description of an object that you have a close-up view of.
  • What is your favorite type of transportation? Write about it.
  • Create or invent something new. What did you create and how did it improve your life?
  • Create a love poem that is not so smooth.
  • Write a poem that uses ladders as the main focal point.
  • Because there is a holiday for almost every day of the year, look up today's date and see what holidays fall on it. Then write a poem you could put on a greeting card about that holiday.
  • Create a story using something you see on a favorite blog you like to visit frequently.
  • Describe the most recent mail you received in a poem form.
  • What have you shared with someone else lately? Write about it.
  • Think about a cactus. Write from the cactus point-of-view. You live in a dessert.
  • Describe a road sign that you have seen lately that is interesting to you.
  • Focus on a piece of furniture in your home. Write about it.
  • Write about one time that you failed at doing something. Did you give it another try or give up? Why do you think you did what you did? Do you regret your decision? Are you proud of it?
  • Are angels inspiring to you? Write about it or a mystical creature that you find interesting.
  • You have wings. Write what you would do with them.
  • What if you could see through something? A wall? Through people, maybe? Write a poem about it.
  • Using a voice recorder, record yourself saying something. Play it back and write down what you say. Revise your words into a short story.
  • Listen to drum loops or just music with a good rhythm but no words. Now create your words to the beat.
  • Do a search on color palettes. Write about a color that you find interesting.
  • Pick up your favorite magazine and write something based on the first five sentences you read.
  • Switch places with someone and tell a story about your experience.
  • Everyone needs motivation. Write something that will inspire others to workout and exercise.
  • Write about a heart, square, or maybe a circle; something that would take shape on a page.
  • Write about what happened on your last birthday.
  • Write a poem about aromatherapy.
  • Using onomatopoeia, write a poem.
  • Write about this moment. What are people doing? What are you doing? What happens normally at this time? Be sure to tell what time it is now.
  • Do you like to party? Or do you hate it? Write your thoughts about partying.
  • Write a poem using polite words, such as "Thank you" and "Please."
  • Take something that you could use a cliche in and rewrite it without using the cliche.
  • Going green. What is your concern?
  • Write about missing someone special.
  • You had to let something or someone go. Write about how it made you feel.
  • Feeling left out? Write about it.
  • You need to get ready for a trip, or you need to unpack after returning home. Write about it.
  • What do you think about elves, fairies, or gnomes? Write a story using them.
  • Write about the process of giving and receiving.
  • Close your eyes and try to imagine standing in front of a bakery. What do you smell? Write about it.
  • You build a secret hideaway or a treehouse that no one can see. Write about it.
  • Write about doing something risky.
  • Choose an acrostic word and write a poem with the first words starting with each letter in that word.
  • Find a crossword puzzle and use the clues in it to inspire your next short story.
  • Find something good in a bad situation and write about it.
  • You have a pair of gloves. Describe those gloves. What type of gloves are they? Are you wearing them or is someone else wearing the gloves? Why are they being worn?
  • Write a poem about something that is shiny.
  • Write a short story or a journal entry on jealousy.
  • Have you seen flowers growing healthy in unusual places? Write about it.
  • Write about what you may see or experience in a courtroom if you had jury duty.
  • Write about a present you got from someone or a gift that you gave to someone.
  • You are running away from something or maybe someone. Write about it.
  • What have you discovered lately? Let it inspire your next entry.
  • Have you got a complaint? Write about it.
  • Write about what you are thankful for.
  • Write a poem using your favorite element in the periodic table.
  • Write a story about someone who would deserve a standing ovation when they entered a room.
  • Think about your favorite older poem and use the last line in that poem to create the first line of a new poem.
  • What do you want to do really bad? Go on a trip? Try something new? Write about it.
  • Write a poem that would motivate someone.
  • Imagine you found the end of the rainbow. Describe it.
  • You get to visit a museum on your own one day. You can take your time and look through everything. Write about what you think would be most important and stand out to you.
  • What is your favorite cartoon? Write about it.
  • Take a line from a poem that was created by someone famous a long time ago. Use any line in that poem to create your own one.
  • You are standing on the top of your roof, and everyone gathers below to hear what you have to say. What are you going to say?
  • If you could go back in time, where would you go?
  • For one day, you can be someone else. Describe what happens.
  • Where do you like to go the most in your neighborhood?
  • You are on a pirate ship. Write about it.
  • You read an interview recently. Write about it.
  • When you were a child, where did you like to hide? Do you like to hide there today? Write about it.
  • You can change your hair color, buy new clothes, and completely change your style. What would it look like?
  • Write about compassion you may have for another person.
  • Write a poem using two things that are opposites.
  • You are bored. Make a list of things that you can do to feel entertained.
  • Do you remember feeling emotionally or physically strong. Write about it to inspire others.
  • You are hungry and have no at all money to buy food. Write about it.
  • You have money, power, and fame but you want more. Write about feeling greedy.
  • There is a volcano near you that is about to erupt. Write about it.
  • Watch a video on Vimeo.com or YouTube.com. Write something about that video.
  • What makes you sneeze? Write about it.
  • Is there life in outer space? Write about the possibilities.
  • Romeo and Juliet's story took place a long time ago. Write a modern version of this love story and keep it short.
  • What is your favorite font? Write a poem using your favorite font.
  • Find inspiration for today's writing in your schedule.
  • Remember a story about your grandparents. Write about it.
  • Cut out words in a magazine that catch your attention and use them to create a poem.
  • You are alone. What do you do during this time? Do you have to be around someone all the time or do you do well on your own?
  • Have you ever seen a waterfall? How did it feel? Write about it.
  • Talk about your first kiss in a short story form or a journal entry.
  • Have you ever found yourself in an ironic situation? Write about it.
  • Write a limerick.
  • You are in the grocery store. Write about your experience.
  • Find a style that you are in love with either in a magazine or online. Write about it.
  • What does it feel like to be close to reaching your goals? Write about it.
  • Write a poem about sitting at a bar.
  • Have you met a friend online? Write about your experience.
  • Do you have someone that you admire? Write about it.
  •  You are a garbage collector for a day. Write about your experience.
  • Find a piece of mail that you recently received. Write a poem about it.
  • You just got out of the shower. Write about it.
  • You have reached a low energy moment in your day. Write about how it makes you feel.
  • Write a silly poem that rhymes. Make up words to make it more silly.
  • You call in and get tech support. Write about your conversation.
  • You are working at a hotel. Write about your experiences. What will you see? What will you do?
  • Write about an underwater adventure you have.
  • Clear your mind with some simple deep breathing exercises. What is the first thing that pops back into your mind? Write about it.
  • Write a lie about yourself.
  • Using the latest obituary in the local newspaper, imagine that person's life and write about it.
  • Go through your pockets. What do you have in there? Write about something.
  • Write a Cinquain poem.
  • Use every letter of the alphabet to create a poem of your own.
  • Write something that was inspiring to you from a comedian.
  • Someone you know of is being unfaithful. Write about it.
  • Try writing a Sestina Poem.
  • You witness an argument between two people. Write about it from your perspective.
  • Visit social media websites and write about something you have seen that was interesting.
  • Write about what gives you inner peace and serenity.
  • What do you imagine seeing in the clouds? Watch the clouds go by for a day and put it into words.
  • Sit down on a park bench and look around. Write about what you see, the colors and the scenes. Write about all the emotions you go through while sitting there.
  • Try writing a sonnet.
  • Use the words would, could, and should in a poem.
  • Go through a simple step-by-step process on how to do something.
  • Write a poem using alliteration.
  • You are playing a card game. Write about it.
  • Write for five minutes. Write anything and everything that you can think of in those five minutes. It doesn't have to make sense, just whatever pops into your head.
  • Write about how you feel when you dance.
  • You need to raise awareness for a cause that you support. Put it in the form of a poem.
  • You have a magic trick. Write about it.
  • You find a box. You open it up. What do you find inside?
  • What has impacted your life in a positive way?
  • You lost your favorite childhood toy. Write about it.
  • What does your favorite gemstone mean? Write about it.
  • You can use your remote to fast forward or rewind to a point in your life. Write about it.
  • What has symbolic meaning to you? Write about it.
  • Remember a time in your life that seemed hopeless. How did you get through this time? Write about it.
  • You are a passenger on a train. Write about the cargo the train was carrying.
  • What do you think inspired the phrase, "Where there's smoke, there's fire"?
  • What words would you find on an office clipboard? Write about it.
  • You are stranded on an island after being shipwrecked. Write about it.
  • What popular quote do you like to refer to from a speaker? Write about how it has inspired you.
  • Form a mind map using whatever comes to your mind. Then write a poem or journal entry with the results of your map.
  • What patterns repeat in your life? Write about it.
  • You find a scrapbook. Write about the memories you find when you open it up.
  • Can you find a cure for an illness? Write about it.
  • Find the subjects in your email that you receive today and use it for inspiration.
  • What do you wish for?
  • Doodle for about ten minutes today. Look at your doodle and write something.
  • You are a student in a classroom. Looking at the chalkboard, write about what you see on it.
  • Write about something sticky.
  • You have one flashlight, and the room is extremely dark. Write about what pops up in your imagination.
  • You have traveled to a fictional place. Write about it.
  • You are living in the country. Write about your new setting.
  • Make a promise to yourself and plan to keep it.
  • You see a brick wall in front of you. Write about what is on the other side and why is there a brick wall in front of you to begin with.
  • You were once faced with a difficult choice. Tell about it in today's journal entry.
  • You had to repeat yourself because someone wasn't listening. Write about it.
  • Write about someone that may be an outcast.
  • You have monsters under your bed. Write about it. They don't have to be scary monsters.
  • What have you sacrificed before in order to make a difference to another person? Write about it.
  • Write a poem about beauty flaws.
  • You have a birthday. Write a poem about it.
  • Make a list of ten story titles and ten poem titles and then choose one to write for today.
  • You have a job interview. Write about it.
  • Someone you know is sick, and you can write a poem that will tell them to get better soon.
  • What does it feel like to get lost in a crowd?
  • Write about staying healthy.
  • What are you craving? Write about it.
  • Do some research on phobias and then choose one and write about it today.
  • You are in the present moment. Write about it.
  • You are merrily walking down a sidewalk. What is it that you are seeing?
  • Today, you will write about the sky and the stars you see. What does it mean to you?
  • You see an old abandoned farmhouse. Write about it.
  • Do you have clutter in your home? Go through a little bit of the clutter today and write about what you find.
  • Fly a kite and then write about the experience.
  • Find a channel on your television and write about the first thing you watch.
  • Write a poem about your favorite or not-so-favorite fruit.
  • Using your imagination, write about the struggles of a couple who are trying to keep up a long distance relationship.
  • Write about wearing glasses.
  • You have a robot. Write about it.
  • What do you find adorable? Write about it.
  • Remember your favorite movie? Try remembering your favorite conversation within that movie and write about it.
  • What comes effortlessly to you? Write about it.
  • Write about an idiom today.
  • Remember being a child on the playground. Write about this memory.
  • What are five romantic things partners can do for each other?
  • You are a rock star who is famous. Write about what you experience.
  • Objects are coming to life. Write about this experience.
  • You have met someone on an airplane. Write about what you would talk about.
  • Write a poem about what the labels say on the items you have in your medicine cabinet.
  • Write about being and feeling determined for inspiration to others.
  • Listen to instrumental music. Write a poem matching the beat.
  • You have to wait in line. Write about how that makes you feel.
  • What is your personality type? Write about what makes your personality unique.
  • Choose a decade and write what it is most popular for.
  • What beliefs do you have and why?
  • Write about something you lost.
  • You have a story that you want to tell to someone. Write it in a poem form.
  • Write a letter that you never send.
  • Tell an interesting story through someone else's perspective.
  • What did you learn the hard way?
  • You have a favorite recipe. Write about it.
  • Pull out an old receipt and write about it. What did you pay for? When? If you bought something, what did you buy it for?
  • Visit the bank and write about the experience.
  • Talk someone into something using sweet talk.
  • Something good happened through chance. What was it? Describe your experience.
  • How does it feel when you can't focus.
  • You will write about big business today. Choose a compnay that already exists or make up an ideal company you would like to run/work for.
  • What is the word of the day? Write a journal entry about it.
  • You need a pick-me-up. What is it?
  • You need to escape. Where would you go? Why do you need it?
  • What project have you started but never finished?
  • You were forgiven by someone. Write about why they needed to forgive you and how it went. Did you need to be forgiven?
  • What is your one great weakness?
  • You want to start on a project. Write about it.
  • Gears and moving parts on a machine. Write about the mechanical features of something.
  • You have done an act of kindness. Write about it.
  • You live in an underground home. Imagine what it would be like and write about it.
  • You love the classic rock love ballads. Pick one and rewrite it into a poem.
  • You stay up late at night. Write about what you feel.
  • What is it about magnetic attraction to someone? Have you ever experienced the feeling? Would you like to?
  • You are a part of a team with one common goal. What is it like to work together?
  • What are the ups and downs in your life?
  • Do motivational posters actually motivate? Write a poem about them.
  • Write about games that are being played literally as well as figuratively.
  • Write about a turning point in your life.
  • Write a spell for a witch.
  • Write about a special date on your calendar.
  • Do you play the lottery or casino? Write about what it would be like to win.
  • You are on a picnic. Write about it.
  • What do you see in a garage? Write about it.
  • Review your journal entry a month ago. Write about it in poem form.
  • You are a detective searching to solve a mystery. Write about your findings.
  • Go for a walk and bring your camera. Take some beautiful pictures. Describe what your photos look like when you get back home.
  • You are visiting a friend from high school or a family member. Write about it.
  • You trust someone in your life. Write about it.
  • You did it. You have written in your journal, created short stories, or wrote poems every day for a year. Now write about what this achievement has taught you and continue another year of writing these prompts every day. You will get different inspirations every time you use these as your guideline.

Few final tips to consider when you are polishing up your writing skills. First, try to practice free writing. Just take a pen and write everything that comes to mind. Sooner or later, you will see that your mind is way more creative than you could have guessed. And yes, free writing may seem silly at first, but it is an amazing way to take your writing skills to a totally new level.

Once you master free writing, try a more serious approach. As you should already know, any essay (including SAT paper) is based on the thesis. This is the main statement of any academic work, and if you want to ace your exam, you will have to practice creating compelling thesis statement s. Once again - no need to worry. It is easier than it seems at first. The best thesis is:

In other words, you have to create a statement that has actual meaning in everyday life - yours, your peers, or the society in general. It should not be too obvious; it should be something people can argue with. And finally, it should be expressed in a sentence - maximum, two.

If you are interested in scientific writing as well, follow research paper introduction page.

How to Quote Someone in an Essay

  • How To Write A Thematic Essay
  • Writing an Expository Essay that will get you an A+
  • How to Write a Thesis Statement
  • How to Write Why This College Essay: Tips and Examples
  • Problem Solution Essay Topic Ideas

essay high school writing prompts

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100 Fun Writing Prompts for High School

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The fun writing prompts for high school collected in this article will facilitate a more enjoyable and effective writing process for you. With creative writing prompts for high school, you can come up with new ideas for your papers, see the assignments from a new angle and produce impressive pieces of writing. Moreover, you will gain better writing skills through practice and learn new techniques of arranging the papers. The fresh writing prompts for high school can help you achieve much better results from your writing.

The masterfulness of your writing is closely related to the theoretical knowledge you have and to the practical exercises you do. The writing prompts for high school fun are sometimes difficult to comprehend and often require additional explanations. Therefore, it is important to clarify the prompts before taking up the writing. The key information and directions for your paper are always included in the prompts, so their decoding will show you the way you need to follow.

Understanding the Writing Prompts

Even the fun writing prompts for high school students can be confusing, so to avoid any misunderstandings, ask yourself the following questions about your prompt:

  • What is the type of writing required by the prompt?
  • What is the purpose of the writing based on the prompt?
  • What is the key information that needs to be found?
  • What additional materials are related to this prompt?
  • Who are my target readers?
  • What style, language and structure would be most suitable for this writing?

Once you give clear and accurate answers to the mentioned questions, you will have a basis for your paper. At this point, when you know what your paper is aimed at and how it should be arranged, it is time to plan your paper by preparing an outline. It will help you to control the structure of your paper, stay within the word limit, and address all the most significant issues in your essay.


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Creative Writing Prompts for Everyone

For better or for worse, it is only possible to acquire skills of any kind through intensive practice. If you would like to excel at writing, you should take up a writing prompt every day and work on it. If you are out of creative ideas at the moment, you can use the fun writing prompts for high school provided in the list below. All you need to do is simply choose one and start writing!

Find 10 top prompts for high school students listed below.

  • TED Talks Among the hundreds of Ted talks available online, you can always choose one that inspires you. Browse the topics, find something that interests you, watch one of the talks and reflect on it in your paper. You can extend on the discussion by adding your ideas and expressing your vision of the problem. Another way to use TED talks for inspiration is see a couple of videos related to some topic and then prepare your own talk in the same style.
  • Video Prompts You can find a number of fun creative writing prompts for high school in short videos on YouTube. Simply search for “creative writing prompts” and see the dozens of available clips. They will entertain you, help you get fresh ideas, and set a direction for your writing. It is better to rely on videos with many good feedbacks or many views.
You may be interested: Poem Writing Help
  • Speeches Celebrities give speeches on different occasions, such as winning an award, presenting a new album, describing their professional experiences, or thanking the colleagues and friends for support. A great idea for an engaging class activity is to fantasize about giving a speech at a ceremony. Let the students prepare speeches of any style and character and present them in front of the audience, and you will see how creative, resourceful, and amusing the teenagers can get.
  • Blog Writing Teenagers today are fascinated by social nets and their bloggers in different spheres. They watch live streams, stories, videos, and read posts of famous bloggers, dreaming of becoming popular too. However, composing an informative and engaging post or content for video is not an easy task, which not all the high school students realize. A nice prompt for high school is blog writing, which can be presented either in written form or in the form of a recorded video. Let the pupils try themselves as influencers and see what it feels like to address the audience with some recommendations.
  • Fold and Pass This ancient game is good for all ages and interest groups, so it will never fail you. Give the students a piece of paper and let one person write the beginning of just 1-3 sentences. Then, he or she must fold the written part and pass the paper to the next participant who will continue writing, and so on. The whole class can take part, and in the end, really curious stories may be composed. A little suggestion here is to limit the story to some topic or genre, so that the students would have one direction to follow. This activity is both useful and entertaining, and its biggest advantage is that while the students are playing, they are still improving their writing skills. Besides, it will set a friendly and hilarious atmosphere in class.
  • Writing Challenge To encourage students to write with enthusiasm, offer them to take part in some kind of challenge. You can use any rules and topics, as long as they call for creative writing. For example, you can make a “100 words a day” challenge, where the participants are not allowed to pass a day without composing 100 words. To encourage them to try better, you can publish the best 3 pieces in the school newspaper every week. This is just an example, and you can come up with many other versions of fun writing prompts for high school.
  • Radio Program Notes You have probably heard one of the radio programs where they read the short messages or letters from the audience. There can be a topic given for the listeners to reflect on, or there can be an expert who reads the messages and gives pieces of advice to their authors. A great idea for a writing activity in class is to make the students prepare their messages for a radio. There should be a topic and a word limit, and one or two students can be chosen as moderators. In class, you can use the prepared messages and letters to play a full live radio program. Such exercise will be both fun and educational.
  • Cross-Cultural Letters High school students have not travelled a lot yet, and they may not be aware about the striking cultural differences that exist in the world. You can offer them to explore some country on another continent, where everything is different: the climate, the traditions, the culture, and other things. You can contact the school representatives from a small village in France or from the capital of Belarus and offer your students to send letters to teenagers who study there. They will try their best to compose good letters, and their enthusiasm will increase once they receive replies.
  • Emails In high school, the students are not very familiar with email communication, as it is mostly used for business messaging. However, most of them are likely to need the skills of email writing in the future. Thus, a good idea would be to introduce email composing for formal and non-formal purposes and let the students practice it.

TOP 7 Fun Writing Prompts for High School Students

Coming up with fun writing prompts for high school can be hard if you are overwhelmed with many tasks and lack time to prepare some engaging activities. That is why, it is good to have a good old list of prompts prepared for the times when you need a solution that will not fail you. Below are the top writing prompts that will interest every high school student:

Share about your family holiday traditions.

How would communication on Earth change if telepathy would be available to everyone?

Write a poem about your favorite objects at home.

Write a poem to wish your friends happy holidays.

Write a short story about the adventures you had with your friends.

Write about mishaps that happened to you and your way of overcoming them.

Write a descriptive essay that presents your personality.

These prompts may seem simple, but the secret of their effectiveness lies in their familiarity to everyone and everywhere. Even when the students are drained out of any creative ideas, they can turn to one of these topics and have something to say about either of them. Besides, writing about trivial things in a new, original way is the best exercise for improving one’s writing skills. Moreover, it develops a deeper understanding of things and non-standard perception of the world.

23 Fun Writing Prompts for High School

Write a formal letter to a colleague informing about a change in the company’s policy.

Imagine you have appeared in 50 years future time. Describe what you see and how the world has changed.

If you had a chance to become your native town’s mayor, what would you do on that post?

Write about the pets you had during your life.

Do you like superheroes? Why? How do you think they impact children’s mindset?

Write about the unusual places you would like to visit.

What is the book you liked to read as a child?

Write about your childhood friendships.

Which plant do you associate yourself with and why?

Do you see interesting or weird dreams? Give examples.

What would you do if you could be invisible for one day?

Would you like to travel to other planets? What do you expect to see there?

Imagine you have woken up in 19 th century. Describe your experiences.

What do you think your future family will look like?

Write a poem about your first love.

What would you suggest to the ten-years-old yourself?

What are you afraid of?

How do you imagine yourself when you grow old?

Which traces of character you cannot tolerate in others?

Write about the luckiest coincidences that happened to you.

Have you ever been embarrassed? Tell about some situations.

What would you like to say to the 70-years-old yourself?

Did you ever do anything you regret?

13 Social Media Writing Prompts

13 social media writing prompts

Do you think people have a higher or a lower self-esteem because of social media use?

How are the real personalities different from the ones presented in their online profiles?

From what age do you think children should be allowed to use social media?

Do you think the underage persons should have a restricted access to certain features online?

How much time do you spend in social nets? Would you like to change this amount of time?

Do you keep in touch with all your online friends?

How important is self-presentation in social media for socialization?

Have you met any real life friends through online media?

Have you ever felt underrated in social media?

How important is the number of likes in social nets?

Which social net is the most popular among your peers? What makes it convenient?

What could be the reason for you to close your social media accounts?

Have you ever had a fake account online? How did you use it?

5 Internet & Tech Writing Prompts

internet&tech writing prompts

Should programming be taught in basic school programs?

How safe do you think Internet surfing is?

Do you share personal information through the web?

How do you protect your data online?

Is it possible to remain anonymous in the Internet today?

7 Music Writing Prompts

7 music writing prompts

What are the top 5 songs you have been listening to lately?

Which music style do you prefer? What exactly fascinates you about it?

Has music ever facilitated any emotions for you? Give examples.

Where do you get the new music from?

Does one’s taste in music depend on what they have heard at home as children?

Does your choice of music depend on its popularity?

How does the development of technology impact the development of music styles?

5 Video Games Writing Prompts

video games writing prompts

Are esports good for the players? In what ways?

Which video games have you mastered?

Which qualities have you gained through playing video games?

Is violence in esports acceptable?

Are the age limitations for games always adequate?

10 Books & Reading Writing Prompts

books&reading writing prompts

Name the top 3 books that have formed your personal philosophy.

What is the book you are reading currently?

Is there a particular genre you prefer? Why?

Who is your favorite author?

Make a list of 10 books every peer of yours must read.

If you were to write a book, what would it be about?

Do you read all the books required at school? Do you like them all?

Have electronic books replaced the printed ones?

Why do people need to read?

Did any book help you with any hard experiences in your life?

5 Prompts on Arts

Writing Prompts on Arts

Is art important for you personally? Why?

Is art important for the mankind? Why?

Which art mediums and styles do you prefer?

Do you think understanding art is important?

Should art in museums be in open access to everyone?

5 Prompts about School

writing prompts about school

What would you change in your studying schedule?

How do you think students should be motivated to study better?

Are after class activities important? Why?

Which time of the day do you think is the best for effective learning?

What do all students dream about?

10 Learning & Studying Prompts

learning writing prompts

Do you think students should study at home after classes?

Is individual work better than group projects? Why?

Do you often need help with your home task?

Have you ever had a tutor? Did they help you?

Are you active during the class?

What kind of testing do you think is the most important?

Do you think the class has to be divided based on the students’ success?

How many students should be in class for an effective learning?

What is your favorite discipline?

Do you have enough time to socialize and rest after your home assignments?

All the mentioned fun writing prompts for high school will definitely add inspiration to your writing process. The last suggestion to consider for you is to practice writing as much as possible. Even if you have no topic and no one to check your paper , simply write your flow of thoughts down. This simple everyday exercise will help you to polish your skills and develop your understanding of the writing process.

In any case, never make long pauses waiting for inspiration to dawn on you: it is your responsibility to find some engaging ideas to write about!

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Tips for Writing an Application Letter

The Write Practice

30+ Back to School Writing Prompts 🍎

by Sue Weems | 0 comments

Start Your Story TODAY! We’re teaching a new LIVE workshop this week to help you start your next book. Learn more and sign up here.

Students are heading back to school this month and next, and if you're like me, you remember that old standby back to school writing prompt: “What did you do over summer”. If you're looking for some new ideas to get students back in the habit of writing while you have a little fun developing skills, try one these fun writing prompts!

essay high school writing prompts

When I was teaching middle school and high school students, I loved using writing prompts for those early days of school (and truly year round). Students are still trying to figure out how to get through new classes and friendships, and writing is an opportunity to gently get to know each other.

How to use prompts with students

Two things helped me set the tone in those early days. The first is this: everyone writes. I set a timer, even if it was only for five minutes and we write. Me included! It meant that sometimes I walked around the room with my notebook and pen in hand trying to get my own words down while silently directing students back on task, but it set an example.

The second thing was this: I always open the floor for sharing at the end of writing time. Sometimes I encouraged students to share with someone near them, other times I would take volunteers, but I always offered it.

Here's how you can make sharing writing more accessible for every student. First, set a timer. If we wrote for five minutes, I might open the floor for another three to four minutes for sharing. Then, limit what is shared. At the beginning of the year, I ask students for a sentence or two they'd like to share.

I never force students to share, and we made it a time to celebrate thinking and word play, instead of focusing on grammar (that came later!). Within a month or two, nearly every student felt comfortable sharing at least a sentence with peers. And that's not easy, even for adults!

Mix up your prompts!

When you're choosing prompts, I love to do a mix each week. I might have mentor sentence Monday where we share a sentence from a writer we'll be reading that week and we all try to write a similar sentence and play with the structure.

We might have a revision prompt on Wednesdays, where students use the grammar skills we've been learning to correct a set of sentences or write their own correctly.

I might have a question that sparks a debate in preparation for a discussion or novel study. Once a month, I might offer a prompt to review their favorite song/ food/ video game/ show for the week.

Using a mix of prompt ensures that students get to think about writing in a variety of ways, and they begin to see that even if one type of writing isn't their favorite, there are other ways to express themselves too.

First week of school prompts

  • Rate this first day/week from 1-5, 5 being best. Imagine you're writing a script for a short social media video about what has been the best and what could be improved. Be specific.
  • Write an advertisement like a help wanted ad for the best teacher/ coach/ tutor/ principal ever. Be specific about the qualities needed and why.
  • What is your favorite subject or topic? It can be a school subject, like English or math, OR just a topic of interest like dinosaurs or soccer or a specific video game. Imagine someone wanted to learn about that topic and took a class. Write a description of what the best class on that subject in school would include.
  • Imagine the best school routine for you. What would the day look like? What would you spend the most time on to meet your academic goals and personal aspirations?
  • As an elementary student, what did you love during the school day and why? How could you incorporate more of that in your current schedule?

Creative writing prompts

1. Create a scene where you send something unusual to school. Examples: your dog, a pet rock, your soccer ball, a parent. What classes would you have them take? What would they learn?

  • Write a story about a character who steps into what looks like a regular school building and instead finds a very different world inside. This new environment could be magical, like a school for wizards or an academy for superheroes, or surreal, like a place where math problems come to life. Describe the classes they attend, the classmates they meet, and the lessons they learn in this unexpected school setting.
  • Write a scene where your favorite character interviews their biggest enemy.
  • Write a story where a character is on a dream school trip but something happens that derails the whole thing, and the character has to come to the rescue.
  • Write about a summer break that ends when something unexpected interrupts making the main character ready to go back to school.

Regular writing practice

Story and narrative writing practice.

Rewrite the following sentences being much more specific. For example, with the first prompt, consider the verb “went.” While it's technically correct, it isn't very precise. How did you go? Did you meander? Sprint? Drive a speedster? Also, what store? Be specific. For each one, try to build it into a sentence or two that helps the reader visualize it. (Hint, use sensory details.)

  • I went to the store.
  • She walked through the yard.
  • He got mad.
  • We got in the water.
  • She played in the street.

Persuasive Paragraph writing practice

  • Write a paragraph using evidence from your own experience that answers this prompt: What day at school is the best day and why?
  • Write a paragraph using evidence from your own experience that answers this prompt: Which sidekick would be the most helpful If you were a superhero and why?
  • Write a paragraph using evidence from your own experience that answers this prompt: What food should be offered in the cafeteria at school and why?
  • Write a paragraph using evidence from your own experience that answers the prompt: What is the single most important teacher tip you could offer a new teacher and why?
  • Write a paragraph using evidence from your own experience that answers the prompt: What part of your daily routine (at home or school) is the most important and why?

Personal narrative writing prompts

  • Tell the story of how you got a scar.
  • Share the most memorable moment you've had with a person who inspires you.
  • Write about a lesson you learned outside of school.
  • Share a cherished childhood memory and why you think it's so memorable.
  • Write about the biggest challenge you have overcome so far and how you did it.

Academic journal prompts

  • What are your future goals? Create one long-term goal for the year, but then think about what one small part of that you could do this week.
  • What was one thing you learned today?
  • Who taught you something today? (Bonus if it wasn't a teacher!)
  • How did you show kindness to someone today?
  • What was your favorite activity today and why?
  • What is one topic you'd like to learn more about?
  • What subject at school do you feel you need more help with? How can you ask for that help?
  • What are three things you can do to keep your work organized?
  • Who could you thank at school today?
  • How could you challenge yourself today at home or at school?

As students get back to their studies, I hope we'll all make time to write. It's such a terrific way to learn AND to play. Make it a part of your home or classroom routine and see how creative students can be. Looking for more prompts? Take a look at our top 150 short story ideas here or the August prompts here. 

What was the most memorable back to school experience you've had? Share in the comments .

Choose one of the prompts above and set the timer for fifteen minutes .

When you're finished, share your story in the Pro Practice Workshop for feedback from the community. And if you share, please be sure to comment on a few stories by other writers.

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Sue Weems is a writer, teacher, and traveler with an advanced degree in (mostly fictional) revenge. When she’s not rationalizing her love for parentheses (and dramatic asides), she follows a sailor around the globe with their four children, two dogs, and an impossibly tall stack of books to read. You can read more of her writing tips on her website .

essay high school writing prompts

Work with Sue Weems?

Award-winning instructor and writer of 20+ years, book coach, and editor. Sue Weems specializes in working with Children's, Memoir, Middle Grade, Mystery, Nonfiction, Romance, and Thriller books. Sound like a good fit for you?

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Writing Curriculum

Teach Writing With The New York Times: Our 2024-25 Curriculum

Our nine writing units are based on real-world features like reviews, photo essays, narratives, podcasts and more.

An illustration titled "A Writer's Routine" that shows an A-Z list of activities, starting with Awake, Breakfast and Coffee.

By The Learning Network

Please note: Fully updated versions of each unit, as well as all supporting materials, will be published before each related contest opens for submissions.

What can the news, features, essays, interviews, photos, videos, podcasts and graphics in The New York Times teach your students about composing for a real audience? So much, we hope, that the units we detail below are just a beginning.

Our writing curriculum is a road map for teachers as well as an invitation to students. For teachers, it organizes our offerings into nine units, each of which focuses on a different genre or type of composing that your students can find not just in The Times but also in all kinds of real-world sources.

For students, these units offer confirmation that they have something valuable to say, choices about how to say it and a global audience eager to listen. Promoting student voices has always been a pillar of our site, and through the opportunities for publication woven into each unit, we want to encourage students to go beyond simply consuming media to becoming creators themselves.

Though some of the units spotlight mediums like photography or podcasting, writing is at the heart of each one. All our units begin and end with written reflection and depend on writing throughout — to plan and organize, to outline and script, to summarize and process. Increasingly, Times journalists are composing in multimedia, weaving photos, illustrations, video and audio into their written reports. We’re inviting students to do the same.

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How To Tackle The Weirdest Supplemental Essay Prompts For This Application Cycle

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Writing the college essay

How do you write a letter to a friend that shows you’re a good candidate for the University of Pennsylvania? What reading list will help the Columbia University admissions committee understand your interdisciplinary interests? How can you convey your desire to attend Yale by inventing a course description for a topic you’re interested in studying?

These are the challenges students must overcome when writing their supplemental essays . Supplemental essays are a critical component of college applications—like the personal statement, they provide students with the opportunity to showcase their authentic voice and perspective beyond the quantitative elements of their applications. However, unlike the personal essay, supplemental essays allow colleges to read students’ responses to targeted prompts and evaluate their candidacy for their specific institution. For this reason, supplemental essay prompts are often abstract, requiring students to get creative, read between the lines, and ditch the traditional essay-writing format when crafting their responses.

While many schools simply want to know “why do you want to attend our school?” others break the mold, inviting students to think outside of the box and answer prompts that are original, head-scratching, or downright weird. This year, the following five colleges pushed students to get creative—if you’re struggling to rise to the challenge, here are some tips for tackling their unique prompts:

University of Chicago

Prompt: We’re all familiar with green-eyed envy or feeling blue, but what about being “caught purple-handed”? Or “tickled orange”? Give an old color-infused expression a new hue and tell us what it represents. – Inspired by Ramsey Bottorff, Class of 2026

What Makes it Unique: No discussion of unique supplemental essay prompts would be complete without mentioning the University of Chicago, a school notorious for its puzzling and original prompts (perhaps the most well-known of these has been the recurring prompt “Find x”). This prompt challenges you to invent a new color-based expression, encouraging both linguistic creativity and a deep dive into the emotional or cultural connotations of color. It’s a prompt that allows you to play with language, think abstractly, and show off your ability to forge connections between concepts that aren’t typically linked—all qualities that likewise demonstrate your preparedness for UChicago’s unique academic environment.

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How to Answer it: While it may be easy to get distracted by the open-ended nature of the prompt, remember that both the substance and structure of your response should give some insight into your personality, perspective, and characteristics. With this in mind, begin by considering the emotions, experiences, or ideas that most resonate with you. Then, use your imagination to consider how a specific color could represent that feeling or concept. Remember that the prompt is ultimately an opportunity to showcase your creativity and original way of looking at the world, so your explanation does not need to be unnecessarily deep or complex—if you have a playful personality, convey your playfulness in your response; if you are known for your sarcasm, consider how you can weave in your biting wit; if you are an amateur poet, consider how you might take inspiration from poetry as you write, or offer a response in the form of a poem.

The goal is to take a familiar concept and turn it into something new and meaningful through a creative lens. Use this essay to showcase your ability to think inventively and to draw surprising connections between language and life.

Harvard University

Prompt: Top 3 things your roommates might like to know about you.

What Makes it Unique: This prompt is unique in both form and substance—first, you only have 150 words to write about all 3 things. Consider using a form other than a traditional essay or short answer response, such as a bullet list or short letter. Additionally, note that the things your roommate might like to learn about you do not necessarily overlap with the things you would traditionally share with an admissions committee. The aim of the prompt is to get to know your quirks and foibles—who are you as a person and a friend? What distinguishes you outside of academics and accolades?

How to Answer it: First and foremost, feel free to get creative with your response to this prompt. While you are producing a supplemental essay and thus a professional piece of writing, the prompt invites you to share more personal qualities, and you should aim to demonstrate your unique characteristics in your own voice. Consider things such as: How would your friends describe you? What funny stories do your parents and siblings share that encapsulate your personality? Or, consider what someone might want to know about living with you: do you snore? Do you have a collection of vintage posters? Are you particularly fastidious? While these may seem like trivial things to mention, the true creativity is in how you connect these qualities to deeper truths about yourself—perhaps your sleepwalking is consistent with your reputation for being the first to raise your hand in class or speak up about a cause you’re passionate about. Perhaps your living conditions are a metaphor for how your brain works—though it looks like a mess to everyone else, you have a place for everything and know exactly where to find it. Whatever qualities you choose, embrace the opportunity to think outside of the box and showcase something that admissions officers won’t learn about anywhere else on your application.

University of Pennsylvania

Prompt: Write a short thank-you note to someone you have not yet thanked and would like to acknowledge.

What Makes it Unique: Breaking from the traditional essay format, this supplement invites you to write directly to a third party in the form of a 150-200 word long letter. The challenge in answering this distinct prompt is to remember that your letter should say as much about you, your unique qualities and what you value as it does about the recipient—all while not seeming overly boastful or contrived.

How to Answer it: As you select a recipient, consider the relationships that have been most formative in your high school experience—writing to someone who has played a large part in your story will allow the admissions committee some insight into your development and the meaningful relationships that guided you on your journey. Once you’ve identified the person, craft a thank-you note that is specific and heartfelt—unlike other essays, this prompt invites you to be sentimental and emotional, as long as doing so would authentically convey your feelings of gratitude. Describe the impact they’ve had on you, what you’ve learned from them, and how their influence has shaped your path. For example, if you’re thanking a teacher, don’t just say they helped you become a better student—explain how their encouragement gave you the confidence to pursue your passions. Keep the tone sincere and personal, avoid clichés and focus on the unique role this person has played in your life.

University of Notre Dame

Prompt: What compliment are you most proud of receiving, and why does it mean so much to you?

What Makes it Unique: This prompt is unique in that it invites students to share something about themselves by reflecting on someone else’s words in 50-100 words.

How to Answer it: The key to answering this prompt is to avoid focusing too much on the complement itself and instead focus on your response to receiving it and why it was so important to you. Note that this prompt is not an opportunity to brag about your achievements, but instead to showcase what truly matters to you. Select a compliment that truly speaks to who you are and what you value. It could be related to your character, work ethic, kindness, creativity, or any other quality that you hold in high regard. The compliment doesn’t have to be grand or come from someone with authority—it could be something small but significant that left a lasting impression on you, or it could have particular meaning for you because it came from someone you didn’t expect it to come from. Be brief in setting the stage and explaining the context of the compliment—what is most important is your reflection on its significance and how it shaped your understanding of yourself.

Stanford University

Prompt: List five things that are important to you.

What Makes it Unique: This prompt’s simplicity is what makes it so challenging. Stanford asks for a list, not an essay, which means you have very limited space (50 words) to convey something meaningful about yourself. Additionally, the prompt does not specify what these “things” must be—they could be a physical item, an idea, a concept, or even a pastime. Whatever you choose, these five items should add depth to your identity, values, and priorities.

How to Answer it: Start by brainstorming what matters most to you—these could be values, activities, people, places, or even abstract concepts. The key is to choose items or concepts that, when considered together, provide a comprehensive snapshot of who you are. For example, you might select something tangible and specific such as “an antique telescope gifted by my grandfather” alongside something conceptual such as “the willingness to admit when you’re wrong.” The beauty of this prompt is that it doesn’t require complex sentences or elaborate explanations—just a clear and honest reflection of what you hold dear. Be thoughtful in your selections, and use this prompt to showcase your creativity and core values.

While the supplemental essays should convey something meaningful about you, your values, and your unique qualifications for the university to which you are applying, the best essays are those that are playful, original, and unexpected. By starting early and taking the time to draft and revise their ideas, students can showcase their authentic personalities and distinguish themselves from other applicants through their supplemental essays.

Christopher Rim

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Want to write a college essay that sets you apart? Three tips to give you a head start

How to write a college essay

1. Keep it real. It’s normal to want to make a good impression on the school of your choice, but it’s also important to show who you really are. So just be yourself! Compelling stories might not be perfectly linear or have a happy ending, and that’s OK. It’s best to be authentic instead of telling schools what you think they want to hear.

2. Be reflective . Think about how you’ve changed during high school. How have you grown and improved? What makes you feel ready for college, and how do you hope to contribute to the campus community and society at large?

3. Look to the future. Consider your reasons for attending college. What do you hope to gain from your education? What about college excites you the most, and what would you like to do after you graduate? Answering these questions will not only give colleges insight into the kind of student you’ll be, but it will also give you the personal insight you’ll need to choose the school that’s right for you.

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Independence Day 2024 Essay Tips: Celebrated annually on August 15th, India's Independence Day in 2024 marks 77 years since gaining freedom from British rule in 1947. The day features flag hoisting, patriotic songs, and cultural performances. Schools and public institutions commemorate the event, highlighting the contributions of freedom fighters and fostering national pride.

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