Research Gaps Suggester

Research Gaps Suggester

The Research Gaps Suggester is a cutting-edge tool designed to assist researchers in identifying research gaps in a given topic. By inputting the desired topic, users can generate a specified number of research gaps to explore. Whether it’s for a thesis, academic paper, or any research endeavor, this tool provides valuable insights by highlighting areas where further investigation is needed. The number of research gaps to be generated can be specified by the user, ensuring a customizable and efficient research process.

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How To Find A Research Gap, Quickly

A step-by-step guide for new researchers

By: Derek Jansen (MBA) | Reviewer: Eunice Rautenbach (DTech) | April 2023

If you’ve got a dissertation, thesis or research project coming up, one of the first (and most important) things you’ll need to do is find a suitable research gap . In this post, we’ll share a straightforward process to help you uncover high-quality, original research gaps in a very time-efficient manner.

Overview: Finding Research Gaps

  • What exactly is a research gap?
  • Research gap vs research topic
  • How to find potential research gaps
  • How to evaluate research gaps (and topics)
  • Key takeaways

What is a research gap?

As a starting point, it’s useful to first define what we mean by research gap, to ensure we’re all on the same page. The term “research gap” gets thrown around quite loosely by students and academics alike, so let’s clear that up.

Simply put, a research gap is any space where there’s a lack of solid, agreed-upon research regarding a specific topic, issue or phenomenon. In other words, there’s a lack of established knowledge and, consequently, a need for further research.

Let’s look at a hypothetical example to illustrate a research gap.

Within the existing research regarding factors affect job satisfaction , there may be a wealth of established and agreed-upon empirical work within a US and UK context , but very little research within Eastern nations such as Japan or Korea . Given that these nations have distinctly different national cultures and workforce compositions compared to the West, it’s plausible that the factors that contribute toward job satisfaction may also be different. Therefore, a research gap emerges for studies that explore this matter.

This example is purely hypothetical (and there’s probably plenty of research covering this already), but it illustrates the core point that a research gap reflects a lack of firmly established knowledge regarding a specific matter . Given this lack, an opportunity exists for researchers (like you) to go on and fill the gap.

So, it’s the same as a research topic?

Not quite – but they are connected. A research gap refers to an area where there’s a lack of settled research , whereas a research topic outlines the focus of a specific study . Despite being different things, these two are related because research gaps are the birthplace of research topics. In other words, by identifying a clear research gap, you have a foundation from which you can build a research topic for your specific study. Your study is unlikely to resolve the entire research gap on it’s own, but it will contribute towards it .

If you’d like to learn more, we’ve got a comprehensive post that covers research gaps (including the different types of research gaps), as well as an explainer video below.

How to find a research gap

Now that we’ve defined what a research gap is, it’s time to get down to the process of finding potential research gaps that you can use as a basis for potential research topics. Importantly, it’s worth noting that this is just one way (of many) to find a research gap (and consequently a topic). We’re not proposing that it’s the only way or best way, but it’s certainly a relatively quick way to identify opportunities.

Step 1: Identify your broad area of interest

The very first step to finding a research gap is to decide on your general area of interest . For example, if you were undertaking a dissertation as part of an MBA degree, you may decide that you’re interested in corporate reputation, HR strategy, or leadership styles. As you can see, these are broad categories – there’s no need to get super specific just yet. Of course, if there is something very specific that you’re interested in, that’s great – but don’t feel pressured to narrow it down too much right now.

Equally important is to make sure that this area of interest is allowed by your university or whichever institution you’ll be proposing your research to. This might sound dead obvious, but you’ll be surprised how many times we’ve seen students run down a path with great excitement, only to later learn that their university wants a very specific area of focus in terms of topic (and their area of interest doesn’t qualify).

Free Webinar: How To Find A Dissertation Research Topic

Step 2: Do an initial literature scan

Once you’ve pinned down your broad area (or areas) of interest, the next step is to head over to Google Scholar to undertake an initial literature scan . If you’re not familiar with this tool, Google Scholar is a great starting point for finding academic literature on pretty much any topic, as it uses Google’s powerful search capabilities to hunt down relevant academic literature. It’s certainly not the be-all and end-all of literature search tools, but it’s a useful starting point .

Within Google Scholar, you’ll want to do a few searches using keywords that are relevant to your area of interest. Sticking with our earlier example, we could use the key phrase “job satisfaction”, or we may want to get a little more specific – perhaps “job satisfaction for millennials” or “job satisfaction in Japan”.

It’s always a good idea to play around with as many keywords/phrases as you can think up.  Take an iterative approach here and see which keywords yield the most relevant results for you. Keep each search open in a new tab, as this will help keep things organised for the next steps.

Once you’ve searched for a few different keywords/phrases, you’ll need to do some refining for each of the searches you undertook. Specifically, you’ll need to filter the results down to the most recent papers . You can do this by selecting the time period in the top left corner (see the example below).

using google scholar to find a research gap

Filtering to the current year is typically a good choice (especially for fast-moving research areas), but in some cases, you may need to filter to the last two years . If you’re undertaking this task in January or February, for example, you’ll likely need to select a two-year period.

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Step 3: Review and shortlist articles that interest you

Once you’ve run a few searches using different keywords and phrases, you’ll need to scan through the results to see what looks most relevant and interesting to you. At this stage, you can just look at the titles and abstracts (the description provided by Google Scholar) – don’t worry about reading the actual article just yet.

Next, select 5 – 10 articles that interest you and open them up. Here, we’re making the assumption that your university has provided you with access to a decent range of academic databases. In some cases, Google Scholar will link you directly to a PDF of the article, but in most cases, you’ll need paid access. If you don’t have this (for example, if you’re still applying to a university), you can look at two options:

Open-access articles – these are free articles which you can access without any journal subscription. A quick Google search (the regular Google) will help you find open-access journals in your area of interest, but you can also have a look at DOAJ and Elsevier Open Access.

DeepDyve – this is a monthly subscription service that allows you to get access to a broad range of journals. At the time of shooting this video, their monthly subscription is around $50 and they do offer a free trial, which may be sufficient for your project.

Step 4: Skim-read your article shortlist

Now, it’s time to dig into your article shortlist and do some reading. But don’t worry, you don’t need to read the articles from start to finish – you just need to focus on a few key sections.

Specifically, you’ll need to pay attention to the following:

  • The abstract (which you’ve probably already read a portion of in Google Scholar)
  • The introduction – this will give you a bit more detail about the context and background of the study, as well as what the researchers were trying to achieve (their research aims)
  • The discussion or conclusion – this will tell you what the researchers found

By skimming through these three sections for each journal article on your shortlist, you’ll gain a reasonable idea of what each study was about, without having to dig into the painful details. Generally, these sections are usually quite short, so it shouldn’t take you too long.

Step 5: Go “FRIN hunting”

This is where the magic happens. Within each of the articles on your shortlist, you’ll want to search for a few very specific phrases , namely:

  • Future research
  • Further research
  • Research opportunities
  • Research directions

All of these terms are commonly found in what we call the “FRIN” section . FRIN stands for “further research is needed”. The FRIN is where the researchers explain what other researchers could do to build on their study, or just on the research area in general. In other words, the FRIN section is where you can find fresh opportunities for novel research . Most empirical studies will either have a dedicated FRIN section or paragraph, or they’ll allude to the FRIN toward the very end of the article. You’ll need to do a little scanning, but it’s usually pretty easy to spot.

It’s worth mentioning that naturally, the FRIN doesn’t hand you a list of research gaps on a platter. It’s not a silver bullet for finding research gaps – but it’s the closest thing to it. Realistically, the FRIN section helps you shortcut the gap-hunting process  by highlighting novel research avenues that are worth exploring.

This probably sounds a little conceptual, so let’s have a look at a few examples:

The impact of overeducation on job outcomes: Evidence from Saudi Arabia (Alzubaidi, 2020)

If you scroll down to the bottom of this article, you’ll see there’s a dedicated section called “Limitations and directions for future research”. Here they talk about the limitations of the study and provide suggestions about how future researchers could improve upon their work and overcome the limitations.

Perceived organizational support and job satisfaction: a moderated mediation model of proactive personality and psychological empowerment (Maan et al, 2020)

In this article, within the limitations section, they provide a wonderfully systematic structure where they discuss each limitation, followed by a proposal as to how future studies can overcome the respective limitation. In doing so, they are providing very specific research opportunities for other researchers.

Medical professionals’ job satisfaction and telemedicine readiness during the COVID-19 pandemic: solutions to improve medical practice in Egypt (El-Mazahy et al, 2023)

In this article, they don’t have a dedicated section discussing the FRIN, but we can deduct it based on the limitations section. For example, they state that an evaluation of the knowledge about telemedicine and technology-related skills would have enabled studying their independent effect on the perception of telemedicine.

Follow this FRIN-seeking process for the articles you shortlisted and map out any potentially interesting research gaps . You may find that you need to look at a larger number of articles to find something interesting, or you might find that your area of interest shifts as you engage in the reading – this is perfectly natural. Take as much time as you need to develop a shortlist of potential research gaps that interest you.

Importantly, once you’ve developed a shortlist of potential research gaps, you need to return to Google Scholar to double-check that there aren’t fresh studies that have already addressed the gap. Remember, if you’re looking at papers from two years ago in a fast-moving field, someone else may have jumped on it . Nevertheless, there could still very well be a unique angle you could take – perhaps a contextual gap (e.g. a specific country, industry, etc.).

Ultimately, the need for originality will depend on your specific university’s requirements and the level of study. For example, if you’re doing an undergraduate research project, the originality requirements likely won’t be as gruelling as say a Masters or PhD project. So, make sure you have a clear understanding of what your university’s expectations are. A good way to do this is to look at past dissertations and theses for your specific programme. You can usually find these in the university library or by asking the faculty.

How to evaluate potential research gaps

Once you’ve developed a shortlist of potential research gaps (and resultant potential research topics) that interest you, you’ll need to systematically evaluate  them  to choose a winner. There are many factors to consider here, but some important ones include the following:

  • Originality and value – is the topic sufficiently novel and will addressing it create value?
  • Data access – will you be able to get access to the sample of interest?
  • Costs – will there be additional costs involved for data collection and/or analysis?
  • Timeframes – will you be able to collect and analyse the data within the timeframe required by your university?
  • Supervisor support – is there a suitable supervisor available to support your project from start to finish?

To help you evaluate your options systematically, we’ve got a topic evaluation worksheet that allows you to score each potential topic against a comprehensive set of criteria. You can access the worksheet completely free of charge here .

Research topic evaluator

Recap: Key Takeaways

We’ve covered quite a lot of ground in this post. Here are the key takeaways:

  • A research gap is any space where there’s a lack of solid, agreed-upon research regarding a specific topic/issue/phenomenon.
  • Unique research topics emerge from research gaps , so it’s essential to first identify high-quality research gaps before you attempt to define a topic.
  • To find potential research gaps, start by seeking out recent journal articles on Google Scholar and pay particular attention to the FRIN section to identify novel opportunities.
  • Once you have a shortlist of prospective research gaps and resultant topic ideas, evaluate them systematically using a comprehensive set of criteria.

If you’d like to get hands-on help finding a research gap and research topic, be sure to check out our private coaching service , where we hold your hand through the research journey, step by step.

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Psst... there’s more!

This post was based on one of our popular Research Bootcamps . If you're working on a research project, you'll definitely want to check this out ...

Ramraj Shiwakoti

Very useful for me, but i am still confusing review of literature review, how to find out topic related previous research.


Powerful notes! Thanks a lot.

Timothy Ezekiel Pam

This is helpful. Thanks a lot.

Yam Lal Bhoosal

Thank you very much for this. It is really a great opportunity for me to learn the research journey.

Vijaya Kumar

Very Useful

Nabulu Mara

It nice job

Friday Henry Malaya

You have sharpened my articulations of these components to the core. Thanks so much.

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How to identify research gaps


Anthony Newman

About this video

Researching is an ongoing task, as it requires you to think of something nobody else has thought of before. This is where the research gap comes into play.

We will explain what a research gap is, provide you with steps on how to identify these research gaps, as well as provide you several tools that can help you identify them.

About the presenter


Senior Publisher, Life Sciences, Elsevier

Anthony Newman is a Senior Publisher with Elsevier and is based in Amsterdam. Each year he presents numerous Author Workshops and other similar trainings worldwide. He is currently responsible for fifteen biochemistry and laboratory medicine journals, he joined Elsevier over thirty years ago and has been Publisher for more than twenty of those years. Before then he was the marketing communications manager for the biochemistry journals of Elsevier.  By training he is a polymer chemist and was active in the surface coating industry before leaving London and moving to Amsterdam in 1987 to join Elsevier.

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Identifying Research Gaps to Pursue Innovative Research

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This article is an excerpt from a lecture given by my Ph.D. guide, a researcher in public health. She advised us on how to identify research gaps to pursue innovative research in our fields.

What is a Research Gap?

Today we are talking about the research gap: what is it, how to identify it, and how to make use of it so that you can pursue innovative research. Now, how many of you have ever felt you had discovered a new and exciting research question , only to find that it had already been written about? I have experienced this more times than I can count. Graduate studies come with pressure to add new knowledge to the field. We can contribute to the progress and knowledge of humanity. To do this, we need to first learn to identify research gaps in the existing literature.

A research gap is, simply, a topic or area for which missing or insufficient information limits the ability to reach a conclusion for a question. It should not be confused with a research question, however. For example, if we ask the research question of what the healthiest diet for humans is, we would find many studies and possible answers to this question. On the other hand, if we were to ask the research question of what are the effects of antidepressants on pregnant women, we would not find much-existing data. This is a research gap. When we identify a research gap, we identify a direction for potentially new and exciting research.

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How to Identify Research Gap?

Considering the volume of existing research, identifying research gaps can seem overwhelming or even impossible. I don’t have time to read every paper published on public health. Similarly, you guys don’t have time to read every paper. So how can you identify a research gap?

There are different techniques in various disciplines, but we can reduce most of them down to a few steps, which are:

  • Identify your key motivating issue/question
  • Identify key terms associated with this issue
  • Review the literature, searching for these key terms and identifying relevant publications
  • Review the literature cited by the key publications which you located in the above step
  • Identify issues not addressed by  the literature relating to your critical  motivating issue

It is the last step which we all find the most challenging. It can be difficult to figure out what an article is  not  saying. I like to keep a list of notes of biased or inconsistent information. You could also track what authors write as “directions for future research,” which often can point us towards the existing gaps.

Different Types of Research Gaps

Identifying research gaps is an essential step in conducting research, as it helps researchers to refine their research questions and to focus their research efforts on areas where there is a need for more knowledge or understanding.

1. Knowledge gaps

These are gaps in knowledge or understanding of a subject, where more research is needed to fill the gaps. For example, there may be a lack of understanding of the mechanisms behind a particular disease or how a specific technology works.

2. Conceptual gaps

These are gaps in the conceptual framework or theoretical understanding of a subject. For example, there may be a need for more research to understand the relationship between two concepts or to refine a theoretical framework.

3. Methodological gaps

These are gaps in the methods used to study a particular subject. For example, there may be a need for more research to develop new research methods or to refine existing methods to address specific research questions.

4. Data gaps

These are gaps in the data available on a particular subject. For example, there may be a need for more research to collect data on a specific population or to develop new measures to collect data on a particular construct.

5. Practical gaps

These are gaps in the application of research findings to practical situations. For example, there may be a need for more research to understand how to implement evidence-based practices in real-world settings or to identify barriers to implementing such practices.

Examples of Research Gap

Limited understanding of the underlying mechanisms of a disease:.

Despite significant research on a particular disease, there may be a lack of understanding of the underlying mechanisms of the disease. For example, although much research has been done on Alzheimer’s disease, the exact mechanisms that lead to the disease are not yet fully understood.

Inconsistencies in the findings of previous research:

When previous research on a particular topic has inconsistent findings, there may be a need for further research to clarify or resolve these inconsistencies. For example, previous research on the effectiveness of a particular treatment for a medical condition may have produced inconsistent findings, indicating a need for further research to determine the true effectiveness of the treatment.

Limited research on emerging technologies:

As new technologies emerge, there may be limited research on their applications, benefits, and potential drawbacks. For example, with the increasing use of artificial intelligence in various industries, there is a need for further research on the ethical, legal, and social implications of AI.

How to Deal with Literature Gap?

Once you have identified the literature gaps, it is critical to prioritize. You may find many questions which remain to be answered in the literature. Often one question must be answered before the next can be addressed. In prioritizing the gaps, you have identified, you should consider your funding agency or stakeholders, the needs of the field, and the relevance of your questions to what is currently being studied. Also, consider your own resources and ability to conduct the research you’re considering. Once you have done this, you can narrow your search down to an appropriate question.

Tools to Help Your Search

There are thousands of new articles published every day, and staying up to date on the literature can be overwhelming. You should take advantage of the technology that is available. Some services include  PubCrawler ,  Feedly ,  Google Scholar , and PubMed updates. Stay up to date on social media forums where scholars share new discoveries, such as Twitter. Reference managers such as  Mendeley  can help you keep your references well-organized. I personally have had success using Google Scholar and PubMed to stay current on new developments and track which gaps remain in my personal areas of interest.

The most important thing I want to impress upon you today is that you will struggle to  choose a research topic  that is innovative and exciting if you don’t know the existing literature well. This is why identifying research gaps starts with an extensive and thorough  literature review . But give yourself some boundaries.  You don’t need to read every paper that has ever been written on a topic. You may find yourself thinking you’re on the right track and then suddenly coming across a paper that you had intended to write! It happens to everyone- it happens to me quite often. Don’t give up- keep reading and you’ll find what you’re looking for.

Class dismissed!

How do you identify research gaps? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Frequently Asked Questions

A research gap can be identified by looking for a topic or area with missing or insufficient information that limits the ability to reach a conclusion for a question.

Identifying a research gap is important as it provides a direction for potentially new research or helps bridge the gap in existing literature.

Gap in research is a topic or area with missing or insufficient information. A research gap limits the ability to reach a conclusion for a question.

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Thank u for your suggestion.

Very useful tips specially for a beginner

Thank you. This is helpful. I find that I’m overwhelmed with literatures. As I read on a particular topic, and in a particular direction I find that other conflicting issues, topic a and ideas keep popping up, making me more confused.

I am very grateful for your advice. It’s just on point.

The clearest, exhaustive, and brief explanation I have ever read.

Thanks for sharing

Thank you very much.The work is brief and understandable

Thank you it is very informative

research gap identifier

Thanks for sharing this educative article

Thank you for such informative explanation.

Great job smart guy! Really outdid yourself!

Nice one! I thank you for this as it is just what I was looking for!đŸ˜ƒđŸ€Ÿ

Thank you so much for this. Much appreciated

Thank you so much.

Thankyou for ur briefing…its so helpful

Thank you so much .I’ved learn a lot from this.❀

Very exciting and useful piece for researchers.

Your are awesome, it’s a great article.

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The Best Method In Identifying Research Gap: An In-depth Analysis

What is research gap.

A research gap refers to an area or topic that has not been sufficiently explored or studied, leaving unanswered questions or unresolved issues. This article will provide an overview of the research gaps concept and their significance in the research process. It will also discuss the importance of identifying research gaps and how they can be used to formulate research objectives and problem statements. Additionally, this section will explore various techniques and strategies for conducting research gap analysis and bridging the gap between existing knowledge and future research endeavors.

Identifying research gaps is vital because it highlights unexplored or under-researched areas, guiding scholars to contribute new knowledge and insights that can advance understanding within a particular field.

Background of Research Gap

In the world of research, identifying and addressing research gaps is a crucial step towards advancing knowledge and understanding in a particular field. A research gap refers to an area in the existing body of knowledge where there is a lack of research or unanswered questions. In other words, it is a gap in the literature that needs to be addressed through further research.

Research gaps can occur for various reasons, such as a lack of studies on a specific topic, contradictory findings in existing research, or the emergence of new ideas or concepts that have not been explored. Identifying research gaps is crucial for the advancement of knowledge and the development of new research questions. By filling these gaps, researchers can contribute to the existing body of knowledge and address unanswered questions.

Furthermore, research gaps provide opportunities for researchers to make significant contributions to their field by conducting innovative and impactful studies. Understanding the background of research gaps is essential for researchers to identify areas where their research can make a meaningful impact.

Significance of Research Gap

The research gap plays a crucial role in the field of academia and scientific research. It holds significant importance for researchers, scholars, and the overall advancement of knowledge.

Contributing to Knowledge and Developing New Theories

One of the primary reasons why the research gap is significant is that it identifies areas where there is a lack of knowledge or understanding. It highlights the gaps in existing research, indicating the need for further investigation and exploration. By identifying research gaps, researchers can contribute to the existing body of knowledge by filling in the missing pieces. This leads to the development of new theories, concepts, and insights that can enhance our understanding of a particular subject or field.

Fostering Innovation and Progress through Unexplored Areas

Furthermore, the significance of research gaps lies in their potential to drive innovation and progress. When researchers identify areas that have not been extensively studied, they have the opportunity to explore new ideas, methodologies, and approaches. This can lead to groundbreaking discoveries and advancements in various disciplines.

Efficient Utilization of Resources to Avoid Duplication

Moreover, research gaps also help in avoiding duplication of efforts. By identifying what has already been studied and what areas are yet to be explored, researchers can focus their efforts on addressing the gaps rather than repeating existing research. This ensures that resources are utilized effectively and efficiently.

Impacting Practical Applications and Real-World Solutions

Additionally, the significance of research gaps extends to the practical application of research findings. By addressing the gaps in existing knowledge, researchers can provide valuable insights and solutions to real-world problems. This can have a direct impact on industries, policy-making, and decision-making processes. In conclusion, the significance of research gaps cannot be overstated. They serve as catalysts for knowledge advancement, innovation, and practical application. By identifying and addressing these gaps, researchers contribute to the growth and development of their respective fields, ultimately benefiting society as a whole.

Research Gap Examples

Identifying research gaps is crucial for pursuing innovative research. There are various types of research gaps that can be found in existing literature.

Knowledge gaps

Sometimes, a research gap exists when there is a concept or new idea that hasn’t been studied at all. For example, in the field of psychology, there might be a lack of research on the effects of social media on mental health in adolescents.

Conceptual gaps

Conceptual gaps occur when there is a lack of understanding or clarity about a particular concept or theory. For instance, in the field of economics, there might be a research gap in understanding the relationship between income inequality and economic growth.

Methodological gaps

Methodological gaps refer to the absence of appropriate research methods or techniques to study a specific phenomenon. For example, in the field of biology, there might be a research gap in developing a reliable method to detect a certain type of genetic mutation.

Data gaps occur when there is a lack of available data or insufficient data to address a research question. For instance, in the field of climate science, there might be a research gap in obtaining long-term temperature data for a specific region.

Practical gaps

Practical gaps exist when there is a discrepancy between theoretical knowledge and practical application. For example, in the field of education, there might be a research gap in implementing effective teaching strategies for students with learning disabilities.

Research Gap Analysis Techniques

Carry out a comprehensive literature review.

There are several techniques that can be used to identify research gaps. One common technique is conducting a comprehensive literature review, where researchers examine existing research papers, articles, books, and other relevant sources. By analyzing these materials, researchers can pinpoint what has already been explored and identify areas that require further investigation.

Examining Limitations and Contradictions in Existing Studies

During the literature review, researchers should pay attention to the limitations and gaps in the existing studies. These limitations can include unanswered research questions, contradictory findings, methodological issues, or areas that have not been explored in depth. Researchers can also gain insights by comparing and contrasting the findings, methodologies, and conclusions of different studies within their field, which helps in building a more complete understanding of the topic.

Exploring Interdisciplinary Insights to Identify Gaps

Additionally, researchers can seek inspiration from interdisciplinary fields or related disciplines to identify research gaps. Sometimes, a research gap in one field may have been addressed in another field, and researchers can draw upon these insights to identify areas that have not been explored within their own field. It is important to note that identifying research gaps is not a one-time process. As new studies are published and the field evolves, new gaps may emerge. Therefore, researchers should continuously update their knowledge and review the literature to stay informed about the latest developments and identify new research gaps.

Utilizing Surveys and Interviews for Direct Insights

Another technique is conducting surveys or interviews . This allows researchers to gather information directly from individuals who are knowledgeable in the field. Surveys can be distributed to a large number of participants, while interviews provide more in-depth insights from a smaller group of experts. By collecting data through surveys or interviews, researchers can identify gaps in knowledge or areas where more research is needed. Focus groups are another effective technique for conducting a research gap analysis. In a focus group, a small group of individuals with relevant expertise or experience is brought together to discuss a specific topic. Through group discussions and interactions, researchers can gain valuable insights and identify gaps in knowledge or areas that require further investigation.

Employing Quantitative Analysis to Discover Data Gaps

Quantitative analysis techniques, such as statistical analysis, can also be used to identify research gaps. By analyzing existing data sets, researchers can identify patterns, trends, or gaps in the data that may indicate areas where further research is needed. This type of analysis can provide valuable insights into the gaps in existing knowledge and guide future research directions.

Applying Gap Analysis Frameworks for Structured Assessment

In addition to these techniques, researchers can also use gap analysis frameworks or models to systematically identify and analyze research gaps. These frameworks provide a structured approach to assess the current state of knowledge, determine the desired future state, and identify the gaps that need to be addressed. By using a framework, researchers can ensure a comprehensive analysis of research gaps and develop strategies to bridge those gaps.

Research Gap and Problem Statement

A research problem is a specific issue or question that a researcher wants to investigate. It is the foundation of a research study and provides a clear direction for the research process. The identification of a research gap often leads to the formulation of a research problem.

The problem statement is a constructed sentence that defines the research problem and guides the research question. It helps to clarify the purpose of the study and provides a framework for the research design and research methodology. By addressing the research gap through the problem statement, researchers can contribute to the existing body of knowledge and fill the void in the literature. The research problem becomes the focal point of the study, and the research gap serves as the motivation for conducting the research.

Identifying a research gap and formulating a problem statement are crucial steps in the research process. They ensure that the research study is relevant, meaningful, and contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the field. As a key component of the research framework , the problem statement integrates directly into the overall structure that guides the entire research process, ensuring that all aspects of the investigation are aligned with the identified gaps and research questions.

Bridging the Research Gap

Bridging the research gap is crucial for the advancement of knowledge and the improvement of various fields. It involves closing the divide between research findings and their practical application in real-world settings. By bridging this gap, researchers can ensure that their work has a meaningful impact on society and that it is effectively utilized by practitioners and policymakers.

Effective Collaboration between Researchers and Practitioners

There are several strategies and approaches that can be employed to bridge the research gap. One practical way is to establish collaborations and partnerships between researchers and practitioners. By working together, researchers can gain valuable insights from practitioners’ experiences and expertise, while practitioners can benefit from the latest research findings and evidence-based practices. This collaboration can lead to the development of more relevant and effective solutions to real-world problems.

For facilitating such connections and collaborations, platforms like are invaluable resources, providing the tools and community needed to bring together researchers and practitioners from diverse fields.

Intermediary Organizations in Facilitating Research Application

Another approach to bridging the research gap is through the use of intermediary organizations. These organizations act as a bridge between researchers and practitioners, facilitating the translation and dissemination of research findings into practical applications. They can provide training, resources, and support to practitioners, helping them to implement evidence-based practices in their work. Intermediary organizations also play a crucial role in promoting knowledge exchange and collaboration between researchers and practitioners.

Enhancing Communication and Knowledge Transfer in Research

Furthermore, bridging the research gap requires effective communication and knowledge transfer. Researchers need to communicate their findings in a clear and accessible manner, using language that is understandable to practitioners and policymakers. This can be achieved through the use of plain language summaries, policy briefs, and other forms of knowledge translation.

Engaging with Practitioners and Policymakers

Additionally, researchers should actively engage with practitioners and policymakers, seeking their input and feedback to ensure that research findings are relevant and applicable to real-world contexts.

In conclusion, exploring the research gap is a critical step in the research process. It helps researchers identify areas where further investigation is needed, contributes to the advancement of knowledge, and drives innovation. By understanding the research gap, researchers can make meaningful contributions to their field and address unanswered questions. Bridging the research gap requires collaboration and commitment from all stakeholders, but the potential benefits are immense.

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How to Identify a Research Gap

How to Identify a Research Gap

  • 5-minute read
  • 10th January 2024

If you’ve been tasked with producing a thesis or dissertation, one of your first steps will be identifying a research gap. Although finding a research gap may sound daunting, don’t fret! In this post, we will define a research gap, discuss its importance, and offer a step-by-step guide that will provide you with the essential know-how to complete this critical step and move on to the rest of your research project.

What Is a Research Gap?

Simply put, a research gap is an area that hasn’t been explored in the existing literature. This could be an unexplored population, an untested method, or a condition that hasn’t been investigated yet. 

Why Is Identifying a Research Gap Important?

Identifying a research gap is a foundational step in the research process. It ensures that your research is significant and has the ability to advance knowledge within a specific area. It also helps you align your work with the current needs and challenges of your field. Identifying a research gap has many potential benefits.

1. Avoid Redundancy in Your Research

Understanding the existing literature helps researchers avoid duplication. This means you can steer clear of topics that have already been extensively studied. This ensures your work is novel and contributes something new to the field.

2. Guide the Research Design

Identifying a research gap helps shape your research design and questions. You can tailor your studies to specifically address the identified gap. This ensures that your work directly contributes to filling the void in knowledge.

3. Practical Applications

Research that addresses a gap is more likely to have practical applications and contributions. Whether in academia, industry, or policymaking, research that fills a gap in knowledge is often more applicable and can inform decision-making and practices in real-world contexts.

4. Field Advancements

Addressing a research gap can lead to advancements in the field . It may result in the development of new theories, methodologies, or technologies that push the boundaries of current understanding.

5. Strategic Research Planning

Identifying a research gap is crucial for strategic planning . It helps researchers and institutions prioritize areas that need attention so they can allocate resources effectively. This ensures that efforts are directed toward the most critical gaps in knowledge.

6. Academic and Professional Recognition

Researchers who successfully address significant research gaps often receive peer recognition within their academic and professional communities. This recognition can lead to opportunities for collaboration, funding, and career advancement.

How Do I Identify a Research Gap?

1. clearly define your research topic .

Begin by clearly defining your research topic. A well-scoped topic serves as the foundation for your studies. Make sure it’s not too broad or too narrow; striking the right balance will make it easier to identify gaps in existing literature.

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2. Conduct a Thorough Literature Review

A comprehensive literature review is a vital step in any research. Dive deep into the existing research related to your topic. Look for patterns, recurring themes, and consensus among scholars. Pay attention to areas where conflicting opinions or gaps in understanding emerge.

3. Evaluate Existing Studies

Critically evaluate the studies you encounter during your literature review. Assess the paradigms , methodologies, findings, and limitations of each. Note any discrepancies, unanswered questions, or areas where further investigation is warranted. These are potential indicators of research gaps.

4. Identify Unexplored Perspectives

Consider the perspectives presented in the existing literature. Are there alternative viewpoints or marginalized voices that haven’t been adequately explored? Identifying and incorporating diverse perspectives can often lead to uncharted territory and help you pinpoint a unique research gap.

Additional Tips

Stay up to date with emerging trends.

The field of research is dynamic, with new developments and emerging trends constantly shaping the landscape. Stay up to date with the latest publications, conferences, and discussions in your field and make sure to regularly check relevant academic search engines . Often, identifying a research gap involves being at the forefront of current debates and discussions.

Seek Guidance From Experts

Don’t hesitate to reach out to experts in your field for guidance. Attend conferences, workshops, or seminars where you can interact with seasoned researchers. Their insights and experience can provide valuable perspectives on potential research gaps that you may have overlooked. You can also seek advice from your academic advisor .

Use Research Tools and Analytics

Leverage tech tools to analyze patterns and trends in the existing literature. Tools like citation analysis, keyword mapping, and data visualization can help you identify gaps and areas with limited exploration.

Identifying a research gap is a skill that evolves with experience and dedication. By defining your research topic, meticulously navigating the existing literature, critically evaluating studies, and recognizing unexplored perspectives, you’ll be on your way to identifying a research gap that will serve as the foundation for your paper, thesis, or dissertation topic .

If you need any help with proofreading your research paper , we can help with our research paper editing services . You can even try a sample of our services for free . Good luck with all your research!

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Cover of Framework for Determining Research Gaps During Systematic Review: Evaluation

Framework for Determining Research Gaps During Systematic Review: Evaluation

Methods Research Reports

Investigators: Karen A Robinson , PhD, Oluwaseun Akinyede , MPH, Tania Dutta , MS, MPP, Veronica Ivey Sawin , BA, Tianjing Li , MD, PhD, Merianne Rose Spencer , BS, Charles M Turkelson , PhD, and Christine Weston , PhD.


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Structured Abstract


Research gaps prevent systematic reviewers from making conclusions and, ultimately, limit our ability to make informed health care decisions. While there are well-defined methods for conducting a systematic review, there has been no explicit process for the identification of research gaps from systematic reviews. In a prior project we developed a framework to facilitate the systematic identification and characterization of research gaps from systematic reviews. This framework uses elements of PICOS (Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcomes, Setting) to describe the gaps and categorizes the reasons for the gaps as (A) insufficient or imprecise information, (B) biased information, (C) inconsistent or unknown consistency results, and/or (D) not the right information.

To further develop and evaluate a framework for the identification and characterization of research gaps from systematic reviews.

We conducted two types of evaluation: (1) We applied the framework to existing systematic reviews, and (2) Evidence-based Practice Centers (EPCs) applied the framework either during a systematic review or during a future research needs project (FRN). EPCs provided feedback on the framework using an evaluation form.

Our application of the framework to 50 systematic reviews identified about 600 unique research gaps. Key issues emerging from this evaluation included the need to clarify instructions for dealing with multiple comparisons (lumping vs. splitting) and need for guidance on applying the framework retrospectively. We received evaluation forms from seven EPCs. EPCs applied the framework in 8 projects, five of which were FRNs. Challenges identified by the EPCs led to revisions in the instructions including guidance for teams to decide a priori whether to limit the use of the framework to questions for which strength of evidence has been assessed, and the level of detail needed for the characterization of the gaps.


Our team evaluated a revised framework, and developed guidance for its application. A final version is provided that incorporates revisions based on use of the framework across existing systematic reviews and feedback from other EPCs on their use of the framework. Future research is needed to evaluate the relative costs and benefits of using the framework, for review authors and for users of the systematic reviews.

  • Collapse All
  • Acknowledgments
  • Peer Reviewers
  • Introduction
  • Review and Revise Framework and Develop Detailed Instructions
  • Test Framework and Instructions Through Application to Existing Systematic Reviews
  • Evaluate Implementation of Framework
  • Revise and Finalize Framework and Instructions
  • Peer Review and Public Commentary
  • Key Findings
  • Limitations
  • Future Research
  • Implications for Practice
  • Conclusions
  • Appendix A JHU EPC Frameworks Project: Research Gaps Worksheet and Instructions (Original)
  • Appendix B JHU EPC Framework Evaluation Form
  • Appendix C JHU EPC Frameworks Project: Research Gaps Worksheet and Instructions
  • Appendix D Listing of Reviews Included in Retrospective Application of Framework
  • Appendix E Detailed Analysis of Evaluation of the Use of the Research Gaps Framework by Evidence-based Practice Centers (EPCs)
  • Appendix F JHU EPC Frameworks Project: Research Gaps Worksheet and Instructions (Final)

Prepared for: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 1 , Contract No. 290-2007-10061-I. Prepared by: Johns Hopkins University Evidence-based Practice Center, Baltimore, MD

Suggested citation:

Robinson KA, Akinyede O, Dutta T, Sawin VI, Li T, Spencer MR, Turkelson CM, Weston C. Framework for Determining Research Gaps During Systematic Review: Evaluation. Methods Research Report. (Prepared by Johns Hopkins University Evidence-based Practice Center under Contract No. 290-2007-10061-I.) AHRQ Publication No. 13-EHC019-EF. Rockville, MD: Agency for Health care Research and Quality. February 2013. .

This report is based on research conducted by the Johns Hopkins University Evidence-based Practice Center (EPC) under contract to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Rockville, MD (Contract No. 290-2007-10061-I). The findings and conclusions in this document are those of the authors, who are responsible for its contents; the findings and conclusions do not necessarily represent the views of AHRQ. Therefore, no statement in this report should be construed as an official position of AHRQ or of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

The information in this report is intended to help health care decisionmakers—patients and clinicians, health system leaders, and policymakers, among others—make well informed decisions and thereby improve the quality of health care services. This report is not intended to be a substitute for the application of clinical judgment. Anyone who makes decisions concerning the provision of clinical care should consider this report in the same way as any medical reference and in conjunction with all other pertinent information, i.e., in the context of available resources and circumstances presented by individual patients.

This report may be used, in whole or in part, as the basis for development of clinical practice guidelines and other quality enhancement tools, or as a basis for reimbursement and coverage policies. AHRQ or U.S. Department of Health and Human Services endorsement of such derivative products may not be stated or implied.

None of the investigators have any affiliations or financial involvement that conflicts with the material presented in this report.

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  • Cite this Page Robinson KA, Akinyede O, Dutta T, et al. Framework for Determining Research Gaps During Systematic Review: Evaluation [Internet]. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2013 Feb.
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Last Updated: Jul 18, 2024 Views: 485412

What is a research gap.

A research gap is a question or a problem that has not been answered by any of the existing studies or research within your field. Sometimes, a research gap exists when there is a concept or new idea that hasn't been studied at all. Sometimes you'll find a research gap if all the existing research is outdated and in need of new/updated research (studies on Internet use in 2001, for example). Or, perhaps a specific population has not been well studied (perhaps there are plenty of studies on teenagers and video games, but not enough studies on toddlers and video games, for example). These are just a few examples, but any research gap you find is an area where more studies and more research need to be conducted. Please view this video clip from our Sage Research Methods database for more helpful information: How Do You Identify Gaps in Literature?

How do I find one?

It will take a lot of research and reading.  You'll need to be very familiar with all the studies that have already been done, and what those studies contributed to the overall body of knowledge about that topic. Make a list of any questions you have about your topic and then do some research to see if those questions have already been answered satisfactorily. If they haven't, perhaps you've discovered a gap!  Here are some strategies you can use to make the most of your time:

  • One useful trick is to look at the “suggestions for future research” or conclusion section of existing studies on your topic. Many times, the authors will identify areas where they think a research gap exists, and what studies they think need to be done in the future.
  • As you are researching, you will most likely come across citations for seminal works in your research field. These are the research studies that you see mentioned again and again in the literature.  In addition to finding those and reading them, you can use a database like Web of Science to follow the research trail and discover all the other articles that have cited these. See the FAQ: I found the perfect article for my paper. How do I find other articles and books that have cited it? on how to do this. One way to quickly track down these seminal works is to use a database like SAGE Navigator, a social sciences literature review tool. It is one of the products available via our SAGE Knowledge database.
  • In the PsycINFO and PsycARTICLES databases, you can select literature review, systematic review, and meta analysis under the Methodology section in the advanced search to quickly locate these. See the FAQ: Where can I find a qualitative or quantitative study? for more information on how to find the Methodology section in these two databases.
  • In CINAHL , you can select Systematic review under the Publication Type field in the advanced search. 
  • In Web of Science , check the box beside Review under the Document Type heading in the “Refine Results” sidebar to the right of the list of search hits.
  • If the database you are searching does not offer a way to filter your results by document type, publication type, or methodology in the advanced search, you can include these phrases (“literature reviews,” meta-analyses, or “systematic reviews”) in your search string.  For example, “video games” AND “literature reviews” could be a possible search that you could try.

Please give these suggestions a try and contact a librarian for additional assistance.

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How to identify gaps in the research

How to Identify Gaps in Research: Tips to Speed Up the Process

If you have ever wondered how to identify research gaps, well, you’re not alone. All researchers looking to make a solid contribution to their field need to start by identifying a topic or issue that hasn’t been tackled before and coming up with possible solutions for it. This is where learning what is a research gap, knowing about some research gap examples, and knowing how to identify research gaps becomes important. Through this article, we will try answering these questions for you.

Table of Contents

What is a research gap ?  

Research gaps are areas requiring more studies or research. 1  They can be:   

  • an unsolved question or problem within your field.   
  • a case where inconclusive or contradictive results exist.   
  • a new concept or idea that hasn’t been studied.   
  • a new/updated research to replace the outdated existing research.   
  • a specific demographic or location that has not been well studied.   

Why is it important to identify research gaps ?  

Identifying and prioritizing research gaps  is an essential part of any research for the following reasons. 2  This can help you:  

  • ensure the rapid generation of subsequent research that is informed by input from previous research studies.    
  • understand areas of uncertainty within the research problem.   
  • establish the research problem and scope of the study.   
  • determine the scope of funding opportunities.   

Identifying research gaps : A challenge for early researchers  

Coming up with original, innovative ideas in your chosen area of research can be tricky, especially if you are an early career researcher, for the following reasons: 3,4

  • Enormous information available : The introduction, discussion, and future research sections in published research articles provide information about gaps in the research field. It is easy to get overwhelmed and feel confused about which one to address. Using digital tools can help you seek out popular topics or the most cited research papers.   
  • Difficulty in organizing the data : One can quickly lose ideas if not appropriately noted. Mapping the question to the resource and maintaining a record can help narrow research gap s.  
  • Fear of challenging the existing knowledge : Beginner researchers may not feel confident to question established norms in their field. A good plan of action would be discussing such ideas with your advisor and proceeding according to their feedback or suggestions.   
  • Lack of direction and motivation : Early researchers have reported negative emotions regarding academic research, including feeling directionless or frustrated with the effort required in identifying research topics. Again a good advisor can help you stay focused. Mentors can help novice researchers avoid cases with a high risk of failure, from misunderstanding the literature, weak design, or too many unknowns. Talking with other fellow researchers can also help overcome some of the anxiety.

research gap identifier

How to identify research gaps  in the literature  

More than 7 million papers get published annually. 5  Considering the volume of existing research, identifying research gaps  from existing literature may seem a daunting task. While there are no hard rules for identifying research gaps, the literature has provided some guidelines for identifying problems worth investigating.   

1. Observe : Personal interests and experiences can provide insight into possible research problems. For example, a researcher interested in teaching may start with a simple observation of students’ classroom behavior and observe the link with learning theories. Developing the habit of reading literature using smart apps like  R Discovery   can keep you updated with the latest trends and developments in the field.   

2. Search : Exploring existing literature will help to identify if the observed problem is documented. One approach is identifying the independent variables used to solve the researcher’s topic of interest (i.e., the dependent variable). Databases such as Emerald, ProQuest, EbscoHost, PubMed, and ScienceDirect can help potential researchers explore existing research gaps. The following steps can help with optimizing the search process once you decide on the key research question based on your interests.

-Identify key terms.

-Identify relevant articles based on the keywords.

-Review selected articles to identify gaps in the literature.  

3. Map : This involves mapping key issues or aspects across the literature. The map should be updated whenever a researcher comes across an article of interest.   

4. Synthesize : Synthesis involves integrating the insights of multiple but related studies. A research gap is identified by combining results and findings across several interrelated studies. 6

5. Consult:  Seeking expert feedback will help you understand if the  research gaps identified are adequate and feasible or if improvements are required.  

6. Prioritize : It is possible that you have identified multiple questions requiring answers. Prioritize the question that can be addressed first, considering their relevance, resource availability, and your research strengths.  

7. Enroll : Research Skills Development Programs, including workshops and discussion groups within or outside the research institution, can help develop research skills, such as framing the research problem. Networking and corroborating in such events with colleagues and experts might help you know more about current issues and problems in your research domain.   

While there is no well-defined process to identify gaps in knowledge, curiosity, judgment, and creativity can help you in identifying these research gaps . Regardless of whether the  research gaps identified are large or small, the study design must be sufficient to contribute toward advancing your field of research.    


  • Dissanayake, D. M. N. S. W. (2013). Research, research gap and the research problem.  
  • Nyanchoka, L., Tudur-Smith, C., Porcher, R., & Hren, D. Key stakeholders’ perspectives and experiences with defining, identifying and displaying gaps in health research: a qualitative study.  BMJ open ,  10 (11), e039932 (2020).  
  • MĂŒller-Bloch, C., & Kranz, J. (2015). A framework for rigorously identifying research gaps in qualitative literature reviews.  
  • Creswell, J. W., & Clark, V. L. P. (2017).  Designing and conducting mixed methods research . Sage publications.  
  • Fire, M., & Guestrin, C. Over-optimization of academic publishing metrics: observing Goodhart’s Law in action.  GigaScience ,  8 (6), giz053 (2019).  
  • Ellis, T. J., & Levy, Y. Framework of problem-based research: A guide for novice researchers on the development of a research-worthy problem.  Informing Science: the International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline Volume 11, 2008 ). 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question: How can research gaps be addressed?

Research gaps can be addressed by conducting further studies, experiments, or investigations that specifically target the areas where knowledge is lacking or incomplete. This involves conducting a thorough literature review to identify existing gaps, designing research methodologies to address these gaps, and collecting new data or analyzing existing data to fill the void. Collaboration among researchers, interdisciplinary approaches, and innovative research designs can also help bridge research gaps and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in a particular field.

Question: Can research gaps change over time?

Yes, research gaps can change over time. As new studies are conducted, technologies advance, and societal needs evolve, gaps in knowledge may be identified or existing gaps may become more pronounced. Research gaps are dynamic and subject to shifts as new discoveries are made, new questions arise, and priorities change. It is crucial for researchers to continuously assess and update their understanding of the field to identify emerging research gaps and adapt their research efforts accordingly.

Question: Are research gaps specific to a particular discipline or field?

Research gaps can exist within any discipline or field. Each discipline has its own unique body of knowledge and areas where understanding may be limited. Research gaps can arise from unanswered questions, unexplored phenomena, conflicting findings, practical challenges, or new frontiers of knowledge. They are not limited to a specific discipline or field, as gaps can exist in natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, engineering, or any other area of study.

Question: How can research gaps contribute to the research proposal?

Research gaps play a significant role in the development of research proposals. They help researchers identify a clear rationale and justification for their study. By addressing identified gaps in knowledge, researchers can demonstrate the significance and relevance of their proposed research. Research proposals often include a literature review section that highlights existing gaps and positions the proposed study as a contribution to the field. By explicitly addressing research gaps, researchers can strengthen the credibility and importance of their research proposal, as well as its potential impact on advancing knowledge and addressing critical questions or challenges.

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From research discovery to gap finding

How do you find a research gap?

The aim of all research is to add to or enhance existing knowledge. Arguably, we can only achieve this once we understand the work that has already been carried out in a given field. There are varying opinions, depending on the field of inquiry and methodological approach involved, regarding the level of familiarity a researcher should have with existing literature prior to commencing fieldwork, however it is generally accepted that research should fill gaps in the literature. It is perhaps surprising, then, that so little is written about just how to find a “research gap” in the first place.

Finding the literature

The most obvious way to find a research gap is simply to read and analyse the relevant literature. However, this is easier said than done, as the volume of published literature can be staggering. Fortunately, there are some excellent bibliographic databases, which can speed the process of searching for relevant literature. Literature analysis may then be approached either qualitatively or quantitively.

Qualitative literature analysis

A qualitative analysis may involve the development of a concept matrix (Webster & Watson, 2002) or similar.

research gap identifier

Figure 1: Example of a concept matrix (adapted from Webster & Watson, 2002)

Legend: O (organisation), G (group), I (individual)

The concept matrix assists researchers to organise the literature they have read, according to the concepts it relates to. It can be adapted, depending on the area of interest. In the example above, for instance, units of analysis are included.

Quantitive literature analysis

Quantitative analysis of literature may be carried out using a variety of tools, from systematic reviews to meta-analyses, citation analyses, and text mining (Marrone, 2017). Choice of tools may be determined to some extent by the ability of the researcher to acquire or access the technical expertise to leverage them.

Find the gap, or create one?

Reading and analysing the literature may reveal gaps which can be explored, however Alvesson & Sandberg (2011) suggest that research gaps may also be created by the researcher. By linking together work which has previously been considered separately, a researcher can uncover uncharted territory. In this way, opportunities to contribute to existing knowledge are constructed (Locke & Golden-Biddle, 1997) rather than merely identified.

What does a “research gap” look like?

Several authors have sought to characterise research gaps, describing the various forms they can take, whether considered from the perspective of objectively identifiable existing gaps in research (gap finding) or as opportunities to construct new “gaps” (gap creation). Some examples are summarised below.

research gap identifier

Figure 2: Characteristics of research gaps (Click to see image bigger)

Gap-finding frameworks

Step-by-step guides to finding research gaps are hard to come by, however in the field of medical epidemiology, a framework for identifying research gaps from systematic reviews of literature has been published (Robinson et al., 2011). In this field, the PICOS framework (Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, Setting) is commonly used to characterise a research gap. Robinson et al. (2011) suggest that an analysis of the reason for the existence of the gap can further inform the development of research questions. The reasons elucidated by Robinson et al. (2011) for the existence of research gaps are similar to the characteristics of gaps described by other authors, as shown in figure 2 (Characteristics of Research Gaps).

There are many ways to go about identifying research gaps, perhaps so many that the options may on occasion be overwhelming. A considered approach, coupled with knowledge and utilisation of the tools available to assist in research gap-finding, is likely to result in improved research design.

  • Alvesson, M., & Sandberg, J. (2011). Generating research questions through problematization. Academy of Management Review. 36(2), 247-271 [doi:10.5465/AMR.2011.59330882]
  • Hallgren, M. (2012) The construction of research questions in project management. International Journal of Project Management, 30(7), 804-816.
  • Locke, K., & Golden-Biddle, K. (1997) Constructing opportunities for contribution: Structuring intertextual coherence and “problematizing” in organizational studies. Academy of Management Journal, 40: 1023–1062.
  • Muller-Bloch, C. & Kranz, J. (2015) A framework for rigorously identifying research gaps in qualitative literature reviews. International Conference on Information Systems 2015 [available at:]
  • Marrone, M., & Hammerle, M. (2017). Relevant Research Areas in IT Service Management: An Examination of Academic and Practitioner Literatures. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 41, 517-543.
  • Robinson, K. A., Saldanha, I. J. & McKoy, N. A. (2011) Development of a framework to identify research gaps from systematic reviews. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 64(12), 1325-1330.
  • Sandberg, J., & Alvesson, M. 2011. Ways of constructing research questions: Gap-spotting or problematization? Organization, 18: 23–44.
  • Webster, J., & Watson, R. T. (2002). Analyzing the past to prepare for the future: Writing a literature review. MIS Quarterly, 26(2), 13-23

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What is a Research Gap? How to Identify it?

“ Choosing a topic, research or subject that has not been answered or explored yet by any other scientists is referred to as a research gap.” 

Unfortunately, it’s difficult to find one! 

When you start reading literature, initially you may notice that nothing is left to study! That everyone feels, even me too when I was in my initial days of PhD. But when you get enough research experience, you can find gaps in research easily. 

“Every research is incomplete.”

Indeed, a research work completes when it states a gap or unexplored area with the final conclusion, so that future research will get direction. 

The process of research or doctorate starts (immediately after you get admission) by initiating searching a research gap which leads to postulating a research question. 

 A research question is your title or statement of thesis using which you will find your thesis objectives and address a particular question. It can be stated only by finding a research or literature gap. 

And as I said, it’s quite difficult for PhD students.  

So in this blog post, I will explain to you what a research or literature gap is and how you can identify it. 

How to appear in the PhD Interview?

What is a research or literature gap? 

Firstly, a research/ knowledge gap or literature gap is though different terms but has a similar meaning. The reason is that a research problem can be addressed either by experimental research and literature review. 


A research or literature gap is a problem or unexplored/ underexplored area of the existing research. 

Choosing a topic, research or subject that has not been answered or explored yet by any other scientist is referred to as a research gap. 

Let us start with an example;

Take a look at the hypothetical closing sentence.

“3 common mutations IVS1-5, IVS1-1 and CD8/9 have been selected for the present to screen thalassemia patients. A common mutation IVS1-5 has been identified in 2 out of 70 unrelated thalassemia patients using the conventional PCR technique.” 

Let’s say you want to do research on the Genetics of Thalassemia. Suppose this one is the closing paragraph of some research article and is a final conclusion. How can you find a research gap here? 

I find many gaps, Let us find out some of them;

  • The sample size is too small. 
  • There are 12 common mutations in beta-thalassemia which are present in almost 80% of cases. Only three are selected in the present study. 
  • The present study is geologically restricted. 
  • The author has used a single conventional PCR technique. More techniques like DNA sequencing can be used to address the same problem, which possibly provides more knowledge and can identify novel mutations as well. 
  • The author hasn’t clarified which type of thalassemia patients they have included in the present study. 

These are some of the possible gaps in the present research. Let’s look at other closing statements for the same. 

“3 common mutations IVS1-5, IVS1-1 and CD8/9 have been selected for the present to screen thalassemia patients. A common mutation IVS1-5 has been identified in 2 out of 70 unrelated thalassemia patients using the conventional PCR technique. The present study can be strengthened by increasing sample size, diversifying geological studies, increasing the number of common mutations and using other techniques for thalassemia.”

“Major limitations of the present study are small sample size, number of mutations and technique selected for the study. 

All these closing statements posit the same type of research gaps. You can use these to prepare your thesis statement. Take a look at the one. 

“Identifying common Beta-thalassemia mutations by DNA sequencing from south India.”

The red box showing the research gap explained in the article.

Where to find a literature gap? 

Some research clearly indicates gaps in their studies whereas some don’t. And that’s why it’s difficult for students to discover one. Notedly, by looking into variables used in the study, gaps can be recognized.

  • Samples- size, types, collection method, transportation conditions. 
  • Research technique- single, two or multiple; significance, efficiency and accuracy of the techniques used. 
  • Geological location and condition of the study conducted. 
  • Objectives selected for the study.
  • Data obtained and research discussions. 

You have to read tons of literature to actually determine possible gaps in the research. A research gap has been indicated in the conclusion section, final interpretation, future direction or suggestions part of a research paper. 

Besides, when you came across some phrases used in the literature such as, 

The present study has not been covered

 excluded from the present study. 

 is important to address in future research. 

. Techniques can be fruitful for future research. 

. have/has not been studied/ reported/ evaluated in the present study. 

Keep in mind that this indicates a gap, problem or scopes of improvement in the study. 

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How to find a research gap?

As I said, it’s not an easy process to find a problem or gap in the research, though by following some steps that I will mention here, you can find one and can go with it. 

Select a topic that you like and that motivates you: 

Research interest is important because you have to do the same work for at least 4 to 5 years. Research takes a tremendous amount of physical, mental, economical and intellectual effort. Meaning you have to select a topic that likely motivates you. You should not get tired of doing that! 

Find lucrative keywords to go ahead: 

You can’t go through the whole topic or subject, right! you have to select one or a few. Means, make things more narrow. Take a look at the process, I have explained with an example. 

The inverted pyramid of narrowing down the research process.

Find a keyword that is relevant to the topic you like or are interested in and go ahead with it. 

Find relevant resources and literature: 

Now next in the process, type your keyword or group of keywords in the Google search box and try identifying literature, reviews and research associated with it. 

Find reviews, read them and try to find gaps in studies. Keep in mind that it will remain in your interest circle. 

Read peer-reviewed articles and find gaps in the research: 

Try to read every fresh research and review article around your topic, go through the technique and sample collection process used in each research and discover discordance or space there. 

You can make a comparative analysis table as well. Take a look at the table below, 

Research studyTitle and year of publicationTechniques, methods and sample collectionOutcomes of the study The geographical location of the study conductedWhat is not covered in the study Research scope 

When you make a comparative analysis of a few studies you will get an idea about the research gap, gap in sample collection, scope to use other techniques, improvisation or new research areas to include in the study. 

Choosing one from many: 

When you complete the process, you may find many unanswered questions or research gaps (if you have done things in this manner) and you get stuck with many, which to choose and which to leave. 

For PhD, it’s important to weightage a research work accurately; not more, not less. An imbalance will create an unnecessary burden and create problems in the future. 

Henceforth, prioritizing and narrowing down the research gap is crucial. 

In this case, you can take your supervisor’s help. Postulate an amazing research question that would be suitable for PhD, as per your interest, under your budget and fulfill your supervisor’s need. 

Expected outcomes: 

This is confusing for you surely! 

You may wonder by only identifying a gap and postulating a research question, how can we expect anything as outcomes? 

Expected outcomes of the research have significant value and importance in the PhD, PhD research proposal and your final report. You or your guide has to explain the possible results of the study. 

It’s mandatory and will give you direction for research. Expected outcomes can be considered as a path on which you will have to walk. 

Take an example of the research question we just postulated, “Identifying common Beta-thalassemia mutations by DNA sequencing from south India.”

What will be the expected results? 

  • You will get some common mutations. 
  • You will probably get some new mutations or variations. 
  • Or you will get nothing, which means, no mutations in any samples. 

In either case, you have definite outcomes, and your final results will be around it, perhaps. You will definitely not get any information regarding the globin protein because that’s not included in the study. 


You are just doing mutational analysis and want to find some common mutations in the selected population. So what research gap you will identify will surely give some expected outcomes. 

Wrapping up: 

Research gap/ knowledge gap or literature gap all terms leads us to the same direction and help us to propose a research question. Although as we said, expected outcomes are also an important consideration to fill the gap. 

If you are new to PhD or just started this article is the best place for you to start, and will definitely assist you to find a mission piece of link in the research. 

I hope you like this article. Please do visit other articles on this blog. 

Dr Tushar Chauhan

Dr. Tushar Chauhan is a Scientist, Blogger and Scientific-writer. He has completed PhD in Genetics. Dr. Chauhan is a PhD coach and tutor.

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How to Find a Research Gap

Last Updated: February 16, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was reviewed by Gerald Posner and by wikiHow staff writer, Danielle Blinka, MA, MPA . Gerald Posner is an Author & Journalist based in Miami, Florida. With over 35 years of experience, he specializes in investigative journalism, nonfiction books, and editorials. He holds a law degree from UC College of the Law, San Francisco, and a BA in Political Science from the University of California-Berkeley. He’s the author of thirteen books, including several New York Times bestsellers, the winner of the Florida Book Award for General Nonfiction, and has been a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in History. He was also shortlisted for the Best Business Book of 2020 by the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 34,389 times.

Do you want to contribute original research and make an impact in your field? If so, it's important to look for research gaps, or areas of study that are either under-researched or currently unexplored. In this article, we'll explain in detail the best way to identify a research gap—by performing a comprehensive literature review—so you can dive deep into your research topic and analyze articles critically and effectively. For more tips and tricks on identifying potential research gaps and how to proceed when you find one, read on.

Researching Your Topic

Step 1 Start with a broad topic related to your field of interest.

  • If you start with a narrow topic, you may struggle to find a gap in research, since you’ll be focused on fewer avenues of study.
  • For instance, a broad topic for social sciences research might be "organizational development" or "human motivation." For urban planning, a broad topic might be "walkable cities" or "traffic management."

Step 2 Conduct preliminary research to explore your topic.

  • While you can't include sources like Wikipedia and news websites on your literature review, it's okay to read them to get an overview of your topic and recent developments in your field.
  • It’s okay to narrow your topic as you learn more about it. However, keep your options open until you’re sure you’ve found an area with gaps in research.
  • Let's say you were researching human motivation. You might use search terms like "motivating workers," "goal setting," and "improving worker productivity."

Step 3 Compile a wide range of articles about your topic.

  • Your research needs to be very thorough to ensure that you’re actually finding a gap. If you only read a handful of articles, you may be missing other existing research that answers your proposed research question.

Tip: Look for both quantitative and qualitative research, if applicable to your field. This will give you a broader overview of the current research.

Step 4 Talk to an adviser or mentor about the current research in your field.

  • Ask them questions like, “Which areas of research are hot right now?” “What kinds of changes are happening within the field?” “What possible avenues of research do you see?” or “Do you think this topic is a good fit for me?”

Analyzing the Literature

Step 1 Read each article at least twice to help you understand it.

  • If you decide an article is unhelpful, it’s okay to skip the second reading.

Tip: Conducting a literature review is often a very time-consuming task. However, it’s also an essential part of identifying a research gap. Additionally, you can use the notes you take during your literature review when it comes time to write your article, thesis, or dissertation.

Step 2 Check the introduction to learn why the research is important.

  • As an example, an author might identify their gap in research with a statement like: “This subject has not been previously studied,” or “This question remains unanswered.”

Step 3 Write notes and...

  • If you keep your notes in a separate document, make sure you label them with the title of the article and the author’s name. This way you won’t accidentally get your notes mixed up.

Step 4 Look for the answers to your questions about the literature.

  • Save any questions that you can’t answer because they may be a starting point for writing a research question.

Step 5 Map out the existing research using a table, Venn diagram, or mind map.

  • For instance, you might make a research gap table in a spreadsheet. Create 3 columns and label them “Author,” “Year,” and "Summary." For each article, list the authors, year of publication, and a bullet point summary of the article contents.
  • Similarly, you may make a Venn diagram to compare 1 or more articles. Look for overlapping themes and methods, as well as differences between the articles.

Using Current Research, Key Concepts, or Trends

Step 1 Check the “discussion” and “future research” sections for gaps.

  • Keep in mind that other researchers may have addressed the gaps identified in a particular article since that article was written. However, this can give you a starting point for finding a potential gap.

Step 2 Read meta-analyses, literature reviews, and systematic reviews to identify trends.

  • Don’t rely solely on these types of papers when conducting your research. However, they can make a great supplement.

Step 3 Review the key concepts listed on journal websites to find hot topics.

  • Some journals will even tell you how many articles are pertaining to that key concept. If you see a key concept that has fewer articles than the others, that might be a good avenue for further research because it’s been studied less.

Step 4 Review Google trends to find questions asked about your topic.

  • You can access Google trends here:
  • For instance, if you look up "organizational development" on Google trends, you'll see that people are looking for information on management development, mission statements, and software framework.

Expert Q&A

  • Reading Wikipedia articles related to your topic of study may help you identify a gap in research, though you can’t use those articles as sources. Look for areas where more citations are needed, unanswered questions, or sections that are underdeveloped.

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Steps for identifying research gaps in the literature

Your Master's thesis should make a significant, novel contribution to the field. Your thesis hypothesis should address a  research gap which you identify in the literature, a research question or problem that has not been answered in your research area of interest. This shows that you have developed expertise in the body of knowledge and theoretical issues in your chosen research area. 

Step 1: Focus Your Research Area

Before you start trying to identify gaps in the literature, you need to figure out what your area of interest is, and then focus and narrow that research area. If you don't narrow down your initial research area of interest, you'll end up wanting to research everything. You'll overwhelm yourself with all the research gaps you find because there are still a lot of unanswered research questions out there. 

  • Do some exploratory research  on your broad research idea in your course textbook, class notes, in meta-analysis, systematic, and literature reviews, and  PsycINFO  to identify more specific issues and arguments in your research area and possible relationships between them.
  • Read ebooks  to get the "big picture" about the research area you're interested in studying. Books and ebooks provide detailed information on your research area, put your research area in context, provide summaries of research, and help you identify major themes and relationships for your study.
  • Ask your advisors and other faculty  about possible topics or issues within your research area of interest. That being said, you're going to spend over a year immersed in work on your thesis, so make sure you  choose issues because you find them deeply interesting , not just because your advisor recommended them.

Step 2: Read, Read, and then Read Some More

Read (a lot of) research articles : this is going to be time-demanding, but you really do need to read through a lot of research articles in your research area to become an expert in it. That being said, what you use from the articles that you read should relate directly back to your focused research questions and hypothesis. Don't waste your time getting sidetracked by issues that don't relate to your research questions and hypothesis.

  • Go to  Start Finding Sources ,  Search Databases , and  Browse Journals  to find journal articles for your research area
  • Pay close attention to Introductions , in which authors explain why their research is important, and Suggestions for Future Research , in which authors point readers to areas which lack investigation or need future examination

Follow the research trails  of seminal articles and authors using Web of Science and Scopus:

  • In Scopus , click on Document Search , enter the article title, click on the article title in the list of search hits, then click on View all ~ citing documents link in the right sidebar for a list of articles that have cited this article
  • In Web of Science , enter the article title and choose Title from the right drop down menu , then click on the Times Cited number next to the article to see a list of articles that have cited this article
  • In Scopus , click on Author Search , enter the last name and first initial(s) of the author, click on the author's name in the list of search hits, then click on Cited By ~ documents for a list of articles that have cited this author
  • In Web of Science , enter the author name and choose Author from the right drop down menu , then click on the Times Cited number next to each article to see a list of articles that have cited this author's article

Read meta-analyses, literature reviews,  and  systematic reviews : these papers delve deep into the literature, examining the trends and changes over a long period of time in your research area and summaries of previous research findings.

  • In PsycINFO , click on literature review, systematic review, and  meta analysis  under the Methodologies heading in the sidebar to the right of the list of search hits 
  • In CINAHL , add systematic reviews to your search 
  • In Web Of Science , check the box beside Review under the Document Type heading in the sidebar to the right of the list of search hits

Step 3: Map out the Literature :

Keep track of what the authors told you and the questions that occur to you whenever you read anything - an article, a book, a book chapter, a dissertation, etc. This will also help you write your thesis introduction later on and help you avoid  unconscious plagiarism .Some more tips:

  • Use mind maps, tables, charts, pictures, post-it notes to map out the literature, whatever works for you. 
  • Research each of your questions to see if there are people out there who had the same questions and found answers to them
  • Science Direct , Web of Science , and Wiley Online Library databases help you follow the research trail by listing articles that have since cited the research article you're reading

If you find don't find any answers to one of your questions, you've probably found a research gap from which you can develop a thesis hypothesis and experimental project. Get feedback from your advisors before you get too carried away, though!

  • Get started by considering your central thesis question 
  • How do the sources you've found connect to that question and help you answer it?
  • How do the sources connect to and build off of one another?
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  • Last Updated: Jul 23, 2024 10:18 AM
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1. Introduction

2. literature review, 2.1. neurodiversity—origins of the concept and statistics, 2.2. neurodiversity in the labour market, 2.3. managing neurodiversity in workplaces—organizational barriers and needs, 3. materials and methods.

  • What are the research directions and gaps in the topic of managing neurodiversity in workplaces mentioned in the literature?
  • What are future research directions in the field of managing neurodiversity in workplaces with reference to Methodology, Theory, and Contexts?

5. Discussion and Conclusions

Author contributions, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

No.ReferencesResearch ObjectiveResearch Topic/ContextsMethodology
1[ ]To emphasize the need for CEO adaptability and commitment in the ever-evolving landscape of workplace diversityCEO leadership and its contribution to diversity management-
2[ ]To present a multistage theoretical framework for managing neurodiversityAddressing the gap between recognition and lack of theoretical frameworks and empirical research on workplace neurodiversity-
3[ ]To understand the lived experiences of dealing with crisis in a remote working environment (based on 11 semi-structured interviews with 9 neurodivergent employees and 2 business professionals)Lack of research on the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on neurominoritiesQualitative study
4[ ]To review existing research with respect to how autistic individuals fare for the four facets of emotional intelligenceEmotional intelligence in autistic individualsDescriptive study
5[ ]To compare the experiences of
neurodivergent adults undergoing workplace coaching before and during the pandemic
Disability coaching in a pandemicQuantitative study—sample of 409 coachees from the UK
6[ ]To demystify the themes and assumptions affecting neurodivergent coachee experiences at workNeurodiversity coaching-
7[ ]To explore NDVs’ views about how the recruitment process and HR practices impact their employment relationshipEmployment experience of the neurodiverse and the military veteransQuantitative study (232 people with a medically diagnosed condition surveyed and 21 semi-structured interviews conducted)
8[ ]To seek to reframe the pathologized assumption of ADHD in career research and broader society to date.Paradoxical career strengths and successes of ADHD adultsQualitative positive-focused exploration
9[ ]To identify additional understudied invisible diversity dimensionsInvisible diversity dimensions in the hospitality industryPrevailing methodologies in hospitality management
10[ ]To analyze power-laden tensions in traditional and novel brandings of neurodiversityNeurodiversity brandingCritical discourse analysis
11[ ]To compare two families with disabled
and neurodiverse children disproportionately affected by austerity cuts
Access to Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
support services in London, England
Qualitative study
12[ ]To examine successful management for autistic employees without applying a priori leadership constructs traditionally found in the literatureEffective management of autistic employees-
13[ ]To promote effective and inclusive qualitative research that ensures that the specific needs of neurominorities are taken into account throughout the entire research pathwayHow to conduct qualitative research with neurominoritiesQualitative research
14[ ]To explore an open, creative workplace developing neurodivergent talentNeurodivergent individuals perceived as bringing new talent and innovation to the workplace-
15[ ]To explore how interactions between clinicians, parents, and children lead to the reformulation of autism diagnosis from disorder to valuable social and cognitive differencesHow clinician–patient interaction and patient age shape the process and meaning of autism diagnosisA conversation analytic approach to data analysis/analysis of video recordings
16[ ]To examine the opportunities to create optimal conditions for individuals with autism in the workplaceHow to redesign the work environment to enhance the well-being of individuals with autismQualitative research (21 in-depth interviews)
17[ ]To examine employee (manager and coworker) attitudes toward autism employment programsEmployee engagement and commitment to two Australian autism employment programsSurvey
18[ ]To examine the ability of corporate law firms to recognize the strengths and develop a type of employment both well suited to autistic strengths and able to make accommodationsInsight into the career paths of autistic professionals in large private practice law firms-
19[ ]To explore the current inclusive human resource practices being adopted by neurodiversity champion companiesEnabling neurodiversity in the workplace via inclusive human resource practicesIn-company interviews
20[ ]To generate a more nuanced understanding of the impact of accommodation on people with schizophreniaDesign considerations for residents with schizophreniaQualitative research approach
21[ ]To analyze the links between the neurodiversity of the workforce and digital transformation at the individual, organizational, and industry levelsNeurodiversity of the workforce and digital transformation: the case of inclusion of autistic workers at the workplacePhenomenology (qualitative approach)
22[ ]To examine the disparate views on the neurodiverse workforce: 1/the benefits 2/the difficulty in finding and maintaining employment and to build a reconciling frameworkHow internal and external factors influence autistic employee outcomes and firm performance-
23[ ]To examine neurodiversity as a cognitive strength from which leadership derivesReconceptualizing leadership from a neurodiverse perspectiveCritical disability theory
24[ ]To explore how autism influences the workplaceAutism in the workplaceConstant comparative method
25[ ]To describe how to design environmental conditions (acoustics, lighting, temperature, indoor air quality) that enhance performance by supporting basic physiological needs in the workplace (including designing spaces for neurodiversity)Humanizing the office-
26[ ]To explore the relationship between the above-average human capital of highly functioning neurodivergent employees, their subjective well-being in the workplace, and performance outcomesThe well-being of neurodivergent human capital in the workplaceAMO (ability, motivation, and opportunity) framework
27[ ]To identify the source of stereotype threat and the neurodivergent response to itStereotype threat anticipation in neurodivergent human capitalAnalysis of brochures, learning sets, and posters
28[ ]To examine family relationships within families with neurodiverse kids further complicated by the COVID-19 pandemicCOVID-19 affecting alternative learners and their families-
29[ ]To examine how and why parents with children with autism perform emotional workEmotion work of parenting children with autism in Hong KongQualitative data (analysis)
30[ ]To explore the school experience of high-functioning autistic teenagers regarding their academic and social inclusionHigh-functioning autistic students speaking about their experience of inclusion in mainstream secondary schools (in France and Quebec)A pragmatic, content analysis-driven approach
31[ ]To examine how DXC Technology (IT company) managed to develop disability-inclusive recruitment and selection systems along with work designs and environments that are disability friendlyDXC Technology is looking for neurodiverse talent (adults with high-functioning autism)-
32[ ]To present a model of the unique challenges that workers with ASD face in the modern workplaceOvercoming barriers and integrating a neurodiverse workforceA literature review on ASD juxtaposed to evidence-based social psychology and management theories
33[ ]To analyze how the introduction of autism into a home and the availability of intervention options change the structure and meaning of a home and reflect parental acceptance of a child’s autistic traitsParental experiences of autism in Kerala, India, and Atlanta, GA USAObservations
34[ ]This article examines challenges for human resource management posed by workplace adaptations for individuals with LD (learning disabilities)Neurodiversity and human resource management-
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Click here to enlarge figure

Cluster NumberCluster NameKey Words
1Gender-Specific Mental Health and Quality of Life in Autism Spectrum DisorderArticle, autism spectrum disorder, female, human, male, mental health, quality of life, well-being
2Inclusive Human Engineering and Neurodiversity in Disability StudiesDisability, human engineering, inclusion, neurodiversity
3Psychological Perspectives on Autism and Employment in the WorkplaceAutism, employment, psychology, workplace
4Advanced Strategies in Human Resource Management: Recruitment and SelectionHuman resource management, recruitment, selection
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Share and Cite

Rollnik-Sadowska, E.; GrabiƄska, V. Managing Neurodiversity in Workplaces: A Review and Future Research Agenda for Sustainable Human Resource Management. Sustainability 2024 , 16 , 6594.

Rollnik-Sadowska E, GrabiƄska V. Managing Neurodiversity in Workplaces: A Review and Future Research Agenda for Sustainable Human Resource Management. Sustainability . 2024; 16(15):6594.

Rollnik-Sadowska, Ewa, and Violetta GrabiƄska. 2024. "Managing Neurodiversity in Workplaces: A Review and Future Research Agenda for Sustainable Human Resource Management" Sustainability 16, no. 15: 6594.

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National Institutes of Health, Office of the Director, Chief Officer for Scientific Workforce Diversity

Advancing Funding Equity: NIH's Strides in Closing the Ginther Gap

Illustration of eight diverse scientists, some using items including a microscope, book, and laptop. Text reads: Advancing Funding Equity: NIH's Strides in Closing the Ginther Gap

Today, Mike Lauer, M.D., and I have published our annual update on NIH’s progress in closing the  Ginther Gap . Now a tradition since  our publication of fiscal year 2021 data , we discuss research project grant and R01 funding rates by race and ethnicity in one blog and K award funding rates in another .

We think it is important to continue to focus on the data, as NIH has developed numerous programs to address the disparities identified by Ginther et al. since the publication of their  seminal article in 2011 . One of the key outcomes of that report was the establishment of my role, Chief Officer for Scientific Workforce Diversity.

As you will see from the two blogs , gaps remain in funding rates by race and ethnicity for research project grants (RPGs) and R01s, although there may be a trend to those gaps becoming smaller. One of the challenges is that the numbers of applicants are very small, and small variations in numbers year-to-year can lead to seeming progress or lack thereof when examined narrowly. However, we are encouraged by the overall trends, particularly the trends in K award funding rates. K awards often presage receipt of significant RPG support. 

What accounts for the trends we may be seeing? It is unclear. 

Over the last 13 years since the release of the Ginther report, NIH has initiated numerous initiatives to foster diverse perspectives in science—not the least of which has been the Common Fund  Diversity Program Consortium (DPC). As reported at the most recent  Advisory Committee to the Director meeting , the DPC has been engaging very early career scientists in the pathway to success. However, that path is long and often tortuous, and thus, the full impact of that intervention won’t be seen until the years to come. 

Notably, every NIH Institute and Center has developed training programs to foster diverse perspectives in science, notably led by the  National Institute of General Medical Sciences . And the recently launched  Faculty Institutional Recruitment for Sustainable Transformation (FIRST) initiative, targeting early career faculty who have an interest and commitment to DEIA, may contribute to greater diversity among NIH R01 recipients as these faculty, many of whom may come from diverse backgrounds, become successful. NIH also developed the UNITE initiative to accelerate progress in equity, with the UNITE Progress Reports from 2021–2022 and 2023–2024 detailing outcomes thus far.

What does this mean for the future? 

Clearly, to benefit from the full range of talent available within the United States and foster  creativity and innovation in science , we need as broad a range of voices as possible. To this end, one of the markers that we will continue to follow is equity in receipt of NIH RPG and R01 funding. NIH, of course, does not fund based on demographic characteristics, and those data are not available to reviewers during their deliberations. However, we will continue looking at the data retrospectively to determine whether we are achieving equity and evaluating our programs and policies to be assured that there are no barriers to everyone being at the table.

As the COSWD team notes, great minds think differently—and we need those great minds to achieve great things.

How to find gaps in the market – 8 important steps

How to identify market gaps, examples of gaps in the market you might find, find a market gap with the right tools.

New products are constantly being launched to consumers, and often we find ourselves wondering: who really needed that? Some innovations might seem unnecessary, but they highlight an essential lesson about finding gaps in the market.

Brands often look at the market from their own perspective, seeing uncharted territory as a chance for first-mover advantage, without figuring out if there’s a real demand. This approach can lead to unnecessary products that fail to meet consumer needs.

Identifying gaps in the market should always focus on the consumer’s perspective. Understanding what your target customers genuinely need, rather than just aiming to be first, ensures you create a viable business that meets real market demands.

Here we’ll explore how to find a market gap that’s worth filling. From analyzing industry trends to decoding consumer behavior, we’ll show you how to develop a brand-new product that taps into the unmet needs of your customers.

TL;DR: how to find gaps in your market

  • Conduct a complete competitor analysis
  • Analyze your own business and consumer feedback
  • Tune into consumer trends
  • Get feedback from your target audience
  • Monitor consumer sentiment on social media
  • Keep track of industry laws and compliance
  • Consider international market expansion
  • Attend industry events and webinars
  • Validate your ideas through research & concept testing

Let’s talk about market spotting before we jump in. If you want to identify opportunities for your business and fill a potential gap in the market, there are a couple of things to keep in mind.

First of all: why is there a gap in the market in the first place? If it were worth it to tap into it, why is nobody taking advantage of it yet?

This question isn’t an answer in itself: sometimes other businesses may have spotted the gap, but simply lack the resources to stay ahead.

Second of all: is filling this gap in line with something your business is already good at? Aka: do you need to make any major changes to jump into this new market, and is that viable – and worth it?

Once you’ve looked at these two elements, you can start taking a closer look at the gap in the market you’re interested in.

Find the next big gap in your market

Discover what your target customers are searching for, so you can capitalize on that market gap – here are the top market analysis tools for B2C brands

Here are some important steps to follow.

1. Conduct a complete competitor analysis

Start by analyzing your competitors’ strategies and their business models. Identify their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT). Look for what they’re missing to give you the competitive edge.

A SWOT analysis can reveal gaps in their product offerings or areas where customer satisfaction is low, which helps identify opportunities for you. This competitive analysis is essential in spotting market gaps where new features could provide a unique advantage.

Just make sure it’s always based on real user needs, not simply on the capabilities of the market. Just because you and your competitors can, doesn’t mean you should jump on those new ideas.

If you want to hit the ground running, start with our market analysis template and make it your own.

  • Include imagery: how to do SWOT analysis of competitors (e.g. )

2. Analyze your own business and consumer feedback

The gap is not always in the market itself. Sometimes, it’s in your business. Using a thorough market analysis and self assessment on your business performance, you can gather consumer feedback on existing products and your service as a whole.

Because finding business gaps often starts with understanding your current strengths and weaknesses. Analyze customer demand and identify areas where you can improve or innovate. Using top market research services can provide valuable insights into what your existing customers need, helping you to identify potential market gaps that can be addressed with deliberate improvements.

3. Tune into consumer trends

Don’t just start looking for gaps in the market when business is slow, or you feel like a new product would boost revenue. Constantly staying updated with the latest market trends is essential if you want to stay ahead. Make sure you always have a toolbox on hand that enables you to quickly recognize trends, and act on it.

Platforms like Attest’s help you monitor trends in your industry and in consumer behavior. By examining what your target audience is talking about, what your competitors are doing and how your customers feel about your current offering, you’ll be the first one to know if there are any gaps in the market that your existing products or new features can address.

Want a quick start? Check out our industry report on 2024 consumer trends .

Practical tips for tuning into trends

There are, of course, countless trends out there. Some will stick around, but a lot are just fleeting. So how do you determine from your data whether something is a viable commercial opportunity?

  • Lean into AI and machine learning : Use advanced analytics to predict trends based on large datasets. This approach helps you identify subtle shifts in consumer preferences early on and look into the future, rather than just focusing on what’s happening now.
  • Combine multiple data sources : Integrate and cross-check data from different tools and reports to get a comprehensive view of market trends to make sure you’re not missing any critical insights or misinterpreting any data. And make sure to use a mixture of primary and secondary data, not just secondary data – using primary data that is tailored to your objectives will make it exponentially more valuable to you.

4. Get feedback from your target audience

Often, the best ideas for features and product improvements come straight from your customers. Make them an integrated part of your innovation strategy, and regularly turn to them for advice. With a tool like Attest, you can gather detailed user insights on the regular. Their feedback allows you to meet market demands and drive business success.

As a best practice, use a combination of surveys, focus groups, and direct interactions to get the best insights. In those interactions, focus on what your target audience really wants, so you can design products that truly resonate with them, and turn customer feedback into a roadmap for success. If you’re looking for inspiration, check out these examples of consumer research done right.

5. Monitor consumer sentiment on social media

Social media is a goldmine for understanding consumer sentiment, especially in niche markets. With social listening tools you can monitor discussions to identify viable business opportunities and user pain points. This method can highlight gaps in the market that might not come up in surveys or interviews with customers, but rather reveal themselves in unprompted discussions with other consumers. Make sure to always dig deeper on what you find in social listening tools by following it up with surveys and interviews. Engaging with your existing customers on social media can also highlight areas where new features might be appreciated.

6. Keep track of industry laws and compliance

It’s often overlooked because it’s not necessarily the most exciting type of market research, but sometimes the law is simply the best place to start looking for gaps in the market. If you monitor legal news and are the first to know if any new legislation is coming up, you can ensure compliance by preparing your products quickly.

Make sure your team stays updated with industry knowledge, federal legislation, and pending legislation to spot opportunities for innovative solutions.

7. Consider international market expansion

If there’s no gap in your current market, have a look at expanding into international markets. You could deliver your existing product to fill a gap abroad, meeting new customer needs and expanding your customer base.

When you take your brand abroad, make sure you fully understand the nuances of international markets. This allows you to spot market gaps that might not be evident in domestic markets, and could make your product a viable business on a global scale. Check out our guide on international market analysis to start it off on the right foot.

8. Keep an eye on industry events, webinars and online communities

Talking to other people in your industry is often a great way to find out what gaps are being explored by others. Industry events, webinars and online communities are great for keeping up with market trends and spotting new business opportunities.

Networking with industry professionals can give you fresh ideas and insights into potential gaps in the market. Do make sure to validate your findings with solid market research, and don’t just act on hearsay.

9. Validate your ideas through research and concept testing

Before launching a new product or feature, validate your ideas through thorough research and concept testing. This ensures that your solutions meet market demands and are set up for success. Creative testing helps you refine your product ideas and gather feedback from potential customers, making sure that your new features are well-received by your target market. Get started with our product research survey template .

When looking for a market gap, keep your eyes open to the different types of gaps that can exist.

They might not always seem super obvious, and people tend to go into this type of market research with some bias or assumptions. Knowing that there are different types of opportunities to look out for gives you a competitive edge. Here are some to consider.

1. Simplified versions of complex products

It’s not your lack of skills: tech products are getting increasingly complicated. Which also means there’s a growing demand for simplified versions. Consumers often look for products that strip away unnecessary features and focus on core functionality.

For instance, some users might want a smartwatch that only tracks steps and doesn’t include advanced health metrics like heart rate or stress levels. Another example could be clothing items, where customers prefer a simple design without extra frills or complicated elements.

Filling this type of gap addresses user pain points and offers a straightforward, user-friendly alternative to over-engineered products.

2. Sustainable alternatives

With the increasing focus on sustainability, there’s a significant opportunity to create eco-friendly versions of products that are traditionally seen as unsustainable. Or in some cases: products or services that people are just finding out are harmful to the environment.

For instance, a green web hosting service caters to businesses and individuals looking to reduce their carbon footprint. Other examples include biodegradable phone cases or eco-friendly office supplies.

These sustainable alternatives meet customer demand for greener products and enhance your brand’s image as environmentally conscious.

3. Business versions of consumer products (and vice versa)

Sometimes, there’s a clear gap for a business-oriented version of a consumer product, or a consumer version of a traditionally B2B product.

For example, project management software often designed for businesses could be simplified and marketed for personal use, helping individuals manage their tasks and schedules more effectively.

Conversely, a consumer product like a smart home security system could be adapted for small business use, offering features tailored to business security needs. Identifying these cross-market opportunities can open up new customer bases and increase your market reach.

4. Products for emerging demographics

As demographics shift, new market gaps emerge, and so do new target customers. Products designed specifically for the needs of aging populations, such as user-friendly tech gadgets for seniors, or products aimed at the growing market of young urban professionals, like compact, space-saving furniture, can meet specific needs.

5. Customizable and personalized solutions

There’s an increasing demand for products that offer customization and personalization. Consumers want products that can be tailored to their preferences, such as customizable meal plans in subscription boxes or personalized skincare products based on individual skin types. Take a look at products you use daily and think about what personalization would

Finding a gap in the market is the first step to business success. The second one is validating it with consumer research for a new product . With Attest, you get access to the tools that help you do just that, plus a dedicated research expert to turn your project into a success. Curious to see where market research can lead your business? Get in touch today.

research gap identifier

Andrada Comsa

Principal Customer Research Manager 

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Analysis and mapping of harm reduction research in the context of injectable drug use: identifying research hotspots, gaps and future directions

Harm reduction is a crucial approach in addressing the multifaceted challenges of injectable drug use. This paper presents an analysis and mapping of the existing literature on harm reduction research in the c…

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Lifeway Research

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Enlightening today’s church with relevant research and insights

Politics and Issue Disagreements Send Some Churchgoers Looking for a New Congregation

Insights | Church Life & Ministry | Aug 1, 2024

Closed church doors - new congregation

More than 1 in 5 churchgoers left a congregation because they couldn’t agree with some of its teachings or positions on issues or politics.

By Marissa Postell Sullivan

A church’s teachings and positions on issues are factors for some churchgoers in determining whether they stay at that congregation or look for a new one. But there’s not broad consensus as to which teachings and issues are most problematic for churchgoers. Still, understanding churchgoers’ motivations for leaving a church can offer pastors insights into how to best lead and care for their congregations.

As churchgoers leave your church to find a new one, most are doing so because of a residential move (60%), but some will end up at a church across town (40%), according to Lifeway Research . Of the churchgoers who left a congregation for a reason other than a residential move, most say they changed churches because of changes at the church they did not like (29%) or because the church was not fulfilling their needs or reasons for attending (29%). But 1 in 4 simply became disenchanted with the pastor (27%) or church (26%). And more than 1 in 5 (22%) left a congregation because they couldn’t agree with some of its teachings or positions on issues or politics. This is down from 27% who said they left their previous church because of disagreements over teachings or positions on issues or politics in 2006.

Where does disagreement happen?

Of the 22% who say they switched churches because of disagreements over their previous church’s teachings or positions on issues, 1 in 3 (33%) say they left their previous church because the pastor or church seemed aligned with a particular political party or ideology. Another 31% point to teachings on theological issues, 26% to teachings on applying the Bible to life issues, and 24% to teachings on moral issues.

For 28%, their previous pastor or church was too liberal for their taste, while 23% say their previous pastor or church was too conservative. Additionally, 22% say the church became too politically active, while 8% say the congregation didn’t engage in politics enough. More than 1 in 5 say their pastor expressed woke opinions (22%) or ignored injustice (22%). One in 5 (20%) say they felt judged based on their political views.

research gap identifier

Current church comparisons

In many cases, churchgoers feel more aligned with the teachings at their current church than their former one. Churchgoers who switched churches because they disagreed with teachings or positions on issues and politics commonly say they disagreed with teachings on theological issues at their previous church.

But among churchgoers who switched churches for any reason, most say they agree with the teachings, beliefs, and doctrine of their current church more (26%) or much more (26%) than their previous one. Specifically among those who moved churches without moving homes, 60% say they agree with the teachings, beliefs, and doctrine of their current church more or much more than their previous church.

Other churchgoers who disagreed with their previous church’s teachings or positions say they left because they disagreed with teachings on how to apply the Bible to life issues. But most churchgoers who changed churches say the preaching at their current church is more (31%) or much more (28%) relevant to their lives than the preaching at their previous church. Among those whose church switch was not accompanied by a residential move, 69% say the preaching at their current church is more or much more relevant to their lives compared to that at their previous church.

Some churchgoers who left their previous church because they disagreed with its teachings or positions say they felt judged based on their political views. But among churchgoers who found a new church, most say their current church is more (29%) or much more (29%) welcoming and friendly than their previous one. Specifically, among those who switched churches while staying in the same community, 65% say their current church is more or much more welcoming and friendly than their previous one.

Identifying gaps

Churchgoers ages 30-49 are among the most likely to say they feel more aligned with the teachings at their current church, saying they agree more or much more with the teachings, beliefs, and doctrine of their current church (62%); the preaching at their current church is more or much more relevant to their lives than the preaching at their previous church (65%); and their current church is more or much more welcoming and friendly than their previous one (68%). 

Those with evangelical beliefs are also more likely than those without such beliefs to say they agree more or much more with the teachings, beliefs, and doctrine of their current church over their previous church (54% v. 45%) and the preaching at their current church is more or much more relevant to their lives than the preaching at their previous church (64% v. 52%). 

research gap identifier

Additionally, those who attend a worship service four or more times a month are among the most likely to say they agree more or much more with the teachings, beliefs, and values of their current church than their previous one (54%). And those who started attending their current church six to 10 years ago (63%) are among the most likely to say the preaching at their current church is more or much more relevant to their lives.

For permission to republish this article, contact  Marissa Postell Sullivan .

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Marissa Postell Sullivan


Marissa is the managing editor for

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Gospel-Centered Teaching: Showing Christ in All the Scripture

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Bridging the Gap for New Americans: Final Report

Publication info, research methodology, country, state or territory, description, other products.

This report, prepared in response to a law (Pub. L. No. 117–210, enacted in October 2022) focuses on immigrants and refugees who are lawfully present in the U.S., arrived during the 5 years prior to the law, and have occupational credentials or academic degrees obtained outside the United States. The report explores the size of the relevant population, the percentage among it that experiences difficulties obtaining employment commensurate with their credentials or academic preparation, the types of difficulties that individuals in this group experience, and the services provided by various organizations and public agencies to aid this group. 

The report is based on a targeted literature review, an exploration of the available data on the relevant population, and a review of public and private programs that aid this population. While the study team found no recent studies or national datasets that cover target population as defined in the statute, it did identify related data and information. Key findings include: 1) the number of immigrants with at least a college degree obtained outside the U.S. was estimated to be approximately 7 million, based on 2019 Census data from the American Community Survey (ACS); 2) based on the 2019 ACS, 24 percent of immigrants who obtained college degrees outside the U.S. accepted a job that did not require a college degree or were unemployed, 3) recredentialing or relicensing for such individuals is complex, expensive, and time-consuming, due to problems navigating licensing systems, lack of English language proficiency, and lack of sufficient funds, and 4) there are nonprofit organizations, state governments, and community colleges (all identified in the report) that have implemented strategies and approaches to address those various challenges.


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