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Topics in Criminal Justice for Argumentative Essays

Published : January 23, 2024

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The criminal justice system, a complex web of law enforcement, courts, and corrections, operates to uphold law and order. It's vital for ensuring justice and societal harmony. Engaging critically with this system enhances understanding and sparks meaningful debate.

The category "Argumentative Essay Topics in Criminal Justice" refers to a range of subjects suitable for debate and discussion within the field of criminal justice. It's not about stating facts. It's about diving deep, analyzing moral dilemmas, and presenting solid solutions. You need to dig into the depths of legal studies, bringing forth evidence and judicial rulings that support your stance.

This Image depicts Topics in Criminal Justice for Argumentative Essays

Here, you'll find a collection of thought-provoking essay topics on criminal justice. Simple, clear, and engaging - these topics aim to spark your curiosity and invite you to explore deeper. Ready to challenge your views? Let's dive in.

  • Understanding the Criminal Justice System

Current Challenges in Criminal Justice: Seeking Reform

Defining features of criminal justice debate topics.

  • Argumentative Criminal Justice Essay Topics

Compelling Criminal Justice Argumentative Essay Topics

Understanding the criminal justice system : key components and their roles in law enforcement.

At its core, the criminal justice system is a three-part network:

law enforcement,

the judiciary, and


Law enforcement officers, like police, are the front-liners. They keep peace and catch lawbreakers. Next, the judiciary steps in. Judges and courts decide guilt and pass sentences, ensuring justice prevails. Finally, the corrections system, including prisons, rehabilitates and punishes offenders. These parts work together like cogs in a machine, maintaining law and order. Their interconnectivity is crucial - each part supports and influences the others, creating a balanced approach to justice. Understanding this system is key to grasping how we handle crime and punishment.

Today's criminal justice system faces tough challenges. Racial profiling remains a hot issue. It questions fairness in law enforcement. Then there's the tech revolution. Digital advances aid crime solving, but they also raise big privacy concerns. Overcrowded prisons are another headache. They strain resources and complicate rehabilitation. These challenges demand fresh thinking and balanced solutions. Understanding them is key to shaping a fairer, more effective system. Let's tackle these issues head-on, seeking justice and equality for all.

Key characteristics of these topics include:

argumentative essay crime topics

Debatable Nature: Each topic presents multiple viewpoints, allowing for extensive argumentation and discussion. They are not straightforward facts but rather issues open to interpretation and debate.

Relevance to Criminal Justice: Topics are directly related to aspects of criminal justice, such as crime prevention, law enforcement, legal ethics, criminal trials, corrections, and rehabilitation.

Societal Impact: They often touch upon how criminal justice systems affect society at large, including issues of social justice, human rights, equality, and public safety.

Legal and Ethical Considerations: Many topics involve discussions on the legality and morality of certain practices within the criminal justice system, such as capital punishment, juvenile sentencing, or police accountability.

Research-Oriented: These topics require in-depth research, understanding of legal principles, and familiarity with current events and historical cases.

Scope for Persuasion and Argumentation: They provide ample opportunity for writers to develop persuasive arguments, backed by evidence, to support their stance on complex issues.

Read More: How To Write An Argumentative Essay?

Argumentative Criminal Justice Essay Topics: Current Issues

1 Decriminalizing Minor Offenses: Are they necessary for justice?

2 Mandatory Sentencing Laws: Fairness versus judicial freedom.

3 Solitary Confinement Ethics: Discipline or inhumanity?

4 Parole Effectiveness: Rehabilitation or risk?


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5 Racial Bias in Sentencing: How to ensure fairness?

6 Alternatives to Juvenile Detention: Punishment or rehabilitation?

7 Police Training & Community: Enhancing relationships.

8 Mental Health in Justice System: Addressing the challenges.

9 Drug Courts' Role: Effective in reducing recidivism?

10 Privacy vs. Security Surveillance: Balancing rights and safety.

1 Bail System Reform: Fairness in Question

2 The Death Penalty: Deterrence or Inhumanity?

3 Legalizing Drugs: A Crime Solution?

4 Police Body Cameras: Safety or Invasion?

5 Juvenile Justice: Kids or Criminals?

6 Restorative Justice: Healing Over Punishment

7 Private Prisons: Efficiency or Profit Over People?

8 Racial Profiling: Necessary Tactic or Unjust Practice?

9 Gun Rights vs. Public Safety: Finding Balance

10 Cybercrime Laws: Keeping Up with Tech?

11 The Effectiveness of the Death Penalty in Deterring Crime

12 The Impact of Racial Profiling on Community Policing

13 Rehabilitation vs. Punishment: What Works Better for Offenders?

14 The Role of Technology in Modern Policing

15 Juvenile Justice: Should Juveniles Be Tried as Adults?

These compelling topics for criminal justice essays not only challenge conventional thinking but also invite a deeper exploration into the intricacies of law, ethics, and societal impact. By choosing to write on these subjects, you're not just crafting an essay ; you're contributing to an important discourse that shapes our understanding of justice and fairness in society. Remember, your voice and analysis can be a powerful tool in highlighting issues, proposing solutions, and sparking meaningful change in the world of criminal justice.

For students, understanding the criminal justice related issues is not just an academic exercise; it's a step towards becoming more informed and engaged citizens.If you're looking to delve deeper, consider buying an argumentative essay online from MyPremiumEssay. Our team of expert writers is well-versed in the intricacies of criminal justice and can provide you with a high-quality, insightful essay tailored to your specific needs.

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  • 155 Criminal Justice Essay Topics

Courses related to the study of criminal justice usually require students to complete an essay at some point. If you have been asked to write a criminal justice essay, there are several things that you will need to keep in mind to ensure that your essay ticks all of the right boxes.

This article will take you through some essential tips on writing a criminal justice essay and provide 155 criminal justice essay topics to get students’ creative juices flowing.

What Is Criminal Justice?

Any discussion of how to write a criminal justice essay must begin with a clear understanding of what the term ‘criminal justice’ actually refers to. In short, criminal justice can be defined as the system responsible for dealing with crime. This system includes everything from law enforcement and the courts to prisons and probation services.

When writing a criminal justice essay, students will usually be asked to focus on one particular area of the criminal justice system. For example, they may be asked to write about the police, the courts, or prisons. Be sure that your subject matter can directly be linked back to the criminal justice system in order to make the most impact on the reader.

Types of Criminal Justice Essays

There are many types of criminal justice essays, and each style will have different requirements in terms of content and structure. Here are some of the most popular types of criminal justice essays that students may be asked to write:

Criminal Justice Research Essays

Research essays will require students to conduct extensive research on a particular topic within the criminal justice system. Students will need to collect evidence from multiple reliable sources and use this evidence to support their argument.

Criminal Justice Argumentative Essays

An argumentative essay on criminal justice will ask students to take a particular stance on an issue within the criminal justice system and then defend their position using evidence. These types of essays usually require students to have a strong understanding of both sides of the argument before taking a stance.

Criminal Justice Compare and Contrast Essays

A compare and contrast essay will ask students to consider two or more topics within the criminal justice system and identify their similarities and differences. Compare and contrast essays often require students to have a strong understanding of both topics in order to make effective comparisons.

Criminal Justice Cause and Effect Essays

A cause and effect essay will look at why something happens within the criminal justice system and its effects on society or an individual. These types of essays often require students to carry out extensive research in order to identify the causes and consequences of a particular issue.

Criminal Justice Problem-Solution Essays

A problem-solution essay will ask students to identify a problem within the criminal justice system and put forward a solution for this problem. These types of essays often require students to have a strong understanding of both the problem and the potential solutions before they can offer a solution.

Criminal Justice Critical Analysis Essays

Students will be asked to conduct a critical analysis of a criminal justice system issue in a critical analysis essay. These essays often require students to have a strong understanding of the issues at hand in order to offer a well-rounded analysis.

No matter what type of criminal justice essay you are asked to write, be sure to carefully read the instructions to determine what is required of you. Once you understand the task at hand, you can begin planning and writing your essay.

General Tips for Writing a Criminal Justice Essay

When writing a criminal justice essay, there are a few general tips that you can follow to make sure that your essay is of the highest quality.

Before you start writing your essay, it is essential to take some time to plan out what you are going to say. This will help to ensure that your writing flows smoothly and that all of the critical points are covered.

If your essay requires you to carry out research, be sure to do so thoroughly. Collect evidence from several sources and make sure that this evidence is reliable. Also, make sure to cite all of your sources in the appropriate MLA, Chicago, or APA style.

Your essay should follow a logical path from beginning to end. Use headings and subheadings to help break up your writing and make it easy to read.


Once you have finished writing your essay, be sure to proofread it carefully in order to catch any mistakes. It is also good to have someone else read over your essay to give you feedback.

Make sure that you follow these tips when writing your criminal justice essay to give yourself the best chance of success.

With the guide above detailing the possible types of criminal justice essays you may be asked to write and some general tips for writing a criminal justice essay, you may now be wondering what topics you could write about. To help get you started, we have provided a list of 155 criminal justice essay topics below:

Criminal Justice Research Essay Topics

  • The impact of social media on the criminal justice system
  • The use of DNA evidence in the criminal justice system
  • The role of technology in the criminal justice system
  • Racial bias in the criminal justice system
  • The death penalty in the United States
  • The juvenile justice system
  • Police brutality in the United States
  • The war on drugs in the United States
  • The prison system in the United States
  • Rehabilitation vs. punishment in the criminal justice system

Criminal Justice Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Is the death penalty an effective form of punishment?
  • Should juveniles be tried as adults?
  • Is the prison system in the United States effective?
  • Should rehabilitation be the main aim of the criminal justice system?
  • Is social media a help or a hindrance to the criminal justice system?
  • Should DNA evidence be used in all criminal cases?
  • Should police officers be armed?
  • Should the age of adulthood be lowered to 16 in criminal cases?
  • Should there be a national registry for sex offenders?
  • Is stop and search an effective police tactic?

Criminal Justice Problem Solution Essay Topics

  • How can police brutality be reduced in the United States?
  • How can the war on drugs be won?
  • How can the juvenile justice system be improved?
  • How can rehabilitation be made more effective in the criminal justice system?
  • How can the use of DNA evidence be improved in the criminal justice system?
  • How can social media be used to help solve crimes?
  • How can racism be eliminated from the criminal justice system?
  • How can the prison system be improved in the United States?
  • How can the death penalty be made more effective?
  • What can be done to reduce crime rates in the United States?

Criminal Justice Opinion Essay Topics

  • Do you believe that the death penalty is an effective form of punishment?
  • Do you believe that juveniles should be tried as adults?
  • Do you believe that the prison system in the United States is effective?
  • Are police officers more or less effective when they are armed?
  • How do you feel about stop and search police tactics?

Criminal Justice Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • The criminal justice system in the United States vs. the criminal justice system in the UK
  • The death penalty vs. life in prison
  • DNA evidence vs. eyewitness testimony
  • Police brutality in the United States vs. police brutality in other countries
  • The juvenile justice system in the United States vs. the juvenile justice system in France
  • The prison system in the United States vs. the prison system in other countries
  • Rehabilitation vs. punishment

Criminal Justice Definition Essay Topics

  • The term “social justice”
  • The term “police brutality”
  • The term “white-collar crime”
  • The term “organized crime”
  • The term “street crime”
  • The term “cybercrime”
  • The term “capital punishment”
  • The term “juvenile delinquency”
  • The term “recidivism”
  • The term “restorative justice”

Criminal Justice Cause and Effect Essay Topics

  • The cause of police brutality in the United States
  • The effects of the war on drugs in the United States
  • The cause of juvenile delinquency
  • The effects of the prison system in the United States
  • The cause of recidivism
  • The effects of rehabilitation in the criminal justice system
  • The cause of white-collar crime
  • The effects of capital punishment
  • The cause of cybercrime
  • The effects of social media on the criminal justice system

Criminal Justice Essay Topics About Famous Cases

  • The O.J. Simpson case
  • The Trayvon Martin case
  • The Rodney King case
  • The Michael Brown case
  • The Eric Garner case
  • The Ferguson riots
  • The Baltimore riots
  • The Charleston church shooting
  • The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting
  • The Orlando nightclub shooting
  • The Las Vegas mass shooting
  • The Parkland school shooting
  • The Waco siege
  • The Ruby Ridge standoff
  • The Oklahoma City bombing

Criminal Justice Essay Topics About Legislation

  • The Patriot Act of 2001
  • The Homeland Security Act of 2002
  • The Voting Rights Act of 1965
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • The Fair Housing Act of 1968
  • The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965
  • The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986
  • The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996
  • The Border Patrol Act of 1925
  • The USA PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005
  • The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act of 2006

Criminal Justice Essays About Social Issues

  • The war on drugs
  • Police brutality
  • Racial profiling
  • Mass incarceration
  • The school-to-prison pipeline
  • Private prisons
  • Capital punishment
  • Juvenile justice
  • Forensic science
  • Gun control

Criminal Justice Essay Topics About Reform

  • Prison reform
  • Sentencing reform
  • Drug policy reform
  • Police reform
  • Judicial reform
  • Immigration reform
  • Electoral reform
  • Gun control reform
  • Innovations in criminal justice system reform in the United States

Criminal Justice Narrative Essay Topics

  • A day in the life of a police officer
  • A day in the life of a prison guard
  • A day in the life of a probation officer
  • A day in the life of a parole officer
  • A day in the life of a court clerk
  • A day in the life of a prosecutor
  • A day in the life of a death row inmate
  • A day in the life of a public defender
  • A day in the life of a private attorney
  • A day in the life of a jury member
  • A day in the life of a bailiff
  • A day in the life of a judge
  • A day in the life of a victims’ advocate

Criminal Justice Essay Topics About Ethics

  • The ethics of the death penalty
  • The ethics of solitary confinement
  • The ethics of plea bargaining
  • The ethics of mandatory minimum sentencing
  • The ethics of asset forfeiture
  • The ethics of police brutality
  • The ethics of stop and frisk
  • The ethics of racial profiling
  • The ethics of the war on drugs
  • The ethics of mass incarceration
  • The ethics of private prisons
  • The ethics of juvenile justice
  • The ethics of the school-to-prison pipeline
  • The ethics of forensic science

Criminal Justice Essay Topics About Career Options

  • A career as a police officer
  • A career as a detective
  • A career as a crime scene investigator
  • A career as a forensic scientist
  • A career as a criminal defense attorney
  • A career as a prosecutor
  • A career as a judge
  • A career as a paralegal
  • A career as a court reporter
  • A career as a bailiff
  • A career in corrections
  • A career in probation and parole
  • A career in victim advocacy
  • A career in law enforcement administration
  • A career in private security
  • A career in intelligence and counterterrorism

Every topic in this list offers students the chance to explore an issue of importance to the criminal justice system and share their own insights and perspectives on that issue. Remember that writing a criminal justice essay can be quite challenging, especially if you have never written one before. However, with a little bit of planning and some help from online resources, it is possible to write a great criminal justice essay that will earn you a good grade.

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  • Solving Problems of Criminal Justice For example, the theory can be applied to better understand the problem of social inequality problem described in the cited documentary.
  • The Criminal Justice System Practitioner The practitioner relied on the presented professional values, worldview, and philosophy to identify, handle, and support the rights of the identified clients.

Are you stuck on your paper on criminal justice? Do not panic! We have lots of fresh ideas to inspire you!

Crime and Justice in Mass Media

Over the past century, the media has become the gatekeeper for how we perceive the criminal justice system. Fictional portrayals in news media often depict crime as a constant and immediate public threat, reinforcing stereotypes about criminals and the criminal justice system. This continuous focus on crime leads to public anxiety, support for punitive policies, and a distorted understanding of the root causes of crime.

Community Policing and Crime

Community policing is a modern strategy that strives to establish relationships between police officers and community members. While traditional policing models have often left communities feeling disconnected and mistrustful, community policing tries to foster open communication, trust, and de-escalation techniques. As a result, in areas where community policing was implemented in 2020, violent crime was down 52% compared to 2012.

Community Corrections

Community-based corrections programs seek to reintegrate convicts into society by providing prospects for education, employment, and healthcare. These programs, which include options like probation and parole, strive to build uplifting social connections, improve mental well-being, and equip inmates with the tools they need to succeed upon release.

Immigration and Crime

Despite the stereotype of immigrants being more criminal, research shows the opposite. After studying prison rates over 150 years, economists found that immigrants are perpetually less likely to be incarcerated than native-born Americans. This gap has grown wider since 1960, with immigrants now 60% less likely to be imprisoned.

Juvenile Justice

Juvenile justice in the US consists of state and local court systems and deals with young people who are accused of crimes. As part of the legal process, juve­nile courts hear cases to determine if the youth violated the law and decide on a response. Moreover, state and municipal juvenile corrections agencies monitor the rehabilitation programs, services, and sanctions provided to assist young people in stopping further delinquent behavior.

  • Contemporary Criminal Justice Issues When it comes to the dependent variable, it means the effect, and that means the reduction of infectious diseases will be the effect that the independent variable will determine.
  • Negligence in the Criminal Justice System The last category of negligence is the most dangerous, and essentially stems to injury or death caused by the actions or lack thereof by the employees of the criminal justice system.
  • The Youth Criminal Justice Act in Teresa Robinson’s Case 1 of the YCJA is relevant to the article since the offender’s name is still unreported despite the evidence of his involvement in the homicide.
  • Ethical Obligations in Criminal Justice These criteria also include those that promote the values of honesty and compassion and the rights to life, bodily integrity, and privacy, all of which are defined as ethical standards. Empathy for others is the […]
  • Research in Criminal Justice: Crime Solvability Factors In the sphere of criminal justice, inquiry can doubtlessly assist in the formulation of improved and more progressive laws and institutions.
  • Criminal Justice in Relation to the Number of Criminals The main goal of my work is to build evidence that the number of criminals is not proportional to the severity of the crime and that despite a large number of crimes, not all of […]
  • “The Role of Virtual Reality in Criminal Justice Pedagogy” by Smith The journal is titled “The role of virtual reality in criminal justice pedagogy: An examination of mental illness occurring in corrections”.
  • Crime Problems and Criminal Justice Notably, except for the last one, all listed procedures can be applied to crime issues discussed above and seem practical in preventing law violations.
  • COVID-19 and Juvenile, Criminal Justice Legislation The measures may help to reduce overcrowding in prisons, prevent the spread of the disease, and decrease federal and state expenses on COVID-19 preventive measures and protective equipment in correctional facilities.
  • Pretrial Procedures in Criminal Justice Therefore, studying the processes that take place before the trial is important for understanding the overall delivery of criminal justice. Before the trial begins, the defense attorney and the prosecutor must prepare for it.
  • Criminal Justice Intervention in Case of Elderly However, the government has not been able to respond effectively to the abuse of older adults, with little information and statistics available to show the vulnerability of the elderly to abuse.
  • Police-Minority Relations: Criminal Justice Occasionally, charges of police misbehavior, such as the tragic killings of Black individuals at the hands of police in Baltimore, Maryland, and Ferguson, Missouri, spark public unrest.
  • Alexander & Ferzan’s Arguments on Criminal Justice The penal code has evolved in such a way that it only allows the system to blame offenders based on the nature of the eventual result or outcome.
  • Criminal Justice: Burglary, Theft, and Criminal Trespass According to Section 2C:15-1, robbery is a first-degree crime if, in the course of committing the theft, the actor attempts to kill anyone or purposefully attempts to inflict serious bodily injury.
  • Code of Criminal Justice: False Imprisonment However, the New Jersey Code interprets it specifically as an unlawful restraint with the risk of serious bodily injury or a goal of holding a victim in involuntary servitude.
  • Leadership in the Criminal Justice System For example, the criminal justice system uses goals to task the police, correctional agencies, and the court with the strategy to execute, including deterrence, rehabilitation, retribution, restoration, and incapacitation.
  • The Criminal Justice Core Competency Nowadays, the situation is different, and more women and minorities are encouraged to join law enforcement professions to reduce the impact of bureaucracy and other biases.
  • Criminology and Its Significance in Criminal Justice Fields Criminologists’ activities include collecting and analyzing data of committed crimes to study the nature of crimes and criminals and identify factors that influence criminals’ motives.
  • Criminal Justice System Development The sweeping changes impacted all elements of civil litigation and gave criminal justice professionals a stimulus to be more assertive in their cases.
  • California’s Criminal Justice Realignment The existing experience of reducing the number of prisons in California is of some interest to researchers. The articles attempt to study a number of humanitarian problems of the detention of citizens of California.
  • Criminal Justice System Deterring Illicit Drug Use The authors describe the history of the appearance of synthetic drugs in the illegal market and mention the difficulties that forensic chemists have faced in identifying the compounds of illicit substances. M, Stogner, J.
  • The Influence of Wealth and History of the Criminal Justice System The history of the U.S.criminal justice system spans approximately four hundred years, with early beginnings that prioritized the protection of citizens, punishment of criminals, and maintenance of social order. Perhaps the earliest form of criminal […]
  • Criminal Justice & Security: Measuring Crime Statistics NIBRS is a part of UCR; it has been in place since 1989, and its aim is to ensure the collection of detailed crime reports from law enforcement agencies.
  • Norwegian Versus Texan Criminal Justice Systems Despite accounting for a small population of the world, the US has the highest number of prisoners globally. As a result, the number of prisoners under solitary confinement is higher than in other states.
  • Hypothesis Testing in Criminal Justice and Criminology Two populations that are linked via a dependent variable must be assessed on the subject of dependency to determine a proper test to ensure the validity of the results.
  • The Modern Criminal Justice System: Discriminatory Practices It is stated that “the experiences of poor and minority defendants within the criminal justice system often differ substantially from that model due to several factors, each of which contributes to the overrepresentation of such […]
  • Statistics in Criminal Justice and Criminology The author’s primary argument refers to the importance of averages and data distribution types for criminology researchers and practitioners. To conclude, the information provided in the chapter is essential for understanding the measures of central […]
  • Statistics for Criminology and Criminal Justice The first part of the chapter introduces the three univariate data distribution displays that are frequently used in statistics, such as frequencies, proportions, and percentages.
  • Deterrence: Reflections on the Economics of Criminal Justice Therefore, deterrence is meant to ensure that punishments are so harsh that members of the public will fear committing a crime that will lead them to the same punishment.
  • Media and Gender Stereotypes Against Females in Professional Roles Within the Criminal Justice The first and a half of the second episode were chosen as the pilot episode often reflects the essence of the entire show.
  • Impacts of the Overlaps Between Communication and Criminal Justice for Police-Suspect Interactions The underlying concern raised by the interaction between Floyd and Chauvin as well as the other three police officers is that a breakdown of communication before and during the arrest led to the escalation.
  • Criminal Justice Inequality in Conflict Theory Other examples of inequality in terms of criminal justice are international corporations’ frauds and embezzlements on a grand scale by politicians that remain even unnoticeable while ordinary people are sentenced to imprisonment for less serious […]
  • Management of Criminal Justice Agencies Conflict of interests is bound to arise every time the needs of a healthy worker collide with the properties of a formal organization.
  • The Federal Grand Jury in the Criminal Justice System For instance, the President of the United States of America may not directly request for the formation of a grand jury but can do so by directing the Attorney General to constitute a grand jury.
  • Criminal Justice Agency Accountability and Liability The Act has set the “minimum pay for employees and the overtime pay has to be between 22 to 25% of the standard pay”.
  • US Criminal Justice System Analysis It might be assumed, therefore, that the prison had minimum security; however, the guards were heavily armored and conducted regular raids to control the contraband, which is a characteristic of a high-security prison.
  • Criminal Justice: The Ban-the-Box Law This essay discusses the criminal justice laws of the United States on the hiring of ex-convicts and whether felons should exercise their civil rights of voting or not.
  • Criminal Justice Career An individual who wants to work in the criminal justice sphere should be ready to overcome different challenges and contribute to the increased efficiency of the legal system.
  • The Effects of the Criminal Justice System Wilson and Kelling say, “Social psychologists and police officers tend to agree that if a window in a building is broken and is left unrepaired, all the rest of the windows will soon be broken”.
  • Criminal Justice System: Child Abuse During the consideration of cases as part of a grand jury, citizens perform some functions of the preliminary investigation bodies.

If you want compelling criminal justice essay topics — argumentative or persuasive — we have got you covered! Check out some excellent ideas we have prepared below!

  • Body cameras do not reduce police violence.
  • Eyewitness statements should be allowed in court.
  • The threat of solitary confinement: does it work as a deterrent?
  • Law enforcement agencies should have expanded access to personal data for criminal investigations.
  • The use of surveillance technology in public spaces erodes trust in law enforcement.
  • Men are more likely to get the death penalty.
  • Are criminal justice policies efficient in reducing gang-related crime?
  • Conflicts between restorative justice principles and traditional punitive measures should be resolved.
  • Do mandatory minimum sentences deter crime or increase recidivism cases?
  • Incarcerated individuals should have the right to vote.
  • Criminal Justice Standards for the Defense Function In court, defenders can find evidence through discovery, speak with witnesses of the crime, and file pretrial motions.
  • Building a Career in Criminal Justice The duty of a correctional officer is to oversee and keep watch of the arrested criminals during their terms in jail.
  • The Impact of Performance Appraisals on Job Satisfaction of Criminal Justice Personnel Of greater attention in the paper is the exploration of the levels of performance management in criminal justice departments and the impact on the levels of job satisfaction among employees working in these departments.
  • The Pitfalls of Criminal Justice Budget Cuts: An Administrator’s Perspective Today, in the United States, the diminishing crime rates have created an erroneous perception among state legislatures, key public policy figures, and mainstream commentators that crime and the administration of the criminal justice system are […]
  • Policing Duties: Criminal Justice Similarly, the police officers are required to evaluate the crime scene based on the evidence received from the witnesses, victims, and the offenders.
  • Criminal Justice Research: Homicide It also gains capacity with the regulations and reaction of crime from the society and the government. In homicide research, the characteristics and methods of qualitative research are evident.
  • Communication Within the Criminal Justice System: Probation Organisation An important thing to note here is that the sender and the recipient must be sharing the meaning of the symbols used in communicating; otherwise the meaning of the message will be lost on the […]
  • Criminal Justice: Racial Prejudice and Racial Discrimination Souryal takes the reader through the racial prejudice and racial discrimination issues ranging from the temperament of racism, the fundamental premise of unfairness, the racial biasness and the causes of racial unfairness to ethical practices […]
  • Criminal Justice Ethics: Kant’s and Bentham’s Views The following is an essay on criminal justice based on the case of Lieutenant Lotem that has presented moral as well as ethical dilemma on the issue of administrative justice.
  • “Ethics in Criminal Justice: In Search of the Truth” by Souryal The principle of leading a simple life to achieve mental happiness is in line with the stoicism school of thought which stressed that pleasure and pain are not relevant in attaining the happiness of an […]
  • New Technology & Criminal Justice From an information perspective, it is clear that new technologies, such as the use of iris recognition solutions, can assist in the effective and efficient management of correctional systems since these facilities are predominantly information-centric […]
  • Significant Issues in Criminal Justice The society established ways of dealing with these groups of people through the implementation of the rule of law to ensure they account for all their actions.
  • Criminology: Modern Criminal Justice The criminal justice system is the institution or the criterion that is used to keep all people that are subject to the law in check.
  • Criminal Justice Professionals: What They Should Know Considering the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, it is possible to state the information about the adoption history of the documents the criminal justice professionals should know.
  • Neuroscience and Criminal Justice The viewpoint of several neuroscientists is that expressive biology of behavior will be accessible in the future and is probably to integrate both neuroscientific and genetic understanding.
  • Criminal Justice: Prosecution & Judicial Proceedings To corroborate scientific, circumstantial and witness evidences, the prosecution needs to examine financial transactions of Roberts to prove that he was truly trafficking dangerous drugs according to the third count of charges.
  • Criminal Justice: Cases of Offenders in Trafficking Secondly, if in the opinion of the court, a defendant is seen to endanger the lives of others or will interfere with the evidence if granted bail, then the court will not grant bail.
  • Essentials of Criminal Justice It is imperative to mention that the prominence of wrongful convictions in a topic that is frequently discussed by scholars and has led to many disagreements.
  • Criminal Justice Ethics of Traffic Police Officers The police officer had the choice to take the children to a juvenile center home and arrange for a person to take care of the baby and then take the woman to jail as she […]
  • Ethical Observations of Criminal Justice System As the police officer pays for the picked items, the shopkeeper gives the officer a package of free items and a shopping voucher worth $100 as a present for his family and an appreciation note […]
  • Criminal Justice Ethics: Ethical Observations There are three parties involved in the situation: the victim, the offender, and the company. At the same time, the involvement of Police Officers to the case and the necessity to carry out their daily […]
  • Criminal Justice Policies and Theories Given the fact that PRPs and DPs are the variants of rehabilitation programs, their correlation is understandable, but their targets determine their differences.
  • Response Paper on Book “Criminal Justice Management” They believe that the negative implications of the criminal world, on the whole, are transmitted to the activity of criminal justice workers that creates an unfavorable association of the latter in the mind of the […]
  • Bribery as a Critical Criminal Justice Violation In the overviewed case, the abuse of criminal justice is evident since it is prohibited for the public officials, who are engaged in the investigation, to peer in the confidential affairs of the clients as […]
  • An Ethical System in Criminal Justice To my firm belief, utilitarian ethical system is more advantageous than the systems proposed by libertarianism and determinism since it accepts human nature and puts the general safety above the individual good.
  • Need for Policy Reform in the Criminal Justice System They also exposed the deficiencies and shortfalls of the criminal justice system, which has long been a source of disagreement between the Democrats and the Republicans, making any changes to the policy unlikely.
  • Criminal Law: Media and Its Influence on Criminal Justice Policy Seeing that the opinion of public affects the way, in which the criminal justice policy evolves, it can be assumed that media, which affect people’s viewpoints to a considerable degree, shaping it in accordance with […]
  • Public Opinion and Criminal Justice Policy Despite the fact that the criminal justice policy is shaped by the bills passed by the Congress, the significance of public opinion on the subject matter is very high.
  • Jury System in Different Criminal Justice Contexts The first argument to support the idea that the jury system should be spread widely in the world countries is that the jury system is the key to the unbiased and effective court decision-making that […]
  • An Application of the Criminal Justice System When police have reasonable grounds to believe that William Bloutt and Bertha Bloutt committed the robbery, they have the power, not the obligation, to put them under arrest.
  • Criminal Justice: Over Institutional Organization This is further worsened by the fact that the number of offenders to be monitored after being released is often higher than the number of officers tasked with the responsibility of following up on them.
  • Learning Theory Implications on Criminal Justice Practices This will be helpful to them because the civilians have different styles of learning and implementing the rule of law. Understanding the crime learning theories is very important and their impacts determine the destiny of […]
  • Criminal Justice Workplace Observation Leadership rests in the top management of the prisons who are the decision-makers and lead the prison to attain its objectives.
  • Deterrence in Criminal Justice Practices The concept of deterrence is the foundation of criminal justice systems in a majority of democratic nations. In my opinion, law enforcement is the second area where the implications of deterrence have more impacts.
  • Administration of Criminal Justice – Elements of Planned Change Administrators According to Merino, the effects of the implementation of change or change initiating in the criminal justice system extend far beyond the desired change.
  • Research Process and Terminology: Criminal Justice In addition, it is necessary to edit the research question/hypothesis after reviewing the literature and determining variables; select the research method; sampling methods and control of variables should be thoroughly explained as well; description of […]
  • Suicide in People With a Criminal Justice History The main questions raised in the study included suicide risk for the Danish population over the past three decades and possible relation of the results with the social and health problems of the suicides.
  • Criminal Justice System: “Lucky” by Alice Sebold The book “Lucky” by Alice Sebold unfolds the rape ordeal that the author went through at the age of 18 years as well as the aftermath of the heinous act on her personal life.
  • Key Elements of Criminal Justice System It is the combination of all the administrative, operational, and technical divisions that are part of the law enforcement agencies. This essay will describe the key elements of law enforcement agencies, the key elements of […]
  • Achieving Real Justice: Funding Criminal Justice Reform The article sums up the problems that have enhanced the tribulations of the state’s criminal justice department and point out strategies that have been adapted to solve these challenges. The citizens of California have not […]

Crime tremendously impacts society, making it a hot theme for argumentative papers! Read on to gain lots of insights!

Corporate Crime

In criminology, corporate crime involves offenses perpetrated by an organization or individuals acting on behalf of a business entity. These crimes can range from tiny violations to serious ones, having far-reaching repercussions for individuals, communities, and the economy.

Here are some fresh topic ideas for your argumentative essay on corporate crime:

  • Self-regulation is ineffective in preventing white-collar crime.
  • International laws should be implemented to address cross-border corporate crimes.
  • Corporate fraud negatively affects employee morale and organizational culture.
  • Does white-collar crime contribute to economic inequality?

Campus Crime

Campus crime is a sort of offense involving aggressive and criminal behavior on a college or university campus. Campus crime can include arson, homicide, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, drug or alcohol abuse, sex offenses, hate crimes, and smoking.

Check out some campus crime topics for your argumentative paper:

  • Colleges should collaborate with local governments to combat drug abuse on campus.
  • Mandatory reporting of campus crimes improves safety and the university’s reputation.
  • Does student diversity influence campus crime rates?
  • How is fear of campus crime different in rural and urban areas?

Drug-related crime includes using, possessing, manufacturing, or distributing drugs classified to have abuse potential. Drugs are also associated with crime because of the effects they have on user behavior. They often incite violence and other illicit actions connected to drug trafficking.

Excellent drug crime essay topics are already waiting for you below:

  • Are synthetic drugs playing a massive role in the landscape of illegal drug manufacturing?
  • The legalization of marijuana will not reduce the frequency of drug abuse.
  • Treat drug users as criminals, not patients.
  • Does drug education in schools aid in preventing future drug-related crimes?

Homicide is the killing of one person by another, whether the act is done legally or illegally. Legal homicides comprise self-defense and stopping a severe crime, while illicit homicides, like murder, are punishable by law. The severity of punishment depends on the intent and circumstances of the killing.

Look at some topics on homicide for your paper:

  • Does media coverage of homicides affect public opinion and fear of crime?
  • Psychological profiling should be used more extensively in preventing serial killings.
  • Wrongful convictions in homicide cases destroy public trust in the justice system.
  • Capital punishment is an efficacious deterrent to homicide.

Cybercrime means an illicit activity that targets or employs a computer, computer network, or networked device. The majority of cybercrime is conducted by criminals or hackers seeking financial gain. However, cybercrime is occasionally used to cause damage to computers or networks for motives other than profit, like political or personal goals.

Here are some cybercrime topics that you may find helpful:

  • Cybersecurity insurance should be mandatory for all businesses handling sensitive data.
  • Do ethical hackers play a significant role in fixing cybersecurity vulnerabilities?
  • Law enforcement authorities require improved equipment and training to resolve cybercrime.
  • International cooperation is essential to combat cybercrime effectively.
  • The Criminal Justice System in the US The statutes of Texas require the criminal justice system to carry out an inquest into the causes of deaths that occur mysteriously to ascertain the cause of death.
  • Impact of Diversity on Criminal Justice Police on the other hand think the high crime rates of Blacks and Hispanics only reflects the differences in the crime rates and not the biased justice system.
  • Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice According to legal ethics, lawyer has ethical duty of ensuring that client’s information is confidential and thus should always advocate for the interests of the client.
  • A Criminal Justice Approach to Suppressing Terrorism The threat of terrorism substituted communism as the rationale which was used for justifying the state of emergency in America prior to 1990s.
  • Web Research in Criminal Justice For those desiring a career that upholds the current social system in preventing crime, ensuring that the rule of law prevails and provides a system of rehabilitation for those who have broken the law, the […]
  • Expected Changes in the Criminal Justice Field Over the Next 50 Years A comfortable conjecture towards development in the criminal justice field will be the use of these social networking sites as an interaction tool with the communities served, for sharing critical information and collecting tips.
  • Cultural and Racial Prejudices in the Criminal Justice System Simultaneously, whiteness continues to play one of the key roles in the development of cultural and racial prejudices in the criminal justice system.
  • Criminal Justice Leadership: Strategies and Practice They have to execute good leadership and management in order to provide reforms and change and to affect the kind of justice that the community needs.
  • Leadership Issue in the Criminal Justice Field The main concerns about the issue of violations are: whether they are common phenomena in the criminal justice field, the reason that propagates them, and the possibility of their prevention with consideration whether they might […]
  • Changes Introduced to the Inquisitorial Criminal Justice in Italy The inquisitorial system was pioneered by the Roman Catholic Church in the medieval era, where the church used this system in its religious courts for prosecution of offenders and to reform the former system which […]
  • Impact of Globalization and Neoliberalism on Crime and Criminal Justice Globalization entails the conception of principles, perpetuated by both governments and organizations that have altered the way nations perceive the obligation for a criminal justice system and the ability of the governments to control crime […]
  • Contemporary Criminology and Criminal Justice Theory The model of a political society in which law restrains and guides the implementation of power by rulers dates from the early stages of systematic thought in the Western world.
  • Criminal Justice and DNA: “Genetic Fingerprinting” DNA is one of the popular methods used by criminologists today, DNA technique is also known as “genetic fingerprinting”.the name given the procedure by Cellmark Diagnostics, a Maryland company that certified the technique used in […]
  • Racial Discrimination in the US Criminal Justice System This report argues that when one studies the proportion of blacks in the Cincinnati community and the number of times that they have been stopped for traffic violations, one finds that there is a large […]
  • Searches in the Criminal Justice System The reasoning behind this lies in the mobility of vehicles which can enable the owners of the vehicles to tamper with the probable evidence should a warrant be necessary to conduct a search of the […]
  • The Criminal Justice Funnel and Globalization There are several cases in the initial stages of the criminal process which are then eliminated as the process continues to the top.
  • The History and Transformation of Criminal Justice System The State Police seeks the help of the local police divisions for the search of the criminals and arrest of them to announce sentence according to the Code of |Criminal Procedure applied and observed by […]
  • How Is the Criminal Justice System Portrayed in the News? In the case it is underrepresented, it means that the news has not been depicted in full and in a truthful manner and in accordance with the wishes of the American people.
  • Criminal Justice Reform in the Black Community A progressive change of the United States’ drug policy is a fundamental step in the restoration of the criminal justice system.
  • Key Social Issues Affecting Criminal Justice Professionals The absence of a decline in this percentage suggests that the criminal justice system has not been effective in addressing this issue. The criminal justice system has failed to decrease crime rates due to the […]
  • California’s Criminal Justice System, Problems and Solutions The attention is focused on the fact that even though the system is designed to lower the recidivism rate and help inmates in the future, rehabilitate, it is still ineffective.
  • Communication Databases and Criminal Justice System It will also expound on the positive and negative contributions of the databases due to the advancement in technology. Advancement in technology also poses immense challenges to members of the society.
  • Budget Reduction in Criminal Justice Administrations The mission of the police is to maintain law and order among the citizens. The main positive effect of this training is the ability of some members to provide security to the rest of the […]
  • Criminal Justice System in the United States Evolution The emergence of English common law in the period of the reign of Henry II had the biggest impact on the development of the criminal justice system in the United States.
  • Leadership and Management as Applied to Criminal Justice Organizations The differences between them are significant and crucial to understanding for executives to be able to reach the goals of a company.
  • Criminal Justice Centralization and Decentralization This assignment briefly examines the issue of centralization and decentralization, overviewing the negative consequences of the attorney’s office funded by the state, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the commission’s recommendations.
  • The Effects of Poverty Within Criminal Justice The approach used in this study is deductive since the reasoning in the study proceeds from the general principle regarding the fact that poverty has a role to play in the administering of fairness in […]
  • Ethics Theories in the Criminal Justice Field The gratuity that the public extend to officers and doormen within the criminal justice system has the capacity to spiral and develop a culture of exchange.
  • Criminal Justice System: Crime Scene Investigation A gas store employee, who was present in the time of the event, nodded to be the witness of the crime.
  • Criminal Justice Agency Records, Content & Secondary Data Analysis In this case, there is the need to ensure that the specifics of the statistics are very clear from the start.
  • Criminal Justice Experimentation: Threats to Validity Therefore it is becoming more and more evident that the threats to validity play a major role in the research and experimental designs.
  • Criminal Justice System: Halloween Party Accident But from the general point of view of the criminal justice system the main culprits were Tom Randell and Kelly Greene and it is obvious that they should be charged and prosecuted in the eyes […]
  • Criminal Justice System in Australia There have been fears that the criminal justice system in Australia is not as strong as it should be considering there have been lapses when dealing with gender, social class, and even racial matters.
  • The Criminal Justice Ethics Principles It is the goal of the present paper to review such areas of ethical issues within the field of criminal justice as: pretexting during investigation and police misconduct, and their influence on the investigated case.
  • Problem Analysis in the Criminal Justice System The first one is sham prosecutors, overconfident eyewitnesses, lying informants from jailhouses and the inept lawyers and overzealous prosecutors who jeopardize the chances of the accused for fair trials and conviction of the accused prior […]
  • Criminal Justice for Physically Injured Crime Victims Overall, the actual goal of the DVD is to provide education to the victims of physical violence crime in the criminal justice system.
  • Washington County Court Services The former held notion about unaccepted restorative justice and the victim offender mediation has been reviewed and now the aim of this Court is to restore the relationship between the offenders and the victims and […]
  • Effects of Technology in Criminal Justice Systems In the United States, a policy was made in 1967 about the Law Enforcement and Justice Administration by the president’s commission, and the aim of the policy was to stop crimes in society.
  • Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Criminology One of the major aspects that have to be considered while going for data collection is that, the selection of the data collection team.
  • Criminal Justice: Race, Age, and Gender Factors The will belongs to the realm of natural phenomena, all of which follow the rules of cause and effect. Being exploited organically by the generative process and the growing child, the female, in turn, exploits […]
  • Determination of Professionalism in Criminal Justice Organizations
  • Forensic Science in the Criminal Justice System
  • Ethics in Criminal Justice
  • Applied Research in Criminal Justice Profession
  • Diversity Training for Criminal Justice Employees
  • Criminal Justice Employees’ Rights and Laws
  • Administration of Criminal Justice Agencies
  • Policy and Criminal Justice
  • Criminal Justice Administration and Police Functions
  • Crime and Criminal Justice News
  • Women Working in the Criminal Justice System
  • Criminal Justice System and Inequilty in America
  • Criminal Justice Systems: Saudi Arabia, Germany and the US
  • Restorative Justice in the Criminal Justice Process
  • Gang Violence: Criminal Justice Research
  • Women and Minorities Recruits in Criminal Justice
  • Criminal Justice: Punishment and Sentencing
  • Criminal Justice Process in the US
  • Military Trials: The Criminal Justice Procedures Violations
  • Criminal Justice Administration Issues
  • Johnnie Cochran’s Leadership in the Criminal Justice
  • Leadership Issues in the Criminal Justice System
  • Criminal Justice System Enforcement Issues
  • Key Criminal Justice Issues
  • Criminal Justice From the Historical Perspective
  • US Criminal Justice System, Theories and Methods
  • Criminal Justice Policy in Action
  • Ethics in Criminal Justice: Moral Aspects
  • Ethics, Media and Criminal Justice
  • Psychology in Criminal Justice
  • Domestic Violence in International Criminal Justice
  • Criminal Justice Systems in the US, the UK, Norway
  • Forensic Psychology in the Criminal Justice System
  • Media Influence on Criminal Justice and Community
  • Psychologist’s Roles in Criminal Justice System
  • Criminal Justice: Discipline, Liability and Labor Relations
  • Criminal Justice Policy Formulation Participants
  • Bureaucracy and Criminal Justice Policies
  • International Criminal Justice and Atrocity
  • Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Trends
  • Criminal Justice From a Global Perspective
  • Antiterrorism Response Unit in Criminal Justice
  • Criminal Justice Administration
  • US Criminal Justice Information System
  • Technologies in Canadian Criminal Justice System
  • The Criminal Justice System Effective Communication
  • Criminal Justice in Canada
  • Criminal Justice Workplace Management
  • Organizational Behavior Concepts in the Criminal Justice
  • Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation
  • Mental Health Issues in the Criminal Justice System
  • Criminal Justice System. Deterrence and Incarceration
  • Forensic Psychology Guidelines for Criminal Justice
  • Death Penalty Role in the Criminal Justice System
  • Criminal Justice System Role in Curbing Crime Rates
  • People With Disabilities and Abuse of People With Disabilities and Criminal Justice
  • The Death Penalty in the US Criminal Justice System
  • Social and Criminal Justice Responses to Sex Work
  • Foster Care in the Criminal Justice System
  • Death Penalty: Every For and Against
  • Racism in U.S. Criminal Justice System
  • The Many Faces of Criminal Justice: What Concerns Students Face Most Often
  • Techniques for Influencing Criminal Justice System Change
  • Criminal Justice Department
  • Young Offenders and the Criminal Justice System
  • Delphi Survey Method in the Criminal Justice System
  • What Does the Future Hold for the Criminal Justice System?
  • How Does the Criminal Justice System Respond to White Collar and Corporate Crime?
  • What Makes the Criminal Justice System So Slow?
  • Does the Criminal Justice System Work?
  • How Are Computers Essential in Criminal Justice Field?
  • Are Individual Mental Health Issues Treated Fairly by the Criminal Justice System?
  • What Should the Criminal Justice System Do With Drug Abusers?
  • How Might Crime Data Be Used as either Predictor for Crime or Used by Criminal Justice Professionals?
  • Does the Criminal Justice System Depend on the Disparities of the People That It Serves?
  • How Does Criminal Justice System Work and How Does It Have Problems?
  • Are Males and Females Treated Differently in the Criminal Justice System?
  • How Did the Current Criminal Justice System in the US Evolve?
  • Does the Criminal Justice System Extend More Rights to Criminal Defendants?
  • How Does Society Shape the Experiences of the Criminal Justice?
  • Are Youth Offenders Responsive to Changing Sanctions?
  • How Does the Australian Criminal Justice System Respond to Domestic Violence?
  • Does the Criminal Justice System Have a Gendered Response Towards Filicide When It Comes to Punishing the Offender?
  • How Does the Criminal Justice System Respond to Illicit Drugs?
  • Should the Criminal Justice System Be the Primary Solution to Drug Problems in Australia?
  • How Does Our Criminal Justice System Reflect the U.S. Constitution?
  • Should the Death Penalty Be Used in the Criminal Justice System?
  • How Does Television Depict the Criminal Justice System?
  • Should the Texas Criminal Justice System Be Legal?
  • How Does the Criminal Justice System Deals With Sex Offenders?
  • What Are Effective Writing Principles for Criminal Justice Professionals in Their Respective Communications?
  • How Does the Criminal Justice System Respond to Organized Crime Within Our Society?
  • What Are the Major Components of the Criminal Justice System?
  • How Can the Past Assist the Modern Criminal Justice System?
  • What Are the Three Most Challenging Issues of Criminal Justice?
  • Why Are Confidentiality and Ethics Important in Investigating the Legal Concerns of the Criminal Justice and Criminology?
  • Domestic Violence Paper Topics
  • Computer Forensics Essay Topics
  • Drug Trafficking Research Topics
  • Crime Prevention Research Topics
  • Forensic Psychology Research Topics
  • Criminal Procedure Titles
  • Human Rights Essay Ideas
  • Mass Incarceration Essay Topics
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

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Argumentative Criminal Justice Essay Topics

Published by Ellie Cross at May 18th, 2022 , Revised On November 3, 2023

Are you looking for some interesting and compelling criminology and argumentative criminal justice essay topics ?

Well, sit back and read! Because this article lists many argumentative criminal justice essay topics that are sure to inspire you. Student engagement with criminology and criminal justice has been rising in recent years.

One can observe this emerging practice in European countries, the US, and other countries worldwide. As the number of violent incidents and crimes increases, most students want to learn about criminology and criminal justice to play their part in improving their respective communities. 

The term “criminal justice” refers to a combination of customs and practices to regulate social behaviour, reduce crime, and restrain those who refuse to obey the law. It is a sub-category of law. It is an area of law that many students struggle with because of the involvement of complex concepts. A criminal justice essay needs to demonstrate thorough research and knowledge of the subject. It puts you in a position where you present a solution to address a moral problem. 

This blog post looks at some topics for argumentative criminal justice essays to help you write your essay on a fascinating subject and hook the readers. One well-known fact about criminal justice essays is that they need you to delve into more depth and find entities to refer to, judicial findings to rely on, and provide substantial evidence to back up your arguments.

Writing an argumentative essay begins with a topic, as with every paper you’ve ever had to write. If you have not yet decided on a topic for your criminal law essay, or if you are finding it difficult to choose an appropriate argumentative criminal justice essay topic, we have listed some very interesting topics for you. Let’s scroll down to check them out! 

Many people ask whether or not the justice system is equitable and accountable since some people have faith in the justice system. In contrast, others occasionally suffer from its repercussions.

  • What You Should Know About Capital Punishment
  • Understanding the alternatives for community corrections
  • Are criminal courts meeting the public’s expectations?
  • The link between crime, the media, and the justice system
  • The significance of cultural activities in delinquency reduction
  • A study on the effectiveness of dependable police-community interactions in criminal justice
  • Understanding the categorization standards for criminals
  • Felon disenfranchisement: A thorough study
  • Working to reduce crime – Students have a lot of work to accomplish.
  • Understanding the expertise in criminal justice
  • An examination of unjust convictions in criminal justice
  • Have the aims of the judicial system’s sentence been met?
  • Is plea bargaining a viable option in the US legal system?
  • Is it true that the insanity defence in the criminal justice system helps offenders avoid punishment?
  • What can be done to avoid unjust convictions?
  • In what ways does the criminal justice system contribute to inequality?
  • Is it appropriate to rely on DNA technology in criminal justice?
  • Is there an absolute role for evidence in the criminal justice system?
  • What kind of ethical code should the legal system have?
  • What is the most problematic abuse of power in the criminal justice system?

Also read: Argumentative Business Essay Topics

Argumentative Criminal Justice Essay Topics about Jail and Prisons

Criminal justice essays’ most common arguable areas are prisons and detention centres. We have picked out the most controversial topics for you;

  • In jails, are ethnic minorities treated fairly?
  • Is it true that private prisons are intrinsically flawed?
  • Are private prisons simply a means of profiting from crime?
  • Is gender segregation making jails more violent?
  • How can we ensure that jails do not become training and recruiting sites for criminals?
  • Is restrictive housing more effective than prisons in terms of rehabilitation?
  • Is solitary confinement a punishment that is cruel and unusual?
  • Economics of Criminal Justice
  • The prison pipeline and procedural justice
  • How government funds prisons.
  • How are prison women dealt with?
  • What is the relationship between drug addiction and incarceration?
  • What is the history of county jails in the United States?
  • The criminalization of mental illness.
  • There have been several prisons in the history of our country.
  • What are the main characteristics of prison overcrowding?
  • Procedural justice and the penitentiary system are interrelated.
  • What can be done to improve health care in prisons?

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Argumentative Criminal Justice and Society Essay Topics

  • What are the different laws on parental abscission?
  • Social anthropology and criminal justice are interrelated.
  • What is the most effective method to help abused children?
  • What are our position on social cohesion and criminal justice?
  • Human trafficking on the internet is of great concern.
  • What are the implications of economic crimes?
  • How can we prevent young people from becoming criminals?
  • What role does the culture of guilt play in mind control?
  • What is the difference between cyberstalking and cyberbullying?
  • Criminal justice, sociology and psychology are all topics that come up.

Criminal Justice and Police related Essay Topics

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of communities opting for community policing?
  • The link between police ethics and criminal justice ethics.
  • What is the effectiveness of predictive policing?
  • Make a list of recent incidents of police corruption.
  • How to Prevent crime at home?
  • In the military, police recruitment is crucial.
  • The role of police in community relations is crucial.
  • Make a list of cases of police violence.
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of training in crisis intervention?
  • The advantages and disadvantages of funding police forces

Also Read: Mental Health Essay Topics 

Miscellaneous Criminal Justice Essay Topics

  • What are the different types of serial killers?
  • What is the connection between lawbreakers and ethics?
  • Explain the differences between distributive and criminal justice.
  • What are the benefits of victim assistance?
  • What is the role of the witness protection programme?
  • What is the link between cognitive impairment and the criminal justice system?
  • What is the escalating sentence?
  • What is the relationship between enforcement and justice?
  • What privileges are granted to offenders?

Argumentative Criminal Justice and Death Penalty Essay Topics

  • Can the death penalty be inflicted on juvenile delinquents?
  • Is the death penalty an effective means of deterring crime?
  • Is it true that the death penalty in one first world country encourages its use against political opponents in other countries?
  • Is it true that the death penalty is intrinsically unjust?
  • Which method of carrying out the death penalty is most humane?
  • What role does race play in the imposition of the death penalty?
  • Is it true that the death penalty is a violation of human rights?
  • Should the death penalty be compassionate or inhumane to achieve greater deterrence?
  • What are the ethical problems of the death penalty?
  • What are the current death penalty procedures in the world?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of the death penalty?
  • What is the basis for capital punishment?
  • Which offences are deserving of the death penalty?
  • Is the death penalty going to be abolished in the future?

Criminal Justice and Racism Essay Topics

  • A relationship exists between racism and criminology.
  • The link between race and criminality
  • Race-based crime stereotypes
  • What is racial profiling and how does it work?
  • Typical racial profiles of criminals
  • In what ways is the justice system discriminatory in different countries?
  • True or false: does race have an impact on criminal justice?
  • Discrimination against women in the legal system
  • Theory of racial discrimination
  • Racial discrimination through hate crime

Also Read: Cause & Effect Essay Topics

Women, Crime and Criminal Justice Essay Topics

  • What is the greatest way to avoid being raped on a date?
  • Is there a link between drug usage and criminology in women?
  • How do you feel about gender stereotypes in the criminal justice system?
  • Recidivism and women’s relationship.
  • What impact does law enforcement have on domestic violence?
  • The relationship between women and the death penalty.
  • What is the most effective way to avoid domestic violence?
  • What is the relationship between feminism and criminal justice?
  • What effect do sex offender rehabilitation programmers have?
  • What are the pros and downsides of keeping a sex offender’s record?

Argumentative Juvenile Justice for Criminal Justice Essay Topics

  • Explain The Act on Juvenile Justice for Young People.
  • What role does juvenile justice play in society?
  • What is the relationship between subcultures and criminal justice?
  • What role do minors have in the death penalty?
  • Explain what the word “youth gangs” means.
  • What exactly is a juvenile court?
  • Explain what the word “street gangs” means.
  • What effect does the juvenile justice system have on repeat offenders?
  • When it comes to minor criminals, what is the maximum sentence?
  • What is the best method for preventing juvenile crime?

Criminal Justice Topics about Forensic and Criminology

  • What difficulties does a criminal investigator face?
  • What role does technology play in forensic science?
  • What exactly do you mean when you say “forensic science”?
  • Explain “plea bargaining” with criminology.
  • Make a list of the latest foreign discoveries.
  • What exactly do you mean by the term “Marxist criminology”?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of the work of a forensic pathologist?
  • What is the connection between criminology and criminal justice?

Also Read: Extended Essay Topics 

Justice System and Criminal Justice Essay Topics

  • The role of juries in the criminal justice system?
  • What is the role of a code of ethics in the legal system?
  • What is the role of a criminal defence lawyer in the criminal justice system?
  • The importance of criminal justice in society.
  • What impact do mental illnesses have on the legal system?
  • Explain how the justice system is unjust.
  • What can be done to avoid wrongful convictions, and what are the consequences?

Of course, these are not all the topics for argumentative essays on criminal justice devised by our experienced writers to aid you with your challenging essay submissions. But we have strived to cover a wide range of criminal justice essay topics for our students. It is important to follow ethical guidelines while writing any law or criminal law paper. Even if you choose to write about controversial topics, always try to be courteous and civil!

Points to Remember

  • Ensure that your topic is not too broad or too narrow. Pick a topic that can be argued, preferably one that interests, baffles or excites you. Draft a list of your arguments. Specifically, what is your objective? The point you are trying to prove, be it an opinion, a viewpoint or an underlying idea? Before starting to write, you ought to have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish.
  • Your essay has to be written for a certain audience. So who are the readers of your essay? Are they a specific group – uninvolved bystanders, opponents of your point of view, etc.? Perhaps you are addressing your peers with your writing. Approach your lecturer to determine who your target audience should be. If you are unsure who your target audience is, address your arguments to everyone.
  • Powerful essays present arguments that are supported by facts. The main arguments that support your claim or argument are called rationales. They are often answers to the question: “How do you derive this argument?” For brevity, reasons can also be referred to as “because-phrases”. Underpin your arguments with adequate facts to support your justifications and make your arguments effective.
  • Like any other essay, it is recommended to revise your argumentative essay a couple of times. Remember to cover the following points in your essay; “Give plenty of facts, which are presented fairly and factually, and be responsive to your opponent’s point of view. Pay extra attention to the way your essay is structured. Make sure the format is appropriate to your topic and audience. Include appropriate segues that help the reader follow your argument and identify and correct logical errors.”
  • Once you have completed a well-written draft, take off the writer’s hat and replace it with the audience. Proofread your essay attentively and rigorously. To get comments on your essay, share a draft with your friends. Carefully revise your work based on your classmates’ evaluation and feedback. Afterwards, you are all set to hand in your essay.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to write an argumentative criminal justice essay.

To write an argumentative criminal justice essay, choose a debatable topic, gather relevant evidence, develop a clear thesis statement, structure your essay with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion, and use persuasive language to support your claims.

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Crime Essay Topics: 25+ Interesting Ideas for Your Next Paper

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by  Antony W

June 27, 2024

crime essay topics

Your next crime essay has to be on point. You have to prove to your professor that you understand themes of individual restraint, social behavior control, crime deterioration, criminal law, or anything related to crime. The first step is to choose a compelling topic to explore.

In this post, we give you a list of crime essay topics and ideas that you can explore. Whether you’ve started brainstorming or you feeling hopeless because you’re running late, these ideas can save you a lot of time.

Remember, how well and easy you write a crime essay depends on topic selection. So you should be careful to choose an idea that you can explore within the scope of the assignment. Read the assignment brief to determine which essay to write and how long it should be. Everything else builds on the topic you choose. 

Key Takeaways

  • Look at different theories, contemporary issues, and sub-disciplines linked to crime to understand the different areas you can explore.
  • Determine what fascinates you about crime in relation to law essays , coursework, and assignments.
  • Write down the aspects of crime and social justice that most appeal to you and then narrow down your option to one area.
  • Choose a specific topic that fits within your interest.

Best Crime Essay Topics

The following is a list of the best crime essay topic that you might find interesting for your next assignment:

Society and Justice Topics

  • Rehabilitation and moralities
  • The key characteristics of employment and crime
  • Delinquency cases in children
  • Community service and criminals
  • Crime prevention in children
  • Social ecology and abandoned peoples
  • White-collar crimes and their consequences
  • Is moral panic a new danger or an ordinary issue?
  • Socio-economic background and crime
  • Bad parenting and juvenile delinquencies
  • Social changes in the United States is a problematic issue
  • The pros and cons of background criminal checks
  • Are new prisons necessary in the United States of America?
  • Write an essay on rehabilitation and recidivism
  • Social institutions and criminal justice
  • Causes of victimization
  • Justice as a norm in today’s society
  • Criminal justice, sociology & psychology
  • Social cohesion and criminal justice
  • The prosecution of children as an adult in the United States of America
  • Criminalizing homelessness in the United States of America and the world
  • Cyber-bullying and cyber-stalking
  • The role of education in keeping a safe society
  • How to help abused children
  • Children and online offenders

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Police and Policing Topics

  • Ethical dimensions of policing and criminal justice: an analytical study
  • Unpacking contemporary instances of police corruption: case analyses
  • Militarization of law enforcement in the United States
  • Examining instances of police brutality
  • Police-public interactions and controversial issues in the United States
  • Police as catalysts for societal change in the United States
  • Critiquing crisis intervention training in policing
  • Exploring systemic police abuse in the United States’ criminal justice framework
  • Assessing the efficacy of predictive policing in law enforcement practices
  • Tracing the historical trajectory of American policing from a contextual perspectives
  • Advantages and dilemma of community support for policing in neighborhoods

Capital Punishment Essay Topics

  • Understanding racial disparities in the criminal justice system and their societal ramifications
  • Examining solitary confinement’s psychological impact on prisoners
  • Critical assessment of mandatory minimum sentences in drug offense cases
  • Ethical quandaries surrounding the employment of informants in criminal investigations
  • Evaluating bias and discrimination in predictive policing algorithms
  • Private prisons’ influence on the structure and functioning of the justice system
  • Assessing rehabilitation programs’ efficacy in reducing recidivism
  • Ethical considerations and data usage of technological surveillance in law enforcement:
  • Decriminalization versus legalization perspectives over drug criminalization:
  • Policy implications of mandatory drug testing for welfare recipients
  • Impacts of bail reforms pretrial detention and systemic equity
  • An assessment of efficacy of poverty, crime, and programmatic interventions

Criminal Law Essay Topics

  • Intersecting legal and ethical dimensions of the death penalty
  • Examining plea bargains: Implications and functionality in justice systems
  • Evaluating the impact of mandatory minimum sentences on crime reduction
  • Race, ethnicity, and the dynamics of the criminal justice system
  • The role, reliability, and significance of forensic science in criminal investigations
  • Unpacking the relationship between poverty and crime rates
  • The contribution of forensic psychology to profiling in criminal investigations
  • Evaluating its effectiveness of community policing in crime prevention and resolution
  • Protecting victims’ rights within the criminal justice framework
  • Ethical concerns and algorithmic biases in predictive policing applications
  • Understanding mental health’s interplay with criminal behavior
  • Exploring drug decriminalization or legalization: impacts on crime
  • Surveillance ethics: Legitimacy and considerations in public spaces
  • Media influence and its role in shaping public perception in criminal trials
  • Implications and rectification of sentencing disparities based on socioeconomic status
  • Assessing hate crime legislation’s efficacy in prosecution and prevention
  • Restorative justice’s role in recidivism mitigation
  • Emerging technologies in criminal law: AI, facial recognition, and privacy concerns
  • Technology’s influence on criminal investigations and privacy rights
  • Effectiveness of rehabilitation programs in recidivism prevention

Criminal Justice Essay Topics

  • Regulatory frameworks and security protocols
  • Understanding eligibility and protection in witness security programs
  • Patterns and profiles of abduction, ransom, and recurring behaviors
  • Contemporary challenges and priorities for law enforcement
  • Forensic science’s role and evolution in modern criminal justice
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of community corrections programs
  • Identity theft in today’s context: Risks and impactful consequences
  • Forgery incidents: Prevalence in workplaces, government, and academia
  • Addressing issues and improvement strategies of prison living conditions:
  • Real-world application of prosecution laws
  • Anatomy of a criminal trial: The processes and key components explained
  • Navigating ethical challenges in law enforcement from a critical perspective
  • Exploring historical insights and lessons from the evolution of criminal courts
  • Religious motive crimes: Understanding sentencing and punitive measures
  • The impact and ethical considerations of the media’s role in crime narratives
  • Problem-solving courts: Resolving foundational issues in justice systems
  • Distributive justice’s significance in the framework of criminal justice
  • Mechanisms and taxonomies in categorization of crimes
  • Looking at the methodologies and considerations for jury selection processes:
  • The role of crime mapping in modern criminal justice dynamics

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About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

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10 Argumentative Essay Topics On Criminal Justice

Criminal justice can be complicated and difficult to resolve. Many cases contain elements that are hard to classify as outright right or wrong, legal or illegal. Here are 10 argumentative essay ideas on Criminal Justice:

  • Drugs are the main cause of violence in third world countries and more drastic measures should be taken to imprison drugs abusers.
  • Marijuana is an addictive narcotic and should remain a criminal offense when someone is charged with possession.
  • Police officers are often given what seems to be more lenient treatment from the justice system. Show why this practice of separating police lawbreakers from regular criminals is necessary in criminal law.
  • Domestic violence is not restricted to men abusing women, however society often restricts the options of a man who finds himself on the receiving end of domestic abuse. How has this affected the courts effectiveness at ruling in cases of domestic violence?
  • There have recently been several controversial incidents of policemen shooting and killing seemingly innocent victims of varied races. Have the courts and law enforcement systems been effective in dealing with these cases?
  • Freedom of speech is often cited as the right of every citizen yet countless lawsuits are filed and won against individuals simply speaking their minds. Explain how this practice does not express a double standard by law.
  • Many developed countries have a demand for laborers. This demand for labor attracts immigrants from less developed countries who come to work and stay illegally. They are often deported when discovered. What is the best approach to this situation that can benefit both parties?
  • In underdeveloped countries, earning a living can be difficult. In some of these countries females are less likely to earn an income by any means other than prostitution. How has the justice system dealt with the girls that are taken from these societies to other countries to be used as sex slaves?
  • When one commits a crime, they’re branded as a felon for life and it stays on their permanent record. As a result many past criminals can’t get a job in regular society and are ultimately forced back into a life of crime. Discuss the pros and cons of this system of rehabilitation.
  • Many people do foolish things when they’re young that get them into trouble with the law. Should underage drinking be considered when issuing a driver’s permit to such individuals?

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114 Crime Investigation Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Crime investigation is a fascinating field that involves the study of criminal behavior, evidence collection, forensic analysis, and the pursuit of justice. If you are studying criminal justice or simply have an interest in the subject, writing an essay on crime investigation can be both enlightening and informative. To help you get started, here are 114 crime investigation essay topic ideas and examples to inspire your writing.

  • The role of forensic evidence in solving crimes.
  • The impact of DNA analysis on criminal investigations.
  • The evolution of crime scene investigation techniques.
  • The use of technology in modern crime investigation.
  • The challenges faced by crime investigators in cold cases.
  • The role of the profiler in criminal investigations.
  • The importance of eyewitness testimony in solving crimes.
  • The impact of social media on crime investigation.
  • The ethics of undercover investigations.
  • The psychology of serial killers and their investigation.
  • The use of lie detectors in criminal investigations.
  • The challenges of investigating cybercrime.
  • The role of forensic anthropology in crime investigation.
  • The use of surveillance in criminal investigations.
  • The investigation techniques used in white-collar crime cases.
  • The challenges of investigating organized crime.
  • The role of forensic entomology in determining time of death.
  • The use of geographic profiling in serial murder investigations.
  • The impact of forensic botany in criminal investigations.
  • The investigation techniques used in arson cases.
  • The role of forensic odontology in identifying human remains.
  • The challenges of investigating hate crimes.
  • The use of forensic accounting in fraud investigations.
  • The role of forensic linguistics in solving crimes.
  • The impact of forensic psychology in criminal investigations.
  • The investigation techniques used in drug trafficking cases.
  • The challenges of investigating cold cases without physical evidence.
  • The use of forensic toxicology in determining cause of death.
  • The role of crime scene reconstruction in criminal investigations.
  • The impact of ballistics analysis on solving firearm-related crimes.
  • The investigation techniques used in child abduction cases.
  • The challenges of investigating crimes committed by juveniles.
  • The use of forensic anthropology in mass disaster investigations.
  • The role of forensic entomology in determining postmortem interval.
  • The impact of forensic botany in environmental crime investigations.
  • The investigation techniques used in human trafficking cases.
  • The challenges of investigating crimes committed by the mentally ill.
  • The use of forensic accounting in money laundering investigations.
  • The role of forensic linguistics in identifying anonymous threats.
  • The impact of forensic psychology in profiling sex offenders.
  • The investigation techniques used in art forgery cases.
  • The challenges of investigating crimes committed by terrorists.
  • The use of forensic toxicology in determining impairment in DUI cases.
  • The role of crime scene reconstruction in domestic violence investigations.
  • The impact of ballistics analysis on solving gang-related crimes.
  • The investigation techniques used in missing persons cases.
  • The challenges of investigating crimes committed by corrupt officials.
  • The use of forensic anthropology in identifying victims of genocide.
  • The role of forensic entomology in determining location of death.
  • The impact of forensic botany in wildlife crime investigations.
  • The investigation techniques used in elder abuse cases.
  • The challenges of investigating crimes committed by cults.
  • The use of forensic accounting in corporate fraud investigations.
  • The role of forensic linguistics in identifying plagiarism.
  • The impact of forensic psychology in investigating mass shootings.
  • The investigation techniques used in art theft cases.
  • The challenges of investigating crimes committed by hate groups.
  • The use of forensic toxicology in determining substance abuse history.
  • The role of crime scene reconstruction in stalking investigations.
  • The impact of ballistics analysis on solving drive-by shootings.
  • The investigation techniques used in human rights abuse cases.
  • The challenges of investigating crimes committed by drug cartels.
  • The use of forensic anthropology in identifying victims of natural disasters.
  • The role of forensic entomology in determining insect-related deaths.
  • The impact of forensic botany in agricultural crime investigations.
  • The investigation techniques used in fraud against the elderly cases.
  • The challenges of investigating crimes committed by cult leaders.
  • The use of forensic accounting in Ponzi scheme investigations.
  • The role of forensic linguistics in analyzing ransom notes.
  • The impact of forensic psychology in investigating child abuse cases.
  • The investigation techniques used in historic artifact smuggling cases.
  • The challenges of investigating crimes committed by human traffickers.
  • The use of forensic toxicology in determining drug-facilitated crimes.
  • The role of crime scene reconstruction in workplace violence investigations.
  • The investigation techniques used in war crimes cases.
  • The challenges of investigating crimes committed by cybercriminals.
  • The use of forensic anthropology in identifying victims of plane crashes.
  • The role of forensic entomology in determining insect infestation in food.
  • The impact of forensic botany in illegal logging investigations.
  • The investigation techniques used in online scams and frauds.
  • The challenges of investigating crimes committed by human rights violators.
  • The use of forensic accounting in uncovering money laundering networks.
  • The role of forensic linguistics in analyzing hate speech.
  • The impact of forensic psychology in investigating child abduction cases.
  • The investigation techniques used in art smuggling cases.
  • The challenges of investigating crimes committed by human smugglers.
  • The use of forensic toxicology in determining poisoning cases.
  • The role of crime scene reconstruction in domestic terrorism investigations.
  • The impact of ballistics analysis on solving gang-related drive-by shootings.
  • The investigation techniques used in war crimes against civilians cases.
  • The challenges of investigating crimes committed by identity thieves.
  • The role of forensic entomology in determining insect-related diseases.
  • The impact of forensic botany in environmental pollution investigations.
  • The investigation techniques used in online child exploitation cases.
  • The challenges of investigating crimes committed by international terrorists.
  • The use of forensic accounting in uncovering corruption schemes.
  • The role of forensic linguistics in analyzing online harassment.
  • The impact of forensic psychology in investigating domestic violence cases.
  • The use of forensic toxicology in determining drug overdoses.
  • The role of crime scene reconstruction in mass shooting investigations.
  • The impact of ballistics analysis on solving gang-related homicides.
  • The investigation techniques used in war crimes against prisoners cases.
  • The challenges of investigating crimes committed by online hackers.
  • The use of forensic anthropology in identifying victims of mass disasters.
  • The role of forensic entomology in determining insect-related allergies.
  • The impact of forensic botany in food contamination investigations.
  • The investigation techniques used in online financial fraud cases.
  • The challenges of investigating crimes committed by international drug cartels.
  • The use of forensic accounting in uncovering corporate embezzlement.
  • The role of forensic linguistics in analyzing online radicalization.

These essay topic ideas and examples cover a wide range of crime investigation areas, from traditional forensic techniques to modern technological advancements. Choose a topic that interests you the most, conduct thorough research, and present a well-structured and informative essay that showcases your knowledge and understanding of crime investigation. Remember to cite your sources properly and enjoy the process of exploring this intriguing field of study.

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224 Interesting Criminal Justice Essay Topics

Criminal justice is a commonly chosen area of study in law school that centers on prosecuting criminals. These courses are designed to assist students in enhancing their skills in specific areas, therefore starting with good criminal justice essay topics is important.

Criminal justice studies is a highly sought-after undergraduate major in the United States, with more than 60,000 students graduating with degrees in the field each year.

Table of Contents

The Challenges of Choosing A Good Topic for Such Essays

Researching and shortlisting some good topics for a criminal justice essay can be challenging due to its broader scope. Not to forget ethical concerns and controversial aspects too. 

Therefore, it is hard sometimes to find credible research sources, make ourselves comfortable with legal issues, and deal with personal biases.

Plus, you also have to ensure that the topic is current and has not been used much. But you can overcome these challenges with careful thoughts and an open attitude.

There’s also an interesting story related to the author of this article. Let’s read how he has managed to overcome the challenges of criminal justice essay topics during his time of studying this subject. 

When I was studying, I had a very hard time finding some good topics for my criminal justice essay. As most students would do, I asked for the professor’s guidance and he suggested looking for the connection between criminal justice and technology.

While researching that, I came across criminal justice essay topics on facial recognition and its ethical implications. I was able to find a lot of credible data for such a topic which will support my point of view.

Ultimately, I was able to write a great essay on one of those shortlisted topics. That day, I figured out one way of overcoming such challenges which is the advice from teachers and seniors.

Facts and Figures You Can Use for Topic Making

These are some findings of a recent research related to criminal justice: You can easily use them to create argumentative essay topics about crime or some good criminal justice essay topics:

Fact 1More than 2.8 million workers are directly employed in “justice, public order, and safety.
Fact 2Approximately 79 million individuals in the United States possess a criminal record.
Fact 3More than 4.9 million people are incarcerated every year.

Criminal Justice Essay Ideas For College Essays

If you are looking for interesting criminal justice paper topics, we have a lot of ideas for you here divided in different categories. Let’s explore all of them on criminal justice essay topics.

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Primary Criminal Justice Topics For Essay

Criminal justice is a popular branch of law due to its interesting nature. The following topics are highly suitable for the criminal justice domain, whether you are looking for criminal justice project ideas, criminal justice thesis topics, criminal justice research paper topics, or criminal justice term paper topics.

For law students, there are plenty of categories to choose their desired criminal justice essay topics from, based on the different  types of assignment writing  according to their coursework. We’ve got you covered. Let’s take a look at the general criminal justice essay ideas.

  • Effective communication in the criminal justice system
  • Networking in the criminal justice setting
  • The Best criminal justice system in the world.
  • Drug policy in criminal Justice
  • How technology aids in the Criminal Justice System
  • Globalization and criminal justice policies.
  • Information systems in criminal justice
  • Citizen’s role in criminal Justice
  • Ethics of Criminal Justice
  • Global Perspective of Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice Persuasive Essay Topics

These kinds of essay topics aim to persuade the readers about an idea, thought, or point of view. Such essays follow the standard  persuasive essay outline  in a more legal jurisdiction setting. Here are some persuasive criminal justice topics to write about:

  • Potential solutions to digital crime problems
  • The Crime and race correlation
  • What criminal law policies should be abolished
  • Implementing of law by Law enforcement agencies
  • Prevention of the crime
  • Social control, deviance, and criminal justice. 
  • Detailed Essay on Crime causation theories
  • Controlling organized crime
  • Why Drug rings and Human Trafficking Mafia prevails
  • Crime Statistics comparison of two decades

Criminal Justice Argumentative Essay Topics

These types of essays focus more on one argument and then proceed by supporting it or disapproving it with the help of logical evidence. These are the most popular essays in law school or you can term them as good criminal justice essay topics.

  • A detailed argument on capital punishment
  • Discrimination by the criminal justice system
  • Why should the death penalty be abolished?
  • Why victim blaming should be a part of criminal justice
  • Discrimination against women in the criminal justice system
  • Why does Criminal Justice fail to bring justice to the Rape victims?
  • Criminal Justice policies that need to be changed
  • How social disorganization aids in crime
  • Is the police helpful in reducing crimes?
  • Why did policies fail to integrate with citizen safety?

If you are struggling with coming up with an effective essay or finding good criminal justice essay topics, you can always reach out to our  argumentative essay writing service  to get a perfectly crafted essay.

Controversial Criminal Justice Topics

These kinds of essays focus on a controversial topic in the criminal justice system and then back it up with the help of case studies and research articles. It also shares a narrative of the writer about a certain controversy. That being said, here’s another list of criminal justice essay topics for you.

  • Death Penalty: A justified conviction or Inhumane practice
  • Efficiency and Concerns of Private Prisons.
  • Drug Legalization: Effective or not?
  • Penalty sentence racial discrimination. 
  • Cyber security Laws and their effectivity
  • Application of Forensic Psychology
  • Police body cameras: Useless or effective.
  • Capital Punishment: Effect and impact
  • Causes and Effects of Hate Crimes
  • Sexual assault: Polices for Victim Support

Crime and Punishment Essay Topics

These kinds of essays are written in a narrative tone of content and it pours light on the already committed crimes and what consequences the criminals face. It also focuses on what improvement ideas and suggestions writers can provide. Hence when picking up criminal justice topics to write about, you must consider these facts. Anyways, here’s another list of awesome criminal justice essay topics:

  • Why should the Death Penalty be enforced?
  • Death Penalty: Positive and Negative Impacts
  • Crime prevention programs and Rehabilitation
  • Crime Theories and Countermeasures
  • Is poverty and Crime related?
  • Social and Cultural difference impact crime
  • The Relation between crime and punishment
  • The Punishments which could be more effective
  • Does the punishment lower crime
  • Effectiveness of community policing programs.


Social Justice Topics to Write About

This section of the criminal justice essay focuses more on society and justice and how these two are related and impact each other. Let’s take a look at some of the popular criminal justice essay topics in this category. 

  • Social control and crime prevention
  • White collar crimes 
  • Criminal Justice in a social setting
  • Social disorders and crime
  • How Guilt in society leads to crime
  • Social changes impacting criminal justice
  • Basic principles of Crime Theory
  • Does Rehabilitation affect the social behavior
  • Abortion legality importance. 
  • Legal Prostitution impacts criminal activities.

Police Essay Topics

These essays focus on police and policing research topics. These kinds of topics might be hard, but you can always figure out how to overcome potential  assignment writing challenges  and problems. Here you go with another list of great criminal justice essay topics.

  • The history of police corruption 
  • The Ethics of Police
  • Improving policing and social order
  • Reforming police recruitment policies
  • Is police funding beneficial?
  • The Police crisis management
  • Strengthening police and community relations
  • Flaws in predictive policing
  • Police corruption statistics
  • Detail discussion on police establishment
  • Police impacting social change
  • Police brutality in history
  • Citizens’ views on Police protection
  • Police need to improve these policies
  • The degree to which police enforce the law. 

Topics for Criminal Justice Reform Essay

These kinds of essays focus on the improvement and reform of the criminal justice system. Following are some of the most popular criminal justice essay ideas in this category. Here are a few criminal justice research proposal topics or amazing criminal justice essay topics you can consider in this category.

  • Needed Prison reforms 
  • Improving the Criminal Justice System 
  • Theories that can reform Criminal Law
  • Reorganizing the penalty sentencing without racial discrimination
  • Reforming the drug policy and criminal justice rehabilitation.
  • Outdated policies that need immediate reform
  • Criminal Justice careers that opens a new path for youngsters
  • Criminalization of Mental illness
  • Why should a criminal’s childhood deprivation not be used to justify their crimes?
  • Reforms in Criminal Justice Administration

School to Prison Pipeline Essay Titles

School to prison pipeline refers to the education and public safety policies that force students into their criminal legal system. Following are some criminal justice research proposal topics that come under this category and relate to the criminal justice system. 

  • Understanding School to Prison Pipeline 
  • Factors influencing School to prison pipeline 
  • School to prison pipeline prevention methods.
  • School to prison pipeline: Important or Unnecessary 
  • How students perceive School to prison pipeline 
  • How societal Pressure worsens the School to prison pipeline 
  • Why is the School-to-prison pipeline a social issue?

Death Penalty Essay Titles

The death penalty is the last and strongest punishment. It has been the subject of great controversy in the criminal justice system. Following are some popular criminal justice essay topics argumentative types regarding the death penalty. 

  • Death Penalty VS Life Imprisonment
  • Why the death penalty should be abolished
  • Why the death penalty needs to be promoted. 
  • Does the death penalty reduce crime
  • Impact of the death penalty on the victim
  • Is the death penalty justified?
  • How is the death penalty just not justified?
  • Opposing death penalty 
  • Death Penalty for Juvenile Offenders
  • Capital Punishment and Ethics. 

Restorative Justice Essays Titles

Restorative justice refers to an approach that seeks to repair harm by a crime and provide an opportunity for those harmed. Here are more criminal justice topics to write about in this category.

  • What is Restorative Justice?
  • Understanding the relation between Crime and Restorative Justice
  • Effectiveness of Restorative Justice Approaches
  • Is Restorative Justice important?
  • Restorative Justice and Impact on Crime
  • Criminal Justice or Restorative Justice
  • Pros and Cons of Restorative Justice

Racism in Criminal Justice System Essay Titles 

Following are some criminal justice essay topics that discuss racism in the criminal justice system. 

  • Racism is Criminal Justice System
  • Why Racism Prevails in the Justice system?
  • How racism and discrimination failed the society as a whole?
  • Incidents where the Justice system Was racist. 
  • What evidence is there that racial bias exists in modern society?
  • Reason behind Racism in Criminal Justice system

Police Brutality Essay Topics

Let’s take a look into the criminal justice topics to write about that shed light on police brutality. 

  • Impact of Police Brutality on Society
  • Relation between Police brutality and the Crime prevalence
  • Police Brutality and Racism 
  • What are the solutions to stop Police Brutality
  • Police Brutality and Human rights
  • Racial Profiling and Discrimination
  • Why police brutality is Prevalent in USA
  • Factors contributing in Police Brutality
  • Why Police Brutality is an issue in Law Enforcement
  • How to Respond and Tackle Police brutality?

Topics Regarding Prison Reform Essay 

Following controversial topics in criminal justice focus on prison reforms and improvements.

  • Improving Prison Life Style
  • Why Inmates kills each other
  • Prison Guards safety measures. 
  • Prison Reforms regarding Health guidelines
  • Reforming Prison Division System
  • Does Education Improve inmates’ serving time?
  • Reforming Prison Culture
  • Is overcrowding Prisons alarming?
  • Prison Life analysis and Reform Suggestions
  • Are Prisons Safe?

Topics for Juvenile Justice Argumentative Essay

Following is the list of argumentative essay topics for Juvenile Delinquency. 

  • Relationship between Juvenile Delinquency and Parental influence 
  • Why is Juvenile Delinquency such a big issue?
  • Social Learning Theories and Juvenile Delinquency. 
  • Tackling Juvenile Delinquency. 
  • How Parents can help prevent Juvenile Delinquency?
  • Mafia and Criminal Gangs Supporting Juvenile Delinquency. 
  • Criminology Theories of Juvenile Delinquency. 
  • Major Causes of Juvenile Delinquency. 
  • Does Poverty Prevails Juvenile Delinquency. 
  • Relationship between Juvenile Delinquency and Adolescent psychology 

Controversial Topics in Criminal Justice Essay Topics

Following crime topics for essays that aim to highlight the issues in the criminal law system. 

  • Why Death Penalty is an Ethical Dilemma
  • Should Police officers be armed
  • Why do police need to be more efficient?
  • Does Criminal Law hide Police crimes?
  • Hate crimes and Discrimination
  • What is Criminal Liability
  • The concept of Law enforcement
  • Illicit Drugs policy and Criminal Justice
  • Most Needed Criminal law reforms. 
  • Unfair Privileges to Police Officers.

Interesting Criminal Justice Topics To Help Students 

Following are some criminal justice issue topics that details the major issues and suggests the potential solutions for them. These topics will be helpful for all kinds of assignments in law school. 

Juvenile Delinquency Research Topics

These categories of criminal justice essays focus on Juvenile delinquency. For those who don’t know, Juvenile Delinquency is a term that refers to a young person who has committed a criminal offense. It generally means the habitual committing of a criminal act or offense by a young person who is below the age of crime prosecution. 

Let’s take a look at the potential topics for the juvenile delinquency research category.

  • Concept of Juvenile Crime
  • Factors involved in Juvenile delinquency
  • Juvenile delinquency prevention methods
  • Theories of Juvenile Delinquency
  • Drug influence on Juvenile delinquency
  • Is poverty a factor contributing to Juvenile delinquency
  • Juvenile delinquency charges 
  • Sociology and Psychology of Juvenile Delinquency
  • How does family instability impact Juvenile delinquency
  • Juvenile Delinquency and its Long-term Impact on Society

Topics of criminal justice For Presentation 

Following are some potential criminal justice essay topics that students can pick for their law class presentations

  • What is capital Punishment?
  • Highlighting History of Ethics History
  • What are major Media Offenses?
  • Tackling Cybercrime
  • How to tackle Racial discrimination in the Criminal Justice System?
  • Domestic Violence and Criminal implications 
  • Community Policing and Crime Prevention
  • Why Does Death Penalty Abolishment Increase crime?

Criminal Justice Thesis Topics 

Following are some of the best criminal justice topics for students of law school. 

  • Police Brutality Cases ignites more violence
  • Prison System 
  • Criminal Ethics History
  • Crime Cases on Campus
  • Domestic Violence and its impact on society
  • Should Movies promoting violence be banned?
  • Why does the Jury Selection Procedure need to be revised?

Criminal Law Topics for Research Paper

Following are the criminal law topics of criminal justice for Research papers assigned by the law school. 

  • Justifying capital Punishment 
  • Gender and Crime
  • Education Impact on Crime
  • Is CItizenship causing more crime?
  • Mental Illnesses and Crime rate 
  • What are Hate crimes?
  • Why Private prisons need to be hunted down?

Corrections Topics Research Papers

Following are the criminal justice essay topics that detail the correction and improvement that could be made in the criminal justice system. 

  • Understanding the American Panel System
  • Prison Confinement Reforms. 
  • Violent Gangs and their effect on Prisoners
  • Reasons why Prison is the worst experience 
  • The justification of Prison of Animal Abusers
  • What is US federal prison system
  • Prison Safety Reforms
  • Primary Objectives of Prison Reforms. 
  • Should homosexual prisoners be allowed to share a cell?
  • Reforming Prison Safety Precautions

Criminal Justice Research Questions 

Following are some of the most potential research questions regarding criminal justice and jaw that students can utilize in their research papers.

  • What Are the Major Weaknesses of the Prison System?
  • Why is Police Brutality Prevalent in the US?
  • Are anger issues the root of criminal mineset?
  • Why is there racism in prison?
  • Will gun control lower crime?
  • Can we blame parents of the Notorious serial killers?
  • How to handle violence in crime?
  • Is the justice system protecting the actual criminals?
  • Aims and Importance of forensic science
  • Is it fair for young and underage criminals to get protected by law?

Law Enforcement Research Topics

  • Methods of Drug Trafficking
  • Punishments for judicial authority abuse
  • Handling Media Offenses
  • What is crime mapping?
  • Relationship of Gender and Crime
  • Improving Eyewitness memory evaluation?
  • Differentiating between Civil crimes and War crimes. 
  • Policing Protest and Reforms
  • Improvement need in Police officer situational analysis
  • Reforms of Criminal Law

Criminal Justice Paper Topics

We have gathered some of the best criminal justice paper topics below for all law students.

  • The criminalization homelessness
  • Effectiveness of sex offenses 
  • Mental Health disorders
  • Criminal Responsibility
  • Influence of media on public perception of crime
  • White collar crime types and legal responses
  • Reliability of Eyewitnesses testimony.

Four Elements of Every Criminal Justice Essay

Still Confused?

If you are still confused about how to pick and attempt a criminal justice essay topic or criminal justice research proposal topics, feel free to contact our assignment writing service to complete any essay on time with absolute accuracy.

This was all about the criminal justice essay topics that will help you score good grades. If your professor hasn’t assigned you a topic by themselves, you can always choose the best of your interest from the lists mentioned in this blog.

What is the criminal justice system?

Why is the criminal justice system important in general life, what is the most powerful role in the criminal justice system, what are the three most important components of the criminal justice system, which country had the best criminal justice system, why did i choose criminal justice as my major essay, how to improve the criminal justice system essay topics.

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160 Good Argumentative Essay Topics for Students in 2024

April 3, 2024

The skill of writing an excellent argumentative essay is a crucial one for every high school or college student to master. In sum, argumentative essays teach students how to organize their thoughts logically and present them in a convincing way. This skill is helpful not only for those pursuing degrees in law , international relations , or public policy , but for any student who wishes to develop their critical thinking faculties. In this article, we’ll cover what makes a good argument essay and offer several argumentative essay topics for high school and college students. Let’s begin!

What is an Argumentative Essay?

An argumentative essay is an essay that uses research to present a reasoned argument on a particular subject . As with the persuasive essay , the purpose of an argumentative essay is to sway the reader to the writer’s position. However, a strong persuasive essay makes its point through diligent research and emotion while a strong argumentative essay should be based solely on facts, not feelings.

Moreover, each fact should be supported by clear evidence from credible sources . Furthermore, a good argumentative essay will have an easy-to-follow structure. When organizing your argumentative essay, use this format as a guide:

  • Introduction
  • Supporting body paragraphs
  • Paragraph(s) addressing common counterarguments

Argumentative Essay Format

In the introduction , the writer presents their position and thesis statement —a sentence that summarizes the paper’s main points. The body paragraphs then draw upon supporting evidence to back up this initial statement, with each paragraph focusing on its own point. The length of your paper will determine the amount of examples you need. In general, you’ll likely need at least two to three. Additionally, your examples should be as detailed as possible, citing specific research, case studies, statistics, or anecdotes.

In the counterargument paragraph , the writer acknowledges and refutes opposing viewpoints. Finally, in the conclusion , the writer restates the main argument made in the thesis statement and summarizes the points of the essay. Additionally, the conclusion may offer a final proposal to persuade the reader of the essay’s position.

How to Write an Effective Argumentative Essay, Step by Step

  • Choose your topic. Use the list below to help you pick a topic. Ideally, a good argumentative essay topic will be meaningful to you—writing is always stronger when you are interested in the subject matter. In addition, the topic should be complex with plenty of “pro” and “con” arguments. Avoid choosing a topic that is either widely accepted as fact or too narrow. For example, “Is the earth round?” would not be a solid choice.
  • Research. Use the library, the web, and any other resources to gather information about your argumentative essay topic. Research widely but smartly. As you go, take organized notes, marking the source of every quote and where it may fit in the scheme of your larger essay. Moreover, remember to look for (and research) possible counterarguments.
  • Outline . Using the argument essay format above, create an outline for your essay. Then, brainstorm a thesis statement covering your argument’s main points, and begin to put your examples in order, focusing on logical flow. It’s often best to place your strongest example last.
  • Write . Draw on your research and outline to create a first draft. Remember, your first draft doesn’t need to be perfect. (As Voltaire says, “Perfect is the enemy of good.”) Accordingly, just focus on getting the words down on paper.
  • Does my thesis statement need to be adjusted?
  • Which examples feel strongest? Weakest?
  • Do the transitions flow smoothly?
  • Do I have a strong opening paragraph?
  • Does the conclusion reinforce my argument?

Tips for Revising an Argument Essay

Evaluating your own work can be difficult, so you might consider the following strategies:

  • Read your work aloud to yourself.
  • Record yourself reading your paper, and listen to the recording.
  • Reverse outline your paper. Firstly, next to each paragraph, write a short summary of that paragraph’s main points/idea. Then, read through your reverse outline. Does it have a logical flow? If not, where should you adjust?
  • Print out your paper and cut it into paragraphs. What happens when you rearrange the paragraphs?

Good Argumentative Essay Topics for Middle School, High School, and College Students

Family argumentative essay topics.

  • Should the government provide financial incentives for families to have children to address the declining birth rate?
  • Should we require parents to provide their children with a certain level of nutrition and physical activity to prevent childhood obesity?
  • Should parents implement limits on how much time their children spend playing video games?
  • Should cell phones be banned from family/holiday gatherings?
  • Should we hold parents legally responsible for their children’s actions?
  • Should children have the right to sue their parents for neglect?
  • Should parents have the right to choose their child’s religion?
  • Are spanking and other forms of physical punishment an effective method of discipline?
  • Should courts allow children to choose where they live in cases of divorce?
  • Should parents have the right to monitor teens’ activity on social media?
  • Should parents control their child’s medical treatment, even if it goes against the child’s wishes?
  • Should parents be allowed to post pictures of their children on social media without their consent?
  • Should fathers have a legal say in whether their partners do or do not receive an abortion?
  • Can television have positive developmental benefits on children?
  • Should the driving age be raised to prevent teen car accidents?
  • Should adult children be legally required to care for their aging parents?

Education Argument Essay Topics

  • Should schools ban the use of technology like ChatGPT?
  • Are zoos unethical, or necessary for conservation and education?
  • To what degree should we hold parents responsible in the event of a school shooting?
  • Should schools offer students a set number of mental health days?
  • Should school science curriculums offer a course on combating climate change?
  • Should public libraries be allowed to ban certain books? If so, what types?
  • What role, if any, should prayer play in public schools?
  • Should schools push to abolish homework?
  • Are gifted and talented programs in schools more harmful than beneficial due to their exclusionary nature?
  • Should universities do away with Greek life?
  • Should schools remove artwork, such as murals, that some perceive as offensive?
  • Should the government grant parents the right to choose alternative education options for their children and use taxpayer funds to support these options?
  • Is homeschooling better than traditional schooling for children’s academic and social development?
  • Should we require schools to teach sex education to reduce teen pregnancy rates?
  • Should we require schools to provide sex education that includes information about both homosexual and heterosexual relationships?
  • Should colleges use affirmative action and other race-conscious policies to address diversity on campus?
  • Should public schools remove the line “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance?
  • Should college admissions officers be allowed to look at students’ social media accounts?
  • Should schools abolish their dress codes, many of which unfairly target girls, LGBTQ students, and students of color?
  • Should schools be required to stock free period products in bathrooms?
  • Should legacy students receive preferential treatment during the college admissions process?
  • Are school “voluntourism” trips ethical?

Government Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Should the U.S. decriminalize prostitution?
  • Should the U.S. issue migration visas to all eligible applicants?
  • Should the federal government cancel all student loan debt?
  • Should we lower the minimum voting age? If so, to what?
  • Should the federal government abolish all laws penalizing drug production and use?
  • Should the U.S. use its military power to deter a Chinese invasion of Taiwan?
  • Should the U.S. supply Ukraine with further military intelligence and supplies?
  • Should the North and South of the U.S. split up into two regions?
  • Should Americans hold up nationalism as a critical value?
  • Should we permit Supreme Court justices to hold their positions indefinitely?
  • Should Supreme Court justices be democratically elected?
  • Is the Electoral College still a productive approach to electing the U.S. president?
  • Should the U.S. implement a national firearm registry?
  • Is it ethical for countries like China and Israel to mandate compulsory military service for all citizens?
  • Should the U.S. government implement a ranked-choice voting system?
  • Should institutions that benefited from slavery be required to provide reparations?
  • Based on the 1619 project, should history classes change how they teach about the founding of the U.S.?
  • Should term limits be imposed on Senators and Representatives? If so, how long?
  • Should women be allowed into special forces units?
  • Should the federal government implement stronger, universal firearm licensing laws?
  • Do public sex offender registries help prevent future sex crimes?
  • Should the government be allowed to regulate family size?
  • Should all adults legally be considered mandated reporters?
  • Should the government fund public universities to make higher education more accessible to low-income students?
  • Should the government fund universal preschool to improve children’s readiness for kindergarten?

Health/Bioethics Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Should the U.S. government offer its own healthcare plan?
  • In the case of highly infectious pandemics, should we focus on individual freedoms or public safety when implementing policies to control the spread?
  • Should we legally require parents to vaccinate their children to protect public health?
  • Is it ethical for parents to use genetic engineering to create “designer babies” with specific physical and intellectual traits?
  • Should the government fund research on embryonic stem cells for medical treatments?
  • Should the government legalize assisted suicide for terminally ill patients?
  • Should organ donation be mandatory?
  • Is cloning animals ethical?
  • Should cancer screenings start earlier? If so, what age?
  • Is surrogacy ethical?
  • Should birth control require a prescription?
  • Should minors have access to emergency contraception?
  • Should hospitals be for-profit or nonprofit institutions?

Good Argumentative Essay Topics — Continued

Social media argumentative essay topics.

  • Should the federal government increase its efforts to minimize the negative impact of social media?
  • Do social media and smartphones strengthen one’s relationships?
  • Should antitrust regulators take action to limit the size of big tech companies?
  • Should social media platforms ban political advertisements?
  • Should the federal government hold social media companies accountable for instances of hate speech discovered on their platforms?
  • Do apps such as TikTok and Instagram ultimately worsen the mental well-being of teenagers?
  • Should governments oversee how social media platforms manage their users’ data?
  • Should social media platforms like Facebook enforce a minimum age requirement for users?
  • Should social media companies be held responsible for cases of cyberbullying?
  • Should the United States ban TikTok?
  • Is social media harmful to children?
  • Should employers screen applicants’ social media accounts during the hiring process?

Religion Argument Essay Topics

  • Should religious institutions be tax-exempt?
  • Should religious symbols such as the hijab or crucifix be allowed in public spaces?
  • Should religious freedoms be protected, even when they conflict with secular laws?
  • Should the government regulate religious practices?
  • Should we allow churches to engage in political activities?
  • Religion: a force for good or evil in the world?
  • Should the government provide funding for religious schools?
  • Is it ethical for healthcare providers to deny abortions based on religious beliefs?
  • Should religious organizations be allowed to discriminate in their hiring practices?
  • Should we allow people to opt out of medical treatments based on their religious beliefs?
  • Should the U.S. government hold religious organizations accountable for cases of sexual abuse within their community?
  • Should religious beliefs be exempt from anti-discrimination laws?
  • Should religious individuals be allowed to refuse services to others based on their beliefs or lifestyles? (As in this famous case .)
  • Should the US ban religion-based federal holidays?
  • Should public schools be allowed to teach children about religious holidays?

Science Argument Essay Topics

  • Would the world be safer if we eliminated nuclear weapons?
  • Should scientists bring back extinct animals? If so, which ones?
  • Should we hold companies fiscally responsible for their carbon footprint?
  • Should we ban pesticides in favor of organic farming methods?
  • Should the federal government ban all fossil fuels, despite the potential economic impact on specific industries and communities?
  • What renewable energy source should the U.S. invest more money in?
  • Should the FDA outlaw GMOs?
  • Should we worry about artificial intelligence surpassing human intelligence?
  • Should the alternative medicine industry be more stringently regulated?
  • Is colonizing Mars a viable option?
  • Is the animal testing worth the potential to save human lives?

Sports Argument Essay Topics

  • Should colleges compensate student-athletes?
  • How should sports teams and leagues address the gender pay gap?
  • Should youth sports teams do away with scorekeeping?
  • Should we ban aggressive contact sports like boxing and MMA?
  • Should professional sports associations mandate that athletes stand during the national anthem?
  • Should high schools require their student-athletes to maintain a certain GPA?
  • Should transgender athletes compete in sports according to their gender identity?
  • Should schools ban football due to the inherent danger it poses to players?
  • Should performance-enhancing drugs be allowed in sports?
  • Do participation trophies foster entitlement and unrealistic expectations?
  • Should sports teams be divided by gender?
  • Should professional athletes be allowed to compete in the Olympics?
  • Should women be allowed on NFL teams?

Technology Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Should sites like DALL-E compensate the artists whose work it was trained on?
  • Should the federal government make human exploration of space a more significant priority?
  • Is it ethical for the government to use surveillance technology to monitor citizens?
  • Should websites require proof of age from their users? If so, what age?
  • Should we consider A.I.-generated images and text pieces of art?
  • Does the use of facial recognition technology violate individuals’ privacy?
  • Is online learning as effective as in-person learning?
  • Does computing harm the environment?
  • Should buying, sharing, and selling collected personal data be illegal?
  • Are electric cars really better for the environment?
  • Should car companies be held responsible for self-driving car accidents?
  • Should private jets be banned?
  • Do violent video games contribute to real-life violence?

Business Argument Essay Topics

  • Should the U.S. government phase out the use of paper money in favor of a fully digital currency system?
  • Should the federal government abolish its patent and copyright laws?
  • Should we replace the Federal Reserve with free-market institutions?
  • Is free-market ideology responsible for the U.S. economy’s poor performance over the past decade?
  • Will cryptocurrencies overtake natural resources like gold and silver?
  • Is capitalism the best economic system? What system would be better?
  • Should the U.S. government enact a universal basic income?
  • Should we require companies to provide paid parental leave to their employees?
  • Should the government raise the minimum wage? If so, to what?
  • Should antitrust regulators break up large companies to promote competition?
  • Is it ethical for companies to prioritize profits over social responsibility?
  • Should gig-economy workers like Uber and Lyft drivers be considered employees or independent contractors?
  • Should the federal government regulate the gig economy to ensure fair treatment of workers?
  • Should the government require companies to disclose the environmental impact of their products?
  • Should companies be allowed to fire employees based on political views or activities?
  • Should tipping practices be phased out?
  • Should employees who choose not to have children be given the same amount of paid leave as parents?
  • Should MLMs (multi-level marketing companies) be illegal?
  • Should employers be allowed to factor tattoos and personal appearance into hiring decisions?

In Conclusion – Argument Essay Topics

Using the tips above, you can effectively structure and pen a compelling argumentative essay that will wow your instructor and classmates. Remember to craft a thesis statement that offers readers a roadmap through your essay, draw on your sources wisely to back up any claims, and read through your paper several times before it’s due to catch any last-minute proofreading errors. With time, diligence, and patience, your essay will be the most outstanding assignment you’ve ever turned in…until the next one rolls around.

Looking for more fresh and engaging topics for use in the classroom? You might consider checking out the following:

  • 125 Good Debate Topics for High School Students
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  • Guide to the IB Extended Essay
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  • AP Lit Reading List
  • How to Write the AP Lang Synthesis Essay
  • 49 Most Interesting Biology Research Topics
  • High School Success

Lauren Green

With a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing from Columbia University and an MFA in Fiction from the Michener Center for Writers at the University of Texas at Austin, Lauren has been a professional writer for over a decade. She is the author of the chapbook  A Great Dark House  (Poetry Society of America, 2023) and a forthcoming novel (Viking/Penguin).

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Crime Argumentative Essays Samples For Students

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Do you feel the need to examine some previously written Argumentative Essays on Crime before you get down to writing an own piece? In this open-access catalog of Crime Argumentative Essay examples, you are given a thrilling opportunity to examine meaningful topics, content structuring techniques, text flow, formatting styles, and other academically acclaimed writing practices. Implementing them while composing your own Crime Argumentative Essay will surely allow you to finalize the piece faster.

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The issue of marijuana legalization is one that has weighed on the minds of legislators and marijuana supporters ever since its prohibition. There are many heated arguments on one side of the other, and the issue is extremely controversial. Some say that it is an immoral drug that leads people to a life of crime; others say that marijuana can be medically beneficial to you, and that its prohibition brings about greater crime. In this essay, the legalization of marijuana will be supported, as marijuana does not conclusively cause any harmful effects, and it can severely diminish law enforcement expenses.

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I believe that this question is important for understanding the essence of crimes. Their background and main driving forces allow us to find a proper way to prevent them, as well as decrease the number of recidivism incidences. I believe that the majority of crime is violent in nature, but I interpret violence in this case in somewhat other manner, than it is commonly understood. To explain this statement, I will describe what violence is in my point of view, why it can become the source of crimes and how this knowledge can be used to change the current situation.

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My position as per the application of FISA and the Fourth Amendment is that the FISA violates the fourth amendment requirement. This is in line with the fact that the Fourth Amendment Act operates on the basis of the exclusionary rule and revolves around the search and seizure whereas the FISA is seen to violate the exclusionary rule.

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- In class we discussed how both rape and incest are “wrong.” - When we say incest is wrong we’re really saying it’s “disgusting.” - The problem with rape is lack of “consent.” II. What about incest between an adult and a child? This is considered “statutory rape.” A. In class, we focused mostly on adult incest, but we did say that one potential problem with incest in general is a lack of consent.

B. What makes kids unable to consent?

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  • Criminal Justice

100 Criminal Justice Essay Topics for Your Inspiration

If you are dealing with a frustrating college assignment and are now searching for criminal justice essay topics, we have several ideas that could help you out! Criminology is a many-layered study area: it could be dark and complex, but it could also be fascinating and exciting to explore. Before you get to do research and learn new things, though, you need to pick a good topic. And that’s where students face a whole array of problems. How to make the correct choice? Is it possible to find a topic that would be interesting enough for readers and for the actual writer? The answer to the last question is yes: if you know where to look, you’ll succeed in writing an essay you like. The list below will take care of the first question since, with its help, you’ll see a diversity of titles to choose from.

100 Criminology Essay Topics For College Students

Inspiration is a fickle thing. What one writer enjoys in an essay might be something another one considers boring and vice versa. That’s why the more titles you see, the more chances you have at selecting the right one. We prepared 100 of them. Look through them and make your choice! Feel free to pick anything you like and develop an excellent essay.

Crime and Punishment Essay Ideas

When crime happens, the perpetrator must be punished. But how far could justice stretch? Who regulates it? The following criminal justice essay topics will help you dwell on these ideas.

  • Assess Evidence Against Ted Bundy From a Modern Perspective: Did He Get a Just Punishment?
  • Is Death Penalty a Good Punishment For Proven Crimes Including Torture?
  • Consider Prisoners’ Perspective: Is Life Sentence or Death Penalty the Worse Punishment?
  • How Homicide Gets Punished in Different Countries. Provide Comparative Analysis
  • Judging Gang Violence: Should All Members Receive Equal Punishments?
  • Chose a Serial Killer Few of Us Know About & Analyze Their Criminal Journey
  • Is Murder Worse Than Torture from Law Perspective?
  • Could Two People Involved in One Legal Conflict Be Imprisoned in the Same Jail?
  • Inspect Publicity That Charles Manson Received: Did Fame Mitigate His Punishment?
  • Imagine That You Are Dictating the Terms: How Would You Punish Vandalism?

Child Abuse Topics

Crime topics for essays related to children could be difficult to explore, but they are vital if you want to ensure justice for the most vulnerable members of our society. So, study ideas for essay below. You could find something enlightening.

  • Examine Differences in Child Abuse Laws Across Three Different States
  • Emotional & Physical Abuse: Which Has Worse Long-Term Impact on a Child?
  • Is Being a Victim as Child Worse Physically and Mentally Than When One Is an Adult?
  • Abused Children Often Choose a Criminal Path: Is There a Pattern?
  • Is Child Neglect a Form of Abuse?
  • Describe a Case Where Justice System Failed a Child: How & Why Did This Happen?
  • Could Parents Be Called Abusive If They Refuse to Let Their Child Attend School?
  • Kicking Child Out Before They Are 16: Is This Illegal & What Repercussions Does It Have?
  • Could A Child Be Justified in Killing Their Abusive Parents?
  • Analyze the Case of JonBenet Ramsey: Did Sibling-on-Sibling Abuse Take Place?

Domestic Violence Essay Topics

Sometimes violence comes from the closest people. Unfortunately, it’s a common problem, so there are plenty of good criminal justice essay topics here. Pick any of them you like best.

  • Are Males More Inclined to Abuse Their Families Than Females?
  • Why Do Some Individuals Marry Abusers? Analyze Psychology &  Circumstances
  • Victim Mindset: Why Is Abuse Not Reported in Many Cases?
  • Explain How People Could Recognize Abuse Signs From Their Loved Ones
  • Does Therapy Help Abusers Stop Their Violence?
  • Solutions for Humans Who Want to Escape Abusive Relationships: Where Could They Appeal?
  • What Is Marital Rape & What Repercussions Does It Have?
  • Explain Concept of Stockholm Syndrome: Could Men Be Its Victims?
  • Why Is Female Violence Against Men Often Dismissed as Insignificant?
  • Where Did Victim Blaming Come From & How to Achieve True Justice?

Crime Prevention for Achieving Justice Topics

People who want to stop violence from happening aren’t naïve or overly idealistic. If you study law, then you know how vital crime prevention topics for essays are. Take a chance to explore them to learn about useful methods.

  • Role Police in the US Play in Justice & Preventing Crimes
  • Should Prostitution Be Prevented or Should It Be Officially Allowed?
  • Imagine That You Were Tasked with Preventing a Bank Robbery: How Would You Achieve This Goal?
  • Is It Possible to Interfere in Organized Crime or Is It an Unstoppable Force?
  • Security in Prison: Is It Effective in Stopping Violence Among Inmates?
  • Discuss Possibility of Ending Crime for Good: Under Which Conditions Would This Be Possible?
  • How Could Online Piracy Be Stopped on a Global Level?
  • Discuss Ways of Preventing Rape by Focusing on Tested Methods
  • Could Revenge-Motivated Murders Be Stopped Through Timely Criminal Profiling?
  • What Role Do Psychologists Play in Crime Prevention?

Juvenile Delinquency and Justice-Involved Ideas

Check this list of basic criminal justice topics for college essays. Young people are the foundation of our society, but sometimes their actions poison it. It is our duty to learn why and how this happens.

  • Which Is the Most Common Crime Among Teens?
  • What Is the Chance of Sexually Abused Teen Growing to Be a Sex Offender?
  • How Bad Is State of Juvenile Delinquency in Your City?
  • Analyze Existing Techniques for Solving Issue of Teen Crime
  • The Most Horrifying Child Killer That Stayed in Your Memory
  • Which Crimes Happen in Schools & How Are They Addressed?
  • Could Young People Be Tried as Adults Under Certain Circumstances?
  • Discuss Major Reasons That Cause Juvenile Delinquency
  • How Does American Foster Care Contribute to Crimes Done by Teens?
  • Is There a Link between Violent TV & Rising Crime Rates and Addictions Among Young People?

White-Collar Crime and Justice Essay Topics

What do you think about white collar crime topics? Every country is plagued by this problem to the point where most people take this idea for granted. Investigate it and try to make a difference, even if in a small way.

  • Stealing Done on a Governmental Level: How Is This Done?
  • Discuss Procedure  of Sentencing High-End Officials to Prison & Its Commonness
  • Which Governments Are Secretly Involved in Drug Trafficking?
  • Analyze Identity Theft Organized by American Government to Hide Its Involvement in 9/11 Tragedy
  • The Most Corrupt Government in the World
  • Instance of White-Collar Crime That Was Left Unpunished
  • Analyze an Instance of Corporate Crime: How Did It Occur?
  • Does Gender Have Any Relevance in White Collar Crimes?
  • Confrontation between Classes: Compare Justice as Applied for Low & Upper Classes
  • Organized Crime as an Action Secretly Supported by Governments

Hate Crimes

Hate crime essay topics are upsetting but interesting. There is nothing more terrifying than the idea of being targeted just because of your mere existence. Tackle this fear by providing explanations and solutions in your essay.

  • What Criteria Should Be Met for an Attack to Qualify as a Hate-Crime?
  • Why Do Some People Hate Sexuality of Others Enough to Kill Because of This?
  • Crimes Fuelled by Racism: Are They Still Common?
  • Assess Statement “Religion Kills the Biggest Number of People” From a Legal Viewpoint
  • Is It Possible to Diminish the Number of Hate-Fuelled Crimes via Education?
  • Select the Most Vulnerable Population Group: Which Criminal-Related Problems Do They Face?
  • Describe the Oldest Hate-Crimes You Could Find: When and How Did They Occur?
  • How Do Media Sources Address Hate-Crimes?
  • Personalities Of People Committing Hate-Crimes: What Are They?
  • Are Most Hate-Motivated Crimes Committed by Gangs or Single Perpetrators?

Suffer from writer’s block?

Your unique essay is just a few clicks away!

Cyber Crimes Topics

The Internet is an amazing invention, but it has also brought us lots of pain and other problems. Check these crime topics for essays. Which of the titles looks more interesting? The choice is all yours!

  • Define Concept of Cyber-Crime & Its Characteristics
  • Discuss the First Known Cyber-Crime Ever: What Were Its Circumstances?
  • Is It Possible to Commit Cyber-Crimes Without Active Internet?
  • Describe Types of Malicious Software & Their Impacts
  • Stalking People Has Become Much Easier with Social Media Platforms
  • What Is Wikipedia Vandalism & How Is It Regulated?
  • Can Telemarketing Scams Be Qualified as Cyber-Crimes?
  • Describe Process of Online Identity Theft
  • How Do Police Officers Control Cyber-Crimes?
  • Dark Net and Dangers It Hides: Could Authorities Close It Down?

Criminology and Justice Essay Ideas

Exploring more science-based topics on crime could be a great idea for an essay. So, take a look at titles below. They could give you a required inspiration boost.

  • Explain How Forensic Science Works: What Is Its Role in Crime Solving?
  • What Is Trafficking & What Could Be Trafficked?
  • Elaborate On Broken Windows Theory: What Is It & How Does It Work?
  • Is There a Point in Racial Profiling or Is It Ineffective?
  • What Pushed You Toward Studying Criminology?
  • How Could True Crime Statistics Be Obtained?
  • Define Deviant Behavior: What Is This & How Is It Classified?
  • Research Female Serial Killers: Who Are They & How Many of Them Are Known?
  • Fake Scientific Information: Is It Fraudulent to Distribute It?
  • What Causes Riots & How Does Government Deal With Them?

Criminal Behavior

What motivates criminals and why they commit crimes despite the fear of punishment? There are many different crime topics to write about in this category. Check out any of them and start research for your essay!

  • Somali Piracy: What Motivates People Involved in It?
  • Create a Criminal Profile on Al Capone
  • Could Ted Bundy Be Stopped If He Got Help Timely?
  • Describe an Instance of Personality Disorder along with Its Reasons
  • Under What Conditions Do You Think You Could Become a Criminal?
  • Discuss Stereotypes Related to Criminals: How Do People Perceive Them?
  • What Kind of People Become Terrorists?
  • How Often Do Psychopaths Become Killers?
  • Discuss Suicide by a Police Officer Phenomenon: What Stimulates It?
  • Explain Documented Cases of Murders Committed By Sleepwalkers

Choose the Best Criminal Law Essay Topics

We hope that at least one title from our criminal justice-based list helped you settle on a topic! If you pick great themes that you genuinely find interesting and engaging, you’ll be able to see writing from a whole new side. All college students know that they’ll have to write essay works on a constant basis, and the best way to deal with this is by making writing process exciting. So, don’t pick the first law enforcement essay topics you see: make an effort to look for the ones that make you eager to explore them. Everyone is going to benefit from this!

Can’t come up with a topic for you paper? We’ve prepared a collection of essay topics for you

Want to write a winning essay but lack experience? Browse our free essay samples

Related Topics

Got to the bottom and still stuck with essay ideas?

Diverse Criminology Essay Topics: Criminal Justice and Beyond


Table of contents

  • 1 What Branches Does Criminology Include?
  • 2 How to Choose a Good Topic on Criminology?
  • 3 Effectiveness of Capital Punishment in Deterring Crime
  • 4 Criminal Justice Research Topics on Racism & Discrimination
  • 5 Criminal Law Research Topics
  • 6 International Criminal Law Research Topics
  • 7 Criminal Justice Research Topics on Society & Justice
  • 8 Criminal Justice Research Topics in Types of Crime
  • 9 Criminal Justice Research Topics About Court Cases

In our increasingly complex society, the study of criminology, the scientific approach to understanding crime and criminals, has never been more relevant. As we seek to dissect the many factors that contribute to criminal behavior, from socioeconomic circumstances to psychological predispositions, we open the door to a wealth of research possibilities. This article aims to delve into these possibilities, presenting a diverse array of criminology essay topics.

What Branches Does Criminology Include?

Criminology is an interdisciplinary field that draws from several different disciplines, including sociology, psychology, law, and criminal justice. As such, it encompasses a wide range of branches, including but not limited to, criminal behavior, penology, victimology, forensic psychology, and criminal justice administration. Criminal behavior examines why people commit crimes and how to prevent them, while penology focuses on punishment and rehabilitation of offenders. Victimology examines the experiences of crime victims and how to help them, while forensic psychology applies psychological principles to legal issues. Criminal justice administration focuses on the management and operation of the criminal justice system.

How to Choose a Good Topic on Criminology?

Choosing a good topic on criminology can be an exciting but challenging task. Here are five steps to help you select a compelling topic:

  • Step 1: Understand the Field of Criminology

Begin by gaining a broad understanding of the field of criminology. Explore various sub-disciplines, theories, and contemporary issues in criminology. This will help you identify areas of interest and potential research gaps.

  • Step 2: Identify Your Interests

Reflect on your personal interests within criminology. Consider the aspects of crime, criminal justice, or social justice that captivate your attention. Are you interested in studying the causes of crime, criminal behavior, or the effectiveness of criminal justice policies? Identifying your interests will guide you toward topics that you are passionate about.

  • Step 3: Conduct Preliminary Research

Conduct preliminary research to explore potential topics further. Read scholarly articles, books, and other reputable sources to identify current trends, debates, and gaps in knowledge. This will help you understand what has already been studied and identify areas where further research is needed.

  • Step 4: Brainstorm and Narrow Down Your Topic

Brainstorm a list of potential topics based on your interests and the research you have conducted. Consider the feasibility and scope of each topic. Are there enough resources available to support your research? Is the topic too broad or too narrow? Narrow down your list to a few specific and manageable topics that align with your interests.

  • Step 5: Evaluate the Significance and Originality

Evaluate the significance and originality of each potential topic. Consider whether the topic addresses a research gap or offers a fresh perspective on an existing issue. Think about the potential contributions your research could make to the field of criminology. Choose a topic that has relevance and offers room for exploration and innovation.

By following these steps, you will be able to choose a good topic on criminology that aligns with your interests, has research potential, and contributes to the existing body of knowledge in the field. Remember to consult with your advisor or instructor for guidance and feedback during the topic selection process.

Effectiveness of Capital Punishment in Deterring Crime

  • Racial Disparities in the Criminal Justice System and Their Impact on Minority Communities
  • Solitary Confinement and Its Effects on Prisoners’ Mental Health
  • Role of Mandatory Minimum Sentences in Addressing Drug Offenses
  • Ethical Implications of Using Informants in Criminal Investigations
  • Predictive Policing Algorithms and Their Potential for Bias and Discrimination
  • Juvenile Justice and the Debate Over Trying Minors as Adults
  • Impact of Private Prisons on the Criminal Justice System
  • Effectiveness of Rehabilitation Programs in Reducing Recidivism Rates
  • Use of Technology and Surveillance in Law Enforcement, Including Facial Recognition and Data Collection
  • Criminalization of Drug Possession and the Debate Over Decriminalization or Legalization
  • Impact of Three-Strikes Laws on Repeat Offenders
  • Use of Tasers and Other Non-lethal Weapons by Law Enforcement and the Potential for Abuse
  • Role of Mental Health in the Criminal Justice System and the Treatment of Mentally Ill Offenders
  • Consequences of Mandatory Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients
  • Impact of Bail Reform on Pretrial Detention and the Fairness of the System
  • Relationship Between Poverty and Crime and the Effectiveness of Poverty Reduction Programs
  • Debate Over Mandatory Sentencing for Non-violent Offenses
  • Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods, Such as Restorative Justice, in Criminal Cases
  • Criminalization of Sex Work and the Debate Over Decriminalization or Regulation

Criminal Justice Research Topics on Racism & Discrimination

  • Racial Profiling Impact and Justice Outcomes for Minorities
  • Sentencing Disparities: Uncovering Racial Bias
  • Poverty, Legal Representation, and Effects on Cases
  • Racial Stereotypes: Police Force and Arrest Dynamics
  • Community Policing: Building Trust, Reducing Tensions
  • Implicit Bias in Court: Influencing Jury Decisions
  • Pretrial Detention, Bail, and Racial Disparities
  • Plea Bargaining: Racial Bias and Sentencing Gaps
  • Socioeconomic Status, Race, and Wrongful Convictions
  • Law Enforcement Training: Addressing Racial Bias
  • Policing Technology: Exacerbating Disparities
  • Minority Experiences as Justice System Victims and Witnesses
  • Juvenile Justice: Racial Disparities and Consequences
  • Stop-And-Frisk Policies: Unveiling Race and Discrimination
  • Death Penalty: Racial Disparities and Justice Implications
  • Drug Law Enforcement: Racial Bias and Mass Incarceration
  • Restorative Justice: Tackling Racial Disparities
  • Minority Experiences in Probation and Parole Systems
  • Solitary Confinement’s Racial Disparities and Mental Health Impacts
  • Systemic Racism: Perpetuating Justice Disparities

Criminal Law Research Topics

  • Efficacy of Mandatory Minimum Sentences in Reducing Crime Rates
  • Influence of Technology on Criminal Investigations and Privacy Rights
  • Correlation Between Mental Health and Criminal Behavior
  • Significance of Forensic Science in Criminal Investigations and Its Reliability
  • Impact of Race and Ethnicity on the Criminal Justice System
  • Utilization of Plea Bargains and Their Implications for the Justice System
  • Legitimacy and Ethical Considerations of Surveillance in Public Spaces
  • Role of Restorative Justice in Diminishing Recidivism Rates
  • Consequences of Drug Decriminalization or Legalization on Crime Rates
  • Effectiveness of Rehabilitation Programs in Curbing Reoffending
  • Application of Predictive Policing Algorithms and Their Potential Biases
  • Influence of Media and Public Perception on Criminal Trials
  • Examination of Legal and Ethical Issues Surrounding the Death Penalty
  • Ramifications of Sentencing Disparities Based on Socioeconomic Status
  • Assessment of Community Policing Effectiveness in Crime Prevention and Resolution
  • Contribution of Forensic Psychology in Criminal Profiling
  • Safeguarding the Rights of Victims in the Criminal Justice System
  • Evaluation of Hate Crime Legislation in Preventing and Prosecuting Hate Crimes
  • Exploration of the Link Between Poverty and Crime Rates
  • Implications of Emerging Technologies (Such as Artificial Intelligence and Facial Recognition) On Criminal Law and Privacy

International Criminal Law Research Topics

  • Icc: Combating Crimes Against Humanity
  • Universal Jurisdiction: Prosecuting International Crimes
  • State Sovereignty vs International Criminal Law
  • Effectiveness of War Crime Tribunals
  • Gender-Based Crimes in Armed Conflicts
  • Transitional Justice Mechanisms Post-conflict
  • Ethical Implications of Drone Warfare
  • Prosecution of Piracy as a Global Crime
  • Intersection of Humanitarian and Criminal Law
  • Ngos in International Criminal Justice
  • Corporate Liability for International Crimes
  • Truth Commissions and Reconciliation
  • Evolving Understanding of Genocide
  • Protecting Cultural Heritage in Conflicts
  • Investigating Non-state Actor Crimes
  • International Law’s Impact on Counterterrorism
  • Extradition for International Crimes
  • Environmental Crimes and Legal Frameworks
  • Victim and Witness Rights in Trials
  • Regional Courts and International Justice

Criminal Justice Research Topics on Society & Justice

  • Community Policing and Crime Rates
  • Restorative Justice and Recidivism
  • Juvenile Diversion Programs
  • Poverty and Crime in Communities
  • Impact of Mass Incarceration on Families
  • Technology in Criminal Investigations
  • Drug Courts and Reducing Criminal Behavior
  • Mental Health and Criminal Conduct
  • Rehabilitation vs Punishment
  • Alternative Sentencing and Prison Overcrowding
  • Challenges of Reintegration After Incarceration
  • Racial Disparities in the Justice System
  • Community-Based Crime Prevention
  • Social Media and Criminal Facilitation
  • Body-Worn Cameras and Public Trust
  • Wrongful Convictions and Implications
  • Effectiveness of Hate Crime Legislation
  • Forensic Evidence and Conviction Rates
  • Media Influence on Crime Attitudes
  • Rehabilitation Programs for Substance Abuse

Criminal Justice Research Topics in Types of Crime

  • Cybercrime Laws and Deterrence
  • Impact of Drug Trafficking on Communities
  • Characteristics of White-Collar Criminals
  • International Cooperation Against Human Trafficking
  • Dynamics of Organized Crime Groups
  • Patterns and Trends in Homicide Rates
  • Factors Contributing to Domestic Violence
  • Root Causes of Juvenile Delinquency
  • Impact of Hate Crimes on Marginalized Communities
  • Reporting and Conviction Rates of Sexual Assault Cases
  • Factors Influencing Robbery Rates
  • Methods and Consequences of Identity Theft
  • Role of Money Laundering in Organized Crime
  • Detection and Prevention of Fraud
  • Impact of Public Corruption on Institutions
  • Causes and Motivations Behind Acts of Terrorism
  • Patterns and Motivations of Arsonists
  • Prevalence of Child Abuse and Neglect
  • Crimes Against the Environment and Enforcement Strategies
  • Psychological Impact of Stalking on Victims

Criminal Justice Research Topics About Court Cases

  • Supreme Court Decisions and Criminal Justice Policies
  • Plea Bargaining’s Impact on Court Outcomes
  • Racial Disparities in Sentencing: A Case Study
  • Public Opinion and High-Profile Court Cases
  • Forensic Evidence in Court Proceedings
  • Technology and Court Case Management
  • Wrongful Convictions and the Court System
  • Specialized Courts and Reducing Recidivism
  • Factors Influencing Judges’ Decisions in Criminal Cases
  • Media Coverage and Jury Decision-Making
  • Diversion Programs as Alternatives to Courts
  • Eyewitness Testimony in Court Proceedings
  • Expert Witnesses in Criminal Trials
  • Pretrial Detention and the Justice System
  • Technology and Courtroom Security
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution in Criminal Cases
  • Prosecutorial Discretion and Court Outcomes
  • Court-Ordered Rehabilitation Programs
  • Judicial Misconduct and Case Outcomes
  • Mandatory Minimum Sentencing and Court Cases

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Top 160 Criminal Justice Research Topics for Students


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argumentative essay crime topics

Criminal Justice Topics for Research Paper

Criminal Justice Topics for Research Paper: 300 Ideas to Get You Started

argumentative essay crime topics

Hey! My name is Phill, and as I entered the vast landscape of Criminal Justice Research Topics, the sheer diversity and complexity boggled my mind. I believe the feeling is similar to the one that you have right now! But don’t worry, I’m here to guide you and explain how you can ace an assignment on this subject matter effortlessly. 

In this post, I would like to present 300 hot topics in criminal justice for research papers that promise not just a scholarly endeavor but a thrilling expedition into the heart of contemporary legal discourse. Join me as we navigate the myriad facets of law, order, and societal dynamics in pursuit of knowledge that transcends the pages of academia. That’s why I decided to draw up a list of the best, in my humble opinion, topics across criminal justice for the readers of the EssayService blog. 

What is a Criminal Justice Research Paper

A criminal justice research paper is an academic document that studies various aspects of the legislative system, criminology, and related topics. These papers typically involve in-depth analysis, critical thinking, and the presentation of well-supported arguments or findings regarding research topics in criminal justice assigned to students in college. The scope of research papers can be broad, covering areas such as law enforcement, legal systems, corrections, juvenile justice, forensic science, criminal behavior, and societal responses to crime.

The purpose of a criminal justice research paper is to contribute new knowledge, insights, or perspectives to the field. Researchers may investigate specific issues, propose solutions to problems, analyze policies, or investigate the impact of laws and regulations. The format and requirements for such papers can vary depending on the academic level, institution, and specific assignment guidelines.

Overall, writing about good criminal justice research topics plays a crucial role in advancing our understanding of crime, justice systems, and related topics, and they are often an essential component of academic coursework in criminology and legislative studies.

argumentative essay crime topics

How to Choose a Criminology Topics For Your Research Paper

Whether tasked with conducting a literature review or critiquing the actions of law enforcement officers, it is essential to maintain a focused approach. A scattered presentation of ideas can obscure the thesis statement and dilute the overall message. The realm of criminology topics is both flexible and limited; it requires the formulation of hypotheses grounded in renowned legislative acts or case studies. To project confidence in criminal justice topics for research paper, choose a subject about which you feel sure, one that can be supported with articulate arguments or in a presentation project. A credible tone will captivate the audience's interest, ensuring continued engagement.

How to Choose a Criminology Topics

During the brainstorming phase, consider these questions to guide your selection of criminal justice research topics:

  • Is the chosen topic relevant enough in the context of research?
  • What personal significance does the research topic hold?
  • How does the idea contribute to global importance?
  • Can the written assignment be effectively translated into a speech?
  • Is it intended to be a comparison essay, a review, an analysis, or an argumentative paper?
  • What are the prevalent counter-opinions or perspectives?
  • Are there existing similar research works available for reference?
  • Does the chosen topic align with all the grading rubric points?
  • Is there a need for additional information or perspectives?

Once a suitable research topic is selected, it becomes crucial to adhere to formatting rules. This includes incorporating all necessary additional data, such as in court case studies and law memo reviews, which may require notes and appendix additions. For instance, if following the Chicago format style, it is imperative to ensure that full information is included. If you are encountering challenges in locating academic sources, feel free to reach out to our 24/7 essay writing service for assistance.

Criminal Justice Research Paper Outline

Let me provide you with a brief overview of an outline to guide you on the correct writing path when you decide on the criminal justice topics for research paper:


Following the identification of criminology research topics, the introduction takes the lead as the first section. It sets the stage by addressing the broader context of the issue, introducing the research question, outlining objectives, stating the study's aim, and presenting the thesis statement.

The body stands as the pivotal component of your paper, amalgamating critical examination and discussion on the chosen criminal justice research topics. Within the literature review section, you should succinctly summarize and elucidate the results of prior empirical research, showcasing how academic discourse surrounds and challenges the research problem. 

The methodology details the techniques employed for data collection and profiles of the participants in the research design. The findings section incorporates the results of your study, encompassing discoveries from both primary sources and the literature review. Finally, the discussion entails an analysis of the findings and examine their implications.


Accompanying the conclusion, integrate a recommendation section that revisits the study problem and the thesis statement, emphasizing the key findings before proposing the next steps. If you ask me, I suggest you pay for research paper if you encounter any difficulties with an assignment. It will be faster this way!

Criminology Disciplines 

I think it's crucial to distinguish between the theoretical aspects and practical assignments in crime research. Theoretical discussions often revolve around legislation and should abstain from incorporating practical cases or historical references. On the other hand, the analysis of case studies or court hearings necessitates a focus on specific events. 

When a university professor highlights flaws and potential changes in the justice system, you can scrutinize both chronology and renowned legal cases, as exemplified in the ideas outlined below. The objective is to analyze what should be encompassed in a legislative government template and then draw comparisons with a specific case or event.

Disciplines within Law and Crime cover a spectrum of illegal acts, ranging from internet fraud to kidnapping and scientific plagiarism. As evident, a plethora of criminal justice research topics exists, contingent upon the type of focus. The challenge for many students lies in the varying formats of legal essay types. For instance, when delving into healthcare, it is advisable to address ethical concerns. Exploring cyberstalking should involve a comparative approach by juxtaposing it with traditional stalking practices.

To streamline the selection process of criminal justice research topics for college students, avoid amalgamating several topic ideas. Instead, I recommend opting for a focused argument that not only aligns with your discipline but also imparts originality and structure to your written assignment.

Types of Criminal Justice Research Methods

Criminal justice research employs various methods to investigate and analyze crime, law enforcement, legal systems, and other good research topics for criminal justice. Here are some common types of research methods:

criminal justice topic research

Surveys and Questionnaires:

  • Description: Researchers collect data through structured surveys or questionnaires distributed to individuals or groups.
  • Application: Used to gather information on public perceptions of crime, attitudes toward law enforcement, or experiences with the legislative system.


  • Description: In-depth conversations between researchers and participants, providing qualitative data.
  • Application: Useful for exploring personal experiences, opinions, and perspectives of individuals involved in the law system.

Observational Research:

  • Description: Directly observing and recording behaviors in a natural setting without interference.
  • Application: Often applied to study law enforcement activities, court proceedings, or the behavior of individuals within the legislative system.

Content Analysis:

  • Description: Systematic analysis of written, verbal, or visual communication to identify patterns or themes.
  • Application: Applied to examine media coverage of crime, legal documents, or courtroom proceedings.

Experimental Research:

  • Description: Controlled experiments to investigate cause-and-effect relationships.
  • Application: Less common in criminal justice due to ethical considerations, but can be used to study the impact of specific interventions or policies.

Case Studies:

  • Description: In-depth analysis of a specific case or situation.
  • Application: Useful for understanding the complexities of specific criminal incidents, legal cases, or law enforcement practices.


  • Description: Systematic review and statistical analysis of existing research studies to draw overarching conclusions.
  • Application: Provides a comprehensive understanding of trends and patterns across multiple studies.

Longitudinal Studies:

  • Description: Data collected over an extended period to observe changes or trends.
  • Application: Applied to study the long-term effects of policies, interventions, or criminal behavior patterns.

Secondary Data Analysis:

  • Description: Utilizing existing datasets collected for other purposes.
  • Application: Cost-effective way to analyze pre-existing data, such as crime statistics or court records.

Action Research:

  • Description: Collaborative research involving practitioners to address real-world issues.
  • Application: Often employed to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of criminal justice programs or policies.

I advise aspiring researchers to choose a combination of these methods based on their research questions, available resources, and ethical considerations. Each method brings its own strengths and limitations to the field of legislative research.

Topics for Criminal Justice Paper

Get ready for cool and compelling criminal justice topics to write about that delve into the heart of law, crime, and the intricate workings of our justice system. From thought-provoking issues to intriguing case studies, we're about to embark on an intellectual journey that presents the fascinating complexities of the law landscape. So, buckle up because we're about to swoop into a world of captivating subjects that'll leave you eager to find out more. Let's get started!

List of Criminology Research Topics

  • The impact of social media on crime reporting and public perception.
  • Juvenile delinquency: Causes, trends, and intervention strategies.
  • Racial profiling in law enforcement: Examining patterns and solutions.
  • Cybercrime: Trends, challenges, and the role of technology in criminal activities.
  • The effectiveness of community policing in crime prevention.
  • Policies and their impact on recidivism rates.
  • The psychology of white-collar crime: Motivations and prevention.
  • Gender disparities in the criminal justice system: A comprehensive analysis.
  • The relationship between substance abuse and criminal behavior.
  • Restorative justice: Assessing its efficacy in modern legal systems.
  • Policing strategies in high-crime areas: Successes and challenges.
  • The role of mental health in criminal behavior and the justice system.
  • Human trafficking: Causes, trends, and countermeasures.
  • Firearms control policies: Impact on crime rates and public safety.
  • The connection between economic inequality and crime rates.
  • Hate crimes: Understanding motivations and combating prejudice.
  • The influence of media portrayals on public perceptions of crime.
  • Technology and crime: Analyzing the role of surveillance and privacy.
  • Environmental criminology: Exploring the link between space and crime.
  • Criminal profiling: Methods, controversies, and ethical considerations.

List of Controversial Topics in Criminal Justice System

  • Capital punishment: Examining the morality and effectiveness of the death penalty.
  • Mandatory minimum sentences: Critiques and alternatives.
  • Private prisons: Profit motives and ethical concerns.
  • Police militarization: Balancing public safety and civil liberties.
  • Stop and frisk: Racial profiling or necessary policing tool?
  • Three strikes laws: Deterrence or unjust punishment?
  • Firearms control and the Second Amendment: Striking a balance.
  • Civil forfeiture: Balancing law enforcement powers and property rights.
  • Juvenile life without parole: Sentencing for young offenders.
  • The war on illegal substances: Evaluating effectiveness and social impact.
  • Plea bargaining: Efficiency or erosion of justice?
  • Racial disparities in sentencing: Systemic issues and solutions.
  • Predictive policing: Balancing crime prevention and civil liberties.
  • Use of force by law enforcement: Accountability and reform.
  • Bail reform: Addressing socioeconomic disparities.
  • The insanity defense: Assessing legal and ethical dimensions.
  • Cybersecurity and digital privacy: Balancing crime prevention and civil liberties.
  • Zero tolerance policies in schools: Discipline or discrimination?
  • Immigration detention: Human rights concerns and reform.
  • Body cameras on police officers: Transparency and accountability.

List of Sociology Research Topics on Crime

  • The social construction of crime: Examining the influence of media and public perception.
  • Social disorganization theory: Understanding neighborhoods and crime rates.
  • Social stratification and crime: Exploring the link between poverty and criminal behavior.
  • Labeling theory: Analyzing the impact of stigmatization on offenders.
  • Social control and deviance: Assessing mechanisms to regulate behavior in society.
  • Gender inequality and crime: The intersection of social roles and criminal behavior.
  • Youth subcultures and delinquency: Exploring the influence of peer groups.
  • The impact of family structure on juvenile delinquency.
  • Community policing and social capital: Building trust in neighborhoods.
  • Social bond theory: Examining the role of relationships in preventing crime.
  • Cybercrime and society: Understanding the digital landscape of criminal behavior.
  • Environmental sociology of crime: Analyzing the impact of urban design.
  • White-collar crime and corporate deviance: Unraveling power structures.
  • Hate crimes: Exploring the social dynamics of prejudice and violence.
  • Immigration and crime: Debunking stereotypes and analyzing realities.
  • Social movements and reforms: The role of activism.
  • Political economy of crime: Investigating the links between economics and criminal behavior.
  • The sociology of prisons: Examining the impact of incarceration on individuals and communities.
  • Technology and crime prevention: Social implications of surveillance and security measures.
  • Environmental justice and crime: Analyzing disparities in environmental crimes.

List of Criminal Investigation Topics

  • Strategies for solving cold cases and investigating unsolved crimes.
  • The impact of DNA technology advancements on criminal investigations.
  • Balancing effectiveness and ethical considerations in undercover operations.
  • Utilizing forensic anthropology in the analysis of crime scenes.
  • Navigating challenges in cybercrime investigations within the digital landscape.
  • Ensuring the safety of key individuals through witness protection programs.
  • Comprehensive techniques for crime scene reconstruction and analysis.
  • Adhering to legal and ethical boundaries in the use of interrogation methods.
  • Identifying causes and patterns in arson investigations.
  • Understanding criminal motives through the analysis of behavioral profiling.
  • Tracing firearms and ammunition for investigative insights through ballistics analysis.
  • Extracting evidence from electronic devices in criminal cases through digital forensics.
  • Strategies for resolution and prevention in kidnapping and ransom investigations.
  • Unrooting and dismantling intricate structures in organized crime networks.
  • Motivations, impact, and strategies for prevention in hate crimes.
  • Navigating financial complexities in cases of white-collar crime investigations.
  • Identifying, exposing, and dismantling trafficking networks in human trafficking cases.
  • Profiling and analyzing in forensic psychology for criminal investigations.
  • Strategies for interdiction and prevention in illegal substance trafficking investigations.
  • Utilizing insects to determine the time of death in investigations through forensic entomology.

List of Police Topics Research Paper

  • The impact of community policing on crime prevention and community relations.
  • Racial profiling in law enforcement: Examining patterns, consequences, and solutions.
  • The use of body-worn cameras: Accountability and transparency in policing.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of de-escalation training for police officers.
  • The relationship between police militarization and civil liberties.
  • Police use of force: Policies, accountability, and community implications.
  • The role of technology in modern policing: Opportunities and challenges.
  • Community-oriented policing: Building trust and collaboration with communities.
  • Police recruitment and diversity: Strategies for fostering an inclusive force.
  • The impact of stress and mental health on police officers: Support and intervention.
  • Policing in the age of social media: Challenges and opportunities.
  • The effectiveness of crime mapping in predictive policing.
  • The role of police unions in shaping law enforcement policies.
  • Examining the use of K-9 units in contemporary policing.
  • Police response to domestic violence: Policies and improvements.
  • The influence of public perceptions on police legitimacy.
  • The role of education in police training and professional development.
  • Police corruption: Causes, consequences, and preventive measures.
  • The implementation of restorative justice in policing.
  • The impact of firearms control policies on policing and public safety.

List of Gender and Crime Research Topics

  • Understanding the relationship between gender and juvenile delinquency.
  • The impact of gender bias in criminal sentencing.
  • Women in law enforcement: Challenges, opportunities, and experiences.
  • Gender-based violence: A critical analysis.
  • The intersectionality of race, gender, and crime.
  • The role of gender in criminal profiling and forensic psychology.
  • LGBTQ+ individuals: Challenges and disparities.
  • The portrayal of gender in crime media: Influences on public perceptions.
  • Gender-responsive approaches to rehabilitation in correctional settings.
  • The influence of gender on criminal behavior: Nature vs. nurture debate.
  • Human trafficking and gender: Examining the vulnerabilities and impact.
  • The role of masculinity in gang involvement and criminal activities.
  • The gendered nature of white-collar crime: Patterns and motivations.
  • Women and the death penalty: A comparative analysis of sentencing.
  • Gender disparities in illegal substance sentencing and rehabilitation outcomes.
  • The impact of gender on jury decision-making in criminal trials.
  • The experiences of transgender individuals.
  • Gender and cybercrime victimization: Patterns and prevention strategies.
  • The portrayal of female offenders.
  • The influence of gender on police use of force: Policies and implications.

List of Realistic Crime Research Topics

  • The impact of socioeconomic factors on street-level crime in urban environments.
  • Community-based crime prevention strategies: Evaluating effectiveness in diverse neighborhoods.
  • Patterns and trends in illegal substance trafficking within a specific geographic region.
  • The role of technology in facilitating and combating cybercrime in realistic scenarios.
  • White-collar crime in corporate settings: Analyzing motivations and consequences.
  • Human trafficking: Examining local and global dimensions and intervention strategies.
  • Police-community relations in economically disadvantaged areas: Challenges and solutions.
  • Restorative justice practices in realistic settings.
  • The effectiveness of rehabilitation programs for offenders reintegrating into society.
  • Factors influencing witness cooperation in realistic criminal investigations.
  • Criminal networks in organized crime: Structure, dynamics, and intervention.
  • Firearms violence in urban areas: Causes, consequences, and preventive measures.
  • The impact of legislative policies on recidivism rates.
  • Domestic violence intervention programs: Real-world outcomes and challenges.
  • The use of forensic evidence in solving real criminal cases.
  • Public perceptions of crime and safety in different neighborhoods.
  • The role of substance abuse in realistic criminal behavior.
  • Cybersecurity measures for small businesses: Realistic strategies and challenges.
  • Community policing in rural areas: Adapting to unique challenges and opportunities.
  • The relationship between mental health and criminality in practical contexts.

List of Criminal Justice Research Topics on Racism & Discrimination

  • Racial profiling in law enforcement: Examining its prevalence, consequences, and solutions.
  • Disparities in sentencing outcomes based on race and ethnicity within the legislative system.
  • The impact of systemic racism on access to legal representation and the quality of defense.
  • Discrimination against racial and ethnic minorities in the jury selection process.
  • The role of implicit bias in police interactions and its effects on minority communities.
  • The school-to-prison pipeline: Analyzing its disproportionate impact on minority youth.
  • Racial and ethnic disparities in pretrial detention and bail outcomes.
  • Discrimination in the application of death penalty sentences based on race.
  • The impact of racial and ethnic bias in plea bargaining negotiations.
  • Disproportionate use of force against racial and ethnic minorities by law enforcement.
  • The effects of racial and ethnic bias on eyewitness identification in criminal investigations.
  • Discrimination in the probation and parole system: Assessing its consequences.
  • Racial and ethnic disparities in the juvenile justice system: Causes and consequences.
  • The influence of media portrayal on public perceptions of racialized crime.
  • The role of institutional racism in shaping legislative policies and practices.
  • Discrimination against Indigenous peoples within the legislative system.
  • Hate crimes against racial and ethnic minorities: Patterns, motivations, and prevention.
  • The impact of racial and ethnic bias on criminal record expungement processes.
  • Discrimination in the use of solitary confinement in correctional facilities.
  • The role of restorative justice in addressing racism and discrimination.

List of Criminal Law Research Topics

  • The evolving landscape of cybercrime laws: Challenges and advancements.
  • Mental incapacity as a defense in criminal law: Legal and ethical considerations.
  • The impact of forensic evidence on criminal law proceedings.
  • Criminal liability for corporate entities: Legal frameworks and challenges.
  • Plea bargaining in criminal law: Analyzing efficiency and ethical implications.
  • The role of international law in addressing transnational crimes.
  • Emerging issues in criminal law related to technology and surveillance.
  • The intersection of criminal law and mental health: Legal reforms and challenges.
  • Comparative analysis of criminal laws related to illegal substance offenses globally.
  • Restorative justice in criminal law: Implementation and effectiveness.
  • The legal implications of emerging technologies in criminal investigations.
  • Criminal law responses to human trafficking: Evaluating global approaches.
  • Legal perspectives on juvenile justice and criminal responsibility.
  • The impact of criminal law reforms on sentencing guidelines.
  • The legal treatment of hate crimes: A comparative analysis.
  • International cooperation in the prosecution of war crimes.
  • Criminal liability for environmental offenses: Legal frameworks and challenges.
  • The legal implications of artificial intelligence in criminal law enforcement.
  • Gender and criminal law: Examining legal responses to gender-based crimes.
  • Legal perspectives on the use of lethal force by law enforcement.

List of Basic Criminal Justice Topics

  • The role of law enforcement in maintaining public safety.
  • Criminal investigations: Techniques and procedures.
  • The functions of the legislative system: Courts, corrections, and law enforcement.
  • Understanding criminal behavior: Causes and theories.
  • Juvenile justice: Policies and interventions for youth offenders.
  • The impact of technology on modern policing.
  • Criminal profiling: Strategies and ethical considerations.
  • The process of arrest and the protection of individual rights.
  • The importance of evidence in criminal cases.
  • Correctional facilities and rehabilitation programs.
  • The role of forensic science in solving crimes.
  • Criminal law: Elements, statutes, and legal procedures.
  • Community policing: Building trust and collaboration.
  • The history and evolution of legislative systems.
  • Legislative ethics: Balancing justice and fairness.
  • Victimology: Understanding and supporting crime victims.
  • The impact of illegal substances and abuse on crime rates.
  • Police discretion: Powers and challenges in decision-making.
  • Domestic violence: Legal responses and prevention strategies.
  • The role of law professionals in upholding the rule of law.

List of Research in Criminal Justice System

  • Assessing the effectiveness of community policing in crime prevention.
  • Examining the impact of technology on criminal investigations within the justice system.
  • Analyzing racial and ethnic disparities in sentencing outcomes.
  • Evaluating the role of restorative justice in a legislative reform.
  • Investigating the use of body-worn cameras in law enforcement agencies.
  • Understanding the factors influencing witness cooperation in criminal cases.
  • Assessing the implementation and outcomes of substance courts in the justice system.
  • Exploring the relationship between mental health and criminal behavior.
  • Studying the effectiveness of diversion programs for juvenile offenders.
  • Examining the role of plea bargaining in case resolution and court efficiency.
  • Investigating the impact of bail reform on pretrial detention practices.
  • Analyzing the challenges and opportunities of reentry programs for ex-offenders.
  • Assessing the use of artificial intelligence in predictive policing.
  • Studying the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs for incarcerated individuals.
  • Evaluating the impact of mandatory minimum sentencing on justice outcomes.
  • Exploring the use of alternative dispute resolution methods in the legislative system.
  • Investigating the role of forensic evidence in court proceedings.
  • Assessing the implications of police militarization on community relations.
  • Studying the dynamics of human trafficking and countermeasures within the justice system.
  • Examining the impact of legal reforms on addressing systemic issues in the legislative system.

List of Criminal Justice Debate Topics

  • The effectiveness and ethics of using predictive policing algorithms.
  • Debating the merits of mandatory minimum sentencing for certain crimes.
  • The role of private prisons in the legislative system.
  • Balancing individual privacy rights with the use of surveillance technologies.
  • The efficacy of the death penalty as a deterrent to violent crime.
  • Community policing: Advantages, disadvantages, and potential reforms.
  • The impact of legalizing recreational substances on crime rates.
  • The ethical implications of plea bargaining in criminal cases.
  • Reforming the juvenile justice system: Rehabilitation vs. punitive measures.
  • Debating the use of solitary confinement in correctional facilities.
  • Firearms control policies: Striking a balance between public safety and Second Amendment rights.
  • The role of mental illness in criminal culpability and sentencing.
  • Immigration and the legislative system: Addressing challenges and biases.
  • The impact of three-strikes laws on justice outcomes and prison populations.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of diversion programs for non-violent offenders.
  • The use of military equipment by law enforcement: Necessity or excess?
  • Restorative justice: Its merits and challenges in the criminal justice system.
  • Bail reform: Addressing socioeconomic disparities and promoting fairness.
  • The effectiveness of rehabilitation vs. punishment in reducing recidivism.
  • The role of technology in facilitating wrongful convictions and ensuring justice.

List of Criminal Justice Research Topics about Court Cases

  • Analyzing landmark Supreme Court decisions and their impact on criminal justice.
  • The role of expert witnesses in influencing court verdicts.
  • Examining the impact of televised trials on the justice system and public opinion.
  • The use of forensic evidence in high-profile court cases.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of alternative dispute resolution methods in court proceedings.
  • Investigating the impact of jury selection methods on trial outcomes.
  • The role of eyewitness testimony in court cases: Reliability and challenges.
  • Analyzing the use of technology in courtrooms and its effects on trial procedures.
  • The impact of pretrial publicity on fair trial rights.
  • Evaluating the use of plea bargaining in court case resolution.
  • Examining the influence of judges' personal characteristics on sentencing decisions.
  • Analyzing the role of prosecutorial discretion in shaping court cases.
  • The use of DNA evidence in exonerating wrongfully convicted individuals.
  • Examining the intersection of mental health and court case outcomes.
  • The impact of legal precedent on shaping future court decisions.
  • Analyzing the role of public defenders in ensuring access to justice.
  • The use of social media in court cases: Opportunities and challenges.
  • Investigating the role of judicial independence in ensuring a fair trial.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of court-mandated rehabilitation programs.
  • The impact of court decisions on shaping legislative policies.

List of Criminal Justice Research Topics in Types of Crime

  • White-collar crime: Analyzing motivations, trends, and regulatory responses.
  • Cybercrime and digital forensics: Investigating emerging threats and investigative techniques.
  • Substance trafficking and organized crime: Examining global networks and countermeasures.
  • Hate crimes: Understanding motivations, reporting challenges, and prevention strategies.
  • Human trafficking: Analyzing patterns, vulnerabilities, and international responses.
  • Juvenile delinquency: Assessing risk factors, interventions, and prevention programs.
  • Domestic violence: Legal responses, victim support, and prevention initiatives.
  • Environmental crimes: Examining regulatory frameworks and enforcement challenges.
  • Terrorism and counterterrorism: Evaluating strategies, impacts, and civil liberties concerns.
  • Corruption and bribery: Analyzing the legal landscape and global initiatives.
  • Financial crimes: Investigating fraud, money laundering, and regulatory responses.
  • Passion crimes and assaults: Understanding prevalence, reporting, and victim support.
  • Gang-related violence: Assessing causes, intervention strategies, and community responses.
  • Public order offenses: Examining policies and practices in handling disorderly conduct.
  • Corporate crime: Analyzing unethical business practices and legal consequences.
  • Arson and property crimes: Investigating patterns, motivations, and prevention efforts.
  • Cybersecurity threats: Evaluating the impact on individuals and organizations.
  • Public corruption: Analyzing cases, prevention measures, and legal responses.
  • Identity theft: Understanding risks, preventive measures, and law enforcement challenges.
  • Environmental crimes: Assessing illegal activities impacting ecosystems and natural resources.

List of International Criminal Law Research Topics

  • The effectiveness of international tribunals in prosecuting war crimes and crimes against humanity.
  • Analyzing the concept of universal jurisdiction in international criminal law.
  • The role of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in addressing transnational crimes.
  • Investigating challenges in extraditing individuals for international criminal offenses.
  • The impact of the Rome Statute on the development of international criminal law.
  • The prosecution of genocide: Legal frameworks and case studies.
  • Evaluating the role of non-governmental organizations in promoting international justice.
  • State responsibility for international crimes: Legal implications and enforcement mechanisms.
  • The evolution of customary international law in the context of criminal accountability.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of truth and reconciliation commissions in post-conflict societies.
  • The prosecution of terrorism as an international crime: Legal challenges and strategies.
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its influence on international criminal law.
  • Examining the legal frameworks for addressing piracy and maritime crimes.
  • The intersection of international humanitarian law and criminal law in armed conflicts.
  • Corporate liability for international crimes: Legal developments and challenges.
  • The impact of technology on international criminal investigations and prosecutions.
  • The role of the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) in combating transnational crime.
  • The extradition of individuals for crimes against humanity: Legal and diplomatic considerations.
  • Investigating the prosecution of environmental crimes as international offenses.
  • The role of international law in preventing and prosecuting crimes of aggression.

Let’s Sum It Up

In conclusion, I have to admit that selecting criminal justice topics for research papers is paramount. A personally intriguing subject not only fosters genuine enthusiasm but also drives a more profound exploration. I believe that choosing a theme that resonates with your interests ensures a more engaging and fulfilling research journey. 

As students, we thrive when delving into topics that captivate us, sparking curiosity and dedication. This personal connection not only enhances the learning experience but also yields more meaningful insights. 

What Is a PhD in Criminal Justice?

A Ph.D. in Criminal Justice is a doctoral-level academic degree that focuses on advanced research and expertise in various aspects of legislation, including criminology, law enforcement, corrections, and law policies. It typically involves in-depth study, original research, and the completion of a dissertation on one of the interesting criminal justice research topics, contributing to the field's theoretical and practical knowledge. Graduates with a Ph.D. in Criminal Justice often pursue careers in academia, research institutions, policy analysis, or leadership roles in legislative agencies.

What Are the Most Important Issues in Criminal Justice?

The most important issues include systemic issues such as racial and socioeconomic disparities, police-community relations, criminal sentencing reform, prison overcrowding, rehabilitation and reentry programs, and the use of technology in law enforcement. Additionally, addressing mental health in the legislative system and ensuring equal access to justice are critical concerns. This article contains such reliable criminal justice research topics for your inspiration.

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Argumentative Essay Writing

Argumentative Essay Topics

Cathy A.

Take Your Pick – 200+ Argumentative Essay Topics

20 min read

Published on: Jul 11, 2020

Last updated on: Jan 31, 2024

argumentative essay topics

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These days, students of all levels may come across the daunting task of writing an argumentative essay .

 It can leave you feeling overwhelmed, but we’ve got your back! 

Our comprehensive list contains over 200 ideas for argumentative topics. No matter what kind of issue you want to explore, from immigration to technology, it’s on here.

 With this extensive selection, there is almost definitely something that will spark your interest. 

Pick something out today and get started on your paper!

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Best Argumentative Essay Topics For Students

When it comes to choosing an argumentative essay topic, it’s important to select one that is interesting and relevant.

While you may think that any topic will do, considering the audience you are writing for can be beneficial. 

Think about topics that have a lot of room for debate and analysis. This will ensure that your paper is engaging and well-developed. 

Let's dive into our comprehensive list of topics!

Argumentative Essay Topics For Middle School

  • Should students be required to wear uniforms in school? 
  • Should schools offer fast food options in their cafeteria? 
  • Is homework beneficial or detrimental to student learning? 
  • Are video games a positive or negative influence on kids? 
  • Should competitive sports be mandatory for all students? 
  • Are standardized tests an accurate measure of student success? 
  • Should students be allowed to use cell phones in the classroom?
  • Is year-round school a better option for students? 
  • Is cheating in school ever justified? 
  • Should high schools offer more career guidance and job placement assistance?

Argumentative Essay Topics For Grade 6

  • Should students be required to do community service in order to graduate? 
  • Is recess an important part of the school day? 
  • Are zoos necessary for animal conservation? 
  • Are video games or movies more educational for kids? 
  • Is it appropriate for children to watch horror films? 
  • Are video games a good way to keep kids active? 
  • Should students be allowed to have their own social media accounts? 
  • Is it important for children to learn cursive handwriting in school? 
  • Is learning a foreign language at a young age beneficial?  
  • Are competition-based activities good for building teamwork skills?

Argumentative Essay Topics For 7th Graders

  • Should parents be required to limit their children’s screen time? 
  • Do school lunches provide enough nutrition for students? 
  • Is using a computer in the classroom better than using textbooks? 
  • Should physical education classes be mandatory in schools? 
  • Should students be allowed to use their phones during class? 
  • Is cheating ever justified in school assignments? 
  • Are single-sex classrooms better for learning than co-ed ones? 
  • Do children learn best through play or through instruction? 
  • Should schools offer more career guidance and job placement assistance?

Argumentative Essay Topics For Grade 8

  • Should students be allowed to use cell phones in the classroom? 
  • Should schools offer more vocational courses for students? 
  • Is standardized testing an accurate measure of student success? 
  • Should elementary schools offer more technology classes? 
  • Are year-round schools better for student learning? 
  • Is online learning as effective as traditional methods of teaching? 
  • Should teachers be allowed to assign homework over the weekend?

Argumentative Essay Topics For High School

  • Should students be able to choose their own courses in high school? 
  • Is the current system of education outdated and in need of reform? 
  • Is cheating ever justified in exams or assignments? 
  • Does standardized testing accurately measure student intelligence?  
  • Is it necessary for high schoolers to learn a foreign language? 
  • Should students be required to participate in physical education classes? 
  • Is there too much emphasis on technology in classrooms today? 
  • Should high schoolers have part-time jobs during their studies? 
  • Is it important for schools to offer more career guidance and job placement assistance?  ?
  • Should students participate in more outdoor games?

Argumentative Essay Topics For O Levels

  • Should students be allowed to use cell phones in school? 
  • Is standardized testing an effective measure of student success? 
  • How can schools best prepare students for the job market? 
  • Are universities doing enough to prepare students for the future? 
  • Should physical education classes be mandatory in high school? 
  • Should students be able to choose their own classes in college? 
  • Are video games a problem for children these days?
  • Do video games have a positive or negative influence on kids? 
  • Should online classes be offered as an alternative to traditional schooling?  ?

Argumentative Essay Topics For College Students

  • Are colleges doing enough to prepare students for the job market? 
  • Should college athletes be paid for their performance? 
  • Is standardized testing an accurate measure of student intelligence?  
  • What is the best way to prevent cheating in university exams? 
  • Is a college degree still necessary for success in today’s job market?  
  • Should universities offer more vocational courses for students? 
  • Are year-round classes beneficial or detrimental to student learning? 
  • How can we best ensure that college graduates have the skills they need for success? 
  • Should college admissions be based on test scores and grades alone?  ?

Argumentative Essay Topics For University Students

  • Is the current system of higher education outdated and in need of reform? 
  • Are online classes as effective as traditional ones for student learning?  
  • Are admissions tests the right test to give admission to a student?
  • Is it necessary for university students to learn a foreign language? 
  • Should college admissions be based on test scores and grades alone?  
  • How can universities best prepare students for the job market? 
  • Does standardized testing accurately measure student intelligence?  ?

Good Argumentative Essay Topics for Teenagers

  • Should teens be allowed to make their own decisions about their education? 
  • Is it important for teenagers to learn a foreign language? 
  • Does Social Media have a negative impact on teenage mental health? 
  • Are online classes just as effective as traditional ones for student learning?  
  • Is standardized testing an accurate measure of student intelligence? 
  • Are teenagers more attracted to drugs than adults?
  •  Is it beneficial for teenagers to have part-time jobs during their studies? 
  • Should there be stricter laws in place to regulate the use of cell phones by teens? 
  •  How can schools best prepare teenagers for the job market?  

Easy Argumentative Essay Topics 

  • Should students be allowed to have cell phones in school?
  • Is homework necessary for students to succeed academically?
  • Should junk food be banned in schools?
  • Are video games beneficial or harmful to children?
  • Should school uniforms be mandatory for all students?
  • Is it better to read books or use technology for learning?
  • Should pets be allowed in all public places?
  • Is it fair for kids to have an equal share of household chores?
  • Should children be allowed to watch TV or use electronic devices before bedtime?
  • Is it better to be an only child or have siblings?

Easy Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Should the minimum wage be increased? 
  • Do plastic bags have a negative environmental impact? 
  • Is violence in video games and films responsible for violent behavior in children? 
  • Is standardized testing an effective measure of student learning? 
  • Should the voting age be lowered? 
  • Should animals be used in scientific research? 
  • Is it necessary to have a college degree in order to be successful in life? 
  • Is social media responsible for a rise in mental health issues among teenagers?  ?

Unique Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Are artificial intelligence and robotics a threat to human employment? 
  • How can governments best address the global refugee crisis?  
  • Should employers be required to provide flexible working hours for parents? 
  • Is the current education system in need of reform to prepare students for the job market? 
  • Should universities be held accountable for the success of their graduates? 
  • How can technology best be utilized to improve the quality of education?  
  • Should college admissions be based on test scores and grades alone? 
  • Is the use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports a violation of ethical standards?  ?

Controversial Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Is it ethical to use animals for scientific research? 
  • Are student-athletes receiving fair compensation for their performance? 
  • Should the death penalty be abolished in all countries?  
  • Is the current immigration system in need of reform? 
  • Do violent video games and films contribute to the rise in crime? 
  • Should same-sex marriage be legalized in all countries? 
  • Should abortion be made illegal in all countries?  ?

Interesting Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Should the legal drinking age be lowered? 
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of homeschooling? 
  • Does social media have a negative impact on teenage mental health? 
  • Are school uniforms a necessary expense? 
  • Is homeschooling better than a normal school?
  • What measures should be taken to protect endangered species?  ?

Fun Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Should the “Star Wars” prequel trilogy be considered canon? 
  • Is it important for teenagers to learn how to play a musical instrument?  
  • What are the beneficial effects of video games on teenage development? 
  • Are there any benefits to watching television shows or movies in 3D? 
  • Are superheroes a necessary element in modern-day films? 
  • Should children be allowed to watch movies rated PG-13 and above? 
  • Is it ethical for companies to produce products with an “end of life” plan built into them? 
  • Can art influence society in a positive way? 
  • Should parents be allowed to choose their child’s gender before birth? 
  • Is the book always better than the movie adaptation? ?

Mental Health Argumentative Essay Topics

  • What is the link between mental health and physical health? 
  • Is there a stigma attached to mental illness? 
  • How can we better support young people with mental health issues? 
  • Does social media have an impact on our mental well-being? 
  • Should all schools provide access to mental health professionals? 
  • What measures should be taken to reduce the incidence of suicide among teens?  
  • Are there any benefits to taking medication for mental health issues? 
  • Should employers make accommodations for employees with mental illness? 
  • Is it ethical to force someone into treatment for a mental health condition?  
  • Should mental health be considered an important part of healthcare reform?

General Argumentative Essay Topics ?

  • Should genetically modified crops be widely adopted in agriculture?
  • Is it ethically justifiable to genetically modify humans for the purpose of treating terminal illnesses?
  • Should the United States abolish the Electoral College in favor of a popular vote system?
  • Is there a need for better support systems and reduced stigma around mental health in the workplace?
  • Is taking a gap year after high school a beneficial choice for personal and academic growth?
  • Is the death penalty a justifiable form of punishment or an act of barbarism?
  • What should be the role of the United States in global politics: assertive superpower or impartial mediator?
  • How do political parties impact and shape the democratic process in the United States?
  • Should high school students have more opportunities for physical education beyond traditional gym classes?
  • Is animal testing a necessary evil or an unjustified act of cruelty?

How to Choose a Good Argumentative Essay Topic?

Choosing a good argumentative essay topic can be challenging. It’s important to pick a topic that is both interesting and has two sides that can be argued on. 

Here are some tips to help you choose the best argumentative essay topic:

1. Choose a topic that interests you

This is the most important factor when selecting an argumentative essay topic. Pick a subject that is interesting to you and allows for debate or discussion. 

2. Consider both sides of the argument

There must be two opposing positions in any good argument. Make sure your topic allows for both sides to have a valid argument . 

3. Research the topic thoroughly

 Take the time to research and understand both sides of the issue before you begin writing your essay. This will help ensure that you are able to make an informed argument in your paper. 

4. Consider current events

 Argumentative essays can be based on any current issue or event, which makes them great topics for discussion. Select a topic that is currently relevant and will engage readers. 

5. Think critically

 Finally, make sure to approach the essay with an open mind. Consider both sides of the argument before making your own conclusion. This will help ensure that your argument is sound and well-supported.  Check out this video to learn more!

Follow these tips and you will be able to choose a good topic for your argumentative essay!

Tips for Writing a Compelling Argumentative Essay

Once you’ve selected a great argumentative essay topic, it’s time to start writing! Here are some tips for crafting a compelling argumentative essay: 

  • Structure your paper properly

Make sure that your paper follows the standard structure of an essay and includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Check out the comprehensive blog on how to create a perfect persuasive essay outline !

  • Use evidence and examples to support your argument

To make your essay more persuasive, be sure to provide facts, statistics, and research-based evidence that supports your opinion. 

  • Be aware of counterarguments

 Anticipate the opposing viewpoints on your topic and develop a rebuttal for each one in advance. This will make your essay more convincing and will help you refute any counterarguments. 

  • Use a clear writing style

 Your argumentative essay should be written in a formal yet engaging style. Avoid biased language and personal attacks, and focus on presenting the facts objectively. 

  • Take a stance

Choose one side of the argument and make sure your essay expresses your opinion clearly. This will help ensure that you present a convincing argument in your paper. 

By following these tips, you can create an effective and compelling argumentative essay!

You now know how to write an argumentative essay, and there are plenty of topics to choose from. 

With over 200 examples of argumentative essay topics at your disposal, we’re sure you’ll find something that interests you. 

Struggling with your upcoming essay? Our online essay writing service  is here to rescue you!

Specializing in crafting high-quality argumentative essay writing , our team of expert writers is dedicated to delivering content that not only meets but exceeds your expectations. Whether it's a complex topic or a tight deadline, we've got you covered.

And for those who seek an even more streamlined solution, our advanced AI tool is the perfect choice. Our essay writer AI is designed to provide quick, efficient, and personalized essay writing assistance, adapting to your unique style and requirements. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i choose an argumentative essay topic.

When choosing an argumentative essay topic, it is important to select one that you are both knowledgeable and passionate about. Consider topics that you have studied in depth or can research easily. 

How should I structure my argumentative essay?

An argumentative essay typically follows the classic five-paragraph structure. 

It includes an introduction that introduces your topic and states your claim. Three body paragraphs that provide evidence and analysis to support your claim. Finally, a conclusion that summarizes your argument and emphasizes the importance of your evidence.

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101 Standout Argumentative Essay Topic Ideas

An argumentative essay is just what it sounds like: an essay where you argue. You pick a topic, take a stance, research information to support your opinion, state your claims, and voilà! You’ve got your essay.

Choose a topic that is debatable. You need to present your own personal stance but also discuss an opposing point of view. If the topic is too universally agreed upon, it won’t work.

As simple as that may sound, writing a persuasive essay can be quite difficult for even very experienced writers. It takes excellent organization and planning to clearly address your thoughts and requires stellar research skills to find valid arguments that support your claim.

But before you can state your case, you first need to come up with the topic you’re going to argue about.

How to Choose a Topic for an Argumentative Essay

When you choose a topic for an argumentative essay, it’s important to keep these tips in mind:

  • Your topic must be debatable. Duh... this seems obvious, but it’s worth stating. You need a topic that has (at least) two sides. Choosing a topic such as Puerto Rico is My Favorite Place is not really debatable. However, picking a topic like Puerto Rico Should Become the 51st State to Join the United States is something arguable. Some people agree with this statement, and others do not. There are pros and cons that can be discussed. ‍
  • Write about what people are talking about. Watch the news. Browse the internet. It’s more engaging to write about something that’s relevant right now. For example, if you keep hearing a lot about immigration, you might choose a topic such as America Should Close Its Borders . Or if you read a lot about standardized testing in schools, you can create a topic like Colleges Should Eliminate Standardized Testing From Their Application Process . When a topic is current and intriguing, it makes for a more interesting essay. ‍
  • Reflect on your interests. It’s always better to write about something for which you have a passion. If you love video games, you could write a persuasive essay such as Video Gaming is Healthy for Teens . If you’re passionate about sports, you could cover something like College Athletes Deserve to Be Paid . Researching and writing an argumentative essay takes quite a bit of time, so you should pick a topic you’re fascinated by to make the process a little less painless.

Forming General Arguments

To test whether or not the prompt you have in mind is up to snuff for an entire essay, you can test it out by putting it in a general argument.

Pick the topic you’re thinking about and see if it works as a two-sided debate in any of the following formats:

  • Is…effective? Productive? Helpful? Worth it? (i.e. Is school choice effective?)
  • Is…hurtful? Harmful? Wasteful? (i.e. Is fracking harmful to the environment?)
  • …should be allowed for… (i.e. Alcohol should be allowed for all people who are 18 and older. )
  • …should be forbidden for… (i.e. Football should be forbidden for children under the age of ten .)

If you can make a topic from any of these, you’re ready at this point to start outlining your essay . If not, you need to find a more specific starting point.

To see if your topic has enough depth to fill up a full essay assignment, try putting it into a general argument. This will help you determine if the prompt you have in mind is truly debatable.

Argumentative Essay Topic Ideas

Need some ideas to help you choose a topic? This list will get you started.

Note that these are listed as questions so you can take your own stance. For example, Should everyone have free healthcare? gives you at least two possible topics depending on your point of view: Everyone is Entitled to Free Healthcare vs. It is Not the Government’s Responsibility to Provide Healthcare for Everyone .

Laws & Policies

  • Should the drinking age be lowered/raised?
  • Should military participation be mandatory for all citizens?
  • Should all Americans be required to speak English fluently?
  • Should Americans be required to speak Spanish?
  • Should teachers be armed?
  • Should gun control laws be stricter?
  • Should the military age be lowered/raised?
  • Should there be limits to free speech?
  • Should marijuana be legal?
  • Should the internet be censored?
  • Are gun control laws too strict?
  • Should people of the same sex be allowed to marry each other?
  • Should abortion be legal?
  • Should laws be grounded in religion?
  • Should churches be tax-free institutions?
  • Should the voting age be lowered/raised?
  • Should felons have the right to vote?
  • Should the electoral college still exist?
  • Should Puerto Rico become a state?
  • Should all politicians have term limits?
  • Should everyone have free healthcare?
  • Should social security be privatized?
  • Should the United States build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico?
  • Should the minimum wage be raised?
  • Should wealthier citizens pay more taxes?
  • Should the use of the penny be eliminated?
  • Should every citizen be required to vote?
  • Is life better now than it was X years ago?
  • Who is the greatest president of all time?
  • Who is the most ethical/moral politician that has ever served?
  • Is globalization a good thing?
  • How can governments prevent World War 3?
  • Is democracy the best form of government?
  • Are teenagers now smarter than teenagers of past generations?
  • Does revolution result in real change?
  • Should the U.S. get involved with other countries’ wars?
  • Should cursive writing be taught in schools?
  • Should students have to wear school uniforms?
  • Should all students have free college tuition?
  • Should teachers be paid more?
  • Should K–12 school selection be based on where you live?
  • Should all students be required to study abroad?
  • Should year-round schooling be mandatory?
  • Should high school start times be later?
  • Should everyone be required to learn a foreign language?
  • Should schools have mandatory metal detectors and security guards?
  • Is standardized testing fair?
  • Should prayer be allowed in school?
  • Should sex education be required for all students?
  • Are single-sex schools more effective?
  • Should students be required to take a year off before starting college?

Science & Technology

  • Should we invest in space travel?
  • Are nuclear weapons helping make the world safe?
  • Are video games harmful?
  • Do video games cause children to be violent?
  • Does screen time have an effect on a child’s social behavior?
  • Should animals be used to test new products?
  • Has technology helped or hurt society?
  • Does technology make life easier?
  • Are online relationships legitimate?
  • Is cloning ethical?
  • How can we best fight against the obesity epidemic?
  • Should smoking be illegal?
  • Should energy drinks be banned?
  • Are diets helpful?
  • Is technology making healthcare more/less personal?
  • Should schools offer healthier food choices?
  • Should doctor-assisted suicide exist?
  • Should unhealthy foods and beverages be taxed at a higher rate?
  • Should physical education be mandatory for everyone?
  • Should recycling be mandatory?
  • Should every household have a trash limit?
  • Should people eat vegan to help save the environment?
  • Should tax money be used to save endangered species?
  • Should cars be outlawed in cities?
  • Should plastic straws and bags be banned worldwide?
  • Should there be limits on water usage?
  • Should solar and wind power be used more often than other energies?
  • Should college athletes be paid?
  • Should players have to stand for the National Anthem?
  • Do athletes have a responsibility to be role models?
  • Who is the greatest athlete of all time?
  • Is football too dangerous for young athletes?
  • Should sports betting be illegal?
  • Does playing a sport help build character in young children?
  • Should professional sports have cheerleaders?

Pop Culture & the Arts

  • Should beauty contests be terminated?
  • Should artwork be censored?
  • Do celebrities have responsibilities to be role models?
  • Is social media helpful or hurtful?
  • Do television shows accurately represent current American lifestyles?
  • Should music be censored?
  • Should people live together before marriage?
  • Should children be put in the spotlight at a young age?
  • Does money lead to happiness?
  • Should the death penalty be abolished?
  • Is there any time when breaking the law is okay?
  • Is money the root of all evil?
  • Are we responsible for other people or only for ourselves?
  • Do the ends justify the means of any action?
  • Can people ever change who they are?

Once you have chosen a topic that is relevant, debatable, and worth discussing, you are free to begin organizing your argumentative essay. Outline your opinion, do some research, and get started!

How to Write Essay Titles and Headers

Don’t overlook the title and section headers when putting together your next writing assignment. Follow these pointers for keeping your writing organized and effective.

Need a topic for your upcoming argumentative essay? We've got 100 helpful prompts to help you get kickstarted on your next writing assignment.

Writing a Standout College Admissions Essay

Your personal statement is arguably the most important part of your college application. Follow these guidelines for an exceptional admissions essay.

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166 Argumentative Essay Topics

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

Writing an argumentative essay is hard enough. But picking a good topic can sometimes get you stuck before you’ve even started.

Argumentative Essay Topics intro image

Although it seems like a small part of the essay writing process, your topic idea can actually make or break your paper. Suppose the issue you’ve settled on doesn’t carry enough potential to be researched and explored from different sides. In that case, you may end up wasting a lot of time on unproductive work before you finally give up and try to find a better subject.

That’s why we compiled an extensive catalog of argumentative essay topics organized by subject matter that you can use for inspiration. Feel free to browse through all sections or jump to the area you’re looking for.

In this article:

Choosing a Great Argumentative Essay Topic

What makes a good argumentative essay topic, interesting and controversial, immigration, racism, and native american issues, science and research, technology and social media, health, medical, and nursing, psychology and mental health, music, popular culture, and other creative endeavors, funny, easy, and simple.

Before we jump into the lists, let’s go over what you need to look for in an essay topic.

Many students assume that they can pick an issue first and then think about their essay later. But that actually sets you up for potential disappointment. A topic may seem tenable or defensible at first, but once you dig a bit deeper, it may turn out the issue is settled beyond doubt, and there’s no real point in writing about it. It may also be a good idea to sketch out your argumentative essay outline and even draft a thesis statement before making a final decision about what you want to explore.

Here’s a helpful video that explains the importance of preliminary research:

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Another thing to consider is how fascinating the topic is for you . It’s great to engage your audience, but you can’t really be sure if an issue is captivating for your teacher or professor. But you can be entirely sure if it’s interesting to you. And the more you care about the subject you’ve chosen, the more enjoyable it will be for you to put in the work.

It may seem at first that you can write an essay about anything, so why bother thinking too much about the topic? Well, you can write about anything, but not everything you write can fit the requirements of your assignment. An argumentative essay has to fit a specific format and style, and the topic you pick has to conform to those. Here are a few main characteristics of a good argumentative essay topic:

If no one disagrees with the argument you’re trying to make, what’s the point of arguing about it? Trying to convince your audience that texting while driving is dangerous is a waste of time because the assumption is that most people don’t need convincing. That’s why it’s crucial to pick an issue with at least some validity on both sides.

If your topic is not specific enough, you can’t really make a good point one way or the other. Should we do more to protect animals? That depends—are we talking about rhinos or mosquitos? And who should do the protecting—governments or ordinary citizens? Drill down your topic to something you can make a definitive point about.

If you can’t find something to back your argument with, then maybe it’s purely a matter of opinion. Are pancakes better than pizza? Who’s to say? A good topic allows you to make a point based on facts. That said, defending an insupportable position is sometimes good practice for pure critical thinking and works great for impromptu assignments where there is no time for research.

Of course, after you’ve picked a topic, you still have to write the actual essay. Here’s a video to help guide you through the process:

166 Argumentative Essay Topic Ideas (Organized in Sections)

Below you’ll find a number of lists of argumentative essay topics organized in sections by subject matter. They range from sports to history and anything in between. Keep in mind that many of the issues have to do with more than one field of knowledge, so there is some overlap between sections.

You may notice that all of the topics are in the form of a question. We’ve done that to make them neutral towards the issue they touch upon, but for the purposes of an argumentative essay, you might want to convert them to a statement that conveys the claim you’ll support in your paper.

Interesting and Controversial

One of the best ways to ensure your audience is engaged in your essay is to choose a topic that’s, to some extent, contentious. Your teacher or professor is unlikely to doze off if the issue at hand is something that everyone has a strong opinion about. Controversy will make your job easier, too—it’s a lot more painless to do research and write when you have a genuine interest in the topic.

But there’s also a pitfall to hot-button topics, especially age-old ones. There’s a chance the arguments you choose have been made a thousand times already. That’s not to say you should never write about euthanasia or abortion. Just pick your ideas carefully and make sure they’re fresh and original to avoid making your audience yawn.

Below are a few controversial argumentative essay topics from across subject matters to give you inspiration:

  • Should human cloning be allowed?
  • Should abortion be subject to stricter regulation?
  • Should there be greater gun control?
  • Do video games cause violent behavior?
  • Should the death penalty be abolished?
  • Is torture justifiable as an interrogation technique?
  • Should there be any exceptions to free speech?
  • Did the #metoo movement go too far?
  • Is capitalism the only effective economic system?


Most topics on this page can work for any academic level in which students are already versed in research and persuasive writing. But in this section, we’ve collected issues specifically related to education and sorted them into the different stages of school. So besides college, here you’ll find topics that can be used by high school and middle school students.

For College

Below is a selection of argumentative essay ideas that have to do with college life. Is college worth it? Is it too expensive? Read on to find similar questions.

  • Should everyone go to college?
  • Is college education overrated?
  • Is college admission overly competitive?
  • Are Ivy League colleges worth the cost?
  • Has college tuition become too expensive?
  • Should family income play a role in determining who gets a scholarship?
  • Is a gap year beneficial or a waste of time?
  • Are some college majors more valuable than others?
  • What are the benefits of an MBA?
  • Is an online college degree as good as one from a brick-and-mortar college?

For High School

Here you’ll find a collection of topics related to high school and all of its triumphs and struggles—perfect for students in this age group.

  • Should schools be required to have security?
  • Is standardized testing helping or hurting students?
  • Does high school encourage creativity or conformity?
  • Should high school students work during the school year?
  • Should high school students be required to take drug tests?
  • Should arts education be voluntary in high school?
  • Should the senior year be voluntary?
  • Is prom overrated?

For Middle School

Middle school is a great time to start developing writing skills and the ability to make a strong argument. Here’s a list of topics on middle school that are bound to be relatable for students of that age.

  • Do teachers give middle school students too much homework?
  • Should energy drinks be banned for middle schoolers?
  • Should vending machines be banned in schools?
  • Is school cafeteria food too unhealthy?
  • Should middle school be single-sex or co-ed?
  • Is distant learning effective for middle school students?
  • Should students have a choice on what subjects to study in middle school?
  • Should learning a foreign language be required in middle school?

As a bonus, we’re including a special section on bullying—an ongoing problem at all school levels that’s always worth discussing, including in an academic paper.

  • Should schools do more to prevent bullying?
  • Should parents of bullies be held responsible for their children’s behavior?
  • Where is the line between pranks and bullying?
  • Do kids bully others because they are mistreated at home?
  • Is cyberbullying less harmful than real-life bullying?
  • How should cyberbullying be punished?

For Kids

To make children write an essay, even if it’s just one page, you definitely need to give them a topic they care about. Here are a few ideas:

  • Is it ever acceptable to eat dessert before dinner?
  • Is it OK for kids to read grown-up books?
  • Should kids be allowed to watch grown-up movies?
  • Should children get paid when they get good grades?
  • Is it better to be a single child or to have siblings?
  • Do parents treat their daughters differently than their sons?
  • Should parents punish kids if they haven’t done their chores?


Whether you’re looking for a topic for your political science term paper or simply need a strong topic idea for your persuasive writing class, you’ll find something worth exploring in the list below.

  • Are US elections representative of the will of the people?
  • Should the voting age be lowered?
  • Should voting be mandatory?
  • Should the Electoral College be abolished?
  • Should corporations pay more taxes?
  • Should senators and house representatives have term limits?
  • Should recycling be mandatory?
  • Should prisoners be allowed to vote?
  • Should same-sex marriage be allowed?
  • Should healthcare be free for everyone?
  • Will universal basic income be beneficial for society?


Religious issues often elicit a strong response, but beliefs are not always subject to rational argumentation. Still, such topics often touch on society as a whole and can be great subjects for a paper.

  • Should creationism be part of the school curriculum?
  • Is religion responsible for war?
  • Is science an enemy of religion?
  • Should public prayer be banned in schools?
  • Should religion be taught in schools?
  • Should laws be affected by religion?
  • Should churches be required to pay taxes?


History is always up for debate, and there’s plenty of credible sources to explore, so if you need an essay topic for your history class, feel free to pick one from the list below.

As a bonus, we’ve added a couple of specialized subsections on World War 2 and American history.

  • Can we ever know the “truth” about historical events?
  • Is life better now than it was 100 years ago?
  • Have peaceful revolutions ever led to real change?
  • What caused the fall of the Roman Empire?
  • Was Julius Caesar a tactical genius or a deranged dictator?
  • Did European colonialism help or harm the colonized populations?
  • Did nuclear weapons help make the world safer or more dangerous?
  • Were the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki the only way to end World War 2?
  • Should the US have stayed out of World War 2?
  • What caused the rise of Nazism in Germany?
  • Was Stalin’s rule more harmful than Hitler’s?
  • Could World War 2 have been avoided if Hitler had been admitted to art school?

American History

  • Who was the greatest US president of all time?
  • Could the Civil War have been avoided?
  • Was the Declaration of Independence a declaration of war?
  • Was the Constitution a proslavery document?
  • Should the US founding fathers who owned slaves be revered as much as those who didn’t?
  • How did Abraham Lincoln’s assassination affect Reconstruction?

Immigration, Racism, and Native American Issues

Here we have a group of issues that are often related, but we sometimes wish they weren’t. In any case, they’re an excellent opportunity to practice argumentative writing.

  • Should it be mandatory for Americans to speak English fluently?
  • Should immigrants who enter the US illegally be granted residency?
  • Should children of immigrants who enter the US illegally be entitled to public education?
  • Is affirmative action helping or hurting racial equality?
  • Should the US government pay reparations for slavery?
  • Is the Black Lives Matter movement equivalent to the Civil Rights movement?
  • Should Columbus Day be abolished and replaced with Indigenous Peoples’ Day?
  • Should Native Americans be compensated for how settlers treated them?

Science and Research

Here you’ll find topics related to various scientific fields that you’re bound to find evidence on to build a solid research paper.

  • Should the government fund scientific research?
  • Should corporate interests influence scientists?
  • Do people have enough trust in science?
  • What is the biggest issue facing humanity that scientists should focus on the most?
  • Should we spend resources looking for alien life?
  • Is space travel worth the cost?
  • Do humans cause climate change?
  • Is fracking harmful to the environment?
  • Are scientific breakthroughs or government regulations a better solution to the environmental crisis?

Technology and Social Media

Many issues around technology and social media are up for debate, so they can serve as an excellent basis for a persuasive essay.

  • Is technology helping or hurting society?
  • Has the internet caused more harm than good to society?
  • Are we becoming too dependent on computers?
  • Is technology making us more isolated?
  • Is AI dangerous for humanity?
  • Are smartphones dangerous?
  • Is social media helping us stay connected or making us more lonely?
  • Are social media companies responsible for the spread of fake news?
  • Does social media contribute to political radicalization?
  • Should Facebook be banned from collecting data from users?
  • Should people be allowed to stay anonymous online?

Health, Medical, and Nursing

In this section, we’ve curated argumentative essay topics related to health and medicine that are worth exploring.

  • Should the morning-after pill be sold to underage teens?
  • What is the best way to fight the obesity epidemic?
  • Are GMOs dangerous?
  • Should there be limits on sugary drink sizes?
  • Is healthcare a fundamental human right?
  • Should assisted suicide be legalized?
  • Should doctors be banned from promoting drugs?
  • Should medical marijuana be legal?
  • Should parents be able to deny medical treatment for their children?
  • Are nurses compensated fairly?
  • Should nurses be allowed to prescribe drugs?
  • Is the nursing profession better suited for women?

Psychology and Mental Health

If you’re struggling to come up with an argumentative essay topic for your psychology class, feel free to pick one from the list below.

  • Does screen time negatively affect children’s psyche?
  • Should psychotherapists inform the police if a client admits to breaking the law?
  • Do dreams have any meaning?
  • Is positive thinking helpful or harmful?
  • Can lie detectors ever be trusted?
  • Are projective tests such as inkblots reliable?
  • Can hypnosis help us remember forgotten events?
  • Is prejudice against different people inherent to humans?
  • Is anxiety ever helpful?


There’s no shortage of discussions surrounding sports, but they’re often too specialized to be interesting for the layman. Here are a few broad and contentious ones that can lay the grounds for a strong argumentative essay.

  • Should athletes be considered role models?
  • Should coaches make as much money as players?
  • Should athletes face repercussions if they don’t stand for the National Anthem?
  • Is football too dangerous?
  • Is sports betting different from casino gambling?
  • Is cheerleading a real sport?
  • Do sports rely too much on computer predictions nowadays?
  • Should performance-enhancing drugs be allowed in sports?

Music, Popular Culture, and Other Creative Endeavors

Here you’ll find argumentative essay topics related to music, films, and other art forms that shape today’s pop culture.

  • Is music getting better or worse over time?
  • Is listening to music an effective remedy against stress?
  • Are television shows an accurate representation of the American lifestyle?
  • Did the golden age of Hollywood pass?
  • Should celebrities be considered role models?
  • Should any artwork be censored?
  • Is art unique to humans, or can it be observed in other animals?


If you care about animals, you might want to write an argumentative paper on a topic related to animal welfare. Here are a few ideas:

  • Should animal research be banned?
  • Should zoos or aquariums be banned and replaced with wildlife reserves?
  • Should fur be banned?
  • Should we stop eating animals?
  • Should the government try to save endangered species?
  • Is hunting for sport justifiable, or should it be banned?
  • Do animals have emotions?
  • Do pets help kids learn to be caring and empathetic?

Funny, Easy, and Simple

Sometimes you just don’t want to deal with complex and serious issues or excessive research. That’s why we curated a collection of light-hearted and easy argumentative essay topics.

  • Is complaining helping us deal with stress?
  • Is talent more important than hard work or vice versa?
  • How much compromise is OK in a relationship?
  • Should couples live together before getting married?
  • How important is it to keep your home clean and tidy?
  • At what age do you become an adult?
  • Are parents entitled to knowing everything about their kids?
  • How long is it acceptable to stay in a restaurant after finishing your meal?

Looking for a topic for a different type of essay? We’ve compiled a huge catalog in our Essay Topics page. If you want something that carries a stronger emotional charge for your paper, speech, or debate, you can also check out our list of Controversial Topics .

127 Funny Controversial Topics

121 Funny Debate Topics for Your Class

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