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Ref-n-Write: Scientific Research Paper Writing Software

Paraphrasing Tool ā€“ Academic Rephrase Tool for Researchers

Ref-n-writeā€™s paraphrasing tool has a powerful AI (Artificial Intelligence) module that is specifically designed for academic writing. It is very important to avoid plagiarism when it comes to academic writing. You can no longer use your own text after it is published, it should be paraphrased manually or with a good rephrase tool, otherwise it will be considered self-plagiarism . Ref-n-write has been ranked as one of the best paraphrasing tools available out there. Ref-n-writeā€™s legacy phrase templates feature offers the ability to rephrase sentences individually, while the newly added paraphrasing tool allows the users to rephrase paragraphs with one click. These tools work hand-in-hand with the academic phrasebank and rewording tools to provide a full suite of tools for researchers. This makes Ref-n-write one of the best research tools available for students and academics. In a recent survey of rewriter tools available to students and academics to reduce plagiarism, Ref-n-write was rated as the best scholarly paraphrasing tool . Click here to see the video of paraphrasing tool in action rephrasing a paragraph.

What is a Paraphrasing Tool?

A paraphrasing tool is used to rewrite or rephrase a sentence without altering its meaning. This is accomplished by substituting any number of alternate versions for specific words, phrases, sentences, or even whole paragraphs to create a slightly different variant.

How do you use the Ref-n-Writeā€™s Paraphrasing Tool in Word?

You have to select a passage and click the ā€˜Paraphraseā€™ button in the Ref-n-writeā€™s button panel. Ref-n-Write will rewrite the text and display the results in the panels below. Following figure demonstrates Ref-n-Writeā€™s paraphrasing tool in action.

Screenshot of paraphrasing tool

Can Ref-n-writeā€™s Paraphrasing Tool correct grammatical errors in the text?

The Ref-n-Writeā€™s paraphrasing tool functions as a grammar checker. In addition to rephrasing and rewording the text the tool can detect and correct grammatical errors. You don't have to spend extra money on a separate grammar check as these tools can be quite expensive and you have to sign up for an annual subscription.

Paraphrasing Tool correcting Grammatical errors

How do you Rephrase a Sentence?

Rephrasing a sentence follows the same process as paraphrasing, but the most important consideration is to make the sentence clearer. Rephrasing may or may not be coupled with rewording or synonym adjustments. It may only entail rearranging the original sentence as long as clarity is obtained.

Can Ref-n-write Rephrase a Sentence?

Perfectly! It is an all-in-one tool that will assist you with every aspect of academic writing. Ref-n-write makes it very easy to rephrase, reword, rewrite, paraphrase, cite and avoid plagiarism.

Is it Okay to use a Paraphrasing tool?

Yes, it is okay to use a paraphrasing tool. However, there has been much debate about whether or not using a paraphrasing tool is a good practice. Some may argue that it prevents authors and students from improving their ability to express themselves in their own words. As with any invention, these paraphrasing tools can be misused. But that doesnā€™t mean using them is bad. These tools provide suggestions and ideas to help the user paraphrase, but the final product is still up to the user. Only when authors, students, or users see these paraphrasing tools as a direct substitute for citation does it become a bad practice.

How do you Paraphrase Correctly?

  • ā€¢ Read the text to get an understanding of its message and flow.
  • ā€¢ Identify and highlight keywords that must not be changed to retain the textā€™s meaning.
  • ā€¢ Identify words that can be rearranged or moved without changing the meaning or flow of the text.
  • ā€¢ Identify words and phrases that can be changed and replace them with appropriate synonyms.
  • ā€¢ Double-check that you included all of the vital information in the original text.

How do you Professionally Paraphrase?

You Paraphrase professionally by following our guidelines on paraphrasing correctly and appropriately citing and referencing the source materials. A paraphrasing tool (ideally Ref-n-write) will make the process quicker and faster, increase the overall quality of your work, and provide you with a greater variety of ideas to work with.

How do you Rephrase a Paragraph?

  • ā€¢ Paraphrasing each sentence that makes up the paragraph.
  • ā€¢ Ensuring there is an adequate flow from sentence to sentence
  • ā€¢ Ensuring every sentence is clear
  • ā€¢ Ensuring the meaning of each sentence and the overall message of the whole paragraph is not altered

How can I make a Sentence Better?

It is essential that a good sentence be clear, concise, appropriately punctuated, free of grammar errors, and have a proper flow. All of the elements stated above must be improved for a sentence to be better. Effective paraphrasing may help you improve a sentence, and employing the right paraphrasing tools can help you improve a sentence even more.

Can you use the Ref-n-Writeā€™s Paraphrasing Tool Offline?

Most of the existing rephrase tools requires access to the internet. On the contrary, the Ref-n-writeā€™s paraphrasing tool can be operated in both online and offline modes. Following images show the rephrased output of the paraphrasing tool when operating in online and offline modes. If you look at the rephrased paragraph, you will notice that the rephrased sentences are colour coded in offline mode indicating the confidence of each word replacement - green means very confident; blue means moderately confident and red means not very confident. There is no colour coding in the online mode, however the quality of rephrasing is much better in the online paraphrasing mode compared to the offline mode. It is highly recommended to use the paraphrasing tool in online mode since this is much more powerful than the offline mode.

How do you Paraphrase a file with Ref-n-Write?

Ref-n-Write allows users to paraphrase their file one passage at a time. This enables the author to learn and understand the paraphrasing process and do it without outside help in the future. Since Ref-n-write is a Microsoft Word add-in, paraphrasing can be applied directly to the document without losing the formatting.

What is the best free online paraphrasing tool?

There is no such thing as the best online paraphrasing tool. An excellent online paraphrasing tool should provide final paraphrased results that adhere to the steps recommended in our guideline to correctly paraphrasing. Ref-n-write provides a 15-day free trial period in which you can test the paraphrasing feature before charging a one-time fee.

Can I get the paraphrasing tool for free?

As the saying goes, ā€œthe great ones donā€™t come cheap.ā€ Ref-n-write is the best academic paraphrasing tool available. It is a Microsoft Word add-in that is compatible with both Windows and Mac computers. If you are a scholar, student, researcher, author, or you have a job that requires a lot of writing, Ref-n-write is the best for you. Ref-n-write provides a 15-day free trial period before charging a one-time fee of around Ā£29.99 for the full version. That is significantly less expensive than any other paraphrasing tool that charges a monthly fee. It aids in citation and allows you to import your source materials and conduct a full-text search to avoid plagiarism. Ref-n-write is the most affordable all-in-one paraphrasing tool available.

What is the difference between free and paid Paraphrasing tool?

Paraphrasing with a free or paid tool follows the same steps as mentioned above for correctly paraphrasing. However, when compared to the paid version of Ref-n-write, using a free tool has some limitations on the word count of the text being paraphrased.

Is Ref-n-write Paraphrasing Tool Safe?

Ref-n-writeā€™s paraphrasing tools are secure and dependable. They take the security and privacy of their members seriously, and they operate in line with all relevant privacy and data protection legislation.

Is using Paraphrasing Tool Cheating?

Some may argue that employing paraphrasing tools is unethical because the information is not original and the tools do not acknowledge the original writer. Paraphrasing, on the other hand, is not plagiarism if adequately cited and referenced. Hence, utilising paraphrasing tools with correct citation and reference is not considered cheating.

Is Paraphrasing Tool Legit?

The utilisation of paraphrase tools determines their legitimacy. When used correctly, they are legal; nevertheless, when misused, they constitute plagiarism, which is illegal. True, these paraphrase tools make work easier and faster, especially when one is on a tight deadline, but they must be utilised correctly.

Can Turnitin Detect Paraphrasing Tool?

An excellent way to avoid plagiarism scanners is by paraphrasing. Turnitinā€™s algorithms do not detect paraphrasing. They are primarily concerned with recognising similar language structures, grammatical patterns, and phrases. This paraphrasing tool will not be flagged as plagiarised as long as it generates unique content that exhibits little or no similarity to anything in the Turnitin database.

Is Paraphrasing Tool Plagiarism?

As previously stated, combining paraphrasing tools with proper citation and referencing is a good practice. Yes, some of these paraphrasing tools can produce 100% unique content, but the source material should be acknowledged. As a result, if proper citation is not used, a paraphrasing tool can constitute plagiarism.

Is there a Website that can Paraphrase Sentences for you?

You can try the Ref-n-write paraphrasing tool on the website, however it is recommended to install the plugin on your Microsoft Word as it offers more options and is easy to use. If you conduct a Google search, you will be presented with an unending list of websites to consider. Many of these websites reword sentences; they do not adequately rewrite them.

What is the Best Paid Paraphrasing tool?

We are possibly the best paid paraphrasing tool available. Ref-n-write does more than just paraphrase; it also assists with citation and referencing and allows you to import all of your source materials and perform a full-text search to check for similarity and text overlap. Our academic phrase bank provides you with a variety of phrases related to your topic of interest from which to choose. Ref-n-write helps you enhance your writing to suit todayā€™s standards. Oh, and did I forget to mention that it is very affordable compared to other paid tools? We give you good value for your money.

How do you Use the Paraphrasing Tool in Word?

Microsoft Wordā€™s Web version now includes rewrite suggestions, but it is very basic. However, this is a new function and has not yet been implemented on the PC or mobile versions. There are various paraphrasing tools available as Microsoft Word add-ins on PC, including Ref-n-write and many others. These add-ins will assist you in rewording your texts in a variety of ways.

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Free AI Paraphrasing Tool For Academic Writing

Effortlessly rewrite text with the best online AI paraphrasing tool for academics. Paraphrase content, trim text, and ensure academic tone in minutes.

Paraphrase Now - Itā€™s Free


What Makes Paperpal the Best Academic Paraphrasing Tool

Tailored to enhance academic writing, our precise AI paraphrasing tool helps you deliver clear, concise, and impactful writing in a click.

Quickly paraphrase academic text

Rewrite complex academic text to add variety, remove repetition, and enhance readability without changing the context or essence of your work.

feature image

Trim text without sacrificing meaning

Reduce word count by up to 25%, eliminating redundancies and wordiness to deliver clear, concise writing that meets journal word count limits.

Achieve an academic tone with ease

Ensure your writing meets the professional, formal tone required in academic writing, which focuses on the precise, objective phrasing of ideas.

Improve phrasing with contextual synonyms

Enhance clarity, precision, and readability with contextually relevant synonym suggestions that are validated based on published literature.

Available on Word & Web

Why Academics Love Paperpalā€™s AI Paraphraser

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Rated Excellent on Trustpilot

Paperpal is a reliable tool for editing academic manuscripts. It renders the manuscript an academic tone that is suitable for journal submission. The extensive edit mode helps rephrase the sentences, thereby ensuring conciseness. Paperpal truly understands the context, provides appropriate alternate terminologies, and checks for consistency.

I like how Paperpal offer suggestions about paraphrasing and generally helps re-organize my paragraphs, giving them better language structure. I feel confident about my manuscripts after running them through Paperpal.

Unlike Grammarly, Paperpal aligns and tailors my sentence structures to the convention of academic writing. Unlike Grammarly, Paperpal aligns and tailors my sentence structures to the convention of academic writing.

Paperpal has made a huge difference. My manuscript is now free of errors, more concise and more readable!

Start Paraphrasing - Itā€™s Free

Reword Academic Text with the Best AI Paraphraser Online

Use our online academic paraphrasing tool you deliver clear, engaging academic prose with minimal effort!

Fixes complex grammar mistakes in minutes

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Covers US and UK English

Vocabulary, clarity, precision, length, tone

Paperpal is More Than a Free AI Paraphraser

Simplify your writing journey with Paperpalā€™s academic writing toolkit. Check your language and grammar, get accurate English translations, and gain from generative AI assistance, all in one place.

Paperpalā€™s free grammar checker saves time and effort by quickly identifying and correcting complex grammar errors, spelling mistakes, and punctuation issues.

With Paperpalā€™s online translation tool, non-native English speakers can achieve high-quality academic text by translating from 25+ languages to English.

Paperpalā€™s secure generative AI technology helps authors write confidently, save time, and deliver high-quality, reliable, and original content, every time.

Who Can Benefit From Paperpal's Free Academic Paraphrasing Tool?

Paperpalā€™s online academic paraphrasing tool is the perfect assistant to polish all kinds of academic writing.

feature image

Save time and effort by using Paperpalā€™s AI paraphraser to quickly rewrite lengthy sentences and add variety to your writing without sacrificing meaning.

feature image

Efficiently rephrase sentences for a global audience or reduce article length to meet journal limits without compromising the essence of your research.

feature image

Instantly paraphrase academic text to develop unique study materials, well-structured presentations, and powerful scholarly publications with ease.

feature image

Create impactful academic articles by rephrasing sentences to avoid repetition, improve readability, and ensure accuracy while retaining your own voice.

Paperpalā€™s Academic Paraphrasing Tool - Frequently Asked Questions

What is paraphrasing, what is a paraphrasing tool, does paperpal's ai paraphrasing tool impact academic writing skills, can paperpalā€™s online academic paraphrasing tool help in developing the quality of essays, how is paraphrasing different from plagiarising, can i use a paraphrasing tool for academic writing, can you get in trouble for using a paraphrasing tool, do paraphrasing tools improve the readability and tone of content, why are citations an important element in paraphrasing content, why is paperpal better than other ai paraphrasing tools for academic writing, master the art of paraphrasing.

Looking to sharpen your paraphrasing skills or understand how to rewrite text without sacrificing the meaning? Explore these handpicked articles and pick up tips to enhance your academic writing!

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The best AI tools for academic paraphrasing: tested and ranked

Proper paraphrasing is an essential skill for individuals in academia, including researchers, scholars, professors, and students. In this guide, we comprehensively tested, reviewed and ranked seven popular AI tools for academic paraphrasing , along with our top 3 choices, so that you can pick the best one.

What are the best AI tools for academic paraphrasing?

When writing academic papers, it is necessary to reference sources and avoid relying solely on direct quotations.

Throughout this process, it is crucial to avoid plagiarism, ensuring that oneā€™s work does not contain stolen text passages, even unintentionally.

The evaluation of the results was based on the following criteria:

Customization refers to the range of options offered by the tool, such as selecting different paraphrasing approaches or indicating the desired degree of change and the use of synonyms.

Distinguished by its adaptability to various disciplinary standards and scientific conventions, Trinka stands out as an all-encompassing solution.

Quality of Rephrasing

When we first tried Trinka for the paraphrasing the quote for our test, we were surprised: Trinka faced challenges in paraphrasing an entire text selection at once, leaving a portion untouched and necessitating manual intervention (see image below).


After the brief detour, accomplished in just three clicks, the achieved result yielded the following plagiarism scores:


Furthermore, as stated above, a notable feature is the personal assistant tool, accessible in a separate window, aiding in paraphrasing and offering customization options for your voice. From adjusting tones and lengths to sounding formal, confident, or casual, this feature significantly enhances the quality of paraphrasing.

2. QuillBot

QuillBot ā€˜s AI will collaborate with you to generate effective rephrasing: You have a lot of control as you can compare outputs from all seven available modes to choose the most suitable paraphrase.

While itā€™s crucial to approach AI paraphrasing tools with discernment, QuillBot distinguishes itself by providing a user-friendly experience. Through a color-coded overview of modifications (see the image below), it enhances transparency in the process. For instance, changed words are highlighted in orange, and the longest unchanged words are marked in blue.

The initial rephrased output yielded an originality score of 66% and less. Nevertheless, with QuillBot ā€˜s clear indication of unchanged passages, a minimal number of clicks sufficed to modify a few additional words, swiftly achieving a 100% originality score.

Moreover, QuillBot presents a unique feature allowing users to expand or shorten text, proving exceptionally useful for students and researchers constrained by stringent word limits.

With the premium plan, you gain access to full functionality, including unlimited word paraphrasing, faster processing, advanced grammar features, tone detection, and more. The premium plan is priced at $19.95 per month or $8.33 per month when paid annually.

3. Scispace

Scispace ā€˜s paraphrasing option consistently delivers results that are unique and accurate.

Although the plagiarism detection did not flag it as plagiarized, for experienced university professors, it might seem a bit too close to the original, especially if the original quote is known, as numerous adjectives were essentially transformed into nouns.

While we selected an ā€˜academicā€™ tone, Scispace offers a plethora of tones, ranging from ā€˜professionalā€™ to ā€˜sympatheticā€™ or even ā€˜passive-aggressive.ā€™

The Scispace premium subscription, offering unlimited paraphraser outputs, is priced at $12 per month when billed annually. This comes at a slightly higher cost than its competitor QuillBot. However, you can get 20% OFF the monthly subscription plan with the code masteracademia20 , or 40% off the annual plan with the subscription code masteracademia40 !

4. Paraphraser

While Paraphraser provides decent paraphrasing capabilities, itā€™s worth noting that when dealing with more intricate quotes, users should exercise caution to ensure the preservation of the original meaning of the quoted text.

However, the real challenge lies in preserving accurate meaning. The initial attempt to paraphrase our test quote resulted in a somewhat tangled paraphrased version. Nevertheless, it presented numerous synonyms that facilitated additional manual edits.

Another noteworthy advantage is the inclusion of a built-in plagiarism checker, streamlining and enhancing this crucial step in the process.

However, each existing mode offers a curated set of synonyms, indicated by words highlighted in green, providing a diverse range of options for paraphrasing. This feature not only facilitates the creation of uniquely paraphrased quotes but also ensures that the essence and meaning of the original quote are preserved.

Additionally, Paraphraser offers extra pro functions, including an inbuilt summarizer, grammar checker, and plagiarism checker, enhancing the overall user experience and ensuring the quality of the paraphrased content.

5. Writefull

($5.46/month if billed annually)

Writefull harnesses the power of language models extensively trained on academic journal articles, making it a specialized tool designed specifically for the academic context.

Writefull delivers satisfactory results in paraphrasing and excels in generating unique content. However, it has limited options for customization.

Each of the three paraphrased quotes underwent rigorous scrutiny on the selected plagiarism detection sites. The outcome across all evaluations revealed a noteworthy result ā€“ 100% uniqueness for each paraphrased version.

Upon receiving this input, Writefull generates three distinct versions of the text, effectively showcasing alterations by highlighting them in a user-friendly yellow color.

However, while the tool allows for effortless comparison and selection among the provided versions, it lacks a feature for direct, on-the-spot manual customization. Unlike some other platforms, Writefull does not currently support the ability to click on individual words and make immediate synonym selections and the like.

Writefull can be used with limited functionality for free. Its Premium Plan offers unlimited use of all features at a cost of $15.37 per month. However, there are significant savings if you choose to pay annually, as it amounts to only $5.46 per month.

While demonstrated decent paraphrasing quality in our testing, the free paraphrasing option lacks sufficient customization options, rendering it unsuitable for academic settings.

Nevertheless, delving into the free version could prove beneficial for refining email communication or crafting social media posts that share academic publications.

Quality of Paraphrasing

While has not been developed specifically for academic purposes, the paraphrased text by is decent:

However, difficult to follow the changes as there was no side by side comparison or highlighted words or sentences parts, helping to follow what changed.

The originality of the paraphrased text was very good. Putting the generated text by into three different plagiarism checkers, resulted in all 100% unique results! provides customization options within its system; however, it lacks specific features relevant to paraphrasing and academic applications. This limitation becomes apparent in the prompts available upon account creation, which are centered around sales, social media, or email marketing.

Itā€™s essential to acknowledge that while these prompts offer utility in various contexts, they may not align well with academic needs.

Furthermore, as previously mentioned, the free paraphraser fails to present a comparison with the original quote and lacks a manual option for incorporating additional synonyms or other modifications. provides a free plan enabling the creation or editing of up to 2,000 words per month at no expense. Should you decide on the monthly subscription and opt for an annual payment, the cost totals $36 per month.

While it may prove beneficial for various professions, it is not advisable for academic paraphrasing due to being comparatively expensive. However, experimenting with the free version could be a viable option to gauge its suitability for your needs.

7. Grammarly

Hence, paraphrasing in Grammarly is not merely a copy-paste exercise. Grammarly can augment paraphrasing efforts, albeit in a more nuanced and intricate manner.

Quality of paraphrasing

Furthermore, a minor inconvenience arises in the form of a formatting issue with the reference and the brackets around it, which, while relatively minor, remains somewhat bothersome.

The availability of three paraphrased text options in Grammarly is appreciated. However, the performance of the free paraphrasing tool itself is mediocre.

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Rewrite your text with precision and ease

Transform your writing with DeepLā€™s AI-powered paraphraser and grammar checker. Offering unparalleled accuracy and versatility in rewriting, experience the future of paraphrasing today.

Illustration of a document with a text box overlayed and a blue hexagon behind

Revolutionize your writing with our advanced AI paraphraser

Embrace the power of DeepLā€™s cutting-edge AI to transform your writing. Our paraphrasing tool goes beyond simple synonym replacement, using a sophisticated language model to capture and convey the nuances of your text.Ā 

With our paraphraser, you'll not only retain the essence of your original content, but also enhance its clarity.

We currently offer text rewriting only in English and German. In the future, we'llĀ  release new languages gradually Ā to ensure we deliver texts that are not just rewritten, but elevated.

Why use DeepLā€™s paraphrasing tool?

With our AI writing assistant, you can:

Improve your writing

Enhance the clarity, tone, and grammar of your text, especially in professional contexts.

Avoid errors

Forgo errors and present your ideas concisely for more polished writing.

Speed up writing

Expedite the writing process with suggestions for more formal, refined language.

Express yourself clearly

Perfect sentences and express yourself clearlyā€”particularly for non-native English and German speakers.

Illustration of DeepL UI with a text box hovering and a yellow cursor

Here's what you can do with our paraphraser

For business use:

  • Great for short-form writing, like emails or messages, and long-form content, like PowerPoint presentations, essays, or scientific papers.

For personal use:

  • Improve your writing and vocabulary, generate ideas, and express your thoughts more clearly.

DeepLā€™s paraphraser is also helpful for language learners. For example, you can memorize suggested vocabulary and phrases.

Try our paraphrasing tool to improve your writing instantly

Illustration of docs and Gmail DeepL integrations with DeepL logo and yellow cursor

Key features of our AI paraphrasing tool

  • Incorporated into translator: Translate your text into English or German, and click "Improve translation" to explore alternate versions of your translation. No more copy/paste between tools.
  • Easy-to-see changes: When you insert the text to be rewritten, activate "Show changes" to see suggested edits.
  • AI-powered suggestions: By deactivating "Show changes", you can click on any word to see suggestions and refine your writing.
  • Grammar and spell checker: Our paraphrasing tool is all-in-one, helping you correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
  • Helpful integrations:Ā  Access our paraphrasing tool inĀ  Gmail, Google Slides, or Google Docs Ā via our browser extension or inĀ  Microsoft Word via add-ins .
"The fastest, easiest, and most efficient translation tool I've ever used."
" You can easily modify the translation to use the vocabulary you want and make it sound natural. "

Still have questions about DeepLā€™s paraphrasing tool?

1. what makes our paraphrasing tool unique.

DeepL uses advanced AI to provide high-quality, context-aware paraphrasing in English and German. Our tool intelligently restructures and rephrases text, preserving the original meaning and enhancing your writing.

2. How do you use DeepLā€™s paraphrasing tool?

To accomplish writing tasks, you can:

- Paste your existing text into the tool

- Compose directly in the tool

- Use DeepL Translator before refining your writing with our paraphraser

3. Can the tool paraphrase complex academic texts?

Absolutely. DeepL's paraphraser is designed to handle complex sentence structures, making it useful for academic writing.

4. How does DeepL's paraphraser support language learners?

By making suggestions, the tool enables you to learn new phrases or words to incorporate into your vocabulary.

5. Is the paraphrasing tool free to use?

For now, the tool is completely free to use.

Explore the capabilities of our tool

Have a language expert improve your writing

Run a free plagiarism check in 10 minutes, automatically generate references for free.

  • Knowledge Base
  • Best Paraphrasing Tool | Free & Premium Tools Compared

Best Paraphrasing Tool | Free & Premium Tools Compared

Published on 2 February 2024 by Koen Driessen . Revised on 10 July 2024.

Paraphrasing means rewording something ā€“ expressing the same idea in different words. Paraphrasing tools (or paraphrasers) are AI-powered online tools that can automatically rewrite your text for you. Students often use them to improve their writing and provide inspiration ā€“ making their text more formal, more fluent, or more concise.

But which online paraphrasers are really reliable at producing correct and readable English? To find out, we tested seven of the most popular free tools ā€“ and their premium versions when available.

We wrote three short sample texts to test their ability to improve text that was long-winded , grammatically incorrect , or disjointed . We ran these texts through all the different tools and assessed the fluency and accuracy of the output. We also took the user-friendliness of the tools into consideration.

The results show that the premium versions of Wordtune and QuillBot are the best tools out there, each excelling in different ways. If youā€™re looking for a free tool, Paraphrase Tool and QuillBot are the strongest options.

Paraphrasing tool Score

Instantly correct all language mistakes in your text

Be assured that you'll submit flawless writing. Upload your document to correct all your mistakes.


Table of contents

1. wordtune (premium), 2. quillbot (premium), 3. paraphrase tool (free), 4. quillbot (free), 5. paraphrase tool (premium), 6. wordtune (free), 7. rephrase (free), 8. (free), 9. rephrase (premium), 10. (premium), 11. spinbot, 12. pre post seo (free), 13. pre post seo (premium), honorable mention: grammarly, research methodology, frequently asked questions.


  • Paragraph rewrite mode is unique and helpful
  • Does well with both disjointed and ungrammatical text
  • 10 options for each paraphrase
  • $24.99 per month
  • ‘Shorten’ mode not great
  • Interface can be slightly buggy

Wordtuneā€™s premium version was overall the most useful tool we tested. It provided a selection of 10 rewrites for each text. Not all of these were great, but there were generally a few good options in each case.

Where Wordtune stood out was in its whole-paragraph paraphrasing mode, which was able to combine sentences in an intelligent way, thus improving our disjointed and grammatically incorrect texts significantly. Unfortunately, the ‘Shorten’ mode did little to actually shorten long-winded text, mostly functioning quite similarly to the standard rewrite mode.

We found the look of the site fairly clean and appreciated that it offers 10 different suggestions for each sentence. But we did find the interface somewhat awkward at times, and it was occasionally unable to generate suggestions in certain modes or would only generate one suggestion, suggesting some imperfections in the technology.

Try Wordtune

The only proofreading tool specialized in correcting academic writing

The academic proofreading tool has been trained on 1000s of academic texts and by native English editors. Making it the most accurate and reliable proofreading tool for students.

academic paraphrasing tool english

Correct my document today


  • Great for shortening long-winded text
  • Reliable, accurate, grammatically correct output
  • Interactive synonym finder
  • Seven modes with noticeably different results
  • $19.95 per month (3-day money-back guarantee)
  • No paragraph rewrite mode
  • Does little to improve disjointed text

The premium version of QuillBot was one of the strongest paraphrasers we tested. Its ‘Shorten’ mode was the best option for making long-winded text more concise. Unlike all other tools, it could consistently distinguish between unnecessary verbiage and essential details, often reducing the textā€™s length by more than 50% without compromising meaning.

With the grammatically incorrect text, QuillBot was quite consistent in its ability to remove glaring grammatical errors. But with this and the disjointed text, its ability to resolve sentence fragments was limited, since it seems to lack the ability to combine sentences ā€“ it only looks at each sentence individually. This problem was shared by most of the other tools we tested.

QuillBotā€™s interface is simple and usable, allowing you to choose from seven paraphrasing modes and manually adjust the number of synonyms. Paraphrasing is quick, and changes are clearly highlighted. You can also click on individual words to see more synonyms, with detailed information about how each should be used, making it flexible and informative.

Try the QuillBot paraphraser

Try Quillbot now


  • ‘Summary’ mode is very good
  • Handles all kinds of texts well (in ‘Summary’ mode)
  • Other modes are very inaccurately labeled
  • Some modes add irrelevant content
  • Changes not marked in the text

Paraphrase Tool offered a large selection of different modes to paraphrase our text, some of them very useful. The most useful mode by far (for all of our texts) was ‘Summary’, which did a decent job of shortening the long-winded text and was able to combine sentences in the disjointed and grammatically confused texts, creating a much smoother read.

We found that other modes were not very accurately labeled: The ‘Shorten’ mode often produced a longer text than ‘Standard’ when the long-winded text was used. ‘Grammar’ mode appeared to just produce very long-winded and repetitive text, while ‘Smooth’ mode added a lot of text that was not based on anything in the original.

We appreciated the clean, minimalistic design of the site, but we did find it unhelpful that the changes made are not marked in any way in the output text. Youā€™re also required to buy a subscription after a certain number of inputs, which isnā€™t clear when you start. In general, this is a strong paraphraser in ‘Summary’ mode but a very unreliable one in other modes.

Try Paraphrase Tool


  • Free, quick, and easy to use
  • No ‘Shorten’ mode in the free version

We found QuillBotā€™s free version almost as reliable as the premium option. Its changes were generally logical and fluent, staying true to the meaning of the original text while improving flow. And, like the premium version, it resolved grammatical errors well.

That said, its ability to cut down long-winded text was restricted, since the ‘Shorten’ mode is a premium feature. The two free modes, ‘Standard’ and ‘Fluency’, performed well for other purposes but did little to deal with long-windedness.

The other main differences are a word limit of 125 words per paraphrase and the fact that the highest setting for synonyms canā€™t be selected. Besides those changes, we found the interface just as usable in the free version as in the premium one.


  • ‘Summary’ mode is very good (but also available for free)
  • No limit on inputs
  • $7.99 per month (3-day free trial)
  • Extra modes are not worth the cost, often ridiculous

Paraphrase Toolā€™s premium version allows you unlimited paraphrases and unlocks 11 additional modes: ‘Academic’, ‘Confident’, ‘Simple’, ‘Smart’, ‘Clear’, ‘Thoughtful’, ‘Elaborate’, ‘Creative’, ‘Formal’,Ā  ‘Cohesive’, and ‘Emphatic’.

However, we found that these modes werenā€™t very useful or very accurately labeled. The ‘Summary’ mode, already available in the free version, remained the best choice for all of our texts. Other modes like ‘Emphatic’ inserted a lot of irrelevant text that had nothing to do with the original, generally making the text much longer and largely incoherent.

Because of this, the only real reason to pay for this tool is to remove the limit on inputs. But if youā€™re willing to pay, there are better options available. As the only part we can give a solid recommendation to, ‘Summary’ mode, is available for free, we donā€™t recommend paying.


Wordtuneā€™s free version lacks the option to paraphrase whole paragraphs, the feature that really stood out to us, so it doesnā€™t score as well as the premium version.

Without this feature, Wordtune did perform decently at making sense of the grammatically incorrect text, although it didnā€™t make it all that fluent. But like other tools that work on a sentence-by-sentence basis, it did a poor job of improving disjointed text. The ‘Shorten’ mode performed similarly to the premium version ā€“ not terribly, but not all that well.

We found it unfortunate that it limits users to 10 sentence rewrites per day in the free version and that rewrites can only be done on one sentence at a time. As with the premium version, we did like the overall look of the site. But if youā€™re looking for a free tool, QuillBot or Paraphrase Tool are better options.


  • Paraphrases are reasonably fluent
  • Some changes distort meaning
  • Full of adverts
  • Slow and inconvenient to use

Rephrase did a moderately good job paraphrasing our texts. Its changes were generally more advanced than simply swapping out some words for synonyms, and they tended to mostly retain the original meaning (although with some differences such as changing ‘we’ to ‘I’).

It tended to resolve obvious grammatical problems effectively, although it couldnā€™t make the text completely smooth. It performed similarly to other tools with disjointed text, failing to combine sentences. It managed to cut down the long-winded text more than most and divide one sentence into two to improve readability, but some of its changes distorted the meaning.

In terms of usability, we found that the paraphrase sometimes loaded quite slowly, and the requirement to complete a captcha for repeated inputs was annoying. The site was also full of flashy adverts that were quite distracting and seemed to slow down the page.

Try Rephrase


  • Ensures basic grammatical correctness
  • Quite basic rewrites
  • Some highly inaccurate synonyms and bugs with output
  • Very slow and buggy

Paraphraser.ioā€™s rewrites were fairly basic. While it made some small changes to sentence structure, it mainly just swapped individual words out for synonyms, which were often highly inaccurate (e.g., changing ‘could’ to ‘bottle’). It could not deal with long-winded text well, since it lacked a ‘Shorten’ mode and tended to make the text even longer.

Its changes to the grammatically muddled text did usually ensure basic correctness, but not much fluency. Like the other tools, it was unable to do much to improve the flow of the disjointed text, since it wouldnā€™t combine sentences or add transition words. Occasionally, we saw errors like the insertion of sentence fragments without initial capitalisation.

In terms of usability, we found it unfortunate that the paraphrased text loaded extremely slowly (and sometimes just failed to load). We appreciated the ability to click on individual words to see synonyms, but as noted, a lot of these synonyms were just wrong. Overall, the interface was poor.



  • $20 per month
  • New modes add little
  • Still full of adverts
  • Still slow and inconvenient to use

The premium version of Rephrase adds three extra modes, ‘Creative’, ‘Smart’, and ‘Formal’. We noticed little difference between these modes and the free ones, and we donā€™t see them as worth paying for.

In terms of usability, we found it annoying that youā€™re still required to complete a captcha for each paraphrase, even after paying for the tool, and that the same flashy adverts still appear in the premium version. You get remarkably little for your money with the premium version of Rephrase.


  • Doesnā€™t actually remove adverts
  • Very slow, buggy, and confusing interface
  • No real advantages over free version

This toolā€™s premium version did not really add anything of value. The main selling point, the ‘Creative’ and ‘Smarter’ modes, performed very similarly to the free ‘Fluency’ mode, with no real advantages. The slow loading times were also no better in the premium version.

Other pros included a word limit increase to 1,500 words ā€“ not very helpful when the tool only paraphrases on a sentence-by-sentence basis anyway. The premium version is also supposed to remove adverts, but in practice we still saw adverts when using this version, so itā€™s not clear what is meant by this.

We donā€™t find this tool a very good option to begin with, and we certainly donā€™t find the premium version to be worth the cost.


  • Interface looks quite nice
  • Doesnā€™t really paraphrase, just swaps words for synonyms
  • Creates a lot of inaccuracies
  • Doesnā€™t correct grammatical errors
  • Doesnā€™t highlight changes
  • ‘Advanced Paraphrase’ just redirects to QuillBot

We found SpinBotā€™s functionality to be extremely basic and produce a lot of errors. It did not do any real paraphrasing (changing the sentence structure) but simply swapped out a few words for synonyms, often highly inappropriate ones.

Because of this very basic approach, it failed to correct any of the grammatical errors in grammatically incorrect text. It also could not do anything useful for either the long-winded or the disjointed text, since it made no changes to structure whatsoever.

In terms of interface, the site has a nice enough look, but it doesnā€™t highlight the changes it has made in any way. Its ‘Advanced Paraphrase’ button just redirects to QuillBot. Basic paraphrasing is fairly quick, but ā€“ as mentioned above ā€“ not very good.

Try SpinBotā€™s paraphrasing tool


  • Very basic paraphrasing
  • Creates lots of grammatical errors
  • Poorly designed interface
  • Many features buggy or broken
  • Slow to use

Pre Post SEO offered a few modes for paraphrasing: ‘Simple’, which just swaps out a few words for (usually inaccurate) synonyms, producing very poor text; ‘Advanced’, which makes slightly more extensive changes but produces a lot of errors; or ‘Fluency’, which does the same with fewer (but still some) errors.

None of these modes were very effective at improving any of our three texts. ‘Fluency’ mode was at least able to resolve some grammatical errors, but its changes tended to make all of the texts less, not more, readable.

The interface of the site was very poor. Besides inserting errors into your text, the page is full of flashy adverts and often freezes, forcing you to refresh the page. Itā€™s necessary to complete a captcha for each input. Changes are highlighted in the text, and youā€™re supposed to be able to click on them for alternative synonyms, but this feature often breaks too.

Try Pre Post SEOā€™s paraphrasing tool


  • $19 per month
  • No worthwhile improvements over free version
  • Creates lots of errors
  • Poor interface

The premium version of Pre Post SEO claims to feature a higher word limit of 2,500 words, but we found that we could already input more words than that in the free version. Testing suggests that different word limits apply to different modes, but this is not clearly explained, making it confusing.

The other main points are the removal of adverts and captchas and the addition of a ‘Creative’ paraphrasing mode. We found that this mode produced very similar results to ‘Fluency’ mode and certainly wasnā€™t a feature worth paying $19 a month for. We donā€™t recommend paying for this tool.

Despite coming up frequently in the search results for paraphrasing tools, Grammarly doesnā€™t have a dedicated paraphrasing tool. Rather, one of the perks of a Premium membership is that it will sometimes suggest rewording phrases or sentences for clarity purposes. But thereā€™s no way to paraphrase a specific sentence on demand.

If you have a Grammarly Premium membership, you can make use of this feature. But the lack of a standalone paraphrasing tool excluded Grammarly from our analysis and makes it an inappropriate choice if youā€™re looking for a paraphraser specifically.

Try Grammarly

To compare the capabilities of the different paraphrasing tools, we tested them all using the same texts and applying the same criteria to assess the output.

Testing texts

Three short testing texts were used to test the toolsā€™ ability to deal with different kinds of writing. The three texts all expressed the same information in different ways to explore three different problems: long-windedness, grammatical incoherence, and disjointedness.

The first text states the information in a very long-winded way, using a lot of inflated language and needlessly repeating itself. We wanted to test whether the tools could paraphrase this text into something more concise while retaining the essential information.

Due to the fact that participants displayed a tendency to have a negative reaction to the intervention, we have reached the conclusion that the intervention was not a success. As a result of the fact that the intervention was less successful in comparison to comparable interventions available at the present time, we are of the opinion that more research is needed in order to ascertain whether or not the intervention has potential for wider use, due to this low success rate.

The second text communicates the information in a confusing, grammatically incorrect way that makes it quite difficult to follow. We wanted to see if the tools were able to make sense of it and express the intended meaning more coherently.

Due to participantā€™s tended to have negative reaction to the intervention. This why we conclude that they were not a success. Because similar interventions was better by comparison, this concludes that more research needs before knowing if the intervention is good for general using.

The third text conveys the information in a disjointed way, without appropriate use of transition words to make the text flow nicely and with one sentence fragment. We wanted to see if the tools could produce a more fluent, readable version.

Participants had overall negative reactions to it. We think the intervention wasnā€™t successful. There should be more research done. That way it can be seen if the intervention can be used more widely. Or if it is not appropriate.

Assessment criteria

To assess the quality of each toolā€™s output, we asked several questions:

  • Is it accurate ? Does it reflect the intended meaning of the original text, or does it add or remove content that changes the message?
  • Is it fluent ? Does it read clearly and flow smoothly, or does it seem stilted and unnatural?
  • Is it correct ? Does it eliminate grammatical errors or introduce new ones?
  • Is it significantly different ? Does it properly paraphrase by changing the sentence structure or merely swap out a few words for synonyms?

We ran all the texts through each tool repeatedly, trying out different modes if they were available and otherwise just assessing how the output varied between attempts ā€“ did it sometimes make mistakes? What was the best text it could produce?

To evaluate usability, we looked at the following factors:

  • How quick, easy, and flexible the tool was to use
  • Whether it clearly showed which parts of the text had been changed
  • Barriers such as requiring a sign-up, a word or character limit, or a limit on the number of paraphrases
  • In the case of premium versions, whether the additional features were worth the price

A grammar checker is a tool designed to automatically check your text for spelling errors, grammatical issues, punctuation mistakes , and problems with sentence structure . You can check out our analysis of the best free grammar checkers to learn more.

A paraphrasing tool edits your text more actively, changing things whether they were grammatically incorrect or not. It can paraphrase your sentences to make them more concise and readable or for other purposes. You can check out our analysis of the best free paraphrasing tools to learn more.

Some tools available online combine both functions. Others, such as QuillBot , have separate grammar checker and paraphrasing tools. Be aware of what exactly the tool youā€™re using does to avoid introducing unwanted changes.

To paraphrase effectively, donā€™t just take the original sentence and swap out some of the words for synonyms. Instead, try:

  • Reformulating the sentence (e.g., change active to passive , or start from a different point)
  • Combining information from multiple sentences into one
  • Leaving out information from the original that isnā€™t relevant to your point
  • Using synonyms where they donā€™t distort the meaning

The main point is to ensure you donā€™t just copy the structure of the original text, but instead reformulate the idea in your own words.

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If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the ā€˜Cite this Scribbr articleā€™ button to automatically add the citation to our free Reference Generator.

Driessen, K. (2024, July 10). Best Paraphrasing Tool | Free & Premium Tools Compared. Scribbr. Retrieved 26 August 2024, from

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Paraphrasing tool., writefull's paraphraser gives you alternative ways of writing something., enter a sentence or paragraph and click one of the three paraphrasing levels. here's an example ..

Minor changes to the original text.

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Paraphrasing Tool

Looking for the right words? LanguageTool's paraphraser makes them easier to find by using artificial intelligence to rephrase your sentences to be more formal, fluent, simple or concise.

Paraphrasing Tool

Frequently Asked Questions

Make your text sound professional and avoid embarrassing style, punctuation, and grammar mistakes

LanguageTool corrects spelling mistakes , but it also offers a full writing analysis of all possible texts. In addition to spelling, grammar, and word choice, language style is also corrected. Plus, it serves as a punctuation checker to ensure your writing is flawless.

LanguageTool excels at identifying and correcting punctuation errors , including commas. Its punctuation checker can differentiate between optional and required commas, ensuring your writing is polished. Plus, it can handle even the most complex sentence structures with its advanced comma check.

The error display and suggestion cards are shown automatically and directly while typing. This means that texts can be checked and corrected in just a few moments. To see synonyms, simply double-click on any word.

LanguageTool masters more than 30 languages and dialects. Its main languages are English , Spanish , German , French , Dutch , and Portuguese . In its English version, you can choose between six standard varieties (US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa).

LanguageTool is available in two versions. The free version corrects spelling as well as simple punctuation and some style mistakes. Only the Premium version will show you all errors and give you the best possible text. Team accounts for companies are also available.

LanguageTool is not bound to a specific program or website. There are several extensions and add-ons available, so it can be used in all common internet browsers. In addition, you can find a dedicated text editor as an app for iOS, macOS (Apple), and Windows. All you need is just one user account.

LanguageTool now offers an A.I.-based paraphraser in addition to correction. This can help you to rewrite entire sentences to make them simpler, shorter, or more formal.

If you have to write a term paper, bachelor thesis or master thesis at a university, LanguageTool can help you to be sure that it is free of errors. The writing assistantā€™s style check is also particularly helpful for other academic texts in schools or at publishing houses. By the way, students get a discount for LanguageTool.

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Whether weā€™re proofreading and editing , checking for plagiarism or AI content , generating citations, or writing useful Knowledge Base articles , our aim is to support students on their journey to become better academic writers.

We believe that every student should have the right tools for academic success. Free tools like a paraphrasing tool , grammar checker, summarizer and anĀ  AI Proofreader . We pave the way to your academic degree.

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Scribbr specializes in editing study-related documents . We proofread:

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Scribbr’s Plagiarism Checker is powered by elements of Turnitin’s Similarity Checker , namely the plagiarism detection software and the Internet Archive and Premium Scholarly Publications content databases .

The add-on AI detector is powered by Scribbrā€™s proprietary software.

The Scribbr Citation Generator is developed using the open-source Citation Style Language (CSL) project and Frank Bennett’s citeproc-js . Itā€™s the same technology used by dozens of other popular citation tools, including Mendeley and Zotero.

You can find all the citation styles and locales used in the Scribbr Citation Generator in our publicly accessible repository on Github .

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  • Paraphrasing Tool

Our paraphrasing tool offers 13 pre-defined AI paraphrase modes to help students, writers, & professionals improve text vocabulary, tone, and writing style.

Editpad's online paraphraser ensures that you use the right words in your content by improving clarity and flow without changing context or meaning.

What is Paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing is expressing ideas and information in your own words and mentioning their source. ( By University of New South Wales )

Why our paraphrasing tool?

Our paraphrasing tool helps to rewrite plagiarism-free content šŸ˜Š. It can change sentence structure without changing the context of the topic.

Our rewording tool is 100% free and easy to use. Editpad AI reworder helps you reword assignments, sentences, paragraphs, and essays with one click.

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How does Paraphrase Tool work?

The paraphraser provides a simple interface.

To use paraphrase tool, follow the below steps:

Type your text or upload file

Features of Paraphrasing Tool Free

Some of the features of this rephrase tool are:

Files Uploading

You can upload a file directly from your computer in the following formats:

You can also upload a file directly from Google Drive with just a single click.

Plagiarism-Free Content

The final output from our rephrasing tool would be completely plagiarism-free.

If not sure about plagiarism in text, you can check it on the  plagiarism checker .

Download Report

Our free rephrasing tool provides an option to download the final report in Docx and Txt format.

Free and Secure

The paraphrase generator is completely free and 100% safe to use for all kinds of rewriting purposes.

Accurate and reliable rephrasing of text

Our tool rephrase text accurately and keep the same meaning and context as the original text. 

13 Different paraphrasing modes:

To provide the best results, we have developed four different modes šŸ˜ Smooth : It paraphrases text that flows well, is grammatically correct, and is easy to read. This type of paraphrasing is often used in academic or professional writing.  Best for students to make assignments and presentations.

šŸ˜‰ Reworder : This mode works as a rewording tool that can help you reword your text or words with their best synonyms that are new, trendy, and engaging.

šŸ¤   Formal : Formal paraphrasing is complex and time-consuming because it requires a deep understanding of the original text, so we have developed a separate mode for it.

šŸ˜ƒ Fluency : It can be used to build a strong connection between sentences to improve the readability and clarity of the text.

šŸ¤© Creative : Creative is another unique mode used to diversify the content structure to make it appear more creative.

šŸ˜Ž Smart : This mode is highly accurate and reliable. It allows users to fine-tune the output. It rewrites text using advanced algorithms and natural language processing techniques.

šŸ§ Improver : This mode will paraphrase and improve your content. Removes grammar mistakes, changes sentence structure and good word choice for better readability. Best for teachers to create study notes.

šŸ‘Ø‍šŸŽ“ Academic : This mode is specially built for students to rephrase their assignments in an academic tone.

šŸ“ Shorten : It is designed to provide a brief statement of the main points of your text concisely to convey the message in a short and summarized way.

šŸ™ƒ Randomizer : In this mode, you can rephrase your text with different passages with the same meaning multiple times.

Easy-to-use interface

With our super easy-to-use interface, you can reword content within seconds. 

Uses of Online Paraphrasing Tool

Paraphrasing content manually is not an easy task. It takes both time and effort to do this. Therefore, using the paraphrase online tool can save a lot of time and effort.

Other uses are:

  • It helps students to submit plagiarism-free assignments and academic work
  • Quickly paraphrase the content
  • It helps to learn new sentence structures
  • It reduces the chances of plagiarism in the paraphrased content
  • 100% free paraphrasing tool

Who uses Paraphrasing Tool?

This sentence rephraser is not the requirement of every writer but it is widely used by:

It is hard to come up with engaging content. This rewording tool helps to write articles on the same topic in unique ways. 

Editpad Online Paraphrase tool helps bloggers to rephrase text in a way that is more easily readable by a general audience.

Freelance Writers

Freelance writers have to write high-quality and original content now and then. It helps them complete content tasks.  Use sentence rephraser to save time in the writing process and spend more time on other important tasks such as research, editing and proofreading.

It allows students to paraphrase essays, assignments, and lengthy writing homework. Our tool helps students to avoid plagiarism and to improve their writing skills.

Using editpad paraphrasing tool students can express their ideas in a better writing style.

Pro tip: Do not forget to check assignments and papers for plagiarism . 


Researchers need paraphrasers to prevent plagiarism in their research work and to improve readability. They can also use our tool to quickly summarize large content to identify key points. just want to summarize your text? Try our text summarizer . 


Copywriters can use our rephrase tool to refresh old content and give it a new angle. Rephraser is super helpful when you have to write bulk content under tight deadlines. Present the same information in a new and unique way.

As a webmaster, you have to always keep content quality, SEO quality, and usability at best. And we are here for you to help.

  • Quality content : With a paraphrasing tool, webmasters can ensure that the content on their website is unique and free of plagiarism.
  • SEO : To optimize the website for different keywords, you can paraphrase online same text multiple times. 
  • User-friendly content : Make your content more readable and easily understandable for website users by rephrasing it. Our tool not only improves the content quality but also removes basic grammar errors. You can use Editpad's grammar checker tool to correct all grammatical mistakes.  

Digital Marketers  

Create your next best-quality Social Media Posts using our paraphraser. Digital marketers can generate different ideas for Email Campaigns and advertisements. 

Which is the most effective paraphrasing tool?

Rephrasing tool by Editpad is the most effective paraphrasing tool. It provides four different modes as per your need. Advanced algorithms, lightning-fast speed, and state-of-art technology make our tool the best of all. 

Is using a paraphrasing tool illegal?

Using a paraphrasing tool is not illegal. The outputs are unique and they are not an exact replication of the original content.

Can I use paraphrasing tool for legal writing?

Yes, you can use a paraphrasing tool for legal writing. However, if you want to quote someone or use someone else’s words, you have to give the proper citation.   

Does paraphrasing tool count as plagiarism?

No, using a paraphrasing tool does not count as committing plagiarism. Plagiarism means copying content directly whereas using a paraphrasing tool involves changing the wording.  

Other Tools

  • Plagiarism Checker
  • Reverse Text - Backwards Text Generator
  • Small Text Generator - Small Caps / Tiny Text
  • Upside Down Text Generator
  • Words to Pages
  • Case Converter
  • Online rich-text editor
  • Grammar Checker
  • Article Rewriter
  • Invisible Character
  • Readability Checker
  • Diff Checker
  • Text Similarity Checker
  • Extract Text From Image
  • Text Summarizer
  • Emoji Translator
  • Weird Text Generator
  • Stylish Text Generator
  • Glitch Text Generator
  • Cursive Font Generator
  • Gothic Text Generator
  • Discord Font Generator
  • Aesthetic Text Generator
  • Cool Text Generator
  • Wingdings Translator
  • Old English Translator
  • Online HTML Editor
  • Cursed Text Generator
  • Bubble Text Generator
  • Strikethrough Text Generator
  • Zalgo Text Generator
  • Big Text Generator - Generate Large Text
  • Old Norse Translator
  • Fancy Font Generator
  • Cool Font Generator
  • Fortnite Font Generator
  • Fancy Text Generator
  • Word Counter
  • Character Counter
  • Punctuation checker
  • Text Repeater
  • Vaporwave Text Generator
  • Citation Generator
  • Title Generator
  • Text To Handwriting
  • Alphabetizer
  • Conclusion Generator
  • Abstract Generator
  • List Randomizer
  • Sentence Counter
  • Speech to text
  • Check Mark Symbol
  • Bionic Reading Tool
  • Fake Address Generator
  • JPG To Word
  • Random Choice Generator
  • Thesis Statement Generator
  • AI Content Detector
  • Podcast Script Generator
  • Poem Generator
  • Story Generator
  • Slogan Generator
  • Business Idea Generator
  • Cover Letter Generator
  • Blurb Generator
  • Blog Outline Generator
  • Blog Idea Generator
  • Essay Writer
  • AI Email Writer
  • Binary Translator
  • Paragraph Generator
  • Book Title generator
  • Research Title Generator
  • Business Name Generator
  • AI Answer Generator
  • FAQ Generator
  • Active Passive Voice Converter
  • Sentence Expander
  • White Space Remover
  • Remove Line Breaks
  • Product Description Generator
  • Meta Description Generator
  • Acronym Generator
  • AI Sentence Generator
  • Review Generator
  • Humanize AI Text
  • AI Translator
  • Excel Formula Generator
  • AI Prompt Generator
  • Sentence Rewriter
  • QR Code Generator
  • QR Code Scanner
  • Paragraph Rewriter

Supported Languages


  • Refund Policy

Edit Pad - Free Online Text Editor

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Advanced Paraphrase

Paraphrased text


Paraphrasing Tool

This is a free AI-powered rewrite tool that offers you rephrasing of your articles, sentences, essays, stories, and other creations. Our tool finds the best options for text rewording thanks to Natural Language Processing (NLP) AI software and presents you with a variety of choices.

We are here to offer you the best free tool to enhance your writing and edit any sentence you need

Paraphrase articles, essays, add new words, and phrases to your writing to present your ideas in a novel and fresh way.

Our free AI-powered paraphrase generator works great as a sentence rephraser, word changer, and article rewriter. It doesnā€™t alter the ideas in your writing but instead adds richness and freshness.


Assignments, Essays


No signup needed


100% Free

Paraphrasing and the functions of a paraphrasing tool

So what is paraphrasing? It is the process of rewriting sentences to present your ideas in a new and clearer way.

The core functions of a paraphraser are as follows:

Rewords the text by offering synonyms

  • Keeps the initial context and provides structure
  • Makes content smoother and more consistent

Our smart free paraphrasing tool takes this process to a whole new level. We integrate innovative solutions with traditional rewording tools to get the best outcome. Our precise software will help you get improved structure and well-written content.

When using our rewrite tool, you get a high-quality and human-level result. The end product is a well-written, appealing, and intelligent piece. We want to help you improve your style and get your ideas across with the best sentence rewriter.

Our interactive tool helps you decide which version you want to use. Select the variant you are most comfortable with to ensure natural and comprehensive results.


Differences between a Paraphrasing Tool and a Paraphrasing Bot



Offer AI-powered rephrasing solutions to provide clarity and consistency

Offer basic algorithm word changes to gain profit

Produce sensible, unique work

Offer synonyms and changes without adjusting to the context

Machine learning NLP algorithms

Basic algorithms

Students, professionals, researchers, poets, and storytellers

High-quality rephrasing and rewording

Elementary vocabulary changes

When using our exceptional tool, you get the following advantages, which we like to call the 4Cs:

Your work stays clear and easily readable.

We offer human-level rephrasing.

The original idea of your work is well kept, and the new version fully conveys the original message.


Our tool stays consistent throughout long texts and offers only top-notch changes.

On the other hand, paraphrase bots do not provide any of the above-mentioned points. They are built in a simple way and just offer synonyms, turning your work into an unreadable collection of words.

.css-we6q5k{margin:0;-webkit-flex-shrink:0;-ms-flex-negative:0;flex-shrink:0;border-width:0;border-style:solid;border-color:#DEE1E3;border-bottom-width:0;height:100%;border-right-width:thin;} Technology used for our Paraphrasing Tool

We have incorporated the best practices in machine learning to present you with high-quality sentence rewriting options. Our software works wonders and is the best free tool available on the market.

The NLP technique behind the tool helps you create smart copies of your articles that present your ideas even better. This technique makes your content smooth and easily readable.

The paraphrasing tool enhances your writing style and enriches your vocabulary. The best tool for academic writing, professional research, and creative pieces is the AI-powered paraphraser.

Features of our Paraphrasing Tool


AI-powered technology

Due to a highly developed machine learning algorithm, the tool features high-quality options for rewording.


Fast & free paraphrasing service

The free interactive tool is fast and to the point. It does an amazing job as a paraphraser of words, sentences, and paragraphs.


Clear paraphrasing of your ideas

Many online sentence rewriters lose the meaning of the original text when they rewrite it, but our AI-powered tool keeps all of your original ideas.


Unique Text

Our tool offers 100% unique, plagiarism-free text, so you donā€™t have to worry about the originality of your article being compromised.


Structured Content

With the help of our free tool to rewrite paragraphs, you can be sure that you have paraphrased text in the right way and kept the correct structure for your text.


Rephrasing poems & stories

We understand the importance and difficulty of paraphrasing poems and stories, and thatā€™s why our rephrasing tool is built with proper algorithms to yield high-quality results.

Users of our Paraphrasing Tool

There are numerous ways to make the most of the tool, and we leave it to you to decide. We just want you to know that we are here for you for any of your project alterations and rephrasings. Commonly, our paraphrasing tool is used by the following personas:

If you are a student looking for a fast and easy rephrasing tool that will help you get a better grade on your assignment, weā€™ve got your back./nOur free paraphrase generator gives you ideas for your assignments that are free of plagiarism and can help you improve your style.


Our rephrasing tool is here to help you get more out of your research and avoid plagiarism. Whether you are working on your PhD, thesis, or brand-new research, we will add creativity and sophisticated words to your work.

Script Writers

Unleash your creative side and write down your script ideas and the most fascinating scenarios. Let the rephrasing tool do the rest of the rewriting to help you better appeal to your audience. Choose this tool to assist you with script changes while preserving the context of your work.

Poets and storytellers

Let inspiration guide you to write down stories and poems that come from your heart and soul. In turn, our paraphrase generator will create all the necessary paraphrases to construct your writing in the necessary tone and style. Make your poems and stories stand out with words that will hook your reader.

Content writers and copywriters

If you need to summarize your copywriting, look no further, because our tool will do the job for you. Using our easy-to-use paraphrase generator, weā€™ll keep the meaning of the original content but give you a newer version.

Produce your best-performing blog content every time with the help of our free tool. We will help you create unique content every time and keep your readers interested.

Digital Marketers

If you have a task to write ad copy or SEO-related blog posts, we will help you write the best-performing content for your readers.

Why is the best tool?

We are pleased to offer you the best AI-powered solutions to level up your writing. The rich vocabulary of the paraphrase generator will give your great work an extra kick. Here are the reasons that we consider ourselves the best tool out there:

A great user interface

Human-level and professional rephrasing

Machine learning technology

Free access

Adjusted wording without meaning loss

Explore our suite of AI writing tools for grammar checking, summarzing and much more!

How does this tool impact the academic writing skills of students.

Our tool for paraphrasing uses machine learning algorithms to give you a better and wider range of words. While using our tool, students not only learn new words but also see the correct way to use them in text. Using our tool results in better quality text, new words learned, and improved clarity.

Does this tool help in developing the quality of the essay?

Definitely, yes! If you are stuck in a place where you donā€™t have any ideas on how to proceed with your essay, the tool will come in handy. We will supply you with newer phrases and elevated ideas for you to use.

Is using a paraphrasing tool considered plagiarism?

No. As mentioned, the tool provides plagiarism-free content while keeping the original meaning of your work. Each rephrasing is unique and unlike any other piece paraphrased on our website.

Is using a paraphrasing tool cheating?

If you are paraphrasing your own ideas or looking for inspiration, it is not cheating. When paraphrasing, you are not stealing any ideas; you are just researching other options for presenting your ideas.

Can teachers tell if you used a paraphrasing tool?

The tool uses special algorithms to paraphre your work with human-like options. Therefore, it is nearly impossible to tell whether you have used a paraphrase tool.

Which paraphrasing tool is best for academic writing?

The tool is structured to help you get new ideas and freshen up your academic work. The paraphraser identifies the subject you are writing about and, with special algorithms, offers you words and phrases relating to your topic.

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Paraphrase Online

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Paraphrase online is a free online paraphrasing tool used to change words and rephrase sentences.

How to Use our Paraphrasing Tool?

It is very easy to paraphrase online with our paraphrasing tool. To rephrase, follow the steps below.

  • Type/paste the text into the input box or upload a file (.doc, .docx, .pdf, .txt) from local storage.
  • Select the required paraphrasing mode and click on the "Paraphrase" button.
  • The paraphrased text will be displayed on the right box. You can also change the modes for different outputs.
  • You can also copy and download the paraphrased text by clicking on the output buttons.

Free Paraphrasing Tool

Our paraphrasing tool (paraphraser) helps students, writers, and bloggers to avoid plagiarism. This rewording tool uses advanced AI algorithms to change sentence structure, synonymize the text and make other similar changes. 

This word changer has a built-in paraphrase generator that helps in rephrasing any paragraph accurately.

What is Paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing is one way to use a text in your own writing without directly quoting source material ( according to Purdue University ). It is the process of rewording and rearranging sentence structure while keeping the original meaning of the context.

Features of Paraphrase Online

Paraphrase Online offers numerous features such as paraphrasing essays, assignments, and rewording articles. Our paraphrase tool works as the best sentence rephraser and word changer.

Upload Files

You can use this feature to upload files directly from your device and skip the copy-paste or typing step. Our tool supports Doc, Docx, PDF & .txt file formats.

Free and Secure

Our word paraphraser is 100% free and completely secure to use for all kinds of rephrasing paragraphs and sentences to avoid plagiarism.

Rephrase Accurately

Our rephrase tool is based on advanced AI algorithms that can rephrase more accurately than humans and makes text grammatically correct and plagiarism free.

Ease to use

Paraphrase Online has a user-friendly interface and simple navigation that makes our paraphrase generator the most easy to use paraphrasing tool online.

Plagiarism Free Content

Content paraphrased by our sentence rephraser will be 100% plagiarism-free. Our paraphrasing tool helps you rephrase any text in seconds to avoid plagiarism issues.

Speed & Customization

Our paraphraser can rephrase any text within seconds and provides quick results. Paraphrase Online also allows you to customize the output to suit your needs, e.g: choosing the specific words to be replaced.

05 Different Paraphrasing Modes

Our paraphrasing tool offers five different paraphrasing modes/styles that you can choose from as per your need and requirement. Here is a brief profile of each mode:

Word Changer

The Word Changer mode is designed to replace the words in the text with suitable synonyms. This mode focuses on changing words and does not make other types of alterations.

Sentence Rephraser

The Sentence Rephraser mode is made to rephrase sentences as a whole by making changes to the words as well as the phrases.

The Academic mode of our paraphrasing tool makes your text more formal and suitable for academic uses.

The Creative mode makes smart and extensive changes to the text to make it look different from the original version. This mode is best for avoiding plagiarism, improving readability, and enhancing engagement.

The Shorten mode rephrases text while also making it shorter than the original input. This mode is best for creating a paraphrased + summarized output for your existing text.

Why Our Paraphrase Tool?

Our paraphrase tool is the best rewording tool that helps you to write content in your own words. This paraphrase generator changes words and phrases quickly and accurately.

Supported Languages

ES , ID , BR

šŸŒŖļø Quickly ParaphraseSentences & Paragraphs
šŸ„‡ Paraphrasing Styles05 AI Modes
šŸ“ ImprovesWriting style, Word choice & Vocabulary
šŸ˜ Write UniqueAssignments & Essays
šŸ’° Pricing100% Free

Users of Paraphrase Online

This paraphraser is widely used by:

Students can use this paraphrasing tool to paraphrase their assignments and research papers. Our tool can help students:

Avoid plagiarism : It helps students to make their work plagiarism-free.

Make assignments more readable : Our tool also makes content more readable and free of grammar errors. And if English is not their first language then this tool is no less than a best friend.

  • Save time : Generate assignments and essays by quickly paraphrasing the existing content.

Creating class notes and study material on the same topic is a very tough task for teachers. Hey teachers! You can thank us for this awesome rewording tool. You can:

  • Paraphrase any notes within seconds while keeping its original meaning;
  • Make study notes easy to understand for your class students; 
  • Generate new assignment ideas by rephrasing the same topics.


Bloggers have to post on a regular basis, and mostly on similar topics. They can create unique content for their blogs without spending a lot of time by just rewording existing blogs.

SEO Specialists

SEO specialists can use our AI-based paraphrasing tool to create unique content for their websites. SEO experts must use our tool because:

  • The final result of our tool is also optimized for search engines; 
  • It adjusts multiple keywords by rephrasing text

Content Writers

Content writers play the most creative part in a website. Our rephrase tool helps them to come up with new ideas using existing content. Content writers can also use our paraphrase tool to rephrase their write-ups to avoid plagiarism.


Make your next advertising campaign line catchy and engaging using our paraphrasing tool. Create messages that will sell products, services, or ideas. Paraphrase Online makes your writing visually appealing and effective.

Media Marketers

Best marketing lines matter in digital marketing. Our paraphrase tool provides different versions of the same lines that can be used for A/B testing. Even a simple choice of different words can generate more leads.


Researchers can use our shorten mode to summarize and paraphrase their research papers. It makes it easy for them to change their literature reviews.

Business Professionals

Rewording emails, reports, or other business documents is very common for business professionals. Our reword tool could be very helpful in rewording texts for better clarity.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is using an online paraphrasing tool illegal.

No, using an online paraphrasing tool is not illegal. If you want to paraphrase someone else’s content, be sure to cite the source to avoid plagiarism.

Why is paraphrasing important?

Paraphrasing is important as it lets you avoid plagiarism and make your content more easily understandable. Paraphrasing is often done to improve clarity in a piece of text.

Which paraphrasing tool is best for university students?

The paraphrasing tool by Paraphrase Online is an excellent choice for university students. It is free and provides accurate results.

How can I use paraphrase tool for research paper?

You can easily use our paraphrase tool for improving the quality of your research papers and for getting new/better ideas for them. Using Paraphrase Online is easy and simple. You just have to enter your text, choose a mode, and then click on the button.

What are the benefits of paraphrasing in communication?

Paraphrasing can help make communication easier and more clear. You can paraphrase your mails and messages to make them more readable, natural, and better-flowing.

Paraphrasing in communication examples:

  • You can paraphrase your work emails to make sure that the recipient easily understands them.
  • You can paraphrase your letters and memos to make them clear and understandable for the office people.
  • You can also paraphrase simple text messages to avoid having to repeat or explain yourself afterward.

academic paraphrasing tool english



    academic paraphrasing tool english

  2. Academic Writing. Paraphrasing anā€¦: English ESL powerpoints

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  3. SciSpace Paraphrasing Tool: Better academic writing made easy

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  4. paraphrasing tool in easy english

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  5. How to Paraphrase like a Straight A Student

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  6. The Best Paraphrasing Tool

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  1. Paraphrasing Tool

    Ref-n-write is the best academic paraphrasing tool available. It is a Microsoft Word add-in that is compatible with both Windows and Mac computers. If you are a scholar, student, researcher, author, or you have a job that requires a lot of writing, Ref-n-write is the best for you. Ref-n-write provides a 15-day free trial period before charging ...

  2. Paraphrasing Tool

    English proofreading Spanish, French, or German About our services ... Paraphrasing is an essential skill in academic writing and professional communication. ... In addition to our paraphrasing tool, which will help you rephrase sentences, quotations, or paragraphs correctly, you can also use our anti-plagiarism software to make sure your ...

  3. AI Paraphrasing Tool for Academics

    Citation generator. Effortlessly create in-text citations and bibliographies in APA and 2,500 other formats. Open. Write in more tones and languages than Quillbot Paraphraser, and humanize your text with our AI detector. Make your academic writing more clear and original with SciSpace.

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  5. Academic Paraphrasing Tool

    Academic paraphrasing tool helps you rephrase the academic text, sentences, and paragraphs. Our Free AI paraphraser enhances the language clarity, ensures proper vocabulary, style, and tone. AI paraphrasing tool designed for researchers and academics. Enhance your writing with our online academic paraphraser. Trusted by top publisher's academic writers more than 130 countries.

  6. Paraphrasing Tool

    Paraphrasing is an essential skill in academic writing and professional communication. Why use this paraphrasing tool? Save time: Gone are the days when you had to reword sentences yourself; now you can rewrite an individual sentence or a complete text with one click.

  7. The best AI tools for academic paraphrasing: tested and ranked

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  8. SciSpace Paraphrasing Tool: Better academic writing made easy

    SciSpace's Paraphraser has an in-built AI detector that is tailor-made for scientific documents as well. It generates a high-level AI report and flags all the sentences it deems AI-generated. Currently, it only works for paraphrased output in English. You can use that report to humanize the text using our suggestions, or if you want, write ...

  9. Explore the AI-powered paraphrasing tool by DeepL

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  20. Paraphrasing Tool

    Paraphrasing Tool by Editpad is a free AI paraphraser online that helps you rephrase sentences, paragraphs, and essays with over 13 paraphrase modes. ... English. Rephrase . Words: 0. Copy. ... is grammatically correct, and is easy to read. This type of paraphrasing is often used in academic or professional writing. Best for students to make ...

  21. Paraphrasing Tool

    Paraphrasing Tool. This is a free AI-powered rewrite tool that offers you rephrasing of your articles, sentences, essays, stories, and other creations. Our tool finds the best options for text rewording thanks to Natural Language Processing (NLP) AI software and presents you with a variety of choices. We are here to offer you the best free tool ...

  22. Free AI Paragraph Rewriter

    Ahrefs' Paragraph Rewriter can be beneficial for content creators, editors, or writers who need to enhance or refine their written content. By inputting a paragraph into the tool, users can receive a rewritten version that offers improved clarity, structure, and overall quality. This use case can save time and effort in the manual editing ...

  23. Paraphrase Online

    Paraphrase Online is the best paraphrasing tool that helps students and writers to rephrase essays, assignments & articles. ... The Academic mode of our paraphrasing tool makes your text more formal and suitable for academic uses. ... And if English is not their first language then this tool is no less than a best friend.