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7+ Top Cover Letter Examples (2024)

January 03, 2022

CL Examples

What if I told you that you could speak directly to hiring managers, convincing them to hire you – even before they view your resume ?

Truth is, you can.

A well written cover letter helps you do just that! A cover letter explains your career narrative , essential skills you bring to the table, and why you’re a great fit for the job. It gives you one chance to communicate with hiring managers.

Give your best shot when writing it!

To guide you, here are some of our favourite cover letter examples. They are actual cover letters from our past clients who have landed interviews at some of the most selective firms. Think Dymon, AirBnB, and even Facebook!

You could also land a role at companies like these!

Follow our examples below. Dive deep into how to write cover letter with our Ultimate Cover Letter Guide . Or engage our writing consultants to craft an extremely personalised cover letter in your voice.

CL Sample Download Form – Blog Article

Cover Letters are extremely personal, and differ across every industry. We have an assortment of  covering various industry sectors. You can download and use these for free. Check them out!

List of Cover Letter Samples:

  • SMB Marketing Manager (Facebook Cover Letter)
  • Health and Safety Security Manager (Airbnb Cover Letter)

Sales Director Cover Letter Sample

  • Regulatory Risk and Compliance

Finance Manager Cover Letter Sample

  • Returning Mother To The Workforce

Investment Manager

Smb marketing manager.

This was a letter written by our team for a client who landed an interview with Facebook’s Small & Medium Business (SMB) Marketing team. It’s got the right amount of humour and professionalism for Facebook’s culture. It’s definitely one of our favourite letters written to date.

Dear Mr. Hans,

I’m thrilled to be applying for the role of SMB Marketing Manager. With 4 years of marketing experience across Hong Kong and Indonesia, both as at an SMB (ad buyer) and agency (ad seller), I’ve come to understand both buyers and sellers of Facebook Ads.

  • For the last 2 years, I’ve been head of digital marketing for a small handmade jewellery e-commerce store based in Hong Kong. Our craftsmen in Bali made the most beautiful bespoke bracelets and necklaces. Everyone who saw our designs loved them. There was just one problem – we needed more customers.With a tiny marketing budget of just 2’000 USD a month, we invested all our resources into the Facebook Ad platform. I’d glad to report that it paid off handsomely. The ability to zero in on our target customer (through the demographics tool) and test different marketing campaigns to see which one resonated the most (A/B testing tool) allowed us to gain a massive ROI on our shoestring budget. Our revenues are now over 10 times larger thanks for the clients we’ve acquired on Facebook.
  • Prior to the sparkling jewellery stint, I spent 3 years at Grey Advertising’s digital arm based in Jakarta. Here, I supported 15 different accounts across 6 industries, being responsible for all their online marketing spend. We were on every platform – Adwords, Facebook, Yahoo Ads, Twitter etc. While each platform had it strengths, I personally found Facebook to be most effective at driving sales conversions, which is the only metric that mattered to our customers.Working at such a large agency, I learnt so much about the scientific approach to advertising. Every decision we made was driven by data. It fundamentally changed my approach to advertising when I later ran marketing for the jewellery SMB.

Having been on both sides of the table – running ads for an SMB and selling ads to large companies, I’ve developed an insider’s understanding of both parties. I’ve understood what key factors drive their decision making.

Facebook’s mission is to connect the world. Most assume it means connecting friends, but to me, Facebook is the best way for brands to connect with their audiences. And this applies to brands of all sizes, from large Fortune 500 companies to tiny startups. Facebook has democratized advertising. Every company with any advertising budget can now compete.

I’ve spent hours looking at videos on your website and reading employee reviews on Glassdoor. Everything I read about your company matches my own personal values. Facebook feels like the home I’ve been looking for. I think we’ll be great together.

So, shall we add each other on Facebook?

Sincerely, Mike Hartono

Health and Safety, Security (HSSE) Cover Letter

This cover letter was written for a client who was interested at a role at Airbnb. Tech companies are often the most selective amongst employers hence the need for creative cover letters like these.

Security Role

Dear Mr. Royston,

I’m really excited to be applying for the Regional Safety & Security Officer position. With my prior work stints within the hospitality (Fullterton Hotel) and design (IKEA) industries, I feel I’ve garnered a good mix of experiences to make a great addition to the Airbnb Team.

Here are my top 5 reasons why I think I’d be the perfect next hire for your team:

  • #1 – A mission that resonates: While I’m happily employed as a Safety and Security manager for IKEA, seeing the job post for Airbnb stopped me in my tracks. It’s so exciting seeing what Airbnb is doing for the sharing economy – giving travelers a chance to live in real homes as opposed to sterile hotel rooms. It’s a mission I really want to be a part of.
  • #2 – Regional experience: Over the past 3 years, I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to craft safety policies for IKEA’s regional stores in Thailand, Hong Kong & Malaysia. It was a phenomenal learning experience, tailoring our safety protocols around the nuances of each local market. It required plenty of research and a deep empathy for differing cultures. It’s a skill set I’m eager to hone further in Airbnb’s regional role.
  • #3 – Strong safety record: While I’m not one to boast, I have had a perfect safety track record with no security infringements for the last few years. This includes leading IKEA Hong Kong to comply with all audit requirements in 2015, their first successful compliance in 7 years.
  • #4 – Crisis trained: As a former member of the elite Special Duties Unit (Hong Kong’s SWAT Team), I’m well trained in hostage incidents, bomb threats and close quarter battles. While I’ve never had to call upon these skills since I’ve left the police force, it does bring my colleagues comfort knowing I’m trained to remain calm in tense situations. (My firearm training also makes me a good candidate to have around in a zombie apocalypse)
  • #5 – Creative industry experience: The past 3 years at IKEA have thought me so much about being creative. It’s difficult to summarise in a paragraph, but there is a distinct difference in a creative organisation’s culture. It’s opened my eyes to thinking more empathetically and always placing the user first. Skills which I believe will be useful at Airbnb given that both of your firm’s founders are design trained.

Funnily, I’ve noticed plenty of Airbnb homes use furniture from my current employer, IKEA. It always puts a smile on my face when I recognise a particular desk of drawers in a picture on an Airbnb listing.

With my wide range of experiences and strong safety track record, I’m sure I can keep a tight ship running at Airbnb. I’ve spent hours reading employee reviews online and on your website. Airbnb really feels like a great place to work. It’s a place I want to work.

I’m looking forward to hearing more about how we can work together to make Airbnb more awesome!

Best regards, Kelvin

Regulatory Risk & Compliance Cover Letter

This was a letter written by Linda Xie when she was applying to a role at Coinbase, a leading Bitcoin startup. Despite the role being way out of her league, Linda managed to snag a job offer which led to 2 happy years at one of Silicon Valley’s fastest growing unicorns.

Regulatory Risk & Compliance

Dear Ms Niejadlik

I am currently an Analyst at AIG in New York where I have worked in the risk management department since 2012. While I have not actively been seeking new employment, I cannot pass up the opportunity to apply for the Regulatory Compliance Analyst position at Coinbase. I am extremely optimistic about the future of Bitcoin and I see Coinbase as playing a central role in it’s widespread adoption. The recent Mt. Gox bankruptcy filing not only made me realise that my background in risk and regulatory compliance is highly relevant to Bitcoin markets as they become more mainstream, but motivated me to look into opportunities at Coinbase. I am eager to switch industries and join Coinbase for a few reasons:

  • I philosophically support Bitcoin as a decentralised, alternative currency and have been closely following cryptocurrencies since 2011
  • Coinbase provides the single most convenient method for Bitcoin adoption
  • The Coinbase operation is run by highly experienced people who are experts in their respective fields.

I support one Managing Director and three Directors at AIG with risk analytics and presentations. As a result, I am highly proficient with Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, Word and Matlab. I have also worked closely with AIG’s internal databases as well as Microsoft Access. With only two years at AIG, my work representing our $400 billion portfolio are trusted to be sent directly to AIG’s senior management. I hope you agree that my background is a strong match with the Regulatory Compliance Analyst Position and I welcome the opportunity to discuss my qualifications in more detail. Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely, Linda Xie

For personnel in sales, it’s all about the sales targets you’ve hit. Be sure to emphasise that repeatedly and quantify it with clear, substantiated numbers. Here’s a sample I’ve written for an imaginary client.

Dear Mr. XXX,

Re: Application for Position of XXXXX

My name is Joseph Tan and I’m a veteran sales director within the IT industry. Over the past 15 years, I’ve consistently exceeded my sales targets at bluechip firms such as HP, Microsoft and most recently, Salesforce.

As a senior sales director, my role is more strategic in nature. I focus on identifying macro trends within the software industry, identifying key customer pain points, our unique product selling points and generating suitable marketing materials and sales scripts to empower my sales teams.

Besides empowering my staff, I’ve also honed my skills in hiring the right talents to build high performance sales teams. My years of hiring have enabled me to create unique rubrics for identifying talent which are a right fit for the organisation. Due to the high paced nature of the IT industry, I value quick learners who can adapt to ever shortening product cycles.

Here is a brief history of my work experiences:

  • In my current role as APAC Director with Salesforce, I’m charge of growing our CRM solution sales for Medium and Large clients within the retail space, across APAC. Over the past 3 years, my team and I have increased our revenues from this segment by 400%. We’ve captured a monthly recurring revenue of over 40 million USD thereby cementing our position as the market leader.
  • In my previous role as Regional Director (MS Dynamics) for Microsoft, I once again specialised in leading teams to penetrate the CRM market focusing on Enterprise clients within South East Asia. After building a team of 20 from scratch, we exceeded our sales targets by 140% consecutively for 7 quarters.

I’m deeply passionate about the IT segment in Asia and believe the wave is just starting. I bring years of experience, honed from best practices at the of biggest tech companies in the region.

Attached is my resume with several customer referees. These are all excellent executives who I’ve had the pleasure of working with. Do feel free to contact them.

I’ve spent some time studying your market segment and your positioning. I see two untapped opportunities currently not being exploited by your firm. Firstly, around inbound content marketing. By crafting solution case studies and posting it online, we can foster more user trust and generate inbound leads from prospects searching online. The second area of opportunity lies in strategically placing advertising in business trade journals. I’ve previously achieved excellent ROI by using this method to penetrate new markets including Indonesia and Thailand, where our products had no brand awareness. I have detailed execution roadmaps which we can discuss in person should you select me for this interview.

I look forward for an opportunity to meet and discuss further. Thank you for your time in considering my application.

Yours faithfully, Joseph Tan

Finance Manager Cover Letter Sample (For Mothers Returning To The Workforce)

If you’re a mother returning to the workforce , a cover letter will make a huge difference in assisting you to secure an interview. Employers have consistently found that mothers make better employees. Be proud of the family you’ve started and use it to your advantage.

I’m writing to apply to the Finance Manager position open at your firm. With over 8 years of experience both as finance manager at GE Capital and an auditor at KPMG, I’m confident of excelling at the role open at your organisation.

Having come from an audit background, I posses a unique ability in seeing both sides of the (accounting) table. This enables me to better spot control weaknesses, implement new best practices and install processes for continued smooth operations.

  • In my last role as Finance Manager with GE Capital, I oversaw accounts for the leading commercial loans, leases and middle market finance solutions provider. Along with a team of 4, we managed over 2 billion USD in accounts. A key facet of my job was ensuring all reporting were as per US GAAP and SOX 404 requirements.
  • In my previous role as Senior Auditor for KPMG, I worked with a broad range of clients in the finance industry. Here, I analysed accounts, identified regulatory violations and worked with client management teams to devise strategies to ensure compliance moving forward.

Since 2012, I’ve been on sabbatical attending to my newly born twins. I felt it was necessary to be there for them during their formative years. Now that they’re all grown up, I feel rejuvenated and eager to re-enter the job market. I’m aware that I’ve been away for a long period of time, hence my desire to enter at a more junior role, to ease myself back into the workforce. Rest assured, I’m not looking for an easy ride, I’m keen to maximise my talents and apply myself fully at your organisation.

Yours faithfully, Diana Chan

The finance sector remains one of the highest paid, and most sought after industries to work in within Hong Kong. That means that competition is incredibly stiff. You’ll be up against some of the best.

The finance industry is a little more upright than the tech industry. As such, your cover letter needs to come across as being more measured.

Dear Mr. Yong,

Re: Application for Position of Vice President (Investments)

It is with great enthusiasm that I submit my application for the position of Vice President of Investments at Dymon Asia. Through my 5-year career, I’ve come to specialise in mergers and acquisitions, and have led a wide range of M&A projects across multiple industries. Indeed, I’m highly familiar with the entire M&A process from pre-deal due diligence to negotiation through to post-deal operations. I’ve been able to leverage on my experience, generating close to USD500M in total revenue throughout my tenure in various MNCs and boutique funds alike, and I am confident that I will be able to continue securing and leading lucrative deals for Dymon Asia.

Presently, I am a Senior Manager of Investments with JP Morgan Chase, where I am responsible for managing all financial-related matters within the Group, with an emphasis on the analysis and monitoring of our financial results. In addition, I led the development and implementation of our corporate business strategy, advising the Managing Director on long-term strategic plans for the development of the Group.

Amongst my various achievements during my tenure, I am most proud of having spearheaded negotiations for the acquisition of several key companies (which are now our subsidiaries) and securing marine asset financing worth a combined total of USD 370M amidst a regional financial downturn.

Dymon Asia is regionally known for its Asia Macro Fund, which has consistently ranked amongst the top macro funds globally. My background in finance, trading, and portfolio management, coupled with my practical experience in macroeconomic analysis and strategic development will allow me to contribute effectively to Dymon’s continued growth and performance, particularly by designing new investment strategies and generating new investment theses that will thrive amidst the rapidly changing investment climate we are facing today.

I am thrilled at the possibility of being part of such a renowned firm, and would love the opportunity to meet with you and discuss the value that I can bring to the Dymon Asia Group. I appreciate your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to contact me at any time via mobile at +852 9999 9999 or by email at [email protected].

Yours sincerely, Phil, CFA

These Cover Letters were used in actual job applications to score interviews at some of the most competitive firms.

You could learn from them while writing your own!

Download the cover letter samples that inspire you, study them, and write your best cover letter for your next job application!

If you need more cover letter writing resources:

  • Read our step-by-step guide on how to write a Cover Letter to understand the key components that make up a Cover Letter, and why you absolutely should write a Cover Letter (even if the job listing doesn’t say that it’s necessary).
  • Browse our series of Cover Letter Samples & Templates , which cover most industries and professions. If you’d like to see a Cover Letter sample for a specific industry or role that’s not listed here yet, drop us an email !
  • A Resume or CV and Cover Letter go hand-in-hand. Uncover our secrets to writing a standout resume  – these are our tricks of the trade, the actual techniques we use to train our own team of professional CV writers 😉

And finally, if you need a hand with writing your CV and Cover Letter, don’t struggle in silence!

Reach out to us for help. Our team would be happy to help you improve your CV and Cover Letter according to your own career and unique job search objectives.

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Writing & Preparation: Cover Letter

Writing & preparation: cover lett er.

Always accompany the CV with a short and well-written cover letter when making your application. It should highlight the most important parts of your CV and demonstrate your suitability for the vacancy.

Address carefully to the correct company and contact person (name and position title). If no contact person is disclosed, use: Dear Human Resources Manager.


Briefly explain why you are writing and where and when you were notified of the job advertisement: I write to apply for the position of XX advertised on YY (date) at ZZ (newspaper / website).


Explain why you are interested (or eager) to join this company and what competencies you possess that the employer should consider you. You may highlight some specific examples to support why you are suitable for the position, rather than talking about skills and qualities in isolation. Do not just repeat phrases from your CV.

Finish your letter in a polite and positive way: I hope I meet your requirements and am available for an interview at your convenience. Use 'Yours sincerely' or, if you don't know the name, 'Yours faithfully' followed by your signature to end your letter.

Tips for writing cover letter

  • Restrict to one page of A4 paper in length
  • Use a (common) font and font size that are easy to read
  • Don’t use more than 2 font types at a time
  • Add space between paragraphs
  • Allow space for signature at the bottom
  • Make sure you put the correct company name and position if you send it for different applications - of course you have to edit the contents as well
  • Use simple sentences
  • Use industry commonly used words to enhance the chance of being selected,  e.g. IT:
  • Java, programming, C++, Linux, SQL
  • system analysis / design / implementation / support
  • user-friendly system, reliability / stability
  • Proofread your application. Make sure that there is no typo or grammatical mistake.
  • Check the accuracy of your contact details


Job Hunting on the Web: Cover Letter, Resume, Interview and Job Seeking Tips

  • Online Job Databases
  • Cover Letter, Resume, Interview and Job Seeking Tips
  • Salary Indexes
  • Information on Potential Employers
  • Freewares/Sharewares
  • Aptitude Tests, Examinations, etc
  • Job Hunting Services and Resources in CUHK
  • Professional Associations

Cover Letter

  • - Cover Letters
  • CTgoodjobs - Cover Letter Templates
  • FormSwift - Cover Letter Form
  • JobStar - About Cover Letters
  • Jofibo - Cover Letter Templates
  • LiveCareer - Cover Letter Templates
  • LiveCareer - How to Show Off Your Transferable Skills in Your Cover Letter
  • LiveCareer - How to Write a Cover Letter for a Job
  • MyPerfectResume - 8 Ways to Incorporate Volunteer Work into Your Cover Letter
  • Novorésumé - How to Write a Cover Letter
  • Purdue Global - Tips on Writing a Stellar Cover Letter
  • Resume Genius - Cover Letter Examples for All Job Applications and Situations
  • Resume Genius - How to Write a Cover Letter for a Job
  • ResumeLab - Cover Letter Templates
  • Zety - How to Write a Cover Letter for a Job Application
  • ZipRecruiter - Cover Letters
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  • Best Skills for a CV (List & How to Include Them)
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  • Common Resume Mistakes to Avoid
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  • FormSwift - Resume Form
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  • Glassdoor: How to Write a Resume
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  • How to Make a Resume
  • How to Make a Resume With No Experience (Examples & Tips)
  • How to Write a CV: 10 CV Top Tips to Make a Great Resume
  • How to write a resume, Open Colleges
  • How to Write a Resume with No Experience
  • How to Write Soft Skills on Your Resume
  • Jofibo Resume templates
  • Ready-Made Resume Templates
  • Resume Builder tool by LiveCareer
  • Resume Carnival
  • Resume Example
  • Resume Format Guide, Tips, and Templates
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  • Glassdoor - The Ultimate Job Interview Preparation Guide
  • The Interview Coach
  • Job-interview Net
  • Job Interview Questions and Answers
  • MyPerfectResume - Interviews
  • SJVC’s top tips for a successful job interview
  • Ultimate How-To Guide: The Interview Process

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  • Career & Leadership
  • Classified Post - cpjobs
  • A Five-Week Guide to Getting a Job
  • Glassdoor - How to Get an Internship
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Cover Letter 1

Pauline on-ling cheung.

Room 3C, Ruby Building, Havelock Road, Singapore Dec 25, 2014

John Ma Human Resources Manager Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited P.O.Box 20151, Hennessy Road Post Office Hong Kong Dear Sir / Madam,

Application for the position of Bank Executive (Ref. no. HZ627)

I am interested in applying for the position of Bank Executive at Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited. In today’s fast-changing banking area, adaptability and a goal-oriented attitude are among the most valuable prerequisites a successful bank executive must have to survive and prosper. I have demonstrated these qualities as a Regional and Branch Manager for the American Express in Singapore and Japan.

I am an experienced financial lending professional with strong analytical and statistical skills in all areas of banking. My background includes credit analysis, commercial and construction lending, management and new business development. As Regional Manager, I have organized a new construction lending department and established a US$40 million industrial and commercial loan portfolio that achieved consistent returns . I have also assisted a major Japanese bank in opening operations in Singapore.

As I am resettling in Hong Kong, I am now actively seeking a new banking position as a Regional Manager. I have read about the innovative lending practices of your bank in Hong Kong and have been intrigued with your imaginative solutions to common lending problems.

I believe I can make a valuable contribution to the continued development of the Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited. I would very much like to meet with you to describe the work I have done in implementing new lending procedures. Please contact me by phone at (+65) 6733 6733 or by email at [email protected] at your earliest convenience. Thank you very much.

Yours faithfully, [Signature] Pauline On-Ling CHEUNG Enclosed: résumé

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Dept of Statistics & Actuarial Science, HKU

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For CV sample, please click the following link according to your major/curriculum:




CHAN Tai Man
Room 808, Kwun Lung Lau, 8 Lung Wah Street, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong
Tel: 8088 8808            E-mail: [email protected]
  • Personal Statement
University undergraduate with highly developed analytical and computer skills ready to contribute during the period of internship
  • Educational Information
  • Name of Institution
  • Period attended
  • Programme of study
  • Relevant courses taken
The University of Hong KongSep 2012 – Jun 2016
B Sc (Major: Statistics)
CGPA: 3.50 / 4.30
Relevant Courses: Survey designing, business Statistics, Data Mining, Stochastic Models, SAS programming
  • Working Experience
  • Include full-time / part-time jobs, volunteer work & internships
  • Provide information such as job title, employer and period of work
  • Summarise under each experience key responsibilities and accomplishments
  • Focus experience to the key requirements of the job applied
Financial Analyst, ABC BankJun – Aug 2015
  • Extra-Curricular Activities
  • Include any activities if they are directly related to the position
  • State position and the name of clubs/societies including period
  • State responsibilities and accomplishments
External Vice-Chairperson, Statistics Society, HKU Student UnionDec 2013-Dec 2014

  • Draw a match between skills (computer and language) and the employer’s requirements
  • List familiarity with computer systems, applications and programme
  • State degree of proficiency in speaking and writing

 B1. Cover Letter Samples

  • Actuarial Science
  • Applied Artificial Intelligence
  • Risk Management
  • Statistics/Decision Analytics

 B2. Guideline to Writing Cover Letters

Purpose of cover letter.

  • Express your interest in a position
  • Detail why you are a good match
  • Demonstrate your abilities
  • Draw reader’s attention to specific qualifications on your CV
  • Provide a sample of your written communication
  • Is a complement to CV
  • Get an interview

Cover Letter Writing Guidelines

  • About 3-4 short paragraphs
  • 1st para : explain why you are writing
  • 2nd para : why you
  • 3rd para : ask for an interview
  • Highlight qualifications / skills / competences related to the positon as shown in the job advertisement
  • Prove that you align well with the organization and that you meet the job requirements
  • Make you stand out from other applicants
  • One inch margin on all sides
  • Use single space throughout
  • Use one blank line between paragraphs
  • At the top of a letter in which one greets a person one is writing
  • Do not use “To Whom It May Concern” nor “Dear Sir / Madam”
  • Opening Paragraph
  • Grab reader’s attention
  • State the position you are applying for
  • State where you saw the job advertisement
  • Explain why are writing
As the enclosed CV attests, the Data Analyst position advertised on the JIJIS is a perfect fit with my qualifications. My experience working as a summer intern in the Research Department of L & M Ltd from June to August 2015 and my study of Statistics in HKU have prepared me for the analytical ability this job requires, making me an ideal applicant for this position.
  • Body Paragraph
  • Write 1-2 concise paragraphs, each for a distinct skill or a set of related skills or experience relevant to the job that the company will benefit from hiring you
  • Use phrases and descriptions from the job advertisement
The experience of offering high quality of analysis on big data in the Research Department of L & M as a summer intern was transferrable. It has not only given me a solid background in handling complex data, but also exposed me to making presentation to senior management. Thus, I am confident that I will contribute as a data analyst once on board.
  • Final Paragraph
  • Ask for an interview
  • Include contact information
  • Thank the reader for their time and consideration
In essence, I have good education background, sophisticated analytical and technical skills to be a data analyst at your company. Whilst I am pleased to enclose my CV, I would like to further discuss this position in person at an interview. I can be contacted at 8088 8808 or via email at [email protected]. Thank for your time and consideration.
  • The closing is the short line at the bottom telling the person that the letter is about to end
Salutations:Dear Mr Chan
Closings:Yours sincerely

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Email cover letter

We often use email as an informal means of correspondence, but when a job advertisement asks for a cover letter and resume to be forwarded via email, it’s time to ramp things up a notch.

Your cover letter email will create a hiring manager’s first impression of you, so it’s important to make it a good one.

Emails may be quick to write and easy to send but there’s a lot riding on a cover letter email. If it’s not well written or professionally presented your resume may not even be downloaded. Take a look at our top tips to create a strong first impression with an email cover letter.

1. Know what’s required

Check the job posting carefully to know whether your email cover letter and resume should be sent as an attachment or if the lot should be included in the body of the email. If only your resume is to be included as an attachment, use a clear and descriptive file name such as “Cecilia Wang Resume – Web Designer Position” so the recipient can easily identify your document.  Save attachments as a PDF file or Word document – files types that are commonly used.

2. Treat your cover letter email like a formal letter

Draft your email cover letter in much the same way as a hard copy cover letter. Maintain a professional yet warm tone, write words in full without abbreviations, and aim for no more than a single page, breaking up your letter into paragraphs rather than sending a solid chunk of text. It is physically more difficult to read online compared to hard copy so use sub-headers if necessary to break up your letter into user-friendly grabs of information.

3. Keep it simple

Fancy formatting can be lost on different systems so stick to a simple, crisp font like Arial, using a size 10 -12 font for body copy and 14 for headers. Avoid using images, tables, shading or graphics, which can easily be corrupted, to ensure a hiring manager sees your message in the way you intended.

4. Make good use of the subject line

The email subject line should include your name as well as identifying the position you are applying for. A subject line like “Andrew Tan, Junior Accountant Position” will work. Keep this line short and to the point, and if a reference number is included in the job advertisement include this in your subject line (refer to our cover letter sample email below).

5. Customise an email signature

Having an email signature in place makes it very easy for a hiring manager to find your contact details at a moment’s notice. Be sure to include your name, phone number and address in the email cover letter signature line.

6. Tailor each email cover letter to individual roles

If you’re applying for a variety of roles, fine tune your cover letter email (and resume) to reflect the requirements of each role emphasising the suitability of your skills and experience for the job in question.

7. Proof read your email cover letter

A simple typo or spelling mistake can see your job application get an instant thumbs down. Spell check your cover letter (and of course, your resume) taking particular care that you have correctly spelt the name of the company, the position and the recipient. Read the cover letter out loud as it’s easy to mentally anticipate key words even if they’re missing from the text. If in doubt, have a friend cast a second set of eyes over your email cover letter, and correct any mistakes before pressing ‘Send’.

8. Send a test message

To be completely sure your email cover letter will arrive in the layout and form intended, send a test email to yourself. It’s an easy way to be sure no formatting errors occur during transit.

Cover letter sample email

If you’re unsure about how to introduce your resume via email, take a look at our cover letter sample email below.

Subject: Internal Audit Position, Reference: IA 364

Dear Terry (or “Hiring Manager” if no name is offered in the job posting)

Re: Emma Chan, Internal Audit Assistant Position. Your reference: IA 364

I would like to apply for the role of Internal Auditor (your job reference IA 364).

I have experience in internal audit spanning three years, and combined with my knowledge of the banking industry, I believe I can make a substantial contribution to XYZ Limited.

Your company has an outstanding reputation for best practice in internal audit, and having made recommendations to streamline the audit process in my current role, I am keen to be part of your forward-thinking company.

My particular strengths include:

CA qualified Experience gained with a Big Four accounting firm Managing and developing a team of five assistant auditors Management of internal audit function during changeover to new accounting software

Please find my resume attached, which provides further detail on my background, skills and experience.

I look forward to hearing from you to discuss this opportunity further.

Yours sincerely

Tel: 9452-4217

Set up a separate email account

As a final tip, it can be a smart move to create an email address used solely for job applications. If you run with this option, select a sensible address. Email addresses such as “ [email protected] ” do little to create a professional image. 

Take a look at our cover letter guide page for more cover letter writing tips and examples.

Cover Letter Sample and writing tips for Teacher

A cover letter is often the first impression you will make on a prospective employer. Therefore, it is an opportunity for you to make yourself stand out from the other teachers applying for the position. A cover letter that demonstrates how you are uniquely suited to the position can help you get ahead of the competition.

Tailor your cover letter to align your work experience with the job requirements, irrespective of whether you are a fresh graduate or an experienced teacher, to convince the school’s hiring committee that you are the best fit for the job. Highlight your work experience and achievements that match with the job description while ensuring that you are not copying and pasting the information from your resume.

There is a constant demand for dedicated and enthusiastic teachers with a passion for teaching. If you are applying for different jobs, make sure you customise your cover letter targeting each job to appear genuinely interested in that particular job. With an intriguing introduction, focus on what skills and expertise you have to offer to school, its teaching faculty, and pupils.

▪ How To Write A Stellar Acceptance Email For A Job Offer?

▪ Reply Email Samples: 10 Scenarios You Always Encounter

Below are some tips to write an effective cover letter for a teacher: 

  • Keep your cover letter concise and highlight your teacher education and certifications. Emphasize why you are a good match for the job by matching the skills you bring to the table with the skills required in the job description. If the job description has specific language and terms, use them in your cover letter. 
  • Research the school and its culture thoroughly to be able to tailor each cover letter to match the specific school requirements for the job. Demonstrate that you possess the requisite training, education, and certification for the job, as well as any special skills mentioned in the job listing.
  • Ensure that your cover letter shows you in the best light. Include examples of your accomplishments in past jobs as a teacher and highlight your successes with students. For example, if you received a teaching award or your students earned high test scores etc.
  • Highlight some of your skills and strengths that match with the job description, such as an Engaging Personality and Teaching Style; Clear Objectives for Lessons, Effective Discipline Skills; Good Classroom Management Skills; Knowledge of Curriculum and Standards; Knowledge of Subject Matter; Passion for Children and Teaching; Strong Rapport with Students and parents etc., in addition to emphasizing on strong communication skills, organisation skills and critical thinking as well as any specific experience that will help distinguish you from other applicants.
  • If you are a new teacher with limited experience, it will be helpful to mention any relevant work experience outside the classroom including any volunteer or non-teaching work experience that involves working with children.
  • Address your cover letter to a specific person. Do your research and attempt to address the cover letter to an individual instead of “To whom it may concern”. Call the school to find out the name of the hiring manager/ Administrator/ Superintendent if it is not already listed, unless the job description specifically mentions not to call. Never use “To Whom It May Concern.” If a name is not available, use a title instead e.g., Dear Superintendent.
  • Format your cover letter correctly and always spellcheck for any typos or spelling mistakes. Keep it short and crisp, no longer than one page. Remember that you have been focusing on your teacher education and certifications in your cover letter, so back your claim with copies of any certificates you have mentioned.

In conclusion, when writing a cover letter, you should introduce yourself; mention the job you are applying for; show that your skills and experience match the job description; encourage the reader to read your resume; and finish with a call to action by asking for either an interview or a meeting.

▪ Common Errors When Writing Job Application Letters

▪ How to write a career objective in a resume?

 Sample Cover Letter 

Candidate’s Name

Phone Number:             Email id:


School Administrator’s Full name

School Name

School’s Address

Contact Number

Official Email id

RE: Position of Secondary Teacher- Mathematics at DEF International School as advertised on

Dear Mr./Ms. (School Administrator’s last name)

With B. Ed. in Mathematics, Post Graduate Diploma in Education, and 8 years of extensive experience in teaching mathematics to secondary students at ABC school, I am pleased to express my interest in the position of Secondary Teacher- Mathematics at DEF International School.

I have hands on experience in teaching IGCSE Mathematics, HKDSE Mathematics Extended Module 1 and Module 2, A-level mathematics, and IB Mathematics. I have effectively designed customized lesson plans for students following course outlines and also executed non-teaching duties such as preparing progress reports, developing and organizing teaching materials.

Combined with my commitment and passion for education and Mathematics, I worked in collaboration with colleagues in the Mathematics department to carry out research and develop curriculum. Additionally, I also possess strong presentation and communication skills with the ability to convey information to students, parents and school officials in a clear and easy to understand manner both verbally and in writing.

My advanced mathematical knowledge, practical pedagogy, and teaching experience in addition to professional attitude, patience and dedication needed to work with teenagers and to maintain an orderly and safe learning environment, makes me a suitable candidate for the position.

I believe that my experience aligns well with the qualifications you are seeking at DEF International School, and am confident that I would make a valuable addition to your school. My resume is attached for your perusal. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you and discussing my qualifications in further detail.

Yours truly,

Candidate’s Full Name

This article is either written or edited by Jobsdb HK and the author. If you would like to publish on other website or publication, please contact us by email:  [email protected] . Jobsdb and the author reserve the right to take legal action against any person that infringes the copyright.

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cover letter sample hong kong

  • Sample Cover Letters

cover letter sample hong kong

*** Figure 5.2 "Cover Letter Sample 1" and *** Figure 5.3 "Cover Letter Sample 2" are sample cover letters. There are more sample cover letters at the end of this chapter, and some of them correspond to the sample résumés at the end of the previous chapter.

  •  Front Matter
  • Scenario 1: You Had a Summer Internship, and You Received a Full-Time Offer
  • Scenario 2: You Had a Summer Internship, and You Have Not Received a Full-Time Offer
  • Scenario 3: You Did Not Have a Summer Internship, and You Need a Full-Time Job
  • Scenario 4: You Did Not Have a Summer Internship, and You Do Not Need a Full-Time Job KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Reasons to Pursue an Internship
  • Timing Considerations
  • Internship Performance
  • Internship Compensation KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Employment Gaps Raise Questions about Your Qualifications
  • Take Control of the Message behind Your Gap
  • Convince Yourself First to Help Convince Prospective Employers KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Transitioning from School to Work Is the First Career Change
  • Changing Careers Is Different from Changing Jobs
  • Changing Careers Successfully Means You Look Like You Aren’t Changing Careers
  • Changing Careers Requires Additional Search Skills Compared to Changing Jobs KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • If you are relocating internationally, you have the added complexity of different time zones, different currencies, different employment laws, and different job search protocols.
  • Searching Long-Distance Requires Extra Time, Expense, and Activities
  • Consider Moving before You Get a Long-Distance Job KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Chapter Review and Exercises Chapter Takeaways Chapter Review
  • The Six Steps Are Meant to Be Followed Sequentially
  • The Six Steps Also Overlap and Should Be Done Concurrently
  • Starting on the Six Steps Requires a Solid Foundation KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • You Must Be Confident Your Job Search Will Be Successful
  • You Can Proactively Build Confidence into Your Job Search Strategy KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • A Successful Job Search Is All About Successful Communication
  • Communication Skills Are a Proxy for Job Skills
  • Your Job Search Can Be Tailored to Showcase Your Communication Strengths and Support Your Weaknesses
  • Improve Communication Skills with Deliberate Focus and Practice KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Your Poise Communicates Volumes without You Saying a Word
  • Professional Dress Signals Your Professional Maturity
  • The Way You Carry Yourself Also Signals Professionalism
  • Body Language and Nonverbal Communication Support or Undermine Your Words KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Physical Resources and Supplies to Launch a Productive Job Search
  • Ideas and Support Systems to Help You Find and Manage Your Time
  • Ideas and Support Systems to Help You Set Up Your Work Space
  • Ideas and Support Systems to Help Manage Your Money KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Three Trends in the Twenty-First-Century Job Search
  • 24/7 Job Search
  • Entrepreneurial Approach
  • Multigenerational Workforce
  • What the Emerging Trends Mean for Your Job Search KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Chapter Review and Exercises Chapter Takeaways Chapter Review SuccessHawk: Getting Started
  • The Importance of the Three-Element Structure for Defining Job Targets
  • Three Elements of a Well-Defined Job Target
  • The Importance of the Three-Element Structure to Your Job Search
  • The Three Elements Paint an Incomplete Picture
  • Employer Characteristics
  • Compensation and Advancement
  • Lifestyle and Environment
  • How to Make Trade-Offs KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Advantage of Multiple Targets
  • Add Alternatives to One but Not All Three Elements KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISE
  • Chapter Review and Exercises Chapter Takeaways Chapter Review SuccessHawk: All about You SuccessHawk: Goal Setting
  • It Represents You When You Are Not There
  • It Quantifies Your Accomplishments
  • It Clearly States Your Abilities
  • It Shows Your Command of the Written Word
  • It Creates Talking Points for Your Future Interviews
  • It Proves Your Worth to Your Past Employers
  • It Demonstrates What You Can Do for Your Future Employer KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Your Full Name
  • Your Address
  • Your E-mail Address
  • Your Phone Number
  • Skills and Additional Information
  • Functional Résumés
  • Short Stints
  • Chapter Review and Exercises Chapter Takeaways Chapter Review SuccessHawk: Résumés
  • Sample Résumés
  • List Your Top Ten Strengths
  • List Your Top Five Weaknesses
  • Decipher the Job Description and Identify Each Skill and Qualification
  • Review the Job Description Sample
  • Consider Future Responsibilities of the Job
  • Compare the Two Lists and Find the Alignment between Your Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Highlight Your Top Three Strengths
  • The Introductory Paragraph
  • The Last Paragraph
  • The Magic Middle
  • Creating a Portfolio: Show and Tell
  • Digital Dirt
  • Overview of LinkedIn
  • Who Can You Link To?
  • Include a Professional Picture or Head Shot
  • Add a Summary to Your Thumbnail Sketch
  • Include Recommendations
  • Join Groups
  • Use Applications
  • Maintain Your Profile KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Step 1: Write Your Pitch
  • Step 2: Edit Your Pitch
  • Step 3: Practice Delivering Your Pitch KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Chapter Review and Exercises Chapter Takeaways Chapter Review SuccessHawk: Cover Letters SuccessHawk: Networking Pitch
  • Information about the Job Helps You Understand What You Will Do Now and in the Future
  • Information about the Organization Helps You Understand if You Want a Job There and if You Can Contribute to That Company
  • Information about the Industry Helps You Understand the Job and the Organization KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Job-Specific Research Resources
  • Organization-Specific Research Resources
  • Industry-Specific Research Resources
  • Tracking Ongoing News KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Research Is Useful at All Stages of Your Job Search
  • Research Lets You Access the Hidden Job Market
  • The Best Research Gets You to the Hiring Manager
  • The Hidden Job Market Resides within the Individual Departments KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Informational Interviews Are Two-Way Exchanges of Information
  • Sample Informational Interview Questions
  • Don’t Just Ask Questions; Test Hypotheses
  • Be Polite: Common Rules of Etiquette Apply
  • Use Informational Interviews to Get More Networking Meetings and Interviews KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Chapter Review and Exercises Chapter Takeaways Chapter Review SuccessHawk: Research Jobs SuccessHawk: Research Industries
  • The Approach
  • Reconnect with Old Contacts
  • The Follow-Up
  • Write Your Pitch
  • Edit Your Pitch
  • Practice Delivering Your Pitch KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Build Your Network Every Day
  • Step 1: Observe the Networking Masters
  • Step 2: Pair Up with Someone Who Is a Good Networker
  • Step 3: Ask Questions That Get Other People to Talk Easily
  • Step 4: Don’t Take Things Personally
  • Meet People at Different Venues KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Network with Executives
  • Network with Recruiters KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Be Aware of Radical Transparency
  • Recruiters Use Social Networks
  • Make a Choice and Go Deep
  • Place an Overall Time Limit on Online Search Activities
  • Offline Networking Etiquette Still Applies
  • Social Networking Isn’t Just about Networking
  • Social Networks Help with Target Identification
  • Research Companies and Industries
  • Case Study 1
  • Case Study 2
  • Case Study 3
  • Case Study 4
  • Case Study 5
  • Case Study 6
  • Case Study 7
  • Case Study 8
  • Case Study: Things to Consider
  • Chapter Review and Exercises Chapter Takeaways Chapter Review SuccessHawk: Network
  • Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Know Your Likes and Dislikes
  • Know Your Goals
  • Know the Industry, the Company, the Competitors, and the Interviewer
  • Practice Answering Interview Questions
  • Have a Full Dress Rehearsal Three Days before the Interview
  • Know Where You Are Going
  • Establish a Routine to Follow the Day of the Interview
  • Body Language
  • Eye Contact
  • Authenticity and Honesty
  • Questions to Ask toward the End of the Interview
  • Question Your Next Steps
  • E-mail a Thank-You Note before the Day Ends
  • Update All Parties Relevant to Your Search
  • Map Your Follow-Up Strategy
  • Set Up Additional Targets
  • Behavioral Interview
  • Case Interviews
  • Informational Interviews KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Methods of Interviewing
  • Live (One-on-One and a Panel Type)
  • Phone (One-on-One and a Panel Type)
  • Videoconference or Skype Interview
  • Taped Interviews
  • In a Corporate Office or Conference Room
  • Open-Ended Questions
  • Specific Questions
  • Motivation Questions
  • Unconventional Questions
  • Not Being Prepared
  • Negative Body Language
  • Appearing Tense
  • Not Focusing on the Question and Not Answering It Directly
  • Waning Energy
  • Blaming Others for Your Poor Performance
  • Not Treating Everyone with Respect KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Chapter Review and Exercises Chapter Takeaways Chapter Review SuccessHawk: Interview
  • Long-Term Motivation
  • Short-Term Motivation KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Motivation at Will Requires Deliberate Action
  • Strategies for Maintaining Short-Term Motivation
  • Strategies for Maintaining Long-Term Motivation KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Your Overall Contact List
  • Your Job Search–Specific List KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Systems for Your Overall Contact List
  • Systems for Your Job Search–Specific List
  • Paper-Based Job Search–Specific Systems
  • Customized Electronic Systems
  • Off-the-Shelf Electronic Systems KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • The Identification Stage Problem: You Are Not Getting Enough Interviews
  • The Interview Stage Problem: You Are Not Moving Forward in the Process
  • The Hiring Stage Problem: You Are Not Getting Offers KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Three Reasons You Are Not Getting Enough Interviews
  • What to Do for a Mismatch
  • What to Do When Your Marketing Is Incomplete
  • What to Do When Your Outreach Is Too Passive
  • Three Possible Reasons You Are Not Getting Called Back after You Interview
  • Have Key Interview Message Points
  • Show, Don’t Just Tell
  • Be at Your Best
  • Beware of Job Search Fatigue
  • Don’t Let Employers Forget about You
  • Focus on Getting the Offer, Not the Job
  • Strategies to Troubleshoot Your Overall Job Search KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Chapter Review and Exercises Chapter Takeaways Chapter Review SuccessHawk: The Scheduler
  • How to Be More Comfortable When Negotiating for a Position LEARNING OBJECTIVES KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Cash Components
  • Noncash Components KEY TAKEAWAY EXERCISES
  • Why You Should Always Consider Negotiating LEARNING OBJECTIVE KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Case in Point
  • Another Case in Point
  • Stay Organized
  • Use Strong Communication KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Q&A Focused on Negotiation and Closing the Offer LEARNING OBJECTIVES KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISE
  • Other Niche Online Communities KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Step 1: Identify Your Target by Using Site Profiles as Prototypes
  • Step 2: Create a Compelling Marketing Campaign That Is Current and Comprehensive
  • Step 3: Conduct In-Depth Research by Viewing Profiles
  • Step 4: Network and Interview with a Larger, More Diverse Group
  • Step 5: Use Social Media to Motivate, Organize, and Troubleshoot
  • Step 6: Negotiate and Close the Offer with Online Data KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Blogs Are the Subset of Websites That Feature Articles
  • A Personal Website Turns You into “You, Inc.”
  • Interacting with Other Blogs and Websites Is an Alternative to Managing Your Own
  • Twitter Is a Microblog for Your Job Search KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • The Job Search Process from the Hiring Perspective
  • Use Social Media to Identify Needs Early and Tap the Hidden Job Market
  • Use Social Media to Help Recruiters Find You When They Start the Search
  • Use Social Media to Make Your Qualifications Stand Out during Interview Selection
  • Use Social Media to Prepare for Interviews
  • Use Social Media to Be a Worthy Negotiating Adversary KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Now That You Have Your Social Media Profile(s), Keep Going
  • You Still Can Have a Personal Life (or a Personal Profile)
  • Over Time, Your Social Media Profile Will Change KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Make the Most of Your Onboarding Support during Your First Ninety Days
  • Learn How Your Employer Runs Its Business
  • Learn What Success on the Job Means
  • Learn How Your Boss Likes to Work KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • To Attract Good Mentors, Be a Good Mentee
  • Develop Professional Relationships with Different Companies, Departments, and Levels
  • Be Proactive in Your Outreach, Communication, and Follow-Up KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Maximizing Your Performance Review Meeting
  • When and How to Ask for a Promotion
  • When and How to Ask for a Raise KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Watch for Warning Signs before a Layoff
  • Improve Your Situation If You Do Get Laid Off
  • Manage the Termination Process
  • Secure Your Relationships before You Leave the Organization
  • Get Ready to Start Your Search Right after You Leave the Organization KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Day-to-Day Workplace Conflict Is Often about Managing Relationships
  • Workplace Issues Sometimes Are Complex and Require Assistance from HR KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Health and Well-Being Are Important to Your Career
  • Personal Relationships also Need Attention KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISES
  • Your Career Is a Succession of Jobs
  • Multiple Options Exist If You Want to Change Organizations
  • Revisiting the Six Steps Will Help You Launch a Thoughtful, Proactive Search
  • Obligations in Your Current Job Must Continue to Be Met KEY TAKEAWAYS EXERCISE
  •  Back Matter

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  1. 3 香港求職信範本 (Cover Letter Templates) 2021

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  1. 변우석


  1. Cover Letter Samples Hong Kong 英文求職信 (2024)

    January 01, 2024. Over 20+ cover letter samples developed by our experts for various industries and job functions in Hong Kong. Scroll down to explore and download. COVER LETTER SAMPLES 香港封面字母样本 CV SAMPLES 香港履歷表範本. Jobseekers like yourself have landed roles at leading companies like Dymon, AirBnB and Facebook with ...

  2. How to write a cover letter in Hong Kong

    How to personalise your cover letter. In writing a cover letter, remember that it should never be generic - it should be personalised and tailored to the job and company that you are applying for. Have attention to detail. Scrutinise the job advertisement and ensure the details are exactly mirrored in your resume.

  3. Top 3 Cover Letter Templates (Plus How To Impress a Recruiter)

    1. Application cover letter. An application cover letter is the most common type of cover letter. You would use this format to apply for an interesting job opportunity that you found on a public job board. Usually, a recruiter might request for an application cover letter in their job advertisement. To comply with their requirements, make sure ...

  4. How To Write a Cover Letter

    The key to writing effective cover letters is to follow instructions and communicate succinctly with an assertive voice. Here are five guidelines to keep in mind as you write your cover letters. 1. Customise your header based on the format of your application. If you're writing your cover letter directly within an online job application ...

  5. Top 3 Cover Letter Templates (Updated for 2024)

    for Hong Kong jobseekers of all experience levels. December 30, 2023. COVER LETTER TEMPLATES 求職信範本 (中文) RESUME TEMPLATES 履歷表範本 (中文) Our templates have landed candidates jobs at these amazing companies. Browse our full collection below.

  6. How to Structure a Cover Letter (With Example)

    Cover letter format example Finally, here is a cover letter format example. Tara Chan +852 5555 5555 [email protected] January 23, 2018 Dear Hiring Manager, I'm excited to be applying for the Web Developer position at [Company Name].I've been programming websites and using CSS to create user-friendly experiences since I was in sixth form, so it's long been a passion of mine.

  7. Cover letter template and examples

    Robert Half's cover letter samples and templates are designed to support you in finding and securing the perfect job. Whether your job application is submitted by mail or electronically, your cover letter is the first document that most employers read, and acts as a sort of appetiser to your resume.It is critical that your cover letter captures the best parts of your resume without being a ...

  8. 7+ Top Cover Letter Examples (2024)

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  10. Writing & Preparation: Cover Letter

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    Address your accounting cover letter to the right organisation, and correct member of staff. Tailor or customise your accounting cover letter for every role you apply for. Pluck out the best bits of your resume to use throughout your cover letter. Show that you've done research about the company or organisation in Hong Kong. Show some ...

  16. How To Write a Job Application Letter (With Examples)

    Here's an example of an application letter that you can send via post: Nathan Chan 10 Peking Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong, 9876 9876 [email protected] 20 May 2021 Dear Ms. Tang, My name is Nathan Chan and I'm writing to express my interest in the 'Sales Manager' position listed on I believe my eight years of experience working ...

  17. Cover Letter 1

    I believe I can make a valuable contribution to the continued development of the Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited. I would very much like to meet with you to describe the work I have done in implementing new lending procedures. Please contact me by phone at (+65) 6733 6733 or by email at [email protected] at your earliest convenience.

  18. Cover Letter for Internship

    Use a professional or business letter format. Include your name, email address and contact number on the top of the cover letter, followed by full name of the hiring manager, name and address of the company, contact number and email id of the contact person. Add a reference line to your referring to the position you are applying for.

  19. Resume and cover letter

    Discover top tips for writing a cover letter and advice on writing the best CV from Michael Page Hong Kong to improve your job application today. Skip to main navigation . Mobile Menu ... (Hong Kong) Limited 米高蒲志國際(香港)有限公司 (Company No.176887, EA Licence No. 73125 and its related brands - Page Executive (EA Licence No ...

  20. Guideline to Writing CV and Cover Letters

    The University of Hong Kong: Sep 2012 - Jun 2016: B Sc (Major: Statistics) CGPA: 3.50 / 4.30 ... Cover Letter Samples For Cover Letter sample, please click the following link according to your major/curriculum: Actuarial Science; Applied Artificial Intelligence; Risk Management;

  21. How to write an email cover letter

    2. Treat your cover letter email like a formal letter. Draft your email cover letter in much the same way as a hard copy cover letter. Maintain a professional yet warm tone, write words in full without abbreviations, and aim for no more than a single page, breaking up your letter into paragraphs rather than sending a solid chunk of text. It is ...

  22. Cover Letter Sample and writing tips for Teacher

    Dear Superintendent. Format your cover letter correctly and always spellcheck for any typos or spelling mistakes. Keep it short and crisp, no longer than one page. Remember that you have been focusing on your teacher education and certifications in your cover letter, so back your claim with copies of any certificates you have mentioned. In ...

  23. Sample Cover Letters

    Open Textbooks for Hong Kong. ... *** Figure 5.2 "Cover Letter Sample 1" and *** Figure 5.3 "Cover Letter Sample 2" are sample cover letters. There are more sample cover letters at the end of this chapter, and some of them correspond to the sample résumés at the end of the previous chapter.