How to be a Better Troubleshooter in Your Laboratory

For scientists, the ability to troubleshoot their experiments is a valuable skill to develop. This skill allows you to be an independent and responsible researcher (Roberts, 2001).

Although important, troubleshooting as a subject is commonly not included in many undergraduate molecular biology courses. Therefore, this article provides some useful steps to troubleshoot problems in the molecular biology laboratory.

Some common steps for troubleshooting problems in the lab are (Gerstein, 2004):

1. Identify the problem

2. List all possible explanations

3. Collect the data

4. Eliminate some possible explanations

5. Check with experimentation

6. Identify the cause

Below, we present two different scenarios and how this troubleshooting process could be applied. While these scenarios are very specific, this troubleshooting approach can be used broadly across other experiments in your lab.

Example 1: No PCR Product Detected

1.identify the problem.

First, you need to identify the problem, but try not to define the cause yet. In this example, let’s say you don’t see any PCR product on the agarose gel. You see the presence of your DNA ladder, so there is no problem with the gel electrophoresis system.

Now, you identify that the problem is your PCR reaction. Remember, we’re not looking at the cause just yet.

2.List All Possible Explanations

After you identify the problem, list all the possible causes for the issue (in this example, your PCR reaction). Start listing the obvious causes. These could be each of the ingredients in your PCR Master Mix: Taq DNA Polymerase, MgCl 2 , Buffer, dNTPs, primers, and your DNA template. After listing the obvious causes, include the causes that might have escaped your attention, such as the equipment and the PCR procedure.

3.Collect the Data

To do this step, start collecting data for the easiest explanations. First, check if the PCR equipment works properly. You can ask other scientists in your laboratory if they have encountered similar problems. However, if there is no problem with the equipment, then go ahead and collect data for the other explanations.

If you ran your samples with all proper control reactions, find out whether your positive control (using a DNA vector as the DNA template) was present in your gel or not.

Storage and Conditions

The next step is to find out about the expiration date of the PCR kit that you used. In addition, check if your PCR kit was stored according to your vendor’s instructions.

To collect data about your procedure, check your laboratory notebook for the procedure that you used in the experiment and compare it with the manufacturer’s instructions. Write down all the modifications you made during this experiment, and note any possible missed steps.

4.Eliminate Explanations

Based on the data you collected, eliminate the explanations that you have determined are not the cause. For example, if your positive controls worked, your kit had not expired and it was properly stored, you can eliminate your kit as the possible cause. If you also find out that you didn’t modify the PCR procedure, eliminate it as the possible cause.

5.Check with Experimentation

Recheck your list and design an experiment to test the remaining explanations. For example, test whether your DNA templates are the possible cause. For example, run the DNA samples on a gel to see if there is any degradation. Measure the DNA concentration to see if you used enough template for your PCR reaction.

6.Identify the Cause

The last step is to eliminate most of your explanations that you’ve ruled out and identify the only one remaining as the cause. Using information from the experiment you just ran (in step 5), plan ways in which you’ll fix the problem and redo your experiment.

If this issue is something that could arise again, you might want to find ways to reduce future errors. For example, rather than making your own master mix, you could use a premade master mix.

Common Steps for Troubleshooting in a Molecular Biology Laboratory

Example 2: No Clones Growing on the Agar Plate

First, check all the transformation plates and see if any colonies are growing on your control plates. If there were colonies on your plates, then the problem is the transformation of your plasmid DNA.

2.List all possible explanations

After you identified that the problem is not the competent cells, the possible explanations for your failed cloning may be your plasmid, the antibiotic, or the temperature during heat shock procedure.

3.Collect the data

If you included your controls in your transformation, your positive control plate should be the cells transformed with an uncut control plasmid. This plate should contain many colonies. If there are only few colonies growing on this plate, the efficiency of the competent cells may be too low.

To find out if your antibiotic is the cause, check if you used the correct antibiotic for selection and the concentration recommended for selection.

To see if the incorrect temperature during the heat shock could be the cause, find out if the temperature water bath was at 42˚C.

4.Eliminate explanations

Now you can start eliminating some of the possible explanations. For example, based on your data collection, there were many colonies growing on your positive control plate. It means that your competent cells were efficient.

You also found out that you used the correct antibiotic with the recommended concentration for selection. Then, you can eliminate antibiotic as a possible cause.

Moving on to the temperature during the heat shock, you found out that the temperature of the water bath was at 42˚C. Therefore, the procedure was not the problem and this should be eliminated from your list.

Now the only possible cause is your plasmid DNA.

5. Check with Experimentation

In order to test if your plasmid is the problem, check if it is intact using gel electrophoresis and the plasmid concentration is not too low. In addition, check your ligation by sequencing your plasmid to make sure the insert DNA is in the plasmid. Make sure you follow the instruction from your transformation protocol regarding the concentration of plasmid you should use.

6.Identify the cause

For the last step, gather all the information you need after you ran the experiments. For example, you made sure that there was no problem with your ligation based on your sequencing data, but you saw a faint band on the gel electrophoresis and found out that the concentration of your plasmid was too low. Therefore, you identified that the cause of your failed transformation was that your plasmid DNA concentration was too low.

To better organize your troubleshooting process, below is a checklist you can use:

Troubleshooting checklist in a laboratory

Gerstein, A. S. (2004). Molecular biology problem solver: a laboratory guide: John Wiley & Sons.

Oelker, S. (2012). LibGuides: Biological Sciences: FAQs.

Roberts, L. M. (2001). Developing experimental design and troubleshooting skills in an advanced biochemistry lab. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 29 (1), 10-15.

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Taking problem-solving skills from the lab to the workplace

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Kate Malachowski (PhD ’14 ) first started working at Northrup Grumman part-time while earning her doctorate. After graduating and another 18 months there full-time, she moved to vaccine producer Novavax, Inc. in Gaithersburg, Maryland, where she’s a Scientist II in the Manufacturing Science & Technology group. Her work supports manufacturing by troubleshooting issues that emerge during the scaling-up process.

The work reminds her of the challenges she focused on in her ChemBE lab. “Microfabrication is like a puzzle, with different materials and techniques to add and subtract layers of those materials,” Malachowski says. “In the lab, we knew what device we were trying to make and what characteristics it should have, but we had to figure out what materials to use, with what techniques and in what order. It’s the same at Novavax. We use a lot of the same problem-solving skills to figure out why a process isn’t performing as expected.”

Malachowski, who earned her BS in chemical engineering at Virginia Tech, came to Hopkins uncertain of which direction she was headed within chemical engineering, but looking forward to exploring her options in such an interdisciplinary setting. She spent her lab time in ChemBE developing microgrippers for biomedical and defense applications, collaborating with the U.S. Army Research Lab and JHMI. Her microgrippers could be used in the GI tract to capture tissue for biopsies and were scaled down to be able to grasp a single red blood cell. She also built grippers from porous, biodegradable polymers that can be loaded with drugs, allowing the device to grip onto the colon’s tissue and release drugs over time in order to keep the medication’s concentration high enough to treat gastrointestinal diseases.

While the specifics of her research have ranged over the years from microsurgical tools to radar to biologics, a common thread has been solving challenging problems, Malachowski says. That process requires certain skills that she’s picked up along the way: “Having an understanding of the method to solve a problem, and not being afraid of jumping in and trying to solve it,” she says.

While at ChemBE, she also learned to tell a story to communicate her research. “This has been tremendously beneficial for me,” she says. “I have to translate basic research and sell it to the people in manufacturing—show them that it will make production easier, faster, and more robust.”

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  • What Is a Fishbone Diagram? | Templates & Examples

What Is a Fishbone Diagram? | Templates & Examples

Published on January 2, 2023 by Tegan George . Revised on January 29, 2024.

A fishbone diagram is a problem-solving approach that uses a fish-shaped diagram to model possible root causes of problems and troubleshoot possible solutions. It is also called an Ishikawa diagram, after its creator, Kaoru Ishikawa, as well as a herringbone diagram or cause-and-effect diagram.

Fishbone diagrams are often used in root cause analysis , to troubleshoot issues in quality management or product development. They are also used in the fields of nursing and healthcare, or as a brainstorming and mind-mapping technique many students find helpful.

Table of contents

How to make a fishbone diagram, fishbone diagram templates, fishbone diagram examples, advantages and disadvantages of fishbone diagrams, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about fishbone diagrams.

A fishbone diagram is easy to draw, or you can use a template for an online version.

  • Your fishbone diagram starts out with an issue or problem. This is the “head” of the fish, summarized in a few words or a small phrase.
  • Next, draw a long arrow, which serves as the fish’s backbone.
  • From here, you’ll draw the first “bones” directly from the backbone, in the shape of small diagonal lines going right-to-left. These represent the most likely or overarching causes of your problem.
  • Branching off from each of these first bones, create smaller bones containing contributing information and necessary detail.
  • When finished, your fishbone diagram should give you a wide-view idea of what the root causes of the issue you’re facing could be, allowing you to rank them or choose which could be most plausible.

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See an example

example of problem solving in lab

There are no built-in fishbone diagram templates in Microsoft programs, but we’ve made a few free ones for you to use that you can download below. Alternatively, you can make one yourself using the following steps:

  • In a fresh document, go to Insert > Shapes
  • Draw a long arrow from left to right, and add a text box on the right-hand side. These serve as the backbone and the head of the fish.
  • Next, add lines jutting diagonally from the backbone. These serve as the ribs, or the contributing factors to the main problem.
  • Next, add horizontal lines jutting from each central line. These serve as the potential causes of the problem.

Lastly, add text boxes to label each function.

You can try your hand at filling one in yourself using the various blank fishbone diagram templates below, in the following formats:

Fishbone diagram template Excel

Download our free Excel template below!


Fishbone diagram template Word

Download our free Word template below!


Fishbone diagram template PowerPoint

Download our free PowerPoint template below!


Fishbone diagrams are used in a variety of settings, both academic and professional. They are particularly popular in healthcare settings, particularly nursing, or in group brainstorm study sessions. In the business world, they are an often-used tool for quality assurance or human resources professionals.

Fishbone diagram example #1: Climate change

Let’s start with an everyday example: what are the main causes of climate change?

Fishbone Diagram example

Fishbone diagram example #2: Healthcare and nursing

Fishbone diagrams are often used in nursing and healthcare to diagnose patients with unclear symptoms, or to streamline processes or fix ongoing problems. For example: why have surveys shown a decrease in patient satisfaction?

Fishbone Diagram example

Fishbone diagram example #3: Quality assurance

QA professionals also use fishbone diagrams to troubleshoot usability issues, such as: why is the website down?

Fishbone Diagram example

Fishbone diagram example #4: HR

Lastly, an HR example: why are employees leaving the company?

Fishbone Diagram example

Fishbone diagrams come with advantages and disadvantages.

  • Great tool for brainstorming and mind-mapping, either individually or in a group project.
  • Can help identify causal relationships and clarify relationships between variables .
  • Constant iteration of “why” questions really drills down to root problems and elegantly simplifies even complex issues.


  • Can lead to incorrect or inconsistent conclusions if the wrong assumptions are made about root causes or the wrong variables are prioritized.
  • Fishbone diagrams are best suited to short phrases or simple ideas—they can get cluttered and confusing easily.
  • Best used in the exploratory research phase, since they cannot provide true answers, only suggestions.

If you want to know more about the research process , methodology , research bias , or statistics , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.


  • Sampling methods
  • Simple random sampling
  • Stratified sampling
  • Cluster sampling
  • Likert scales
  • Reproducibility


  • Null hypothesis
  • Statistical power
  • Probability distribution
  • Effect size
  • Poisson distribution

Research bias

  • Optimism bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Implicit bias
  • Hawthorne effect
  • Anchoring bias
  • Explicit bias

Fishbone diagrams have a few different names that are used interchangeably, including herringbone diagram, cause-and-effect diagram, and Ishikawa diagram.

These are all ways to refer to the same thing– a problem-solving approach that uses a fish-shaped diagram to model possible root causes of problems and troubleshoot solutions.

Fishbone diagrams (also called herringbone diagrams, cause-and-effect diagrams, and Ishikawa diagrams) are most popular in fields of quality management. They are also commonly used in nursing and healthcare, or as a brainstorming technique for students.

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If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the “Cite this Scribbr article” button to automatically add the citation to our free Citation Generator.

George, T. (2024, January 29). What Is a Fishbone Diagram? | Templates & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved September 23, 2024, from

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Tegan George

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How to improve your problem solving skills and build effective problem solving strategies

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Effective problem solving is all about using the right process and following a plan tailored to the issue at hand. Recognizing your team or organization has an issue isn’t enough to come up with effective problem solving strategies. 

To truly understand a problem and develop appropriate solutions, you will want to follow a solid process, follow the necessary problem solving steps, and bring all of your problem solving skills to the table.   We’ll forst look at what problem solving strategies you can employ with your team when looking for a way to approach the process. We’ll then discuss the problem solving skills you need to be more effective at solving problems, complete with an activity from the SessionLab library you can use to develop that skill in your team.

Let’s get to it! 

Problem solving strategies

What skills do i need to be an effective problem solver, how can i improve my problem solving skills.

Problem solving strategies are methods of approaching and facilitating the process of problem-solving with a set of techniques , actions, and processes. Different strategies are more effective if you are trying to solve broad problems such as achieving higher growth versus more focused problems like, how do we improve our customer onboarding process?

Broadly, the problem solving steps outlined above should be included in any problem solving strategy though choosing where to focus your time and what approaches should be taken is where they begin to differ. You might find that some strategies ask for the problem identification to be done prior to the session or that everything happens in the course of a one day workshop.

The key similarity is that all good problem solving strategies are structured and designed. Four hours of open discussion is never going to be as productive as a four-hour workshop designed to lead a group through a problem solving process.

Good problem solving strategies are tailored to the team, organization and problem you will be attempting to solve. Here are some example problem solving strategies you can learn from or use to get started.

Use a workshop to lead a team through a group process

Often, the first step to solving problems or organizational challenges is bringing a group together effectively. Most teams have the tools, knowledge, and expertise necessary to solve their challenges – they just need some guidance in how to use leverage those skills and a structure and format that allows people to focus their energies.

Facilitated workshops are one of the most effective ways of solving problems of any scale. By designing and planning your workshop carefully, you can tailor the approach and scope to best fit the needs of your team and organization. 

Problem solving workshop

  • Creating a bespoke, tailored process
  • Tackling problems of any size
  • Building in-house workshop ability and encouraging their use

Workshops are an effective strategy for solving problems. By using tried and test facilitation techniques and methods, you can design and deliver a workshop that is perfectly suited to the unique variables of your organization. You may only have the capacity for a half-day workshop and so need a problem solving process to match. 

By using our session planner tool and importing methods from our library of 700+ facilitation techniques, you can create the right problem solving workshop for your team. It might be that you want to encourage creative thinking or look at things from a new angle to unblock your groups approach to problem solving. By tailoring your workshop design to the purpose, you can help ensure great results.

One of the main benefits of a workshop is the structured approach to problem solving. Not only does this mean that the workshop itself will be successful, but many of the methods and techniques will help your team improve their working processes outside of the workshop. 

We believe that workshops are one of the best tools you can use to improve the way your team works together. Start with a problem solving workshop and then see what team building, culture or design workshops can do for your organization!

Run a design sprint

Great for: 

  • aligning large, multi-discipline teams
  • quickly designing and testing solutions
  • tackling large, complex organizational challenges and breaking them down into smaller tasks

By using design thinking principles and methods, a design sprint is a great way of identifying, prioritizing and prototyping solutions to long term challenges that can help solve major organizational problems with quick action and measurable results.

Some familiarity with design thinking is useful, though not integral, and this strategy can really help a team align if there is some discussion around which problems should be approached first. 

The stage-based structure of the design sprint is also very useful for teams new to design thinking.  The inspiration phase, where you look to competitors that have solved your problem, and the rapid prototyping and testing phases are great for introducing new concepts that will benefit a team in all their future work. 

It can be common for teams to look inward for solutions and so looking to the market for solutions you can iterate on can be very productive. Instilling an agile prototyping and testing mindset can also be great when helping teams move forwards – generating and testing solutions quickly can help save time in the long run and is also pretty exciting!

Break problems down into smaller issues

Organizational challenges and problems are often complicated and large scale in nature. Sometimes, trying to resolve such an issue in one swoop is simply unachievable or overwhelming. Try breaking down such problems into smaller issues that you can work on step by step. You may not be able to solve the problem of churning customers off the bat, but you can work with your team to identify smaller effort but high impact elements and work on those first.

This problem solving strategy can help a team generate momentum, prioritize and get some easy wins. It’s also a great strategy to employ with teams who are just beginning to learn how to approach the problem solving process. If you want some insight into a way to employ this strategy, we recommend looking at our design sprint template below!

Use guiding frameworks or try new methodologies

Some problems are best solved by introducing a major shift in perspective or by using new methodologies that encourage your team to think differently.

Props and tools such as Methodkit , which uses a card-based toolkit for facilitation, or Lego Serious Play can be great ways to engage your team and find an inclusive, democratic problem solving strategy. Remember that play and creativity are great tools for achieving change and whatever the challenge, engaging your participants can be very effective where other strategies may have failed.

LEGO Serious Play

  • Improving core problem solving skills
  • Thinking outside of the box
  • Encouraging creative solutions

LEGO Serious Play is a problem solving methodology designed to get participants thinking differently by using 3D models and kinesthetic learning styles. By physically building LEGO models based on questions and exercises, participants are encouraged to think outside of the box and create their own responses. 

Collaborate LEGO Serious Play exercises are also used to encourage communication and build problem solving skills in a group. By using this problem solving process, you can often help different kinds of learners and personality types contribute and unblock organizational problems with creative thinking. 

Problem solving strategies like LEGO Serious Play are super effective at helping a team solve more skills-based problems such as communication between teams or a lack of creative thinking. Some problems are not suited to LEGO Serious Play and require a different problem solving strategy.

Card Decks and Method Kits

  • New facilitators or non-facilitators 
  • Approaching difficult subjects with a simple, creative framework
  • Engaging those with varied learning styles

Card decks and method kids are great tools for those new to facilitation or for whom facilitation is not the primary role. Card decks such as the emotional culture deck can be used for complete workshops and in many cases, can be used right out of the box. Methodkit has a variety of kits designed for scenarios ranging from personal development through to personas and global challenges so you can find the right deck for your particular needs.

Having an easy to use framework that encourages creativity or a new approach can take some of the friction or planning difficulties out of the workshop process and energize a team in any setting. Simplicity is the key with these methods. By ensuring everyone on your team can get involved and engage with the process as quickly as possible can really contribute to the success of your problem solving strategy.

Source external advice

Looking to peers, experts and external facilitators can be a great way of approaching the problem solving process. Your team may not have the necessary expertise, insights of experience to tackle some issues, or you might simply benefit from a fresh perspective. Some problems may require bringing together an entire team, and coaching managers or team members individually might be the right approach. Remember that not all problems are best resolved in the same manner.

If you’re a solo entrepreneur, peer groups, coaches and mentors can also be invaluable at not only solving specific business problems, but in providing a support network for resolving future challenges. One great approach is to join a Mastermind Group and link up with like-minded individuals and all grow together. Remember that however you approach the sourcing of external advice, do so thoughtfully, respectfully and honestly. Reciprocate where you can and prepare to be surprised by just how kind and helpful your peers can be!

Mastermind Group

  • Solo entrepreneurs or small teams with low capacity
  • Peer learning and gaining outside expertise
  • Getting multiple external points of view quickly

Problem solving in large organizations with lots of skilled team members is one thing, but how about if you work for yourself or in a very small team without the capacity to get the most from a design sprint or LEGO Serious Play session? 

A mastermind group – sometimes known as a peer advisory board – is where a group of people come together to support one another in their own goals, challenges, and businesses. Each participant comes to the group with their own purpose and the other members of the group will help them create solutions, brainstorm ideas, and support one another. 

Mastermind groups are very effective in creating an energized, supportive atmosphere that can deliver meaningful results. Learning from peers from outside of your organization or industry can really help unlock new ways of thinking and drive growth. Access to the experience and skills of your peers can be invaluable in helping fill the gaps in your own ability, particularly in young companies.

A mastermind group is a great solution for solo entrepreneurs, small teams, or for organizations that feel that external expertise or fresh perspectives will be beneficial for them. It is worth noting that Mastermind groups are often only as good as the participants and what they can bring to the group. Participants need to be committed, engaged and understand how to work in this context. 

Coaching and mentoring

  • Focused learning and development
  • Filling skills gaps
  • Working on a range of challenges over time

Receiving advice from a business coach or building a mentor/mentee relationship can be an effective way of resolving certain challenges. The one-to-one format of most coaching and mentor relationships can really help solve the challenges those individuals are having and benefit the organization as a result.

A great mentor can be invaluable when it comes to spotting potential problems before they arise and coming to understand a mentee very well has a host of other business benefits. You might run an internal mentorship program to help develop your team’s problem solving skills and strategies or as part of a large learning and development program. External coaches can also be an important part of your problem solving strategy, filling skills gaps for your management team or helping with specific business issues. 

Now we’ve explored the problem solving process and the steps you will want to go through in order to have an effective session, let’s look at the skills you and your team need to be more effective problem solvers.

Problem solving skills are highly sought after, whatever industry or team you work in. Organizations are keen to employ people who are able to approach problems thoughtfully and find strong, realistic solutions. Whether you are a facilitator , a team leader or a developer, being an effective problem solver is a skill you’ll want to develop.

Problem solving skills form a whole suite of techniques and approaches that an individual uses to not only identify problems but to discuss them productively before then developing appropriate solutions.

Here are some of the most important problem solving skills everyone from executives to junior staff members should learn. We’ve also included an activity or exercise from the SessionLab library that can help you and your team develop that skill. 

If you’re running a workshop or training session to try and improve problem solving skills in your team, try using these methods to supercharge your process!

Problem solving skills checklist

Active listening

Active listening is one of the most important skills anyone who works with people can possess. In short, active listening is a technique used to not only better understand what is being said by an individual, but also to be more aware of the underlying message the speaker is trying to convey. When it comes to problem solving, active listening is integral for understanding the position of every participant and to clarify the challenges, ideas and solutions they bring to the table.

Some active listening skills include:

  • Paying complete attention to the speaker.
  • Removing distractions.
  • Avoid interruption.
  • Taking the time to fully understand before preparing a rebuttal.
  • Responding respectfully and appropriately.
  • Demonstrate attentiveness and positivity with an open posture, making eye contact with the speaker, smiling and nodding if appropriate. Show that you are listening and encourage them to continue.
  • Be aware of and respectful of feelings. Judge the situation and respond appropriately. You can disagree without being disrespectful.   
  • Observe body language. 
  • Paraphrase what was said in your own words, either mentally or verbally.
  • Remain neutral. 
  • Reflect and take a moment before responding.
  • Ask deeper questions based on what is said and clarify points where necessary.   
Active Listening   #hyperisland   #skills   #active listening   #remote-friendly   This activity supports participants to reflect on a question and generate their own solutions using simple principles of active listening and peer coaching. It’s an excellent introduction to active listening but can also be used with groups that are already familiar with it. Participants work in groups of three and take turns being: “the subject”, the listener, and the observer.

Analytical skills

All problem solving models require strong analytical skills, particularly during the beginning of the process and when it comes to analyzing how solutions have performed.

Analytical skills are primarily focused on performing an effective analysis by collecting, studying and parsing data related to a problem or opportunity. 

It often involves spotting patterns, being able to see things from different perspectives and using observable facts and data to make suggestions or produce insight. 

Analytical skills are also important at every stage of the problem solving process and by having these skills, you can ensure that any ideas or solutions you create or backed up analytically and have been sufficiently thought out.

Nine Whys   #innovation   #issue analysis   #liberating structures   With breathtaking simplicity, you can rapidly clarify for individuals and a group what is essentially important in their work. You can quickly reveal when a compelling purpose is missing in a gathering and avoid moving forward without clarity. When a group discovers an unambiguous shared purpose, more freedom and more responsibility are unleashed. You have laid the foundation for spreading and scaling innovations with fidelity.


Trying to solve problems on your own is difficult. Being able to collaborate effectively, with a free exchange of ideas, to delegate and be a productive member of a team is hugely important to all problem solving strategies.

Remember that whatever your role, collaboration is integral, and in a problem solving process, you are all working together to find the best solution for everyone. 

Marshmallow challenge with debriefing   #teamwork   #team   #leadership   #collaboration   In eighteen minutes, teams must build the tallest free-standing structure out of 20 sticks of spaghetti, one yard of tape, one yard of string, and one marshmallow. The marshmallow needs to be on top. The Marshmallow Challenge was developed by Tom Wujec, who has done the activity with hundreds of groups around the world. Visit the Marshmallow Challenge website for more information. This version has an extra debriefing question added with sample questions focusing on roles within the team.


Being an effective communicator means being empathetic, clear and succinct, asking the right questions, and demonstrating active listening skills throughout any discussion or meeting. 

In a problem solving setting, you need to communicate well in order to progress through each stage of the process effectively. As a team leader, it may also fall to you to facilitate communication between parties who may not see eye to eye. Effective communication also means helping others to express themselves and be heard in a group.

Bus Trip   #feedback   #communication   #appreciation   #closing   #thiagi   #team   This is one of my favourite feedback games. I use Bus Trip at the end of a training session or a meeting, and I use it all the time. The game creates a massive amount of energy with lots of smiles, laughs, and sometimes even a teardrop or two.

Creative problem solving skills can be some of the best tools in your arsenal. Thinking creatively, being able to generate lots of ideas and come up with out of the box solutions is useful at every step of the process. 

The kinds of problems you will likely discuss in a problem solving workshop are often difficult to solve, and by approaching things in a fresh, creative manner, you can often create more innovative solutions.

Having practical creative skills is also a boon when it comes to problem solving. If you can help create quality design sketches and prototypes in record time, it can help bring a team to alignment more quickly or provide a base for further iteration.

The paper clip method   #sharing   #creativity   #warm up   #idea generation   #brainstorming   The power of brainstorming. A training for project leaders, creativity training, and to catalyse getting new solutions.

Critical thinking

Critical thinking is one of the fundamental problem solving skills you’ll want to develop when working on developing solutions. Critical thinking is the ability to analyze, rationalize and evaluate while being aware of personal bias, outlying factors and remaining open-minded.

Defining and analyzing problems without deploying critical thinking skills can mean you and your team go down the wrong path. Developing solutions to complex issues requires critical thinking too – ensuring your team considers all possibilities and rationally evaluating them. 

Agreement-Certainty Matrix   #issue analysis   #liberating structures   #problem solving   You can help individuals or groups avoid the frequent mistake of trying to solve a problem with methods that are not adapted to the nature of their challenge. The combination of two questions makes it possible to easily sort challenges into four categories: simple, complicated, complex , and chaotic .  A problem is simple when it can be solved reliably with practices that are easy to duplicate.  It is complicated when experts are required to devise a sophisticated solution that will yield the desired results predictably.  A problem is complex when there are several valid ways to proceed but outcomes are not predictable in detail.  Chaotic is when the context is too turbulent to identify a path forward.  A loose analogy may be used to describe these differences: simple is like following a recipe, complicated like sending a rocket to the moon, complex like raising a child, and chaotic is like the game “Pin the Tail on the Donkey.”  The Liberating Structures Matching Matrix in Chapter 5 can be used as the first step to clarify the nature of a challenge and avoid the mismatches between problems and solutions that are frequently at the root of chronic, recurring problems.

Data analysis 

Though it shares lots of space with general analytical skills, data analysis skills are something you want to cultivate in their own right in order to be an effective problem solver.

Being good at data analysis doesn’t just mean being able to find insights from data, but also selecting the appropriate data for a given issue, interpreting it effectively and knowing how to model and present that data. Depending on the problem at hand, it might also include a working knowledge of specific data analysis tools and procedures. 

Having a solid grasp of data analysis techniques is useful if you’re leading a problem solving workshop but if you’re not an expert, don’t worry. Bring people into the group who has this skill set and help your team be more effective as a result.

Decision making

All problems need a solution and all solutions require that someone make the decision to implement them. Without strong decision making skills, teams can become bogged down in discussion and less effective as a result. 

Making decisions is a key part of the problem solving process. It’s important to remember that decision making is not restricted to the leadership team. Every staff member makes decisions every day and developing these skills ensures that your team is able to solve problems at any scale. Remember that making decisions does not mean leaping to the first solution but weighing up the options and coming to an informed, well thought out solution to any given problem that works for the whole team.

Lightning Decision Jam (LDJ)   #action   #decision making   #problem solving   #issue analysis   #innovation   #design   #remote-friendly   The problem with anything that requires creative thinking is that it’s easy to get lost—lose focus and fall into the trap of having useless, open-ended, unstructured discussions. Here’s the most effective solution I’ve found: Replace all open, unstructured discussion with a clear process. What to use this exercise for: Anything which requires a group of people to make decisions, solve problems or discuss challenges. It’s always good to frame an LDJ session with a broad topic, here are some examples: The conversion flow of our checkout Our internal design process How we organise events Keeping up with our competition Improving sales flow


Most complex organizational problems require multiple people to be involved in delivering the solution. Ensuring that the team and organization can depend on you to take the necessary actions and communicate where necessary is key to ensuring problems are solved effectively.

Being dependable also means working to deadlines and to brief. It is often a matter of creating trust in a team so that everyone can depend on one another to complete the agreed actions in the agreed time frame so that the team can move forward together. Being undependable can create problems of friction and can limit the effectiveness of your solutions so be sure to bear this in mind throughout a project. 

Team Purpose & Culture   #team   #hyperisland   #culture   #remote-friendly   This is an essential process designed to help teams define their purpose (why they exist) and their culture (how they work together to achieve that purpose). Defining these two things will help any team to be more focused and aligned. With support of tangible examples from other companies, the team members work as individuals and a group to codify the way they work together. The goal is a visual manifestation of both the purpose and culture that can be put up in the team’s work space.

Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is an important skill for any successful team member, whether communicating internally or with clients or users. In the problem solving process, emotional intelligence means being attuned to how people are feeling and thinking, communicating effectively and being self-aware of what you bring to a room. 

There are often differences of opinion when working through problem solving processes, and it can be easy to let things become impassioned or combative. Developing your emotional intelligence means being empathetic to your colleagues and managing your own emotions throughout the problem and solution process. Be kind, be thoughtful and put your points across care and attention. 

Being emotionally intelligent is a skill for life and by deploying it at work, you can not only work efficiently but empathetically. Check out the emotional culture workshop template for more!


As we’ve clarified in our facilitation skills post, facilitation is the art of leading people through processes towards agreed-upon objectives in a manner that encourages participation, ownership, and creativity by all those involved. While facilitation is a set of interrelated skills in itself, the broad definition of facilitation can be invaluable when it comes to problem solving. Leading a team through a problem solving process is made more effective if you improve and utilize facilitation skills – whether you’re a manager, team leader or external stakeholder.

The Six Thinking Hats   #creative thinking   #meeting facilitation   #problem solving   #issue resolution   #idea generation   #conflict resolution   The Six Thinking Hats are used by individuals and groups to separate out conflicting styles of thinking. They enable and encourage a group of people to think constructively together in exploring and implementing change, rather than using argument to fight over who is right and who is wrong.


Being flexible is a vital skill when it comes to problem solving. This does not mean immediately bowing to pressure or changing your opinion quickly: instead, being flexible is all about seeing things from new perspectives, receiving new information and factoring it into your thought process.

Flexibility is also important when it comes to rolling out solutions. It might be that other organizational projects have greater priority or require the same resources as your chosen solution. Being flexible means understanding needs and challenges across the team and being open to shifting or arranging your own schedule as necessary. Again, this does not mean immediately making way for other projects. It’s about articulating your own needs, understanding the needs of others and being able to come to a meaningful compromise.

The Creativity Dice   #creativity   #problem solving   #thiagi   #issue analysis   Too much linear thinking is hazardous to creative problem solving. To be creative, you should approach the problem (or the opportunity) from different points of view. You should leave a thought hanging in mid-air and move to another. This skipping around prevents premature closure and lets your brain incubate one line of thought while you consciously pursue another.

Working in any group can lead to unconscious elements of groupthink or situations in which you may not wish to be entirely honest. Disagreeing with the opinions of the executive team or wishing to save the feelings of a coworker can be tricky to navigate, but being honest is absolutely vital when to comes to developing effective solutions and ensuring your voice is heard. 

Remember that being honest does not mean being brutally candid. You can deliver your honest feedback and opinions thoughtfully and without creating friction by using other skills such as emotional intelligence. 

Explore your Values   #hyperisland   #skills   #values   #remote-friendly   Your Values is an exercise for participants to explore what their most important values are. It’s done in an intuitive and rapid way to encourage participants to follow their intuitive feeling rather than over-thinking and finding the “correct” values. It is a good exercise to use to initiate reflection and dialogue around personal values.


The problem solving process is multi-faceted and requires different approaches at certain points of the process. Taking initiative to bring problems to the attention of the team, collect data or lead the solution creating process is always valuable. You might even roadtest your own small scale solutions or brainstorm before a session. Taking initiative is particularly effective if you have good deal of knowledge in that area or have ownership of a particular project and want to get things kickstarted.

That said, be sure to remember to honor the process and work in service of the team. If you are asked to own one part of the problem solving process and you don’t complete that task because your initiative leads you to work on something else, that’s not an effective method of solving business challenges.

15% Solutions   #action   #liberating structures   #remote-friendly   You can reveal the actions, however small, that everyone can do immediately. At a minimum, these will create momentum, and that may make a BIG difference.  15% Solutions show that there is no reason to wait around, feel powerless, or fearful. They help people pick it up a level. They get individuals and the group to focus on what is within their discretion instead of what they cannot change.  With a very simple question, you can flip the conversation to what can be done and find solutions to big problems that are often distributed widely in places not known in advance. Shifting a few grains of sand may trigger a landslide and change the whole landscape.


A particularly useful problem solving skill for product owners or managers is the ability to remain impartial throughout much of the process. In practice, this means treating all points of view and ideas brought forward in a meeting equally and ensuring that your own areas of interest or ownership are not favored over others. 

There may be a stage in the process where a decision maker has to weigh the cost and ROI of possible solutions against the company roadmap though even then, ensuring that the decision made is based on merit and not personal opinion. 

Empathy map   #frame insights   #create   #design   #issue analysis   An empathy map is a tool to help a design team to empathize with the people they are designing for. You can make an empathy map for a group of people or for a persona. To be used after doing personas when more insights are needed.

Being a good leader means getting a team aligned, energized and focused around a common goal. In the problem solving process, strong leadership helps ensure that the process is efficient, that any conflicts are resolved and that a team is managed in the direction of success.

It’s common for managers or executives to assume this role in a problem solving workshop, though it’s important that the leader maintains impartiality and does not bulldoze the group in a particular direction. Remember that good leadership means working in service of the purpose and team and ensuring the workshop is a safe space for employees of any level to contribute. Take a look at our leadership games and activities post for more exercises and methods to help improve leadership in your organization.

Leadership Pizza   #leadership   #team   #remote-friendly   This leadership development activity offers a self-assessment framework for people to first identify what skills, attributes and attitudes they find important for effective leadership, and then assess their own development and initiate goal setting.

In the context of problem solving, mediation is important in keeping a team engaged, happy and free of conflict. When leading or facilitating a problem solving workshop, you are likely to run into differences of opinion. Depending on the nature of the problem, certain issues may be brought up that are emotive in nature. 

Being an effective mediator means helping those people on either side of such a divide are heard, listen to one another and encouraged to find common ground and a resolution. Mediating skills are useful for leaders and managers in many situations and the problem solving process is no different.

Conflict Responses   #hyperisland   #team   #issue resolution   A workshop for a team to reflect on past conflicts, and use them to generate guidelines for effective conflict handling. The workshop uses the Thomas-Killman model of conflict responses to frame a reflective discussion. Use it to open up a discussion around conflict with a team.


Solving organizational problems is much more effective when following a process or problem solving model. Planning skills are vital in order to structure, deliver and follow-through on a problem solving workshop and ensure your solutions are intelligently deployed.

Planning skills include the ability to organize tasks and a team, plan and design the process and take into account any potential challenges. Taking the time to plan carefully can save time and frustration later in the process and is valuable for ensuring a team is positioned for success.

3 Action Steps   #hyperisland   #action   #remote-friendly   This is a small-scale strategic planning session that helps groups and individuals to take action toward a desired change. It is often used at the end of a workshop or programme. The group discusses and agrees on a vision, then creates some action steps that will lead them towards that vision. The scope of the challenge is also defined, through discussion of the helpful and harmful factors influencing the group.


As organisations grow, the scale and variation of problems they face multiplies. Your team or is likely to face numerous challenges in different areas and so having the skills to analyze and prioritize becomes very important, particularly for those in leadership roles.

A thorough problem solving process is likely to deliver multiple solutions and you may have several different problems you wish to solve simultaneously. Prioritization is the ability to measure the importance, value, and effectiveness of those possible solutions and choose which to enact and in what order. The process of prioritization is integral in ensuring the biggest challenges are addressed with the most impactful solutions.

Impact and Effort Matrix   #gamestorming   #decision making   #action   #remote-friendly   In this decision-making exercise, possible actions are mapped based on two factors: effort required to implement and potential impact. Categorizing ideas along these lines is a useful technique in decision making, as it obliges contributors to balance and evaluate suggested actions before committing to them.

Project management

Some problem solving skills are utilized in a workshop or ideation phases, while others come in useful when it comes to decision making. Overseeing an entire problem solving process and ensuring its success requires strong project management skills. 

While project management incorporates many of the other skills listed here, it is important to note the distinction of considering all of the factors of a project and managing them successfully. Being able to negotiate with stakeholders, manage tasks, time and people, consider costs and ROI, and tie everything together is massively helpful when going through the problem solving process. 

Record keeping

Working out meaningful solutions to organizational challenges is only one part of the process.  Thoughtfully documenting and keeping records of each problem solving step for future consultation is important in ensuring efficiency and meaningful change. 

For example, some problems may be lower priority than others but can be revisited in the future. If the team has ideated on solutions and found some are not up to the task, record those so you can rule them out and avoiding repeating work. Keeping records of the process also helps you improve and refine your problem solving model next time around!

Personal Kanban   #gamestorming   #action   #agile   #project planning   Personal Kanban is a tool for organizing your work to be more efficient and productive. It is based on agile methods and principles.

Research skills

Conducting research to support both the identification of problems and the development of appropriate solutions is important for an effective process. Knowing where to go to collect research, how to conduct research efficiently, and identifying pieces of research are relevant are all things a good researcher can do well. 

In larger groups, not everyone has to demonstrate this ability in order for a problem solving workshop to be effective. That said, having people with research skills involved in the process, particularly if they have existing area knowledge, can help ensure the solutions that are developed with data that supports their intention. Remember that being able to deliver the results of research efficiently and in a way the team can easily understand is also important. The best data in the world is only as effective as how it is delivered and interpreted.

Customer experience map   #ideation   #concepts   #research   #design   #issue analysis   #remote-friendly   Customer experience mapping is a method of documenting and visualizing the experience a customer has as they use the product or service. It also maps out their responses to their experiences. To be used when there is a solution (even in a conceptual stage) that can be analyzed.

Risk management

Managing risk is an often overlooked part of the problem solving process. Solutions are often developed with the intention of reducing exposure to risk or solving issues that create risk but sometimes, great solutions are more experimental in nature and as such, deploying them needs to be carefully considered. 

Managing risk means acknowledging that there may be risks associated with more out of the box solutions or trying new things, but that this must be measured against the possible benefits and other organizational factors. 

Be informed, get the right data and stakeholders in the room and you can appropriately factor risk into your decision making process. 

Decisions, Decisions…   #communication   #decision making   #thiagi   #action   #issue analysis   When it comes to decision-making, why are some of us more prone to take risks while others are risk-averse? One explanation might be the way the decision and options were presented.  This exercise, based on Kahneman and Tversky’s classic study , illustrates how the framing effect influences our judgement and our ability to make decisions . The participants are divided into two groups. Both groups are presented with the same problem and two alternative programs for solving them. The two programs both have the same consequences but are presented differently. The debriefing discussion examines how the framing of the program impacted the participant’s decision.


No single person is as good at problem solving as a team. Building an effective team and helping them come together around a common purpose is one of the most important problem solving skills, doubly so for leaders. By bringing a team together and helping them work efficiently, you pave the way for team ownership of a problem and the development of effective solutions. 

In a problem solving workshop, it can be tempting to jump right into the deep end, though taking the time to break the ice, energize the team and align them with a game or exercise will pay off over the course of the day.

Remember that you will likely go through the problem solving process multiple times over an organization’s lifespan and building a strong team culture will make future problem solving more effective. It’s also great to work with people you know, trust and have fun with. Working on team building in and out of the problem solving process is a hallmark of successful teams that can work together to solve business problems.

9 Dimensions Team Building Activity   #ice breaker   #teambuilding   #team   #remote-friendly   9 Dimensions is a powerful activity designed to build relationships and trust among team members. There are 2 variations of this icebreaker. The first version is for teams who want to get to know each other better. The second version is for teams who want to explore how they are working together as a team.

Time management 

The problem solving process is designed to lead a team from identifying a problem through to delivering a solution and evaluating its effectiveness. Without effective time management skills or timeboxing of tasks, it can be easy for a team to get bogged down or be inefficient.

By using a problem solving model and carefully designing your workshop, you can allocate time efficiently and trust that the process will deliver the results you need in a good timeframe.

Time management also comes into play when it comes to rolling out solutions, particularly those that are experimental in nature. Having a clear timeframe for implementing and evaluating solutions is vital for ensuring their success and being able to pivot if necessary.

Improving your skills at problem solving is often a career-long pursuit though there are methods you can use to make the learning process more efficient and to supercharge your problem solving skillset.

Remember that the skills you need to be a great problem solver have a large overlap with those skills you need to be effective in any role. Investing time and effort to develop your active listening or critical thinking skills is valuable in any context. Here are 7 ways to improve your problem solving skills.

Share best practices

Remember that your team is an excellent source of skills, wisdom, and techniques and that you should all take advantage of one another where possible. Best practices that one team has for solving problems, conducting research or making decisions should be shared across the organization. If you have in-house staff that have done active listening training or are data analysis pros, have them lead a training session. 

Your team is one of your best resources. Create space and internal processes for the sharing of skills so that you can all grow together. 

Ask for help and attend training

Once you’ve figured out you have a skills gap, the next step is to take action to fill that skills gap. That might be by asking your superior for training or coaching, or liaising with team members with that skill set. You might even attend specialized training for certain skills – active listening or critical thinking, for example, are business-critical skills that are regularly offered as part of a training scheme.

Whatever method you choose, remember that taking action of some description is necessary for growth. Whether that means practicing, getting help, attending training or doing some background reading, taking active steps to improve your skills is the way to go.

Learn a process 

Problem solving can be complicated, particularly when attempting to solve large problems for the first time. Using a problem solving process helps give structure to your problem solving efforts and focus on creating outcomes, rather than worrying about the format. 

Tools such as the seven-step problem solving process above are effective because not only do they feature steps that will help a team solve problems, they also develop skills along the way. Each step asks for people to engage with the process using different skills and in doing so, helps the team learn and grow together. Group processes of varying complexity and purpose can also be found in the SessionLab library of facilitation techniques . Using a tried and tested process and really help ease the learning curve for both those leading such a process, as well as those undergoing the purpose.

Effective teams make decisions about where they should and shouldn’t expend additional effort. By using a problem solving process, you can focus on the things that matter, rather than stumbling towards a solution haphazardly. 

Create a feedback loop

Some skills gaps are more obvious than others. It’s possible that your perception of your active listening skills differs from those of your colleagues. 

It’s valuable to create a system where team members can provide feedback in an ordered and friendly manner so they can all learn from one another. Only by identifying areas of improvement can you then work to improve them. 

Remember that feedback systems require oversight and consideration so that they don’t turn into a place to complain about colleagues. Design the system intelligently so that you encourage the creation of learning opportunities, rather than encouraging people to list their pet peeves.

While practice might not make perfect, it does make the problem solving process easier. If you are having trouble with critical thinking, don’t shy away from doing it. Get involved where you can and stretch those muscles as regularly as possible. 

Problem solving skills come more naturally to some than to others and that’s okay. Take opportunities to get involved and see where you can practice your skills in situations outside of a workshop context. Try collaborating in other circumstances at work or conduct data analysis on your own projects. You can often develop those skills you need for problem solving simply by doing them. Get involved!

Use expert exercises and methods

Learn from the best. Our library of 700+ facilitation techniques is full of activities and methods that help develop the skills you need to be an effective problem solver. Check out our templates to see how to approach problem solving and other organizational challenges in a structured and intelligent manner.

There is no single approach to improving problem solving skills, but by using the techniques employed by others you can learn from their example and develop processes that have seen proven results. 

Try new ways of thinking and change your mindset

Using tried and tested exercises that you know well can help deliver results, but you do run the risk of missing out on the learning opportunities offered by new approaches. As with the problem solving process, changing your mindset can remove blockages and be used to develop your problem solving skills.

Most teams have members with mixed skill sets and specialties. Mix people from different teams and share skills and different points of view. Teach your customer support team how to use design thinking methods or help your developers with conflict resolution techniques. Try switching perspectives with facilitation techniques like Flip It! or by using new problem solving methodologies or models. Give design thinking, liberating structures or lego serious play a try if you want to try a new approach. You will find that framing problems in new ways and using existing skills in new contexts can be hugely useful for personal development and improving your skillset. It’s also a lot of fun to try new things. Give it a go!

Encountering business challenges and needing to find appropriate solutions is not unique to your organization. Lots of very smart people have developed methods, theories and approaches to help develop problem solving skills and create effective solutions. Learn from them!

Books like The Art of Thinking Clearly , Think Smarter, or Thinking Fast, Thinking Slow are great places to start, though it’s also worth looking at blogs related to organizations facing similar problems to yours, or browsing for success stories. Seeing how Dropbox massively increased growth and working backward can help you see the skills or approach you might be lacking to solve that same problem. Learning from others by reading their stories or approaches can be time-consuming but ultimately rewarding.

A tired, distracted mind is not in the best position to learn new skills. It can be tempted to burn the candle at both ends and develop problem solving skills outside of work. Absolutely use your time effectively and take opportunities for self-improvement, though remember that rest is hugely important and that without letting your brain rest, you cannot be at your most effective. 

Creating distance between yourself and the problem you might be facing can also be useful. By letting an idea sit, you can find that a better one presents itself or you can develop it further. Take regular breaks when working and create a space for downtime. Remember that working smarter is preferable to working harder and that self-care is important for any effective learning or improvement process.

Want to design better group processes?

example of problem solving in lab

Over to you

Now we’ve explored some of the key problem solving skills and the problem solving steps necessary for an effective process, you’re ready to begin developing more effective solutions and leading problem solving workshops.

Need more inspiration? Check out our post on problem solving activities you can use when guiding a group towards a great solution in your next workshop or meeting. Have questions? Did you have a great problem solving technique you use with your team? Get in touch in the comments below. We’d love to chat!

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James Smart is Head of Content at SessionLab. He’s also a creative facilitator who has run workshops and designed courses for establishments like the National Centre for Writing, UK. He especially enjoys working with young people and empowering others in their creative practice.

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example of problem solving in lab

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Check Your Understanding

Answer: d = 1720 m

Answer: a = 8.10 m/s/s

Answers: d = 33.1 m and v f = 25.5 m/s

Answers: a = 11.2 m/s/s and d = 79.8 m

Answer: t = 1.29 s

Answers: a = 243 m/s/s

Answer: a = 0.712 m/s/s

Answer: d = 704 m

Answer: d = 28.6 m

Answer: v i = 7.17 m/s

Answer: v i = 5.03 m/s and hang time = 1.03 s (except for in sports commericals)

Answer: a = 1.62*10 5 m/s/s

Answer: d = 48.0 m

Answer: t = 8.69 s

Answer: a = -1.08*10^6 m/s/s

Answer: d = -57.0 m (57.0 meters deep) 

Answer: v i = 47.6 m/s

Answer: a = 2.86 m/s/s and t = 30. 8 s

Answer: a = 15.8 m/s/s

Answer: v i = 94.4 mi/hr

Solutions to Above Problems

t = 32.8 s

v = 0 m/s

d = (0 m/s)*(32.8 s)+ 0.5*(3.20 m/s 2 )*(32.8 s) 2

Return to Problem 1

t = 5.21 s

v = 0 m/s

110 m = (0 m/s)*(5.21 s)+ 0.5*(a)*(5.21 s) 2

110 m = (13.57 s 2 )*a

a = (110 m)/(13.57 s 2 )

a = 8.10 m/ s 2

Return to Problem 2

t = 2.6 s

v = 0 m/s

d = (0 m/s)*(2.60 s)+ 0.5*(-9.8 m/s 2 )*(2.60 s) 2

d = -33.1 m (- indicates direction)

v f = v i + a*t

v f = 0 + (-9.8 m/s 2 )*(2.60 s)

v f = -25.5 m/s (- indicates direction)

Return to Problem 3

v = 18.5 m/s

v = 46.1 m/s

t = 2.47 s

a = (46.1 m/s - 18.5 m/s)/(2.47 s)

a = 11.2 m/s 2

d = v i *t + 0.5*a*t 2

d = (18.5 m/s)*(2.47 s)+ 0.5*(11.2 m/s 2 )*(2.47 s) 2

d = 45.7 m + 34.1 m

(Note: the d can also be calculated using the equation v f 2 = v i 2 + 2*a*d)

Return to Problem 4

v = 0 m/s

d = -1.40 m

-1.40 m = (0 m/s)*(t)+ 0.5*(-1.67 m/s 2 )*(t) 2

-1.40 m = 0+ (-0.835 m/s 2 )*(t) 2

(-1.40 m)/(-0.835 m/s 2 ) = t 2

1.68 s 2 = t 2

Return to Problem 5

v = 0 m/s

v = 444 m/s

a = (444 m/s - 0 m/s)/(1.83 s)

a = 243 m/s 2

d = (0 m/s)*(1.83 s)+ 0.5*(243 m/s 2 )*(1.83 s) 2

d = 0 m + 406 m

Return to Problem 6

v = 0 m/s

v = 7.10 m/s

(7.10 m/s) 2 = (0 m/s) 2 + 2*(a)*(35.4 m)

50.4 m 2 /s 2 = (0 m/s) 2 + (70.8 m)*a

(50.4 m 2 /s 2 )/(70.8 m) = a

a = 0.712 m/s 2

Return to Problem 7

v = 0 m/s

v = 65 m/s

(65 m/s) 2 = (0 m/s) 2 + 2*(3 m/s 2 )*d

4225 m 2 /s 2 = (0 m/s) 2 + (6 m/s 2 )*d

(4225 m 2 /s 2 )/(6 m/s 2 ) = d

Return to Problem 8

v = 22.4 m/s

v = 0 m/s

d = (22.4 m/s + 0 m/s)/2 *2.55 s

d = (11.2 m/s)*2.55 s

Return to Problem 9

a = -9.8 m/s

v = 0 m/s

(0 m/s) 2 = v i 2 + 2*(-9.8 m/s 2 )*(2.62 m)

0 m 2 /s 2 = v i 2 - 51.35 m 2 /s 2

51.35 m 2 /s 2 = v i 2

v i = 7.17 m/s

Return to Problem 10

(0 m/s) 2 = v i 2 + 2*(-9.8 m/s 2 )*(1.29 m)

0 m 2 /s 2 = v i 2 - 25.28 m 2 /s 2

25.28 m 2 /s 2 = v i 2

v i = 5.03 m/s

To find hang time, find the time to the peak and then double it.

0 m/s = 5.03 m/s + (-9.8 m/s 2 )*t up

-5.03 m/s = (-9.8 m/s 2 )*t up

(-5.03 m/s)/(-9.8 m/s 2 ) = t up

t up = 0.513 s

hang time = 1.03 s

Return to Problem 11

v = 0 m/s

v = 521 m/s

(521 m/s) 2 = (0 m/s) 2 + 2*(a)*(0.840 m)

271441 m 2 /s 2 = (0 m/s) 2 + (1.68 m)*a

(271441 m 2 /s 2 )/(1.68 m) = a

a = 1.62*10 5 m /s 2

Return to Problem 12

  • (NOTE: the time required to move to the peak of the trajectory is one-half the total hang time - 3.125 s.)

First use:  v f  = v i  + a*t

0 m/s = v i  + (-9.8  m/s 2 )*(3.13 s)

0 m/s = v i  - 30.7 m/s

v i  = 30.7 m/s  (30.674 m/s)

Now use:  v f 2  = v i 2  + 2*a*d

(0 m/s) 2  = (30.7 m/s) 2  + 2*(-9.8  m/s 2 )*(d)

0 m 2 /s 2  = (940 m 2 /s 2 ) + (-19.6  m/s 2 )*d

-940  m 2 /s 2  = (-19.6  m/s 2 )*d

(-940  m 2 /s 2 )/(-19.6  m/s 2 ) = d

Return to Problem 13

v = 0 m/s

d = -370 m

-370 m = (0 m/s)*(t)+ 0.5*(-9.8 m/s 2 )*(t) 2

-370 m = 0+ (-4.9 m/s 2 )*(t) 2

(-370 m)/(-4.9 m/s 2 ) = t 2

75.5 s 2 = t 2

Return to Problem 14

v = 367 m/s

v = 0 m/s

(0 m/s) 2 = (367 m/s) 2 + 2*(a)*(0.0621 m)

0 m 2 /s 2 = (134689 m 2 /s 2 ) + (0.1242 m)*a

-134689 m 2 /s 2 = (0.1242 m)*a

(-134689 m 2 /s 2 )/(0.1242 m) = a

a = -1.08*10 6 m /s 2

(The - sign indicates that the bullet slowed down.)

Return to Problem 15

t = 3.41 s

v = 0 m/s

d = (0 m/s)*(3.41 s)+ 0.5*(-9.8 m/s 2 )*(3.41 s) 2

d = 0 m+ 0.5*(-9.8 m/s 2 )*(11.63 s 2 )

d = -57.0 m

(NOTE: the - sign indicates direction)

Return to Problem 16

a = -3.90 m/s

v = 0 m/s

(0 m/s) 2 = v i 2 + 2*(- 3.90 m/s 2 )*(290 m)

0 m 2 /s 2 = v i 2 - 2262 m 2 /s 2

2262 m 2 /s 2 = v i 2

v i = 47.6 m /s

Return to Problem 17

v = 0 m/s

v = 88.3 m/s

( 88.3 m/s) 2 = (0 m/s) 2 + 2*(a)*(1365 m)

7797 m 2 /s 2 = (0 m 2 /s 2 ) + (2730 m)*a

7797 m 2 /s 2 = (2730 m)*a

(7797 m 2 /s 2 )/(2730 m) = a

a = 2.86 m/s 2

88.3 m/s = 0 m/s + (2.86 m/s 2 )*t

(88.3 m/s)/(2.86 m/s 2 ) = t

t = 30. 8 s

Return to Problem 18

v = 0 m/s

v = m/s

( 112 m/s) 2 = (0 m/s) 2 + 2*(a)*(398 m)

12544 m 2 /s 2 = 0 m 2 /s 2 + (796 m)*a

12544 m 2 /s 2 = (796 m)*a

(12544 m 2 /s 2 )/(796 m) = a

a = 15.8 m/s 2

Return to Problem 19

v f 2 = v i 2 + 2*a*d

(0 m/s) 2 = v i 2 + 2*(-9.8 m/s 2 )*(91.5 m)

0 m 2 /s 2 = v i 2 - 1793 m 2 /s 2

1793 m 2 /s 2 = v i 2

v i = 42.3 m/s

Now convert from m/s to mi/hr:

v i = 42.3 m/s * (2.23 mi/hr)/(1 m/s)

v i = 94.4 mi/hr

Return to Problem 20

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A Problem-Solving Experiment

Using Beer’s Law to Find the Concentration of Tartrazine

The Science Teacher—January/February 2022 (Volume 89, Issue 3)

By Kevin Mason, Steve Schieffer, Tara Rose, and Greg Matthias

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A Problem-Solving Experiment

A problem-solving experiment is a learning activity that uses experimental design to solve an authentic problem. It combines two evidence-based teaching strategies: problem-based learning and inquiry-based learning. The use of problem-based learning and scientific inquiry as an effective pedagogical tool in the science classroom has been well established and strongly supported by research ( Akinoglu and Tandogan 2007 ; Areepattamannil 2012 ; Furtak, Seidel, and Iverson 2012 ; Inel and Balim 2010 ; Merritt et al. 2017 ; Panasan and Nuangchalerm 2010 ; Wilson, Taylor, and Kowalski 2010 ).

Floyd James Rutherford, the founder of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Project 2061 once stated, “To separate conceptually scientific content from scientific inquiry,” he underscored, “is to make it highly probable that the student will properly understand neither” (1964, p. 84). A more recent study using randomized control trials showed that teachers that used an inquiry and problem-based pedagogy for seven months improved student performance in math and science ( Bando, Nashlund-Hadley, and Gertler 2019 ). A problem-solving experiment uses problem-based learning by posing an authentic or meaningful problem for students to solve and inquiry-based learning by requiring students to design an experiment to collect and analyze data to solve the problem.

In the problem-solving experiment described in this article, students used Beer’s Law to collect and analyze data to determine if a person consumed a hazardous amount of tartrazine (Yellow Dye #5) for their body weight. The students used their knowledge of solutions, molarity, dilutions, and Beer’s Law to design their own experiment and calculate the amount of tartrazine in a yellow sports drink (or citrus-flavored soda).

According to the Next Generation Science Standards, energy is defined as “a quantitative property of a system that depends on the motion and interactions of matter and radiation with that system” ( NGSS Lead States 2013 ). Interactions of matter and radiation can be some of the most challenging for students to observe, investigate, and conceptually understand. As a result, students need opportunities to observe and investigate the interactions of matter and radiation. Light is one example of radiation that interacts with matter.

Light is electromagnetic radiation that is detectable to the human eye and exhibits properties of both a wave and a particle. When light interacts with matter, light can be reflected at the surface, absorbed by the matter, or transmitted through the matter ( Figure 1 ). When a single beam of light enters a substance at a perpendicularly (at a 90 ° angle to the surface), the amount of reflection is minimal. Therefore, the light will either be absorbed by the substance or be transmitted through the substance. When a given wavelength of light shines into a solution, the amount of light that is absorbed will depend on the identity of the substance, the thickness of the container, and the concentration of the solution.

Light interacting with matter.  (Retrieved from

Light interacting with matter.

(Retrieved from ).

Beer’s Law states the amount of light absorbed is directly proportional to the thickness and concentration of a solution. Beer’s Law is also sometimes known as the Beer-Lambert Law. A solution of a higher concentration will absorb more light and transmit less light ( Figure 2 ). Similarly, if the solution is placed in a thicker container that requires the light to pass through a greater distance, then the solution will absorb more light and transmit less light.

Figure 2 Light transmitted through a solution.  (Retrieved from

Light transmitted through a solution.

(Retrieved from ).

Definitions of key terms.

Absorbance (A) – the process of light energy being captured by a substance

Beer’s Law (Beer-Lambert Law) – the absorbance (A) of light is directly proportional to the molar absorptivity (ε), thickness (b), and concentration (C) of the solution (A = εbC)

Concentration (C) – the amount of solute dissolved per amount of solution

Cuvette – a container used to hold a sample to be tested in a spectrophotometer

Energy (E) – a quantitative property of a system that depends on motion and interactions of matter and radiation with that system (NGSS Lead States 2013).

Intensity (I) – the amount or brightness of light

Light – electromagnetic radiation that is detectable to the human eye and exhibits properties of both a wave and a particle

Molar Absorptivity (ε) – a property that represents the amount of light absorbed by a given substance per molarity of the solution and per centimeter of thickness (M-1 cm-1)

Molarity (M) – the number of moles of solute per liters of solution (Mol/L)

Reflection – the process of light energy bouncing off the surface of a substance

Spectrophotometer – a device used to measure the absorbance of light by a substance

Tartrazine – widely used food and liquid dye

Transmittance (T) – the process of light energy passing through a substance

The amount of light absorbed by a solution can be measured using a spectrophotometer. The solution of a given concentration is placed in a small container called a cuvette. The cuvette has a known thickness that can be held constant during the experiment. It is also possible to obtain cuvettes of different thicknesses to study the effect of thickness on the absorption of light. The key definitions of the terms related to Beer’s Law and the learning activity presented in this article are provided in Figure 3 .

Overview of the problem-solving experiment

In the problem presented to students, a 140-pound athlete drinks two bottles of yellow sports drink every day ( Figure 4 ; see Online Connections). When she starts to notice a rash on her skin, she reads the label of the sports drink and notices that it contains a yellow dye known as tartrazine. While tartrazine is safe to drink, it may produce some potential side effects in large amounts, including rashes, hives, or swelling. The students must design an experiment to determine the concentration of tartrazine in the yellow sports drink and the number of milligrams of tartrazine in two bottles of the sports drink.

While a sports drink may have many ingredients, the vast majority of ingredients—such as sugar or electrolytes—are colorless when dissolved in water solution. The dyes added to the sports drink are responsible for the color of the sports drink. Food manufacturers may use different dyes to color sports drinks to the desired color. Red dye #40 (allura red), blue dye #1 (brilliant blue), yellow dye #5 (tartrazine), and yellow dye #6 (sunset yellow) are the four most common dyes or colorants in sports drinks and many other commercial food products ( Stevens et al. 2015 ). The concentration of the dye in the sports drink affects the amount of light absorbed.

In this problem-solving experiment, the students used the previously studied concept of Beer’s Law—using serial dilutions and absorbance—to find the concentration (molarity) of tartrazine in the sports drink. Based on the evidence, the students then determined if the person had exceeded the maximum recommended daily allowance of tartrazine, given in mg/kg of body mass. The learning targets for this problem-solving experiment are shown in Figure 5 (see Online Connections).

Pre-laboratory experiences

A problem-solving experiment is a form of guided inquiry, which will generally require some prerequisite knowledge and experience. In this activity, the students needed prior knowledge and experience with Beer’s Law and the techniques in using Beer’s Law to determine an unknown concentration. Prior to the activity, students learned how Beer’s Law is used to relate absorbance to concentration as well as how to use the equation M 1 V 1 = M 2 V 2 to determine concentrations of dilutions. The students had a general understanding of molarity and using dimensional analysis to change units in measurements.

The techniques for using Beer’s Law were introduced in part through a laboratory experiment using various concentrations of copper sulfate. A known concentration of copper sulfate was provided and the students followed a procedure to prepare dilutions. Students learned the technique for choosing the wavelength that provided the maximum absorbance for the solution to be tested ( λ max ), which is important for Beer’s Law to create a linear relationship between absorbance and solution concentration. Students graphed the absorbance of each concentration in a spreadsheet as a scatterplot and added a linear trend line. Through class discussion, the teacher checked for understanding in using the equation of the line to determine the concentration of an unknown copper sulfate solution.

After the students graphed the data, they discussed how the R2 value related to the data set used to construct the graph. After completing this experiment, the students were comfortable making dilutions from a stock solution, calculating concentrations, and using the spectrophotometer to use Beer’s Law to determine an unknown concentration.

Introducing the problem

After the initial experiment on Beer’s Law, the problem-solving experiment was introduced. The problem presented to students is shown in Figure 4 (see Online Connections). A problem-solving experiment provides students with a valuable opportunity to collaborate with other students in designing an experiment and solving a problem. For this activity, the students were assigned to heterogeneous or mixed-ability laboratory groups. Groups should be diversified based on gender; research has shown that gender diversity among groups improves academic performance, while racial diversity has no significant effect ( Hansen, Owan, and Pan 2015 ). It is also important to support students with special needs when assigning groups. The mixed-ability groups were assigned intentionally to place students with special needs with a peer who has the academic ability and disposition to provide support. In addition, some students may need additional accommodations or modifications for this learning activity, such as an outlined lab report, a shortened lab report format, or extended time to complete the analysis. All students were required to wear chemical-splash goggles and gloves, and use caution when handling solutions and glass apparatuses.

Designing the experiment

During this activity, students worked in lab groups to design their own experiment to solve a problem. The teacher used small-group and whole-class discussions to help students understand the problem. Students discussed what information was provided and what they need to know and do to solve the problem. In planning the experiment, the teacher did not provide a procedure and intentionally provided only minimal support to the students as needed. The students designed their own experimental procedure, which encouraged critical thinking and problem solving. The students needed to be allowed to struggle to some extent. The teacher provided some direction and guidance by posing questions for students to consider and answer for themselves. Students were also frequently reminded to review their notes and the previous experiment on Beer’s Law to help them better use their resources to solve the problem. The use of heterogeneous or mixed-ability groups also helped each group be more self-sufficient and successful in designing and conducting the experiment.

Students created a procedure for their experiment with the teacher providing suggestions or posing questions to enhance the experimental design, if needed. Safety was addressed during this consultation to correct safety concerns in the experimental design or provide safety precautions for the experiment. Students needed to wear splash-proof goggles and gloves throughout the experiment. In a few cases, students realized some opportunities to improve their experimental design during the experiment. This was allowed with the teacher’s approval, and the changes to the procedure were documented for the final lab report.

Conducting the experiment

A sample of the sports drink and a stock solution of 0.01 M stock solution of tartrazine were provided to the students. There are many choices of sports drinks available, but it is recommended that the ingredients are checked to verify that tartrazine (yellow dye #5) is the only colorant added. This will prevent other colorants from affecting the spectroscopy results in the experiment. A citrus-flavored soda could also be used as an alternative because many sodas have tartrazine added as well. It is important to note that tartrazine is considered safe to drink, but it may produce some potential side effects in large amounts, including rashes, hives, or swelling. A list of the materials needed for this problem-solving experiment is shown in Figure 6 (see Online Connections).

This problem-solving experiment required students to create dilutions of known concentrations of tartrazine as a reference to determine the unknown concentration of tartrazine in a sports drink. To create the dilutions, the students were provided with a 0.01 M stock solution of tartrazine. The teacher purchased powdered tartrazine, available from numerous vendors, to create the stock solution. The 0.01 M stock solution was prepared by weighing 0.534 g of tartrazine and dissolving it in enough distilled water to make a 100 ml solution. Yellow food coloring could be used as an alternative, but it would take some research to determine its concentration. Since students have previously explored the experimental techniques, they should know to prepare dilutions that are somewhat darker and somewhat lighter in color than the yellow sports drink sample. Students should use five dilutions for best results.

Typically, a good range for the yellow sports drink is standard dilutions ranging from 1 × 10-3 M to 1 × 10-5 M. The teacher may need to caution the students that if a dilution is too dark, it will not yield good results and lower the R2 value. Students that used very dark dilutions often realized that eliminating that data point created a better linear trendline, as long as it didn’t reduce the number of data points to fewer than four data points. Some students even tried to use the 0.01 M stock solution without any dilution. This was much too dark. The students needed to do substantial dilutions to get the solutions in the range of the sports drink.

After the dilutions are created, the absorbance of each dilution was measured using a spectrophotometer. A Vernier SpectroVis (~$400) spectrophotometer was used to measure the absorbance of the prepared dilutions with known concentrations. The students adjusted the spectrophotometer to use different wavelengths of light and selected the wavelength with the highest absorbance reading. The same wavelength was then used for each measurement of absorbance. A wavelength of 650 nanometers (nm) provided an accurate measurement and good linear relationship. After measuring the absorbance of the dilutions of known concentrations, the students measured the absorbance of the sports drink with an unknown concentration of tartrazine using the spectrophotometer at the same wavelength. If a spectrophotometer is not available, a color comparison can be used as a low-cost alternative for completing this problem-solving experiment ( Figure 7 ; see Online Connections).

Analyzing the results

After completing the experiment, the students graphed the absorbance and known tartrazine concentrations of the dilutions on a scatter-plot to create a linear trendline. In this experiment, absorbance was the dependent variable, which should be graphed on the y -axis. Some students mistakenly reversed the axes on the scatter-plot. Next, the students used the graph to find the equation for the line. Then, the students solve for the unknown concentration (molarity) of tartrazine in the sports drink given the linear equation and the absorbance of the sports drink measured experimentally.

To answer the question posed in the problem, the students also calculated the maximum amount of tartrazine that could be safely consumed by a 140 lb. person, using the information given in the problem. A common error in solving the problem was not converting the units of volume given in the problem from ounces to liters. With the molarity and volume in liters, the students then calculated the mass of tartrazine consumed per day in milligrams. A sample of the graph and calculations from one student group are shown in Figure 8 . Finally, based on their calculations, the students answered the question posed in the original problem and determined if the person’s daily consumption of tartrazine exceeded the threshold for safe consumption. In this case, the students concluded that the person did NOT consume more than the allowable daily limit of tartrazine.

Sample graph and calculations from a student group.

Sample graph and calculations from a student group.

Communicating the results

After conducting the experiment, students reported their results in a written laboratory report that included the following sections: title, purpose, introduction, hypothesis, materials and methods, data and calculations, conclusion, and discussion. The laboratory report was assessed using the scoring rubric shown in Figure 9 (see Online Connections). In general, the students did very well on this problem-solving experiment. Students typically scored a three or higher on each criteria of the rubric. Throughout the activity, the students successfully demonstrated their ability to design an experiment, collect data, perform calculations, solve a problem, and effectively communicate those results.

This activity is authentic problem-based learning in science as the true concentration of tartrazine in the sports drink was not provided by the teacher or known by the students. The students were generally somewhat biased as they assumed the experiment would result in exceeding the recommended maximum consumption of tartrazine. Some students struggled with reporting that the recommended limit was far higher than the two sports drinks consumed by the person each day. This allows for a great discussion about the use of scientific methods and evidence to provide unbiased answers to meaningful questions and problems.

The most common errors in this problem-solving experiment were calculation errors, with the most common being calculating the concentrations of the dilutions (perhaps due to the use of very small concentrations). There were also several common errors in communicating the results in the laboratory report. In some cases, students did not provide enough background information in the introduction of the report. When the students communicated the results, some students also failed to reference specific data from the experiment. Finally, in the discussion section, some students expressed concern or doubts in the results, not because there was an obvious error, but because they did not believe the level consumed could be so much less than the recommended consumption limit of tartrazine.

The scientific study and investigation of energy and matter are salient topics addressed in the Next Generation Science Standards ( Figure 10 ; see Online Connections). In a chemistry classroom, students should have multiple opportunities to observe and investigate the interaction of energy and matter. In this problem-solving experiment students used Beer’s Law to collect and analyze data to determine if a person consumed an amount of tartrazine that exceeded the maximum recommended daily allowance. The students correctly concluded that the person in the problem did not consume more than the recommended daily amount of tartrazine for their body weight.

In this activity students learned to work collaboratively to design an experiment, collect and analyze data, and solve a problem. These skills extend beyond any one science subject or class. Through this activity, students had the opportunity to do real-world science to solve a problem without a previously known result. The process of designing an experiment may be difficult for some students that are often accustomed to being given an experimental procedure in their previous science classroom experiences. However, because students sometimes struggled to design their own experiment and perform the calculations, students also learned to persevere in collecting and analyzing data to solve a problem, which is a valuable life lesson for all students. ■

Online Connections

The Beer-Lambert Law at Chemistry LibreTexts:

Beer’s Law – Theoretical Principles:

Beer’s Law at Illustrated Glossary of Organic Chemistry:

Beer Lambert Law at Edinburgh Instruments:

Beer’s Law Lab at PhET Interactive Simulations:

Figure 4. Problem-solving experiment problem statement:

Figure 5. Learning targets:

Figure 6. Materials list:

Figure 7. The use of color comparison as a low-cost alternative:

Figure 9. Summative performance-based assessment rubric:

Figure 10. Connecting to the Next Generation Science Standards :

Kevin Mason ( [email protected] ) is Professor of Education at the University of Wisconsin–Stout, Menomonie, WI; Steve Schieffer is a chemistry teacher at Amery High School, Amery, WI; Tara Rose is a chemistry teacher at Amery High School, Amery, WI; and Greg Matthias is Assistant Professor of Education at the University of Wisconsin–Stout, Menomonie, WI.

Akinoglu, O., and R. Tandogan. 2007. The effects of problem-based active learning in science education on students’ academic achievement, attitude and concept learning. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education 3 (1): 77–81.

Areepattamannil, S. 2012. Effects of inquiry-based science instruction on science achievement and interest in science: Evidence from Qatar. The Journal of Educational Research 105 (2): 134–146.

Bando R., E. Nashlund-Hadley, and P. Gertler. 2019. Effect of inquiry and problem-based pedagogy on learning: Evidence from 10 field experiments in four countries. The National Bureau of Economic Research 26280.

Furtak, E., T. Seidel, and H. Iverson. 2012. Experimental and quasi-experimental studies of inquiry-based science teaching: A meta-analysis. Review of Educational Research 82 (3): 300–329.

Hansen, Z., H. Owan, and J. Pan. 2015. The impact of group diversity on class performance. Education Economics 23 (2): 238–258.

Inel, D., and A. Balim. 2010. The effects of using problem-based learning in science and technology teaching upon students’ academic achievement and levels of structuring concepts. Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching 11 (2): 1–23.

Merritt, J., M. Lee, P. Rillero, and B. Kinach. 2017. Problem-based learning in K–8 mathematics and science education: A literature review. The Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based Learning 11 (2).

NGSS Lead States. 2013. Next Generation Science Standards: For states, by states. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.

Panasan, M., and P. Nuangchalerm. 2010. Learning outcomes of project-based and inquiry-based learning activities. Journal of Social Sciences 6 (2): 252–255.

Rutherford, F.J. 1964. The role of inquiry in science teaching. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 2 (2): 80–84.

Stevens, L.J., J.R. Burgess, M.A. Stochelski, and T. Kuczek. 2015. Amounts of artificial food dyes and added sugars in foods and sweets commonly consumed by children. Clinical Pediatrics 54 (4): 309–321.

Wilson, C., J. Taylor, and S. Kowalski. 2010. The relative effects and equity of inquiry-based and commonplace science teaching on students’ knowledge, reasoning, and argumentation. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 47 (3): 276–301.

Chemistry Crosscutting Concepts Curriculum Disciplinary Core Ideas General Science Inquiry Instructional Materials Labs Lesson Plans Mathematics NGSS Pedagogy Science and Engineering Practices STEM Teaching Strategies Technology Three-Dimensional Learning High School

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3 Problem statement examples and steps to write your own


We’ve all encountered problems on the job. After all, that’s what a lot of work is about. Solving meaningful problems to help improve something. 

Developing a problem statement that provides a brief description of an issue you want to solve is an important early step in problem-solving .

It sounds deceptively simple. But creating an effective problem statement isn’t that easy, even for a genius like Albert Einstein. Given one hour to work on a problem, he’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and five minutes finding solutions. (Or so the story goes.)

Einstein was probably exaggerating to make a point. But considering his success in solving complex problems, we think he was on to something. 

As humans, we’re wired to jump past the problem and go directly to the solution stage. In emergencies, this behavior can be lifesaving, as in leaping out of the way of a speeding car. But when dealing with longer-range issues in the workplace, this can lead to bad decisions or half-baked solutions. 

That’s where problem statements come in handy. They help to meaningfully outline objectives to reach effective solutions. Knowing how to develop a great problem statement is also a valuable tool for honing your management skills .

But what exactly is a problem statement, when should you use one, and how do you go about writing one? In this article, we'll answer those questions and give you some tips for writing effective problem statements. Then you'll be ready to take on more challenges large and small.

What is a problem statement?

First, let’s start by defining a problem statement. 

A problem statement is a short, clear explanation of an issue or challenge that sums up what you want to change. It helps you, team members, and other stakeholders to focus on the problem, why it’s important, and who it impacts. 

A good problem statement should create awareness and stimulate creative thinking . It should not identify a solution or create a bias toward a specific strategy.

Taking time to work on a problem statement is a great way to short-circuit the tendency to rush to solutions. It helps to make sure you’re focusing on the right problem and have a well-informed understanding of the root causes. The process can also help you take a more proactive than reactive approach to problem-solving . This can help position you and your team to avoid getting stuck in constant fire-fighting mode. That way, you can take advantage of more growth opportunities.  

When to use a problem statement

The best time to create a problem statement is before you start thinking of solutions. If you catch yourself or your team rushing to the solution stage when you’re first discussing a problem, hit the brakes. Go back and work on the statement of the problem to make sure everyone understands and agrees on what the real problem is. 

Here are some common situations where writing problem statements might come in handy: 

  • Writing an executive summary for a project proposal or research project
  • Collaborating   on a cross-functional project with several team members
  • Defining the customer issue that a proposed product or service aims to solve
  • Using design thinking to improve user experience
  • Tackling a problem that previous actions failed to solve 

How to identify a problem statement

Like the unseen body of an iceberg, the root cause of a specific problem isn’t always obvious. So when developing a problem statement, how do you go about identifying the true, underlying problem?

These two steps will help you uncover the root cause of a problem :

  • Collect information from the research and previous experience with the problem
  • Talk to multiple stakeholders who are impacted by the problem

People often perceive problems differently. Interviewing stakeholders will help you understand the problem from diverse points of view. It can also help you develop some case studies to illustrate the problem. 

Combining these insights with research data will help you identify root causes more accurately. In turn, this methodology will help you craft a problem statement that will lead to more viable solutions. 

What are problem statements used for?

You can use problem statements for a variety of purposes. For an organization, it might be solving customer and employee issues. For the government, it could be improving public health. For individuals, it can mean enhancing their own personal well-being . Generally, problem statements can be used to:

  • Identify opportunities for improvement
  • Focus on the right problems or issues to launch more successful initiatives – a common challenge in leadership
  • Help you communicate a problem to others who need to be involved in finding a solution
  • Serve as the basis for developing an action plan or goals that need to be accomplished to help solve the problem
  • Stimulate thinking outside the box  and other types of creative brainstorming techniques

3 examples of problem statements

When you want to be sure you understand a concept or tool, it helps to see an example. There can also be some differences in opinion about what a problem statement should look like. For instance, some frameworks include a proposed solution as part of the problem statement. But if the goal is to stimulate fresh ideas, it’s better not to suggest a solution within the problem statement. 

In our experience, an effective problem statement is brief, preferably one sentence. It’s also specific and descriptive without being prescriptive. 

Here are three problem statement examples. While these examples represent three types of problems or goals, keep in mind that there can be many other types of problem statements.        

Example Problem Statement 1: The Status Quo Problem Statement


The average customer service on-hold time for Example company exceeds five minutes during both its busy and slow seasons.

This can be used to describe a current pain point within an organization that may need to be addressed. Note that the statement specifies that the issue occurs during the company’s slow time as well as the busy season. This is helpful in performing the root cause analysis and determining how this problem can be solved. 

The average customer service on-hold time for Example company exceeds five minutes during both its busy and slow seasons. The company is currently understaffed and customer service representatives are overwhelmed.


Example company is facing a significant challenge in managing their customer service on-hold times. In the past, the company had been known for its efficient and timely customer service, but due to a combination of factors, including understaffing and increased customer demand, the on-hold times have exceeded five minutes consistently. This has resulted in frustration and dissatisfaction among customers, negatively impacting the company's reputation and customer loyalty.

Reducing the on-hold times for customer service callers is crucial for Example company. Prolonged waiting times have a detrimental effect on customer satisfaction and loyalty, leading to potential customer churn and loss of revenue. Additionally, the company's declining reputation in terms of customer service can have a lasting impact on its competitive position in the market. Addressing this problem is of utmost importance to improve customer experience and maintain a positive brand image.


The primary objective of this project is to reduce the on-hold times for customer service callers at Example company. The specific objectives include:

  • Analyzing the current customer service workflow and identifying bottlenecks contributing to increased on-hold times.
  • Assessing the staffing levels and resource allocation to determine the extent of understaffing and its impact on customer service.
  • Developing strategies and implementing measures to optimize the customer service workflow and reduce on-hold times.
  • Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the implemented measures through key performance indicators (KPIs) such as average on-hold time, customer satisfaction ratings, and customer feedback.
  • Establishing a sustainable approach to maintain reduced on-hold times, taking into account both busy and slow seasons, through proper resource planning, training, and process improvements.

Example Problem Statement 2: The Destination Problem Statement

Leaders at Example company want to increase net revenue for its premium product line of widgets by 5% for the next fiscal year. 

This approach can be used to describe where an organization wants to be in the future. This type of problem statement is useful for launching initiatives to help an organization achieve its desired state. 

Like creating SMART goals , you want to be as specific as possible. Note that the statement specifies “net revenue” instead of “gross revenue." This will help keep options open for potential actions. It also makes it clear that merely increasing sales is not an acceptable solution if higher marketing costs offset the net gains. 

Leaders at Example company aim to increase net revenue for its premium product line of widgets by 5% for the next fiscal year. However, the company currently lacks the necessary teams to tackle this objective effectively. To achieve this growth target, the company needs to expand its marketing and PR teams, as well as its product development teams, to prepare for scaling. 

Example company faces the challenge of generating a 5% increase in net revenue for its premium product line of widgets in the upcoming fiscal year. Currently, the company lacks the required workforce to drive this growth. Without adequate staff in the marketing, PR, and product development departments, the company's ability to effectively promote, position, and innovate its premium product line will be hindered. To achieve this kind of growth, it is essential that Example company expands teams, enhances capabilities, and strategically taps into the existing pool of loyal customers.

Increasing net revenue for the premium product line is crucial for Example company's overall business success. Failure to achieve the targeted growth rate can lead to missed revenue opportunities and stagnation in the market. By expanding the marketing and PR teams, Example company can strengthen its brand presence, effectively communicate the value proposition of its premium product line, and attract new customers.

Additionally, expanding the product development teams will enable the company to introduce new features and innovations, further enticing existing and potential customers. Therefore, addressing the workforce shortage and investing in the necessary resources are vital for achieving the revenue growth objective.

The primary objective of this project is to increase net revenue for Example company's premium product line of widgets by 5% in the next fiscal year. The specific objectives include:

  • Assessing the current workforce and identifying the gaps in the marketing, PR, and product development teams.
  • Expanding the marketing and PR teams by hiring skilled professionals who can effectively promote the premium product line and engage with the target audience.
  • Strengthening the product development teams by recruiting qualified individuals who can drive innovation, enhance product features, and meet customer demands.
  • Developing a comprehensive marketing and PR strategy to effectively communicate the value proposition of the premium product line and attract new customers.
  • Leveraging the existing base of loyal customers to increase repeat purchases, referrals, and brand advocacy.
  • Allocating sufficient resources, both time and manpower, to support the expansion and scaling efforts required to achieve the ambitious revenue growth target.
  • Monitoring and analyzing key performance indicators (KPIs) such as net revenue, customer acquisition, customer retention, and customer satisfaction to measure the success of the growth initiatives.
  • Establishing a sustainable plan to maintain the increased revenue growth beyond the next fiscal year by implementing strategies for continuous improvement and adaptation to market dynamics.

Example Problem Statement 3 The Stakeholder Problem Statement

In the last three quarterly employee engagement surveys , less than 30% of employees at Eample company stated that they feel valued by the company. This represents a 20% decline compared to the same period in the year prior. 

This strategy can be used to describe how a specific stakeholder group views the organization. It can be useful for exploring issues and potential solutions that impact specific groups of people. 

Note the statement makes it clear that the issue has been present in multiple surveys and it's significantly worse than the previous year. When researching root causes, the HR team will want to zero in on factors that changed since the previous year.

In the last three quarterly employee engagement surveys, less than 30% of employees at the Example company stated that they feel valued by the company. This indicates a significant decline of 20% compared to the same period in the previous year.

The company aspires to reduce this percentage further to under 10%. However, achieving this goal would require filling specialized roles and implementing substantial cultural changes within the organization.

Example company is facing a pressing issue regarding employee engagement and perceived value within the company. Over the past year, there has been a notable decline in the percentage of employees who feel valued. This decline is evident in the results of the quarterly employee engagement surveys, which consistently show less than 30% of employees reporting a sense of value by the company.

This decline of 20% compared to the previous year's data signifies a concerning trend. To address this problem effectively, Example company needs to undertake significant measures that go beyond superficial changes and necessitate filling specialized roles and transforming the company culture.

Employee engagement and a sense of value are crucial for organizational success. When employees feel valued, they tend to be more productive, committed, and motivated. Conversely, a lack of perceived value can lead to decreased morale, increased turnover rates, and diminished overall performance.

By addressing the decline in employees feeling valued, Example company can improve employee satisfaction, retention, and ultimately, overall productivity. Achieving the desired reduction to under 10% is essential to restore a positive work environment and build a culture of appreciation and respect.

The primary objective of this project is to increase the percentage of employees who feel valued by Example company, aiming to reduce it to under 10%. The specific objectives include:

  • Conducting a comprehensive analysis of the factors contributing to the decline in employees feeling valued, including organizational policies, communication practices, leadership styles, and cultural norms.
  • Identifying and filling specialized roles, such as employee engagement specialists or culture change agents, who can provide expertise and guidance in fostering a culture of value and appreciation.
  • Developing a holistic employee engagement strategy that encompasses various initiatives, including training programs, recognition programs, feedback mechanisms, and communication channels, to enhance employee value perception.
  • Implementing cultural changes within the organization that align with the values of appreciation, respect, and recognition, while fostering an environment where employees feel valued.
  • Communicating the importance of employee value and engagement throughout all levels of the organization, including leadership teams, managers, and supervisors, to ensure consistent messaging and support.
  • Monitoring progress through regular employee surveys, feedback sessions, and key performance indicators (KPIs) related to employee satisfaction, turnover rates, and overall engagement levels.
  • Providing ongoing support, resources, and training to managers and supervisors to enable them to effectively recognize and appreciate their teams and foster a culture of value within their respective departments.
  • Establishing a sustainable framework for maintaining high employee value perception in the long term, including regular evaluation and adaptation of employee engagement initiatives to address evolving needs and expectations.


What are the 5 components of a problem statement?

In developing a problem statement, it helps to think like a journalist by focusing on the five Ws: who, what, when, where, and why or how. Keep in mind that every statement may not explicitly include each component. But asking these questions is a good way to make sure you’re covering the key elements:

  • Who: Who are the stakeholders that are affected by the problem?
  • What: What is the current state, desired state, or unmet need? 
  • When: When is the issue occurring or what is the timeframe involved?
  • Where: Where is the problem occurring? For example, is it in a specific department, location, or region?
  • Why: Why is this important or worth solving? How is the problem impacting your customers, employees, other stakeholders, or the organization? What is the magnitude of the problem? How large is the gap between the current and desired state? 

How do you write a problem statement?

There are many frameworks designed to help people write a problem statement. One example is outlined in the book, The Conclusion Trap: Four Steps to Better Decisions, ” by Daniel Markovitz. A faculty member at the Lean Enterprise Institute, the author uses many case studies from his work as a business consultant.

To simplify the process, we’ve broken it down into three steps:

1. Gather data and observe

Use data from research and reports, as well as facts from direct observation to answer the five Ws: who, what, when, where, and why. 

Whenever possible, get out in the field and talk directly with stakeholders impacted by the problem. Get a firsthand look at the work environment and equipment. This may mean spending time on the production floor asking employees questions about their work and challenges. Or taking customer service calls to learn more about customer pain points and problems your employees may be grappling with.    

2. Frame the problem properly  

A well-framed problem will help you avoid cognitive bias and open avenues for discussion. It will also encourage the exploration of more options.

A good way to test a problem statement for bias is to ask questions like these:



Does the problem appear to have only one possible solution?

Look for ways to rephrase it to open up more possibilities.

Does the statement describe a symptom instead of the problem?

Dig deeper for the root cause.

Does the statement suggest the problem is that you don’t have enough time, money, or people?

Find a way to pose the problem that will lead to more creative solutions. 

Does the problem statement lack an obvious solution?

Great! You’re probably ready to start exploring solutions.

Does the statement stimulate brainstorming and discussion?

Good job! Keep the discussion going by asking why.

3. Keep asking why (and check in on the progress)

When it comes to problem-solving, stay curious. Lean on your growth mindset to keep asking why — and check in on the progress. 

Asking why until you’re satisfied that you’ve uncovered the root cause of the problem will help you avoid ineffective band-aid solutions.

What to avoid when writing a problem statement

When crafting a problem statement, it's essential to communicate the issue clearly and effectively. A well-formulated problem statement sets the stage for understanding and addressing the challenge at hand. However, there are common pitfalls that can undermine its clarity and purpose. Here's what you should avoid:

  • Vagueness : Be specific about the problem and its context.
  • Complexity : Keep the language simple and direct.
  • Overgeneralization : Avoid broad statements that don’t address specific issues.
  • Assumptions : Don’t presume solutions or causes without evidence.
  • Jargon : Use clear, accessible language that can be understood by all stakeholders.

Refining your problem statements

When solving any sort of problem, there’s likely a slew of questions that might arise for you. In order to holistically understand the root cause of the problem at hand, your workforce needs to stay curious. 

An effective problem statement creates the space you and your team need to explore, gain insight, and get buy-in before taking action.

If you have embarked on a proposed solution, it’s also important to understand that solutions are malleable. There may be no single best solution. Solutions can change and adapt as external factors change, too. It’s more important than ever that organizations stay agile . This means that interactive check-ins are critical to solving tough problems. By keeping a good pulse on your course of action, you’ll be better equipped to pivot when the time comes to change. 

BetterUp can help. With access to virtual coaching , your people can get personalized support to help solve tough problems of the future.

Understand Yourself Better:

Big 5 Personality Test

Madeline Miles

Madeline is a writer, communicator, and storyteller who is passionate about using words to help drive positive change. She holds a bachelor's in English Creative Writing and Communication Studies and lives in Denver, Colorado. In her spare time, she's usually somewhere outside (preferably in the mountains) — and enjoys poetry and fiction.

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Career Sidekick

26 Expert-Backed Problem Solving Examples – Interview Answers

Published: February 13, 2023

Interview Questions and Answers

Actionable advice from real experts:

picture of Biron Clark

Biron Clark

Former Recruiter

example of problem solving in lab


Dr. Kyle Elliott

Career Coach

example of problem solving in lab

Hayley Jukes


Biron Clark

Biron Clark , Former Recruiter

Kyle Elliott , Career Coach

Image of Hayley Jukes

Hayley Jukes , Editor

As a recruiter , I know employers like to hire people who can solve problems and work well under pressure.

 A job rarely goes 100% according to plan, so hiring managers are more likely to hire you if you seem like you can handle unexpected challenges while staying calm and logical.

But how do they measure this?

Hiring managers will ask you interview questions about your problem-solving skills, and they might also look for examples of problem-solving on your resume and cover letter. 

In this article, I’m going to share a list of problem-solving examples and sample interview answers to questions like, “Give an example of a time you used logic to solve a problem?” and “Describe a time when you had to solve a problem without managerial input. How did you handle it, and what was the result?”

  • Problem-solving involves identifying, prioritizing, analyzing, and solving problems using a variety of skills like critical thinking, creativity, decision making, and communication.
  • Describe the Situation, Task, Action, and Result ( STAR method ) when discussing your problem-solving experiences.
  • Tailor your interview answer with the specific skills and qualifications outlined in the job description.
  • Provide numerical data or metrics to demonstrate the tangible impact of your problem-solving efforts.

What are Problem Solving Skills? 

Problem-solving is the ability to identify a problem, prioritize based on gravity and urgency, analyze the root cause, gather relevant information, develop and evaluate viable solutions, decide on the most effective and logical solution, and plan and execute implementation. 

Problem-solving encompasses other skills that can be showcased in an interview response and your resume. Problem-solving skills examples include:

  • Critical thinking
  • Analytical skills
  • Decision making
  • Research skills
  • Technical skills
  • Communication skills
  • Adaptability and flexibility

Why is Problem Solving Important in the Workplace?

Problem-solving is essential in the workplace because it directly impacts productivity and efficiency. Whenever you encounter a problem, tackling it head-on prevents minor issues from escalating into bigger ones that could disrupt the entire workflow. 

Beyond maintaining smooth operations, your ability to solve problems fosters innovation. It encourages you to think creatively, finding better ways to achieve goals, which keeps the business competitive and pushes the boundaries of what you can achieve. 

Effective problem-solving also contributes to a healthier work environment; it reduces stress by providing clear strategies for overcoming obstacles and builds confidence within teams. 

Examples of Problem-Solving in the Workplace

  • Correcting a mistake at work, whether it was made by you or someone else
  • Overcoming a delay at work through problem solving and communication
  • Resolving an issue with a difficult or upset customer
  • Overcoming issues related to a limited budget, and still delivering good work through the use of creative problem solving
  • Overcoming a scheduling/staffing shortage in the department to still deliver excellent work
  • Troubleshooting and resolving technical issues
  • Handling and resolving a conflict with a coworker
  • Solving any problems related to money, customer billing, accounting and bookkeeping, etc.
  • Taking initiative when another team member overlooked or missed something important
  • Taking initiative to meet with your superior to discuss a problem before it became potentially worse
  • Solving a safety issue at work or reporting the issue to those who could solve it
  • Using problem solving abilities to reduce/eliminate a company expense
  • Finding a way to make the company more profitable through new service or product offerings, new pricing ideas, promotion and sale ideas, etc.
  • Changing how a process, team, or task is organized to make it more efficient
  • Using creative thinking to come up with a solution that the company hasn’t used before
  • Performing research to collect data and information to find a new solution to a problem
  • Boosting a company or team’s performance by improving some aspect of communication among employees
  • Finding a new piece of data that can guide a company’s decisions or strategy better in a certain area

Problem-Solving Examples for Recent Grads/Entry-Level Job Seekers

  • Coordinating work between team members in a class project
  • Reassigning a missing team member’s work to other group members in a class project
  • Adjusting your workflow on a project to accommodate a tight deadline
  • Speaking to your professor to get help when you were struggling or unsure about a project
  • Asking classmates, peers, or professors for help in an area of struggle
  • Talking to your academic advisor to brainstorm solutions to a problem you were facing
  • Researching solutions to an academic problem online, via Google or other methods
  • Using problem solving and creative thinking to obtain an internship or other work opportunity during school after struggling at first

How To Answer “Tell Us About a Problem You Solved”

When you answer interview questions about problem-solving scenarios, or if you decide to demonstrate your problem-solving skills in a cover letter (which is a good idea any time the job description mentions problem-solving as a necessary skill), I recommend using the STAR method.

STAR stands for:

It’s a simple way of walking the listener or reader through the story in a way that will make sense to them. 

Start by briefly describing the general situation and the task at hand. After this, describe the course of action you chose and why. Ideally, show that you evaluated all the information you could given the time you had, and made a decision based on logic and fact. Finally, describe the positive result you achieved.

Note: Our sample answers below are structured following the STAR formula. Be sure to check them out!


example of problem solving in lab

Dr. Kyle Elliott , MPA, CHES Tech & Interview Career Coach

How can I communicate complex problem-solving experiences clearly and succinctly?

Before answering any interview question, it’s important to understand why the interviewer is asking the question in the first place.

When it comes to questions about your complex problem-solving experiences, for example, the interviewer likely wants to know about your leadership acumen, collaboration abilities, and communication skills, not the problem itself.

Therefore, your answer should be focused on highlighting how you excelled in each of these areas, not diving into the weeds of the problem itself, which is a common mistake less-experienced interviewees often make.

Tailoring Your Answer Based on the Skills Mentioned in the Job Description

As a recruiter, one of the top tips I can give you when responding to the prompt “Tell us about a problem you solved,” is to tailor your answer to the specific skills and qualifications outlined in the job description. 

Once you’ve pinpointed the skills and key competencies the employer is seeking, craft your response to highlight experiences where you successfully utilized or developed those particular abilities. 

For instance, if the job requires strong leadership skills, focus on a problem-solving scenario where you took charge and effectively guided a team toward resolution. 

By aligning your answer with the desired skills outlined in the job description, you demonstrate your suitability for the role and show the employer that you understand their needs.

Amanda Augustine expands on this by saying:

“Showcase the specific skills you used to solve the problem. Did it require critical thinking, analytical abilities, or strong collaboration? Highlight the relevant skills the employer is seeking.”  

Interview Answers to “Tell Me About a Time You Solved a Problem”

Now, let’s look at some sample interview answers to, “Give me an example of a time you used logic to solve a problem,” or “Tell me about a time you solved a problem,” since you’re likely to hear different versions of this interview question in all sorts of industries.

The example interview responses are structured using the STAR method and are categorized into the top 5 key problem-solving skills recruiters look for in a candidate.

1. Analytical Thinking

example of problem solving in lab

Situation: In my previous role as a data analyst , our team encountered a significant drop in website traffic.

Task: I was tasked with identifying the root cause of the decrease.

Action: I conducted a thorough analysis of website metrics, including traffic sources, user demographics, and page performance. Through my analysis, I discovered a technical issue with our website’s loading speed, causing users to bounce. 

Result: By optimizing server response time, compressing images, and minimizing redirects, we saw a 20% increase in traffic within two weeks.

2. Critical Thinking

example of problem solving in lab

Situation: During a project deadline crunch, our team encountered a major technical issue that threatened to derail our progress.

Task: My task was to assess the situation and devise a solution quickly.

Action: I immediately convened a meeting with the team to brainstorm potential solutions. Instead of panicking, I encouraged everyone to think outside the box and consider unconventional approaches. We analyzed the problem from different angles and weighed the pros and cons of each solution.

Result: By devising a workaround solution, we were able to meet the project deadline, avoiding potential delays that could have cost the company $100,000 in penalties for missing contractual obligations.

3. Decision Making

example of problem solving in lab

Situation: As a project manager , I was faced with a dilemma when two key team members had conflicting opinions on the project direction.

Task: My task was to make a decisive choice that would align with the project goals and maintain team cohesion.

Action: I scheduled a meeting with both team members to understand their perspectives in detail. I listened actively, asked probing questions, and encouraged open dialogue. After carefully weighing the pros and cons of each approach, I made a decision that incorporated elements from both viewpoints.

Result: The decision I made not only resolved the immediate conflict but also led to a stronger sense of collaboration within the team. By valuing input from all team members and making a well-informed decision, we were able to achieve our project objectives efficiently.

4. Communication (Teamwork)

example of problem solving in lab

Situation: During a cross-functional project, miscommunication between departments was causing delays and misunderstandings.

Task: My task was to improve communication channels and foster better teamwork among team members.

Action: I initiated regular cross-departmental meetings to ensure that everyone was on the same page regarding project goals and timelines. I also implemented a centralized communication platform where team members could share updates, ask questions, and collaborate more effectively.

Result: Streamlining workflows and improving communication channels led to a 30% reduction in project completion time, saving the company $25,000 in operational costs.

5. Persistence 

Situation: During a challenging sales quarter, I encountered numerous rejections and setbacks while trying to close a major client deal.

Task: My task was to persistently pursue the client and overcome obstacles to secure the deal.

Action: I maintained regular communication with the client, addressing their concerns and demonstrating the value proposition of our product. Despite facing multiple rejections, I remained persistent and resilient, adjusting my approach based on feedback and market dynamics.

Result: After months of perseverance, I successfully closed the deal with the client. By closing the major client deal, I exceeded quarterly sales targets by 25%, resulting in a revenue increase of $250,000 for the company.

Tips to Improve Your Problem-Solving Skills

Throughout your career, being able to showcase and effectively communicate your problem-solving skills gives you more leverage in achieving better jobs and earning more money .

So to improve your problem-solving skills, I recommend always analyzing a problem and situation before acting.

 When discussing problem-solving with employers, you never want to sound like you rush or make impulsive decisions. They want to see fact-based or data-based decisions when you solve problems.

Don’t just say you’re good at solving problems. Show it with specifics. How much did you boost efficiency? Did you save the company money? Adding numbers can really make your achievements stand out.

To get better at solving problems, analyze the outcomes of past solutions you came up with. You can recognize what works and what doesn’t.

Think about how you can improve researching and analyzing a situation, how you can get better at communicating, and deciding on the right people in the organization to talk to and “pull in” to help you if needed, etc.

Finally, practice staying calm even in stressful situations. Take a few minutes to walk outside if needed. Step away from your phone and computer to clear your head. A work problem is rarely so urgent that you cannot take five minutes to think (with the possible exception of safety problems), and you’ll get better outcomes if you solve problems by acting logically instead of rushing to react in a panic.

You can use all of the ideas above to describe your problem-solving skills when asked interview questions about the topic. If you say that you do the things above, employers will be impressed when they assess your problem-solving ability.

More Interview Resources

  • 3 Answers to “How Do You Handle Stress?”
  • How to Answer “How Do You Handle Conflict?” (Interview Question)
  • Sample Answers to “Tell Me About a Time You Failed”

picture of Biron Clark

About the Author

Biron Clark is a former executive recruiter who has worked individually with hundreds of job seekers, reviewed thousands of resumes and LinkedIn profiles, and recruited for top venture-backed startups and Fortune 500 companies. He has been advising job seekers since 2012 to think differently in their job search and land high-paying, competitive positions. Follow on Twitter and LinkedIn .

Read more articles by Biron Clark

About the Contributor

Kyle Elliott , career coach and mental health advocate, transforms his side hustle into a notable practice, aiding Silicon Valley professionals in maximizing potential. Follow Kyle on LinkedIn .

Image of Hayley Jukes

About the Editor

Hayley Jukes is the Editor-in-Chief at CareerSidekick with five years of experience creating engaging articles, books, and transcripts for diverse platforms and audiences.

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Initial Problem Solving Lab Example

The following provides an example for the initial version of the Problem Solving Lab Assignments in EGR 312. The problem explained and described below refers to the "falling parachutist" problem that is described in the course text book (Numerical Methods for Engineers 8th Edition - Chapra and Canale) and in class. Please use this as a guide when completing your initial problem solving lab as it includes all key elements that you are expected to complete as part of your submission. Note that your initial assignment does not need to be in the form of a webpage. Remember that you are encouraged to present your results in a way that seems most appropriate to your problem and you you should not exactly replicate the format and content you see here. The content below was developed by Dr. Di Vittorio and Nick Corak (EGR 312 TA). An example of the Final Problem Solving Lab is also provided.


This problem explores the concept of terminal velocity through the modeling of the velocity of a falling parachutist before they release their parachute. The parachutist has a mass of 68.1 kg and their initial velocity is assumed to be equal to zero. The drag coefficient is assumed constant and equal to 12.5kg/s.

In this example, a free body diagram is used to set up the model in terms of acceleration, or the derivative of velocity. The model takes the form of a differential equation with an analytical solution, so the “true” solution can be calculated. For the numerical solution, Euler’s method will be applied, which is a first order method for solving differential equations.

Conceptual Questions & Response

This section will be specific to your Problem Solving Lab Assignment, where you are expected to respond to big-picture questions regarding the numerical method you are learning in class and the problem-solving approach

Mathematical Model

First, a mathematical model needs to be formulated to describe the net forces on the parachutist. The result is a differential equation describing velocity change over time, as shown in Figure 2. In these equations, the following parameters are used:

F = external forces (N) (Fg = gravitational force; Fd = drag force)

m = mass (kg)

a = acceleration (m/s^2)

v = velocity (m/s)

c_d = drag coefficient

g = gravity (m/s^2)

Note: Sometimes you will be provided with the mathematical model and will not need to show the full derivation, but you should at least explain the model and how it was derived. You can lump this in with "Numerical" or "Alternative" or you can place it in its own section.

example of problem solving in lab

Figure 1: Mathematical Model

Numerical Approach

Euler’s method can be applied to solve the differential equation numerically. Euler’s is a first order approximation to the derivative and can be applied to our problem according to Figure 2 , where "i" is the iterator for time (t).

example of problem solving in lab

Figure 2 : Explanation of Numerical Approach

Sample Calculations

Sample calculations for Euler's method applied to the falling parachutist problem are provided in Figure 3, starting with a velocity = 0 at time = 0. A time step of 1 second was used for three iterations. The calculations show that velocity is still increasing after 4 seconds, although the rate of increase appears to be slowing down. The simulation will have to be extended to reach terminal velocity, but this can be done most efficiently with a computer.

Define constant parameters

Calculate true velocity using analytical solution and plot over time

Set initial conditions

t0 = 0 (time)

v0 = 0 (initial velocity)

h = 1 (step size)

Begin FOR loop - go out to 150 seconds

approximate v(t+1) using Euler's (refer to sample calcs)

store time and velocity in variable for each step size

Calculate true error and approximate error

comparison plot of true and approximate velocity for different step sizes

Plot error for different step sizes together

example of problem solving in lab

Figure 3 : Sample Calculations for Numerical Approach

Analytical Approach

Instead of simulating the velocity using Euler's method, the exact equation for velocity can be derived by taking the integral of the ODE, using concepts and strategies from calculus. The analytical derivation is shown in Figure 4. Sample hand calculations using the resulting analytical equation are shown in Figure 5 below. These sample calculations can be directly compared to the numerical since the initial conditions and time step are the same.

example of problem solving in lab

Figure 5 : Sample Calculations for Analytical Approach

example of problem solving in lab

Figure 4 : Analytical Derivation of Velocity

Expectations For Results

I expect that the velocity will increase until it reaches the terminal velocity. See the sketch below. Based on the calculations of the numerical and analytical solutions, it looks like the numerical solution is providing results that are slightly larger than the analytical solution. The analytical solution can be found to be the velocity as time goes to infinity which I calculated as 53.4 m/s.

example of problem solving in lab

Figure 6 : Expectations for Results

Error - Sample Calculation and Explanation

I could calculate the absolute percent error at each timestep by comparing the approximation of velocity (using Euler’s method) to the true value calculated with the analytical solution of the differential equation. Sample hand calculations are shown below. Observe that the true percent relative error is decreasing as time increases. If I changed the step size, I expect that error would also change and should be smaller for a smaller step size since the equation would be more linear in a smaller segment.

example of problem solving in lab

Figure 7 : Sample Error Calculations

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20 Powerful Problem-Solving Techniques for the Modern Workplace: A Comprehensive Guide

September 23rd, 2024

Here’s a fact…

Organizations that are great at solving problems are about 3.5 times more likely to grow their income faster than other companies!

But what’s so crucial about problem-solving that makes such a big impact?

What is Problem-Solving?

Problem-solving is about finding and fixing issues that stop a company from reaching its goals.

Being good at solving problems is important for businesses to do well and for people to move up in their careers.

Companies that are great at solving problems can:

  • Get more work done with less waste
  • Make customers happier
  • Come up with new ideas
  • Change quickly when the market changes

For people, getting better at solving problems can help them:

  • Move up faster in their job
  • Enjoy their work more
  • Make better choices
  • Become better leaders

The Evolution of Problem-solving Techniques

Traditional problem-solving approaches often relied on linear thinking and standardized processes . While these methods still have their place, contemporary problem-solving techniques have evolved to meet the demands of our complex, interconnected business world.

Modern problem-solving techniques emphasize:

  • Systems thinking
  • Cross-functional collaboration
  • Data-driven decision-making
  • Rapid prototyping and iteration

Adapting to fast-paced, digital environments requires a blend of traditional wisdom and innovative approaches. For instance, while the core principles of Six Sigma remain relevant, we now apply them in conjunction with agile methodologies and digital tools to solve problems more efficiently.

Key Skills for Effective Problem-solving

To excel in problem-solving, professionals need to develop a diverse skill set:

  • Analytical thinking : The ability to break down complex issues into manageable components and identify root causes.
  • Creativity : Generating innovative solutions and thinking outside the box.
  • Communication : Clearly articulating problems and solutions to stakeholders at all levels.
  • Adaptability : Remaining flexible and open to new approaches as situations evolve.

By honing these skills and applying the right problem-solving techniques, you can tackle even the most challenging business issues with confidence.

Ready to enhance your problem-solving skills? Get started with our Lean Six Sigma Green Belt training covers essential techniques like Root Cause Analysis and Process Mapping. Enroll now to boost your analytical and creative problem-solving abilities.

The Fundamental Problem-Solving Process

Whether you’re troubleshooting a manufacturing issue or optimizing a business process , the fundamental problem-solving procedure remains the same. Let me walk you through the key problem-solving steps that I’ve successfully implemented across various industries.

Identifying and Defining the Problem

The first and most crucial step in any problem-solving technique is accurately identifying and defining the problem . In my experience, many organizations rush to solutions without fully understanding the root cause of their issues . To avoid this pitfall, I recommend using these root-cause analysis techniques:

  • The 5 Whys : This simple yet powerful method involves asking “Why?” five times to dig deeper into the problem’s origin.
  • Fishbone Diagram : Also known as the Ishikawa diagram , this visual tool helps identify potential causes of a problem across different categories.

Once you’ve identified the root cause, it’s essential to frame a clear problem statement. This statement should be specific, measurable, and actionable.

For example, instead of saying “Customer satisfaction is low”, a better problem statement would be “Customer satisfaction scores have decreased by 15% in the past quarter, primarily due to longer response times in our customer service department”.

Gathering and Analyzing Relevant Information

After defining the problem, the next step in the problem-solving procedure is to collect and analyze relevant data . In my work with companies like GE and HP, I’ve found that data-driven decision-making is crucial for effective problem-solving. Here are some data collection methods and analytical tools I frequently use:

  • Surveys and interviews
  • Process mapping
  • Statistical analysis (e.g., regression analysis, hypothesis testing )
  • Pareto charts to identify the most significant factors

Generating Potential Solutions

With a clear understanding of the problem and relevant data in hand, it’s time to generate potential solutions. This is where creative problem-solving techniques come into play. I often employ a mix of individual and group ideation techniques, such as:

  • Brainstorming sessions
  • Mind mapping
  • SCAMPER technique (Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, Reverse)
  • Nominal Group Technique for team-based idea generation

Evaluating and Selecting the Best Solution

Once you have a list of potential solutions, it’s crucial to evaluate them systematically. In my workshops, I teach various decision-making frameworks , including:

  • Decision matrices
  • Cost-benefit analysis
  • SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)

It’s also essential to conduct a thorough risk assessment of each potential solution. This helps in identifying and mitigating any potential negative consequences before implementation.

Implementing and Monitoring the Solution

The final step in the problem-solving process is implementation and monitoring. This involves:

  • Developing a detailed action plan with clear responsibilities and timelines
  • Implementing the solution on a small scale ( pilot test ) when possible
  • Establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the solution’s effectiveness
  • Regularly monitoring and adjusting the solution as needed

Image: The 5-Step Process of Solving Problems

Individual Problem-Solving Techniques

From optimizing manufacturing processes to streamlining business operations, I’ve learned that having a diverse toolkit of problem-solving techniques is crucial for success. In this section, I’ll share some of the most effective individual problem-solving techniques I’ve used and taught in my workshops worldwide.

Analytical Techniques

  • SWOT Analysis SWOT Analysis is a versatile problem-solving technique that I frequently use when helping organizations identify strategic opportunities. It involves analyzing Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats . For example, when I worked with a major tech company to improve their product development process, we used SWOT to identify internal capabilities and external market factors that could impact their innovation strategy.
  • Pareto Analysis Also known as the 80/20 rule , Pareto Analysis is a powerful tool for prioritizing problems . I’ve found it particularly useful in manufacturing environments. During a project with a leading automotive supplier, we used Pareto Analysis to identify that 80% of their quality issues stemmed from just 20% of their processes, allowing us to focus our improvement efforts effectively.
  • 5 Whys The 5 Whys is a simple yet profound technique for root cause analysis . By asking “why” five times, you can dig deeper into the underlying causes of a problem. I once used this method with a healthcare provider to uncover the root cause of patient wait times, which led to a 30% reduction in delays.

Creative Techniques

  • Mind Mapping Mind Mapping is one of my favorite creative problem-solving techniques. It’s a visual tool that helps organize thoughts and ideas around a central concept. When working with a software company to improve its customer support process, we used mind mapping to brainstorm and categorize potential solutions, leading to a more holistic approach to customer satisfaction.
  • Reverse Brainstorming This technique involves reversing the problem statement to generate new perspectives. Instead of asking “How can we improve product quality?”, we ask “How can we make the product worse?” This often leads to surprising insights. I’ve successfully used this method in workshops to help teams break out of conventional thinking patterns.
  • SCAMPER Method SCAMPER (Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, Reverse) is a versatile creative problem-solving technique . When consulting for a consumer goods company, we used SCAMPER to redesign a product line, resulting in innovative features that boosted sales by 15%.

Decision-Making Techniques

  • Decision Matrix A Decision Matrix helps evaluate and prioritize options based on weighted criteria . I’ve found this particularly useful when working with executive teams to make complex strategic decisions. For instance, when helping a telecommunications company choose between expansion strategies, we used a decision matrix to objectively assess each option against key business objectives.
  • Pros and Cons Analysis While simple, a thorough Pros and Cons Analysis can be incredibly effective. I often use this technique as a starting point in my problem-solving workshops to help teams quickly assess potential solutions before diving deeper.
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis In my experience, a rigorous Cost-Benefit Analysis is crucial for justifying improvement initiatives to stakeholders. When working with a government agency to streamline its operations, we used this technique to demonstrate the long-term financial benefits of process improvements, securing buy-in for a major transformation project.

Image: Individual Problem-solving Techniques

Case Study: Revolutionizing Inventory Management

A few years ago, I worked with a large electronics manufacturer facing significant inventory management challenges . Here’s how we applied multiple techniques to solve their problem:

  • We started with a SWOT Analysis to understand their current inventory management system’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • Using Pareto Analysis , we identified that 80% of their excess inventory issues were related to just 20% of their product lines.
  • We applied the 5 Whys technique to dig into the root causes of overstocking in these key product lines.
  • To generate innovative solutions, we used Mind Mapping and the SCAMPER method in brainstorming sessions with cross-functional teams.
  • Finally, we employed a Decision Matrix to evaluate and select the most promising solutions, followed by a detailed Cost-Benefit Analysis to justify the implementation.

The result? The company reduced excess inventory by 40% within six months, leading to significant cost savings and improved cash flow.

Team-Based Problem-Solving Techniques

I’ve seen firsthand how team-based problem-solving techniques can unlock innovative solutions and drive transformative change.

Collaborative Techniques

  • Brainstorming Brainstorming remains one of the most popular problem-solving techniques in the workplace . The key to effective brainstorming is creating an environment where all ideas are welcomed and judgment is suspended. For example, during a project with a major automotive manufacturer, a brainstorming session led to a novel approach to supply chain optimization, resulting in a 15% reduction in lead times.
  • Nominal Group Technique The Nominal Group Technique is a structured brainstorming method that I often use when working with diverse teams. This technique involves individual idea generation followed by group discussion and voting. I found this particularly effective when helping a healthcare provider redesign their patient intake process. By giving equal voice to frontline staff and administrators, we developed a solution that improved patient satisfaction scores by 30%.
  • Delphi Method For complex problems requiring expert input, the Delphi Method is one of my go-to problem-solving strategies. This technique involves multiple rounds of anonymous questionnaires and feedback. I’ve successfully employed this method in long-term strategic planning for various organizations. In one instance, we used the Delphi Method to help a technology company forecast future market trends, leading to a successful product diversification strategy .

Structured Problem-Solving Approaches

  • Six Thinking Hats Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats is a powerful technique for looking at problems from multiple perspectives . I’ve integrated this method into many of my Six Sigma workshops. When working with a financial services firm to improve their risk assessment process, we used the Six Thinking Hats approach to ensure we considered emotional, creative, and critical viewpoints, resulting in a more robust risk management framework.
  • Design Thinking Design Thinking is an iterative problem-solving process that I’ve found particularly useful for customer-centric challenges. During a project with a major e-commerce platform, we employed Design Thinking to reimagine their user experience. By empathizing with users, defining pain points, ideating solutions, prototyping, and testing, we developed an interface that increased user engagement by 25%.
  • Lean Problem-Solving Rooted in the Toyota Production System, Lean Problem-Solving focuses on eliminating waste and improving efficiency . I’ve applied this methodology extensively in manufacturing environments. For instance, when working with a consumer electronics manufacturer, we used Lean Problem-Solving techniques to streamline their production line, resulting in a 20% increase in throughput and significant cost savings.

Conflict Resolution Techniques

  • Win-Win Approach The Win-Win Approach is crucial for resolving conflicts in team problem-solving scenarios. I always emphasize this technique in my leadership workshops. During a merger between two competing departments at a large corporation, we used the Win-Win Approach to find solutions that benefited both parties, leading to a smoother integration and improved overall performance.
  • Compromise and Negotiation Effective compromise and negotiation skills are essential in team-based problem-solving . I’ve coached numerous executives on these techniques. In one instance, when mediating a dispute between a company and its suppliers, our negotiation approach led to a mutually beneficial agreement that strengthened the supply chain and reduced costs for both parties.
  • Mediation As a neutral third party, mediation can be a powerful tool for resolving team conflicts. I’ve often played the role of mediator in complex organizational disputes. For example, when resolving a conflict between marketing and product development teams at a software company, our mediation process not only solved the immediate issue but also established better communication channels for future collaboration.

Image: Team-Based Problem-Solving Techniques at a Glance

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Industry-Specific Problem-Solving Applications

What I’ve learned is that while the core principles of problem-solving remain consistent, their application can vary significantly depending on the industry context. Let’s talk about some industry-specific problem-solving techniques that I’ve found particularly effective in my consulting work.

Manufacturing and Operations

  • Six Sigma Six Sigma is a data-driven problem-solving technique that I’ve implemented extensively in manufacturing environments. During my consulting time, we used Six Sigma to reduce defects in a production line by 99.99%, resulting in millions of dollars in savings. The DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) framework of Six Sigma provides a structured approach to identifying and solving complex manufacturing problems.
  • Kaizen Kaizen, or continuous improvement , is another powerful problem-solving technique in manufacturing. I’ve facilitated numerous Kaizen events, including one at a major automotive parts supplier where we reduced setup times by 50%. The key to Kaizen’s success is its focus on small, incremental improvements that add up to significant gains over time.

Technology and Software Development

  • Agile Methodologies In the fast-paced world of tech, Agile methodologies have revolutionized problem-solving. When working with a leading software company, we implemented Scrum, an Agile framework , to improve their product development process. This resulted in a 30% reduction in time-to-market for new features and increased customer satisfaction.
  • A/B Testing A/B testing is a problem-solving technique I often recommend for digital products. In a project with an e-commerce platform, we used A/B testing to optimize their checkout process, leading to a 15% increase in conversion rates. This method allows for data-driven decision-making in real-time , which is crucial in the rapidly evolving tech landscape.
  • Root Cause Analysis (RCA) In healthcare, patient safety is paramount, making Root Cause Analysis a critical problem-solving technique. I once worked with a large hospital to implement RCA in their medication error reporting system. This led to a 40% reduction in medication errors over six months by identifying and addressing systemic issues.
  • Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Cycle The PDSA cycle is another effective problem-solving technique in healthcare . When helping a clinic improve its patient wait times, we used PDSA to test and refine various interventions. This iterative approach allowed us to reduce average wait times by 25% while ensuring that the changes didn’t negatively impact patient care quality.

Finance and Business Strategy

  • Scenario Planning In the volatile world of finance, scenario planning is a crucial problem-solving technique. I’ve used this method with several financial institutions to prepare for potential market disruptions. For instance, we helped a regional bank develop robust contingency plans for various economic scenarios, which proved invaluable during the 2008 financial crisis.
  • Porter’s Five Forces Porter’s Five Forces is a strategic problem-solving framework I often employ when working on business strategy issues. In a project with a retail chain facing increasing competition, we used this model to analyze the competitive landscape and identify new market opportunities, leading to a successful expansion strategy.

Case Study: Revolutionizing Manufacturing with Industry 4.0

I worked with a large manufacturing company that was struggling with efficiency and quality issues. Here’s how we applied multiple techniques to solve their problems:

  • We started with a Six Sigma DMAIC project to identify the root causes of quality issues.
  • Implemented Kaizen events to drive continuous improvement on the shop floor.
  • Utilized Agile methodologies to develop a custom IoT solution for real-time monitoring of production lines.
  • Employed A/B testing to optimize the user interface of the monitoring system for maximum operator efficiency.

The result? A 40% reduction in defect rates, a 25% improvement in overall equipment effectiveness, and a successful transition into Industry 4.0 practices.

Image: 9 Individual Problem-Solving Techniques

By understanding and applying these industry-specific problem-solving techniques, you can tackle the unique challenges in your field more effectively. Remember, the key is to adapt these methods to your specific context and combine them when necessary for optimal results.

Problem-solving in Remote and Digital Environments

I’ve witnessed firsthand the dramatic shift toward remote and digital work environments. This transition has brought new challenges to the problem-solving landscape and opened up exciting opportunities for innovation.

Challenges of Virtual Problem-Solving

  • Communication Barriers One of the biggest hurdles I’ve encountered in remote problem-solving is the lack of face-to-face interaction. Non-verbal cues, crucial in understanding team dynamics, are often lost in virtual settings. During a project with a global team, we had to work extra hard to ensure clear communication across different time zones and cultures.
  • Collaboration Limitations Virtual environments can sometimes hinder spontaneous collaboration . The casual “water cooler” conversations that often spark innovative ideas are less frequent. In a project, we had to deliberately create virtual spaces for informal interactions to maintain team creativity and cohesion.

Digital Tools for Remote Problem-Solving

  • Virtual Whiteboards I’ve found virtual whiteboards to be indispensable for remote problem-solving. Tools like Miro or MURAL allow teams to visualize problems and solutions collaboratively. In a Six Sigma workshop I conducted for a government institution, we used a virtual whiteboard to create a detailed fishbone diagram, which helped identify the root causes of a complex process issue.
  • Online Collaboration Platforms Platforms like Microsoft Teams or Slack have become central to remote problem-solving efforts . We used these tools to create dedicated channels for different aspects of our problem-solving process, from data analysis to solution brainstorming.

Techniques for Effective Virtual Brainstorming

  • Silent Brainstorming Silent brainstorming has become one of my favorite techniques for virtual environments. It involves having team members independently write down ideas before sharing them. This method helps overcome the challenge of dominant voices in virtual meetings and ensures all ideas are heard. I recently used this technique which resulted in a 30% increase in the number of ideas generated compared to traditional verbal brainstorming.
  • Round-Robin Ideation Round-robin ideation is another effective virtual problem-solving technique . Each team member takes turns presenting an idea, ensuring equal participation. In a project we used this method to tackle a complex supply chain issue, resulting in a diverse range of solutions that we might not have uncovered in a less structured format.

Image: Biggest challenge in remote problem-solving

Tips for Effective Remote Problem-Solving

  • Establish clear communication protocols
  • Use visual aids and collaborative tools
  • Schedule regular check-ins and informal virtual meetings
  • Encourage active participation from all team members
  • Be mindful of time zones and cultural differences
  • Utilize asynchronous communication when appropriate
  • Invest in reliable technology and provide the necessary training

By adapting our problem-solving techniques to remote and digital environments, we can overcome the challenges and harness the unique advantages of virtual collaboration . In my experience, remote problem-solving can lead to more diverse perspectives and innovative solutions when done right.

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Emerging Trends and Technologies in Problem-Solving

The emergence of new technologies has revolutionized how we approach challenges, offering unprecedented opportunities for efficiency and innovation.

Data-Driven Problem-Solving

  • Big Data Analytics The explosion of big data has transformed problem-solving techniques in the business. During a recent project with a major retailer, we leveraged big data analytics to optimize their supply chain. By analyzing vast amounts of historical sales data, weather patterns, and social media trends, we developed a predictive model that reduced stock-outs by 35% while minimizing excess inventory.
  • Predictive Modeling Predictive modeling has become one of the best problem-solving techniques in my toolkit. In a project with a telecommunications company, we used predictive modeling to anticipate network outages before they occurred. This proactive approach allowed the company to reduce downtime by 50%, significantly improving customer satisfaction.

AI and Machine Learning in Problem-Solving

  • Pattern Recognition AI-powered pattern recognition has dramatically enhanced our ability to identify complex problems. In a recent manufacturing project, we implemented an AI system that could detect subtle anomalies in product quality that human inspectors often miss. This led to a 40% reduction in defect rates and substantial cost savings.
  • Automated Decision-Making Automated decision-making systems are revolutionizing how we solve routine problems. For instance, in a project with a financial services firm, we developed an AI-driven system for credit approval. This not only sped up the process but also improved the accuracy of credit decisions by 25%.

Augmented and Virtual Reality Applications

  • Simulations for Complex Problem-Solving Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) have opened up new frontiers in problem-solving, especially for complex systems. In a recent aerospace project, we used VR simulations to troubleshoot engine design issues. This allowed engineers to visualize and interact with 3D models, leading to faster problem identification and more innovative solutions.
  • Virtual Collaboration Environments VR is also transforming how teams collaborate on problem-solving . In a global project for a tech giant, we used a virtual collaboration environment to bring together experts from different continents. This immersive experience facilitated better communication and idea sharing, resulting in more creative solutions to complex technical challenges.

Emerging Technologies in Problem-Solving

  • Big Data Analytics
  • Predictive Modeling
  • AI-Powered Pattern Recognition
  • Automated Decision-Making Systems
  • Augmented Reality Simulations
  • Virtual Reality Collaboration Environments
  • Quantum Computing for Complex Calculations
  • Internet of Things (IoT) for Real-Time Data Collection
  • Blockchain for Transparent Problem Tracking
  • Natural Language Processing for Sentiment Analysis

These emerging technologies are not just tools; they’re reshaping the very nature of problem-solving in business. As a Six Sigma practitioner, I’ve found that integrating these technologies with traditional problem-solving methods can lead to breakthrough solutions.

For instance, in a recent project with a semiconductor manufacturer, we combined Six Sigma’s DMAIC methodology with AI-driven predictive modeling . This hybrid approach allowed us to not only solve current yield issues but also predict and prevent future problems, resulting in a sustained 20% improvement in overall yield.

As we look to the future, the key to effective problem-solving will be the ability to seamlessly blend human expertise with these advanced technologies. The most successful problem solvers will be those who can harness the power of AI, VR, and big data while still applying critical thinking and creativity.

Developing and Improving Problem-Solving Skills

I can confidently say that problem-solving is not just a skill—it’s a mindset that can be continuously developed and refined . Cultivating strong problem-solving skills can transform careers and drive organizational success.

Let’s look at strategies for developing and improving your problem-solving abilities , drawing from my experiences training thousands of professionals worldwide.

Image: Developing a Problem Solving Mindset

Continuous Learning and Practice

  • Problem-Solving Exercises and Games One of the most effective ways to enhance your problem-solving techniques is through regular practice. I often recommend brain teasers and logic puzzles to my workshop participants. For instance, during a training session, we used the “ Nine Dots Puzzle ” to illustrate the importance of thinking outside the box. These exercises help sharpen your analytical skills and encourage creative thinking.
  • Application Opportunities Nothing beats real-world experience when it comes to honing your problem-solving strategies . I always encourage my clients to seek out challenging projects within their organizations. I mentored junior engineers by involving them in complex process improvement initiatives . This hands-on experience allowed them to apply various problem-solving techniques in a practical setting, accelerating their learning curve.

Cultivating a Problem-Solving Mindset

  • Embracing Challenges The best problem solvers I’ve worked with, from startups to Fortune 500 companies, share one common trait: they view problems as opportunities rather than obstacles. In a recent project with a healthcare provider, we reframed a patient care issue as a chance to innovate their service delivery model. This shift in perspective led to a breakthrough solution that improved patient satisfaction scores by 40%.
  • Learning from Failures Failure is an inevitable part of the problem-solving process . What sets great problem solvers apart is their ability to learn from these setbacks. I recall a project where our initial solution didn’t yield the expected results. Instead of getting discouraged, we conducted a thorough post-mortem analysis , which led to insights that ultimately drove the project’s success.

Building a Diverse Skill Set

  • Cross-Functional Knowledge The most effective problem solvers are those with a broad base of knowledge. Throughout my career, I’ve consistently encouraged professionals to step outside their comfort zones. For example, I once advised a finance professional to shadow the manufacturing team. This cross-functional exposure enhanced her ability to solve interdepartmental issues, leading to more holistic solutions.
  • Emotional Intelligence Technical skills are crucial, but emotional intelligence is equally important in problem-solving, especially in team settings. During a workshop, we incorporated exercises to improve empathy and communication skills. This focus on emotional intelligence led to more collaborative problem-solving sessions and better team outcomes.

Challenge : Put Your Skills to the Test

I challenge you to take on a problem in your workplace using a technique you’ve never tried before. Perhaps use the “ 5 Whys ” to dig into a recurring issue, or apply the SCAMPER method to innovate a product or process. Share your experience in the comments —I’d love to hear about your results!

Tips for Improving Problem-Solving Skills

  • Practice regularly with puzzles and brain teasers
  • Seek out challenging projects at work
  • Reframe problems as opportunities for innovation
  • Conduct post-mortem analyses on failed attempts
  • Gain exposure to different departments and functions
  • Develop emotional intelligence through targeted exercises
  • Stay updated on industry trends and emerging technologies
  • Participate in problem-solving workshops and seminars
  • Mentor others to reinforce your skills
  • Reflect on your problem-solving process and continuously refine it

Remember, becoming an expert problem solver is a journey, not a destination. As the business landscape evolves, so too must our problem-solving techniques.

By committing to continuous improvement and embracing new challenges, you’ll not only solve the problems of today but be prepared for the challenges of tomorrow.

Going Ahead

We’ve covered a wide range of problem-solving techniques, from the analytical rigor of Six Sigma to the creative approaches of design thinking.

We’ve explored how these methods can be applied across various industries and adapted for remote environments. We’ve also looked at emerging trends, showing how AI and big data are reshaping the landscape of problem-solving.

Key takeaways:

  • The importance of a structured problem-solving process
  • The power of combining analytical and creative techniques
  • The value of team-based approaches in complex problem-solving
  • The potential of data-driven and AI-enhanced problem-solving methods
  • The necessity of continuously developing your problem-solving skills

Remember, the most effective problem solvers are those who can adapt their approach to the unique challenges they face. Whether you’re troubleshooting a manufacturing issue, optimizing a business process , or tackling a global supply chain challenge, the techniques we’ve discussed provide a robust toolkit for success.

As you move forward in your career, I encourage you to implement these problem-solving techniques in your daily work. Start with small challenges and gradually apply these methods to more complex problems. Share your learnings with your team and create a culture of continuous improvement in your organization.

The ability to solve problems effectively is more than just a skill—it’s a competitive advantage in today’s rapidly changing business landscape. By honing your problem-solving abilities , you’re not just preparing for the challenges of today, but positioning yourself as a leader for the challenges of tomorrow.

Remember, every problem is an opportunity in disguise. Happy problem-solving! offers both Live Virtual classes as well as Online Self-Paced training. Most option includes access to the same great Master Black Belt instructors that teach our World Class in-person sessions. Sign-up today!

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