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Writing Prompt Worksheets

Need something to get you started? These worksheets will get your little pen-smiths going. Writing prompts are conversation starters that will direct students to share their feelings or knowledge about a topic and at the same time they get to practice their writing skills. Sometimes it just takes a shove to get the information pouring out of you. As you will see below, we have writing prompts available for all types of grade levels. These worksheets are great for students or teachers that are looking for extra writing practice.

Prompts give us a starting point. They don't decide on the journey, the writer does. Writing prompts can be super helpful when you stuck or have a bit of writer's block. All you need to do is dream about where these thoughts are going. You are starting to see more writing prompts on standard assessments. The education world is slowly realizing that communicating in an effective means is often more important in school than the actual content. These writing prompts will cover all grade levels, you just need to print them and go.

Kindergarten Opinion Writing - Give students an opportunity to have their voices heard.

Kindergarten Creative Writing Prompts - These worksheets put students in some unique situations.

First Grade Creative Writing Prompts - We encourage students at this level to begin to write complete sentences.

Second Grade Creative Writing Prompts - We look at a life with no gadgets at all.

Third Grade Creative Writing Prompts - We start exploring some issues that students did not realize were issues, prior to this.

Fourth Grade Creative Writing Prompts - 4th grade is the time that we explore how to persuade others through your written communication. Students start to realize how much advertising they see each day.

Grade 1 Narrative Writing - We have students compose motivating pieces that are sure to capture their imaginations.

Grade 4 Writing Assignments - These are common assignments that students will regularly see at this grade level.

Grade 5 Writing Prompts and Activities - It is a good time to do a little writing endurance, so the assignments get a little lengthier.

Grade 6 Typing and Publishing - A start seeing how word processors can really help and complement your process.

Grade 7 Extended Writing Assignments - These are often rooted in research, but it can be just about anything.

8th Grade Writing Prompts - By the 8th grade students are ready to write for purpose and have a good handle on the use of grammar and language in general.

Grade 9 Writing Prompts - Students should be hoping to write error-free essays after a single draft or revision.

Grade 10 Writing Prompts - At this level, students are ready to prepare and execute a reasonable argument entirely on their own.

Opinion Writing Prompts - When students are lacking some creativity, these worksheets are great to get those juices flowing again.

Picture Sentences - Students will see an image and write what they think is going on.

Sentence Based Response To Prompts - These are much shorter prompts with the purpose to make sure students are driving at the right thing.

Task Based Writing - The goal here is to make something happen or not happen, depends on the task.

Technology Assisted Writing - The first time students works with competent word processor software, they want to throw out their pens and pencils.

Using Effective Words, Phrases, and Clauses - We work on sprucing up our message with stronger wording and language.

Writing For Endurance - Students are ready to finally finish that long awaited essay.

Tips for Working Off of Writing Prompts

As the grade of a language learner moves towards the higher stage, the written assignments become a little tricky to tackle. On such a tricky writing assignment preferred by most of the teachers for creative writing, projects are assigned to students with the prompts to write something relevant to it. A prompt is usually a short statement that makes but half sense and is mostly incomplete.

However, it is of such a nature that it persuades the reader to think more about it and create a whole story out of it. Assigning prompts for creative writing to the students is the favorite hobby of many teachers and therefore, you must know the following tips to work on a prompt to write on it so that you do not have to face any difficulty:

Do Not Stick with A Single Idea

Many students do not brainstorm much on a prompt and thus have a single idea in their mind to carry out their written task. This rarely ends up in a well-written text. Once you have been assigned a prompt, try to spend a good deal of time thinking on it and list down all the possible ideas that come to your mind regarding a prompt.

Plan a complete text

Now that you have picked up one best idea to work on, it is better to first brainstorm about how you will write your complete text and what kind of ending will you give to it. After your planning is all done, you can sit down to write a proper piece of work.

Add the Prompt statement as it is in your work

Try to add the statement of the prompt somewhere in your work as it is will give the reader an impression that your written text is fully developed while keeping the prompt's statement in view.

How to Plan a Writing Assignment?

Teachers give assignments to their students to evaluate and enhance their writing skills as well as to make them able to complete their work on time and to learn meeting the deadlines. Though these writing assignments are too simple, the main issue faced by many students is their inability to plan their assignments efficiently and thus lose grades because of late submissions.

Here are a few tips that will help you to plan writing your assignment in time:

Make A Clear and Detailed Plan

The biggest mistake of most of the students is that they start writing an assignment without having any proper plan in their mind. The first thing to write an assignment is making a proper plan with each step included in it about how you will write your assignment. Make sure to write plans in the same order as they should be performed.

Understand The Topic

Before working on your assignment, you should clearly know what the topic means. Read the topic of your assignment repeatedly until you fully understand what is being asked. This will help you in better planning of your writing assignment.

Assign Yourself Deadlines

After making a plan and analyzing the topic, assign each step a certain time and try to complete the step in the decided time. Remember that the deadline of the last step should fall a few days before the final deadline so that you can easily revise, edit, recheck, and correct your piece of writing and can make some final changes.

The final step in the planning of the writing assignment is to revise and recheck it. Read it carefully multiple times to make sure that it is free of errors. Ask your friends and teachers to read it and to recommend and suggest you changes and point out your mistakes.

Planning Your Response to a Writing Prompt

Writing prompts are either a phrase, a small statement, or a small paragraph that conveys some rough and vague ideas and the writer is asked to develop a complete text that is in line with these prompts. Giving students a few prompts and asking them to write on them as they like and in any genre boosts their creativity and sharpens their mind. However, as you grow up, these prompts do not stay as simple as one may think. There are some special skills needed and some special steps that must be followed while planning a response to any complex prompt. Some of the tips to planning a response to a prompt at any level are as follows:

Understanding and Analyzing the Prompt

Even when it is a small and single statement, a prompt may not be as plain as it seems. Usually, reflecting on a prompt can help you in understanding its underlying themes as well as the connotations that are in there. The more you focus on understanding the prompt deeply, the more ideas about writing something from it will you get. Write down all the ideas you get and start reflecting on all of them.

Deciding The Theme and Storyline

Once you have all the ideas, finalize the one that you think is most suitable for the prompt given. Decide how you will reflect that idea. Think about the plot and the storyline of the text, the theme, the tone you want to convey it in, and the genre. Also, decide the average length and word count of your text and take notes.

Make A Timeline for the Text's Production

Now that you have finalized everything, make a timeline for yourself and decide how you will write the text. After all of this is done, you can start writing the text keeping all the writing conventions in mind.

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creative writing prompt worksheets

Learn story writing from the masters

creative writing prompt worksheets

Creative Writing Prompts

27 Remarkable Comments

Welcome to the creative writing prompts page! What you can find here is a MASSIVE collection of 63 quality writing exercises (basically, each one is a mini-story of its own, with a twist). This is going to be so much fun, and all while you improve your story writing skills.

You can find all kinds of creative writing exercises here. All of them are fiction writing prompts, and they cover almost every genre, plus you can find creative writing prompts about dialogue, characters, plot, for writer’s block, and much, much more…

Interesting Writing Prompts

This is not the usual stuff. I tried to make these writing prompts intriguing. Most of them are complete scenes and even mini-stories.

You can have them. Yes, you own all the rights, even if you base your entire novel on them and get it published and earn a million dollars for the movie rights. They are all yours.

To become a really good story writer, there is only one thing you need to do: Write! And these creative writing prompts should inspire you to write. They should fire your brain up and make your fingers itch.

With each of these prompts, you can train one specific aspect of your writing; either a genre, or your dialogue or story starter skills, etc…

Post Your Prompt

Also, pick your favorite creative writing prompt, do it, and post it in the comments! Let’s make this a page for everybody to share their creative writing. The more you guys comment and actually do these prompts, the more prompts I will add in the future.

Creative Writing Prompts PDF

To top it all off, you can also download these prompts. Find a neat PDF collection of all the prompts here:

Creative Writing Prompts

Fun Creative Writing Prompts – Index

(Click on the genre to get to the prompts)

1. Romance Writing Prompts

2. Mystery Writing Prompts/Suspense Writing Prompts

3. Fantasy Writing Prompts

4. Science Fiction Writing Prompts

5. Horror Writing Prompts

6. Thriller Writing Prompts

7. Adventure Writing Prompts

8. Action Writing Prompts

9. Historical/Medieval Writing Prompts

10. Dialogue Writing Prompts

11. Character Writing Prompts

12. Plot Writing Prompts

13. Short Story Writing Prompts

14. Writing Prompts with Pictures

15. Writing Prompts for Writer’s Block

16. Story Starters Writing Prompts

17. Unusual Creative Writing Prompts

Bonus: Other Writing Prompts Websites

creative writing prompt worksheets

Writing Prompts that don’t suck: List of Writing Prompts

Romance writing prompts.

[ Read detailed tips about how to write a romantic scene her e . ]

Writing Prompt 1:

On the night before his marriage, Robert gets a visit. It’s Rachel, the girl that grew up next door and has been his best friend ever since. They had always pushed back any feelings for each other, “we are just friends.” (Yeah, right…!).

Now Rachel bursts into is home in a last, unexpected try to convince Robert he is marrying the wrong woman and she and he are meant for each other. But a ceremony for 150 guests is already arranged. After a lot of passionate talk and tears, Rachel gets him to agree to a game: “Can you guess what I would do…?” They both jot down 10 questions plus their hidden answers. Whoever can guess more of the other’s answers right, wins.

Will Rachel win and they will spend the night on a bus, escaping the wedding? Or will Robert win and watch devastated Rachel walk off into the night, frustration in his heart and tears in his eyes? You decide!

How you can make this scene shine:

Make the scene captivating by showing the reader why these two are meant for each other: Let them remember what they appreciate so much in each other (show, don’t tell), the special moments they shared, show the missed romantic opportunities, and how they complement each other perfectly.

Your reader will hope and fear with them and be hooked to your scene like it was her own love story.

Writing Prompt 2:

Gwen and Christopher have been married for 20 years. One night Gwen finds bright red lipstick on the collar of his jacket. Infuriated, she grabs one of his golf clubs, and swings at his car till it looks worse than a bicycle under a freight train.

When she is exhausted and breaks down crying, Christopher can finally explain what happened: Christopher had been with his Chinese language student group. They all had been on their way to a Chinese restaurant for a change, and it had been raining. He lent his jacket to one of his Chinese language students to protect her from the rain. That’s when the lipstick got on the shirt.

Will Gwen believe him and end up sobbing and relieved in his arms? Or will she not believe one word and soon continue with Chris’ Chinese porcelain collection? You decide!

Leave the reader in the dark about why the lipstick really is on the jacket as long as possible, keep the suspense vibrant. Describe Gwen’s pain and the destruction of Chris’ beloved car in energetic detail, so the reader will live with them as if it was their own (heart and car).

Writing Prompt 3:

King Kong, the giant, roaring ape, falls in sweet love with his female counterpart, Queen Kong. While he was terrorizing New York, she was keeping Chicago on its toes. They meet for a date somewhere in the middle, in a dreamy forest (burning trees instead of candlelight, etc…).

They share a romantic dinner (living cattle, farmers…) and discover their common interests: They both love tearing down skyscrapers, putting police cars on top of billboard ads and eating humongous bananas. And oh, don’t even get me started on the sex…

Will these lonely apes form a bond that helps their love survive against all odds/outer resistance? Or will the egomaniacs in them gain the upper hand and tear their love apart? You decide!

How do you express your love when you are a hairy monster the size of a skyscraper? What would be different, what would be absurd? Emphasize the strange contrast between tender feelings and a gigantic physique. Your reader will find their obstacles very different, but equally painful to his own, and love you for it.

Writing Prompt 4:

Lucas has fallen in love with his dentist. His teeth are very healthy, but he is coming into Jasmin’s practice for the third time within three months, in the hope he will be capable of asking her out in a quiet moment, when nobody is listening.

Unfortunately, the doctor has three assistants and one secretary, and even the door to the waiting room doesn’t look too soundproof… Lucas feels like he is on stage in a Shakespearian comedy. Jasmin, on the other hand, lightly makes fun of him, calling him a hypochondriac.

Will Lucas finally have the balls to follow through with his plan? Or will he have to come for a fourth time? Will Jasmin sense what’s up, and will she be attracted or just annoyed? You decide!

Emphasize the contrast between the nonchalant everyday business of the doctor and her assistants, and Lucas’ timid desire to ask her out. Whatever angle he takes, he is running out of time and of Jasmin’s professional attention. How does he feel? Describe his troubled inner life, and your reader will identify strongly and feel for him.

Additional Romance Writing Prompt:

Also see the SF bonus prompt here . It’s a double prompt for two genres, romance and science fiction.

Mystery Writing Prompts/Suspense Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt 5:

Animal-loving Naomi is at her parents’ holiday home. She is observing a small hut at the forest edge. A van shows up there on three nights back to back. Each time, it seems to pick up something. Naomi sees dark silhouettes sneaking around with flashlights.

One night she decides to sneaks closer, and through a gap in the curtains sees a stack of antlers and fur: She has discovered the sinister doings of poachers. Will Naomi alert the police, or will she be so furious she decides to act on her own? Will she stay undiscovered once the van’s headlights show up on the hill? You decide!

Make the readers wonder “What the heck is going on…?” as often as possible, it will make for a suspenseful story. Show how kind, smart and brave Naomi is, so readers fear for her life. Then make the bad guys come.

Writing Prompt 6:

Paris, 19 th century: Detective Beaumont follows his suspect Forestier, who is wearing a long trench coat. He believes Forestier to be the long hunted for “rose murderer.” That murderer always leaves the rare rose variety “Farewell” on his victims’ bodies. The rose can only be bought in one shop in Paris, and if Forestier walks to that shop today, it is almost certain he is the murderer.

Indeed Forestier’s ways lead him to the flower shop in question. When he comes out, the detective follows him into a narrow street to arrest him. He lays his hands on his shoulders, but once he turns him, he sees that it’s not Forestier – he has been played! The real Forestier must have left the flower shop through a back door, and is now up to who-knows-what…

Will that second person have another trap in store for Detective Beaumont? Will the detective get to Forestier before bad things happen? You decide!

Get into the detective’s head! Show his enthusiasm about finding the long sought-after murderer, his doubts, his shock at the discovery! Show the looming danger he is in. It will make for a terrifyingly good scene…

Writing Prompt 7:

Jeremy has a neighbor whose wife has been missing for months. Jeremy is sitting in his living room, watching a documentary about the most beautiful graveyards of the world. It says that the human body and bones are excellent fertilizers and make plants grow like crazy.

He looks out the window and that huge, blooming rose bush in his neighbor’s garden catches his eye. It’s elevated on a small hill of loose soil, and it’s even more striking, as the rest of his garden is barren ground. Suddenly, Jeremy remembers that the name of his neighbor’s wife is Rose…

In this scene, a lot is happening on a mental level, and little on a physical level. Dive into Jeremy’s somber thoughts and his shocking suspicion. But at the same time, remain some outside stimulus going: E.g. Describe images of the documentary, the landscape of the garden, a clock striking ten, etc… It makes for a well-balanced scene.

Fantasy Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt 8:

The four goblins Hukput, Paddycest, Nixxle and Klozzik are on their way to the cave of the Redwing dragon Isidur. They carry a delicious moore rabbit steak with minty potatoes. They plan to present it to him as humble offering of submission, but in reality the dish is soaked with a sleeping potion so they can rob his enormous pile of golden cups, chains and ducats. Will Isidur smell the bait? Or will his loud snoring fill the cave while the goblins hastily get away with as much gold as they can carry? You decide!

Describe how the deceitful goblins try to get suspicious Isidur to devour their dish. Which tactics do they employ? They are so small, and the dragon is so powerful, but will they nevertheless outsmart him? Describe the wide, majestic nature of the landscape and the cave. Tricky and powerful creatures as well as moody sceneries make for a great fantasy story.

Writing Prompt 9:

Magician Axius is potent, old and absent-minded. He wants to put a spell on his best cooking spoon so it should cook his favorite meal, chicken with sweet pepper. But he gets a detail in the spell wrong. The spoon starts to brutally attack all of the chickens in the patio.

Which unlikely places does the spoon go to while Axius is after it? How does Axius make his way through the terrified flock of chickens? And which spells does he use when trying to calm down his good spoon? You decide!

Time to try some “cute,” homespun fantasy! Lay out the small worries of a big magician. Even he needs to take care of overexcited pets and unruly household goods some time. It’s just that he has more powerful ways to deal with them…

Writing Prompt 10:

Two bored dwarfs, Onyx and Hafax, guard a castle’s entrance. They get into an argument who can throw stones further. While they prove their skills to each other, unfortunately a stone hits a giant who is sleeping in the castle ditch. She comes after them furiously. Will she smash their surprised faces to porridge, or can the resilient dwarfs talk her out of it? You decide!

Show the simple, but competitive nature of the dwarfs. They feel strong and then suddenly very weak… Describe the frightening power of the giant. Show your readers a world of many wonders that only exist in fantasy.

Writing Prompt 11:

The ogre Grawczak is invited to a talk show about strange creatures. Believing in the best intentions of TV and eager to help make races understand each other better, he accepts. The vicious questions on air take him by surprise: “Why do ogres smell so bad; don’t they care other people are disgusted?” and “What does human flesh taste like?”

Will Grawczak just freeze in face of the bright studio lights and endure the process? Will he let them provoke him and look really bad? Or will he just eat the moderator with some spices? You decide!

Describe how helpless the big ogre feels in face of the media. Contrast it with the sensational malice of the moderator. If you can paint the ogre as a likeable being, your readers will root for him strongly. If only we understood ogres better, the world would be a more peaceful place!

Science Fiction Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt 12:

It’s an intergalactic poker tournament. Different races from different galaxies have come together. On one of the tables, the only players left are Froggosaurus, The Big Dust, Rhonda Seventeen-Tentacle and the Red Snailman.

Snailman is doing really well, too well for Rhonda. She suddenly reaches out behind his ear and pulls out a mindreader chip! Will the angry players grill Snailman, or will he be able to flee? Maybe an angry/apologetic dialogue ensues that ends with a bargain? You decide!

Writing Prompt 13:

In 2230, humans have conquered Mars. Automated skytrains run through its red desserts. One of these is stopped by a technical glitch at rush hour. The doors are stuck. When the passengers hear the voice of the control system robot through the loudspeakers, they realize the full extent of the disaster…

The system has come to the conclusion that it’s now superior to its creators, and it is planning to take over. It will open the hydraulic doors for the passengers and allow them to leave, under one condition: They have to chain three programmers in the group to a grabpole in the train and leave them behind. It becomes obvious that the system wants to eliminate the last persons that could still endanger its rule: The most talented programmers…

Will the passengers yield to the insane robot’s demand in order to save their lives? Will they try a trick and risk it all? You decide!

Writing Prompt 14:

Zwooshers look like fluffy, pink, door-high pet giraffes – you just want to cuddle them. But their looks are deceiving! They are actually plundering, reckless space pirates.

In the meeting hall, their captain Haab (eye patch, ruffled plush fur, wooden foot, spacemaid tattoo…) holds an inflammatory speech to hype up his crew. They are about to take the freight space ship that showed up on their radar. The ship must carry at least 65 tons of wood shavings, and Haab wants to take them all!

The crew is all hyped up and ready to go, when Haab trips over his wooden leg and falls off the stage. It looks pretty pathetic for a heroic leader. Will the crew just take this as a sign that chaos and plundering can now ensue, and storm forward? Or will this end the captain’s authority and make the horde want to feed him to the Spacephins? You decide!

Writing Prompt 15:

In 2075, the company Cryptofreeze™ offers the simplest, most effective method to time-travel into the future: They freeze your complete organism and defrost you after the desired period of time. Raul Morales was president of Payadua for 12 years. The laws state that he can’t run for office again for the following 4 terms (24 years). His solution is to get frosted for that period.

He is unfrozen in a big televised show that is transmitted directly into the communication chips of the population’s brains. The show features his frozen body in a transparent casket, lasers, dancers, etc… It should be one huge campaign appearance for the upcoming election.

His rivals do their best to make him look bad though: They smuggle in their own audience to boo and ask the wrong questions, they sabotage the lightning, etc… Will they succeed in derailing his campaign, or will Morales’ reputation shine brighter than ever before? You decide!

Bonus Prompt 16: Romance/Science Fiction Writing Prompt

But Cryptofreeze™ also attracts clients with a completely different set of problems: Henry loves Leila and is sure she is the girl he wants to be with. The problem is that she is 19 and he is 58.

Write two scenes:

Henry wants to talk to Leila and finds her on the running track (where the inner track travels less distance than the outer track, but they are still running side by side…). They jog next to each other, which painfully exposes their age difference. He confesses his love to her, she tells him she can’t live with the age difference, and he tells her he has booked his spot with Cryptofreeze™ and that she should make sure she will be free in 30 years. They say farewell in tears.

Henry is unfrozen, but something has gone horribly wrong: Because of a technical failure he has been frozen double time, for 60 years. Leila is now 79, while he is still 58. Roles are reversed, but it’s not as fun as it was supposed to be… Devastated, Henry visits Leila in her nursery home. She is kept in a large metal box, taken care of by robots who drive her out into the garden once per day.

Will they rediscover their love for each other, or will the circumstances have changed them too much? Will the thought of having missed out on all that precious time just kill them? Or will the make the best of it and find happiness? You decide!

Writing Prompts PDF

You can download a complete collection of all the prompts on this page on a neat sheet. Save them for whenever you need them! Enter your email here for your PDF of printable writing prompts:

Creative Writing Prompts PDF

Horror Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt 17:

Joanna has won a vacation weekend in an old castle. Not many guests are there. Wandering the wide halls, she learns about Count Brookhart, the 16 th century owner of the castle. He stole another nobleman’s wife, started a war, and was beheaded. He is rumored to be roaming these halls as a ghost. The castle’s ancient chronicles state that he will only be redeemed if a living woman kisses him on her knees. Sounds pretty strange, doesn’t it…?

At night, Joanna gets up to look for the bathroom. She only hears wind; a book falls from a shelf out of nowhere. And these heads on the old portraits all seem to turn after her…

She looks into a mirror – and freezes. Behind her is the Count, his eyes beseeching her for a kiss. And she would have to kneel to kiss him, because he is carrying his head under his arm, blood-dripping… Does Joanna feel like redeeming the count? What will happen if she does/doesn’t? You decide!

Describe the setting, the emptiness and the uneasy details. Let Joanna wonder what is going on and show her fear. In the end, go for the terrible shock effect!

Writing Prompt 18:

Gina’s beloved cat Tiger has been feverish and dizzy lately. At a fair, Gina sees a tent with a sign “Voodoo Healings $5.” Inside, she finds an old, hunched woman. She sits down in a strange chair with split rods, and her hair gets caught. The hag speaks a spell and gestures with her hands, then motions Gina to leave.

Outside at the fruit stands, Gina suddenly feels very sick, and it occurs to her what her hair could have been used for… Will she return to demand every single one of her strands back? Or will she already feel too sick and go for a more extreme solution? Will the old woman be gone or deny everything? You decide!

Don’t describe Gina’s fear, but instead describe what makes her scared: Show details of the witch’s looks and how the witch acts, describe Gina’s physical condition. Show how awful it is not to know where the horror is coming from. It will make your readers feel it strongly.

Writing Prompt 19:

When Lucy comes home, she finds her daughter Luna sitting on the floor sobbing, surrounded by broken glass. Luna has just smashed every single mirror in the house. She tells her mother that she saw ‘The Eater’ appearing behind her shoulder in the mirrors: Some dark silhouette that was coming to take a huge bite out of her.

Lucy tries to calm down her hysterical daughter, and is already going through a list of psychiatrists in the back of her head. In the evening, after cleaning up the house, she is applying make-up to go out for an important business dinner. Suddenly she notices huge black teeth appearing behind her in the little mirror…

Will Lucy shake it off as her imagination running wild? Or will she smash the make-up kit? How will she try to save herself and her daughter? And for how long can you avoid mirrors, which surround us… everywhere. You decide!

Have you ever had the feeling that you don’t know what’s going on? Pretty unsettling, right? Give disturbing, moody details about the silhouette, its appearances and effects, but don’t explain the why this is happening. We don’t know why terrible things happen to good people. And that’s scary.

Writing Prompt 20:

Zombie apocalypse has arrived. TV stations finally have the audience they deserve… For the zombies, it’s one huge party, and the humans are desperately holding onto their arms and socio-economic systems.

Four zombies are robbing a bank. Their advantages: Bullets don’t bother them, they really don’t need masks, and they have a natural gift to scare the shit out of the employees. Disadvantages: They are just so damn slow. Imagine a bank robbery in slow motion, and a couple of limbs falling off the robbers on their way out… Will the rotten gang get away thanks to their ‘Shock and Awe’? Or will the guards be quick-witted and find a way to protect themselves and attack? Where is the hunt going? You decide!

Show how absurd this scenario is. How is it different from an ordinary bank robbery? Think it through, and you will get to a couple of interesting scenarios.

Thriller Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt 21:

Jeff is the bloodhound type of a prosecutor. He is currently prosecuting the big ice cream company “Freezelicious.” They are accused of using harmful ingredients. Since Jeff took on that trial, he has been having the feeling that somebody is following him. Yesterday at the gas station, today during the break at a restaurant, and now this Mercedes has been behind him for 20 minutes.

He makes two daring and illegal maneuvers with his car, but just as he thinks he got rid of the Mercedes, it appears in his rearview mirror. He parks at a shopping center and disappears into the bathroom. After a while, the Mercedes driver comes in, and Jeff smashes him against the wall and starts to interrogate him. Turns out the guy isn’t sent by Freezelicious, but by their cheaper competitor Mega Cream. They want to make sure nothing bad happens to Jeff, because they are afraid Freezelicious wants to get him out of the way. Will Jeff just be pissed and throw the guy out? Or will he be secretly grateful? Has Freezelicious indeed planned an assassination? You decide!

Write Jeff’s inner dialogue in short sentences throughout the scene, and alternate it with action bits. Let him wonder whether somebody is following him (yes, no, yes, no) and what they could want. Show his anxiety and uncertainty.

Writing Prompt 22:

Seems like Amanda’s new co-worker Gregory does not waste any time: On his second day in office he asked her out. She declined, and the next week he asked her again with flowers in his hand. She explained he wasn’t her type, no hard feelings.

Today, when she leaves her house, she finds a shocking image: Somebody nailed her cat to the trashcan! In tears, she pulls her lose and buries her in the backyard. On the bus to work, dreadful thoughts race through her head: How can a human be capable of doing something like this? Did Apple suffer for long? Was it just some cruel and mindless kid? Is she in danger? And did she forget to close the bathroom window…?

At work, Gregory sticks his head into her office: “So how is your cat?” he asks… How will this terrible poker game continue? Can Amanda keep cool? You decide!

Again, get into Amanda’s head and play with her uncertainty. How would it make you feel if your co-worker was a dangerous maniac? Grief, terror, vengefulness, remorse… you can draw from all of these strong emotions.

Writing Prompt 23:

Herbert wants to call his son Gerd in from playing in the garden. But he only finds Gerd’s teddy with the head missing, and a note to bring 100,000 € to the Zombie House at the amusement park. If he informs police or doesn’t pay, he will get his son back like his teddy…

Four days later, police are waiting outside the Zombie House, while Herbert roams its eerie corridors, with a backpack filled with 100,000 €. Suddenly, out of the dark, a moldy looking hand grabs his backpack, while his son appears at the end of the corridor. He lets the backpack go and walks towards his son, who suddenly disappears… Will a wild chase between zombie masks ensue? What is waiting in the dark? Will the kidnappers notice the police, and what will they do then? You decide!

Uncertainty and mood! Describe the horrible thoughts of a father fighting for his son. Describe the dark, frightening atmosphere of the Zombie House. Here, your worst nightmares come true…

Adventure Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt 24:

An expedition into the jungle has gone wrong. Desmond is an intrepid, bearded explorer who set out with his team to explore the tropical wild. But they got caught by aborigines.

Then something strange happens: Affectionately, they are asked to put on shoes made of parsley and onion necklaces… Seems like these aborigines are hungry.

Jungle-smart Desmond knows their best bet is to make themselves look toxic. He orders his team to rub violet berries and black roots all over their bodies, to punch a couple of each other’s teeth out and to writhe and babble like an insane person. Will the wild tribe be disgusted, and what will they decide to do with them? Or will they just laugh and proceed to produce a tasty casserole? You decide!

Writing Prompt 25:

Four women are stranded on a small, rocky island. To their dismay, the boat they came in is leaky. The extreme situation makes their masks come off and exposes the true nature of each one:

Ellen freaks out. She blames Ruth for booking a damaged boat and Mary for forgetting to take walkie-talkies with them, even though she had been in charge of equipment.

Ruth can’t stop sobbing, she is pale and shaky and can’t be moved from the rock she is sitting on.

Mary tries to bring all of them onto the same page, so they can work together. She holds Ruth in her arms and sings to her.

Bethany makes a list of possible actions to take and tries to assign tasks to everyone (look for food, try to repair boat, look for material for smoking signal, etc…).

Describe the group dynamics. It could be an upward or a downward spiral. Will the women work together and find a way out of this? Or will they become worked up against each other and start to fight? Will a rescuing boat show up once they are at their lowest point and make them all feel shocked about themselves? You decide!

Writing Prompt 26:

Tobias and Rafael, two colleagues, are trying to reach the top of a mountain in the Himalayas. They are close to the peak, but Tobias knows it’s too dangerous to continue. Once they reached the top, it would get dark and cold, and the descent would be very dangerous. He decides to turn around, but he can’t get Rafael to come with him.

At night he is in his tent and hears Rafael asking for help over the walkie-talkie. The poor guy is sitting high up there in a freezing cold cave without food, and it’s not clear whether he will survive the night. Will Tobias risk his life for a colleague who has disregarded all safety rules? Or will he just encourage him over radio and pray? Will there be calm conditions the next day? You decide!

Action Writing Prompts

[ Read detailed tips about how to write an action/fight scene her e . ]

Writing Prompt 27:

Alfredo is a celebrity cook who loves the good life. That’s why he owes the mafia money.

One day, two gentlemen shaped like bull dozers in suits pay him a visit. They quickly surround him and send him friendly reminders to pay with their brass knuckles and baseball bats. But Alfredo is quick and flexible. He rams a cucumber into their ribs, then quickly jumps over the big counter in the middle of the kitchen.

The weapon of a cook is food… He throws some butter at their feet, so they slide and stumble, and scatters pepper into their eyes. Howling, disorientated and furious, they speed in opposite directions around the block. Alfredo quickly jumps onto the counter, and coming from opposite directions, they crash into each other like colliding trains and stay on the floor unconscious. Alfredo goes on to cook a celebratory cake.

Will the two suddenly wake up and go for Alfredo again? How will he get their heavy bodies out of there? Or is this won already? You decide!

Mix the threat and pain of the cold-blooded torturers with quick dynamic phrases of action (verbs of movement; commas not full stops; graphic descriptions).

Writing Prompt 28:

Prison break time is the best time of the year: Hector, Axl, and Hans have been digging their way to freedom for months. Tonight, they lift the tiles for the last time, hastily crawling through the narrow tunnel. Stuck in the middle, they hear an alarm going off. How were they discovered so quickly? When they block the tunnel behind them with earth and debris, it feels like filling their own graves.

They hear guards crawling after them while rapidly digging the last tunnel part. Once out in the forest, they run! They discuss splitting up, but Hans refuses. They hide in trees, but are discovered by police quickly. They jump into a river, hearing police dogs behind them. Flushing down the river, a waterfall comes up. Whaaaam, freefall! Surely no policeman or dog can follow them here, so they feel safe finally! Until they are washed right into the arms of police waiting at the shore… How is that possible?

The cops have handcuffs for Hector and Axl, and a towel for Hans, who takes a tracker out of his sock… Will the other two try to strangle him? What will be his reward, and how could he have the guts to betray his companions? You decide!

Make it a big surprise and mystery how the cops always know where they are. And give us a taste of what it feels like to be human prey: Use short, quick, hectic sentences to give a sense for the quick pace of the hunt.

Writing Prompt 29:

The “Three Apples” hospital is in flames. On the 9 th floor, nurses Jenny and Linda try to save the babies of the preemie ward. The way downstairs is already blocked by flames, and there is only one way left: Up!

The girls are on the rooftop with the babies, and Jenny brought a container, and a sheet they use as a “cable.” She ties one end around a chimney and sails over the gap onto the neighbor building with a blood-freezing jump. They push the babies safely to the other side one by one like on cable cars, until only Linda is left. But she has major fear of heights, and now the babies are safe, her body has time to panic. The flames come closer.

Will Jenny be able to help her out with another trick? Will she find her courage, or will a helicopter rescue her at the last moment? You decide!

Babies and puppies are your best pawn! Make your reader fear for these helpless little creatures, and fall in love with their brave and quick-thinking helpers. You can heighten that effect by giving the girls very distinctive personalities, and showing their inner struggles. They are no superheroes, they have to earn this!

Historical/Medieval Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt 30:

The middle ages. One of the famous “morality plays” is played in the village. These are basically thinly veiled guidelines for the people on how to behave. This one is for kids though, and very short to allow for their attention span. It tells kids how to behave properly, so mom and dad will love them and they won’t go to hell.

The play features Adam, the good kid, clean and in white like an angel; and Roger, the bad kid, looking nasty in rugs and always misbehaving. Several allegories are also around: Obedience is a thin figure in a long, flowing dress, always looking down. Diligence is a muscular guy with rolled up sleeves and leather apron; Adam tries to be like him, while Roger bites his leg. In the end, Adam is showered with candy toys and even a pet calf, while Roger gets a bloodletting and an ass-whipping. But suddenly the kids in the audience start to cheer and stamp: The calf has lifted its tail and peed all over Adam!

Do the kids get their own morality out of that play? How will the director and authorities turn this around to keep them in line? Will independent thinking or order prevail? You decide!

Create a couple more figures for the “play within the play.” If you constantly switch between the reality of the village and the reality in the play, it will make for nice variety. Get creative on both ends!

Writing Prompt 31:

Francis is a troubadour all girls have a crush on, kind of the Justin Bieber of the 12 th century. He has been courting charming Amalia night after night under her window. Tonight, he sings her his romantic poem “Thou Art the Bellows of Mine Heart.”

Amalia is enchanted, but soon rumbling is heard in the house: Her father has woken up, and that usually leads to him chasing Francis around the house with a rolling pin. He is a wealthy merchant and doesn’t approve of her tie to a penniless poet. The rumbling becomes louder while they speak.

Finally, merchant Robertson rips open the front door and screams up at his daughter: “What happened to the rolling pin!!?” Turns out Amalia has wisely hidden it… Will merchant Robertson get even angrier now? Or will he be charmed by his baby’s wit? Will he do damage to her poor suitor? You decide!

Love is in the air, so describe how and why these two are sighing/yearning for each other: The longing, the flirting, the plans. Draw from romances in your own life, because love never changed throughout the centuries. Disrupt that romance with an angry, drowsy man for great effect!

Writing Prompt 32:

Ancient Rome: On a big “forum” (square), a slave auction is held. Huno, a big, muscular Alemannic slave in heavy chains is next in line. Gaius, a newly rich plebeian, wants to acquire him so he can wear himself out on his construction sites by pulling heavy blocks. Gracelanus, a town clerk, would treat Huno much better and use him as a body guard.

Huno is ordered to demonstrate his power, and he breaks thick logs of wood over his thighs. Gaius lets out humiliating comments like “Work it, proud animal!” or “All the brains are in his upper arms.” He gives him the whip several times to test his resilience. Gracelanus, on the other hand, remains quiet, only to applaud the demonstrations.

When the bid goes to 800 sesterces, these two are the only bidders left. Gaius is hesitating for a moment, and suddenly Huno turns to the side of the stage and lets a heavy log fall on Gaius’ feet. Screaming and swearing, Gaius jumps in circles, while the bid goes to Gracelanus. Will Gaius accept his defeat, or will he get back at them? If Huno is provoked further, can he keep his cool? You decide!

Slavery is disgusting to the modern reader. It has an even bigger effect, if you, the author, don’t judge. Just present the auction as everyday life. Huno’s humility to his own fate, Gaius’ cruelness… try to describe it without emotions.

Creative Writing Prompts PDF

Dialogue Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt 33:

Punker girl Samantha (pierced tongue, “Anarchy” tattoo, etc…) is detained for stealing a skateboard bit by bit from a sports store (wheels first, then axle, etc…). Her attorney George is a seasoned vet. At his office, he tries to explain to the stupid brat what’s about to happen and what he wants her to do in front of court: Explain that she had just been bored and curious how to dissemble a skateboard, wanting to prove herself, and that she would have brought the complete skateboard back. Samantha is not too concerned about all of this and wishes the old man was a little more chill.

Write their dialogue and show how differently they speak about their agendas, different words they use, tone, rhythm, etc… Will George hammer some sense into the teenager? Or will Samantha stay unimpressed and make him lose his cool? You decide!

What it’s good for:

It’s important your characters’ voices sound different from each other. This exercise trains you to give each character their distinctive voice.

Writing Prompt 34:

Greta has lent her pick-up truck to her cousin Iris to transport some furniture. Unfortunately, a little accident happened: The truck perfectly fit around the pillar of the gateway.

Iris enters the kitchen, where Greta is cooking. At first, she is afraid to confess and wants to cheer up Greta’s mood with some enthusiastic compliments. She hesitates and finally confesses.

Greta is busy and hectic when Iris enters, to get dinner ready before guests arrive. She is happy to see Iris return and asks about the furniture buying, then wants to rush her out of her kitchen. After Iris confesses, Greta feels like everything is going wrong on that day and becomes hysteric. Will Iris be able to calm her down? Or will the two women get into a big fight, just before the guests arrive? You decide!

This scene takes the two protagonists through a rollercoaster ride of emotions. It will train you to always let your characters express their feelings and to insert a lot of emotions into your scenes.

Writing Prompt 35:

Fibby & Fozzy are twins. Their mom has died recently, and their uncle Gerald wants to trick them out of the largest part of their inheritance. He just presented a new, fake will that would only leave them a small heritage. They discuss what steps they could take against their uncle’s scam, and they speak about it at their mom’s favorite place on earth, the zoo.

Show them walking through the scenery in a way that the animals provide some subtle subtext for whatever they are talking about. E.g. when they talk about how ruthless their uncle is, they watch a lion tearing his meat apart; when they talk about how they love their mother, they are watching a cute baby panda, etc…

This should improve your sense to connect what your characters are talking about with their environment. Adding a bit of subtext is easy and makes your scene deep and rich.

Writing Prompt 36:

A popular comedian sits on a park bench. He is the type that shocks and amuses his audience with outrageous ideas. A bum sits down next to him. The comedian asks the bum for change. Is this just a lighthearted joke that will ease out into a philosophical discussion about humanity? Or will the bum be seriously offended and react? You decide!

Train your characters to sound real with this one. When the erratic, playful, ruthless comedian clashes with the tired bum, you can lend your characters raw and realistic voices.

Character Writing Prompts

A. Writing Prompt 37:  Shading

Jeff is a very analytical-thinking stock broker; people call him cold-blooded. Sheryl is an elementary school teacher with a big heart. Andy is an always positive and slightly naive flight attendant.

Describe their characters and add one trait to each of them that doesn’t look like them at all. Describe why they have this trait.

Giving your characters an unexpected trait is called “Shading.” E.g. the wealthy, stingy man, who often gives to charity, so he can have the feeling his life has more meaning. If the unexpected trait makes sense, it will give your character a lot of depth and make her look very three-dimensional.

B. Writing Prompt 38: Description

Romeo is a young private detective who dresses like a college boy, with baseball cap and saggy clothes (excellent disguise!). Lana is a stressed restaurant manager. Hannah is a street-artist selling her artwork on a busy corner.

You are having coffee on a lazy Sunday afternoon and are observing each of them separately. Describe their looks, clothes, movements, etc…, so we get a sense for who they are.

Train to describe your characters with this one. Give your readers a sense for who your figures are, simply by listing observations about them. This is pure “Show, don’t tell!” and satisfying for your reader, as she feels like the observer herself.

C. Writing Prompt 39: Backstory

Mariella is an arrogant high-society lady with an expensive fur coat and a little poodle. Henry is a pickpocket with the body language of a beaten dog. Susan is a “speedy reporter,” always driven by the desire to get the latest news first.

Describe their backstories in a couple of sentences each: How did they grow up? What are their biggest fears and desires? What made them who they are? How were they hurt?

This prompt will get you into the habit of rooting your characters in a strong backstory. It will make them look as embraceable as your best friend.

D. Writing Prompt 40: Behavior

Hans is a funny hot-dog street vendor who likes to entertain his customers. Tia is a tax inspector who always welcomes expensive jewelry from companies. Laura is a waitress who is really good at making her customers feel welcome.

Show us how each of these characters would react to the following situations: Somebody carelessly shoving them on public transport. An acquaintance (not friend) asking them to borrow some money. Finding a beautiful rare snail during a bike trip.

Here you are letting your characters act out of their distinctive personalities. We all react very differently to the same situations. Let your figures express themselves!

Plot Writing Prompts

Take the following words and construct a story plot around them. Use them in any order. Describe a short plot summary. Try to add something: Characters, locations, subplots, details, twists. The more you add, the more colorful your story will become. The only rule is that you must use all of the words. Slashes mean you can pick between words.

Writing Prompt 41:

Suitcase – traffic jam – star – contract – drug – celebration – stairs/piano/autograph – beggar – apple

Writing Prompt 42:

Library – rodent – love/hobby/fanatic – magic – flowers – legend/fairy tale/rumor – birthday pie – clock

Writing Prompt 43:

Monastery/Brewery/Pet shop – breeding – tears – wheel – green – rebel – friend – cozy/thick/dirty

Writing Prompt 44:

Cigar – anger – policeman – pill – polite – celebrate/encourage/humiliate – husband – double-edged

Short Story Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt 45:

James and Agnes are throwing their engagement dinner. James’ ex Dina is invited too. Secretly, she still loves him and hates Agnes. During the dinner, she spreads the rumor that Agnes scammed her boss Dimitri out of money/cheated on her fiancée with several of her co-workers/infected people at her office with some disgusting disease. At the after-dinner reception, Dimitri shows up unexpectedly, which leads to really awkward situations for a couple of people.

How will the guests look at Dimitri, Agnes and James? Which awkward misunderstandings and accusations will it lead to? Will somebody clear this up and get Dina kicked out, or will James lose all his trust in his fiancée? You decide!

Writing Prompt 46:

Bruno and Benedict are two kids selling lemonade at their street stand. It’s not going well. A stranger in a trench coat, with a wig and huge sunglasses stops by. He offers to buy all of their lemonade, if they do him a quick favor: Over there on the park bench, a guy with a big sports bag/lady with an expensive jewelry necklace/businessman with a black briefcase is sitting. They should threaten him/her with the knives they use for cutting lemons, and bring him the sports bag/necklace/briefcase. He says it’s a prank for a TV show.

Will the kids agree, and will they actually pull through? If yes, will the wigged guy escape untroubled? Or will the little ones be smart, maybe talk to the guy/woman on the bench? You decide!

Writing Prompt 47:

Randolph is a casino supervisor. He has a crush on that new croupier Lara. Lara on her part has a plan to take her own extra salary from the casino… The two stay after closing hours and get into a risky game: They will play one hour of roulette. If Lara wins, Randolph will turn a blind eye in the upcoming month while chips “disappear.” If James wins, Lara will sleep with him.

Who will come out in front? Or will they call it a draw and declare two winners? And how will the dynamics between the two of them develop during the game? You decide!

Writing Prompt 48:

Gary has been sleepwalking lately. When he wakes up in his bed, he doesn’t remember where he has been, but he finds oily car parts/squashed chocolate/earthy bones in his bed (depending on the genre you want to write in).

Gary’s nephew Walter is working at the car repair shop/chocolate factory/graveyard of the village. Gary asks him to stay at night after his shift, and observe what he is doing in his sleep. But is it even a coincidence Walter is working there? Is Gary subconsciously trying to tell his nephew something, to warn him, help him, or even sabotage him? Will Walter discover something funny or terrible, and can he even tell his uncle the truth the next day? You decide!

Creative Writing Prompts PDF

Writing Prompts with Pictures

Write a story around the following image:

Writing Prompt 49:

Picture Writing Prompt

Writing Prompt 50:

Picture Writing Prompt

Image: Interior Design/Shutterstock

Writing Prompt 51:

Picture Writing Prompt

Image: LaCozza/Fotolia

Writing Prompt 52:

Picture Writing Prompt

Image: anibal/Fotolia

Writing Prompts for Writer’s Block

If you are troubled by writer’s block, try one of these exercise. You will find your mind flowing freely again.

Writing Prompt 53:

Think of a very happy day in your life. Describe what happened on that day and how it made you feel. Were you anticipating it when you woke up, or did you have no idea? What did the people around you say or do?

Just write and don’t overthink. What you write really doesn’t matter. This exercise is designed to get you excited and get your juices flowing, and that’s the only thing that matters.

Writing Prompt 54:

Hansel walks up to Gretel and asks her if she wants to go to the lake with him. She says yes. They dance off into the sunlight.

The most commonplace plot in the world.  Your job is to write the entire scene as badly as you can. Uninteresting characters, predictable dialogue, action that makes no sense… Please make sure to mess it all up. The worse, the better! If everybody who reads it cringes, you have succeeded. And if you want, send it to me, and I will tell you how awesome it is you finally got back to writing: alex at ridethepen dot com.

Writing Prompt 55:

Pick the window that’s closest to you right now, as you read this. Look through it. Describe what you see in detail!

For this exercise, completely turn around at least one of your writing rituals: If you usually write at a desk, write on the couch or the floor; if you usually write by computer, write by hand; etc… The new approach will give you a fresh start.

Story Starters Writing Prompts

[ Read a post with 31 ways to start your story here . ]

Write a story starting with the following sentences:

Writing Prompt 56:

Anderson knew Amanda as a cheerful person. But on that Wednesday, when she came into the office, she was carrying a big basket, and she looked really sad.

Writing Prompt 57:

Kai looked up at his scary task. This was the craziest thing any contestant of “Where there’s a will, there is a million” ever had to do. It was because he was first! Nobody had ever gotten one step from the million…

Writing Prompt 58:

“Once bitten, twice shy.” That’s all Emma could think while looking at handsome Luis and his bullterrier with the huge jaws. “Once bitten, twice shy.”

Writing Prompt 59:

The day Iggy came into Jasmine’s life, the postman rang twice. That was very unusual, and the reason why it happened was unusual too.

Writing Prompt 60:

Getting stood up at the altar is every bride’s worst nightmare. But what if it happens the other way around? On the day of her wedding, Sophie was nowhere to be found.

Writing Prompt 61:

“I’m so happy, Uncle Albert!” Priscilla screamed into her cell phone as her train was speeding towards London. At that moment, nobody knew that a far-reaching confusion would take place on the train soon.

Unusual Creative Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt 62:

Imagine you are a dog. Now tell me about a day in your life from your perspective. How do you spend your time? Waiting, going for a walk with your owner, hunting a cat? Which emotions do you feel? What concerns you, what makes you happy? What matters? What do you want? Follow your wet snout and describe a typical day.

Writing Prompt 63:

Kurt and Sarah are neighbors in the same building, and they are arguing in the hallway. Kurt thinks he lent Sarah three eggs she never replaced. Sarah claims she replaced them a long time ago.

Emma, an elderly lady, passes by and feels obligated to join: Sarah owes an egg, but it’s just one. The two of them tell her to keep walking, as it’s none of her business.

Erin, a student, passes by, and tries to get all of them to make up in the name of peaceful neighborhood.

Charles, a stressed dad, shouts at all of them to shut up.

Finally, the police comes by and issues a citation against all of them because of public disturbance.

Describe this absurd scene, in which each new participant tries to resolve the quarrel, but tops it up by one additional level. What a mess! Show the good intentions of every party, and how the dialogue finally draws them into the argument. Have fun!

Creative Writing Exercises PDF

You can download a complete collection of all the prompts on this page on a neat sheet. Enter your email here for your PDF of printable writing prompts:

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For Your Consideration…

Check Out These Interesting Writing Prompt Pages As Well:

The Wealthy Writers Club  features a list of over 100 very creative prompts (most of them are short ideas).

27 Remarkable Comments. Join in!


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Hey Riders,

I wrote this sometime back, and thought it’d be best if I shared it with y’all. I’d already gotten a review from (the amazing) Alex, and he encouraged me to put it up here for all to see. Anyway, hope you like it. comments and recommendations are welcome (positive, and if cutting, then constructive).

Happy riding!

P.S. I had some of the stuff for Gwen’s inner dialogue written in italics… not so sure how to do that here, though. Hoping you will get the drift though. P.P.S. This is prompt #2 ————————————————————————————————————————– Gwen sat at the dining table, sipping her coffee, choking back the bitter taste it left in her mouth. Not as bitter as what I am feeling now. She gazed at the large window that would fill the house with glorious, golden light on bright, sunny days. Now, the storm that was raging outside clouded the skies, and the panes dripped with rain whose fate was sealed. She sipped at the coffee, and swallowed painfully, forcing the black liquid to pass the lump that had formed in her throat, and fan out hotly behind her heart which she felt sure was turning to ice. By the window was Chris’ seat. His wickerwork chair he had bought from China during a trip with his student group. She snickered. How long did he think I was not going to find out? Idiot. She sipped at the coffee, and swallowed. The jacket she had bought for him was sprawled on it. Prime leather, as black as sin. And his heart, too. Twenty years of loving the man poured into buying that jacket, only for it to be poured out like spent coffee grounds. She sipped at her coffee, and looked at the clock. Two minutes past six. He always left the bathroom at two minutes past six. As if on cue, he walked into the room, clad in his thick cotton bathrobe. “Whew, what a day it’s been!” he sighed, slipping his hands into the pockets of the robe. Gwen chose not to listen to him; her attention was fully on the jacket. “Sweetie, is there any more coffee? I need the warmth,” he continued, before his voice became as smooth as oil. “Or will you substitute the coffee?” “Why have coffee, when you have the option of green tea?” Gwen sipped at her coffee, slowly turning to face him. His rich brown eyes were puzzled for a moment, before the corners crinkled in amusement. That did it. She flung the coffee mug at him, and he ducked just as fast. The mug exploded on the glossy white wall, coffee streaming down it like rotten blood from a sore wound. “How dare you find this funny?” she screamed, rising up and walking to the wicker chair. She picked up the jacket, sodden and heavy, and tossed it at him across the length of the room. “Explain that, Chris. Explain why you would do this to me!” “Sweetie, what do you mean?” His voice was filled with worry, fear; did she detect a slight quiver? He turned over the jacket, then his eyes widened in realisation. He knows I know, the lying bastard. The lipstick on the collar, red as his neck would be in a few minutes. “Honey, I can explain…” he started, but Gwen could not bear hearing him call her that. How many more has he called sweetie, or honey? She screamed, anger almost blinding her. Or was it the tears? The hurt? She couldn’t say. “Chris, how could you? Twenty years is nothing to you, is it? All we’ve been through, all we’ve faced, and you decide to have it with a whore. A whore, Chris! A slut whose name you can’t even remember!” She picked up a fine porcelain vase Chris had gotten for her birthday. “Gwen, please, calm down, and I can explain everything.” His tone wa soft, almost pleading. Pleading for forgiveness, which I won’t give today. She flung the vase at him. either he didn’t see it coming, or was slow to react. The vase shattered against his head, the shards burying deep into the thick black locks of his hair. He cried out in pain, then crouched down low. Gwen felt a shocking stab of triumph. Why am I enjoying this? “Gwen, what’s gotten into you? Trust me, it’s not what it seems!” Chris got up, a tiny rivulet of blood oozing across his forehead, into his left eye. “Give me a chance to explain everything!” “As far as I know Chris, you have never gotten into me, for as long as I can remember, and you decided to, what’s the word, get ¬into someone else.” She picked up a golf club from its bag – his bag – next to the chair of iniquity. She glowered as she saw him cower back in fear. “Gwen…” “No, Chris, this isn’t meant for you, though the thought of crushing your cunning serpent, along with his nest of eggs, would greatly satisfy me.” She saw his neck muscles cringe at the description. “Gwen, please. I can explain everything – JUST GIVE ME A CHANCE, WOMAN!” She screamed, a feeble attempt at drowning him out, before pushing past him and running out of the house, through the door and into the rain. She spotted his car; his beloved Kia. Did he do it in our car, with that slut? She yelled in anger, anger that seemed to seep out of every pore and element of her being. A scream she felt must have been last used by a Viking berserker; primal and raw. She smashed in the window, the shards mixing with the rain like diamonds. The next swing landed on the bonnet, denting it and taking a big scrape out of the primer. The third shattered the windscreen, and it fell like a delicate fractal plate of ice. She stopped counting after eight, and by the time she was done, the rain had soaked the interior, the system console was cracked, and the steering wheel was awkwardly askew. She was taking in deep gulps, gasping for air. It’s cold, invisible barbs poked at her throat, mixed with the taste of coffee, rage and blood. She realised she had bit her lip, and the blood was dripping onto the wet driveway in big splotches, mingling with the rain. Chris came up from the dry safety of the porch. If he was angered about the car, she couldn’t see it. She began to sob, and fell to the paved driveway, too exhausted to keep standing. She felt Chris’ warmth, smell and presence surround her. “Gwen, it’s alright. Just give me a chance to explain, please.” “I told you, no, Chris. I can’t keep on living if you were to leave me for another.” She let out another sob, and suddenly felt cold. She held on to Chris, even though he was as drenched as she. Still, she needed to feel if he was real; the Chris she knew would never cheat on her. “Gwen, I was with my students, and for a change, we decided to go have our classes at Wong’s over a light lunch.” His voice was soothing, comforting, real. She pulled him closer. She needed that reality more than anything. “The day began so wonderfully, Gwen; the sky was as blue as your eyes, and I felt it would be best to wear the jacket, and think of you and us.” Now my eyes are red, and puffy. Could he still want me? She felt his tender hand push away wet strands of her hair from her face. She didn’t want to look at him; the very idea of seeing his lips mention that he had slept with another woman – or one of those students? – revolted her. “When we were leaving, it started to rain, and I had to make sure my students got home dry and safe. I gave Nessa my jacket – you remember Nessa; she came to see you at the hospital – to cover herself as we walked to the bus stop. I saw her off, then rushed to my parking spot at the café we always use for our meetings. She had some lipstick on; she was from a date with her fiancé before the class began. It must have rubbed off on my jacket” He wrapped her in his big arms, and she could smell the fragrance of the soap he had used. “I swear, I would never walk out on you, Gwen. Never.” “But I had a miscarriage, Chris. Twenty years, and no children. I thought you didn’t want me anymore, now that we can’t have children…” she sniffled, pushing back the memories of the hospital. The smell of antiseptic, green walls, overly sympathetic nurses… the pain associated with them haunted her still. Haunting me to a point where I’d think my husband would never love me? Yet here he is, with me in the rain, even though I’ve smashed our car to pieces. “Chris, I’m sorry I could never be the wife you wanted. You always wanted kids, even before we got married, you’d say how much of a father you wanted to be. Because of me, you can’t have that dream become a reality.” She began to cry, before Chris gently shushed her. “Before I wanted kids, I wanted you. And as long as I have you, Gwen, well – this is cheesy, but – I don’t need anything else. You’re the most perfect, most amazing woman I know. You are the wife I’ve always wanted.” He chuckled at his feeble attempt of professing love. She found herself giggling. He had always made her laugh with his corny declarations of affection. Probably that’s what I’ve always about him; he is real, and honest, and true. “Can we stay here a bit longer?” She nuzzled up to him. “We haven’t done this since college; our vain attempt at recreating The Notebook.” “Oh, yeah; remember when we almost got struck by lightning?” He laughed, and Gwen smiled up at him. What more could I ask for?

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Hey Eddie, good to see you posting this here, because… somebody has to go first, right?

And like I wrote to you via email, this is a great piece of writing. Love the psychology, the dynamics and the details. Plus, you have a wonderful feeling for metaphors, similes, images, etc… Nice!

So who’s next…?

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I want to post my prompt and to get it published too. I have two prompts I have finished writing.

Sounds good, just post your prompts here in the comments. Go for it, I’m curious to see what you have got!

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Alex, these are the best ever!

Prompt 52 I think is my favorite. Two of the subjects I enjoy are stone-age fiction and science fiction. What nice marriage that prompt brings. Oh, hmm, maybe there could be a real one in that story, seed and egg age difference of 40,000+ years and still viable. No, I gotta quit now. Too much on my desk to handle immediately.

I’ll try to come up with a good prompt in perhaps a week. Kinda busy here at the moment.

Number 16, perhaps Cryptofreeze™ could have a companion, Cryptoflow™ to un-age. Wouldn’t that be really something, the two of them keeping on missing each other by several decades; ironing out their schedule and venue misunderstandings and trying again.

Eddie, I’m going to come back and read yours.

Thanks, Will! Oh, you are thinking along the lines of a love child in space and stone. And number 16, yes, that would be awkwardly tragic and funny. Imagine the thought of just waking up from a couple of decades in the freezer, slowly learning to move your limbs again, and buying some flowers to show up at her doorstep – only to learn that you have to do the freezing all over again…

I know, these exercises take more time than the prompts I usually publish in my posts. But when you are ready, I would love to read yours.

Hey, Alex, writing writing prompts is hard. I feel an urge to keep writing rather than stopping at the prompt. When I promised I’d make one, many days ago, I didn’t know what I had let myself in for.

Your blog sends me a copy of every comment posted on this page. They’ve served as prompts to write a writing prompt.

Writing Prompt # (no particular genre):

He knew he shouldn’t do it, even as he did it. But it was too delicious a thought to be abandoned. It simply had to be created to share with others.

It was a bad, bad habit, he had. A divine idea would arrive, an idea so clear and insightful and, well, full of awesomeness, that it must be manifested. Somehow. And the first step in the direction of that “somehow” was to make a promise to do it. Not a self-promise that nobody else knows about and is easy to neglect, but a promise to someone whose goodwill was important.

As expected, he did it again, true to his habit.

Immediately after he stated the promise, making it irrevocable, he had a sinking feeling.

Your assignment, dear reader who is also a writer, should you choose to accept it, is to unveil the promise and the consequences the poor bloke experiences because of it.

And now, Alex, let me make another promise. That I’ll write a short little story from one of your prompts. Perhaps the cave man prompt I mentioned earlier.

Hey Will, it happens to the best. Your prompt now is to take your time and write whenever you are ready. It doesn’t have to be very long, btw. Sometimes a couple of imaginative paragraphs create a great story in the reader’s mind.

Well, if it happens to the best, then I must be the best, right? 🙂

This story simply would not cooperate. It refused to become a “stone-age human meets space-suited human”. And insisted to finalize at 1700+ words.

Be all that as it may, here is what the story insisted it must be.


Wzzt, the Martian

If they were translated, the whistles and grunts would have meant, “Wzzt, it has been decided that you will welcome the interlopers.”

Wzzt’s protest sounded like a wounded pig. A foreign listener would not have been much deceived.


“Base, I see tracks.”

Mars. Every dream, every night since he could remember, from little boy to adult at expedition training, Sam dreamed about Mars — although he could never recall specific details. And here he was.

“Well, I hope you see tracks. You’re following Opportunity’s path.”

“No, these are light tracks on top of what the dust storm left way back in 2018. Round, about the width of my hand, with marks that might be toes or claws.”

“Well, take some pictures and we’ll figure it out when you get back.”

Joe smirked, thinking his trainer was making a fool of himself. On this, their very first mars external operation. He gloried in anticipation of discrediting Sam. Joe had seen the tracks, too, but Sam reported it to base before he had a chance to do so. For once, he was happy not to be first.

It’s impossible, of course, Sam thought. Decades of satellite and robot explorations had proved Mars habitat is inimical to life more complex than bacteria. The track must be something else.

Sam and Joe, trainer and trainee, proceeded along Opportunity’s path, approaching the base of a cliff. In the shadow of the cliff, the two stopped short.

Sam forgot to draw a breath until his body reminded him.

“Base, there is a creature in front of us. It is about half my height with a roundish body, no neck, three short legs with feet that could have made the tracks we saw earlier. It waddles. And it is slowly approaching us.”

“Shit. Pull your weapons, but don’t shoot unless you are in danger. Raise the gain of your mikes. And activate those external speakers we were told we had to have.”

The thing waddled to a comfortable distance, about five times its own height.

It said, “The first humans have arrived on Mars.”

Joe, wanting to be first with the asounding fact, reported, “It speaks English!”

Sam thought, “Shit. This one has tech.”

He followed his thought with, “Base, it played a recording of our arrival transmission to Earth. On our very own comm channel!”

Base responded with, “Yes, we heard it. It seems we have a spheroid waddler with enough tech to intercept our radio transmissions to Earth, record them, and play them back to us on our comm channel. What the hell is it!”

Joe felt deflated. “Well, it did speak English!”

Base ignored Joe, following Sam’s lead like it always had during training and practice.

The thing said, “It speaks English! Base, it played a recording of our arrival transmission to Earth. On our very own comm channel! Yes, we heard it. It seems we have a spheroid waddler with enough tech to intercept our radio transmissions to Earth, record them, and play them back to us on our comm channel. What the hell is it! Well, it did speak English!”

Base told Sam, “That was not a recording. The same voice repeated what all three of us said. There is high intelligence.”

The things said, “Wzzt.”

Base, “What the hell was that!”

Sam, “Base, I think it refers to itself, it’s species or perhaps it’s name.”

Sam bent his knees, pointed at himself, and said,”Sam.”

The thing raised one of its legs and clumsily pointed at itself. “Wzzt.”

“Base, it seems that it’s name is however that word is pronounced.” Sam chuckles and continues, “Maybe we can introduce vowels to its language.”

Wzzt used a leg to point at Joe.

Sam looked at Joe. Joe was shaking.

For the millionth time Sam wondered how Joe got past the psych tests this mission put them all through. Maybe somebody really was bought off, someone who knowingly endangered the first manned mission to Mars by letting Joe slide into the team.

Sam activated Joe’s speaker and said, “Joe.”

Wzzt said, “Sam. Joe. Follow me to my cave,” turned around, and started waddling back the way it had come.

Sam grimmaced as the thought about psyche tests flitted through his mind. An utterly irresistible compulsion contrary to his innate sense of integrity had compelled him to ensure without doubt that he would be posted as head of Mars External Operations.

Sam said, “Base, it originated something. None of us ever said ‘Follow me to my cave,’ or at least not on a radio. It must have learned by listening to us.

Base, “Follow it. But carefully!”

Sam hurried forward, saying “Yes, Base.”

But Joe didn’t move. He seemed to be rooted.

Suddenly, Joe yelled, “It’s an abomination! Humans are the only intelligence! I’ll rid the world of this mad disease!”

Joe raised his weapon to do just that. Base, alert, deactivated it before it could fire.

Base, “Sam, proceed. Please be carefull. I don’t want to lose you.”

Base continued. “Joe, stay where you are. That is an order. Sam will accompany you back to base on his return.”

Then, “Sam, this is private. As you suspected, there were psyche test anomalies. Confirmation came in just before you met Wzzt, however that thing is pronounced.”

“I realize you have no first contact training,” Base continued. “Who would have thunk you’d need it; here, of all places! Use your own judgement and do what you think is right. If we delay for a partner to join you, this opportunity may be lost.”

Wzzt led the way to the cliff.

“Base, there’s a small hole in the cliff, behind a jut and under a rock shelf. Surveilance would have found it only by being within sight on ground level.

Wzzt held up a foot, a clear signal to stop. Then pointed his foot toward the hole.

“This is my cave.”

Wzzt lowered its foot, re-balanced itself, and continued, “If you come in, radio is lost.”

“You are welcome to come in.”

“Base, you heard Wzzt. It is civilized enough to give me a choice. I’m going in, if I can squeeze through that hole.”

“I don’t like this, Sam!”

“Base, you gave me authority.”


Wzzt entered the hole.

When Sam entered, it seemed as if the hole expanded to let him through.

Once inside, the light was dim. But he sensed it was a large cavern.

When his eyes adjusted to the dim light, Sam got a surprise. There was Opportunity, taken apart; but not haphazardly. The pieces were laid out in an orderly fasion, each piece labeled.

A dozen creatures of Wzzt’s shape were standing along the wall.

“Base,” Sam started. Then remembered he had no comm signal.

Two of the creatures along the wall stepped forward with an apparatus, setting it near Sam. A dial was turned.

Wzzt said, “Radio found.”

Tentatively, Sam says, “Base, Wzzt tells me we have comm.”

“Clear and no distortions, Sam.”

“Base, Opportunity is in this cave. Taken apart. By experts. No wonder we couldn’t find it after that dust storm. I’ll send you some visual.”

“Sam, are you okay? There are a lot of Wizzes in that cave.”

“Base, they are friendly. They provided the unit that established our comm from within the cave.”

“Sam! Joe has moved. He is running toward your cave. He’s going inside.”

Joe popped through the entrance hole. He grabbed Sam’s weapon, pointing it at Wzzt. Before Sam had a chance to react, Wzzt shriveled into char.

Sam launched himself toward Joe to take him down.

Suddenly, he halted in mid-flight, suspended. He didn’t and couldn’t move. Neither could Joe, being frozen in a leaning-back defense stance. The two were in a static space of some kind, a total absence of motion.

One of the creatures walked over to Wzzt’s ashes and collected them with a deep bag on a handle reminisent of a butterfly net.

The creature waddled over and forcefully put the bag over Joe’s head all the way down to his shoulders.

In less than a minute, the bag was removed and Joe was able to move. He almost fell down, then regained his balance.

When Joe spoke, it was Wzzt’s voice, “Sam, I am Wzzt. The Joe entity forfeited its right to exist when it tried to take my life.”

The Wzzt/Joe bent, straightened, and twisted, as he got familiar with the new body.

“Humans have strange bodies.”

Then from the radio, blared a frantic, “Sam! Base is lifting! The rockets are firing. According to the instruments we’re headed for rendezvous with Orbiter.”

“Sam, we have no control of the rockets or our trajectory.”

“Sam? Are you there? Talk to me!”

Sam desperately wanted to respond. But he couldn’t move. Nor could he make a sound.

“Base, this is Wzzt speaking through the body you knew as Joe. The life essence that was Joe is no more. It used its every effort to kill me, reducing my body to ashes.”

“We will no longer tolerate you and your kind on or near our planet. Except Sam, who we have chosen to learn from.”

“For decades we have watched you and learned about you. Monitoring established your Earth citizens to be capricious and destructive, at odds with each other, and focused on individual benefit, a mad melee reminding us of the animals that finally reduced themselves to extinction on this very planet you call Mars.”

“Do not come back. If in the future Sam wishes to return to Earth, he will be provided with transportation.”

The communicator was removed and Sam’s stasis was released. He noticed his gun was fully charged. He felt normal, healthy, energetic.

He looked at Wzzt, who was still becoming familiar with his new body.

“What now, Wzzt?”

Suddenly, with a silent, thunderous mental bang, Sam remembered everything.

Wzzt said, “Now you remember, friend Zzzt. Your mission was a success. It will be a long time before humans land on our planet again. We will be fully prepared.”

Sam/Zzzt suddenly felt awkward in his body, but quickly regained control.

In a moment, Zzzt emitted whistles and grunts that meant, “You know, friend Wzzt, they really are a strange species. There is little cohesion.”

Zzzt looked around. All the creatures in the cavern, his people, his friends and some new ones, were ringed around him, one leg raised pointing at him in a silent salute.

Will Bontrager

Oh how strange we have become. We are the aliens.

That was a fun read, Will!

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All of those writing prompts sound fun and wonderful. it is going to hard to pick just one to write on. 

 Thank you 

That’s great to hear, Bruce.

Have fun with them!

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Really useful…. 🙏thanks

Awesome! You are welcome!

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Thank you for all the great resources. I am new to writing and have written a couple of pieces for the Show don’t Tell section on your site. Cheers, Tilly

Kayla was a talented piano player Kayla Vlasov sat at the grand piano, her back straight, her delicate hands poised on the shiny black and white octaves. The audience in the front row noticed how Kayla’s legs hung demurely from the stool, her feet barely reaching the pedals. Kayla’s expression was focussed. Nothing else existed when she was about to play the piano. With her right index finger, she struck middle C. The vibration went through to the audience’s marrow and sent a shiver down their backs. Thunderous applause. This would be an evening to remember.

Winny felt shy Winny held her mother’s hand, as they walked through the gates of Newtown Primary School. A teacher with a warm smile and auburn hair bouncing along with each step came towards them. The child hid behind her mother, wishing she could disappear between the folds of her skirt. Warm tears gathered in Winny’s eyes and she lifted her other hand to her mouth, hoping the teacher wouldn’t notice her quivering bottom lip.

Hi Tilly, these are excellent!

Not only do you “show” what’s the matter, but these are also fun pieces full of atmosphere.

If anybody is wondering where the prompts come from, it’s this post about “Show, don’t tell”: https://www.ridethepen.com/show-dont-tell/

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Thank you Alex for the great prompts

You are welcome, Maria! 🙂

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I would like to use Freezelicious. For a villain name.

Sounds like evil ice cream!

Lol it is. I want Freezelicious. To be a villain in a spy book I’m writing.

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I really have a problem with prompt 24 on the adventure prompts. It feels very dehumanizing to indigenous peoples to portray them in that way and it perpetuates harmful stereotypes. I would suggest removing it because it is insensitive.

Hi Jessica, your comment is heard, but I would consider this excessive political correctness, of which the world already is seeing too much nowadays.

Everything is a stereotype – especially in a writing prompt! Your job as a writer is to then lay out a colorful story that draws the reader in, precisely because it’s so far away from any stereotype, which makes it interesting.

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Looking for something else?

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Hi Alex. Paragraph

I live in a senior residence and have taken on the adventure of coordinating a creative writing group. We have completed a year and I am very enthusiastic about the level of commitment and effort the students have put into all the assignments. This coming year we will be offering to include more people in the group. but since a number of people will be returning I have been looking for some different kinds of exercises to prompt and teach the students.

The prompts seem like a splendid opportunity for all the people in the group to try their hand without having to create new material right off the bat. I will let you know the kind of responses I get. Thanks for putting this together

Hey Pat, sounds great, I imagine in a senior residence people have plenty of time to write. Plus, you are living next door to your critique partners. Would be interesting to hear what came out of it and which prompts were used the most.

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Hey Alex! Wanna go on a date?

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- Update March 2024: Random First Line - lots of new prompts and you can now choose a genre Creative Writing - First Steps - dive right in with some practical tasks to get you started.

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- Update August 2023: Bite-size Writing Tips and Tricks. 3-minute reads

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Random Plot Generator

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50 Creative 3rd Grade Writing Prompts (Free Printable!)

Taking the leap from the primary level to the intermediate grades.

Four printed note boards for third grade writing prompts.

Third grade is a huge transitional year in elementary school. Third grade writers have learned foundational concepts and skills and have had time to practice. Now they are developing more complex skills as they dig deeper, learn to make connections, and analyze the topics they write about. Here are 50 third grade writing prompts to help your students master and refine their writing skills.

If you’d like even more upper elementary writing prompts, we publish new ones twice a week on our kid-friendly site: the Daily Classroom Hub . Make sure to bookmark the link!

(Want this entire set in one easy document? Get your free PowerPoint bundle by submitting your email here, so you’ll always have the prompts available!)

1. Tell about a special event in your life.

creative writing prompt worksheets

2. What are you best at?

creative writing prompt worksheets

3. What do you want to learn more about?

creative writing prompt worksheets

4. I could never live without______.

creative writing prompt worksheets

5. If you could go anyplace in the world, where would you go and why?

creative writing prompt worksheets

6. Interview one of your parents or grandparents and ask them to tell you a story from their childhood. Share their story here.

creative writing prompt worksheets

7. Describe one of your favorite book characters. Tell three things about their personality.

creative writing prompt worksheets

8. Do you think third graders should have to do chores at home? Why or why not?

creative writing prompt worksheets

9. What is something you would change about school if you could?

creative writing prompt worksheets

10. Tell about a time you helped somebody.

creative writing prompt worksheets

11. Tell about a time somebody helped you.

creative writing prompt worksheets

12. Tell about a memorable “first” in your life. For example, the first time you ate a particular kind of food, the first time you met your teacher, etc.

creative writing prompt worksheets

13. Describe step by step how to make a pizza.

creative writing prompt worksheets

14. What does it mean to be a hero?

creative writing prompt worksheets

15. I am afraid of _______ because_______.

creative writing prompt worksheets

16. What is the difference between being polite and rude? Give three examples.

creative writing prompt worksheets

17. What is the most important rule in the classroom?

creative writing prompt worksheets

18. What are the three most important qualities you look for in a friend?

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19. Do you think kids should be assigned homework? Why or why not?

creative writing prompt worksheets

20. Nature gives us many beautiful things—plants, animals, water, weather, stars and planets, etc. What is one of your favorite things in nature and why?

creative writing prompt worksheets

21. If I were a spider, I’d _______.

creative writing prompt worksheets

22. Three things that make me happy are ______.

creative writing prompt worksheets

23. What is your favorite holiday and why?

creative writing prompt worksheets

24. Tell about one of your family’s unique traditions.

creative writing prompt worksheets

25. If you could have a pet, what would you choose? How would you take care of it?

creative writing prompt worksheets

26. Write about a dream you recently had.

creative writing prompt worksheets

27. Tell about a person that inspires you and why.

creative writing prompt worksheets

28. Name five things you are thankful for and why you are thankful for them.

creative writing prompt worksheets

29. What are ways you can be a good citizen?

creative writing prompt worksheets

30. When you and a friend disagree, how do you work it out?

creative writing prompt worksheets

31. What do you think the world will be like in one hundred years?

creative writing prompt worksheets

32. What is your favorite type of weather? Why?

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33. What superpower do you wish you had? Why?

creative writing prompt worksheets

34. What famous person would you like to meet? Why?

creative writing prompt worksheets

35. In your opinion, which animal makes the best pet? Give three reasons for your answer.

creative writing prompt worksheets

36. If someone gave you $100, how would you spend it?

creative writing prompt worksheets

37. Should third graders have cell phones? Why or why not?

creative writing prompt worksheets

38. If you could be an Olympic athlete, what sport would you participate in?

creative writing prompt worksheets

39. Write about your “getting ready for school” routine.

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40. Write about your “getting ready for bed” routine.

creative writing prompt worksheets

41. If you could travel through time like Jack and Annie in the Magic Tree House, where would you go?

creative writing prompt worksheets

42. In your opinion, what does a perfect weekend look like?

creative writing prompt worksheets

43. Write about the last time you felt really angry. What happened and how did it all work out?

creative writing prompt worksheets

44. Pretend there was a special zoo where animals could talk. Which animal would you talk to and what are three questions you would ask?

creative writing prompt worksheets

45. What is your favorite thing with wheels? Why?

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46. Tell the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears from the point of view of Baby Bear.

creative writing prompt worksheets

47. What do you think would grow if you planted a magic bean?

creative writing prompt worksheets

48. Which would you rather be able to do—fly or read people’s minds? Why?

creative writing prompt worksheets

49. Tell about an adult in your life that you admire.

creative writing prompt worksheets

50. If you were traveling for a week and could only bring a backpack, what would you pack?

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Get My Third Grade Writing Prompts

Love these third grade writing prompts? Make sure to check out our third grade jokes to start the day !

50 Creative Third Grade Writing Prompts (Free Printable!)

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200+ Printable Writing Prompts for Kids

I had a fortunate conversation with a teacher friend many years ago who told me that she was always looking for interesting printable writing prompts (or story starters) for her students. Ever since then, we’ve added writing prompt worksheets for nearly every holiday and season of the year! It was high time we put up a post that made it easy to find them all in one place. And below all the links to the themed worksheets, there’s 21 new generic writing prompts you can use at any time of the year!

Writing prompts are great creativity and imagination starters for students, giving them a framework and starting point to writing something interesting, funny, or to help them practice formulating a point of view. These simple worksheets are only one page each, so they aren’t too intimidating for kids with limited writing skills.

All of Our Printable Writing Prompts for Kids

General Printable Writing Prompts / Story Starters for Any Day of the Year

If it’s in between holidays, use one of these worksheets on any day of the year!

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creative writing prompt worksheets

Founder and CEO of Woo! Jr. Kids Activities, Wendy loves creating crafts, activities and printables that help teachers educate and give parents creative ways to spend time with their children.

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Seasonal creative writing prompt worksheets.

Learners practice their creative writing with these fun seasonal writing prompts! Using the prompts to inspire them, writers are invited to craft creative stories that include interesting characters, plots with clear conflicts and resolutions, and descriptive language to bring the settings and events to life. Designed for fourth through eighth graders, these worksheets are the perfect way to get in the spirit of any season while honing and developing fiction writing and storytelling skills.

Click on a worksheet in the set below to see more info or download the PDF.

Winter Creative Writing Prompt #1: A Walk in the Woods

Winter creative writing prompt #2: the suspicious snowball, winter creative writing prompt #3: a moment of memory, spring creative writing prompt #1: the puzzling picnic, spring creative writing prompt #2: foul ball fiasco, spring creative writing prompt #3: sifting through the sand, summer creative writing prompt #1: secrets of the sand, summer creative writing prompt #2: the campfire commotion, summer creative writing prompt #3: the captivating carnival, want to download this whole set as a single pdf, unlock worksheet sets.

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Writing Prompts

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creative writing prompt worksheets

Journal Prompts

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This page contains creative journal writing prompts for students. Super Teacher Worksheets also has thousands of writing worksheets and printable activities .

  • Imagine you had a hundred dollars, but you couldn't keep it. You had to give it away to a person or charity. Who would you give it to? What would you want them to do with it?
  • Describe one time when you were brave.
  • If you could cook any meal for your family, what would you cook? Describe the meal and tell how you would make it.
  • Imagine you woke up and saw a dinosaur in your backyard. Write a story telling what you see and do.
  • Imagine you opened your own restaurant. Tell the name of your restaurant. Explain what the restaurant looks like, who works there, and what you serve.
  • Describe your favorite character from a book, a movie, or television.
  • Write a story titled, "My Journey on a Pirate Ship." You and your friends can star in the story.
  • If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be? Describe the pet and how you would take care of it.
  • Do you have any brothers or sisters? If you do, tell what they're like. If not, tell whether or not you would like to have a brother or sister.
  • If you could have lunch with any famous person who would it be? What would you talk about with this person?
  • Write a story titled, "The Bat Who Couldn't Fly."
  • Imagine you were a wonderful painter and your parents would let you paint anything you wanted on your bedroom walls. What would you paint? Use lots of details to describe your artwork.
  • Describe the oldest person you know.
  • Describe the youngest person you know.
  • Do you think a monkey would make a good pet? Explain why or why not.
  • How old were you four years ago? Describe some things you can do now that you could not do then.
  • Imagine you worked at a football stadium. What would your job be? (examples: quarterback, cheerleader, coach, referee, ticket seller) Describe what you would do while you were on the job.
  • What do you like best about your home?
  • If you could be on any game show, what would it be? Describe what happens when you're on the show.
  • Describe your favorite season (fall, spring, summer, or winter). Tell what kinds of things you like to do during that season.
  • Write a story titled, "The Baby Dragon."
  • Describe several ways a person your age can earn money.
  • Would you want to visit the moon? Why or why not?
  • If you could spend an afternoon with one member of your extended family, who would it be? Tell why you chose this person and tell what you do together.
  • Which superpower would you most like to have-- invisibility, super strength, or the ability to fly? Describe what kinds of things you would do with your powers.
  • Think of a time when you've won something. Tell what you won and how you won it.
  • Invent a new kind of sandwich. Describe what is on it and how you would make it.
  • Describe one thing you're really good at.
  • Imagine you were twenty feet tall. Describe what life would be like.
  • If you were a doctor, what kind of doctor would you be? (examples: children's doctor, veterinarian, eye doctor, dentist) Tell what your job would be like.

This page has printable writing prompt worksheets.

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Creative Writing Prompts Worksheet

Creative writing prompts for kids

How to use this worksheet

Simply choose an item from each writing prompt column and add it to this super easy story writing formula : WHO + wants WHAT+ but WHY NOT.

Example writing prompt:

A Goliath Beetle (WHO) wants to become a voice impersonator (WHAT), but he has an attack of the hiccups (WHY NOT).

Create countless fun writing prompts from the tables below or print the writing prompts worksheet . Also, try our lesson plans.

Printable creative writing prompts for kids PDF

Related Writing Resources

  • Picture story ideas
  • Printable story ideas generator book
  • Writing worksheets and activities

Creative Writing Prompts for Kids

Creative writing prompts for 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th grades- Choose a character for your story

  • Goliath Beetle

Courtly Person

  • Noble Steed


  • Blob of Goo
  • Super Hero’s Cape
  • Chess Piece
  • Remote Control Car
  • Box of Crayons
  • Super Stink Boy
  • Baby Genius
  • Marshmallow
  • Deep-fried Candy Bar
  • Meat-eating Plant

Creative writing prompts for 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th grades- Choose a plot for your story

  • Get what He/She has Always Wanted
  • Become a Dancer
  • Invent Something
  • Ride a Roller Coaster
  • Travel to a New Planet
  • Be Bigger or Smaller
  • Make a Friend
  • Bend Air and Water
  • Ride a Camel
  • Build a Catapult
  • Rule the World
  • Win a Watermelon Seed Spitting Contest
  • Build a New Home
  • Make Disco Clothes Fashionable Again
  • Become a Voice Impersonator
  • Tame a Tazmanian Devil
  • Save the World
  • Journey to the Amazon
  • Enjoy a Very Lazy Day
  • Bake a Cake
  • Overcome a Fear of Something
  • Rescue a Stranded Kitten
  • Become a Master Chef
  • Be the Most Amazing of Its Kind
  • Change from a Bad Guy into a Good Guy

Creative writing prompts for 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th grades- choose a plot for your story

  • Has an Attack of the Hiccups
  • Doesn’t Know How
  • Evil Nemesis Has Other Plans
  • Doesn’t Have the Right Clothes/Gear
  • Is Very Clumsy
  • Is Allergic to Fun
  • Gets Distracted by a Dance Party
  • Can’t Find What He’s Looking For
  • Forest Comes to Life
  • Gets Trapped in a Tower
  • Pit of Slime In the Way
  • Minions Quit
  • Gravity Just Became Super Strong
  • Giant Ladybug
  • Space Junk Crashes to Earth
  • Runaway Train
  • Epic Water Gun Battle
  • Grumpy Alligator
  • Magic Wand is Broken
  • Can’t Get any Respect
  • Sucked into a Magical Vortex
  • Internet is Unavailable
  • Burns in the Sun
  • Plans Never Work Out Right
  • Car/Boat/Spaceship is Brokenv

Sample Creative Writing Prompts

Here are some examples of how you can put the prompt elements above together into some fun writing topics.

Creative writing  prompts for kids 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th grades- Writing idea

A baby genius wants to take over the world, but his minions just quit.

Creative writing  prompts for kids- Writing topic

A ladybug wants to make disco clothes fashionable again but she has an attack of the hiccups.

An astronaut wants to rescue a kitten from a tree but gravity just became super strong.

Creative Writing Resources

  • More story ideas
  • Worksheets & Activities
  • Fill in the blank stories

creative writing prompt worksheets

The Write Practice

The Only 10 Creative Writing Prompts You Need

by Joe Bunting | 55 comments

You get better at any skill through practice. Prompts are a great way to practice writing (as you might imagine, we're really into practice here), and in this post, I have ten of our best creative writing prompts.

Try a few out, and if you're ready to take the next step in your writing, check out our 100 Best Short Story Ideas .

10 Best Creative Writing Prompts

How To Use These Creative Writing Prompts

At the end of every article on The Write Practice , we include a writing prompt so you can put what you just learned to use immediately. And we invite you to share your writing with our community so you can get feedback on your work.

The Write Practice is more than just a writing blog. It's a writing  workbook , and we think it's the best one on the Internet (of course, we're a bit biased).

One of the most important parts of practice is getting feedback, and we want to help YOU get feedback on your writing. To do that, choose one of the prompts, write for 15 minutes, and then copy and paste your practice into the box at the bottom to post your practice in our forum for feedback. You'll be able to read others' practice and give feedback too.

And if you want even more prompts, you can download our workbook,  14 Prompts , for free here (it's normally, $5.99).

Our Most Popular Creative Writing Prompts

Why not try using two or three of these creative writing prompts in your writing today? Who knows, you might even begin something that becomes your next novel to write or short story. It's happened to Write Practicers before!

Enjoy the writing prompts!

My 3 Favorite Writing Prompts

Write about a time you felt out of place, awkward, and uncomfortable. Try not to focus on your feelings, but project your feelings onto the things around you.

Write about a ghost. How do they feel about the world? What do they see and hear? How did they become a ghost?

  • Your characters haven’t gotten any sleep. Write about why, and how they respond to being sleepless.

Now, let's look at the rest of our favorite prompts! 

1. Grandfathers

Write about a grandfather, maybe your grandfather or your character's grandfather. What memories do you/does your character associate with him?

See the prompt: Grandfathers

Creative Writing Prompts

2. Sleepless

Your characters haven’t gotten any sleep. Write about it.

See the prompt: Sleepless

Creative Writing Prompts

3. Out of Place

See the prompt: Out of Place

Creative Writing Prompts

Write about longing. How does it feel to go about a normal day when your character wants something else?

See the prompt: Longing

Creative Writing Prompts

5. Write About Yourself

Write about yourself.

See the writing prompt: Write About Yourself

Creative Writing Prompts

See the prompt: 3 Reasons to Write About Ghosts

Creative Writing Prompts

7. Road Trip

Write about a road trip. Is your character escaping something? Is your character looking for something? Hint at the thing without telling us while describing what the character sees.

See the writing prompt: Road Trip

Creative Writing Prompts

Write about the morning. What are your character's morning routines? What is special about this  morning?

See the prompt: Morning

Creative Writing Prompts

9. The Beach

Write about the beach. Is your character reflecting on something important that has happened to them? Describe the memory while overlaying the sights, sounds, and smells of the beach onto them.

See the prompt: The Beach

Creative Writing Prompts

Write about autumn. Natural surroundings can bring up old memories and odd feelings. Describe what your character sees, feels, and most of all does.

See the prompt: Autumn

Creative Writing Prompts

Do you use writing prompts in your writing? What is your favorite prompt for ideas? Share in the comments .

For today's practice, choose one of these prompts and write for fifteen minutes . When you're finished with your practice, share it in the Pro Practice Workshop . Don't forget to leave feedback for three other writers. Not a community member yet? Join us ! 

Happy writing!

How to Write Like Louise Penny

Joe Bunting

Joe Bunting is an author and the leader of The Write Practice community. He is also the author of the new book Crowdsourcing Paris , a real life adventure story set in France. It was a #1 New Release on Amazon. Follow him on Instagram (@jhbunting).

Want best-seller coaching? Book Joe here.

Top 150 Short Story Ideas



It usually takes the living to confirm you’re dead. That’s why Saginaw didn’t know for months he’d passed. He was a hermit, had lived alone out in the woods for years. He still isn’t sure how or when he died.

After it happened, he continued to get up every morning and head out to the woodpile. Chopping was his release, his balance, his yoga. The repetitive grabbing and swinging and cracking and discarding brought him harmony.

Until the day he realized nothing was happening.

Like every other morning, he grabbed for the axe handle. This time, he noticed his hand passed right through it.

“What the hell?” he said to himself.

He looked down and saw the log cabin through his body, and knew he was dead. Thinking back, he realized he’d probably been dead for awhile. The familiar weight of the axe was a distant memory. He’d been grabbing and swinging and cracking and discarding nothing. He was going through the motions because they brought him peace.

Saginaw wasn’t sure what a ghost was supposed to do with his free time. He tried strolling through the woods and watching animals. They never spooked like he expected. It was boring.

Within days, he realized how much he missed his chopping. He returned home and tried doing it like a mime – empty hand reaching up and striking down on nothing. But now it made him feel useless.

According to the books he’d read during his life, the dead had the ability to interact with the real world. He practiced, trying to control things with his translucent body. He found that he could create a type of wind with his movements. Grass would sway as he ran by and dandelions would shed their cotton if he swooshed his hand over them.

That was the most he could do; wind would never carry his axe. Ghosts couldn’t shed tears but it didn’t stop Saginaw from crying.

He cried until he was angry. In a rage, he jumped up and, growling, grabbed the axe. It flew up with his hands.

“Oh my God!”

His anger vanished and the axe slipped through his fingers. He tried picking it up again, but it refused. Saginaw grew furious at his futility and kicked at the handle. His foot caught the wood and Saginaw realized what was happening.

His raw anger fueled the power to move objects. The only way to do what calmed him was to lose his calm. A total catch-22.

Sag fell to the ground. He’d never thought much about the afterlife. Glancing at the axe, he wondered, as dread lit fire to his insides, exactly where he was.

Giulia Esposito

I like this piece a lot. It’s like a little story. That line, “Chopping was his release, his balance, his yoga.” is very telling, the yoga bit completing it beautifully. Thanks for sharing.

Adelaide Shaw

An interesting take on life after death. What is it? Even when dead, the dead don’t know. A question to be never answered. Adelaide

Dawn Atkin

Brilliant post. I love just starting with a prompt and letting my muse find her way. I could pick any one of these starters and write a series of short pieces. And then voile I have a mini collection to create into a mini e-book. Wow. You’ve just experienced my ‘light-bulb’ moment. I now have an idea for some free giveaways to my potential readers.

After a couple of weeks of dull creative urge, this post has just put a surge of creative current back in my circuit. Thank goodness for that. Thanks Joe for the inspiration.

Joe Bunting

Thanks so much, Dawn. So glad this got your creative juices flowing! 🙂

I’m book marking this page, what a great post.

Here’s what I wrote.

The beach is empty. On a beautiful, perfect day, with a sky of crystal blue, the beach is empty. You can hear the surf slap against the sand, and the cry of gulls overhead. The white, fine sand stretches before you, so bright you have to squint against it. The day is hot, but not sweltering, and you marvel at the privilege of having the beach all to yourself. There is nothing here but, you, the gulls and the sound of the waves. The coconut smell of the lotion you are applying, the red of the beach towel laid down. You wonder if you should have brought a book, if you ought have left the ipod in the car, but then you sit down, watch the waves ebb and tide against the wet sand, and let the song of the sea lull you. A fleeting thought of awe wanders into your mind, at the quiet, extraordinary way that nature has, going on without human observation. The sea will always lap against the shore. The gulls will nest in the brush and seek their dinner from the sea. Even the fish, unseen, will make their homes and hatch eggs, all without anyone watching. It all continues without human eyes upon them, and it is marvellous. And then, in a moment like this, a perfect bubble in time, you might be allowed to witness it. Watch the gull walk along the rocks, its black shiny eye on you, watch the rhythmical way the waves roll and turn. See the crab burrow out from the sand, crawling along the shore.

And then in an instance, the bubble is broken. The moment shattered as the high voice of a child comes laughing into the sand. A couple follows close behind, their voices low. They make their place a distance away from you, but it is too late. The moment of grace with nature is over, the human world has once again inserted itself and the beach is no longer empty.

I love the beach. And I totally appreciate those moments/ times of immersion into the whole wonder of life at lands edge.

And then being slapped back into the moment by the sound and presence of humans.

Nice writing. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for the feedback.


I loved this piece! Your wonderful word choice and clever phrasing helped to create a very vivid image of this gem of a beach, in my mind. It really sucked me in, so much so that I couldn’t help but feel a sharp twinge of sadness and disappointment when the human presence disrupted it all and popped the “perfect bubble in time”. Thank you for sharing such a lovely piece.

Thank you Catherine! That certainly is encouraging, and I appreciate the feedback.

You’re very welcome! I’m glad I could be of some help. Best of luck in all your writing endeavors!

Gregory Walsh

No idea if you will find this a year later.

I was reading this and at first I was like thinking. I have read this before. Crystal blue sky. Generic.

And then I hit the line, “you ought have left the ipod in the car”. And it suddenly became personal.

In Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, the author talks about how children draw symbols. You say draw a person and they draw a stick figure. For an adult it is generic. They don’t actually look at what they are drawing.

The first part of that you write is like that and then suddenly small details, personal details, start to appear and the piece becomes much more powerful. In my opinion you drop out of the generic symbols of a beach and into your personal subjective view point, and the writing gets much better. More visceral.

For me I would encourage you to go back and either drop or rewrite all the generic parts like crystal blue sky, which sounds symbolic, to something personal.

Leslie Hawthorne

I love this…..

I picked beach.

Soft morning mist Gently rises to kiss Fan of dawn’s rays And slicing through silky southern teal Nullakai’s finger, long dark green Invites me in. Briney effervescence clings To salty diamond necklace Criss-crossing my Summer freckled chest And aquamarine mesmerised My sleepy sea stained eyes Sting to a blur As swollen turquoise curve Breaks this office face Drowning the frown Before it begins I am fresh again fresh This Monday morning.

I’ve been intending to post a comment, but I don’t know much about blank verse or any other poetry other than Japanese short-form poetry such as haiku. What I notice about this poem is that some of the lines read awkwardly because of the lack of an article: a .

“Fan of dawn’s rays,” I think would read better if it were “A fan of dawn’s rays.” Same with “To salty diamond necklace” which would be better as “To a salty diamond necklace.” Again, a missing “a” with “As swollen turquoise curve.” Also, I don’t understand “And aquamarine mesmerised.” .

Otherwise, it’s a beautiful scene and a wonderful way to greet a Monday morning. Adelaide

Thanks Adelaide. Great feedback. Aquamarine should have been two words – aqua marine. I guess I was trying to imply ocean water in a sparklier, gem like way, and taking poetic licence/ freedom by playing with the two words.

Much appreciated. Dawn 🙂

… And I picked ‘morning’.

Dewey pearls lace the graceful dance of understory and spider webs weep fine filaments between sleeping boughs and awakening flowers. In hushed light creamy tones, sun softly shines awake dancing through curls of morning mist. And my body slips into the day, barefoot upon the forest floor.

Early birds sing through the dawning light, their excitement bouncing from leaf to branch. They pause to consider my gaze then flutter on their busy way.

This flesh of mine in autumn beige seeks a deeper walk, into the maze of awakening trees with liquorice trunks black and damp with dew.

Only the forest is talking; the world is yet to yawn and stretch it’s sleepy limbs out of night warmed sheets. I am alone in full company of the promise of a new day.

Strings of purple Hovea buds embrace my passing by, an ephemeral bracelet for one tiny moment, and leave a trace of sparkling silver pearls moist across my wrist. This freshness I bring to my lips. This gift I gently kiss. And I love myself awake.

This sort of reads like a poem, in fact a re-read proves it is! I almost missed that, I was reading too fast. Thank you for sharing.

Hi Giulia It was just a quick 15 minute muse, but yes, now that you’ve pointed it out it does read like poetry. Thanks for that feedback, I can have a play with it and offer it some shape.

Did you like it? Or was it a bit to poetic and slow? I’d appreciate your feedback. Thanks Dawn

Oh, I did like it! I think the structure shape of the poem needs a bit of polish, it might read more smoothly if the lines were shorter. I actually like the languid feel it has, it expresses morning and nature well, how everything seems expanded and slower when you’re really looking at the tiny marvels found in the natural world.

Tea, the Spirit, and a Pen


He’s not a grandfather and I’m terrified he won’t become one. He’s be a great one. I’m positive.

I really shouldn’t be afraid of hospitals. I grew up in one–Dad’s a doctor. I’m familiar with the tile floors and nurses knowing my name and my nickname. But now I’m afraid. He’s not in scrubs but instead in a gown. A nasty butterfly needle is digging into his skin. They always say it’s a small needle and won’t hurt. Don’t believe them. I’ve had nightmares about this. About driving from Mississippi back home because he’s had a heart attack. He’s never had any heart problems so that fear should be irrational. I should have been praying a seemingly ridiculous prayer. It’s a good thing I was praying even though I didn’t know why. Unknown prayer saved his life. As I sat with him on the hospital bed I felt so strange. I felt 7 and still desperately needing my dad. I can’t do anything without him. I don’t know how to be me without him. At the same time I felt grief for my future children. If he’s not better then those make believe kids will only have my stories to go on. They’d never believe me when I told them their grandfather was the greatest man to ever live.

My brothers have stories. Absolutely hilarious stories of my dad that they both recounted on the way to the hospital room. As they did I realized I don’t have stories. I have facts, subjects, events. I have moments.

-Reading Harry Potter together and standing in line for each book release.

-Agatha Christie -Keeping Up Appearances -“I think I’ll go pay that bill.” “You know what I think you should do?” “What?” “Go pay that bill.” “Oh my gosh you’re brilliant!” -We are both left handed.

-How to swing a bat.

-How to replace a door.

-How to drive.

-Telling me his “M.D.” stood for “My Daddy.” -His Martin acoustic guitar -The smell of cedar wood and rain when he made duck calls in the basement.

I don’t have hilarious stories of my dad I just have a lot of lessons. He taught me in every moment we spent together. Those moments were hilarious but I don’t think I could recreate them to become stories.

I want him to be a grandfather because I didn’t know mine. He has to show my children how amazing he is because how could I possibly put that into words? He’s my very best friend. He thinks I can do absolutely anything. I know that I can because a quick phone call to him clears up any questions.

He always has the answers.

I need him to be a grandfather because I need him to keep being my dad.


That was wonderful, simultaneously heartwarming and heartbreaking. I love it

Thank you!!!

A warm tribute to your father. I hope he got well. adelaide

Jenna Orchard

I really love this piece.

I chose morning as it was a few weeks ago up here in upstate NY.


Spring is gearing up. At the far end of the front yard, where it rises to meet the road, crocus splash yellow, white and purple. Stems on the lilac bushes are knobby with green tipped leaf buds. Daffodils, some just poking through the soil, some already at their full height with swollen flower buds ready to burst. Through the open window the breeze is damp,ripe with the fragrance of wet dirt, last year’s leaves and manure from the field around the bend. There are busy calls from unseen birds and announcing honks from another gaggle of geese. There is, in this moment, everything that there is.

coffee brewing the anticipation before the first sip

Lovely. I can almost feel myself standing beside you at the window. Great use of all the senses Adelaide. Thanks for sharing. Dawn

This post is in response to OUT OF PLACE

A sorority beach house. Full of surging hormones and testosterone from the young women and the visiting frat boys who have a house down the road. Some girls have wandered there to see what’s going on. Most likely the same things that are going on here.

It’s Easter Break at Laguna Beach. A week of fun, fun, fun! For some. For most. But not for the dark haired girl trying to play poker with two other girls and three guys. Trying to play because she is new at the game and loses every hand. She also loses at the witty, sexually laced repartee between the other five players. After four games and down to her last 10 pennies, she quits. It is not for her this game. The entire experience is not for her. She looks over the party goers. Beer, kisses and gropes are exchanged in corners. What goes on in the closed bedrooms is better not seen.

She takes a beer, her first, and her cigarettes and goes out to the beach. This is what she came for: the beach, swimming during the day, reading what she didn’t have time for when crushed with class assignments, girl talk with a few friends. Even that is a disappointment as the girl talk usually turns to boys, a topic which is foreign to her experience.

She’ll lie when she goes back to her classes. She’ll say the week was fun, a blast. Yeah. Partying every night. At least, she’ll have a tan to prove she was there.

Lovely demonstration of the odd teen, who out of place cannot even bare to bow to peer pressure. I liked the ending where she decided to lie to fit in.

Can you please tell me what a ‘sorority’ house is exactly. (I’m not from the USA.)

Thanks for sharing Dawn

Many colleges have sororities, a club of sorts to which candidates are invited to be a member. In some colleges they can be very snobbish, at least that was the situation when I was in college. My college, a small woman’s college, was more democratic, in that a student chose the soriety she wanted and was accepted in it. There was no voting on who could come in and who could not. Bigger colleges have special housing for sororities and fraternities (the male equvilent of sororities).I don’t know what other sororities did, but the ones at my college, in addition to organizing teas, parties, picnics, etc., had a commitment to do some social work for the community. Being a Catholic college we gave Catechism lessons to young childdren in poor parishes where there was a shortage of teachers to give these lessons after school

A sororiety beach house is just that: a house at the beach which the sorority rents for a time, the rent being paid for by charging a fee for each girl who wants to spend the week there. Easter week was usually a time of letting loose

I hope this answers your question. Adelaide

Thanks again Joe Due to the inspiration of this post and it’s kickstarting my creative flow (I’ve been editing my first novel), I have decided to do the NaNo July Camp.

Using some of the above prompts I am aiming to complete a collection of short stories, prose and poetic interludes. My goal is only 10,000 words. This will give me time to edit, shape and tease out detail. It’s winter in my part of the world. A cosy time to write beside the fireplace.

A brief synopsis: A collection of short stories, prose and poetic interludes that reflect on the shadows, woods, winds and ocean waves of a south coast winter.

Where nature walks deep into the rhythm of this human’s hibernating season and beckons her into conversation with looming clouds, long shadows and the low breathing reach of winter sun.

That she may see the beauty that dances between the tempest winter weather sweeping the landscape and her quiet resting inner world.

Of course I’ll still be visiting TWP daily. For ongoing inspiration and community to share with. Cheers Dawn 🙂

What a great, stimulating post! I chose the ‘Morning’ prompt.

My eyes slowly creaked open, only to squint in the sun beam that had smacked my face, arousing me from sleep. But I hadn’t been asleep…had I? I couldn’t be sure. As I groggily sat up in bed, a chill ran down my spine as the air conditioning kissed my back-drenched with sweat. The next thing I took notice of was the pounding in my chest. It seemed that my heart had been beating wildly only moments ago, and now it was doing its best to resume normality. Yet that wasn’t all. There was a dull, aching that had come with the wild beating. In my mind’s eye, I could see a face, slowly fading from sight. It’s features were slowly becoming more and more obscure. Who was he? Why did I care? Hardly a minute had passed before the man’s face vanished from my mind entirely. Birds began to chirp cheerily outside my window, and without knowing why- a tear slipped down my face and darkened the baby blue sheets. I struggled to search my mind for the image of his face once more, but there was nothing. There never would be- except for the lone tear that spotted my sheets.


Great start that draws your readers in; beginning of the day, mysterious dream image evoking intense emotion, loved it Catherine!


This is amazing.


I chose the sleepless prompt. I kind of went deeper than I was trying to.

She tossed. She turned. Her eyes wouldn’t stay shut. They would stay open either. She blinked. The dark of the night filled the room, and the smell of dust covered everything. The blankets on the bed were everywhere, and one the pillows had been thrown on the floor. The rest of the bedroom looked neat, beside the dark and glooming aroma.

She had a specific person on her mind. Someone she had been wondering about for awhile. She didn’t have a crush, nor were they enemies. The person was just very… normal. She tried getting her mind on something else, only to be reminded on him somehow. The smell was like him, the smell of the room.

She turned again, thinking of what happened that day. He had asked her a strange question; one that’s wasn’t like trying to know someone. It was just strange. “Do you like country music?” His words echoed in her mind. She had said no, and then he had left, without any sign.

He wasn’t exactly a normal boy, but he wasn’t weird either. He wears black often, but sometimes he’ll wear pink. His hair is often messy, but sometimes, for no reason, it’s perfectly neat. He manly sticks to keeping quiet, but sometimes, he’s the most active in class.


Thank’s, it is very creative! Besides I found this writing prompts tool http://youressayhelper.com/writing-prompt-generator.html very helpful!

Found this post and took a stab at the grandfather prompt.

I never knew my grandfather.

A man walks towards me. Top hat, suit. Black against white mist. He is smiling. He is a handsome man. He does not take a step but if he did they would be long strides. Purposeful, directed. He is tall but does not tower over me. And he is looking at me. Not at me, not through me. At me. At the deep sliver of me before the echoes of memory. And smiling. A smile that reaches from ear to ear. A smile that starts in the gut and ends in the eyes. A smile that leaves me quivering inside my own skin. He knows my secret.

How does he know. What if he tells someone.

He sees me. No, he sees him. The lie of lies. He sees past the lies. He sees the lies I tell myself and he laughs. A laugh from the belly that shakes the mists he reaches out from.

Small lies. Self-pity. Worthlessness. Fear. His eyes move past them, not even bothering to swat them aside.

Something rests on my heart.


I was inspired when I read this post and I immediately made a story. However, I came up with my own prompt: Jealousy.

I keep finding the wrong in her brown capturing eyes, hoping to see the darkness she has yet to reveal. I keep finding the treason in her refined movements, the plan in her bright smile, the sting in her sweet words yet I couldn’t find any. She is the sun, and everyone is flocking around her warmth but I am blinded. My eyes sting and my breath caught within my throat, afraid they will notice the insecurities blowing in and out of my lungs. Afraid to move for they might see the urge to block their words worshiping her, slowly pressing my stomach, burying me into the depths of the dark place I wouldn’t want to be in but I’m still falling, falling, and falling. I have to avoid the mirror and the vision of myself beside her, comparing and losing. I have to refrain from looking as it would pour fuel into the fire and I have to stay away, far away from her. She pleaded why am I keeping distance, as I remember how my stomach churns every time they prefer her, how I’m always in the shadow of her glow, and I retreated leaving her groping in the dark for an answer, like how I’m pathetically groping for salvation. I cry that night chanting apologies; I am lost and I have to find myself, hoping to be stable and solid so my molecules will not easily drown in hers. I am me and she is her as they point my parts apart from her. A heterogeneous system, as one, as sisters, as best friends. But not today. Today I’m lying on the thorns of my selfish inexcusable reasons devoid of any strength to get up. Today, I’m still avoiding the traces of her on my notebook and my map. I’m sorry, you are the best and the worst that has happened to me and for that pitiful reason, today at 10 am in our small warm coffee shop I will not be there. I will be somewhere else, a place cowards run off to, somewhere you wouldn’t have to go.

——-your undeserving best friend: jealousy


I just re-posted a post on my FB page about using images to help you write! https://www.facebook.com/A-Page-A-Day-Lets-all-write-just-one-page-a-day-103970129720405/?fref=ts I used many images to write my novel. El Salvador’s civil war was the most photographed war in history. I bet it still is! Thanks for a great post! Sherrie Sherrie Miranda’s historically based, coming of age, Adventure novel “Secrets & Lies in El Salvador” is about an American girl in war-torn El Salvador: http://tinyurl.com/klxbt4y Her husband made a video for her novel. He wrote the song too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P11Ch5chkAc



The sun shone through a small gap where the panels of curtains met. Usually the curtains did their job and blacked out any light, but the angle she laid in bed today was the perfect place for the sun to shine right on her face. It beamed like a laser through her eyelids. She turned over in bed attempting to evade the warm light. Her subconscious knew something wasn’t right. She bolted upright and scrambled to find her phone which served as her alarm clock. Dead. What time is it? She ran to the kitchen to look at the clock on the oven. It was blinking 3:38. This can’t be right, the sun is shining bright as noon. The power must have gone off sometime during the night. She hurried back to her room to plug in her phone. It seemed like hours as she waited for it to charge enough to turn on. Panic started to set in. Finally! The iPhone beamed back to life. The clock on the home screen read 7:22. She was late. Late for her first day at her new job.


I really enjoy creative writing and I hope to get better at it. I always have different ideas running through my head but I never actually put them on paper. I chose the “Morning” prompt and I feel like this is actually pretty good! Morning The warm rays of the sun filled the room as Vaughn lay their asleep. It was about 10:45 in the morning, and Vaughn was still exhausted from yesterday’s job searching. He had been fired about three months ago and has been budgeting his money the best he can. Natalie, his girlfriend, has been giving him small amounts of money here and there. Bzzz, Bzzz…his phone starts ringing, causing him to wake up from his deep sleep. His violet eyes scan the screen of the phone. Vaughn sighs, noticing it’s a text from Natalie. He puts the phone back where it was and snuggled back under the warm covers. As soon as his platinum hair hit the pillow- bzzz, bzzz, bzzz…this time it was a call. Vaughn released a sigh of annoyance, noticing it was Natalie again. “Hello”, he answered. “Vaughn I cannot believe you forgot again, you know as much as I help you, you could be a little better at remembering things”, Natalie yelled through the speaker. “What are you talking about, Natalie, we didn’t plan anything today! You said you were tired” Vaughn explained, his patients wearing thin. “I just texted you and said ‘Meet me at the new café’, I’ve been waiting here for thirty minutes and you’re still not here!”, Natalie whined. “Okay, okay, I’m on my way Naty” Vaughn threw the covers off himself and started getting ready. He wouldn’t have heard the end of it if he didn’t go. While he was pacing through his apartment, he knocked down a picture frame. He bent down and froze when he saw the picture it displayed. It was him standing beside a girl with brown hair and tan skin. Her smile was gentle and calming and her violet eyes sparkled with joy. Vaughn gently held the frame and whispered,” Cerene…”. *Flashback to High School* “Will we still talk like we are now, Florida seems like its pretty far”, Vaughn asked nervously. “Of course we will, silly, you’re my best friend!” Cerene Exclaimed. Vaughn and Cerene had been friends since elementary school. They were always together. Unfortunately, Cerene’s family traveled a lot. Her father’s job required them to move from time time. Vaughn didn’t like this at all, sure he had other friends, but they weren’t his best friends like Cerene was. She was always there for him, even when he was sick, she would bring tea, movies, or just sit and talk with him. Everyone at school thought the two liked each other. It was true Vaughn liked Cerene but he never knew how she felt about him. Cerene was leaving a week after graduation. As the day grew closer, Vaughn noticed that Cerene just wasn’t her cheery self anymore. Instead she seemed depressed and disconnected from the world. He’d find her staring off into the distance a lot like she was thinking. Three days before she was supposed to leave, Vaughn got a call from Cerene. “Hey, Cerene, how’s it goin’”, Vaughn answered. “Hey Vanya…I..um..I have some bad news” Cerene explained. Her voice was shaking, Vaughn wondered if she was about to cry. “What is it, Cerene” he asked, worried. “I’m…leaving earlier than I thought”, she said sadly. “But why, what happened to te week after graduation” he pleaded. “I’m sorry, Vanya, I tried to get extra time but my father said we have to leave earlier than expected!” she exclaimed. “Its okay, Cerene, its not your fault, but can I see you before you leave, please”, Vaughn asked with hope. “Of course, silly, you’re my best friend!” Vaughn snapped out of day dream when his phone started vibrating again.


Today was a fresh day, leaves crunching beneath my boots and the sun beams stretching out for a new morning. I usually had these walks by myself, oftenly I’d get looks from my friends of concern and they had always questioned me as to why I never invited them along. But me and the Autumn season are meant to be alone, we’re meant to be one.

My nose was red, and I had an occasional case of the sniffles not that I was really bothered about it. Nevertheless it might not be winter but the whispy breeze, and the coldness of the astomophere was indicating that it was near. I paused at the tree, in the middle of a meadow. A meadow packed with tall soft grass, flowers that were in the process of blooming and the silent birds that peacefully flew on by in the bright clear sky. I parked myself down, my back resting on the bark of the old tree my knees tucked into my chest while my arms rested on top of my knees.

I felt my hair blow with the sudden blast of wind, like waves of an ocean as I felt tears prick in the corners of my eyes. Truth is, Autumn was the sad season. The season where I lost my younger brother, Despite his falling sand the countless times he was called names and picked on by the other children, he always managed to smile and laugh with me, which you wouldn’t expect from a brother and sister. After he passed I always came here, somehow his presence lingered near. My eyelids eventually gave away to the tiredness from my sobs, my throat was sore, so just as I fell asleep, a small murmered whispered in my ear, “Sweet dreams, Sis.” And a small smile creeped onto my face, as well as the last falling tear.

This is lovely. I believe it to be true.


Beach Do you remember the last year when I called you and requested to see me at Clifton beach in the evening. You might have forget that call but tell me have you forgot that last meeting also? You might have forgot that meeting but tell me have you forgot our last dance on the sand. The sun was setting and the sky turned red as if it had not slept since many last nights. Do you remember when your left foot was kissing my right foot and your right my my left. Do you remember when we danced on the music of sew waves. Do you remember when a wave touched our feet took the sand from beneath our feet away with it. Since that day I am hanging in the air. I don’t have anything to place my feet on.

John Rodgers

Using the prompt, “Road trip” and this is what I came up with.

11:00 in the morning, my wheelchair is securely locked in the mechanism. I’m semi nervous and excited, watching out the window as the bus pulls away from the depot. Out the corner of my eye, I notice one seat up and over, a young boy is looking back at me. I give him a quick smile before he turns to his mother. She looks back to me then nudges his shoulder. A scolding expression on her face and speaking quietly to him him. I don’t hear what is said but I’m sure I can imagine her words. Parents, how they stifle a child’s curiosity. 2:45 in the afternoon, the lift is shaky as I ride it down off the bus. I’m glad to have all four wheels on the ground. I have a couple of minutes before I have to board the next bus. Just enough time for a quick bathroom break. I’m passing the young boy again. We make eye contact. His mother is busy scrounging through her purse. Oops, I bet she lost her tickets. I pop a wheely as I ride pass the boy and a bright smile lights up his young face as he watches. I turn back around, looking at him and smile. Catching a glimpse of me, his mother grabs his hand and pulls him along toward a customer desk. My eyes are still on the little boy as he looks back to me once more. I quickly give him a thumbs up, then ride off toward the rest room, wheeling on my back tires. 3:00, I’d just exited the bathroom. Time to board. The bus will be leaving in 10 minutes bound for Philadelphia. I see the boy and his mother once more as I wheel myself toward the bus’s lift. Catching the mother’s eye, I remark, “He’s a bright young boy. He’s very inquisitive, nurture him well.” She manages a curt smile and hurriedly walks toward her destination and I can’t help to watch them as the lift raises me up to enter the bus. I can’t help but wonder about the man he’ll grow up to be.


this story really made my day and i would honestly consider you to become an author. I will forever cherish this story as i can relate being wheelchair bound and now have been inspired to “pop a wheely” which i will continue to do in my every day life.You are the reason i wake up in the morning


Robert i take a massive offence to this as i am also “wheelchair bound” and like to “pop a wheely” from time to time and would highly recommend deleting your comment


As a fellow wheeler, I too take great pride in ‘popping wheelies’ whenever free time shows face in my schedule. The W.A. society (wheelers anonymous) are a faction of like minded individuals who all have a great passion for the art that is ‘paralytic parkour’. I come from a long line of wheelers, must be in my genes-sorry future kids L0L! Not a singe soul has stood tall in my family for many of years now, everyday’s a struggle, all worse than the last, but my strong will and high admiration pulls me through with a little grass from my friends if you get what i mean 😉 anyway, maybe we could arrange a date sometime soon, ill send you my details for future reference.


Hey AJ, how you doing? cause im doing swell BUT i couldn’t help wondering about this faction im hearing of, i have some gnarly brain storms about a new stunt wheelchair as ive been having a lot of trouble going down the half pipe at my local skate park, i seem to be falling out my wheelchair every time i go down and cant get back up. approximately 1/3 paralytic parkourers die due to faulty wheelchairs, i hope you take my brain storms into deep consideration.

sincerely Lance.

Angus IV

WOW lance you seem to have caught my attention because this is a everyday common struggle of most wheelers. We wheelers have to stick together and have each others backs even when we are both struggling to find our feet quite literally! the only thing i have to live on is hope and you know what they say about hope ‘breeds eternal misery’ .

Rebecca Alcozer

I found myself choosing the Grandfather Prompt. I felt my eyelids getting heavier as I placed my head on the car window. It was a quiet day. Even the sound of my mother and Grandmother talking seemed soothing. I was quickly brought back to reality by a voice message on my mother’s phone, from my grandfather. “I need..help…a hospital. Please come..” ,he whispered, then silence. I felt my heart drop to my stomach as his voice echoed in my head. I froze. I didn’t move. I couldn’t move… All I could do was sit there, listening to my mother trying to hold back her tears as she was speeding on a busy street. Only my younger sister shaking my arm snapped me back. “What’s going on? Why are they crying?”, she desperately asked. In that second, it hit me. We might not get there in time. I tried to hold back my tears, I tried to be strong, but I couldn’t. I could hear my heart pounding louder than my thoughts. I felt my temperature rising by the second. My tears sliding down my chin. The only thing I resorted to doing was pray. “Please, not today. I’m not ready. Not this soon, let me hug him one more time. Don’t take him from me yet.”,I prayed in silence. Then the thoughts began to come. What was the last thing I said to him? When is the last time I told him I loved him? My thoughts were interrupted as my mother slammed the breaks on my grandparents driveway. “Stay in the car.” ,my mother snapped as she ran out. The wait seemed endless. Everything felt unreal. I felt helpless. Was he dead? This can’t be how he leaves. I didn’t get to say goodbye. No more fighting over the t.v controller with him again. We would never share a piece of cherry pie again. I’ll never get another poem from him. My attention quickly turned to the door as my sister began to cry, as she realized the situation. My mother and grandmother came out struggling to carry my grandfather. I didn’t know what to think. “Where’s the nearest E.R?” , I hear my grandma yell. We made it on time. There seemed to be a weight off my chest. My grandfathers even SLIGHT breathing, was prayers answered.

john sefcik

After high school graduation we begin our journey, going to college; going here and there on vacations; work and exactly where we’re going isn’t clear. We can see down the road aways, sometime to the next turn, but our destination remains obscure. Often there are intersections and we glare down the different routes and make a choice and we’re off again. Job offers come and we change directions. We meet people and that may take is off in yet other directions. Then we start a family and the road seems to be long and hard. We wonder if we’re going down the right road. Will we get to nice place in the end? Will there be food and shelter waiting for us? Or will we run out of gas and be stranded, walking down the road? But we keep moving. Eventually the kids grow up and are in college and the road seems to open up and the scenery gets better. We start seeing what we think is our destination in the distance and our focus lands there. Are we going to make it – or can’t wait to make it. More intersections seem to keep the goal at bay, but we continue on. Kids are on their own road and we see them taking some of the same roads we travelled. But we make a turn and the goal is in view. We think back about the trip and how frustrating it was at the time and realize that it went by way too quickly. We long to be able to keep the trip going, taking in more sights and doing things that we didn’t stop and bother with previously. But we arrive as the sun sets. Out of gas. Cold. Hungry. Tired. And waiting for us is a huge lodge with a warm fireplace burning. A huge meal has been prepared. There is laughter, music and lots of people, many of whom we’ve known along the trip. It’s been a wonderful experience. And the talk is about the next road trip.


I absolutely love these! I just read a post about the benefits of using creative writing prompts and went looking for some to get started. Thanks so much for these!


Its been days since Ronda landed, maybe tonight she will get some sleep. Jet Lag has been a nightmare. Started the night befor the flight, woke up every 2-3 hours and could not fall back to sleep. Ronka always stresses before trips. Really she stresses before everything. The 13 hours on the plane were completely sleepless as well. Ronka rarely ever can sleep on a plane. She brought a book but did not read. She had some podcasts but didnt listen. Her focus was not good enough for any of those. Not even for random thoughts. She watched a few movies but probably doesnt remember much. At the last 2 hours she found Remi Cube on the airplane entertainment system and thats where she finally found solace. Went into a frenzy of playing until the plane landed. Ronda does most things in a frenzy. Now she’s in her parents home. Day 3 and she hasnt got much sleep. On the surface things are ok. She hasnt spiraled out of control yet. But deep inside she can feel the shift… She is not fully ok. Getting a little more grumpy and restless by the minute. A big total eclipse is happening in a few hours. The energies must be affecting. Ronda is always greatly affected with the universe arround her. The weather, The full Moons, the astrological signs. Ronda needs a good night sleep. A few good night sleeps. She needs to get back on track. She’s been doing relatively good lately.


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  • Writing Prompts

150 Writing Prompts For Middle School (+Free Printable)

Make writing fun and easy, with these 150 writing prompts for middle school students. 

The more you write, the better you become at writing. But the problem is not all middle schoolers enjoy writing. There’s always something better to do, playing video games , watching YouTube videos , hanging with friends , lazing about the house – Why bother writing, right? The trick is to understand that even the smallest piece of writing can make a huge difference in a student’s attitude towards writing. 

If you unload too many lengthy assignments, such as writing 1,000 words on topic X or 3,000 about something, something – Writing can seem like a long, boring chore for some students. But if you break it down, and mix it up a bit, then your students have a real chance of actually liking writing for fun. Think of creating small writing tasks that take no longer than around 10 or 15 minutes to complete. As students complete these small tasks with ease, their confidence will grow, eventually turning them into avid young writers.

To help inspire and motivate young writers, we have created this list of 150 quick and easy writing prompts for Middle School students. Keep reading for a free printable writing pack for middle schoolers as well! Here is a quick generator that will generate a random middle school prompt for you:

For more fun writing ideas, check out this list of over 300 writing prompt for kids .

150 Writing Prompts For Middle School Students

This list of prompts is great for whenever your middle-schooler is bored and needs some quick ideas to write about:

  • Make a list of at least three different opening lines for this story idea: A space knight living in outer space wants to fight a real fire-breathing dragon.
  • Complete this sentence in at least three different ways: When I’m bored, I like to…
  • Draw a picture of your dream house, and describe some of the coolest features it has.
  • Make a top ten list of the scariest animals in the animal kingdom. You could even write down one scary fact about each animal.
  • Write an acrostic poem using the letters that spell z-o-m-b-i-e.
  • Describe the scariest monster that you can think of. You could even draw a picture of it.
  • Complete the following sentence in at least three different ways: My goal for the next month is to…
  • Make a top ten list of your favourite foods of all time. You could even write down one reason for why each food is your favourite.
  • Create your own A-Z book or list of monsters. For A is for Abominable Snowman, B is for Bogeyman and so on.
  • Research and write down five facts about an endangered species of your choice. Examples of endangered species include the blue whale, giant pandas, snow leopards and tigers.
  •  Create a postcard for your local town or city. What picture would you draw on the front? And what message could you include on the back?
  • Write an acrostic poem using the letters that spell out your own first name. This poem could be about yourself. 
  • Make a top ten list of your favourite movies of all time.
  • Make a top ten list of your favourite songs of all time.
  • Complete the following sentence in at least three different ways. When I grow up I want to…
  • Which is your favourite season, Winter , Spring , Summer or Autumn? Write a haiku poem about your favourite season.
  • Create a party invite for a dinner party at your house. Think about the party theme, entertainment, food and dress code.
  • Write down a recipe that uses eggs as one of the ingredients.
  • Write a how-to guide on how to take care of a kitten or puppy.
  • What do you enjoy doing on the weekends? Start by making a list of activities that you do on the weekend. Then you can pick one to write about in more detail.
  • Using a photograph (or one of these picture writing prompts ), write a short caption or description to go alongside it. 
  • Imagine you are the owner of a new restaurant. Create a menu of the dishes you will serve at this restaurant. 
  • What has been the best part of your day so far? And what has been the worst part of the day?
  • Imagine that you have a time machine. What year would you travel to and why?
  • If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?
  • If you could keep one dinosaur as a pet, which dinosaur would you pick and why?
  • Write down everything you remember from a recent nightmare that you had. 
  • What is your favourite country in the whole wide world? List at least five fun facts about this country.
  • Make a list of at least 3 different story ideas about aliens.
  • Create a character description of the world’s most evil supervillains.
  • What is your greatest achievement to date? What are you most proud of and why?
  • Write an action-packed scene that contains the following: A car chase, a lucky pair of socks and a talking parrot.
  • What advice would you give to someone who is being bullied? You could make a list of at least three pieces of advice that you might give.
  • Imagine you are stuck on a desert island. Write a diary entry of your first day on the island.
  • Imagine you are a pirate sailing the seven seas. Talk about the scariest thing you faced while out at sea.
  • You just discovered a new planet . Can you describe this new planet in detail? What would you call it? Does any life exist on the planet? What type of climate does it have?
  • Would you rather have a magical unicorn as a pet or a fire-breathing dragon?
  • Complete the following sentence in at least three different ways: One day I was walking through the forest and discovered…
  • Write a letter to your friend about a favourite memory you have of them. You can use the following starter as inspiration: Remember that time…
  • Make a list of book title ideas for a story about a girl who can go invisible whenever she wants.
  • A talking cat is fast asleep, then suddenly someone wakes it up. Write down a short script between the cat, and the person arguing. 
  • What is the nicest thing that anyone has done for you recently?
  • Make a list of 10 online safety tips to help you stay safe online.
  • Can you think of at least 5 ways to prevent climate change in your daily life?
  • Make a list of your top ten favourite books of all time.
  • Think about a movie that you’ve seen recently. What did you enjoy most about this movie, and what did you dislike about it?
  • You are just about to take a bite of an apple. And then suddenly the apple starts screaming. What do you do next?
  • Describe a magical forest in great detail. What makes this forest so magical?
  • Write a super scary scene, using the following starter: As I walked into the haunted house…
  • What is your greatest fear? Is it possible to ever overcome this fear? If so, how would you do it?
  • Make a list of at least five things you like about yourself. And then make a list of five things that you would change about yourself.
  • What would the perfect day look like for you? How would it start? What activities would you do? And how does it end?
  • You are standing in the playground when you hear two of your classmates making fun of your best friend. What do you do next?
  • A young boy yells at his pet eagle to fly away into the wild. The eagle does not respond. Write down this scene between the two characters in great detail. 
  • Describe a pencil in the greatest detail possible.
  • Create your own superhero character. What are their strengths and superpowers? What about their weaknesses? Also, think of a cool superhero name for them!
  • What is your dream job? What skills and traits do you need to do this job well?
  • Imagine that you have had the worst day ever. Write down what happened to make it so bad.
  • What is your favourite colour? Now write a short rhyming poem about this colour.
  • If you had three wishes, what would you wish for and why? Wishing for extra wishes is not allowed.
  • Write an action-packed scene of a lion chasing a zebra in the wild from the perspective of the lion. 
  • Imagine you own a video gaming company. Your task is to come up with a new video game idea. Explain this new video game idea in detail.
  • What would you do if you were given $1 million dollars? 
  • What is your favourite hobby or interest? Can you provide at least five tips for beginners who might be interested in starting this hobby?
  • Make a top ten list of your favourite celebrities or YouTube stars.
  • Write the opening paragraph of a fairytale about a zombie prince who has returned from the dead.
  • Write an alternative ending to a fairytale that you are familiar with. For example, you could write a sad ending for Cinderella or a cliff-hanger style ending for Jack and the Beanstalk.
  • Write down a conversation in a script format between two people waiting for the bus at a bus stop.
  • Would you rather get abducted by aliens, or discover a magical portal to another realm in your bedroom? Explain your answer.
  • Write a shape poem about your favourite food in the shape of this food.
  • If you had to prepare for a zombie invasion, which three items would you pack in your bag, and why?
  • Describe the most beautiful garden in the world in detail. What type of flowers would it have? Would it have any garden furniture?
  • You receive a strange parcel in the middle of the night. You open the parcel to discover… Write down at least one paragraph of what you discover in the parcel.
  • Use the word, ‘Stampede’ in at least three different sentences.
  • Complete the following metaphor in at least three different ways: Your smile is like…
  • Describe the city of the future. What would the buildings look like? How will people travel? What kind of homes will people live in?
  • What is Marie Curie (the physicist) famous for? Research and write down five facts about her research and studies. 
  • You have just been made leader of the Kingdom of Kinloralm. As the leader, what rules would you set for the kingdom? Make a list of at least 10 rules that you will enforce. 
  • A witch has cast a spell on you. Every night at midnight, you turn into a werewolf. Describe this transformation in great detail. What does it feel like when you are transforming? How does your skin change? What about your teeth and fingernails?
  • Using the following starter , write at least one paragraph: When I look outside the window…
  • After a deep sleep, you wake up to find yourself locked inside a cage. No one else is around. What do you do next?
  • You keep on having the same nightmare every night. In your nightmare, you are running as fast as you can, and then you suddenly fall. When you turn around you see… Write at least one paragraph about what you see. 
  • Write down at least 10 interview questions that you can ask your favourite celebrity. If you have time, you can even write down the potential answers to these questions from the perspective of the celebrity.
  • Write a how-to guide on how to grow tomatoes at home.
  • Make a list of at least five tips for keeping your bedroom clean.
  • Would you rather drive the fastest car on Earth for one hour or own a custom-made bicycle? Explain your choice.
  • Write a limerick poem about an old snail. 
  • Find something in your room that begins with the letter, ‘R’, and write a paragraph describing this object in detail.
  • Research the history of how the first mobile phone was invented. Create a timeline of mobile phone inventions from the very first mobile to the current time. 
  • If you were the headteacher of your school, what changes would you make and why? Try to list and describe at least three changes. 
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of having access to the internet? Try to think of at least five benefits and five drawbacks.
  • Write about the best day of your life so far. Then write about the worst day of your life so far.
  • Imagine that you are an agony aunt for a newspaper. A reader has written to you with the following problem: Dear Agony Aunt, I have no friends at school. And my classmates are always making fun of me… What advice would you give this reader?
  • Imagine that you are a salesperson. Your task is to sell a new chocolate bar to customers. Write down a sales pitch that was selling this chocolate bar. What features would you highlight? What are the benefits of this chocolate bar?
  • Can you complete the following sentence in three different ways: When I feel upset, I …
  • What is the most difficult part about being in middle school? What is the best part of middle school?
  • Imagine that your best friend has just revealed a huge secret. How would you react? Write down a script of the conversation between you and your best friend.
  • Have you learned any new skills recently? How did you learn these?
  • Imagine you are sitting at a dinner party with a group of strangers. Describe the atmosphere in great detail. Who are you sitting next to? What sort of conversations are the other guests having? What food is being served?
  • Five years from now, where will you be? Will you be the same person? How would you have changed?
  • Write about your plans for the weekend.
  • Describe a day in the life of being a goldfish in a fishbowl at a pet shop.
  • While at the seaside, a message in a bottle washes up onto the shore. You open the bottle and read the message. The message reads: Help Me! I’m stranded on an island! What do you do next?
  • A mother and her son are baking some muffins in the kitchen. Write down a conversation that they might have while they bake together.
  • Make a list of indoor activities you can do when it’s raining outside. Try to think of at least ten activities.
  • Write down a diary entry from the perspective of an alien secretly living undercover on Earth. 
  • Write at least three different opening lines for the following story idea: A king needs to keep his kingdom safe from the ravenous trolls that come out at night.
  • Imagine you are a secret agent cat, write about your most recent mission.
  • Complete the following sentence in at least three different ways: If I could change the world, I would…
  • If you could program a robot, what tasks would you program it to do, and why?
  • Imagine you are the owner of a toy shop. Your task is to hire some toy makers. Write a job description for a toymaker. Think about the skills and traits required to become a toymaker. 
  • You are the owner of a zoo. Suddenly you hear people screaming as the lions are accidentally released. What do you do next?
  • Your future self comes from the future to warn you about something. Write a conversation that you would have with your future self. 
  • If you had a choice to become a superhero or a supervillain, which one would you be and why?
  • Can you think of at least three things that no one knows about you? Why have you kept these things a secret?
  • During a science experiment, you mix up the wrong chemicals. The liquid turns blue and jumps out of the glass container. It then slides into your backpack. What do you do next?
  • Write down at least five things that you are grateful for in your life right now.
  • You notice some strange footprints in your backyard leading to your shed. You follow these footprints and discover…
  • When was the last time someone upset you or hurt your feelings? How did they hurt your feelings? Do you remember what was said?
  • You walk inside a magic shop. You see all sorts of weird and fun things. Describe the inside of the shop in as much detail as possible. 
  • Write at least three different opening lines for the following story idea: A young werewolf wants to be a human again.
  • Make a list of three different story ideas about dragons.
  • Write from the perspective of a kite flying high in the sky. Think about what you feel, see and hear.
  • Write about your favourite subject at school. Why do you like this subject?
  • Write a haiku poem about the full moon.
  • Imagine you are the manager of a TV channel. Make a list of at least three new TV show ideas you can air on Saturday evening.
  • You find a baby alien in your basement. What do you do next?
  • Think of at least three newspaper headlines for the following article idea: The new mayor of your town/city is planning on creating more homes.
  • Imagine that your pet dog has gone missing. Create a missing poster to find your dog. Remember to describe any important details relating to the dog in your power.
  • Write an advertisement for the brand new mixer 3000. It mixes all the best music tracks with sounds to create the ultimate track.
  • Write down three sentences. One of something interesting that happened to you today. Another of something positive that happened. And finally another sentence of something negative. 
  • Write down four different character descriptions. Each character must have a different background story or history when growing up.
  • Imagine you had a terrible experience at a restaurant. Write a complaint letter to the restaurant manager, outlining the problems you had. 
  • Imagine your family is planning to go on a cruise. As you drive to the boat, a person walks up to your car window, holds up a flyer, and demands that they do what they were told. What is your family’s reply?
  • As you’re making your way home, you pass by a group of people. It turns out the person who was walking next to them is a ghost. What do you do next?
  • Your best friend has had a terrible year. You need to plan the best birthday party ever for them. Make a list of items that you will need for the party. 
  • Using the 5 W’s and 1 H technique, outline the following newspaper article idea: A new breed of wolves was discovered nearby. The 5 W’s include: What, Where, When, Who and why. The one H is How.
  • Write a positive self-talk poem, using the following starter: I am…
  • Take a recent picture that you have drawn at home or during art class. Using this picture, can you think of at least three ideas for stories from it?
  • How can you prevent bullying in your school? Make a list of at least five different ways to prevent bullying.
  • Write a list of at least 10 interview questions that you can ask your favourite teacher at school. If you want, you can actually ask these questions and write down the responses your teacher gives.
  • Describe a day in the life of being a mouse that lives in your school.
  • What qualities to look for in a friend? Make a list of at least 3 qualities. Also, think about what qualities you try to avoid. 
  • Complete the following sentence in at least three different ways: When I wake up in the morning, I feel…
  • Do you ever wish you could do more to help people? Make a list of at least five ways you can help a friend who is going through a tough time.
  • When was the last time you felt angry? How did you deal with this anger? Do you think it is okay to be angry all the time?
  • Write down at least three predictions for the future. These predictions can be personal or about the world. You can use the following starter: In 10 years time…
  • Do you enjoy writing? If yes, then what kind of things do you enjoy writing about. Explain your answer.
  • Think about the last book you read. Which scene in the book stood out to you the most? Why did it stand out for you?
  • Complete the following sentence in at least three different ways: The biggest question on my mind right now is…

What did you think of this list of quick and easy writing prompts for Middle School students? Did you find this list useful or difficult to use? Let us know in the comments below!

Printable Writing Pack for Middle Schoolers

Thank you for reading this post! You can download the free PDF writing prompts for Middle School students pack here .

Writing Prompts For Middle School

Marty the wizard is the master of Imagine Forest. When he's not reading a ton of books or writing some of his own tales, he loves to be surrounded by the magical creatures that live in Imagine Forest. While living in his tree house he has devoted his time to helping children around the world with their writing skills and creativity.

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100 Creative Writing Prompts for High School Students

Creative writing is an essential skill for high school students, as it fosters imagination, enhances writing proficiency, and encourages critical thinking.

Below are 100 creative writing prompts designed specifically for high school students, covering a range of themes and topics to spark your creativity and help you develop your unique voice.

What are Creative Writing Prompts?

They serve as a starting point for writing, helping writers to overcome writer’s block, generate new ideas, and explore different genres and styles.

Examples of Creative Writing Prompts:

How to use creative writing prompts.

Using creative writing prompts effectively involves a few simple steps to get the most out of them:

Tips for Using Prompts:

Benefits of creative writing prompts:.

We also have Creative  writing prompt s  for middle and grade school students here on the site as well.

We have split these into topics to make them more digestible.

Creative Writing Prompts: Personal Reflections

Creative writing prompts: social issues, creative writing prompts: fantasy and science fiction, creative writing prompts: relationships and emotions, creative writing prompts: career and future, creative writing prompts: historical and alternative history, creative writing prompts: science and technology, creative writing prompts: mystery and thriller, creative writing prompts: emotional and personal growth, creative writing prompts: diverse cultures and perspectives.

Creative writing prompts are a fantastic way to ignite your imagination and develop your writing skills.

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50 Writing Prompts to Transform Your Creative Process at Work

Sudarshan Somanathan

Head of Content

June 15, 2024

Ever feel like your brain’s gone on vacation, leaving you staring at a blank page (or screen) in pure panic? We’ve all been there—alone in a room with a blank screen, the cursor blinking like a judgmental eye. 

Today, we’re cracking open a treasure chest of inspiration: 50 thought-provoking prompts designed to increase your workplace creativity and transform your work process from ‘meh’ to ‘magnificent!’ 

Whether you’re crafting formal emails, brainstorming out-of-the-box marketing campaigns, or wrestling with a stubborn report, these prompts will get your creative juices flowing quickly. 

We’re talking fresh ideas, unexpected angles, and a whole lot of ‘aha!’ moments. 

Let’s also explore the diverse benefits of writing prompts in various professional contexts. And learn how to master the art of crafting your own prompts with some clever, cutting-edge tools. 

Igniting your creativity at work

Building a routine of excellence, structuring successful narratives, tracking progress and staying accountable, reflecting, growing, and excelling, self-assessment and development writing prompt examples, industry and company knowledge writing prompt examples, communication and teamwork writing prompt examples, overall performance and impact writing prompt examples, decision-making and problem-solving writing prompt examples, be clear and concise, encourage critical thinking .

  • Relate to the audience’s interests 

Use open-ended questions

Leverage technology , lending more impact to your words with writing prompts.

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The Benefits of Using Writing Prompts

Writing prompts do more than fill a page—they spark innovation, build solid writing habits, organize jumbled ideas into coherent sentences, uphold goals, and inspire deeper thinking. 

Here’s how they make a meaningful positive impact:

Good writing prompts help break through the dreaded writer’s block or offer a new perspective on routine tasks. 

For instance, a prompt like ‘Describe how an everyday object in your office could be improved’ can encourage team members to think innovatively and identify opportunities for enhancement that might otherwise be overlooked.

With regular use, prompts encourage cultivating a writing habit that can significantly improve communication skills and analytical thinking.

In a classroom setting, a teacher might use daily prompts such as ‘What is the most important thing you learned yesterday in school?’ or ‘Describe your favorite childhood memory or a funny story from your childhood’ to encourage students to start writing regularly, reinforcing valuable lessons, and ensuring continual improvement.

Journal writing prompts can serve as a framework for writers to build complete narratives, starting with a few words. 

This is particularly beneficial in professional environments where structured thinking aids clarity and productivity. 

For instance, prompts like ‘compare, explain, and contrast two characters from the novel you are reading’ help writers and students organize their thoughts systematically, leading to clearer and more detailed essays.

For individuals and teams, prompts can be a part of scheduled writing tasks that help keep participants accountable for their learning or professional goals. 

They can be used as tools in performance evaluations or as part of professional development exercises. 

A prompt like ‘draft a weekly progress update on your main project’ requires employees to regularly document and reflect on their achievements and challenges, maintaining responsibility and visibility within the team.

Reflection prompts encourage deeper thinking about personal experiences and work processes. 

This can enhance self-awareness and professional growth, leading to better decision-making and more effective workplace interactions. 

Prompts such as ‘reflect on a recent decision that did not go as planned and how you handled it’ can provide insights into personal and organizational resilience and adaptability, which are crucial for professional development.

50 Writing Prompts to Spark Creativity at Work

Here’s a list of diverse writing prompt examples to help you get started. You can use them as is, customize them, or take inspiration from them to build or expand your own prompts.

  • Describe a project you’re working on and how you could improve it
  • Write about a professional challenge you overcame recently
  • What new skill would you like to learn at work and why?
  • Reflect on the best piece of advice you’ve received in your career
  • Imagine your ideal work day. What would it look like?
  • How do you motivate yourself on challenging days?
  • Write about how you handle feedback and criticism at work
  • Reflect on a time when you learned from a mistake
  • How do you prioritize tasks when everything seems urgent?
  • Describe how you approach learning new skills or information
  • Describe a hobby that improves your work performance
  • What are your long-term career goals?
  • Write about a time you had to adapt to a significant change at work
  • How do you manage stress in high-pressure situations?
  • What lessons have you learned from working in diverse teams?
  • Describe your process for setting professional boundaries
  • How has your industry changed in the past five years?
  • Write about a leader you admire and why
  • What are the emerging trends in your field?
  • What are the biggest challenges facing your field today?
  • How do you stay informed about industry developments?
  • Reflect on a team project that didn’t go as planned
  • What makes a good mentor or leader?
  • What are the essential skills someone should have in your industry?
  • Describe the culture of your workplace
  • If you could change one thing about your work environment, what would it be?
  • Imagine a new product or service that could revolutionize your industry
  • What role does innovation play in your job?
  • Write about a policy you would implement at work and why
  • What are the ethical considerations in your profession?
  • Write about a time you contributed to a major decision at work
  • How do you ensure your work aligns with your values?
  • Describe how you would mentor a new colleague
  • Write about how you approach conflict resolution
  • What are the key elements of an effective team?
  • How do you balance work and personal life?
  • What strategies do you use for effective communication?
  • Reflect on a time when you went above and beyond in your role
  • How do you foster creativity and innovation in your team?
  • What does success look like in your role?
  • Describe a successful project and the steps you took to achieve success
  • Evaluate success in your projects
  • Describe how technology impacts your daily work
  • Write about a moment you felt proud at work
  • How do you approach making difficult decisions? 
  • Reflect on how your role contributes to the overall goals of your organization
  • What impact do you hope to have in your career?
  • Write about a book or article that has influenced your professional life
  • Describe a time when you had to think on your feet

By reflecting on these prompts and crafting thoughtful responses, you can gain valuable insights into your strengths, weaknesses, and career and life aspirations. Overall, these prompts are a great resource for anyone who wants to live, learn, and work more intentionally.

Tips for Crafting Effective Writing Prompts

Crafting creative writing prompts isn’t just about generating questions but sparking a conversation and inspiring self-reflection. 

Here’s how to make sure your prompts not only engage but also transform your audience’s thinking:

Your prompts should cut through the noise. Clarity wins over complexity every time. 

Craft your prompts to be straightforward, eliminating any ambiguity that might cloud the purpose or confuse your audience.

Go beyond the basics. Design prompts that provoke thought, invite debate and inspire deep analysis. 

Instead of simple yes or no answers, your prompts should encourage a detailed exploration of ideas and perspectives. 

Relate to the audience’s interests  

Connect with your audience on a personal level. Make your prompts resonate by aligning them with your audience’s interests, daily realities, and current life. 

Whether they’re CEOs or interns, tailor your questions to reflect the challenges and aspirations specific to each person and their professional world.

Open-ended questions encourage diverse responses, allowing respondents to take their answers in unexpected and creatively rich directions. They also prevent bias or preconceived ideas from the prompter from seeping into the questions or prompts . 

Use smart tools like ClickUp to elevate your prompt game. ClickUp is a comprehensive platform tailored to writers aiming to refine their workflows and enhance their creativity.

With ClickUp Docs and ClickUp Brain , you can gain access to advanced features that can help optimize your writing tasks. 

These features enable you to:

1. Draft, edit, and organize your work

ClickUp Docs is a writing tool and document management platform that lets you create a wide variety of written material, ranging from lecture notes and research summaries to full-fledged articles, blog posts, social media posts and captions, business memos, policies and SOPs, detailed wikis, and more. 

Using Docs’ rich formatting options, you can capture ideas in bulleted or numbered lists, generate paragraphs , change fonts and font sizes, demarcate headings from body copy, apply templates with callouts and highlighted sections, and so much more.

This space serves as an all-in-one workspace for drafting, editing, and organizing documents and is ideal for writers who structure their creative writing around specific prompts.

For more refined project management, ClickUp Docs double as a collaborative writing tool that supports features like comment reactions, subtasks, multiple assignees, simultaneous editing with your colleagues, and prioritization. These are all designed to improve the efficiency and tracking of your content-related projects and workflows.

2. Generate and structure new ideas

ClickUp Brain is a supportive AI-powered writing aide that offers you innovative ways to break through writer’s block. 

ClickUp Brain

It can craft outlines, summaries, and writing prompts, propelling the writing process forward for any project.

It has two features that can help with writing prompts and generating content:

  • AI Knowledge Manager: It can analyze the context of your workspace to provide insights that can enrich your writing prompts. It also offers quick access to information that you can use to support or expand upon a writing prompt
  • AI Writer for Work: This tool assists in creating content and replying quickly with an assistant tailored for work. It can suggest ideas or themes based on the context of your workspace or previous documents you’ve worked on. Use it to brainstorm ideas, generate first drafts, check (and fix) your writing for obvious spelling and grammar errors, and polish your rough ideas into fleshed-out narratives.

These features help you structure your ideas, develop a coherent flow for your documents, and quickly generate content such as essays , blog posts, short stories, and more. 

3. Save time with knowledge management features

Discover how easy it is to organize your data with ClickUp’s Knowledge Graph Generator with ClickUp Brain. This tool uses artificial intelligence to connect and organize your information quickly. Just enter your data, such as facts, relationships, and entities, and watch the AI sort and link it all into a clear, visual network.

This tool is great for spotting hidden patterns, brainstorming ideas , and pulling out key insights, helping you make sense of complex data. It’s convenient for writers and researchers who create a lot of content. Give it a try and see how it simplifies your data management.

4. Reduce time from the first draft to publish-ready pieces with ready-made templates

ClickUp’s Content Writing Template simplifies the process of note-taking and creation of various types of content, from blog posts and press releases to technical documentation. 

Ensure accuracy and consistency by making sure all written content follows the same format in ClickUp’s Content Writing Template

This template provides a structured starting point for your projects, ensuring consistency and quality. It allows you to create tasks with custom statuses to accurately monitor progress across different writing tasks. 

Additionally, custom fields let you categorize and add specific attributes to each content piece, making it easier to visualize progress. 

ClickUp’s Content Plan Template is another tool to help you master self-discipline and manage your writing workload efficiently.

Track progress to ensure timely completion with ClickUp’s Content Plan Template

The template is perfect for organizing your workdays and visualizing schedules effectively. 

  • Use multiple views to visualize your workload
  • Begin with the Content Plan List View to create tasks for each writing prompt , specifying details like priority, status, purpose, content type, audience, keywords, and assigned writers
  • Customize the fields to track progress and other relevant data that aligns with your objectives
  • Adjust tasks by their due dates in the Content Calendar View. Adjust the view to show daily or weekly, depending on your schedule’s intensity

Using these templates will help you eliminate the blank-page problem for good. With ClickUp templates and these powerful prompts, your writing process never needs to start from scratch.

Writing prompts are versatile tools that stimulate creativity and bring the gifts of structure, consistency, and reflection to your professional writing process. 

By following these tips for crafting effective prompts and using tools like ClickUp, you’ll be able to optimize your writing workflows, cultivate creativity, and keep your writing goals in sight. 

This combination of features solidifies the role of technology tools like ClickUp to meet the diverse needs of writers, educators, or individuals interested in using various writing prompts for self-reflection, creativity, and personal growth. 

It’s a free tool, so why wait to have your writing make a greater impact? Sign up for ClickUp today ! 

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  1. 10 Creative Writing Prompts For Kids Ideas Writing Prompts For Kids Images

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  2. Creative writing worksheets, Picture writing prompts, Writing prompts

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  3. Use this list of creative writing prompts for adults to help you

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  4. Free Printable Writing Prompts

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  5. First Grade Writing Prompts Printables

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  6. Warm-Up Prompts

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  1. Printable Writing Prompts

    Lots of creative writing worksheets with prompts that spark students' imagination. Describe one time when you were brave. (creative writing journal) Invent a new kind of sandwich. Describe what is on it and how you would make it. (critical thinking and writing) Pretend you had $100, but you weren't allowed to keep it for yourself.

  2. Writing Prompt Worksheets

    These writing prompts will cover all grade levels, you just need to print them and go. Kindergarten Opinion Writing - Give students an opportunity to have their voices heard. Kindergarten Creative Writing Prompts - These worksheets put students in some unique situations. First Grade Creative Writing Prompts - We encourage students at this level ...

  3. Creative Writing Prompts

    Writing Prompt 49: Writing Prompt 50: Image: Interior Design/Shutterstock. Writing Prompt 51: Image: LaCozza/Fotolia. Writing Prompt 52: Image: anibal/Fotolia. Writing Prompts for Writer's Block. If you are troubled by writer's block, try one of these exercise. You will find your mind flowing freely again. Writing Prompt 53:

  4. Printable Creative Writing Worksheets

    Make Your Own Comic Book #1. Worksheet. Descriptive Writing: Picture Prompt #6. Worksheet. St. Patrick's Day Creative Writing Prompt #1: The Route of the Rainbow. Worksheet. Spring Creative Writing Prompt #3: Sifting Through the Sand. Worksheet. Summer Creative Writing Prompt #2: The Campfire Commotion.

  5. Creative Writing Exercises and Prompts

    Welcome to Writing Exercises and Prompts. This site provides (completely free) creative writing prompts and exercises to help you get started with creative writing and break through writing blocks - as well as some fun anagram vocabulary games. Generate random story ideas, plots, subjects, scenarios, characters, first lines for stories and more.

  6. Writing Prompts

    1st Grade Writing Prompts. These writing prompts help students express themselves, creating a love for writing at an early age. By offering printable prompts that encourage different types of writing, teachers can support their students in developing their handwriting, creativity, and writing abilities. Penmanship.

  7. Creative Writing Prompts

    Creative Writing Prompts are perfect for K-5 students! Each prompt set includes an entire year's worth of seasonal/holiday prompts perfect for incorporating into your writing centers, morning work time, homework practice, or quick write lessons. Writing can seem difficult, but with these prompt cards, they will LOVE the act of writing!

  8. 50 Creative Third Grade Writing Prompts (Free Printable!)

    50 Creative 3rd Grade Writing Prompts (Free Printable!) Taking the leap from the primary level to the intermediate grades. By Elizabeth Mulvahill, B.A. Liberal Arts, Certified Teacher. Aug 25, 2020. Third grade is a huge transitional year in elementary school. Third grade writers have learned foundational concepts and skills and have had time ...

  9. Writing Prompts

    10 Worksheets. One of the most common writing modes is called persuasive or opinion writing. Here the author tries to convince the reader to adopt the author's point of view through the use of reasoning and well-organized…. Free, printable writing prompts including kindergarten through high school prompts. Persuasive, Creative ...

  10. Narrative, Creative Writing Prompts

    Narrative / Creative Writing Prompts. Narrative writing, sometimes called creative, is the telling of an event or a story. Some of the most common forms of narrative writing include short stories, novels and autobiographies. By learning narrative writing, a student learns to organize the elements of the story in a precise order, usually, but ...

  11. 200+ Printable Writing Prompts for Kids

    Writing prompts are great creativity and imagination starters for students, giving them a framework and starting point to writing something interesting, funny, or to help them practice formulating a point of view. These simple worksheets are only one page each, so they aren't too intimidating for kids with limited writing skills.

  12. PDF 101 Creative Writing Prompts That Will Get You Excited to Write

    3 . Re a d s e v e r a l p o e ms . F i n d o n e t h a t su i t s yo u r mo o d o r t h o u g h t s a t t h e mo me n t .

  13. Seasonal Creative Writing Prompt Worksheets

    Learners practice their creative writing with these fun seasonal writing prompts! Using the prompts to inspire them, writers are invited to craft creative stories that include interesting characters, plots with clear conflicts and resolutions, and descriptive language to bring the settings and events to life. Designed for fourth through eighth graders, these worksheets are the perfect way to ...

  14. Creative Writing Journal Prompts

    Describe what kinds of things you would do with your powers. Think of a time when you've won something. Tell what you won and how you won it. Invent a new kind of sandwich. Describe what is on it and how you would make it. Describe one thing you're really good at. Imagine you were twenty feet tall.

  15. Fun Writing Prompts

    Kindergarten through 2nd Grade Fun Writing Prompts. Free, printable writing prompts for January. Journal about MLK, the winter months, arctic animals, and more in Kindergarten through 2nd grade with these fun prompt task cards. Tell about a time when you made a New Year's resolution. Write about what your resolution is for this year.

  16. Creative Writing Prompts for Kids

    Creating a writing prompt is super easy with these mix and match story ideas. Created for students in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grades, this free printable worksheet helps make creative writing fun! Kids can customize their creative writing prompts to create silly stories that engage their imaginations.

  17. The Only 10 Creative Writing Prompts You Need

    Next time you're stuck, use this writing prompt. […] Writing Prompt: Monster - […] all you need to give your writing a boost is an inspiring writing prompt. And when it comes to…. 3 Writing Prompts to Tap Into Your Creative Well - The Write Practice - […] Writing prompts are wonderful tools to get the words flowing.

  18. 300+ Writing Prompts for Kids (+ Free Printable)

    This is the ultimate bank of over 300 writing prompts for kids. From creative writing prompts to journal ideas and even quick poetry prompts.Whenever you're bored or need a little inspiration, here are some fun ideas for kids writing prompts that can be used over and over again.. This list of creative writing prompts for kids includes a mixture of writing exercises, short story ideas ...

  19. 150 Writing Prompts For Middle School (+Free Printable)

    Keep reading for a free printable writing pack for middle schoolers as well! Here is a quick generator that will generate a random middle school prompt for you: Click the 'Random' button to get a random middle school writing prompt. Random. For more fun writing ideas, check out this list of over 300 writing prompt for kids.

  20. 100 Creative Writing Prompts for High School Students

    Tips for Using Prompts: Be Open-Minded: Don't limit yourself to the first idea that comes to mind. Explore different angles and perspectives. Stay Consistent: Use prompts regularly to build a writing habit. Even short, daily writing sessions can be beneficial. Combine Prompts: Mix and match different prompts to create more complex and ...

  21. Creative Writing Prompt Worksheets

    Improve writing skills with this exciting Creative Writing Prompt Pack.This value packed bundle includes a wide range of engaging & imaginative prompts to spark creativity & critical thinking and develop writing skills.With themes that span across genres and interests, this amazing 20 product bundle is perfect for engaging 21st Century learners.These worksheet activities promote kindness and ...

  22. Creative Writing Prompts Worksheets Teaching Resources

    The Spring Activities Pack offers a collection of cohesive Springtime activities that will take your students through 15 thematic worksheets. This resource is excellent for a less

  23. Writing Worksheets

    65 Worksheets. Even the most prolific and adept writers may get writer's block. That empty page can make any writer, young or old, draw a total blank. It's especially frustrating to young writers who may not have the…. Free, printable writing worksheets including writing prompts, and other ELA printables. For classrooms or at home.

  24. 50 Writing Prompts to Transform Your Creative Process at Work

    2. Generate and structure new ideas. ClickUp Brain is a supportive AI-powered writing aide that offers you innovative ways to break through writer's block. Generate prompts and create content easily through ClickUp Brain. It can craft outlines, summaries, and writing prompts, propelling the writing process forward for any project.