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How do i assign issues to multiple users.

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  • Created by Andrew , last modified on Nov 26, 2009

JIRA is designed so that issues must be assigned to a single individual to prevent tasks from being overlooked. A team lead or manager should assign issues out to individuals, or your users will pick from a list of issues that they have the option to take on.

However, if you want to configure JIRA to allow issues to be assigned to multiple users there are a few option for doing so:

It is easy to still setup a queue the a group can pick from, or affiliate an issue with group in addition to having it assigned to an individual within that group:

Managing Issues via a Queue

You can configure your JIRA project to assign issues to an 'Unassigned' "queue" by default, which your users can then pick issues from.

To do this, set up the following:

  • Configure your JIRA project to allow the 'default assignee' to be 'Unassigned' (see Defining a Project ).
  • Ensure that 'Allow unassigned issues' is set to ON in your General Configuration settings ( Administration > Global Settings > General Configuration ).
  • Set any issues that you want to be in the queue to be 'Unassigned'.
  • Create a dashboard page with a filter that lists all 'Unassigned' issues, share the dashboard page and request that interested members of the group display the shared page on their dashboards. See Managing Multiple Dashboard Pages for instructions.

Managing Issues via Group Ownership

You can add a custom field to store which users and groups should be associated with a given issue. This is particularly useful for projects where a team owns all issues of a particular type.

  • Add a group picker custom field to your issues.
  • Configure an email notification in your project's notification scheme to be sent to the 'Group Custom Field Value'.

An issue can now be "assigned" to the group by selecting the appropriate group in the group picker. An email notification will be sent to the group.

Managing Issues via a User Account

You can create a JIRA user account to represent a group of people (e.g. 'developers') and assign issues to this user.

  • Create a JIRA user to represent the group (see Managing Users ).
  • (Optional) Create an email mailing list for this group (not a JIRA function) and set the mailing list email as the JIRA user's email address.
  • Create a dashboard page showing issues assigned to this user, share the dashboard page and request that interested members of the group display the shared page on their dashboards. See Managing Multiple Dashboard Pages for instructions.

An issue can now be assigned the new "user" representing the group and your users can track the issues on their dashboards. If you have set up a mailing list, your users will also be notified by email.

Managing Issue via Sub-Tasks

If you have a task managed by different users then you are able to break the combined task into individual subtasks with their own single assignees.

multiple assignment jira

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Assigning a Single Issue to Multiple Users | Jira Hack


In project management, the ability to assign issues to multiple users is crucial for efficient task collaboration. Whether it’s developers working on pair programming, business analysts brainstorming a concept, or testers examining the same feature, assigning the same task to multiple team members can streamline the process. Jira, as a prominent task tracking and project management system, plays a significant role in this aspect. However, the question remains: How can one assign an issue to multiple users in Jira?

While Jira’s native functionality doesn’t directly support this feature, there are ways to navigate this limitation.

Project & Program Resource Management for Jira address the need directly and provides users a convenient way to plan task for multiple resources in its beautiful task scheduler.

Simple Steps to Assign an Issue to Multiple Users in Jira

  • Drag & drop task from issues box : The “Project & Program Resource Management for Jira” tool simplifies the process of multi-user assignment. Simply locate the issue in the issues box, then drag and drop it onto the intended resources in the scheduler. This instant action facilitates the quick assignment of the issue to multiple users.
  • Assign more menu : Click on the task, opt for ‘Assign More’, and then choose the additional users you want to add to the task. This user-friendly option allows for the seamless addition of more team members to an already scheduled task.
  • When planning a new task : To create a new plan, click on the resource’s white space, locate the appropriate issue, and add the necessary users. This step is highly effective when initiating new tasks that require the input of multiple team members from the onset.

For an in-depth guide on how to assign tasks to multiple users, please refer to our demo video here:

Get a hands-on experience of the new “Project & Program Resource Management for Jira” release via the Atlassian marketplace here

In summary, while Jira may not natively support multiple task assignments, innovative solutions like “Project & Program Resource Management for Jira” offer a seamless way to cater to this need. By leveraging these tools, you can significantly enhance your team’s collaboration and productivity, ensuring a smoother issue assignment in Jira.

multiple assignment jira

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How to Split the Same Task Between Jira Multiple Assignees?

Kate Bulei | ActivityTimeline's Blog Author

Jira is a powerful project management tool used by teams worldwide to efficiently track tasks and projects. However, a common challenge many users face is how to split the same task among Jira multiple assignees effectively.

Jira is a powerful project management tool used by teams worldwide to efficiently track tasks and projects. However, a common challenge many users face is how to split the same task among Jira multiple assignees effectively. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various strategies and best practices for tackling this issue. Whether you're new to Jira or a seasoned pro, you'll find valuable insights here to enhance your project management skills.

Why Split Jira Issues?

First of all, sometimes the task can just be complex for one assignee, so you need more than one person to finish it.

Secondly, team members can work on the same feature so they need to work together on the same issue.

Another case is that the workload of the assignee can be so tough, that she or he cannot complete the task without help and the Project Manager makes a decision to give this task to more than one assignee.

Typically, individuals generate sub-tasks to indicate various individuals responsible for a single assignment. Consequently, Jira becomes full of a multitude of tasks that essentially mirror each other, as it's possible to have three separate tasks for the same feature, each being a duplicated task with distinct assignees.

Sub-tasks in Jira

This influx of tasks and sub-tasks has led to a noticeable decline in Jira's performance, resulting in sluggishness, and has left users feeling disoriented in chaos, as it becomes increasingly difficult to understand who is handling specific responsibilities.

Jira split issues can lead to increased efficiency, as its multiple assignees can focus on their areas of expertise. Collaboration is key to project success. By assigning tasks strategically, you encourage collaboration among team members.

How to Assign Multiple Users to the Jira Task?

You can create custom fields to track Jira multiple assignees or contributors. These fields can be of type User Picker, allowing you to select multiple users. While the core assignee field will still represent the primary assignee, you can use custom fields to identify other individuals involved in the Jira split task.

Want to know how to split task in Jira? To add multiple assignees you just need to take a few actions:

Step 1: Open Jira Settings

Find "Jira Settings" in the top right corner and click on it. Choose the "Issues" tab:

Guide how to add more than one assignee to a task in Jira

Step 2: Find a Tab Custom Fields

Click on the "Create custom field" button:

Adding Custom Field in Jira

Step 3: Find a “Multi-user Picker” Field

Proceed with Advanced Custom Fields and search for the "Multi-user Picker" field:

A Multi User Picker Jira Custom Field

Name it in the field's configuration and save it.

Jira Assignee Field Configuration

Step 4: Add Custom Field to Jira Screens

After saving don't forget to add this field to all Jira Screens:

Adding Jira Field to Jira Screens

That's it! Now you can add multiple collaborators to your Jira tasks:

Jira Multiple Assignees

This alternative offers a partial improvement to the situation but falls short of a comprehensive solution. Professionals in that particular domain will still face challenges in identifying tasks assigned to them. Accurately tracking time spent on the issue becomes problematic, and it becomes challenging to gauge the individual contributions of multiple team members.

There are third-party plugins available in the Atlassian Marketplace that can extend Jira's functionality to support multiple assignees and help with advanced resource planning.

For example, the ActivityTimeline is a resource planning and time tracking add-on for Jira, that facilitates resource and task management with the help of the user/team timelines and allows you to assign multiple people to a single issue.

Split Jira Task with ActivityTimeline

This app provides a special planning board that contains all Jira projects with tasks, teams, and timelines and is built like a calendar. Users can assign tasks directly on the dashboard by simple drag-n-drop, track user activities, and understand who is doing what and when it will be done.

ActivityTimeline planning dashboard

ActivityTimeline planning dashboard

When tasks are divided using ActivityTimeline, the extra assignees will be visible in the Jira task within the "Issue Collaborators" field. This process works both ways, so if users designate individuals in the custom field within Jira, the task will be automatically reflected on the dashboard.

Simply select a task,  allocate it among multiple users, and specify the desired estimates for each user, and you'll promptly see the segmented issues displayed on the Timeline.

You can split tasks on a Dashboard : drag and drop the task on a Dashboard by keeping the Shift key pressed.

Or from the Left Panel : drag-n-drop the task from the Left Panel to the Dashboard by keeping the Shift key pressed.

Split a Ticket for Different Days

Jira issue №1 with the original time estimate of 16 hours is scheduled for asignee for Wednesday and Thursday.

Splitting Jira Issue for Different Days

Suddenly another issue of tip priority appears and is scheduled for Thursday, and Bob cannot continue on issue №1, he can only finish it on  Friday.

Task №1 will have to be split into Wednesday and Friday. As a result, we will create two issue parts – the first one for Wednesday and the second one for Friday.

The estimate will also be split (16 hours of remaining time = 8 hours on Wednesday and 8 hours on Friday)

Devided Jira Issue for Different Days

Manage Estimated Time

You have the ability to control the allocation of hours for each part of the issue within the "Manage Issue Parts" feature:

  • Select any of the issue parts to make modifications or manage them.
  • Click on the "Manage Issue Parts" button.
  • Adjust the number of hours allocated to each part and then click the "Update" button.

As a result, the system will automatically recalculate the remaining time estimate for each part and update the total remaining hours for the Jira tickets.

Mastering the art of splitting tasks among multiple assignees in Jira is pivotal for seamless project management. You can effortlessly create Jira multiple assignees for the same task within the platform but in order to make the picture of your resources comprehensive you may try planning tools for Jira like ActivityTimeline. Forget about duplicate tasks and sub-tasks, assign one issue to multiple users with a few clicks!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you allocate tasks to multiple assignees in jira.

Yes, Jira allows you to assign tasks to multiple assignees, but it doesn't provide tracking features for them. To track such tasks and Jira multiple asignees you'll need the help of planning add-ons like ActivityTimeline.

What is the process for assigning multiple individuals to a ticket in Jira?

You can assign multiple individuals to a ticket in Jira by creating sub-tasks or using custom fields to designate additional assignees.

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Assign issues to multiple users or a group

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By design JIRA can only have 1 assignee at a time to a given issue.

To help address this issue we have posted several workarounds based upon the comments to this issue - please read this page for more information: Setting Up Multiple & Group Assignees In JIRA


Issue links.

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multiple assignment jira

Jira Multiple Assignees

Updated April 3, 2023

Jira Multiple Assignees

Definition of Jira Multiple Assignees

Sometimes we need to work together to achieve a common goal. At that time, we need to assign a single issue to multiple team members. But one of the important things is that we cannot assign a single issue to more than one team member, because of the Jira principle. It is against the principle of Jira operation. When we try to assign a single issue to more than one person, then we cannot define the responsibility of the issue or we can say it is not clear. But till we are required then we need to do some additional configuration like a mail group that consists of a group of team members.

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What is Jira multiple assignees?

Many times teams have a need to cooperate on a similar errand. For instance, a product group makes another component, and the Designer, Developer, and QA ought to be relegated to a similar undertaking. Jira doesn’t uphold different appointees, so clients habitually request how to allocate one issue to numerous clients?

For the most part, individuals make sub-undertakings to show different chosen ones of a similar assignment. Therefore, Jira becomes packed with a huge number of errands that are essentially something similar, in light of the fact that you can have 3 undertakings for a similar element, which are basic copied assignments with various assignments. Jira is getting extremely sluggish, because of a major measure of errands and sub-assignments, and clients become derailed in this presence, as it’s difficult to comprehend who is doing what.

To show individuals that are chipping away at the undertaking, you might make an extra field “multi-client picker” and afterward demonstrate your extra chosen ones there.

Assignments in Jira are utilized to circulate various errands in a group. You dole out an undertaking to a representative (appointee).

However, now and again allocating an issue to various assignees can be useful.

For instance, assuming an errand is dealt with by various workers since it requires more information and assets.

Herefore, it is helpful to allot this errand to every mindful worker, as they share equivalent obligations, so they can design their run all the more effectively and don’t need to make individual tickets.

We show what prospects and workarounds exist to relegate an errand in Jira to different assignees.

How to add multiple assignees?

Now let’s see how we can add multiple assignees in Jira as follows.

  • First, we need to open the Jira setting for more details you can see the following screenshot as follows.


  • Now select the option of the issue, after a click on we get a new screen, for reference find the below screenshot as follows.


  • Here we need to search for custom fields and create new custom fields as per our requirement for reference find the below screenshot as follows.


  • After clicking on the custom filed we get as below.


  • Here we have created a custom field option as shown in the above screenshot. Now click on it and we get a select field type screen as below.


  • Select an advanced option and search multi-user picker as shown in the below screenshot.


  • Select the multi-users tab and click on the Next button, we get a new screen as configured User Picker as shown in the below screenshot.


  • Here we need to assign the name and description of the user picker as per our requirement and click on the create button.

Jira Multiple Assignees ss

  • Here we need to update the screen as per our requirement as shown in the below screenshot.

So we can get custom fields as shown in the below screenshot.

  • Here search newly created fields as shown in the below screenshot.
  • Now open created issues and assignee multi-user as shown in the below screenshot.

Jira multiple assignees Issues

Now let’s see how we assign multiple issues in Jira as follows.

This choice advances what is going on somewhat, yet not totally. Individuals in that field won’t see that the undertaking is appointed to them, it will be difficult to follow time spent on the issue accurately and difficult to see the endeavors of each part.

To get a reasonable picture, you can utilize the ActivityTimeline application, which will assist you with getting it, as the application upholds a multi-client picker and permits the division of assignments between clients on the Timeline. Simply pick an undertaking, split it between a few clients, set the positive gauge for each client, and split issues will show up on Timeline.

Here we need to follow the above same steps and click on the assignee option as shown in the below screenshot.

Jira Multiple Assignees jira

We are also able to assign single issues with the group as per our requirement shown in the below screenshot.

Jira Multiple Assignees ff

Jira multiple assignees ClickUp

Now let’s see how we can add multiple assignments ClickUp in Jira as follows.

  • First, we need to open ClickUp and click on the
  • Here we need to select the option of the space.
  • After that, we can get the tag icon that we need to enable in our spaces.
  • Now back to our working area and find the tag that we want.
  • Click on the tag icon to the next description.

Now let’s see what hierarchy in ClickUp is as follows.

The ClickUp Hierarchy is at the core of the stage. The construction might appear to be overwhelming from the outset, however, it makes the undertaking and work process for the executives a lot more straightforward! The Hierarchy gives a coordinated method for separating work into effortlessly oversaw noteworthy things for your entire group the team.

Now let’s see how we can set priority on ClickUp as follows.

Needs in ClickUp are discretionary and are executed at the Workspace level. To empower Priorities inside a Workspace, continue with setting and click on ClickApps and set priority.

With the help of the above article, we try to learn about the Jira multiple assignees. From this article, we have learned the basic thing and we have also seen the integration and how we can use them in the Jira multiple assignees.

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This is a guide to Jira Multiple Assignees. Here we discuss the definition, What is Jira multiple assignees, How to add multiple assignees, examples along with code implementation and output. You may also have a look at the following articles to learn more –

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  • Sprint in Jira
  • Jira Versions


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Jira service management - multiple it teams.

I’m currently trialling Jira Service Management for an ITSM environment with one IT team split into multiple disciplines.

Apparently the supported way for this scenario is to have a project per sub-team. This seems unwieldy as issues will frequently be moved across teams for escalations etc and it sounds like a lot of upkeep is required with fields, portals etc.

Is there a way to achieve this with one project and queues instead? The way we currently work is to assign a ticket to a team/queue, rather than an individual and each sub team manages their own ticket allocation.

Thanks in advance.

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  • Jira automation template library
  • Auto assign issues in Jira with automation

Auto-assign issues in Jira

When a Jira issue gets created, often it does not have an assignee by default. With this template, ensure that issues are assigned to whoever created them.

The automation recipe

The automation recipe

Step 1: Choose your trigger

The trigger kicks off your automation rule. In this case, the trigger is when: ‘Issue Created’ . This means that whenever an issue is created in Jira, automation will start listening.

Choosing issue created

Step 2: Add your condition

A condition refines the rule so it won’t act too broadly. For this rule, we are going to use the ‘ User condition '.

In the dropdown box under ‘field’ choose ‘assignee’. In the dropdown box under condition, choose ‘is empty’. If you ever get confused, just say it aloud. “ If the assignee is empty .” You can get much more granular with your conditions but we will keep it simple for this example.

Adding user condition

Step 3: Add an action

Every rule finishes with an action. This is what actually executes the rule and does something in Jira (or externally).

In this case, choose the ‘ Assign issue ’ action. The default setting for this action is to assign to whoever triggered the event so we leave it as is. However, you could specify a person, group, field or more.

Adding assign issue

Step 4: Test it!

Now you can simply go into a sample project, create a new issue and automation will assign it to you. Many people have personal Jira instances or projects to test their rules first. You can follow everything that happens in the audit log. Give it a go now!

Resources to help

How to test/debug your automation rule, more about smart auto-assigning, one page with all helpful jira automation resources, jira automation youtube channel, popular templates, sync issues, sync work across teams.

When a sub-task moves to ‘In Progress’, move the parent to ‘In Progress’ too.


Daily slack summary.

Reduce the noise in your Slack room with a collated weekly update of blocked Jira issues.

Sum up story points

When a new sub-task is created, sum up its story points to the parent.

Connect Jira & Bitbucket, GitHub or GitLab

When a PR is merged in Bitbucket/GitHub/GitLab, then transition the issue in Jira.

Auto-close old support issues

If a customer has not responded to an issue in 5 days, close the issue and leave a comment.

multiple assignment jira

Jira Resource Planning Tips: How to Manage Work Overload with ActivityTimeline

How to Track Project Teams in Jira

How to Track Project Teams in Jira?

How to display additional assignees in jira.

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How to Display Additional Assignees in Jira

Very often team members have a need to work togethe r on the same ta sk. For example, a software team creates a new feature, and Designer, Developer, and QA should be assigned to the same task. Jira does not support multiple assignees, so users frequently ask how to assign one issue to multiple users?

Usually, people create sub-tasks to show multiple assignees of the same task . As a result, Jira becomes overcrowded with thousands of tasks that are basically the same, because you can have 3 tasks for the same feature, which are simple duplicated tasks with different a ssignees. Jira is getting very slow, due to a big amount of tasks and sub-tasks, and users become lost in this chaos, as it’s hard to understand who is doing what.

In order to show people that are working on the task, you may create an additional field “multi-user picker” and then indicate your additional assignees there.  

Here is how you can quickly do it:

Open Jira Settings > Choose Issues 

Find a Tab Custom Fields > Create New Custom Field

Proceed with Advanced Fields > Find a “Multi-user Picker” Field

Add Custom Field.

This option improves the situation a little bit, but not completely. People in that field w ill not see that the task is assigned to them, it will be impossible to track time spent on issue correctly and hard to see the efforts of every member.

In order to get a clear picture, you can use ActivityTimeline app , which will help you to get it, as the application supports a multi-user picker and allows to split tasks between users on the Timeline. Just choose a task, split it between several users, set the desirable estimate for every user, and split  issues will appear on Timeline.

When you split tasks through ActivityTimeline, those additional assi gnees will appear on the Jira task in Issue Collaborators field. Also, it works vice versa, so if users specify people in the custom field in Jira, the task will be automatically split on the dashboard. It is easy to track who is working on that task and users can log time.

In order to find out how to assign the same task to several users click here.

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multiple assignment jira

Managing projects can be a complex task, especially when coordinating between different team members, tasks, and deadlines. This is where one can put their entire trust in Jira. It is a powerful project management tool that simplifies this process by providing a platform that helps teams plan, track, and manage work efficiently.

Whether you’re working on a software development project or managing tasks for a marketing campaign, Jira can help you with both for seamless project management.

What is Jira?

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Jira is a project management tool that is popularly used to help teams plan, track, and manage their work. It was originally designed to track bugs in software development. However, now it has grown into a versatile platform that supports different types of projects.

Apart from that, Jira allows teams to break down tasks into subcategories called issues, assign them to individuals, and track their progress. It lets teams customize workflows to match their needs, whether they follow Agile methods like Scrum or Kanban or have their own processes. Jira also integrates with tools including Slack, Confluence, and more. This makes it a central hub for project management.

Navigating the Jira Interface

Jira Interface navigation image

When you first open Jira, the interface might seem complex to you, but it’s straightforward once you get used to it. The main dashboard gives you an overview of your projects and tasks. On the left, you’ll find a navigation menu with options like Projects, Issues, and Boards to help you manage your work.

The top search bar helps you with locating specific tasks or projects. Jira’s boards visually display tasks in columns like To Do, In Progress, and Done. You can also customize your dashboard to focus on the information that is most important to you. This makes it easier to track progress and stay organized.

Customizing Dashboard in Jira for Maximum Productivity

Dashboard customization in jira image

Customizing your Jira dashboard can boost your productivity by displaying the most relevant information at your fingertips. Start by adding gadgets that show key details like your tasks, project progress, or team updates. You can easily add these by clicking Add Gadget and selecting the ones that suit your needs.

Arrange the gadgets in an order that makes sense, and choose a layout that fits your workflow, whether it’s a single column or multiple columns. You can even create multiple dashboards for different purposes, i.e., personal tasks and team projects.

Regularly update your dashboard by adding new gadgets or removing outdated ones. Keeping your dashboard updated ensures you always have the most important information.

Selecting the Right Project Template Using Jira

Right project template selection in jira image

When choosing a project template in Jira, consider Scrum or Kanban based on your team’s needs.

Scrum is perfect for teams that work in fixed intervals, or sprints, to manage and review tasks. It helps with planning, tracking progress, and continuous improvement through regular sprint reviews. In short, select Scrum for structured and time-bound work.

Kanban, on the other hand, suits teams that handle tasks continuously without set intervals. It uses a visual board where tasks move through stages like To Do, In Progress, and Done, focusing on workflow and task management. One can select Kanban for flexible and ongoing task management.

Configuring Project Settings in Jira

Configuring Project Settings in Jira image

To make the best out of Jira, you can follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Start by setting up the project details like name and description.
  • Customize issue types (e.g., tasks, bugs) to match your workflow.
  • Configure workflows with steps like To Do and Done and set permissions to control who can access different parts of the project.
  • Adjust notification settings to keep your team informed without spamming them.
  • Add custom fields to track specific information and set up automation rules to handle repetitive tasks.

Inviting and Managing Team Members in Jira

Inviting and Managing Team Members in Jira image

To invite team members to your Jira project, go to the project settings and find the People section. Click Add People, enter their email addresses, and assign their roles, like Project Manager or Developer.

Manage team members by updating roles, adjusting permissions, or removing people from the project in the same section.

Then. set up notifications to keep everyone informed about important updates and changes. This ensures your team is well-organized and stays updated on project progress.

How to Create, Assign, and Track Issues in Jira

Task creation in jira image

  • Create an Issue: Click Create on the top of Jira, fill in details like the issue type and summary, and then click on Create to add it to your project.
  • Assign an Issue: Open the issue, find the Assignee field, and assign the team member responsible for it.
  • Track Issues: Use the Issues section or project board to view and filter issues by status or priority. Check the issue’s workflow to see its progress from To Do to Done.

Creating Custom Workflows Using Jira

In Jira, you can create custom workflows to align with your team’s way of working. For that, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  • Select a template and then customize the statuses like To Do, In Progress, and Done.
  • Set transitions to control the movement of tasks between statuses. Add automation to reduce manual work. You can automate moving a task to Done when a related action is completed.
  • Test the workflow to see if it has been customized as per your requirements.
  • This helps streamline your project management and keeps everyone aligned.

Using Filters and JQL in Jira for Advanced Searches

Filters and JQL in Jira help you to find tasks more easily, especially when you are working on large projects. Let’s understand Filters and JQL in more detail.

  • Filters: Create and save searches based on criteria like task status or assignee. Access these saved filters anytime for quick results.
  • JQL: Jira Query Language allows you to perform advanced searches by combining multiple conditions. For example, you can find tasks assigned to you that were created in the last week.

How to Integrate Jira with Confluence, Slack, and GitHub

  • Jira and Confluence: Connect Jira to Confluence to link project tasks with your documentation. Use Jira macros in Confluence to display issues and project updates directly on your Confluence pages. Set up the integration in Confluence’s settings.
  • Jira and Slack: Integrate Jira with Slack to get real-time updates about your projects. Install the Jira Cloud app from the Slack App Directory and connect your Jira account. Choose the notifications you want to receive in Slack channels.
  • Jira and GitHub: Link Jira with GitHub to track code changes related to your tasks. Connect your GitHub repository in Jira’s settings to see commits, branches, and pull requests linked to Jira issues.
  • These integrations help keep your team connected and informed, improving your workflow and project management.

Streamlining Workflows with Automation and Third-Party Apps

Jira’s automation features allow you to streamline repetitive tasks, such as assigning issues or sending notifications. You can also enhance Jira’s functionality by adding third-party apps from the Atlassian Marketplace. These apps can help with reporting, time tracking, and more, making Jira a more powerful tool for project management.

Creating Custom Reports and Dashboards in Jira

In Jira, custom reports and dashboards let you track and visualize project data.

  • Custom Reports: Create reports tailored to your team’s needs by selecting data fields like issue status or assignee. Save and share these reports to keep everyone updated on the project’s progress.
  • Dashboards: Build dashboards by adding gadgets like charts and issue lists to display key metrics. Customize them to focus on specific areas like task status or sprint progress.

These tools ensure that everyone has access to the information they need to manage their projects.

Jira is a versatile tool for managing projects efficiently. By learning to navigate its interface, customize dashboards, and select the right project templates, you can tailor Jira to your team’s needs. Creating and tracking issues, organizing work with epics and sub-tasks, and integrating with tools like Confluence and Slack can streamline your workflow. With features like advanced searches and custom reports, Jira helps you stay organized and on track to meet your project goals.

multiple assignment jira

Namrata is a skilled content writer with an expertise in writing marketing, tech, business-related topics, and more. She has been writing since 2021 and has written several write-ups. With her journey with Techjockey, she has worked on different genres of content like product descriptions, tech articles, alternate pages,... Read more

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Assign an issue to a team in your plan

This page refers to the advanced planning features that are only available as part of Jira Cloud Premium and Enterprise.

Your plan is a sandbox environment meaning that any changes you make won’t be committed back to your Jira issues until you choose to do so.

How do I save changes in my plan?

To assign an issue to a team in your plan:

Add the Team column to your plan using the Fields menu.

Select the cell of the issue you want to assign, and add your team name.

Press Enter to save.

Teams that haven’t been set up in your plan will be shown as an External Team . To fix this, add the team to your plan.

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Tick | Checklist for Jira

  • Jira Service Management

Cutting-Edge Checklist for Jira: ToDo, Acceptance Criteria, Definition of Done, Customizable Per Project, Checklist Automations

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Comprehensive Checklists: Custom Styles & More

Overwhelmed by a pile of tasks? Tick checklist streamlines workflow. Tag team members, set deadlines, mention Jira issues, and use Markdown. Say goodbye to chaos and hello to effective task tracking with Tick checklist

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Tailor Progress Tracking with Custom Task Statuses

Boost productivity with customizable statuses. Tailor checklist status to each project's needs for precise progress tracking. Tick checklist offers flexible and detailed status management, surpassing other checklists.

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Advanced Checklists for Integrated Workflows & JQL

Unlock advanced checklist features with our plugin's seamless integration into Jira workflows. Track checklist progress and validate completions. Use powerful JQL search for detailed queries, all within a streamlined app

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Core checklist Functionalities

  • Markdown Formatting : styling, including bold, italic, links, and strikethrough.
  • Mentions : Tag dates, users, and Jira issues within checklist tasks.
  • Emojis : emoji support.
  • Drag and Drop : Easily rearrange tasks within checklists.

Checklist task management

  • Due Dates : manage tasks deadlines.
  • Task Tooltip : Hover for quick task details.
  • Multiple checklists : Manage different aspects of projects with a separate checklist.
  • Tasklist Progress : Visual Indicators to Track Task Completion.

Advanced Search & Filtering

  • Checklist Local Search & Filters : Find tasks quickly with local search.
  • Checklist JQL & Search : Use JQL for advanced filtering.

User Experience

  • Mobile View : Optimized checklists for mobile access.
  • Themes : Checklist Supports Dark & Light Themes.

Checklist Workflow

  • Workflow Rules : Automate checklist task management.
  • User Assignment : Assign tasks to team members for clarity.

For questions, email [email protected] .

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Tick | Checklist for Jira integrates with your Atlassian product. This remote service can:

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  • Administer Jira projects
  • Delete data from the host application
  • Write data to the host application
  • Project Management

The Art of Effective Project Management at University

  • By Howie Jones
  • Last updated August 20, 2024

How to Effectively Manage Multiple University Projects

When you have multiple projects for college, they can feel like a dozen plates in the air at once. If one crashes to the ground, the others will follow. But if you can master keeping them all afloat, your academic life will be a breeze. Here are five pieces of advice from top essay writers to help you manage multiple projects and keep your GPA high and anxiety low!

1. Prioritize

Not all assignments are equal. Some will affect your final grade more than others, and some will take more time or resources to complete. First, you should determine the percentage each project contributes to your final grade, its difficulty, and when it’s due. Then, it would be best to map your workload’s terrain. After you have identified your assignments, prioritize them. Working on the most important projects first will help you focus your energy where it matters the most to your grade and can often lead to higher-quality work on the things that matter most.  Hire the  best essay writing service to aid with the most important tasks if needed. This will ensure that your key assignments are handled, greatly reducing your academic stress.

2. Create a Master Schedule

If you’re juggling several deadlines at once, you need a sort of master schedule – a list of all the project deadlines and key milestones. It’s a good idea to see your entire workload in calendar view, which will help you avoid the common error of overbooking yourself and anticipate potential conflicts early. The birds-eye view of your commitments allows you to break down time blocks into individual tasks. This way, you might set aside three-hour blocks over several days just for writing reports, for example, and allocate the other blocks for other tasks.

3. Utilize Project Management Tools

Utilize technology to stay on top of your projects. There are countless free project management tools with which you can track the progress of each project by setting up a board for each task. Here’s a list of top project management tools:

  • Trello – Visual board-based tool for organizing tasks.
  • Asana – User-friendly for tracking work and team collaboration.
  • Monday.com – Customizable for various project needs.
  • Microsoft Project – Comprehensive for complex project planning .
  • ClickUp – All-in-one tool for task management and planning.
  • Smartsheet – Combines spreadsheet interface with collaboration features.
  • Basecamp – Simplifies workflow with integrated communication tools.
  • Jira – Supports agile methodologies, ideal for software projects.

With such solutions, you can create steps, track your progress, and set deadlines to remind yourself of upcoming tasks. This removes the need to remember everything and keeps you focused on your tasks with reminders and progress bars.

4. Set Realistic Goals

It is good to be ambitious, but you will only be disappointed and stressed if you set impossible goals. Set realistic, measurable goals for each of your projects. For example, if you need to write a 20-page paper, break it into smaller parts and set a goal to accomplish one or two pages daily. Not only will this reduce the feeling that the task is overwhelming, but you will also be able to celebrate completing each small part of this assignment. This will help you stay motivated, making large-scale projects more manageable.

5. Learn to Say No

Saying ‘No’ to invitations to social events, other commitments, and even additional projects is among college life’s most difficult time-management demands. Your time is limited, and protecting it often means saying no. Protecting your time is crucial to project management: guarding it from demands that might spread you too thin.

Mastering the Art of Multiplicity

It’s less about magical multitasking solutions and more about strategic planning, pragmatic tools, and realistic expectations. Setting priorities, leveraging technology to manage details, taking a realistic approach to goal-setting, and protecting your time is how you can survive – and even thrive – in the juggling act of college life. The bottom line is this: you want to learn how to make your academics work for you to get the grades you want and achieve your goals while maintaining mental health. If you follow these tips, you’ll be on your way to becoming a master multitasker!

Howie Jones

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Freelance Assignment Editor

Job posting for freelance assignment editor at foxnew fox news network, llc.



Fox News is looking for an organized, motivated, curious individual with strong logistical and editorial skills to join our assignment desk team in our LA Bureau. The Freelance Assignment Editor will work with a team of people to coordinate daily news coverage, including adjusting reporters to cover breaking news and prioritizing incoming editorial information. The Freelance Assignment Editor has strong news judgment and can handle multiple breaking news stories in our fast-paced network newsroom environment. 


Monitor news, reach out to appropriate beat reporters/producers, and ensure that breaking and updated information is entered into the urgent queue

Assign and organize crews to meet the changing demands of day-to-day news coverage

Reach out to the bureau management team to flag breaking news in the West Coast region, providing a plan of action and coverage for live broadcast

Assist in tracking and logging news events with an emphasis on guiding employees to flag and highlight news developments

Monitor wires, social media, and other broadcast networks for news developments

Reach out to agencies, government departments, and FOX personnel to gather and confirm information


Bachelor’s degree in journalism or related field of study preferred, or equivalent experience

3 years of experience in a local or national newsroom

Strong logistical and editorial skills

Knowledge of network pool operations at the desk level with an emphasis on understanding the unilateral benefit

Must be a self-starter who can work independently, as well as a team player

Ability to work in a fast-paced environment, multitask, and prioritize on a daily basis, especially in breaking news situations

Familiarity with iNews, Outlook, and Jira a plus

Willingness to work a variety of non-traditional shifts, including weekends, early mornings, and overnights

We are an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, gender identity, disability, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. We will consider for employment qualified applicants with criminal histories consistent with applicable law.

At FOX, we foster a culture and environment where everyone feels welcome and can thrive. We are deeply committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion, including attracting, retaining, and promoting diverse talent across our company. We live in a diverse world, with different ideas and different perspectives that come together to spark new ideas and make great things happen. That means reflecting the diversity of the world around us is critical to our company’s success. We ensure that our viewers, communities and employees feel heard, represented, and celebrated both on screen and off. Click here to learn more about the diverse communities of people behind our brands. 

Salary : $32 - $45

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Goodbye Distractions, Hello Efficiency: The Best Team Collaboration Tools of 2024

The best team collaboration tools minimize distractions and boost productivity.

By the team at Slack August 23rd, 2024

Team collaboration tools can make a world of difference when it comes to work productivity, project efficiency, and employee satisfaction. In fact, workers with access to digital collaboration tools report being 17% more satisfied with their workplace culture than those who do not use them.

But how do you even pick the right tool with so many contenders on the market? You could research team collaboration apps for days on end and still have trouble narrowing down your top picks. The options are simply overwhelming.

If you’re suffering from decision fatigue in your search for the perfect team collaboration app, you’re in the right place. Here’s what you should know about these tools, including must-have features and how to measure an app’s true impact.

What is a team collaboration app?

Team collaboration apps facilitate communication, cooperation, and coordination among employees. These tools enable messaging, video conferencing, file sharing, and project management, allowing teammates to work together efficiently from anywhere.

Why team collaboration tools are important for business

The right team collaboration software helps employees communicate more efficiently and ultimately boosts productivity by reducing the time they spend in meetings and scrolling through complicated email threads. Here’s how:

  • Team members can leverage real-time messaging and video calls to resolve issues quickly, move projects forward, and minimize unnecessary back-and-forths and misunderstandings.
  • Asynchronous features such as shared documents , dashboards, and project management interfaces let users access critical information at their convenience and make informed decisions independently.
  • Workflow automation , optimization, and integration capabilities streamline processes and eliminate bottlenecks.

Team collaboration apps provide centralized knowledge-sharing platforms , which can help speed up onboarding and smooth transitions when employees leave or move into different roles. These tools encourage team members to share their expertise through discussion boards, knowledge bases, and collaborative documents, fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

Tools for team collaboration support remote and hybrid work by providing virtual workspaces where users can collaborate seamlessly as if they were in the same physical office. The flexibility helps organizations tap into a broader talent pool so they can attract and retain the best employees and stay competitive and relevant.

How IBM uses Slack to boost team collaboration

IBM uses Slack as its work operating system to enhance internal communication and collaboration. The company’s more than 250,000 employees send an average of 9.2 million Slack messages daily to make their work happen.

Since 2015, IBM has installed more than 3,500 off-the-shelf and custom apps, and it uses 3,400 automated workflows monthly. Integrating Slack with tools such as Google Drive and Jira helps streamline workflows and boost productivity. Meanwhile, transparent communication allows users to find the right information for fast and accurate decision-making.

Key features to look for in team collaboration tools

Here are the must-have features your team collaboration tools should bring to the table:

Real-time messaging and communication

Instant messaging allows team members to communicate in real-time for timely decision-making without a formal meeting. Group chats help keep multiple stakeholders in the loop at once, while notifications and alerts encourage prompt responses by letting team members know as soon as they have new messages, mentions, or updates.

Audio and video calls

When the written word won’t quite cut it, your team collaboration platform should facilitate audio or video conferencing for real-time virtual huddles and meetings. Whether you’re hopping into a spontaneous call or scheduling a more formal, structured meeting, make sure your team collaboration software is up to the task.

File sharing and document collaboration

Your team collaboration app should allow users to easily share documents , images, videos, and other files within the platform. It should also provide version control functionality to ensure that all stakeholders have access to the most recent version of each document, including the ability to track changes and revert to previous versions.

Real-time editing capabilities allow multiple users to collaborate on the same document simultaneously, boosting efficiency and reducing the amount of time spent on revisions. Additionally, integration with cloud storage services such as Google Drive, Dropbox , or OneDrive enables seamless access to files and documents.

Project tracking and task management

Pick a team collaboration tool that lets you assign tasks to specific team members, set due dates, and send reminders. Your chosen platform should also support visual aids such as Kanban boards, Gantt charts, and progress bars to help you monitor projects’ status and progress.

See that your software uses labels and tags to help you prioritize tasks, categorize work, and help team members focus on the most critical items. You should also be able to use comments, attachments, and mentions to facilitate discussions about individual tasks and make relevant information available in one place to minimize delays and errors.

How to choose the right online collaboration tool

What should you consider when selecting an online collaboration tool? Follow these steps to cover the essentials.

Assess your team’s specific needs

  • Determine the core functions your team needs, such as messaging, file sharing, task management, and video conferencing.
  • Address how your team members communicate and whether they prefer to work synchronously or asynchronously.
  • Consider your team’s size and structure: does it include sub-teams or remote members?
  • Evaluate team-specific tasks, work volume, and cross-departmental collaboration.
  • Your teammates should be technically proficient enough to use your chosen tool effectively.

Consider project requirements

Evaluate your projects’ complexity to determine whether a team collaboration tool can support your specific workflows and processes. Consider whether you’ll need advanced project management features, such as Gantt charts and resource allocation. Your team collaboration tool should also provide sufficient document management capabilities and meet security standards to comply with company policies and industry regulations.

Compare pricing and scalability

Review pricing plans to find an option that meets your budget. Some team collaboration apps offer free plans with limited features, so compare free options versus paid ones to weigh the costs and benefits of pricier subscription tiers.

Consider whether your chosen collaboration tool can scale to support your team’s growth. For example, you should be able to add users, increase storage, or upgrade features as your needs evolve. Also, sign up for free trials to take the apps for a spin before committing to a purchase.

Evaluate integration capabilities with existing tools

See if your top-choice team collaboration app can integrate with your team’s current tech stack, which might include CRM systems , email platforms, and file storage solutions. App integrations can help your team streamline its workflows. You may also consider the pros and cons of pulling together multiple tools to get the functionalities you need rather than using one all-purpose platform, for simplicity and cost savings.

The best team collaboration tools

No one can be an expert at everything. Similarly, we can’t expect any one team collaboration tool to excel in every aspect. Even so, you can still have your cake and eat it too: Slack readily integrates with more than 2,600 apps , allowing users to access their favorite tools directly from Slack to minimize context switching and increase productivity .

Check out these top-notch collaboration apps, all of which integrate seamlessly with Slack’s work operating system:

  • Best collaboration app for team chat: Slack allows you to organize communication via channels and threads .
  • Best collaboration app for video conferencing and screen sharing: Slack huddles supports on-the-spot video conferencing, audio calls, and screen-sharing capabilities.
  • Best collaboration app for online whiteboarding: Miro makes it easy to orchestrate brainstorming sessions with remote teams.
  • Best collaboration app for mind mapping: Forky is a distraction-free mind-mapping tool for real-time collaboration.
  • Best collaboration app for screen recording: Loom allows you to share your screen and record a message with or without a talking head.
  • Best collaboration app for project management: Asana ’s intuitive dashboard helps you keep track of projects without leaving Slack.
  • Best collaboration app for shared digital workspaces: Google Workspace includes cloud computing, productivity, and collaboration tools.
  • Best collaboration app for AI meeting assistance: Fireflies automatically transcribes meeting notes and creates summaries and recaps.
  • Best collaboration app for file storage: Google Drive offers a centralized repository for files and documents.
  • Best collaboration app for automating workflows: Slack’s Workflow Builder enables less tech-savvy users to automate processes without writing code.
  • Best collaboration app for knowledge sharing: Notion makes it easy to build searchable databases so you can track and manage projects.
  • Best collaboration app for security: 1Password offers easy management for passwords and payment details.

Measuring the success of team collaboration tools

Investing in the right tool is just the first step — measuring the impact is just as, if not more, important. Here are some tips for measuring the success of whichever collaboration tool you choose.

Track user adoption

Collect user engagement metrics and track daily, weekly, and monthly active users to understand how your team uses the tool. Analyze this data to see which features are most popular and which are underutilized. You may also conduct regular team surveys to gather feedback, understand users’ challenges, and inform targeted improvements.

Calculate cost savings

Measure how much time your team collaboration tool saves users on emails, meetings, document searches, and other relevant tasks. To assess whether your tool of choice has boosted productivity, track and compare project completion times before and after implementation. Calculate the ROI by comparing the cost of the tool against the financial benefits gained from increased efficiency and reduced operational costs.

Measure employee satisfaction and retention

Survey team members to see if they’re satisfied with your team collaboration app. Monitor employee retention rates pre- and post-implementation, and see whether the tool contributes to a more positive and efficient work environment. Also, establish feedback channels to understand the app’s impact on team members’ daily work and see how the tool improves flexible work arrangements .

Maximize team collaboration with Slack

Effective team collaboration involves many moving parts. You can build a solid foundation by fostering a supportive culture, setting measurable goals, and tracking team members’ progress after implementing new collaboration software.

If you use Slack as your team collaboration platform, our work operating system makes it easy to establish clear communication channels so teammates can focus on productive interactions and feel empowered to provide feedback in real-time. To learn how Slack can strengthen collaboration among your teammates and help you complete projects faster and better, contact our sales team .

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At least 5 Secret Service agents have been placed on modified duty after Trump assassination attempt


U.S. Secret Service Acting Director Ronald Rowe, testifies during a Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Senate Judiciary hearing examining the security failures leading to the assassination attempt on Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump, Tuesday, July 30, 2024 in Washington. (AP Photo/Rod Lamkey, Jr.)

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At least five Secret Service agents have been placed on modified duty after the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump in July, a law enforcement official told The Associated Press.

They include the special agent in charge of the Pittsburgh field office and three other agents assigned to that office, which was responsible for the security planning ahead of the July 13 rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, according to the law enforcement official who had direct knowledge of the matter. One of the five agents was assigned to Trump’s protective detail, the official said.

The official was not authorized to publicly disclose details of the personnel investigation and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.

The agents are on administrative leave, meaning they cannot do investigative or protective work.

Multiple investigations have been launched as officials probe a complicated law enforcement failure that allowed a man with an AR-style rifle to get close enough to shoot and injure Trump at the rally .

Trump was struck in the ear but avoided serious injury. One spectator was killed and two others were injured.


The shooting was a devastating failure of one of the agency’s core duties and led to the resignation of the Secret Service’s then-director, Kim Cheatle.

At a congressional hearing after the assassination attempt, Cheatle acknowledged that the Secret Service was told about a suspicious person two to five times before the shooting. She also revealed that the roof from which Thomas Matthew Crooks opened fire had been identified as a potential vulnerability days before the rally.

Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe Jr., who took over after Cheatle’s resignation , has said he “cannot defend why that roof was not better secured.”

Associated Press writer Rebecca Santana contributed to this report.

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Houston Astros Activate Past World Series Champ Amid Multiple Roster Moves

Brad wakai | aug 24, 2024.

Oct 23, 2023; Houston, Texas, USA; Houston Astros pitcher Hector Neris (50) reacts after the fifth inning of game seven in the ALCS against the Texas Rangers for the 2023 MLB playoffs at Minute Maid Park

  • Houston Astros

Coming into their contest on Saturday, the Houston Astros will have to flush what happened on Friday night when they held what felt like a commanding lead before their bullpen gave it up late in the eighth inning.

Things like that happen throughout the long season, but it never feels good to give away games against other top American League contenders that could have seeding ramifications when it comes time for the playoffs.

Ahead of the third game in this important series against the Baltimore Orioles , some roster changes have been announced by the Astros that includes officially activating their past World Series champion, Hector Neris, who they were able to reunite with early this week .

ROSTER MOVES: The Astros have signed RHP Hector Neris (#50) to a ML contract. Neris will join the club today in BAL. To make room for Neris on the active roster, Houston optioned RHP Seth Martinez to Triple A Sugar Land following last night’s game. Houston also designated IF… — Houston Astros (@astros) August 24, 2024

The star right-hander will hope to regain his form in Houston after he struggled with his command during his stint with the Chicago Cubs .

He was coming off a career year in 2023, so if he can channel that type of performance, then he will become a major weapon for this team down the stretch.

In other moves, Seth Martinez was optioned as a corresponding action related to Neris's activation.

This could be seen as an interesting decision considering he's putting together one of the best performances of his career with a 3.04 ERA through 42 appearances so far. However, his last seven outings have seen him begin to struggle with five earned runs allowed on 11 hits in 7.1 innings pitched.

Bringing in a proven arm like Neris will allow Martinez to work on some things in the minors with the opportunity to rejoin Houston for the final part of the year.

Jacob Amaya appeared in one game before getting designated for assignment, and with Kaleb Ort getting reinstated from the paternity list, the Astros also optioned Shawn Dubin to their Triple-A affiliate.

Brad Wakai

Brad Wakai graduated from Penn State University with a degree in Journalism. While an undergrad, he did work at the student radio station covering different Penn State athletic programs like football, basketball, volleyball, soccer and other sports. Brad currently covers the Philadelphia Phillies, Chicago Cubs and Houston Astros for Sports Illustrated/FanNation. He is also the Lead Contributor for Nittany Lions Wire of Gannett Media where he continues to cover Penn State athletics. Brad is the host of the sports podcast I Said What I Said, discussing topics across the NFL, College Football, the NBA and other sports. You can follow him on Twitter: @bwakai


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  5. How do I assign issues to multiple users?

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  6. Assign issue in jira to multiple users

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  7. Multiple Assignees

    🚀 Introducing Multiple Assignees for Jira: Transform collaboration and supercharge productivity with ease. 🤝 Streamline Collaboration: Elevate teamwork by assigning multiple team members to a single Jira issue. Improve visibility, enhance communication, and boost overall productivity. 🔄 Share the Workload: Say goodbye to task overload.

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    1 Trigger - When: Issue created. 3 Conditions - If:matches, Else-if:matches, Else. 3 actions - Then:Assign the issue to x 3. Next, set a name for the rule and click the Turn it on button. In the example below, we used the name "Auto assign issues by type". You should see the following success indicator.

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    By design JIRA can only have 1 assignee at a time to a given issue. ... JRASERVER-30249 Allow multiple types of assignment on Stories/Tasks/Bugs. Closed; is duplicated by. JRASERVER-1802 assign issue to multiple developers. Closed; JRASERVER-1912 Alility to assign a task to more than 1 developer. Closed; JRASERVER-2537 Pair Assignments.

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    Here is the answer. April 26, 2021. Tasks in Jira are used to distribute different chores in a team. You assign a task to an employee (assignee). But in some cases it can be helpful to assign an issue to multiple assignees. For example, if a task is handled by multiple employees because it requires more knowledge and resources.

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    Step 3: Add an action. Every rule finishes with an action. This is what actually executes the rule and does something in Jira (or externally). In this case, choose the ' Assign issue ' action. The default setting for this action is to assign to whoever triggered the event so we leave it as is. However, you could specify a person, group ...

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  22. Tick

    Mentions: Tag dates, users, and Jira issues within tasks for context. Emojis: Enhance communication with emoji support. Drag and Drop: Easily rearrange tasks and lists. Task Management . Due Dates: Assign and manage deadlines. Task Tooltip: Hover for quick task details. Multiple Tasklists: Manage different aspects of projects with separate lists.

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    The ability to assign multiple task owners should be added to Jira, agile scrum at a minimum. Collaboration is enshrined in both the agile manifesto and scrum guide and part of the DNA.. shared understanding, shared ownership, the best ideas come from developers and the business people working together daily, and the list goes on.. Shared ownership is a good thing!

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    Issue view. Board view. Set up: Create a new custom field from the Advanced options: User Picker (multiple users). Add it to your Issue screen (Optional: Remove Assignee) -> The data will still be there. Create an automation that sends notifications as needed. Add your new field to the card layout in the board settings.

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    The Houston Astros have made some roster moves ahead of their third matchup with the Baltimore Orioles including activating one of their past World Series champions.