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IELTS Band 6.5 Essays (with Corrections and Comments – Task 2)

by Dave | Understanding Task 2 Writing | 5 Comments

IELTS Band 6.5 Essays (with Corrections and Comments – Task 2)

Here are some band 6.5 IELTS essays for writing task 2 that I have marked and corrected for past students.

*I update this post all the time so check back to see new band 6.5 corrections!

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IELTS Band 6.5 Essays

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ielts writing task 2 essay band 6.5

  • February 25, 2021
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IELTS Writing task 2 band 6.5 | Public transportation

ielts writing task 2 essay band 6.5

Today, we will be looking at two writing task 2 essays about public transport. They would both score 6.5 in the test for different reasons. Read on to find out more about why these essay would score 6.5, and what would make them better!

Many people believe that free public transportation should be available in most major cities.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this idea?

You should write at least 250 words.

According to many, public transport which can be used without paying charges should be available in most metropolitan cities. The major benefit of this belief is traffic congestion will be reduced noticeably. Whereas , a drawback is the more burdens will occur on the government.

An increasing number of private vehicles on the roads are creating an enormous amount of traffic, which is closely tied to produce a massive amount of sound pollution . It is, eventually, harmful to the human lungs and ears. Applying free public transportation can result in encouraging people to switch from their personal car to public vehicles in daily activities. In this way, the government can draw a line on excessively increasing traffic amount in urban settings as well as sound pollution would be cut back . Free public transportation can also help individually because people can move around without paying a fare, and they do not have to think of parking or maintenance costs, which they have to spend if they use a private car. Consequently, It can be said that free public transportation has many advantages for both individuals and states.

Despite a number of benefits, there are also some drawbacks of free public transportation. One of the major difficulties is the government have to be undergone a burden because they have to allot a huge amount of tax-payers money to invest for launching public vehicles and continuously pay the maintenance cost of free public transportation and in return, the government will be got no amount of money. This massive amount of money the government could use for the neediest sector, such as the infrastructural improvement of the healthcare system which is the most important part of the people who actually pay the taxes. With the huge disadvantage of free public transportation, it cannot be considered a wise decision to make public transportation free of charge.

In conclusion, free public transportation can come up with the blessings of less traffic congestion in most mejor cities. Besides , it also creates a huge problem for the government can not give their focal point on other neediest sectors.

Task Achievement

The task achievement is good here.

One issue that prevents this essay from scoring higher for task achievement is that the conclusion does not properly cover the main points in the body of the essay. This means that it addresses all parts of the task (band 7), but the band 8 criterion (sufficiently addresses all parts of the task) is not met.

Note that the conclusion does not say whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. This is fine because the question does not ask which are greater!

The body paragraphs have nice, logical concluding remarks, meaning that ideas develop well.

  • addresses all parts of the task
  • presents a clear position throughout the response
  • presents, extends and supports main ideas , but there may be a tendency to overgeneralise and/or supporting ideas may lack focus

Paragraphing is logical and there is clear progression throughout.

The use of cohesive devices (transition signals, referencing and substitution) is usually good in this essay, with lots of variety. The use of coherence markers is not mechanical.

The reason that this essay does not score band 7 is that several cohesive devices are incorrectly used: whereas (in the introduction) and besides in the conclusion are wrong. The meaning of besides is inappropriate, and whereas has been used with only one clause, whereas correct use would require two clauses (see what I did there? 😉). Another error with transitions is the use of as well as – it is being used to substitute and, but the usage is incorrect.

There is an idea that doesn’t properly match up here: sound pollution and harm to the lungs. This would prevent the essay from scoring higher once issues with transition signals are fixed.

  • arranges information and ideas coherently and there is a clear overall progression
  • uses cohesive devices effectively, but cohesion within and/or between sentences may be faulty or mechanical
  • may not always use referencing clearly or appropriately
  • uses paragraphing, but not always logically

Lexical resource

There is some good vocabulary with an awareness of style and location.

There are some collocation errors, but there is enough good vocabulary here to justify the higher score.

Wording in the conclusion is quite clumsy (can come up with the blessings of less traffic congestion) and needs to be tidied up.

Some other word choice and word for errors include ‘belief’ vs ‘concept / idea’, ‘burdens will occur’ vs ‘burdens will be placed on’, ‘draw a line on’ vs ‘draw a line under’, ‘think of’ vs ‘think about’, ‘costs are spent’ vs ‘costs are incurred’. However, the meaning is clear throughout.

  • uses a sufficient range of vocabulary to allow some flexibility and precision
  •  uses less common lexical items with some awareness of style and collocation 
  • may produce occasional errors in word choice, spelling and/or word formation

Grammatical range and accuracy

The grammar is also good here, but the seriousness of errors prevents a higher score.

There are a few errors where the writer has not used the passive, and it makes the meaning a little confusing: ‘this massive amount of money the government could use’ vs ‘this massive amount of money could be used by the government’, ‘One of the major difficulties is the government have to be undergone a burden’ vs ‘The government has to undergo a burden’ (or better still, ‘a burden is placed on the government’, ‘the government will be got’ vs ‘the government will get’

There are a few grammatical issues around the transition signals ‘whereas’ and ‘as well as’.

  • Uses a mix of simple and complex sentence forms
  • Makes some errors in grammar and punctuation but they rarely reduce communication

A lot of people are of the opinion that public transport should be cost free and accessible in large cities however this idea has its merits and demerits .

Firstly we will discuss one of the merits which is easy travels.

A large number of individuals need to move from place to place via public transport such as buses, trains and ferries or using commercial motorcycles and taxi services. Making these services free and available improves for use improves the living conditions of the people as they can visit places without having to worry about the cost and this helps to save money as the money spent on transport fare can be unbearable . For example, people who work far from home spend almost all their earnings on transportation. If this is excluded, more money can be saved and used for other pressing issued such as feeding and care of the family thereby giving the low income workers live a comfortable life.

One of the disadvantages include increase in tax payment by locals. In most countries, tax paid by the people is used for its development. Revenue from transportation is quite significant as it is used on a daily basis but if this were to be made free, it will cause a fall in revenue generation and thereby causing an increase in tax on other sectors such as water, electricity and health.

Another disadvantage is overcrowding. Making public transport free will encourage its use by many as I is for a fact that most people love free services. This in turn increases the number of people in a particular place thereby increase the risk of spreading communicable disease such as the deadly Coronavirus, tuberculosis and exacerbation of asthma as a result of congestion .

In conclusion, the benefits of making public transport free of charge and available include easy movement from place to place, a more convenient life and reduce expenses however , it could cause increase in tax payment for other services and increase the risk in the transmission of diseases.

Task achievement is good overall with good idea development and logical conclusions.

There is some overgeneralisation in the example about people spending almost all their earnings on transportation. A bit more specificity and focus would be good (Some/many workers in developing countries who commute long distances spend…)

The paragraph about overcrowding could also be a bit more focused (a particular place = packed into confined spaces on buses and trains, thereby increasing…)

It would be nice if the introduction either gave a bit more background on the topic or more fully introduced some of the main arguments.

The writer would benefit from covering another advantage, or directly stating multiple advantages (e.g. There are clear advantages of free public transport: not only do citizens save transport fares, but it can also reduce levels of poverty by giving the poorest families more disposable income).

  • presents, extends and supports main ideas, but there may be a tendency to overgeneralise and/or supporting ideas may lack focus

The paragraphing is usually good, but there is a very noticeable issue with the paragraph ‘Firstly we will discuss one of the merits which is easy travels’.

This could be added into the introduction (although it isn’t a great purpose statement because it hasn’t really dealt with the overall purpose of the essay, rather it is only introducing the following paragraph). It could also be added to the paragraph about saving money, but it wouldn’t make a very strong topic sentence because it is far too general.

There is good use of cohesive devices, and the structure is neither repetitive nor mechanical.

  • uses cohesive devices effectively , but cohesion within and/or between sentences may be faulty or mechanical

The use of demerits is very common amongst non-native speakers preparing for their IELTS tests. We don’t know where it has come from, but we don’t like it. In all my years of reading articles across a very wide range of disciplines, I have only seen this word used once or twice to mean disadvantage as opposed to penalty (and it wasn’t by a native speaker). It is hardly ever used by native speakers and it sounds unnatural. Avoid!!!

There is a good range of vocabulary, including some nice collocations. Some good examples of vocabulary here are: living conditions; earnings; tax payment; development; revenue from transportation; significant; revenue generation; sectors; overcrowding; services the risk of spreading communicable disease; coronavirus/tuberculosis/exacerbation of asthma (showing a range of health vocab in a relevant context).

There are some unfortunate word choices and word form errors that prevent this from scoring more highly: unbearable vs unmanageable; pressing issued vs pressing issues; the use of congestion is confusing for a number of reasons: traffic congestion? Nasal congestion? It is likely the writer meant ‘crowded’.

  • may produce occasional errors in word choice , spelling and/or word formation

There is some great grammar here, but unfortunately there are fairly frequent punctuation errors which lead to quite a high error density, preventing this from receiving a better score.

The writer needs to work on the grammar used around the word ‘thereby’ – it is an excellent cohesive device, and the use is appropriate. The grammar is quite complicated, though:

‘Thereby’ on its own is following by a noun phrase and should not include a verb (thereby giving the low-income workers live a comfortable life; thereby increase the risk of spreading communicable disease)

‘and thereby’ – the rules for and take over: it needs to follow the grammar of the idea being linked by the ‘and’ (‘it will cause a fall in revenue generation and thereby causing an increase in tax on’ should be ‘ it will cause a fall in revenue generation and will thereby cause an increase in tax on’).

That brings an end to this essay rating. If you are preparing for your IELTS test and want to find out a bit more about task 2, check out our post giving five tips to improve your IELTS writing task 2 ! In both essays, the writers would get the same scores in all 4 criteria, but for different reasons. Was there anything here that surprised you? Have your say, and comment in the section below!  Click here for the full public IELTS task 2 writing descriptors .

If you need your writing corrected and rated, make sure that you check out our writing corrections and feedback service!

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Comparing IELTS essay band 6.5 and band 8 for writing task 2

Home  »  IELTS academic task 2 » Comparing IELTS essay band 6.5 and band 8 for writing task 2

In this article, we will be looking at a few writing task 2 sample essays that got Band 8 , and others that got Band 6.5 in IELTS academic writing Task 2 in the IELTS exam .

We will look at the criteria, analyze their structures, and compare their differences to see why one was graded higher than the other.

What are the differences between the essays?

Let’s begin by looking at the examples of two separate essays - one that scored Band 6.5, and one that scored Band 8.

We will first analyze both introductions and then look at their first paragraphs.

IELTS writing task 2 sample one: essay’s introduction that scored band 6.5

Topic: More students are travelling abroad for further education. Do you believe the advantages of this experience are greater than the drawbacks associated with it?

Introduction: Since the last ten years, there are many more students who travel abroad to study to international universities. I will investigate the advantages and disadvantages on this pattern in this essay. Analysis: In this example, the writer develops the idea of the title that more students travel abroad to study.

There are four grammatical errors in the use of prepositions and tenses.

Moreover, the introduction is short, and the range of language is appropriate but basic. This paragraph deserves a score of 6.5.

IELTS writing task 2 sample two: essay’s introduction that scored band 8

Introduction: There have been an increasing number of students travelling internationally for further education in recent years. Whereas some people argue that studying abroad is a very positive experience, others suggest that there are several problems associated for it. I believe that the advantages of a study-abroad experience outweigh the drawbacks.

In this example, the candidate writes a more developed introduction and offers a reference to the pros and cons of studying abroad.

Apart from one preposition error, the use of complex grammar and tense are accurate.

The writer uses a linking word of contrast (Whereas) to introduce an adverbial clause appropriately.

Moreover, the paragraph is coherent and there is a wide variety of language. This type of writing merits a score of 8.

IELTS writing task 2 sample three: essay’s first paragraph that scored band 6.5

First paragraph: First of all, studying abroad is exciting and you can meet a lot of persons from other countries. You can find opportunities to study new subjects you are not finding at your home town university. Yet , you can be feeling lonely and feeling homesickness from time to time. As example , I have had this experience when I visited Japan for my study experience three years ago. Analysis: In this extract, the candidate attempts to present a topic sentence with examples. However, there are significant grammar and tense issues.

The writer uses Yet instead of the linking word of contrast However .

An example of studying abroad is provided, but it is not clear why this example is given, or what is shows in relation to the topic sentence.

Although this paragraph is understandable, the redundancy (use of feeling twice in line 3), lack of a conclusive example and inaccurate structure will limit the score to a 6.5.

IELTS writing task 2 sample four: essay’s first paragraph that scored band 8

First paragraph: First of all, a study-abroad trip offers the opportunity to experience education in a new culture. For example, the Erasmus program allows Spanish students to attend university in The United Kingdom. These students can develop English language skills of the country they are visiting. Furthermore, they can learn in a system that is different to that of their home country. This is a truly invaluable experience for any person wishing to enrich their education.

This paragraph offers a topic sentence. The writer then elaborates the topic further by giving a very specific example.

An appropriate linking word ( Furthermore ) develops the main idea. The employment of connectors is precise; the use of vocabulary is varied and appropriate.

To summarize, the essay that achieved the higher score had a cohesive structure, developed the answer with very specific examples, used connectors and maintained clear, complex grammar and use of language.

Conclusion of why one essay scored higher than the other

As you can see, using a more advanced vocabulary and more developed sentences will get you a higher score . Making sure to use the right linking words, and have a varied vocabulary will also increase your Band.

Overall, a candidate with a score of Band 8 or higher will address all parts of the writing task sufficiently, and in at least 250 words. The writer will create a well-developed response to the questions, followed by specific examples to support their ideas.

The candidate will use appropriate connectors to sequence points in a logical manner, and create paragraphs in a cohesive format.

When the structure is right, the use of the language is a little more advanced, and the thought process is thorough, getting a Band 8 or higher for an essay should not be a problem.

Tutorials and Tips to Prepare for Task 2

  • How to Get Ideas for Task 2
  • Extremely Useful Sentences for Task 2
  • Five Powerful Sentence Structures to use in your IELTS Writing test
  • What is a good score for IELTS?
  • How to use comparisons in Task 2
  • Concession Paragraphs for “do I agree/disagree essays”
  • How to write an IELTS Essay Conclusion
  • IELTS Cohesion and Coherence
  • 3 ways to paraphrase for your Task 2 introduction
  • Marking Criteria for IELTS Writing
  • Topics Sentences for Your Essays
  • 7 Ways to Improve your Sentences in Your IELTS Essays
  • Grammar for IELTS Writing
  • Academic Collocations for Task 2
  • Writing Task 2: How to answer Problem/Solution style questions

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IELTS Band 6 Essay Samples

These are IELTS band 6 essay samples that have been given grades (of 6 or 6.5) and basic comments on the score for each criteria by an experienced IELTS instructor. 

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Topic: Wages of Entertainers (band 6)

Some people believe that entertainers are paid too much and their impact on society is negative, while others disagree and believe that they deserve the money that they make because of their positive effects on society. 

Discuss both opinions and give your own opinion. 

The entertainment industry is one of the largest sectors in all around the world. Some think that the people who work in that industry earn too much money considering their bad influence on society, and I agree.  Others, however, believe that their positive impact on others is worth the money that they are paid.

On the one hand, there is no doubt that show business is an enormous and unfairly well paid sector. In addition to that, members of it do not add real value, compared to others like, for instance, education workers. Although in some countries teachers live with unreasonable wages, their responsibility, is extremely valuable for next generations become better people. Whereas a singer can earn double their yearly salary from one concert. The other important point is, for a balanced and equal society, the difference between income levels must not be very high. Regardless than their contribution, no one should make billions of dollars that easily, because that imbalance does have a significant negative impact on societies.

On the other hand, some people think that entertainers’ contribution to the modern life is worth the money they earn. It can be understood that for many people, watching a movie or going to a concert is irreplaceable with other activities; therefore, they think that their positive impact is crucial for a significant proportion of people. In addition to that, celebrities do compromise their privacy and freedom with being known by many others. In exchange of that, they do deserve a comfortable life with significantly better paychecks.

In conclusion, despite their minimal contribution with their work to the people and sacrifice from their private life; I believe that their impact is far from being positive and they are not paid fairly or balanced with others.

Task Response: 7

Both parts of the question are fully answered and there is a clear position and opinion presented. But some of the support loses focus and generalises too much. This can be seen in the last part of body paragraph one, which just states there are negative impacts again but does not say why. 

Coherence & Cohesion: 6

Fairly well-organised but there are some issues with CC. For instance 'in addition' does not fit in body paragraph one so early as the topic sentence has yet to be explained. The thesis would be better with the opinion at the end. 

Lexical Resource: 6

An adequate range of vocabulary but there are inaccuracies and mistakes with word forms. 

Grammatical Range and Accuracy: 6

Good range and mix of simple and complex sentences but too many noticeable errors for a band 7. For instance, "Regardless than their contribution" or the fragment: "Whereas a singer can earn double their yearly salary from one concert."

Topic: Computers and Teaching (Band 6)

School children are becoming far too dependent on computers and this is having an alarming effect on reading and writing skills. Teachers need to avoid using computers in the classroom at all costs and go back to teaching basic study skills.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Children are born into the digital world. From young age, they know how to operate computers, iPad, and TV. It is part of their daily life. School age children is no exception to the use of computers. They are confident users of computers and very dependent on them which can lead to decline in reading and writing skills. Some teachers utilise the computers well in their lessons, while others avoid the use of computers in their classrooms. I believe good balance of both is needed to help students’ reading and writing skills to improve.

Computers can help students with reading. For example, if students come across unknown words, they can search the unknow words and hear the pronunciation. If it was not for the computers, they have to find someone who knows how to pronounce the words for them. Therefore, computers can play positive role in students’ reading skills.

On the other hands, writing skills need to be improved by lots of handwritten works. If students are using computers all the time and getting the help of autocorrection, they will not improve their writing skills. They will not know how to edit as autocorrect is doing the job for them.

In conclusion, I believe that teachers should not allow students to do all the work on the computers especially writing tasks. However, teacher should not avoid the use of computer as computers can be a great help if they use it effectively. Rather than avoiding computers that students are so used to, teachers need to come up with how to use it effectively to enhance students’ reading and writing skills.

Task Response: 6

You have addressed the question properly and your ideas are relevant. However, you don’t have enough support in your body paragraphs, which is the most important aspect with regards to the grading. Shorten your introduction considerably (2 or 3 sentences to introduce the topic and thesis). It currently doesn’t meet the requirement of “presents, extends and supports main ideas” for band 7.

You sequence information and ideas logically, but your linking devices are a bit too mechanical  i.e. transition words in initial sentence position e.g. for example, therefore, on the other hand etc. A greater range and higher ability to link would be needed for 7 and over. Take a look at this advice on using transitions for band 7 .  Referencing should also be improved e.g. “Some teachers utilise the computers well in their lessons, while others avoid the use of computers them in their classrooms.”

Lexical Resource: 7

Sufficient range of vocab and some less common vocab used, but some errors in word choice / formation prevent a band 8.

Overall the grammar is very good, but there is an error in quite a few of the sentences. Most are quite minor but a couple of very noticeable and the candidates need to take care with this to avoid a drop to a 6.

Topic: Improved Medical Care (Band 6.5)

One of the consequences of improved medical care is that people are living longer and life expectancy is increasing.  

Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

Since the medical care system has made significant progress in the last decades, people nowadays get older. While this can be seen as a clear benefit on a personal view, it causes huge problems on a global view. That’s why I think that the benefits of a higher life expectancy do not outweigh the drawbacks.  On the one hand, an advantage of a longer life and better medical care is that people can spend more time with their loved ones without being in pain. As it is possible to treat illnesses the way, that they don’t affect the patient’s life anymore. For example, even a few years ago a lot of people died having a heart attack. With the increased medical possibilities this isn’t the case anymore. As a result, people can overcome illnesses that were deadly.  On the other hand, the global impact a longer life expectancy has is huge. This can be seen by the fact that a longer life of individuals means a higher population on planet earth. For instance, we already have about 8 billion inhabitants and this number is increasing steadily. Consequently, we’ll not have enough resources to gain food and water for such a high number of individuals.  Furthermore, a longer life period also causes higher costs for the medical care system. Reason for that is that more resources are needed to keep people healthy and alive. To illustrate, for the prevention of a heart attack the patient gets a variety of pills to decrease his blood pressure. This medication is expensive. Accordingly, we will need more and more young people to finance the medical system, or the system must be changed.  All in all, it is understandable that people wish to have a healthy and very long life. But in my opinion the global disadvantages clearly outweigh the personal advantages of a longer life and better medical care. 

Content of the essay and ideas are generally okay. However, the initial explanation for the advantages is not always clear. The reader has to still think about what you mean about “being in pain.” A stricter examiner could penalize either TR or CC because the reader still has to process what is meant in this paragraph. But I think the average examiner will give you a 7 as the other paragraphs are ok.

Coherence & Cohesion: 7

The use of sequencers is okay. CC levels 8 and 9 do not necessarily have very obvious introductory phrases at the beginning of nearly every sentence (e.g. on the one hand, for example, as a result), and too many could even limit it to a band 6 if it is very mechanical. Take a look at model 8/9 essays to see how it should be done if you want a higher score.

Vocabulary is okay, despite an error or two. But for a higher score, you’ll need more complex words.

There is a good mix of complex sentences though this aspect could be improved – some sentences could be linked together to make the essay more complex, which would be expected for a band 7, 8 and 9. And this is confusing – “As it is possible to treat illnesses the way, that they don’t affect the patient’s life anymore.” Check out how to write complex sentences as you appear to have a fragment - complex sentences .

Double-check to correct errors you are aware of. As earlier mentioned, the first body paragraph has issues. There are also punctuation issues (comma) in other areas. I think this does not quite reach a 7 but is very close.

Topic: Strength in Sport (Band 6)

Some people think that physical strength is important for success in sport, while others think that mental strength is more important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Physical energy is considered to be an imperative aspect for achievements in the field of sports. However, many individuals argue that mental strength also plays a pivotal role. This essay represents view for both sides along with the opinion. Firstly, talking about physical energy, regular exercises enables an individual to stay fit and healthy by stretching body muscles that keeps the body active. Secondly, exercises can be performed in a way of practising any activity related to sports; for an instance, playing tennis or football may provides an encouragement and an exploration of new ideas and techniques that can be applied during games. Lastly, exercises reduces the risk of health issues, such as alterations in blood pressure, cardio-vascular diseases, by regulating blood flow in whole body that prevents risk of heart and brain strokes. On the other side, a healthy mind lives in a healthy body. According to this phrase, mental strength performs a crucial role in sports activities. In today's world of competition, a person came through many situations that are full of stress, for example, team pressure, pressure of winning or loosing the game. Moreover, an individual cannot focus on sports unless or until his mental strength is not strong. A stress may leads a player into depression which can put him on stress releasing medication for his entire life. Furthermore, state of happiness provides relaxation to mental power that boost up the confidence level to perform well in the sports. In my opinion, both physical as well as mental strength are considered to be mandatory because if exercises helps in the growth of body similarly mental strength gives confidence and support to play well.

The essay addresses all parts of the task, a clear position is presented throughout the response and main ideas are extended and supported main ideas. However, there is a tendency to overgeneralise and/or supporting ideas may lack focus.

The essay is clearly organised but it tends to be a bit mechanical with the use of the transition/sequencers (e.g. firstly, secondly, lastly etc).

There is an adequate range of vocabulary for the task but not enough to meet the and 7 criteria of "sufficient range of vocabulary to allow some flexibility and precision" or "uses less common lexical items".

In this IELTS band 6 essay sample there is evidence of a mix of both simple and complex structures but error free sentences are not frequent (band 7), but the errors present do not reduce the communicative effect so it merits a 6, not 5.  

Topic: Relocating Businesses (Band 6)

In some countries governments are encouraging industry and business to move out of large cities and go to regional areas.

Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Nowadays, industry and business have been encouraging by part of the nations governments to establish their factories in regional areas instead of in large cities. I strongly believe that there are much more benefits in this movement than drawbacks.

Having a company in a metropolitan area could bring lots of benefits, especially because the infrastructure is better than in smaller centers, with more transport options to receive and dispatch goods as well as a bigger range of specialized services and also skilled labour. Even tought, usually the general costs to keep a business in large cities are higher and not worth it, for instance the taxes and rents are normally more expensive.

On the other hand, moving industries to regional areas could benefit not just the local population, but also the entrepreneurs, due to the savings. A new business in a town or small city may bring more opportunities for workers, with job offers the inhabitants do not need to move to metropolies seeking for a greater careers. Furthermore, almost all the biggest centers in the world are heavily populated, reorganize the population density also brings advantages in the sense to avoid migration to already overcrowded areas.

In addition, industries and business can lead to the development of a different region owing to the need to improvements that can benefits everyone, such as government investimento in roads, as well as new opportunities to small commerces to supply daily need, like restaurants and bakeries.

To sum up, there are numerous benefits in the politice that encourage companies to establish in regional areas, which outweigh the drawbacks. The advantages achieve the entrepreneurs, the local population from towns as well as the large cities. Besides, the government can plan better how to distribute the population.

You discuss and explain the issues well, making sure you discuss both benefits and drawbacks. You focus a bit more on benefits which is ok as you think there are more of these.

Your essay is generally organised ok but there are errors with cohesion. “Even tought” is should be “However” - check how these words differ (the first is used to make adverbial clauses , and however is a transition . Also you can’t have ‘On the other hand’ without firstly having “On the one hand”. Check online how to use those words. This is perhaps an area where you could reach a 7 if you take a bit more care.

Vocabulary is generally ok and there are some good words in there. You have too many spelling mistakes which brings it down to a 6. I don’t understand this: ‘politice’. Again be careful. Perhaps you could get 7 if you try to cut out the spelling mistakes.

This is only just a 6 as you do have some noticeable and in cases slightly confusing errors (you’ll see some of the spelling and grammar errors if you look on Word). I think it’s not quite a 5 but it’s possible another examiner would award it that. Be particularly careful about comma splices as these can really confuse what you are trying to say. These all have comma splices in:

  • ...usually the general costs to keep a business in large cities are higher and not worth it, for instance the taxes and rents are normally more expensive.
  • A new business in a town or small city may bring more opportunities for workers, with job offers the inhabitants do not need to move to metropolies seeking for a greater careers.
  • Furthermore, almost all the biggest centers in the world are heavily populated, reorganize the population density also brings advantages in the sense to avoid migration to already overcrowded areas.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Band Scores 5 to 8 with Tips

Learn how your IELTS writing task 2 is marked and the difference between band scores 5, 6, 7 and 8 with tips to improve your score. You need to understand the 4 marking criteria used by the examiner to fulfil the requirements of the score you want.

4 Marking Criteria for IELTS Writing Task 2

The examiner will assess your IELTS essay using the 4 criteria below. Each criterion is worth 25% of your total marks for task 2. You will be given a band score for each criteria and then a total score for task 2. See bottom of page for example of scoring.

Task Response

  • Coherence and Cohesion
  • Lexical Resource (Vocabulary)
  • Grammatical Range & Accuracy

This task 2 marking criterion is about your answer to the IELTS essay question, your main ideas and how you develop them.

task response marking criteria

Your score will increase if you:

  • pay attention to ALL issues in the essay question
  • write about the issues rather than just the general topic
  • answer the essay question with relevant main points
  • plan your supporting points so they don’t go off the topic
  • write over 250 words

 Coherence and Cohesion

The IELTS examiner will check the organisation of your essay, the paragraphs and your use of linking devices.

coherence and cohesion criterion task 2

  • this means you should have two or three body paragraphs only
  • have just one central topic in each body paragraph
  • organise your ideas logically
  • use a range of linking words
  • avoid errors in linking words

Lexical Resource

Your use of vocabulary, your paraphrasing, your spelling and the number of mistakes you make will be assessed in this criterion.

vocabulary band score

  • pay attention to collocations (which verb matches which noun)
  • paraphrase carefully to avoid errors
  • use a range of words appropriate for the topic
  • spell words correctly
  • avoid making errors (errors will lower your score – see table above)
  • avoid using informal language

Grammatical Range and Accuracy

The IELTS examiner will give you a band score for your sentence structures, the tenses you use, your control of grammar and also the number of mistakes you make.

grammar band score

  • use different grammar tenses (conditionals, perfect tenses, passive voice, past, future etc)
  • pay attention to word order in your sentences
  • use a range of sentence structures
  • use the correct punctuation (full stops and commas)
  • common grammar errors: articles, plural nouns, uncountable nouns, word order)

Example of Writing Task 2 Scoring Calculated

You will get a band score for each of the above criteria and then a total score for task 2. Here’s an example:

  • Task Response: Band 6
  • Coherence & Cohesion = Band 7
  • Grammar: Band 6
  • Vocabulary: 6

Total Score for IELTS Writing Task 2 : 6 + 7 + 6 + 6 = 25/4 = 6.25. This score will be increased to 6.5. To calculate your score, add all scores together and divide by 4.

IELTS Writing Task 1 Band Scores 5, 6, 7 & 8: Differences and Tips

All IELTS Band Scores Explained

Penalty for Under Word Count

Note: The information above is taken from the band score descriptors published by IELTS. To learn about band scores 1-9, please see the  public band score descriptors for writing task 2 published by IELTS.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 essay sample 3309 – Band 6.5

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Arts and Entertainment , Task 2 essay , Technology , Writing samples

The writing sample displayed here is the work of IELTS candidates and has been assessed by our team for guidance and practice purposes. These scores are not official IELTS scores.

Candidate’s Response:

These days, some people believe that going to the cinema for watching the films, would be useless because people can see them on their phones or tablets. others say that to be fully enjoyed with saying the films,  people should go to the cinema. in this essay I will outline these to viewpoints.

On the one hand, those who believe that they can see the films on their phones rather than going to the cinema have several ideas. firstly, they could save time by watching the films on the electronic devices. as people don’t need to devote a considerable portion of the time to planning for going out, they would have extra time. they usually should arrive the cinema At least 3 hours in advance to book a seat, which can be very time-consuming.

moreover, they can save money. because people who would like to  go for the cinema, should spend a great deal of money in order to fill up their car with petrol which is very expensive. if people can see the films on the phones, they will avoid of wasting their money for such an expensive fuel.

on the other hand, some people State several reasons for going to the cinema. they can see the films on the biggest screen which can be very enjoyable. as it can give the audiences a sense of excitement which can add to the pleasure of the film itself. this is because the actors and other elements in the film are bigger than usual.

what’s more, they believe that seeing the feelings along with other people in the cinema could be more enjoyable than other ways of seeing a film. because a lot of people are present in the cinema which could create the Sound by encouraging a character or shouting. dysfunction can be  energizing which leads people to having a sense of more satisfaction.

in conclusion, some people say that they could save time and money by seeing the feelings on the phones, whereas, others believe that the excitement of the biggest screen and other people led to having more  satisfaction I hold the view that going to cinema with the more enjoyable.

Presented By: Shahab Hosseinzadeh

Presented By: Shahab Hosseinzadeh

August 19, 2023

IELTS Writing Band Descriptors:

Thank you indeed for writing this essay. There are two important points in this essay. Firstly, the essay has 3 main parts; the last one is the writer’s own opinion. In this essay, we can only see one sentence devoted to the writer’s own opinion, and there isn’t much development. Even when the writer completely agrees with one side, this connection must be stated clearly and added as support for the writer’s own opinion. Secondly, regarding grammar, too complex sentences make it hard to understand what the writer intended to say. As a case in point, the sentences that started with “because” in this essay are NOT grammatically called sentences as their meanings are incomplete; they are a group of dependent clauses combined together.

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The 6.5 sample upgraded to 7.0+

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Preparation for the IELTS Exam

IELTS Writing Task 2

Ielts writing task 2 essays.

ielts general task 1

You need to analyse the question first, find the issues in the question, plan and organise ideas, write supporting points and specific examples, paraphrase well, give a good introduction and conclusion. There is a lot to do.

If you don’t use the right approach then it will be very difficult to raise your score you need to have a good foundation of grammar and vocabulary to get to Band 7. Some people become obsessed with a Band 9, but Band 9 is quite rare in IELTS writing task 2. Most universities or companies only require Band 7 or 8.

IELTS essays are marked according to specific marking criteria set out by Cambridge, so if you know what the examiner is looking for, then you have a good chance of getting a good band score. Some students have very good English skills but are not familiar with the way IELTS essays are marked and end up losing a band score because of this.

Click here for the marking criteria in IELTS writing task 2.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Analysis (Teaching at Home or School) – Band 6.5

IELTS Writing Task 2 Analysis (Teaching at Home or School) – Band 6.5

It is often said that getting good band score in IELTS writing exam is difficult, especially in IELTS Writing Task 2.  Let us check and analyse a task response to find out what are its strengths and weaknesses, and whether it can be marked as Band 7 response.

Below is the IELTS writing task 2 response submitted by a student who attempted the following question. Let us analyse it and predict the band score.

Some people believe that teaching the children at home is best for a child’s development while others think that it is essential for the children to go to school.

Discuss both the views and then give your own opinion.

Candidate’s Response: There is a common belief that, children can be taught effectively at home, which paves the way for personality development and overall well being . Whereas, some others are in the opinion that sending them to school will serve the purpose.

To begin with, the schools act as a beacon spreading the light of knowledge to the kids, which will be reflected in all walks of their life’s. Furthermore, schools play a vital role in moulding the character and personality. The children will get an opportunity to interact with kids of various strata of the society, which will kindle a harmony in the minds of younger generation. Likewise, they will learn the sweetness of team spirit as well as collective thinking. Emotional stability and maturity are formed in through interacting with friends and teachers. For example, recent surveys suggest that the kids who gained education from schools have a higher intelligence as well as emotional quotients.

On the other hand, learning from the home has many advantages. In this modern era both parents are working and they will find quality time in educating their wards. Even though, there is no specific curriculum or teaching module to impact education, The idea of adjustment, flexibility, time management and adapting to crisis all will be learned effective from the home. Moreover, it is generally said that a comfort zone is a beautiful place but nothing ever grows there, in the same way. Parents knows the comfort zones of their kid’s and find ways to get rid of them. Parents are the best teachers for kids and their pragmatic advice will be ever remembered by them.

For instance, an article published in the national daily, The Hindu, reveals the success story of a boy name ‘Raghav’ who passed out in higher secondary exams in flying colours and he suggests that the parents were the real success behind his achievements and studying from home saved his time and enabled to hit the bull’s eye.

To conclude, even though learning from home as well as schools have many positive effects, In my perception, the schools serve as a better play ground in imbibing the knowledge, character moulding and overall development of an individual.

Writing Task 2 Analysis

Introduction a. Strengths:

Paraphrasing is correctly written and synonyms are used b. Corrected erroneous phrases:

Punctuation error:

……common belief that children………..

…..and overall well being, whereas some others…….

Body Paragraph 1 a. Strengths:

Use of connectors, relevant ideas with examples, but stress is on writing more ideas and hence some lack proper explanation along with examples b. Corrected erroneous phrases:

  • Plural word: ……..act as beacons , all walks of their lives
  • Idiom: “all walks of their lives” can be replaced with “different stages of their lives”.
  • Article (a): ……kindle harmony, …….have higher intelligence
  • Word missing: …… who gained education

Body Paragraph 2 a. Strengths:

Sentence connectors are used, first idea is general but all others are explained well along with examples, vocabulary knowledge is good and idioms are used b. Corrected errorneous phrases:

  • Article (the): ……learning from home
  • Punctuation:
  • In this modern era,
  • …..crisis, all will be…..
  • …..grows there, in the same way, parents….
  • …..zones of their Kids….
  • ….and they find quality time….
  • He suggested…….
  • Boy named……….
  • Spacing: Even though
  • Plural: The ideas of….
  • Subject verb agreement: Parents know the comfort…..
  • Word missing: ……remembered by them .
  • Preposition:  …… With flying colours…

Conclusion a. Strengths:

Sentence connector is used, personal opinion is given and opinion is clear b. Corrected Erroneous Phrases:

  • Spacing: Even though…..
  • Capitalization: ……positive effects, in my perception,……..

Expected Band Score: 6.5 Band

Remarks:  Overall clarity and explanation of relevant ideas are there but it has some errors related to capitalization, punctuation, grammar, tense, article, singular-plural word, and missing words. More ideas are written in paragraph 1 which are not all explained and supported well, however, usage of sentence connectors and vocabulary is good and opinion is clear.

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Hướng dẫn cách nâng band từ các bài Writing IELTS Task 2 mẫu band 6

IELTS Writing Task 2 là một phần quan trọng trong kỳ thi IELTS, yêu cầu thí sinh phải viết một bài luận về một chủ đề cụ thể trong vòng 40 phút. Để đạt được điểm cao, đặc biệt là từ band 6 lên band 7 hoặc cao hơn, thí sinh cần nắm vững cách tổ chức bài viết, sử dụng ngôn ngữ và phát triển ý tưởng một cách hiệu quả. Trong bài viết này, chúng ta sẽ cùng tìm hiểu các chiến lược và kỹ thuật cần thiết để nâng cao band điểm từ các bài Writing IELTS Task 2 mẫu band 6 .


Mỗi đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 yêu cầu bạn phải viết một bài luận với độ dài tối thiểu 250 từ

Hiểu rõ yêu cầu của bài viết IELTS Task 2

Trước tiên, cần phải hiểu rõ những điểm mạnh và yếu trong một bài viết mẫu band 6. Thông thường, một bài viết band 6 sẽ có các đặc điểm sau:

Yêu cầu đề bài

Mỗi đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 yêu cầu bạn phải viết một bài luận với độ dài tối thiểu 250 từ trong thời gian 40 phút. Các đề bài thường yêu cầu bạn đưa ra ý kiến, phân tích, hoặc thảo luận về một vấn đề xã hội, giáo dục, môi trường, hoặc các chủ đề học thuật khác. Để hiểu rõ yêu cầu của đề bài, bạn cần:

  • Đọc kỹ đề bài: Đảm bảo rằng bạn hiểu rõ câu hỏi và không bỏ sót bất kỳ phần nào. Các đề bài thường có nhiều phần yêu cầu khác nhau, chẳng hạn như đưa ra ý kiến cá nhân, thảo luận về ưu và nhược điểm, hoặc đề xuất giải pháp cho một vấn đề.
  • Xác định từ khóa: Tìm ra các từ khóa chính trong đề bài để biết chính xác bạn cần viết về vấn đề gì. Ví dụ, các từ khóa như “discuss (thảo luận)”, “give your opinion (đưa ra quan điểm)”, “advantages and disadvantages (ưu điểm và nhược điểm)” sẽ cho bạn biết cách tiếp cận vấn đề.

Tiêu chí chấm điểm

Bài viết của bạn sẽ được chấm điểm dựa trên bốn tiêu chí chính sau đây:

  • Trả lời đúng và đầy đủ: Đảm bảo rằng bạn trả lời tất cả các phần của đề bài một cách đầy đủ. Ví dụ, nếu đề bài yêu cầu bạn thảo luận về ưu và nhược điểm của một vấn đề, hãy chắc chắn rằng bạn đã đề cập đến cả hai khía cạnh.
  • Phát triển ý tưởng rõ ràng: Mỗi ý tưởng cần được phát triển một cách rõ ràng và có minh chứng hoặc ví dụ cụ thể để hỗ trợ.
  • Bố cục rõ ràng: Bài viết cần có bố cục rõ ràng với phần mở bài, thân bài và kết luận. Mỗi đoạn văn nên tập trung vào một ý chính và có liên kết chặt chẽ với nhau.
  • Sử dụng từ nối hợp lý: Sử dụng các từ nối và cụm từ liên kết để tạo sự mạch lạc cho bài viết. Các từ nối như “furthermore (hơn nữa)”, “however (tuy nhiên)”, “on the other hand (mặt khác)”, “in conclusion (cuối cùng)” giúp bài viết của bạn mạch lạc và dễ hiểu hơn.
  • Sử dụng từ vựng phong phú: Để đạt điểm cao, bạn cần sử dụng từ vựng phong phú và chính xác. Tránh lặp lại từ vựng một cách không cần thiết và cố gắng sử dụng các từ đồng nghĩa.
  • Sử dụng cụm từ và biểu đạt phong phú: Các cụm từ và biểu đạt phức tạp sẽ giúp bài viết của bạn ấn tượng hơn.
  • Sử dụng đa dạng cấu trúc câu: Sử dụng các loại câu phức, câu ghép và câu điều kiện để làm bài viết phong phú hơn.
  • Ít lỗi ngữ pháp: Cố gắng giảm thiểu lỗi ngữ pháp và dấu câu. Luyện tập viết nhiều để cải thiện độ chính xác.

Hiểu rõ các yêu cầu này sẽ giúp bạn chuẩn bị tốt hơn cho bài viết IELTS Task 2 và có cơ hội nâng cao điểm số của mình.


Phân tích các bài Writing IELTS Task 2 giúp bạn có cái nhìn rõ ràng về những điểm cần cải thiện để nâng cao điểm số của mình

Phân tích bài mẫu Writing Task 2 band 6

Bằng cách phân tích kỹ lưỡng các bài Writing IELTS Task 2 mẫu band 6 , bạn sẽ có cái nhìn rõ ràng về những điểm cần cải thiện để nâng cao điểm số của mình.

Đọc và hiểu bài mẫu

Đầu tiên, bạn cần đọc kỹ các bài mẫu band 6 để hiểu cách mà các tác giả đã đáp ứng yêu cầu đề bài và các tiêu chí chấm điểm. Bằng cách này, bạn có thể nắm bắt được điểm mạnh và yếu của các bài viết ở mức điểm này. Ví dụ:

  • Đề bài: Some people believe that governments should spend money on building train and subway lines to reduce traffic congestion. Others think that building more and wider roads is the better way to reduce traffic congestion. Discuss both views and give your own opinion (Một số người tin rằng chính phủ nên chi tiền xây dựng các tuyến tàu hỏa và tàu điện ngầm để giảm tắc nghẽn giao thông. Những người khác cho rằng xây dựng nhiều đường hơn và rộng hơn là cách tốt hơn để giảm tắc nghẽn giao thông. Thảo luận cả hai quan điểm và đưa ra ý kiến ​​của riêng bạn).
  • Bài mẫu band 6: Bài viết band 6 thường sẽ đáp ứng đề bài ở mức cơ bản, có thể có cấu trúc rõ ràng nhưng chưa phát triển sâu sắc hoặc chi tiết.

Xác định điểm mạnh và yếu

Khi phân tích bài mẫu band 6 Writing IELTS, hãy chú ý đến các điểm mạnh và điểm yếu để hiểu rõ tại sao bài viết này chỉ đạt band 6.

  • Cấu trúc rõ ràng: Bài viết có mở bài, thân bài và kết luận rõ ràng. Các đoạn văn có sự liên kết hợp lý.
  • Ý tưởng được phát triển logic: Mỗi đoạn văn đều tập trung vào một ý chính và có một số ví dụ minh họa.
  • Từ vựng tương đối phong phú: Sử dụng các từ vựng và cụm từ thích hợp để diễn đạt ý tưởng.
  • Lỗi ngữ pháp: Bài viết có thể mắc một số lỗi ngữ pháp như sai cấu trúc câu, dùng từ không chính xác.
  • Ý tưởng chưa sâu sắc: Các ý tưởng có thể chưa được phát triển đủ sâu và chi tiết.
  • Cấu trúc câu chưa đa dạng: Bài viết chủ yếu sử dụng các câu đơn giản và chưa có nhiều câu phức.
  • Từ vựng hạn chế: Một số từ vựng có thể bị lặp lại nhiều lần và thiếu sự phong phú.

Ghi chú các lỗi phổ biến

Trong quá trình phân tích, hãy ghi chú lại các lỗi phổ biến mà bạn thấy trong các bài Writing IELTS Task 2 mẫu band 6. Điều này sẽ giúp bạn tránh mắc phải những lỗi tương tự trong bài viết của mình. Một số lỗi phổ biến có thể bao gồm:

  • Lỗi ngữ pháp cơ bản: Sử dụng sai thì, sai cấu trúc câu, thiếu mạo từ.
  • Sử dụng từ vựng không chính xác: Dùng từ sai ngữ cảnh hoặc lặp lại từ quá nhiều.
  • Phát triển ý tưởng chưa đủ: Ý tưởng chưa được trình bày rõ ràng hoặc thiếu minh chứng cụ thể.
  • Liên kết đoạn văn chưa chặt chẽ: Sử dụng từ nối chưa hợp lý hoặc các đoạn văn chưa có sự liên kết logic.


Trang bị chiến lược hiệu quả sẽ giúp bạn nâng cao điểm số từ band 6 lên các band cao hơn trong Writing IELTS Task 2

Chiến lược cải thiện từ bài mẫu band 6 lên band cao hơn

Trang bị những chiến lược hiệu quả sẽ giúp bạn nâng cao điểm số từ band 6 lên các band cao hơn trong bài thi Writing IELTS Task 2.

Phát triển ý tưởng sâu sắc hơn

Một trong những điểm yếu của bài mẫu band 6 là ý tưởng chưa được phát triển đủ sâu. Để nâng cao điểm số, bạn cần:

  • Cung cấp ví dụ cụ thể: Mỗi ý tưởng bạn đưa ra cần được hỗ trợ bằng các ví dụ cụ thể và chi tiết. Ví dụ, nếu bạn viết về việc chính phủ nên xây dựng đường sắt để giảm tắc nghẽn giao thông, hãy đưa ra số liệu hoặc ví dụ về các thành phố đã áp dụng biện pháp này và thành công.
  • Giải thích rõ ràng: Không chỉ đưa ra ý kiến, bạn cần giải thích tại sao ý kiến của bạn là đúng. Sử dụng các câu hỏi phản biện để làm rõ và mở rộng ý tưởng. Ví dụ, “Việc xây dựng đường sắt không chỉ giúp giảm tắc nghẽn giao thông mà còn giúp giảm ô nhiễm môi trường. Theo một nghiên cứu của Đại học Oxford, các thành phố có hệ thống đường sắt phát triển có mức ô nhiễm không khí thấp hơn 20% so với các thành phố không có.”

Nâng cao từ vựng và đa dạng hóa cấu trúc

  • Học từ vựng theo chủ đề: Hãy tập trung học từ vựng theo các chủ đề thường gặp trong IELTS như giáo dục, môi trường, kinh tế, xã hội. Sử dụng các nguồn tài liệu như sách “Cambridge Vocabulary for IELTS” hoặc “Oxford Word Skills”.
  • Sử dụng từ đồng nghĩa và các cụm từ phức tạp: Tránh lặp lại từ vựng bằng cách sử dụng từ đồng nghĩa và các cụm từ phức tạp hơn. Ví dụ, thay vì liên tục sử dụng “important (quan trọng)”, bạn có thể dùng “crucial”, “vital”, hoặc “significant”.
  • Sử dụng các loại câu phức, câu ghép và câu điều kiện: Để bài viết thêm phong phú, bạn cần sử dụng đa dạng các cấu trúc câu. Ví dụ, thay vì chỉ sử dụng câu đơn giản, hãy sử dụng câu phức và câu ghép: “Not only does public transportation reduce traffic congestion, but it also minimizes environmental pollution (Giao thông công cộng không chỉ làm giảm tình trạng tắc nghẽn giao thông mà còn giảm thiểu ô nhiễm môi trường).
  • Tránh lặp lại cùng một cấu trúc câu: Đảm bảo rằng bạn sử dụng nhiều loại câu khác nhau trong bài viết để tạo sự phong phú và tránh sự nhàm chán cho người đọc.

Sửa lỗi ngữ pháp

  • Tập trung vào các lỗi ngữ pháp thường gặp: Xác định các lỗi ngữ pháp mà bạn thường xuyên mắc phải và tập trung luyện tập để giảm thiểu chúng. Sử dụng các nguồn học ngữ pháp như “English Grammar in Use” của Raymond Murphy.
  • Nhờ người có kinh nghiệm hoặc giáo viên kiểm tra và sửa lỗi: Sau khi viết xong, hãy nhờ một người có kinh nghiệm hoặc giáo viên kiểm tra và sửa lỗi cho bạn. Học hỏi từ những lỗi này và ghi chú lại để tránh mắc phải trong tương lai.

Thực hành và nhận phản hồi

  • Viết nhiều bài và đa dạng chủ đề: Luyện tập viết nhiều bài với các chủ đề khác nhau để làm quen và nâng cao kỹ năng viết. Cố gắng viết mỗi bài trong khoảng thời gian quy định để cải thiện kỹ năng quản lý thời gian.
  • Nhận phản hồi và sửa chữa: Nhờ giáo viên hoặc bạn bè có kinh nghiệm chấm và nhận xét bài viết của bạn. Chú ý đến các nhận xét và sửa chữa các lỗi đã được chỉ ra.
  • Tham gia các nhóm học tập: Tham gia các nhóm học tập trực tuyến hoặc offline để trao đổi kinh nghiệm và học hỏi từ người khác.

Luyện tập qua các bài mẫu band cao

  • So sánh với các bài mẫu band cao hơn: Đọc và phân tích các bài mẫu band 7, 8 để hiểu cách họ phát triển ý tưởng, sử dụng từ vựng và cấu trúc câu. So sánh với bài viết của bạn để tìm ra những điểm cần cải thiện.
  • Bắt chước và học hỏi: Áp dụng các kỹ thuật và phương pháp từ các bài mẫu band cao vào bài viết của bạn. Tạo ra các bài viết của riêng mình dựa trên những gì bạn học được từ các bài mẫu này.

 Tài liệu và nguồn học tập

  • Sách và tài liệu tham khảo: Sử dụng các sách học IELTS Writing từ các tác giả uy tín như Cambridge, Barron’s, hoặc Simon. Tham khảo các bài viết mẫu và hướng dẫn trên các trang web học IELTS.
  • Các khóa học trực tuyến: Tham gia các khóa học trực tuyến từ các giảng viên có kinh nghiệm trên các nền tảng như Udemy, Coursera, hoặc các trang web học IELTS chuyên nghiệp.
  • Ứng dụng học tập: Sử dụng các ứng dụng học từ vựng và ngữ pháp như Quizlet, Grammarly, hoặc các ứng dụng học IELTS để cải thiện kỹ năng của bạn.

Như vậy, việc nâng cao band điểm từ cách học các bài Writing IELTS Task 2 mẫu band 6 không phải là điều dễ dàng, nhưng với sự kiên trì và phương pháp học tập đúng đắn, bạn hoàn toàn có thể đạt được mục tiêu của mình. Hãy dành thời gian để phân tích các bài mẫu, luyện tập viết thường xuyên, và nhận phản hồi để cải thiện không ngừng. Chúc bạn thành công!


VinUni là một trong những trường đại học hàng đầu tại Việt Nam với mục tiêu cung cấp nền giáo dục chất lượng quốc tế

IELTS bao nhiêu điểm mới đủ đậu xét tuyển vào VinUni?

VinUni là một trong những trường đại học hàng đầu tại Việt Nam, được thành lập bởi Tập đoàn Vingroup với mục tiêu cung cấp nền giáo dục chất lượng quốc tế. Để được xét tuyển vào VinUni, sinh viên cần có chứng chỉ IELTS với số điểm tối thiểu là 6.5, không có kỹ năng nào dưới 6.0 (hoặc các chứng chỉ tương đương). Đây là yêu cầu bắt buộc nhằm đảm bảo sinh viên có khả năng sử dụng tiếng Anh hiệu quả trong học tập và nghiên cứu.

Đối với những ứng viên chưa đạt yêu cầu về tiếng Anh, VinUni cung cấp chương trình Pathway English. Đây là một khóa học đặc biệt được thiết kế để giúp sinh viên nâng cao kỹ năng tiếng Anh, đáp ứng các tiêu chuẩn tuyển sinh của trường. Chi tiết về chương trình Pathway English:

  • Phát triển kỹ năng tiếng Anh học thuật: Khóa học tập trung vào việc nâng cao các kỹ năng đọc, nghe, nói và viết trong môi trường học thuật.
  • Cải thiện ngữ pháp, phát âm và từ vựng: Sinh viên sẽ được hướng dẫn để nắm vững các quy tắc ngữ pháp, cải thiện cách phát âm và mở rộng vốn từ vựng cần thiết cho các môn học chuyên ngành tại VinUni.
  • Chuẩn bị cho học tập chuyên ngành: Sau khi hoàn thành khóa học, sinh viên sẽ có đủ kỹ năng và kiến thức để tham gia vào các chương trình học chuyên ngành, tự tin trong việc sử dụng tiếng Anh như một công cụ học tập và nghiên cứu.

Pathway English không chỉ giúp sinh viên nâng cao khả năng tiếng Anh mà còn cung cấp cho họ sự tự tin và chuẩn bị tốt nhất để bắt đầu hành trình học tập tại VinUni. 4o

Xem thêm bài viết: Hướng dẫn cách học từ bài mẫu IELTS Writing task 2 giúp bạn đạt điểm cao

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Bảng quy đổi điểm TOEIC sang IELTS chi tiết

Hướng dẫn cách học tiếng Anh giao tiếp hiệu quả cho người mới bắt đầu

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Cách nhận diện và chiến lược vượt qua bẫy tâm lý trong IELTS Speaking

IELTS Writing Samples Band 6

Some people think the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison sentences. others, however, believe there are better, alternative ways of reducing crime. discuss both views and give your own opinion., with the increasing demand for energy sources of oil and gas, people should look for sources of oil and gas in remote and untouched natural places. do the advantages outweigh disadvantages of damaging such areas?, people are encouraged to get rid of things in order to get newest fashion and the latest the disadvantage of this trend outweigh its advantage., some young people look forward to a year of travelling, a 'gap year', before they begin work or university and see it as a chance to broaden their horizons. for others, this is an expensive waste of time. discuss both views and give your own opinion., in major cities around the world, traffic congestion has become a serious problem. how can this problem be tackled give reasons and examples from your own experience, many people argue that in order to improve educational quality, high schools students are encouraged to make comments or even critisism on their teachers. others think it will lead to loss of respect and discipline in the classroom. discuss both views and give your own opinion., some people think that the government is wasting money on the arts and that this money could be better spent elsewhere. to what extent do you agree with this view, some people believe that the government should take care of old people and provide financial support after they retire. others say individuals should save during their working years to fund their own retirement. what is your opinion give reason for your answer and include examples from your own experienc, some people say that music plays an important role in society, while others believe that it is simply a form of entertainment for individuals. discuss both views and give your opinion., in general, people are living longer now. which of the following do you think accounts for this phenomenon •technological improvements •changes to education systems •improvements to our diets use specific details and examples in your answer. you may choose more than one cause., many believe that living in a city offers greater benefits compared to life in the countryside. identify the pros and cons of living in these locations., many people believe that learning is a lifelong process that goes beyond formal education. do you agree or disagree with this opinion, many countries thought children have to do homework in their free time while others say children should do more outdoor activity. to what extent do you agree or disagree, in some countries, the government promotes public transport as the primary means of transportation and discourages private vehicle ownership. discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this situation, many children these days have an unhealthy lifestyle. both parents and schools are responsible for solving this problem., in some countries an increasing number of people are suffering from health problems as a result of eating too much fast food. it is therefore necessary for governments to impose a higher tax on this kind of food. to what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion, write a review about the movie green book and analyzed it, in some countries, small central shops are going out of business because people tend to drive to large out-of-town stores. as a result, people without cars have limited access to out-of-town stores, and it may result in an increase in the use of cars. do you think the disadvantages of this change outweigh its advantages, nowadays nations are becoming more interesting and developing better thanks to mixing of different nationalities and cultures. to what extent do you agree or disagree, should long-term job seekers in receipt of government benefits be made to do voluntary work so that they give something back to the community.

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  1. IELTS Writing Task 2 essay sample 3115

    ielts writing task 2 essay band 6.5


    ielts writing task 2 essay band 6.5

  3. Easy IELTS Writing Task 2 essay structures for any question

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  4. What's the difference between Band 5, Band 6, and Band 7 writing

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  5. 7 Steps to Structuring an IELTS Task 2 Essay

    ielts writing task 2 essay band 6.5

  6. IELTS Academic Writing Task 2: The Complete Guide

    ielts writing task 2 essay band 6.5


  1. IELTS Band 6.5 Essays (with Corrections and Comments

    Here are some band 6.5 IELTS essays for writing task 2 that I have marked and corrected for past students. *I update this post all the time so check back to see new band 6.5 corrections! Be sure to check out my Patreon! Sorry about the formatting on the post - it was a little tricky, you can always download the samples too!

  2. IELTS Writing Samples Band 6.5

    However, not all the effects of this innovation have been positive, although, visiting different places has brought many benefits as well. 6.5. band. WRITING TASK 2 You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Many people around the world use social media to keep in touch with other people and get the news.

  3. IELTS Writing Task 2 Band 6 Examples

    IELTS Writing Task 2 Band 6 Examples. These are IELTS Writing Task 2 band 6 examples (or 6.5) of essays that have been submitted by candidates practising for the test. There are also basic comments on the score for each criteria by an experienced IELTS instructor.

  4. IELTS Band 6.5 Sample Essay with Examiner Commentary

    Below we have a band 6.5 essay graded by an ex-IELTS examiner. First you can read the IELTS essay, and after we break down why this essay scored a band 6.5. if you would like to know what band score your IELTS essay would get, you can try our new online IELTS essay checking service (free). Another option, for more detailed feedback is to send ...

  5. IELTS Writing task 2 band 6.5

    Today, we will be looking at two writing task 2 essays about public transport. They would both score 6.5 in the test for different reasons. Read on to find out more about why these essay would score 6.5, and what would make them better! Many people believe that free public transportation should be available in most major cities.

  6. IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Band 8 vs Band 6.5

    IELTS writing task 2 sample three: essay's first paragraph that scored band 6.5. First paragraph: First of all, studying abroad is exciting and you can meet a lot of persons from other countries. You can find opportunities to study new subjects you are not finding at your home town university.Yet, you can be feeling lonely and feeling homesickness from time to time.

  7. IELTS Band 6 Essay Samples

    These are IELTS band 6 essay samples that have been given grades (of 6 or 6.5) and basic comments on the score for each criteria by an experienced IELTS instructor. ... IELTS Writing Task 2: Lessons, exercises, and tips. In the writing section of the IELTS test you have to write a minimum 250 word essay. Learn how to write the perfect IELTS ...

  8. IELTS Problem and Solution Writing Samples Band 6.5

    In some nations, insufficient students are choosing to study science at college and university. In this essay, the causes and effects of this statement will be discussed. 6.5. band. The natural resources such as oil, forests, and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate.

  9. IELTS Writing Samples Band 6.5. Page 1

    List of IELTS Writing Samples Band 6.5 written by users of the service. (page 1) writing9. Pricing; Check essay; ... IELTS Task 2 Topics. Latest Topics (August & September)Opinion topics; ... Writing9 was developed to check essays from the IELTS Writing Task 2 and Letters/Charts from Task 1. The service helps students practice writing for IELTS ...

  10. IELTS Writing Task 2 essay sample 3138

    IELTS Writing Task 2 essay sample 3401 - Band 7.5 Culture and Traditions , Task 2 essay , Technology , Travel and Tourism , Writing samples More and more people nowadays visit welI-known places to take photographs of themselves, without looking at the place.

  11. IELTS Writing: How an Essay Is Scored (band 6.5)

    In order to get a higher band score on the IELTS writing task 2 essay, you need to understand what the examiners are looking for and what they see when they ...

  12. IELTS Writing Task 2 Lesson: From Band 6.5

    IELTS Writing Task 2 is the second part of the writing test, where you are presented with a point of view, argument or problem and asked to write an essay in...

  13. IELTS Writing Task 2 essay sample 3210

    The 6.5 sample upgraded to 7.0+. In recent years, the closure of many small local shops due to customers flocking to large shopping centers or malls has become a prevalent trend. This development has sparked debates about whether it is a positive or negative phenomenon. In this essay, I will examine both sides of the argument and provide my ...

  14. IELTS Writing Task 2 Band Scores 5 to 8 with Tips

    You will get a band score for each of the above criteria and then a total score for task 2. Here's an example: Total Score for IELTS Writing Task 2: 6 + 7 + 6 + 6 = 25/4 = 6.25. This score will be increased to 6.5. To calculate your score, add all scores together and divide by 4.

  15. Band 6.5 Samples Archives

    Mar'22. Some people believe that it is best to accept a bad situation, such as an unsatisfactory job or shortage of money. Others argue that it is better to try and improve such situations. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Band 6.5 Samples. Writing Task 2 Model Answers. IELTS Ladder. IELTS Writing Task 2 (Sample Answer) Get ...

  16. IELTS Writing Task 2 essay sample 3309

    Thank you indeed for writing this essay. There are two important points in this essay. Firstly, the essay has 3 main parts; the last one is the writer's own opinion. In this essay, we can only see one sentence devoted to the writer's own opinion, and there isn't much development. Even when the writer completely agrees with one side, this ...

  17. IELTS Writing Task 2 Analysis (Travelling

    Let us try to analyse IELTS writing task 2 by one of the candidates preparing for IELTS: ... Expected Band Score: Band 6.5. The candidate writes free from grammar, tense and other errors. ... How to Write 'Causes (Reasons) and Effects' Type of Essay in IELTS Writing Task 2. In "causes and effects" type of essay, IELTS examiners want ...

  18. IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6.5

    However, many believe that this may lead to a myriad of concerns as the social values of the nation may be off-track. In my opinion, I believe that there are many significant benefits of such action, with few drawbacks. 6.5. band. People can eat a wide variety of food that can be grown in other areas.

  19. IELTS Writing task 2. Free lessons for improving your essays in IELTS

    Some people become obsessed with a Band 9, but Band 9 is quite rare in IELTS writing task 2. Most universities or companies only require Band 7 or 8. IELTS essays are marked according to specific marking criteria set out by Cambridge, so if you know what the examiner is looking for, then you have a good chance of getting a good band score.

  20. IELTS Writing Task 2 Analysis (Teaching at Home or School)

    11/15/2018. It is often said that getting good band score in IELTS writing exam is difficult, especially in IELTS Writing Task 2. Let us check and analyse a task response to find out what are its strengths and weaknesses, and whether it can be marked as Band 7 response. Below is the IELTS writing task 2 response submitted by a student who ...

  21. IELTS Writing Task 2: from band 6.5 to band 7

    The comments to this entry are closed. Many people who need band 7 seem to get stuck at band 6.5, especially in the writing test. I've written about this here and here, but a student asked me to give a bit more advice about how to move from 6.5 to 7. As I said in the lessons linked above, band 6.5 in writing is very close to band 7, so you only ...

  22. Các bài Writing IELTS Task 2 mẫu band 6 giúp nâng band điểm

    Phân tích bài mẫu Writing Task 2 band 6. Bằng cách phân tích kỹ lưỡng các bài Writing IELTS Task 2 mẫu band 6, bạn sẽ có cái nhìn rõ ràng về những điểm cần cải thiện để nâng cao điểm số của mình.. Đọc và hiểu bài mẫu. Đầu tiên, bạn cần đọc kỹ các bài mẫu band 6 để hiểu cách mà các tác giả đã đáp ứng ...

  23. IELTS Writing Samples Band 6

    In my opinion, I consider that forcing job seekers to do voluntary work is wrong, and I will explain my point of view. 6. band. Some people enjoy change, and they look forward to new experiences. Others like their lives to stay the same. Discuss both views and give your opinion.