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e cherchi phd

  • Staff Profile
  • Newcastle University
  • School of Engineering

Professor Elisabetta Cherchi

Professor of transport.

  • Email: [email protected]
  • Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 3501
  • Address: Room 2.21, Cassie Building, School of Civil Engineering, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne. NE1 7RU

Professor Elisabetta Cherchi is a Professor of Transport at University of Newcastle. 

And Adjunct Professor, School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University, China.

Area of expertise:  discrete choice analysis, decision making process, bounded rationality, user benefits, data collection (revealed and stated preference data, panel data, virtual reality experiments), mode choice, electric vehicles, autonomous vehicles.

Google scholar:   Click here.

SCOPUS :  Click here.

Previous Academic Positions

2010-16    Associate Professor , Department of Transport, Technical University of Denmark, DK.

2009-10    Contract Professor , Department of Transport, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain.

2004-10    Lecturer , Department of Land and Water Resources Engineering, University of Cagliari, Italy, Professor of Econometric Methods for Transport , University of Cagliari, Italy.

2003-04    Research Associate , Centre for Transport Studies, Imperial College, University of London, UK.

2000-02    Post-doc in Civil Engineering Sciences, University of Cagliari, Italy.

1997-2000 PhD in Transport Techniques and Economy, University of Palermo, Italy.

1993-2000 Lecturer’s Assistant , Department of Land and Water Resources Engineering, University of Cagliari, Italy.

1993      1st class Degree in Civil Engineering (Transport), University of Cagliari, Italy (5 years).

Other Appointments

2023-date Member of the Board of Advice of the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies (ITLS) at the University of Sydney Business School. Sydney, Australia.

2021-date Member of the Advisory Board for the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering, Polytechnic University of Milan. Italy. 

2021 Member of the Expert Committe e on "Climate Changes, Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility". Transport Ministry, Italian Government.

2020-date  Degree Programme Director (DPD)  MSc Transport Planning, Engineering and Management, School of Engineering, Newcastle University

2019 Member of the high-level Expert Review Group (ERG) Panel for evaluate application for the £50M UK Prevention Research Partnerchip (UKPRP) programme.

2017-2020  Post Graduate Research (PGR) Director  for Civil Engineering area, School of Engineering, Newcastle University. 

2018-22  External Examiner for the MSc Transport , Civil & Environmental Engineering, joint Imperial College and University College London, London, UK

2015-17 Member of  Board of Director So.G.Aer.  S.p.A. Cagliari Airport.

2011-16  Deputy Head of the PhD School  in Transport. Department of Transport, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark 

2015  European Scientific Advisory group of Digital Europe : The Rise of the Internet of Things and the Economic Transformation of the EU

Honorary positions and membership of committees

2021-date  Editor in Chief  Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (Elsevier).

2019-20  Co-Editor in Chief  Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice   (Elsevier).

2019-date  Associate Editorial  of Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Elsevier)

2013-18  Area Editor  of Transportation (Springer).

2016-date  Editorial Board  of Transportation Letter (Francis and Taylor).

2011-date  Editorial Board  of Transport Policy (Elsevier).

2010-18  Editorial Board  of Transportation Research Part B: Methodological (Elsevier).

2009-date  Editorial Board  of Journal of Choice Modelling (Elsevier).

2008-date  Editorial Board  of   Ingenieria de Transporte (journal of the Chilean Transport Society).

2010-13  Editorial Board  of Transportation (Springer).

2018-19  Chair,  International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR).

2016-17  Vice Chair , International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR).

2010-21  Executive Board  of International Association of Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR).

2012-15  Secretary and Treasurer , International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR).

2017-date  Steering Committee  European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART)

2017-date  Steering Committee  International Conference on Transport Survey Methods(ISCTSC)

2015  Chair of the jury  of the Transportation Science and Logistics dissertation awards (INFORMs).

2014-16  Core member of the jury  of the Transportation Science and Logistics dissertation awards (INFORMs).

2017-date  Member  of the TRB Standing Committee on Traveler Behavior and Values, USA.

2013-19  Member  of the TRB Standing Committee on Transportation Planning Applications, USA.

2009-15  Member  of the AET Innovative Methods in Transport Analysis, Planning and Appraisal Committee.

2005-14  Member  of the TRB Standing Committee on Transportation Demand Forecasting Committee, USA.

Reviewer for

Journals : Transportation; Transportation Research Part A, Part B, Part D, Part F; Transportation Science; Network and Spatial Economics; Transportmetrica; Transport Policy; Transportation Letter; Land use Policy; Journal of Choice Modelling; Journal of Transport Economics; Journal of Economics and Transport Policy; Environment and Planning Part B; Environmental Research Letters; Journal of Transport and Health; Journal of Advanced Transportation; Transportation Research Record; Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services; Energy Economics; Energy Efficiency; International Journal of Sustainable Mobility; Safety Science; Journal of Infrastructure System; European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, Ingenieria de Transporte; Italian Journal of Regional Science.

Books : Applications of simulation methods in environmental and resource economics. Eds R. Scarpa, A. Alberini – Kluwer; Game Theoretic Analysis of Congestion, Safety and Security. Eds. K. Hausken, and J. Zhuang, - Springer. 

Academic Exchanges 

2022 Visiting Professor, Department of Environmental Civil Engineering and Architecture, Università di Cagliari (2 weeks)

2008 Visiting professor, Department of Economic Analysis, Universidad de la Laguna, Tenerife, Spain (1 week).

2007 Visiting professor, Department of Transport Engineering and Logistics, Pontificia Universidad Católica, Santiago, Chile (1 month).

2007 Visiting professor, Department of Transport, Maryland University, USA (15 days).

2007 Visiting professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Universidad de Concepción, Chile (15 days).

2002 Visiting researcher, Department of Transport, Pontificia Universidad Católica, Santiago, Chile (2 months).

Research Projects

2019-22  VEROniCA  -  Virtual reality Experiment to study the ROle of social conformity in the acceptance of Autonomous vehicles . (Principal Investigator). Founded by ESRC (£900k). Other partner: Ryerson University (Canada).

2018-21  e4Future Project . Funded by BEIS in collaboration with Office for Low Emission Vehicles and Innovate UK (£. 9.8m). Led by Nissan with the collaboration of Newcastle University, Imperial College London, Northern Powergrid, UK Power Networks, National Grid and Nuvve. 

2015-20  GREAT - Green Region for Alternative fuels for Transport . Funded by the European Commission, Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (DTU-Transport part: €. 110,000).

2011-15  Green eMotion . Leader of the Working package “ Consumers’ preferences and attitudes to, demand for, and use of electric vehicles ” . Funded by the European Commission, 7th Framework program (DTU-Transport part: €. 470,000) More than 40 partners involved. I was the only responsible for the DTU-Transport working package.

2010-12  A dynamic Activity-based model to forecast the effect of projects on sustainable mobility  (Project Leader). Funded by Sardinian Government to Promote scientific research and technological innovation. (€. 250,200) 

2010-12  HABIT – Habit and inertia in mode choice behaviour: a data panel for Madrid

2005-06  The economic evaluation of projects for the regeneration of urban sites of environmental interest ( Project co-Leader with Prof. Elisabetta Strazzera for the Unit at Cagliari). National research projects (PRIN) funded by Italian Ministry for University Research (Cagliari Unit: €. 246,000).  

Grants and Prizes

2007  Winner of grant for the Start-up of Young Lecturers, University of Cagliari, Italy. 

2003  Awarded prize for the Best Presentation at the Doctoral Student Seminar in Transportation Modelling at the TRB 2003 Annual Meeting. January 12, Washington DC, USA. 

2002 Winner of grant by the Sardinian Government for the semester advanced course on Transport demand modelling, University of California at Berkeley, USA. 

2000 Winner of two-year grant, funded by Fondo Sociale Europeo (75%) and University of Cagliari (25%) for a Post Doctoral in Civil Engineering Sciences at the University of Calgliara, Italy. 2000 Winner of grant for Young Researcher, University of Cagliari, Italy. 

1996 Winner of three year grant, funded by the Italian Ministry for University, for a PhD in Transport Techniques and Economy at the University of Palermo, Italy. 

1996 Winner of one year Research Contract Application of market research techniques for simulating mobility phenomenon. Università di Cagliari, Italy. 

1996 Winner of one year Research Contract Management of regional transport planning on Environmental Impact Assessment,  Università di Cagliari, Italy  (not accepted).  

1996 Top in the selection for the Master in Assessment of information processes organised by Consortium for Computers, Training and Advanced Research, Italy  (not accepted).

Veronica Project:  https://www.veronicaproject.org

Research interests

My main research interest is in the demand modelling of consumer behaviour, with particular reference to:

  • discrete choice analysis
  • microeconomic derivation of behavioural models and bounded rationality (integration with psychology and social effects)
  • decision making process, preference formation and dynamic evolution, the effect of habit/inertia
  • data collection (revealed and stated preference data, short and long panel data, focus groups, real and virtual experiments)
  • project evaluation (user benefits)

I am interested in understanding what drives individuals to adapt to and adopt new forms of mobility, in particular sustainable mobility, smart mobility, driverless cars. Example of researches (see Publications or below the list of seminars and PhD, for more information):

  • Combining substitution and diffusion model to predict the electric vehicles market
  • The effect of social conformity on the adoption of electric vehicles
  • The effect of direct experience on the adoption of electric vehicles. 
  • The impact of habit/inertia in mode choice
  • Accounting for the Theory of Planned Behaviour in departure time choice.
  • The role of objective and perceived constraints in departure time choice.
  • The effect of awareness about stress from traffic in the choice to park and ride.
  • Emerging estimation techniques for discrete choice models

PhD candidates are welcome to contact me to apply for a thesis in one of the mentioned areas or to propose their own research theme

Keynote speeches

  • Plenary Lecture at the XXI Panamerican (PANAM) Conference.  Challenges and new methods to understand and forecast travel demand for innovative transport systems: a look at the case of autonomous vehicles.  13 October 2021, Lima, Peru.
  • Opening talk  at the 15th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research.  OUR IATBR: 45 years contributing to travel behaviour research .  16 July, 2018 Santa Barbara, California. 

Seminars upon Invitation

  • 2023 Virtual or real experience? Does it make a difference in the willingness to pay for Automated Taxis? hEAT Lab, TU Delft , The Netherland.
  • 2023 Immersive Virtual Reality to study transport behaviours. Challenges and potentiality. New York University of Abu Dhabi , Emirates.
  • 2022 Understanding and predicting travel demand for innovations: a look at the case of electric and automated vehicles. Beijing Jiaotong University , China.
  • 2022 Virtual or real experience? Does it make a difference in the willingness to pay for Automated Taxis? New York University of Abu Dhabi , Emirates.
  • 2021 Veicoli elettrici: scelta o necessita'? Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale e Architettura, Universita' di Cagliari, Italia.
  • 2021 Challenges and new methods to understand and forecast travel demand for innovative transport systems: a look at the case of autonomous vehicles. MaaSLab, UCL, London . UK
  • 2021 Estimation and forecast of travel demand for innovative transport systems: challenges and new methods. VII Asembela de la Red Academica de Mobilidad (RAM), Universidad de Barranquilla, Colombia. 
  • 2019 Modelling latent constructs in travel choice behaviour.  Delft University of Technology, the Netherland. 
  • 2019 ¿Cuáles son los aspectos que más influyen en la implantación y difusión de los vehículos eléctricos?  Department of Economic Analysis, Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain.  
  • 2018 Price, range, incentives, social information, experience. What counts more in the adoption and diffusion of electric vehicles? School of Economics and Management,  Beijing Jiaotong University, China.
  • 2017 A stated choice experiment to measure the effect of informational and normative conformity in individual choices. Application to the choice of electric vehicles. Centre for Behaviour and Evolution,  Newcastle University, UK.    
  • 2017 Adoption and diffusion of electric vehicles: Are we asking the right questions? Department of Civil Engineering,  Ryerson University, Canada .
  • 2017 Adoption and diffusion of electric vehicles: Are we asking the right questions? Institute of Transport Research,  German Aerospace Center (DLR), Berlin, Germany .
  • 2017 When "RUM takes a nod towards psychophisical theory": Recent advances in modelling the effect of experience in individual preferences. Symposiul in honour of Professor Andre Daly. Institute for Transport Studies,  University of Leeds, UK. 
  • 2017  The effect of informational and normative conformity in individuals’ preference for electric vehicles.  Napier Edinburgh University, UK.
  • 2017  The effect of informational and normative conformity in individuals’ preference for electric vehicles.  Maryland University, USA.
  • 2016  The effect of informational and normative conformity in individuals’ preference for electric vehicles. Choice Modelling Centre, Institute for Transport Studies,  University of Leeds, UK.
  • 2016  Measuring the effect of social conformity in individuals’ preference for electric vehicles. Institute for Choice,  University of South Australia, Australia . 
  • 2015  Measuring the effect of social conformity in individuals’ preference for electric vehicles. Department of Civil Engineering,  École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland .
  • 2013  Modelling individual choices for sustainable mobility: understanding the role of the environment. Transportation Center,  Northwestern University, USA .
  • 2012  Bounded rationality in individual choices: Recent advances in modelling the effect of habit in mode choice, Transportation Center,  Northwestern University, USA .
  • 2011 Accounting for inertia in modal choices: evidence using RP/SP data, RP panel data and latent effects dataset. Transportation Center,  Northwestern University, USA .
  • 2010 Accounting for inertia in modal choices: Some new evidence using RP/SP dataset. Institute of Economic Researches,  Universitá della Svizzera italiana, Switzerland .
  • 2010 Assessment of regeneration projects in urban areas of environmental interest: a stated choice approach to estimate use and quasi-option values. Department of Civil Engineering,  École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland.
  • 2009 Confounding effects and empirical identification in discrete choice models.  Imperial College, London, UK .
  • 2008 Evaluación económicas de la restricción a la movilidad en coche para la mejora de la sostenibilidad urbana: un caso de estudio en Cagliari.  Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain .
  • 2008 La simulación como una herramienta para entender los efectos que se pueden estimar con los modelos de elección discreta. Department of Economic Analysis,  Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain .
  • 2007 Estimation and prediction with the mixed logit model: understanding some confounding effects. Institute for Planning Transport and System,  ETH Zurich, Switzerland .
  • 2007 Un modelo de elección modal Logit Mixto con datos de panel. Department of Transport Engineering and Logistics,  Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile .
  • 2007 On the use of Mixed RP/SP models in predictions: accounting for non-linearities, systematic and random heterogeneities. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,  University of Maryland, USA .
  • 2007 La simulación como una herramienta en la modelación de la demanda. Department of Transport Engineering,  Universidad de Concepción, Chile .
  • 2007 Estimación de beneficios de usuarios. Efecto al incorporar variación de gustos. Department of Transport Engineering,  Universidad de Concepción, Chile.
  • 2007 La planificación de transporte en Italia. Enfoque en la modelación avanzada de la demanda. Department of Transport Engineering,  Universidad de Concepción, Chile .2006 Predicting best with the Mixed Logit model: understanding some confounding effects. Department of Civil Engineering,  University of Texas at Austin, USA .
  • 2005 Impacto de la heterogeneidad en los gustos y del efecto ingreso en la evaluación de los beneficios a usuarios. Department of Economic Analysis,  Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain .
  • 2005 Impacto de la heterogeneidad en los gustos y del efecto ingreso en la evaluación de los beneficios a usuarios. Department of Applied Economic Analysis,  Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.
  • 2004 The Implications of Income, Taste and Substitution Effects for the Assessment of User Benefits Using Discrete Choice Models.  Imperial College, UK .

Workshops and Tutorial upon Invitation

  • 2021 Talk at the Editor in Chief Conference. Jiaotong Beijing University, China.
  • 2021 Talk on Challenges and new methods to understand and forecast travel demand for innovative transport systems: a look at the case of autonomous vehicles. Catedra Europea. Universidad del Norte, Colombia.
  • 2021 Talk on Research trends in transportation: A conversation with the editors of Transportation Research Part A. MIT, Boston, USA
  • 2021 Talk on 2Using EEG to understand how our brain elaborates information in stated choice experiments: Opportunities, and Challenges? Workshop on “AR/VR and Psychometric Instruments in Travel Behavior Research”  100th Transportation Research Board Conference, Washington, USA .
  • 2020 Talk at the Editor in Chief Conference. Jiaotong Beijing University, China.
  • 2020 Member of the panel discussion on Publish or Perish, MIT, Boston, USA.
  • 2020 Talk on "Large scale autonomy on the consumers’ side: challenges and opportunities of forecasting the demand for autonomous vehicles". Workshop “Mathematical Challenges and Opportunities for Autonomous Vehicles. Large Scale Autonomy: Connectivity and Mobility Networks”,  University of California at Los Angeles- Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics.
  • 2020 Member of the Workshop on "The development of transport decarbonisation pathways for Europe", organised by  OCDE, under the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme.
  • 2020 Talk on "Using virtual reality to understand travel behaviour: what do we gain and what do we risk". Workshop on “Travel Behaviour and Safety Studies from the Psychological/Neurophysiological Perspective: Application of Virtual Reality”.  99th Transportation Research Board Conference, Washington, USA.
  • 2019 Talk on "Talk on “Estimation and forecast of travel demand for innovative transport systems: challenges and new methods”. 5th NYUAD Transportation Symposium,  Saadiyat Island. New York University Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.  
  • 2018 Talk on "Do eye track devises help in understanding individual decisions process in stated preferences experiments?" Workshop on “Discrete choice models”,  École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland.
  • 2017 Co-chair of the Workshop on “Data Analytics and Fusion in a World of Multiple Sensing and Information Capture Mechanisms”.  11th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods, Estérel, Québec, Canada  (co-chair Prof. Chandra Bhat).
  • 2017 Talk on Habitual latent behaviour and dynamic effect of inertia. Department of Civil Engineering,  École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland.
  • 2016 Talk on Experience, adaptation and diffusion modelling for electric vehicle choice. Workshop on “Local responses to global challenges”.  Bocconi University, Milano, Italy
  • 2015 Talk on Experience, adaptation and diffusion modelling for electric vehicle choice. Workshop on “Innovation adoption modeling in transportation: innovative models and data”.  14th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Windsor, UK.
  • 2015 Talk on Formation of preferences and attitudes in the choice of Electric Vehicles. Workshop on “Autos, people and policies: Addressing the issues of the New Millennium”,  Maryland University, USA .
  • 2014 Co-chair of the Workshop on “Stated preference surveys and experimental design”.  10th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods, Leura, Australia  (co-chair Prof. Kay Axhausen).
  • 2013 Talk on Modelling the effect of habit/inertia in mode choice. Tutorial at the Workshop on “Discrete choice models”,  École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland .
  • 2012 Talk on Estimating and Predicting Inertia Effect in Modal Choices. Workshop on “Recent advances in choice modelling: Theoretical Developments and Practical Applications”.  91st Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. Washington D.C., USA.
  • 2011 Talk on Direct preference and attitude toward environment in transport choices. Workshop on “Discrete choice models”,  École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland .
  • 2010 Talk on Accounting for inertia in modal choices: Some new evidence using RP/SP dataset. Workshop on “Discrete choice models”,  École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland .
  • 2009 Talk on Modelling individual preferences, State of the art, recent advances and future directions. Workshop on “Methodological developments in activity-travel behavior analysis”,  12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Jaipur, India.
  • 2008 Talk on Mixed logit mode choice model on panel data: accounting for intra and inter-personal heterogeneity and different correlation over time periods.  École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
  • 2008 Talk on A mixed logit mode choice model on panel data: accounting for systematic and random heterogeneity and different correlation over time periods, Workshop on “Discrete choice models”,  École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland.
  • 2007 Talk on On the use of Mixed Logit model with RP/SP data:accounting for non-linearities, systematic and random heterogeneity.  École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
  • 2007 Talk on On the use of Mixed Logit model with RP/SP data: accounting for non-linearities, systematic and random heterogeneity, Workshop on “Discrete choice models”,  École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland.
  • 2007 Talk on Accounting for non-linearities and random heterogeneity in the estimation of willingness to pay with RP and SP data, Workshop on “Valuation Methods in Transport Plan”,  Institute of Transport Economics, Oslo, Norway .

Examination and Supervision of Ph.D. Theses

Doctoral theses: supervision

  • In progress - Revy Safitri ( Main Supervisor ) Inertia effect in modal shift to sustainable modes. Newcastle University, UK.
  • In progress - Cristian Domarchi ( Supervisor ) Integrated diffusion and choice models for innovative transport alternatives: An application to the Electric Vehicles market . Newcastle University, UK.
  • In progress - José Javier Soto ( Hosting Supervisor ) Modelos de elección discreta con heterogeneidad en heurísticas de decisión a nivel intrapersonal. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
  • 2023 - Hao Yin ( Supervisor )  Role of social conformity in the acceptance and uptake of Autonomous Vehicles . Newcastle University, UK.
  • 2021 - Thomas Guerrero Barbosa ( Supervisor  jointly with Prof. Juan de Dios Ortúzar and Angelo Guevara)  Evaluation and correction of endogeneity in discrete choice models.  Double PhD  between Newcastle University and Pontificia Universidad Católica de Cile. Chile.
  • 2021 - Viktoriya Kolarova ( Co-Supervisor )  Estimating and explaining the value of travel time savings (VTTS) for autonomous driving . Humboldt University Berlin, Germany
  • 2018 Jorge Andrés Urrutia Mosquera ( Hosting Supervisor )  Modelación de la elección y compra de Autos: Estudio empírico de las características de los consumidores y valoración de incentivos que podrían influenciar las preferencias para consumo de autos de baja contaminación . Universidad del Desarrollo. Santiago, Chile.
  • 2018 - Francesco Piras ( Hosting Supervisor )  Performing Transportation analysis and discrete choice model estimation . University of Cagliari, Italy.
  • 2015 Dr. Mikkel Thorhauge ( Co - Supervisor  )  Departure Time Choice: Modelling Individual Preferences, Intention and Constraints.  Technical University of Denmark, Denmark.
  • 2015 - Dr. Eleonora Sottile ( Co - Supervisor  )  Dynamic discrete choice models to assess the effect of sustainable mobility interventions . University of Cagliari, Italy.
  • 2014 Angel Marrero Llinares ( Hosting Supervisor)   Efectos económicos de las infraestructuras públicas: métodos y aplicaciones en el sector transporte.  Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain (Thesis to be defended).
  • 2014 Dr. Anders Fjendbo Jensen ( Supervisor  )  Assessing the potential market for electric vehicles . Technical University of Denmark, Denmark.
  • 2012 Dr. Lissy de la Paix  (Co-Supervisor)  Modelling the impact of built environment, geographical scales and latent constructs on individual travel behaviour . TRANSyT, Universidad Politéchnica de Madrid, Spain.
  • 2009 Dr. Maria Francisca Yàñez ( Hosting Supervisor)  Introducción de efectos temporales y variables latentes en modelos de elección con datos de panel . Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
  • 2009 Dr. Jorge E. Córdoba ( Hosting Supervisor)  Modelo de elección discreta basado en agente y considerando racionalidad limitada . Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín, Colombia.
  • 2009 Dr. Nicola Pusceddu ( Co-Supervisor )  Un approccio mesoscopico per l’assegnazione dinamica del traffico. University of Cagliari, Italy.
  • 2003 Dr. Cristina Contu ( Co-Supervisor )  Effetto delle tecniche di aggregazione nella previsione della domanda di viaggio.  University of Cagliari, Italy.

Doctoral theses: external examiner

  • 2023 Dr. Qianqian Yan. Individual and household decision-making in shared parking. Eindhoven University of Technology. The Netherland
  • 2020 Dr. Jorge Andrés Urrutia Mosquera. Modelación de la elección y compra de Autos: Estudio empírico de las características de los consumidores y valoración de incentivos que podrían influenciar las preferencias para consumo de autos de baja contaminación. Universidad del Desarrollo. Santiago, Chile.
  • 2020 Dr. Xiaofeng Pan. Social Influence Effects in Tourism Travel: Air Trip Itinerary and Destination Choices. Eindhoven University of Technology. The Netherland.
  • 2019 Dr. Danique Ton.  Unravelling mode and route choice behaviour of active mode users .  Delft University of Technology, the Netherland
  • 2019 Dr. Aliasghar Mehdizadeh Dastjerdi.  ATIS and Commuters Behavior: Factors Affecting Behavioral Intentions Toward the Use of Travel Information Technology.  T echnical University of Denmark. Denmark.
  • 2018 Dr. Mariska van Hassen.  The potential of social routing advice.  University of Twente in Enschede , the Netherland.
  • 2018 Dr. Thomas Magor.  Using Latent Variables to Represent Preference Heterogeneity in Choice Experiments: Applications to Behavioural Phenomena .  University of Queensland Business School , Australia
  • 2018 Dr. Andrew Jenkins.  Energy Storage and Electric Vehicles as a means of Mitigating Uncertainty in Urban Microgrid.  University of Newcastle,  UK.
  • 2017 Dr. Ying Huang.  An examination of the risk parameter as a measurement of risk attitude in discrete choice modelling . The  University of Western Australia , Perth, Australia. 
  • 2017 Dr. Anna Fernandez Antolín.  Dealing with correlations in Discrete Choice Models .  Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne , Switzerland.
  • 2016 Dr. Dimas Bayu Endrayana Dharmowijoyo. The complexity and variability of individuals’ activity-travel patterns in Indonesia.  KTH Royal Institute of Technology , Sweden.
  • 2016 Dr. Ruggiero Lovreglio.  Human Behaviour analysis during emergency situation .  Politecnico di Bari , Italy,
  • 2015 Dr. Dereje Fentie Abegaz.  Essay in Transport Economics  Technical University of Denmark. Denmark.
  • 2014 Dr. Nicoló Daina.  Modelling electric vehicle use and charging behaviour.   Imperial College , London, UK.
  • 2013 Dr. Qian Wang.  Opponent at the Pre-doctoral defence  and  Member of the Ph.D. committee for the Doctoral defence.   KTH Royal Institute of Technology , Sweden.   
  • 2013 Dr. Stefano Scagnolari.  Leisure Mobility Choices of Young People, Psychological Aspects and Hybrid Choice Models.  Universitá della Svizzera Italiana . Switzerland
  • 2010 Dr. Lucía Mejía Dorantes. Transportation infrastructure impacts on house prices and firms location: The effect of a new metro line in the suburbs of Madrid. TRANSyT,  Universidad Politéchnica de Madrid , Spain.
  • 2005 Dr. Francisco Amador.  Medidas Alternativas de bienestar derivadas de un modelo de asignación del tiempo en el contexto de elección discreta: teoría y aplicaciones .  Universidad de la Laguna , Tenerife, Spain.
  • 2003 Dr. Raquel Espino.  Análisis y predicción de la demanda de transporte de pasajeros.  Universidad de Las Palmas , Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.

Papers presented at International Conferences

  • Yin, H and Cherchi, E. (2023) Living in a City where Automated Taxis are operating and using them: Does this affect consumers’ preferences?" 102nd Seminar on Transportation Research Board. Washington DC, USA 
  • Guerrero, T.E., Guevara, C.A., Cherchi, E., Ortúzar, J. de D. (2022) Addressing endogeneity in strategic urban mode choice models’. 16th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research. Santiago, Chile
  • Yin, H. and Cherchi, E. (2022) A stated choice experiment embedded in immersive virtual reality to estimate preference for fully automated taxis. 16th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research. Santiago, Chile.
  • Nazemi, M., Zhao, T., Ramos, D., Farooq, M., Yin, H., Cherchi, E. and Bektas, M. (2022) The Role of Social Conformity in Pedestrian-Autonomous Vehicles Interaction. 16th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research. Santiago, Chile.
  • Domarchi, C. and Cherchi, E. (2022) Joint models of car segment and fuel type choice for alternative fuel vehicles: application to the UK market. 16th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research. Santiago, Chile.
  • Guerrero, T., Guevara, C.A., Ortúzar, J. de D. and Cherchi, E. (2022) Characterizing the Impact of Discrete Indicators to Correct for Endogeneity in Discrete Choice Models. 7th International Choice Modelling Conference. Reykjavik, Island. 
  • Guerrero, T., Guevara, C.A., Ortúzar, J. de D. and Cherchi, E. (2022) Forecasting with Strategic Transport Models Corrected for Endogeneity. 10th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation. Leuven, Belgium.
  • Yin, H and Cherchi, E. (2022) The impacts of in-vehicle features and social influence on the choice of autonomous taxis 101th Seminar on Transportation Research Board. Washington DC, USA. (submitted).
  • Bas, J., Cirillo, C. and Cherchi, E. (2022) A State Choice experiment for considering Social Conformity in the adoption of Electric Vehicles. 12 th   International Conference on Transport Survey Methods. Travel Survey and Big Data: how to make the best of both worlds , Portugal. ( Accepted ).
  • Yin, H. and Cherchi, E. (2022) Conducting Stated Choice Experiments within a Virtual Reality environment: an application to the choice of automated taxi 12 th   International Conference on Transport Survey Methods. Travel Survey and Big Data: how to make the best of both worlds , Portugal. ( Accepted ).
  • Guerrero, T.E., Guevara, C.A., Ortúzar, J. de D., Cherchi, E. (2021) A Forecasting with Strategic Transport Models Corrected for Endogeneity. 100th Seminar on Transportation Research Board. Washington DC, USA.
  • Cherchi, E., Vuong, Q., Stergiou, A. (2021) Using EEG to understand how our brain elaborate information in stated choice experiments: Easy versus hard tasks in the choice of vehicles. 9th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation. Lyon, France.
  • Guerrero, T.E., Guevara, C.A., Ortúzar, J. de D., Cherchi, E. (2020) Addressing Endogeneity in Strategic Mode Choice Models.  99th Seminar on Transportation Research Board . Washington DC, USA. ( Accepted )
  • Guerrero, T.E., Guevara, C.A., Ortúzar, J. de D., Cherchi, E. (2020) A Novel Approach to correct for Endogeneity when Forecasting with Discrete Choice Models. URBANICS 4, Valdivia (Chile) ( Accepted )
  • Guerrero, T.E., Guevara, C.A., Ortúzar, J. de D., Cherchi, E. (2020) A methodology to identify weak instruments for correcting endogeneity in discrete choice models.  Workshop on New Technologies for Urban Mobility  (NTUM)  ( Accepted )


  • Thorhauge, M., Kassahun, H., Cherchi, E. and Haustein, S. (2019) Mobility Needs, activity patterns and activity flexibility: How individuals select transportation mode. 8 th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation . Budapest, Hungary.
  • Guerrero, T.E., Guevara, C.A., Ortúzar, J. de D. and Cherchi, E. (2019) Addressing Endogeneity in Strategic Mode Choice Models,  International Choice Model Conference , Kobe, Japan.
  • Guerrero, T.E., Guevara, C.A., Ortúzar, J. de D. and Cherchi, E. (2019) Addressing Endogeneity in Strategic Mode Choice Models,  XIII Congreso Colombiano de Transporte y Tránsito . Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.
  • Thorhauge, M., Kassahun, H., Cherchi, E. and Haustein, S. (2019) Mobility Needs, activity patterns and activity flexibility: How individuals select transportation mode.  Travel Demand Management Symposium , Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
  • Geng, X., Wang, Y., Guarda, P.A. and Cherchi, E. (2019) Commuter Departure Time Choice Behavior under Congestion Charge: Analysis based on Cumulative Prospect Theory.  International Transportation Economics Association  (ITEA), Paris, France.
  • Thorhauge, M., Vij, A. and Cherchi, E. (2018) Validation of latent class models to account for the effect of flexibility in departure time choices. 7th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation. Athens, Greece. 
  • Bas, J., Cherchi, E., Cirillo, C. and Jensen, A. (2018) Predicting the diffusion of EV: A dynamic approach to model the impact of imitation and experience. 15th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research. Santa Barbara, USA. 
  • Farooq, B., Cherchi, E. and Sobhani, A. (2018) Virtual Immersive Reality for Stated Preference Travel Behaviour Experiments: A Case study of Autonomous Vehicles on Urban Roads. 97th Seminar on Transportation Research Board. Washington DC, USA.
  • Piras, F., L., Cherchi, E., Sottile, E. and Meloni, I. (2018) Habitual behaviour versus reasoned trade-off of mode characteristics in the choice to commute to work by bike. 7th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation. Athens, Greece. 
  • Urrutia, J.A., Fábrega, J.A., Cherchi, E. and Rizzi, L.I (2019) Evaluation of incentives that could influence the preferences for consumption of low pollution cars (Electric and Hybrid). XX Congreso Panamericano de Ingeniería de Tránsito, Transporte y Logística, Medellín, Colombia. 
  • Bas, J., Cherchi, E., Cirillo, C. and Jensen, A. (2018) Predicting the diffusion of EV: A dynamic approach to model the impact of imitation and experience. Operation Research Conference: Stream: Traffic, Mobility and Passenger Transportation. Brussels, Belgium. 
  • Jensen, A., Haustein, S., Cherchi, E., Thorhauge, M., (2017) Actual preferences for EV households in Denmark and Sweden. 6th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation. Haifa, Israel.
  • Cherchi, E. (2017) Using eye track devises to understand individual decisions in stated preferences experiments: an application to the choice of electric vehicles. 11th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods in the era of big data: facing the challenges. Estérel, Québec, Canada
  • Sottile, E., Sanjust di Teulada, B., Meloni, I. and Cherchi, E. (2017) Estimation and validation of Hybrid choice models to identify which factors could affect the choice of the bicycle. 5th International Choice Modelling Conference, Cape Town, South Africa. 
  • Farooq, B. and Cherchi, E. (2017) Virtual immersive reality environment (VISE) for disruptive vehicular technology choice experiments. 5th International Choice Modelling Conference, Cape Town, South Africa. 
  • Cherchi, E. Rashidi, T., Börjesson, M. and Bierlaire, M. (2017) Habitual latent behaviour and dynamic effect of inertia. Lagged-based versus hazard-based hybrid mode choice model. 96th Seminar on Transportation Research Board. Washington DC, USA.
  • Farooq, B. and Cherchi, E. (2016) Immersive Virtual Reality Experiments for Analyzing Autonomous Vehicle Demand.  Transportation Research Board Invited Speaker at Automated Vehicles Symposium 2016 , San Francisco.
  • Cherchi, E. and Raja. M.N.A. (2016) Using Eye track devise to understand individual decisions in stated preferences experiments: an application to the choice of electric vehicles. 5th  Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation.  Delft, The Netherland.
  • Gonzáles, R.M., Marrero, A.S. and Cherchi, E. (2016) the inertia effect on the car choice after a new public transport mode implementation using panel data.  XVII Panamerican Conference.  Mexico City, Mexico.
  • Sottile, E., Cherchi, E. and Meloni, I. (2016) Psychological profiles of commuters in Cagliari.  14 th  World Conference on Transport Research.  Shanghai, China.
  • Cherchi, E., Dubey, S., Daziano, R., Pinjari, A. and Bhat, C. (2016) Simulation evaluation of emerging estimation techniques for mixed multinomial probit models. 95 th   Seminar on Transportation Research Board.  Washington DC, USA.
  • Thorhauge, M., Cherchi, E. Walker, J. and Jeppe, R. (2016) The role of intention as mediator between latent effects and current behaviour: application of a hybrid choice model to study departure time choices. 95 th   Seminar on Transportation Research Board.  Washington DC, USA.
  • Cherchi, E. (2015) A semi-compensatory model with cut-offs to account for attributes    non-attendance .  4 th  Symposium  of the European Association for Research in Transportation.  Lyngby, Denmark.
  • Cherchi, E. (2015) A semi-compensatory model with soft cut-offs to account for attributes non-attendance. INFORM Conference, Montreal, Canada.
  • Cherchi, E. (2015) Measuring the effect of social conformity in the preference formation: integrating goals in the utility maximisation.  14 th  International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research . Windsor, UK.
  • La Paix, L., Cherchi, E. and Geurs, K. (2015) Integration of unobserved effects in access/egress mode choice models. NECTAR Conference, Chicago ,  USA.
  • Gonzáles, R.M., Marrero, A.S. and Cherchi, E. (2015) Measuring the inertia effect on mode choice: a panel data around a new tram implementation.  Annual International Conference on Transportation,  Athens, Greece.
  • Sottile, E., Cherchi, E. and Meloni, I. (2014) Measuring soft measures within a stated preference survey: the effect of pollution and stress from traffic in the mode choice.  10 th  International Conference on Transport Survey Methods: Scoping the Future while Staying on Track  – Leura, Australia.
  • Thorhauge, M., Cherchi, E. Walker, J. and Jeppe, R. (2014) The role of the Theory of Planned Behavior in explaining the departure time choice. 3 rd   Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation , Leeds, UK.
  • Sottile, E., Cherchi, E. and Meloni, I. (2014) A stated preference survey to measure the effect of ‘soft measures’ in mode choice.  XVIII Panamerican Conference.  Santander, Spain.
  • Mabit, S., Cherchi, E., Jensen, A., and Jordal-Jørgensen, J. (2014) Hybrid choice modelling allowing for reference-dependent preferences: estimation and validation for the case of alternative-fuel vehicles. 93 rd   Seminar on Transportation Research Board.  Washington DC, USA.
  • Jensen, A., Cherchi, E., Mabit, S. and Ortúzar, J. de D. (2014) Predicting the potential market of electric vehicles. 93 rd   Seminar on Transportation Research Board.  Washington DC, USA.
  • Cherchi, E. and Cirillo, C. (2014) Understanding variability, habit and the effect of long period activity plan in modal choices: A day to day, week to week analysis on panel data. 93 rd   Seminar on Transportation Research Board.  Washington DC, USA.
  • De Abreu, J., Sottile, E. and Cherchi, E. (2014) The effects of land use patterns on tour type choice. The application of a hybrid choice model. 93 rd   Seminar on Transportation Research Board.  Washington DC, USA.
  • Thorhauge, M., Cherchi, E. and Rich, J. (2014) The effect of perceived mobility necessity in the choice of departure time. 93 rd   Seminar on Transportation Research Board.  Washington DC, USA.
  • Jensen, A., Cherchi, E. (2013) Integrating individual attitudes in the discrete choice of electric vehicles versus conventional. 4 th   NORBIT Conference on Transport Behaviour , Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Thorhauge, M. Cherchi, E. and Rich, J (2013) Accounting for the effect of rescheduling possibilities in the departure time choice using an efficient stated preference design. 2 nd   Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation , Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Börjesson, M., Cherchi E., and Bierlaire, M. (2013) Within individual variation in the value of time and mode choice preferences over 6 weeks.  Annual   Conference of the International Transport Economics Association . Evanston, USA .
  • Cherchi E., Börjesson, M., and Bierlaire, M. (2013) A hybrid mode choice model to account for the dynamic effect of inertia over time. 3 rd   International Choice Modelling    Conference, Sydney,  Australia .
  • Román, C., Martín, J.C., Espino, R., Cherchi, E. Ortúzar, J. de D., Gonzales, R.M., Amador, F.J. and Rizzi, L.I. (2013) How do travellers value their travel time? A study-case for the Madrid-Barcelona corridor. 3 rd   International Choice Modelling Conference, Sydney,  Australia .
  • La Paix, L., Monzón, A., Cherchi, E. and Loro, M. (2013) Residential self-selection and geographical scales in trip frequency.  13 th  World Conference on Transport Research.  Rio de Janeiro, Brazil .
  • Börjesson, M., Cherchi E., and Bierlaire, M. (2012) Within individual variation in preferences: Equity effects of congestion charges. 92 nd   Seminar on Transportation Research Board.  Washington DC, USA.
  • Mabit, S., Cherchi E., Jensen, A. and Jordal-Jørgensen, J. (2012) Hybrid choice modelling allowing for reference-dependent preferences: the case of alternative-fuel vehicles in Denmark. 1 st  European Symposium on Quantitative Methods in Transportation , Lausanne, Switzerland.
  • Börjesson, M., Cherchi E., and Bierlaire, M. (2012) Between and within individual variation in values of time and mode choice – application to equity effects of congestion charges. 1 st  E uropean Symposium on Quantitative Methods in Transportation , Lausanne, Switzerland.
  • Jensen, A., Cherchi, E. and Ortúzar, J.de D. (2012) A long panel survey to elicit preferences for electric vehicles and charging infrastructure.  XVII Panamerican Conference.  Santiago, Chile.
  • Román, C., Martín, J.C., Espino, R., Cherchi, E. Ortúzar, J. de D., Gonzales, R.M., Amador, F.J. and Rizzi, L.I. (2012) Valuation of travel time savings for intercity travel: the Madrid-Barcelona corridor.  XVII Panamerican Conference.  Santiago, Chile.
  • Gonzales, R.M., Amador, F.J., Rizzi, L.I., Román, C., Ortúzar, J. de D., Espino, R., Cherchi, E. and Martín, J.C., (2012) Disposición a pagar por reducir el riesgo de accidentes de tráfico con víctimas en España.  XVII Panamerican Conference.  Santiago, Chile.
  • Cherchi, E. and Guevara C.A., Paleti, R., and Bhat, C. (2012) A Monte Carlo experiment to examine the effectiveness of alternative estimation techniques for the multinomial probit model.  13 th  International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research . Toronto, Canada.
  • Cherchi, E. Meloni, I. and Ortúzar, J. de D. (2012) The latent effect of inertia in the modal choice.  13 th  International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research . Toronto, Canada.
  • Jensen, A., Cherchi, E. and Mabit, S. (2012) On the stability of preferences and attitudes before and after experiencing an electric vehicle.  13 th  International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research . Toronto, Canada.
  • Meloni, I., Spissu, E., Sanjust, B. and Cherchi, E. (2012) An experimental analysis of the propensity for voluntary travel behavior changes.  13 th  International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research . Toronto, Canada.
  • Cherchi, E. (2012) Estimating and predicting inertia effect in modal choices. Invited paper at the workshop on “Recent Advances in Choice Modeling: Theoretical Developments and Practical Applications”, 91 st   Seminar on Transportation Research Board.  Washington DC, USA.
  • Cherchi, E. and Guevara C.A. (2012) Assessing maximum simulated likelihood and expected maximization methods for the estimation of random coefficients logit with panel data. 91 st   Seminar on Transportation Research Board.  Washington DC, USA.
  • Meloni, I., Spissu, E. and Cherchi. E. (2011) Implications of a new probe personal system on the quality of activity-travel data for sustainable strategy implementation.  9 th  International Conference on Transport Survey Methods: Scoping the Future while Staying on Track  – Termas de Puyehue, Chile.
  • La Paix, L., Bierlaire, M., Cherchi, E. and Monzón, A. (2011) How urban environment affects travel behavior? Integrated Choice and Latent Variable Model for Travel Schedules.  2 nd  International Choice Modelling Conference , Harrogate, UK.
  • Cherchi, E. And Manca, F. (2011) Accounting for inertia in modal choices: Some new evidence using RP/SP dataset.  90 th  Seminar on Transportation Research Board . Washington DC, USA.
  • Cherchi, E. and Cirillo, C. (2010) Validation and forecasts in models estimated from multi-days travel survey.  European Transport Conference . Glasgow, UK.
  • La Paix, L., Monzón, A. and Cherchi, E. (2010) Location effects on trip generation: Evidence from Madrid Metropolitan Area.  12 th  World Conference on Transport Research . Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Yáñez, F., Cherchi, E. and Ortúzar, J. de D. (2010) Forecasting with discrete choice panel models incorporating temporal effects.  12 th  World Conference on Transport Research . Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Cherchi, E. and Cirillo, C. (2010) On the day-to-day variability in modal choices: A mixed logit mode choice model on panel data.  XVI Panamerican Conference.  Lisbon, Portugal.
  • García L., Cherchi, E. and Ortúzar, J. de D. (2010) Distribución interportuaria del tráfico de contenedores: análisis del caso español.  XVI Panamerican Conference.  Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Cherchi, E. and Cirillo, C. (2010) Validation and forecasts in models estimated from multi-days travel survey.  89 th  Seminar on Transportation Research Board.  Washington DC, USA.
  • Yáñez, F. Cherchi, E. and Ortúzar, J. de D. (2010) Defining Inter-Alternative Error Structures for Joint RP-SP Modelling: Some New Evidence.  89 th  Seminar on Transportation Research Board.  Washington DC, USA.
  • Cherchi, E. (2009) Modelling individual preferences, State of the art, recent advances and future directions.  Resource paper prepared for the 12 th  International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research . Jaipur, India.
  • Cherchi, E. And Guevara C.A. (2009) A Monte Carlo experiment to analyse the curse of dimensionality in estimating random coefficients models with a full variance-covariance matrix.  12 th  International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research . Jaipur, India.
  • Yañez, F. Cherchi, E., Heydecker, B.G. and Ortúzar, J. de D. (2009) Inertia and shock effects on mode choice panel data: implications of the Transantiago implementation .  12 th  International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research . Jaipur, India.
  • Cherchi, E., Cirillo, C. and Ortúzar, J.de D. (2009) A mixed logit mode choice model on panel data: accounting for different correlation over time periods.  1 st  International Choice Modelling Conference.  Harrogate, UK.
  • Cherchi, E., Cirillo, C. and Polak, J. (2009) User Benefit Assessment in Presence of Random Taste Heterogeneity: Comparison between Parametric and Nonparametric Models.  88 th  Seminar on Transportation Research Board.  Washington DC, USA.
  • Guevara, C.A., Cherchi, E. and Moreno, M. (2009) Estimating Random Coefficient Logit Models with Full Covariance Matrix: Comparing Performance of Mixed Logit and Laplace Approximation Methods.  88 th  Seminar on Transportation Research Board.  Washington DC, USA.
  • Amador, F.J. and Cherchi, E. (2008) Econometric effects of utility order transformations in discrete choice models.  XV Panamerican Conference.  Barranquilla, Colombia.
  • Yáñez, M.F., Cherchi, E., Heydecker, B.G. and Ortúzar, J. de D. (2008) On the treatment of the repeated observations in panel data: efficiency of Mixed Logit parameter estimates.  XV Panamerican Conference.  Barranquilla, Colombia.
  • Cherchi, E. And Cirillo, C. (2008) A modal mixed logit choice model on panel data: accounting for systematic and random heterogeneity in preferences and tastes.  87 th  Seminar on Transportation Research Board.  Washington DC, USA.
  • Cherchi, E. and Ortúzar, J.de D. (2007) On the efficiency of Mixed Logit parameters estimates: analysing the effect of data richness  XIII Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería de Transporte . Santigago, Chile.
  • Cherchi. E (2007) Accounting for non-linearities and random heterogeneity in the estimation of willingness to pay with RP and SP data.  Workshop on Valuation Methods in Transport Planning , Oslo, Norway.
  • Cherchi, E. and Ortúzar, J.de D. (2007) A Monte Carlo analysis to explore the effect of data richness in the empirical identification of the mixed logit model.  11 th   World Conference on Transport Research , Berkeley, California.
  • Cherchi, E. and Polak, J. W. (2007) The implication of disregarding income effect in the assessment of user benefit using discrete choice models.  86 th  Seminar on   Transportation Research Board . Washington DC.
  • Cherchi, E. and Polak, J. W. (2007) Income Effects in the Evaluation of User Benefits Using Discrete Choice Models.  39 th  Conference on   UTSG . Leeds, UK.

Before 2007

  • Cherchi, E. and Ortúzar, J.de D. (2006) On the use of mixed RP/SP models in prediction: accounting for random taste heterogeneity.  11 th  International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research . Kyoto, Japan.
  • Cherchi, E. and Ortúzar, J.de D. (2005) Estimation and prediction with the Mixed Logit model: analysis of some confounding effects.  XII Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería de Transporte , Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Sociedad Chilena de Ingeniería de Transporte, Santiago, 69-82. ISBN 0717-3482.
  • Cherchi, E., Polak, J. W. and Hyman, G. (2004) The implications of income, taste and substitution effects for the assessment of user benefits using discrete choice models.  European Transport Conference . Strasburg, France.
  • Cherchi, E. and Ortúzar, J.de D. (2004) Random effect vs. error component in the Mixed Logit model: correlation, heteroskedasticity, preference and response unobserved heterogeneity.  10 th   World Conference on Transport Research , Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Contu, C., Cherchi, E. and Meloni I. (2004) Aggregated modal choice models: effects of interactions, squared terms, socio-economic and highly individual variables  10 th  World Conference on Transport Research , Istanbul, Turkey
  • Cherchi, E. and Ortúzar, J.de D. (2003) Alternative specific variables in non-linear Utility Functions: Influence of correlation, homoschedasticity and taste variations.  10 th  International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research . Lucerne, Switzerland.
  • Cherchi, E. (2003) VOT derivation using mixed RP/SP data with non-linear functions. Doctoral Student Seminar in Transportation Modeling at the Transportation Research Board 2003 Annual Meeting. Washington DC, USA.
  • Cherchi, E. and Ortúzar, J.de D. (2003) Multimodal choice models with mixed RP/SP data: correlation, non-linearities and income effect. Selected Proceeding  9 TH  World Conference on Transport Research , Seul, Corea, 2001. Pergamon-Elsevier (ed.), Netherlands. ISBN 0-08-044274-9.
  • Cherchi, E. and Ortúzar, J.de D. (2003) On applying mixed RP/SP models to policy forecasts: some new evidence. En R. Garrido y J.C. Muñoz (eds.),  XI Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería de Transporte , Universidad de Chile, Sociedad Chilena de Ingeniería de Transporte, Santiago, 115-127.
  • Cherchi, E., Meloni, I. and Ortúzar, J.de D. (2002) Policy forecasts involving new train services: application of mixed RP/SP models with interaction effects.  XII Panamerican Conference on Transport and Traffic Engineering . Quíto, Ecuador.
  • Meloni, I., Cherchi, E. and Guala L. (1998) The impact of improvement in transportation supply on the participation in out of on activities . 8 TH  World Conference on Transport Research , Antwerp, Belgium.
  • Meloni, I., Cherchi, E. e Guala, L. (1998) An analysis of time use data to assess the impact of improvements on the transportation system: the application to a traffic corridor.  International Symposium on Travel Demand Management , Newcastle, England.
  • Fadda, P., Meloni, I., Cherchi, E. and Fancello G. (1995) A model of the transport system on a regional scale.  Proceedings 4 th  International Conference on COMPUTER IN URBAN PLANNING and URBAN MANAGEMENT , Melbourne. R. Wyatt and H. Hossain (ed.). Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 245-254.
  • Fadda, P., Meloni, I., Cherchi, E. and Fancello G. (1995) A decision support system for supply policy realization in Sardinia transport framework.  III International Congress on Energy, Environment and Technological innovations , Caracas, Venezuela.
  • Meloni, I. and Cherchi, E. (1995) Temps et espace: perspective sur l’organisation de la mobilité urbaine.  1 ère  biennale des villes ed des urbanistes d’Europe,  Lyon, Francia ,  139-144.


Behavioural models for individual choices (CEG8427, Module Leader; 10 credits) 


Transport Modelling and Forecasting (CEG8419, Module Leader; 10 credits) 


Data collection and survey methods (CEG8435, Module Leader; 10 credits)  (1)


Transport Research Methods (CEG8423, Module Leader, 10 credits)  


MSc Project and Dissertation in Transport Engineering (CEG8496, Lecturer, 60 credits)   (1)

https://www.ncl.ac.uk/postgraduate/modules/ceg849 6   


Sustainable Engineering Design Project (CEG3004, Lecturer, 20 credits)  


Investigative Research Project (CEG8099, Lecturer, 20 credits)   (1)  


(1) Thanks to SurveyEngine for the support with the data collection.


7 June - 9 June 2021 Graduate course on “Advanced Discrete Choice Models”, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway.

18 November 2020 Graduate Course on "Discrete Choice Models". Beijing Jiaotong University, China. 

18 September 2018  Course on "Scientific writing and Comunication: Maximise your chances of success in the academic career". UNIZA Training School, University of Zilina, Slovakia.  

27 February - 2 March 2017  Graduate course on “Advanced Discrete Choice Models”, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway. 

September 2009  International “Monitoring sustainable tourism” 14 hours course at post-graduated level. Parco Nazionale dell’Asinara & University of Sassari, Italy.

July 2008 and June 2009  International Summer School on “Discrete Choice models: theory and applications to environment, landscape, transportation and marketing”. 8 hours course at post-graduated level. Università di Bologna, Italy.

15-28 April 2007  Course on “Advances in transport demand modelling”. 24 hours at post-graduated level. Department of Civil Engineering, Universidad de Concepción, Chile. 

13-17 November 2000  Post-Lauream Course on “Mathematical models for transport planning” 4 hours course at post-graduated level. Institute for Transport Studies, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Ingeniería y Agrimensura, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina.


From 2004 to 2009  Course on “Econometric Methods for Transport”. 50 hours course at Master level. Faculty of Engineering, Università di Cagliari (Italy).

From 2011 to 2016  Course on “Discrete Choice Models". 50 hours course at Master and Ph.D. level. Department of Transport Transport. Technical University of Denmark (DTU).

From 2011 to 2016  Course on “Publishing Research in Transportation Science”.50 hours course at Ph.D. level. Department of Transport Transport. Technical University of Denmark (DTU).


November 1999 to May 2000  Course on “Logistics and Intermodality”, 25 hours course at Bachelor level. Università di Cagliari, Italy

April 1996  Course on “Transport Planning and Design Elements”. 10 hours course at Bachelor level. Department of Land and Water Resources Engineering, Università di Cagliari, Italy.

  • Geng K, Wang Y, Cherchi E, Guarda P. Commuter departure time choice behavior under congestion charge: Analysis based on cumulative prospect theory . Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 2023, 168 , 103564.
  • Yin H, Cherchi E. Willingness to pay for automated taxis: a stated choice experiment to measure the impact of in-vehicle features and customer reviews . Transportation 2024, 51 , 51-72.
  • Guerrero TE, Guevara CA, Cherchi E, Ortuzar JDD. Characterizing the impact of discrete indicators to correct for endogeneity in discrete choice models . Journal of Choice Modelling 2022, 42 , 100342.
  • La Paix L, Cherchi E, Geurs K. Role of perception of bicycle infrastructure on the choice of the bicycle as a train feeder mode . International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 2021, 15 (6), 486-499.
  • Kolarova V, Cherchi E. Impact of trust and travel experiences on the value of travel time savings for autonomous driving . Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 2021, 131 , 103354.
  • Thorhauge M, Vij A, Cherchi E. Heterogeneity in departure time preferences, flexibility and schedule constraints . Transportation 2021, 48 , 1865-1893.
  • Bas J, Cirillo C, Cherchi E. Classification of potential electric vehicle purchasers: A machine learning approach . Technological Forecasting and Social Change 2021, 168 , 120759.
  • Haustein S, Jensen AF, Cherchi E. Battery electric vehicle adoption in Denmark and Sweden: Recent changes, related factors and policy implications . Energy Policy 2021, 149 , 112096.
  • Guerrero TE, Guevara CA, Cherchi E, Ortuzar JD. Addressing endogeneity in strategic urban mode choice models . Transportation 2021, 48 , 2081-2102.
  • Nilsen OL, Diez-Gutierrez M, Andersen SN, Torset T, Cherchi E. Where and why do firms choose to move? Empirical evidence from Norway . Journal of Transport and Land Use 2020, 13 (1), 207-225.
  • Thorhauge M, Swait J, Cherchi E. The habit-driven life: Accounting for inertia in departure time choices for commuting trips . Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 2020, 133 , 272-289.
  • Zheng X, Yang Y, Easa S, Lin W, Cherchi E. The effect of leftward bias on visual attention for driving tasks . Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 2020, 70 , 199-207.
  • Thorhauge M, Kassahun HT, Cherchi E, Haustein S. Mobility needs, activity patterns and activity flexibility: How subjective and objective constraints influence mode choice . Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 2020, 139 , 255-272.
  • Thorhaouge M, Cherchi E, Walker JL, Rich J. The role of intention as mediator between latent effects and behavior: application of a hybrid choice model to study departure time choices . Transportation 2019, 46 , 1421-1445.
  • Sottile E, Sanjust B, Meloni I, Cherchi E. Estimation and validation of hybrid choice models to identify the role of perception in the choice to cycle . International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 2019, 13 (8), 543-552.
  • Cherchi E, Bhat C. Workshop Synthesis: Data analytics and fusion in a world of multiple sensing and information capture mechanisms . Transportation Research Procedia 2018, 32 , 416–420.
  • Farooq B, Cherchi E, Sobhani A. Virtual Immersive Reality for Stated Preference Travel Behaviour Experiments: A Case Study of Autonomous Vehicles on Urban Roads . Transportation Research Record 2018, 2672 (50), 35-45.
  • Cherchi E. Using eye track devices to understand individual decisions process in stated preferences experiments: an application to the choice of electric vehicles . Transportation Research Procedia 2018, 32 , 454–463.
  • Dellaert BGC, Swait J, Adamowicz WLV, Arentze TA, Bruch EE, Cherchi E, Chorus C, Donkers B, Feinberg FM, Marley AAJ, Salisbury LC. Individuals’ decisions in the presence of multiple goals . Customer Needs and Solution 2018, 5 (1-2), 51-64.
  • Gonzales RM, Amador FJ, Rizzi LI, Ortúzar J de D, Román C, Espino R, Martín JC, Cherchi E. Estimating the value of risk reductions for car drivers when pedestrians are involved: a case study in Spain . Transportation 2018, 45 (2), 499-521.
  • Haustein S, Thorhauge M, Cherchi E. Commuters’ attitudes and norms related to travel time and punctuality: A psychographic segmentation to reduce congestion . Travel Behaviour and Society 2018, 12 , 41-50.
  • Gonzáles RM, Marrero AS, Cherchi E. Testing for inertia effect when a new tram is implemented . Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 2017, 98 , 150-159.
  • Patil PN, Dubey S, Pinjari A, Cherchi E, Daziano R, Bhat C. Simulation evaluation of emerging estimation techniques for mixed multinomial probit models . Journal of Choice Modelling 2017, 23 , 9-20.
  • A Jensen, E Cherchi, S Mabit, Ortúzar J de D. Predicting the Potential Market for Electric Vehicles . Transportation Science 2017, 51 (2), 427-440.
  • Cherchi E, Cirillo C, Ortúzar J de D. Modelling correlation patterns in mode choice models estimated on multiday travel data . Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 2017, 96 , 146-153.
  • Stathopoulos A, Cirillo C, Cherchi E, Ben-Elia E, Li Y-T, Schmöcker J-D. Innovation adoption modeling in transportation: New models and data . Journal of Choice Modelling 2017, 23 , 61-68.
  • Sottile E, Meloni I, Cherchi E. Hybrid choice model to disentangle the effect of awareness from attitudes: Application test of soft measures in medium size city . Case Studies on Transport Policy 2017, 5 (2), 400-407.
  • Cherchi E. A stated choice experiment to measure the effect of informational and normative conformity in the preference for electric vehicles . Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 2017, 100 , 88-104.
  • Thorhauge M, Cherchi E, Rich J. How flexible is flexible? Accounting for the effect of rescheduling possibilities in departure time choice . Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 2016, 86 (4), 177-193.
  • Valeri E, Cherchi E. Does habitual behavior affect the choice of alternative fuel vehicles? . International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 2016, 10 (9), 825–835.
  • Thorhauge M, Haustein S, Cherchi E. Accounting for the Theory of Planned Behaviour in departure time choice . Transportation Research Part F 2016, 38 , 94-105.
  • Cherchi E, Hensher D. Workshop synthesis: Stated preference surveys and experimental design, an Audit of the journey so far and future research perspectives . Transportation Research Procedia 2015, 11 , 154-164.
  • Mabit S, Cherchi E, Jensen A, Jordal-Jørgensen J. The effect of attitudes on reference-dependent preferences: Estimation and validation for the case of alternative-fuel vehicles . Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 2015, 82 , 17-28.
  • Sottile E, Cherchi E, Meloni I. Measuring soft measures within a stated preference survey: the effect of pollution and stress from traffic in the mode choice . Transportation Research Procedia 2015, 11 , 434-451.
  • Sottile E, Meloni I, Cherchi E. A hybrid discrete choice model to assess the effect of awareness and attitude towards environmentally friendly travel modes . Transportation Research Procedia 2015, 5 , 44-55.
  • Román C, Martín JC, Espino R, Cherchi E, Ortúzar JdeD, Rizzi LI, Gonzales RM, Amador FJ. Valuation of travel time savings for intercity travel: the Madrid-Barcelona . Transport Policy 2014, 36 , 105-117.
  • Cherchi E, Cirillo C. Understanding variability, habit and the effect of long period activity plan in modal choices: A day-to-day, week-to-week analysis on panel data . Transportation 2014, 41 (6), 1245-1262.
  • Di Ciommo F, Comendador J, López-Lambas ME, Cherchi E, Ortúzar J de D. Exploring the role of social influence variables on travel behaviour . Transportation Research Part A 2014, 68 (10), 46-55.
  • DeAbreu J, Sottile E, Cherchi E. Effects of Land Use Patterns on Tour Type Choice. Application of a Hybrid Choice Model . Transportation Research Record 2014, 2453 (1), 100-108.
  • Jensen A, Cherchi E, Ortúzar J de D. A long panel survey to elicit variation in preferences and attitudes in the choice of electric vehicles . Transportation 2014, 41 (5), 973-993.
  • Börjesson M, Cherchi E, Bierlaire M. Within individual variation in preferences: equity effects of congestion charges . Transportation Research Record 2013, 2382 (1), 92-101.
  • Meloni I, Sanjust B, Sottile E, Cherchi E. Propensity for voluntary travel behavior changes: An experimental analysis . Procedia - Social and Behavioural Sciences 2013, 87 , 31-43. In Preparation.
  • Jensen A, Cherchi E, Mabit S. On the stability of preferences and attitudes before and after experiencing an electric vehicle . Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 2013, 25 , 24-32.
  • Cherchi E, Guevara CA. Maximum simulated likelihood and expectation-maximization methods to estimate random coefficients logit with panel data . Transportation Research Record 2012, 2302 (1), 65-73.
  • Cherchi E, Guevara CA. A Monte Carlo experiment to analyse the curse of dimensionality in estimating random coefficients models with a full variance-covariance matrix . Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 2012, 46 (2), 321-332.
  • Cherchi E, Ortúzar J de D. On the use of mixed RP/SP models in prediction: accounting for systematic random taste heterogeneity . Transportation Science 2011, 45 (1), 98-108.
  • Yáñez MF, Cherchi E, Heydecker BG, Ortúzar J de D. On the treatment of the repeated observations in panel data: efficiency of Mixed Logit parameter estimates . Network and Spatial Economics 2011, 11 (3), 393-418.
  • Amador FJ, Cherchi E. Econometric Effects of Utility Order-Preserving Transformations in Discrete Choice Models . Network and Spatial Economics 2011, 11 (3), 419-438.
  • Cherchi E, Manca F. Accounting for inertia in modal choices: some new evidence using RP/SP dataset . Transportation 2011, 38 , 679.
  • Cherchi E, Cirillo C. Validation and forecasts in models estimated from multiday travel survey . Transportation Research Record 2010, 2175 (1), 57-64.
  • Yáñez F, Cherchi E, Ortúzar J de D. Defining Interalternative Error Structures for Joint Revealed Preference-Stated Preference Modeling: New Evidence . Transportation Research Record 2010, 2175 (1), 65-73.
  • Cherchi E, Ortúzar J de D. Can mixed logit infer the actual data generating process? Some implications for environmental assessment . Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 2010, 15 (7), 428-442.
  • Strazzera E, Cherchi E, Ferrini S. Assessment of regeneration projects in urban areas of environmental interest: a stated choice approach to estimate use and quasi-option values . Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 2010, 42 (2), 452-468.
  • Guevara CA, Cherchi E, Moreno M. Estimating random coefficient logit models with full covariance matrix: comparing performance of mixed logit and Laplace approximation methods . Transportation Research Record 2009, 2132 (1), 87-94.
  • Cherchi E, Cirillo C, Polak J. Assessment of User Benefits in Presence of Random Taste Heterogeneity: Comparison of Parametric and Nonparametric Models . Transportation Research Record 2009, 2132 , 78-86.
  • Cherchi E, Ortúzar J de D. Empirical identification in the mixed logit model: analysing the effect of data richness . Networks and Spatial Economics 2008, 8 (2-3), 109-124.
  • Cherchi E, Ortúzar J de D. Use of Mixed Revealed-Preference and Stated-Preference Models with Nonlinear Effects in Forecasting . Transportation Research Record 2006, 1977 (1), 27-34.
  • Cherchi E, Ortúzar J de D. On fitting mode specific constants in the presence of new options in RP/SP models . Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 2006, 40 (1), 1-18.
  • Cherchi E, Ortúzar J de D. Income, time effect and direct preferences in a multimodal choice context: application of mixed RP/SP models with non-linear utilities . Networks and Spatial Economics 2006, 6 (1), 7-23.
  • Cherchi E, Polak J. Assessing User Benefits with Discrete Choice Models: Implications of Specification Errors Under Random Taste Heterogeneity . Transportation Research Record 2005, 1926 (1), 61-69.
  • Cherchi E, Ortuzar J de D. Mixed RP/SP models incorporating interaction effects: Modelling new suburban train services in Cagliari . Transportation 2002, 29 (4), 371-395.

Book Chapters

  • Ortúzar J de D, Cherchi E, Rizzi L. Transport Research Needs . In: S. Hess and A. Daly, ed. Handbook of Choice Modeling . Edward Elgar, 2014, pp.688-697.
  • Cherchi E, Meloni I, Ortúzar J de D. The latent effect of inertia in the modal choice . In: M. Roorda and E. Miller, ed. Travel Behaviour Research: Current Foundations, Future Prospects . International Association for Travel Behaviour Research, 2014, pp.517-534.
  • La Paix L, Bierlaire M, Cherchi E, Monzón A. How urban environment affects travel behavior: integrated choice and latent variable model for travel schedules . In: S. Hess and A. Daly, ed. Choice Modelling: The State of the Art and the State of Practice . Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2013, pp.211-228.
  • Cherchi E. Modelling Individual Preferences, State of the Art, Recent Advances and Future Directions . In: Pendyala, RM; Bhat, CR, ed. Travel Behaviour Research in an Evolving World . International Association for Travel Behaviour Research, 2012, pp.207-248.
  • Ortuzar JDD, Cherchi E, Rose JM. On de-bunking 'Fake News' in a post truth era: Special editorial . Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 2019, 126 , 396-396.

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Elisabetta Cherchi

Professor of Civil and Urban Engineering Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi Education: PhD University of Cagliari, Italy

[email protected]

Research Areas: Modelling transport consumers behaviour and decision making process

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Elisabetta Cherchi is Professor of Civil and Urban Engineering at New York University Abu Dhabi and Global Network Associate Professor of Civil and Urban Engineering at the New York University Tandon School of Engineering. Prior to joining NYUAD, she was Professor of Transport at Newcastle University in the UK (2016-2024), Associate Professor at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) (2010-2016), and Assistant Professor at the University of Cagliari, Italy (2004-2010). She has also been an Adjunct Professor at the School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University, China (2018-2024) and Contract Professor at the Department of Transport, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain (2010).

Elisabetta Cherchi is the Editor-in-Chief of Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice , past Associate Editor of Transportation  (2013-2018), and member of the editorial boards of several journals. She is the Chair of the Steering Committee of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), past Chair of the International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR), as well as past Secretary and Treasurer of the IATBR. She is also a member of the Board of Advice at the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies (ITLS), University of Sydney Business School, Australia, and a member of the Advisory Board at the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering, Polytechnic University of Milan. Italy.

Cherchi's research and teaching interests are in modeling transport consumers' behavior and decision process, with particular reference to discrete choice analysis. Her interests includes data collection (including the use of immersive virtual reality environments), demand modeling, demand forecasting, and user benefit evaluation. Applications span from the typical problem of mode choice, with the goal of promoting sustainable mobility, to transport innovations such as the adoption of electric mobility and automated vehicles.

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The Neurology Department Welcomes Dr. Marcello Cherchi and Dr. Timothy Hain!

The Department of Neurology at UChicago Medicine is pleased to announce the addition of a world-class Otoneurology and Vestibular Medicine to its expanding range of services. The service will be staffed by Dr. Timothy Hain and Dr. Marcello Cherchi, bringing over 50 years of combined experience in the field.

The multidisciplinary service will operate at the UChicago Medicine River East facility and will include a streamlined yet comprehensive range of on-site advanced clinical diagnostic testing to evaluate disorders of equilibrium and hearing resulting from neurologic and otologic diseases. The service will provide outpatient consultation and second opinions on adult patients with symptoms of disequilibrium, vertigo, dizziness, lightheadedness, ataxia, and sometimes for ear symptoms such as hearing loss or aural fullness. We will begin offering service on April 10, 2023 with Dr. Hain’s arrival and expect to be fully operational by July of 2023 with Dr. Cherchi’s arrival.

Referrals to Dr. Cherchi and Dr. Hain can be submitted via Epic using the “outpatient referral to neurology” order, or by calling our neurology scheduling line at (773) 702-6222.

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At the Forefront - UChicago Medicine

Marcello Cherchi, MD, PhD

Clinical associate of neurology, specialties.

  • Chicago - River East

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Marcello Cherchi, MD, PhD, is a board-certified neurologist who focuses on otoneurology, focusing on brain and ear problems that cause balance and hearing disorders. Since 2009, Dr. Cherchi has devoted his clinical practice to treating a range of otoneurological diseases , including:

  • Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
  • Vestibular neuritis
  • Vestibular weakness
  • Labyrinthitis
  • Meniere's disease
  • Superior semicircular canal dehiscence

Dr. Cherchi uses a range of tests and procedures to evaluate his patients to understand fully the underlying cause of their symptoms and determine the best and most effective treatment option(s) in order to improve their quality of life. Along with a commitment to high-quality care for his patients, Dr. Cherchi is also passionate about using research to explore new diagnostic techniques and therapies for complex otoneurologic disorders. His work has been published in a numerous respected, peer-reviewed journals, including Neurology , Experimental Brain Research , Otology and Neurotology , Journal of Otology , Audiology Research , Laryngoscope , Clinical Neurophysiology Practice and others.

Areas of Expertise

  • Otoneurology

Board Certifications

Languages spoken, medical education.

  • University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

News & Research

  • Aetna Better Health *see insurance page
  • Aetna HMO (specialists only)
  • Aetna Medicare Advantage HMO & PPO
  • BCBS Blue Precision HMO (specialists only)
  • BCBS HMO (HMOI) (specialists only)
  • BCBS Medicare Advantage HMO & PPO
  • CountyCare *see insurance page
  • Humana Medicare Advantage Choice PPO
  • Humana Medicare Advantage Gold Choice PFFS
  • Humana Medicare Advantage Gold Plus HMO
  • Multiplan PPO
  • United Choice Plus POS/PPO
  • United Choice HMO (specialists only)
  • United Options (PPO)
  • United Select (HMO & EPO) (specialists only)
  • United W500 Emergent Wrap
  • University of Chicago Health Plan (UCHP)

Our list of accepted insurance providers is subject to change at any time. You should contact your insurance company to confirm UChicago Medicine participates in their network before scheduling your appointment. If you have questions regarding your insurance benefits at UChicago Medicine, please contact our financial counseling team at [email protected] .

Ratings & Reviews ( 20 )

On the stability of preferences and attitudes before and after experiencing an electric vehicle

  • 1 December 2013

A stated choice experiment to measure the effect of informational and normative conformity in the preference for electric vehicles

  • 1 June 2017
  • PDF (opens in a new tab)

Battery electric vehicle adoption in Denmark and Sweden: Recent changes, related factors and policy implications

  • 1 February 2021

Accounting for inertia in modal choices: some new evidence using a RP/SP dataset

  • 17 April 2011

Workshop Synthesis: Stated Preference Surveys and Experimental Design, an Audit of the Journey so far and Future Research Perspectives

Measuring soft measures within a stated preference survey: the effect of pollution and traffic stress on mode choice, a hybrid discrete choice model to assess the effect of awareness and attitude towards environmentally friendly travel modes, within-individual variation in preferences.

  • 1 January 2013

Predicting the Potential Market for Electric Vehicles

A hybrid mode choice model to account for the dynamic effect of inertia over time.

The University of Chicago

Marcello Cherchi

Clinical Associate
InstitutionUniversity of Chicago
AddressChicago IL 60637

e cherchi phd

  • Vestibular Diseases
  • Balance, Postural
  • Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
  • Vestibular Neuritis
  • Labyrinthitis
  • Meniere's Disease
  • Ocular Motility Disorders
  • Nystagmus, Multidirectional
  • Paraneoplastic Syndromes
  • Vestibule, Labyrinth
  • Semicircular Canals
  • Otolithic Membrane
  • Vestibular Function Tests
  • Evoked Potentials
  • Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials
  • Head Impulse Test
  • Otoacoustic Emissions, Spontaneous
  • Utricle and Saccule
University of Chicago, Chicago, ILPhD08/1997Linguistics
University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, ILMD06/2003Medicine
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL06/2004Internship, internal medicine
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL06/2007Residency, neurology
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL06/2009Fellowship, otoneurology
2021 - 2022Onur Melen Dedication to Education Award for medical student teaching, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine
2017 - 2019Excellence in Medical Student Teaching, Science in Medicine lecture series, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine
2016 - 2017Outstanding Teacher Award for medical student education, Feinberg Academy of Medical Education, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine
2016 - 2016Innovation Corps Fellowship at Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship, National Science Foundation
2013 - 2014Outstanding Teacher Award for medical student education, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine
  • Cherchi M . A Preliminary Data Visualization Approach to Vestibulocochlear Diseases Based on Multiple Scalar Dimensions. Ear Hear. 2024 Aug 01. PMID: 39086001 . Citations:     Fields:  Aud Audiology    
  • DiLiberto FE, Kamath HER, Olson ML, Cherchi M , Helminski JO, Schubert MC. When, where, and why should we look for vestibular dysfunction in people with diabetes mellitus? Front Rehabil Sci. 2023; 4:1306010. PMID: 38273862 ; PMCID: PMC10808374 . Citations:    
  • Cherchi M , Hac NEF. Paraneoplastic Gaze-Evoked Centripetal Nystagmus in Ovarian Teratoma. J Neuroophthalmol. 2024 Jun 01; 44(2):e274-e275. PMID: 37988242 . Citations:     Fields:  Neu Neurology Oph Ophthalmology    Translation: Humans
  • Yacovino DA, Perez Akly MS, Ibañez T, Cherchi M . Vestibular Nucleus Involvement in Patients With Acute Vertigo Due to Herpes Zoster Oticus or Vestibular Neuritis. Neurology. 2023 10 03; 101(14):e1461-e1465. PMID: 37460229 ; PMCID: PMC10573148 . Citations:     Fields:  Neu Neurology    Translation: Humans
  • Barreto RG, Yacovino DA, Cherchi M , Teixeira LJ, Nader SN, Leão GF. Universal Repositioning Maneuver: A New Treatment for Single Canal and Multi-Canal Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo by 3-Dimensional Model Analysis. J Int Adv Otol. 2023 Jun; 19(3):242-247. PMID: 37272643 ; PMCID: PMC10331719 . Citations: 1       Fields:  Oto Otolaryngology    Translation: Humans
  • . Systems and methods for assessment of ocular cyclotorsion. 2023. View Publication .
  • Yacovino DA, Zanotti E, Cherchi M . AUTHOR RESPONSE: RE: BENIGN PAROXYSMAL POSITIONAL VERTIGO: CANAL SWITCHING AFFECTING ALL CANALS DURING A SINGLE SESSION. Otol Neurotol. 2022 07 01; 43(6):e695-e696. PMID: 35761468 . Citations:     Fields:  Neu Neurology Oto Otolaryngology    Translation: Humans
  • . Otovestibular Symptoms of COVID-19 and Its Vaccines/Treatments. Encyclopedia. 2022; 3(2):1200-1209. View Publication .
  • Barreto RG, Yacovino DA, Cherchi M , Nader SN, Teixeira LJ, Silva DAD, Verdecchia DH. Answer to the Letter to the Editor: Smartphone, Vestibular Hypofunction, Teleconsultation, and COVID-19 Pandemic. Int Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2022 Apr; 26(2):e290-e292. PMID: 35602272 ; PMCID: PMC9122758 . Citations:    
  • Cherchi M , DiLiberto FE, Yacovino DA, Das S. The Enduring Controversy of Cervicogenic Vertigo, and Its Place among Positional Vertigo Syndromes. Audiol Res. 2021 Sep 26; 11(4):491-507. PMID: 34698085 ; PMCID: PMC8544230 . Citations: 1       
  • . Dysfunction along the continuum of vestibulocochlear anatomy, and the corresponding spectrum of clinical presentation: how little we know, and what else we need to learn. Hearing, Balance and Communication. 2021; 19(4):246-257. View Publication .
  • Barreto RG, Yacovino DA, Cherchi M , Nader SN, Teixeira LJ, Silva DAD, Verdecchia DH. The Role of the Smartphone in the Diagnosis of Vestibular Hypofunction: A Clinical Strategy for Teleconsultation during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond. Int Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2021 Oct; 25(4):e602-e609. PMID: 34777592 ; PMCID: PMC8580156 . Citations: 6       
  • Cherchi M , Yacovino DA. In Reference to "SARS-CoV-2 presence in the saliva, tears and cerumen of COVID-19 patients". Laryngoscope. 2021 11; 131(11):E2820. PMID: 34216143 ; PMCID: PMC8441737 . Citations:     Fields:  Oto Otolaryngology    Translation: Humans Cells
  • Giardino D, Musazzi M, Perez Akly M, Cherchi M , Yacovino DA. A comparative study of two methods for treatment of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo in the emergency department. J Otol. 2021 Oct; 16(4):231-236. PMID: 34548869 ; PMCID: PMC8438630 . Citations: 1       
  • Yacovino DA, Zanotti E, Cherchi M . The spectrum of acute vestibular neuropathy through modern vestibular testing: A descriptive analysis. Clin Neurophysiol Pract. 2021; 6:137-145. PMID: 34013097 ; PMCID: PMC8113650 . Citations: 11       
  • Hain TC , Cherchi M . Vestibular Testing. Continuum (Minneap Minn). 2021 04 01; 27(2):330-347. PMID: 34351109 . Citations: 1       Fields:  Neu Neurology    Translation: Humans
  • Cherchi M , Yacovino DA. Histology and neuroanatomy suggest a unified mechanism to explain the distribution of lesion patterns in acute vestibular neuropathy. Exp Brain Res. 2021 May; 239(5):1395-1399. PMID: 33772357 . Citations: 2       Fields:  Bra Brain    Translation: Humans
  • Cherchi M . Utricular function in vestibular neuritis: a pilot study of concordance/discordance between ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potentials and ocular cycloposition. Exp Brain Res. 2019 Jun; 237(6):1531-1538. PMID: 30915492 . Citations: 7       Fields:  Bra Brain    Translation: Humans
  • Hain T , Cherchi M . Migraine Associated Vertigo. Adv Otorhinolaryngol. 2019; 82:119-126. PMID: 30947176 . Citations: 4       Fields:  Oto Otolaryngology    Translation: Humans
  • . Migraine-associated vertigo. Dizziness and Vertigo Across the Lifespan. 2019; 135-141. View Publication .
  • Hain TC , Cherchi M , Perez-Fernandez N. The Gain-Time Constant Product Quantifies Total Vestibular Output in Bilateral Vestibular Loss. Front Neurol. 2018; 9:396. PMID: 29942279 ; PMCID: PMC6004403 . Citations: 3       
  • Hain TC , Cherchi M , Yacovino DA. Bilateral Vestibular Weakness. Front Neurol. 2018; 9:344. PMID: 29904366 ; PMCID: PMC5990606 . Citations: 14       
  • . Dizziness and Vertigo Across the Lifespan. Uncommon causes of disequilibrium in the adult. 2018; 169-174. View Publication .
  • . Approach to the patient with dizziness and vertigo. Practical Neurology. 2017; 207-226. View Publication .
  • . Mal de debarquement syndrome. Handbook of Clinical Neurology. 2016; 137:391-395. View Publication .
  • . Torsional saccadic oscillations. Clinical Case Reports and Reviews. 2015; 1(5):95-97. View Publication .
  • . Paraneoplastic upbeat nystagmus in renal cell carcinoma. Journal of Neurology and Neurophysiology. 2015; 6(2):287. View Publication .
  • . Amplitude of sound evoked triceps myogenic potential scales with force. Journal of Neurology and Neurophysiology. 2015; 6(2):285. View Publication .
  • . Triceps acoustically evoked myogenic potentials in patients with spinal cord lesions. Journal of Neurology and Neurophysiology. 2015; 6(2):288. View Publication .
  • . Non-otologic causes of dizziness. Otology, Neurotology, and Skull Base Surgery: Clinical Reference Guide. 2015. View Publication .
  • . Migraine associated vertigo. Textbook of vertigo: Diagnosis and Management. 2014; 184-193. View Publication .
  • . Vestibular Reflexes. Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences. 2014; 643-646. View Publication .
  • Hain TC , Cherchi M , Yacovino DA. Bilateral vestibular loss. Semin Neurol. 2013 Jul; 33(3):195-203. PMID: 24057822 . Citations: 37       Fields:  Neu Neurology    Translation: Humans
  • . Epidemiology of dizziness. Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry. 2013; 13(1):18-29. View Publication .
  • . Neurotology. Comprehensive Board Review in Neurology. 2012; 49-54. View Publication .
  • Cherchi M . Infrequent causes of disequilibrium in the adult. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 2011 Apr; 44(2):405-14, ix. PMID: 21474014 . Citations: 4       Fields:  Oto Otolaryngology    Translation: Humans
  • Cherchi M , Hain TC . Migraine-associated vertigo. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 2011 Apr; 44(2):367-75, viii-ix. PMID: 21474011 . Citations: 7       Fields:  Oto Otolaryngology    Translation: Humans
  • . Provocative maneuvers for vestibular disorders. Handbook of Clinical Neurophysiology. 2010; 9:111-134. View Publication .
  • Cherchi M , Bellinaso NP, Card K, Covington A, Krumpe A, Pfeifer MS, Truitt A, Yoo HJ, Rudisill HE, Hain TC . Sound evoked triceps myogenic potentials. Otol Neurotol. 2009 Jun; 30(4):545-50. PMID: 19373121 . Citations: 11       Fields:  Neu Neurology Oto Otolaryngology    Translation: Humans
  • Hain TC , Cherchi M . Pulse-synchronous torsional pendular nystagmus in unilateral superior canal dehiscence. Neurology. 2008 Apr 01; 70(14):1217-8. PMID: 18378886 . Citations: 3       Fields:  Neu Neurology    Translation: Humans
  • Cherchi M , Huo E, Nelson N, Frankfurt O, Russell E, Raizer J. Gradual hearing loss with bilateral labyrinthine hemorrhage in chronic myelogenous leukemia. Neurology. 2006 Jul 11; 67(1):177-8. PMID: 16832108 . Citations: 2       Fields:  Neu Neurology    Translation: Humans

Bar chart showing 41 publications over 17 distinct years, with a maximum of 8 publications in 2021


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  • Vestibular Neuronitis
  • Nystagmus, Pathologic
  • Hain, Timothy C.
  • Lengyel, Ernst Robert
  • Grant, Jon E.
  • Olopade, Olufunmilayo
  • Siegler, James

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  • Asi, Khaled
  • Mastrianni, James A.
  • Padmanaban, Mahesh
  • Prabhakaran, Shyam
  • Towle, Vernon Leo
  • Espinal, Amy
  • Park, Deric
  • Warrior, Lakshmi

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Paraneoplastic Gaze-Evoked Centripetal Nystagmus in Ovarian Teratoma

Editor(s): Winges, Kimberly M. MD ; Gilhooley, Michael J. MA, MB, BChir, DPhil

Department of Neurology (MC), University of Chicago Medicine, Chicago, Illinois; and Ken and Ruth Davee Department of Neurology (NEFH), Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois.

Address correspondence to Marcello Cherchi, MD, PhD, Department of Neurology, University of Chicago Medicine, 5841 S. Maryland Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637; E-mail: [email protected]

The authors report no conflicts of interest.

Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions of this article on the journal's Web site ( www.jneuro-ophthalmology.com ).

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Gianmarco Cherchi

Photo of Gianmarco Cherchi

I am a Computer Science Researcher - Assistant Professor (non-tenure-track) at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Cagliari (Italy), where I earned my BSc, MSc and PhD. My research interests are in Computer Graphics and Geometry Processing, focusing on Surface and Volumetric mesh generation and optimization, and Digital Fabrication. I am also the Professor of "Data Visualization" (Applied Computer Science and Data Analytics BS.c) and "Web Programming" (Computer Science BS.c) courses at the University of Cagliari.

Contact info: Palazzo delle Scienze, via Ospedale 72, Cagliari, Italy

Phone: +39 070 675 8724

E-mail: g.cherchi [at] unica.it

CV: [English version] [Italian version]


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Lomonosov Moscow State University

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  1. Federica CHERCHI

    e cherchi phd

  2. Vittorio CHERCHI

    e cherchi phd

  3. Marcello Cherchi, MD, PhD

    e cherchi phd

  4. Marcello Cherchi, MD PhD

    e cherchi phd

  5. 이치에이치

    e cherchi phd

  6. Cesare Cherchi

    e cherchi phd



  2. Inaugurazione dell'Anno Accademico 2023/2024


  1. Staff Profile

    Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 3501. Address: Room 2.21, Cassie Building, School of Civil Engineering, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne. NE1 7RU. Background. Professor Elisabetta Cherchi is a Professor of Transport at University of Newcastle. And Adjunct Professor, School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University, China.

  2. Elisabetta CHERCHI

    Elisabetta CHERCHI, Professor of Transport | Cited by 2,389 | of Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne (NCL) | Read 102 publications | Contact Elisabetta CHERCHI

  3. ‪Elisabetta Cherchi‬

    69. 2014. On the treatment of repeated observations in panel data: efficiency of mixed logit parameter estimates. MF Yáñez, E Cherchi, BG Heydecker, JD Ortúzar. Networks and Spatial Economics 11, 393-418. , 2011. 68. 2011. Empirical identification in the mixed logit model: analysing the effect of data richness.

  4. Elisabetta Cherchi

    Elisabetta Cherchi. Professor of Civil and Urban Engineering Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi. Education: PhD University of Cagliari, Italy. [email protected]. Research Areas: Modelling transport consumers behaviour and decision making process. Elisabetta Cherchi is Professor of Civil and Urban Engineering at New York University Abu Dhabi ...

  5. Publications by Professor Elisabetta Cherchi

    Dr Hao Yin. Professor Elisabetta Cherchi. Conducting Stated Choice Experiments within an Immersive Virtual Reality Environment: An Application to the Discrete Choice of Automated versus Normal Taxi. 2024. Professor Elisabetta Cherchi. Modeling the joint choice behavior of commuters' travel mode and parking options for private autonomous vehicles.

  6. The Neurology Department Welcomes Dr. Marcello Cherchi and Dr. Timothy

    We will begin offering service on April 10, 2023 with Dr. Hain's arrival and expect to be fully operational by July of 2023 with Dr. Cherchi's arrival. Referrals to Dr. Cherchi and Dr. Hain can be submitted via Epic using the "outpatient referral to neurology" order, or by calling our neurology scheduling line at (773) 702-6222.

  7. Marcello Cherchi, MD, PhD

    Marcello Cherchi, MD, PhD, is a board-certified neurologist who focuses on otoneurology, focusing on brain and ear problems that cause balance and hearing disorders. Since 2009, Dr. Cherchi has devoted his clinical practice to treating a range of otoneurological diseases, including: Dr. Cherchi uses a range of tests and procedures to evaluate ...

  8. E. Cherchi

    Semantic Scholar profile for E. Cherchi, with 76 highly influential citations and 137 scientific research papers. Skip to search form Skip to main content Skip to account menu. Semantic Scholar's Logo. Search 219,374,077 papers from all fields of science. Search. Sign In Create Free Account. E. Cherchi.

  9. Dr. Marcello Cherchi, MD

    Marcello Cherchi MD PhD, FAAN, FANA, FEAN (He/Him) Neurology • Chicago, IL. Otoneurology. Director of Otoneurology and Vestibular Medicine. ... Frank E DiLiberto, Heather E R Kamath 1 , Maxine L Olson, Marcello Cherchi, Janet O Helminski , Michael C Schubert, Frontiers in Rehabilitation Science, 1/11/2024;

  10. Marcello Cherchi

    PhD: 08/1997: Linguistics: University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL: MD: 06/2003: Medicine: Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL: ... Yacovino DA, Zanotti E, Cherchi M. The spectrum of acute vestibular neuropathy through modern vestibular testing: A descriptive analysis. Clin Neurophysiol Pract. 2021; 6:137-145.

  11. Dr. Marcello Cherchi MD

    Dr. Marcello Cherchi is a Neurologist in Chicago, IL. Find Dr. Cherchi's phone number, address, insurance information, hospital affiliations and more.


    MD, PhD, FAAN, FANA, FEAN. Contact. ... Bilateral loss is easily diagnosed at the bedside with the dynamic illegible E test. If this test is omitted, it can easily be misdiagnosed as a cerebellar ...

  13. Marcello Cherchi (0000-0002-9371-4488)

    1992-09-01 to 1997-08-31 | PhD (Linguistics) Education Show more detail. Source: Marcello Cherchi University of Chicago: Chicago, IL, US . 1991-09-01 to 1992 ... Marcello Cherchi; Nicholas E. F. Hac Show more detail. Source: check_circle. Crossref ...

  14. DR. MARCELLO CHERCHI M.D., PH.D., NPI 1366621393

    Marcello Cherchi is a provider established in Chicago, ... PETER ZELDOW PHD Individual: Psychologist: 645 N MICHIGAN AVE SUITE 822 CHICAGO, IL 60611 (312) 618-9680: 1184753915: DR. DONALD LEE BENNETT D.D.S. Individual: Dentist (General Practice) 645 N MICHIGAN AVE 550 CHICAGO, IL 60611 (312) 642-5253:

  15. Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology

    Address correspondence to Marcello Cherchi, MD, PhD, Department of Neurology, University of Chicago Medicine, 5841 S. Maryland Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637; E-mail: [email protected] The authors report no conflicts of interest. Supplemental digital content is available for this article.

  16. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice

    About the journal. Transportation Research: Part A considers papers dealing with policy analysis (design, formulation and evaluation); planning; interaction with the political, socioeconomic and physical environments; and management and evaluation of transport systems. Topics may be approached from any discipline or ….

  17. Department of Automation for Scientific Research

    E-mail: [email protected]. Website: ani.cmc.msu.ru. Phone number: +7 (495) 939-39-13. Other contact information. The Department of Automation for Scientific Research (ASR) was founded in 1988 on the basis of a research and teaching group from the Department of Mathematical Physics (the former Department of Computational Mathematics).

  18. Gianmarco Cherchi

    I am also the Professor of "Data Visualization" (Applied Computer Science and Data Analytics BS.c) and "Web Programming" (Computer Science BS.c) courses at the University of Cagliari. Phone: +39 070 675 8724. E-mail: g.cherchi [at] unica.it.


    (e-library) Onboard educational content Earth e-Campus Board e-Campus Cognitive Diagnostics Background · Denis G. Davydov, PhD Head of the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, Modern University for the Humanities; Open University for the Humanities and Economics [email protected] Ekaterina V. Chmykhova, PhD Vice-rector,

  20. MSU (English)

    Moscow State University is a major traditional educational institution in Russia, it offers training in almost all branches of modern science and humanities. Its undergraduates may choose one of 128 qualifications in its 39 faculties, while post-graduate students may specialize in 18 branches of science and humanities and in 168 different areas.


    E. YAKOVLEVA, Researcher | Cited by 55 | of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow (MSU) | Read 17 publications | Contact E. YAKOVLEVA