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data analysis plan for qualitative research

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Qualitative Data Analysis: What is it, Methods + Examples

Explore qualitative data analysis with diverse methods and real-world examples. Uncover the nuances of human experiences with this guide.

In a world rich with information and narrative, understanding the deeper layers of human experiences requires a unique vision that goes beyond numbers and figures. This is where the power of qualitative data analysis comes to light.

In this blog, we’ll learn about qualitative data analysis, explore its methods, and provide real-life examples showcasing its power in uncovering insights.

What is Qualitative Data Analysis?

Qualitative data analysis is a systematic process of examining non-numerical data to extract meaning, patterns, and insights.

In contrast to quantitative analysis, which focuses on numbers and statistical metrics, the qualitative study focuses on the qualitative aspects of data, such as text, images, audio, and videos. It seeks to understand every aspect of human experiences, perceptions, and behaviors by examining the data’s richness.

Companies frequently conduct this analysis on customer feedback. You can collect qualitative data from reviews, complaints, chat messages, interactions with support centers, customer interviews, case notes, or even social media comments. This kind of data holds the key to understanding customer sentiments and preferences in a way that goes beyond mere numbers.

Importance of Qualitative Data Analysis

Qualitative data analysis plays a crucial role in your research and decision-making process across various disciplines. Let’s explore some key reasons that underline the significance of this analysis:

In-Depth Understanding

It enables you to explore complex and nuanced aspects of a phenomenon, delving into the ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions. This method provides you with a deeper understanding of human behavior, experiences, and contexts that quantitative approaches might not capture fully.

Contextual Insight

You can use this analysis to give context to numerical data. It will help you understand the circumstances and conditions that influence participants’ thoughts, feelings, and actions. This contextual insight becomes essential for generating comprehensive explanations.

Theory Development

You can generate or refine hypotheses via qualitative data analysis. As you analyze the data attentively, you can form hypotheses, concepts, and frameworks that will drive your future research and contribute to theoretical advances.

Participant Perspectives

When performing qualitative research, you can highlight participant voices and opinions. This approach is especially useful for understanding marginalized or underrepresented people, as it allows them to communicate their experiences and points of view.

Exploratory Research

The analysis is frequently used at the exploratory stage of your project. It assists you in identifying important variables, developing research questions, and designing quantitative studies that will follow.

Types of Qualitative Data

When conducting qualitative research, you can use several qualitative data collection methods , and here you will come across many sorts of qualitative data that can provide you with unique insights into your study topic. These data kinds add new views and angles to your understanding and analysis.

Interviews and Focus Groups

Interviews and focus groups will be among your key methods for gathering qualitative data. Interviews are one-on-one talks in which participants can freely share their thoughts, experiences, and opinions.

Focus groups, on the other hand, are discussions in which members interact with one another, resulting in dynamic exchanges of ideas. Both methods provide rich qualitative data and direct access to participant perspectives.

Observations and Field Notes

Observations and field notes are another useful sort of qualitative data. You can immerse yourself in the research environment through direct observation, carefully documenting behaviors, interactions, and contextual factors.

These observations will be recorded in your field notes, providing a complete picture of the environment and the behaviors you’re researching. This data type is especially important for comprehending behavior in their natural setting.

Textual and Visual Data

Textual and visual data include a wide range of resources that can be qualitatively analyzed. Documents, written narratives, and transcripts from various sources, such as interviews or speeches, are examples of textual data.

Photographs, films, and even artwork provide a visual layer to your research. These forms of data allow you to investigate what is spoken and the underlying emotions, details, and symbols expressed by language or pictures.

When to Choose Qualitative Data Analysis over Quantitative Data Analysis

As you begin your research journey, understanding why the analysis of qualitative data is important will guide your approach to understanding complex events. If you analyze qualitative data, it will provide new insights that complement quantitative methodologies, which will give you a broader understanding of your study topic.

It is critical to know when to use qualitative analysis over quantitative procedures. You can prefer qualitative data analysis when:

  • Complexity Reigns: When your research questions involve deep human experiences, motivations, or emotions, qualitative research excels at revealing these complexities.
  • Exploration is Key: Qualitative analysis is ideal for exploratory research. It will assist you in understanding a new or poorly understood topic before formulating quantitative hypotheses.
  • Context Matters: If you want to understand how context affects behaviors or results, qualitative data analysis provides the depth needed to grasp these relationships.
  • Unanticipated Findings: When your study provides surprising new viewpoints or ideas, qualitative analysis helps you to delve deeply into these emerging themes.
  • Subjective Interpretation is Vital: When it comes to understanding people’s subjective experiences and interpretations, qualitative data analysis is the way to go.

You can make informed decisions regarding the right approach for your research objectives if you understand the importance of qualitative analysis and recognize the situations where it shines.

Qualitative Data Analysis Methods and Examples

Exploring various qualitative data analysis methods will provide you with a wide collection for making sense of your research findings. Once the data has been collected, you can choose from several analysis methods based on your research objectives and the data type you’ve collected.

There are five main methods for analyzing qualitative data. Each method takes a distinct approach to identifying patterns, themes, and insights within your qualitative data. They are:

Method 1: Content Analysis

Content analysis is a methodical technique for analyzing textual or visual data in a structured manner. In this method, you will categorize qualitative data by splitting it into manageable pieces and assigning the manual coding process to these units.

As you go, you’ll notice ongoing codes and designs that will allow you to conclude the content. This method is very beneficial for detecting common ideas, concepts, or themes in your data without losing the context.

Steps to Do Content Analysis

Follow these steps when conducting content analysis:

  • Collect and Immerse: Begin by collecting the necessary textual or visual data. Immerse yourself in this data to fully understand its content, context, and complexities.
  • Assign Codes and Categories: Assign codes to relevant data sections that systematically represent major ideas or themes. Arrange comparable codes into groups that cover the major themes.
  • Analyze and Interpret: Develop a structured framework from the categories and codes. Then, evaluate the data in the context of your research question, investigate relationships between categories, discover patterns, and draw meaning from these connections.

Benefits & Challenges

There are various advantages to using content analysis:

  • Structured Approach: It offers a systematic approach to dealing with large data sets and ensures consistency throughout the research.
  • Objective Insights: This method promotes objectivity, which helps to reduce potential biases in your study.
  • Pattern Discovery: Content analysis can help uncover hidden trends, themes, and patterns that are not always obvious.
  • Versatility: You can apply content analysis to various data formats, including text, internet content, images, etc.

However, keep in mind the challenges that arise:

  • Subjectivity: Even with the best attempts, a certain bias may remain in coding and interpretation.
  • Complexity: Analyzing huge data sets requires time and great attention to detail.
  • Contextual Nuances: Content analysis may not capture all of the contextual richness that qualitative data analysis highlights.

Example of Content Analysis

Suppose you’re conducting market research and looking at customer feedback on a product. As you collect relevant data and analyze feedback, you’ll see repeating codes like “price,” “quality,” “customer service,” and “features.” These codes are organized into categories such as “positive reviews,” “negative reviews,” and “suggestions for improvement.”

According to your findings, themes such as “price” and “customer service” stand out and show that pricing and customer service greatly impact customer satisfaction. This example highlights the power of content analysis for obtaining significant insights from large textual data collections.

Method 2: Thematic Analysis

Thematic analysis is a well-structured procedure for identifying and analyzing recurring themes in your data. As you become more engaged in the data, you’ll generate codes or short labels representing key concepts. These codes are then organized into themes, providing a consistent framework for organizing and comprehending the substance of the data.

The analysis allows you to organize complex narratives and perspectives into meaningful categories, which will allow you to identify connections and patterns that may not be visible at first.

Steps to Do Thematic Analysis

Follow these steps when conducting a thematic analysis:

  • Code and Group: Start by thoroughly examining the data and giving initial codes that identify the segments. To create initial themes, combine relevant codes.
  • Code and Group: Begin by engaging yourself in the data, assigning first codes to notable segments. To construct basic themes, group comparable codes together.
  • Analyze and Report: Analyze the data within each theme to derive relevant insights. Organize the topics into a consistent structure and explain your findings, along with data extracts that represent each theme.

Thematic analysis has various benefits:

  • Structured Exploration: It is a method for identifying patterns and themes in complex qualitative data.
  • Comprehensive knowledge: Thematic analysis promotes an in-depth understanding of the complications and meanings of the data.
  • Application Flexibility: This method can be customized to various research situations and data kinds.

However, challenges may arise, such as:

  • Interpretive Nature: Interpreting qualitative data in thematic analysis is vital, and it is critical to manage researcher bias.
  • Time-consuming: The study can be time-consuming, especially with large data sets.
  • Subjectivity: The selection of codes and topics might be subjective.

Example of Thematic Analysis

Assume you’re conducting a thematic analysis on job satisfaction interviews. Following your immersion in the data, you assign initial codes such as “work-life balance,” “career growth,” and “colleague relationships.” As you organize these codes, you’ll notice themes develop, such as “Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction” and “Impact on Work Engagement.”

Further investigation reveals the tales and experiences included within these themes and provides insights into how various elements influence job satisfaction. This example demonstrates how thematic analysis can reveal meaningful patterns and insights in qualitative data.

Method 3: Narrative Analysis

The narrative analysis involves the narratives that people share. You’ll investigate the histories in your data, looking at how stories are created and the meanings they express. This method is excellent for learning how people make sense of their experiences through narrative.

Steps to Do Narrative Analysis

The following steps are involved in narrative analysis:

  • Gather and Analyze: Start by collecting narratives, such as first-person tales, interviews, or written accounts. Analyze the stories, focusing on the plot, feelings, and characters.
  • Find Themes: Look for recurring themes or patterns in various narratives. Think about the similarities and differences between these topics and personal experiences.
  • Interpret and Extract Insights: Contextualize the narratives within their larger context. Accept the subjective nature of each narrative and analyze the narrator’s voice and style. Extract insights from the tales by diving into the emotions, motivations, and implications communicated by the stories.

There are various advantages to narrative analysis:

  • Deep Exploration: It lets you look deeply into people’s personal experiences and perspectives.
  • Human-Centered: This method prioritizes the human perspective, allowing individuals to express themselves.

However, difficulties may arise, such as:

  • Interpretive Complexity: Analyzing narratives requires dealing with the complexities of meaning and interpretation.
  • Time-consuming: Because of the richness and complexities of tales, working with them can be time-consuming.

Example of Narrative Analysis

Assume you’re conducting narrative analysis on refugee interviews. As you read the stories, you’ll notice common themes of toughness, loss, and hope. The narratives provide insight into the obstacles that refugees face, their strengths, and the dreams that guide them.

The analysis can provide a deeper insight into the refugees’ experiences and the broader social context they navigate by examining the narratives’ emotional subtleties and underlying meanings. This example highlights how narrative analysis can reveal important insights into human stories.

Method 4: Grounded Theory Analysis

Grounded theory analysis is an iterative and systematic approach that allows you to create theories directly from data without being limited by pre-existing hypotheses. With an open mind, you collect data and generate early codes and labels that capture essential ideas or concepts within the data.

As you progress, you refine these codes and increasingly connect them, eventually developing a theory based on the data. Grounded theory analysis is a dynamic process for developing new insights and hypotheses based on details in your data.

Steps to Do Grounded Theory Analysis

Grounded theory analysis requires the following steps:

  • Initial Coding: First, immerse yourself in the data, producing initial codes that represent major concepts or patterns.
  • Categorize and Connect: Using axial coding, organize the initial codes, which establish relationships and connections between topics.
  • Build the Theory: Focus on creating a core category that connects the codes and themes. Regularly refine the theory by comparing and integrating new data, ensuring that it evolves organically from the data.

Grounded theory analysis has various benefits:

  • Theory Generation: It provides a one-of-a-kind opportunity to generate hypotheses straight from data and promotes new insights.
  • In-depth Understanding: The analysis allows you to deeply analyze the data and reveal complex relationships and patterns.
  • Flexible Process: This method is customizable and ongoing, which allows you to enhance your research as you collect additional data.

However, challenges might arise with:

  • Time and Resources: Because grounded theory analysis is a continuous process, it requires a large commitment of time and resources.
  • Theoretical Development: Creating a grounded theory involves a thorough understanding of qualitative data analysis software and theoretical concepts.
  • Interpretation of Complexity: Interpreting and incorporating a newly developed theory into existing literature can be intellectually hard.

Example of Grounded Theory Analysis

Assume you’re performing a grounded theory analysis on workplace collaboration interviews. As you open code the data, you will discover notions such as “communication barriers,” “team dynamics,” and “leadership roles.” Axial coding demonstrates links between these notions, emphasizing the significance of efficient communication in developing collaboration.

You create the core “Integrated Communication Strategies” category through selective coding, which unifies new topics.

This theory-driven category serves as the framework for understanding how numerous aspects contribute to effective team collaboration. This example shows how grounded theory analysis allows you to generate a theory directly from the inherent nature of the data.

Method 5: Discourse Analysis

Discourse analysis focuses on language and communication. You’ll look at how language produces meaning and how it reflects power relations, identities, and cultural influences. This strategy examines what is said and how it is said; the words, phrasing, and larger context of communication.

The analysis is precious when investigating power dynamics, identities, and cultural influences encoded in language. By evaluating the language used in your data, you can identify underlying assumptions, cultural standards, and how individuals negotiate meaning through communication.

Steps to Do Discourse Analysis

Conducting discourse analysis entails the following steps:

  • Select Discourse: For analysis, choose language-based data such as texts, speeches, or media content.
  • Analyze Language: Immerse yourself in the conversation, examining language choices, metaphors, and underlying assumptions.
  • Discover Patterns: Recognize the dialogue’s reoccurring themes, ideologies, and power dynamics. To fully understand the effects of these patterns, put them in their larger context.

There are various advantages of using discourse analysis:

  • Understanding Language: It provides an extensive understanding of how language builds meaning and influences perceptions.
  • Uncovering Power Dynamics: The analysis reveals how power dynamics appear via language.
  • Cultural Insights: This method identifies cultural norms, beliefs, and ideologies stored in communication.

However, the following challenges may arise:

  • Complexity of Interpretation: Language analysis involves navigating multiple levels of nuance and interpretation.
  • Subjectivity: Interpretation can be subjective, so controlling researcher bias is important.
  • Time-Intensive: Discourse analysis can take a lot of time because careful linguistic study is required in this analysis.

Example of Discourse Analysis

Consider doing discourse analysis on media coverage of a political event. You notice repeating linguistic patterns in news articles that depict the event as a conflict between opposing parties. Through deconstruction, you can expose how this framing supports particular ideologies and power relations.

You can illustrate how language choices influence public perceptions and contribute to building the narrative around the event by analyzing the speech within the broader political and social context. This example shows how discourse analysis can reveal hidden power dynamics and cultural influences on communication.

How to do Qualitative Data Analysis with the QuestionPro Research suite?

QuestionPro is a popular survey and research platform that offers tools for collecting and analyzing qualitative and quantitative data. Follow these general steps for conducting qualitative data analysis using the QuestionPro Research Suite:

  • Collect Qualitative Data: Set up your survey to capture qualitative responses. It might involve open-ended questions, text boxes, or comment sections where participants can provide detailed responses.
  • Export Qualitative Responses: Export the responses once you’ve collected qualitative data through your survey. QuestionPro typically allows you to export survey data in various formats, such as Excel or CSV.
  • Prepare Data for Analysis: Review the exported data and clean it if necessary. Remove irrelevant or duplicate entries to ensure your data is ready for analysis.
  • Code and Categorize Responses: Segment and label data, letting new patterns emerge naturally, then develop categories through axial coding to structure the analysis.
  • Identify Themes: Analyze the coded responses to identify recurring themes, patterns, and insights. Look for similarities and differences in participants’ responses.
  • Generate Reports and Visualizations: Utilize the reporting features of QuestionPro to create visualizations, charts, and graphs that help communicate the themes and findings from your qualitative research.
  • Interpret and Draw Conclusions: Interpret the themes and patterns you’ve identified in the qualitative data. Consider how these findings answer your research questions or provide insights into your study topic.
  • Integrate with Quantitative Data (if applicable): If you’re also conducting quantitative research using QuestionPro, consider integrating your qualitative findings with quantitative results to provide a more comprehensive understanding.

Qualitative data analysis is vital in uncovering various human experiences, views, and stories. If you’re ready to transform your research journey and apply the power of qualitative analysis, now is the moment to do it. Book a demo with QuestionPro today and begin your journey of exploration.



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Data Analysis for Qualitative Research: 6 Step Guide

Data analysis for qualitative research is not intuitive. This is because qualitative data stands in opposition to traditional data analysis methodologies: while data analysis is concerned with quantities, qualitative data is by definition unquantified . But there is an easy, methodical approach that anyone can take use to get reliable results when performing data analysis for qualitative research. The process consists of 6 steps that I’ll break down in this article:

  • Perform interviews(if necessary )
  • Gather all documents and transcribe any non-paper records
  • Decide whether to either code analytical data, analyze word frequencies, or both
  • Decide what interpretive angle you want to take: content analysis , narrative analysis, discourse analysis, framework analysis, and/or grounded theory
  • Compile your data in a spreadsheet using document saving techniques (windows and mac)
  • Identify trends in words, themes, metaphors, natural patterns, and more

To complete these steps, you will need:

  • Microsoft word
  • Microsoft excel
  • Internet access

You can get the free Intro to Data Analysis eBook to cover the fundamentals and ensure strong progression in all your data endeavors.

What is qualitative research?

Qualitative research is not the same as quantitative research. In short, qualitative research is the interpretation of non-numeric data. It usually aims at drawing conclusions that explain why a phenomenon occurs, rather than that one does occur. Here’s a great quote from a nursing magazine about quantitative vs qualitative research:

“A traditional quantitative study… uses a predetermined (and auditable) set of steps to confirm or refute [a] hypothesis. “In contrast, qualitative research often takes the position that an interpretive understanding is only possible by way of uncovering or deconstructing the meanings of a phenomenon. Thus, a distinction between explaining how something operates (explanation) and why it operates in the manner that it does (interpretation) may be [an] effective way to distinguish quantitative from qualitative analytic processes involved in any particular study.” (bold added) (( EBN ))

Learn to Interpret Your Qualitative Data

This article explain what data analysis is and how to do it. To learn how to interpret the results, visualize, and write an insightful report, sign up for our handbook below.

data analysis plan for qualitative research

Step 1a: Data collection methods and techniques in qualitative research: interviews and focus groups

Step 1 is collecting the data that you will need for the analysis. If you are not performing any interviews or focus groups to gather data, then you can skip this step. It’s for people who need to go into the field and collect raw information as part of their qualitative analysis.

Since the whole point of an interview and of qualitative analysis in general is to understand a research question better, you should start by making sure you have a specific, refined research question . Whether you’re a researcher by trade or a data analyst working on one-time project, you must know specifically what you want to understand in order to get results.

Good research questions are specific enough to guide action but open enough to leave room for insight and growth. Examples of good research questions include:

  • Good : To what degree does living in a city impact the quality of a person’s life? (open-ended, complex)
  • Bad : Does living in a city impact the quality of a person’s life? (closed, simple)

Once you understand the research question, you need to develop a list of interview questions. These questions should likewise be open-ended and provide liberty of expression to the responder. They should support the research question in an active way without prejudicing the response. Examples of good interview questions include:

  • Good : Tell me what it’s like to live in a city versus in the country. (open, not leading)
  • Bad : Don’t you prefer the city to the country because there are more people? (closed, leading)

Some additional helpful tips include:

  • Begin each interview with a neutral question to get the person relaxed
  • Limit each question to a single idea
  • If you don’t understand, ask for clarity
  • Do not pass any judgements
  • Do not spend more than 15m on an interview, lest the quality of responses drop

Focus groups

The alternative to interviews is focus groups. Focus groups are a great way for you to get an idea for how people communicate their opinions in a group setting, rather than a one-on-one setting as in interviews.

In short, focus groups are gatherings of small groups of people from representative backgrounds who receive instruction, or “facilitation,” from a focus group leader. Typically, the leader will ask questions to stimulate conversation, reformulate questions to bring the discussion back to focus, and prevent the discussion from turning sour or giving way to bad faith.

Focus group questions should be open-ended like their interview neighbors, and they should stimulate some degree of disagreement. Disagreement often leads to valuable information about differing opinions, as people tend to say what they mean if contradicted.

However, focus group leaders must be careful not to let disagreements escalate, as anger can make people lie to be hurtful or simply to win an argument. And lies are not helpful in data analysis for qualitative research.

Step 1b: Tools for qualitative data collection

When it comes to data analysis for qualitative analysis, the tools you use to collect data should align to some degree with the tools you will use to analyze the data.

As mentioned in the intro, you will be focusing on analysis techniques that only require the traditional Microsoft suite programs: Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word . At the same time, you can source supplementary tools from various websites, like Text Analyzer and WordCounter.

In short, the tools for qualitative data collection that you need are Excel and Word , as well as web-based free tools like Text Analyzer and WordCounter . These online tools are helpful in the quantitative part of your qualitative research.

Step 2: Gather all documents & transcribe non-written docs

Once you have your interviews and/or focus group transcripts, it’s time to decide if you need other documentation. If you do, you’ll need to gather it all into one place first, then develop a strategy for how to transcribe any non-written documents.

When do you need documentation other than interviews and focus groups? Two situations usually call for documentation. First , if you have little funding , then you can’t afford to run expensive interviews and focus groups.

Second , social science researchers typically focus on documents since their research questions are less concerned with subject-oriented data, while hard science and business researchers typically focus on interviews and focus groups because they want to know what people think, and they want to know today.

Non-written records

Other factors at play include the type of research, the field, and specific research goal. For those who need documentation and to describe non-written records, there are some steps to follow:

  • Put all hard copy source documents into a sealed binder (I use plastic paper holders with elastic seals ).
  • If you are sourcing directly from printed books or journals, then you will need to digitalize them by scanning them and making them text readable by the computer. To do so, turn all PDFs into Word documents using online tools such as PDF to Word Converter . This process is never full-proof, and it may be a source of error in the data collection, but it’s part of the process.
  • If you are sourcing online documents, try as often as possible to get computer-readable PDF documents that you can easily copy/paste or convert. Locked PDFs are essentially a lost cause .
  • Transcribe any audio files into written documents. There are free online tools available to help with this, such as 360converter . If you run a test through the system, you’ll see that the output is not 100%. The best way to use this tool is as a first draft generator. You can then correct and complete it with old fashioned, direct transcription.

Step 3: Decide on the type of qualitative research

Before step 3 you should have collected your data, transcribed it all into written-word documents, and compiled it in one place. Now comes the interesting part. You need to decide what you want to get out of your research by choosing an analytic angle, or type of qualitative research.

The available types of qualitative research are as follows. Each of them takes a unique angle that you must choose to get what information you want from the analysis . In addition, each of them has a different impact on the data analysis for qualitative research (coding vs word frequency) that we use.

Content analysis

Narrative analysis, discourse analysis.

  • Framework analysis, and/or

Grounded theory

From a high level, content, narrative, and discourse analysis are actionable independent tactics, whereas framework analysis and grounded theory are ways of honing and applying the first three.

  • Definition : Content analysis is identify and labelling themes of any kind within a text.
  • Focus : Identifying any kind of pattern in written text, transcribed audio, or transcribed video. This could be thematic, word repetition, idea repetition. Most often, the patterns we find are idea that make up an argument.
  • Goal : To simplify, standardize, and quickly reference ideas from any given text. Content analysis is a way to pull the main ideas from huge documents for comparison. In this way, it’s more a means to an end.
  • Pros : The huge advantage of doing content analysis is that you can quickly process huge amounts of texts using simple coding and word frequency techniques we will look at below. To use a metaphore, it is to qualitative analysis documents what Spark notes are to books.
  • Cons : The downside to content analysis is that it’s quite general. If you have a very specific, narrative research question, then tracing “any and all ideas” will not be very helpful to you.
  • Definition : Narrative analysis is the reformulation and simplification of interview answers or documentation into small narrative components to identify story-like patterns.
  • Focus : Understanding the text based on its narrative components as opposed to themes or other qualities.
  • Goal : To reference the text from an angle closer to the nature of texts in order to obtain further insights.
  • Pros : Narrative analysis is very useful for getting perspective on a topic in which you’re extremely limited. It can be easy to get tunnel vision when you’re digging for themes and ideas from a reason-centric perspective. Turning to a narrative approach will help you stay grounded. More importantly, it helps reveal different kinds of trends.
  • Cons : Narrative analysis adds another layer of subjectivity to the instinctive nature of qualitative research. Many see it as too dependent on the researcher to hold any critical value.
  • Definition : Discourse analysis is the textual analysis of naturally occurring speech. Any oral expression must be transcribed before undergoing legitimate discourse analysis.
  • Focus : Understanding ideas and themes through language communicated orally rather than pre-processed on paper.
  • Goal : To obtain insights from an angle outside the traditional content analysis on text.
  • Pros : Provides a considerable advantage in some areas of study in order to understand how people communicate an idea, versus the idea itself. For example, discourse analysis is important in political campaigning. People rarely vote for the candidate who most closely corresponds to his/her beliefs, but rather for the person they like the most.
  • Cons : As with narrative analysis, discourse analysis is more subjective in nature than content analysis, which focuses on ideas and patterns. Some do not consider it rigorous enough to be considered a legitimate subset of qualitative analysis, but these people are few.

Framework analysis

  • Definition : Framework analysis is a kind of qualitative analysis that includes 5 ordered steps: coding, indexing, charting, mapping, and interpreting . In most ways, framework analysis is a synonym for qualitative analysis — the same thing. The significant difference is the importance it places on the perspective used in the analysis.
  • Focus : Understanding patterns in themes and ideas.
  • Goal : Creating one specific framework for looking at a text.
  • Pros : Framework analysis is helpful when the researcher clearly understands what he/she wants from the project, as it’s a limitation approach. Since each of its step has defined parameters, framework analysis is very useful for teamwork.
  • Cons : It can lead to tunnel vision.
  • Definition : The use of content, narrative, and discourse analysis to examine a single case, in the hopes that discoveries from that case will lead to a foundational theory used to examine other like cases.
  • Focus : A vast approach using multiple techniques in order to establish patterns.
  • Goal : To develop a foundational theory.
  • Pros : When successful, grounded theories can revolutionize entire fields of study.
  • Cons : It’s very difficult to establish ground theories, and there’s an enormous amount of risk involved.

Step 4: Coding, word frequency, or both

Coding in data analysis for qualitative research is the process of writing 2-5 word codes that summarize at least 1 paragraphs of text (not writing computer code). This allows researchers to keep track of and analyze those codes. On the other hand, word frequency is the process of counting the presence and orientation of words within a text, which makes it the quantitative element in qualitative data analysis.

Video example of coding for data analysis in qualitative research

In short, coding in the context of data analysis for qualitative research follows 2 steps (video below):

  • Reading through the text one time
  • Adding 2-5 word summaries each time a significant theme or idea appears

Let’s look at a brief example of how to code for qualitative research in this video:

Click here for a link to the source text. 1

Example of word frequency processing

And word frequency is the process of finding a specific word or identifying the most common words through 3 steps:

  • Decide if you want to find 1 word or identify the most common ones
  • Use word’s “Replace” function to find a word or phrase
  • Use Text Analyzer to find the most common terms

Here’s another look at word frequency processing and how you to do it. Let’s look at the same example above, but from a quantitative perspective.

Imagine we are already familiar with melanoma and KITs , and we want to analyze the text based on these keywords. One thing we can do is look for these words using the Replace function in word

  • Locate the search bar
  • Click replace
  • Type in the word
  • See the total results

Here’s a brief video example:

Another option is to use an online Text Analyzer. This methodology won’t help us find a specific word, but it will help us discover the top performing phrases and words. All you need to do it put in a link to a target page or paste a text. I pasted the abstract from our source text, and what turns up is as expected. Here’s a picture:

text analyzer example

Step 5: Compile your data in a spreadsheet

After you have some coded data in the word document, you need to get it into excel for analysis. This process requires saving the word doc as an .htm extension, which makes it a website. Once you have the website, it’s as simple as opening that page, scrolling to the bottom, and copying/pasting the comments, or codes, into an excel document.

You will need to wrangle the data slightly in order to make it readable in excel. I’ve made a video to explain this process and places it below.

Step 6: Identify trends & analyze!

There are literally thousands of different ways to analyze qualitative data, and in most situations, the best technique depends on the information you want to get out of the research.

Nevertheless, there are a few go-to techniques. The most important of this is occurrences . In this short video, we finish the example from above by counting the number of times our codes appear. In this way, it’s very similar to word frequency (discussed above).

A few other options include:

  • Ranking each code on a set of relevant criteria and clustering
  • Pure cluster analysis
  • Causal analysis

We cover different types of analysis like this on the website, so be sure to check out other articles on the home page .

How to analyze qualitative data from an interview

To analyze qualitative data from an interview , follow the same 6 steps for quantitative data analysis:

  • Perform the interviews
  • Transcribe the interviews onto paper
  • Decide whether to either code analytical data (open, axial, selective), analyze word frequencies, or both
  • Compile your data in a spreadsheet using document saving techniques (for windows and mac)
  • Source text [ ↩ ]

About the Author

Noah is the founder & Editor-in-Chief at AnalystAnswers. He is a transatlantic professional and entrepreneur with 5+ years of corporate finance and data analytics experience, as well as 3+ years in consumer financial products and business software. He started AnalystAnswers to provide aspiring professionals with accessible explanations of otherwise dense finance and data concepts. Noah believes everyone can benefit from an analytical mindset in growing digital world. When he's not busy at work, Noah likes to explore new European cities, exercise, and spend time with friends and family.

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data analysis plan for qualitative research

Qualitative Data Analysis: Step-by-Step Guide (Manual vs. Automatic)

When we conduct qualitative methods of research, need to explain changes in metrics or understand people's opinions, we always turn to qualitative data. Qualitative data is typically generated through:

  • Interview transcripts
  • Surveys with open-ended questions
  • Contact center transcripts
  • Texts and documents
  • Audio and video recordings
  • Observational notes

Compared to quantitative data, which captures structured information, qualitative data is unstructured and has more depth. It can answer our questions, can help formulate hypotheses and build understanding.

It's important to understand the differences between quantitative data & qualitative data . But unfortunately, analyzing qualitative data is difficult. While tools like Excel, Tableau and PowerBI crunch and visualize quantitative data with ease, there are a limited number of mainstream tools for analyzing qualitative data . The majority of qualitative data analysis still happens manually.

That said, there are two new trends that are changing this. First, there are advances in natural language processing (NLP) which is focused on understanding human language. Second, there is an explosion of user-friendly software designed for both researchers and businesses. Both help automate the qualitative data analysis process.

In this post we want to teach you how to conduct a successful qualitative data analysis. There are two primary qualitative data analysis methods; manual & automatic. We will teach you how to conduct the analysis manually, and also, automatically using software solutions powered by NLP. We’ll guide you through the steps to conduct a manual analysis, and look at what is involved and the role technology can play in automating this process.

More businesses are switching to fully-automated analysis of qualitative customer data because it is cheaper, faster, and just as accurate. Primarily, businesses purchase subscriptions to feedback analytics platforms so that they can understand customer pain points and sentiment.

Overwhelming quantity of feedback

We’ll take you through 5 steps to conduct a successful qualitative data analysis. Within each step we will highlight the key difference between the manual, and automated approach of qualitative researchers. Here's an overview of the steps:

The 5 steps to doing qualitative data analysis

  • Gathering and collecting your qualitative data
  • Organizing and connecting into your qualitative data
  • Coding your qualitative data
  • Analyzing the qualitative data for insights
  • Reporting on the insights derived from your analysis

What is Qualitative Data Analysis?

Qualitative data analysis is a process of gathering, structuring and interpreting qualitative data to understand what it represents.

Qualitative data is non-numerical and unstructured. Qualitative data generally refers to text, such as open-ended responses to survey questions or user interviews, but also includes audio, photos and video.

Businesses often perform qualitative data analysis on customer feedback. And within this context, qualitative data generally refers to verbatim text data collected from sources such as reviews, complaints, chat messages, support centre interactions, customer interviews, case notes or social media comments.

How is qualitative data analysis different from quantitative data analysis?

Understanding the differences between quantitative & qualitative data is important. When it comes to analyzing data, Qualitative Data Analysis serves a very different role to Quantitative Data Analysis. But what sets them apart?

Qualitative Data Analysis dives into the stories hidden in non-numerical data such as interviews, open-ended survey answers, or notes from observations. It uncovers the ‘whys’ and ‘hows’ giving a deep understanding of people’s experiences and emotions.

Quantitative Data Analysis on the other hand deals with numerical data, using statistics to measure differences, identify preferred options, and pinpoint root causes of issues.  It steps back to address questions like "how many" or "what percentage" to offer broad insights we can apply to larger groups.

In short, Qualitative Data Analysis is like a microscope,  helping us understand specific detail. Quantitative Data Analysis is like the telescope, giving us a broader perspective. Both are important, working together to decode data for different objectives.

Qualitative Data Analysis methods

Once all the data has been captured, there are a variety of analysis techniques available and the choice is determined by your specific research objectives and the kind of data you’ve gathered.  Common qualitative data analysis methods include:

Content Analysis

This is a popular approach to qualitative data analysis. Other qualitative analysis techniques may fit within the broad scope of content analysis. Thematic analysis is a part of the content analysis.  Content analysis is used to identify the patterns that emerge from text, by grouping content into words, concepts, and themes. Content analysis is useful to quantify the relationship between all of the grouped content. The Columbia School of Public Health has a detailed breakdown of content analysis .

Narrative Analysis

Narrative analysis focuses on the stories people tell and the language they use to make sense of them.  It is particularly useful in qualitative research methods where customer stories are used to get a deep understanding of customers’ perspectives on a specific issue. A narrative analysis might enable us to summarize the outcomes of a focused case study.

Discourse Analysis

Discourse analysis is used to get a thorough understanding of the political, cultural and power dynamics that exist in specific situations.  The focus of discourse analysis here is on the way people express themselves in different social contexts. Discourse analysis is commonly used by brand strategists who hope to understand why a group of people feel the way they do about a brand or product.

Thematic Analysis

Thematic analysis is used to deduce the meaning behind the words people use. This is accomplished by discovering repeating themes in text. These meaningful themes reveal key insights into data and can be quantified, particularly when paired with sentiment analysis . Often, the outcome of thematic analysis is a code frame that captures themes in terms of codes, also called categories. So the process of thematic analysis is also referred to as “coding”. A common use-case for thematic analysis in companies is analysis of customer feedback.

Grounded Theory

Grounded theory is a useful approach when little is known about a subject. Grounded theory starts by formulating a theory around a single data case. This means that the theory is “grounded”. Grounded theory analysis is based on actual data, and not entirely speculative. Then additional cases can be examined to see if they are relevant and can add to the original grounded theory.

Methods of qualitative data analysis; approaches and techniques to qualitative data analysis

Challenges of Qualitative Data Analysis

While Qualitative Data Analysis offers rich insights, it comes with its challenges. Each unique QDA method has its unique hurdles. Let’s take a look at the challenges researchers and analysts might face, depending on the chosen method.

  • Time and Effort (Narrative Analysis): Narrative analysis, which focuses on personal stories, demands patience. Sifting through lengthy narratives to find meaningful insights can be time-consuming, requires dedicated effort.
  • Being Objective (Grounded Theory): Grounded theory, building theories from data, faces the challenges of personal biases. Staying objective while interpreting data is crucial, ensuring conclusions are rooted in the data itself.
  • Complexity (Thematic Analysis): Thematic analysis involves identifying themes within data, a process that can be intricate. Categorizing and understanding themes can be complex, especially when each piece of data varies in context and structure. Thematic Analysis software can simplify this process.
  • Generalizing Findings (Narrative Analysis): Narrative analysis, dealing with individual stories, makes drawing broad challenging. Extending findings from a single narrative to a broader context requires careful consideration.
  • Managing Data (Thematic Analysis): Thematic analysis involves organizing and managing vast amounts of unstructured data, like interview transcripts. Managing this can be a hefty task, requiring effective data management strategies.
  • Skill Level (Grounded Theory): Grounded theory demands specific skills to build theories from the ground up. Finding or training analysts with these skills poses a challenge, requiring investment in building expertise.

Benefits of qualitative data analysis

Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) is like a versatile toolkit, offering a tailored approach to understanding your data. The benefits it offers are as diverse as the methods. Let’s explore why choosing the right method matters.

  • Tailored Methods for Specific Needs: QDA isn't one-size-fits-all. Depending on your research objectives and the type of data at hand, different methods offer unique benefits. If you want emotive customer stories, narrative analysis paints a strong picture. When you want to explain a score, thematic analysis reveals insightful patterns
  • Flexibility with Thematic Analysis: thematic analysis is like a chameleon in the toolkit of QDA. It adapts well to different types of data and research objectives, making it a top choice for any qualitative analysis.
  • Deeper Understanding, Better Products: QDA helps you dive into people's thoughts and feelings. This deep understanding helps you build products and services that truly matches what people want, ensuring satisfied customers
  • Finding the Unexpected: Qualitative data often reveals surprises that we miss in quantitative data. QDA offers us new ideas and perspectives, for insights we might otherwise miss.
  • Building Effective Strategies: Insights from QDA are like strategic guides. They help businesses in crafting plans that match people’s desires.
  • Creating Genuine Connections: Understanding people’s experiences lets businesses connect on a real level. This genuine connection helps build trust and loyalty, priceless for any business.

How to do Qualitative Data Analysis: 5 steps

Now we are going to show how you can do your own qualitative data analysis. We will guide you through this process step by step. As mentioned earlier, you will learn how to do qualitative data analysis manually , and also automatically using modern qualitative data and thematic analysis software.

To get best value from the analysis process and research process, it’s important to be super clear about the nature and scope of the question that’s being researched. This will help you select the research collection channels that are most likely to help you answer your question.

Depending on if you are a business looking to understand customer sentiment, or an academic surveying a school, your approach to qualitative data analysis will be unique.

Once you’re clear, there’s a sequence to follow. And, though there are differences in the manual and automatic approaches, the process steps are mostly the same.

The use case for our step-by-step guide is a company looking to collect data (customer feedback data), and analyze the customer feedback - in order to improve customer experience. By analyzing the customer feedback the company derives insights about their business and their customers. You can follow these same steps regardless of the nature of your research. Let’s get started.

Step 1: Gather your qualitative data and conduct research (Conduct qualitative research)

The first step of qualitative research is to do data collection. Put simply, data collection is gathering all of your data for analysis. A common situation is when qualitative data is spread across various sources.

Classic methods of gathering qualitative data

Most companies use traditional methods for gathering qualitative data: conducting interviews with research participants, running surveys, and running focus groups. This data is typically stored in documents, CRMs, databases and knowledge bases. It’s important to examine which data is available and needs to be included in your research project, based on its scope.

Using your existing qualitative feedback

As it becomes easier for customers to engage across a range of different channels, companies are gathering increasingly large amounts of both solicited and unsolicited qualitative feedback.

Most organizations have now invested in Voice of Customer programs , support ticketing systems, chatbot and support conversations, emails and even customer Slack chats.

These new channels provide companies with new ways of getting feedback, and also allow the collection of unstructured feedback data at scale.

The great thing about this data is that it contains a wealth of valubale insights and that it’s already there! When you have a new question about user behavior or your customers, you don’t need to create a new research study or set up a focus group. You can find most answers in the data you already have.

Typically, this data is stored in third-party solutions or a central database, but there are ways to export it or connect to a feedback analysis solution through integrations or an API.

Utilize untapped qualitative data channels

There are many online qualitative data sources you may not have considered. For example, you can find useful qualitative data in social media channels like Twitter or Facebook. Online forums, review sites, and online communities such as Discourse or Reddit also contain valuable data about your customers, or research questions.

If you are considering performing a qualitative benchmark analysis against competitors - the internet is your best friend, and review analysis is a great place to start. Gathering feedback in competitor reviews on sites like Trustpilot, G2, Capterra, Better Business Bureau or on app stores is a great way to perform a competitor benchmark analysis.

Customer feedback analysis software often has integrations into social media and review sites, or you could use a solution like DataMiner to scrape the reviews.

G2.com reviews of the product Airtable. You could pull reviews from G2 for your analysis.

Step 2: Connect & organize all your qualitative data

Now you all have this qualitative data but there’s a problem, the data is unstructured. Before feedback can be analyzed and assigned any value, it needs to be organized in a single place. Why is this important? Consistency!

If all data is easily accessible in one place and analyzed in a consistent manner, you will have an easier time summarizing and making decisions based on this data.

The manual approach to organizing your data

The classic method of structuring qualitative data is to plot all the raw data you’ve gathered into a spreadsheet.

Typically, research and support teams would share large Excel sheets and different business units would make sense of the qualitative feedback data on their own. Each team collects and organizes the data in a way that best suits them, which means the feedback tends to be kept in separate silos.

An alternative and a more robust solution is to store feedback in a central database, like Snowflake or Amazon Redshift .

Keep in mind that when you organize your data in this way, you are often preparing it to be imported into another software. If you go the route of a database, you would need to use an API to push the feedback into a third-party software.

Computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software (CAQDAS)

Traditionally within the manual analysis approach (but not always), qualitative data is imported into CAQDAS software for coding.

In the early 2000s, CAQDAS software was popularised by developers such as ATLAS.ti, NVivo and MAXQDA and eagerly adopted by researchers to assist with the organizing and coding of data.  

The benefits of using computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software:

  • Assists in the organizing of your data
  • Opens you up to exploring different interpretations of your data analysis
  • Allows you to share your dataset easier and allows group collaboration (allows for secondary analysis)

However you still need to code the data, uncover the themes and do the analysis yourself. Therefore it is still a manual approach.

The user interface of CAQDAS software 'NVivo'

Organizing your qualitative data in a feedback repository

Another solution to organizing your qualitative data is to upload it into a feedback repository where it can be unified with your other data , and easily searchable and taggable. There are a number of software solutions that act as a central repository for your qualitative research data. Here are a couple solutions that you could investigate:  

  • Dovetail: Dovetail is a research repository with a focus on video and audio transcriptions. You can tag your transcriptions within the platform for theme analysis. You can also upload your other qualitative data such as research reports, survey responses, support conversations ( conversational analytics ), and customer interviews. Dovetail acts as a single, searchable repository. And makes it easier to collaborate with other people around your qualitative research.
  • EnjoyHQ: EnjoyHQ is another research repository with similar functionality to Dovetail. It boasts a more sophisticated search engine, but it has a higher starting subscription cost.

Organizing your qualitative data in a feedback analytics platform

If you have a lot of qualitative customer or employee feedback, from the likes of customer surveys or employee surveys, you will benefit from a feedback analytics platform. A feedback analytics platform is a software that automates the process of both sentiment analysis and thematic analysis . Companies use the integrations offered by these platforms to directly tap into their qualitative data sources (review sites, social media, survey responses, etc.). The data collected is then organized and analyzed consistently within the platform.

If you have data prepared in a spreadsheet, it can also be imported into feedback analytics platforms.

Once all this rich data has been organized within the feedback analytics platform, it is ready to be coded and themed, within the same platform. Thematic is a feedback analytics platform that offers one of the largest libraries of integrations with qualitative data sources.

Some of qualitative data integrations offered by Thematic

Step 3: Coding your qualitative data

Your feedback data is now organized in one place. Either within your spreadsheet, CAQDAS, feedback repository or within your feedback analytics platform. The next step is to code your feedback data so we can extract meaningful insights in the next step.

Coding is the process of labelling and organizing your data in such a way that you can then identify themes in the data, and the relationships between these themes.

To simplify the coding process, you will take small samples of your customer feedback data, come up with a set of codes, or categories capturing themes, and label each piece of feedback, systematically, for patterns and meaning. Then you will take a larger sample of data, revising and refining the codes for greater accuracy and consistency as you go.

If you choose to use a feedback analytics platform, much of this process will be automated and accomplished for you.

The terms to describe different categories of meaning (‘theme’, ‘code’, ‘tag’, ‘category’ etc) can be confusing as they are often used interchangeably.  For clarity, this article will use the term ‘code’.

To code means to identify key words or phrases and assign them to a category of meaning. “I really hate the customer service of this computer software company” would be coded as “poor customer service”.

How to manually code your qualitative data

  • Decide whether you will use deductive or inductive coding. Deductive coding is when you create a list of predefined codes, and then assign them to the qualitative data. Inductive coding is the opposite of this, you create codes based on the data itself. Codes arise directly from the data and you label them as you go. You need to weigh up the pros and cons of each coding method and select the most appropriate.
  • Read through the feedback data to get a broad sense of what it reveals. Now it’s time to start assigning your first set of codes to statements and sections of text.
  • Keep repeating step 2, adding new codes and revising the code description as often as necessary.  Once it has all been coded, go through everything again, to be sure there are no inconsistencies and that nothing has been overlooked.
  • Create a code frame to group your codes. The coding frame is the organizational structure of all your codes. And there are two commonly used types of coding frames, flat, or hierarchical. A hierarchical code frame will make it easier for you to derive insights from your analysis.
  • Based on the number of times a particular code occurs, you can now see the common themes in your feedback data. This is insightful! If ‘bad customer service’ is a common code, it’s time to take action.

We have a detailed guide dedicated to manually coding your qualitative data .

Example of a hierarchical coding frame in qualitative data analysis

Using software to speed up manual coding of qualitative data

An Excel spreadsheet is still a popular method for coding. But various software solutions can help speed up this process. Here are some examples.

  • CAQDAS / NVivo - CAQDAS software has built-in functionality that allows you to code text within their software. You may find the interface the software offers easier for managing codes than a spreadsheet.
  • Dovetail/EnjoyHQ - You can tag transcripts and other textual data within these solutions. As they are also repositories you may find it simpler to keep the coding in one platform.
  • IBM SPSS - SPSS is a statistical analysis software that may make coding easier than in a spreadsheet.
  • Ascribe - Ascribe’s ‘Coder’ is a coding management system. Its user interface will make it easier for you to manage your codes.

Automating the qualitative coding process using thematic analysis software

In solutions which speed up the manual coding process, you still have to come up with valid codes and often apply codes manually to pieces of feedback. But there are also solutions that automate both the discovery and the application of codes.

Advances in machine learning have now made it possible to read, code and structure qualitative data automatically. This type of automated coding is offered by thematic analysis software .

Automation makes it far simpler and faster to code the feedback and group it into themes. By incorporating natural language processing (NLP) into the software, the AI looks across sentences and phrases to identify common themes meaningful statements. Some automated solutions detect repeating patterns and assign codes to them, others make you train the AI by providing examples. You could say that the AI learns the meaning of the feedback on its own.

Thematic automates the coding of qualitative feedback regardless of source. There’s no need to set up themes or categories in advance. Simply upload your data and wait a few minutes. You can also manually edit the codes to further refine their accuracy.  Experiments conducted indicate that Thematic’s automated coding is just as accurate as manual coding .

Paired with sentiment analysis and advanced text analytics - these automated solutions become powerful for deriving quality business or research insights.

You could also build your own , if you have the resources!

The key benefits of using an automated coding solution

Automated analysis can often be set up fast and there’s the potential to uncover things that would never have been revealed if you had given the software a prescribed list of themes to look for.

Because the model applies a consistent rule to the data, it captures phrases or statements that a human eye might have missed.

Complete and consistent analysis of customer feedback enables more meaningful findings. Leading us into step 4.

Step 4: Analyze your data: Find meaningful insights

Now we are going to analyze our data to find insights. This is where we start to answer our research questions. Keep in mind that step 4 and step 5 (tell the story) have some overlap . This is because creating visualizations is both part of analysis process and reporting.

The task of uncovering insights is to scour through the codes that emerge from the data and draw meaningful correlations from them. It is also about making sure each insight is distinct and has enough data to support it.

Part of the analysis is to establish how much each code relates to different demographics and customer profiles, and identify whether there’s any relationship between these data points.

Manually create sub-codes to improve the quality of insights

If your code frame only has one level, you may find that your codes are too broad to be able to extract meaningful insights. This is where it is valuable to create sub-codes to your primary codes. This process is sometimes referred to as meta coding.

Note: If you take an inductive coding approach, you can create sub-codes as you are reading through your feedback data and coding it.

While time-consuming, this exercise will improve the quality of your analysis. Here is an example of what sub-codes could look like.

Example of sub-codes

You need to carefully read your qualitative data to create quality sub-codes. But as you can see, the depth of analysis is greatly improved. By calculating the frequency of these sub-codes you can get insight into which  customer service problems you can immediately address.

Correlate the frequency of codes to customer segments

Many businesses use customer segmentation . And you may have your own respondent segments that you can apply to your qualitative analysis. Segmentation is the practise of dividing customers or research respondents into subgroups.

Segments can be based on:

  • Demographic
  • And any other data type that you care to segment by

It is particularly useful to see the occurrence of codes within your segments. If one of your customer segments is considered unimportant to your business, but they are the cause of nearly all customer service complaints, it may be in your best interest to focus attention elsewhere. This is a useful insight!

Manually visualizing coded qualitative data

There are formulas you can use to visualize key insights in your data. The formulas we will suggest are imperative if you are measuring a score alongside your feedback.

If you are collecting a metric alongside your qualitative data this is a key visualization. Impact answers the question: “What’s the impact of a code on my overall score?”. Using Net Promoter Score (NPS) as an example, first you need to:

  • Calculate overall NPS
  • Calculate NPS in the subset of responses that do not contain that theme
  • Subtract B from A

Then you can use this simple formula to calculate code impact on NPS .

Visualizing qualitative data: Calculating the impact of a code on your score

You can then visualize this data using a bar chart.

You can download our CX toolkit - it includes a template to recreate this.

Trends over time

This analysis can help you answer questions like: “Which codes are linked to decreases or increases in my score over time?”

We need to compare two sequences of numbers: NPS over time and code frequency over time . Using Excel, calculate the correlation between the two sequences, which can be either positive (the more codes the higher the NPS, see picture below), or negative (the more codes the lower the NPS).

Now you need to plot code frequency against the absolute value of code correlation with NPS. Here is the formula:

Analyzing qualitative data: Calculate which codes are linked to increases or decreases in my score

The visualization could look like this:

Visualizing qualitative data trends over time

These are two examples, but there are more. For a third manual formula, and to learn why word clouds are not an insightful form of analysis, read our visualizations article .

Using a text analytics solution to automate analysis

Automated text analytics solutions enable codes and sub-codes to be pulled out of the data automatically. This makes it far faster and easier to identify what’s driving negative or positive results. And to pick up emerging trends and find all manner of rich insights in the data.

Another benefit of AI-driven text analytics software is its built-in capability for sentiment analysis, which provides the emotive context behind your feedback and other qualitative textual data therein.

Thematic provides text analytics that goes further by allowing users to apply their expertise on business context to edit or augment the AI-generated outputs.

Since the move away from manual research is generally about reducing the human element, adding human input to the technology might sound counter-intuitive. However, this is mostly to make sure important business nuances in the feedback aren’t missed during coding. The result is a higher accuracy of analysis. This is sometimes referred to as augmented intelligence .

Codes displayed by volume within Thematic. You can 'manage themes' to introduce human input.

Step 5: Report on your data: Tell the story

The last step of analyzing your qualitative data is to report on it, to tell the story. At this point, the codes are fully developed and the focus is on communicating the narrative to the audience.

A coherent outline of the qualitative research, the findings and the insights is vital for stakeholders to discuss and debate before they can devise a meaningful course of action.

Creating graphs and reporting in Powerpoint

Typically, qualitative researchers take the tried and tested approach of distilling their report into a series of charts, tables and other visuals which are woven into a narrative for presentation in Powerpoint.

Using visualization software for reporting

With data transformation and APIs, the analyzed data can be shared with data visualisation software, such as Power BI or Tableau , Google Studio or Looker. Power BI and Tableau are among the most preferred options.

Visualizing your insights inside a feedback analytics platform

Feedback analytics platforms, like Thematic, incorporate visualisation tools that intuitively turn key data and insights into graphs.  This removes the time consuming work of constructing charts to visually identify patterns and creates more time to focus on building a compelling narrative that highlights the insights, in bite-size chunks, for executive teams to review.

Using a feedback analytics platform with visualization tools means you don’t have to use a separate product for visualizations. You can export graphs into Powerpoints straight from the platforms.

Two examples of qualitative data visualizations within Thematic

Conclusion - Manual or Automated?

There are those who remain deeply invested in the manual approach - because it’s familiar, because they’re reluctant to spend money and time learning new software, or because they’ve been burned by the overpromises of AI.  

For projects that involve small datasets, manual analysis makes sense. For example, if the objective is simply to quantify a simple question like “Do customers prefer X concepts to Y?”. If the findings are being extracted from a small set of focus groups and interviews, sometimes it’s easier to just read them

However, as new generations come into the workplace, it’s technology-driven solutions that feel more comfortable and practical. And the merits are undeniable.  Especially if the objective is to go deeper and understand the ‘why’ behind customers’ preference for X or Y. And even more especially if time and money are considerations.

The ability to collect a free flow of qualitative feedback data at the same time as the metric means AI can cost-effectively scan, crunch, score and analyze a ton of feedback from one system in one go. And time-intensive processes like focus groups, or coding, that used to take weeks, can now be completed in a matter of hours or days.

But aside from the ever-present business case to speed things up and keep costs down, there are also powerful research imperatives for automated analysis of qualitative data: namely, accuracy and consistency.

Finding insights hidden in feedback requires consistency, especially in coding.  Not to mention catching all the ‘unknown unknowns’ that can skew research findings and steering clear of cognitive bias.

Some say without manual data analysis researchers won’t get an accurate “feel” for the insights. However, the larger data sets are, the harder it is to sort through the feedback and organize feedback that has been pulled from different places.  And, the more difficult it is to stay on course, the greater the risk of drawing incorrect, or incomplete, conclusions grows.

Though the process steps for qualitative data analysis have remained pretty much unchanged since psychologist Paul Felix Lazarsfeld paved the path a hundred years ago, the impact digital technology has had on types of qualitative feedback data and the approach to the analysis are profound.  

If you want to try an automated feedback analysis solution on your own qualitative data, you can get started with Thematic .

data analysis plan for qualitative research

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Data analysis in qualitative research, theertha raj, august 30, 2024.

While numbers tell us "what" and "how much," qualitative data reveals the crucial "why" and "how." But let's face it - turning mountains of text, images, and observations into meaningful insights can be daunting.

This guide dives deep into the art and science of how to analyze qualitative data. We'll explore cutting-edge techniques, free qualitative data analysis software, and strategies to make your analysis more rigorous and insightful. Expect practical, actionable advice on qualitative data analysis methods, whether you're a seasoned researcher looking to refine your skills or a team leader aiming to extract more value from your qualitative data.

What is qualitative data?

Qualitative data is non-numerical information that describes qualities or characteristics. It includes text, images, audio, and video. 

This data type captures complex human experiences, behaviors, and opinions that numbers alone can't express.

A qualitative data example can include interview transcripts, open-ended survey responses, field notes from observations, social media posts and customer reviews

Importance of qualitative data

Qualitative data is vital for several reasons:

  • It provides a deep, nuanced understanding of complex phenomena.
  • It captures the 'why' behind behaviors and opinions.
  • It allows for unexpected discoveries and new research directions.
  • It puts people's experiences and perspectives at the forefront.
  • It enhances quantitative findings with depth and detail.

What is data analysis in qualitative research?

Data analysis in qualitative research is the process of examining and interpreting non-numerical data to uncover patterns, themes, and insights. It aims to make sense of rich, detailed information gathered through methods like interviews, focus groups, or observations.

This analysis moves beyond simple description. It seeks to understand the underlying meanings, contexts, and relationships within the data. The goal is to create a coherent narrative that answers research questions and generates new knowledge.

How is qualitative data analysis different from quantitative data analysis?

Qualitative and quantitative data analyses differ in several key ways:

  • Data type: Qualitative analysis uses non-numerical data (text, images), while quantitative analysis uses numerical data.
  • Approach: Qualitative analysis is inductive and exploratory. Quantitative analysis is deductive and confirmatory.
  • Sample size: Qualitative studies often use smaller samples. Quantitative studies typically need larger samples for statistical validity.
  • Depth vs. breadth: Qualitative analysis provides in-depth insights about a few cases. Quantitative analysis offers broader insights across many cases.
  • Subjectivity: Qualitative analysis involves more subjective interpretation. Quantitative analysis aims for objective, statistical measures.

What are the 3 main components of qualitative data analysis?

The three main components of qualitative data analysis are:

  • Data reduction: Simplifying and focusing the raw data through coding and categorization.
  • Data display: Organizing the reduced data into visual formats like matrices, charts, or networks.
  • Conclusion drawing/verification: Interpreting the displayed data and verifying the conclusions.

These components aren't linear steps. Instead, they form an iterative process where researchers move back and forth between them throughout the analysis.

How do you write a qualitative analysis?

Step 1: organize your data.

Start with bringing all your qualitative research data in one place. A repository can be of immense help here. Transcribe interviews , compile field notes, and gather all relevant materials.

Immerse yourself in the data. Read through everything multiple times.

Step 2: Code & identify themes

Identify and label key concepts, themes, or patterns. Group related codes into broader themes or categories. Try to connect themes to tell a coherent story that answers your research questions.

Pick out direct quotes from your data to illustrate key points.

Step 3: Interpret and reflect

Explain what your results mean in the context of your research and existing literature.

Als discuss, identify and try to eliminate potential biases or limitations in your analysis. 

Summarize main insights and their implications.

What are the 5 qualitative data analysis methods?

Thematic Analysis Identifying, analyzing, and reporting patterns (themes) within data.

Content Analysis Systematically categorizing and counting the occurrence of specific elements in text.

Grounded Theory Developing theory from data through iterative coding and analysis.

Discourse Analysis Examining language use and meaning in social contexts.

Narrative Analysis Interpreting stories and personal accounts to understand experiences and meanings.

Each method suits different research goals and data types. Researchers often combine methods for comprehensive analysis.

What are the 4 data collection methods in qualitative research?

When it comes to collecting qualitative data, researchers primarily rely on four methods.

  • Interviews : One-on-one conversations to gather in-depth information.
  • Focus Groups : Group discussions to explore collective opinions and experiences.
  • Observations : Watching and recording behaviors in natural settings.
  • Document Analysis : Examining existing texts, images, or artifacts.

Researchers often use multiple methods to gain a comprehensive understanding of their topic.

How is qualitative data analysis measured?

Unlike quantitative data, qualitative data analysis isn't measured in traditional numerical terms. Instead, its quality is evaluated based on several criteria. 

Trustworthiness is key, encompassing the credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability of the findings. The rigor of the analysis - the thoroughness and care taken in data collection and analysis - is another crucial factor. 

Transparency in documenting the analysis process and decision-making is essential, as is reflexivity - acknowledging and examining the researcher's own biases and influences. 

Employing techniques like member checking and triangulation all contribute to the strength of qualitative analysis.

Benefits of qualitative data analysis

The benefits of qualitative data analysis are numerous. It uncovers rich, nuanced understanding of complex phenomena and allows for unexpected discoveries and new research directions. 

By capturing the 'why' behind behaviors and opinions, qualitative data analysis methods provide crucial context. 

Qualitative analysis can also lead to new theoretical frameworks or hypotheses and enhances quantitative findings with depth and detail. It's particularly adept at capturing cultural nuances that might be missed in quantitative studies.

Challenges of Qualitative Data Analysis

Researchers face several challenges when conducting qualitative data analysis. 

Managing and making sense of large volumes of rich, complex data can lead to data overload. Maintaining consistent coding across large datasets or between multiple coders can be difficult. 

There's a delicate balance to strike between providing enough context and maintaining focus on analysis. Recognizing and mitigating researcher biases in data interpretation is an ongoing challenge. 

The learning curve for qualitative data analysis software can be steep and time-consuming. Ethical considerations, particularly around protecting participant anonymity while presenting rich, detailed data, require careful navigation. Integrating different types of data from various sources can be complex. Time management is crucial, as researchers must balance the depth of analysis with project timelines and resources. Finally, communicating complex qualitative insights in clear, compelling ways can be challenging.

Best Software to Analyze Qualitative Data

G2 rating: 4.6/5

Pricing: Starts at $30 monthly.

Looppanel is an AI-powered research assistant and repository platform that can make it 5x faster to get to insights, by automating all the manual, tedious parts of your job. 

Here’s how Looppanel’s features can help with qualitative data analysis:

  • Automatic Transcription: Quickly turn speech into accurate text; it works across 8 languages and even heavy accents, with over 90% accuracy.
  • AI Note-Taking: The research assistant can join you on calls and take notes, as well as automatically sort your notes based on your interview questions.
  • Automatic Tagging: Easily tag and organize your data with free AI tools.
  • Insight Generation: Create shareable insights that fit right into your other tools.
  • Repository Search: Run Google-like searches within your projects and calls to find a data snippet/quote in seconds
  • Smart Summary: Ask the AI a question on your research, and it will give you an answer, using extracts from your data as citations.

Looppanel’s focus on automating research tasks makes it perfect for researchers who want to save time and work smarter.

G2 rating: 4.7/5

Pricing: Free version available, with the Plus version costing $20 monthly.

ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, offers a range of capabilities for qualitative data analysis including:

  • Document analysis : It can easily extract and analyze text from various file formats.
  • Summarization : GPT can condense lengthy documents into concise summaries.
  • Advanced Data Analysis (ADA) : For paid users, Chat-GPT offers quantitative analysis of data documents.
  • Sentiment analysis: Although not Chat-GPT’s specialty, it can still perform basic sentiment analysis on text data.

ChatGPT's versatility makes it valuable for researchers who need quick insights from diverse text sources.

How to use ChatGPT for qualitative data analysis

ChatGPT can be a handy sidekick in your qualitative analysis, if you do the following:

  • Use it to summarize long documents or transcripts
  • Ask it to identify key themes in your data
  • Use it for basic sentiment analysis
  • Have it generate potential codes based on your research questions
  • Use it to brainstorm interpretations of your findings

G2 rating: 4.7/5 Pricing: Custom

Atlas.ti is a powerful platform built for detailed qualitative and mixed-methods research, offering a lot of capabilities for running both quantitative and qualitative research.

It’s key data analysis features include:

  • Multi-format Support: Analyze text, PDFs, images, audio, video, and geo data all within one platform.
  • AI-Powered Coding: Uses AI to suggest codes and summarize documents.
  • Collaboration Tools: Ideal for teams working on complex research projects.
  • Data Visualization: Create network views and other visualizations to showcase relationships in your data.

G2 rating: 4.1/5 Pricing: Custom

NVivo is another powerful platform for qualitative and mixed-methods research. It’s analysis features include:

  • Data Import and Organization: Easily manage different data types, including text, audio, and video.
  • AI-Powered Coding: Speeds up the coding process with machine learning.
  • Visualization Tools: Create charts, graphs, and diagrams to represent your findings.
  • Collaboration Features: Suitable for team-based research projects.

NVivo combines AI capabilities with traditional qualitative analysis tools, making it versatile for various research needs.

Can Excel do qualitative data analysis?

Excel can be a handy tool for qualitative data analysis, especially if you're just starting out or working on a smaller project. While it's not specialized qualitative data analysis software, you can use it to organize your data, maybe putting different themes in different columns. It's good for basic coding, where you label bits of text with keywords. You can use its filter feature to focus on specific themes. Excel can also create simple charts to visualize your findings. But for bigger or more complex projects, you might want to look into software designed specifically for qualitative data analysis. These tools often have more advanced features that can save you time and help you dig deeper into your data.

How do you show qualitative analysis?

Showing qualitative data analysis is about telling the story of your data. In qualitative data analysis methods, we use quotes from interviews or documents to back up our points. Create charts or mind maps to show how different ideas connect, which is a common practice in data analysis in qualitative research. Group your findings into themes that make sense. Then, write it all up in a way that flows, explaining what you found and why it matters.

What is the best way to analyze qualitative data?

There's no one-size-fits-all approach to how to analyze qualitative data, but there are some tried-and-true steps. 

Start by getting your data in order. Then, read through it a few times to get familiar with it. As you go, start marking important bits with codes - this is a fundamental qualitative data analysis method. Group similar codes into bigger themes. Look for patterns in these themes - how do they connect? 

Finally, think about what it all means in the bigger picture of your research. Remember, it's okay to go back and forth between these steps as you dig deeper into your data. Qualitative data analysis software can be a big help in this process, especially for managing large amounts of data.

In qualitative methods of test analysis, what do test developers do to generate data?

Test developers in qualitative research might sit down with people for in-depth chats or run group discussions, which are key qualitative data analysis methods. They often use surveys with open-ended questions that let people express themselves freely. Sometimes, they'll observe people in their natural environment, taking notes on what they see. They might also dig into existing documents or artifacts that relate to their topic. The goal is to gather rich, detailed information that helps them understand the full picture, which is crucial in data analysis in qualitative research.

Which is not a purpose of reflexivity during qualitative data analysis?

Reflexivity in qualitative data analysis isn't about proving you're completely objective. That's not the goal. Instead, it's about being honest about who you are as a researcher. It's recognizing that your own experiences and views might influence how you see the data. By being upfront about this, you actually make your research more trustworthy. It's also a way to dig deeper into your data, seeing things you might have missed at first glance. This self-awareness is a crucial part of qualitative data analysis methods.

What is a qualitative data analysis example?

A simple example is analyzing customer feedback for a new product. You might collect feedback, read through responses, create codes like "ease of use" or "design," and group similar codes into themes. You'd then identify patterns and support findings with specific quotes. This process helps transform raw feedback into actionable insights.

How to analyze qualitative data from a survey?

First, gather all your responses in one place. Read through them to get a feel for what people are saying. Then, start labeling responses with codes - short descriptions of what each bit is about. This coding process is a fundamental qualitative data analysis method. Group similar codes into bigger themes. Look for patterns in these themes. Are certain ideas coming up a lot? Do different groups of people have different views? Use actual quotes from your survey to back up what you're seeing. Think about how your findings relate to your original research questions. 

Which one is better, NVivo or Atlas.ti?

NVivo is known for being user-friendly and great for team projects. Atlas.ti shines when it comes to visual mapping of concepts and handling geographic data. Both can handle a variety of data types and have powerful tools for qualitative data analysis. The best way to decide is to try out both if you can. 

While these are powerful tools, the core of qualitative data analysis still relies on your analytical skills and understanding of qualitative data analysis methods.

Do I need to use NVivo for qualitative data analysis?

You don't necessarily need NVivo for qualitative data analysis, but it can definitely make your life easier, especially for bigger projects. Think of it like using a power tool versus a hand tool - you can get the job done either way, but the power tool might save you time and effort. For smaller projects or if you're just starting out, you might be fine with simpler tools or even free qualitative data analysis software. But if you're dealing with lots of data, or if you need to collaborate with a team, or if you want to do more complex analysis, then specialized qualitative data analysis software like NVivo can be a big help. It's all about finding the right tool for your specific research needs and the qualitative data analysis methods you're using.

Here’s a guide that can help you decide.

How to use NVivo for qualitative data analysis

First, you import all your data - interviews, documents, videos, whatever you've got. Then you start creating "nodes," which are like folders for different themes or ideas in your data. As you read through your material, you highlight bits that relate to these themes and file them under the right nodes. NVivo lets you easily search through all this organized data, find connections between different themes, and even create visual maps of how everything relates.

How much does NVivo cost?

NVivo's pricing isn't one-size-fits-all. They offer different plans for individuals, teams, and large organizations, but they don't publish their prices openly. Contact the team here for a custom quote.

What are the four steps of qualitative data analysis?

While qualitative data analysis is often iterative, it generally follows these four main steps:

1. Data Collection: Gathering raw data through interviews, observations, or documents.

2. Data Preparation: Organizing and transcribing the collected data.

3. Data Coding: Identifying and labeling important concepts or themes in the data.

4. Interpretation: Drawing meaning from the coded data and developing insights.

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Resources & Guides

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How to use AI for Qualitative Data Analysis

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Transcription in Qualitative Research: A Comprehensive Guide for UX Researchers

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Looppanel automatically records your calls, transcribes them, and centralizes all your research data in one place

data analysis plan for qualitative research

Qualitative Data Analysis Methods 101:

The “big 6” methods + examples.

By: Kerryn Warren (PhD) | Reviewed By: Eunice Rautenbach (D.Tech) | May 2020 (Updated April 2023)

Qualitative data analysis methods. Wow, that’s a mouthful. 

If you’re new to the world of research, qualitative data analysis can look rather intimidating. So much bulky terminology and so many abstract, fluffy concepts. It certainly can be a minefield!

Don’t worry – in this post, we’ll unpack the most popular analysis methods , one at a time, so that you can approach your analysis with confidence and competence – whether that’s for a dissertation, thesis or really any kind of research project.

Qualitative data analysis methods

What (exactly) is qualitative data analysis?

To understand qualitative data analysis, we need to first understand qualitative data – so let’s step back and ask the question, “what exactly is qualitative data?”.

Qualitative data refers to pretty much any data that’s “not numbers” . In other words, it’s not the stuff you measure using a fixed scale or complex equipment, nor do you analyse it using complex statistics or mathematics.

So, if it’s not numbers, what is it?

Words, you guessed? Well… sometimes , yes. Qualitative data can, and often does, take the form of interview transcripts, documents and open-ended survey responses – but it can also involve the interpretation of images and videos. In other words, qualitative isn’t just limited to text-based data.

So, how’s that different from quantitative data, you ask?

Simply put, qualitative research focuses on words, descriptions, concepts or ideas – while quantitative research focuses on numbers and statistics . Qualitative research investigates the “softer side” of things to explore and describe , while quantitative research focuses on the “hard numbers”, to measure differences between variables and the relationships between them. If you’re keen to learn more about the differences between qual and quant, we’ve got a detailed post over here .

qualitative data analysis vs quantitative data analysis

So, qualitative analysis is easier than quantitative, right?

Not quite. In many ways, qualitative data can be challenging and time-consuming to analyse and interpret. At the end of your data collection phase (which itself takes a lot of time), you’ll likely have many pages of text-based data or hours upon hours of audio to work through. You might also have subtle nuances of interactions or discussions that have danced around in your mind, or that you scribbled down in messy field notes. All of this needs to work its way into your analysis.

Making sense of all of this is no small task and you shouldn’t underestimate it. Long story short – qualitative analysis can be a lot of work! Of course, quantitative analysis is no piece of cake either, but it’s important to recognise that qualitative analysis still requires a significant investment in terms of time and effort.

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In this post, we’ll explore qualitative data analysis by looking at some of the most common analysis methods we encounter. We’re not going to cover every possible qualitative method and we’re not going to go into heavy detail – we’re just going to give you the big picture. That said, we will of course includes links to loads of extra resources so that you can learn more about whichever analysis method interests you.

Without further delay, let’s get into it.

The “Big 6” Qualitative Analysis Methods 

There are many different types of qualitative data analysis, all of which serve different purposes and have unique strengths and weaknesses . We’ll start by outlining the analysis methods and then we’ll dive into the details for each.

The 6 most popular methods (or at least the ones we see at Grad Coach) are:

  • Content analysis
  • Narrative analysis
  • Discourse analysis
  • Thematic analysis
  • Grounded theory (GT)
  • Interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA)

Let’s take a look at each of them…

QDA Method #1: Qualitative Content Analysis

Content analysis is possibly the most common and straightforward QDA method. At the simplest level, content analysis is used to evaluate patterns within a piece of content (for example, words, phrases or images) or across multiple pieces of content or sources of communication. For example, a collection of newspaper articles or political speeches.

With content analysis, you could, for instance, identify the frequency with which an idea is shared or spoken about – like the number of times a Kardashian is mentioned on Twitter. Or you could identify patterns of deeper underlying interpretations – for instance, by identifying phrases or words in tourist pamphlets that highlight India as an ancient country.

Because content analysis can be used in such a wide variety of ways, it’s important to go into your analysis with a very specific question and goal, or you’ll get lost in the fog. With content analysis, you’ll group large amounts of text into codes , summarise these into categories, and possibly even tabulate the data to calculate the frequency of certain concepts or variables. Because of this, content analysis provides a small splash of quantitative thinking within a qualitative method.

Naturally, while content analysis is widely useful, it’s not without its drawbacks . One of the main issues with content analysis is that it can be very time-consuming , as it requires lots of reading and re-reading of the texts. Also, because of its multidimensional focus on both qualitative and quantitative aspects, it is sometimes accused of losing important nuances in communication.

Content analysis also tends to concentrate on a very specific timeline and doesn’t take into account what happened before or after that timeline. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing though – just something to be aware of. So, keep these factors in mind if you’re considering content analysis. Every analysis method has its limitations , so don’t be put off by these – just be aware of them ! If you’re interested in learning more about content analysis, the video below provides a good starting point.

QDA Method #2: Narrative Analysis 

As the name suggests, narrative analysis is all about listening to people telling stories and analysing what that means . Since stories serve a functional purpose of helping us make sense of the world, we can gain insights into the ways that people deal with and make sense of reality by analysing their stories and the ways they’re told.

You could, for example, use narrative analysis to explore whether how something is being said is important. For instance, the narrative of a prisoner trying to justify their crime could provide insight into their view of the world and the justice system. Similarly, analysing the ways entrepreneurs talk about the struggles in their careers or cancer patients telling stories of hope could provide powerful insights into their mindsets and perspectives . Simply put, narrative analysis is about paying attention to the stories that people tell – and more importantly, the way they tell them.

Of course, the narrative approach has its weaknesses , too. Sample sizes are generally quite small due to the time-consuming process of capturing narratives. Because of this, along with the multitude of social and lifestyle factors which can influence a subject, narrative analysis can be quite difficult to reproduce in subsequent research. This means that it’s difficult to test the findings of some of this research.

Similarly, researcher bias can have a strong influence on the results here, so you need to be particularly careful about the potential biases you can bring into your analysis when using this method. Nevertheless, narrative analysis is still a very useful qualitative analysis method – just keep these limitations in mind and be careful not to draw broad conclusions . If you’re keen to learn more about narrative analysis, the video below provides a great introduction to this qualitative analysis method.

QDA Method #3: Discourse Analysis 

Discourse is simply a fancy word for written or spoken language or debate . So, discourse analysis is all about analysing language within its social context. In other words, analysing language – such as a conversation, a speech, etc – within the culture and society it takes place. For example, you could analyse how a janitor speaks to a CEO, or how politicians speak about terrorism.

To truly understand these conversations or speeches, the culture and history of those involved in the communication are important factors to consider. For example, a janitor might speak more casually with a CEO in a company that emphasises equality among workers. Similarly, a politician might speak more about terrorism if there was a recent terrorist incident in the country.

So, as you can see, by using discourse analysis, you can identify how culture , history or power dynamics (to name a few) have an effect on the way concepts are spoken about. So, if your research aims and objectives involve understanding culture or power dynamics, discourse analysis can be a powerful method.

Because there are many social influences in terms of how we speak to each other, the potential use of discourse analysis is vast . Of course, this also means it’s important to have a very specific research question (or questions) in mind when analysing your data and looking for patterns and themes, or you might land up going down a winding rabbit hole.

Discourse analysis can also be very time-consuming  as you need to sample the data to the point of saturation – in other words, until no new information and insights emerge. But this is, of course, part of what makes discourse analysis such a powerful technique. So, keep these factors in mind when considering this QDA method. Again, if you’re keen to learn more, the video below presents a good starting point.

QDA Method #4: Thematic Analysis

Thematic analysis looks at patterns of meaning in a data set – for example, a set of interviews or focus group transcripts. But what exactly does that… mean? Well, a thematic analysis takes bodies of data (which are often quite large) and groups them according to similarities – in other words, themes . These themes help us make sense of the content and derive meaning from it.

Let’s take a look at an example.

With thematic analysis, you could analyse 100 online reviews of a popular sushi restaurant to find out what patrons think about the place. By reviewing the data, you would then identify the themes that crop up repeatedly within the data – for example, “fresh ingredients” or “friendly wait staff”.

So, as you can see, thematic analysis can be pretty useful for finding out about people’s experiences , views, and opinions . Therefore, if your research aims and objectives involve understanding people’s experience or view of something, thematic analysis can be a great choice.

Since thematic analysis is a bit of an exploratory process, it’s not unusual for your research questions to develop , or even change as you progress through the analysis. While this is somewhat natural in exploratory research, it can also be seen as a disadvantage as it means that data needs to be re-reviewed each time a research question is adjusted. In other words, thematic analysis can be quite time-consuming – but for a good reason. So, keep this in mind if you choose to use thematic analysis for your project and budget extra time for unexpected adjustments.

Thematic analysis takes bodies of data and groups them according to similarities (themes), which help us make sense of the content.

QDA Method #5: Grounded theory (GT) 

Grounded theory is a powerful qualitative analysis method where the intention is to create a new theory (or theories) using the data at hand, through a series of “ tests ” and “ revisions ”. Strictly speaking, GT is more a research design type than an analysis method, but we’ve included it here as it’s often referred to as a method.

What’s most important with grounded theory is that you go into the analysis with an open mind and let the data speak for itself – rather than dragging existing hypotheses or theories into your analysis. In other words, your analysis must develop from the ground up (hence the name). 

Let’s look at an example of GT in action.

Assume you’re interested in developing a theory about what factors influence students to watch a YouTube video about qualitative analysis. Using Grounded theory , you’d start with this general overarching question about the given population (i.e., graduate students). First, you’d approach a small sample – for example, five graduate students in a department at a university. Ideally, this sample would be reasonably representative of the broader population. You’d interview these students to identify what factors lead them to watch the video.

After analysing the interview data, a general pattern could emerge. For example, you might notice that graduate students are more likely to read a post about qualitative methods if they are just starting on their dissertation journey, or if they have an upcoming test about research methods.

From here, you’ll look for another small sample – for example, five more graduate students in a different department – and see whether this pattern holds true for them. If not, you’ll look for commonalities and adapt your theory accordingly. As this process continues, the theory would develop . As we mentioned earlier, what’s important with grounded theory is that the theory develops from the data – not from some preconceived idea.

So, what are the drawbacks of grounded theory? Well, some argue that there’s a tricky circularity to grounded theory. For it to work, in principle, you should know as little as possible regarding the research question and population, so that you reduce the bias in your interpretation. However, in many circumstances, it’s also thought to be unwise to approach a research question without knowledge of the current literature . In other words, it’s a bit of a “chicken or the egg” situation.

Regardless, grounded theory remains a popular (and powerful) option. Naturally, it’s a very useful method when you’re researching a topic that is completely new or has very little existing research about it, as it allows you to start from scratch and work your way from the ground up .

Grounded theory is used to create a new theory (or theories) by using the data at hand, as opposed to existing theories and frameworks.

QDA Method #6:   Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA)

Interpretive. Phenomenological. Analysis. IPA . Try saying that three times fast…

Let’s just stick with IPA, okay?

IPA is designed to help you understand the personal experiences of a subject (for example, a person or group of people) concerning a major life event, an experience or a situation . This event or experience is the “phenomenon” that makes up the “P” in IPA. Such phenomena may range from relatively common events – such as motherhood, or being involved in a car accident – to those which are extremely rare – for example, someone’s personal experience in a refugee camp. So, IPA is a great choice if your research involves analysing people’s personal experiences of something that happened to them.

It’s important to remember that IPA is subject – centred . In other words, it’s focused on the experiencer . This means that, while you’ll likely use a coding system to identify commonalities, it’s important not to lose the depth of experience or meaning by trying to reduce everything to codes. Also, keep in mind that since your sample size will generally be very small with IPA, you often won’t be able to draw broad conclusions about the generalisability of your findings. But that’s okay as long as it aligns with your research aims and objectives.

Another thing to be aware of with IPA is personal bias . While researcher bias can creep into all forms of research, self-awareness is critically important with IPA, as it can have a major impact on the results. For example, a researcher who was a victim of a crime himself could insert his own feelings of frustration and anger into the way he interprets the experience of someone who was kidnapped. So, if you’re going to undertake IPA, you need to be very self-aware or you could muddy the analysis.

IPA can help you understand the personal experiences of a person or group concerning a major life event, an experience or a situation.

How to choose the right analysis method

In light of all of the qualitative analysis methods we’ve covered so far, you’re probably asking yourself the question, “ How do I choose the right one? ”

Much like all the other methodological decisions you’ll need to make, selecting the right qualitative analysis method largely depends on your research aims, objectives and questions . In other words, the best tool for the job depends on what you’re trying to build. For example:

  • Perhaps your research aims to analyse the use of words and what they reveal about the intention of the storyteller and the cultural context of the time.
  • Perhaps your research aims to develop an understanding of the unique personal experiences of people that have experienced a certain event, or
  • Perhaps your research aims to develop insight regarding the influence of a certain culture on its members.

As you can probably see, each of these research aims are distinctly different , and therefore different analysis methods would be suitable for each one. For example, narrative analysis would likely be a good option for the first aim, while grounded theory wouldn’t be as relevant. 

It’s also important to remember that each method has its own set of strengths, weaknesses and general limitations. No single analysis method is perfect . So, depending on the nature of your research, it may make sense to adopt more than one method (this is called triangulation ). Keep in mind though that this will of course be quite time-consuming.

As we’ve seen, all of the qualitative analysis methods we’ve discussed make use of coding and theme-generating techniques, but the intent and approach of each analysis method differ quite substantially. So, it’s very important to come into your research with a clear intention before you decide which analysis method (or methods) to use.

Start by reviewing your research aims , objectives and research questions to assess what exactly you’re trying to find out – then select a qualitative analysis method that fits. Never pick a method just because you like it or have experience using it – your analysis method (or methods) must align with your broader research aims and objectives.

No single analysis method is perfect, so it can often make sense to adopt more than one  method (this is called triangulation).

Let’s recap on QDA methods…

In this post, we looked at six popular qualitative data analysis methods:

  • First, we looked at content analysis , a straightforward method that blends a little bit of quant into a primarily qualitative analysis.
  • Then we looked at narrative analysis , which is about analysing how stories are told.
  • Next up was discourse analysis – which is about analysing conversations and interactions.
  • Then we moved on to thematic analysis – which is about identifying themes and patterns.
  • From there, we went south with grounded theory – which is about starting from scratch with a specific question and using the data alone to build a theory in response to that question.
  • And finally, we looked at IPA – which is about understanding people’s unique experiences of a phenomenon.

Of course, these aren’t the only options when it comes to qualitative data analysis, but they’re a great starting point if you’re dipping your toes into qualitative research for the first time.

If you’re still feeling a bit confused, consider our private coaching service , where we hold your hand through the research process to help you develop your best work.

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Psst... there’s more!

This post was based on one of our popular Research Bootcamps . If you're working on a research project, you'll definitely want to check this out ...


Richard N

This has been very helpful. Thank you.


Thank you madam,

Mariam Jaiyeola

Thank you so much for this information


I wonder it so clear for understand and good for me. can I ask additional query?


Very insightful and useful

Susan Nakaweesi

Good work done with clear explanations. Thank you.


Thanks so much for the write-up, it’s really good.

Hemantha Gunasekara

Thanks madam . It is very important .


thank you very good

Faricoh Tushera

Great presentation

Pramod Bahulekar

This has been very well explained in simple language . It is useful even for a new researcher.

Derek Jansen

Great to hear that. Good luck with your qualitative data analysis, Pramod!

Adam Zahir

This is very useful information. And it was very a clear language structured presentation. Thanks a lot.


Thank you so much.


very informative sequential presentation


Precise explanation of method.


Hi, may we use 2 data analysis methods in our qualitative research?

Thanks for your comment. Most commonly, one would use one type of analysis method, but it depends on your research aims and objectives.

Dr. Manju Pandey

You explained it in very simple language, everyone can understand it. Thanks so much.


Thank you very much, this is very helpful. It has been explained in a very simple manner that even a layman understands


Thank nicely explained can I ask is Qualitative content analysis the same as thematic analysis?

Thanks for your comment. No, QCA and thematic are two different types of analysis. This article might help clarify – https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/nhs.12048

Rev. Osadare K . J

This is my first time to come across a well explained data analysis. so helpful.

Tina King

I have thoroughly enjoyed your explanation of the six qualitative analysis methods. This is very helpful. Thank you!


Thank you very much, this is well explained and useful


i need a citation of your book.


Thanks a lot , remarkable indeed, enlighting to the best


Hi Derek, What other theories/methods would you recommend when the data is a whole speech?


Keep writing useful artikel.


It is important concept about QDA and also the way to express is easily understandable, so thanks for all.

Carl Benecke

Thank you, this is well explained and very useful.


Very helpful .Thanks.

Hajra Aman

Hi there! Very well explained. Simple but very useful style of writing. Please provide the citation of the text. warm regards

Hillary Mophethe

The session was very helpful and insightful. Thank you

This was very helpful and insightful. Easy to read and understand


As a professional academic writer, this has been so informative and educative. Keep up the good work Grad Coach you are unmatched with quality content for sure.

Keep up the good work Grad Coach you are unmatched with quality content for sure.


Its Great and help me the most. A Million Thanks you Dr.


It is a very nice work

Noble Naade

Very insightful. Please, which of this approach could be used for a research that one is trying to elicit students’ misconceptions in a particular concept ?


This is Amazing and well explained, thanks


great overview


What do we call a research data analysis method that one use to advise or determining the best accounting tool or techniques that should be adopted in a company.

Catherine Shimechero

Informative video, explained in a clear and simple way. Kudos

Van Hmung

Waoo! I have chosen method wrong for my data analysis. But I can revise my work according to this guide. Thank you so much for this helpful lecture.


This has been very helpful. It gave me a good view of my research objectives and how to choose the best method. Thematic analysis it is.

Livhuwani Reineth

Very helpful indeed. Thanku so much for the insight.

Storm Erlank

This was incredibly helpful.

Jack Kanas

Very helpful.


very educative

Wan Roslina

Nicely written especially for novice academic researchers like me! Thank you.


choosing a right method for a paper is always a hard job for a student, this is a useful information, but it would be more useful personally for me, if the author provide me with a little bit more information about the data analysis techniques in type of explanatory research. Can we use qualitative content analysis technique for explanatory research ? or what is the suitable data analysis method for explanatory research in social studies?


that was very helpful for me. because these details are so important to my research. thank you very much

Kumsa Desisa

I learnt a lot. Thank you

Tesfa NT

Relevant and Informative, thanks !


Well-planned and organized, thanks much! 🙂

Dr. Jacob Lubuva

I have reviewed qualitative data analysis in a simplest way possible. The content will highly be useful for developing my book on qualitative data analysis methods. Cheers!

Nyi Nyi Lwin

Clear explanation on qualitative and how about Case study

Ogobuchi Otuu

This was helpful. Thank you


This was really of great assistance, it was just the right information needed. Explanation very clear and follow.

Wow, Thanks for making my life easy

C. U

This was helpful thanks .

Dr. Alina Atif

Very helpful…. clear and written in an easily understandable manner. Thank you.


This was so helpful as it was easy to understand. I’m a new to research thank you so much.


so educative…. but Ijust want to know which method is coding of the qualitative or tallying done?


Thank you for the great content, I have learnt a lot. So helpful


precise and clear presentation with simple language and thank you for that.


very informative content, thank you.

Oscar Kuebutornye

You guys are amazing on YouTube on this platform. Your teachings are great, educative, and informative. kudos!


Brilliant Delivery. You made a complex subject seem so easy. Well done.

Ankit Kumar

Beautifully explained.

Thanks a lot

Kidada Owen-Browne

Is there a video the captures the practical process of coding using automated applications?

Thanks for the comment. We don’t recommend using automated applications for coding, as they are not sufficiently accurate in our experience.

Mathewos Damtew

content analysis can be qualitative research?



Dev get

Thank you very much for such a wonderful content

Kassahun Aman

do you have any material on Data collection

Prince .S. mpofu

What a powerful explanation of the QDA methods. Thank you.


Great explanation both written and Video. i have been using of it on a day to day working of my thesis project in accounting and finance. Thank you very much for your support.


very helpful, thank you so much

ngoni chibukire

The tutorial is useful. I benefited a lot.

Thandeka Hlatshwayo

This is an eye opener for me and very informative, I have used some of your guidance notes on my Thesis, I wonder if you can assist with your 1. name of your book, year of publication, topic etc., this is for citing in my Bibliography,

I certainly hope to hear from you

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  • Can J Hosp Pharm
  • v.68(3); May-Jun 2015

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Qualitative Research: Data Collection, Analysis, and Management


In an earlier paper, 1 we presented an introduction to using qualitative research methods in pharmacy practice. In this article, we review some principles of the collection, analysis, and management of qualitative data to help pharmacists interested in doing research in their practice to continue their learning in this area. Qualitative research can help researchers to access the thoughts and feelings of research participants, which can enable development of an understanding of the meaning that people ascribe to their experiences. Whereas quantitative research methods can be used to determine how many people undertake particular behaviours, qualitative methods can help researchers to understand how and why such behaviours take place. Within the context of pharmacy practice research, qualitative approaches have been used to examine a diverse array of topics, including the perceptions of key stakeholders regarding prescribing by pharmacists and the postgraduation employment experiences of young pharmacists (see “Further Reading” section at the end of this article).

In the previous paper, 1 we outlined 3 commonly used methodologies: ethnography 2 , grounded theory 3 , and phenomenology. 4 Briefly, ethnography involves researchers using direct observation to study participants in their “real life” environment, sometimes over extended periods. Grounded theory and its later modified versions (e.g., Strauss and Corbin 5 ) use face-to-face interviews and interactions such as focus groups to explore a particular research phenomenon and may help in clarifying a less-well-understood problem, situation, or context. Phenomenology shares some features with grounded theory (such as an exploration of participants’ behaviour) and uses similar techniques to collect data, but it focuses on understanding how human beings experience their world. It gives researchers the opportunity to put themselves in another person’s shoes and to understand the subjective experiences of participants. 6 Some researchers use qualitative methodologies but adopt a different standpoint, and an example of this appears in the work of Thurston and others, 7 discussed later in this paper.

Qualitative work requires reflection on the part of researchers, both before and during the research process, as a way of providing context and understanding for readers. When being reflexive, researchers should not try to simply ignore or avoid their own biases (as this would likely be impossible); instead, reflexivity requires researchers to reflect upon and clearly articulate their position and subjectivities (world view, perspectives, biases), so that readers can better understand the filters through which questions were asked, data were gathered and analyzed, and findings were reported. From this perspective, bias and subjectivity are not inherently negative but they are unavoidable; as a result, it is best that they be articulated up-front in a manner that is clear and coherent for readers.


What qualitative study seeks to convey is why people have thoughts and feelings that might affect the way they behave. Such study may occur in any number of contexts, but here, we focus on pharmacy practice and the way people behave with regard to medicines use (e.g., to understand patients’ reasons for nonadherence with medication therapy or to explore physicians’ resistance to pharmacists’ clinical suggestions). As we suggested in our earlier article, 1 an important point about qualitative research is that there is no attempt to generalize the findings to a wider population. Qualitative research is used to gain insights into people’s feelings and thoughts, which may provide the basis for a future stand-alone qualitative study or may help researchers to map out survey instruments for use in a quantitative study. It is also possible to use different types of research in the same study, an approach known as “mixed methods” research, and further reading on this topic may be found at the end of this paper.

The role of the researcher in qualitative research is to attempt to access the thoughts and feelings of study participants. This is not an easy task, as it involves asking people to talk about things that may be very personal to them. Sometimes the experiences being explored are fresh in the participant’s mind, whereas on other occasions reliving past experiences may be difficult. However the data are being collected, a primary responsibility of the researcher is to safeguard participants and their data. Mechanisms for such safeguarding must be clearly articulated to participants and must be approved by a relevant research ethics review board before the research begins. Researchers and practitioners new to qualitative research should seek advice from an experienced qualitative researcher before embarking on their project.


Whatever philosophical standpoint the researcher is taking and whatever the data collection method (e.g., focus group, one-to-one interviews), the process will involve the generation of large amounts of data. In addition to the variety of study methodologies available, there are also different ways of making a record of what is said and done during an interview or focus group, such as taking handwritten notes or video-recording. If the researcher is audio- or video-recording data collection, then the recordings must be transcribed verbatim before data analysis can begin. As a rough guide, it can take an experienced researcher/transcriber 8 hours to transcribe one 45-minute audio-recorded interview, a process than will generate 20–30 pages of written dialogue.

Many researchers will also maintain a folder of “field notes” to complement audio-taped interviews. Field notes allow the researcher to maintain and comment upon impressions, environmental contexts, behaviours, and nonverbal cues that may not be adequately captured through the audio-recording; they are typically handwritten in a small notebook at the same time the interview takes place. Field notes can provide important context to the interpretation of audio-taped data and can help remind the researcher of situational factors that may be important during data analysis. Such notes need not be formal, but they should be maintained and secured in a similar manner to audio tapes and transcripts, as they contain sensitive information and are relevant to the research. For more information about collecting qualitative data, please see the “Further Reading” section at the end of this paper.


If, as suggested earlier, doing qualitative research is about putting oneself in another person’s shoes and seeing the world from that person’s perspective, the most important part of data analysis and management is to be true to the participants. It is their voices that the researcher is trying to hear, so that they can be interpreted and reported on for others to read and learn from. To illustrate this point, consider the anonymized transcript excerpt presented in Appendix 1 , which is taken from a research interview conducted by one of the authors (J.S.). We refer to this excerpt throughout the remainder of this paper to illustrate how data can be managed, analyzed, and presented.

Interpretation of Data

Interpretation of the data will depend on the theoretical standpoint taken by researchers. For example, the title of the research report by Thurston and others, 7 “Discordant indigenous and provider frames explain challenges in improving access to arthritis care: a qualitative study using constructivist grounded theory,” indicates at least 2 theoretical standpoints. The first is the culture of the indigenous population of Canada and the place of this population in society, and the second is the social constructivist theory used in the constructivist grounded theory method. With regard to the first standpoint, it can be surmised that, to have decided to conduct the research, the researchers must have felt that there was anecdotal evidence of differences in access to arthritis care for patients from indigenous and non-indigenous backgrounds. With regard to the second standpoint, it can be surmised that the researchers used social constructivist theory because it assumes that behaviour is socially constructed; in other words, people do things because of the expectations of those in their personal world or in the wider society in which they live. (Please see the “Further Reading” section for resources providing more information about social constructivist theory and reflexivity.) Thus, these 2 standpoints (and there may have been others relevant to the research of Thurston and others 7 ) will have affected the way in which these researchers interpreted the experiences of the indigenous population participants and those providing their care. Another standpoint is feminist standpoint theory which, among other things, focuses on marginalized groups in society. Such theories are helpful to researchers, as they enable us to think about things from a different perspective. Being aware of the standpoints you are taking in your own research is one of the foundations of qualitative work. Without such awareness, it is easy to slip into interpreting other people’s narratives from your own viewpoint, rather than that of the participants.

To analyze the example in Appendix 1 , we will adopt a phenomenological approach because we want to understand how the participant experienced the illness and we want to try to see the experience from that person’s perspective. It is important for the researcher to reflect upon and articulate his or her starting point for such analysis; for example, in the example, the coder could reflect upon her own experience as a female of a majority ethnocultural group who has lived within middle class and upper middle class settings. This personal history therefore forms the filter through which the data will be examined. This filter does not diminish the quality or significance of the analysis, since every researcher has his or her own filters; however, by explicitly stating and acknowledging what these filters are, the researcher makes it easer for readers to contextualize the work.

Transcribing and Checking

For the purposes of this paper it is assumed that interviews or focus groups have been audio-recorded. As mentioned above, transcribing is an arduous process, even for the most experienced transcribers, but it must be done to convert the spoken word to the written word to facilitate analysis. For anyone new to conducting qualitative research, it is beneficial to transcribe at least one interview and one focus group. It is only by doing this that researchers realize how difficult the task is, and this realization affects their expectations when asking others to transcribe. If the research project has sufficient funding, then a professional transcriber can be hired to do the work. If this is the case, then it is a good idea to sit down with the transcriber, if possible, and talk through the research and what the participants were talking about. This background knowledge for the transcriber is especially important in research in which people are using jargon or medical terms (as in pharmacy practice). Involving your transcriber in this way makes the work both easier and more rewarding, as he or she will feel part of the team. Transcription editing software is also available, but it is expensive. For example, ELAN (more formally known as EUDICO Linguistic Annotator, developed at the Technical University of Berlin) 8 is a tool that can help keep data organized by linking media and data files (particularly valuable if, for example, video-taping of interviews is complemented by transcriptions). It can also be helpful in searching complex data sets. Products such as ELAN do not actually automatically transcribe interviews or complete analyses, and they do require some time and effort to learn; nonetheless, for some research applications, it may be a valuable to consider such software tools.

All audio recordings should be transcribed verbatim, regardless of how intelligible the transcript may be when it is read back. Lines of text should be numbered. Once the transcription is complete, the researcher should read it while listening to the recording and do the following: correct any spelling or other errors; anonymize the transcript so that the participant cannot be identified from anything that is said (e.g., names, places, significant events); insert notations for pauses, laughter, looks of discomfort; insert any punctuation, such as commas and full stops (periods) (see Appendix 1 for examples of inserted punctuation), and include any other contextual information that might have affected the participant (e.g., temperature or comfort of the room).

Dealing with the transcription of a focus group is slightly more difficult, as multiple voices are involved. One way of transcribing such data is to “tag” each voice (e.g., Voice A, Voice B). In addition, the focus group will usually have 2 facilitators, whose respective roles will help in making sense of the data. While one facilitator guides participants through the topic, the other can make notes about context and group dynamics. More information about group dynamics and focus groups can be found in resources listed in the “Further Reading” section.

Reading between the Lines

During the process outlined above, the researcher can begin to get a feel for the participant’s experience of the phenomenon in question and can start to think about things that could be pursued in subsequent interviews or focus groups (if appropriate). In this way, one participant’s narrative informs the next, and the researcher can continue to interview until nothing new is being heard or, as it says in the text books, “saturation is reached”. While continuing with the processes of coding and theming (described in the next 2 sections), it is important to consider not just what the person is saying but also what they are not saying. For example, is a lengthy pause an indication that the participant is finding the subject difficult, or is the person simply deciding what to say? The aim of the whole process from data collection to presentation is to tell the participants’ stories using exemplars from their own narratives, thus grounding the research findings in the participants’ lived experiences.

Smith 9 suggested a qualitative research method known as interpretative phenomenological analysis, which has 2 basic tenets: first, that it is rooted in phenomenology, attempting to understand the meaning that individuals ascribe to their lived experiences, and second, that the researcher must attempt to interpret this meaning in the context of the research. That the researcher has some knowledge and expertise in the subject of the research means that he or she can have considerable scope in interpreting the participant’s experiences. Larkin and others 10 discussed the importance of not just providing a description of what participants say. Rather, interpretative phenomenological analysis is about getting underneath what a person is saying to try to truly understand the world from his or her perspective.

Once all of the research interviews have been transcribed and checked, it is time to begin coding. Field notes compiled during an interview can be a useful complementary source of information to facilitate this process, as the gap in time between an interview, transcribing, and coding can result in memory bias regarding nonverbal or environmental context issues that may affect interpretation of data.

Coding refers to the identification of topics, issues, similarities, and differences that are revealed through the participants’ narratives and interpreted by the researcher. This process enables the researcher to begin to understand the world from each participant’s perspective. Coding can be done by hand on a hard copy of the transcript, by making notes in the margin or by highlighting and naming sections of text. More commonly, researchers use qualitative research software (e.g., NVivo, QSR International Pty Ltd; www.qsrinternational.com/products_nvivo.aspx ) to help manage their transcriptions. It is advised that researchers undertake a formal course in the use of such software or seek supervision from a researcher experienced in these tools.

Returning to Appendix 1 and reading from lines 8–11, a code for this section might be “diagnosis of mental health condition”, but this would just be a description of what the participant is talking about at that point. If we read a little more deeply, we can ask ourselves how the participant might have come to feel that the doctor assumed he or she was aware of the diagnosis or indeed that they had only just been told the diagnosis. There are a number of pauses in the narrative that might suggest the participant is finding it difficult to recall that experience. Later in the text, the participant says “nobody asked me any questions about my life” (line 19). This could be coded simply as “health care professionals’ consultation skills”, but that would not reflect how the participant must have felt never to be asked anything about his or her personal life, about the participant as a human being. At the end of this excerpt, the participant just trails off, recalling that no-one showed any interest, which makes for very moving reading. For practitioners in pharmacy, it might also be pertinent to explore the participant’s experience of akathisia and why this was left untreated for 20 years.

One of the questions that arises about qualitative research relates to the reliability of the interpretation and representation of the participants’ narratives. There are no statistical tests that can be used to check reliability and validity as there are in quantitative research. However, work by Lincoln and Guba 11 suggests that there are other ways to “establish confidence in the ‘truth’ of the findings” (p. 218). They call this confidence “trustworthiness” and suggest that there are 4 criteria of trustworthiness: credibility (confidence in the “truth” of the findings), transferability (showing that the findings have applicability in other contexts), dependability (showing that the findings are consistent and could be repeated), and confirmability (the extent to which the findings of a study are shaped by the respondents and not researcher bias, motivation, or interest).

One way of establishing the “credibility” of the coding is to ask another researcher to code the same transcript and then to discuss any similarities and differences in the 2 resulting sets of codes. This simple act can result in revisions to the codes and can help to clarify and confirm the research findings.

Theming refers to the drawing together of codes from one or more transcripts to present the findings of qualitative research in a coherent and meaningful way. For example, there may be examples across participants’ narratives of the way in which they were treated in hospital, such as “not being listened to” or “lack of interest in personal experiences” (see Appendix 1 ). These may be drawn together as a theme running through the narratives that could be named “the patient’s experience of hospital care”. The importance of going through this process is that at its conclusion, it will be possible to present the data from the interviews using quotations from the individual transcripts to illustrate the source of the researchers’ interpretations. Thus, when the findings are organized for presentation, each theme can become the heading of a section in the report or presentation. Underneath each theme will be the codes, examples from the transcripts, and the researcher’s own interpretation of what the themes mean. Implications for real life (e.g., the treatment of people with chronic mental health problems) should also be given.


In this final section of this paper, we describe some ways of drawing together or “synthesizing” research findings to represent, as faithfully as possible, the meaning that participants ascribe to their life experiences. This synthesis is the aim of the final stage of qualitative research. For most readers, the synthesis of data presented by the researcher is of crucial significance—this is usually where “the story” of the participants can be distilled, summarized, and told in a manner that is both respectful to those participants and meaningful to readers. There are a number of ways in which researchers can synthesize and present their findings, but any conclusions drawn by the researchers must be supported by direct quotations from the participants. In this way, it is made clear to the reader that the themes under discussion have emerged from the participants’ interviews and not the mind of the researcher. The work of Latif and others 12 gives an example of how qualitative research findings might be presented.

Planning and Writing the Report

As has been suggested above, if researchers code and theme their material appropriately, they will naturally find the headings for sections of their report. Qualitative researchers tend to report “findings” rather than “results”, as the latter term typically implies that the data have come from a quantitative source. The final presentation of the research will usually be in the form of a report or a paper and so should follow accepted academic guidelines. In particular, the article should begin with an introduction, including a literature review and rationale for the research. There should be a section on the chosen methodology and a brief discussion about why qualitative methodology was most appropriate for the study question and why one particular methodology (e.g., interpretative phenomenological analysis rather than grounded theory) was selected to guide the research. The method itself should then be described, including ethics approval, choice of participants, mode of recruitment, and method of data collection (e.g., semistructured interviews or focus groups), followed by the research findings, which will be the main body of the report or paper. The findings should be written as if a story is being told; as such, it is not necessary to have a lengthy discussion section at the end. This is because much of the discussion will take place around the participants’ quotes, such that all that is needed to close the report or paper is a summary, limitations of the research, and the implications that the research has for practice. As stated earlier, it is not the intention of qualitative research to allow the findings to be generalized, and therefore this is not, in itself, a limitation.

Planning out the way that findings are to be presented is helpful. It is useful to insert the headings of the sections (the themes) and then make a note of the codes that exemplify the thoughts and feelings of your participants. It is generally advisable to put in the quotations that you want to use for each theme, using each quotation only once. After all this is done, the telling of the story can begin as you give your voice to the experiences of the participants, writing around their quotations. Do not be afraid to draw assumptions from the participants’ narratives, as this is necessary to give an in-depth account of the phenomena in question. Discuss these assumptions, drawing on your participants’ words to support you as you move from one code to another and from one theme to the next. Finally, as appropriate, it is possible to include examples from literature or policy documents that add support for your findings. As an exercise, you may wish to code and theme the sample excerpt in Appendix 1 and tell the participant’s story in your own way. Further reading about “doing” qualitative research can be found at the end of this paper.


Qualitative research can help researchers to access the thoughts and feelings of research participants, which can enable development of an understanding of the meaning that people ascribe to their experiences. It can be used in pharmacy practice research to explore how patients feel about their health and their treatment. Qualitative research has been used by pharmacists to explore a variety of questions and problems (see the “Further Reading” section for examples). An understanding of these issues can help pharmacists and other health care professionals to tailor health care to match the individual needs of patients and to develop a concordant relationship. Doing qualitative research is not easy and may require a complete rethink of how research is conducted, particularly for researchers who are more familiar with quantitative approaches. There are many ways of conducting qualitative research, and this paper has covered some of the practical issues regarding data collection, analysis, and management. Further reading around the subject will be essential to truly understand this method of accessing peoples’ thoughts and feelings to enable researchers to tell participants’ stories.

Appendix 1. Excerpt from a sample transcript

The participant (age late 50s) had suffered from a chronic mental health illness for 30 years. The participant had become a “revolving door patient,” someone who is frequently in and out of hospital. As the participant talked about past experiences, the researcher asked:

  • What was treatment like 30 years ago?
  • Umm—well it was pretty much they could do what they wanted with you because I was put into the er, the er kind of system er, I was just on
  • endless section threes.
  • Really…
  • But what I didn’t realize until later was that if you haven’t actually posed a threat to someone or yourself they can’t really do that but I didn’t know
  • that. So wh-when I first went into hospital they put me on the forensic ward ’cause they said, “We don’t think you’ll stay here we think you’ll just
  • run-run away.” So they put me then onto the acute admissions ward and – er – I can remember one of the first things I recall when I got onto that
  • ward was sitting down with a er a Dr XXX. He had a book this thick [gestures] and on each page it was like three questions and he went through
  • all these questions and I answered all these questions. So we’re there for I don’t maybe two hours doing all that and he asked me he said “well
  • when did somebody tell you then that you have schizophrenia” I said “well nobody’s told me that” so he seemed very surprised but nobody had
  • actually [pause] whe-when I first went up there under police escort erm the senior kind of consultants people I’d been to where I was staying and
  • ermm so er [pause] I . . . the, I can remember the very first night that I was there and given this injection in this muscle here [gestures] and just
  • having dreadful side effects the next day I woke up [pause]
  • . . . and I suffered that akathesia I swear to you, every minute of every day for about 20 years.
  • Oh how awful.
  • And that side of it just makes life impossible so the care on the wards [pause] umm I don’t know it’s kind of, it’s kind of hard to put into words
  • [pause]. Because I’m not saying they were sort of like not friendly or interested but then nobody ever seemed to want to talk about your life [pause]
  • nobody asked me any questions about my life. The only questions that came into was they asked me if I’d be a volunteer for these student exams
  • and things and I said “yeah” so all the questions were like “oh what jobs have you done,” er about your relationships and things and er but
  • nobody actually sat down and had a talk and showed some interest in you as a person you were just there basically [pause] um labelled and you
  • know there was there was [pause] but umm [pause] yeah . . .

This article is the 10th in the CJHP Research Primer Series, an initiative of the CJHP Editorial Board and the CSHP Research Committee. The planned 2-year series is intended to appeal to relatively inexperienced researchers, with the goal of building research capacity among practising pharmacists. The articles, presenting simple but rigorous guidance to encourage and support novice researchers, are being solicited from authors with appropriate expertise.

Previous articles in this series:

Bond CM. The research jigsaw: how to get started. Can J Hosp Pharm . 2014;67(1):28–30.

Tully MP. Research: articulating questions, generating hypotheses, and choosing study designs. Can J Hosp Pharm . 2014;67(1):31–4.

Loewen P. Ethical issues in pharmacy practice research: an introductory guide. Can J Hosp Pharm. 2014;67(2):133–7.

Tsuyuki RT. Designing pharmacy practice research trials. Can J Hosp Pharm . 2014;67(3):226–9.

Bresee LC. An introduction to developing surveys for pharmacy practice research. Can J Hosp Pharm . 2014;67(4):286–91.

Gamble JM. An introduction to the fundamentals of cohort and case–control studies. Can J Hosp Pharm . 2014;67(5):366–72.

Austin Z, Sutton J. Qualitative research: getting started. C an J Hosp Pharm . 2014;67(6):436–40.

Houle S. An introduction to the fundamentals of randomized controlled trials in pharmacy research. Can J Hosp Pharm . 2014; 68(1):28–32.

Charrois TL. Systematic reviews: What do you need to know to get started? Can J Hosp Pharm . 2014;68(2):144–8.

Competing interests: None declared.

Further Reading

Examples of qualitative research in pharmacy practice.

  • Farrell B, Pottie K, Woodend K, Yao V, Dolovich L, Kennie N, et al. Shifts in expectations: evaluating physicians’ perceptions as pharmacists integrated into family practice. J Interprof Care. 2010; 24 (1):80–9. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
  • Gregory P, Austin Z. Postgraduation employment experiences of new pharmacists in Ontario in 2012–2013. Can Pharm J. 2014; 147 (5):290–9. [ PMC free article ] [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
  • Marks PZ, Jennnings B, Farrell B, Kennie-Kaulbach N, Jorgenson D, Pearson-Sharpe J, et al. “I gained a skill and a change in attitude”: a case study describing how an online continuing professional education course for pharmacists supported achievement of its transfer to practice outcomes. Can J Univ Contin Educ. 2014; 40 (2):1–18. [ Google Scholar ]
  • Nair KM, Dolovich L, Brazil K, Raina P. It’s all about relationships: a qualitative study of health researchers’ perspectives on interdisciplinary research. BMC Health Serv Res. 2008; 8 :110. [ PMC free article ] [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
  • Pojskic N, MacKeigan L, Boon H, Austin Z. Initial perceptions of key stakeholders in Ontario regarding independent prescriptive authority for pharmacists. Res Soc Adm Pharm. 2014; 10 (2):341–54. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]

Qualitative Research in General

  • Breakwell GM, Hammond S, Fife-Schaw C. Research methods in psychology. Thousand Oaks (CA): Sage Publications; 1995. [ Google Scholar ]
  • Given LM. 100 questions (and answers) about qualitative research. Thousand Oaks (CA): Sage Publications; 2015. [ Google Scholar ]
  • Miles B, Huberman AM. Qualitative data analysis. Thousand Oaks (CA): Sage Publications; 2009. [ Google Scholar ]
  • Patton M. Qualitative research and evaluation methods. Thousand Oaks (CA): Sage Publications; 2002. [ Google Scholar ]
  • Willig C. Introducing qualitative research in psychology. Buckingham (UK): Open University Press; 2001. [ Google Scholar ]

Group Dynamics in Focus Groups

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Social Constructivism

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Mixed Methods

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Collecting Qualitative Data

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Constructivist Grounded Theory

  • Charmaz K. Grounded theory: objectivist and constructivist methods. In: Denzin N, Lincoln Y, editors. Handbook of qualitative research. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks (CA): Sage Publications; 2000. pp. 509–35. [ Google Scholar ]

Choosing a Qualitative Data Analysis Plan

So, you are writing up your methodology for your qualitative study, but are stuck on how you are going to analyze your data. There are a variety of qualitative data analysis plans that you can consider; some are research design specific and some can be applied across a variety of research designs.

For example, say you are doing a generic qualitative study. This research design does not have a specific data analysis plan, so you can choose a flexible data analysis plan. Thematic Analysis (TA) is a great place to start when looking at a flexible and non-research design specific data analysis plan. Braun and Clarke are hallmarks in popularizing this data analysis plan and they recently released an article (2017) about thematic analysis. There are a variety of resources from Braun and Clarke that can help you understand TA in more depth.

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But let’s say that you are doing a phenomenological research study. This research design has several data analysis plans that are specifically tailored to it. These include Moustakas’ Modified Van Kaam, Colaizzi, Giorgi, Moustakas’ Heuristic analysis, and interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA; although this also may be considered a whole research design). All of these data analysis plans are geared towards uncovering the ‘essence’ of the phenomenon under investigation. Now that does not mean that you cannot use TA for a phenomenological research study; as the researcher, you can decide which plan works best for you to generate meaningful results.

However, there are some research designs that always require a specific data analysis plan. An example of this is grounded theory. Grounded theory requires that you use the constant comparison method of analysis, but that is because grounded theory utilizes theoretical saturation. That requires a qualitative researcher to collect data and analyze data concurrently. If, for example, I was interviewing ten people, I would begin interviewing two people and stop. I would then transcribe the interviews, analyze the transcriptions, and generate a mind-map to sort my thoughts. I would see what was emerging and begin tailoring some new interview questions around that topic. I would then pick back up interviewing two more individuals, and repeat the process until all participants were interviewed. This constant comparison method of analysis is specific to grounded theory because of the generation of a theory at the end of the analysis of all the data.

Clarke, V., & Braun, V. (2017). Thematic analysis. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 12 (3), 297-298. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17439760.2016.1262613

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  • What Is Qualitative Research? | Methods & Examples

What Is Qualitative Research? | Methods & Examples

Published on June 19, 2020 by Pritha Bhandari . Revised on June 22, 2023.

Qualitative research involves collecting and analyzing non-numerical data (e.g., text, video, or audio) to understand concepts, opinions, or experiences. It can be used to gather in-depth insights into a problem or generate new ideas for research.

Qualitative research is the opposite of quantitative research , which involves collecting and analyzing numerical data for statistical analysis.

Qualitative research is commonly used in the humanities and social sciences, in subjects such as anthropology, sociology, education, health sciences, history, etc.

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Table of contents

Approaches to qualitative research, qualitative research methods, qualitative data analysis, advantages of qualitative research, disadvantages of qualitative research, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about qualitative research.

Qualitative research is used to understand how people experience the world. While there are many approaches to qualitative research, they tend to be flexible and focus on retaining rich meaning when interpreting data.

Common approaches include grounded theory, ethnography , action research , phenomenological research, and narrative research. They share some similarities, but emphasize different aims and perspectives.

Qualitative research approaches
Approach What does it involve?
Grounded theory Researchers collect rich data on a topic of interest and develop theories .
Researchers immerse themselves in groups or organizations to understand their cultures.
Action research Researchers and participants collaboratively link theory to practice to drive social change.
Phenomenological research Researchers investigate a phenomenon or event by describing and interpreting participants’ lived experiences.
Narrative research Researchers examine how stories are told to understand how participants perceive and make sense of their experiences.

Note that qualitative research is at risk for certain research biases including the Hawthorne effect , observer bias , recall bias , and social desirability bias . While not always totally avoidable, awareness of potential biases as you collect and analyze your data can prevent them from impacting your work too much.

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Each of the research approaches involve using one or more data collection methods . These are some of the most common qualitative methods:

  • Observations: recording what you have seen, heard, or encountered in detailed field notes.
  • Interviews:  personally asking people questions in one-on-one conversations.
  • Focus groups: asking questions and generating discussion among a group of people.
  • Surveys : distributing questionnaires with open-ended questions.
  • Secondary research: collecting existing data in the form of texts, images, audio or video recordings, etc.
  • You take field notes with observations and reflect on your own experiences of the company culture.
  • You distribute open-ended surveys to employees across all the company’s offices by email to find out if the culture varies across locations.
  • You conduct in-depth interviews with employees in your office to learn about their experiences and perspectives in greater detail.

Qualitative researchers often consider themselves “instruments” in research because all observations, interpretations and analyses are filtered through their own personal lens.

For this reason, when writing up your methodology for qualitative research, it’s important to reflect on your approach and to thoroughly explain the choices you made in collecting and analyzing the data.

Qualitative data can take the form of texts, photos, videos and audio. For example, you might be working with interview transcripts, survey responses, fieldnotes, or recordings from natural settings.

Most types of qualitative data analysis share the same five steps:

  • Prepare and organize your data. This may mean transcribing interviews or typing up fieldnotes.
  • Review and explore your data. Examine the data for patterns or repeated ideas that emerge.
  • Develop a data coding system. Based on your initial ideas, establish a set of codes that you can apply to categorize your data.
  • Assign codes to the data. For example, in qualitative survey analysis, this may mean going through each participant’s responses and tagging them with codes in a spreadsheet. As you go through your data, you can create new codes to add to your system if necessary.
  • Identify recurring themes. Link codes together into cohesive, overarching themes.

There are several specific approaches to analyzing qualitative data. Although these methods share similar processes, they emphasize different concepts.

Qualitative data analysis
Approach When to use Example
To describe and categorize common words, phrases, and ideas in qualitative data. A market researcher could perform content analysis to find out what kind of language is used in descriptions of therapeutic apps.
To identify and interpret patterns and themes in qualitative data. A psychologist could apply thematic analysis to travel blogs to explore how tourism shapes self-identity.
To examine the content, structure, and design of texts. A media researcher could use textual analysis to understand how news coverage of celebrities has changed in the past decade.
To study communication and how language is used to achieve effects in specific contexts. A political scientist could use discourse analysis to study how politicians generate trust in election campaigns.

Qualitative research often tries to preserve the voice and perspective of participants and can be adjusted as new research questions arise. Qualitative research is good for:

  • Flexibility

The data collection and analysis process can be adapted as new ideas or patterns emerge. They are not rigidly decided beforehand.

  • Natural settings

Data collection occurs in real-world contexts or in naturalistic ways.

  • Meaningful insights

Detailed descriptions of people’s experiences, feelings and perceptions can be used in designing, testing or improving systems or products.

  • Generation of new ideas

Open-ended responses mean that researchers can uncover novel problems or opportunities that they wouldn’t have thought of otherwise.

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Researchers must consider practical and theoretical limitations in analyzing and interpreting their data. Qualitative research suffers from:

  • Unreliability

The real-world setting often makes qualitative research unreliable because of uncontrolled factors that affect the data.

  • Subjectivity

Due to the researcher’s primary role in analyzing and interpreting data, qualitative research cannot be replicated . The researcher decides what is important and what is irrelevant in data analysis, so interpretations of the same data can vary greatly.

  • Limited generalizability

Small samples are often used to gather detailed data about specific contexts. Despite rigorous analysis procedures, it is difficult to draw generalizable conclusions because the data may be biased and unrepresentative of the wider population .

  • Labor-intensive

Although software can be used to manage and record large amounts of text, data analysis often has to be checked or performed manually.

If you want to know more about statistics , methodology , or research bias , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

  • Chi square goodness of fit test
  • Degrees of freedom
  • Null hypothesis
  • Discourse analysis
  • Control groups
  • Mixed methods research
  • Non-probability sampling
  • Quantitative research
  • Inclusion and exclusion criteria

Research bias

  • Rosenthal effect
  • Implicit bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Selection bias
  • Negativity bias
  • Status quo bias

Quantitative research deals with numbers and statistics, while qualitative research deals with words and meanings.

Quantitative methods allow you to systematically measure variables and test hypotheses . Qualitative methods allow you to explore concepts and experiences in more detail.

There are five common approaches to qualitative research :

  • Grounded theory involves collecting data in order to develop new theories.
  • Ethnography involves immersing yourself in a group or organization to understand its culture.
  • Narrative research involves interpreting stories to understand how people make sense of their experiences and perceptions.
  • Phenomenological research involves investigating phenomena through people’s lived experiences.
  • Action research links theory and practice in several cycles to drive innovative changes.

Data collection is the systematic process by which observations or measurements are gathered in research. It is used in many different contexts by academics, governments, businesses, and other organizations.

There are various approaches to qualitative data analysis , but they all share five steps in common:

  • Prepare and organize your data.
  • Review and explore your data.
  • Develop a data coding system.
  • Assign codes to the data.
  • Identify recurring themes.

The specifics of each step depend on the focus of the analysis. Some common approaches include textual analysis , thematic analysis , and discourse analysis .

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Bhandari, P. (2023, June 22). What Is Qualitative Research? | Methods & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved September 4, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/methodology/qualitative-research/

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data analysis plan for qualitative research

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Data Analysis in Qualitative Research

Ravindran, Vinitha 1,

1 College of Nursing, CMC, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India

Address for correspondence: Dr. Vinitha Ravindran, College of Nursing, CMC, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India. E-Mail: [email protected]

This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.

Data analysis in qualitative research is an iterative and complex process. The focus of analysis is to bring out tacit meanings that people attach to their actions and responses related to a phenomenon. Although qualitative data analysis softwares are available, the researcher is the primary instrument who attempts to bring out these meanings by a deep engagement with the data and the individuals who share their stories. Although different approaches are suggested in different qualitative methods, the basic steps of content analysis that includes preparing the data, reading and reflection, coding, categorising and developing themes are integral to all approaches. The analysis process moves the researcher from describing the phenomenon to conceptualisation and abstraction of themes without losing the voice of the participants which are represented by the findings.


Qualitative data analysis appears simple to those who have limited knowledge of qualitative research approach, but for the seasoned qualitative researcher, it is one of the most difficult tasks. According to Thorn,[ 1 ] it is the complex and elusive part of the qualitative research process. Many challenges that are inherent in the research approach makes the analysis process demanding. The first challenge is to convert the data from visual or auditory recording to textual data. As qualitative approach includes data generation through sharing of experiences, it becomes fundamentally necessary to record data rather than writing down accounts as the stories are shared. Essential data which may become apparent or uncovered when reflecting on audiotaped interviews may be missed or overlooked if interviews are not recorded.[ 2 ] Although field notes are written they often augment the experiences conveyed by participants rather than being the primary data source. Therefore, the researcher needs to spend effort and time to record as well as transcribe data to texts which can be analysed.

The second challenge is managing the quantum of textual data. One hour of interview may produce 20–40 pages of text. Even with fewer participants as generally is in qualitative research, the researcher may have many pages of data which need coding and analysing. Although software packages such as NVivo and Atlas-ti are available, they only help to organise, sort and categorise data and will not give meaning to the text.[ 3 ] The researcher has to read, reflect, compare and analyse data. The categories and themes have to be brought forth by the researcher. The third challenge is doing data generation and data analysis at the same time. Concurrent data generation and analysis is a predominant feature in qualitative research. An iterative or cyclic method of data collection and analysis is emphasised in qualitative approach. What it means is that as the researcher collects data, the analysis process is also initiated. The researcher does not wait to complete collecting data and then do analysis.[ 2 ] Iterative process enhances the researcher to focus on emerging concepts and categories in subsequent interviews and observations. It enables the researcher to address the gaps in the data and get information to saturate the gaps in subsequent contacts with earlier or new research participants. Sufficient time and resources are needed for sustaining the iterative process throughout the research process.

The above challenges are mentioned at the beginning of this article not to discourage the researchers but to emphasise the complexity of data analysis which has to be seriously considered by all researchers who are interested in doing qualitative research. In addition to the general challenges, data analysis in qualitative research also varies between different approaches and designs. There is also the possibility of flexibility and fluidity that enhances the researcher to choose different approaches to analysis, either one specific approach or a combination of approaches.[ 4 ] The framework for the analysis should, however, be made explicit at the beginning of the analysis. In qualitative research, the researcher is a bricoleur (weaver of stories) who is creating a bricolage.[ 5 ]


In qualitative data analysis.

  • Researcher attempts to understand the meaning behind actions and behaviours of participants
  • Researcher becomes the instrument to generate data and ask analytical questions
  • Emphasis is given to quality and depth of narration about a phenomenon rather than the number of study participants
  • The context and a holistic view of the participants' experience are stressed
  • The research is sensitive to what the influence he/she has on the interpretation of data
  • Analytical themes are projected as findings rather than quantified variables.

Process of data analysis

Qualitative data analysis can be both deductive and inductive. The deductive process, in which there is an attempt to establish causal relationships, is although associated with quantitative research, can be applied also in qualitative research as a deductive explanatory process or deductive category application.[ 6 ] When the researcher's interest is on specific aspects of the phenomenon, and the research question is focused and not general, a deductive approach to analysis may be used. For example, in a study done by Manoranjitham et al .,[ 7 ] focus group discussions were conducted to identify perceptions of suicide in terms of causes, methods of attempting suicide, impact of suicide and availability of support as perceived by family and community members and health-care professionals. Focused questions were asked to elicit information on what people thought about the above aspects of suicide. The answers from participants in focus groups were coded under each question, which was considered as categories and the number of responders and the responses were elaborated under the said questions as perceived by the participants. Deductive process in qualitative data analysis allows the researcher to be at a descriptive level where the results are closer to participants accounts, rather than moving to a more interpretive or conceptual level. This process is often used when qualitative research is used as a part of the mixed methods approach or as a part of an elaborate research study.

In contrast, the inductive process which is the hallmark of qualitative data analysis involves asking questions of the in-depth and vast data that have been generated from different sources regarding a phenomenon.[ 2 , 4 ] The inductive process is applicable to all qualitative research in which the research question has been more explorative and overarching in terms of understanding the phenomenon in peoples' lives. For example, in Rempel et al .'s[ 8 ] study on parenting children with life-threatening congenital heart disease, the researchers explored the process of parenting children with a lethal heart condition. Volumes of data generated through individual interviews with parents and grandparents were inductively analysed to understand the 'facets of parenting' children with heart disease. Inductive analysis motivates and enhances researchers to rise above describing what the participants say about their experience to interpretive conceptualisation and abstraction. The process of deduction and induction in qualitative data analysis is depicted in Figure 1 .



Although different analytical processes are proposed by different researchers, there are generally four basic steps to qualitative data analysis. These steps are similar to what is generally known as qualitative content analysis.[ 4 , 9 ] In any qualitative approach, the analysis starts with the steps of content analysis. The content analysis ends generally at an interpretive descriptive level. Further analysis to raise data to abstraction may be needed in some approaches such as grounded theory.

Preparation of data

Reading and reflecting, coding, categorising and memoing.

  • Developing themes/conceptual models or theory.

As already discussed, the inductive process in qualitative research begins when data collection starts. Each recorded data set from individual interviews, focus groups or conversations should be first transcribed and edited. The researcher may decide on units of data that can be analysed to further help in organising.[ 10 ] The units can be the whole interview from one individual or interview transcripts from one family or data from different individuals connected with in a case (as in case study). On some occasions, the unit may consist of all answers to one question or one aspect of the phenomenon. Many researchers may not form any such units at the beginning of the analysis which is also accepted. The essential aspect of the preparation is to ensure that participants' accounts are truly represented in transcribing. Researchers who have a large amount of content will need assistance in transcription. One hour of interview may take 4–6 h to transcribe.[ 2 ] An official transcriber will do a good job than a researcher who may spend a long time in transcribing volumes of data. However, the researcher has to edit the transcription by listening to the audiotaped version and include words and connotations that are missed to maintain accuracy in transcription.[ 11 ] Another important point to note is to transcribe and prepare the data as soon as interviews are completed. This facilitates the iterative process of data collection and analysis. All data, including field notes, should be organised with date, time and identification number or pseudonym for easy retrieval.[ 2 ] Assigning numbers or pseudonyms help to maintain the confidentiality of the participants.

Reading the data as a whole, and reflecting on what the participants are sharing gives an initial understanding of the narrative. The reflection may start at the time of the interview itself. However, reading and rereading the transcribed text from an interview gives an understanding of context, situations, events and actions related to the phenomenon of interest before the data can be analysed for concepts and themes.[ 12 ] Reading and reflection help the researcher to get immersed in the data, understand the perspectives of participants and decide on an analytical framework for further data analysis.[ 13 ] As texts are read, the researcher may jot down points or questions that are striking or unusual or does or does not support assumptions. Such reflective notes assist the researcher to decide on questions to be asked in further interviews or look for similarities or differences in interview texts from other participants. These initial reflections do not complete analysis; rather, it provides a platform for the analysis to develop. An example of initial reflections when analysing interviews from a study on home care of children with chronic illness is given below.

Reflections-family 1 interview

'This family has a lot of issues related to home care. Their conversation is a list of complaints about the system and the personnel. Even though it appears that help is being rendered for support of child at home, nothing seems to satisfy the parents. The conversation revolves around how they have not been given their due in terms of material and personnel support rather than about their sick child or the siblings.

After a while, it became tedious for me to read this transcript as I resent the complaints (which I should not do I suppose). I wonder how other families perceive home care.'

The initial reflections also help to understand our position as a researcher and the assumptions the researcher brings to the study. It helps us to be aware of one's own professional and personal prejudices which may influence the interpretation of data.

For analysis to progress further the researcher has to decide on an organised way of sorting and categorising data to come to an understanding about the phenomenon or the concepts embedded in the phenomenon. Researchers may choose to analyse only the manifest content in a descriptive qualitative study or may move further to look for latent content in an analytical-qualitative study.[ 4 ] The manifest content analysis includes looking for specific words or phrases used by the participants and accounting for how many have expressed the same or similar words/phrases in the data. It looks at what is obvious. Latent content analysis, on the other hand, involves coding and categorising to identify patterns and themes that are implicit in the data.

Coding is an essential first step in sorting and organising data.[ 4 ] Codes are labels given to phrases, expressions, behaviours, images and sentences as the researcher goes through the data.[ 13 ] It can be 'in vivo' codes or 'interpretive codes'. When participants' exact expressions itself are used as codes it is called ' in vivo ' codes.[ 14 ] If the researcher interprets the expression or behaviour of the participant depicted in the text, then it is called interpretive codes. In the grounded theory method, different levels of coding are suggested. The first level is called the 'open coding' that involves sifting through the initial data line by line and creating in vivo or interpretive codes. Questions such as what are this person saying or doing or what is happening here? will help in the initial coding of data. Initial coding may reveal gaps in the data or raise questions.[ 15 , 16 ] These gaps and questions will help the researcher to locate the sources from where further data are to be collected. The second level is known as 'focus or selective coding' will be used in subsequent interviews. Focused coding involves using the most frequent or most significant earlier codes to sift through large amounts of data. Focused codes are more directed, selective and conceptual and are employed to raise the sorting of data to an analytical level.[ 17 ] The first level of coding can be done manually or can be done using qualitative software packages. In other types of content analysis, the different levels of coding may not be followed instead the researcher engages in interpretive coding as the text is read. In a grounded theory study on parenting children with burn injury open codes such as scolded, accused, unwanted, guilt, nonsupport, difficult to care, terrible pain, blaming oneself and tired came up as the data were coded [ Table 1 ]. These codes gave the researcher an initial insight into the traumatic experiences that the parents undergo when caring for their burn-injured children. As texts were coded, the researcher attempted to understand further the struggles of parents in the successive interviews with other families.



Categorising involves grouping similar codes together and formulating an understandable set within which related data can be clubbed. A category is 'a collection of similar data sorted into the same place' – the 'what', developed using content analysis and developing trajectories and relationships over time.[ 18 ] It is a group of content that shares commonality. Data can be categorised generally when the researcher realises that the same codes or codes that are relatively similar are emerging from the data. When categories are developed based on codes, they can be still at descriptive level or can be at an abstract level.[ 10 ] By developing categories a conceptual coding structure can be formulated. At this level, there is no need to continue line by line coding. Instead, the researcher uses the coding structure to sort data. In other words, parts of data that best fit the categories, and the codes are grouped appropriately from across the data sets. The grouping of data into categories is enabled by comparing and contrasting data from different sources or individuals.[ 19 ] As constant comparison continues[ 15 ] questions such as 'What is different between the accounts of two families? What are similar? Will help in grouping data into categories. As the researcher compares data, questions such as 'what if' may come up which will propel the researcher to return to participants to know more or even purposively include participants who will answer the question. The data under each category should be read again to ensure that they appropriately represent the category.[ 4 ] Qualitative software packages are very useful in sorting and organising data from this level. Any part of data which is not fitting into any category needs to be coded newly, and the new codes should be added. The emerging new codes may later fit into a category or form new categories. All data are thus accounted for during this phase of analysis.

As analysis and grouping of further data continue, the researcher may rearrange data within categories or come up with subcategories.[ 4 ] The researcher may also go from data to codes, to sub-categories which then can be abstracted into categories.[ 10 ] In the burn study, similar codes that were repeated in many transcripts were grouped together. Grouping these codes helped in developing subcategories such as physical trauma, emotional trauma, self-blame and shame. The sub-categories were then grouped to develop meaningful categories such as facing blame and enduring the burn [ Table 2 ]. Creating categories thus assists the researcher to move from describing phenomenon to interpretation and abstraction.


Memoing is 'the researcher's record of analysis, thoughts, interpretations, questions and directions for further data collection' (pp 110).[ 20 ] Memos are elaborations of thoughts on data, codes and categories that are written down.[ 17 ] Simply put, memoing is writing down the reflections and ideas that arise from the data as data analysis progresses. As data are coded, the researcher writes down his/her thoughts on the codes and their relationships as they occur. Memo-writing is an on-going process, and memos lead to abstraction and theorising for the write-up of ideas.[ 15 ] Initial or early memos help in exploring and filling out the initial qualitative codes. It helps the researcher to understand what the participants are saying or doing and what is happening. Advanced memos help in the emergence of categories and identify the beliefs and assumptions that support the categories. Memos also help in looking at the categories and the data from different vantage points.[ 21 ] One of the early memos from burn study is given as an example.

Extensive wound

24 June, 2010, 10 pm – After coding interview texts from three families.

'I am struck by the enormity of a burn injury. I realize that family members cannot do many things for the child at home after discharge of a severely burned child because the injury is so big that even some clinics and doctors who are not familiar with burn care cannot manage care. These children need continuous attention of the health care professionals. They need professional assistance with dressing. They need professional assistance with splints and gadgets, and therapies. The injury is extensive that it is difficult for family members to do many things on their own. It is very hard, very hard for the parents to take up a role of the caregiver for children with burns because it involves large wound which has not healed or is in the process of early healing and the child suffers severe pain. The post burn care is very different from caring for other children with chronic illness or congenital defects which most often does not involve pain. The child's suffering makes it easy for the parents to view them as vulnerable. Yet the parents do their best. They try to follow the Health Care Professionals advice, they try to go for follow-up, but it seems simply not enough. I think the parents are doing all that they can within the context of severe injury, lack of finances, lack of resources in home town, or blame and ridicule from neighbors and others…'

Stopping to memo helps the researcher to reflect on data, move towards developing themes and models and lay the ground for discussion of findings later. Memos need to include the time, date, place and context at which they were written.

Developing themes, conceptual models and theory

Developing themes involves the 'threading together of the underlying meaning' that run through all the categories. It is the interpretation of the latent content in the texts.[ 10 ] Theming involves integrating all the categories and explicating the relationship in the categories.[ 4 ] In coding and categorising the researcher is involved in deconstructing or dividing the data to understand the feelings, behaviours and actions. In the phase of theming, the researcher is trying to connect the deconstructed part by understanding the implicit meaning that connects the behaviour, actions and reactions related to a phenomenon. To identify theme, the grounded theorist asks: What is the core issue which the participants are dealing with? The phenomenologist will ask about the central essence or structure of the lived experience related to the phenomenon of interest. The ethnographer may look at the cultural themes that link the categories. The researcher generally comes up with one to three themes.[ 4 ] Too many categories or themes may indicate that the analysis is prematurely closed and implies the need for the researcher to further interpret and conceptualise the data.[ 4 ] In the study on parenting children with burn injury, the researcher came up with the theme of 'Double Trauma' which explicated the experiences of parents living the burn with their children and also enduring the blame within the context of both the hospital and home [ Table 2 ].

In phenomenology and ethnography, the analysis may end with identifying themes. In other approaches, such as grounded theory and interpretive description, the analysis may progress further to developing theory or conceptual models. Identifying the core category/variable from the coding activity, memos and constant comparisons are the first step in moving towards theory development in grounded theory.[ 15 ] The core category is the main theme that the researcher identifies in the data. The next step in grounded theory is to identify the basic social process (BSP). The BSP evolves from understanding how participants are dealing with the core issue. In real-world situations, individuals develop their own strategies and process to deal with the core issue in any situation. Identifying this process is the stepping stone to theory development in grounded theory. In the example of burn study, the theme 'Double Trauma' was the core category and parenting in the burn study involved a dual process of 'embracing the survival' and 'enduring the blame'.[ 22 , 23 ] A conceptual model was developed based on these processes.


Large data sets for analysis.

As already explained, the amount of data text or field notes from observations and other sources in qualitative research can become overwhelming if data analysis is not initiated concurrently with data collection/generation. Coding large data text is tedious and takes much of the researcher's time. Postponing analysis to the end of data collection also prevents the researcher from becoming focused in subsequent interviews and filling gaps in data in further data collection. Therefore, deferring data analysis should be avoided.

Premature closure

Researcher should not hasten to conclude analysis with developing categories or themes. This may lead to 'premature closure' of the research and the danger that the participants' experiences are misunderstood or incompletely understood.[ 15 ] Qualitative data analysis involves in-depth interaction with the data and understanding the nuances in the experiences and the meanings behind actions. The researcher continues to generate data until all the categories are saturated, which means that the categories are mutually exclusive and can be explained from all aspects or angle.[ 21 ] In the burn study, although the table in this article appears simple, the codes and categories were developed from larger data sets representing multiple participant interviews and field notes. The category 'facing blame' was brought forth with parents' accounts of experiencing blame in almost all the families in one or multiple ways: from family members, health-care professionals, strangers and the child itself. The researcher needs to be reflexive and iteratively do data generation and analysis until there is no new information forthcoming in the data. Inferring conclusions too soon which is otherwise known as 'inferential leaps', will prevent the researcher from getting the whole picture of the phenomenon.[ 2 ]

Interpretation of meanings

During the analysis process as the researcher interprets and conceptualises the participants' experiences, he/she delves into the tacit meanings of actions and feelings expressed by participants or observed in various situations. The researcher endeavours to keep the interpretations as close to the participants' accounts as possible. However, it should be understood that the meanings are co-constructed by both the participant and researcher by collaborative effort which is also a hallmark of qualitative research.[ 2 ] In the process of co-construction, researcher should be cautious to not lose the voice of the participants. Discussion with peer at all steps of analysis or checks on codes and categories by others in the research team may help to avoid this problem.

Qualitative data analysis is a complex process that demands much of reading, thinking and reflection on the part of researcher. It is time-consuming as the researcher has to be constantly engaged with the texts to tease out the hidden meanings. Beyond the differences in data analysis in different qualitative methods, coding, categorising and developing themes are the essential phases of data analysis in most methods. Researchers should avoid premature conclusions and ensure that the findings are comprehensively represented by participants' accounts. Qualitative data analysis is an iterative process.

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USF Tampa Graduate Theses and Dissertations

A theoretical framework for understanding breast cancer survivor's post-treatment lived experiences in an educational program: a qualitative data analysis.

Katherine Jinghua Lin , University of South Florida

Graduation Year

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Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Degree Granting Department

Major professor.

Cecile A. Lengacher, Ph.D., R.N., F.A.A.N., F.A. P.OS.

Committee Member

Carmen S. Rodriguez, Ph.D., A.R.N.P., A.O.C.N.

Laura A. Szalacha, Ed.D

Jennifer Wolgemuth, Ph.D.

Adaptation, Coping, Survivorship, Symptoms

Breast cancer (BC) is the most prevalent type of cancer among women and the most common cancer diagnosis for all the population in the United States. Early screening and treatment for BC have improved the prognosis for breast cancer survivors (BCSs) and increased survival rate. Current evidence showed insufficient data related to BCSs’ post-treatment symptoms, coping issues, and availability and impact of educational and support programs associated with breast cancer survivorship.

The overall purpose of this qualitative data analysis research project is to explore and identify BCSs’ perceptions (post-treatment) of physical, cognitive, and psychological symptoms experienced, as well as perceptions of coping strategies learned during participation in a Breast Cancer-Education Support (BCES) program delivered as part of the R01 grant study “Efficacy of MBSR Treatment on Cognitive Impairment among Breast Cancer Survivors” (NIH Project # R01CA199160-01).

This research helped identify and inform gaps in the research evidence related to BCSs' post-treatment lived experiences and their unmet cancer survivorship needs through qualitative content analysis of BCSs’ weekly journals and survey entries. The research findings also contributed to providing new evidence to strengthen health care professionals’, communities’, and families’ understanding of BCSs’ cancer trajectory across their cancer continuum and identify unmet needs related to their survivorship. This study added valuable qualitative data to define these survivors’ real experiences and meet the knowledge gaps in this arena. As a result, it was anticipated that the care plan for cancer survivors can be tailored to individual needs and can provide data for designing cancer education and support programs to improve BCSs’ quality of life.

Directed qualitative content analysis using deductive and inductive coding, and poetic analysis were used as the research method for this study. Four key themes were identified: 1) enduring and suffering; 2) decreased quality of life; 3) coping and comforting strategies; and 4) the change of self. Eleven voice poems emerged using poetic analysis and the BCSs’ original words. Poems were attached to each theme to bring those themes to 'life' and help connect the readers emotionally to the BCSs' life experiences.

In conclusion, this study added valuable qualitative data to define BCSs’ post-treatment real life experiences based on their perceptions. This study also contributed to nursing theory by adding the suggested expansion of Morse’s Responding to Threats to the Integrity of Self theory.

Scholar Commons Citation

Lin, Katherine Jinghua, "A Theoretical Framework for Understanding Breast Cancer Survivor's Post-treatment Lived Experiences in an Educational Program: A Qualitative Data Analysis" (2022). USF Tampa Graduate Theses and Dissertations. https://digitalcommons.usf.edu/etd/10320

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Qualitative Research

What is qualitative research.

Qualitative research is a methodology focused on collecting and analyzing descriptive, non-numerical data to understand complex human behavior, experiences, and social phenomena. This approach utilizes techniques such as interviews, focus groups, and observations to explore the underlying reasons, motivations, and meanings behind actions and decisions. Unlike quantitative research, which focuses on measuring and quantifying data, qualitative research delves into the 'why' and 'how' of human behavior, providing rich, contextual insights that reveal deeper patterns and relationships.

The Basic Idea

Ever heard of the saying “quality over quantity”? Well, some researchers feel the same way!

Imagine you are conducting a study looking at consumer behavior for buying potato chips. You’re interested in seeing which factors influence a customer’s choice between purchasing Doritos and Pringles. While you could conduct quantitative research and measure the number of bags purchased, this data alone wouldn’t explain why consumers choose one chip brand over the other; it would just tell you what they are purchasing. To gather more meaningful data, you may conduct interviews or surveys, asking people about their chip preferences and what draws them to one brand over another. Is it the taste of the chips? The font or color of the bag? This qualitative approach dives deeper to uncover why one potato chip is more popular than the other and can help companies make the adjustments that count.

Qualitative research, as seen in the example above, can provide greater insight into behavior, going beyond numbers to understand people’s experiences, attitudes, and perceptions. It helps us to grasp the meaning behind decisions, rather than just describing them. As human behavior is often difficult to qualify, qualitative research is a useful tool for solving complex problems or as a starting point to generate new ideas for research. Qualitative methods are used across all types of research—from consumer behavior to education, healthcare, behavioral science, and everywhere in between!

At its core, qualitative research is exploratory—rather than coming up with a hypothesis and gathering numerical data to support it, qualitative research begins with open-ended questions. Instead of asking “Which chip brand do consumers buy more frequently?”, qualitative research asks “Why do consumers choose one chip brand over another?”. Common methods to obtain qualitative data include focus groups, unstructured interviews, and surveys. From the data gathered, researchers then can make hypotheses and move on to investigating them. 

It’s important to note that qualitative and quantitative research are not two opposing methods, but rather two halves of a whole. Most of the best studies leverage both kinds of research by collecting objective, quantitative data, and using qualitative research to gain greater insight into what the numbers reveal.

You may have heard the world is made up of atoms and molecules, but it’s really made up of stories. When you sit with an individual that’s been here, you can give quantitative data a qualitative overlay. – William Turner, 16th century British scientist 1

Quantitative Research: A research method that involves collecting and analyzing numerical data to test hypotheses, identify patterns, and predict outcomes.

Exploratory Research: An initial study used to investigate a problem that is not clearly defined, helping to clarify concepts and improve research design.

Positivism: A scientific approach that emphasizes empirical evidence and objectivity, often involving the testing of hypotheses based on observable data. 2 

Phenomenology: A research approach that emphasizes the first-person point of view, placing importance on how people perceive, experience, and interpret the world around them. 3

Social Interaction Theory: A theoretical perspective that people make sense of their social worlds by the exchange of meaning through language and symbols. 4

Critical Theory: A worldview that there is no unitary or objective “truth” about people that can be discovered, as human experience is shaped by social, cultural, and historical contexts that influences reality and society. 5

Empirical research: A method of gaining knowledge through direct observation and experimentation, relying on real-world data to test theories. 

Paradigm shift: A fundamental change in the basic assumptions and methodologies of a scientific discipline, leading to the adoption of a new framework. 2

Interpretive/descriptive approach: A methodology that focuses on understanding the meanings people assign to their experiences, often using qualitative methods.

Unstructured interviews: A free-flowing conversation between researcher and participant without predetermined questions that must be asked to all participants. Instead, the researcher poses questions depending on the flow of the interview. 6

Focus Group: Group interviews where a researcher asks questions to guide a conversation between participants who are encouraged to share their ideas and information, leading to detailed insights and diverse perspectives on a specific topic.

Grounded theory : A qualitative methodology that generates a theory directly from data collected through iterative analysis.

When social sciences started to emerge in the 17th and 18th centuries, researchers wanted to apply the same quantitative approach that was used in the natural sciences. At this time, there was a predominant belief that human behavior could be numerically analyzed to find objective patterns and would be generalizable to similar people and situations. Using scientific means to understand society is known as a positivist approach. However, in the early 20th century, both natural and social scientists started to criticize this traditional view of research as being too reductive. 2  

In his book, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, American philosopher Thomas Kuhn identified that a major paradigm shift was starting to occur. Earlier methods of science were being questioned and replaced with new ways of approaching research which suggested that true objectivity was not possible when studying human behavior. Rather, the importance of context meant research on one group could not be generalized to all groups. 2 Numbers alone were deemed insufficient for understanding the environment surrounding human behavior which was now seen as a crucial piece of the puzzle. Along with this paradigm shift, Western scholars began to take an interest in ethnography , wanting to understand the customs, practices, and behaviors of other cultures. 

Qualitative research became more prominent throughout the 20th century, expanding beyond anthropology and ethnography to being applied across all forms of research; in science, psychology, marketing—the list goes on. Paul Felix Lazarsfield, Austrian-American sociologist and mathematician often known as the father of qualitative research, popularized new methods such as unstructured interviews and group discussions. 7 During the 1940s, Lazarfield brought attention to the fact that humans are not always rational decision-makers, making them difficult to understand through numerical data alone.

The 1920s saw the invention of symbolic interaction theory, developed by George Herbert Mead. Symbolic interaction theory posits society as the product of shared symbols such as language. People attach meanings to these symbols which impacts the way they understand and communicate with the world around them, helping to create and maintain a society. 4 Critical theory was also developed in the 1920s at the University of Frankfurt Institute for Social Research. Following the challenge of positivism, critical theory is a worldview that there is no unitary or objective “truth” about people that can be discovered, as human experience is shaped by social, cultural, and historical contexts. By shedding light on the human experience, it hopes to highlight the role of power, ideology, and social structures in shaping humans, and using this knowledge to create change. 5

Other formalized theories were proposed during the 20th century, such as grounded theory , where researchers started gathering data to form a hypothesis, rather than the other way around. This represented a stark contrast to positivist approaches that had dominated the 17th and 18th centuries.

The 1950s marked a shift toward a more interpretive and descriptive approach which factored in how people make sense of their subjective reality and attach meaning to it. 2 Researchers began to recognize that the why of human behavior was just as important as the what . Max Weber, a German sociologist, laid the foundation of the interpretive approach through the concept of Verstehen (which in English translates to understanding), emphasizing the importance of interpreting the significance people attach to their behavior. 8 With the shift to an interpretive and descriptive approach came the rise of phenomenology, which emphasizes first-person experiences by studying how individuals perceive, experience, and interpret the world around them. 

Today, in the age of big data, qualitative research has boomed, as advancements in digital tools allow researchers to gather vast amounts of data (both qualitative and quantitative), helping us better understand complex social phenomena. Social media patterns can be analyzed to understand public sentiment, consumer behavior, and cultural trends to grasp how people attach subjective meaning to their reality. There is even an emerging field of digital ethnography which is entirely focused on how humans interact and communicate in virtual environments!

Thomas Kuhn

American philosopher who suggested that science does not evolve through merely an addition of knowledge by compiling new learnings onto existing theories, but instead undergoes paradigm shifts where new theories and methodologies replace old ones. In this way, Kuhn suggested that science is a reflection of a community at a particular point in time. 9

Paul Felix Lazarsfeld

Often referred to as the father of qualitative research, Austrian-American sociologist and mathematician Paul Lazarsfield helped to develop modern empirical methods of conducting research in the social sciences such as surveys, opinion polling, and panel studies. Lazarsfeld was best known for combining qualitative and quantitative research to explore America's voting habits and behaviors related to mass communication, such as newspapers, magazines, and radios. 10  

German sociologist and political economist known for his sociological approach of “Verstehen” which emphasized the need to understand individuals or groups by exploring the meanings that people attach to their decisions. While previously, qualitative researchers in ethnography acted like an outside observer to explain behavior from their point of view, Weber believed that an empathetic understanding of behavior, that explored both intent and context, was crucial to truly understanding behavior. 11  

George Herbert Mead

Widely recognized as the father of symbolic interaction theory, Mead was an American philosopher and sociologist who took an interest in how spoken language and symbols contribute to one’s idea of self, and to society at large. 4


Humans are incredibly complex beings, whose behaviors cannot always be reduced to mere numbers and statistics. Qualitative research acknowledges this inherent complexity and can be used to better capture the diversity of human and social realities. 

Qualitative research is also more flexible—it allows researchers to pivot as they uncover new insights. Instead of approaching the study with predetermined hypotheses, oftentimes, researchers let the data speak for itself and are not limited by a set of predefined questions. It can highlight new areas that a researcher hadn’t even thought of exploring. 

By providing a deeper explanation of not only what we do, but why we do it, qualitative research can be used to inform policy-making, educational practices, healthcare approaches, and marketing tactics. For instance, while quantitative research tells us how many people are smokers, qualitative research explores what, exactly, is driving them to smoke in the first place. If the research reveals that it is because they are unaware of the gravity of the consequences, efforts can be made to emphasize the risks, such as by placing warnings on cigarette cartons. 

Finally, qualitative research helps to amplify the voices of marginalized or underrepresented groups. Researchers who embrace a true “Verstehen” mentality resist applying their own worldview to the subjects they study, but instead seek to understand the meaning people attach to their own behaviors. In bringing forward other worldviews, qualitative research can help to shift perceptions and increase awareness of social issues. For example, while quantitative research may show that mental health conditions are more prevalent for a certain group, along with the access they have to mental health resources, qualitative research is able to explain the lived experiences of these individuals and uncover what barriers they are facing to getting help. This qualitative approach can support governments and health organizations to better design mental health services tailored to the communities they exist in.


Qualitative research aims to understand an individual’s lived experience, which although provides deeper insights, can make it hard to generalize to a larger population. While someone in a focus group could say they pick Doritos over Pringles because they prefer the packaging, it’s difficult for a researcher to know if this is universally applicable, or just one person’s preference. 12 This challenge makes it difficult to replicate qualitative research because it involves context-specific findings and subjective interpretation. 

Moreover, there can be bias in sample selection when conducting qualitative research. Individuals who put themselves forward to be part of a focus group or interview may hold strong opinions they want to share, making the insights gathered from their answers not necessarily reflective of the general population. 13 People may also give answers that they think researchers are looking for leading to skewed results, which is a common example of the observer expectancy effect . 

However, the bias in this interaction can go both ways. While researchers are encouraged to embrace “Verstehen,” there is a possibility that they project their own views onto their participants. For example, if an American researcher is studying eating habits in China and observes someone burping, they may attribute this behavior to rudeness—when in fact, burping can be a sign that you have enjoyed your meal and it is a compliment to the chef. One way to mitigate this risk is through thick description , noting a great amount of contextual detail in their observations. Another way to minimize the researcher’s bias on their observations is through member checking , returning results to participants to check if they feel they accurately capture their experience.

Another drawback of qualitative research is that it is time-consuming. Focus groups and unstructured interviews take longer and are more difficult to logistically arrange, and the data gathered is harder to analyze as it goes beyond numerical data. While advances in technology alleviate some of these labor-intensive processes, they still require more resources. 

Many of these drawbacks can be mitigated through a mixed-method approach, combining both qualitative and quantitative research. Qualitative research can be a good starting point, giving depth and contextual understanding to a behavior, before turning to quantitative data to see if the results are generalizable. Or, the opposite direction can be used—quantitative research can show us the “what,” identifying patterns and correlations, and researchers can then better understand the “why” behind behavior by leveraging qualitative methods. Triangulation —using multiple datasets, methods, or theories—is another way to help researchers avoid bias. 

Linking Adult Behaviors to Childhood Experiences

In the mid-1980s, an obesity program at the KP San Diego Department of Preventive Medicine had a high dropout rate. What was interesting is that a majority of the dropouts were successfully losing weight, posing the question of why they were leaving the program in the first place. In this instance, greater investigation was required to understand the why behind their behaviors.

Researchers conducted in-depth interviews with almost 200 dropouts, finding that many of them had experienced childhood abuse that had led to obesity. In this unfortunate scenario, obesity was a consequence of another problem, rather than the root problem itself. This led Dr. Vincent J. Felitti, who was working for the department, to launch the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study, aimed at exploring how childhood experiences impact adult health status. 

Felitti and the Department of Preventive Medicine studied over 17,000 adults with health plans that revealed a strong relationship between emotional experiences as children and negative health behaviors as adults, such as obesity, smoking, and intravenous drug use. This study demonstrates the importance of qualitative research to uncover correlations that would not be discovered by merely looking at numerical data. 14  

Understanding Voter Turnout

Voting is usually considered an important part of political participation in a democracy. However, voter turnout is an issue in many countries, including the US. While quantitative research can tell us how many people vote, it does not provide insights into why people choose to vote or not.

With this in mind, Dawn Merdelin Johnson, a PhD student in philosophy at Walden University, explored how public corruption has impacted voter turnout in Cook County, Illinois. Johnson conducted semi-structured telephone interviews to understand factors that contribute to low voter turnout and the impact of public corruption on voting behaviors. Johnson found that public corruption leads to voters believing public officials prioritize their own well-being over the good of the people, leading to distrust in candidates and the overall political system, and thus making people less likely to vote. Other themes revealed that to increase voter turnout, voting should be more convenient and supply more information about the candidates to help people make more informed decisions.

From these findings, Johnson suggested that the County could experience greater voter turnout through the development of an anti-corruption agency, improved voter registration and maintenance, and enhanced voting accessibility. These initiatives would boost voting engagement and positively impact democratic participation. 15

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  • Versta Research. (n.d.). Bridging the quantitative-qualitative gap . Versta Research. Retrieved August 17, 2024, from https://verstaresearch.com/newsletters/bridging-the-quantitative-qualitative-gap/
  • Merriam, S. B., & Tisdell, E. J. (2015). Qualitative research: A guide to design and implementation (4th ed.). Jossey-Bass.
  • Smith, D. W. (2018). Phenomenology. In E. N. Zalta (Ed.), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy . Retrieved from https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/phenomenology/#HistVariPhen
  • Nickerson, C. (2023, October 16). Symbolic interaction theory . Simply Psychology. https://www.simplypsychology.org/symbolic-interaction-theory.html
  • DePoy, E., & Gitlin, L. N. (2016). Introduction to research (5th ed.). Elsevier.
  • ATLAS.ti. (n.d.). Unstructured interviews . ATLAS.ti. Retrieved August 17, 2024, from https://atlasti.com/research-hub/unstructured-interviews
  • O'Connor, O. (2020, August 14). The history of qualitative research . Medium. https://oliconner.medium.com/the-history-of-qualitative-research-f6e07c58e439
  • Sociology Institute. (n.d.). Max Weber: Interpretive sociology & legacy . Sociology Institute. Retrieved August 18, 2024, from https://sociology.institute/introduction-to-sociology/max-weber-interpretive-sociology-legacy
  • Kuhn, T. S. (2012). The structure of scientific revolutions (4th ed.). University of Chicago Press.
  • Encyclopaedia Britannica. (n.d.). Paul Felix Lazarsfeld . Encyclopaedia Britannica. Retrieved August 17, 2024, from https://www.britannica.com/biography/Paul-Felix-Lazarsfeld
  • Nickerson, C. (2019). Verstehen in Sociology: Empathetic Understanding . Simply Psychology. Retrieved August 18, 2024, from: https://www.simplypsychology.org/verstehen.html
  • Omniconvert. (2021, October 4). Qualitative research: Definition, methodology, limitations, and examples . Omniconvert. https://www.omniconvert.com/blog/qualitative-research-definition-methodology-limitation-examples/
  • Vaughan, T. (2021, August 5). 10 advantages and disadvantages of qualitative research . Poppulo. https://www.poppulo.com/blog/10-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-qualitative-research
  • Felitti, V. J. (2002). The relation between adverse childhood experiences and adult health: Turning gold into lead. The Permanente Journal, 6 (1), 44–47. https://www.thepermanentejournal.org/doi/10.7812/TPP/02.994
  • Johnson, D. M. (2024). Voters' perception of public corruption and low voter turnout: A qualitative case study of Cook County (Doctoral dissertation). Walden University.

Case studies

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Emilie Rose Jones

Emilie Rose Jones

Emilie currently works in Marketing & Communications for a non-profit organization based in Toronto, Ontario. She completed her Masters of English Literature at UBC in 2021, where she focused on Indigenous and Canadian Literature. Emilie has a passion for writing and behavioural psychology and is always looking for opportunities to make knowledge more accessible. 

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Pain of Paying

A shaded icon of a person shrugging with raised arms, accompanied by an empty speech bubble above their head.

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APA Style Journal Article Reporting Standards offer guidance on what information should be included in all manuscript sections for quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research and include how to best discuss race, ethnicity, and culture.

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APA Style Journal Article Reporting Standards (APA Style Jars ) are a set of standards designed for journal authors, reviewers, and editors to enhance scientific rigor in peer-reviewed journal articles. Educators and students can use APA Style JARS as teaching and learning tools for conducting high quality research and determining what information to report in scholarly papers.

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Using these standards will make your research clearer and more accurate as well as more transparent for readers. For quantitative research, using the standards will increase the reproducibility of science. For qualitative research, using the standards will increase the methodological integrity of research.

Jars –Quant should be used in research where findings are reported numerically (quantitative research). Jars –Qual should be used in research where findings are reported using nonnumerical descriptive data (qualitative research). Jars –Mixed should be applied to research that includes both quantitative and qualitative research (mixed methods research). JARS–REC should be applied to all research, whether it is quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods.

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Market Research Plan

data analysis plan for qualitative research

In 1970, food and drink sales of the  US restaurant industry  reached only 42.8 billion US dollars, which is way behind the 745.61 billion US dollar sales of 2015. According to the statistic posted in statista, this number should grow in the next few years. In fact, the website reported that from the 2015’s over 14 million employees of the restaurant industry, it should increase up to 16 million in 2026. However, as a result of this growth, there will be possibilities that the market will be saturated and more competitive. Thus, as a business owner, you will need to gear up and gain an edge to stand out in the market. By conducting market research for a restaurant, you can prepare your business to become more competitive and strategic, which will ensure its success.

What Do You Need to Know About Market Research?

Market research is an essential component of a business plan which aims to get information concerning the target market of a business. Through this study, you will determine the chances of a proposed service or new product to survive in the market. As part of market research, you need to develop a research plan.

What is Market Research Plan?

In general, market research plan is the foundation of a detailed research proposal . This document contains the initial thoughts about the research project that you are planning to take place logically and concisely, which is a crucial content of market research. Simply put, by obtaining a market research plan, you can thoroughly examine how your product or service will proceed in a specific domain.

2+ Market Research Plan Examples

Conducting market research will give significant benefits to your business. However, to materialize it, you may need to ensure that you build your market research plan correctly. Below is a list of the market research plan samples and templates that you can use as a guide.

1. Market Research Plan Template

Market Research Plan Template

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2. Sample Market Research Plan Example

Sample Market Research Plan

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3. Basic Market Research Plan Example

Basic Market Research Plan Example

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4. Market Research Business Plan Example

Market Research Business Plan

Size: 600 KB

How to Develop a Strong Market Research Project Plan?

Now that you know how a marketing research plan should look, make a secure market research plan by following the steps below:

1. Set Goals and Objectives

What do you want to attain with your research? Your goals and objectives should answer that question. You can start by forming a general marketing goal . You will, then, make it more specific. This goal will help you focus and direct the entire research process to make the best data-driven marketing decisions. To determine the most critical issue, you may conduct qualitative research . This research methodology ensures that you address the issue that really requires an urgent solution.

2. Determine Your Target Respondents and Appropriate Distribution Method

In this step, you will identify the right people to get the information that you need to create the right decision for your marketing goals. After that, list down the best possible ways for the data gathering. For example, your target market is veterans. You may want to use more appropriate channels such as direct mails, phone, or personal interview. Once you have chosen the most appropriate data collection method, create an outline that will allow your team to get the most relevant information from your target market or audience.

4. Brainstorm for the Right Questions

In deciding the right questions for your marketing research, it is crucial to keep your study goals in mind. Only include items that are relevant to the study to come up with the best business decisions. Asking the wrong questions may lead to inadequate conclusions. Data-driven solutions mostly obtained through quantitative research questions. You can still use qualitative research questions but make it minimal to avoid making the respondents bored and held up, which can lead to survey abandonment. As much as possible, make your survey short and answerable in less than 5 minutes. Otherwise, you may want to find an alternative option in getting the desired data. Also, it would help if you will consider other factors in building the right questions. Refrain from asking sensitive, personal, and offensive questions. To do it, research your target audience.

5. Analyze the Data

Start this step by cleaning your survey data. To do it, filter out any low-quality responses. These items can affect your decision-making negatively. Basing on the set standards, remove the outlier responses. To do that, determine if the respondents answered in the desired format. If not, especially if it has become a trend, disqualify the question or conduct another data-gathering or investigation for this question. In this process, you will also find out if the answers of the participants are contributing to your research goals. At the end of this stage, you will, then, share your findings. To effectively show your results, you can use data visualization methods such as charts, graphs, and infographics.

6. Create a Data-Driven Marketing Decisions

Now that you have the necessary market research data, you can come up with a data-driven decision. Whether you are running a pharmaceutical firm or a corporal business such as Coca Cola, you can develop a new marketing campaign and other relevant business actions without unnecessary worries since you have directly reached out to your target market.

In a market that is becoming more competitive, creating a market research plan for a new product of your business can give you an advantage and an edge over your opponents. This type of method will also save your time, effort, and money because it allows you to determine the proper actions that you can take towards the corporate goals in terms of marketing and other relevant sectors.


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Experiences of Turkish mothers of children with autism: a phenomenological study

  • Published: 04 September 2024

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data analysis plan for qualitative research

  • Eda Aktaş   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-1424-9678 1 ,
  • Fadime Ustuner Top   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-7341-5704 2 , 4 &
  • Sevda Uzun   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-5954-717X 3  

The study aimed to explore mothers’ experiences of children with autism using a phenomenological approach. Semi-structured, in-depth interviews were conducted with 18 parents with children attending a special education centre in a northern province of Turkey. Criterion sampling, a form of purposive sampling, was employed to select participants. Interviews continued until data saturation was achieved. All interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Thematic analysis was utilized to analyze the data, and the study adhered to the COREQ checklist for reporting qualitative research. As a result of analyses, three main themes (the process of diagnosis, the effect of the child’s illness on parents and their challenges over time, and considerations regarding the child’s educational journey) and eight sub-themes (feelings and thoughts, reflections on the causes, reactions encountered, emotional effects, social effects, physical effects, perception of social support, and expectations from the educator and the education process) emerged. The study concluded that mothers of children with autism are emotionally, physically, and socially impacted by their child’s condition, facing considerable challenges in coping. In light of these findings, it is recommended that policymakers in our country develop plans that address the difficulties expressed by participants, review and potentially enhance financial and social support for families, and consider increasing special education hours.

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We would like to thank the parents of children with autism for their support of our study.

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Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Pediatric Nursing, Hamidiye Faculty of Nursing, University of Health Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey

Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Pediatric Nursing, Giresun University, Giresun, Turkey

Fadime Ustuner Top

Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Psychiatry Nursing, Gümüşhane University, Gümüşhane, Turkey

Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Child Health and Disease Nursing, Giresun University, No:4 P.K.28340, Giresun, Turkey

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Aktaş, E., Ustuner Top, F. & Uzun, S. Experiences of Turkish mothers of children with autism: a phenomenological study. Curr Psychol (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-024-06635-9

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Accepted : 28 August 2024

Published : 04 September 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-024-06635-9

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  5. PDF A Step-by-Step Guide to Qualitative Data Analysis

    Introduction Collecting information, which researchers call data, is only the beginning of the research process. Once collected, the information has to be organized and thought about. Quantitative analysis uses data to provide answers which can be expressed numerically. Qualitative analysis, which this paper discuss-es, is more concerned with meaning. Data is a word which describes valid in ...

  6. Learning to Do Qualitative Data Analysis: A Starting Point

    This question is particularly relevant to researchers new to the field and practice of qualitative research and instructors and mentors who regularly introduce students to qualitative research practices. In this article, we seek to offer what we view as a useful starting point for learning how to do qualitative analysis.

  7. Planning Qualitative Research: Design and Decision Making for New

    Abstract For students and novice researchers, the choice of qualitative approach and subsequent alignment among problems, research questions, data collection, and data analysis can be particularly tricky. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to provide a concise explanation of four common qualitative approaches, case study, ethnography, narrative, and phenomenology, demonstrating how each ...

  8. PDF The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Data Analysis

    The SAGE Handbook of. tive Data AnalysisUwe FlickMapping the FieldData analys. s is the central step in qualitative research. Whatever the data are, it is their analysis that, in a de. isive way, forms the outcomes of the research. Sometimes, data collection is limited to recording and docu-menting naturally occurring ph.

  9. How to Do Qualitative Data Analysis

    Data analysis in qualitative research is the process of examining and interpreting non-numerical data to uncover patterns, themes, and insights. It aims to make sense of rich, detailed information gathered through methods like interviews, focus groups, or observations. ... They offer different plans for individuals, teams, and large ...

  10. Qualitative Data Analysis Methods: Top 6 + Examples

    Learn the basics of qualitative data analysis (QDA) plus the most popular approaches, including content, discourse and narrative analysis.

  11. Qualitative Research: Data Collection, Analysis, and Management

    Qualitative research is used to gain insights into people's feelings and thoughts, which may provide the basis for a future stand-alone qualitative study or may help researchers to map out survey instruments for use in a quantitative study.

  12. Choosing a Qualitative Data Analysis Plan

    Learn about different qualitative data analysis plans for various research designs, such as thematic analysis, phenomenological analysis, and grounded theory. Find out how to choose the best plan for your study and get resources from experts.

  13. (PDF) Analysing data in qualitative research

    Learn how to analyse qualitative data with different styles and processes from this comprehensive PDF chapter on ResearchGate.

  14. PDF Qualitative data analysis: a practical example

    Qualitative research is a generic term that refers to a group of methods, and ways of collecting and analysing data that are interpretative or explanatory in nature and focus on meaning. Data collection is undertaken in the natural setting, such as a clinic, hospital or a partici-pant's home because qualitative methods seek to describe ...

  15. What Is Qualitative Research?

    Qualitative research is used to understand how people experience the world. While there are many approaches to qualitative research, they tend to be flexible and focus on retaining rich meaning when interpreting data. Common approaches include grounded theory, ethnography, action research, phenomenological research, and narrative research.

  16. Data Analysis in Qualitative Research

    Concurrent data generation and analysis is a predominant feature in qualitative research. An iterative or cyclic method of data collection and analysis is emphasised in qualitative approach. What it means is that as the researcher collects data, the analysis process is also initiated.

  17. PDF 12 Qualitative Data, Analysis, and Design

    Qualitative research designs are described after types of qualitative data and methods of analysis are described. The type of data collected and the approach to its analysis are more relevant to a researcher's compelling argument and sound conclusion than a category name placed on a general approach to data collection.

  18. PDF Qualitative Data Analysis

    Here, multiple colleagues, who were familiar with qualitative data analysis but not involved in our research, participated in preliminary analysis of our findings.

  19. (PDF) Data Analysis Methods for Qualitative Research: Managing the

    The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of some of the principles of data analysis used in qualitative research such as coding, interrater reliability, and thematic analysis.

  20. A Step-by-Step Process of Thematic Analysis to Develop a Conceptual

    Abstract Thematic analysis is a highly popular technique among qualitative researchers for analyzing qualitative data, which usually comprises thick descriptive data. However, the application and use of thematic analysis has also involved complications due to confusion regarding the final outcome's presentation as a conceptual model.

  21. "A Theoretical Framework for Understanding Breast Cancer Survivor's Pos

    The overall purpose of this qualitative data analysis research project is to explore and identify BCSs' perceptions (post-treatment) of physical, cognitive, and psychological symptoms experienced, as well as perceptions of coping strategies learned during participation in a Breast Cancer-Education Support (BCES) program delivered as part of ...

  22. Qualitative Research

    Quantitative Research: A research method that involves collecting and analyzing numerical data to test hypotheses, identify patterns, and predict outcomes. Exploratory Research: An initial study used to investigate a problem that is not clearly defined, helping to clarify concepts and improve research design. Positivism: A scientific approach that emphasizes empirical evidence and objectivity ...

  23. Journal Article Reporting Standards (JARS)

    For qualitative research, using the standards will increase the methodological integrity of research. Jars -Quant should be used in research where findings are reported numerically (quantitative research). Jars -Qual should be used in research where findings are reported using nonnumerical descriptive data (qualitative research).

  24. Market Research Plan

    2+ Market Research Plan Examples. Conducting market research will give significant benefits to your business. However, to materialize it, you may need to ensure that you build your market research plan correctly. Below is a list of the market research plan samples and templates that you can use as a guide. 1. Market Research Plan Template

  25. Assessing School Development Planning Practices and Challenges in

    To understand the school development planning (SDP) practices and the challenges faced by primary schools, this qualitative study focused on the analysis of semi-structured interview transcripts with seventeen school principals and eight pieces of school development plan texts in a southwestern province. The study revealed that most schools primarily assess internal factors such as strengths ...

  26. Experiences of Turkish mothers of children with autism: a

    The study employed a phenomenological research design and a qualitative research method. This design was chosen because it offers a high degree of freedom in defining a new phenomenon (event or experience) from the participants' perspective, providing rich data and detailing their experiences (Yıldırım & Şimşek, 2016).In particular, a descriptive phenomenological approach was followed ...