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Cover Letter For Law Internship: Example And Tips

Discover how to write a standout cover letter for a law internship. This guide includes writing tips, common mistakes to avoid, and sample letters.

Sanjoy Khan Choudhury

Sanjoy Khan Choudhury

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Landing a coveted law internship requires more than an impressive resume; it demands a captivating cover letter showcasing your unique abilities and fervor for the legal profession.

This blog is your personal guide to unlocking the secrets of a standout cover letter tailored specifically for your dream law internship.

We provide you with examples of cover letters, accompanied by invaluable tips, to help you craft a compelling narrative that resonates with potential employers.

We will cover:

  • Understanding the role of a legal intern
  • Sample cover letters for law internship
  • Writing a tailored cover letter
  • Avoiding common mistakes
  • Adding those final touches

With these tips and tricks, you'll be well on your way to catching that hiring manager's attention. Let's dive in!

Understanding the Role of a Legal Intern

Getting a legal internship is a big step. It's a great chance for you to get a feel for the law world. But first, you need to know what a legal intern does.

  • A legal intern helps with tasks like:
  • Legal research
  • Preparing legal documents
  • Assisting in court

By understanding these tasks, you can write a cover letter that shows you're ready for the job. You'll know what skills to highlight and how you can help the team.

So, before you start writing, do your homework about the internship. It'll make a big difference!

Now, let us review some sample law internship cover letters to get better clarity.

Cover Letter for Law Internship Example 1


Dear Hiring Manager,

I am Jane Doe, currently in my second year of Law School at XYZ University, applying for the summer legal internship program advertised on your firm's website.

While pursuing my law degree, I developed a keen interest in environmental law. I was particularly attracted by the case of Doe vs. Company, where your firm achieved a significant win for the environment.

During my studies, I specialized in environmental legislation and contributed to successfully implementing a campus-wide recycling initiative.

My passion for law goes beyond academic interest. I've been active in our university's mock trial team, which has honed my skills in legal research, document preparation, and case presentation. I am eager to bring these skills to your firm and learn from the experienced attorneys there.

The mentorship and practical experience offered by your internship program are unparalleled. I am excited about working in such a dynamic environment and contributing to your ongoing cases.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to discussing my application further.

Sincerely, Jane Doe (Contact information)

Cover Letter for Law Internship Example 2


I am John Smith, a final-year law student at ABC Law School. I am writing to express my interest in your firm's summer legal internship program. During my time at law school, I have developed a strong interest in criminal law. I was particularly impressed by your firm's commitment to justice in the recent case of People vs. XYZ.

In preparation for my career in criminal law, I have taken courses such as Criminal Procedure and Constitutional Law, earning top grades. My coursework has prepared me for many tasks listed in your internship description.

Outside of class, I serve as a member of our school's Moot Court Honors Board, where I have honed my legal research and litigation skills. I am eager to apply these skills to real-world cases at your firm.

I am drawn to your firm's broad range of cases and the opportunity to learn from attorneys with diverse specialties. I am eager to contribute my energy, dedication, and legal competencies to your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to further discussing the potential of my contributions.

Best regards, John Smith (Contact information)

Cover Letter for Law Internship Example 3


I'm Lisa White, a law student in my final year at LMN University, applying for your summer legal internship program.

I specialize in corporate law, where your firm has been making strides. The legal battle you recently won in Company vs. Corporation was impressive and inspiring.

During my academic journey, I've consistently been on the dean's list and successfully led the Legal Aid Society at LMN University. These experiences have taught me a strong understanding of legal research and document preparation.

Your firm's commitment to ethical business practices and continuous professional development greatly appeals to me. I am enthusiastic about contributing my understanding of corporate law, dedication, and perseverance to your team.

I appreciate your time and consideration. I look forward to discussing my application further.

Best regards, Lisa White (Contact information)

These samples should guide you as you write your cover letter for a law internship.

Remember, it's important to personalize your cover letter. It will give you a chance to align your experiences and interests to the specific law firm you are applying to.

How to Write a Cover Letter for a Law Internship

We have listed some steps; following them will help you on your way to writing an impressive cover letter:

1. Start Strong: Begin with a formal hello. Say who you are and what you're applying for. Make it clear from the start.

For example, " Dear Hiring Manager, I am John Doe, a second-year law student at XYZ University, applying for the summer legal internship position. "

2. Show Your Law Degree: Please indicate if you have a law degree or are currently studying law. Share key courses or projects that connect to the internship.

For example, " I am pursuing a law degree with a concentration in corporate law. My coursework, including Mergers & Acquisitions and Contract Law, has prepared me for the responsibilities of this internship. "

3. Talk About Legal Skills: Mention skills you've learned that are useful for legal work. This might include:

  • Preparing documents, or
  • Helping in court

For example, " During a mock trial activity in school, I gained practical experience in preparing legal documents and presenting arguments, which honed my legal research and analytical skills. "

4. Share Your Love for Law: Talk about why you love law and why this legal internship interests you. Show your passion!

For example, " I have always been fascinated by the complex intricacies of corporate law. I am particularly interested in your internship because it allows me to work on corporate compliance and regulatory matters. "

5. Why This Law Firm?: Say why you want to intern there. It could be because of:

  • Their team, or
  • What you can learn there

For example, " I am drawn to XYZ Law Firm because of your reputation for mentorship and your innovative approach to corporate law. I am especially interested in your pro bono work with start-ups, which aligns with my desire to support emerging businesses. "

6. Thank the Manager: End by thanking the hiring manager for considering you. Show hope for further discussion about how your skills and passion fit the role.

For example, " Thank you for considering my application. I am excited about the possibility of contributing my passion for corporate law and my academic learnings to your team. "

Sign Off: End with a professional goodbye. Then write your name and how to contact you.

For example, " I look forward to discussing my application further. Sincerely, John Doe. Contact: [email protected] , (123) 456-7890. "

Now you're ready to write your cover letter for a law internship!

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Your Cover Letter for Law Internship

Even the best of us can make mistakes when writing cover letters. Here are some common ones to watch out for:

Long-Winded: Keep your cover letter short and sweet. No more than one page. The hiring manager is busy. They'll thank you for being direct.

Too General: Be specific about why you want this internship. And why at this law firm. A cover letter that could be for any law firm won't impress.Remember to say why you want to work at this law firm. This shows that you've done your research.

Typos or Errors: Mistakes can make you seem careless. After writing, read your cover letter again. Then read it out loud. You can also ask a friend to look at it.

Wrong Tone: You're applying for a legal internship, not a friend's party. Keep the tone formal and professional.

Avoiding these common mistakes can help your cover letter shine. Now, let's get that internship!

Finally, increase your proficiency in cover letter crafting and broaden your outlook by navigating our vast selection of cover letters designed for various roles. Deepen your comprehension and gain key insights to refine your cover letter creation process.

Pharmacy Intern Cover Letter Pharmacy Intern Cover Letter
Marketing Internship Cover Letter
Human Resources Internship Cover Letter
Tea taster cover letter
Sales Advisor Cover Letter

Wrapping Up: The Final Touches

Now you have the nuts and bolts to write a standout cover letter for a law internship. Still, before you hit that "send" button, here are a few finishing touches to consider:

Tailor the Letter: Don’t just copy and paste the same letter for each internship application. Instead, tailor your letter to the role and the company you are applying to.

Proofread: Look over your letter one more time. Hunt for any typos or grammar goofs. A clean, mistake-free letter is a joy to read.

Formatting: Though the content is important, it's the presentation that will make your cover letter stand out. So don't forget to format your letter properly. Use simple fonts and a readable font size.

Contact Info: At the end, give your contact details. An email address and phone number will do. This makes it easy for the hiring manager to reach you.

Follow Up: If you don't hear back after a few weeks, send a polite follow-up email. This shows you're still interested.

Creating a strong cover letter for a law internship might feel hard at first. But with this guide, I hope you're feeling ready and confident. Your cover letter is your shot to shine, share your love for the law, and take a step toward your dream internship. Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. how do i write a cover letter for law school.

Start with a formal greeting. Introduce yourself, mention your law degree, highlight relevant skills and experiences, express your interest in the law school, and conclude professionally.

2. How to fill an internship diary for law students?

Document daily tasks, reflect on what you've learned, note challenges faced, and how you've overcome them. Mention any memorable interactions or legal cases you've observed.

3. What should the tone of my cover letter for a law internship be?

Your cover letter's tone should be professional yet personable, showing both your seriousness and your passion for the field.

4. What skills should I highlight in my cover letter for a law internship?

Focus on skills like legal research, critical thinking, communication, problem-solving and any relevant legal coursework or experiences.

5. Is it necessary to mention my law degree in the cover letter?

Yes, mentioning your law degree highlights your relevant educational background.

Sanjoy Khan Choudhury

This article has been written by Sanjoy Khan Choudhury . He works as a Content Marketing Specialist at Vantage Lens . His areas of interest include music, marketing, cuisine, and anime. When he’s not writing, he’s usually singing to the tune of his guitar or finding some weird way to cook his meal.

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Home » Blogs, News, Advice » Career Advice » 8 Cover Letter Tips and a Sample Cover Letter For Your Law Firm Internship

8 Cover Letter Tips and a Sample Cover Letter For Your Law Firm Internship

  • Sep 14, 2012

The cover letter is a small email you write while applying to a law firm. It is really your pitch which says “Take me as an intern” Draft it carefully and do note the following points.

1. The body of the email should itself contain the cover letter . Don’t attach a 300 word cover letter because it won’t be opened in ten cases out of nine. Ten out of nine? It might seem an exaggeration or a misprint but it is none.

Instead of sending your cover letter as an attachment, write it in the body of the email itself.

2. Subject of the email which is the subject of your cover letter should be detailed and educated, a bit like this: Internship Application: 1 st May- 30 th June: Mumbai Office.

These are the three things (subject + duration + location) should make the subject of your internship cover letter; nothing more and nothing less.

3. Focus and customise. Don’t send an email to dozens of law firms at one go. Identify 5-6 law firms which interest you and send applications tailor-made for them.

For example if you are applying to an IP boutique law firm, include a section in your CV (right at the top, mind you) which reads ‘Achievements in the field of IP’. Also in your cover letter mention these achievements precisely.

4. Art of the start. Start with naming the person you want this to read; the recruitment head, the managing partner or the internship coordinator. Do your research.

Assuming the name of the person is Ram Kumar and the email id for internships is [email protected] and you start with “Respected Mr. Ram Kumar” you catch his attention.

If you begin with Respected Sir/Madam you don’t get anyone’s attention.

5. Write English . Please don’t show of your legal writing skills here. Write simple, plain, correct, readable English. Reserve legalese for later, when you actually get the internship.

Do a spelling and grammar check on Word on your cover letter.

6. Attach your CV. If you are not careful with this little thing (of attaching files), the law firm will be unwilling to hand you bigger things like internship.

7. Ask. Ask if you should be sending your writing samples or if the firm will want to take a telephonic interview. Leave your contact number in the footer.

8. A little quote. Emails can have a quote at the end. If it relates to law, is a smart one and is something you identify with, you can include it in every email you send including the internship application. This might be a little controversial but it can tell the recruiter a lot about you.

It adds a human touch and might bring a smile on the recruiters face. A smiling man/woman is a person more likely to give you the internship. So choose the quote carefully.

Here is a sample cover letter for a law firm internship:

Dear Mr. Ram Kumar

This section is: Art of start: Who you are, what you do and where are you going.

I am Rahul Sharma, a 4 th year law student from Gujarat National Law University (GNLU), Gandhinagar and am very keen to intern at ABC Law Offices (Delhi) from 1 st May- 30 th June.

This is called: Why Me. The Best Things I Have Done. Why Your Firm Alone is the Perfect Professional Habitat For Me.

I have previously interned at XYZ’s Delhi office where I was a part of the Capital Markets team. During my internship under Mr. Mukul Romani, senior counsel, Supreme Court of India I learnt the basics of legal drafting under his tutelage. I have also completed the Mergers and Acquisitions course offered by the Bombay Stock Exchange. Moreover, I was a part of the ANLU team (oralist) which won the NUKS corporate law moot competition in 2010.

I am sure interning at a prestigious law firm like SRGR Law Offices will help me further improve upon my skills. Given my prior experience and interest in corporate law I am sure that Ill be able to contribute immensely towards your practice. I have learnt from about your firm’s growth plans and it will be exciting to be a part of a young and growing team of lawyers.

The Section: I am humble, eager and good.

I am attaching my CV for your kind perusal and will be grateful if I am given an opportunity to intern at your firm. Please let me know if you require anything else as a part of the internship application. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours sincerely,

Rahul Sharma

4 th year student, BA.LLB (Hons) course

GNLU, Gandhinagar.

Contact: 999999999 (M)

P.S. Just a bonus for you: I have found a nice resource with cover letter info – with a useful “how to write” guide and a lot of free samples [Sponsored].

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25 Responses

Hi Everyone, I’ve need your help! My friend is seeking for a job in Delhi NCR. He has 5 years experience as an Executive Secretary/Stenographer and currently working with Luthra & Luthra Law Offices and he is looking a job change. If you have any good opportunity for him please do let us know or you can directly reach him up 8510015604/[email protected] or inform me at *[email protected]* We will be thankful to you.

Hi Everyone, I’ve need your help! My friend is seeking for a job in Delhi NCR. He has 5 years experience as an Executive Secretary/Stenographer and currently working with Luthra & Luthra Law Offices and he is looking a job change. If you have any good opportunity for him please do let us know or you can directly reach him up 8510015604/[email protected] or inform me at *[email protected]* We will be thankful to you.

Excellent details once and for all, you simply attained a symbol brand new audience. Exactly . translation welsh to norwegianwhat can you suggest regarding your placed for you to developed a week in the past? Every confident?

I’m still learning from you, but I’m making my way to the top as well. I certainly liked reading all that is posted on your site.Keep the posts coming. I loved it!

for the first time I am seeing such a helpful site for the law students and professionals in a single platform, you are doing great job. Thank you so much admin.

can i get the sample of cover letter for applying for an internship under the supreme court advocate.

Can we address a cover letter to a firm directly without mentioning the name of any specific person?

” you didn’t find a cover letter more “crisp” than this?” I feel sorry for the firm who hired you with such lovely vocabulary.

Very well written cover letter format. Unfortunately many people who are unable to think for themselves don’t realise it is only for help to applicants and is not to be copied verbatim.

Some time back I noticed that applications for jobs/internships from people all over India to my law firm had same/similar sentences in it (because they all used this letter as a base). Now almost all the letters I receive for internship have about two to five sentences copied verbatim. Most popular sentences are “I learnt the basics of legal drafting under his tutelage”, “I am sure interning at a prestigious law firm like — will help me further improve upon my skills.”, “Given my prior experience and interest in corporate law I am sure that I’ll be able to contribute immensely towards your practice”.

Just by a brief look I can tell if the person has seen the sample letter on this site. Some bright persons also copy the line saying the applicant learnt about the firm’s growth plans from, even though it never was discussed on that site. Some people also copy the line “it will be exciting to be a part of a young and growing team of lawyers” without knowing whether our team is young, old, middle-aged, growing or not etc.

Thanks for rectifying all of us and showing the path for own creativity which will definitely help us in the future. Sir but we do have a check on various websites like RSG, etc. before applying and after doing all this things we are upset due to very late replies from the respected law firms (Most of them need a continuous follow up and sum even don’t after that ) and many of them have a stringent norm of taking only National Law school Students(Strange.. its like “Grave injustice in the LAW Factory itself). However a reply of NO can surely help out all the students to shape their planned schedule. Hoping for Future Co-operation.

Anil, it would be nice for applicants if law firms replied to every application. But please understand that law firms are under no real obligation to do so, especially for unsolicited applications.

Another reason they don’t is because of the volume. Even small law firms get several applications a month and the medium-sized or bigger ones must be getting hundreds a month. It is just not practical to reply to everyone. If you send an application and you don’t get a reply, it means that either the firm does not have a vacancy for you or your application did not impress them. Keep trying!

Thank you very much Sir for your valuable comment …. it will help us a lot…

Thanks a lot for providing such useful tips 🙂 but will you pls let me know how to take follow up after sending cover letter and CV for targeted firms.

i would join internship from your NGO which is a very impotant for me from june to july 2015 iam student of law collage dehradun

The sample CV and sample Cover Letter are very useful to my students as who hail from rural area of Maharashtra. lawctopus is contributing immensely in bridging the gap between urban and rural students of law and indirectly contributing in upgrading the professional standards also. So keep up the great work.

This was really helpful. Doing changes in my cover letter. And thank you for telling cover letter’s are NOT to be attached but should be a body of the mail. what a fail i have been doing till now!

Well it’s not a rule as such.

But if you put it in the body of the email, chances of it being read are more.

Ideally how long should a Cover Letter be?

Around 200-250 words.

i have gone through various websites for getting a sample for internship letter but didn’t get a more crisp letter than this… great work!!! really hepled a lot!!!

Very helpful

sick dude helped

While applying for judicial clerkship under a HC judge. How different will the covering letter be from this?

Its very helpful. Kindly give the email id where i should mail my cv and other requirement for internship

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Legal Intern Cover Letter Example

Cover letter examples, cover letter guidelines, how to format an legal intern cover letter, cover letter header, cover letter header examples for legal intern, how to make your cover letter header stand out:, cover letter greeting, cover letter greeting examples for legal intern, best cover letter greetings:, cover letter introduction, cover letter intro examples for legal intern, how to make your cover letter intro stand out:, cover letter body, cover letter body examples for legal intern, how to make your cover letter body stand out:, cover letter closing, cover letter closing paragraph examples for legal intern, how to close your cover letter in a memorable way:, pair your cover letter with a foundational resume, key cover letter faqs for legal intern.

Start your Legal Intern cover letter with a professional greeting addressed directly to the hiring manager, if their name is available. If not, use a general salutation like "Dear Hiring Manager." Then, introduce yourself and state the position you're applying for. Mention where you found the job posting and express your interest in the role. For example, "I am a third-year law student at XYZ University and I am writing to apply for the Legal Intern position posted on your website." Make sure to convey enthusiasm for the opportunity and briefly mention why you are a good fit for the role. This could be based on your academic achievements, relevant coursework, or previous internships.

The best way for Legal Interns to end a cover letter is by expressing gratitude and showing enthusiasm for the potential opportunity. You should reiterate your interest in the position and the firm, and express your eagerness to contribute and learn. For example, you could say, "Thank you for considering my application. I am excited about the possibility of contributing to your team and learning from the wealth of experience at your firm." Also, make sure to include a professional closing, such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your full name. Remember, the ending of your cover letter is your final chance to make a strong impression, so make it count.

Legal Interns should include the following elements in their cover letter: 1. Contact Information: At the top of the letter, include your name, address, phone number, and email address. If applicable, also include your LinkedIn profile or professional website. 2. Professional Greeting: Address the hiring manager by name if possible. If you can't find the name, use a professional greeting such as "Dear Hiring Manager." 3. Introduction: In the first paragraph, introduce yourself and state the position you're applying for. Mention where you found the job posting. 4. Body of the Letter: This is where you sell yourself. Highlight your relevant skills, experiences, and achievements. As a legal intern, you should focus on your legal research skills, analytical abilities, knowledge of legal terminology, and any relevant coursework or previous internships. Make sure to provide specific examples. For instance, you might discuss a research project you completed in law school or a case you worked on during a previous internship. 5. Explanation of Interest: Explain why you're interested in this particular internship. This could be because of the firm's reputation, the opportunity to gain experience in a particular area of law, or the chance to work with a specific attorney you admire. 6. Closing Paragraph: Reiterate your interest in the position and thank the hiring manager for considering your application. Mention that you're looking forward to the possibility of discussing the internship further in an interview. 7. Professional Closing: Close the letter with a professional sign-off such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your full name. 8. Enclosure Notation: Finally, if you're sending additional documents with the cover letter (like a resume or transcripts), include an "Enclosures" or "Attachments" notation at the bottom. Remember, a cover letter is your chance to make a strong first impression. Be sure to proofread carefully for any errors, and consider having a mentor, career counselor, or trusted peer review it as

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Home » Internship Tips » Tips & Tricks » How to Write Cover Letter for an Internship?

How to Write a Cover Letter for Internships [Examples & Template]

How to Write a Cover Letter for an Internships

Cover letters and resumes are the introductory documents that help an employer form their first impressions about a future employee. Thus, it is very important to draft the perfect documents to find success, especially when applying for an internship. To help you through the drafting process we are going to walk you through the process of writing a cover letter for an internship that not only grabs attention but leaves a lasting impression.

Table of Contents

How to Write Cover Letter for an Internship?

Want to write the best cover letter for an internship role? Follow the steps below and learn how to write a cover letter for an internship. 

  • Mention Your Details: At the top left corner of the internship cover letter, write your full name, address, email ID, and phone number.
  • Add Date: Next, add the date you are writing the letter. 
  • Mention Receiver’s Details: Mention the receiver’s name followed by the company address. The receiver can be the manager or the HR professional responsible for recruitment. 
  • Address the Recruiter: Write “Dear [name]” to address the recruiter before beginning the main content of the letter.
  • Opening Statement: Write a brief statement that appeals to the recruiter and informs them of your intent to apply for the internship position. You can add one or two of your key achievements here but do not forget to mention which position you are applying for. 
  • For example , you mention you have strong communication skills. Back the claim with a background story of how you gave a presentation on a technical topic and were able to communicate your idea easily to the audience due to your skills. 
  • Closing Paragraph: Thank the recruiter and add a call to action, like requesting them to check your resume for more details or that you are available for an interview to discuss the internship opportunity further. 
  • End With Formal Salutation: End your letter with “Warm Regards” or “Sincerely.”

Also Read: How to Write Cover Letter for a Job?

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Cover Letter Template For Internships

Let us look at this template to understand how to write a cover letter for an internship.

Also Read: Cover Letter Formats

Sample Cover Letter for Internship for Different Sectors

Here are some cover letter examples/samples for an internship based on different sectors for your better understanding:

1. Sample Cover Letter for Information Technology (IT)

This sample cover letter for internship is for the IT Sector like Web Development, Data Analyst, etc. 

2. Sample Cover Letter for Finance

This cover letter format for an internship will guide you on how to create a cover letter for a job in the financial sector.

3. Sample Cover Letter for Marketing and Advertising

This cover letter for internship in the marketing and advertising will help you showcase the skills that will enable you to contribute effectively in the corporate world, especially if you are seeking digital marketing internships .

4. Sample Cover Letter for Graphic Design

This is the best cover letter for an internship in graphic designing . It will help recruiters see your passion for design which will increase your chances of getting hired.

5. Sample Cover Letter for Human Resources (HR)

This is the best way of writing a cover letter for an internship if you are looking for work from home HR jobs or for in-office HR Jobs.

6. Sample Cover Letter for Law

This format will highlight your relevant skills and experiences and make you a strong candidate for part time jobs /internship opportunities.

Mistakes to Avoid while Drafting a Cover Letter

When writing cover letters it’s important to pay attention to minute details, here are some mistakes that you should avoid while writing your cover letter:

  • Generic Templates- Craft a unique letter for each application, tailored to the specific internship and company.
  • Ignoring Formatting- Use clear headings, bullet points, and a readable font. A well-formatted cover letter reflects your attention to detail.
  • Overwhelming Length- Keep your cover letter concise and to the point. Aim for around 250-300 words.
  • Neglecting Proofreading- Always proofread your cover letter before sending it out. Typos and grammatical errors can make a negative impression.
  • Overusing Jargon- While it’s great to demonstrate your knowledge, avoid overloading your cover letter with industry jargon or technical terms. Explain complex concepts briefly and clearly to ensure your message is easily understood.

In this blog, we’ve covered some key points for writing a cover letter for an internship. By adding your own unique touch and showing your excitement for the role, you can set yourself apart from other applicants. So, take your time while writing a cover letter, and let your strengths shine on the page.

If you thought this blog was helpful, tell us in the comments section below. Also, check out these online interview tips before going for your next job interview.

Also Read: What is Mock Interview?

Frequently Asked Questions

To write a good cover letter for an internship, include keywords from the internship description, proofread to ensure content flow, highlight extracurriculars, format well, and customize each cover letter.

To write a letter asking for an internship, research the company to tailor your response accordingly. Write a meaningful subject line, add a greeting, and express your interest in the internship and the reason along with your skills and educational qualifications. 

Here is a sample for a basic cover letter: “My name is [your name], and I am writing to express my interest in the internship role [role title] at your company [company name]. I am excited to share that I believe I have the necessary skills and knowledge that make me the best candidate for the internship role. Kindly consider my application. Thank you for your time and consideration.”

Here is how you can write a cover letter for a legal internship, “Dear [recruiter’s name], As a recent law graduate, I am excited to hear about the internship role your company [name of the company] is offering. I have an additional certification course in corporate law and possess trial preparation skills. I am certain my skills and talent will be a great addition to your organization. Kindly consider my application in a positive light. I am excited to discuss this opportunity further with you. You can contact me at [email ID]. Thanks for your consideration.”

You should write a cover letter for an internship because it allows you to mention additional details you could not in the resume and provide background to some information like skills.

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Sandipta Banerjee has completed her Master's in English Literature and Language. She has been working in the field of editing and writing for the past five years. She started her writing journey at a very young age with her poems which have now evolved into a poetry blog. She was working as Editorial Head in a US-based publishing house before joining Internshala.

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Internships are becoming valuable resources for students and recent graduates, however securing the right internship might seem challenging. But with the right strategies, you can discover internships that align with

sample cover letter for law internship india

11+ Internships Benefits- A Complete Guide

Research has shown that students who participate in internships increase their chances of obtaining permanent positions and higher salaries.Working as interns offers students the opportunity to gain real-world experience, engage

sample cover letter for law internship india

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Legal Intern Cover Letter Example

Land your dream job & learn creative tricks to use in your own cover letter with our free, outstanding Legal Intern cover letter example. Copy-paste this cover letter sample as it is or rewrite it using our professional cover letter builder.

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

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Legal Intern Cover Letter Example (Full Text Version)

Rafaela Ocampo

This letter is to express my deep interest in the Summer Legal Intern job at Revas & Co., Inc. which has been posted and advertised online on I believe that I am fully qualified and possess everything needed for this position, and therefore I am submitting my application today.

My name is Rafaela Ocampo and currently, I am a third-year Legal Studies student at the well-known University of California, Berkeley in the United States. There, I've had a chance to learn and gain expertise in different areas of law and, moreover, had a great opportunity to see what's it like to work in this industry. Not only I have achieved exceptional academic results (3.98 GPA) but I also participated in multiple clubs and societies throughout the years. For example, at TEDx Club, I functioned as an Event Manager which means I was responsible for all aspects of planning, management, and coordination of society events. This experience helped me to significantly improve my time management skills and leadership abilities.

Besides academia, I also worked as a Legal Intern at RealNetworks, Inc. in Los Angeles, CA, where I was in charge of performing in-depth legal research, preparing and reviewing licenses and agreements, and communicating with clients. Moreover, I assisted in the completion of patent applications and maintained all clients' legal documents and files. I am a great team player but able to work independently as well. What's more, I have excellent communication skills, both oral and written, and am a native Spanish speaker with proficiency in English and French, and basic knowledge of Japanese. Finally, I am very proud of my well-developed critical thinking skills and the important ability to solve complex problems.

I believe that my background suits your requirements perfectly and I look forward to hearing back from you soon. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Kind regards,

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Milan Šaržík, CPRW

Milan’s work-life has been centered around job search for the past three years. He is a Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW™) as well as an active member of the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Careers Coaches (PARWCC™). Milan holds a record for creating the most career document samples for our help center – until today, he has written more than 500 resumes and cover letters for positions across various industries. On top of that, Milan has completed studies at multiple well-known institutions, including Harvard University, University of Glasgow, and Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.

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Don’t struggle with your cover letter. Artificial intelligence can write it for you.

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  7. 2024 Legal Intern Cover Letter Example (+Free Tools & Guidance)

    Legal Interns should include the following elements in their cover letter: 1. Contact Information: At the top of the letter, include your name, address, phone number, and email address. If applicable, also include your LinkedIn profile or professional website. 2.

  8. Sample Cover Letters for Law

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  9. Sample Cover Letter for students and working professionals

    Know about: Sample Cover Letter for students; Sample Cover Letter for working professionals; Lawsikho; Ipleaders ... of restarting the dormant Internship Cell by revamping a defunct system which resulted in over sixty students securing internships all over India. I am also serving as the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the [ ]. [As law school comes ...


    SAMPLE COVER LETTER. Evan Pouliot . 11 Sacramento Street, Apt. 2 Cambridge, MA 02138 . 5 January 2011 ... (IJM) in Bangalore, India. IJM focuses specifically on promoting rule of law and improving public justice systems through local, individual human rights casework in the countries where it ... I conducted research as a legal intern in the ...

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    Related: Legal Intern Resume Sample. You may find the following cover letter sample for a legal intern position interesting. Give it a viewing before you write your own. Legal Intern Cover Letter Example. Catherine Miller (000) 999-8765 mill@emailcom. January 5, 2022. Mr. Oliver Dolmen Attorney Ryder Attorneys 78 Wild Swan Lane Bainbridge ...

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  14. How to Write Cover Letter for an Internship (with Examples)

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  15. Cover Letter Format

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