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Research Journal of Business Management

  • Vol 13 (1), 2019


Systematic Review

A systematic review of literature about leadership and organization.

Received: April 19, 2018;   Accepted: June 26, 2018;   Published: February 26, 2019

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From trait theory, through human relations school of thought, to contingency and/or situational model, leadership research has come a long way 1 . However, as observed by Wren 2 , still very little is known about leadership and much remain unexplained. Around a century back, Stogdill 1 remarked, “There are almost as many different definitions of leadership as there are persons who have attempted to define the concept”. More recently, while commenting on the huge number of articles written about leadership, Winston and Patterson 3 state that there seem to be a lot of blind men describing a moving elephant. Winston and Patterson 3 further remark that even 90+ dimensions of leadership are not sufficient enough to understand leadership. Such has been the history of leadership research that no clarity or consensus about its definition, styles, effective methods, etc., could emerge in the literature even after centuries of research.

During the last two decades or so, focused research about leadership issues has started gaining ground 4 . The field is now starting to take a rather holistic view of leadership as a result of which more positive forms of leadership are getting incorporated into the literature. This can mainly be attributed to the introduction and popularity of focused yet holistic journals in the field of leadership.

The journal covered under this article has emerged as one of the most regarded journal in the field of leadership research. While most of the prominent journals focus on either of organizational or leadership issues, this journal takes a coherent view and attempts to understand the effective application of leadership and other issues in an organizational context. Its vision of advancing the theory, research and practice of all aspects of leadership and organizations, makes the journal attract a wide range of contributors and readers from academia and corporate world. In order to inform the researchers and readers about the directions in the integrated field of leadership and organizational research, this paper systematically reviews the research papers published in the journal between 2010 and 2017 and makes an attempt to set-up the research agenda for future.

This paper uses the methodology of systematic review. Presenting a critique of reviews conducted in the field of Management research, Hart 5 maintains that those are usually narrative and biased as per the implicit biases of the researcher. This view is also supported by Davies 6 , Sharma and Bodla 7 , Sharma and Sanchita 8 . Davies 6 further argues that systematic reviews help overcome these limitations by bringing out the consistencies and variability’s of studies reviewed. In their landmark work on the methodology of systematic reviews, Tranfield et al . 9 stress upon producing a reliable knowledge stock by developing context-sensitive research. This paper follows the methodological rigor suggested by Tranfield et al . 9 .


Intended to recognize the key themes in reviewed literature, the authors conducted a systematic analysis of 208 papers published during 2010 to 2017 10 - 14 . For current study, the broad areas were leadership motivation, leadership excellence and leadership communication. These subjects were further divided into following topics:

Leadership style in general
Moderating factors
Quitting intentions
Leadership perception
Role in learning

Effect on job performance and work satisfaction: Taking into consideration the themes of the reviewed literature, this paper briefly presented these topics in the following sub-sections. It was important to emphasize that the objective of this section was not to discuss the main topics in leadership and organization but rather to present the themes explored by papers published during the selected time-frame.

Leadership style in general: Successful leader was one who can influence the followers to achieve the organizational objective. Different leadership styles affect the organizational and employee performance differently 15 . Leadership style did;//mz affect the culture of the concern, thus its efficiency. Leadership is a process of influencing the followers socially so that they can participate intentionally to achieve the organizational objective 16 . Leadership style can affect organizational commitment and work satisfaction explicitly and work satisfaction can further positively affect organizational commitment and work performance. The perception of employees about the transactional and transformational leadership style has a high degree of correlation with the motivation factors of the leader in the organization. The style of leadership has an impact on satisfaction level and trust in the leader. Organizational citizenship behavior directly influences the relation between style of leadership and commitment towards the organization 17 .

Leadership style can be divided into two broad types, namely transformational and transactional. A transformational leader is one who is influential, innovative and encourages others. This type of style creates an open and trustworthy culture, which motivates them to achieve the goal 18 . Transactional leader focuses on supervision, organization and performance. Both reward and punishment have used as a tool to encourage the followers to fulfill the required task. In the current scenario an organization needs a leader who can understand the demand of a complex environment. The relation between the leader and an employee and the leadership style enhances the satisfaction level of the follower.

Moderating factors in leadership: Moderating variables in leadership had drawn attention in the recent research. A number of theories had explored the moderating effects of variety of factors like subordinate, work and psychology on the relation between leadership and effectiveness. Knickerbocker 19 projected a theory of leadership that emphasized on the needs of the employees’.Knickerbocker 19 maintained that a coordinated relationship between the team members was required to achieve the target of a team, which could be achieved by presence of a leader. His opined that leadership effectiveness was dependent on the need of the employees. In contrary to this theory, De Vries et al . 20 explored the moderating role of need for the leader and found that higher urge for leader showed weaker relation between work stress of employees and task oriented leader. De Vries et al . 20 further maintain that high task oriented leader makes the employee feel more pressurized and thus leads to stress. The need for leadership was related to the characteristics of a leader. The study raised two important questions-(a) when the employees need support of a leader, do they show and (b) would the leader change the style of motivation and inspiration depending on the need of the employees.

Quitting intentions and leadership: To remain competitive in the dynamic business environment, holding on to the productive human resources and reducing the employee turnover, is the key. High turnover rate among employees can adversely impact the company in terms of high training cost, high selection cost, decreased productivity and low staff morale. Loyalty towards organization and leader, leads to positive intentions in employees to stay with the organization for long time 21 . Transformational leadership were found to be negatively related to employees’ voluntary organizational turnover intention, on the other side availability of job opportunity did not affect the transformational leadership and turnover intention 22 . Long et al . 23 remark that transformational and transactional leadership styles had negative impact on quitting intention. Puni et al . 24 found a positive association between autocratic leadership style, quitting intentions and counterproductive work behavior and a negative relationship between democratic leadership style, quitting intentions and counterproductive work behavior. Puni et al . 24 further noted that the leaders using laissez faire style yield negative relation with quitting intentions but positive with counterproductive work behavior. Further, the study observed that in autocratic style of leadership, a leader emphasized more on productivity than on people due to which employees’ quitting intentions increased dramatically.

Leadership perception: The climate and organizational environment highly depends on the perception of leaders, managers and employees. Perception was a difficult part of human behavior, the perception of different individual need not to be same. In the context of organization it became difficult to accomplish objectives when leaders and followers had very different perception 25 .

In today’s organizational perspective employees expects leader to be people oriented as they consider team work, relationship building as a basic pillar for organizational management. Madden 26 in his study found that there was a stereotype that women were insecure, over controlling and enable to engage in team play. Helgesen 27 argued that women were relationship oriented, non-hierarchical and take interest in sharing power and information.

Perception which was negative can lead to wrong decision and it could be dangerous for the leaders well as organization. Understanding the perception was a process in which the leader needs to analyze the situation and information in a rational manner. Listening and communication skills of leader lead to deal with the situation more empathetically and efficiently.

Role in learning: The competency of a leader in terms of technical proficiency is positively related with the employees’ creativity and learning behavior. In addition to these learning acts as a mediator between innovativeness of employees and competencies of the leader 28 . The transformational leaders enhance creativity in employees. Therefore, companies prefer such candidates as leaders who possess these skills or at least have the potential to become one.

Brown and Posner 29 found that leadership development programs and approaches should accomplish at personal and emotional level which furthers enhance insights about self and helps in creating learning and leadership mind sets. Transformational learning theories could be used to help and develop transformational leader.

Effect of leadership on job performance and work satisfaction: Saleem 30 observed that transformational leadership style increased job satisfaction among employees while transactional leadership leaves a negative impact on job satisfaction of employees. Goleman 31 suggests, “a leader should hold each leadership style in his bag like a golfer and he should be well averse to know that what style he should use in which situation because at every round of golf, you cannot use the same ball”. It is important to know that contingency theories play an important role in enhancing the job satisfaction.

Rad and Yarmohammadian 32 concluded that employees showed less satisfaction with salaries, benefits, promotion and communication and they will more satisfied with type of job and good supervisor. They proved significant correlation between the leadership behaviors and employees and job satisfaction. Good relationship with staff increases the satisfaction level of employees; however, situational leadership can negatively impact job satisfaction of employees.


This paper systematically reviews 208 papers published on leadership and related areas from 2010 through 2017. As shown in Fig. 1 , out of 208 papers selected for study, 33 were out of context so they have been rejected, 56 papers have been rejected on the ground of not being related to the topic. Finally 119 papers used for further systematic review which were related to leadership studies.

By summarizing the issues addressed by the journal during the reference period, the paper provided valuable insights to the current researchers about the research gap and future research areas of leadership 9 . This research was divided into five major tasks:

Explore the research papers that have been published during 2010 and 2017
Concise outline of the accepted articles for our research
Categorize the articles on the basis of features and coding those
Investigating the main points of the articles as also their limitations
Suggesting the areas and key points leading to future research

Research mechanism and implementation: To get the miniature view of the articles studied for this systematic review, the authors had tabulated the leading points by coding each distinct feature.

Fig. 1:Selection of papers for review
Table 1:Coding and categorization for systematic review

Some of the articles have also covered more than one subject or domain so, multiple codes have also been assigned to the article on different key areas. Table 1 depicted that first classification of codes had been based on the context. The culture of every country was different, so was their management view of getting the things done and their leadership style. A motivation or leadership technique that had been proved successful in one country may not be replicated in another country. In this classification of context, the countries were categorized into four series, i.e., developed country, developing and emerging country, under developed country and if the research was not specifically done in/or for a particular country then it was categorized as not applicable. The codes A to D had been used to classify the context to the research.

The next classification in Table 1 had been done on the basis of the geographical region. For the purpose of coding, seven geographical regions have been used, namely-USA, UK, France, Germany, China, India and Islamic countries represented by code A to G respectively. Code H had been assigned to the papers not belonging to any of these countries. In case, research was not country specific then I code was used.

The third classification was done on the basis of the objective of the study. Code A was assigned to the empirical studies, in which direct or indirect observation had been used to gain the knowledge. For case study method, code B was assigned. If the article makes theoretical and methodological contributions to the topic, it came under Code C. Code D was used for conceptual study, while code E has been assigned to the studies not falling in the above categories.

Main subject of the research articles reviewed forms the basis for the fourth classification. The papers were coded as A, B, C and D. It depicts the focus point of the study on which the research article is based. The key subjects taken for the systematic review were leadership motivation, leadership excellence and leadership communication and others.

Fifth classification had been done on the basis of the main topic of the research. This classification further narrows down the research area that had been chosen in fourth category. Codes ranging from A to I have been assigned. It includes topics resembling leadership style in general, moderating factors, quitting intentions, leadership perception and role in learning, effect on job performance, work satisfaction, virtual leadership and others.

The sixth classification makes an attempt to categorize the leadership style evaluated in the papers coded as letter A to H. This categorization holds significance since style provides direction, helps implement the plans and motivates people. Besides giving codes to seven styles of leadership, one code is assigned to a category where no particular style is studied.

Industry studied, forms the base for the seventh classification. Leadership style, the way of working, culture and organizational structure is not common across industry. So, this part has been divided into four categories, namely-manufacturing, service, trading and others. Codes have been assigned from A to D, respectively.

Eighth classification depicts the time period of the research. Time period of research was taken as very crucial distinction in research design categorization. This category had been divided into five codes ranging from A to E. A was assigned to the articles with time-frame of less than one year, B depicts 1-5 years, C is assigned to papers with time frame of 6-10, years followed by D for more than 10 years. E was assigned to the articles where the time period was not applicable.

Ninth classification involves identifying the research methods used for research. Codes A to G have been assigned to this category. It was important to classify whether research is qualitative or quantitative. Other categories in this classification include conceptual method, case study and others if a research paper does not fall in the given category.

The tenth classification reveals the sample size of the research article. By sample size, the authors recognize a group of subjects that is selected from the population. For this category, the codes range from A to D. A category covers articles with sample size of less than 50, B category includes sample size of 51-100, C category is for more than 100 and D category covers the papers not falling in any of the above categories.

The eleventh classification relates to the size of the industry and is coded from A to C. Large scale industry is coded by A, small and medium industry by B, while others are coded as C. Size of the industry is important to categorize as different sizes of industry show different types of results since the number of employees, decentralization level, span of control is not same in each size.

Lastly, the twelfth category highlights different aspects of the results from the articles under review. This category had been divided into five codes ranging from A to E. In this coding, attempt has been made to seek the results of articles based on the information gathered. It included whether the results were consistent with previous literature or does it offer a new perspective.


This section revealed the data classification and categorization of 119 papers on the basis of codes assigned to those in the previous section. The results were produced in Table 2 followed by their analysis and interpretation. On the basis of results, research gaps had been highlighted for further research.

Context: The first classification identified the context of the papers under review. For the purpose of coding, the context was divided into four parts A, B, C and D. Code A was assigned to developed countries, code B for developing and emerging countries, for under developed countries code C was given and code D if it was not applicable to any of these. The results were shown in the form of pie chart in Fig. 2 .

Fig. 2:Context of the reviewed literature
Table 2:Coding and categorization of the reviewed literature
Fig. 3:Geographical area of the reviewed literature
Fig. 4:Objectives of the reviewed literature
Empirical study, B: Case study, C: Literature review, D: Conceptual and E: Others

As depicted by Fig. 2 , majority of the studies 14 , 17 , 22 , 26 were not country specific. None of the reviewed studies focused on underdeveloped countries, 13.45% of the studies 18 , 21 deal with developed countries, 5.88% studies had been done in the context of developing and emerging countries, while 5.04% of the research articles belong to the context of both developed and developing and emerging countries. This revealed that studies on leadership and organizational issues pertaining to the underdeveloped country were lacking. This indicated a major research gap that needs to be investigated in future research.

Geographical area: For this category, seven geographical regions have been used namely USA, UK, France, Germany, China, India and Islamic countries represented by codes A to G respectively. Code H is assigned to the papers that do not belong to any of these countries. In case research was not country specific, code I is used. Figure 3 shows the analyses of codes based on the geographical area. Figure 3 showed that majority 19 , 22 , 25 of research articles (75%) were not specific to any geographical area, 6% of the studies belong to USA and 8% deal with other countries, 5% research articles focus on China, while 1% do not belong to any of these countries.

Objective: The third classification refers to identifying the objectives of the analyzed papers. Code A is assigned to the empirical studies, code B is assigned for case study method, code C is assigned to the articles based on theoretical and methodological contribution, code D is used for conceptual studies focusing on concept or theory explaining the phenomenon, code E has been assigned to studies belonging to any other category. The results as shown in Fig. 4 revealed that 69% of the reviewed papers 14 , 16 , 17 , 22 , 24 , 26 employ the empirical method, while 18% were conceptual studies, 6% use case study method and literature review.

Main subjects: The next classification was based on the main subject of the research articles reviewed for systematic review as A, B, C and D. It depicts the focus point of the study. The key subjects taken for the coding are leadership motivation, leadership excellence, leadership communication and others. As shown by Fig. 5 , the main focus of maximum research in the articles studied 18 , 22 , 26 was on leadership excellence (29%). 4% of the articles are relate to leadership motivation and 4% to leadership communication.

Fig. 5:Main subjects of the reviewed literature
Fig. 6:Main subjects of the reviewed literature

The remaining articles focus on other than the given subjects. The combinations studied are leadership motivation and excellence (5%), Leadership excellence and others (8%). The analysis of main subject shows that there are certain avenues open for the researchers in study of leadership motivation and leadership communication, though the previous researchers have focused on leadership excellence.

Topics: This classification was based on identification of the main topic of research. The codes assigned for this category range from A to, I. This classification further narrows down the research area t chosen in the previous category. It includes topics resembling leadership style in general, moderating factors, quitting intentions, leadership perception and role in learning, effect on job performance, work satisfaction, virtual leadership and others.

As shown in Fig. 6 , many code combinations had got developed while analyzing the papers for this category. The topics emerged during the research were the combination of two or more subjects. About 6% of the papers focused on moderating factors and effect on job performance, 8% study other factors along with moderating factors, 5% cover effect on job performance, work satisfaction with grouping of other topics. All the other combinations of codes contribute to only 1%. Only few articles focus on a single topic.

Fig. 7: Leadership style evaluated by the reviewed literature
Fig. 8:Type of organization
Fig. 9:Time period studied by the reviewed literature

Leadership style evaluated: This classification is an attempt to categorize the leadership style evaluated in the papers studied, coded from A to H ( Fig. 7 ).

Fig. 10:Method of research in the reviewed literature

Besides giving codes to seven styles of leadership, one code is assigned to a category where no particular style is being evaluated. Majority of the studies (71%) do not concentrate on any particular leadership style, 15% of the articles evaluate transformational leadership style, 3% of the papers study mixed style and remaining researchers study combination of two or more styles.

Type of organization: This classification shows the categorization on the basis of industry. This part has been divided into three categories Manufacturing, Service, Trading and others. Codes have been assigned from A to D respectively. 21% articles focus on service industry, while 76% articles have not chosen any specific type of organization for their research. Figure 8 exhibits the results with regard to this classification.

Time period: The eighth classification depicts the time period of the research as exhibited in Fig. 9 . This category has been divided into five parts assigning codes from A to E; A- less than 1 years, B-1-5 years, C-6-10 years, D-10 years and more, E for the articles where time period is not applicable.92% percent of the articles do not cater to any specific time period, 5% articles base their analysis on less than one year, 2% of the research articles are based on 1-5 years of category.

Method: This category of classification involved identifying the research methods used for research as plotted in Fig. 10 . Codes from A to G had been assigned in which quantitative, qualitative, conceptual, quantitative and qualitative both, case study and none of these categories had been coded. About 42% of the papers use quantitative methods, 28% papers employed both quantitative and qualitative methods, 18% articles used conceptual method.

Sample size: This classification revealed the sample size of the articles analyzed as shown in Fig. 11 . For this category, codes ranged from A to D. A category contains the articles with sample size of under 50, B category comprises of papers with sample size of 51-100, C included papers with sample size of more than 100, D included papers other than these. Majority of the articles (52%) use the sample size more than 100, 40% articles fall in others category where sample size was not applicable, 6% articles had used sample size below 50.

Size of the industry: This classification related to size of the industry and the codes assigned ranged from A to C as shown in Fig. 12 . Large scale industry is coded by A, small and medium sized industry coded by B and others fall in category C. Most of the studies did not focus on analysis of a particular size of industry, 11% analyze the large industries, 2% focus on small and medium enterprises.

The last category ( Fig. 13 ) highlighted different aspects of the results of the research articles studied. This category had been divided into five codes ranging from A to E. It included whether the results were consistent with previous literature or leading to a new perspective, was it a previous model with different data set and time period, comparative study and others.

Fig. 11:Sample size in the reviewed literature
Fig. 12:Industry size
Fig. 13:Category A: New perspective, Category B: Consistent with previous literature, Category C: Previous model with different dataset/time period, D: Comparative study and E: Others

Majority of the articles (52%) present comparative analysis, 9% articles deal with each of category B and C that was consistent with previous literature and previous model with different data set and time period.


The main contribution of the current paper was to summarize the issues addressed by these articles and to bring out the research gaps. The current study explored 119 articles which were purely devoted to the study of leadership and organization. On the basis of the gaps explored, it can be stated that the research arena is wide open for the future research in the area of leadership and related areas that can be explored by novel research. The current research found that the future researchers can focus on underdeveloped countries and explore how leadership in organizations of underdeveloped countries can meet current and future organizational challenges. The future researchers can focus on conducting research in specific regions and explore the influence that leadership has on organizations of different regions. Future research can also focus on meta-analysis and explore the significance of case study/literature review or comparative analysis in addressing leadership problems in organizations. With respect to main subject of the study, it is found that most of the studies focus on leadership excellence whereas research on leadership motivation and communication is lagging behind. Therefore, future research can examine how leadership motivation and communication can help an organization achieve its results. It is vital to explore how an organization from a specific sector manages and motivates its employees through effective leadership. Future research can focus on other techniques that can justify the objective of leadership study.


This study holds immense significance for two core reasons. One, the paper consolidates the existing literature about leadership and organization. Two, the paper brings out the research gaps and sets a research agenda for future researchers in the field. The organic contribution of the authors is in listing out (a) the objectives that can be pursued by the future researchers, (b) the methodology that can be adopted by the future researchers, (c) the tools that can be put to use while researching in this area and (d) the industry that the future researchers may emphasize upon.

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Please note you do not have access to teaching notes, review of empirical research on leadership and organizational learning.

Journal of Knowledge Management

ISSN : 1367-3270

Article publication date: 29 May 2020

Issue publication date: 17 June 2020

This paper aims to investigate how the relationships between different leadership approaches and organizational learning have been examined in the literature, from which future research areas can be recommended.


This systematic literature review applies matrix method to examine major literature in leadership and organizational learning. A total of 57 peer-reviewed English publications from 45 journals were selected and analyzed.

The synthesis of these empirical studies revealed as follows: the relationship between leadership and organizational learning has been mostly quantitatively investigated in many countries and sectors; multiple leadership styles have been identified to ameliorate processes, levels and capabilities of organizational learning and transformational leadership still remains the most commonly used style; there are mediating mechanism and boundary conditions in the relationship between leadership and organizational learning.

Research limitations/implications

The literature search in this study was mainly focused on English articles only; therefore, some papers in other languages may have not been included.

Practical implications

This review offers an overall picture of the existing knowledge of organizational learning and leadership that will be fruitful for practitioners to understand and replicate these concepts.


There are little systematic literature reviews on the relationship between leadership and organizational learning. This paper is among the first systematic reviews to analyze how leadership has been associated with organizational learning and provide potential research directions.

  • Organizational learning
  • Leadership styles

Do, T.T. and Mai, N.K. (2020), "Review of empirical research on leadership and organizational learning", Journal of Knowledge Management , Vol. 24 No. 5, pp. 1201-1220. https://doi.org/10.1108/JKM-01-2020-0046

Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2020, Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Open access
  • Published: 09 December 2020

Impact of transformational leadership on work performance, burnout and social loafing: a mediation model

  • Hira Khan 1 ,
  • Maryam Rehmat   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-3377-0082 2 , 3 ,
  • Tahira Hassan Butt 3 ,
  • Saira Farooqi 2 , 3 &
  • Javaria Asim 2 , 3  

Future Business Journal volume  6 , Article number:  40 ( 2020 ) Cite this article

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Metrics details

The aim of this research was to study the effect of transformational leadership on employees’ work outcomes which include their work performances and working burnout, and their working behavior such as social loafing at workplace. Also, it studies the impact of intrinsic motivation as a mediator between transformational leadership and other stated variables. A cross-sectional survey was conducted to collect data from 308 employees working in the telecommunication sector. To test the hypotheses, Model 4 of Process Hayes was used to test direct and mediating effects among transformational leadership and employees’ work outcomes and working behavior. The results showed that transformational leadership has a significant positive relationship with mediator intrinsic motivation. The results also concluded that work performance has positive significant relationship with transformational leadership. However, there is indirect and insignificant relationship of transformational leadership with working burnout and social loafing. Therefore, it can be stated that organizational leaders must have transformational attributes by getting informed of their employees well because transformational leader can inspire employees to achieve anticipated or significant outcomes. It gives employees self-confidence over specific jobs, as well as the power to make decisions once they have been trained.


During the last two decades, transformational leadership has gained most conspicuous place in philosophy of leadership [ 81 ]. Therefore, it is not surprising that the current evolution in leadership theory and practice has attracted the interest of both practitioners and researchers and they exhibited great deal of interest toward exploring its ascendancy for organization and individuals as well [ 72 , 87 ]. Particularly, the studies conducted during the previous decades recommends that transformational leadership is considerably related to followers’ behaviors and performance [ 20 , 65 ]. In a review on progress in the domain of leadership printed in “Annual Review of Psychology,” Avolio et al. [ 8 ] stressed the need to establish mechanisms that connect leadership to vital organizational and individual outcomes. They further stressed the need to investigate the role of mediators, so as to clarify the noteworthiness of leadership for organizations. Chan and Mak [ 20 ] in their research contended that “a variety of different influence processes may be involved in transformational leadership yet there is still room for research to further examine the process of the relationship between transformational leadership and follower attitudes and behaviors.” Transformational leadership defined as leadership approach in which a leader transforms his followers, inspires them, builds trust, encourages them, admires their innovative ideas, and develops them [ 12 ], is presently the most extensively acknowledged definition in the leadership literature.

Transformational leadership can be implicated to managerial context. Transformational leadership which is the leader’s competency to get performance of employees beyond expectations, can be more helpful and beneficial in enhancing one’s ability to intrinsically motivate them. It can improve psychological empowerment as well [ 85 ]. Transformational leadership has four components which are: (i) idealized influence, (ii) inspirational motivation to enhance confidence, (iii) intellectual stimulation, and (iv) individualized consideration [ 13 ]. Idealized influence is shown when a leader efficiently makes provision of accurate sense of mission and appropriately visualizes it. Inspirational motivation can be defined as leadership attitude which deals with emotional traits of employees, builds confidence in employees about their performances, appropriately communicates and provides actual feedback [ 68 ]. Individual consideration refers to the support of leader for each follower. It may include training and coaching, allocating tasks according to the competence of each individual and supervision of performances [ 92 ]. Intellectual stimulation describes the effort of leader to motivate and encourage his employees to be more adaptive and follow new technical approaches according to the varied situation. It may be advantageous to overcome the cues and hindrances which occur at multi stages [ 14 ]. Transformational leaders can anticipate that employees will need transformational leadership when the work is more stressful and when the work is more meaningful [ 84 ].

Extant research on the transformational leadership tried to explore its “black box” and presented empirical confirmation of its direct fruitful consequences for followers’ outcomes including work performance [ 16 , 44 , 52 , 90 ], burnout [ 40 , 82 ], and social loafing [ 5 ]. Nevertheless, there exists some room for further research, explaining the specific mechanisms by which transformational leadership influence such individuals’ behavior and psychological state particularly at organizational level [ 16 ]. Hence, this study aims at providing new comprehension of how and why and under what circumstances transformational leadership influences work performance, burnout and social loafing of employees, in Pakistani context.

Transformational leadership tends to maximize the level of professional performance of work In addition to provided literature on association of transformational leadership and work performance; researchers indicate that organizations of diverse structures highly depend upon the performance of its workers. Past studies have empirically established the positive association between work performance and transformational leadership [ 9 ]. Transformational leaders inspire their followers to have shared vision of targeted goals and standards of performance defined by the organization and also facilitate them achieve it [ 4 ]. Another factor which is highly influenced by transformational leadership is employee’s burnout which may be decreased through this particular style of leadership. Prevalence of stress is highly probable in any organizational sector [ 73 ]. Transformational leadership is most influencing factor which enhances the employee’s ability to deal with all kind of circumstances as such leader provide supportive circumstances to employees so that they can maintain the optimum level of mental health through inspirational motivation and also enhances their confidence level [ 28 , 93 ].

“Social loafing is the inclination of putting less effort while working in a team than working alone” [ 5 ]. Transformational leader, while working in a group, follows a strategy in which he can allocate various assignments and tasks according to the competencies of employee and he must evaluate performances of each individual. Social loafing is a psychological aspect of an individual which may differ from situation to situation and individual to individual [ 55 ]. Leadership literature has established that individualized consideration by the leader may deflate the degree of social loafing [ 45 ].

Building on the previous literature, this research incorporated employee intrinsic motivation as a factor that explains the linkage of transformational leadership with employee work performance, burnout and social loafing. Intrinsic motivation which is “the implementation of an action for the inherent satisfaction rather than for external reasons” [ 63 ]. Undeniably, the motivation of current workforce is not much reliant on extrinsic rewards. Rather material rewards may decline job performance in complex jobs with diverse responsibilities [ 30 ]. Further, in order to perform their duties effectively in today’s dynamic work environment, the employees need to have an elastic and highly flexible work arrangement. For that reason and for instilling good motivation among workers, organizations not only offer extrinsic rewards to them but also plan to enhance their intrinsic motivation [ 63 ]. Transformational leadership is the leadership approach which contributes to present a clear and justified organizational vision and mission by motivating workers to work toward idea through developing association with employees, consider employees’ requirements and assisting them to exert their potential positively, participates to positive outcomes for an organization [ 31 ]. Employees whose work competencies are encouraged by the leader are more likely to have higher intrinsic motivation and resultantly perform better at work. They become more focused and try to accomplish organizational goals by taking their own interests. There also exists indirect association between employees’ burnout and transformational leadership through mediating effect of intrinsic motivation [ 28 ]. Transformational leaders focus more on individual requirements and they build strong association with their employees who are supposed to perform with higher objectives, which enhances employees’ intrinsic motivation. Such motivation keeps them away from burning out [ 6 ]. We further argued that intrinsic motivation mediates the relationship between transformational leadership and social loafing. Previous studies indicate that role of intrinsic motivation discourages social loafing as it does not happen circumstantially only, but it also happens whenever an employee is low in intrinsic motivation [ 5 ].

This research makes provision of significant contribution in the literature of organizational behavior by enriching our understanding of the conditions under which transformational leadership influences employee performance, burnout and social loafing. The findings of our research allow organizations and its management to comprehend how efficiently and effectively they can follow a policy or some kind of advanced strategy in order to intrinsically motivate their employees so that they can increase the level of work performance and deflate burnout and social loafing in employees.

Literature review

Transformational leadership and intrinsic motivation.

Envisioning visions and motivating are two core jobs of effective leadership [ 24 ]. According to traditional transformational leadership literature, transformational leaders guide and encourage employee mindfulness by enunciating a vision that escalates employees’ consciousness and consideration for the significance of organizational values, goals, and performances [ 42 ]. Thusly, fundamental to the theory on transformational leadership is a strong accentuation on the part of a combined vision; that is, an idealized arrangement of objectives that the organization seeks to accomplish one day [ 18 ]. Transformational leaders, through clear enunciation, have their utmost influence on the followers’ sentiments by cultivating a feeling of success and proficiency in them. Transformational leaders are much capable to improve organizational outcomes according to the market requirements by developing human resources and creating justified modifications [ 34 ]. The reason to acquire specific knowledge is associated with the degree that what is the level of intrinsic motivation of a person and how he is keen to get knowledge by developing particular competencies and meaningful learning [ 78 ]. Transformational leadership has power to enhance the ability of psychological empowerment which is referred as intrinsic motivation [ 85 ]. According to [ 74 ], the idea of motivation is known as “the set of reasons why people behave in the ways they do”, for example, intrinsic motivation is “the motivational state in which the employees are driven by their interests in the work rather than a contract-for-rewards approach to completing a task” [ 24 ]. A study by Koh et al. [ 51 ] identified that intrinsic motivation is highly influenced by the transformational leadership, as the transformational leader guides and supports effectively, self-motivation to be an effective and beneficial part of an organization increases as well.

Transformational leadership comprises four interconnected behavioral dimensions including “idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration” [ 11 ]. All behavioral dimensions can influence employees’ intrinsic motivation. First, transformational leaders utilize idealized influence and offer inspirational motivation through communicating an alluring collective vision [ 91 ]. This collective vision provides a meaningful idea of team’s tasks by a leader which increase the intrinsic motivation of employees [ 75 ]. Transformational leadership can develop positive outcomes such as optimism and high self-interests in all members of team which ultimately increase the pleasure and job satisfaction relevant to the task [ 26 ]. Second, the intellectual stimulation of transformational leaders boosts team members’ confidence to develop more effective emotional and situational stability and resolving their problems by their own selves [ 11 ]. They are also motivated to understand and encourage the basic knowledge and skills of other coworkers to share new ideologies. Third, transformational leaders differentiate individuals’ ideas and interests, promote their ideas to describe their uniqueness, and consider them through individualized consideration [ 11 ]. When employees observe the behaviors of their leaders, all of them feel motivated and try to construct one another’s ideas and competencies to create innovative solutions of problems. Therefore, in this article, we expect that all dimensions of transformational leadership encourage employees to invest higher willingness and energy in their work and tasks which exhibit their higher intrinsic motivation. Therefore, it can be hypothesized that:

Transformational leadership relates positively to intrinsic motivation.

Transformational leadership, intrinsic motivation and work performance

Intrinsic motivation is highly associated with the work performance. Intrinsic motivation may be defined as “the doing of an activity for its inherent satisfactions rather than for some separable consequence but it is rare for employees to experience intrinsic motivation in all of their tasks” [ 76 ]. Intrinsic motivation is generated for self-developing attributes that refers to make an individual ready to be the part of learning procedure without having interests of extrinsic rewards [ 83 ]. Intrinsic motivation is basically the degree of an individual’s interest in a task completion and how he engages himself in work [ 3 ]. It describes the psychological development process with an employee’s performance [ 85 ].

According to recent operational settings, enhancing the employees’ motivation has become one of most impactful human resources strategy. Most of the organizations are tending to build up, sustain and grow their HR strategies, just to motivate their employees so that short-term and long-term goals and objectives can be achieved. In recent researches, there are numerous variables which can be influenced by employees’ intrinsic motivation like performance, creativity, and relevant outcomes. For example, it has been stated that behavior of an individual influences the work outcomes which are performance and quality as well [ 10 ]. It is strongly evidenced that motivation has a most important role between cognitive abilities and work performance. Gist [ 37 ] suggested that short term goals can be achieved through self-interest of an individual. Also, a research indicates that there is a significant and direct relationship of intrinsic motivation and job performance [ 43 ]. Furthermore, an employee’s intrinsic motivation illustrates an important contribution in organizational progress and growth [ 39 ]. The work performance indices are constructed for the degree of performance, not only for the individual level always; it also includes group and organizational performances [ 2 ]. In most employment situations, where intrinsic motivation of an employee is supposed to be high, the employee usually tries to acquire continual employment,and he/she develops interpersonal associations with his subordinates, perform better at job as they take pleasure in the process of finishing their tasks effectively [ 38 ]. Conversely, if the worker feels de-motivated, it can be resulted in low performance of work. Thus intrinsic motivation may be concluded with better performance of work while meeting organizational targets and goals [ 7 ].

As we propose the direct relationship of intrinsic motivation and performance, it may be stated that the intrinsic motivation can actively influence the performance of work as a significant workplace outcome [ 19 ]. Therefore, we hypothesize that:

Intrinsic motivation relates positively to employee work performance.

In current research, we posit that intrinsic motivation is one of the main mechanisms by which transformational leaders influence employees’ job performance. Transformational leaders may help to ensure individual’s inner motivation to perform a task efficiently which in turn increases their work performance .These leadership approaches are advantageous for both individual and organizational growth [ 36 ]. In fact, it is justified to examine how leaders motivate their employees and this motivation enhances their performance [ 12 ]. In line with the previous literature [ 22 , 23 ], we expect that transformational leadership enhances individuals’ intrinsic motivation which in turn will significantly predict employee job performance. Intrinsic motivation is known as self-directed type of motivation and represents the highest commitment and stability with the self [ 25 ]. A variety of researches indicate that higher intrinsic motivation result in better performance [ 89 ] as intrinsic motivation inspires and encourages employees to work more efficiently. Therefore, it can be hypothesized:

Intrinsic motivation mediates the relationship between transformational leadership and work performance.

Transformational leadership, intrinsic motivation and employee’s working burnout

Intrinsically motivated employees persistently focus on their tasks and jobs because they find themselves more focused, attentive and exert their best efforts while being a part of an organization and in achieving the goals of their employing organization [ 76 ]. Burnout is a psychological and mental condition which happens in response to high stress level at job; it is a multi-dimensional concept which covers the following three aspects: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and decreased personal focus for accomplishment of goals [ 77 ]. Burnout affects the interpersonal relationship of employees too [ 58 ].

Prior research indicates that there is contrary effect of intrinsic motivation on employee’s working burnout [ 70 ]. Intrinsically motivated employees find their jobs more interesting, are more optimistic, put more effort in their work, and have higher perseverance level because they gain contentment and fulfillment from performing a task itself [ 15 ]. Vallerand [ 88 ] in his study exhibit that “employees with high intrinsic motivation have higher level of vitality, positive effect, self-esteem, absorption, concentration, effort, and persistence” and when such employees went through the felling of burnout, they have more personal resources to surmount this situation. Such employees feel less exhausted, less stressed and more focused toward contributing in organization’s progress [ 49 ]. Intrinsically motivated employees feel less pressure and low stress level rather than the employees who are low in motivation [ 69 , 71 ]. Intrinsic motivation of employees’ can be negatively associated with their burnout [ 70 ].Therefore; the employees who are high in intrinsic motivation can decrease their burnout at workplace [ 50 ]. Thus, it can be hypothesized that:

Intrinsic motivation is negatively associated to employee’s working burnout.

In current research, we propose that intrinsic motivation plays a mediating role between transformational leadership and burnout. Burnout is the major concern for organizations as it influences the relevant outcomes. It results in low productivity and commitment. Hence, it causes the high turnover and absenteeism in employees [ 82 ]. Studies indicate that leaders highly contribute to employees’ health and welfare as well [ 80 ]. But the relationship between leadership behaviors and employee burnout is less studied yet [ 41 ]. As mentioned earlier, there exists a positive relationship between transformational leadership and intrinsic motivation which in turn make them more competent, teach them how to handle and manage stressful conditions and reduce their burnout. Therefore, we hypothesize that:

Intrinsic motivation mediates the relationship of transformational leadership and employee’s working burnout.

Transformational leadership, intrinsic motivation and social loafing

Social loafing is defined as the tendency of individuals who exert less effort and their productivity decreases when working in groups than working individually [ 21 , 33 , 57 , 79 ]. It is a negative employee behavior and is particularly shown by individuals with lower motivation [ 1 ]. These kinds of behaviors can be resulted in low productivity and poor commitment toward a task [ 62 ] and organization as well.

Social loafing is common practice and can be observed in every organizational setting, across age and gender and in different professions and various cultures [ 46 ]. This is more alarming that it can be seen at every single workplace and considered as misconduct. The variety of factors is studied in influence of social loafing, but there is still an insufficiency of individual inherent factors such as intrinsic motivation which is part of this research framework.

“Intrinsic motivation which describes an inherent tendency that individuals engage in activities due to their inner interests, pleasure and satisfaction” [ 70 ] is negatively linked to Social loafing. George [ 33 ] established in his study on 221 salespeople that intrinsic task involvement is negatively linked to social loafing. He further exerted that intrinsically motivated individuals may have self realization that their efforts are vital for the success of their team/group and for organization as well and therefore they are less likely to be engaged in social loafing. He/she would try his/her own best to exert extra effort to accomplish the goals and tasks assigned by the leader.

Therefore, we hypothesize that:

Intrinsic motivation is negatively linked to social loafing.

Intrinsic motivation may be described as the inherent process that initiates attributes, behaviors and what defines people to moves or act [ 27 ]. Self-determination theory indicates that there are different levels of motivation. Intrinsic motivation is at the most independent end of the scale because an individual opts to get engaged in any conduct according to his own choice [ 32 ]. A leader motivates his employees by incorporated strategies which results in better achievement of goals and objectives of a firm or organization. Gilbert et al. [ 35 ]. Social loafing is defined as a reduced amount of effort and motivation while being a part of group or working in a team as compared to working individually [ 46 ]. Social loafing is well-known phenomena and can be found in all of the organizations, across gender, and age and in various occupations and different cultures [ 46 ].

Social loafing is considered as a big hindrance in organizational growth as well. It causes low potential [ 61 ], low productivity [ 29 ], and low motivation of other team members too [ 67 ]. It decreases the overall efficiency, productivity and performance of the team [ 47 ]. Social loafing is widely spread term which is also known as social disease [ 54 ].

In line with this connection, social loafing is a big moral and social issue since it is an option that “involves modifying the life plan of another individual or group of individuals” [ 60 ]. On contrast, if a transformational leader motivates his employees and encourages their performance on individual basis, then through individualized considerations and inspirational motivation, social loafing can be decreased. Therefore, it can be hypothesized:

Intrinsic motivation mediates the relationship of transformational leadership and social loafing.

Mediating role of intrinsic motivation between transformational leadership and social loafing

(Fig.  1 ).

figure 1

Theoretical framework

Sample and data collection

The data was collected through survey via emails, online surveys and printed questionnaires through convenience sampling from individuals working in the telecommunication sector. The participants were informed about the objective of this study and the assurance of confidentiality and anonymity of their responses. Respondents were assured that their information will not be assessed by any individuals except those who are authorized. After removing the duplicates, outliers and responses with missing data, we obtained 308 valid responses for further data analysis Table  1 depicts the demographic characteristics of the respondents.

  • Transformational leadership

Transformational leadership was measured by McColl-Kennedy and Anderson [ 59 ] four-item scale. Six-point Likert scale (1—strongly disagree to 6 —strongly agree) was used to measure responses. This is the most widely used scale to measure transformational leadership. Cronbach’s alpha for transformational leadership scale is 0.84.

  • Intrinsic motivation

In this study, Liu et al. [ 56 ] four-item scale was adopted to measure intrinsic motivation. To record the responses five-point Likert scale was used (1 —strongly disagree to 5—strongly agree). Cronbach’s alpha for intrinsic motivation scale is 0.89.

  • Work performance

To measure work performance [ 19 ] four-item scale was adopted. Five-point Likert scale (1—much worse to 5—much better) was used to measure responses. Cronbach’s alpha of work performance scale is 0.80.

  • Working burnout

Working burnout was measured by Kristensen et al. [ 53 ]. Seven items with five-point Likert scale (1 –never to 5—always) was used. Cronbach’s alpha of burnout scale is 0.88.

  • Social loafing

Social loafing was measured by Akgunduz and Eryilmaz [ 1 ]. Four items with five-point Likert scale (1—strongly disagree to 5—strongly agree) was used. Cronbach’s alpha of social loafing scale is 0.80.

Data analysis

After data collection, the reliability, correlation was calculated by using SPSS software. Research model was tested using Hayes Process Model 4.

Descriptive statistics

Table  2 describes descriptive statistics of all the study variables including the mean, standard deviation, and correlation. Correlation coefficients are in the anticipated directions and provide preliminary support for our study hypotheses. Our results depicts that transformational leadership and intrinsic motivation ( r  = 0. 29, p  < 0.01) are positively and significantly correlated. Further intrinsic motivation is significantly associated with work performance ( r  = .30, p  < 0.01); working burnout ( r  = − 0.59, p  < 0.01); social loafing ( r  = − 0.15, p  < 0.01).

Reliability analysis

To examine the consistency of the variables, reliability analysis is calculated. The reliabilities of all the variables with number of items are summarized in Table  3 . The values between 0.84 and 0.8 indicate good reliability. The reliability of transformational leadership is 0.84 which is good, and intrinsic motivation shows another good reliability which is 0.89. Working burnout shows 0.88 reliability. The reliability of work performance is 0.8 and the reliability of social loafing is 0.8 which is also good. So this explains that the data used is reliable.

Hypothesis testing

Results of mediation for work performance.

Firstly, we investigated the impact of Transformational Leadership (X) on Work Performance (Y) through mediating factor of Intrinsic Motivation (M). Results justify that total effect of transformational leadership on work performance (path c, Fig.  2 ) is significant ( β  = 0.13, t  = 3.07, p  < 0.01) as shown in Table  4 . The relationship between transformational leadership and intrinsic motivation (path a, Fig.  4 ) is highly significant and positive which support Hypothesis 1 also ( β  = 0.31, t  = 5.20, p  < 0.01). Furthermore, the findings showed that the relationship between Intrinsic Motivation and Work Performance (path b, Fig.  2 ) is positive and significant relationship ( β  = 0.19, t  = 4.79, p  < 0.01).

figure 2

Mediation model—work performance

Our overall findings represent that there is positive and significant impact of transformational leadership on work performance (path c ′, Fig.  2 ) through the mediation of intrinsic motivation ( β  = 0.07, t  = 1.68, p  > 0.01) which accepts Hypothesis 3.

Results for mediation for working burnout

In this model we studied the relationship of Transformational Leadership(X) and Working Burnout (Y) through mediating role Intrinsic Motivation (M). Results indicated that total effect of transformational leadership on working burnout is significant ( β  = − 0.19, t  = − 3.51, p  < 0.01 We examined the relationship between the mediator, Intrinsic Motivation and the dependent variable, Working Burnout (path b , Fig.  3 ). The findings showed a significant and negative relationship ( β  = − 0.50, t  = − 11.98, p  < 0.01). This finding supports Hypothesis 4. As it is shown in Table  5 the final results determined a significant relationship between transformational leadership and working burnout with mediation of intrinsic motivation (path c ′, Fig.  3 ) ( β  = − 0.03, t  = − 0.66, p  > 0.01). Therefore Hypothesis 5 is accepted.

figure 3

Mediation model—working burnout

Results for mediation for social loafing

Our third and last finding for studied relationship between transformational leadership and social loafing through mediator intrinsic motivation, are presented in Table  6 . According to the total effect model, the relationship between transformational leadership and social loafing (path c , Fig.  4 ) is significant and negative ( β  = − 0.32, t  = − 9.57, p  < 0.01) as shown in Table  6 .

figure 4

Mediation model—social loafing

The outcomes showed that intrinsic motivation and social loafing (path b , Fig.  4 ) are insignificantly and related relationship ( β  = − 0.01, t  = − 0.31, p  > 0.01) which opposes Hypothesis 6.

Our last finding determined that transformational leadership does not have a significant negative impact on social loafing (path c ′, Fig.  3 ), while controlling intrinsic motivation ( β  = − 0.32, t  = − 9.07, p  < 0.01). Thus Hypothesis 7 is not accepted. Thus, it can be resulted that there is no mediation.

Theoretical contributions

Although, previous researches have vastly recognized the direct impact of transformational leadership on positive employee work outcomes [ 17 , 48 ], yet not all employees do not respond to transformational leadership optimistically [ 66 ]. This study overall, made an important contribution to the available literature mainly by including variables that are very essential for all work environments that are aiming toward high employee motivation and performance. The current study is a unique attempt to look at the relationship between of transformational leadership, employees’ work performance, working burnout, and social loafing and intrinsic motivation in Asian context. This study contributes to the existing literature on transformational leadership since it is among the first to investigate the indirect impact of transformational leadership on employees’ work performance, working burnout, and social loafing through intrinsic motivation. Providing empirical evidence for association between transformational leadership (independent variable), work performance, working burnout and social loafing (dependent variables) through the mediating effect of intrinsic motivation. Our empirical results provide support for our hypothesized model except for the indirect effect of transformational leadership on social loafing through intrinsic motivation. Transformational leadership consists of four elements which are idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and Individualized consideration [ 13 ]. All of these elements showed very good reliability and consistency with each other. These elements actively participate to affect the outcome of intrinsic motivation [ 85 ].

This study shows that transformational leadership has a significant and positive relationship with employees’ intrinsic motivation. Previous literature supports this finding that transformational leadership promotes motivation in employees and develops positive psychological states such as meaningfulness of work, experienced responsibility for the outcomes and knowledge of work results. It indicates that transformational leadership directly exerts its influence by helping employees or followers to think more positively about themselves and their tasks, by enhancing the quality of their relationships, and by creating environments that are fair, respectful, and supportive [ 86 ] and all of these factors contribute positively toward employee’s self motivation toward his/her work (i.e., intrinsic motivation).

The positive elements of transformational leadership bring out positive psychological states by escalating intrinsic motivation among employees. Employees with increased intrinsic motivation are more effective and efficient toward their work performances. They are supposed to be converted into responsive and perform efficiently in their work [ 64 ].

This study results showed significant positive relationship of transformational leadership on working burnout through intrinsic motivation. When a transformational leader indicates support for honest and fair matters associated with employees, the employee feels less exhausted and motivated. Intrinsically motivated employees who are driven by enjoyment and interest in their work are more likely to work hard at their jobs and feel less fatigue, less emotional exhaustion, and increased desire to participate in the organization [ 49 ].

Finally, it was examined that how transformational leadership impact social loafing through Intrinsic motivation. Findings depicts that although Social loafing has a significant and negative relationship with transformational leader, but their indirect relationship through intrinsic motivation is not significant The reason behind can be that the direct strong association between transformational leader and social loafing as “transactional leaders effectively inspire followers to identify with a mission while rallying them to work together to achieve organizational objectives.” Further, social loafing in employees is also effected significantly by other factors such as workload, organizational culture, tenure of job. etc.

Practical implications

Our study also provides several practical implications for organizations. Transformational leaders who realize the significance of intrinsic motivation for employees will adopt such behaviors that are conducive for development employees’ intrinsic motivation at the workplace. The results of current study confirmed that transformational leadership through fostering intrinsic motivation create such environment which is stress free and fruitful for employee effective performance. One way to exhibit these behaviors by managers is to aim at encouraging motivation among employees based on their inherent happiness and enjoyment. Another way to enhance employees’ intrinsic motivation and involvement toward organizational success is to value their contributions and sharing organizational goals and objectives with their workers. Further, it is very essential for organizational leaders to be transformed by being informed of their employees well because transformational leader can inspire people to achieve unexpected or remarkable results. It gives workers autonomy over specific jobs, as well as the authority to make decisions once they have been trained. In that the leader can inspire workers to find better ways of achieving a goal as leadership can mobilize people into groups that can get work done, and morale, in that transformational leaders raise the well-being and motivation level of a group through excellent connection. The findings of this study also stressed the need of designing leadership coaching and training programs in order to develop transformational leadership which may include “programs for communication, motivation, and brainstorming, to train employees with the necessary resources to be more articulate and inspirational as well as to think out of the box”.

Limitations and future directions

The first limitation of this research is that cross-sectional survey has been conducted. There may be ambiguity in establishing causal direction. Results may vary while collecting data at various times. It is suggested to conduct longitudinal study design in future research to see how impact of transformational leadership on employee outcomes varies over time. Next, it represented data from only the telecom sector of Lahore, Pakistan which may limit the study generalizability it would have been advantageous to conduct this research across the diverse sectors and n different context. Another limitation of this research is that there can be a probability of response bias as all the data was collected through same source i.e., employees. For example, a person can have deliberate falsification by quoting false responses of statements, just to attain social desirability. An employee in the organization may have high degrees of social loafing but he may not state it appropriately as well. Future researchers may collect data from different sources like work performance data can be collected from supervisors.

Existing literature and this research too is having high tendency toward constructive and significant outcomes to discover impact of transformational leadership so it is suggested that in future studies impact of transformational leadership should be examined in relation to more negative employee outcomes such as turnover intention and cyber loafing.

It is also recommended to see the impact of other mediators like emotional stability between transformational leadership and employees’ various outcomes.

Furthermore, future studies can also observe the effect of different moderators such as performance appraisal politics and contingent awards on the existing research model. It might prove valuable.

Future studies can also respond to the limitations of current research by collecting data across different business sectors (education, banking, etc.) of diverse locations.

This research contributes to the field of organizational behavior by enhancing our knowledge on how a transformational leader upgrades employees’ positive work outcomes by improving their intrinsic motivation. Furthermore, their increased intrinsic motivation will develop their positive work outcomes by increasing employees’ work performance and the same time reducing their burnout and work stress. We hope that our study will stimulate future endeavors to advance our understanding in this domain.

Availability of data and materials

The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.

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Maryam Rehmat, Saira Farooqi & Javaria Asim

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Khan, H., Rehmat, M., Butt, T.H. et al. Impact of transformational leadership on work performance, burnout and social loafing: a mediation model. Futur Bus J 6 , 40 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s43093-020-00043-8

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Received : 30 April 2020

Accepted : 02 November 2020

Published : 09 December 2020

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s43093-020-00043-8

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University of Phoenix College of Doctoral Studies releases white paper exploring leadership qualities and implications for organizational workforce health

Two hands holding a book open and index finger of right hand pointing to upper right-hand page in book.

By Sharla Hooper

Dr. Juana Lang and Dr. Lucinda Hines review findings from 2024 Career Optimism Index for insights on the state of organizational leadership and offers guidelines for cultivating harmonious passion in leadership roles

University of Phoenix College of Doctoral Studies releases a new white paper, “Can Leaders’ Grit and Passion Spread Organizational Toxicity?,” authored by Juana Lang, Ed.D., M.Ed., associate faculty, and fellow in the University’s Center for Leadership Studies and Organizational Research (CLSOR), and Lucinda Hines, DHA, MBA, associate faculty, which leverages findings from the University of Phoenix Career Institute® 2024 Career Optimism Index® to better understand the state of organizational leadership.

According to the 2024 Career Optimism Index findings , 73% of workers are willing to quit their jobs, with 44% willing if offered severance, and 29% even without having another job lined up. Concurrently, 65% of organizational leaders have expressed concerns about their companies’ turnover rates.

“Given the critical role of organizational leaders and leadership practices in shaping the success and well-being of the workforce as a whole, it’s critical to identify effective leaders and leadership practices,” states Lang. “There is great admiration for the quality of grit among our leaders, but it’s important to temper passion and grit with a value system including ethics in order to foster employee satisfaction and workforce stability.”

The white paper highlights the concept of grit among leadership and examines leaders’ passion (harmonious and obsessive) as a component of grit, as well as theoretical implications of passion through the lens of the Virtue Ethics and Path-Goal theories. The white paper then offers guidelines for cultivating harmonious passion in leadership roles.

“Leading an organization driven by sheer passion stemming from grit without strong theoretical foundations can lead to overwork and burnout among the workforce, as the drive for success overshadows personal well-being,” shares Hines. “It’s important for leaders to model self-reflection, self-awareness, and foster virtue and integrity to cultivate their grit into harmonious passion.”

Lang is an associate faculty in the University of Phoenix College of General Studies and now serves as editor for the College of Doctoral Studies’ publication, Phoenix Scholar . She was a full-time K-12 educator with an extensive career in Texas and Florida schools for over 25 years. A research fellow in CLSOR, she also works on different research teams in association with the Center for Educational and Instructional Technology Research (CEITR) and is part of the mentorship program developed by the University’s College of Doctoral Studies. She earned her doctorate and master’s degrees in education with University of Phoenix.

Hines serves as associate faculty in the College of Health Professions at University of Phoenix. A health care executive with 30 years of health care administration experience with the Department of the Air Force, Air Force Reserve, and the Department of Veterans Affairs, Hines served in an array of leadership roles including Chief, Superintendent of Medical Operations/Inspector, Manager of Medical Readiness, Facility Lead for Credentialing and Privileging, and the Air Force lead for Professional Medical Staff Management. Hines has a Master of Business Administration degree from Charleston Southern University and earned her doctorate in Healthcare Administration at University of Phoenix. Hines is affiliated with CLSOR.

The full whitepaper is available on the Research Hub or as a direct link here .

About University of Phoenix

University of Phoenix innovates to help working adults enhance their careers and develop skills in a rapidly changing world. Flexible schedules, relevant courses, interactive learning, skills-mapped curriculum for our bachelor’s and master’s degree programs and a Career Services for Life® commitment help students more effectively pursue career and personal aspirations while balancing their busy lives. For more information, visit   phoenix.edu/blog.html .

About the College of Doctoral Studies

University of Phoenix’s  College of Doctoral Studies  focuses on today’s challenging business and organizational needs, from addressing critical social issues to developing solutions to accelerate community building and industry growth. The College’s research program is built around the Scholar, Practitioner, Leader Model which puts students in the center of the Doctoral Education Ecosystem® with experts, resources and tools to help prepare them to be a leader in their organization, industry and community. Through this program, students and researchers work with organizations to conduct research that can be applied in the workplace in real time.

About the Career Optimism Index®

The Career Optimism Index® study is one of the most comprehensive studies of Americans' personal career perceptions to date. The University of Phoenix Career Institute® conducts this research annually to provide insights on current workforce trends and to help identify solutions to support and advance American careers and create equity in the workplace. For the fourth annual study, fielded between December 5, 2023-January 2, 2024, surveyed more than 5,000 U.S. adults who either currently work or wish to be working on how they feel about their careers at this moment in time, including their concerns, their challenges, and the degree to which they are optimistic about their careers. The study was conducted among a nationally representative, sample of U.S. adults and includes additional analysis of the workforce in the top twenty DMA markets across the country to uncover geographic nuances. The study also explores insights from 501 U.S. employers to provide comparison between the workforce and those who hire, train, and retain them. Additionally, for the first time, a statistical modeling analysis was conducted to illustrate how employers and employees can benefit financially from investing in career optimism.

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Developing a maturity rating system for project management offices.

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1. Introduction

1.1. review of related literature on success factors, 1.2. review of related literature on project management maturity models (pmmms), 1.2.1. capability maturity model integration (cmmi ® ), 1.2.2. organizational project management maturity model (opm3), 1.2.3. portfolio, program, and project management maturity model (p3m3 ® ), 1.2.4. kerzner project management maturity model (pmmm), 2. methodology, 2.1. research design, 2.2. data collection, 2.3. sample of the study, 2.4. data analysis, 2.4.1. thematic analysis (categorization), 2.4.2. analytic hierarchy process (ahp)—weighted success factors, 2.4.3. aggregating of individual judgments (aij), 2.4.4. descriptive analysis (maturity standard values), 3.1. preliminary results of literature review (success factor identification and categorization).

  • Organizational culture: This theme encompasses factors such as leadership, alignment, and transparency within the organization. Success factors include the presence of a collaborative and teamwork-oriented culture, effective leadership providing direction and support, alignment with organizational goals, and transparent project information and decision-making processes.
  • Governance: This theme focuses on factors related to the governance of the PMO. Success factors include the existence of a comprehensive project manual defining policies and procedures, knowledge management processes for capturing and sharing project knowledge, processes for lessons learned, and clearly defined roles and responsibilities for project team members.
  • Competence: The competence theme highlights factors related to the PMO’s competence. Success factors include forming project teams with the right mix of skills and expertise, providing training and development opportunities for staff, and implementing a structured problem-solving approach.
  • Project controls: This theme pertains to the controls in place to effectively manage projects. Success factors include robust risk management processes for identifying and managing project risks, comprehensive project planning, timely and accurate reporting of project information, and adherence to quality management processes.
  • Engagement: The engagement theme focuses on factors that ensure stakeholder satisfaction and involvement. Success factors include stakeholder satisfaction with PMO services, effective communication of project information, and coordination and collaboration among project team members and stakeholders.

3.2. Questionnaire Results

3.2.1. data and demographic information of respondents, 3.2.2. questionnaire phases, 3.2.3. maturity standard values for success factors, reliability analysis, 3.2.4. weighted success factors in project management, 4. validation, 5. discussion, 6. conclusions, author contributions, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

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Success FactorsDefinitionReferences
Project cultureA positive project culture that values project management practices, fosters collaboration, adoption of best practices, and strong project governance.[ ]
LeadershipEffective leadership within PMOs ensures alignment with organizational goals, encourages innovation, and drives continuous improvement.[ ]
AlignmentPMOs must ensure that projects align with the organization’s business goals, strategies, and priorities to maximize value and stakeholder satisfaction.[ ]
TransparencyEstablishing transparent processes and procedures facilitates stakeholder trust, effective decision-making, and early issue identification.[ ]
Project manualPMOs should develop and maintain a project manual that defines project management processes and practices, enabling consistency and continuous improvement.[ ]
KnowledgeEffective knowledge management processes promote innovation, reduce project risk, and facilitate continuous improvement within PMOs.[ ]
Lessons learnedCapturing and sharing lessons learned from projects enhances best practices, project performance, and knowledge sharing across the organization.[ ]
Roles and responsibilitiesA clear definition of roles and responsibilities improves accountability, communication, and reduces project risk.[ ]
Matching teamMatching project teams based on skills, experience, and knowledge ensures effective resource allocation and enhances project outcomes.[ ]
Human resource capabilityEstablishing processes for attracting, retaining, and developing project management talent strengthens the organization’s capabilities and promotes excellence in project management.[ ]
Problem-solvingEffective problem-solving processes enable identifying and resolving project issues and risks, leading to improved project outcomes.[ ]
Risk managementEstablishing robust risk management processes helps mitigate project risks, improve outcomes, and increase stakeholder satisfaction.[ ]
Project plansDeveloping comprehensive project plans ensures well-planned and executed projects that meet stakeholder expectations.[ ]
ReportingEstablishing effective reporting processes provides stakeholders with timely and relevant project information, enabling informed decision-making.[ ]
Quality managementImplementing quality management processes ensures project deliverables meet organizational quality criteria and standards.[ ]
Stakeholders’ satisfactionEngaging with stakeholders and aligning projects with their needs and expectations enhances stakeholder satisfaction and project success.[ ]
CommunicationEstablishing effective communication processes fosters stakeholder trust, reduces project risk, and improves project outcomes.[ ]
Coordination and collaborationEffective coordination and collaboration are crucial success factors for PMOs. They can help promote teamwork, reduce project risk, and improve project outcomes.[ ]
1.86–2.712Rarely (about 10% of the time)
2.72–3.573Occasionally (about 30% of the time)
3.58–4.434Sometimes (about 50% of the time)
4.44–5.295Frequently (about 70% of the time)
5.30–6.156Usually (about 90% of the time)
Intensity of ImportanceDefinition
1Equal importance
3Somewhat more important
5Much more important
7Very much more important
9Absolutely more important
2, 4, 6, 8Intermediate values
#Themes/CategoriesSuccess Factors
1Organizational cultureProject culture
2GovernanceProject manual
Lesson learned
Roles and responsibilities
3CompetenceMatching team.
Human resource capability
4Project controlsRisk management
Project plans
Quality management
5EngagementStakeholders’ satisfaction
Coordination and collaboration
Overall Value
1Adapt projectized structure in the organization’s projects.1.6144.16Sometimes4
2Allocate adequate resources.1.6574.41Sometimes4
3Facilitate leadership support for the PM teams.1.6394.49Frequently5
4Give appropriate authority to the team members to execute the project.1.7424.64Frequently5
5Share clear objectives and goals for the organization.1.7654.82Frequently5
6Promote trust among team members.1.6335.03Frequently5
7Identify the projects which are related to the organization’s strategy.1.7264.77Frequently5
8Prioritize the projects based on the organization’s goals.1.5844.92Frequently5
9Encourage following the PMO standard processes.1.6514.80Frequently5
10Integrate/combine processes to unify projects’ workflows.1.4414.61Frequently5
11Provide adequate information about the projects.1.8124.87Frequently5
12Encourage knowledge transfer between PM teams.1.7044.89Frequently5
13Record lessons learned from ongoing projects and previous projects.1.8294.59Frequently5
14Share lessons learned with the PM teams.1.8254.74Frequently5
15Establish clear roles and responsibilities for the PM team.1.6284.87Frequently5
16Tailor/modify roles and responsibilities based on the project type.1.5404.84Frequently5
17Assign appropriate team members with technical backgrounds matching the project type.1.7164.70Frequently5
18Assign appropriate team members with relative experience.1.6484.82Frequently5
19Evaluate the technical expertise of the PM team members.1.7844.56Frequently5
20Assess the management skills of the PM team.1.7184.31Sometimes4
21Hold regular meetings with the PM team members for problem-solving activities.1.7264.77Frequently5
22Take action to solve the problems.1.6544.79Frequently5
23Oversee the implementation of a standardized project risk management process.1.6814.80Frequently5
24Identify metrics and KRIs (key risk indicators) for measuring the risk management implementation.1.6284.69Frequently5
25Share/establish well-defined project plans.1.8294.59Frequently5
26Identify metrics and KPIs for assessing the implementation of the project plans.1.8254.74Frequently5
27Use concise and easy-to-understand templates for all reports.1.6284.87Frequently5
28Review reports periodically.1.5404.84Frequently5
29Oversee the implementation of the standardized quality management process.1.7164.70Frequently5
30Identify metrics and KPIs (key performance indicators) for measuring the quality management implementation.1.6844.82Frequently5
31Obtain stakeholders’ feedback on the project outcomes.1.7844.56Frequently5
32Respond to stakeholders’ feedback to enhance/improve stakeholders’ satisfaction.1.7184.31Sometimes4
33Oversee the implementation of the standardized communication management process among the project stakeholders.1.7264.77Frequently5
34Assess the current communication management process among the stakeholders and look for improvements.1.7544.7Frequently5
35Oversee coordination and collaboration among stakeholders.1.7284.46Frequently5
36Hold regular meetings to facilitate and promote coordination and collaboration among stakeholders.1.7474.54Frequently5
CategoriesSuccess FactorsSuccess Factor Weight in the Whole Rating System (%)
Category #1 (Organizational culture)Project culture0.3
Category #2 (Governance)Project manual0.5
Lesson learned2
Roles and responsibilities4.3
Category #3 (Competence)Matching team1.3
Human resource capability3.7
Category #4 (Project controls)Risk management1.5
Project plans3.5
Quality management14
Category #5 (Engagement)Stakeholders’ satisfaction6
Coordination and collaboration20
Total 100
(Study Result)
Overall Value
(Study Result)
Scale (Validation Result)
Overall Value (Validation Result)
1Adapt projectized structure in the organization’s projects.Sometimes4Frequently5
2Allocate adequate resources.Sometimes4Sometimes4
3Facilitate leadership support for the PM teams.Frequently5Frequently5
4Give appropriate authority to the team members to execute the project.Frequently5Frequently5
5Share clear objectives and goals for the organization.Frequently5Frequently5
6Promote trust among team members.Frequently5Frequently5
7Identify the projects that are related to the organization’s strategy.Frequently5Sometimes4
8Prioritize the projects based on the organization’s goals.Frequently5Frequently5
The statements, opinions and data contained in all publications are solely those of the individual author(s) and contributor(s) and not of MDPI and/or the editor(s). MDPI and/or the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to people or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content.

Share and Cite

Alshabragi, A.M.; Almohsen, A.S.; Bin Mahmoud, A.A. Developing a Maturity Rating System for Project Management Offices. Systems 2024 , 12 , 367. https://doi.org/10.3390/systems12090367

Alshabragi AM, Almohsen AS, Bin Mahmoud AA. Developing a Maturity Rating System for Project Management Offices. Systems . 2024; 12(9):367. https://doi.org/10.3390/systems12090367

Alshabragi, Abdullah M., Abdulmohsen S. Almohsen, and Abdulrahman A. Bin Mahmoud. 2024. "Developing a Maturity Rating System for Project Management Offices" Systems 12, no. 9: 367. https://doi.org/10.3390/systems12090367

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2024 Fall Virtual Workshops - Workshop List

to sign up for up to 4 workshops | Up to 1 from each concurrent workshop period

| NORDP Members - $85 per Workshop | Non-Members = $125 per Workshop


all workshop attendees are invited to participate in a number of free gatherings from the bonus Bridging Connections group. Sessions in this Group are automatically available to all Workshop Series attendees, NORDP members and non-members alike - all optional and free to attend.


An opportunity to engage in discussions around key topics while viewing a featured session with fellow participants, fostering a sense of community and shared learning.

Roundtable discussions on specific areas of interest where participants can bring their own topics (BYOT - Bring Your Own Topic) to share and discuss with peers, encouraging knowledge exchange and networking.

Dedicated sessions for new members to connect with others in the community, build relationships, and learn more about how to get involved in NORDP.

: Direct access to NORDP board members for insights, advice, and networking opportunities, allowing participants to engage with leaders in the field.

An introduction to NORDP committees, providing participants with opportunities to get involved and contribute to the organization's ongoing initiatives, further expanding their professional network.  

Beyond structured events, participants have the chance to connect with peers, experts, and mentors throughout the series, building a strong network that supports their professional growth.


(Attendees may select up to 1 from each Concurrent Workshop Period)

Join us for an intensive and engaging workshop designed to empower research development (RD) professionals with practical tools to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in scholarship teams and RD practice teams. Anchored by CREDITS Inclusive Collaboration Toolkit, this session will provide actionable strategies for fostering institutional transformation and broadening participation across research environments. Participants will learn how to design inclusive grant programs, harness the benefits of intersectional diversity to boost innovation and utilize the JEDI Toolbox to implement effective DEI practices. The workshop will also cover decolonizing traditional research metrics, ensuring they reflect the full scope of scholarly activity. By the end of the session, RD professionals will be equipped to drive meaningful change and create more equitable research cultures at their institutions. 

 Susan Carter; Camille Coley; Barbara Walker

This workshop is the hands-on follow-up from our two-part "Center-Size Me" presentation series at the Spring 2024 NORDP Conference. This is your opportunity to really dive into designing your own internal funding or service model to seed large interdisciplinary teams, getting expert feedback in real time.

Recognizing that diverse perspectives are needed to tackle the most complex problems facing society, academic institutions are investing in internal funding programs to drive robust multidisciplinary efforts. These internal programs are easy to dream up but quite challenging to execute. In our workshop, a group of RD landscape leaders will guide you through creating or retooling your own seed funding program or RD service suite that's tailored to the specific goal of catalyzing interdisciplinary research teams to pursue external funding that sustains a shared research vision. We'll use our successes (and sometimes colossal failures) in our own programs to shape the workshop activities.

Amy Carroll; Jill Jividen; Jennifer Lyon Gardner; Kim Patten

Funders increasingly prioritize deeply convergent research, but how can Research Development professionals support not just Team Science, but more inclusive, more methodologically diverse Team research and scholarship in service to societal challenges? Participants in this workshop will leave with practical techniques to catalyze and support teams of humanists, artists, social scientists, and other STEM researchers and with strategies to help faculty navigate institutional barriers to participation in grants or cross-disciplinary work.

Leah Gorman, Strategic Research Development Specialist, Oregon State University

Networking is the most honorable endeavor in which you can engage, because at its heart, is the sprit of generosity. Networking is about crafting win-win relationships with people for the long haul, and in many ways, mirrors the job interviewing process, because both networking and interviewing are about communicating how you can help the other party. In this dynamic workshop, Professional Speaker, STEM Career Coach, and Author, Networking for Nerds (Wiley), Alaina G. Levine will teach you specific strategies and tactics to identify and approach potential collaborators effectively to grow long-term alliances with them. Alaina will guide you through the process of initiating and nurturing conversations that lead to valuable partnerships and job opportunities across the global research development community and beyond. And then take it to the next level with interviewing, where you'll learn and practice what to say and when to ensure that the decision-maker understands your value.

Alaina Levine

This hands-on workshop will guide research administration leaders in strategically implementing AI to optimize operations and support institutional goals. Participants will explore AI-driven solutions that strengthen high-level functions such as compliance, resource management, and process improvements. With a focus on operational and strategic outcomes, this session will offer practical strategies, interactive exercises, and real-world applications for leveraging AI to maximizing efficiency across your organization.

Lisa Wilson




Are you "managing up," "herding cats" and trying to implement science of team science (SciTS) concepts in stealth mode? Where do you start? How do you effectively manage the resources, people, and ideas? The goal of this workshop is to provide Research Development Professionals with science facilitation and science of team science (SciTS) skills to improve team interactions and promote knowledge creation. We call this being the Archinator® (https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0288136). In these sessions, we will use social network diagrams from science/research teams to explore different team structures and discuss the pros and cons of each. Once we have the structure, we can create systems to reach the desired structure.

Ellen Fisher; Hannah Love

Research Development (RD) professionals routinely collaborate with individuals and teams on research proposals, facilitating multidisciplinary and cross-institutional initiatives, and other types of collaborative work. Are you interested in improving your facilitating skills? Would you like to learn how to use your convening power to build more creative, action-oriented collaborations that lead to accountability and measurable outcomes? How might you better manage the art and nuances of critical components such as equity of voice and psychological safety when facilitating teams? Build your capacity to confidently manage a variety of strategic action planning to drive impactful outcomes.

Jeff Agnoli; Sarah James; Betsy Loucks Stubblefield

Research dissemination products like articles are persistent and measurable outputs of research. For that reason, the "impact" of research is often estimated by measuring the reuse of articles in further research through citations. Many products show the uptake of articles through those articles' citations, or use citations to estimate the visibility of journals or researchers. This session will explain these citation-based metrics and discuss their strengths and limitations. The session will define approaches to researcher measurement like the H-index, and disambiguate platform-specific journal measurements like Journal Impact Factor and CiteScore from more general concepts in measurement like disciplinary quartiles. Although the presenter will discuss paid products, the activities will only use free metric tools. This workshop is not recommended for RD professionals focused on disciplines that disseminate primarily in books or exhibits. Attendees will find metrics related to their own researcher clients, in order to create real-world products.

Nina Exner


Research education often proves to be a challenging topic to engage learners. Didactic teaching methods for research education often fail to take individual learning styles into consideration, leaving learners unengaged and unprepared. Incorporating active learning strategies offers a dynamic means to foster deeper understanding of the materials and fosters deeper engagement. By promoting critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration, active learning shifts the focus to direct participation, empowering learners to internalize concepts and apply them in real-world settings. This workshop equips research educators with practical tools to transform their teaching. Participants will explore active learning strategies such as case-based learning, think-pair-share, fishbowl exercises, and critical uncertainties. Hands-on opportunities will allow educators to practice strategies, ensuring they leave prepared to create more inclusive and effective learning environments that cater to diverse learners' needs.

Wendy Hegefeld; David McClung

Money! It plays such an integral role in our lives today, but is often a source of stress and anxiety. Part of the challenge is we are taught not to discuss money or that money should be a secondary priority. What if we had a way to feel empowered when thinking about money, especially as it relates to our careers? In this interactive workshop, learn how to look at money as a tool, establish your worth, negotiate with confidence, and approach money as it relates to career advancement, job searches, and salary negotiation. We will provide a framework for you to get started today to achieve your professional and financial goals, and most importantly, to use money as a way to create Your Unicorn Career: the customized, authentic career that brings you joy, meaning, AND MONEY.

Alaina Levine



Engaging in Collaboration Planning has the potential to increase team effectiveness by helping research teams build trust; develop processes to address conflict before it happens; and set up coordination, communication, and collaboration systems that support strong team functioning. As team science support infrastructure, Collaboration Planning can also help organizations increase the quality and quantity of team science at their institutions. In this workshop, participants will learn to deliver this evidence-informed Collaboration Planning intervention with their own teams and to develop a Collaboration Planning program to implement in their organization. Materials include a structured worksheet to guide the 90-minute Collaboration Planning session and a detailed Facilitators Guide with scripts and helpful hints, as well as evaluation materials for conducting pre- and post-session assessment of team processes.

Betsy Rolland

What tools are available to facilitate cross-disciplinary brainstorming? This workshop introduces and demonstrates the Idea Tree Exercise, a tool developed by the UC Irvine Team Scholarship Acceleration Lab to foster and facilitate interdisciplinary research idea generation and knowledge integration. Participants will gain hands-on experience using the tool to generate co-produced ideas and facilitate the development of an interdisciplinary project idea.

Holly Hapke

This session will define Proposal Management and Proposal Development, explore why Proposal Development is important in Research Development, outline phases of Proposal Development, share tools and strategies for supporting proposals and researchers, and discuss editing proposals for effectiveness and fundability.

Amy Carroll; Joanna Downer; Jill Jividen; Sharon Pound; Katie Shoaf

Unlock the transformative power of generative AI in your research development work with this interactive workshop focused on mastering prompt engineering and iterative improvement and effective AI interaction. Designed for Research Development professionals, this session provides a structured environment where you'll gain hands-on experience in crafting precise prompts, refining your instructions through feedback loops, and managing complex AI-driven tasks. You'll learn to harness ChatGPT as a dynamic tool for streamlining email writing, enhancing proposal development, and synthesizing complex information. By the end of the workshop, you'll have the tools and strategies to optimize your use of AI, enhancing your productivity and innovation in research development.

Nick Stelzner, August Mercer

Are you a mid-career research development professional wondering how to move your current position forward and towards your ideal? We will explore what your ideal job is and what parts of this ideal overlap with the mission of your current position/group you are in. Once a goal is identified that overlap or next logical step forward within your current position will be explored against your past experiences and current job duties. We often downsize our past accomplishments and abilities. You will put a voice to your accomplishments and abilities. Most likely you are already doing the work of moving your position forward. During this workshop you will put this to paper and make it REAL and obtainable. We will also brainstorm to finish a road map of the work yet to be completed in order to meet your goal.

Susan Elkins



This workshop will provide an overview of why diversity-equity-inclusion (DEI) is relevant to the role of a Research Development professional. Participants will learn about common DEI challenges that Research Development professionals encounter and about best practices relating to these challenges. They will be given opportunities to share challenges they have encountered with colleagues while discussing lessons learned. Small group activities will be hands-on and practical in nature, allowing participants to walk away with practical knowledge and concrete tools to allow them to readily incorporate DEI into their work.

Elizabeth McGee, Sharon Murphy

Research Development (RD) includes a wide variety of activities to strengthen research, scholarly, and creative enterprises and a full spectrum of possible approaches to the work. So how do RD professionals and institutional leaders decide what to do and how to do it? This workshop will usher attendees into an iterative, data-driven process-improvement approach to "right-size" the scope of RD by strategically designing responsibilities and work to meet institutional needs while also supporting the sustainability, satisfaction, and effectiveness of the RD effort. Armed with individual, hands-on analyses and reflections, workshop participants will be prepared to advance a comprehensive "right-scoping" plan with the confidence to make intentional choices about what RD should look like for them, their offices, and/or their institutions.

Joanna Downer

Too often we are busy without being productive. Our days are full without being fulfilling. We have too much on our plates and not enough time for the things that matter most. Managing your time is not just something you do, it's how you do everything in your life. When we think about time management, often things like task apps, calendars, and scheduling programs come to mind. However, good time management requires a much deeper understanding of our own minds. The reasons you procrastinate or avoid certain tasks go much deeper than just needing another app on your phone. In this session, Dr. Shenvi will use concepts that range from Stoic philosophy to modern educational psychology literature to explain why we avoid certain tasks and will give practical strategies to help you manage your time better with less stress.

Christina Shenvi

Join us for an interactive workshop designed for research development professionals at non-R1 institutions. The workshop will be led by Kevin Leland, CEO and Founder of Halo, which is leading a new NSF T.I.P. pilot program aimed at fostering new industry partnerships for Emerging Research Institutions (ERIs). During the workshop, you'll participate in practical exercises, engage in small group discussions, and analyze real life case studies to learn effective strategies for building lasting industry connections Additionally, a guest speaker from industry will share firsthand insights on what industry leaders value in academic collaborations and offer actionable advice for initiating and nurturing these relationships. This interactive workshop is your opportunity to enhance your skills and learn best practices for engaging with industry as a non-R1 institution.

Kevin Leland

Research Development (RD) professionals routinely collaborate with individuals and teams on research proposals, facilitating multidisciplinary and cross-institutional initiatives, and other types of collaborative work. Are you interested in improving your facilitating skills? Would you like to learn how to use your convening power to build more creative, action-oriented collaborations that lead to accountability and measurable outcomes? How might you better manage the art and nuances of critical components such as equity of voice and psychological safety when facilitating teams? Build your capacity to confidently manage a variety of strategic action planning to drive impactful outcomes.

Jeff Agnoli; Sarah James; Betsy Loucks Stubblefield


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    We systematically review eight positive (authentic, charismatic, consideration and initiating structure, empowering, ethical, instrumental, servant, and transformational leadership) and two negative leadership styles (abusive supervision and destructive leadership) and identify valence-based conflation as a limitation common to all ten styles. This limitation rests on specifying behaviors as ...

  7. Exploring Purpose-Driven Leadership: Theoretical Foundations ...

    Leadership has been extensively studied in organizational contexts, with numerous theories examining how leaders influence success and employee engagement. Most recently, integrating organizational purpose—the core reason for an organization's existence—into leadership has garnered substantial interest, resulting in the underdeveloped concept of Purpose-Driven Leadership. This paper ...

  8. Leadership Effectiveness Measurement and Its Effect on Organization

    Abstract. According to the leadership's researchers, effective leadership is a key analyst of organizational success or failure while examining the factors that lead to organizational success [1]. The undeniable question is, do leadership or leaders and effective leadership matter and positively effect on organizational outcomes?

  9. Strategic leadership in organizational crises: A review and research

    First, crisis management includes central tasks of strategic leadership, e.g., signal detection (Pearson and Clair, 1998), resource allocation under high levels of uncertainty and time pressure (Bower and Gilbert, 2005), and communication with internal and external stakeholders (Coombs, 2007; Waller and Younger, 2017).

  10. A Systematic Review of Literature about Leadership and Organization

    Background and Objective: Leadership research has come a long way from trait theory, through human relations school of thought, to contingency and/or situational model. It is critically important to consolidate the leadership research so as to set-up the agenda for future. This paper aimed to summarize the research published in the integrated field of leadership and organizational research.

  11. Exploring the Foundations of Leadership Excellence: A Theoretical

    Objective: This paper aims to analyze three prominent leadership theories, namely transformational, servant, and authentic leadership, through a systematic review of literature.


    The paper used purely qualitative desk research of literature documents in analysing strategic leadership. The paper concludes that leaders must craft a strategy to implement that vision.

  13. Full article: Leadership for Empowerment: Analyzing Leadership

    This paper aims to contribute to the theory of empowering leadership and how it is operationalized by exploring the barriers and enablers for empowerment in day-to-day leadership practices. ... Leveraging leaders: ALiterature review and future lines of inquiry for empowering leadership research. Group & Organization Management, 40, 193-237 ...

  14. Review of empirical research on leadership and organizational learning

    This paper aims to investigate how the relationships between different leadership approaches and organizational learning have been examined in the literature, from which future research areas can be recommended.,This systematic literature review applies matrix method to examine major literature in leadership and organizational learning.

  15. Leadership and Learning at Work: A Systematic Literature Review of

    In contemporary organizations that must be adaptive and agile (Teece et al., 2016), an important challenge for leaders is the facilitation of individual, group, and organizational learning (Pasamar et al., 2019; Yukl, 2009).Leaders can facilitate workplace learning at these levels either indirectly through mechanisms such as the organizational structure or culture, or directly through their ...

  16. On the relation between organizational culture and leadership: An

    Moreover, according to Iszatt-White (Citation 2010), the grounding of existing leadership theories in the practical doing of day-to--day leadership work is a vital aspect of research. The paper aims on moving the research from leaders and managerial patterns to the conditions under which leadership, as a cultural element, is developed and to ...

  17. Impact of transformational leadership on work performance, burnout and

    The aim of this research was to study the effect of transformational leadership on employees' work outcomes which include their work performances and working burnout, and their working behavior such as social loafing at workplace. Also, it studies the impact of intrinsic motivation as a mediator between transformational leadership and other stated variables. A cross-sectional survey was ...

  18. PDF Thesis Transformational Leadership, Engagement, and Performance: a New

    By studying the transformational leadership-engagement-performance relationship at the. , researchers and companies can offer more concrete examples of how leader. shoulddelegate and d. has been proposed that supervisor support (May, Gilson, & Harter, 2004), trust in one's leader. ), and perceptions o.

  19. Organizational Leadership Research Papers

    Entrepreneurship , Organizational Leadership , Business Incubation. Ethical Leadership. Indian and European Spiritual Approaches. Addressing issues of human values, ethics, spirituality and leadership in business the authors of this volume create a dialogue and interchange between Indian and European cultural traditions.

  20. Leadership styles and organizational outcomes: A study across

    Abstract. Leadership matters; it is crucial for the success of organizations and concerns building and maintaining effective teams. In every organization, the leader needs to motivate, improve ...

  21. Review of Empirical Research on Leadership and Firm Performance

    Leadership has been defined as the process of influence and facilitation between leaders and their followers toward mutual goals (Northouse, 2018; Yukl, 2013).Earlier studies have highlighted the role of leadership in enabling organizations to maintain daily operation and achieve superior performance (Fiedler, 1996; Mintzberg, 1973).For example, Rajagopalan and Spreitzer (1997) highlighted the ...


    Furthermore, this thesis discusses the empirical research methodology, where the quantitative research design is adopted using a well-structured questionnaire. It also focuses on the presentation and analysis ... To effectively and successfully manage the affairs of an organization, leadership is a determinant factor. The success or failure of ...

  23. University of Phoenix College of Doctoral Studies releases white paper

    Concurrently, 65% of organizational leaders have expressed concerns about their companies' turnover rates. "Given the critical role of organizational leaders and leadership practices in shaping the success and well-being of the workforce as a whole, it's critical to identify effective leaders and leadership practices," states Lang.

  24. Full article: The impact of ethical leadership on organizational

    As demonstrated by Walumbwa et al. (Citation 2011) research, ethical leadership also improves organizational trust and employee engagement, resulting in an enhanced corporate reputation. Due to its positive impact on organizational effectiveness and employee well-being, OCB is of major importance in the fields of organizational psychology and ...


    Purpose: The purpose of this research paper is the impact of organizational culture and training on leadership development and makes the detailed study of organizational culture and training in ...

  26. Developing a Maturity Rating System for Project Management Offices

    The results highlight the critical success factors for PMOs: collaboration, effective leadership, alignment with organizational goals, knowledge management, project planning, risk management, stakeholder satisfaction, and communication. ... Feature papers represent the most advanced research with significant potential for high impact in the ...

  27. 2024 NORDP Virtual Workshops

    Active Learning Strategies in Research Education. Research education often proves to be a challenging topic to engage learners. Didactic teaching methods for research education often fail to take individual learning styles into consideration, leaving learners unengaged and unprepared. Incorporating active learning strategies offers a dynamic ...

  28. Full article: Exploring organizational career growth: a systematic

    2.1. Article selection process. The SLR provides an objective, comprehensive, replicable, scientific, and transparent empirical research process through an exhaustive search of the published literature on keywords or important themes (Cook et al., Citation 1997).It aims to collect as many relevant details as possible from each piece of literature, encompassing methods, variables, and analyses.

  29. Gender‐based violence in India and feminist ...

    This article explores obstacles that Gender-based violence (GBV) survivors face in approaching gender justice and organizations working for GBV prevention. Through an ethnographic engagement with an all-women organization-the women's court-in India that works to prevent and resolve GBV cases, we explore the challenges in GBV interventions.