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Science Projects > Chemistry Projects > Colorful Chromatography + Video  

Colorful Chromatography + Video

Color chromatography.

Chromatography is one of the simplest techniques for separating the individual components of a mixture. In chemistry, a mixture is a combination of substances that can be separated because they are not chemically bonded. As opposed to a compound, which has elements chemically bonded together. In paper chromatography, a mixture is dissolved and pulled across a piece of paper.

The mixture separates because its components travel across the paper at different rates, based on their attraction to the paper or solubility in the solvent. The word ‘chromatography’ comes from the two Greek words for ‘color’ and ‘writing.’ Once you try out the fun projects below, you’ll see why that’s such a fitting name!

>> Watch our chromatography video to see this cool process in action!

Color Hide-and-Seek

Is black really black? Let’s start with some simple paper chromatography to find out.

What You Need:

  • Black washable marker
  • Filter paper or coffee filter
  • Beaker or cup

What You Do:

1. Cut a piece of filter paper or coffee filter into rectangular strips (approximately 1/2″ x 3-4″).

2. Draw a pencil line across the narrow end of a strip, about 1 cm from the bottom.

3. Draw a small dot with the black marker on the pencil line.

4. Use a binder clip or tape to attach the paper strip to a pencil. Set the pencil across the top of a beaker or cup. Adjust the paper strip until it hangs down without touching the sides or bottom of the beaker.

5. Carefully pour water into the beaker until it just touches the bottom of the paper strip. (Make sure the water level is below the marker spot, or else the ink will just run off into the water.) Water will begin to travel up the paper.

6. When the water nears the top of the paper, remove the strip from the beaker and let it dry on a paper plate or hanging in an empty cup. The series of colors you see is called a chromatogram.

What Happened:

color chromatography in action

As the water travels up the paper strip (similar to capillary action in plants), it dissolves the ink and pulls it up the paper too.

The black ink is actually a mixture of several different pigments, or coloring agents. Some pigments dissolve in water easier and are pulled with the water farther up the paper.

Others are more attracted to the paper and move more slowly.

Usually smaller molecules will move farther than larger ones. What colors do you see on your chromatogram? Was the black marker really black?

The three primary colors used when mixing dyes or paints are red, yellow, and blue.

Other colors are often a mixture of these three colors. Try running a chromatography test again with non-primary-color markers, like purple, brown, and orange.

See what hidden colors are really there! You can also try using other solvents, such as rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover, especially for permanent pens and markers that won’t dissolve in water.

Chromatography is one of the simplest techniques for separating the components of a mixture – with this kit you can do 5 fun experiments to reveal the hidden colors in black ink, separate fall colors from green leaves, perform forensic chromatography, experiment with candy dyes, and more.

Fall Colors in Summer Leaves

fall leaves

Trees that were green all year suddenly become bright yellow, orange, red, or even purple! How does this happen?

Leaves contain different pigments, which give them their color.

Green chlorophyll, which is essential for photosynthesis, is the most common type of pigment, but there are also cartenoids (yellow, orange, brown) and anthocyanins (red).

During the summer months, the leaves are so full of chlorophyll that green overpowers any other colors present in the leaves, such as yellow and orange.

In the fall the days start to get shorter and the temperature drops, signaling to the tree that it is time to go into storage mode for the winter. The chlorophyll starts to break down, causing the green in the leaves to disappear, and allowing us to see the colors of the other pigments, which were present all along.

You can use chromatography to find out what pigments are present in a leaf when it is still green.

  • Green leaves (trees with dramatic fall color changes, like maples, work best)
  • Glass beaker or cup
  • Rubbing alcohol

1. Gather several green leaves from a tree. You can choose to compare two different trees, if you want.

2. Cut the leaves into very small pieces and put them in a small glass or beaker.

3. Pour rubbing alcohol into the glass just enough to cover the leaves. You want the pigment solution to be as concentrated as possible, so don’t add more alcohol than necessary. Cover the glass with plastic wrap and set it in a larger glass or bowl with about an inch of hot water. Let it sit for at least 30 minutes, swirling occasionally and replacing the hot water as necessary. You can use a spoon to help crush the leaves and release more pigment.

4. When the color of the liquid is nice and dark, remove the leaf tissue with a fork or spoon (or strain it through a coffee filter).

5. Tape a strip of filter paper to a pencil and suspend it in the beaker so that the strip just touches the colored liquid. Cover the beaker with plastic wrap to prevent evaporation.

6. When the alcohol nears the top (this can take 30-90 minutes), remove the strip and let it dry.

What colors do you see in your finished chromatogram? The ‘hidden’? pigments (caretonoids and anthocyanins) will travel farther up the paper than the chlorophyll. Based on your chromatogram, what color do you think the leaves will be in the fall after the chlorophyll has broken down?

Read our article to learn more about how leaves change colors in the fall.

More Fun Chemistry Projects

  • Ink and Paper Activities
  • Color-Change Tricks
  • Invisible Ink

Science Links

Explore the nature of color with this beautiful and informative web exhibit: Causes of Color .

Check out this site to see how all colored printing is really made from just four colors.

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Chromatography Color Experiment For Kids

  • Written by Children's Museum Team
  • Posted on Thursday April 23, 2020

Chromatography Color Experiment

A Colorful Springtime Chromatography Experiment With Household Items

Have you ever looked at sunlight through a prism or drops of water? If so, you know that the prism can separate the sunlight into many different colors of light — a rainbow. Like sunlight, chemical mixtures can also be broken into their component parts. One way of doing this is a simple technique called paper chromatography. What do you think you will see if you use paper chromatography to look at the components of black ink? Is black ink just black?


  • Capillary action
  • Mobile phase

Chromatography Experiment Materials

 Filter paper or coffee filter  Vis-à-vis Pens, Markers, highlighters – any water-based color  Pipettes  Small containers of water  Magnifying glasses

Chromatography Experiment Directions:

  • Start with a piece of filter paper
  • Have the child make designs on the paper, using one color at a time
  • Use the pipette to place one drop of water on the ink design.
  • Watch it diffuse and change colors.

What’s Happening?

Marker inks are made from many different colored dyes. (This is most obvious with dark colors such as black and purple.) Each dye is made up of different chemicals, some heavier and some lighter, that travel at different speeds as the water moves them up the paper. The heavier dyes will separate out first and move more slowly while the lighter dyes keep moving faster up the paper, creating the tie-dyed or washed out effect. Try to count how many different colors you see on your final product! Try this same activity using Sharpies or other permanent pens and isopropyl alcohol instead of water. Try using water first. What’s happening? The water-based markers are water-soluble and can diffuse in water. The permanent markers are not water-soluble but are alcohol soluble.

Connections : Can we make “ink” from items in your garden? Do you think the green in the leaves is just green?

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Science project, light absorption and color filters.

filter paper colour experiment

When white light shines on a red object, all of the colors that form the white light are absorbed except red, which is reflected. This is why the object appears red. A filter is a transparent material that absorbs some colors and allows others to pass through.

Light is the only source of color. Color pigments (paints, dyes, or inks) show color by absorbing certain parts of the light spectrum and reflecting the parts that remain. Color filters work the same way, absorbing certain wavelengths of color and transmitting the other wavelengths.

A yellow color filter will let through only yellow and absorb all other colors. So when blue light is allowed through a blue filter onto a blue object, the object will still reflect blue and therefore appear blue. But when blue light from a blue filter hits a red object, the blue will be absorbed and no light will be reflected, giving the object an appearance of being black.

blue filter

  • Red, blue, and green construction paper
  • See-through colored cellophane paper
  • Camera filters in red, blue and green
  • Masking tape or a rubber band

Research Questions

  • Why did the papers look white, red, blue, and green (respectively) in white light?
  • How did the filters affect the white flashlight beam?
  • Why did the yellow and green papers seem to lose their color when red light was shined on them?
  • Darken the room as much as possible.
  • Turn on the flashlight and aim it at the white paper. Observe and record the color of the paper in the data table.
  • Repeat step 2 with the red, blue, and green pieces of paper.
  • Place the red filter in front of the beam of the flash light as shown using tape or a rubber band to secure the cellophane paper filter. Shine the filtered beam on the white, red, blue, and green papers and record the colors seen.
  • Repeat using the blue filter and then the green filter. After each test, record the results.




Digging Deeper

Place a filter in front of the light source. Combine two colored filters. Now combine three colors. Experiment with many different combinations.

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May 14, 2015

Chromatography: Be a Color Detective

A colorful project from Science Buddies

By Science Buddies

Key concepts Colors Solutions Molecules Chromatography Primary colors

Introduction Do you love to use bright and vibrant colored art supplies such as markers or paints? Do you ever wonder how these colors are made?

The variety of colors comes from colored molecules. These are mixed into the material—whether ink or paint—to make the product. Some colored molecules are synthetic (or man-made), such as "Yellow No. 5" found in some food dyes. Others are extracted from natural sources, such as carotenoid (pronounced kuh-RAH-tuh-noid) molecules. These are molecules that make your carrot orange. They can be extracted from concentrated natural products, such as saffron.

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But there is more to making a color look the way it does in your homemade artwork. You might have learned that many colors, such as orange and green, are made by blending other, "primary" colors. So even though our eyes see a single color, the color of a marker, for instance, might be the result of one type of color molecule or it might be a mix of color molecules responsible. This science activity will help you discover the hidden colors in water-soluble markers.

Background We see objects because they reflect light into our eyes. Some molecules only reflect specific colors; it is this reflected, colored light that reaches our eyes and tells our brains that we are seeing a certain color.

Often the colors that we see are a combination of the light reflected by a mixture of different-color molecules. Even though our brains perceive the result as one color, each of the separate types of color molecules stays true to its own color in the mixture. One way to see this is to find a way to separate out the individual types of color molecules from the mixture—to reveal their unique colors.

Paper chromatography is a method used by chemists to separate the constituents (or parts) of a solution. The components of the solution start out in one place on a strip of special paper. A solvent (such as water, oil or isopropyl alcohol) is allowed to absorb up the paper strip. As it does so, it takes part of the mixture with it. Different molecules run up the paper at different rates. As a result, components of the solution separate and, in this case, become visible as strips of color on the chromatography paper. Will your marker ink show different colors as you put it to the test?

Two white coffee filters

Drawing markers (not permanent): brown, yellow and any other colors you would like to test

At least two pencils (one for each color you will be testing)

At least two tall water glasses (one for each color you will be testing), four inches or taller

Two binder clips or clothespins

Drying rack or at least two additional tall water glasses (one for each color you will be testing)

Pencil or pen and paper for taking notes


Carefully cut the coffee filters into strips that are each about one inch wide and at least four inches long. Cut at least two strips, one to test brown and one to test yellow. Cut an extra strip for each additional color you would like to test. How do you expect each of the different colors to behave when you test it with the paper strip?

Draw a pencil line across the width of each paper strip, about one centimeter from the bottom end.

Take the brown marker and a paper strip and draw a short line (about one centimeter) on the middle section of the pencil line. Your marker line should not touch the sides of your strip.

Use a pencil to write the color of the marker you just used on the top end of the strip. Note: Do not use the colored marker or pen to write on the strips, as the color or ink will run during the test.

Repeat the previous three steps with a yellow marker and then all the additional colors you would like to test.

Hold a paper strip next to one of the tall glasses (on the outside of it), aligning the top of the strip with the rim of the glass, then slowly add water to the glass until the level just reaches the bottom end of the paper strip. Repeat with the other glass(es), keeping the strips still on the outside and away from the water. What role do you think the water will play?

Fasten the top of a strip (the side farthest from the marker line) to the pencil with a binder clip or clothespin. Pause for a moment. Do you expect this color to be the result of a mixture of colors or the result of one color molecule? If you like, you can make a note of your prediction now.

Hang the strip in one of the glasses that is partially filled with water by letting the pencil rest on the glass rim. The bottom end of the strip should just touch the water level. If needed, add water to the glass until it is just touching the paper. Note: It is important that the water level stays below the marker line on the strip.

Leave the first strip in its glass as you repeat the previous two steps with the second strip and the second glass. Repeat with any additional colors you are testing.

Watch as the water rises up the strips. What happens to the colored lines on the strips? Does the color run up as well? Do you see any color separation?

When the water level reaches about one centimeter from the top (this may take up to 10 minutes), remove the pencils with the strips attached from the glasses. If you let the strips run too long, the water can reach the top of the strips and distort your results.

Write down your observations. Did the colors run? Did they separate in different colors? Which colors can you detect? Which colors are on the top (meaning they ran quickly) and which are on the bottom (meaning they ran more slowly)?

Hang your strips to dry in the empty glasses or on a drying rack. Note that some colors might keep running after you remove the strips from the water. You might need longer strips to see the full spectrum of these colors. The notes you took in the previous step will help you remember what you could see in case the colors run off the paper strip. Look at your strips. How many color components does each marker color have? Can you identify which colors are the result of a mixture of color components and which ones are the result of one hue of color molecule? Are individual color components brightly colored or dull in color? How many different colors can you detect in total?

Extra: Most watercolor marker inks are colored with synthetic color molecules. Artists often like to work with natural dyes. It is fairly easy to make your own dye from colorful plants such as blueberries, red beets or turmeric. To make your own dye, have an adult help you finely chop the plant material and place it in a saucepan. And add just enough water to cover the plant material. Let the mixture simmer covered on the stove for approximately 10 to 15 minutes. If, at this point, the color of your liquid is too faint, you might want to remove the lid of the saucepan and continue boiling until some liquid has evaporated and a more concentrated color is obtained. Let it cool and strain when needed. Now you have natural dye. (Handle with caution, as it can stain surfaces and materials.) To investigate the color components of this dye, repeat the previous procedure but replace the marker line with a drop of natural dye. A dropper will help create a nice drop. Let the drop of dye dry before running the paper strip. Would the color of your natural dye be the result of a mixture of color molecules or one specific color molecule? Does the marker of the same color as your natural dye run in a similar way as your natural dye does?

Extra: In this activity you used water-soluble markers in combination with water as a solvent. You can test permanent markers using isopropyl rubbing alcohol as a solvent. Do you think similar combinations of color molecules are used to color similar-colored permanent markers?

Extra: You can investigate other art supplies, including paints, pastels or inks in a similar way. Be sure to always choose a solvent that dissolves the material that is being tested to run the chromatography test. Isopropyl rubbing alcohol, vegetable oil and salt water are some examples of solvents used to perform paper chromatography tests for different substances.

[break] Observations and results Did you find that brown is made up of several types of color molecules, whereas yellow only showed a single yellow color band?

Marker companies combine a small subset of color molecules to make a wide range of colors, much like you can mix paints to make different colors. But nature provides an even wider range of color molecules and also mixes them in interesting ways. As an example, natural yellow color in turmeric is the result of several curcuminoid molecules. The brown pigment umber (obtained from a dark brown clay) is caused by the combination of two color molecules: iron oxides (which have a rusty red-brown color) and manganese oxides (which add a darker black-brown color).

In this activity you investigated the color components using coffee filters as chromatography paper. Your color bands might be quite wide and artistic, whereas scientific chromatography paper would yield narrow bands and more-exact results.

Cleanup Throw away the paper strips and wash the glasses.

More to explore Paper Chromatography , from ChemGuide Paper Chromatography: Is Black Ink Really Black? , from Science Buddies Make Your Own Markers , from Science Buddies Candy Chromatography: What Makes Those Colors? , from Science Buddies Find the Hidden Colors of Autumn Leaves , from Scientific American

This activity brought to you in partnership with Science Buddies

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Chromatography - Color Clues

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Sometimes a scientist needs to figure out what is in a certain mixture of substances. One way they can do this is to use a process called chromatography .  In the activity below, you can try chromatography to separate colors in a mixture of food coloring!

Here's what to do:

  • Place a coffee filter on a tray or newspaper.
  • In a small plastic cup, add 2 drops of green food coloring. Use a cotton swab to soak up the food coloring into one end of the swab.
  • Touch the end of the swab to the center of a coffee filter to make a dark green dot on the filter. Place the coffee filter on a cup so that the dot is over the center of the cup. 

Putting green dot in center of coffee filter

  • Dip another cotton swab in water and move it around so it gets thoroughly wet. Place the wet end of the swab in the center of the food coloring dot so that water can absorb into the coloring and the filter. Lay the swab down as shown. 

Wet cotton swab placed on green dot in center of coffee filter

After 3-4 minutes, if it looks like the color is not spreading much, re-dip the cotton swab into the water and put the wet end on the color again. As the water mixes with the food coloring and absorbs and moves through the filter, what do you notice?

Green dot spread and color separated a bit in large ring

What to expect

The color will spread out in a circle. If you look closely, you’ll be able to see a thin circle of blue on the outside and a thin circle of yellow right next to it on the inside.

What's happening in there?

The reason why the colors separate has to do with the chemicals that make up the color, the water, and the paper. The chemicals that make up the color are called pigments . Some pigments attach to water better than others so they move further through the paper before sticking. The size, weight, and shape of the pigment also has something to do with how it moves along the filter paper and where it finally attaches. These factors usually cause enough separation that you can tell which colors were combined to make the original mixture. 

What else could you try?

You could try using salt water instead of water to make the colors separate. Let’s see if it separates the colors any differently than the water. 

Please review the safety instructions on page 1 before proceeding.

  • Put a tablespoon of water in a small cup and add ½ - teaspoon of salt. Swirl the cup until most or all of the salt dissolves.
  • Follow steps 1-3 above but when you get to step 4, use your salt water instead of water.

Water and salt water make green color spread and separate differently.

As you watch the salt water mix with the food coloring and move through the filter, what do you notice about the color? Are your results different than when you used water? 

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Leaf Chromatography Experiment – Easy Paper Chromatography

Leaf Chromatography

Leaf chromatography is paper chromatography using leaves. Paper chromatography is a separation technique. When applied to leaves, it separates the pigment molecules mostly according to their size. The main pigment molecule in green leaves is chlorophyll, which performs photosynthesis in the plant. Other pigments also occur, such as carotenoids and anthocyanins. When leaves change color in the fall , the amount and type of pigment molecules changes. Leaf chromatography is a fun science project that lets you see these different pigments.

Leaf Chromatography Materials

You only need a few simple materials for the leaf chromatography project:

  • Rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol)
  • Coffee filters or thick paper towels
  • Small clear jars or glasses with lids (or plastic wrap to cover the jars)
  • Shallow pan
  • Kitchen utensils

You can use any leaves for this project. A single plant leaf contains several pigment molecules, but for the most colors, use a variety of leaves. Or, collect several of each kind of leaf and compare them to each other. Good choices are colorful autumn leaves or chopped spinach.

Perform Paper Chromatography on Leaves

The key steps are breaking open the cells in leaves and extracting the pigment molecule and then separating the pigment using the alcohol and paper.

  • Finely chop 2-3 leaves or several small leaves. If available, use a blender to break open the plant cells. The pigment molecules are in the chloroplasts of the cells, which are organelles encased within the plant cell walls. The more you break up the leave, the more pigment you’ll collect.
  • Add enough alcohol to just cover the leaves.
  • If you have more samples of leaves, repeat this process.
  • Cover the container of leaves and alcohol and set it in a shallow pan filled with enough hot tap water to surround and heat the container. You don’t want water getting into your container of leaves.
  • Replace the hot water with fresh water as it cools. Swirl the container of leaves around from time to time to aid the pigment extraction into the alcohol. The extraction is ready when the alcohol is deeply colored. The darker its color, the brighter the resulting chromatogram.
  • Cut a long strip of coffee filter or sturdy paper towel for each chromatography jar. Paper with an open mesh (like a paper towel) works quickly, but paper with a denser mesh (like a coffee filter) is slower but gives a better pigment separation.
  • Place a strip of paper into jar, with one end in the leaf and alcohol mixture and the other end extending upward and out of the jar.
  • The alcohol moves via capillary action and evaporation, pulling the pigment molecules along with it. Ultimately, you get bands of color, each containing different pigments. After 30 to 90 minutes (or whenever you achieve pigment separation), remove the paper strips and let them dry.

How Leaf Chromatography Works

Paper chromatography separates pigments in leaf cells on the basis of three criteria:

  • Molecule size

Solubility is a measure of how well a pigment molecule dissolves in the sol vent. In this project, the solvent is alcohol . Crushing the leaves breaks open cells so pigments interact with alcohol. Only molecules that are soluble in alcohol migrate with it up the paper.

Assuming a pigment is soluble, the biggest factor in how far it travels up the paper is particle size. Smaller molecules travel further up the paper than larger molecules. Small molecules fit between fibers in the paper more easily than big ones. So, they take a more direct path through the paper and get further in less time. Large molecules slowly work their way through the paper. In the beginning, not much space separates large and small molecules. The paper needs to be long enough that the different-sized molecules have enough time to separate enough to tell them apart.

Paper consists of cellulose, a polysaccharide found in wood, cotton, and other plants. Cellulose is a polar molecule . Polar molecules stick to cellulose and don’t travel very far in paper chromatography. Nonpolar molecules aren’t attracted to cellulose, so they travel further.

Of course, none of this matters if the solvent doesn’t move through the paper. Alcohol moves through paper via capillary action . The adhesive force between the liquid and the paper is greater than the cohesive force of the solvent molecules. So, the alcohol moves, carrying more alcohol and the pigment molecules along with it.

Interpreting the Chromatogram

  • The smallest pigment molecules are the ones that traveled the greatest distance. The largest molecules are the ones that traveled the least distance.
  • If you compare chromatograms from different jars, you can identify common pigments in their leaves. All things being equal, the lines made by the pigments should be the same distance from the origin as each other. But, usually conditions are not exactly the same, so you compare colors of lines and whether they traveled a short or long distance.
  • Try identifying the pigments responsible for the colors.

There are three broad classes of plant pigments: porphyrins, carotenoids, and flavonoids. The main porphyrins are chlorophyll molecules. There are actually multiple forms of chlorophyll, but you can recognize them because they are green. Carotenoids include carotene (yellow or orange), lycopene (orange or red), and xanthophyll (yellow). Flavonoids include flavone and flavonol (both yellow) and anthocyanin (red, purple, or even blue).

Experiment Ideas

  • Collect leaves from a single tree or species of tree as they change color in the fall. Compare chromatograms from different colors of leaves. Are the same pigments always present in the leaves? Some plants produce the same pigments, just in differing amounts. Other plants start producing different pigments as the seasons change.
  • Compare the pigments in leaves of different kinds of trees.
  • Separate leaves according to color and perform leaf chromatography on the different sets. See if you can tell the color of leaves just by looking at the relative amount of different pigments.
  • The solvent you use affects the pigments you see. Repeat the experiment using acetone (nail polish remover) instead of alcohol.
  • Block, Richard J.; Durrum, Emmett L.; Zweig, Gunter (1955).  A Manual of Paper Chromatography and Paper Electrophoresis . Elsevier. ISBN 978-1-4832-7680-9.
  • Ettre, L.S.; Zlatkis, A. (eds.) (2011). 75 Years of Chromatography: A Historical Dialogue . Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-08-085817-3.
  • Gross, J. (1991). Pigments in Vegetables: Chlorophylls and Carotenoids . Van Nostrand Reinhold. ISBN 978-0442006570.
  • Haslam, Edwin (2007). “Vegetable tannins – Lessons of a phytochemical lifetime.”  Phytochemistry . 68 (22–24): 2713–21. doi: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2007.09.009
  • McMurry, J. (2011). Organic chemistry With Biological Applications (2nd ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole. ISBN 9780495391470.

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Fish dissection

filter paper colour experiment

Screaming dry ice

filter paper colour experiment

Dry ice in a balloon

filter paper colour experiment

Special: Dry ice color change

filter paper colour experiment

Dry ice smoking soap bubble snake

filter paper colour experiment

Dry ice giant crystal ball bubble

filter paper colour experiment

Dry ice in water

filter paper colour experiment

Rainbow milk

filter paper colour experiment

Gummy bear osmosis

filter paper colour experiment

Floating ping pong ball

filter paper colour experiment

Rotating Earth

filter paper colour experiment

Special: Colored fire

filter paper colour experiment

Special: Fire bubbles

filter paper colour experiment

Water cycle in a jar

filter paper colour experiment

Egg drop challenge

filter paper colour experiment

Taking the pulse

filter paper colour experiment

Orange candle

filter paper colour experiment

Glass bottle xylophone

filter paper colour experiment

Warped spacetime

filter paper colour experiment

Homemade rainbow

filter paper colour experiment

Water implosion

filter paper colour experiment

Warm and cold plates

filter paper colour experiment

Plastic bag kite

filter paper colour experiment

Tamed lightning

filter paper colour experiment

Yeast and a balloon

filter paper colour experiment

Forever boiling bottle

filter paper colour experiment

Moon on a pen

filter paper colour experiment

Moon in a box

filter paper colour experiment

Inexhaustible bottle

filter paper colour experiment

Crystal egg geode

filter paper colour experiment

Magic ice cut

filter paper colour experiment

Leaf pigments chromatography

filter paper colour experiment

Heavy smoke

filter paper colour experiment

Popsicle stick bridge

filter paper colour experiment


filter paper colour experiment

Special: Fire tornado

filter paper colour experiment

Special: Whoosh bottle

filter paper colour experiment

Dancing water marbles

filter paper colour experiment

Brownian motion

filter paper colour experiment

Flying static ring

filter paper colour experiment

Water thermometer

filter paper colour experiment

String telephone

filter paper colour experiment

Special: Dust explosion

filter paper colour experiment

Disappearing styrofoam

filter paper colour experiment

Special: Burning money

filter paper colour experiment

Special: Burning towel

filter paper colour experiment

Salt water purifier

filter paper colour experiment

Hovering soap bubble

filter paper colour experiment

Homemade sailboat

filter paper colour experiment

Water mass meeting

filter paper colour experiment

Plastic bag and pencils

filter paper colour experiment

Water sucking bottle

filter paper colour experiment

Water sucking glass

filter paper colour experiment

Mentos and coke

filter paper colour experiment

Aristotle's illusion

filter paper colour experiment

Spinning spiral snake

filter paper colour experiment

Imploding soda can

filter paper colour experiment

Carbon dioxide extuingisher

filter paper colour experiment

Plastic bag parachute

filter paper colour experiment

Dental impression

filter paper colour experiment

Impact craters

filter paper colour experiment

Rolling static soda can

filter paper colour experiment

Static paper ghost

filter paper colour experiment

Upside down glass

filter paper colour experiment

Shrinking chip bag

filter paper colour experiment

Solar system model

filter paper colour experiment

Electric motor

filter paper colour experiment

Flashy electric motor

filter paper colour experiment

Bouncing soap bubbles

filter paper colour experiment

Toilet paper roll maraca

filter paper colour experiment

Cloud in a bottle 1

filter paper colour experiment

Cloud in a bottle 2

filter paper colour experiment

Balloon rocket

filter paper colour experiment

Water whistle

filter paper colour experiment

Homemade yogurt

filter paper colour experiment

Special: Screaming gummy bear

filter paper colour experiment

Homemade compass

filter paper colour experiment

Trash airplane

filter paper colour experiment

Wind-up spinner toy

filter paper colour experiment

Tea bag rocket

filter paper colour experiment

Balancing soda can

filter paper colour experiment

Lung volume test

filter paper colour experiment

Fireproof balloon

filter paper colour experiment

Baking powder popper

filter paper colour experiment

Expanding space

filter paper colour experiment

Straw propeller

filter paper colour experiment

Wooden cutlery

filter paper colour experiment

Levitating match

filter paper colour experiment

Human reflexes

filter paper colour experiment


filter paper colour experiment

Soil layers

filter paper colour experiment

Straw potato

filter paper colour experiment

Straw rocket launcher

filter paper colour experiment

Traveling flame

filter paper colour experiment

Water bowls

filter paper colour experiment

Straw duck call

filter paper colour experiment

Solar eclipse

filter paper colour experiment

Silo of salt

filter paper colour experiment

Balloon skewer

filter paper colour experiment

Newspaper tower

filter paper colour experiment

Microwave light bulb

filter paper colour experiment

Heavy paper

filter paper colour experiment

Rubber chicken bone

filter paper colour experiment

Homemade marble run

filter paper colour experiment

Drops on a coin

filter paper colour experiment

Cartesian diver

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Candy Chromatography

November 14, 2019 By Emma Vanstone 1 Comment

Did you know you can use chromatography to separate the different colours in the coating of colourful candy? This fun science experiment is perfect for learning about separating mixtures and can even be used as a science and art activity too!

This activity can also be found in my new book Snackable Science . If you click the image below you can download the instructions from the book in printable form! Hopefully it gives you a feel of what the book is like. There are 59 other edible activities to try, so plenty to keep everyone busy ( and well fed ) for a long time!

Candy Chromatography experiment with FREE printable #candychromatography #scienceforkids #candyscience

What is Chromatography?

Chromatography is a technique used to separate mixtures. The mixture is passed through another substance, in this case filter paper. The different colour ink particles travel at different speeds through the filter paper allowing us to see the constituent colours of the pen ink.

What you need for candy chromatography

M & Ms, Skittles or other coloured candy

Pipette (UK :  http://amzn.to/2wavyHO US:  http://amzn.to/2eYqSkY )

Tray or plate

Filter paper cut into strips. ( UK:  http://amzn.to/2vivaKZ US:  http://amzn.to/2hdA6ur )

Test tubes or thin beakers ( UK:  http://amzn.to/2vUIItr US:  http://amzn.to/2eXLVV7 )

Paper clips

Chromatography Instructions

Place the candy onto a plate. It’s a good idea to use different colour sweets, so you can easily compare the results.

Candy Chromatography - chemistry experiment for kids

Carefully use a pipette to drop water onto the sweets and leave for a few minutes, until colour from the sweets dissolves into the water.

Water being dropped onto an M & M as party of a candy chromatography experiment

Use a pipette to suck up the coloured water and carefully drop onto the bottom of a strip of filter paper.

Use one strip for each colour of sweet.

Thread a paper clip through the filter papers and leave to rest in a test tube of water with just the bottom of the paper in the water,

Leave for about 10 minutes and observe what happens.

Filter paper after using chromatography to separate different colours in candy

The filter paper shows different colour bands because the colouring on the candy shells is a mixture of colours. The colours that travel furthest up the filter paper are the most soluble!

Can you guess which filter paper was  a green sweet?

Chromatography Extension Ideas

Try to separate felt tip pen colours. Investigate to discover whether you get the same results as with candy for each colour? For example, are the colours in a green Skittle and a green M&M the same?

If you enjoyed this investigation why not try our other exciting  candy science ideas  too.

How are mixtures separated?

Mixtures can be separated in lots of different ways, I’ve listed a few below.

  • Mixtures with a solid suspended in a liquid can be separated by  filtering . Try experimenting with a paper towel filter or sand and stone filter .
  • Decanting is where a liquid is separated from a solid which has settled by pouring the liquid carefully out of the container leaving the solid behind.
  • Centrifugation is where a substance is spun very quickly forcing the heavier particles to the bottom.
  • Distillation is a process where mixtures are separated by heating. The vapour of the liquid with the lowest boiling point is released first. The vapours can then be condensed using something called a Liebig condenser.

More Chromatography Investigations

Add a bit of science to phonics learning with this fun chromatography and phonics   activity.

Try some art and science with these chromatography butterflies

This activity is also found in Snackable Science !

Image credit below – Snackable Science

FREE Candy Chromatography Printable Science Experiment Instructions #CandyScience #ScienceExperiments

Contains affiliate links

filter paper colour experiment

Last Updated on May 24, 2021 by Emma Vanstone

Safety Notice

Science Sparks ( Wild Sparks Enterprises Ltd ) are not liable for the actions of activity of any person who uses the information in this resource or in any of the suggested further resources. Science Sparks assume no liability with regard to injuries or damage to property that may occur as a result of using the information and carrying out the practical activities contained in this resource or in any of the suggested further resources.

These activities are designed to be carried out by children working with a parent, guardian or other appropriate adult. The adult involved is fully responsible for ensuring that the activities are carried out safely.

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Coffee Filter Chromatography


Learn about chromatography with this simple science experiment! You only need a coffee filter or paper towel, water and a washable black marker. Kids will love to see the ink travel in this science experiment.

RELATED: Grow a Rainbow Experiment

Coffee Filter Experiment with Black Markers

Coffee Filter Chromatography Experiment For Kids

Kids will love seeing the black marker separate into different colors in this simple science experiment! You can use either paper towels or coffee filters, or try both to see what happens!

Black Marker Experiment

Supplies Needed

Here’s what you need for this activity:

  • Paper Towel or Coffee Filter
  • Washable Black Marker (we used Crayola)
  • 2 Small Glasses or Plastic Cups

Coffee Filter Experiment

Watch The Full Video Tutorial Here

Coffee Filter Science Experiment

What is the Science


This science experiment is a great example of chromatography. Chromatography is the process of separating out a mixture of chemicals. In this experiment, you will see the black ink separate into different colors. If you ever get a paper with ink wet you would have seen the ink move across the page in streaks. In this experiment, you should see blue, red/burgundy and a bit of green come out of the black ink.

Capillary Action

Capillary action makes the marker dye move up the paper towel or coffee filter.  The water moves upward through the paper towel or coffee filter, lifting the washable dye molecules with it. Because the washable markers are water-based, they disperse in water.

Make it a Science Experiment

Set up a few different scenarios and hypotheses. For example, if you were to try this experiment without any dye, you would still see the water rising upwards towards the center of the paper towel.

If you were try this experiment with permanent markers it would not work. This is because the markers are not water-based (they are alcohol-based) so the dye in the marker does not travel with the water. You can also show that permanent markers will disperse with rubbing alcohol but not with water.

  • You need absorbent paper towel or napkin – we used the brand Bounty
  • You must use washable markers – make sure to check it’s washable as not all Crayola brands are washable
  • Do not place the end of the paper towel or coffee filter too deep into the water or the dye will dissolve into the water instead of traveling up the paper towel

Black Marker Chromatography Experiment

Chromatography Experiment Instructions

For the coffee filter experiment:

Draw a circle in the center of the coffee filter. Make sure you make it a thick circle with plenty of ink so that there is enough ink to move up the coffee filter.

Add Black Marker Circle to Coffee Filter

Fill a cup with about 1/2 an inch of water, or just enough for the non-inked portion to touch the water. You don’t want the black marker to be submerged in the water.

Get Water in Cup

Fold the coffee filter and place it in the water, tip side down.

Put Coffee Filter into Water

Do not place the end too deep in the water or the dye may dissolve into the water instead of moving up the coffee filter.

The washable marker dye will slowly make its way up the coffee filter and the colors will begin to separate.

Unfold the coffee filter to reveal a beautiful design!

Coffee Filter Chromatography Science Experiment

For the paper towel experiment:

Cut a paper towel down to a smaller length.

Fold over the strip of paper towel (so you have 2 pieces on top of each other).

Draw a thick line of black marker about 2 inches from the end of the paper towel. Make sure you use plenty of black ink so that there is enough to move up the paper towel.

Add Black Marker to Paper Towel

Put about 1 inch of water into a cup.

Place the end of the paper towel in the cup of water. Prop the opposite end of the paper towel on an upside down cup to keep it upright.

Add Paper Towel into Water

The black washable marker dye will slowly make its way up with the water and separate into different colors.

Experiment with Black Marker

We love how simple this science experiment is!

You can expand on the learning by testing with different kinds of markers – like a permanent marker or dry erase marker. You can also try our grow a rainbow experiment (for more capillary action) or our dry erase experiment!

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How to Do Paper Chromatography With Leaves

Martin Leigh / Getty Images

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  • Ph.D., Biomedical Sciences, University of Tennessee at Knoxville
  • B.A., Physics and Mathematics, Hastings College

You can use paper chromatography to see the different pigments that produce the colors in leaves. Most plants contain several pigment molecules, so experiment with many species of leaves to see the wide range of colors. This is a simple science project that takes about 2 hours.

Key Takeaway: Leaf Paper Chromatography

  • Chromatography is a chemical purification method that separates colored substances. In paper chromatography, pigments may be separated based on the different size of the molecules.
  • Everyone knows leaves contain chlorophyll, which is green, but plants actually contain a wide range of other pigment molecules.
  • For paper chromatography, plant cells are broken open to release their pigment molecules. A solution of plant matter and alcohol is placed at the bottom of a piece of paper. Alcohol moves up the paper, taking pigment molecules with it. It's easier for smaller molecules to move through the fibers in paper, so they travel fastest and move the furthest up the paper. Larger molecules are slower and don't travel as far up the paper.

What You Need

You only need a few simple materials for this project. While you can perform it using only one type of leaf (e.g., chopped spinach), you can experience the greatest range of pigment colors by collecting several types of leaves.

  • Small Jars with Lids
  • Rubbing Alcohol
  • Coffee Filters
  • Shallow Pan
  • Kitchen Utensils


  • Take 2-3 large leaves (or the equivalent with smaller leaves), tear them into tiny pieces, and place them into small jars with lids.
  • Add enough alcohol to just cover the leaves.
  • Loosely cover the jars and set them into a shallow pan containing an inch or so of hot tap water.
  • Let the jars sit in the hot water for at least a half hour. Replace the hot water as it cools and swirl the jars from time to time.
  • The jars are "done" when the alcohol has picked up color from the leaves. The darker the color, the brighter the chromatogram will be.
  • Cut or tear a long strip of coffee filter paper for each jar.
  • Place one strip of paper into each jar, with one end in the alcohol and the other outside of the jar.
  • As the alcohol evaporates, it will pull the pigment up the paper, separating pigments according to size (largest will move the shortest distance).
  • After 30-90 minutes (or until the desired separation is obtained), remove the strips of paper and allow them to dry.
  • Can you identify which pigments are present? Does the season in which the leaves are picked affect their colors?

Tips for Success

  • Try using frozen chopped spinach leaves.
  • Experiment with other types of paper.
  • You can substitute other alcohols for the rubbing alcohol , such as ethyl alcohol or methyl alcohol.
  • If your chromatogram is pale, next time use more leaves and/or smaller pieces to yield more pigment. If you have a blender available, you can use it to finely chop the leaves.

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Carbon filtration and activated charcoal

In association with Nuffield Foundation

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Try this practical to remove objectionable tastes and odours from water using carbon in the form of activated charcoal

Carbon that has undergone special treatment (sometimes called activated charcoal) has useful absorption properties, capable of removing coloured and volatile material from mixtures. In this experiment, students use activated charcoal to tackle unwanted colours and odours in water, created by the addition of ink or food colouring and malt vinegar.

The experiment reflects the wide application of activated charcoal in organic chemistry and industry, including its use for the removal of objectionable tastes and odours from drinking water or medicines.

The practical is conveniently carried by groups of two or three and will take about 45 minutes.

  • Eye protection
  • Beaker, 100 cm 3
  • Filter funnel
  • Filter paper
  • Test tubes, x2
  • Test tube rack
  • Activated charcoal, ten spatulas full
  • Ink or food colouring, one drop (see note 5 below)
  • Malt vinegar, 100 cm 3 (see note 6)

Health, safety and technical notes

  • Read our standard health and safety guidance.
  • Wear eye protection throughout.
  • Activated charcoal, C(s) – see CLEAPSS Hazcard HC021 .
  • Malt vinegar – see CLEAPSS Hazcard HC038a .
  • Fountain pen ink (‘washable’ variety) is the best type of ink to use. A dilute solution of potassium permanganate(VII) could be used instead of ink or food flavouring.
  • Juice from sauerkraut or pickles could be used instead of malt vinegar.
  • Fold a piece of filter paper, place it in a funnel, and put the stem of the funnel into a test tube in a test tube rack.

A diagram showing how to carry out a carbon filtration using activated charcoal and coloured water

Source: Royal Society of Chemistry

How to set up the equipment before using activated charcoal to remove unwanted colour from water

  • Add about five spatulas of activated charcoal to the funnel.
  • Add one drop of ink or food colouring to 100 cm 3 of water in a beaker.
  • Carefully pour some of the coloured water on to the charcoal in the filter paper. Note whether the drops of liquid in the test tube have lost the original colour.
  • Repeat the activity with another test tube, this time pour 100 cm 3 of malt vinegar through the charcoal. Note whether the filtered liquid has lost some of its original strong smell.

Teaching notes

Students need to be warned that activated charcoal powder is extremely messy and difficult to remove from clothing.

The vinegar still smells after filtration, but noticeably less so.

Background theory

Heating wood to a very high temperature in the absence of air makes charcoal. When it is heated to an even higher temperature – about 930 °C – impurities are driven from its surface and it becomes ‘activated charcoal’. This activated charcoal can remove impurities in either the gaseous or liquid state from many solutions. It does so by the process of adsorption, by attracting these molecules to the surface of the charcoal.

Adsorption by charcoal is also used to remove unburned hydrocarbons from car exhausts, harmful gases from the air, and unwanted colours from certain products.

Students may find the difference between adsorption and absorption confusing. Adsorption is a process in which a gas, liquid, or a dissolved substance is gathered on the surface of another substance – eg charcoal. Absorption is a process in which a liquid is soaked up, as with blotting paper. It is taken in completely and mixes with the absorbing material – eg absorbent cotton.

Additional information

This is a resource from the  Practical Chemistry project , developed by the Nuffield Foundation and the Royal Society of Chemistry. This collection of over 200 practical activities demonstrates a wide range of chemical concepts and processes. Each activity contains comprehensive information for teachers and technicians, including full technical notes and step-by-step procedures. Practical Chemistry activities accompany  Practical Physics and  Practical Biology .

© Nuffield Foundation and the Royal Society of Chemistry

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    The unique color observed for each ion is produced by a chemical reaction with the visualization solution. This is one useful way to identify which ions are present in an unknown mixture. Figure 3: Diagram showing how to prepare the paper for the chromatography experiment. The distance the ion moves up the paper can also be used to identify the ...

  16. Coffee Filter Chromatography

    Chromatography Experiment Instructions. For the coffee filter experiment: Draw a circle in the center of the coffee filter. Make sure you make it a thick circle with plenty of ink so that there is enough ink to move up the coffee filter. Fill a cup with about 1/2 an inch of water, or just enough for the non-inked portion to touch the water.

  17. Experiment_726_Paper Chromatography_1_2_1

    Figure 1: Completed paper chromatography containing only 1 dye. In this experiment, students will measure the values of several dyes in 3 different solvent systems. Students will also analyze an unknown mixture of dyes in order to identify the dyes present in the mixture. The three different solvent systems are 1) laboratory water, 2) an ...

  18. 20+ Color Science Experiments

    Color Mixing and the Physics of Color. The following "colorful" science experiments relate to how visible colors shift due to the mixing or separation of light. Colored Shadows: mix red, green and blue light to investigate additive color mixing and how our eyes perceive colors. (Student project version)

  19. How to Make a Red Cabbage pH Indicator

    Alternatively, you can place about 2 cups of cabbage in a blender, cover it with boiling water, and blend it. Filter out the plant material to obtain a red-purple-bluish colored liquid. This liquid is at about pH 7. The exact color you get depends on the pH of the water. Pour about 50-100 mL of your red cabbage indicator into each 250 mL beaker.

  20. How to Do Paper Chromatography With Leaves

    The jars are "done" when the alcohol has picked up color from the leaves. The darker the color, the brighter the chromatogram will be. Cut or tear a long strip of coffee filter paper for each jar. Place one strip of paper into each jar, with one end in the alcohol and the other outside of the jar.

  21. Find the Hidden Colors of Leaves

    There are many types of pigments in plant leaves. Chlorophyll makes them green and helps carry out photosynthesis during warm, sunny months. As fall arrives and the green, food-making color fades, other pigments such as yellow, orange, and red ones become more visible. Xanthophylls are yellow pigments, and carotenoids give leaves an orange ...

  22. Colour chemistry

    Procedure. This experiment should be done as a demonstration at primary level. Dissolve the sodium hydroxide pellets in 250 cm 3 of cold tap water with stirring. Dissolve the glucose in 750 cm 3 of warm water (~ 60°C). Add the indicator to the glucose solution and mix together until all the solution is dark blue.

  23. Carbon filtration and activated charcoal

    Procedure. Fold a piece of filter paper, place it in a funnel, and put the stem of the funnel into a test tube in a test tube rack. Add about five spatulas of activated charcoal to the funnel. Add one drop of ink or food colouring to 100 cm 3 of water in a beaker. Carefully pour some of the coloured water on to the charcoal in the filter paper.