Grammar Quiz

I __________ my homework yesterday.

A. Did B. Used to do

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I ______ my key yesterday and I _______ found it yet.

A. have lost / didn’t

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C. lost / didn’t

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The Simple Past of Regular and Irregular Verbs

The Simple Past Of Regular And Irregular Verbs

Table of Contents

What is the simple past tense.

The simple past , also known as the past simple or preterite , is the fundamental form of the past tense. It is used to describe past actions and events that occurred before the present moment.

The simple past of regular verbs is formed by adding -ed to the bare infinitive (e.g., play → played , watch → watched , etc.). However, there are hundreds of irregular verbs with various forms (e.g., go => went , do => did , etc.).

This page will present the simple past tense:

  • And its use.

The Simple Past of Regular And Irregular Verbs

Before you proceed with the lesson, read the following passage and observe how the verbs are formed and used.


“Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was an Austrian musician and composer. He lived from 1756 to 1791. He started to compose at the age of five and wrote more than 600 pieces of music. He was only 35 years old when he died .”

The verbs “ was, lived, started, wrote, died ” are in the simple past tense.

Notice that:

  • “ lived ,” “ started ,” and “ died ” are regular past forms.
  • “ was ” and “ wrote ” are irregular past forms.

Simple Past Tense (Regular and Irregular)

The simple past of regular verbs

We form the simple past of regular verbs by adding -ed to the verb.

For example, the verbs “ live, start, and die ” have regular past forms: “ lived, started, and died “.

The rule for forming the simple past of regular verbs is as follows:

For the spelling of the -ed forms, click here .

The Simple Past Of Irregular verbs

A verb that does not follow the -ed rule is called an irregular verb . The simple past of irregular verbs has different forms.

For example, the verbs “was, wrote” are irregular past forms. “ Was ” is the simple past of “ to be ,” and “ wrote ” is the simple past of “ write .”

More on the simple past of “to be” here .

There is no rule for these verbs; you should learn them by heart.

As you can see, we cannot predict the simple past forms of these verbs. They are irregular. Here is a list of irregular verbs .

The Simple Past Of Regular And Irregular Verbs (Form And Use)

The forms of the simple past tense, 1. the affirmative form of the simple past:.

The simple past takes the following forms in the affirmative:

  • Regular verbs (e.g., watch, play, visit , etc.): Add -ed to the verb → watched, played, visited
  • write → wrote
  • speak → spoke
  • I played tennis with my friends yesterday.
  • I finished lunch and did my homework.

2. The Interrogative Form of the Simple Past:

To ask questions, the simple past takes the following form:

  • Did you play basketball yesterday?
  • Did you visit Paris last holiday?
  • Did you watch television?
  • Did you go to the gym?
  • Did you do the homework?

The Negative Form of the Simple Past

The rule for the negative forms of the simple past is as follows:

  • I didn’t play tennis last Sunday.
  • I didn’t watch the movie last Saturday.
  • I didn’t write the report two days ago.
  • I didn’t do the homework yesterday evening.
  • I didn’t like the food served at the wedding party last Saturday.
  • I didn’t eat it.

The Use of the Simple Past

The simple past is used primarily to describe events in the past, but it also has some other uses. Here are the main uses of the simple past:

  • William Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.
  • Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.
  • He kissed her and left.
  • I visited them every day for a year.
  • I drove to work every day when I was in sales with that company.
  • He lived in Paris for 20 years.
  • They talked on the phone for ten minutes.

Remember: “DIDN’T” is the short form of “did not.” You can say either:

  • I did not play basketball, or
  • I didn’t play basketball.

Related Pages:

  • Exercise: the simple past
  • Lesson: the simple past
  • Lesson: the simple past of to be

i my homework yesterday

i my homework yesterday

Past Simple in English

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The past simple is a crucial part of the English language and is one of the toughest tenses to learn for beginners. In this reference, we’ll explain what the past simple is and how you can easily master it and improve your skills!

What is the Past Simple Tense?

The past simple, also known as the simple past tense, helps us talk about actions that happened in the past. It’s often used with adverbs and adverbial phrases (yesterday, last week, three years ago, etc.). The past simple helps you talk about completed actions that took place at a specific time in the past.

The past simple is formed by using the base form of the verb and adding -ed to the end (for regular verbs ). Irregular verbs, however, need to be memorized. Let’s take a look at how the past simple is formed and how to use it.

Past Simple Formula:

Subject + verb (base form) + -ed (for regular verbs) / did / have / was.

  How to Form the Past Simple

The past simple is formed by using the base form of the verb and adding -ed to the end (for regular verbs). For example, the verb “walk” becomes “walked” in the past simple tense.

It’s also used with the auxiliary verbs “did” and “have.” For example, “I did my homework” and “I have done my homework” are both in the past simple tense.

The past simple can also be used with the verb “be.” For example, “I was at the park yesterday” is in the past simple tense.

Common Irregular Verbs in the Past Simple

There are different irregular verbs in the past simple tense. The most common ones are go/went, do/did, have/had, and be/was. These verbs need to be memorized, as they do not follow the regular pattern of adding -ed to the end of the verb.

It’s important to note that some verbs can be both regular and irregular depending on the context. For example, the verb “read” can be regular or irregular depending on the sentence. “I read a book” is regular, but “I read the book” is irregular.

Past Simple vs. Past Participle

The past simple is often confused with the past participle. The past participle also helps us talk about completed actions in the past, but it is not used with adverbs or adverbial phrases . For example, “I have finished my homework” is in the past participle, but “I finished my homework yesterday” is in the past simple.

Examples of Past Simple Sentences

Here are some examples of sentences in the past simple:

  • I went to the store yesterday.
  • She did her homework last night.
  • We had dinner at a restaurant last week.
  • He was at the park yesterday.
  • They read a book last month.

Uses of the Past Simple

The past simple helps us talk about completed actions that took place at a specific time in the past. It is also used to talk about habitual actions in the past, such as “I used to go to the park every weekend.” The past simple is also used to talk about past facts and past states. For example, “I knew her since we were kids” and “I lived in Hong Kong for 5 years”.

Past Simple in Complex Sentences

The past simple can also be used in complex sentences. For example, “She said she had done her homework, but I didn’t believe her.” This sentence has two clauses, both of which are in the past simple tense.

Here are 5 more complex sentences for you to learn from:

  • He told me he was at the park yesterday.
  • I asked if she had done her homework.
  • We wondered if they had read the book.
  • She asked if he had gone to the store.
  • They asked if we had had dinner at a restaurant.

Past simple can be hard to start, but once you understand the formula, it all falls into place. Remember that it's just your subject + verb + -ed (for regular verbs) / did / have / was.

So, there you have it! Now you know all about the past simple in English. With enough practice, you’ll be able to master the past simple and use it like a native speaker. Good luck!

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The Present Perfect Tense

  • Past perfect means before another action in the past.
  • Present perfect means before now.
  • Future perfect means before another action in the future.
  • Past perfect: I had done my homework and so the test was easy.
  • Present perfect: I have done my homework hard and so the test is easy.
  • Future perfect: I will have done my homework hard and so the test will be easy.
  • “I wasn’t hungry yesterday because I had eaten a large breakfast”
  • “I am not hungry now because I have eaten a large breakfast”
  • “I won’t be hungry tomorrow because I will have eaten a large breakfast”

Grammar Resources


i my homework yesterday

  • Past Simple — Exercise 1
  • 1. I my grandparents last weekend. (visit) visited
  • 2. your sister the entire book? (read) Did read
  • 3. We class yesterday. (not / have) didn’t have
  • 4. I my old friend at the party. (meet) met
  • 5. He sushi at the restaurant. (eat) ate
  • 6. your friends to the concert with you? (go) Did go
  • 7. The cat a mouse in the garden. (catch) caught
  • 8. Steven the movie on TV. (not / watch) didn’t watch
  • 9. Charlotte and Ryan the project on time. (complete) completed
  • 10. They to Paris last summer. (travel) traveled
  • 11. your brother his homework yesterday? (finish) Did finish
  • 12. The team the championship last year. (win) won
  • 13. We a new car in 2019. (buy) bought
  • 14. The cat under the bed during the storm. (hide) hid
  • 15. She her keys at home. (forget) forgot
  • Past Simple with to be (was/‌were) — Mixed
  • Past Simple — Mixed
  • Past Simple — Mixed — All verbs and to be (was/‌were)
  • Past Simple — Mixed — All verbs and to be (was/‌were) — Exercise 2
  • Past Simple — Mixed — Exercise 2

Simple Past or Present Perfect Simple

Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).

  • I (just / finish) my homework.
  • Mary (already / write) five letters.
  • Tom (move) to this town in 1994.
  • My friend (be) in Canada two years ago.
  • I (not / be) to Canada so far.
  • But I (already / travel) to London a couple of times.
  • Last week, Mary and Paul (go) to the cinema.
  • I can't take any pictures because I (not / buy) a new film yet.
  • (they / spend) their holiday in New Zealand last summer?
  • (you / ever / see) a whale?


Mastering the Past Tense of Do: Your Ultimate Guide to Fluent English

By: Author ESLBUZZ

Posted on Last updated: September 14, 2023

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Learning English grammar can be a challenging task, especially when it comes to understanding the past tense of irregular verbs. One of the most commonly used verbs in English is “do”, and its past tense can be tricky for non-native speakers to grasp. In this article, we will explore the different forms of the past tense of do and provide examples to help you understand how to use them correctly.

Understanding the correct usage of these different forms of the past tense of “do” is essential for effective communication in English. In the following sections, we will delve deeper into each form and provide examples to help you master this important grammatical concept. So, let’s get started!

Past Tense of Do – Image

Past Tense of Do

Understanding the Verb ‘Do’

In English grammar, the past tense refers to the form of a verb that indicates that an action took place in the past.

The verb ‘do’ is one of the most frequently used verbs in the English language. It is used to form questions, negatives, and to emphasize the main verb in a sentence. Understanding the correct usage of the past tense of ‘do’ is essential for effective communication in English.

Simple Past Tense of ‘Do’

The simple past tense of ‘do’ is ‘did’. It is used to talk about completed actions in the past. For example:

  • I did my homework yesterday.
  • She did not come to the party last night.
  • Did you watch the movie last weekend?

Past Continuous Tense of ‘Do’

The past continuous tense of ‘do’ is ‘was/were doing’. It is used to talk about actions that were in progress at a specific time in the past. For example:

  • I was doing my homework when my friend called me.
  • They were not doing anything when I arrived.
  • What were you doing at 5 o’clock yesterday?

Past Perfect Tense of ‘Do’

The past perfect tense of ‘do’ is ‘had done’. It is used to talk about actions that were completed before another action in the past. For example:

  • I had done my homework before I went to bed.
  • She had not done her laundry when she ran out of clean clothes.
  • Had you done your research before the presentation?

Past Perfect Continuous Tense of ‘Do’

The past perfect continuous tense of ‘do’ is ‘had been doing’. It is used to talk about actions that had been in progress for a period of time before another action in the past. For example:

  • I had been doing my homework for two hours before I took a break.
  • They had not been doing anything productive for weeks before the deadline.
  • Had you been doing your exercises regularly before the injury?

In conclusion, understanding the past tense of ‘do’ is crucial for effective communication in English. Practice using the different tenses in various contexts to improve your fluency.

The Past Tense of Do

Form and Usage

In English grammar, the past tense of ‘do’ is ‘did’. ‘Did’ is used to express an action that occurred in the past. The verb ‘do’ is an irregular verb, which means that it does not follow the regular pattern of adding ‘-ed’ to the base form to form the past tense.

To form the past tense of ‘do’, we use ‘did’ as an auxiliary verb followed by the base form of the main verb. For example, “I did my homework” or “He did not eat breakfast this morning”.

Examples in Sentences

Here are some examples of ‘did’ in sentences:

  • She did not like the movie.
  • They did their best to finish the project on time.
  • Did you finish your work before leaving the office?
  • He did not want to go to the party.

It is important to note that ‘did’ is used in both affirmative and negative sentences, as well as questions. In questions, ‘did’ is placed at the beginning of the sentence followed by the subject and the base form of the main verb.

Knowing the past tense of ‘do’ is essential for anyone learning English grammar. By using ‘did’ correctly, you can accurately express actions that occurred in the past. Practice using ‘did’ in sentences and questions to improve your understanding of this important verb tense.

Common Mistakes and Misconceptions

When it comes to using the past tense of “do,” there are a few common mistakes and misconceptions that English learners often encounter. In this section, we’ll explore some of these common issues and provide tips on how to avoid them.

Using “did” Too Much

One common mistake that English learners make when using the past tense of “do” is using “did” too much. While “did” is the correct past tense form of “do,” it’s important to vary your language and use other forms of the past tense as well. For example, instead of always saying “did you do your homework?” try saying “have you finished your homework?” or “completed your homework?”

Forgetting the Auxiliary Verb

Another common mistake is forgetting to use the auxiliary verb “did” in questions and negatives. In English, we use “did” to form questions and negatives in the past tense. For example, instead of saying “you do your homework?” say “did you do your homework?” or instead of saying “I not do my homework,” say “I didn’t do my homework.”

Confusing “Done” and “Did”

A common misconception is that “done” is the past tense of “do.” While “done” is a form of the verb “do,” it’s actually the past participle form, not the past tense form. The past participle is used in perfect tenses, such as “I have done my homework.” The past tense form is “did,” as in “I did my homework yesterday.”

By avoiding these common mistakes and misconceptions, you can improve your use of the past tense of “do” and communicate more effectively in English.

Exercises and Practice

To reinforce your understanding of the past tense of do, we have created several interactive exercises that you can try out. These exercises are designed to help you practice using the past tense of do in different contexts and sentence structures.

Fill in the Blank : In this exercise, you will be given a sentence with a blank space where the past tense of do should be. You will need to select the correct form of the past tense of do to complete the sentence.

Example: Yesterday, I __________ my homework before dinner.

Sentence Scramble : In this exercise, you will be given a scrambled sentence that contains the past tense of do. You will need to unscramble the sentence to make it grammatically correct.

Example: Yesterday, homework I did my.

Multiple Choice : In this exercise, you will be given a sentence with a missing word. You will need to select the correct form of the past tense of do from a list of options.

Example: She __________ her laundry last night. a) do b) did c) does d) doing

We hope these exercises and worksheets will help you master the past tense of do. Keep practicing and you’ll be using it like a pro in no time!

Summary and Conclusion

In this article, we have covered the past tense of “do” in English grammar. We started with an overview of the verb “do” and its various forms in the present tense, before moving on to its past tense forms.

We learned that the past tense of “do” is “did,” and that it is used to talk about actions or events that occurred in the past. We also discussed the different ways in which “did” can be used, including as an auxiliary verb to form questions and negatives.

To help you better understand the past tense of “do,” we provided numerous examples throughout the article. We also included exercises for you to practice using “did” in context.

Overall, mastering the past tense of “do” is an important step in improving your English grammar skills. With practice and persistence, you can become more confident in using this verb tense correctly in your writing and speaking.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the past tense form of the verb ‘do’?

The past tense form of the verb ‘do’ is ‘did’. For example, “Yesterday, I did my homework.”

Can the past tense be used with the verb ‘do’?

Yes, the past tense form of ‘do’ (‘did’) can be used in sentences where the action has already happened in the past. For example, “Did you do your homework?”

What are the different verb forms (V1, V2, V3) for the verb ‘do’?

The different verb forms for ‘do’ are:

  • V1 (base form): do
  • V2 (past tense): did
  • V3 (past participle): done

How is the verb ‘do’ used for emphasis?

The verb ‘do’ can be used for emphasis by adding it before a verb in a sentence. For example, “I do love chocolate!”

The past tense form of the verb 'do' is 'did'. For example, \"Yesterday, I did my homework.\"

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can the past tense be used with the verb 'do'?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

Yes, the past tense form of 'do' ('did') can be used in sentences where the action has already happened in the past. For example, \"He did his best to help me.\"

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is the correct past tense for the verb 'learn'?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

The correct past tense for the verb 'learn' is 'learned' in American English and 'learnt' in British English. For example, \"I learned a lot from that experience.\"

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What are the different verb forms (V1, V2, V3) for the verb 'do'?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

The different verb forms for 'do' are:

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How is the verb 'do' used for emphasis?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

The verb 'do' can be used for emphasis by adding it before a verb in a sentence. For example, \"I do love chocolate!\"

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What are some examples of using 'do' and 'does' in the present tense?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

  • Do: \"Do you like pizza?\"
  • Does: \"He does his homework every day.\"
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  • English Only

I have done my homework yesterday.

  • Thread starter I am a Chinese boy
  • Start date May 30, 2018

I am a Chinese boy

I am a Chinese boy

  • May 30, 2018

Hi all, I was told not to say "I have done my homework yesterday", because yesterday is considered a time point instead of a time period . Grammar books say, perfect tense can only be used with time period such as since and for. So, maybe, I can only say, I did my homework yesterday. Is that 100% right? no exception to use perfect tense with accurate time point? Thanks to all  


Senior Member

Hi. I can't think of any exceptions to what the grammar books told you. If you use something like "yesterday", the present perfect isn't the tense you want. If you want to use an adverb like "now" to mark the present moment, then the present perfect sounds normal to me: Now I've seen everything.  

owlman5 said: Hi. I can't think of any exceptions to what the grammar books told you. If you use something like "yesterday", the present perfect isn't the tense you want. If you want to use an adverb like "now" to mark the present moment, then the present perfect sounds normal to me: Now I've seen everything. Click to expand...


Moderato con anima (English Only)

It is possible to consider yesterday a time period, but because it is a time period in the past, you need to say 'I had done my homework yesterday'. (And 'I did my homework yesterday' is also possible. There is a difference in meaning between those sentences.)  

natkretep said: It is possible to consider yesterday a time period, but because it is a time period in the past, you need to say 'I had done my homework yesterday'. (And 'I did my homework yesterday' is also possible. There is a difference in meaning between those sentences.) Click to expand...

Yes, that's right, Chinese boy.  

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Can We Use Yesterday With the Present Perfect Tense?

By: Author Susan Parker

Posted on Published: November 17, 2021

English tenses can be very confusing, but they’re very important because getting them wrong can result in misunderstanding. Verb tenses tell you when something happens, which is simple when we’re just referring to past, present, and future. However, when we’re linking the past with the present by using present perfect, then we may wonder if we can use “yesterday.”

We cannot use “yesterday” on its own with the present perfect tense because adverbs that refer to a completed time in the past only work with past tenses. However, you can use “since yesterday” in the present perfect tense because that expresses a time period that started yesterday and is still continuing. 

This article will explore the present perfect tense and how we should use it. We’ll examine the difference between “yesterday” and “since yesterday” and why we treat them differently. We’ll also consider what tenses we can use with “yesterday” and why.

What Is the Present Perfect?

English has three basic tenses — past, present, and future — and then those three have the perfect, continuous, and perfect continuous forms. Let’s consider the verb “to eat” in each of these tenses to illustrate the point.

We use the perfect tenses to describe an action that has been absolutely completed or perfected. This is called the “perfect aspect” ( source ). To create the present perfect, we add “has” or “have” to the past participle of the verb.

English speakers use the present perfect tense often, and it has three main uses, as we’ve illustrated in the table below ( source ).

Actions that started in the past and are continuing:

  • She has lived in Australia for 10 years.
  • Jack has worked in advertising since 2004.

Actions that happened at an unspecified time in the past:

  • They have visited the museum many times.
  • Maggie has already finished that book.

Actions that happened in the past but have an effect on the present:

  • How will we get there? Andrew has lost his car keys.
  • Jane can’t walk. She has broken her ankle.

What About “Yesterday”? 

We can use “yesterday” as an adverb or a noun to describe the day before today, or, in some contexts, it can mean just a short time ago ( source ). Consider the sentences below that illustrate these definitions.

  • I had a ballet exam yesterday. (adverb, day before today)
  • I went to that restaurant yesterday. (adverb, day before today)
  • I wasn’t born yesterday. (adverb, a short time ago)
  • It feels like yesterday that you were at school. (adverb, a short time ago)
  • Yesterday was Tuesday. (noun, day before today)
  • I’m not interested in yesterday’s news. (noun, a short time ago)

You will notice that whether we are referring specifically to the day before today or, more generally, to a time period in the past, the concept of “yesterday” is a completed period that has already happened.

Brown-Framed Eyeglasses on a Calendar

Which Tense Is Used With “Yesterday”?

Since “yesterday” refers to a time period that is past, it would be logical to assume that we must use it in the past tense. Using our original verb “to eat,” let’s consider which verbs we can use with “yesterday.” 

Is “Yesterday” Past Simple or Present Perfect?

As you will have noticed, we can use all four past tenses with “yesterday” but none of the present or future tenses. This is because “yesterday” is an expression of time that occurs entirely in the past and doesn’t include the present.

We can always use past simple — or any other past tense — with “yesterday” because it refers to the day before today, which is very clearly something that occurred in the past. Other expressions of time that only work in the past include:

  • Last week 
  • An hour ago
  • A long time ago

All of these can function in the past tenses but cannot work in any other tenses. We sometimes see someone use them incorrectly in the present perfect tense, and we need to recognize the error. Consider the following sentences, which show the incorrect use of “yesterday” in the present perfect tense.

  • I have done my homework yesterday.  
  • Yesterday, Jane has invited me to the dance.
  • They have finished the job yesterday.

None of these sentences make sense, and we need to rewrite them in the past simple:

  • I did my homework yesterday.  
  • Yesterday, Jane invited me to the dance.
  • They finished the job yesterday.

With more context, we could also rewrite them in the other past tenses:

For more on this topic, read “ Can We Use “Yesterday” W ith Past Perfect? ”

More on Perfect Tenses

We use the various tenses to express when something happened, and we use aspect to determine whether we are simply expressing a fact or whether the action is completed or ongoing. 

The simple tenses are by definition simple — they just express a fact:

  • Jack drinks a soda.
  • Jack drank a soda.
  • Jack will drink a soda.

However, we use the perfect tenses to illustrate various connections in time. As we’ve already mentioned, the present perfect and present perfect continuous connect the past with the present. 

Past perfect and past perfect continuous connect two different times in the past. Meanwhile, the future perfect and future perfect continuous connect an action with the future.

The perfect tenses focus on the completed action, while the perfect continuous tenses focus on that action continuing.

We use the present perfect tenses most often. Usually, we use them to talk about something we have done in the past that is still relevant today. When you’re introducing yourself or telling someone about your past, you will use these tenses extensively.

We don’t use the past perfect tenses quite as often, but they are still very useful. You will use this tense when telling stories because it helps to differentiate between various times in the past. We can use it to connect two past actions or to connect a past action with a past time. This is why we use this tense with “yesterday.”

We use the future perfect tenses least often, but they’re still useful when talking about plans or goals. You may use this tense to talk about what will have to be completed before a specific future time.

Can We Use “Since Yesterday”?

Since yesterday is an acceptable phrase. If we add “since” to create the phrase “since yesterday,” we are dealing with a different time expression. “Since” means from a time in the past until now, so “since yesterday” means from the day before today until now ( source ).

In this case, “since yesterday” doesn’t only occur in the past. It links the present with the past, so we can use it in the present perfect tense. Consider the sentences below.

  • I’ve been studying since yesterday.
  • I haven’t seen her since yesterday afternoon.
  • Mr. Smith has been painting his house non-stop since yesterday.

Figure, Painter, Job, Decoration, Fun, Cute, Work

Exploring “Since”

We use “since” to express time, and it can work as an adverb, preposition, or conjunction, depending on how we position it in a sentence. 

As a preposition, we follow “since” with a noun:

  • I haven’t been this fit since 2004.

As an adverb, we do not follow “since” with a noun:

  • Jack left last October and hasn’t been home since.

As a conjunction, it connects two clauses:

  • Jill has had many boyfriends since her relationship ended.

As an expression of time, “since” means either:

From a time in the past up until the present

From a time in the past until another time in the past.

In the first instance, when constructing a sentence using “since,” we will always use the present perfect tense in the main clause. However, after “since,” we can either use present perfect to describe the time from the past up until the present or simple past tense to describe the time from the past up until another point in the past.

Consider the examples below that illustrate these two possibilities.

Using present perfect after “since” to describe the time from the past up until the present:

  • Jack has improved his times since he has started training daily. 
  • I have been feeling better since I’ve been taking the correct medication.

Using simple past after “since” to describe the time from the past up until another point in the past:

  • Jack has improved his times since he started training daily. 
  • I have been feeling significantly better since I began taking the correct medication.

In the second instance, we most often use past perfect tense in the main clause and past simple after “since.” Consider the examples below:

Sally’s death was devastating. I had been friends with her since we started school in 1980.

I didn’t know you had been working on that since we opened the business last year.

Sometimes, we use past perfect tense in the main clause and again after “since,” as we’ve shown below.

  • It had been more than a decade since I had asked anyone on a date.

It’s important to remember that “since” is an expression of time in the past. Therefore, we can never use it to describe present or future time.

What About “Ever Since”?

We use “ever since” in two ways, as we’ve illustrated below. This article was written for

To talk about something that happened regularly from a time in the past up until now:

  • She saw her first ballet at six and has wanted to be a dancer ever since .
  • Bob first went to London in 1982 and has been visiting annually ever since . 

To talk about something that happened continually from a specific time in the past:

  • She has wanted to be a dancer ever since she was a young girl. 
  • Bob has been visiting London annually ever since his first visit in 1982.

Final Thoughts

English tenses can trip you up, especially if you overthink them. When saying “yesterday,” it’s useful to remember that because it refers to the day before today, we can only use it to talk about an action that has occurred in the past.

Thus, you would always use one of the past tenses — past simple, past continuous, past perfect, or past perfect continuous — with “yesterday.” 

The present perfect tense has to have a link to the present and, therefore, cannot work together with “yesterday.” However, a word like “since” can work to create the link to the present, so we can use “since yesterday” with the present perfect tense.

Modals and their substitute forms in the Simple Past and the will-future – Exercise

Task no. 1807.

Fill in the correct substitute form for the modal in brackets into the gaps.

The students   swim in the lake yesterday. (must not)

The students were not allowed to swim in the lake yesterday. oder The students weren't allowed to swim in the lake yesterday.

Do you need help?

Modals in English Grammar

  • I do my homework yesterday evening. (must)
  • You see Ken next week. (can)
  • We go out last weekend. (may not)
  • She talk to her boss tomorrow. (must)
  • They get up early next Monday. (needn't)
  • My friend get a piercing when he was 14. (may)
  • David read his essay next Tuesday. (must)
  • Victoria play tomorrow. (can't)
  • He come to your party next Saturday. (may)
  • We use a dictionary during the last test. (must not)
  • You are here:
  • Grammar Exercises
  • Modal Auxiliaries

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Which one is correct? "I finished my homework yesterday." or "I had finished my homework yesterday."?

I finished my homework yesterday..

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate the completion of homework the day before.

  • I finished my homework yesterday, so I could relax in the evening.
  • She finished her homework yesterday and went out with her friends.
  • Did you finish your homework yesterday?
  • He always finishes his homework on time.
  • We finished our homework yesterday morning.


  • I completed my homework yesterday.
  • I did my homework yesterday.
  • Yesterday, I finished my homework.
  • My homework was finished yesterday.
  • Yesterday, my homework was completed.

I had finished my homework yesterday.

This phrase is correct and is used when referring to an action that was completed before another past action or point in time.

  • I had finished my homework yesterday when you called.
  • She had finished her homework yesterday before going to bed.
  • Had you finished your homework yesterday before the teacher collected it?
  • He had finished his homework yesterday by the time I arrived.
  • By yesterday afternoon, I had finished my homework.
  • I had completed my homework yesterday.
  • Yesterday, I had finished my homework.
  • My homework had been finished yesterday.
  • Yesterday, my homework had been completed.
  • I had done my homework yesterday.

Last Updated: April 01, 2024

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  5. Past Simple

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  12. I have done my homework yesterday.

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    done it, I did/finished my homework done my homework, I did/finished my homework done my homework, I did/finished my homework. and also. done it, I was done with it. and many others. (b) In [4], i is indeed grammatically defective: had better requires a complement. [3] i, however, is not defective, because yesterday is a supplement (this is ...

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    I did my homework yesterday. This phrase is correct and provides a specific time frame, indicating that the homework was completed on the previous day. This phrase is used when you want to specify the time when the homework was completed, in this case, yesterday. I did my homework yesterday, so I can relax today.

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  22. I finished my homework yesterday. or I had finished my ...

    Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'I finished my homework yesterday' is used to simply state that the homework was completed the day before. 'I had finished my homework yesterday' is used when referring to an action that was completed before another past action or point in time. Last Updated: April 01, 2024.