essay writers on fiverr

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Writing Lessons

Level up your writing skills by taking lessons with our experts

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126 results

Best selling

be your writing coach, providing writing advice

I will be your writing coach, providing writing advice

Offers video consultations

provide a query and synopsis video course

I will provide a query and synopsis video course

make handwritten notes or assignments for you

I will make handwritten notes or assignments for you

teach you how to write a screenplay or TV script

I will teach you how to write a screenplay or TV script

give you feedback on your film or TV pitch deck

I will give you feedback on your film or TV pitch deck

do essay writing, urgent essay writing, case study, research and summary writing

I will do essay writing, urgent essay writing, case study, research and summary writing

create lesson plans, worksheets, and teaching aids

I will create lesson plans, worksheets, and teaching aids

be your professional writing coach

I will be your professional writing coach

Hire freelancers related to Writing Lessons

  • Data transcribers
  • Excel spreadsheet experts
  • Copy typing experts
  • Email copywriters
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  • Website content writers
  • Verbal communication experts
  • Written communication experts
  • Film & tv screenplays scriptwriters

Writing Lessons FAQs

What type of writing lessons are offered on fiverr.

Fiverr freelancers offer various types of writing lessons in several different languages. The lessons cover a wide range of topics, such as scriptwriting, resume writing, technical writing, creative writing, content development, sales copywriting, proofreading, and many more. The writing lessons can be conducted in a 1:1 format or even through group sessions. Depending on the provider, those availing of the service may also receive supplemental materials and practice exercises to further improve their writing skills.

What type of writing skills will I learn in a writing lesson?

The type of writing skills that you can learn in a writing lesson will depend on the topic and focus of the lesson. Some writing lessons may cover the basics of grammar and sentence structure, while others may focus on more advanced writing skills like storytelling, character development, or persuasive writing techniques. Depending on the seller, the lessons may also be tailored to specific writing genres, such as academic writing, technical writing, or creative writing. Sellers may offer lessons on how to write personalized letters, how to write content, how to become a copywriter, how to self-publish a book that sells, and how to strategically outline a course. These are designed to help you improve your writing skills and become a more effective communicator, whether it's for personal or professional purposes.

How many writing lessons do I need to improve my writing skills?

The number of writing lessons you need to improve your writing skills will depend on your current skill level and your specific writing goals. If you are a beginner, you may benefit from several lessons to build a strong foundation in the basics of writing. If you are more experienced, you may need fewer lessons to target specific areas of improvement or to learn more advanced techniques. To gain the most out of your lessons, communicate with the seller about your goals and expectations and be open to feedback and suggestions for improvement. Ultimately, the number of lessons you need will depend on your unique situation.

Who are the writing instructors on Fiverr?

The writing instructors on Fiverr are freelancers who have expertise in a specific area of writing and are offering their services to help others improve their writing skills. They may be professional writers, editors, or writing teachers with experience in a particular industry or writing genre. Many writing instructors on Fiverr have credentials such as degrees in writing or related fields, published works, or years of experience in the writing industry. You can research the qualifications and check the reviews of potential instructors before choosing one to ensure that they have the expertise and experience to help you achieve your writing goals.

Can I request a custom writing lesson plan?

It is possible to request a custom writing lesson plan from a writing instructor on Fiverr. While not all offer customized lessons, there are many writing instructors who offer lesson plans tailored to the specific needs and goals of their clients. Before ordering a lesson plan, contact the instructor to discuss your specific writing goals and needs, as well as any particular areas of focus or topics that you would like to cover in your lessons. Ask if they can create a custom lesson plan that addresses your unique needs and goals. Keep in mind, though, that custom lesson plans may cost more than pre-packaged lesson plans, so be sure to discuss pricing and any additional fees upfront with the instructor.

How will I receive the writing lesson materials?

The delivery method for writing lesson materials can vary depending on the writing instructor on Fiverr. The platform itself has a messaging system where buyers and sellers can share files. Instructors may also deliver lesson materials via email or online document-sharing platforms such as Google Docs or Dropbox. Before ordering a writing lesson, be sure to discuss the delivery method for lesson materials with the instructor to ensure that it meets your needs and preferences. Clarify any questions you have about the lesson materials or delivery method before placing your order.

AND.CO is now Fiverr Workspace

How to Start Freelance Writing (Everything You Need to Know)

  • By Pete McPherson
  • November 25, 2020

On the surface, getting started in freelance writing seems so simple…

  • Have writing skills.
  • Find companies willing to pay you.
  • Reach out to them and get gigs.
  • Make millions.

Sweet! You can stop reading this post now 😉 Go get clients!

Just kidding.

As you’ve probably found out, finding new writing clients and booking paid gigs is NEVER that easy—especially when you’re brand new, have no portfolio, and don’t have a network to tap into.

It’s tough—but not  impossible.

With the tools and tactics in this guide (and a bit of hustle), you’ll be able to grab your first paying client in no time.

Let’s write. ✏️

  • Create a “home base” to show off your work (to potential clients)
  • How to start building a portfolio ASAP
  • How to pitch for freelance writing opportunities (both free & paid!)
  • Three tips for overdelivering value for your first client (and why it’s vital)
  • How to appropriately ask for referrals
  • How to specifically find companies who will pay you to freelance write
  • Organize your “freelance system”
  • BONUS: How to land your second freelance client

First, You Need to Understand What Freelance Writing Actually Looks Like

If you’re new to freelance writing, don’t skip this step.

What you’re about to read could save you hours of time (and a lot of frustration).

Producing content for money is work! It’s not always easy, and it won’t always pay thousands of dollar per post. It’ll also take a while to ramp up your clients and earnings.

It’s crucial that you manage your expectations.

Even with this guide, it’ll still take hours of hard work to land a client, and then you’ll have to, ya know,  do the work  for your clients.

That said, freelance writing  is  an amazing side hustle (or full-time career path), filled with variety, great hourly rates , and the ability to work at home while binging on Netflix.

(Don’t actually do that, by the way).

1. You Need a “Home Base” on the Internet (Where You Can Show Your Work)

Remember in 3rd grade when the teacher asked you to “show your work?”

This is kind of like that.

When you’re trying to convince a company to pay you for your writing, they’ll want to see examples of your writing.

The most common method for most freelance writers is to start a blog, or otherwise have a personal website (complete with a “work with me” page).

Holly from Club Thrifty has a fantastic portfolio page on her blog.

More specifically, this “home base” website will need three things:

  • Examples of your writing
  • A portfolio page with links to external articles (once you get them)
  • Information on how to work with you (and contact you)

Don’t get overwhelmed yet, though.

We’ll talk more about those details in a minute, but for now, you just need to get your home base set-up!

The best course of action will be to start a very simple, minimal website.

With the right set of instructions, you can easily have something set up in an afternoon, after which you should start publishing content (that you can show to potential freelance clients)!

This illustrative guide will teach you how to start a blog, step by step!

Pro Tip: If this is your first time setting up a website, keep things as simple as humanly possible! There are a lot  of new things to learn in the beginning, so take it easy on yourself.

You don’t need a fancy theme or even a logo. You need a functioning, professional-looking site to show potential clients. Keep it minimal, and there will be fewer things to screw up.

Technical newbies should re-read that paragraph 👆

Even if you don’t want to set up a portfolio blog right now, you’ll most definitely need one eventually.

It  is possible to start freelance writing without a blog, but it sure makes things easier if you do have one!

The next point, however, is not optional.

2. You Need to Get Published on Somebody Else’s Blog ASAP

You’re not going to like this…

But you need to do whatever it takes to get published on somebody else’s platform—even if that’s doing your first article for free.

“What? No way! I don’t work for free…”

I get it. Working for free doesn’t sound very appealing, but when you’re just starting out, you need to consider it.

Every freelance client on the planet is going to want to see if you can write  for other people.

In fact, this is the most important piece of advice in this entire article: the quality of your past writing gigs either makes or breaks your opportunities for new, better freelance writing clients.

But you’re in luck!

Even if you’ve never written a piece of freelance content before, there’s a simple solution for getting started:  the guest post!

Why guest posts are awesome for new freelance writers:

  • They get your feet wet for conducting outreach/pitching
  • It costs you nothing and gets you valuable writing experience, as well as something to add to your portfolio
  • It’s help to build your “writing for other people” muscle.

How to find blogs to guest post on:

First, you’ll want to start small.

Don’t go reaching out to huge blogs that have massive following and have been around for decades.

Compile a list of blogs in your niche (we’ll talk about niches in a minute).

Here’s my recommended process (using an aspiring freelance writer in the personal finance niche as an example) :

  • Create a spreadsheet to drop the names, URLs, and contact emails in
  • Go to Google and search “best personal finance blogs”
  • Open the top 10 results, sort through all the blogs, and put them on your spreadsheet.
  • Go to Pinterest and search “personal finance” (or other sub-topic keywords like “budgeting,” “frugality,” or “investing.”)
  • Open several pins, and add those resulting blogs to your spreadsheet
  • Go to  and click on your niche (they only have 10 large niches)
  • Open those blogs and add them to your spreadsheet (I recommend starting from the bottom of the list, as the top blogs are  huge  sites that’ll be tough to get guest posts on.

You can use the Chrome extensions  Hunter  to find bloggers’ email addresses, or just use the contact forms on their site (check their site footer for the link).

3. How to Pitch Bloggers for Guest Posts (or Your First Paid Opportunity)

Huge mega-hint:  Most of these tips apply for pitching paid freelance services as well!

Pay attention 😃

Every other “how to pitch yourself for a writing opportunity” article probably contains some form of copy/paste template.

But those are increasingly ineffective (as everybody like yourself tends to use them).

Instead, here are the essentials for a great outreach email.

These work whether you’re trying to land a guest post or connecting with your first freelance client:

  • Write like a human.  No scripts, no templates, no copy/paste. Do use proper spelling, grammar, formatting, and be professional, but use natural language.
  • Be brief.  No 500 word emails, please! Write out the entire email, then cut it in half. No fluff.
  • Be honest and transparent . Under no circumstances should you try to hide the fact that you’re asking for an opportunity! Make your ask clear.
  • Be specific . Don’t leave anything to chance. Share  exactly  what you’re looking for and  exactly what you bring to the table for them (with your content).
  • Give specific suggestions.  “I noticed you have a ‘ketogenic desserts’ category on your blog, but haven’t posted anything there in over 4 months. I have 3 specific blog post ideas for you! [Post A, Post B, and Post C]”
  • Always show them “WIIFM.” (“What’s in in for me?”)  That’s what your contact will be thinking when they open the email, so make the benefits of your freelance writing very clear.

Write short emails that sound like they’re coming from a friend or peer, present your ask/offer clearly, and focus on building genuine relationships and adding value to the other person.

You’ll get guest opportunities.

4. Three ways to Overdeliver Value on Your First Gig (and Why It’s Critical You Do)

Do you remember what you’re after here?

A lucrative freelance writing career?

Referrals and word of mouth are the top ways freelance writers find more work. Do whatever it takes to impress your first client and overdeliver.

This applies to initial guest post opportunities and your early paid clients.

Tip #1 – Be flexible in your writing

As a matter of fact, this should be included in your pitch as well. Reassure potential clients that they should feel free to send  back  your content with changes, improvements, or revisions.

They want any guest content to be  good,  so reassure them you’ll do whatever it takes to make that happen!

Tip #2 – Share the content once it’s live

  • Share on social media.
  • If you have an email list, email them about the guest post.
  • Write about the experience on your own blog and link back to the post.

Tip #3 – Follow up a week after it’s live

Ask your client  “How was the response from the guest post? Is there anything I can do to help?”

It’s unlikely they’ll come back with anything, but it shows them how caring and dedicated you are just in case.

When you first start freelance writing, these are the types of interactions that’ll increase the likelihood growing your work opportunities quicker.

Overdeliver on your first few gigs, and you’ll quickly find yourself getting more opportunities (or repeat opportunities)!

5. You Need to Ask for Referrals

And not just reaching out to past clients—because you might not have any of those yet.

The truth is, you already have a network of some sort, even if you don’t know it.

  • Search your LinkedIn contacts for people who like you
  • Email that college professor you were close with
  • Text your mom

If this sounds silly, it is, and that’s why 95% of people would never think to actually implement this 😃

Say something like this:

“Hey cousin Ed! Long time no see! I’ve recently gotten into freelance writing as a career path (I write about [topic] for [type of company you serve]), and I’m looking for a bit more work. Do you know of anybody who might want articles for their website/blog? Anybody who works at [type of company you serve]? Etc? I just thought I’d ask!”

Here’s why asking your personal network for referrals is awesome…

Two reasons:

  • There’s a small chance you’ll actually get a direct lead
  • There’s a very high chance you will now be “top of mind” if and when your friends  do encounter somebody at [type of company you serve].

If you write for e-commerce platforms, you’ll want your friends to think of  you  when they meet an e-commerce CMO at a networking event.

Pro Tip : You should absolutely double-back with past clients or bloggers who you wrote a guest post for—asking them for referrals as well. Just be more professional in your language than if you were talking to Cousin Ed.

6. How to Specifically Find Companies Who Will Pay You to Freelance Write

So you have a few articles published and you’re ready to level up into paid freelance writing.

This is the stage where you are absolutely not allowed to give up! You should expect to receive several “no’s” before you get a “yes.” Your first paid gig will always be the hardest.

Freelance writing gets easy the more you do it (since you have more work to show for yourself and more client wins to report).

Introducing the “Upside Down” Method of finding paying clients.

This hack comes from a guest post that James Johnson wrote on Nick Loper’s site, Side Hustle Nation .

It’s a fantastic post, and you should read the whole thing!

Here’s how James laid it out:

Rather than looking for companies to pitch to, you’ll be looking for other freelancers with other paid writing gigs under their belt. From there, you’ll reverse-engineer your search to discover companies with a track record of paying freelancers.

Here’s what you’ll do:

  • Go to Google and search for freelance writers in your niche. Use a query like  [niche] “guest post” + “is a freelance writer”
  • Find your way to those writers’ websites, and find their portfolio. Try searching for their “about” page “work with me” page.
  • Once you find their portfolio, browse through and note any companies that would be a good fit for you as well!

This method works well for finding companies that are proven to pay freelance writers.

Pro Tip: In this process, you should be organizing your search in some sort of spreadsheet tracker or checklist. Keep a living document of companies you’d like to reach out to, noting when you’ve pitched them, when you should follow-up, etc.

For more info, go back to that Side Hustle Nation link at the top of this section. James breaks it down in far more detail.

7. Here’s Another Pro Tip That’ll Help You Stand out From Other New Freelance Writers

Warning: This section suggests hustle moves that most new freelancers aren’t willing to do.

Put yourself in the shoes of an editor who is receiving 20 emails a day from freelance writers.

They see a lot of pitches like…

“Hey I’m Jerry, a freelancer from [blog], and I’d love to contribute to the Business Insider blog. Here’s my portfolio: [link]. What do you think?”

Or slightly better…

“Hey I’m Jerry, a freelancer from [blog], and I’d love to contribute to your platform. I had three article ideas in mind. [Idea one. Idea two. Idea three.]. What do you think?”

Editors receive a ton of these pitches!

How can you stand out?

Simple. Prove to them up front that you’re a hard worker.

How to prove you’ll be a great writer and add value to your client’s brand.

Do some form of work upfront—before they’ve actually said “yes.”

This could take several forms:

  • Include 60-second video in your pitch explaining your article idea in greater detail.
  • Write the article beforehand, and tease it in your pitch email with a screenshot. Ask them if they’d like to read the entire thing.
  • Prepare three different article ideas, and include a one-paragraph summary of each idea, as well as five different headline alternatives for each.
  • Explain how you  will promote the article to  your  audience once it’s live. Social media, email list, paid promotion?

If you do something a little extra like this, make sure to tailor your idea or pitch to their brand! It shouldn’t be a generic “Hey, I already have a random piece written and I thought you might want it.”

It should be more like “Hey, I did all this work already specifically for your brand.”

Pro Tip: I once got a guest post opportunity by submitting three articles ideas, summary, and alternative headlines—inside a Google Doc that I customized to their brand colors, logo, etc.

8. Organize Your “Freelance System” (and Showcase It to Potential Clients)

Here’s another thing that all companies want from their freelance writers:  They want you to be hyper-organized, timely, and professional in your services.

And not just the actual writing…

  • You’ll need to send proposals
  • You’ll need contracts
  • You might need to track your hours
  • You’ll need to send invoices and collect payments.

These don’t really sound challenging until it’s actually time to  do  such administrative tasks.

In case you haven’t noticed, this is the entire purpose of AND CO—to make your life 10x easier as a new freelance writer, giving you the tools to find and close new clients, and save time, energy, and money in your freelancing.

Example : Here’s an entire guide to invoicing , and here’s a free invoice generator!

Pro Tip: You might even share your tools & “admin system” with your prospective clients. They’ll like to know that you’re a professional, and will make it easy for them to pay you, etc.

Don’t neglect the administrative side of freelancing. The amount of “backend” work often surprises new freelance writers!

Be prepared, make things easier on yourself, and show your clients you’re a professional 👍

BONUS: How to Land Your 2nd Freelance Writing Client

Too many new freelancers overlook this important step.

Make sure to double-back with any clients you’ve worked for (or bloggers you’ve guest posted for) and collect any wins they received!

What you’re doing is here is gathering testimonials and social proof that you can use to showcase your skills to new clients.

Here’s an example from freelancer Cat Alford’s blog:

  • Revenues or leads . Did that post generate any sales for you?
  • Traffic . How was traffic to our article?
  • Shares . How did your audience respond to the article? Did it get many shares?

The more wins you can collect, the better. You can even create a living Google Doc with client testimonials and specific results from past writing gigs.

Are You Ready to Start Freelance Writing?

Before you head off to browse the internet and forget what you’ve learned, let’s recap:

  • Set up a blog or website to showcase your content and act as a portfolio (and contact method).
  • You’ll need to have published content of some sort. Guest posting is low-hanging fruit for getting published.
  • Use the “upside down” method for finding companies that are known to pay freelance writers.
  • Don’t forget the outreach principles outlined in this article. They’ll help you stand out from the crowds and land your first gig.
  • Do everything humanly possible to get that first gig  and overdeliver value in any way you can. This will help with word of mouth referrals.
  • You’re not allowed to give up easily 😃

The path to making income through your writing is not an easy one, but it  is  doable with a bit of hustle!

So what are you waiting for?

Go execute!

Pete McPherson

Pete McPherson is one heck of a podcaster and blogger at Do You Even Blog , and also the founder of Online Impact : a premium membership community for bloggers, podcasters, and online entrepreneurs wanting to make more money.

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The Next Phase of Fiverr—the Freelance Marketplace Expands Into Hiring Is their AI and Business Partner service a game-changer for hiring talent?

By Terry Rice Edited by Dan Bova Jul 23, 2024

I'll start with a quick confession that will provide context for the remainder of this article.

I've used plenty of Fiverr experts to grow and maintain my business. This includes video editors, graphic designers and I even hired a pro to walk me through setting up my first Apollo email campaign.

But here's the confession, I don't directly hire most of these experts anymore. Instead, a member of my team is responsible for sourcing and vetting. This is because I'm not that good at describing my business needs. I gloss over details - which leaves the Fiverr expert I'm considering working with confused - and that often leads to a project fizzling-out due to my lack of direction.

For this reason, it's easier for me to identify the core business need, then let someone on my team handle explaining all the nuances.

While this works, it's also inefficient since I'm making the process more complicated than it needs to be. And I know we often hear how important it is to outsource our weaknesses, but not everyone has the time or resources to do so.

It appears Fiverr may have recently solved that problem with a few new features that can help you no matter how large your team or budget is.

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Search smarter with AI

Like I said earlier, I tend to leave out important information whenever I'm planning something. Just ask my wife; and she can attest to this. Fiverr has a new AI search agent, Neo, that is built to eliminate that issue.

In this example I'm looking for someone to create a trailer for a documentary that I was featured in. I started with a simple prompt, and Neo chimed in to make sure I didn't miss out on any important details.

essay writers on fiverr

I'd say it worked pretty well since this person fits my budget, time frame and has experience in creating the exact type of content I'm looking for.

Not only did Neo save me time, it also helped me avoid the paradox of choice . And, in case you're not familiar with that term, I'll explain.

The paradox of choice means that having too many options can actually make people less happy and more stressed. Instead of feeling liberated by the variety, people often feel overwhelmed, make poorer decisions, and are less satisfied with their choices. In simpler terms, sometimes less is more.

So based on this theory, Neo could make it easier for you to find the right expert and you'll also avoid the overwhelm and potential disappointment that comes from sifting through too many options.

Outsource the outsourcing

Okay, so Neo helped me with this relatively small project, but what if you need a whole team of experts? Unless you have a project manager, this can be challenging to coordinate. And even if you do, they may not have the bandwidth to handle additional responsibilities.

Fiverr now appears to have that issue covered with their Business Partner service.

As per their website, you'll get paired with an experienced business partner who understands your industry and will put together a team of top freelance talent to ensure you get the best results, quickly and within your budget.

Now you might be thinking "Won't it cost more to have someone manage all this stuff?" Well, clearly you have to pay the business partner, but you can save a lot of time and money by having them assemble and manage your team.

As Fiverr reports, buyers who leverage business partners have completed their projects 40% faster while reducing costs by 60%.

Gal Tsemach, Head of New Revenue Streams at Unilever , had this to say "When we heard the price, we didn't believe we'd get the product we wanted. Eventually, we got much more than that! And we saved so much time. The process was so smooth and professional, we'd gladly do it again."

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Find your next hire

While working with freelancers is great for one-off projects when you find the right person - with the right set of skills - it makes sense to continue engaging with them. This is why I hired my director of operations after initially working with her as a freelancer.

Fiverr is trying to make it easier for you to find your next remote or fractional worker by leveraging Fiverr's professions catalog.

With this new catalog view, you can assess freelancers based on their professional backgrounds, portfolios, and previous experience. The goal is to make it easier for you to find the right match for projects that require experts with T-Shaped skills.

If you're not familiar with the term, a T-shaped person has deep expertise in one area (the vertical part of the "T") and a broad range of knowledge in other areas (the horizontal part of the "T"). This combination allows them to excel in their specialty while also understanding and collaborating across different fields. In simple terms, they're both a specialist and a generalist.

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The new professions catalog can help you quickly identify and vet these T-shaped pros but of course, you'll still want to do some additional vetting.

In regard to hiring for your company, it's similar to LinkedIn but you'll only see results for people who are available for work and fit your exact criteria. Plus, you can avoid those cringe-worthy posts that somehow manage to go viral.

So will this be a game changer for hiring talent? It's a bit too early to tell, but it certainly makes it easier.

Entrepreneur Staff

Business Development Expert-in-Residence

Terry Rice is the Business Development Expert-in-Residence at Entrepreneur and Managing Director of Growth & Partnerships at Good People Digital ; an agency that provides marketing and monetization solutions for entrepreneurs. He writes a newsletter about how to build your business and personal resilience and personal brand in just 5 minutes per week and created a revenue optimization checklist to help you multiply your income potential. 

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Ready to Write Your App Essays? Advice from an Admissions Counselor on the Notre Dame Supplement

Published: August 01, 2024

Author: Maria Finan

Graphic that says writing supplement" with illustration of laptop/computer keyboard and pencil

Now that the applications have officially opened for the 2024-2025 application cycle, you may be eager to dive into working on your essays. Hopefully, you’ve been able to spend some time thinking about your personal statement, which will be shared with all of the colleges you apply to this year. Like many universities, Notre Dame also has its own supplemental writing section , which gives applicants an opportunity to share more about themselves and what they’re looking for in their college experience.

You will respond to one (1) required short essay question and three (3) short-answer responses from the five options listed below.

You will have up to 150 words to respond to the short essay question, and 50-100 words to respond to the short answer questions.

There is no magic combination of questions that you should respond to—pick the prompts that will best enable you to share more about yourself, your values, and what makes you unique! We value each student’s distinct lived experiences and can’t wait to learn more about you from your supplemental responses.

If you’re struggling with what to write about, here are some suggestions to get you started!

The Short Essay - Required

Prompt: Everyone has different priorities when considering their higher education options and building their college or university list. Tell us about your “non-negotiable” factor(s) when searching for your future college home.

This question is as much about you as it is about what you’re looking for from your college experience.

Think about what you’re looking for in your future university.

  • Do you want to attend a faith-based Catholic university like Notre Dame?
  • Are you drawn to a school that has a strong community and residential life experience?
  • Does your future home need to be a place where serving others and working for the betterment of society are important values?
  • Are you someone who wants to conduct undergraduate research?
  • Do you want a spirited environment full of tradition and an engaged student body?
  • Are you seeking a collaborative academic environment?
  • What programs or activities or opportunities are you specifically hoping to participate in when you get to college?
  • What values do you hold that you hope your future institution will also exemplify?

There’s no right answer to this prompt, but if you take some time to think about it, there are likely a few things that are driving you to apply to Notre Dame. Take this opportunity to reflect on them and share how you hope to engage with such “non-negotiable” factors during your time as an undergraduate student.

The Short Answer Questions - Choose 3

How does faith influence the decisions you make?

If faith is a guiding force in your life, this might be one of the questions you’re most excited to respond to this year. As a Catholic university, Notre Dame is guided by our Catholic faith, social teachings, mission, and the Congregation of Holy Cross.

Each student’s faith journey is unique and we invite you to share how faith influences the decisions you make. Whether you’re Catholic, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Protestant, another religion, or have your own distinctive version of faith and spirituality, we are excited to hear about how you are guided by your faith.

You may also want to reflect on how your faith has shaped your own sense of mission and values for your life, the role those have played in the decisions you have made, and the path you are hoping to take in the future.

What is distinctive about your personal experiences and development (e.g., family support, culture, disability, personal background, community)? Why are these experiences important to you and how will you enrich the Notre Dame community?

There is only one you in the world and we want to hear about who you are and what has shaped you.

There are infinite life experiences that have helped make you who you are, so think about which people, places, communities, and life events have influenced your personal development. This is an opportunity to share your lived experiences with us and to reflect on how you hope to share who you are with the Notre Dame community. Don’t forget to tell us why this/these experiences have been so important in your life.

Notre Dame’s undergraduate experience is characterized by a collective sense of care for every person. How do you foster service to others in your community?

For students applying to Notre Dame through QuestBridge, this is the second question you will respond to on the Notre Dame supplement.

This question is asking you to reflect on how you care for your community. This may be through service work, advocacy efforts, research with a social justice dimension, allyship actions, policy or curricular change, or even by dedicating your time to your community.

Consider community in a broad sense—it could be your family, your neighborhood, your town or city, your peers, your school, a religious organization, a local service organization, or something else entirely. If you are dedicating your heart and time to others, you are likely fostering service in your community.

What compliment are you most proud of receiving and why does it mean so much to you?

This is an opportunity to share something that someone else has recognized you for (it doesn’t need to be an accomplishment; it can be for an action you took or a trait that you possess).

Oftentimes, the compliments that are most meaningful and memorable are those that we receive for being ourselves. You may want to share who complimented you or what prompted the compliment. This is a moment to let others speak to something important about you and to tell us why that matters so much to you.

What would you fight for?

With the Fighting Irish as our mascot, the Notre Dame community is all about “fighting” for what matters. The University has shared over 100 stories about members of the Notre Dame family who are fighting to bring solutions to a world in need.

This is your opportunity to tell us what (or who) you would fight for at Notre Dame, in your career, in your community, through your research, or in whatever other space in which you hope to make an impact.

Give yourself time to think and write. The best responses usually aren’t the ones written the night before the deadline. Take some time to think about which questions you want to respond to and what you want to share about yourself and then give yourself time to write (and edit)!

It’s always easier to write too much than too little. We’re asking you to be brief in your responses, but it’s often easier to write a little too much and edit your responses down to focus on what’s most important. Make the most of the space you have to respond to these prompts.

Don’t be afraid to pick a different question. You have to respond to the short essay prompt, but if you’re stuck on writing a response to one of the short answer questions, try writing something for one of the other questions. Sometimes, the questions you think you want to respond to may not be the questions you have the best responses to (it’s okay to try different prompts and pick the ones that best reflect who you are and what you value).

Be your authentic self. We want to get to know the real you. The best questions for you to respond to are the ones that reveal your true self. We don’t have favorite questions, but you might just write one of our favorite responses!

Get started on the Notre Dame Writing Supplement.


Maria Finan is a senior assistant director of admissions and counselor for the Bay Area, California, Northern California, Hawaii, Alaska, Hong Kong, and South China. Learn more.

15 Types of Freelance Writing Jobs

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How to make money on Fiverr, according to 5 freelance writers

  • Fiverr is an online marketplace where freelancers can connect with clients.
  • Five writers described how they got started on Fiverr with no experience.
  • They detailed their strategies for promoting their work and securing clients.

Insider Today

Freelance writers can make money on Fiverr in numerous ways, such as writing short Amazon product descriptions or ghostwriting entire memoirs.

On their Fiverr profiles they showcase their "gigs" — the writing services they offer — and their rates. Prospective clients can book them for a job through the site.

Insider spoke with five freelance writers about how they use the platform to connect with clients. They described how they made up to $101,000 a month on the platform.

Rafael Meneses offered clients unlimited revisions and refunds

Meneses , 32, started freelance copywriting on Fiverr in 2019 to make some extra money alongside his university job. By April 2021 he found he was making more than his regular salary through Fiverr.

He looked at other copywriters' profiles to figure out how to differentiate himself. He said that to land clients as a new freelancer, he offered unlimited revisions and a money-back guarantee. He also said his first gig was still his most popular.

Read more: I'm a freelance copywriter who made $175,000 last year on Fiverr. Here are the 2 perks I offered clients to kick-start my business.

Alexa Nizam brought her personality to her Fiverr profile

Nizam set up an account to try out freelance copywriting on weekends and in the evenings alongside her video-production job in 2020. But she struggled to book any clients for months.

After watching a TikTok from another Fiverr seller, Alexandra Fasulo , she decided to use her photos in her gig images and described herself and what she offered in her bio section. She also set her prices low and took any job she could.

Within two weeks she'd landed her first clients. In March 2021, she made $8,000 from freelancing. The following month she quit her job to pursue copywriting full time.

Read more: I make up to $13,000 a month copywriting on Fiverr. Here's how I got started and landed clients.

Gaurav Shrishrimal showcased his portfolio on his Fiverr profile

Shrishrimal wrote Amazon product descriptions as a side hustle while working on his e-commerce business. He said he made $20,000 in revenue on Fiverr last year working two hours a day.

The 37-year-old used Fiverr to showcase his work, such as copy he'd written, and described his approach so clients would know what to expect.

Read more: I made $20,000 in revenue last year working 2 hours a day on Amazon product descriptions. Here's how I landed clients on Fiverr.

Georgia Austin used keywords to improve her profile's SEO

Austin shared five strategies for building a profile on Fiverr and securing clients.

She decided to freelance on Fiverr after working full time as a copywriter for brands such as Sweaty Betty , a women's activewear store, and Nike.

The 26-year-old made her profile stand out by using professional headshots. She researched keywords to tag in her Fiverr gigs and to include in her title and description so they'd appear more frequently in client searches.

Austin made up to $27,000 a month in revenue working on her own, but she hired freelancers to help her meet client demand in 2021. They made $101,300, including tips from clients, in revenue in May 2022.

Read more: I made 6 figures in a month on Fiverr working with a team of 150 freelance copywriters to meet client demand. Here's how I scaled my business.

Billy McIntyre charged clients low rates for 3 years

McIntyre joined Fiverr in 2015 while working at an e-commerce warehouse. He used it to write pitches for brands, then he started ghostwriting memoirs, articles, and novels the following year.

McIntyre landed customers by charging $0.02 a word for his first three years on the platform and saying yes to any gig he was offered.

By 2018 he'd made ghostwriting his main gig and charged $3,000 to write 10,000 words.

Read more: I make around $14,000 a month ghostwriting on Fiverr and work around 5 hours a day. Here's how I landed gigs and built up a clientele.

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Student ambassadors can help you write your college admissions essays.

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Student ambassadors love their school and hope you will, too.

If you can’t visit campus, you can still get a feel for college life through virtual events—sometimes hosted by students who were in your shoes not long ago. Student ambassadors are current students who have volunteered to meet with applicants to share what they know and love about their school.

Many colleges ask applicants to write essays explaining exactly why they want to attend not just any college, but their school in particular. However, once you are up to your ears in essay writing, you may start to feel that schools are blurring together and you are having a hard time telling Haverford from Harvard.

Student ambassadors can help.

Student ambassadors will not write your application essays for you. But in listening to and talking with current students, you may find that you finally “get it”: you understand at last why Duke thinks it’s important for first-year undergraduates to live together on one campus, or why Brown’s Open Curriculum does not simply mean you can take whatever classes you want.

The personal insights student ambassadors share can help you craft college-specific supplemental essays that shine with detailed examples of why you believe you are a great fit for a particular school.

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Nyt ‘strands’ hints, spangram and answers for thursday, august 1st, russia releases evan gershkovich and paul whelan in massive 26-person prisoner swap—here’s what we know, who are student ambassadors.

Student ambassadors are usually current students who have volunteered to present information about their schools and share what they know about living and learning at their college. Occasionally they are paid, but they are always there because they love their school and would like to share their enthusiasm and their experience with prospective applicants.

How To Connect With A Student Ambassador

There are different ways to take advantage of the chance to talk with a current student. Some schools post a link you can use to send a question to a student ambassador at any time.

Some schools offer open Q&A sessions. New York University invites you to “hit our student ambassadors with your questions in a live Q&A.” Tufts University ’s “Jumbo Chats (for prospective students only) offer an opportunity to learn directly from student experiences at Tufts, and ask questions you may not want to ask in a larger forum.”

Later in the admissions cycle, some schools may host call-ins, which are times when students who are considering applying or accepting an offer of admission can call in and speak with a student ambassador.

The summer and early fall before application deadlines pick up is an especially valuable time to listen in on a webinar or Q&A session featuring student ambassadors. It’s a great time to ask current students, “Why did you choose this college?” You can ask what they expected of their school and whether that was in fact what they found. You might ask what they know now that they wish they understood as an applicant.

Just remember that student ambassadors are there to answer questions about their own experience. They cannot answer a technical question, such as, “Can I be admitted to Physics 1001 even though I got 3 in AP Calc BC?”

How Connecting With A Student Ambassador Can Help

If you’re having difficulty telling one college from another on the basis of the websites alone, talking to someone close to your own age can help bring the student experience to life. Listening to a student ambassador’s experience may assure you that a first-year writing seminar is in fact an exciting introduction to a new field of study, or clarify the meaning of a term like “collegewide requirements.”

Some colleges schedule virtual events with student ambassadors to give prospective students an overview of large topics. For example, student ambassadors from Cornell University’s College of Liberal Arts & Sciences offered Zoom webinars on the following topics in July and August 2024:

  • Why I Chose Cornell
  • Innovative Curriculum
  • Beyond the Classroom

These could be excellent topics to cover in the school-specific essay required by Cornell. As Cornell’s virtual events page explains, “Students can articulate their fit and interest in the College of Arts & Sciences through the Cornell-specific supplemental essay in their application.”

That essay is unusually long: 650 words. Clearly, Cornell expects applicants to do their homework.

Of course, Cornell also offers webinars hosted by professional staff, including presentations by specific programs. Those people are prepared to answer your questions about academic or technical matters. If they don’t know the answer to a question, they can usually direct you to someone who does.

But talking with student ambassadors is different. You may find it easier to ask a student a question like, “How many people were really in your intro course on macroeconomics?” or even, “How’s the food?”

Back To Your Essays

Armed with a detailed and lively understanding of what it’s really like to be a student at a particular school, you might return to writing those supplement essays with much more to say. You should find yourself better prepared to document your newfound conviction that you would love to find yourself at that college next year.

Perhaps you will even volunteer to be a student ambassador one day.

Dr. Marlena Corcoran

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  • Personal Essay

How I Embraced the Beauty of My Disability After Struggling With Self-Confidence

Natalie Trevonne attends the 10th Annual Easterseals Disability Film Challenge at Sony Pictures Studios on May 04, 2023, in Culver City, California. Her full body is pictured as she wears a fur coat, tan shoes, and poses with a purse and cane.

When I was younger, I felt like I had all the confidence in the world. If you were to ask my parents to describe me in one word as a child, they would both say fearless. My family loves to tell the story of how my uncle got all us cousins together and told us he would give money to the best dancer. So, of course, little Natalie got out there and danced until she won the money. That was me: a little girl with big dreams and a lot of guts. But trauma has a way of stripping you of all the things that made you strong and leaving you with just a shell of who you used to be.

Trauma has a way of stripping you of all the things that made you strong and leaving you with just a shell of who you used to be.

I've been thinking about that a lot as we've been celebrating Disability Pride Month this July. If I'm being honest, I haven't always had disability pride. In fact, I spent many years wanting to hide and trying to make myself as invisible as possible. When I first started losing my vision around 12 years old, there wasn't any representation in the media of young blind people. And whenever you did see someone blind, they were always portrayed with the stereotypical dark sunglasses — alongside a woe-is-me narrative. I didn't relate to that version of blindness, which only added to a feeling that I didn't belong.

I really started to notice my self-esteem dwindling in middle school. My eye disease, which the doctors called uveitis, was affecting me in such a chaotic way. They said the uveitis stemmed from my juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA), which I was diagnosed with at the age of 1. My vision fluctuated in those pre-teen years, and I would sometimes have six good months of eyesight and sometimes six bad months. During the bad months, my vision would appear as if I were looking through a dark cloud and objects would constantly go in and out of focus. I was on Enbrel, a medication my mom had to inject into me via a needle, and I was also on prednisone, a corticosteroid. This caused me to have unflattering marks on my legs; I gained weight, and developed chubby cheeks, which made me a target for bullying and teasing.

One day particularly stands out: I showed up to middle school in one of our cheer outfits, which consisted of a matching shirt and shorts. One of my fellow cheerleaders took one look at me and said, "Wow, you look different," and then proceeded to snicker with a group of other girls. This is when I realized I was now on the outside. And from that day on, things got worse. It didn't matter what I wore, what I said, or how I wore my hair; someone was going to find something to make fun of me about.

Looking back, I didn't know how to process all of that, and I didn't even realize I was depressed at the time. I just knew having to show up every day for school in such a negative environment was draining me mentally and emotionally.

I continued cheerleading in high school. (I know what you're thinking: I should've just stayed far away from cheer. We never learn our lesson.) One day, another cheerleader made a nasty remark — she said that I looked like I had a disease. I'd just gotten through explaining why I wouldn't be able to run the extra mile that day because of a JRA flareup.

It was devastating for me. That statement stuck with me for a long time; in truth, I feel I'm still recovering from it. After those experiences, I started to develop social anxiety. I believed that everyone saw me as the girl who looked like her disease.

I was somehow unconsciously able to fight against hiding my disability.

The most interesting thing about my self-confidence journey is that I have never tried to hide my eyes. After all the things that I went through, I still managed to show up, my eyes visible, every single time. When I fully lost my vision at 18, I didn't have a high sense of self. I had completely let the words of others beat me down and it made me insecure about the way I looked. But I was somehow unconsciously able to fight against hiding my disability, especially once I got comfortable using my white cane.

But what really helped me on my disability pride journey was learning that a month for us even existed. In 2020, when we celebrated the 30-year anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, I saw a huge influx of disability representation online. I also was invited to be part of an ADA 30 celebration article highlighting disabled creatives. It was then that I met and could appreciate other disabled individuals who were fun, exciting, and sexy. I never saw myself as an attractive person, but that opportunity allowed me to see myself in a different light.

I was viewing beauty based on society's perception of blindness. But what I wasn't taking into consideration was how I felt about myself. And when I became more confident in my disability and started to be more independent, I really started looking inward. I was able to be more passionate about fashion and wearing things that made me feel sexy — sexy meaning the way I carried myself, how I showed up in a given space. I believe that energy was felt by those around me. People started to compliment my clothing, accessories, and even my eyes. I can't tell you how many people have asked if my eyes were contacts and where I got them because they're so pretty.

This is why disability representation in media and storytelling is so important. We need to see ourselves portrayed authentically. And we are authentically brilliant, interesting, powerful, sexy. So, if you are disabled and not feeling especially prideful this month, let me encourage you that that's OK. It's all a process, and you don't have to get to the finish line right away. As you can see, it took me a while, too.

There's a beautiful Bible verse that talks about receiving beauty for ashes, which has always deeply spoken to me. I feel I'm in a place where I can finally trade in the ashes I've been carrying around for so long and embrace the beauty that has always been within me.

Natalie Trevonne is a writer, fashion designer, and accessibility consultant who has been featured for her work by Essence, Cosmopolitan, Fox Business, and PS. As a legally blind writer and creator, Natalie uses her disability to speak up/speak out for equal representation in the entertainment and fashion industries. She's a LinkedIn top voice for disability advocacy and was the first blind fashion designer in the metaverse.

Can I write essays on Fiverr?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 10:52 pm

Yes, you can write essays on Fiverr. However, make sure that you are aware of the guidelines and restrictions that are in place.

As with any writing project, make sure that you have the necessary materials and tools before you begin.

Here are some things to keep in mind when writing on Fiverr:

-Always use proper grammar and spelling.

-Make sure that your work is well-organized and easy to read.

-Make sure that your work is original and does not violate any copyright lAWS.

-Do not plagiarize any content from other sources.

-Be aware of the time limit that is imposed on each project.

-Be willing to provide feedback and feedback on your work.

-Be willing to accept any feedback that is given to you.

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Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.

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In the past year, I've gone from making $0/month on Fiverr to making close to $10K/month writing. I've even become a Fiverr's Choice for my main writing gig. However, I would like to empower myself to take on clients directly and was wondering if anyone here has made that shift and if so, how did you do it? What sort of shift did you make? Did you start your own writing agency, did you create a portfolio website and get clients somehow and if so, how?

I have written around 2,000 articles, edited 9 books, and written another 8. I have been writing for over a decade. Fiverr's been fantastic and really good to me, but I am unsure how to move forward to the next level.

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Hello I am new seller on Fiverr I am writing essay and topics writing inbox me every topic you need to write I I will be there for you thank you 


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With the kind of language you wrote above, I'm sure that you'll fail all of your buyers, unfortunately. 

I would sincerely advice to change your niche, learn a new skill and start all over again. 


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    Peterson had written a book called 12 Rules for Life, and he said that he asked ChatGPT to "write me an essay that's a 13th rule … written in a style that combines the King James Bible with ...

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    An executive summary is a short summary paper that outlines the main content of a longer document or piece of research. Unlike an academic abstract, an executive summary includes the researcher's conclusions. In addition, it summarises the research goal, and the most important points, to give a complete overview of what the longer paper contains.

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    DryCoast9986. • 2 yr. ago. If you used Fiverr to find an editor for your application essay, you may have had a positive experience if the editor was able to provide helpful feedback and suggestions for improvement. A good editor should be able to identify any errors in your essay and offer suggestions for how to make it stronger, such as by ...

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