Energy Conservation Essay for Students and Children

500 words energy conservation essay.

Energy conservation refers to the efforts made to reduce the consumption of energy. The energy on Earth is not in unlimited supply. Furthermore, energy can take plenty of time to regenerate. This certainly makes it essential to conserve energy. Most noteworthy, energy conservation is achievable either by using energy more efficiently or by reducing the amount of service usage.

Energy Conservation Essay

Importance of Energy Conservation

First of all, energy conservation plays an important role in saving non-renewable energy resources. Furthermore, non-renewable energy sources take many centuries to regenerate. Moreover, humans consume energy at a faster rate than it can be produced. Therefore, energy conservation would lead to the preservation of these precious non-renewable sources of energy.

Energy conservation will reduce the expenses related to fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are very expensive to mine. Therefore, consumers are required to pay higher prices for goods and services. Energy conservation would certainly reduce the amount of fossil fuel being mined. This, in turn, would reduce the costs of consumers.

Consequently, energy conservation would strengthen the economy as consumers will have more disposable income to spend on goods and services.

Energy conservation is good for scientific research. This is because; energy conservation gives researchers plenty of time to conduct researches.

Therefore, these researchers will have more time to come up with various energy solutions and alternatives. Humans must ensure to have fossil fuels as long as possible. This would give me enough time to finding practical solutions.

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Another important reason for energy conservation is environmental protection. This is because various energy sources are significantly harmful to the environment. Furthermore, the burning of fossil fuels considerably pollutes the atmosphere. Moreover, nuclear energy creates dangerous nuclear waste. Hence, energy conservation will lead to environmental protection.

Energy conservation would also result in the good health of humans. Furthermore, the pollution released due to energy sources is harmful to the human body. The air pollution due to fossil fuels can cause various respiratory problems. Energy sources can pollute water which could cause several harmful diseases in humans. Nuclear waste can cause cancer and other deadly problems in the human body.

Measures to Conserve Energy

Energy taxation is a good measure from the government to conserve energy. Furthermore, several countries apply energy or a carbon tax on energy users. This tax would certainly put pressure on energy users to reduce their energy consumption. Moreover, carbon tax forces energy users to shift to other energy sources that are less harmful.

Building design plays a big role in energy conservation. An excellent way to conserve energy is by performing an energy audit in buildings. Energy audit refers to inspection and analysis of energy use in a building. Most noteworthy, the aim of the energy audit is to appropriately reduce energy input.

Another important way of energy conservation is by using energy-efficient products. Energy-efficient products are those that use lesser energy than their normal counterparts. One prominent example can be using an energy-efficient bulb rather than an incandescent light bulb.

In conclusion, energy conservation must be among the utmost priorities of humanity. Mahatma Gandhi was absolutely right when he said, “the earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs but not every man’s greed”. This statement pretty much sums up the importance of energy conservation. Immediate implementation of energy conservation measures is certainly of paramount importance.

FAQs on Energy Conservation

Q1 state one way in which energy conservation is important.

A1 One way in which energy conservation is important is that it leads to the preservation of fossil fuels.

Q2 Why energy taxation is a good measure to conserve energy?

A2 Energy taxation is certainly a good measure to conserve energy. This is because energy taxation puts financial pressure on energy users to reduce their energy consumption.

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Energy Conservation Essay | Essay on Energy Conservation for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Energy Conservation Essay: Conservation of energy is an essential aspect of human existence. Without conserving energy, there is no way in which can survive in the future. One might wonder why conservation of energy is vital for survival. The reason lies in the renewable and non-renewable resources. All the resources of a country get utilized in the production of energy. Thus energy has various forms. The energy that is generated from tidal waves is called tidal energy. The energy that is made from wind is called wind energy.

Hydroelectricity is the electric energy that is generated at dams. Windmills are used to harness the power of winds and transform them into energy. Here we have written essays covering the topic which is beneficial for students concerning their exams and assignments.

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Long and Short Essays on Energy Conservation for Kids and Students in English

Here we have provided one brief long essay of 500 words, one short essay of 100-150 words, and ten important lines covering the topic.

Essay on Energy Conservation

Long Essay on Energy Conservation in English 500 words

Energy Conservation Essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Since this law of conversation is held to be true, it means that it is up to humans to save energy in every possible way. All of us at a point of time in our lives must have got a scolding for leaving our room without switching off the fans and lights. At that time, it might have occurred to us that our parents scream at us because they have to pay a hefty electricity bill.

However, that is always not the case. It is also about not wasting energy unnecessarily. If the lights and the fan are kept on even if no one is in the room, then that means resources are being put to use without any purpose. That becomes a wastage of support which is something we are to avoid at all costs.

What is vital about the conservation of energy is human habits and practice. Most people do not feel it to be necessary or important to save energy for the future. It does not occur to them that reckless spending of energy can be disastrous for their children when they grow up. There are many ways in which conservation of energy can happen.

Apart from the usual, one can use air conditioners during the summers on alternate days. Those who have their cars can switch off the engine when they stop at a red light for a considerable amount of time. One can even judiciously use the geysers in his or her house.

That will not just save energy, but it will also save water. Geysers utilize a lot of current electricity because they run at a very high voltage. Switching off the geyser the right time and using it only once a day can save both water and electricity. When it comes to offices, energy can be conserved in various ways. This includes shutting down computers when not in use, not using internet facilities when they are not required and switching off unnecessary lighting. In schools and colleges, it is often seen that students forget to switch off the fans and lights when not in use or at the end of the day.

The one who is in charge of housekeeping operations usually does that during his or her shift. This causes a massive use of excess energy. Conservation of energy is not natural and takes a lot of time. This is because all the energy that is saved is not much when added up together. However, every little step that is taken towards the idea brings us an inch closer to a pollution-free word.

Conservation of energy reduces pollution because it lowers down the number of resources that are put to use. This causes less of toxins being released into the air. In the end, however, it is also to be considered that the conservation of energy is all about human behavior. If human beings choose to behave irrationally and forget about their future, then neither is conservation possible nor is the future safe for the generations that are yet to come.

Short Essay on Energy Conservation in English 150 words

Energy Conservation Essay is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Conservation of energy is mostly related to generating awareness. Most of people are not aware of the state of the earth due to global warming and ozone layer depletion. However, with a little amount of awareness, a change in the habit of the individuals can be brought about. A change in their pattern can bring about a difference in the world. Energy conservation is related not only to behavior and practice but also to time.

People do not spend time thinking about what might happen if there are no resources left to produce electricity. The absolutely cannot fathom how essential it is to switch off a car’s engine at the red light. Switching off the car does not save energy only, but it also reduces pollution in the environment. By the law of conservation of energy we neither can add fresh energy to the environment, nor can energy die out. Therefore we should do all that we can to preserve it for the future.

10 Lines on Energy Conservation Essay in English

  • Energy is neither creation nor destruction of matter.
  • Energy can transform itself.
  • Most people do not feel it to be necessary or essential to save energy for the future.
  • Without conserving energy, there is no way in which can survive in the future.
  • Conservation of energy is not natural and takes a lot of time.
  • Conservation of energy reduces pollution because it lowers down the number of resources that are put to use.
  • Energy conservation is related not only to behavior and practice but also to time.
  • Those who have their cars can switch off the engine when they stop at a red light for a considerable amount of time.
  • A change in their habit can bring about a difference in the world.
  • Conservation of energy is related to awareness.

Frequently Asked Questions on Energy Conservation Essay

Question 1. How can the conservation of energy be done in a systematic manner?

Answer: Energy is conserved in various ways in which it can be saved utilized for future use.

Question 2. How is the conservation of energy-related to pollution?

Answer: Less of energy consumption leads to the lowering of toxins in the air. This is how energy conservation can control pollution.

Question 3. Why do humans forget to conserve energy?

Answer: Humans behave irrationally when it comes to energy conservation because they have no idea of what the future has in store for them.

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Essay on Energy Conservation

Energy is all around us, and it’s what makes our world work. From the lights in our homes to the cars on the road, energy is essential for our daily lives. However, it’s important to remember that energy is not an infinite resource. We need to use it wisely and conserve it for the future. This is where energy conservation comes into play. In this essay, I will argue that energy conservation is crucial for a sustainable and bright future.

What is Energy Conservation?

Energy conservation means using less energy to do the same tasks. It involves finding ways to reduce our energy consumption while still meeting our needs. For example, turning off lights when we leave a room, using energy-efficient appliances, and insulating our homes to keep them warm in the winter and cool in the summer are all ways to conserve energy. By doing these things, we can save money on our energy bills and help protect the environment.

Why is Energy Conservation Important?

Energy conservation is essential for several reasons. First and foremost, it helps reduce our impact on the environment. When we use less energy, we produce fewer greenhouse gases, which are responsible for climate change. By conserving energy, we can slow down the warming of the Earth and protect our planet for future generations.

Secondly, energy conservation can save us money. When we use less energy, our energy bills go down. Imagine if you could save money every month just by being more mindful of how you use energy! That extra money can be used for other important things, like education, healthcare, or fun activities with your family.

How Can We Conserve Energy?

There are many simple ways we can conserve energy in our everyday lives. One way is to use energy-efficient light bulbs. These bulbs use less electricity and last longer, which means we save money and reduce our energy consumption. Another way is to unplug electronic devices when we’re not using them, like chargers, computers, and TVs. Even when these devices are turned off, they can still use energy if they’re plugged in.

Additionally, we can save energy by using public transportation or carpooling instead of driving alone in our cars. When we drive less, we use less gasoline, which helps reduce air pollution and save money on fuel. Moreover, we can turn off the tap while brushing our teeth to save water heating energy and make sure our homes are well-insulated to keep the heat or air conditioning inside.

The Impact of Energy Conservation

The impact of energy conservation goes beyond just saving money and protecting the environment. It also helps create a more sustainable future. Sustainable means that we can meet our needs today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. By conserving energy, we ensure that there will be enough energy for everyone in the future.

Imagine a world where there is not enough energy to power our homes, schools, and hospitals. It would be a challenging and uncertain place to live. But if we start conserving energy now, we can avoid that future and make sure that energy is available for everyone, now and in the years to come.

Conclusion of Essay on Energy Conservation

In conclusion, energy conservation is not just a good idea; it’s a crucial step toward a better future. It helps us reduce our impact on the environment, save money, and ensure that there will be enough energy for everyone in the future. We can all do our part to conserve energy by making small changes in our daily lives, like using energy-efficient light bulbs and turning off devices when we’re not using them.

So, let’s work together to conserve energy and create a more sustainable and brighter future for ourselves and the generations to come. By doing so, we can enjoy the benefits of energy conservation and make our world a better place for everyone.

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Essay on Importance of Energy Conservation | PDF Download

December 20, 2017 by Study Mentor Leave a Comment

Energy conservation is one such issue where the complete globe has joined hands to ponder over the already degrading situation of our natural resources which are being used up by humans to quell their own selfish desires. It is an issue which has left no country not scathing under its touch.

The concept of energy conservation emerged from the need to conserve our scarce resources without which the modernization and the progress we have obtained will all dash to the ground without resources to fuel, to build and to beautify our buildings, cars, missiles and what not.

‘Energy saved is energy generated.’ If more and more people come to terms with this quote, probably governments would have to worry less about energy conservation. Energy conservation can be done in two major steps: Using energy efficiently and reducing the need for energy consumption altogether.

energy conservation paragraph

Energy is all around you; from the blood that flows in your veins, all the life processes to the vehicles moving on the road or the machines used up to produce goods, energy is required by everything. Science describes energy as the rate of doing work.

So the more energy we have, stored in different forms, the more work can be accomplished. Also energy conservation reduces the cost of living, increases comfort, decreases health implications and also impacts the flora and fauna around us in a healthy manner.

It might look that a lot of energy is available around us but mind you, the situation is not as rosy as it looks. Usage of thermal energy requires burning up of fossils which generates carbon dioxide and other obnoxious gases in the process.

This is boosting the already ever growing problem of global warming which has the complete world in its wraps. The chain reaction of global warming is not limited; it moves on to destroying complete Eco systems and generating harsh climatic conditions.

Health hazards include bronchitis, asthma, lung diseases, cancer and much more. Effects of tragedies such as oil spills are even more catastrophic as it destroys the complete ecosystem of that area by cutting off the air supply.

Activities such as Coal mining, extraction of minerals from the earth, buildings of tunnels inside the mountains with the help of explosives triggers the balance of nature adversely and can lead to destruction in the form of earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, floods and avalanches which cause huge destruction of men and material.

This picture is very gloomy and needs an immediate solution. The time has come when we can’t afford to show our lackadaisical attitude over this problem and sit tight over it. Energy conservation begins at home. From switching off electrical appliances when not in use to replacing inefficient bulbs with CFL’s and LED’s, all this can be done by every individual.

Nevertheless, reliability on fossil fuels to power our homes, cars and our electrical appliances is void since they are restored in nature over a period of millions of years and they are being used up at a very high rate. Focus should be shifted from non-renewable resources to renewable resources of energy as early as possible.

We should switch to different sources of energy – solar energy, hydro energy, nuclear energy, geothermal energy, tidal energy, biomass energy etc. so as to meet up our growing needs. Our country at this point of time relies on thermal energy generated from fossils for 75% of its total energy consumption.

This situation is a blot for our country which is a subtropical country and could eventually generate 9 lack kilowatts of energy more if India establishes more Solar units which generate energy for various purposes at a lower cost. Other sources of energy have not been explored to their depth because the funds provided for the research and development is eaten up by middle men and never reaches the one who needs them the most for their projects.

Nevertheless, one small initiative can go a long mile in helping achieve the agenda of sustainable development. Government can also take steps towards properly implementing the Agenda 2020 which aims towards sustainable development through various means. Sustainable development can only happen when development is not carried out at cost of nature.

Our street lights should be replaced with solar energy conserving lights or LED’s, anything for the matter of fact. This could additionally save up to 61% of the energy used up now. The fuels used in cars can be replaced with solar batteries so as to conserve our precious energy.

Stringent laws about energy consumption should be set into place and violators should not be let off Scot free and should be heavily fined. Industries should also unite to set up an upper cap limit on the use of electricity .  Factory owners who exceed this cap should be ordered by the law to install solar panels so as to make up for the lost energy.

energy conservation essay

Carbon footprint can be reduced through the usage of energy efficient air conditioners, water heaters and all the major appliances. Countries like China and USA who are high on energy consumption should also cut down their carbon footprint so that their models of sustainable growth can be emulated by other developing countries as well.

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Essay on Energy Conservation

Narayan Bista

Introduction to Energy Conservation

In an era marked by burgeoning energy demands and environmental concerns, the significance of energy conservation has become increasingly paramount. Energy conservation involves judiciously managing and utilizing resources to minimize waste and promote sustainability. As nations grapple with the challenges of depleting finite resources and escalating climate change , adopting energy-efficient practices is imperative. For instance, countries like Denmark have successfully implemented wind energy technologies , significantly reducing reliance on traditional fossil fuels. This essay explores the critical importance of energy conservation, examining its environmental and economic impact, the challenges faced, and viable strategies to secure a sustainable energy future.

Essay on Energy Conservation

Importance of Energy Conservation

Energy conservation holds profound importance in addressing the pressing global challenges of climate change, resource depletion, and sustainable development. Recognizing its significance involves understanding the following key aspects:

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  • Environmental Impact: Reducing the need for fossil fuels through energy conservation helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This mitigation is crucial in combating climate change and its associated adverse effects.
  • Economic Benefits: Both individuals and businesses benefit economically from energy conservation. Implementing energy-efficient technologies and practices can reduce utility bills, operational costs, and overall resource expenditure.
  • National and Global Economic Stability: Nations that actively engage in energy conservation enhance their energy security by reducing dependence on external sources. This fosters stability and resilience in the face of fluctuating energy markets.
  • Resource Preservation: The world’s finite resources, such as fossil fuels, are diminishing. Energy conservation helps preserve these resources for future generations and minimizes the environmental impact of extraction.
  • Promoting Sustainable Development: Energy conservation allows for development that meets current needs while preserving resources for future generations, aligning with sustainable development principles.
  • Mitigating Environmental Degradation: Energy production and consumption contribute significantly to environmental degradation. By conserving energy, we reduce the ecological footprint associated with resource extraction, processing, and waste generation.
  • Global Cooperation: Energy conservation encourages international collaboration. Shared efforts to conserve energy contribute to global goals, as seen in agreements like the Paris Agreement, fostering a collective commitment to mitigating climate change.
  • Enhancing Energy Efficiency: Advancements in technology enable the development of energy-efficient solutions across various sectors, from transportation to industry. Investing in these innovations boosts overall energy efficiency.

Current Global Energy Scenario

Various factors, such as evolving technologies, geopolitical dynamics, environmental concerns, and shifts in energy demand, contribute to the complexity of the current global energy scenario. Several key aspects define the contemporary state of global energy:

  • Transition to Renewable Energy: A growing focus is on switching from conventional fossil fuels to renewable energy sources like wind, solar, hydro, and geothermal energy. Countries worldwide are increasingly investing in renewable technologies to reduce carbon emissions and enhance energy sustainability.
  • Increasing Energy Demand: The global energy demand continues to rise, driven by population growth, urbanization, and industrialization. Developing nations, in particular, are experiencing a surge in energy needs as they strive for economic development.
  • Technological Advancements: Advances in energy technologies, including energy storage, smart grids, and electric vehicles, are shaping the energy landscape. These innovations are instrumental in improving efficiency, reducing costs, and promoting a more diversified energy mix.
  • Geopolitical Influences: Geopolitical factors, such as regional conflicts and international relations, impact energy production, distribution, and pricing. Energy-rich regions often play a crucial role in global geopolitics, affecting supply chains and market dynamics.
  • Energy Access and Equity: Disparities in energy access persist globally, with millions of people needing more reliable and affordable energy. Bridging this gap is a crucial aspect of the global energy agenda, with initiatives to ensure equitable access to energy resources.
  • Climate Change Imperatives: Addressing climate change influences energy policies worldwide. Governments and organizations are setting ambitious targets to reduce carbon emissions, promote energy efficiency, and transition to low-carbon or carbon-neutral energy sources.
  • Emergence of Energy Storage: Energy storage technologies, such as batteries, are gaining prominence to address intermittency issues associated with renewable energy sources. Improved storage capabilities contribute to a more stable and reliable energy supply.
  • Policy and Regulatory Frameworks: Governments enact policies and regulations to incentivize sustainable practices, promote renewable energy adoption, and enforce energy efficiency standards. International agreements, like the Paris Agreement, guide collaborative efforts to address global climate challenges.
  • Natural Gas Transition: Natural gas is frequently considered a transitional fuel because of its lower carbon emissions compared to coal and oil. Many countries are incorporating natural gas in their energy mix as they navigate the transition towards cleaner energy sources.
  • Energy Efficiency Initiatives: There is a growing emphasis on implementing energy efficiency measures across various sectors, including industries, transportation, and buildings. This involves adopting technologies and practices that minimize energy waste and optimize resource use.

Measure to Conserve Energy

Implementing measures to conserve energy is crucial for reducing environmental impact, promoting sustainability, and ensuring long-term energy security. Here are several effective measures to conserve energy:

  • Energy-Efficient Appliances and Equipment: Encourage using energy-efficient appliances and equipment by implementing and enforcing energy labeling standards. This helps consumers make informed choices and reduces overall energy consumption.
  • Energy Audits: Conduct regular energy audits for homes, businesses, and industries to identify areas of inefficiency. These audits can pinpoint energy wastage and suggest improvements, enabling more targeted conservation efforts.
  • Renewable Energy Adoption: Encourage using renewable energy sources, including geothermal, hydro, wind, and solar energy. Incentives, subsidies, and regulatory frameworks can encourage individuals and businesses to invest in and adopt clean energy technologies.
  • Smart Building Design and Construction: Implement green building practices that focus on energy-efficient design, insulation, and the use of sustainable materials. Smart building technologies, including automated lighting and HVAC systems, can optimize energy usage.
  • Energy-Efficient Lighting: Encourage using energy-efficient lighting technologies such as LED bulbs. Swapping conventional incandescent lightbulbs with more energy-efficient models significantly reduces energy consumption.
  • Public Transportation and Carpooling: Promote the use of public transportation, carpooling, and cycling to reduce individual reliance on personal vehicles. This conserves energy and helps alleviate traffic congestion and air pollution.
  • Energy Conservation in Industries: Implement energy management systems to monitor and control energy consumption. Adopting energy-efficient technologies and practices, such as cogeneration and waste heat recovery, can significantly reduce industrial energy use.
  • Government Policies and Incentives: Enact and enforce policies that promote energy conservation, such as building codes that mandate energy-efficient construction or tax incentives for businesses investing in renewable energy projects.
  • Education and Awareness Programs: Running awareness campaigns is essential to educating the public about energy conservation and offering doable advice on using less energy daily.
  • Incentives for Energy Efficiency Upgrades: Individuals and businesses should receive financial incentives, tax credits, or subsidies for investing in energy-efficient upgrades such as insulation, energy-efficient windows, and high-efficiency HVAC systems.
  • Energy-Efficient Transportation: Encourage the use of fuel-efficient vehicles and the adoption of electric vehicles. Investing in public transportation infrastructure and supporting alternate modes of transportation can help reduce energy consumption in the transportation industry.
  • Behavioral Changes and Energy-Saving Practices: Promote energy-saving habits among individuals, such as turning off lights and electronic devices when not in use, maintaining appliances regularly, and using energy-saving modes on electronic equipment.
  • R&D Investment: Invest in R&D to create innovative technologies that improve energy efficiency across multiple sectors. Supporting the development of cutting-edge solutions can lead to breakthroughs in conservation efforts.

Challenges in the Current Energy Landscape

The current energy landscape is fraught with challenges that necessitate comprehensive and innovative solutions. Addressing these challenges is critical to securing a sustainable and secure energy future. Here are some of the prominent challenges:

  • Depletion of Finite Resources: The reliance on finite fossil fuel supplies like coal, oil, and natural gas presents a considerable difficulty. The depletion of these resources threatens energy security and contributes to environmental degradation and geopolitical tensions.
  • Increasing Energy Demand: Population growth, urbanization, and industrialization all contribute to rising global energy consumption. Meeting this demand sustainably without exacerbating environmental issues is a considerable challenge.
  • Environmental Degradation: Conventional energy production methods, especially those involving fossil fuels, contribute to environmental degradation. Air and water pollution, habitat destruction, and climate change are all consequences of current energy practices.
  • Energy Poverty: A large section of the world population lacks access to dependable and affordable energy, resulting in energy poverty. Bridging this gap is a complex challenge requiring infrastructure development and innovative solutions to ensure equitable access.
  • Intermittency of Renewable Energy Sources: Though they depend on the weather and are intermittent, renewable energy sources like wind and solar power are essential for a sustainable future. Addressing this issue would require developing efficient energy storage options and enhancing grid management.
  • Infrastructure Investment and Modernization: Many existing energy infrastructures must be updated and more efficient. Transitioning to modern, smart grids and integrating renewable energy sources require substantial investments and regulatory frameworks.
  • Technological Barriers: The development and deployment of new energy technologies face technological challenges, such as energy storage limitations, grid integration issues, and the scalability of innovative solutions.
  • Geopolitical Factors: Energy resources often become geopolitical leverage, leading to conflicts and instability. Dependence on a few energy-exporting countries can expose importing nations to geopolitical risks, affecting energy security.
  • Cost and Affordability: The initial costs of adopting renewable energy technologies, energy-efficient practices, and infrastructure upgrades can be high. Balancing these costs with the long-term benefits poses a challenge, especially for developing economies.
  • Lack of Policy Consistency: Due to changing political landscapes and inconsistent energy policies, the energy sector often needs more clarity. Clear and stable regulatory frameworks are essential for fostering long-term investments and planning.
  • Social and Cultural Acceptance: Introducing new energy technologies and practices may need more support due to social and cultural factors. Overcoming these barriers requires effective communication , education, and community engagement.
  • Cybersecurity Concerns: With the increasing digitization of energy systems, cyber threats are growing. Protecting critical energy infrastructure from cyber-attacks is a pressing challenge that demands continuous innovation and vigilance.
  • Transitioning Workforce: Transitioning to a more sustainable energy landscape may lead to job displacement in traditional energy sectors. Addressing the impact on the workforce and facilitating a smooth transition to new employment opportunities is essential.

Government Initiatives and Policies

Government initiatives and policies play a pivotal role in shaping the energy landscape, driving the adoption of sustainable practices, and ensuring a transition towards cleaner, more efficient energy systems. Here are key aspects of government initiatives and policies related to energy:

  • Renewable Energy Targets: Governments set targets for the share of energy derived from renewable sources. These targets incentivize developing and deploying renewable energy technologies, fostering a transition from fossil fuels.
  • Feed-in Tariffs and Subsidies: Governments often provide financial incentives to individuals and businesses investing in renewable energy projects, such as feed-in tariffs and subsidies. These measures make clean energy more economically viable, accelerating its adoption.
  • Carbon Pricing and Emission Trading: Implementing carbon pricing mechanisms, such as carbon taxes or emission trading systems, creates economic incentives for industries to reduce their carbon footprint. This promotes cleaner industrial techniques and aids in internalizing the external costs of carbon emissions.
  • Energy Efficiency Standards: Governments establish and enforce energy efficiency standards for appliances, vehicles, and industrial processes. These standards promote the use of energy-efficient technologies and contribute to overall energy conservation.
  • Green Building Codes: Enactment of building codes prioritizing energy-efficient design and construction practices. These codes may mandate the use of sustainable materials, energy-efficient insulation, and technologies that reduce the energy demand of buildings.
  • Research and Development Funding: Allocate funds for research and development in clean energy technologies. Government-sponsored initiatives support innovation and the development of new solutions to enhance energy efficiency and promote sustainability.
  • Public Transportation Investment: Governments invest in and expand public transportation infrastructure, encouraging the use of buses, trains, and other sustainable modes of transport. This reduces individual reliance on private vehicles and lowers overall energy consumption in the transportation sector.
  • Energy Access Programs: Implement programs to increase access to reliable and affordable energy in underserved areas. These initiatives may involve off-grid renewable energy solutions, microgrids, and community-based projects to improve energy equity.
  • Strategic Energy Reserves: Establish strategic reserves of energy resources to address potential supply disruptions and ensure energy security. These reserves act as a buffer during crises and contribute to the stability of the energy supply chain.
  • International Agreements: Participate in international agreements and collaborations, such as the Paris Agreement, to address global energy challenges collectively. These agreements set targets for emissions reduction and promote knowledge-sharing on best practices.
  • Incentives for Energy Storage: Provide incentives for developing and deploying energy storage technologies. Energy storage enhances the reliability of renewable energy sources by addressing intermittency issues, contributing to a more stable grid.
  • Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Programs: To cut emissions from industries where complete decarbonization is difficult, support the development and application of carbon capture and storage technology.
  • Community Engagement and Education: Involve local populations in educational initiatives to increase knowledge of the value of sustainable energy techniques. Informed communities are more likely to support and participate in energy conservation efforts.
  • Aggressive Phasing Out of Fossil Fuel Subsidies: Gradually phase out subsidies for fossil fuels, redirecting financial support towards cleaner and more sustainable energy sources. This can level the playing field for renewable energy and discourage reliance on environmentally harmful practices.

Role of Individuals in Energy Conservation

Individuals play a crucial role in energy conservation, and their collective efforts can contribute significantly to building a sustainable and energy-efficient future. Here are key aspects of the role of individuals in energy conservation:

  • Energy-Efficient Practices at Home: Adopting simple habits such as turning off lights, appliances, and electronics when not in use and utilizing energy-efficient light bulbs can significantly reduce household energy consumption.
  • Proper Insulation and Home Maintenance: Regularly maintaining HVAC systems and ensuring homes are adequately insulated can maximize energy use and lessen the need for excessive heating or cooling.
  • Smart Thermostats and Energy-Saving Devices: Installing smart thermostats and energy-saving devices allows individuals to control and monitor their energy usage more effectively. These technologies optimize heating and cooling cycles, contributing to energy conservation.
  • Water Conservation Practices: By lowering the amount of energy needed for distribution and heating, water conservation indirectly reduces energy consumption. Fixing leaks, using water-efficient appliances, and adopting water-saving practices contribute to overall energy conservation.
  • Energy-Efficient Transportation Choices: Opting for energy-efficient modes of transportation, such as carpooling, biking, walking, or using public transit, helps reduce the carbon footprint associated with personal travel.
  • Switching to Energy-Efficient Appliances: Individuals can choose energy-efficient models with high Energy Star ratings when purchasing new appliances. These gadgets help save energy over time by using less electricity.
  • Renewable Energy Adoption at Home: People can produce clean energy and lessen their need for traditional energy sources by installing solar panels, tiny wind turbines, or other renewable energy devices at home.
  • Energy-Efficient Landscaping: Strategic landscaping, including planting shade trees and using natural windbreaks, can reduce the energy required for heating and cooling homes. This contributes to a more comfortable living environment while conserving energy.
  • Energy Conservation in Daily Habits: Incorporating energy-saving habits into daily routines, such as using natural light during the day, unplugging chargers when not in use, and washing clothes with cold water, minimizes energy consumption.
  • Educating Others and Community Engagement: Sharing knowledge about energy conservation practices with friends, family, and the community can create a ripple effect. Collective efforts amplify the impact of individual actions, fostering a culture of sustainability.
  • Participating in Energy-Saving Programs: Joining energy-saving programs offered by utility companies or local governments, such as demand response programs or energy efficiency incentives, allows individuals to contribute to broader conservation efforts.
  • Supporting Sustainable Products and Businesses: Choosing products from companies with strong environmental commitments and sustainability practices encourages sustainable business practices and contributes to a more energy-conscious economy.
  • Advocacy for Policy Changes: Participating in advocacy efforts and supporting policies that promote energy conservation at local, national, and international levels can influence positive change and encourage systemic improvements.
  • Continuous Learning and Awareness: Staying informed about energy conservation practices and emerging technologies ensures that individuals can adapt to and adopt new methods for reducing their environmental impact.

Educational Outreach and Awareness

Educational outreach and awareness campaigns are essential components of fostering a culture of energy conservation. These projects aim to educate and empower individuals, communities, and businesses to make informed decisions and implement sustainable practices. Here are key elements of educational outreach and awareness programs for energy conservation:

  • School Curriculum Integration: Integrate energy conservation topics into school curricula at various levels. Educating students about the environmental impact of energy consumption and promoting sustainable habits lay the foundation for a future generation of informed and environmentally conscious citizens.
  • Workshops and Training Programs: Organize workshops, seminars, and training programs for communities, businesses, and individuals. These events can provide practical knowledge about energy-efficient technologies, conservation practices, and the benefits of sustainable living.
  • Educational Materials and Resources: Develop and distribute educational materials, such as brochures, pamphlets, and online resources, that explain the importance of energy conservation and provide practical tips for reducing energy consumption.
  • Demonstration Projects: Implement demonstration projects in schools, communities, and public spaces to showcase the effectiveness of energy-efficient technologies and practices. Hands-on experiences can reinforce the impact of conservation efforts.
  • Collaboration with Educational Institutions: Collaborate with universities, research institutions, and educational organizations to conduct research on energy conservation and disseminate findings to the public. This encourages an innovative and lifelong learning culture.
  • Energy Conservation Competitions: Organize competitions and challenges encouraging individuals or communities to develop innovative energy conservation solutions. These events can create enthusiasm and engagement around sustainable practices.
  • Online Platforms and Webinars: Utilize online platforms to host webinars, virtual workshops, and interactive sessions that reach a broader audience. These digital initiatives can disseminate information effectively and encourage global participation.
  • Partnerships with Non-profits and NGOs: Collaborate with non-profit and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) focused on environmental conservation. These partnerships can amplify the reach and impact of educational outreach initiatives.
  • Public Service Announcements (PSAs): Create and broadcast public service announcements on various media channels to raise awareness about energy conservation. Short, impactful messages can effectively reach a wide audience and deliver key takeaways.
  • Incorporating Energy Conservation in Events: Include energy conservation themes in community events, fairs, and festivals. These events provide opportunities to engage with the public, showcase energy-saving technologies, and distribute educational materials.
  • Corporate and Workplace Awareness Programs: Collaborate with businesses to implement workplace energy conservation programs. Employee engagement initiatives, training sessions, and awareness campaigns within corporate settings can have a cascading effect on wider communities.
  • Targeted Campaigns for Specific Audiences: Tailor awareness campaigns to the specific requirements and preferences of various groups, including local communities, businesses, tenants, and homeowners. Customized messaging increases relevance and effectiveness.
  • Celebrity and Influencer Endorsements: Leverage the influence of celebrities and social media influencers to endorse and promote energy conservation practices. Their reach can significantly amplify the message and inspire positive behavioral changes.
  • Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation: Implement mechanisms to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of educational outreach programs. Feedback loops and assessments help refine strategies, ensuring the messages resonate with the target audience.

Case Studies

Examining case studies provides real-world examples of successful energy conservation initiatives and demonstrates the effectiveness of various strategies. Here are two illustrative case studies:

  • Germany’s Energiewende (Energy Transition)

Background: Germany’s Energiewende is a comprehensive national strategy to transition the country to a more sustainable and renewable energy system.

Key Strategies Implemented:

  • Renewable Energy Expansion: Germany invested heavily in renewable energy sources, particularly wind and solar. Feed-in tariffs were introduced to incentivize private investment in renewable energy projects.
  • Energy Efficiency Measures: Enforce stringent energy efficiency standards across various sectors, including buildings and transportation.
  • Grid Modernization: The electrical grid was upgraded with smart grid technologies to meet the fluctuating nature of renewable energy sources.
  • Germany significantly increased its share of renewable energy in the energy mix, with renewables accounting for a substantial portion of electricity generation.
  • The Energiewende has contributed to reducing carbon emissions and has positioned Germany as a global leader in renewable energy deployment.
  • The transition has spurred innovation, job creation, and increased public awareness of sustainable energy practices.
  • Toyota’s Energy Conservation Initiatives

Background: Toyota, a leading automotive manufacturer, implemented energy conservation initiatives across its global operations.

  • Energy-Efficient Manufacturing: Toyota adopted lean manufacturing principles to optimize production processes and reduce factory energy consumption.
  • Investment in Renewable Energy: Toyota invested in onsite renewable energy generation, including solar panels at manufacturing facilities. This helped offset traditional energy consumption.
  • Efficiency Improvements in Vehicles: The development and promotion of hybrid and electric vehicles to reduce fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Toyota significantly reduced energy use across its manufacturing plants, saving operational costs.
  • Incorporating renewable energy sources has contributed to a lower carbon footprint for the company’s manufacturing processes.
  • The emphasis on energy efficiency and eco-friendly vehicles has enhanced Toyota’s corporate reputation and customer appeal, aligning with global sustainability goals.

Future Outlook

A growing emphasis on sustainability, technological innovation, and global collaboration characterizes the future outlook for energy conservation. The trajectory of energy conservation in the years ahead is expected to be impacted by several significant trends and innovations.:

  • Advancements in Renewable Energy Technologies: Technologies related to renewable energy are constantly more cost-effective and efficient. Increased deployment of these technologies will help to create a more diverse and sustainable global energy mix.
  • Energy Storage Solutions: Developing advanced energy storage solutions, such as improved battery technologies and grid-scale storage, will address the intermittency challenges of renewable energy sources. Enhanced storage capabilities will contribute to a more stable and reliable energy supply.
  • Digitalization and Smart Technologies: Integrating digital technology, smart grids, and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions will allow for more exact monitoring and management of energy consumption. Smart technologies will empower individuals, businesses, and utility providers to optimize energy use in real-time.
  • Electrification of Transportation: The ongoing shift towards electric vehicles (EVs) and transportation electrification will reduce reliance on traditional fossil fuels. Government incentives, advancements in battery technology, and increased charging infrastructure will drive widespread EV adoption.
  • Circular Economy Principles: Minimizing the environmental impact of energy production and consumption is the primary goal of the circular economy, which relies on reusing, recycling, and repurposing materials.
  • Decentralized Energy Systems: The rise of decentralized energy systems, including microgrids and distributed energy resources, will enhance energy resilience and contribute to a more flexible and adaptive energy infrastructure.
  • Energy Efficiency in Buildings: Continued emphasis on green building practices, energy-efficient design, and the integration of smart building technologies will contribute to reduced energy consumption in residential, commercial, and industrial structures.
  • Government Policies and Global Commitments: Governments worldwide will likely strengthen and expand policies promoting energy conservation, renewable energy adoption, and carbon reduction. International commitments, such as those outlined in climate agreements, will drive collaborative efforts to address global energy challenges.
  • Public Awareness and Sustainable Lifestyles: Increasing public awareness of environmental issues and sustainability will increase demand for energy-efficient products and services. We should integrate energy conservation practices into our daily routines to adopt more sustainable lifestyles.
  • Innovation in Energy Financing: Financing large-scale energy conservation initiatives and expediting the switch to renewable energy sources would require creative financing models like green bonds and sustainable investment funds.
  • Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU): Advances in carbon capture and utilization technologies will become more prominent, allowing industries to capture and repurpose carbon emissions rather than releasing them into the atmosphere.
  • Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI): Integrating artificial intelligence in energy systems will optimize energy distribution, predict consumption patterns, and enhance energy efficiency.
  • Hydrogen as an Energy Carrier: A promising new source of renewable energy is hydrogen. Research and development in hydrogen production, storage, and utilization may contribute to its increased role in the future energy landscape.
  • Resilience Planning: Increasing emphasis on resilience planning will drive efforts to build robust energy infrastructures capable of withstanding and recovering from natural disasters, cyber threats, and other disruptions.

The imperative of energy conservation is evident in the face of escalating environmental challenges and rising energy demands. A sustainable energy future is attainable through strategic policies, technological innovation, and individual commitment. Examining successful case studies, such as Germany’s Energiewende and Toyota’s initiatives, underscores the transformative potential of comprehensive approaches. As individuals, communities, and nations collaborate, fostering awareness and implementing effective measures, the collective endeavor towards energy conservation becomes a linchpin in building a resilient, low-carbon global ecosystem for future generations. The journey towards sustainable energy remains a shared responsibility and an indispensable pathway to environmental stewardship.


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7.6 Conservation of Energy

Learning objectives.

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Explain the law of the conservation of energy.
  • Describe some of the many forms of energy.
  • Define efficiency of an energy conversion process as the fraction left as useful energy or work, rather than being transformed, for example, into thermal energy.

Law of Conservation of Energy

Energy, as we have noted, is conserved, making it one of the most important physical quantities in nature. The law of conservation of energy can be stated as follows:

Total energy is constant in any process. It may change in form or be transferred from one system to another, but the total remains the same.

We have explored some forms of energy and some ways it can be transferred from one system to another. This exploration led to the definition of two major types of energy—mechanical energy KE + PE KE + PE and energy transferred via work done by nonconservative forces ( W nc ) ( W nc ) . But energy takes many other forms, manifesting itself in many different ways, and we need to be able to deal with all of these before we can write an equation for the above general statement of the conservation of energy.

Other Forms of Energy than Mechanical Energy

At this point, we deal with all other forms of energy by lumping them into a single group called other energy ( OE OE ). Then we can state the conservation of energy in equation form as

All types of energy and work can be included in this very general statement of conservation of energy. Kinetic energy is KE KE , work done by a conservative force is represented by PE PE , work done by nonconservative forces is W nc W nc , and all other energies are included as OE OE . This equation applies to all previous examples; in those situations OE OE was constant, and so it subtracted out and was not directly considered.

Making Connections: Usefulness of the Energy Conservation Principle

The fact that energy is conserved and has many forms makes it very important. You will find that energy is discussed in many contexts, because it is involved in all processes. It will also become apparent that many situations are best understood in terms of energy and that problems are often most easily conceptualized and solved by considering energy.

When does OE OE play a role? One example occurs when a person eats. Food is oxidized with the release of carbon dioxide, water, and energy. Some of this chemical energy is converted to kinetic energy when the person moves, to potential energy when the person changes altitude, and to thermal energy (another form of OE OE ).

Some of the Many Forms of Energy

What are some other forms of energy? You can probably name a number of forms of energy not yet discussed. Many of these will be covered in later chapters, but let us detail a few here. Electrical energy is a common form that is converted to many other forms and does work in a wide range of practical situations. Fuels, such as gasoline and food, carry chemical energy that can be transferred to a system through oxidation. Chemical fuel can also produce electrical energy, such as in batteries. Batteries can in turn produce light, which is a very pure form of energy. Most energy sources on Earth are in fact stored energy from the energy we receive from the Sun. We sometimes refer to this as radiant energy , or electromagnetic radiation, which includes visible light, infrared, and ultraviolet radiation. Nuclear energy comes from processes that convert measurable amounts of mass into energy. Nuclear energy is transformed into the energy of sunlight, into electrical energy in power plants, and into the energy of the heat transfer and blast in weapons. Atoms and molecules inside all objects are in random motion. This internal mechanical energy from the random motions is called thermal energy , because it is related to the temperature of the object. These and all other forms of energy can be converted into one another and can do work.

Table 7.1 gives the amount of energy stored, used, or released from various objects and in various phenomena. The range of energies and the variety of types and situations is impressive.

Problem-Solving Strategies for Energy

You will find the following problem-solving strategies useful whenever you deal with energy. The strategies help in organizing and reinforcing energy concepts. In fact, they are used in the examples presented in this chapter. The familiar general problem-solving strategies presented earlier—involving identifying physical principles, knowns, and unknowns, checking units, and so on—continue to be relevant here.

Step 1. Determine the system of interest and identify what information is given and what quantity is to be calculated. A sketch will help.

Step 2. Examine all the forces involved and determine whether you know or are given the potential energy from the work done by the forces. Then use step 3 or step 4.

Step 3. If you know the potential energies for the forces that enter into the problem, then forces are all conservative, and you can apply conservation of mechanical energy simply in terms of potential and kinetic energy. The equation expressing conservation of energy is

Step 4. If you know the potential energy for only some of the forces, possibly because some of them are nonconservative and do not have a potential energy, or if there are other energies that are not easily treated in terms of force and work, then the conservation of energy law in its most general form must be used.

In most problems, one or more of the terms is zero, simplifying its solution. Do not calculate W c W c , the work done by conservative forces; it is already incorporated in the PE PE terms.

Step 5. You have already identified the types of work and energy involved (in step 2). Before solving for the unknown, eliminate terms wherever possible to simplify the algebra. For example, choose h = 0 h = 0 at either the initial or final point, so that PE g PE g is zero there. Then solve for the unknown in the customary manner.

Step 6. Check the answer to see if it is reasonable . Once you have solved a problem, reexamine the forms of work and energy to see if you have set up the conservation of energy equation correctly. For example, work done against friction should be negative, potential energy at the bottom of a hill should be less than that at the top, and so on. Also check to see that the numerical value obtained is reasonable. For example, the final speed of a skateboarder who coasts down a 3-m-high ramp could reasonably be 20 km/h, but not 80 km/h.

Transformation of Energy

The transformation of energy from one form into others is happening all the time. The chemical energy in food is converted into thermal energy through metabolism; light energy is converted into chemical energy through photosynthesis. In a larger example, the chemical energy contained in coal is converted into thermal energy as it burns to turn water into steam in a boiler. This thermal energy in the steam in turn is converted to mechanical energy as it spins a turbine, which is connected to a generator to produce electrical energy. (In all of these examples, not all of the initial energy is converted into the forms mentioned. This important point is discussed later in this section.)

Another example of energy conversion occurs in a solar cell. Sunlight impinging on a solar cell (see Figure 7.19 ) produces electricity, which in turn can be used to run an electric motor. Energy is converted from the primary source of solar energy into electrical energy and then into mechanical energy.

Object/phenomenon Energy in joules
Big Bang
Energy released in a supernova
Fusion of all the hydrogen in Earth’s oceans
Annual world energy use
Large fusion bomb (9 megaton)
1 kg hydrogen (fusion to helium)
1 kg uranium (nuclear fission)
Hiroshima-size fission bomb (10 kiloton)
90,000-metric ton aircraft carrier at 30 knots
1 barrel crude oil
1 ton TNT
1 gallon of gasoline
Daily home electricity use (developed countries)
Daily adult food intake (recommended)
1000-kg car at 90 km/h
1 g fat (9.3 kcal)
ATP hydrolysis reaction
1 g carbohydrate (4.1 kcal)
1 g protein (4.1 kcal)
Tennis ball at 100 km/h
Single electron in a TV tube beam
Energy to break one DNA strand

Even though energy is conserved in an energy conversion process, the output of useful energy or work will be less than the energy input. The efficiency Eff Eff of an energy conversion process is defined as

Table 7.2 lists some efficiencies of mechanical devices and human activities. In a coal-fired power plant, for example, about 40% of the chemical energy in the coal becomes useful electrical energy. The other 60% transforms into other (perhaps less useful) energy forms, such as thermal energy, which is then released to the environment through combustion gases and cooling towers.

Activity/device Efficiency (%)
Cycling and climbing 20
Swimming, surface 2
Swimming, submerged 4
Shoveling 3
Weightlifting 9
Steam engine 17
Gasoline engine 30
Diesel engine 35
Nuclear power plant 35
Coal power plant 42
Electric motor 98
Compact fluorescent light 20
Gas heater (residential) 90
Solar cell 10

PhET Explorations

Masses and springs.

A realistic mass and spring laboratory. Hang masses from springs and adjust the spring stiffness and damping. You can even slow time. Transport the lab to different planets. A chart shows the kinetic, potential, and thermal energies for each spring.

  • 1 Representative values

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  • Authors: Paul Peter Urone, Roger Hinrichs
  • Publisher/website: OpenStax
  • Book title: College Physics 2e
  • Publication date: Jul 13, 2022
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Energy Efficiency and Conservation

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Energy Conservation

From childhood, we have been taught the principle of turning off devices or appliances when not in use. Usually, we turn off the fan, light, AC, refrigerator when we move out of home or when not in use. We adopt these practices not only to save money but also to reduce the consumption of energy. Appropriate behavior and habits can help in energy conservation. In this article, let us know the techniques of energy conservation in detail.

What is Energy Conservation?

Energy conservation is the act of reducing the usage and wastage of energy. Switching off the AC, light, etc., when nobody is in the room are a few practices that help in energy conservation. We know energy is a broad term and is the fundamental source of living. Energy is classified into various types depending on its nature. Energy conservation is the means of reducing the consumption of energy. 

To reduce the environmental impact on society, energy conservation measures are being imparted. Remember, by saving energy, you are protecting the environment directly. We know that energy is precious. Energy cannot be created or destroyed but can be transformed from one form to another. 

The best examples to demonstrate energy transformation from one form to another are:

  • The microphone is a device to convert sound energy into electrical energy.
  • The solar panel is used to convert sunlight to electrical energy.
  • Shafts in the windmill rotate to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.

Note: Energy conservation day has been celebrated on December 14 every year since 1991.

Read more: Energy and Classification of Energy

Best Ways to Conserve Energy in Daily Life

  • Adjust your day-to-day behaviours to turn off devices and appliances when not in use. Purchase devices and appliances which consume less energy.
  • Adapt smart power strips: Do you know power or energy is consumed when the appliances are not in use. Yes, appliances draw power from outlets and are referred to as phantom loads. These smart power strips will help to cut down on phantom-load costs and save energy.
  • Refrigerators are one of the main appliances that consume power. Keep the setting of the refrigerator low to save energy.
  • Using CFL and LED bulbs to save energy. Regular incandescent bulbs consume more energy than CFL and LED.
  • Clean or replace air filters as recommended. Air conditioners (AC) and heaters consume more energy than other appliances. Cleaning or replacing air filters improves efficiency and consumes less energy.
  • Operate dishwasher and washing machines in a full load. To get the most energy-saving use from each run cycle.
  • Using a laptop instead of desktop computers can save considerable energy.
  • Install water-saver showerheads to help with conserving hot water and save power.
  • Use a slow cooker, toaster oven, or microwave oven over a conventional oven. Also, use utensils made of ceramic and glass.
  • Cycling is the best way to save fuel.
  • Walking instead of driving also saves energy.
  • Skip the dryer on a breezy day and dry clothes on the clothesline.

Benefits of Conservation of Energy

Energy conservation helps in :

  • Saves the cost and lowers your utility bills.
  • Prolongs the existence of fossil fuels.
  • Protects the environment.
  • Reduces pollution.

Energy conservation day is celebrated on the 14th of December every year.

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

Do cfl and led help in energy conservation.

Yes, CFL and LED consume less power than traditional fluorescent lamps and help in energy saving.

State law of conservation of energy

The law of conservation of energy states that “energy can neither be created nor destroyed but can only be converted from one form to another”

Give an example to explain energy transformation from one form to another.

Energy transformation is seen in solar panels, where sunlight is converted into electrical energy.

Explain two ways in which energy can be saved in day-to-day life.

  • Adapting smart power strips helps to reduce the loss of energy.
  • Operating a washing machine or dishwasher in full load helps to consume less energy than operating in half-load.

What are the ways in which energy can be transferred?

  • Mechanically – By the action of force
  • Electrically – Electrically
  • By Radiation – By Light waves or Sound waves
  • By Heating – By conduction, convection, or radiation

What is energy conservation?

Energy conservation is the means of reducing the consumption of energy.

What are the benefits of energy conservation?

The following are the benefits of energy conservation:

  • Saves the cost and lowers your utility bills

Watch the video and find out conservation measures we can take to save the natural resources depleting at an alarming rate.

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Here is a compilation of essays on ‘Energy Conservation’ for class 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Find paragraphs, long and short essays on ‘Energy Conservation’ especially written for school and college students.

Essay on Energy Conservation

Essay Contents:

  • Essay on Energy Conservation at Macro Level

ADVERTISEMENTS: (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Essay # 1. Introduction to Energy Conservation:

Energy conservation refers to the methods of reduction in energy consumption by way of elimination of wastage and promotion of efficiency. We know that due to the vast gap between demand and supply, lot of efforts is being done to bridge the gap in terms of generation of more electricity which requires lot of capital investment and apart from it creates lot of environmental concerns.

Energy conservation is the key element of energy management. We can reduce the energy consumption by adopting various ways of energy conservation which includes efficient use of technologies and avoiding energy wastages.

The various principles involved in energy conservations are:

(i) Optimal control.

(ii) Optimize capacity.

(iii) Optimize load.

(iv) Use efficient processes.

(v) Reduce losses.

(vi) Energy containment.

(vii) Examine energy conservation opportunities.

(viii) Energy storage facilities.

Essay # 2. Needs and Objectives of Energy Conservation :

More than 8% of the electricity you buy is probably wasted due to the design of your equipment and the way it has been installed. This is in addition to the energy wasted by running equipment for longer than necessary. Electricity is the most expensive form of energy available – about 8 times the cost of coal and six times the cost of gas – this expensive fuel must be used wisely.

No organization, whatever its size, can afford to overlook the improvement in profit and competitive position which can be achieved from the careful and thorough application of energy saving initiatives. When investment opportunities are being assessed and compared by management, energy saving initiatives are too often given a much lower priority than production and development projects.

This is despite the fact that energy saving initiatives can reduce revenue expenditure over the whole organization with very low capital investment requirements and can continue to do so over a very long period. Among the reasons given for this has been shortage of capital to invest and short-term company policies and it has been difficult for energy managers to gain the necessary support for energy saving projects.

Identification of energy saving opportunities must be carried out in a systematic manner so that it can be shown that the initiatives proposed are those which will yield the greatest benefits. Major opportunities will arise during the planning of new buildings and plant where the incremental cost of high efficiency equipment will be easy to determine, the lifetime will be longest and there will be no or little, difference in installation costs.

There will be many instances where the installation of more modern equipment will be so beneficial that the replacement of existing equipment before its normal end-of-life will be justified by savings on running costs. Experience gained by monitoring the performance of new plant and comparing with it older plant will provide useful data.

Careful and systematic monitoring will be required to identify energy saving opportunities. It is essential that the energy demands and costs of every aspect of the business are well understood, so that areas of greatest waste can be identified and tackled and that solutions for one situation can be applied to similar areas.

Full records should be maintained so that cost savings can be demonstrated and so that previously identified opportunities can be re-visited as costs and engineering solutions change. An organised approach will help to show management that the best investments are being selected for further work.

Business usually give lower priority to cost reduction from energy savings than they do other business initiatives. Business expansion is usually given higher priority, but the capital for this has to be provided from the profit from the existing business. Energy saving initiatives reduces operating costs and therefore increase the revenue available for investment and so deserve a very high priority.

Electricity is by far the most expensive form in which an organization buys power. The fact that electricity is the only practical form of energy does not mean that it should be used without proper consideration. While thermal savings are keenly monitored and can readily be measured, much less attention has been paid to the money that can be saved by attention to the design, specification and installation of electrical plant and power systems.

The efficiency of electrical equipment has always been assumed to be high and the amount of electrical energy that is wasted in commercial and industrial environments is usually greatly underestimated and is often assumed to be unavoidable. In fact, the efficiency of electrical equipment can be improved easily at low cost and because of the quantity of electrical energy used, this will yield substantial savings.

Once high-efficiency equipment has been selected, it is equally important to ensure that it is correctly rated. For example, motor efficiency is highest above 75% of full load, so over generous rating will increase both capital and running costs. On the other hand, cables are least efficient when fully loaded, so generous rating of cables can substantially reduce running costs.

Power losses in electrical equipment are due to the electrical resistance in conductors and losses in the magnetic material and occur primarily in motors, transformers and in all cabling. The conductor losses are proportional to the resistance and the square of the current (I 2 R losses) and can be minimized by using the optimum size of conductor for the application. Magnetic losses can be reduced by the use of better materials and production methods. The available savings in energy costs are substantial and accrue over the whole of the life of the installation.

Electrical energy is undisputedly the most vital element for industrial growth of any country. India is one of the many developing countries, which is suffering from acute power shortages. Almost all the states of India are not able to manage the demand from the three main sectors, viz., domestic, agriculture and industrial sectors. The recent industrial growth due to economic reforms further worsened the situation.

This results in exhaustion of fossil fuels and causes ecological imbalance. Therefore, these is an ample opportunity of energy conservation in domestic, industrial and agriculture sector.

Essay # 3. Energy Conservation in Domestic Sector:

There is a wide gap in the supply and demand of power in India and bridging the gap by installing new power stations is not going to take place in near future. The other alternative is to conserve every watt of energy. Energy conservation in domestic sector is a good point to start as about 20% of the total energy generated is utilized for domestic purpose, which is a considerable share.

Domestic power consumption in India takes about l/5th of the total power consumption, which is substantially high. Previously the power was subsidized in all the states of India and people (mis)used power liberally without worrying about efficiency of the appliances.

Because of the economic reforms, the subsidy is being withdrawn in power sector in a phased manner throughout India and the power tariff is steadly increasing and the people began to realize the need for energy conservation.

Even the Government of India made an act for energy conservation in 2001, which shows the seriousness of the power situation. Since domestic sector use the power in variety of applications, this is a potential area to be considered for energy optimization. By reducing the domestic energy consumption, the other sectors will get more power thereby helping the country to prosper further.

Energy used at home comprises of energy for cooking and processing food, comforts and luxuries. While an urban home largely depends on cooking gas and electricity for its energy requirements. Most of the energy demand of a rural home is dependent on fire wood or fuel wood. It is said that 50% of the energy consumption of the country is utilized for cooking activity considering commercial as well as non-commercial energy.

The domestic energy expenditure, with the increasing cost of energy, is gradually assuming a sizable share of the total domestic expenditure. The per capita electricity consumption in the country is reported to be about 400 units per annum with Gujarat on the top with an average of about 650 units.

The share electricity consumption in the domestic sector is about 15-20%. The average cost of one unit of electricity in the country is in the range of Rs. 3.50 to Rs. 4.0 and monthly electricity bill of an average household is about Rs. 500. Some of the energy intensive electrical gadgets used at home are geysers, oven/microwave, air conditioners, refrigerators and pumps.

Cheap and sub-standard gadgets consume more energy as compared to expensive standard gadgets and prove to be costlier on a long run. Consideration should be given to the ‘life cycle cost’ rather than the capital cost while purchasing any gadget.

Energy consumption in Indian domestic sector mostly comprises of electricity used in homes for lighting, refrigeration and power supply for other gadgets. Other forms of energy used are fuel for cooking etc. So there is an angle opportunity of energy conservation in electrical energy used in domestic sector in India.

The consumption pattern of electrical energy in Indian domestic sector is as follows:

So, electrical energy saving potential lies in lighting luminaires, refrigeration equipment and gadgets. Lot of energy can be saved by adopting latest technology in these equipment. As we know that electric lighting burns considerable amount of the average home energy budget. The electricity used over the lifetime of a single incandescent bulb costs 5 to 10 times the original purchase price of the bulb itself.

Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFL) and Light Emitting Diode (LED) bulbs have revolutionized energy-efficient lighting. CFLs are simply miniature versions of full-sized fluorescents. They screw into standard lamp sockets and give off light that looks just like the common incandescent bulbs – not like the fluorescent lighting we associate with factories and schools. LEDs are small, solid light bulbs which are extremely energy-efficient. New LED bulbs are grouped in clusters with diffuser lenses which have broadened the applications for LED use in the home.

Energy Conservation Strategies in Domestic Sector:

Lot of electrical energy can be saved in the domestic sector by adopting the suitable energy conservation techniques in the following equipment used in household:

(i) Luminaries (lamps etc.).

(ii) Fans/regulators.

(iii) Refrigeration equipment’s.

(iv) Heating equipment.

(v) Gadgets etc.

Energy conservation techniques/strategies in this equipment are explained as follows:

Indian domestic illumination is totally dominated by the incandescent lamps of varying wattage (40 W/60 W/80 W/100 W). Despite their inefficiency, they are still preferred in lower income groups just because of their very low initial cost.

Fluorescent lamps are also popular and are used mainly in the utility areas like reading rooms, bedrooms and living rooms, though they are costlier by more than 10 to 15 times than incandescent lamps. Even in the fluorescent lamps, aluminium chokes are predominant, which cost much less compared to copper choke.

In India, about 80% of the domestic lighting is through incandescent lamps. Hence it is one area that should be concentrated most for conservation of energy. Now-a-days use of CFLs (Compact Fluorescent Lamp) is steadily increasing because of their very low power consumption, long life and better illumination over incandescent lamps.

However, CFLs may not be a replacement when illumination is required for precision work. Table 3.1 shows the comparison of the various popular types of lamps. From table one can observe that the incandescent lamp is a source for energy wastage because of its low luminous efficiency.

Following calculation shows how economic to replace incandescent with fluorescent Tube Light (FTL) and with CFL. For calculations it is assumed that the operation hours are 5 hours per day and the cost of energy as Rs. 3 per Kwh (say).

In both the cases, it can be observed that the savings are very impressive and hence replacement of incandescent lamps is highly recommended. The payback period is inversely proportional to the period of usage. Another method to conserve energy in this area is to use the natural light effectively so that the period of usage of lamps may be minimized. Apart from it, energy efficient LED lamps can also be used in place of incandescent lamps.

(ii) Fans and Regulators :

Fans, once a luxury, became essential now for Indian climatic conditions where temperatures rise to as high as 45°C in summer. In India, fans available at varying cost ranging from as low as Rs. 400 to Rs. 1500. Cheap fans normally use substandard core laminations and aluminium windings. Standard fans are made with quality material but cost two to three times.

The power consumption varies from 60 Watts to 90 Watts depending on the quality of the fan. Though electronic regulators are available in the market at costs ranging from Rs. 50 to Rs. 250 (low cost electronic regulators don’t contain proper shielding to prevent RF interference), the conventional regulators are predominant chiefly because they come along with the fan.

The user has no choice for opting for an electronic regulator. At medium speeds, a saving of about 14 Watts was observed with the use of electronic regulator. Replacement of low efficient fan with series regulator with high efficient fan with electronic regulator is highly recommended. Following is a comparison of economics of a High Cost Fan (HCF) and Low Cost Fan (LCF), at a nominal 8 hours a day.

(iii) Refrigerators :

Refrigerator is another common appliance in middle and upper classes in India. Single door refrigerators take a share of more than 80% and almost all are right hinged (operated with right hand). These are available in variety of capacities and models, but the most popular among them is the single door 165 liters capacity.

Almost all the refrigerators have right hinged doors (operated with right hand). Operation of the refrigerator with right hand takes longer time since door opening and handing the contents is to be done by right hand only. This is particularly true with cooking items since they are normally touched with right hand only in India. This leads to loss of cooling and can be saved to some extent if a left hinged door is provided.

Refrigerators in India are mostly used for preservation of food items and for cold water. If two separate compartments are provided, there can be good energy savings since the loss of cooling due to door opening is confined to that compartment only. In fact, a tap may be provided for cold water, which minimizes the openings of the door by about 60%.

Normally, defrosting is done only when the deep freezer is completely choked with ice, which hampers the effectiveness thus making a refrigerator inefficient. Another common flaw is insufficient space behind the refrigerator, which deteriorates the heat transfer.

The vendors should educate the consumers to ensure periodical defrosting and not to place the refrigerators close to the walls. Now-a-days “No frost” models are available, which are very efficient and consume less power than the normal models.

(iv) Water Heaters and Solar Heaters :

Immersion heaters, storage geysers and running water heaters (instant water heaters) are available in India. Immersion water heaters are the cheapest and are widely used despite the fatal risk involved just because of its cost. Solar water heaters are not available in many places because of their prohibitively high initial investment.

These are used only in luxury hotels, guesthouses and cottages, as the Government made it a principle to install them in these places to conserve energy. Augmenting the geyser with solar water heater greatly reduces the power consumption (as much as 80%) as solar energy is available for more than 10 months a year, which raises the temperature to an adequate level.

Apart from the energy savings, the hot water can be used for other purposes like washing and cooking during the summer when hot water is not necessary for bath.

(v) Water Pumps :

Many houses are fitted with a 350 W (1/2 HP) or 750 W (1 HP) motor depending on the overhead tank capacity. Most of the motors are controlled manually and average usage is about two hours a day. Overflow of tank is a common phenomenon in India since the use of automatic water level controllers is not yet popular and on a average there will be a loss of at least 10 minutes per day per motor in the form of overflow. An automatic water level controller is available for about Rs. 500 to 800.

The following calculation shows the savings if an automatic water controller is installed:

The savings will increase with the increase of the rating of the motor and the time of overflow. This also increases the comfort level and conserves the water resources.

From the above mentioned strategies or techniques, adopted for electrical energy conservation in domestic sector indicates huge energy saving potential. In today’s scenario of worldwide focus on energy conservation, these techniques are being followed rapidly and have become an integral part of energy conservation program all over.

Now, besides the electrical energy consumption in household, the other major chunk of energy in the form of fuel (wood, natural gas etc.) is used in the field of cooking. So, these is an ample amount of energy saving opportunities in the kitchen.

Essay # 4. Energy Conservation in the Kitchen :

Housewives can save upto 30% of cooking gas or kerosene by following a few simple ‘fuel-saving tips’.

Kitchen Ventilation:

i. There should be proper ventilation to the outside for the cook-tops and ranges, especially while cooking with gas. But the fan should not be running longer than the need or will result in wasting the energy in heating the home. And make sure the fan in use in the downdraft vent is not too large since that would waste energy too.

ii. Ventilation fans create a slight vacuum. To balance the air pressure, cold air is sucked in from the outside through cracks in the walls, around windows and doors, etc. Then the heater starts in to heat up the cold air. This is why too big a fan leads to energy waste.

iii. Worse, if the fan draws out so much air that cold air cannot come into the house fast enough to equalize the pressure, an oil or gas heating system may not vent properly. This situation may lead to a back draft of combustible gases into the house.

iv. The back draft problem is a big concern with large downdraft ventilation fans used with some cook-tops and ranges.

Energy Saving Cookware:

i. Choosing the right pan for the job can actually save energy—small amounts per meal.

ii. Smaller is better. Smaller pans need less energy to heat up. Microwaves use less energy than full-size ovens. Smaller ovens use less energy than larger ones. Then put the pan on the burner that fits it best. Remember that smaller burners use less electricity.

iii. Every type of heating element on an electric cook-top (coils, solid disk elements and radiant elements under ceramic glass) works more efficiently when the bottom of the pan is flat.

iv. Convection ovens are more energy-efficient than standard ovens. They continuously circulate heat around the food which distributes the heat more evenly so temperatures and cooking time can be decreased.

v. In fact, the most efficient pan has a slightly concave bottom, which flattens out when the metal heats up. The more rounded or warped the pan, the less direct contact it has with the burner so the harder the element has to work to heat up the pan.

vi. Copper-bottom pans heap up faster than other pans. (And they look neat also)

vii. The flame on your gas burner should be blue. A yellow flame means the gas is not burning efficiently. Call the gas company to check it.

viii. Microwave will work more efficiently if the inside surfaces are clean.

ix. The tighter the fit on the pot lid, the less heat escapes.

x. Using glass or ceramic pans in the oven allows turning down the temperature about 25 degrees Fahrenheit and still cook the food in the same amount of time.

xi. Pressure cookers, which build up steam pressure, reduce cooking time and energy use.

Essay # 5. Other Energy Saving Tips in the Domestic House :

i. Switch off light when not required.

ii. Use a table lamp instead of an overhead light when reading at a desk.

iii. Replace 40W tube light by equivalent light output 36W (Slim) tube lights.

iv. Use Electronic ballasts in place of conventional electromagnetic ballasts I Tube Lights.

v. Replace filament lamps with Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL).

vi. Construction of a house should be designed to get maximum sunlight & ventilation.

vii. Use sunlight wherever & whenever available.

viii. Use only adequate illumination or the work involved.

ix. Clean bulbs and tube lights periodically to avoid reduction in illumination.

x. Clean fan blades periodically.

xi. Lubricate bearings of motor periodically.

xii. Use electronic regulators for the fans.

xiii. Switch off fans when not required.

xiv. Use Light Weight/Energy efficient fans.

xv. Adopt large scale ironing. Avoid ironing one or two cloths daily.

xvi. Always use nylon belt in Grinders.

xvii. Clean & Lubricate grinder parts periodically.

xviii. Use energy efficient motor for the grinder.

xix. Use grinder to its full capacity.

xx. Use Washing Machine to its full capacity.

xxi. Avoid using dryer in washing machines whenever possible.

xxii. When immersion rods are used, switch off when water is heated to the required level. Cover the container with a lid to avoid wastage.

xxiii. Switch off directional vanes provided in the air-conditioner when not required.

xxiv. Avoid rewinding motors.

xxv. Avoid leakage of water in taps/joints.

xxvi. Use energy efficient water pumps.

xxvii. Use correct size PVC Piping System, in water lines.

xxviii. Use capacitors for water pumps, to improve power factor.

xxix. Avoid frequent closing and opening of refrigeration door.

xxx. Keep refrigerator away from the wall by at least 200 mm.

xxxi. Use Non-Conventional Energy Sources liked Biogas, Solar Heaters/ Cookers, Wind Mills to the extent possible.

xxxii. Periodical inspection of wiring may be done to defect leakage if any. Use Earth leakage circuit breakers.

xxxiii. Use correct size wires, preferably copper wires

xxxiv. Dim the lights where you can.

xxxv. Light-colored walls reflect more light and so need less lamps.

Using the Fridge/Freezer Smartly:

i. Don’t spend more time taking inventory every time the fridge is opened. Think about what you want before you reach for the door.

ii. Get in the habit of keeping items in the same place in the fridge (e.g., milk in the door, eggs on the second shelf, chocolate cake front and center).

iii. Make sure foods are covered before they are kept in the refrigerator. Otherwise the moisture in them will evaporate, which makes the refrigerator use more energy.

iv. Let foods cool before they are put into the refrigerator or freezer. Don’t leave food out so long at room temperature that it start growing salmonella, botulism or other nasty food poisoners.

v. Freezer works more efficiently when full than when nearly empty, so put some plastic containers like old milk jugs with water in them in the freezer to take up empty space.

Essay # 6. Energy Conservation Measures in Office :

Similar to the energy conservation opportunities and measures applicable in the domestic house, we can save substantial amount of electrical energy by adopting simple techniques or measures in the office as well. Most of the energy consumed in the office is in the form of electrical energy for lighting, running ACs, operating office equipment etc.

Energy can be saved by optimizing the use of these equipment and using energy efficient technologies. Also the design of office building plays on important role in energy conservation. Energy awareness campaign plays crucial role in energy conservation efforts in an organisation’s building.

Given below is the simple checklist for office energy conservation measures:

Office Energy Checklist:

The following is a simple checklist of energy conservation/efficiency measures to use at the office:

i. Replace incandescent lights with Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFLs) or Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) for desk lamps and overhead lighting. Using CFLs instead of comparable incandescent bulbs can save about 50% on your lighting costs. CFLs use only one-fourth the energy and last up to 10 times longer.

ii. Switch off all unnecessary lights. Use dimmers, motion sensors or occupancy sensors to automatically turn off lighting when not in use to reduce energy use and costs.

iii. Turn off lights when you leave at night.

iv. Use natural lighting or day lighting. When feasible, turn off lights near windows.

v. Use task lighting; instead of brightly lighting an entire room, focus the light where you need it, to directly illuminate work areas.

vi. Use energy efficient products.

vii. Close or adjust window blinds to block direct sunlight to reduce cooling needs during warm months. Overhangs or exterior window covers are most effective to block sunlight on south facing windows.

viii. In the winter months, open blinds on south-facing windows during the day to allow sunlight to naturally heat your workspace. At night, close the blinds to reduce heat loss at night.

ix. Unplug equipment that drains energy when not in use (i.e., cell phone chargers, fans, coffeemakers, desktop printers, radios, etc.)

x. Turn off your computer and monitors at the end of the work day, if possible. If you leave your desk for an extended time, turn off your monitor.

xi. Turn off photocopier at night or purchase a new copier with low standby feature. Purchase printers and fax machines with power management features and itself.

xii. Have a qualified professional perform an energy audit.

xiii. Ensure HVAC ductwork is well insulated.

xiv. Insulate water heater, hot water piping and tanks to reduce heat loss.

xv. Install low-flow toilets and shower heads.

xvi. Install meters to track energy use.

xvii. Save paper: Photocopy only what you need. Always use the second side of paper, either by printing on both sides or using the blank side as scrap paper.

xviii. Collect your utility bills: Separate electricity and fuel bills. Target the largest energy consumer or the largest bill for energy conservation measures.

xix. Carpool, bike or use mass transit when commuting to work.

These above mentioned energy conservation measures when adopted can brought drastic reduction in the energy bill for the office.

Essay # 7. Energy Conservation Process/Activities for a Building:

In the previous section, we have seen the energy conservation needs and various strategies which can be applied to achieve energy savings in domestic sector. As we know in the domestic sector buildings are involved. Similar strategies or mechanism can be applied to commercial buildings such as organisation building or office building etc. There is a huge potential of energy savings in buildings of an organisation of office as we have discussed in energy saving measures for domestic sector earlier.

Now, the energy conservation methodologies or process/procedures for office or large buildings involves certain steps or sequence of activities which are essential for an effective energy conservation program for the buildings.

Some of these activities are:

1. Energy awareness campaign.

2. Facts and figures about energy waste.

3. Energy Profile:

(a) Use of energy profile to find energy waste.

(b) Understanding of energy profile.

4. Energy performance tracking.

5. Metering and monitoring etc.

1. Energy-Awareness Campaign:

If we want to save energy in an organisation, it’s important that everyone in the organisation become aware of the energy consumption that they are responsible for simple changes in people’s behaviour can quickly lead to significant energy savings but such changes will only happen if the people are aware of the energy consumption that they have the power to control.

With proper guidance and encouragement we can probably achieve huge cuts in organisation’s energy consumption. Everyone knows that saving energy is a good thing, but most people will only be motivated when we can demonstrate just how much energy they are wasting and just how much potential there is for them to improve.

Essentially you need to raise the energy awareness of all concerned in an organisation and for this; you need an energy-awareness campaign.

Now, typical preparation for an energy-awareness campaign might begin with a hunt for generic poster facts and figures and generic pictures of light switches, children hugging trees and polar bears on melting ice caps etc. But the problem with that approach is that most people have seen it all many times before and consequently they rarely stop to think about the underlying message.

And, more importantly, there’s actually a much better way to encourage the occupants of your building to take action to reduce their energy consumption.

The usual array of eliched poster facts and figures is not nearly as effective as targeted facts and figures that are specific to your organisation and that you easily come up with yourself.

Because the more you can make your energy-awareness message directly relevant to your building, the more that your building’s occupants will understand and appreciate it.

What exactly is Energy Awareness?

For a general definition, energy awareness is about understanding:

i. How much energy we use (both directly and indirectly),

ii. What we actually use it for,

iii. Where the energy comes from,

iv. The knock-on effects of us using it (e.g., environmental impact, depletion of resources), and

v. What we can do to reduce our energy consumption.

Also energy awareness is about understanding that:

i. All day we’re using energy in our building,

ii. Sometimes we do use a lot more energy than others,

iii. Simple changes in our habits can lead to big reductions in our building’s energy consumption and,

iv. Reducing our building’s energy consumption is important.

When your concept of energy awareness is closer to home, your campaign will naturally use messages, facts and figures that are closer to home too. Such messages, facts and figures will naturally resonate better with the people they’re intended for and this should have a significant impact on the savings that your campaign will achieve.

2. Using targeted facts and figures to bring your campaign closer to home:

The more you can relate your facts and figures to the day-to-day actions of your staff, the more likely they will be to take action. So, instead of using global statistics or natural statistics or city-level statistics in your campaign, use statistics that are directly relevant to energy consumption at your organisation.

Or, even better, use statistics that are directly relevant to energy consumption in your building.

Or, even better still, use statistics that are directly relevant to energy consumption on your floor of the building, or in your particular department.

How to Get the Figures you need to Make Your Staff Aware of Their Energy Consumption:

First, you need to build your own understanding of the building’s energy consumption how much energy it uses, what uses it and when. Armed with this knowledge, your task of raising energy awareness amongst staff will be much easier, as you will be able to highlight the wastage that they are responsible for and encourage them with evidence of the savings that they have made. For this you need good data.

First things first, unless you have good quality energy data, you will struggle to get really useful figures. Weekly or monthly meter readings will never be able to tell you how much energy your building is using at different times throughout each day and on the different days of the week – this level of detail really is necessary to calculate the focused personalized figures that can have the biggest impact on the energy awareness of your staff.

Hopefully you will already have access to interval data such as 15 minute or half-hours data – if not, you may want to look into getting smart metering fitted in your building.

The figures you need will come from analysis of your energy-consumption data. You might want to start by analysing the last years-worth of energy data, although, if you don’t have that much, just use what you can.

Figures to Highlight Energy Waste That You Want to Target:

The first thing to do is to look at your patterns of energy consumption to find energy waste. Once you have found energy waste, you should be able to quantify it in terms of how much energy is actually being wasted.

Start by estimating the wasted kWh and then multiple those figures by cost-per-kWh and kg- CO 2 -per-kWh figures to get the equivalent cost and CO 2 figures or if you want to highlight waste as a percentage of some sort, simply look at the percentage differences between the kW or kWh figures from the appropriate time periods, buildings floors or departments that you want to compare.

Specific figures are generally best for raising energy awareness amongst staff. For example: “unnecessarily leaving equipment switched on when we go home is wasting kWh, pounds/dollars and kg CO 2 on each night of the working week”. Use your imagination a little – may be look at energy consumption on weekends or during lunch hours. If your building operates continuously every day, investigate the energy consumption of different shifts.

All of this information will be contained within your detailed interval energy data. You just need to extract it and present it in an accessible format.

The more you can relate your figures to people’s day to day routines and activities, the greater the energy awareness you will be able to build and the greater the savings you will be able to achieve.

Energy Awareness Month Can Only Do So Much-Ongoing Effort Is Key:

For most people, if they’ve heard of ‘energy awareness’, it’s probably because of energy awareness week or energy awareness month. These observances are fantastic they’re putting energy awareness on people’s radars.

But it’s important to realize that only so much can be achieved in a day a week or a month, even when it comes around every year. The best results by far will be achieved if you treat your energy-awareness campaign as an ongoing process. It doesn’t have to be a full time job, but it will work a lot better if you make it part of your regular routine.

3. Use of Energy Profiles to Find Energy Waste:

The patterns (or profiles) of energy usage contained within interval energy data are great for discovering where a building is wasting energy. The fine-grained detail of interval data (such as half-hourly data) is key – daily, weekly or monthly data does not carry anywhere near as much information about how energy is being used.

Energy Profile Charts and How to Create Them:

Patterns of energy usage are often referred to as energy profiles.

Looking at energy profiles to find energy waste requires you to have some knowledge of the way that the building is operated. The key is to try to link the patterns of energy usage with the operations of the building.

Energy profiles show how much energy is being used at particular times-of- the-day and days-of-the-week – you want to be able to have a pretty good idea of what equipment is using that energy and why it needs to be using it at the times in question.

If the profiles show energy being used on times or days when you’re not aware of a good reason for energy to be used, that’s an indication that energy is possibly being wasted and something for you to investigate. To make sense of the energy profiles, you need to have good idea about what goes on in the building. Not everything that goes on in the building, just the things that relate to energy consumption. Every building is different, but the following factors are commonly relevant.

Occupancy – when people come and go:

i. What are the core occupancy hours (e.g., 9 to 5)? Are there multiple shifts (e.g., a day shift and a night shift)?

ii. Do people ever work on-site outside of the core occupancy hours? Do certain staff stay on after the official closing time? Does anyone come in on weekends or holidays?

HVAC – Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning:

i. What fuels are used for heating (e.g., gas, electricity)?

ii. Is there air conditioning? Is it used just for cooling in summer or is it used all year round (e.g., to keep equipment cool)?

iii. How is the heating controlled? Is it on a timer? When is it set to switch on and off? Are there different timer settings for weekends and holidays?

It’s important to be aware that most forms of gas heating also use electricity for fans, pumps and controls. For example, for a heating system consisting of a gas boiler connected to radiators, 5% or more of the total energy used will typically be electricity. This is particularly significant in cost terms because electricity usually costs several times more per kWh than gas.

Heating systems that involve ducted air will typically use a considerable amount of electricity (40% or so is not uncommon). Air-conditioning also usually consumes a lot of electricity.

It indicates that HVAC energy wastage can usually be identified from patterns of electricity consumption alone. But if you do have interval metering on your gas supply it’s well worth taking a closer look at your patterns of gas consumption too.

i. What controls when the lights come on and off? Are they automatically controlled (e.g., by a sensor that detects movement or light-levels) or are they turned on and off by staff?

ii. Do lights remain on when they’re not needed (e.g., when staff have gone home or when they’re on lunch-break)?

iii. Are there enough light-switches? For example, if one person is working late in a large open office, will they have to light the entire office just to light their desk?

Most buildings have different sets of lights for different purposes (e.g., a set of lights in the main office, a set of lights in the meeting rooms, a set of lights in the warehouse, a set of security lights outside). Your answers to the questions above may depend on which set of lights you’re talking about.

Office equipment:

i. Does staff turn their computers off when they leave work?

ii. Is there office equipment such as photocopiers/printers? Is it turned off when not in use?

(Whilst interval data is perfect for looking at larger patterns and trends, it won’t help you to figure out how much energy an individual computer or photocopier uses. For that task you’ll want to plug a simple watt meter between the equipment and the wall socket).

Other energy-consuming equipment/processes:

This could include anything from a printing room, to a fork-lift-truck charger, to specialist production-line equipment.

i. What processes or items of equipment exist that use energy?

ii. What sort of energy do they use (e.g., electricity or gas or both)?

iii. When do they use energy? When do the processes run? When is the equipment switched on and off?

It’s important to note that industrial processes can often dwarf all other types of energy consumption in a building. If a building has processes or items of equipment that consume a lot of energy, even small changes to the way that they’re operated can often make a big difference to the energy bill.

Poor Automatic Control (Especially HVAC):

Energy uses such as HVAC (heating, ventilation and air-conditioning) should usually be closely tied to the occupancy hours. Considerable energy is wasted if a building is heated or cooled when nobody is using it or if an entire building is heated or cooled when only a couple of rooms are in use. So automatic control using timers to switch ON of OFF HVAC system depending upon the occupancy in particular location will be the solution.

4. Monthly Energy-Performance Tracking:

It’s useful to know whether a building is becoming more or less energy-efficient as time goes on.

Tracking such energy performance can help to:

i. Determine the effectiveness of any energy-saving changes that have been made.

ii. Guard against the re-introduction of wastage that has previously been eliminated.

iii. Check whether targets are being met.

Energy performance is commonly tracked on a monthly basis. However, effectively tracking month-on-month energy-performance is not as straight- forward as comparing one month’s total energy consumption with that of the next. Without knowledge of the correct techniques, it’s easy to deduce that energy performance has changed (for better or for worse), when in fact the differing figures are due to inaccuracies in the calculation process.

Rules for Monthly Energy-Performance Tracking:

a. Remember that Months are Very Different in Calendar Terms:

i. Months are different lengths – 31,30,29 or 28 days, depending on the month and whether or not it’s a leap year.

ii. Weeks don’t overlap nearly with months, so sometimes a month will have say 5 Sundays and 4 Mondays, but other times a month will have 4 Sundays and 5 Mondays.

These month-to-month differences make it more difficult to meaningfully compare the energy consumption of one month with that of another. However, you can effectively eliminate these differences by complying with the rules that follow:

b. Only compare the average kW between Months:

Because of the differences highlighted above, it’s not appropriate to compare the kWh used in one month with the kWh used in another. However, using the average kW (power) instead takes time out of the equation and gives figures that can be compared meaningfully.

This fact may be best explained by an example:

A 2 kW electric fans uses 1440 kWh if it’s on constantly for a 30 days month or 1488 kWh if it’s on constantly for a 31 day month. However, in both cases it has an average power of 2 kW.

c. Restrict the energy that contributes to each monthly average:

For effective monthly energy-performance tracking, it’s very important to analyze only, days and times with similar energy-sage characteristics.

So, for example, a business with a Monday to Friday working week might effectively track monthly energy performance for:

i. Working Weekdays:

Monday to Friday, specifically excluding any bank holidays or shutdown periods.

ii. Working Weekdays:

Occupied hours only as above, but with the times restricted to say 09:00 to 17:00.

iii. Weekends:

Saturdays and Sundays only.

Doing this ensures that the fact that week’s don’t overlap nearly with months doesn’t cause a problem when comparing one month’s energy performance with that of another.

d. Use energy data that contains the necessary level of detail:

Accrue month-month energy-performance tracking is rarely possible without the level of detail contained within interval energy data.

Weekly or monthly data simply doesn’t contain enough information to allow you to follow the previous rules. Without the fine-grained detail of interval energy data (such as half-hourly data), it’s impossible to accurately account for the energy-usage variations that go with building occupancy hours or the fact that calendar months are not the same.

e. Be aware of seasonal variations in energy consumption:

The energy consumption of energy uses such as heating or air-conditioning is usually highly seasonal. If such energy uses form a significant proportion of the energy consumption that you’re analysing, be aware that it won’t be possible to make a like-for-like comparison of the average kW values from one month to the next.

Seasonal variations do not render monthly results useless, however monthly figures are still of considerable value for viewing seasonal consumption patterns.

5. Meters and Monitors for Energy Consumption:

Measurement of parameters is an integral and important task in energy management. If you don’t measure how much energy you’re using, you won’t know how much you can save or how much you have already saved.

Here is the list of some important meters and monitors you can use as home energy saving devices:

i. Thermometers:

A thermometer is one of the simplest and most effective home energy saving devices. It can save energy by helping you measure the temperature of refrigerators and freezers and adjust to a more energy efficient (or health-safe) temperature. A thermometer can also help you find poorly insulated areas of your house.

ii. Electrical Meter and Gas Meter:

You thought your meter was just for measuring! In fact, it’s a great home energy saving device! Reading your electrical and gas meter on a regular basis and logging the results in a spreadsheet, is a great way to get a clearer picture of your energy usage.

When you start seeing daily readings fall, you know you’re doing something right in your energy saving efforts. When they spike back up, you know something new has been introduced – or some old energy wasting habit, once brought under control, is now costing you money again.

iii. Full-House Electricity Monitors:

Home energy saving devices such as the power cost monitor and The Energy Detective (TED) are electricity energy monitors for whole house energy usage, so you can watch usage change as various devices are switched on and off.

This can be helpful identifying the power usage of devices that can’t easily be measured by a plug-in electricity energy monitor, such as an electric stove, air- conditioning unit or a device where the plug is hard to get to (such as a refrigerator).

Full-house electricity energy monitors can also help you gauge the overall level of phantom load in your house – if you think everything is switched off and your fridge isn’t running, how many watts you are burning will tell you how much phantom load you have. But they do not give as clear an indication of how much a particular device uses.

iv. Infrared Heat Guns:

These devices can give you an instant temperature reading for any area you point and press the trigger at. A great way to get a quick handle on where heat is escaping from your house in winter or leaking in on hot summer days.

Using these meters and monitors, energy can be saved in the domestic sector. Here are some examples and areas where proper measurement of parameters using meters can save lot of energy.

(i) Save on Refrigeration:

If your refrigerator or freezer temperature is set too high, you can lose food to spoilage, which is a waste of the energy used to grow and transport the food to you. If the temperature is set too low, you’re using more electricity to cool your food than is necessary.

You should measure your refrigerator and freezer temperatures at least a couple of times a year – preferably more often if there are little hands in the house who might ‘accidentally on purpose’ turn the temperature controls.

To measure your refrigerator or freezer temperature, place the remote probe inside a jar 3/4 full of water. Leave the jar inside the refrigerator or freezer – at least one hour for the refrigerator, at least 6 hours for the freezer. Once this period has passed, reset the thermometer’s minimum and maximum temperatures.

Then wait a few more hours. Take a reading of the minimum and maximum and take the halfway point as the likely average temperature of the refrigerator or freezer. If that halfway point is colder than required, turn the temperature control dial up a notch. If it’s warmer than required, turn the control down a notch. Then reset the minimum and maximum, wait a few more hours and try again.

It’s best to avoid a lot of opening and closing of the refrigerator/freezer door when doing this, as you will distort the readings somewhat, but the jar 3/4 filled with water is designed to mask out sudden fluctuations caused by the door being opened. Make sure the jar is no more than 3/4 filled for the freezer test, so that the expanding water doesn’t crack the jar.

(ii) Save on Hot Water:

Use your thermometer as a home energy saving device to measure the hot water temperature coming out of your tap. Turn the hot water temperature down on your heater if the temperature is above 49C to 120F.

If you install an insulating blanket around your hot water heater, you can use the thermometer to assess how effective the blanket is. A large difference in temperature reading between the space between the heater and the insulating blanket (reading A) and the outside of the insulating blanket (reading B) will tell you that the blanket is really helping you save. A small difference means the blanket isn’t accomplishing much.

(iii) Find Insulation Gaps:

If you don’t mind taping your remote probe to the drywall or plaster of your outside walls and the glass on windows, you can measure the temperature of walls on a cold day when the heat is on, to determine where heat loss occurs most quickly. In a properly heated room, colder sections of wall usually indicate that there is less insulation behind them.

You can take readings on several windows and compare the results; lower readings on a particular window may mean that window lacks the energy efficient reflective coating of other windows in your house or if it is a double- or triple-pane window that is supposed to be filled with an insulating gas such as argon, that the insulating gas has leaked out.

Indirect Home Energy Saving Devices:

Some home energy saving devices were designed for another purpose, but indirectly they help you save energy. An obvious example of an indirect home energy saving device is a dimmer switch. Dimmer switches let you produce a softer lighting effect in a room – but when you dim the lights, you’re also using less energy. (Just don’t dim them so much that you forget the light is on – you could wind up leaving the lights on for many hours at a lower power setting, which is still worse than turning them off.)

Here are some indirect home energy saving devices that can put a dent in your energy bill:

Dimmer Switches:

Dimmer switches can be used for both lighting and fans. A dimmer that works with incandescent or haogen lights can also be used to lower the speed of a fan motor, if you want a little airflow out of a bathroom but not the full blast. For fluorescent lights, make sure you use either a dimmer that is designed for them or fluorescent lights that are designed to work with an incandescent dimmer.

Automatic timers:

When you put a device on a timer, you may save energy. An obvious example of an automatic timer as a home energy saving device is a pool pump, which uses a lot of energy and normally doesn’t need to be on all day long; by setting it on a timer so it’s only on a few hours each day, you’ll save a bundle. You can also put your computer accessories power bar on a timer and set it to turn off when you’re either asleep or normally out of the house.

Timer Switches:

Timer switches are light or fan switches that can either run for a range of preset times (30, 15, 10, 5 minutes for example) or have a dial that can be set to any range of minutes. These home energy saving devices are great for things like bathroom fans, which you may want to run for some time after you leave the bathroom, but which you don’t want to run all day.

This can save you not only the energy used to run the fan (which is pretty minimal) but the energy lost when you pump warm air outside in winter or cold air outside when the air-conditioning is on. The two switches shown at right (available from can be used for motors such as bathroom exhaust fans (up to 20 amp), incandescent, halogen or fluorescent lights. A version with 60-30-20-10 is also available.

Motion- or Infrared-Activated Switches:

Motion- or infrared-activated switches are light switches that sense movement or the body heat of a person entering a room and turn the current on when you pass the sensor, then turn it off after the movement or heat is no longer detected. These can be home energy saving devices, if they are used, for example, to prevent a light from being left on.

If you want the convenience of being able to switch a light on, but having the light turn off automatically if you forget to switch it off, try a screw-in motion-sensor switch. This works well for a lamp (provided it has a tall enough shade) or for a bare ceiling fixture, such as in a laundry room, furnace room or workroom.

Remember though that the motion sensor does draw a small current continuously, so if it’s a room you only go in a few times a year, adding the sensor might actually increase the amount of electricity the light uses over its life.

Power Bars:

Power bars can be great home energy saving devices if you’re disciplined about turning them off when the devices attached to them are not in use. Computers and accessories can use a fair bit of power, a power bar with built-in surge protection not only protects your equipment from damaging power spikes, but also cuts all power to the devices when you turn it off. Smart power bars, which detect when attached devices are in standby or phantom load mode, are examples of direct home energy saving devices.

Home Automation Systems:

Home automation systems are designed for people who like gadgets and want complete control of their home through a console, a program running on their PC or even remotely by telephone.

Direct Home Energy Saving Devices:

Here are some home energy saving devices that are specifically designed to save you energy and that work well for that purpose:

i. Programmable thermostats.

ii. Standby-detection devices, which cut power to a device when it enters standby.

iii. Thermally controlled switches that turn power on or off based on a temperature range.

iv. Air-conditioner energy saving devices.

Programmable Thermostats:

We can save lot of energy costs for every degree Fahrenheit that you turn down the heat or turn up the air-conditioning, for an 8 hour period each day.

In other words, if you normally keep your house at 68F, but you change your habits and start turning the temperature down to 61F from 11 am to 7 am every day, you can cut your heating costs by 7% (68 – 61 = 7). If you do the same for air conditioning and raise the night-time temperature for 8 hours from 78F to 82F (a 4 degree spread) you could save 4% on your air-conditioning costs.

Programmable thermostats are great home energy saving devices. They give you this level for savings with just a little instruction from you. Most modern thermostats allow you to program each day individually with up to four temperature shifts, sometimes independent.

To other devices are standby savers and thermal electrical switches which are useful in energy savings.

Air-Conditioner Energy Saving Devices:

In air-conditioners, controller can be incorporated which keep track of thermodynamic saturation in cooling coils and turn the compressor off at saturation (the point at which any further cooling of the coils will not affect the temperature change in the air being blown over the coils).

Essay # 8. Thermal Energy Conservation Opportunities in Buildings:

Conservation of thermal energy is a means to reduce consumption of heat sources. The energy consumption can broadly distributed among four main sectors such as industrial, building (residential/ commercial), transportation and agricultural sectors. The building sector consumes the major part of energy.

Energy consumption rate has gradually increased due to urbanization, industrial growth and population growth. Population growth means contracting more buildings, which increases energy expenditure. The heat losses in buildings generally occur through external walls, ceiling, floor, windows and air infiltration. Heat loss through the building envelope can be controlled in many different ways i.e. orientation, types of building and optimum insulation thickness.

Energy saving in different type of building walls can be done by using optimum insulation thickness with suitable insulation material. The energy saving is maintained by reducing the energy consumption in buildings. Heat losses from building envelope have a major share in waste of energy.

So it is essential to save the energy by using optimum insulation thickness. Both excessive and deficient insulation is not desirable economically. For economical analysis, the value of optimum insulation thickness was calculated by life cycle cost analysis (LCCA). Insulation of the building is an important technology for energy saving.

The optimum insulation thickness is that value at which the cost is minimum, and it includes the cost of insulation material and cost of energy consumption over the life time of the building. The energy saving is maximum at optimum insulation thickness.

Energy saving becomes more beneficial in that regions where costly fuel is used. The energy saving per unit wall area is defined as the difference between the energy need of un-insulated and insulated situations.

The insulation thickness and energy savings can be calculated by using Life-cycle cost analysis over life time of 10 years of the building. Using proper insulation in building is most effective way of energy saving in building walls. Brick, Concrete and Stone walls are the mostly used types of walls in building construction in India. There are many methods available to conserve warm or cool air in buildings.

Some of these are:

i. Having a properly maintained heating/cooling system,

ii. Using adequate insulation,

iii. Using proper design of building,

iv. Maximizing the use of day light by proper designing,

v. Using multiple pane windows,

vi. Sealing buildings so that warm/cool air does not enter/escape so easily,

vii. Letting sunlight come in or block sunlight depending on the season,

viii. Maintaining a comfortable humidity level, and

ix. Optimizing thermostat levels so the temperature is appropriate at night, weekends, etc. or whenever it is possible to have a temperature setting that consumes less energy.

Thermal conservation applies also to other mediums. Conserving hot or cold liquids is another typical opportunity. Processing plants, hot water heating systems, and swimming pools are examples where thermal conservation methods can applied.

Some other energy saving strategies includes using thermal storage to optimize daytime/night time energy use. In certain situations heat exchangers are used for heat recovery if an exhaust source is available.

Essay # 9. Energy Conservation at Macro Level:

The approach for energy conservation at macro level includes:

(a) Capacity utilization.

(b) Fine tuning.

(c) Technology upgradation.

The main target of this approach is to reduce specific energy consumption.

Macro Level Methodology:

The macro level methodology for the energy conservation effort starts with identifying the energy input to a system.

The energy input can be given as:

Energy input = Theoretical requirement + Unavoidable losses + Avoidable losses

Macro level methodology focus should be:

(a) To concentrate on avoidable losses.

(b) Quantify the losses.

(c) Identify ways and means for reduction of losses.

(d) Implementation.

This macro level approach should be applied at the design stage, e.g., in case of new motor installation in an industrial process, use of energy efficient motors can greatly reduce the losses as compared to standard motor.

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Energy Conservation Essay in English for Students

January 29, 2022 by Sandeep

Essay on Energy Conservation: Efforts and measures that we take to limit energy consumption are called energy conservation. Renewable energy sources can be replenished back in nature, and Non-renewable sources are not available for unlimited time, and they take millions of years to be regenerated. Our aim should be to reduce, reuse, and recycle available resources. Alternate energy sources like tidal energy, wind energy, and solar energy should be used to conserve energy.

Essay on Energy Conservation in 500 Words

Below we have provided Energy Conservation Essay in English, suitable for class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed. – Mahatma Gandhi

Energy conservation is the act of making an effort to reduce energy consumption. It can be done by either using the power in lesser quantities or using the said energy in more efficient ways. National Energy Conservation Day is celebrated by people all over India on the 14th of December each year. Every year, the world consumes two percent more energy than utilized in the previous year. We are using up more resources than we discover. In India, the domestic sector consumes twenty percent of the energy, whereas the commercial division utilises eighty percent. Around eight percent of the energy is wasted because of the structure and design of the equipment.

Importance of Energy Conservation

Fossil fuels like petroleum, coal, natural gas, and minerals, and metals like iron, silver, gold, copper, etc., are minimal on the earth and exhaustible. Hence, it becomes our social duty to conserve and preserve them. There is a great risk of depletion of non-renewable and limited resources lurking in our heads. Countries like the United States, China, India, etc., heavily depend on oil-producing nations. The stock of oil in these countries is restricted and may come to an end very soon with how people are utilizing it carelessly.

The demand is always more than the supply, and hence, that is why we have to pay such high amounts for this resource. Therefore, it becomes necessary to conserve it and utilize it judiciously until its alternative can be found or discovered. Fossil fuels are a significant contributor to the rise of global warming , and these fuels emit a lot of carbon dioxide into the environment, thus causing the greenhouse effect. The results of global warming are quite evident in how we have been facing rising sea levels, hotter temperatures, and the increase of deadly diseases like cancer.

Hence, conservation of energy is required to reduce the effect of global warming on the planet. Activities like coal mining and building nuclear power plants have caused a lot of forest destruction. This has affected the flora and fauna of those regions in a very negative way. Sometimes, even humans are forcefully displaced from those places. These sites lead to a lot of air pollution and related spills. The only way that we won’t require more of these plants is if we conserve energy wholeheartedly.

Conserving energy can also lead to domestic savings, and it helps us be less dependent on finite resources and use other methods or ways to get things done. For example, one can always use a bicycle to travel to nearby places rather than take their car even to buy groceries from the store at the corner. By conserving energy, we also help in providing better health for ourselves and all other human beings on earth.

Ways and Techniques of Energy Conservation

Some ways of conserving energy are of utmost simple to follow and can be carried out by each individual. You can always make sure that you use electricity only when needed and not waste it. Switch off the lights and fans when not in use. Make it a point to turn off the television if no one is watching it. You can leave curtains open for the direct sunlight to enter during the daytime rather than switching on tube lights. Please turn on your air conditioner for three to four hours at a stretch and then close it during the summers. Please do not keep it running for the whole day or night.

Try doing more tasks manually, rather than taking the help of technology. For example, instead of using the dishwasher, wash dishes with your own hands. Replace the traditional light bulbs in your house with compact fluorescent lights, CFLs, or any other energy-efficient bulbs. These alternatives use twenty-five to eighty percent less electricity than your traditional ones. These can be a little more expensive when you purchase them, but you save a lot on your electricity bills, and they even last at least three times longer.

Certain countries like Singapore, France, Denmark, etc., have started levying an energy tax. This encourages people to use less of it and use it cautiously, forcing them to turn on to less expensive alternatives and inexhaustible. Many institutions, including airports and hotels, have started installing solar panels on their roofs to reduce electricity consumption and channelise the sun’s energy in a way that doesn’t burn a hole in their pockets.


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