CERN Accelerating science


Beamline for Schools

The Beamline for Schools competition offers high-school students the chance to conduct experiments at a real, functioning physics beamline  at CERN. More about the competition .

The Beamline for Schools winners experimented at CERN and DESY

From 14 to 28 September, the three winning teams of the 2023 edition of the Beamline for Schools competition had the chance to use the test-beam facilities at CERN and DESY to perform their experiments

The Beamline for Schools winners experimented...

Join us in celebrating the tenth edition of the beamline for schools competition.

The hybrid event is open to all and will showcase presentations from different perspectives of the competition, including current and former winning students

Join us in celebrating the tenth edition of ...

Three teams of secondary school pupils from the netherlands, pakistan and the united states have been selected to carry out their own experiments using accelerator beams from cern and desy, three teams of secondary school pupils from t..., 2022 beamline for schools winners at cern and desy.

On 21 September, the winners of the 2022 Beamline for Schools competition arrived at CERN and DESY to start their experiments

2022 Beamline for Schools winners at CERN and...

Three teams of high-school students from egypt, spain and france win the cern beamline for schools competition.

Three teams of high-school students from the Club de Física Enrico Fermi (Vigo, Spain), the Elsewedy Technical Academy (STA) (Cairo, Egypt), and the École du Sacré-Coeur (Reims, France) have won the 2022 edition of the Beamline for Schools competition

Three teams of high-school students from Egyp...

Register now for beamline for schools 2022.

Are you a high-school student or teacher anywhere in the world? Register now for a unique opportunity to create and perform a scientific experiment at CERN

Beamline for Schools: Inspiring the next generation of scientists

The winning teams of Beamline for Schools 2021 spent two full weeks at DESY working on their experiments

Beamline for Schools: Inspiring the next gene...

Two high-school teams from italy and mexico win the cern beamline for schools competition.

Two teams of high-school students from the Liceo Scientifico Statale “A. Scacchi” (Bari, Italy) and the Escuela Nacional Preparatoria “Plantel 2” (Mexico City, Mexico) have won the 2021 edition of the Beamline for Schools competition

Two high-school teams from Italy and Mexico w...

Registration is open for beamline for schools 2021.

In this unique competition, high-school students anywhere in the world team up to create and perform their scientific experiment at a leading particle physics laboratory

Registration is open for Beamline for Schools...

Beamline for schools 2020: it’s a wrap.

The two winning teams of this year’s competition tested their projects on real-life particle beams in September

High-school teams from Switzerland and Germany win CERN Beamline for Schools competition

Two teams of high-school students from Switzerland and Germany, have won the 2020 Beamline for Schools competition

High-school teams from Switzerland and German...

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SMART Algorithm Makes Beamline Data Collection Smarter

August 28, 2019

Contact: Kathy Kincade, , +1 510 495 2124


Typical error functions, where high regions indicate goods spots to perform a next measurement. (Credit: Marcus Noack, Berkeley Lab)

We hear a lot these days about the overwhelming “data deluge” in scientific research, stemming in large part from the growing sophistication of experimental instrumentation. As a result, there has been an emphasis on developing or optimizing tools – often using machine- and deep-learning methods – to analyze these increasingly large data sets. But what is equally important for improving scientific productivity is the optimization of data collection – aka “data taking” – methods.

Toward this end, Marcus Noack, a postdoctoral scholar at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in the Center for Advanced Mathematics for Energy Research Applications (CAMERA), and James Sethian, director of CAMERA and Professor of Mathematics at UC Berkeley, have been working with beamline scientists at Brookhaven National Laboratory to develop and test SMART (Surrogate Model Autonomous expeRimenT), a mathematical method that enables autonomous experimental decision making without human interaction. A paper describing SMART and its application in experiments at Brookhaven’s National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II) was published August 14, 2019 in Nature Scientific Reports .

“Modern scientific instruments are acquiring data at ever-increasing rates, leading to an exponential increase in the size of data sets,” said Noack, lead author on that paper. “Taking full advantage of these acquisition rates requires corresponding advancements in the speed and efficiency not just of data analytics but also experimental control.”

The goal of many experiments is to gain knowledge about the material that is studied, and scientists have a well-tested way to do this: they take a sample of the material and measure how it reacts to changes in its environment. User facilities such as Brookhaven’s NSLS-II and the Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN) offer access to high-end materials characterization tools. The associated experiments are often lengthy, and complicated procedures and measurement time is precious. A research team might only have a few days to measure their materials, so they need to make the most of each step in each measurement.

“A standard approach for users at light sources like the NSLS-II is to manually and exhaustively scan through a sample,” Noack said. “But if you assume the data set is 3D or higher dimensional, at some point this exercise becomes intractable. So what is needed is something that can automatically tell me where I should take my next measurement.”

Using Gaussian Process Regression for Intelligent Data Collection

Noack joined Berkeley Lab two years ago to bring mathematics into the design and optimization of experiments, with the ultimate goal of enabling autonomous experiments. The result is SMART, a Python-based algorithm that automatically selects measurements from an experiment and exploits Gaussian process regression (aka Kriging ) to construct a surrogate model and an error function based on the available experimental data. Mathematical function optimization is then used to explore the error function to find the maximum error and suggest the location for the next measurement. The result is a mathematically rigorous and compact approach to systematically perform optimally efficient experiments.

“People have been doing intelligent data collection for a long time, but for beamline scientists this is the first application of the most sophisticated generation of Gaussian processes,” said Sethian, a co-author on the Nature Scientific Reports paper. “By exploiting Gaussian processes, approximation theory, and optimization, Marcus has designed a framework to bring autonomous optimized modeling and AI to beamline science.”

In practice, before starting an experiment, the scientists provide SMART with a set of goals they want to get out of the experiment. The raw data is sent to an automated-analysis software, usually available at beamlines, and then handed to the SMART decision-making algorithm. To determine the next measurement, the algorithm creates a surrogate model of the data, which is comparable to an educated guess on how the material will behave in the next possible steps and calculates the uncertainty – basically how confident it is in its guess – for each possible next step. Based on this, it then selects the most uncertain option to measure next. The trick here is that by picking the most uncertain step to measure next, it maximizes the amount of knowledge it gains by measuring it. The algorithm also defines when to end the experiment by figuring out the moment when any additional measurements would yield no further new knowledge about the material.

“The basic idea is, given a bunch of experiments, how can you automatically pick the next best one?” said Sethian. “Marcus has built a world which builds an approximate surrogate model on the basis of your previous experiments and suggests the best or most appropriate experiment to try next.”

“The final goal is not only to take data faster but also to improve the quality of the data we collect,” said Kevin Yager, co-author and CFN scientist. “I think of it as experimentalists switching from micromanaging their experiment to managing at a higher level. Instead of having to decide where to measure next on the sample, the scientists can instead think about the big picture, which is ultimately what we as scientists are trying to do.”

Enabling Autonomous X-Ray Scattering Experiments at NSLS-II

In experiments run at NSLS-II, the collaborators used SMART to demonstrate autonomous experiments using x-ray scattering. The first experimental setup was on NSLS-II’s Complex Materials Scattering (CMS) beamline, which offers ultrabright x-rays to study the nanostructure of different materials. For their first fully autonomous experiment, the team imaged the thickness of a droplet of nanoparticles using a technique called small-angle x-ray scattering at the CMS beamline. After their initial success, they reached out to other users and proposed having them test SMART on their scientific problems. Since then they have measured a number of samples, Yager noted.

“This is an exciting part of this collaboration,” said Masafumi Fukuto, co-author of the study and scientist at NSLS-II. “We all provided an essential piece for it: the CAMERA team worked on the decision-making algorithm, Kevin from CFN worked on the real-time data analysis, and we at NSLS-II provided the automation for the measurements.”

While the code has been shown to be stable and working well, Noack is making improvements to SMART to make it more powerful, run faster on more measurements, and be less computationally expensive. In the meantime, scientists at other beamlines are expressing interest in using SMART, and new experiments are already scheduled at Brookhaven and Berkeley Lab’s Advanced Light Source. 

SMART isn’t intended just for beamline experiments, however. “SMART is implemented in a way that has nothing to do with a beamline,” Noack said. “If you want to explore a space where your data lives, all you need to know is how big that space is, that it has a beginning and an end in every dimension, and you can press SMART and it will give you everything. As long as you put numbers on it and a number on how much you like it, generally any experiment will work with SMART.” 

The National Synchrotron Light Source II and the Center for Functional Nanomaterials are DOE Office of Science User Facilities.

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High performance computing plays a critical role in scientific discovery. Researchers increasingly rely on advances in computer science, mathematics, computational science, data science, and large-scale computing and networking to increase our understanding of ourselves, our planet, and our universe. Berkeley Lab’s Computing Sciences Area researches, develops, and deploys new foundations, tools, and technologies to meet these needs and to advance research across a broad range of scientific disciplines.

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Neutrino Physics

Neutrinos fill the whole universe, with about 10 million of them per cubic foot, and most of them zip straight through Earth, and through particle detectors, without leaving a trace. Because they almost never interact with matter, only massive and sophisticated experiments can catch and measure the properties of neutrinos.

Studying Neutrinos

The subatomic particles called neutrinos are among the most elusive in the particle kingdom. Scientists have built detectors underground, underwater, and at the South Pole to measure these ghostly particles that come from the sun, from supernovae and from many other celestial objects.

In addition to measuring neutrinos from the sky, physicists on Earth use powerful accelerators to produce neutrino beams containing billions of neutrinos, of which a tiny fraction can be measured by detectors placed in the beam line. At Fermilab, the DONUT accelerator-based neutrino experiment led in 2000 to the discovery of the tau neutrino , the third of the three known types of neutrinos.

The NuMI beamline and the Booster Neutrino beamline deliver high intensity neutrino beams to Fermilab experiments such as NOvA , ICARUS , and ANNIE with MicroBooNE having recently completed operations and SBND currently under construction.

Why Neutrinos are Important

Particle Physics has made great progress in the last half century probing the quark half of the fundamental particles. We are now in a position to propose doing similar for the neutrinos. The mixing between the 3 neutrino generations is starting to look very different to its quark counterpart. We don’t know why but it is probably important. Neutrinos may hold the key to understanding why the fundamental particles exist in 3 generations.

Neutrinos are the real oddities of the fundamental particles (only interact weakly, ultra small, but non-zero masses). Science often advances when studying the oddities, such as understanding life processes in general by studying life around deep sea vents.

Neutrinos may only interact weakly, but they are the most abundant particle in the universe with a pivotal role in the evolution of our universe.

A difference between how the neutrino types mix and how the antineutrino types mix is postulated to be the reason why matter dominates over anti-matter in our universe (i.e. why we exist).

PIP-II and Producing Neutrino Beams

The PIP-II project will enable a large increase in the power of Fermilab’s proton beams. This, in turn will produce more powerful neutrino beams. See the animation below to see how this happens.

CERN Accelerating science

Beamline for schools competition.

CERN’s Beamline for Schools Competition (BL4S) is a science competition open to high school students from all over the world. The prize, fabulous by any standards, is the opportunity to conduct an experiment for 10 days on-site at CERN, in Geneva. Now entering its tenth year, BL4S has enabled CERN to engage almost 22 teams and more than 17,000 students from across the globe to experience particle physics research first-hand. 

Through BL4S, students test themselves as innovators, problem solvers and collaborators, and are motivated to embark in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers to meet the growing demand for a stronger workforce with STEM skills.  In order to participate, students prepare experimental proposals, often with the help of members of the International Particle Physics Outreach Group (IPPOG) and other physicists around the world. 

The shortlisted teams win a cosmic-ray detector for their school (introduced for the first time in 2016), a BL4S t-shirt for each team member, and for some, the chance to visit a nearby physics laboratory. All participants in BL4S will receive a BL4S certificate. 

The winning teams selected will then travel together to CERN to perform their experiment. So far, more than 22 teams have seized this thrilling once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! In 2014, the winning teams came from Greece and the Netherlands; in 2015, Italy and South Africa; in 2016, Poland and the U.K.; in 2017, Italy and Canada; in 2018, India and Philippines; in 2019, Netherlands and USA; in 2020, Switzerland and Germany; in 2021 Italy and Mexico; in 2022 Egypt, France and Spain; in 2023, Pakistan, The Netherlands and the US .

For more information about the competition and the latest updates, please visit the BL4S website .

ALS Computing Group Brings Machine Learning Models to Beamtimes around the World

June 21, 2024

two women examine a sample holder on a lab bench

From the types of samples to the techniques used to study them, user experiences at beamlines around the world can vary, but one commonality connects them: beamtime is precious. At different facilities, users encounter different beamline controls, and varying availability of compute infrastructure to process their data. Beyond needing to familiarize themselves with different equipment and software setups, they also need to ensure that they’re collecting meaningful, consistent data no matter where they are. For the past several months, the ALS Computing group has been traveling around the world for beamtime. Their firsthand experience is informing the development of a suite of tools aimed at lowering the barriers of access to advanced data processing for all users.

Today’s beamtime experience

As a beamline scientist at the ALS, Dula Parkinson has helped numerous users with microtomography, a technique that can yield ten gigabytes of data in two seconds. “In many cases, users won’t have done this kind of experiment or analysis before, and they won’t have the computing infrastructure or software needed to analyze the huge amounts of complex data being produced,” he said.

Computational tools and machine-learning models can help the users, from adjusting their experimental setup in real time to processing the data after the experiment has concluded. Eliminating these bottlenecks can make the limited beamtime more efficient and help users glean scientific insights more quickly.

As a former beamline scientist himself, Computing Program Lead Alex Hexemer has first-hand knowledge of the user experience. He was instrumental in the creation of a dedicated computing group at the ALS in 2018, which continues to grow in both staff numbers and diversity of expertise. A current focus for the group is to advance the user experience with intuitive interfaces.

Computing approach to beamtime

Recently, Hexemer and two of his group members, Wiebke Koepp and Dylan McReynolds, traveled to Diamond Light Source, where they worked with Beamline Scientist Sharif Ahmed to test some of their tools during a beamline experiment. “It is always useful to see other facilities from the user’s perspective,” McReynolds said. “We want our software to be usable at many facilities, so getting to test in other environments was very valuable.”

The computational infrastructure is an essential complement to the beamline instrumentation. To standardize their experiments across different microtomography beamlines, the team performed measurements on a reference material—sand with standardized size distributions. Each scan captures a “slice” from the sample; the slices then need to be reconstructed into three-dimensional images that contain 50 to 200 gigabytes of data.

Within that data, the researchers need to glean meaningful information. “We need to segment the data,” explained Hexemer. “This is sand. This is the vial holding the sand. This is air in between.” Identifying the segments allows researchers to more easily decide where to take the next scan—in essence where to move the beam to detect more sand and less vial. But, this type of analysis has traditionally happened after an experiment. That means that researchers might take more scans than necessary, because some scan parameters yield less insightful measurements.

Here, the computing group saw a need for users to assess the quality of their data in near-real-time. “The goal is to be able, at the moment when a scan comes in, to do some immediate analysis to inform the experiment further,” Koepp said. “Our goal is that, algorithmically, you’ll be able to greatly reduce the number of scans you need to take to get the same amount of meaningful data,” McReynolds added.

The seed for this idea has been planted; Berkeley Lab Staff Scientist Peter Zwart and his collaborators in CAMERA developed machine learning algorithms for segmentation. Through beamtime at Diamond and the ALS, the computing group is expanding the functionality and testing the robustness of the algorithms. “We’re replicating the experimental setup at different facilities as closely as possible,” Koepp said, “because different data processing steps, different exposure times, etc., could all potentially affect model performance.”

But, to take advantage of these algorithms, synchrotron users need to be able to access and use powerful computational infrastructure that can parse the many gigabytes, and even terabytes, of data.

Top image: two men stand behind equipment. Bottom left image: Man, woman, and man sit in front of computer screens. Bottom right image: man sits in front of computer screen.

User-friendly (and user-facility-friendly) computing for the future

The ALS can facilitate user access to computational infrastructure, like the NERSC supercomputing facility. But, the users still need a portal into NERSC and a simple interface that doesn’t require a background in coding.

The Computing group is addressing this need by developing a web interface for users as part of the MLExchange project . “We’re trying to give users access to fantastic hardware in web interfaces that are easy to use,” said Hexemer. “When they come for such a short beamtime, they won’t have to write code just to use the computational infrastructure,” he added.

McReynolds expanded upon the goals for the user experience. “We want to make it easy for the algorithm to interface with different beamline hardware,” he said. And so, after testing their tools at the DIAD beamline at Diamond Light Source with Ahmed, the Computing group returned to the ALS to perform the same scans on the same samples at Beamline 8.3.2 with Parkinson to test the robustness of their machine-learning model.

The machine-learning models hold great potential to facilitate cross-facility learning, enabling more-efficient experiments. “If somebody scans sand and trains the network, somebody at another facility could use the same model to segment their sand, or maybe just fine tune their analysis instead of starting from scratch,” Hexemer explained.

The cross-facility learning is not limited to the machine learning models. In fact, these advances are made possible by people around the world all contributing different insights and experiences. The ALS Computing team, including Hexemer, Koepp, and McReynolds, as well as Tanny Chavez, Tibbers Hao, Raja Vyshnavi Sriramoju, and Xiaoya Chong, has been collaborating with Zwart at Berkeley Lab, Tim Snow and Jacob Filik at Diamond, and beamline scientists at ALS Beamlines 8.3.2 and 7.3.3, Diamond, and DESY. Much of their work is part of the MLExchange, which is a collaboration Hexemer leads with user facilities at SLAC, Oak Ridge, Argonne, and Brookhaven National Laboratories. This type of cross-facility learning delivers cross-facility results. “We want to make sure that all the pipelines we build can be easily taken somewhere else and used at other beamlines,” said Hexemer.

The ALS Computing group’s web interface will provide synchrotron users with real-time feedback and analysis capabilities at different beamlines around the world. Starting as a tool to resolve experimental bottlenecks, computing is evolving to become an essential building block for the experimental framework itself. In fact, Parkinson can already envision applications on a grand scale. “They’re taking a serious step toward providing a ‘digital twin’ of the sample, allowing users to really understand and simulate their experiments,” he said. With synchrotron data feeding into a machine-learning model, and a machine-learning model guiding data collection, all accessible to the end user, the future of synchrotron science is poised to answer questions at the limits of our imagination.

Six people at Beamline 8.3.2

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Live Autonomous Beamline Experiments: Physics In the Loop

Live Autonomous Beamline Experiments: Physics In the Loop

DOI link for Live Autonomous Beamline Experiments: Physics In the Loop

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In an APS, machine learning (ML) controls automated laboratory equipment, allowing for ML-driven experiment design, execution, and analysis in a closed loop. The ML-driven closed-loop experiment cycle of APS promises to allow researchers to perform the minimum number of experiments necessary to explore the search space and identify improved technology-relevant materials. The pipeline begins with data collection from the experimentfollowed by preprocessing the data to increase its utility for the experiment. Based on closed-loop results of the APS system, the pipeline is re-engineered to improve performance. Designing the machine learning pipeline requires the selection of multiple algorithms. A common first step is to identify easy-to-use, off-the-shelf machine learning tools that can be assembled into a preliminary ML pipeline.

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CERN Accelerating science


The interconnecting system used to transport antimatter between ALPHA 2 and ALPHA-g.

ALPHA produces antihydrogen by slowly merging clouds of positrons and antiprotons inside specially designed Penning traps, found at the centres of the ALPHA 2 and ALPHA-g experiments. During each experimental cycle, positrons and antiprotons must be transferred into these parts of the machine from the positron accumulator and catching trap at opposite ends of the apparatus . Charged particles can be ejected from these traps as a “pulsed beam” by quickly changing the voltages that are applied to the Penning trap electrodes, allowing the particles to escape together in one direction. The various Penning traps are connected together by a beamline, which uses magnets to continually steer and focus these beams as they make their way around the experiment.

In most beamlines, particles are transported at relatively high energies of millions (MeV) or even billions (GeV) of electron-volts. In contrast , ALPHA’s Penning traps can only produce slow-moving beams with energies of 10 – 100 eV, which are easily affected by the strong magnetic fields of the traps themselves. To prevent this, the ALPHA beamlines are designed so that particles always move along the direction of the magnetic field . In strong magnetic fields, the beam is focused down to a small point, and in weaker fields the beam can expand to a larger diameter.

A special part of the beamline, known as the ' interconnect' , is used to steer positrons and antiprotons between ALPHA’s spectroscopy and gravity experiments . The interconnect uses an arrangement of seven independent magnets to create a curved magnetic field. Beams that pass through the interconnect will follow the direction of this magnetic field, allowing us to steer them in various directions. We use diagnostic tools such as Micro-Channel Plates (MCP) to image the beam at different points along the beamline, and check that it is following the correct path.

What's more?

  • For more about Antimatter in general , have a look at the CERN Antimatter page
  • Good descriptions of 'How ALPHA works' in detail can be found in the publication section on our website
  • Particularly appropriate for students and non-physicists are  Cold Antihydrogen: a new frontier in fundamental physics ,  Antihydrogen for precision tests in physics  and  Antihydrogen in a bottle
  • For experts , a general overview of many of the important aspects can be found in  Search for Trapped Antihydrogen

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Pioneering the Cellular Frontier

Brookhaven researchers explore a single cell using advanced x-ray imaging techniques.

July 23, 2024

tomography images

These superimposed tomography images show the nucleus (red) and cytosol (gray) with correlative X-ray fluorescence images of calcium distribution (green) in a human embryonic kidney cell. (Brookhaven National Laboratory/ Nature Communications Biology )

Every plant, animal, and person is a rich microcosm of tiny, specialized cells. These cells are worlds unto themselves, each with their own unique parts and processes that elude the naked eye. Being able to see the inner workings of these microscopic building blocks at nanometer resolution without harming their delicate organelles has been a challenge, but scientists from different disciplines across the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory have found an effective way to image a single cell using multiple techniques. The fascinating process to capture these images was published in Communications Biology .

Being able to understand the inner structures of cells, the way chemicals and proteins interact within them, and how those interactions signal certain biological processes at nanometer resolution can have significant implications in medicine, agriculture, and many other important fields. This work is also paving the way for better biological imaging techniques and new instruments to optimize biological imaging.

“Studying human cells and the organelles inside of them is exciting,” said Qun Liu, a structural biologist at Brookhaven Lab, “but there are so many opportunities to benefit from our multimodal approach that combines hard X-ray computed tomography and X-ray fluorescence imaging. We can study pathogenic fungi or beneficial bacteria. We’re able to not only see the structure of these microorganisms but also the chemical processes that happen when cells interact in different ways.”

Pulling out one of life’s building blocks

Before the researchers even began imaging, one of their biggest challenges was preparing the sample itself. The team decided to use a cell from the human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 line. These cells are known for being easy to grow but difficult to take multiple X-ray measurements of. Even though they are very small, cells are quite susceptible to X-ray-induced damage.

The scientists went through a careful, multistep process to make the sample more robust. They used paraformaldehyde to chemically preserve the structure of the cell, then had a robot rapidly freeze the samples by plunging them into liquid ethane, transferred them to liquid nitrogen, and finally freeze dried them to remove water but maintain the cellular structure. Once this process was complete, the researchers placed the freeze-dried cells under a microscope to locate and label them for targeted imaging.

At only about 12-15 microns in diameter (the average human hair is 150 microns thick), setting up the sample for measurements was not easy, especially for measurements on different beamlines. The team needed to ensure that the cell’s structure could survive multiple measurements with high energy X-rays without significant damage and that the cell could be reliably held in one place for multiple measurements. To overcome these hurdles, the scientists created standardized sample holders to be used on multiple pieces of equipment and implemented optical microscopes to quickly find and image the cell and minimize prolonged X-ray exposure that could damage it.

workflow of single-cell correlative X-ray imaging

The overall workflow of single-cell correlative X-ray imaging (Brookhaven National Laboratory/ Nature Communications Biology )

Multimodal measurements

The team used two imaging techniques found at the National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II) — a DOE Office of Science user facility at Brookhaven — X-ray computed tomography (XCT) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) microscopy.

The researchers collected XCT data, which uses X-rays to tell scientists about the cell’s physical structure, on the Full Field X-ray Imaging (FXI) beamline. Tomography uses X-rays to show a cross-section of a solid sample. A familiar example of this is the CT scan, which medical practitioners use to image cross sections of any part of the body.

The researchers collected XRF microscopy data, which provides more clues about the distribution of chemical elements within the cell, on the Submicron Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy (SRX) beamline. In this technique, the researchers direct high energy X-rays at a sample, exciting the material and causing it to emit X-ray fluorescence. The X-ray emission has its own unique signature, letting scientists know exactly what elements the sample is composed of and how they are distributed to fulfill their biological functions.

“We were motivated to combine XCT and XRF imaging based on the unique, complementary information each provides,” said Xianghui Xiao, FXI lead beamline scientist. “Fluorescence gives us a lot of useful information about the trace elements inside of cells and how they are distributed. This is very critical information to biologists. Getting a high-resolution fluorescence map on many cells can be very time consuming, though. Even just for a 2D image, it may take quite a few hours.”

This is where getting a 3D image of the cell using XCT is helpful. This information can help guide the fluorescence measurements to specific locations of interest. It saves time for the scientists, increasing throughput, and it also ensures that the sample doesn’t need to be exposed to the X-rays for as long, mitigating potential damage to the fragile cell.

“This correlative approach provides useful, complementary information that could advance several practical applications,” remarked Yang Yang, a beamline scientist at SRX. “For something like drug delivery, specific subsets of organelles can be identified, and then specific elements can be traced as they are redistributed during treatment, giving us a clearer picture of how these pharmaceuticals work on a cellular level.”

While these advances in imaging have provided a better view into the cellular world, there are still challenges to be met and ways to improve imaging even further. As part of the NSLS-II Experimental Tools III project — a plan to build out new beamlines to provide the user community with new capabilities — Yang is science lead of the team working on the upcoming Quantitative Cellular Tomography (QCT) beamline, which will be dedicated to bio-imaging. QCT is a full-field soft X-ray tomography beamline for imaging frozen cells with nanoscale resolution without the need for chemical fixation. This cryo-soft X-ray tomography beamline will be complementary to current methods, providing even more detail into cellular structure and functions.

Future findings

While being able to peer into the cells that make up the systems in human bodies is fascinating, being able to understand the pathogens that attack and disrupt those systems can give scientists an edge in fighting infectious disease.

“This technology allows us to study the interaction between a pathogen and its host,” explained Liu. “We can look at the pathogen and a healthy cell before infection and then image them both during and after the infection. We will notice structural changes in both the pathogen and the host and gain a better understanding of the process. We can also study the interaction between beneficial bacteria in the human microbiome or fungi that have a symbiotic relationship with plants.”

Liu is currently working with scientists from other national laboratories and universities for DOE’s Biological and Environmental Research Program to study the molecular interactions between sorghum and Colletotrichum sublineola, the pathogenic fungus that causes anthracnose, which can harm the leaves of plants. Sorghum is a major DOE bioenergy crop and is the fifth most important cereal crop in the world, so humanity would have a lot to gain by understanding the tactics of this devastating fungus and how sorghum’s defenses operate at the cellular and molecular levels.

Being able to see at this scale can give scientists insight into the wars being waged by pathogens on crops, the environment, and even human bodies. This information can help develop the right tools to fight these invaders or fix systems that aren’t working optimally at a fundamental level. The first step is being able to see a world that human eyes aren’t able to see, and advances in synchrotron science have proven to be a powerful tool in uncovering it.

This work was supported by Brookhaven’s Laboratory Directed Research and Development funding and the DOE Office of Science.

Brookhaven National Laboratory is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy. The Office of Science is the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States and is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. For more information, visit .

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1. Introduction

2. beamline design and instrumentation, 3. data acquisition, processing and storage, 4. results and beamline performance, 5. applications, 6. summary and outlook, supporting information.

beamline experiments

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beamline experiments

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Open Access

BEATS: BEAmline for synchrotron X-ray microTomography at SESAME

a SESAME – Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East, Allan, Jordan, b ESRF – The European Synchrotron, Grenoble, France, c Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste SCpA, Basovizza, Trieste, Italy, d ALBA Synchrotron, Cerdanyola, Catalonia, Spain, e The Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus, f Solaris National Synchrotron Radiation Centre, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, g Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell'INFN, INFN, Frascati, Rome, Italy, h Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Hamburg, Germany, and i Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland * Correspondence e-mail: [email protected] , [email protected]

The ID10 beamline of the SESAME (Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East) synchrotron light source in Jordan was inaugurated in June 2023 and is now open to scientific users. The beamline, which was designed and installed within the European Horizon 2020 project BEAmline for Tomography at SESAME (BEATS), provides full-field X-ray radiography and microtomography imaging with monochromatic or polychromatic X-rays up to photon energies of 100 keV. The photon source generated by a 2.9 T wavelength shifter with variable gap, and a double-multilayer monochromator system allow versatile application for experiments requiring either an X-ray beam with high intensity and flux, and/or a partially spatial coherent beam for phase-contrast applications. Sample manipulation and X-ray detection systems are designed to allow scanning samples with different size, weight and material, providing image voxel sizes from 13 µm down to 0.33 µm. A state-of-the-art computing infrastructure for data collection, three-dimensional (3D) image reconstruction and data analysis allows the visualization and exploration of results online within a few seconds from the completion of a scan. Insights from 3D X-ray imaging are key to the investigation of specimens from archaeology and cultural heritage, biology and health sciences, materials science and engineering, earth, environmental sciences and more. Microtomography scans and preliminary results obtained at the beamline demonstrate that the new beamline ID10-BEATS expands significantly the range of scientific applications that can be targeted at SESAME.

Keywords: X-ray imaging ; computed tomography ; X-ray phase-contrast ; microscopy ; radiography ; synchrotron radiation ; cultural heritage ; materials science ; biomedical imaging .

X-ray tomography is a widely non-destructive three-dimensional (3D) imaging technique which generates volume images of a specimen by using penetrating radiation. The method involves the acquisition of multiple projection images (radiographs) of angular views covering 180° or 360° of an object, and a mathematical procedure of 3D tomographic reconstruction. Its scientific and technological applications are vast, ranging from life and materials science to archaeology as well as earth and environmental research.

The project Beamline for Tomography at SESAME (BEATS) was funded by the EU via the H2020 programme, and brought together a consortium of research facilities in the Middle East (SESAME, Jordan and the Cyprus Institute, Cyprus), and European synchrotron radiation facilities and high-energy laboratories [ALBA, Spain; DESY, Germany; Elettra, Italy; European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), France; INFN, Italy; Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), Switzerland; and SOLARIS, Poland] with the goal to design, install and commission a beamline for hard X-ray full-field tomography at SESAME, fostering in this way the user community of the facility. The project was coordinated by the ESRF.

This communication describes the instrumentation and performance of BEATS, which is fully commissioned for scientific user operation. First SXCT scans performed at the beamline are presented, demonstrating the huge scientific potential of the instrument for a broad range of disciplines.

Schematic layout of the ID10-BEATS beamline of SESAME. Only optical and beam-defining elements are shown.

2.1. X-ray source: three-pole wiggler

( ) BEATS three-pole wiggler insertion device installed in the SESAME storage ring. ( ) Simulated and measured profiles of the vertical component of the magnetic field along the longitudinal axis of the ID, at minimum gap of 11.15 mm. Simulations were performed in (Elleaume , 1997 ). ( ) X-ray emitted by the BEATS 3PW at different magnetic gaps.

(i) Provide an X-ray point source with broadband energy spectrum and photon flux at the sample position of at least 1 × 10 10  photons mm −2 s −1 at 50 keV.

(ii) Minimize the multipolar effects on the SESAME storage ring optics.

(iii) Reduce the attractive forces between the magnetic structures leading to minor mechanical constraints.

BEATS X-ray source parameters

Type Three-pole wiggler
Minimum gap 11.15 mm
Peak magnetic field 2.9 T
Critical energy 12.0 keV
Maximum emitted power 870 W
Photon source size (FWHM) 1.9 mm  ×  32.7 µm (H × V)
Magnetic length 412 mm
Manufacturer Kyma SpA (Italy)

2.2. Front-end

The beamline front-end comprises:

(i) A fixed mask defining a useful beamline aperture of 1.8 mrad  ×  0.36 mrad (H  ×  V).

(ii) Motorized, in-vacuum slits, used to adjust the beam size and reduce the heat load on downstream components.

(iii) A 0.5 mm-thick chemical vapour deposition (CVD) diamond window separating accelerator and beamline vacuum sections.

(iv) A white beam attenuator system composed of five motorized actuators with four cooled filters each.

(v) Radiation safety and vacuum shutters designed to absorb the beam heat load and high-energy X-rays, and to protect from contamination of the storage ring vacuum environment in case of outgassing or leak.

Available X-ray filters range from 5 mm glassy carbon (HTW, Germany) to polished plates of high- Z metals (0.5 mm W and Au), and can be used in succession to tune the intensity and average energy of the white beam, and to modulate the heat load on the first mirror of the monochromator. The front-end components were manufactured by JJ X-ray A/S (Denmark).

2.3. Double-multilayer monochromator

BEATS double-multilayer monochromator specifications

  Units Value
General specifications
Distance from source (multilayer 1) m 16.1
Maximum incident power (on multilayer 1) W 132.7
Beam offset (variable) mm 4.0–20.0
Substrate dimensions (L × W × H) mm 500 × 70  × 60
Clear aperture (L  ×  W) mm 480  ×  55
Substrate longitudinal slope error µrad 0.27
Substrate surface roughness (r.m.s.) Å 2.9
Monochromator manufacturer Strumenti Scientifici CINEL (Vigonza, Italy)
  Unit Multilayer 1 Multilayer 2
Performance and stability
Cooling type   Ga–In alloy bath and water cooling None
Pitch resolution (open loop) µrad 0.453 0.440
Pitch repeatability (open loop, bi-directional) µrad 1.798 1.374
Natural frequencies (largest amplitude modes) Hz 82; 90 87; 96
20 min vibration stability (r.m.s.) nrad 22 19
  Units Stripe 1 Stripe 2
Multilayer coatings
Coating   [W/B C] [Ru/B C]
-spacing nm 2.499 4.030
-spacing longitudinal gradient % 3.3 (over 480 mm) 3.4 (over 480 mm)
Number of bilayers   100 65
Energy keV 18–60 7–25
d / % 1.6 2.4
θ (Bragg angle) ° 0.243–0.808 0.367–1.311
Filling factor (Γ)   0.50 0.47
Reflectivity ( ) % 0.80 (@ 50 keV) 0.81 (@ 22 keV)
Multilayer deposition and characterization ESRF Multilayer Laboratory (Grenoble, France)

( ) Photograph of the BEATS DMM installed in the beamline's optics hutch. The two multilayer coatings and the cooling circuit of the first optical element are indicated. ( ) Reflection angle for both DMM stripes at different working energies. The reflection angle was calculated using the refraction corrected Bragg equation following Morawe (2019 ) and validated experimentally by scans of metal foils at the respective -edge absorption energies. ( ) Simulated monochromatic at the sample position (42 m from source) obtained with the (Sanchez del Rio & Dejus, 2004 ) and (Rebuffi & Sánchez del Río, 2016 ) tools contained in the suite (Rebuffi & Rio, 2017 ). Optical surfaces and multilayer properties were modelled using the surface metrology results provided by the substrate's supplier and obtained at the ESRF Multilayer Laboratory (France), respectively.

2.4. X-ray imaging endstation

( ) BEATS X-ray radiography and tomography endstation with detectors 1 and 2 for white beam applications installed. For monochromatic beam experiments, detector 3 of Table 3 can be installed by replacing detector 2. A laser line helps the user in finding a preliminary sample alignment position. ( ) Detail of the tomography sample manipulator indicating the axes of sample motion.

2.4.1. Sample manipulator

2.4.2. detectors.

Indirect X-ray detector systems available for experiments


  Detector 1 Detector 2 Detector 3
Type Tandem lens macro Microscope Microscope
Lens type Hasselblad H system Mitutoyo M Plan Apo (radiation hardened) Olympus PLAPO/UPLAPO
White beam compatible Yes Yes No
Magnification 0.5× to 2× 5× to 10× 4× to 20×
Pixel size 13.6–3.1 µm 1.30–0.65 µm 0.65–0.33 µm
Maximum field of view (horizontal) 33.28 mm 3.33 mm 4.16 mm
Scintillator LuAG:Ce GGG:Eu; LSO:Tb
Manufacturer ESRF (France) Optique Peter (France)

Specifications of the scientific cameras available at the BEATS imaging endstation


  Units Camera 1 Camera 2
Sensor type   sCMOS – Mono CMOS – Mono
Manufacturer   PCO AG (now Excelitas Technologies, USA) Teledyne FLIR (USA)
Model   pco.edge 5.5 CLHS Oryx 10GigE
Resolution   5.5 MP 7.1 MP
Sensor size pixels 2560 × 2160 3208 × 2200
Pixel size µm 6.5 4.5
MaxIMUM frame rate (full frame) frames s 100 112
Shutter   Rolling / global Global
Exposure time   500 µs to 2 s 10 µs to 30 s
Bit-depth bit 16 8 / 16
ADC bit 16 8 / 10 / 12
Full-well capacity e 30000 24500
Dynamic range dB 88.6 71.7
driver   ADPcoWin ADSpinnaker

3.1. Data acquisition system

Layout of BEATS data acquisition, processing and storage infrastructure. Additional information is provided by Iori (2021 ).

3.1.1. Scan modalities

Different data collection modalities are provided to users:

Implementation of a software-based continuous CT scan. The rotary stage acceleration and the camera arming time are compensated by initiating the sample rotation and camera frame collection processes ahead of the target start scan position. This approach ensures that, when capturing the first frame of the dataset, the rotary stage is moving at a steady speed.

(ii) Step scan: the rotation axis is moved and stopped at equidistant angular values to record projection frames. This is a slow scan mode that allows extended exposure time for each frame or averaging of multiple frames, and helps to suppress artefacts generated by sample rotation during the scan.

(iii) Single radiograph: the fast exposure shutter is controlled in combination with the camera shutter, and is closed during waiting periods in which the camera is not collecting frames ( e.g. during alignment procedures). This modality is used during sample alignment, and to minimize X-ray exposure when collecting radiographs of delicate objects.

3.1.2. Step scan triggering system

During step scans, the collection of individual frames must be triggered once the rotary stage has reached the required position. With the ORYX FLIR camera available at the beamline, this is done by specifying the total number of frames, setting the camera's image mode to multiple , and by sending software-based triggers from the TomoScan application to the camera driver. For the pco.edge 5.5 camera, the combination of multiple frame collection and software-trigger is not available. Instead, single frames can be collected by setting the image mode to single , and by repeatedly sending start acquire commands. Nevertheless, this camera trigger modality involves approximately one second of additional arming time for each start acquire command. To overcome this issue, an external triggering server was designed and developed at SESAME, consisting of two main parts: (i) a hardware controller based on Raspberry Pi that can transmit trigger signals over extended cable lengths, and (ii) a software component programmed in C implementing the socket server. The camera's image mode is set to multiple , and the trigger mode to external . The triggering server is integrated in TomoScan and monitors incoming acquire commands during the experiment. For each acquire command received, the server sends a digital trigger to the camera. In this way, the camera is armed only once at the start of a step scan operation.

3.1.3. Data acquisition software

3.1.4. experimental data streaming.

Data streaming refers to the direct transfer of X-ray projections generated by detectors to the STS. The experimental data streaming process handles the creation and storage of experimental files (containing raw data and metadata). A data streaming solution for BEATS was developed with the following requirements:

(ii) Client OS agnostic data processing. The streaming process and writing of experimental files must be compatible with camera drivers running on Linux ( e.g. FLIR Oryx) as well as Windows ( e.g. pco.edge) platforms.

(iii) Exploit the full performance of the GPFS centralized storage. GPFS requires its client application to be installed on the client OS (typically Linux) to achieve the maximum read/write performance of the STS.

A data writer software ( BEATSH5Writer ) was developed to handle the experiment file creation according to a DXFile layout, and the reception, processing and writing of incoming frames to the HDF5 file. BEATSH5Writer can be run as a server continuously or on demand. At the start of an acquisition session, BEATSH5Writer is initialized with parameters describing the rotation stage, camera and the scan modality in use ( i.e. step or continuous scan). Once initialized, BEATSH5Writer remains in a listening mode, waiting for a TomoScan trigger indicating the start of tomography data collection.

When a new scan is started, BEATSH5Writer proceeds to apply SESAME's naming convention on the experimental data path and associated files. Two beamline-specific XML files (layout and attribute) are used to create HDF5 files in the DXFile format. The XML layout describes the hierarchical structure of the experimental file, while the XML attribute maps each key of the layout file to an active EPICS Process Variable (PV).

Block diagram illustrating the parallel configuration of receiving and writing processes handled by . The FIFO queue is shared by the receiving and writing processes.

The receiving process initializes ZMQ context and socket, with the socket set to subscribe to all incoming messages from the publisher (ADZMQ plugin), and then establishes the connection to the socket of the publisher which is on the areaDetector driver host. Upon receiving ZMQ messages, the receiving process extracts information from incoming messages including image frames, and stores them at the rear of a first-in first-out (FIFO) queue in the RAM. The contents of the FIFO queue remain available to other parallel processes. The receiving process tracks the number of frames received and stops when it reaches the total number of scan frames provided by TomoScan . This is the sum of projections, dark and flat fields. The receiving process also stops when the two following conditions are met: (i) no additional frame is received within a time margin larger than the frame's exposure time, and (ii) no motor movement is detected while collecting projections. The second condition avoids interrupting the receiving process when as an example the specimen is being inserted or taken out from the field of view for the collection of flat fields.

The writing process retrieves frame information and the image frame itself from the front of the FIFO queue. Each camera frame is received from ADZMQ as a one-dimensional waveform PV and reshaped to a two-dimensional array. The process records the frame identifier and type ( i.e. dark fields, flat fields and projections), and saves the image to the HDF5 file accordingly. A frame counter is used to monitor and determine the conditions for process completion and termination of the acquisition.

3.2. Beamline and experiment control

The control system of BEATS, including personnel and equipment protection layers, was designed and developed at SESAME. Users can control the beamline and experimental parameters through a set of graphical user interfaces (GUIs):

(i) Beamline synoptic, vacuum and cooling GUI , used to monitor the status of in-vacuum equipment.

(ii) Device GUI allowing the status of motorized in-vacuum equipment such as slits, attenuator and DMM to be modifed.

(iii) Experiment GUI for the alignment and configuration of the endstation equipment.

3.3. Tomographic reconstruction

The construction of the beamline's radiation safety hutches and technical infrastructure started in February 2022, followed by the installation of the X-ray source and in-vacuum photon delivery equipment. The first SXCT experiment was performed in May 2023. After commissioning of the beam­line's DMM optical elements, monochromatic applications have been available since December 2023. The following sections document the instrument's performance and capabilities.

4.1. White beam profile

Profile of the filtered white beam at the sample position (43 m from the X-ray photon source) inside the BEATS experimental station. The beam was filtered with 5 mm of glassy carbon and 5 mm of silicon, for a resulting peak X-ray energy of 36 keV. The image is a mosaic of 20 flat-field images collected with 13 µm pixel size and no sample in the detector field of view. When all slits are removed from the beam path, the detected beam edges are shaped by the oval geometry of the copper frame holding the second CVD diamond window. A usable beam size of 75 mm horizontally and 15 mm vertically is available for experiments.

4.2. Imaging system resolution

( ) of the X-ray resolution target (XRCAL-2µm, Applied Nanotools Inc., Canada). ( ) Detail (enlarged) of ( ) showing series 0 and 1 of a micro-USAF test pattern. Element 6 of series 1 of the pattern (contoured in red) corresponds to line pairs of 0.357 lp µm . ( ) Intensity horizontal line profile through ( ).

4.3. Data acquisition and reconstruction performance

Different stress tests were conducted to assess the DAQ performance. A fast tomography experiment was performed collecting continuously 10000 projections with 5 ms exposure time of a sample rotating at a speed of 2.44 s for half revolution. Twenty-five 3D datasets were obtained over a time period of approximately 1 min. A stress test of the step-scan data acquisition chain was performed by collecting 10000 projections over a scan duration of approximately 4 h, including acquisition of flat and dark field images before and after the scan. The resulting HDF5 raw data file was 110 GB in size. As expected, the beamline DAQ system was able to handle the loss-less generation of HDF5 files of 100 GB or more at the design throughput of 8.8 Gbps.

Reconstruction time for datasets of different size collected at BEATS

Gridrec method and the CUDA filtered back projection (FBP) implementation of the on one CPU/GPU node of the beamline's hybrid reconstruction cluster (see Section 3.3 for cluster specifications). The stack height was 1000 pixels for all datasets. The time required by the CT reconstruction step is reported in seconds. The time including all steps of the reconstruction pipeline (HDF5 data read from GPFS storage, CPU/GPU computation, and writing of 32bit reconstructed tiff slices) is reported in parentheses.

Test dataset Dataset 1 Dataset 2 Dataset 3
Sinogram shape 1376 × 1000 × 1000 2560 × 1000 × 1000 4371 × 1000 × 2000
Raw data size (16-bit) 6.0 GB 28.2 GB 42.3 GB
Reconstruction shape 1376 × 1376 × 1000 2560 × 2560 × 1000 4371 × 4371 × 1000
Reconstruction size (32-bit) 7.6 GB 26.2 GB 76.4 GB
Gridrec 5.6 s (50.5 s) 18.8 s (117.5 s) 88.5 s (268.4 s)
FBP CUDA 51.1 s (95.7 s) 69.2 s (169.3 s) 249.6 s (421.3 s)

5.1. Archaeology and cultural heritage

Phase-contrast SXCT scan of an Epipalaeolithic human vertebra from an archaeological excavation carried out in the EMME region. The scan was performed at SESAME BEATS using filtered white beam with peak X-ray energy of 36 keV. Voxel size: 6.5 µm. Number of projections: 8000. Exposure time: 0.7 ms. Scan time: 1.5 min. Transverse ( ), coronal ( ) 3D and sagittal ( ) sections through the reconstructed volume. ( ) 3D rendering of the scanned region. Thanks to the achievable high 3D resolution and contrast and the possibility of exploiting phase-contrast, SXCT is considered the gold standard for investigations of the morphology and architecture of bone from the millimetre down to the nanometre scale (Maggiano , 2016 ). Sample courtesy of Dr Kirsi O. Lorentz and Dr Anis Fatima, the Cyprus Institute (Cyprus).

Phase-contrast SXCT scan of human incisor from the Epipalaeolithic period, EMME region. The image was collected at BEATS using a filtered white beam modality with peak X-ray energy of 36 keV and a voxel size of 6.5 µm. Number of projections: 2000. Exposure time: 0.9 ms. Scan time: 30 s. ( ) Transverse section and ( ) 3D rendering of the tooth virtually sectioned to expose features of interest. The following anatomical features are labelled: dental cementum (white arrow heads), dentine (stars) and cementodentinal junction (CDJ, black arrow heads). Sample courtesy of Dr Kirsi O. Lorentz and Dr Anis Fatima, the Cyprus Institute (Cyprus).

Phase-contrast filtered white beam scan (peak X-ray energy: 25 keV) of historical Roman glass replica subject to artificial degradation. ( ) Virtual section through the reconstructed volume image: alteration products on the glass surface are distinguishable from the glass bulk due to their different grey scale intensity. ( ) 3D rendering of the sample. Voxel size: 0.65 µm. Number of projections: 4000. Exposure time: 20 ms. Scan time: 2 min. Sample courtesy of Dr Roberta Zanini and Dr Arianna Traviglia of the IIT Centre for Cultural Heritage Technology (Italy).

5.2. Life sciences

SXCT images of life science samples from SESAME BEATS. ( ) 3D rendering from phase-contrast reconstruction of a German wasp ( ). Filtered white beam (peak X-ray energy: 25 keV). Voxel size: 3.1 µm. Number of projections: 2000. Exposure time: 20 ms. Scan time: 55 s. ( ) 3D visualization of ceramic orthodontic bracket bonded to bovine tooth model. Filtered white beam (peak X-ray energy: 36 keV). Voxel size: 4.5 µm. Number of projections: 4000. Exposure time: 8.4 ms. Scan time: 2 min. ( ) Transverse section, ( ) ( ) longitudinal section and ( ) 3D volume rendering of a thin grass fibre (diameter 90 µm approximately). The scan was performed with filtered white beam at a peak X-ray energy of 16 keV and a voxel size of 0.65 µm. Number of projections: 1000. Exposure time: 30 ms. Scan time: 40 s. Despite low X-ray absorption, high contrast and anatomical resolution are achieved in the reconstructed images [( ) and ( )] thanks to a phase-retrieval step. Microvessels with a diameter of approximately 2.5 µm are highlighted with arrow heads in ( ). Sample in ( ) courtesy of Dr Petra Koch from Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Germany). The scans shown in ( ), ( ), ( ) and ( ) are courtesy of Dr Marieh Al-Handawi and Professor Panče Naumov from New York University Abu Dhabi (UAE).

5.3. Material science and engineering

( ) Virtual section through an open-cell ceramic sponge. ( ) Virtual section and ( ) 3D rendering of an aluminium alloy closed-cell foam sample (AlSi6Cu4). Both scans were performed with filtered white beam (peak X-ray energy: 36 keV) and a voxel size of 3.1 µm. Number of projections: 4000. Exposure time: 11 ms. Scan time: 1 min. Structural defects and the distribution of imperfections can be studied with micrometre resolution over large portions of the material, without the need for sample preparation. Foaming processes can be tracked by hard synchrotron X-ray radiography as demonstrated at beamline ID19 of the ESRF (Mukherjee , 2017 ).

White beam SXCT applications in material and earth sciences at SESAME BEATS. ( ) Transverse and ( ) longitudinal sections through the reconstruction of an Nb Sn superconducting wire. Scan performed with filtered white beam with peak X-ray energy of 69 keV. 3D image voxel size: 1.3 µm. Number of projections: 10000. Exposure time: 2 s. Scan time: 6 h. The sample was part of a measurement campaign performed at beamline ID19 of the ESRF (France) (Barth , 2018 ) and is courtesy of Dr Christian Barth, Dr Tommaso Bagni and Professor Carmine Senatore from the University of Geneva (Switzerland). ( ) Transverse and ( ) longitudinal sections through the reconstruction of a wetting experiment on a quartz sand sample (F-75 silica). Scan performed with filtered white beam with peak energy of 36 keV. 3D image voxel size: 6.5 µm. Number of projections: 1000. Exposure time: 17 ms. Scan time: 20 s. Sample courtesy of Dr Jamal Hannun and Professor Riyadh Al-Raoush from Qatar University.

5.4. Earth sciences

In this article we have presented the synchrotron X-ray tomography beamline BEATS of SESAME. The beamline was installed between February 2022 and May 2023, when the first X-ray tomograms were collected in its experimental station. ID10-BEATS was officially inaugurated on 6 June 2023, and has been open for SESAME users since January 2024, as the fifth beamline of the facility going online. Thanks to a wavelength shifter insertion device and double-multilayer monochromator optics, the intensity and energy spectrum of the available X-ray beam can be tuned to the required characteristics. The radiography and microtomography endstation of BEATS uses a high-precision sample manipulator and indirect X-ray detectors based on scintillating crystals, visible-light optics and sCMOS cameras. A broad range of image magnifications is available, allowing the scan of samples of various size and geometry. The beamline's data acquisition and reconstruction system implements scan modalities for different experimental conditions, efficient streaming of tomograms to a centralized storage system, and fast CT reconstruction on a dedicated CPU/GPU cluster, allowing users to perform high-throughput experiments. The following upgrades are being prepared to expand the equipment portfolio of the beamline:

(i) Sample manipulator for high payloads. A heavy-duty, five-axis sample manipulator based on air-bearing technology and assembled on a granite stage independent of the detector table is currently being manufactured. This will allow sample payloads up to 50 kg, and rotation speed up to 60 rpm. The system will also extend the maximum available propagation distance between sample and detector to approximately 6 m.

(ii) Sample environment for mechanical testing. A 1000 N compression-tensile mechanical testing stage specifically designed for X-ray tomography will be available for in situ experiments under displacement control. Objects up to 22 mm in diameter and 33 mm in length can be mounted for testing. Load transfer between the stage components is accomplished with a circular window in polycarbonate or aluminium, depending on the scan X-ray energy. The possibility to vary the mechanical load applied on a sample while imaging its interior in 3D has wide potential for application in the fields of materials science and engineering, biomedical research, and more. The high photon flux available in white beam modality allows fast scanning and time-resolved analyses while mechanical tests are performed.

(iii) Sample environment for temperature control. A furnace for in situ , temperature-controlled experiments based on an induction heating system will be also available. The sample environment will allow temperatures from ambient up to 1200°C. Samples and materials that are not electrically conductive can be studied by sliding them inside apposite metal crucibles.

Our report describes the first use of SXCT in the Middle East and Eastern Mediterrenean region, with spatial resolution higher than 2.8 µm (as verified with a resolution test pattern), scan time as low as a few seconds, and the possibility to reconstruct in a widely non-destructive manner the local X-ray attenuation coefficient or phase shift of specimens. The research potential released by the new beamline of SESAME was illustrated with examples of SXCT imaging of materials and samples from archaeology, cultural heritage, materials, life and earth sciences. The possibility to characterize the internal microstructure of specimens at high spatial and temporal resolution, and without sectioning or damaging the object under investigation is a key step for an exhaustive understanding of materials, artefacts and organisms from the past and present of our civilization.

Link Synchrotron X-ray Computed Tomography scan of a wasp


The authors thank Christian Schlepütz (PSI) for support during data acquisition and DMM commissioning, Ray Barret (ESRF), Anna Bianco and Matteo Altissimo (Elettra) for support in optical design, Giovanni Simonetti, Marco Fant, Davide Vivoda and Diego Dreossi (Elettra), Francesco De Carlo and Alberto Mittone (Argonne National Laboratory, USA), Paul Tafforeau, Cristian Maccarrone, Damien Coulon and Bernard Ogier (ESRF), Gordan Mikuljan and Tine Celcer (SLS) for supporting the design and installation of beamline instrumentation, data acquisition system and vacuum components. We acknowledge the TOMCAT beamline of SLS for the donation of a sample manipulator, ID19, BM05 and ID16 of the ESRF for the donation of two in-vacuum slit systems and of an air-bearing sample rotation stage. We thank Roberta Zanini and Arianna Traviglia (CCHT IIT, Italy), Petra Koch (Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany), Christian Barth, Tommaso Bagni and Carmine Senatore (University of Geneva, Switzerland), Jamal Hannun and Riyadh Al-Raoush (Qatar university, Qatar), Marieh Al-Handawi and Panče Naumov (New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE) for providing samples. We thank Riccardo Signorato, Giuseppe Lamanna and Attilio Ruffa (Strumenti Scientifici CINEL, Vigonza, Italy) for the measurements of DMM performance.

Funding information

The following funding is acknowledged: Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, H2020 Excellent Science (grant No. 822535).

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) Licence , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original authors and source are cited.

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Facility for Rare Isotope Beams

At michigan state university, frib issues third call for proposals for frib beam time.

FRIB issued its third call for proposals today. The FRIB science program commenced in May 2022, delivering successful experiments approved in the first call for proposals. The third call invites scientific users the world over to submit proposals for additional research and new ideas using FRIB capabilities.

With this call, FRIB invites proposals for beam time to be considered at the third meeting of the  FRIB Program Advisory Committee (PAC3) in January 2025. The PAC is a group of international experts who review proposals for non-proprietary beam time requests submitted to FRIB. The PAC makes recommendations to the FRIB Laboratory Director about beam-time allocation.

All proposals for review by FRIB PAC3 need to be submitted online by 11 p.m. EST on 9 October 2024 to allow for scientific and technical review of the proposals prior to the PAC3 meeting.

FRIB is a  U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science (DOE-SC) user facility , supporting the mission of the  DOE-SC Office of Nuclear Physics . FRIB is open to all interested researchers, subject to applicable laws and DOE-SC regulations. Beam time for non-proprietary experiments is granted based on a merit review of proposals. There is no charge for users who are doing non-proprietary work, with the understanding that they are expected to publish their results.

FRIB PAC3 will consider proposals for experiments using fast, stopped, and reaccelerated rare-isotope beams from the FRIB linear accelerator (linac). Newly offered for PAC3: 

  • Additional primary beams from the FRIB linac and increased primary beam intensity (see the FRIB beams page )
  • The S2 vault is an experimental area that will house the Sweeper magnet and the MoNA/LISA neutron array. The S2 beamline will also have space for auxiliary instruments and may be used as a general-purpose beamline.

Detailed information regarding proposal preparation can be found in the  Call for Proposals .

FRIB supports a community of 1,800 scientists from around the world, enabling them to make discoveries about how the universe formed, while advancing innovation in medicine, nuclear security, environmental science, and more. They are organized in an independent FRIB Users Organization, and include scientists, postdoctoral research associates, and graduate students from universities, national laboratories, and industry.

FRIB PAC3 timeline

  • 18 July 2024: Call for Proposals for FRIB PAC3 meeting 
  • 11 September 2024: Last date for rare isotope beam rate requests
  • 9 October 2024: Proposals submitted online by 11 p.m. EST
  • January 2025: FRIB PAC3 meeting
  • January 2025 - List of approved experiments posted to the FRIB website and spokespersons notified

Michigan State University operates the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) as a user facility for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science (DOE-SC), supporting the mission of the DOE-SC Office of Nuclear Physics. Hosting what is designed to be the most powerful heavy-ion accelerator, FRIB enables scientists to make discoveries about the properties of rare isotopes in order to better understand the physics of nuclei, nuclear astrophysics, fundamental interactions, and applications for society, including in medicine, homeland security, and industry.

The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science is the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States and is working to address some of today’s most pressing challenges. For more information, visit


  1. Beamline scientists connect the world’s researchers to the APS

    beamline experiments

  2. Beamline Engineering

    beamline experiments

  3. (a) Schematic of the proton beamline at the Draco laser facility. At

    beamline experiments

  4. ForMAX beamline is now open for experiments

    beamline experiments

  5. Experimental setup for in situ experiments at the beamline with the

    beamline experiments

  6. Beamline experiments with BLISS @ ESRF

    beamline experiments


  1. Beamline For Schools Gimnazija Sveti Sava

  2. History's Best Beam Routines

  3. CERN Beamline for schools 2024

  4. LH 12012 00 12000W Heavy Duty Beam Line H,L,C For Metal Construction and Tekla Software OK!!!

  5. Awesome Beam line robot machine ❤️ #beamline #welding #robot #machine #weldingrobot #california

  6. CERN Beamline Competition For Schools Entry Video


  1. Beamline

    Beamlines usually end in experimental stations that utilize particle beams or synchrotron light obtained from a synchrotron, or neutrons from a spallation source or research reactor. Beamlines are used in experiments in particle physics, materials science, life science, chemistry, and molecular biology, but can also be used for irradiation tests or to produce isotopes.

  2. Home

    Beamline for Schools Beamline for Schools (BL4S) is a physics competition for high school students from all around the world organised at CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics, in Geneva, Switzerland, and DESY, the German Electron Synchrotron, in Hamburg, Germany. Teams of high school students can propose an experiment that they want to perform at a beamline, that is, a part of a ...

  3. PDF Examples for experiments that can be done at the T9 beam line

    1. Examples for experiments that can be done at the T9 beam line. Example 1:Explore the world of antimatter. The particles in the beam at the T9 beam line are a mix of matter and antimatter particles. Some of the properties of antimatter have only been theoretically predicted but never been measured in an experiment.

  4. Beamline scientists connect the world's researchers to the

    Beamline scientist Mary Upton, pictured here at beamline 27-ID of the Advanced Photon Source. Upton works with visiting scientists on inelastic X-ray scattering experiments, and helps them design those experiments and collect data. (Image by Mark Lopez / Argonne National Laboratory.)

  5. Beamline scientists connect the world's researchers to the

    Beamline scientists connect the world's researchers to the Every successful experiment at the Advanced Photon Source relies on the knowledge and skills of the beamline scientists who enable the research. What makes a good beamline scientist? Today, four of them weigh in.

  6. PDF Examples of Experiments suitable for a test beam facility

    In order to succeed in Beamline for Schools you can either propose a creative experiment or idea yourself or take one of the examples and work out the details of that experiment.

  7. The Beamline for Schools winners experimented at CERN and DESY

    From 14 to 28 September, the three winning teams of the 2023 edition of the Beamline for Schools competition had the chance to use the test-beam facilities at CERN and DESY to perform their experiments.

  8. Beamline for Schools: Inspiring the next generation of scientists

    The eighth edition of Beamline for Schools ended on 21 September 2021, when the two winning teams left DESY in Hamburg, Germany, with a smile on their faces and many fond memories. The team "EXTRA" from Italy and the team "Teomitzli" from Mexico were selected from among 289 participants from all over the world and won a two-week stay in Hamburg to carry out the experiments that they ...

  9. Beamline for Schools

    The Beamline for Schools competition offers high-school students the chance to conduct experiments at a real, functioning physics beamline at CERN. More about the competition.

  10. VITO experiment

    VITO experiment. The Versatile Ion polarisation Technique Online ( VITO) experiment is a permanent experimental setup located in the ISOLDE facility at CERN, in the form of a beamline. The purpose of the beamline is to perform a wide range of studies using spin-polarised short-lived atomic nuclei. VITO uses circularly-polarised laser light to ...

  11. SMART Algorithm Makes Beamline Data Collection Smarter

    Researchers in Berkeley Lab's CAMERA have been working with beamline scientists at Brookhaven National Laboratory to develop and test SMART, a mathematical method that enables autonomous experimental decision making without human interaction.

  12. PDF Trigger_TESHEP_2012.key

    13th July 2012. Most experiments require a trigger because they need to know when to record data. I'll distinguish. Trivial triggers : triggers which select when to record data in a periodic manner or in a way which is otherwise independent of the actual properties of the event being selected. Non-trival triggers : triggers which select ...

  13. Neutrino Physics

    At Fermilab, the DONUT accelerator-based neutrino experiment led in 2000 to the discovery of the tau neutrino, the third of the three known types of neutrinos. The NuMI beamline and the Booster Neutrino beamline deliver high intensity neutrino beams to Fermilab experiments such as NOvA, ICARUS, and ANNIE with MicroBooNE having recently ...

  14. PDF Example experiments

    Introduction In order to succeed in Beamline for Schools (BL4S) you can either propose an exper-iment yourself or take one of the examples described in this document and work out the details of that experiment. We suggest you to have a look at the proposals of the winning experiments of the previous editions of the competition to understand how detailed you should describe your experiment. One ...

  15. Beamline for Schools Competition

    CERN's Beamline for Schools Competition (BL4S) is a science competition open to high school students from all over the world. The prize, fabulous by any standards, is the opportunity to conduct an experiment for 10 days on-site at CERN, in Geneva. Now entering its tenth year, BL4S has enabled CERN to engage almost 22 teams and more than 17,000 students from across the globe to experience ...

  16. PDF Examples for Experiments that can be done at the DESY Beam Lines

    Please note that in order to succeed in Beamline for Schools you can either propose a creative experiment or idea yourself or take one of the examples and work out the details of that experiment.

  17. BNL

    Developing Beamline Capabilities as a Team NSLS-II was designed to include an accelerator complex that provides space for up to 60 beamlines. Currently, NSLS-II operates 29 beamlines that are organized according to the research capabilities they offer and staff expertise. Interdisciplinary teams of experts designed and constructed these 29 cutting-edge beamlines through multiple beamline ...

  18. ALS Computing Group Brings Machine Learning Models to Beamtimes around

    The ALS Computing group performed experiments and tested their machine learning models at Beamline 8.3.2. Clockwise from back left: Tanny Chavez, Dylan McReynolds, Raja Vyshnavi Sriramoju, Seij De Leon, Dula Parkinson, Wiebke Koepp.

  19. Live Autonomous Beamline Experiments: Physics In the Loop

    ABSTRACT. In an APS, machine learning (ML) controls automated laboratory equipment, allowing for ML-driven experiment design, execution, and analysis in a closed loop. The ML-driven closed-loop experiment cycle of APS promises to allow researchers to perform the minimum number of experiments necessary to explore the search space and identify ...

  20. (IUCr) Mamba: a systematic software solution for beamline experiments

    Mamba. : a systematic software solution for beamline experiments at HEPS. To cater for the diverse experiment requirements at the High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) with often limited human resources, Bluesky was chosen as the basis for our software framework, Mamba. In our attempt to address Bluesky 's lack of integrated graphical user ...

  21. Experimental Beamlines

    Experimental Beamlines The 70 MeV Drive and the 15 MeV Witness linacs propagate in opposite directions, and come to a common area designated as the beamline switchyard where each linac can branch out into any of several beamlines where experiments are conducted.

  22. PDF Beam and Detectors

    et configurations. In a collider (such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)), accelerated particle beams travel at close to the speed of light before they are made to collide. In a fixed-target experiment a beam of accelerated particles collides with a target, which can be a solid, liquid, or gas. The Beamline for Schools (BL4S) experiment is of the

  23. Beamline

    A special part of the beamline, known as the ' interconnect', is used to steer positrons and antiprotons between ALPHA's spectroscopy and gravity experiments. The interconnect uses an arrangement of seven independent magnets to create a curved magnetic field.

  24. Pioneering the Cellular Frontier

    QCT is a full-field soft X-ray tomography beamline for imaging frozen cells with nanoscale resolution without the need for chemical fixation. This cryo-soft X-ray tomography beamline will be complementary to current methods, providing even more detail into cellular structure and functions.

  25. BEATS: BEAmline for synchrotron X-ray microTomography at SESAME

    The recently inaugurated beamline ID10-BEATS for hard X-ray full-field tomography at the SESAME synchrotron in Jordan is presented. The design, performance and scientific applications of the beamline, which was developed within the European Horizon 2020 project BEAmline for Tomography at SESAME, are illustrated.

  26. FRIB issues third call for proposals for FRIB beam time

    Beam time for non-proprietary experiments is granted based on a merit review of proposals. ... The S2 beamline will also have space for auxiliary instruments and may be used as a general-purpose beamline.Detailed information regarding proposal preparation can be found in the Call for Proposals.FRIB supports a community of 1,800 scientists from ...