Cover Letters and Resume Samples

Top 20 Cabin Crew Resume Objective Examples

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If you’re dreaming of taking to the skies as a cabin crew member, your resume needs to start with a spark. The resume objective is your opening pitch. It’s how you grab the attention of airlines and show them what you can do.

Here, we’ve put together 20 examples of effective resume objectives for every level of cabin crew – whether you’re just starting or you have years of experience. Get ready to put your best foot forward and fly high in your job search!

10 Experienced Cabin Crew Resume Objective Examples

career objective for resume for flight attendant

1. Passionate and seasoned cabin crew member with over 10 years of experience eager to provide top-tier passenger service and safety with a prestigious airline committed to excellence in the aviation industry.

2. To secure a challenging cabin crew role where my extensive in-flight experience and commitment to creating a memorable journey for passengers can contribute to an airline’s reputation for superior service.

3. Aiming to join a progressive airline as a senior cabin crew member, bringing exceptional skills in customer service and emergency management garnered through a decade of experience in the skies.

4. Dedicated to leveraging my 5 years of extensive background in international cabin service to enhance the in-flight experience for passengers of a leading global airline.

5. Enthusiastic professional with over 7 years of in-flight service expertise, looking to apply my knowledge of safety protocols and passion for customer satisfaction in a dynamic cabin crew position.

6. Driven cabin crew member with significant experience in providing exemplary service, seeking an opportunity to join where I can significantly contribute to the team and provide exceptional onboard service to passengers.

7. Looking to utilize my proven record of maintaining safety and delivering premium service standards as an integral part of an esteemed airline’s cabin crew team.

8. With a strong foundation in delivering comfort and safety for passengers, I aspire to contribute to Jet Airways. Dedicated to continuous improvement and high-quality travel experiences.

9. A cabin crew role within an innovative airline is sought by a professional with deep expertise in VIP passenger service, keen to elevate the in-flight experience with refined interpersonal and safety skills.

10. Highly skilled cabin crew member focusing on securing a position at a respected airline, where my expertise in customer engagement and safety can contribute to the distinguished reputation of the company.

5 Entry-Level Cabin Crew Resume Objective Examples

career objective for resume for flight attendant

11. Motivated and friendly individual with excellent interpersonal skills, seeking an entry-level cabin crew position. Poised to provide top-notch service and ensure passenger comfort and safety, with the ambition to contribute significantly to the aviation industry.

12. Newly certified flight attendant with a background in customer service ready to embark on a career in the skies. Eager to use my attention to detail and care to create a memorable travel experience for passengers as part of Emirates Airline’s cabin crew.

13. Passionate about travel and dedicated to delivering exceptional service, I am looking to join a cabin crew where I can contribute to a safe, enjoyable, and comfortable journey for all passengers.

14. As a recent hospitality studies graduate, I am excited to apply my knowledge of customer service and dedication to safety in the role of a cabin crew member, aiming to exceed passenger expectations and uphold the airline’s esteemed reputation.

15. Entering the airline industry with a strong desire to contribute and excel. Energetic to take on the challenges of an entry-level cabin crew member, intending to provide excellent service, promote positive travel experiences, and become a valuable team player.

5 Career Changer Cabin Crew Resume Objective Examples

career objective for resume for flight attendant

16. Enthusiastic career changer with a background in education, poised to bring exceptional communication and organizational skills to a cabin crew position. Offering a nurturing and attentive approach to passenger service.

17. Results-driven professional with a solid history in event coordination.. Seeking to transfer my coordination and crisis management expertise to the role of cabin crew, ensuring passenger satisfaction and safety on every flight.

18. Results-driven marketing specialist aiming to apply strategic thinking and customer engagement techniques to the role of cabin crew. Dedicated to creating memorable and comfortable travel experiences.

19. Seasoned hospitality professional with a passion for travel and cross-cultural communication. Excited to transfer top-tier guest service and operational management skills to a dynamic cabin crew role.

20. Motivated former healthcare worker with a compassionate demeanor and critical thinking abilities. Eager to bring my dedication to human welfare to the skies as a member of your cabin crew team.

How to Write a Perfect Objective for a Cabin Crew Resume?

Cabin Crew Resume Objective Page Banner 2

When crafting a perfect objective for your cabin crew resume, aim to combine your enthusiasm for the customer service role with an acknowledgment of the specific airline’s values and needs. Here are the steps and a sample objective:

1. Start with your strongest attribute : Identify the top quality that makes you an ideal candidate for a cabin crew position.

2. Specify your career goal : Make it clear that you seek to join the cabin crew ranks, tailoring your language to the airline’s branding.

3. Highlight your relevant skills : Emphasize any special skills or experience that are particularly advantageous for a cabin crew member, such as conflict resolution or safety training.

4. Demonstrate your commitment to customer service : Show your dedication to ensuring a positive travel experience for passengers.

5. Keep it succinct : Write clearly and concisely, aiming for no more than two to three sentences.

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Flight Attendant Resume Guide for 2024 [W/ Examples]

Background Image

You’re a flight attendant.

AKA - a friendly individual that attends to a flyer’s every need.

In fact, you act as the face of the airline !

Now, you’ll be faced with many problems during your career, but it’s time to face your first one.

Your resume!

Airlines want to see that you have the necessary skills and experience under your belt.

But how do you do this?

Well, buckle up! 

We’re about to take you through a step-by-step process to making your own flight attendant resume.

  • A job-winning flight attendant resume example
  • How to write a flight attendant resume that gets you invited to interviews
  • How to use the latest tips and tricks for a flight attendant resume that stands out and highlights your value

Now, before we move on, here’s a complete flight attendant resume to spark some inspiration:

flight attendant resume

How to Format a Flight Attendant Resume

Before you can reach top-speed and reveal your top achievements, you need to decide on the correct resume format

After all, the hiring manager won’t be impressed with a resume that is unprofessional and hard to read. 

Currently, the most common resume format for flight attendants is the “reverse-chronological” format, which displays the most recent achievements first

How to Format a Flight Attendant Resume

Other resume formats you could try are…

  • Functional Resume – Got the required skills, but not the flight attendant experience? This format focuses on your skills, instead of your work experience.
  • Combination Resume – Like the name suggests, a combination resume is a mix between the “Functional” and “Reverse-Chronological” formats, which means it focuses on both skills AND work experience.

Once you’ve landed on the correct format, you need to get your resume layout right.

Here’s what we recommend:

  • Margins - One-inch margins on all sides
  • Font - Pick a professional font that is slightly different (Do: Ubuntu, Roboto, etc. Don’t: Comic Sans)
  • Font Size - Use a font size of 11-12pt for normal text and 14-16pt for headers
  • Line Spacing - Use 1.0 or 1.15 line spacing
  • Resume Length – Try and stick to a 1-page limit. If you’re having trouble with this, please view these one-page resume templates

Use a Flight Attendant Resume Template

Ever used a text editor as a resume-building tool? 

Two words: total headache.

Although Word is great for creating simple documents, it is far from the best at creating resumes with strict structure.

Want to create a flight attendant resume, but without the headache? 

Use a flight attendant resume template .

What to Include in a Flight Attendant Resume

The main sections in a flight attendant resume are…

  • Contact Information
  • Work Experience

Want a resume that stands out even more? Try these optional sections:

  • Awards & Certification

Interests & Hobbies

Now, we’re going to explain how to write each of these sections…

Want more information on the resume sections? Check out our guide to What to Put on a Resume .

How to Write Your Contact Information Correctly

The contact section should be kept simple and precise.

But that’s not excuse to rush through it.

In fact, many job hopefuls make the mistake of rushing through this section, only for them to make crucial errors.

As such, take your time checking every single digit!

For your contacts section, include:

  • Title - Keep this professional and factually correct
  • Phone Number - List the phone that you’ll be most available on, and make sure there are no errors
  • Email Address - Use a professional email address ([email protected]), not that funny one you created back in school ([email protected]).
  • Location - Applying for a job abroad? Mention your location.
  • (Optional) Relevant Social Media : LinkedIn, Medium, Instagram
  • Kelly Ball, Flight Attendant. 101-358-6095. [email protected]
  • Kelly Ball, Your Flight Friend 101-358-6095. [email protected]

How to Write a Flight Attendant Resume Summary or Objective

For a clean takeoff , your resume needs a strong introduction…

Especially with recruiters spending less than 6 seconds looking at each resume! 

Although scary, this fact highlights the importance of a resume that commands attention.  

But how can we do this?

The answer is simple: use a resume summary or objective .

In short, both the resume summary and objective are sections that introduce the main points of your resume.

resume summary flight attendant

The two sections have their differences…

A resume summary is a short paragraph that summarizes your professional experiences and achievements.

  • Friendly, safety-conscious flight attendant with four years of cabin crew experience on international and domestic flights. Achieved 99.8% passenger satisfaction score at HardJet Airlines. Passionate about becoming the new flight attendant for XYZ Airlines, where my skills can be leveraged to maximise the quality of service.

A resume objective is a 2-4 sentence snapshot of what you want to achieve professionally.

  • Friendly and approachable hotel receptionist for 5* hotel chain in New York. Experience attending to crowds of customers, which resulted in a 99.4% customer satisfaction score. Seeking an opportunity to leverage my interpersonal skills and passion for travel by joining the team at XYZ Airlines.

So, which one do you pick? 

In short, experienced flight attendants should use a resume summary, whereas flight attendant hopefuls should go for a resume objective.  

How to Make Your Flight Attendant Work Experience Stand Out

The work experience section is the most important section in any flight attendant resume.

Sure, it’s good to talk about your skills and education, but nothing shows your value like a rich work history.

Here’s how to structure your work experience section:

  • Position name
  • Company Name
  • Responsibilities & Achievements

Flight Attendant

ACME Airlnes

01/2017 – 03/2020

  • Recommended an alternative boarding system that reduced delays by 12% 
  • Completed 1000+ hours of domestic and international flights within commercial jets holding up to 400 people
  • Used efficient stowing techniques to ensure all luggage was secure
  • Served refreshments to all passengers – received 98% positive feedback from passenger satisfaction surveys
  • Helped to diffuse a high-level situation before it turned into an emergency

As you can see, the above example focuses on the applicant’s impressive achievements, instead of the basic flight attendant duties. 

“Served drinks”

“Served refreshments to all passengers – received 98% positive feedback from passenger satisfaction surveys”

So, what’s our point here?

Well, the first statement is too generic. Sure, you served drinks, but was this done successfully or not? 

The second statement is data-driven with specific details. It screams, “I will maintain the high standards of service within your airline” .

If you don’t bother with the details, the airline won’t bother calling you in for an interview!

Use Action Words to Make Your Flight Attendant Resume POP!

  • “In charge of”
  • “Worked in”

I challenge you to find a flight attendant resume that doesn’t include these exact words.  

And since you need to use every word to stand out, we’d recommend replacing these words with power words to emphasis your responsibilities and achievements:

  • Conceptualized
  • Spearheaded

How to Correctly List Your Education 

The most important section in a flight attendant resume is your experience.

The second most important section is your education.

Now, you don’t need any specialized degree to be a successful flight attendant, but you do usually require a high school degree or equivalent.

There’s nothing too complicated here, just list your resume in the following layout: 

  • Degree Type & Major
  • University Name
  • Years Studied
  • GPA, Honours, Courses, and anything else you might want to add

B.A. in Hospitality Management 

Boston State University

2015 - 2019

  • Relevant Courses: Food Services in Cultural Institutions, Food and Beverage Technology, Establishing Service Standards and Procedures, On-Site Food Service Management, and Kosher Foodservice

Still have questions that need answering? Check out our guide on how to list education on a resume .

Top 14 Skills for a Flight Attendant Resume

The hiring manager needs to see that you’ve got what it takes to be a great flight attendant.

After all, you’ll be the face of the airline to every passenger!

As hiring managers usually have a checklist of required skills, you need to think carefully, and list the main skills in your arsenal.

Failure to do so will result in the hiring manager putting your resume straight into the “no” pile!

Need some inspiration?

Here are some of the most common and desirable flight attendant skills.

Hard Skills for Flight Attendants:

  • Intercom Operation
  • Safety Orientation Announcements
  • Bridge Maintenance
  • CPR & First Aid
  • Emergency Procedures
  • Plane Evacuation Protocols
  • Inventory Control
  • Counter Terrorism Measures

Soft Skills:

  • Communication
  • Stress Tolerance
  • Safety Consciousness
  • Time Management
  • Multitasking
  • Soft skills are remarkably important for a flight attendant. However, try not to go overboard with listing them. You see, every applicant will have the same generic skills listed.

Looking for a more comprehensive list of skills? Here’s a mega-list of 150+ must-have skills .

Other Resume Sections You Can Include

Keep your seatbelt fastened, because we’re not done yet!

Remember… your resume needs to go above and beyond . 

And a resume that looks the same as the others isn’t quite good enough.

When competing against experienced flight attendants, the following sections could be the deciding factor in whether you’re successful or not.

Awards & Certifications

Have you completed hospitality-relevant courses on Coursera?

Have you won an award for your flight attendant duties?

If there’s anything that shows your talents or knowledge, be sure to include this section in your resume!

Awards & Certificates

  • “Improving Communication Skills” - Coursera Certificate
  • “Learning How to Learn” - Coursera Certificate

As a flight attendant, you’ll be flying to different destinations around the world.

You will be attending to people who speak different languages to your common tongue. 

As such, being able to speak other languages is a useful skill to have.

You don’t have to be fluent either.

Being able to speak to a basic standard is more than enough to include on your resume.

To keep everything organized, split the languages by proficiency:

  • Intermediate

Do you have a hobby you like to do in your spare time?

If so, definitely include it in your resume!

You see, having interests and hobbies make you more relatable. By including them in your resume, you��re giving the hiring manager a sneak peek into the type of person you are.

In a world where flight attendants are hiding behind their qualifications, don’t be afraid to show your personality. 

Not sure which hobbies & interests are relevant or suitable? We have a guide for that!

Match Your Cover Letter with Your Resume

Uh oh - more writing! 

But don’t head for the runway just yet, as a cover letter is extremely important. 

Covers letters show the airline that you dream of working for this airline, not any which will take you. 

By crafting a convincing cover letter, you are allowing your application to fly above the competition.

The first step to writing a convincing cover letter is to get the structure right. Here’s how to do that:

flight attendant cover letter structure for resume

And here’s what to write in each section:

Contact Details

Your personal contact information, including full name, profession, email, phone number, location, website.

Hiring Manager’s Contact Information

Full name, position, location, email

Opening Paragraph

Start with a short, snappy introduction that hooks the hiring manager. Make sure to mention:

  • The position you’re applying for
  • Your experience summary and top achievement

Got the hiring manager hooked? Then go through the rest of your background. Some of the points you can mention are...

  • Why you want to work for this specific airline
  • Anything you know about the airlines culture
  • Your top flight attendant skills
  • If you’ve worked in similar industries or positions

Closing Paragraph

This is where you:

  • Summarize the main points
  • Thank the hiring manager for reading
  • End with a call to action to continue the dialog, like “I’d love to further discuss how my experience as an X can help the airline with Y”

Formal Salutations

Use a formal closing, such as “Best regards” or “Sincerely.”

If you still need more information, please view your step-by-step guide on how to write a cover letter .

job search masterclass

Key Takeaways

Fasten your seatbelt!

Because if you follow the above steps, you’re about to land that flight attendant job!

Now, let’s have a quick rundown:

  • Perfect the formatting on your flight attendant resume. We recommend using the most popular format: reverse-chronological
  • Stand out from your competition by using a resume summary or objective
  • Try to talk about your most notable achievements rather than your daily tasks
  • Match your flight attendant resume with a well-written cover letter

Related Resume Examples

  • Receptionist Resume
  • Bar and Restaurant Manager Resume
  • Customer Service Resume
  • Event Planner Resume
  • Social Worker Resume
  • Volunteer Resume

At Novorésumé, we’re committed to helping you get the job you deserve, every step of the way! Follow our career blog to stay up to date with industry-leading advice. Or, check out some of our top guides:

  • How to Make a Resume with No-Experience [21+ Examples]
  • 43+ Resume Tips and Tricks to Land Your Next Job in 2024
  • How Long Should a Resume Be [For Any Profession]

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Flight Attendant Resume Objective Examples

Flight Attendant Resume Objective Examples

Flight Attendant Resume Objective

Motivated flight attendant able to work in a high-stress environment with people from diverse backgrounds and deliver exceptional service with an attention to detail. Seeking a challenging position in travel and hospitality to provide exceptional service and quality obtained from years of experience in the aviation industry.

Create a resume

An aviation professional with nearly 8 years of experience and a track record of working as a Senior Flight Attendant for United Airlines. An effective and articulate communicator with impeccable organizational & time management skills and a passion for customer service. I instill confidence as a team player and approach new challenges with an open mind, possessing the ability to work extremely well in a pressurized environment. Currently looking for a senior flight attendant role within the aviation sector.

Flight Attendant with a strong collaboration, coordination capabilities and multi-task management skills. Managed customers in a direct facing environment through handling various in-flight assignments. Demonstrated a maturing balance of business operator, people developer and value creator and is always seeking for opportunities to apply skills and experiences to new challenges.

A dedicated and enthusiastic professional with 11 years of experience working in award winning Business Class service delivering exceptional fine dining experience. Capable of thriving under the pressure and achieving the most demanding targets and objectives whilst remaining focused on delivering a five- star customer service at all times. I enjoy being the part of a successful and productive team and have the ability to handle high pressure and a challenging working environment.

Talented professional flight attendant seeking corporate aviation position, where I can apply my expertise with private jet management, fine dining service and catering planning, as well as problem-solving skills in a fast-paced environment.

Well-organized, network savvy, versatile and competent Flight Attendant possessing strong communication skills. Safety conscious, customer focused and performance driven, I have acquired a strong business acumen, an acute attention to detail and developed the practical abilities to assume a broad range of challenges across multiple airliners.

A versatile, result-oriented Flight Attendant with an unblemished track record in customer service with enriched experience in handling operations such as catering and menu planning, inflight services, duty free sales, marketing, event management, strategic planning and support, business promotion, Public Relations, and advertising.

Copyright © 2024 Workstory Inc.

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Sat / act prep online guides and tips, how to write a flight attendant resume that will get you the job.

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Hoping to become a flight attendant ? If so, you're not alone. Every year, tens of thousands of people apply for the limited flight attendant job openings at airlines around the world. Flight attendant jobs are highly coveted and highly competitive.

As an applicant, it may seem overwhelming to figure out how to stand out from the crowd of thousands of other flight attendant applicants. In this article, I'll talk about how you can use your resume to get your foot in the door for flight attendant jobs. By the end of this article, you'll be ready to write your own flight attendant resume and get the airline job of your dreams!

One of the best ways to make yourself stand out to airline hiring managers is to submit a polished and professional resume that highlights why you'll be a great flight attendant. Hiring managers will judge whether or not they want to meet you in person based on your resume, so it's extremely important that you use your resume to make a fantastic first impression.

As an overview, I'll next discuss how your flight attendant resume should be different than resume you use for other jobs and tell you the three skills you need to put on your resume. Then, I'll give you tips for writing your resume and give examples of an entry-level flight attendant resume and an experienced flight attendant resume. Finally, I'll answer some of the most frequently asked questions about flight attendant resumes.

Should Your Flight Attendant Resume Be Different Than Your Resume for Other Jobs?

One of the most common questions about flight attendant resumes is whether a flight attendant resume needs to be different than a resume for other jobs.

In general, the answer is no—you don't have to drastically re-write or re-format your resume to apply for a flight attendant job. However, you may need to change the language in your resume to highlight specific skills and experiences that airline hiring managers value.

Flight attendant jobs require special skills, like impeccable customer service and flexibility. You'll want to make sure a hiring manager can look at your resume and clearly see that you have these types of skills. That may mean re-writing your resume to show you have those abilities.

Say, for instance, that you previously worked as a secretary. When applying for other secretarial jobs, you highlighted your ability to use programs such as Microsoft Office. However, when applying for a flight attendant job, you'll want to highlight a different aspect of your previous experience as a secretary. You'll want to talk about how you interacted with customers or guests who visited your place of work. That'll show airline hiring managers that you have experience working with people.

In the next section, I'll tell you the three main skills flight attendant hiring managers are looking for, so you know which skills to demonstrate on your resume.

3 Skills to Highlight on Your Flight Attendant Resume

So what skills are hiring managers looking for from flight attendant applicants? In this section, I'll tell you the top three skills you need to highlight on your flight attendant resume.

#1: Customer Service Experience

The number one most important skill to highlight on your flight attendant resume is a passion for customer service. Flight attendants are the face of airlines. They deal with customers more than any other type of airline employee and are responsible for ensuring that customers have a positive flight experience.

Airline hiring managers are looking to see that you have experience dealing with customers, particularly in stressful situations. They want to know that you'll be able to deal with cranky passengers whose flight has been delayed or with people who don't want to check their carry-on bag. More than that, the airlines want to know that you'll represent them well to customers.

Make sure you describe situations where you've had to deal with customers. As I mentioned in the previous section, that could be greeting customers as a secretary. It could also be serving customers as a waitress, or working at a retail store. You need to demonstrate that you have customer service skills that would apply to an airline environment.

#2: Ability to Lead in Adversity

Flight attendant jobs may seem glamorous, but they can be extremely challenging. You'll have to deal with angry customers every day, as well as with potentially dangerous situations. Airlines want to know that you're able to keep your cool when times get rough and that you'll be able to act as a leader in such times. Flight attendants are responsible for not only providing great customer service, but also for keeping order in the cabin. They need to be able to calm down passengers that are violent and recognize dangerous behavior. They'll also need to be able to be leaders in the event of an emergency.

Have you led a team of workers at a retail shop at Black Friday? Or dealt with the Friday night dinner rush? Or maybe you have led a group of teenagers in a volunteer situation? Show that you've acted as a leader and dealt with difficult situations.

#3: Flexibility

If you've flown before, you know that flights often experience delays. As a flight attendant, you'll have to roll with a lot more than just those common flight delays. First of all, you'll need to leave your home to train for up to several months. If you make it through flight attendant training, you'll need to be able to deal with a schedule that's always changing due to cancelled or delayed flights. You may have to report at the last minute for a flight if another flight attendant can't make it. For at least the first few years of your career, you'll have the least desirable shifts and have to work on a lot of dates that you'd potentially rather be at home with loved ones.

Hiring managers are looking for employees who can demonstrate this flexibility and willing to do whatever it takes for their work. Perhaps you show on your resume that you've been able to cover for last minute shifts at your previous jobs, or that you always take holiday hours to help out your boss. Demonstrating flexibility will show your commitment to your flight attendant job.

4 Tips for Writing a Standout Resume for Flight Attendant Jobs

Before you start getting your resume ready to apply for flight attendant jobs, check out these top five tips to make sure you're setting your resume up for success.

#1: Call Out Your Accomplishments

The most important thing to do on your flight attendant resume (or on any resume, really) is to emphasize your accomplishments. You want the hiring manager reviewing your resume to be wowed by your experience and skills and think, "I have to hire this person!"

For each position on your resume, you'll want to focus on your achievements over your duties. Did you lead a special project? Were you named "employee of the month"? Did you have more satisfied customers reviews than any other employee at your place of work?

While you of course want to make sure that you describe what you actually did at each of your previous jobs, you want to focus on your highlights so that the hiring manager reviewing your resume really understands what made you special at your prior workplace.

#2: Tailor Your Resume to the Position

You'll also want to tailor your resume to the flight attendant position you're applying to. That means you need to make sure you highlight the skills and experiences that airlines are looking for in their flight attendants.

When formatting your resume for a flight attendant job, make sure that you're spending the most time on the experiences and skills that'll ingratiate you with hiring managers. It should be easy for hiring managers to tell that you have experience that will serve you well as a flight attendant.

#3: Format Matters

While you don't need to spend hours making your resume beautiful, you do need to make sure it's formatting is clear and logical. Just like grammatical and spelling errors can discount your resume, a confusing, unorganized resume will also make you look unprofessional.

Use clear, simple formatting throughout your resume. Follow the same styling choices throughout; that is, don't bold your job titles in one section and make them pink and sparkly in another. Bullet points are great for organizing your accomplishments and duties for a particular job. Make it easy for a hiring manager to read and understand your professional experience.

#4: Proofread

It might seem obvious, but you need to proofread your resume several times before submitting it as part of a job application . Hiring managers often see resumes with spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and other silly mistakes and will dismiss them as unprofessional. Don't get your resume thrown out for a careless error; proofread it before you send it in!

Sample Entry-Level and Experienced Flight Attendant Resumes

Use our sample entry-level flight attendant resume and experienced flight attendant resume to see how your resume should be formatted and what kinds of experience it can include.

Click here to download our sample entry-level flight attendant resume .

Click here to download our sample experienced flight attendant resume .

Frequently Asked Questions About Your Resume for Flight Attendant Jobs

Still have questions about your flight attendant resume? Check out these frequently asked questions.

#1: Should I Have a Flight Attendant Resume Objective?

A flight attendant resume objective is usually one to two sentences long and speaks specifically to the type of job the applicant is seeking. Your resume objective will say what kind of career you desire, and what skills you have that make you ideal for that type of job.

While objectives were once very commonplace on resumes, they've fallen out of favor, mainly because they're more centered on the applicant's needs than the company's needs. If you have a stellar flight attendant resume objective that you think demonstrates why you're a uniquely qualified fit for a particular flight attendant job, leave it in. Otherwise, your experience throughout the resume should be enough to convince hiring managers of your abilities.

#2: What Keywords Should I Use in My Flight Attendant Resume?

You don't necessarily need to include certain keywords in your flight attendant resume to be moved along in the application process. What you do need to do is highlight the skills and experience required in the job description, if you have evidence of having those skills or experiences.

Take note of any words that appear more than once or twice throughout the job description. Examples may be "customer service," "difficult situations," or "flexible," depending on the particulars of the job for which you're applying. If you can highlight that you have experience with those qualities and qualifications, you should include them in your resume.

#3: Is It Okay If I Don't Have Previous Experience As a Flight Attendant?

Yes! All airlines hire people who haven't worked as a flight attendant before to enter their trainee programs. A great way to show that you'd make a great flight attendant, even if you haven't worked as one before, is to highlight your relevant prior work experience.

#4: Should I List My Reference Information on My Resume for Flight Attendant Jobs?

Don't waste space on your resume indicating your references' contact information or saying something like "References available upon request." Checking references is an important part of almost every single job application process these days. Hiring managers will assume that you have references to contact, and they'll reach out to you for that information when they need it (often later in the hiring process).

#5: Should I Include My Education Experience on My Flight Attendant Resume?

Most flight attendant jobs only require that applicants have a high school diploma or GED. You should definitely indicate on your resume that you've achieved at least the minimum educational requirements for the position, and include any higher degrees if you have them.

Your resume is one of the first things hiring managers will see when they decide whether or not to move you forward in the flight attendant hiring process. You can use your resume to help get your foot in the door by highlighting how your previous experience has qualified you for the role and ensuring your resume is professional and polished.

Follow these steps, and you're well on your way to securing your flight attendant interview!

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Hayley Milliman is a former teacher turned writer who blogs about education, history, and technology. When she was a teacher, Hayley's students regularly scored in the 99th percentile thanks to her passion for making topics digestible and accessible. In addition to her work for PrepScholar, Hayley is the author of Museum Hack's Guide to History's Fiercest Females.

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Flight Attendant Resumes & Guide

This guide will show you how to ensure that your resume stands out from the rest by being both informative and entertaining to read. The only thing left to do now is to check out our: How to Make a Resume Guideline for Flight Attendants?

What you can read in this article

18 Flight Attendant Resume Examples

Professional Flight Attendant Resume Template

(Free sample downloads are at the bottom of this page)

Flight Attendant Resume Writing Guide

Resume sections covered:.

  • Contact information
  • Profile Summary
  • Work History
  • Achievements
  • Skill Section
  • Certification & licensing
  • Extras: Languages/Awards/Publications/Volunteering/hobbies

Contact Information

  • First Name and Last Name
  • Physical Address
  • LinkedIn Profile / Portfolio Link
  • Driver’s license

Career Summary & Objectives

In this industry, hiring managers receive hundreds of resumes that they need to sort through. If your resume does not impress them early on, you can be sure that they will not give it another look. The best way to combat this is to create a captivating career summary that highlights your most impressive experience, your most admirable skills and qualities, and your highest academic achievements, all in under six lines.

Remember to situate this section at the very beginning of your resume. Your next question, which one do I choose? Do not worry. We will explain further below:

Career Summary:

If you have extensive experience being a flight attendant, a career summary is a choice for you. Start your career summary with your years of experience in the industry and the job title you held. Remember to read through the job description to outline the skills and qualities the employer is looking for. Integrate these keywords into your career summary paragraph if they apply to you.

Next, show off a bit and add a line that highlights any of your outstanding achievements. Remember, in any case.

You will need to prove these accomplishments later on in your resume. Lastly, finish with your educational degrees/diplomas and any certifications/licenses you may have that are relevant.

Career Objective:

If your flight attendant experience is on the thinner side or just starting, do not worry. An objective career paragraph was designed just for you.

A career objective allows you to highlight your career goals and aspirations while still highlighting your impressive skills, qualities, and accomplishments.

Flight Attendant Summary 1

Flight attendant summary 2, flight attendant summary 3, flight attendant summary 4, employment history.

When it comes to listing your work experience, there are a few ways to ensure that this section knocks the socks off of the reader.

  • Firstly, we recommended that you list your experience in reverse chronological order so that your most recent and often most impressive information can be seen first.
  • Secondly, integrate keywords from the job description into your resume to make your statements even more relevant.
  • Lastly , show off your knowledge by using industry terms and a phrase such as “gate lice,” “blue juice,” and “crotch watch.” Remember matching the airline’s interests is in your best interest.

Senior Flight Attendant at Delta Air Lines

(March 2018 – June 2022 )

Tasked with managing and coaching ten junior cabin crew members during all international flights.

  • Informed business- and first-class clients about the best beverage-pairing decisions based on taste and meal menus.
  • Relayed communication to passengers and cabin crew from the flight deck in a professional and personable manner.
  • Assisted passengers and instructed on passenger safety.
  • Performed preflight, through-flight, and post-flight inspections of the aircraft’s emergency, cabin, and galley equipment. Ensured the aircraft’s interior was clean at all times.
  • Provided leadership, direction, and assistance during an emergency, including aircraft evacuation and administering first aid to ill or incapacitated passengers.
  • Handled emergencies according to procedures. Performed orderly evacuation of passengers and crew. Provided emergency medical assistance where necessary.
  • Supervised loading and offloading of aircraft passengers and baggage. Ensured access to escape exits was clear at all times.
  • Communicated paperwork and detailed reports regarding incidents or discrepancies.
  • Greeted passengers, assisted with carry-on baggage stowage, and delivered onboard announcements.
  • Provided excellent customer service, which exceeded passengers’ expectations.

Guest Relations Supervisor at Hilton Private Jets and Hotels

(January 2009 – December 2010 )

Managed and coached a team of over 40 employees in the reception area and the back office, identified key VIP guests, and administered personal assistance to corporate guests.

  • Performed preflight, through-flight, and post-flight inspections of the aircraft.
  • Ensured that emergency exits were always clear and accessible.
  • Ensured passengers were comfortable during aircraft operations.
  • Planned all the menus and coordinated meal requirements. Purchased required food and supplies to serve meals and beverages.
  • Provided cabin service and monitored all passengers in flight.
  • Operated high-tech aircraft systems and equipment.

Job Descriptions & Responsibilities

Employers and hiring managers expect to see the following proven foundational duties and skill sets within an applicant’s resume.

A Flight Attendant may:

  • Be responsible for passenger service duties, which entail check-in counters for departing passengers and arrival and departure gates.
  • Attend to customers before, after, and in-between flights.
  • Take down reservations for private and executive flights and issue the relevant tickets.
  • Verify and confirm passenger identification and print and hand out boarding passes.
  • Assist travelers and private guests with baggage check-in.
  • Conduct security verifications and health screenings of passengers and their onboard baggage.
  • Perform preflight, through-flight, and post-flight inspections of an aircraft’s emergency, cabin, and galley equipment.
  • Ensures access to emergency exits.
  • Supervise loading and offloading of aircraft passengers and baggage.
  • Complete relevant paperwork and fill in detailed reports regarding problematic incidents and discrepancies.
  • Greet passengers and meet passengers with special needs, assist with carry-on luggage stowage, and deliver in-flight announcements.
  • Provide on-point customer service.


When it comes to designing your resume, you may be tempted to keep certain sections generic for every job you apply for.

We strongly recommend that you change your thinking. Rather, take the time to read through the job description and adapt your resume sections to reflect what the employer is looking for.

By doing this, your resume will be far more relevant, and it will allow you to stand out from other applicants.  

When listing information in your accomplishments section, remember that the goal is to include information that will set you apart from other candidates. Look back at your previous jobs and highlight the times where you made a meaningful difference. Examples:

  • A Boring and Simple Duty: Order and receive food supplies for the cabin crew.
  • Accomplishment Statement: Manage the inventory cycle by ordering and receiving food supplies to the value of $4500 weekly.

Quantifying Your Resume

One of the essential things to remember is to add quantification to your resume. Without quantification, the reader has nothing to measure your abilities against, and your statements become meaningless. Quantification should be applied throughout your resume and not just in your accomplishments section. For every statement you make about your abilities and achievements, try and answer the following questions: “How much?” or “How many?”.

Below are examples of what not to do and then how to add quantification correctly:

What NOT to do:

  • Obtained region-high passenger friendliness reviews according to exit surveys.
  • Identified alternative deplaning strategy, increasing offload efficiency.
  • Obtained property-best client satisfaction score based on surveys.
  • Implemented an improved queuing strategy, leading to reduced check-in times.

Now, what you should DO:

  • Obtained region-high passenger friendliness reviews according to exit surveys (98.89%).
  • Identified alternative deplaning strategy, which increased offload efficiency by 17%.
  • Obtained property-best client satisfaction score based on surveys (98.43%).
  • Implemented an improved queuing strategy, leading to a 29% reduction in check-in times.

Education Section

Your education section is one of the most important sections of your resume and a section that employers pay close attention to. Whether you have impressive, advanced degrees or just a high school diploma, your education should still be given the same respect.

Remember to include any qualifications you are in the process of completing and any licenses, certifications, or memberships you have obtained that are relevant to this field.

When listing your qualifications, you simply need to indicate What, Where, and When regarding your qualifications, certifications, or industry licenses.

Always begin with your commencement date and completion date for diplomas and degrees.

For courses and certifications, simply state the completion date. Once you have written the date, state the name of the qualification, the institution's name, and the city and abbreviated state name where the institution is situated.

How to list degrees, certificates, and courses:

2016 – IATA Cabin Crew Course, The Crew Academy, CO.

2013-2015 – BA in International Hospitality Management, School of Hotel Administration, Ithaca, NY.

2012 – Ridgefield High School, High School Diploma Ridgefield, NJ. 3.8 GPA.

Your Flight Attendant Resume Skills Section

In this field, your interpersonal skills are definitely more important than your technical skills. You need to be an effective people person to deal with the many people you will face every day.

With that said, your technical skills are still important, and something employers want to see. Your skills section lets you list your most admirable skills and qualities, but remember to scan the job description to outline the specific attributes the employer is looking for.

When listing your technical and interpersonal skills, we recommend that you make use of a skills matrix. A skills matrix allows you to save space, it makes your information easy to read and easy to find, and it is visually pleasing.

Technical Skills Examples

Steady HandsPhysical StaminaFirst Aid
EfficientFood SafetyExcellent Organization
Inventory ManagementEffective Decision MakingCalm in an Emergency
DiplomacyLanguage Proficiency

Soft Skills Examples

Social OrientationStress ToleranceAccountable
Team PlayerStaminaDeadline Driven
ReliablePersonal HygieneEnergetic
IndependentDiplomaticCustomer Service

Qualifications/Certifications associated with Flight Attendants

Young Apprenticeship in HospitalityIATA Cabin Crew CourseIn-Flight Safety Course
Project Management DiplomaCertificate in Food HygieneBusiness Management, Hospitality & Tourism Certificate
Bachelor’s in Culinary ArtsAssociates Degree in Restaurant ManagementHigh School Diploma

Optional Extras for Flight Attendant Resumes

Your resume is now complete, but you still have information that you want to include to show further that you are the perfect candidate.

The optional extras section is just what you are looking for. Here you can include information that you might not have included in the previous section and really seal the deal and land yourself an interview.

Below we have listed a few sections to help you get started:

  • Languages – Flight attendants travel all over the world and are exposed to many different languages. Although you will not be able to speak every language you encounter, just speaking one other language proficiently will greatly increase your chances of landing an interview.
  • Volunteer Experience – If you have volunteer experience, it can be very attractive; however, it must be relevant to this field.
  • Hobbies & Interests – Adding hobbies and interests to your resume that are relevant to this field will show the reader that you are a hard-working candidate who is really interested in this field.
  • Certifications & Awards – Here, you can include information about times when you were awarded awards and certificates for excellent service. Remember to add quantification.
  • Memberships – A flight attendant resume is also a good place to list relevant groups you are a member of.

Professional information of Flight Attendants

Sectors:  Travel, Tourism Career Type:  Functional, Professional, Customer Relations Person type:  Server, Waiter , Assistant, Administrator Education levels:  From High School Diploma to Bachelor Degree Salary indication:  Average $ 77 880 ( ) Labor market : Subject to 17% growth from 2019 – 2029 ( BLS ) Organizations : Aviation (Private, Public, Government, Corporate, Military)

Flight Attendant Word Resume Download

Flight Attendant Word Resume

  • Flight Attendant Word Resume 1.docx

Flight Attendant Word Resume

  • Flight Attendant Word Resume 2.docx

Download Flight Attendant Templates in PDF

Flight Attendant Resume

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Flight Attendant Resume

Flight Attendant – Resume (2).PDF

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Flight Attendant Resume

Flight Attendant – Resume (4).PDF

Flight Attendant – Resume (5).PDF

Flight Attendant Curriculum Vitae

Flight Attendant – Resume (6).PDF

Flight Attendant – Resume (7).PDF

Flight Attendant Resume

Flight Attendant – Resume (8).PDF

Flight Attendant – Resume (9).PDF

Flight Attendant Curriculum Vitae

Flight Attendant – Resume (10).PDF

Flight Attendant – Resume (11).PDF

Flight Attendant Resume

Flight Attendant – Resume (12).PDF

Flight Attendant – Resume (13).PDF

Flight Attendant Resume

Flight Attendant – Resume (14).PDF

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3 Real Entry-Level Flight Attendant Resume Examples That Worked in 2024

Stephen Greet

Entry-Level Flight Attendant Resume

Professional entry-level flight attendant resume, formal entry-level flight attendant resume.

  • Entry-Level Flight Attendant Resume Writing 101

After reaching a certain point in her professional journey, Jennifer Bozyan realized she craved a new direction and environment that inspired her to grow. She wanted a job with better benefits, rewarding and exciting interpersonal interactions, and potential for advancement.

Thinking of how she used to love spotting planes as a kid, Jennifer thought of applying for an entry-level flight attendant job. At first, she worried her BA in history and work experience in customer service might hold her back from a flight attendant role But, after trying our modern resume templates and making a cover letter that translated her qualifications, her worries evaporated.

If you want to land a beginning flight attendant job and start a fresh trajectory in your career, take a look for yourself at these entry-level flight attendant resumes that will surely guide you on the right path.

or download as PDF

Entry level flight attendant resume example with no experience

Related resume examples

  • Career change
  • Customer service
  • Flight attendant

What Matters Most: Your Entry-Level Flight Attendant Skills & Experience

Your resume skills and work experience

Safety and passenger experience are always top priorities. You’ll want to show airlines you have the right skills to perform the related tasks effectively.

Entry-level candidates often find it difficult to pick the right skills to list. That said, you still have a lot to choose from. Think back to your time preparing to get FAA certified and the key skills you learned in CPR and flight safety.

Also, consider any previous work experience that will translate to the position, like working in retail and providing great customer service or managing a tight schedule.

The following entry-level flight attendant skills are most in demand in 2024.

9 top entry-level flight attendant skills

  • Ramp Service
  • Food & Beverage Prep
  • Pre-flight Briefings
  • Emergency Care
  • Safety Compliance

Sample entry-level flight attendant work experience bullet points

Examples of your past work achievements will help airlines feel more comfortable bringing you on board. Showing how you’ve implemented aspects like customer service and safety will be key here.

While you may not have much in terms of in-air experience attending flights, you can still pull lots of relevant examples from previous work and education that showcase your skills.

For instance, if you worked at a restaurant taking orders and performing food and beverage prep for hundreds of customers per day, that would translate to many of your tasks as a flight attendant.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Provided customers with clear instructions to help entrance lines move 20% faster.
  • Built a friendly rapport with customers while answering questions and concerns to improve satisfaction scores by 52%.
  • Took orders and assisted in food prep with 99% order accuracy and always complied with top food safety protocols to maintain Grade A health inspection scores.
  • Scored a 98% overall grade on FAA flight safety and CPR/AED certifications by diligently studying course materials to provide the best passenger experience.
  • Used Crew Rest to manage breaks and schedules to increase efficiency by 70%.

Top 5 Tips for Your Entry-Level Flight Attendant Resume

  • Many applying to an entry-level attendant position won’t have much experience. An objective statement can help present your abilities to perform well in the position. For instance, you could explain how you’re a motivated professional with three years of customer service experience.   
  • All flights need attendants who provide friendly service while having high levels of technical ability. You can use both in examples for the most impact, like how you explained technical safety procedures to customers and helped with any concerns during the flight.       
  • Using action words like “assisted” or “prepared” in your descriptions provides more impact. For instance, you could say you “assisted all passengers by taking food orders and prepared them with 99 percent accuracy.”
  • Flight attendants manage many details that contribute to the success of flights. Submit a resume free of grammatical errors to provide a professional first impression and showcase your abilities to handle information accurately, like notifying passengers before upcoming turbulence or scheduling updates.
  • Quantifying your flight attendant training and past work can feel challenging, but there are many metrics you can use to prove your impact. For instance, you can say how following updated safety procedures reduced accidents by 22 percent and improved satisfaction scores by 37 percent.         

A one-page resume is the optimal length for entry-level flight attendant resumes. You want everything included to be concise and relevant. For example, one sentence on how you used your CPR/AED knowledge to attend to over 100 passenger medical needs in your career can go a long way.    

Include any examples from previous work experience that will be the most relevant. If you have five years of retail customer service experience with thousands of five-star customer satisfaction ratings on surveys, that’ll help show your ability to provide outstanding flight service.

Including hobbies/interests can be a good idea in entry-level positions to provide more depth about your top skills. For instance, if you enjoy volunteering at a local nursing home on weekends, that can underscore your ability to provide passengers excellent care on flights.

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  • Cover Letter Templates
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  • FAQ’s

Flight Attendant Resume Examples

Writing a resume as a flight attendant can be a daunting task. With the need to provide detailed information on your experience, skills and accomplishments, it’s important to create a resume that stands out from the crowd. This guide will provide tips and examples to help you craft an effective flight attendant resume that will make a lasting first impression on potential employers. From highlighting your qualifications to adding relevant experience, this guide will help you create a resume tailored to the role of a flight attendant.

If you didn’t find what you were looking for, be sure to check out our complete library of resume examples .


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Flight Attendant

123 Main Street | Anytown, USA 99999 | Phone: (123) 456-7890 | Email: [email protected]

A dedicated, reliable, and experienced Flight Attendant with 10 years of experience providing exceptional customer services and safety aboard aircrafts. Specializing in international flights, I have a proven ability to adapt to different cultures, manage challenging situations, and provide superior customer service. I am passionate about helping customers feel comfortable and safe while traveling, and am highly organized and attentive to detail.

Core Skills :

  • Excellent customer service and communication skills
  • Knowledge of airline safety and security regulations
  • Superior multitasking and problem- solving abilities
  • Adaptable to new cultures, language and customs
  • Efficient at managing time and resources
  • Adept at working independently and in teams

Professional Experience :

Flight Attendant, Air Canada, Toronto, ON – 2010 – Present

  • Provided exceptional customer service and safety to passengers aboard international flights
  • Assisted passengers with disabilities and special needs in a professional and courteous manner
  • Ensured compliance with airline safety and security regulations
  • Successfully defused difficult situations and provided resolutions
  • Monitored cabin conditions and reported any concerns to the captain

Flight Attendant, US Airways, Phoenix, AZ – 2006 – 2010

  • Welcomed passengers aboard aircrafts and provided safety instructions
  • Served meals and beverages to passengers
  • Assisted with baggage and checked tickets
  • Assisted passengers with flight changes and seating arrangements
  • Kept the cabin clean, organized and stocked

Education :

Bachelor’s Degree in Airline Management, Arizona State University, Phoenix, AZ – 2004

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Flight Attendant Resume with No Experience

Enthusiastic and customer- oriented Flight Attendant with a passion for the travel and hospitality industry. Seeking an entry level position to gain experience and acquire new skills.

  • Exceptional customer service and interpersonal skills
  • Organizational abilities
  • Attention to detail
  • Strong problem solving skills
  • Flexible and adaptable
  • Ability to stay calm in stressful and emergency situations
  • Proficient with computers


  • Greeting and providing directions to passengers
  • Guiding passengers through boarding and deplaning
  • Ensuring safety and security of the passengers
  • Checking passports and boarding passes
  • Providing assistance with stowing and retrieving luggage
  • Serving beverages and snacks
  • Demonstrating emergency procedures and equipment
  • Completing paperwork and filing reports
  • Assisting with customer complaints and incidents
  • Maintaining cleanliness of the cabin
  • Promoting products and services to passengers
  • Participating in team meetings and training sessions.

Experience 0 Years

Level Junior

Education Bachelor’s

Flight Attendant Resume with 2 Years of Experience

Experienced Flight Attendant with two years of experience in providing superior customer service to passengers in accordance with safety and security requirements. Proven ability to prioritize tasks and remain calm and professional in fast- paced and unpredictable environments. Possesses a positive, friendly attitude and the ability to establish strong working relationships with passengers, pilots and other airline personnel.

  • Excellent customer service skills
  • Detailed knowledge of safety and security regulations
  • Ability to multitask and prioritize tasks
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
  • Ability to remain calm and professional in unpredictable situations

Responsibilities :

  • Greet and welcome passengers upon boarding
  • Provide passengers with information about the flight, including route, estimated time of arrival, and safety instructions
  • Assist passengers with luggage and other onboard needs
  • Ensure passengers’ safety and security needs are met
  • Administer first aid during emergencies
  • Conduct safety checks to ensure all passengers are properly secured during takeoff and landing
  • Answer passengers’ inquiries and address concerns in a courteous and professional manner
  • Assist with onboard service, which includes serving meals and drinks, collecting trash, and arranging seating
  • Ensure that the cabin is clean and all safety equipment is in good condition
  • Monitor passenger behavior and enforce safety regulations
  • Assist with the evacuation of passengers in case of an emergency
  • Keep records of service and incident reports

Experience 2+ Years

Flight Attendant Resume with 5 Years of Experience

A well- experienced Flight Attendant with five years of industry experience in the air travel sector. A highly service- oriented individual with excellent customer service skills. Possesses the ability to work independently and as a part of a team with a high degree of professionalism. An excellent communicator with the ability to effectively communicate with passengers to provide quality services. Possesses a strong work ethic, organizational, and problem- solving skills.

  • Exceptional customer service skills
  • Passion for delivering the highest levels of service
  • Strong communication skills and ability to work with different cultures
  • Ability to work under pressure in a fast- paced environment
  • Excellent organizational and problem- solving skills
  • Knowledge of safety regulations and procedures
  • Proficient in the use of computers
  • Greet and welcome passengers onboard
  • Provide passengers with information and guidance related to their flight
  • Assist passengers with their luggage
  • Check tickets and direct passengers to their assigned seats
  • Demonstrate safety and emergency procedures
  • Serve meals and refreshments to passengers
  • Ensure passengers’ comfort and safety during the flight
  • Respond to passengers’ inquiries and requests
  • Assist passengers with special needs
  • Prepare and submit reports of flight activities
  • Collect payments and keep records of sales
  • Ensure the aircraft is clean and tidy before and after each flight

Experience 5+ Years

Level Senior

Flight Attendant Resume with 7 Years of Experience

Enthusiastic and experienced flight attendant with 7 years of experience in the airline industry. A natural customer service professional, I have a proven track record of delivering excellent services to passengers. I have a passion for safety, customer satisfaction and efficiency. I am able to stay calm and composed under pressure, remain courteous and professional at all times, and take the initiative to assist in any way necessary.

  • Airline Operations and Safety
  • Excellent Customer Service
  • Excellent Communication Skills
  • Problem Solving
  • Multi- Tasking
  • Cultural Understanding
  • Foreign Languages
  • Greeting and assisting passengers in boarding, deplaning, and in- flight.
  • Providing excellent customer service and safety to all passengers while in- flight.
  • Assisting passengers with any needs or requests during the flight.
  • Monitoring and ensuring safety during the flight.
  • Providing passengers with information about the flight, destination, and services.
  • Ensuring compliance with federal regulations and company policies.
  • Checking and monitoring cabin during the flight.
  • Assisting with baggage handling and stowage.
  • Conducting pre and post- flight safety checks.
  • Collecting and tallying ticket sales.

Experience 7+ Years

Flight Attendant Resume with 10 Years of Experience

Highly experienced Flight Attendant with 10 years of experience in the airline industry. Proven ability to multi- task and remain calm under pressure. Adept at providing superior customer service while ensuring the safety of all passengers. Possesses excellent interpersonal skills, making passengers feel taken care of, comfortable, and safe.

  • Superior customer service
  • In- depth knowledge of safety protocols
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to multi- task and remain calm under pressure
  • Ability to take swift and logical decisions
  • Experience with efficient and organized operations
  • Welcomed passengers on board and provided them with safety information.
  • Conducted pre- flight briefings and ensured passengers had their seat belts fastened.
  • Assisted passengers in stowing away their luggage and other personal items safely.
  • Attended to passengers in- flight needs such as serving meals, drinks, and snacks.
  • Ensured comfort and safety of passengers during flights.
  • Responded to medical emergencies and provided basic first- aid.
  • Monitored cabin for suspicious behavior or criminal activity.
  • Conducted post- flight duties such as cleaning, restocking, and re- arming.

Experience 10+ Years

Level Senior Manager

Education Master’s

Flight Attendant Resume with 15 Years of Experience

Highly experienced Flight Attendant with a proven track record of delivering outstanding customer service to passengers with a variety of backgrounds, needs, and expectations. Over 15 years of experience of international and domestic flights, with expertise in ensuring passenger safety and comfort, as well as resolving passenger issues. Skilled at maintaining composure during difficult situations and providing excellent customer service with a friendly and considerate manner.

  • Excellent interpersonal, communication, and organizational skills
  • Strong understanding of relevant safety regulations and procedures
  • Ability to remain calm during stressful situations
  • Proficiency with customer service and conflict resolution
  • Broad experience in various types of flights
  • Knowledgeable in aircraft systems and safety regulations
  • Able to work in a fast- paced and ever- changing environment
  • Assist passengers with boarding and disembarking the aircraft
  • Conduct pre- flight safety checks and provide safety briefings
  • Assist in the serving of refreshments and meals
  • Assist passengers with any queries or requests during the flight
  • Inspect the cleanliness of the aircraft and ensure that all safety regulations are enforced
  • Respond to emergency situations and provide medical assistance if necessary
  • Monitor passenger behavior and ensure that all passengers comply with applicable safety regulations
  • Ensure that the cabin and aircraft are clean, tidy, and organized
  • Provide assistance to passengers with special needs
  • Maintain accurate records of flight manifests, passenger manifests, and other flight data.

Experience 15+ Years

Level Director

In addition to this, be sure to check out our resume templates , resume formats ,  cover letter examples ,  job description , and  career advice  pages for more helpful tips and advice.

What should be included in a Flight Attendant resume?

A Flight Attendant resume should be no more than one page long and should be tailored to address the specific flight attendant job requirements. When writing a Flight Attendant resume, it’s important to include all the necessary information that employers need. A good Flight Attendant resume should include the following:

  • Professional Summary: A short summary that highlights relevant experience and qualifications for the job.
  • Education: List of educational qualifications and any additional licenses and certifications.
  • Experience: Detail any past experience in the flight attendant field, highlighting any special training or experience relevant to the job.
  • Skills: Outline any relevant flight attendant related skills including customer service, conflict resolution, and problem solving.
  • Additional Skills: List any additional skills such as languages spoken and computer skills.
  • References: Include contact information for at least two professional references.

What is a good summary for a Flight Attendant resume?

A Flight Attendant resume should be concise and to the point. It should focus on your relevant experience and skills related to a Flight Attendant position. The summary should be a short paragraph that outlines your qualifications and highlights any special qualities you possess. Your summary should be accompanied by a list of your key accomplishments, such as making sure passengers are comfortable and ensuring their safety. Additionally, it should mention any specialized training or certifications you have received. By including this information, potential employers will be able to quickly determine whether you are the right person for the job.

What is a good objective for a Flight Attendant resume?

A Flight Attendant resume should include an objective that is tailored to the specific job they have applied for. A good objective should be concise and demonstrate the applicant’s knowledge of the industry and their desire to excel in the role.

Here are some examples of good objectives for a Flight Attendant resume:

  • To utilize my customer service and flight attendant experience to provide superior service to passengers and ensure their comfort and safety during the flight
  • To provide excellent customer service and safety to passengers and crew while working as a Flight Attendant
  • To provide exceptional service to passengers while upholding the highest safety standards
  • To protect the safety, comfort, and well-being of passengers on each flight with excellent customer service
  • To use my strong knowledge and experience as a Flight Attendant to provide exceptional customer service and ensure passengers’ safety
  • To demonstrate my excellent customer service and safety skills as a Flight Attendant in order to exceed customer expectations

How do you list Flight Attendant skills on a resume?

Writing a resume for a Flight Attendant position can be challenging. You want to list the skills and experience that will make you stand out from other applicants and demonstrate why you’re the best fit for the role. Here are some tips for listing your Flight Attendant skills on your resume:

  • Highlight Your Relevant Experiences: If you have prior experience as a Flight Attendant, be sure to highlight it on your resume. List any duties or responsibilities that demonstrate your abilities in the role.
  • Showcase Your Professional Skills: Professional skills are key for a Flight Attendant. List the skills that make you an ideal candidate for the position, such as excellent customer service, problem-solving, first aid and CPR certification, and more.
  • Emphasize Your Interpersonal Skills: Flight Attendants must be able to interact professionally and effectively with passengers, staff, and crew. Highlight any relevant interpersonal skills, such as communication, conflict resolution, and friendliness.
  • Demonstrate Your Multi-tasking Abilities: Flight Attendants must be able to multitask and handle multiple tasks at once. Showcase any experiences that demonstrate your ability to handle multiple tasks and respond to last-minute changes quickly and efficiently.
  • Focus on Your Safety Training: Airlines require Flight Attendants to have safety training. List any safety certifications or trainings you’ve completed that demonstrate your commitment to the safety of passengers and crew.

By highlighting these skills on your resume, you’ll be able to demonstrate why you’re the best candidate for the Flight Attendant position.

What skills should I put on my resume for Flight Attendant?

When writing your resume for Flight Attendant, it’s important to highlight the skills that make you the best applicant for the job. Here’s a list of key skills employers are looking for in a Flight Attendant:

  • Customer Service: Flight Attendants need excellent customer service skills in order to provide a positive experience for passengers. This means having a friendly, approachable demeanor and the ability to problem-solve quickly and efficiently.
  • Communication: Flight Attendants must be able to communicate effectively with passengers, crew members, and the pilot. This means having strong verbal and written communication skills.
  • Safety: Flight Attendants must be knowledgeable about safety regulations and emergency procedures. They must also be able to think and act quickly in emergency situations.
  • Multi-tasking: Flight Attendants must be able to handle multiple tasks at once and respond to the needs of passengers simultaneously.
  • Adaptability: Flight Attendants must be able to adapt to unpredictable situations in the cabin, such as delays or medical emergencies.
  • Organization: Flight Attendants need to be organized and efficient in their duties, from serving meals to making sure the cabin is clean and tidy.

These are the key skills employers are looking for in a Flight Attendant. Include these skills on your resume to show you’re the ideal candidate for the job.

Key takeaways for an Flight Attendant resume

When it comes to writing a Flight Attendant resume, there are some key takeaways that can help make your resume stand out from the competition. These takeaways include emphasizing your customer service experience and highlighting any related training you’ve received in the area. Additionally, be sure to showcase your communication and organizational skills which are key components of this role.

One of the most important aspects of a Flight Attendant resume is emphasizing your customer service experience. This includes highlighting any previous customer service roles you’ve held in the past such as hospitality roles, retail positions, or any other customer-facing job. Additionally, be sure to mention any additional training you’ve received in customer service, such as an airline customer service course. This will demonstrate to employers that you are knowledgeable in the area and have the skills necessary to excel in the role.

  • It is also important to showcase your communication and organizational skills on your resume. As a Flight Attendant, you are expected to be able to handle multiple demands at once. This means you must be able to clearly and effectively communicate with passengers, crew members, and other staff. Additionally, you must be able to stay organized and follow instructions. Be sure to include any examples of situations where you have demonstrated these skills.
  • Finally, make sure to include any additional certifications and qualifications you may have such as first aid or language qualifications. These can help you stand out from the competition and demonstrate to employers that you have the skills necessary to excel in the role.
  • Overall, your Flight Attendant resume should showcase your customer service experience and highlight any additional training you’ve received in the area. Additionally, be sure to emphasize your communication and organizational skills, as well as any additional qualifications you may have. By doing this, you can ensure your resume stands out from the competition and shows employers that you have the skills necessary to excel in the role.

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  • Flight attendant
  • Flight attendant objectives and summaries

Flight attendant

Flight attendant Objectives & summaries

9 Flight attendant objectives and summaries found

A well-written objective or summary on your resume can be the difference between getting rejected, or getting invited for an interview. Copy any of these Flight attendant objective or summary examples, and use it as inspiration for your own resume. All examples are written by certified resume experts, and free for personal use.

Learn more about: objective vs. summary

Flight attendant resume summaries

High energy, dedicated Flight Attendant with experience in providing top-notch traveling experience to passengers for world-class airlines. Strategic problem solver with a proven history in managing unexpected changes in a time-sensitive and stressful environment practicing safety-conscious behaviors in all operational processes and procedures.

Attentive, communicative, and helpful flight attendant with 2 years’ experience assisting passengers while supporting colleagues on an international cabin crew. Supportive, efficient, and passenger-focused professional with excellent interpersonal skills, strong attention to detail, and ability to conduct engaging and informative safety demonstrations and presentations. Proactive problem solver with track record working to complete pre-flight operations in a timely manner.

Dedicated, empathetic professional with 10 years of experience in delivering high-quality cabin service to passengers effectively communicating internal staff in fast-paced demanding environments. Natural collaborator with the inherent ability to manage all types of personalities, resolving issues promptly and calmly ensuring the safety of passengers in all endeavors. Expertise in domestic and international travel experience with 10000 hours of flying.

Motivated, dedicated, and detail-oriented flight attendant with 5 years’ experience supporting flight management operations alongside collaborative teams. Experienced and resolute team player with strong problem solving skills, passion for driving passenger safety demonstrations and presentations, and stamina to remain standing during long boarding operations and lengthy flights. Supportive assistant with customer service skills and ability to resolve issues quickly and efficiently.

Proactive, knowledgeable, and passenger-oriented senior flight attendant with 15+ years’ experience leading pre, mid, and post-flight operations for many national and international passenger flights. Keen and supportive trainer and subject matter expert (SME) with proven track record mentoring junior flight attendants and facilitating hands-on learning exercises. Confident and dedicated innovator with passion for process improvement initiatives.

Flight attendant resume objectives

Active, dedicated, and self-motivated flight attendant looking to leverage track record of overseeing passengers aboard flights and critical thinking skills towards building long-lasting relationships with pilots and staff at a company with room for long-term growth. Collaborative professional excited to work within a fast-paced environment.

Talented, knowledgeable, and dedicated flight attendant leveraging extensive track record managing passenger requests and supporting pilot operations during international flights. Motivated go-getter looking for new opportunities with an innovative company with a focus on optimal flight experiences and room for growth.

Energetic, organized Flight Attendant with honored with numerous awards for outstanding customer skills with experience in managing and building high-performance teams targeting supervisory roles. Fully vaccinated with Covid-vaccine, willing to fly both domestic and international routes.

Professional and detail-oriented flight attendant eager to leverage 7 years’ experience and Bachelor of Science degree in hospitality management towards new opportunities to continue developing flight attendant skills. Punctual and reliable collaborator ready to provide top guest service for a reputable airline company.

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Flight Attendant Resume Sample 2024

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To help your career take off , this guide provides you with :

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Also download:  Flight Attendant Cover Letter Sample

Flight Attendant Resume Template

John Doe [email protected] (555) 555-5555

  • Profile Summary

Highly motivated and customer-focused flight attendant with over 5 years of experience ensuring passenger safety, comfort, and satisfaction. Proven ability to handle emergency situations calmly and efficiently while providing exceptional in-flight service. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills with a commitment to delivering an outstanding passenger experience.

Professional Experiences

Senior Flight Attendant , XYZ Airlines, Anytown, USA May 20XX – Present

  • Led a team of cabin crew members, ensuring seamless coordination and effective communication during flights.
  • Implemented new in-flight service procedures, resulting in a 15% increase in passenger satisfaction ratings.
  • Successfully managed challenging situations, including medical emergencies and unruly passengers, maintaining a calm and professional demeanor.

Flight Attendant , ABC Airways, Cityville, USA January 20XX – April 20XX

  • Conducted pre-flight briefings to ensure all cabin crew members were well-informed about safety protocols and service expectations.
  • Collaborated with the catering team to improve menu options, resulting in a 10% reduction in in-flight meal-related complaints.
  • Received commendations from passengers for exceptional service, contributing to the airline’s positive reputation.

Junior Flight Attendant , DEF Airlines, Hometown, USA June 20XX – December 20XX

  • Assisted in the training of new cabin crew members, emphasizing safety protocols and customer service standards.
  • Executed emergency evacuation procedures during a simulated drill, demonstrating quick thinking and leadership skills.
  • Maintained a perfect attendance record and received recognition for dedication and reliability.

BA Hospitality Management , XYZ University Graduated May 20XX

  • In-depth knowledge of FAA regulations and safety protocols
  • Emergency response and evacuation procedures
  • First aid and CPR certification
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Conflict resolution and crisis management
  • Exceptional interpersonal skills
  • Adaptability and flexibility
  • Punctuality and reliability
  • Team collaboration and leadership
  • Multilingual: Fluent in English, Spanish, and French
  • Microsoft Office Suite
  • In-flight entertainment systems
  • Reservation and passenger management software
  • Traveling and exploring new cultures
  • Fitness and wellness activities
  • Culinary experiences
  • Aviation industry trends and innovations
  • Volunteer work for community outreach programs

How to Write a Good Flight Attendant Resume

For a job-winning resume, it’s important to highlight experiences and skills that demonstrate you have the qualities required for the role. Here’s a list of the most important details to include on your flight attendant resume: 

  • Create a separate section for certifications , such as those in customer service or first aid. 
  • Provide examples of how you’ve used your skills to provide excellent customer service or handle difficult situations.  
  • Make sure that the language you use is clear and concise . 
  • Include keywords from the job description throughout your resume to make it more searchable.
  • If you have international experience , make sure to mention it in your resume. 
  • Make sure to use industry-specific language when describing your experience and skills.

Recommended sections

  • Contact Information
  • Work Experience
  • Hard Skills
  • Soft Skills

Optional sections

  • Certifications
  • Volunteer Experience
  • Professional Memberships
  • Hobbies & Interests

Also read: 10 Resume Sections to Include

Flight Attendant Resume Objective Examples

The career objective section is one of the most important parts of your flight attendant resume. This is the first impression employers get about you, so it’s crucial to write a strong objective statement that highlights your qualifications and skills . Here are some examples of good flight attendant resume objectives:

Senior Flight Attendant

Senior Flight Attendant with more than a decade of experience in the aviation sector. Proven leadership abilities as evidenced by teaching and mentoring junior cabin crew members. Committed to assuring passengers’ safety and comfort by adopting excellent safety standards and providing top-tier in-flight services. Seeking a dynamic position where I can use my knowledge to improve the passenger experience and uphold the highest standards of service.

Corporate flight attendant

Corporate flight attendant with a passion for offering high-profile customers specialized and customized services. competent in handling beautiful culinary arrangements, designing opulent in-flight experiences, and guaranteeing the highest discretion. has a perfect attention to detail and anticipates the requirements of discriminating travelers. looking for a chance to fly on private and business planes and provide prestigious clients with great service.

International flight attendant

English, Spanish, and French native speaker with experience as an international flight attendant. thrives in situations with a variety of cultures and is excellent at talking with people. extensive understanding of emergency protocols and safety standards, as well as outstanding customer service abilities. devoted to ensuring that passengers of all nationalities have unique, fun, and safe worldwide travel experiences.

Flight attendant with a focus on aviation safety

Flight Attendant who places a high priority on aviation safety and emergency readiness. trained to act quickly and efficiently in any aboard emergency, preserving order and protecting passenger safety. Capable of collaborating with the cockpit crew, running emergency equipment, and providing safety demonstrations. Looking for a position that combines my knowledge of safety with top-notch passenger care.

Specialist in in-flight services with creative flair

Flight Attendant with a passion for improving the in-flight experience. Innovative and innovative. competent in creating interesting passenger activities, interactive entertainment, and themed in-flight services. Known for creating a special and delightful atmosphere on flights that sets the airline different. I’m eager to use my artistic abilities to improve traveler happiness and foster lifelong memories. Looking for a position that combines my knowledge of safety with top-notch passenger care.

Experiences in a Flight Attendant Resume

Your work experiences are the heart of your resume, demonstrating your capabilities and achievements . Include essential details such as job title, company name, dates held, location, and most importantly, your achievements.

Showcase how you’ve contributed to team success, handled emergencies, and consistently delivered exceptional service. Remember to quantify your accomplishments with numbers to add weight to your claims. Here are three examples of positions held by flight attendants to refer to as you edit this resume sample:

Example of experience on a flight attendant resume

Cabin Crew Supervisor , Fly High Airways January 20XX – Present

  • Led a team of 15 cabin crew members, ensuring efficient and seamless in-flight operations.
  • Implemented training programs that resulted in a 20% improvement in passenger satisfaction.
  • Successfully handled emergency situations, demonstrating strong leadership skills.

In-Flight Services Coordinator , Horizon Airways June 20XX – December 20XX

  • Streamlined catering processes, reducing costs by 15% while maintaining quality standards.
  • Received commendations for consistently achieving high on-time departure rates.
  • Developed and implemented a customer feedback system resulting in a 25% increase in positive feedback.

Flight Attendant (Entry-Level) , DreamAir July 20XX – May 20XX

  • Completed rigorous safety training, ensuring compliance with aviation regulations.
  • Received positive feedback from passengers for exceptional service on multiple occasions.
  • Collaborated with team members to handle unexpected challenges, ensuring passenger safety.

Also read: How Many Bullet Points Per Job on a Resume

Education for Flight Attendant Resume Sample

Your education section provides the foundation for your journey into the aviation industry. Begin by presenting an example that clearly connects your studies to your first job.

Don’t forget to include relevant courses taken during training, chosen major, and any honors obtained. This section helps recruiters understand your academic background and its direct application to your role as a flight attendant.

Example of education for flight attendants

BS Aviation Management , Skyward University September 20XX – May 20XX

  • Aviation Safety and Regulations
  • In-Flight Services Management
  • Emergency Procedures and Crisis Management

Honors: Graduated with Honors in Aviation Management

Hard Skills of Flight Attendant in Resume

The hard skills section of your flight attendant resume is where you showcase your technical prowess. These can range from emergency evacuation procedures to familiarity with navigational equipment. Keep these examples open as you edit your flight attendant resume sample:

Examples of hard skills for flight attendants

  • Knowledge of aviation rules & regulations
  • Ability to follow safety procedures
  • Proficiency in emergency situations
  • Physical fitness for long flights
  • Ability to communicate effectively in English and/or other languages
  • Expertise in customer service
  • Knowledge of medical first aid
  • Attention to detail

flight attendant resume template

Soft Skills of Flight Attendant in Resume

Soft skills refer to the personal qualities that you bring to the workplace. Including these skills ensures that you deliver a well-rounded description of who you are as an employee. These can include effective communication, adaptability, empathy, and cultural sensitivity.

As you go through the following examples, find the ones that resonate with you and add them to your flight attendant resume :

Examples of soft skills for flight attendants

  • Interpersonal skills & diplomacy
  • Patience & calmness under pressure
  • Adaptability to changing environments
  • Problem solving & conflict resolution
  • Ability to work independently and in teams
  • Time management & organizational skills
  • Ability to remain calm in stressful situations 
  • Positive, friendly attitude

Flight Attendant Job Titles

When writing your flight attendant resume, it’s important to use job titles that accurately reflect the role you held . Here are some of the most common job titles used for flight attendants:

Example of job titles for flight attendants

  • Flight Attendant 
  • Cabin Crew Member 
  • Inflight Service Representative
  • Inflight Supervisor
  • Air Host/Hostess 

Flight Attendant Resume FAQs

How to download the flight attendant resume sample.

Download this flight attendant resume sample by following these steps:

  • Scroll to the top of the page.
  • Hit download.
  • Wait 0.0002 seconds.
  • Start filling it in!

Can I make a flight attendant resume with no experience?

Anyone, no matter their experience level , can make a flight attendant resume. Many flight attendant actually start of with zero experience, so you are not alone. To create one:

  • Follow the same tips as above and emphasize your education and training .
  • Consider enrolling in a flight attendant training program to gain additional certifications and skills .
  • Include any relevant volunteer experience , such as working on a cruise ship or at an airport.

How can I convert this resume to PDF format?

This is way easier than you might think:

  • Edit your document in Word.
  • Proofread it and have another person look it over.
  • Hit File in the top left corner.
  • Export in PDF when you are ready.

Download this flight attendant resume sample today!

Sarah Shaar

Expert resume and career advice writer

Updated March 13, 2024

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Top 20 Flight Attendant Resume Objective with no Experience you can use

Flight Attendant Resume Objective

If you are writing a flight attendant objective with no experience for a resume, then make sure your statement is highly compelling to make a strong impact on the recruiter to consider you for the position.

This post will show you how to make effective career objective statement for your resume for a flight attendant job if this is your first job and you haven’t got any experience to show.

To make a great resume that gets you an interview with an employer/recruiter, it is important to learn about various resume statistics before writing your resume. According to novoresume, these resume statistics will give you helpful insight into the prevailing HR trends, guide you in making the right decision about your job hunting, and in creating an effective resume.

How to Write a Great Resume Objective Statement for a Flight Attendant Job Without Any Experience

If you are looking to earn a job as a flight attendant with no experience, then you must focus more on skills you picked up from varied sources like your education, internships, projects, or even volunteer work.

You must emphasize these skills in your resume objective statement to show to the recruiter that you are bringing valuable qualities to the organization that can make up for the experience you don’t have yet.

Also, if your major in school has some relevance to the job, then you should go ahead to mention it, as well as an impressive GPA point.

If there is any additional strength that you bring to the position, then add it to what you already have in your flight attendant resume objective.

For example, if the flight attendant job requires good understanding of multiple languages and you have this ability, then that’s a strength you can add to your objective statement and you will get the recruiter’s attention.

Now, let’s look at some good examples of flight attendant career objective statements with no experience that you can apply in your resume:

Best 20 Examples of Flight Attendant Objective Statements with no Experience

  • Warm, trustworthy professional in search for an Entry Level Flight Attendant position at Etihad Airline where exceptional hospitality and customer service skills will be applied to the benefit of clients.
  • Desiring to gain an Entry Level Flight Attendant position with WOW Airways, to execute an optimistic and customer-centered practice, thereby contributing positively to the brand experience.
  • Accountable individual hoping to fill the post of an Entry Level Flight Attendant with XYZ Airline. Keen on learning and willing to work hard to attain a top-rated customer satisfaction status by employing lively and amiable personality, as well as providing extraordinary customer service protocols.
  • Coming to contribute best efforts in an Entry Level Flight Attendant position at SafeRide Airline where customers can get the best service from warm and accommodating personality.
  • Charming aviation professional searching for an Entry Level Flight Attendant position with ABC Global Airlines, to ensure each passenger’s needs are met and their experience is satisfactory while building upon knowledge of customer service and the airline industry.
  • A dependable and dynamic CPR Certified individual seeks an Entry Level Flight Attendant position with Air Master Airways. Looking forward to enhance customer’s satisfaction by employing unique customer service along with safety and comfort protocols.
  • A diligent and dedicated, CPR and First Aid certified individual wants to work as an Entry Level Flight Attendant with First Airways; possess strong familiar with Federal Aviation Regulations; bringing profound ability to think critically and make on the spot decisions for maximizing aircraft and passenger safety. Also possess robust communication skills and solid customer service insight.
  • Customer-oriented individual willing to work as an Entry Level Flight Attendant with Telepath Airlines; bringing along excellent communications and complaint resolution abilities; possess a calm demeanor that can be drawn upon in emergency situations.
  • Enthusiastic and service-oriented individual desirous of an Entry Level Flight Attendant position with West Crow Airlines where unique ability to speak multiple languages along with passenger service skills will be put to maximum use.
  • Warm individual with strong math and interpersonal skills looking to gain an Entry Level Flight Attendant position with Sunville Airlines; bringing valuable support skills and ability to handle high pressure and emergency situations.
  • Outstanding communicator with a positive and pleasant personality seeks an Entry Level Flight Attendant position with Lightbox Airlines. Offering superior PC, stress management, and customer service skills.
  • Accountable and charismatic individual looking to utilize hospitality and customer service skills as an Entry Level Flight Attendant with Jamaica Airways. Coming with a polished and courteous attitude, superb communication skills, and ability to provide tailor made services to passengers.
  • Young and smart individual looking to secure an Entry Level Flight Attendant position with Audacity Airways; coming with strong initiative, math skills, and passenger support abilities.
  • Hard working professional interested in an Entry Level Flight Attendant position with Kompass Airlines, to apply positive attitude and great communication skills, as well as superior passenger support ability for a safe and comfortable flight experience.
  • Recent graduate with AS degree and strong math skills desirous of an Entry Level Flight Attendant position with ABC Airlines; offering a courteous and comfortable passenger experience, as well as proven strong initiative and leadership.
  • Customer oriented individual wants to hold an Entry Level Flight Attendant role at Retro Airways; coming with polished and professional interpersonal skills, an admirable ability to process information quickly, as well as stress management training to provide a safe and comfortable flight experience.
  • Hopeful for an Entry Level Flight Attendant job with Peace Airways, to employ positive attitude, interpersonal and exceptional customer service skills, and the ability to work in a culturally diverse environment.
  • Looking to obtain an Entry Level Flight Attendant position with Virtue Airline where superb communication and interpersonal skills, proven passenger support abilities, and the ability to demonstrate leadership in response to variety of situations will be utilized.
  • Result oriented individual wants an Entry Level position as a Flight Attendant with Zeppelin Airlines, to offer basic math skills, good PC skills, and excellent communication skills.
  • Desiring an Entry Level Flight Attendant position with GEEG Airways; coming with a charming personality and a history of being proactive and demonstrating initiative when the need arises.

To improve your chances of being called to an interview for an entry level flight attendant job, having an effective objective statement in your resume is important.

With a highly captivating flight attendant career objective statement, you will be able to immediately let the employer know that you possess other qualities than experience, which will be valuable to the company.

This post provides you the ideas and sample objective statements you can apply to create resume objectives of high impact for flight attendant positions with no experience.

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Top 20 Flight Attendant Resume Objective Examples you can use

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Flight Attendant Resume Examples

Writing a great flight attendant resume is important because it is one of the first things a potential employer will see when they are considering you for a position. It is your opportunity to make a good first impression and sell yourself as the best candidate for the job.

Create your resume Select from 7 professional resume templates

If you're looking for inspiration when it comes to drafting your own flight attendant resume, look no further than the samples below. These resumes will help you highlight your experience and qualifications in the most effective way possible, giving you the best chance of landing the flight attendant job you're after.

Flight Attendant Resume Example

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Essential Components of a Flight Attendant Resume

Creating a compelling flight attendant resume is a critical step in landing your ideal job in the aviation industry. A well-crafted resume showcases your skills and experiences while highlighting your understanding of the flight attendant role's specific demands.

Include sections on personal information, work history, education, and job-specific skills in your flight attendant resume. We'll explore each section, discussing their importance and how to optimize them to present a comprehensive image of you as a candidate.

Additionally, we'll provide tips to enhance each section to capture the attention of potential employers.

1. Contact Information

Contact Information is crucial on a flight attendant resume. It should be prominent and legible, providing employers with the necessary details to contact you.

How to List Contact Information for a Flight Attendant Resume

Typically, include your full name , phone number , and a professional email address . Ensure your email is professional, ideally containing your first and last name, and avoid using nicknames or casual email handles.

Adding relevant social media profiles or professional networking sites like LinkedIn is common in today's digital age, but ensure they are professionally maintained.

Include your address if it's stable. If you're open to relocation—a common scenario for flight attendants—state this explicitly.

Double-check this section for accuracy before sending out your resume, as even minor errors could jeopardize job opportunities.

  • Phone Number
  • Email Address (Professional)
  • Social Media Profiles/Professional Sites (If applicable)
  • Fixed Address (If applicable)
  • Willingness to Relocate (For Flight Attendants)

2. Objective Statement

The " Objective Statement " is a concise and impactful section of a flight attendant's resume. It outlines your career goals and highlights the skills and experiences that make you an ideal candidate for the role. Consider it your personal pitch to potential employers.

Your objective statement should convey your eagerness to work as a flight attendant, your passion for customer service, and your awareness of the job's requirements. It's an opportunity to express why you're interested in this particular position and how it aligns with your career objectives.

For instance, an effective objective statement could be: " Eager hospitality professional with 5+ years of experience, aiming to leverage exceptional customer service skills and dedication to passenger safety as a flight attendant with XYZ Airlines."

Customizing your objective statement for each airline demonstrates your initiative and research, potentially giving you an edge over other applicants.

An effective objective statement should be:

  • Clear and concise
  • Job-specific
  • Relevant to your skills and experiences
  • Enthusiastic and knowledgeable about the role's demands

Related : Top Flight Attendant Resume Objective Examples

3. Work Experience

The " Work History " section is a cornerstone of any resume, including that of a flight attendant. It allows you to highlight previous positions and responsibilities relevant to the flight attendant role you're targeting.

List your past jobs in reverse chronological order, including the job title, company, location, and dates of employment.

Detail your responsibilities and achievements, focusing on experiences that demonstrate customer service skills, emergency response capabilities, physical stamina, and flexibility with schedules or travel arrangements. If you have prior experience as a flight attendant or in the aviation industry, emphasize this, mentioning the types of aircraft, routes, safety protocols, and training you've encountered.

Quantifiable achievements can distinguish your resume. For example, instead of stating "provided excellent customer service," specify " achieved 95%+ customer satisfaction ratings consistently ."

Also, highlight transferable skills from other industries that are applicable to a flight attendant role, such as teamwork or multitasking.

In essence, your " Work History " should illustrate your suitability as a prospective flight attendant by showcasing relevant skills and experiences from your career.

4. Skills and Certifications

The "Skills and Certifications" section is essential on a flight attendant's resume, highlighting the applicant's relevant abilities and qualifications for the job. Tailor this section to match the specific requirements outlined in the job posting.

  • Skills: Flight attendants need a combination of soft and hard skills for effective performance. Soft skills might include excellent communication, problem-solving, patience, empathy, and adaptability. Hard skills could encompass knowledge of safety procedures, first aid certification, or language proficiency.
  • Certifications: A crucial certification for flight attendants is the FAA's Certificate of Demonstrated Proficiency, which confirms completion of required training and an approved safety course. CPR and First Aid certifications are also valuable.
  • Customer Service Experience: Prior customer service roles can greatly enhance a flight attendant resume, showcasing your ability to handle customer interactions professionally.
  • Multilingual Skills: Being multilingual is advantageous in the aviation industry, facilitating better communication with international passengers.

List these skills and certifications clearly and concisely for easy evaluation by potential employers.

Related : Flight Attendant Skills: Definition and Examples

Related : Flight Attendant Certifications

5. Education

Most airlines require at least a high school diploma or equivalent for flight attendant positions, but additional education can be advantageous. If you have an associate's or bachelor's degree, particularly in fields like hospitality, tourism, public relations, or communication, include it on your resume.

Specialized training related to aviation, such as FAA-approved flight attendant courses, should also be mentioned, as it demonstrates knowledge of safety and emergency procedures.

Language skills are valuable due to the international nature of air travel. If you are multilingual, highlight this in your education section.

Include any relevant courses or workshops, such as customer service, first aid, conflict resolution, or cultural sensitivity, as they directly pertain to the role of a flight attendant.

  • Customer Service Skills
  • First Aid Training
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Cultural Sensitivity

Clearly and concisely presenting your educational qualifications and related training/certifications is vital for easy comprehension by potential employers.

6. Languages Spoken

The " Languages Spoken " section is a vital addition to a flight attendant's resume. Multilingual abilities are highly beneficial in this role, enhancing communication, passenger satisfaction, and service quality.

List all languages in which you are fluent or have functional knowledge. Fluency indicates comprehensive speaking, reading, and writing abilities, while practical knowledge refers to effective communication skills.

Language proficiency can be particularly advantageous if you're applying to airlines with routes to specific regions or countries. Always be honest about your language skills to avoid potential issues during flights.

Consider obtaining language certifications to bolster your credibility and make your resume stand out.

In summary, the " Languages Spoken " section is not just a formality; it showcases your ability to cater to a diverse clientele and provide exceptional customer service under various circumstances.

7. References

References are a significant element of a flight attendant's resume. They provide potential employers with the opportunity to verify your skills, work history, and character through direct contact with previous colleagues or supervisors.

In the airline industry, references are highly valued due to the critical nature of a flight attendant's responsibilities. Employers need assurance that candidates can effectively handle the role's demands.

Select references who can vouch for your customer service skills, ability to perform under pressure, problem-solving capabilities, teamwork, and professional conduct. Obtain their consent before listing them on your resume.

Choose individuals who will provide positive and honest feedback about your work ethic and abilities. Maintain good relationships with your professional network.

Typically, three to five references suffice. Follow any specific instructions from the hiring company regarding the number or type of references required.

It's acceptable to keep references on a separate document, stating " References available upon request " at the end of your resume. Keep your references informed about your job search so they can be prepared for potential inquiries from employers.

Related Resume Examples

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  • Flight Coordinator
  • Flight Dispatcher
  • Flight Engineer
  • Flight Nurse
  • Flight Paramedic


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  5. 9 Flight Attendant Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

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  1. Top 18 Flight Attendant Resume Objective Examples

    Including this skill in a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate can contribute to creating an inclusive environment for all passengers. 6. Customer Service. As a flight attendant, you are the primary point of contact for passengers on an aircraft. Excellent customer service skills are crucial as they ensure that ...

  2. Top 10 Flight Attendant Resume Objective Examples

    Crafting a standout resume objective is a crucial step for anyone looking to pursue or advance in a career as a flight attendant. Whether you are an experienced airline professional or just starting out in the aviation industry, a well-written objective can set you apart from the competition and capture the attention of hiring managers.

  3. How To Write a Flight Attendant Resume Objective (With ...

    Flight attendant resume objectives—also referred to as objective statements or career objectives—provide hiring managers with a brief description of your reasons for seeking employment and your short-term professional goals. Flight attendants have a wide range of responsibilities that require a variety of abilities and skills, so it's ...

  4. Top 20 Flight Attendant Resume Objective Examples you can use

    Energetic and customer-oriented professional with a positive attitude and great communication skills. Interested in the Flight Attendant position with Compass Airlines to apply 6+ years flight attendant experience. Offering superior passenger support abilities for a safe and comfortable flight experience. Excellent communicator with AS Degree ...

  5. Flight Attendant Resume Objective Examples

    If you are seeking an entry-level flight attendant position and have no relevant work experience, check out the following resume objectives for flight attendant positions to help rise above fellow applicants: Outgoing, reliable professional seeking an entry-level position in the airline industry where my hospitality and customer service skills ...

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    Newly certified flight attendant with a background in customer service ready to embark on a career in the skies. Eager to use my attention to detail and care to create a memorable travel experience for passengers as part of Emirates Airline's cabin crew. ... 5 Career Changer Cabin Crew Resume Objective Examples. 16. Enthusiastic career ...

  7. Flight Attendant Resume Sample [+Also with No Experience]

    Open the flight attendant resume with a career objective or summary statement. List your work history, and tailor it to the flight attendant job description. ... Flight Attendant Resume Objective Example. right; Friendly and responsible guest relations supervisor for large hotel chain. Obtained highest regional client satisfaction scores (98.37%).

  8. Flight Attendant Resume Guide for 2024 [W/ Examples]

    A resume objective is a 2-4 sentence snapshot of what you want to achieve professionally. Flight Attendant Resume Objective Example. Friendly and approachable hotel receptionist for 5* hotel chain in New York. Experience attending to crowds of customers, which resulted in a 99.4% customer satisfaction score.

  9. 9 Flight Attendant Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    There are two essentials you can't go without on your entry-level flight attendant resume: a skills section and a resume objective . Good examples of transferable skills include customer service, collaboration, and conflict resolution. Use your objective to connect skills you learned in previous roles to what you'll provide as a flight ...

  10. Flight Attendant Resume Objective Examples

    Flight Attendant Resume Objective. Flight Attendant with a strong collaboration, coordination capabilities and multi-task management skills. Managed customers in a direct facing environment through handling various in-flight assignments. Demonstrated a maturing balance of business operator, people developer and value creator and is always ...

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    Use keywords — such as "emergency procedures," "aircraft equipment" or "passenger needs" — from the job description throughout your flight attendant resume. Format your flight attendant resume so that it is easy to read by ATS software and human eyes. Lie about your flight attendance experience and skills.

  12. Flight attendant

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    In general, the answer is no—you don't have to drastically re-write or re-format your resume to apply for a flight attendant job. However, you may need to change the language in your resume to highlight specific skills and experiences that airline hiring managers value. Flight attendant jobs require special skills, like impeccable customer ...

  14. Flight Attendant Resume Sample

    The right flight attendant resume can really help your career as a flight attendant take off, says resume expert Kim Isaacs. The sky's the limit, after all. First things first—write a flight attendant resume objective or career summary that tells your story.

  15. 22 Flight Attendant Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    Career Objective: If your flight attendant experience is on the thinner side or just starting, do not worry. An objective career paragraph was designed just for you. A career objective allows you to highlight your career goals and aspirations while still highlighting your impressive skills, qualities, and accomplishments. Examples:

  16. Flight Attendant Resume Sample + Skills & No Experience

    Flight Attendant Resume Objective Examples Good Example Personable jetBlue Airways flight attendant with 3+ years on short-haul domestic crew on major city routes from New York JFK hub. Seeking to leverage region-high passenger friendliness reviews (99.76%), property-best client satisfaction (99.73%), and up-to-date safety skills to grow with ...

  17. 3 Real Entry-Level Flight Attendant Resume Examples That ...

    Top 5 Tips for Your Entry-Level Flight Attendant Resume. Consider including a resume objective Many applying to an entry-level attendant position won't have much experience. An objective statement can help present your abilities to perform well in the position. For instance, you could explain how you're a motivated professional with three years of customer service experience.

  18. 7 Best Flight Attendant Resume Examples for 2024

    Flight Attendant Resume Examples. John Doe. Flight Attendant. 123 Main Street | Anytown, USA 99999 | Phone: (123) 456-7890 | Email: [email protected]. A dedicated, reliable, and experienced Flight Attendant with 10 years of experience providing exceptional customer services and safety aboard aircrafts.

  19. Flight Attendant Resume Examples & Writing Guide for 2024

    Current Job Title (e.g., Lead Flight Attendant) Company/Organization Name, City, State | Month 20XX-Present. Include a bulleted list of your achievements as a flight attendant. Start each bullet point with an action verb (like "develop" or "manage") to grab attention. Use the present tense for your current flight attendant role ...

  20. Flight attendant

    9 Flight attendant objectives and summaries found. A well-written objective or summary on your resume can be the difference between getting rejected, or getting invited for an interview. Copy any of these Flight attendant objective or summary examples, and use it as inspiration for your own resume. All examples are written by certified resume ...

  21. Flight Attendant Resume Sample & Guide (Free Word Download)

    Flight Attendant Resume Objective Examples. The career objective section is one of the most important parts of your flight attendant resume. This is the first impression employers get about you, so it's crucial to write a strong objective statement that highlights your qualifications and skills. Here are some examples of good flight attendant ...

  22. Top 20 Flight Attendant Resume Objective with no Experience you can use

    To improve your chances of being called to an interview for an entry level flight attendant job, having an effective objective statement in your resume is important. With a highly captivating flight attendant career objective statement, you will be able to immediately let the employer know that you possess other qualities than experience, which ...

  23. Flight Attendant Resume Examples and Templates

    Fixed Address (If applicable) Willingness to Relocate (For Flight Attendants) 2. Objective Statement. The " Objective Statement " is a concise and impactful section of a flight attendant's resume. It outlines your career goals and highlights the skills and experiences that make you an ideal candidate for the role.