assignment about air pollution

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Air Pollution: Everything You Need to Know

How smog, soot, greenhouse gases, and other top air pollutants are affecting the planet—and your health.

Smoke blows out of two tall industrial stacks

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What is air pollution?

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Air pollution  refers to the release of pollutants into the air—pollutants that are detrimental to human health and the planet as a whole. According to the  World Health Organization (WHO) , each year, indoor and outdoor air pollution is responsible for nearly seven million deaths around the globe. Ninety-nine percent of human beings currently breathe air that exceeds the WHO’s guideline limits for pollutants, with those living in low- and middle-income countries suffering the most. In the United States, the  Clean Air Act , established in 1970, authorizes the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to safeguard public health by regulating the emissions of these harmful air pollutants.

“Most air pollution comes from energy use and production,” says  John Walke , director of the Clean Air team at NRDC. Driving a car on gasoline, heating a home with oil, running a power plant on  fracked gas : In each case, a fossil fuel is burned and harmful chemicals and gases are released into the air.

“We’ve made progress over the last 50 years in improving air quality in the United States, thanks to the Clean Air Act. But climate change will make it harder in the future to meet pollution standards, which are designed to  protect health ,” says Walke.

Air pollution is now the world’s fourth-largest risk factor for early death. According to the 2020  State of Global Air  report —which summarizes the latest scientific understanding of air pollution around the world—4.5 million deaths were linked to outdoor air pollution exposures in 2019, and another 2.2 million deaths were caused by indoor air pollution. The world’s most populous countries, China and India, continue to bear the highest burdens of disease.

“Despite improvements in reducing global average mortality rates from air pollution, this report also serves as a sobering reminder that the climate crisis threatens to worsen air pollution problems significantly,” explains  Vijay Limaye , senior scientist in NRDC’s Science Office. Smog, for instance, is intensified by increased heat, forming when the weather is warmer and there’s more ultraviolet radiation. In addition, climate change increases the production of allergenic air pollutants, including mold (thanks to damp conditions caused by extreme weather and increased flooding) and pollen (due to a longer pollen season). “Climate change–fueled droughts and dry conditions are also setting the stage for dangerous wildfires,” adds Limaye. “ Wildfire smoke can linger for days and pollute the air with particulate matter hundreds of miles downwind.”

The effects of air pollution on the human body vary, depending on the type of pollutant, the length and level of exposure, and other factors, including a person’s individual health risks and the cumulative impacts of multiple pollutants or stressors.

Smog and soot

These are the two most prevalent types of air pollution. Smog (sometimes referred to as ground-level ozone) occurs when emissions from combusting fossil fuels react with sunlight. Soot—a type of  particulate matter —is made up of tiny particles of chemicals, soil, smoke, dust, or allergens that are carried in the air. The sources of smog and soot are similar. “Both come from cars and trucks, factories, power plants, incinerators, engines, generally anything that combusts fossil fuels such as coal, gasoline, or natural gas,” Walke says.

Smog can irritate the eyes and throat and also damage the lungs, especially those of children, senior citizens, and people who work or exercise outdoors. It’s even worse for people who have asthma or allergies; these extra pollutants can intensify their symptoms and trigger asthma attacks. The tiniest airborne particles in soot are especially dangerous because they can penetrate the lungs and bloodstream and worsen bronchitis, lead to heart attacks, and even hasten death. In  2020, a report from Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health showed that COVID-19 mortality rates were higher in areas with more particulate matter pollution than in areas with even slightly less, showing a correlation between the virus’s deadliness and long-term exposure to air pollution. 

These findings also illuminate an important  environmental justice issue . Because highways and polluting facilities have historically been sited in or next to low-income neighborhoods and communities of color, the negative effects of this pollution have been  disproportionately experienced by the people who live in these communities.

Hazardous air pollutants

A number of air pollutants pose severe health risks and can sometimes be fatal, even in small amounts. Almost 200 of them are regulated by law; some of the most common are mercury,  lead , dioxins, and benzene. “These are also most often emitted during gas or coal combustion, incineration, or—in the case of benzene—found in gasoline,” Walke says. Benzene, classified as a carcinogen by the EPA, can cause eye, skin, and lung irritation in the short term and blood disorders in the long term. Dioxins, more typically found in food but also present in small amounts in the air, is another carcinogen that can affect the liver in the short term and harm the immune, nervous, and endocrine systems, as well as reproductive functions.  Mercury  attacks the central nervous system. In large amounts, lead can damage children’s brains and kidneys, and even minimal exposure can affect children’s IQ and ability to learn.

Another category of toxic compounds, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), are by-products of traffic exhaust and wildfire smoke. In large amounts, they have been linked to eye and lung irritation, blood and liver issues, and even cancer.  In one study , the children of mothers exposed to PAHs during pregnancy showed slower brain-processing speeds and more pronounced symptoms of ADHD.

Greenhouse gases

While these climate pollutants don’t have the direct or immediate impacts on the human body associated with other air pollutants, like smog or hazardous chemicals, they are still harmful to our health. By trapping the earth’s heat in the atmosphere, greenhouse gases lead to warmer temperatures, which in turn lead to the hallmarks of climate change: rising sea levels, more extreme weather, heat-related deaths, and the increased transmission of infectious diseases. In 2021, carbon dioxide accounted for roughly 79 percent of the country’s total greenhouse gas emissions, and methane made up more than 11 percent. “Carbon dioxide comes from combusting fossil fuels, and methane comes from natural and industrial sources, including large amounts that are released during oil and gas drilling,” Walke says. “We emit far larger amounts of carbon dioxide, but methane is significantly more potent, so it’s also very destructive.” 

Another class of greenhouse gases,  hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) , are thousands of times more powerful than carbon dioxide in their ability to trap heat. In October 2016, more than 140 countries signed the Kigali Agreement to reduce the use of these chemicals—which are found in air conditioners and refrigerators—and develop greener alternatives over time. (The United States officially signed onto the  Kigali Agreement in 2022.)

Pollen and mold

Mold and allergens from trees, weeds, and grass are also carried in the air, are exacerbated by climate change, and can be hazardous to health. Though they aren’t regulated, they can be considered a form of air pollution. “When homes, schools, or businesses get water damage, mold can grow and produce allergenic airborne pollutants,” says Kim Knowlton, professor of environmental health sciences at Columbia University and a former NRDC scientist. “ Mold exposure can precipitate asthma attacks  or an allergic response, and some molds can even produce toxins that would be dangerous for anyone to inhale.”

Pollen allergies are worsening  because of climate change . “Lab and field studies are showing that pollen-producing plants—especially ragweed—grow larger and produce more pollen when you increase the amount of carbon dioxide that they grow in,” Knowlton says. “Climate change also extends the pollen production season, and some studies are beginning to suggest that ragweed pollen itself might be becoming a more potent allergen.” If so, more people will suffer runny noses, fevers, itchy eyes, and other symptoms. “And for people with allergies and asthma, pollen peaks can precipitate asthma attacks, which are far more serious and can be life-threatening.”

assignment about air pollution

More than one in three U.S. residents—120 million people—live in counties with unhealthy levels of air pollution, according to the  2023  State of the Air  report by the American Lung Association (ALA). Since the annual report was first published, in 2000, its findings have shown how the Clean Air Act has been able to reduce harmful emissions from transportation, power plants, and manufacturing.

Recent findings, however, reflect how climate change–fueled wildfires and extreme heat are adding to the challenges of protecting public health. The latest report—which focuses on ozone, year-round particle pollution, and short-term particle pollution—also finds that people of color are 61 percent more likely than white people to live in a county with a failing grade in at least one of those categories, and three times more likely to live in a county that fails in all three.

In rankings for each of the three pollution categories covered by the ALA report, California cities occupy the top three slots (i.e., were highest in pollution), despite progress that the Golden State has made in reducing air pollution emissions in the past half century. At the other end of the spectrum, these cities consistently rank among the country’s best for air quality: Burlington, Vermont; Honolulu; and Wilmington, North Carolina. 

No one wants to live next door to an incinerator, oil refinery, port, toxic waste dump, or other polluting site. Yet millions of people around the world do, and this puts them at a much higher risk for respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, neurological damage, cancer, and death. In the United States, people of color are 1.5 times more likely than whites to live in areas with poor air quality, according to the ALA.

Historically, racist zoning policies and discriminatory lending practices known as  redlining  have combined to keep polluting industries and car-choked highways away from white neighborhoods and have turned communities of color—especially low-income and working-class communities of color—into sacrifice zones, where residents are forced to breathe dirty air and suffer the many health problems associated with it. In addition to the increased health risks that come from living in such places, the polluted air can economically harm residents in the form of missed workdays and higher medical costs.

Environmental racism isn't limited to cities and industrial areas. Outdoor laborers, including the estimated three million migrant and seasonal farmworkers in the United States, are among the most vulnerable to air pollution—and they’re also among the least equipped, politically, to pressure employers and lawmakers to affirm their right to breathe clean air.

Recently,  cumulative impact mapping , which uses data on environmental conditions and demographics, has been able to show how some communities are overburdened with layers of issues, like high levels of poverty, unemployment, and pollution. Tools like the  Environmental Justice Screening Method  and the EPA’s  EJScreen  provide evidence of what many environmental justice communities have been explaining for decades: that we need land use and public health reforms to ensure that vulnerable areas are not overburdened and that the people who need resources the most are receiving them.

In the United States, the  Clean Air Act  has been a crucial tool for reducing air pollution since its passage in 1970, although fossil fuel interests aided by industry-friendly lawmakers have frequently attempted to  weaken its many protections. Ensuring that this bedrock environmental law remains intact and properly enforced will always be key to maintaining and improving our air quality.

But the best, most effective way to control air pollution is to speed up our transition to cleaner fuels and industrial processes. By switching over to renewable energy sources (such as wind and solar power), maximizing fuel efficiency in our vehicles, and replacing more and more of our gasoline-powered cars and trucks with electric versions, we'll be limiting air pollution at its source while also curbing the global warming that heightens so many of its worst health impacts.

And what about the economic costs of controlling air pollution? According to a report on the Clean Air Act commissioned by NRDC, the annual  benefits of cleaner air  are up to 32 times greater than the cost of clean air regulations. Those benefits include up to 370,000 avoided premature deaths, 189,000 fewer hospital admissions for cardiac and respiratory illnesses, and net economic benefits of up to $3.8 trillion for the U.S. economy every year.

“The less gasoline we burn, the better we’re doing to reduce air pollution and the harmful effects of climate change,” Walke explains. “Make good choices about transportation. When you can, ride a bike, walk, or take public transportation. For driving, choose a car that gets better miles per gallon of gas or  buy an electric car .” You can also investigate your power provider options—you may be able to request that your electricity be supplied by wind or solar. Buying your food locally cuts down on the fossil fuels burned in trucking or flying food in from across the world. And most important: “Support leaders who push for clean air and water and responsible steps on climate change,” Walke says.

  • “When you see in the news or hear on the weather report that pollution levels are high, it may be useful to limit the time when children go outside or you go for a jog,” Walke says. Generally, ozone levels tend to be lower in the morning.
  • If you exercise outside, stay as far as you can from heavily trafficked roads. Then shower and wash your clothes to remove fine particles.
  • The air may look clear, but that doesn’t mean it’s pollution free. Utilize tools like the EPA’s air pollution monitor,  AirNow , to get the latest conditions. If the air quality is bad, stay inside with the windows closed.
  • If you live or work in an area that’s prone to wildfires,  stay away from the harmful smoke  as much as you’re able. Consider keeping a small stock of masks to wear when conditions are poor. The most ideal masks for smoke particles will be labelled “NIOSH” (which stands for National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) and have either “N95” or “P100” printed on it.
  • If you’re using an air conditioner while outdoor pollution conditions are bad, use the recirculating setting to limit the amount of polluted air that gets inside. 

This story was originally published on November 1, 2016, and has been updated with new information and links.

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assignment about air pollution

by Chris Woodford . Last updated: November 22, 2022.

Photo: Air pollution is obvious when it pours from a smokestack (chimney), but it's not always so easy to spot. This is an old photo of the kind of smoke that used to come from coal-fired power plants and, apart from soot (unburned carbon particles), its pollutants include sulfur dioxide and the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. Thanks to tougher pollution controls, modern power plants produce only a fraction as much pollution. Modern pollution made by traffic consists of gases like nitrogen dioxide and "particulates" (microscopic soot and dust fragments) that are largely invisible.

What is air pollution?

Air pollution is a gas (or a liquid or solid dispersed through ordinary air) released in a big enough quantity to harm the health of people or other animals, kill plants or stop them growing properly, damage or disrupt some other aspect of the environment (such as making buildings crumble), or cause some other kind of nuisance (reduced visibility, perhaps, or an unpleasant odor).

Natural air pollution

Photo: Forest fires are a completely natural cause of air pollution. We'll never be able to prevent them breaking out or stop the pollution they cause; our best hope is to manage forests, where we can, so fires don't spread. Ironically, that can mean deliberately burning areas of forest, as shown here, to create firebreaks. Forests are also deliberately burned to regenerate ecosystems. Photo by courtesy of US Fish and Wildlife Service .

Top-ten kinds of air pollution Photo: Flying molecules—if you could see air pollution close up, this is what it would look like. Image courtesy of US Department of Energy. Any gas could qualify as pollution if it reached a high enough concentration to do harm. Theoretically, that means there are dozens of different pollution gases. It's important to note that not all the things we think of as pollution are gases: some are aerosols (liquids or solids dispersed through gases). In practice, about ten different substances cause most concern: Sulfur dioxide : Coal, petroleum, and other fuels are often impure and contain sulfur as well as organic (carbon-based) compounds. When sulfur (spelled "sulphur" in some countries) burns with oxygen from the air, sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) is produced. Coal-fired power plants are the world's biggest source of sulfur-dioxide air pollution, which contributes to smog, acid rain, and health problems that include lung disease. [5] Large amounts of sulfur dioxide are also produced by ships, which use dirtier diesel fuel than cars and trucks. [6] Carbon monoxide : This highly dangerous gas forms when fuels have too little oxygen to burn completely. It spews out in car exhausts and it can also build up to dangerous levels inside your home if you have a poorly maintained gas boiler , stove, or fuel-burning appliance. (Always fit a carbon monoxide detector if you burn fuels indoors.) [7] Carbon dioxide : This gas is central to everyday life and isn't normally considered a pollutant: we all produce it when we breathe out and plants such as crops and trees need to "breathe" it in to grow. However, carbon dioxide is also a greenhouse gas released by engines and power plants. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, it's been building up in Earth's atmosphere and contributing to the problem of global warming and climate change . [8] Nitrogen oxides : Nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) and nitrogen oxide (NO) are pollutants produced as an indirect result of combustion, when nitrogen and oxygen from the air react together. Nitrogen oxide pollution comes from vehicle engines and power plants, and plays an important role in the formation of acid rain, ozone and smog. Nitrogen oxides are also "indirect greenhouse gases" (they contribute to global warming by producing ozone, which is a greenhouse gas). [9] Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) : These carbon-based (organic) chemicals evaporate easily at ordinary temperatures and pressures, so they readily become gases. That's precisely why they're used as solvents in many different household chemicals such as paints , waxes, and varnishes. Unfortunately, they're also a form of air pollution: they're believed to have long-term (chronic) effects on people's health and they play a role in the formation of ozone and smog. VOCs are also released by tobacco smoke and wildfires. [10] Particulates : There are many different kinds of particulates, from black soot in diesel exhaust to dust and organic matter from the desert. Airborne liquid droplets from farm pollution also count as particulates. Particulates of different sizes are often referred to by the letters PM followed by a number, so PM 10 means soot particles of less than 10 microns (10 millionths of a meter or 10µm in diameter, roughly 10 times thinner than a thick human hair). The smaller ("finer") the particulates, the deeper they travel into our lungs and the more dangerous they are. PM 2.5 particulates are much more dangerous (they're less than 2.5 millionths of a meter or about 40 times thinner than a typical hair). In cities, most particulates come from traffic fumes. [11] Ozone : Also called trioxygen, this is a type of oxygen gas whose molecules are made from three oxygen atoms joined together (so it has the chemical formula O 3 ), instead of just the two atoms in conventional oxygen (O 2 ). In the stratosphere (upper atmosphere), a band of ozone ("the ozone layer") protects us by screening out harmful ultraviolet radiation (high-energy blue light) beaming down from the Sun. At ground level, it's a toxic pollutant that can damage health. It forms when sunlight strikes a cocktail of other pollution and is a key ingredient of smog (see box below). [12] Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) : Once thought to be harmless, these gases were widely used in refrigerators and aerosol cans until it was discovered that they damaged Earth's ozone layer. We discuss this in more detail down below. [13] Unburned hydrocarbons : Petroleum and other fuels are made of organic compounds based on chains of carbon and hydrogen atoms. When they burn properly, they're completely converted into harmless carbon dioxide and water ; when they burn incompletely, they can release carbon monoxide or float into the air in their unburned form, contributing to smog. Lead and heavy metals : Lead and other toxic "heavy metals" can be spread into the air either as toxic compounds or as aerosols (when solids or liquids are dispersed through gases and carried through the air by them) in such things as exhaust fumes and the fly ash (contaminated waste dust) from incinerator smokestacks. [14] What are the causes of air pollution?

Photo: Even in the age of electric cars, traffic remains a major cause of air pollution. Photo by Warren Gretz courtesy of US DOE National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) (NREL photo id#46361).

Photo: Brown smog lingers over Denver, Colorado. Photo by Warren Gretz courtesy of US DOE National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) (NREL photo id#56919).

Chart: Most of the world's major cities routinely exceed World Health Organization (WHO) air pollution guidelines, though progress is being made: you can see that the 2022 figures (green) show a marked improvement on the 2016 ones (orange) in almost every case. This chart compares annual mean PM 2.5 levels in 12 representative cities around the world with the recently revised (2021) WHO guideline value of 5μg per cubic meter (dotted line). PM 2.5 particulates are those smaller than 2.5 microns and believed to be most closely linked with adverse health effects. For more about this chart and the data sources used, see note [22] .

Photo: Smokestacks billowing pollution over Moscow, Russia in 1994. Factory pollution is much less of a problem than it used to be in the world's "richer" countries—partly because a lot of their industry has been exported to nations such as China, India, and Mexico. Photo by Roger Taylor courtesy of US DOE National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) .

What effects does air pollution have?

Photo: Air pollution can cause a variety of lung diseases and other respiratory problems. This chest X ray shows a lung disease called emphysema in the patient's left lung. A variety of things can cause it, including smoking and exposure to air pollution. Photo courtesy of National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) and National Institutes of Health.

" In 2016, 91% of the world population was living in places where the WHO air quality guidelines levels were not met." World Health Organization , 2018

Photo: For many years, the stonework on the Parthenon in Athens, Greece has been blackened by particulates from traffic pollution, but other sources of pollution, such as wood-burning stoves, are increasingly significant. Photo by Michael M. Reddy courtesy of U.S. Geological Survey .

How air pollution works on different scales

Indoor air pollution.

Photo: Air freshener—or air polluter?

Further reading

Acid rain—a closer look.

Photo: Acid rain can turn lakes so acidic that fish no longer survive. Picture courtesy of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Division of Public Affairs. Why does that matter? Pure water is neither acidic nor alkaline but completely neutral (we say it has an acidity level or pH of 7.0). Ordinary rainwater is a little bit more acidic than this with about the same acidity as bananas (roughly pH 5.5), but if rain falls through sulfur dioxide pollution it can turn much more acidic (with a pH of 4.5 or lower, which is the same acidity as orange or lemon juice). When acid rain accumulates in lakes or rivers, it gradually turns the entire water more acidic. That's a real problem because fish thrive only in water that is neutral or slightly acidic (typically with a pH of 6.5–7.0). Once the acidity drops below about pH 6.0, fish soon start to die—and if the pH drops to about 4.0 or less, all the fish will be killed. Acid rain has caused major problems in lakes throughout North America and Europe. It also causes the death of forests, reduces the fertility of soil, and damages buildings by eating away stonework (the marble on the US Capitol in Washington, DC has been eroded by acid-rain, for example). One of the biggest difficulties in tackling acid rain is that it can happen over very long distances. In one notable case, sulfur dioxide air pollution produced by power plants in the UK was blamed for causing acid rain that fell on Scandinavian countries such as Norway, producing widespread damage to forests and the deaths of thousands of fish in acidified lakes. The British government refused to acknowledge the problem and that was partly why the UK became known as the "dirty man of Europe" in the 1980s and 1990s. [18] Acid rain was a particular problem in the last 30–40 years of the 20th century. Thanks to the decline in coal-fired power plants, and the sulfur dioxide they spewed out, it's less of a problem for western countries today. But it's still a big issue in places like India, where coal remains a major source of energy. Global air pollution It's hard to imagine doing anything so dramatic and serious that it would damage our entire, enormous planet—but, remarkable though it may seem, we all do things like this everyday, contributing to problems such as global warming and the damage to the ozone layer (two separate issues that are often confused). Global warming Every time you ride in a car, turn on the lights, switch on your TV , take a shower, microwave a meal, or use energy that's come from burning a fossil fuel such as oil, coal, or natural gas, you're almost certainly adding to the problem of global warming and climate change: unless it's been produced in some environmentally friendly way, the energy you're using has most likely released carbon dioxide gas into the air. While it's not an obvious pollutant, carbon dioxide has gradually built up in the atmosphere, along with other chemicals known as greenhouse gases . Together, these gases act a bit like a blanket surrounding our planet that is slowly making the mean global temperature rise, causing the climate (the long-term pattern of our weather) to change, and producing a variety of different effects on the natural world, including rising sea levels. Read more in our main article about global warming and climate change . Ozone holes

How can we solve the problem of air pollution?

Photo: Pollution solution: an electrostatic smoke precipitator helps to prevent air pollution from this smokestack at the McNeil biomass power plant in Burlington, VT. Photo by Warren Gretz courtesy of US DOE National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).

What can you do to help reduce air pollution?

Photo: Buying organic food reduces the use of sprayed pesticides and other chemicals, so it helps to reduce air (as well as water) pollution.

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Breathless by Chris Woodford paperback book cover rendered as dummy book.

  • Breathless: Why Air Pollution Matters—and How it Affects You by Chris Woodford. Icon, 2021. My new book explores the problem in much more depth than I've been able to go into here. You can also read a bonus chapter called Angels with dirty faces: How air pollution blackens our buildings and monuments .
  • The Invisible Killer: The Rising Global Threat of Air Pollution and How We Can Fight Back by Gary Fuller. Melville House, 2018.
  • Reducing Pollution and Waste by Jen Green. Raintree/Capstone, 2011. A 48-page introduction for ages 9–12. The emphasis here is on getting children to think about pollution: where it comes from, who makes it, and who should solve the problem.
  • Pollution Crisis by Russ Parker. Rosen, 2009. A 32-page guide for ages 8–10. It starts with a global survey of the problem; looks at air, water, and land pollution; then considers how we all need to be part of the solution.
  • Earth Matters by Lynn Dicks et al. Dorling Kindersley, 2008. This isn't specifically about pollution. Instead, it explores how a range of different environmental problems are testing life to the limit in the planet's major biomes (oceans, forests, and so on). I wrote the section of this book that covers the polar regions.
  • State of Global Air : One of the best sources of global air pollution data.
  • American Lung Association: State of the Air Report : A good source of data about the United States.
  • European Environment Agency: Air quality in Europe : A definitive overview of the situation in the European countries.
  • World Health Organization (WHO) Ambient (outdoor) air pollution in cities database : A spreadsheet of pollution data for most major cities in the world (a little out of date, but a new version is expected soon).
  • Our World in Data : Accessible guides to global data from Oxford University.
  • The New York Times Topics: Air Pollution
  • The Guardian: Pollution
  • Wired: Pollution
  • 'Invisible killer': fossil fuels caused 8.7m deaths globally in 2018, research finds by Oliver Milman. The Guardian, February 9, 2021. Pollution of various kinds causes something like one in five of all deaths.
  • Millions of masks distributed to students in 'gas chamber' Delhi : BBC News, 1 November 2019.
  • 90% of world's children are breathing toxic air, WHO study finds by Matthew Taylor. The Guardian, October 29, 2018. The air pollution affecting billions of children could continue to harm their health throughout their lives.
  • Pollution May Dim Thinking Skills, Study in China Suggests by Mike Ives. The New York Times, August 29, 2018. Long-term exposure to air pollution seems to cause a decline in cognitive skills.
  • Global pollution kills 9m a year and threatens 'survival of human societies' by Damian Carrington. The Guardian, October 19, 2017. Air, water, and land pollution kill millions, cost trillions, and threaten the very survival of humankind, a new study reveals.
  • India's Air Pollution Rivals China's as World's Deadliest by Geeta Anand. The New York Times, February 14, 2017. High levels of pollution could be killing 1.1 million Indians each year.
  • More Than 9 in 10 People Breathe Bad Air, WHO Study Says by Mike Ives. The New York Times, September 27, 2016. New WHO figures suggest the vast majority of us are compromising our health by breathing bad air.
  • Study Links 6.5 Million Deaths Each Year to Air Pollution by Stanley Reed. The New York Times, June 26, 2016. Air pollution deaths are far greater than previously supposed according to a new study by the International Energy Agency.
  • UK air pollution 'linked to 40,000 early deaths a year' by Michelle Roberts, BBC News, February 23, 2016. Diesel engines, cigarette smoke, and even air fresheners are among the causes of premature death from air pollution.
  • This Wearable Detects Pollution to Build Air Quality Maps in Real Time by Davey Alba. Wired, November 19, 2014. A wearable pollution gadget lets people track their exposure to air pollution through a smartphone app.
  • Air pollution and public health: emerging hazards and improved understanding of risk by Frank J. Kelly and Julia C. Fussell, Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2015
  • Health effects of fine particulate air pollution: lines that connect by C.A. Pope and D.W. Dockery. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 2006
  • Ambient and household air pollution: complex triggers of disease by Stephen A. Farmer et al, Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 2014

Text copyright © Chris Woodford 2010, 2022. All rights reserved. Full copyright notice and terms of use .

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assignment about air pollution

air pollution , release into the atmosphere of various gases , finely divided solids, or finely dispersed liquid aerosols at rates that exceed the natural capacity of the environment to dissipate and dilute or absorb them. These substances may reach concentrations in the air that cause undesirable health, economic, or aesthetic effects.

Major air pollutants

Criteria pollutants.

Clean, dry air consists primarily of nitrogen and oxygen —78 percent and 21 percent respectively, by volume. The remaining 1 percent is a mixture of other gases, mostly argon (0.9 percent), along with trace (very small) amounts of carbon dioxide , methane , hydrogen , helium , and more. Water vapour is also a normal, though quite variable, component of the atmosphere, normally ranging from 0.01 to 4 percent by volume; under very humid conditions the moisture content of air may be as high as 5 percent.

There are six major air pollutants that have been designated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as “criteria” pollutants — criteria meaning that the concentrations of these pollutants in the atmosphere are useful as indicators of overall air quality. The sources, acceptable concentrations, and effects of the criteria pollutants are summarized in the table.

Criteria air pollutants
pollutant common sources maximum acceptable concentration in the atmosphere environmental risks human health risks
Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
carbon monoxide (CO) automobile emissions, fires, industrial processes 35 ppm (1-hour period); 9 ppm (8-hour period) contributes to smog formation exacerbates symptoms of heart disease, such as chest pain; may cause vision problems and reduce physical and mental capabilities in healthy people
nitrogen oxides (NO and NO ) automobile emissions, electricity generation, industrial processes 0.053 ppm (1-year period) damage to foliage; contributes to smog formation inflammation and irritation of breathing passages
sulfur dioxide (SO ) electricity generation, fossil-fuel combustion, industrial processes, automobile emissions 0.03 ppm (1-year period); 0.14 ppm (24-hour period) major cause of haze; contributes to acid rain formation, which subsequently damages foliage, buildings, and monuments; reacts to form particulate matter breathing difficulties, particularly for people with asthma and heart disease
ozone (O ) nitrogen oxides (NO ) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from industrial and automobile emissions, gasoline vapours, chemical solvents, and electrical utilities 0.075 ppm (8-hour period) interferes with the ability of certain plants to respire, leading to increased susceptibility to other environmental stressors (e.g., disease, harsh weather) reduced lung function; irritation and inflammation of breathing passages
particulate matter sources of primary particles include fires, smokestacks, construction sites, and unpaved roads; sources of secondary particles include reactions between gaseous chemicals emitted by power plants and automobiles 150 μg/m (24-hour period for particles <10 μm); 35 μg/m (24-hour period for particles <2.5 μm) contributes to formation of haze as well as acid rain, which changes the pH balance of waterways and damages foliage, buildings, and monuments irritation of breathing passages, aggravation of asthma, irregular heartbeat
lead (Pb) metal processing, waste incineration, fossil-fuel combustion 0.15 μg/m (rolling three-month average); 1.5 μg/m (quarterly average) loss of biodiversity, decreased reproduction, neurological problems in vertebrates adverse effects upon multiple bodily systems; may contribute to learning disabilities when young children are exposed; cardiovascular effects in adults

The gaseous criteria air pollutants of primary concern in urban settings include sulfur dioxide , nitrogen dioxide , and carbon monoxide ; these are emitted directly into the air from fossil fuels such as fuel oil , gasoline , and natural gas that are burned in power plants, automobiles, and other combustion sources. Ozone (a key component of smog ) is also a gaseous pollutant; it forms in the atmosphere via complex chemical reactions occurring between nitrogen dioxide and various volatile organic compounds (e.g., gasoline vapours).

How is air quality measured?

Airborne suspensions of extremely small solid or liquid particles called “particulates” (e.g., soot, dust, smokes, fumes, mists), especially those less than 10 micrometres (μm; millionths of a metre) in size, are significant air pollutants because of their very harmful effects on human health. They are emitted by various industrial processes, coal- or oil-burning power plants, residential heating systems, and automobiles. Lead fumes (airborne particulates less than 0.5 μm in size) are particularly toxic and are an important pollutant of many diesel fuels .

Except for lead, criteria pollutants are emitted in industrialized countries at very high rates, typically measured in millions of tons per year. All except ozone are discharged directly into the atmosphere from a wide variety of sources. They are regulated primarily by establishing ambient air quality standards, which are maximum acceptable concentrations of each criteria pollutant in the atmosphere, regardless of its origin. The six criteria pollutants are described in turn below.

Effects of Air Pollution

Air pollution affects all things. It is harmful to our health, and it impacts the environment by reducing visibility and blocking sunlight, causing acid rain, and harming forests, wildlife, and agriculture. Greenhouse gas pollution, the cause of climate change, affects the entire planet.

Harming Human Health

According to the World Health Organization , an estimated seven million people die each year from air pollution. More than 4,000 people died in just a few months due to a severe smog event that occurred in London in 1952. Ground-level ozone causes muscles in the lungs to contract, making it difficult to breathe. Exposure to high ozone levels can cause sore throat, coughing, lung inflammation, and permanent lung damage.

Diagram of the trachea, lungs, and bronchial tubes showing how ozone affects breathing. When air quality is good, normal lungs have wide open pathways for air and breathing is easy. When ozone levels are high, muscles in the bronchial tubes contract, the pathways for air are narrowed, and breathing is difficult.

Ozone pollution affects our lungs, making it difficult to breathe. UCAR

Symptoms from short-term exposure typically resolve quickly, but long term exposure is linked to serious illness and disease in multiple body systems. Children, the elderly, and people with ongoing illnesses are more vulnerable to air pollution than other groups. Urban populations are also at greater risk due to high concentrations of pollution within cities. Check the current air quality in your area to determine if you should take precautions such as reducing or avoiding outdoor activity.

Short-term exposure to air pollution can cause: Long-term exposure to air pollution can cause:

Harming Animals and Plants

Brown dots scattered across the surface of three green leaves of a potato plant.

Brown patches on these potato leaves are evidence of moderate ozone damage.

Danica Lombardozzi/NCAR

Wildlife can experience many of the same negative health effects of air pollution that humans do. Damage to respiratory systems is the most common effect on animals, but neurological problems and skin irritations are also common.

Plants and crops grow less when exposed to long-term air pollution. Ozone pollution harms plants by damaging structures called stomata, which are tiny pores on the underside of leaves that allow the plant to "breathe." Some types of plants can protect themselves by temporarily closing their stomata or producing antioxidants, but others are particularly sensitive to damage. Between 1980 and 2011, nine billion dollars-worth of soybeans and corn were lost in the US as a result of ozone pollution. When acid rain, lead toxicity, and exposure to nitrogen oxides change the chemical nature of the soil, plants are robbed of the nutrients that they need to grow and survive. This impacts agriculture, forests, and grasslands.

There are many other ways that air pollution affects living things, such as damaging the habitat, water, and food sources that plants and animals need to survive.

Causing Acid Rain

Stone features on a building are crumbling and damaged due to acid rain.

Acid rain damages buildings. UCAR/NAME

Burning fossil fuels releases sulfur and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere. Acid rain forms when sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide mix with water droplets in the atmosphere to make sulfuric acid and nitric acid. Winds can carry these pollutants for thousands of miles, until they fall to the Earth's surface as acid rain, which damages the leaves of vegetation, increases the acidity of soils and water, and is linked to over 500 deaths each year. Buildings and other structures are also impacted by acid rain, which causes an estimated five billion dollars of property damage each year. Acid rain dissolves mortar between bricks, causes stone foundations to become unstable, and is destroying ancient buildings and statues carved from marble and limestone.

Reducing Sunlight

High levels of particulate pollution from all types of burning reduces the amount of sunlight that reaches the surface and even changes  the appearance of the sky . When less sunlight is available for photosynthesis, forests grow at a slower rate and crops are less productive. Hazy skies not only reduce visibility, but also impact the weather and even the climate .

Making a Hole in the Ozone Layer

A view of the Earth showing the ozone hole as recorded in 2019.

In 2019 the ozone hole over Antarctica (shown in blue) was the smallest it has been since the hole was discovered. Since the banning of CFCs, the ozone hole continues to shrink, but scientists warn that complete recovery is still uncertain.

The hole in the ozone layer is caused by air pollutants . Chemicals used as refrigerants, such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), contain chlorine atoms. Releasing chlorine atoms into the atmosphere destroys ozone. A single chlorine atom can destroy thousands of ozone molecules. The ozone layer blocks harmful ultraviolet-C (UVC) and ultraviolet-B (UVB) radiation from the Sun — it protects us in a way that is similar to putting sunscreen on your skin to prevent sunburn. The ozone hole puts all living things at risk by increasing the amount of ultraviolet radiation that reaches the surface. Exposure to this radiation increases the risk of skin cancer in humans, restricts growth and development in plants, slows the development of fish and amphibians, and reduces the number of phytoplankton in marine ecosystems. It also causes natural and synthetic materials to breakdown at an accelerated rate.

Adding Too Much Nitrogen to the Land

Gaseous ammonia (NH3) from agriculture and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) from car, truck, and airplane emissions increase the amount of nitrogen in soils. Plants need nitrogen to grow, but too much nitrogen can limit the growth of some plants and increase the growth of others, disrupting the balance of species within an ecosystem. This disruption is negatively impacting grasslands and other fragile environments around the world.

Global map showing the change in the concentration of ammonia over a 14 year period. Areas in red, such as the eastern US, equatorial Africa, much of Europe, northern India, northern Russia, and the entire western coast of Asia have increased concentrations of ammonia. Some areas shown in blue, such as central South America, western Canada, eastern Europe, and south-eastern Russia show a decrease in concentrations of ammonia.

This map shows global ammonia hotspots identified over a 14-year period. Warm colors represent an increase in ammonia, while cool colors represent a decrease in ammonia. NASA

Effects of Greenhouse Gas Pollution

Greenhouse gas pollution is causing climate change. As a result, ecosystems are changing faster than plants and animals can adapt, and many species are going extinct. Marine ecosystems are vulnerable to ocean acidification caused when carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere is dissolved in seawater. Ocean acidification makes it difficult for many marine species to grow shells and skeletons.

Melting ice sheets, warming oceans, and extreme weather conditions are examples of how climate changes caused by greenhouse gas pollution threaten ecosystems across the Earth. In many cases, the decline of one or a few species due to air pollution can topple the balance of entire ecosystems.

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assignment about air pollution

Essay on Air Pollution

essay on air pollution

Here we have shared the Essay on Air Pollution in detail so you can use it in your exam or assignment of 150, 250, 400, 500, or 1000 words.

You can use this Essay on Air Pollution in any assignment or project whether you are in school (class 10th or 12th), college, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. 

Topics covered in this article.

Essay on Air Pollution in 150-250 words

Essay on air pollution in 300-400 words, essay on air pollution in 500-1000 words.

Air pollution is a pressing environmental issue that affects the health and well-being of both humans and the planet. It is the presence of harmful substances in the air, released by various sources such as industrial activities, vehicle emissions, and burning of fossil fuels.

Air pollution has detrimental effects on human health, contributing to respiratory diseases, allergies, and even premature death. It also damages ecosystems, leading to biodiversity loss and ecological imbalance. Additionally, air pollution contributes to climate change, as certain pollutants, such as greenhouse gases, trap heat in the atmosphere.

To combat air pollution, concerted efforts are needed at individual, community, and governmental levels. Implementing stricter emission standards for industries and vehicles, promoting the use of renewable energy sources, and investing in sustainable transportation are crucial steps. Furthermore, raising awareness about the impact of air pollution and encouraging sustainable practices, such as reducing energy consumption and promoting recycling, can make a significant difference.

Protecting air quality requires collective action and commitment to preserving the environment for future generations. By reducing air pollution, we can create cleaner and healthier environments, promote sustainable development, and safeguard the well-being of both humans and the planet.

Air pollution is a significant environmental issue that poses a threat to human health and the well-being of the planet. It occurs when harmful substances, such as particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and volatile organic compounds, are released into the air through various human activities.

The sources of air pollution are diverse and include industrial emissions, vehicle exhaust, burning of fossil fuels, agricultural practices, and indoor pollution from cooking and heating. These pollutants not only contaminate the air we breathe but also contribute to climate change, leading to adverse effects on ecosystems and biodiversity.

The impacts of air pollution on human health are severe. Exposure to pollutants can lead to respiratory problems, such as asthma, bronchitis, and other chronic lung diseases. It can also increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, allergies, and even premature death. Vulnerable populations, such as children, the elderly, and those with pre-existing health conditions, are particularly at risk.

Air pollution also poses a threat to the environment. It can damage vegetation, impair water quality, and disrupt ecosystems. Acid rain, a consequence of air pollution, harms forests, lakes, and aquatic life. Pollutants released into the atmosphere contribute to the formation of smog and haze, reducing visibility and impacting tourism and outdoor activities.

Addressing air pollution requires a multi-faceted approach. Governments play a crucial role in implementing regulations and policies to reduce emissions, promote cleaner technologies, and enforce air quality standards. Industries need to adopt cleaner production practices and invest in sustainable technologies. Individuals can contribute by adopting sustainable transportation options, reducing energy consumption, and practicing responsible waste management.

Furthermore, promoting renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, can help reduce reliance on fossil fuels and mitigate air pollution. Raising public awareness about the impacts of air pollution and promoting sustainable practices in daily life is also essential.

In conclusion, air pollution is a pressing environmental issue with significant impacts on human health and the environment. It requires collective action at all levels to reduce emissions, promote sustainable practices, and protect air quality. By addressing air pollution, we can create cleaner and healthier environments, safeguard public health, and preserve the planet for future generations.

Title: Air Pollution – A Looming Environmental Crisis

Introduction :

Air pollution has emerged as a major environmental concern globally, posing significant threats to human health and the planet. It is the presence of harmful substances in the air, resulting from human activities and natural processes. This essay delves into the causes, impacts, and solutions to air pollution. By exploring the sources of pollution, health consequences, and mitigation strategies, we can better understand the severity of the issue and work towards a cleaner and healthier environment.

Causes of Air Pollution

Air pollution is primarily caused by human activities such as industrial emissions, vehicle exhaust, burning of fossil fuels, and agricultural practices. Industrial processes release large amounts of pollutants into the air, including particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and volatile organic compounds. Vehicle emissions, particularly from automobiles and trucks, contribute significantly to air pollution, releasing pollutants like carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides. The burning of fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, for electricity generation and heating purposes, also releases pollutants into the atmosphere. Additionally, agricultural practices involving the use of fertilizers, pesticides, and livestock contribute to air pollution through the release of ammonia and methane.

Health Impacts of Air Pollution

Air pollution has severe health consequences, particularly for vulnerable populations such as children, the elderly, and individuals with pre-existing respiratory and cardiovascular conditions. Exposure to pollutants can lead to respiratory problems, including asthma, bronchitis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Fine particulate matter, known as PM2.5, can penetrate deep into the lungs and enter the bloodstream, causing cardiovascular diseases and increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Long-term exposure to air pollution has been linked to lung cancer, respiratory infections, and reduced lung function. Moreover, air pollution exacerbates allergies, triggers asthma attacks, and impairs lung development in children.

Environmental Impacts

Air pollution not only affects human health but also poses significant risks to the environment. It contributes to climate change by releasing greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat, leading to global warming and the disruption of ecosystems. Acid rain, a consequence of air pollution, harms forests, lakes, and aquatic life. Pollutants released into the atmosphere can also lead to the formation of smog and haze, reducing visibility and impacting tourism, outdoor activities, and overall quality of life. Additionally, air pollution has adverse effects on agriculture, damaging crops and reducing yields.

Mitigation Strategies

Addressing air pollution requires a comprehensive approach that involves governments, industries, communities, and individuals. Governments play a crucial role in setting air quality standards, implementing regulations, and monitoring compliance. They must promote cleaner technologies and renewable energy sources, incentivize industries to reduce emissions and enforce penalties for non-compliance. Additionally, governments should invest in public transportation systems, promote the use of electric vehicles, and adopt sustainable urban planning to reduce vehicle emissions.

Industries can contribute to pollution control by adopting cleaner production processes, investing in sustainable technologies, and implementing emission reduction strategies. Encouraging the use of alternative fuels, such as biofuels, and implementing energy-efficient practices can also mitigate air pollution.

Communities and individuals can play an active role in reducing air pollution by adopting sustainable practices. This includes reducing energy consumption, conserving resources, practicing responsible waste management, and using public transportation or carpooling. Raising awareness about the impacts of air pollution and promoting sustainable lifestyle choices can foster a collective effort in combating pollution.


Air pollution remains a critical environmental issue that demands urgent action. By understanding the causes, impacts, and solutions to air pollution, we can work towards cleaner air and a healthier planet. Collaboration among governments, industries, communities, and individuals is necessary to implement effective mitigation strategies. Through the adoption of cleaner technologies, the promotion of renewable energy sources, and the practice of sustainable living, we can protect human health, preserve the environment, and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.

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  • Air Pollution Essay


Essay on Air Pollution

Environmental changes are caused by the natural or artificial content of harmful pollutants and can cause instability, disturbance, or adverse effects on the ecosystem. Earth and its environment pose a more serious threat due to the increasing pollution of air, water, and soil. Environmental damage is caused by improper resource management or careless human activities. Therefore, any activity that violates the original nature of the environment and leads to degradation is called pollution. We need to understand the origin of these pollutants and find ways to control pollution. This can also be done by raising awareness of the effects of pollutants.

Air pollution is any physical, chemical, or biological change in the air. A certain percentage of the gas is present in the atmosphere. Increasing or decreasing the composition of these gasses is detrimental to survival. This imbalance in gas composition causes an increase in global temperature which is called global warming.

Introduction to air pollution 

The Earth and its environment are facing a serious threat by the increasing pollution of the air, water, and soil—the vital life support systems of the Earth. The damage to the environment is caused by improper management of resources or by careless human activity. Hence any activity that violates the original character of nature and leads to its degradation is called pollution. We need to understand the sources of these pollutants and find ways to control pollution. This can be also done by making people aware of the effects of pollutants. 

Air with 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, and 1% of all other gasses support life on Earth. Various processes take place to sustain the regular percentage of gasses and their composition in general. 

Atmospheric pollution can have natural sources, for example, volcanic eruptions. The gaseous by-products of man-made processes such as energy production, waste incineration, transport, deforestation and agriculture, are the major air pollutants.

Although air is made up of mostly Oxygen and Nitrogen, mankind, through pollution, has increased the levels of many trace gasses, and in some cases, released completely new gasses to the atmosphere. 

Air pollution can result in poor air quality, both in cities and in the countryside. Some air pollutants make people sick, causing breathing problems and increasing the likelihood of cancer. 

Some air pollutants are harmful to plants, animals, and the ecosystems in which they live. Statues, monuments, and buildings are being corroded by the air pollutants in the form of acid rain. It also damages crops and forests, and makes lakes and streams unsuitable for fish and other plant and animal life. 

Air pollution created by man-made resources is also changing the Earth’s atmosphere. It is causing the depletion of the ozone layer and letting in more harmful radiation from the Sun. The greenhouse gasses released into the atmosphere prevents heat from escaping back into space and leads to a rise in global average temperatures. Global warming affects the average sea-level and increases the spread of tropical diseases.

Air pollution occurs when large amounts of gas and tiny particles are released into the air and the ecological balance is disturbed. Each year millions of tons of gasses and particulate matter are emitted into the air. 

Primary air pollutants are pollutants, which are directly released into the air. They are called SPM, i.e., Suspended Particulate Matter. For example, smoke, dust, ash, sulfur oxide, nitrogen oxide, and radioactive compounds, etc.

Secondary Pollutants are pollutants, which are formed due to chemical interactions between the atmospheric components and primary pollutants. For example, Smog (i.e. Smoke and fog), ozone, etc.

Major gaseous air pollutants include Carbon Dioxide, Hydrogen Sulfide, Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxide, etc.

Natural sources are volcanic eruptions, forest fires, dust storms, etc. 

Man-made sources include gasses released from the automobiles, industries, burning of garbage and bricks kilns, etc.

Effects of Air Pollution on Human Health

Air pollution has adverse effects on human health. 

Breathing polluted air puts you at higher risk of asthma.

When exposed to ground ozone for 6 to 7 hours, people suffer from respiratory inflammation.

Damages the immune system, endocrine, and reproductive systems.

A high level of air pollution has been associated with higher incidents of heart problems.

The toxic chemicals released into the air are affecting the flora and fauna immensely.

Preventive Measures to Reduce Air Pollution

We can prevent pollution by utilizing raw materials, water energy, and other resources more efficiently. When less harmful substances are substituted for hazardous ones, and when toxic substances are eliminated from the production process, human health can be protected and economic wellbeing can be strengthened. 

There are several measures that can be adopted by people to reduce pollution and to save the environment.


Promotion of public transport.

No smoking zone.

Restricted use of fossil fuels.

Saving energy.

Encouraging organic farming.

The government has put restrictions on the amount of fossil fuels that can be used as well as restrictions on how much carbon dioxide and other pollutants can be emitted. Although the government is attempting to save our environment from these harmful gasses, it is not sufficient. We as a society need to keep the environment clean by controlling the pollution of air.


FAQs on Air Pollution Essay

1. State the Causes of Air Pollution ?

The following are the causes of air pollution.

Vehicular pollution consisting of Carbon Monoxide causes pollution.

Emission of Nitrogen oxide by a large number of supersonic transport airplanes causes deterioration of the Ozone layer and also causes serious damage to the flora and fauna.

The release of Chlorofluorocarbons into the Stratosphere causes depletion of Ozone, which is a serious concern to animals, microscopic, and aquatic organisms.

Burning garbage causes smoke, which pollutes the atmosphere. This smoke contains harmful gases such as Carbon dioxide and Nitrogen oxides.

In India, brick kilns are used for many purposes and coal is used to burn the bricks. They give out huge quantities of Carbon dioxide and particulate matter such as smoke, dust that are very harmful to people working there and the areas surrounding it. 

Many cleansing agents release poisonous gases such as Ammonia and Chlorine into the atmosphere. 

Radioactive elements emit harmful rays into the air.

Decomposed animals and plants emit Methane and Ammonia gas into the air.

2. What Does Global Warming Mean?

Global warming is the gradual rising average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere due to the concentration of methane in certain toxic gasses such as carbon dioxide. This has a major impact on the world climate. The world is warming. The land and the sea are now warmer than they were at the beginning and temperatures are still rising. This rise in temperature is, in short, global warming. This temperature rise is man-made. The burning of fossil fuels releases greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere which capture solar heat and raise surface and air temperatures.

3. Name the Alternative Modes of Transport. In What Way Does it Help to Reduce Air Pollution?

Public transport could be an alternative mode of transport. Public transport like trains, buses and trams, can relieve traffic congestion and reduce air pollution from road transport. The use of public transport must be encouraged in order to develop a sustainable transport policy.

4. Mention other means of transportation! How can I help reduce air pollution?

Public transportation can be another mode of transportation. Public transport such as trains, buses and trams can reduce traffic congestion and reduce air pollution from road transport. The use of public transport and to develop sustainable transport policies should be encouraged. While one passenger vehicle has the convenience factor, other modes of transportation reduce travel costs, spend less time, reduce stress, improve health, and reduce energy consumption and parking. Other trips for work include walking/cycling, public transport, hybrid travel and transport.

5. What are the effects of pollution?

Excessive air pollution can increase the risk of heart attack, wheezing, coughing and difficulty breathing, as well as irritation of the eyes, nose and throat. Air pollution can also cause heart problems, asthma, and other lung problems. Due to the emission of greenhouse gases, the composition of the air in the air is disturbed. This causes an increase in global temperature. The damaging ozone layer due to air pollution does not prevent harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun, which cause skin and eye problems in individuals. Air pollution has caused a number of respiratory and heart diseases among people. The incidence of lung cancer has increased in recent decades. Children living in contaminated areas are more likely to develop pneumonia and asthma. Many people die every year due to the direct or indirect effects of air pollution. When burning fossil fuels, harmful gases such as nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides are released into the air. Water droplets combine with these pollutants and become acidic and fall as acid rain, which harms human, animal and plant life.

6. What is the solution to air pollution?

Production of renewable fuels and clean energy. The basic solution to air pollution is to get away from fossil fuels and replace them with other energies such as solar, wind and geothermal. The government limits the amount of fossil fuel that can be used and how much carbon dioxide and other pollutants it can emit. While the government is trying to save our environment from this harmful gas, it is not enough. We as a society need to keep the environment clean by controlling air pollution. To more in detail about air pollution and its causes. To learn more about air pollution and its impact on the environment, visit the Vedantu website.


Air pollution.

Air pollution consists of chemicals or particles in the air that can harm the health of humans, animals, and plants. It also damages buildings.

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Morgan Stanley

Air pollution consists of chemicals or particles in the air that can harm the health of humans, animals, and plants. It also damages buildings. Pollutants in the air take many forms. They can be gases , solid particles, or liquid droplets. Sources of Air Pollution Pollution enters the Earth's atmosphere in many different ways. Most air pollution is created by people, taking the form of emissions from factories, cars, planes, or aerosol cans . Second-hand cigarette smoke is also considered air pollution. These man-made sources of pollution are called anthropogenic sources . Some types of air pollution, such as smoke from wildfires or ash from volcanoes , occur naturally. These are called natural sources . Air pollution is most common in large cities where emissions from many different sources are concentrated . Sometimes, mountains or tall buildings prevent air pollution from spreading out. This air pollution often appears as a cloud making the air murky. It is called smog . The word "smog" comes from combining the words "smoke" and " fog ." Large cities in poor and developing nations tend to have more air pollution than cities in developed nations. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) , some of the worlds most polluted cities are Karachi, Pakistan; New Delhi, India; Beijing, China; Lima, Peru; and Cairo, Egypt. However, many developed nations also have air pollution problems. Los Angeles, California, is nicknamed Smog City. Indoor Air Pollution Air pollution is usually thought of as smoke from large factories or exhaust from vehicles. But there are many types of indoor air pollution as well. Heating a house by burning substances such as kerosene , wood, and coal can contaminate the air inside the house. Ash and smoke make breathing difficult, and they can stick to walls, food, and clothing. Naturally-occurring radon gas, a cancer -causing material, can also build up in homes. Radon is released through the surface of the Earth. Inexpensive systems installed by professionals can reduce radon levels. Some construction materials, including insulation , are also dangerous to people's health. In addition, ventilation , or air movement, in homes and rooms can lead to the spread of toxic mold . A single colony of mold may exist in a damp, cool place in a house, such as between walls. The mold's spores enter the air and spread throughout the house. People can become sick from breathing in the spores. Effects On Humans People experience a wide range of health effects from being exposed to air pollution. Effects can be broken down into short-term effects and long-term effects . Short-term effects, which are temporary , include illnesses such as pneumonia or bronchitis . They also include discomfort such as irritation to the nose, throat, eyes, or skin. Air pollution can also cause headaches, dizziness, and nausea . Bad smells made by factories, garbage , or sewer systems are considered air pollution, too. These odors are less serious but still unpleasant . Long-term effects of air pollution can last for years or for an entire lifetime. They can even lead to a person's death. Long-term health effects from air pollution include heart disease , lung cancer, and respiratory diseases such as emphysema . Air pollution can also cause long-term damage to people's nerves , brain, kidneys , liver , and other organs. Some scientists suspect air pollutants cause birth defects . Nearly 2.5 million people die worldwide each year from the effects of outdoor or indoor air pollution. People react differently to different types of air pollution. Young children and older adults, whose immune systems tend to be weaker, are often more sensitive to pollution. Conditions such as asthma , heart disease, and lung disease can be made worse by exposure to air pollution. The length of exposure and amount and type of pollutants are also factors. Effects On The Environment Like people, animals, and plants, entire ecosystems can suffer effects from air pollution. Haze , like smog, is a visible type of air pollution that obscures shapes and colors. Hazy air pollution can even muffle sounds. Air pollution particles eventually fall back to Earth. Air pollution can directly contaminate the surface of bodies of water and soil . This can kill crops or reduce their yield . It can kill young trees and other plants. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide particles in the air, can create acid rain when they mix with water and oxygen in the atmosphere. These air pollutants come mostly from coal-fired power plants and motor vehicles . When acid rain falls to Earth, it damages plants by changing soil composition ; degrades water quality in rivers, lakes and streams; damages crops; and can cause buildings and monuments to decay . Like humans, animals can suffer health effects from exposure to air pollution. Birth defects, diseases, and lower reproductive rates have all been attributed to air pollution. Global Warming Global warming is an environmental phenomenon caused by natural and anthropogenic air pollution. It refers to rising air and ocean temperatures around the world. This temperature rise is at least partially caused by an increase in the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases trap heat energy in the Earths atmosphere. (Usually, more of Earths heat escapes into space.) Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that has had the biggest effect on global warming. Carbon dioxide is emitted into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels (coal, gasoline , and natural gas ). Humans have come to rely on fossil fuels to power cars and planes, heat homes, and run factories. Doing these things pollutes the air with carbon dioxide. Other greenhouse gases emitted by natural and artificial sources also include methane , nitrous oxide , and fluorinated gases. Methane is a major emission from coal plants and agricultural processes. Nitrous oxide is a common emission from industrial factories, agriculture, and the burning of fossil fuels in cars. Fluorinated gases, such as hydrofluorocarbons , are emitted by industry. Fluorinated gases are often used instead of gases such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). CFCs have been outlawed in many places because they deplete the ozone layer . Worldwide, many countries have taken steps to reduce or limit greenhouse gas emissions to combat global warming. The Kyoto Protocol , first adopted in Kyoto, Japan, in 1997, is an agreement between 183 countries that they will work to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions. The United States has not signed that treaty . Regulation In addition to the international Kyoto Protocol, most developed nations have adopted laws to regulate emissions and reduce air pollution. In the United States, debate is under way about a system called cap and trade to limit emissions. This system would cap, or place a limit, on the amount of pollution a company is allowed. Companies that exceeded their cap would have to pay. Companies that polluted less than their cap could trade or sell their remaining pollution allowance to other companies. Cap and trade would essentially pay companies to limit pollution. In 2006 the World Health Organization issued new Air Quality Guidelines. The WHOs guidelines are tougher than most individual countries existing guidelines. The WHO guidelines aim to reduce air pollution-related deaths by 15 percent a year. Reduction Anybody can take steps to reduce air pollution. Millions of people every day make simple changes in their lives to do this. Taking public transportation instead of driving a car, or riding a bike instead of traveling in carbon dioxide-emitting vehicles are a couple of ways to reduce air pollution. Avoiding aerosol cans, recycling yard trimmings instead of burning them, and not smoking cigarettes are others.

Downwinders The United States conducted tests of nuclear weapons at the Nevada Test Site in southern Nevada in the 1950s. These tests sent invisible radioactive particles into the atmosphere. These air pollution particles traveled with wind currents, eventually falling to Earth, sometimes hundreds of miles away in states including Idaho, Utah, Arizona, and Washington. These areas were considered to be "downwind" from the Nevada Test Site. Decades later, people living in those downwind areascalled "downwinders"began developing cancer at above-normal rates. In 1990, the U.S. government passed the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act. This law entitles some downwinders to payments of $50,000.

Greenhouse Gases There are five major greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere.

  • water vapor
  • carbon dioxide
  • nitrous oxide

London Smog What has come to be known as the London Smog of 1952, or the Great Smog of 1952, was a four-day incident that sickened 100,000 people and caused as many as 12,000 deaths. Very cold weather in December 1952 led residents of London, England, to burn more coal to keep warm. Smoke and other pollutants became trapped by a thick fog that settled over the city. The polluted fog became so thick that people could only see a few meters in front of them.

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Essay on Air Pollution for Students and Children

500+ words essay on air pollution.

Essay on Air Pollution – Earlier the air we breathe in use to be pure and fresh. But, due to increasing industrialization and concentration of poisonous gases in the environment the air is getting more and more toxic day by day. Also, these gases are the cause of many respiratory and other diseases . Moreover, the rapidly increasing human activities like the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation is the major cause of air pollution.

Essay on Air Pollution

How Air Gets Polluted?

The fossil fuel , firewood, and other things that we burn produce oxides of carbons which got released into the atmosphere. Earlier there happens to be a large number of trees which can easily filter the air we breathe in. But with the increase in demand for land, the people started cutting down of trees which caused deforestation. That ultimately reduced the filtering capacity of the tree.

Moreover, during the last few decades, the numbers of fossil fuel burning vehicle increased rapidly which increased the number of pollutants in the air .

Causes Of Air Pollution

Its causes include burning of fossil fuel and firewood, smoke released from factories , volcanic eruptions, forest fires, bombardment, asteroids, CFCs (Chlorofluorocarbons), carbon oxides and many more.

Besides, there are some other air pollutants like industrial waste, agricultural waste, power plants, thermal nuclear plants, etc.

Greenhouse Effect

The greenhouse effect is also the cause of air pollution because air pollution produces the gases that greenhouse involves. Besides, it increases the temperature of earth surface so much that the polar caps are melting and most of the UV rays are easily penetrating the surface of the earth.

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Effects Of Air Pollution On Health

assignment about air pollution

Moreover, it increases the rate of aging of lungs, decreases lungs function, damage cells in the respiratory system.

Ways To Reduce Air Pollution

Although the level of air pollution has reached a critical point. But, there are still ways by which we can reduce the number of air pollutants from the air.

Reforestation- The quality of air can be improved by planting more and more trees as they clean and filter the air.

Policy for industries- Strict policy for industries related to the filter of gases should be introduced in the countries. So, we can minimize the toxins released from factories.

Use of eco-friendly fuel-  We have to adopt the usage of Eco-friendly fuels such as LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas), CNG (Compressed Natural Gas), bio-gas, and other eco-friendly fuels. So, we can reduce the amount of harmful toxic gases.

To sum it up, we can say that the air we breathe is getting more and more polluted day by day. The biggest contribution to the increase in air pollution is of fossil fuels which produce nitric and sulphuric oxides. But, humans have taken this problem seriously and are devotedly working to eradicate the problem that they have created.

Above all, many initiatives like plant trees, use of eco-friendly fuel are promoted worldwide.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Mention five effect of air pollution on human health?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “The major risk factor related to human health are asthma, lung cancer, Alzheimer, psychological complications, and autism. Besides, there are other effects of air pollution on a person’s health.”} }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What is the effect of air pollution in the environment?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”Acid, rain, ozone depletion, greenhouse gases, smog are many other things are the cause of air pollution that affect the environment severely.”} }] }

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Essay on Air Pollution

Essay on air pollution is a crucial topic for students from an academic perspective. Moreover, an essay is one of the most effective ways to educate students about the plight of nature and the repercussions of human activities. Creating awareness for future generations is important if we have to undo decades of ignorance and neglect.

Furthermore, air pollution essay helps students to realize the gravity of the scenario and enable them to take action. Some as simple as using public transport or even carpooling will help reduce a significant amount of air pollution. Read on to discover how to write an engaging essay on air pollution.

Essay on Air Pollution – Important Points to Note

Please consider adopting the following points when writing an essay on air pollution. These tips are also helpful for other essay topics as well:

  • Always begin with an introductory paragraph about the topic, preferably detailing its origin.
  • Unless the topic is technical, try to avoid jargons.
  • Present content in bulleted points wherever possible
  • Insert factual data, such as important dates, places or name wherever possible.
  • Avoid writing the content in a large monotonous block of text. Remember to break up the content into digestible chunks
  • Always conclude the essay with a closing paragraph.

Essay on Air Pollution – Sample 1 (200 Words)

Air pollution is a serious issue and a cause for major concern in today’s world. A report published in 2014  by the World Health Organisation states that 4.21 million individuals died prematurely in 2012 as a result of air pollution. Air pollution existed much before humans, in the form of volcanic eruptions and forest fires. However, it became much more prevalent after the Industrial Revolution.

Rapid industrial growth, unregulated emissions and a host of other issues significantly contributed to the rise in air pollution. In some cases, the severity of air pollution reached an extent where government intervention was necessary. The Great Smog of London, 1952, was an extreme case of air pollution where visibility was severely hampered. It also caused a host of illnesses and the consequent deaths of countless civilians. In November 2017, the levels of air pollution in Delhi were ten times above the safe limits. For reference, the healthy air quality index is between 0 to 50, but during that particular time period, the air quality index hit 500+. This event is now called the Great Smog of Delhi.

An air quality index of 500 and above indicates that the air is heavily polluted and will cause irreversible lung damage and a host of other illnesses to everyone who is exposed to it. Therefore, to avoid such situations in the future, relevant actions must be implemented.

Essay on Air Pollution – Sample 2 (500 Words)

Air pollution may seem like the result of anthropological activities, however, it has been around even before humans evolved. Places which are naturally arid and have minimal vegetation are prone to dust storms. When this particulate matter is added to the air, it can cause health issues in animals exposed to the dust storms.

Furthermore, active volcanoes pump extremely large amounts of toxic plumes and particulate matter into the atmosphere. Wildfires also pump large amounts of carbon monoxide into the atmosphere and hamper photosynthesis for plants. Even animals, especially ruminants such as cows contribute to global warming by producing large quantities of methane, a greenhouse gas.

However, air pollution was never a major concern until the industrial revolution. Industries grew rapidly, untreated emissions were pumped into the atmosphere, and the rise of automobiles significantly contributed to air pollution. Such activities continued without any restrictions until they started to cause a wide range of repercussions.

In humans, air polluted with contaminants can cause a wide array of illnesses ranging from asthma and bronchitis the various forms of cancer. Air pollution is not only present outdoors; interior air pollution is also a great concern. Recent research has actually found credible evidence that room fresheners have the many compounds within them, some of which are classified carcinogens. This means some of those compounds present in the aerosol has the potential to cause some forms of cancer. Other sources of air pollution can include gases such as carbon monoxide and radon.

Radon, in particular, is quite alarming. It is an odourless, colourless gas that occurs naturally. It is found in the soil as Uranium, which breaks down and eventually turns into radon gas. Radon has limited repercussions on health if exposed to low concentrations, however, when this gas gets trapped indoor, the higher levels of concentration can have wreak havoc or ultimately be lethal. Radon is also reported to be released from building materials such as granite. Exposure to radon causes no immediate health effects, but long term exposure has the potential to cause lung cancer.

Air pollution not only affects the lungs but the central nervous system too. It has been linked to a lot of diseases such as schizophrenia and autism. A study also implied that it can cause short-term memory losses or distortion of memory.

Historically, air pollution has caused many crises with the worst ever being the Bhopal Disaster in 1984. Fatalities were estimated at 3,800, with at least 600,000 injured. Next in severity was the Great Smog of 1952 which formed over London, killing an estimated 4,000 civilians over the course of four days.

Though measures have been taken to reduce the effects of air pollution, a lot of irreversible damage has been done. For instance, the effects of global warming have drastically increased; this is very apparent with the rise in sea levels and melting glaciers. If the ice caps continue to melt, then we will have to face drastic repercussions. Scientists have proposed a hypothetical scenario where the greenhouse effect becomes “uncontrolled.” Here, greenhouse gases build up and temperatures continue to rise steeply. Oceans will start to evaporate, adding more water vapour into the earth’s atmosphere. This intensifies the effect, reaching a point where temperatures are sufficiently high for rocks start sublimating. Though this scenario is hypothetical, some speculate that this phenomenon already occurred on Venus. The supporters of this theory back this up by claiming Venus has an atmosphere composed primarily of carbon dioxide. The theory also explains why Venus has an extremely high surface temperature of 462 degrees Celcius; which is in fact, the hottest planet in the solar system.

Hence, we need to reduce our impact on the planet and make a conscious effort to reduce air pollution. Explore more essay topics or other fascinating concepts by registering at BYJU’S

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  • Exposure & health impacts of air pollution 
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  • Climate impacts of air pollution

From smog hanging over cities to smoke inside the home, air pollution poses a major threat to health and climate across the globe.

What is air pollution and how does it lead to disease in our bodies?  

Air pollution is the presence of one or more contaminants in the atmosphere, such as dust, fumes, gas, mist, odour, smoke or vapor, in quantities and duration that can be injurious to human health. The main pathway of exposure from air pollution is through the respiratory tract. Breathing in these pollutants leads to inflammation, oxidative stress, immunosuppression, and mutagenicity in cells throughout our body, impacting the lungs, heart, brain among other organs and ultimately leading to disease.  

What organs are impacted by air pollution?  

Almost every organ in the body can be impacted by air pollution. Due to their small size, some air pollutants are able to penetrate into the bloodstream via the lungs and circulate throughout the entire body leading to systemic inflammation and carcinogenicity.  

What diseases are associated with exposure to air pollution?  

Air pollution is a risk for all-cause mortality as well as specific diseases. The specific disease outcomes most strongly linked with exposure to air pollution include stroke, ischaemic heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer, pneumonia, and cataract (household air pollution only).  

There is suggestive evidence also linking air pollution exposure with increased risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes (i.e. low-birth weight, small for gestational age), other cancers, diabetes, cognitive impairment and neurological diseases. 

What are some of the most important air pollutants leading to disease?  

Although there are many toxins that have adverse impacts on health, pollutants with the strongest evidence for public health concern include particulate matter (PM), carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (O 3 ), nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) and sulphur dioxide (SO 2 ). Fine particulate matter are an especially important source of health risks, as these very small particles can penetrate deep into the lungs, enter the bloodstream, and travel to organs causing systemic damages to tissues and cells. 

How long does someone need to be exposed to air pollution to harm their health?  

Health problems in children and adults can occur because of both short- and long-term exposure to air pollutants. The levels and duration of exposure that can be considered ‘safe’ vary by pollutant, as well as the related disease outcomes. For some pollutants, there are no thresholds below which adverse effects do not occur.  

Exposure to high levels of particulate matter, for example, can lead to reduced lung function, respiratory infections and aggravated asthma from short-term exposure. Whereas long-term or chronic exposure to fine particulate matter increases a person’s risk for diseases with a longer onset, like some noncommunicable diseases including stroke, heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cancer.  

Are some populations more likely to be at higher risk for disease from air pollution?  

The children, elderly and pregnant women are more susceptible to air pollution-related diseases. Genetics, comorbidities, nutrition and sociodemographic factors also impact a person’s susceptibility to air pollution.  

Does exposure to air pollution during pregnancy impact the health of the fetus? 

Maternal exposure to air pollution is associated with adverse birth outcomes, such as low birth weight, pre-term birth and small for gestational age births.  

A growing body of evidence also suggests that air pollution may affect diabetes and neurological development in children.  

Are the health risks the same between ambient air pollution and household air pollution?  

The health impacts from exposure to ambient air pollution or household air pollution are dependent on the types and concentrations of the pollutants in the air pollution mixture to which an individual is exposed. However, the health risks and disease pathways between ambient and household air pollution exposure are often similar, due to their similar composition. Fine particulate matter for example is a common and critical pollutant of both ambient and household air pollution leading to negative health impacts.  

Additional safety risks are associated with many of the fuels and technologies used in the home emitting air pollution. These include burns and poisonings (from kerosene ingestion), as well as physical injury related to fuel collection, including musculoskeletal damage, violence, and animal bites.  

It is important to note that the death and disability estimates attributed to air pollution do not account for all health outcomes associated with air pollution. WHO estimates are likely conservative as only health outcomes for which there is strong certainty in the epidemiological evidence are included (i.e. stroke, ischemic heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia, and lung cancer).  

What is the link of desert dust, air pollution and health?

Desert dust episodes contribute directly to air pollution by increasing particulate matter concentrations and in some regions is an important – sometimes main – source. Desert dust episodes – or sand and dust storms – constitute a growing public health, mainly for respiratory diseases, and environmental concern for many areas of the world. It also has an important transboundary component, which is important to take into account when addressing it at regional and international level.

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Health topics

Air pollution

Environmental health

Household air pollution

Ambient (outdoor) air pollution

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Classroom activities: air pollution.

June 13, 2019

assignment about air pollution

The following activities have been created to supplement resources from Britannica School. They can be used as a basis for lessons around the topic of Air Pollution . Contact your librarian to find out if your institution already has access to Britannica School or claim your own free trial .

Unit Title:

Air Pollution

Key Learning Areas:

Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) and Science


  • Various work samples based on tasks completed e.g. Discussions, Main Idea worksheet
  • Observation of students as they research and work through the task elements
  • Observation of discussions
  • Internet access
  • Cause and Effect Worksheet
  • Main Idea Worksheet


Air pollution is a major environmental issue faced by people in our world today. By understanding what air pollution is, the causes of air pollution and the effect air pollution has on our environment and health, everyone can do their part to reduce it!

Teaching Strategies / Learning Experiences:

The following resources and activity sets can be expanded into lesson plans or community events, distributed as guided study resources or used to frame group discussions. Supporting media can be displayed on an interactive whiteboard or projector to encourage collaboration in a classroom environment.

Activity: What is Air Pollution?

Display the following images to illustrate air pollution around the world. Brainstorm words that describe the images, also discuss the smells associated with air pollution.

Automobile: Air Pollution Air Pollution: Factories Smokestacks Mexico City: Pollution, Mexico City, 1986

Additional images from ImageQuest

Air Pollution Traffic Air Pollution Smoking Chimneys of an Oil Refinery at Sunset

Complete a T Chart describing the Sights and Smells observed when observing air pollution.

Access the Britannica article on Air Pollution and use the information to explain what air pollution is. Record ideas on the Main Idea worksheet .

Activity: What Causes Air Pollution?

Using the related content website from Britannica, Environmental Pollution Centers – What Is Air Pollution? and by watching the National Geographic video Air Pollution, Explained, investigate the different types of air pollutants.

Some examples to investigate from Britannica include;

Volcanic Eruptions Wildland Fires Fossil Fuels Fossil Fuels Greenhouse Gases Smog

Use the Cause and Effect worksheet to explore the air pollutant and its effect on people’s health and the environment.

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Activity: How do we Decrease Air Pollution?

Students brainstorm a list of what can be done to reduce the amount of air pollution. Hold a class discussion in which students share their ideas. Discuss which ideas are easy to implement and which would take more effort.

Discuss, one way to decrease air pollution is to decrease our use of fossil fuels . Fossil fuels are used for many energy purposes, such as transportation , electricity and manufacturing .

Alternative Energy sources can be used to replace fossil fuels as renewable energy sources.

Renewable sources of energy include;

  • Solar Energy
  • Photovoltaic Cell (Solar Cell)
  • Wind Turbines
  • Germany: Eifel Region
  • Geothermal Energy

Create a list of ways students can individually decrease air pollution/pollution. Challenge the students to take action and commit to one of the suggestions below.

  • Use public transport or car sharing, cycle or walk.
  • Switch to a hybrid or electric vehicle and request electric taxis.
  • Turn off the car engine when stationary.
  • Reduce your consumption of meat and dairy to help cut methane emissions.
  • Compost organic food items and recycle non-organic trash.
  • Switch to high-efficiency home heating systems and equipment.
  • Save energy: turn off lights and electronics when not in use.
  • Choose non-toxic paints and furnishings.
  • Audit your family’s habits – ask questions like; How often do people have a shower? Do you throw clothes in the wash when they could be worn again? Which appliances do not need to be plugged in all the time? Where has your food come from, locally or imported?

Activity: World Environment Day Mask Challenge

Face masks are a great symbol to show leaders we want to breathe clean air.

9 out of 10 people breathe polluted air.

On June 5th people around the globe celebrate World Environment Day. To encourage awareness the organisers have invited people to join the Mask Challenge .

  • Take a photo or video of yourself wearing a mask to post on social media. Don’t have a mask?
  • Get creative and make your own!
  • In your post share the action you’ll take to reduce air pollution.
  • Tag 3 people/organisations/companies to challenge them to do the same.
  • Use #WorldEnvironmentDay and #BeatAirPollution in your social media posts and don’t forget to tag @UNEnvironment.

Sources: World Environment Day Global Encyclopaedia Britannica – Earth’s To-Do List Persil Sustainability for Kids

Download Activities [PDF]

These activities and resources have been created using content from Britannica School, the go-to site for safe, comprehensive student research. Contact your librarian to find out if your institution already has access. Find out more about Britannica School or set up your own free trial .

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assignment about air pollution

Five reasons you should care about air pollution

Air pollution is all around us. Indoors, outdoors, in cities and in the countryside. It affects us all, whether we realize it or not. For the longest time, we have taken the air we breathe for granted. There was air, there were smells, there was cold wind, there was hot air.

But recent research has started to shed light on some rather worrisome aspects of what the air around us really contains, and how it affects our bodies. And the more we learn, the more we come to realize that this essential source of life for the planet needs some serious taking care of. Without air there can be no life but breathing polluted air condemns us to a life of disease and early death.

Now that we know how air pollution harms us, there is no excuse not to act. Below are five great reasons to reduce and eliminate air pollution from our lives.

Polluted air is creating a health emergency

There is no doubt today that air pollution is a global public health emergency. It threatens everyone from unborn babies to children walking to school, to women cooking over open fires.

On the street and inside the house, the sources of air pollution can be very different, yet their effects are equally deadly: asthma, other respiratory illnesses and heart disease are among the adverse health effects known to be caused by polluted air.

According to the World Health Organization, every year around 7 million premature deaths are attributable to air pollution—a staggering 800 people every hour or 13 every minute. Overall, air pollution is responsible for more deaths than many other risk factors, including malnutrition, alcohol use and physical inactivity.

Children are most at risk

Globally, 93 per cent of all children breathe air that contains higher concentrations of pollutants than the World Health Organization (WHO) considers safe to human health. As a result, 600,000 children die prematurely each year because of air pollution. As if that were not enough, exposure to dirty air also harms brain development, leading to cognitive and motor impairments, while at the same time putting children at greater risk for chronic disease later in life.

Household air pollution is particularly harmful to women and children due to their traditional home-based roles in many cultures. About 60 per cent of household air pollution-related deaths globally are among women and children, and more than half of all pneumonia deaths in children under five can be attributed to indoor air pollution.


Pollution and poverty go hand in hand

Air pollution goes to the heart of social justice and global inequality, disproportionately affecting poor people.

In homes, air pollution comes mostly from fuels and high-emitting heating and cooking systems. Clean cooking and heating fuels and technologies are out of reach for low-income families, so polluting alternatives are the norm. About 3 billion people depend on burning solid fuels or kerosene to meet household energy needs and 3.8 million of them will die each year from exposure to these pollutants. A lack of awareness of the risks associated with breathing polluted air also contributes to the problem, as well as the cost and difficulty to access healthcare.

Crowded cities and trafficked suburbs are hotspots for outdoor air pollution. According to the World Health Organization, 97 per cent of cities in low- and middle-income countries with more than 100,000 inhabitants do not meet the minimum air quality levels. Around 4 million of the approximately 7 million people who die from air pollution-related diseases every year live in the Asia-Pacific region.

In high-income countries, 29 per cent of cities fall short of meeting the organization’s guidelines. But in those countries, too, poorer communities are often those most exposed—power plants, factories, incinerators and busy roads are often located in or near poor suburban communities.

The cheaper the fuels, the higher the costs

When people get sick, the entire community suffers. Ill people require medical care and medicine, children skip school and working adults miss days of work, either as a result of their own poor health, or to care for a loved one. According to the World Bank, air pollution costs the global economy more than US$5 trillion every year in welfare costs and $225 billion in lost income.

A 2016 study by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development predicts that, if the situation remains unchanged, by 2060 the annual global welfare costs of premature deaths from outdoor air pollution would be US$18-25 trillion, with the costs of pain and suffering from illness estimated at around US$2.2 trillion.

There are other less direct costs, which nonetheless affect us globally. Ground-level ozone is expected to reduce staple crop yields by 26 per cent by 2030, creating food security and nutrition challenges. Air pollution also degrades materials and coatings, decreasing their useful life and generating costs for cleaning, repair and replacement.

UN Environment’s sixth Global Environment Outlook estimates that climate mitigation actions for achieving the Paris Agreement targets would cost about US$22 trillion. Meanwhile, by reducing air pollution, we could save US$54 trillion in combined health benefits. The math is clear: acting now against air pollution translates into saving US$32 trillion.

The right to clean air is a human right

The right to a healthy environment enjoys constitutional status—the strongest form of legal protection available—in more than 100 countries. At least 155 states are legally obligated, through treaties, constitutions and legislation, to respect, protect and fulfil the right to a healthy environment.

The right to clean air is also embedded in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and fully enshrined in the Sustainable Development Goals—the global blueprint for peace and prosperity.

Ready to take action?

Find out what you can do to involve your business, school and families. And call on your government to enforce the World Health Organization guidelines for ambient and indoor air quality.

Remember, clean air is your right!

Air pollution is the theme for  World Environment Day  on 5 June 2019. The quality of the air we breathe depends on the lifestyle choices we make every day. Learn more about how air pollution affects you, and what is being done to clean the air. What are you doing to reduce your emissions footprint and  #BeatAirPollution ?

The 2019 World Environment Day is hosted by China.

For further information please contact Hao Chen

  • Air quality

Further Resources

  • How air pollution is destroying our health
  • State of Global Air 2019
  • More than 90% of the world’s children breathe toxic air every day
  • 3.8 million deaths are attributed to household air pollution annually
  • Air Pollution Deaths Cost Global Economy US$225 Billion
  • The Economic Consequences of Outdoor Air Pollution

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assignment about air pollution

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Air Pollution

Air Pollution introduces students to the many causes and effects of the pollutants in the air. Students will discover how air can be either clean or dirty, and dirty air is what we call pollution. They will discover many causes and learn what they can do to help reduce the amount of pollution in the air.

There are several suggestions in the “Options for Lesson” section that you can incorporate into your lesson. One suggestion is to take students outside to find out if they can see any signs of pollution in the air.


Additional information, what our air pollution lesson plan includes.

Lesson Objectives and Overview: Air Pollution explores the causes and effects of pollution in the air. Students will define the term and explain it clearly, including the causes and effects. Students will also discover how they can help improve the air quality of their environment. This lesson is for students in 3rd grade, 4th grade, and 5th grade.

Classroom Procedure

Every lesson plan provides you with a classroom procedure page that outlines a step-by-step guide to follow. You do not have to follow the guide exactly. The guide helps you organize the lesson and details when to hand out worksheets. It also lists information in the yellow box that you might find useful. You will find the lesson objectives, state standards, and number of class sessions the lesson should take to complete in this area. In addition, it describes the supplies you will need as well as what and how you need to prepare beforehand. The only supplies you will need in addition to the handouts are colored pencils. You may choose to have students use larger drawing paper for the activity as the option suggests in the “Options for Lesson” section. In this case, you’ll need to source drawing paper as well.

Options for Lesson

The “Options for Lesson” section lists several ideas for additional activities or tasks to incorporate into the lesson if you have time or want to extend the lesson further. One option that relates to the activity suggests you allow students to add houses, trees, and other details to the activity pictures. Another option is to use larger drawing paper for the activity and display students’ work around the classroom. You could also take students outside to see if they can recognize any signs of air pollution in the area. Another suggestion is to discuss indoor air pollution and its causes, such as smoking. One more idea is to watch a video with the students that shows examples of air pollution. Instead of having students complete the homework assignment alone at home, another option is to complete it together either as a class or in pairs.

Teacher Notes

The teacher notes page provides an extra paragraph of information regarding the lesson plan and its expectations. It suggests discussing other types of pollution once students understand the general concept. It also points out that using images of pollution will better help students understand the material clearly. Use the blank lines on the page to write down any ideas or thoughts you have before giving the lesson.


What is pollution.

The Air Pollution lesson plan contains two pages of content. The first page introduces the concept of pollution using an analogy. When someone’s hands and face get dirty, they can easily wash them with soap and water. However, when the air becomes dirty, it is far less easy to clean up. The dirt and other substances in the air that should not be there make up what we call air pollution.

Besides dirt, air pollution includes dust, gases, odors, particles, smoke, fumes, and other things that are harmful to humans, animals, plants, and all other living organisms. It affects the earth’s atmosphere in a negative way. The atmosphere is like a blanket of air that protects all life on the planet. It protects the earth from the heat of the sun during the day and ensures the warm air doesn’t escape at night. It basically keeps the earth balanced so that it doesn’t get too hot or too cold. In fact, without the atmosphere, life could not exist.

The pollutants that affect the atmosphere are difficult to avoid. After all, we breathe in the air to survive. Pollution can travel with the wind from one place to another and spread over many miles. The causes of pollution are both natural and manmade. Examples of natural causes include volcanic eruptions, forest fires, wind storms, and pollen.

Air Pollution from Humans

Students will discover that there are quite a few ways that humans have contributed to the pollution in the air. The lesson outlines a few examples: factories, cars, and cleaning products. Factories release smoke and fumes. Power plants even release poisonous gases, like carbon monoxide.

Cars burn fuel, such as gasoline, oil, and other products. They then expel exhaust into the air through the exhaust pipes. People use transportation every day, and not just cars. They also use trucks, trains, buses, and airplanes. All of these vehicles release pollution into the air. In fact, one type of pollution often occurs because of all the vehicles emitting these gases: smog. Smog develops when smoke and fog mix together. Fog alone is not harmful. When it mixes with the smoke from cars or other sources, however, it can be very harmful to living things.

Household and farming chemicals also affect the air. Farmers spray certain chemicals on vegetation or grass to kill bugs. Doing so helps plants and gardens grow. However, it can also negatively affect the quality of the air.

The Effects

Students will next learn about several of the effects of air pollution. One is acid rain. Acid rain is rain that mixes with the pollution in the air. It can harm trees, animals, fish, and other organisms. Another is breathing issues. People often develop breathing problems when the air is dirty and filled with pollutants. This is especially true of people with asthma.

People also suffer from irritation to the eyes, nose, or throat, or a combination of these. They can also get headaches and have allergic reactions. This often happens in the spring when there is a lot of pollen in the air. Sometimes, pollution can have effects that last much longer. People can develop lung cancer, heart disease, and other health problems when they expose themselves to bad air conditions for too long.

The lesson offers a few suggestions for what students can do to help minimize or reduce the amount of pollution in the air. One idea is to use less electricity. When people use energy, it increases the amount of air pollution. After all, electricity is produced at factories, which release smoke and fumes into the atmosphere. Walking places can also help decreases the number of cars on the road.


The Air Pollution lesson plan includes three worksheets: an activity worksheet, a practice worksheet, and a homework assignment. Each one will help to reinforce students’ grasp of the lesson material. The guidelines on the classroom procedure page will describe when to hand out each worksheet to your students throughout the lesson.


For the activity, students will review two pictures and compare what the two scenes would look like without the pollution visible in the pictures. The “Options for Lesson” section on the classroom procedure page suggests letting students be creative. They can add trees or houses or other details to their pictures. You might also want to provide larger sheets of paper.


The practice worksheet requires students to review 20 statements. Students must then figure out whether each statement represents a cause (C) or an effect (E) of air pollution. Then, they will match definitions to the words in the word bank. There are a total of five words and definitions to match.


For the homework assignment, students will fill in the blanks in 10 sentences. Some sentences have more than one blank. There are 17 words in the word bank. Students will need to use each word only once.

Worksheet Answer Keys

The final two pages of the document are the answer keys for the practice and homework worksheets. Both answer keys are straightforward and provide the correct responses in red. Students’ answers should not vary at all from these pages since all of the questions on both assignments have a single right answer. If you choose to administer the lesson pages to your students via PDF, you will need to save a new file that omits these pages. Otherwise, you can simply print out the applicable pages and keep these as reference for yourself when grading assignments.


3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade


Science, Video

State Educational Standards

NGSS.4-ESS3-1, NGSS.4-ESS3-A, & NGSS.K.ESS3-3.

Lessons are aligned to meet the education objectives and goals of most states. For more information on your state objectives, contact your local Board of Education or Department of Education in your state.

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Air Pollution: Current and Future Challenges

Despite dramatic progress cleaning the air since 1970, air pollution in the United States continues to harm people’s health and the environment. Under the Clean Air Act, EPA continues to work with state, local and tribal governments, other federal agencies, and stakeholders to reduce air pollution and the damage that it causes.
  • Learn about more about air pollution, air pollution programs, and what you can do.

Outdoor air pollution challenges facing the United States today include:

  • Meeting health-based standards for common air pollutants
  • Limiting climate change
  • Reducing risks from toxic air pollutants
  • Protecting the stratospheric ozone layer against degradation

Indoor air pollution, which arises from a variety of causes, also can cause health problems. For more information on indoor air pollution, which is not regulated under the Clean Air Act, see EPA’s indoor air web site .

Air Pollution Challenges: Common Pollutants

Great progress has been made in achieving national air quality standards, which EPA originally established in 1971 and updates periodically based on the latest science. One sign of this progress is that visible air pollution is less frequent and widespread than it was in the 1970s.

However, air pollution can be harmful even when it is not visible. Newer scientific studies have shown that some pollutants can harm public health and welfare even at very low levels. EPA in recent years revised standards for five of the six common pollutants subject to national air quality standards. EPA made the standards more protective because new, peer-reviewed scientific studies showed that existing standards were not adequate to protect public health and the environment.

Status of common pollutant problems in brief

Today, pollution levels in many areas of the United States exceed national air quality standards for at least one of the six common pollutants:

  • Although levels of particle pollution and ground-level ozone pollution are substantially lower than in the past, levels are unhealthy in numerous areas of the country. Both pollutants are the result of emissions from diverse sources, and travel long distances and across state lines. An extensive body of scientific evidence shows that long- and short-term exposures to fine particle pollution, also known as fine particulate matter (PM 2.5 ), can cause premature death and harmful effects on the cardiovascular system, including increased hospital admissions and emergency department visits for heart attacks and strokes. Scientific evidence also links PM to harmful respiratory effects, including asthma attacks. Ozone can increase the frequency of asthma attacks, cause shortness of breath, aggravate lung diseases, and cause permanent damage to lungs through long-term exposure. Elevated ozone levels are linked to increases in hospitalizations, emergency room visits and premature death. Both pollutants cause environmental damage, and fine particles impair visibility. Fine particles can be emitted directly or formed from gaseous emissions including sulfur dioxide or nitrogen oxides. Ozone, a colorless gas, is created when emissions of nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds react.  
  • For unhealthy peak levels of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide , EPA is working with states and others on ways to determine where and how often unhealthy peaks occur. Both pollutants cause multiple adverse respiratory effects including increased asthma symptoms, and are associated with increased emergency department visits and hospital admissions for respiratory illness. Both pollutants cause environmental damage, and are byproducts of fossil fuel combustion.  
  • Airborne lead pollution, a nationwide health concern before EPA phased out lead in motor vehicle gasoline under Clean Air Act authority, now meets national air quality standards except in areas near certain large lead-emitting industrial facilities. Lead is associated with neurological effects in children, such as behavioral problems, learning deficits and lowered IQ, and high blood pressure and heart disease in adults.  
  • The entire nation meets the carbon monoxide air quality standards, largely because of emissions standards for new motor vehicles under the Clean Air Act.

In Brief: How EPA is working with states and tribes to limit common air pollutants

  • EPA's air research provides the critical science to develop and implement outdoor air regulations under the Clean Air Act and puts new tools and information in the hands of air quality managers and regulators to protect the air we breathe.  
  • To reflect new scientific studies, EPA revised the national air quality standards for fine particles (2006, 2012), ground-level ozone (2008, 2015), sulfur dioxide (2010), nitrogen dioxide (2010), and lead (2008). After the scientific review, EPA decided to retain the existing standards for carbon monoxide.  EPA strengthened the air quality standards for ground-level ozone in October 2015 based on extensive scientific evidence about ozone’s effects.

EPA has designated areas meeting and not meeting the air quality standards for the 2006 and 2012 PM standards and the 2008 ozone standard, and has completed an initial round of area designations for the 2010 sulfur dioxide standard. The agency also issues rules or guidance for state implementation of the various ambient air quality standards – for example, in March 2015, proposing requirements for implementation of current and future fine particle standards. EPA is working with states to improve data to support implementation of the 2010 sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide standards.

For areas not meeting the national air quality standards, states are required to adopt state implementation plan revisions containing measures needed to meet the standards as expeditiously as practicable and within time periods specified in the Clean Air Act (except that plans are not required for areas with “marginal” ozone levels).

  • EPA is helping states to meet standards for common pollutants by issuing federal emissions standards for new motor vehicles and non-road engines, national emissions standards for categories of new industrial equipment (e.g., power plants, industrial boilers, cement manufacturing, secondary lead smelting), and technical and policy guidance for state implementation plans. EPA and state rules already on the books are projected to help 99 percent of counties with monitors meet the revised fine particle standards by 2020. The Mercury and Air Toxics Standards for new and existing power plants issued in December 2011 are achieving reductions in fine particles and sulfur dioxide as a byproduct of controls required to cut toxic emissions.  
  • Vehicles and their fuels continue to be an important contributor to air pollution. EPA in 2014 issued standards commonly known as Tier 3, which consider the vehicle and its fuel as an integrated system, setting new vehicle emissions standards and a new gasoline sulfur standard beginning in 2017. The vehicle emissions standards will reduce both tailpipe and evaporative emissions from passenger cars, light-duty trucks, medium-duty passenger vehicles, and some heavy-duty vehicles. The gasoline sulfur standard will enable more stringent vehicle emissions standards and will make emissions control systems more effective. These rules further cut the sulfur content of gasoline. Cleaner fuel makes possible the use of new vehicle emission control technologies and cuts harmful emissions in existing vehicles. The standards will reduce atmospheric levels of ozone, fine particles, nitrogen dioxide, and toxic pollution.

Learn more about common pollutants, health effects, standards and implementation:

  • fine particles
  • ground-level ozone
  • sulfur dioxide
  • nitrogen dioxide
  • carbon monoxide

Air Pollution Challenges: Climate Change

EPA determined in 2009 that emissions of carbon dioxide and other long-lived greenhouse gases that build up in the atmosphere endanger the health and welfare of current and future generations by causing climate change and ocean acidification. Long-lived greenhouse gases , which trap heat in the atmosphere, include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and fluorinated gases. These gases are produced by a numerous and diverse human activities.

In May 2010, the National Research Council, the operating arm of the National Academy of Sciences, published an assessment which concluded that “climate change is occurring, is caused largely by human activities, and poses significant risks for - and in many cases is already affecting - a broad range of human and natural systems.” 1 The NRC stated that this conclusion is based on findings that are consistent with several other major assessments of the state of scientific knowledge on climate change. 2

Climate change impacts on public health and welfare

The risks to public health and the environment from climate change are substantial and far-reaching. Scientists warn that carbon pollution and resulting climate change are expected to lead to more intense hurricanes and storms, heavier and more frequent flooding, increased drought, and more severe wildfires - events that can cause deaths, injuries, and billions of dollars of damage to property and the nation’s infrastructure.

Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas pollution leads to more frequent and intense heat waves that increase mortality, especially among the poor and elderly. 3 Other climate change public health concerns raised in the scientific literature include anticipated increases in ground-level ozone pollution 4 , the potential for enhanced spread of some waterborne and pest-related diseases 5 , and evidence for increased production or dispersion of airborne allergens. 6

Other effects of greenhouse gas pollution noted in the scientific literature include ocean acidification, sea level rise and increased storm surge, harm to agriculture and forests, species extinctions and ecosystem damage. 7 Climate change impacts in certain regions of the world (potentially leading, for example, to food scarcity, conflicts or mass migration) may exacerbate problems that raise humanitarian, trade and national security issues for the United States. 8

The U.S. government's May 2014 National Climate Assessment concluded that climate change impacts are already manifesting themselves and imposing losses and costs. 9 The report documents increases in extreme weather and climate events in recent decades, with resulting damage and disruption to human well-being, infrastructure, ecosystems, and agriculture, and projects continued increases in impacts across a wide range of communities, sectors, and ecosystems.

Those most vulnerable to climate related health effects - such as children, the elderly, the poor, and future generations - face disproportionate risks. 10 Recent studies also find that certain communities, including low-income communities and some communities of color (more specifically, populations defined jointly by ethnic/racial characteristics and geographic location), are disproportionately affected by certain climate-change-related impacts - including heat waves, degraded air quality, and extreme weather events - which are associated with increased deaths, illnesses, and economic challenges. Studies also find that climate change poses particular threats to the health, well-being, and ways of life of indigenous peoples in the U.S.

The National Research Council (NRC) and other scientific bodies have emphasized that it is important to take initial steps to reduce greenhouse gases without delay because, once emitted, greenhouse gases persist in the atmosphere for long time periods. As the NRC explained in a recent report, “The sooner that serious efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions proceed, the lower the risks posed by climate change, and the less pressure there will be to make larger, more rapid, and potentially more expensive reductions later.” 11

In brief: What EPA is doing about climate change

Under the Clean Air Act, EPA is taking initial common sense steps to limit greenhouse gas pollution from large sources:

EPA and the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration between 2010 and 2012 issued the first national greenhouse gas emission standards and fuel economy standards for cars and light trucks for model years 2012-2025, and for medium- and heavy-duty trucks for 2014-2018.  Proposed truck standards for 2018 and beyond were announced in June 2015.  EPA is also responsible for developing and implementing regulations to ensure that transportation fuel sold in the United States contains a minimum volume of renewable fuel. Learn more about clean vehicles

EPA and states in 2011 began requiring preconstruction permits that limit greenhouse gas emissions from large new stationary sources - such as power plants, refineries, cement plants, and steel mills - when they are built or undergo major modification. Learn more about GHG permitting

  • On August 3, 2015, President Obama and EPA announced the Clean Power Plan – a historic and important step in reducing carbon pollution from power plants that takes real action on climate change. Shaped by years of unprecedented outreach and public engagement, the final Clean Power Plan is fair, flexible and designed to strengthen the fast-growing trend toward cleaner and lower-polluting American energy. With strong but achievable standards for power plants, and customized goals for states to cut the carbon pollution that is driving climate change, the Clean Power Plan provides national consistency, accountability and a level playing field while reflecting each state’s energy mix. It also shows the world that the United States is committed to leading global efforts to address climate change. Learn more about the Clean Power Plan, the Carbon Pollution Standards, the Federal Plan, and model rule for states

The Clean Power Plan will reduce carbon pollution from existing power plants, the nation’s largest source, while maintaining energy reliability and affordability.  The Clean Air Act creates a partnership between EPA, states, tribes and U.S. territories – with EPA setting a goal, and states and tribes choosing how they will meet it.  This partnership is laid out in the Clean Power Plan.

Also on August 3, 2015, EPA issued final Carbon Pollution Standards for new, modified, and constructed power plants, and proposed a Federal Plan and model rules to assist states in implementing the Clean Power Plan.

On February 9, 2016, the Supreme Court stayed implementation of the Clean Power Plan pending judicial review. The Court’s decision was not on the merits of the rule. EPA firmly believes the Clean Power Plan will be upheld when the merits are considered because the rule rests on strong scientific and legal foundations.

On October 16, 2017, EPA  proposed to repeal the CPP and rescind the accompanying legal memorandum.

EPA is implementing its Strategy to Reduce Methane Emissions released in March 2014. In January 2015 EPA announced a new goal to cut methane emissions from the oil and gas sector by 40 – 45 percent from 2012 levels by 2025, and a set of actions by EPA and other agencies to put the U.S. on a path to achieve this ambitious goal. In August 2015, EPA proposed new common-sense measures to cut methane emissions, reduce smog-forming air pollution and provide certainty for industry through proposed rules for the oil and gas industry . The agency also proposed to further reduce emissions of methane-rich gas from municipal solid waste landfills . In March 2016 EPA launched the National Gas STAR Methane Challenge Program under which oil and gas companies can make, track and showcase ambitious commitments to reduce methane emissions.

EPA in July 2015 finalized a rule to prohibit certain uses of hydrofluorocarbons -- a class of potent greenhouse gases used in air conditioning, refrigeration and other equipment -- in favor of safer alternatives. The U.S. also has proposed amendments to the Montreal Protocol to achieve reductions in HFCs internationally.

Learn more about climate science, control efforts, and adaptation on EPA’s climate change web site

Air Pollution Challenges: Toxic Pollutants

While overall emissions of air toxics have declined significantly since 1990, substantial quantities of toxic pollutants continue to be released into the air. Elevated risks can occur in urban areas, near industrial facilities, and in areas with high transportation emissions.

Numerous toxic pollutants from diverse sources

Hazardous air pollutants, also called air toxics, include 187 pollutants listed in the Clean Air Act. EPA can add pollutants that are known or suspected to cause cancer or other serious health effects, such as reproductive effects or birth defects, or to cause adverse environmental effects.

Examples of air toxics include benzene, which is found in gasoline; perchloroethylene, which is emitted from some dry cleaning facilities; and methylene chloride, which is used as a solvent and paint stripper by a number of industries. Other examples of air toxics include dioxin, asbestos, and metals such as cadmium, mercury, chromium, and lead compounds.

Most air toxics originate from manmade sources, including mobile sources such as motor vehicles, industrial facilities and small “area” sources. Numerous categories of stationary sources emit air toxics, including power plants, chemical manufacturing, aerospace manufacturing and steel mills. Some air toxics are released in large amounts from natural sources such as forest fires.

Health risks from air toxics

EPA’s most recent national assessment of inhalation risks from air toxics 12 estimated that the whole nation experiences lifetime cancer risks above ten in a million, and that almost 14 million people in more than 60 urban locations have lifetime cancer risks greater than 100 in a million. Since that 2005 assessment, EPA standards have required significant further reductions in toxic emissions.

Elevated risks are often found in the largest urban areas where there are multiple emission sources, communities near industrial facilities, and/or areas near large roadways or transportation facilities. Benzene and formaldehyde are two of the biggest cancer risk drivers, and acrolein tends to dominate non-cancer risks.

In brief: How EPA is working with states and communities to reduce toxic air pollution

EPA standards based on technology performance have been successful in achieving large reductions in national emissions of air toxics. As directed by Congress, EPA has completed emissions standards for all 174 major source categories, and 68 categories of small area sources representing 90 percent of emissions of 30 priority pollutants for urban areas. In addition, EPA has reduced the benzene content in gasoline, and has established stringent emission standards for on-road and nonroad diesel and gasoline engine emissions that significantly reduce emissions of mobile source air toxics. As required by the Act, EPA has completed residual risk assessments and technology reviews covering numerous regulated source categories to assess whether more protective air toxics standards are warranted. EPA has updated standards as appropriate. Additional residual risk assessments and technology reviews are currently underway.

EPA also encourages and supports area-wide air toxics strategies of state, tribal and local agencies through national, regional and community-based initiatives. Among these initiatives are the National Clean Diesel Campaign , which through partnerships and grants reduces diesel emissions for existing engines that EPA does not regulate; Clean School Bus USA , a national partnership to minimize pollution from school buses; the SmartWay Transport Partnership to promote efficient goods movement; wood smoke reduction initiatives; a collision repair campaign involving autobody shops; community-scale air toxics ambient monitoring grants ; and other programs including Community Action for a Renewed Environment (CARE). The CARE program helps communities develop broad-based local partnerships (that include business and local government) and conduct community-driven problem solving as they build capacity to understand and take effective actions on addressing environmental problems.

Learn more about air toxics, stationary sources of emissions, and control efforts Learn more about mobile source air toxics and control efforts

Air Pollution Challenges: Protecting the Stratospheric Ozone Layer

The  ozone (O 3 ) layer  in the stratosphere protects life on earth by filtering out harmful ultraviolet radiation (UV) from the sun. When chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other ozone-degrading chemicals  are emitted, they mix with the atmosphere and eventually rise to the stratosphere. There, the chlorine and the bromine they contain initiate chemical reactions that destroy ozone. This destruction has occurred at a more rapid rate than ozone can be created through natural processes, depleting the ozone layer.

The toll on public health and the environment

Higher levels of  ultraviolet radiation  reaching Earth's surface lead to health and environmental effects such as a greater incidence of skin cancer, cataracts, and impaired immune systems. Higher levels of ultraviolet radiation also reduce crop yields, diminish the productivity of the oceans, and possibly contribute to the decline of amphibious populations that is occurring around the world.

In brief: What’s being done to protect the ozone layer

Countries around the world are phasing out the production of chemicals that destroy ozone in the Earth's upper atmosphere under an international treaty known as the Montreal Protocol . Using a flexible and innovative regulatory approach, the United States already has phased out production of those substances having the greatest potential to deplete the ozone layer under Clean Air Act provisions enacted to implement the Montreal Protocol. These chemicals include CFCs, halons, methyl chloroform and carbon tetrachloride. The United States and other countries are currently phasing out production of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), chemicals being used globally in refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment and in making foams. Phasing out CFCs and HCFCs is also beneficial in protecting the earth's climate, as these substances are also very damaging greenhouse gases.

Also under the Clean Air Act, EPA implements regulatory programs to:

Ensure that refrigerants and halon fire extinguishing agents are recycled properly.

Ensure that alternatives to ozone-depleting substances (ODS) are evaluated for their impacts on human health and the environment.

Ban the release of ozone-depleting refrigerants during the service, maintenance, and disposal of air conditioners and other refrigeration equipment.

Require that manufacturers label products either containing or made with the most harmful ODS.

These vital measures are helping to protect human health and the global environment.

The work of protecting the ozone layer is not finished. EPA plans to complete the phase-out of ozone-depleting substances that continue to be produced, and continue efforts to minimize releases of chemicals in use. Since ozone-depleting substances persist in the air for long periods of time, the past use of these substances continues to affect the ozone layer today. In our work to expedite the recovery of the ozone layer, EPA plans to augment CAA implementation by:

Continuing to provide forecasts of the expected risk of overexposure to UV radiation from the sun through the UV Index, and to educate the public on how to protect themselves from over exposure to UV radiation.

Continuing to foster domestic and international partnerships to protect the ozone layer.

Encouraging the development of products, technologies, and initiatives that reap co-benefits in climate change and energy efficiency.

Learn more About EPA’s Ozone Layer Protection Programs

Some of the following links exit the site

1 National Research Council (2010), Advancing the Science of Climate Change , National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., p. 3.

2 National Research Council (2010), Advancing the Science of Climate Change , National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., p. 286.

3 USGCRP (2009).  Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States . Karl, T.R., J.M. Melillo, and T.C. Peterson (eds.). United States Global Change Research Program. Cambridge University Press, New York, NY, USA.

4 CCSP (2008).  Analyses of the effects of global change on human health and welfare and human systems . A Report by the U.S. Climate Change Science Program and the Subcommittee on Global Change Research. Gamble, J.L. (ed.), K.L. Ebi, F.G. Sussman, T.J. Wilbanks, (Authors). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA.

5 Confalonieri, U., B. Menne, R. Akhtar, K.L. Ebi, M. Hauengue, R.S. Kovats, B. Revich and A. Woodward (2007). Human health. In:  Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability  .  Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change  Parry, M.L., O.F. Canziani, J.P. Palutikof, P.J. van der Linden and C.E. Hanson, (eds.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom.

7 An explanation of observed and projected climate change and its associated impacts on health, society, and the environment is included in the EPA’s Endangerment Finding and associated technical support document (TSD). See EPA, “ Endangerment and Cause or Contribute Findings for Greenhouse Gases under Section 202(a) of the Clean Air Act ,” 74 FR 66496, Dec. 15, 2009. Both the Federal Register Notice and the Technical Support Document (TSD) for Endangerment and Cause or Contribute Findings are found in the public docket, Docket No. EPA-OAR-2009-0171.

8 EPA, Endangerment Finding , 74 FR 66535.

9 . U.S. Global Change Research Program, Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third National Climate Assessment , May 2014.

10 EPA, Endangerment Finding , 74 FR 66498.

11 National Research Council (2011) America’s Climate Choices: Report in Brief , Committee on America’s Climate Choices, Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, Division on Earth and Life Studies, The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C., p. 2.

12 EPA, 2005 National-Scale Air Toxics Assessment (2011).

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  • Dripping Wet or Dry as a Bone?
  • Turning the Air Upside Down
  • Word Origins & Metaphors: Take Their Word for It!
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Unit Lesson Activity

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Air pollution is becoming an increasing concern as we learn more about the adverse health effects of poor air quality. Engineers investigate the source and effect of air pollution on people and their environment, and do their best to prevent it and clean it up. Environmental engineers must know the composition of air and chemicals to determine how to mitigate poor air quality.

After this lesson, students should be able to:

  • Identify some of the main causes, effects and sources of air pollution.
  • Define Air Quality Index (AQI).
  • Explain the properties of air (takes up space, has mass, can move, exerts pressure, can do work.)
  • Describe the roles of engineers in addressing air pollution.
  • Explain how air pollutants affect the temperature of the atmosphere.

Educational Standards Each TeachEngineering lesson or activity is correlated to one or more K-12 science, technology, engineering or math (STEM) educational standards. All 100,000+ K-12 STEM standards covered in TeachEngineering are collected, maintained and packaged by the Achievement Standards Network (ASN) , a project of D2L ( In the ASN, standards are hierarchically structured: first by source; e.g. , by state; within source by type; e.g. , science or mathematics; within type by subtype, then by grade, etc .

Ngss: next generation science standards - science.

NGSS Performance Expectation

MS-ESS3-5. Ask questions to clarify evidence of the factors that have caused the rise in global temperatures over the past century. (Grades 6 - 8)

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This lesson focuses on the following aspects of NGSS:
Science & Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas Crosscutting Concepts
Ask questions to identify and clarify evidence of an argument.

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Human activities, such as the release of greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels, are major factors in the current rise in Earth's mean surface temperature (global warming). Reducing the level of climate change and reducing human vulnerability to whatever climate changes do occur depend on the understanding of climate science, engineering capabilities, and other kinds of knowledge, such as understanding of human behavior and on applying that knowledge wisely in decisions and activities.

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Stability might be disturbed either by sudden events or gradual changes that accumulate over time.

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International Technology and Engineering Educators Association - Technology

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State Standards

Colorado - science.

Before Class Begins

Print the Air Sayings attachment , page 1. Cut apart each of the boxes containing the sayings and meanings. You may have more of your own sayings/meanings to add.

Alternatively, you could give students a handout ( Scrambled Air Sayings , use page 2 of the Air Sayings attachment) and have them match the sayings to the meanings, or write the air sayings on the board or on a transparency (use page 3 of the Air Sayings attachment ) and ask students to describe what the sayings mean.

With the Students

Hand out one strip (either a saying or a meaning) to each student as they enter the classroom. Tell the students that some of them have received a strip with a saying that we commonly use that makes a reference to air. Explain that other students in the classroom have received a description of what one of the air sayings means. You may want to use one of them as an example.

Ask the students to walk around and find their partner. Each pair should consist of a matching saying and meaning.

After all the students have found their partners, ask them to read their sayings and meanings aloud to the rest of the class. Have the students return to their seats.

Discuss the following questions with the students.

  • Why do you think we have all these sayings that relate to air? (Possible answer: Air is important to us because it contains oxygen, which is essential to life.)
  • Why air is so important to us? (See above answer.)
  • Does the quality of our air matter? Is clean air important? (Answer: Yes, polluted air can cause serious problems for us and our environment. See the Background section for more details.)
  • How does air get dirty? What is air pollution? What are air pollution sources? (Answer: Air pollution is caused by several things that people do, especially burning fossil fuels. See Figure 1. See the Background section for more details.)
  • What could happen if you breathe polluted air? (Answer: Polluted air can cause itchy eyes, coughing and diseases for humans and other life on Earth, as well as change or destroy our buildings, etc. Very fine dust in the air can actually enter our bloodstream directly and cause both respiratory and cardiovascular problems. See the Background section for more details.)

A drawing explaining the role of sunlight and carbon dioxide and other gases in this effect. Some sunlight that hits the earth is reflected. Some becomes heat. CO2 and other gases in the atmosphere trap heat, keeping the planet warm.

  • Distribute the attached Air Pollution Sources chart . Briefly discuss the contents. 

Share the following information with the students.

  • Long ago, people were not worried about clean air because we seemed to have an endless supply. Today, many more people live in our world, and we are rapidly polluting this essential resource which is contributing to climate change. We need to find better ways to protect and improve our air. Refer to the literacy based associated activity Environmental History Timeline for students to gain an understanding of how time has played a factor in the planet's pollution. 
  • In this unit, students consider what air pollution is, the sources, the effect it has on us and our environment, and ways to prevent it and clean it up. Engineers play integral roles in the problems of and the solutions to air pollution.
  • Students begin with this lesson to develop their understanding of the composition and properties of air as well as some general definitions and awareness of air quality. Follow-up with the associated activity Air Composition Pie Charts: A Recipe for Air to help students illustrate these concepts. 
  • Engineers begin with these same basic understandings of air and air pollution in order to develop air pollution prevention and clean-up techniques and technologies.

Lesson Background and Concepts for Teachers

Most of the time, we hardly notice the air around us. We cannot usually see it or taste it. Air does not usually smell (but it does carry substances that we do smell). However, you can feel air when it moves and you can see the effects of air on your surroundings. When air moves, it has great power (to push sailboats, drive windmills, and move clouds), and when it is compressed (squashed into a small space), it has great strength (air in a tire supports a vehicle and helps a helicopter to rise into the air). Refer to the associated activity Air - Is It Really There? for students to learn more about the properties of air by watching and conducting several simple experiments.

We must have air to survive. Because of this, engineers work to solve our air pollution problems. There are many things that complicate these solutions, so engineers who work on air pollution problems must have a firm understanding of the composition, properties and behavior of air.

Air Pollution History

About 800 years ago, King Edward I of England (1272 – 1307) imposed a death penalty on anyone found burning coal (the high sulfur type), because it created noxious fumes and an "intolerable smell." During Queen Elizabeth I's (1558 – 1603) reign, she created laws to stop people from burning coal in London, but coal was so cheap that no one paid much attention. In the 17th century, John Evelyn wrote two books about pollution (about smoke pollution in London and about plans to save woodlands).

Serious problems started in the 1800s with the coal-burning factories of the Industrial Revolution era. During this time, much home-based hand manufacturing shifted to large-scale factory production. One consequence was a great increase in pollution emitted into our skies (see Figure 3). The introduction of motor vehicles in the 1900s increased atmospheric pollution greatly.

A photograph of industrial smoke stacks emitting air pollution.

In the 1970s, the U.S. passed legislation to curb sources of air pollution and set standards for air quality. In 1987, more than 20 nations signed an agreement to limit CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) production and work towards eliminating them altogether. In 1989, major car manufacturers and oil companies funded a $40 million research study to help find ways to reduce emissions. In 1990, Congress passed the Clean Air Act, which requires industry and individuals to take additional steps to clean the air in our cities. In 2019, California passed a bill that will effectively lower emissions by the equivalent of taking 145,000 and 375,000 trucks off the roads in California alone through a maintenance and emissions inspection program for heavy-duty trucks.

What Are Air Pollutants?

Clean air contains only the gases and water vapor needed to keep the Earth's environment healthy. Pollutants are substances, or even energy, that contaminate our air and harm living things (and some non-living ones, too). A high concentration of pollutants in the air is called air pollution.

There are literally hundreds of pollutants that float around in the air that we breathe. Some come from natural sources, but most come from human activity. Air pollutants consist of numerous particulates, fibers, mists, molds, bacteria, and gases. They are found outdoors and indoors. Climatic conditions and emission sources dictate the magnitude and variety of air pollutants found outdoors. Most major air pollutants are invisible, but large amounts of them can be seen as smog when they are concentrated in areas such as cities. (See the lessons  Visible Air Pollution and Invisible Air Pollution , for details about visible and invisible air pollutants.)

Indoor air pollution is becoming a large concern for environmental engineers because the majority of the public's time is spent indoors. Indoor air pollutants include: pesticides, dust, fibers, furnishings, radon, fungi, chemicals, cleaning supplies, and animal dander. (Refer to the  I've Gotta Get Some Air  for more information.)

Some people also consider sound pollution a type of air pollution because sound waves travel through the air. Outdoor sources include loud jet engines, construction equipment, huge trucks and other forms of transportation, etc. Indoor sources include music, TVs, mixers, dishwashers, washing machines, etc. Bright outdoor lights are also considered a source of air pollution, especially to astronomers.

Air Pollution Sources

Outdoor Sources — The burning of fossil fuels is one of the main causes of air pollution. Smoke and fumes containing carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide from power stations and factories are the worst offenders. Car exhaust is another primary source of air pollution. It contains both invisible gases (carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides) and particles. Many consumer products (hair spray, paint, cleaners) release high levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the atmosphere. Other substantial sources of outdoor air pollution include gas stations, industry, agriculture, and forestry.

Volcanic eruptions, a natural outdoor source of air pollution, often spew gases and ash into the atmosphere. Forest fires also release dust and smoke into the air.

Indoor Sources — Indoor air pollutants can be created within a building or drawn inside from outdoor sources. Indoor sources include: foundations, equipment (malfunctioning HVAC systems, emissions from office equipment/labs), furnishings (new carpet that releases formaldehyde and burnt Teflon pans), dust-producing or water-damaged materials, unsanitary trash emissions, insects and pests, food preparation areas, cleaning materials, pets and people (smoking). Some of the most common outdoor air pollutants that are brought inside are: smog, bacteria and mold spores, vehicle exhaust, exhaust fumes, pollen and dust, algae (from standing water) and smoke.

How Do Air Pollutants Affect Us?

The cumulative effect of air pollution destroys our environment and poses health threats to humans and other living organisms. Air pollution can make people sick, make things dirty, damage buildings and our ecosystem, change the weather, trap heat and make the air warmer than it should be, chew holes in the atmosphere and mix with clouds to form poisonous acid rain. These changes over time have a negative impact on our environment and contribute to climate change, which is the shift in long term weather patterns that can cause warmer/colder temperatures and alter the average amount of rainfall or snowfall in a particular area. These changes can result in rising sea levels, shrinking glaciers, and an increase in natural disasters such as hurricanes and floods. Earth’s climate has constantly changed throughout history, but scientists have noticed that these changes are happening faster and faster due to humankind’s accelerated emission of greenhouse gases.

Air pollutants may cause a variety of adverse human health effects ranging from minor (rashes, eye/nose irritation, headaches, fatigue, shortness of breath, coughing, sneezing and dizziness) to major effects (cancer, breathing complications/asthma, kidney failure, liver damage and birth defects). The degree of the health effects depends on the magnitude and frequency of exposure to the pollutants.

Environmental effects are also numerous. For example, sulfur dioxide emissions combine with water particles and fall to the Earth in the form of acid rain or snow. This destroys the food and nutrients for fish and other aquatic life in oceans, lakes and streams. It damages trees, other plants and even some buildings. CFCs transform and destroy the ozone layer, which increases the Earth's exposure to ultraviolet radiation and can cause crop failures, skin cancer and other environmental/health disasters.

The water cycle usually cleans the air of pollutants naturally. Currently, however, there are two problems with this: the water cycle is unable to clean contaminants as quickly as they are added, and high concentrations of pollutants contribute to acid rain (see Figure 4).

A drawing showing pollution from factories and power plants contaminating clouds, and resulting in acid rain and polluted land and rivers.

What Are Air Pollutant Solutions?

How do we get people to keep the air clean? The government passes strict legislation to control the amount of by-products released by industrial companies and modes of transportation. These air quality standards are designed to protect the health and welfare of people, plants and animals, and protect structures, monuments, water resources, etc. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) set national standards for six specific air pollutants that tend to reach unsafe levels. These six pollutants are: carbon monoxide (from vehicles), nitrogen oxides (from power plants), lead (from metal refineries), sulfur dioxide (from coal-burning power plants), particulate matter and tropospheric (low-level) ozone (not to be confused with upper-level ozone — also called stratospheric ozone — which helps filter out harmful rays from the sun). Students can learn more about their local air qualities with the associated activity What Color is Your Air Today?

On a more personal level, adjustments can be made to help improve the air. For example, one can reduce fuel use by joining a car pool, taking the bus/train, riding a bike or walking. In general, reducing energy use (especially in our homes) can be an important contribution to improving air quality. Also, some people choose to buy and use more environmentally-friendly products such as non-aerosol hair spray and non-toxic cleansers.

Who Cares? Why Do We Need Pollution Solutions?

Oxygen is a colorless, tasteless and odorless gas that forms about 21% of the Earth's atmosphere (by volume). All living things need the oxygen in the air to survive. Without the oxygen gas available in non-polluted air, the Earth would not have any living organisms.

Humans cannot live without oxygen for more than a few minutes. Because air is essential to our survival, our bodies are constantly interacting with it. Air enters our bodies through our mouths and noses. Inhalation is the process of breathing air through the mouth and nose into our lungs. Once air enters the lungs, cells take the oxygen from the air and distribute it throughout the body. Once the cells have finished with the oxygen, our body exhales and pushes out the remaining air (and the carbon dioxide by-product) from our lungs.

Air supports other biological activities as well. Air allows us to hear (objects move the air around them and these air waves cause our eardrum to vibrate). Air allows us to see (light travels through air very quickly). Air allows us to smell (carries tiny particles that make up odors).

Air is also necessary in many non-biological activities. Air helps distribute heat and water around the world. We can tell that air is at work when objects (leaves, branches, flags, clouds) are moving, and when thunder is crashing. There are many other objects that rely on air to move, too. An airplane uses air to help it take off from the runway, a bird needs it to fly, a sailboat needs it to move in the water, and a hot air balloon uses it to rise off the ground. Other uses for air include heating and cooling, recreation, energy and pollination.

What will the world be like if we do not develop some solutions to our air pollution problems? Even today, if people travel to places where there is not as much oxygen/air (tops of mountains, underwater) or no air at all (space) they must take air with them. This could become an everyday experience if we continue to neglect and mistreat this essential natural resource.

Read more about air pollution in the attached Air Pollution Reading and Health Effects Reading .

Air Pollution Facts

  • In 1992, the United Nations declared Mexico City to be the world's most polluted city. When pollution was really bad, birds were known to drop dead out of the sky. As of 2019, the world's most polluted city was Ghaziabad, India.
  • Every day, each of the world's 987.5 million cattle (as of 2020) gives off 250-500 liters of methane (produced in their gut as they digest food). Methane is also produced in large quantities by rotting vegetation in landfills and by the production and transport of coal, natural gas, and oil. Methane is a very potent greenhouse gas; it contributes readily to the increasing temperature of our earth's atmosphere.
  • The average person takes about 20,000 breaths a day.
  • Even though plants make oxygen, which is essential to live, humans have destroyed almost half of the original forests on Earth. As of 2020, only one-fifth of the Earth's original forests remain pristine and undisturbed.

Watch this activity on YouTube

  • Environmental History Timeline - In this literacy activity, students develop critical thinking skills, learn about the concept of a timeline and develop a sense of the context of events.

As a class exercise with student participation, read the attached The Day the Air Pollution Gremlins Came to Town short play .

air: The mixture of invisible, odorless, tasteless gases (mainly nitrogen and oxygen) that surrounds the Earth.

air pollution : The gases and particles that negatively affect the quality of the air around us, are harmful to the environment and/or enter the atmosphere at highly concentrated levels (for example, oxygen and pollen are often present in the air, but are not considered pollution). Generally consists of: visible gases, invisible gases and particulate matter (such as soot).

allergy: A physical reaction (sneezing, coughing, etc.) to something in the air (such as pollen, dust, dander, pollution, etc.).

asthma: A condition, often caused by allergies, that causes a tightness in the chest (breathing tubes become swollen), difficulty breathing (cannot get enough air) and wheezing.

atmosphere: The layer of air that surrounds the Earth like a blanket. It keeps the Earth warm and protects it from harmful radiation.

carbon dioxide: A colorless, highly poisonous odorless gas made of one carbon and two oxygen atoms formed during breathing, combustion and biomass decaying, which adds to the greenhouse effect by retaining infrared radiation within the atmosphere. Abbreviated as CO2.

carbon monoxide: A colorless, odorless gas made of one carbon atom and one oxygen atom. Very harmful at elevated levels. Abbreviated as CO.

chlorofluorocarbon: Any of various compounds consisting of carbon, hydrogen, chlorine and fluorine, once used widely as aerosol propellants and refrigerants. Chlorofluorocarbons are believed to cause depletion of the atmospheric ozone layer. Abbreviated as CFC.

dioxin: A highly toxic family of chemicals used to make poisonous substances such as weed killers and bleaching products (for example, to make paper white). Also released from burning plastics. Poisonous at 1 part per billion (ppb).

emission: Gases or particles that are given off from man-made sources (for example, when fossil fuels are burned) and natural sources (for example, from plant photosynthesis).

fossil fuel: A material that forms naturally, underground from the remains of ancient organisms (plants and animals) from millions of years ago. For example, petroleum, coal, natural gas.

greenhouse effect: The phenomenon whereby the Earth's atmosphere traps solar radiation, caused by the presence in the atmosphere of gases such as carbon dioxide, water vapor and methane that allow incoming sunlight to pass through but absorb heat radiated back from the Earth's surface.

hydrocarbon: An organic compound containing atoms of hydrogen and carbon.

nitrogen oxide: A gas that form when nitrogen and oxygen in the atmosphere are burned with fossil fuels at high temperatures. Abbreviated as NOx.

oxygen: A colorless, tasteless, odorless gaseous element that constitutes 21% of the atmosphere. Abbreviated as O.

ozone: Ground-level ozone is the principal component of smog, created from chemical reactions of pollutants; VOCs, and NOX. A strong oxidant. Abbreviated as O3.

particulate matter: Very small material suspended in the air in the form of minute solid particles or liquid droplets, especially when considered as an atmospheric pollutant. Includes anything that floats in the air, such as materials that have been burned (ash, smoke, soot), dust, pollen, soil, chemicals, etc. Abbreviated as PM.

pollen: The powdery grains of flowering plants (they fertilize seeds). Usually appears as a fine yellow dust.

pollutant: A harmful chemical or waste material discharged into the water or atmosphere. Some are visible and some are invisible.

reformulated gasoline: A cleaner-burning form of gasoline that reduces the amount of pollutants emitted into the air through tailpipes and via evaporation from the gas tank. Oxygenates are a principal component. Abbreviated as RFG.

stratosphere: The layer of air that extends from about 10 to 30 miles above the Earth's surface.

volatile organic compound: An organic chemical containing carbon that escapes into the air easily. Abbreviated as VOC. Many VOCs are also hazardous air pollutants that can cause serious illnesses. Carbon is the basic chemical element found in living beings; carbon-containing chemicals are called organic. Example VOCs include some hairspray, cleaners, air fresheners and paints.

Pre-Lesson Assessment

Air Sayings Game : Have students become familiar with everyday sayings related to air, as directed in the Introduction / Motivation section.

Post-Introduction Assessment

Discussion Questions : Have students respond to discussion questions provided in the Introduction / Motivation section.

Lesson Summary Assessment

Flashcards : Have students create flashcards of air pollution terms and definitions. Materials list:

  • Air Pollution Flashcards , one per student (print two-sided)
  • magazines/newspapers for students to cut up
  • colored pencils or crayons or markers

Note: Blank flash cards are also provided in the attachment so you can have students add to their flashcards throughout the unit by adding the new vocabulary terms in each lesson.

Ask/answer: Have students ask and answer questions to clarify evidence of the factors that have caused the rise in global temperatures. 

Internet Search : Divide the flashcards up among team members. Have them search for the terms on the Internet, and record (on the term side of the flashcard) the website at which they found the term or concept. Have them pick the two sites that interested them the most and share them with the class during the next class period.

Lesson Extension Activities

An additional activity that demonstrates the presence of air and how it is useful is playing with parachutes. Students can make their own or purchase inexpensive toy parachutes at drug stores.

Invite someone from the EPA (or other local person responsible for monitoring air quality) to your classroom. Encourage students to ask questions about the types, causes and levels of air pollution in your community, and what measures are in place to improve the air quality.

Find out about factories in your area. What do they make? What types of waste do they produce? How do they dispose of the waste? Investigate them on the EPA website (

The EPA offers a free Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Kit. (; last accessed August 12, 2020.)

Try the activities at the Environmental Education for Kids: The Air around Us page at the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources website. (; last accessed August 12, 2020.)

Download the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality's Air Quality Coloring and Activity Book (especially the air pollution section), 2004. Originally found at: (Now at:; last accessed on August 12, 2020.) Here is a slightly different and updated pdf version:, last accessed on August 12, 2020.

Have students research and explore how lichens can indicate air pollution levels. For an introduction to the topic, see Brenda Walpole's 175 Science Experiments to Amuse and Amaze Your Friends , pg. 85.

Give students parts from the The Day the Air Pollution Gremlins Came to Town , a short plan, and have them come up with their own play.

assignment about air pollution

Students are introduced to the concepts of air pollution and technologies that engineers have developed to reduce air pollution. They develop an understanding of visible air pollutants with an incomplete combustion demonstration, a "smog in a jar" demonstration, construction of simple particulate ma...

preview of 'Got Dirty Air?' Lesson

Students learn the basics about the structure of the Earth’s atmosphere, the types of pollutants that are present in the atmosphere (primary, secondary, gas-phase compounds, particulate matter), and the importance of air quality research. They are also introduced to some engineering concepts such as...

preview of 'An Introduction to Air Quality Research' Lesson

Through an overview of some of the environmental challenges facing the growing and evolving country of China today, students learn about the effects of indoor and outdoor air pollution that China is struggling to curb with the help of engineers and scientists.

preview of 'Introduction to Environmental Challenges in China' Lesson

Students are presented with examples of the types of problems that environmental engineers solve, specifically focusing on air and land quality issues.

preview of 'Introduction to Environmental Engineering' Lesson

EPA NE: Air Quality Curriculum. Project A.I.R.E (Air Information Resources for Educators). October 5, 2002. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Accessed November 2, 2020.

EPA-OAQPS Plain English Guide to the Clean Air Act. May 1, 2002. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Accessed November 2, 2020.

Jones, Maclyn. Air Pollution: Visible and Invisible. Updated August 2, 2004. Lesson Plans for Teachers, TCEQ, Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission. Accessed September 18, 2006. Originally found at:

Kalman, Bobbie and Schaub, Janine. The Air I Breathe . New York, NY: Crabtree Publishing Company, 1993. (Source of air sayings quotations.)

Land, Lea. Air Terms: The Flash Card Game . Last updated August 2, 2004. Lesson Plans for Teachers, TCEQ, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Accessed September 18, 2006. Originally found at:

Walpole, Brenda. 175 Science Experiments to Amuse and Amaze Your Friends . Random House Children's Books, 1988.

Other Related Information

Browse the TeachEngineering NGSS Engineering-aligned Physics Curriculum  hub for additional Physics and Physical Science curriculum featuring Engineering.


Supporting program, acknowledgements.

The contents of this digital library curriculum were developed under grants from the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), U.S. Department of Education and National Science Foundation (GK-12 grant no. 0338326). However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policies of the Department of Education or National Science Foundation, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government.

Last modified: December 11, 2020


Air Pollution and Control

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Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Elective
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
Credit Points : 3
Start Date : 23 Jan 2023
End Date : 14 Apr 2023
Enrollment Ends : 06 Feb 2023
Exam Registration Ends : 17 Mar 2023
Exam Date : 30 Apr 2023 IST