• Presentations

Financial Report

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Reviewed by Denis Malkov

Design your financial presentation using our free customizable template with financial data slides.

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Financial Report Presentation

Prepared for:

​ [Client.Company] ​

Image 48

Prepared by:

​ [Sender.FirstName] [Sender.LastName] [Sender.Title] [Sender.Company] ​

Executive summary

Revenue over time

Balance sheet

Revenue over Customer

Revenue by key products

P&L (Profit

Financial analysis

Revenue by region

Table of Contents

Image 50

Executive summary

Add your executive summary here with financial goals, market analysis, and a preview

of the data that this presentation is going

Image 51

Financial metrics

Including financial metrics in your presentation will give the report credibility

and help everyone visualize the underlying data.

Metrics to include:

Earnings per share.

Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization.

Operating income

Revenue minus operating expenses.

Profit margins

Net income divided by revenue.

Operating income minus non-operating expenses.

Image 52

Financial results

Present financial outcomes (both positive and negative) on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual basis.

Gross Profit Margin

Net Profit Margin

Working Capital

Current Ratio

Quick Ratio


Debt-to-Equity Ratio

Image 53

Financial analysis

Financial analysis helps you spot trends, set policies, and create long-term plans for your business.

Growth Ratios



Activity Ratios



Sales Growth



Receivable Turnover



Income Growth



Inventory Turnover



Asset Growth



Fixed Asset Turnover



Profitability Ratios



Liquidity Ratios



Profit Margin



Current Ratio



Return on Assets



Quick Ratio



Return on Equility



Solvency Ratios



Dividened Payout Ratio



Debt to Total Assets



Price Earnings Ratio



Image 54

Revenue and profit

Add your revenue and profit data to give shareholders a clear picture of gross margins for the business.

Image 55

Your revenue

Your profit

Image 67

Revenue over time

Add your revenue over time (on a monthly, quarterly, and/or annual basis) to show how fast your company is growing.

Image 45

Revenue over customer segments

Present revenue for each customer segment to identify the highest-value groups.

Image 57



Revenue by key products

Segment revenue by your key products to identify the highest-grossing offerings of your business.

Key Product


Image 58

Revenue by region

Split revenue up by region to see which regions are performing best and which regions may need additional expansion efforts and support.

Image 59

Revenue analysis

Add revenue analysis to see if sales growth is in line with forecasts and goals.

Image 60


Revenue Achieved

Revenue Planned

Goal Success, %

Add your company's balance sheet with its total assets and liabilities.



Liabilities and owners equity


Current Assets

Current Liabilities



Accounts Payable


Account Receivable


Accrued Expenses




Short-Term Debt


Sundry Debtors


Total Current Liabilities


Total Current Assets


Long-Term Liabilities

Image 61

Add your company's cash flow — the total amount of money moving in and out of your business.

Image 62

Cash Outflow


Current Period

$ 70 000

Year 1

$ 10 000

Year 2

10 000

Year 3

10 000

Year 4

10 000

Year 5

10 000

Year 6

10 000

Year 7

10 000

P&L (Profit and Loss)

Summarize the revenue, costs, and expenses for the period covered in your financial report.

Image 63

Add your company's financial expenses.

Example expenses:

Fixed expenses such as utility bills, insurance, and office space rent

Variable expenses like production and labor

Intermittent expenses like tax repayments or repair costs

Discretionary expenses such as event hosting and software subscriptions

Image 64

Highlight the key elements of your report such as the percentage of revenue growth, the degree to which profit margins have improved, or the rise in operating income as a result of reducing costs.

Image 65

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powerpoint presentation of financial statements

How to Prepare Financial Statements in PowerPoint

Creating accurate and visually appealing financial statements is crucial for effective communication with stakeholders. One way to accomplish this task is by using PowerPoint. PowerPoint is a powerful tool that can allow you to create sophisticated financial statements with ease. In this article, we will guide you on how to prepare financial statements in PowerPoint by explaining the main components of financial statements, how to set up your PowerPoint presentation, and how to create the income statement slide and balance sheet slide.

Understanding Financial Statements

Before diving into creating financial statements in PowerPoint, it’s important to understand their main components.

Financial statements are formal documents that show the financial activities of a business. Typically, financial statements include an income statement, a balance sheet, and a statement of cash flows.

The income statement shows the revenue and expenses incurred during a specific period and the resulting net income or loss. The balance sheet displays a company's financial position by showing assets, liabilities, and equity. The statement of cash flows indicates the inflow and outflow of cash.

An example of a Balance Sheet in PowerPoint:

powerpoint presentation of financial statements

An example of a Cash Flow Statement in PowerPoint

powerpoint presentation of financial statements

An example of a P&L (or Income) Statement in PowerPoint:

powerpoint presentation of financial statements

Download the free PowerPoint template from the Zebra BI library: Business Plan PowerPoint Template

Financial statements are essential for businesses to keep track of their financial health. They provide a snapshot of the company's financial status at a specific point in time. This information is crucial for businesses to make informed decisions about their operations, investments, and growth strategies.

Components of Financial Statements

The income statement usually has two main components: revenue and expenses. Revenue represents the money received from selling goods or services. Expenses, on the other hand, are the costs incurred when generating revenue. They can be categorized as operating or non-operating expenses. Operating expenses are expenses incurred while producing goods or services, while non-operating expenses are costs incurred from other activities such as interest, taxes, and depreciation.

powerpoint presentation of financial statements

Download the free PowerPoint template: OPEX and Marketing Budget Report

Sales Report PowerPoint Charts - 02

Download the free template: Sales Report PowerPoint Charts

The balance sheet displays three types of accounts: assets, liabilities, and equity. Assets are the resources owned by a company. They can be classified into current or long-term assets. Current assets are assets that can be converted into cash within a year, while long-term assets are those that will last longer than a year. Liabilities, on the other hand, represent the obligations of a company. They can also be classified as current or long-term liabilities. Current liabilities are obligations that must be paid within a year, while long-term liabilities are those that will be paid back after a year. Lastly, equity represents the residual interest in the assets after deducting liabilities.

Understanding the different components of financial statements is crucial for businesses to track their financial status accurately. It allows them to identify areas of improvement and make informed decisions about their future financial strategies.

Importance of Accurate Financial Statements

It’s important to prepare accurate financial statements as they provide stakeholders with relevant information on the company's financial position. Financial statements help stakeholders make informed decisions about a company, such as investing or lending money. Additionally, financial statements are also required by regulatory bodies such as the Securities and Exchange Commission. Inaccurate financial statements can have legal ramifications and damage the company's reputation.

Accurate financial statements are also crucial for businesses to attract potential investors. Investors rely on financial statements to make informed decisions about investing in a company. Inaccurate financial statements can lead to a loss of investor confidence and negatively impact the company's ability to secure funding for future growth.

Setting Up Your PowerPoint Presentation

Understanding the components of financial statements is crucial when it comes to creating an effective PowerPoint presentation. Financial statements provide a snapshot of a company’s financial health, and presenting them in a clear and concise manner is essential to conveying important information to stakeholders.

powerpoint presentation of financial statements

Download the free template: Financial Management Report in PowerPoint

  • How to Design Income Statements in Excel
  • Top 3 Financial Statements in Excel: Income Statement, Balance Sheet & Cash Flow

Once you have a solid understanding of financial statements, you can start setting up your PowerPoint presentation. Here are a few tips on how to create an effective financial statement PowerPoint presentation:

Choosing the Right Template

Choosing the right template is the first step in creating an effective financial statement PowerPoint presentation. There are various templates you can choose from, including financial report templates, budget templates, and business plan templates. It’s important to choose a template that suits the purpose of your presentation. For example, if you’re presenting a financial report, choose a template that is specifically designed for financial reports. Ensure that the template you choose has a professional look and feel, as financial statements are formal documents.

Zebra BI templates for PowerPoint are all crafted in compliance with IBCS standards to ensure the best possible transfer of relevant information; this is what we call meaningful insights. Learn more on our webpage: Zebra BI for PowerPoint .

Customizing Your Slide Design

Customizing your slide design is the next step in creating an effective financial statement PowerPoint presentation. Adding charts, tables, and graphs can help you present financial data visually, making it easier for your audience to understand. PowerPoint has various chart options that make it easier to present financial data in a visual format. Make sure to use different colors and fonts to make your slides stand out and easier to read. However, be careful not to overdo it with the design, as too many colors and fonts can make the presentation look cluttered and unprofessional.

With the use of Zebra BI visuals ( Charts and Tables ), consistency in design and style is easy. Set up your style once, and all your new visuals will have the same style thereafter. Standardization and consistency are key to effective reporting and presentation.

Organizing Your Slides

Organizing your slides is essential to creating a clear and concise financial statement PowerPoint presentation. Group your slides into sections, starting with an introduction slide that overviews the company’s financial position. Then, move on to the income statement, followed by the balance sheet and the statement of cash flows. Use section headers to guide your readers through the presentation and make it easier for them to understand the information presented.

Overall, creating an effective financial statement PowerPoint presentation requires a combination of understanding financial statements, choosing the right template, customizing your slide design, and organizing your slides. By following these tips, you can create a presentation that effectively communicates important financial information to your audience.

Creating the Income Statement Slide

The income statement is a crucial component of financial statements that provides valuable insights into a company's financial performance. It shows the revenue earned and expenses incurred during a specific period, ultimately calculating the net income or loss. In this article, we will discuss how to create an income statement slide that effectively communicates this information.

Inputting Revenue and Expense Data

The first step in creating an income statement slide is to input the revenue and expense data into PowerPoint. You can use tables or charts to display the data, depending on your preference and the amount of information you want to convey. However, it is essential to ensure that your data is accurate and up-to-date and that your financial statement is reliable. Inaccurate data can lead to incorrect conclusions and misinformed decisions.

When inputting the revenue and expense data, it is also a good idea to provide context and additional information, such as the period covered by the statement, any significant events or transactions that impacted the results, and any relevant industry benchmarks or comparisons.

Calculating Net Income

The next step in creating an income statement slide is to calculate the net income. This is done by subtracting the total expenses from the total revenue. Net income can be positive or negative, depending on the revenue and expenses incurred during the period. It is essential to provide an explanation of the net income figure and any significant changes from previous periods.

You may want to use Zebra BI Tables with integrated waterfall charts to showcase how your net income is calculated, i.e., how revenue positively contributes to the bottom line and how expenses decrease the profit. In that way, the income statement will also be understandable to people who don’t have an extensive financial background.

Additionally, it is crucial to highlight any non-operating income or expenses, such as gains or losses from the sale of assets, interest income, or interest expenses. These items can significantly impact the net income figure and provide valuable insights into the company's financial performance.

Formatting the Income Statement

Once you have inputted the revenue and expense data and calculated the net income, the next step is to format the income statement. This involves adding color and company branding to make the slide visually appealing and consistent with your overall presentation. It is essential to ensure that the formatting is consistent throughout your presentation, including font size, color, and style.

Formatting Tables and Charts is easy with Zebra BI; use Style Editor and be sure that all financial statements follow the same styling.

Furthermore, it is crucial to ensure that the income statement has a professional look and feel. This can be achieved by using clear and concise language, avoiding jargon or technical terms that may be unfamiliar to your audience, and providing explanations or definitions for any terms or concepts that may be unclear.

In conclusion, creating an income statement slide requires careful attention to detail and a thorough understanding of financial statements. By inputting accurate data, calculating net income, and formatting the statement effectively, you can create a slide that effectively communicates your company's financial performance and provides valuable insights into its operations.

Developing the Balance Sheet Slide

The balance sheet is a crucial component of financial statements that provides a snapshot of your company's financial position at a specific point in time. It includes a list of assets, liabilities, and equity. Here's how to develop a balance sheet slide:

Listing Assets, Liabilities, and Equity

When listing assets, consider including both tangible and intangible assets such as property, equipment, patents, and trademarks. Liabilities can include both short-term and long-term debts, such as loans and accounts payable. Equity represents the residual value of assets minus liabilities, including items such as retained earnings and common stock.

When creating your balance sheet slide in PowerPoint, you can use tables or charts to make the data easier to read. Remember to categorize the assets and liabilities into current and long-term categories, as discussed earlier.

With Zebra BI, you can expand and collapse hierarchical tables in PowerPoint (in the case of a balance sheet), even during the presentation mode.

Balancing the Balance Sheet

One of the most important aspects of the balance sheet is ensuring that it balances. The total assets must always equal the total liabilities and equity. If the balance sheet doesn't balance, check the figures and adjust them accordingly. This is a critical step in ensuring the accuracy and reliability of your financial statements.

Notice how Assets and Liabilities balance out in the Zebra BI Table with the integrated chart and automatically calculated variances.

Formatting the Balance Sheet

Like the income statement, the balance sheet should have a professional look and feel. Use colors and fonts that match your company branding. Make sure that your formatting is consistent throughout the presentation. Consider including a brief explanation of each item on the balance sheet to help your audience understand the significance of each item and how it contributes to your company's financial position.

It's important to note that the balance sheet is just one component of financial statements. To gain a complete understanding of your company's financial health, it's essential to review all financial statements, including the income statement and cash flow statement. By presenting a well-formatted and accurate balance sheet slide, you can help your audience gain a better understanding of your company's financial position and make informed decisions based on this information.

Creating financial statements in PowerPoint can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. Understanding the components of financial statements, as well as how to set up your PowerPoint presentation, can make the process easier. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create visually appealing and accurate financial statements that can help your stakeholders make informed decisions.

Related Resources

powerpoint presentation of financial statements

Excel Report Templates: Build Better Reports Faster

powerpoint presentation of financial statements

Balance sheet in Excel

powerpoint presentation of financial statements

Designing Financial Statements for Non-Profits & Foundations - The Gates Foundation example

powerpoint presentation of financial statements

Top 3 Financial Statements in Excel: Income Statement, Balance Sheet & Cash Flow

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Financial Statements PowerPoint Template

Financial Statements PowerPoint Template is a flat design presentation that contains the Three major Financial Statement Tables used in Accounting and Finance and a set of ratios to study their behaviour.

The Statements contained are:

  • Trial Balance:  Register Credits and Debits for your books.
  • Balance Sheet (Statement of Financial Position) :  Is a summary of the financial balances of a company, corporation or organization. It is generally described as a snapshot of the financial condition. Each balance sheets has three main parts (Assets, Liabilities and Equity) The balance sheet complies with the standard rule where the difference between assets and liabilities equals the equity, or the simple formula  Assets = Liabilities + Equity .
  • Income Statement (Profits and Loss – P&L):  This statement shows the company revenues and expenses for a determined period of time. Diferently from the balance sheet, this statement is the difference between two periods and not only a snapshot. Basically it shows how the revenues (money received for products and services) is transformed into net income through the use of capital and expenses.
  • Statement of Cash flows: This statements describes the cash flows (in and out) of a company. It focuses on the types of activities that generate the cash flow,  breaking down the analysis down to operating, investing and financing activities.

The ratios presented in the Financial Statements PowerPoint Template are:

  • Current Ratio
  • Quick Ratio
  • Net Working Capital Ratio
  • Return on Assets (ROA) Ratio
  • Return on Equity  (ROE) Ratio
  • Profit Margin
  • Assets Turnover Ratio
  • Accounts Receivable Ratio
  • Inventory turnover ratio
  • Debt to Equity Ratio
  • Interest Coverage Ratio

A set of Trend Data Driven Chart are included:

  • Income and Expenses Chart
  • Operating Income & Margin

Ideal for Quarterly Reviews or Annual presentations, impress your audience with this professional and 100% Editable Financial Statements PowerPoint Template.

Introductory Slide to Financial Statements PowerPoint Template

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10 Best Financial Presentation Examples For PowerPoint

Presenting large data in a concise format in a presentation is just as important as it affects the efficiency of your business decision-making process. To make your work easy, we have compiled a list of the best financial presentation examples for PowerPoint. 

Presenting data and numbers in financial presentations (in PowerPoint and Google Slides) has proven to be a lot more effective than putting them in Excel sheets or reports. The decision-making process gets impacted if you are unable to visually engage your audience when it comes to big numbers and data. Using the best financial presentations ideas, you can keep your audience hooked on the things you would want them to focus on.

To ease your process of finding that perfect template, we have compiled a list from our collection of the best financial presentation examples. These templates have been designed to make your presentations stand out and let the numbers speak for themselves! Whether you’re an experienced financial analyst or a finance student, these templates have been crafted to cater to all your needs.

What Is A Financial Presentation?

A finance presentation is a visual representation of all the financial data, strategies, and insights you wish to present in a PowerPoint or Google Slides. It is a powerful means of presenting financial information to stakeholders.

It simplifies complex financial statements including financial budgets , income statements , balance sheets , and cash flow statements into a clear and concise format. A well-crafted finance presentation empowers decision-makers to make informed choices and grasp the financial implications of their actions, promoting financial success and growth.

Importance Of Finance Presentations

The importance of an effective finance PowerPoint presentation cannot be undermined in any professional setting. It not only adds value to your quantitative analysis, strategies, and ideas but also expands the scope of your presentation. Let’s look into some of the core importance of using the best financial PowerPoint presentation examples:

  • Decision-Making: Good financial presentation examples empowers stakeholders to make informed decisions based on accurate financial analysis.
  • Quick Summarization: Finance presentations also help to summarize complex financial data clearly. They aid in budgeting, forecasting, and strategic planning processes for financial success.
  • Insights: Finance presentations also provide valuable insights into a business or investment’s financial health, performance, and prospects.
  • Communication: Presenting the financial information in a coherent and visual manner helps you enhance communication and understanding between financial experts and non-specialist audiences.
  • Visual Impact: With the help of charts, graphics, icons, and tables, you can visually represent financial trends and comparisons during business, project management, or marketing meetings.

How Do You Write A Financial Presentation?

The process of creating an impeccable financial presentation can be divided into three simple steps:

  • Target Your Audience: Tailor your content to their financial literacy. Use plain English for a general audience and leverage industry jargon for sophisticated investors.
  • Craft Your Narrative: Financial data paints a picture. Identify key performance indicators (KPIs), areas of strength and weakness, and use them to build a compelling story.
  • Structure Your Presentation: Create a clear flow, typically including:
  • Introduction: Briefly introduce yourself, the company/project, and the presentation’s objectives.
  • Context: Provide financial background relevant to the analysis.
  • Analysis: Present your financial metrics using clear visuals like charts and graphs. Explain trends, highlight variances, and pinpoint crucial insights.
  • Recommendations/Conclusion: Offer actionable strategies based on your analysis. Conclude with a strong emphasis on the takeaway for the audience.

Now that you know the basics of presenting financial information, let’s take a look at 10 of our best financial PowerPoint presentation examples that could help you out.

10 Best Financial Presentation Examples

The scope of finance PowerPoint presentation template from SlideUpLift is not only limited to financial presentations but also in the areas including business , marketing , project management to name a few. Here is the list of the best finance PPT templates:

  • Financial Results PowerPoint Template
  • Balanced Scorecard KPI PowerPoint Template

Financial Summary PowerPoint Template

  • Financial Ratios PowerPoint Template
  • Balanced Scorecard Strategy PowerPoint Template
  • Pricing Table Infographics PowerPoint Template
  • Cash Position Waterfall Graph PowerPoint Template
  • Financial Cycle Management PowerPoint Template
  • Financial Asset Analysis PowerPoint Template
  • Financial Charts and Graph Isometric PowerPoint Template

These templates have been professionally cherry-picked as they use creative ways to present financial data in an easy-to-understand manner. We are going to look at these templates individually so you can make an informed decision.

1. Financial Results PowerPoint Template

Financial Results PowerPoint Templat

  • This template allows you to engage the audience with financial illustrations using interactive charts and graphs.
  • It can be used to present financial results to potential investors and stakeholders and also to show data and reports using finance dashboards.
  • It can also be utilized by financial analysts, accountants, consultants, and accounting firms to showcase financial estimates.

2. Balanced Scorecard KPI PowerPoint Template

Balanced Scorecard KPI PowerPoint Template

  • This template is a visual representation of a set of key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • It uses charts and graphs to provide KPI data that’s easy to understand.
  • It can be used to present key performance indicators to evaluate financial performance by project managers, executives, team leaders, etc.

3. Financial Summary PowerPoint Template

Financial Summary PowerPoint Template

  • The template consists of pre-designed financial data slides for revenue , expenses, and earnings.
  • It can be used to present financial data and performance to potential investors.
  • You can also share executive summaries with decision-makers through management reporting.

4. Financial Ratios PowerPoint Template

Financial Ratios PowerPoint Template

  • The template is a collection of pre-designed slides for presenting various financial ratios and calculations.
  • It has graphs and charts to measure liquidity, profitability, efficiency, and solvency, making it one of the best PowerPoint templates for finance presentations.
  • It can be used to present essential financial ratios to important stakeholders and investors by financial analysts, entrepreneurs, and accountants.

5. Balanced Scorecard Strategy Map PowerPoint Template

Balanced Scorecard Strategy Map PowerPoint Template

  • This finance PowerPoint template offers a visually appealing design to represent different elements of the strategy map.
  • The balanced scorecard strategy map provides a clear overview of strategic objectives and their relationships.
  • It can be utilized to develop and present strategic plans, monitor and track KPIs, present performance reviews, and showcase financial updates. 
  • It can be used by financial consultants, analysts, tax specialists, and many more.

6. Pricing Table Infographics PowerPoint Template

  • The template has pre-designed, visually appealing pricing tables for products or services.
  • It also includes elements to convey pricing options and features to customers, assisting in their understanding.
  • This can be used by sales experts, marketing teams, and business professionals in retail, e-commerce, and consumer business.

7. Cash Position Waterfall Graph PowerPoint Template

Cash Position Waterfall Graph 1 PowerPoint Template

  • The template offers an impactful waterfall graph to analyze cash position changes over two time intervals.
  • It effectively communicates complex balance sheet analysis to stakeholders.
  • This template is one of the best financial presentation examples, especially when it comes to discussing strategies based on cash position trends.

8. Financial Cycle Management PowerPoint Template

Financial Cycle Management PowerPoint Template

  • The Financial Cycle Management PowerPoint Template is a collection of pre-designed slides covering all stages of the financial cycle management.
  • Graphs and diagrams are used to describe financial operations and data.
  • It is usually utilized by financial experts, tax specialists, analysts and strategists, accountants, etc.

9. Asset Financial Analysis PowerPoint Template

Asset Financial Analysis 1 PowerPoint Template

  • This template offers a comprehensive framework for analyzing assets .
  • It can be used by financial specialists and other stakeholders during financial training sessions, financial review meetings, annual meetings, etc.

10. Financial Charts And Graphs Isometric PowerPoint Template

Financial Charts and Graphs Isometric PowerPoint Template

  • The template contains eye-catching 3D isometric charts and graphs to present financial data.
  • Ideal for presenting financial trends and patterns, financial data, and results and displaying budget and resource allocations, making it one of the best financial PowerPoint presentation examples.

With the help of these templates, you can add layers to otherwise boring presentations while not losing an ounce of the information that needs to be conveyed. You can also choose to browse from our wide range of financial PowerPoint templates to boost your visual appeal.

Presentation Tips For Effective Finance Presentations

Here are some presentation tips for effective finance presentations:

  • Know your audience and their understanding of financial concepts.
  • Keep your slides simple and avoid too much numerical stuffing.
  • Visualize important metrics that support the argument of your financial presentation.
  • Whenever possible, use examples and analogies with the help of your slides to convey difficult information. 
  • Make use of animations, icons, shapes, graphics, etc. to make your slides visually pleasing.

Why You Should Get Financial Presentations Professionally Made

Landing an investment, securing a loan, or gaining stakeholder approval often hinges on the clarity and persuasiveness of your financial presentations. But crafting them from scratch can devour valuable time better spent on analysis and strategy. SlideUpLift offers a powerful solution with a comprehensive library of pre-designed PowerPoint templates .

These premium and free presentation templates go beyond aesthetics. Each one features professional layouts specifically designed to showcase financial data with maximum impact. Charts, graphs, and tables are optimized for clarity, allowing you to present complex metrics with ease.  This saves you hours wrestling with design software and lets you focus on what truly matters: tailoring your content to tell a compelling financial story that resonates with your audience. 

SlideUpLift empowers you to elevate your presentations further with key benefits like 100% editable templates, an AI Editor for easy color and text customization to match your brand, and even a presentation service to modify templates according to your specific financial data and goals. With SlideUpLift, you can create presentations that impress and achieve your financial goals.

How do I structure my financial statements in PowerPoint?

The best way to structure your finance presentation is by structuring your slides into sections. Start with an introduction slide that provides an overview of the company’s financial position. Then, move on to the income statement, followed by the balance sheet and the statement of cash flows and other financial reports to support your data and arguments. 

Can I alter the templates' fonts and colors to match the branding of my business?

Yes, all the templates within our collection of best finance PPT templates are easy to customize, so you can change the colors, fonts, and text to match your logo or presentation style. In case you need expert help to customize your finance presentations, you can opt for Custom Slides feature to ease your job.

Do I need to be a designer to use these templates effectively?

No, “Best PPT templates for Finance Presentations” collection by SlideUpLift is user-friendly and includes simple features that allow anyone to make excellent presentations.

How can these templates for finance presentations be used to visualize financial data?

The Finance PowerPoint templates are specifically created for presenting financial data, with various charts, graphs, and infographics to enhance data visualization.

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Financial Statement

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Financial statements are written records that convey the business activities and the financial performance of a company. Financial statements are often audited by government agencies, accountants, firms, etc. to ensure accuracy and for tax, financing, or investing purposes. Financial statements include – Balance sheet, Income statement, Cash flow statement.

Investors and financial analysts rely on financial data to analyze the performance of a company and make predictions about its future direction of the company’s stock price. One of the most important resources of reliable and audited financial data is the annual report, which contains the firm’s financial statements.

The financial statements are used by investors, market analysts, and creditors to evaluate a company’s financial health and earnings potential. The three major financial statement reports are the balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows.

The balance sheet provides an overview of a company’s assets, liabilities, and stockholders’ equity as a snapshot in time. The date at the top of the balance sheet tells you when the snapshot was taken, which is generally the end of the fiscal year.

Unlike the balance sheet, the income statement covers a range of time, which is a year for annual financial statements and a quarter for quarterly financial statements. The income statement provides an overview of revenues, expenses, net income and earnings per share. It usually provides two to three years of data for comparison.

The cash flow statement measures how well a company generates cash to pay its debt obligations, fund its operating expenses, and fund investments. The cash flow statement complements the balance sheet and income statement.

Financial statement Powerpoint Template is a well-designed presentation that contains the 3 major financial statements used in Accounting and Finance.

The statements contained are:

  • Income statement: Record the company’s revenues and expenses during a particular period. It indicates how the revenues are transformed into the net profit through the use of capital and expenses. The business income and business expense sections are contained in it.
  • Cash flow: Shows how charges in balance sheet accounts and income affect cash and cash equivalents. It focuses on the type of activities that generate the cash flow from start to finish.
  • Balance sheet : Lists the assets, liabilities and owner’s equity at a particular point in time. It illustrates a business’s net worth.
  • Three year protection : Shows your company’s three year financial outcome. It is a financial forecast for the future with measurable outcomes.

Our ready-made financial statement template helps you put together a sound financial statement presentation. Ideal for quarterly reviews or annual presentations. Used by financial analysts, strategic planners, accountants, team leads, startups, business analysts, etc.

This template will be useful for economists and financiers when preparing quarterly and annual reports on the company’s activities. Also, this template will be useful for heads of companies in preparation for the meeting with shareholders. You can use the slides in this template when preparing a financial statement of the company and plans to increase profits.

Also, this template can be used by university teachers in the preparation of courses and financial analysis or asset management of the company. Startup executives can use the slides from this template in preparation for their meeting with potential investors. Crisis managers can use the slides of this template when preparing their strategy for getting the company out of the crisis.

The template is 100% editable and customizable as per your requirements. You can modify color, text, resize icons and shapes to suit your preference. Impress your audience with this professional and 100% editable financial statement PowerPoint template.

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Top 10 Financial Analysis Templates with Examples and Samples

Top 10 Financial Analysis Templates  with Examples and Samples

Financial analysis serves as the "beating heart" of every thriving organization, providing the pulse on managing money and fueling overall performance. It examines and interprets financial data, allowing businesses to assess their financial health, identify trends, and make informed decisions.

Companies gain insights revenue generation, profitability, cash flow, and expenditure patterns by conducting financial analysis. It helps them understand financial strengths and weaknesses, enabling strategic planning and resource allocation. With accurate financial analysis, organizations can identify areas for improvement, optimize operational efficiency, and capitalize on growth opportunities. Financial analysis facilitates effective risk management by identifying and evaluating potential financial risks and uncertainties. By analyzing financial ratios of businesses’ vital health indicators such as liquidity, solvency, and profitability, organizations can assess their financial stability and resilience across market conditions.

Business planners and owners understand the value of regular financial analysis, which helps them maximize profitability by monitoring their financial health. However, when it comes to creating financial analysis reports and proposals, they often find it daunting. If so, you may not have downloaded SlideTeam's financial analysis Templates yet.

Dive into this blog to discover SlideTeam's templates on financial analysis, valid across industries. With minimalist designs radiating professionalism, these presentation templates empower you to showcase your financial analysis services and connect with potential clients. 

Take a look. 

Template 1: Enterprise Financial Analysis PowerPoint Presentation Slides

This PPT Template is ideal for creating a comprehensive and professional presentation on economic forecasting. These slides give you the tools to showcase financial forecasting, planning, and budgeting aspects. The presentation design includes visually-appealing graphics and charts to present balance sheets, cash flow statements, financial projections, key financial ratios, liquidity ratios, profitability ratios, activity ratios, solvency ratios, and an overview of the income statement. These slides will enable you to deliver a detailed and insightful presentation on financial analysis with ease and clarity.

Enterprise Financial Analysis

Download Now

Template 2: Financial Analysis In Healthcare Industry PowerPoint Presentation Slides

These slides offer tools for conducting accounting analysis and visualizing healthcare financing models, industry key statistics, and healthcare marketing trends. Use this comprehensive financial management PPT Slideshow to highlight two prominent healthcare marketing trends: Patient generation and conversion. Additionally, leverage our healthcare analytics PowerPoint infographics to illustrate health care financing models, including social and voluntary health insurance. With these presentation slides, you can facilitate a global comparison of healthcare expenditure, providing a comprehensive view of financial analysis in the healthcare sector.

Financial Analysis in Healthcare Industry

Template 3: Three-stages Triangle Individual Business Process Horizontal Triangle Financial Analysis

Conduct a detailed financial analysis of an individual business process. The template consists of three interconnected triangles, each representing a distinct analysis stage. The first stage involves gathering and organizing critical financial data, including statements and relevant information. The second stage entails data analysis using ratios, trends, and quantitative techniques. The third stage focuses on documenting and communicating findings of the analysis through clear reports and presentations. This presentation template facilitates a systematic approach, enabling users to get insights into the financial performance of a specific business process. 

3 Stages Triangle

Template 4: Startup Company Profile Timeline Organizational Structure Financial Analysis Process

Grab this tool to showcase your startup's journey, organizational structure, and financial analysis. This PPT Template offers a comprehensive framework that captures the essence of your startup's growth over time, allowing you to highlight key milestones, achievements, and strategic initiatives. With its intuitive timeline design, you can present your startup's evolution from its inception to its current stage, demonstrating progress and significant milestones achieved. The aim is to stay true to the numbers and weave a story that helps people understand the significance of the ratios. 

Startup Company Profile

Template 5: Results Candidates Election Presidential Performance Appraisal Financial Analysis Business

Discover essential insights and tools you need to make informed decisions with this template. Evaluate each candidate's campaign's financial effectiveness and efficiency using the detailed performance appraisal section. Analyze return on investment and cost per vote to assess the value derived from their financial resources. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the broader business implications of presidential elections by exploring economic impacts, market trends, and potential effects on industries and sectors. Grab it now to uncover financial insights and assess candidates' performance.


Template 6: Pie Chart Business Financial Analysis Financial Performance Representation

With this template, you can effectively present critical financial data using pie-charts, enabling easy comparison and understanding of components such as revenue, expenses, profit margins, and market share. This presentation template helps you analyze and communicate financial information clearly and concisely, making it an ideal tool for business financial analysis and reporting.

Pie Chart

Template 7: Summarize Financial Analysis Growth Business Achievements Magnifying

This PPT Template showcases your business's financial analysis findings. It highlights vital growth metrics and achievements, making it easy for stakeholders to grasp essential information quickly. You can showcase the growth trajectory of your business over time by presenting critical metrics in an understandable format. The template saves time with its ready-made framework and is customizable to suit your business needs and branding requirements.


Template 8: Telecom Business Plan Marketing Strategies Successful Assessments Financial Analysis Success

This powerful tool helps you outline your objectives, target market, and competitive analysis. Using the template structure, you can devise effective marketing strategies and develop accurate financial projections. Keep track of your business's success over time, set goals, monitor progress, and evaluate achievements. Stay ahead of the game and make necessary adjustments to secure long-term success. Download it now to pave the way to telecom triumph!

Telecom Business Plan

Template 9: Overview of the Selected Financial Analysis Course Ultimate Guide To Financial Planning

This PPT Slide provides a clear overview of financial analysis, equipping you with essential knowledge and skills to make informed financial decisions. From understanding financial statements to analyzing ratios and creating financial projections, it covers all aspects of financial planning. This PPT Template provides you with the knowledge and resources to flourish in finance, whether a novice or a seasoned pro. Don't pass up this priceless resource; download it now. 

Overview of the selected financial analysis course

Template 10: Evaluation Criteria to Select the Best Financial Analysis Financial Planning Analysis Guide Small Large Businesses

This PPT template provides a concise and compelling framework to assess and choose the ideal resource. With this template, you can define and evaluate characteristics such as competence, comprehensiveness, practicability, and user-friendliness. It simplifies the decision-making process, helping you choose the best guide for your organization. Take the uncertainty out of selecting a financial analysis and planning guide and make an informed decision for the future of your business. We highlight the five factors as  pricing, availability of key features, support and training, and deployment, with weights that you can assign in terms of their importance.

Evaluation criteria to select the best financial analysis software


With suitable financial analysis templates, you can streamline your analysis process, save time, and present your findings professionally and visually appealingly. So, why wait? Take advantage of our financial analysis templates today and unlock the power of data-driven insights for your business's growth and profitability. Empower your financial analysis with our templates and make smarter financial decisions. 

PS: Is your business utilizing its resources to the fullest? Use our cost analysis templates to find out! 

FAQs on Financial Analysis 

What are the three types of financial analysis.

Financial analysis involves three main approaches: ratio analysis, trend analysis, and cash flow analysis. 

  • Ratio analysis calculates financial ratios to evaluate a company's performance in terms of profitability, liquidity, solvency, efficiency, and market valuation. 
  • Trend analysis examines financial data over time to identify patterns and trends, helping assess performance and make projections. 
  • Cash flow analysis assesses the inflows and outflows of cash, examining sources, uses, and the company's ability to meet financial obligations.

What are the five components of financial analysis?

The financial analysis consists of five key components:

  • Financial statements: These documents, encompassing the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement, capture this numbers at that particular moment in time into the financial standing, operational achievements, and cash flow engagements of a corporation.
  • Ratios and Metrics: A company's ability to examine aspects of its financial health and operational effectiveness, such as its potential for profitability, liquidity, and efficiency, is aided by the computation and analysis of financial ratios and measurements.
  • Comparative Analysis: By juxtaposing a company's financial information against industry standards, competitor achievements, or past periods, analysts acquire valuable insights regarding its relative position, strengths, weaknesses, and growth opportunities.
  • Trend Analysis: Examining financial data over time enables identification of patterns, trends, and changes in key financial indicators. This analysis aids in assessing a company's financial performance direction, potential risks, and opportunities and making forecasts.
  • Qualitative Factors: Besides quantitative data, financial analysis incorporates qualitative factors such as management quality, industry trends, competitive landscape, and economic conditions. These factors provide context and enhance the interpretation of financial data.

What are the types of financial analysis?

Financial analysis offers insights into a company's performance, position, and prospects. Ratio analysis includes calculating and interpreting financial ratios to evaluate profitability, liquidity, and market valuation. Trend analysis examines patterns and changes in critical indicators for forecasting and identifying strengths and weaknesses. Cash flow analysis assesses the company's ability to generate and manage cash. A comparative analysis compares the company's performance to industry benchmarks or competitors. The qualitative analysis considers non-financial factors for a more holistic understanding. Utilizing both sorts of analysis at once allows for a thorough assessment of a company's financial standing.

What is a financial analysis example?

In a financial analysis example, an analyst may assess a company's profitability by calculating the gross profit margin, the ratio of gross profit to sales. It helps evaluate the profitability of its core operations. Another example is analyzing liquidity by calculating the current ratio, which assesses the company's ability to fulfill short-term obligations by comparing current assets to current liabilities.

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35+ Best Finance PowerPoint PPT Templates (Financial Presentations)

Big numbers and data play an important role in every financial PowerPoint presentation. It’s how you validate and prove your claims.

But the way you present the data in your PowerPoint slides is the key to delivering a successful presentation.

Whether it’s a pitch deck for a financial project, a yearly financial report, or promoting a finance consulting firm, your presentation slides need to be designed in a way that makes your statements and data easy to understand.

Of course, not everyone has the time or the experience to design over-the-top presentations. And thanks to pre-made PowerPoint templates, you don’t have to.

We handpicked a collection of financial PowerPoint presentation examples that you can use to find inspiration for your slideshow designs. The best part is you can download these templates to make amazing finance presentations within minutes. Have a look.

How Does Unlimited PowerPoint Templates Sound?

Download thousands of PowerPoint templates, and many other design elements, with a monthly Envato Elements membership. It starts at $16 per month, and gives you unlimited access to a growing library of over 2,000,000 presentation templates, fonts, photos, graphics, and more.

Minimal PPT Templates

Minimal PPT Templates

Clean & clear.


Explore PowerPoint Templates

Investor – Financial Consulting PowerPoint Template

Investor - Financial Consulting PowerPoint Template

This PowerPoint template is designed with financial consulting firms and agencies in mind. It’s perfect for making presentations for showcasing your business as well as for promoting your services. The template includes 30 unique slide layouts with useful designs including pricing tables, charts, editable graphics, and more.

Financial Pitch – PowerPoint Presentation Template

Financial Pitch - Powerpoint Presentation Template

If you’re working on a pitch deck design for presenting a financial project, you can take inspiration from this PowerPoint template. It includes 30 must-have slides for every pitch deck presentation. And you can easily download and customize each slide to make your own pitch decks as well.

Financy – Financial PowerPoint Template

Financy - Financial PowerPoint Template

Financy is a multipurpose PowerPoint template that you can use for all kinds of finance-related presentations. It includes 40 unique slides with flexible designs. You can edit them to make unique layouts for financial reports, agency portfolios, business profiles, and much more. You’ll also find editable graphics, device mockups, and charts for making your presentations more convincing.

Investment & Financial Consulting PowerPoint Template

Investment & Financial Consulting PowerPoint Template

Making slides with a clean and minimal design makes it easier to give more attention to the text, quotes, and data in a presentation. This PowerPoint template is designed with that goal in mind. It features 32 different slides with clean designs. The slides also include editable graphics, image placeholders, and more.

Dashi – Financial Dashboard PowerPoint Template

Dashi - Financial Dashboard PowerPoint template

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Sales Planning – Free Finance PowerPoint Template

Sales Planning Process - Free Finance PowerPoint Template

This is a free PowerPoint template you can use to create presentations related to the sales planning process. It gives you 35 different slides to choose from to create powerful and effective presentations. It also features charts, graphs, and infographics as well.

Financo – Financial Technology PowerPoint Template

Financo - Financial Technology Powerpoint Template

Financo is a modern PowerPoint template you can use to craft presentations related to finance and technology. It comes with 25 different slides with colorful and highly visual designs. You can easily edit them to change colors, fonts, and images too.

Finance Company PowerPoint Template

Finance Company PowerPoint Template

This PowerPoint template is made for financial companies. It has 20 unique slides you can use to make various types of presentations for financial reports and monthly meetings. The template has master slides and image placeholders as well.

Fintech Finance PowerPoint Template

Fintech Finance PowerPoint Template

You can use this PowerPoint template to design presentations for fintech startups and businesses. There are 40 different slides in this template that come in both light and dark color themes. They include editable graphics and changeable colors.

Coins – Finance PowerPoint Template

Coins - Finance Powerpoint Template

This PowerPoint template includes a set of professional slides that are ideal for making corporate finance presentations. It has 30 different slides that have modern and simple designs. The slides are available in 3 different color themes and in light and dark versions.

Financial Meeting Free PowerPoint Template

Financial Meeting Free PowerPoint Template

This is a free PowerPoint template you can use to create attractive presentations for your financial meetings. There are 20 slides included in this template and it comes in Google Slides format too.

Fintech – Payment Finance PowerPoint Template

Fintech - Payment Finance PowerPoint Template

Just as the title suggests, this PowerPoint template is made with fintech startups and businesses in mind. It has a modern and attractive design you can leverage to create attention-grabbing slideshows to talk about finance tech topics.

Investment – Finance PowerPoint Template

Investment - Finance PowerPoint Template

This PowerPoint template has the perfect design for making presentations for investment-related topics. There are 30 unique slides in this template with fully editable layouts, changeable colors, image placeholders, and more.

PerfectPitch – Investor Pitch Deck Powerpoint Template

PerfectPitch – Investor Pitch Deck Powerpoint Template

The colorful design and its sleek layouts make this PowerPoint template a great choice for creating pitch decks for finance-related projects. It includes 40 unique slides with editable graphics and free fonts.

Finova – Financial & Business PowerPoint Template

Finova - Financial & Business Powerpoint Template

A bold and professional PowerPoint template for creating business and finance presentations. This template comes with more than 27 unique slides with master slides, free icons, and editable graphics.

Tax Agency – Free Finance PowerPoint Template

Tax Agency - Free Finance PowerPoint Template

Download this PowerPoint template for free to create slideshows for all kinds of tax-related presentations. It includes 21 different slides with colorful designs and an icon pack with 500 icons.

Financial & Data Consulting Free PowerPoint Template

Financial & Data Consulting Free PowerPoint Template

This PowerPoint template includes a complete toolkit for creating presentations for financial consulting firms. In addition to its unique style of slide design, this template comes with a total of 51 slides full of editable graphics and icons.

Finance Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template

Finance Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template

Another minimal and clean PowerPoint template for designing effective pitch presentations. This template is ideal for presenting your ideas and financial plans in an attractive way. You can choose from 30 different slide layouts to create various types of financial pitch presentations.

Finzo – Finance PowerPoint Presentation

Finzo - Financial PowerPoint Presentation

Finzo is a PowerPoint template for making company profiles and portfolio presentations. And it’s specially designed for finance-related businesses. The template has 30 slides with fully customizable layouts, editable graphics, image placeholders, as well as master slide layouts.

Alaza – Financial PowerPoint Templates

Alaza - Financial Powerpoint Templates

This PowerPoint template comes with a creative layout that allows you to make presentations for financial consulting firms and agencies. It includes a total of 40 slide designs with editable colors, vector icons, device mockups, master slides, and vector graphics. You can also change the images and fonts to your preference as well.

Apollo – Modern Finance PowerPoint Template

Apollo - Modern Finance Powerpoint Template

Apollo is another colorful finance PowerPoint template that comes with slides full of gradient colors. The creative and colorful design of these slides will surely help make your presentations stand out from the crowd. It includes 40 slides with fully customizable layouts as well as editable graphics, image placeholders, and more.

Profit & Loss – Finance PowerPoint Infographics Slides

Profit and Loss - Finance PowerPoint Infographics Slides

This slides template pack is a must-have for showcasing your data in visual form. It includes 33 different infographic slides you can use to create charts and graphs for presenting statistics on profits and losses. Each slide is available in 12 different color schemes and you can also change colors and text with just a few clicks.

Microfinance – Free Financial PowerPoint Template

Microfinance - Free Financial PowerPoint Template

Just as the name suggests, this free PowerPoint template is designed with microfinance presentations in mind. It includes 12 different slide layouts that you can easily customize to create your own beautiful presentations.

Finance & Investment – Free PowerPoint Template

Finance & Investment - Free PowerPoint Template

With 25 different slides to choose from, this free PowerPoint template includes everything you need to design an effective presentation for your financial meetings and events. Each slide can be easily customized to your preference as well.

Financial Report PowerPoint Presentation Template

Financial Report Powerpoint Presentation Template

Creating financial reports usually involves lots of diagrams, pie charts, and timelines. The good news is this PowerPoint template has them all and more for creating effective financial report presentations. It includes a total of 130 slide designs that are available in 50 different XML color themes, as well as light and dark designs.

Finanza – Finance PowerPoint Template

Finanza - Finance PowerPoint Template

This PowerPoint template is perfect for making company profile presentations for showcasing your financial consultancy firms, agencies, and businesses. It lets you choose from 45 different slide layouts that include changeable colors, editable vector graphics, image placeholders, and more.

Fund Investing Finance PowerPoint Template

Fund Investing Finance PowerPoint Template

If you’re working on a PowerPoint slideshow to present the financial data related to investing or funding rounds, this template is made just for you. It features lots of highly visual and colorful slides for showcasing stats and data in creative ways. There are 65 different slide designs included in this template.

FINCASH – Finance & Consulting PowerPoint Template

FINCASH - Finance & Consulting Powerpoint Template

Fincash is a PowerPoint template made with modern finance consulting firms in mind. It features a set of beautiful slide layouts with professional layouts. There are lots of charts, graphs, and infographics for visualizing data. You can also choose from more than 60 different slides to create unique presentations.

Finance Infographics PowerPoint Template

Finance Infographics Powerpoint Template

Looking for clean and professional infographic templates for showcasing your data in visual form? Then be sure to download this PowerPoint template. It comes with a total of 60 infographic slides with charts and timelines for presenting your data in different ways. Each slide is available in light and dark color themes and they can be easily customized to your preference.

Investment Business Free Financial PowerPoint Template

Investment Business Plan Free Financial PowerPoint Template

This free PowerPoint template uses a simple and minimal design for making financial and investment presentations. It includes 30 unique slides with minimal colors. You can also edit the slides to change colors and images as well.

Free Finance Infographics PowerPoint Templates

Free Finance Infographics PowerPoint Templates

This PowerPoint template includes a collection of creative and colorful infographic slides for presenting different types of data and statistics. There are 30 different slides included in this free template. And it’s also available in Google Slides format.

Banc – Business & Financial PowerPoint Template

Banc - Business & Financial Powerpoint Template

Banc is a professional PowerPoint template designed for making all kinds of business and financial presentations. It comes with 30 different slide layouts that include company profile slides, team management slides, charts, graphs, and more.

Financie – Finance PowerPoint Presentation Template

Financie - Finance PowerPoint Presentation Template

With this PowerPoint template, you can create modern slide decks for delivering powerful presentations. It’s especially suitable for creating presentations related to the latest trends in finance, cryptocurrency, trading, and more. The template has a total of 150 slides, featuring 30 slides in 5 different color schemes.

Annual Report – Business & Finance PowerPoint Template

Annual Report – Business & Finance PowerPoint Template

This PowerPoint template is great for making various annual report presentations, including financial reports. It features a total of 34 unique slides with fully editable designs. You can also include pyramid charts, graphs, timelines, and more in your presentations with pre-made slides in the template.

Financial Planning & Investment PowerPoint Template

Financial planning & Investment PowerPoint Template

You can use this PowerPoint template to create more sophisticated presentations for financial planning and investment management meetings. It includes 10 carefully crafted slides that are useful in presenting your data and ideas.

For more professional templates, you can check out our best business PowerPoint templates collection.

financial statements

Financial Statements

Nov 19, 2014

1.49k likes | 3.24k Views

Financial Statements. The 4 general purpose financial statements are: Income Statement Balance Sheet Statement of Owner’s Equity Statement of Cash Flows. Accounting Concept: Adequate Disclosure. Businesses communicate financial information to the public.

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  • liabilities
  • income statement
  • assets liabilities owner
  • long term liabilities paid


Presentation Transcript

Financial Statements The 4 general purpose financial statements are: Income Statement Balance Sheet Statement of Owner’s Equity Statement of Cash Flows

Accounting Concept: Adequate Disclosure • Businesses communicate financial information to the public. • In order to better understand accounting as a language, there must be detailed analysis of financial statement.

Elements • The items reported in the financial statements are organized into classes or categories known as elements. • There are ten elements of financial statements: • Assets - Expenses • Liabilities - Distributions • Equity - Net Income • Common stock - Gains • Revenue - Losses

Accounts • Elements represent broad classifications as opposed to specific items. • The sub classification of these elements are called accounts.

Chart of Accounts • Accounts are organized into ledgers. • A ledger is a group of accounts. • A general ledger contains all accounts needed to prepare a financial statement. • Accounts are listed in the chart of accounts and assigned an account number.

File Maintenance • The procedure for arranging accounts, assigning account numbers, and keeping records current. • Account numbers are assigned based on the account’s location in the general ledger. • Asset – 100 Revenue – 400 • Liability – 200 Expense – 500 • Owner’s Equity – 300 • Existing accounts are numbered by 10’s to allow room for new accounts to be added.

Organization of accounts in thechart of accounts • Assets are organized by liquidity—the ease with which an asset can be converted into cash. • Liabilities are listed alphabetically. • Owner’s equity – capital, then drawing • Revenue – Sales • Expenses – are listed alphabetically.

Sample Chart of Accounts

Financial Statements: 4 common reports • Income Statement • Balance Sheet • Statement of Owner’s Equity • Statement of Cash Flows

Income Statement • The report of a company’s operating performance, in financial terms, over a period of time. • Reports information in 5 major sections: • Revenue • Costs of goods sold • Gross profit • Operating expenses • Net income or net loss

Income Statement Format • Income statement has 3-line heading. • The income statement reporting date is for a specified period of time. • The time period covered by the financial statements is called the accounting period.

Elements of an Income Statement • Revenue • Sales is the earnings from the sale of goods or the performance of service • Sales return and Allowances is the refunds or adjustments for unsatisfactory merchandise or service • Expenses • Cost of goods sold • Cost to the business for merchandise or goods sold • Calculated as Beginning inventory + purchases – ending inventory = cost of goods sold • Gross profit on sales • The difference between the net sales and the cost of goods sold • Calculated as Revenue – Expenses • Operating Expenses • Overhead or cost incurred in operating a business • Calculated by adding up all the expenses • Net Income • Gross profit on sales – total expenses

Tips • Single v. Double underline • Use a single underline for subtotals • Double underline for totals • Dollar signs • Dollar signs are included for the first amount on a list of values and for the totals. Not necessary for each amount.

Statement of Owner’s Equity • Also referred to as Statement of Stockholder’s equity and Statement of Retained Earnings. • Reports the way that net income and distribution of dividends affects the company’s financial position during the accounting period.

3 5 OWNERS’ EQUITY STATEMENT 1 2 4 6 7 1. Heading 5. Second Partner’s Ending Capital 2. First Partner’s Name 6. Total Owners’ Equity 3. First Partner’s Ending Capital 7. Double Lines Lesson 16-3, page 405 4. Second Partner’s Name

How to calculate Owner’s Equity on the balance sheet • To simplify the balance sheet, the capital figure represents capital, sales and expenses. • To calculate this: • ending capital + sales – expenses.

Balance Sheet • Describes the financial situation of a company at a specific point in time. • List the assets of a business and the sources of those assets. • The name ‘balance sheet’ comes from the accounting equation. • Can be prepared at any point in time to show the assets, liabilities and O.E. for a company.

Heading of Balance Sheet • Name of Business • Name of Financial Statement • Specific Date

Major Headings of Balance Sheet • Assets • Liabilities • Owner’s Equity • Accounting Equation • Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s Equity • Assets are on left; Liabilities & O.E. on right

Purpose of a Balance Sheet • To show the assets owned by a company. • To show the liabilities owed by a company. • To represent a company’s net worth.

Elements of a Balance Sheet • Assets • Current assets—turned into cash within 1 year • Long-term assets—Used in transacting business, more long-term in nature. Ex: buildings, equipment. • Recorded at the total cost to acquire the asset • Liabilities • Current liabilities—paid within 1 year • Long-term liabilities—paid in more than 1 year

Elements, cont. • Owner’s equity—represents the amount of financing provided by the owners of the business and earnings. • Contributed capital—invested by owner • Retained earnings—earnings/profits reinvested in the business.

Statement of Cash Flows • A financial statement that reports the cash flows of a business for a fiscal period. • Useful to provide detailed information about the sources and uses of cash in a business.

Statement of Cash Flows (cont.) • Divides cash inflows (receipts) and outflows (payments) into three primary categories of cash flows in a typical business: • Cash flows from operating activities • Cash flows from investing activities • Cash flows from financing activities

Cash Flows from operating activities—reports the amount of cash generated from the sale of goods and services. • Cash Flows from investing activities—reports the cash used to purchase plant assets and other long-term assets. • Cash Flows from financing activities—reports the cash generated by issuing long-term debt and stock.

Relationship among financial statements (See p. 308) • The relationship among the financial statements is imperative to understanding the components of each statement. • Net Income from the income statement results in an increase in ending capital on the statement of owner’s equity. • Ending capital from the statement of owner’s equity is the value of owner’s equity on the balance sheet. • The change in cash of the Statement of Cash Flows added to the beginning of the year in cash is equal to the end of the year cash on the balance sheet.

Assignment: • 14.7.1 Matching Elements with Financial Statements. • 14.7.2 Classifying Accounts • 14.7.3 Computing Missing Amounts

Relationships • The net income from the income statement results in an increase in ending capital on the statement of owner’s equity. • Ending capital from the statement of owner’s equity is the value of owner’s equity on the balance sheet. • The change in cash of the Statement of Cash Flows added to the beginning of the year in cash is equal to the end of the year cash on the balance sheet.

Summary of Financial Statements • Financial Statement • Purpose • Structure • Examples of Content • See p. 309

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Handbook: Financial statement presentation

Handbook | November 2023

Latest edition: In-depth guide on presentation and disclosure requirements, plus considerations under SEC regulations.

powerpoint presentation of financial statements

Using detailed Q&As and examples, we explain various presentation and general disclosure requirements included in the Codification (i.e. ASC 205 to ASC 280), other broad topics (e.g. related parties under ASC 850 and subsequent events under ASC 855) and SEC regulations. This November 2023 edition incorporates updated guidance and interpretations.


  • All entities

Relevant dates

  • Effective immediately

Key impacts

In the financial statement process, considerable time is devoted to determining what items get recorded and how to account for them, but the critical final mile is determining how they need to appear – i.e. how they are presented and disclosed.

Once the debits and credits have been settled, presentation and disclosure is how that information is conveyed to financial statement users in a transparent, understandable and consistent manner. Disclosure goes ‘behind the numbers’ and is necessary to fully understand the financial statements.

ASC 205 to 280 in the FASB’s Accounting Standards Codification® are dedicated to presentation and disclosure and provide the baseline requirements. Other ASCs address more detailed requirements, specific to certain transactions or industries. For SEC registrants, there is yet more guidance that contains many additional requirements, and which has helped shape practices over the years for all other entities.

In this Handbook, we pull together many of the general requirements and practices to provide you with a fuller picture of how the different financial statements are constructed and how they interact with one another. 

Report Contents

  • Financial statements: general principles
  • Balance sheet
  • Income statement
  • Comprehensive income
  • Notes to the financial statements
  • Risks and uncertainties
  • Related parties
  • Subsequent events

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Financial statement presentation

Executive Summary

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powerpoint presentation of financial statements

Handbook: Statement of cash flows

Latest edition: Our comprehensive guide to the statement of cash flows, with Q&As and examples to explain key concepts.

powerpoint presentation of financial statements

Handbook: Segment reporting

Latest edition: Our comprehensive guide to ASC 280 – with analysis, Q&As and examples.

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Handbook: Earnings per share

Latest edition: Our comprehensive guide to EPS, with new and updated interpretive guidance on forward purchase/sale contracts and unit structures.

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Blog – Creative Presentations Ideas

August special: Financial Reporting PPT Templates. Save with bundles 30%


8 PowerPoint Templates for Informative & Powerful Financial Presentations


  • October 7, 2022
  • Financial , PowerPoint templates for download

Financial presentations usually contain dense series of numeric information, that makes it hard for the audience to stay focused. The way you present the content is essential in this case. People will follow your presentation only if they are not lost and can clearly understand the meaning behind those numbers.

Visual aids can help you make your presentations more pleasing to the eye and professional-looking by using graphics. With that in mind, have a look at the following PowerPoint templates. They can be inspiration for you how to illustrate topics like investment risks, company performance, annual budget planning, and more.

Get any of the decks below – click on the pictures to see and download the presentation. See more in our Finance and Business Performance PowerPoint Templates collection.

8 Recommended PowerPoint Templates for Uplifting Financial Presentations

These eight decks will help you create high-quality financial presentations and illustrate various finance-related topics visually:

  • Financial report and performance indicators
  • Annual budget
  • Investment risk pyramids
  • Finance data charts
  • Trade finance concepts
  • Due diligence process and types
  • Stock financial report

Financial Report and Performance Indicators Report

Financial reviews full of data usually contain dozens of tables and are typically hard to understand. Half of the job is to put all figures in one place, and another is to visualize them in a way that is clear for non-financial audiences. Copying your Excel table into PowerPoint as is, is not enough if you want to create a visually appealing presentation.

If you need to prepare such a comprehensive financial performance report, including income statements, balance sheets, cash flow, profit and loss reports, revenue and profit snapshots, a financial report and metrics PPT graphics template is the one to go with. It includes slides for presenting all mentioned topics and you can use these slides to present key financial information to both internal and external stakeholders by covering every aspect of financial affairs.


You can use financial report visuals to:

  • Design a financial summary overview with easy-to-track key metrics
  • Create revenue and profit snapshots
  • Illustrate sales distribution
  • Describe your revenue key growth drivers
  • Present your profit and loss statement
  • List key factors influencing your gross margin
  • Describe your main profit drivers – factors impacting your bottom line
  • Present your balance sheet including assets, liabilities, and equity details
  • Design clean cash flow statements

See how to prepare structured and professional financial slides using PowerPoint tools.

Listed Company Financial Report Presentation

Similar to the first financial report mentioned in this blog, the listed company financial report template features a layout collection for creating income statements, balance sheets, cash flow, cost breakdown, financial ratios analysis slides, and more.


A few ways you can use the graphics from this deck:

  • Capture key financial facts and present basic information about the publicly traded company
  • Provide an insight into company revenue highlights and annual revenue growth and profit drivers
  • Share the profit and loss statement of a listed company
  • Showcase the financial, growth, and profitability performance metrics
  • Present the share price fluctuation and yearly earnings per share
  • Illustrate capital market ratios and put together a performance dashboard

Annual Budget Financial Presentation

It can be challenging to persuade people into certain financial decisions. If you are presenting the estimation of revenue and expenses and want to make an impression on your executives, put the content into visual form to support your thoughts. Turning default budget tables to a more infographics-like format will definitely help engage your listeners.

The annual budget PPT slides collection contains templates for presenting financial forecasts, executive summaries, revenue, expenditure, strategic goals, OPEX and CAPEX investment, marketing budget, risk analysis calculations, sensitivity analysis, and more.

template_budget_presentation_ppt financial presentations

This deck contains templates for illustrating the following subtopics, which are usually a part of a corporate budget:

  • Revenue budget, with main revenue sources, sales distributions, and key growth drivers
  • Expenditure budget with operational cost presentations, key cost drivers, OPEX, and capital expenditures
  • Marketing budget allocation
  • Sensitivity analysis and risk assessment
  • Organization costs and structure

Investment Risk Pyramids

If you want to present various financial investment options, pyramid visualization will help you successfully explain various risk levels and the potential rewards. Such a diagram allows seeing the hierarchy of certain parameters better. Therefore, it will help stakeholders understand the risk profile assessment or risk mitigation approach clearly.

Risk pyramids PPT graphics collection contains diagrams with various levels to illustrate financial investment risk levels related to your business, factors influencing risk, reward dependencies, risk tools, and hazard control.


Company Finance Data Charts

Charts are a great visual tool if you need to show dependencies or time trends of specific financial concepts, like cost distribution, explain company profitability, break down CAPEX and OPEX costs, focus on KPIs, or combine financial information on one slide to show a nig picture.

To create a clear and informative financial report, try to enhance it using graphics from the finance PPT data charts deck .


You can use these data charts to illustrate the following topics:

  • Company profitability trends
  • Cost distribution
  • CAPEX and OPEX comparison
  • Company revenue monthly review
  • Return of company assets over a year (or any other period)
  • Operating profit margin
  • Goal completion degree dashboard
  • Performance diagram

To enhance charts even further, see ideas on how radar diagrams , gauges , and radial charts can be used in presentations.

Trade Finance Diagrams

If you will be talking about trade finance or global trading concepts, visual diagrams can help illustrate these concepts and show how mechanisms work.

The trade finance PowerPoint template includes slides for explaining relations between sellers, buyers and intermediaries, providers and users, methods of payment, trade world map, commodity finance trade cycle, and more.

Trade Finance Presentation Diagrams financial presentations

Due Diligence Presentation

Usually, topics like due diligence are presented with long text boxes and raw bullet points. Breaking the complex topic into multiple sections helps the audience to understand the topic more effectively.

The due diligence PPT slide deck includes templates for describing its definition, processes, types, checklists, M&A process, action plans, and frameworks.

Due Diligence Process, Types, Checklists Diagrams

Stock Financial Annual Report

If you are working on a comprehensive stock financial performance report for investors or the company board, you need to make sure this information is presented in a clear structured way. Plain slides containing lots of figures and without any accents will make it harder for you to talk to your audience.

The stock financial annual report contains layouts for illustrating product sales volume, executive leadership team, market relevance statements, financial charts and tables with main fiscal data, company values, world and US maps, and more.


Summary of the essential graphics for financial presentations

Presentations and documents on finance-related topics are often complex. Visuals will help your listeners or readers understand the meaning behind the data better and therefore make the right conclusions and decisions. You don’t need to overcomplicate it and spend hours preparing the deck, start with adding icons or transforming text into a simple diagram. Having a collection of editable PowerPoint templates can make your work easier.

Resources: PowerPoint Decks to Use for Financial Presentation s

The above slide decks are PowerPoint templates for finance-related talks that can help you express complicated topics more effectively and appealingly. If you find any of the above decks useful, you can download all the source illustrations below. All mentioned presentation slides are available here: 

To try out how those graphics work, get  a sample of free PowerPoint diagrams and icons  that you can use to play with these visuals.


infoDiagram Co-founder, Visual Communication Expert

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Financial Statement Project Proposal

It seems that you like this template, financial statement project proposal presentation, free google slides theme, powerpoint template, and canva presentation template.

Financial statements collect the economic information of a company. If you need to present it in a visual, professional and well-structured way, you have to see this template we have created at Slidesgo. It has a modern design with colorful geometric shapes, but keeping the white background to provide clarity and make the content read well. The use of sans serif typography in titles and texts also contributes to this. Don't wait any longer and download it now, all elements are editable!

Features of this template

  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 27 different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the free resources used

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    The 4 general purpose financial statements are: Income Statement Balance Sheet Statement of Owner's Equity Statement of Cash Flows. Accounting Concept: Adequate Disclosure. Businesses communicate financial information to the public. Slideshow 6829593 by tatyana-clemons.

  18. Handbook: Financial statement presentation

    Once the debits and credits have been settled, presentation and disclosure is how that information is conveyed to financial statement users in a transparent, understandable and consistent manner. Disclosure goes 'behind the numbers' and is necessary to fully understand the financial statements. ASC 205 to 280 in the FASB's Accounting ...

  19. 8 PPT Templates for Informative Financial Presentations

    8 PowerPoint Templates for Informative & Powerful Financial Presentations. Peter. October 7, 2022. Financial, PowerPoint templates for download. Financial presentations usually contain dense series of numeric information, that makes it hard for the audience to stay focused. The way you present the content is essential in this case.

  20. Financial Statement Project Proposal

    Financial Statement Project Proposal Presentation. Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template. Financial statements collect the economic information of a company. If you need to present it in a visual, professional and well-structured way, you have to see this template we have created at Slidesgo.